Deadlines for responses have passed. Will they show? Won't they show? And, rumors of demands for money to cross hands to make appearances (new level of pay to play). Such drama. You would think this was a soap opera where every episode ends with a crazy cliff hanger story plot to drive the next installment. Sadly, I don't expect it to change any time soon either. No. For them, there appears to be way too much energy left in the will they, won't they to end it now even though everyone else is pretty much tired of it. Hardly something one can point to and claim that they are trying to reconcile with those who feel distressed about what was printed. Just noticed something: remember that talk of trying to reach out and reconcile after the book, etc.? It seems to have drifted away, hasn't it? Hmm. Interesting. I wonder if that is recognized as a total lost cause or just delayed into the summer (or fall) campaign (c...