The recent post which does mention that the information is speculative and the response got me thinking. It was the one about having them be present at Christmas but must produce the kids. Interesting thought, isn't it? Would they show? What would we see? Would there now be photos from the rota? We often hear of just some rando meeting of rando strangers. It's odd, isn't it that random strangers just happen to recognize her/them and they have a whole conversation. Most recently it was from some stranger who raved in some video (link not supplied in the article) that they met and talked and listened to HW talk about her daughter. There was the requisite comment about HW of how she is/was so kind). If people are kind, does the world need strangers to tell us (are we that kind of stupid?) or can we come to that conclusion by seeing their kindness in action? Service. They seem to always be talking about their kids, parenthood...