Richard Eden had an article with the headline of how TO is "'running out of time' to rejoin Royal Family because William will be 'reluctant' to give his brother a role when he becomes King" I thought: say what? " reluctant "? a "Hell No!" sounds more realistic. Reluctant makes it sound like it is within the realm of possibility to still work things out between the two brothers. All the periodic chatter of extending olive branches periodically plays into that, doesn't it? But do we really think, at this point after all (the interview, the various books - named names, photos raising lots of questions, press releases with crossed timing and some bit of news from a friend of theirs who is not named - why not?), it is possible for them to really play happy extended family all walking into the same sunset? I don't think so ( but I could be wrong - even really wrong - please don't ask about how wrong I've been about some stock d...