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Could there be a Return?

Richard Eden had an article with the headline of how TO is "'running out of time' to rejoin Royal Family because William will be 'reluctant' to give his brother a role when he becomes King"

I thought: say what?  "reluctant"?  a "Hell No!" sounds more realistic.

Reluctant makes it sound like it is within the realm of possibility to still work things out between the two brothers.  All the periodic chatter of extending olive branches periodically plays into that, doesn't it?

But do we really think, at this point after all (the interview, the various books - named names, photos raising lots of questions, press releases with crossed timing and some bit of news from a friend of theirs who is not named - why not?), it is possible for them to really play happy extended family all walking into the same sunset?

I don't think so (but I could be wrong - even really wrong - please don't ask about how wrong I've been about some stock decisions).

I'm just trying to think up how tolerant the family members "might be" willing to be around him (and or with her) and when or where it could be.  Thinking not much.  Maybe never?  (there is a part of me which is wondering about how that will play out for King Charles' funeral - Operation Menai Bridge.  I'd like to know, but also really don't want to have to hear that any time soon).  

Or the recent news that they have not been invited to Balmoral (or Sandringham for that matter).  Ouch.  That's fond memories of happier days when life wasn't as crazy as it is today.  (or maybe not - in Spare there was some snark, was there not, about not having some sort of bedroom appropriate to his status - pp 11 and 236).  

In the first OS book, the one they "didn't" cooperate with supposedly until they apparently did, I remember something about how they, or he maybe, felt a lot of pressure to make it/their mark/some level of some sort of success or something as there was a strong enough feeling to make it into the book that Prince George (and the siblings) were breathing hard and fast on his/their footsteps to take over.  And, when that was to happen, it sounded as if it was anticipated to be totally game over and no soup for you two.  All or nothing.  

That book was also highly skewed to how they outdid everyone else in the family (including his late mother) in the Down Under Tour.  All kinds of numbers showing how wonderful they were perceived.  

And yet, here they are now - not representing the BRF brother and, not living across the pond where cousins could play with cousins/second cousins more easily.

So, the comment from the King about having a nice life overseas may really have been the final word on how the family viewed it/them/their choice.


If Harry (and he alone) ever comes back to Britain and is accepted back to his family he must do something very different than what his life and attitudes are now. Like his great grandmother princess Alice of Battenberg who gave up all earthly vanities and used only her nun's habit till her death. As the situation is now he is very bitter to William and tries to damage him and his wife and I don't believe the King is ready to accept more harm from INSIDE of the family, though I don't have right to say what the King might think or not, no one have.

Somehow Harry seems never have understood that the hierarchy of the Royal House is not anything that the family members can have influence on, it is what it is.

You can betray your family once and you can betray your family twice. It is very improbable they let you betray them third time. That's life.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Ian's Girl: There was something vague, a one-time news article, about how the Dook and Dookess would be taking royal jobs in some African nation. This was before Mexit, maybe after Australia or South Africa, can't remember. Maybe the Dook would have taken that role, and been happy with it, but Dookess had mighty delusions of grandeur and riches and celebrities and glittering things. So Africa was out.
Ian's Girl said…
Zero chance with Nutmeg in tow. She has done far too much to Saint Catherine. Divorced, after a few years, if public opinion seems keen on reconciliation? Possibly.
If so, Catherine will be the one who gets credit for it, it will be face value for public consumption only on William's part, and they will likely have to let Bea and Eug back into the fold to ensure plenty of bodies between William and Harry during the balcony appearances. 😂 William's is never, ever, ever getting back together.

The more interesting question is what will become of the children? Assuming they exist. Will the sins of the father be held against them? I don't think the public will approve of them being shunned, nor do I think even William would go that far, but there will always be that link back to her, and a chance of them innocently giving her ammo against the Family, either as pawns, or actually mentioning things ( with no malice intended) that she could twist or exploit.
Ian's Girl said…
@Fifi, yes, that's undoubtedly what I'm remembering. There was definitely something of that sort being bandied about, and it so excited Our Meg that she could not stop herself from immediately proclaiming to all and sundry what her reign was going to look like. Which was a very good thing, because it allowed the plans to be scrapped immediately...and perhaps bring on Mexit?

I have always felt like she never intended to be 100 percent solely focused on being a Royal; she was never letting Hollywood go.

OT: @SwampWoman, sending good vibes... it's looking like y'all gonna be gettin' wet!
Ian's Girl said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…
Do I think there could be a return for Dimwit, either alone or with the Baggage?

In a word—No.

Here’s two more: Never, ever.

During the first year of their exile, it was Covid World. Given the frightening nature of a global pandemic, I thought there was a possibility of reinstatement after a cooling off period for both sides. The narrative which we have since learned was a fiction whipped up entirely from the Sussex Manifesting Machine—that this “stepping back” was an experiment to see if the Twats could behave themselves and abide by the terms the Queen set—Do not embarrass the Crown. Do not monetize your Royal titles. Live privately as the private citizens you claim to want to be and behave yourselves. In exchange for good behavior, they would be subsidized by the Bank of Dad for at least a year and be allowed to stay at Frogmore Cottage when in the UK. Had they abided by the terms, perhaps they would’ve been permitted to cordially participate in events of the Royal calendar and if they had showed suitable humility in having learned their lesson about being team players, they might have been allowed to rejoin the Firm during the Queen’s remaining few years.

Instead, they have been the RF’s worst nightmare in living color both at home and abroad. After pulling the faux child con yet again and doing the Oprah interview as the DoE was dying, they poured gasoline on any bridges and set fire to them. The Oprah interview did more damage than Spare imo. By the time Spare came out, on the heels of the Queen’s death, most people knew what kind of ordure was going to be in it… Petulant whining about being deprived of sausages and the larger bedroom and how he’s mean old wicked stepmother had the audacity to convert a bedroom he hadn’t stayed in since 2005 into her closet. Boring. Nothing with the incendiary punch of the racism charge.
Hikari said…
Do I think there could be a return for Dimwit, either alone or with the Baggage?

In a word—No.

Here’s two more: Never, ever.

During the first year of their exile, it was Covid World. Given the frightening nature of a global pandemic, I thought there was a possibility of reinstatement after a cooling off period for both sides. The narrative which we have since learned was a fiction whipped up entirely from the Sussex Manifesting Machine—that this “stepping back” was an experiment to see if the Twats could behave themselves and abide by the terms the Queen set—Do not embarrass the Crown. Do not monetize your Royal titles. Live privately as the private citizens you claim to want to be and behave yourselves. In exchange for good behavior, they would be subsidized by the Bank of Dad for at least a year and be allowed to stay at Frogmore Cottage when in the UK. Had they abided by the terms, perhaps they would’ve been permitted to cordially participate in events of the Royal calendar and if they had showed suitable humility in having learned their lesson about being team players, they might have been allowed to rejoin the Firm during the Queen’s remaining few years.

Instead, they have been the RF’s worst nightmare in living color both at home and abroad. After pulling the faux child con yet again and doing the Oprah interview as the DoE was dying, they poured gasoline on any bridges and set fire to them. The Oprah interview did more damage than Spare imo. By the time Spare came out, on the heels of the Queen’s death, most people knew what kind of ordure was going to be in it… Petulant whining about being deprived of sausages and the larger bedroom and how he’s mean old wicked stepmother had the audacity to convert a bedroom he hadn’t stayed in since 2005 into her closet. Boring. Nothing with the incendiary punch of the racism charge.
Hikari said…
After all the poisoned water under the bridge… all the scams and lies and media deals—there’s no way back for H. Charles may provide him with an income should he divorce TOW, but it likely would not be in London. He would do this only because H. Is mentally and emotionally capable of providing for himself. But he’d have to leave her. A divorce and the ensuing custody battle would shed uncomfortable light on matters such as the existence of 2 children, H’s visa status, his financial irregularities, dodgy friends and associates, etc. which they’d rather keep dark.

There may be no way for William to exclude Hazmat from Operation Menai Bridge, but do we think King William would invite H to pledge his fealty as a liege man of life and limb? I sure don’t. And despite his outwardly softer demeanor, I think KCIII is Fed Up and he and just elder son are on the same page. H trash-talked Charles’ Queen and that is the Rubicon H has crossed. He’s done.

Ian's Girl said:
`There was definitely something of that sort being bandied about, and it so excited Our Meg that she could not stop herself from immediately proclaiming to all and sundry what her reign was going to look like.'

Not only did she make comments about British politics in the first TV `interview' I saw, when she was stopped in the street, but she gave herself away in the formal interview when she was fed a line about how she saw her future using her Royal role. There was a query as to whether she'd use her position as a `platform' for her humanitarianism.

Instead of saying wtte that her role would in the first instance would be to support her husband in his role, she fell straight into the trap and went on about `hitting the ground running' and boots on the boots on the ground - as if she were an attacking paratrooper.

She warned us out of her own mouth.
Maneki Neko said…
@Fifi, @Ian's Girl

Your posts rang a bell and I too vaguely remembered the same about the Harkles' moving to Africa. I found this article in the Observer dated May 2020. This was during COVID and we were in lockdown so the article must refer to 2019.

Queen Elizabeth Wanted Prince Harry and Meghan to Live in South Africa

... Earlier this year, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced that they were stepping down as senior members of the royal family, and would divide their time between the U.K. and North America. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have since left behind their official royal roles, and are residing in a new home in Montecito.

Before Prince Harry and Meghan made their big decision, Queen Elizabeth had a different solution in mind to try and help the couple. She wanted to have the Duke and Duchess of Sussex live in South Africa for a year or two, where they could work in a new role within the royal family, reports royal historian Robert Lacey in his upcoming book, Battle of Brothers, which is being serialized in the Daily Mail.

The Queen had “heard and read much of Harry and Meghan’s wish to live an ‘ordinary’ existence,” which reminded her of the years between 1949 and 1951 that she spent with Prince Philip. Queen Elizabeth wanted to provide the Sussexes with a similar experience, while also giving them the “honor and responsibility” of a new role within the Commonwealth, per Lacey.

Queen Elizabeth knew how special South Africa was to the Sussexes, as it’s where they traveled on their third date, and Prince Harry even sourced a diamond for Meghan’s engagement ring from Botswana. She thought it made sense for the couple, and that “Johannesburg could be their Malta.”

It would also allow Prince Harry and Meghan to have some distance from the U.K., and from other members of the royal family, as the Sussexes were reportedly not on the best of terms with Prince William and Kate Middleton.

'live an ‘ordinary’ existence', ha ha! This must have been what * pretended, like her love of Africa. I thought Botswana, not SA, had been mooted.

I can't see the two unmentionables ever coming back, not as they are at present. H might come back if divorced, or sans wifey, as a private citizen and family member and then be kept out of sight. What to do with him is the question. The children, if they are real, are now Americans and don't know the BRF. I don't know how they would adjust to life in the BRF. If ever there was a divorce, I can't see the BRF letting the skank have custody. In theory, the sovereign has custody but would Charles want to deprive the children of their mother and vice versa? They couldn't live half in the UK, half in the US. Although for a hefty sum of money as divorce payment, * might be persuaded to give them up. They've never been any use to her money wise but a big payment could be enticing.
Sandie said…
Her story about wanting to kill herself and her unborn baby, and how cruel the royal family and institution were to her came up in the interview. My opinion of what actually happened:

She was soon to give birth and go on maternity leave. That would mean being out of the public eye, her husband doing royal duties without her ... she cannot tolerate not being in control and getting all the attention. Most of all, she would be 'stuck' at home with a baby, and babies require attention just about all the time but give very little back in terms of what a narcissist needs. As we found out subsequently, she was working on her own agenda while on maternity leave, secretly.

Her husband had been busy with 'royal' work that day. When he got home, she did indeed go into meltdown, using the threat of suicide to become the centre of attention and gain control. At the engagement that night, she looked almost smug ... because her display had achieved what she wanted ... her husband fully under her control and her back in the spotlight as the centre of attention.

She subsequently went to the one royal courtier/employee who was an adoring fan ... someone who would believe her story and affirm her. Is it not telling that she had to go outside their staff to get attention and sympathy? If she was genuinely in trouble, the obvious people to help her would be her medical staff and staff at KP (could I go on maternity leave early and how can you help cover for me?). And, as Shauna says in her latest video, would not a loving husband have cancelled the evening engagement and got help for his wife immediately? Perhaps by that time he was so familiar with her theatrics that he went into automatic mode: appease her by giving her control and attention. From his behaviour in the interview, he seems to have developed another coping mechanism ... switch off and stare into the distance.

Shauna points put in her latest video that there are plenty of tools available for parents to use to help their children not become victims of online bullying. They do not acknowledge this nor have a carefully considered reason why they think they needed to add something 'new'. I also wonder why the duo do not do something innovative and focus on bullying ... who and why, and how can we help children not become bullies? Perhaps that issue is 'too close to home' for them.

I doubt that she has the self-awareness to know why she behaves the way she does, but I wonder if he has realized.
Sandie said…

Excellent comments in the above thread about the suicide threat. She also had an engagement that day. But, I doubt that the duo can tell the difference between the truth and what actually happened and did not happen.
Sandie said…
Is it all just a scam? They solicit donations, to be given to Archewell. They can then use 10% of the donations for the cause, and the rest to cover their expenses.

The interview has 5 times the number of dislikes than likes. The comments are supposedly 'brutal'. Because of the way that online content is monetized, they will still get attention. Views are views, and the more views, the more money you get. Do they realize that their value is now in how much people dislike them and do not believe them?
abbyh said…
...she gave herself away in the formal interview when she was fed a line about how she saw her future using her Royal role. There was a query as to whether she'd use her position as a `platform' for her humanitarianism.

Interesting thought:

TQ viewed her life is that of service (to the UK and the people who lived in it).

Platform sounds like a different world view of how one approaches the work of helping others. More like a campaign for a political candidate. In politics, campaigns are run on promises which often get broken or modified.

As a side note, when one became part of the BRF, you became subordinate to TQ (in ways more so than the ordinary citizen) so you were doing things for her as her stand in (as opposed to doing something for yourself). One can, so some degree, pick and choose topics which are near and dear to one's heart but it is about representing the monarchy and not yourself no matter how you slice or dice it in the end.

Maneki Neko said…
I wonder te a possible move to Africa for the duo if the Queen set a trap for *. * professed a love of Africa - only to please and attract H - so the Queen decided the two unflushables could move there. H genuinely likes Africa, possibly because it gave him a sense of freedom from the strictures of the Palace but * would say anything in order to gain from it. I think the Queen took her at her word, knowing this love of Africa was only a pretence.
Abby H,

Yep, she picked up on the concept of a stage from which to launch herself and ran with it - not at all the `correct' response from a soon-to-be wife of a British prince.

Two other such interviews for comparison:
Sandie said…
I came across this, which I think is quite amusing.

"she’s nothing without him, and he’s nothing because of her”

I don't think they will split, but rather that they will stay in a co-dependent relationship. However, if they did, she would still do pap walks and the tabloids would still give her coverage. But, without him, she won't get IG, faux royal tours kind of coverage. It will be more like really tacky gossip and rumours of debt and bankcruptcy. I wonder if she would be able to hustle invitations to the kind of events that Sarah attends, and conclude that she won't. She would never stop trying though and there would always be someone willing to give her a platform just to get attention.
Ian's Girl said…
Unflushables! 🤣🤣🤣
Sandie said…
So, they either did not go out for dinner for her birthday, or they did and she forgot to alert the paps, or they called in caterers and had a dinner party at home. She has always gone for dinner out with friends and calling the paps, so what happened?
Fifi LaRue said…
Megsy was all over CDAN last night (US time) commenting on a blind. She's as thick as a brick when it comes to self reflection.

There won't be a divorce unless 1) Megsy has a multi multi millionaire or better lined up; 2) Aitch finally runs completely out of money.

She would have pulled the Divorce Card a long time ago if the children really existed; she would have demanded spousal and child support, and gotten it for the next 18 years, and gotten a housing unit. She would have had her freedom to "date" (we know what that means), and have a guaranteed income for 18 - 20 years. And she would have been rid of her ball and chain.

But perhaps Megsy is afraid of becoming extra irrelevant without Aitch, instead of irrelevant being married to him.
Maneki Neko said…
@Ian's Girl

The 'unflushables' - credit where it's due, it's @Hikari who coined that phrase, not me. It's very apt.
Girl with a Hat said…
has anyone read the latest HarryMarkle? that blog claims that the US has pulled all funding from their veterans attending any Invictus events.

The veterans were so upset that Hairy got the ESPY award, that they were booeing at the event, which caused someone who was responsible for funding the US team to pull all subsidies.

The blog also claims that the Harkles were escorted out of the event by security because the veterans there were very vocal about their displeasure
Hikari said…
Maneki & IG,

I actually filched “Unflushables” from a droll journalist in Blighty. I couldn’t tell you which paper now, or the gentleman’s name, but his full phrase was “Harry is a Unflushable turd.” That one’s a keeper.

Like salt and pepper always travelling together. The Harkles are two giant reeking dookies swirling the hole.

OCGal said…
Interesting comment on Bookworm 2’s most recent video. This poster’s thoughts resonate with me. Cut and pasted partial comment:

“…Harry's mother died at a time in his life when kids are beginning the shift out of childhood and into the extended period that functions as being a preparatory period for adulthood…The need for very, very frequent parental feedback is one of the transitions we make from childhood to less and less feedback as we mature.

So, Harry got soooooo much sympathy for soooooooo long. He got special treatment, allowances were made for the poor boy who lost his mother. To a degree, I think that's why it became his identity. Since he then knew who he was, when everyone got bored with it and moved on, Harry didn't know why he stopped being special. In the search, all he could find was William still being special. I doubt William was treated any more special than he always had been, but it probably felt to Harry that William stole Harry's specialness. Harry has never forgiven him and there will never not have some part of Harry that feels that William is directly responsible for holding him back and/or actually sabotaging every opportunity that came Harry's way. Meghan is the bellows that continues to keep what might've been embers by now, especially with the right woman, red hot the coals of jealousy and envy of William.”

Spot on.
Sandie said…

If you scroll down, there is a summary of everything he gave up to be with her, and what she gave up to be with him. She gained everything; he lost everything. As always, I wonder if he has realized that.
Sandie said…
Some piping hot new tea:

Theresa Longo Fans
A music producer said MM pitched him at a neighborhood charity brunch.

Unspoken rule is no self promotion. To her credit, MM didn't talk existing biz,

"I'm influenced by Alanis Morissette. I could go for that. I've always wanted to make an album"- MM allegedly said bashfully
Sources: a 1st person account + the person seated other side of M added:

"We weren't sure if she was serious. It was sort of against code of ethics to talk side hustles, so we didn't press further. We were quickly distracted with the host's closing remarks".

All the comments on the above thread are highly amusing, but the two I posted here have the essence of the story.
Maneki Neko said…
'Meghan Markle's half sister Samantha launches new legal fight to sue Duchess for defamation claiming she portrayed her as 'lying, racist, fame-seeker' leaving her unable to work

The 59-year-old is appealing against a court ruling rejecting her claim that Meghan made her out to be a 'lying, racist, fame-seeker'.

Samantha is claiming her Duchess sister has destroyed her image 'publicly and on a global scale,' according to court documents'

I don't know if her claim that * left her unable to work has any merit but I'm sure the rest is true. and other news sites.
Girl with a Hat said…
my comment about the new Harry Markle post seems to have disappeared.
abbyh said…

Sometimes spam eats it. Then you have to mark that is should be published but it only gets posted on the website, not emails.
Girl with a Hat said…
go read the latest Harry Markle blog post

the blog says that the *'s were escorted out of the ESPY awards because there was too much booeing.

Girl with a Hat said…
I'm going to try a 3rd time -

Read the latest Harry Markle blog

The blog says that they were escorted out of the ESPY awards. They didn't choose to leave. There were too many boos from the veterans in the audience and the people running the show thought it would be better if they left.
Sandie said…

Richard Eden talks about the feud between the brothers, and comes across as an apologist for hapless.

When I was sent to boarding school (in another country) at the age of 9, I had two older sisters at the school. My experience was different from that of hapless. For the first few weeks, my sisters would sneak into the dormitory at night and sit next to my bed until I fell asleep. I did not hang out with them at school, and my one sister did distance herself from me in situations when she did not need to (like not choosing me to sit at her table when I moved to the senior dining room), but when I was extremely ill, and when I got into huge trouble with the principal, that same sister was there as my champion.

So, although I believe that William did not want to and did not hang out with his brother at Eton (it is not done at boarding schools, especially more formal ones like the one where I was), that may not be the full story.

I came across a story about Edward and it struck me that his story could have had him ending up like hapless, but instead he has become a respected working royal and a beloved member of the family. It was not inevitable that hapless ended up where he is, so, ultimately, I do not accept the excuses.
Sandie said…
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11 hr. ago

Lee Cohen: Harry and Meghan going to Colombia is a great idea. Perhaps they'll stay there (Unarchived) (Archived)

[Their] desperation for relevance, intertwined with jealousy and a desire to eclipse the Waleses, may be the reason for the Sussexes’ faux-royal tours.

While Sussex mouthpieces in the US media may be framing Harry and Meghan’s visit to Colombia as an “official” engagement, this is a ludicrous and misleading characterization.

The Montecito Marauders represent no government, nor do they hold any positions that would allow them to conduct any official business. Their titles and royal connections do not grant them any authority to represent the Crown or the UK. Nor do they have any position in the US, other than that of social media influencers.

This trip, like the Nigeria one, appears to be little more than a vanity project aimed at creating the illusion of status and importance that the pair currently lack and desperately seek. Suggesting their visit is an official engagement risks misleading the public about their standing and influence, further highlighting the gap between their lofty aspirations and the reality of their situation.
Sandie said…

A great post on how the wife is stuck in the 80s in terms of her 'charity' and advocacy work, as is he. A sample:

Meghan is still riding on the early '10s celebrity train that she became famous on, when celebrities could be all talk, when she could be preachy, when she could be "do as I say and not what I do." She hasn't evolved with the times and that's why all of her charity work and advocacy falls shorts, every single time. Because we know better. We see right through her. We know she isn't giving her own money. We know she doesn't support the actual work, and if she doesn't support the work enough to back it up with her own money, then why should we care? Why should we listen? We know she only wants the credit, and we know that because she buys an award for everything she does. She's in it for the attention and the credit.

If Megehan actually used 2024 strategy - having actionable success before self-promotion, taking herself out of the story, investing with her own money and disclosing that she invested her own money, and elevating the experts or the community instead - then she could be very effective in the charity world. She would be a legitimate player, or influencer, in global charity and philanthropy.

But she only wants credit. That's not inspiring in the least.

And Harry's no different. Two peas in a pod, using the '00s "Oprah's couch advocacy" concept in a 2024 world that has left them so far behind in the dust that not even Mad Max can find them. Why should we pay them any attention?
Girl with a Hat said…

rumours that Hairball has been banned from participating in the 2025 Invictus Games.

abbyh said…

I'm sorry. I thought I had published it.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Girl with a Hat said...

rumours that Hairball has been banned from participating in the 2025 Invictus Games.

The Germans did announce earlier that they would handle it in Germany. Of course I do not have any facts as to why this would be. I can deduce, based on what we saw, that the Germans were likely as horrified by the Toxic Twats' behavior as we were. We discussed some of the (alleged) demands for aircraft and accommodations. I couldn't believe the disrespect shown the veterans by those two. More than likely the German officials helping were similarly disrespected. Their public comportment was embarrassing. I can only imagine how much worse it would have been in private.

Disabled veterans were not there to be exploited as private piggy banks. Since Invictus allowed this, Invictus is complicit with the steal.

A question about who might get custody of the `children' in the event of divorce - given that Californian law favours the mother and by US law a woman with a child born of a surrogate is its mother even if she has no genetic connection with it.
Is this like the law of the Medes and the Persians, applied regardless of any other consideration such as the character of the mother? I'll concede that * may have supplied a frozen egg, given the apparent Markle appearance of her offspring, but does she meet any other of the criteria for being considered a `mother'?
Sandie said…
Did you see the Serena Williams victimhood display in Paris? Supposedly she turned up at a restaurant, with her child and without making a booking or warning the restaurant of her impending arrival, and then threw a victimhood tantrum because they did not have a table free for her. She is firm friends with the duo because she is so similar to them, except she has not ghosted her family.
Sandie said…
Is Invictus going to dump him? We forget that he is simply the patron. His role is to attract publicity for the games and to fundraise. He wields more power, but he is spending a lot of their money, and there has never been any sign of him wooing anyone for big donations. Has he ever turned up at the games with a senior executive from any of the major funders? Or seen having dinner with them or wooing them at a weekend in a resort? Him and his wife have shown in the past that they can get huge donations for themselves, and they are seen schmoozing Hollywood executives ... but nothing for IG. Please correct me if I am wrong.

William, on the other hand, like his father, knows how to use his position to schmooze donors and use famous people to draw attention to causes!
Sandie said…
I agree that IG are complicit. Hapless is simply patron. It is the executives who run the organization and have responsibility for it. They should be telling him what to do. They should be ensuring that he fulfills the role he has.
abbyh said…

Interesting to see how different families handle problems within the family while juggling being royal. Perhaps it may be that the family mores are different. Or, that the society has changed in over 20 years. Or ... the family had a chance to observe, perhaps talk privately with "others" and have more of a plan or, at least a different timeframe to help decide what direction for kids to go?
SwampWoman said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid: Re custody of children in divorce. My opinion is that it would be difficult for a judge with a conscience to award custody of helpless children to either of them. They would probably go to the mother BUT if the children don't come with hefty money attached, I think she isn't going to want to spend actual money that she has to earn on them.
I posted a comment yesterday about the `unflushables' reminding me of a piece of Billy Connolly's observational comedy about `wee beige jobbies' but suspect it was too vulgar to publish.

Here's the link anyway:

It's taken Richard Eden almost six years to wake up to the `scarfing'! How very unobservant.

BTW, why the new page layout here? I find the lines are too long for easy reading, going across the screen from edge to edge.
A sudden thought - if there are any children, they are genetically theirs.
H would be the most convenient provider of male gametes and the eggs must have been her harvested ova.
Because no other woman's gametes would have been good enough for a child of La Magnifica.
Poor little blighters, what a genetic inheritance. The worst of Diana's plus *'s lunacy ., to say nothing of looks from not only Thomas but Do-Ria.
I’m getting slow in my old age – fancy not realising that before.
Girl with a Hat said…

did * out herself? a lot of people have said they believe that this poster "Guest Speaker" is * herself
Magatha Mistie said…


Inattention to detail
Ruinous for retail
Bruised, damaged windfall
Failure to lodge
Her latest hodgepodge
Windsor windbag is set
Sweet F-all…

Maneki Neko said…
'Meghan's brand troubles: Duchess of Sussex's new lifestyle venture American Riviera Orchard suffers setback over 'irregularities' in her application for a trademark

... Meghan has sought to trademark the name of her service, American Riviera Orchard, for international use ahead of a full-scale launch next year.

But records show that in July – some four months after requesting to register it – there were a number of 'irregularities' which needed to be 'corrected'.

The US Patents and Trademarks Office has notified the Sussexes' lawyers of various issues, including incorrect classification of yoga blankets, picnic baskets and recipe books.

And the agency said that fees are due to various bodies around the world to register the trademark – totalling $11,382 (nearly £9,000).

... A source with knowledge of the launch said that the plan is to sell Meghan as a beacon of inspiration, aspiration and attainability.'

The last paragraph provided me with the first good laugh of the day.
It seems there's always a legal problem with their launches. Is * trying to do it on the cheap, i.e. herself, with all her legal 'experience'? Not a resounding success.
Maneki Neko said…
Further to my comment about *'s trademarks application, I've found this video which is also an ad but does explain the various trademark applications - 3 of them - made by *. Interesting to hear a lawyer's point of view.
Sandie said…
That comment from Guest speaker is most interesting. And, yes, it does sound like her. If we assume that it is actually her, it is an interesting peep into her self justification.
Magatha Mistie said…

Singalong 🎤
Apologies: The Zombies
She’s Not There


Well no-ones talking about her
The way she likes
Well no-ones bothered about her
And her closet tykes

But it’s too late to say she’s sorry
Who gives a toss about the old mare
Time to stop the salad, cease her
She’s not all there

Let me tell you ‘bout the way she hooked
How haz was sucked
Into the bowels of her lair
Her eyes are black and cruel
Possessed by
Her manic air and stare
She’s really, truly, madly not all there…

Sandie said…
An interesting story from Canada:

Vancouver police logged more than $44,000 on overtime during Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's brief February visit to British Columbia.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were in Vancouver(opens in a new tab) and Whistler(opens in a new tab) for three days between Feb. 14 and 16 to promote the Invictus Games, which will be held in British Columbia again in February 2025. Harry founded the multi-sport event for wounded, injured and sick armed forces personnel and veterans in 2014.

According to data obtained through a freedom of information request, Vancouver police spent $44,555 on security-related overtime during the short visit, which ended in the city.

While the Invictus Games covered $10,221 through cost recovery, Canadian taxpayers were still on the hook for $34,333 in overtime. The amount was for 390.5 working hours.

In records obtained by, the costs are described as "overtime for police security."

"We didn't specifically provide security for them," a Vancouver Police Department spokesperson added in an email to "But we had officers in the area they were in [in] case any issues arose due to the ongoing protests in the city."

February saw a number of protests in Vancouver, including rallies in support of Palestinians and Sikh independence.

In a statement to, Doug Maynard, director of security for Invictus Games Vancouver Whistler 2025, said police were responsible for public safety while Prince Harry's security was privately paid for.

"Taxpayers did not fund The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's security during their visit last February; their private security detail was paid by individual donations directed by the donors for that purpose," Maynard said. "Public safety was ensured by Vancouver Police resources in the area should issues have arisen due to protests in the city at that time."
So, IG does pick up costs for them! This is what they want full-time.
Sandie said…

Angela Levin shares gossip she reads online without any attempt at verification. The gossip is that TBW had a tantrum after the interview. This was days ago, but there was no pap walk for her birthday, so possibly she is in a fury about something.
Elskainga said…
@Maneki Neto- I read a post on either Reddit or X regarding *’s trademark applications. The poster discussed how her ARO logo would be difficult to reproduce on labels as it’s too busy and dense (and forgettable imo). The poster also mentioned that * will need an investment of minimum $500,000 to $1,000,000 just to get her first product ready to sell. Does she have investors for her boring jam? Who would pay $30 for basic jam? I would only pay extra for an exotic fruit/interesting flavor combo jam. Too easy to make strawberry or raspberry preserves in your own kitchen plus her stupid jar w/ cloth cover is unhygienic.
Without a CEO and a product manager/designer, (and I suspect investors )ARO is failure to launch. I agree the international trademarking slowing the launch process is a ridiculous excuse. Why not test in a smaller market before risking all that $$$?
* published her ARO launch video just to try to upstage PW’s speech at the Diana Legacy Awards. So obvious she doesn’t know what she’s doing business wise.. Predictable, pathological and the press is finally reporting her nonsense.

Off topic: Thank you Nutties for your wise and hilarious commentary on the House of Harkle. I was fortunate to receive a kidney donation and have been recuperating from the transplant surgery. Slowly getting back my energy and routines but until the anti rejection meds are perfected I am having to avoid crowds. The blog has helped in reading the thoughts of posters I’ve read for years and can connect to. You are all a blessing.

P.S Abdominal surgery takes a long time to completely heal. I had a muscular abdomen from doing Pilates for years and still can’t lift anything over 5 lbs. I can totally relate to Princess Catherine. First recovery from abdominal surgery then her cancer treatments. It takes time!
Hikari said…

Congratulations on a successful surgery. We wish you and the Princess of Wales both full recoveries.

If you need more Harkle entertainment while you are laid up in isolation, two of my favorite Harkle vloggers on YouTube are According2Taz and River. Shauna of The Vintage Read has very amusing read aloud s from various Royal biographies. Welcome back!
Maneki Neko said…

That's heavy surgery! I hope you're doing well and resting. Take care x
Humor Me said…
@elskainga - congratulations and speedy recovery from a fellow transplant receipient of 7+ years. It is a miracle to be sure! Good luck with the drugs and enjoy Life.
SwampWoman said…

Wishing you a comfortable recovery and that you can get back into your normal life soon! In the meantime, I'm glad that you chose to spend your precious time healing with us!
Maneki Neko said…
'So, what's happened to Meghan Markle's jam? As the Sussexes focus on another new initiative, how Duchess' ideas like American Riviera Orchard, 40x40 and her Archetypes podcast have struggled to lift off'

Headline of DM article with a recap of each project and it's relative 'success'.
Maneki Neko said…
Further to my previous comment, here is a Tatler article on why * hasn't launch ARO yet. It seems there are legal problems as well as trademark ones. Gutted I am not.
is it just my screen or is everyone experiencing the posts as lines 2-3 times the usual width, right across the page?

I find them very difficult to read and often give up. I'd be thrilled if they went back to how they used to be.

Help, please!
SwampWoman said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, yeah, the whole blog comment appearance has changed.
Sandie said…
The comment formatting has been completely wonky for a few days now. Very annoying!
OCGal said…
I use iPad, and the formatting hasn’t messed up at all for me. I look curiously each time another Nutty mentions that something is amiss, and never once has it been amiss for me.

Just my feedback.
Girl with a Hat said…

Colombia cancels their visit because of excessive demands.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

Thanks for the news re the Colombia trip. Good news but at the same time if it's cancelled we won't have the opportunity to see what * is wearing and doing.

I looked for more info and found this video. The guy talks about the duo's popularity - or lack of it - and ARO. The segment about Colombia starts at 2.54.
Maneki Neko said…
Sophie visit Colombia last November. Needless to say, Sophie was suitably attired and behaved impeccably.

'This week, The Duchess of Edinburgh is visiting the Republic of Colombia from Tuesday 28th November – Friday 1st December 2023, at the request of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. The Duchess is undertaking engagements in Bogotá and Cali in support of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda (WPS), and will continue her work to champion the survivors of conflict related sexual violence, and the rights of women and girls.'
Thanks Swampie & Sandie, I'm glad to know it's not just me. I use a laptop & a desktop and it's the same on both.
I 'm trying to keep sentences short , as single paragraphs, that seems to improve the readability for others but not much help to me - as I know what I'm saying anyway!
Magatha Mistie said…

La Cucaracha

Will no-one rid us of this
turbulent beast
Off on her travels
in clothes neige and creased
Her grasp of Spanish
simple, Ho-La
As she lords it over
poor sods in Bogota…

Magatha Mistie said…
I use my phone, new format is a nightmare!!

This is priceless - a view of a critical article in French - In English I think we'd say `the Boo-hoos' - see the cartoon that follows the article'
It emerges that the French for cyberbullying is `cyberharcèlement' - how very appropriate.
In English `Harklement'?
Conclusion? `BOR-ring!'
Magatha Mistie said…
@Elskainga & @Humor Me
Good wishes to you both X

Sandie said…
As Sussexes prepare for latest 'quasi royal' tour... are Harry and Meghan being used as political pawns by Colombia?
By Caroline Graham In Los Angeles

A very interesting article about the vice president who invited them to Colombia (similarity to the duo is quite clear). Also, images and all information about their visit will be controlled by this VP. Sounds like a dream for the duo.
Sandie said…
Interesting opinion:

"Someone who screams at staff over tights, who ordered an ice cream truck and refused to let half the staff use it, who felt it was appropriate to yell at The Queen’s closest assistant/confidante, who felt it was appropriate to yell at other people’s staffs, who felt it was appropriate to order like 17 batches of banana bread, who manufactures a security scare to be able to spend the day at a spa is someone who has way, way, way more dirt. "

If I had enough self-discipline, I would stock up on treats for the watch party. Of course, some treats do not have a long shelf life and must be consumed very soon after purchase!
Sandie said…
What is this online group for parents supposed to be about? Like everything with the duo, there seems to be a lack of clarity:

"I think the group is supposed to be more about creating a tool for parents to talk to each other about all things parenting but the Sussexes leeches onto the one bit about “kids are being bullied to death because of social media” because it supports their censorship platform.

If I had to guess, since most of the Sussexes’ portion of the interview was about cyber bullying, they expected the whole package to be about cyber bullying but CBS threw them for a loop when they added the one family whose son died from a drug deal made via social media and that’s why Meghan flipped out on the producers."
Sandie said…

Theresa Longo Fans
MM tries to convince Harry to “shut up online haters & detractors” once & for all.

Emboldened by critics, she wants to show their kids to prove they exist! (& tie it all into ARO). He is pushing back about ft kids. She won’t join social media as herself (that’s for peasants).
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

Ouin ouin: Onomatopoeia expressing a sound of crying, of sobbing (dictionary definition). 'Ouin' made me laugh, it's what you see in cartoons or comics to show a baby crying 😆. Very apt in their case. Their self-pity is now not only tedious but sickening.
I'm glad you too find the new blog format very awkward to manage. It was like that for a couple of days a week or two ago, I closed the window, opened a new one and then I got the usual format but now I can't. It is very annoying.
OKay said…
I'm on a desktop and yep, I get the "new" layout too. And yes, it's awful! Especially once we get over 200 comments and can't just flip to a new page.
`Wall of Words' -that's it exactly.
Thank you, Abby!

`Kate Middleton set to leave England amid cancer battle in a move that 'worries' and 'upsets' fans’.

For crying out loud, don’t these idiots realise what and where Scotland is? It’s not enemy territory nor somewhere inaccessible, without medical services, like the Outback, high in the Himalayas or sailing single - handed across the ocean.
abbyh said…

This poem came up at dinner last night. It then came to mind with your comment about how people who do not know what her current medical status is somehow feel they should be able to decide for her what she can and cannot do.

PSA: on my screen, I have the option to "collapse all comments" which makes dropping down the bottom much easier. And then one can expand each post individually as needed.
Mel said…
Another solution to the blog formatting is to do a 'search on page' for… and use either today's or yesterday's date. Which will bring you pretty close to the bottom, close enough anyway.

Once the page flips, do a search for 'load more'. Click on that. Then do a search for today's date.
Sandie said…
In a nutshell Hazno always wanted a sister, Catherine was kind, empathetic, sympathetic, fun, AND in Rachel’s eyes, the ultimate threat/competition for HAZNO’s affections. Catherine was also established and beloved in the family, Rachel knew (because she is a shitty person,) this would not be her. Hence going the opposite direction and lying making false claims to justify her garbage behavior.

The above refers to a video by H G Tudor.

Is her 'hatred' of Catherine instinctive or a deliberate strategy?

My amateur analysis is that Catherine makes her feel insecure about herself and she must thus 'destroy' Catherine. But, perhaps it is simply mean girl bullying of anyone who does not bow down to her magnificence and dares to think they are better than her. Catherine obviously does not, but she projects her thinking onto Catherine.

The lack of pap walks from the duo in Montecito is intriguing. She is a creature of habit, and she loves attention.

Have you seen the photo of William with a beard? It suits him so much.
Sandie said…
I enjoyed this comment about William's beard:

Meghan and Harry: announce a faux Royal tour of Colombia to get press coverage

William: grows a beard
Maneki Neko said…
'Joe Rogan brutally mocks Prince Harry in new Netflix stand up show - and reveals moment he discovered Duke was 'talking s**t about me'

Joe Rogan has used his new Netflix stand-up show to savagely lampoon Prince Harry, calling him a 'b**ch' and joking about the royal taking magic mushrooms.' ...

SwampWoman said…
I think Harry takes magic mushrooms frequently. I wonder how many times he's looked over at Meghan and saw a large warty toad?
SwampWoman said…
I wonder whether the appearance depends on the browser used? I'm on Duck Duck Go.
Sandie said…

This is from Jobson's book about Catherine. Supposedly TBW was taken aback at the difference between Nottingham Cottage and the Kensington Palace apartment where William and Catherine lived, and hapless was kind of ashamed to invite her to his humble cottage. What Jobson does not point out is that William and Catherine lived in that same cottage after their marriage and were living there after George was born.

I am finding this nonsensical victim narrative so tiresome .
abbyh said…

That (the feeling about how Nott Cott was furnished compared to what William and Catherine had at their place) was mentioned in Spare.

IRC that he did say some things to some people about getting better quality furnishings but that nothing happened with that but it appeared that this was around when they asked for Frog House but were offered Frog Cott instead.

So, they did get an upgrade. And they paid for it.

What was not mentioned was that by the time his brother (and larger family) moved into Kensington, the adults were more actively working for the Queen. William and Catherine were in training for the next level of their rank to be.
Barack and his wife had dinner there. Not sure what else but likely there are/were planning meetings and so on. It was commensurate with his rank and with his job.

5 and *, on the other hand, were not yet vetted for that level of service to the Queen.

I remember something about a fancy dinner where it was a first time for 5 and that * was not there. Something about how they placed Rose Hanbury next to him as being considered a 'safe' choice in terms of what he might say. Yes, that Rose.

Thinking about Spare.
There seemed to be a lot of I want what ever he has - whether it was sausages, a wedding, furniture.
Maneki Neko said…
The revolving door of the duo's staffing.
'Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new chief of staff 'quits after only three months' on the eve of their 'quasi-royal tour' of Colombia

When the Duke of Sussex appointed Josh Kettler as his grandly titled chief of staff earlier this year, it was said that he was the perfect man to 'guide' Harry 'through his next phase'.

However, the Daily Mail understands that Mr Kettler has suddenly quit his job after scarcely three months, amid much intrigue.
Mr Kettler's very brief time in his position highlights the difficulties that the Duke and Duchess have had retaining staff.

The total number the Sussexes have lost since they married in 2018 is said to be at least 18, with nine or more having left since they moved to California in 2020.

One former member of staff told the Daily Mail yesterday: 'What may be most telling is that the entire time I worked there, I don't think I heard a single current or former employee on their staff say they would take the job again if given the chance.

'These aren't employees they had just found off the streets.

'Many of them are people who had previously excelled working for demanding bosses in high-performance companies and environments.' Mr Kettler, who is thought to be American, had previously worked for Cognixion, a medical equipment manufacturer.' ...

Losing this amount of staff means the problem is with the duo but I 'm sure they can't see it. * must be might are to work for. No reason was given for Kettler's departure.
Girl with a Hat said…

* made that one call the people who produce South Park to complain about their characterization in that famous episode.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Abbyh, * and Hairball were supposed to get an apartment in Kensington Palace but after her behaviour which included:
-taking unauthorized pictures of the inside of Catherine and William's apartment and their children
- having wild parties with fireworks
- general bad behaviour

It was decided that another place would be more suitable for them. The Duke of Westminster, I believe, was supposed to give up his lavish apartment and it was supposed to be given to them.
Hikari said…
The problem with Twat and Toad is that they have no sense of history or appreciation of it. Nott Cott was designed by Sir Christopher Wren in the 17th century. Besides William and Catherine, the cottage has been home to Sir Robert Fellowes & Lady Jane Spencer. 1300 square feet would have been considered a pretty grand residence when it was constructed. It was good enough for the heir to move there with his bride for 2 years.

If T&T had been appropriately behaved and grateful, they may have been given a better property than Froggy Cott. Gratitude is not in T&T’s wheelhouse.

This one has never been able to accept that he isn’t entitled to half of everything William receives. I guess we have his mother to thank for that, largely. His life of bitterness will continue. What a shame Charles ever brought him back from that dude ranch in Australia…
Maneki Neko said…
So far, it seems H&* are going to Colombia. The Independent and others mention it. The DT states that the ‘tour’ is being used as distraction from Colombia’s problems, according to residents, and that 'the pair are being used as 'political pawns' by the Left-wing government which has been mired in corruption scandals, it is feared.' GB News, meanwhile, state that the children could join H&* in Colombia as *'s 'decision is imminent'. 'The source told OK: "Meghan is debating whether to bring the children with her as she feels they’re old enough, especially Archie, to enjoy a trip like this and meet people from different cultures.' Yes, but at 5 years of age? What would he understand and how would he benefit? More nonsense.
abbyh said…
Very interesting observation.

Do you mind if I repost without your blogger name?
Girl with a Hat said…

Real reason King Charles was 'terrified' of Prince Harry before row

A royal expert has claimed Prince Harry disliked the idea that his father often turned to his "stable" brother who was less "volatile" when the princes were growing up.
Maneki Neko said…

@Girl with a Hat

I think you mean the Duke (and Duchess) of Gloucester were supposed to give up their apartment for the loathsome twosome. The Duke of Westminster has never lived at KP.
Assuming, for the moment, that the children do not and never have existed, could `taking them to Colombia' be a neat way of `losing' them?

She could borrow the JP Getty III kidnap narrative (to save thinking), lose them in the jungle, or say they been a modest meal for a jaguar or a tiny snack for an anaconda. Or they followed they were in search of a proper prince and kissed poisonous tree frogs.

The advantage of a being `consumed by wildlife' story is that she wouldn't have to produce a couple of severed ears as supporting evidence.
abbyh said…
From one of our posters

On a personal note, I realized the other day that my Dad would have left school and started full-time work as an electrician's boy the moment he turned 12 (the school leaving age wasn't raised to 14 until 1918), in other words, at almost the same point that H lost his mother. Dad was expected have been expected to conduct himself like an adult.

His mother had died when he was 18months old and the census shows that the skivvy had got her feet under the table (and I suspect her body into my grandfather's bed) within 3 months. She brought an illegitimate child with her and produced 2 more daughters by dad's father, who, incidentally, molested his daughters by his first wife.

Dad never had a breakfast sausage, just bread and dripping, and had to make do with an elementary education. Called up he was in Flanders, aged 18, in the battle of Amiens. He recalled long marches, when, if he was lucky, he if he found a soft and warm `bed' by spreading his gas cape on a handy dung heap.

Even if this early life scarred him, he showed little sign of it in his adult years -
How different, how very different, from the home- and army life of our dear prince.
Sandie said…

Richard Eden: chief of staff for hapless has just left, after 3 months on the job, and on the eve of the trip to Colombia.
Thanks for sharing that personal story., whoever did. My Dad had a similar story. He was a decent man who never spoke about his childhood and was never a victim in any way. He had little tolerance for stupid people and I could imagine that he would put the duo in that category.

A public figure recently said that humans need some kind of conflict in order to motivate them to succeed (I am very much simplifying his words) and said this in the context of discussing why America constantly funds and fuels wars. There is so much wrong with that statement! Stirring up conflict and drama has ceetainly not helped the duo. Even the attention they get for that has not enriched them in any way. Ont the other hand the royal family work hard and promote harmony, tolerance and appreciation of differences, supporting others ... and look how they are thriving! This might sound woo hoo, but I think the cancer is because of the negative thoughts and feeling relentlessly being directed at them from the couple snd their flying monkeys.
abbyh said…
Thank you.

I appreciate this.
Sandie suggests that that it may sound `woo hoo' to speak of the verbal poison that's directed towards the Royals as `causing' their health issues but I can suggest a rational mechanism as to how this may come about.

Cancer may not be directly `caused' by stress but having to endure the constant, vicious, poisonous, verbal attacks on oneself and one's family, year after year, without being able to safely neutralise the source, may well make someone more vulnerable to the condition.

Being robbed of both sleep and vital nutrients (from being able to eat only very little), as can happen when one is when under major stress, may well increase vulnerability and reduce resilience to the the Big C, I think.

* as ` the greatest Duchess to wear England's crown' !!!!!!!!

Some of these idiotic ignoramuses need a serious lesson about the British Constitution, but first they probably need to understand long words like `ignoramus' and `constitution', I think.
Sandie said…

Enty claims that two days before the fake royal tour to Colombia, their itinerary is not even finalized. And, included in the trip will be a visit to an emerald mine.

May we look forward to the messiest display yet from the duo? Both the Colombian hosts and the duo are making every effort to control the media in this one and restrict all coverage to Hello style PR, but stuff always leaks.
Sandie said…

The duo scrambling to contain the fallout around his chief of staff leaving just before the Colombia trip, through Chris Ship and Jack Royston. Richard Eden is having none if it.
Sandie said…
Her boss thought this was hilarious. So do I!

For context: at work, I had to submit a funding application for a fake business to test a software being launched, and we were encouraged to be funny, so I decided to use the opportunity to submit a request from "Canadian Riviera Orchard", and wanted to share snippets of the handiwork here.

Brief description of org: lifestyle brand selling raspberry jam, dog treats, and homeware items, including tableware and drink ware. Maybe a rosé wine.

Brief history of org: married to Harry, formerly known as Prince, and worked for BRF for 72 days leading to massive staff turnover, which still plagues the organization. Everyone is just jealous.

Project title: launch of lifestyle brand/authentic and organic marketing campaign

Brief description of project: kickstarting brand launch and marketing campaign for new lifestyle brand based solely on deluded belief that everyone wants to emulate me. Also grifting off a title I don't care about, but I am a Duchess, after all.

Key activities include: Announce brand via IG and pay for bot accounts to increase engagement. Have no product available to sell on website or IG.

-Pay for daily PR puff pieces to ensure visibility in the headlines. Still struggle to break 1 million followers on IG. Still no products available to sell on the website after 5 months.

-Fall to the floor in heap of tears due to unfair criticism of (the worst ever) brand launch, release PR puff piece announcing it to silence critics online. Everyone is just hateful.

-Announce an entirely new project in few months hoping everyone will forget about this and my failed podcast and docu-flops.

Economic benefits: I will make millions; The world will fall in love with me and realize I should have been made Queen all along.

Project costs: Jam jars; Labels that peel; Influencer posts.
Sandie said…
Theresa Longo Fans
MM lining up solo engagements 2026. I only know because she’s having an agent reach out to potential partners and security. Is that when her book will be released?

Theresa Longo Fans
It has been my intimate understanding of the matter that, due to the nature of King Charles III illness (cancer) “less intervention” is more to give him the best quality of life possible.
Theresa Longo Fans
Well, if it's any consolation. He is enjoying his days to the fullest, surrounded by a lot of love and Family. As well, they do have a plan lined up. The reality is, it could be anytime, but God Save the King decades more!
Sandie said…

Off topic, but I thought you might enjoy this. Kruger Park is a wildlife reserve as big as the UK. Lions there have a habit of 'taking over' roads in a huge pride - lying down, strolling up to cars ... Initially, there is huge excitement at seeing so many lions close up, but you can't get past them and its hot and some drivers get impatient.

Carley Fortune seems to have learnt her lesson and realized that Meet Me At The Lake has fallen into a huge black hole at Archewell. She has made another deal with Amazon MGM Studio for another book of hers, and is taking the role of co-executive producer.
Just so you can avoid it - the Harkles are being thrust down our throats again - this time a 2-parter on Channel 5, next Sat & Sun.

I've probably said this before about funeral plans - these are made years before they are expected to be needed & are regularly updated so there's nothing to be read into any mention of this preparation.

There were no plans for Diana though, presumably because it was assumed that arrangements would be made in the way the funerals of ordinary folk are - by the blood family or the executors. IMO, the Spencers failed in their duty but Dodie's obsequies were organised by his father, as was proper.

Charles is supposed to have defended his going to Paris to accompany the body back as if Diana was still a member of the family, by telling his mother that she wouldn't want Diana `brought back in a Harrods van, ie by Dodi's father.
Sandie said…
Regarding the DM article about staff turnover, I came across this excellent post:

Actually 26 staff confirmed so far.

The DM missed the following departures:

Heather Wong

ShaMya Williams

Madeline Taylor

Maren Thomas

Deesha Tank

Kristin Slevin

Bennet Levine

Rebecca Sananes

Note this doesn’t include non publicly announced staff, like nannies, security, cooks, etc.
This is a corker but I think one should reads `admission' for `omissions':
Maneki Neko said…
Looks like the Harklesare going to Colombia, where Megsy will be able 'to show off her fluent Spanish'. Ah, yes, like her fluent French? Expect to see an acreage of unsexy, un-alluring flesh, an array of atrocious attires and hear the usual word salad.
Sandie said…

A drunken Harry snapped at home in a 'cruel' attack in his wife . Now they're faking it for the cameras after she gave him a divorce ultimatum.
The above is from an In Touch cover. The article itself is not shared.

I bet she can say and do whatever she likes to him, but then makes a huge drama if he so much as snaps at her in annoyance. Interesting that she is also portraying him as a drunk.
Humor Me said…
Another summit? Yes, According to the Express, at Balmoral, to deal with a 10 year plan, and what to do about the Duo. IMHO - I get why KCIII will not pull the titles, or be behind any effort to pull JCMH's Dukedom. It sets a prescendent that William and Georgge may have to deal with down the road. It is sad, but this die was cast when Diana left this mortal earth. JCMH is a problem that was not dealt with early on. KCIII is doing what he must to protect the Firm, the Reign and the commonweatlh - no comment. They do not rep Us. They are living their lives overseas. JCAH has had breakdowns, one in which Dad had to be phoned. KCIII does not want this on his consious.
Maneki Neko said…
I have had a good laugh. The DM has an article on Tatler's best dressed list, with * named - she topped the list in 2018 - and another on the Harkles' recently departed 'chief of staff' and sandwiched between the two is an article on the 'warming pan' scandal. Somebody must have a sense of humour...
SwampWoman said…
Isn't it winter there?
SwampWoman said…
I thought that they told Chief of Staff that they were going to put Chief of Staff in charge of escorting The Littles around Colombia and he said "Aw, HELL no!" Or maybe he had to pack their suitcases, or numerous other denigrating tasks.
Sandie said…
@Humor Me
That Express article is rather interesting.

It states that the King can remove the HRH and the prince. They would keep the honorary titles gifted by the late Queen.

There could be a challenge made if any peerages are removed, so this is something that needs to be navigated extremely carefully," said the source.

"The title of Prince and HRH are both gifts from the sovereign and can be stripped quite easily, but Harry's Dukedom, Earldom and Barony will have to be removed by an Act of Parliament which could throw up a lot of unnecessary problems and unwanted media attention."

The source adds that if Harry were to lose his Prince title that would mean Archie and Lilibet could also lose theirs, but the children would be able to use the Dumbarton titles while their parents will be known simply as the Sussexes.
I'm fascinated by the way that legislation that we've laughed at for years (the monarch having custody of his/her grandchildren which came in with one of the first 3 Georges and the `born of the body' rule to deal with possible cuckoos being put into the nest) should have come back into relevance with such a vengeance and that the Royal family is over a barrel because the miscreants are abroad.

Has anyone read the extract of `Spare' I noted above? ie

It's about events just before Lidl's birth and the irregular use of laughing gas. It paints a very damaging picture of H - he's an even bigger fool than I thought if he really did write it.

The gist is that H is off his head on substances and looking for a fight, starting with his bodyguard, who obviously must not thump him back.

(Thought - do we know if he's ever provoked a fight with anyone his own size who is in a position and of a temperament to defend himself. Hmm, thought not.)

I occurred to me that this might have been `penned' by * and he's too brainless to have prevented publication. It'd be damning evidence if she pushes for divorce on grounds of his physical abuse of her.
SMM discussion of he risks they're taking by associating with someone in Colomba who has been a credible assassination target has mad me wonder what, if any, plans have been made for the eventual demise of the Harkles? After all, who else is there to bury them?

I wonder what sort of send off they'd get? Probably with the same level of pomp that was given to Wallis. David had a better do than her because he had been king.

The Army at least had special parades in his honour.
Magatha Mistie said…

Snow Quean

On the BANK of Orinoco
Flows our quasi kween pinocchio
Wearing something drooping
off cold shoulder
Her Cumbia jerk
with an orchestrated twerk
Follows with her holler
Coke a Hola…

Sandie said…

Richard Eden writes about their staffing problems. As I have said above, the number that he gives of staff that have left them is an undercount, and it does not include nannies, gardeners, security staff, household staff. The article does not say what their chief of staff was unhappy about, but clearly states that he was very 'uncomfortable' and thought it better to leave immediately
Maneki Neko said…
... 'Prince Harry’s Chief of Staff Josh Kettler resigned last week following his three-month trial period making him the 18th member to leave the Sussexes’ employment.

Now, reports have emerged that suggest that Meghan is the real reason who is pushing away the loyal staff of Prince Harry. According to The Daily Beast, Kettler’s role was specific to Harry and that a decision to part company was taken mutually following a three-month trial.

The outlet acknowledged that while every departure of Sussex employee surfaces, it is declared as a “symptom of wider malaise” but that it doesn’t change the fact the Harry and Meghan are struggling to keep loyal staff, especially in high-ranking positions.

British broadcaster and photographer Helena Chard told Fox News Digital that “a revolving door of staff seems to be the norm for Harry and Meghan.”

“Eighteen members of their staff have departed their team,” she added. “Sometimes introducing new staff to a team can keep ideas alive, but this is an unusually high turnover of staff and highlights that something is wrong.” ' ...

I can't say anyone is surprised. I wish Palace staff would add to these rumours. It's clear that * is the problem, whatever she might say.
Maneki Neko said…

'Snow Queen' and 'quasi kween pinocchio' - excellent, and thanks again for keeping us entertained.
Sandie said…

Hapless and his handler have started their tour.
Sandie said…

Harper's Bazaar got the deal to cover their visit to Colombia. There is no such title as Duchess Meghan. She is not Duchess Meghan. The ignorance is pitiful.
Sandie said…

She was the one invited to Colombia, about a year ago. This visit is about her. The husband is just tagging along. I think the VP of Columbia is a huge fan. The prominent message links TBW with l Diana. Bizarre and kind of sick.
Sandie said…
The Duchess of Sussex was invited to the country by VP Francia Márquez after she learned of her story in depth via the couple's two-part Netflix documentary.

Well, that tells you a lot about the calibre of leadership in Colombia but, did they have a two-part documentary? Wasn't it 6 parts?!
Sandie said…

TBW being true to herself and showing as much skin as possible.
And an interesting bit from an article with a couple more examples of just how badly she treats people:

So why such [staff] turnover? My source, who worked for the duo, said, “It’s Meghan. She’s unbearable. She talks down to people and is very condescending.”
Maneki Neko said…
The duo are now in Colombia. *, as expected, is showing some cleavage although it's a strange look as she looks flat chested. She's also showing bare arms and a tantalising glimpse of thigh. The dress is rather bizarre and the top seems to be squashing her bust. The president and the other lady are suitably dressed. H, sitting next to her, doesn't look overjoyed. Her other outfit, black or very dark navy, is actually nice and flattering for once. I can't be bothered to read what they've been doing.
I'd had enough of seeing her armpits before she even married H - was thankful that at least her wedding dress covered them up. Now they're back again.
Magatha Mistie said…

Shiny slithering snake skin sheath

Cheers @ Maneki
Snow ‘Quean’
different meaning 😉

A quean and a loon, in all possible senses?
Excuse me while I throw up - the Beeb's reporting this as if it's a legitimate tour.

- though it's interesting how the VP seems to be controlling their grasp and perhaps preventing them from embracing her

Aha! Does this explain it?

BBC News and CBS News established an editorial and newsgathering partnership in 2017, replacing an earlier long-standing partnership between BBC News and ABC News.
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
An observant person on Reddit noticed that this is the third time she has worn that exact same dress in different colours. That good dress she wore when she was in New York to pick up an award was the exact same style, but without the straps. In Nigeria she wore the exact same dress, and now in Columbia.

With this outfit, I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror.

Observers are finding instances when he looks at her with loathing. Why does he go along with this circus?
Magatha Mistie said…

Con Leech (heaps of sugars)

Parseltongue meh
speaks in multi voices
Mucha tonterias and guttural white noises
Her palabra ensalada
usual yada yada
No thought for the country
no empanada
A photoshop flix
Adios, sweet Nada…

my Spanish is on a par with meh,
very basic

Magatha Mistie said…

False Tart

Common as muck
She don’t give a fuck
As long as she’s heading the news
Hard to define
How a Con-cubine
Could believe she’s better than youse…

Magatha Mistie said…
Quean: Pro quid Ho

Sandie said…
After their first engagement, the couple visited a school and were captured on camera holding hands as they left the vice president's office. A secret exchange shared between them as they greeted well-wishers revealed that Meghan had a direct order for her husband to which he had a short three-word response.

According to professional lip reader Nicola Hickling, Meghan quietly muttered an order to Harry, saying simply, "hand", before he replied, "Here you go."

And here is TBW reminding him that he is her sudekick:
SwampWoman said…
Thanks for the laughs again today, Magatha! I haven't told you how much I appreciate you lately because we're always on at different times. So sorry. I appreciate you so much!
Sandie said…
Demure. That is the key word in the lavish praise by the bots and SS about her. Remember the criticsm she got about how she dressed in Nigeria? This is her attempt to manipulate public opinion.

But I will give her credit for wearing sensible shoes and not pretending to be sporty. Remember as a working royal she turned up for a basketball event trying to look sporty and fashionable and wearing stilettos?

An excellent post, with some excellent comments, highlighting how her behaviour on this trip is a disturbing dusplay of her narcissism. She is trying hard to be relatable, but failing because she does not know how to genuinely relate to other people.

She does know how to manipulate, so she should use that skill to schmooze rich people in private to donate to causes she cares about. But I do not think that raising huge amounts of money out of the spotlight would feed her voracious desire for attention
@ Magatha - Whoops! I was trying `the Doric' , courtesy of Mr Wild Boar:
Perhaps I should have said `Loony'
Sandie said…

Theresa Longo Fans
Sorry all, REAL Royals won’t waste one minute of a precious, private, luxury Summer vacation discussing #TemuRoyals. That’s clickbait. No “summit” pertaining to H&M atp.

Temu royals!

Girl with a Hat said…
@Magatha, nice to see that you're in fine form. Cheers!
Maneki Neko said…
I couldn't see anything less than 20 hours old that wasn't behind a paywall re the duo in Colombia but the DM has this headline about them:
'3,000 police, snipers and a bio terror van follow the couple's every move, despite barely anyone turning up to see them'

This beggars belief. In a lawless country, I think the 3000 police officers could have been deployed more judiciously elsewhere. As for the snipers and a bio terror van, were these really necessary? They are not their respective countries' representatives, let alone heads of state. Is this an attempt to cock a snoop at the UK and BP to show that they are indeed deserving of security (in their own minds)? As for the cost to Colombia, the money could have been better spent elsewhere. This is obscene - not that the duo realise or care.
`Harry & Meghan - Their Rise & Fall - Part 1' on Channel5 tonight.
Had a v. quick look as as changing channels and got a clip from the Commonwealth Service of 2020.

What was remarkable was an aerial shot of H's pate as they arrived at the abbey His scalp was almost as hair free as it is now. Not a pretty sight.
Sandie said…

Article by Royah. Out of date as news of his 'right-hand' man jumping ship is not included. Here are some excerpts:
“One of the primary reasons for them leaving the UK was the institutional and media issues they felt they faced, so for that they must feel vindicated. But did he get what he wanted? No. The perfect scenario was to get what they originally asked for — ‘We’d like to move and still be semi-royals.’ So they’re finding another way of doing it.”
One friend of Charles says, “The problem for the King and other members of the family is the worry that if they have a chat with Harry, it will appear in Spare volume two. How do you regain the trust? I don’t think Harry ever can. But from the conversations I’ve had with the King, I would never say their relationship is irreparable. The King’s capacity to forgive his son is undimmed. There are other members of the royal family who are much more weighted against Harry, that’s the problem.”
One of Harry’s oldest friends says they are among the few who get “the odd WhatsApp from him”, adding, “He’s an angry boy. Things haven’t turned out how he wanted. I think he misses being over here [in Britain] desperately and wants to be admired more. Anyone who knows him feels he’d rather be top of the pops here with everyone loving him, as they do with William and Kate.”
But Harry’s drift away from his old pals began before the move to America. A source who worked closely with him and was often at his former homes — Nottingham Cottage at Kensington Palace and Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate — recalls, “It was sad to see. He used to have lots of friends coming round to see him, army mates, polo friends, then they just tailed off. Then it was the yoga guru, the wellbeing guru, everyone saying we must eat less meat and fly less. We were all scratching our heads as they were taking private jets.”
When she died on September 8, 2022, family tensions were at boiling point. Harry was deeply hurt by some of his father’s actions leading up to her funeral. He was stung by Charles’s decision not to let him wear military uniform during the mourning period — except for the vigil at Westminster Hall with his cousins two days before the funeral — on the grounds he was no longer a working royal. He was “devastated” when his Blues and Royals uniform arrived with his grandmother’s “ER” initials stripped from the shoulder. At a vigil the previous evening the Duke of York, also no longer a working royal, had retained the initials on his vice-admiral’s uniform. A friend of Harry told me he was “heartbroken” and to avoid “humiliation” had considered wearing a morning suit. “To remove his grandmother’s initials feels very intentional,” the friend said.
Harry’s legal battle with the Home Office over his security is a key bone of contention between father and son. The prince lost his automatic right to round-the-clock police protection when he stepped back as a working royal, a decision he claimed was influenced by members of his father’s household who sit on the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures. He still receives protection here on a “bespoke” basis but has said that unless full security is restored, it is not safe to bring Meghan or their children to the UK. (The article does go on to point out that the King cannot intervene.)
Last year one employee told the Daily Beast website that Harry’s day-to-day responsibilities included “zero things”.
Maneki Neko said…
New Harry Markle up with a good assessment of the duo's overseas visits
Maneki Neko said…
CDAN blind item #5

Speaking of the alliterate one, a very recent former employee has spoken to two attorneys, each of whom offer employment litigation as part of their services.
Maneki Neko said…
Apologies if this is a stupid question, has anyone heard of HRH, the royal commentator USA, aka @barristeratlawusa? He/she is pro British monarchy and certainly doesn't like the duo. I don't know what to make of this post, though, it's worrying if true.

The rest of his/her posts.
Sandie said…

Theresa Longo Fans
MM suggesting Royals only “Vacation”? Grilled on purpose of their trip. “Vacación”? a person asked. “Si!” Meghan said (she only EVER said “si”)

MM turns to English assistant not realizing an English speaker in earshot & said “let’s be real, this IS a vacation”.
Who she 👋🏻 @?🤔

They got the information from the Getty photographer who was in the room at the time.
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
I have come across that account and am not sure what to think of it.

Various psychics have said consistently that Charles will not be on the throne for long. Hapless will really feel it when his father dies as his brother does not want him at his coronation. I suspect that Charles will leave sone money for his younger son and grandchildren he does not know, but then I think they are done ... no more invitations to anything at all from William.

The bit about Catherine is confusing. Catherine has cancer. Yes, we know. But this is a cover? How? The official message was that the cancer treatment is preventative for Catherine. I suspect that she has been off work for so long because William has insisted but we cannot really know what the full truth is. Rebecca English says she had a problem for quite a while, but it became severe in January.

The BarkJack account insists that there is no summit at Balmoral to discuss the dastardly duo, nor any other important matters. The family are focusing on enjoying a holiday together.

Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
Although the CDAN source is gossip and often not reliable at all, I do find the gossip fun to follow. They have 'lost' so many staff that it is just a matter of time before someone sues them, surely?
Girl with a Hat said…
the Times Sunday magazine has a story about Hairball at 40. The cover has 40 photos of him, one for every year of his life .

This is the cover. I will try to find a way to get the article posted here.
Girl with a Hat said…
hen the Sussexes cut loose from the
monarchy in 2020, ditching tradition,
hierarchy and courtiers, it was a giant
gamble. On paper the Duke of Sussex
got everything he wanted. Financial
independence, the freedom to live and
shape his young family’s future away from
the pressures of royal life. But Harry’s
transition into the celebrity prince of
California came with painful sacrifices:
a bond with his brother shattered almost
certainly beyond repair, the relationship
with his father strained to breaking point,
and ties with the wider royal family
damaged by the artillery of truth bombs
he has fired since he left these shores.
On September 15 Harry will turn 40.
Those closest to him say he is at a crossroads.
After laying his soul bare last year with
Spare, the fastest-selling non-fiction book in
history, he seems torn between battling old
demons and getting on with his life. “All he
does is spend time looking back,” says one
former adviser to Harry. “If only he could
wrench his neck around and look forwards.”
Some who have known him since his army
days — the time in his life that seemed to
give him his strongest sense of self, and
inspired him to launch the Invictus Games
for injured veterans in 2014 — think he is
grappling with a key unanswered question:
“What is the purpose of Prince Harry and
what is Prince Harry’s purpose?”, as one of
his former aides puts it. “He loved the army
and was very good at his job. The work with
Invictus is great and fatherhood was the
role he most wanted, so perhaps those are
enough for him. But everything else is a bit
woolly. I always thought he wanted more
from life. I can’t help but think he must be
wondering, ‘Where do I go from here?’ ”
As he nears his fifth decade, Harry is
said to be thinking carefully about his next
chapter. There are signs he is taking a breath
from getting it all off his chest. Speaking
to the US network CBS earlier this month
about the Sussexes’ initiative promoting
child safety online, Harry did not dig up the
past. A far cry from their bombshell sit-down
with Oprah Winfrey in 2021: he listened as
Meghan spoke of wanting to protect their
“amazing” children, Prince Archie, 5, and
Princess Lilibet, known as “Lili”, 3.
A close friend of Harry reflects on how
things have panned out since the late
Queen decided in January 2020 that there
could be no “half in, half out” route forward
for the Sussexes: “He made his decision [to
leave] for his family — that was the right
choice and he has no regrets. One of the
primary reasons for them leaving the UK
was the institutional and media issues
they felt they faced, so for that they must
feel vindicated. But did he get what he
wanted? No. The perfect scenario was to
get what they originally asked for — ‘We’d
like to move and still be semi-royals.’ So
they’re finding another way of doing it.”
Is another way possible? Can Harry
maintain a gilded existence in exile in the
US — and will that be enough to satisfy a
man whose biography on the
website describes him as a “humanitarian,
military veteran, mental health advocate
and environmental campaigner”?
Girl with a Hat said…
In their six-part tell-all Netflix series in
December 2022, Harry said of their move
to California, “We are exactly where we’re
supposed to be,” but added: “I miss the
UK.” Some friends are unconvinced that
life has turned out as he wanted.
“I know how important it is for him to
have a happy, settled family life, but you
need to do more than that if you’re him,”
says a source who has known Harry since his
teenage years. “He has ended up isolated
from his family and most of his old mates, in
an environment where your friendships are
not like the ones you forged as a young man.
He used to love a night out in the pub and
hanging out in the country with friends.
Maybe he has grown into a different person,
but do I think he’d really suit the Californian
lifestyle? No. Now we’ve seen it all play out,
what has that left him with? On the surface,
an enviable lifestyle — but for the Harry
I know, I can’t imagine that gilded exile in
California is where he wanted to end up.”
Amid the star-studded enclave of
Montecito, where the actress Gwyneth
Paltrow and pop star Katy Perry are among
their neighbours, the Sussexes keep a tight
circle of friends, entertaining at their
£11 million, nine-bedroom home — on
which they were reported in Variety to
have secured a mortgage of $9.5 million
(£7.4 million) — overlooking the Pacific,
with its gym, cinema, pool and guesthouse.
Meghan’s mother, Doria Ragland, visits
often and Meghan sees friends from her
school and acting days in Los Angeles. But
Harry has had to forge new friendships.
The couple are said to be close to the
Canadian music mogul David Foster, 74,
and his wife, Katharine McPhee, 40, a
school friend of Meghan’s who has said
Harry and her husband are “like father and
son”. But what of Harry’s old pals — school
friends, army friends and wise owls who
were trusted confidants for decades?
He is still in touch with Charlie van
Straubenzee, a school friend from Ludgrove,
and Mark Dyer, a former equerry to the
King who was a close aide to Harry and
William — both are godparents to Archie.
But the aftershock of f his split from the royal
family has shrunk his friendship group.
“I miss my friends … I’ve lost a few friends
in this process,” he said in the Netflix series.
Many cannot forgive Harry’s decision
to air the family laundry. After Spare was
published, one of his closest friends, who has
faithfully kept Harry’s secrets, told me,
“I can’t believe he’d stoop so low. It’s
outrageously disloyal. Oprah, Netflix and
then the book? Three strikes and you’re out.”
Another friend of William and Harry’s
says, “Harry and Meghan could have left
with dignity and decency and not trashed
the institution. The conclusion is they’ve
made money from trashing his family.”
One of Harry’s oldest friends says they are
among the few who get “the odd WhatsApp
from him”, adding, “He’s an angry boy.
Things haven’t turned out how he wanted.
I think he misses being over here [in Britain]
desperately and wants to be admired more.
Anyone who knows him feels he’d rather be
top of the pops here with everyone loving
him, as they do with William and Kate.”
But after quitting an institution that the
majority of Britons support, and which holds
Girl with a Hat said…
a fascination for many Americans, will Harry
ever be top of the pops again? A YouGov
poll earlier this year showed the Princess of
Wales was the most popular royal, followed
by her husband. Harry and Meghan
languished near the bottom — only Prince
Andrew was less popular with Brits.
If Harry needed reminding of the
faultlines caused by the royal rift it came
in June, when he and Meghan were absent
from the wedding of one of his oldest
friends, the Duke of Westminster —
Hugh Grosvenor — at Chester Cathedral.
Grosvenor, so close to the royal brothers
that he is godfather to Princes George and
Archie, wanted to avoid any “awkwardness”
with William, who was an usher.
But Harry’s drift away from his old pals
began before the move to America. A source
who worked closely with him and was
often at his former homes — Nottingham
Cottage at Kensington Palace and
Frogmore Cottage on the Windsor estate
— recalls, “It was sad to see. He used to
have lots of friends coming round to see
him, army mates, polo friends, then they just
tailed off. Then it was the yoga guru, the
wellbeing guru, everyone saying we must eat
less meat and fly less. We were all scratching
our heads as they were taking private jets.”
Severed family ties
Harry may be resigned to losing some
friendships, but the broken family bond
is an open wound. Ahead of Spare, in an
interview with the ITV broadcaster Tom
Bradby, Harry said, “I would like to get my
father back, I would like to have my brother
back,” but “they’ve shown absolutely no
willingness to reconcile”.
The comments stunned those close to
the King and Prince William, after leaked
copies of the book revealed Harry’s
damning depictions of his family, including
claims that William physically attacked
him and knocked him to the floor in
Nottingham Cottage’s kitchen during
an argument about Meghan in 2019.
Charles was portrayed as an emotionally
stunted father who married Camilla despite
his sons’ pleas not to let her fill the role of
“wicked stepmother”, and who was jealous
of his sons’ popularity. In an interview with
CBS, Harry said he had viewed Camilla as a
“villain” who “left bodies in the street” in her
quest to boost her image — comments that
“crossed a red line” with Charles.
Girl with a Hat said…
interview with ITV last month, claiming the
royal family’s reluctance to join his legal
crusade against several tabloids for historic
phone hacking allegations was “certainly a
central piece” of the rift with his family — a
view that seems to ignore the chasm caused
by the Sussexes’ Oprah interview, in which
suggestions of racism within the royal
family were aired, as well as accusations
that the institution callously disregarded
Meghan’s mental health struggles. These
“He used to love
a night out in the
pub and hanging
out in the country
with friends.
I can’t imagine
that gilded exile is
where he wanted
to end up”
The music mogul David Foster
and his wife, Katharine McPhee,
have gained Harry and Meghan’s
trust. Below: Harry on the cover of
the US celebrity magazine People
in January last year

22 • The Sunday Times Magazine
claims prompted Queen Elizabeth II to
respond that “some recollections may vary”.
When she died on September 8, 2022,
family tensions were at boiling point. Harry
was deeply hurt by some of his father’s
actions leading up to her funeral. He was
stung by Charles’s decision not to let him
wear military uniform during the mourning
period — except for the vigil at Westminster
Hall with his cousins two days before the
funeral — on the grounds he was no longer
a working royal. He was “devastated” when
his Blues and Royals uniform arrived with
his grandmother’s “ER” initials stripped
from the shoulder. At a vigil the previous
evening the Duke of York, also no longer a
working royal, had retained the initials on
his vice-admiral’s uniform. A friend of Harry
told me he was “heartbroken” and to avoid
“humiliation” had considered wearing a
morning suit. “To remove his grandmother’s
initials feels very intentional,” the friend said.
The Sussexes also understood they
would be at Buckingham Palace on the eve
of the funeral alongside the rest of the royal
family, when Charles and Camilla hosted
a reception for foreign heads of state. They
were initially asked to the event but their
invitations were later “rescinded”, with the
Palace clarifying the event was for “working
members of the royal family” only.
Girl with a Hat said…
A friend of Harry’s tells me this had
difficult repercussions for the Duke of
Sussex, who missed an important family
briefing on the funeral as a result. “The King
made some really bad decisions — it was
conveyed that he didn’t want them there.
For f***’s sake, this was a global reception for
his grandmother, and as her grandson, he
should have been there. There was a funeral
briefing for the whole family at the palace
just before the reception, which would have
meant Harry and Meghan going to the
briefing then having to leave the palace as
all the guests were arriving and other family
members were staying. So in the end, they
didn’t go. The briefing notes didn’t arrive [via
email] for them until around 11pm.” Such
decisions understandably wounded Harry.
The key to healing the rift
Harry keeps his hopes of reconciliation
alive. After Charles revealed his cancer
diagnosis in February, his younger son made
a 24-hour dash to the UK to visit him at
Clarence House, a meeting that lasted less
than 45 minutes. “The fact that I was able to
get on a plane and go to see him, and spend
any time with him, I’m grateful for that,”
he said on ABC’s Good Morning America
a few days later, adding, “Any illness, any
sickness, brings families together.”
There was no reunion, however, when
Harry returned to London in May for
events marking the tenth anniversary of the
Invictus Games. His spokesman issued a
statement implying the King was too busy:
“The duke is of course understanding of his
father’s diary commitments and various
other priorities and hopes to see him soon.”
The Sunday Times learnt that the King
had in fact agreed to Harry’s request to stay
at a royal residence, hoping to make the
logistics easier for them to meet, but Harry
stayed in a hotel. It was later reported Harry
refused Charles’s offer because it did not
come with adequate security — a suggestion
that bemused the King, who offered Harry
digs at Buckingham Palace, one of the
country’s most protected buildings.
Harry’s legal battle with the Home Office
over his security is a key bone of contention
between father and son. The prince lost his
automatic right to round-the-clock police
protection when he stepped back as a
working royal, a decision he claimed was
influenced by members of his father’s
household who sit on the Executive
Committee for the Protection of Royalty and
Public Figures. He still receives protection
here on a “bespoke” basis but has said that
unless full security is restored, it is not safe
to bring Meghan or their children to the UK.
In February he lost a High Court
challenge to overturn a ruling that there
was nothing unlawful in the decision to
downgrade his security, but he intends to
appeal. Sussex “insiders” recently told the
couple’s favoured US celebrity magazine,
People, that Harry “feels the only person
who can do anything about it is his father”,
but calls to Charles “go unanswered”.
Friends of Harry said “they are no longer
speaking” but if his security were restored,
it would be “swords down” . The sources
also said Meghan “wishes he could let go
of these lawsuits, be happy and live in the
moment. She wants him to be free of all this.”
Girl with a Hat said…
She is not the only one. A source close
to the King tells me Charles wants no
involvement with Harry’s Home Office
duel. “His Majesty’s son is suing His
Majesty’s government, and that is very tricky
for the King. If they were to meet, there is a
worry that son would lobby father because of
the mistaken belief that the King has control
over his security. For him not to have
accepted the judgment of His Majesty’s
government and courts is frustrating.” Other
friends of Charles point out it would be
“wholly inappropriate” for the monarch to
intervene in a judicial process.
One friend of Charles says, “The problem
for the King and other members of the
family is the worry that if they have a chat
with Harry, it will appear in Spare volume
two. How do you regain the trust? I don’t
think Harry ever can. But from the
conversations I’ve had with the King, I would
never say their relationship is irreparable.
The King’s capacity to forgive his son is
undimmed. There are other members of the
royal family who are much more weighted
against Harry, that’s the problem.”
One arena for a public rapprochement
between father and son could be the
Invictus Games, which is next staged in
Canada in February and returns to the UK
in 2027 in Birmingham. Some close to the
From top: the Prince
and Princess of
Wales greet the
crowds at Windsor
with the Sussexes
after the death of
Queen Elizabeth II,
September 2022;
the Queen’s
gather for the vigil
at Westminster Hall

The Sunday Times Magazine • 23
King think he will want to support his son
there. A friend of Charles says, “I think he
would acknowledge it would be a good
thing to go to. He would not want to look
punitive.” Charles attended the inaugural
Invictus Games in 2014 — as did William,
who is not expected to go again.
Girl with a Hat said…
An heir unable to forgive the spare
The permafrost between heir and spare
seems unlikely to thaw. A friend of both
concedes, “I always said the brothers
would be there for each other at the end
of the day, and that’s been proven wrong
so far.” Another close friend says, “Harry
simply cannot do without his brother.” But
William appears committed to making do
without his sibling. For now, he has written
Harry out of his script. The brothers are
understood not to have spoken since
the Queen’s funeral, when they “barely
exchanged a word”, Harry wrote in Spare.
When the Princess of Wales publicly
revealed her cancer diagnosis in March —
news William did not share in advance with
his brother — sources close to the Sussexes
said they reached out privately to William
and Kate. That contact was unreciprocated.
William is unlikely to forgive Harry any
time soon for his slights against Kate in
Spare, among them the suggestion she
was cold towards Meghan. Those close to
William say his brother rarely comes up in
conversation. “This year his focus has very
much been on his wife, his children and
his father,” a friend says. “His brother
isn’t really something that’s discussed.”
In the aftermath of the King’s coronation
last year, William let it be known that he
wanted his own crowning to “look and feel
different”. One difference could be the
absence of Harry. Friends of William say
that as things stand he would not want his
brother at his coronation, whenever that
time comes. One of the brothers’ closest
friends says, “They are estranged, which is
dreadfully sad.”
Girl with a Hat said…
Finding meaning in fatherhood
Harry’s angst-ridden role as the royal spare
has been happily replaced with the one he
most craved: fatherhood. “Harry was
always in a rush and fixated on getting
married,” says a source who advised Harry
inside the royal fold for years. “He wanted
so badly to create his own identity, build
his own family, carve out his own thing.”
Thanks to their parents’ decisions,
Archie and Lili will grow up free from the
confines of royal life, while keeping their
royal titles. But they are also growing up
with little, if any, contact with their cousins
or grandfathers. The King has not seen
Archie and Lili in person since the
Sussexes briefly came to the UK in June
2022 for Queen Elizabeth’s platinum
jubilee, and neither Archie nor Lili has met
Thomas Markle, Meghan’s father, from
whom she is estranged and whom Harry
has never met.
Nevertheless, family life appears idyllic.
Harry has been spotted cycling along local
waterfronts with Archie on the back of his
bike, and shares the school and nursery runs
with Meghan. Family walks with their rescue
dogs — beagles Guy and Mamma Mia, and
Pula, a labrador — are another favourite
pastime. Speaking at the SXSW conference
in Texas earlier this year, Meghan described
her husband as “such a hands-on dad”.
In an interview in February on Good
Morning America, Harry said, “The kids are
doing great, growing up like all kids do very,
very fast. They’ve both got an incredible
sense of humour and make us laugh and
keep us grounded every single day, like
most kids do. I’m just grateful to be a dad.”
Girl with a Hat said…
A quest for purpose — and respect
Aside from the joys of fatherhood the prince
wants to be known for his humanitarian
work. But he will not rush into anything on
a whim. “In the past, there was an urgency
mentality to his decisions,” one friend says.
“His headspace is a little different now. He
sees he has a longer runway to add value. He
wants to be a humanitarian and he should,
because he’s good at that. He’s giving
himself longer to see what the life he’s set
up and next ten years-plus look like. Harry
and Meghan should perhaps keep their
heads down after a very noisy period and
put the right plans in place for the future.
There needs to be a bit of substance there.”
At the top of Harry’s agenda is
maintaining the success of Invictus. But
even his proudest achievement was subject
to controversy last month when the US TV
channel ESPN gave him the Pat Tillman
award for his work with veterans. The mother
of Tillman, an American football player who
gave up his career after 9/11 to enlist in the
US army, and was killed by friendly fire in
Afghanistan in 2004, expressed her dismay:
“I am shocked as to why they would select
such a controversial and divisive individual
to receive the award. There are recipients
that are far more fitting.”
A petition to stop Harry receiving the
award gained more than 70,000 signatures,
while Lord West, the former first sea lord
and chief of the naval staff, advised Harry to
“think very hard and long” about accepting
certain awards, adding that it “doesn’t travel
well with people in the military”.
Harry was said to have been stung and
surprised by the backlash, but accepted
the award in LA with a nod to the furore:
“I stand here not as Prince Harry, Pat
Tillman award recipient, but rather a voice on
behalf of the Invictus Games Foundation
and the thousands of veterans and service
personnel from over 20 nations who have
made the Invictus Games a reality. This
award belongs to them, not to me.”
In January, Harry — a former Apache
helicopter pilot who served two tours of
duty in Afghanistan — faced ridicule in some
military quarters for his decision to attend
the Living Legends of Aviation awards in
Beverly Hills, where he collected a gold
medal from John Travolta for his “significant
contributions to aviation”. Harry’s appetite
for gongs of late is perhaps driven by his
belief that, as he said in a stinging statement
after his grandmother removed his
accolades, that his “service is universal”.
Girl with a Hat said…
Life after Netflix
The couple’s five-year, multimillion-pound
deal with the streaming service Netflix is
up next year, with question marks over its
renewal. To date, their output includes their
2022 documentary Harry & Meghan and
Harry’s Heart of Invictus film last year,
which charted the journey of six
competitors. Harry is an executive producer
on an upcoming documentary about polo
and Meghan is said to have finished
recording a series on “the joys of cooking,
gardening, entertaining and friendship” in
which Harry is likely to feature.
In the 2022 documentary, Harry
said he wanted to stop being viewed “as
entertainment” . But in their adopted
homeland, they are still fodder for parody.
An episode of South Park last year
lampooned the couple, depicting characters
closely resembling them on a “worldwide
privacy tour” — a “Princess of Canada”
described as a “sorority girl, actress,
influencer, victim”, and her husband, a
prince who wrote a tell-all book about his
family called “Waaagh!” The Hollywood
Reporter included them on its “biggest
losers of 2023” list, citing their “whiny
Netflix documentary, whiny biography”
and adding that “the Harry and Meghan
brand swelled into a sanctimonious bubble
just begging to be popped”.
They were mocked again at this year’s
Golden Globes, when the host comedian Jo
Koy quipped, “Turns out Prince Harry and
Meghan Markle will still get paid millions
of dollars for doing absolutely nothing
— and that’s just by Netflix. How great was
Imelda Staunton in The Crown, wasn’t she
amazing? The portrayal of the Queen was
so good Prince Harry called her and asked
her for money.” This prompted laughter
from the audience, including Ted Sarandos
— the CEO of Netflix.
Girl with a Hat said…
Harry is also “chief impact officer” at
BetterUp, the online mental health and
career-coaching company, though he was
notably absent from the World Economic
Forum in Davos in January, where most of
the leadership team participated. When
Harry joined in 2021, the CEO, Alexi
Robichaux, said he would have a “meaty”
role. Last year one employee told the Daily
Beast website that Harry’s day-to-day
responsibilities included “zero things”.
Spotify came to the same conclusion
last year, prematurely calling time on the
Sussexes’ multimillion-pound deal in June
2023 after deciding not to renew Meghan’s
Archetypes podcast. Soon afterwards Bill
Simmons, Spotify’s head of podcast
innovation and monetisation, described
Harry and Meghan as “f***ing grifters”.
Speaking on his own podcast, Simmons
said, “I wish I had been involved in
the ‘Meghan and Harry leave Spotify’
negotiation. ‘The F***ing Grifters’, that’s the
podcast we should have launched with them.
I have got to get drunk one night and tell the
presence that’s respected and popular.
I was in LA recently and was struck by
how they’re not the topic of conversation.
Everyone wanted to know about the King
and Kate’s health. Harry and Meghan have
dropped out of the conversation.”
Meghan hopes to reignite the
conversation with her new lifestyle brand,
American Riviera Orchard, though five
months after its Instagram launch and many
jam jars gifted to her friends on social media
later, no products are on sale. The motto of
their Archewell Foundation is “Show Up, Do
Good”. But just how Harry plans to show up
and do good in a way that resonates for the
next 40 years is not clear — nor is where the
money will come from to sustain them. The
Spotify, Netflix and book agreements were
each reported to be multimillion-pound
deals — the exact amount is unknown
— and their lifestyle does not come cheap.
Meghan, 43, remains Harry’s chief
sounding board. “Most things would be
impossible without you,” he wrote in Spare.
Also helping her husband figure out his
next move is Harry’s new chief of staff,
Josh Kettler, who joined his team earlier
this year and lives near the Sussexes in
Santa Barbara. Kettler is said to be “smart”,
business-minded and keen to co-ordinate
Harry’s various projects.
He accompanied the Sussexes to Nigeria
in May and is with the couple on a trip to
Colombia this month at the invitation of the
vice-president, Francia Márquez. Kettler
previously held executive roles with the
outdoor clothing brand Patagonia and
Lionsgate Films, and describes himself
as an “avid trail runner and skier and a
steadfast supporter of conservation and the
environment” as well as an “organiser and
confidant”. He may be just what Harry needs
— organiser and confidant is how several
of his more successful former courtiers
would describe themselves. Kettler has
been working with them on the Parents’
Network, the initiative they launched
through Archewell this month, promoting
child safety online. His biggest challenge,
however, will be focusing Harry on the
future rather than his past.
In an interview in 2016 the prince, who
once made his mark as the loveable rogue,
dutiful soldier and loyal servant of the
Crown, told me of his fears of becoming
irrelevant. “I’m in this privileged position
and I will use it for as long as I can, or until
I become boring, or until George ends up
becoming more interesting,” he said.
“There’s nothing worse than going through
a period in your life where you’re making a
massive difference and then suddenly, for
whatever reason it is — whether it’s media
or the public perception of you — you drop
off. You want to make a difference but no
one’s listening to you.”
As he prepares to turn 40, in his quest
to stay relevant, Harry will hope his once
captive audience doesn’t tune out n
From top: Meghan and Harry are
lampooned on the TV series South
Park last year; Harry qualifies as
an Apache commander, 2013
story of the Zoom I had with Harry to try
and help him with a podcast idea. It’s one of
my best stories … F*** them. The grifters.”
Girl with a Hat said…
The American dream?
Harry often references his late mother’s
decision to break free of the monarchy as
an inspiration. After her divorce in 1996
and official severing of ties with the royal
family, Diana, Princess of Wales’s star burnt
even brighter in America. But a friend and
adviser to the royal family, who once worked
closely with Harry, feels he has work to do
to make his mark Stateside. “What they
haven’t been able to do is create a public
presence that’s respected and popular.
I was in LA recently and was struck by
how they’re not the topic of conversation.
Everyone wanted to know about the King
and Kate’s health. Harry and Meghan have
dropped out of the conversation.”
Meghan hopes to reignite the
conversation with her new lifestyle brand,
American Riviera Orchard, though five
months after its Instagram launch and many
jam jars gifted to her friends on social media
later, no products are on sale. The motto of
their Archewell Foundation is “Show Up, Do
Good”. But just how Harry plans to show up
and do good in a way that resonates for the
next 40 years is not clear — nor is where the
money will come from to sustain them. The
Spotify, Netflix and book agreements were
each reported to be multimillion-pound
deals — the exact amount is unknown
— and their lifestyle does not come cheap.
Girl with a Hat said…
Meghan, 43, remains Harry’s chief
sounding board. “Most things would be
impossible without you,” he wrote in Spare.
Also helping her husband figure out his
next move is Harry’s new chief of staff,
Josh Kettler, who joined his team earlier
this year and lives near the Sussexes in
Santa Barbara. Kettler is said to be “smart”,
business-minded and keen to co-ordinate
Harry’s various projects.
He accompanied the Sussexes to Nigeria
in May and is with the couple on a trip to
Colombia this month at the invitation of the
vice-president, Francia Márquez. Kettler
previously held executive roles with the
outdoor clothing brand Patagonia and
Lionsgate Films, and describes himself
as an “avid trail runner and skier and a
steadfast supporter of conservation and the
environment” as well as an “organiser and
confidant”. He may be just what Harry needs
— organiser and confidant is how several
of his more successful former courtiers
would describe themselves. Kettler has
been working with them on the Parents’
Network, the initiative they launched
through Archewell this month, promoting
child safety online. His biggest challenge,
however, will be focusing Harry on the
future rather than his past.
In an interview in 2016 the prince, who
once made his mark as the loveable rogue,
dutiful soldier and loyal servant of the
Crown, told me of his fears of becoming
irrelevant. “I’m in this privileged position
and I will use it for as long as I can, or until
I become boring, or until George ends up
becoming more interesting,” he said.
“There’s nothing worse than going through
a period in your life where you’re making a
massive difference and then suddenly, for
whatever reason it is — whether it’s media
or the public perception of you — you drop
off. You want to make a difference but no
one’s listening to you.”
As he prepares to turn 40, in his quest
to stay relevant, Harry will hope his once
captive audience doesn’t tune out.

The end
I had come across Barrister at Law and he/she seems legit.
My goodness so sad but believable.

One doesn't have to be a psychic to realise that the King's reign will not be a long one, although almost 20 years might have been possible if he'd had good genetic fortune.

I wonder if Catherine's treatment was delayed because there always seemed to be another reason for her weight loss, like being upset over the Harkles?
As for H, one can physically escape a tyrannical spouse without a financial settlement, but even if he could scrape together enough pocket money for a freedom flight back to the UK, it won't happen if he believes she's really holding children (any children) hostage.

Might he suddenly snap, like an abused wife? I almost wonder if that wouldn't be a bad thing. My heart aches for thee king and the Prince and Princess of Wales - nobody deserves the sort of treatment the evil duo have inflicted on them.

Whatever happens, it's going to be a bumpy ride for the next few years.

- and the BBC still persists in reporting this as a legit Royal Tour as in the lunchtime news on BBC1.
Sandie said…

If you scroll down at the above post, you will see one of the many examples of how they misinterpret and decieve. They have not drawn crowds, people weren't singing and dancing in the street (as they report on their Archwell website). DM has been going along with their PR with amazingly few articles and photos (the latter which are being sold for an eyewatering amount as a way to make a profit for the duo), but I suspect that the DM is now going to write an indepth article about the truth behind the PR.
Sandie said…
Yesterday they split up in front of the music school and walked in different directions. The whole cloud of security people followed Harry. Meghan was standing alone in the dust.
A comment from an anon. Has anybody ne senn a video or photos to verify this?
Sandie said…
An opinion from a non English speaker, so I have made some corrections (she used intuition and not her tarot cards):

Meghan is happy because she is surrounded by 3000 police officers. But this tour will turn against her. When people realize that the government has spent several hundred thousand euros while the country is collapsing under debt, violin (violence) and drugs. We will see them as profiteers of weak countries.

My opinion is that Harry is much more aware, he notices that there are (no) crowds and no logical direction for this tour.

I don't think there will be any profits on this tour because it was flat and boring.

I invite Harry to take stock of his life because it is taking a not very interesting turn.

Meghan is still stuck in her head of being a Diana except that no one sees her that way.
I am struck with her two-handed clasp, his obvious misery, and her ever-present glam smile on the last day ... because it reminds me so much of the last day of their South African tour.

He has looked miserable before, looked at her with contempt before ... but I think he will atill stick with her. Pa and William aren't taking his calls, despite the misinformation she feeds her favoured media outlets, so there is no one to rescue him.

I will venture over to Archwell to see the PR she is putting out.
Sandie said…

If anyone wants to view the delusional stuff they put on their website ... they describe their work as groundbreaking. How?
Sandie said…
However you did it, the way you posted that article, it has the perfect line length to make it easy to read in the new formatting of the comments. As you can see from this comment, I have not figured it out yet!
Humor Me said…
@WBBM - thank you for bringing up BarristerLawUSA on Twitter. I was gobsmacked when I read that post. The DM has not been posting photos of KCIII with regularity - it is like no news is good news. We are all guessing at what will the table talk be at Balmoral with none the wiser unless something leaks - and that will be taken with a grain of salt.
Yes - JCMH looked miserable on the Colombian tour. * cannot blame the photogs as she is controlling all the press.
The CDAN item about the former employee talking with employment attornies is the best read all week.
Sandie said…

She told the dish soap story again!
Sandie said…

There is a plethora of articles about her on DM site ... mostly gushing.
Maneki Neko said…

This DM headline sums it up perfectly
...'most locals are bewildered by why they're there - and even who they are: When you're dirt poor and live in fear of cartels, Sussex-like preoccupations are low-level concerns'
And elsewhere is was mentioned 'barely anyone turning up to see them'.

That's them cut down to size.
Fifi LaRue said…
I really hope this blog gets restored to its previous format. Thank you.
Sandie said…

Gossip: when Spotify ended their contract, she sued. They settled to avoid lengthy and expensive litigation.

Ameeicans how likely is it that they sued and it did not become public knowledge? Could they have sent a legal letter without actually filing a law suit?
I also hope the blog gets restored to what it was. It seems that recent updates caused a lot of problems but I can't find our specific problem in all the posts about formatting problems that I have read.

If you're feeling strong enough for a ghastly sight, there's an extraordinary photo of * here. The lighting does her no favours.
BTW regarding H being referred to as `HRH' in court:
In English law, there's a rule that court cases go on using titles and names as they were stated in the first application to the court, even if something has changed eg a name change by Deed Poll. or, in this instance, a princely style.
Girl with a Hat said…
I'm afraid the format of the blog will not change back to what it was. I know that Google has teams for each of their applications, and these teams need to justify their existence by tweaking the format and features or else they are deemed unnecessary to the organisation.
I think the reformatting was one of these situations.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I've seen the photo, thanks for the link. Not flattering, is it? I like one of the comments: 'Demure? More Iike manure...'
Girl with a Hat said…

Watch this video! It looks like that Colombian VP who invited the two losers made a physical charge towards * and was stopped by Hairball and a bystander
Girl with a Hat said…
ok, in that video, the innocent bystander is the VP's husband and it looks like * was hugging him a bit too often to his wife's liking. LOL
abbyh said…
maybe not go there ...
i believe in karma. i have seen it in my own life but omg this never ending soap opera has to have an end somehow and soon. is there no one inthis world we live in willing to investigate this pathetic never ending saga and bring it to a conclusion. it reminds me of those awful addictive american daily soap operas where it took three months of daily television to give birth and then the infant was in medical school three years later. i beg you someone out there put us all out of our misery. give us the scoop!!!
Artemisia19 said…
Holy Cow. She really stuck her foot in it. She has been hugging everything that walks during this one. It was a matter of time something like this was going to happen.
The video - at the end it looks as if the VP is waging her finger and saying `No! No! No!...' a few times and H is going `Are you OK , Darling?.

Diplomatic incident or what?
Artemisia19 said…
The VP actually charged at her. She was pissed. And rightly so. This woman has invited you to her country at great expense. You do not touch her husband.
Girl with a Hat said…
LOL. But she doesn't even represent Montecito, let alone the USA or the UK
I think that VP has learned her lesson.
Girl with a Hat said…
I know Americans love to hug but I don't like it. I only hug my family and close friends.
Girl with a Hat said…
from a comment over at CDAN by Texas Gal:

Very interesting take on the Colombia visit. Everything the Sussexes do is consistently inconsistent and ill-prepared. That's their real brand. Everything seems rushed and ill thought out.

So, per Beebs Kelley, M&H really wanted an invitation to host a panel or speak at a panel at the inaugural conference of the Global Ministerial Conference being held Nov 7-8 in Colombia and attended by WHO, UNICEF, and other humanitarian organizations. However, their application was turned down, rejected, because H&M were not of the same caliber as the other organizations, read not experts, not qualified. So, no invite (NFI sound familiar?)

So, the Jane Pauley CBS interview and the setup of the Parents Network were rushed out to support their application. All their hot topics the Parents Network profiled on their website were quickly made up to show evidence of their worthiness to the Conference. (They had anticipated their Nigerian trip would result in numerous invitations from countries but instead, no offers at all.) Instead they were left trying to prove their word salad input would be a great addition to the Conference with nothing to support such. Then they could plan their trip around the November dates of the conference. Oh goodie, this will work out perfectly!!

Well, when H&M were rejected by the conference, they wrote the VP of Colombia to get the decision appealed because they really wanted to be represented along with UNICEF and the World Health Organization!!. Just think of the prestige! But the VP had no sway whatsoever so the quick visit was created to happen now instead of in November. Then they put on their own faux panel the pajamas showed up to.

I wonder if perhaps the Chief of Staff quit over their duplicitous nature and rushing the application by fabricating things to fit their application?
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