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Gosh It Is Quiet In Here

 There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there?

But why?

Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. 

We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house.  And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them.

We've heard they bought a house on Portugal.  

But the wording was kind of funny.  Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source.  It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...".  It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets.  Or at least it did to me.

And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again.  Or pictures of the awesome inside.  Or outside.  Or requisite photo of the back of one of the kids in the garden.  Oh, wait.  The kids really don't seem to travel with them on most trips, vacation or otherwise.

Come to think of it, I don't remember them even visiting the country in their various travels but I have been wrong before so I could easily be wrong about this.  If they did, I was thinking it must have been a long time ago.  So why a house now?  Very few people buy a place sight unseen or with only a single visit.  A recent house sell convinced me of the magnitude of details.

Thinking about that, it would probably more likely be a time share or actual owned pad where it is about just the money changing hands as opposed to a condo like in NYC where you not only have to have the money but be able to pass the board (meaning they like you and think you will fit in as opposed to disliking you/turning down your application).  

Nothing more about any of the shows - cooking or deal similar to Spotify.  Or the retail arm for jam and other not yet specified products since that brief flurry of activity.  And the trademark issues (which I thought I remembered as a logo deal breaker).

Jan Moir (Daily Mail) points this out in a way I had not thought of.  Missing the Christmas panic buying and that clouding the title is a long existing company Royal Rivera who apparently is in the gift basket market.  

Fruit was their first foray but they expanded in many directions.  They also have smoked salmon, beef, vegan charcuterie, their own wine and more to cover any situation where some type of food is needed. Very trendy in terms of expensive with good quality items (how be it small portions it looks like - why else would they sell two lobster pot pies as a save you $20 deal?).  The jam doesn't have RR (but probably still is a proprietary product) on the label so they are correct that it could be confusing to a consumer.  

This company comes off as it looks like it is everything she might have wanted her company to be.  

Granted the couple seem to be doing their own thing now instead of lock-step movement.  A little flurry here or there.

Even so, it's almost like they both fell off the edge of the world.  Especially when you think about how they used to be here or there all the time with very few days passing without being in the press somewhere.  And with  photos.  

Maybe they are saving up for a Hail Mary Pass?  If so, what do you think that would look like?


abbyh said…
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OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, your latest oeuvre was tremendous.
Broken bowl, haha!
Wearing a poppy: when I saw he was wearing a poppy to appear before NATO I became filled with actual rage. Thank you for also noticing. How dare he.
OCGal said…
Nutties, I haven’t yet listened to this particular blog post by the adorable and even-handed Cheere Denise, but was surprised to see her covering H & M and children.

If her previous blog posts are any indication, this will be good:

Cheere Denise has been presenting synopses of an eye-opening book on Ethel Skakel Kennedy, and each section and chapter has been terrific so far. Highly recommended. Thus I imagine she will be an enjoyable listen about H & M at the link I provided.
Humor Me said…
Thank you for a new thread. IMHO - this is the lull before the storm.
abbyh said…

Or maybe the storm finally arrives or maybe it is more the culmination of prior decisions (say regarding taxes, maybe salaries to employees not as expected, contracts we know nothing about or similar) lurking about and suddenly coming out into the public view and all because of what they did/didn't do. The straw breaking the log jam? and, legally without an "accidental leak".
Maneki Neko said…
There's a new edition (hardback) of a DM journalist's biography of Charles: 'Charles III: New King. New Court.' ... 'Among the new revelations is how Prince Harry’s determination to doggedly pursue legal action against the Home Office over its decision to withdraw his round-the-clock security when he quit royal duties has driven a wedge between father and son.The King fears that if he repairs his relationship with Harry he could be dragged into the case, placing him in ‘legal jeopardy’.

Again? Does H not know when to stop? (Obviously not). There is another article but it's under a paywall: 'Bombshell new book exposes 'fury' at Sussexes, exactly why King fears speaking to them AND why Harry refused to stay in Palace - plus why the monarch has finally cut off Andrew.'

I wonder what's brewing.

Girl with a Hat said…
To all nutties that want to read Daily Mail+ articles without paying a subscription - download the Epic browser and use it to read the article. It really bypasses the paywall for every article I've tried so far!
Girl with a Hat said…
It also seems to work for the paywall at the Daily Telegraph, The Times of London and the Financial Times. Happy reading!
Fifi LaRue said…
It appears that Hairy doesn't care much about publicity, but does want to hang onto Invictus. Notice that the hag didn't appear in the video with him. Madam Megabully's appearance at the hospital red carpet showed her in a very poor light. She appeared high/drunk or both. IMO Hairy has cut off funds to her so she has no money for PR, just basic living expenses. Hence, the red carpet crashing. Expect more event crashing from Megabully.
Ian's Girl said…
Is it possible Charles' condition is worse than we've been told, and these 2 idiots have finally realized they will be dealing with King William and Queen Catherine sooner than later? I've often thought Nutmeg had somehow convinced Gormless that they were being lied to about Her Majesty's health as part of some conspiracy to make them look bad or something. If it has finally dawned on them that the tables are about to turn, maybe they're trying to lay low? She's a Narc, but also an opportunist. Knows whoshe needs to suck up to.
@Iain's Girl - Anything's possible - I wouldn't expect us to be told how things stand until the very last minute when the inevitable is about to happen. At least, that's how such matters have been conducted in the past.
When George V died, a statement was issued that `The King's life is drawing peacefully to a close' - and it seems his doctor helped him along the way. When George VI died, however, it was unexpected and our new queen apparently had no appropriate clothes in which to arrive in London. Suitable black clothing had to be rushed to the plane.
The report that that Queen Camilla is concerned that he's pushing himself too hard imply that he's trying to pack in as much as he can while he can.
Doctors tend to say that `more men die with prostate cancer than of it' but that sounds glib to me.

Perhaps as, you suggest, it has penetrated their thick skulls that the King really is ill, that it's not a ploy to bring them to heel, and that William will be King sooner than they ever thought.
So they think it politic to behave themselves, just as long as necessary, to get back in the Royal Family's good books. I doubt very much if there's an iota of penitence on their part.

Ian's Girl said…
@WBBM, it does make me wonder. And I agree, no pentinence whatsoever, just scrambling for best possible outcomes and benefit. Perhaps a slow but steady realization that the bridges they've burnt with William will never be rebuilt. Harry of all people knew he was incinerating those bridges with his book and the Oprah and consequent interviews but he and Nutmeg thought they were going to be mega superstars, outshining and eclipsing the entire BRF, so he wasn't concerned.

I think he is very concerned now. He sees that they are far from superstardom. He sees the size of the crowds they get, he hears the boos, he compares the movie " premiere" they went to in Jamaica with the lavish, VIP affairs he was used to, etc.

Now, he may well still be blaming racism or think that his family is using their influence to keep them from succeding; I'm sure they both probably do believe that to some extent. They're both pretty full of themselves. But the reality has to be setting in. Regardless of why they aren't succeeding, it is impossible for them to deny, and even more frightening to realize that things will only get worse once William ascends his throne..... and Catherine is wearing all those gorgeous, historical tiaras!
Girl with a Hat said…
over at CDAN, there's a comment that says that Hairy has no friends, not because of what he did publicly but what he says privately, which is allegedly completely disgusting.
Fifi LaRue said…
IMO Harry has never had any real friends. He's had friends due to his social standing; however, the story about Harry pushing young women into a pool at a party was probably standard behavior for him. He was tolerated because he was related to the Monarch, and that was the only reason he was invited to society parties. Maybe he's grown up a bit being married to the world's worst biaitch. Someone who's been drunk/high for much of their teen and young adult years does not gather worthy friends.
Girl with a Hat said…
The comments make it sound like Hairy is implying that Charles was sexually abusing him.
Hikari said…
I might be ostriching but I saw CR. & C’s Royal tour as a positive sign that Charles is bouncing back. He was in fine good humor and looked well to me;,he has aged a great deal in recent years but I thought he looked relaxed and happy in Samoa. Pushing himself too hard has been his MO since he became Prince of Wales, something Camilla would be well used to. This “report” of her concerns could be so much scare-mongering. Charles may be a softer personality than either of his parents but constitutionally, he’s got genes and a lifetime of training on his side. Would his doctors really have cleared him for a demanding foreign tour if they didn’t think he was up for it? Charles has always been. a restless personality and I think he has just determined that he’s got far too much he still wants to do to be ill. We are coming up on 10 months since he got his diagnosis, and after the bare minimum of tint off from Royal duties, he really hasn’t slowed down visibly. God save the King.
Girl with a Hat said…
Camilla is suffering from a chest infection and has cancelled her duties for the day
Ian's Girl said…
Girl with a hat, I agree. And if it wasnt so despicable, it would be laughable. He's been whining forever that Charles was never around, and never gave him physical affection, now he's decided he was molested. 🤣🤣🤣
Ian's Girl said…
Hikari, I like the way you think!
Girl with a Hat said…
Will Trump deport Hairy? We can only hope.
Humor Me said…
Does anyone have a photo of a for sale sign in front of the Montecieto mansion post election?
OCGal said…
@Bella22, you wrote “They don’t even seem embarrassed for their incompetence!”

Right you are. I am convinced they are incapable of shame, embarrassment, self-reflection, honor, doing anything at all without expecting kudos and proclamations of greatness.

As someone else mentioned, their sole winning accomplishment is managing to destroy every endeavor they undertake. They rate 100% as failures.

Would that they would just disappear off our radar screens into boring obscurity, but to them such an anonymous existence would be a fate worse than death.
Girl with a Hat said…
There's an article in DM+ about this
Maneki Neko said…
With Trump now voted in, what does it mean for Harry's visa?
Girl with a Hat said…
ALISON BOSHOFF: Market it like Meghan Markle! Duchess hopes to flog her the mall
PUBLISHED: 17:40 EST, 7 November 2024 | UPDATED: 17:48 EST, 7 November 2024

Is the Duchess of Sussex’s next home going to be... a shopping mall?

Meghan, who is preparing to launch her lifestyle brand American Riviera Orchard, may soon be seen in two mega-malls in Dallas, Texas and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania under the ‘Netflix House’ umbrella.

The duchess has made a cookery TV series for the streamer Netflix, which was filmed in April and May in California.

The unnamed show is due out early next year, and its debut will mark lift-off for her American Riviera Orchard brand, which is to sell homewares like china and glasses and consumables like jams and rosé.

The expectation is that she will be selling a cookbook on the back of the show, too — and whispers suggest it is more of a lifestyle guide to entertaining, hosting and elegant living than a classic ‘Delia Smith’ style collection of recipes.
Netflix is in charge of the American Riviera Orchard merchandising operation, which is going to lean into the duchess’s status as a ‘beacon’ of aspiration and inspiration.

She is to be sold as an arbiter of affordable elegance — and the bet is that Meghan fans will snap up everything from corkscrews to pillow cases.

By happy chance, Netflix will be opening the perfect homes to showcase this brand early next year, in the form of two more-than-shops in those mega-malls (the King Of Prussia... or KOP... in Pennsylvania and Galleria Dallas).

Called Netflix House, each will have interactive experiences based upon shows — such as a chance to participate in a real-life Squid Game (minus the, er, killing), taking tea in a Bridgerton café, having a Knives Out murder mystery dinner and enjoying ice cream at Scoops Ahoy, the parlour in Stranger Things.

There will also be a physical point of sale for all merchandise based on Netflix hit shows — which Meghan will be hoping includes her high-profile foodie offerings. Maybe they will even do a pop-up American Riviera Orchard bakery or café?

The streamer is dominant in the market and describes itself as Generation Alpha’s favourite brand, which is a big claim.

Chief marketing officer Marian Lee said that the big-scale Netflix House experiences would be the ‘next generation’ of their strategy, which aims to lure consumers off their sofas, and may yet end up being the future of theme parks.

Netflix has already launched more than 50 ‘experiences’ in venues around the world.

The company applied to trademark Netflix House within a week of Meghan registering for the American Riviera Orchard marque at the US Trademarks and Patents Office, via her Delaware-based company Mama Knows Best.

Girl with a Hat said…

Documents show that Netflix House is nearly at the finish line for its trademark – while Meghan’s application has hit a series of snags and objections.

Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: Wow! Megabully put that out. She's clearly and hopelessly delusional.
Magatha Mistie said…

Merchant of Menace

Hardly Harrods or Bloomingdale’s
Netflix store
desperate for sales
Her pop-up shop slop
more jam on her face
Trader Hoe’s flop
just watch this space
I’ve said it before
let’s wait and see
The end of her days
nightly QVC…

Magatha Mistie said…


All that spieling to
Haute Couture
Didn’t pay off
non de rigueuer
No Dior duster
or Chanel chamois cloth
Just jam and latte
couverture froth…

Magatha Mistie said…


All that spieling
to Haute Couture
Didn’t pay off
non de rigueuer
No Dior duster
or Chanel chamois cloth
Just jam and latte
couverture froth…

Magatha Mistie said…

@GWAH, Maneki, Vetus and OCGal
Cheers me dears 😘
The times they are a-changin’

Where’s Sandie?

Girl with a Hat said…
Sandie gave up on this site because she was the only one posting for a time.
abbyh said…
I saw that too. But ... yeah but ... I see some problems.

Has the title conflict about Royal Riviera and American Riviera been resolved? That was hanging things up for ownership of the name at the trademark and patents office. RR has been around forever. They aren't going to go away.

Thinking about the diversity of what products to be offered - it seems to be all over the map. Cook books, prepared food, dog leashes or collars. You have to sell an awful lot of each to be profitable. I know that NYC and Dallas are high end places to live the successful image (go big or go home) but still, is there enough market share outside the two cities to pull off a real grab for another cookbook on the shelf which is by someone who was in the monarchy five years ago. Or new dog collars or leashes? Flashy probably but there already a lot of flashy dog needs already out there where they are now experienced with fighting with each other for market share.

Might it have been an easier transition to start with one product and let it be the test for expansion?

hmm. They applied for the Netflix House close to AR's timing. So ... at that point in time, someone thought it was a good enough deal to green light it. I wonder if they still do.

For the baroness to commercially succeed in any endeavour would mean hard work, pleasant selling personality and willingness to accept ideas and advice of her coworkers (underlings). I don't want to sound heartless but somehow I very much doubt she is capable of any of those things.

Her track record is internationally known by now.

Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for livening up the blog with the Merchant of Menace and Giveninch, we need a bit of fun, those two are so dreary.


You don't sound heartless at all. The baroness doesn't know the meaning of hard work, pleasant personality anda 'willingness to accept ideas and advice of her coworkers'. She's starting many projects but as she ever brought one to completion? Apart for getting her claws into Harry, that is.

OKay said…
@Maneki Neko Arguably, she didn't complete that either. Yes, he married her, but she hasn't got ANY of what she thought the marriage would bring her.
Magatha Mistie said…

Full Throattle

Working her passage
fore and aft
‘til she hooked a prince
who was known to be daft
Yachtie tottie, a figure-head
tied him in knots
anchored to her bed…

Did baron and baroness Kilkeel travel to Colombia with remembrance poppies THREE MONTHS AGO just to publish their latest drivel just before the festivities of the Memorial Day?!? Harry says clearly they are in Colombia.

How magnanimous and royal of them.
abbyh said…
I was wondering about the poppies and how they connected the topic of the of protecting children to armed forces/veterans.
Catherine looks stunningly beautiful tonight. She does have such gorgeous hair!

Daily mail is now attacking the baroness hard. What is going on?

A grotty yachtie potty totty ? Spotty as well under all that slap.

Your's is still the very best though!
Elskainga said…
Abbyh- If I remember correctly, America Riviera could not be used as a trademark as it is a geographical area already in use for decades and a high percentage of her products must therefore be sourced from that region. Madame can’t even get her faux royal logo approved plus the ARO trademark, so I guess she’ll have to start from scratch.
Once * realizes the amount of permitting, fees, certifications both state and federal, inspections, regulations etc it takes to sell food products (dog biscuits included) across state lines, she’ll drop the idea faster than the arrival of ants at a summer picnic. No CEO, no product manager, no business acumen, no inspirational reputation to be the face of ARO. DOA
Elskainga said…
Funny. I read somewhere that Mudslide Mansion has been up for sale for two years as a private pocket listing with no bites. I’m sure they’d like to make a profit on the house but realistically, that house is a tear down and the land value is reduced as it’s in a mudslide/fire zone/smelly bird sanctuary zone. They will be lucky to recoup what they paid.
Elskainga said…
I saw on Reddit a poster use the term ‘megnifesting’ with regards to this article. Notice the verb tense when the author writes about NF House, it’s all in simple or future perfect tense. NF House is happening. When nut job is mentioned, the tense switches to the conditional, e.g., may, would. * is manifesting that NF will let her sell her cheap wares and maybe a pop-up cafe at some locations. Really ridiculous because she has no products to sell except leftover 40x40 hats &tshirts.
Elskainga said…
So, I’ve read lots of comments on both Reddit and X that this video which included a talk about online safety and Harry’s talk for Scotty’s Little Soldiers, was filmed at Mudslide Manor. Harry did mention ‘here in Colombia’ but that was to make it seem they were actually invited to speak at the conference which they were not. There is some video, maybe by a squad member, that shows H&*’s video being played at the conference but the editing was so poor that one could see a part of the presentation they cut out. Just pathetic

We do know that H&* tried to get the VP of Colombia to persuade the UN and WHO?? to invite Archewell as a participant of this International Conference happening this weekend in Colombia. The VP had no say in the conference organization and Archewell has no track record in making a difference. In my opinion, this was the main reason she went on a ‘tour’ of Colombia.
A lot of end of year activity for Archewell as the annual summary of great charitable works is due in December.
OCGal said…
@Elskainga, in your last comment you have unwittingly just created the perfect name for the Doucheass’ product line:


I think you should send her your invoice, but if their previously unlimited free-flowing funds are now as slow as molasses in January, as some pundits say, you may have difficulty being paid what is owed you.


I’m still thinking on this. Say out loud “American Riviera Orchard” the tongue-twister, next say the letters “A R O D O A” and see how mellifluous Elskainga’s new brand name lightly rolls off the tongue. It’s a winner!
Girl with a Hat said…
Interesting things happening over at Sentebale…

Andrew Tucker, a long term friend of Harry has resigned, as has Baroness Lynda Chalker, just weeks apart. 🧐

It seems even long term people, are stepping away from anything to do with the Harry & Meghan including Dominic Reid.
OCGal said…
Nutties, this styling head of the Doucheass is a laugh-riot, but I must warn you, it could cause nightmares. Brace yourselves.

BTW, Justin Welby's cope is on a very `shoogly peg' at the moment, over the way he has handled, or rather not handled, a very nasty case of long-term and multiple histories of sadistic abuse by one individual connected with the Church.
I daresay the details will be all over the Press so I'll spare you here.
There are loud calls for his resignation which so far he has refused to do..
It bears out, I think, our view of his poor judgement.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I saw that yesterday. It has to be bad when a bishop (the bishop of Newcastle) said his position was untenable. I'm not surprised he won't resign, his type never do, they don't have any integrity. As you said, this shows his very poor judgement.
It has just been reported that Welby has cleared his diary for the day (GBNs). No mention of whether he's cleared his desk...
Maneki Neko said…
'Harry's new five-part Netflix documentary titled Polo is set to be released soon and will shine the spotlight on elite global players of the sport.' (DM)
Five part? Is each one an hour long? Half an hour? I wonder how you can have something that long on polo. It doesn't sound riveting. It'll probably be as successful as their other endeavours...
A puke-inducing headline from Hello! :
`Prince Harry releases statement after missing family reunion in London'
Family-reunion my foot!
TheGrangle said…
Welby has resigned. I couldn't be more delighted and lets hope the CNC manage to find a comitted Christian to replace him.
OKay said…
It was just reported that he has resigned. Obviously it's the right thing to do, but I suspect there was a LOT of pressure on him to do it.
Maneki Neko said…
I've just seen that Welby has resigned. Jumped before he was pushed, no doubt, as he didn't see why she should resign. Inept, weak and arrogant. Good riddance.

Well, he says he's going to fall on his sword - I just wish it was with immediate effect
According to
`It was not immediately clear when the archbishop would leave his post.'

He is reported as saying , among other things, that
`"I believe that stepping aside is in the best interests of the Church of England."
"It is my duty to honour my constitutional and Church responsibilities," he said. "So exact timings will be decided once a review of necessary obligations has been completed."

I suggest there's a whole psychological thesis to be written about those who clam to be stepping `aside' when the truth is that they are stepping `down'. Perhaps, being interpreted, it means `I may be quitting under shady circumstances but in no way is it a reflection on me and I expect to be treated with the same respect as previously and I demand to be accorded the same status.'

Maneki Neko said…
I hope Welby's resignation doesn't absolve him of guilt of his dereliction of duty for failing to report a prolific sex abuser's crimes.
He also became close to the Harkles, which, again, shows a serious lack of judgement.
Midge said…
It appears Welby has been markled.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Maneki: The "shine a spotlight" reeks of Madam Megabully. It's fake. I highly doubt NF is going to show Hairy's polo series after being called an effing grifter. Madam must be spending her allotted grocery money to get that PR out.
Hikari said…
I agree, the psychological malady being “Refusal to accept accountability for one’s own firing.” Or as a particularly direct expression this side of the Pond goes…”getting s**** - canned’. “Stepping Aside” sounds like exactly what it is — dodging the bullet of admitting publicly that they have been booted out. Face-saving measure to paper over the brutal reality. I find that people who decide of their own accord to leave a post have the stones to say they are “stepping down.” Leaving a post is only negative if it wasn’t our own idea.

It’s the absence of the direct “stepping down”/resigning language in tge Suxxits’ Megxit statement that convinces me that the late Queen fired them and forced them to step back…all the way back to North America.

Welby’s resignation amid a “damning report” is on the U.S. evening news as I write.

Welby is smarmy, waspish and a self professed agnostic. He never should have been appointed. He is a false minister.

Midge—it took 6.5 years but it finally caught up to him, praise God.
Girl with a Hat said…
Copies going Spare! Prince Harry's new paperback version of his autobiography sits in 73rd place in book charts after selling just 3,400 in its second week
Girl with a Hat said…
Adria English in a new interview with Lionel B says that she was trafficked to Prince Harry 😳😳
Maneki Neko said…
* is trying to buy friendships in Hollywood, it seems. Does she think people won't see through her?
Magatha Mistie said…


He’s not Royal but Peculiar
Bells and whiffles fondly fecular
Fell from grace on the road to Babylon
The Primature Ejacular
An Archbishop who is secular
A devilish divine

Magatha Mistie said…

Commedia Dell Tart

He’s behind her
of course
Rear end of Meh’s
Pantomime horse
Dame Twanky also known as
Mother Goose
Megxits stage left with
Wuss in Cahoots…

Magatha Mistie said…

We’ll have the last laugh!
@WildBoar @Midge
He doesn’t appear to be copeing very welby
I too believe our late Queen booted them out
The velvet slipper

Maneki Neko said…
Is there anyone * is not friends with? Now it's her 'friend' and A-lister hairdresser Kadi Lee, who's launched her 'new Highbrow Hippie hair wellness range, which Meghan has invested in.' Not only did she invest in Clevr coffee, now she's investing in a wellness range. I wonder how much money she has to invest. Maybe she wants to branch out and do a wellness range like Gwyneth?? And she's draping herself over her new friend in the photos, like she used to with Jessica Mulroney.

Kadi Lee has famous Hollywood clients, so is this a cynical attempt for * to try and get close to them?

In case you were wondering how this hairdressing salon might be different, here is your answer: 'Highbrow Hippie was created to fill a void. Our goal is to expand the definition of a salon and return to its historical meaning - a gathering place to exchange thoughts and ideas.

'Creating a sense of community, self care and a way to drop out for a few hours and focus on yourself. ' etc. Personally, I got to the hairdresser to get my hair done, not for an exchange of ideas and a sense of community. How pretentious, no wonder * supports this venture.
abbyh said…
'Creating a sense of community, self care and a way to drop out for a few hours and focus on yourself. ' etc.

How will this be profitable?

Sure they will be offering spa stuff. How is that really different than most of the spas out there? A lot of them around here now have doctors (with their own line of "must have skin care") associated with them to signify they are not just a nail salon with a few spa offerings at a fantastic address.

For me, getting a sense of community reminds me of when I drop in the good yarn shop and there are all these little older ladies who are just sitting around on the chairs and sofas, knitting mainly but some crochet, talking to each other about their family, what they are planning for dinner or to go on vacation (with or without the grands). Knit books instead of assorted fashion magazines.

Girl with a Hat said…
Hairy is attending the Grey Cup in Vancouver, Canada. It's the professional (American) football championship in Canada. The first ever football game, by the way, was played by McGill University versus Harvard. The Canadian game is slightly different to the American. Three downs instead of 4, a slightly shorter field, etc.

This year, the Toronto Argonauts are playing the Winnipeg Blue Bombers for the championship. The name of the cup comes from the person who donated it, Lord Grey, who was Governor-General of Canada, and donated a cup, similar to the one that Lord Stanley donated for hockey and which we all know as the Stanley Cup.

He doesn't seem to be surrounded by as much security as in the past.
Girl with a Hat said…
*'s photo was airbrushed before Getty Images sold it to the media.
here are before and after photos at the same event.
Girl with a Hat said…
more of Hairy acting like a likable person at the Grey cup
Girl with a Hat said…
here is a critique of his television appearance at the Grey Cup game pre-show
Like other Nutties of more than a certain age, I'll never forget the image of the three heavily veiled Queens at the lying in state of King George VI.
Even in 1952, it seemed old-fashioned, anachronistic even.

When I thought about it though, it was understandable. The Victorian veils protected the Royal ladies from having to display drawn faces or tear-reddened eyes to the public and the cameras, although nobody then would have trumpeted publicly about whether or not they looked devastated, too cheerful , or aged.

Girl with a Hat said…

OCGal said…
Nutties, Reddit just led me to this true-to-life Meghan Bride doll for sale on Facebook Marketplace, and it is spot on, with the infamous wrinkled, ill-fitting gown, oversized teeth, gurning fake smile, and disgusting messy coiffure.

If anyone dared give such a nightmarish doll to my child, I would consider it an unforgiveable act and frank declaration of war.
Girl with a Hat said…
There were comments on X that people were booing Hairy in Vancouver. Looking at the clips I posted earlier, do you think that was booing?
Girl with a Hat said…
a good pic of Hairy's hair status.
Girl with a Hat said…
I suffered so now you will too. Bwahahahaha
-from OK!
`In one moment from the book, Prince Harry, 40, recalled how he issued an urgent plea to Meghan as she visited India with children's poverty charity, World Vision, to promote gender equality. Ahead of the trip, the royal recalled how he advised Meghan, 43, to stay away from one particular photo opportunity... the Duke of Sussex warned Meghan, who was still working as an actress at the time, to avoid having her picture taken in front of the landmark - something which left her confused as she was unaware of the original snap.

“Do not take a photo in front of the Taj Mahal. She’d asked why and I’d said: My mum. I’d explained that my mother had posed for a photo there, and it had become iconic, and I didn’t want anyone thinking Meg was trying to mimic my mother,” he wrote in his memoir. “Meg had never heard of this photo, and found the whole thing baffling, and I loved her for being baffled.” '

Do you believe this? He may have asked her but I smell another Markle untruth.
Girl with a Hat said…
I think that was written by unreMarkle-able
Girl with a Hat said…

Royal Gossip 🇬🇧
Meghan’s insisting on being part of Harry’s peace talks with his family. Even after everything she’s said about the royals, she won’t let him rebuild ties without her because she’s clinging to relevance and money. What a desperate woman.
Starting peace talks with Harry? The King and the Duke of Wales?

Well maybe they are meeting in the court in January discussing Harry's accusations and demands. Because Harry can demand William's private correspondence as evidence if his lawyers come to think about it.
Ladies, have you ever dreamed caressing a handsome man's hair, you know like Jared Padalecki?

And then Harry?

Girl with a Hat said…
There have been rumours that the US is paying for the Harkles' security. Does anyone believe this? I think the US taxpayers will be very upset if they find out it's true.
Girl with a Hat said…
is this a naked Hairy?
abbyh said…
I am hearing that the UK is considered to be participating in the war by Russia. I would love to be wrong.
Magatha Mistie said…

Singalong 🎤
Apologies: Conway Twitty youtube
It’s Only Make Believe

Beggars Belief

She drops in everywhere
And hopes someone will care
She can’t quite Conceive
We know it’s only fake deceive

Her one and homely spare
the Dope she hooked with snare
Her tropes and screams he’ll rue
he hasn’t got a clue
By now he must know
she’s such a so-and-so
Her only care he’ll see
is for herself me me
It’s all only take receive…

Girl with a Hat said…
Is this an old photo from his Vegas escapades or is it from any Diddy related activities?
Girl with a Hat said…
Connection was a common theme at Meghan Markle’s holiday dinner, which, through the Southern California chapter of the Archewell Foundation’s Welcome Project, brought together the women of Mina’s List—an organization that empowers women in the fields of politics and human rights.

In a exclusive interview, the Duchess of Sussex sat down with 'Marie Claire' to discuss the project and more. Click the link to read more.

(she's dressed in brown wrinkled linen with bare arms again)
Maneki Neko said…
Me too but sadly with the 'leaders' we have, anything is possible.
Thank you for entertaining the troops as usual. @Magatha
Girl with a Hat said…
Meghan reveals she 'can't wait' to celebrate the holidays with Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 3, as she hosts Thanksgiving cook-up for Afghan women

She suddenly remembers that she has children, allegedly.
abbyh said…
Oh. Well. That's a twisty kind of financial interesting. Eh, with them, it's always something (and things don't always seem to make 4 from 2 + 2. And I had some of that new math).
Maneki Neko said…
'Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's charity The Archewell Foundation has surprisingly delayed releasing its latest tax return online.

The charity raised eyebrows when MailOnline reported that $4million had not been declared in Archewell's last tax return, which is called a 990 form, with sources close to the Sussexes insisting that it would appear in the following year’s filing.

However, while the Mail understands the charity filed the new 990 form to the IRS last week on November 15, there is no sign of the tax return on Archewell's website.

Instead, MailOnline understands Archewell has promised it will be publicly released up to three weeks after the IRS's deadline in the week starting with December 2.' . . .

Always something shady with these two.

Elskainga said…
abbyh- The 990 forms for the year 2023 were due on May 15, 2024 so they must have filed a 6 month extension which makes the Archewell forms due November 15, 2024. Missing the deadline is an automatic red flag for the IRS which could trigger an audit and there will be fines for late filing. This indicates to me that Archewell has no employees as their filings should be easy to complete( the ‘charity’ doesn’t do much). Or the money juggling from one account to another is shady and missing. Any 501c3 charity must make their financial filings public so there is no hiding for the Archewell grift.
Elskainga said…
Maneki Neko- The Harkles make it sound as if they are doing the public a favor by releasing their 2023 filings. They MUST by law publish the filings for public viewing to maintain charity status.

Archewell as a 501c3 charity is to bring in donations, use said $$ within the scope of their mission statement -It’s simple, do good, barf- and be accorded tax-free status as they are doing public work in place of the government. That said, I see very high administrative expenses and small amounts of donations thus it’s a grift for the twats to live on tax-free money. Charity Navigator lists Archewell as not rated. Not enough data, not enough donations, not enough activity, whatever, but after four years. Hmmmm
Girl with a Hat said…
A comment of mine seems to have disappeared. Oh, well!
I was saying that the DM has been seen to recycle stories about * attending Pippa's wedding dinner and celebration. That happened before the traitors were married.
I know it's in the media's interest to stir up the public's animosity about her, so that they can increase their views of the article, but is there reallly nothing new they can write about?
Why don't the media have a counter of how many days since the last sighting of the invisikids, for example, rather than dredging up something that happened years ago?
I know that the libel laws in Britain are quite strict but that doesn't mean they can't allude to the rumours that they are living separate lives or other more actual stories.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

Yes, there has been a flurry of articles on * and Hi the DM. The latest is an article on Queen Mary of Denmark: 'Following in the footsteps of the Duchess of Sussex and Queen Camilla, Queen Mary of Denmark has announced that her foundation is launching a podcast about 'loneliness' among young people.'
I daresay Mary will be professional and will make a success of it. There is no comparison with Camilla or*. Mary had to learn a new language and integrate and has always looked well dressed, regal and has acted with decorum. Chalk and cheese.
KnitWit said…
Markle yak hair wellness? Really? Time to hack the yak and go natural. She may get some positive press.
KnitWit said…
Press has been highlighting H's bald head. Terrible look.
According to Cosmo, There's a `shockingly tense' relationship between Princess of Wales and HM the Queen, because the latter `doesn't want to give up being the Queen' reportedly, from a `Royal Source' .
Has anyone read the the article? It sounds like the usual load of rubbish but I don't want to click on it.
I can see that were C to be widowed, she couldn't be `Queen Mother' - but she'd still be a queen. George V's widow was usually simply referred to as `Queen Mary' , the `mother' handle was needed after George VI died as there were now 2 queens called Elizabeth.
The issue reminds me of the recent `report' that Timothy West's widow, Prunella Scales `won't inherit the family home' - they'd sold their previous house and apparently had been renting. Nothing to get excited about.
Elskainga said…
WBBm- Cosmo has never had the reputation of having strong journalistic credentials, just embellished fluff. In my opinion, if QC were to outlive KC3 she would want to live quietly near her children & grandchildren. Camilla may keep up with a few patronages but she’s up there in years and is ready for retirement & well-deserved tranquility. .
Girl with a Hat said…
TMZ is reporting that Prince Harry has in fact moved into his father's $6 million New York City condo.

And that after he left for solo trips mid September to NYC and Africa he's never returned home.
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: Well now, thanks to TMZ, Megabully knows where to find Harold.
Girl with a Hat said…
I haven't seen this over at TMZ though.
Magatha Mistie said…

Debit Downers

When will it end
Asking for a friend
When the money runs out
Without a doubt
Until then we’ll
have to endure
The machinations of
Agents Provocateurs..

Maneki Neko said…
I didn't know anything about Charles buying property in NYC so I googled it. He did buy a condo, however it doesn't appear to be for his personal use.

'Buyer: "His Majesty the King in Right of Canada, Represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs"

The deed was signed by Robert McCubbing, the senior trade commissioner and director of trade and investment at the Canadian consulate in New York. McCubbing explained that it's standard procedure for the King's name to be used on legal documentation because Canada is a constitutional monarchy and he's the Head of State of Canada.
It's unclear if the King will ever reside in the condo. Buckingham Palace has not provided any comments on the matter. '

'McCubbing told The New York Post that Global Affairs Canada bought the unit to use as "the Official Residence for the Consulate General of Canada in New York." Although King Charles is listed on related documents, McCubbing said doing so is a standard practice because Canada is part of the Commonwealth'.13 Jul 2024

It's doubtful whether Harry is staying there, or maybe until the Canadian consul moves in, if he hasn't already.

OKay said…
Happy Thanksgiving to all the U.S. Nutties!
Girl with a Hat said…
I don't think that is solely for Canadian governmental use. Unlike what most people believe, there isn't much interaction between the Canadian government and the UK royals. I have yet to even see any Canadian currency with Charles' face on it.
OCGal said…
I echo OKay’s fine sentiment: Happy Thanksgiving to all U.S. Nutties.
Cheers to all!
Maneki Neko said…
Quelle surprise !

'Meghan Markle suffers another blow to American Riviera Orchard as she asks US Patent office for 'more time' to correct her trademark application

Meghan Markle has asked US authorities for more time to get her lifestyle brand off the ground.

The Duchess of Sussex's legal team have asked US authorities for an extension in her attempts to secure a trademark for her American Riviera Orchard brand.

She first applied for the trademark for her jams and homemade goods in summer - but it was rejected in August due to issues with the filing.
Meghan was then given three months to address errors and challenges to the application.

She has now asked for another three months to complete this. If the deadline is missed the application will need to be started again.'
The rest in the DM. How much more time does she need? Any project of hers has been slipshod, with incomplete information or not submitted in a timely manner. I thought she had a 'forensic attention to detail'? You could have fooled me.

Girl with a Hat said…
I just came here to say the same to the Americans among us. Happy Thanksgiving! May your turkey be moist!
OKay said…
@GWAH We have coins with the King's profile on them! Haven't seen any bills yet, but we don't usually deal in cash anyway.
More and more stories about the baroness comes out and not positive ones and Richard Eden (Daily Mail) says Harry would be welcome back home if he would stop earning private money.

King Charles may want his son back but what about his subjects?

It must be horrible for the King that after all the years he waited to start his reign his younger son has totally ruined it for him.

Girl with a Hat said…
from the same article:

She first applied for the trademark for her jams and homemade goods in the summer - but the bid was rejected in August due to issues with the filing.

Meghan was then given three months to address errors and challenges to the application.

She has now asked for another three months to complete this. If the deadline is missed, the application will need to be started again.

Meghan first lodged documents with the US Patent and Trademark Office earlier this year but suffered an embarrassing blow when the forms were not filled in correctly.
Girl with a Hat said…
Oops, this was the important part:

Remarkably, the application wasn't even signed and she didn't send enough money.
Magatha Mistie said…


Ripped jeans and sayonzara
Denied a green tiara
Wears variegated shades of
shitty brown
Price tag hanging from
ill-suited dress
Demi-tasse red frock
a bloody mess
Pit stains, short shorts
and romper suits
Eyelash glue and
balding wig roots
Hertz bronze quilted eiderdown
Lest we forget
plain awful wedding gown…

Magatha Mistie said…

Poisoned ARO

How hard is it to sign a form
pay the fee
for most the norm
Unless they’re trying
to buy time
‘cos ARO route
ain’t worth a dime…

Magatha Mistie said…

Riven Rock bottom

With a flick of her wrist
and adiosable thumb
She fled the RF
with a boot up her bum
Wasn’t by choice
of that I am sure
Hardly had time to
stash and procure
Merching along
to the beat of her own drum
She’s hardly thriving
despite the maelstrom..

Ian's Girl said…
Surely there isn't a problem with Henry making private money, but rather how he chooses to do so? No more tell-all books, no more pimping out his titles, position, etc., and certainly no exploiting the children for financial gain.

I just don't see Madam going out quietly in to the night, however. I think they can probably pull the Monarchy card with the kids, if that custody bit is still on the books, but I don't think Charles has enough money to buy her off, and it would be money wasted anyway ; she has no sense of honor and would take the money and do exactly what she was forbidden to do. I know the BRF have top attorneys and perhaps they have enough dirt on her to keep her in line. I personally don't think she'd fight much for the kids, assuming they exist, of course! A few weeks in the summer and every other Christmas would be fine with her, as long as they let her save face by invoking the Monarch has ultimate custody of any grandchildren clause.
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, thanks for the three great poems today.

As per usual, you knocked ‘em out of the park!
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the latest. Demi-monde and Riven Rock bottom
sum her up. Loved Poisoned ARO, you're so witty x
abbyh said…
I have looked and do not see anything new in spam where they go if the system decides if there is some problem.

I saw some some posted by you earlier (not today).

The problem with the spam folder for me (does not apply here) is you don't get notified of them if you are getting them downloaded. They are marked to be ok to be published and then they are on the blog. So if I mark it as publish, you have to know to look for it and that it is now up.

What the system does does not make sense to me. The list of rules was found there once.
Girl with a Hat said…
Ok, here we go again, with this comment - 3rd time lucky?

I read on Thursday at CDAN that one commenter said that Angela Levin, the royal reporter, had reported earlier that the duo are separated.

I don't know if she meant separated physically by distance, or separated legally matrimonially. Has anyone read that story by Angela Levin?

What do you make of his, chaps? HGT publishing what he says is a recording of TOW on the blower to him. Phoney or is she really this crazy?
Girl with a Hat said…
ok, Angela Levin is in this youtube video and addresses this question in the first few minutes - it's a "professional separation" - words out of *'s mouth, apparently
Girl with a Hat said…
This is so funny, I had to share

In response to this question:

What has Meghan Markle achieved since leaving the Royal Family?

This commenter responds:

"She grew a massive vein on her forehead and still didn’t get offered any Klingon speaking parts."
Girl with a Hat said…

Lady C

"If they used a surrogate, admit it" Meghan Markle's father casts doubt on birth of Archie & Lilibet' is the title of an interview
recently had with Samantha Markle that has been posted by Dan Wootton Outspoken on YouTube. I'd recommend that everyone who has an interest in the matter have look at it. It is very telling and makes many pertinent points. One wonders when this farcical boil on the posterior of the British Nation will be suitably lanced. Harry and Meghan have made a mockery of all of us, from The King to the humblest Briton, and I am not alone in believing that We The People have a right to be assured that all the individuals in the immediate line of succession are incontrovertibly entitled to that inclusion. This is not the case with those two little innocents. Neither of them deserves the invidious position Harry and Meghan have placed them in. As has been rightly stated, those children, via their legally-registered father, are but one plane crash away from the throne, should Prince William's practice of flying en famille result in tragedy. I fail to see why all the other royals, whose births were properly attested to, should have their places in the line of succession diminished, or why there should be any doubt at all regarding the entitlement of anyone whose accession is conceivable. For the doubts that exist to persist as a result of the bizarre conduct of a cheap hustler and her dope of a husband, is entirely unnecessary and should be cleared up. There is no justifiable reason why the British public should have to put up with a doubtful situation when it has been generally accepted practice since 1688 that all royal births should be publicly attested so that there can be no question as to the entitlement of an infant to his or her place in the line of succession.
Magatha Mistie said…


Poor old Glo
broiled and basted for show
Was she there
really don’t care
Desperate times
leads to disparate measures
Too much marshmallow
sticks in one’s feathers…

Magatha Mistie said…

@Maneki @OCGal
The mills of God
and the velvet glove… 🙏
Fallowgate 😉

Having problems signing in
and posting is very difficult
very hit and miss
Not abbyh fault
bloody blogger!!

In response to

Hear! Hear!
Girl with a Hat said…
at first, I thought it was her but it sounds too artificial. For example, the words are "I am not" instead of "I'm not", and "it is" instead of "it's". And later, it veers into insanity on purpose to make us realize it's AI.
Fifi LaRue said…
@WBBM: Thanks for the link to HGTudor. Hilarious!!!! I had tears running down my face from laughing.
Girl with a Hat said…
I see that they're trying to pique our curiosity by teasing about their Christmas plans, and whether or not they're going to Sandringham for Christmas. Not much interest for that story over at the DM. Very few comments have been left because it's the same old story every year for Christmas with them.
@Fifi LaRue
It all rings so true, doesn't it?!
Now the Mail has resuscitated the story about Lady Susan Hussey and the Negozi. Worse, they point out that she's Wm's godmother, so he is implicated by association. Will they never give it a rest?
Girl with a Hat said…
The DM are being very sly, because Lady Hussey is ONE of William's godmothers, not his one and only godmother.
Elskainga said…
I believe Buckingham Palace released the guest list in mid-November of all the invitees to Christmas festivities at Sandringham this year and the Harkles were not on the list. Either the Harkles are stirring the pot (of victimhood) or the media is too lazy and/or drunk on eggnog to research more significant issues with the Monteshitshow traitors.
Magatha Mistie said…

Perry Tyler More

Looking like a black widow spider
With Tyler Perry caught beside her
Forgot to bronze her legs and hands
Revolving red carpet
shifting sands
Who knows the where’s
or the why’s
What I noticed
her deranged crazed eyes…

Magatha Mistie said…
Perry Tyler More

Looking like a black widow spider
With Tyler Perry caught beside her
Forgot to bronze her legs and hands
Revolving red carpet
shifting sands
Who knows the where’s
or the why’s
What I noticed
her deranged crazed eyes…

Magatha Mistie said…

Off topic but getting markle vibes
from Hugh Jackman and his new partner.
Proprietary hand on his chest

Girl with a Hat said…
She always wears the same kind of outfit - strapless gown to show off her shoulders, with a slit up the front and sandals with two straps across the front. She never looks any better than the last time she wore the variation on that outfit.
Maneki Neko said…
I got a London Evening Standard yesterday and they had an article on 'The truth behind Harry and Meghan's fall from grace'. Too long to read but they had a paragraph in large print 'Sticky spot: "A year ago, it was whether Meghan would run for office. Now it's when she might sell her first jar of jam" '. Indeed.

Different headline on the online version.
Maneki Neko said…

Clawedious!!! Excellent! Claudius? (I think he did good) Odious, certainly.
Girl with a Hat said…
Because it's behind a paywall:

AMANDA PLATELL: Harry acts like he's the reincarnation of Nelson Mandela. This preposterous prince needs to stop playing the victim

AMANDA PLATELL: Harry acts like he's the reincarnation of Nelson Mandela. This preposterous prince needs to stop playing the victim

PUBLISHED: 07:00 EST, 7 December 2024 | UPDATED: 07:00 EST, 7 December 2024

Once again, Prince Harry played the victim card this week. He was appearing as a guest speaker for the cringingly Left-wing New York Times, at an event heralded as his exposition on 'Mental health, Disinformation and the Pursuit for Justice'.

Harry revealed that since his mother Princess Diana died in 1997, he has been trapped in a world of malicious lies told by the horrid British Press and, more recently, lurid claims on social media. Now he wants to seek 'truth, accountability and ultimately reconciliation' from his various enemies.

Crikey, just when did this soft lad – the son Diana worried about most – born into unimaginable wealth, start thinking he was the reincarnation of Nelson Mandela?

The great South African established the 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' at the end of apartheid to record the crimes committed under that racist system. It's a bit rich of Harry to talk about 'reconciliation' when he's spent years doing things he should have known were capable of destroying his relationship with his own family.

During the half-hour interview, Harry yet again announced that it took him years of therapy to 'clean the windshield' of his life.

Clearly, given this latest self-pitying performance, that's still a work in progress.

Get a grip, Harry. You're a preposterously privileged posh-boy – and now just another royal hanger-on. I suspect Hell will freeze over before your brother, William, our beloved Kate and maybe even your father and Queen Camilla will ever forgive your betrayals.

Finally, while Harry was dismissing rumours that his marriage to Megs was in trouble, he was a solo Englishman in New York, while she was at a red carpet event almost 3,000 miles away in Beverly Hills.
Just saying.
I am not waiting for Sussex divorce! I hope they stay married forever and forever‼️
Magatha Mistie said…

Getting into the Christmas spirit 🎵
On the run up to Christmas
Harry said to She
Get stuffed meg, Just leave me…

There's a lengthy thread on SMM with Sinners who initially believed * was pregnant say why they changed their minds.

I recall reading somewhere, I forget where, that when `preggy' Meggy learned about the born-of -the-body rule, she panicked. I can imagine that neither of the idiots had realised that their say-so would not be enough to prove that a baby was genuinely in the line of succession. I can see that an American could well be unaware that the Crown had had experience of not-dissimilar situations before and had instituted procedures to cover such situations, namely, verification by reliable witnesses but there's no excuse for H's ignorance of this..
They really thought they could get away with it and all the ridiculous goings-on are ad hoc attempts at an unplanned cover-up. H should have paid more attention during school history lessons.
Hikari said…

In regards to the ginger twit’s participation in the pregnancy con, not once but twice, he seems to have the brains of a turnip. Even accepting that H has learning difficulties, surely both he and William would have been indoctrinated by their elders about the requirements for a Royal Prince of the realm in the area of procreation. Even if the late Queen and Charles dithered around the topic out of discomfort, do we suppose the Iron Duke of sainted memory would have had the same inhibitions about giving his grandsons a bracing discourse on the facts of life chez Windsor? Bracing enough for even a thickie like H to get the message?

I knew in my gut that the duplicitous duo were Up to Something when they exchanged those smirks of duper’s delight during thr “procreation of children” part of the service. Which I took to mean that a) she was already pregnant, accounting for the unsightly taffeta bag she was wearing. Or b) the surrogacy plan was already in the works. But I was thinking they’d use a donor embryo and do IVF… either gamete possibly being donated. A full/blown fake belly circus for almost a year, one so brazen and poorly performed hadn’t crossed my mind. Because surely there was no way she could pull that off….? With the complicity of the world media and the inestimable aid of a superinjunction, there are still millions around the world who believe that there are two little Sussex cousins in the line of succession. The Palace has encouraged this belief for all these years. No doubt they are in an awkward spot. Maybe Turnip Brain was tricked into going along in the beginning but he can’t claim ignorance now. He is fully complicit…but why? Does he hate his family that much or does somebody have his one remaining testicle in the vise of blackmail? He’s looked like a man in hell since the Fauxchie show commenced—selling his soul has come too dear, oh dear, Turnip Head.

I think both parties are sterile, embittered and were determined to engineer a no win situation for H’s family. But they are both so emotionally screwed up, immature and coked up that they make a hash of everything. May 2026 be the Year of the Kraken..,,so this board can be lively again.
OCGal said…
Nutties, read this great Private Eye article about the grifters. I hope you will laugh as much as I!
Hikari said…
2025 that should be. None of us can wait another whole year for Madam to get her comeuppance. As Welby has gone before in ignominy, let the Sussex nitwits follow posthaste.
My thoughts about the `procreation of children' moment were almost identical to yours:
1, She's pregnant
2.They've just heard the surrogate has had a successful implantation
3.They're up to something, at any rate.

I'm more than ever convinced that the late Queen was fully in the picture from the start - some of which she'd worked out for herself, the intelligence services could have filled in the details, I assume. What she did or didn't do about it is another matter.
One factor would have been her aversion to confrontation, another her attitude to matters sexual. Mention of the the word `pregnant' was distasteful to her, so she may not have wanted to know about *'s alleged main profession. Reportedly, she would block any attempt to discuss the Harkles by announcing that she had to walk the dogs. Her tendency to bury her head in the sand about the goings on within the family was already well-known from the days of the War of the Waleses.
I assume she wanted H to be happy so may have just hoped for the best.

I did read somewhere, though, a speculation that there was an ulterior motive for taking her on the Chester visit - the security services were also aboard the royal train and it gave them the opportunity to pick up on her phone signal while she was confined to the train.

A further point - if they had had a cleaner at Nott Cott or Frogmore, * would've have found it hard to conceal her reproductive status. It's often said that servants know everything that goes on, especially if their employers regard them as non-persons and ignore their presence. Anyone dealing with their rubbish could have been privy to their secrets.

As for us not being `told' the story as it went along, I maintain that we were shown what shits they were. The owner of a property has legal control of any photograph taken on their premises; the footage we've seen of that first garden party and of the PoW's Investiture anniversary exhibition, cannot have been released without royal approval, regardless of who took it.
Then again, anyone familiar with the traditional wording of a royal birth announcement, and its necessary signatures, would have interpreted it as saying `This child was not born according to the Law of Succession!'
Girl with a Hat said…
the Markle curse struck once again
Girl with a Hat said…

Neil Sean talks about the invisikids. A few revelations such as * claims to have registered Archiebucks under a different name at the Montecito school he attends! Neil all but says that the kids don't exist.
Girl with a Hat said…
@WBBM, not to mention that the Queen didn't want to give * the opportunity to call the BRF racist.
I once had an African American flatmate while I lived in a city with a housing problem in Europe. She wanted to use the living room of the flat as her bedroom because hers was too small. The woman must have weighed 300 lbs and had agreed to take the small bedroom because her share of the rent was cheaper. She still managed to drag home men who had approached her on the street!
When I refused her suggestion, she called me a racist. The thing is, my family and country of origin don't have a history of slavery against people of colour so any attempts to play on my "white guilt" were completely futile.
I just use that as an example of how some AAs racism as a manipulation technique.
Hikari said…

When Moonbump debuted in Australia, it was within the bounds of gestational reality and physical possibility, just. Particularly if the bun was in the oven before the wedding. If she’d conceived a honeymoon baby in late May, she could have been showing by the time they went Down Under in the fall. But I got suspicious when in Fuji with Charles on that same tour just a couple of weeks later, Madam had apparently blossomed to a six-month belly. She always goes too far and gives herself away.

After they returned to Blighty, things really got outlandish fast. In early December, she took Square Bump to the old actors’ home and announced to all the old folks that she “”felt very pregnant today”…. at barely 4 months along. Strangely, Bump had shrunk since Fuji and assumed a weird shape. Based on the bump she’d displayed in Oceania, she should have been 8 months at Christmas. She turned up at the National gallery a month -something later she brought Magic Inflating- Deflating Bump and continued to be coy about when the Blessed Event was to be. “Sometime in the spring”. Cept that math never did add up.

I think the poor girl that had hot tea thrown at her stumbled upon Meg’s strapping on Bump or maybe stuffing it under the bed. A PA sees all kinds of things she wishes she didn’t. I think her late Majesty did know from the off that it was all shenanigans. I would posit that Harry’s gran had known for some time that Spare’s reproductive capabilities were severely compromised if not nonexistent. Ditto The Bride. There’s a better than fair chance that Sparkle does not have reproductive capability either. But she is a pathological grifter and “Royal children” represent a meal ticket for life. When’s the last time we heard any about the bairns, though? Ever since this ARO nonsense…zip. Mugs can only juggle one fake project at a time.
I was trying to go back to the very start, before we knew of the engagement , before she shot her mouth off about Brexit or `modernising the Monarchy' and before blackmail may have been mentioned. I set aside the multitude of incidents that we subsequently saw. Before the shenanigans, were apparent and anyone was aware of Jerseydeanne's posts about yachting.
The very first time the Skank crossed my radar was Sept 2017, when she was her on the VF cover, captioned `She's just wild about Harry'. Remembering how Charles had reacted to his then girl-friend, a Spencer sister, talking to the Press, I thought `Bad move...' and assumed she'd be dumped.
According to this article in July 2022, Tom Bower asserted that it had caused consternation at the Palace:
- although TB's reliability on the point is called into question. I wonder if Skank defied Harry's instructions or if Harry only said he'd forbidden her to mention him?
The royal alarm bells would have been set ringing 2 months before the engagement was announced, so she'd have been investigated then, if not before. I wondered when the blackmail threat became apparent? Where might we have been now, had not the Queen capitulated?
Girl with a Hat said…

What's going on with her eyebrows and mascara in this picture?
Hikari said…

The first I saw of Markle was at her public debut as Hazza’s arm piece at Invictus in Vancouver, Sept. 2017. Harry’s had a lot of starlet type girlfriends in the past 20 years, so I never thought this ragamuffin waif in the Wolverine-shredded jeans and crumpled shirt was going to be a long-termer. A few things were notable about this otherwise unremarkable person—bearing in mind that the world at large was unaware of her profound mental disorders then: 1. She was not Hazza’s usual type. He’s always gone for leggy blondes. With blue eyes like his mum. Models. 2. Even for a casual sporting event, she was easily the worst dressed person there. I’ve seen cuter outfits at the beach. THIS is how she dressed for meeting the world press? Little could we know that she would manage to look even worse on her engagement day and her wedding. Sometime after this, I saw the Vanity Fair piece. For all the resources brought to bear. On that little photo shoot, it’s a terrible picture of her on the cover… She looks dirty, uncut, and high AF, which she probably was.. Either VF was trolling her hard-core after some no doubt, horrific diva behavior on a set, or they genuinely were unable to get any flattering pictures of her. She looks utterly wasted. So I think we know the chief attraction of sparkle for H. Due to her Soho house connections, she knows how to score the nose candy et al. That plus freaky bedroom stuff that H is into. It would not surprise me at all, after the last seven years if we learned that Harry’s wife is, shall we say gender-ambiguous. That would explain quite a few things. Yes, indeedie. Chalk up another resemblance to Wallis Simpson. Who never had any children either despite three husbands. Let’s just say that I believe all parties involved knew that there would be no issue from this marriage in the usual way.

Having milked the motherhood con as far as possible without the ability to sustain it, Snarkle has gotten bored with that and launched a pretend company so she can be “a businesswoman”. Her mentality is that of a 6-year old playing dressup… Malibu Barbie, Princess Bride Barbie; Earth Mother Barbie; globetrotting, humanitarian Barbie; social activist, Barbie; online entrepreneur, Barbie, magazine, editor, Barbie, podcaster Barbie… lifestyle, guru, Barbie… Mental health, advocate, Barbie; style icon, Barbie… There’s no end to the roles she attempts to play, but she can’t play any of them remotely convincingly. If only she would play obscure, nobody Barbie and just go away.
Maneki Neko said…
The DM has two articles on the duo, one on their latest Netflix endeavour, Polo. They are executive producers, no less, of this five-part docu-series which is so relatable.

The reviewer's verdict? 'Awful though it all is, I wonder whether, in the right hands, it could have been fun, guilty pleasure TV - a sort of brilliant mash-up of Rivals, Selling Sunset and Made in Wrexham, that made us shout the telly in horrified joy.

Instead, somehow, it is flat, plodding and really rather boring. And if it tried, it couldn’t be any further from ‘content that informs but also gives hope’.'

In another article, the baroness apparently shows off her Spanish skills. H 'proudly boasted his wife is 'fluent' in the language.' The article has a mini poll with the question 'Does she sound fluent to you?' 84% said no... To be fair, it's hard to hear the mini clip and she talked for about five seconds. I wonder if she is as fluent as she is in French (wink, wink).

Girl with a Hat said…
Apart from the narcissism, I would love to read a psychiatrist or a psychologist's analysis of her. Why does she look so dishevelled all the time?
Why is she so lazy? Why doesn't she do the planning for any of her projects?
Lily317 said…
Hikari and GWAH: Besides a psychiatrist, a drug test would be a good indicator of her addled behavior. Does anyone remember Lindsay Lohan from the mid 2000s? She was (like Markle) a bedraggled mess and always looked like she smelled bad and was in need of a shower.
Maneki Neko said…
Update on the above mentioned article on the Sussexes' Polo. New headline: 'Meghan and Harry's Netflix series Polo is DESTROYED by critics: Sussexes' latest offering is called 'boring', 'tedious' and 'a dull indulgence destined to fall into obscurity' '
It will be difficult to recover from that.
Mel said…
Girl With a Hat....yep! I feel like she is a much more complex study than H is.
I agree. I shan't easily forget the photos that Harry Markle showed us of her popping up at that Invictus do - how Harry & JT looked aghast when they realised she was there and how he seemed when apparently cornered by Doria, * and Markus. IIRC, Harry Markle suggested that they had something `on him' and were prepared to use it if he did not comply with their wishes.

Such a pity that H hasn't got the backbone of that other Duke, Wellington, when he said `Publish and be damned!'
I've just seen this delightful picture of young Louis at:
He's in his first suit an the trousers concertina down his legs, not from want of a good pressing but to allow him to `grow into' them.

ILBW, on the other hand, doesn't have that excuse...
Magatha Mistie said…

Cuckolds Calling

Many traits on show
Deranged, deluded

I couldn't resist bringing this article to you - a masterclass in the grotesque. Did she write it herself? Clearly incapable of detecting sarcasm.
OCGal said…
Great comments to question posed by @BarkJack_ via X. Link below. Question is:

“What is your understanding of the Justice Prince Harry seeks?”

The most spot-on point I found to be:

“… The only thing I do know is that he is an angry, resentful, sullen man-child that wants media and family attention - from the same media he’s taken to court and the same family he’s slammed in public.
… but I think the worst is yet to come.
Harry hasn’t hit rock bottom yet.
But he will. It’s coming and I think we all know it.” - end snip -
Hikari said…

I stumbled upon Harry Markle before I found this blog. In the early days I thought that the manufactured “love story” was at least somewhat true and glad Hazza found someone despite the unfortunate antics of the bride’s family. But this goodwill didn’t outlast the engagement. Too many red flags about Harry’s betrothed were spilling out. If any of her self-proclaimed biography had been true, she could have been a refreshing if unconventional addition to the Royal family. We all wanted to believe in the power of love for Harry as much as we’d wanted it a generation ago for Harry’s parents.

We got snowed again. The truly stunning revelation of the Sussex saga isn’t that H’s Hollywood hussy turned out to be a conniving, devious, gold-digging pathological self-promoter—she’s sadly not an unusual type in Tinseltown—but that Diana’s second son wasn’t just an irreverent fun-loving cheeky chap pie but an absolutely depraved dog turd (unflushable)—small, petty, mean, selfish, stupid and not safe to be around. Markle has got a closet full of skeletons…the true nature of the Ginger Doofus Formerly known as Prince is the big skeleton in the RF’s closet. Harry sounds like the reincarnation of all the worst qualities of his maternal great-uncles combined, along with the worst of the Spencer line. Not his fault maybe but the result is certainly an unpleasant human being. She was only bearable as long as we thought he genuinely loved her, but Hazza doesn’t know what love is. He and his wife are very alike. So I don’t pity the ginger clod any more… he got himself into this mess and he can lie in it.

Without knowing the particulars of what the Soho Housr cohort was blackmailing him with, it must have been pretty bad for the Queen to feel she had no choice but to accept as a granddaughter in law a showgirl who made Koo Stark come across like a Girl Guide leader. I’m sure that sex and drugs are at the root of it as those are H’s only hobbies and it was the leech’s entre into his orbit. The R card also loomed large, but in my opinion the Queen should have dug in and made the yacht girl prove herself before granting it a Duchess title. Harry has had sexual companions by the dozens if not hundreds. The allegations brought by Hazza’s lay du jour about institutional racism or anything else would have blown over, just like Ngozi FulaniGate. But by making it a Duchess and elevating its station by marriage, TQ weaponized the thing and the flying monkeys against herself and her family. She hoped for the best as any living grandmother would, but there was plenty of advance warning of how things would turn out.

The thing that falls me the most is how the dastardly duo has, by dint of Harry’s position, been allowed to run roughshod over the world….and William’s wife and children, and incite all kinds of vitriol toward them. William has spent his entire life until recently as a chief water carrier for Harry’s mythological persona. His elders made him, and Wills isn’t playing anymore. He always ever only had a brother in name only. He’s been there for Harry, but when is Harry ever been there for him? The loneliness when I think about it is astounding and it’s amazing what William has survived to get to the point he is now. He’s got the strength of both of his paternal grandparents running through his veins. God save the king and the prince of Wales who will one day wear the crown. He never wanted it, but look at the alternative.
Girl with a Hat said…
if you're not subscribed to netflix, you can watch the polo series here for free, but with ads
Maneki Neko said…
Oh dear!

'Pro-Sussex magazine turns against Meghan Markle after printing her famous cover interview - now saying her projects 'keep flopping'

Meghan Markle's favoured magazine The Cut appears to have turned against her with a new article saying her projects 'keep flopping'.

The site - which is part of New York Magazine - famously published a cover interview with the Duchess, 43, in August 2022 in which she made controversial comments about the royal family.

The left-leaning publication now seems to have followed in the wake of other US outlets that have turned on the couple following their bombshell Netflix
series and the prince's biography, Spare.'

Not going well, is it?
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I couldn't open the link in your post on 12th December 6.29pm
Girl with a Hat said…
You're so talented, Magatha
Well said.
The only point I'd add is that it was Harry who was raised to ducal status when he married, just as Andrew , Geo VI, and George (all of York) so the Skank only acquired the status of Duchess when she married that lump of canine excrement. (I can't now remember the reason for Edward being given the title to an ancient earldom , a one-time Saxon kingdom, recognised now by only those who live between Exeter and Winchester and by others who regard it as the invention of Thomas Hardy). Was it that other possible titles were tainted [eg Windsor] , held by Hanoverian relatives [Cumberland] or places now in the Irish Republic [Connaught] being saved for the next (Cambridge) or politically sensitivr even within the UK (eg Albany, another name for Scotland) That left Edinburgh, highly suitable but already assigned. Hence the wait.
Thus Skank doesn't hold the Sussex title by right, only through her marriage. I wonder if in time she will be relieved of it? She'd still use it though.
We've all seen how little she understands the the niceties of titles.
A Sinner on SMM has just opened another can of worms that the Harkles have got themselves into - it really is another fine mess:
It concerns the nationality , immigration and adoption status of Archie and Lidl, in the event that they are not both the genetic offspring of both of the Harkles.

The Line of Succession entanglement is very simple by comparison. If they did take legal advice before they embarked on the suspected fraud, they ignored it.

Another point I've just remembered:
We were given no evidence that Aldi's birth was registered at the American Embassy, as it should have been for him to count as `an American citizen born on foreign soil'.
It's another `dog that didn't bark in the night' like the photo op with newborn on hospital steps. Had she gone to the Embassy it would have been made into a major performance - as we so often say, `No photo? It didn't happen'.

The simplest explanation is the Aldi doesn't exist so she didn't bother with a cover-up move. Stupid cow.

Me again, sorry.
The news broke yesterday that Andrew has definitely got links with those who are `not friendly' to Britain - his Chinese buddy has been denied entry to UK on grounds of national security. Questions are being asked about the source of A's cash and it's being said damage he has done to UK is prodigious.

I heard a few years ago (not from the Press or Internet) that one of *'s buddies was keeping an eye on her for the P*C and there have been other whispers as well

A long time ago, I speculated that * may have been recruited because she was an agent of chaos, not despite it. It's a perfect `don't look there, look here' set up.

As for A, I'd add that I now realise the he probably did commit an offence under the Children Act with regard to VG as she was under 18. The difference in their ages alters the case..

That's now 3 successive generations of traitorous sons in the heart of the Royal family. Fortunately, there's no love lost between HM the King and his younger brother, just as between William and Hazbeen/Neverwas. Let's hope they do the necessary although compared with how monarchs in the past dealt with rotten brothers, their hands are tied by modern law.
This article, originally from the Telegraph, seems covers the matter .
Magatha Mistie said…

B’tricks Thoter

Flopsy and Mopsy
and their Kits
not entailed
Failed to reproduce
plans were derailed
After all her bed hopping
Bunny boiler ain’t stopping
She’ll carry on regardless
Flipping and Flopping…

Magatha Mistie said…


Duking & Diving

They’ll never admit
Their lives are shit
Still peddling hard
For their next hit…

abbyh said…
So, I am reading the DM article about Netflix and how things have been working out with the Duo.

It has some points I have not read elsewhere like NF had been courting Joanna Gaines but lost. Joanna was ahead in the lifestyle, cooking, accessories market. They may look similar but not sure if they are looking for different niches or not.

It mentioned the chick-lit book - no movement there.

And then breezily mentions the other deal - Great Expectations with a feminist slant. I had forgotten about that one.

Roll that around. The whole trend of feminist women leaders rewriting classics, Snow White 2025 for one or Mulan, now Charles Dicken, may not be the big profit maker all investors hoped for a variety of reasons.
Girl with a Hat said…
Remember when Harry teased and taunted a pony while meeting with the garrison in Scotland in 2018. I didn't realize how horrible it was. In full view of everyone. When the Queen would come up to a pony, she would pet it affectionately, which is a stark contrast to this behaviour. Of course, * thinks it's hilarious.
Girl with a Hat said…
If well done, it could be successful but political thought is moving away from wokeness.
abbyh said…
An extended Sean video with some interesting tidbits which make sense or you could easily see them attempting to play out.
@ Maneki Neko
I'm sorry about that -I can't open it either now!
The best I've been able to come up with is this, straight from what crops up if one searches `Why is Meghan Markle referred to as saint':

` › saint-meghan-markleThe Multifaceted Journey Of Saint Meghan Markle: From ...
Dec 4, 2024 · 1. Why is Meghan Markle referred to as "Saint Meghan Markle"? The term "Saint Meghan Markle" is often used by her admirers and supporters to express their admiration for her...'
IIRC It was a truly madly, deeply -nauseating account of her holiness, generosity to her fellow humans, beauty, lovingkindness and sanctity, accompanied by a grotesque `painting' of her as the BVM but minus Archie/the Christ Child.
I couldn't tell whether it was tongue in cheek, scorching, sarcasm or a genuine expression of what she believes.

I've tried a picture search but got nowhere.

OCGal said…
I just read an excellent “channeled” thought by Meghan while she gazes in contempt at H, simultaneously musing about her future funeral attire, courtesy of subreddit SMM:

“…I thought you'd have od'd by now I've had my funeral outfit ready for years! Its a black satin dior ball gown made in china with a 4ft trail, thigh high split and a plunging neckline. I'll wear it with my janky strapless bra, those shoes I stole, my ex's bracelet, a straw sunhat and whatever jewellery I can grift. My veil is hand made lace made by that chick who made my wedding dress with a hole over the left eye so the camera can capture my tear of grief. We'll have a photoshoot afterwards for vanity fair so sharkus can line up my next uhhh date" - end snip -

I think the poster nailed Megsy’s Widow’s Weeds perfectly. The handmade lace veil with hole over left eye so admirers can witness her ‘one tear, left eye, go!’ shtick delights me.

Short link to post, lots of good comments:
Hikari said…

2025 is the Year of the Kraken, I can feel it.

Despite the bizarre press conference at Windsor Castle…by which I was genuinely perplexed…Harry was holding an infant that, what we could see of him had Tom Markle’s nose. Even for me, who have never believed she was genuinely pregnant since the Aussie tour…Zika region, anyone? She was begging off official engagements citing “morning sickness” to cover that she was spending all her time getting spa treatments with Messica Baloney.

If she’d arranged a surrogate in the UK, the baby is legally the birth mother’s, even if he/she doesn’t have her DNA. She’s got six weeks to relinquish her parental rights under the law and the couple is obliged to formally adopt him/her, even if it’s their own embryo. Japan and many other countries are the same. After all the one that carries the baby assumes all the risk and pain of childbirth and has her body permanently altered by it. Her body does not care that the egg wasn’t hers—it will set those bonding hormones to work. If * had engaged a surrogate for Archie who gave birth in the UK, whether or not she was a British citizen, they’d have to follow British law. They would have been prohibited from showing off the baby assumes “theirs” until the adoption went through in 42 days. Or the mom could have every right to keep the child.

Under American law which favors the genetic donors and considers the baby their property, a surrogate mum is not entitled to contest parental rights. A child can be an American citizen if born anywhere—as long as at least one of the biological parents is American. The nationality of the surrogate wouldn’t matter—but DNA sure would. I knew for certain that they didn’t have custody of any child known as Archie when a proper official birth certificate was never made public and Madam didn’t ever greet a phalanx of photogs outside either the hospital or the American Embassy in London. Such a camera hog would have 1000% starred in that spectacle were it logistically possible. Maybe she can fall a couple of photographers at a private photo shoot at Windsor Castle with a plastic baby, but she ain’t gonna fool American Embassy officials and she would’ve been obliged to present a live child with the proper papers for their inspection.

Maybe there was a live birth via a surrogate, or an attempt that failed, explaining the elephantine gestation and vague due date of Archie. Either the birth mother refused to hand over her baby to 2 psychopath druggies, or the Harkles were deemed unfit by the court. Or—there was never any baby. Since it’s my belief that H and * are both physically incapable of reproduction, any surrogate embryo wouldn’t have either of the Harkles’ DNA. So the question ofwho his actual parents are is extremely relevant, and not only for the succession. If Markle is the biological mother or has legally adopted him, Archie is considered American. A legal adoption provides the child with a new birth certificate that replaces the original. He’d also be entitled to claim British citizenship if Harry is the bio-dad, or if some British man contributed to his creation, I assume?

If Arch has been legally adopted regardless of his parentage, then he is considered an American, even if his bio mom isn’t. But IF is a big little word and we’ve not been offered any proof whatsoever of Archie’s origin—only the word of two grifters.

Hikari said…

So did we all see a doll at Windsor? At first, I didn’t think even she could go so far, but a couple of months later we absolutely 100% certain dolls at polo and in Vancouver, so I wouldn’t put it past her. For all I know she could’ve sent one of her father‘s baby pictures to the doll company to engineer a plastic replica with Thomas‘s nose. I do not doubt this woman incapable of any depravity anymore.

That castle photo call with her in the highly suspicious white dress which prompted nutty to craft an entry entitled “ who wears white after giving birth?“ Or similar was my introduction to this community. It seems so long ago and yet… Not. After absorbing myself in Harry Markle‘s timeline of the 2+ year long con to bag of prints and become a Duchess, I felt that here I had stumbled into a community of fellow daughters and I felt vindicated. Almost 7 years later and they are still a topic of discussion… Really I thought that this show would’ve been over at least two years ago, but they are pernicious weeds that refuse to go away.

Girl with a Hat said…
Thanks for the link. Some juicy tea there.
Fifi LaRue said…
Yes, I saw three dolls. One at Windsor, one at the polo match where Megabully's wearing the army tent, and then in Canada with the doll without diapers Megabully's carrying in that sling on her chest. Three absolutely lifeless babies.
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