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As Time Passes and We Get Older

 I started thinking about how time passes when reading some of the articles about the birthday.  It was interesting to think about it from the different points of view.  Besides, it kind of fits as a follow up the last post (the whole saga of can the two brothers reunite).

So there is the requisite article about how he will be getting all kinds of money willed to him from his great-grandmother.  There were stories about Princess Anne as trustee (and not allowing earliest access to it all).  Whether or not any or all of this is true (there was money for him and/or other kids) has been debated with claims she actually died owing money with the Queen paying the debts to avoid scandal.  Don't know but I seem to remember that royal estates are shrouded from the public so we may not (ever) know. However, strange things like assisting in a book after repeated denials have popped up in legal papers so nothing is ever really predicable.  

We are also seeing more articles which not only talk about how the whole town is filled with people who have money, status, big houses, what they specifically have accomplished but how they are treated by the local people who work in the shops and restaurants - not special.  Isn't that interesting?  Why are we reading about this now?  A place where there are lots of other rich productive people who are living their life but not making a big deal about it, what they are currently doing or planning to do?  And, when they do something, they aren't talking about their life in Montecito.  

Except for that one time we saw some shots of a school run, we've not heard or seen anything about this part/or type of daily life.  Isn't that interesting?  Some think it is about protecting the kids the way we have heard that he felt he was not protected.  Maybe.  But if you look back at those photos, what you often see is unbridled glee, joy, happiness at doing something with a parent(s).  Think about the shot of them riding the boat and being splashed - the kids are having a great time, the parental unit(s) is having a great time - doing something together - just like other families.  It can (probably) be said that the kids rode more than just that boat on that one trip (unlike the few "public" happenings which just happen to be a coupe of sequential only shots not repeated again in the entire event).  

Articles about filling his now daily day (compared to what it used to be way back when) with walks, rides and an occasional outing to show support for something or other.  Kind of sounds like each day is pretty much like the next only differentiated by this one has a dental appointment and that one has the koi people scheduled.  

This every day like the next actually sounds a little mind numbing which really makes the days and years go by slower and faster.  Slower in that time never seems to change from one day to the next while faster in that the years go by and yet you really don't notice that they did until you come up against some marker day like New Years (resolutions), birthday (another candle), wedding anniversary or, sadly a day marked by the loss of someone you loved.  

Forty is kind of pivot year I think.  Perhaps I think of it the first half of my life and then the next half.  So ... for many people, they start looking of their 40 as similar at what and where have they been successful so far in life.  What have they accomplished?  But also what do they still want to do?  For many, they may be thinking about how to pay for college for the kids or what will my retirement look like (or when or how will I pay for it)?  What hobbies to I want to pick up?  Former President Bush was still skydiving at 90 so people can make all kinds of changes they suddenly feel freer to try as they get older. 

So ... it will be interesting, as always, to see what happens next.


abbyh said…
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Sandie said…
Nope, post format has not reverted to 'normal' as I claimed!

This is interesting feedback about their 'work' ... it seems, as I suspected, that they give a small donation and create publicity, but they do not do any actual work. The organization still links Archwell on their site .. perhaps the donation was conditional?

Reply from NSPCC about Parents Network - Archewell
Some weeks ago I posted SMM that I had cancelled my donations to UK charity NSPCC because of their association to the Griffters this is their reply

Thank you very much for your call and for sharing your thoughts. I apologise for the length of time it has taken for us to reply to your concerns. We take feedback very seriously as a charity, and your suggestions have been logged and sent on the relevant team to consider and improve the way we work.

We wanted to let you know that the NSPCC does not have an ongoing partnership with the Archewell Foundation or Parents’ Network.

The campaign created a lot of interest in online safety, and at the NSPCC we know how hard it can be for parents to help children navigate the online world. At the NSPCC we always seek to ensure there is advice available for parents to help them start conversations with young people about online safety and resources to help them understand the benefits and risks associated with their children’s online lives. We therefore created a page full of resources and advice for parents and young people who may be concerned about online safety given the publicity of Archewell’s campaign.
Sandie said…

Christmas at Althorp with Uncle Charles, who doesn't spend Christmas with all his own children?
Humor Me said…
Thank you for the new thread! $8M windfall according to the DM? that is nothing with the monies the duo must owe on legal fees, her clothing expenses and
Maneki Neko said…
The real reason Prince Harry may be on a 'golden ticket' diplomatic visa in the U.S. and why getting a green card could be a financial 'dagger to the heart' for the Royal Family

'The Royal Family may want Prince Harry to remain on a diplomatic visa indefinitely so it does not have to reveal aspects of its finances to the U.S. Government.

If the Duke of Sussex was to become a U.S. citizen, or a permanent resident with a green card, it could be a financial 'dagger in the heart' for the royals, one tax expert told

It would mean the Duke having to report his entire worldwide income to America's Internal Revenue Service, including details of any British bank accounts or trusts.

And documents relating to any joint finances involving the rest of the Royal Family would have to be disclosed.

It comes amid growing speculation about the Duke's immigration status in the U.S.

Immigration experts have suggested to that he may be on an extremely rare A-1 Head of State visa.' . . .
More financial mystery. All this is speculation as no one knows what sort of visa Harry is on. I checked who can be on an A-1 Head of State visa and I wouldn't have thought H meets the requirements.

Maneki Neko said…
New Harry Markle up, mostly about the visit to Colombia, with some interesting remarks ( * with a dark coloured bra under a white shirt, stained blouse and skirt).
There is also a photo of the MoS article that @ Girl with a Hat wanted (which I briefly summarised). You can enlarge the photos - it's a double spread page - and you can read the article.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Maneki Neko, thanks for the heads up
Maneki Neko said…
He doesn't know when to stop. He is again wasting his time and money. Is he following legal advice or going against it? Once again, the only winners will be lawyers.

EXCLUSIVE Prince Harry presses on with legal battle against the Home Office to restore taxpayer-funded security - after losing 'frankly hopeless' bid to appeal decision earlier this year

'Harry, however, reportedly believes that members of his father's household influenced the decision to remove his enhanced security.’
And he wants to worm his way back into the RF?
Maneki Neko said…
He doesn't know when to stop.

EXCLUSIVE Prince Harry presses on with legal battle against the Home Office to restore taxpayer-funded security - after losing 'frankly hopeless' bid to appeal decision earlier this year

'Harry, however, reportedly believes that members of his father's household influenced the decision to remove his enhanced security.’
Is he going against legal advice or following legal advice? Again, the only winners will be the lawyers.
Is he trying to worm his way back into the RF? I can't understand why he's trying to get enhanced security unless he wants his IPP status for which neither he nor wifey meet the requirements. He doesn't realise his actions make him more unlikeable every time but I tnk he's egged on by *.
Sandie said…
Maybe she is manipulating him ... saying she won't let the children visit the UK unless they have royal protection 24/7, and that she won't either? The lawyers are probably egging him on because he is a very lucrative client for them.
Sandie said…

A post about his 30th birthday party, held at Clarence House, arranged by his brother with assistance of his father, and 30 of his closest friends invited.

For his 40th birthday, we got PR from wife about the celebrities invited to their home for a party ... the only guest who he has known for longer than he has been in Montecito is Nachos. Without photographic evidence, I do not believe that the handful of celebrities did turn up for a party for him, or that it was held at their home.
Maneki Neko said…
Meghan Markle speaks at Oprah Winfrey's book club in California on the eve of the anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's death... with 'hometown hero' Harry's memoir Spare proudly on display

'Meghan Markle spoke at her close friend Oprah Winfrey's book club session last night in California where her husband's controversial memoir Spare was proudly on display.

The Duchess, 43, was one of several 'light-filled' speakers who addressed the crowd at Goodmothers bookstore and gathering space in Summerland, located just miles from where she lives in Montecito.

The star-studded event was attended by actor Marco Leone, astrology and psychology expert Dr Jennifer Freed, and author, teacher and psychic medium Laura Lynne Jackson, all of whom highlighted Meghan on their Instagram stories. '
. . .
'While it is unclear what the Duchess said in her address, the crowd appeared to be eating it up with Jackson branding Meghanas one of the evening's 'light-filled speakers'.'
Probably the usual word salad. We looks very smug, very puffed up.
Sandie said…

New bookstore. Oprah was there. TBW was given the microphone yo make a speech. She couldn't be happier!
`Prince Harry labelled 'big time loser' in the US as hopes of a UK return dwindle'

In-ter-est-ing ... This is originally from OK! Have the scales fallen from OK's eyes?
Also this:

Is Tom using `imagination' as a euphemism for `delusion'?
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I don't know if * has a 'very very vivid imagination' but surely this is not required for an autobiography? Or perhaps it is in her case. I detect heavy sarcasm on Tom's part.
More interesting was the next article about Anne knowing * would have a short shelf life in the RF. She knew being in it was a job, not constantly parading in expensive clothes and turning into a celebrity.
Sandie said…

The comments about this article in the Express are excellent :

The timing of Meghan Markle's latest appearance raises eyebrows, as it occurred on the eve of the second anniversary of the late Queen Elizabeth II's passing.

Disrespectful? Check

Self-promotion? Check

Attempting to overshadow an important royal moment? Check

Hanging with "non-entities"? Check

TBW turned up at a bookstore to make a speech on the second anniversary of The Queen's death. Is she clueless, oblivious to others or does she do it on purpose to get attention on the coattails of the royals?
Great news - Princess of Wales has finished chemo - announced on BBC 5pm new, also Sky. Thanks be to God.
Sandie said…

A video update from Catherine ... a bit like a Hallmark promo, but uplifting nonetheless. There are some very intimate moments between her and William, and it is obvious the kids are used to it from their parents!
Humor Me said…
If this has already been posted then please delete:
The video is professionaly done. It is stunning.
I cannot image what she (or any person of that age range) has gone through with a diagnosis of cancer. The saying, the Good Lord gives us what we can bare, and I know this is true in my own life (CKD - Endstage Renal - Transplant). I wish her the best going forward.
Ian's Girl said…
New video on YouTube from Catherine, probablyall their socials.

My immediate impression is one you'll probably toss me off the blog for having, so perhaps I ought not share it. 😉 Then it occurred to me that perhaps they know Charles hasn't got very long, and she's told them she wants to spend as much time as possible with her young children, before becoming Queen and having to be gone more.

I've always been fond of him, event through the Diana mess. He's been a wonderful Monarch, and I hope we have him for many more years. God Save the King.
Fifi LaRue said…
There was Oprah at the bookstore event. All this time I thought Oprah had given Meggy the brush off, i.e., not inviting her to parties, events, not taking her calls, etc. I wonder what changed?
Maneki Neko said…
The teaser for Harry and Meghan's latest Netflix project has dropped just hours after Princess Catherine's intimate cancer recovery video.

'POLO, the new documentary series following elite global players of the sport, was advertised on Netflix's social media today and has been created by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's Archewell Productions.

The announcement came just a few hours after William and Kate posted an emotional video celebrating the end of the Princess's chemotherapy journey following a difficult health crisis earlier this year. '

Oh, what a shame! Never mind. after Princess Kate's intimate cancer recovery video

Fifi LaRue said…
I just read that anyone with $20 could attend the event at the bookstore.
@Ian's Girl: It's my belief that William will not invite his brother to his coronation. I also think that no one in the RF reads any celebrity gossip, nor reads any of the letters that Megsy writes, nor do any of them take personal phone calls from the Harkles. They have people for that. The RF keeps themselves insulated from the attempted on-going abuse by the Harkles.
Ian's Girl said…
@Fifi, I agree that William won't invite Hazmat, and would add that he'll probably have military posted at all entry points to stop any attempt! 😊 I do, however, think Catherine does read, or has someone who reads it for her, every word and article posted by her traitorous inlaws. She has reacted to much of the crap posted; witness her hugging everyone in sight, after Nutmeg's comments about her being cold and her surprise about the family not hugging. This video pisted today struck me as being a response to many, many things the obnoxious duo have s p at outxabout The Prince and Princess of Wales. I believe she let's them get under her skin, which is a shame.
Sandie said…

I know it is petty to compare the couples, but the above post does just that in response to some Catherine bashing from sugars.

In one corner we have a woman who:

* Dated her boyfriend for 2 years in private before they went public with their relationship
* In 20 years of knowing this man, hasn’t breathed a single word to the press about his family and
* Has upheld her commitments and vows to her husband to make public appearances on the hardest days of her life.

In the other corner, we have a woman who:

* Posted that she was fucking a prince on social media the day after she met him
* Fled when it became too hard and didn’t get what she wanted and
* Gave countless tell-all interviews and statements about his family.

Sure, the woman who shares her husband’s privacy for their personal lives doesn’t love him at all but the one who smashed-and-grabbed the BRF’s reputation for attention is the one who truly loves her husband.
Sandie said…
@Ian's Girl
I also think that King Charles will not have a long reign. It is very possible that all William and Catherine's children will not have finished school when they take on the job of monarch and consort.

A positive is that the children have grown up as royals: palaces, coaches, parades, the balcony, ceremonial dress, courtiers ... so the adjustment for them will not be huge.
Maneki Neko said…

The post from Tumblr is spot on and really illustrates [one of] the differences between the two couples. Not difficult, one woman is class, the other one trash.
Maneki Neko said…
Not sooner do we learn that the teaser for the duo's latest Netflix project has dropped that the DM and the Express announce that they're planning a third 'quasi royal' tour of Lesotho or Botswana. A tour is royal or it's not. It really looks like they're missing being in the BRF. After all, they could have had real royal tours had they stayed, although the Australian and South African ones weren't exactly a success.

Are they trying to show Charles that they can be useful to him and undertake tours, therefore they need to be reinstated as royals? If so, they're seriously deluded, they're as useful to the RF as a chocolate teapot. Charles needs to stand firm and honour his mother's decision, they cannot be half in, half out. On the other hand, they're giving themselves plenty of rope.

Maneki Neko said…
Great comment in the DM about the Harkles' plan for a third tour.

'I hear Gaza is nice this time of year, can do a double and visit the West Bank at the same time, I’m sure Hamas will provide security'

We'll see our two humanitarians and philanthropists in action then.
Magatha Mistie said…

Spareplus to Requirements

Good to see Kate
looking great
As for Polho
well past sell-by date…

Sandie said…
If you scroll down, some of the convoluted word salad she sprouted at the bookshop is contrasted with a very intimate but playful photo of William and Catherine, with two of their children watching.

I think I have decided what TBW meant by those words: I am utterly miserable with everything in my life. I am practising the 'self-help' strategy of finding things to be grateful for every day in every part of my life and to keep telling myself that I am experiencing joy. It is intentional because I have to remind myself to do this every day, all day, because my life is actually a mess and I am actually miserable about everything.
Sandie said…

Theresa Longo Fans
Hammer about to drop this week in a super important call with NETFLIX executives & the Harkles.

Sources leaked info suggesting existing material not proven popular signals reluctance to go forward.

Based on what we know, we are expecting public updates soon from either side.

Theresa Longo Fans
Speaking of Netflix, they have chosen to go with Prince Harry’s Netflix Doc about Polo for now! Announced today, available in December.

Markle’s ARO brand & cooking show have been snarled in copyright issues which explained some “existing material” not being usable.
Magatha Mistie said…
I agree with your comment at 7:07👌
@Ian’s Girl
I don’t believe the bowel mouthed burro
influenced Kate at all
Class over crass 😋

So it seems to be the baroness who is organizing her family's Christmas. They maybe travel to Althorp, but even if they get an invitation to Sandringham they will not accept it.

Well, it is good to know that the baroness is the person who has the power to say how the Royal Family is going to celebrate the coming holidays.

Pompous moron, I call her.

Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry Visa Drugs Case Closed After Secret Ruling

A lawsuit brought over Prince Harry's visa status by conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation has been terminated, Newsweek can reveal.

...court records show that the case was terminated on September 9, when several sealed orders were filed in the case, heard in Washington D.C. before Judge Carl J. Nichols.

Little is currently known about exactly why the case was brought to an end, or
whether this means Harry's visa papers will now remain a secret. If that is the outcome, it will likely bring relief for the prince as Heritage had suggested his past drug-taking could undermine his right to live in America.
Sandie said…

A long and very informative post about how the duo are using PR strategies from 2016. Excerpts:

"Old" PR is very much about controlling how people perceive you. The celebrity (or the company) develops relationships with journalists and communicates to their audience through those journalists, who are largely using traditional media ... There's not much interaction with the audience or if there is, it's very one-way ...

"New" PR has evolved to be more about communications and content marketing and, increasingly, involves more and more crisis management. It prioritizes direct, personal two-way relationships with the audience ... More and more nowadays, "new" PR is also about authenticity and transparency. It's still a form of controlling your image, but done correctly, it feels more organic, not as constructed or manufactured. Particularly with the crisis management aspect of "new" PR - that's why we see celebrities making apologies or personal statements directly to their audiences ... Ten years ago, the content celebrities/brands/companies were creating for social media was about and for the celebrity. They were using charities/philanthropy, public appearances, their work (e.g. movies, film, theatre, books, etc.), their brands, their merching to promote or market themselves.

Nowadays, it's mostly the opposite. Celebrities are using their platforms to promote charities, philanthropy, speaking engagements, their work, etc. They're still promoting themselves, it just isn't as obvious and it's more carefully done ...
Sandie said…
How sweet - hapless sent an email to People magazine to tell them about his birthday!

But above all, Prince Harry’s priority remains fatherhood. In an exclusive email to PEOPLE, Harry says: “The best gift I've ever been given is, without a doubt, my kids. I enjoy watching them grow every single day, and I love being their dad.”

Harry plans to celebrate his big day with Meghan and their children, followed by a gathering with close friends internationally.
Sandie said…

Interesting comments on the drama going on between YouTubers who focus on the duo, which I have noticed. The most interesting comments though are those that point out that these YouTubers are now wading deep into bonkers territory to create content so that their income stream won't dry up. We are lucky here that what we discuss is not connected to an income stream, and we allow f9r different viewpoints and disagreements. I like the different perspectives so that I am not trapped in an echo chamber if my biased beliefs.

Did she attend two events at the bookstore? Sge gave a speech wearing black, but was then there with husband and was wearing cream.

Oprah arrived in the middle of her cringe speech, and this video shows her reaction:
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: It was bizarre. Megsy's tongue was sticking out, and she was flailing her arms. IMO Megsy got really scared/nervous when Oprah walked in.
abbyh said…
Thank Nutty for how the blog was set up - for fun (not profit), the focus and for setting the tone of the blog.

Sandie said…
Prince Harry is set to head off on a holiday with his 'closest mates' to celebrate his 40th birthday while Meghan stays at home, it is understood.
The Duke of Sussex will reportedly go on the getaway after a birthday party at his £11million California home in Montecito with his family.

I also think that the communication with chosen email outlets is her and not him, which is why it is so confused ... everything she touches turns into a disastrous mess.

Sandie said…
"According to River, who sometimes have had reliable tea, Harry was with someone when the Wales video aired. He watched it several times and was sobbing. Then Meghan came back. She was visibly upset and made them all copy the video and sit down for boardgames."
Magatha Mistie said…

While the mouse’s away
The rat will play

Bean-ie, Meanie whiny Ho
Watch out meh
Haz’s on the tow…

Magatha Mistie said…
For fun
Nowhere to run

Sandie said…
In a nutshell, from a very detailed Hollywood Reporter article:

“Everyone’s terrified of Meghan,” claims a source close to the couple. “She belittles people, she doesn’t take advice. They’re both poor decision-makers, they change their minds frequently. Harry is a very, very charming person — no airs at all — but he’s very much an enabler. And she’s just terrible.”


“She’s absolutely relentless,” says one source. “She marches around like a dictator in high heels, fuming and barking orders. I’ve watched her reduce grown men to tears.”
Sandie said…

11 years' old and his first flying lesson! George has always been fascinated by flying machines, from a very young age, so I think this is what he wanted.
Sandie said…
TBW: I think her problem is that she has no talent or intellect or originality, so increasingly people see no reason to put up with her behaviour and attitude. Unfortunately, as the article makes clear, she is also filled with delusions about herself and thus there is no hope that she can change. I do think he loves her, and is committed, but I do think he has no delusions left. He supports her and goes along with her act because that is what a loving husband is supposed to do (if only Pa had done the same, Mummy would still be alive), and it is easier than any act of rebellion. If he does express his annoyance and shows any rebellion, she quickly exerts control again, but also loves the drama. I think she would quickly unravel if he leaves her, and perhaps he also knows that.

From the article, this is what I mean by her delusions:

“I find myself cowering and tiptoeing into a room and – the thing I find most embarrassing – when you’re saying a sentence and the intonation goes up, like it’s a question. And you’re like, ‘Oh my God, stop stop like whispering and tiptoeing around it. Just say what it is that you need. You’re allowed to set a boundary. You’re allowed to be clear, it doesn’t make you demanding. It doesn’t make you difficult, it makes you clear.'”
Maneki Neko said…
OT but Harkles adjacent

Jon Bon Jovi was filming a video near a bridge where a woman was standing, trying to commit suicide. He was walking with a member of his team and they managed to talk the woman out of jumping.

'The rockstar declined to comment on the incident out of respect for the private citizen who experienced a moment of crisis and needed support (my emphasis).

Bon Jovi and his wife, Dorothea, are founders of the JBJ Soul Foundation,
which routinely helps people in times of crisis from hunger to homelessness, and the singer has had training in speaking to individuals during difficult situations. Earlier this year, the singer was honored as the 2024 MusiCares Person Of The Year for his "impactful philanthropic work" through his foundation.'
Here is genuine caring and philanthropy in action. Harkles, please note.
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
I am a huge fan of Bon Jovi ... both as a musician and as a human being!
Rebecca English talks to insiders about the non relationship hapless has with family and friends in the UK, and why it is unlikely to improve:
Sandie said…
What is interesting about this article is that it claims his bodyguard is his best friend:
Sandie said…

Tabloids insisting that he is leaving her and returning to the UK. Without his children? Abandoning the wife, as he believes his father abandoned his mother? I just do not see that happening. I do see him spending even more time away from her, and perhaps purchasing a bolthole for himself in the UK.

Maneki Neko said…
I read this headline yesterday, in the DM or elsewhere,

'Meghan is dubbed 'Duchess Difficult' by 'terrified' US staff as source claims she throws 'tantrums' and 'makes grown men cry' - while 'enabler' Harry is increasingly isolated with his closest friend his bodyguard-for-hire'.

This article is taken from the Hollywood Reporter and says 'The publication reported allegations that Megan was 'absolutely relentless' and that 'she marches around like a dictator in high heels, fuming and barking orders', adding: 'I've watched her reduce grown men to tears'.'
Whether this is the truth or an exaggeration, who knows, but it's not difficult to imagine.

Also in Reddit where you have more comments.
abbyh said…
In the same line of thought (Hollywood and how they handle PR), how amusing is the timing of this?

Yeah, looks like the sharks are in the water and beginning to circle a bit.
Sandie said…
The Hollywood Reporter's editor in chief said that they interviewed AT LEAST 12 people, including those who STILL working with meg and haz
Maneki Neko said…
Re duchess Difficult, this is a comment in the DM

'I work for an airline, a colleague - 2 separate ones have both had her on flights. She was with Harry one of the times - in front of him she was polite. When he wasn’t around she was dismissive and cold. On the other occasion she was travelling alone and it was back when they were still dating and she was acting like she was an A list - no one allowed speak to her - very abrupt and rude to crew . The other crew corroborated the story as they also had a flight with her . She has one face for who she wants to impress or dupe but behind closed doors she’s not a nice person. She can play Miss nice girl but her real self is angry at the world'

No surprises there.
Sandie said…

This is the photo of hapless that the royal family posted on social media when wishing him a happy birthday. They cropped out the wife!

William and Catherine belatedly wished him happy birthday on their social media, using the same photo.
Sandie said…

This article, from a dodgy source, claims that Lady Sarah (Diana's sister) is trying to reconcile the brothers, and that the brothers did have a secret meeting at the memorial.

The reconciliation between the brothers narrative is playing out in all the media in the UK. I wonder if there is any truth to the story, and if it has been planted by BP.
Sandie said…
Note that the post from William and Catherine was not personally from them as they did not sign it with W & C, and they simply repeated the text used by BP, without the cake, and copied the post from BP (which is why it is the same photo).
Sandie said…
With reference to the post by @Maneki Neko above ... even at public events, her true nature leaks out. I wonder why she is like that. I have speculated that she spent the early formative years with a mother who was smoking a lot of dope, so that even when she was present, she was in la la land. Not getting attention and not being the centre of attention are thus the worst that TBW can experience. The power that marrying into the royal family gave her enabled this behaviour, she is married to a man who enables her bad behaviour, and there are still a lot of people who cheer her on.

What would it take for her to experience complete narcissistic collapse? Is this what she is experiencing behind closed doors? Does she get her validation from being papped and getting a microphone in her hand?

This is a very interesting article about the different ways a narc handles the threat of narcissistic collapse in different settings:,of%20showcasing%20intense%20mental%20suffering.

She seems to turn to old habits: shopping, getting papped, making a speech, bullying staff ...and doing anything to get attention, like launching a non-existent brand.

An excellent article about narcissistic collapse.

1. Humiliation In Public Collapse: When a narcissist comes under criticism or unrestricted scrutiny, his imprudently built facade can collapse. This is a personality collapse due to humiliation in a public space. (She obsessed about any perceived criticism in the media and on social media accounts.)

2. Relational Collapse: As an individual’s value is often bound up with external endorsement, the breakup of a vital relationship can cause narcissistic collapse. (She dumps before she can be dumped?)

3. Status Loss Collapse: Any occurrence that shrinks the narcissist’s proclaimed power or status can cause a collapse, as their uniqueness is carefully tied to these outside pointers. (Has she noticed that even staff are ignoring NDAs and talking to the media about how awful she is, and that she is seen as increasingly trashy?)
Sandie said…
Some recent posts from Royal Tea:
I don’t think the birthday wishes for Harry are an olive branch, I think it’s the RF trying to avoid unfair stories about how they “ignored” the birthday of someone who has relentlessly slandered and harassed them and is basically extorting them for security.
What Harry wants hasn’t changed in four years. Why are we acting like it’s news?

He wants to make money, not be held accountable by the press and be able to only work with “friendly” outlets, and still stand on balconies and attend military events.
The man does not want to be a working royal. He does want to be able to work more in the UK - and in fact feels deeply entitled to that.

His people can say there is no blueprint, but they planned a week in NYC with all royal-era patronages and bringing Invictus to Birmingham.
Basically, this is all semantics.

He doesn’t want to be a working royal, he does want to work more in the UK and be included in royal events as Charles’ son.

He doesn’t have a blueprint, but he’s been making moves and plans.

It’s the same it’s always been.
Let’s read between the lines. Why would a man with a wife & children in the US who will not come to the U.K. because of “safety” be thinking about how to spend more time working and living in the country?

Also, the first thing they should tell him to do is stop suing everyone.

abbyh said…
I don't think it is the same picture editing her out. I think it was in the same series by the same person as they walked around the table.

The center of focus is him, pretty straight on versus the middle between the two of them plus her with him more of an angle. The glass in front of her is in front of his elbow. Different backgrounds.

They could do it (heavy photoshop). It would involve rotating his shoulders/body, replacing the background (orange versus yellow/beige, filling in what is covered by the person to his right, partial versus full view of the glass and so on. No doubt they have -people who are good at that kind of thing.

But the background is so different? Odd.
Sandie said…
Well spotted. I perhaps had a look at the two photos with confirmation bias!
Sandie said…
Whenever we visited Sandringham, the Queen, being a dog lover herself, welcomed Ella, and later her offspring Tilly and Zulu went, too. Her Majesty was always concerned about their wellbeing, and knowing the special place Ella held in my heart, allowed her unprecedented privileges.

‘Did you get my message, James?’ she asked me the first time I visited. ‘Ella is welcome to stay in your room.’

How thoughtful of the Queen to make a special concession for Ella. Naturally she wasn’t allowed to wander at will round the grand house, so I kept popping up to check on her and take her for walks.

On one visit, I didn’t close the bedroom door properly, and Ella made it her mission to find me and demonstrate her annoyance at being left behind. I didn’t realise this until a footman glided up to me and whispered: ‘I believe your dog has found her way into the kitchen.’

I quickly made my excuses and followed him to find a delighted Ella lying on her back, having her tummy rubbed by a friendly chef.

Ella made quite a habit of ambling off during family occasions. One Christmas, I popped into Highgrove to visit Catherine and William, who were staying with the King, who was then Prince Charles.

Catherine and I were having a catch-up over a cup of tea and Ella was sitting at my feet. Then I realised she had wandered off.

It wasn’t till later that I learned that she had made her way up to a private bathroom and had pushed open the door to say hello to the occupant as they were having a bath.

I was absolutely mortified.

I didn’t imagine the Queen would ever find out about Ella’s little adventure into the Sandringham kitchens, but nothing escaped her. She said to me: ‘I hear Ella had a nice little wander round earlier.’ I apologised profusely, expecting a gentle telling-off.

Instead, with the understanding that comes from long association with dogs, she gave me a conspiratorial smile and said: ‘Well, dogs will be dogs.’ Everyone knows about her corgis, but few are aware that she also had a line of spaniels. One lunchtime, we were engrossed in a long conversation about them, and I was thrilled to discover she was extremely knowledgeable about the breed.

She was always kind and solicitous about my dogs, too. ‘Have you taken Ella out, James?’ or ‘Are your dogs happy?’ she’d ask with genuine concern.
Sandie said…
The above extract is from James Middleton's autobiography. The Middleton's were warmly welcomed into the inner circle ... the whole family. And the royal family seem so kind and tolerant. TBW must have really tested them!

No doubt, she will spin this story as them rejecting her because of racism.
abbyh said…
Well I think that the post actually said it was, they usually are on top of these kinds of things so there was little need for anyone to question it.
Mel said…
She can play Miss nice girl but her real self is angry at the world'

And there we have one of the reasons they bonded....angry at the world.
It's one of her core tenets.

It used to be a relatively minor tenet for H, but she's brought it to the forefront.

His PW jealousy was also a mild tenet, but she's brought that to the forefront also.
Mel said…
I don't think it is the same picture editing her out. I think it was in the same series by the same person as they walked around the table.

The center of focus is him, pretty straight on versus the middle between the two of them plus her with him more of an angle. The glass in front of her is in front of his elbow. Different backgrounds.

That's my take on it, also. It looked to me that the 2 photos were taken from different angles.

But it's gotta annoy Mm that sooo many people believe she was excised. :-)
Girl with a Hat said…
You've got to read this twitter thread.

ZDF in Germany is going to say that Markle had a child in 1997, a daughter who is now 27, and has a child of her own. The documentary will air in December, because they are still checking facts.
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: If that's true, we can call her Granny Megabully.
abbyh said…
A child who is no longer a child?

That would be interesting to say the least. From what I remember,

Samantha said there was no child. Could she have been given bad information? technically yes> so from whom? or was it told as true but that source had bad information at that moment in time to tell her?

To pull this off takes a lot of hiding (school uniform, gym clothes, possible swim suit if that is offered in gym) so where would she been hiding around age 16ish? So perhaps high school - would the yearbooks be able to show something leading but not the final trimester in the pictures? Pretty sure they could be accessed from the school library/alum center or some alum willing to part with their precious book for cold cash.

As a side note, I knew someone who was pregnant in high school. They just wore really baggy clothes, I was not part of that circle but the adult back to me information was that no one knew - not parents, not other family. (sad that they felt they could not ask for support from even their family).

IF this is true, I might have thought there was a better acting job about how it feels to have that baby out in front.

They are still checking facts though ... I would have thought that one of the first things they would have done to protect themselves legally was to snare some DNA to compare to this "child" supposedly from her. It might or might not have been a super legal grab or legal run the familiar DNA but ... if it were to show that the DNA holds up, then they would know they could sustain a legal battle of: is this person a child of *, have we falsely accused her or not and maligned her reputation? IF the legal suit against them was something else, what that would be (to dance around the legal genetics) would ... interesting and actually potentially enlightening as to why wouldn't that be the heart of the case? How to keep that that out?

This rumor has swirled around for years now.

I've just seen a lot of talk of how this or something else is a release of the Kraken on her and yet ... it never really seems to come out. So, I'm not holding my breath.

Maybe this really is this time. It will be interesting to see what the final show actually shown really is (here is to hoping someone has access). Or ... what actions happen (thinking of the narc blow up above talks about).
Sandie said…

Way back, the above account had insider information on how Oprah groomed the duo for that interview. Did she do it because she wanted the scoop, or was it because she knew she could groom them to spill all and that would hurt the royal family? I think she deeply resents the royal family for being born into all that she had to work so hard to obtain.

And there is more ...
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Oprah thought she was going to be on a world wide stage when she took down the BRF for its racism. Megabully thought she, too, was going to take down the BRF for not bowing to her and her demands. Both of them narcissists, only one of them an Apex narcissist.
Sandie said…
And here is the clapback...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'deeply concerned' by bombshell article
EXCLUSIVE: There are fears that there could be a disgruntled former member of staff who is putting out mistruths which are designed to make the Sussexes look bad, according to a source.

A source close to the couple told this newspaper: "The Sussex team have had more than enough of these types of articles, it's simply not true.

"Everyone is deeply concerned over the timing of the article because it was published just days before Harry's birthday. (I fail to see what his birthday has to do with the issue. Besides she is the one who looks really bad in the article. And who is everyone? And what is the concern ... that she may have a meltdown and ruin his birthday?)

"There are fears that there could be a disgruntled former member of staff who is putting out mistruths which are designed to make them look bad.”(Nope, the article claims to have 12 sources ... former and present members of staff.)

They added: "The focus for Camp Sussex now is to build on the success of the last year and to take that positive momentum forward into 2025 and beyond.” (What successes? Her getting attention through faux royal tours and finding gullible people who will let them get on stage and make a speech, and maybe even give them an award?)
Sandie said…
The Plutonium Show:

About halfway through they reveal that they are friends with someone who has actually encountered TBW, from the early days of her brief stint as a working royal ... before the pregnancy. All he could say about her is that she is a b*****. Pluto and Zach worked out, by what their friend does, that it was at that engagement where she was wearing the canary yellow dress. Remember, it was also the occasion when she turned and glared at him and then blinkiled rapidly when he dared to speak.

How did he fall in love with and marry such a rude and unhinged person?
Sandie said…

Tyler Perry's birthday: 13 September. Harold's birthday: 15 September. Tyler had his birthday party on the night of Harold's birthday. That cheapo couple grifted a birthday party from someone else!

Why is she fake laughing, whereas he does not seem to be interacting with anyone at all? Actually, he seems to be holding his camera up and filming. She called the paps and was putting on a show for them. They are both deranged ... my opinion.

Most odd that Harold spent his birthday with all her friends, or all the people she wants to be her friends.
Hikari said…
“Their success in the last year?” What exactly TF would that be? For all their relentless media grabbing attention, they haven’t had a single. “success” mutually or together since she got her claws into him. Not a one. The most embarrassing sham wedding in the history of the world. This is a pay-for-play situation that got entirely out of hand. Harold took up with the yacht girl to issue a huge screw you to his family, and got hoist by his own petard. As a prince of the realm, he probably thought he was the master of the situation, but he had encountered a bigger grifter and a bigger narcissistic asshole than himself. His version of marriage and family is a bizarro version of what his brother has and he covet. I would stick not only my pension but my life on there being no children biologically belonging to this couple or custodially either. The “kids” are a bscam that has failed. There are those that disagree with me, which they are entitled to do, however I do not see any evidence of a single gestational or parental capability in either of these 2 fuckwits. Rumors have been circulating long and hard about Harry’s wife having a teenage pregnancy, the result of which being raised by her sister Samantha, tales of egg harvesting at a clinic in Toronto and various ploys by the Baroness Kilkeel to prove her fecundity at an advanced age as the incubator for Harry’s heirs..

I call Bollocks. Nothing short of cast-iron DNA results will convince me that the 76ers have sired two children, even via surrogate.

In the rather early days of their marriage, there was a rumor circulating that Harry’s wife was actually a biological male. That was a step too far, even for a TOW Hater like myself. Six years on, I’m not entirely convinced that there wasn’t something to that rumor. I’m happy to entertain the possibility that the Duchess of Sussex suffers from the same melody that dogged the Duchess of Windsor all those years ago. Wallis had no less than 3 legal husbands and untold legions of paid and unpaid companionship for decades with no issue. Her figure and mien were extremely boyish. Rumors abounded. I want to elaborate further except to observe that both Edward VIII and Harold seem to have very kinky proclivities. Harold is with the Claw Because he likes to freak in the bedroom and that freak has blackmail material on him. I am absolutely convinced of this. Love had nothing to do with it and certainly not procreation. That is my opinion, but I 100% own it. When Harold talked about generational trauma, he didn’t even understand half of what he was saying.

Think about Baroness Kilkeel’s extremely masculine attributes and get back to me. She certainly would not be the first to turn gender androgyny into a lucrative career.
abbyh said…
Interesting, no? What intrigues me is how this is spinning out.
Maneki Neko said…

I'm not sure I see a connection with the son of Princess Mette-Marit of Norway and Harry. Her son is from a previous relationship with a 'Norwegian convicted felon' and is not a royal. She had an unconventional and rebellious life before settling down. Also Norway has a big alcohol problem. He does admit to drug use and 'severe mental health disorders' but the article doesn't say much more.
abbyh said…
I hear you.

I was just thinking about how a lot of in appropriate behaviors used to swept under the rug for "important" people like royals, their families. Now, maybe not so much. (granted, it was a heck of a lot easier before TV, 24 hour news and cameras in phones)

Think of how different royal families are handling change - taking away titles, letting people face their actions.

Sandie said…

Sophie visits Tanzania, on a genuine royal visit. I don't know much about the country, other than that they have world-class game reserves.
Appropriately dressed, no fake smiling for the camera, no husband in tow like an appendage, no gifts received, no bodyguards in sight ...
The duo look more ridiculous in comparison.
Maneki Neko said…

Sophie's visits are very discreet and low key. I didn't even know she was in Tanzania. Note that this visit was ' at the request of the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office', unlike the Harkles' visits. She's been to Kosovo, the Netherlands, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq, to name a few places, often focusing on women's rights and conflict-based sexual violence. You can't compare her to */the Harkles, one is class, the other/s crass.
Girl with a Hat said…

Friar Tuck will be in the UK for the Well Child celebrations.

It is an observation that the name of the elder sibling (ie`Archie') isn't on the vaccination register for CA...
Not sure if I posted the correct link, so here's the blind from CDAN:

"Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Blind Item #15
The name on the birth certificate of the older child isn't in the California vaccine computer system anywhere. So, what name is the offspring of the alliterate one using?

Posted by ent lawyer at 12:15 PM ''

From SMM at
Sandie said…
RICHARD EDEN: If 'dictator in high heels' Meghan and 'enabler' Harry hired me as their new chief of staff here are the TEN things I'd immediately do... including on THAT bullying report

The Reddit poster's comments on the above article are on point.
Ian's Girl said…
It's possible that they don't belive in vaccinations, and so wouldn't be on the registration. I don't know if private schools can refuse unactivated kids,.
Sandie said…
What do you think of this from US Mirror?

Meghan Markle is "genuinely happy" for Kate Middleton following the news she has finished her chemotherapy treatment.
The Princess of Wales had been undergoing treatment for an undisclosed type of cancer and announced in a video released last week that her treatment has come to an end. However, Kate stressed she is still recovering from the cancer.
A source has now said the Duchess of Sussex is "incredibly relieved" that Kate is doing better. However, they admitted Meghan and her husband Prince Harry have "complicated" feelings in regards to Kate's video update.
"There's still an element of guilt that she and Harry are grappling with. They both have regrets over going so public with their complaints about the family and Kate in particular," the source claimed.
Speaking to Closer Magazine, they added: "When they spoke out, Meghan felt they had no other choice, but now that time has passed and those heightened feelings have cooled off, she realizes things could have been handled more discreetly. It's not something she likes to dwell on, but of course watching Kate's video brought it all to the surface."
The source also suggested Meghan is upset over the different treatment of her and Kate. They said: "Any time Meghan tries to open up and share her truth, the way Kate did in her video, she seems to get slammed for it."
The source said Meghan feels it's "very unfair" but can't see a way out of it. They added: "The video has left her feeling like she's backed into a corner where there's no way she can have that rapport with the public that Kate does."
Girl with a Hat said…
@Sandie, I think the person who wrote this story is trying to pay on our heartstrings by making us believe it's a question of fairness.

It's not. It's a question of people in the UK and elsewhere not wanting to put a vindictive, petty narcissist in a socially prominent position. No one wants a royal or a prime minister who is seen as vindictive and nasty.

And the media should just stop trying to "make fetch happen" as the Americans would say. No one wants anything to do with her because she is just not likable.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

I agree with you and I too think the story is meant to play on our heartstrings. I don't want to be cynical but I don't believe the story, it just doesn't sound like * IMO. *&H apparently 'have "complicated" feelings in regards to Kate's video update.' If * is supposedly "genuinely happy" for Catherine then why the complicated feelings? I don't believe * is capable of feeling guilt, H maybe but not her.

Also to me, this is very revealing: 'The source also suggested Meghan is upset over the different treatment of her and Kate.' Yes, this is the nub of the problem, Catherine has been, still is and always will be above * in the hierarchy of the BRF and this is something she'll never be able to accept.
So the baroness wants us all to understand that she did not mean to crush the reputation of the Princess of Wales with the information about cruel racism against Archie before he was born? That she did not mean that to be harmful when she fed that information to Omid Scobie to be published in Holland?

Well, if she means it why not publish that plain and straight in every newspaper that published that false news ten months ago?

I believe she is beginning to see that she is facing her own ENDGAME after the Hollywood Reporter told to everyone what an unspeakable person she truly is.

Maybe Harry and his wife truly believe they can waltz back to frontside roles in Britain just saying "maybe somethings weren't so bad with the royal family (in minuscule) as we said earlier"? And "Here we are, the Power Couple of the British Royal Family (with capital letters) ready to work again!!"

Well, they have succeeded in absolutely nothing after their "freedom flight" and they have lost their reputation in USA and around the world so they are extremely damaged goods. I doubt the British Royal Family sees anything high prestige producing in this couple and the subjects of His Majesty King Charles around the world have certainly their own opinions about the duke and his spouse.

If the baroness does not sue her half brother (or her ex-husband) for telling the world that she has no uterus does that mean the story is true?

Or maybe she is the only woman in the world who has given birth twice quite normally without any female reproductive organs. After all she is the amazing, stunning, whip smart this-one's-wife and can do anything she chooses!!

Persons like baroness Kilkeel do not change. They are always ready to do more harm to their families when they get a chance. Been there, seen that myself, so I pray she gets her comeuppance in the end.

Vaccines: IIRC, during Covid the Harkles were all for the vaccine, wrongly criticising the manufacturers for not revealing the `recipe'. Couldn't get their facts right.

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