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Open Post: A Change in Direction

We have had a lot of discussion about the Prince Andrew updates.  

The main topic of the blog is the couple in Montecito but let us talk about this for a while.  

Points to consider that this is not just about his case or how it impacts his family short or long term.  

Or how it will likely continue to be brought up through out the Jubilee (so not looking forward to that amid the festivities).  

The Queen may be somewhat funding part of this (as the ski chalet has not sold yet apparently).  But she did something similar for Prince Charles when he was cash short and needed to pay to Diana a boatload of money for the divorce.  So there is some precedence there. 

Some things take time.  These kinds of agreements are highly technical as legal documents so they probably took time to draft on their own.  And, now the will may have changed as well to accommodate that she may not be around when she is to be repaid.  As well as she, or any of the players, is not likely to have that amount of cash on hand. 

The Queen, either directly/indirectly or no doubt consulting with other main players, is appearing to line up her ducks and leaving nothing to chance for her Jubilee or when she passes.  

How could this all impact the Montecito Duo?  

Less cash available?  

Is it possible that long term plans were to really move so there could be some sort of political run  where it would be a soft entry to start the new life?  That takes cash, to get out of the house (if it really is theirs), get into a new one and then to fund the campaign.  

Some sort of warning shot across the bow about how we handle even family who create long term problems or their problems threaten us?

Or something else?




I agree, I have trouble believing Maggot would do as she’s told by her PR etc peeps too. 😕However, nobody knows just how desperate they are for both short and long term income either, she might just realise that her keeping out of the pubic domain is the only way they will gain genuine credibility/likability etc. I still have a hard time believing the narrative that Lady C had. We’ll shall see. 🥴
Whoops! My error - I should have typed `MIF' but conflated it with `milk'. I dread to think what the other term means!
Hikari said…
If the definition of “domicile” is the legal address at which you spend MINIMUM 183 days per year—consecutive? Maybe non-consecutive is acceptable—either way Harry has not met the minimum required by law since 2019. The point of the domicile requirement is that a Counsellor of State must be *on call* as it were, to deputize for the Queen at potentially short notice. What happens if the Queen suddenly takes ill while Charles or William is out on tour and the other already has a commitment? Who in their right mind would trust H to so much as hold her handbag by this point?

Parliament must act to revoke H and PA from their roles. Anne and Edward have both served as counselors before until they were shoved out. Princess Anne stepped down when William turned 21 and Edward had to make way for the ginger twat in 2005. It would be so satisfying for him to take it back. PA’s spot should go to Beatrice and it’s all sorted. When Charles accedes, Camilla would come aboard but Eugenie would take the last blood Royal spot. Guess Charles didn’t look far enough ahead when he demoted his nieces but if Harry and Andrew had stayed the course, the York girls would not have been on deck until William’s reign as placeholders for George and Charlotte.

This is why all the hoo-ha over Frogmore Cottage and who’s paying the lease. Do we think Euge and Jack are really living there, if H can swan in and use it like a hotel whenever he likes? This is all an elaborate blind re. The “security” right and talk of coming back to FC. He needs to be replaced ASAP.
Hikari said…
Wild Boar

I’m sure others have answered but I’ll give it a go:

Mother I’d Like to ….
I dare say I prefer your term of “yummy mummy”.

The lesser used to male equivalent DILF is, of course Dad I’d Like to ….

I think William handily fits into this category. But I do not allow myself thoughts like that because I have been watching him grow up since he was in utero, and I would feel like a filthy old lady. But all his Royal bits are very well developed. He has, as we say here, grown-up good.
Hikari said…

The follow up question is, cream first or jam first on your scones?

I think jam on top of the cream looks more aesthetically pleasing, but the jam is more likely to slide off while you’re biting it and if it goes on the bottom it gives a base so the cream doesn’t all soak into the scone. I shall await your report. Here in Ohio I don’t get too many afternoon tease with scones, But if I have cream cheese and strawberry jam both for my English muffin, otherwise known as toasted tea cake or a crumpet, the cream cheese definitely goes on the bottom being heavier.
@Hikari said, If the definition of “domicile” is the legal address at which you spend MINIMUM 183 days per year

I meant to comment on the BLG’s last video, but you are absolutely correct. A person must be living for a minimum of 6 months (continuous per year to qualify for Domicile status. It’s usually for tax purposes, regardless whether there’s any truth in Mole renewing the lease on Frogmore Cottage abc I don’t think there is, Mole has not met this requirement. 😕
snarkyatherbest said…
Hikari WBBM - funny you should say this - just had breakfast with a friend. Tea no milk. Clotted cream then marmalade on the scone. cream holds on the bits of marmalade rind that want to slide off. More than happy to repeat the experience with tea and milk and jam then cream. Its was a yummy breakfast!!!
Henrietta said…
Apologies if already posted.


Blind Items Revealed #3

February 14, 2022

The alliterate one apparently blocked some type of statement from her significant other that was going to offer kind words to his step mother after a recent announcement.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Camilla/COVID diagnosis
DesignDoctor said…
Your breakfast with your friend sounds delightful and yummy.
I am American but I usually put cream first then jam. I have always put milk in after tea, and have not tried the reverse, I.e. milk first. I found the tannin chemistry comment interesting soak may try it! I do often drink herbal tea without milk.
Loved your comment about not trusting Twit to hold The Queen's handbag. Oh, the irony! So any comment's about him being *'s handbag, his cojones in her handbag, etc.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Yet another take on the Frog Cott outrage and asking for the Tax people to look into this

Tea drinker here. Milk after ... (assam)
Mel said…
Apparently the Wiki page for FC has been updated.
I noticed the wiki page for Frogmore Cottage has been updated

Apparently by an American.

Info is under edits at the bottom of the page
I'm guessing somebody without access to Crown Estate info as he is American and has just quoted a newspaper headline
Natalier said…

Regarding the type of teaset used by the wannabe royal, I too do not think it is fine bone china, just china. I was actually quite amused by the tacky blue and white design she was using - looked like something mass produced and sold in cheap stores in Chinatown. I do love my blue and white china but on vases, jars and washtub.
Enbrethiliel said…
@WBBM and @Hikari

I once heard someone on TV say that the F in MILF stands for "fool around with." The censors who would have bleeped out the original meaning were okay with that.
Enbrethiliel said…
O/T alert!

The follow up question is, cream first or jam first on your scones?

I may have become a tea drinker in my 20s, but I haven't started eating scones yet. (I have nothing against them! They're just not at all popular where I live.)

So imagine my bafflement when I read posts like this:

The TL;DR is that someone brought homemade scones that were predressed at the request of the organizer. She put jam first and cream second on some, and cream first and jam second on others. It apparently sparked a cold war of sorts in the workplace!
Enbrethiliel said…
Re: CDAN blind quoted by @Henrietta
The alliterate one apparently blocked some type of statement from her significant other that was going to offer kind words to his step mother after a recent announcement.

I would have said that the recent announcement was the one saying Camilla would be Queen. Since there was already radio silence over that and over the Queen's diagnosis, it's kind of expected that they would be ignoring this relatively smaller story.

Now I'm wondering whether * blocked him while they were "discussing" it, as couples often do, or whether he asked their team to do it and she went over his head to prevent it.
Magatha Mistie said…

All this talk of muffins etc
is making me hungry.
I’ll leave it to WildBoars
finesse in explaining the
Devon/Cornwall cream first issue.
Muffins to me are a flat bread roll,
toasted. Tea cakes, a flat currant bun,
toasted, and crumpets/pikelets similar
to thick spongy pancakes, with holes.
Lemon/passion fruit curd for me,
topped by cream, or more curd 😋

As for mehs tea party, I took it as sarcasm,
another sly dig.

Magatha Mistie said…

Heh is still angling to keep
his dibs on the UK, hasn’t given
up on their original scam.
Hopefully he loses his court case,
and LOS, can’t see the latter
happening during the Jubilee,
too many rocked yachts already!

@Hikari, I agree, William has
grown-up good 😉

“I’ll have MILF” could get you barred
from your local caff
along with T’hot 😳


@Hikari asked `Jam or clotted cream first?'

Ooh! 'Tes are right can of worms, m'dear! Down Yer in the West Country, the people of Cornwall get real upset about this.

Most, if not all visitors/tourists (aka Grockles in Deb'n, Emmets ie ants in Cornwall), cut the scone in half along its `waist' - one is supposed to split it by inserting the knife into the side and twisting the knife (like opening an oyster - it refers to the `breaking of bread' apparently.

They then butter the scone (Scones are like the `biscuit' I'd have for breakfast in a `Mom & Pop' cafe in Arizona) - then add jam, usually strawberry (US jelly), topping the lot off with a large dollop of clotted cream. That's cream that's almost solid, so much thicker than double (US heavy) cream. Most enjoyable.

Supposedly that's the right way around in Cornwall. The National Trust a few years ago advertised one of their cafes in Devon with a photo of a cream tea served that way and there were vociferous protests from the other side of the Tamar, saying it was all wrong, it's jam on top for Devon.

The only Devonian I know who would do that is a farmer's wife who clots her own cream, which she then uses as butter, directly on the bread. I cannot imagine trying to put a generous amount of jam onto a dollop of cream.

Black treacle (molasses?) is different. That pours beautifully, and artistically onto clotted cream and the result is called Thunder and Lightning. That is quite something - when I had it in a Falmouth cafe (Cornwall) the treacle was over the cream - to H*ll with the `rules!

If only the Devonshire Split could be revived - that's a plain, slightly sweet, yeast bun made with milk, perfect with jam and cream.

BTW, Don't get me started on what `protected designation of origin' has done to the Cornish Pasty. The rules have been driven by manufacturers so much of what is now sold in eateries as `authentic' is a Cornish-made mass-produced travesty, fit only for the gulls.

If you can find an artisan shop you're OK; made with crisp shortcrust pastry, the product is wonderful but you'll have to defend it with your life against the winged bandits around the harbour.
Thank you, Natalier - I realise now what those cups reminded me of - not just the basin and ewer for a washstand but the `gazzunder' ie the pot that `gazz under the bed'!
Magatha Mistie said…

Piers Morgan just landed in Sydney
on a private jet with Lachlan Murdoch.
New job on Fox/Sky news,
$100 million contract.
Oooh meh, Lazarus and your ghosts
of many pasts…

Maneki Neko said…
I was too tired yesterday to post but to go back to the domicile issue: it seems that the difference between domicile and residence is not that clear cut.

'Domicile' is a concept of common law which is specific to the UK. There are three types of domicile and it would seem H has what is known as domicile of origin (assigned at birth). I did wonder if the domicile issue was not just to do with him being a counsellor of state but it also has financial implications. This is a rule introduced by HMRSC (the UK equivalent of the IRS) six years ago. You are deemed to be domiciled in the UK if:

•you were domiciled in the UK within the three years immediately before the transfer, or
•you were resident in the UK in at least 17 of the 20 income tax years of assessment ending with the year in which you make a transfer.

It would seem H, although residing in the US, is therefore domiciled in the UK. There are three types of domicile and if you move abroad it is apparently difficult to achieve a domicile of choice. Also 'an individual must be present in the new country, and the individual must have the intention of remaining there indefinitely.'
You can have only one domicile at any given time.
Magatha Mistie said…


I’m putting my faith in
Piers Morgan
And his mighty, powerful
mouth organ
He’s on our side
Hell bent to deride
Heh and his false toothed
old gorgon…

Are we to understand that Twit is proposing to come back with the `children', leaving her behind?

That the only obstacle he sees is the Home Office's refusal to protect him from unpleasant comments from the likes of us?

Assuming for the moment that there are real, living breathing children, would she let them slip from her grasp?

I wonder what, if any, qualified legal advice he sought when he agreed the terms of their departure 2 years ago? Or did he rely on that fount of judicial wisdom known as Rachel Zane? I daresay that would been along the lines of `We can always get out of it later'.

I have a funny feeling that he may be hoist with his own petard, having not realised or understood just what he was giving up and just what the implications of a formal agreement may be. The RF may be sitting tight, waiting for what he arranged for himself to blow up in his face.

To mix metaphors, has he painted himself into a corner?

A contract is a contract - end of.
`Methane Markle' is a good one - if only she'd float off into Outer Space.
lizzie said…
Two issues

Apparently the Queen has canceled even virtual meetings. Not good IMO.

@Maneki Neko wrote about what domicile means in the UK.

Thanks for the info. I suspect the issue with H has to do with money, in this case taxes.. Always is money with him.

But given the notion domicile is assigned at birth, why is UK domicile required to be a counselor of state? The person already has to be in the first 4 in the line of succession (at least 21 unless heir apparent or presumptive then 18) and eligible to take the throne and has to be a British citizen. Who could meet all those requirements yet not have domicile of origin? I'm missing something, I think.
Magatha Mistie said…

Ahhh, a Devonshire Split.
The winged bandits take on
many forms!!

Domicile of birth - everyone's got to be born somewhere!* Not being being born in the UK is not a bar - Duke of Edinburgh was born on Crete.

*to paraphrase Eccles of the Goons.
Hikari said…

But given the notion domicile is assigned at birth, why is UK domicile required to be a counselor of state? The person already has to be in the first 4 in the line of succession (at least 21 unless heir apparent or presumptive then 18) and eligible to take the throne and has to be a British citizen. Who could meet all those requirements yet not have domicile of origin? I'm missing something, I think.

I'm confused too. Don't really understand 'domicile of origin' as it relates to the stipulations. I assumed that the intent was to prove: 1. Loyalty to Britain and her Majesty--as one of HM's designated 'Go Team', one is not entangled unduly with a foreign power as a result of permanent residency abroad (Mole: 0 on this front. He hadn't been in the country more than 6 months before he pronounced our Constitution 'bonkers'. Yes, high level statesmanlike diplomatic discourse there) and 2. Proximity to the Monarch. If the idea is to deputize for her should she potentially suddenly be unable to perform a scheduled duty, one cannot be selected for the task if it's going to take maybe 24 hours or more to arrive due to travel delays, global health and supply chain crises, etc.

Harry has not proven loyal to his grandmother or his duties represented by his position. He's bailed on all and decided he'd rather be American lite instead. He has removed himself to the furthest portion of the North American continent he can get away from the UK and yet he still insists that he is entitled to serve the Queen in this capacity?

Then s*dd*g prove it, liar.

lizzie said…
@WBBM wrote: "Domicile of birth - everyone's got to be born somewhere!* Not being being born in the UK is not a bar - Duke of Edinburgh was born on Crete."

True! But Philip was a counselor of state only because he was married to The Queen. So far as I know the other requirements including domicile didn't have to apply. Certainly he wasn't in the LoS or eligible for the throne in the UK.

I'd really wonder if listing domicile might not have included an aspect of residency to ensure close proximity as @Hikari mentioned. The requirements for CoS date back to 1937. Travel from far-flung areas or even some not so far-flung wasn't always easy then. Regular passenger flights between the US and the UK didn't even exist then. Since there are usually 4 CoS plus a spouse, one person not being handy might not be a big deal. But what if they were all far away? I can't believe the legislation wouldn't be have been concerned with that.

Domicile is about where you’re living, not necessarily place of birth. You can also be foreign born, but for tax purposes be domiciled to the UK.

Mole has to be domiciled in the UK (not living permanently in America) to be eligible for Counsellor of Stateand spend at least spend 6 consecutive months in the UK per year to be . Mole has not lived in the UK consecutively for 6 months since he left. I did say up thread most do it for tax purposes. I therefore don’t buy the frogmore cottage lease renewal story. Mole just wants RPO’s, the lease renewal is just a cover story PR fluff piece.
Maneki Neko said…
I know the notion of domicile is not an obvious one. This is seems to be an English quirk of law, as I understand it. I am certainly no lawyer.

Yes, everybody's got to be born somewhere. A 'domicile of origin' can be changed to a 'domicile of choice' but as I mentioned before this is difficult to achieve and you can "have only one domicile at any given time" so I'd say H's domicile seems to be in the UK. Even if H was domiciled in the US, this is not the whole story:

For IHT [inheritance tax] purposes, where a UK domiciled individual leaves the UK and becomes domiciled overseas, they continue to be UK domiciled for the three years following their departure. In addition to this, and for all UK tax purposes, individuals who have been UK residents for 15 out of the last 20 years will acquire a deemed UK domicile.

Domicile and residency are often confused and outside the UK the concepts mean much the same thing.

The point is complex and I suspect there might be financial implications behind it as well as possibly royal obligations.
Svetlana said…
@ Natalier

In * 40 video, she is seen with Burleigh Regal Peacock tea cup. I know because I have always liked this line, and so was disappointed to see her with it. Mug and saucer are about $55 U.S.
Mel said…
I wonder what, if any, qualified legal advice he sought when he agreed the terms of their departure 2 years ago?

I highly suspect that they didn't consult any professionals prior to their departure.

They failed to comprehend that that's why PC wanted a plan in writing. He wanted something that professionals could vet. All sets of eyes looking to be sure that all aspects were addressed.

PC was trying to protect them from foolish mistakes.

I highly doubt that the Harkles gave any thought to taxes and visa issues. And they were trying to pull a fast one with security issues.

Mel said…
Domicile and residency are often confused and outside the UK the concepts mean much the same thing.

The Harkles seem to be well aware of the intricacies. Far above their pay grade/brain capabilities.

Which tells me there are high level devious thinkers in the background there. Somebody is up to something, imo. They've either hired those people recently, or they were there from the beginning to set it up.

She's cunning but not smart. She wouldn't just know those intricacies off the top of her head.

Him? Definitely not smart. And, imo, he wouldn't have known *anything* about this stuff, that it even existed.

He likes to think he's cunning but he's too stupid for that. That's one of the things that drew him to her...he admired her cunning.
snarkyatherbest said…
Svetlana. there is a great line of blue and white patterned china called Calamity. if you look closely there is a godzilla character wrecking havoc on things. now if the wife had used that i would have tipped my hat to her since she would at least be subtly acknowledging what she brings.

as for counselor of state. it is curious that when the harkles are around it does show where all the loopholes are (kinda like ukraine russian and the treaty of minsk today). note to all lawmakers tighten up those interpretations. if anything the dollars cold make a great deal of money pointing out loopholes in contracts and legislation. in fact they could make a lot of consulting money on this.
Girl with a Hat said…

*'s dress from her Operah interview, the one with the bird poop on it, will be displayed in the Fashion Museum in Bath. LOL
Dear Mel, minutes ago you said something about Haz that I agree with 100%:

'He likes to think he's cunning but he's too stupid for that. That's one of the things that drew him to her...he admired her cunning.
February 22, 2022 at 5:45 PM'


snarkyatherbest said…
So TMZ has a pic of the dollars and the tequilas at dinner. Only non-grainy photo is of Mrs Dollar. So Im guessing she is getting paid on it whereas the Tequilas are not this time (PE and PB are known for calling paps for pics) Someone needed to pay for dinner 😉
snarkyatherbest said…
Oh and pap pic gets released just as the Duchess of Cambridge makes a splash sliding down the slide at the Lego exhibit in Denmark
Maneki Neko said…
Last word on the subject! I forgot to mention this earlier:


If the definition of “domicile” is the legal address at which you spend MINIMUM 183 days per year
. . . . .
This is the definition of residence according to UK law, not domicile - two different concepts. I agree it's rather confusing.
As to what the Harkles are up to, or rather their legal team, that's anyone guess.
snarkyatherbest said…
Either way - Mr. Dollar will claim he could reside or domicile because
3)whatever other lame excuse they can come up with

Hikari said…

Going by the '3-year' rule, then, I'd say Harry's 3-years of grace for UK domicile is up in November of 2022, since that month marks three years since he was physically present in the UK for more than a week at a time.

He is for all intents and purposes residing full-time in the United States. Short trips back to Blighty for visa renewals or family funerals is all he's done for 21/2 years. He's got a mailing address at Frogmore Cottage evidently, but if his 'domicile of origin' means the place where he was born and retains citizenship . . as a grandson of the Queen, then, it appears not to actually matter where on the globe he *lives*, that bit about domiciling should be struck off the language for Counsellor of State. Haz proves that you need not live in the UK or even be civil to the Queen, one's grandmother, and you can stay away in a foreign country for years at a time and throw slanderous poo at the Queen and talk boll*cks about her and about the royal family on television and STILL be granted a 'seat' on that very elite privy council. He's got the DNA so no matter what he does, they will not remove him. Evidently.

It's good to get these probabilities straight in our heads and just accept that that's the way it's going to be or else we shall go mad.
If any Nutty cares to listen, Lady C explains in her latest video the Counsellor of State role. She said if Mole was unable to get to the UK (for whatever reason) when his role as Counsellor of State was required, Princess Beatrice would be next on the list along side the other 3 royals and so she would take Mole’s place. 🥴
Hey folks! There's a `secret message' in that cup & saucer.

I did a search for the manufacturer's site - guess what guess what it says ?

`A pattern with an extensive history, Regal Peacock was first introduced into our range in 1913. Designed to bring together a number of Oriental and Middle-Eastern fables with a far Eastern influence, the story of the birds congress to ‘elect a king’ is played out on each pottery piece. '
lizzie said…
@Hikari wrote:

"...Haz proves that you need not live in the UK or even be civil to the Queen, one's grandmother, and you can stay away in a foreign country for years at a time and throw slanderous poo at the Queen and talk boll*cks about her and about the royal family on television and STILL be granted a 'seat' on that very elite privy council. He's got the DNA so no matter what he does, they will not remove him. Evidently."

I share your view of H's actions and apparent attitude. He is absolutely horrible. But

1. A Counselor of State (CoS) isn't a member of The Privy Council. A CoS can attend meetings of The Privy Council.

2. I don't know that it's H's DNA that keeps him a CoS. I think it's a different family issue-- Andrew. If H is dumped Andrew would have to be too. That's probably a more acceptable outcome than it used to be. But it still means that Bea and Eugenie would be tapped as they are next in line. It's not as though they could be skipped in favor of a return to Anne and Edward. Well, I guess the York princesses could say no, but they couldn't be skipped otherwise just because Charles wanted to.

Personally I suspect Charles wants H to stay a CoS. Even after all that's happened. He's naive just as I think Meghan's father is.
Oh my gosh, Wild Boar Battle-maid, your find about the cup and saucer is blockbuster!
Hikari said…

Well looky here…

Mr & Mrs Suxxalot get cozy with Eugenie and Jack over dinner in Santa Barbara. Image gallery compliments of Smegs’ fave agency Backgrid. Of course the quartet is seated directly in front of a window for maximum exposure, though ANY security detail would say that was reckless of course unless the objective is to be seen in dozens of photos. Based on Smegs’ maniacal smiling, she wad hamming it for the papa lurking right on the other side of the glass and…. What looks to be plastic sheeting over the window. Huh? Looks like something you hang up before painting.

Harry looks completely gormless but much more animated than he is with TW alone.

Nobody has a care in the world evidently…

Girl with a Hat said…

Yankee Wally throwing tomatoes - animated by Keep NYC Mega Trash Free.

Must see!
Mel said…
Those are some weird pictures. In one of them she appears to have 3 arms and 2 hands, with 1 of the hands on backwards. Plus there's some sort of red thing protruding out from her chest that you can't even figure out what it is.
Fifi LaRue said…
Re: TMZ photo of the Dollars and the Brooksbanks. A wise friend of mine used to say, Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see. Maggot called the paps, and gave that ugly fake laugh for the cameras. Not believing 50% of it, maybe 20%, the rest was tense, and fake amongst the four of them.
Henrietta said…
I really thought MM's not being seen in public for a while (and not at the Super Bowl) was most likely because she was recovering from plastic surgery as another poster said. But the TMZ photos do suggest that's not it. Although they're from a distance and she's assuredly hamming it up for the cameras, I don't think she would take a chance being seen with obvious plastic surgery marks even if she asked Backgrid to only shoot from a distance.

I can't help but think the reason she wasn't at the game was because she was scared of being booed, like Kanye was.
lizzie said…
Re: the pictures of the Sussexes at dinner-- Apparently they were eating outside on an enclosed and heated patio. That's why the plastic sheeting is there. Obviously neither H nor his security team is worried about "an attack" if all that's between them and a potential attacker is a piece of plastic sheeting!

Looks like M is again wearing her jacket draped over her shoulders like a cape. Ugh. I don't like that look anyway but it seems it would be so uncomfortable with the jacket slipping off everytime she moves very much. The Express reports she is wearing an "oversized" white pantsuit while Eugenie wore a "stunning black sequin jumpsuit." I guess. I don't see sequins on Eugenie and I don't think M is wearing a "pantsuit" but is wearing (unattractive) separates. Her body isn't built for that style of large-legged trousers. Maybe she's been out of sight just because she's gained a lot of weight? She certainly looks larger than Eugenie who has always been mocked for her weight.
Eugenie is a traitor. I hope Charles cuts the entire York clan out of the family.
The Monarch doesn’t make the rules for Counsellor of State, it’s set out in law. The Queen or Charles have no say in it. 🥴
Maneki Neko said…
Thanks for the pix @Hikari.

* looks very big in those photos (nbr 7). It's hard to tell what she's wearing but she seems to have a big stomach. No, I don't think she's pregnant - please, nooo - but could weight gain be the reason she's been in purdah?
Enbrethiliel said…

I've said previously that I think Princess Eugenie is on the Dollars' side, and I'm afraid I see this dinner as more proof of it. Yes, * may have called the paps and mimed the world's most unphotogenic laugh . . . but her playbook is obvious to everyone by now. If the Brookbanks were there and seated next to a window, that was because they agreed to be.

It's Jack whom I feel rather sorry for. He instinctively helped to block * from getting close to the Queen during that last balcony appearance, but now he's playing happy cousins with her for the paps. I wonder what Eugenie said to him . . . and what his family will have to say when he gets back to the UK!
I can access only one of the photos, not the other 11. So as far as I know, H may be screaming...
Enbrethiliel said…

I don't think she's pregnant, either. But this is the second time I can remember that she teased people with the jacket-over-the-shoulder-ostensibly-to-camouflage-a-big-belly-but-really-to-make-people-wonder-about-it look. All foam and no beer.
lizzie said…
@Raspberry Ruffle wrote

"The Monarch doesn’t make the rules for Counsellor of State, it’s set out in law. The Queen or Charles have no say in it."

The requirements are laid out in the Regency Act but who is responsible for making sure they are followed? For example, when William turned 21 who was responsible for making him a CoS and dumping Princess Anne? There wasn't a big panic in Parliament about making sure that happened in a timely manner was there? Or when Edward was dumped for Harry? How involved was Charles or the Queen in making that happen quickly?

What if someone who was a CoS didn't want to keep serving? Would he/she go to Parliament to announce that? Or send a letter to someone like the PM? Seems much more likely to me the person would tell the Monarch.

Charles can't make the law but he may be able to pull strings and delay having Harry removed for cause. (If, in fact, there is cause if Harry is not domiciled in the UK. BUT perhaps he IS domiciled in the UK.)
snarkyatherbest said…
Maneki. of course she is “pregnant”. she needs the excuse to not be in the UK all year.
Hikari said…

Wild Boar,

Try this.

SwampWoman said…
It looks as though the Assterixes are quite animated, maniacally so. The Brooksbanks appear to be normal. I can tell who is sucking up (and playing to the camera that nobody is supposed to know is there). Look at US! We're having a WONDERFUL time! (I wonder who got stuck with the bill.) I do not see any evidence of eating, just drinking, it is sooo awkward to have a picture taken in mid-chew.

If a counsellor of state can’t or won’t be available, then it simply moves down the line to the next person in succession, it’s automatic, end of. 🥴I don’t think it needs to be over thought or needlessly complicated. 🤔

Charles will be the next monarch. Edward wasn’t dumped, Mole is higher and in direct line after William to succession (not Edward) so when Mole reached 21 he was automatically able to become a counsellor of state and therefore was included in the first 4. It’s about line of succession and gender used to take priority along side that . When William is King, and his 3 children reach 21, they too will be counsellors of state.

Do we really foresee Mole pulling out all stops to come over when Beatrice etc. is already in the UK? Do we think Maggot would follow? I think not. All they are after is attention and headlines….getting involved in actual unpaid work isn’t something either are interested in. Whether or not Charles, William or Andrew would want Mole to be there remains to be seen, we and they don’t make the laws, so we can only watch and wait.
Thanks @Hikari - looks like a horror movie to me. Swamp Woman's choice of `maniacally' hits exactly the right note.
Fifi LaRue said…
TMZ photo: Twit is putting food into his mouth with several fingers, not just two, or even using a fork. He eats like he was raised in a sty, shoveling the food in.
* is laughing maniacally. Eugenie looked slim at the Super Bowl, and looks slim in the photo. She also appears to be observant, and normal in her demeanor. Whereas * has a fat, jowly face. She must still be swollen from plastic surgery.

And upthread someone mentioned that * was afraid of being booed at the Super Bowl. Good point!
Enbrethiliel said…
@Henrietta and @Fifi

Do you remember the woman in New York who yelled that * was "the charlatan Duchess who conned the Royal Family" (or something to that effect)? What if * is worried about being booed because she's already being heckled on the street?
lizzie said…
@Raspberry Ruffle,

I'm sorry if my use of the word "dumped" was offensive.

What I meant was Anne and Edward were removed from being Counselors of State when William and Harry came of age.

If CoS positions are determined by law and I believe they are, Harry either qualifies or he doesn't for the position. Since he is still listed as a CoS on the royal family web page (as is Andrew), it appears he qualifies. The page only states CoS are the first 4 in the line of succession that are at least 21. It doesn't mention domicile.,and%20The%20Duke%20of%20York.

It wasn't my impression until Lady C made the claim that CoS positions were quite as fluid as just casually moving on to the next person in the line of succession if an official CoS is out of town or otherwise unavailable. Maybe standing in for the Queen is no big deal and something anyone in the family would know how to do but I would have thought there might need to be some prep. Not just in effect saying "Gosh H isn't available Bea. And you know we can't use your dad. So you do X and become a CoS starting today."
snarkyatherbest said…
Raspberry Ruffle - I think he would try to come over to elevate his stature even if the counsellors ignore him or dont tell him where they are meeting ;-)

'meg, they told me to show up at the tower of london slide and i did and no one is here, well except that tour group from Tennessee that called me King Harry; No my little crumpet I cant just call the PM for the time and location, he blocked me and you know that Camilla always answers my dad's phone when i call Please meg, dont start yelling at me, im gonna have to start chanting now"

Maniacal Meg - I think we have a new name!
Hikari said…
I've said previously that I think Princess Eugenie is on the Dollars' side, and I'm afraid I see this dinner as more proof of it. Yes, * may have called the paps and mimed the world's most unphotogenic laugh . . . but her playbook is obvious to everyone by now. If the Brookbanks were there and seated next to a window, that was because they agreed to be.

It's hard from our prospective to see how in the world Eugenie benefits from her association with Harry, either personally or on behalf of her family--her family with Jack and her birth family. No matter how upset she is with Granny and Uncle Charles at the moment, she's got to realize how aligning herself with the toxic duo is going to look. I'm not 100% buying the "Cousins have always been SO CLOSE" story. I think they bonded more as young adults over shared partying but when they were children . . ? Yes, they are both the youngest in their respective families, but Eugenie is almost 6 years younger than Harry and a girl besides. So, when he was 10 or 11, she would have been a tiny girl in nursery school. Sarah would really have encouraged a rambunctious preteen with a history of lashing out and hurting people, including his mum, to be her little girls' playmate? And H doesn't seem the type to have had the patience for little girls either. If they appeared to be getting along together during some family holiday photo ops, I think that's as far as it went when they were kids.

I'd like to give E the benefit of the doubt and say that she agreed to stay with H, dine with H and go to the Super Bowl with him because she was coming to the area anyway and it would have been churlish to refuse contact. Maybe she is genuinely concerned for his welfare, whether or not family members back home have asked her to report back on the state he's in. If H continues to insist on living in California, she's not going to ever see that much more of him. She probably didn't agree to the papp shots, but she wouldn't have been consulted about those. If she is using this visit, on Smeagol's home turf, to confirm for herself just how much of a lost cause H is, I hope she's gathered enough information to clarify that for herself, if she was wavering that he could ever resume his life back in Windsor.

Hikari said…
It's Jack whom I feel rather sorry for. He instinctively helped to block * from getting close to the Queen during that last balcony appearance, but now he's playing happy cousins with her for the paps. I wonder what Eugenie said to him . . . and what his family will have to say when he gets back to the UK!

I feel sorry for him too. His job may be bringing in the money, but in terms of power dynamics when you're the commoner married to a princess, whose own grandmother dismissed you publicly as an idiot . . I don't think he has any. I give Jack credit for actually loving Eugenie, not because she happens to be a royal, but the fact that he's married to a Princess of the United Kingdom does have a few compensations attached to it, even one with a tarnished set of parents. Euge is a very minor royal but even so, I think perhaps Jack has to abide by the Prince Philip model for consorts and always walk a step behind his wife. I think she's the driving force in the marriage and though it may have been *his* work that brought them to California, I don't think he had any say over whether they would boycott seeing the Harkles. Even if privately he may feel that would be the better course . . it's the wife's family and he's just along for the ride. Fortunately for him, this lack of power does have an upside--his presence consorting with the Harkles only reflects that he is a supportive husband, not that he necessarily agrees with how H and * are conducting themselves. If the Brooksbankses had declined to get together with the Harkles on this trip, that would have generated an even bigger story, I think.

I suppose both Jack and Eugenie are glad to be going home. Being confronted with *'s veneers leering at one over the dinner table would put one right off their dinners.

As for *'s attire, to me she looked like a giant bloated mushroom or a player in a Kabuki drama. You KNOW she is teasing speculation that she's "Heavily pregnant" again to avoid the whole lack of invitation to the Jubilee events. Steel yourselves . .I think she would absolutely do it again. She keeps escalating in her lies because no one ever stops her. I think if the Queen had insisted on holding "Archie" during a live broadcast back in 2019, we'd not be having any of this conversation now, as "Archie's" identity or lack thereof would have been confirmed.
DesignDoctor said…
Thanks for the link to the images @WBBM-

What an outfit * has on in the pics! Ugly and as usual does not fit. I hate the jacket draped over the shoulders look on anyone.It always looks pretentious to me.

She looks awful. Her face is fat--don't know if it's weight gain or swelling. *'s looks have really deteriorated quickly.

They word maniacal is the perfect word to describe her over the top facial expressions.

Twit does seems to have a genuine smile for once in a very long time.

Would love to hear BLG's analysis of the photos.
Hikari said…

My first thought upon seeing this photo was "John Lennon crossing Abbey Road". She looks bigger than John, much, if I am honest.

Walking in in her p!mp style 'Shrobe' just highlights how mannish she really is. The disturbing third hand seeming to appear out of her stomach is Eugenie walking on her other side, I think. *'s get-up is so voluminous (wig included) that she totally obscures her walking companion, except for the hand. As to the mystery deep pink object protruding just above the hand, I am at a loss. I would subtitle this composition "Alien Baby Bursting Out of Abbey Road era John Lennon's stomach" but since it's not that . . hmm. It's not a bouquet of flowers. Doesn't seem to be organic to Eugenie's outfit, not if she is allegedly wearing a black jumpsuit, which of course we cannot see. Some kind of weird handbag * is carrying under her arm? It legit looks like a plastic doll arm protruding from her abdomen. wtf


Oh Mole’s all about keeping and elevating his status… 😂 It would be great if they physically locked him out of any and every royal residence etc! Undoubtedly we will see how this mess continues to unravel. 😟
DesignDoctor said…

I did not credit you for posting the photo link. My error and apologies.

I agree. That is the strangest photo ever. Looks like an alien popping out of the stomach. The hands and pink object look weird--Is it a hot pink clutch bag held under the arm?

To my eye it looks as if Eug is wearing a black with floral print outfit rather than sequins.

At the table Eug's facial expressions look normal whilst the other two look exaggerated and over the top.

Did you find the restaurant name?
snarkyatherbest said…
Hikari - she is practicing attachment therapy with Lilibuck$ - that was our little guilded lily protruding from her abdomen

Got to give it to her. We were in need of something. The hubby is oh so boring. Its like a little gift to all her detractors. We have something to talk about!
Enbrethiliel said…
I'm not 100% buying the "Cousins have always been SO CLOSE" story.

This is pure spin to me, too. Even if they did bond over shared partying, which you suggest as a remote possibility, that sort of activity leaves very shallow roots. (Unless, perhaps, blackmail is involved?)

I've floated the theory that Princess Eugenie is palling up with Harry as a reaction to the way Prince Andrew has been treated, because right now it's the only one I can wrap my head even halfway around. But I agree with you that even if she were angry, she must realize that the hits that her reputation are taking can't be worth it. That she continues to support the Dollars' narrative so publicly creates so much cognitive dissonance that it's tempting to buy that "so close" BS.

She probably didn't agree to the papp shots, but she wouldn't have been consulted about those.

I think she knew the pap shots were inevitable. That she was still willing to go through with the meeting means either that she's okay with publicly declaring herself Team Dollar or that she has a compelling reason that we can't figure out that makes all of this worth it.
lizzie said…
@Hikari came up with an interesting explanation for the 3rd hand in photo #7-- that it's Eugenie's but she is otherwise completely hidden by M & her "large" outfit. That's possible.

But I also agree with @DesignDoctor that it looks like Eugenie could be wearing a black with floral print outfit rather than sequins. If that's true, then isn't Eugenie pictured in #8 *behind* Harry? If so how could she be walking beside M ahead of Harry with the red wall in the background? But if it's not Eugenie's hand, who else's could it be? Looks like a woman's hand but even if it's not, both Harry and Jack are too tall to be hidden by M. I guess M could have glommed onto some other woman?

And is Jack pictured at all in the exit photos? Not sure I can recognize him in a mask
Miggy said…
Apologies if already posted.

meghan suing the UK papers AGAIN
Maneki Neko said…

The page only states CoS are the first 4 in the line of succession that are at least 21. It doesn't mention domicile.
CoS must be domiciled in the UK (I think we've ascertained H is):

'they must be British subjects of full age (21, but 18 for the heir apparent and presumptive) who are domiciled in the United Kingdom and not disqualified from becoming monarch'
snarkyatherbest said…
Miggy - i think it is the Mr that is suing the daily mail which reported that he lied about not offering to pay for the rpo protection. However, several royal reporteed it as such on twitter from the home office filings. Is he just hating all over the daily mail as a way to show he cant come home is he hoping for a quick settlement. did he even put out a statement contradicting the story, contact the daily mail or is it straight to the lawsuit

Eugenie - still puzzles me. She always seemed to be favored by the queen but maybe with the queen 95 and the way PA has been "treated" she is looking to the new monarch and not feeling good about her position. More than sure the Mrs has the goods on a lot of people in the soho sphere. i get if you are in town you do the obligatory hi (or in my case you make your schedule so tight you then call and say i have an opening from 2:45 to 3:30 do you want to grab coffee) but two events is more than obligatory.

As for the mrs weight? perhaps she is favoring cannibas and all the snacking that goes with it versus the hard core coke stuff. If she has detoxed the recreational drugs, that is a good thing because its not good to have that stuff around her, or the hubby or the dogs or the "babies"
lizzie said…

Thanks! I wasn't disputing the other requirements. But it's interesting (to me) the Royal Family website doesn't mention the others, particularly domicile. I'm willing to believe H has it (you made a good case) but I don't think everyone here agrees with that.

I WAS questioning if none of the first 4 official CoS are available then the 5th family member in line who is 21 (i.e., Bea) just instantly slides into position in the informal way Lady C claims. If that were the case, why have 4 appointed? Why not just work on down the line of succession every time someone is needed? Seems odd to me.
Fifi LaRue said…
Photos of dinner out: It looks like Twit is hurrying to catch up to Assterisk. I bet he caught hell for falling behind the Commandant, and for faux pas at dinner, plus whatever else he did to shame *.

One thing for sure, Maggot is wearing her fat suit. She looks elephantine in that baggy get-up.
Here's Trevor, with what may be good hot tea:
Hikari said…
And the hits just keep coming . . !

Now she's 'urged to sue' over papp pictures she arranged for herself.

Different day, same old tune.

This is ALL she can drum up for attention, because she does nothing, is nothing inside. Has no content for Nexflix/Spotify, never will have. Because she's lazy and vacuous and just aims to generate never-ending income from lawsuits. She sat in a plastic tent after an ostentatious entrance and *didn't* expect to get photographed . . when an appearance by her is like a Bigfoot sighting these days? Pull the other one, Rachel.
New in the DM..

Pressure is put on Queen to strip expat Prince Harry of his 'Counsellor of State' role but MPs are told disgraced Andrew should be STILL allowed to stand in for the monarch if she is incapacitated……

Further down the article it states..

Prince Harry should not be eligible to stand in for the Queen as a Counsellor of State because he no longer resides in the country, a new parliamentary briefing paper reveals.
lizzie said…
@Hikari---Thanks for the link about people urging H&M to sue. The attorney quoted in the article saying since Weller won his lawsuit they likely would win too is either a total POS or his quote was horribly edited by Newsweek.

What the Newsweek article doesn't mention about the Weller case and perhaps the sue-happy attorney didn't mention either is that Weller sued on behalf of his children whose faces were shown.

Not quite the same as H&M yucking it up in a well-lit plastic tent at night.
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Assterisk would be better off gambling at a casino, or betting on the ponies to generate income. In order to sue, she's got to use Mr. Assterisk's money to try to get money. Oh, that's right, gambling doesn't gain one attention from the media.
Seriously now said…
I think Eugenie is being a double agent.
Hikari said…

Have the Nutties officially sorted out who was responsible for H and E’s seats at the recent pigskin contest?

The contenders were Casamigos or ButterUp. If Jack’s employer provided 2 seats for him and a plus one—which I think is a more likely scenario than the alternative—would an avocado toast eating namaste bunch of Millennial green tea drinkers in charge of a “mental health app” really be keen to support a sporting contest promoting toxic masculinity and head trauma as a corporate sponsor? Whereas booze and violent sports are a much better fit—Perhaps Jack’s non-attendance in favor of giving Haitch his seat tells us what we need to know about Jack’s position. I know there are women who dig football, though I m not one of them. Would Eugenie really have been so keen to attend an American football game when she could have been shopping in Beverly Hills instead? If, as reported, she and Jack were staying with the Harkles—do we believe this???—there would have been plenty of chances for a cousin chat. It was a fairly long visit and Mole is unemployed. One might think Jack’s company would want him there, but he didn’t want to go if H insisted on the other seat.

If Mole’s company got the seats—then H declined to invite his cousin’s husband, who might have been more into football. Two guys hanging out enjoying the game would have been nice to see—except I don’t think there is any love lost between Jack and the Harkles. He got dragged to this dinner, but if he’d made the trip solo, I don’t think that there would’ve been any meet-ups. Of course from the Harkles point of view, Jack is a nobody without being attached to his wife. The Harkles in reverse innit.
Henrietta said…
Seriously now,

You mean she's pretending to be an agent of the Queen, but she's really loyal to the Sussexes?
SwampWoman said…
Seriously now said...
I think Eugenie is being a double agent.

Maybe? Eugenie and Harry were there watching an NFL championship game, something that they were both probably spectacularly uninterested in. If QE2 or PC wanted to send him a personal message or even some funds, it seems to me that it could have been sent via messenger to the British Embassy. Perhaps it was just something like "Genie, I've heard you and Jack are going to be in California. Say, could you be a dear and extend a ticket to Harry and look him over? See if he looks well, ask how he's doing, show pictures of young August, see if he has any of their children."
DesignDoctor said…

Interesting possibility which I have entertained myself.
Maybe E's Switzerland--neutral and friendly to both sides to keep lines of communication open between the two families?
SwampWoman said…
The contenders were Casamigos or ButterUp. If Jack’s employer provided 2 seats for him and a plus one—which I think is a more likely scenario than the alternative—would an avocado toast eating namaste bunch of Millennial green tea drinkers in charge of a “mental health app” really be keen to support a sporting contest promoting toxic masculinity and head trauma as a corporate sponsor? Whereas booze and violent sports are a much better fit—Perhaps Jack’s non-attendance in favor of giving Haitch his seat tells us what we need to know about Jack’s position. I know there are women who dig football, though I m not one of them. Would Eugenie really have been so keen to attend an American football game when she could have been shopping in Beverly Hills instead? If, as reported, she and Jack were staying with the Harkles—do we believe this???—there would have been plenty of chances for a cousin chat. It was a fairly long visit and Mole is unemployed. One might think Jack’s company would want him there, but he didn’t want to go if H insisted on the other seat.

If Mole’s company got the seats—then H declined to invite his cousin’s husband, who might have been more into football. Two guys hanging out enjoying the game would have been nice to see—except I don’t think there is any love lost between Jack and the Harkles. He got dragged to this dinner, but if he’d made the trip solo, I don’t think that there would’ve been any meet-ups. Of course from the Harkles point of view, Jack is a nobody without being attached to his wife. The Harkles in reverse innit.

Jack was probably out doing his job promoting the brand to the other people that were invited by his company (grin). And *maybe* the ticket was provided by the company. Maybe the ticket was provided through the company but not paid by the company.

Would anybody believe that they were recruiting Harry to be a brand rep?

There would not be enough money in the world or family fealty to make ME give up private time away from baby with hubby to share it with my idiot cousin and his *itchy wannabe Beverly Hills Housewife in the same HOUSE. I would laugh incredulously and nope my way out the door, trampling on anybody between me and the exit. I could only imagine Jack's reaction. Whatever happened to get her there must have been one of those offers she could not refuse. "Think of yourself as Bond. Jane Bond."

SwampWoman said…
Durn, I'm late to the party (again). G'night, all! I shall have to leave before my glass slippers turn back into running shoes, and my party dress into mom jeans and T-shirt.
Hikari said…

My thought too—Jack was at the stadium doing something official for a corporate event, in another skybox even. Eugenie might have accompanied him as the spouse…or stayed behind to get a mani pedi…but she was obliged to babysit H in the stands when * refused to go.

I don’t think E would have been so keen on this “American experience” that she wouldn’t have given her seat to *, seeing as she wasn’t sitting with her husband. She had to have been bored off her sticks, sitting with a pouting H who has been known to throw a wobbler in sports stands.

To think of Jack back at Mudslide Manor with * and the 2 phantom kids doing what? Playing canasta while his wife was at the game alone…well, with Harry, which is basically the same thing…? Can’t see it.
snarkyatherbest said…
My thought is there were tickets from Butter Up and Casa of too much Tequila. Jack was schmoozing and the cousins were tired of it so they sat and watched the game. Maybe the clients were not impressed with the royalty present or asked things about his brother, wife and kids. I believe someone was told not to come. Ellen may have said, i gave you the interview favor and now we are done. dont call me or go near me again (imagine a few of the neighbors may have felt that) Oprah and Gail (not at the superbowl) have certainly been nowhere on the radar and oprah wields a lot of power among the higher ups in hollywood. She may have had the mrs blackballed. Maybe the mrs, who normally would barge into things, didnt want to take the risk of being barred by real security from entry.

At big sporting events, you get access to a floor of suites and sometimes you can flit among them or a few of them so long as you have an access pass for the floor (we have been fortunate to have that a few times at concerts at Madison Square Gardens and at other events) Sometimes we have had invites from several organizations, and spend time in both hospitality suites. So it is possible they had tickets to both.

No way Jack would be playing nursemaid to the wife and the "kids" he would have work to do, unless she was on a real bender and he was going to babysit her so Mr dollar could have a night off
snarkyatherbest said…
Ew Harry as Brand Rep - party hearty on our Tequila - geez with his substance issues I hope not!

Good night swamp woman - i have procrastinated enough have a ton of work to finish
snarkyatherbest said…
So is Mr Sue (maybe a new name) only suing daily mail or are there other lawsuits.

Are they particularly touchy about Daily Mail and the parent company?
Remember how she called out the owner in her "win" Is there history there?

Are there rumors about more drip drop of stories or inuendo (like the Georgia woman that faked two pregnancies) and they feel like the daily mail is coming for them. Is this a preemptive move to discredit daily mail ahead of any other stories that may come out. There had been rumors that the papers have a lot of stories and havent published them.

And why havent they sued the Times and Valentine Low on the bullying claims?

Lots of questions that we can only speculate and likely never know the answers.
Fifi LaRue said…
I'm voting for Mr. Brooksbank, World-Wide Ambassador for Casamigos, schmoozing with the very upscale clientele at the game. Mrs. Assterisks didn't throw plow her way into the celebrity suites at the game, so am going with plastic surgery still obvious. The dinner out was in the semi-darkness, so her face wouldn't be so noticeable. She's also gained weight, and wore her fat suit to dinner.
Fifi LaRue said…
I'm voting for Mr. Brooksbank, World-Wide Ambassador for Casamigos, schmoozing with the very upscale clientele at the game. Mrs. Assterisks didn't throw plow her way into the celebrity suites at the game, so am going with plastic surgery still obvious. The dinner out was in the semi-darkness, so her face wouldn't be so noticeable. She's also gained weight, and wore her fat suit to dinner.
Enbrethiliel said…
Jesus Enrique Rosas delivers yet again!

THIS Is How Meghan FAKED Her Own Paparazzi Photos

He absolutely devastates the Dollars' fakery -- in particular, Harry's "concerns" about security.

There's a sense in which setting up a pap opportunity is a security breach. (You inform an outsider of your whereabouts and then sit in a place where he can most conveniently "shoot" you.) This has the same hypocrisy as * telling her RPOs "I will walk where I like," making their job harder for them, and then bleating to Oprah that she wanted a title for "Archie" only so that he could also have security. They can't keep putting themselves in vulnerable situations and then saying that the police owe them special protection.
Hikari said…


Call me crazy but this has the sulfurous stench of the Evil One all over it. Right on the heels of the pap shots too.

Maneki Neko said…
OT but fun - apparently * made fun of her Suits co-star Patrick J Adams when she saw him naked on stage. You can guess what she laughed at - as if she was perfection itself. Maybe she actually secretly fancied what she saw. He'll appear naked again on Broadway next month. He said he'd love her to be in the audience and will send her an invite.
This was in the Star and I think I saw it in the DM
Mel said…
Now the BLG has a video up. Kinda makes you wonder how many camera guys she paid off anyway.

Harry! "i fEeL tHrEaTeNeD iN tHe uK"

Meanwhile, Harry's TOP NOTCH security in the US lets a... 'paparazzi' film them from various angles.

Teasmade said…
1. The way the Body Language Guy says "Eugenie" is adorable.

2. Anyone follow Baroness Bruck on Twitter? Her latest, and before/in case this topic is banned here:

"UK troops are likely ready for NATO deployment, with all that it means for those men & women and their families

Meanwhile, Hollywood Harry is suing a newspaper for hurting his feelings (there were three emojis but I deleted them in case they didn't convey)


I do hope we hear nothing from either of them for the time being.
Girl with a Hat said…

about the Body Language Guy's take on the pap shots in the restaurant...

Lainey Lui from Laineygossip had a take on the pap shots which was so pro-* that it was sickening. Lainey went on about how comfortable the 4 people looked, how seldom * is papped, and how the name of the restaurant isn't revealed in the photos.

All of which the BLG explained in his videos.

It was also Lainey who taught me years ago that when someone is papped, it's because that person called the paps themselves. So, how can this woman Lui just lie so blatantly like she did in her column yesterday?
snarkyatherbest said…
So Daily Mail has a proDuchess of Cambridge editorial today Is this why Mr Sue Sued? knew it was being published and wanted to make it about them (his brother, the monarchy) versus us? timing sure stinks. So which came first the chicken or the egg?

snarkyatherbest said…
now we have video footage of the dinner too? its like she wanted BLG and everyone to analyze it over two days and then use it about obsessions with them and why they needed security. As someone over on another social media platform pointed out (ok Twitter) Harry as so concerned about security and trained in the military (and the family members do have training on security) would never put himself in a situation like this easily "shot" by a pap and then an video if he wasnt complicit

I cannot imagine for one moment that HM would go to Enniful's nuptuals. Do they really expect us to believe this tosh?
Fifi LaRue said…
Hikari, you are not crazy. The article specifically mentioned that the Queen was set to attend the wedding of Edward Enningful. "Sulfurous stench" all over it! LOL! Jason Lee? His claim to fame was that he played a stupid hillbilly on a television show. That's Assterisks' mouthpiece?
Hikari said…

Good for Patrick J. Adams. He should follow up by sending her a ticket and then posting on SM how he’s so looking forward to catching up after the show—he can’t wait to hear all about her growing family and how she has stayed in such amazing shape since leaving Suits and have two children. He could commiserate about how tough it is to keep in shape as one gets OLDER, isn’t it? And what a thrill it will be to have the former patron of an institution like the National Theatre grace his audience.

He should repeat variations on this every week until she’s forced to admit that she’s heavily pregnant and can’t come.
snarkyatherbest said…
Jason Lee - is he the new scoobie do? sure is trying to make the splash with his fake news. Is someone feeding him stuff to wreck havoc on the BRF pr and the platinum jubliee.

Crazy day in the world today and in the markets. Keep calm and carry on
Enbrethiliel said…
@Girl with a Hat
So, how can this woman Lui just lie so blatantly like she did in her column yesterday?

I never read her, but your description of how she wrote about the papped dinner is definitely eye-rolling. It's interesting that Mr. Rosas's video defeats all her main points, too.

Everything I know about Lui comes from this blog, when she gets brought up by Nutties. She seems to have been a staunch sugar from the beginning. Does anyone know why? What does she get out of supporting the Harkles?

Oprah's support I could understand. It got her that long-coveted "royal" interview and let her further a narrative of racism. Too bad (ha) that it blew up in her face and she had to hide the interview after 30 days. Does Lui have an agenda of her own that the Dollars can help her out with?
OKay said…
@Fifi That's a different Jason Lee.
Girl with a Hat said…

I can think of two things that Lui would benefit from her unwavering support of *:
1. access to the gossip that * could feed her assuming that * doesn't ghost her like she did Messica Baloney, also ghosted by Lui when Messica displayed her entitlement issues about that woman Sacha, I think it was
2. the satisfaction of seeing a POC narc like herself attain a glorified position in society
Enbrethiliel said…

People who identify with * (whether due to skin color or any other reason) really disturb me.
Enbrethiliel said…
Tangentially related:

Someone recently showed me a tweet that said (I paraphrase): "Thanks to Kanye West, the world can watch, in real time, what it's like to divorce a narcissist."

I haven't followed the Kardashian-West drama at all, but perhaps those who have would say of this marriage what I've been saying about the Dollars' union: One net benefit of it is that more people can learn about narcissists without having to be entangled with one first. I just wish that we could have had a parallel educational case study in a Dollar divorce.
2 reasons why I doubt That HM would even think of going to EE's wedding:

- There are many among the nouveaux riches who believe they are important enough to warrant their nuptials being graced by the presence of Her Majesty. They may even invite her. I gather, however, that she has only ever attended Royal family weddings or those of friends of very long standing and doubtless her entire household can smell the cynical self-interest of the happy couple wafting up from the card on which the invitation is printed (ie not engraved)

- As it is a same-sex relationship, it would have created all manner of difficulties for the Supreme Governor of the CoE to be seen at such a union, regardless of where it is held. After all, she did not attend a similar ceremony for Lord Ivar Mountbatten, a distant cousin of the Duke of Edinburgh - she was represented by the Wessexes.

Senders of spurious invitations probably receive an elegant letter of regrets saying prior engagements call...
DesignDoctor said…
Does anyone wonder how/why *'s interview dress is on exhibition in Bath?
Does anyone think the seagull poop dress is iconic enough to garner such an honor?
IMO the dress is infamous for being worn during an interview so heinous and full of lies that strayed the RF. Why should THAT dress be honored?
And who is responsible for it being shown? It seems as if ^ might be responsible herself...
SwampWoman said…
Enbrethilial, re Jesus Enrique Rojas, oh, my (said in George Takei's voice). I admit that I feel somewhat embarrassed that I wasn't sufficiently interested in the Sue-age pair to check restaurant footage and identify the venue, but more productive tasks intervened, like cleaning toilets (grin).
SwampWoman said…
Teasmade, re Ukraine and possible NATO involvement, that was what I was referring to cryptically a few days ago when I said something to the effect that, once again, world events were going to overshadow the craptastic couple.

I really wish that they would stop it with the attention whoring. First we get COVID, now we get Putin trying to start WWIII, what next? Giant meteor? Flying nukes?

/I never checked to see if it posted, though. Could be that it was deemed too off topic.
Teasmade said…
@DesignDoctor: I saw the announcement about that stupid dress. I think it was bestowed by some magazine, not the museum itself. It was some way out-there magazine. I just looked it up-- two editors from Dazed (?) magazine who got to choose on behalf of the museum. The announcement (I found it in Vanity Fair online) was accompanied by some made-up gobbledegook. “We both latched upon Meghan and Harry's now iconic interview with Oprah as the definitive anti-establishment moment that will forever endure in the British collective consciousness,” for example.

@Swampie: I think your comment was published, and I "got" it. This transcends politics, but I won't say anything else. Just--they are so so out of line to insist on this right now, let alone ever.
SwampWoman said…
Enbrethiliel said: Someone recently showed me a tweet that said (I paraphrase): "Thanks to Kanye West, the world can watch, in real time, what it's like to divorce a narcissist."

Johnny Depp/Amber Heard. Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie. I fear that poor Kanye is going to be eaten alive.
SwampWoman said…
Teasmade: @Swampie: I think your comment was published, and I "got" it. This transcends politics, but I won't say anything else. Just--they are so so out of line to insist on this right now, let alone ever.

Some people (most people?) don't understand logistics and shipping disruptions, or the consequences of said disruptions (whether intended or not). Harry, IF he were of sound mind, should have immediately grasped the implications of further interruptions in the supply chain. He should have also paid attention to the difference between essential and non-essential personnel.

Nonworking supernumerary royals are not essential. I wonder if they have a backup plan for providing essentials for daily living. (Oh, right, I forgot the lawsuits.)
Anonymous said…
Good god.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the NAACP Image Awards on Saturday. The couple, who are living in California after quitting royal duties, have been named as the recipients of the President's Award.
Anonymous said…

'Inspiring leaders' Meghan Markle and Prince Harry honoured with 'prestigious' new award

MEGHAN Markle and Prince Harry are to receive a prestigious award for their social justice work.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the NAACP Image Awards on Saturday. The couple, who are living in California after quitting royal duties, have been named as the recipients of the President's Award.
Girl with a Hat said…
I came up with an idea about Hairy's suit against the UK government.

What if this is the BRF's way of getting the UK government to pay for Hairy's protection?

They don't want to be seen to be pushing for the government to pay for Hairy and * but if the judge, like that judge in the copyright case, comes up with a judgement for Hairy, what can the BRF and the taxpayer do? they can complain, like they did about Tony Blair getting his knighthood, but that's about it.
snarkyatherbest said…
rebecca. ugh. guess we know why she was so private for so long. working on this. just a sad day for naacp. it’s kinda like the aclu suing states to keep mask mandates.
snarkyatherbest said…
wait. media contact is sunshine sachs. duh! $ from somewhere guess the hubby really can’t afford to pay for his own security.
Seriously now said…

I’d hazard the guess that Eugenie will be most loyal to which ever party benefits her most, which ultimately will be the Queen/Institution. I don’t doubt that she has acted as an informant or ally to the Dollars, but that has set her up to have influence or a tangible connection to the Dollars, which, as events have unfolded lands her in a position that is useful to the Royal fam. Whether by accident or by design Eugenie has some leverage with Hazza, putting Eugenie in a ‘useful’ position.
Teasmade said…
I am trying to find the posts now, but I saw that the "award" was another one of those one-hand-washes-the-other jobbies where it's a Sunshine Sachs client plus another connection. I'm going out shortly but will keep looking (on Twitter, lots of other news on there, ahem) and will report back.
Museumstop said…
Not only are they receiving an award but are also giving away the first award under the aegis of a partnership with their foundation and NAACP. Talk about total control! You can bet their acceptance speech will have a few zingers. Guess this is what she stayed home for to recover from whatever procedures to make a 'splash' on Saturday.
The same old secrecy around engagements, surprise announcements - how do well-meaning strait-laced people survive around these two without suffering a breakdown.
It's a win for Netflix - they must have been filming the couple's trials and tribulations through a manufactured and curated narrative of headlines on court cases, chasing paps and evil family. I can almost picture the montage set to a rising crescendo of a 'victory at last!' with the award. The Mrs will shed a pretend tear of vindication of a woman persecuted. Bonus - all the fashion moments.
As grating as they are and particularly she is, it always makes me wonder at how things somehow seem to work out for her, there's always someone ready/malleable enough to make it work for her. She is tenacious with her instinct for fame and money. But so are many. Why does she win? Makes me doubt all the karma philosophy. Sigh
snarkyatherbest said…
now they are condemning russia. maybe their russian oligarch friends are feeling poor with the new financial sanctions that are being put on today and can’t offer their largess. what the heck is going on out there in Montecito
lizzie said…
Well, until H&M came along I didn't realize that so many "honors" could be bought. I mean, I've always known that merit isn't always rewarded and "undue influences" are too-often at work behind the scenes. But I didn't realize just about everything is for sale. Kind of horrifying.

I wonder if Doria will be invited to the NAACP gala? She's not needed anymore and certainly has dropped completely out of sight. But since she and "Flower" are so close.... ;-)
SwampWoman said…
lizzie said...
Well, until H&M came along I didn't realize that so many "honors" could be bought. I mean, I've always known that merit isn't always rewarded and "undue influences" are too-often at work behind the scenes. But I didn't realize just about everything is for sale. Kind of horrifying.

Yep. Exactly the term I would have used. I never thought about it before but, upon seeing it in action, it cannot be unseen.
Henrietta said…
Thanks for the response, Seriously now.

This is something I found on Lipstick Alley, but it's posted in such a way that its origin is completely obscured:

Part One

Expect more of these stories to trickle out over the next few weeks/months. My source in Hollywood will kill me if I name names, but that Meghan is looking hard for a richer man is a very known thing among the "elites." She's apparently hurling herself at every man she can get close to, including a famous athlete or two, to try to improve her financial situation and tie down the next future ex-Mr. Markle. Ranks are starting to close even more tightly against both of them because men are sick of her transparent and desperate attempts to nail them down, and girlfriends, boyfriends, and wives are even more sick of it. They are moving from being shadow banned to being openly ostracized. They are openly saying, "We don't want you here." And they're saying it to and about HER.

Henrietta said…
Part 2

People think Harry is a bore, but most think it's her influence on him and most think he might be a nice enough guy if he didn't have her hand up his ass ventriloquizing all he does and says. I'm just saying in the coming weeks, these type stories will begin to multiply. People have had enough of her.

The poster is "Scissorhands," it's post number 5,223 in the part 6 thread, and hopefully this is a link to the post:

Post in thread 'Meghan Markle unpopular opinions thread pt 6'


I really suspected that this was going on behind the scenes, and I love the detail! Just like that other story about the San Ysidro Ranch.
DesignDoctor said…
Thanks for the information on how *'s"iconic, infamous" dress was chosen to be exhibited.
@Lizzie and @ SwampWoman
I have always been surprised that the honor of having one's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame can be purchased for 30K. If you buy it for yourself, then how is it an "honor?"
Hey, I'm rich enough to buy myself a star!
Hikari said…
Neil Sean rings in on Eugenie’s association with the Harkles…Friend or Foe?
Rebecca said…
I am just writing this as a test. I think my posts may now appear as being anonymous. I don’t know why.
HappyDays said…
Hi All,

Haven’t been here for a couple of weeks and am just catching up on reading the discussions.

My office had a major server malfunction. When we asked the IT department to send us a copy from the backup server of the content we lost when our server died, after considerable stalling on their part, we were sheepishly told that due to an oversight, they haven’t been backing up our work for just over a year. This is the second time this has happened in about five years, so it is very frustrating.

I am fortunate that I am still working from home due to the pandemic. I have the house to myself, so nobody sees my eyes tear up as I sit at my desk when I think about being six months behind on our work. But life goes on.

@ OCGal: Thank you for the link to the Coronation chicken recipe. The web page even has a photo of the completed dish, so I know what it should look like. I think it is something my average cooking skills should be able to handle. I plan to make it one weekend when there is a Jubilee event going on in the UK and enjoy it with friends.

@D1:Thank you for posting the entire recipe. I have it copied and already in my online recipe file. From looking at the version on the web page OCGal posted and your recipe, both versions look very similar, so at least I will have proper guidance when I attempt to make it!

@Enbrethiel: Did you make the Coronation chicken recipe yet? How did it come out?

@Blue Dragon: Love your suggestion to buy coronation chicken at Marks and Spencer. If I lived in England, I’d be sure to pick some up if only to compare the M&S version against the version I will make at home here in the US. It’s been several years since I’ve had the time to visit the UK, but have always felt so welcomed by the lovely people there and I love the Food Halls at the stores like Marks and Spencer. I am an avid gardener and want to visit again when the pandemic calms down a bit more to visit the Chelsea Flower Show and see more of the countryside. Maybe a trip in May 2023 would be a good time to visit.

At any rate, thank you to everyone who joined in the coronation chicken discussion. This blog is inhabited by so many nice people. Cheers to everyone!
Hikari said…
Design Doctor,

It’s my understanding that celebrities are prohibited from purchasing their own stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The not inconsiderable fee covers the installation and also the upkeep of the street, and it’s supposed to be raised by third parties on behalf of the celebrity: fan organizations mostly. Several years ago Kim Kardashian tried to purchase a star for herself. The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce shut that down, informing KK that honorees were not permitted to purchase their own stars and in any case, regardless of monies raised, there were standards in place for eligibility. In their letter, they wrote to the effect that her “contributions to the entertainment industry did not meet their standards for inclusion, but she was welcome to be reconsidered at such time as she could demonstrate substantial achievement in the performing arts.“ Burn! I never thought I would have any reason to have a grudge and respect for the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce but That was one instance that I did.
Faltering Sky said…
You can also buy the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval for what was in the neighborhood of 100k about ten years ago. Frosts my cupcakes!
Magatha Mistie said…

Friday Singalong 🎤
Apologies:The Carpenters
Close to You
Thanks to BLG 😉

Gross Encounters

Why do folks quickly disappear
Every time she is near
Just like us, they long to be
Far from her

Why has haz fallen down from high
Every year that’s gone by
Just like us, he want’s to be
Far from her

On the day that she was spawned
the furies got together
and decided to create a harpy shrew
They sprinkled poison in her eyes
And hid her hooves in
badly fitted shoes

That is why all in tinseltown
Cannot stand to be around
Just like us, they try to be
Far from her

Magatha Mistie said…

A boy named Sue 🥴

Doria/flower, the petals don’t
fall far from the pistil 😳

As for Eugenie, short/blind sighted
much like her father.
Magatha Mistie said…


There’s no disputin’
Their letter to Putin
Will make this war go away
I’m sure he’ll take heed
Of their desperate need
To be relevant
and call a ceasefire today

Magatha Mistie said…

The Enemas

Paying for awards
We can all do that
What I would like is
a nice golden bat
Awarded to us to
crown twit and twat

Perhaps Eugenie has yet to learn from her father's error of maintaining friendship with a very dangerous person. Does she too have a misplaced sense of loyalty?
Maneki Neko said…
Apparently, the Harkles have written on the website of their Archewell charity:
'Prince Harry and Meghan, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex and all of us at Archewell stand with the people of Ukraine against this breach of international and humanitarian law and encourage the global community and its leaders to do the same.'

Gosh, they do love their titles, don't they, especially for a couple who wanted to cut ties with the BRF! And in any case, why on their Archewell website? What has the situation in Ukraine got to do with Archewell (or the 6s)? Why not on Twitter of they really had to stick their oar in? I suppose * thinks this will advance her career in politics.
Maneki Neko said…
I've just seen this - could someone explain??

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend the NAACP Awards on Saturday where they will receive the prestigious President's Awards to mark their special achievement for 'distinguished public service'.
Apparently this is about racial justice and civil rights. I can't recall any significant work these two have done to merit an award - or perhaps Archewell paid the NAACP?
Maneki Neko said…
I've just seen this - could someone explain??

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will attend the NAACP Awards on Saturday where they will receive the prestigious President's Awards to mark their special achievement for 'distinguished public service'.
Apparently this is about racial justice and civil rights. I can't recall any significant work these two have done to warrant an award - or perhaps Archewell paid the NAACP?
It looks to me as if there's if there may be a formal tie up as I saw the organisation referred to as NAACP-Archewell. Not sure where I saw it though.

It's a give-away that they are effectively making the award to themselves - just like any other despot, tyrant or banana country dictator (of whom every man-jack is a raging narcissist). That'll be another medal for Twat.

I thought her hair looked significantly lighter in some recent photos - more appropriation of white characteristics or has she just stopped making herself look more black?
I'm sure someone's already said this, the only `service' they know about is self service - she metaphorically goes around filling her trolley/cart with goodies.

God helps those who help themselves - but God help those who get caught helping themselves...
Teasmade said…
@Maneki and anyone who's questioning the "award":

Of course they've done nothing to advance racial justice/civil rights. If anything, they've (and when I say "they" of course I mostly mean "she" as he's too stupid to do much of anything) set progress back by one more crystal-clear demonstration of the use of the race card to get one's way and silence others.


Interesting nugget from Lipstick Alley!
DesignDoctor said…

Thank you very much for your explanation/clarification regarding the Walk of Fame. It never made sense to me stars could purchase one for themselves!!
Your explanation makes a lot more sense. If they could be bought * would have one for sure!

I followed * before she hooked up with 6 because I watched Suits. I like the actor who played the main character.
Only serving herself is an apt description. I remember reading on social media how * liked to score the swag bags at events whether she was entitled to take one or not, often taking more than one.
DesignDoctor said…
Totally agree with your comments concerning the award and the Lipstick Alley tea
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, yet again I congratulate you on your outstanding lyrical capabilities. Every time I read your pointed, take-down creative posts against the Harkles I think, or write, that’s the best one yet. But this one really is the best!

We all know this Carpenters song by heart, the music is easy to sing, the notes are within most peoples’ ranges, the original Carpenters song words were simple and direct, and your take-off follows the lyrics directly but switches out all the pretty sentiment for negative negative and more negative sentiment, matching the Duch-a$$ perfectly.

I just belted out your ‘Gross Encounters’ version of the song at the top of my lungs: luckily we live on big acreage so no human neighbors were disturbed (I don’t think), but all the sweet birdies who were singing their birdsongs stopped dead cold when hearing my rendition. It is still 100% silent outside. I fear they’ve all flown away. This is not a joke, not a peep out there.

From this experience I conclude that even the birds are repulsed by the Dutch-@$$. Your lyrics and creativity, and my rendition have proven it to be true. Ipso facto.

—————————- I am keeping this opus below so I can sing it in future. Watch out world! ——————————
“ Blogger Magatha Mistie said...

Friday Singalong 🎤
Apologies:The Carpenters
Close to You
Thanks to BLG 😉

Gross Encounters

Why do folks quickly disappear
Every time she is near
Just like us, they long to be
Far from her

Why has haz fallen down from high
Every year that’s gone by
Just like us, he want’s to be
Far from her

On the day that she was spawned
the furies got together
and decided to create a harpy shrew
They sprinkled poison in her eyes
And hid her hooves in
badly fitted shoes

That is why all in tinseltown
Cannot stand to be around
Just like us, they try to be
Far from her

February 25, 2022 at 7:57 AM“
snarkyatherbest said…
with what we are seeing with these awards and other partnerships. makes you wonder if it’s like junk mail. only 2% of the pitches result in anything? wonder who else they pitched and were laughed out of the room. i also think something will be announced to detract from them not being at the academy awards at the end of march. or for harry not showing for the prince philip service at the end of march. i wonder if she will be in ball gown for her zoom call award acceptance. maybe extra bronzer to highlight the poc (versus the pos….piece of sh….). yes and it sure is trying to compete with the rugby game. the mrs will have to be busy. the platinum jubilee will have a lot of events and members of the family will be all over the commonwealth to highlight this. we may actually have a lot to talk about in the next few months!
DesignDoctor said…
@OCGal and @Magatha Mistie
I agree. Magatha your latest is brilliant! And so fun to sing.
Hikari said…

I’m sure the Sugar Squad would be happy to pay for 10 stars for their Kween, but their application would be rejected on the grounds that their idol’s acting resume is too thin. Turns out the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has more scruples than the NAACP, who would have thought it? Next, Madam will expect the Nobel Peace Prize. After all, she did prance around and a sleeveless top at a murdered girls memorial in South Africa. Look at all the peace she has sown in two families and two nations! She is as grandiose as Putin, without the charisma.


Your talent for satirical lyrics needs to reach a wider audience. You have such a gift. Consider sending some to Piers Morgan & the BLG. They will get a huge kick out of your poems, and they can credit you anonymously if you are worried about the flying monkeys coming after you.
Rebecca said…

You are truly in top form today! Bravo.

I have a suggestion for a future Friday Singalong: (With apologies to Jimmy Buffett) Why Don’t We Get Drunk and Sue (to the tune of Why Don’t We Get Drunk and Screw).
Henrietta said…
From CDAN:

Blind Item #3

Speaking of awards, this A list celebrity couple insisted on low six figures before they could be talked into accepting an award.

A majority of the posters think this is the Markles. I'm not so sure.

HappyDays said…
Portrait of Meghan shot in New York has been released on Instagram. It is a black and white photograph. Profile shot with her wearing a clingy black dress that the caption says it was shot at the United Nations, so I guess it was taken in fall of 2021. Technically a nice photograph, but I think it has been Photoshopped to slim her down.

But what caught my attention is the look on her face. Incredibly vacant and cold. There’s a nothingness in her eyes. Just nothing inside there.

SwampWoman said…
Magatha, ROFLOL re Gross Encounters! It is absolutely perfect!
SwampWoman said…
All of this silly posturing done by the Sue-ages is an indication of desperation (IMO).
Is it significant that this `latest' Meghan portrait was taken several years ago, presumably on the occasion of the `standing ovation'?? ie 2015, assuming that this is it?

The come-hither look doesn't strike me as `regal', nor does the messy hair. Regality requires dignity.

(I highlighted `Portrait of Meghan shot in New York has been released on Instagram' and pressed `Search')

Have I got it right? The dress is a rotten fit, as usual. it `rings' on the back and what's that bulge under the bust line?
lizzie said…
Seems odd a 7-year photo would be released now. Except that lots of folks seem to think it's current? Doesn't seem that it is though based on what the photographer wrote about 2015. Maybe that's part of the reason she's been out of sight? Hoping more people would think she still looks like she's in her early 30's instead of her true age of 40?

It is amazing her clothes have always fit so poorly. I guess it's her posture. She thrusts her belly (and rib cage-- think that's part of the "bulge" WBBM) forward leaving the back of the garment to kind of sag.
Maneki Neko said…
Better late than never... Thanks @Magatha for another song - perfectly encapsulating the gruesome twosome.

I've just clapped eyes on the 'regal' 😂 portrait hinting at a 'powerful future ' for *. It says it was taken some years back and the first thing I thought was that she looked like she did in her Suits days. Her right arm looks cropped where it meets the waist so I'd say the photo has been photoshopped.
Nope, neither regal nor powerful.
Girl with a Hat said…

that photo was taken about 15 plastic surgeries ago.

Also, the sagging of her clothes in the back is caused by an abnormal curvature of the spine inwards, called a "lordosis"
Museumstop said…
And this...

(DM means to say private I think)

On the portrait - could it be the old fashioned me too since royals Kate and Mary published theirs for their respective birthdays? Or that she's done procedures such that try to make take her back to this time in life, and she wants to refresh public memory and point towards this look when they see her with yet another different face like @lizzie said.

@Henrietta thanks for the LSA tea. It does seem to tie in with increased tea posts around royal watching tumblr blogs, especially the one on the Fosters icing them out.
Mel said…
The guy changed the description on that photo.

It first just said, taken at the UN. Implying, perhaps inadvertently, this fall.

Now it says, some years back. A lot of was 2014.
snarkyatherbest said…
love the old photo release from mrs dollars. just reeks of jealousy. she’s not in her happy place. keep it up. we are enjoying this!
Henrietta said…

You're welcome. I did see the other screenshot of the Fosters' tea, and thought it was interesting, especially the part about how the Fosters so regretted getting involved with them that they were warning other people not to have anything to do with them. That's really pretty bad.

My ex, towards the end of our marriage had started doing something similar to what MM probably did to David. When he saw I really enjoyed a church group we had joined, he called up one of the men that had hosted the meeting in his home and started asking and saying things that were wildly inappropriate. When he gleefully related the conversation to me in couple's counseling, I knew I could never show my face in the group again. It's a way that abusers isolate their victims from others.

And there does seem to be a pattern now. The Clooneys, the Beckhams, the Fosters -- the only exception seems to be "Genie" and Jack. I personally think it's because Eugenie has been asked to stay in touch with them. I would have dumped MM pronto after what she did at their wedding. And forget about staying at their house! If that hadn't been reported by the Times, I never would have believed it. MM must be a nightmare as a hostess.
Hikari said…
That picture of "the powerful future" looks like she's on her way to a Witches of Eastwick funeral scene. Forget Diana . . let's try Imelda Marcos.

Frankly, if I didn't already know she was rotten to the core, I'd still say this portrait exudes a malevolent energy. She does not invite; she repels. Those eyes are like hard pieces of jet, and the dress looks very matronly.

Why does her hair always look like she was just dragged backwards through a bush?

Re-releasing this picture nearly 8 years after the fact IS a sign of desperation. She doesn't have any other pictures of more recent vintage she's happy to show. And this just harkens back to her obsessive need to keep re-fashioning the past as though it would make her present more shiny. At 40 years old (some say closer to 45), she is still hung up in the 1990s, when she was in her very early adulthood. She might have been moderately decent looking then. Like Oscar Wilde's portrait of Dorian Gray, like Wallis and Andy . .she's rotting from the inside because there is not a single thing which is good in her. She's diseased through and through, figuratively but also I think there is significant screwy wiring in her brain. She will never stop and she will never be normal or even what passes for human. She is a freak of nature . .a monstrous freak. Prettying up the outside doesn't disguise the roiling corruption of her soul. Harry's the same, but she's worse. Don't we think Haz is doing half of what he does . . the legal actions and the public bomb-throwing at her instigation? He's Loeb . the younger, dumber, more timid beta Narc to her Leopold, the mastermind.

A criminal psycho mastermind without a single decent photograph of herself that postdates circa 2016. I think she thinks she looks like Audrey Hepburn in the black dress-and-pearls picture. She looks like a harpy.
Teasmade said…
@Henrietta: Serena Williams also seems to be an exception, although I think we figured out that her husband Alex O. is an investor in ButterUp, so she kind of HAD to appear in that idiotic presentation.

There's something really fishy going on with Eugenie, don't we think?
DesignDoctor said…
The "regal photo" was taken 7 years ago! How can that portrait be "regal" when there are messy bits of hair sticking out?

* sure looks different now. "Matronly."
DesignDoctor said…
An article about the black seagull dress being honored at the museum in Bath.
HappyDays said…
My guess for Meghan at the NAACP Image Awards: Meghan will pull out the diamond jewelry she received as a gift from some Middle East royal. She will want all the people there tonight to know she is above them and doing everyone a favor just to appear and take the play-for-pay “award.”

The NAACP is truly scraping the bottom of the bucket these days.

For a good laugh at the Harkles, head over to Lipstick Alley for the comments there. The LSA ladies are on fire since the Image award was announced during the week.
Henrietta said…
Teasmade said:

There's something really fishy going on with Eugenie, don't we think?

Definitely, I vote again that Eugenie is staying in touch with Harry because the Queen has asked her to. The family is probably scared that he still may kill himself. I'm not so sure unless he has a history of it. Then again, lots of sources have described him as being most like Diana, including Diana herself.

Eugenie has nothing to gain from associating with Harry in public. She's already being slammed for it on the DM comment boards.

The other thing I was thinking about is everyone has said that Harry is a cheater, and I think that is probably true. So wouldn't that make him more knowledgeable about and sensitive to all the signs of cheating? Could he really not know what MM is up to?

Henrietta said…
GWAH said:

Also, the sagging of her clothes in the back is caused by an abnormal curvature of the spine inwards, called a "lordosis."

I think you've really nailed this. That would explain why it always looks like she's sticking her stomach out like in their engagement photos.

A while back, there was a single post on the DM about how MM had some kind of congenital condition in her abdomen which meant she couldn't run or "do sport," as the British say. And I was thinking about how that could explain why she was trying to build a private tennis court on the Frogmore property when apparently there were already courts within walking distance. I bet she's scared of people making fun of her as she tries to learn tennis. Maybe it would have been her first sport?
Girl with a Hat said…
* and H themed float in New Orleans Mardi gras parade.
Girl with a Hat said…

Markus Anderson resurfaces in the background of Eugenie's selfie!!
snarkyatherbest said…
ha. saw a post on twitter. a float at the annual Mardi Gras parade in new orleans had a big head of prince harry sitting on a toilet thrown ans a meghan with a sash windsor whiner. love it!!
Girl with a Hat said…

she has a lot of skeletal issues - the deformed toes, the overly long arms, the big hands and huuuuuuge feet, the square torso and the lordosis.
OCGal said…
@girlwithahat and @snarkyatherbest, the Mardi Gras float ridiculing the two idiots is spectacular! Thank you for alerting us (and GWAH for providing a link). This is the best news all day. Cheers!
OCGal said…
@Girl With A Hat, you mention the duch-a$$’ deformed body issues. I care not a whit about that, but I do care enormously that she has a grotesquely deformed personality, deformed elephantine sense of entitlement and grandiosity, and all the plastic surgery she had to shave her nose and obscure her origins obviously also shaved away and obscured any essential goodness and humanity she might’ve possessed when younger.

She actually frightens me. I believe she is capable of very bad things, and the ugly exterior she can’t plastic-surgery away is reflective of her monstrously ugly interior.
HappyDays said…
Interesting bit of news that has surfaced:

“Prince Harry's ex-girlfriend Chelsy Davy has reportedly given birth to a baby boy without virtually anyone knowing she was pregnant to begin with.”

She has not named the father. Wouldn’t it be stunning if the child has red hair?
HappyDays said…
The info about Ms. Davy appeared in Richard Eden’s column in the Daily Mail yesterday or today.
DesignDoctor said…
@Happy Days

The red hair for the new baby boy would be interesting!

An interesting Meme contrasting 6 and Zelensky

Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You Ask What You Can Do for Your Country

Thanks to the Nutties who posted the NOLA float links. Wowza. That's a knockout punch!
DesignDoctor said…
An image of the duo onstage at the Awards ceremony.
snarkyatherbest said…
someone had an all over spray tan for the event!
Rebecca said…
Thank you for the link to the Mardi Gras photos. Let’s hope they are splashed all over the British and American media.

I just couldn’t bring myself to read about their appearance at the NAACP awards show. What an abomination.
What worries me is that H may look like George V, from the way his beard is trimmed, but he's the one of his generation who most resembles Nicholas II. Best not go down that rabbit hole...
Magatha Mistie said…

Thank you Nutties for your
very kind words, encouragement,
made my day.
Much appreciated ☺️
Mimi said…
can someone give a quick rundown of how this “award ceremony” went down?
Magatha Mistie said…

Toupee or not Toupee

Madam simpering in her
colour coded gown
More shade from her
needs to tone bronzer down
Heh looking shiny
still wearing the frown
The mane centrepiece
his new bum fluff crown…

Magatha Mistie said…

The Mardi Gras float
Morning Flush
Bum’s Rush!
I do wonder who their ‘audience’

Noticed a tweet response
Andrew Garfield, Spider-Man,
responded to their award, How?
Spidey Senses perfect!

Magatha Mistie said…

Busted Flush

Plumbing new depths
for dropped archeswell
The flat footed fools
have left a bad smell
Their payment endorsing
bad company, a shell…

Maneki Neko said…

Thanks for the link to the NAACP Image Awards. I noticed that "Harry thanked the Black community for "welcoming me so warmly," - I wasn't aware of the welcome - and that Doria, who we haven't seen or heard of for two or three years, had been wheeled out for the occasion. I only had a quick look and couldn't stomach the rest.


I don't think you need our encouragement, you always seem to find the inspiration, hard as it might be at times. It's good that our kind words are appreciated but your ditties/songs are very much appreciated. Please continue to delight us 😃.
Museumstop said…
What do Rachel Dolezal, Rachel Meghan Markle and a sun tan spray have in common? NAACP!!! You would think an organisation that has been rocked by someone putting on a black face within its ranks, would be extra cautious that it doesnt promote people who appropriate what it stands for. The Mrs had cans of spray on.

She looked good overall, especially compared to her last few outings. I only saw the pics, I can't stomach hearing her talk. It was as we guessed then - she was laying low to recover from procedures and spa treatments to make her characteristic 'splash' and heighten curiosity about her.

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