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A Quiet Before a Storm?

 Well, the actual Jubilee is still some days off and things seem kind of quiet in some ways.

Yeah sure there are the usual something connected to moms announcements and the Travelist push (although I thought that was sort of dead in the water but ok, whatever).  Basically the announcement stuff which doesn't seem to have a whiff of connection to anything prior in some coordinated pattern.  Announcements and connections just seem to come and go so quickly here (paraphrasing Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz).

But there are some interesting announcements from the other side of the pond which have come out recently like the only current working family on the balcony or that the staff will create some sort of ring of protection.  Or that the Tom Bower book is on the horizon.  Does it feel like the wind has shifted? 

In the run up for the Jubilee, expect a flurry of articles about what might or might not happen behind the castle walls by assorted Royal Reporters, tie back articles to the Oprah interview, constant reviewing of the assorted perceived slights and/or the bad feelings between this and that person and generally more negative stories rehashed.  And rehashed again. And again.

I hope there are at least as many articles with details of the long history of the Queen's reign.  That is, after all, the real reason for the event and not the private family squabble.

So, for now, the secret fly over, the games are over, the polo photos seem to have blipped off the spin cycle and the next big event should be the Jubilee.  A sense of quiet.  

Personally, this kind of stillness makes me think apex predator about to pounce.  


Mel said…
Sandie....good theory.

Think there's any chance that Netflix owns any/all footage shot? So that the Harkles can't shop it around if Netflix says nope?

At the beginning it was said that the Harkles had shopped themselves to all the big players. Implying bidding war.

Wonder if instead it was only Netflix, who said eh, work something up and we'll see what it looks like.

Although if this was done before megxit maybe there was more interest. But you'd think anyone with a brain would realize that the Harkles were trying to sell something that they didn't own....access to others' homes and persons.
Sandie said…
All this 'secrecy' mystifies me.

They spread rumours of grandiose things they are doing and will be doing, and then don't deliver.

They keep secret supposed actual stuff that will get them attention and keep them relevant in the only way they have ... to get press coverage of appearances and draw crowds that will make them look popular.

And they keep doing it ... ! Why?

Tom Cruise has made some huge mistakes in his past ... bizarre behaviour on talk shows and questionable interviews defending and promoting Scientology just being two. Now, he gets it right. He keeps quiet about his private life, but still draws crowds and always interacts with fans in the most friendly way. Plus, no diva behaviour other than on set when something interferes with his movie making! He got to escort the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge up the red carpet for a premiere of his movie and was included in the Jubilee celebrations.
Mel said…
What's with all these secret invitations?

Wasn't the Zendaya invite secret also?

Mm is soooo pathetic.
Sandie said…
Tom Cruise pawing the future Queen! To me, Tom Cruise was completely starstruck by the couple, and in particular the Duchess. It was kind of sweet!
xxxxx said…
@Mel said...

My point is that not only did Katherine look too thin. She also looked worn down and tired. Of course just going by the photos, and there were many of them. Perhaps she has too much on her plate when you add family, children and royal commitments and engagements. This is where there would be less strain on Katherine if H and M had not bugged out.

But the recalcitrant way H and M were performing their Royal duties, it is better they are gone and 5000 miles away.
Elsbeth1847 said…
If you believed that the Queen would make someone a birthday cake, you read that she pops in to see such a favored assistant that they are permitted to write a book or two, then you might be able to suspend some disbelief that the extended family would happily stop by to see such beloved family members, show off a new baby (and help out an in need of assistance to pull something off family member) while not considering how things played out for other members of the family trying to do something in pr of an earlier generation.

Center parts are difficult to pull off after a certain age. It seems like the hair flattens. Sandra Bullock is another one who appears to have some similar not their best look for a center part.

RĆ²n said…
I actually now feel sorry for TBW after years of finding her only ridiculous. She was a member of arguably the most famous family in the world. She had access to palaces, A++ list stars, Presidents and world leaders. She had an almost guaranteed weekly (flattering) front page pic in the papers. She had a safe full of historic jewels to more or less take her pick from and an in-law on course to inherit a £500 million fortune. Yet all the poor, pathetic sad ass wanted was her own reality tv series and her Tig blog back. I can’t quite get my head around it. Like when people win big on the Lottery and buy a big house, a car and go on a round the world cruise - after that then they have no imagination as to what to do next. Poor, basic booby. And #6 now reminds me of Sebastian Flyte, minus the charm.
Teasmade said…

Wish we could insert photos, but maybe some can follow this link and see this.

These people must have hearts (whoops, cross that out) *parts* of stone to not be affected by things like this. I would crawl away, never to be seen again if I brought out such mockery. Cheesh.

Message being: Hel-lo, you brainless, grifting trash? Everyone can see right through you!
Sandie said…

And Camilla Tominey perpetuating the myth that the duo are major superstars, and that everyone in the family is jealous of them!

The only event they would be invited to where the Queen will be attending is the Service of Thanksgiving. They will walk in with all the lesser, non-working Royals. Yes, they will get major attention from photographers and will make the most of it. Then they will have to go to their seats and stand in respect as the working Royals enter in order of importance and with an appropriate escort. Once the service starts, they will behave badly ... he has some kind of attention deficit disorder and she will be completely focused on the cameras and putting on a show. The only question on all our minds is if they will barge through chairs at the end to get into the royal procession leaving!
The Cat's Meow said…
As another Nutty said upthread, the "docuseries" will be really made in the cutting room --aka editing.

If Netflix is the owner of the out! When the Trotters hidden skeletons come out, Netflix might actually decide to completely "out" them and their bad behavior...and use outtakes and spontaneous clips to show them instead how they really are.

Now that might actually earn Netflix some money.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the info and the link re the Sussexes inviting Sadiq Khan to Montecito. I wasn't aware of it.

Firstly, why did Khan had to invite them to be the star guests at his glitzy LA party? His visit was seen as a vanity project ('swanning around') and he is quite disliked (obviously not by the ones who voted for him but the least said about that the better). Maybe he wanted to invite them because they have the same political leanings.
Secondly, why on earth did the duo invite him to Montecito? Maybe because he wants to legalise cannabis? - they'd be good ambassadors. A visit would have probably provided fodder for Netflix.

It just gets worse and worse.

QueenWhitby said…
I too will chime in on Catherine’s look, finding the hairstyle too severe. She has been wearing her hair this way since the Caribbean tour, I wonder if she had it chemically straightened to combat the tropical humidity and now is waiting for the effect to wear off? I actually thought the dress accentuated her curves, especially her bottom which the press took full advantage in highlighting, but felt the look needed a softer hairstyle to balance the dramatic hard lines of the dress.

Not sure how I feel about Royalty being used to promote an American movie. I give them a buy on the Bond premiere as that was promoting brand Britain, but I do wonder what the incentive was for the Cambridges to come out and hustle for Tom Cruise. Charitable donation?
Girl with a Hat said…

I think that is one of the bandage dresses by HervƩ LƩger so that explains the band.

I think she is one of the few women who would look good in such a dress because she has the figure for it. Lots of chubbier Hollywood women would try for the same look but not look good in that type of dress.

I hate flat hair with a razor sharp part. If you're going to have a part, put some volume at the roots so you don't look so harsh. * makes this mistake a lot.

Apart from that small issue with the hair, I think Catherine looked like a movie star in the old style use of the word, not the movie stars with their chunky legs hanging out of a too high slit, and chubby arms, and botoxed faces.
Sandie said…
PS For the Service of Thanksgiving the Queen could give working Royals order of precedence entering and leaving, so the duo would have to arrive before, and leave after, the Royals such as the Wessexes, Princess Anne, the Gloucesters, the Duke of Kent, and Princess Alexandra. That would put them in their place!
OCGal said…
@Teasmade, thanks for the Twitter link.

A poster (Kim) in the comments called the odious twosome “Blank and Skank”.

I like the sentiment and accuracy of calling them “Blank and Skank” and am going to use that perfect description as often as I can in future.

Their downfall cannot come soon enough for me.
Girl with a Hat said…
I read that when the Queen wants to go feed the ducks in the pond some bread, the kitchen staf are instructed to cut up crusts of bread to exactly the same size, and put it in a special basket which is then carried to the pond for Her to throw.

Are we really to believe that this same woman would bake a cake for her granddaughter-in-law?
DesignDoctor said…
I loved Catherine's dress and I love the restraint she uses in not adding too much jewelry. The earrings were perfect.
I agree that her hair was a bit stark and straight, I much prefer her other hairstyles. I read in an article that she was going for a 1960's look. In that case, the straight hair makes sense.
Does anyone else remember Diana having a similar gown dark body and white collar? I seem to recall she wore a similar gown in dark blue.
Also, IMO the dress flattered C's figure and showed off her curves. Not many ppl in Hollywood dress so elegantly without the need to show off or expose various bare body parts!
Sandie said…
The new hairstyle is supposedly the new trend among expensive hairdressers. It supposedly gives a more youthful look and accentuates the face. Maybe it saves time and money to have a simple hairdo she can do herself. Personally I love the elaborate updos for evening glamour, but at least she is still spending money on tailoring the fit of clothes and still has her impeccable manners and sunny disposition!
Sandie said…
Yes, the premiere for the Tom Cruise movie was a charity event. All proceeds from the sale of tickets were donated to a charity. I forget which one but I assume there is a Cambridge connection somehow.

Scobie was there (he tweeted from the venue showing a programme in his hand) and he said he paid to be there and was not there as a reporter.
Rebecca said…
PS For the Service of Thanksgiving the Queen could give working Royals order of precedence entering and leaving, so the duo would have to arrive before, and leave after, the Royals such as the Wessexes, Princess Anne, the Gloucesters, the Duke of Kent, and Princess Alexandra. That would put them in their place!

I wish for the same thing to occur. I’ve been wondering about seating assignments also—St. Paul’s is more cavernous than Westminster but there is limited space near the high altar, so I am hoping it may be easier to keep Blank and Skank (I like that) at a distance from the working royals.
Rebecca said…
Netflix is cleaning house of its woke employees that were hired in the wake of the BLM movement. More than 150 were given the heave-ho within the past 48 hours.
Maneki Neko said…

The film premiere was organised in aid of The Film and TV Charity, which supports people working behind the scenes in the UK’s screen industry. The charity's patron is the Queen so I suppose W & K were representing her.
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
Thanks for the info. I think there is usually some kind of a charity involved when working royals attend a premiere. I don't think Blank and Skank (!) ever understood that.

Thanks for the info about Sadiq Kahn. What I did not understand about the article is the following glaring contradiction:
* They were invited as guests of honour to his event.
* He did not visit them at their home to be diplomatic and not offend the royal family back home.
Teasmade said…
@Rebecca: I was interested in reading about the Netflix firings, but every article I found was had similar text and none was from a familiar, reputable source. Do you know any more about what happened? Also, the connection to BLM is interesting! I hadn't heard that before.

I have no beef with Netflix -- I'm so glad they seem to be finally demanding some product from these two losers.

lizzie said…
@Sandie wrote about Kate's hairstyle at the premiere:

"The new hairstyle is supposedly the new trend among expensive hairdressers. It supposedly gives a more youthful look and accentuates the face."

I don't doubt hairdressers are peddling those ideas. They have to have something new to sell. But the idea that long stick-straight hair parted in the middle & tucked behind the ears makes women over 25 look "youthful" is ridiculous IMO. (A return to hippie times maybe? Get out the juice can hair rollers! Still doesn't make a 40-year old look like an 17-year old "flower child" schoolgirl.) I guess the style accentuates the face just as hair pulled back into a severe bun does (as is favored by MM and Lilith on Frazier.) But it doesn't make anyone look more youthful.
Hikari said…
I don’t think all older women have to chop their hair short, but one has to be more conscious of good cut and styling as a mature woman. Long straight hair just hanging looks schoolgirlish. On my opinion Catherine’s hair is too long. Her signature look as a bride in her 20s Needs an upgrade now that she’s a 40-year-old mother of three. I think a layered cut just past her shoulders would be best on her. She’s tall, so any shorter might make her look like a pinhead, but I would trim 6 or 8 inches off. She’s experimented with shorter cuts in the past, and hair always looks fuller when it’s not dragging itself down with its own weight. The royal ladies have so many formal events with updos and hats, and some length gives them more styling options. I was always surprised that Diana‘s signature look remained so short except for the brief. Around the time Harry was born when she grew her hair out a bit. I liked Diana‘s cut, but I think she had really good hair and could have worn it longer if she had wanted to. I wonder if she ever got flack for not having long hair. I love Sophie Wessex but she could use a hair makeover as well. When she married and for a long time afterwards, she had a short blond style reminiscent of Diana‘s and all the papers commented on it, said she was copying Diana. But it just so happened that she was also a blonde and that cut really suited her delicate features. Now she has this nondescript rather lank long hanging hair which allows her to do updos. And she can look really nice with a chignon and a hat. But for daily use she usually has it down and it doesn’t do anything for her. Long nondescript hair on a middle-aged woman just end up making her look older and more tired in my opinion. Maybe Edward likes it that way, but if older ladies are going to do long hair, I think they have to do it very intentionally and always have it styled, and save the nature girl stuff for at home.
snarkyatherbest said…
so why on earth if the duo received an invite from sadiq khan would they turn it down. sorry. i know you will have lots of stars and important people there but we have to feed the chickens. but why dont you come to us in our little Sandringham by the Sea and have a spot of tea with us and the kids.

seriously they weren’t invited. they found out he was in town proposed a netflix filmed drop in at the house and he wisely said um no. their spin is getting old.

i propose a game:
will they be at the jubilee
if not when will they back out
what excuse will they use

me: no they won’t come
they will back out 2 days before
someone will have covid.
snarkyatherbest said…
on another note. we were at the airport today for a VERY EARLY flight. did a double take. thought i saw scoobie do. turns out he has a doppelgƤnger in the midwest and she’s a lesbian traveling with her wife. if i had coffee i would have spit it out
Magatha Mistie said…

@Teasmade @OCGal
Loved it, Blank & Skank hahaha!

I thought Kate looked stunning
in that dress. Her hair was a little harsh,
but overall, Top Rung!!

Mel said…
If they were invited to the round table, think they skipped it because Netflix was there?
Magatha Mistie said…

Crank and Dank

Desperate Housevibes
Blank and Skank
Failed to make bank
With no sales from “The Plank”
“At Home with the Mank”
Destined to tank
Tossing blanks shank
a la J. Arthur Rank*

*Cockney rhyming slang-w*nk šŸ˜‰

Magatha Mistie said…

Excuse, another pregnancy,
Ariel, Jasmine, Aurora, Tiana
(disney princesses)
All bases covered, multiple worth!!

Magatha Mistie said…

@The Cat’s Meow
The Shady Bunch šŸ„“

Fifi LaRue said…
@Ron: most lottery winners in the US blow through their winnings with not much to show. They are accustomed to gambling regularly, and heavily. Also one addiction begets other addictions. Trotter blew through her good fortune for more base addictions, I.e., fame and power. She managed to blow through them, and is now empty handed and facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit, and world-wide embarrassment.

In Europe very slender women (and men) are the norm. IMO Catherine was stunning and the “Wow” factor was on par with a Hollywood premier. The camera caught her at a single nano second where she wasn’t smiling.

That could have been YOU Meghan. But mm is a just a pathetic sad ass.
Girl with a Hat said…
no, they won't be at the Jubilee - Archie will have monkeypox.
HappyDays said…
Rebecca said…
Netflix is cleaning house of its woke employees that were hired in the wake of the BLM movement. More than 150 were given the heave-ho within the past 48 hours.

@Rebecca: So by my figuring, I guess they’ll have about a dozen people left to run Twitter ;-)
Rebecca said…
I was interested in reading about the Netflix firings, but every article I found was had similar text and none was from a familiar, reputable source. Do you know any more about what happened? Also, the connection to BLM is interesting! I hadn't heard that before.

I read about it at the DM but (you’re right) the same story was reported in multiple media outlets including CNBC, Hollywood Reporter, and others. Here is a link to the DM:

Netflix's woke purge: Troubled streaming giant's latest layoffs targeted staff who were among its most vocal social justice warriors working on original content about marginalized communities
Netflix laid of 150 employees on Tuesday, many of whom were working on creating and promoting projects focusing on marginalized communities
Firm additionally fired nearly 70 employees working for its social media and publishing teams, including Strong Black Lead, Golden, Con Todo and Most, all that catered to marginalized communities
The struggling streaming giant claimed the layoffs were carried out amid 'a slow down in revenue and decline in subscribers'
The layoffs once again targeted members of content arm Tudum, weeks after laying off dozens from the department in April
Magatha Mistie said…

Quickie šŸŽ¤
Apologies:Frankie Laine

Sore Ride

House keeps movin’ movin’
Netflix disapprovin’
Heading for a bruisin’

Trollin’ trollin’ trollin’
Keep those camera’s rollin’

Maneki Neko said…

Crank and DankšŸ¤£!

You've inspired me so here goes (it's a bit lame)

To be frank
Their antics stank
And that yank
Only cares
For what's in the bank

Fear not, I'm no competition! šŸ˜†
Maneki Neko said…
Article in the DM:

'Lecturer, 65, reveals the sleepless nights and financial ruin she faced after woke tyrants tried cancelling her 27-year career when they accused her of making a 'racist' Meghan comment'

What racist comment, you might ask. She called her 'the dreaded Meghan'. She also observed that 'you couldn't turn the television on without some person of a colourful' (by which she meant excitable) 'disposition having a moan about something'.

What a world we live in! A commenter wrote:
'That's nothing compared to what my wife calls her...and my wife is much darker than the dreaded Meghan I assure you.'šŸ˜

Popular hair-dos of the 1960s, as I recall them among my late-teen/early 20s contemporaries:

To 1962:Beehive - left over from late 1950s

1963 -66: long, but held back with Alice band, no fringe.

'66 on - dead-straight with centre parting but falling as curtains around the face/flower-child look, or a short but very sharp cut, as by Vidal Sassoon.

So I don't buy the 1960s explanation. I still used to have a `perm' to get some movement into my barnet (ie Barnet Fair = hair). I got caught in the rain one morning on my way to my teaching job in London NW5. The effect on my students was extraordinary:

`Ooh look! Miss X has got an Afro!'

It did my street cred a great deal of good but I gave up perms thereafter and offered up quiet thanks for Carmen Rollers!

I agree that sadly the latest style of hair and neckline doesn't suit Duchess Catherine. I lost a great deal of weight once and used to think that instead of collar bones I'd been given a wire coat-hanger under the skin.

BTW, for some reason I can't stand the TV commercials with Claudia Winkelman and Stacey Dooley (dandruff shampoo & colourant, respectively). Probably, I'm jealous!
At today:

`A spokeswoman for the Archewell Foundation, when contacted by the Standard this week, did not deny the couple had been invited to the party nor that a return invitation had been extended to the mayor.

The party was held at Holloway House, the West Hollywood offshoot of the Soho House group of private members’ clubs.

Mr Khan met James Corden and film director Richard Curtis, and a host of ex-pat Brits working in the film industry.

The event was preceded by a “power roundtable” between Mr Khan and executives from Apple, Netflix, Universal, Disney, Paramount, Sony, 20th Century, HBO and Warner Bros.

This was described by Justine Simons, London’s deputy mayor for culture, as an “unprecedented gathering of [the] world’s top studios”.

Ms Simons had flown out to LA for the event, on Wednesday last week, and returned to London with Mr Khan the following day, after posing with the mayor for pictures as he toured Universal studios.

The mayor’s five-day trip was heavily focused on attracting US tourists back to London.

He made repeated mentions of the Platinum Jubilee and the UK’s royal history as a reason to visit.'

I don't for one minute believe they were invited to his party.
@Fifi La Rue.

While slim women are still the norm in mainland Europe, sadly this cannot be said of most of the UK...
Sandie said…
Princess Beatrice steps to fore with Sophie as Queen not on official guestlist for event
PRINCESS BEATRICE and Sophie Wessex are stepping up to the plate as their attendance at the Queen's beloved Chelsea Flower Show is confirmed. ...
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will also be there. Interesting that, so far, Beatrice and Edo have been the only non-working royals (other than Tim Lawrence) to do royal duties/appearances recently. (Beatrice becomes CoS if Andrew or Harry somehow lose position.)

The dastardly duo cannot count on rules to give them a prominent position in any Jubilee appearances. The Queen adjusts the rules as and when she seems it is required.
Henrietta said…
I vote no too, Snarky, and a COVID excuse as well. One of them won't necessarily have to have it; they'll just say they're symptomatic maybe 2-4 days ahead of time.
Magatha Mistie said…


Hazzer starring in his own show
Will he reveal how he met
full blown ho
Spinning never ending royal tea
Not much left
will say owt for a fee
All those bathrooms
too many to count
Needs to be careful
of the camera mount…

Sandie said…
“The California couple, however, had bigger things on their minds, as they look ahead to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee — an event that requires quite a big trip for the young family. “But as far as celebrations go the bigger focus right now is on the Jubilee and their big trip to the UK. Overall, they’re cautiously excited,” the source revealed. “They know all eyes will be on them, which is always stressful but at the same time it’s going to be a chance for them to show the world that they’re still very much a part of the family. The whole hoopla about them not being on the balcony was way off the mark, they’re very pleased to be able to step back from that. The last thing they want to do is take away attention from The Queen, they’re going to honor her and celebrate her.”

What a load of contradictory nonsense! Here is the truth:
* They are looking forward to being the centre of attention as they have not been at an event with such huge crowds and such global attention since they left.
* No way does she want to be at a family reunion (but she is hoping the children will make her the centre of attention) and he is guaranteed to say or do something stupid.
* They never were going to be on the balcony, so there never was any stepping back.
Magatha Mistie said…

That is good!!
Anyone can poetise here.

OKay said…
@Teasmade This is the article I found WRT Netflix layoffs. Sorry if it's already posted; I'm just catching up.
Girl with a Hat said…
my attempt at a poem:
no jubilee
for the harpy
they want no scuzz
with the family
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

You've inspired me too with your poem...

We all agree
No Platinum Jubilee
The old jezebel
Only wants to rebel
Her poor Prince
Is thick as mince
For them it's agony
But there'll be no balcony
Hikari said…

How nice for Beatrice to get some face time at the Chelsea Flower Show.

It's my understanding that Bea will move up to CoS once Charles becomes King and William assumes Prince of Wales. Even with Camilla added and presuming that Tosser and Sweatless remain in their places (though as neither of them no longer officially represent the Queen, it's absurd to have them remain in positions whose only purpose is to represent the Queen), there will still be a vacancy--the spot that used to be Charles's. Camilla's add-on is a plus-one and does not replace any blood royals in the succession. We can presume that Charles will become King well before George turns 21, so Bea will serve until George's majority. Right? If Hazmat and his creepy uncle are struck off (or die), then Eugenie would be on deck and serve until Charlotte is of age. I think?
Teasmade said…
@Rebecca and Okay -- thanks for getting me caught up on the Netflix purge! I obviously didn't do a wide enough search. I had never heard of any of those entertainment teams aimed at the marginalized populations either (which makes sense to me now.)

Yes, I must weigh in . . . Kate badly needs a haircut. She'd have more than enough for an updo. Wonder if she's waiting for a time when a distraction is needed from some small scandal? For surely that would overshadow many an embarrassment in the news. "William Warmly Endorses Putin!" Stop the Presses -- "Kate Loses Four Inches; Hair Now Approaches Shoulders!!"
lizzie said…
@Teasmade wrote about Kate's need for a hair cut:

"Wonder if she's waiting for a time when a distraction is needed from some small scandal? For surely that would overshadow many an embarrassment in the news. "William Warmly Endorses Putin!" Stop the Presses -- "Kate Loses Four Inches; Hair Now Approaches Shoulders!!"

Yeah and if that happened, headlines likely would also say "Kate's cut her hair: Is she pregnant?" followed by a rehash of past pregnancies preceded by a hair change. :-)

I agree though shorter would look better. I liked it when it was cut shorter before a Wimbledon appearance although I didn't think it was initially styled very well. I did not like her bangs/fringe though. Seemed to always be in her eyes. (And I wouldn't even call those bangs but others have. I'd call them a weird long layer and wonder what was the hairdresser thinking?.)
Hikari said…
Bangs (fringe) that are too long is an annoyance, but they can camouflage any forehead lines and can create a more youthful appearance. Catherine has really grown into her style and she looks impeccable most of the time. I remember reading a comment either just prior to or just after her marriage, and I've never forgotten it: "This one won't age well." C. is sporty and fit, with great muscle definition in her legs as we've seen when she does sport, but her body fat percentage is very, very low. I have always suspected that her severe HG with her pregnancies was due to her low body weight since pregnancy stresses a body that may not have enough fat reserves to sustain a growing fetus. C. always rebounds, but I think any woman who is very thin when she gets pregnant might be apt to suffer more with Kate's condition.

When C. was in her early and mid-20s, she had a rounder face, as we all tend to when we are young. She's dieted and exercised away any extra ounces anywhere on her body. I think it's more an extremely disciplined eating and workout regimen plus a naturally slim build rather than an eating disorder but if she had another 10 or 15 pounds on her, she might not look so drawn when under stress or not smiling as she sometimes can. A little padding for the skin of the face means fewer wrinkles, but her skin is stretched pretty tight over her bones with nothing to cushion it.

I am 5 inches shorter than C. with a stocky frame but the weight she was publicized to be at her wedding, 125 pounds, is the lowest recommended weight for someone of my height by any chart I've looked at, and I'm 165 cm tall. Catherine is nearly 5'10" so I would think 140 pounds would be still quite low for her height. Based on her figure in that black dress, she may be even less than 125 pounds presently. After three children, that is a feat.
Museumstop said…
The Cambridges have been seeming a bit tense to me, there's some undercurrent of anger, frustration, worry. I don't know quite what. But I feel Kate's is upset about something and unable to entirely hide it/or done with hiding it. And William is in the line of fire. My senses maybe be entirely deceiving me. That's what stood out to me in the clips of the premiere, and in some outings before.
Este said…
If Netflix was inked before Megxit, then the Suckits were hatching this devious "take over" Beyonce style no less, even before they married. The problem is, unlike Beyonce, they promised way more than they couldn't deliver. The Queen shut down "half in/half out," overtly monetizing the titles like they planned, and I'm sure wasn't gonna let them Robin Leach the open royal residences to Netflix cameras. Well that's what you get when you "seize the thrown" with a pipe dream.

They left England KNOWING they signed a $100 mil contract on a promise, royal access, they couldn't deliver. They were complete and utter fools to even think they could pull this off.

Game. Set. Match. Queen.

By the by. Secondhandcoke on reddit says they're Hollywood sources say they won't go to the Jubilee. Like for sure won't go. So we shall see about these mysterious "sources" soon, I guess.

Exciting times.
Maneki Neko said…

I have always suspected that her severe HG with her pregnancies was due to her low body weight

I don't think this has anything to do with HG. In fact, I looked it up and one of the risk factors is being overweight. I was 7 stone (98 lbs) when I got pregnant both times - admittedly I am far from 5'9 - and didn't even get morning sickness. She is certainly more slender and has more muscle definition than when she was young and I agree this is probably due to disciplined eating and exercise.
Hikari said…

If Harry fully participated in making media deals that involved in merching his family and the private Royal residences for entertainment networks even prior to splitting from the family, he is an even bigger dolt than I thought, and that’s a low bar already. I really think his IQ is in the 90th percentile, or just slightly off being a full-blown imbecile by the old clinical unwoke definition. Or perhaps moron came before imbecile , I can’t now remember. I don’t doubt that Trotter was very persuasive back in the love bombing phase of their relationship. She must have convinced a drink and drug addled Halfwit that Together they would make such a dynamic couple, they could talk the Queen round to their plan. She could not have been more clear that the answer was and always would be a resounding “No” to their master plan. Anyone with an ounce of maturity or foresight Which these two utterly lack would have realized that their plan was far more likely to succeed even in part if they stayed onside within the family. Charles is much more taken with celebrity culture than his Mum and might have been more amenable to providing “access”. He has spoken of wanting to open the royal palaces to the public much more than they currently are. But the trotters are all about instant gratification and so there could be no long game. Veruca Salt wants what she wants and she wants it now.

At the time of the Sandringham summit, I thought there was a chance that the couple would backpedal and agree to return to London after their garden leave of several months. The queen appeared to give them an out by saying publicly that she would revisit the arrangement in one year. But the Sussex behavior has been one outrage after another since then, and there’s no way back for them. I think the queens words may have been some face-saving tactics because those two were never going to integrate into their proper places in the hierarchy. Frankly, I think all the subterfuge and lies about the children mean that they are banished. I look forward to reading the Jubilee nine attendance excuses after Omid has assured the world that the couple can’t wait to bring their children to meet Great granny, and all their uncles aunts and cousins. That’s utter bollocks is what that is.

Teasmade said…
@Hikari: This is about as un-woke as a comment can get, but your comment awoke (ha) something in me from an old Psych 1 class, so I looked it up: (Wikipedia) I'm not trying to be mean, but I just don't have much tolerance for leaving anything undefined or un-looked up. ANYWAY.

"Moron" was coined in 1910 by psychologist Henry H. Goddard[4] from the Ancient Greek word Ī¼Ļ‰ĻĻŒĻ‚ (moros), which meant "dull"[5] and used to describe a person with a mental age in adulthood of between 7 and 10 on the Binet scale.[6] It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51–70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26–50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0–25). The word moron, along with others including, "idiotic", "imbecilic", "stupid", and "feeble-minded", was formerly considered a valid descriptor in the psychological community, but it is now deprecated in use by psychologists.[7]

In the obsolete medical classification (ICD-9, 1977), these people (morons and feeble-minded) were said to have "mild mental retardation", "mild mental subnormality" or "high-grade defect" with IQ 50–70.[8]

Honestly, it's crazy (whoops) what people used to believe, isn't it???
Mel said…
They left England KNOWING they signed a $100 mil contract on a promise, royal access, they couldn't deliver.

IMO...they also left England knowing that they had either presented a doll or presented a baby that was surrogate born and/or wasn't theirs.

How they hoped to pull off having no children around as time went on is beyond me. They knew they couldn't deliver on the children front, either.

It'll be interesting to see what lies they come up with to justify no live children.
Surely that's gonna be a problem with the Reality Show.

Not only no kids in the video, but no evidence of kids in the household, either.
Example: open fridge only shows a few wine bottles and some cheese.
Mel said…
I actually think that PW is showing signs of stress more so than C.
And overall the two of them do seem a little more tense.

Maybe more cognizant that there are Sussex Squad people laying in wait for any little thing to pounce on and go viral about. So they're more sensitive about what they say and do? Cuz they know some people are looking for anything that they can use as ammunition.

I think they might be feeling that they have to walk on eggshells a little more these days, what with his brother looking to cause damage. They must see that PW is H's prime target to rip into shreds.

It's PW that I worry about the most. It used to be that he was similar to Catherine...default look was a pleasant or smiling look. He would occasionally be caught frowning, but not often.

But these days his default look is stressed, tense, forehead wrinkled. He still smiles and laughs but that isn't his default look anymore. He's always been the more serious of the two, but now he seems bothered by something, having a hard time either letting it go or getting past it.

OTOH, with a sibling like H, who's laying in wait like a snake in the grass, who wouldn't be bothered? You never know what H and his nobody wife are going to pull out of their bag of dirty tricks. And you have to let all that play out on the public stage.

Girl with a Hat said…
@Maneki Neko,

haha. I love your poem. Very good!
Girl with a Hat said…
I doubt Catherine is 5 foot 10. More like 5 foot 8 or 9 (pushing it).

If she were 5 foot 10, and William is 6 foot 3, then with 3 inch stilletos, she would be close to him in height but actually, there's still 3-4 inches difference between them.

My opinion, which is just that, is that she's had liposuction on her thighs and abdomen. I like Catherine, so I'm not saying this to be mean. Her pattern of slimness is not natural.

Her arms and legs are normal sized, it's just her torso and thighs which are extremely slim. Not her calves.

I used to 130 lbs and very tall, and my arms and legs were very thin, and my torso was slim, but not as slim as Catherine's.

We can tell from googling her before and after photos that Catherine has had a nose job, and veneers, and probably some small procedures on her face, so she's no stranger to plastic surgery. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

lizzie said…
I agree Will has been looking stressed. Kate too, but I agree with @Mel, it's pretty noticeable with Will.

But more is expected of Will and Kate these days (especially of Will and most of it has nothing to do with Harry not being there. It simply has to do with Will's position.)

For years we heard about why he and Kate weren't working a "full-time" royal schedule like the "senior citizen" royals. We heard that taking time off was reasonable because once Will was king he'd have to work to his death unless he decided to adopt the European idea that royalty can retire. All that made sense, I guess. But taking time off can't really prepare a person to work more later on. In fact, it can do the opposite.

It was just a few years ago that Will and Kate routinely did fewer events than anyone else in the family every year. In addition to taking time off now because of the need to work later on, we heard that they were taking time off to be parents. In fact Will spoke of taking time off for that reason (which was a little tone deaf to all the parents who can't afford to do that, yet still manage to raise wonderful kids.) We heard about the supposed "Malta deal." Probably it wasn't true but supposedly the Queen told W&K to take a 2-year vacation when they first married.

Because the Queen is less active these days (for whatever reason) it seems to me Will is being called on to do more. And I suspect he doesn't always have lots of notice of an assignment. I don't know that it's because Harry is gone-- I rather doubt it-- but Andrew is also gone. Like it or not, he used to do alot of "royal errands."

I think the strain Will is showing is mostly from working. I'm sure he's concerned about the Queen's health, and maybe he and Kate have been arguing (wouldn't be surprising for "work stress" to cause arguments) and maybe moving is stressful even with no money worries and having staff to do all the heavy work, and certainly Harry's situation can't be helping. But I think it's mainly work. Imagine having to start a demanding job at 40 after having lots and lots of down time for over a decade. And it's a demanding job you can't easily quit.
Theetome said…
I worry Catherine is under too much stress and pressure, as others have noted. She is too thin by a lot, but I suspect she is one of those women who can’t eat when stressed because of digestive upset. I agree her hair is too severe and she has too much Botox (I’m not against Botox) her eyebrows give that away, Its too much of everything= too thin, hair too severe, too much Botox, looks worn out, exhausted and stressed or pressed about something. I don’t think they have marital trouble, but something seems to be going on behind the scenes.

Long layered bangs are called curtain bangs.

If she needs to take a year off, then that is what she needs to do. When a woman hits 40, things can malfunction. She might have a medical issue.
Museumstop said…
@Mel, I agree, of the last few times, it's William who more often looked to be taking the toll, even looking aged on occasion, but something made me feel like there's a push-back from Kate on something.

I have physically felt intense discomfiture and anxiety just reading about, seeing pictures and videos of the Harkles' antics, what it must be to be right in the middle of it.
Maneki Neko said…
H was playing polo on Friday and 'he is expected to play the entire season', according to Scooby Doo. And I thought polo was a very expensive sport!Where does he get the money? Or does he have a Netflix crew in tow? (although the article says there was 'no sign of any Netflix camera crews at the event'). The pix of him limbering up - I never saw any before he played on polo in the UK - are not flattering.
Sandie said…
Just my opinion, but we have become so used to being overweight that we see it as normal. Catherine is healthy slim, which is quite obvious (compare with Diana when she had an eating disorder and then after her divorce when she was healthy slim).

Unfortunately the ignorant West equates Africa with poverty and barefoot children playing in the dirt, but lifestyle diseases caused by being obese are rife in some parts of Africa. Being 'large and fat' is equated with being prosperous but it is extremely unhealthy. Also, poor people overload with carbs (with treats like bucketloads of Kentucky Fried Chicken) because they are cheaper and filling, so the fat piles on.

Unfortunately, most people do not have the means to eat healthily and exercise, as Catherine does (lots of salads and lean protein). She has not had plastic surgery. She does not have that plastic look that celebrities think is youthful and is simply the result of too much Botox, and which is now very common for many people, including non-celebrities. She has not had liposuction - her toned body is the result of exercise, especially the crucial one of running (all that space at Sandringham and a gym when she is in town - luxuries most people cannot afford). She probably does have expensive facials regularly, and probably uses expensive essential oils like rosehip.

If our dear Montecito duchess spent just half an hour running on her large property, another half hour of swimming in the large pool, and a half hour in their home gym most days, she would be halfway to being healthy slim. A healthy diet devised by a dietician to suit her body type,and which definitely would not include waffles for breakfast, would also be required.

I think it is hilarious the way Tom Cruise was fan girling around Catherine, and there are a couple of photos of William giving him a kind of 'oh, please, restrain yourself' look (but there are folk here who can be much more poetic in describing those fleeting looks, especially when Tom offered his hand to guide her up the steps!). I am pretty sure she would choose to go home with her helicopter pilot every time, and he knows it!
Anonymous said…
Girl with a there a specific photo or photo you are referring? Kate has always worked out and been active. The entire Middleton family is thin and eats healthy. Her nose looks the same to me. She's aging gracefully, in my opinion.
OKay said…
I can't say I agree that Catherine has had Botox. I have seen exactly one picture of her with the telltale shiny forehead, and that could arguably have been a lighting/camera angle situation. She absolutely has fine lines starting, and on review of pictures I'm not noticing any difference in her nose over the years either. Royalty ages gracefully; it doesn't scramble to try to hide it the way celebs and other insecure types do.
Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have 'lost another key aide' after parting company with their global press secretary - the latest of at least 12 of their top staff to leave since 2018.

'Toya Holness, who has a degree in strategic PR from the University of Southern California, joined the Sussexes in October 2020 and was promoted to oversee their PR on both sides of the Atlantic in March last year.

She has previously been described as 'Meghan’s shadow' - having often been seen wearing the same style of power suits and Hollywood sunglasses.

The former football player had been one of a small band who speak to Harry and Meghan daily, but is understood to have parted ways with the couple, The Sunday Times reports.

It follows the departure of chief of staff and director of Archewell Catherine St Laurent in March last year - after little over 12 months in the role.

She was said to have 'wanted out' after finding herself 'having to fulfil a great many functions for the couple', insiders claimed.'

Quelle surprise! They've lost lots of staff, was this latest departure a difference of opinion? The minion didn't meet *'s exacting standards? Or maybe there wasn't enough for her to do. I can't imagine who would want to work for the pair, it's hardly for the prestige šŸ˜
HappyDays said…
@Maneki Neko:
RE: the departure of Toya Holness
They churned through an assortment of staff when they were still working royals, so it’s no surprise to me that this woman has left after a year and a half.

When you look at them, the Dumbartons have actually accomplished little since leaving the royal fold to live a “private” life.

Perhaps Ms. Holness, due to her close proximity to the Dumbartons, has realized she was on a ship that while still afloat, is taking on water and headed straight for a rocky shore.

It will be interesting to see where these two are in another five to ten years. I think somewhere around the eight- to ten-year mark of their marriage they will split up.

However, I have seen people who have been ensnared by a narcissist waste their entire lives by staying with the narcissist, so who knows.

But Harry’s saving grace might be if all their schemes for wealth and money do not work out as well as Meghan wants, and they end up in dire financial straits as has-been celebrities.

Meghan might dump him to attach herself to another man.

Blessings sometimes come along in weird ways.
Mel said…
It follows the departure of chief of staff and director of Archewell Catherine St Laurent in March last year - after little over 12 months in the role.

She was said to have 'wanted out' after finding herself 'having to fulfil a great many functions for the couple', insiders claimed.'

Toya was the woman H used as security to block a random person's camera at Invictus Games. She might have found that kind of thing demeaning.

In the video it didn't appear to me that H was treating her respectfully. It looked to me like he was being condescending. His look to her had the vibes of him snapping his fingers at in...hop to it woman! You're here to serve me, what's the hang up?!
Sandie said…

Someone tweeted an announcement from the polo club about the attendance of the duo at the next meet. It was quickly taken down, so someone created an alternative!
Girl with a Hat said…

this is a before and after picture of Catherine that really shows how her nose has changed.

As for Botox, if one uses a powder to absorb the oil, the face isn't shiny. Personally, I've tried Botox a few times, and I didn't have any shine at all.

And again, I've been involved with sports and fitness most of my life, and being a very tall and very lean person myself, I am often criticized for my weight. I have never seen anyone who is lean in the absomen like Catherine who doesn't have very lean arms as well.

Pippa is fit and lean, but it's obvious that she has toned muscles in her legs, her torso and her arms. Catherine has toned arms and calves, but extraordinarily lean torso and thighs. To me, that shows that she uses some sort of liposuction, probably the type that freezes fat as it doesn't require any type of incision.

Argue as much as you want with me. You will not change my mind. Catherine is not that naturally slim around the torso.
OCGal said…

Yes! Right on! Below commenter on DM article (thanks for link* Maneki Neko) proposes new TV show entitled “You’ve Been Markled”:

“ ALIA, Australia, 2 hours ago
They have all been auditioning for my new show: Youve Been Markled. It follows the lives of people who have been cruelly dropped, cut off, insulted or just generally p-d off by this odious couple. So far Ive got Thomas Markle as host, Samantha as roving reporter and a guest list including: her family, his family, the UK and its history, British people, Canadians, Australians, previous husband(s), best friends, nannies, and possibly a couple of children.” -end comment-

Admittedly airing such a show is an unrealistic pipe dream, but it honestly could be a smash hit, and would run on and on in perpetuity since Blank and Skank do only one thing successfully, and that is to ‘Markle’ anyone and everyone unfortunate enough to cross their paths.

Wherever they lead, destruction follows without fail. So, if destruction is their ongoing goal, they really are successful winners.

*Maneki Neko’s link:
Este said…

"She must have convinced a drink and drug addled Halfwit that Together they would make such a dynamic couple, they could talk the Queen round to their plan. She could not have been more clear that the answer was and always would be a resounding “No” to their master plan. Anyone with an ounce of maturity or foresight Which these two utterly lack would have realized that their plan was far more likely to succeed even in part if they stayed onside within the family. Charles...has spoken of wanting to open the royal palaces to the public much more than they currently are. But the trotters are all about instant gratification and so there could be no long game. Veruca Salt wants what she wants and she wants it now."

100% agree here. If the "Now Deliciously Deluded Duo" had any real smarts, they would have worked out that they could have achieved these ends, possibly, by staying within the Firm.

IF the tea coming from secondhandcoke is true, and if they inked Netflix before Megxit, in my mind at least, it kind of puts the Queen's initial reaction into better perspective. I believe she put the proverbial monkey wrench into all their plans, throwing them into turmoil and why add gasoline to that fire, when she can watch them implode from a safe and silent distance? Maybe the Queen went ostensibly easy on them because she knew they were leaving with their tail tucked between their legs and all their plans scuppered by a firm NO by the Queen. I can just hear the Handbag bleating on to her about how good it was all gonna be, how Diana 2.0 was gonna provide the glitz they needed with their Robin Leach-ean plans to cover royal palaces, line their pockets to the tune of 100 mil and cleverly insert themselves as the representatives of the Firm, ala 2 Popes, one in England and one in America. Only, America never wanted the Suck-its to begin with and certainly not after despoiling their own brand. All those words. All those delusions of grandeur were wiped out like phyrric stock market gains the moment the Queen said, no. That's what I suspect really went down when then slunk out of town, mad as hell and ready for blood.
Theetome said…
It’s not a shine. It’s her eyebrow getting pulled up into that look. That is Botox.(nothing wrong with that)

Hollywood and the plastic faces are from fillers, which I do not believe she has (thank god)
Louise said…
She had had a subtle rhinoplasty but her teeth have never changed since she was young.

Her thighs are not "lean".. they are proportional to her calves.
Less than 2 weeks to go now until we're put out of our misery of not knowing if What-the-cat-brought-in and her retinue will be in attendance.

God save the Queen! Perdition to false princes!
Hikari said…

An alternative explanation to William and Catherine’s relatively light schedule as working royals until relatively recently May be as much Down to some delicate inter-family dynamics with the personalities “in charge” as it is to intrinsic laziness. We know that William has often been diffident toward his future role, but in Charles and Granny both are two individuals who are absolute workaholics who may view delegation of tasks as a form of shirking their duty. Charles has been training Wills in the Duchy management for a while now but neither of his sons have much natural inclination for the projects nearest to his heart. Both William and Harry rejected active roles with the Prince’s Trust and the organic farm estate near the Welsh border. I was particularly surprised about the Prince’s Trust, but I can also understand the hesitancy to be seen as horning in on their dad‘s pet projects. Unfairly or not, Charles is routinely depicted as jealous of his sons and particularly William, the one who is his mothers doppelgƤnger and who will succeed Charles one day. Perhaps the atmosphere has never been that conducive for William to assert himself and put himself forward for jobs. I think his father and certainly granny have made it their MO to keep a tight reign over all of their areas of responsibility, and it was easier to keep William on the sidelines occupied with his young family. The Cambridges’ most important order of business was to produce heirs for the Crown, Which was and rightfully so given first priority. There is absolutely no other role Catherine could’ve undertaken as a new bride that was more important than producing healthy babies for England. She’s been brilliant at that. But I think it’s very much owing to the controlling personalities of the senior royals above them that the Cambridges were not called upon more in the earlier years of their marriage. Had Charles or the queen Been inclined in anyway to scale back their schedules and deputize William and Catherine more, One assumes that they would have been slotted in more earlier on. That is not the kind of senior management the Cambridges have been dealing with until The events of the last four years have basically forced the hand of their elders into giving them a higher profile role in the Firm. Even if prince Philip were still with us and the queen had not experienced her recent health concerns, and even if Harry and Andrew were still in harness, the unavoidable fact remains that all the senior royals are over 70 years old. The Wessexes are the babies but they are almost 60. The Cambridges had A long apprenticeship, almost a decade, and now they are staring down the barrel of destiny at a future that is rushing toward them at a clip. It would hardly be surprising if they both feel underprepared, And that accounts for some of this stress they seem to be visibly experiencing. Behind Palace walls, the Sussex situation must be a continual sore topic. The stuff with Andrew was bad, but that has more or less been settled. What revelations and drama have yet to emanate from Monteshitshow is anybody’s guess, so they are trying to conduct their daily lives with a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. Hard to be lighthearted when you are just holding your breath waiting for the next bomb to go off.

I would not read marital strife into a couple of tense looking pictures at a public event, but William and Catherine do you have many external reasons to be much less happy at the moment then they were even a few years ago. I think their days of being carefree are over. William in particular is looking very serious and middle-aged prematurely. The Windsor men don’t age well, but I had hoped Diana’s boys might escape that. No such luck.
Mel said…

I think that the Cambridges haven't had it easy. They've always had to be careful not to outshine PC. Which has to be annoying when they're not even trying to outshine.

Along comes H who thinks he is entitled to half the goodies without doing
*any* of the work. Not only not doing any of the work but bad mouthing his brother down at the pub to the Royal reporters. And acting the clown besides.

And then you add in his nobody wife who thinks *she* should be Queen because reasons.

Maneki Neko said…

Ha! I didn't see that comment but thanks for it.


I did notice a subtle change in Kate's teeth - not that it matters -and checked. They're straighter and more even now but as I mentioned, the work is subtle.
Girl with a Hat said…

yes, her thighs are lean and boyish. There are no curves at the hip line the way 99% of women's thighs look. Even Pippa has more shapely thighs than Catherine, and Pippa walks around with ankle weights to keep her lower body toned.

You can tell her teeth have changed. one of them is slightly tilted and that wasn't the case in her earlier pictures. I once read an article about how Catherine and Pippa had their veneers done in Paris by a dentist who specialised in tilting the teeth a bit so as not to make the teeth appear unnatural. The photos were very convincing that Catherine had indeed had her smile altered.
It's a long time since any previous heir, apparent or presumptive became involve in matters of State. HM rode out to take the salute several times when her father was ill. She went to S Africa with her parents in 1947 and to Kenya in 1952 shortly before her father died.

Would anybody like to add to that list?

Attitudes to married women working/not working have changed significantly over the last 70 years. Then it was seen as taking a job from a man at a time when the average wage was enough to support a wife and one child. Now one is seen as morally bankrupt if one isn't in paid employment,

I can recall earlier this century I was working on the signing-in desk at what used to be called a Labour Exchange when client expressed himself forcefully about me and my colleague taking jobs from men. I chose not to point out that my husband was out of work and my workmate was a lesbian.
PS I also agree with Hikari - Charles wouldn't want them outshining him for fear of the consequences.
lizzie said…

Yes, you are correct there are other possible reasons for W&K's relative lack of royal activities until fairly recently.

While I've heard it before I don't know that I buy the "Charles was so jealous they couldn't do anything" reason as the full explanation for the lack of activity. Charles's jealousy certainly wouldn't explain why there were "issues" with Will's work schedule at the air ambulance company. Nor would it explain the unfortunate incident when KP claimed he couldn't work anymore than he did because of air regulations and air reg people disagreed publicly.

I do remember an interview (for his birthday maybe) when Philip said he might retire but couldn't get any of the younger folks to do the work. So I do wonder what was going on say, a decade ago. But whatever it was, things have changed. Of course, the current and future burden W&K face isn't something I can really imagine. But they are 40 and with the possible exception of some weeks for Will in the RAF and some very rare weeks on tours, neither has ever worked a 40-hour week. That's a rare situation for most of the world's 40-year olds. (And most in that situation will continue a life of leisure permanently.) So just stepping up to be seen in public at several work events most weeks (at least for the weeks that don't fall in the royal "summer break") has got to be an adjustment. I do understand producing and raising heirs is important in a hereditary monarchy. But even little Louis is in nursery school. So being home most hours of every day really isn't required to be an involved parent.


Kate had a really good dentist but she's had cosmetic work done, I think. Here's a link that shows pictures.
HappyDays said…
Interesting comment following the DM article about Toya Holness departure. Commenter says Meghan might be churning through these people for their contacts so she can network with their former employers before signing on with her and Harry.

Hmmmm. I would not put it past Meghan to have thus as at least part of the reason for hiring these people. Then when sge gets what she needs out of them, she makes things so difficult they quit.
Ian's Girl said…
I am torn between agreeing that Charles is afraid of being shown up by his dazzling son and DIL, and feeling like the Cambridges haven't quite done their part.

But then @Wild Boar Battle-maid made me realize that we haven't had this situation in a good long while.....I keep thinking that Charles and Diana were out and about constantly, but Charles was already PoW, and had been for a good long while. He absolutely needed to be taking on a huge role.

I think Hikari is right on so many points; might be rather hard for Wil and Catherine to jump in to full time Royal work at this point, and yet, what more important job did they (or anyone, really) have but to raise their children in a way that was loving and stable, but which also prepared them for their positions in life? The Middletons are the best thing that ever happened to William and I suspect that he has taken great care, and had more than one go-round with his father and various courtiers, to make sure his children were going to have as normal and loving upbringing as possible, and duty be damned. I don't think William is looking forward to being King, although I think he will fulfill his destiny brilliantly.

I could be persuaded that Catherine has had some subtle work done, but I can also see that she was fuller in her face in the "before" pictures, so it could just be that. I've always felt she was a little too thin, and while I don't think she has a full blown eating disorder by any means, I doubt that she eats much. Both her parents were flight attendants, weren't they? I've yet to meet one from back in the day who wasn't very obsessed with their weight, and I would imagine they took care not to let their children get too fat, either. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, I applaud them. And she has always been sporty, I know, and no doubt continues to exercise, which is great for her mental health, too, so thank God she enjoys it.

I do find it odd that after 3 babies, she's skinnier than she was in her teens, but God knows she's under plenty of stress, and I lose weight when I'm upset, too. The teeth confuse me, because I don't see anything wrong with her teeth in the before shot, so I can't see a need for veneers, and yet they do look different in that after photograph. They look longer to me, and make the teeth in the before shot look like baby teeth. Very odd.

Hikari said…
Who believes that this endless reviving roster of staff ACTUALLY produces anything in the way of output for the Sussexes? They seem to be continually bragging and print about their latest “name “hire… But what are all these people actually meant to be doing? Why would anyone with a professional reputation agree to work for these two tossers? When they were affiliated with the royal family and working out of Kensington Palace, it was different, What do they possibly have to offer as employers now except ridicule, and potentially placing staff members in the position where they will Face subpoenas in future legal investigations of malfeasance?

I have come around to the idea that all of this professional and household staff were constantly hearing about it’s nothing more than more smoke and mirrors, more PR fluff to make it seem like the Cssexes are such a busy and important power couple that they require all this entourage. Have we seen any evidence at all of an entourage that is actually helping them succeed in anything they do? I would say no. They both look like hot messes all the time, Arriving late and disheveled to various events, accidentally on purpose botching paperwork and forgetting important deadlines… All of their little video projects from home, Christmas cards and etc. are strictly amateur hour, and none of the movers and shakers in the celebrity world will take their calls. I think their media empire is probably Smeagol at home with the laptop and a cell phone. These people that purportedly work for her are probably getting paid some fee For the use of their name for promotional purposes for a limited period, not to exceed 18 months. That way Smigel always has someone conveniently to blame for projects falling through every time one of her “chief assistants” announces that they’re quitting. It’s just an elaborate shell game. Keep frantically spinning the plates but actually nothing at all gets produced. If I were a hiring manager, I would look seriously askance at any person claiming to be an industry professional that would have the Duke and Duchess of socket on their rĆ©sumĆ© as employment experience. That might get somebody an interview as a curiosity but could you really trust anybody who claims to have worked for this dodgy couple for any length of time?
Sandie said…
Interesting view you shared ... I can imagine them thinking it is a great strategy - employ people with the best connections to fill up our little red book. I am going to need all these connections when I run for president. (Really? And you are going to use these connections in what way? Cold calling like you did with senators? That went down like a lead balloon!)

I have always been bemused by how many people they hire. Why do they need so many staff? (By the way, Travelyst has a long list of employees. Assuming they are all being paid and office costs are being covered, all the money transferred by the Royal Foundation to the Sussex royal Foundation and then transferred to the MWX Foundation and then to Travelyst must have all been used up. I wonder if Tom Bower has done some thorough investigating about that.)

Staff never stay with them for long, even when they were Royals, and that is a story in itself!
Hikari said…
Who believes that this endless reviving roster of staff ACTUALLY produces anything in the way of output for the Sussexes? They seem to be continually bragging and print about their latest “name “hire… But what are all these people actually meant to be doing? Why would anyone with a professional reputation agree to work for these two tossers? When they were affiliated with the royal family and working out of Kensington Palace, it was different, What do they possibly have to offer as employers now except ridicule, and potentially placing staff members in the position where they will Face subpoenas in future legal investigations of malfeasance?

I have come around to the idea that all of this professional and household staff were constantly hearing about it’s nothing more than more smoke and mirrors, more PR fluff to make it seem like the Cssexes are such a busy and important power couple that they require all this entourage. Have we seen any evidence at all of an entourage that is actually helping them succeed in anything they do? I would say no. They both look like hot messes all the time, Arriving late and disheveled to various events, accidentally on purpose botching paperwork and forgetting important deadlines… All of their little video projects from home, Christmas cards and etc. are strictly amateur hour, and none of the movers and shakers in the celebrity world will take their calls. I think their media empire is probably Smeagol at home with the laptop and a cell phone. These people that purportedly work for her are probably getting paid some fee For the use of their name for promotional purposes for a limited period, not to exceed 18 months. That way Smigel always has someone conveniently to blame for projects falling through every time one of her “chief assistants” announces that they’re quitting. It’s just an elaborate shell game. Keep frantically spinning the plates but actually nothing at all gets produced. If I were a hiring manager, I would look seriously askance at any person claiming to be an industry professional that would have the Duke and Duchess of socket on their rĆ©sumĆ© as employment experience. That might get somebody an interview as a curiosity but could you really trust anybody who claims to have worked for this dodgy couple for any length of time?
Mel said…
There's gotta be some sort of scam going on with all these high end hires.

You can't tell me that they're *all* stupid and don't do any due diligence whatsoever prior to hiring on. Maybe in the beginning the Harkles talked a good game, but by now the gig is up. It's clear that the Harkles are nobodies.

I suspect that many or most of the hires are not in a typical employee/employer relationship with the W-2. They perhaps consult, provide advisory services, allow the use of their name. All 1099'd. Salaries paid by someone other than the Harkles?

I also wonder if they're not as high end as they're made out to be. Maybe on shaky ground at old employer, looking to get out asap. The Harkles are a stopping off point to buy some time?
Ian's Girl said…
While I have no trouble whatsoever believing that the Harkles are capable of half-arsing their way into giving the impression of having industry-important names on their staff while barely having any staff to speak of, neither do I find it hard to believe that they would be impossible to work with, and churn through people like shite through a goose.

There is no question that she/they had two very highly thought of women working to help them whilst still working royals, one taken from HM's own staff, iirc? Samantha someone? And then Melissa someone? (I'm sorry I can't remember their surnames!) And we know they hired someone from Bill Gates staff; I can see someone thinking that if they can handle Bill Gates (or whomever) they can surely handle anyone, and then entering in to a nightmare such as they had never imagined.

It's been long enough now for the Harkle reputation to be well established. Be interesting to see if they can continue to pull in top talent. In the first flush of Netflix and Spotify advance money, they may have been able to offer salaries large enough to get the best people. I doubt that's the case now, not by a longshot, and even if they are making some sort of squirrely arrangements to use people in name only, people at the top of their industry are not going to associate themselves with clients who turn everything they do into a steaming pile of excrement.
Elsbeth1847 said…
The whiffs of potentially bullying as a boss are out there so one can at least read of the potential (and that it still is currently not resolved) that this opportunity might not be as it seems. Once you start reading what is out there on that topic, you can go down a rabbit hole of what else might cause one to rethink any offer no matter how nice it sounds and appears to be.

Maybe Prince William knows more of what is really happening behind the scenes with the health of the various players and that is adding weight to his shoulders - knowing that it maybe sooner than he wanted or hoped.
snarkyatherbest said…
perhaps the tenseness with the cambridges is because they know just how poorly the queen is doing. things may really be moving behind the scenes. their lives will soon change in a big way charles may be making changes or setting those up and perhaps they don’t agree with all of it. and with the jubilee coming up there could be a lot of behind the scenes drama with harkles demands.
SwampWoman said…
I doubt that the Cambridges are losing a lot of sleep over the California Wokesses.

I would respectfully postulate that the Duke of Cambridge's worried appearance has more to do with Putin's threat to unleash nuclear devastation on the UK, the sure knowledge that other European countries are going to be ransacked creating more refugee and hunger problems, the continued breakdown of the global supply chain, the disruption of fuel supplies, the disruption of fertilizers, and the specters of widespread famine and starvation in parts of Europe, Africa and some Asian countries.

The sickening realization that there are no knights on white horses riding in for the rescue at the last moment must be devastating.
Rebecca said…
From the Express:

Prince William to appear on £5 coin as part of his 40th birthday celebrations

PRINCE WILLIAM will appear on a £5 coin as part of his forthcoming 40th birthday celebrations in the first time the Duke will appear alone on a British coin created by the Royal Mint.

Eat your heart out Hazbeen.
Rebecca said…

Maybe Prince William knows more of what is really happening behind the scenes with the health of the various players and that is adding weight to his shoulders - knowing that it maybe sooner than he wanted or hoped.

That is what I think, too. A sea change is occurring within the Royal Family and William realizes his and his family’s life is going to change radically in the not too distant future.
Rebecca said…
@Ian’s Girl

Samantha Cohen was hand selected by the Queen to help M make the transition to life as a Royal. She is said to be the member of staff who was left especially traumatized by M. It was also reportedly SC that caused the bullying investigation to run aground because she said she didn’t want to be a part of it.
Maneki Neko said…
@Ian's Girl

You're absolutely right about the Harkles' staff.

* Samantha Cohen worked for the Queen as Private Secretary to the Sovereign and was with the Royals for 17 years. I think her work record speaks for itself.
* Melissa Toubati worked for Robbie Williams and Madonna but only managed 6 months with TBW who allegedly reduced her to tears.
* Catherine St-Laurent worked with Melinda Gates' Pivotal Gates for five years. She left the Harkles after 11 months. 'According to the Telegraph, insiders said Ms St-Laurent was having to fulfil “a great many functions for the couple” adding “not all of which were necessarily in her job spec.”'


..could you really trust anybody who claims to have worked for this dodgy couple for any length of time?
I'd say anyone working for the Harkles for at least a few months deserves a medal for bravery. Lasting 6 months or longer shows perseverance and fortitude.
I'd also like to remind folks that since Spring 2019, like in the UK has been very odd, with scheduled events being cancelled left right and centre and one wondering if one was risking one's just popping out for a pint of milk. Large gatherings have been, as of crowds to see |Royalty, have been discouraged.

We're only just getting round to something resembling the old `normal' - eg Communion in both kinds is permitted in CofE from next Sunday, (I'm not sure yet as to its safety - I'll stick to just the wafer I think. Stoups are empty and parents still sign the cross on their child's forehead instead of the priest doing it).

Oldies like me have had a Spring booster but will have to have another come the autumn. Obviously, a lot lot of people have been taking chances - some got away with it, others didn't.

Now there's monkey pox. There can't be many of us now who have had smallpox vaccinations - I wonder if they still have any effect after 75 years? My vaccination marks have at last disappeared!
Sandie said…

She inserted herself in the photographs at the polo. It is actually quite embarrassing if you look at the videos.
Sandie said…
@Hikari and @Ian's Girl
Interesting comments on the staff they hire!

I just find it so weird that they would have so many staff and still make so many mistakes, fail so badly and find the money for all those staff and admin costs. It must be some kind of scam. The high faluting names they give the staff are hilarious (global press secretary, CEO and the like).
Sandie said…

More photos and videos are at above link.

That outfit is for a young woman, which Barge is not. And the hat is ridiculous. Sorry to he critical, but Barge is socially awkward, always has to hog the camera, and misses the mark every time. Sweetie, there was an entire team to help you as a royal, but you learnt nothing and still look and act like classless who won the Lotto.

Weird awkwardness when they kiss ... after 4 years of marriage, 6 years being intimate, and 2 kids?
Sandie said…

Apologies if this is a repeat ... BLG looks at the moment Tom Cruise escorts Catherine up the steps.
Sandie said…
By the way, when William played polo in Santa Barbara and his team won the trophy, Catherine was also inserted in the photos with the winners (but she was not wearing a hat and was positioned in front of and lower than the team).

I just find it weird to insert the woman in the photo of the winning team.

I reckon Barge is obsessive about Googling and was cos-playing Catherine but trying to outshine her as the best royal ever.
snarkyatherbest said…
Sandie. saw the video clips. yep she looked ridiculous. and quite frankly a little high. copy catherine’s polka dots. or was it pretty woman. and we know what she was before the polo match šŸ˜‰. is she telling us something. someone is copying the BRF and Catherine. what a joke and more than a bit scary. definite can’t have then come to the jubilee. but maybe that’s what she wants. an excuse to not come because the brf is jealous of their star power and pulled the invite or so the or will be spun.
Maneki Neko said…
Re * at the polo match, why is she walking on the polo field in her trademark high heels?? And with a hat!! Trying to look like a star (shades, red lipstick). As for the kiss, it's for the cameras, we're not fooled.
Maneki Neko said…
The polo: I forgot to say I wonder if the DM headline was subtle shade: 'Harry's fair lady! Meghan Markle channels Eliza Doolittle as she congratulates' etc. Doolittle is quite apt (and Kate was called the same although I'd say she works harder).
snarkyatherbest said…
someone on twitter pointed out the black grid photos are by a person with the same name who has a youtube channel with thomas markle. if true the whole family is in it for a dime or two.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Rebecca -

If he is reading the red boxes, then I suspect he knows a heck of a lot more than he's letting on. Her Majesty will be a hard act for anyone to follow.
Sandie said…
Can you give a reference? None of the tabloids featuring the photographs credit Backgrid, although that is her go-to agency.

The photos are not featured on the Backgrid site, and none of the photos on the Backgrid site name the actual photographer.

So, how does this person on social media know who took the photographs?

Some of the photos seem to have been taken by people who were present with their phones, according to the credits.

If Thomas's friend did indeed take the photographs and will share the proceeds with Thomas, then good for him.
Sandie said…

The Sun, dripping with sarcasm!
xxxxx said…
Megsy at polo has that over 40, Hollywood trollop look nailed down perfectly. What a laugh. She was flashing through her old yachting days on the polo sidelines.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Things which made me laugh at the polo article:

The body language of various people in the photos about what was happening.

Despite mentioning that Rebel Wilson and Abigail Spencer also attended, no pictures of them are noted.
In fact, there really are not all that many of other women who were attending. You can see one woman who is also wearing a polka dot top, maybe a woman hugging one of the guys, holding a baby and a few of young girls but adult women, not so much.

Talking about kids, notice the little girl (I suspect she is the daughter of Nacho). There is something about how she moves across the stage in different photos which makes me somewhat question what order they were shot in. Who stood where when seems to vary. Anyone else?

"Harry and Meghan have taken their children to other polo event this season but left them home yesterday." really? when? why not photos at that time? What better way to help teach your kid that winning in polo is fun and they take your photo?

She/they/someone missed a chance to promote the clothing by the polo team which benefits assorted charities including Heal the Ocean. I don't think anyone in the family is promoting save the ocean - other stuff which might include the ocean but maybe not just it.

Sandie said…

Yep, Karl Larsen took the photos and sold them to Backgrid.

So sad that Thomas's friend was there (I assume it is the same guy), but Thomas could not be when he wants to see his daughter.

I don't see how people are calling him out for shady behaviour. He takes paparazzi photographs and sells them to Backgrid. This was a celebrity event and Backgrid is her favourite photo agency and Karl works for Backgrid. Why would Thomas object to him getting this assignment?

Sandie said…
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle kiss at polo match in rare PDA moment
By Leah Bitsky

Nope, they do PDA all the time!
Hikari said…

Maneki said:
I'd say anyone working for the Harkles for at least a few months deserves a medal for bravery. Lasting 6 months or longer shows perseverance and fortitude.

I'm with you to a point--certainly in the early days when the couple was still 'Royal', they were given top-grade, trusted courtiers who had proved their abilities. My heart goes out to Melissa T., the staffer widely acknowledged to have been the one on the receiving end of the hot tea throwing incident. As Megadeath's closest personal aide, Melissa was directly in the firing line all the time and not surprisingly has got PTSD as a result. As well as a discreet payout of hundreds of thousands of pounds in recognition of the physical and mental abuse she suffered at the hands of her employer.

I'm a bit surprised to read that Samantha Cohen, such a seasoned veteran of Royal service, older than * and one would think, tough as old boots would be frightened or traumatized by * . . but such is the culture of unquestioning deference around Royalty that otherwise tough, competent people feel powerless to stand up for their basic human rights on the job. If anyone has seen 'The Devil Wears Prada', I imagine * made Miranda Priestly come across like Mother Teresa in comparison. Miranda never used vile language or physically assaulted her minions no matter how outrageous her demands.

Once the Suxxits moved to the New World and established, or rather continued, their reputation as off-the-chain demanding and demeaning bosses, it becomes increasingly hard to understand why reasonable people who did even a tiny bit of due diligence on them would be attracted to a job with them. Yet top level staffers like Catherine St. Laurent attach their names to the failing and toxic Suxxit brand. When someone like Catherine comes from working for the Gates Foundation to being HazNowt and Barge's whipping girl, that makes me ask questions. These new employees are coming into a very dubious situation . . their new bosses have a terrible reputation, collectively and individually, and even the most casual observer of Sussex drama gets the feeling that their vast wealth they claim to have is shaky at best; illusory at worst. Do these people that leave quite suddenly even get paid? Have they ever been paid? What is in it for anyone now except to share in the Suxxit notoriety? That's why I'd look askance at anybody who joined them *now* or at any point in the last year or so. It's obvious that there's no There there at all with those two. They are play-acting the fantasy off being a Hollywood power couple but there's nothing behind it. So that makes me ask WHY would otherwise well-thought of industry professionals agree to have their names attached as key staff? Don't they realize that they will be the first ones thrown under the bus for the continued failure to produce anything? What else are they getting out of this arrangement? Is it Soho House again? These are the questions I aks.

Sandie said:
@Hikari and @Ian's Girl
Interesting comments on the staff they hire!

I just find it so weird that they would have so many staff and still make so many mistakes, fail so badly and find the money for all those staff and admin costs. It must be some kind of scam. The high faluting names they give the staff are hilarious (global press secretary, CEO and the like).

Yeah. The fantasy is strong with these two. Personally I think they are holed up in somebody's pool house (Ellen? Oprah hasn't returned their calls for a year) smoking weed and plotting the overthow of the British monarchy or at least their next ridiculous papp outing. They get their PR agency to release the name of their 'latest high powered hire' but it's probably some form of PR tit-for-tat. Payoffs, who knows? For all their purported entourage, Haz and Mess do not do jack sh*t except pose for polo shots these days.

Mel said…
Watch the video of the latest polo outing. What a cluster xxxx.

Wonder where all those high end people were that they let that happen?
Sandie said…
Blind Item #2
To say that the alliterate one had to work for it to be seen in a photo this past weekend, is an understatement. First, she had to tell the other wives and girlfriends they were not allowed to have their photo taken because of security reasons, and then she had to find a way around a trophy and several large men. She made it though.

Source: CDAN
I disagree. She handed out the prizes, which is why she was included in the photos.

But, Nacho had his daughter in the photo. True, sometimes other wives/girlfriends do a group photo. The Queen did not pose for a group photo when she handed out prizes. There really doesn't seem to be a set rule.

But, Barge had many awkward moments in that photo call, and the two young guys standing to one side of her did not seem impressed with her at all!

2011, and William and Catherine do the polo thing in Santa Barbara. They arrived in a helicopter! Plenty of photos here:
OCGal said…
SNAP! I love this very astute comment posted on Reddit regarding Duke of Cambridge appearing on a new Royal Mint £5 coin:

“Harry's losing money. William IS money.”

I've no idea why the press referred to Harry being in shorts - they're called breeches...

Ignoring Bermudas, the only longish male pants (ie almost but not quite reaching the ankles) that I know of to be called `shorts' are from early 19th century - as in Oliver Twist or Kate Greenway illustrations, sort of mid-calf length with bottom hem slightly open.
Henrietta said…
Agreed, Mel. That was a cluster****. She just would not get out of the way.

But I like her outfit except for her hair. (With a broad-rimmed hat, it should have been up, not down.)
We must remember to be very careful referring to TBW when we're not with friends, behind closed doors:

Polo players actually wear white jeans, not breeches. Breeches though are worn by the other horse riding/racing and eventer type riders etc. ☺️
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar 11.31 pm

I actually mentioned the same article on that cancelled lecturer 2 days ago, 10.23 am (not a problem!). I don't think anyone commented, yet the whole thing is absolutely mind boggling. Where * is concerned, if you're less than flattering you're r@cist. These baseless accusations are now trite.
Henrietta said…
From CDAN:

MONDAY, MAY 23, 2022

Blind Item #2

To say that the alliterate one had to work for it to be seen in a photo this past weekend, is an understatement. First, she had to tell the other wives and girlfriends they were not allowed to have their photo taken because of security reasons, and then she had to find a way around a trophy and several large men. She made it though.
Ian's Girl said…
@Sandie, with regards to how they can fail so miserably despite having high-level staff, I think we need only to look at the Pearl debacle for our answer. She won't listen to her staff. I imagine she thinks her ideas are the best, full stop.

I would imagine that when she hires someone, regardless of the job title, she is merely looking for someone to do the tedious, busy-work type things she doesn't want to be bothered to do herself, or else has ridiculously grandiose ideas and looks to staff to create them out of thin air, regardless of legality, etc. I was struck by the tea that claimed she wanted her Pearl animations to look like Disney characters, and refused to believe there just might be a copyright issue at such blatant plagiarism (not sure if that word applies to animation, but I hope my point is clear, at least!)

Her super-sized ego and narcissism do not allow her to comprehend that her ideas ( and taste in clothing!) are terrible; nothing is her fault, it is clearly a simple matter of inferior staff, and so we have the endless hiring of new people. She reminds me of the US Vice President, who goes through staff at a similar rate and is said to always be whining that no one "sets her up for success".

snarkyatherbest said…
sandie. search Meghan’s mole on twitter. don’t have my computer with and i’m not tech savvy enough to figure out how to link from the twitter app. it is curious about blackgrid if true.

love the cnad blind. doesn’t surprise me. and wow our trotter is a tenacious one and the brf should realize she always finds away around.
Rebecca said…
I finally steeled myself and looked at the photos in DM of the polo event. Good grief. Stilettos?? Cosplaying Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman?? Kissing every dude on the podium?? I have to say the comments on CDAN do not disappoint. But I don’t see Harry looking miserable or embarrassed by her—I think he was all in on the flagrant PR. Were the Netflix cameras there?? Or just the hired paps from Backgrid? I wonder if she wouldn’t like a piece of Nacho. I hate hate hate hate hate this woman. HATE her.
Magatha Mistie said…

Thanks for the vid of Barge Arse
at the polo hahaha!
Her hat reminds me of
Bette Davis “Death on the Nile”
Holding haz face, looks like she’s
checking if he’s teething, or swallowed!
The Sun are ‘avin’ a larf,
Eliza Doolittle, turning a guttersnipe
into a lady!!
Professor Henry Higgins
“She’s so deliciously low.
So horribly dirty”

Magatha Mistie said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magatha Mistie said…

As for channeling Julia Roberts
“Pretty Woman”

šŸŽµ Silly woman with fake smile
Bloody woman full of guile
Shitty woman
stay away from mešŸŽµ

Magatha Mistie said…


Chorus girl was out of line
Clinging like a poisoned vine
Only way that she’d be stopped
Was to have the trophy, dropped…

Magatha Mistie said…


Odd bod and Odd ball
a pair of bigots
Marquee de sussex
spiking the divots
Inviting two friends
to their tent, for a fee
A chukka for the mallet
and his show pony
Where were the crowds
nobody cares
Nacho’s and cheese
and a few knackered old mares..

It is all smoak and mirrors when the Moaning Myrtle of Montecito hires folk. Pictures and pompous titles at first. And then they all vanish in thin air.
Magatha Mistie said…


The marquee of chukka
Isn’t quite pukka
Nothing to do with race
Ill mannered and rude
Always first to intrude
It’s all about her smugly face…

Magatha Mistie said…


There’ll be no scuzz
with the family
Cos they ain’t invited
to the Jubilee šŸ˜‰

Sandie said…

In my opinion, she is not hiding the kiss. She is showing off the new itty bitty rings, and, more importantly, holding his face in what she thinks is a cherishing gesture but is actually very controlling. Note that he is doing all the leaning!
Magatha Mistie said…

Turn of the Shrew

Madam short shanks
and haz of one ball
Desperately trying
to haul in their trawl
Staff leaving
one by one
Look out madam
you’re world’s come undone…

Sandie said…

Interesting comment from a close friend of Diana and godmother to Prince George:

"AS A close friend of Princess Diana and a godmother to Prince George, Julia Samuel has had a ringside seat at Royal Family dramas for decades. Now, the bereavement counsellor and psychotherapist has posted this intriguing message online to promote her new book Every Family Has A Story. ‘At the root of fracture and heartbreak in families, there is often jealousy and competition for what can be seen as the limited resource of love in all those forms. It plays out in misery and hurt, and in the consequent battles of siblings and couples or in inter-generational rivalry.’ Is she trying to send a message to Princes William and Harry?"
Sandie said…
"Howie Mandel Has 'Absolutely No Memory' of Meghan Markle on Game Show"

I have no idea who this guy is, but I guess that for most people she is only remembered as an annoyance! She tries so hard and makes such a mess of such great opportunities and just barges ahead on a rinse and repeat cycle.

Maybe she is finally growing up and has settled into being a bossy and annoying Montecito wife, socially awkward and clueless about style and real classy behaviour, who loves being photographed! Kind of like a big fish in a smaller pond.

Now watch her go for that global status as 'Miss more important than anyone ever', and thus dash my hopes that she has settled for being what I described above!
Sandie said…
I think you hit the nail on the head in your post. They have no role to play in the Jubilee celebrations at all. If they do make a public appearance, it would be at the Thanksgiving Service and anywhere they can barge in past the security ring. I anticipate that they will be miffed into being bumped to the back of the line with other non-working royals at the church service, and will throw a tantrum at having to step back for those lower in the line of succession (the Wessexes, Princess Anne and Tim, the Gloucesters, the Duke of Kent and Princess Alexander) as well as the Cambridge family, Prince Charles and Camilla.

Remember the last time, when she wore that ill-fitting dress and he had matching lining in his jacket, and they threw a tantrum about not being in the procession going into the church, and barged their way through chairs, and she had this bizarre smug smile fixed on her face?
Rebecca said…
I apologize for using the word “hate” in my last post. It was very late and I was very very very tired. But honestly!
Magatha Mistie said…

@Ian’s Girl
She’s incapable of listening
to anyone, including the Queen.
There’s not much going on at
dropped Archefall,
apart from her delusional ideas.

lizzie said…
I kind of doubt Julia S wrote a book to send a msg to W&H. If she knows Will well enough to be asked to be George's godmother, why not just talk to Will if she has a message for him? Be much easier than writing a book.

The BRF didn't invent sibling rivalry. Of course it exists in many families.
My apologies all round - I stand corrected

@RR: In my day, nobody who was anybody would have gone near a horse wearing jeans unless they were mucking out. In any case, jeans were only ever blue then!

@Maneki neko - Sorry - I missed your contribution, it's too easy to cross-post when we're on moderation.
Girl with a Hat said…

Thanks for the improvement on my rhymes.

And your others, as usual, are hilarious. Made me laugh.
@WBBM, absolutely no apology necessary. šŸ˜ƒ
Magatha Mistie said…

Thanks @ GWAH
Don’t always know
if I’ve hit the mark šŸ˜‰

Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

No need to apologise, I've done the same a few times! Great minds think alike.
Magatha Mistie said…

No worries X

OCGal said…
@Rebecca, I had zero problem with your use of the word “hate” in a post last night.

I personally refer to feeling a white-hot hatred of #666 when I discuss with friends her constant lies, skullduggery, selfishness, and astounding ability to destroy everyone and everything with which she comes in contact.

Quora had a nice little bit on the difference between despise and hate. ‘“Hate” is a more personal emotion. The word “despise” connotes contempt without personal engagement.’

#666 is dangerous, and depending on one’s own history with dangerous destructive wily liars, she is worthy of us either despising her, or hating her. Or both.
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, I do so wish we had the ability to give the equivalent of a “thumb’s up” to certain blog posters’ contributions, perhaps a
- little corgi, or
- palace, or
- Beefeater, or
- royal orb, or
- golden crown

I think a golden crown would be the best since it would do double duty as a thumb’s up, and as a taunt to #6 and #666 that as time passes they move ever farther away from the power, glamour and prestige of the Crown and all that it connotes.

I would give every single one of your contributions a golden crown and I feel so fortunate that we Nutties get to enjoy your spectacular creativity: sometimes naughty, sometimes nice. I love them all and I thank you.

Rebecca said…
Thank you for not hating me for using the word hate when discussing the hated vile strumpet šŸ™‚

Marquee de sussex
spiking the divots
That’s what got me about the stilettos she wore—she was probably causing more damage to the turf with those damn shoes that the polo mallets were.

Maneki Neko said…
Meghan's father Thomas Markle has suffered a major stroke and is receiving emergency treatment in an American hospital
Rory Gman said…
Just saw Thomas Markle possibly had a stroke.
SwampWoman said…
She's probably hoping for his death so she can say more awful things about him in the hope of getting sympathy.
Hikari said…
Oh, my, that's worrisome about Thomas. Frankly I am very surprised that he's still with us. After his heart attack just prior to the wedding, I figured the stress over the MoS trial might finish him off. He is not a well man. Not that his younger daughter cares.

@Ian's Girl

I am torn between agreeing that Charles is afraid of being shown up by his dazzling son and DIL, and feeling like the Cambridges haven't quite done their part.

But then @Wild Boar Battle-maid made me realize that we haven't had this situation in a good long while.....I keep thinking that Charles and Diana were out and about constantly, but Charles was already PoW, and had been for a good long while. He absolutely needed to be taking on a huge role.

Whatever truth there was to the allegations of work-shyness on the part of the Cambridges at the start, I think we can all agree that they have stepped up massively in the last 2 years. Having grown up in the Firm, William no doubt knows what's coming for him and so there's his reason for delaying the inevitable. There was the flap over his light schedule on both ends when he was working for the air ambulance service . . taking few shifts citing Royal duties, but then telling Granny or whoever that he was unavailable for Royal duty due to having to fly. Since search-and-rescue operations are intrinsically dangerous, even with highly skilled pilots due to the whirlybirds being unstable in weather and etc., I am frankly shocked that William was permitted that particular line of work. Perhaps they grounded him for missions when the conditions were apt to be especially dangerous, when he'd already begged off Royal engagements expecting to fly. He had a testy response to a reporter asking about his lack of Royal appearances to the effect that he was compelled to wait for the Queen's command and he had to wait to be asked. She had not asked. Then we get into the delicate nuances of, with personalities like the Queen and Charles, how much can one volunteer oneself without overstepping some invisible line? The Queen probably felt that with Charles needing to be kept occupied during his never-ending indenture as Prince of Wales she didn't need to be parceling out too many projects to his heir who was a newlywed. I tend to believe the 'Malta agreement' is real.

Events of the last couple of years have taken the Cambridges from near-zero to sixty in terms of what is being asked of them now. William was sent to the UAE to represent the Queen at the funeral of their late president which was a huge honor and mark of the Queen's trust in him. Normally Charles would have gone but he and Camilla were touring Canada. For such an important diplomatic delegation, only a direct heir would do; the Wessexes are not high-ranking enough for the funeral of a head of state. But this just highlights how really thin the BRF ranks are at the top and this kind of thing will be happening more and more. Even if Harry and Andrew were still in place, neither of them would have done for this assignment. If the Queen did not trust William to handle it, she would have recalled his father from tour. This is probably why William looks permanently worried these days--he is making up for lost time at warp speed.

And now Granny has put him on a coin. Yes, the future in rocketing into view, I daresay. One day William will be on *all* the money, and not too terribly far off, either.

Hikari said…
Actually in revisiting the early years of Charles and Diana's marriage, the Princess of Wales was not seen in public as much as we think she was. Of course she very swiftly had the two babies and was often not well either due to pregnancy or her eating disorder. She made a speech in Welsh during their first tour of Wales as a new bride that was rapturously received, but after that it was years before she began to speak regularly in public. The Australia tour in '83 was a PR coup for the Royals, largely due to Diana and the crowds she brought, but Charles complained of her lack of stamina, being used to a workhorse of a mother who never complained about anything. When the boys were small, I think Diana was mostly at home, doing the school runs. It only seemed like she was constantly working because her picture was constantly in the magazines . . but she did mostly the glitzy events and the rota of Royal Ascot etc. in those days. Her charity work really didn't begin in earnest until her boys were at boarding school.
DesignDoctor said…
@Sandie said--

Maybe she is finally growing up and has settled into being a bossy and annoying Montecito wife, socially awkward and clueless about style and real classy behaviour, who loves being photographed! Kind of like a big fish in a smaller pond.

Doubtful about the growing up. Look how she insisted on staying in the middle of the group and f'ed up the polo players holding the trophy up high!

Does anyone think she will have compassion for her father considering he stroke?
DesignDoctor said…
Brilliant as always!
DesignDoctor said…

No apology necessary!
Henrietta said…
Not to be morbid, but can you imagine if Mr. Markle succumbs to his stroke just a couple hundred miles from Montecito?

She'd have to go to the funeral, I guess. But I agree with Swamp Woman about how she'd use it for her own PR needs.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Would she though? She would be facing assorted family who were not invited to her wedding.

I'm not so sure she would.

There could be "a scene" (0h my. Who'd a thunk it?). Everyone seems to have cell phones with cameras. She would not be in control (as we all who have narc dealing know, control is a must) and it, what ever would be all over the net as fast as one could say licketysplit. (BLG would have lots of fun)

And might play into the Netflix gig somehow. If she could control the situation, a funeral would be a lovely time to pitch the happy family, so sad you never met your grandfather (wipes tear) but ... I don't think it would go down like that.

And, with the legal suit between the two sisters, meeting might not be good from a legal standpoint (so that could be a way out for her to be a no show at anything public).
Sandie said…

I tend to agree with you. She won't want to face the family and media scrutiny in unpredictable circumstances. She has a history of running away or issuing swipes through third parties rather than confronting.

She may get an unnamed source to 'leak' a story that she secretly visited him? Thomas Jnr seems to have cleaned up his act and did a road trip with his father, so he may make his way to the hospital. I think Samantha would try. Our dear Duchess does not want to face her siblings.

I wonder if she is calculating her PR strategy if he should die.
xxxxx said…
Too bad Thomas is not going to make it to England for The Jubilee. He would have had a great time in a country he has never been too. It seems that Dan Wootton had set this all up for him and had the expenses set up for Thomas so he would not have to pay. This is all in Dan Wootton's entry today in the UK Daily Mail.

Get well quickly, Thomas!
Maneki Neko said…
H is relaxing on a bike ride - pix supplied by @CelebCandidly - and the DM mentions this is 'days before he and Meghan are set to travel to UK for Queen's Jubilee'. So with her father possibly at death's door, will * go to the Jubilee? (assuming they were invited!). I wonder if she'll have a heart and will visit him out of compassion or will she want to exploit the situation and make it try to make her look good?
abbyh said…
I want to say thank you (all) for the recent exchanges where someone is pointing out something that was missed or not quite right. Thank you for handling the exchanges nicely.

Sometimes we get so focused on making certain things are not going south (I'm not adept before coffee and on little sleep) that we don't always notice the nice good behavior.

As moderator, I appreciate you.
Rebecca said…
. I wonder if she'll have a heart and will visit him out of compassion or will she want to exploit the situation and make it try to make her look good?

I think she may be in a situation where she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. She should not go to the UK but she will.
snarkyatherbest said…
here we go. dad has a stroke can’t go to the jubilee. guess we are lucky the fake kids didn’t get covid. does anyone think this is a little two convenient. can we confirm he had a stroke and how bad it was? sets up for a big oh dadddy reunion. now that i am free of the burden of the unfeeling BRF i can choose to be with my father. they didn’t let me before the wedding (new spin). i truly hope he is alright but it all smells fishy to my.
Elsbeth1847 said…

not understanding the difference reminds me of the not understanding the difference about the two covers in This Is Spinal Tap.
Hikari said…

Tom Markle either has the worst luck in Christendom— Truly, the sufferings of Job with this guy—or there is some manufactured reason why he has two major health crises four years apart just days or hours before he is due to fly to London. Severe stress could bring it on, but it is, as you say, amazingly coincidental timing. Why was he even invited to the Jubilee, and by whom? There’s not a snowflake’s chance in hell that the Queen Or anyone affiliated with the palace would have officially invited the estranged father of Harry’s renegade wife. To what purpose? What is the specter of an invitation for Thomas employed to scare off the duchess from attending, since what would the papers make of it if Smeg refused to meet Dear old dad come all the way from Mexico expressly to meet his grandbabies? It’s ludicrous to think that he would be more likely to see his phantom grand children in London that he can when he lives a couple hundred miles from them allegedly on the same continent.

I think Tom’s function in life is to be a thorn in the side of his ungrateful child the way she is a thorn in our collective sides.
Have just heard on GB News that release of H's `memoire' memoire has been postponed until after the Jubilee.

A cynic said it was possibly so they could add in extra `material' from their trip to London ie more private conversations.

BellaDonna said…

"So it would seem that Los Padres were presented with the Lisle Nixon Memorial Cup on May 22nd. When the final is on 29th."

"It will be awarded to the winners next Sunday by a match official..not MM. Think it made the 2 younger players uncomfortable as they knew it wasn't their right to lift the trophy. You can bet this little stunt is coming soon for you NF viewing pleasure."

I checked the Santa Barbara Polo Club schedule and the final isn't until 4pm on Sunday 29th of May. There were no crowds, it wasn't an official presentation. Looks like it may have been staged!
@Snarky re Mr Markle.

I hate to say it, but that was my initial thoughts too. I know Maggot didn’t want any of her family at her wedding, but are we absolutely certain the heart attack wasn’t a real emergency, which is why he never went to the wedding? šŸ„ŗšŸ„“I think it was another hideous lie/story she told which is why he was wasn’t there. šŸ˜’šŸ˜Ÿ

There seems to be a lot of news outlets that are confirming the stroke. I think it’s true, despite the duplicitous pair needing an excuse for the Jubilee. šŸ„“
Sandie said…
If Thomas cannot speak, it may be a good sign in terms of his survival (i.e. part of his brain that is affected). How handicapped he will be and how he is going to get support at home is a worry. (The Duchess of Montecito has a guest house ... just saying!)

Those who doubt him because he is not hooked up to all sorts of life-saving equipment are ignorant - he had a stroke, not a heart attack. Although the loss of speech is a clue, they won't know what part of his brain is affected and how badly until they do a scan.

The photo looks as if it was taken as he arrived at the hospital. Who called the paps? The people where he lives would have noticed the ambulance, but how would they know which hospital? The people at the hospital would have had warning that he was on his way (name, age, condition, etc., so someone at the hospital could have alerted a photographer and told them where to wait for his arrival). Did Karl perhaps take the photographs? He may have been with Thomas as they had just filmed a new video for their YouTube channel.
Sandie said…
@Rebecca ... wise words!
"I think she may be in a situation where she is damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t."
Sandie said…
Thomas was not invited to the Jubilee. Karl (his photographer friend) suggested that they make the trip. They were going as tourists, just like anyone else. Even Karl would not have had special access as a photographer as those in the royal rota and UK photographers have that privilege. They would have hung out with the crowds and would have to fight their way to the front to get a glimpse of the Duchess of Montecito or any of the royal family ... really a bad look for the dastardly duo and his family (shunned father trying to get a glimpse of his estranged daughter and the grandchildren he has never seen ...).

Stress is a factor in heart attacks and strokes, and the man is so overweight he is high risk (plus there are probably genetic factors at play).
abbyh said…

Maybe those photos were something done as part of the playoffs where the different teams were allowed to have their picture taken with the cup as part of reaching the semifinals?

Or combined with the release of information (who offered what to whom)? It might have been phrased differently, handled differently if it came from the Polo people if they were not the original source.

But I would bet that the polo people would not allow that cup to be touched by anyone if the organization felt it would be not on the up and up for one team but not the others.

(those other teams are all 2/0 but Los Padres are 1/1)

This is odd as it is blank but you can find the LN dates listed in the search. I notice that they offer tickets on Sundays but not a lot of information about them. Real except something was happening on 14th (which I suspect was a private function using the facility maybe?)
Apparently, it was Dan Wootton who set up Markle Senior's London trip.
snarkyatherbest said…
sandie. dan wotton invited Thomas to the jubilee with GB paying for it. thanks for the explanation on why there was a photo of him. was getting suspicious when i saw that. however if he was with his “friend” unless he gave consent for the photo the friend is despicable to release the photo if he gave consent then at least the stroke isn’t as major as some would believe. it all just smells off. and yes maybe the stress of all of it was too much. he is certainly not well served by those closest to him. let’s see how this plays out.
Sandie said…

The final is being played 29 May, supposedly, and the trophy they are holding aloft is for the winner of the tournament, not the match, supposedly.

I doubt that teams would be allowed to pose triumphantly with the winning trophy as if they had won.

Perhaps the person who posted on social media misunderstood? Perhaps the trophy was for the winner of that match? Perhaps each match has its own sponsors and a trophy?

It does seem odd that this particular match was used by the duo for PR, including the dress up part. How did they know they would win? Was the plan always for her to present the prizes or did she barge in, grabbing the opportunity to be the centre of media attention?
Sandie said…
Interesting. Dan Wootton was going to have him on a morning show (GMB?), so there was going to be nothing quiet or discreet about the visit.

Yes, ITV I think rather than GBNews. Sadly of course, he couldn't appear.
Sandie said…
My impression was that Karl came up with the idea to visit the UK for the main Jubilee celebrations. He persuaded Thomas. Dan Wootton and GMB then opportunistically arranged to have them on the TV show.

Are you saying that GMB (with Dan Wootton as agent) came up with the idea, issued the invitation and maybe even offered to provide financing?

The planned visit was not only a major embarrassment for the duo but also for the royal family, right in the middle of the Jubilee celebrations. If Thomas is in town, it would look bad if Charles did not invite him to Clarence House for tea at least (everyone focuses on the Queen, but Charles is the hapless Prince's father). The royal family ignored Samantha, but could they ignore Thomas?

Are the Markles the worst thing to ever happen to the royal family?
Sandie said…

According to the Montecito Journal:

The final for the tournament was played on Sunday.
They played in that final but did not win.
Mel said…
If true, this is so wrong. TM seems like he's being used and manipulated by all kinds of people. He's starting to seem not very bright. Easily led.

The Jubilee has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the Queen.

I really wish the media and the Markles would just back off.

Tom Bower on GMB this morning,he spoke to Thomas Markle at the weekend and… “Thomas planned to go to Windsor with a TV crew,issue an ultimatum that Meg should come out of Windsor Castle and see him and bring the grandchildren too!” Oh dearšŸ˜³
Theetome said…
Bella Donna, all tournaments have “CUP” matches . That isn’t the finale trophy. They won that cup tournament and so were awarded the cup.
Theetome said…
Thomas was going to England as the guest of Dan Wooten, to help Dan with color commentary for the jubilee.
HappyDays said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said…
Have just heard on GB News that release of H's `memoire' memoire has been postponed until after the Jubilee.

A cynic said it was possibly so they could add in extra `material' from their trip to London ie more private conversations.

@WBBM: In one of his youtube videos within the last couple of days, Neal Sean said he has a source telling him that Harry’s book has been turned in but the publishers are less than thrilled with it (Duh, I could have told the publisher it would be crap and saved them the time) but Harry thinks it’s great, so perhaps Harry and the publisher will be butting heads.
snarkyatherbest said…
so karl the go to black grid photographer is also working the thomas markle angle. all getting more and more curious
snarkyatherbest said…
interesting. last garden party. Princess Beatrice is there with cambridges and wessexes. no eugenie on recent work for the crown.
The Cat's Meow said…
Regarding Beatrice and not Eugenie appearing -- Beatrice is higher up in the LOS and also would become a Counselor of State sooner. Therefore it makes sense that she is getting priority in appearances.

Regarding JH's book publishing date being delayed -- it is probably due to a few things, namely 1) wanting to coincide with the NF "docuseries", 2) wanting to add more details post-Jubilee and 3) waiting for Tom Bower's book to come out and possibly countering any hurtful material exposed there.
Sandie said…
Windsor Castle! Thomas would not find his daughter or grandchildren in Windsor Castle, but he would be ambushing the Queen as it is her home ... right in the middle of her main Jubilee celebrations. What is wrong with that family?
Sandie said…
“She’s fully aware that they’ll be walking into the lion’s den when they arrive in the UK. She knows how important it is to Harry that she’s there at his side, but coming face-to-face with certain members of The Firm – who she claimed made their lives a misery – is a horrible prospect. She will not tolerate any eye-rolling, snide put-downs or mean-spirited behaviour towards her or Harry. She wants to know, if it came to it, that Harry’s prepared to step up and be that same protective partner he was during their time in England. She wants him to promise he’ll pack up and leave if they’re disrespected.”

This is a statement she has put out via an unnamed third party.

The delusion and arrogance is quite staggering ... especially after the lies she told not only to Oprah and Ellen but also to Scobie to put in his book. She is completely oblivious to the reality that her and her husband should feel shame and owe everyone a huge apology!

What if the only time she sees the royal family, other than Eugenie and Jack and maybe Sarah and Andrew, is at the Thanksgiving service? Will she storm out, dragging hapless husband with her, if she is given the cold shoulder like at the Commonwealth service? Or will she perceive not being on the balcony or in the procession into the church with top Royals as disrespect?
Henrietta said…
If Thomas is in town, it would look bad if Charles did not invite him to Clarence House for tea at least...The royal family ignored Samantha, but could they ignore Thomas?

I think this might be a cultural difference. I would never have expected a member of the Royal family, other than Greedy herself, to meet privately with an in-law who was planning to visit the U.K. I wouldn't call it ignoring Thomas; I guess I would call it minding their own business. And given that Thomas is being hosted by a member
of the press, I think that really absolves Charles and the family from having any obligation to meet with him privately.
Mel said…
Do we think that TM is coming up with these wicked out ideas himself?

Or do we see Samantha's hand in that? Or TV producers just trying to cause drama?

It feels suspiciously similar to the scenario with the getting fitted for a suit thing. Or when he rode up to the Montecito mansion gate, or maybe it was Oprah's gate, on his bike to deliver a letter.

Who does he think he is to deliver an ultimatum to the Queen?

He doesn't come across as arrogant like that in his interviews/videos. Which tells us this is someone else leading him astray?

The man really needs to learn how to say NO.

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