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 Twitter appears to be in an uproar about the latest being they are possible separating. 

Is it true?

Might be.  There does seem to be a heavier rotation of articles about how they have separated recently.

But then again, there have been rumors in the past have faded away after nothing more appeared to come of it at that time.

As always with them, it's hard to tell.  

What are your thoughts?


abbyh said…
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HappyDays said…
There does seem be a lot out there today about a trial separation, so it could be true.

One thing I am sure of being true is that be it now or five years from now, the Harkles will blame the implosion of their marriage on the press, the public, internet discussion groups like this group, the Comments sections of the Daily Mail, the citizens of the UK, Canada, the US, the royal family, the courtiers, and so on until they somehow blame the person at the Montecito Farmers Market who sold her flowers last week.

The world’s largest pity party will become even larger as they blame everyone —— but themselves.

Additionally, this will not be a dignified parting. Nope. Harry might want it to be a quiet, dignified split, but Meghan won’t. I think she will attempt to go thermal nuclear on not only Harry, but his family too.

She needs to fill the pages of her memoirs while simultaneously filling her pockets with as much money from Harry and his family as possible, so what better source of drama and dirt then a lengthy knock-down, drag-out divorce?

The nastiness of a Harkles’ split will make the partings of Paul and Heather, Brad and Angelina, and Johnny and Amber look like a Wednesday night Bible study group.

I just hope Charles invokes his guardianship of the two children to gain custody, bring them to the UK, and keep her from using them as pawns, props, weapons, and bargaining chips while poisoning their minds against anyone she views as a threat to her narcissistic need for control.
Maneki Neko said…
Sorry, not separation related but I've just received this latest.

"Harry and Meghan asked to fly to US on Air Force One with Biden after Queen's funeral but were denied - and Jill didn't attend Invictus Games to avoid upsetting Royals … so are Sussexes' attempts to become political players in America faltering?

* Harry and Meghan have tried a variety of methods to gain access to political figures, including sending gifts and letter writing
* The couple requested a ride back to the US on Air Force One after Queen Elizabeth's funeral in September but Biden's staff said no
* Jill Biden's wish to attend Harry's Invictus Games was nixed when British officials suggested it may not go down well with the Royal Family"

Their entitlement knows no bounds.
Maneki Neko said…

I agree 100% with you re a possible separation. As I said in the previous post, in the event of a separation I think * will blame the BRF, specifically Charles and in particular W & C. I too hope Charles gets custody of the children. Let's not, however, get ahead of ourselves, we never know what can happen with those two.
Humor Me said…
Where there is smoke, there is fire.....
Something is going of separation, a phone call, smiling photos of * alone, the latest article about post funeral and a blatant slap down behind the scenes to the couple.
Tweet, tweet about the children on that site.
Something is getting ready to blow.
Rebecca said…
@Happy Days
“ The nastiness of a Harkles’ split will make the partings of Paul and Heather, Brad and Angelina, and Johnny and Amber look like a Wednesday night Bible study group.”

I’m afraid you are right. And she will have no trouble finding a high-profile, publicity-hungry divorce lawyer with dollar signs in their eyes to represent her.

Lady C isn’t fully convinced that they are separated, and that the stories may be a red herring. Radar Online is the source of the latest rumors and they are not very credible.

I would not put my money on a 2023 divorce.
Fifi LaRue said…
Whatever comes out of the PR from the Harkles is always a non-truth. They aren't separating because Mrs. Todger is nothing without Mr. Todger. As it's been proclaimed in Hollywoodland, Mrs. Todger has no talent of any kind.
OCGal said…
@Maneki Neko, regarding the astounding gall of the Montecito Grifters in asking to hitch a ride back to USA on Air Force One after QEII's funeral, one poster on DailyMail article ( ) made this crisp comment with which I agree:

"Breathtaking cheek. Breathtaking arrogance. Breathtaking ignorance."
Martha said…
Agree with fifi…she needs him to be relevant. She nothing without him. She will never release him unless there is someone waiting in the wings. But who would be dumb enough? I guess there’s always someone…
Hikari said…
Whatever comes out of the PR from the Harkles is always a non-truth. They aren't separating because Mrs. Todger is nothing without Mr. Todger. As it's been proclaimed in Hollywoodland, Mrs. Todger has no talent of any kind.

I'm inclined to agree that the latest barrage of "DIVORCE!" rumors is engineered to garner sympathy and keep their (especially hers) names in the news. It's the only thing she's got left to exploit for PR, now that all their corporate schemes are up in smoke, and she seems completely unable to monetize her children the way she no doubt initially planned to do. When they came to these shores I figured that the first thing she'd do would be to launch TigTots, with 'Archie' as the face of the brand, followed by his sister. This could have led to feature spreads in women's magazines like Good Housekeeping and Redbook, and Megsie could have launched herself into the mommy blogosphere with the likes of Paltrow and Witherspoon. For those that say Harry is the driving force behind the prevention of this, I'd counter that H is too addled to know what day of the week it is most of the time, and I don't believe he actually gives a s*** about kids, no matter whose they are. Any fond recollections to the contrary when he was young single guy kicking the ball around with the Lesotho youths are just more PR artistry from Edward Lane Fox.

I continue to hope that if any children of surrogacy exist that they aren't in the custody of the Harkles. If they haven't got a 'family home' at all but crash (separately) in separate hotels, what kind of life is that for little ones?

As far as the divorce rumor mill goes, when they got married, I gave it 5 years at the outside, which they have exceeded now. When I projected that scenario, I never dreamt that they would bail on the RF after only 18 months of togetherness. Of course, in my last post I said why I had concluded that it was never their intent to bail after 18 months; they were made to leave. A divorce settlement is going to be very costly and and it's going to drag out for years in court, I imagine. A guaranteed way to get herself press attention for doing nothing at all except having meetings with lawyers.

The truth about these children will have to be made known to a court in order for there to be custody arrangements and payments to M for the care, raising and education of two minors who are both many years away from 18. Without proof that these children are legally theirs, if not biologically theirs, she's got no basis for child support or custody and the TRUTH will have to come out. So that alone I think would make her hesitate to actually divorce H . . but she can tease it and threaten it for years to come.
abbyh said…

The 5 year anniversary sort of came and went but I don't remember hearing anything from that direction. Not even photos. I thought that weird.
Girl with a Hat said…
I bet if they are separating, * is recording and filming as much as she can in order to monetize the drama.
Magatha Mistie said…

A step too far

Move over Jill babes
I’ll precede Joe
You take the rear
with hazza in tow
Take ten steps back dear
as we get to the top
That’s perfect
for Me ‘n’ Joe’s
air-stair photo op…

Girl with a Hat said…

It was all a hype. Like rubber necking a traffic accident.

Prince Harry humiliated as his memoir Spare emerges as 'most discarded' book
Maneki Neko said…
Spare may have been the UK's fastest selling non-fiction book since records began in 1998 but apparently it's 'the the most dumped book of the summer' with up to 100 copies left behind by holidaymakers at resorts in Spain, Greece and Turkey' (DM).
Probably sold well due the curiosity factor. The Bench didn't fare too well either. Any copies dumped in the US?
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Todger, if unhappily married to Mr. Todger, could have filed for divorce, maintenance, and child support and shared custody, and been awarded such for the next 18 - 20 years, just like other divorcing couples do. But she didn't, for three very good reasons: she's a nobody without Mr. Todger, and there ain't no children.
Sandie said…
RadarOnline does seem to be the source of the separation rumours, but that article was misleading in its headline. The story actially claimed that he would be going to 'Africa' (actually a huge continent and not a country) to film a 'wildlife' documentary for Netflix and she would not be going with him. Technicallly he could film his part of the documentary in less than a week and maybe even a few days, depending on how involved he would want to be with the filming, and what her rules are (no more than two weeks apart?). However, unless he employs a top documentary film-maker and crew and comes up with a relevant and new and exciting angle, and has the money to fund the project, I do not foresee such a project being a success, or even actually materializing. His ideas are pathetic, as we have seen, and would she allow him to spend so much money on such a project?

They have been on different and separate paths in their projects for a while now. It will be interesting to see if she dominates the supposed Invictus documentary. That is one project where she has made herself front and centre, but she also uses his polo playing as a platform to get attention. Other than that, she uses him to get awards and parades him in public for award ceremonies. She has never been allowed to insert herself publically in the ButterUp gig, has distanced herself from royal events, and stayed clear of publicity of the memoir.

As I said previously, and as most here seem to agree, that relationship is probably toxic and volatile. She has the tendency to collapse in a heap and sob, manipulate and control; he is volatile and very thin-skinned (she is also very thin-skinned but I think is more in control of her emotions and speech). As for time apart ... they have a guest house and plenty of rooms in the house, which he probably does have to use. If he is spending nights off the propery, as rumoured, I would guess that he is doing something or seeing someone that he does not want her to know about.

She is remarkably stupid though, and could believe she could be a success on her own. Or, she could finally entrap a billionaire. But she would definitely go the route of interviews and articles and books and documentaries that 'tell her story'. She may even choose to do that if they stay together. That woman loves to shove herself onto centre stage and talk about herself!

However, I think their most pressing problem is how to bring in the income to fund their lifestyle. They have two children that are going to be more costly to maintain as they get older as well.
OCGal said…
I still can't get over the nerve, the gall, the arrogance, the sheer tone-deaf self-entitlement of the Sussex duo expecting a "yes" to their request to hitch a ride home to America on Air Force 1 after the late, lamented Queen's funeral.

@Magatha Mistie, you knocked it out of the park when you channeled she-who-shall-not-be-named's daydream-thoughts and presumption of a yes when they asked to bum a ride.

I copy your great piece here so we can all again enjoy the schadenfreude of her expected manifestation, versus the reality of a complete smack-down:

"A step too far

Move over Jill babes
I’ll precede Joe
You take the rear
with hazza in tow
Take ten steps back dear
as we get to the top
That’s perfect
for Me ‘n’ Joe’s
air-stair photo op…"
Fifi LaRue said…
Here's the most important reason Mrs. Todger will not divorce Mr. Todger: Nowhere in any settlement is she going to be awarded $100K/month for PR. Mrs. Todger spent every last of her pennies on PR before marrying Mr. Todger. Mr. Todger is a well of riches to be spent promoting herself. Divorce Mr. Todger and there won't be any PR, nor WME.

Mrs. Todger does not have any talent so she can't earn her own money. She's gonna have to stick with Mr. Todger, or find an elderly billionaire with reduced faculties and without family to protect him.
gfbcpa said…
@Maneki Neko

I frequently visit different library branches where I live and in all of them I see anywhere from 5 to 10 copies collecting dust in the New Biographies section. They stay in the new section for 6 months and then get moved to General Circulation, so that is when they may get "dumped" due to space issues.

All of the used bookstores near me have closed up in recent years, so I can't speak for the situation there.

Some residents have also put up a Little Free Library on their front lawn where you can drop off and pick up books to read. It looks like a little house with a latched door on a mailbox post. Haven't noticed any copies either there or on the shelves at train stations where you can leave or borrow books.
Maneki Neko said…

A step too far - absolutely brilliant. How dare the Bidens not allow her (them) on Air Force 1? Her ladyship surely was entitled to a free ride on AF1, no less!!

When Biden was in the UK last week, we saw a police helicopter, two or three US army helicopters and two US army Chinooks coming and going. * must believe she needs that level of protection as befits her status. If allowed on AF1, then she would have had police outriders if not a helicopter straight to Heathrow. As for H, never mind him, he could fly commercial as long as didn't. Saying yes to their demand would have generated further demands, can you imagine.

Hikari said…
The 5 year anniversary sort of came and went but I don't remember hearing anything from that direction. Not even photos. I thought that weird.

Not their usual style at all, but the non-mention (also getting a non-mention this year: Either Happy Mother's Day for her or Father's Day for him . . or come to think of it, Lilibet's birthday; Archie's got a kerfluffle as we know . . The Duckarse's birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks, and she'll be either 42 or 47 depending on what you choose to believe . .wonder if any birthday pap strolls will be forthcoming? Hard to celebrate one's birthday when the mirror no longer supports one's mental picture of oneself as a perpetually 36-year-old 'young mother') of the anniversary serves as a barometer of the relationship. What I take away is, they are no longer making the concerted pretense of happyhappyhappy so in lurve, with the constant hand-holding, PDA and squicky press releases about their significant dates. Even for them the pretense is getting too much to sustain, and now that it's leaked out that Haz has a getaway suite in a hotel and is very often in San Fran, it does make one wonder about their intentions of continuing this sham of a contract show-marriage much longer. They have a toxic co-dependency . . she needs his family connection to stay relevant and he probably needs his continued marriage to an American citizen to be able to remain in the States . .not to mention, he is loath to admit to his brother and everyone else who tried bloody hard to counsel him against this marriage that they were right about her. I believe he actively loathes her and has since before the engagement but she's got him over a barrel of some kind and he must have thought that being chained to her in name only was worth it to get the California Disney lifestyle she'd promised. If he's perpetually p*ss*d, it's because she oversold their Sussex Court West fantasy and, being thick as a plank and equally selfish to her, he bought it. Neither of them were actually prepared to *work* at any of this; they just thought they'd coast along on their Royal fairy dust forever and ever. Eejits.
According to SMM, the Mirror has identified yet another `sweet nod' to M - the fact that Joe Biden and the King and had their photo taken in the very same room at Windsor where * once had her picture taken with the King. So apparently the very ground she sets foot on is forever dedicated, nay sacred, to her and anybody being photographed there is paying homage to her.

I've no idea who writes this sickening tripe but they missed all the other `sweet nods ' there have been:

- her wedding date was a `sweet nod' to the execution of Anne Boleyn
- the car she travelled in that day had conveyed Wallis to Edward's funeral
- St George's Chapel was a sweet nod to Charles I whose body and head are buried there

` and so on, including her `sweet nod' to me and my chums by reference to the Simplicity dress pattern we all used in the mid-1960s.
Hikari said…

As I said previously, and as most here seem to agree, that relationship is probably toxic and volatile. She has the tendency to collapse in a heap and sob, manipulate and control; he is volatile and very thin-skinned (she is also very thin-skinned but I think is more in control of her emotions and speech). As for time apart ... they have a guest house and plenty of rooms in the house, which he probably does have to use. If he is spending nights off the propery, as rumoured, I would guess that he is doing something or seeing someone that he does not want her to know about.

Toxic and volatile, yes, from the get-go. I think this whole relationship has been a con job from the start. He bit off more than he could chew with this booty call, and it turned around and bit him where the sun don't shine. I think both of them are done playing the parts they cast themselves in as Soulmates in Lurve . . a decided lack of hand-holding or fake smiles from Hazza these days. As I mentioned above, no more pretense being made about celebrating their anniversary, or Mother's/Father's Day; Archie's b-day only got a big to-do owing to the Coronation; otherwise it might have been as ignored as Invisibet's was this year. The fifth anniversary is usually marked as a kind of achievement, so the deafening silence speaks volumes. I think they loathe each other and only get pictured together for some kind of award grab. The recent Fourth of July pics were highly questionable, as was the recent limo shots that showed them looking glum and distant.

You are more charitable than I about the viability of either Mudslide Manor or the custody of two tots; the rumblings now are that both the Todgers are occupying separate hotels and the Mudslide Manor is back on the market. I never believed in these last 5 years that they owned that property outright and always suspected some kind of lease deal. I think they rented it, or access to parts of it for use in their Netflix documentary and various other PR shoots/videos since they got kicked out of Tyler Perry's. Now that the Netfix series in concluded, they've got no further need of it or the chicken coop they constructed in the back garden. They were only ever going to be able to afford the upkeep on a place like that, never mind the mortgage payments, if their much-vaunted $100/$200 million dollar deals with various corporate entities were completed in full. They did not honor their terms with either Netflix or Spotify, and those amounts were contingent on the delivery of a full contracted-for amount of profitable content for both platforms. They didn't do it and have flopped/reneged on every conceivable level. Penguin Random House might be pleased enough with the train-wreck generated sales of Spare, which should more than cover any losses for "The Stench" . . but the Harkles are only two books into a projected 4-book deal and at least Meg's offering was a flop. So they have at most only a fraction of the money they brag they have received. And then H has all these lawsuits on. How much do we suppose he owes to Mr Sherbourne's firm? Must be running to millions of pounds by this point.

Hikari said…
I think the wife has gone past caring who H sees or what he gets up to with whom, so long as it doesn't become public knowledge. She's got lots of her own . . friends and is industriously trying to make more, especially in the geriatric billionaire category. She'd be toxically jealous and disruptive if H were seeing beautiful women . . so personally I lean toward thinking that he's got a boy toy or several stashed in San Francisco. I believe H to be at the least bisexual; we know he's had exploits with women, but he's awfully fond of inappropriate physical camaraderie with Invictus veterans. Wouldn't surprise me to learn that he's into deviant acts with men and that is what he didn't want his grandparents to know about. Blackmail fodder for a Royal wedding. That's the most likely scenario really, because if M conveniently 'lost the baby' right after getting engaged, that sham could have been called off. No, the blackmail item is something ongoing, methinks. How would it have looked for the Commander General Royal Marines to have popped up on the Internet with his Todger getting awfully friendly with another man? That is what I think he was threatened with to compel the marriage.

Call me cynical but I think even the worst we could dream up about these two is some distance short of the foul truth.
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks. Interesting. I haven't checked libraries and bookshops here in the UK but might do.
Opus said…
If the Sussexes divorced what would happen to this blog? - so lets keep them married.

Hitchin a Ride (and what a great song that was) is as dead as the Dodo. People just do not do it these days. Like Twister or the Hula-Hoop it is no more. I cannot think of anyone who might hitch a lift on the airforce 1 of any country; one must await an invitation to board, however, nothing ventured nothing gained.
Girl with a Hat said…
CDAN blind about Harold looking for property in Africa.

Girl with a Hat said…

I don't think homosexuality in the upper class of the UK is terribly scandalous.

I think that many public school boys experimented while in boarding school and that it's well tolerated amongst the elite.

Hikari said…

Fear not; I think we’ve got at least two or three years of an amber herd/Johnny Depp style protracted court battle when the divorce comes. This is going to make Paul McCartney’s divorce from Heather Mills look positively genteel. Or, as I suspect, the couple does not have two children in their custody to haggle over, which would incentivize her in particular to delay divorcing. If she has been able to procure children, the court shenanigans could drag out for years. The couple is going to be an ongoing headache for King Charles because Harry’s wife is in capable of lying low and staying quiet in exchange for maintenance payments. If the rumor is true that Harry is looking to relocate to Africa, perhaps the royal family is working behind the scenes to make that happen to get him away from her, because we know she would not willingly follow him to Africa for the long term. I am hoping, best case scenario for the royal family, That this ridiculous travesty of a marriage can be annulled on the basis of fraud. If it can be proven that there are no children either of their loins or adopted properly, that will take the wind out of her sails. But she’s not done with the race baiting, you can bet your pension on that. If Harry can be re- located to a place she can’t follow, The deprogramming my commence. She’ll have to go back to blowing guys on yachts. Harry’s visa to remain in the United States may be in jeopardy, owing to his admitted drug use prior to and while in the country, and I’m not sure if INS would take a dim view of an international who is ostensibly married to an American citizen, but her demonstratively does not cohabitate with her for the period prescribed by his visa. If he has massive deaths and no demonstrable means of income, immigration convert has ginger arse even if he is the son of an allied head of state. Harry has no diplomatic function in the United States as a representative of the British monarchy, and if he has been disowned by his father, he is on shaky ground. His tax situation must be a nightmare, And now we find out that he and the wife have been harassing the President of the United States to ride on the presidential jet. That absolutely beggars belief. The wheels may be in motion quietly in London to facilitate Harry’s relocation to a commonwealth country before some terribly embarrassing narcotics/illegal sexploits unvolvibg him Become public. So early and his father’s reign, That would be disastrous. And there’s always the old Al Capone trick if nothing else will stick… The FBI couldn’t pin multiple murders on him so they got him for tax fraud in the end.
Hikari said…

I’ve read Forster And know that boy-on-boy action is commonplace in British boarding schools, and in the Royal Navy. There were stories about Andrew in the 1980s. But do you actually believe that if pictures and video were released of the son of the King embroiled in a gay orgy that that wouldn’t be a huge scandal? Look at the lengths the Palace went to to cover up Hazza’s drug fueled pool frolic in Vegas 11 years ago. The security services got pretty heavy handed in confiscating peoples phones and putting the fear of God into them. Harry was at the time a lad in his 20s Blowing off some steam in R&R after a tour of Afghanistan. The stakes would be a lot higher now for a sex scandal… Now he is a married father of two heirs tov the succession—ostensibly— And his father is now the King, So Harold’s antics touch that much closer upon the Crown. If Harold is outed as a sexual deviant, there’s been rumors for years but the palace machine was working for him then— The media would have a field day. I think it’s naïve to suggest otherwise. Prior to Skippy Inskip’s wedding,H was DONE with her. They were not a couple anymore and hadn’t been for months. I think the break up happened Sometime before the new year after she got the boot over Taking unauthorized photos of Williams children and apartments. That was circa November 2016. Harold was actively avoiding her. Yet just five months after that travesty in Jamaica, they’re engaged. Something happened to coerce Harold to put a ring on it and it had to be something big. An illegitimate pregnancy isn’t the end of everything in the 21st-century… Albert of Monaco has at least three love children with three different women. In any case Harry’s wife was demonstrably not pregnant on her wedding day. What would Harold really be loath for his grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh to find out about him? The iron duke, the man’s men among men? Probably something other than that he’d accidentally gotten his girlfriend pregnant. If Soho House his hand was in the blackmail, I think we could be pretty sure that some missionary style copulation between a man and a woman who were dating was not scandalous enough for the desired effect.
Hikari said…

I’ve read Forster And know that boy-on-boy action is commonplace in British boarding schools, and in the Royal Navy. There were stories about Andrew in the 1980s. But do you actually believe that if pictures and video were released of the son of the King embroiled in a gay orgy that that wouldn’t be a huge scandal? Look at the lengths the Palace went to to cover up Hazza’s drug fueled pool frolic in Vegas 11 years ago. The security services got pretty heavy handed in confiscating peoples phones and putting the fear of God into them. Harry was at the time a lad in his 20s Blowing off some steam in R&R after a tour of Afghanistan. The stakes would be a lot higher now for a sex scandal… Now he is a married father of two heirs tov the succession—ostensibly— And his father is now the King, So Harold’s antics touch that much closer upon the Crown. If Harold is outed as a sexual deviant, there’s been rumors for years but the palace machine was working for him then— The media would have a field day. I think it’s naïve to suggest otherwise. Prior to Skippy Inskip’s wedding,H was DONE with her. They were not a couple anymore and hadn’t been for months. I think the break up happened Sometime before the new year after she got the boot over Taking unauthorized photos of Williams children and apartments. That was circa November 2016. Harold was actively avoiding her. Yet just five months after that travesty in Jamaica, they’re engaged. Something happened to coerce Harold to put a ring on it and it had to be something big. An illegitimate pregnancy isn’t the end of everything in the 21st-century… Albert of Monaco has at least three love children with three different women. In any case Harry’s wife was demonstrably not pregnant on her wedding day. What would Harold really be loath for his grandfather the Duke of Edinburgh to find out about him? The iron duke, the man’s men among men? Probably something other than that he’d accidentally gotten his girlfriend pregnant. If Soho House his hand was in the blackmail, I think we could be pretty sure that some missionary style copulation between a man and a woman who were dating was not scandalous enough for the desired effect.
Magatha Mistie said…

In-flight entertainment 🎤
Apologies:David Bowie
Major Tom

Fly Bye Slight

Hound Control to
Air Force One
Check the baggage
don’t let the grifters on

All the papers are aware
They’ve nothing left to share

This is Air Force One to
Sussex Gone
Take your hostess skills
to Planet Hollywood
It’s time to leave the family
for good…

Fifi LaRue said…
Experimenting sexually is not the problem; as Nutty once wrote, it may be much more than that.
Think along the lines of a Dom/Sub situation with Mr. Todger being the Sub. That wouldn't go over well with his
fellows in the service, nor the Invictus folks.
Girl with a Hat said…

I think that the issue with Harold would be less man on man action as his anger issues with sex workers, his illegitimate son living in the USA, his behaviour towards his superiors while in the military, etc

Most people recognize that sex is the private domain of each individual and no one can judge what two or more consenting adults do in their spare time. No matter how outside the norm. And photos of such behaviour would only bring out the sympathy of the citizen on the street who would feel that this was an unwarranted intrusion into Harold (or anyone else's) private sphere
Opus said…
Before (it is early morning , I have just woken-up) reading Hikari's posts I must firstly
and before I do anything else respond to Girl in a Hat and her suspicions as to homosexuality amongst boys in English boarding schools. Maybe the all-male English boarding school I attended was somehow the exception but not only was such behaviour likely to bring about expulsion but as between us boys the very thought thereof was anathema. We were not I think, however, especially Upper Class indeed far from it, so perhaps it was different elsewhere. The rich tend to be insulated from the bad effects of their own behaviour hence their ability to virtue signal without repercussion. Sex (the heterosexual variety) began as we all know in 1963 which alas was too early for me and so it is probably true that our motto is or should be 'No sex please we are English'.
Opus said…
I've read Hikari now and very persuasive she is. The trouble with reading Forster and the like is that they have an agenda and perhaps in the hot-house atmosphere of a boarding-school where one is locked in 24/7/365 save for the holidays people of that persuasion may feel that Xmas has come early. They are not bothered by the shame of their actions let alone its annoyance and are used to their unpopularity indeed revel in it. When I was of that age sexual activity was we were told best reserved for matrimony. We were not old enough to marry and sexual activity let alone sexual thought was both unnecessary and impossible seeing we were all male (and it never occurred to any of us that we were other).

As for the Sussexes she should make a play for Kissinger (in Beijing this week with Wang Yi) and he should go to Africa where he could ply a new trade as a replacement for the almost as old David Attenborough 'here... in the jungles... of darkest, Namibia... we see the lesser spotted...grifter' etc etc

Finally and I am sure I have mentioned this before, David Sherborne (who like your correspondent is merely a humble junior counsel - and not thus to have added the letters K.C. after his name) does not belong to a firm and thus any fee that he receives is entirely his. He may be popular with his clients but clearly not so much with the Lord Chancellor (hence his failure to be elevated).
Hikari said…

I’d say that Sexual experimentation could be the problem for Todger If he were indiscreet enough to put himself in a position to be blackmailed. It happens all the time to political figures, and while Harold himself isn’t a political figure, his membership in the royal family means that whatever he does reflects on them. Just the same as the scandals of presidential siblings and children. The difference between Harold and someone like Hunter Biden is that Harold Has been in the spotlight since he was born, and The job his father holds is more than a brief one time gig. Scrutiny for life is the downside of being born to royal privilege. Just by being born to a certain family, he’s going to go down in history books and frankly he’s never been able to cope with that.

The royal family remains to a large degree moribund to centuries old traditions and mores despite being in the modern era. I’m sure this is lessened A bit under the reign of King Charles, But it’s early days yet. Charles hasn’t been King for a year. I would suppose that Charles might be more understanding toward a gay child than People might give him credit for. If Harold’s gay he’s certainly wouldn’t be the first royal in history to lean that way… Both the Richards come to mind. A certain pan sexuality has always been part of the aristocracy as GWAH pointed out. But in more modern times with the reach of the media, there hasn’t been an openly gay Royal As near to the crown as Todger. At issue isn’t whether it’s acceptable to be gay or whether a man’s private activities should be his own business— Which I believe they should be unless these activities are illegal and/or directly harming people. Harold has got a record of abusing both his polo ponies and Women he paid to sexually service him while he was in the service. I don’t think either of these is just tittle tattle but have been confirmed. If Harry has through his own excessive temper sent some polo ponies to the knackers yard and some sex workers to the hospital, he’s capable of some pretty nasty stuff. A guy who would do that sounds like a guy who hates women on a fundamental level. It just makes one wonder. We know how paranoid Harold is. Look how much time and money he plowed into bringing a lawsuit against newspapers for reporting that he was drunk in a nightclub 18 years ago. That in itself is hardly scandalous… He was a legal drinking age at the time and getting drunk in a nightclub is basically what one goes to a nightclub for. But if Harold was that sensitive over that relatively mild breach of privacy, how would he react over threats that something really unsavory would be revealed to the press? Harold himself did not have any compunction against bragging in print about his sexual exploits with an older woman or certain exploits of his Todger in Antarctica— But those anecdotes were meant to underscore Haz’s rep as hetero bad boy/Jack the Lad. Harold doth protest too much methinks. Let’s just say I do not think there are any limits to how low the Soho House cohort would go to extort the Royal family. What they actually might have on H isn’t as important as what he THINKS They’ve got on him and what they may have threatened to do with that information, even if they wouldn’t actually follow through. They’ve got something on him, because the last 5 1/2 years don’t make any sense otherwise. Regardless of whether one believes H prefers men, I think we can all agree that he’s looked like a man in hell since the wedding… At his own wedding… And he is spiraling before our eyes.
Sandie said…
Cosmopolitan has published a syrupy article on the timeline of their luv story. This is a rather interesting snippet ...

February 2, 2017
Meghan and Harry are spotted holding hands in London after dinner at the exclusive Soho House, where they reportedly first met last June through mutual friend Markus Anderson, a consultant at the private members’ club.

Every time they tell the story, the details change!

I would not worry about this blog losing material to write and read about. The world has quite clear picture of the human being (the man not the prince) baron Kilkeel has become. After divorce he is going to be extremely bitter without any self-criticism and loads of righteous self-pity. And since he sees himself as a best-selling author with lots to share with his audience all we need to do is just wait for his Opus Magnum "All That I Did For The Baroness And Look How She Pays That To Me, Ay De Mi!!!!"

He can prove to the world that he is not at all as stupid as everybody thinks, the contrary is true and he can prove this with his own words. Just you sit collectedly and wait. It will happen.

And I am too lazy to start discussing about the material the baroness will offer to the world literature when she gets started. All I say is it is going to be very interesting among other things to compare his story against her story concerning the true heritage of those two children.

We are going to learn more truths than we can easily digest, I do not doubt.
Teasmade said…
@Hikari, Every time the poor polo ponies are brought up, I am reminded that one of them was pregnant, and that is just so heartbreaking.
Hikari said…

As an animal lover, that guts me, too. How irresponsible of the mare's owners to allow her to be used on the polo field if she was pregnant. Yes, she was an athlete, but it's not like she had any choice in the matter, unlike a human athlete who chooses to compete and assumes the risk to herself and her unborn baby.

Equally upsetting are the tales of murdered protected birds and of sex workers needing a visit to hospital after private time with the Prince. Really, what kind of foul person are we dealing with? He's found his own level with his wife. He is absolutely no better than her, maybe just more stupid. Looking back now at his public appearances when part of the family, as a child until leaving the Army in 2015, he was always presentable, usually smiling and seemed a lot healthier and more at ease in himself than he does now. Last night I was watching some footage of Diana on the balcony with Sarah and Beatrice, circa 1990 - 91. It may have been Trooping the Color that year as the ladies are dressed for summer. Beatrice looks about 3, which would make Hazza about 7. He's wearing a suit and tie. William was not visible in this shot though presumably he was there, maybe on the other side with his father. H is pointing wildly at something to the side, prompting Diana to physically restrain his hands. In another shot, she's got him stood in front of her with her hands firmly on his shoulders to keep him from messing with his young cousin who is just a toddler. H looks extremely thin and quite mean, if I'm honest, and Diana looks stressed, as she often looked when wrangling her youngest out in public.

H was overindulged by both parents, but so was William. William grew out of his youthful reputation as "Basher", who threatened to cut off his nursery school teacher's head in the Tower after she corrected him . .Wills seems to have absorbed his mum's lessons about being approachable and as 'normal' as a Prince can be. Todger went another direction. I feel like he's the Bad Seed kid in a horror movie that grew into an adult sociopath. He's just not normal.
Hikari said…
February 2, 2017
Meghan and Harry are spotted holding hands in London after dinner at the exclusive Soho House, where they reportedly first met last June through mutual friend Markus Anderson, a consultant at the private members’ club.

Markus as a "consultant" is one I've not heard before. I think his actual role is more along the lines of "talent booking agent for maritime and hotel-based engagements". "Recruiter" may also fit. I think he was involved in the membership concierge side of the business, yes, and a good concierge goes above and beyond to get his guests what they require and when.

Well, if they were still canoodling in February, things were more than a little arctic just 2 and a half months later at Skippy's wedding in April. How early is it customary to send out wedding invitations? He sure didn't seem at all pleased to see her in Jamaica, nor 5 months later at Invictus in Toronto, and PM Trudeau shared that sentiment. She was not invited to Invictus by H; Markus finagled them seats. The little gathering afterwards consisting of TBW, her 'consultant' and her mother had all the appearance of a press ganging.

The next day was her public debut as 'his girlfriend'--claw firmly in place, Wolverine-shredded jeans and all. And we know what it's been like since.
Rebecca said…
Spare may have been the UK's fastest selling non-fiction book since records began in 1998 but apparently it's 'the the most dumped book of the summer' with up to 100 copies left behind by holidaymakers at resorts in Spain, Greece and Turkey' (DM).

I took books with me on a recent trip to Europe, which I jettisoned after I’d read them because I didn’t want the unnecessary weight in my bag on the return flight. The fact that many copies of H’s book have been left behind by vacationers on the Continent doesn’t necessarily mean they weren’t read.


It's not `good form' to issue invitations too early because it doesn't allow a reluctant guest to plead a `prior engagement' if they have no wish to attend. Six weeks is acceptable I gather.

Attitudes to homosexuality have long been class related - it's the lingering puritanism in the general population that did for Turing - high-ups knew about and ignored his sexuality but it was the ordinary-level police officers that brought him down. I can add a couple more Kings to the list - Edward II and James I & VI. Perhaps the ire directed against them was less about what they did sexually and more about the influence their `favourites' were allowed to exert..

We regard what goes on between consenting adults as their own affair but a lot hinges on the word `consenting'. What if H's partners were not consenting, forced or incapable of consenting lawfully - if they were underage, mentally impaired or even other species?

Then again, who was he doing it with? Was national security at risk? That was the big problem with Profumo, the Secretary of State for War - he was sharing a girl with a Russian military attaché, aka a spy.
Maneki Neko said…

The next day was her public debut as 'his girlfriend'--claw firmly in place, Wolverine-shredded jeans and all.

Good description, to which I would add 'husband shirt' (I always thought that was a message to both Harold and the world) half tucked in and very smug if not triumphant face. I'm afraid what I saw that day didn't endear her to me.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Hikari: I have not read anything about Todger killing protected birds, or beating polo horses! The beating of sex workers--is that uncommon or common knowledge? Yes, it does indicate deep hatred of women.

I think you're on to something about the lawsuits re: his drinking, and the "protesting too much" with the lawsuits hashing over old news. If so, he seems afraid that something's going to come out about him, and the lawsuits now are him worrying about the future and what could be revealed.

IMO the general public is not ready to embrace public figures' sexual deviancies. If something came out about Todger, it would be headlines on the front page of the New York Post, and other rags.

I agree. Todger has never ever looked happy, even for one day, since hooking up with the Evil One.
Maneki Neko said…
Ha ha ha! "Jill Biden was ‘in on the joke’ when Meghan Markle sent her a bunch of lemons in a wink at social media speculation that the First Lady was on Team Sussex.

After Prince Harry and Meghan's now-infamous Oprah Winfrey interview, their fans saw something that made them believe that Jill was sympathetic to the Duke and Duchess.

The frock was similar to a $2,890 dress from the same designer that Meghan had worn a month before."

What a load of bovine excrement. I thought I saw this mentioned on these pages but checked and couldn't see it. Apologies if I'm wrong.
The fact the pattern of the dresses is very similar is pure coincidence. */her fans saying this is a sign of support from Jill Biden is right up there with saying the pattern on a piece of toast/slice of vegetable etc shows the face of Jesus.
'A bunch of lemons'! Yes, I bet Jill Biden was in on the joke... * still didn't get to hitch a ride on Air Force 1.
Hikari said…
Wild Boar, et. al,

If Harry were gay, I think societal attitudes in 2023 would allow for a Royal (minor, in H’s case) To have an alternative sexuality. I he was 33 years old before the hooked up with the wife; I gather he was quite legendary for one night stands with various women that he picked up in clubs, etc. Groupies, if you will. Besides the two long-term girlfriends that we know about, Chelsy and to a lesser degree, Cressida Bonas, H was known for a number of short-term liaisons with women, ranging from by the hour to a few days or a few months. I doubt he remembers them all. I wonder how many of those were in the category of “façade management“, because none of the women he dated for any length of time really have anything good to say about him, and I find that his knee groping, towel slapping behavior with the various Invictus veterans to be suggestive of a sexual attraction to men rather than just “Guy locker room hijinks”. If H Had formed a significant emotional relationship with a man that he wanted for a life’s companion, well, he would have my sympathies, And perhaps both his family and society could assimilate that with little issue. When one is born into a hereditary monarchy, and one’s father is the future king/now the king, the expectations Are different. If William had been inclined to love his own gender and not want to procreate children with a woman, that would’ve presented obvious difficulties for the succession of the United Kingdom. With H it’s less dire, But until William came of age and had heirs, H’s choices in live and sex had more weight. If H is inclined toward men, I suppose that those closest to him, friends and family members, might be well aware of it. But it’s not general knowledge in the public domain, and there would be incentive, in the machismo culture of the army, And within a very traditional marriage roles within the royal family for him to have incentive to keep it quiet. The problem is that his choice of companions are bottom feeders who do not have the best interests of him or the monarchy at heart. So blackmailing him over his sexuality to ensure that TBW infiltrated the RF isn’t outlandish. I don’t think H is the only one with the skeletons in the closet that are being exploited by the Soho House cohort. I think there’s an Epstein connection, and it wouldn’t surprise me at all that TBW Was involved. The open animosity of the Duke of York toward Harry’s wife is suggestive of some kind of shared history or knowledge. Wknow this group uses narcotics and is involved in sex for money. It wouldn’t have to be gay sex to be scandalous because I firmly believe that any number of illegalities are in play. Underage partners, sexual violence, drug use, embezzlement… These are seedy people And hairy and wife are in it up to their necks. Dodgy real estate deals with Russian oligarchs later found deceased under mysterious circumstances… And hairy that close to the Crown. He’s a walking time bomb.

I’ve wondered before, when this topic came up, What the very worst scenario would be for H. What I came up with was not just pictorial and video/email evidence of kinky sexual practices, but possibly the death of one of Harry’s sex partners in a sex game. Perhaps even in the possible existence of a snuff film. If such happened, most likely accidental and not premeditated, but if they plied each with enough drugs, he’d be too addled to remember exactly what happened and they could’ve made something up or staged it and said that he was responsible and he better go along or else. When I think too long on the Harkles and their circle of associates, I feel that I need a disinfecting shower for about five hours. That to me is one of the few plausible explanations for him going ahead with a marriage that everyone knew was going to be a disaster. All of the worst fears have been confirmed, and then some.
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Todger, a seedy bottom feeder.
This originated in the Independent. None as blind as them that won't see.

I copied this from Yahoo but see it originates here, but from NY:

The Independent

Kaleigh Werner
Fri, 21 July 2023 at 9:58 pm BST

Fans have come to the defense of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle amid rumours the royal pair split up.

Following the release of the Prince Harry’s memoir Spare, speculation started that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex – who tied the knot in 2018 – may not be as solid as they once were. According to Entertainment Tonight, reports circulated that the 38-year-old Duke of Sussex had gotten a hotel room for space and time away from his wife.

On 18 July, RadarOnline reported on Harry and Meghan’s rocky patch, claiming the two are “taking time apart”. An insider alleged to the outlet: “They’re trying to figure out what hit them. Harry doesn’t fit in Meghan’s tacky Tinseltown world.”

When Harry and Meghan’s $20m deal with Spotify came to an end last month, the rumours circulated once more. Bloomberg reported on Meghan’s difficulty in choosing guests to come on the show. Meanwhile, Harry wanted to bring on Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Mark Zuckerberg, but executives weren’t up for it.

However, a separate source told Page Six that the duo is still together and happily married. Kati Nicholl, author of The New Royals, told ET: “My experience with Harry and Meghan – whenever I’ve been with them as a couple, who are very, very close – [have] a sort of spark between them that always struck me as being very authentic.”

“However, there have been rumours circulating in recent months that the fallout from Spare, which is pretty epic for Prince Harry who had Britain really turned against him, his home country; he’s really not welcomed here,” she said. “[The book has] left a bad taste in people’s mouths. It’s further alienated him from his friends and his family and I think, inevitably, that has put a strain on them.”

While the false narratives continue to surround the married pair, fans are shooting down the speculation on social media.

One royal fan tweeted: “Please know that I‘m a big fan of Meghan since her Suits time and of Prince Harry since his early years. My mother was a fan of his mom as I am. I joined Twitter only in January bc I was looking for a way to defend and support them. It‘s so good to know that we are not alone.”

Twitter users united, forming a group called “American Sussex squad” in support of Prince Harry and Meghan.

“American Sussex squad stan for Harry and Meghan only, nobody cares about the rest of those drab castle dwellers on that salty island,” one fan proclaimed.

Another person added: “This is why I stan Harry and Meghan. The nastiest, most connected, powerful people and institutions are doing all they can to end them. But H & M are still standing. Would you be?”

Harry and Meghan met on a blind date in July 2016 and were married in May 2018. They share two children: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, four, and Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, two.

The Independent has contacted the Sussexes for comment.

I suppose tripe like this keeps the UK republicans happy.
Magatha Mistie said…

Double Dippers Delight

The well basted roast chicken
Trussed and stuffed
took a licking
From Madam Lash
and her so ho house Tup
Golden waterboarded
Whilst being recorded
Spatchcocked, em-broiled
oh so f..ked up…

Magatha Mistie said…

Cheers, I really enjoyed their
latest downfall.
Taxiing to the end of their runway??
We can only hope

Magatha Mistie said…

Regarding the Sussex ‘Inserts’
Why didn’t the Queen
attend Archies christening

Here’s a truly inspired comment from SMM:

•13 hr. ago
If she had a choice between a commercial flight to Heaven and a private plane to the other place, we know which she would take.
@Hikari - I wonder if it'll ever be revealed? Will `What did harry do?' go down in history on a par with `What happened to the Princes in the Tower?'

His `concern' for the young Waleses has sinister overtones of Richard Crouchback.
VetusSacculi said…
Whether even true or not, suggestions of deviation from heterosexuality is nothing new in the RF. The late Queen’s uncle George, Duke of Kent, was rumoured to have had relationships with both sexes (including at the same time) as well as being an alleged drug addict. When he didn’t complete the Royal Marines training, Prince Edward’s sexuality was speculated on until he married Sophie. But these days in 2023 surely the question is ‘so what?’. How wonderfully modern it would be to have a same-sex couple waving from the balcony. The British RF appear to lag behind some of their counterparts in drawing a firm distinction between the “business of royalty” and the family. Ensuring the succession is a constitutional matter and it will be sometime before the laws around biological issue need to be amended. The late Prince Friso of the Netherlands had a morganatic marriage as his partner had been less than forthcoming about her previous with a drug dealer. King Felipe of Spain stripped his sister’s Duchess title due to her fraud charges, even though she was acquitted. The sad thing is, if it really was so traumatic, H could have stepped back from being a royal with responsibilities at any time and maybe held some charitable roles. I don’t think he actually has a clue what he does or doesn’t want, unless it’s what * tells him.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

...'the rest of those drab castle dwellers on that salty island', as per The Independent's article. Thank you very much, 'American Sussex squad'. Trying to be insulting but only showing their ignorance and stupidity. I trust they're only a tiny minority (possibly paid by * to spread supportive, positive statements).
@Maneki Neko,

I too think that's disgusting, coming as it does from what is supposedly a British paper.
Hikari said…
“American Sussex squad stan for Harry and Meghan only, nobody cares about the rest of those drab castle dwellers on that salty island,” one fan proclaimed.

Another person added: “This is why I stan Harry and Meghan. The nastiest, most connected, powerful people and institutions are doing all they can to end them. But H & M are still standing. Would you be?”

What makes my blood pressure shoot out the top of my head when I read garbage like this is, I fear that the people of the UK really are still under the impression that America is rooting for the Montecito couple . . because Harry's wife is the First Black American Princess, y'all! Egads.

Admittedly, having a biracial American marrying into the British Royal family was an exciting event and TBW's status compelled a lot of people, especially women of color, to watch the wedding and support her. There were lots of viewing parties among the black community. But that was then. TBW has managed to squander any good will she had. I'd have to say that the vast majority of Americans that follow any Royal news are overwhelmingly female. Some guys no doubt tuned into the ceremonial events like PP's and HMTQ's funerals and the Coronation, but it'd be a very small contingent of males that would care what Catherine was wearing on any given day. H is widely mocked as a knobhead imbecile on both sides of the Pond. We know dumb when we see it and we know grifters when we see them.

Harry and Meghan met on a blind date in July 2016 and were married in May 2018. They share two children: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor, four, and Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, two.

Or they were introduced at least a month prior by Markus Anderson, depending on which sources you read. I've always heard the 'mutual friend' was Violet von Westenholtz . .Remember the "We want to protect HER privacy" at the engagement interview, being all coy about how they met. Actually I believe there was no go-between; Cory Vitiello catered the Invictus pre-launch dinner in May 2016 and Guess Who was there as his plus-one. Cory would have been busy in the kitchen so I think TBW had no difficulties making eyes and suggestive banter with some buttons undone on her shirt to the guest of honor all on her own. Markus Anderson was probably there too; anyway his role going forward would be to keep TBW apprised of every time HRH was slated to be staying at Soho House so she could make sure she was in position at the bar. There's a good title for MA: 'VIP facilitator'.
Sandie said…

New post from Crowns of Britain.
snarkyatherbest said…
Poor M. more rejections and what is that. all her besties and wanna be besties were in Miami watching Messi in his first soccer game in the US. maybe she can show up in NYC and picket the Netflix offices with other SAG old timers 😉
I love the new birthday photo of Prince George. He looks so happy and grown up.

I’m surprised there are no pics of Archie and Lilibucks out there today.
Fifi LaRue said…
The Harkles do not make magazine covers in the US; nobody really cares about them. There is no age group that the Harkles appeal to. They are not young, not trendsetters, not philanthropists, not intelligent, not creative, not witty, not parents. The Harkles whine and complain and accuse and sue people. What's attractive and compelling about that? There's so much slimy seedy undercurrents with both of the Todgers that the ones of us who do pay attention do so out of horrified fascination; it's hard to take one's eyes away from a train wreck.
Rebecca said…
There is a report in DE that they are looking to buy a house in Malibu:

“Being close to Beverly Hills and LA where the deals are done is smart."

“And of course there is a real Malibu scene where major stars, producers and studio executives all hang out, socialize and get deals done during dinner and beach parties.”

The source added: “Meghan has friends who live in the area and she likes spots like Soho House."

"Certainly Prince Harry and Meghan would be welcome at many major parties and would be desired guests.”
Opus said…
I have just watched a video of a car trip around Montecito. Not quite how I had imagined it for it is very suburban and fairly busy. It is, as southern California always is, obviously quite pleasant though 'on the whole' they might have 'done better' had they wanted privacy 'to have stayed in Tunbridge Wells; or as Johnny Depp and Priscilla Presley did just over the border in Sussex where they would be ignored. (I knew a Dutch girl who was friendly with'Jeff' but had no idea who he was). No one ever sees them so I understand in Montecito and so I say they are not even there.
Sandie said…

Rumoured that she wants the mock curtsy removed from the mockumentary. That specific scene got a lot of attention and lost her a lot of support in the UK. Trying to rewrite history can be a very effective form of propaganda, but with this I doubt that she can wash away the truth.

It is just a rumour but 'papering over' the truth with PR stunts is what she does best so it is credible on that front. Still trying to exert control over the uncontrollable ... social media, the tabloids, staff, husband, children, staff, award organizations, rich people with private jets, heads of state ...!
Sandie said…

Looking for a school for Archie? I can believe that she only wants her children mixing with the very wealthy elite, so expensive is what she would want. But, there is also a rumour that they are looking to move to Malibu.

Lots of past and present Hollywood A-listers live in Malibu and it is closer to LA. But, the duo are not Hollywood A-listers, they would need to sell Mudslide Manor (and I doubt that they have made improvements to the property that would increase its value), and the A-listers in Malibu would not be happy with the paps moving into the area. (I just had a quick look at listings for Sotheby's - expensive, especially if they want a large secluded property!)
abbyh said…

She may want that gone (now) but (pff) that won't change much of anything. Deleted scene(s) will become a big discussion talking points (leading to more negative talk about who is really is) and ... not like you can kill off all mentions of it on the entire internet. It's out there, everywhere. And that would be a very frustrating thing to someone trying to backend control their narrative.

Family obligations - whole day (eeek) = no internet (I have to be nice and polite to them instead of this)
Sandie said…
Enjoy the family day!

I suspect that they only get papped when they want to. Sure they have a big property and plenty of staff to run errands plus groceries et al can be delivered in today's world. She loves eating out with friends and I doubt she has changed ... admittedly she has to eat out with staff or husband nowadays, but I would expect her to visit at a restaurant at least once a week.
Fifi LaRue said…
Headlines in the New York Post this morning. Hollywood is avoiding the Todgers because of money. Producers want their movies and plays to have premiers in London; and, Prince William is the President of BAFTA. Who would you want at your movie premier, the Todgers, or William and Kate? Also, the spilling of Todger raiding Courteny Cox's refrigerator for magic mushrooms makes the Todgers automatic non-invites to any party. Who wants the Todgers rummaging through one's personal home areas looking for whatever? Both of Todgers are Hollywood poison. It was also mentioned that the Todgers were not invited to Oprah's birthday party.

Hmm… attack by Dan’s supporters or `false flag’ operation by Sugars?

`…On a fundraising page for a legal challenge against the Byline Times, Wootton describes the newspaper as a "hard left blog" on a "deranged campaign of harassment designed to destroy me financially, mentally and professionally".
It is strange how someone can believe in PR so much that they think that expensive PR can totally change their true nature and personality from something disgusting, hateful, lazy and weak to world's most admirable human being. As in "I don't need to behave nicely towards other people, just pay someone big money to say I do". Truly amazing.
snarkyatherbest said…
Malibu Meghan? trying to layer off the Barbie success. will she go blond and sport bright pink clothes? is it easier to get papped in Malibu walking the beach than in Montecito? did Montecito have a vote and kick them/her out?

Drop the curtsey from the docudrama. what she can’t do is go public and say she was being well snarky and it was in really poor taste and she is so sorry for the hurt she caused (or the “i’m sorry you were hurt” no sorry that politicians love) by trying to make it disappear she only keeps it being talked about. or does talking about this detract from the Biden snub and she thinks this is a better tactic. or is it harry pr setting up the divide narrative. i told her not to go there and now she’s trying to make nice to harry and get it taken out? it’s exhausting trying to figure her out

Malibu Meg explaining PR is never a good idea.
Sandie said…

They found something to 'support' ... no money donated - just a bandwagon to make a statement and get noticed.

Nothing yet on the organisation's website about their statement. When you get through the word salad that is so popular today, I think the organization has admirable goals. I am not sure what impact they have, but they do research in the form of surveys. But they met with the Congressional Dads' Caucus so I suppose they do lobbying as well.

It looks as if he is leaving Hollywood to her and forging his own path:

Prince Harry is going to be a guest speaker at an “intensive two-day summit” in San Francisco next month.

The Riven Rock resident will attend the event, with tickets costing $995, in his role as chief impact officer for BetterUp.

The summit, Uplift, is being billed as an event where business executives “can connect with industry icons, renowned researchers, and world-class coaches to share experiences, ideas, and inspiration needed to move their businesses forward.”

The Duke of Sussex, 38, is billed as “a husband, father, humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist.”
Sandie said…

Someone with Hollywood sources on Shaun Atwood's channel said Netflix wants Harry and Meghan reality show part 2. Harry rejects. Netflix wants Meghan and father reunion. Meghan rejects. Meghan wants a show about her life with Doria and the kids. Netflix rejects and will end contract if they don't give in.

I have not seen that Attwood episode so cannot vouch for the source of the information, but it is interesting. The PR is gushing about Heart of Invictus for him (although she has placed herself in the centre of that) and the mutilation of Dickens for her.

There was a promotion of Heart of Invictus months ago, in black and white, and featuring her playing table tennis with him. Remember they did the same with the Spotify contract - released a promo (her dominating, him looking miserable throughout) claiming they were making a series of uplifting and empowering community stories - and then they did nothing for about a year, except an over-produced meaningless Christmas episode.

It must be so easy to find content for Heart of Invictus and they were even filming for this supposed documentary during the games in The Netherlands (mostly filming the duo), but not even a definite airing date.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: That's interesting. Netflix can float all kinds of ideas for the Todgers to fulfill their contractual duties. Failure to comply will probably set a legal reason to annul the remainder of the contract, and cut the Todgers loose.
Sandie said…

This is a bizarre story about TBW paying a formal visit to the fire department in Montecito, snacks in hand. (This was after they kept triggering the alarm at Mudslide Manor when they moved in.) I checked the website for the fire department but they did not play along and give her the publicity she was seeking. The locals in Montecito must think the duo are conpletely cuckoo!
Sandie said…
Question: When was the last time Megsie contacted her father? Years ago! The duo are blind to their hypocrisy.

Netflix? I think they know that all the duo can supply that will get enough views to generate profit is a contraversial mockumentary. There were rumours that they were going to do an 'inside the Palce' mockumentary. They were filming and taking photographs in BP and other locations on Crown estate property, without permission. I doubt that they or Netflix would worry about how unethical that is. But maybe hasbeen is reluctant to spill more dirt on the BRF at this stage. She seems to be deluded enough to leave royal life behind and be an A-list Hollywood actress and producer, but the money they have accumulated will run out because she is not going to be a success as an actress (she can only play herself) or a producer.
Interesting about he fire dept visit, so they could meet her, not the other way about. Did they have to pay her for this?
Wonderful! A Sinner on SMM has called * `the Boggart in the Closet'

Not to be confused with her dog with a similar name- see
Maneki Neko said…
The DM has an article on Hollywood megastars stars 'upping sticks from sunny California for a much rainier destination.' (no, it doesn't rain all the time). 'Brad (Pitt)'s good friends Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Johnny Depp and Ryan Reynolds have all had the same idea and have been buying property here.'
Let's hope this doesn't herald the return of the Montecito Two. I think * is done with the UK, though.
Sandie said…

Rumour that she has moved into a hotel suite across the road from the William Morris agency as she is dead set on becoming a Hollywood power player. The article is just a collection of rumours. Perhaps she does stay for a night or two when she has 'meetings' in LA as it is such a long commute, but surely she does not think she can become a Hollywood power player as a producer or actress, and surely Kevin Costner is not going to do Bodyguard 2 with her in the lead role?
Sandie said…

Rumour that she has moved into a hotel suite across the road from the William Morris agency as she is dead set on becoming a Hollywood power player. The article is just a collection of rumours. Perhaps she does stay for a night or two when she has 'meetings' in LA as it is such a long commute, but surely she does not think she can become a Hollywood power player as a producer or actress, and surely Kevin Costner is not going to do Bodyguard 2 with her in the lead role?
Sandie said…
William, as Prince of Wales in receipt of £24million a year from the Duchy of Cornwall, enjoys a surplus which will diminish as he eventually bankrolls the households of his children.
But it would quickly disappear should Harry and Meghan return to the gilded cage. Willliam would have to fund their duties, housing costs and schooling of Archie and Lilibet.


What a bizarre story, and completely incorrect. William funds his own family from the income from the Duchy. No one is under any kind of official obligation to fund the Harkles. They are not working royals so get nothing from the Sovereign Grant. If Charles chooses to do so, he can provide them with a home on his own property (Sandringham and Balmoral), and can give them an income from his personal wealth. There is no indication he would do so. William, by law, is not allowed to use Duchy money or property to fund his brother, and I doubt he is going to dip into his personal wealth to do so.

How did DM let such nonsense be published? Are they trying to stir the pot and create drama?
Magatha Mistie said…


What next for our wersh
trans globalists
Henrietta and Rachard
following the zeitgeist
He will be she
She will be he
Folie a deux
Duckhim and Doucher…

Hikari said…

Thanks for helping me to open my Sunday with a laugh. I wrote this then but wasn’t able to post till today

Certainly Meghan and Prince Harry would be welcome at many major parties and would be desired guests.

Notice whose name appears first. Yeah, our Mugsy is still trying to manifest like it’s 2020. They are UNTOUCHABLE in Hollywood. Despite help from some of the biggest names in the Hollywood wokearati power circles: Oprah, Tyler Perry, Ellen….Bob Iger, ffs. I have no admiration for these folks who are managing to cancel themselves— The ongoing implosion of Disney is a case in point. James Corden has had to take his fat WW-fail behind back to England and Ellen got hoisted by her own petard but good. However, three years ago if the Harkles had displayed even a tiny bit of talent, work ethic and willingness to take direction, these power brokers could have ensured that H and M would have been sought after at Malibu parties. But the couple have fouled up every conceivable opportunity. No one wants to be associated with them, not even at a beach barbecue. Because Backgrid would show up too. Being papped with the Harkles does no one any favors. This Malibu fixation has been making the rounds since the Harkles touchdown in LA. Malibu is another celebrity enclave. The Clooneys, Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow are all Malibu residents. Mugsy continues to stalk her A-list fixations in print. She might live at Soho House, If they still let her in there. There will be no Malibu mansion with beach frontage. I’m convinced that the Montecito lifestyle has been a mirage all this time, too.

WME is churning out what she’s paying them for which is anything but truth. I feel like we can guarantee that whatever a glowing future faking types of articles we read about the couple, the actual truth is the polar opposite. Update: And now we hear rumors that she’s moved in directly across the street from WME. I have a feeling that staffers there are in for a taste of work to Kensington palace staff endured from her. She will stalk that building in every conceivable form…why not as she’s got no other job to do.
Hikari said…
WME is churning out what she’s paying them for which is anything but truth. I feel like we can guarantee that whatever a glowing future faking types of articles we read about the couple, the actual truth is the polar opposite.

For someone like Mugsy…a plain, talentless nobody with colossal expectations— I hesitate to call what drives her “ambition”, because to me ambition is synonymous with some kind of intrinsic drive toward excellence; a self determination capability. When someone like Mugsy exhibits Magical thinking, is that ambition or is it merely symptomatic of a delusional mind? This is why I think she is addicted to PR. As a starlet on Suits, She finally had enough of her own money to retain a PR firm on her behalf, and discovered that she had a team of people at her command whom she could order to create the persona She always wanted to present to the world instead of the person she actually was. She saw glowing reports of herself in print, Coupled with professionally styled photo shoots that made her look much better than the reality… And Sparkle Markle was born. In reality she was never Sparkle Markle, but paid PR is the 21st century princess wannabe’s version of a fairy godmother. A PR agency can transform her Taudrey, ugly self into a vision. It’s all lies of course and borrowed finery, but what matters to her is the momentary hit, just like a heroin rush. She’s hooked and she can’t stop. To actually transform herself into someone actually deserving of these accolades would be too much hard work and take far too long. Our Muggsy needs instant gratification. Not to mention that she just intrinsically lacks any talent or likeability at all. But since she lives in a juvenile fantasy world of infinite possibilities, I think she actually believes some of her own PR, or at least believes in the power of these concocted stories to make things happen to her. Hence, if Gwyneth Paltrow reads that she is going to move next door and that she is “certainly a desirable guest”, Gwyn will have no choice but to invite her to the next soirée at GP’s home. Yeah, sure. It’s like Mugsy believes she can hypnotize everyone into doing her bidding. It worked with her father and has HazNowt… Resoundingly unsuccessful with everyone else, but as Mugsy is a resistant slow learner owing to her pathological neurodivergence, She keeps doggedly at it. Imagine if she had invested a fraction of the effort she does into facade management into developing a legitimate reason to be worth anyone’s attention. But she won’t as long as she can pay for it… Or marry someone famous with money.
Fifi LaRue said…
If it's true that Mrs. Todger is living directly across the street from WME then she is insane, delusional, and causing a huge headache to many people employed at WME. Mrs. Todger thinks she's going to be a power player in Hollywood?
And now we hear rumors that she’s moved in directly across the street from WME. I have a feeling that staffers there are in for a taste of work to Kensington palace staff endured from her.

Can you imagine? Ari Emmanuel won’t know what hit him. And it sounds as though Harry has been reduced to a house husband. Is Doris his minder?

From the New York Post:
Royal family warned to ‘keep Prince George away from Prince Harry’


He will be she
She will be he

I wonder how he will like being a she. She will definitely feel at home being a he.
Fifi LaRue said…
Oprah stopped taking the Todger's calls long ago; Tyler Perry trolls the Todgers; Ellen invited the Todgers to a teeny, tiny party with no big names in attendance; the David Fosters have long disappeared; the Clooneys, Elton John no longer lend their private jets; they burned a major major bridge with Mark Cuban. With Mrs. Todger eye sexing every man she meets, and Todger going through people's private spaces rummaging for drugs, the Todgers automatically makes themselves radioactive.

Mrs. Todger should probably be institutionalized if she had any caring family members looking out for her welfare; while Mr. Todger is too stupid and addled from drugs and alcohol to notice that there's something really really wrong with Mrs. Todger.
Sandie said…

I can't actually read the Heat article posted at Redditt, and I suspect it is just gossip. But it is hilarious! (She ordered champagne in anticipation and then did not get nominated for an Emmy, is furious, and wants an investigation.)
Maneki Neko said…

Don't forget that Ellen DeGeneres used * for her show to prank street vendors - drinking from a baby bottle etc - and has apparently made quite a few jokes at her expense. I think it was * who was pranked.
Hikari quoted:this…
Certainly Meghan and Prince Harry would be welcome at many major parties and would be desired guests…and said `Note whose name comes first’.

There’s a priceless example of this at :

…where they make their entrance under the closed caption sign saying `The Duchess of Sussex , Prince Harry – Applause, cheers’

The applause dies away as the audience realise who is coming in – apparently someone shouted `Bitch!’
Sandie said…
WME is not a PR firm. They have been hired to arrange introductions with power players and get her deals (high-end endorsements like Dior, top acting roles, production muscle, i.e. get her funding and access to A-listers). She is doing her own PR.
Sandie said…
Meghan Markle ‘wants to get her story across’ in a new tell-all project, according to a magazine report.

Furthermore, a source is said to have told Bella that Harry could be “worried” about what is contained within any potential book.

The insider reportedly claimed: "Meghan really wants to get her side of the story across after Harry got the space to tell his story so deeply.”

They went on to claim the the Duke of Sussex may have been “less than perfect” during his five-year marriage.

Additionally, it was claimed he may have “fallen short” as a partner to the Duchess.

The unnamed source reportedly continued: “There have been times that Harry has been less than perfect in the marriage, which he acknowledges, but no one is perfect.

“Harry is worried because he suspects that there will be revelations about his part in everything, including times where he may have fallen short of being a supportive husband to her – especially when life was tough within ‘The Firm’.”

Questionable source! I don't think she has the work ethic to actually write her memoirs herself, and any ghostwriter she may use would not be able to go the distance, and would have to remain secret and sign an NDA (unless it is someone hugely famous). Any publisher who dres to publish risks a slew of lawsuits as well. But perhaps she simply is talking about writing a tell-all book, or maybe she is using this story to get out the message that she has been badly treated by her husband. If I were him, I would grab the kids and make a dash for England!
Hikari said…

WME is a management agency, right? Hired to get their clients lucrative commercial deals and advise their clients in negotiating said deals including the contracts and the money. Smart clients will follow the advice being offered and Hugh to the brand profile which they hired this agency to promote. Is Muggsy a smart client that will take any such advice which is giving in her best interest? Of course not. She can’t resist doing this cheesy rinky-dink nickel and dime DIYPR like “family patriotic outing in Montecito”. PR isn’t WME’s chief function, but just by publicizing that she is affiliated with them is a residual PR benefit. According to Neil Sean, WME is building an offer from strictly come dancing for a magazine to either be a guest judge or appear on the Christmas episode. Personally that sounds like drivel to me but this is the kind of PR by association I am talking about. I have to think that in the team put together to service their client, there would be at least one person overseeing the brand message.

It doesn’t really matter because WME Will find out if they haven’t already that their client is unmanageable. As soon as she fails to pay the retainer, they’ll cut her loose just as every one who has tried to help her in the past is eventually forced to.
snarkyatherbest said…
Ari Emmanuel. what was he thinking? it’s the challenge. he’s getting older. he has about 8 more years til he’s toast (his brother infamously said we should withhold medical care to people over 70) this could be the biggest challenge of his career. redeem the i redeemable. if he can he will be the most legendary hollywood power player and if he doesn’t well it’s all her and he prob got a nice church of change for his interns’ efforts.

if she did move across the street that would be epic stalking. employees coming in through the back door M coming in unexpectedly with lemon cake and word salad bananas. stalking staff at the local starbucks staff taking turns giving the college interns the corner office. M, Ari’s. or in but his number two is over there Maybe you should talk to her. and all the while WME films it, sells it to Netflix well i could go on but enough with the pitch ideas.
Rebecca said…
From the New York Post:

Ritzy Santa Barbara suburb panicked over Harry and Meghan rumors

When locals in the secluded Santa Barbara, California, enclave of Hope Ranch heard that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might be keen on leaving nearby Montecito to buy a home in the exclusive suburb, they didn’t roll out the welcome mat.

A Hope Ranch realtor told The Post that, nine months after the rumors were reported by the Santa Barbara News-Press, their office continues to field calls from concerned longtime residents who fear the couple and their security team will disturb the peace in the quiet community where houses go for as much as $22.5 million and seclusion is the ultimate amenity — just three roads are public.

“The people that made the calls to me don’t want change and they don’t want all the hoopla,” the realtor, who asked to remain anonymous, told The Post.

“People are not happy, that’s the word around town. They want them to stay in Montecito and not be drawing that kind of attention to Hope Ranch,” another realtor and Santa Barbara native confirmed to The Post.

Neighbors swear they’ve seen Markle on the town’s private beach.

“Locals are worried” that Harry and Meghan coming to town could turn their community into “an extension of Montecito,” the second realtor added of Meghan and Harry’s current celebrity-studded suburb, where A-listers like Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, Adam Levine, Oprah Winfrey, Jennifer Aniston and Ellen DeGeneres have places.

There’s also concern about what Hope Ranch residents have heard from their neighbors in Montecito, where the Duke and Duchess of Sussex purchased a $14.65 million mansion in 2021.

One Montecito shop employee claimed to The Post that Harry and Meghan’s security team had shut down streets and blocked hiking trails.

Rebecca said…
“It is really not right for streets to be closed down and things to be closed down. And that’s been very disruptive to a small beach community that’s used to being private,” the employee said. “People pay a lot of money to live here, you know.”

A source close to Harry and Meghan, however, denied this, asking how private security could close a public road.

“Introducing some very high profile people [like Harry and Meghan] would totally change the area. That’s definitely not something that [locals] want and I think [the homeowners’ association] would fight hard against it,” said someone who lived in Hope Ranch until recently.

“The heads of the HOA are careful about keeping it that way and preserving privacy — that’s the No. 1 appeal of Hope Ranch. We’re the only ones in the area with a private beach,” the former resident said.

The Post has reached out to the Hope Ranch homeowners’ association. Harry and Meghan’s rep was unavailable for comment.

Bryan Neyer, a Beverly Hills-based global luxury real estate specialist for Coldwell Banker Realty, told The Post that estates in Hope Ranch rarely come on the market and sellers can be selective about who they sell to.

“It’s more of a small and very affluent community where properties do not come on the market very often because of that. It’s a lot of old money. Old generational wealth. These properties just get passed from one generation to the next,” Neyer told The Post.

The UK’s Express reported this week that Harry and Meghan were “secretly” looking for houses in Malibu. But the second realtor insists that the couple have “been considering moving to Hope Ranch for a long time …. People are up in arms about it,” she said.
Hikari said…

Narcs thrive on chaos and disruption. Harry’s wife would very much enjoy reading about how panicked people are by even the suggestion that she and H would move to Hope Ranch. It would make her feel powerful and important that have that much effect on people, even if it’s for a negative reason. Doesn’t matter—she’s still at forefront of people’s minds as a topic of conversation. Of course, a normal person would seek to avoid further humiliation and quietly drop the matter. Expect the HOA of Hope Ranch to get slapped with a lawsuit for racial discrimination. If she’s informed there are no houses for sale, of course it’s because she’s biracial and no other reason.

The reason I believe they never owned Mudslide Manor and suddenly we’ve got warring narratives-“They are divorcing!/No, they are looking for new mansions in even more exclusive enclaves! Maybe they will get two mansions!” is that they leased the Monteshitshow house for purposes of playing happy families for Netflix. That’s done and they have been booted. Otherwise, what would be the incentive to ditch the by their account idyllic Montecito family home after only 3 years? What about the organic garden and the chickens, Mugsy? I don’t think Hope Ranch is going to let you bring the chickens.

In my opinion, the chickens, their coop, and the whole house were leased, just like “the children”. And it sounds decidedly out of Mugs’s playbook to imperiously order public areas closed with her hired goons. She got knocked back, probably with threat of legal action by the municipality. Hence the retort, which smacks heavily of “You don’t own the word Royal and service is universal, so there.”
Fifi LaRue said…
The Todgers are not moving to Hope Ranch. The Todgers can't afford a $22 million house with all the upkeep, and taxes. It's more of Mrs. Todger's aspirational wishful make-it-happen thinking. It's the same as when she was seen shopping for a private jet. Mrs. Todger is insane.
Hikari said…
According to Harry’s former biographer, Angela Levin, Prince William, and Princess Catherine have been strongly advised to keep their eldest son, Prince George, away from his estranged uncle.

Did anyone else beside me read this and think immediately of a more urgent reason to protect George from Uncle Harry besides just long-term 'negative influence'? Something like an unforeseen tragic accident befalling the young man who stands between his uncle and the throne after his father? Lottie and Boss Baby must be kept from Uncle Harry for the same reason. The bad uncle has chosen his side and, you know, he and his wife are just one widdle plane crash away from the throne . . from their own lips.

Even before Meghan turned up, William was keeping Uncle Harry away from his kids when Harry turned up at KP off his face on drink and other . . a daily occurrence with Haz by most accounts. Even were Harry to return to England, the chances of him being allowed around his niece and nephews is about nil. As for his 'influence' . . George is the heir and is being raised in a supportive loving environment to be cognizant of his future. He's not the one to worry about. Boss Baby is the most vulnerable to negative influences owing to his third-born position. Lottie will follow in the footsteps of her great-aunt the Princess Royal and she's got lots of other positive female role models in the family. For second-son Louis, the track record of his recent predecessors has not been stellar to say the least. But I have confidence that his parenting is going to make the difference. Boss Baby will be a definite asset to the Firm if he can be kept on-side and will fulfil the role that Harry might have had if he'd stayed loyal.
Girl with a Hat said…
Blind Item #12
You can always tell when the alliterate one thinks no one is paying attention to her. The tabloids are sent dozens of product placements and endorsements of products she uses just so she can see her name in print everywhere.
Girl with a Hat said…

Blind Item #13 - Reader Blind
The revelation of separate engagements acts as a crucial gauge of public sentiment towards a potential royal divorce. The experienced PR team is working tirelessly to craft a thorough and well-thought-out strategic plan, exhaustively exploring all possibilities. If they decide to move forward with the carefully devised strategy, brace yourself for the earth-shattering announcement of not one, but two related royal divorces. A colossal scandal is on the horizon!
snarkyatherbest said…
Hikari i read it that PH may have a dark secret that i won’t even mention out loud here. and why M has the extra special hold on him. If it is true then KC would be sunk. what did you k ow and when did you know it. and what did you do to cover it up.

Girl With The Hat. it has been rumored that M likes to provide “gossip” to crazy days so she is probably trying to spread rumors about others. and two well that would be big big news. somehow she always projects what is going on in her life on others. doesn’t she know by now her split will be the biggest one of the century 😉
Hikari said…

Whose is the second “Royal divorce”, then? Could only be Eugenie and Jack if there is any heat to this tea. Who else in the family would be hand-in-glove with the Sussexes?

Eugenie just had her second baby so that would be very awkward timing. When is timing ever good for a marriage bust-up? But they are the only Royal couple that has ever given the Sussexes the time of day. The slimy tentacles of the Sussex PR simply do not reach to inside the Firm where the drawbridge is down.
Hikari said…

Whose is the second “Royal divorce”, then? Could only be Eugenie and Jack if there is any heat to this tea. Who else in the family would be hand-in-glove with the Sussexes?

Eugenie just had her second baby so that would be very awkward timing. When is timing ever good for a marriage bust-up? But they are the only Royal couple that has ever given the Sussexes the time of day. The slimy tentacles of the Sussex PR simply do not reach to inside the Firm where the drawbridge is down.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Hikari, snarky

I just report them, I don't write them.
Hikari said…

I wasn’t questioning your veracity, only that as the blind. I guess we will see what shakes out in coming days or weeks whether there is any truth to the allegation. I would just be curious to know the source of this “big scandal” tea. The Brooksbanks Are not working Royals, and Eugénie has somewhat blotted her copy book due to being pictured with the Sussexes too often, The rumor is that she is the mole within the royal family are persistent, and it’s never been definitively shut down that they were beholden to hairy as their landlord for Frogmore Cottage. Unfair as it is to the York girls, No matter what they do they remain suspect due to their parentage, no matter how many deep deep curtsies and Beatrice offers to the King. E is the most likely to have given Sussex is any information about royal matters. But I have always questioned how close she actually is to Harry and his wife. Harry is six years older than she, which is a lifetime when you are children. She would have been still a tiny girl when he went off to school and I don’t think they saw much of each other except at official events. Seems like they reconnected on the party circuit after E. was old enough to join Harry in his drinking, But how much in common with H really have with his six years younger girl cousin who he barely saw? I don’t assume that they’re joined at the head because she joined him at a baseball game or a dinner when she happened to be in the same city. You might do that with acquaintances you barely knew if you lived in another country for most of the year. I don’t really support the idea that E and Harry made some kind of backhanded real estate deal involving Frogmoor cottage without the Queen’s knowledge and consent. His name was on the lease, but that property was simply not his to sublet to whoever he decided to without getting permission. Then there’s a whole matter of the stunt his wife pulled at E’s wedding after forcing her to give her planned wedding date away. I wouldn’t imagine there’s much left lost there, even if she makes a little random small talk to him when stuck standing together at a public event. So I don’t know what’s going on with them. He certainly would not do herself any favors by aligning with the renegades. Her father is in enough trouble and they are in the doghouse by association. Beatrice seems largely above the fray, but her husband is not only extremely wealthy but nobility in his own right. She can afford to be above the fray. E. married a bartender Whose own grandmother publicly called him stupid, so I have to think that it’s for love and I don’t want them to be getting divorced, especially since they have a new baby and another very young child. It would be in Markle’s interest To turn up tales of dissension within the Royal House just for kicks. It’s not like she hasn’t been known to do that in the past… Rose Hanbury, hello.
Hikari said…

I have speculated many times here about what Harry’s “dark secret” could be that the Soho House cohort is holding over him. The most likely explanation that I favor is some sexual depravity, including orgies with men, or under age partners or any sex, possibly including sexual violence or coercion of partners, especially if they are minors or if there is video evidence as a death by misadventure involving sexual stuff and the Duke of Sussex. I something which harry would be very extremely motivated that neither of his late grandparents or law-enforcement should find out about. This is only my speculation. The narcotic use which he basically admitted to himself is yawnville at this point Because he’s admitted to it himself in his own book. No, it’s something worse

There is periodic speculation that Harold is in possession of some knowledge that would completely bring down the monarchy if it was made known, specifically provable knowledge that his father, now the king and his grandfather, the late Duke of Edinburgh colluded to have his mother killed in Paris. Is this the dark thing of which you do not want to speak? Because it’s out there already. Diana was so beloved, so young and beautiful that a great many people have insurmountable difficulties in excepting that she died as a result of a reckless accident that was entirely preventable if anyone in the vehicle had exhibited better decision making skills on the evening . Diana apparently wrote a paranoid letter accusing her husband of planning her death by tampering with the brakes in her car expressly so that he could marry Camilla. Diana was a borderline personality case with paranoid features, who had questionable taste in companions and was really out to screw the royal family however she could. That does not make private wondering’s in a private letter into facts. Charles never actually wanted to get divorced and would have been content to make her his queen eventually so long as he could have Camilla on the side. It was Mummy who forced him to get divorced and who also forced him to marry his current wife. Charles has many personal failings, but I have never included homicide among them. He was as shattered at Diana’s death as anyone. It’s only due to him that her body was brought home on a royal flight and not, as he said bitterly to his mother, in a Harrods van. As for the Duke of Edinburgh’s involvement… How can anyone legitimately believe that the consort of the queen commands the secret services to commit the murder of the mother of his grandchildren? If anyone believes that, then they are basically saying that the queen herself would have been complicit in this plot, because she not he commands to secret services. Also, Diana and Dodi’s activities on that evening were entirely spontaneous and spur of the moment. They exhibited all the well thought out planning of a paranoid cocaine addict. How is the duke of Edinburgh meant to have coordinated from Scotland a murderous attack on the princess of Wales and her Islamic lover in Paris in a tunnel where they were never supposed to be? It’s ludicrous. Even more ludicrous is the suggestion that 12 year old Harry, an acknowledged mental deficient would have been privy to any state secrets like that as a stupid child. I don’t give this rumor any credence whatsoever.
snarkyatherbest said…
so the rumor of two royal marriages breaking up. i think miss M seems to imply the Wales since the blind reads about separate appearances. (william had two alone recently) and why this rumor because it’s being reported that the Wales were at a star studded wedding in Sardina with the likes of Tom Brady and Serena Williams. mrs must be raging. and we know she always likes to start rumors when she’s “winning” like this. oh M you are so predictable
Magatha Mistie said…

Unconscious Scuppering

They really are, unaware
thus far
The RF door’s
slammed shut
not ajar
Next they’ll be streaming
on QVC
Flogging monogrammed warmers
for frozen willy
She can leak all she wants
with her ludicrous tales
No coming back
for the Riven Rock bottom fails…

Sandie said…
On the surface, Meghan and Harry seem like they’re adjusting to their new life in the U.S. just fine. But a source tells In Touch that behind closed doors, the couple have reached their breaking point. As their popularity continues to plummet — and a number of failed ventures have left them stressed about money — they’ve become desperate to get back into the royal fold. “Harry and Meghan have secretly reached out to Harry’s brother, Prince William, to discuss the possibility of returning to the royal family,” says the source, adding, “This is something they both want very much.”

Harry, 38, and Meghan had big dreams of conquering Hollywood when they stepped down from their royal roles in early 2020. But after making a splash with a blockbuster TV interview in which they lit into the royal family, they’ve failed to do much more than repeat their original story. Meghan, for one, recognizes that a return to royal favor might be career saving. “It could put a new spin on their brand,” notes the insider. “It could help her and Harry to carry on their work informing others on how to make this a better world.” (Another upside, the source says, the former Suits star thinks it would be “lovely” for her kids to have English accents)

They could use the boost. In June, Spotify pulled the plug on their $20 million deal with the pair’s production company, Archewell Audio, and their $100 million Netflix deal is currently hanging on by a thread — in part due to the current writers strike. “The Spotify cancellation was bad enough,” says the source. “Now that their Netflix deal is in jeopardy, Harry and Meghan are freaking out about their finances.”

The fact is, their star power has failed them. “The Sussexes aren’t very popular in the U.S.,” points out the insider. “Whatever they do is constantly being ridiculed and misinterpreted.” In May, for example, they were mocked for claiming they’d been involved in a “near catastrophic car chase” for more than two hours with the paparazzi following an event in New York City. (The NYPD later declined to pursue any additional investigation.) And new reports allege that the pair’s attempts to win favor with President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, have fallen flat. Afraid of ruffling royal feathers, the first family reportedly rejected the couple’s request to ride home from Queen Elizabeth II’s September 2022 funeral on Air Force One and Jill declined an invitation to Harry’s Invictus Games that April. “Harry and Meghan had wonderful plans for Archewell but they just haven’t materialized the way they expected,” says the insider. “They want to recharge their global brand and make a real difference in the world and they need something that will make them look relevant again.”

Sandie said…

As the couple — who were stripped of their HRH titles by Queen Elizabeth — entered into top-secret negotiations, the future king is looking at the big picture. “William wants to put his feud with Harry behind them for the sake of the monarchy,” says the insider. However, he’s driving a hard bargain when it comes to his little brother’s hope to split his time between London and California. “He will agree to let Harry come back but not as a ‘part-time royal,’” says the source. “He says it wouldn’t be fair to the other working members of the royal family — and that if Harry expects to get back on the royal payroll he’ll have to make a clean break from his life in the U.S.” Backing him at the bargaining table is his wife, Kate Middleton, says the insider. “She’s privately counseling William to be firm and to not compromise his integrity.”

For his part, Harry wants assurances that his and Meghan’s complaints about her treatment by the royal family — which she says left her feeling suicidal — have been taken seriously. “They accused the royals of racism and stand by that claim,” says the insider. “They think implicit bias training would be a good thing for the royal family to invest in.” (William has insisted the royal family “is not racist.”) Harry is also adamant that they keep their Montecito pad. “Harry doesn’t want to become a prisoner of the palace,” explains the insider. “He and Meghan want to keep a sense of balance in their lives and their mental health intact.”

Still, the couple are willing to concede some points for the newly cost-conscious royal family. “He and Meghan are offering to rent an apartment at Kensington Palace and furnish it themselves,” reveals the insider. “He hopes that will please William and show that they’re serious about coming back.”
Sandie said…

The existential question is, take away their titles and what do they have to offer?
Take away the Sussexes’ proximity to the throne, take away their formerly elevated, nearly magical status as royalty, and what we are left with are two people who, for the very first time, are being asked to stand on their own two feet creatively and intellectually.
And right now, they are looking wanting.

The excerpt from the article explains the In Touch article! They want to use the royal family to open doors and get millions. My opinion: even renting them an apartment at KP is a bad idea because those lying grifters cannot be trusted.
Sandie said…
Phone hacking claims are DENIED and will not proceed to trial. Why? TIME-BARRED. Illegal information gathering claims will proceed to trial.

Magatha Mistie said…

What Harry did?
The idiot fell in love with her
Didn’t realise the repercussions
No more, no less…

Sandie said…

The judge basically called him a liar in relation to the claim about a secret agreement with the royal family and secret pay out to William. Check the post for the exact words of the judge.
Girl with a Hat said…
After Prince Philip died, the Queen asked that no one call her Lilibet going forward. It was personal, his pet name for his beloved. Their grandson and his wife are either cruel and spiteful, or incredibly insensitive fools. Your choice.
GWAH - I'll go for cruel and spiteful, downright sadistic eevn.

It seems from the tweet that it's a fresh statement from the BBC. Previously, I think they pussy-footed around it
Girl with a Hat said…
Bethenny Frankel unloads on Harry and Meghan: ‘How do you do every single thing wrong?’

I don't know how many of you have seen the Seinfeld episode where George decides to do everything exactly the opposite from how he normally would do things, and his life becomes a complete success.
Hikari said…
I thought maybe it was a fresh statement, too, but the date stamp on Richard Eden's tweet says 09/06/21. I don't know if Twitter uses UK dating when UK posters are posting or the default setting is American dating. "Lilibet" was ostensibly born on June 4, 2021. Makes more sense that Richard would issue the tweet when "Lili" was 5 days old, rather than several months old, in September.

Well, we always knew they were lying about asking for the Queen's blessing, didn't we? I doubt very much that Harry even asked his grandmother if it was OK to use 'Elizabeth'. Lilibet would have been a hard NO, I'm certain, as HMTQ had already asked for her family nickname to be retired.

"Lilibet" was Narc revenge, pure and simple, for the Queen's refusal to give in to the couple's egregious demands. Every time the Queen said no, the Montesh*ts would counter with some kind of snotty retort in a press statement.
eg. "No one owns the word Royal."
"Service is universal."

Expressly putting Lilibet off-limits was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. Harry's wife was like, "Oh, yeah, silly old woman? Watch me." The knowledge that it would cause the Queen grief and distress, at the prospect of being confronted with 'Lilibet' splashed all over the media for the rest of her days would have given Harry's wife great vindictive pleasure. All those little stabs to the heart were her 'punishment' for refusing to allow the Sussexes to commercialize the Royal name and for refusing to give them Windsor Castle as a wedding present.

Hikari said…
Let's recap the creation of Mugsy's Magical Family while we are tripping down memory lane viz. "Lilibet".

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor makes his debut (as separate from 'born') on May 6, 2019. A firstborn son for the incredibly fecund Duchess despite her age and a pregnancy that seemingly lasted for at least 11 months. The date for this blessed event just entirely by cosmic coincidence happens to be the date of the founding of the House of Windsor, a date which will be portentous 4 years into the future. His rigorously un-Royal moniker also happened to be Catherine's firstborn son's RPO security handle, until M&H appropriated it, of course, then something else had to be chosen. 'Harrison' is both a play on "Harry's son" which is precious enough, but it also is the brand of household linens and bath apparel favored at Soho House. Slippers, bathrobes, sheets and towels all labeled "Harrison". I don't know about you, but 'Archie Harrison' seems like it was picked as a joke whilst toking on some doobies at Soho House. Apparently a flunky called "Harrison" also issued a statement about "Bike-gate", if we recall. "Harrison" is probably as fictitious as "the children". Meg doesn't employ staff so much as dream them up to spec. But her imagination is limited so she falls back on a favorite joke name.

Two years almost exactly later, it's a daughter for the Duke and Dookess of Montesh*tshow. This pregnancy entirely out of the public eye except for some pretentious B&W garden photos. Right after 'the birth' M's ostensible doctor shuttered her practice overnight and fled the country. Hum. The child was christened Lilibet 'Lili' Diana. The Duchess of Cambridge's second child, also a daughter, named Charlotte Elizabeth Diana came after her elder brother by two years also. The two little cousins have basically the identical two names if Lilibet is as claimed, standing in for "Elizabeth".

So, do we really believe it's possible for two entirely happy accidents of biology to occur to give the Sussexes two children of the identical genders and birth orders, down to the spacing between them that exactly mirror the children in the Cambridge family? Then to put the final icing on these confections, their 'parents' name them each some blatantly stolen form of William and Catherine's children's names, out of all the other potential names that could have been chosen? It's like Bizarro World, is what it is.

The stalking behavior never stops from them and will never stop.

Richard Eden's tweet:
Maneki Neko said…
Love this comment by the judge in the phone hacking case:

"In his ruling, the judge said Harry's case had 'not reached the necessary threshold of plausibility and cogency'."

Beautifully put.

Girl with a Hat said…
LouLou LA -Flying the Flag for our British Royals
So gossip which has been fedback to Lady C from the US this week,is that Meghan is finding it challenging getting Archie enrolled into a new school due to the fact there are discrepancies in the birth certificate and that Meghan has allegedly refused to provide health
Hikari said…
Meghan is finding it challenging getting Archie enrolled into a new school due to the fact there are discrepancies in the birth certificate . . .

I can only imagine.

If Archie has been properly adopted via surrogacy, there should not be any discrepancies. Children of legitimate adoption get issued brand-new papers which reflect that their adoptive parents are 'the' parents. My sister has 5 children by adoption through the foster care system and they got issued new birth certificates by the court with their new family name and new first names as chosen to symbolize their fresh start in life, with the children participating in this. My sister is listed as the mother and my b-i-l the father.

Perhaps the difficulty is in matching a birth document to an actual living child. If this is Mugsy's con, she is swiftly coming to the closing of the window in which she could hide the non-existence/non-custody of any children owing to needing to get them enrolled in school, at least the first one.

I look forward to her trying to extricate herself out of this predicament. Popcorn is ready. Wondering at which address Mummy is listing for the bairn's residence. If Mudslide Manor was a rental that's now over and she's ping-ponging between various hotels, which jurisdiction is she going to enroll him in? Maybe a private preschool doesn't care about a catchment area and will take anyone who can pay the fees, but when it comes time for kindergarten (next year) Master Arch will have to be eligible by residency for the local school district. 5 is a bit young to ship off to 'boarding school' but that's what she's going end up doing. We will hear that Master Arch is thriving at private boarding school . . in Switzerland . .where he is learning French, German and Italian as well as learning to ski. Out of sight, out of mind and no pesky paperwork needing to be presented to American school officials. Her son is 'being privately educated abroad.'
Fifi LaRue said…
The Todgers are coming to an end, soon, in the next few years.

Mrs. Todger has no prospects, for which she's shilling out Harry's millions, to prove to WME.

Mr. Todger has obliterated all bridges. What's left to say? No one's inviting him to come on over for a party because the Moron/Imbicile will dig through all ones drawers, closets, bathroom medicine cabinets, refrigerators looking for drugs/hallungenics.

In faraway times dwarves and idiots were admitted to royal palaces as the playthings of royal children. The dwarves were cherished, and their portraits painted and preserved. Idiots were temporarily amusing due to their nature of being easily ridiculed.

Take heed Harry, take heed.
@Hikari -

Whoops! I missed the original dateline on the Lilibet report but I never believed Archie's `birth certificate' was valid...
Magatha Mistie said…

Ho-listic Cashram

They’re opening Cucaracha Casa
despite the décor
Loving Kindness yoga
‘supplied’ by
Downward Dor
Rooster Wrangler haz
aka Bare Grills
Will be sous-ing madam
with her Ho-cuisine skills…

Magatha Mistie said…

@Golden Retriever
Shim, shiminhe 😉

Magatha Mistie said…

Excremental non Deferential

Plausibility and Cogency
lacking Veracity
Poor old haz
always a dimwit
Proved himself, and his wife
multi trouble and strife
They’re both liars and so full of **it…

About Birth Certificates of adopted children in England and Wales, as I understand it (I don’t know about Scotland):

It’s just possible that, for once in her life, * is being truthful but in a very economical way and probably without realising it. The reason I say that is that the `real’ , that is the truthful certificate’ with the name of the woman who gave birth to him/her, of EVERY adopted child in E & W is sealed and may not be opened until the child is of age and entitled to know the truth .

It's the law and nothing to do with the Palace at all.

If this is what she really did say, I maintain she admitted that she did not give birth to him, he is not `of the body’ and is thus excluded from the Succession.

The reason for the sealing of such certificates is that revealing to a child that was adopted is a sensitive matter and not the concern of the State. It’s up to the parents when it happens.

This site may help:

Similarly, if Harry did state that both he and * were ` present for the birth of Child no 2, he gave the game away there – after all, why wouldn’t a pregnant woman be there at her child’s birth? Or was Lili delivered by a stork / found under a gooseberry bush?
About Birth Certificates of adopted children in England and Wales, as I understand it (I don’t know about Scotland):

Surrogate children, brought to birth by a woman who is not the biological mother, have to be adopted, even when the genetics are the same as they would be were it a birth in the `usual' way

It’s just possible that, for once in her life, * is being truthful but in a very economical way and probably without realising it. The reason I say that is that the `real’ certificate’ with the name of the woman who gave birth to him/her, of EVERY adopted child in E & W is sealed and may not be opened until the child is of age and entitled to know the truth .

It's the law and nothing to do with the Palace at all.

If this is what she really did say, I maintain she admitted that she did not give birth to him, he is not `of the body’ and is thus excluded from the Succession.

The reason for the sealing of such certificates is that revealing to a child that was adopted is a sensitive matter and not the concern of the State. It’s up to the parents when it happens.

This site may help:

Similarly, if Harry did state that both he and * were `present' for the birth of Child no 2, he gave the game away there – after all, why wouldn’t a pregnant woman be there at her child’s birth? Or was Lili delivered by a stork / found under a gooseberry bush?
Re the immunisation query:

The Child Known as Archie has probably had all his jabs, but under his proper name!
Hikari said…

Re. Arch's birth cerficate

Nor I.

Also fascinating from a documentation standpoint, there is zero evidence that the Dookess presented her son to the American embassy in London to register the birth of an American citizen abroad, as she was entitled to do. Children born to even one American parent are automatically American, regardless of where they are born. Children born on American soil are automatically Americans, even if their parents are foreign nationals. Lilibet, if she exists, is a 'natural born' citizen since she was born in the country. Archie needed a bit of extra documentation seeing as he was born abroad to prove that he's actually got American parentage . .but to my knowledge that was never done. Hazza supposedly registered the birth for the British officials. Don't we think the Dookess would have made a pap opportunity of Herself going to show off her American baby at the embassy? Yet she did not.

I can guess why.
Girl with a Hat said…
do you really think that the despicable duo have really signalled to the BRF that they want to come back to the UK?
Sandie said…
I think they may be deluded enough to think they can get the half in/half out deal. This is pure speculation based on unnamed sources:

They keep their home in Montecito and the Netflix contract and his job at ButterUp and her stake in the latte business, plus are free to pursue any other commercial deals.

They get an apartment in KP (for which they supposedly will pay rent), and get some formal role representing the monarchy (some kind of global role), plus get formal appearances with the top royals for them and their children.

This would give them a tremendous boost to their reputation, give them some protection (they believe) from bad press plus full-time royal protection paid for by British taxpayers, and get them more and bigger deals and a seat at the table with power players.

But maybe this is his exit plan but he has to include her somehow or he loses the children.

They do not have a record for clear thinking or any regard for others, so if it sounds like a crazy plan, it may be true!
Girl with a Hat said…

Mike Graham and Kevin O'Sullivan discuss Prince Harry's defeat in court this week after his phone hacking claims against The Sun were thrown out.

"Somebody has got to sit that guy down and say: 'you've got to stop this, you're making a fool of yourself!'"

Interesting discussion.
Sandie said…

I am not sure what is the original source, but this story is spreading. 'Buckingham Palace' removed her name from Archie's birth certificate and replaced it with The Duchess of Sussex, a month after his birth. Hmmm ...
VetusSacculi said…
Much as the duo seem not to have foreseen that the Queen would not live forever, they seem not to have foreseen that the Queen would not live forever, they have not foreseen that “Archie” will grow. If they are punting to come back to the UK then “Archie” will be of the age where he will be legally required to be in full time education. Whatever setting that is in, he will need to be documented and he and his documents will have to become visible to more people. This is nothing to do with privacy, which other royal children manage to enjoy during their school time (eg the Tindalls), this is about complying with the law. Part of me doesn’t want to believe that such a mammoth deception has taken place under our noses but if it has, did they really believe they could hide it forever?
Hikari said…
Do you really think that the despicable duo have really signalled to the BRF that they want to come back to the UK?

Yes, I do think they are desperate enough to try and worm their way back into their former privileges. I do not think the RF is receptive to any overtures from California.

I don't think Harry has ever stopped badgering his father for money and begging him for Granny's ear. Or has tried to--Charles very pointedly appears to be unreachable to his youngest son across any mediums. So Haz is badgering the equerries, I imagine. I don't believe it was their intention to 'quit' the RF entirely forever and that the late Queen actually fired them and made them to relocate away from the United Kingdom. The couple has always expected to have their (fake) cake and eat it, too. There is zero evidence in that article quoting the 'insider' (aka Meghan, I'd bet my pension on it) exhibits any repentance for past misbehavior or any adjustment in their attitude that working members of the Royal family are there to serve the Crown, embodied by the monarch and the people of the Kingdom and the Commonwealth . . not that they exist to be served.

This part particularly kills me:

For his part, Harry wants assurances that his and Meghan’s complaints about her treatment by the royal family — which she says left her feeling suicidal — have been taken seriously. “They accused the royals of racism and stand by that claim,” says the insider. “They think implicit bias training would be a good thing for the royal family to invest in.” (William has insisted the royal family “is not racist.”) Harry is also adamant that they keep their Montecito pad. “Harry doesn’t want to become a prisoner of the palace,” explains the insider. “He and Meghan want to keep a sense of balance in their lives and their mental health intact.”

Still, the couple are willing to concede some points for the newly cost-conscious royal family. “He and Meghan are offering to rent an apartment at Kensington Palace and furnish it themselves,” reveals the insider. “He hopes that will please William and show that they’re serious about coming back.”

They have learned nothing and are still trying to spin it like they would be doing the Crown a favor by returning. There's no humility here. They're 'willing to make concessions'? They are beneficently 'offering to rent an apartment at KP'? They don't get to 'offer' anything; the King is not a real estate agent, and the Sussexes are in no position of power whatsoever. Hard no on KP . . William had them forcibly ejected from there and I doubt the subsequent 4+ years has made him change his mind.

I can believe the Sussexes WANT to come back--on their terms. They are probably broke and are definitely the laughingstocks of Hollywood. This tale of 'secret negotiations' with William are complete fabrication, IMO. Mugsy manifesting again. You can tell she's behind this whole article due to the repeated use of a nameless 'insider' and her other favorite phrase--'secret'. If such a top secret negotiation were underway, we wouldn't know about it because some magazine in the Dookess's portfolio casually happened to mention it.

I think William is prepared to go to his grave never speaking to his traitorous toerag of a brother again. It remains to be seen whether Harold will be invited to CRIII's funeral. I doubt very much he will be welcome at his brother's Coronation. He is a security risk in every sense of the word, and after HMTQ's funeral, I think his wife's visa to ever set foot in the UK again was revoked.

The drawbridges are still firmly up and the Narc toddlers of Montecito are being epically ignored. And it's driving them insane. Operation Gray Rock still in force.
The birth certificate might be an issue if it's fake. But why fake it for school? Doesn't make sense to me. Regardless if school is public or private, states require Vax records, physical, and birth certificate. They get adoption, foreign, and normal birth certificate all the time. I am more inclined to believe that she wants her kid to attend the very best school she can brag about for FREE. There lies the problem. Her obsession with freebies. Especially if Charles agreed to chip in for the tots education. With previous rumors about her charging Charles full price while taking kick backs to merch while in UK, it wouldn't surprise me if she tried again. He sends $ to them for schooling but she already has a back door deal that she gets it free. Keeps the $$.

Well worth a careful read.
Sandie said…

Some tea from Montecito. Could be made up ...

I doubt that restaurants have banned her but they may claim to 'be fully booked' because she is too much hassle to have around. Using the word 'banned' is a bit of a red flag for me. It is confrontational for a business that is all about keeping customers happy.

As for him visiting building sites with Archie ... the two of them stroll around without security and no one ever takes photographs? Is that because they only get papped if she arranges it? I am of the opinion that may be the case.

Even if this is fabricated it is telling that rumours are aimed against her and not him. How the heck is she going to fix this?
abbyh said…

From a poster:

Lady C is adamant that there is no way back for them and that William will never reconcile with his brother. One of her sources appears to be her good friend Princess Michael of Kent, who surely has a conduit to what is being said behind doors.

A reminder about the rules:

-Do not discuss the blog, blog history, or other posters.

This will be no name, no discussion about who. This rule is meant to be kind to them. Being a moderator is not to be spiteful like name to shame them.

Thank you for your understanding.
Girl with a Hat said…
I always wondered what would happen in the long run with the children.

If they are being rented out from friends, then eventually the lie will be exposed as the rented children will be recognized from school, etc. When they are 18, people will wonder what college or career path the children will take.

If they are with a surrogate, surely the children will be going to school outside of the Montecito area. Is this why she wants to move?

Finally, if the children do belong to them, the privacy issues that they seem intent on defending will be subject to the whims of the young classmates of the two little ones.

There is no way going forward that the Sussicks can continue with the charade of the children as it is now.
Martha said…
Wbbm…thanks for the Reddit post. I read it carefully, along with all the comments. I’m definitely of the camp she never gave birth.
I’ve read that Lady C is a good friend of Camilla. That she receives info from her. Obfuscate, I have no idea, but I think this is interesting to ponder. I’ve not made my mind up about Camilla. I don’t like her, don’t warm to her. Neither do I trust her.
abbyh said…
Not a problem.

Apology accepted. Thank you for understanding the why.

(Very much appreciated right now)
I do believe that the baron and baroness want to return home. Their brand needs new content for fresh books and netflix series. Imagine what secrets about the Wales children they could invent and tell and make serious money! Much more than dollars they get with lousy photos of Arch and Lili.
(I drafted this last night but don’t think I posted it – please forgive me if I have. Anyway, this is the final version.)

In my 2 previous posts about Archie ‘s Birth Certificate, I inadvertently implied that there’s more than one Archie, one from a surrogate in the UK and one (or more) hired in/adopted in US.

Going from the certificates we’ve been shown, it seems they may have a surrogate child which has necessarily been adopted by them. This ties in with * saying that the certificate had been `sealed’, which led her to insinuate that this it was some dark deed of the Royal family, rather than a legal requirement when a child has been adopted. It’s the specific use of `sealed’ that had me wondering, I’d expect her to say just that the RF took it away from her.

We’ve commented before about Harry’s curious statement about newborns changing significantly in their first 2 weeks - had they seen the child but still awaited `final delivery’? Two weeks is significant – time for a birth mother to decide to keep the baby, before the adoption is completed. There was, you may recall, the apparently semi-official statement reassuring us that Archie was in the care of `a family who loved him’, or wtte ie not the Harkles, plus the short-lived tweet on the official KP account . NB In English law, surrogacy contracts are not enforceable.

As you say, Hikari, they apparently didn’t register the birth with the US Embassy in London – a photo op ignored, another sign that there was something peculiar going on.

Whether they had access to this child for the July 2019 christening is debatable – we supposedly were shown his face in his christening photos – he looks real enough here, especially with the lazy eye, but his features look so dainty I’d have taken him for a girl. (We can argue until the cows come home about the veracity or otherwise of these photos but I don’t want to open that up again.)

Archie supposedly travelled abroad but photographic evidence is thin. The first time we saw him properly was chez Tutu, less than 3 months after his baptism, amid rumours of a hired child for whom she demanded a year’s exclusive photo rights. He’d lost his girly looks, now clearly a boy. (I’m going to have a think about weight gain in babies – his stated birthweight was 7lb 3oz (but medics here now use metric, only oldies like me think in lbs & ozs.)

In Canada, he/a doll was pictured looking like a dead frog, and at some point we were shown a photo of a pretty child who was identified as a girl. At one year, he looked like a potential bruiser. Now in CA there does seems to be some consistency in his appearance, and no sign of his former solidity.

I don’t remember any mentions of Archie actually travelling to Canada or the US – did we just assume he had? Did they leave him behind in US when they came back for their final engagements? Did his birth mother hang on to him (or even her…) Was Darren the Doll an emergency stand in? Is the US Archie an hireling? Have they adopted another child? Is there more than one US Archie?

I have always wavered between the Surrogate Archie (UK) and hired-in/adopted Archie or Archies (US). Are both hypotheses tenable? I know nothing for sure beyond my conviction that she did not produce a child of her body.

As for them having the brass neck to expect to be able come back here, it’s completely believable to me. Narcs have very selective memories about what they have said and done.
Magatha Mistie said…

I rather like Camilla, fun,
down to earth, could have a natter
over a cuppa/G&T.
I doubt she’s friends
with Lady C, too highfalutin
for Camilla.
Princess Michael more suited
to Lady C.
More importantly
Camilla is good for Charles.

God Save the King

Sorry you’re having a rough trot
Thank you for keeping this blog going
Very much appreciated X

Could they have used `private adoption’ on the quiet in the US? I found this 2021 article which reveals a very murky world, right up *’s street :

Could it be a possible explanation re Californian Archie’s origins and records? Lili too, assuming that neither was born of the body, of course. I also imagine that Doria might have such an outfit in her portfolio of businesses.
Sandie said…
Just my opinion: the birth certificate debacles neither prove nor disprove surrogacy.

After Charlotte was born, the registration of births was digitized, so for Louis we had a printed birth certificate that was signed and stamped. This was the original that was shown to the media to photograph and publish. For Archie, a copy of the birth certificate was printed and signed and stamped by an official to verify that it is a true copy, and this was given to the media to photograph/photocopy and publish. The media were never shown the official version, as they were for Louis, but it was indeed a printout of the original (sans signatures). There is nothing suspicious about this, but simply the duo insisting on doing everything differently and ending up making a mess of things.

The information on the birth certificate is what was provided by the father. I doubt that the registrar was shown a document signed by doctors to verify that the information was correct. Hapless could have provided false information (Archie was born at this time on this date at Portland Hospital) and it would have been accepted. No one at Portland Hospital has ever confirmed or denied that Archie was born there, and no medical professional has confirmed that they were on the birth team.

The announcement placed on the gates at BP has no signatures, as is the custom (to verify the birth of a child in the line of succession - by custom and not by law). There is thus no proof that Archie was born when and where they said he was. This could simply be due to incompetence or wilfulness to not follow tradition, plus a bit of angry spite that the Queen did not issue Letters Patent to declare Archie a prince.

As for the changes to the birth certificate: I believe she made those changes because she always knows better and must be in control ('hapless got it wrong and can't get anything right without her' is the type of gaslighting she does and he has been a lamb to slaughter in letting her manipulate and control him). Neither Diana nor Sarah had their actual names on the birth certificates for their children; Catherine did. She had to 'show' that she was better than Catherine and that Catherine 'got it wrong', plus exert control over her husband and 'bend' courtiers and the monarchy to her will.

The actual birth story told in Spare is highly implausible. The announcement from BP was a mess (saying she was in labour when actually she had already given birth and was back home). No one saw them leave or return to FC, and the media were very much on 'birth watch'. Her accusations that she was not asked to do a photo call after the birth and nonsense about Portland not being suitable makes no sense. How can the media gather if they do not know where you are and that you have gone into labour? Sarah managed to do photo calls just fine when she gave birth to her two children, at Portland Hospital.

The entire story does not prove nor disprove surrogacy. But it does show that the couple are crazy and dangerous. Personally, I think crazy and dangerous enough to think they can get away with a surrogacy.

Lili? A whole another level of craziness there! The birth certificate is a joke. But I can imagine her imperiously stating that her husband is HRH Duke of Sussex (don't you know who I am peasant) and thus that ending up on the birth certificate. No courtiers to guide and advise them and so they mess up. There is no evidence that Lili was not born of a surrogate; there are no signatures from the medical team to confirm the birth was of the body.
Could they have used `private adoption’ on the quiet in the US? I found this 2021 article which reveals a very murky world:

Might this be a possible explanation re Californian Archie’s origins and discrepancies in his birth records? A `chosen child'? Lili too, assuming that neither was born of the body, of course. I also imagine that Doria might have such an outfit in her portfolio of businesses, right up her street .
Sandie said…
WHEN the judge colourfully tore apart a key plank of Prince Harry’s case against The Sun this week, millions will have ­wearily nodded along.

Harry’s baseless claims of a supposed secret pact between us and the royals — with the late Queen’s approval — lacked “credibility”, said Mr Justice Fancourt at the High Court.

Mr Justice Fancourt has reminded the Prince that hazy assertions he might get away with in a book or on Oprah don’t pass muster in court.

His case was “improbable” and “inherently unlikely”, his testimony “inconsistent”, “vague and limited”.

There was an “absence of any other witness or ­documentary evidence to support it”.

None of these criticisms will surprise anyone who has endured Harry’s dismal outpourings since he abandoned royal duties to make a living settling scores in the Californian sunshine.

They certainly will not have surprised his family in Windsor, nor anyone else targeted by his accusations . . . most of those also “inherently unlikely”, “vague” and “inconsistent”.

When the Queen said “recollections may vary”, she was being polite.

The only people perhaps surprised by the judge were Harry’s stupendously self-regarding lawyers and, above all, Harry himself and his wife Meghan.

Both have come to think that anything they feel or believe — their “truth” — qualifies as fact regardless of whether it can be proved or indeed ever took place.

Mr Justice Fancourt has reminded the Prince that hazy assertions he might get away with in a book or on Oprah don’t pass muster in court.

In doing so he might just have done the world a favour.
Harry's story: "The Secret Agreement" in the year 2023?

His grandmother is dead and he can throw as much filth over her character and memory as he wishes. She did not give him what he wanted and what he considers his divine right as a PRINCE!

After all he and his wife are so much more important than she ever was.

All the court has to do is accept and publish this Truth.
Sandie said…
There is chatter on social media that legally you have to use your full names during the marriage ceremony but they used 'Harry' and 'Meghan' so the marriage is not valid.

See for yourself!

That was such a messed up wedding!
Sandie said…
Skippy says that the Archbishop read out their full names at the beginning of the ceremony (true, he did) but then referred to them as Harry and Meghan from then on, and that makes the marriage legal. I am not sure as in exchanging vows they did not use their actual full names. I suppose the Archbishop is the head of the church so he can 'bend the rules', and even marry them in secret three days before the actual wedding!

They are so wilful in defying rules and traditions all the time. So tiresome!
snarkyatherbest said…
WBBM. share your thoughts and distrust of the whole kids situation. interesting Lacy C has backed off some of it recently. which seems to me at least with A the palace knew so this is all to protect QEII’s legacy or KCIII. like with Watergate in the US the break in wasn’t what cost Nixon the presidency but the coverup. who knew what and when in the A debacle could be a huge thing. someone had to give the go ahead to allow the posting in LoS, not make an official statement, allow the crazy pr around the birth not the be corrected nor the strangeness and allowing the announcement to be made. if the palace did t allow those things or the “pic” with the queen or the quick interviews at Windsor Palace, well we would know more if the truth. it could have been easy. after the first moon pump incident, they could have locked her up for mental instability , mentioned a miscarriage and the difficulty the duchass was having with that and all could have been sorted behind the scenes.

as for Lili. well US law is different from British on surrogacy. real question does this daughter have harry’s dna or the first oe whom i still believe is living with a family somewhere. and how many other frozen embryos of H are out there. what a novel thing. children of royal blood born out of wedlock. my word like that’s never happened in history 😉. all palace had to do with lili was we wish them all the health and happiness and the parents indicated the desire to raise the child as a private citizen. after the kerfuffle with megxit (for which we dont know all the private terms) i would believe somewhere on that document it would have dealt with future offspring after all the A issues. again someone dropped the ball on all of this. hard to see a path out of it later
HappyDays said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said:
As you say, Hikari, they apparently didn’t register the birth with the US Embassy in London – a photo op ignored, another sign that there was something peculiar going on.

@WBBM and Hikari:
That Meghan, who is obsessed with Diana and rarely misses a character trait appropriation opportunity relating to Harry’s mother, chose to nix following in Diana’s footsteps and have Archie at the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital in favor of the Portland Hospital has always puzzled me.

What’s more, we know Meghan has an endless hunger for the media attention.

The opportunity to obtain a massive dose of narcissistic fuel that would be supplied by recreating her version of the iconic photo op of Diana’s appearances on the steps of St. Mary’s with each of her newborn sons seems highly out of character for an attention whore like Harry’s wife.

That a woman who spent her entire “pregnancy” endlessly cradling the bump and flicking her coat to remind the world she was carrying Diana’s grandchild, but then decides to produce the baby under a shroud of secrecy just doesn’t add up.

I’ve always been in the camp of both Archieficial and Lilibucks being carried and birthed by surrogates, which necessitated that the details and circumstances of each birth be kept away from the public and Harry’s family.

If my theory of both children being born using surrogates, I think the two best chances for this information coming out will be either relatively soon or else far into the future.

A reveal could happen sooner in the event of a Sussex divorce as royal family ammunition during the legal proceedings of the split to discredit her as talking Harry into using surrogates without telling The Queen.

It could also come out many years from now as a reveal by the royal family itself or by the royal family giving tacit approval to palace staff to discuss the circumstances of the births of those two children in the vein of the books by Diana’s former butler Paul Burrell.

By then, Charles and Camilla will be gone and William will be able to claim he and Catherine suspected surrogacy, but the information confirming it had been kept from them by Elizabeth, Philip, Charles, and Camilla.

Just my two cents of musings on this topic.
Hikari said…
Today is Charles & Diana’s wedding anniversary. It would be 42 years today had they gone the distance. Well I remember getting up at 4:30 AM in the July predawn in Ohio to watch the pre-ceremony broadcast with my mother. Diana was only four years my senior and so I looked upon her as a sort of glamorous elder sister figure. I thought the poise she displayed, For someone who had only turned 20 just a few weeks before was quite remarkable. Diana would later say that her wedding day was the worst day of her life, but she made quite a convincing show to the contrary. There was a brief kerfuffle over her bobbling of her vows, when she pledged herself to “Philip Charles Arthur George”— Did that affect the validity of the marriage? In the end it was deemed a non-issue, but I am quite surprised that the Archbishop didn’t have her repeat them, Even if that meant glitching the service just a bit. The portentous weight of history and the eyes of the world were upon him and he just kept going. I think messing up the names or using nicknames in the spoken vows Does not trump the sincere intent of the speakers or the collective eyewitnesses to make them binding. And then we’ve got the written records that would have everyone’s full birth names listed. Everyone present at Diana’s wedding gnu she was not intending to marry Charles’ father.

I have many suspicions as to why the Sussex wedding should be declared fraudulent and void, but the use of “Harry and Meghan” during the vows is not a consideration. If either party is there under duress or makes those vows without full knowledge about the other partner; If either or both are insincere and know they are lying to the assembly and to the officiant, the marriage is not legitimate. If the officiant knows of impediments to a true union, It’s his duty as a minister of God to not perform a bogus ceremony. What a dark and twisty web we weave when we practice to deceive. Welby was in a tough spot; how does one refuse the command of one’s sovereign, by whose favor one holds one’s position? And yet, God’s commands are supposed to be paramount. Justin Welby is no Thomas a Becket.
abbyh said…


I was reading the DM article comparing Diana and Fergie with Catherine and *.

In the recreated texts between Catherine and *, a day after * was told of the problem, * tells Catherine to take Charlotte to the tailor who is at KP, has been apparently for some time and like the other mums.


"mum/mums/mummy" is a more British term. In the states, it is usually mom/moms/mommy.

And, also there is this tone or edge or ... something.

In the wording, it sounds like all the other mothers had the same problem and they all took care of it like this, you need to be like them.

Nothing kind, nice, magic words kind of usage - which considering that later there is allegedly an issue of Catherine not being as helpful in the adjusting to the family made it sound like the coolness was all on Catherine's side and nothing from the hugger side.

Or acknowledging that Catherine might not have received a text about this or how to handle it before Catherine reached out. As in, the problem seems to be recognized as global in the Catherine texts but nothing about the solution. That's weird as how would Catherine know about all the other dresses having the same problem but nothing about the solution or when the solution was started or put into place.

After reading the Catherin text, even the wedding planner or *'s staff could have sent Catherine or Catherine's staff/nanny a text about how the dresses were running and here is how to handle things - taking this burden off * given the stress she was under. But why didn't they? I could tell someone to please send a message to so and so (takes a minute at most) and not make them wait a day before I got around to sending them a text. The assistant/wedding planner might even know more details about the situation to boot.

Delayed response made it 4 or so days before the wedding so now (more) people are under even more stress to remake a dress and have it look perfect for the world's stage.

Most brides want a perfect look to be remembered (even if they are not being filmed for the world). Even those who might think that making others look bad so they look so much better means they don't understand that what people remember is that the less than perfect parts did not make the bride look so much better but rather that the bride couldn't get details right ... or ... more likely, that the less than perfect bit was the part of the wedding that is remembered and not the supposed perfection.

abbyh said…
Apropos of nothing

If someone ever shut down the blog, give it a month or two to see if it could come back. Maybe here somewhere else. Maybe under a different format where blocking is easier. Don't know. Haven't looked into it but wanted to give you a heads up that it would not be immediate but that we would try. (I would miss you).
Hikari said…
All the drama surrounding the lead up to the wedding… The blow up about the tiara, Harry browbeating his grandmother’s dresser, screaming that what * wants, * gets…and the endlessly recycled drama majeure over the dress fitting for a toddler princess should have been ample warning to the RF of the storms ahead with Harry’s new bride, and that she would never, ever integrate into the Firm and accept her place in the order. * had Already Weaponized the race card, which I can only think is the reason why the engagement and the wedding were permitted to be fast tracked and go forward despite the gravest misgivings about Harry’s choice of bride. From the very beginning, * was catered to and treated specially. She got a Christmas invitation to Sandringham as a fiancée which had never been done. Not for Catherine, William’s girlfriend of a decade who had done everything by the book. Not for Sarah Ferguson or Sophie Rhys-Jones, Both of whom the Queen liked very much. Harry’s fiancée of a month Did the Christmas walk with the family in the poop hat and stuck her tongue out at everyone. That was a wasted opportunity by the Queen to tell Henry that Owing to the obvious fact that his girlfriend needed more training as a Royal bride, Their engagement was going to be extended indefinitely until such time as Meg could prove herself capable of decorum. They could get married sooner if they wished, but it wouldn’t be in a royal chapel on television with the Queen’s blessing. The two brats were given far too much leeway.
Who was * to be ordering the Duchess of Cambridge, Who had just had a baby, around like a flunky? Catherine would have been in her rights to say that the dressmaker could come to her private apartments for the dress fitting, and the Queen should have informed Harry’s fiancée that all Royal children participating in the wedding would be dressed appropriately in tights and clothes that fit Or they wouldn’t participate at all. The lack of an aisle runner was due to the bride refusing the blue one because she was denied the red one. Who is this chit to be refusing the Queen’s favor? Again Madam should’ve been informed That if she didn’t want an aisle runner, she could get married outside in the garden since that’s what she ostensibly preferred.

Whatever went down at the dress fitting that caused Catherine to cry, followed by the poisonous looks by the bride directed to a three year old on the wedding day was I believe the impetus for William to petition his grandmother to have the Sussexes removed from KP grounds. It took some months to make that happen, but I believe that there was a war footing between the couples after that incident. And I believe that it was Harry and Meghan who were entirely in the wrong. But the fact that M What is even permitted to orchestrate such a scenario points to an institutional failure to contain her from the beginning. The way things are now is a natural consequence for allowing them too much freedom from the start. If we could all get into a Time Machine, obviously the very best thing would have been for Harold to have been shipped off to Africa in 2015 before he’d ever met her. What a pity it didn’t work out that way.
Maneki Neko said…
I have no idea whether the Harkles' marriage is legitimate or not but if the event that it isn't, would this mean that the children are illegitimate?
Sandie said…
Thanks for that clarification about using proper names or not in marriage vows. Thay story seems to be a case of wishful thinking.

Everything that duo touches turns into a mess. What is the name of that syndrome where you always over-estimate your abilities and then blame others when thibgs go wrong? Can't remember, but it is a real thing. IMO, any normal bride to be would have immediately called every mother of every flower girl and would have stressed completely (depending on personality) and not stopped until the problem was fixed. If you ask someone to be a flower girl, it is your responsibility that the dress fits and that they are comfortable and know what to do and are taken care of and enjoy the day. A narc does not think like that.
Maneki Neko said…

Very good point. The term you were looking for is the Dunning-Kruger effect. 'The Dunning-Kruger effect effect occurs when a person’s lack of knowledge and skills in a certain area cause them to overestimate their own competence.'. This certainly describes the duo, * in particular, to a T. Add narcissism, arrogance and recklessness to the mix and this is a recipe for disaster as we have witnessed several times.
When you say `we' do you mean UK or SA?

re Archie's Birth Certificate

The wording `This is a true copy...' used to be pre-printed on the forms IIRC . The stamp was added to a certificate after the Registrar signed it. My own b.c. has a physical postage stamp with a Geo VI minimum-value postage stamp, endorsed by the Registrar, on it.

This was later replaced by an embossing stamp bearing the Royal Coat of Arms, in addition to the printed one at the top.

In 2019-20 I had to apply to Court to administer the estate of a relative who died without making a will. Every ID document had been destroyed - birth, wedding, divorce papers, mother's birth and marriage certificates and so on. It was not good enough for the law just to accept my say-so as to my relationship to the deceased - a 3rd party firm of geneticists had to be employed to assemble the documents by applying to the Registrar General's office for official copies, without my involvement.

I later received a wad of authentic photocopies each one of which carried the image of the Royal Arms where I expected it to be.

Archie was born 10 days before my relative died - I cannot believe that Archie's certificate did not bear the stamp when those issued for me, almost a year later, still did. Moreover, these were visible even in copy.

The first image we were shown looked like the one at

resembling the 3rd image (a proforma) at

If anyone can find an online image of the second birth certificate, I'd be delighted to have the link please. There are images but they all appear to have been cropped so that one can't tell if the stamp was there or not. I have yet to see any part of the 2 b.c for Archie which carries the authenticating stamp of the Royal Arms at the bottom RH corner

BTW I gather Certificates without the stamp may be issued for adult trans people who need a birth certificate which doesn't reveal that they were born a different gender. In the one case I read about, a judge's permission was needed for it to be used. It's like saying `this is a true copy - as far as it goes – and is acceptable in law' and most folk won't question it. Something similar is done for adopted children, to save pain and embarrassment where sensitive personal details are not for public consumption.

To me, Archie's certificate is saying there's something being concealed which has yet to be revealed and the digitisation of the system makes no difference.
@ Sandie,

Sorry to come back again.

Henry VIII called himself `Head of the Church' as an FU to the Pope but daughter Elizabeth I corrected that on the grounds that the Head of the Church is Christ. She called herself `Supreme Governor of the Church of England' and thus it has remained.

The second Elizabeth had very little say in the governance of the Church - that goes for Charles as well. The CofE is to some extent under Parliamentary controls but the law of the land is in occasionally at odds with Ecclesiatical law. Most internal matters are thrashed out in a hierarchy of Synods (where bishops, clergy & laity are members) though the issue of gay marriage illustrates that Church and Parliament sometimes have to find some sort of accommodation.

The A of C is the is senior clergyman of the CofE. Among all the primates of the Anglican church, he is `first among equals'.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Girl with a Hat said…

Blind Item #5
Her dream was to buy a stake in the winery owned by the A list actress/director and her ex. The alliterate one can't afford it, so has set her eyes on a Santa Ynez winery she particularly loves. Well, she does love her wine.
Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
Yes, that's it. Thank you.

Sometimes a person gets lucky and they pull off a victory against all odds, but they cannot sustain victories, and they cannot learn because of their narcissism, arrogance and recklessness.
Rebecca said…
From the New York Post:

‘Furious’ David Beckham reportedly ends friendship with Prince Harry, Meghan Markle

Most of this article is devoted to a rundown of Meghan’s mostly new, fervently devoted friends who are “very protective of her.”
abbyh said…
Thank you.

One would have to check periodically to see if anything were to show up on a search. sigh

As for the accusations, they have been repeatedly mentioned as the cause for censorship but it is difficult (for me) to see how that is related to current whatever post(s). But if the governing group were to look at the whole blog (all their posts - multiple people), over time, that group may somehow see something which we don't. No control on this side of their decision and unknown if and when they may be looking into things.

I can tell you that it's not how decisions are made though - the topic of focus has always been on something very different (what just happened, what do you think about it and then, what do you think will happen next). And, knowing Nutty and Charade, not how they rolled
before I started helping out.

Not being able to send an individual email to say: this part is not appropriate from this message - hinders the ability to let any and every one know when the moderators felt a section of a whole message was not suitable for posting or needed to be deleted after it went through. Name and shame is a highly embarrassing thing when it comes to letting someone know that the moderators didn't think this part was appropriate - in front of all you (remember many read this who never post hardly encouraging them to think this could be a nice group of people to "talk to").

So we may talk about touchy topics like religion but it is along the lines of as the CofE, sometimes Henry VIII, drug use, drinking heavily or alternative sexual preferences but people are really good about keeping on the main topic (thank you, thank you, thank you).

So, for me, I'm not seeing the things of complaint or how that impacts something posted today. What may or may not have happened before I started would be something that I had no control over. What matters (to me) is: what is happening today? Is this appropriate for the blog? What is the best way to handle this? end of story

I have tried to treat people as adults, capable of talking as adults and keep the conversation on topic (so waiting to see if things might veer more toward or away from a direction which might be "problematic" compared to responding immediately). The rules (Charade) reflect this. I miss her.

request: if you want to say something more about this, please send it in a private message and not as part of something else you want out there (preferable with PRIVATE in all caps or DNP - Do Not Publish (or Print). It helps me.

My thanks to you (as always).

ok must go. The kids "claim" a puppy followed them home and now they have to keep it. Why do I think they dropped food to our house to "help"? Just what I need.

Sandie said…
That is a very interesting post from BG. She was pictured so often with wine glass in hand on her social media and elsewhere that I am surprised she has not done some kind of business deal involving wine before.

The problem is that owning a vineyard and bespoke winery is risky and a lot of hard work. Sure, very wealthy celebrities hire other people to do the work and simply step in for publicity and to enjoy being associated with something exotic/olde world classy. Do you think she could pull this off and change her image by being associated with bespoke wine and wine-making, with the wealthy and powerful?
Sandie said…
Warning: off topic!

Of course you have to adopt the puppy, and well done to the children for instinctively knowing what to do! My 'mood booster' favourite thing to do on the Internet is to watch videos of dogs and cats (mostly dogs) being rescued by people such as Hope for Paws and 'made whole again' and finding new homes (but there are many others people who do the same work and post videos).

Back on topic ...

Articles covering the latest gossip/PR:

Will she do another interview with Gayle King, and what could possibly go right? On the other hand, we can count on spiteful and underhand potshots and loads of self-praising word salad and manipulation.

Americans: what are the chances of her latching onto RFK Jnr in his bid for the White House? My instinct is that he would see through their BS and not be interested, but I may be wrong.
@maki neko,

Rethought post:

I am not sure that children of a marriage deemed fraudulent (therefore non-existent) would be considered illegitimate these days. In the past the law was harsh - a child of a bigamous marriage was considered such and the `wife' was treated as badly too, as if she had knowingly contracted such a marriage. The law is kinder these days but I don't know how much kinder in such a situation as this might be. At first sight, it seems they've committed all sorts of fraud between them but it would take a court case to prove it.

Occam's Razor! You've applied the simplest reason of all as to why * got such first-class treatment in the first months of the engagement - she'd already revealed her manifesto to the ERII but hadn't gone public with it. We don't need to imagine dark deeds by H to explain it at this stage.

As it became obvious that, whatever the Royals did, she was going to turn really nasty, the preferential treatment became less so. Someone put her size 4, narrow fitting, foot down. So, no Westminster Abbey, no red carpet, no super-duper tiara.

Goodness, this one's a scorcher - info from the News of the World trial showing how Diana was complicit in revealing confidential info - much of this comes from Reuters, one of the most highly regarded news agencies on the planet.

Harry clearly hasn't taken this on board.
Girl with a Hat said…

about RFK Jr - he represents a type of conservative Democrat, as opposed to woke Democrats, and I don't think she wants to be associated with that branch of the party.

Also, the American media are trying to paint RFK Jr in as bad a light as possible, she may decide to stay away so as not to tarnish her image any further.

Finally, I think that RFK is married to a Hollywood player and is probably familiar with what is being said around town about *, I doubt there will be any association between them. However, * is batshit crazy so I doubt she is rational about any of her decisions.
Opus said…
Marriages are either potentially Void or Voidable. In the former category a marriage to ones Mother (say) would be void but in the latter I cannot see that the use of shorter names would be a ground for invalidation. Surely, every day someone's names are somewhat shortened or altered such that to regard such a marriage as voidable would be a national scandal. Now it is true my Father always upset my Mother by asserting that he was not properly married as they had lied somewhat in the matter of the Banns, but I am afraid again such a matter would not make the marriage voidable. My matrimonial law is now very rusty.

My view is this (as we become bogged down in the minutiae) that if the Sussexes had two children they would have been plastered all over the glossy mags and television channels. Their absence is the more consistent with their non-existence. I much like Hikari's suggestion that it will be announced that their children are at a private school in Switzerland.

As far as a return to England is concerned, it seems to me that they would then be kept on a very short leash and I do not think they would care for that and so I do not foresee their return.
Maneki Neko said…
'The Prince of Wales left members of the public in shock as he up veggie burgers from a food truck in his latest environmental initiative.' What's the betting * will be dishing out food in some poor area of LA? Mind you, she and H did deliver meals to vulnerable residents during lockdown so she'll have to go one better. She'll probably accuse William of copying them.

DM and other websites
Hikari said…

I’m sure * was pissed that she didn’t get Westminster Abbey and the red carpet just like Catherine had had, which led to all the complaints about St. George’s being smelly and losing her **** over non-existent egg in a vegan dish. She obviously viewed St. George’s as a second-rate venue and in retaliation, sabotaged her own wedding— Refusing a runner and making sure the little bridesmaids with their bare legs looked as ragtag as possible. That was the beginning of her campaign to portray herself as a race victim of the RF. If her wedding looked shabby and slapdash, she could claim it was because she was denied a top rate wedding because she was biracial. Never mind that St. George’s Chapel was the Queen’s favorite—where she chose to be interred with her parents. Or that the Queen Mary bandeau tiara was a favorite signature piece of her grandmother’s. Harold was never going to be entitled to Westminster Abbey or the red runner. Eugenie had the blue and it looked lovely. St. George’s Is a more intimate space for a royal wedding, by Royal standards, but by normal standards it’s still incredibly grand. Only somebody afflicted with *’s Pathological grandiosity complex would consider it a dump.

A commentator on a YouTube Harkle video observed that despite Thomas Markle’s award-winning show business career which was well-paid, Along with his various lottery wins, which allowed him to purchase a home in a good neighborhood and send his daughter to the best private schools in Los Angeles, and fund her at a top 10 University, The family might be “upper middle class” for tax purposes, but in terms of sophistication, education, deportment, and values associated with social class, the Markles are no better than what we refer to as “trailer park trash”. Or, to use another colorful phrase, “you can put lipstick on a pig, and it’s still a pig.“ Comparing Harry’s wife to pigs is an insult to pigs really. But this is what Harry brought him to his family and insisted he made a Duchess. For all her pretensions, Harry’s wife is no better than the street Walker played by Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Only a less-nice person by far.
Girl with a Hat said…

let's face it - even if * were married by the Pope himself, she would be complaining that God himself didn't descend from heaven to perform the ceremony.

Nothing, I mean nothing, will ever satisfy her.

I wonder if she purposefully decided to sabotage her own wedding dress to make it seem like it was a second class affair.
Fifi LaRue said…
Being a perpetual victim, Mrs. Todger, certainly exhibits traits of Borderline Personality Disorder in its most destructive form. She destroys everything around her; eventually she will destroy herself.
snarkyatherbest said…
Hikari. did she want WA or was she going for St. paul’s Catherdal because well Diana. one up catherine?
Rebecca said…
This is a 15 minute Youtube film featuring Prince William and Food Sorted, showing how last year’s three Earthshot winners can be put to use. It is charming and fun—it made me smile:
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said…
Blind Item #5
Her dream was to buy a stake in the winery owned by the A list actress/director and her ex. The alliterate one can't afford it, so has set her eyes on a Santa Ynez winery she particularly loves. Well, she does love her wine.

She is literally throwing pots of spaghetti and meatballs at the ceiling to see what if anything sticks. I love this comment on CDAN:

“i think markle has confused all of us. harry is so completely stupid, so unbelievably dumb that we were distracted from the fact that while markle is smarter than harry, she is just the tiniest bit smarter. as long as she keeps us focused on her being smarter than harry we are not going to see she is truly stupid. if his i.q. is 75 and her's is 76, it's not much of a difference.”
SwampWoman said…
Sandie said...
Warning: off topic!

Of course you have to adopt the puppy, and well done to the children for instinctively knowing what to do! My 'mood booster' favourite thing to do on the Internet is to watch videos of dogs and cats (mostly dogs) being rescued by people such as Hope for Paws and 'made whole again' and finding new homes (but there are many others people who do the same work and post videos).

OMG! My guilty vice as well. I'm always so happy when abandoned pets find loving homes.
SwampWoman said…
Sandie, on the subject of Hope for Paws, I wonder whether Harry could be considered an abandoned pet looking for a new home.
Hikari said…

Come to think of it, you are right that St. Paul’s got mentioned. I’ve Just done a little research to verify some things. The wedding of Charles and Diana at Saint Pauls was actually the anomaly; the last Royal wedding to be held at Saint Pauls prior to their marriage was that of Arthur, Prince of Wales and Catherine of Aragon in 1501, if you can believe it. Westminster Abbey is the favored Royal venue for weddings and and Coronations. There has never been a Coronation at St. Paul’s. It seems to be used mostly for state funerals of former Prime Ministers, Including Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, and Dignitaries like Lord Nelson. It’s hosted the Jubilee services. But with just a couple of exceptions, Westminster Abbey is where Royals get married. More minor branches of the family get married at Saint George’s. Edward and Sophie married there in 1999. Harold is probably pissed that he didn’t get the Abbey like the most recent spare before he, Uncle Andrew. I’ve just had to look back at the pictures; Sarah Ferguson is walking on a blue carpet. Red is reserved for the Crown heirs. Too bad so sad Harold. I can only speculate that at the time of his marriage, Prince Andrew was the second son of the reigning monarch, and also a war hero of the Falklands. At the time of his marriage, Harold was one of eight grand children of the reigning monarch, and had been forced out of the service due to insubordination. If Charles had been King in 2018, Harold might’ve rated the Abbey, but here they told us on Oprah (Or rather she did speaking for both of them) that They didn’t want a huge hullabaloo and a simple Secret Garden wedding was much more their style. Bull puckey. If that had been true, I’m sure the Queen would’ve been delighted to give them a simple and rustic affair Such as Beatrice had as it would’ve saved the taxpayers a packet. Then they could’ve gone back to the KP gardens for a barbecue and some sandpit volleyball and wouldn’t that have been nice.
Yes, Hikari - St Paul's is very much the National Church, used for the non-royal commemorations rather than royal one - Charles thought the congregation had a better view there, hence his choice.
The Abbey is a Royal foundation, founded by the Edward the Confessor. It's a `royal peculiar', answerable directly to the monarch, not a bishop.
I should have added that it's only recently (in English terms) that it's become possible to marry anywhere other than one's parish church or register office. Now, many places (all very attractive) are allowed. There has been talk. All are permanent structures, appropriately licenced.

Only since July 2021 have outdoor, garden weddings been legally permitted - probably in part a response to Covid.

@Swamp Woman
A new owner would have to be warned that he's not house-trained and is prone to humping inappropriately. Allegedly.
Maneki Neko said…
Has Prince Harry been dumped by eco-tourism firm? Travalyst announces it has entered an 'incredibly exciting' era with a new board of directors - with NO mention of the Duke - as PR experts warn the royal is a 'lightning rod for negative news'
Is it 'an 'incredibly exciting' era with a new board of directors' because it's without Harry? The new board has five people with 'world-class expertise'. H certainly had none whatsoever. What's left for him now?
Opus said…
That would be old St Paul's - not the present Wren building. When new it was as so often with new architecture much hated for what were then seen as similarities to a certain church in Rome. These days one has to pay to enter. I once travelled into London in my Mini Cooper on a Sunday to hear at St Paul's, Schubert's sixth Mass (soloists, chorus, sixty piece orchestra) performed correctly as part of the service (free in those days). Hearing that work in its liturgical setting was a revelation; playing Masses as concert pieces no longer cuts it for me. At the beginning of that famous movie Lawrence of Arabia the opening scene (after Lawrence's funeral) is on the steps of St Paul's (available to view on Youtube). Sadly those films of that time show a grimy London before the buildings were cleaned of their soot, but I digress too much.
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