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And the Next Act is...?

What's next on the docket?

Thinking about the Kevin Costner event.  What do you think each person was told about how they should do during this  "event"? 

That's an interesting rabbit hole.  Who said what to whom and when?  What is intriguing is to wonder: who would have thought to pre-think how to handle it if she did X, do this or if he did that, then this.  Or did anyone feel the need to come up with flowchart responses for anyone else?

And, what kind of fallout options are there now that that is out there on video tape which are being whispered about and will dog them?  footnote 1

I don't know but do most events have to think up how to handle what could be a "difficult" situation that guest X or guest Y might decide to go free range?  Having always been on the responsibility level for tickets of low level special events, how common is it to have to have guidelines for handling free ranging participants or is it only people they think "could be" a problem?  Or is this a big city/VIP thing?  Talk show backstage must be a job fraught with a lot of tension.

Politics?  Maybe?  Maybe not though.  The comments on the DM are quite the range from her supporters who cannot wait for this/do not appear to be promising to be able to vote though ... to people dying to see how that plays out on South Park.  Or those who wonder if this will finally be what cracks open what has been carefully hidden about her? That would be a cautionary tale of Be careful what you wish for.

One of the problems with politics is that you are actually on a thinner line than as an actress.  If you don't get a part in movie X, there are a lot of other people you are up against.  Other really good people and there isn't a whole lot of public news of how you ranked 657th in a field of 1000 for the role. Politics is very different.  You have a much smaller field of competition (couple versus almost everyone in Hollywood).  And, you (and everyone else on the planet) gets to read your numbers against the others.  You got X votes but someone else got XXXXX votes.  You lost.  Very public loss.  And if you are having any depression, this has the potential to be either a real high (before a lot of work begins) or a very, very embarrassing very public loss). 

I don't really think they would let her start with something as high profile Dianne's seat as her entrance for a couple of reasons.

One is that there have been people circling that seat who are known to the power around Diane already.  They (the source of power) have know this was coming and plans were set up some time ago.  The power people will have a strong sense of who would fit or not fit into that vacuum.  Not as likely to have a complete unknown as the first choice.  Too many unknowns at a time when needing enough people to control Congress can be down to single digits means cannot have a loose cannon.

* has kind of a varied work history - almost debutante-like in the flittering from acting to the British Royal Family to leaving it to, during covid, some good works to life in a big house in Montecito, Spotify, Netflix and then so distraught at events in his autobiography.  Not a lot of sustaining which could translate to work to sell an image in politics next life adventure.  Not to say that she could not step in on the national level but most of the time, people have political experience elsewhere which shows their sustainability to this kind of work as it is not just photo ops of planting a tree somewhere.  It is a lot of time learning about different bills, talking with the others and what is the best decision for the people I represent.

Alex Padilla, the other senator, actually replaced Kamala when she moved up.  He had a chunk of political experience before he became senator.  He was appointed to fill that open slot and then won it in a special election.  Terms are for 6 years and Dianne's was up in 2024 (again, they knew that was coming and needed to be planning on it as the 2024 primary voting date is March 5th - less than 6 months away - wouldn't we have been hearing more discussion of her being a front runner this close if she were a realistic contender?).  

He also is from the LA area which we all know is not that far from Montecito where as Dianne lived in San Francisco.  This may or may not feel important but when you have only two people representing the whole (a big) state, some people may feel that having both seats filled by people who are geographically close to each other may translate to not being sensitive to the needs of people who live in a far corner of the state - very far away from the LA area.

She could be appointed by Newsom (maybe) but would he think that would help or hurt him short and long term?  I do not know.  

Or this could all be moot and was something thought about then but ... that was last year.  Not now.

What do you see as the future for her?  what options?  And for him?  

footnote 1
Um, I am reminded of this song.  Something amusing about the idea of replaying all the parts you like and fast forward those don't.  In reality, the internet really didn't exist at that time so the idea that you could have something good/bad live on so publicly long after you have passed and that you have no control over this  was not an option  for Steve ...  

But what plays out now is that people will continue to see what was done in the past and that the internet doesn't ever forget.  That can get embarrassing.  And harder and harder to hide it (and opponents will have little fear about using it against you).


Sandie said…

Summary of Lady C's video on the Byline Times article. I had scanned through the articles so quickly that I did not pick up up that they make the claims that William is bi/gay and has had affairs with men during his marriage.

I really want the duo to be conclusively exposed as the petty, spiteful liars they are and that they are behind these vicious untrue rumours about William. I see in comments people actually accepting this nonsense: there is nothing wrong with being bi/gay; royals have always had affairs. They think they are defending William but they are actually giving truth to vicious lies.

Any ideas of how the duo can be exposed? It has to be more than a defence in the media, tabloids and on social media. We need proof, evidence.
Girl with a Hat said…

yes, the rumours about an affair with Rose didn't work, so now they are trying to paint William as being a homosexual.

so which is it? is he boinking Rose or is he boinking men? or is he so depraved that he boinks everyone and everything?

with a narc's penchant for projecting their own flaws onto others, we can now be sure that it's Hazznoballs that boinks anything that moves.
Fifi LaRue said…
From what I've observed people who follow celebrity gossip do it for a few various reasons. For some people it's entertainment, for others they truly believe anything anyone says. Those people are a minority. Most of the population is too busy getting on with their lives. Which tells us that the Turnips are not getting on with their lives. They've got nothing. They've been called "f*cking grifters," very publicly by someone high in the entertainment industry. The Turnips cannot get any kind of deal. Meghan Turnip should set her sights on representing Dollar Stores because she can't get anything. Six months with WME and there's nothing. Nothing. The Turnips are obviously running low on funds, there are no projects. The Turnips are fools to make an attack on the POW because his aunt is Princess Anne, and she holds the purse strings for Mr. Turnip's next round of funding. The Turnips need to be careful because things can change, people can drag their feet, paperwork can go missing, i's may not be dotted, t's not crossed, etc.

There must be nothing but RAGE at the rented Monteshito house.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Anyone who follows celebrity gossip is aware that Mrs. Turnip is excoriated at every turn. No one believes anything she puts out there.

Those who don't follow celebrity gossip don't care.
Maneki Neko said…
I've read the summary of the Lady C Tea YouTube video re the Byline Times. Out of curiosity, I also had a look at the Byline Times, a supposedly independent publication. An article by the editor sets the tone: "Whatever (we think) we think about Harry and Meghan, they represented a chance to modernise the monarchy and change how this country sees itself. Many like me ... will have found something to relate to in Prince Harry and Meghan.
Their departure from the Royal Family is another marker of Britain’s retreat into Little England. We are moving further away from the outward-looking, diverse, modern country Britain really is – at exactly the moment we need to be moving with the times." They did have their chance to be relatable and they blew it. And his "Britain’s retreat into Little England" is very insulting.

I find it difficult to believe that David Sherborne has anything to do with the Harkles' shenanigans. he looks a bit smarmy but he's supposed to be a " leading barrister" (although not a KC). In that case, he must be really unscrupulous. As for the scurrilous story about William, it really is distasteful and beneath contempt. I'm not sure how the duo can be exposed, unless people talk but I don't think they will (e.g., NDAs or transactional relationships).

There is also an another article in the same publication, probably in the same vein so I didn't read it, called "Exploding ‘Megxit’: How Dan Wootton and a Cash-for-Leaks Scandal Split the Monarchy".
Hikari said…
Dark forces are indeed swirling around the Royal family . . and all roads lead to Soho House.

We here know this and have always known it.

Narcissists will *always* accuse their targets of what they themselves do/are and twist it around on their victims as a deflection from their own activities. They throw the excrement they themselves luxuriate in because that is the poo literally to hand.

These allegations re. William are recycled . .remember the 'Pegging' comments from a while back? The Rose rumors have failed to gain traction as Rose is still very publicly in Catherine's friend circle. So the nasty cohort is switching tactics.

Here's a few 'Allegedlies/My opinon only' about William's vile little brother:

Like many/most narcissistic sociopaths, Turnip is incapable of meaningful emotional attachments. Despite a lot of high-profile romances with women, I believe these were all for facade management. Perhaps Turnip was working through some sexual identity confusion . .after all he was with Chelsy for nearly a decade, on and off. Turnip knows that it was expected that he marry a nice girl and produce heirs. He's collected women as decoration/punching bags, but short-termers only. A lot of them he paid. A lot of those he paid he abused so much they wound up in hospital.

Any man who abuses women hates them. Ergo, Turnip hates women. This hatred is likely an extension of the hatred which he feels for himself but being unable to admit to his own deficiencies, all the self-loathing gets turned outwards to others. Body language doesn't tell all about a person but it tells a lot, and Turnip has never inhabited his physical space with with I call red-blooded hetero-masculine energy. H may be bisexual in practice but in my (non-expert) opinion, anyone who identifies as bi will default to a preference for his/her own gender, with an occasional dalliance on the other side as a sort of piquant sauce.

Therefore when Turnip flings poo at his brother vis. deviant sexual practices with men, he's just flipping the script. Takes one to know one, Turnip.

Things may very well be coming to the Harkles' endgame, which is why they are marshalling their Orc horde for one last attempt at annhilation. One has to marvel in awe and horror at the relentless malevolence exhibited by the Harkles and their sycophants. Maybe this latest barrage will make KCIII finally take the gloves off. This simply cannot be allowed to continue.

Praying for a hedge of divine protection around the Royal family against the forces of evil.
abbyh said…

I don't know that he ever paid anyone but I will say that the whole article (which I have not finished reading) comes off as poo flung in all directions in hopes that it might stick somewhere. Not cohesive in why or how this or that stuck a gun to their heads to make some decision (a lot of they were forced but not how something which allegedly happened made them do X instead of Y - stay put within the BRF).

And, what is interesting (to me) is that it doesn't seem to appear a whole lot of other big name papers (in or out of the UK). So it comes off as a local village printing claims in their gossip page.

That said, Dan is being investigated. He lost job over the potential problems. Potential, not proven. What we have learned is that the Met will now investigate if something illegal has been done. Translate to: we won't be getting rid of problems the way it used to be handled - hint - think about what has been buried up until now?

And, as usual, the BRF cannot respond.

(yet). But I would wager that revenge is a dish served cold.

This is really pushing things because nothing else seems to have even raised an eyebrow.

Perhaps POW's hands are tied. Eventually, however, they will be untied at some point.

And, he will have had time on his side to figure out how best to respond (if at all as we know some live on conflict and keep the chaos in motion so to not respond leaves them without air).

Maneki Neko said…
Another of *'s lies exposed (but we already knew) in the DM

Meghan Markle claimed she knew nothing about the royals - but now estranged BFF Jessica Mulroney recalls how her father-in-law hosted Charles, Diana and the late Queen as Prime Minister of Canada

The Duchess of Sussex has long maintained that she knew very little of the royal family before meeting Prince Harry - but now it's emerged that one of her closest friends could perhaps have helped her with a few pointers.
Meghan famously said that royal protocol was a mystery to her and that she was baffled by having to curtsy to the late Queen Elizabeth at their first meeting.
So it seems she never asked her former BFF Jessica Mulroney to tap up her in-laws for the inside track.
The former prime minister [Brian Mulroney] described how he and his children, including Jessica's husband Ben, dined with Her late Majesty that evening.

This connection is not the only time doubt has been cast on Meghan's claims she knew nothing of the royal family before meeting Harry.
I hope Jessica Mulroney can tell us much more.
Fifi LaRue said…
The Turnips are desperate, very very desperate.

The Turnips are circling the drain.
Sandie said…
I was thinking it; you said it!

"with a narc's penchant for projecting their own flaws onto others, we can now be sure that it's Hazznoballs that boinks anything that moves."
Speculation by royal commentators ...

"After spending the last 3 Christmases away from the UK. Prince Harry is keen to have a traditional family Christmas as he remembers. Royal pundits suspect resentment & tensions brewing over D&DoS Christmas plans.

Do you suppose they'll return to the UK with the kids?"
Maneki Neko said…
Royal writer Omid Scobie has shared the first look of what readers can expect from his new book, Endgame.
The front cover of the book shows three royal couples; King Charles and Queen Camilla, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

Scobie's photo also showed his laptop screen on which he had written chapter 13 of the book - which appears to be a critique of the British press.
The chapter is entitled 'A Dangerous Game: Royals and the Media'.

Two opening quotes can be spotted on the page. One quote is attributed to Prince Harry and reads: 'My problem has never been with the monarchy, or the concept of the monarchy. It's with the press.'

The second quote is attributed to former premier of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev. It reads: 'The press is our chief ideological weapon.'
"It's been It’s been the toughest work of my career but, finally, in four weeks, #ENDGAME will cover the royal story like NEVER before.'

The sneak peek at the book comes after Scobie previously revealed a whole chapter of Endgame focuses on Prince William.

The chapter will be called 'Gloves On: Prince William, Heir to the Throne' as he confirmed it was at the printers.

The presence of an entire chapter on the Prince of Wales is likely to cause concern at the Palace, given Mr Scobie's outspoken support of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in the past.

These are the titles of the first nine chapters in Endgame, as revealed by Omid Scobie on X today:

1. The Queen and Her Piper: Elizabeth II's Final Days'
2. Shaky Ground: The Queen is Dead, the Monarchy Faces Trouble'
3. 'Oh God, I Hate This': King Charles's Premiere'
4. Remembrance of Things Past: The Ongoing Campaign to Make the Royals Great Again'
5. Baggage: The Lingering Trials of King Charles'
6. The Fall of Prince Andrew: Scandal, Shame and Silencing Jane Doe'
7. Race and the Royals: Institutional Bigotry and Denial'
8. Gloves On: Prince William, Heir to the Throne'
9. Gloves Off: Prince Harry, Man on a Mission'

How much will be fact is a moot point.
Maneki Neko said…
In case you wanted to read that tripe, sorry, Endgame, it's £11 on but $33 on It might well be serialised in the DM or elsewhere. I hope it won't be too much of a hatchet job on the BRF - Charles, William and Catherine in particular. If Scooby-Doo's sources are the Harkles, then we know what to expect.

Yes, praying is about all we can do, , apart from continuing as we are and hoping our message reaches more and more people, even if we do seem like evangelists!
Barkjack is hinting again but the \Sinners aren't impressed:
... and `Woman & Home' 's already speculating the CRIII may abdicate when he hits 80, that's November 2028, just 5 years away.

Prince George was born in July 2013, so he'd be 15. I don't know how long we'd have to have a Regency, should anything befall Wm. The age of legal majority was reduced by a law passed in 1969; whether this would apply or whether it's still 21 for him, I don't know. Victoria came to the throne aged 18 (if my arithmetic's OK) and tussled with her mother, the Regent, until she was 21.

It's an interesting thought, although the Sinners are sceptical of it happening.
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs is a liar, and a coward.
No return.

I pray we’re right

Sandie said…

Top class post about narcissism and why narcissists keep repeating the same behaviour. The entire post is brilliant, but the following sums up why the duo cannot and will not change:

An exaggerated sense of superiority and self-importance is characteristic of narcissists. They feel they don't need to alter because their current attitudes and behaviours are already ideal. They could be resistant to any suggestion of change since it goes against their belief that they are perfect. It is common for narcissists to find it difficult to understand the needs and feelings of others. Because they lack the empathy necessary to recognise how their actions affect other people, they may be resistant to changing their behaviour, even when it is harmful to those around them. A narcissist's intense need for manipulation and control is evident. Even when changes are beneficial to the larger good, they oppose them because they could make it harder for them to control people or circumstances. Acknowledging one's shortcomings or owning up to one's past mistakes is often necessary for change. Beneath their haughty exterior, narcissists often harbour poor self-esteem. They may be quite resistant to any change that calls for them to admit their weaknesses. Narcissists are always looking for approval and affirmation. Even if it entails controlling or taking advantage of others, they could be resistant to changing the way they behave because they think that this is getting them the respect they want. Narcissists may find their self-identity challenged by altering their behaviour. Based on their current actions and attitudes, they have formed a self-concept, which any change may compel them to re-evaluate and alter. Even though they project confidence, a lot of narcissists harbour significant insecurities. They may resist any change that implies they are not flawless or that they need to get better since it could be interpreted as a threat to their sense of self.
A brilliant piece by youtuber Lost beyond Pluto about the princess who truly gave up her whole world for love.

Puts a shitty duchess in her right place with elegance.
Sandie said…

I think the above has a very reasonable and rational discussion about surrogacy ... what is the main cause of the gossip and the likelihood that surrogacies are being concealed. I agree that there is no smoking gun, but there is a pile of oddities and possibilities, and the character of the duo not only fed the conspiracies but also make those conspiracies plausible.
Maneki Neko said…

Re surrogacies, I'd go further and would say * encouraged speculation. In fact, I'm sure she revelled in it. It meant more pix, more articles, so more publicity. It's as if she drew attention to it.
Fifi LaRue said…
When the history of the BRF is written, Mrs. Turnip will be reduced to a one-sentence footnote.
Whoops, in discussing the possibility of abdication, I should have said that's not how we do it, should a monarch feel unable to carry on. We'd have a Regency where someone else stands in for the duration.

I suspect that the theology of the Coronation prevents us having more than 1 anointed monarch at any time. Edward VIII was never crowned, he left before that and brother Bertie (Albert, aka Geo VI)`inherited' all the arrangements for 6 May 1937 .
What do you know about "Prince Harry: Bridge Over Troubled Water" documentary In Production?
Hikari said…
Re surrogacies, I'd go further and would say * encouraged speculation. In fact, I'm sure she revelled in it. It meant more pix, more articles, so more publicity. It's as if she drew attention to it.

@Maneki and Sandie and all,

Definitely. One of the features of *'s behavior which puzzled me exceedingly, after I accepted that she met the criteria for Narcissism was why, having achieved prominence on a global stage, something she'd always craved and relentlessly pursued since she was a kid, and enjoying international goodwill for the most part as the newest Royal bride AND having received tutelage in Royal deportments and protocol WHY she so often appeared disheveled, disorganized and clueless about what to do in the public eye. Wasn't this woman used to performing for cameras and crowds? Didn't she have a top-notch cadre of Royal staffers helping her to navigate her new role? Didn't she have hundreds of thousands of pounds at her disposal to buy appropriate clothes? It boggled the mind how often she showed up to Royal engagements looking not only messy but unclean. Didn't she want to be a style icon? Why did she seem to revel in looking and behaving so badly? Not just unacceptable for a Duchess but for anyone supposedly accustmed to red carpets? What was she playing at?

A person with normal mentality does not want to screw up *on purpose* and look/act inappropriate *with intent* to be a disaster. Normal people do not want negative attention and we do our best to avoid it. I have to keep reminding myself that to a Narcissist, certainly to Harry's wife, negative attention is actually better for her purposes--which is to be outrageous, court controversy, constantly keep the pot stirred and bubbling with media talking about her. If she turned up to an engagment looking nice and behaving well . .that got her attention for one day. But . . something like the Miraculous Moonbump Mountabatten show (with malfunctions, all captured for posterity) . . it's four years on and the interwebs are still burbling with it. To a Narc, that is great mileage. The handful of times she wore a pretty dress and didn't cause a scene as a Royal Duchess have been mostly forgotten, buried in the avalanche of her outrageous looks and behavior.

I have a boss I would consider to be a Narcissist. One would expect exacting standards for all the employees since we are direct reflection on him, right? Yet this person has made a number of recent hires of personnel who blatantly suck at their jobs and more or less refuse to do any work. Meanwhile, those of us who *do* carry our weight ad go above and beyond get castigated for perceieved minor infractions. One does not want to venture even a mild difference of opinion with this person because it earns everlasting enmity. But I'm still trying to figure out how having entire departments staffed by lazy incompentents who look they they roll out of bed and report for duty in a public-facing role reflect positively on their Narc boss. It's a head-scratcher.

Hikari said…
Harry's wife wants to be talked about constantly no matter what it's for and will do anything to ensure that stories about her . . any stories . . continue to circulate. Yes, she blatantly was as provocative with those moonbump antics as it was possible to be. She knew that she was protected under the rules of engagement the RF had with the press. She *dared* anyone to speculate in print about the true status of her womb all the while knowing that no one could risk it without dire consequences to themselves and their organizations. She got away with it, at least in the short term and TBW loves to think she's getting away with something.

Even if/when the truth about surrogacies is known, if it can ever be known . . I predict that she will blame the RF for all. She will go on Oprah again and swear that the Palace knew of her infertility struggles and her fragile mental health and forced her to go through with the charade--because Harry must have heirs and any infertility (defects) must be kept secret. She will think nothing of smearing the late Queen's memory over this.

No matter what happens with the Sussexes, their party line is always going to be . .The Palace are the bad guys. They drove us to it and then they drove us away. That's my opinion.

When the history of the BRF is written, Mrs. Turnip will be reduced to a one-sentence footnote.


I'd like to think so too, but Wallis 2.0 is such a nasty piece of work, I think the annals of the RF will have to devote a bit more space to covering this sordid chapter in its history. depending on what the future holds (ie, a potentially tragic early loss of Turnip to his substance demons, or a divorce so acrimonious it will make Brangelina and Depp/Heard look like ganmes of patty cake) I think we are in store for a number of tomes as-yet to be written about this chapter, by more objective writers than Scabies. Just look at how many books, articles, documentaries and popular films have been devoted to the David - Wallis "love story".

Edward VIII was a King and the Abdication was more foundationally shocking to the integrity of the monarchy than Megxit. Whereas the Abdication was a cataclysm, the Saga of the Sordid Turnip Twats is more like a slow Chinese water torture. But they are relentless, and have been successful at eating away at the peace of mind of the RF, hounded QEII and PP into their graves and poises a real potential threat to the peaceful futures of Charles, William, Catherine and their children.

The Sussexes are a festering boil that need to be lanced for the health of the state.
Fifi LaRue said…
Maybe Wally Turnip will get more than a sentence in a bio of the BRF, maybe a paragraph.

It may take a decade, but I don't think the male Turnip is long for this world. We've seen him publicly high on drugs, and obviously stumbling drunk to one of their public events in the last year (exiting a car with the female Turnip in the back seat with an unknown man.).

Wallis 2.0 might disintegrate and implode as well. She has zero prospects. She announced a huge contract with Audible, and then Audible publicly denied any such arrangement.

I had a boss who was a Narcissist, a principal of a school. She protected the incompetents, and went after the competent people because, IMO, she was threatened by competency and professionalism. This principal was also given special treatment by the then Superintendent. The Superintendent's photo was enough to tell anyone that she was batsh*t crazy, paranoid (had barricades built around her office) and her work vehicle was so trashed (when she left after one year) on the interior it couldn't be fully cleaned (Cheetos ground into the upholstery, etc.). This former principal then sent me a "Friend" request on FB after she retired. She's become more of a loon as time has gone on.

When a Hollywood star like Kevin Costner knows the reputation of Wallis 2.0 and put his team on high alert to not give Wally Turnip any microphone, and did not make eye contact with her, you just know her reputation has spread far and wide.

As all prospects dry up for Wally Turnip, I think we'll see more outrageous behavior as she spirals downward.

OT: I wondered today if Mr. Scabies is involved with Mr. Turnip on a very personal level. Scabies' level of obsequiousness is puzzling.
Fifi LaRue said…
Just saw a great definition of Turnip: Ignoranus: a person who is both stupid and an a$$hole.
Prince Harry: Bridge Over Troubled Water:

A life in the royal family is one of duty, service and privilege. But for Harry, the most important thing is his freedom. Harry has chosen the life he wanted, rather than the life everyone wanted for him. It is a choice that he made, and one with consequences for everyone involved.

Starring - you've guessed it - MM

Also appearing:

Ingrid Seward
Peter Hunt
Paul Burrell
Robert Jobson
Chris Ship
Michael Cole
Shelagh Fogarty
Camilla Tominey
Kate William (sic - Williams?)
Robert Hardman
Roya Nikkhah
Duncan Larcombe

Quite a few toadies and `Royal Experts; here

Please excuse me while I bring up my breakfast.
I raised my eyebrows at the assumption that CRIII would apologise for `slavery' when in Kenya. As far as I'm aware, the man source of slaves for us was in West Africa, chiefly Ghana & Nigeria; I imagine that the main slavers operating in East Africa were Arabs.

The King has in fact apologised for abuses and atrocities which went on during the Mau Mau emergency of the 1950s -

for an outline. I'm surprised that the press seems to have mentioned why Obama wasn't too keen on the Brits.
Sandie said…
King Charles, from his speech at the state banquet in Kenya:

"It was here, in sight of Mount Kenya, that my son, the Prince of Wales, proposed to his wife, now my beloved daughter-in-law," King Charles said, recalling the 2010 engagement.

Is she holding Lilli in this pic?
Sandie said…

Another commentator pointing out how boring they are and without talent or anything of interest to offer.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's a story in the DM that the hairballs took their rental kids trick or treating and that the pics are on twitter.

I haven't been able to find them. Has anyone here seen them?
Maneki Neko said…
Charles is currently in Kenya. At a state banquet in Nairobi, he said: 'It was here, in sight of Mount Kenya, that my son, The Prince of Wales, proposed to his wife, now my beloved daughter-in-law.' Cue crockery smashing in a certain area of SoCol.
Sandie said…

Here is the pic. I asked above if she was holding Lilli, because you cannot make that out in the pic at all.
Maneki Neko said…
The Harkles took the children trick or treating in Montecito (what about security and/or privacy?). There are no pix in the DM article so we don't know what they went as. Maybe the children went as pumpkins. Their mother could have gone as herself🧙‍♀️.
Girl with a Hat said…

thanks for the link to the reddit thread

that's the photo I was referring to.

I guess the DM couldn't get the rights to use the photo

from the back again, and no way to distinguish the faces of the kids at all.
OCGal said…
The actual photo caption of three people seen from the back, plus one pink blob doesn’t say the Monteshitshow tricksters went trick or treating. The caption reads:

“Harry and Meghan went out with Archie and Lili to order Halloween candy yesterday in Montecito, California.”

1. Order Halloween candy? That would signify one of three things to me:
- they were expecting to open their front door to trick or treaters last night and would hand out the candy to the kids. Not bloody likely.
- they were going to have a party within their own house for a passel of kids, or just their own kids, so needed to stock up on Halloween candy. Not bloody likely: it has been made clear that the kids’ diet is heavily restricted thus candy would be verboten, plus they don’t seem to ever host anyone in their Olive Garden mansion, but like to horn in on other peoples’ events.
- most likely: this was just a photo opportunity that they couldn’t miss. I would suspect that they were snapped by their own staff while pretending to walk up to where the candy was being sold (probably a charitable candy sale effort similar to Girl Scout cookie sale), but as soon as the purposely vague grainy photo was taken, they turned around and walked away without spending one penny on a good cause.

2a. The little boy does, to me, look like other photos of the kid that we have seen. Maybe it really is him. Maybe they do actually have custody of a live child.

2b. However, we see zero identifiable details of the pink costumed blob the photo has captioned as Lili.
- They could have dressed anything in a pink blob costume (maybe it’s a dinosaur costume with face covering?) and pretended it was Lili.
- A 12 pack of toilet tissue, 8 pack of paper towels, even a dog could be used as facsimile for a child they want to be identified as Lili.

3. Hey, it just occurred to me that the delusional duo claimed at the time their kids were born that they were going to raise them — sorry, I can’t remember the phrase or term — without male versus female cultural expectations. If so, why is the dinosaur pink blob identified as Lili wearing pink? Doesn’t that perpetuate recent western culture in which pink is a traditional color for girls?

4. They always forget what they’ve announced, and immediately do things diametrically opposed to what they’ve previously proclaimed.

5. They exhaust me, and disgust me, but as others have so often stated, she gets fuel and gratification and delight from our exasperation. Where I would be ashamed, she feels exultant.

6. Many good comments are on the subreddit to which Sandie linked, worth a read. One person said the man who is, or is posing as, Mr. Dolt Turnip doesn’t have a beard in the photo, and body doesn’t look like him. I can’t tell. Another commenter said that one can see a shapely derrière and a waist on the person who is, or is posing as, Mrs. Turnip, and thus it cannot possibly be her. Food for thought.

7. Thank you, Sandie, for the fun link:
Maneki Neko said…
Sorry, I don't know where this emoji♀️ comes from, I must have pressed it accidentally. The other one was correct!
Fifi LaRue said…
No one in that Halloween photo is distinguishable, so I'mma going to call it FAKE.

Is it that Wally Turnip enjoys negative things said about her, or that she'll take any kind of attention?

Knowing personally someone with BPD and narcissism, the getting riled up and angry about perceived or real slights gives the personality disordered person a feeling of being alive, even though it's a negative way to exist.
Fifi LaRue said…
PS: Remember anytime Wallis 2.0 opens her mouth or writes something it's a lie.
OCGal said…
Here is a fun and cutting deadpan comment from someone on X referencing the supposed Halloween photo:

“I see H & M are going as frauds again for Halloween”

OCGal said…
Another funny deadpan comment on X regarding the bad photo of the supposed Monteshitshow clan on Halloween:

“…I’ve seen clearer photos of the Loch Ness Monster”

This tickled my funny one.
So Harry flew to Kenya to meet his father and Charles did not receive him?
Hikari said…
So Harry flew to Kenya to meet his father and Charles did not receive him?

What source did you read that from, alianor? I did a search for "Harry in Kenya" and I found no reference to Hairball flying to Kenya to meet with his father. Only several articles trumpeting the Dook's appointment to the board of African Parks. 'Cause we know, he cares so much about Africa. Besides, wasn't Hairy Turnip 'trick-or-treating with the kids' in Montesh*tshow last night? Kenya is, let's see, 10, 11 hours? ahead of California. All this says is that Hazmat received the news at the same time as the King and Camilla embarked on their state visit.

Royal tours are planned with military precision and are very full with pre-scheduled events. If Hairball rocked up in Kenya, expecting his father to see him with no notice, it'd be correct for CRIII to be too busy. Not that he did go all the way to Africa when he couldn't be bothered to fly half as far to visit his father at Balmoral when the schedule was more open.

This story was accomapanied by a banner headline from a morning TV show proclaiming 'the Sussexes could be welcomed back to the Royal Family (emphasis mine)--but that COULD is proof that Mugsy is spinning plates again. The Doofus Duo is desperate. The deals have all dried up. They are radioactive in Hollywood. I don't believe a word.

From GeoNews
Duke of Sussex Prince Harry has been appointed a board member of African Parks for his work on conservation projects across the African continent.

King Charles younger son is now on Board of Directors for African Parks Network, South Africa.

The organization updated Prince Harry’s bio on its website which reads: "In 2023, after serving six years as President, he was elevated to an officially appointed member of the Board of Directors, the governing body of the organisation."

It further says "Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex is a humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist. The duke has dedicated his life's work to advancing causes that he is passionate about, and that bring about permanent change for people and places."

Duke of Sussex Prince Harry became president of the organisation in 2017, after joining the team on a trip to Malawi in 2016 to undertake an elephant conservation project.

Prince Harry got the exciting news a day after King Charles and Queen Camilla landed in Kenya on four-day state visit.
Hikari said…
So Harry flew to Kenya to meet his father and Charles did not receive him?

What source did you read that from, alianor? I did a search for "Harry in Kenya" and I found no reference to Hairball flying to Kenya to meet with his father. Only several articles trumpeting the Dook's appointment to the board of African Parks. 'Cause we know, he cares so much about Africa. Besides, wasn't Hairy Turnip 'trick-or-treating with the kids' in Montesh*tshow last night? Kenya is, let's see, 10, 11 hours? ahead of California. All this says is that Hazmat received the news at the same time as the King and Camilla embarked on their state visit.

Royal tours are planned with military precision and are very full with pre-scheduled events. If Hairball rocked up in Kenya, expecting his father to see him with no notice, it'd be correct for CRIII to be too busy. Not that he did go all the way to Africa when he couldn't be bothered to fly half as far to visit his father at Balmoral when the schedule was more open.

This story was accomapanied by a banner headline from a morning TV show proclaiming 'the Sussexes could be welcomed back to the Royal Family (emphasis mine)--but that COULD is proof that Mugsy is spinning plates again. The Doofus Duo is desperate. The deals have all dried up. They are radioactive in Hollywood. I don't believe a word.

Hikari said…
Apologies if these are double-posted . .I got an error message.

From GeoNews
Duke of Sussex Prince Harry has been appointed a board member of African Parks for his work on conservation projects across the African continent.

King Charles younger son is now on Board of Directors for African Parks Network, South Africa.

The organization updated Prince Harry’s bio on its website which reads: "In 2023, after serving six years as President, he was elevated to an officially appointed member of the Board of Directors, the governing body of the organisation."

It further says "Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex is a humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist. The duke has dedicated his life's work to advancing causes that he is passionate about, and that bring about permanent change for people and places."

Duke of Sussex Prince Harry became president of the organisation in 2017, after joining the team on a trip to Malawi in 2016 to undertake an elephant conservation project.

Prince Harry got the exciting news a day after King Charles and Queen Camilla landed in Kenya on four-day state visit.
Fifi LaRue said…
@WBBM: IMO there isn't going to be any movie made about the Dook of Suckits.

The Dook and Dookass bought the rights to a book, Meet Me at the Lake, announced August 9. The Dook is too lazy, too high, too dim, or too drunk to do any work on the production. Mrs. Dookass is impossible, no one can work with her. Mrs. Dookass is lazy also, and high much of the time. People at WME must run for cover when Mrs. Dookass barges in. So far nothing is going on with the production or we'd hear about it with their endless PR.

Therefore, there isn't going to be a movie about a bridge and the Dook. Ain't gonna happen.

Actors who become successful producers don't hold a press conference or bang on the PR drums about which book they've purchased the rights to. They just get to work. Re: Reese Witherspoon.
Sandie said…

According to the In Touch article shared, she blames him for their financial woes. The article clearly is based on information provided by her. She oversells herself, and underestimates him. All the deals they got were through him and because of him. She really does not seem to understand that.
SwampWoman said…
Sandie said: According to the In Touch article shared, she blames him for their financial woes. The article clearly is based on information provided by her. She oversells herself, and underestimates him. All the deals they got were through him and because of him. She really does not seem to understand that.

Or her inflated sense of herself will not allow her to admit that.

The thing is, I wouldn't believe that *any* child is 'theirs' without a DNA test and an attending physician's statement because they lie as easily as breathing.
Fifi LaRue said…
I need to correct myself: There is still hope for the Suckitts. They have an offer to be on Keeping Up With the Kardashians (KUWTK.). My advice to the Suckkitts is to take the offer, it might open all kinds of doors. I have my hair cut with the top stylist at a top salon, and she knows nothing about the Suckitts, but EVERYTHING about the Kardashians. Take heed Suckitts!
Sandie said…
I think I am going to have one of 'those' days ... I came across this comment by an Anon and found it so highly amusing that I had to share it:

"Harold has got to be a limited edition stupid because like BBB said, he went for holidays with Chelsy's family and but when he got together with the one that's he's married to now, he didn't even meet her family except for the mother and yet he was like "yeah she's the one!" just after she peed out in the open in Botswana? It's like his braincells grew backwards!"

Still chuckling ...
Magatha Mistie said…


Grasper and Bendme
were out turning tricks
Dragging their kids
for much needed clicks
No costumes required
for the devils drite
Just blurred backsides
their usual shite…

Here's what she said in her wedding speech:

Sinners think she's echoing Julia Roberts (`Notting Hill') with the `boy and girl' comments. I'm pretty sure that's wording that the D & D of Windsor used of themselves

See -

I never thought I'd encounter anyone more vapid, aggrieved, and self-absorbed in the BRF than Edward and his paramour Wallis, who so richly deserved each other. Then Harry hooked up with Meghan Markle.

If you want to learn more about how truly disturbing the "WE" relationship was, read their correspondence edited by Michael Bloch. It’s full of the most revolting baby talk and put me off ever reading any more of Bloch’s other million or two books abt them.

These three gardenias are eanum but they say enormous ooh and that a boy loves a girl more and more and is holding her so tight these trying days of waiting.

If you can stand any more after that sample, the book is $2. And that’s without even considering their loathsome fascistic Nazi-loving politics.

Their letters prove how stunted emotionally Edward was and how opportunistic Wallis was. Then they were sentenced to a lifetime together and Britain was saved from these Nazi sympathizers
Maneki Neko said…
Keeping Up With the Kardashians?🤣 Good grief! How the mighty have fallen. This will not enhance their reputation.
Magatha Mistie said…

Supermarkle Cheap

Puerile, provincial, pathetic
Describes their ventures
post suss-exit
I’ve said it before
and I’ll say it again
Their future lies

Opus said…

Is the word Humanitarian as well as the word Environmentalist just new words for Colonialist - or do I mean super-rich Tourist? His forbears would have perhaps gone lion-hunting or elephant-hunting but what exactly does the Duke of Sussex do - muck out the stables or get close enough on the savannah not to need a tele-photo lens? This sentimentality towards the continent of Africa (all of it, provided it is sub-saharan, and as if it had no boundaries) makes me sick.
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, you are amazing. Talent is a weak and inadequate word to describe your ongoing facility with rhyme; alternately revealing the macro of the whole Monteshitshow situation, giving us contemptuous glimpses of the micro, and just today, catching the vibe of a ludicrous moment like Photo Op Halloween.

You consistently have your finger on the pulse of what, I hope, are the waning days of the destructive duo as a social media phenomenon.

May their social media celebrity status flatline, and soon.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Maneki: I was just reading that the Kardashians have a staff of people whose job it is to open and catalog the 100 free gift bags that are sent to the Kardashians every single day. 100 free bags of stuff that people want the Kardashians to use and promote. Apparently the K family used to sell the swag, but now it's donated after getting pushback about their greed.

I think Mrs. Turnip would be thrilled to receive one free bag of swag even once a month.

Get on the show Turnips! Your fortune awaits you.
Hikari said…

Turnip is guilty of the most callous treatment of animals—from bloodying many polo ponies and riding a pregnant mare so hard he caused her death. Why a mare with foal was forced to play polo is on her owners. Shameful. Turnip was also behind the shooting of protected birds on the Balmoral estate, which was hushed up at the time. If SkidMarkle made him sell his guns and give up killing animals, that’s the one positive thing she’s ever done in her life. Or, that was a positive side effect. I don’t think Harry’s wife gives a crap about animals either… The murky fate of her childhood cat and various dogs she’s had testify to this. She made her husband give up shooting simply because he loved it and was among friends when he was doing it. Forcing him to give it up for her was simply her exerting control over his activities.

H doesn’t care about conservation, the African continent or its people. He has a romanticized childish attachment to it owing to the luxury resort holidays Charles took him and William on as teens. His behavior along with his wife’s on the South African tour says all we need know. H only cares that Africa is somehow “his”— Just a means of snatching attention away from his brother. There is nothing whatsoever authentic about Turnip. That’s why it’s really galling that he’s just been appointed to a VIP post with African Parks. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone or any organization would give this Twatt any kind of positive attention whatsoever. It would’ve been appropriate if he was a working Royal who actually gave a toss about the work of the organization. Apparently this group wants to Markle themselves by extension.
Hikari said…

Turnip is guilty of the most callous treatment of animals—from bloodying many polo ponies and riding a pregnant mare so hard he caused her death. Why a mare with foal was forced to play polo is on her owners. Shameful. Turnip was also behind the shooting of protected birds on the Balmoral estate, which was hushed up at the time. If SkidMarkle made him sell his guns and give up killing animals, that’s the one positive thing she’s ever done in her life. Or, that was a positive side effect. I don’t think Harry’s wife gives a crap about animals either… The murky fate of her childhood cat and various dogs she’s had testify to this. She made her husband give up shooting simply because he loved it and was among friends when he was doing it. Forcing him to give it up for her was simply her exerting control over his activities.

H doesn’t care about conservation, the African continent or its people. He has a romanticized childish attachment to it owing to the luxury resort holidays Charles took him and William on as teens. His behavior along with his wife’s on the South African tour says all we need know. H only cares that Africa is somehow “his”— Just a means of snatching attention away from his brother. There is nothing whatsoever authentic about Turnip. That’s why it’s really galling that he’s just been appointed to a VIP post with African Parks. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone or any organization would give this Twatt any kind of positive attention whatsoever. It would’ve been appropriate if he was a working Royal who actually gave a toss about the work of the organization. Apparently this group wants to Markle themselves by extension.
SwampWoman said…
Hikari said: H doesn’t care about conservation, the African continent or its people. He has a romanticized childish attachment to it owing to the luxury resort holidays Charles took him and William on as teens. His behavior along with his wife’s on the South African tour says all we need know. H only cares that Africa is somehow “his”— Just a means of snatching attention away from his brother. There is nothing whatsoever authentic about Turnip. That’s why it’s really galling that he’s just been appointed to a VIP post with African Parks. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone or any organization would give this Twatt any kind of positive attention whatsoever. It would’ve been appropriate if he was a working Royal who actually gave a toss about the work of the organization. Apparently this group wants to Markle themselves by extension.

No, of course This One doesn't care. I suspect that the organization is desperate for funds, and are hoping that perhaps KCIII will donate some private funds in his son's name to keep them afloat a little longer. I suppose they could have believed the publicity about how much She Devil and He Devil love Africa, Africans, wildlife, and philanthropy AND how wealthy they are.
Girl with a Hat said…
In Spain, the heir to the Spanish throne, Princess Leonor took her vows to her country this week in front of Parliament as it is her 18th birthday.

Her grandmother and grandfather were not invited to the ceremony because the Royal Family wanted to put the ex-king and his wife behind them, and not have the people remember the scandals associated with the ex-royal.

It seems cold but the present and future of the monarchy comes first.

Same for the BRF, I think. They will not embrace Hairball so easily, no matter how much he repents.
Sandie said…
He was president of African Parks; now he is one of many board members (I think there are about 8). Make of that what you will, but it seems to me that what is being portrayed as a promotion is actually the opposite. It seems to me that they cannot trust him to raise funds or be an effective PR figurehead for the organisation.

A reminder of that Star article, which is an astonishing indication of her arrogance and hubris:

“As a result, the California native has been the driving force behind their brand. "Meghan's the one working with agents and managers and studios because she knows how deals are made," says the source. While

Harry's learned a lot from Meghan, "he still doesn't totally get it." Watching her husband fail has been hard for Meghan. "Harry's just not a take-charge kind of person. As a royal and a military man, he followed orders," adds the source. "He still has people to do footwork for him. The real decision-making is done by Meghan." It's not the fairy tale she envisioned when they wed in 2018. "Marrying a
prince should be a dream come true. Meghan expected to be adored by all, but the reality of her situation has not been all pleasant," notes the source. "She's taken the brunt of the negative publicity, which bothers her. Little girls may look up to her as a real life princess but no one else seems to.”
Sandie said…

Shauna of The Vintage Read is so good at picking up nuggets. 'Harry, get out now. The call is coming from inside the house'!

I wonder if we can put together the clues to pinpont exactly when she made the decision to bolt. Certainly by the time they did the South Africa visit, but I don't think he was yet on the same page as her. He actually was negotiating for them to go and live in South Africa at that stage. She had to sabotage that because she had already decided, and was making plans for, a return to LA. Was that always her plan and the time in the Firm was simply to cement her status as a royal and to grab as many 'goodies' as she could before she bolted? Things were unravelling for her in the Firm - bullying, taking freebies, which was against policy, restrictions being put on her spending, not getting Windsor Castle or Frogmore House, no title for Archie ... peehaps the bullying allegations was the most threatening to her.

I think he still has not joined the dots and seen the truth. Perhaps he never will.
Maneki Neko said…
Meghan Markle's biographer Omid Scobie slams Buckingham Palace for allowing King Charles and Queen Camilla to walk on red carpets laid over soil in Kenya

Mr Scobie claimed it made the royals look 'pretty ridiculous'. While he admitted it may have been the decision of their Kenyan hosts - not the royals - he insisted that Buckingham Palace aides could and should have stopped it..

This comes straight out of*'s mouth, I'd say. What is it to them/Sooby Doo? Pure jealousy and pettiness, I'd vouch. Let's not forget * and her 42% African heritage - Nigerian but she's probably outraged on behalf of her African brothers and sisters.
Hikari said…
I wonder if we can put together the clues to pinpont exactly when she made the decision to bolt. Certainly by the time they did the South Africa visit, but I don't think he was yet on the same page as her. He actually was negotiating for them to go and live in South Africa at that stage. She had to sabotage that because she had already decided, and was making plans for, a return to LA. Was that always her plan and the time in the Firm was simply to cement her status as a royal and to grab as many 'goodies' as she could before she bolted?

In short, my answer is 'Yes'. Let's not forget that she retained all of her management team . .PR, lawyers, etc. in California. She left her clothes in storage, too. Whether in Toronto or she had them shipped to CA. When she appeared for the engagement photo call, just a couple of days shy of December in London, she looked like the Little Match Girl, fresh off the plane from obviously a warmer place, since she was wearing a white spring raincoat and strappy stilletos, with a sleeveless dress underneath. She gave the impression of being a refugee that had had to get dressed from a cast-off donation pile since none of her clothing fit or was ironed. The shoes were dirty and 2 sizes too large.

We didn't know about her penchant for merching clothes a season ahead at that stage. I just figured she was going for 'easy breezy Cali girl who has renounced everything for love and is currently living out of two suitcases at Harry's until she can get some proper clothes.'

Ha. How little we knew then. She was mailing packets of notes home for safekeeping . . so, yeah. She always planned to write a tell-all and bolt. She wanted the 'half-in/half-out' which the Queen definatively shot down. Told uncategorically "No way", the Narc said Screw you old woman . . we are going.

There is an alterative explanation in light of 'The Trouble with Archie' and the disastrous South Africa tour which I'm half-convinced of. To wit: Megxit was NOT their idea at all, at least, not so soon. But when they debuted a baby to Archbiship Tutu who had never been seen by a soul in the UK in an international photo call plus all the other egregious stuff: TBW merching strapless top at a memorial for a slain young woman; looking like a deranged bag lady in a mosque; insulting her hosts by refusing to eat at a private lunch and the his-n-hers whinge-fests to Tom Bradby . . I think the Queen had had enough. She told them to get out of her sight and England for a period of 'garden leave' to consider their futures in the Firm. They picked Canada, and stewed about having their bottoms smacked for 6+ weeks. That's when they decided to release their manifesto, against explicit instructions not to.

Oppositional and defiant to the end, the pair of them. I think they were always going to go, but the premature timing was a vindictive response to having been disciplined. The Queen refused to bow to their demands at the summit and that's when they fled to California. And what a flying sh*tshow it's been ever since.
SwampWoman said…
Sandie said: Blogger Sandie said...
He was president of African Parks; now he is one of many board members (I think there are about 8). Make of that what you will, but it seems to me that what is being portrayed as a promotion is actually the opposite. It seems to me that they cannot trust him to raise funds or be an effective PR figurehead for the organisation.

I agree. I think the *only* reason he's still there at all is in the hope that some financial contribution may be attached to him at some point. Maybe it is a placeholder for him in case he splits from the ILBW, a do-nothing job that may require his presence and some contribution from KCIII's personal funds.
SwampWoman said…
Riiight. So now the royals are supposed to dictate protocol to their hosts in other countries? I don't think so. What I do in my house, so to speak, is my business, as is how I choose to greet my (invited) guests.

I very much doubt that Scobie has been on many royal visits and seen how people take away red carpets because a person who told with a straight face and much knowledge that the late Queen was moved in a Royal train from Scotland to the United Kingdom of Britain for her funeral is hardly such etiquette specialist one needs to listen. He is a vulgar, vulgar, vulgar person, full stop.

Harry was the president of the African parks with a fine photograph on their first page. He is no president any more. I don't call that a promotion. He has reason to be very grateful that they didn't kick him out altogether (and probably be grateful to his father).
Girl with a Hat said…
about Camilla and Charles' trip to Kenya and the criticism regarding the red carpet:

Camilla showed up with quite rugged footwear (and quite unattractive) so it's not like she expected a red carpet
Sandie said…
Scooby Doo and his criticism of the red carpets ... as an African, I see this criticism as demeaning and belittling of Kenyans and shows a huge amount of ignorance. African countries use red carpets when foreign dignitaries come to visit, from anywhere in the world. The red carpet is an internationally recognised symbol ... why should African countries be 'banned' from using it? What next? Will he claim that Africans who do not wear 'traditional tribal' dress are oppressed by colonisers?
Sandie said…
Being a board member for African Parks is not a paying job, but costs of attending board meetings are covered by the organization. This kind of deal is always useful for the duo ... to get their travel expenses (plus accommodation) for PR jaunts (do-good and look important and relevant photo op, stay in the public eye ...) paid by someone else.
It must have been a horrible disappointment to the baroness that she could not steal any valuable royal jewels before their "freedom flight". The late Queen was so mean that baroness could not do anything else but tell the "truth" about the racist, racist royal family. Think about all that lovely money you can get when you sell those fine diamonds (like her engagement ring).
Sandie said…
Someone has been taking a detailed look into their finances. I don't fully understand it all, but the following nugget is interesting (property taxes owed by them):

"Digging deeper, their property tax is $73k+ (2x) this year & next year for a total of $146k+ and they haven’t paid it yet!!!! It came out in September! They have 2 payments of $73k due and they haven’t done it"

Full links are given here:
Maneki Neko said…
Great comment in the DM about Scobie and the King in Kenya: A queen criticising a king 😁
Girl with a Hat said…
it's November 3rd and * was supposed to relaunch the Tig on November 1st?

what happened?
Fifi LaRue said…
I can't find upthread who posted the link to Tom Dillion. Wow. He's the one who said he was at a celebrity party, and people were showing him their phones and the Harkles texting, begging to hang out. He called Mrs. a cold-blooded serpent, and ginger also was a cold-blooded serpent. Dillon called them hucksters, and low rent reality stars. He said that Mrs. was tanking, and in two years would be on a housewife show. IMO if she's that lucky. What else? The BRF was chasing Mrs. with a noose.
Magatha Mistie said…

Down at Heels

Spinning plates
like well oiled seals
Hoping to break
multi dollar deals
Nothing worse
than a bus with no wheels
The end is nigh
for the barren Kilkeels…

Magatha Mistie said…

Quickie 🎤
Apologies: Nathan Lay
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary


It’s a long way to Montecito
It’s a long way faux show
It’s a long way to Montecito
For the trollop of Soho
Goodbye, brother Willy
Farewell, Katherine fair
It’s a hung, drawn drag to Montecito
But my balls with her…

Magatha Mistie said…

Thank you, I’m not all that,
but I do appreciate your
kind comments
keeps me going😘
Taking the pee out of the poltroons
my only recourse 😉

Did we pick up on the latest Harry Markle?

Harold as Clouseau!
Maneki Neko said…
The DT magazine has an article on Princess Anne. A few excerpts:

"She is involved with more than 300 charities, organisations and military regiments, and last year carried out more than 200-plus engagements".

"HRH is quite probably the most respected member of the Royal Family. Her lack of pomp and ceremony and the low key dedication ... is much admired. There is no whingeing".(my emphasis)

Edward John Whitley OBE, a British financial advisor and philanthropist working with Anne said "She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the world, and a phenomenal memory, and she is also very funny".

And as we know, she also refused titles for her children. This should be required reading in Montecito.
Sandie said…
She famously claimed to have never looked up her husband Prince Harry online before their first date.
But back in 2016, Meghan Markle already had several connections to the UK's then most eligible bachelor.
In the years preceding her relationship with Prince Harry, the mother-of-two, 42, appears to have befriended six key people with links to the Royal Family.
Along with one of Prince Harry's Eton peers and a close friend of Princess Eugenie's, the Duchess of Sussex also befriended a reality star with a connection to Pippa Middleton.
Here FEMAIL uncovers Meghan Markle's close British ties in the lead-up to the relationship that would dramatically alter the course of her life.

DM joins the dots on all the circles she infiltrated and people she love bombed that had connections to hapless.

However, I think she was correct in saying she knew nothing about royals. She had a shallow understanding of them and only enough information to know how to position herself into the right circles. She knew nothing or very little about their history, values, role, traditions ... or anything 'real' about them. I suggest that the following was her thinking (some):

Charity means they help the poor. Commonwealth means they go to a lot of poor Third World countries. So, I must find an organisation that will give me a position that will get attention and give me publicity when I go and visit the poor in some poor country.

They wear designer gowns and lots of sparkling jewellery so being royal means I get a lot of designer clothes and jewellery ... free. I can ask for anything I want. And who doesn't love freebies?

Royal engagements means a captive audience and guaranteed fawning positive press coverage without having to even beg for it. At last ... I can go anywhere and be the centre of attention and get to make a speech every time!

Now, how can I make sure I am special and the most famous and beloved royal ever? Greatest love story ever ... definitely because look how much attention Wallis still gets. I know ... I'll "modernise" the monarchy and be the greatest liberating feminist ever!

She was just not connected to reality and unfortunately married a man who fed her ill-informed and crazy delusions instead of educating and guiding her. Making mistakes was ok (personally I think too many make too much fuss about some things and they were mistakes that could easily be corrected ... Catherine and everyone else went through the same thing). He fed her delusions and encouraged her worst characteristics instead of grounding her in reality and helping her grow into a better person.
Sandie said…
I don't think the duo are going to strip off for some Kardashian show, singly or together. She has done provocative photo shoots and movie scenes, including nudity, in the past. I can imagine that they are deluded enough to convince themselves that it would be a good idea. But what would the Kardashians get out of it? Have they ever handed over their platform to someone else, completely, and why would they do so now?
Girl with a Hat said…

Spinning plates
like well oiled seals

I love that imagery. It's so fittingly describes what she's doing.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Magatha: Eunuchairy. LOL!!!
Maneki Neko said…

I wholeheartedly concur with @Girl with a Hat re "Spinning plates like well oiled seals", except that I would say seals are more talented. I also love "the trollop of Soho". Keep taking the pee out of them 😉
Maneki Neko said…
Harry and Meghan's biographer Omid Scobie brands Prince William 'power hungry' and King Charles 'unpopular' as he promotes his 'explosive' new book on the Royal Family

... "a breathless description on Amazon calling it 'a penetrating investigation into the current state of the British monarchy – an unpopular king, a power-hungry heir to the throne, a queen willing to go to dangerous lengths to preserve her image and a prince forced to start a new life after being betrayed by his own family'.

A source told The Mail on Sunday: 'I've been told this is bad, very bad. It is unlikely that Royal aides will comment, but if there are charges of racism, they will, of course, be robustly rebutted.'"

I wonder if he can be sued for libel? After all, the Harkles know a few (Shetborne springs to mind)

Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

You did mention the latest Harry Markle )some time last week, I think) but don't worry, it's good to be reminded.
OKay said…
Sandie said...

He fed her delusions and encouraged her worst characteristics instead of grounding her in reality and helping her grow into a better person.

That is NOT what Madame looks for in a mate. If Harry had attempted to "correct" her in any way, she'd have just thrown a tantrum and done what she wanted to anyway.
Mel said…
Mm wasn't befriending anyone. She was stalking them.
Fifi LaRue said…
Here is a brilliant gem from SMM: "Markle did the Royal family a favor. They needed to do something about Harry years ago and they refused to. He was a danger to the whole family and anyone who came into contact with. The Royal family was frozen. Sooner or later he would create a bigger disaster than Andrew.
Markle taking him away was the best thing that could have happened to the Royal family. He was a terrible problem and now he is gone."
Sandie said…
Just a thought ... she acts like a predator but does not actually have the ability to be the apex predator in a group. Some narcissists can be very successful especially if they have talent and are intelligent. Word salad and manipulation, and even lies, did create some success for a while for her, but she does not have anything exceptional about her to sustain that. Even her attacks on her and his families get a lot of attention at first but never succeed because her lies and contradictions are so easy to see through and her endless victimhood is a complete contradiction of her empowered woman PR. People will put up with a lot of BS from someone with genuine talent, but she has none and the royal connection is now of no use to her because she messed up that gig conpletely.

But I do think she will repeat past behaviour, as will her husband, so we are not done. The tabloids are going to make a big fuss about Scobie's book, which is being advertised as a vicious and untruthful attack on the royal family. I believe we on social media must dig up and examine every falsehood, way beyond what the tabloids do.
Fifi LaRue said…
"I would measure the duration of the marriage in years rather than decades," says Grayson Carter, former Vanity Fair editor. "I think she has run rings around poor Harry and gotten what she wanted: notoriety, money, and a title. His usefulness to her diminishes daily." It's diminishing as poor Hairy's money runs out.
Fifi LaRue said…
Re: Hairy's behavior at the party, tossing young women in the pool. His behavior was/is very similar to behaviorally disturbed children who needed to be in small group or one-on-one special education groups because their behavior was so extremely discrepant from the general population. Hairy's behavior is still extremely impulsive, without regard to consequences. It seems Hairy did not have any consequences due to him being part of the RF. A butler had to step in to stop him. Shameful.

Ah, but there does seem to be a hidden consequence to his impulsivity: the mysterious quick marriage where he looked like he was going to vomit.
Maneki Neko said…
The MoS has the following article. Here is the headline followed by a few paragraphs. The last one is gold (my emphasis).

"Everything Charles has ever said about his son's wives - as he expresses his fondness for 'beloved daughter in law' Kate
And he added that Charles did not support either the Sussexes or the Cambridges financially, with the exception of gifts.

He said those gifts were in recognition of his sons' dedication in carrying out royal engagements.

But Harry likened the set-up to being kept 'in a golden cage', unable to move and being 'fed and clothed' in return by their guards.

The prince said he considered telling his father the cost of providing Meghan with food and shelter was minimal, given that she did not have a large appetite and could make her own clothes."🤣 So * eats like a bird and can make her own clothes (!), therefore is very low maintenance? Thanks for the laugh! Remember, Charles spent £1M on her wardrobe in the first year, more than on Catherine's.
SwampWoman said…
But I do think she will repeat past behaviour, as will her husband, so we are not done. The tabloids are going to make a big fuss about Scobie's book, which is being advertised as a vicious and untruthful attack on the royal family. I believe we on social media must dig up and examine every falsehood, way beyond what the tabloids do.

And then we'll do community notes noting corrections on X!

Fun times.

Speaking of which, I made a frittata today for brunch for us and grandson. Since he and daddy usually go out to eat, my frittata had bacon pieces sauteed, then frozen chopped spinach, artichoke hearts, and onions stir fried and seasoned with cayenne pepper, freshly ground pepper, salt, some sour cream stirred in, and finally 8 eggs whisked together with seasonings, and dumped over the top. (Hey, I had to sneak in as many veggies as possible.)
SwampWoman said…
Sandie said...
Just a thought ... she acts like a predator but does not actually have the ability to be the apex predator in a group. Some narcissists can be very successful especially if they have talent and are intelligent. Word salad and manipulation, and even lies, did create some success for a while for her, but she does not have anything exceptional about her to sustain that. Even her attacks on her and his families get a lot of attention at first but never succeed because her lies and contradictions are so easy to see through and her endless victimhood is a complete contradiction of her empowered woman PR. People will put up with a lot of BS from someone with genuine talent, but she has none and the royal connection is now of no use to her because she messed up that gig conpletely.

Now that you mention it, she does have an uncanny resemblance to a velociraptor!
Faltering Sky said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…

I’ve always maintained that Harry’s wife is a particularly unintelligent and basic example of her personality disorder type. For someone who’s whole existence is predicated on a tower of lies and games, she really has no game. She outed herself as a childish nasty manipulator even before the wedding. Three days married, she got herself and Harry tossed from their very first Royal engagement. A truly top-grade Narc would have charmed everyone for as long as it took to get what she wanted. Rachel Turnip has got no follow-through or self control for façade management. HG Tudor doesn’t rate her at all. It’s only due to the convenient race-baiting card that she’s gotten this much attention for so long. If Harry had married a 100% Caucasian girl who acted the way Markel does, how do we think that would have gone down?

To judge the quality of the Narc, look at her primary target(s). Haitch Turnip Would’ve been like shooting fish in a barrel. If we put aside his biological age, his wife is taking advantage of a mentally disabled child man with absolutely zero ability to put up any resistance. She’s too lazy to even set herself a challenge there. H is just another dog to her.
Fifi LaRue said…
What a pity! The Turnips weren't at the 2023 LACMA Film & Art Gala.
All the stars were there.
No invite for the Turnips?
WME couldn't wrangle an invitation?

My, my.
Maisie said…
Regarding Sandie’s comment about the property tax bill on the Olive Garden coming out in September and not being paid yet.
I don’t know how things are set up in Santa Barbara County but am quite familiar with Riverside and Orange Counties in California. Statements do come out in September. Half of the tax needs to be paid by December 10th and the other half by April 10th the following year before they are considered delinquent.
If you are managing your cash flow, you pay them online, on or a few days before they become delinquent.
abbyh said…

Property taxes - that is providing you are no longer having that money withheld by the mortgage company. You have to have 20% of it paid off before you apply to do it yourself.

Their pick would be a larger mortgage than what most banks offer to walk ins (except maybe California, NY, DC where buying a house is way more than other parts of the country). Sometimes the lender does require 20% down. But not always.

We would see people decide to stretch to be able to get 5 or 10% down on the house of their dreams (they deserved it) and then they were house poor - no money for anything but the payment and all the other bills. It gave them no leeway if something happened with their projected finances.

So even the Mail is scratching around for column inches. Has it given up resurrecting dead reports of their activities or has it exhausted the stock?

@Swampie - what fantastic frittata! I'm salivating at the thought...

For today's `Aaah..., innit gorgeous!' moment
Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry was today accused of turning down an invitation to his father King Charles' landmark 75th birthday party.

The monarch is due to hold a celebration at Clarence House in London a week on Tuesday to mark the significant milestone.
. . .
Insiders say that while the Duke of Sussex has been invited to the soiree, he will not be attending on November 14.

No doubt to everybody's relief. H is very rude, though, not to attend. I suppose Charles has stopped funding them so the Harkles are miffed. They were able to attend Katy Perry's concert in Vegas but took a private plane.
Some really interesting comments at

I'm off now.
Maneki Neko said…
*'s comeback has been mentioned before but apparently this will be a 'Meghanaissance', whatever that is.

The Duchess signed with top Hollywood talent agency WME back in April in preparation for what a source called a 'Meghanaissance'.

She joined clients that include Hollywood A-Listers Eddie Murphy, Gwen Stefani and Liam Payne.
[I'm afraid * isn't in the same league].

Royal expert Tom Bower, Author of Revenge, told The Times a book could be next on her schedule.

He said: 'It will be Meghan's truth. There will be a readership for it because she'll undoubtedly settle some scores from her point of view.

'What she says she said to the Queen, to Kate, to Philip, all that will be in the book whether corroborated or not, and that's a goldmine.

This is only a possibility at this stage but she is spiteful, deranged and delusional enough to write her 'autobiography' or a memoir.
Fifi LaRue said…
Re: property taxes: When I had a mortgage, the property taxes were automatically included in the monthly mortgage payment. When I owned a house outright, the taxes were due twice a year, six months apart.
If the owner of Montesh*tshow is delinquent on the taxes, that means the mortgage is paid.
Hikari said…
If the owner of Montesh*tshow is delinquent on the taxes, that means the mortgage is paid.

I see what you did there.

If you intended to imply that 'the owner' of the Chateau at Riven Rock and the Harkles are not one and the same entity.

There was speculation at the time of the so-called purchase that Charles had actually bought the house as a settlement for TBW, whilst providing a home for Ginger Toerag and the spawn in the meantime. Circa June 2020, that was a tiny bit plausible to me since the egregious duo had not yet inflicted as much damage on the RF has they have since. We can assume that if Charles is the true (shadow) owner of that property that the taxes and paperwork would all be in good order.

I remain strenuously agnostic that the Harkles reside at Mudslide Towers or have ever owned it. If, as we now know, the deal for the Netflix doc was already signed as early as 2019, I think it's more plausible to say that Netflix rented the property as a shooting location and perhaps the Harkles had occupancy rights in the meantime. Perhaps Netflix or another entity provided the accomodation gratis in exchange for the Harkles paying the property tax?

We keep being shown those aerial views of the Olive Garden and its massive grounds, tennis courts, pool, terraces, etc. They would need a full-time staff of 20 gardeners just to keep that landscaping up. If Hairball is the master of this stunning oasis and all its myriad rooms and 16 banos, why does he stay in a hotel, or in San Francisco so often? The twats are always 'on vacation', sans infants. On vacation from what, when they've got every heart's desire at this massive estate with the poncey name? They could 'take a vacation' at home by simply moving to an unexplored part of the house and using some of the other dozen and a half bathrooms they've got.

For a couple that has no friends, does not entertain, is rarely at home at all based on their various activities both separately and together, and has got to be be teetering on te edge of being broke, it's mind-blowing that we are to believe that this monstrosity is their 'family home' . . for themselves, 2 tots and 2 or 3 dogs (plus chickens). They could house half of Montecito in all those rooms.

I dunno . . is anyone else besides me agnostic as to their ownership? They can't afford that place, no matter what they say and as we know . . they lie all the time. Why would they be telling the truth about this? I remain convinced that they hole up in separate hotels. Without children. Any story to the contrary that emanates from them is facade management only. My opinion.
Sandie said…
At the time of the sale of their property, it was linked back to them. They have a mortgage. The deposit aligns with the amount that Charles gave them from the Duchy of Cornwall after Megxit, even though they claimed they bought it with the money that Diana left her son. Essentially the bank owns the property because they are paying a mortgage, and it is registered in the name of one of the many business entities they set up. They do live there ... there is plenty evidence of that. Two reporters who have interviewed them have done so at the property and there is some footage from the Netflix documentary that was clearly shot on the property.

They also do seem to be friends with Cameron and Benji as they clearly went to that concert with them, together along with a bunch of other people. I am sure LA is filled with people with a lot of money and similar shallowness and morals as the duo so it is not impossible for them to have friends.

I still think that they live a lifestyle that is beyond their means in the long run, and that the children are in the care of nannies. The couple are they type who will ever let the children interfere with their holidaying/partying lifestyle and there seem to be quite a lot of people like that in Hollywood and among the wealthy elite.
Sandie said…

They have claimed through a 'spokesperson' that they have not received an invitation to attend his father's birthday celebrations. Why would they?
Girl with a Hat said…

I also don't believe they own that house. I don't even believe they live there. They rent it when required. They make appearances in and around the house to make us believe that that is their home, but there is no way in hell that they could afford to buy it, and maintain it.
Fifi LaRue said…
IMO the Turnips do not own Montesh*tshow. Mrs. Turnip has never had one investment, not one. She didn't even have a savings account. Mr. Turnip's money has always been managed for him, he took a stated allowance periodically, and charged clothing, etc. to some account.

Where's The Tig?
No quality brands want to be associated, and the ones that WME CAN rustle up for Mrs. Turnip are not to Mrs. Turnip's liking.
Maybe she's just going to have to suck it up and promote toilet bowl cleaner, you know, wearing a sparkly tiara, and sparkly gloves with a big smile plastered on her face as she holds up the product. "Good enough for a Princess!"
Fifi LaRue said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Girl with a Hat said…
Blind Item #2
Even with the edibles he took, the ginger haired one hated attending the event this weekend, but he went as ordered.
Fifi LaRue said…
Saw the photos from the KP concert. The Turnips got on the same private jet that carried mid-range celebrities to the concert. IMO they didn't go as friends, but shared the expense of flying. WME must have twisted arms to arrange it. It seems no one made much eye contact with the Turnips. Mr. Turnip looked sullen and half in the bag at the concert.
Sandie said…

CDAN blind implies that hapless was on drugs at the Katy Perry concert and that he did not want to be there but attended as ordered by her. Not surprising!

As for their claim that they received no invitation to Charles' birthday celebrations, Maureen Callahan seems to get closest to the truth:

As a friend of Charles told the UK's Sunday Times, 'there are issues that aren't resolved and there won't be a rapprochement anytime soon… But that doesn't change the King's love for his son. He'll never not invite his son to a family gathering, because that's not who he is.'

The implication is that Harry – pointedly, not Meghan – is always invited and always expected to turn those invitations down. Appreciated for it, perhaps.

And this from a Daily Beast article gives more clarity:

A source whom the Sunday Times said had “recently spent time with the royal family in Scotland” was quoted as saying: “The family has firmly shut the door on them for the time being, because of the documentary and the book. Before those, there was always the hope that some things might be mended. The king will be faster to forgive than the family because Harry is his son, but the door is still more shut than ajar at the moment.”
abbyh said…
...Royal expert Tom Bower, Author of Revenge, told The Times a book could be next on her schedule.

He said: 'It will be Meghan's truth. There will be a readership for it because she'll undoubtedly settle some scores from her point of view....

That kind of look (vengeful, especially to people who are dead), is never a good look short or long term. And even less princess-like unless that might be how you want to be remembered.

Sandie said…
All the tabloids are attacking hapless for travelling by private jet again and thus being a climate change hypocrite. The truth is he has not done any preaching on the climate change bandwagon for a long while now, and the obsession with zero carbon emissions is a misguided and Western-led crusade anyway. Hapless is no longer involved with Travelyst in a meaningful way, and that was and is simply an opportunistic way to make money by offering travellers a method to track their carbon emissions. Travelyst makes money from those in the travel industry who sign onto the scheme, which uses a program developed by one of Zuckerbeg's companies. Hapless probably earns money from Travelyst but he does not run the company in any way and no longer even promotes it.

This is their pattern: they jump on a bandwagon and make a lot of pronouncements, set up a scheme to make money and then distance themselves, or jump onto a bandwagon to get attention and donations, most of which they can keep to cover their 'expenses'. They are grifters, but after their first flurry in which they made tens of millions, they have run out of steam in terms of money-making schemes through deals and attracting donations. They seem to be trying to sell themselves as famous, powerful royals, in competition with and surpassing the royal family in the UK, and I assume they plan to make money by being paid for appearances. But I do not see how this can fund their lifestyle - it feeds their egos but will not pay for all her designer gear, the private jets, and so on.
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Turnip can't go to concerts alone, and on private jets without Mr. Turnip, because she will be shunned. No one will make eye contact with her, so Hawwy is her shield. Cameron Diaz, Benji, Zoe Saldana, Celine Dion all ignored Mrs. Turnip. Isn't that right, Rachel?
Magatha Mistie said…

Ship - Syncing

No invite
for Hash and Cash
To Pa’s 75th
birthday bash
Their next appearance
Milli Vanilli
As backing singers
with Arch and Lili
Their use-by date
is well overdue
Time to wise up
Girl, you know it’s true…

Magatha Mistie said…

Cabbages and Kings

As bok said to choy
I would really enjoy
Stir-frying the Royals
for denying you and I

Oh no my petty chou
I’d rather not
Sprout more lies
‘til Spare is forgot…

Maneki Neko said…
Is this another 'Meghan's truth'?

"Harry and Meghan insist Charles snubbed THEM over his 75th birthday party: New family row as couple say they had 'no contact' from Palace amid claims they refused to go - as friends suggest story was 'briefed to distract from Kenya trip'"(DM)

And if Charles did snub them, who could blame him? They spread a rumour (we haven't been invited) then complain when they probably wouldn't have gone anywa, at least *. Why would she want to be in the company of such a racist, bullying - in her mind - family anyway?
Magatha Mistie said…

Thank you 😘
Good to know I’m delivering X

Magatha Mistie said…

What a wanker!
Just seen latest DM

Fifi LaRue said…
There were no photo ops of Hash and Cash with Cameron, Benji, Celine, Zoe, and the billionaires whose jet they were riding on. Hash was scowling during the entire concert, he must be tired of the humiliating charade Cash drags him through trying to get her photo taken.
Sandie said…

He made a video appearance, wearing his medals, to time exactly with the King giving his speech for opening parliament. Childish enjoyment of being annoying or desperately trying to jump onto a royal gravy train?

The entire article is interesting a it shows how people still gush all over them.

I think the two of them should learn a useful skill and get a job.

At the opening of Parliament, does anyone know who the boys are (4 on one side in red and 2 in the other side in black)?
Sandie said…
Hash and Cash ...LOL! You hit the mark with that line!

The lads to either side of CRIII are their pages, tasked with helping them with the heavy velvet mantles - I don't know their names. The King's pages are in the traditional livery as worn at Coronation in '53 and presumably earlier. OTOH, Camilla's `ladies' are now called her `Companions' rather than `Ladies in Waiting', presumably because it suggests a flatter hierarchy.

The republicans yelling about the cost of the pomp and folks' electricity bills sound as if they think the bling was purchased recently. Their beef is with the institution of monarchy, not with CRIII himself. I take it they'd like an elected HofS, hence the `Not my King'. Still, if there were an election for the next monarch, William would win by a landslide.
VetusSacculi said…
Gawd they are so tiresome when it comes to invitations - they kept everyone waiting as regards if and who was coming to the Platinum Jubilee and then the Coronation. I seriously think *'s personality development stopped in her teenage years from the way she carries on.

Do you think * might ever cotton on to the fact that maybe, just maybe, any invitation is for Harold alone? I don't know if they have "private secretaries" but I bet their household is set up that he never gets to see his own mail first.
Maneki Neko said…

I bet their household is set up that he never gets to see his own mail first.

That's always a possibility but I'd imagine by now the Palace is wise to *'s shenanigans and contacts H via email - faster and for his eyes only, unless she insists on a joint email account. He could always get his own on the quiet, though.

Sandie said…
Found this through a SMM post ... it is so bizarre. (She started her The Tig in 2014.)

Tig Productions
Tig Productions is Kevin Costner's production company, named for Costner’s paternal grandmother, Tig.
Logo (November 25, 1992-2006)
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: She's stalking everybody.
Sandie said…
Thanks! I did not watch the video of them entering Parliament and so was baffled by the two groups of boys.
Sandie said…
I've just had 5 back to back stories pop up in my news feed suggesting the same common themes:

Meghan felt humiliated by the Family Guy skit and sees it as an attack from within Hollywood.
Their brand is suffering and she believes reconciliation with the Royal Family is the only way to avoid further embarrassment.
Harry reached out to William before his New York trip and was ignored.
Something something Christmas spirit.

Although I can believe that these stories are based on nonsense spouting forth from Mudslide Manor, I do not think that either of the duo have any interest in any kind of family reconciliation. He appears miserable but I doubt that he could or would face any kind of truth, and she firmly believes in her own fabulousness and thus has no need of any kind of royal reconciliation. Besides, Scoobie's Endgame is soon to be published and we know it contains a vicious attack on the royal family, especially William. Of course the duo will deny any kind of collaboration and distance themselves, as they did with Scoobie's first book about them. They lied then about collaboration and they will be lying again.

Christmas visit?
Beware of gingers bearing gifts.

So * has given H an `ultimatum'? Make up with CRIII & WM (but especially CRIII) or... what?

Maneki Neko said…
Apologies if this has been mentioned before, I don't remember seeing it. It's a mock video of the Harkles' early days of their relationship. It's very short but funny.
Magatha Mistie said…

Quickie 🎤
Apologies: Home on the Range

St-range Rovers

Home, home of deranged
Where madam demands
the last say
Often she’s heard
shrieking four letter words
Whilst the kids
ain’t ever seen out at play…

Girl with a Hat said…

Yep, just as we always predict they are out again, at a staged PR event for veterans in San Diego.

They're both wearing poppies - I guess from all their world travelling, late-night parties, concert hopping etc. The delusional ones think they are in Britain.

the hairballs doing veteran type pr shots with poppies on their lapels.
Girl with a Hat said…
How does a former Prince of England become a representative for U.S. soldiers?
Girl with a Hat said…

Who knew “private citizens” could get access to a Marine Corps Base

Oh right.. it’s them pesky royal connections that allow this to continue
Ian's Girl said…
The William is bi rumors confirm for me that Harry is. These two are always accusing others of what they are doing. I could care less what a grown man does in his own bed, assuming age and consent are as should be, but this is very typically how they operate.
Sandie said…

Update on Samantha's lawsuit against her sister at above link. TBW's lawyers had to apologize to the judge for changing the wording of what she said, which is on record, and tried to lie about her involvement with the Netflix mockumentary series (since she and claim that she was not the executive producer (yes she was and was named as such). I am not sure what the Bouzy part was about but I think he made false claims and lied in the mockumentary and as executive producer she is ultimately responsible for that.

Can someone please explain yo me why a lawyer would lie to a judge for a client? Lawyers in the UK did that for her as well.
Sandie said…

What the heck are they doing? So desperately trying to be royals!
Magatha Mistie said…

Out, damned thot

Constant shape shifting
from light to dark
Draining her victims
indelible mark
Will take more than garlic
to eradicate ‘er
Meg the Impaler
C*ntess Rachula…

@Ian's Girl

Just three words-

Projection, projection, projection...
Magatha Mistie said…

Loose Cannons

Remember, remember
the ex royal member
Nose powder, treason
and thot
They’re way beyond reason
‘Tis open season
Megxit, megdacious muzzled shot…

was meant for Bonfire Night 🔥


`Omid appears similar to Meghan with a sense of self-loath on their race and projecting racism on everyone else.'

Do we know what ethnicity Ovid Scroates considers himself to be?

I gather his father is/was Irish (not known if from Northern or Republic ). His mother was of Iranian origin (ie Caucasian). By birthplace, he's Welsh, born in Swansea according to the Registrar General's records.
PS There's a possibility that OS's father was of Scots origin - I've just looked into the distribution of the name in E&W - distinctly northern.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat
The b&w photo of those two looks terribly staged. It looks like an old one (also, where did they get a poppy?).
They can spend time with "veterans and active duty service members & their loved ones" but they can't spend time with their own loved ones. On reflection, they're not their loved ones any more.
Maneki Neko said…
Samantha Markle arrives in Florida court as her half-sister Meghan tries to get defamation case dismissed: Judge indicates decision will be in the coming days

Let's hope the malevolent witch is thwarted by the judge.
Sandie said…
Smol Energy Reading on Harry
Ace of Clubs (new beginnings/potential/tasks), 9 of Spades (overwhelm/fear/insomnia/worries), 10 of Spades (betrayal/dead-end/exhausting)

Harry's picking up a new project/venture but he's very worried. He wonders whether he'll be able to do what he needs to do in order to make this project/venture a success. The 10 of Spades tells me that he's reached a dead-end. He's out of ideas and doesn't know what to do with this project (and his life). He probably feels all alone too.

Interesting short tarot reading ... it is not difficult to see this in his body language. My shortish interpretation of these cards from a tarot perspective (look at the upright and reversed meaning and you get a sense of the turmoil ... because it is such a short reading it is difficult to assess how these energies will play out in his life, but 9 and 10 of Swords together is pretty darn hectic and depressing):

* Ace of Wands (Clubs) UPRIGHT: Inspiration, new opportunities, growth, potential
REVERSED: An emerging idea, lack of direction, distractions, delays
* 9 of Swords (Spades) UPRIGHT: Anxiety, worry, fear, depression, nightmares REVERSED: Inner turmoil, deep-seated fears, secrets, releasing worry
* 10 of Swords (Clubs) UPRIGHT: Painful endings, deep wounds, betrayal, loss, crisis REVERSED: Recovery, regeneration, resisting an inevitable end
Thanks to a link on SMM, I found this in Steeple Times:

My assertion that Do-do Scooper was born in Swansea was from, a generally reliable, volunteer-run, non-profit, genealogical site used by family historians. working on the Registrar General's registers for England and Wales. That's how I confirmed that OS had lied about his age. The record was removed shortly after I mentioned it here.

Of course a transcriber may have made an error but it it's worth noting that `Oxfordshire' is so much `classier' than the once-industrial Swansea (coal and metalworks).

No offence intended to anyone else born in Swansea, after all, it's where Dylan Thomas originated.
Aha! Got it!

Scobie was born in Wales in July 1981 and grew up in Oxford with his younger brother and parents, an Iranian social worker mother and a British marketing director father. He attended Magdalen College School and then entered the sixth form at Cherwell School in Oxford. He studied journalism at the London College of Communication

- as of today, 9/11/23

I like the discussion page - so much deemed `of low-importance. There's discussion about the former removal of a reference to his birthplace:

When Unbh started deleting text from this article there was one (not "lots") unsourced statement - birthplace of Wales which is hardly controversial and is now sourced.

It amuses/?irritates me when people refuse to believe the Registrar General's evidence - my g-father knocked 2 years off his age when he married Granny and the family insist to this day that he was 48 when he died, because `it said so on his Death Certificate'. No, he'd turned 50. - his son, who reported the death, had accepted the fib. The official records (the RG and the parish register) say otherwise.

King Charles left surprised by Meghan Markle's four-word reply to his kind gesture

Meghan Markle had an unexpected reply when King Charles offered to walk her down the aisle when she married Prince Harry in 2018.

Not that the DE quotes it verbatim - but at least it's a start
Girl with a Hat said…
Sarah Ferguson could land a presenting job for This Morning
Digging around some more, I discovered that both OS's parents follow the Baha'i faith, both being listed on line in connection with the Oxford baha'is.

I wonder what, if any, influence Baha'i teaching has had on how OS sees the world?
Girl with a Hat said…

I find it surprising that Scobie's parents are Baha'i. Everyone I know who follows that faith are wonderful, loving and compassionate human beings. They are walking advertisements for their faith.

I wonder why Scobie turned out to be a self-loathing, vindictive snake in the grass?
According to Scobie his mother is a "slightly aristocratic Persian, not Iranian" whatever that means. Tatler had an article about him in August 2021.

I believe that people are either aristocratic or not, not "slightly", but that tells more about Scobie's inferiority complex. That man is a moron.
Magatha Mistie said…

Quickie 🎤
Apologies: Lionel Bart-Oliver
Consider Yourself


Consider yourselves excised
Consider yourselves out of the family
We took against her
real strong
It’s clear, we were
right all along

Consider yourselves cast-out
Consider yourselves
tossed off the balcony
We really you’ll see
don’t care
We’re, Just
happy to have no Spare…

Magatha Mistie said…

It appears Omit
doesn’t Baha’id with them


Yes, it struck me as odd. I can imagine him being a prig at school though and I daresay he was bullied.
Magatha Mistie said…

Why, I reckon he’s been
more times than a
rotisserie chook.
The old hens comb is over
scratting around ‘til he
loses his last feathers

Sandie said…
Some interesting posts from

The tea is this: she told him the Beyonce concert was "date night" .

This isn't his first rodeo, & eventually realizing coverage had been orchestrated left him hurt. Tension is real.

Basically the conversation is that she convinces him it will be a fun/romantic private date night and she does not always tell him that she has arranged to be photographed. This causes friction between them. I think his miserable face at some outings, especially in contrast with her fixed smile, makes this story believable. (I have no idea what rodeo has to do with the subject matter of the above tweet!)
Not only is SMM highly indignant about the Harkles' exploitation of poppies and our Remembrance Day -

- but they've uncovered some further, sinister, connections between H and the rich elite's attempts to control the flow and content of information -
1pm news
H given leave to proceed with suing the DM

Prince Harry wins latest stage in case against Mail publisher
42 minutes ago
By Sean Coughlan
Royal correspondent
The Duke of Sussex can go ahead with claims against Associated Newspapers of unlawfully obtaining information, as a court ruling opens the way for a trial.

The Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday publishers wanted to stop the case, arguing claims of getting "information by deception" were out of time.

But a judge has decided the case, involving Prince Harry and six other high-profile claimants, can proceed.

Associated Newspapers strongly denied the allegations as "preposterous".

In a High Court ruling on Friday, Mr Justice Nicklin said Associated Newspapers had "not been able to deliver a 'knockout blow' to the claims of any of these claimants".

As well as Prince Harry, the newspaper group faces multiple claims of "gross breaches of privacy" from Sir Elton John, David Furnish, Elizabeth Hurley, Sadie Frost, Sir Simon Hughes and Baroness Doreen Lawrence.

This includes allegations of bugging devices in cars, listening into phone calls and dishonestly obtaining medical and financial information.

Prince Harry accuses Associated Newspapers in privacy claim
Why did Prince Harry appear in person in court?
How did Prince Harry get on in Mirror Group court case?
The decision that the case can go to a full trial was welcomed by actor Hugh Grant, the director of the Hacked Off group, which campaigns for press reforms.

"This ruling is a significant blow to the Daily Mail and great news for anyone who wants the truth about allegations of illegal press practices to come out," he said.

But a statement from Associated Newspapers said: "As we have always made unequivocally clear, the lurid claims made by Prince Harry and others of phone-hacking, landline-tapping, burglary and sticky-window microphones are simply preposterous and we look forward to establishing this in court in due course."

The newspaper group also welcomed as a "significant victory" the ruling that unpublished information given on "strict grounds of confidentiality" to the Leveson Inquiry into phone hacking could not be used as evidence in this case.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Rodeo is American slang for "this isn't the first time."
Martha said…
@wbbm…thanks for the links to the Reddit saint Megan thread. What a trove of information. Interesting to see all the $ connections in the US, as well as the Bloomberg Earthshot connection. Also, the article posted above…his newspaper win…all very interesting…
Maneki Neko said…
Major setback for Prince Harry and Sir Elton John's privacy case against Associated Newspapers as judge rules they cannot use confidential information supplied to Leveson Inquiry
Hikari said…



PR Machine working overtime. She's a heart attack all right.
OKay said…
@Sandie "Not my first rodeo" is just an expression that means "I've been through this before."
Sandie said…
@FifiLaRue and @OKay
Thank you so much! I have never heard that expression before so the meaning went way above my head!
Maneki Neko said…
* "HEART ATTACK GORGEOUS". Ha ha! And that's the main thing about attending a Navy Seals event? This is about veterans, not *, not about her expensive wardrobe, nor her looks. They cheapen every event or cause they attend by their mere presence.
Girl with a Hat said…
I just had a look at "heart attack" gorgeous * at the yahoo site.

She looks like and has the facial expression of Jada Pinkett Smith.
Fifi LaRue said…
* is getting uglier by the day. Her interior is coming forth to the exterior.
Elskainga said…
This Youtube vlogger, Avid Gardener, came up on my feed. She read an article from Life&Style (may be a part of Yahoo News) discussing how twit and twat want to rejoin the BRF because they are $28 Million In Debt!!!

Like Avid Gardener and the majority of commenters on her page, I am skeptical about the debt amount. However, with that said, I absolutely believe they are hurting financially and can no longer sustain their lifestyle and are on the road to bankruptcy. Will be interesting to see if the creeps sue this news outlet. If not, then it’s Sussex pr. What could the motive be behind declaring to the world you are a financial risk and loser???

Below is the link for the article but it is a long address and may be easier to just go to the YouTube link and click the article in her description box
Girl with a Hat said…
There's an article in the DM today (which I won't link to) about how their "friends" have to choose between the Hairballs and KC3. The "friends" they drag out for the story are:
- Katy Perry
- the Clooneys
- the Beckhams
- Edward Enninful, the outgoing editor of British Vogue

Does anyone really think that any of these people are true friends to the despicable pair?
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: No. None of the people you mentioned are friends with Hash and Cash.

IMO they are not $28 million in debt because that would mean that Mrs. couldn't pay her monthly or quarterly statement to WME. As soon as the bill goes delinquent, that's when the retainer goes dead, and WME kicks her off their client list, just as Sunshine Sachs did.
Sandie said…
WME: I think how a contract works with them is they take a percentage of the deals they get for the client, so she is not paying them a retainer. She has been signed with them for months now and no deals have emerged. She is probably a very high-maintaince client who demands a large team runs around doing her bidding. I doubt that she has clear direction or realistic expectations so WME is getting no return on their investment at all. Reviving The Tig was, in my opinion, a viable option for her and WME would have made some money from merching deals they could secure for her. But she has no coherent 'image' or goal, and simply getting trademark applications approved for anything they do is something they cannot achieve. She needs commercial partnerships, which she will not get tagging on to appearances on her husband's platform, which just get her attention but no income. Appearing at concerts gets her attention but no merching deals. Hollywood does not want her. The awards they buy get attention but no deals. Did WME broker the deal to buy the rights to that book for Netflix and get her and her husband named as executive directors? I don't see how WME could have even covered the costs of working with her with that deal. Surely her and WME will soon part ways?
Remembrance tide is a very sombre affair and I always have to fight back the tears when watching the Sunday ceremony in Whitehall. I recall that three of my first cousins were lost ( two in the RAF, one as a merchant seaman on convoy) before I was born, that my first husband undoubtedly had his end hastened by his posting to Christmas Island, and how my father carried shrapnel in his body for the rest of his life from his service in France & Flanders 1917- 1918.

So it's hardly surprising if HM the King usually looks tearful at the Cenotaph ceremony, where he lays a wreath on behalf of the Nation, . Today proved no different - doubtless, the Sugars will claim it was because H wasn't there - a case of `O Absalom, my son' perhaps?

I think not.

BTW, 10 000 civilians took part in the wreath-laying procession. Having handed over their wreaths to be laid at the Cenotaph, they proceeded past the saluting base where the Princess Royal took the salute as Admiral of the Fleet. After almost an hour-and-a-half, her arm must have ached - one amazing lady! The Minister of Defence, on the dais with her, seemed to get a teensy bit bored but she didn't falter.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: The Mrs. could just start her blog without merching, just to get it started. She could write about recipes, fashion for children, nightlife, going to concerts, her humanitarian causes, her good friends Kerry Washington, Cameron Diaz, etc. There are lots of blogs where the writer is not selling a thing.

Maybe you are right about the percentage thing. But Mrs. Turnip's behavior is so bizarre, demented and demanding that the hope-for-the-percentage payoff would not be enough to offset the horror Mrs. would put the staff through, valuable staff.
OKay said…
@Sandie It's been reported that the Mrs. does in fact have to pay WME an upfront fee, and I believe on a monthly basis, for exactly the reasons you state. She has no deals providing income. Ari E. isn't stupid. He's doesn't work for free.
Sandie said…
@Fifi LaRue
I completely agree that no amount of money that WME could earn from her as a client is worth the craziness of working with her. To me, restarting The Tig and using it for merching is the easiest route to make money, for the client and WME. For heaven's sake, we can see that she now has far more content to post on a blog than before she met hapless, so she would make more money than 'before the prince' and would probably get more followers as well, plus plenty of attention. Trademarking the name might be the obstacle, but keeping her focused, finding a team that could work with her to run the blog, and getting her to put in constructive time (hours) every day to make connections, get photographs taken, discuss ideas with her and get the merching deals is probably a problem. I wonder if fear of the inevitable criticism by exposing herself is unconsciously holding her back. (But I do think that she has been unable to trademark the name fully.)

Even for hapless this easy route to get attention and make money merching through blogging (or getting a team to do it for him like when he was a royal) seems like a no-brainer but I suspect that he is also very difficult and obstructive to work with. He also seems to have an antipathy to actually working to earn, and the days when they were paid millions just to turn up and be treated like major global celebrities are long gone. They are still getting the invitations but the big payments have dried up and it is probably costing them to make those appearances.
OCGal said…
“Does anyone think MM will have regrets down the road?” Question on subreddit SMM

Perfect answer: “… (MM) Doesn't feel bad at all. If she had the chance, she would've done it all over again. But more ruthless and vindictive the 2nd time around”

I agree wholeheartedly. No matter what astoundingly destructive and wrong actions she has taken since joining the Royal Family, they would pale in comparison to the actions we would witness if she had the chance to do it all again, to start again at square one to achieve a different outcome. She would wreak total destruction on everyone and everything to achieve her aims.

I have said before that I consider her genuinely dangerous. She has demonstrated that she actively gets innocent people’s jobs and careers destroyed. She falsely accuses people of racism plus who knows what else, and gets her minions to do same. I believe her accusations hurried HM the late Queen and Prince Philip to their graves.

If she had a chance to do these years over again, I believe she would not hesitate to do even worse in order to fulfill her aims.

Yes, more ruthless and vindictive is right.

The related question would be: if he had the chance to do it all again, would Harry? And if yes, would he also be even more cold bloodedly ruthless and vindictive?
Opus said…
We had a very nice remembrance service down here at the War Memorial. On Friday at about eight o'clock passing Tesco I was shouted at for wearing a Poppy. These are ominous indeed frightening times when wearing a poppy is treated as a reactionary political act. Very poor quality poppy too which even after I had superglued it earlier fell in two during the service. I can never quite determine whether my father's trip to Arnhem psychologically affected him for he spent a couple of decades shouting at myself and my brother most days that he had won the war for our freedom and that I should be in Vietnam which so he supposed was WW3. My Aunt's husband is buried in Normandy, my sister's Father-in-Law, an Olympian, never made it either. Awful, just awful.
Opus, yes, times are ominous.

I recently had a run-in with a person from a former Warsaw-Pact country, now EU, over something very trivial. She refused to apologise for her manner and continued to rail at me.
Nevertheless, I was dissuaded from complaining to higher management - lest I be accused of R-ism. Apart from her behaving like a narcissist (being furious when asked to apologise) I suspect she doesn't like people with noses like mine - quite a tradition of that in her country, I gather. It's very troubling that so very many here now take that view.

Sandie said…
I did watch the video in this post, but the two remarks that jumped out for me are:

"Kinsey spoke to someone who heard Meghan say she was going to limit Harry’s polo playing." (The person Kinsey spoke to had spoken directly to TBW, who said that she was afraid of the high risk of injury for her husband hence she was 'limiting' his polo playing. What a load of manipulative BS!)

"Kinsey says her Doctor’s wife went to school with Meghan at Northwestern. Kinsey asked if she was nice? He answered, 'No.'" (The doctor did not elaborate on that much but he was quite definite in saying 'No'.)
Sandie said…
More tea:


I have another juicy bit of gossip from montishitshow. Haznoballs is feeling very aggrieved & indignant that this yr there has been no contact what so ever since the coronaton. He feels disgruntled that he's put multiple olive branches out to both Charles & William, without any response from them, & unable to make direct contact with either. To many it was a surprise that he also tried Catherine, who apparently also refused his calls or to have any contact. He's moaning to all & sundry about his family ignoring him, but people are bored of hearing it.

There was a plan afoot for haz and megain to visit with family friends the Harpers, but apparently it was made it clear they'd only be welcome with the children. Haz & megain had planned to turn up for the Christmas walk to church, reminding the world (or rather the people they're begging for work) to see they're still senior royals & privy to all goings on behind closed doors. Also they planned on demanding William share the Duchy of Cornwalls income with Haz as they're equal brothers & if agree, megain and H would release no more words, speeches, or interviews attacking the RF (imo blackmail-pay us to be quiet) reminder this is ALLEGED.

Charles & William were informed of this, So Major Thompson, kings equerry, was tasked with informing Haz that unless the children (both) were with them, they would not be welcome. As you can imagine (again apparently) Haz was indignant that he considers someone so beneath him, could dare to tell him what he can and cannot do, Following this interaction the Harpers informed H they now wouldn't be in the uk, but instead Barbados, therefore unable to accommodate them.


ps, The irony of this is only reason people know so much because it's shouted about from room to room, of course NDA's were signed by SOME staff, but not those they considered lower on the ladder.
Sandie said…

Part 1 of Kinsey's conversation with Enty the lawyer from CDAN, with a great summary provided in the above post.
Sandie said…

Interesting comments from a card reader on what she picks up about the dynamic between the duo ... I see the same thing in the tarot readings I have done: in reality they have been on separate paths (but not necessarily living apart, which makes sense to me as the property they have is big enough for them to be 'together but separate') for quite a while now:

"In public, Meghan appears to be very supportive of Harry. She talks about him and their love all the time. Her fans even call her Harry’s biggest cheerleader 🤷‍♀️. In my readings with Harry, Meghan is rarely in the picture. She’s living a completely separate life. However, this is all just speculation since we don’t know what happens behind close doors."
Hikari said…

Does anyone think MM will have regrets down the road?” Question on subreddit SMM

Perfect answer: “… (MM) Doesn't feel bad at all. If she had the chance, she would've done it all over again. But more ruthless and vindictive the 2nd time around”

I agree wholeheartedly. No matter what astoundingly destructive and wrong actions she has taken since joining the Royal Family, they would pale in comparison to the actions we would witness if she had the chance to do it all again, to start again at square one to achieve a different outcome. She would wreak total destruction on everyone and everything to achieve her aims.

This one's wife is incapable of regrets. To have regrets means that one acknowledges that one has made mistakes, poor choices, handled situations badly and could have done better. In short--that one is flawed. She will never do this, and furthermore, can't. Watching HG Tudor dissect her has given me clarity about this pernicious mental disorder that afflicts her and H both. HG reiterates again and again that her Narcissism protects her from experiencing the full consequences of the way she is. She gets angry in the moment of course when she doesn't instantly get her way, but her anger is entirely projected outward at various bullies, racists, stupid, uncooperative people and anyone who doesn't immediately fall at her feet in worship at her wonderfulness. Any blame is never directed to herself. That's why H is her useful idiot; as primary fuel source/whipping boy (quite literally, I'm sure) he makes a handy target. And of course any media/SMM personalities/judges/family members on either side that don't hew to her own self-worship.
The only regret she can feel is self-pity and I'd wager the same goes for H. That's why their endless victim train will never stop. In their shared world view, everyone and everything, apart from themselves, is to blame for any misfortunes.

These two are severely brain damaged people and both belong in secure institutional settings. But because H is a Prince of the Realm and his father is a King, he gets to roam freerange in the world with his succubus.
Hikari said…
@OCGal, Pt. 2

I have said before that I consider her genuinely dangerous. She has demonstrated that she actively gets innocent people’s jobs and careers destroyed. She falsely accuses people of racism plus who knows what else, and gets her minions to do same. I believe her accusations hurried HM the late Queen and Prince Philip to their graves.

If she had a chance to do these years over again, I believe she would not hesitate to do even worse in order to fulfill her aims.

This one's wife's Narcissism (I'm adopting HG Tudor's new moniker for her) was basically a local phenomenon prior to snaring Hairball. Anyone who'd come into her personal orbit within her family, schools, various men she leeched off of and either married/shacked up with and colleagues on various jobs were well-aware of her mental problems and ability to inflict damage but until H gave her a global platform, the damage she could do to other people's lives was localized and small-scale. It's the resources that the RF gave her though H that make her dangerous. Even if KCIII is no longer funding them or giving them a crumb of his time, as long as H lives and the narrative is maintainted that she's got two Royal children in her custody, she will have her claws into the Royal brand, if only adjacently. Even though mocking them has become a media sport, they are still everywhere; the dumpster fire that is their lives still continues to rage its malignant conflagration over the popular consciousness. The only 'success' this one's wife has truly had is in her deft weaponization of the R-card . . that's her ace in the hole and the gullible, aided by a complicit media Zeitgeist, where it's open season on any form of 'white privilege' actually swallow her narrative that the RF drove her away because it couldn't tolerate her 'black babies'. Meanwhile we've only been shown children of dubious provenance who are whiter in appearance than any of Catherine's children. The self-loathing is very strong with TO's Wife but her narcissism protects her from such self-knowledge. Her broken mind has engineered a way to absolutely avoid facing up to how inadequate/ugly/worthless she actually feels by constructing a inner landscape that completely controdicts these beliefs. That's why the projected Narcissistic Collapse won't actually occur, to my view . . If it did that would mean that she'd have to allow the stark reality of her own actual self intrude and her mind won't allow that. Some Narcs appear to have self-awareness whereby this might occur for them, but she's not that highly evolved and her mind has taken refuge in her own constructed fantasy world.

She will remain dangerous until she's completely repudiated and exposed for what she is, and all her resources are taken away from her. But in the current atmosphere this doesn't appear to be likely. Not anytime soon and maybe not ever. No containing all the ugly things that have escaped from Pandora's Box.

Hikari said…
@OCGal, Pt. 3

The related question would be: if he had the chance to do it all again, would Harry? And if yes, would he also be even more cold bloodedly ruthless and vindictive?

It's hard to imagine how H could be more vindictive and hurtful toward his family than he already has been, given how he betrayed them all and continues to concoct vicious rumors about them. I suppose SPARE could have been even more vicious than it was; he pulled a few punches, but then, I think a sequel has always been planned. If he held anything back, it wouldn't have been out of shame or decorum but merely that he was saving some grenades to lob in the second installment. Perhaps Scabby's forthcoming work is going to stand in as the sequel. We've been promised that his wife is going to be settling some scores from her point of view. Does this mean continuing to abuse the memories of her late Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh? Because piling on the dead is a really sympathetic look.

She's bad, but what is she but a two-bit interloper and professional party girl who by her own admission was entirely ignorant about everything about the Royal family, apart from the fact that they were rich. Harry's own complicity . . .actively gleeful complicity ... in the character assassination of his own father, brother and grandparents is shocking. And unjustifiable. There is no scenario in which he can be justified, exonerated or excused for what he has done. I'd like to think that if he could get back in a time machine and NOT get carnally involved with the 'hot girl from Suits' who had actively stalked him for the role and given the Soho House cohort a wide berth--he would do it. But that would mean that H would have to become a different, better man than he was. Sadly I think he's too self-absorbed, mean and stupid to make different choices even given the opportunity. When he bailed on his Marines at Deal to do her bidding and use his status to procure her an acting job, I knew he was a lost cause. He hasn't proven me wrong since. So I don't know that he'd be able to be MORE vindictive a second time 'round but I do think he'd sign up for this life of misery all over again, yep and do the exact same bone-headed things. He has no ability for self-reflection at all and besides that believes himself to be a smart guy full of great ideas to save the world. He's the poster boy for Dunning-Kruger effect because he cannot accept his own painful intellectual limitations. His main driver in life is to prove that he is not only the equal of William but the better man. His Narcissism protects him, too. Reality bites, and neither of this pair can face what they truly are.
OCGal said…
@Hikari, you wrote

“In their shared world view, everyone and everything, apart from themselves, is to blame for any misfortunes.”

And that leads to her rage which then reveals itself (according to both of them) in her collapsing in a heap in floods of tears when absolutely anything or anyone doesn’t go to her plan.

And then Hapless rushes to aid and comfort her, mirroring and amplifying her distress. He couldn’t do anything as a little boy to help his distressed mom, so gets to re-live that time and try to change the outcome by supporting MM’s histrionics and unwarranted accusations towards all and sundry. I suspect that any time he seems to be growing up and pulling away to reach escape velocity, she pulls her crumpled puddle of tears shtick, and he gets pulled right back into her malevolent orbit.

He is still demanding and waiting for an apology to Meghan from the Royal Family. Anything they said or did to her was fully justified in my opinion. As you mused:

“The only regret she can feel is self-pity and I'd wager the same goes for H. That's why their endless victim train will never stop.”

Their victim train chugs along unceasingly but luckily it seems that most of the world is now debarking from their train, which is built of asbestos and lead paint, fueled by chlorine, ammonia and benzene, and draped in poison ivy.
OCGal said…
@Hikari, I loved everything you wrote in parts 1, 2, and 3. Thank you for all the thoughtful and thought-provoking stuff you lobbed.

Fun bit, you mentioned Dunning-Kruger effect in part 3. Another poster on SMM subreddit recently referred to the loathsome twosome as:

Duke and Duchess of Dunning-Kruger

What a perfect title for them.
OCGal said…
@Sandie, thanks for all the great tea! I always love the links you give us, and the snippets of juicy quotes. Keep ‘em comin’

You quoted: “He (Harry) feels disgruntled that he's put multiple olive branches out to both Charles & William, without any response from them”.

Phhhtt: what he is mischaracterizing as olive branches are rightfully considered by the intended recipients as lit firecrackers.
Hikari said…
There was a plan afoot for haz and megain to visit with family friends the Harpers, but apparently it was made it clear they'd only be welcome with the children. Haz & megain had planned to turn up for the Christmas walk to church, reminding the world (or rather the people they're begging for work) to see they're still senior royals & privy to all goings on behind closed doors. Also they planned on demanding William share the Duchy of Cornwalls income with Haz as they're equal brothers & if agree, megain and H would release no more words, speeches, or interviews attacking the RF (imo blackmail-pay us to be quiet) reminder this is ALLEGED.

Charles & William were informed of this, So Major Thompson, kings equerry, was tasked with informing Haz that unless the children (both) were with them, they would not be welcome. As you can imagine (again apparently) Haz was indignant that he considers someone so beneath him, could dare to tell him what he can and cannot do, Following this interaction the Harpers informed H they now wouldn't be in the uk, but instead Barbados, therefore unable to accommodate them.

Well, I guess I would call this a quiet Kraken release. I realize this is only alleged tea. KCIII could tighten the screws further and release an official invitation on the Royal page to his estranged son, d-i-l and bairns, to the effect that Their Majesties would be delighted to welcome the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and children to the annual Christmas festivities. Perhaps Kensington Palace could chime in with how much George, Charlotte and Louis look forward to welcoming their cousins for Christmas.

Then it will be left to H & M to explain why, after claiming multitudous olive branches from their end that have been rejected, allegedly, they cannot after all attend Christmas with Archie and Lilibet. Meghan has to make lunch for the children, you see, and that is so incredibly time-consuming it takes days. If we recall, infant Archie was too little to go to Balmoral for his first Christmas but Ibiza and Auntie Elton's house in Nice weren't too far.

Well-played, your Majesty. This comes as close to a blatant acknowledgement that these children have never been seen by their Royal relatives as we are likely to get. The egregious duo has been called out. It's put up or shut up time. Well, as I am of the school that there are no children of theirs in Montecito or anywhere, it looks like the Royals will enjoy a blessedly Sussex-free festive season (again). Because if H's wife is a mother and has been waiting for the best time to flaunt her Royal titled spawn in England, the King has just given her the opportune time to prove it.

Stymied again, oh dear Mugsy oh dear. Guess she will have to scrounge up some Christmas parade to haul her rent-a-tots to and she will release those photos on Christmas Day, since she will not be attending the walk in Sandringham.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
Opus, yes, times are ominous.

Indeed. This is terribly off-topic, and I do apologize. I'm an infrequent poster now, but please take care over the holiday season! Any gathering with large groups of people is a potential target.

Daughter wants to move herself and her kids out of her city so badly, BUT there's an ex-husband to deal with and a son that is attending high school and college at the same time. Regardless, daughter and two younger children will be relocating here at the end of the school year (May); by the end of this year if things get spicy out there. (This is why I'm an infrequent poster; we may have five more people moving in soon. Very soon. We have to change our house around to accommodate them.)

Back on Topic: In the meantime, This One and That One are showing up at events that their security *should* be telling them to avoid. Guess the desire for publicity, any publicity, is overwhelming the need for safety. Their financial needs must be pressing.

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 Not much appears to be going on. Living Legends came and went without fanfare ... what's the next event?   Super Bowl - Sunday February 11th?  Oscar's - March 10th?   In the mean time, some things are still rolling along in various starts and stops like Samantha's law suit. Or tax season is about to begin in the US.  The IRS just never goes away.  Nor do bills (utility, cable, mortgage, food, cars, security, landscape people, cleaning people, koi person and so on).  There's always another one.  Elsewhere others just continue to glide forward without a real hint of being disrupted by some news out of California.   That would be the new King and Queen or the Prince/Princess of Wales.   Yes there are health risks which seemed to come out of nowhere.  But.  The difference is that these people are calmly living their lives with minimal drama.  

Christmas is Coming

 The recent post which does mention that the information is speculative and the response got me thinking. It was the one about having them be present at Christmas but must produce the kids. Interesting thought, isn't it? Would they show?  What would we see?  Would there now be photos from the rota?   We often hear of just some rando meeting of rando strangers.  It's odd, isn't it that random strangers just happen to recognize her/them and they have a whole conversation.  Most recently it was from some stranger who raved in some video (link not supplied in the article) that they met and talked and listened to HW talk about her daughter.  There was the requisite comment about HW of how she is/was so kind).  If people are kind, does the world need strangers to tell us (are we that kind of stupid?) or can we come to that conclusion by seeing their kindness in action?  Service. They seem to always be talking about their kids, parenthood and yet, they never seem to have the kids

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 Twitter appears to be in an uproar about the latest being they are possible separating.  Is it true? Might be.  There does seem to be a heavier rotation of articles about how they have separated recently. But then again, there have been rumors in the past have faded away after nothing more appeared to come of it at that time. As always with them, it's hard to tell.   What are your thoughts?