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And the Next Act is...?

What's next on the docket?

Thinking about the Kevin Costner event.  What do you think each person was told about how they should do during this  "event"? 

That's an interesting rabbit hole.  Who said what to whom and when?  What is intriguing is to wonder: who would have thought to pre-think how to handle it if she did X, do this or if he did that, then this.  Or did anyone feel the need to come up with flowchart responses for anyone else?

And, what kind of fallout options are there now that that is out there on video tape which are being whispered about and will dog them?  footnote 1

I don't know but do most events have to think up how to handle what could be a "difficult" situation that guest X or guest Y might decide to go free range?  Having always been on the responsibility level for tickets of low level special events, how common is it to have to have guidelines for handling free ranging participants or is it only people they think "could be" a problem?  Or is this a big city/VIP thing?  Talk show backstage must be a job fraught with a lot of tension.

Politics?  Maybe?  Maybe not though.  The comments on the DM are quite the range from her supporters who cannot wait for this/do not appear to be promising to be able to vote though ... to people dying to see how that plays out on South Park.  Or those who wonder if this will finally be what cracks open what has been carefully hidden about her? That would be a cautionary tale of Be careful what you wish for.

One of the problems with politics is that you are actually on a thinner line than as an actress.  If you don't get a part in movie X, there are a lot of other people you are up against.  Other really good people and there isn't a whole lot of public news of how you ranked 657th in a field of 1000 for the role. Politics is very different.  You have a much smaller field of competition (couple versus almost everyone in Hollywood).  And, you (and everyone else on the planet) gets to read your numbers against the others.  You got X votes but someone else got XXXXX votes.  You lost.  Very public loss.  And if you are having any depression, this has the potential to be either a real high (before a lot of work begins) or a very, very embarrassing very public loss). 

I don't really think they would let her start with something as high profile Dianne's seat as her entrance for a couple of reasons.

One is that there have been people circling that seat who are known to the power around Diane already.  They (the source of power) have know this was coming and plans were set up some time ago.  The power people will have a strong sense of who would fit or not fit into that vacuum.  Not as likely to have a complete unknown as the first choice.  Too many unknowns at a time when needing enough people to control Congress can be down to single digits means cannot have a loose cannon.

* has kind of a varied work history - almost debutante-like in the flittering from acting to the British Royal Family to leaving it to, during covid, some good works to life in a big house in Montecito, Spotify, Netflix and then so distraught at events in his autobiography.  Not a lot of sustaining which could translate to work to sell an image in politics next life adventure.  Not to say that she could not step in on the national level but most of the time, people have political experience elsewhere which shows their sustainability to this kind of work as it is not just photo ops of planting a tree somewhere.  It is a lot of time learning about different bills, talking with the others and what is the best decision for the people I represent.

Alex Padilla, the other senator, actually replaced Kamala when she moved up.  He had a chunk of political experience before he became senator.  He was appointed to fill that open slot and then won it in a special election.  Terms are for 6 years and Dianne's was up in 2024 (again, they knew that was coming and needed to be planning on it as the 2024 primary voting date is March 5th - less than 6 months away - wouldn't we have been hearing more discussion of her being a front runner this close if she were a realistic contender?).  

He also is from the LA area which we all know is not that far from Montecito where as Dianne lived in San Francisco.  This may or may not feel important but when you have only two people representing the whole (a big) state, some people may feel that having both seats filled by people who are geographically close to each other may translate to not being sensitive to the needs of people who live in a far corner of the state - very far away from the LA area.

She could be appointed by Newsom (maybe) but would he think that would help or hurt him short and long term?  I do not know.  

Or this could all be moot and was something thought about then but ... that was last year.  Not now.

What do you see as the future for her?  what options?  And for him?  

footnote 1
Um, I am reminded of this song.  Something amusing about the idea of replaying all the parts you like and fast forward those don't.  In reality, the internet really didn't exist at that time so the idea that you could have something good/bad live on so publicly long after you have passed and that you have no control over this  was not an option  for Steve ...  

But what plays out now is that people will continue to see what was done in the past and that the internet doesn't ever forget.  That can get embarrassing.  And harder and harder to hide it (and opponents will have little fear about using it against you).


Fifi LaRue said…
The Turnips wouldn't dare show up at Xmas with rental kids who might cry and scream for their mommys and daddys.
Then there'd be the children's cups and eating utensils swept up, and swabbed for DNA.

The narc collapse might happen when all of their money runs out, unless Mrs. can think up schemes to swindle vulnerable rich old men.
SwampWoman said…
Harry is certainly a pain in the, uh, butt with his mud-slinging at his family, but he has been exposed, by his own words, as a man with Oedipal Mommy Issues. In addition, he has the ability to hold a laughable grudge for YEARS (William got an extra sausage!), he was 'hurt' because his stepmom used his bedroom as a dressing room AFTER HE MOVED OUT, and he possessed a mean streak a mile wide (making fun of a disabled woman that worked at his school, 'outing' the 'older woman' that he had a romp in the bushes with). Did I forget the drug and alcohol issues? Why yes, yes I did!

I don't think any further revelations from the Plastic Persian are going to resonate with the public. I mean, per his book, he fantasized about giving the order to kill his father. I would keep him far, far away from any defenseless children in the family.
Fifi LaRue said…
Re: fantasizing about giving the order to kill his father. If the members of the BRF have any sort of sense of self-preservation, they will never let Gringe get within yelling distance.
Girl with a Hat said…
* thinks that she can crash the Royals' Christmas walk? she still thinks that the BRF is identical to Hollywood where she can sweet talk a security guard to let her in because she lost her invitation.

Doesn't she realize that there are armed soldiers and armed security protecting the BRF and that she has been deemed a threat to the Prince of Wales and his family?

She'll be lucky if they let her into the country, much less allow her to waltz up to Sandringham to sneak into the royals' procession to and from church.

The woman is insane, in other words.
Hikari said…

Despite being gifted a copy of H’s manure pile, I couldn’t bring myself to read more than a few chapters. Such self-absorbed petty litany of grievances made for very tedious reading. I still can’t believe he’s banging on about extra sausages. William was two years older and much bigger so it might be a reasonable assumption to give him an extra sausage. Not because he’s the heir but because he needed more food. Was Harry told outright that he couldn’t have another helping of sausages because he was just Sparry… Or it was that the presumption he made in his mean petty little mind? I’m sure if it got back to Diana that there was birth order-based sausage rationing going on, she would’ve put a stop to that and told nanny that H was to be given as many sausages as he wanted. And uncharitable thought comes to mind that choking on a sausage would have served Greedy Guts right.

But I didn’t even want to talk about the sausages… I came here to respond to the shocking claim that Harry fantasized about killing his father. Ordering a minion to do it, same thing. I did not get that far in Sparry’s pile of ordure. This is how I know that Sparry doesn’t have the wit to know his @$$ from a hole in the ground. A few centuries ago, if anyone, even a son of the King even breathed such a thought to a soul, They would have been hustled to the Tower of London and probably had their head separated from their neck. That is straight up treasonous talk. He publishes this in a book for which he is paid gobs of money and faces no penalty? Once upon a time, the person who valued their continued respiration would not even have written such a sentiment in a private diary. In civilized countries it is no longer permissible to have once political enemies executed. So this toerag gobshite sorry excuse for a Prince publishes *that* and then has the audacity to whine that Pa won’t take his calls? If his father treated him as he deserved, he’d be chained up naked in a Scottish dungeon and left to rot.

H has proven that he lacks adult reasoning skills and is addled most of the time by his drugs of choice. But I think he was probably sober when he was describing how he wanted his father dead. How much leeway can someone get for being mentally deficient and high? Maybe H is crazy like a fox And uses these things like a screen. That way he can always claim to have been too high or too confused to know what he was saying. I can’t believe that made it into print, but this is from the same man who rhapsodized about his high video game score while his fellow soldiers were dying for real in Afghanistan. I guess there’s no depth so low that Hairball won’t go there.
Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: * reads here, and will be gleeful to be characterized as "threat." Evilly gleeful.
Fifi LaRue said…
I got Sparry from the library; beyond the ghost writer, it was too boring to read. I skimmed the first half, and abandoned the book. I'm taking Swampie's word that he wanted to order his father's death. Hawwy is ugly, stupid, mean, a vile viper, and bald.
Girl with a Hat said…

I'm not the one who deemed * a threat; it was the reason that their lease was terminated at Frogmore Cottage. The security team didn't want the asshairs within a few km of William because the asshairs were considered a throat to the Wales' entire family.
abbyh said…

I remember being shocked when I read that in his book. I thought: who on God's green earth would think that it was anything short of treasonous? Or what would the person flying that plane have thought when they read about what they could have done?

Something else I noticed:

That part claiming that as an equal brother, he/they ought to start getting a cut from the Duchy funds? The brothers were never equal as he pointed out numerous times in his own book. The UK is very big on maintaining traditions like for centuries no younger siblings benefited -it is only for the PoW and his family. That money does get taxed by the way - it's not free to the PoW.

There was something in the book about trying to see about HW continuing to work in some form. I suspect that then PC was trying to explain some of his concerns about money flow the future in terms on how the money would or would not flow to H after HM passed. Kudos for recognizing the future and trying to do something about it ahead of time. He may or may not have been able to explain it well enough or it may have been a listener error (as we only have H's version). I suspect it was an attempt to slow down the spending so it would be less of a shock later on to the couple because up until that point, more or less, PC had been the main source of the funds because he was still PoW and H was family. PC knew that when things would, not if, change drastically at some point for the couple.

What I think has some truth in it is that H never really understood how the money was distributed or how work was connected to it once you pass the age of getting an allowance. And HW revealed a truth that she really didn't research the BRF in that she didn't understand that most of the royal visits are not dress up with all the jewels, the money flow as well or how meet and greets will never be you get paid for just showing up.

How much of this "speculation" story is true is unknown. With them, we never really know.

What is true is: Fights about money happen in many families. Publicly trashing the one person who might be able to help you is never a good idea. Nor is attacking the one they love. And making threats is never a good idea either.

abbyh said…

The story is about page 129.
abbyh said…
Happy Birthday King Charles. May he have many more.

And a new post up.
Sandie said…

Interesting ... this is the real Diana story, not the dramatic fiction displayed by so many. After her divorce and in the couple of years before her death, she grew up, made amicable forgiving peace with Charles, and no longer hated Camilla (in a strange way she admired Camilla for loving Charles for so long no matter how bad things got). William seems to believe that the Bashir interview resulted in her being ruthlessly manipulated with lies, but perhaps like his brother he is too quick to blame outside influences instead of holding those he truly loves accountable for their own actions. But perhaps we all go that to some extent.

Hazbeen seems to have a real problem with his memory and it has aided the manipulation of him by his shallow and stupid wife. Was he just born stupid? Alcohol? Drugs? I know that smoking weed does not have a dramatic, if any, effect on intelligence, long-term and in the times you are not stoned, and people can actually stumble across remarkable and profound insights when stoned (of course, the drug, like any other, does have devastatingly harmful effects on a small minority). I have always believed that he is of low intelligence (the posh accent and family status fools people) and easily influenced and was always in danger of being manipulated.
Fifi LaRue said…

Thank you both!
Sandie said…
From Endgame,hisversuon of what happened the day Queen Elizabeth died.

Two things strike me in this version:

It claims that William refuses to speak to his brother at all and simply ignored his messages on the say the Queen died. I don't believe anything Scobie or the duo say, but I can imagine that William has done to the duo what they did to her father but it for good reason and without briefing the media with lies.

Eugenie is openly aligned with the duo and claims that Eugenie also bears a grudge that she was not kept informed on the day the Queen died. Surely Andrew communicated with his daughters that day, as Charles did with hapless? Can hapless and Eugenie not acknowledge that William IS different, as IS Charles. Charles was now king (with every moment in that mourning period accountedbfor as public service first) and William his direct heir. That changes everything. Why is that stupid woman in California, and her hapless husband, so incapable of understanding that?
Sandie said…

You have a way with words that always makes me chuckle, like with this gem:

"I’m sure if it got back to Diana that there was birth order-based sausage rationing going on, she would’ve put a stop to that and told nanny that H was to be given as many sausages as he wanted."

It is all so petty and whiny!
I've been sans laptop for few days, having a break at a holiday establishment which was really an upmarket/glorified holiday camp (if it's the sort of thing you like, you'd like it, but it wasn't for us). The aim was to keep us on the premises as much as poss, spending money, but we'd been attracted by the excursions on offer. These, however, were for a minimal time, alas, so we made a break for freedom yesterday, going for a walk in the pouring rain, then hiding in our cabin with the TV.

What cheered me enormously though, was the head story of the Mirror, discovered in the local Co-op as we searched for sandwiches:

`Is nothing sacred?
Outrage as Harry & meg book reveals details around Queen's death'

p4 4/5 of page summarised Ovid Scroat's beefs with the RF + & W&C but p5 focussed on the Princess of Wales's engagement on an Early Years themes, full width of page - title across the pages
`Book revelations sabotage Kate's big launch.'

Things are looking up.
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