Anyone who follows the non-establishment media about Meghan Markle is probably familiar with Skippy, a Tumbler blogger who was one of the first to write about Meghan. Skippy, the pen name of a Canadian woman who claims to be in late middle age, pours out dozens of items about Meghan every day. Her blog is definitely an acquired taste: she mixes cuddly animal photos, inspirational pictures of waterfalls, and Catholic prayers with some vicious invective against the Duchess of Sussex. I'm no Markle fan, but I don't like any human being called "IT" or "Maggot" or "Meg-IT" or the like. At any rate, Skippy is only relevant here because someone who appears to be Meghan, and whom Skippy believes to be Meghan, regularly sends anonymous messages to Skippy. Skippy then responds with something juvenile about how wonderful Kate is. It's all a bit silly, but the anon keeps coming back for more. Here's an example: Could this be from Duche...