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Meghan's giant kid: This baby is not 8 weeks old

Supposedly Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was born on May 6, 2019.

Maybe someone was born on that day, but it's not this kid that Meghan is toting around today at a polo match, just 8 weeks later.

This kid is least 4 months old, and possibly as old as 6 months.

More photos here in The Sun, including some awkward-looking ones where Meghan tries to kiss the baby.

She looks like a newly-hired babysitter or a single, happily child-free aunt meeting the kid for the first time. Zero parental connection.

Born in January?

Anyway, it all lends more credence to the theory that not only was Archie born via surrogate, but that he was born in January, not May.

That would suggest, of course, a massive lie by the British Royal Family. The birth announcement! On the easel! And the Christening! And the photos!

But more sadly, it suggests that after 6 months his 'mom' has not bonded with him. That's really concerning.

It's just gossip for us, but for this kid, it's one of the most important times of his life. I hope he has some kind of adult figure caring for him and making him a priority. Every child deserves that.


Looks like the Daily Mail has noticed the age discrepancy too. They're just begging their commenters to point it out.


FGB said…
Why does she look more pregnant now than she did while she was pregnant? And she must have had on some major undergarment at the baseball game.
Jdubya said…
I am so confused
Girl with a Hat said…
poor child. His life will be hell.
Bubbles said…
What. The. F.

This is so wrong. I'm actually angry. Which is my issue, yes, but as I commented on the last post when I saw these photos my best friend/cousin just shared with me last night her success of a pregnancy with a little GIRL (hooray! I'm dying with joy!!!) after FIVE FAILED cycles of IVF. This is insulting to all women with fertility issues.
abbyh said…
I feel for the child who just doesn't know much of anything of the world yet. I hope the BRF will take steps to care of the child without input or unsupervised visits from her.

Curlytop said…
Hi Nutty!
Great blog! Followed you from CDAN. So much for biweekly posts. You're spoiling us w daily posts now due to this shite show ;-) I swear each time you post a new thread and one thinks it can't be topped, Meg's is somewhere saying, "Hold my line of coke!"

Baby does not look 2months old due to appearance of features and less about weight.
The more glaring tell is Meg's lack of maternal hold/instinct over Archie and utter look of distaste in some of those pics.

If she were truly raising this child, she'd have gotten over the 1st time mom w no previous experience w kids handling of a baby.
As others note, why is this allowed to continue?

Is that why Kate is laughing?
Curlytop said…
PS: is that fugly, shapeless olive green dress the same one she wore to Africa for her *charity work*?
Now! said…
One would hope that Harry would be a hands-on, loving father. I haven't seen any evidence of that, however.

If not maybe some other adult can help care for him. Did the surrogate officially give him up?

Whatever the case, Meg has not learned how to hold a baby yet, which confirms that the hands-on parent is not her.
Now! said…
It looks like an actual maternity gown. It'll be entertaining to see the BRF try to explain this mess if she actually IS pregnant now.
Avery said…
That dress is a mess - I am trying not to be cruel and I am certainly not a fashionista. But, there are protocols for events like these and especially for members of the BRF. She's holding that baby like a sack of potatoes, and wearing the sack those potatoes came out of.
Girl with a Hat said…
not only does she not hold him properly, she barely looks at him. That is very important for child development - to see yourself mirrored in your mother's face. There is no maternal bond here.
Avery said…
The rest of the photos popped up. Oh. My. Goodness! She looks SOOOOO uncomfortable holding Archie. It's painful to look at.
Anonymous said…
I commented on the previous post about this, but I just have to say that I'm actually relieved to see these comments. I don't have children, though I've certainly held them, and never would I just let one hang in the air like that, unsupported and emotionally unattended. I always cuddle them and talk to them and, you know, act like they're there and not just a prop. And he seems really big, but again, no actual experience. Also, don't they wear socks or slippers or something when out? This child had bare feet.

When I read that she was "with" Kate, I expected photos of them faking it. They didn't even bother from what I saw. Kate interacted with her children and was sitting on the ground (unless running after the OMG-OTT-Adorable Louis) and MM stood with her living prop. So, no damage control working on that one.

But still, I'm glad to see that my immediate instinct was spot on regarding how to hold a baby. And that dress, WTH???
Jen said…
I am not a mother; but I am an aunt and I was a babysitter when I was younger. I have never held a baby like that. It's so awkward looking. She does not look comfortable holding that baby.
Now! said…
I don't know that the baby needs socks or slippers on a warm summer day, but he definitely needs a sun hat.
Avery said…
I am a mother, and I'm sorry - but it's instinctive.
Sure, when they're older and just want 'up' you tend to 'hip' them as you're trying to clean the flipping house whilst being wonder mum - but, this is her 'new born'. LMAO!
And that dress like you said ... especially after squeezing herself into jeans (how appropriate that outfit was *rolls eyes so far back in head can see my own hair growing*. ARG! Just let the truth OUT already. It was fun to speculate at first, now it's truly just uncomfortable!
Jen said…
As said below, I don't have kids of my own...but I am a VERY hands on Auntie. If it's warm outside (which since he's only wearing a onesie, I am assuming it is) then socks probably would be too warm.

Honestly though, why isn't she looking AT him? She's looking for the paps, is what she's doing. Kate is on the ground, kneeling or sitting with her kids, yet Megamoomoo has to stand in her hideous dress so EVERYONE and their brother can see her awkwardly hold "her" son.
Hi Nutty, I love your blog! This is my first time commenting; I saw the photos of Meghan in DailyMail and immediately came to your blog to see if you posted anything and you have.

I think Meghan is holding Archie rather awkwardly, especially for a mother who has supposedly been holding him for months. Wouldn’t his arm be hurting? And no burp cloth in case he spits up on her 500+ Pound dress? I don’t get it.

Also, her outfit looks like a giant tent. I’m aghast - how can she find this appropriate for the polo match? How can vogue actually want her to edit/curate/whatever when she has proven recently that she cannot dress herself properly?
Jen said…
@Avery - I don't think you need to be a fashionista to see how hideous that outfit is.
Now! said…
I'm glad you enjoy the blog!

I don't know the answers to your very good questions.

If I were the BRF, I'd just find a trusted journalist - someone from the Times or Telegraph or something - and "leak" the whole thing from top to bottom.

They're making themselves into an international laughing stock.
Girl with a Hat said…
this is my theory, and I speak from experience. The narcissists I know have problems with judging esthetics. I had one narc boyfriend who gave me the ugliest things and I wondered if he had some sort of visual problem. Another narc I know had the same thing. I wonder if there is some sort of brain issue which causes both problems. It would certainly explain her clothing choices.
Bubbles said…
Interesting Camilla wore the dress she wore to Louis' Christening and it's very clearly stated in a caption of her photo.... as we speculate whether or not its the dress in Archie's "Family Photo."

(accidentally posted this on yesterday's post - moved it here.)
Kat said…
Is she just borrowing whatever fair haired baby she can for an afternoon?
This is not a woman who has ever held a child for more than a few seconds, and when it's happened in the past it's the child thrust into her arms by a harried mother running after another child before they break something.
Bubbles said…
My daughter is more maternal with our dog than MM is with that baby.

He's a cute baby. He doesn't deserve this scrutiny that his mother is bringing on him. She IS his mother, she will be raising him, that is not the question - whether it's her DNA or of her body is the question.

But Elle, yes, babies and puppies/kittens - we stare with wonder at the innocent love they give. It's natures way of bonding. I saw your previous post. We stare. My kids are 4 & 9 and I still stare. My niece is 13 and I still stare. My Dad is 62 and I still stare. Its our brains connecting emotion.

But damn, Rachel, lay out a blanket and let the baby stretch! My kids loved a good stretch after being bundled up in a car seat or after waking up.
Avery said…
Okay, I'm back - looked at those photos again. Is she wearing the pillow once more? Archie can't get close to her due to her tummy in those pics!!! What is going on??? Where was the pillow @ Wimbeldon? She looks 9 months pregnant, especially in the one where Harry is giving the baby a pat next to the car.

You're right Nutty, someone needs to leak. This train has gone off the rails!

And Kat, yup, that's EXACTLY the right description!
Anonymous said…
@Avery, you've described the tent perfectly.

I'm not a regular polo match attendee (I would love to be, however!), but there is a certain dress expected (day dress, cute shoes, no stained jeans or tents).

I hope someone does a zoom on her lenses to see if she's looking at Archie or the camera during the photo.
Bubbles said…
Kate camped out with her kids! I just saw it. THATS what mom's do. Open up the back hatch that's loaded down with anything and everything, lay out a blanket & sit down. Kids crawling in the car. THAT is normal. A true reflection of parents out for the day.

But I guess MM cant clutch PH & the baby at the same time haha
Jooles said…
I read this morning M and H have been quoted as saying they want a big family and another baby right away. Seems as if the seed is being planted for another one to soon appear. Maybe she is pregnant this time? Can’t wait to see how they explain this one. They really must think people are idiots. Just like a true Narcissist.
It's definitely an "Ugh, get this thing away from me", "Have you got the pictures yet-can I stop holding it now?" kind of look, like she's being forced to cuddle a bag of dog poo. Not sure "distaste" is close enough. I am horrified by some of the photos-she truly cannot stand it and cannot even hide her true feelings. Some actress! That baby is just a prop for her, nothing more. She trotted him out after all of the negative press these last few days. Funny that. The kid doesn't have a snowball's chance. I am not a mother, but even I don't hold babies like that.
Guessing the dress might be a maternity time merching leftover?
Sorry-first time commenter, and I'm not very good at this. Love your blog, Nutty-it's very well written and spot on.
Anonymous said…
Oh, well, good to know my instincts are switched to 'normal' :) I guess it's normal to bond to some children more than others, but it seems to happen pretty quickly. I have adored a few children so much that I feel like I'd have thrown myself on a sword for them, and they weren't even my kids. MM looks like she'd toss Archie to the nearest person if it meant a photo op. That poor little child. I do not believe she had him, nor do I believe she wants him for anything other than a meal ticket.

I do hope Harry is more hands-on, but at the very least, he has an aunt and uncle who will provide, if needed. I do keep wishing MM out of the picture entirely - she can pack up and go, take the tent with her. She could live in that damned thing - what possessed her?!
Anonymous said…
Oh, and yes, @Nutty, a hat! I read that babies can't regulate their body temperature, so I'm not sure how that works but if no socks or shoes required, then at least that was done right. The rest, however, frightening, and the fact that she can't hold him and doesn't seem to care about him looks to be the near-universal take. "Doting mom" captions under photos of her letting this baby hang from his little arms doesn't seem to be changing the general consensus. If the BRF thought *this* was going to change the tide, they should've checked the tide tables first.
Anonymous said…
I think you're excellent at this, Unknown :) You said exactly what we're all thinking, though I'd not thought of the maternity time merching. Still, there are no conditions under which that dressed should be merched, unless perhaps one is merching for an Army Surplus Store in the Deep South.
Anonymous said…
Also, nice that William's team won, and a little tidbit for those who don't know because it's ever-so-important (which means, not at all, really): William is a leftie, and the polo must be played with the right hand only, so he had to master right-handed play which is more impressive than Harry's God-given right-handed play.
Girl with a Hat said…
hahahahahahaha. Don't go over to Lainey's unless you want to increase her page views and die laughing. She says that the UK tabloids have never seen anyone so savvy at PR as Meghan. ha ha ha ha ha. Seriously.
Bubbles said…
@Elle, haha happy my very unprofessional opinion has reaffirmed your "normalness" LOL! She is just particularly under my skin today.

I had postpartum depression with my oldest and I still couldn't let her go. I didn't like her but I loved her I couldn't not have her ON me. My ex would feed her, bathe her, do a lot of the heavy lifting but she was with me and I was trying my hardest to bond because I know what I was feeling wasn't right. (With professional help, and medication, we got me right back on track.) But MM doesn't even look at even Louis being adorable with glasses & a silly face! IF she can't look at her kid or laugh at a silly toddler then she's, as we all speculate, not right in the head.
Now! said…
Well, after Lainey's surprise anti-Meghan piece yesterday, maybe Meghan started paying her again.
Bubbles said…
@Elle, I'll bring the cheese & crackers, you bring the Contemptinis :) We'll have a ball!
Now! said…
Even if she were having what used to be called "Irish twins" she'd be newly pregnant, one month or so. Nobody needs a tent at that point.

Maybe she just took her Spanx off.
Anonymous said…
@Bubbles the tailgate party with Kate and the kids looked so much fun. It made me want to buy a picnic basket and do the same! --- deleted that first try so I don't take up too much room on Nutty's blog.

It sounds like and your oldest came through and GO YOU! for recognizing the signs and dealing proactively. I'm glad to hear it ended so well.

I propose "The Louis Test" as the baseline marker for all humans. If you cannot look at that little guy and the bubbly life within and break into real smile, then see your doctor immediately because there is an issue.
Girl with a Hat said…
I didn't see that as anti-Meghan, just pro common sense. In fact, I thought it was going to be a lot more scathing.
MLRoda said…
I was going to say the same thing. So... is she pregnant again, already? I'm mega confused.
Bubbles said…
Slow day at work so I'm all over the comment here. Sorry Nutty and everyone receiving my email notifications. I love to talk and have the time to at the moment!

Louis Test is the new Happy Standard! :)
MLRoda said…
Bespoke tent from Omar the Tentmaker. /end of snark. Sorry all. I'm not body shaming her but honestly, if you looked at Kate during her pregnancies - IF S'Meagol is pregnant - she wore lovely dresses that fit properly and looked good. You don't have to be dowdy/frumpy if you're pregnant!!!
TTucker said…
Whether holding him against your shoulder, belly, lap ... you hold baby's head and neck with your hand; they cannot keep their heads up on their own since the neck muscle is not strong enough until after 4 months' old at least. You are afraid of causing baby pain. Or you use Baby Björn, to protect him from breeze, dust, people ... and be more relaxed yourself. Usually you have a burp towel on your shoulder. I agree that you are so in love with baby that you cannot stop staring at him. We see Kate do this when she comes out of the church, after Louis' christening.

MM looks fat to me. She actually looks like she originally was when a child and teenager. Seems to me that this is the real MM, so I wonder if she is on a drug-control program and she simply put on weight.
Suzanne Wilson said…
That baby looks oddly inert. Is he in the same position in all the photos? No shots of his face?
Lady Luvgood said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lady Luvgood said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
MLRoda said…
OMG this tent cost $700?!?!?! Omar the Tentmaker would be cheaper.
NikNak said…
I get a little awkward holding very new babies. Purely because I don't want to harm him/her. That being said I've grown in confidence after meeting my friends little one who was born in February. MegCon looks like me the first time I held her (although she was a lot smaller and easier to navigate)

I wonder why she looks so uncomfortable. It's YOUR baby, find some shade, put a rug down, a hat on his head and let him get some air the weather was lovely today. Don't be afraid of crying its going to happen. Not everything needs to look 'perfect'.

For the very last time where has this bump come from?! she didn't have this at Wimbledon. Her hair looks nice though.
Lady Luvgood said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Charlie said…
She holds baby really wrong. I'm not a mother,but when I was in my early teens, I babysat two my neighbors' newborns (while their moms could do some cleaning and cooking), so I know how to hold a child.

About baby age, I don't know, kid looks just overly bigger than standard maybe, but it happens, girl I babysat, was slightly bigger than normal. I just googled, 2-month boy should be somewhere around 5,5-5,7 kg, my girl was actually 5,7 kg, while girls are smaller (5,2 kg at 2 month). I'm just saying maybe Archie is just bigger than normal. But I don't know, I can't understand his size looking at these photos.
NikNak said…
YES! Or one of those wrap around things that keep the baby close to your chest so it frees up your hands! (you know the mother earth kind that looks like an over sized pashmina)When I get pregnant I'm using one of those as I'm weak as eff lol.
abbyh said…
Agreed that there is something about the baby and lack of movement which one ought to see something like stretching, reaching, breathing. Where I noticed it the most was that the feet don't dangle.

Another doll?
abbyh said…
I meant that the feet don't bend really. They maintain the perpendicular if you were to try to put on shoes.
Girl with a Hat said…
it's not just the size - there are other things that happen in a baby's normal development in the first few months, like the features of the face "popping" out instead of the squished newborn baby face, holding up the head, and interacting with the environment.
Suzanne Wilson said…
Doll. Doll, doll, doll.
Suzanne Wilson said…
Sorry, I wasn't harping. My first post didn't post right away. Carry on, everyone!
Lottie said…
MM really is an odd duck isn't she?
One day she's as slim as Jim & the next day she looks as though she is 6 months pregnant. How does she do that...maybe she has a bad case of flatulence!
Or is she missing the baby bump, getting sentimental & pulling it out for some more controversy which she knows, equals attention...look at Meagain
I agree the baby seems older than 2 months but i think 6 months is a stretch
I would say Archie is around the 4 month mark which would be about the same time
she went on her maternity leave.
Everyone is spot on, MM doesn't seem comfortable with Archie, she holds him but doesn't embrace him.
I personally have never gotten the maternal vibe from MM and i would speculate that if she didn't marry Prince Harry she would have been content to have never had kids
I mean as a 41 year old wit allegedly 2 previous husbands & plenty of boyfriends before PH and i should think she had ample opportunity to have had a child
But of course they won't bring the attention and seemingly limitless bounty like
Archie will
Judging from what the the DM is pitching they are looking to have another child early next she could be 3 months pregnant with her own child
It's almost as though she was told by her PR team to get out there on the ho stroll with Archie to try to deflect & minimize the negative press from Wimbledon (too late for that)
The press has finally turned, it is like watching a dam about to burst
There is so much speculation & deception surrounding PH & MM because from the start they have lacked the honesty, decency & transparency which is actually feeding the conspiracy theories
I think that is how they roll, they love it like that

Humor Me said…
DM has a head line today: "Besotted parents already keen to give Archie siblings and want a big family," royal expert claims.

Looks like she has started from the change of clothing from Wimbledon.
NikNak said…
I really don't think this a doll Suzanne, there are pictures of her showing him to some random guy in a blue blazer. And a close up with his eyes open. I mean, would you really risk someone not leaking that its a doll?

I do agree the circumstances are strange and the baby is oddly large though.
Suzanne Wilson said…
So maybe the guy is a plant? I'm so confused! My instincts still say doll, though.
Humor Me said…
and....MM is clearly uncomfortable holding her child. I find it hard to believe that out of the thousands of pap shots of these two, all we see are MM with her shoulders up to her earlobs while wrangling Archie. This is how individuals with no experience hold a child, not one with 2 months daily handling.
Suzanne Wilson said…
Actually, I'm hoping I'm wrong. The thought of George and Charlotte being exposed to the spectacle of their aunt walking around with a realistic doll and pretending it's a baby is disturbing.
NikNak said…
No there's pictures of his hands stretching and clasping. Also his big toe changing position. That's a real baby. I think its her awkward handling of him that's throwing people off. That and her magic bump.
Anonymous said…
I love this blog!!!!!! What a gem!! Thank you Nutty!!
The bb is clearly 4 months old- they must believe everyone on the planet is a complete idiot. Notwithstanding, she’s carrying the child like she’s an Aunt helping out when she’d rather be holding a glass of wine. The entire charade is so bizarre. . How does one explain the time stamp on the metadata of the christening photo? The Fedora worn by Di’s sister is what first struck me as completely Out of place. Is it customary for HRH Katherine to arrive in one outfit then have a wardrobe change before a photo? Everything is like an episode of the twilight zone.
Anonymous said…
AGREE!! If you have any experience with children that is the first thing you notice. It’s like a photo with bells and whistles going off!
EFarrell said…
Hi Nutty. Long time lurker. I do enjoy your blog. I had to comment because I cannot believe they’re trying to pass this beautiful little guy off as only two months old. He’s HUGE! He looks like a six month old. I’ve had three kids, (all grown) and 3 grandkids so I’m well versed in babies. One of my grandkids was a big boy out of the gate. 9lbs+. Mom and dad are both tall. But even my grand baby was smaller than Archie at two months. Archie supposedly wasn’t a huge newborn, which is kind of unusual since he was last term. I believe he was just over 7lbs. He looks like he is at least doubled his weight in two months, which is possible, but wow!
Meghan is holding him I. A very awkward way, like she has never held a baby, let along this one. When they’re little like that you need to cup their legs so they don’t feel unsafe. They are still needing that cocoon feeling of the uterus. Another way to carry is over the shoulder as it’s soothing to their tummies, while you firmly hold their body and legs.
Anyway, I just had to comment on how weird she looks holding him.
If you look at the pics of Kate holding Louis, it just natural and comfortable with her arms crossed over him to keep him secure.
One last thing, the dress is very LA pregnancy type of thing. I see new moms and pregnant moms in stuff like this a lot here. Not flattering, but when you’re out and about with a babe, you’re more concerned with comfort. You can take the girl out of LA, but you can’t take the LA out of the girl.
Thanks so much for your amazing blog and I love reading g all the insightful smart funny comments.
This is more entertaining than Big Little Lies! 😍😂
EFarrell said…
Sorry for all the typos. I’m supposed to be working and instead commenting to fast in this blog!
Curlytop said…
Does the DM know what "besotted means"? Because it isn't just the way Megs holds the baby, it's her facial expressions in almost every pic I viewed in that Sun link. Her expressions ranged from forced smile, annoyance, and one showed pure distaste towards attempting to hold/interact with the baby.

*this blog seriously impacts my work productivity, lol!

This charade has gone on way too long and makes the BRF look bad bc at this point, one is left w 2 options: 1) this lowrent yachting actress has them behind the 8 ball or 2) the BRF is complicit in the fraud.

One means they're weak and ineffective, so why do British subjects tolerate them. The other means that they are openly gaslighting their subjects for some unknown reason.

The British people have every right to be seething w anger over this trainwreck.

Louise said…
I really don't have anything to add that others have not already stated.

Holding the huge "2 month old" like a sack of potatoes, Meghan's big tummy but slim(ish) face, wig that is 2-4 inches longer than her hair at the baseball game one week ago, "private" baby now on display for the paps.....

Curiouser and curiouser. I really feel as though I have fallen through the rabbit hole.
Anonymous said…
Definitely at least 3 months old, his legs are released and long, newborns up through 6 weeks to two months usually are retracted into their bodies, at least mine were. Others have already mentioned the lack of head support needed, I know I never carried my three like that at 2 months, even though they all lifted their heads 'early'.

I went back and looked at Megan's Wimbledon pictures; her legs still look thin, but if you look at her shirt and the jacket over it, they are roomy and suggest a bit more weight than you might expect. She spent a lot of time with that hat in her lap, blocking her stomach.....makes you wonder a little, or at least it makes me wonder a little!

FGB said…
And if you go back and look at the photos from the baseball game she is definitely carrying some extra weight. Which is no big deal, but seems odd after how she looked DURING the 'pregnancy.'
Anonymous said…
@Bubbles - do you think I could merch the test? lolol
Anonymous said…
Couldn't he be in a stroller / pram at that age? Again, IDK, no children, but I know I see those at events all the time for babies.
wiezyczkowata said…
did she move away from those cars? how long was she there? I'm asking because in all those pics it looks like Archie didn't move at all, he wouldn't be too comfortable with his hand bended like that for long,
as for her looking pregnant - well she is arching her back forward just like in Australia (when she wanted her belly to look more pregnant) and I think she is just trying to create more gossip around herself, she just can't stop herself, and I think she realized at some point that a negative attention will keep her in press for longer and her massive ego and attention addiction is preventing her from realizing that all this will be her downfall
Louise said…
A couple of other thoughts:

1) Where is Doria? If I had a newborn, I would certainly want my mother to hang around for a week at least. (an ideally, longer)

Did Doria fly all the way from L.A. for just one day?

2) As noted in the Megxit2 Twitter account, one of the photos shows $mirkle with a bottle of Nivea sunscreen for kids. It is contra-indicated to apply sunscreen to children of less than six months....
QueenWhitby said…
Not much more to add other than that doesn't look like a dress you can easily breastfeed in. There are a couple of buttons at the top in one pic, but the dress highlighted by the DM showed no buttons at all.
Louise said…
And another thing.... Megxit2 has a picture of Michael Jackson holding his baby in the same way as does $mirkle. Worth a look for a giggle.
Hikari said…
I just had the chance to look at all the photos from the Sun.

I'm profoundly disturbed for Archie. He needs to be removed from her care before she does him lasting irreparable damage, psychological or physical. Because she really held him like he was a repulsive bag of garbage she wanted to drop on the ground. His head does seem abnormally large and smooth for the baby we saw 'the other day'. And what's with some dozen photos and not one of his face? We've seen his face now . . .

. . .or HAVE we?

The only saving grace possible is that he is being cared for normally by some other loving person, and she only holds him/or is permitted to hold him for these occasional photo ops. Poor little guy.

I love the caption insisting that MM and Kate are 'enjoying the polo together with their children." Reality: "MM lurks uncomfortably by a parked car while Kate plays on the ground with her children a comfortable distance away." Kate is ignoring her like a bad smell. George is looking up at the strange, mad-eyed lady standing against the car and thinking his own little thoughts, like, "Who is the weird lady? Mummy does not like her."

I hope this painful charade with her holding Archie lasted no more than 10 minutes and then someone took him away from her. She is demented and needs to be put away for the good of small children. I have zero doubt in my mind that she thinks she's gunning up for another Moonbump Mountbatten Show, seeing
Anonymous said…
SO, I did a zoom in on the image of her kissing Archie's head. She is such a snake. I knew something seemed off about that kiss, but with the glasses, hard to say. Or not. Screenshot it and blow it up. You'll see she's not looking at Archie at all. She's giving the prey start, the whites of her eyes cunning and hunting for the camera. What a _______ ____ (<<two words I won't say in front of Little Louis' photos, although Kate might've slipped a time or two talking about MM lolol)
Avery said…
This, all of this. She was slim everywhere except the perfectly round beach ball of a pillow, I mean, stomach. NOW she gains weight? lol! I also am typing from work, so @Nutty, if production is down in the US and UK it's your fault ;)
Anonymous said…
That's "prey stare"
Curlytop said…
I recall rumors and a CDAN blind about Markle a month ago being drunk as a skunk and having to be escorted out, was it TTOC?

So hopefully the MooMoo is simply bc of her alcoholic weight gain?

If not, and it's one of her merching ideas, consider this one an epic fail, and imo the worst example of her fahion selections.

Kate looked fresh and feminine. She appears to be a great mom.
Jen said…
"maybe she just took her spanx off" 😂😂😂
Girl with a Hat said…
look at the article on DM about Charlotte playing footie with her brother. There is a video of Meghan holding the child. She turns constantly with the child in her arms, but she always slows down to see if the paparazzi are looking at her. It's quite obvious
NikNak said…
@ Elle Well she clearly has him out like that for the attention it would receive. Jeez MegCon let your man have his day playing polo.

I would have had a pram around with a cover to avoid the sun shine, especially if I wanted ~privacy not lugging him around with no sunhat on.
Anonymous said…
She's not breastfeeding. If you go back and look at the photos taken at Wimbledon you can see through her shirt. She's wearing a small demi style bra not a nursing bra. Her breasts are not enlarged nor does she have the typical nursing pads for leakage inside her bra. There are so many questions about MM but the one about her breastfeeding has been answered.
Avery said…
@Elle, OMG, can you imagine having an ear in the Cambridge's private quarters? I'd LOVE to hear what they say about her when they're alone. It's all so sad really. I truly have loved Harry forever.
Avery said…
Or, maybe she's unable to keep still ... the ol' rumor mill has that theory going too. Little nose candy before polo perhaps.
Girl with a Hat said…
maybe but she definitely stops to try to find the cameras.
Jen said…
(Minus the dress) she looked like most moms at the baseball/soccer field on weekends. I wonder what she brought in the snack containers for them?
Jen said…
Can Charlotte get any cuter?
punkinseed said…
Love love love this blog. Here and over on DM comments, the majority are gob smacked at the way Megs is holding/not really holding the baby. I want to take it away from her and put him up on my shoulder (you know, normal way to hold babies), support and cuddle. It makes me tense and uncomfortable to view the way she's holding him; like she's about to drop him. Arggghhh! We moms have instinctively bonded with the baby by proxy compared to Meg's aloof, lack of maternal instinct. The camera just can't fake that.
Anonymous said…
I adore Charlotte. She's my favorite of all William's children. She's going to cause her parents many a sleepless night. With her big personality she's definitely going to be a handful to raise into adulthood. She also looks most like her great-grandmother HM.
Anonymous said…
Maybe after her performance at Wimbledon she was told to be dressed appropriately? To MM that God awful tent dress was dressing appropriately. Personally I don't think she delivered a baby. I think the current Archie is from a surrogate. Whatever happened that caused the surrogate to hold out they only recently got their baby. Her posture holding Archie and how uncomfortable she is infers that she's a brand spanking new mother not the mother of a two month old. As we talked about on CDAN that baby is way too big for a two month old. He's four to four and a half months old. I'm wondering if MM isn't actually pregnant now. She looked more pregnant at TOC than she ever did her entire "pregnancy". How the royal family is going to explain Irish twins only five or six months apart would be interesting.
SnarkyAngel said…
Hey Nutty! Love the blog, thank you!
So, I maintain that Archie is a doll, his skin is exceptionally shiny. The kid doesn't move. She hasn't bonded because that would be impossible with an inanimate object. I personally think she is preggers right now. Due date probably late September, early October. Can't wait to see how this plays out!
Maddie said…
Her stomach from a side view looked real big and I am sure it was not the dress. She is holding the baby standing on the left of the picture with Harry on the right side looking at her. Does anyone know which picture I’m talking about.? I don’t know how to cut and paste on my IPad. Sorry. But she looks very pregnant to me. Ugly dress she’s wearing. Kate looks so naturally pretty and at ease. Gosh I love this soap opera.
punkinseed said…
No worries @Bubbles. I like your comments.
Is it possible that Megs wore that creepy ugly puce muumuu to deliberately defy and distract? Nothing else makes much sense to me.
Adore all the Cambridge kids. Louis is so cute. And, he's a sucky thumb, too. So very adorable.
Curlytop said…
I live in the *Deep* South. Can't get it even there ;-)
Lady Muck said…
I have no kids and am not very maternal - more of a slightly naughty auntie really and even I with my very minimal experience holding a baby would do a better job. Seriously that looks in no way like MM has had daily contact for the last 2 or however many months since that baby was born - wherever it came from!
punkinseed said…
What's horribly selfish and crazy is she's used "privacy" as a façade to cover up her lack of maternal instinct. It's obvious to everyone, not just the mothers after seeing today's shots of the polo. It's clear when one compares and contrasts how not only Kate's motherly love for her babies, but Diana's as well with the way Megs hold the baby like it's a bag of flour. Kate and Diana's deep love for their babies flowed off the pages and would have been impossible to hide. I'm seeing nothing but disconnection in Megs throughout. A text book definition in motion showing a narcissist is incapable of real love is what I see.

What's really sad is What Kind of a Mother would use a public appearance with her baby for damage control, deflection and attention after the Wimbledon mess? What kind of a mother uses her baby is such a way? Akin to Munchhausen's or similar disorder? Next up she'll use the public backlash of her obvious lack of maternal instincts to justify insisting upon far more "privacy" because "See... I take the baby in public and they are too mean, haters and negative and I don't want him exposed to such toxic people..."
Narcissists are usually incapable of letting anything go if it doesn't go their way. There's always, always a reckoning from them. She's so predictable.
MLRoda said…
I was going to comment on that. She's kissing him but she's looking elsewhere... to a camera perhaps? But she's not looking at her child. I feel bad for Archie.
Anonymous said…
Hey Curlytop, I grew up in the South (I'm a GRIT :) and I just remember the Army Navy Surplus stores there. No diss to the homeland :)
NikNak said…
@Ann she looks so like HM doesn't she? but reminds me of fearless Princess Anne, Zara and Mia.
Anonymous said…
@An, I did some research on the so-very-creepy-IMO reborn dolls. The eyes are incredibly lifelike, and the expensive ones can move their hands and toes, breathe, etc. and are "anatomically correct" (though that is the worst). There are stories online about people being fooled by them, thinking they were real, saving them, etc. SO, you may be right. It's hard to imagine OTOH, but OTOH, she is certifiable.
Anonymous said…
@Ann, my sister is Team Charlotte as well for the very same reasons :)
Blackbird said…
Seriously, I show more love and affection for my six year old Labrador puppies than this fool (I carry them around better too). The way she is holding the baby in this photo just looks so awkward.
KnitWit said…
Agreed. Would be ironic if she were pregnant before Archie was "born".
Blackbird said…
There was an article in the DM last night (I saw the headline but didn't care enough to read the article), reporting that they want a big family ... age isn't on her side so they'd best get cracking if true.
Anonymous said…
Agreed re the kids. George is also adorable, and he looks like he was up to no good in the hatchback and at one point Kate was giving him the eye. She handles three children with such grace. I can barely handle my cat and he sleeps most of the time.
hardyboys said…
I dont think she could be that pregnant again from 2 days ago where she was wearing skinny Jean's. Someone on DM made the funniest comment that if H wasn't a prince she would be popping the birth control pills like candy. Also there is one ouch where she looks quite pretty when I looked closer she was actually pursing her lips for the camera. Shes such a phoney baloney. I have 3 kids and a puppy and I can tell you my kids gaze at the puppy way more adoring than she does. I wonder what her next train wreck move will be. I think shes going to involve the old archie in all her PR moves now. Next PR stunt will be her walking Archie in his pram while handing out pamphlets on her world Africa donation campaign at Heathrow airport chanting Buddhist mantras. Shes that desperate
NikNak said…
@Jen something to chew on so they feel full, chopped carrots/ cucumber. Nothing that stains.
Anonymous said…
I wish she would just leave us all alone. She's probably going to show up at Lion King and ruin that for the world and Harry, too. She is the soul-suck of all soul-sucks, the Darth Vader of the BRF. Can she please, please just go away and be private?

Even with a pram, she could've gotten lots of attention without screaming to the world, "I hate this kid I barely know!" and maybe with a pram, she wouldn't have had to wear the tent.

Anonymous said…
Before deciding, google "reborns" and read about all they can do. I just don't know, but those reborns freak me out, and some are sooooo expensive and can breath and move and all that stuff.
Anonymous said…
Ho stroll lol. I love it. Akin to the Walk of Shame, but just down and dirty obvious ho.
Blackbird said…
Very true, Mischi. The narcissists that were formerly in my life seemed to do strange things for attention; they also couldn't read a room to save themselves.
Blackbird said…
Bubbles, with all due to respect the dresses Camilla wore were not the same - the neckline was different.
Anonymous said…
Same here, @LadyMuck, and I don't hold the tiny ones because I don't want to break anyone, but once they're past the teeny stage, even I know better than to hold them like that, and I even know how to hold toddlers (bragging here lol). But I cannot imagine. Even though I'm not one of those women who squeals over all babies, when I'm hanging out with the underage crew, I really enjoy it, and we hug, kiss, cuddle, tell stories, etc. and it's natural (and they're more fun than adults except adults can mix Contemptinis so I still like them). So I don't get how you have a baby and treat it like that. It makes no sense to me at all - not on an intellectual or emotional or spiritual level - and I don't get how that happens and why the DM and Sun think they can gaslight with their captions and headlines. Maybe they're just having some fun with it and yukking it up as they type "besotted" and "devoted mother" stuff?
Anonymous said…
Speaking as the Aunt who has helped out, it's possible to hold a child and a glass of wine, though best to keep the two apart lol.
Blackbird said…
Just a thought ... maybe Meghan has a bloating issue? She was pictured a few years back in a photo that went viral as everyone said that proved she was previously pregnant, but I can say - hand on heart - that as someone who lives with Coeliac disease, this is one of my symptoms. Even if I eat gluten-free, 'normal' food, my stomach blows up and can take between hours and days to go back down. Not all the time, just occasionally (and it'll be fine eating a certain food one day; not fine the next). It's weird. And I constantly get people asking if I'm expecting a baby.

There was another photo of her on a red carpet (from her pre-Harry days), where she's wearing a very tight dress and her stomach is quite rounded.

Maybe she's pigging out while getting up during the night to care for little Archie 😜
Anonymous said…
Oh, @Avery, wouldn't that be fun! Contemptinis and dishing with Kate! And William (I just know he can get his snark on!). I have loved Harry, too, but I honestly believe he was had by a convincing fraud and he's coming out of it. I've seen it before. It's horrifying/frustrating/maddening to watch, but I believe that is what it is. I've seen the decent people who've been victims, the pattern is there, the pity play, the pushing childhood's buttons, it's all there, and instead of attacking or accusing him, I tend to just feel sorry for him and want to shake him silly. I cannot call him names and accuse him of much more than being human and vulnerable, however.
hildarumpole said…
After seeing her her expanded middle at the baseball game and Wimbledon, it looks like Wine Gut.
Anonymous said…
@Ml, there is a prey stare, and if you look at her eyes and the way that they're cut, you'll see it. It's quite telling and rather frightening. She is the predator and the prey is her camera, and there's no missing it. I'm just glad it was a closed mouth kiss instead of her sinking teeth into poor Archie.
Anonymous said…
I just saw the picture of her kissing Archie again, and now I know how I knew she was doing the prey stare under the lenses - it's her eyebrows, the way that they're raised - you can see that her eyes aren't looking at Archie because of that. Then, you can blow up the rest and see the prey stare. She is freaky. I hope someone calls that out.
Wolpertinger said…
Lurking said…
Anyone else hoping it's 5 or 6 month apart Irish twins? I'd just love to see how it's explained. Theoretically it's possible... sex right after the birth (not supposed to, people do), then baby that's a very early premie. Baby would have to be under 2 pounds to get away with it. Look for Smegs taking up chain smoking. (j/k)

I have 2 sons and my arms and back got such a good workout from lifting and holding them. At first my arms and back ached from lifting & holding, but after the first couple of weeks it was much easier. It looks like she hasn't been lifting a baby or standing while holding a baby. She looks like he's too heavy for her to hold. If she had been holding him, she would have developed the muscles to easily hold him by now.

Every mother learns the stand and sway to sooth a cranky baby. After the first few weeks we do it automatically. Anyone catch any swaying?
New Degas said…
That thing she was holding is a doll. What a crazy idiot she is thinking she can pass off a doll in a fixed position as a human baby. It is a 90 degree day and she hides the baby in the blanket. She can't put the doll in a stroller because people would gather to look and discover the doll's face in a fixed position. Meg hides the baby's face constantly. This is bizarre. What on earth is she thinking by doing this? I think the Royal Family is letting her do these crazy things and giving her enough rope to hang herself. They are all in on the charade but she is the only actor in the charade.
hildarumpole said…
Hikari, after seeing the polo match photos I became very concerned about the welfare of Archie, too. It looked like he could slip out her arms at any moment, especially with that blanket all sloppy hanging nearly to the ground. Who has been caring for this child? According to news reports, they can't keep nannies. Meghan doesn't appear connected to him. Harry doesn't seem like the helpful sort. He has difficulty with his own grooming.

hildarumpole said…
Shame can be a powerful teaching tool. Yes, new moms are often nervous about handling a newborn, but Archie is allegedly 2 months old. He looks more like 4 months, but that's a different issues. In any case, she should be well practiced by now. She looks painfully awkward with Archie.
Jen said…
Will there be bananas? 😜
SwishyFishy said…
Yes, the dress is terrible. I also noticed the long, ratty hair extensions she has. Her hair has never gone all the way down her back. It's a mess. Why does she continuously struggle to properly groom herself? I don't like to put down any woman, particularly for weight or beauty issues, but I hate how the media holds her up as some best-dressed fashion icon. Vogue put her in the top 10 best dressed and most influential fashion stars of 2018 and claimed she inspires millions. It's all BS. It's the Emperor's New Clothes. Do they really believe the public is that stupid?
Anonymous said…
It's also quite telling that no one is standing with her, approaching her, chatting and calling her over, nothing. And what is so hysterical when she's standing between the cars, along, laughing - could she be more fake? (No.)
Jdubya said…
I already heard she will be at Lion King
SwishyFishy said…
I can't look at the photos for long. It makes me too uncomfortable. They way she's holding that baby... I have no children, I am not maternal by any means, but even I know how to properly hold a baby and connect to children. I feel nothing coming off her. It's so clear that she's using that poor child for PR. It sickens me that they both do this, but more so from Harry. Having been in the public eye his whole life, always banging on about privacy and his mother, yet he has zero shame when it comes to using his child for publicity. Wait until they start using the baby for merching purposes. I think my head will explode.
Louise said…
The Sun did have one picture of part of his face. Also, I saw a picture of one of Harry's friends looking at the baby close up. I think that the baby is real. I just don't know who he is.
Ironically, the green tent is the biggest maternity dress she’s ever worn. Big change from the Khardashian dresses she sported during the “pregnancy”.
SwishyFishy said…
You may have a good point Mischi. If you look at her choices in the years she has been associated with the RF, almost ever single one is a copy of someone else, most notably Diana and Kate. (She's practiced a lot of Julia Roberts mannerisms as well.) She has zero originality. She even admitted in an old interview that she got her red carpet clothes from the Suits wardrobe department because she couldn't afford appropriate outfits. I also think she has no clue what looks good and what goes together. I honestly think she looks at the price tag and/or a famous label and uses that as a barometer for taste and aesthetics. She really thinks that these clothes look good and will automatically guarantee her adoration, attention and envy. Jessica has not been a good adviser to her in that arena, as she also has terrible taste. This even extends to her jewelry. It's all items from trendy designers and horrendously expensive for the thin, flimsy bits of gold foil she wears. That tiny, cheap looking sapphire pinky ring she wore at the Wimbledon debacle was reported to cost £3,000. But it was desiiiigner...
SwishyFishy said…
Yo, yo yo! No disrespect to Darth Vader! ;-D I love that character. She's a wannabe Emperor Palpatine if ever there was one! Maybe she'll end up being nothing more than a puff piece Supreme Leader Snoke. All smoke and mirrors leading up to nothing and vanquished early in the story.
SwishyFishy said…
The poor little mite was probably overheating with all that body contact, no hat, having it's wee face forced into Meghan's chest so no one could look at him and then covered in a blanket at one point. The whole thing was odd and unpleasant.
SwishyFishy said…
I read somewhere that the Nivea is presently being merched on Meghan's Mirror. I refuse to go to that site and double check.
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Jdubya said…

Some great pics on this site is have not seen before
Louise said…
I checked. It's not being sold on Meghan's Mirror.
Girl with a Hat said…
she cannot be pregnant because she drinks and gets intoxicated.
Mary said…
What mother takes an infant out on a hot sunny day, with no hat, or even booties or socks to protect it, no photos of that baby even being fed a bottle of water to hydrate it, no diaper changes either. And what kind of mother takes an infant that hasn’t been immunized yet out into a public place. Pediatricians tell new moms to limit new babies exposure in public. There was a reason Kate didn’t bring baby Louis to public appearances, because his safety and interests matter to her and William.
Rut said…
Meghan Markle have had such bad press lately so she decided to bring "the baby" ( of course Archie is not a doll! ) to soften her image. With the beloved prince Harrys son in her arms people will forget Meghans personality and all the things she has done.
But I like Thomas and I will never forget. :)
Anonymous said…
Voldemort or one of the Nasgul?
Anonymous said…
Maybe, but I've read comments that she was there for three hours and he never ate, got a diaper change, etc. And in every photo his feet didn't move, even when he saw Harry. At 2 months, shouldn't he move a bit? I know his toes moved, but she could reach down and "lovingly" adjust his feet.
Amanda said…
Elle, I noticed that also! It is like she is the unwanted guest that people are just enduring. There is little interaction.

I have no children and I am the least maternal person out there, yet even I know the way she is holding the "baby" looks wrong.
Anonymous said…
Okay, this is truly disturbing. The one photo of Archie's face squished against her body. This is truly alarming. Do a screenshot of his face and zoom in. What is wrong with his eyes and skin??
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Hi! I love your blog and so many of the different views and opinions. My mother who doesn’t care for “Smurkles” also chuckles when I read it over the phone to her. One thing that hasn’t been mentioned here, which my 70 year old mother noticed. Smurkles is using Nivea sunscreen on Archie. Now, my mother spat up her tea and clutched her pearls when she realised that Smurkles, the humanitarian, supporter of the LGBTQIA communityand overall woke-est of the woke - was using a brand which was only recently accused of horrific homophobia and in the past has also been guilty of both blatant racism and sexism in its advertising.
Unknown said…
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NikNak said…
@Trudy That thought is creeping me out more than you will ever know.
Anonymous said…
I'm creeped out by it, too, but I'm really concerned about what is wrong with Archie's eye and face and how long was she there? Did he go without moving, food, water, diaper all that time?
NikNak said…
@Trudy, sorry to reply to you again but who the hell is Adam Bidwell?
Anonymous said…
Did you see the sunken eye and the bubbles on his face? And here, this will freak everyone out:
"For some Reborners, soft skin and hair is not enough. There are more high-end dolls or modification kits that add a tiny beating heart and even a gently rising and falling chest. Magnets are often built in the mouth so pacifiers can be easily added or removed. Heaven Scent Baby Nursery specializes in custom babies with the faux breath of life."
MXJ said…
LOL love the conversation going on here. I can totally picture us all chatting over a glass of wine about pets, kids, and who our favourite Cambridge kid is! Mine is Charlotte. She is the image of her great grandmother and full of beans.
MXJ said…
@Niknak actually in one photo from Wimbledon a bump was very visible. Which makes one hope she wasn't as wasted as she seemed to be....
MXJ said…
The Voldemort of the BRF lol!
Unknown said…
I had never intended to have children and then the universe changed all that for me. I had zero, zilch idea what I was doing and when I asked my (to be) husband what are we going to do with it (tongue in cheek) he said carry it around in our lives....I was so overwhelmed with love, protection like nothing that had ever hit me or anything I could possibly imagine. 17 years later not much has changed.

My baby was a whopper, 2 weeks over, I was the proverbial milkshake, on the hour (nurses scolded me and told me every 3 hours was all that was necessary)....she was constantly starving. Shock horror, added formula at 3 months and introduced solids shortly her monster baby didn't need a feed or change even in the short time she was there beats me!
Unknown said…
Hi Nutty and everyone

I am a mom of two. A near 40 year old mom should damn well know enough. That's an awfully strange way of clutching your baby. She is clutching that baby, not holding. Most babies until after 3 to 4 months need to have their necks supported! Otherwise they can suffer serious whiplash if their heads roll back!!!!!!

Also I took off all my wedding rings for about a year after delivery. Why? Because babies require so much of touching with our hands, that it's impossible not to scratch them. This monster moms rings are huge, absolute danger to the baby. Oh my word!

A reporter should point this out. Also those sunglasses ! Freaks me out. She is protecting her eyes. The baby's soft fontanelle on the skull needs protection until the skull hardens in the next months. Otherwise being exposed to sunlight can dehydrate the insides.

If I see a mom like that in public, you bet I am going to say something.

Also at about 6 to 8 weeks, babies all over the world require vaccines. After being vaccinated , they should be kept indoors, as most vaccines are live. Interesting to find out if this baby had this done, and if so, why didn't that nursing sister advise . So much to comment on here.
Rut said…
it beats you Meghan did not have to change and feed her baby in that short time she walked around with him in order to get the "Meghan&Archie" photos in the press? I also have children. The time my children were babies was the EASIEST time. All they did was eat and sleep. I could easily have walked around with one of my sleeping babies for hours whitout having to do anything else than hold them. Considering all the feeding and changing your baby made you do every second, maybe it was your baby who was the "monsterbaby"?
Rut said…
Elle, you have to accept Archie is a real baby.
Rut said…
Oh, I googled Adam. He is a very handsome man :)
Unknown said…
Wow, weren't you comments were not intended to offend. Your comments on the other hand I find offensive Rut.
Unknown said…
Rut, why are you here? This doesn't appear to be a forum you can relate to. Did you happen to notice the title of this specific blog....giant kid?
Jen said…
@SwishyFishy, this just proves that Vogue really is not what it used to be when it comes to fashion.
hhstarr said…
Richard palmer (British journalist) is reporting today that Harry attended an event today (Thursday): "Prince Harry had an official engagement this morning and made some remarks but colleagues covering it were thrown out before he spoke. There is nothing interesting to report."
hhstarr said…
Wow. Observant mom!
Jen said…
@lurking - Actually, if you see the video that The Sun had, she does sway a bit at one point. Not sure if the swaying has to do with the baby though.
Miss_Christina said…
Oh boy.

First, my youngest was a pretty big baby, ten pounds plus. She was still not this large at two months.

Second, I was unaware Dior did camping gear.

Third, I was also a short mom, like Smegs (if she's taller than five foot three I'll eat a stiletto). Carrying a large baby does tend to make you look like an overwhelmed troll doll, which is why I used a carrier or dare I say, a stroller. The only reason I can figure why she didn't is attention from paps and that she would be handing him off to an employee at some point.

I feel so badly for this poor little guy. Harry might be an enthusiastic father, but I don't know if he's going to be a good one. In his way, I think he's just as selfish and self-absorbed as his wife. I can only hope that somehow they luck upon a nanny like Tiggy Legge-Burke who can be the love and positive influence Archie is going to so desperately need.

And just how cute is Kate and the kids?
Miss_Christina said…
Knowing Sparkles, she's probably one of those anti-vaxxers and that Archie will look more biracial if she lets him tan a bit *eyeroll*.
Hikari said…
Do we? H. and M. seem to be going out of their way to keep this cast in doubt.

We saw a real baby in the christening photos, but we lack sufficient corroboration that Meg was holding the same baby yesterday, or potentially, a baby at all. It struck me how the little legs dangled lifelessly though all the pictures. A real baby would draw his legs up and wiggle around, especially when being held so awkwardly for so long. No real child could 'nap' for three hours unmoving in that position. Unless he's sedated. Or plastic.

I rather hope the baby we saw yesterday was a prop baby, because she looked like she was hurting him, and at at least one point, smothering him. A doll wouldn't feel that or be traumatized like a real child.
MLRoda said…
I don't believe Archie is a doll but her and "her privacy because he's a private citizen" is smothering her baby to her chest and that's not a good thing. She hugs him any closer and she'll either crush him or smother him.
Bubbles said…
@MXJ @Elle @ punkinseed, *sipping my Contemptini* Well, as the athletic middle child myself who will always let you know what I think - I relate to Charlotte. I see my daughter in her, too, wearing a dress while playing soccer - I have a pic of my daughter in a full party dress & shoes on the outdoor archery range. But those boys are just so damn cute! How do we pick a favorite?!
Bubbles said…
I see it now! I was on a whip yesterday... I had my "jump to conclusions mat" out! :)
Bubbles said…
@rut, write a book on how easy newborns are please! It'll be a best seller, congrats on the potential money!!

In all seriousness - every newborn experience is different. I had postpartum depression with my daughter & multiple surgeries and recoveries for my newborn son. Where were you when I needed you to tell me how EASY it was and I should just get on with it? They're 9 & 4 now and it still hasn't gotten EASY yet - what do I do????
Anonymous said…
Well, actually @Rut, I don't have to do any such thing. I am entitled to my own opinion, and I'm not certain what is going on. I am surprised that a child can be held like that for that long and not need water, food, change, etc., but I just don't know. I am also concerned about his face and eye because when I zoom on that one photo, I can see something wrong, and I don't know what it is.

What I suggest is that you accept that I'm still questioning this whole situation from all angles (best to do that - avoids becoming entrenched in one belief too soon), and that I have every right to do that. Please feel free to slip right on past my comments if you find them annoying because I will continue to question this absurdity from a variety of angles.
Anonymous said…
@Unknown and @Bubbles Superpowers activate! You're both awesome and I can't imagine going thru any of what you did and I commend you. I need a Contemptini just reading about it lol! But don't let anyone bully or dismiss you. Not everyone knows how to have nice things and make friends - it's just life - so we just let those people go.
Anonymous said…
LOL on the Dior camping gear! I wondered who the designer was. On a related note, I about choked on tea when I saw that Doria was wear one of "her favorite designers" and someone pointed out that Doria's favorite designers are at Target and the absurdity overwhelms. What a spectacle de merde!

Kate and the kids just made my day yesterday. So normal. She even served in a tin plate. That's as normal as it gets. Also, I want her handbag.
Hikari said…
It would be better for Archie if he were not a real baby. Or if he is real, that he is not going to grow up with her as his mother. Right now, he is a precious clean slate, but maternal rejection messes up an individual for life. I mean, look at how messed up Charles is, and he did not have a narcissistic mother, just one who has always put her job ahead of her children. She was more absent than unloving.

MM is a whole other kettle of fish. I have known the adult children of narcissists, and they spend years in therapy trying to learn how to be OK with themselves, or else, they become criminals/narcissists themselves. The outlook for Archie is not rosy, mentally speaking, if Farkle is allowed to taint him with her malignant self-absorption. Let's not forget that this woman laughed at a rider who fell from his horse last year; ridicule is her default setting. Ridicule, competition, envy, control . . . If Harry pays too much attention to the baby, she will likely retaliate by hurting Archie in some manner out of jealousy. She is a classic blueprint for a Munchausen's by proxy mother. I am not a clinical psychologist; I just read a lot of psychological crime, true and other. Plus I have known some of these individuals personally. MM should never be permitted to raise a child. The situation for Archie is dire if she is his primary caregiver, or really, if he's genetically tied to her. He may have inherited her sickness.
Hikari said…
I can't tell if Rut is one of Meghan's stans or if she is with us . . . I would like to give her the benefit of the doubt that she is not intentionally trying to offend. I think she is attempting jokes/levity and they are coming off as confrontational because she may not be a native English speaker. Perhaps she would be willing to share what her intentions are. Is she trying to join in the spirit of the room, or is she here to try and defend Meghan's actions? Those, I'm afraid, are indefensible.

It's OK to dislike Meghan less than a great many of us do here; personally I think she may be the Anti-Christ, at least as far as the Royal family is concerned. Other people may just see a new mother who is very unsuited/unskilled in her unfamiliar roles as mother and royal struggling to cope and not doing well at it. I wanted to think this of her, but it's been nearly a year since I could be that nice about her. She has the reputation with me which she has earned.
Miss_Christina said…
Right? I want Kate's dress!
Anonymous said…
Her outrageous behavior and the giant, overgrown “2” mo. Old bb are a great distraction from Epstein.. and his ties to Ghislaine Maxwell.. who is an “alleged” madame (amongst other criminal allegations).. who happens to have ties with none other than yours truly, MM... Could this be the link to her alleged “yachting”
Anonymous said…
I wonder if MM gave another order to go hassle people. I've watched her give that order on Twitter for her little stans to go report people until Twitter shuts the account down. Then they all return to the hive and verbally high five each other for getting the job done. People like Rut need to stick to RoyalSussex IM for their daily dose of MM pablum and leave the adults to chat.
Anonymous said…
"Flying Monkeys" in the narcissist / sociopath world. Celebrities (and wannabes like MM) and politicians manage it, too. Go figure.
Anonymous said…
Yep, familiar with all of that - too familiar - and you're right.
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
I'd look like a total cow in that dress but it's perfect for both of you! I love it, though, and that pink is lovely on her. She is an inspiration to me because I have none of her calm, regal qualities. I try, at least I try, though, but I could never put up w/the megster. I would try my best and then one day, I'd have to be locked away at Balmoral for the duration.

Mostly, I'd just love to hang out with her and dish. She could tell me all of the secrets and I'd never need to share, and while we talked, we could draw mustaches and funny balloon comments on MM's tabloid pictures. Also, there would be no photographers and far too many Contemptinis. I really want to know if William has the wicked sense of humor I suspect he has. He was onto the markle ploy from the beginning, so he can't be totally daft (is that the word?). And if HMTQ was throwing shade with Sussex and FC. My guess is yes, but I'd like to be sure. Also, I'd like to meet the corgis and the other dogs because why not.
Anonymous said…
But regardless what is "better", I really want to know the truth. I can argue both sides of the "Archie" argument for now because I don't have enough facts to make it work either way. It's probably the legal training, but I prefer not to be too attached to what I believe at this point, and that is why 1) it is condescending (at best) that Rut is telling me what I must accept and 2) I am presenting scenarios on both sides of the issue and trying to overlook the logically fallacious arguments.
Unknown said…
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MaLissa said…
She says she doesn't read the papers and the internet but she does. I'm not on twitter or insta but I can look and see :) LOL :)
Catty said…
This is truly unbelievable - how exactly are they allowed to behave this way?
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