When she was being introduced to the world as Harry's new girlfriend, Duchess Meghan was frequently described as "highly intelligent", "whip-smart" and even "the smartest member of the Royal Family."
In the wake of yesterday's release of photos of the Harkles dining at a pub - photos that were supposedly taken in August but included metadata showing they were taken on September 17 - does it still make sense to call Meghan "smart"?
UPDATE: Apparently I misunderstood the metadata situation. The metadata was stripped from the photo, suggesting that the photos were not taken during the August Bank Holiday as advertised. However, they did not have metadata suggesting they were taken September 17. My apologies.
As some of the comments have pointed out, Bank Holiday weekends tend to be very busy times for pubs. In addition to the missing metadata, it's suspicious that there are no other people dining.
Also, what's with the very blurry images? Even an old-fashioned Nokia candy bar phone takes clearer images that this.
Finally, it's also suspicious that Archificial was reportedly quiet throughout the two-hour meal: "Not a single peep outta the little guy - even when Mom changed his nappy (that's what they call diapers)" according to the TMZ article.
A sleeping baby might have been totally silent for two hours, but an alert one?
And was Meg changing Archificial's diaper right on the dinner table? One hopes not.
In the wake of yesterday's release of photos of the Harkles dining at a pub - photos that were supposedly taken in August but included metadata showing they were taken on September 17 - does it still make sense to call Meghan "smart"?
UPDATE: Apparently I misunderstood the metadata situation. The metadata was stripped from the photo, suggesting that the photos were not taken during the August Bank Holiday as advertised. However, they did not have metadata suggesting they were taken September 17. My apologies.
As some of the comments have pointed out, Bank Holiday weekends tend to be very busy times for pubs. In addition to the missing metadata, it's suspicious that there are no other people dining.
Also, what's with the very blurry images? Even an old-fashioned Nokia candy bar phone takes clearer images that this.
Finally, it's also suspicious that Archificial was reportedly quiet throughout the two-hour meal: "Not a single peep outta the little guy - even when Mom changed his nappy (that's what they call diapers)" according to the TMZ article.
A sleeping baby might have been totally silent for two hours, but an alert one?
And was Meg changing Archificial's diaper right on the dinner table? One hopes not.
Very, very.
As for etiquette and style at the Markle household, my guess is that it centered around how to get stale pot smoke out of your clothes and why the removal of stains from the wife-beater undershirt is important before a job interview.
Read it and weep.
Markle's mirror on the wall, who's the tackiest Markle of all? and, without irony, the mirror can answer Meghan. FFS, that woman just has the gaudiest, most inappropriate taste.
She perfectly distills the ice-skating costume combined with cheap negligee ensemble into her own passé brand of aging gauche style.
However, like so many couture gowns, it's designed for someone very tall and slim, which Meghan isn't. Plus, it's simply not suitable for an early autumn wedding in Rome, and as for being 'worth 14K? I think not.
The Express is writing about the possibility H&M could leave royal life and the UK altogether:
I'm writing at 11.20pm Friday 20 Sept UK time.
But most of these 'relationships' only started after her marriage. She had a few photos taken with Serena and this new bestest buddy and that was it. Serena didn't invite her to her wedding or baby shower. The Clooneys were nowhere to be seen. Come to think of it, they're nowhere to be seen now either. Not a word from them about their great friend Meghan for months now.
And they say the "unwoke" crowd are the ones pitting women against each other!
In reality, it's probably just the so-called "woke" crowd beating strawmen to find excuses to bring attention to themselves as fiminists.
Like fakea** Justin Trudeau, the loudest virtue-signaller are the worst offenders behind closed doors.
Feminism has been reduced to small talk.
Stop it.
In reality, it's probably just the so-called "woke" crowd beating strawmen to find excuses to bring attention to themselves as fiminists."
I don't talk politics at Nutty's blog, but here's what I *will* say. Only people who have not been deeply involved in politics think that one side is pure/good/blameless/right and the other side tainted/bad/worthy of blame/wrong. It's both sides equally, and those who are embroiled in it have friends on both sides. The talking points that alienate us are just that - marketing, bread and circus. Neither side is wholly feminist or racist. It's sad that people buy into the extremes. It's just marketing. On both sides, the sensible politicians will tell you about the crazy extremist wing that demands and pushes and it's disgusting to watch from both sides. The loudest virtue-signallers are no worse than the loudest extremists on the other side. Both are riddled with hypocrites.
When I see photos of them together in the '30s, a confident, outgoing man and a small, well-mannered child, that's when I realise the weight of responsibility he put on her shoulders. Yes her mother was still young enough to bear a son, but no one thought that was likely. I think it stunted her emotional development at a critical time, as she was far more rigid and punctilious than her mother or her sister. In fact, she was like Queen Mary, who she spent a lot of time with in her early years. Every year that passes the Queen looks more like Queen Mary.
I wrote a novella about a woman on a B1/B2 visa making observations about just that.
My grandfather (who was a villagehead, born into it like the equivalent of a village squire [?] In England) had to 'befriend' the local mobsters because it was the only way to keep them under control. Doesn't make *him* a mobster.
The crazy thing is, the worst virtue-signalers in western countries will come to Asia and exhibit UGLY behaviour. Yet the ones painted as "racist" will meet me (probably the first foreigner/Asian they've ever met) and they are nothing but curious and kind!
She still doesn't know how to read the room.
She doesn't learn from her errors (just look at the clothing alone). This is big because it increases the chances of making another one which is preventable.
She still thinks that her opinion is something the world not only needs but wants to hear from her.
And, I think she thinks that because she has made it this far, she is the smartest person in the room. That didn't work out well for Enron either.
She has smarts but they are also the kind which blind you to your own potential for making some kind of error which will undo the whole thing like pulling a card out to set off a chain of falling cards.
Meghan probably is intelligent in a booksmart sense, incredibly emotionally intelligent, and certainly a genius in comparison to her husband. Yet her vapid Instagram quotations and vacuous buzzwords on women's empowerment movements like really don't do her much favors.
MM lacks impulse control, her actions seem to be for the immediate "gain" (whether that be financial/social or to answer critics), she isn't thinking about the consequences or:
Maybe she just doesn't care and in her mind since she has a "baby" that they can't get rid of her? I also still think she has something on Harry which the family at first may be so scared to be released they turn a blind eye.
This is where Lord G comes in - he gets called back to duty, one of her new staff members was trained in similar arena's - by allowing the media to release all these negative actions taken, they are eroding the public sympathy of her - so even if she does have something on harry, her rep will be so burnt by the end of this trainwreck no one will care or she will be tagged in a more negative light.
This "baby" in my mind is her trump card - if there wasn't one I doubt she would be there, but since there is a child in the mix this is going to keep her around for a bit.
Date and time data on these files are usually set to "read only" which makes then unable to be altered by the general public, however there are tools such as ExifTool that can be downloaded and edit time stamps - bear in mind that there are extra layers within image source code that contains the right data - added to that digital cameras that take the image will contain the true data and under court orders these can be compelled.