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Who are Meg's "Five Friends" who spoke to People Magazine?

A long-term friend, a co-star, a former colleague, a friend from Los Angeles, and a close confidante. These are the "five friends" who supposedly spoke to People magazine to defend the Duchess of Sussex - and who may now be dragged into her court case against Mail on Sunday.

This is because the Duchess is alleging that the Mail on Sunday violated her privacy by reprinting portions of a letter Meg sent her father, Thomas Markle. 

But some of the five friends, interviewed for an issue that came out in February, were able to quote verbatim from a letter that had been sent in August. This suggests that Meghan not only told them about the letter, but showed it to them, as well as showing them Thomas Markle's reponse. 

Since the friends were able to quote the letter word for word, perhaps she even sent them copies. 

Or perhaps there never were five friends after all - only Meg repeating her own words to the team at People

Dragged into court 

If there were indeed five friends, Meg has put them in a difficult spot. Although People did not disclose their identies "to protect the private relationships they hold dear", their names seem likely to be revealed as part of the lawsuit. 

The Mail on Sunday's lawyers are sure to ask why the news outlet is being sued for sharing parts of the letter when Meg never sued the "five friends" (or People) for doing precisely the same thing. 

While it was certainly nice of the friends to "stand up to the global bullying and speak the truth about our friend," it wasn't quite as nice of their so-called buddy who "personifies elegance, grace, and philantropy" to put them in this position. 

Ordinary people generally don't want to be part of an internationally-followed court case that will dog their Google mentions until the end of time. 

What about the People reporter?

And what about Michelle Tauber, the author of the People article? Won't she end up on the witness stand as well? 

How embarassing it would be for Tauber, a senior editor who has been at People for almost 20 years, to admit that she was fed the quotes for her oleaginus cover story directly from a PR firm, or from Meghan herself. 

For what it's worth, Tauber's Twitter feed has only three words in her profile description - "Editor. Evidence-based" - and her Tweets reveal that she shares Meghan's political leanings. 

So who are the friends? 

Generally, journalists try to avoid guessing at other journalists' secret sources. It's bad manners. 

That said, Tauber's "five friends" seem destined to come out in court, so I'll do it anyway.

People identifies them as women, which eliminates Meg's weepy makeup artist Daniel Martin and Meg's super-special buddy Markus Anderson.

Lindsay Roth? Genevieve Hillis? Those were the women who attended Wimbledon with Meg. 

Heather Dorak? She is listed on Wikipedia as a "celebrity Pilates instructor" and attended Meg's wedding to Harry.  

Celine Khavarani, who also attended the wedding as a friend of Markle, according to Wikipedia? Isabel May? Lucy Meadmore?

Jessica Mulroney? Misha Noonoo? 

Who do you think the "five friends" might be?


JLC said…
Another thought-provoking blog post, Nutty. Love the blog - thank you.

I firmly believe that these "five friends" don't exist. I think it was fed from Meg, or via an assistant. These friends all seemed to have photographic memories too!

I think Meg rushes into things and doesn't sit back to reflect on all the possible outcomes and pitfalls that will inevitably come with things as big as this.
Dallasite said…
I’ve always assumed three of the five are MM: “Me, Myself & I”.

I loved the use of the adjective oleaginous.
d.c. said…
Lols, I assumed all were Megs. The likelihood that five independent friends organized themselves to feed coordinated direct quotes to People magazine... is minuscule, That is going to be embarrassing for the People article’s author/editor.

You’re right, about her suing the UK Mail being strange in the face of letting the friends and People escape unscathed. Strange, unless they were planted all along.
hardyboys said…
Megs doesnt have 5 friends who would go to bat for her lmao. Ya ok. I'm still convinced she did this bc she is attracted to chaos and pathos surrounding her like dirt following linus from snoopy
Jenx said…
I also think it is PR fed and I even thought so when the article first came out. It was so contrived. If a friend feels so strongly about her "elegance and grace" why not put their name to it? Being lumped in with the BRF can be a good thing, right?
Fact is she probably has no one left. In the 3rd season of the show "This is Us" They actually made some snide MM jokes. Hilarious. Wonder if it was an ad lib.
Anyway, no friends. Just Meg. Because, as usual, instead of actually trying to be elegant and graceful she will ram it down people's throats while continuing to clump around like the shallow ignoramus she is.
PaisleyGirl said…
What I don't understand about this suit: either the five friends exist, in which case their names will probably be published in the suit, which the friends do not want or they would not have spoken to People Magazine anonymously in the first place. Meghan would come off as a terrible friend, to put her five friends in this position. Not to mention the position she is putting her elderly father in. OR Meghan made up the five friends, which will come out when the People magazine editor takes the stand and then Meghan will look pretty stupid. In either situation, she will look terrible. Why would she put herself, her father and the royal family through this? It seems she has not thought any of this through properly. It does make me question her "insane smartness"...
Sconesandcream said…
Assuming they are not imaginery friends, the co-star would most likely be Abigail Spencer from Suits who had a small recurring guest role on Suits and was front and centre at that baby shower in NYC.
lizzie said…
Definitely M had a hand in the article. Certainly the topics came from a checklist: bad Thomas, M takes care of her dogs (except when she leaves them behind or they get run over), M is a great hostess, interior decorator, cook, she "respects God" so no air freshener wanted in chapel, bad Thomas...

I think she'd have wanted someone else to talk to the reporter for plausible deniability. It seems very unlikely though most of her "close friends" even know each other. The possible friends mentioned by Nutty live in 3 different countries I believe. Plus the idea that 5 friends just happened to have read/ remember a letter M wrote to someone else months before?

I thought it was interesting the "close friends" didn't seem to really know Harry. At least they had little to say about their recently-wed bestie's hubby (except to say he was out of town when one visited M) And they had little of substance to say about M's happiness with him. Guess that wasn't on the assigned checklist.

I don't know if the friends are real, names will come out. Journalists do protect sources. But what a silly thing to have to go to the wall about. Candles and robes at bedtime? That's hardly Watergate.
Sconesandcream said…
Be interesting if Priyanka Chopra or George Clooney are named because both seem to be distancing themselves from MM of late (although George could still be supporting them privately).
Nelo said…
At first I felt that Meghan has put Moss in a tight spot, but as things get clearer, I now believe she didn't think it through especially as it emerged that MoS refused to settle out of court, she had to sue to save face. This is going to be worse than the real housewives show. Meghan and her father will be forced to face each other in Court. It is going to be messy and MoS will likely insist that the proceedings be made public after Harry's tantrums. You don't insult the press publicly and want a private or closed hearing. I guess it will dawn on them now that they didn't think this through.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Scandi Sanskrit said…
are they even real tho?

i thought they were 5 imaginary friends?

so now they're going to have to cast some actors for the role to make it real?

Shazzam said…
Meg does not have 5 friends, this was all herown doing, she possibly signed them Me, Myself, I, Meghan and Rachel. Even if she previously had 5 friends after the last years worth of shenanigans, they would be running for the hills about now.
hardyboys said…
Me myself and I dorito and doria ragland
Vanessa V said…
It was just her.NO friends can tell the exact quotes unless they memorized it well or were reading a note
MaLissa said…
@Nelo She has to know what "saving face" is first. I don't think she does. She's like a bull in a china shop just clomping around making lots of noise and breaking things.
@DallasSite word of the day oleaginous
@Veena At least Linus and Snoopy are real friends :)
gabes_human said…
Ninaki Priddy (she was still in Meg’s orbit then I think)
Jessica Mulroney
Priyanka Chopra
Marcus Anderson
The makeup artist whose name escapes me at the moment.

Well, those are my best guesses at the moment.
gabes_human said…
I remember the DE printing an article on this at the time and they said “of course M had bestowed her blessings” for her friends to speak up for her. That site reloads every few seconds making it miserable to read but I’ll try to look up the article and see who wrote it.
hardyboys said…
@MaLissa it turns out it is pig pen and not Linus.
abbyh said…
Very interesting.

I think ...

Unknown with Abigail Spencer as the costar ... fits easily

Gabes Human with Jessica Mulroney and probably Priyanka, Ninaki as confidente, LA and long time friend respectively.

Leaves me with former colleague - Markus. I cannot believe she would leave him out of her plans. Perhaps that day they were joking around and he said he could self identify as a woman and they both laughed - I don't know but close friends can joke around like that) or it was decided that it would be better optics to make it all female or maybe the author didn't speak to them but only did emails in such as way that it was controlled to make her think a specific way.

What I do think think is that she suggested to them what to say and sent copies of parts of the letter.

What I also don't know is where did the one visit supposedly happen?
Fairy Crocodile said…
I don't think it matters. They are "friends" who will do anything to maintain access to the fame and glory of the 1500 years old institution via her, even pour dirt on a 72 year old man who suffered two heart attacks. I also believe "speaking through "friends" may be an euphemism often used by journalists when they can't say the information comes directly from the person concerned. Richard Kay, Diana's mouthpiece, used to attribute her own leaks to her anonymous "friends".
punkinseed said…
As usual, Megs goes overboard insisting that more is best when in reality, less is more. Who would be stupid enough to have Five sock puppets when two or three would be more convincing?
I don't believe five anonymous female friends quoted her letter verbatim. It was all Megs. And the verbatim part is the most telling of all that it's a total sham. Her hubris and pedantic perfectionist mental state forbids her from realizing that readers would notice that such precise recall or recitation verbatim from her letter would reveal that she'd given copies of it to the "friends" and to the reporter at People. Her NPD mind can't come up with an original idea, let alone have the foresight to paraphrase. Plus, her hubris won't accept that she can be caught in her lies.

Jen said…
I imagine there could be five friends, hand-picked by Megs herself, who all were given a script to use during their "interview." Each had bits and pieces from her letter to her father that she wanted them to quote. For all we know, Megs herself outlined the article and provided the author with the questions to ask so that it would form the narrative that she was hoping to get across using the tidbits from the letters. No matter how it happened, the end result is that her letter and Thomas' letter back to her, was put on display (in tidbits) in the People article. MoS may be in the wrong for publishing the actual letter, but my understanding is they didn't publish the entire thing, WHICH may help them with the copyright issue.

Liver Bird said…
Like others, I strongly believe that the '5 friends' do not exist. The twee style of the article is very similar to The Tig. And given that her 'friends' don't know each other and often live in different continents, what are the chances of them simultaneously being able to quote from the same 5 month old letter? Besides, the whole 'friends say' thing is the oldest trick in the PR book.
Girl with a Hat said…
Didn't CDAN have a blind item about the "kneepads" magazine having a contract to publish 5 positive articles about her per month?

Wouldn't that mean that they just published the storied that Meghatron furnished them, perhaps adding a comma here or there to make it look like they did some work for the money they were being paid?

She just assumed that all that money spent would have bought her a good reputation by now, and she is disappointed that it hasn't, hence the lawsuits.
Definitely think one of the 5 would have to be Meg (she calls herself her close confidant. Probably because she is always talking to herself, as we have seen in numerous videos)

Abigail Spencer (this is the skinny mousy looking girl with the OTT boho dress at the baby shower right?) She could definitely use with some publicity, haven't seen her in anything before or since Suits. Infact she was the unnecessary, irritating character in suits, so her only claim to fame has been that she us MMs friend and shares her bday. So that would be the co-star. (Oh my what shade, she has been relegated to being a co-star and not a close friend by People)

There were rumours that Priyanka and Nick visited them early into their marriage when they lived in Cotswold, but I don't think it would be her. Priyanka is way too busy with her own life and frankly bow her posse is Sophie Turner. She is too busy being a jobas groupie and has a couple of Hollywood and Bollywood projects coming out. I don't think she would have the time or need to be MMs spokesperson a year back with no gains in return. I can very confidently rule her out.

Lindsay J Roth? Probably, she would be the friend from LA/childhood friend. It's one reason mm was seen with her at Wimbledon, that couldn't have been random with no epilogue in sight. She is also a chicklit author and could use with the publicity. And she supposedly lives in London?

For the friend who lives in LA? The friend whose 2 girls were flower girls at MMs wedding? She is a lawyer right? And indian or South Asian? So that would tick the customary woman of colour/non-racist category. Plus someone non-celebrity, which Mm would want for the optics.

The weeping willow Daniel guy would probably be one. He has been boasting forever about anything and everything mm related. Seems too eager not to be incluyher.

Jessica Mulroney would be an obvious choice, and she has hinted a few times to have been to visit Mm and had a girls weekend with her.

I do think we might see someone totally unconnected to this so far, someone totally random (for example - Jessica Alba? Pink? Idris Alba's wife? Markus Anderson's plus one at the wedding who is rumoured to be the godmother? MMs long forgotten niece?)

Also, Misha Nonoo. She seems to be too publicity/relevance hungry lately, so definitely could be one. She would also make a good spokesperson for the whole group in a couple of months when we would know for sure and they would be all over boring us to death with why they did what they did.

Marie said…
"long-time friend, a co-star, a former colleague, a friend from Los Angeles and a close confidante". Yeah, the twee gushing sounded a lot like her make-up artist, particularly about the religiousness and closeness to God. But if they all sound the same, it's probably because Meghan had a heavy hand in feeding them lines. If you read the most recent interview in the NYT with Misha Nonoo, the journalist notes Misha's nervousness about speaking to the press. It's a great article because you really get the feeling that they're all walking on eggshells in regards to not spoiling Meghan's image.

I looked at the guests list from the wedding and who was sat in the front part of the church.

A long-time friend in Meghan's world could mean 4 years. Or 8 years, as Misha Nonoo pretends is the case. So I would say Misha Nonoo to the first, or Lindsay Roth (Lindsay married a rich British man, which probably spun Meghan's wheels to inspiration, given that so far, she' copied quite a things in her life)

Former colleague - that is strange. Could refer to any non-acting member of staff on the Suits show. I would guess Celine Khavarani though. She does communications work for luxury fashion brands, and maybe Meg considered her Tig blog the vocational equivalent in order to call her a former colleague.

A friend from L.A. - Benita Litt (Meghan visited her and her family at Christmas in LA)

Co-star - Abigail Spencer from Suits perhaps. Funny that according to Meghan's Tig, she and Sarah Rafferty like sisters, and Gina Torres was like her mom/older sister. But Gina seems too dignified to get involved in this mess, and Sarah doesn't se

Close confidante is probably Serena Williams. Maybe why Serena threw some shade at Meghan after Wimbledon is that Meghan somehow blamed her for the whole PR fiasco after she went on with Serena's advice?
NeutralObserver said…
Have to agree with Nutty & commenters on the dubiousness of Meg's 'friends.'

Some commenters on yesterday's post were arguing about the queen's ability to cope with the present kerfuffle. Some made a pretty good argument for doing nothing & letting the whole thing blow over. That may be the case, & I certainly defer to those who are more informed royal watchers, but I wonder if the damage M&H have potentially done to the RF's credibility is a problem in this time of things like Brexit & Extinction Marches. By themselves, M&H are a pretty boring news bagatelle. They don't rise much above the sleazy photos on the margins of the Daily Mail's website. Dim rich boy marries cheesy actress who will take him to the cleaners. I've also wondered, as have others, if BP is using M&H as a distraction from Prince Andrew's problems. The palace has also stood by as enough bread crumbs to raise questions about Archie's origins have been sprinkled, the moonbump, the odd announcement & birth certificate, no vehicles seen leaving Frog Cott on the relevant dates, no doctors acknowledged, the odd, very non-royal name, Archie, for example. The DM has a story about the 'Fab Four' reuniting for an unprecedented advert for a mental health initiative. I feel if the RF doesn't clean up the narrative pretty soon, it's going to seem as though the RF, not just M&H, are gaslighting the public. My interest in the whole thing is my suspicion that a respected historical & cultural institution like the BRF has been a party to some sort of hoax. The most benign interpretation of the whole pregnancy parade is that Megs really had a baby, but for some insane reason was allowed to wear a prosthetic for most of it. Why on earth was that allowed to happen? The woman looked as though she was carrying triplets at supposedly four or five months! WTF!
Fairy Crocodile said…
I apologize for what I am going to say but we have all heard about the certain tapes of unsavory nature. fullbananabouquet-posts writing on the Skippy blog put a screenshot of the face without indecent details and it allows a guess - minus the need to see what can't be unseen. They either found a body double or it is a younger her sans freckles. Or a masterpiece of digital trickery. Goodness, if such tapes are real she would do anything to gag the media. Absolutely anything. A scandal of this magnitude will destroy the royal family.
Liver Bird said…
Speaking of 'friends' is anyone else curious as to how quiet they have been regarding the recent legal cases? I speak specifically of her front-row at the wedding friends, the Clooneys. Where is Mister Anti-Medie Intrusion himself, George Clooney, who has gone to the press at least once to sympathise over the invasion of his 'friend's' privacy? And more to the point, where is the Legal Eagle Madame Clooney, supposedly so very close to Meghan earlier this year that she sent a private jet to fly her to the 'baby shower' in New York? Wouldn't her legal expertise be helpful at such a time, even allowing that she is not a media lawyer? This time last year she and her husband would certainly have been difficult to shut up about their poor 'friend' and her terrible struggle with the meeja.

Yet we haven't heard from them in months. What gives?
Humor Me said…
I just want this to play out in court.
A court case will nameThomas Markle, People magazine - the editor and the 5 close friends identified to testify. Meghan needs to have her day in court in more ways than one. I am on the side of the Mail on Sunday - they know the laws, they knew what they were doing, and gave an old man a chance to defend his reputation. Which is more than People magazine.
JLC said…
@ Fairy Crocodile

Yep, seen the pics. General consensus appears to be that it is a younger Megs. One thing. She apparently doesn't stop staring at the camera the whole time....
Mom Mobile said…
@Fairy Crocodile, I'm certain it's just a look alike. And yes, it is most unsavory.
Jenx said…
@charade. From E Online "This Is Us". Kate is a character in the show, not the DoC Kate.

What does Meghan Markle have to do with This Is Us? Well, if Meghan Markle was in the hospital and going into early labor, her family wouldn't be kept in the dark in the waiting room like Kate Pearson's (Chrissy Metz) clan.

"If Meghan Markle were here, right, her doctor would be out here giving us updates every two minutes," Kevin (Justin Hartley) says in the exclusive clip above. "And Kate better not be back there getting anything less than Meghan Markle treatment, whatever that is."

"Baby Markle. Y'all know Baby Markle is going to pop out in full hair and make-up, right? Little crown and scepter, just [waving]," Randall (Sterling K. Brown) says.
Girl with a Hat said…
off topic but very pertinent - King of Sweden strips HRH titles from some of his grandchildren and removes them from royal household to cut down on size of royal family performing duties. Only the children of the heiress apparent were spared the downgrade.
MaLissa said…
@Veena Ah yes PigPen and I think he's friends with Snoopy too :)

If these "five friends" are the real deal then they shouldn't be afraid to say who they are at the time of the interview. I mean seriously, if I were to back up my friend and tell the world they're worthy of admiration, I'd stand proud and not be anonymous. However, these "five friends" must be ashamed of her and the bad press they'd be getting for "having her back" that they're too ashamed to stand up and be counted. Just my 2 cents and I could be wrong.

@Jenx I don't watch This Is Us but thanks for the description :) That's crazy :) LOL :) I wonder if someone is throwing shade at Madam LaMarkle.
Girl with a Hat said…
this is hilarious.
Marie said…
What is crazy is the Tig blog posting of the 2016 Thanksgiving that she spent with both parents. She was still praising Thomas Markle. All Meg's fans like to make TM out as a guy who threw her under the bus for the paparazzi, but my feeling is that he only contacted the paparazzi for the photoshoot AFTER he realised he wasn't going to play any part in the wedding. And Meghan was punishing him for not putting a muzzle on Samantha or her half-brother. I wish Daily Mail or the journos would investigate whether a) Thomas got an invitation to the wedding like Doria did, b) if any preparations like bespoke suiting, flights, and Palace Staff contacting him actually were underway. Because Meghan claimed she did this, but my feeling is that Thomas basically received no indication that he was going to be any part in the wedding but needed a lot of hand-holding because he's a proud man (apparently there's only one photo of him at the Jamaica wedding because he was too embarrassed about how he looked) and that's why he did the paparazzi photoshoot a few days before the second wedding.

If people found this out, that she never really did any planning for him to attend the wedding, it would start to rip away this story of "woe is me, victim of trashy people" and maybe really turn public opinion to the fact she tries so hard to present a certain image and maybe even fooled dimwit Harry. Many people still believe that Meghan's the victim of her dad selling her out to paparazzi for money at the very beginning. Yet others, including me, started to find her really fake when only her mother was invited and not even her uncle who got her her first internship at the US embassy in Argentina or her mom's family who seemed normal and nice. Even Kate Middleton's trashy, drug-using uncle got an invite! Everyone from Meg's past who weren't useful anymore and thus discarded, including Samantha, her former agent, her ex-bff and maid of honor, her decent black side of the family have explicitly said to the press that Meghan changed.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Marie, I think it's been discussed in a lot of places that Thomas was never invited to the wedding. Although it seems that a lot of people don't remember/understand/have never read this.

My feeling from the beginning was that he wasn't invited. It was the only explanation that made sense of the whole thing.

Poor guy. Honestly. I don't get along with some relatives but I invite them to family functions because it's cruel to reject people and make them lose face this way with others. And these people have done far, far worse things than what she accuses Thomas of.
KnitWit said…
Misha, I am blocked from reading the hilarious @goo_gunner and don't even know who it is?

This whole business of the friends and the letter are a failed pr ploy. How can she not see how ridiculous this is? A caligraphy letter, copied to at least 5 "friends" sent to aagazone which allows people to pay to plant articles?

Waiting for comment on this mess from the royal family and public sighting of the happy family wherever they are living.
Kat said…
MM really wants us to believe that she gave five friends a copy of a personal letter she sent to her father, then they all contacted People Magazine? Sure Jan.

Anyways her 5 friends are probably Rachel Zane, Cass, Amy Peterson, Officer Leah Montoya, and Wendy. As in characters she played in the past. It's all her. Her ridiculous moves just don't make sense because it will all lead to whatever her half-baked plan was being found out.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@MomMobile. Indeed. For the sake of everything I hold good I hope these tapes are just disgusting fakes. My husband is telling me it is easy to digitally change facial features on a video. But the screenshot of the facial expression is so eerily similar to her mannerism it is disturbing. Don't like her but fingers crossed it is not her. That would be too much.
Girl with a Hat said…
@KnitWit, it's just mocking her letter to her father in a font to look like calligraphy saying

Dear Dadddy, please don't show this letter which I carefully crafted to anyone. I will make photocopies and send them to 5 anonymous friends and only they can speak of our private correspondence. Charles is my new daddy. thanks for everything. Toodles.


HRH Meghan
Nelo said…
So Harry wants to bring down the cartel( the RR association)

Per The Financial Times:

Insiders said one of the main triggers for the legal action was in fact a set of revisions to procedures at London’s High Court, which from October 1 change the division where lawsuits relating to the media are filed. 

Had they waited longer, the Duke and Duchess may have had to issue their claims at the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court. Some lawyers see the specialist media judges there as more open to the arguments of publishers than the Chancery Division, the venue for recent high-profile privacy and phone hacking cases. 

In addition to using direct social media channels and tightening up access to staple fodder like pictures of the royal baby, Prince Harry has his sights on the Royal Rota, the self-governing press club that decides who attends events and how material is shared. To the Sussexes, it is “The Cartel”; Buckingham Palace is reviewing the system. But if Prince Harry wants to choose who covers him, he would have to pay for events. 

Bruised royal correspondents pine for a better relationship. Jocular Harry used to creep up on them and whisper: “Still writing bollocks then?” These days “he just glowers”, said one old hand.
Suzanne Wilson said…
I remember reading a story in which one of Thomas Markle's neighbors claimed the Palace had arranged for him to see a tailor but that he'd been uncoperative. This came out shortly after the wedding, and I dont remember where I read it. Dont know what to make of it now. More spin from Meghan's camp?
Girl with a Hat said…
@Suzanne - I know a lot of people with big girths and they are embarrassed to have their measurements taken especially by strangers.
Sandie said…
Marie: 'I wish Daily Mail or the journos would investigate whether a) Thomas got an invitation to the wedding like Doria did, b) if any preparations like bespoke suiting, flights, and Palace Staff contacting him actually were underway.'

Thomas Markle has said that Doria received an invitation (and staff from the consulate actually visited her to warn her in person that the engagement was going to be announced). Thomas Markle received no invitation and no visit from anyone. All information he got was via Meghan (mostly text messages). She claims that a driver turned up to drive him to the airport, which is strange as there is no one who can verify that the driver was there and Thomas says he had already told her that he had been in hospital and would not be able to go to the wedding. There was a news story about a suit made for Thomas being on sale after the wedding, but who makes a suit without measurements and fittings?

My own personal dealings with a narc is that they are not reasonable and rational in what they do and say and believe they are entitled to say and do whatever they want and they must be believed and supported.

A good Barrister will uncover lies and improbabilities in court. Either Meghan or her father is going to be exposed in the most terrible way, potentially. If Meghan was a reasonable person, she would not risk that for herself (and the damage that would do to the BRF who enable her to live as the wealthy elite), and if she had any empathy or compassion, she would not want to do that to her father.

This lawsuit is a mess.

Nutty, thanks for the good summary of the 'pesky' People article that raises so many questions. The article was obviously a set up.

Did all 5 so-called friends mention the two letters? Normally that (the letters) is something one would only share with a long-standing, trusted and loyal friend, and one would NOT want that friend to blab to People magazine, but there is nothing normal about all this is there?

From the time her letter was written and sent to the time when the so-called friends were interviewed was more than 6 months. Who remembers such word-perfect detail over that time, especially if it is not something personal to you? Time distorts memory. Were the friends sent copies of the letters?

Yep, lots of people have spoken out in support of and in effusive support and admiration for Meghan, some who have only met her once. They are usually using her for personal gain (e.g. Elton John, who then publishes his memoirs and the first extracts, published in the Daily Mail, ha, ha, are about Diana and the Queen; George Clooney, who then goes to meet Prince Charles and his wife gets awarded some global position by PC; and so on).

But, I can't hazard a guess as to who the 5 friends could be who would have had this much detailed information and then given it to People magazine and not have enraged at least Harry for breaking confidence and acting disloyally.
SwampWoman said…
The question started me thinking about what a normal person would do if a supposed best friend asked her to contact a magazine, share a letter supposedly written to a previously beloved father who, now that he is old, sick and broke and was not in a position to support her butt any longer, is to be discarded. Oh, and she thoughtfully provided copies of this top secret letter so that they could talk trash about him to reporters.

I don't know about the rest of you, but my answer would be "HELL, no!" and I'd block her number. I have to think that IF there were actual "friends", it was a business transaction that they were paid to do.

Some of you may be giving People Magazine a gravitas which it does not deserve. It is just a PR mag for show biz and celebrities. It is found in beauty salons so that people can look through and say "Ooooh, I want a haircut just like < insert actress du jour name here >". They are also in doctors' offices, dentists' offices (shudder) and the occasional ER waiting room. There are articles, but most folk just flip through and read the picture captions and laugh at the incredibly bad plastic surgery on display.
@KnitWit ... I agree with you, this all seems like failed PR ploy from start to finish. Unfortunately for her, it didn't turn out the way she had anticipated. She wanted to stretch the victim narrative for herself as far as she could. It's one of the hooks she had used in Harks to begin with, the whole orphan Annie bit. That is why she had ghosted her father, to mirror Harks and make him think they are so much alike both alone in this big bad world. This People gig was also planned to keep that narrative going. Only the world seems to be smarter than her prince.

I've always felt that she never really thought some of this through, she ghosted her father because she wanted to sell the poor me narrative to the royals. It was very apparent when she walked hanging on to Charles half way and then *eyeroll* walked herself down the aisle with that super smug grin.
Rut said…
SvampWoman: But do you think Meghan have 5 friends who know each other?
If it was a "business transaction" it would have been very complicated to get all five of them on the same train if they did not know each other before.

other is the cast of Suits.
Unknown said…
Michelle Tauber should be ashamed of herself for writing that article, in the first place. I wonder if she still works for the magazine. If the ~friends~ do not exist, then her credibility as a journalist is in serious doubt.

I think the magazine will ask her to resign quietly until things quieten down.

Doubt that this will go to court. The matter will be settled behind closed doors just before the court date looms.

Girl with a Hat said…
Unknown, I doubt it will be settled. The suit will be a spectacle that will sell a lot of newspapers and magazines.
Nutty Flavor said…
As of 3 days ago, Michelle is still working at People.

She appears in this lovely video clip discussing the case.

Michelle seems to get her hair done by Meghan's hairdresser.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty, you are really naughty. LOL
Nutty Flavor said…
LOL @Mischi!

Anyway, thanks to everyone for your input on the "five friends".

As stated in the original blog post, People says all five friends are women - calling them a "special sisterhood" - so Daniel Martin and Markus Anderson are off the list. I realize that gay men sometimes call each other "sister", but I don't think People magazine does.

Abigail Spencer is a good choice for "co-star." Benita Litt could easily be the "friend from LA."

"Long-term friend" and "close confidante" are pretty flexible concepts - you could stuff Lindsay or Genevieve in there, or Serena maybe, or really anyone else who attended the wedding on Meg's side.

"Colleague" is the trickiest. Somebody from one of her merching deals or the Tig? Supposedly some of the Tig was written by freelancers, although it would be tough for anyone to match Meg's inimitable writing style.

Ninaki Priddy is out of the question, however; she sold Meghan out in December 2017, before the wedding, and her relationship with Megan reportedly broke off when Ninaki sided with Trevor in the divorce.

Or, hey - all five of the friends could just be Meg.

Even if the "five friends" could be named, putting them on a witness stand would presumably force them to admit that Meg showed them the letter and told them they could share it with People, negating her claim to privacy.
JL said…
Apropos of f nothing: A supposed sex tape of MM was uploaded to Celebrity Jihad on Sept 19th. Perhaps this explains Henry’s thunderous mood on the tour? I hear it looks like her face but not her physique. Can videos be photoshopped to that degree? Either way, it is a huge embarrassment and it probably has made Henry apoplectic.
Liver Bird said…
"Even if the "five friends" could be named, putting them on a witness stand would presumably force them to admit that Meg showed them the letter and told them they could share it with People, negating her claim to privacy."

I'm not sure.

The issue isn't 'privacy' but 'copyright'. Just because someone agreed to the publication of a copyrighted text in one context does not mean someone else can henceforth use that text without the owner's permission. For example, if JK Rowling were to negotiate a deal with The Guardian to publish an extract from her book, that would not mean The Times could go ahead and publish other extracts without getting her express permission.

What it *might* mean is that Thomas Markle had the right to rebut the accusations made against him in 'People' magazine and that the only way to do so would be through publication of extracts from the letter. Not sure this would supersede the alleged breach of copyright however.
Mom Mobile said…
@Nutty. Thanks for the link. I couldn't watch it for longer than a minute because it was so boring. When she started talking about how "emotional" Harry's statement was and how "we've never seen this side of him."

Oh, pah-leese.

There's a part of me that hates myself for keeping up with all this BS. I think what keeps me invested is I want to see the superficial LA grifter/social climber get called out Dangerous Liaisons - style. In fact, what I should do is watch that movie right now and get my fix. Then I can go back to living a more productive life. LOL.
Nutty Flavor said…
For those of you with better things to do than listen to professional journalist Michelle in the video, here's what she says:

"Yeah, no, I mean, um, you know, when Meghan's friends chose to speak to People, they came to People because they knew that felt that they could be, um, that they could trust us to share, um, their words, their, um, thoughts, um, in a fair and honest way. That's always, you know, that's always our, um, our aim, and I think that, you know, what, what the story that People broke, um, back when her friends came to speak with us, was in their own words. It was, um, their, their own take on this, um, you know, dear friend that they felt was being misrepresented in the media."

So, Michelle is doubling down on the idea that the story was indeed based on input from Meghan's friends, that they approached the magazine, and that the statements were their own.

In that case, the friends really would be legally responsible for breaching Meghan's privacy by sharing the letter.

See ya in court, sisterhood. And, um, you know, Michelle too.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Liverbird, the Sussex statement directly states.

"Given the refusal of Associated Newspapers to resolve this issue satisfactorily, we have issued proceedings to redress this breach of privacy, infringement of copyright and the aforementioned media agenda," reads the statement.

Both copyright and privacy are at issue - Meg is claiming invasion of privacy under the draconian EU privacy laws introduced in 2018.
punkinseed said…
@Liver Bird, I've read that Fair Use may come in to play in the Thomas Markle side of the case. I'm not fully understanding Fair Use, yet. After reading so many opinions about it I'm so confused I walk away thinking I'm a little bit pregnant, like our psych. prof would warn us about after studying abnormal psych.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty - I watched the video and I don't know if I can trust someone who has Meghan and Harry getting married dolls, let alone ones that are so prominently displayed.
Girl with a Hat said…
@JL, That is not Meghan. Someone else's body.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty - if she is using the EU law, that is why she is in such a hurry to file a suit. Who knows which laws will apply after Brexit?
Liver Bird said…
Yes, but 'breach of privacy' is not a legal charge. I believe she is claiming breach of copyright,defamation and infringement of GDPR. If - as I'm sure her lawyers will argue - she gave permission for the 'friends' to use her letter, none of the above applies.
hardyboys said…
That's the only reason I follow this soap opera also. I am also sooooo bored of MM and her childish teenage antics. I know I have said this before but I'm sure that Anne, William, Kate, Zara etc they must just love gossiping about this unknown grifter Harry married. I'm sure that's why he is so angry and self medicating more because he knows he effed up again but he can't admit it. I have to side with Neutral observer who commented a while back that it makes no sense why someone would conceal the birth of their baby for 2 months. There has to be a gain to it. I know this case will not be litigated in Court. It was done as a tactical move to make people STFU and Sit Down as Lainey the world's worst dresser, and book selector would say. By the way has anyone tried to read Lainey's books that she chooses. She recommended one by Kate Atkinson and said she would savour it and read it over and over again. I gave it to my neighbour. I know this tends to be a Lainey hating bash, and I don't mean to hijack the content but there are alot of Lainey haters here that I never ever thought I would have the pleasure of being able to bond with. On one small tiny note, Lainey is the worst worst worst dresser always choosing the busiest most complicated outfits with bows, ruching, houndstouth, crazy crazy shoes all in one outfit.
Liver Bird said…
"@Nutty - if she is using the EU law, that is why she is in such a hurry to file a suit."

I don't think she's in a hurry - quite the opposite since the alleged misdemeanour happened 8 months ago. If the rumours are true that she failed to reach a negotiated settlement, she probably had no choice but to reveal the lawsuit now.
punkinseed said…
@Nutty, Argggghhh! Thanks for taking the time to transcribe that for us. Sheesh. Michelle's as bad as Obama off script! Yikes! Plus, she's um... telling porkie pies galore.
Does Harry even know what the word "redress" means?

abbyh said…

What it *might* mean is that Thomas Markle had the right to rebut the accusations made against him in 'People' magazine and that the only way to do so would be through publication of extracts from the letter. Not sure this would supersede the alleged breach of copyright however.

I thought that was pretty much his whole reason for getting what the letter said in print? To defend himself.

Nutty Flavor said…
"Given the refusal of Associated Newspapers to resolve this issue satisfactorily" is part of the statement.

I think it's beyond a rumor that she failed to reach a negotiated settlement, which I'm sure would have included a payout.
Liver Bird said…
"I thought that was pretty much his whole reason for getting what the letter said in print? To defend himself."

Perhaps. But that wouldn't neccesarily mean there is no breach of copyright.
Girl with a Hat said…
Veena, LOL. I agree. Lainey loves to mix patterns in her clothing, which is a current fashion trend for women, but this only looks good when done well. She and Meghan are very much alike - she also thinks she is an expert in everything: literature, movies, politics, fashion, writing, and self-promotion.

Nutty Flavor said…

That was his argument - that he had to defend himself.

The letter was obviously written for public consumption, however. Meg may have encouraged him to share it with the newspaper.

I still think it's possible that Tom is on Meghan's payroll.


I haven't heard Obama off script, but Michelle is a professional who knew she was going to be interviewed and should have prepared a bit in advance. I'm sure that other lady would have been OK with a retake, as well.

Michelle should maybe stick to the written word.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Liver Bird, I mean, that she is in a hurry to file before Brexit.
Jen said…
@ Nutty "Yeah, no, I mean, um, you know, when Meghan's friends chose to speak to People, they came to People because they knew that felt that they could be, um, that they could trust us to share, um, their words, their, um, thoughts, um, in a fair and honest way. That's always, you know, that's always our, um, our aim, and I think that, you know, what, what the story that People broke, um, back when her friends came to speak with us, was in their own words. It was, um, their, their own take on this, um, you know, dear friend that they felt was being misrepresented in the media."

So she is trying to sell that this was completely organic and out of a sense of duty to "protect" their "dear friend." I'm sorry, but as many here have said, having five different friends reach out to People seems a bit unrealistic. I could have believed this if it were two friends, but FIVE!? I'm sorry, but no. I am horrified that people still use UHMas adults. I know some people can't help it, but it's so annoying when used THIS many times. HUGE pet peeve of mine.

Nutty Flavor said…
For those who have not had a chance to read the article in today's Financial Times, which is behind a paywall:

Royal legal action against press was timed to pick where case heard
Legal advice prompted the Sussexes to accelerate the filing of claims

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s flurry of legal claims against Britain’s tabloid press were rushed out late last month with the aim of bringing the cases before judges seen as more privacy-friendly, according to people briefed on the matter. The timing of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s decision to sue the owners of The Sun, The Mirror and the Mail on Sunday had astonished royal watchers — in part because the moves came during a well-received tour of southern Africa.

Insiders said one of the main triggers for the legal action was in fact a set of revisions to procedures at London’s High Court, which from October 1 change the division where lawsuits relating to the media are filed. Had they waited longer, the Duke and Duchess may have had to issue their claims at the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court.

Some lawyers see the specialist media judges there as more open to the arguments of publishers than the Chancery Division, the venue for recent high-profile privacy and phone hacking cases. Legal advice on the implications of the changes prompted the Sussexes to accelerate the filing of claims that were months in the making. All three claims were initiated in the Chancery Division in the week before the October 1 deadline....

“The decisions in the specialist media and communications court are generally seen to be less pro-claimant than those in the Chancery Division,” she added. “No doubt this has been a significant reason why the claims were issued last week.” Royal aides have said there were legal reasons for the timing of the lawsuits, but declined to elaborate on the details. A spokesperson for the Sussexes declined to comment."
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty, I've heard that theory that Thomas is on Meghan's payroll before but I don't understand the reasoning behind it. Could you explain please? I can't connect the dots.
Nutty Flavor said…

Not sure if you were here the other day when we were discussing the many bits of Meghan's history that have never been revealed - her real age, the reason for Doria's absence during her teenage years, the reason she left her internship at the Argentinian embassy so quickly, the real story with Joseph Giuliano, etc.

An unflattering answer to any of these questions could disrupt the narrative Meg is putting out to create her public identity.

Tom has these answers, and he's not sharing them. Some media source would happily pay him to spill the beans.

I think someone else is paying him not to, and that person is probably Meghan via her Los Angeles-based "financial advisor", with whom Thomas appears to be in regular contact.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty - thanks. that's why I could never understand - he releases some info about her, but not all. I just thought he was being paid when he did, not that he was when he didn't.
punkinseed said…
If I was a judge at either court, I'd be ticked off if people filed in my division because they thought I'd be less impartial than another division.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Mischi, once he releases all the info, what does he have left to sell? Better keep some for a rainy day.

Same with Samantha, which is why I think her book has been so long "delayed." She's getting more money not to publish it than she would selling it.

Just my opinion, of course.
punkinseed said…
@Jen. Indeed!
Can you imagine having a prominent friend call you with such a request? What kind of a true friend would ask you to do such a thing for them about her dad??? That would be as crazy as me calling you as your friend asking you to go to the doctor and say you're in pain to get a narcotic prescription for me to take. And if you don't, you're not the friend I thought you were. Aside from asking you to commit about 3 felonies, if Megs asked her friends to do the People thing, it's just as twisted and crazy.
Liver Bird said…
I would say publishers - even non-British ones - would be very very careful about publishing a book which is basically a take-down (however deserved) of a living member of the royal family. Libel law in England is notoriously favourable to the plaintiff.
Hikari said…
People is a sycophantic rag so deep in Markle's pocket, it has lost all credibility it ever had. Of the celeb-suck up mags, I always thought that compared to its competitors, People's stories were well-vetted--that by the time something about a celebrity appeared in its pages that it was legitimately true. Knowing that People is on Meghan's payroll, though (not the only American magazine to be so compromised), its credibility is in tatters with me. I know money talks, but Meghan's money is just so . . tainted. She's not suing People for airing excerpts of the infamous letter first via her 5 mouthpieces, which is telling in itself. Of course she wouldn't, seeing as she paid People handsomely to fabricate stories about herself that fed into her 'glamorous vegan Orphan Princess Humanitarian' narrative. I wonder if she's really arrogant and clueless enough to think the MoS's barracuda barristers won't make hay out of that little factoid. They are going to be doing all kinds of digging into Meg's PR arrangements and the chain of custody of this letter. I hope all the gloves come off and they nail her in all her lies and deceptions. Because as someone astutely pointed out on the last topic, she has turned the Mail on Sunday into a defendant and the defendant has nearly unlimited scope in discovery. The MoS also has very deep pockets. How much toward Meg's case do we suppose that Charles and the Queen will want to put forward?

Here we have someone who is nominally part of the Royal family, but she is not a British citizen, suing a venerable British publication for material which was previously disseminated (through her agents) in her country of origin, under directives from herself, as I suppose discovery will illuminate. It's *very* interesting to me that Thomas Markle chose to defend himself against unfair character assassination, as he perceived it, in the *People* piece by having the letter published in its entirety in a *British* newspaper, in the country where Meg is now living. Wouldn't it have been more in Thomas's interest to rebut the People story with a rebuttal in that magazine? Or, if People declined to publish it, being already hand-in-pocket with Meg, a rival publication to People? How many Britons would have even been aware of the 'The Truth about Meghan' story in People, or cared? It seems highly unlikely to me that Tom would have selected the Mail on Sunday off his own bat as the vehicle by which he could set the record straight. I'm sure he was coached as to what would be a suitable outlet for his prize, and I smell Meg's fingerprints all over this, too.

Hikari said…
Part 2:

The letter was meticulously drafted in Meg's ornately flamboyant penmanship (regular cursive writing with flourishes is *not* calligraphy) and page-numbered like she was submitting a press release or preparing a fax. How many of us paginate an intimate letter to a family member with (1/5, 2/5 and so on?) And then send that letter via Fed Ex through an intermediary? Because. She was taking no chances that this missive would get garbled or lost in translation. There's not so much as a single blot on it because she fully expected it to be published, in full, at some point. Thomas is her dupe; always has been. The only question now is, is he actively complicit in these 'leaks to the press;? Is his daughter giving him payouts on the sly to willingly depict himself as a sleazeball negligent father in the world media? Or is he still laboring under the delusion that his Narc daughter who has social climbed to the pinnacle of society is ever going to give two tosspots about him or reconcile with him or let him meet that grandbaby?

I suppose this is a conundrum for the Mail on Sunday lawyers to untangle. Another skein would surely be . . why is Meg launching this attack now, months after the fact? Is she incandescent with rage that releasing the letter in all its byzantine self-regard, with that penmanship she is so vain over did not have its desired effect in making the world at large hate her father and embrace her as the poor brave abandoned princess daughter of a heartless father? Her callous treatment of her old, sick dad is a chorus that comes up time and again from those who have not swallowed her Kool-Aid.

Or . . and this is more calculating still . . is she so confident she will win that she's bringing suit solely as a money-generating scheme, some of which she may give to Tom as a payoff in due course for his role in her plot?

With Meghan I discount nothing. Someone once said of Donald Trump, "(He) p*sses ice water." I attribute the same to Meghan.
Cabraxas said…
For those of you frustrated at the vast amount of press coverage Meghan Markle is getting despite her being an awful person who does awful things, the solution is simple -- ignore her. Don't click on any articles about her, don't comment, don't write letters to the editor, don't do anything at all, etc. Instead, just get out of her way as she destroys herself (and she's doing a damned good job of it). As Napoleon says, "Never interrupt the enemy when (she) is making a mistake."
Lottie said…
I can't for the life of me imagine 5 intelligent,independent, woke,reasonably cosmopolitan, successful friends of Meghan Marple's getting involved in a family dispute with her father, even on the telephone...let alone quoting verbatim after 6 months on People magazine.
It simply didn't happen.

I'd buy Markle a shovel for that hole but i see that she is doing quite well with the this rate her and Harry the Bore will be at Earths core in a matter of minutes


Nutty Flavor said…
I'd buy Markle a shovel for that hole but i see that she is doing quite well with the this rate her and Harry the Bore will be at Earths core in a matter of minutes.

LOL, Lottie!
Lottie said…
@ Nutty
It's fair to say that Ms Markle doesn't always bring out the best of me...or maybe the little minx does?...LOL
Jen said…
@Hikari It's *very* interesting to me that Thomas Markle chose to defend himself against unfair character assassination, as he perceived it, in the *People* piece by having the letter published in its entirety in a *British* newspaper, in the country where Meg is now living. Wouldn't it have been more in Thomas's interest to rebut the People story with a rebuttal in that magazine? Or, if People declined to publish it, being already hand-in-pocket with Meg, a rival publication to People? How many Britons would have even been aware of the 'The Truth about Meghan' story in People, or cared? It seems highly unlikely to me that Tom would have selected the Mail on Sunday off his own bat as the vehicle by which he could set the record straight. I'm sure he was coached as to what would be a suitable outlet for his prize, and I smell Meg's fingerprints all over this, too.

Ohh, that's a point I had not thought of. This whole this being orchestrated by Megs, with her dad's help, in order to be able to sue for copyright infringement at a later date. This would make her an evil genius if it's true.
Hikari said…
As to the '5 friends', the descriptions are so vague as to be laughable. "L.A. Friend"? Really? I do not attribute five genuine friends to Meg, though she managed to dredge up 2 old college pals to accompany her to Wimbledon. Those girls knew her when she was a nobody, just another aspiring actress in college. That was even before the salad-tossing days. Perhaps Meg had some glimmers of humanity still in her then, before she became entirely corrupted by access to luxury perks via selling her sexual favors, money and power. The Meg they know is the one they went to school with, and perhaps they would have been willing to speak up for her. But I take any testimony of any 'L.A. Friends' with a grain of salt. The likes of Misha Nonoo, Serena Williams, Amal Clooney et. al are bought and paid for. I don't think we will ever learn the identities of the so-called friends because People will refuse to play ball with the MoS lawyers, and as their own lawyers will advise them, they are under no obligation to reveal their 'sources', particularly since People is not named in this suit.

The MoS lawyers will not have the same delicacy against destroying Meg's credibility which her own marriage family has so far displayed. If the MoS exercises its full powers in court and comes at her with all their barrels blazing, I think her little Narc self is going to be very surprised at the outcome. I hope they nail her to the wall.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Hikari, I think it was Dean Martin, the lounge singer, who was originally called the man who "pisses ice water."

I can only find a German reference from 2002 at the moment -

However, Google informs me that in recent years the phrase has been borrowed to reference Trump.

Beth said…
@Hikari, I agree with your assessment of People as a sycophantic rag on MM's payroll. As to the "5 friends," while she may have 5 friends left, I doubt they actually spoke to People directly. I can just imagine Meg telling People to send over their questions and she would get the friends' answers and quotes back to them "in order to protect their privacy." Like she cut Harry off in the engagement interview when he was talking about the person who introduced them and the godparents who allegedly requested their privacy and didn't want to be named. Right. I envision her banging away on her keyboard answering and quoting like a madwoman.

@Jen and @Hikari, very interesting theory that Meg is in cahoots with Thomas Markle. "Oh Daddy, I am so devastated that we are estranged and that you have never met Harry or Darren, err I mean Archie. I need your help, Daddy and I have a plan..."
Jdubya said…
A must read for a good chuckle
MaLissa said…
@Nutty where is she getting the money to payoff her dad and others? I would have thought her "$5 million dollars" would have run out by now. We know Harry is tight with his money and she can't be getting that much from merching. On top of all of that who pays for her PR team, her business manager and her LA-based lawyer? Someone should follow the money.

@Hikari that "calligraphy" that Madam LaMarkle uses is called fake calligraphy, just like her fake smile, teeth, persona, hair, etc., ad infinitum.
Hikari said…

It crossed my mind that Thomas was working with Meg in his own character assassination because he always pipes up at such opportune times for Meg, do you notice? I think he is a flawed but loving Dad . . the only custodial parent that Megs had for several of her most formative years (Doria was MIA, allegedly in prison). There are ample lovey photos with Tom and his youngest daughter, which she was all too happy to display when she felt that they burnished her image as the 'family-centered, loving, giving grateful daughter' that went along with the 'global humanitarian that cares'.

Then she met Harry and realized that her old, sickly, corpulent Dad, living in exile in Mexico due to bankruptcy and other financial woes was not going to be useful to her in her new facade management scheme. Portraying herself as a loving daughter was useful when she was going to Kenya on modeling shoots with cute native children as a 'global ambassador', but her one trump card within the Royal Family was her 'half-blackness'. Tom Markle was not of any use in ramping up her blackness. Now we can debate endlessly if Tom would have scored an invite to give his daughter away at her Royal wedding if he were say, Tom Selleck-looking and fit, healthy and rich, with the appropriate image for a global TV audience. Someone more on a par with Michael Middleton, handsome self-made millionaire father of Catherine.

No amount of styling help was going to turn Thomas into an attractive-enough figure to represent the new and improved Markle Brand on global TV, so he was out. He also, like most fathers, would be rife with embarrassing stories and dirt about his daughter's younger years. There was always the danger that Tom could have been tricked into revealing embarrassing skeletons about his Meggy with or without alcoholic inducement. For a guy who had a decades-long career in show business, Tom Markle comes across as quite naive and not the skillful manipulator his daughter is.

But he's also a broke man. As distasteful as it might be to him, he may have agreed to play 'the bad guy' in public in exchange for financial assistance from Meg. If this is happening, then Harry nor anybody else will know anything about it. I still say that the compromising papp photos that alledgedly got him banned from her wedding were in fact Meghan's own idea. Thomas knew in his heart of hearts that he'd be an embarrassment to her and himself at the wedding, plus he was legitimately unwell for international travel and all that stress. The photos gave him an out, and perhaps in exchange she covered his medical bills.

By not naming her dad in this action, Megs no doubt assumes that he and any dealings she's had with him are untouchable. We shall see about that. But nothing with Meg is as it appears, so I do not trust anything I have been told is the 'truth' in the whole Markle narrative . . any party.
Marie said…
Thanks for the FT article - that was really interesting and seems plausible why. I truly hope they don't win because of that.

@MIschi, oh I didn't know that people because the people I talk to in real life all immediately trash Thomas for the pap pics. I agree with you about the inviting family thing. I mean, if Charles and Camilla who had an affair, embarrassing tampon comments and all, could be forgiven, then why is Thomas so terrible? The pap photos weren't even spreading rumours about Meghan but just making him looking ridiculous. I agree, she was looking for any tiny excuse to villify and disown her dad. And Harry was caught doing things that made the BRF look absolutely terrible and racist, like the comment to a black commedian about not talking like a black person would or his Nazi fancy dress. Did they cut off all contact with him? No, and the lack of forgiveness and ruthlessness from Harry towards an isolated old man, who by Meghan's own words as late of 2016 sounded more openly supportive than many people have as fathers...well it is pretty hypocritical. Why hasn't anyone shaken Meghan and said that she's being hateful and petty?

I wonder if Charles sees the irony in this.
punkinseed said…
@ Hikari,"I'm sure he was coached as to what would be a suitable outlet for his prize, and I smell Meg's fingerprints all over this, too."

If that is Megs and Thomas' game plan, wouldn't it be a crime of some sort? Bringing a lawsuit loaded with subterfuge and false claims of damages? Fraud maybe or misrepresentation? I'm sure the MoS lawyers are going to be very busy with Subpoena Duces Tecum docs. for all of Meg's and Thomas' phone records, emails, all communications, bank records... and Doria's as well. This is going to be a long, big fight with Discovery, Stipulations, Motions to Compel... Lordy! Ha, and you watch. Megs will try to refuse a Motion to Compel or suppress Discovery, because you know... she thinks because she's a duchess it gives her impunity.
Nutty Flavor said…
@MaLissa, I think anyone "following the money" would need to look at Ron Burkle, a billionaire who was a buddy of the Clintons - they've since had a falling out - and a 60 percent owner of Soho House.

Burkle also has ties to Epstein. From New York Magazine: "Burkle took what were described as humanitarian trips to Africa with Bill Clinton on Epstein’s private Boeing 727. According to a 2008 Vanity Fair feature about the former president, “Burkle’s usual means of transport is the custom-converted Boeing 757 that Clinton calls ‘Ron Air’ and that Burkle’s own circle of young aides privately refer to as ‘Air F**k One.’ ”

Burkle would have two motives to support Meghan: originally, to advertise Soho House as the chic place where beautiful (?) women meet handsome (?) princes, and more recently, as a way to keep the attention away from Epstein via Andrew.

Pure speculation on my part, of course.

But Burkle does have the money (which he made in the supermarket business) and the motive.

Marie said…
Funny that the interviews with the former drama teacher at Meghan's school said she only saw Thomas and that everyone thought he was a single dad. So it's definitely true, that Doria was missing from Meg's daily life as a teen. But if Doria truly was in prison, then where is the prison records? Aren't they publicly searchable?

I do think Meghan was hiding the fact that Doria didn't have a good job. According to the early articles of the Tig, she was a travel agent. Funnily, in the later post that was eventually published in Elle magazine, Doria suddenly was transformed into a "clinical therapist". I know she graduated from her social working degree a few years ago, but Meghan made it sound like Doria was a clinical therapist since Meghan was a child and thus instilled in her her humanitarian, social justice warrior attitudes, when in fact, Doria just probably liked to travel and was perhaps using her travel agent job to "discover herself" or recover from the shock of her dad's weird sudden death. Maybe she wasn't too interested in being a mom, especially during the annoying teen years - it's not a crime to lack maternal instinct and she doesn't seem too involved with Meghan's emotional growth like her dad was.
PaulaMP said…
My opinion is that there are no friends. She doesn't really "do" friends, does she? Just finds people to mutually use.
MaLissa said…
@Nutty - The plot thickens (or sickens depending on your POV). Isn't that interesting? All roads lead to Soho House. If true, she's going to owe him her life, her child, her cheap ass jewelry that she's bought and anything else that can be converted to cash.

Of course as you said - just pure speculation.
Mimi said…
Marie....we are not allowed to ask such questions in regards to Saint Doria or HER side of the family!!!!!!
Mimi said…
A question someone on a you tube asked......”Is Archie copyrighted”? 😂😂😂😂
Mimi said…
The Markles can be bashed and trashed but don’t you dare breathe a word against the other side of her family!!!! Even though they made money off selling photos of Meghan. Oh, there I go...showing myself as a racist, hater, jealous, troll!!!!!
Hikari said…

Re. my suggestion that Thomas might be colluding with his daughter in his own defamation ..

>>>>If that is Megs and Thomas' game plan, wouldn't it be a crime of some sort? Bringing a lawsuit loaded with subterfuge and false claims of damages? Fraud maybe or misrepresentation? I'm sure the MoS lawyers are going to be very busy with Subpoena Duces Tecum docs. for all of Meg's and Thomas' phone records, emails, all communications, bank records... and Doria's as well. This is going to be a long, big fight with Discovery, Stipulations, Motions to Compel... Lordy! Ha, and you watch. Megs will try to refuse a Motion to Compel or suppress Discovery, because you know... she thinks because she's a duchess it gives her impunity.<<<

Yes, I believe it would constitute criminality. Do we suppose that would stop her? It hasn't so far. She is so convinced of her own brilliance (and let's not forget the definition of a grifter--someone who delights in the practice of deception for its own sake, apart from any gain, though gain is always the objective--but for a pathological narcissist, Meg doesn't tell the truth even when she's got little to nothing to gain by deceit because she gets off on pulling one over on everybody) . . I don't know to what degree the MoS lawyers can examine aspects of her and Thomas Markle's doings/communications that do not have direct bearing on the infringement of copyright lawsuit. But I do believe that raftloads of paralegals will be kept busy researching everything that could potentially become relevant to the Mail's defense.

As we've had ample evidence of, Meghan is not nearly as smart as she believes herself to be. She's crafty, but she sucks at details. She didn't read the fine print on UK-based surrogacy agreements. A woman who couldn't pass the foreign service test or stick out an internship and whose collegiate credentials are dodgy at best does not have the same level of knowledge as the Mail's lawyers. She's a foreigner who's brought suit against a British institution, in Britain. Something is going to trip her up. She may have finally tipped herself into hanging herself with that rope that has been spooling out for the last two years. We can only hope.
punkinseed said…
Mimi, Lipstick Alley has a great time bashing the crap out of Megs and Doria's side of the family.
I read somewhere, no idea if it's true or not, but something about Doria forging her father's will and getting busted for it. Does anyone else know about this allegation?
Sandie said…
Hikari: 'It's *very* interesting to me that Thomas Markle chose to defend himself against unfair character assassination, as he perceived it, in the *People* piece by having the letter published in its entirety in a *British* newspaper, in the country where Meg is now living.'

Part of her lawsuit is that the media outlet only published excerpts that showed her in a bad light (i.e. misrepresented her). The letter she wrote to her father was not published in its entirety. I don't think his reply was either.

I think Thomas Markle had already established a relationship with the Daily Mail by that time, and was definitely talking to Piers Morgan, so MOS would have had access to him. She ghosted him from the time of the wedding (May) and sent him the letter in August. How long before the first interview he gave and how many interviews did he give in those few months?

But, like you, I smell something very fishy with the whole business, which just does not make sense!
Mimi said…
punkinseed, when I WAS reading about “ Sista”, I read all sorts of things about Doria and it was NOT good. Um, apparently there were concerns about her father’s death, the way she came to inherit his house, her brother, her companion(s), why Mr. Markle raised Sis for so many years, (Doria was in prison for welfare fraud) and some other unsavory type of information. Whether it is true or not, can’t say but the TRUTH is out there somewhere! I am going to sign off now before I get sued!
punkinseed said…
Meg's NPD makes her a copy cat of people she wants to be like, exactly like on everything she does and says, and that's why, as others and I have noticed, she has dressed and acted like Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) on Scandal so much. Right down to the trench dresses and stompy butt swinging way she walks sometimes.
I've never watched Suits, but I'm wondering if Megs got the idea to create that letter and all that's followed then file this lawsuit based on some plots in Suits episodes. I'll try to find out.

Hikari said…

>>>>For those of you frustrated at the vast amount of press coverage Meghan Markle is getting despite her being an awful person who does awful things, the solution is simple -- ignore her. Don't click on any articles about her, don't comment, don't write letters to the editor, don't do anything at all, etc. Instead, just get out of her way as she destroys herself (and she's doing a damned good job of it). As Napoleon says, "Never interrupt the enemy when (she) is making a mistake."

Sage advice. It is something I'm trying to put in practice myself. The tipping point for me was the Merching of Archie and watching the sickening display of Mother of the Year in front of the Tutus. Worry for that baby does interrupt my sleep. I have speculated before that when the inevitable separation from the Royal Family occurs, Meg will stir up litigation again on a par with the Elian Gonzalez case in the 1990s. In brief for those who weren't following that, being too young to remember . . Elian was a little Cuban boy whose mother and all the other adults he was with drowned in their attempt to make landfall in Miami. Elian was rescued and taken in by maternal relatives in Miami--the same relatives his mother was trying to reach. She had abducted Elian from his father back in Cuba and was travelling with another man. After a drawn out global ugly custody battle fought in the courts--dragging on for nearly 2 years, IIRC, Elian was returned to his father in Cuba.

Meg would have no qualms about doing that to Archie--spiriting him away to L.A. and daring the Queen to wrest her child, heir to the British Crown, however distantly, away from her. I can imagine a 'settlement' favorable to Meg finally being reached, whereby she gets custody of Archie and the freedom to go back and forth with him wherever she pleases, and by this means, keep her hooks into the Royal teat forever, even after the Harkle marriage breaks up. That court battle would make this current fracas seem like a game of patty-cake. But Meg will do whatever she can think of to keep her name and image in the papers.
Ozmanda said…
Bloody hell, I am sick in bed for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose!

I will have more to say once I wade through all the awesome comments, but I agree with a earlier comment that in the event of depositions being made for the lawsuit they will want to talk to these people - so either the names will be revealed or it will be revealed that was a big fat lie and it was just Meg's PR company.
Marie said…
Mimi, I do tend to think Samantha is pretty uncouth in her language at times, but doesn't strike me as particularly trashy. I don't think selling interviews to the newspapers is why parts of the Markle clan seems trashy, at least. I think it's the domestic violence disputes and the way they speak/dress. For me, the half-brother and his family definitely look and sound like they'd show up Jeremy Kyle (the British equivalent of Jerry Springer). Meg's uncles on the Markle side seem respectable, despite going to the press. I haven't read much about the Raglands, but they look and sound more educated, which is probably why people don't call them trashy. It's a bit snobby but their occupations and required education certainly fit that stereotype: art teacher, nurse, web designer, etc.
MaLissa said…
@Ozmanda I hope you're feeling better :)

Just as an FYI - I am so Markle fatigued.

Just thought I'd throw it out there. But continue with the discourse :) I'm very interested in people's opinions.
Acquitaine said…
First we have to remember that People magazine prints articles straight from subject's publicist's office. Word for word. That's why they are nicknamed kneepads and why they are reliable in their own way because whatever they print whether it is good, bad or ridiculous about anyone is what the subject wants the public to know which may be truth or fiction. In other words it comes straight from the horse's mouth.

In this case there is no need to bother to guess who these five friends are or even bother to believe that 5 people across America got together to give an interview about Meghan because People has never been known to conduct an interview with any of it's subjects nor does it question any of the PR articles it publishes on behalf of the paying subject. The publicist or subject themselves email what they want, people reproduce verbatim. There might be a back and forth if People decides to edit text, but at the end of the day they give subject full copy approval.

My view is that Meghan and her publicist composed entire article, quoted extensively the letter that she sent to Thomas as she kept a copy, they put quotes into the mouths of 5 phantom friends. These 5 phantom friends can also be publicly blamed for interview because they are seen as the transgressors even if they allegedly got permission to speak. This hides that Meghan herself gave this interview. Notice how carefully they insist on anonymity for privacy reasons. We should know by now that 'privacy' in the context of Meghan means she's upto no good. Privacy is a red flag and a tell.

The public is deliberately misled by the very precise descriptions of how the 5 phantoms are connected to Meghan thereby making erroneous (false) assumptions about who they might be. From a legal standpoint, assumptions are not facts and that is why we collect evidence to prove our assumptions.

Meghan doesn't stop to think that the resultant gotcha lawsuit and public reading comprehension would mean the 5 phantom friends would have to be revealed. Or she calculated that the lawsuit would quickly be settled out of court therefore no need to produce the 5 phantom friends.

As always she's a very good strategist in certain respects, but awful at the detail and fine print. That lack of attention to detail is what gets her every time.
Cabraxas said…
Excuse me for being off topic but....where are Meghan, Harry and Archie? I ask this because there are NO pictures of them landing back home in London. (Meghan allowed pics of them landing in South Africa.) The only stories Meghan's releasing are stories of them still inside SA receiving "lovely toys" for Archie or being "deeply touched by the humanity of South Africans", blah, blah, blah. But she's releasing no stories or pics of them back home in England, no gooey tales of the 'loving family' landing at Heathrow, settling back into Frogmore Cottage with little Archie gurgling inside his eco-friendly crib with the vegan wall paint on all sides, no pics of Meghan his pram down the street, etc. No pics or stories of them at all inside England, nada, zilch. So.....where are they?
Nelo said…
BREAKING NEWS. Lol. This tweet from Richard Palmer 44 mins ago I interesting.
He says: "Nobody in the Royal Family or the Royal Household is supporting Harry and Meghan at the moment. Even the couple’s aides seem embarrassed by their actions. William, who dropped his brother like a ton of hot bricks earlier this year, and Charles have distanced themselves."
Mimi said…
Marie, I didn’t say the Markle family is trashy. I have no right to call them that as I know nothing about them. except what I have read and in my opinion, they seem like so many families I know. I said they have been bashed and trashed. I the media. The last thing I will say is that certain members of Sister Meg’s family are not the fine, upstanding citizens...... we are led to believe. But for whatever reason we don’t hear a lot about that side of the family as we do about the Markles. The point I am trying to make is that the Markle family seem like fair game to bash and trash in the media but for some reason, the other side of Meg’s family is not. At least not that I can see.This topic is not part of Nutty’s theme today so I will drop it and now, truly bow out. ( not proof read so sorry anout mistakes, etc.)
Mimi said…
P.s. Has Samantha’s past been scrubbed from the internet?
Hikari said…
>>>What is crazy is the Tig blog posting of the 2016 Thanksgiving that she spent with both parents.

I've seen that photo of their three hands linked over Thanksgiving dinner making the rounds. Allow me to express my profound cynicism that these are in fact Meg's parents' hands. Even supposing that Tom and Doria are no longer acrimonious since their divorce circa 1983 . . Tom lives in Mexico and Doria has a partner. Their 'chick' was 35 years old and, if it's November 2016, had already met Harry. I think it was an Insta-ready Hallmark Happy Families moment crafted to further sell Harry on her 'devoted daughter' image. Less than a year after this purported photo, Harry'd be telling the world that his family would be 'the family she never had'. What a difference a year makes, huh? It wouldn't be tough at all to get two hand models who roughly match Tom and Doria's skin tones and stage this photo. Meg can't keep track of the lies she's told . . shortly after this photo was allegedly taken, she put it about that she hadn't seen her father for five years.

So which is it, Meg?

>>>My feeling is that he only contacted the paparazzi for the photoshoot AFTER he realised he wasn't going to play any part in the wedding.

That's one possibility, though Thomas does not strike me as the long-range scheming type to arrange illicit papp photos by way of revenge. This kind of fake photo stunt DOES however have Meg written all over it. *My* feeling is that Meg (through some minions in the local area) arranged these 'candid' shots after contacting her dad and persuading him that this would be a great way to introduce himself to the public. After all, as her father, he was going to be a celebrity, too! She would of course have failed to mention that such a photo shoot was categorically frowned upon by the Palace. He wouldn't have had any reason to disbelieve her. At the time, the idea for the photos was attributed to Samantha. I did not think poorly of Thomas for his participation in these very innocuous pictures. It was obvious that they weren't entirely candid shots, but I figured that he'd accepted payment for them so he could cover the costs of his trip to London for the wedding. New clothes, airfare, a wedding gift for the couple . . .out of the pride you spoke of, and not have his daughter or his daughter's in-laws-to-be foot the bill for him completely.

How naive I was then . . .

Hikari said…
Tom's made mistakes in his life, chief among which was overindulging his youngest child and making bad financial decisions, including investing so much of his assets into the sinkhole of Meg's endless demands for his money. He's gruff, he's blunt, he's got no filter . . but I do not regard him as the villain of this piece. Just a blinkered man who has taken bad advice and who has been betrayed by his ungrateful child. He was good enough, apparently, to attend her wedding to Trevor but not the one in St. George's Chapel. Tom's a mess of a human being and his children are too . .but at some point adult children have to own their own choices in life.

As for the assertion by her family members that Meg has 'changed' .. I don't believe that adults change fundamentally from who they have always been, especially not with such swiftness as it's claimed she did. She is, and has always been, a Narcissist. She learned to hide much of her uglier side while she was still an up-and-comer. She could play sweet to Trevor and her yachting clients and other celebrities she was trying to cultivate on her way up, because she needed them far more than they needed her. After she got a regular acting gig and started making her own money, she got a little more comfortable to let out more of the real Meg. And now that she's a Duchess of the United Kingdom, her ego is uncontainable.

Please, oh, please let her wear her enormous strap on a$$ to court so they can literally hand it to her. Hope of this is going to keep me going!
SwampWoman said…
Mimi Says: P.s. Has Samantha’s past been scrubbed from the internet?

Mimi, I'm just very thankful that my past was before the internet so that my grandchildren don't know it!

punkinseed said…
Hikari, that's some excellent writing by you and others today. I laughed my a$$ off at your inflatable strap on a$$ joke.
@Acquitaine, wow! That's some great information about People Knee Pad mag. That explains a lot! Thank you!
There's a lot in the DM articles today about Epstein and his charity/foundation contributions with more information about his executor, Khan et al. It makes me wonder after the great digging Nutty wrote about upthread about Epstein's connections that Megs is closer than 6 degrees of separation from them.
Hikari brings up the yachting days, so I wonder, when would Meg's yachting days have happened? It would be nice to make a timeline.

The reason I'm trying to connect this is because I think it's possible that the real reason Megs brought this lawsuit, along with Harry's right now is that they wanted to get the jump on anything about Meg's connections to Epstein coming out. If you've got something huge to hide, like for example if Megs had a close connection to Ghislaine Maxwell, you'd want to use a lawsuit to distract and possibly block any kind of exposure via Fleet Street.

Earlier someone gave great detail about the possible reason for filing before Oct. 1 was because of court division concerns, but wait, they've had several months to file this, so court venue wasn't the priority. There's something else going on and I think it has something to do with the records reveals about Epstein and his concentric circles of friends and their foundations. One or two of the Epstein charity donations went to Elton John, and who was visiting Elton awhile back on that last minute trip to Nice to see the Rocket Man in his private jet? I doubt they were only discussing legal strategy with Sir Elton on that wham bam thank you ma'am visit. No sireee. They also discussed how to deflect, distract and manipulate and circumvent BP and the public away from news about Meg's connection to Epstein's partners.
Starry said…
Hello all. New commenter. Thanks Nutty for providing this best space.

@Nelo That's wild. Re: Richard Palmer's tweet.

BREAKING NEWS. Lol. This tweet from Richard Palmer 44 mins ago I interesting.
He says: "Nobody in the Royal Family or the Royal Household is supporting Harry and Meghan at the moment. Even the couple’s aides seem embarrassed by their actions. William, who dropped his brother like a ton of hot bricks earlier this year, and Charles have distanced themselves."

The family must be establshing plausible deniability.

I feel sorry for William. This has become positively Shakespearean. His brother has committed treason by messing with the bloodline. Prince Andrew may be a dickhead perv, but he didn't commit HIGH TREASON.
gabes_human said…
Good Evening Nutty and Co.Does it make sense that MeGain was the one that sent the paps to her father? I’ve thought that was likely since it was the PR firm she used. She just didn’t count on the RF being upset about and so she threw her dear old dad under the bus. As much as she likes to brag about her so-called calligraphy I figure she faxed copies of the letter to her friends so that they could quote it. I’ve always felt sorry for him and wondered how I would react if I was in a similar position with a newly famous child and the reporters at my door. Probably react the same way.

I looked at the tape on Celebrity Jihad and I’m convinced it’s her. She is so vain and convinced that every man is dying to have her that it’s easy to see where she would think it was just more publicity. Had she used a good surgeon for her implants they would have been inserted under the muscle and wouldn’t swing like that. She must have been in a tight budget. As a retired ob/gyn I’m not easily embarrassed. Believe me, I’ve seen it all However I did shower after seeing that tape. The still shot that’s supposedly H&M is an obvious photoshop job. Neither of them are looking at the camera or even in the same direction. We know very little about her “lost years” when she was supposedly too broke to fix her car door necessitating climbing through the window and kept running out of gas. Maybe she supplemented her income by doing some blue movies. Skippy has a prayer on her tumblr if you feel the need for some soul cleansing absolution after viewing it. ; ) I’m anxious to hear what excuses she comes up for the whole debacle although we probably can’t expect any statement from the in-laws. This makes Randy Andy and his 17 year old look tame.
SwishyFishy said…
It's definitely NOT Ninaki Priddy. She clearly stated in interviews that her friendship with Meghan took a hit when she got the job on Suits. She said Meghan became full of herself and became very condescending to her old LA friends, expecting them to drop everything when she came to town. Meghan was insulted when they would not make her their #1 priority, even though Meghan would often dump their plans if some kind of networking thing came up while she was in LA. Ninaki said the death knell was when Meghan divorced Trevor. She said Meghan did something shocking, something morally wrong that Ninaki could not overlook and that Ninaki took Trevor's side in the divorce. Meghan never forgave Ninaki for trying to hold her responsible for whatever this dark thing was. Ninaki refused to tell in the interview. She only said she was shocked that Meghan could do something like that, and that it was a truly awful thing that devastated Trevor, that he didn't deserve whatever it was that she did. It made Ninaki see Meghan in a completely different way. After that, there was no going back and Ninaki had to accept that Meghan was as narcissistic, superficial, social climbing and vile as we all know she is.
Mischief Girl said…
I think one of the five friends is Priyanka Chopra. She is completely fame hungry. She was friendly enough with MM to attend the wedding, then she publicly said nice things about MM, **while MM was in the process of ghosting her**. Timing wise, I think MM had these friends lined up to speak to People and then dropped them after their use to her was over. At least I'm convinced MM ghosted Priyanka. She wasn't invited to the baby shower, MM was a no-show at her hilarious wedding to whichever Jonas she married. My sense is Priyanka would do pretty much anything for fame and an association with the BRF, so she's one I'd bet on.
SwishyFishy said…
@Marie, Doria is not a clinical therapist. The CA Boards are very strict, even for social workers. She is not licensed as a therapist, or at least, I could not find it anywhere in the database. Besides, getting a therapist license in CA is a beast. Very difficult. Lots of hoops to jump through. It takes years. Any therapist would be crazy to let it lapse just to be a yoga teacher. Even if people leave the therapy profession, they still renew their license because it was so difficult to get, and you always know you can go back to counseling or therapy if something else doesn't work out. Most therapist will say they will keep their license current till the day they die.
gabes_human said…
Mischi, I distinctly remember TM saying he wished he had received an invitation so that he could frame and hang it on the wall. He said that Doria’s invitation was delivered by a messenger from the embassy but he was sent nothing. The tale of the three cars M sent that he refused to get into is balogna (not even mortadella). She never intended for him to attend.
hardyboys said…
That breaks my heart. She an never ever win back the public with this public feud with her father. She is like that kid from different strokes and the mccaulakay kids she is poor Hollywood trash
hunter said…
So uhhhh I don't see anyone mentioning this sex tape posted September 19 on Celebrity Jihad:

Video description suggests she's cheating on Harry in it but clearly it was filmed longer ago as she appears to be younger.

I watched it and unless Deep Fakes has improved to include a youth filter, it is absolutely her with a prior set of implants. I believe she just got a new set on her NYC trip to curse Serena Williams because she didn't have boobs before (lately) and she suddenly does in all the Africa pics.

Yeah so that link above is straight porn. She is rumored to have dated a porn star and my friend acknowledged he knew the guy as a professional porn dude. The lighting in the video is also super professional and they perform in at least four positions, the video is FULL banana so consider yourself warned.

Friend also says you can tell in the first three seconds of the video that she is a hooker who has done this before. I re-watched the beginning and can see what he means. Huh.
hunter said…
There is NO way that's a lookalike, it is 100% her in that video. Judge for yourself.

Show me a convincing deep fake - ANY convincing deep fake and I might reconsider.
lizzie said…
@Swishyfishy-- Doria is licensed as an "associate social worker" the entry-level license in California.

To get that license an MSW and paying a fee is required.

She is not a clinical social worker. Her ASW license was granted in 2015. She hasn't gotten the LCSW. That does require 3000 hrs of supervised practice over 2 years and passing both a California exam and a national exam. Still, if she hasn't done it yet, she not likely to as a yoga teacher.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
Good Lord, @Hunter.

If that is a lookalike, she’s going to have a TREMENDOUS porn career! Lucky girl. 🍀

The studio better start casting for Harry lookalikes too tho if they really want to make serious bank! 💰

(Not that I think anyone really ships them... *Kanye shrug*)
Scandi Sanskrit said…

Her ex isn't terrible-looking, look:

I'd check out his work! 🖤
Ozmanda said…

Is it true that Haz is suing for media allegedly hacking his phone in early 2000's? I find that interesting - my theory is they have something they were about to release and this is a dim attempt at stopping it.

Or am I going a bit cray?
emeraldcity said…
For those above who were wondering about the court proceedings and hoping we get to see it all play out in stereo and technicolour.

In the UK ,the openness of courts is a fundamental principle of the judicial system. It is generally taken for granted that court proceedings are open to the public and may be freely reported.

However the idea of open justice is not absolute. Exceptions have been developed by courts through the common law where, on rare occasions, limits are placed on publicity. Numerous statutory provisions also recognise that justice requires that the general rule of openness be modified in particular cases, this applies mostly to Juvenile and criminal cases, cases regarding sexual offences, protecting victims of violence etc. and maters of national security.

It would be extraordinary if a judge closes the court entirely on this type of suit but it is certainly possible, he/she could ban anyone not involved directly in the case from being present at the proceedings (public and media). As the relevant media would acctually be in court for this one they would still have 1st hand information to report and it would likely defeat the purpose of a closed court.

However,‘a media embargo’ may be issued by the judge which means they could attend in limited numbers but they would not be permitted to report on the trial in any manner, or identify any witnesses until a specific date, probably not until the trial had ended, theoretically the embargo could stay in place for months.

Regarding the early filing date to avoid changes in court venue hearings: it might still not be enough, the Media themselves might countersue, before or after this current trail starts, by that time the date for change of court venue will have kicked in. Or they may refile after the trial on appeal citing new 'evidence'. I’m not sure where the jurisdiction would lay then.
Rainy Day said…
Okay, I watched the video (door shut, sound off, erased search history). It could be a much younger version of her - same long scraggly hair but bigger up top. I also tend to think it’s her because of the way she keeps looking for the camera! But why is she wearing running shoes?
hunter said…
I really want to delete my comment/s but am leaving them for historical record.

After watching a poorer quality video of Emma Watson doing unimaginable things, I no longer believe the video is real.

I apologize for being so easily fooled, I don't watch pretend porn so I didn't realize it had become so advanced.

Charlie said…
I don't think that People article even will be a part of court hearing. I think the "battle" will be more about copyright law than who printed what before in different media.
JL said…
LOL @Veena “there are alot of Lainey haters here that I never ever thought I would have the pleasure of being able to bond with. ” Ditto.
JL said…
LOL @Veena “there are alot of Lainey haters here that I never ever thought I would have the pleasure of being able to bond with. ” Ditto.
Rut said…
I dont belive it is Meghan in that video. In the topless photos you can see she has small firm breasts whith much smaller areolas. I dont think implants give you saggy hanging breasts and different areolas.
Also...Meghan has a annoying way of raising her eyebrows when she is holding her speeches and want to emphasise things. The woman in this video IS raising her eybrows a lot :) but not in the same annoying way Meghan does it.
I apologize to my brain for watching that.
Scandi Sanskrit said…

Don't feel bad, Hunter.

Not everyone is a connoisseur...
d.c. said…
@Hikari How many of us paginate an intimate letter to a family member with (1/5, 2/5 and so on?)

lols, *sheepishly raises hand*
I totally paginate exactly like that, but it’s bc I write on the front and back of sheets of paper, and itks a mess that is impossible to dollow otherwise.

I wonder if everyone’s opinions about that video (similar/same face, but wrong body/movts) would be explained by the upsurge of “Deep Fake” porn videos that have recently started to spread.
d.c. said…
yikes, typos abound....
meant to say, it’s a mess that is impossible to follow
JLC said…
So, if it isn't Megs in the video, I'm wondering whey they aren't trying to sue CJ as well? They are using her name and saying it is her cheating on Harry etc.
Unknown said…
@Aquitaine @Emerald city

I feel Schillings must have already advised her about the 5 friends being exposed in the future. Usually lawyers and clients thrash out all the weak points before proceeding to act. Unless, they didn't as this was good business coming their way.

The media embargo on the court case appears more favourable, but not to the public. Suspect that royal priveledge or national security will be used.

With no support, seemingly , from the BRF , I doubt whether they want their dirty linen to be aired publicly. So I am all for the embargo.
Beth said…
From Richard Palmer on Twitter last night:

Nobody in the Royal Family or the Royal Household is supporting Harry and Meghan at the moment. Even the couple’s aides seem embarrassed by their actions. William, who dropped his brother like a ton of hot bricks earlier this year, and Charles have distanced themselves.
Miggy said…
Follow up from Richard Palmer this morning-

Obviously, if that changes it will be a story but at the moment the Sussexes appear out on a limb. Whatever the merits of their various legal actions, they didn’t inform their family that Harry was going to release that inflammatory statement.
Marie said…
@emerald city - very interesting sharing of what happens in the Uk system, particularly the embargo.

@swishyfishy and lizzie - Meghan definitely wrote on the
"Yes, my hometown is Hollywood, California, but what you think of as The City of Angels, and what I know to be home, are two very different things.

So let’s begin there.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, a California girl who lives by the ethos that most things can be cured with either yoga, the beach, or a few avocados. I’m being cheeky, clearly, but it speaks to the temperament I grew up around. With a free-spirited clinical therapist for a mom, and the most hardworking father you can imagine (a television lighting director by trade), I always had a foot in two worlds, because their work and home environments were so vastly different. "

Ugh. Why can't this be evidence that Meghan will outright lie to put herself in a good light, that her parents must not shame or embarrass her. She's using this clinical therapist bit to explain why she was raised to be a humanitarian from the very beginning. Usually people lie in their memoirs much later, but she already wrote the first draft of chapter 1 in her memoir before she even became a Duchess.
Marie said…
Having a history of lying ought to count for something at a trial where it begins to boil down to "he said/she said" so you better believe my interpretation of what was intended or meant in the letter. She's suing because she's accusing the newspapers of publishing things to manipulate the story against her, particularly the excerpts of that letter that make her look bad and omitting things that make her look good. Why isn't her history of publishing and manipulating relevant?
Fairy Crocodile said…
Well, if Richard Palmer got his info right it helps explain why the media is not settling out of courts. Dumbartons may win the battle but they will lose the war. Once the details of the cases hit public domain press will have a feeding frenzy.
Nutty Flavor said…
For me, the most interesting part of the Palmer tweet was "William, who dropped his brother like a ton of hot bricks earlier this year, and Charles have distanced themselves."

William's "earlier this year" lines up well with the Archie birth debacle.

And I think it's signficant that Charles is no longer supporting Harry and Meghan, since he was originally "Tungsten's" biggest cheerleader, and the Royal Family member she was most successful at winning over.
Beth said…
@Nutty, yes that is very interesting. Will their next move be outing them on the fake pregnancy? Merching? Charles accepted Megs into the family with open arms and she has paid him back with contempt for the entire family and the Monarchy in general. I don't see how she'll be able to ever claw her way back into their good graces. She's toast.
JLC said…
Interestingly, Palmer then later tweeted this:

"It’s always difficult covering the Royal Family because information rarely comes directly from the principals but there are sufficient people with direct knowledge speaking to make me confident that the Queen is unhappy about the behaviour of the Sussexes over the past months."
Jen said…
@SwishyFishy, I read somewhere that the horrible, dark thing that she did that caused Ninaki to side with Trevor was abort his child, then ask for a divorce. It's a rumor, nothing to back it up, but that would be something truly heinous that would cause a good friend to turn on you.
SwampWoman said…
Jen said...
@SwishyFishy, I read somewhere that the horrible, dark thing that she did that caused Ninaki to side with Trevor was abort his child, then ask for a divorce. It's a rumor, nothing to back it up, but that would be something truly heinous that would cause a good friend to turn on you.

I read that as well. That would be such a vicious act that I can't believe that people would keep quiet about it.

Sylvia said…
A quote from Johnathan Swift Author written about the Duke of Marlborough.
Come hither, all ye empty things
Ye bubbles raised by breath of kings
Who float upon the tide of state
Come hither and behold your fate
Let pride be taught by this rebuke
How very mean a thing's a duke
From all his ill-got honours flung
Turned to that dirt from whence he sprung
Liver Bird said…
Despite comments to the contary by a regular poster here, it was always very obvious that none of the royals were on board with this idiocy.

Harry has an engagement in Nottingham this Thursday, the 10th. It will be VERY interesting to observe his demeanour and to see his interaction with the press. I wish they'd all get together and come to an agreement just not to cover any of the Sussexes' engagements. If they want privacy, fine, let them have it.

Speaking of engagements, anything in the pipeline for Meghan? I'm pretty sure most of her appearances in the latter half of the Africa tour were not offical royal engagements, so shouldn't she be out and about earning her keep soon?
lizzie said…
@Marie and @Swishyfishy. I'd call it lying but others might call it "gilding the lily."

Certainly the California licensure site documents Doria's first license in any sort of "human services" field was issued in 2015 shortly after she earned an MSW. Supposedly she'd earned her undergraduate degree in PSY in 2011 when M would have been about 30. So neither had happened when Meghan was "growing up."

Of course, in California the term "clinical therapist" may not be legally protected ("therapist" usually is not legally protected) so maybe a part-time yoga instructor could be described that way. I think it's clear though M intended to create a false impression about Doria's professional life. And I think the view by "sugars" that M helped Harry excise his "mental and emotional  demons" because she grew up with a clinically-trained mom definitely was misplaced. On CB (got too gag-inducing so I no longer read it) at the time of the wedding when Doria quit her job, many posters thought Doria would move to the UK to "open her own practice" since she had so many years of solid experience as a social worker...yeah, less than 3 full years and that all had to be under supervision.
Miggy said…
New article in DM
Prince William and Kate Middleton's Royal Foundation REMOVES Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from its website and abolishes 'empowering women' as an area of interest after couple left to launch their own charity.
Beth said…
@Liver Bird, no engagements have been announced yet except for this:
15 October - The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will attend the annual WellChild Awards at The Royal Lancaster Hotel.

I wonder if the BRF is freezing her out and not allowing her to undertake any solo engagements. When Fergie got the Big Freeze from the Palace, all of her engagements were canceled.
@liver bird @Beth ... Could be partly true. But also Meg's doesn't seem to be much interested in the regular royal engagements like unveiling plaques, dog shelters, horse care clinics, old people's homes etc. The children related stuff is Kate's area, sports stuff is Will's. That leaves veterans and animal charities and thats beneath her.

Also, to be fair, the court circular doesn't give well in advance notices about many of Kate's engagements either.

But, yeah MMs probably not going to be doing any major solo enagagements anytime soon. The only thing she did was smartworks that was more or less a vanity project for her.
Liver Bird said…
Has Smartworks already been 'Markled'? Wasn't she supposed to wear some of the outfits in her Africa tour? Of course she chose that project because it was fashion related and she fancies herself some sort of style idol (!) Not to mention that it also provided the perfect opportunity to repay a favour to her latest 'best friend'. Now that they've served their purpose, the Smartworks ladies will be discarded like everyone else in her life.
Mom Mobile said…
@Jen, I had read that rumor too.

@Swampwoman, I'm reminded how thankful I am that my university days occurred prior to social media. LOL.
Hikari said…
Re. Doria's alleged career as a therapist

I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that someone with a felony conviction on her record for welfare fraud, who spent time in custody on those charges would be ruled ineligible for a professional licensure. Goes to character and ethics. Particularly for someone entrusted with administering mental health support to vulnerable patients/clients, the opportunities for abuse/manipulation for somebody with a criminal bent would be rife.

I guess we see that the (rotten) apple does not fall far from the rotten tree that nurtured it. If Doria earned prison time for fraud, it wasn't just a one-time thing, a mistake or an oversight, but a systematic pattern of violations.

With a criminal felony conviction and jail time on her record, I suppose the only employment she can get is teaching senior yoga, and I got the impression that that gig is volunteer or very minimally paid.


It will be interesting to see if Harry makes his engagement in Nottingham in a couple of days, and whether we find out where he arrived from. The Suxxits are laying very low; no sightings of them for nearly a week.
JLC said…
@Hikari - yes, I really wonder where they are holed up.

Autumn here now, and the dark nights are getting earlier and earlier. Someone who walks their dog close to Frogmore says there are never any lights on.
Miggy said…
I posted about Harry visiting Nottingham on Oct 10th but all mention of it appears to have disappeared.

Liver bird, smartworks already been Markled. The only take away from that whole project was Misha Nonoo. Seems now like that was the only reason that confusing project was launched, apart from selling the idea of me being a fashionista.

Mm not wearing any smart works clothes to me is a big lol, never thought we'd ever see her in those mns dresses anyway. Maybe that's what she told the mns execs before the launch, "I'll wear mishus shirt and the jigsaw pants now, thank you very much. But don't worry I'll definitely wear these awesome dresses in South Africa, I promise". Classic Markle!

PS: my phone autocorrects MNs name every time, and I can't be bothered to correct it. Such a weird name.why do all the HnM friends always have these 'unique' names - Nonoo, nacho, ninaki...
SwampWoman said…
Hikari said It will be interesting to see if Harry makes his engagement in Nottingham in a couple of days, and whether we find out where he arrived from. The Suxxits are laying very low; no sightings of them for nearly a week.

I wonder whether the quarry has gone to ground or whether the press is giving them their desired privacy good and hard.
Beth said…
@Hikari, I thought the same thing about Doria so I checked. In the U.S., a felony does not preclude one from professional licensure. Many universities will not even do a background check. As long as she was honest about her criminal background, she can pursue any degree she likes and be licensed to practice. Kind of weird I think.
lizzie said…
@Hikari..I know what you mean but the fact is that someone named Doria Loyce Ragland does hold a license in California as an associate social worker (ASW) granted in 2015. What is required for licensure as an ASW or LCSW in California after conviction of a misdemeanor or felony is evidence of rehabilitation provided by the applicant. The recency of the crime is considered by the board. IF Doria was convicted of a crime when M was 11 (when she supposedly went to live with TM) that was nearly 25 years before the license was granted. And social work believes in rehab. So I don't think that's why she not gotten her LCSW yet. Either she doesn't have enough hours of practice because she's not worked much in SW since 2015, her supervisor won't sign off on her hours because of performance issues, or she hasn't taken or hasn't passed the required state and national licensure exams. (The Calif exam is now required before licensure as an ASW but wasn't in 2015.)
Liver Bird said…
So with the official removal of the Gruesome Twosome from the 'Fab four' and Richard Palmer more or less confirming that the lawsuit nonsense was done without the approval of the senior royals, it would appear that the Harkles are on their own. I wonder if he and William are even on speaking terms?

The next big family appearance will be in November. Should be interesting to observe the dynamics. And is anyone already taking bets on whether the Harkles will show for the customary Christmas walk to church at Sandringham? My bet is they won't be there.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Hikari, how did you find out that Doria that spent time in prison for welfare fraud? I heard drugs, and other things but never welfare fraud.
Artemisia19 said…
So yesterday there was an article about the Fab 4 reuniting for some mental health thing. Today the DM reports that the Sussexes have been cleansed from Kate and Wills foundation website. And then there is the Palmer tweet. What gives?
Miggy said…
Finally! Found a source for the Nottingham visit.

Lady Luvgood said…
Meg is cooked, someone to quote a previous post, has released the Kraken.
My bets are on LG and Buckhouse who made sure the tape was released.
Tick Tock that’s how long before she is well and truly dusted.
Nelo said…
Liver Bird, Richard Palmer said Harry didn't consult anyone on the inflammatory statement, not the lawsuit. The family knew about the lawsuit cos it has been for months. However, Camilla Long said on this morning that Harry informed the Queen about the statememt and seem to imply the queen gave her consent. I don't know whom to believe.
SwampWoman said…
@ Lizzie, I started getting curious about Florida statutes, so looked up some information pertaining to my state:

Florida law has a really dreadful penalty imposed on health care providers who are found guilty, pled guilty, or plead no contest to certain criminal charges. The result of any of these actions means that the Department of Health (or your specific professional board) has to:

Refuse to admit a candidate to any examination for a license
Refuse to issue a license (certificate or registration)
Non-renew an existing license

The law states that any such conviction or plea shall exclude the applicant from licensure unless the sentence or probation period ended:

More than 5 years ago – for felonies of the 3rd degree involving possession under Section 893.13(6)(a), Florida Statutes;
More than 10 years ago – for felonies of the 3rd degree;
More than 15 years ago – for felonies of the 1st and 2nd degrees.

Similarly, if your crime involves certain laws including Medicaid/Medicare or public assistance fraud, and depending on the plea or conviction, a licensee may have to sit out anywhere from 5-20 years. The exact number of years is dependent on the circumstances.

Marie said…
Does someone have a link to felony or court records? It shouldn't be so difficult to at least back up some of the claims going around, right? Why do people assume Doria went to jail? It's certainly a mystery, but I don't quite get the leap to the conclusion that the only reason is because she was a criminal.
SwampWoman said…
I should hasten to say that I have no idea (nor do I care) whether she has been convicted of any crimes in California. I was just curious about how our laws compare. It does seem that MM has been guilty of actively trying to obfuscate her mother's past and turn her into a professional when she (MM) was a child. It seems such a strange thing to do when it is so easy to check. Maybe it was a whitewashing (is that term racist?) by a PR firm?
Marie said…
Also, where's Ninaki when you need her? I wish she would have spilled the tea on what was so dreadful and shocking for her to side with Trevor...
lizzie said…
@SwampWoman...state laws often differ alot on licensure issues for those in the mental health field (counselors, psychologists, SW, etc.) I think it's clear though if Doria was convicted of anything fraudulent when M was a child (and we don't know she was--I've also read she was living in a commune) it didn't happen while she was a licensed provider. That is the kiss of death in most states and ought to be.
JL said…
Agree re all the mysteries in MM’s past. Has anyone pointed out that Priyanka is no longer friends with MM? Recall how news reportts states that Priyanka visited Archie after the birth and she denied it? Priyanka sure has in her nose in the wind and disavowed all knowledge to the Harkles. Because of those instincts she will never go away.
Liver Bird said…
"However, Camilla Long said on this morning that Harry informed the Queen about the statememt and seem to imply the queen gave her consent. I don't know whom to believe."

I can't believe you're still pushing this!

Palmer also said "Nobody in the Royal Family or the Royal Household is supporting Harry and Meghan at the moment." It's clear as day that the senior royals do not approve of the Harkles' legal shenanigans, for the reasons we've been through several times. I simply don't understand why you're so desperate to beleive otherwise, despite all the evidence. But that's not my problem.
JL said…
Another Richard Palmer tweet.

“Make me confidant that the Queen is unhappy about the behavior of the Sussexes over the past months.”
That is quite a message.
“Past months” includes the tour.
@JL , yes I think Priyanka dropped Mm a long time ago. I think she preferred a let's just be friends dynamic and dint want the constant to and fro of PR favours. The main reason being that Pri's own PR game is very strong and she has been at it for years, so now that she finally made it to the Uber wlite club she didn't want to be tainted. Some people point out that she still was a guest at the Royal wedding, to which I say why would she say no? She needed that at the time, and Mm was a cool girl to hang out with. But she, unlike Mm, had an actual career that shes worked at for years, both Hollywood and Bollywood, and she is confident about her craft. So didn't want to play this nasty game.

Why am so pro Priyanka? Because I recently watch the trailer of her latest Bollywood project that's releasing soon. It's quite good. So I do think she has some dignity left, unlike the mishas and Ellens of the world.
Ava C said…
Hi all. I've been out of touch in a hotel surrounded by mountains with advertised but non-existent WiFi. Still recovering from shingles, like one of those Victorian invalids who then get caught up in a ghost story. Which couldn't be as strange as what's playing out in our news every day. Goodness knows how I'm going to catch up with all this!

Anyway, this isn't about the main brou-ha-ha but someone's mention of the Sandringham walk this Christmas. What if the BRF don't want H&M to be there, but they decide to push in anyway, like they did for the investiture exhibition at BP? I can just imagine H&M trying to be there for the finish, as their arrogance and stupidity knows no bounds. They are then surrounded by burly Norfolk policemen, like Caesar's signature turtle move, and shuffled away in full view of the BRF's devoted public. They'd even help if Meghan used a surprise yoga move and made a dash for it, straggly hair waving.
Girl with a Hat said…
Ava, I think their drivers and security people are told of their destination prior to their departure and from now on, I think the BRF will be monitoring them more closely. It's obvious the two of them are "bat shit crazy" and can't be relied upon, and neither can their own staff, to promote Britain and its social cohesion.
Hikari said…

>>>@Hikari, how did you find out that Doria that spent time in prison for welfare fraud? I heard drugs, and other things but never welfare fraud.<<<

I actually don't have any independent attribution of this. Was repeating a comment someone else posted earlier in this space. Shouldn't do that, but i find our commentators are well-informed, and it seemed like a plausibility. Maybe the person I got it from (sorry, I've forgotten who initially posted about welfare fraud) could elaborate further?

'Welfare fraud' is a broad umbrella. It could mean that she was cashing checks for a relative who had passed away, and not necessarily that she was harming others. But a custodial sentence is pretty serious. It's sort of a Catch 22; if one's mother has spent time in the pokey, which is the lesser of two evils: Drugs or welfare fraud?

Like Meg's birth certificate, prison records are public documents and are easily verifiable. Something significant took Doria away from her preteen daughter for a number of years, and it wasn't anything good, like an overseas posting for some glamorous job or else Meg would have been sure we heard all about it.
Hikari said…
Are the Harkles in or out?

Very unlike them to go invisible for a whole week.

Has Granny gotten so fed up, She told Harry and his baggage to not bother coming home? Maybe Sir Elton & David will take them in. Or maybe they are just having a quiet pub lunch with Archie somewhere and we are blowing things out of proportion.

ThisLittlePetal tweeted 10 hours ago from St. Rocco's Hospice in Warrington, 3 hours north of London, near Liverpool, with some other comments posted 7 and 6 hours ago. It's after 7PM in the UK now. Are the Suxxits wending their way home slowly with a stop off in Nottingham? Nottingham looks to be about an hour east of Warrington; north-centrally located some 2 hours and 45 minutes from London. Do any of our NuttySnoops have intel on an official engagement for Harry in honor of #HospiceWeek?

I suppose Harry's demeanor when we see him next will tell a story, along with how many engagements he's got coming up from now til Christmas.

Were I a bettin' woman, I'd lay all my quid with Ladbrokes on the Sussexes NOT being invited to Sandringham this year for Christmas. While watching the Epic Scarfing provided entertainment value, I doubt anyone in the RF is up for still pretending that they are welcoming Meg to their midst. Though lack of an invitation has never stopped her from turning up where she wants to. Shall we look for her pressed up to the gates waving Archie at the Queen?

We will have to lay in a big vat of Christmas punch for the scenario.
Marie said…
Wishful thinking that would be sooo satisfying to see :) But I would imagine the Sussexes will be invited to Sandringham as a show of solidarity, despite the courtiers leaking info to the contrary. This is the BRF after all; they don't typically use Meghan Markle's ruthless freeze-out on their flesh and blood (Edward as the exception for refusing his duty and abdicating, and even then, it seemed more driven by the Queen Mother rather than from the Queen)

They might passively aggressively ignore them during dinner or as they smilingly wave to the church crowd, but I bet they'll still invite them. No matter what Harry does, he's of their royal blood and they'll never really snub him unless he does something to really damaging to the Queen. Meghan gets a pass because she's his wife. So much for feminism, when your status and power lie solely in your husband...
Mimi said…
Hikari, I was the one who posted about Doria being in prison for welfare fraud. I can’t remember where I read it but I do remember it was in more than one place and whoever posted it posted that, and that Doria has used various names (aliases?) that she has had a female partner for 12 ? years and that Doria’s past and and so called public records have been scrubbed. The stans at the time accused the poster of being Samantha. Apparently others have tried to verify this but for whatever reason, Doria’s past has been scrubbed. But NOT all of it, as the TRUTH exists and others have done some investigating and have posted actual records of other shady information regarding Doria. The death of her father, the forgery of her brothers signature to obtain the house, etc. I have nothing against Doria. But in my opinion, it is not right to print negative things about only one side of her family when the other side is just as bad if not worse than the Markles. It seems like I have opened up a topic that is a no no and because I have nothing concrete to back it up I will apologize right here and now if I did something wrong by bringing that up (prison time for welfare fraud). (not proof read)
Hikari said…

It's entirely possible that the Harkles will be *invited* but continue on in their petulant p*ssy FU mode and not show up. Opinion is still split as to whether the Harkles were invited/expected at Balmoral and they blew the Queen off in favor of their 'Summer of Free Private Jets Programme' instead . . or if HMTQ showed her displeasure with them by not extending them the privilege of an invite to her favorite spot.

They may be family, nominally, in the case of Meg, but these invitations by the Queen are still privileges. Does anyone but the hardest core sugar still believe that these 'shows of solidarity' have anything behind them at all that's . .well, solid? Christmas is still a ways off; perhaps the Harkle's invite to Sandringham will be contingent upon how these lawsuits progress and what is revealed in discovery. Sure, the Queen is bucking up Andrew in the midst of his scandal . . but Andrew is her son and favorite. I wouldn't expect such a public show of royal support for the American grifter granddaughter and her dimmest grandkid who has landed HM in a whole heap of hot water. I suppose Charles is getting an earful about the Harkles from the maternal unit as I write this.
Jen said…
@Hikari Shall we look for her pressed up to the gates waving Archie at the Queen?

OMG, that made me giggle. I can see her doing it, holding his little hand so as to not cover HER face so that the paps can get her good side.....SMDH

So, I went and read some of what I missed at the Harry Markle site and got incensed all over again about Megs and her lawsuit. Her poor father! I'm not a birth parent, but my nieces and nephews are my kids...if one of them did this to me, I'd be broken. Truly broken. She is truly an evil person. WHO does this to their parent?
Hikari said…

No worries. You didn't do anything wrong by mentioning the welfare fraud. As a hobby site, we are not held to same standard as a published newspaper (though those standards are d@mn low these days . . ). I think of NuttyGroup as the proverbial blind men groping the elephant . . each of them has a piece of the whole, but he can only experience the elephant and report on his experiences based on his very limited frame of reference. We are kind of like that. All of us have heard and read different things about the Harkles and we're just flinging all of our pieces on the table to see what we can make fit into some semblance of 'truth'.

As you said,

>>>the TRUTH exists and others have done some investigating and have posted actual records of other shady information regarding Doria. The death of her father, the forgery of her brothers signature to obtain the house, etc. I have nothing against Doria. But in my opinion, it is not right to print negative things about only one side of her family when the other side is just as bad if not worse than the Markles.<<<

Yes, Doria's gotten a really big pass owing to being the parent with the 'right' complexion to serve Meg's narrative as a woke WOC. At the wedding I didn't have a problem with Doria; I actually felt sorry for her, thrust upon the world stage all alone with no other family members to sit with. Her poise on that occasion impressed me. But since then I have come to have a feeling that there are potentially many things I could hold against Doria. That GIF of her licking her lips at the wedding while she looked at Harry the way a she-wolf would look at a nice fat ginger bunny rabbit got me thinking that she just may be very complicit in her daughter's schemes to bilk the RF for as much as she can get. Meg is obviously squirrelling money away with her mother; Doria's bank account has swelled by some 9 Million dollars in the last year. She didn't get all that from doing extra yoga classes.

That's another unattributed factoid about Doria btw, but I have read it in multiple outlets as well as the rumor about her prison time. There's no honor among thieves--I'd think it'd be really hilarious if Doria would find a way to abscond with her daughter's merching proceeds. I would larf and larf!!
Mimi said…
Thank you Hikari. It could also explain why Doria and her side of the family have kept a low profile. They don’t want anyone snooping into their backgrounds!
Mimi said…
Hikari, I have read that the number is closer to $9,000. and NOT $9 million. But Nine thousand or nine million........she didn’t get all that extra money by doing extra yoga lessons like you said.
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