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Open Post: Harry's Resignation Speech

Two hundred and twenty four years after George Washington made his 1796 Farewell Address, it is still remembered as an example of great statesmanship and a noble farewell to a lifetime of service.

Harry, Duke of Sussex, made his farewell speech to the British people yesterday evening. As the Spectator UK put it, "the Captain General of the Royal Marines is resigning his post in order to spend more time on Instagram."

What do you think of Harry's farewell address? How will it be remembered?

Last-minute conversations

Harry had two significant meetings before his departure to Canada.

What do you think Harry and Boris Johnson had to say to one another?

What about Harry and William?


Ròn said…
It will always be remembered for being written by his wife.... C
LavenderToast said…
It was supposed to be a very brief discussion between the two for 20 minutes is what I read yesterday. I think it had to do with security for him and his family. That is of utmost importance to Harry I am sure.
Liver Bird said…
" I think it had to do with security for him and his family. That is of utmost importance to Harry I am sure."

In which case he needs to pay for it himself.
abbyh said…

You are probably right - she wrote it for him.

Sad, sad.
ShadeeRrrowz said…
That whole speech was cringe-inducing and TACKY. It was an inappropriate time and place for him to whine. At most, a quick sentence about how he would continue to be a patron of the charity he co-founded and that’s it.

It did however, make me even more convinced that he and Megsy got very little of what they wanted. Had HM and PC given them more of what they wanted he wouldn’t be crying in public.

As for William and Harry, I hope they truly are attempting to repair their relationship. I also hope their final conversation was a positive one. I’m sure William is still hurt and angry but maybe they can get back on course. Unfortunately, I fear it will be short lived he’ll soon be in Canada and back in Meghan’s clutches. Before you know it, she’ll be whispering in his ear about his evil family again.

I’m sure he didn’t talk to BoJo about anything more than security.
Anonymous said…

@Liver Bird, I know that they're on the path towards "financial independence", but how much farther along do they need to be from $30-40 million to be able to pay for that security themselves lol? -- Asking for several friends and a number of countries
Beachgal58 said…
I believe Harry is going to be in for a rude awakening. His whole life he has been part of the Royal family, now he has turned his back on them. I think at first he might enjoy the freedom, but only time will tell. He’s used to everything being handed to him, assistants taking care of the small details. Now he’s on his own. Be careful what you wish for Harry. I feel no sympathy for him at this point. My heart goes out to his grandparents, brother and Father, who should just cut him off completely money wise.
poppycock said…
Somebody somewhere compared his speech to that of the Duke of Windsor and found similarities. Probably an effort to spin all this into another sacrifice for love.

I sent this in yesterday, where the author sees it as brand damage control:

I think it was pathetic and insincere. Harry still yearns to be The Hero Rebel Prince, but it falls flat these days.
Portcitygirl said…
I think I saw this on Crownsofbritain blog- a cartoon that sums it up-
"harry we are here for you to tell us what Meghan says you think". Or something along that vein.
Liver Bird said…
Harry's speech was a disgrace.

From what I can see, apart from the small but noisy gang of Harkleistas, it was almost universally panned. It shows that he and his wife really are no loss to the UK. A charity event, hijacked by this spoilt brat to whine about how tough he has it. Just like the awful South Afica whinomentary, using less fortunate people as a background to your self-centred griping.

Here's the thing Harry: Britain owes you and your wife nothing, but the reverse is not true. You are a public servant. You are there to serve the people, not the other way round. In return, you get a life of luxury and the type of opportunities which were it not for an accident of birth would be entirely unobtainable to one of your, erm, limited academic abilities.

But why am I using the present tense here? You WERE a public servant. Now you're an accessory to your merchng wife, just another substance-free celeb competing with sundry Kardashian, Jenners and Hiltons. I hope it's worth it Haz but if it isn't, well, it's not our problem. You were once the golden prince. Now you're a national laughing stock. And you brought it all upon yourself.
Glow W said…

E! Says Harry is enroute to Canada.
LavenderToast said…
@Liver Bird

Oh, I agree wholeheartedly, that Harry should pay but he will probably explain he is 'not financially independent' yet and ask if the government could work something out between the two countries. The public in Cananda and the UK should be outraged. Maybe Mr. Johnson could have reminded Harry it was him and his wife's decision to decamp and should of thought of that after all these long months of scheming (er, planning). I hardly think Charles will want to fund that bottomless pit of expenses.
Glow W said…

Chris Ship asks Camilla if she will miss Harry and Meghan.

Her reply is.... mmmmmmm... course lol
staurolit said…
Couldn't read/listen to it with a straight face.

'Don't cry for me, Argentina...'
poppycock said…
He may have asked BoJo about citizenship for Megs. Wasn't it mentioned in a blind how M will try to change a law or two for her benefit? Heh.

Liver Bird, beautiful. Every word is true.
Nutty Flavor said…
I learned a lot from this article about Royal security.

"But what of the future? If Harry and Meghan come to rely on private security companies, they will struggle to match the level of watchfulness provided by my old department.

"They don't have access to the same level of structural support and financial resources.

"The couple may not appreciate the costs of 'static protection' – the integrated networks of alarms and CCTV cameras that are standard at royal palaces.

"The £2.4million renovation of Frogmore Cottage (pictured) did not include the extra costs, covered from the royal protection budget, for safe rooms, fences, underground detection systems and encrypted secure communication."

Security is apparently much more expensive than just round-the-clock armed bodyguards. I didn't consider all this other stuff - and apparently neither did they.

none said…
From the link tatty posted. "Ahead of Harry's return, the Duchess of Sussex was spotted on a hike with Archie and her dogs this morning." LOL ok.

Can't really picture that. Is 8 1/2 month old Archie hiking now? Or did MM carry him in a humongous pack? Push him along in a stroller on the trails?

Possibly a walk but not a hike. Dear media - Please stop insulting readers with these "hiking sightings".
Bravura said…
I have been musing over a lot of this lately and some of the "agreements" reached with the Megxit deal. Some of the comments Harry made in his speech also give me pause.

Now this is just my theory, but what if the Queen allowed certain "agreements" to be made right now because there may be a divorce brewing? If Megan and Harry were to divorce, I think it would be pretty standard for her to remove Megan's HRH title, given all the backlash. Especially if something were to leak regarding Archie or some other unsavory truth (maybe an affair or abuse or privilege, such as using the HRH and Sussex Royal Brand pre-divorce without authorization, thus demonstrating she isn't capable of using it properly?)

What if all of this is a precursor towards divorce? The RF sets themselves up as seemingly supportive and gracious in their choice to divorce and then, around "Spring Time" a divorce is announced and Megan's HRH is revoked.

If they divorced, would they still let her keep the Duchess title? If the "crime" were big enough, could they warrant her being stripped of her HRH and titles?

These are things I consider and muse over. I feel like the Queen is definitely playing a long game. Pardon my bluntness, but the RF isn't this gracious when scandal is concerned without reason. Either they are being used/blackmailed into complacency or they're foreseeing something else in the future. My money is on the Queen. Brits are not to be trifled with.
Glow W said…
@holly yes, I assumed it was a walk and with Archie in a baby backpack or a baby Bjorn or whatever.

But, yeah, hiking with an 8 month old... doubtful
Bravura said…
@Holly, I saw that too. We all know Megs doesn't "hike." Amazing how often we've seen her out and about lately. Splash News is working OT.
poppycock said…
staurolit said...

Don't cry for me Argentina...

LMAO that's it.
CookieShark said…
Does anyone think this scenario is NOT what MM wanted?

They are now under more scrutiny than ever. They do not represent the Queen, and cannot use the HRH. They don't have to do official engagements, but I predict the unofficial engagement list will dry up as well. Why invite the not-royal-anymores when you can invite W&K?

Harry cutting his family ties and military ties is so sad. And not needed. It is as if all of this is just saying "We hate you" publicly to the Firm. And I think MM is going to be seething that she is now not just an actress has-been, but a royal has-been too. And all of her own doing!
Liver Bird said…
"If they divorced, would they still let her keep the Duchess title? If the "crime" were big enough, could they warrant her being stripped of her HRH and titles?"

She would likely have the same styling as Sarah, Duchess of York and be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. No HRH.
Ava C said…
Guardian article on challenges facing Sussex Royal brand:

"Prince Harry and Meghan could face costly fight for Sussex Royal brand
Future of name in doubt after Queen bans pair from using HRH titles"

>>>>>>[...] "they faced the 'mother-of-all punch-ups' protecting it in a global markets, with others snapping up domain names to cash in. 'The fact is, it’s a minefield. They are going to have real problems.'

[...] “If they haven’t thought this through, which they might not have, they have got some massive challenges ahead of them.”<<<<<<<

Is it likely Harry and Meghan have thought this through?
Bravura said…
@Liver Bird - I can see that if she left on good terms. On a purely speculative note, would there ever be a reason that they would strip her of the Duchess title? It's my understanding she is not a British citizen - could she still retain it if she wasn't a citizen and not married to Harry any longer?

Again, mere musings and considerations here. Not trying to start drama or anything. I am just curious what it would "take" to get that stripped if it's even feasible.

(I'd love to never see her use any kind of title again, personally)
Liver Bird said…
"On a purely speculative note, would there ever be a reason that they would strip her of the Duchess title?"

Women who marry into the royal family don't hold titles in their own right and therefore cannot be 'stripped' of them.

"It's my understanding she is not a British citizen - could she still retain it if she wasn't a citizen and not married to Harry any longer?"

Yes she could.
LavenderToast said…
Meghan being spotted what 3-4 times in the last 2 weeks, is probably to show how well her life is going, she is so excited and energized, she is finally thriving. I believe it is her attempt to control the narrative; she could not be herself in the stifling awful UK but now is free-to-be, a wonderful humanitarian that visits charities more than she could ever do under the thumb of the BRF, a wonderful mom taking her babe out in the beautiful Canadian countryside not accosted by brutal racist paps, a wife who is waiting to fall back into the arms of her loving hero hubby. Gag...I couldn't hardly write that bs.
Ian's Girl said…
It will be remembered, as well it should be, as the time one of the most privileged persons on the planet rose up and whined about how wicked hard his lot in life is, whilst standing before a group of people who'd come together to find ways to improve the lives of poverty-stricken, terminally ill children, many of whom are orphaned on top of it.

It beggars belief, it really does.
hardyboys said…
If anyone has a chance google Lou gehrigs final speech. It is so beautiful I adapted my wedding speech based on this and got so many compliments. This is a beautiful timeless and emotive speech that can never ever be forgotten. When you bow out you do if with grace honour and dignity.e
Earl Spencer delivered a powerful speech which we all remember and felt gose bumps when delivered. The speech has to be powerful but it also has to be from the heart. That speech was perfunctory lipservice or as you are all calling it in modern lingo: word salad
Unknown said…

Is security not covered by Priti Patel?

I doubt they discussed security . Even if they did, was Boris reassuring Harry that he made the necessary calls and Canada will be secure ?

Boris has the Queens ear. Possibly he made a last minute intervention to set the record straight regarding a few unsaid matters. Or could he be :

1. Apologising for his family members "exotic DNA " comment in person. I doubt that.

2. Giving him Diplomatic Immunity . Unknown grounds for me. But did Harry have this and has this Immunity been taken away ?

3. Discussing Markles UK citizenship and whether laws have been changed ! Tricky , I know.

4. Wishing Harry well , and stating the proverbial , " if you ever need anything, just let me know, I am a phone call away . No questions asked. I will pull strings if I have to ." Perhaps I have watched too many movies .

5. Archies citizenship. From where I come from, an unabridged birth certificate reflecting both parents details, must accompany the parent/s before international flights. However the grey area here for me , what happens when the parent and child never return ? Was something missing ? Can Markle ,who is not a UK citizen as yet, take her baby out of the UK without the required documents?

6. Asking Harry to reconsider on behalf of the Queen.

7. Just discussing diplomatic hee haw straight from the horses mouth, ( meaning I Boris successfully managed Brexit, do not cause anyincidents until Brexit is totally signed and delivered ).

and so the list can go on. So many things to discuss in just 20 minutes, all by themselves.

Wanda said…
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Madge said…
I think his farewell speech was disgraceful. He came across like whiney child, it was everybody's fault but his. He was dismissive of the Queen's generosity, and was insulting to his father, the father who will be paying his bills. His comment about "Diana's son finally gets married...". What? He's Charles's son too, or doesn't Charles count?

As to whether the speech echoed Edward Vlll, I think it did. But that is no compliment. A bit of background here. I am in my 60s so I was raised by parents of the generation who lived at the time of the abdication. To those Brits of my generation, Edward Vlll is the epitome of a weak and cowardly man. On the eve of his country's darkest hours, he cut and ran to satisfy himself instead of fulfilling duty as was expected by that generation. It's hard for younger people to perhaps realise how the royal family were perceived pre-1960, but duty was everything, both an obligation and an honour.

Harry's speech was as weak and self-serving as that of his great-great uncle. I think this past two years we have seen the real Harry, stripped of the airbrushing given him by Eton, the Army and the Royal Family. He is a spoiled and pampered man-child who doesn't deserve the loyalty that the UK usually reserves for the institution of the royal family.

The blame for recent events has been laid at Markle's door, but she could not have wrecked such havoc to the royal family without Harry's (at least tacit) support.
Himmy said…
Harry probably tried to persuade Boris to cover their security cost. How can they expect the tax payers to spend more security money on a pair of non working ex royals than the working royals.

Harkles want to be globetrotting celebs and let the tax payers and Charles pick up the tab. They call them racists and bullies at the same time. How shameless are they?
none said…
This title question brings to mind a cast member on the Real Housewives of New York City show. A former nurse (American) married a French Count and LuAnn Nadeau became Countess Luann de Lesseps.

She held on to that title and flaunted it long after the divorce. Her former husband remarried but she still retained her title, only losing it when she remarried.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ava C said…
@CookieShark - I agree scrutiny will be closer than ever. I read an article yesterday about the British press actually having tighter restrictions than the press they would encounter in the US, assuming they go there soon. It's British readers who are the problem for them. Readers can't be controlled, short of obvious censorship which only makes things worse. The Telegraph gets a lot of flack about not allowing comments on most H&M articles.

This whole saga has turned into soap opera gold. Even people who were indifferent to royals are keeping half an eye on this. The world will be waiting for them to crash and burn.

I notice there's rising public hostility regarding the finances of the Duchy of Cornwall and why isn't it seen as public money? The very thing Prince Charles would worry about most. It's a fudge I always think, as it is for the maintenance of the PoW's household and I don't think two adult sons with their own families should come within that definition. For example, when medieval and early modern royal heirs were given their own households when still children, they were treated as separate households for budgeting and monitoring of expenses. If the Sussex's continue as they are going, and public anger does not diminish, Prince Charles will have a real problem and will have to come down on Harry harder than he has to date.
Nutty Flavor said…
People who have followed the UK music and political scene for awhile have probably heard of the journalist Julie Burchill, who started out reporting on the punk movement in the 1970s and has lead a rather loud and wild life ever since.

Anyway, Julie was an early supporter of Duchess Meghan, but has changed her mind. Today's piece in the Spectator UK:

How did I get Meghan so wrong?

I have many fine qualities – but being a good judge of character is not one of them. Put me in a room with six saints and a psychopath and we all know who I’m going to be swearing blood-brotherhood with by the end of the evening. Interestingly, this hasn’t left me feeling like a victim; as I’m extremely tough, reckless and self-mocking, I bounce from one inappropriate friendship to the next with no loss of enthusiasm.

But most of these relationships are by their nature not conducted in the public eye. When a journalist makes a fool of themselves drooling over a famous figure who later turns out to be an ocean-going rotter, it’s a different matter. However I may as well do a mea culpa on this matter – anything for a cheap laugh, even if that involves dragging my own name through the dirt. Twice, in this very magazine, I have lain down my pride like a cape over dirty water and begged Meghan Markle to walk all over me.

Worst things first. In the winter of 2017 I scribbled thus, no doubt dotting the letter i with hearts whenever it appeared:

‘Prince Harry is a lucky man to have found a companion who is so definitively un-princessy – even though she is as beautiful a woman ever to have walked the Earth… It would be nice to think – for reasons of spite and scandal – that Meghan Markle is that splendid thing “an adventuress: a) a woman who seeks dangerous or exciting experiences: b) a woman who seeks position or livelihood by questionable means” (Merriam-Webster). But I think the far more wholesome if less thrilling truth is simply that she is a young woman in love.’

There’s worse to come. Whenever I post a piece of mine on my Facebook page, I always add the warning: ‘REMEMBER WE HACKS DON’T WRITE OUR OWN HEADLINES!’ Well, in this case I did; the headline was ‘MEGHAN MARKLE HAS RESCUED HER PRINCE’ and was indeed inspired by the final line of passionately purple prose: ‘Meghan Markle has never waited soppily for some prince to rescue her. In fact, it seems far likelier that it is she who will rescue the prince.’ CRINGE! As the youngsters say.
Nutty Flavor said…
By the spring of 2018 I appear to have calmed down a little bit – I was perhaps being a trifle cheeky to my girl-crush even: ‘HOORAY FOR MEGHAN MARKLE – A VERY MODERN ADVENTURESS’ the headline cheered. But talk about Be Careful What You Wish For:

‘She’s a thoroughly modern minx who won’t wear the traditional fur and Fracas perfume of the professional vamp, but I’d love it if Meghan Markle turned out to be an adventuress as well as a woman in love. (You have to admit that posting the ex-husband’s ring back was a hopeful sign.) The fearsome words “American divorcee” have been aired, the press is squared, the middle class is quite prepared — bring on the bunting.’

A bunting I could now well use to throttle myself with sheer embarrassment.

Thankfully, by the summer of 2019 I was thoroughly disillusioned and slunk off to the excellent Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche to moan; ‘Harry and Meghan took four private jets in eleven days after a summer of lecturing us about climate change and refusing to show their baby to the paying public; this followed shortly after the prince’s jaunt to the Google climate change summit where he is also thought to also have taken a helicopter, as he habitually uses them to fly short distances whereas the Queen makes do with a train. Having a public figure as notoriously self-centred and bad-tempered as Elton John rush in to defend them didn’t help, but only further established that the Sussexes saw themselves as international stars rather than one nation’s public servants. But at least their box-fresh love-match is in no way sleazy – that side of things is competently being taken care of by Prince Andrew.’

Apparently I wasn’t alone in successfully de-toxing from my M&M habit; when a publication asked me to write in a for/against debate about her last year. I received a dismayed email back when I confirmed that I would be happy to condemn her: ‘Oh – we thought you liked her!’

‘I did – but I’ve gone off her.’

‘Oh, that’s what everyone says! Sorry, but we’re looking for people in favour…’

Well, they won’t be asking me again. Shortly after hearing that Meghan planned to semi-retire from royal duties in order to spend more time with her merchandising, I coined a fabulous phrase – THE GRABDICATION. My rehabilitation is now complete – but please do stop me if I start making eyes at Zara Tindall.
Nutty Flavor said…
On another topic, just wanted to thank everyone who has put up a photo icon next to their names.

It makes the comment section so pretty!
Animal Lover said…

Does anyone think this scenario is NOT what MM wanted?

No, it is not. When NPR and the NY Times said this break didn't turn out well for them, you can believe it.

Why do I get the sense that M is plotting her separation from H if the connection to him doesn't yield financial benefits ASAP.

Has anyone noticed if TMZ has reported on them?

M use to get glowing coverage in Elle, Vogue and Vanity Fair. Is that still the case?

H's speech was not a good one. It is a repeat of the "woe is me" lament from the African trip and has been reported as such.

Also Jessica Mulroney friend Lainey is furious with the role family's treatment of H&M.
NeutralObserver said…
Harry is so dumb. He's trading the Rolls Royce of celebrity brands for the Lululemon of celebrity brands.

Rolls Royce, (still treasured even after its sale to Germans), limited production, last forever, stodgy looking but coveted by sheiks, princes, & billionaires everywhere.

Lululemon, mass produced, shoddily made, controversial & tossed aside when they get too smelly.
SwampWoman said…
OMG, THE GRABDICATION perfectly sums it up!
IEschew said…
Agree with all who found it a disgraceful speech. Read but couldn’t stand to listen to all of it. For shame.

The only thing I have to add is that in his meetings with leaders from Africa today was one with the PM of Morocco. I wasn’t here when Harry and Meghan went there, but I found footage from that visit so interesting. Did anyone think anything of Harry’s taking that meeting before departing? Or was it just a formality like the others?

Who believes he really met with and/or patched things up with William (I do not)?

@Nutty, hahaha, the “grabdication” is a good one! I can’t imagine who would write an article in defense of Meghan these days. Tweets and accusations of racism, yes of course, but a fully developed essay in defense of Meghan’s behavior? Impossible.
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting ideas in your list, @unknown.

Harry may have asked for many of these things from Boris, but I doubt he got them.

When it comes to William, my guess is that they discussed the statue to honor their mother, which is an ongoing project which has been going on for many years. Very difficult to make a statue of a person so many people remember, and remember fondly.
CookieShark said…
***Brings a plate of fresh cookies to the new post***

Twinsmama, thank you for the suggestion re: Lou Gehrig's farewell speech. It was inspiring!

As a graduate student I was told I would not be promoted to the doctoral level. It stung, but it was better than me getting strung along for years of research and then finally getting the boot. I was cut in December, but they asked me to please stay until the following August, working part-time for them.

I could have cut and run. I knew there would be more money elsewhere, but they would have a vacancy that would be hard to fill. It was not the easiest time but it taught me quite a bit about remaining steadfast and dignified. I held my head high and finished my work. Just my two cents, but I think Harry will truly regret turning his back on his military connections and his family. And for what? If this were truly about having more time with Archie, H&M could easily not take on those silly vanity projects and have time to do meaningful work.
ABC said…
An interesting article to read:

"Meghan has followed the career of all power-seeking, disruptive daughters-in-law. She could have begun her campaign of alienating her husband from his family with vague and irremediable complaints about her dissatisfactions as soon as she joined the Firm."They don't respect you. They don't appreciate me."

Read more:
Ava C said…
@ Madge on Edward VIII - you're right about how he was viewed by the generations around at the time. I'm in my 50s and I vividly remember my grandmother wouldn't allow Wallis Simpson's name to be mentioned in her house. I made the mistake of asking her for her views on the Abdication one day!

Quite a number of commentators noted last week what a long memory the British people have. I collect old photos of Lillie Langtry and I won't repeat what my grandmother's closest friend said about her when she found out. Shocked me to my core that such an elegant, polite old lady would say such things. Now there I was hearing the voice of late Victorians, coming through a later generation with undiminished force. I wonder how long Meghan will be remembered in that way?
AliOops said…
That "speech" was SA doco 2.0, full of the same entitled, petulance I've come to expect from this whinging wee gobshite. Utterly graceless.

I'm also guessing Charlie has SEVERELY cut the finances due to the fact that Beavis and Butthurt want us all to believe he only had a mother.
HappyDays said…
I have to chuckle regarding Meghan and hiking. She’s as about as outdoorsy as her 4-inch Louboutin stilettos.

But I am guessing she is craving media attention and is grasping at any idiot stunt, such as driving the airport, to get her name or face in the news.
Mel in SoCal said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
abbyh said…


re: how will the current generations remember M?

I think a fate worse than death - not at all. Not having made anything substantial in their areas of interest, she will eventually be forgotten.
Bravura said…
@Holly, good point about Harry having to remarry for the title to transfer over to his next wife. Sadly, I doubt that will ever happen. If they do end up getting divorced, I foresee Harry as being rather broken and withdrawn. I doubt he would ever remarry, at least not any time soon (if ever).
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting piece, @ABC.

In general, the conservative media has had Meghan's number in the way that the more liberal outlets (the NYTimes, Washington Post, the Guardian) have not. Ironic to see the left hailing members of the Royal family and the right tearing them down.
Anonymous said…
@Glowworm the Unknown

I actually got there first and hurried back to tell @Hikari, so that scallywag could get here first!
DogsMatter said…
Just a test to see if my pic showed! I agree with all about PH's speech. Disgraceful.
Wanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pantsface said…
I think I have signed up and will no longer be unknown, don't want to be tarnished by other unknowns poor behaviour :) The speech last night was petulant. He has thrown major shade at HM the queen and did not mention his father once, all about Diana, not one comment about the bloke who is funding their lifestyle for a year from his own private income, who indeed ha funded it for many years, what on earth has happened, lots more stories to tell I am sure
@Ava C and @abbyh,

"re: how will the current generations remember M?"

- Her love didn't make a King renounce his religion, Henry VIII
- Her love didn't make a King renounce his title, Edward VIII
- Her hate made a Prince renounce his duty, Harry, just Harry
Fifi LaRue said…
Thank you to the person who posted the link to Alexis Ohanian's twitter account. That photo of Markle at the tennis match was absolutely gross. Trying to seduce her "friend" Serena's husband? There are no words.
Pantsface said…
Well that didnt work, I am pantsface and technically inept it would sem ffs :(
Wanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
lizzie said…
@Bravura wrote ,"good point about Harry having to remarry for the title to transfer over to his next wife"

Most likely if there is a divorce M keeps the title (without HRH) until/if SHE remarries. She would be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.

If Harry remarries after returning to the fold to get the use of HRH back, his new wife would be HRH The Duchess of Sussex. But his remarriage wouldn't affect M's title if she has one. Only her remarriage would.
CeeMoore said…
Harry's comment "The decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back ..." is Markle's attempt to push the blame on Harry while all of this and his speech being orchestrated by her. Probably telling Harry it makes him appear to be strong. So much for "empowered feminist" ~ letting her husband decide what is best for her life. If this is not Harry playing along until the divorce, he is just lost. Truly hoping he is now really "woke" and will begin to heal from the abuse he has suffered during this pathetic relationship. Old saying, Karma's not a bitch if you're not ..
Nutty Flavor said…
@Bluebell, it is a photo of Lindsay Lohan on the cover of Interview Magazine in 2009. Lindsay was briefly a very beautiful woman. Another redhead who threw it all away.
Bravura said…
@Lizzie, I thought that there can only be one Duchess of Sussex and if Harry remarried, then his new wife would have that title and Markle's would be removed? My brain is blanking but wasn't there a duchess who refused to give up her title after her husband had remarried and continued using it long after being told she wasn't allowed to?

Regarding that article on American Thinker, personally, I think that's a very dangerous place to start promoting such an article. That website has a history with quasi-white nationalism and is regarded as more conservative in nature. If anything, that article (while absolutely spot on) could fan the flames further. It gives me pause as to why *that* article was published through that medium and not another? Maybe I'm being paranoid here, but what if it was deliberately published on a medium that flirts with white-nationalism just to garner additional support for the racism card?
Sooz said…
Was just over on Twitter and happened across a tweet (with photo) about MM's "hike"...

Interesting that for as much as we know Archie is absolutely ecstatic about the Canadian landscape surrounding him that she still continues to carry him with his face smashed into her chest! So strange to me!
Bravura said…
From Wiki regarding "The American Thinker" blog

"The magazine has been described as a conservative blog.[6][7] Right Wing Watch points out that American Thinker has published an excessively complimentary piece on a white nationalist, claimed women ruined public discourse by complaining about rape, and asserted that rainbow-colored Doritos are a "gateway snack to introduce children to the joys of homosexuality."[8]"
DesignDoctor said…

"she is now not just an actress has-been, but a royal has-been too. And all of her own doing!"

She got more than she bargained for...actress has-been, royal has-been, and stuck with Harry FKAP who will not know what to do with himself!

The clip with Camilla reminded me of Charles "Whatever love is" answer in his engagement interview with Di. The same flippant response.

Harry's speech was emasculating and whiney. He will live to regret his decision, IMO.
Bravura said…
@Annie, of course!And considering how cold and ugly it has been out here lately, I can imagine them loving said hikes in rainy/snowy conditions. *rolls eyes* I mean, it was the first place Archie saw snow after all. *gags*
Glow W said…
Peter Phillips is selling milk on tv
Fedde said…
Thanks for the new post, Nutty. Harry's direct have my eyes quite the workout from all the rolling. Couldn't make myself listen to his whining so only read it in full. What struck me was all the Is and Mes. And the "I and my wife" which just made me imagine his former English teacher tearing their hairs out.

Also, seeing his whole speech written out makes it all the more obvious he spent less than a third of his whining to the actual charity. And the transition from his whining to the charity was so odd.

Re the mention of Diana: He explicitly referred to himself as "Diana's second son" which I found strange. Like he's still upset about not being first, while his move to go commoner+ was allegedly meant to best William. "Youngest" would have worked better.

As for the gloves coming off on the press, I'm still waiting for a headline like "Kicked to the curb; Meghan are you okay?" or did I miss it?
bootsy said…
Speaking of privilege (which Harry just takes for granted), how many people get to meet the Prime Minister in private to plead their own personal case directly? That's right, it's the poor misunderstood victims who are worth over 45 million. Tough times.
lizzie said…

Re: number of duchesses

I think this is kind of untested in royal circles but it is my understanding the word "the" makes a huge difference

Duchess of Sussex (former wife)
The Duchess of Sussex (current wife)

I don't believe if a wife's title survives divorce, it can be taken away because the husband remarries. But definitely the former wife loses it if she remarries.
Glow W said…
Oh heck, I just remembered I have the app flight aware 24 so if we presume Harry is on the non stop BA flight, I can track the plane. (Just for fun)
Belmont said…

She is over the top, you can tell she writes the captions and every speech; very cliche and it reads like something a first year college student who thinks they are smarter than they are would write. For someone that purposefully hates Trump, she sure does act a lot like him - everything is always about them, cannot take criticism, everything is about PR and how they can make more money, etc.

Honestly, I am not sure how they didn’t get everything they wanted (or at least what she wanted. She knows the US is not as fluent with royal titles and all she needs to have is the royal access. Also, what happens when Charles becomes King?
Nutty Flavor said…
@Bravura, I did not know the website had those links. That’s unfortunate. Racism is never acceptable.

Speaking of which, a poster on Plant suggested that Meg might wait for Philip’s demise and the blame all the “racism in the RF” on him.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
bootsy said…
Just seen the photo of MM hiking. That baby looks massive!!
Glow W said…
Oooh, ok. I found the BA flight and it’s past Greenland and over some I guess Canada islands sort of by Eclipse Sound and headed toward Golf of Boothia.
Liver Bird said…
"Oooh, ok. I found the BA flight and it’s past Greenland and over some I guess Canada islands sort of by Eclipse Sound and headed toward Golf of Boothia."

Now I fully admit that I'm over-invested in theis whole Harkles lark, but are you actually tracking a flight simply because a dumb prince MIGHT be on it?
Glow W said…
Bootsy, where? My 1.2 year old nephew is massive so I believe it. Harry is tall.
Nutty Flavor said…
Agree, Bootsy. Massive and too big for the carrier. Hard to hike very far with that heavy load. Bigger babies usually ride in a backpack.
Glow W said…
@liver Bird, yeah, I get to use the app.
Bravura said…
@Nutty, it's very unfortunate that that website was the one to publish this article. Undoubtedly, it's going to get some blow back because of it's publication history. Had this article been published on something a bit more even-keel, I would imagine it would gain far more traction. Sadly, it's message will end up being buried under the guise of it being on a site akin to Breitbart.

As for PP, we know she was always gunning for that. Amazing how her backers and stans will forget that Harry once dressed up a Nazi and made his own fair share of colorful remarks, but heaven forbid they overlook Phillip's past. At least he has the excuse of growing up in a different era - Harry has none for his behavior.
Pantsface said…
I have set up a gmail account, just forgot the signing im malarky, rookie error, every day is a school day :)
DesignDoctor said…

I thought the same thing--why is Archie's face always smashed to her chest? And The Sun's headline is taking a jab at them by riffing on the book title, Joy of Sex Is Harry sticking his tongue out in the photo?
Liver Bird said…
Look at her gurning for the cameras. So staged. The paps just happened to be in some park in Victoria? Her security men don't look too happy and can you blame them? Not only are they dragged halfway across the world to indulge this chancer's merching dreams, but they have to deal with her playing games with the paps too.
Nutty Flavor said…
Actually, I think it would be interesting to know when Harry arrives. Who will pick him up at the airport? He’s not Royal any more. Does he know how to take a taxi? An Uber?

Maybe Meg will pick him up when she drops off the Pilates teacher.
Duty calls said…
She looks deranged! Planned photos from splash. Boots look clunky and difficult to walk in. Stealing thunder from buck house.
Glow W said…
Where is this photo of Meghan and Archie?
none said…
What a farce. Poor "Archie". His right leg dangling away. Is he even conscious?
lizzie said…
Obviously the photos of M "hiking" were set up as "posed" photos. Here's more.
They are "hiking" on what looks like a paved path.

Wonder why Archie is slung across her and smooshed that way? Looks really uncomfortable for him to me. I guess he's strapped on but one of his feet is almost level with her knee!
none said…
@tatty It's on DM. Top story.
DogsMatter said…
She reminds me of Casey Anthony...can't help it. She has the same deranged look. Absolutely no maternal instinct whatsoever, The poor kid (whomever it is) looks so uncomfortable. She's just awful.
Sooz said…
@tatty ... this is where I saw it but now it's all over the place
abbyh said…

Kicked to the curb, Meghan are you ok?
Made me laugh. thanks

Poster on Plant saying that she might wait for PP to pass to blame him for all the racism?
Wow, that's cold. Hardly something which would endear her to HM or PC as they mourn his passing (especially if they are up for review any time soon or need a little extra help fiscally). That counts as cutting off your nose to spite your face.
Bravura said…
@Elle - thanks! :)

Maybe it's my inner dog owner, but where are the poop bags? And will she be bending over with Archie on her chest to pick up her dog's poop? Or is the above that?

Secondly, that is a very awkward way to carry a baby. Megan Markle is 5'6". My sister is 5'6". Her 4 year old daughter is about that big when she carries her in comparison. So either Archie is some miracle baby who defies the laws of normal infant maturation, or something about his age "aint' right." That baby is HUGE.
Fifi LaRue said…
If Harry's had everything done for him, then he doesn't have any adulting skills, like carrying cash, making a meal, calling an Uber, etc. He's going to have a steep hill of learning everything the hard way.

The divorce is in two years, maybe 18 months.
Anonymous said…
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Mel in SoCal said…
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Anonymous said…
@Bravura, great minds lol. I must have been typing as you were because, yes, poop bags. And how about when one of those dogs lunges with excitement. She is such an irresponsible poser.
DesignDoctor said…
The right strap of the carrier is hanging off her shoulder...poor Archie!
Liver Bird said…
"Megan Markle is 5'6"

That's her "actress height". Going by how she looks in photos when she's not wearing heels, I'm guessing she's about my height of 5'4" or perhaps a bit less.
Sooz said…
Looking right at the camera ... her buddies from splash/backgrid. Wonder if she has them on speed-dial?
Glow W said…
Bravura, my 1.2 year old nephew is bigger than his 2.5 year old brother, so I believe it. He’s in a size 3t
Bravura said…
@Elle - it must be a PNW thing, haha. We *know* dogs take off after squirrels and such out here and how much of a "no no" it is not to pick up after your dogs. Megan is irresponsible, period. I have two dogs and I know that walking them at the same time is a feat when they see things like new people, other dogs, squirrels, etc. Considering one of them looks like a terrier mix and Beagle, those aren't dogs that just walk quietly in the woods without being reactive. Its in their genetics.

@Liver Bird - probably right. But even so, that baby is huge, lol.
DesignDoctor said…
I think she is 5'4" I read it online a while back.
Glow W said…
Yup, I’m tracking the wrong plane lol

“His flight back to Vancouver Island, via Montreal, was delayed by 20 minutes as he checked in via the Windsor Suite and was escorted to the plane.“
Cosmic said…
She looks like she's never used a baby carrier before!! One shoulder strap has fallen down towards her elbow and poor Archie's bum is hanging half out of the seat.

I don't know how comfortable or safe that would be for either of them - especially on a hike!!

Good Lord.... She could at least try to fake knowing what the f she is doing!!

And that perma smile is beyond creepy... Which actual celeb grins for the paps (even the ones they call up)?
Bravura said…
@Tatty - but that's a 1.2 year old. Archie is 8 months, no? He isn't just long, he's big all around. Must be from all those "feed times."
abbyh said…

Very awkward indeed.

One shoulder strap is off the side so the baby isn't balanced.

The black straps don't look wide to there is more pressure on a smaller surface so it could be cutting into the body.

I am not completely convinced that baby is in the carrier correctly. There is something about the rear end which does not look right.

One hand on the dog leashes means that if they took off, she's lost them and could easily fall and hurt herself and or the baby.
Liver Bird said…
I thought the whole point of staging pap shoots was that you pretend to be annoyed by it? Especially with kids involved? But this daft woman is there grinning broadly STRAIGHT into the camera lens! And not just once but several times! She can't even stage a pap shoot properly, something any desperado D list wannabe can hack!
Bravura said…
@Abbyh - it could be a different style, for sure, but I want to say that that style should have the baby facing outward? There are some that have the baby facing in - I wholly admit I'm not versed enough in that stuff to know the difference in brands and styles.
Liver Bird said…
"One hand on the dog leashes means that if they took off, she's lost them and could easily fall and hurt herself and or the baby."

I wouldn't worry too much. She'll likely hand both baby and dogs over to the staff once sufficient photos have been taken.
@Bravura said:

"Sadly, it's message will end up being buried under the guise of it being on a site akin to Breitbart."

I like what the Breitbart site offers, a refreshing change of pace from mainline media stories.
Bravura said…
@Liver Bird - YES!!! She's like Phoebe Price at this point. Staging and staging so she gets some attention. The Duchess of Irrelevance.
Anonymous said…
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Glow W said…
Ok there is only one London to Montreal flight today and it’s BA and landing in 33 mins. I never use this app so it’s interesting to see how I could find his flight. (Is this is it)
none said…
The whole thing is staged. Watch her posing as she slowly walks along smiling at the camera. Poor "Archie" never moves independently once. His arm is in the same position, his legs dangles and bounces around.
Nutty Flavor said…
I see that Emily Andrews on Twitter is calling Meg’s minders PPOs, not RPOs. No more Royal. Personal Protection Officers?
LavenderToast said…
@Cosmic @abbyh

I've had three children and was athletic and would not carry a baby like that for several reasons, not the least of which is safety. If she fell it would most likely be forward and Archie would be far better protected carried on the back. Additionally, Meghan doesn't strike me as the athletic type and I can't see her carrying Archie very far with him in the front (causing a harder strain on herself). Like you said, she probably handed him over to RPO to hold after the photo op.

Again, another example of how she is all smiles, thriving in lovely Canada away from the mean British press photogs.
Mel in SoCal said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mimi said…
OMG! That poor baby!!!!!!!! 😰
Jenx said…
In the video, the carrier is sliding off her shoulder. She is practically holding the Archie by the neck. The limbs dangle lifelessly and the poor thing is inert. I suspect more games are being played. No toddler that size would be still for a second, especially in that position face smushed and all.
lizzie said…
Harry is tall now but he wasn't unusually long and wide when he was less than 9 months old. And M is short although I'm not sure she's as short as 5'4. That kid is huge.

Whether they are PPOs or RPOs I don't think they scoop dog poop or carry heavy babies. I remember after Kate was papped grocery shopping people online didn't understand why her RPOs let her load the groceries into the car herself instead of doing it for her. Really?
LavenderToast said…
@Nutty said…
"I see that Emily Andrews on Twitter is calling Meg’s minders PPOs, not RPOs. No more Royal. Personal Protection Officers?"

If she is still staying at that Russian Oligarch home, maybe he lent her some really, really tough 'goons' to protect her, if you get my drift. The Soviets are a tough people (I know I am part Russian).
Glow W said…
I found a saanich web camas their All the snow has melted
DesignDoctor said…
ABC World News reporting Harry is leaving the only life he has ever known.
TLT said…
@AnstyNancy the Casey Anthony comparison is spot on and terrifying! There’s something off with that “baby,” too.
Animal Lover said…

Actually, I think it would be interesting to know when Harry arrives. Who will pick him up at the airport? He’s not Royal any more. Does he know how to take a taxi? An Uber?

Didn't the pap photos of M walking with the dogs and baby show 2 RPOs behind her?

Maybe they along with M and the baby will pick H up, perfect for paps.

It will be interesting to find out what the pap photos sell for in the US to determine the level of interest in them.
Anonymous said…
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Mimi said…
I am kind of starting to feel sorry for her. She is so waaaaaay out there me tally. She is definitely not right in the head and should not be allowed to drag that baby around for posed photo ops. You can almost hear her mind thinking.......”.Yes! Yes! this is holding my baby and dogs posed perfectly with us on a leash!!!!! I nailed it!”
punkinseed said…
Just watched the dog walking vid. That's so staged. I feel for the baby. That looks so awkward and uncomfortable for him. Much better to have baby facing outward rather than his face smooshed like that. She's so stupid. It's more important to hide his face like he's Blanket Jackson or something than it is to let him breathe and see the world around him.
Fairy Crocodile said…
I found his speech absolutely terrible. He is blaming everybody again, demands pity and admiration for "duty", lies and keeps whining. Absolute disgrace.

Queen will regret not taking HRH out of him and his wife. Once the dust settles he will get unhappy and will lash out at the family "for pushing him out". I foresee nervous breakdown, drug and alcohol abuse. He will not end well. In the process he will drag Windsors through dirt.

This whole thing is so creepy it sends goosebumps down my spine. His wife is like a vampire thriving on disasters.
Glow W said…
It looks wet too, so squirrel and slippery and Archie in the front, but from th the DM video this is like a 15 second clip.

But yeah I’d like to show her how to hold a baby
Mimi said…
A real mother would have her baby comfortable, safe and very secure attached to her body with her both arms free to protect the baby in case of an accident. It’s instinctive! That baby is your whole world and you protect him with your LIFE!
NeutralObserver said…
Elle, Reine des Abeilles said…
"Long-time dog person/rescue/training/etc., got two questions for you, Rach:

1. How are you going to pick up after your dogs? Because we have to do that here, you get that, right? And RPO's only have to clean your merde, not your dogs', too.

2. Are the dogs trained and under perfect control? Because you, a hefty baby strapped to you, and two dogs, leashes held loosely? Can you say "squirrel"? That's a recipe for disaster.

FFS, she is so stupid and thirsty. I hope they burn her down."

Don't worry Elle, she was only out there for a few minutes, just long enough for her favorite on-speed-dial paps SplashNews/BackGrid to take a few snaps of her grinning at the camera. I think these pics give us a clue as to why Megs wanted to get out of the UK. In the UK, her royal status prevented her from being papped. Now she can get her mug in the tabloids EVERY DAY!
DesignDoctor said…
Kate looks stunning, as usual, in her red gown tonight1
CLEATH said…
I know the deal is going to be reviewed in a year, but what happens if she is caught setting up these pap shots? I wonder if there is some sort of agreement that they can get cut off immediately. It’s very interesting how these shots keep coming out after the Cambridges are in the news.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Lavender Toast

What scares me here is Russian oligarchs never do anything out of goodness. They are like spiders in the center of a web. He needs the halfwit and his slutty wife for something and i wonder what it is.

He can get a lot of info out of Harry who is dim as blown light . I hope MI16 can foresee the problem and does something about it.
Louise said…
PPO personal protection officers are probably RCMP, paid with my tax dollars.
Anonymous said…
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Wanda said…
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Mimi said…
I think we will be seeing a lot more of her/their staged photo ops. “Look at us, we are sooooooooo happy”!!!!!!!!
none said…
She looks deranged. Could be why her celebrity supporters are distancing themselves. They know something's up.
TLT said…
@DesignDoctor I was just coming here to say that. Then again, I adore most of what she wears.
Jenx said…
TP is calling it. She's too old to be playing with dolls. I agree.
Anonymous said…

If I were the Queen, I would cut them off now, not wait for “spring.”

Times Two, Nutty.
abbyh said…

Stupid question for the day

Do you think this was a real baby?

What I noticed was that her hand kept the baby's arm from moving. The legs of the baby could have been moving by normal striding side by side. I don't see any head movement or left arm movement by the baby. Given that being offsides can be uncomfortable, I would expect a bit of wiggling.

Ava C said…
Looking at the hiking with Archie DM article (that poor baby) it's noticeable how many syrupy comments there are. Sugars out at night, UK time. Bears no relation to the high percentage of critical comments elsewhere on DM. Oh Meghan you're so beautiful. Meghan, you deserve to be happy etc. etc.

She's using A BABY for propaganda and she comes across as not having a maternal bone in her body. Seeing George, Charlotte and Louis makes me smile. Seeing Archie makes me profoundly uneasy.
DesignDoctor said…
Neutral Observer said

"Now she can get her mug in the tabloids EVERY DAY!"

One word: Coverslut!
Fairy Crocodile said…

She does look deranged. Her behavior is so abnormal in this situation I am beginning to suspect she is mentally ill. Now when she is removed from the royal light she will desperately try to outdo Kate and this will destroy Haz and herself because she can't see any limits.
Unknown said…
I really hope Meg is carrying a doll instead of letting a baby go through all that for even 15 secs. What loving mother would ever let their baby be uncomfortable or unsafe for a second? Yeesh Meg, try and wipe that crazy smile off your face!
Wanda said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…

@DesignDoctor and TLT, I agree that Kate looked beautiful! I love her in red and green esp. But I thought she looked stressed and tired. I'm sure this has been very hard for her because she values family so much, I do think she loved Harry FKAP like a brother, and I'm sure she knows far more about the situation that is quite disturbing. By all accounts, she is kind, sweet, considerate, and a peaceful spirit, and while she can be and is strong, I do think that she has a soft heart, so I think it has probably been hard on both of them.
DesignDoctor said…
abbyh said

Do you think this was a real baby?

I think it is questionable. I don't see any movement...
TLT said…
@abbyh It doesn’t look like a real baby to me. No movement, nothing.Which is why I think she has the “baby” facing her and is holding the arm.
Mimi said…
If one of those dogs decides to walk across or in front of her she is going to go down, right on top of the baby!!!! The baby looked his eyes were closed...He was in a “dead” sleep!
MeliticusBee said…
I have never seen a "mother" look less comfortable with "a" baby...much less "her" baby.
And she looks this way - every, single time.

Walking "mother", improperly worn baby, holding dog leashes, wet ground....hamming for the camera. Recipe for disaster.
NeutralObserver said…
Archie looks like he's really enjoying his walk with Mumsy. Harry looked much more comfortable with whatever baby he was posing with. This kind of photo op just makes us think Megs is back to borrowing babies again.
NeutralObserver said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanda said…
Oh my there's a video? I've only seen the one photo. Are the dogs shown? Where is the poor beagle Guy, who we were told died?
TLT said…
@Elle I do agree. When she’s not smiling she looks very tired. But when she smiles or laughs while she’s interacting with guests she really shines. Hopefully with Harry out of the country she and William can get back to enjoying their time with their children. I imagine little Louis gets more ornery like his big sis every day!
DesignDoctor said…

I also think the situation has been hard on Catherine because it has been hard on William. She is the calming force in the family. I loved reading the comments someone posted by Reese Witherspoon about how lovely C is...

Do you think the Cambridge kids know Uncle H left?
DesignDoctor said…
@Bluebell Woods
The DM has a video complete with nature sounds! Rach at her Earth Mother best! LOL
Glow W said…
This app is a trip. Not only do I see where the plane is on the tarmac, it also shows the trucks driving around the airport grounds too.
Glow W said…
@fair Croc yeah I would never want to owe a Russian oligarch anything!
Kate said…
Oh my! Just saw the pics in the Daily Mail of Megs holding “archie”. Wow, he is WAY too big to be worn in a front facing newborn carrier. It’s very unsafe, he is dangling out and very uncomfortable looking. I only put my kids in those during the newborn phase. My sis in lae used it much longer but her baby was tiny. He is huge like my kids were. Her smirk and smile is disgusting after the past two weeks of turmoil that she put the Royal family through.
DesignDoctor said…
Agree with everything you said especially about her disgusting smirk.
Fluffy Bunny said…
Watch the end of the dog walk video, she is approaching a gate. It appears she called the paps and had them wait at the end of the driveway for her to approach with the dangling "Archie" and the dogs. Who does she think she is fooling? Also, notice her hand, she is not holding the baby. Her hand is placed on his back but no grip to secure the dangling child from the slipping carrier. The whole video is odd.
poppycock said…
holly said...
What a farce. Poor "Archie". His right leg dangling away. Is he even conscious?

She looks deranged. Could be why her celebrity supporters are distancing themselves. They know something's up.

I carried my son in BabyBjorn carrier every day. Archie is limp, too big for his carrier and he's falling out so her face wouldn't be obstructed for the paps. She does look deranged. Zero self-perception.
DesignDoctor said…
@Fluffy Bunny
Love your profile pic! My daughter loved bunnies when she was small so they are special to me!
Anonymous said…
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Mimi said…
I know this is going to sound crazy .....but I wish Hairy would hurry up and have his way overdue. nervous breakdown or meltdown or whatever you want to call it. That way he can get much needed care and get well. Will he have to go to the local e.r. and wait for hours among seriously ill people and children and get less than excellent care? Or does he get immediate care , call in top specialists, private room, supervision and medication 24/7?
NeutralObserver said…
That baby immediately reminded me of gargantuan, dangling polo baby. Megs you should have let little Archie face outward, & see the world. You look as though you're carrying a sack of potatoes with some holes for the potatoes to fall out of.
poppycock said…
tatty said...

This app is a trip. Not only do I see where the plane is on the tarmac, it also shows the trucks driving around the airport grounds too.

That's beyond creepy.
Simple living said…
I just saw the forest walk video. That is a doll and not a baby. It moves like something not alive. What a fake and a farce. She must think we are idiots.
Mimi said…
p.s. My friend died in the waiting emergency room of a heart attack. His private insurance had just expired and he could no longer afford to make payments. He was taken to L.A. County Hospital where he died while waiting to be seen!!!!! sorry if this is way off topic.

Do Hairy and Meghan have these worries?
none said…
@poppycock said "he's falling out so her face wouldn't be obstructed for the paps."

Ahhh yes! Excellent observation. That's why he's pushed over to the side. So he didn't ruin the shot. wow.
DesignDoctor said…
We all hoped he was getting help during their six-week break. Sadly, that was not the case. I understand your sentiment.
CookieShark said…
I want to reach through the screen and secure that baby!
octobergirl said…
I have never in my life seen a baby held that way. Archie looks completely limp. She always looks like she's about to drop him.
Glow W said…
@poppycock OT yeah, I suppose it is creepy. My brother wouldn’t shut up about how I needed to get this app because you can go outside and look up and track where the plane started, where it’s landing, it’s altitude, speed, it’s call sign, what type of plane if is etc. I downloaded it to shut him up, so it was interesting to use it tonight to see...
Mimi said…
I wonder if she has a closet full of doll babies of various ages?
Kate said…
I just saw the video, it’s truly ridiculous that she is walking and looking straight ahead with that stupid smile. Any other normal person would have been looking at the dogs and at their baby? What a joke!
I also want to know why her face and makeup finally look fairly normal, she doesn’t have so much bronzer on. Her natural look is way better than her supposed glam look.
Ozmanda said…
I haven't seen the video, I could only look at the picture a certain amount of time before I wanted to throw my computer out of the window - it is uncomfortable to see.

But putting my analyst hat on - it is obvious to anyone with a IQ over 22 that this whole thing is staged, what I notice is clearly that child is uncomfortable, and it was very rushed. When people juggle wights and leashes and stuff it is natural to automatically adjust your hand position to what is both more comfortable and secure. That doesn't show here, her hand placements are extremely awkward and as others said - if either dog takes off she will fall on her overly botoxed face.

I am not maternal yet even I can see this is a bad position for a child. The child playing "archie" looks to be about 22 years old :)
Fluffy Bunny said…
@DesignDoctor Thank you, my daughter loves bunnies as well! I have a bit of experience carrying babies in carriers and have never seen a baby carried the way Meghan is carrying "Archie"

My mom radar was pinging like crazy while watching the video.
poppycock said…
Seriously, following Harry's flight on an app is too much. Everything you say in the future could be judged against this tiny, but telling bit about yourself.

Yes, that thing in the carrier is not human. Living baby in that position wouldn't be able to sleep and breathe.
Glow W said…
@poppycock I hope you are joking because you sound overly dramatic and pearl clutching. It’s a free app. Do you know what an app is?
Lily Love said…
The speech did not make him look good at all. He came across as a spoiled, entitled, mentally challenged brat. For some reason he seems to think that he was the only one who lost a mother all those years ago. William, Kate and their 3 children will benefit from no longer having him in their lives on a consistent basis. Poor Archie will have a miserable life of those two raise him.
punkinseed said…
Elle, Right on!
Design doctor, yaaaa. Look, my fave Warwickshire word Coverslut is making a comeback! Yayyy!
Great word use Designdoctor.
Glow W said…
Flight radar 24 has 131,000 reviews and they call themselves the world’s most popular flight tracker. They have 738,807 users.
poppycock said…
Only half joking because I know you stan Harry. I'm too young for pearl-clutching anyway.
LavenderToast said…
@ Fairy Crocodile said;

"What scares me here is Russian oligarchs never do anything out of goodness.

So True, @Fairy...the minute I read 'Russian Oligarch' I said to myself "Uh Oh, trouble if they're not careful". He didn't get to be a billionaire by being stupid, which places him in a league far above Harry and even Meghan. I would not trust the situation and Prince Charles is probably very concerned because his own effort to save a historic home in England a few years back got sticky when it was found out he accepted funds from another Russian Oligarch,

Another interesting tidbit is that impact of all their recent travels; "Meghan has crossed to and from Canada thrice now since October – Harry is predicted begin out on one other return....for a complete of 5 transatlantic flights. This could price £20,000 commercially, firstclass, or £250,000 by personal jet – creating as much as 209 tonnes of C02"

So hardly the eco-warriors as they are trying to peddle to the public. What hypocrites and I hope the media will scrutinize them even more now that they aren't in the cosseted arms of the BRF and the 'nice' British media.

none said…
So many things wrong with that pap walk. "Archie's" limp, dangling leg is the tell for me. Agree poppycock. Not human.
Anonymous said…
@Tatty, I hope the Dark Lord doesn't descend upon me for this, but I've used the app, too, and it's very cool. In fact, it's one way we tracked their PJs back in summer to see if they really went to Sir John's lol.
Glow W said…
@poppycock alright lol. I lost Harry anyway so it’s over...have no idea what plane he is on next. Just wanted to try the app out. I’m betting all the DM reporters are using it, especially Piers, to follow him.

Sadly, I do think that’s a real baby. Two of my kids slept like they were dead, so I think Archie is a deep sleeper.
hunter said…
I don't know anything about babies (size/age/squirm) but it reminds me of Airplane Baby from the staged shots with Fake Harry.

The look on her face bugs the crap out of me, so smug and gloriously satisfied.

She may have poo baggies in her pocket.
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