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The New Yorker: "Prince Harry and Meghan's Fractured Fairy Tale"

The New Yorker - which, for non-US readers, is seen by many as the journal of America's educated elite - took on the Meg and Harry story today with a story entitled "Prince Harry and Meghan's Fractured Fairy Tale."

The story is currently at the top of the New Yorker's "most read" list.

It is somewhat sympathetic to the Sussexes:

According to royal experts, the only approximate modern precursor to Megxit—the term that was inevitably coined for the Sussexes’ departure—was the abdication crisis of 1936. Then, King Edward VIII stepped down from the throne in order to marry the twice-divorced Wallis Simpson, of Baltimore, Maryland; he became the Duke of Windsor and retreated into a long exile of decadent mooching, in France and elsewhere....Harry’s retirement from the family business does not affect the succession. It has, however, inspired a collective reckoning, for which the British public has been especially primed by three seasons of “The Crown,” in which the soul-crushing nature of the institution has been amply depicted. How bad must being an H.R.H. be in order to make someone want to quit?

The story is long, and covers many of the usual bases of the Meghan story - even Princess Michael's blackamoor brooch makes an appearance, as does the notorious "Straight out of Compton" headline.

Less flattering details, however, are absent - such as the excessive spending on clothing, the constant staff turnover, the mystery surrounding Archie and the "Nobody asks if I'm OK" interview.

What do you think?


Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
tatty said...

"I'm an 'enery" I am, I am "

''enery the 8th I am, I am"

I'm Henry the eighth I am,
Henry the eighth I am I am,
I got married to the widow next door,
She's been married seven times before,
And everyone was a Henry (Henry),
She wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam (no sam)
I'm her eighth old man, I'm Henry,
Henry the eighth I am
Second verse, same as the first
I'm Henry the eighth I am,
Henry the eighth I am I am,
I got married to the widow next door,
She's been married seven times before,
And everyone was a Henry (Henry),
She wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam (no sam)
I'm her eighth old man, I'm Henry,
Henry the eighth I am
(guitar solo)
I'm Henry the eighth I am,
Henry the eighth I am I am,
I got married to the widow next door,
She's been married seven times before,
And everyone was a Henry (Henry),
She wouldn't have a Willie or a Sam (no sam)
I'm her eighth old man, I'm Henry,
Henry the eighth I am
Henry (Henry), Henry (Henry)
Henry the eighth I am I am,
Henry the eighth I am
CookieShark said…
I feel like she's trying to love bomb us here in the US with the volunteering and dog walking. Photos twice in the past two days. Poor Harry is on her turf now. So much for privacy.
Miggy said…
There's another HarryMarkle post.
Anonymous said…
@CookieShark, lol So much for privacy.

So much for sanity!
Anonymous said…
Whoopsy-daisy, JH FKAP,
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
…….. I'm 'enery the 8th I am …."

lizzie said…
I laughed at the line that Meghan "put the dogs in the trunk" only because I couldn't imagine it was really true---that the dogs were put in the trunk/boot of a car. (But the word "trunk" makes it clear the speaker was American and I've never heard an American call the cargo area of a station wagon/estate car, the trunk. Maybe some do.) Also though, who besides M, H, and the two bodyguards, one of whom reportedly stayed in a car, would know those details? I guess the photographer was the source for the Sun article? And also stated "the dogs were clearly over the moon to be out and about"?

I can't imagine what Meghan was thinking though. Guy is a senior dog who most recently lived in British Columbia, London, and Toronto. He's somewhat new to Southern CA plus he looks overweight. And I don't care that he was treated by "Super Vet" Fitzpatrick. There has to be some permanent effect of having two legs broken. Who would take a dog like that on an hour's hike? Much less take any dog hiking on a sunny day without carrying a doggy canteen? (And clean up bags) The pictures show M must have gotten hot herself because she stripped off her outer shirt during the hike.

@Elle is right---no telling what goes on behind closed doors.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Jeeze, Harry is bogged off. Is someone looking after him?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
I am serious. I do not know where he lives, but he is in trouble.
Sandie said…

Oh dear. He looks zoned-out miserable. She is trying for the PDA (the claw is all over him) but he is just not responding. She changed her clothes; he did not?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
After laughing at him, now I am upset at the prospect of him being in danger.

If he is in danger, I will never forgive myself.

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
I would like to be able to call 9-11 to help the Prince. I can't, as I don't know where he lives.

Nutty Flavor said…
Yikes, those are some frightening trousers on Meg.

I wonder which designer is going to claim them on Meghan's Mirror.

Still with the one glove on Meg, no gloves on Harry. What's that about?

Also, how sanitary is that one glove if you've worn it to rummage around in your car trunk/boot?
luxem said…
Wow! Does Harry looked pissed at having his picture taking by yet another pap and her grabbing his arm. On the positive side, it looks like Harry is learning something new - where the button is to push to close the tailgate door. For those wondering where they put the dogs yesterday, you get a good look at the space (albeit a different car).
lizzie said…
So they are out delivering food again. Must have read the comments about the lack of affection. Now we have hand holding and back-rubbing and close up papped pictures. (Still, clearly M missed the training about proper use of gloves. Odd as she used to require her staff to wear them in Canada :)
Anonymous said…

So, it's official: Rache's stylist hates her, too.

Those pants. She may have Sugar Daddy Chas, but at least I don't own those pants! I'm good with that trade-off.

Though Prince Chas, if you do read here, I would happily take the estate in Wales, garden with you, and the red squirrels can party like rock stars inside.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Glad am I that Nuttiers are in the camp of stupidiority :)

I am glad that I am liking my garden. Each new shoot that comes up is a reason for hopping :)

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
*Hopping* …….. Hoping.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Miggy said…
My god those trousers she's wearing are truly awful and from certain angles, the darker stripe of material on the inside leg, make it look as if she's peed herself!!

Also, while having a nose around on Twitter, found this video by a WOC about our Megs.

Worth a watch! :)

Genia said…
Note to Meghan: Yes it's good that you ditched those stretchy white jeans but please know that skinny jogger pants are not your friend, repeat, not your friend. If you choose to wear them against advice then please procure a pair in in larger size so that they fit properly.

Apparently Meghan couldn't move comfortably in those white skintight jeans stretched to capacity. So she dons a pair of trendy jogger pants. Jogger pants] are probably the worst casual clothing trend for women in the past couple of years. In ballet we wear something similar for warm-ups and they make even the skinniest dancers look average weight. On average weight women, skinny jogger pants can make you look practically obese even when you're not. Those gray joggers that Meghan had one looked like they're tight at the hips. But that's not how fashion joggers are supposed to look, they're supposed to be loose on the hips, hanging loose with some slack instead of almost fitted like how Meghan wore hers.

Now that we've seen Meghan and Harry be papped doing charity work and walking the dogs, the next thing for them to do is to be papped by themselves hiking in one of the trails where celebs are known to love being papped. Here is a list of possibilities.
Jdubya said…
more photo's of Harkles doing food delivery (one's i haven't seen yet) on TMZ

Portcitygirl said…

Just saw these. Please tell me we arent going to be subjected everyday with this. 😯
Jdubya said…
and then this article too
Just saw on another site the promo for Meghan being on Good Morning America on Monday. Supposedly promoting the “new” elephant documentary, which actually came out two weeks ago, so not so new. Makes me wonder what the viewership numbers have been so far. I was surprised they credited her in the promo as “Meghan Markle,” no Duchess of Sussex in sight. One assumes her team was consulted about this so it seems weird especially given that she was credited as the Duchess of Sussex in the documentary. I know ABC is part of Disney so there’s an obvious connection, but it did make me wonder if maybe some money had changed hands for the interview and if perhaps tthe Queen and Daddy Warbucks might be demanding receipts when the title is used, to ensure that it’s not being used for profit, as promised. With the pandemic it would seem they have some leverage they might not otherwise have had, given than, excepting the pap pic money they’ve decided to make a run for lately, their Duchy of Cornwall “income” is the only steady $$ these two have coming in at the moment. Maybe it’s all very easily explained, but considering how hard they fought to stay “royal” and how they love that Sussex title, it seems a little odd she’s suddenly “Meghan Markle” again on the highest rated morning show in the country.
Anonymous said…
@Portcitygirl, We're going to be subjected to this every day.

On the upside, at least we all have each other.
Unless @Nutty gets tired of spending her time/energy which is more important than money, on this.
Anonymous said…
Spot on, @Millicent. The Malibu Dumbartons are on the short leash now.
MustySyphone said…
Pictures of Jeff Bridges house he sold Oprah (specifically the kitchen) had similar cabinets to what harry has behind in the videos. The difference is draw pulls. Round brass in Harry picture, brushed nickel handles in real estate photos.

what does Oprah hope to get out of this? The Harkles aren't going to sell once the pandemic is over. They are yesterday's celebrities and yesterday's "news".
I'm not surprised that Harry is miserable: he's always resented the public scrutiny and press attention that came with being royal, but now they're worse than ever. Did Meghan convince him that if they left the BRF and moved to LA, he could have the quiet, private life (albeit a very luxurious one) he's always craved? If so, he must feel he's been duped: privacy has been traded for daily pap walks. He once told an interviewer that he reads everything written about him, so if this is still true, he has to know he's become a laughingstock. I'd love to be a fly on the wall wherever they're living.
CookieShark said…
More pap shots. I think she knows she will lose the court case with the DM, so they need cashflow stat.
CookieShark said…
It will be interesting to see how the morning show goes. She was very flirty a few years ago on Craig Ferguson if I remember properly. Can't do that now. She has used the Crown to raise her own profile.

Side note this the high point of her acting career? A voiceover for a documentary? I think it is a symptom of her affliction,vwhich is that she needs to constantly be in the limelight.
lucy said…
so much easier to read through email
happy Saturday :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
April 18, 2020 at 7:28 PM

Elle, Reine des Abeilles said...

@Lt., I was not willing to give a pass on this because it is indicative of all she is. I did too much animal rescue to excuse this: Leaving a beautiful creature behind to chase Prince Harry? Besides, her lie was so pathetic. "Too old" to travel. He was 5 in dog years, 35 in human years. Younger than Rache.

Some things will never be forgiven, and this is one.

Portcitygirl said…

Thanks for the encouraging words!🙏

I don't post as much due to our workload here increasing, but they are such a wreck I can't stop looking.

I do hope Nutty doesn't tire of the charade when she's absent. I do try to behave with her in mind.

I always enjoy your lively entertaining and astute comments❤
Glow W said…
Btw, with all of these new videos, are we mostly in agreement that we can drop the “multiple Harry” theories? This is very clearly JCMH
Glow W said…
I agree the cabinetry could be from the Oprah Jeff bridges house, especially the master closet.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Portcitygirl said...

Thanks for the encouraging words!🙏

I don't post as much due to our workload here increasing, but they are such a wreck I can't stop looking.

I do hope Nutty doesn't tire of the charade when she's absent. I do try to behave with her in mind.

I don't care, even if Nutty does. This is her blog, and she does what she will.

I have made up my own mind.

Markle is toast.

Till she breathes her last, I will be there.

She has done her worst in history, and I will follow her to the end. She has stuck her fingers into the Queen, in spite of her Majesty giving her full measure. She has dragged her husband into the mud. True, he is a poor lookout. Still, he doesn't deserve her.

But do you NOT use and abuse dogs again as you are.

It is bad enough that the Chinese ………. with today's virus ………….. and their appetite for dogs, well, a story for another day.

Today is today.

Markle, you are toast.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Still not happy that Harry is not being looked after.

But not so upset as earlier.
Miggy - that video is a winner. What an eloquent lady.

Brace yourselves, folks - Incoming!
According to the Hello report featured on the Yahoo Homepage just now, she's giving a TV interview on Monday. I couldn't bring myself to click on it so no link -sorry.

Keeping up the barrage.

A truly dark thought occurred to me earlier. She Who Must Be Obeyed is so keen to echo Diana's life - has it dawned on her that repeating Diana's risk-taking attitude might lead to a similar conclusion? (I'm thinking of being carelessness about infection control - nothing else)
lizzie said…
M's horrid pants are on Meghan's Mirror. They are by James Perse and cost $245. Once again, money can't buy taste.
brown-eyed said…
@Lt. @Elle

The photos show them as having a tailgate on the SUV they were driving. I don’t believe they are driving a car with a self-enclosed trunk. In the SUV, the dogs would behind the 1st or 2nd row seats, depending on configuration. There isn’t an enclosed space in an SUV. Hope this makes you feel better about the dogs.
brown-eyed said…
@Lt. @Elle

The photos show them as having a tailgate on the SUV they were driving. I don’t believe they are driving a car with a self-enclosed trunk. In the SUV, the dogs would behind the 1st or 2nd row seats, depending on configuration. There isn’t an enclosed space in an SUV. Hope this makes you feel better about the dogs.
Lucy said so much easier to read through email happy Saturday.

I so agree! Sometimes it’s just easier to be an observer rather than a participant.

Stay safe people! Roll on happy times! ��
Anonymous said…
@Brown-eyed, that's what I assumed re the space. I was just surprised to read it called a trunk. Nothing else about them and dogs makes me feel better.
lizzie said…

Me neither. It's possible the 5-year old "old dog" she left behind in Canada wasn't as bonded to her as the beagle was. But even Meghan herself said in a 2016 pre-Harry interview the two dogs were very bonded to *each other.*


I'm sure you are right the dogs weren't put in a standard car trunk but have we seen a photo of the car they were driving for the dog walk? It's not the same one that was used for the food delivery pap walk. And why would anyone load their dogs into a car after a long hike and immediately drive away without offering them water first? (The source said "When they got back, they put the dogs in the trunk and Meghan drove off.”)
Miggy said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

Miggy - that video is a winner. What an eloquent lady.

I'm so glad I chanced upon her.

The video I posted was made 2 weeks ago.

I've watched her more recent ones now and she sure as hell hits the nail on the head each time. Not only is she eloquent - she's also very funny!! 😆
Genia said…
For all of their talk about making billions solely on their brand, it's laughable that all her agents could get for her are now pap walks and an ABC interview. None of which are paid, in fact they'd have to pay the paps to follow them. The ABC interview is due to the related Disney company, but other than that would ABC be calling at this time?
@Genia, I always had my doubts about them having a billion dollar empire (and there were a few reporters who said as much, albeit quietly), but we know they fully buy into their own hype, so I’m sure they believed it. And we can’t forget that when they left the BRF it was a very different world. There was talk of a Netflix deal like the Obamas, they did the JP Morgan event and I’m sure were planning on more of the same (they may have even have had more already lined up). But then Coronavirus hit and the world shut down and the world economy, which had been robust, collapsed almost overnight. It’s one thing for a company to take a flier on a basic cable actress and her prince husband when they have money to burn. It’s quite another when they are losing money hand over fist and having to lay off or furlough large numbers of their employees. A lot of the ways they planned to make money, and probably could have, would be unseemly now. And there are the whispers that the offers she is getting aren’t quite what she expected (it went from producing deal to ok, she’ll act but she wants a superhero role, to on she’ll act but she wants to work with a-list directors, with no indication that these people want to work with her). Part of their problem is they have a year deadline to earn money before they have their reckoning with Charles (and Charles’ money). And every day they lose to a global pandemic is another day they aren’t earning, so I do think they are getting a bit desperate. They have already sent word through “sources” in the media that they won’t do anything that hurts the Queen. More than one royal reporter pointed out that this was either a plea for more money or a reminder to the BRF to keep the checks coming. While the amount of money they could have made in a Coronavirus-less world may be up for debate, they definitely could have made money. I think the pap walks are a way to tide themselves over both with a little extra cash and keeping their faces out there so when HW starts up again they can get back on the money train (they are hoping). If they can do that together, I’m sure she’s fine with it, but if Harry can’t start making money quick I bet she finds herself someone who can.
HappyDays said…
Interesting article about SoHo House on a website that the covers New York City real estate scene. Even though SoHo House is backed by a billionaire Ron Burkle’s company, these people don’t like to lose money just as much if not more than anyone else.

If it keeps losing money as stated in this article, Meghan and Harry might have to find a new pretentious elitist hang-out.

It seems they had layoffs before the lockdowns due to COVID-19, which is not a good sign. Then in a second round, they got rid of most of the test of their staff when the cities where the clubs are located shut down due to the virus.

New York Real Estate News
Soho House furloughs majority of global workforce
Club was valued at $2B after most recent funding round
By E.B. SOLOMONT APR 17, 2020 5:30 PM

Soho House, the luxury hotel and members-only club, has joined the plebeian ranks of hospitality firms besieged by furloughs layoffs.

The London-based company has furloughed the vast majority of its staff around the globe after shutting its exclusive venues, or “houses,” due to coronavirus.

In New York, Soho House said it has furloughed more than 590 workers, or nearly 90 percent of its 658-person staff. The cuts are taking place in its Meatpacking District and Dumbo locations, as well as its corporate office, Ludlow House and Soho Works, the company’s new co-working venue at 55 Water Street. A skeleton staff will remain working on a reduced schedule and with reduced pay.

All of Soho House’s 27 locations have been closed during the coronavirus pandemic, which has battered the hospitality industry as stay-at-home orders are in effect across the across most major cities. Since New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s executive order began on March 22, layoffs have struck the likes of the Plaza, Le Bernardin and T.G.I. Friday’s.

“There isn’t a business in our industry that hasn’t been affected by COVID-19, but our absolute priority has been… to guarantee as many jobs as possible during this prolonged shutdown,” a spokesperson for Soho House said in a statement.

The spokesperson said employees were paid for two weeks after the company closed its venues on March 17, and Soho House is continuing to pay for employees’ medical benefits. It set up a program to reimburse hourly workers who experience unforeseen costs. It has also created the Soho Impact Fund to disperse grants to employees who need financial assistance. The fund is supported by donations from Soho House’s senior management team, which is taking 40 percent pay cuts.

The vast majority of Soho House’s cuts stem from Covid-19, but the company also laid off a number of workers in late March. A spokesperson said 79 were impacted by those cuts, which took place as a result of a review process that was already under way before Covid-19.

Before social distancing measures were implemented to slow the spread of the pandemic, Soho House — dubbed “the most important club in Hollywood” by the Hollywood Reporter — had been in expansion mode.

Founded in 1995, it is backed by billionaire Ron Burkle’s Yucapia, which took a majority stake in the company in 2012. In October 2019, the London-based company raised $100 million at a $2 billion valuation from Simon Property Group and Raycliff Capital.

At the time, Soho House had 89,000 members across 27 clubs, and planned to double its venue count to 50. The club already has “houses” in New York, Miami, Chicago and West Hollywood. In 2019, it opened locations in London, Dumbo, Amsterdam, Barcelona.

However, the company has not been profitable. In 2018, it reported £65m in losses, compared to £60m in 2017.

This past fall, Soho House’s planned expansion called for a new workplace brand called “Soho Works.” In an interview with the Financial Times, founder and CEO Nick Jones described the venture as “bolt-on” workspace that he distinguished it from the WeWork.
After WeWork’s botched IPO last year, the co-working firm has weathered several rounds of layoffs.
xxxxx said…
The UK Sunday Times "Dead Trees Edition" front page image (magnify w control +) --Sez--- "Wealthy flock to UK in private jets"
KCM1212 said…
Did you all read about Megsys Cambridge Hubb kitchen/Grenfell

Harry Markle has a great article about all this charity the last few days.

Megs call was particularly funny, and in keeping with her usual stellar event planning.I

- Megs suggested that the ladies involved start preparing meals for those in need from their own kitchens without considering of course, how many health code violations are in that suggestion.

-She further suggests that they get the food to cook from Felix, a group that takes leftover food from restaurants and used it. Again without consideration of things like licensing and oversight.

-Further the women and the most likely recipients are Muslim. No thought at all to whether the meals are Halal.

-Also Ramadan starts soon (April 23) so neither the recipients not the preparers can eat before sundown, which is about 8pm. Most volunteers and delivery people wont want to wait that late to start working

She also had some fun facts regarding the Project Angel Food fiasco, including that Harry and Meg toured the building and met the chefs...certainly contravening lockdown requirements (in addition to the myriad other contraventions)

Harry and Me g certainly continue to feel rules and laws are for the peasantry, not themselves.
Magatha Mistie said…
What’s next for mucho megs, papped shots of Archie strapped to her back
as she delivers avocados to the homeless.
Released on Louis birthday?
HappyDays said…
torontopaper1 had a funny tweet about three hours ago that is similar to a DM comment mentioned here about Meghan getting a job with doordash to deliver food.

Of course, if Meghan deemed a food delivery job to be worthy of working for, it would have to be named diordash and include couture fashion with the food deliveries!

From torontopaper1:
Darling, Dr. Phil rejected you. The Oprah card doesn't help anymore in Hollywood. You are just a common peasant! Get a job! Deliveries are hiring which you recently had practice with!
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
Will Archewell make Harry Unwell? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Charity Archewell is a bad idea
For the bored and the beautiful in these Covid trying times. I did not watch this but with the right chardonnay? who knows.
Crumpet said…

Re DukeDash. I think they could easily put Archie in a stroller Michael Jackson style--covered with a blanket with various dogs in tow!
Magatha Mistie said…
Yes!! Or strap Guy on her back, put Harry on a lead
and carry Archie in the food bag??
Crumpet said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Oh, yes! While she wears one glove. Too funny, Magatha!
Fifi LaRue said…
For all of the trumpeting Meghan did about getting a top job in Hollywood, she was not invited to participate in One World, Home Together. There were a lot of spots that were filled. No space for Megsy and Just Harry.

They now look pretty damn stupid delivering sandwhich bags, and coughing in the hands.
HappyDays said…
There’s a new Harry Markle post dated April 18, 2020: Project Stop The Simpering Sussexes~Pap Strolls And Video Calls Galore
Genia said…
Here in California we're taking an extra cautious approach to the pandemic. Plan is to have lifting of lockdown on less populated areas like the rural more agricultural areas, then moving to larger cities more slowly. Still won't have gatherings of large groups anytime soon, with earliest timeframe sometime in early fall when hopefully schools are able to open.

It's going to be a tedious summer watching these two narcissists getting papped all over LA. She'll be papped shopping for organic groceries at Erewhon and taking Archie to uncle Elton's house. Does she even have any non-white friends from B.H. (before Harry) days? She need to hone in on that angle now that she's in LA or else the SJWs will turn on her if they haven't already. I don't think SJWs are all that keen on worshipping someone living in gated mansions who only do charity work to get papped.
Sandie said…
And Harry finds a way to get into the British press:

Please note that Chris Ship says:

Err... We have been invited to report on this story. By Harry’s own team!

Meghan cannot wait for the coronavirus pandemic to be over ... she needs the publicity NOW, hence all the pap walks (delivering for Angel gives them the perfect excuse to be out and about and when they can't get the gig for the day and there is no podcast or video call they can crash, then walk the dogs ...!).
Sandie said…
Harry said this in that podcast:

“It's about selflessness rather than selfishness. We need more role models that are willing to put others ahead of themselves.”

Since being with Meghan he has acquired a holier than thou, hectoring/lecturing, finding fault way of talking. I find it rather unpleasant.
Sandie said…
Oh,and Harry saying that things (in the UK with coronavirus) are not as bad as some UK media make it out to be is not going to endear him to the British public ...

Harry, say that to the relatives and loved ones of the hundreds of people who have died, separated from loved ones and family and in agony, say that to those who are now unemployed and wondering when it will end and if they will survive until then and if there will be jobs in a post-COVID-19 world ...
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning, and thank you for a quiet evening.

Agreed, @Sandie, that saying "it's not as bad as the media make it out to be" is a bad look for someone who ditched his jobs and moved to another continent. How would he know if it's "not as bad"? His wealthy friends living on large estates told him?

Also enjoyed Chris Ship stating publicly that he'd been pursued by "Harry's own team" to write about him. So much for the we're-just-seeking-a-private-life defense.

Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting, too, that the Sussexes are doing separate appearances. Harry on the podcast, Meg on Good Morning America (which should be a riot - I will put up an open post so we can discuss it.)

Their PR people are trying to establish them as individuals, in addition to a team.
Unknown said…
"From Dorset up to Staffordshire" is the oddest description of the UK's geography and leaves out half the country...
`Dorset to Staffordshire' omits half of England and all of Scotland, to say nothing of Northern Ireland. Not sure if he's including Wales

I knew the bloke was dim but that takes the biscuit.

As for the suggestion about `cooking in their own kitchens' this bint hasn't a clue. Even without issues of Covid 19 and the question of halal, this is as pig-ignorant (if you'll excuse the term in the present context) an idea as they come.

I'm involved with Country Markets (now a different legal entity from the WI) - our cooks have to have to go on a course on basic food hygiene, and passed the exam at the end, as well as having to register their kitchens with the local authority and be open to inspection, in order to sell their jam, cakes or any other form of comestible.

The course covers such basics as not using the dishcloth you employ in washing-up to mop up splashes on the floor. I'm amazed at the number of women who do that.

There have been a couple of cases fairly recently where councils have come down very heavily on organisations which home-cook and then distribute to others.

One was an actual WI branch making cakes for, IIRC, a care home, the other a kitchen taking meals to the homeless. in both case, unqualified cooks, without certificates, were active. Also, the Certificate is valid only for a limited time and the course has to be taken again.

Any Country Market which allowed unqualified cooks to operate under its aegis, would be invalidating its insurance.

This applies even if you are giving the food away to the public as in the case of feeding the homeless.
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks for the info @WBBM.

Yet another example of Meg not thinking before acting, or not researching before acting, or refusing to seek or listen to the advice of others.

I would imagine the Hubb ladies are getting a little tired of her.
Nutty Flavor said…

Even if you assume that @TorontoPaper is just for entertainment value, the image of Dr. Phil rejecting Meg is quite amusing.

I didn't know that Dr. Phil ever rejected anyone.

I mean, when the top celebrity to emerge from your show is the "Cash me Outside" girl - your standards are pretty low.

Maybe Meg had some kind of severe restrictions re: what she wanted to talk about. Maybe Dr. Phil wanted to bring her together with some of the Markles for a family reunion!
lizzie said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid wrote:

"There have been a couple of cases fairly recently where councils have come down very heavily on organisations which home-cook and then distribute to others."

With good reason at times I'm sure. I agree it is horrifying what some home cooks do. Maybe their own families don't get sick that often because food is eaten immediately. (And maybe there's some immunity to certain germs built up from regular exposure!) But when cooking meals for others (as opposed to say, canning jam), if there is a delay before the food is eaten that gives an existing bacterial load time to grow to super dangerous levels.

It sounds like from the DM article the Hubb women "cooking in their own kitchens" project IS going ahead. I'm surprised. Since the Hubb community kitchen had provided meals pre-pandemic, maybe the women have already had food hygiene courses?

But home kitchens don't have the equipment commercial kitchens do for food safety like large shallow pans for rapid cooling of food. Refrigerator temperatures carefully checked for accuracy in different areas. Large instant-read thermometers. Commercial cookware that heats and cools evenly and doesn't have "nooks and crannies" to collect bacteria. Touch-free sink faucets or sinks with foot controls. Sufficient separate refrigeration areas to avoid cross-contamination. Proper dishwashers--- in the US hi-temp commercial dishwaters have a 180°F rinse cycle. (Those things really let out some steam!) Never heard of a home dishwasher that heats that high. And lo-temp commercial dishwashers use special chemicals home dishwashers don't. Plenty of gloves to ensure they are changed often enough. Safe large scale daily disinfection processes.

I predict some people will get sick from this project. But I guess it will be covered up.
Nutty Flavor said…
Great input, @Lizzie.

Just put up a new open post to discuss Meg's GMA interview.
Henrietta said…
The DM version of the Sunday Times article xxxxx posted:; "Super-Rich Lock-Down Flouters Hold the Key to Britain's Back-Door."

So I guess, under the UK's "essential" international travel policy, PH wouldn't be allowed to fly home. That would explain a weird U.S. tabloid headline I saw about PC offering to send an RAF jet to pick him up.
CrikeyCoo said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Glad am I that Nuttiers are in the camp of stupidiority :)

Rather grand admission. Blimey.
CatEyes said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid

Here in America, certain states do allow home cooks to produce food for public consumption.

First of all, typical experience of home cooking being offered for public consumption is like a church supper, or company pot luck. Absolutely no oversight or requirements are placed on these gatherings where people eat food communally (or in the case of a church bake sale). I have a hard time thinking the UK does not allow such cases of home prepared food for public consumption

Now to the fact certain US states do allow home cooked food for public consumption. In my state it is called the 'Cottage Food Act' and it is in recognition that Certain Foods can be cooked safely and then sold. It does not allow meat products or certain types of canned foods to be sold. Typically it is sweets, and foods not known for spoilage or prone to bacteria growth in the short term. Yes one has to take a very short food course on food safety but nothing is required for the home cook to commercialize their kitchen. No inspection by the local health dept. is required.
lizzie said…

What you are describing is very different from the idea that Hubb women will take food from an organization that collects donated food, then cook meals from that donated food in their individual kitchens (food that has already passed through two sets of "hands" before the women get it), and then those meals will be delivered to particular needy and **elderly** clients on a regular basis. Very different from a monthly church supper or a once-a-year fund-raiser Pancake Breakfast, or a bake sale. While the Hubb kitchen idea may not be illegal, it surely is a very bad idea. (And I suspect it would not be allowed in many US locations.)

Here's what can happen at church suppers:
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