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Why the Sussexes won't get booked on the speaker circuit

There's a new CDAN blind item today, suggesting that there are "still no takers for the alliterate one and her ginger boy to speak at an event."

That's hardly surprising; first of all, there aren't many big in-person events or conventions going on right now, and Enty says that "even for virtual speaking they wanted the same fee as in person."

But fees aren't the only problem. What do the Sussexes bring to an event? 

Do they have business knowledge, like how to increase an organization's sales, improve its branding, or inspire better product development?

Do they have an inspirational story, like people who have overcome terrible circumstances and excelled?

Or are they extremely popular (and non-controversial) celebrities that almost everyone would enjoy meeting?

Bragging rights

No, they're not any of the above, and for that reason it's difficult for any meeting planner to justify to his or her clients spending a great deal of money hiring the Sussexes. They don't "deliver value."

They also don't deliver prestige. For big-name speaking events, bragging rights are important. 

You want someone at the top of their fame - Cardi B, for example, in September 2020 - or someone your attendees could show off to their friends about having met. 

(For left wing/progressive organizations, AOC or Ilan Omar would be great "get"s;  for conservative groups, attendees might be excited to meet Madison Cawthorne or Kim Klacik). 

Not many people are interested in showing off about having met Harry and Meghan; it's not an envy-generator. 

Big-time event planners also like an exclusive on someone who isn't doing any similar events. Harry and Meghan gave that up by doing a highly-publicized (and widely-panned) event for JP Morgan. 

You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Pre-speech conditions

In addition to not having an obvious way of delivering value to a client, the Sussexes are a pain in the behind. The Telegraph (quoted in the New York Post, with no paywall) revealed a long list of pre-speech conditions, including the ability to choose their moderator, a requirement that a list of attendees be provided in advance, and details of any sponsorship arrangements. 

That's a lot of headaches for a little word salad.


Not sure how the Oscar diversity criteria would play out for films originating outside the US, with a different population structure, dealing with non-US situations.

At the very least, it could lead to some very strange historical dramas, full of anachronisms, being used to propagandise those who don't know otherwise. `Chariots of Fire', as it stands, wouldn't make the grade now but at least we'd be spared offerings like `Braveheart', which even Gibson admits was `bogus'.

They'd have to rename the award `Best Woke Picture'.

Megsy could get her own award for `Most Diverse Female Actor'...
Jdubya said…
Like many British royals, Harry suffers from hereditary hair thinning – but the source says that this is being professionally addressed through “hair supplements”.

“Now he’s in Santa Barbara, they’re looking for a surgeon to sort out natural-looking hair plugs,” adds the source.

“She also badgers him to use La Mer moisturiser daily to look after his fair skin,” reveals the source, adding that the prince regularly applies “expensive sun creams” to protect him from the LA sun.

Meghan has also reportedly influenced Harry to indulge in holistic treatments, like “sound and light baths matched to his aura”.

Thank you, Jdubya, for the NPG links, especially that for T&C.

I didn't immediately switch away from the latter and it ran on to the video of MM gracing the Royal Academy's opening of `Oceania' in November 2018.

Apart from wearing funereal black and pushing her hair back, she behaved perfectly, even managing those stairs (which I find daunting at the best of times), in very high heels, and the comments I saw were unanimously complimentary.

I assume this is because she was the star attraction, enjoying what she saw as her rightful place in the limelight, with no other pesky Royals of higher status attempting to steal her thunder.
Unknown said…
I enjoyed Braveheart - I always seem to get a kick out of stories of the Scottish or Irish fighting back against the English no matter whether any artistic license was taken in the telling. Now I'm trying to picture that movie being made today with the new Oscar guidelines. I hope these new rules won't cause a lack of historical and period pieces from being made.
none said…

Markle's current inspiration is Kim Kardashian, which I find quite funny as their show will be ending soon. The very long hair, heavy eye makeup, inflated lips, darker skin tone will soon if not already be outdated. I wonder what the next look will be here.
One example of `political correctness gone mad’ in the cine world is `Mary Queen of Scots’ (2018) and illustrates what we may be in for in the future:

The comments make the views of the audience very clear:

Black people were recorded in England and (to a much lesser extent) Scotland before the 1600s. However, they didn't wield the power displayed in the film, and no one of mostly African descent was in either country's aristocracy.

None of Queen Elizabeth's ladies in waiting were of East Asian origin..

See also :

Henry VIII did have a black trumpeter, for example, Strangely, `black’ once meant `of no colour’ hence ` white’!

The director of MQS stated “I was really clear, I would not direct an all-white period drama,” Rourke said. “Adrian, who plays, Lord Randolph, grew up 40 miles from the birthplace of William Shakespeare; he is one of our eminent Shakespearean actors. I needed to cast an ambassador who could move between the two courts and help this make sense. I don’t understand why you wouldn’t cast him.”

What one can work in the theatre is not the same as what works in film – different kind of audience for a start. Also, in the theatre one is more aware that what one sees is an artificial construct, it’s less clear in film.

I wonder how many more period dramas she’ll be engaged for? Funnily, enough, she’s involved with the British Library and, presumably, the recent goings on there, I imagine.
JHanoi said…
JCMH going LA and partaking in light n sound baths, hair plugs, skin regime, and probablt soon, fillers and surgey is very reminscent of the exilled Windsors.
Once the Duke of Windsor abdicated and went full time shallow bon vivant and living a life of luxury with no responsiblities or purpose, the two of them became obsessed with the weight, and were always on diets, obsessed with their looks, had facelifts/ plastic surgery of the time to maintain their looks.
Sounds like JH is headed to a combinatio of the Windsors and the Yorks. shallow, vain, and money grabbing from oligrachs & middle east royalty, condoning alleged pedophiles.

has JH & MM (or the obamas) repudiated Netflix yet for the Cuties film?
JHanoi said…
I’ve read various things about KUWTK tv show ending.
Kim Kylie, Kourtney wanted out but Khloe wanted it to continue; or Kris screwed up the negotiations and asked for more money, while the shows ratings have continued to drop. Maybe it’s something different and Kris is also exploring moving the show to a streaming service like Netflix ?
After all the Harkles supposedly got a sweet Netflix deal, maybe Kris wants something like that?

Heck the Kardtrashians already have their production sorted out and have previous success, maybe they are going to sign with another company? and the Kardashians can produce a show quickly, the Harkles have no experience in that area, so it’s hard to believe we will see anything soon.

Pale & blonde like Diana, perhaps???
Miggy said…
Meghan Markle is 'pitching documentary about Black Lives Matter founder' Patrisse Cullotrs as part of $100 million Netflix deal.
Teasmade said…
@JHanoi: I'll just select one tiny part of your comment, about Wallis and Edward being always on diets -- they looked terrible! Yes, they were both clotheshorses and were always on the (bought their way into?) Mr. Blackwell's Best Dressed list, and skinny bodies look best in clothes, yesterday as in today.

Maybe they could have been helped if they lived today and could buy some facial fillers to add some life to their faces, but both of them looked desiccated and stringy.

That's all -- just a very petty comment today : )
PC Braveheart?

Easy! Just cover the lot of them in face-paint, blue-&-white or red-&-white as the case may be.
Wkipedia on Patrisse Cullotrs: (my emphahsis)

"She cites the activist and formerly incarcerated Weather Underground member Eric Mann, as her mentor during her early activist years at the Bus Riders Union of Los Angeles.[25]
She draws on various ideological inspirations. One is black feminists such as Audre Lorde and her "Black, queer, feminist lens"[23], as well as bell hooks : both "helped [her] understand [her] identity"[26]. She cites Angela Davis for her "political theories and reflections on anticapitalist movements around the world", her work towards "a broader antiracist and antiwar movement", and her fight against white supremacy in the US. Frantz Fanon is another inspiration, his "work on colonial violence in Algeria and across the Third World [making] timely connections" for the understanding of the context in which Black people live across the world.[23] She also cites Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Mao Zedong, as "provid[ing] a new understanding around what our economies could look like".

An inspiration to Megsy? Yeah, right. Perhaps she really is a Marxist?
CatEyes said…
I have absolutely no sympathy for Harry being in the marriage with Meghan. He could have found out significant information about her just as did his brother/TQ/PC with intel reports. He could have seen with his own eyes how she treated people. He could have held off from having a child with her. He could have filed for separation from her if things were bad for him.

What did he do? He put his body and soul 110% into the relationship. First thing he did was to was aid and abet her desire to ignore her father. Almost immediately he forms a family with her with the pregnancy. He hitched his wagon to her. He turned his back on his royal duties (his job) to be a free spirit with her. He gives his Grandmother and His Queen a manifesto to try to strong-arm his way of how she should allow himself and his beloved to do 'the royal thing their his way'. Doesn't sound like a depressed person to me.

From what I read and observed the usual hallmark of a depressed person is inactivity. The person is lethargic and has difficulty making decisions. Harry certainly doesn't seem to have this problem as he has made a lot of decisions, even if Meghan is making them, he is making decisions to go along with hers. He hasn't been inactive, carrying out royal duties, then moving to two countries, formulating plans to land staggering media deals, to name a few involved endeavors and activities.

Sure he looks glum at times but I am beginning to think as he has gotten older, has what a young person explained to me a 'resting b*tch face'; William has a solemn expression much of the time which I find regal-looking. If anyone seems jolly looking, I think it's Charles who is frequently photographed laughing and smiling.

So I am not of the opinion Harry is depressed as it appears from his actions although he could be. I am merely making a layperson's observation and it would take a professional to examine him to rightfully say if he is depressed or not.
LavenderLady said…
None of Queen Elizabeth's ladies in waiting were of East Asian origin..

Re: your quote above, I would love to hear your take on the Indian gentleman Abdul Karim whom Queen Victoria was very fond of (as staff, though some have alluded to something of another type of affection). I understand he served QV at Frog More House. He moved into in FrogCott in 1897 according to Wiki. The whole episode was controversial at that time.
Yes, like Harry Markle, I too feel as if I'm fighting for my Queen and my Country in all of this and I shout a hearty `Hear!Hear!' to everything she says.

I pray we shall see decisive defeat of the Perfidious Prince and his woman.

I don't expect a campaign medal - I'll be satisfied if we are able to make our case cogently, convince the waverers and dissolve the sugars.

God save the Queen!
Enbrethiliel said…
So it's Just Harry's birthday and the Hold Still digital exhibition is online.

And the best Meghan can do to try to upstage both of them is her "news" of a pitch about a documentary.

That's a pretty weak offensive! Dare we hope that Netflix has finally declawed her?
Blithe Spirit said…
JH being badgered into trying out hair plugs, skin creams, sound and light baths (?) certainly helps M in two ways. Keep reinforcing how he is lacking and needs to work on looking perfect and secondly keep him busy so that she can get on with her schemes.

The RF burnished JH with fake PR and now his wife is attempting to make him look good in a way that is defined by Hollywood. Sad that no one wants to help JH find his own strengths. Maybe he doesn't want to make the effort or is there nothing to work on?
Hikari said…
Regarding Harry being forced to follow Hollyweird appearance standards by Markle . . .

Harry was always destined to be the more awkward-looking of Diana's two boys, but he did have cute periods. He was an adorable toddler and youngster. With his gingery hair (incidentally very pale, quite nearly strawberry blond and stick straight until mysteriously morphing into darker red and kinky some time around his 14th year), blond eyebrows and lashes and his bone structure, the young Harry almost looked like a Scandinavian prince. Things got awkward during his mid-teens, when his hair was buzzed and starting to do that weird morphing, and he was growing into his gangly frame. He also sported braces for a couple of years, from 14-16, but based on the way his teeth look now, he did not wear his retainers, and the natural gaps reasserted themselves.

There are any number of slideshows online that depict Harry's progression from cute kid to strapping soldier to the sad wreck we see before us today.

Here's one of Granny reviewing his regiment at Sandhurst, with mutual smiles. You can see here that his profile is a dead ringer for his grandfather's.

If Haz had been able to hold it together and remain that promising young soldier, we would not be here now. Like his great-great-Uncle David, he is in line to be the most pathetic Royal failure of his century.

Some Hollywood-style aesthetic attention to Harry's person wouldn't go amiss; maybe he could get his teeth fixed and feel better about his hair situation with some intervention there. He's in the top place in the world for cosmetic procedures. But simply patching up the outside is not going to make him whole--the real decrepitude is within. Plus if he's abusing drugs and drink and not eating properly or working out or getting fresh air . . no amount of skin cream and hair plugs is going to help.
JHanoi. Quite. The only celebrity I have seen calling this film out is Rose McGowan. Not a surprise that she has an opinion on this. I admire her for being brave enough to make a stand on this issue, citing it as yet another example of Hollywood's exploitative behaviour. She has nothing to lose so is quite free to express her condemnation.
Girl with a Hat said…

apparently, the gruesome twosome had a fight in a restaurant
CatEyes said…
Here is something that is sure to disgust. Sorry if someone already posted it. Re: Meghan's running for office.

"Now that she's returned to the United States, Meghan Markle could potentially pursue a career in politics.
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, celebrity agent Jonathan Shalit (who reportedly knows Meghan personally), said it's not "beyond the realm of possibility" that Meghan could run for office in the future.
"She's American-born, she has every right to run for president. Ronald Reagan was a B-list actor who ended up in the White House. Never say never," he said.
Meghan Markle may not being using her old HRH title anymore, but her future could include another title—like "Madam President," for example.

The Duchess of Sussex could *potentially* run for office in the United States, according to Jonathan Shalit, a celebrity agent who apparently knows Meghan personally.

Speaking to the Sunday Telegraph, Shalit admitted that he's "never heard" Meghan discuss politics in person, but said that it wasn't "beyond the realm of possibility" to think that she might decide to pursue a career in public service sometime in the future.

"She's American-born, she has every right to run for president. Ronald Reagan was a B-list actor who ended up in the White House. Never say never," he said. "The perception of the couple in America is different to the UK. The UK has a love-hate relationship with the Sussexes, but it's different in the States."

As for her chances at winning an election, Shalit was vague, seemingly referencing the American electorate's problematic history with high-achieving, outspoken female candidates in his response.

"I think Meghan is very ambitious, but in this country that is sometimes considered an unpleasant character trait," he admitted. "Yet she's achieved a great deal already."

She'd have our vote."
@ Hikari

I know BP has supposedly tested Harry's DNA following Diana's fling with Hewitt but watching Harry's behaviour I begin to truly doubt his parentage.

Even Andrew had some sense to disappear from public after he was stripped of royal duties.

Harry just clings to dubious PR. I would expect as much from a nouveau riche but not from a true royal blood.
So Meghan's way of trying to force Netflix' hand is putting out PR stories about Possible subjects/projects, thus creating the expectation (amongst idiots, of course) that Netflix is actually MAKING whatever Meghan puts out in the press.

Does anyone else see someone else' PR in overdrive like Meghan's? I cannot identify a single person that does this much PR.

She tries to control everyone and everything by constantly shifting the narrative.

I think what Netflix is going to find, is that Megs is trying to turn public opinion against them IF they don't do what she wants.

Sounds about right to me. Netflix is playing a losing game with this psycho.

Oh well! lol
SwampWoman said…
Hikari said: Some Hollywood-style aesthetic attention to Harry's person wouldn't go amiss; maybe he could get his teeth fixed and feel better about his hair situation with some intervention there. He's in the top place in the world for cosmetic procedures. But simply patching up the outside is not going to make him whole--the real decrepitude is within. Plus if he's abusing drugs and drink and not eating properly or working out or getting fresh air . . no amount of skin cream and hair plugs is going to help.

Ugh, Hollyweird plastic surgery is bringing us those scary plastic-filled faces, lips that look like they belong in the tribes where they put wooden plates in their lips for beauty, and horrible-looking fake breasts.

I always thought Philip looked GREAT regardless of hair (it isn't his hair, it's that wicked twinkle in the eye). Sean Connery, Dwayne (the Rock) Johnson, Bruce Willis, Kevin Costner, lots of guys look good with little or no hair. I think Harry would look and feel far better if he ate food and worked out. Meth addict is not a look he should aspire toward. He's bathing in sound and light? I do that every time I go to the beach and there's a band playing, but I don't suppose that's what she means.

I wonder if she is deliberately tearing him down over his appearance to make him even more dependent upon her?

Sylvia said…
Taken from an article in the independent
The truth behind the Wallis myths
Emily Hourican
August 28 2011 04
This could be describing JCMH & MM

'Their lives in exile were aimless and rather second rate, according to those who knew them, both drinking too much -- "tiny twins with large bottles of drink'
'Edward was bored by the old notions of all-consuming royal duty, even, he sometimes claimed, with the very idea of monarchies. Several of his closest courtiers secretly believed him to be mad, or at least a case of arrested development
By the time Prince Edward met Wallis he was feeling increasingly frustrated by the demands of his position -- to get married, to settle down
, to do his duty. None of that fitted with his aspirations towards a free, modern life
life. Wallis, however, did. Even the lack of deference with which she spoke to him -- considered rude by most -- struck him as refreshing. She wasn't afraid to snap out a challenging remark, or call him on his occasional high-handed rudeness. He was first amused and then captivated by her confident, aggressive style. She too lived for parties and fun;
and the private name, 'Peter Pan', that she always used about Edward -- was a disloyal act, but one she was to continue throughout the years of exile, rattling around Europe and America with the increasingly bewildered and aimless Duke. This was to be her own personal purgatory, penance for grasping at something -- someone -- she never really wanted, beguiled by what he stood for and possessed, not who he was. Wallis was venal, greedy and deluded, but she paid a high price for her follies, a living embodiment of the old proverb, 'Be careful what y She was desperate to get into the best society, and he was a most unusually accessible royal .
Edward was bored by the old notions of all-consuming royal duty, even, he sometimes claimed, with the very idea of monarchies. Several of his closest courtiers secretly believed him to be mad,

By the time Prince Edward met Wallis he was feeling increasingly frustrated by the demands of his position -- to get married, to settle down, , to do his duty. None of that fitted with his aspirations towards a free, modern life. Wallis, however, did. Even the lack of deference with which she spoke to him -- considered rude by most -- struck him as refreshing. She wasn't afraid to snap out a challenging remark, or call him on his occasional high-handed rudeness. He was first amused and then captivated by her confident, aggressive style. She too lived for parties and fun; she shared his extravagant tastes He was, from the outset, obsessive
courtiers reckoned without Edward's capacity for obsessive infatuation. Wallis became vital to his well-being. The fact that his immediate entourage were appalled by what they saw as her vulgarity only intensified his feeling that it was the two of them, together, against the world. His chivalrous instincts were roused by the bad treatment he imagined she suffered, and he refused to consider a life without Wallis
Jdubya said…
Ha ha ha ha - that this might possibly be true? Geez, although I guess i can imagine her thinking it. But ............ Well, i'll just post it. Blind from CDAN

Blind Item #8
There is no chance it will ever happen in a million years, but the fact the alliterate former actress thought her name should be in the pool of replacements in case a Senator from California needed to be replaced after the election, shows the level of out of touch in which she is currently living.
HappyDays said…
A chuckle from a reader comment in a DM article today about Meghan wanting to produce a biographical program about Patrise Collotrs, one of the Marxist founders of BLM:

Common Sense, London, United Kingdom, about an hour ago
I understand they’re also producing a series called Getting on with Your Family. Each episode is 30 minutes of blank screen.
Jdubya said…
now i know where the blind about her wanting to run for vacated office seat came from

Interesting about the restaurant fight - I wonder if we'll hear any more?

Some way back in this thread, someone mentioned that the marriage may have been fraudulent from the start - I wonder how soon it'll get legs? It's what I suspected from the start (ie marriage for getting money under false pretences).

Unfortunately for them, it's too late for an annulment so they're either stuck with each other or they have to endure a messy divorce with lots of the wrong kind of publicity.

Such a shame.

Freude! Freude! Schadenfreude!
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar,

Re. color blind casting

One example of `political correctness gone mad’ in the cine world is `Mary Queen of Scots’ (2018) and illustrates what we may be in for in the future.

I wanted to like that movie. I did not, though the presence of black noblemen in the cast was not the problem.

I don't know if you are a Midsomer Murders fan? If you are, you know all about the brou-haha that ensued in 2011 when show executive producer Brian True-May gave a radio interview that basically tanked his career. When asked about the predominantly white aesthetic of the show, Mr. True-May responded that he felt the casting was an appropriate reflection of the population demographics of the region of the fictional Midsomer County. (Oxfordshire-adjacent and largely filmed in the Home Counties). He said he didn't feel a radical change in casting was required, seeing as MSM was wildly popular all over the globe just as it was, showing as it does, a bucolic vision of England's green and pleasant land. He said he wasn't interested in adding ethic minorities because he didn't feel that would be authentic to the English village aesthetic.

This observation was truthful, insofar as census data goes, but it sparked such a furor over the implied racism of such a comment that ultimately it cost Mr. True-May not only his job as executive producer of MSM, but he was also forced to step down as head of the production company behind the show. As a personal friend of John Nettles, he'd lobbied hard to Nettles to accept the role of DCI Barnaby, and JN, who'd been reluctant to do another detective franchise after a decade spent as 'Bergerac' accepted, to a large degree because he'd be working with his friend. Nettles retired as Tom Barnaby at the same time as the controversy, but his leaving had been in the works for a couple of years and so the timing was most likely coincidental.

Commencing immediately after True-May's departure we saw a sea change in the show, wherein at least a full 50% of the speaking roles were now cast with black or Asian actors. The diversity was kicked up further notch with at least half of all romantic couples portrayed on the show written as interracial, or gay or interracial and gay. Such effort at inclusivity was, while not in itself 'bad' didn't do any favors for the writing quality as most of the creative energies seemed devoted to making sure the scripts hit the predetermined quota of political correctness.

I support color blind casting, but now in bending over backwards to correct perceived racism stretching back to 1997, 'color blind' casting applies to every race *but* white on MSM, it appears. The effect is that the idea of ethnic diversity, instead of feeling in any way organic to the show feels like pandering to political correctness of the most blatant kind.

Hikari said…
@Wild Boar, a continuation of my earlier comment

The color blind casting issue comes up a great deal in classical stage roles, particularly those of Shakespeare.

In 2001, David Oyelowo, now a major movie star starred as King Henry VI in the RSC's production. He'd been with the company for three years and played a number of parts, but his casting as King Henry VI was, fairly remarkably, the first-ever casting of a black actor as an English king in the history of the stage, not just of the RSC. There was a lot of ugly backlash, including a lot of cancelled subscriptions from people who just couldn't handle the idea of a non-white King. Undaunted, the 26-year-old star pressed on. He wold have the last laugh in the end.

From his Wiki page:

However, he is best known for his next stage performance as King Henry VI[9] in the Royal Shakespeare Company's 2001 productions of Shakespeare's trilogy of plays about the king as a part of its season This England: The Histories. In a major landmark for colour-blind casting, Oyelowo was the first black actor to play an English king in a major production of Shakespeare, and although this casting choice was initially criticised by some in the media, Oyelowo's performance was critically acclaimed and later won the 2001 Ian Charleson Award for best performance by an actor under 30 in a classical play.

The same year, David joined the cast of Spooks, and the rest, they say, is history.

The recent trilogy of The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses features black British actress Sophie Okonedo as Margaret of Anjou, Henry VI's queen. Henry is played by the white Tom Sturridge. It'd be nice to think that we had made enough progress as a society in the 15 intervening years between this and Oyelowo's performance . . but a LOT of amateur reviewers of this project fixated on Okonedo's race as being the thing that ruined it for them. Presumably the professional reviewers' receptions were more circumspect.

People of color absolutely should have access to Shakespearean roles and others traditionally portrayed as white--Shakespeare belongs to the human race. But to what extent should filmmakers be bound by historical accuracy when they are casting for roles? The Shakespearean nobles were 'real people', in history, but in the context of a stage play, they are perhaps not as 'real' as say, Winston Churchill, who has not to this point been essayed by a non-white actor. Art is art and reality is reality. Midsomer Murders is fiction, even though ostensibly set in a region of a real country, England, which is, in the real world, predominantly white. He was both right and wrong in his views that Midsomer needed to stay lily-white to reflect his vision of an idealized, cosy English village (save for all the grisly murders). Maybe if he'd allowed a few more faces of color to be added through the years, we wouldn't need to go to such an outrageous extreme in the quota-casting to be considered to be righting the balance. Either extreme is not good.

Hikari said…
It costs a tremendous packet of money to live in any of the real Home Counties villages that stand in for the villages of Midsomer County. Millions of pounds for those tidy chocolate box cottages, never mind the stately homes with the stables and grounds. Truth is, most people, whatever color they are, can't afford to live there . . but certainly economic realities favor Caucasian Britons with degrees from Oxbridge and preferably family money. I side with BTM to the extent that Midsomer represents a *fantasy* and was never intended as a commentary on racial politics in 21st century Britain. It's a throwback to the Golden Age of Crime, when life was more leisurely and genteel . . .and white. The servants were allowed to be of color. A change needed to happen . . but the sad fact is that just putting more skin tones into the landscape is not a substitute for writing a good script. All the minority actors are being given parts in a show that is a shadow of its former self. This is not their fault--but it seems to be that political correctness is inhibiting of creative quality, at least in this case.
LavenderLady said…
Meghan Markle may not being using her old HRH title anymore, but her future could include another title—like "Madam President," for example.
I have to shake my head every time someone says this. She wouldn't get past the vetting process. We know the Narcissist in Chief did make it past that process but he is a White male. Ronald Reagan same. Huge difference in the good ol' US of A.

I don't worry about her ever being President. She could maybe win an office as a council woman or something of that sort. But she would be voted out for no confidence in a short time. She's too prone to stepping in it.

Funny how those looking in already know she goes for the Big Shot roles. She doesn't do small but effective.
LavenderLady said…
I loved Midsomer Murders. I did notice it had a Mayberry feel to it. I watched it anyway because it was really good.

I'm not overly PC as my adult children are. I get scolded by them often! I tell them I'm old school and that's that.

I still laugh my butt off when watching old episodes of All in the Family, Jeffersons, Sanford and Sons. It was great commentary for the times.

Seems like people were more chill in the 70's. Awakened but chill.

We desperately need more of the chill...
Hikari said…

@ Hikari

I know BP has supposedly tested Harry's DNA following Diana's fling with Hewitt but watching Harry's behaviour I begin to truly doubt his parentage.

Even Andrew had some sense to disappear from public after he was stripped of royal duties.

Harry just clings to dubious PR. I would expect as much from a nouveau riche but not from a true royal blood.

I am convinced absolutely that Harry is a Mountbatten. No question. The resemblance to Philip is too strong. As Charles has gotten older, he too looks increasingly like his father. Harry's got ginger hair on both sides of his family tree, so it's not that surprising that he came out with it. Apart from red hair (dark auburn in his case), I don't see any similarity between James Hewitt and Harry. Hewitt's eyes are brown. Harry's got his father's eyes--Charles's. Also Charles's complexion, where they both tend to high color after exertion with those red cheeks, and very fair.

Diana was pretty promiscuous with many affairs, including Hewitt . .he may have been the first, and I'm thinking probably was her first infidelity. Diana was impetuous but she was also very canny and I think she saw the necessity that her heir and spare be unquestioningly Charles's. I also think that until Harry's birth, she she had hope in her marriage, but Harry's birth was the beginning of the end. I believe that the Hewitt affair began when Harry was two; that she did not love him but he was just a distraction from her loneliness and a gateway to other affairs.

William and Harry got the same DNA, but unfortunately for Haz, he alone seems to have inherited his mother's mental instability and learning difficulties. Diana fed into his sense of grievance and inferiority by making him ill content with his place in the royal pecking order. I can believe Harry was not always treated well by some of the older members of the court (ie, Queen Mum) who made his secondary status all too painfully clear. A stronger personality would have been able to find his niche within the system, but Harry did not get the support he needed, owing to the chaos his life was flung into upon the death of his mother. The Royals did not want to admit that one of their own needed remedial help and Harry was left to sink or swim on his own, much like Charles had been at Gordonstoun. Charles prevailed over Gordonstoun, not without tears, but unfortunately the lesson which Harry took away from his schooldays was that he could exploit his position as a royal prince to get out of doing anything which was hard. He did it so often, it became the pattern of his life and now that he's a 36-year-old man, he can be no other way.

Harry's royal blood can't overcome his choices, and his choices include

Nature vs. nuture . . I think most of Harry's problems are a result of nurture, or rather, lack of the proper type of it, and not being directed into the correct channels for his challenges. Andrew suffers a lot of the same . . it's the Curse of the Number Two. If he is more restrained now, it's generational . . Andy's 60 years old and probably being that much closer to the Queen--a child, rather than one of many grandchildren--makes him feel the pressure of maternal correction more. But if Andy were 30 years younger, in the same situation Harry is in . . who knows how he would behave? Those two do seem cut out of the same cloth in many respects--and it is a Mountbatten-Windsor cloth. The whole family is all a bit f*ck*ed up. The current 'married-ins', Sophie, Catherine, Jack--seem normal. I really hope Charles's 'slimmed down' monarchy still has some room for the York Princesses and their husbands to do something for the Firm, to pick up the slack of Harry and his Mess, because they seem incredibly normal too, considering their parentage.
Girl with a Hat said…
about her asking to speak at the DNC convention, she was so stupid as to have her PR ask for her by including her title, HRH DOS. The DNC complained to the British government, allegedly.

This level of stupidity and chutpah is just a toxic bomb waiting to destroy her and those around her.
SirStinxAlot said…
I am willing to bet, if MM looses her title, she's gone before the dust settles. People and government representatives are becoming extremely irritated with the Disastrous Duo trying to peddle their unearned titles. Americans fought a war to be rid of the monarchy, now DOS is plastered on every news page 20 x a day. Zoom calls, TV shows, etc. They should not have been allowed to use their titles in business ventures, like the Princess of Norway and others. Parliament and BP must be waiting for the review. They are doing a fine job of burning bridges and hanging themselves from the rope they have been given already. Its obvious to the public, governments, and palace the exploiting of D&D is wrong. Be patient. They may not be "stripped " of the title but forbidden from using them in business dealings, promotion, etc.
Hikari said…

I started a comment about Harry’s choices but didn’t finish it. The choices Harry has made are ironically ones which his Royal blood have helped to facilitate— easy access to drugs, drink and loose women from his earliest teen years. All of his wild behavior being excused and covered up by his Royal family. Basically Harry learned that no matter how naughty or as much of a non starter he was, there would be no consequences. His future wife learned the same lesson even without Harry’s material advantages of position. They are well matched in that they both have no qualms about using and ghosting people. Haz never bought a drink and thought nothing of dropping friends, family, the military charities that were once so important—if they ever were—in exchange for the shinier future Meg was dangling. I’m thinking now that Invictus and the Captain General job were only appealing insofar as they made him feel like a big shot. He’s not interested in the life of duty and service—All he seems to care about now is collecting more toys and accolades than William. That’s what all this is for… The Montecito mansion, the endless PR—he wants to eclipse William.

If Harry had been born to a regular middle class family, he might have received the special tutoring he needed. He wouldn’t have been pressured into going to schools far beyond his capabilities. He would have had chores; probably a part time job. He might have dabbled in drugs or drink, like most kids during their teenage years, but he probably would’ve had two full-time parents at home who didn’t have the personal clout to get all his messes to Go Away. If he got arrested or flunked out of school, there would’ve been consequences. I’ve always thought that Harry would have thrived in one of those Outward Bound style alternative schools for troubled youth. He’s good at sports and that could’ve been channeled into a career where he could excel, but one not considered suitable for a royal prince and the son of the future king. Harry was hamstrung by his position, without the internal resources to develop character in a cosseted environment where life is too easy. Had he been just a regular bloke he never would have come into Meg’s orbit.

For all the privileges of his birth, who really wants to be Harry? He is a walking tragedy.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Hikari said…

I think we can all agree that Harry is looking terrible these days, and most of it is due to poor lifestyle choices plus whatever incredible stress he must be under. As I noted earlier, the royal family did get him orthodontic intervention as a teen. Harry was much better cared for as a ward of the Royal family and of Her Majesty’s armed forces than he is now, under his own recognizance. I don’t think Meghan cares a toss for him and never has—she was her meal ticket to fame and fortune, and she only cares now about how he enhances her image. Harry may not care about his oral health by the looks, but I think he is very sensitive about his hair loss. If he was interested in remedying either of these facets of his physical appearance, he’s in a good city for it. Haz with Hollywood teeth would be disturbing, but a cosmetic dentist could fix the brown and broken appearance of his current teeth. Of course, Harry would have to care enough about himself to maintain them, and I’m not really sure based on his current appearance that we can assume that he would take care of them. I’m not a fan of hair plugs myself, and maybe a good hairstylist could do better by him then those would. I’m not sure at this point that Harry has enough agency of his own to evaluate what he might or might not want tweet about his appearance. He has, to his detriment as we can all see, Chosen to follow Meghan to LA, land of the vapid celebrity culture. He proposes to become show business mogul and earn hundreds of thousands of dollars as a corporate speaker. Upgrading his look Couldn’t hurt. I’m not suggesting plastic surgery, but if harry wanted to stay the livable balding guy with bad teeth, he should’ve stayed in Britain and remained with Granny’s Firm, They know how to embrace bad teeth and bald over there. Let’s face it, Harry is not a substantial person. If he were, his hair and his teeth would not matter. But he’s thrown his lot in with Meg and her La La Land values. I am really concerned with his health, and what his appearance says about that, rather than the fact that he is not in the California aesthetic. It doesn’t matter how many procedures he has done, he will never be in the California aesthetic. But I don’t think it would hurt to consult a dentist, because he needs one. The fact that he hasn’t addressed it already without his wife pushing him is just indicative of his own lack of initiative, I’d say, rather than a confirmation that he’s perfectly happy with the way he looks now. Frankly, the way he’s going, I don’t expect him to see 40. Whether he gets caps and hair plugs or not, I see no happy future for this man.
DesignDoctor said…
Have people seen this funny picture of Archie asking for help as posted on The Scamming Duchess on Instagram?
CatEyes said…
Wow if Harry is depressed I would like to be depressed like him. Having so much confidence he leaves the sure thing which is what his role in the Royal Family was. He struck out on his own with no assurance he and Meghan would land any gig. Not only does he leave his royal cocoon, he gets to stay in a couple of billionaires luxurious mega-mansions for free it seems. He is widely sought after if the reports are true which certainly would be an ego boost to anyone but especially to someone seeking fame and fortune. Then the sad depressed Harry is out shopping for a mega-mansion for him and his lovely family he seems to care about. He thinks in his depressed state that a home might be something to be sad about no? He sits there in opulence and is just so sad looking at the beautiful scenery, the grand swimming pool. the park-like playground for his son and he weeps. Oh he can go inside and find the game room and just bawl his eyes out. Oh the pain pf it all, the wine cellar, the kitchen where surely he can roast a chicken and relive the special moment with Meghan it is enough to give him PTSD. He languishes in his steam room where his tears are hidden alongside the sweat he experiences. So he must get dressed and make some big money so he can't lay about. He forces himself to do something. But....

How depressed can the guy be when he is making blockbuster deals on the level of former President Obama. Pretty good for an act of depression. I can just see how Reed Hastings must of been sitting there thinking I feel so sorry for poor depressed Harry I am going to pile millions on this deal on him because he looks so sad. I wish I could bottle that sad depressed act and make a fortune like Harry.

I have suffered depression and I can guarantee you readers, I would have literally jumped for joy with their mansion, the Netflix deal, the fame, the fortune etc..but that's just me. I know Harry must be so depressed over it all.

I think Harry needs his teeth whitened/fixed because they are yucky looking and usually people feel better when they improve their appearance. It is a double standard in our society that women, western women in general spend a lot of money on just make-up and lotions why can't a man have a bit of skin care. Many women spend a lot on hair highlights, color, bleach jobs, haircuts more complicated than men's so shouldn't a man be allowed to get some hair treatment like plugs since women (Meghan buys weaves and wigs). Harry may not have thought of these items before. But now he has, can afford them and wants them evidently. Harry may be happier when he thinks he is more attractive; it works for many/most women. What about all the botox young women get, lip injections, butt lifts, love handle slimming and not to mention monstrous boob job, I had a guy tell me in LA he thought every woman he was with had 'fake boobs' (except me lol). So Harry has a long way to go until he is doing something abnormal for his looks IMO.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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lizzie said…
@Wullie'sBucket wrote:

"There are many forms of depression and many symptoms. There are many degrees of each type of depression."

Exactly. And many clinical "patterns." While it's certainly not a recognized DSM "subtype" (nor is there a special code for insurance coverage in the US!) there is something people used to call masked depression that was thought to occur more often in men. In particular, overt traditional depression symptoms either weren't present or weren't constant; rather, those were "masked" by behaviors such as alcohol/substance abuse, sexual promiscuity and/or aggressive "acting out," reckless driving or other thrill-seeking...So in that view, depressive symptomatology doesn't have to involve the classic and more common overwhelming sadness or total apathy, lethargy/subjective feelings of "walking under water," an inability to concentrate or make decisions or self-direct behavior towards any goal...

I do disagree a bit that Harry's problems would have been dealt with properly if he'd been born in a middle-class family instead of the royal family. Plenty of families cover for their children or remain in denial about their problems outside of royalty. And plenty of people have trouble finding their way as adults who aren't royal second sons. We may understand H's family issues better (or think we do) because of the prominence of the royal family but "career focused" fathers, "unstable but charming" mothers, "over-achieving" (or at least overtly favored) older siblings, and infidelity/divorce happen everywhere.

I do wonder if it's true that H was persuaded to stop taking antidepressant meds by M and Doria in favor of "natural" supplements. Good grief, for someone who is constantly spouting off about natural this and organic that, M certainly depends on unnatural methods to create/maintain her appearance-- wigs and weaves (ok because it's "natural" hair from poor women?), fake eyelashes, plastic surgery, tons of makeup ("organic" brands, I guess) fake teeth...And maybe even used a surrogate or at least IVF neither of which is exactly a "natural" method to produce a child.

And speaking of fake teeth, I don't know if Harry's teeth need attention from a dentist. The lighting in recent videos, Harry's lack of real smiles these days, and his almost constant mumbling when on film make it hard for me to judge even from a layperson's perspective. But I do think there can be a bit of a difference in the English view and the American view of the value of cosmetic dentistry. Blindingly white chompers aren't sought after everywhere the way they seem to be these days in the US.
Sandie said…
Happy birthday wishes from Twitter accounts kensingtonroyal, theroyalfamily, and clarencehouse. All three chose photos of a very happy (pre-marriage) Harry. There is something sad about that, but perhaps a positive choice to remember the happy beloved Harry that they had for many years.
Magatha Mistie said…


“Blindingly white chompers” hahaha, on Harry, yikes!
Together they would be known as ‘white noise’

Re-depression, Harry said in South Africa
“sometimes it’s hard to get up in the morning because of all the issues”
Cry for help?
My apologies for posting en bloc - it's difficult on UK time as so much happens when I'm asleep and there's little to comment on when I'm awake and moderation is on. I'll try to split it up.

@Lavender Lady asked about the Munshi so I'll start with Victoria's unconventional relationships - John Brown & Abdul Karim aka The Munshi, dramatised in the films `Mrs Brown' amd `Victoria and Abdul', Judi Dench in the lead role in both. I haven't followed any of the references to the Wikipedia accounts, both of which are detailed.

Nobody knows for certain what went on after Albert's death, which she took very badly indeed. Her diary reveals how she held both Brown and the Munshi in very high regard, which caused great resentment among the other staff.

The relationship with the Munshi, on the face of it, looks maternal. He was married man, much younger than her, with more than one wife it seems, and in the film there were allegations of STI/STD (previously known as VD - to me, STD still means `Subscriber Trunk Dialling' from telephony!). Also, Victoria's relationship with Bertie, her eldest son, was strained, to say the least.(I don't know how she got on with her other sons so maybe she saw him as `the son she never had'.)

Brown was a few years younger the Victoria, seems to have treated her with the familiarity of a loving husband of his own class. I say that because English middle and upper class couples were notoriously formal with each other, often addressing each other as `Mrs' and `Mr'. I don't think he was married.

I get the impression that Victoria was a `right little goer' in her relationship with Albert, loving sex but not keen on children. We don't know how red-blooded Brown might have been - your guess is a good as mine as to whether it was a sexual relationship or not. It's possible that they had some sort of secret marriage, if the report of a minister's deathbed confession are to be believed. It's been suggested that she saw JB as the reincarnation of Albert - the paranormal was a fashionable topic of investigation at the time.

In both cases, Victoria demonstrated a disregard for the prejudices of race and class - to the fury of her eldest son and her courtiers. That's all that can be said for certain.
Magatha Mistie said…


Love “dissolve the sugars” perfect!

HarryMarkle hit the right note, on every tune

God Save the Queen
xxxxx said…
The red hair lad
Who made us all glad
You were fun and jokes
But now you are woke
No longer a bloke

A whipped man
Was part of her plan
Living in Mudslide Mansion.
With drones through the air
At your seaside lair.

Taking snaps of Arch
And your hair
But was a bloody affair
From all the glare
From your chrome dome
Sent the drones home

So a happy one Harry
And please don't tarry
To wheel out number two
She has it a'brewing
Why merch one
When you can merch two
Magatha Mistie said…

Loving the photos from KP etc for Harry’s birthday.
Megs missing!
Nice bit o shade.
Enbrethiliel said…
I've seen the @KensingtonRoyal and @ClarenceHouse birthday greetings for Prince Harry. I particularly like Kensington Royal's choice of a footrace with Harry and the Cambridges, in which Harry wins.
Oh, this is good. There are birthday wishes to Harry from various members of the BRF, including William and Catherine - and they all chose to post pictures of Harry BEFORE he met MM! What a way to send a message to the grifter! I'm sure all the sugars' heads will be exploding as they note that there's not a single picture of JH with MM.

Regarding child performers - English law (I don't know about Scotland here) is very strict about children appearing on the stage. It's not just a case of making sure they get enough sleep.

I've read a lot about 19th century London and it became clear that the theatres were frequently involved in child prostitution. (apologies - I can't find the reference) Troupes of v.young dancers performed `interludes', even if there was no specific role for them (rather like the innocent performances of today by local dance schools in pantomime). The difference was that the kiddies were `available' to go home with the `nice gentlemen'; today, they leave as soon as their turn is over.

The patrons of such performances might be respectable families with children but they also attracted an entirely different clientele.

The theatre has long been associated with immorality, actresses and harlots being more or less synonymous. From what we've seen recently, the film industry may not that be that different.
HappyDays said…
Sandie said…
Happy birthday wishes from Twitter accounts kensingtonroyal, theroyalfamily, and clarencehouse. All three chose photos of a very happy (pre-marriage) Harry. There is something sad about that, but perhaps a positive choice to remember the happy beloved Harry that they had for many years.

@Sandie: Yes, the use of pre-Meghan photos is noticeable, which causes me to wonder if it isn’t sending some sort of subtle message to Harry, as in “You’re much better without her.” I’d think at least one of the photo greetings might have used Harry with Archie or Harry, Meghan, and Archie. Perhaps it is a tiny bit of a dig at Meghan. The foot race photo from the Cambridges is an especially nice photo, and yes, I’m r probably reading too much into It, but showing William and Kate with Harry in a much happier time conveys that Harry would be welcomed back if Meghan was no longer in the picture, so to speak.

Harry would never be completely trusted again, but I think he would be welcomed back as a family member by people who love him compared to his wife, who views Harry only as a useful object.
KCM1212 said…
I saw this on Yankee Wallys Tumblrblog. I dont remember this particular conversation. Have I missed something?r

"@grits -galraisedinthesoutg 09-12-2020

I believe that the Obama's and Clinton's were key members of Meghan Markle's team of backers. They don't care about her, but she was willing to support them in their war with the BRF and now she is "home" to collect her payment.

Hollywood insiders exposed Netflix as a Money Laundering operation. Nutty Flavor's blog (a well written blog with intellectually honest contributers) revealed that Michelle & Barack Obama's Netflix Deal was a kickback for Obama's support of Net Neutrality "

Oscar criteria and demographics of UK – being woke in relation to English rural life:

NB According to the 2011 Census, the ethnic composition of the United Kingdom was 87.1% `white or white British’ – and those of Asian origin (in the broadest sense) outnumber all Black people here by more than 2:1

The groups are not evenly spread across the constituent countries of the UK – the communities whose ancestors have arrived recently, or relatively recently, are concentrated in the metropolitan areas and large cities. TV presenters seem be a microcosm of the metropolitan population.

I used to be a great `Archer’s fan. It kept me up-to-date with agricultural affairs (its original propagandist function!) and was wrapped in social comedy generated by believable characters. Then it changed to social ` issues ‘ and the writing plunged downhill – clunking and embarrassing.

Much revolved around Alan Franks, the 100% woke vicar (his late wife was black and he was now engaged to a Hindu.) It was well summarised by AN Wilson:

Yet when real issues were raised, beyond the inevitable attacks from `nasty racists’ they were brushed aside - an excellent critique of this:

I was starting to think that the antics we have been watching was almost like something dreamed up by Archers’ scriptwriters when I chanced on this, again in the Church Times:

“My tip for the next scandal is when Adam and Ian’s child is born [to surrogate mother Lexi Viktorova], (ie Bulgarian, minority white) ” Canon Mustard says. “In canon law you cannot refuse to baptise any child, whatever the parents’ arrangement. I suppose if you were adopting a child, you wouldn’t expect the parents to be present, but it sounds like Lexi is planning to; so it will be interesting to see how it all pans out. Knowing Alan as I do, he will want to do it.”

I don't know what happened – I gave up on Ambridge when Nigel fell off the roof with such an exaggerated scream I thought he’d gone over Beachy Head.

We knew someone was going to die in that episode & I rather hoped it would be Helen, who was in childbirth, having sought to resolve her mental instability by having a baby by AID – any character who said they didn’t think this was a very good idea was dismissed as a `swivel-eyed loon’ . Helen later knifed a new abusive partner who’d been attracted to a vulnerable woman with a young child… I ask you!

No, trying to make drama by making it issue-driven, and paying lip-service to diversity criteria, doesn’t work.

Does art imitate life or the other way round?

Merching two? Double the trouble? No, double the income!
lizzie said…
While I know lots of things are coordinated within the BRF, I'm not sure birthday greetings are. And even if they are, who would have been expected to fall on their sword and include a picture of Harry with Meghan? Or even with Archie? (It's not as though a ton of pics of Harry with Archie exist...and if claims in FF are true, there likely aren't many private ones held by members of the family either.) Certainly the Queen wouldn't have been expected to do it. Or Will and Kate. That only leaves Charles and imagine the calls of Spineless Charles that would have caused.

I don't believe birthday wishes to Anne last month from the Queen, Charles, Andrew, or the Cambridges included her husband in the pictures. Plus, it's not M's birthday or Archie's.
Enbrethiliel said…
Has anyone seen the news about Prince William taking part in a free TEDTalks series on climate change? Other speakers include former US Vice-President Al Gore and A-list actor Chris Hemsworth. Am I the only one who read that and thought that Meghan must be seething?

It's bad enough that she is having trouble getting booked as a speaker. But now the brother-in-law she has been smearing for a year has landed a prestigious speaking gig without even trying! And he's sharing the roster with a former US politician and a hugely popular Hollywood actor -- prime representatives of two groups Meghan has been desperately courting since Meghxit.

Maybe the environment will be the next bandwagon she tries to jump on?

Apologies if this has been posted before!
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar

It wasn't me inquiring about child stage actors, but thanks for the nod. It doesn't come as a surprise to me that theatrical revues were used as a way for 'gentlemen' of depraved tastes to procure children for sex. The medium of photography and film simply continued in a new platform what had already been going on for centuries. I'm sure the ancient Greeks and Romans started the practices which were continued in Europe and America. Sex sells, and the younger the better.

The theatre has long been associated with immorality, actresses and harlots being more or less synonymous. From what we've seen recently, the film industry may not that be that different.

The film industry is Paradise for the sexual deviant because they can watch their favorite recorded sex acts over and over to their hearts' content and share those images with all of their friends. Live performance might be more exciting, but it only lasts for a very brief time and has to live on in memory.

One of my favorite films is Stage Beauty (2004) directed by Richard Eyre, starring Billy Crudup and Claire Danes. It is set in 1660s London, during the time which females are banned from performing onstage due to the rampant immorality of the theatre. Young boys were instead picked up from the streets and groomed to become specialists in female roles--what the Japanese call 'onnagata'. The movie is loosely based on a real performer of the era, Ned Kynaston, who was the toast of London for his Desdemona--and the crisis of identity which ensues when a restored Charles II (Rupert Everett) decrees that female stage roles must henceforth be played by real women, making cross-dressing on stage a crime. Ned is suddenly thrown out of work and finds that he doesn't know any other way to be onstage but as a female. Ned implies that he and his fellow 'actresses'growing up provided services for his mentor, a Fagin-esque figure. Ned is conducting a secret affair with the Duke of Buckingham (Ben Chaplin) who likes sex with young men dressed as girls but who ultimately will marry a woman due to his position.

Well, as PP so succinctly put it: "One steps out with actresses; one does not marry them." And he should know.
Ye Gods! There's some powerful stuff on that Yanky Wally link! Good old Yankee!

I was really moved by the piece about Colonel H.

The real tea may tie in with this:

Back in May, a friend mentioned that she'd seen/heard a report about someone working with another power that is not `a friend of Britain' (I hesitate to name it but it's been revealed within recent days that it keeps an eye on a remarkable number of people...'nuff said).

This person is said to be `close' to MM, though I don't know whether that meant `close' spatially, socially or both. This person was said to be relaying info(intelligence?) back to said un-friends.

It was about the time when one of MM's `close friends' (male) was revealed to have been involved with a very unpleasant TV report, re the un-friends, but my friend said the person was female.

Unfortunately, my friend couldn't remember anything else.

I wonder if it's an alliterative person (but not Lavender Lady)?

btw Nice to know someone thinks we're `intellectually honest'!
LavenderLady said…

Thanks a bunch! I too think the affection was maternal yet I do feel that perhaps QV had a bit of school girl/obsessive crush syndrome. Or perhaps she was just a real flesh and bones real human woman!

I did find this after I wrote to you:

It's pretty interesting. I was happy to read QV was as progressive as anyone could be in those days. Progressive in the literal sense not the political perspective.

Anywho, cheers :)
Maneki Neko said…
Surely if Megsy had planned something really good for her dear husband's birthday we would have heard? If only so that she could have her name and face in the press? Maybe she's quietly roasting a chicken at home.
Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry is 'happier than ever' on his 36th birthday and 'doesn't miss his old life at all', royal experts have claimed.

The Duke of Sussex, who today turns the same age his mother Princess Diana was when she died, is 'very content' with his marriage and family and 'thriving' in his professional life, according to Omid Scobie.

Scobie, who co-authored the controversial royal biography Finding Freedom which raised eyebrows for its gushing praise and intimate knowledge of Harry and Meghan Markle, 39, told Vanity Fair: 'This is the moment [Harry] can sit back and think, "I made it".'

Meanwhile royal commentator Ingrid Seward told the publication that the Duke of Sussex can celebrate his birthday 'on a high', adding: 'He's embracing his new life and everything is an adventure right now. He has moved on very quickly, and I don't think he misses his old life at all.'

"Very content"? "Thriving in his professional life"? What professional life? Harry looks neither 'very content' nor 'thriving'. Why do we need to be constantly reminded how happy they are, how well they're doing etc? As for his old life, I bet he does miss it.
Christine said…

xxxxx- love your poem!

It's hard to not see the message behind the photos chosen by the palaces to wish Harry a Happy Birthday. Completely Meghan free. Not slamming her but not showing her at all, as if she is a non-factor, which is great. Showing Harry happily enjoying his Grandmother, Father, Brother and Sister in law. His smiles in the photos are incredible- so big, so bright. He does NOT look or act like that anymore. In his taped dictations, he might crack a smile from time to time but it's more of a smirk. Funny that in FF he called his brother a snob but that's what he always looks like now.

And that stupid story in the DM about how he's happier than ever and 'thriving'. Yeah, okay....

How about this photo of Harry recently from some fight they had at a Santa Barbara restaurant. He looks like he could reach over the table and strangle Meghan. Release all the Thriving PR you want, but we don't believe you Meghan Markle!
Christine said…
Another thing I wanted to share- I have a feeling Meghan Markle is on her second pregnancy or will be soon. I don't know why I think that but I do. She'll want all the fanfare of a pregnancy announcement to coincide with the Netflix thing.

PLUS I remember when some anti- Meghan fervor started, it was sort of squelched when she first announced her pregnancy. Even though there was the backlash from the public about how she announced it at Eugenie's wedding. She did experience a bit of good will from the public for awhile as she was in the beginning and middle of her pregnancy. She'll want that again now.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Maneki Neko

I'd actually welcome an update from the Sussexes right now. Meghan would try to steal the spotlight from the birthday boy, of course, but it's actually an appropriate time. Maybe tomorrow we'll get a press release about everything she did to make today special.

In the meantime, I humbly offer the following:

"In a display of culinary skills that would be no surprise to the readers of her phenomenally successful blog The Tig, the Duchess of Sussex whipped together a four-course dinner for her husband in honor of his birthday. "H," as she affectionately calls him, had surprised her on her own birthday with a three-course meal."
My apologies, Hikari. I got muddled. Was it you talking about teeth? I wrote the topics down to catch up on later and may have put the wrong names to the topics. My apologies to anyone who did mention teeth if it wasn't you!

Anyway, here goes:

British Teeth (sounds like something from Spike Milligan … over to you Magatha!)

We have a very different view from Americans. It’s almost a matter of moral superiority to keep one’s natural gnashers here.

Dentures have long been regarded with disdain and were the butt of jokes, rather like toupees. (`I say! I say! My wife’s teeth are like stars – they come out at night’.)

Very much the sign of the working classes in northern towns – a colleague from a mill town told me that, at one time, young women had to have all their teeth pulled out before marriage to secure a husband – no man was prepared to pay his wife’s dental bills.

Yellowing teeth are natural as one ages – enamel becomes thin and the yellow dentine shows through, it’s not necessarily a sign of poor dental hygiene or heavy smoking.

Knowing the source of early false teeth is somewhat off-putting ; in Europe, human teeth could be sourced from graves or battlefields, in US there were slaves.

I once showed a photo of a current boyfriend, some years older than me, to my mother – he’d had to have extensive dentistry as a result of a car smash.

`Huh!’, she sad. `Those can’t be his real teeth.’ End of.
Mel said…
Are there many family pictures of H, mm, Archie? Any casual, fun shots a la the Cambridges?

Hmmm...makes you wonder,..very few family pictures other than staged shots for publicity.

The only photos of H holding the baby are the newborn ones (highly suspicious... where it looked like he was pressing his thumb very hard into a doll) and the one by the sea (supposedly in Canada, possibly a borrowed little girl).

No other shots of H with the baby by himself? No holding the little guy's hand as he tries to walk, for example? Or playing on his playground equipment? Splashing in the pool? Playing with a rugby ball?

The S. Africa shots were weird. She kept tight control of the baby at all times, while trying not to touch him, and H showed no interest in the baby whatsoever.
Mel said…
It's interesting that in the run up to Megan's birthday we heard all about the grandiose, wonderful things that celebrities were going to do for her birthday. None of which happened.

But in the run up to Harry's birthday… zilch. Nada. Nothing.

It's like he doesn't even exist.

Probably in the same place as the invisible baby?
I had one spell of severe depression, 30 years ago. It followed two pieces of devastating news within 48hrs.

When I tried to count my remaining blessings, almost all meant absolutely nothing to me. At the start, I had nobody to turn to, job going down the pan, and negligible savings. Could hardly eat for 6 months.

All that mattered was my dog – I had to keep going for her. She saved me.
Unknown said…
If the CDAN blind is correct about PC AND HM paying out for the ostentatious mansion the RF needs to have a good long think....millions in danger of losing their homes and jobs, the deepest recession in centuries and 2 wastrels who ditched the country insinuating it is a toxic, racist hellhole which dear JH of course said "hadn't had it too bad" get basically taxpayers money by default shrivelled their way.....bad bad bad look......
Jdubya said…
did you see the new CDAN?

Blind Item #2
Not only did dad have to have to kick in money for the new home on the coast, apparently grandma also had to kick in money. So much for being financially independent. Oh, and there were promises made they would pay back dad and grandma. Ha. The alliterate one is going to hoard it for the inevitable divorce.
Grisham said…
@KCM1212 that is actually disturbing: “Hollywood insiders exposed Netflix as a Money Laundering operation. Nutty Flavor's blog (a well written blog with intellectually honest contributers) revealed that Michelle & Barack Obama's Netflix Deal was a kickback for Obama's support of Net Neutrality "

I think @Nutty should have a word with Yankee Wally as we never discussed any such thing that I remember. She is using is dishonestly as a source!!! How would any of us know this?

Paging NUTTY or CHARADE! I think you need to take this up with Yankee Wally and get her to remove it.
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks, @Tatty. That's bizarre. I've never had any contact with Yankee Wally, and we shouldn't be "a source" for anything. We're just chatting here.
Nutty Flavor said…
Hm - now I need to figure out how to contact Yankee Wally.

She seems to be quoting some other poster named "Grits G.R.I.T.S. Gal Raised In The South Thriving in New England."

Grits Gal, if you're here, we're happy to have you, but we can't really confirm or deny anything here. The suggestion about the Obama's deal with Netflix being a kickback for Net Neutrality was pure speculation, which we do a lot of.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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xxxxx said…
Thanks Christine for your nice comment on my poem. Just acknowledging (why should I say nothing) from 250 miles south of swampy Gal/ .

Wild Boars Maid too thanks/
Anonymous said…
I think Harry Markle blogger has a connection to Yankee Wally, so maybe she could help with this.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
I wandered over to look at Yankee Wally's in surprise. CDAN was extensively quoted (which is strange; there were actual financial sources that were not gossip sites that were speculating the same thing). OTOH, I do think that this is something that CDAN may have gotten credible tips about.

I have always wondered why Malia Obama interned (and was allowed to intern) with Harvey Weinstein when he had a horrible reputation then, too. To be fair, the secret service agents would have been with her, but the optics were truly terrible.
I’ve been lurking and reading....but wanted to add that I don’t buy the Obama and Clinton being backers for Megsy. What possible motive would they have and for getting back at the royal family? I know there were stories in the British press years ago saying Obama didn’t like the British. If any of it was true I have no idea, but I still don’t believe they are her backers if any even exist. :o/
none said…

I wonder if narcissists are ever attracted to one another??

Yes! Harry's a beta narc and Markle the alpha. She love bombs his ego to gain her narc control over him. I have an identical situation in my family minus the royal angle :)
Nutty Flavor said…
New post: "Prince Harry at 36 vs Princess Diana at 36"

Made it just under the wire for Harry's birthday - Estonian time, of course!
Nutty Flavor said…
@Jdubya, interesting about that CDAN piece.

Blind Item #2
Not only did dad have to have to kick in money for the new home on the coast, apparently grandma also had to kick in money. So much for being financially independent. Oh, and there were promises made they would pay back dad and grandma. Ha. The alliterate one is going to hoard it for the inevitable divorce.

Maybe Charles didn't have enough liquidity to pay for the whole thing. Having to borrow from granny, hm. I wonder if Harry's upcoming inheritance served as collateral.
Faltering Sky said…
Re; Harry's depression. True clinical depression has nothing to do with how much money you have, how nice your home is or how successful your "career" seems to be at the moment. True depression transcends situations and belongings, or lack thereof. If you can be cured by a big mansion or money in the bank, you were not suffering depression.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Rebecca, thanks.

Alternately, I could just sign up for a Tumblr account and contact Wally directly.
SwampWoman said…
Raspberry Ruffle said...
I’ve been lurking and reading....but wanted to add that I don’t buy the Obama and Clinton being backers for Megsy. What possible motive would they have and for getting back at the royal family? I know there were stories in the British press years ago saying Obama didn’t like the British. If any of it was true I have no idea, but I still don’t believe they are her backers if any even exist. :o/

I would think it would be somebody that really, REALLY hates the BRF. Or maybe they just hate Harry. (grin)

Seriously, though, if one were a person dedicated to bring about one world government and the new world order, removing and/or damaging anything from an independent country that their patriots would rally around would be the first order of business.
Unknown said…
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SirStinxAlot said…
If Phoney and Phonics do get a divorce. Phoney can't afford the mortgage, lest she has a billionaire waiting in the wings.ook how many years it took to sell mudslide mansion to start with. It really was not nery attractive on the inside. Supposedly, Phoney and Phonics are having it redecorated with white walls. Perhaps another depressing grey nursery, with a picture of Diana? Remember all the backlash the decorator for Frogmore Cottage got after neglecting other clients to work on the Royal Pains cottage? I think the reno was done but they were ungrateful anyways. Imo. Nothing is good enough for them. Shortly after, Archie was born and they left to Canada and the USA to couch surf and bomb Zoom meetings. Since they didn't get a palace, just a humble cottage, they took their ball and left.
LavenderLady said…
Re: The CDAN comment: there is no way, IMO, the Obamas would be involved in money laundering with or without Netflix. They are too politically savvy for such shenanigans.

Sometimes I think blog posters forget, temporarily, that blogs are the internet and *anyone from *anywhere can read a blog.

Unfortunately, a blog is not the back fence. The concerning part is the internet is forever. JMHO...
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
@ Wullie's
The information about Nutty's blog was found on a tumblr account for Yankee Wally NOT on Cdan.
Thanks for the correction Wullie. Loooong day...
JHanoi said…
Weinstein was a huge rainmaker and financial supporter of the Obamas and Dems during their journey to the White House. so i sort of get why she interned there, the Obamas had to ‘payback’ the favor. they are all scratching each others backs at that level.
i’m sure they knew the rumors but didn’t expect Weinstein to begin the whole ‘metoo’ thing and implode as quickly as he did. Weinstein’s company was having huge financial difficulties and it made himan easier take-down. and Malia was out of there when that happened.

it’s kinda comaparble to PA and Epstein... he owed Epstein for favors and stood by him longer than he should have. PA is not a ‘loved’ Royal so he’s been an easy target.
the Obamas still have the goodwill of the people and their daughter is young and allowed to make a few mistakes.

CatEyes said…
Oh I guess my satire was lost if one couldn't see the humor. I won't explain it as that wouldn't probably be understood either. Harry may be depressed but he has more material possessions than probably 99.999% of us here I'm guessing.

I don't feel like Meghan is the reason for his depression, She may inflict some slings and arrows but he seems devoted to her. He may not be the brightest but he even has to know he could leave her if he wanted to.

I also don't think Harry wanting to take care of his teeth is indicative of Meghan's evil intent. Like what part of taking care of your chipped and yellowed (stained, ugh!) is a sign of hostage and abusive behavior? I find it a good thing.

Why is Harry not allowed to improve his appearance with respect to his hair. Certainly women claiming it is wrong is being hypocritical, 'no'? Women allow themselves to do all kinds of things designed to enhance their hair or even replace it (e.g. weaves, wigs). At least Harry is trying something designed to be more natural, grow hair, not chemically treat the heck out of it, color it to oblivion, and straighten it till it fries and breaks, etc... The list is endless what women do to their hair including changing its color in every permutation of the rainbow like a maniac color changing chameleon . All Harry is trying to do is grow some hair.

I personally would find him more attractive if Harry fixed his teeth and had more hair (and shave the beard, lol.) What is wrong with a man wanting to improve his looks; most women have at one time or another tried to do the same thing. If he didn't do it until he moved to LA so...maybe his consciousness was raised (quoting the old 70's expression.) How many men and women try something to improve their looks when they went to Hollywood and began to compete for jobs in the 'industry. I lived in West Hollywood and modeled there (while attending school)in the early 70;s and it was happening then especially the fake boobs.

Harry wants to provide keynote speeches so maybe he feels he would feel more confident if he looked better. Maybe he i
Faltering Sky said…
CatEyes said...
Oh I guess my satire was lost if one couldn't see the humor. I won't explain it as that wouldn't probably be understood either.

You are so right, CatEyes, your "humor" just went right over my little head. Or, maybe, making fun of anyone, even JH, for depression or mental illness is just not funny.
CatEyes said…

Yeah I guess you missed it. I Don't think Harry is depressed. The satire was that someone else was saying how depressed he was but I didn't think so hence why he can enjoy his mansion, his son and his megadeal with Netflix/

I think he is functioning well since he has accomplished quite a bit since January.
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