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Open Post: Meg's Christmas Card

Hello from vacation, where I've just noticed the Sussexes truly dreadful Christmas card as profiled in the New York Post.

My immediate guess was that Meg used Photoshop's dry brush filter to hide any traces of photo manipulation and, perhaps, the insertion of a substitute Archie.

What a mess. What was she thinking? 

And how does it help the Sussexes build their brand? 

They're supposed to be multi-million-dollar Netflix producers and Spotify podcasters, yet they're releasing something that looks like the very best product of a night school art class at a provincial community college.

All the bases

"The original photo of the family was taken at their home earlier this month by the Duchess's mother," according to a statement by Archewell.

Not that Doria has ever been known as being a keen photographer before, particularly when it comes to what was clearly a posed shot. (All three family members plus two dogs in the same frame, all smiling? This must of been one out of at least a hundred posed shots.) 

The statement continues: "The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays."

We're covering all the bases here, aren't we?  

"Homemade ornaments" for the instagram influencer points, and the replanted tree for environmental street cred. Plus a guest appearance by the mysterious Doria. 

Charitable contributions

The card was released through Meghan's dog patronage Mayhew - the one she visited during her pregnancy, a visit best remembered for her ability to squat down in stiletto heels and spring up again lightly despite being quite far along in her pregnancy. 


Magatha Mistie said…


Bend it like Meghan

The life of an unremarkable slut
Leaves us aghast, with a glut of tut-tut
She managed to snag daft Harry with ease
Bending once more, her unimmaculate knees

From today's NZ Herald:

Meghan's generous gift to New Zealand kids charity Make Give Live
26 Dec, 2020 01:39 AM2 minutes to read

Kiwi knitwear social enterprise Make Give Live supports children in need.

NZ Herald

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have reached out to support a local Kiwi business for kids in need.

The royal couple got in touch with Kiwi knitwear social enterprise Make Give Live, and bought 100 handmade woollen hats on behalf of their young son Archie.

Make Give Live founder Claire Conza says the letter from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex that arrived a few days before Christmas was a "wonderful gift for the organisation."
"As Make Give Live operates on a buy one, give one model, this will allow the group to make an extra 200 hats to distribute to families in need next winter through the various charities it supports," said Conza.

It's not the first time this year that the royal couple have supported Make Give Live.
On New Year's day they shared a photo of baby Archie wearing a Make Give Live Cocobear hat in Canada with their 10 million followers, which Conza says inspired thousands of orders from around the world.

"Demand for the hats have continued throughout the year and the sales have created an opportunity to support even more Kiwis through a tough 2020," says Conza.

"I recently posted a message on social media asking how we could get a card to them sharing how grateful we were to Harry and Meghan for shining a light on the work we do."

"This year we have donated over 3500 hats to people in need."

She did send a Christmas card to the Sussex family but the letter from the Duke and Duchess suggests Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern may have played a part in ensuring the message got to the couple.

"It said Jacinda Ardern had let them know we were trying to get in touch and that Archie continues to wear our beanies as they have one in every size."

Is that one hat per `Archie' for all the stand-ins of the past, present and future?

They've certainly bought into the myth that `bobble-hat baby' was Archie - they must be blind not to see that BHB isn't a bit like the other alleged `Archies' and has the face of a little girl.

Also, some `Big Deal' - I don't call buying a product a `donation' - it's just as much a goods-for-cash transaction as buying spuds at the greengrocer's.

To buy a hat costs NZ$ 49 - just under 35 dollars US each - so their grand gesture cost in the region of 3,500 $ US (perhaps they had to pay for shipping as well?) That might be a huge donation for someone like me but for a self-proclaimed humanitarian philanthropist, it's risible, even though it's more than went to the Mayhew.

I bet H winced at parting with the cash though.
Enbrethiliel said…
I came here to say that I still can't get over what a huge FU to the world that Christmas card is.

And now comes @WBBM's news that the Harkles are reminding us of that time they told us a baby girl was Archie and the vast majority happily went along with their lie. A more expensive FU this time, but I guess it was worth every cent.

Do FU's come in threes? Will there be a new Zoom call in which they say Archie is now doing something so absurdly advanced for his age that anyone who still believes it will deserve to be laughed at?
Magatha Mistie said…

Beagle Eyed

Painting by numbers, it has to be said
The photo depicts Harry’s home, it’s a shed
We all agreed how Archie has grown
Looking more like, an heir to the throne
Meghan is sly, really quite dumb
Butt the more that you zoom,
you see more of Guy’s bum!
Acquitaine said…
"MustySyphone said…

I would think it difficult to tell Pa that they haven't been able to make it in LA after they've claimed a £150m Netflix deal and a £30m podcast deal."

These figures are not true. File them in that file that includes Meghan being asked to be a Bond Girl and also negotiating contracts with Dior and Givenchy immediately after Megxit. All false.

She loves to inflate and lie about her worth to make the world jealous and envious of her. She also picked numbers already publicised by the big proven hitters in the industry so that the derivative media articles associate her with those hitters in their follow up articles and in doing so artificially inflate her worth to the public and to any sponsors.

Some people speculate that she also nakes these figures public as a negotiating tactic so that the company pays her the figure mentioned in her PR paid articles.

Anyone with basic working knowledge of how these deals work knows those publicly mentioned figures are not true.£30M spotify = Joe Rogan levels of proven content popularity. £150M Netflix = Obamas / Shonda Rhymes / Reece Witherspoon levels of personal fame and work experience and market tested talent.

Their Royal advantage was severed when they resigned from the family. Without that connection they get a meeting and a bargain basement contract. And that is after shopping themselves to all of Hollywood.

Disney was eager to give her a voiceover when she was inside the family. The minute she exited, so did Disney. Disney went as far as saying publicly that Meghan needed Disney more than the other way around.
Magatha Mistie said…

Dropped Stitches

Waiting for old Megsies speech
Something new, for her to preach
All we’ve got is bobble hats
From the L.A. plutocraps
Megsies knack to pull the wool
Proves they’re knit wits, one ‘n’ all

xxxxx said…
The Queen's speech outclassed by 100x the H/M silly Christmas card. Total Class vs Two Jackasses.
AnT said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Merry Christmas to you! I hope you are enjoying yours!

Once again, you are composing poems for us with your delicious and sly ferocity! I am again laughing and amazed. I am eagerly waiting for the Book of Harkle: Unabridged Edition to hit my booksellers one day.

However, the brilliant “an unremarkable slut” wording belongs entirely to Eowyn, and my repost of her words was just meant as a salute to her, but I am afraid it was not clear because a few nutties missed her @name in it. Please raise a toast to th snarky genius of Eowyn!

(But I love what you did with Unimmaculate Knees lol!)
AnT said…
Also, Dropped Stitches is a gem.

And the desperate way the Harkles are trying to double down on the idea that the little girl in the bobble hat by a Turkish lake is Archie —by publicly purchasing 100 tax-deductible (if given away) hats—tells me again in flashing neon lights that there is no Archie.

(Or, for those who believe the poor tot exists, no Archie with them or cared for by them or in their custody.)

They are terrible grifters, and clumsy criminals, returning again and again to the scenes of their crimes.
AnT said…
The Daily Beast site has one day ago published some SS style rubbish, lamenting the poor Sussexes being blindsided upon their departure by a queen who showed her “ruthless side” and stripped them of everything they had or wanted.....and oh It was all Harry, dear Meghan merely gave him courage like the Wizard of Oz, she was the wind beneath his wings......

....the mean queen even caused them to lox their “treasured” Instagram account and their millions of followers by snatching away the Sussex Royal moniker, which was “a bitter blow” to the innocent Harkle doves who had been hardworking full time royals until the very day (not counting endless weeks of vacations and “maternity” apparently)....

....mean William and Kate “in a childish display of royal pettiness” ignored the two vipers at the Commonwealth services when the two sweet Harkle lambs tried to make small talk..

Wow,MM just cannot stop firing at the palace.
AnT said…
Article in the Daily Beast by sycophant Tom Sykes of course. He must be hard up to write this laughable drivel.
@AnT said: They are terrible grifters, and clumsy criminals, returning again and again to the scenes of their crimes.

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" is an aphorism which appears in the Book of Proverbs in the Bible — Proverbs 26:11..." Wikipedia
madamelightfoot said…
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AnT said…

Well said, and we are in agreement. She cannot comprehend that her actions have consequences. Or, she got away with murder for years, thanks to doting parentsorvher ability to lie. And so she sees nothing unusual about doing heinous things, and does not care about impact. Everyone and all the world is supposed to forgive and worship Flower.

I didn’t know about the sorority thing. Wow.

You bring up a good point about rage at being denied the chance to secretly record people at the services, I forgot about that, and you are likely right.
PaulaMP said…
I could not get past Meg's ET arm on that card
Has anyone picked up on the very traditional British salutation of `Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year', rather than `Season's Greeting' or, worse still, `Happy Holidays'? ( I apologise if it's been mentioned & I've missed it).

I was under the impression that it was no longer the done thing on the western side of the Atlantic to mention `Christmas'. Aiming at her imagined British market?
It doesn't take much to enrage a narcissist when you block them from doing what they want.

I did it with mine when she volunteered to help me prepare for a party, expecting to be the Pastry Queen. To save time & effort however, I'd bought packets of ready-roll flaky for the sausage rolls.

Her expression told me I'd made a bad move. It was all downhill after that.
lizzie said…
I didn't know Merry Christmas was more British. I thought it was Happy Christmas in the UK.
Girl with a Hat said…
The best headline I have read this year, the one that made me laugh out loud, was one that I saw posted on a magazine cover in the thread of the last post about the Markles on CDAN and it read:


This is funny on so many levels that I wonder at the brilliance of the person who wrote it.

What other headlines have you read or would you like to read about the BRF?
@ Lizzie- It's become `Happy Christmas' in the last few decades. `Happy' used to be linked with `New Year'. `Merry Christmas' is pure Dickens - as in `A Christmas Carol'

To be `merry' at Christmas requires only congenial company and adequate food & drink - like Christmas, it's transient.

I'd much prefer to find happiness throughout the New Year but then it's more elusive than merriment. I can recall a time (early 1950s) when cards sometimes wished one `A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year'.

I make my own cards now (I get really stressed out trying to find cards I like) and my greeting for 2020 is `Wishing you Comfort and Joy this Christmas and Throughout the Coming Year- - it seemed more appropriate after such a lousy 2020, with more of the same to come, no doubt.

Gosh, I've had plenty of rotten Christmases in the past, usually caused by enforced contact with difficult relatives, when even merriment was in short supply.
Crumpet said…
@Girl with a Hat,

Funny! Love your headline contest idea. Here is my imaginary headline for next year:

Queen offers compromise to Sussex duo:

Get the privacy you deserve: Move to Africa--save the elephants, dance for African children, find landmines--or lose your titles.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Crumpet, I like the last part especially - find landmines or lose your titles! LOL
Jdubya said…

Prince Harry plans UK visit to clinch extention to his megxit deal.

If they are doing so well financially, then why would they need extension?

I also read that it was announced (somewhere but not where) their Spotify gig will be on Dec 31st. Bizarre time but i'm sure they'll be full of hopeful news for 2021

They've got the Queens birthday, Prince Phillips birthday and then the statue of Dianna coming up in July. They need that Royal link still. They (or at least Harry) need to keep it front page news they are still Royals. They will start an even bigger push starting in January and leading up to the 1 yr mark on the megxit deal. And then continue on..............

I truly do wonder what the truth is on their contacts with the family now. Has the family softened up a bit? Or is this the lead up trying to get them to soften up and playing the - well we tried - card.
Midge said…
I see Meghan is planning to write her first novel:
She dies not leave one stone unturned in her search for fame and fortune!
Harris Jones said…

What other headlines have you read or would you like to read about the BRF?

Duke and Duchess become first couple shot into space, NASA employees quietly turn off lights and go home
Acquitaine said…
"Jdubya said…

I also read that it was announced (somewhere but not where) their Spotify gig will be on Dec 31st. Bizarre time but i'm sure they'll be full of hopeful news for 2021"

For the UK, 31st December is still Christmas holidays.

It shows how much they are still trying to maintain UK customs despite declaring the country racist and how much they do not miss the country.

Technically the Christmas holidays are 12 days starting Christmas day and ending 6th January.

The country operates at minimum during the first 7 days of that period and most people try to take winter holidays during this time or visit with their families for an extended time because there are 3 public holidays within those 7 days so might as well take entire week off especially if weekends are also included.

After 1st January the country returns to normal, but still see Christmas decorations and celebrations in random places right upto 6th January and then overnight it all disappears.

Teasmade said…
@Midge, I just checked that article and see that she is "seeking protection that will allow her to pen [ugh] novels via Archewell . . "

What idiocy. She can "pen" what drivel she likes. It will be automatically copyrighted with no special action, then she can REGISTER the copyright (this'll be in the US) to or as whatever entity she prefers: herself or the foundation or whatever "Archewell" is. There is no special protection that needs to be sought, and she is nothing special as a "penner."

Also, I don't understand the point of the article. I work with authors, and none have felt the need to announce their intention ahead of time, nor to "seek protection" to do so.
Crumpet said…

Yes. I thought Madam authoress was intimately acquainted with copyright law already.

I await these new fairytales by the 21st century grifter princess: The Princess and the Pee, Duchess vs Duchess, The Queen of Hearts, The King and I.

All of the works will have evil, mean characters with the names of (select one or more): Kate, Cam, Will, Charlie, and Liza.
Pantsface said…
So HMTQ has a Christmas message, broadcast absolutely everywhere and "Princess" Meghan has a new year message, broadcast on spotify? Hopefully the majority of the world don't subscribe to spotify and it will be a non event
Maneki Neko said…

I did remark a couple of days ago on the Christmas card greeting, 'Merry Christmas', I thought either Harry had written it or else Meg was trying to sound British.


Has anybody seen the latest, Meghan Markle 'plans to follow in the footsteps of Prince Charles and pen her first novel'?

Here is most of the article in the DM:

Meghan has moved to secure legal protection that will allow her to pen novels via Archewell, the foundation she's set up with Prince Harry.

Lawyers in the US are poring over the couple's application to trademark the good cause, which they named after their son, Archie.

One clause they are trying to secure with the US Patent and Trademark Office seeks the right to pen 'fiction and non-fiction books on a variety of topics' under the Archewell brand, as well as produce 'general feature magazines and printed periodicals'.

My source tells me: 'Meghan has some experience as a writer and used to have a popular blog called The Tig before she met Harry that covered health, travel, food and fashion.

'Fiction is something she has always wanted to try her hand at, and she could be assured that anything she writes would sell well, regardless of its quality.

'Fiction, be it children's books or adult, would be a powerful way of conveying the messages of their woke brand.'

"Regardless of its quality"! So I other words, even if it's a lot of cr@p it will sell? And they're planning to use their woke brand in children's books... I don't know why she needs to sell via the Archwell brand, is it to pay less tax? My,my, she'll be busy, what with Netflix, zoom videos, now writing books. The mind boggles. Maybe we'll be able to play a game of 'spot the plagiarism'.

Maneki Neko said…

Sorry, I've just now seen your post at 12.29am after I posted the above.
AnT said…
If she does her writing under the umbrella of Archewell, I think she can charge off all sorts of expenses, from laptops to sustaining chicken taco lunches to all the payments for those who actually do the writing. (My understanding from an agency friend has long been that someone else, a Canadian woman, wrote and or edited much of The Tig content for her. But who knows.)

I will bet she will write “fictionalized” stories about Kate and William, Etc. Her vindictive nature and utter lack of imagination and need to copy and mimic almost make this a foreigner conclusion. That way she can publish all kinds of hateful content and lies, hoping readers will guess who she is referring to,me while using the protection of fiction to avoid lawsuits. Devil Wears Prada style. Maybe even fictional stories of Oprah, or the Obamas! She is so naturally boring, herself, With no sense of nuance or understanding of any emotion other than greed, that it will take quite quite a stable of writers.

Perhaps she will try to go the salacious Jackie Collins route, takes of yacht girls and crime and Epstein like people and pimps like Markus. That might sell. I will see what I can find out from a friend in the business.

It is funny that she is swollen with hate and jealousy, yet her only viable source of income comes from Who she married, who she conned, the titles she snatched, the tapes she secretly made, the diaries of her in laws’ movements. What a frightening, ultimately pointless succubus.
AnT said…
A forgone conclusion ^^^ obviously, not foreigner, sorry. Autocorrect kills me when I respond via iPad. Should have proofed first.
Midge said…
@Maneki Neko
No problem. Spot the plagiarism sounds like a safe bet. Like Crumpet's suggested titles. I'm sure the Nutties can come up with more of the same.

You didn't read all of my post. The second paragraph was "Personally, I don't think they made that kind of money. No where near it. I think they just want more free money from Pa, blame the pandemic, not to return to UK."

So yes, I don't believe those numbers, you didn't have to call me out.
AnT said…
She is hoping to throw this book-writing, guaranteed-sales nonsense out into the press to try to get an upfront deal from a publisher, versus writing it for free in a corner like most first time writers, and hoping for a publisher to step up. Imagine her indignation if she had to resort to hiring a vanity publisher.

As with everything, she pretends via those pretend “sources” that she is doing something fabulous, or that others have eagerly given her billions to access her genius, hoping to get real firms to beg to hire her for more millions. (How executives must be laughing at this.)

Considering that she has yet to create viable content for Netflix, and considering she has to create more content for Potify (will use Magatha’s name for it forever), and considering she is running a foundation, and also has huge lawsuits to contend with.

I think most firms outside the SS playpen will be getting the idea that this is a woman who wants the cash but isn’t a focused worker or serious producer of content. She has produced nothing, has no skills, and is desperately spreading herself thinner and thinner chasing deals. No one will pay big for drab woke content. She is also known for running, and suing. I think she will soon be in trouble.
Teasmade said…
@AnT: Oh, thanks for the simpler explanation. I tend to take the written word literally -- not a smart thing to do with ether her or the DM!

I'm laughing at myself for getting all indignant over nothing.

Besides, I'm sure that Sunshine Sachs has some agreements with publishing houses.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
Acquitaine said...

For the UK, 31st December is still Christmas holidays.
It shows how much they are still trying to maintain UK customs despite declaring the country racist and how much they do not miss the country.
Technically the Christmas holidays are 12 days starting Christmas day and ending 6th January.

I am in the US and I keep my outdoor Christmas lights on until Jan 6th. Not for any serious religious reasons. I just like them.
Mel said…
Mm was supposedly writing a children's book about her dogs...way back in Aug 2019.

Haven't heard anything about that since. The first article references a book that Prince Charles wrote. Guess she's copycatting him.

Mel said…
My goal with Christmas outside lights is to get them down before Valentine's Day.

This year I might hire that done. Give a handyman some work.
Crumpet said…

Slightly off topic.

Looked at the Christmas article re the Monaco royal family. At least Albert is in the Christmas spirit with his coordinated red shoes and outfit. But, man, too much Christmas pudding or whatever is eaten in the French speaking world, buche de noel, perhaps.

The interior decor is quite strange. Cinder blocks, painted black with gold leaf picture frames. Every family, even royal ones need their relaxing moments, but really, what a strange family picture. I prefer my royals to look, well, royal!
xxxxx said…
Here is how Meghan's agents will approach publishers --- "You saw her huge multi million dollar deals with Netflix and Spotify. Of course you want her to write a book for you, to make you lots of money. She is a world famous phenomenon"

And this is part of the reason Megs has her PR people issue madly inflated numbers for the deals she and Hapless have made. To snow the next suckers that come along. This is why they live in a 15 million dollar manse that is probably a rent to own deal from a Russian oligarch, partly subsidized by sappy Charles and his captive Cornwall Duchy. To give off the aura of success to prospective business partners.
AnT said…

The Camberitches of Antler Hall
Camzilla: The Duchess Who Squashed Tokyo
The Duke of Devilshire and the Soiled Rose
The Wolf of Soho
Queenie Dearest
Charlotte: Daughter of Darkness
100 Things that Rhyme with Kate and Hate: A Songbook for Children
The Big Bang Theory: 100 Nights in SoHo House
The Catherine Diaries
Sophie’s Choice: How Preferring Catherine Ruined the Wesserpigexes
Andrew of Snork: The Curse of the Criminal Who*emaster
Eugenie of Snork: Hell’s Spoiled Bride
Thomas Markle: Last General of the Third Reich
The Ginger Murders of Montecito

Duncan said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
The Daily Mail is reporting that Harry and wife will be asking for a 12-month extension on Megxit. That must be the news that People magazine is sitting on.
Girl with a Hat said…
all this frenetic activity - Netflix production, Spotify podcasts, writing a book - reminds me of someone with bipolar disorder.
YankeeDoodle said…
OMG. Everybody who wrote this will happen are right on the “mark”le.

DM reports that the HAMS want to extend their break for another year, plus come home to the UK for various celebrations.
jessica said…

I agree BUT this only means they are dealing with non-finance types meaning their shelf life will be short. They’ll do the corporate rounds, get a few common *deals* while they can and run. The corporate will move on unless they prove the initial value to the deal, which we know is next to impossible. This is why she’s trying absolutely everything while they can. I’ve noticed other celebs are getting back into the PR swing of things, so Meghan’s PR expenses will only increase from here as she becomes less valuable. She can’t be the McDonald’s of Celeb Influence because she is too controversial. But right now? She can score some quick advertising through her sheer PR force and dumb history that creates the attention she requires.

Clearly, if she said The Queen prevented them from using their successful Sussex Royal Instagram, in the daily beast article, they are having to hit back at deals being attempted when confronted with ‘So, you’re a famous influencer but don’t have social influence from?’

I bet they’ve lost out on rat should be easy. low hanging deals due to her refusal to show how unpopular she is (and set up a low follower account.)

Elsbeth1847 said…
Re: the idea of extending the trial period

I'm reading FF and just finished a paragraph on 336

"'It's been made very clear they can come back whenever they want, when they're ready," a source who had been involved with the negotiations said.'"

I'm not sure if they really have been told they can come back as they please in the same way I'm not certain the sums bandied about that they are supposed to get from Netflix or Pontify are real (or even conditional). So, I don't know if the idea someone is pushing that they just need another year (and then it is flowers, butterflies, bees and happy ever after) could really be real or is another trial balloon ... or something.

It all just has that same tone as the birthday cake to be made by HM or the baby shower by her SIL.
Girl with a Hat said…
Can you imagine the reaction if they are included in any royal celebrations?

Are they so emotionally unintelligent that they don't understand the backlash they will get if they try to stand with the BRF without apologising for their behaviour and their words regarding Britain, the British people and the British Royal Family?
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jessica said…
They’ve already made the Monarchy look weak and embarrassed it on the Global stage. There’s no chance they are welcome back. Meghan will feed the press, though, more relations with the RF. It’s clear now that deals in the works are wanting a more Royal connection.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
My apologies, Maneki, re `Merry Christmas'.


Yes, I too think they're shoving the begging bowl under Charles's nose.

I'd like to think, though, that the apparent recent emphasis on what looks like the `Core Royal Family' is for real. I realise she's got the brass neck to come back but goodness knows what sort of reception she'd get - Sugars versus Loyal Subjects?

As if we didn't have enough to feel miserable about.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you but really no apology is necessary :)

Maneki Neko said…
Does anybody remember that little Christmas soirée chez McPhee-Foster? What happened to it? Maybe H&M want to protect their 'privacy' or maybe it didn't happen.
Weekittylass said…
Merry belated Christmas Nutties. May I suggest another book title, An Unremarkable Slut: The Life and Good Times of Rachel Meghan Markle.
How about:

`Meghan Markle's Molly House - the Memoirs of Another Woman of Pleasure'?
Superfly said…
"Maneki Neko said...
Does anybody remember that little Christmas soirée chez McPhee-Foster? What happened to it? Maybe H&M want to protect their 'privacy' or maybe it didn't happen."

Nothing they claim ever happens. The fashion mogul thing, the magazine editor thing, the movie star with serious directors only thing, the voice over artist thing, the charity foundation thing, the speaking circuit thing, the dinner with so-and-so thing, etc ...

She's a one-time Nancy: she does something once, and people realise how awful she is at it, and never call her again. Then she's forced to try something else. She's like this with businesses, relationship, friendships, everything. It's very commonly narcissistic. They are confused people, who have no clarity, no discipline and no self awareness. They can never read room or a situation correctly.

Everything she touches bombs, I'd be surprised if her and Katharine McPhee were still on speaking terms.
As for Harry calling David Foster his 'surrogate father', that was both disturbingly disrespectful, and utterly hilarious.

Harry deserves her. I'm happy to see Cressida got married. She dodged a bullet, that girl.
JHanoi said…
DM - aricle about MM penning her first novel and following in PC’s footsteps ‘ is there nothing she can’t do?’

ugh - her writing is horrific and painful to muddle through

1- is this yet another trial balloon of testing out an idea? wasn’t she trying to get a book deal like michele?

2- or is she so desperate to make a buck that she needs to follow in Princess Micheal (name maybe wrong - that other HM elderly married in relative that writes romantic novels for extra cash because they are broke and essentailly live off the good graces of HM)
Elsbeth1847 said…
In FF, there were a number of times the point is made that his grandmother was supportive, the kind grandmother who has a very special relationship with just this grandson (implied over the others). And then how "distressed" the Queen and her husband were about the situation.

The comments (or some) have been posted on the DM about extending the trial period. A lot of how this will not go down with the general public (which we knew), concerns that it would imperil the monarchy (which we knew) but one post said something which is beyond all that.

The poster said that what they are doing to HM is elder abuse - "single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within a relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person..."

I don't think it would be in the legal sense of take it to HM's court system but it really takes off the veneer and lays bare the brutality of their actions/behavior. I read that and thought of the Emperor has no clothes.

What if the DM runs such a story with a few experts talking about could this be classified as or not? ... wouldn't that be an interesting turn of events?
JHanoi said…
imo- hm still seems sharp and this is not elder abuse by the DM or the Harkles.

DM is ‘doing their job’ as journalists investigating and reporting the news. HM is technically the head of state.

the Harkles are grasping, conniving, griftors out for a quick buck looking to become the next kardtrashians any way they can.
and i actually respect (dont like but respect) the kardtrashians for going from desperate wannabes to becoming the ‘bes’ through their own wiley ways. they had to sell their souls to do it, but that was their choice/ decision, and they worked hard to get to the top of their world.

the Harkles are total hypocrits, do as i say, not as i do, disparging the uk and its stiff upper lip ways, yet profiting off of the BRF name and the doors it opens. lecturing to the hoi polloi yet living in their gated exclusive, privledged, 15 million dollar mansion, etc. total grifting hypocrits
JHanoi said…
it may be true though, that HM and PH are more in touch now than before. HM has been in lockdown for months, presumaby she’s been communicating via Facetime or other video calls to family and friends. her work schedule has totally changed to ‘work from home’ so she’s not out and about like before scheduled to the hilt.
So PH can probably reach her (and maybe PC too?) directly now on a video call , versus before when PH had to schedule appointments to talk to them thru their private secretaries. so they may be in more direct communication than before?

luxem said…
Question: If Markle is pregnant (for real this time via IVF) and due in May/June and they fear losing their titles at the review in March, is extending the review period her way of ensuring that her "born of body" baby gets a title, unlike Archie? If she was no longer titled in March, then would the baby not be titled? I know there has been a lot of discussion on titles, but I didn't follow it. I think that is the only reason she got pregnant. She has to merch off a royal title and the July pregnancy would have given her a baby (probably XX-selected) before the March review.
Sylvia said…
@Ant Your mention of MM & Tig prompted me to refresh the info

(Btw I loved you mentioning your 2 cats I o have a NFC adopted
He has no time for humans only cats has brought home 2 stray cats living rough for us to adopt which we did!)





Actress Meghan Markle On:The TIG

Photographed by Noa Griffel in New York City

The Suits actress recently found time between filming to launch her own lifestyle blog The TIG. In between shooting in Canada and her next foodie and travel stories for The TIG, we caught up with her in New York City, where she styled her favorite look from Tory’s collection, the cropped version of our Tasha coat. Next up: New York Fashion Week in between Suits shoots.

The inspiration behind The TIG…
I have always loved food and travel, especially with my mom being a travel agent. We would go to off-the-beaten path places (Oaxaca, before it was cool to take a molé cooking class there, small parishes in Jamaica, etc.). In the past few years, my access to fashion and beauty has broadened, and I have started to understand things in a different way. That feeling of “Oh…right, so clothes aren’t just fabric, they’re art.” Or: “Right, I get it, that a finishing salt will brighten a dish better than Kosher salt.” All of those aha moments came to me around the same time, and I felt an impulse to share them.

And the inspiration behind the name…
Tignanello is a full-bodied red wine that I tried about seven years ago. In wine circles, it is nicknamed “Tig.” It was my first moment of getting it — I finally understood what people meant by the body, structure, finish, legs of wine. The TIG is my nickname for me getting it. Not just wine, but everything.

Favorite things to write about…
Travel and food. I love being the go-to girl for where to go when you find yourself on the outskirts of Bangkok, and where to find that perfect plate of pad thai that makes you wonder what you’ve been eating all these years. I also love writing about beauty because I want to reframe the way people define that word. My stories on beauty are not just about a face cream — they include poetry, handwritten notes, meditation…

How I balance filming and The TIG…
I do what I can when I can. I write 100 percent of the content — much in between scenes in my trailer or on weekends. I have someone helping with posts and emails and doing graphic design for certain posts. But the bulk of the photography and writing is my labor of love.

The stories my character Rachel on Suits would like most…
They made Rachel a foodie on the show because they know that’s a huge part of my personal lifestyle. She would obviously love the Chef Talks features, but she would also fawn over the fashion posts.

Upcoming stories I’m particularly excited about…
I have a new feature called Anatomy of Design, where I talk candidly with designers about the specific impetus of two pieces in their collection: Why that cut, that color? What will this make you feel when you look at it 10 years from now? I love knowing how things work and getting inside of the head of an artist, be it a chef or a designer.

And some contributors we can expect to see…
Of course there are more chefs in the pipeline, such as the duo behind Edi and the Wolf in New York; incredible artists (Gray Malin, who I am fawning over at the moment), and a good friend of mine, Serena Williams, who I think is going to make a fantastic comeback at the US Open. I will be there cheering her on
AnT said…
Great find! Thanks for posting that piece about the Tig days. Notice she is plagiarizing from others, using Oprah’s famous “aha moment” phrasing, for example. Oprah had been using that for about two decades by the time Megs slapped it down.

I also note that her mom is once again a travel agent i this piece, instead of the accomplished multi-degreed dedicated social worker She was when she entered the Harry phase of er life two years later.

This piece was packed as usual with stale buzz words and Meghanisms, so I think she did these replies herself. But. since she tends to fabricate and fudge her way through life, and since she notoriously communicates in a garbled manner, and since she seems to be shy of actual content production or work (deals to feel cool, then on to the next thing. She is in lockdown with servants, how has she not produced a few Netflix solid scripts or pitches or treatments?) so I still think a lot of Tig content ghost written or edited for clarity, shall we say.

PS — (OT) — My first NFC came to me as a tiny kitten. He acted like the world’s bodyguard too, from the start, and like yours when we lived in a countryside village, he brought home injured or old or ill stray cats to me all the time and expected me to feed them and get them to a vet and healed and rehoused with new families. He would rescue the floppy-ear bunnies the little neighboring girls owned if the bunnies got out of their chalet-like bunny house. He even took over the care of some kittens while the mom wandered. I wonder if this generosity of spirit is a Norwegian Forest Cat thing?..... Our current NFC, also a stray found by a coworker, is inside 99% of the time except for little forays into our walled garden. She never showed this protective side until our Maine Coon girl turned 17, then she became her watchful guardian too.
lizzie said…
@luxem wrote:

" If Markle is pregnant (for real this time via IVF) and due in May/June and they fear losing their titles at the review in March, is extending the review period her way of ensuring that her "born of body" baby gets a title, unlike Archie?"

Could be but makes no sense to me. No one from BP ever said why Archie didn't get a title. Some here may think it's because he was born to a surrogate but it is just as likely it's because of "slimming down" and Archie is just too far down. A new baby would be even farther down. And how could H&M throw a fit anyway. They claim it was their wish A not be titled (yeah, right) but even so, how could they claim their second-born should be titled? Do they plan to throw A under the bus?

I think they are just grasping for money and connections they can use. They are hoping to hold onto opportunities to be seen as royals to make money, hoping W doesn't get H's military appts, hoping they can prance around on the balcony at TOC after arriving in a carriage, hoping H can show up in military garb.... I don't see how they can claim they need money without admitting the stories about recent contracts were BS.
xxxxx said…
Harry and Meghan 'want a 12-month extension to Megxit deal that would see them keep their royal patronages beyond March 31 deadline' - and could head back to the UK to seal the deal in person
Couple seeking 12-month extension to the deal agreed with royals in January
Stepped back as senior royals, earn own money but keep their royal patronages
Relations between the pair and the royals are said to have thawed in past months
Reportedly want to return to UK to attend Queen and Prince Philip's birthdays

********** You all have seen this by now. It is obvious that the Mudslide Gruesomes need a new infusion of Royal blood to bolster the perception that Hollywood has of them. Their advisors told them to make a rapprochement. The better their Royal attached (adjacent) image, the more good deals in Hollywood. They are vampires and Megs is a well experienced emotional vampire. There is nothing in this for the Queen and the Royal Family. They should give Megs/Hapless the silent treatment.

Don't be stupid Royal Family. They are putting out trial balloons to visit back in England on Philip's and The Queen's birthdays, with only purpose in mind. To exploit you to further their money grabbing in Hollywood/America. They despise your stuffy Royalty. They see you as blood donors, as money donors, as chumps and fools.

And strip their titles already! Early January would be fitting.
xxxxx said…
Back in the good old days, as soon as they arrived in England the Gruesomes would be sent to The Tower.
Maneki Neko said…

You're right to say nothing H&M claim ever happens. I was being rather cynical and should have mentioned it when I wrote about the little Christmas 'soirée'. The soirée suddenly came back to me but I suppose that went the way Megsy's birthday cake, made by Queen's own fair hands, went. Meg's probably forgotten she said it.
Mel said…
I think their recent Spotify and Netflix deals were obtained under false pretenses. They sold the companies on royal adjacency that they don't have.

Hard to tell the companies you've got royal secrets and contacts when the royals have clearly excluded you. Thus the need for an extension of Megxit.

Hope the BRF sees through it and continues to ignore them.
AnT said…

Interesting comment. I hold the opinion that since there is no Archie, M has to cut McPhee out of her life quickly— there can be no baby play dates, no photos of “our babies” and no credible shared discussions about childbirth.

McPhee would probably tell other LA people something is amiss in Harkleville.

Plus, McPhee married a man with more money and Hollywood pull, and McPhee has actual talent and now an actual child, so that has to be burning an angry hole in the corner of M’s mind.

Maybe Foster wasn’t willing to play either, seeing the Harkles as troublesome silly boring punters with no skills and few useful connections.

AnT said…
I think there will be social revolt if the Sussexes force a return to the land and people union which they spit barely a year ago.

Any return would be for money, as we all know. The legal bills for her court cases are growing and perhaps unpaid, with months and months to go. Legal counsel may have warned her the case doesn’t look good in any case. Maybe Megs thinks she can persuade Charles to pay these bills and offer her free royal legal counsel for the duration.

Perhaps, since she must know she is losing, she thinks if they are briefly back in the fold, the Queen will pressure the judge into letting them win, or drop the case with a public announcement of her (fake) victory since Megs is that uninformed about royal life.

There is no way they have banked 100s of millions from the sketchy announced deals. Their American life seems to be a Trojan horse.

Perhaps as was said above, she needs more family dirt to sell, too. The Harkles are nothing without the BRF, just two more scroungers in LA.
AnT said…
*upon which, not union
Fifi LaRue said…
Predictions for 2021: The Queen/Prince Phillip will say no to extending Megxit. Harry is not happy in Los Angeles, he'd like to return home. Markle will not be in attendance at the birthday celebrations because being told No about extending Megxit will enrage her. Divorce announcement coming late summer/fall for the Harkles. Their romance flamed out pretty quickly, there is not enough common ground to sustain their marriage. Markle will get a settlement. There is no Archie.

I agree it could go that way, but I think Meghan knows the connection to Charles' bank account is going to be hard to replace.

I think they might stay together in despair for a long time with side-pieces. The reason is that Harry is too proud to admit he married a fraud and whackadoo, he is kept content with watching her 'go to work' everyday and do things he frankly can't do due to incompetence, Archificial, their Megxit agreement being a hard line with severance under severe conditions which restricts their abilities and specifically their ability to sue (1 would be no tell-all, 2 would be no Archie pics and pimping, 3 would be no disrespect towards the monarchy). This is how the year payment was made. It happens a lot in severance agreements. There will be no extension, as they quit their job already. They can't 're-quit' and renegotiate. Any friendly payments would be done privately between them and Charles as a 'family' member.

Frankly, I don't think the Queen or any BRF rep will allow Harry back in any capacity. He has been identified as a weak link, and the way they handled him is a future warning to any and all Senior BRF members. Stay in line or 'off with your head'. It's not one rule for Meg and Harry and another for everyone else. It's all the same.

It's interesting that Meghan and Harry decided to continue with Harry's palace PR style of not being in articles much. I guess they assume this will keep his market value 'high' and nimble for deals. Whereas we have the stark contrast of Meghans BS daily drivel and saying everything and nothing to keep the hate clicks rolling. The balance act is interesting and I do wonder if anything can work out for them, or Just Harry, with this strategy of keeping him behind the scenes in the press releases.

As an aside, The big cemetery cosplay was such a PR disaster for Harry I do wonder how long that will remain a barrier for him.

Girl with a Hat said…
Lady Colin Campbell called Harry "soft in the head" in her latest video and said that the BRF knew this about him, and had to deal with this condition of his all of his life.
Mel said…
I wonder if they put this stuff out there as feelers, to gauge public reaction.

In this case there was an uproar of 'oh hell no', so they backed off of it.
MaLissa said…
Well I'm not British, I'm Canadian and I say Happy Christmas and Merry New Year :) LOL :) and of course I also add Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and whatever else you celebrate. I don't say "Happy Holidays".
Superfly said…
Maneki Neko - wait what? MM claimed that the Queen baked her a birthday cake? Seriously? Really stupid narcs (and I believe MM is one of them) constantly forget their own lies.

Ant - David Foster has too many children, step children, grandchildren and step grandchildren to be bothered with dumb-as-dirt Harry Handbag. The guy is almost middle aged, and he's calling some man he's known for 5 minutes his 'surrogate father' in public. It's pathetic.

Sylvia - wow, what a read. I must say a few things. Firstly she sounds cringeworthily pretentious: 'omg, I like went to Jamaica befit it was like cool, that's how cool AYE AM', 'omg, like clothes are ART, babes', 'omg like, I love to reframe beauty; cause I'm like so unconventional', 'omg, food is like sooo amazing, nobody is a foodie, it's like the most uncommon thing ever right now, I'm like so cool and different and special, cause I"m like the only foodie, like ever'.

Secondly, she sounds like every single influencer out there. Every person without a gram of personality, without any character, without any originally, who just regurgitates whatever on-trend, with-it crap they read about in GRAZIA magazine. Absolutely embarrassing. The difference is that most influencers are 20, and you're allowed to be a pretentious imbecile at 20.

And lastly, forgive me for coming across as uppity or whatever, but my parents are big wine drinkers. My dad's wine cellar has all the supertuscans, Tignanello, Ornellaia, Sassicaia, etc, and never, ever, have I heard anyone, ever, refer to Tignanello as 'Tig'. I am not American, I am not Canadian, perhaps it's an across-the-Atlantic sort of thing, but you should all know that the G in Tignanello is silent. Like in Tagliatelle or gnocchi. Therefor I find it strange how anyone would refer to Tignanello as Tig, where the G is very prominent. Also because it sounds like an insect, like a tic, it sounds horrible. Why would anyone do that to such a special product?
I don't believe a word she says. She is only person I have heard use that word. Out of all of my dad's wine obsessed friends, from all over Europe and Asia, and restaurant owners, sommeliers and whatnot, not once. She cheapens even that. Urgh.
AnT said…

I agree. And, your choice of “flame out” ....yes, that’s what this is.
Acquitaine said…
"Girl with a Hat said…
Can you imagine the reaction if they are included in any royal celebrations?

Are they so emotionally unintelligent that they don't understand the backlash they will get if they try to stand with the BRF without apologising for their behaviour and their words regarding Britain, the British people and the British Royal Family?"

I think Harry has lived a lifetime of throwing tantrums to get his way and after each tantrum everyone carried on as if it hadn't happened without waiting on him to apologize.

That extension request seems like the usual expectation for him after his tantrums ie the family will accomodate him and smooth ruffled feathers while he gets on with his life of priviliges including his new demands being met without any apology to anyone. At best he offers regret that anyone was offended non apology, but not an actual, sincere apology or contrition.

And if his Megxit tantrum and attendant months' long public spit at family, friends, country etc hadn't been public, he might have got away with it as he did everything else.

The Queen (and Charles) has got to recognise that Megxit tantrum and months' long hissyfit was a blessing gecause it solved the problem of Harry, in the short and long term. Gave them the perfect excuse and they gained lots of public sympathy out of it.

A restoration will result in a heavy backlash from the public.

William appears to understand all this if leaked articles are telling the truth. He seems to be the steel in the rod keeping the Harkles away from the family and holding that line firmly.

DeerAngels said…
Thank you Nutty, moderators & the wonderful nuttie's for making this past difficult year more bearable. The welding of the mighty sword's of different pens can make a difference.

While having a annual Christmas dinner w/friend we were watching news. I busted out lmao. She always goes "face blank" when I mentioned harkle's. The reason's the storyline was about Instagram influencers. These people have millions of follower's & making millions. They were all kid's, some toddler's. My 1st thoughts were they're successful on a scale the harkels can only dream of reaching.

I also wonder if she will be writing using these "choices" games & books. I believe there is a romance one that has a story of a prince meeting American girl. Guessing they get married by the ad content.

Other places have guessed the "big news" is the selling of a family picture. People magazine was first mentioned earlier. Now it looks like they are hawking this picture to Harper's & other's. Is People magazine starting to lose interest in the harkle's?

Are they hawking paint-by-number kit's of themselves?

If I could remember mudslide manor's address I'd look it up on zillow. Someone posted it on another blog and IIRC it said that the property had a child's cottage and play area. Perhaps someone with a better memory can come up with the address. If so, I will gladly start researching.
Mel said…

I think it's 765 Rockbridge Rd, Montecito, CA
Mel said…

Lush greenery is everywhere — manicured lawns, Italian cypress trees, 100-year-old olive trees, blooming lavender, and tiered rose gardens. Also on the grounds are a tennis court, a children’s cottage and a guest house.
Mel said…
The Christmas card shows the playhouse with lots of grassy area around it.

Looking at their aerial views of the property I'm not seeing anyplace where it would be, out in the middle of a grassy area.

I wonder if they either took the photo at someone else's playhouse, or just made it up. Had the artist paint their bodies onto a prepainted scene.
YankeeDoodle said…
What should the Queen do with a problem like the HAMS?

If I was a rich Queen, deedle , doodle Deedle dum

Okay no more musicals. The Queen needs to be careful with both the HAMS and Prince Andrew. If titles are taken always from the SHAMS, then they will cry racist and say why not Prince Andrew too, and his divorced wife Sarah, Duchess of York? My fix would be the following (IF this story is even partly true):

Open a metaphorical cupboard, and put in the titles HRHs, Sussex, Dumbarton, etc., close the door and lock it. Tell the sHAMS that they are not allowed to use any title except for Prince Henry. No Princess Henry. She will be Ms Markle, or Ms Mountbatten-Windsor. Tell them if they sign new NDAs, behave, do not disparage any person in the family, sue any more people, etc., the cupboard contents will stay safe for an unknown amount of time. The first time the rules are broken, the cupboard contents will be put in the back of Buckingham Palace and burned, lost forever. Each year this will be renewed. And also include any fibs about Archie.

The same with Prince Andrew. Let Prince Andrew keep Prince, like Just H, but HRH and other titles like Duke of York will be put in another cupboard.

If Andrew is innocent of any crime, which he is, and never to ever open his mouth again in public, then his titles will be restored.

I believe this is the only way to go on for the Queen. No use of titles, but no stripping away. No, nada, nothing, that a reasonable person would consider an insult to crown and just as importantly, country, the taxpayers.

No more money from the Queen or Prince Charles. Zip. No skimming off of their charities, businesses, foundations, etc. Behave like the middle aged adults they are and one day titles might be returned.
Happy Camper said…
It’s my guess that not many nutties are surprised that Meghan and Harry are asking for a Megxit extension. I think this is purely a money issue and has nothing to do with their patronages, which are being used as
a cover for this request. It’s why they made sure to donate to a British charity (Mayhew), so as to attempt to maintain a flimsy connection to the UK.

They have agreements with Netflix and Spotify, but in order to get paid, they need to produce content of acceptable quality for these companies. That hasn’t happened, and it’s my guess they are running short on cash with no product for Netflix or Spotify.

The overhead to run the Sussex machine must be massive. They have a large public relations staff, likely legal and other assorted advisors, plus the cost for the mortgage, taxes, and daily upkeep of the mudslide mansion.

I truly hope HMTQ and Charles are not swayed by this attempt to manipulate the monarchy. The entire world has has to deal with the fallout from the pandemic and make do with what we have to work with. The Sussexes should not get special treatment, but they believe they are entitled to special treatment, so it will be interesting to see how much traction they get with whining and portraying themselves as victims of the virus. I think the timing of the release of story of the alleged miscarriage was a setup to the Megxit delay request.

They will keep lobbing passive-aggressive grenades at the RF whether or not they get their way or not. Meghan will always be a manipulative, destructive force in the RF as long as she draws breath, but if she and Harry lose some of their royally-funded oxygen, they may be hindered.

Happy Camper said…
Not Meghan Markle said...

I agree it could go that way, but I think Meghan knows the connection to Charles' bank account is going to be hard to replace.

@Not Meghan Markle:

I am hoping that Charles and HMTQ will remind the Sussexes that life has been tough all over, including sizeable financial hits to the incomes of the Duchy of Cornwall and to other royal coffers. It would provide a convenient reason for HMTQ and Charles to tell Harry and Meghan that they will receive no extension, no more funding and two pairs of scissors to start clipping grocery coupons like most other private citizens do when they want to save money or are short on funds due to unexpected life events. Time to grow up, kids.
Crumpet said…
Hello Nutties,

A crownsofbritain is up. Dec. 27th issue. Snarky, funny.
jessica said…
Being in their 30s without lucrative careers thus far, it’s no wonder they can’t afford their current lifestyle and commitments. The Monarchy can afford glitz and glam, but not early career builders.

I think they’ve gotten ahead of themselves because they were used to a certain lifestyle. I do think they need another $5MM to get through the next year. I don’t think they will get it. Whatever happens to them is a win for the Monarchy at this point. If things work out, great, if not, great.

Harris Jones said…

Much talk of the #Megxit duo requesting a 12-month extension. According to Sussex-friendly media: apparently to grovel for patronages. We know BRF want ties CUT re: Sussex initiated #Megxit.

Is this just another victim-centric PR ploy pitting the pair against the "big bad RF"?
AnT said…
Absolutely love your comments, and today is a gem.

Re David Foster...excellent point. And, he still imagines himself quite the ladies man, from appearances and history, and Is a narcissist too, with a younger wife. So I have to imagine he would cringe inside at being labeled the dad of a man pushing 40.

AnT said…
I am recalling my contact’s comment about not betting on MM if I were to make Boxing Day wagers. Hmm.

Do you think that she thinks she can force the royals into extensions via PR blasts. I hope the Theresa Longo Fans post is accurate (and they often seem to be) and that all this Harkle bluster and their stupid English cottage nativity scene Christmas card is met with a wall of ice.

@Yankee Doodle,
Love your solution for this mess. Brilliant, and fair. I hope someone suggests it to the Queen and Charles.

This comment has been removed by the author.
Maneki Neko said…

Sorry, I try to type quickly and don't get my meaning right. Megsy said the Queen was going to bake her a cake for her birthday,not that the Queen did bake her a cake. This was just one example of things that never happened.
Sylvia said…
@AntThank you
Dorias career changed like Grips face very often!
You have just reassured me about ur NFC we adopted him aged 7 months he was a rescue.No one guessed he was a pedigree fur like a scouring pad.
He is now 10 highly intelligent & an escape artist.

I recently watched an old 'Ealing' Comedy 'Kind Hearts and Coronets '
My husband commented that the leading character could be Drip!

Here is the synopsis
*Copied not my words (ie whip smart )

Kind Hearts and Coronets

The dark, whip-smart Ealing comedy

Set in 1900, Kind Hearts and Coronets tells the story of Louis Mazzini, a London draper's assistant and distant heir to the D'Ascoyne dukedom who decides to murder everyone standing between him and the family title in revenge for their cruel treatment of his mother ..

. But the great joy of Kind Hearts and Coronets is the way in which its appallingly black subject matter (considered beyond the pale by many critics at the time) is conveyed in such elegantly ironic turns of phrase

*I'm Not sure I agree with my husband's out off the blue he isn't much interested in the Royals ..

jessica said…

Yes I think Meghan thinks that. I also think Meghan is good at rewriting history and running the grift on unsuspecting deal makers.

Who really gives Meghan press, though? Not TMZ. DailyMail? Pretty low brow. NYTimes was shoved to the ‘Opinions’ section. The occasional mention in big time publications keeps her a hair above PR drowning.

Their actions in 2021 will need to be bigger and more desperate full of DRAMA to get any sort of attention. How can that happen if they are playing Pinterest Happy Families and Part Time Innocent Royals. A new child? Meh, kind of boring as it won’t be in a castle this time.

I kind of secretly hope Kris Jenner takes her on as a client. It won’t happen in a million years as Meghan is Queen Bee in her own world, but I’d love to see Kris and Jenner Communications manage this situation. My guess is Meghan’s Pr cost is too high with little to no return, so Kris probably isn’t interested.
Sylvia said…
*Maybe grip and drip could propose a remake of the film for their next Netflix project it does include Grips favourite word Kind in the title and the word coronet change that to tiaras ect.The plot we that Grip could rewrite easily ..?
jessica said…
And as was mentioned above, if there is a second child....Archewell?

I think they are done with kids. Meghan wants money not real family.
Girl with a Hat said…
someone started a petition at to ask the Queen not give them a Megxit extension.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
jessica said…
Another thing to point out:

Meghan and Harry have yet to do a *deal* where they own the content. They work for Netflix and work for Spotify. This means Meghan and Harry doubt the value they bring to the table. All deals they are doing are *dash and run*, based on her PR ad spin.

jessica said…
Sally, I’m pretty sure they were just shifting playhouse cottage sales via the Christmas Card. I don’t think it was meant to emulate the Queen, but if it was that’s just one more positive association for that merching deal. So, maybe.
jessica said…
And it’s either apart of Megxit that they cannot show Archie or merch Archie himself, or this was Meghan’s way of getting merch money from Archie while respecting Harry’s request to not use him In photographs. The Archie debate thickens....

(And BTW, the Archie debate is good for her constant need for PR and attention so who knows if we will ever find out the truth!)
xxxxx said…
Acquitaine said.....

Are they so emotionally unintelligent that they don't understand the backlash they will get if they try to stand with the BRF without apologising for their behaviour and their words regarding Britain, the British people and the British Royal Family?"

I think Harry has lived a lifetime of throwing tantrums to get his way and after each tantrum everyone carried on as if it hadn't happened without waiting on him to apologize.

That extension request seems like the usual expectation for him after his tantrums ie the family will accommodate him and smooth ruffled feathers while he gets on with his life of priviliges including his new demands being met without any apology to anyone. At best he offers regret that anyone was offended non apology, but not an actual, sincere apology or contrition.

I agree about Harry getting his way for years via tantrums and emotional blackmail down at a child's level. When Harry yelled out- "What Megan wants is what Meghan gets"
What Harry really meant is - "What Harry wants is what Harry gets"
jessica said…
Great find. Yes it looks to be the same cottage, but wow the real one is run down and ugly hidden behind all the shrubs. The Queens playhouse looks amazing. I’m super jealous lol! And also, I didn’t know Archie had a whole playground. I thought it was just the extravagant slide bit.

Thanks for sharing
Duncan said…
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Girl with a Hat said…
the petition at was removed for breaching user guidelines.
Girl with a Hat said…
Samantha Markle says that her book will finally be available on January 8th but will be able to be pre-ordered.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Not Megan Markle: Interesting take on things.

Markle needs a lot of money to keep up the plastic surgeries, botox treatments, hair extensions, etc., and all that will increase as she ages. I wonder what her price would be for a divorce settlement.
jessica said…
Sally, pretty sure that’s why they ‘ages’ Archie in the illustration (to sell to families with older 3-4 aged children). Yes I think they just added the plants on the roof to the illustration. The whole illustration is ‘colored’ in and edited. The plants around the cottage were clearly removed.
AnT said…

Your comment mentioning Kris Jenner managing MM raises an interesting potential plot twist.

Don’t you think Kris is the one force of California nature, perhaps the one power on the planet, that could bend and squash MM like a bug?

I do. Two ruthless mega narcissists who love money face off. But only one has the cash and contact list for a full on takedown, and only one has a brain. And that one is Kris.

Conversely maybe Kris might tempt MM with lots of much needed money and a part in a reality show, in exchange for pawning Kanye off on her to free Kim. Then, Kris would assess weak minded, lonely, newly divorced Harry, who is the sort of weak druggy male she likes to manipulate, and she would direct Kendall to marry him for a title grab.

With Kris directing, there would be no fluffs from thIs Kardashian bride. There would be smoother merching and all the beach and yacht and pool holidays with pretty drunk girls Harry could want. Meanwhile Megs would be Mrs Kanye with no where to run, and have to serve him and Kris forever. And that would be true karma.


You are my hero for saving pictures before they were scrubbed
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magatha Mistie said…

So sorry, I didn’t realise “an unremarkable slut”
was your masterpiece, perfection.

Cheers AnT

Puds X
Magatha Mistie said…

Connie and Snide

Robbing Hoods, Robbing Hoods
Deceiving yet again
Robbing Hoods, Robbing Hoods
Desperate for more yen
Just one more year, no bloody fear
Robbing cruds, Robbing duds
Robbing pseuds

jessica said…

Amazing plot write up. Kendall marrying Harry is genius! I would be delighted to watch that show! Or read about it in the DM lol


Great observation on Archie being used as a phantom figure as if they are honoring his legacy. Everything about their choices is creepy. If Archie exists or exited, and they wrote about a that really about Archie? I know I know, tin foil. I really believe anything is possible with MM.


I don’t know- an Article was in the DM the next day merching that playhouse and the company that built it I think. Some business was mentioned and the price.
Eowyn said…
@Magatha Mistie:

No worry. No offense was taken! Love your clever and ready poems. Keep them coming! 😊
Fun fact: I used to live near Tony Blair's home in Connaught Square, near marble arch. I'd go on long walks and when I'd pass his home there were always guards standing to attention and on his roof. Anyway, one day they made me stop suddenly on the sidewalk and I had to wait for Tony to arrive and exit his vehicle. He stopped on his way into his home and thanked me for the trouble. I found it odd, but fitting with how charismatic he is.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magatha Mistie said…

Not Meghan Markle

I stay in Seymour St when in London, walk past his house to get to the
Duke of Kendal pub.
Great location.
You go to the Duke of Kendal!! That's my favorite pub in the area. They have a great Roast Chicken (haha!).
Magatha Mistie said…

NMM, not tried the roast chicken, yet!! hehe!
Connaught village is a hidden gem.
I normally go back to the UK every year.
I spend a few days in London, re-union with Army friends,
theatre, museums, “fancy” afternoon teas,
and lots of shopping!
Unfortunately due to Covid not sure when I’ll be back?

Crumpet said…
@Not Meghan Markle and @Puds,

Wow, brush with greatness or rather celebrity former PMs on your [The] Journey through London town!

He and Madam seem to share some similar personal characteristics.

Blab about The Queen in books.

Irritate The Queen.

Inflate one's connections with Diana.

Tony Blair loves the spotlight and money, just as much as Madam does.

After his tenure as PM, he was angling for world peace, then hoping to get the plum position with the EU, then campaigning against Brexit and now making pronouncements re vaccines. Anything to be in the news and be relevant.

He has his big money making foundation and loves to fly around on private jets--no matter who owns the jets!

Why hasn't she gone after him!?

In a poll of UK citizens, who would be hated the most Tony Blair or Madam?
Superfly said…
Wild Boar - next time your pretentious friend talks about cooking pasta 'al dont' (their French pronunciation), you should innocently reply 'wow, you're so cool, I had no idea pasta should be cooked al dont, I always cooked it al DEN-TAY'.
Superfly said…
EWWWW Tony Blair!!???


Lol. Sorry (not sorry). If I ever ran into Tony Blair I'd ask him how it feels to start wars and destroy your country.....
That'd wipe that sociopathic joker-smile off his smug face in a second. But that's just me. I suppose I'm more Camden/Primrose Hill that way.

Superfly said…
Since other commenters have very Kindly posted firewall articles, here's one from The Spectator, I subscribe to. Enjoy.

Camilla Tominey
Most-read 2020: Warring Windsors – the real royal conflict
What looked like a peace summit at Sandringham was, in fact, an escalation of the feud

We're closing 2020 by republishing our ten most-read articles of the year. Here's No. 4: Camilla Tominey on the Prince of Wales

Three years ago, Sir Christopher Geidt departed as the Queen’s private secretary. For years, he had done much to hold The Firm together, but his influence was resented by Prince Charles. The festering acrimony between Buckingham Palace and Clarence House came to a head in 2017 when Geidt, a Cambridge-educated former Scots Guard, convened a meeting of staff to announce Prince Philip’s retirement without first consulting Charles’s aides. Geidt ended up being forced out after a decade of unwavering service. Many in the family — including the Princess Royal and Prince Edward — now blame straight-talking Lord Geidt’s absence for the bedlam that has since ensued.

Insiders described Geidt in reverential terms, praising him as an ‘extraordinary man manager’ and ‘strategic thinker’, who unlike some of his royal ‘principals’ had the ability to ‘see around corners’ and deftly handle internal palace politics with forceful subtlety. His replacement, Sir Edward Young, while respected and liked, is said to lack Geidt’s strength of personality. So, thanks largely to her eldest son, the Queen lost the only gatekeeper who was able to keep the warring Windsors in check.

The brothers do not really listen to the 'Papa' they seem to regard with affectionate ridicule
Many have questioned why, as William and Harry’s father and only living parent, Charles has not been able to broker peace between his once inseparable sons. The truth is the royal brothers do not really listen to the ‘Papa’ they have long seemed to regard with a degree of affectionate ridicule. Charles has always been desperate for the approval of his two self-confessed ‘mummy’s boys’ and so historically has had to bring in outsiders to read the riot act, such as their former joint private secretary Jamie Lowther-Pinkerton.

Charles’s aides asked William to praise his father’s role in the boys’ upbringing when the brothers appeared in documentaries to mark the 20th anniversary of their mother’s death. He refused. Only Harry paid a brief tribute. Then when it came to marking Charles’s 70th birthday in November 2018, it was Harry rather than William who gave a heartfelt speech to mark the milestone at a special garden party in the summer, thanking him on behalf of the nation for his 'incredible work'. Then in a documentary to mark the occasion, William lamented the fact that his children did not see more of their grandfather - seemingly concerned that history may repeat itself when it came to Charles’s absenteeism during his own childhood. Amid reports Kate’s parents Michael and Carole Middleton saw far more of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, Charles was said to have been upset when he found out William had jokingly started referring to his father-in-law as ‘Dad’. And then there was an unfortunate incident when a never-seen-before picture of Charles holding George as a baby accidentally made an appearance in a video clip released by Clarence House to mark Earth Hour in 2015. Notoriously privacy-obsessed William hit the roof.

So for a long time, Harry was always the closer of the two sons. But the future Prince of Wales, William is increasingly being brought into his father’s decision making. He has been spending a lot more time learning about the Duchy of Cornwall (which currently funds the Cambridges and the Sussexes as well as Charles and Camilla) and was heavily involved in the decision for the Duke of York to step back from public duties over the Jeffrey Epstein scandal last November. It seems the closer William has become to Charles, the more Harry has felt pushed out.

end of part 1
Superfly said…
Harry’s his own relationship with his father suffered a severe blow when, in agreement with the Queen, Charles refused to let the Sussexes set up their own ‘court’ at Windsor after they split their household from the Cambridges’ at Kensington Palace last spring. If William and Kate had their own fiefdom, why couldn’t he and Meghan? Ironically, by trying to keep them in the fold, Charles effectively gave the couple carte blanche to start operating in a silo.

The New Year release of a picture showing the Queen with her three heirs - Charles, William and George apparently only served to compound the Sussexes' sense of sequestration.

It is certainly telling that when Charles, famed for his love of ‘black spider’ memos, demanded that Harry commit his ‘North America’ blueprint to paper, the characteristically impatient and sometimes petulant ‘spare to the heir’ went straight to granny.

At first, the Queen agreed to meet her grandson at Sandringham last Monday for talks between the two of them. But the move was blocked by courtiers close to Charles, seemingly in the belief that Harry had tried to undermine him. What looked like a peace summit was, in fact, an escalation of the feuding. Tom Bradby, the ITV news anchor who knows both royal brothers well, later revealed that Harry was not only growing frustrated with the lack of urgency, but he was fearful that any written plans might be leaked to the press. That is how bad the situation has become. A form of peace may have been reluctantly brokered at the Sandringham summit, but the feuding continues.

It is hard not to feel sorry for Charles. He is an inherently benevolent man trying to act on behalf of his mother as both future sovereign and concerned father, without either the Queen, or seemingly his sons, giving him the real authority to do so. This is the tension that now lies under the royal household, and the drama over Harry will not be the last of it.

Camilla Tominey is an associate editor at the Daily Telegraph.
AnT said…
Connie and Snide!!! Hahaha oh amazing...the Robbing Hoods!

I wish for the Kendall-Hazza match if only to get MM out of our daily news feeds. Come on, Kris, Grant our wish, you can do it!

Your concept of them seemingly memorializing Archie & behaving as if honoring I never thought of that but definitely see it now.
AnT said…
Thanks so much for posting the Spectator piece by Camilla Tominey. Fascinating dissection of the issues.

Do you ever wobble back and forth over Charles as I do?

In one way, nice that he seems to have that “benevolent” nature and maybe that is much needed. On the other hand, terrible that he seems both weak and limp-fisted about his son’s awful behavior, so blind to their scam, so indulgent of the scorpion daughter-in-law. Especially while apparently being so schoolboy-vicious toward Lord Geidt and the York girls, and so obsessed with his own press. Overall he seems like a weak man lost in time with self-esteem issues, the firm-harming boss who can’t celebrate strong coworkers like Geidt, perhaps.

This does not bode well for the U.K. If the only towers of strength and decisive action within the royal household — Philip, Anne, and the appointed Geidt, and prior to them, the Queen Mum — are gone, tied back by birth order/gender, retired from service..... is the strength replacement factor? Where is the iron? Is the Queen strong, or does her silence and inaction mask something else? When do admit the spoiled, mentally challenged ginger prince is what he is and it is sad but he must be lopped off completely and left in LA, to save the monarchy?

What a moment for a viper like Megs to slither in as they dither, chew caramels, skulk out for tea, and pull each other’s hair.

KC said…

" My dad's wine cellar has all the supertuscans, Tignanello, Ornellaia, Sassicaia, etc, and never, ever, have I heard anyone, ever, refer to Tignanello as 'Tig'. I am not American, I am not Canadian, perhaps it's an across-the-Atlantic sort of thing, but you should all know that the G in Tignanello is silent. Like in Tagliatelle or gnocchi. Therefor I find it strange how anyone would refer to Tignanello as Tig, where the G is very prominent. Also because it sounds like an insect, like a tic, it sounds horrible. Why would anyone do that to such a special product?"

Superfly, I had wondered about that. I had a teacher in college whose name contained a "gl" and who carefully and pointedly explained to us on the first day "the G is silent." I guess whoever she was with when she tasted it, told her that as a joke.
Miggy said…
There's an article in the DM about Hillary Baldwin faking being of Spanish origin and someone posted this is the comments.

Andrea, buckingahm, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

I'm waiting for the one where Meghan Markle tells Prince Harry, when she met him at a party, that she didn't know who he was. This, despite (and I have a friend who worked on Suits) having her dressing room plastered with pictures of him and pulling in every favour to get invites to anywhere he would be.
Sylvia said…
Agree the abreviating of this special wine is mystifying If you drank such a goid wine why not use the film name or is it a Soho House slang name for this wine ?
Bolly for Bollinger champagne was lot used in the 90s a sitcom called abdouloutly fabulous used the name Boly fir a brand if expwnsive chsmpagne There us G&T .Perhaps MM was trying to copy this idea but it just sounds odd ignorant and demeaning for such a wine now in my opinion Iknow more with your
Knowledge of this wine
Perhaps the wine suppliers were disturbed by this newx name Tig' who knows? Can't imagine they would be impressed@
Sylvia said…
*@Superfly apologies for the typo)

Blithe Spirit said…

Great question! I think we "wobble back and forth" about Charles because essentially there are two personas. One is the avuncular, red-faced save the environment while exuding an air of goodwill personality that his PR pushes like mad. And then there is the petty, prone to jealous fits, and unable to retract errors in judgment because he darent admit to being fallible person who has become more and visible in spite of his phalanx of PR trying to make it disappear. He won't cut off Hapless and his slithery wife because that will mean admitting that he was taken in by their scammy behavior. And as William and Catherine rise in popularity he is going to feel increasingly more insecure.

He is going to be a disaster of a monarch.
SwampWoman said…
KC said...

" My dad's wine cellar has all the supertuscans, Tignanello, Ornellaia, Sassicaia, etc, and never, ever, have I heard anyone, ever, refer to Tignanello as 'Tig'. I am not American, I am not Canadian, perhaps it's an across-the-Atlantic sort of thing, but you should all know that the G in Tignanello is silent. Like in Tagliatelle or gnocchi. Therefor I find it strange how anyone would refer to Tignanello as Tig, where the G is very prominent. Also because it sounds like an insect, like a tic, it sounds horrible. Why would anyone do that to such a special product?"

It is a question that has crossed my mind as well. The conclusion that I came to is that since it was all a PR stunt designed to elevate her above the common plebes drinking Molson beer, it doesn't really matter. If it were me and I didn't want people to think that I didn't know how to pronounce it, I'd have abbreviated it to "Tign", but I'm not her target market.

I note that the blog started when she divorced her husband/started dating The Chef (or maybe the actual timeline was that she started dating the chef/divorced her husband). My opinion is that The Tign was more of a Corey snare showing that she was a foodie and shared his interests. I believe the "foodie" thing was much like how much she adored camping and peeing in bushes in Africa with the Spare although (thank the Divine Being of your choice) she didn't start a blog about it. Once she got that ring, no more camping or watering bushes. Sad, really. She does need to do a few articles about how she saves all their urine to fertilize the plants at Mudslide Manor and all of the rest of Montecito should do likewise.
OKay said…
I think it's highly unfair to place the blame on Charles for his sons' current lack of relationship. My brother and I both love our mother dearly, but we despise each other and will hardly be "getting along" just because she says so.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Blithe Spirit said...

Great question! I think we "wobble back and forth" about Charles because essentially there are two personas. One is the avuncular, red-faced save the environment while exuding an air of goodwill personality that his PR pushes like mad. And then there is the petty, prone to jealous fits, and unable to retract errors in judgment because he darent admit to being fallible person who has become more and visible in spite of his phalanx of PR trying to make it disappear. He won't cut off Hapless and his slithery wife because that will mean admitting that he was taken in by their scammy behavior. And as William and Catherine rise in popularity he is going to feel increasingly more insecure.

He is going to be a disaster of a monarch.

The two personas that I see are those that are created by people that have their own agendas and no first hand knowledge. Since I cannot rely on the published reports, I look at what the person has actually done. I see PC as a conservator that wants to preserve what is good about England, not as a destroyer.
AnT said…
Ooooooooh fabulous juice! I absolutely believe it, too, as she certainly seems to be a stalker, one with the mind of a 13 year old. And, this could account for the awkward endless silence from her former Suits coworkers. They saw, or heard, and know. And know the rest of her lunacy from working with her. I would think the BRF may have access to this information, too. But, H view it as a compliment? And how does it square with her efforts to attract William? I suppose the walls of her dressing room were her 90s-style “vision board.” Yikes.

@Blithe Spirit,
I agree. Charles will be an utter disaster when/if he becomes the next monarch.
AnT said…
I can appreciate what you are saying about Charles.

But his rent increases on his freehold tenants on Scilly. Even with reinvestment, or some cases of emergency rent mitigation, it was an unpleasant thing for the Duchy to do in 2020, and while he is shoveling cash into the burners of the useless Harkles’ bloated lifestyle.

In my view, protecting what is good about England also must include protecting its people. If Charles can see fit to sacrifice the tenants for the good of conservation, he should be able to sacrifice the nearly 40-year-old, jet setting, lazy Harkle toddlers too. Otherwise....
SwampWoman said…
Blogger OKay said...
I think it's highly unfair to place the blame on Charles for his sons' current lack of relationship. My brother and I both love our mother dearly, but we despise each other and will hardly be "getting along" just because she says so.

Yes, this. In fact, the parental unit(s) becoming involved only exacerbates the problem. After the parents are long dead, the children will still argue about who mom or dad liked best.
Acquitaine said…
On the subject of Charles as Monarch i think the success of The Princes Trust and duchy of Cornwall under his tenure indicates a good steward. His views on organic farming, the environment and architecture were once thought to be wacky, crazy ideas and yet are now considered completely normal and desirable.

As a person he is wet, self-indulgent and self-absorbed which is standard for almost every heir / monarch with rare exception.

At least he doesn't have the character flaws that David or the Prince Regent had. Nor is he as disastrous an heir as Bertie ( Victoria's heir) was during his long 60yrs' wait.

As heir in waiting he has been much more productive than any of his predecessors and actually made the title worth something tangible beyond it's status.

William may be of sterner personal stuff, but so far nothing has come of the Cambridge title geyond producing more heirs.

Charles started the Princes Trust at 28yrs of age. He took personal responsibility of tue duchy of Cornwall at 21yrs old when it was a negative concern. He had very clear ideas about what he needed to do and hired yhe right team to get it done.

His personal life is a disaster, but so is almost every heir / monarch before him. However, being King might fibally sort that out because it is a different set of expectations and rules and constraints than geing the heir. It certainly made Bertie, Victoria's heir.

And if he can not cut off the Sussexes, the processes and laws in place will do it for him. His own self-regard doesn't extend to cutting off his nose to spite his face to support anything that endangers his place in the world.
Girl with a Hat said…
I heard that Charles ships his furniture to friends' houses when he is invited for the weekend. He isn't invited as much as he would like, I expect.

How can he be so self-indulgent when his mother and father are so stoic? Is it his form of rebellion? And, if it is, he can hardly expect his own children to fall into line, can he?
Weekittylass said…
Charles will have to sacrifice that particular branch of the family, along with Andrew, in order to secure his place and the Monarchy. That will be the only way to somewhat calm the rumblings of republicans. Duty to country, for a King, must always, always come first.
Acquitaine said…
As a father, Charles might find it personally impossible to cut off the Sussexes, but his aides are not stupid and they have seen off the Sussexes on several occasions.

Every time the Sussexes want something, they try directly contacting The Queen. They confirmed these leaks and their attempted manoeuvres around Charles in FF.

It's been said often enough that Charles's financial help is coming out of his personal fortune which is separate from the duchy of Cornwall.

Legally he would be in alot of trouble if he used duchy money to support the Sussexes and they were foolish in advertising the potential source of Charles's funding of their lifestyle. The Royal charter of the duchy specifically says that the duchy provides income for the duke of CORNWALL in his work for the Crown. It is not suppised to support any other dukes. This is why Charles doesn't and has never financialoy support his siblings or parents even as a child. The Queen had to get parliamentary permission to use duchy funds for Charles when ye was under age.

Charles gets around this wording in order to suppirt the Cambridges and Sussexes by listing them as 'household expenses' and splits hairs by claiming their expenses are in service to the crown.

A lawyer could have a field day with this fiction if it is ever challenged.

Sadly for the Sussexes, this fiction can't be maintained now that they are ex-royals and in California. They stupidly bragged about duchy money which forced Charles to clarify publicly that wasn't the case. Many eyes are watching that distinction.

A quickly removed article about their LA security revealed that any money Charles was giving them beyond the 1yr promised sum was a loan which was to be used for security.

As for the raised rents, it is not as simpke as Charles secretly funding the extravagant Sussexes. the duchy's commercial activities were severely curtailed by covid restrictions. Everything from farming to sports arenas to office blocks were shut down. The rents are the only money generating corner of the duchy and it's subsiding rest of the duchy activities hence the raised rents.

The duchy of Lancaster is sufferring the same because a big chunk of it's assets are town centres which have closed.

The other comparable landowning people with a side of commercial investments eg dukes of Westminster, Rutland, Devonshire and Northumberland and they are all reporting similar downturn for the same reasons and raising rents to subsidise the rest of their outfits.

Only foreign landowners whose primary wealth is generated either abroad or in a different industry eg the Sheikh of Dubai can afford to keep their rents low.

Acquitaine said…
" Girl with a Hat said...
I heard that Charles ships his furniture to friends' houses when he is invited for the weekend. He isn't invited as much as he would like, I expect.

How can he be so self-indulgent when his mother and father are so stoic? Is it his form of rebellion? And, if it is, he can hardly expect his own children to fall into line, can he?"

Yes it's true. He was raised (nee indulged) by the Queen Mother. A woman who lived her entire life like a wealthy Edwardian lady from the era she inhabited in her first 2 decades and refused to compromise an inch on her lifestyle no matter the era or state of the nation.

Charles is merely copying his grandmother in living like a wealthy Edwardian gentleman.

His siblings, for all their faults, never developed this particular tic. Then again, the Queen mother wasn't especially interested in them and so they didn't pick up her habits.

SwampWoman said…
@AnT: But his rent increases on his freehold tenants on Scilly. Even with reinvestment, or some cases of emergency rent mitigation, it was an unpleasant thing for the Duchy to do in 2020, and while he is shoveling cash into the burners of the useless Harkles’ bloated lifestyle.

From what I've read, @90% of the rents are put back into Scilly for improvements which gives it a better putting-money-back-into-the-community rate than most charities. Is Prince Charles obligated to run it as a charity? No. Is he obligated to run it as I, a foreigner, *think* it should be run? Again, no. I have no idea of the costs associated with keeping the islands scenic, but I would expect that they are considerable. Most scenic places *here* are being paved over by developers as the people in the north flee to the south.
SwampWoman said…
Acquitaine said: As for the raised rents, it is not as simpke as Charles secretly funding the extravagant Sussexes. the duchy's commercial activities were severely curtailed by covid restrictions. Everything from farming to sports arenas to office blocks were shut down. The rents are the only money generating corner of the duchy and it's subsiding rest of the duchy activities hence the raised rents.

The duchy of Lancaster is sufferring the same because a big chunk of it's assets are town centres which have closed.

The other comparable landowning people with a side of commercial investments eg dukes of Westminster, Rutland, Devonshire and Northumberland and they are all reporting similar downturn for the same reasons and raising rents to subsidise the rest of their outfits.

Only foreign landowners whose primary wealth is generated either abroad or in a different industry eg the Sheikh of Dubai can afford to keep their rents low.

Indeed. It isn't just Prince Charles that has had to raise rents; it is ALL property owners/managers. It would be difficult in my location to find a place with indoor toilets and running water for under $2,000 per month.
@Swamp Woman.@AnT

I'm puzzled - Come again?

`But his rent increases on his freehold tenants on Scilly...'

In England, freeholder holds their property free of all financial & other obligation other than to pay the taxes of the land (eg those imposed by Inland Revue [eg Income tax, Inheritance Tax) & local authority {Council Tax).

Leaseholders buy the right to occupy a property for the term of the lease but are liable for other charges [eg annual ground rent] payable to the overall owners.

In Scotland, something called `feu duty' may still exist, I'm not sure if the Scottish Government has done away with it yet. That's where you buy your house but still pay an annual sum to the landowner, a bit like English leasehold, but I think there's always the opportunity to `buy out' the landlord and I'm not sure if there's a limit on the time you can occupy the property for. The clue's in the name - one is a kind of feudal tenant but at least these days one doesn't have to work for the landlord or give him military service!

I once read somewhere that Diana's father, Earl Spencer, had properties on the Isle of Wight subject to `feu duty' arrangements - I've no idea if that still applies.

Tenants pay rent, although the landlord has obligations with regard to some aspects of maintenance.

As for Scilly, ' The freehold land of the islands is the property of the Duchy of Cornwall (except for Hugh Town on St Mary's, which was sold to the inhabitants in 1949)' (Wikipedia).

Everyone else is a leaseholder or rent-paying tenant. People who assume they have bought the freehold of a property outside Hugh Town, and then discover it's leasehold, must have had a solicitor who didn't do due diligence or they didn't understand the T&Cs when they were explained.

It's an error that could easily be made on the mainland. I notice on BBC's `Escape to the Country' when potential purchasers are shown around `ridiculously cheap' smart apartments in old houses/hospitals, it is seldom explained that they can expect all manner of extra annual charges (eg ground rent, buildings' maintenance, grounds maintenance) over which they have no control, leaving them open to exploitation.

There's quite a scandal now over newly-built houses under the `shared ownership' scheme, whereby the developer builds almost with a view to imposing exorbitant annual charges but the leaseholders can't escape by selling because people are wise to it now.

We're Freeholders, wouldn't touch anything else.
Sylvia said…
More unrelentinhg PR nonsense this time in Hello re theur Christmas card

HELLO! > Homes


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Christmas card isn't all it seems – DETAILSThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex featured in the image with their son Archie


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle released another festive family Christmas card along with their 18-month-old son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor this year, but the playhouse seen in the image isn't as significant as you may have thought.

The photo, shared on the Mayhew charity's social media accounts, showed the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and Archie posing in front of the feature in the garden of their home in Montecito. It was believed that the playhouse was a custom commission for the couple's young son, but in actual fact, it came with the home and was detailed within the original listing on US property website, Zillow.

SEE: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's £11million home is full of hidden references - see inside


WATCH: Prince Harry opens up about life in LA as he films inside home

It read: "The estate sits on an approximate 7.38 acre site," and goes on to reference the "children's cottage" as well as various other garden features including "tiered rose gardens, tall Italian cypress trees, blooming lavender, century old olive trees, a tennis court, tea house, and a pool

Apologies if tbis Frigmore or article has been posted before it was added to today's story

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle's home Frogmore Cottage is a haven for baby ArchieThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex were gifted the property from the Queen


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle moved into their home Frogmore Cottage on the Queen's Windsor estate in April 2019, shortly before their son Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor was born. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex kept the property as their UK base after their decision to step back from royal duties and move to North America earlier this year, and as it remains as their private home, there are few details about the interiors. What we do know, though, suggests that much of the design has been steered to suit baby Archie.

READ: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's new £11million home is full of hidden references


WATCH: Inside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's stunning former LA house

It’s situated in front of an incredible lake and Frogmore House, where the couple hosted their wedding reception in May 2018, and is listed as a Grade-II building. Inside, it is reported that there are five bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a nursery for Archie. No doubt, the couple will have put a lot of effort into making Archie's room perfect, with the whole renovation in 2019 costing the Sovereign Grant a reported £2.4million

Sylvia said…
Just a guess that the story People mags reportedly is sitting on could be the announcement of
a Netflix fly on the wall documentary no holds barred ,never before seen or heard. revealing pictures .films .conversations between the various ir Senior members of the Royal family.Documentary filmed & recorded during the period 2016-2020
Maybe it's just on hold waiting until PC fold or coughs up another year or 5 years worth of higher allowances conditions demanded by the Harkles until Harry received his inheritance aged 40? Just my imagination pure specation tbis would not be feasible?
Anything preferable to another 12 month pregnancy announcement
Girl with a Hat said…

I find this clip interesting because NBC News comfirms that Meghan gifted Catherine a knife for Christmas. Also, Victoria Marther says that Meghan is "five clicks up from trailer trash". That always brightens my day.

By the way, Samantha Markle says that her forthcoming book, due out on January 8th, "please Buckingham Palace enormously".
Girl with a Hat said…
will please Buckingham Palace.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid: Everyone else is a leaseholder or rent-paying tenant. People who assume they have bought the freehold of a property outside Hugh Town, and then discover it's leasehold, must have had a solicitor who didn't do due diligence or they didn't understand the T&Cs when they were explained.

It's an error that could easily be made on the mainland. I notice on BBC's `Escape to the Country' when potential purchasers are shown around `ridiculously cheap' smart apartments in old houses/hospitals, it is seldom explained that they can expect all manner of extra annual charges (eg ground rent, buildings' maintenance, grounds maintenance) over which they have no control, leaving them open to exploitation.

Indeed. When I was reading Scilly complaints, I noted that there were people complaining that they didn't know that they couldn't sell the houses with the extravagant improvements that they had made to it. I was just left shaking my head wondering what sort of special idiots are they? They should take their contract out and look at it again.

If a person is unable to read a contract, they should hire somebody that can. Never take anybody's word for what is in the contract, READ (and understand) THE CONTRACT.
Sylvia said…

Meghan Markle's best friend Jessica Mulroney announces plan to 'resurrect' project to 'mentor small female founded businesses in Canada' - after halting work following race row

By Harriet Johnston For Mailonline10:12, 28 Dec 2020 , updated 14:37, 28 Dec 2020

Jessica Mulroney, 40, from Toronto, announced plan to 'resurrect' organisationThe stylist said she hoped to restart work on The Female Empowerment ProjectShe plans to 'help women starting small businesses in Canada' with mentors   Halted project after she was at centre of Black Lives Matter race row in JuneWas accused of using her ‘white privilege’ against black social media influencer

Here's one of the comments

Mary, Scarborough, 15 minutes ago

Jessica is best known to DM readers as the person who mentored a relatively unknown actress as she climbed the social ladder in Canada and signed on to do "charity" work in order to have a suitable resume as a potential royal bride while she was stalking Prince Harry

Meghan Markle's BFF Jessica Mulroney announces 'resurrect' project
SwampWoman said…
Girl with a Hat said: By the way, Samantha Markle says that her forthcoming book, due out on January 8th, "will please Buckingham Palace enormously".

Perhaps PC should send HER the Markle's allowance.
Acquitaine said…
@puds: Charles is not and has never been a billionaire. The duchy is valued at close to a £1B, but that is not his personal wealthy, and most of that is assets rather than cash.

His lifestyle is heavily subsidised by the state including the duchy, but this is the one situation where the false ascertion that he owns the duchy has come to bite him because the public at large thinks he is personally wealthy from it and therefore an increase in rènts is a callous decision he made to continue living extravagantly on duchy money. This is far from the truth. Not only does he not own the duchy, he can't make any decision to dispose of or rearrange assets to benefit his tenants.

You just have to go back to his divorce to know he doesn't own the duchy nor can he liquify any of it's assets without govt permission.

At the time it was valued at £1/2B which was more than enough to fund Diana's divorce settlement by at least £100M. Instead he had to scramble to empty his bank accounts, borrow money from The Queen AND sell off personal artworks in order to cough up the paltry £17M that she got.

It's not a good look for him to raise rents, but there isn't a single landowner who rents their property who isn't doing the same if it helps keep their overall business afloat.
Acquitaine said…
@puds: You have made a point that is overlooked (nee buried) that always makes my blood boil namely the annual grant for building maintenance and repair.

This is a sum in millions granted or earmarked from the Queen's annual government money currently the Sovereign grant.

This is a sum that she's received every year since she became Queen. And yet the buildings have fallen into such disrepair that BP now requires close to £400M in additional funding to refurbish it.

What happened to that grant money? Why does Historic Royal Palaces charity require funding from pricate citizens instead of receiving this grant? Their job is to repair and maintain the royal buildings. Same function as this grant. Eg They repaired KP over a 4yr period between 2008-2012 via 100% private funding.

And after painstakingly repairing apartment 1A, they were removed from that space to give it to the Cambridges who spent a further £4.5M on it from a sum earmarked for BP.

And if you read the Sovereign Grant accounts, as of 2yrs ago, a mysterioys new account has appeared therein called the *reserve account. It's funded by the surplus money from each year's annual BP refurbishment grant. Any money not used on BP for each year is simply transferred to the SG reserve account to be used at The Queen's descretion and without oversight instead of transferring it back to the treasury. In the 2yrs since it appeared, it's upto £44M.

*10% of the Crown estates are earmarked annually for BP refurbishment which started 2yrs ago and is scheduled to take 10yrs altogether.

I strongly suspect this is the fund paying for the Sussexes extravagance in the past 18mths prior to stepping down. And we saw alot of sudden extravagant property refurbishments out of the Sovereign Grant eg £1M used to resurface the road/ carpark of KP even though the official line is that no extra money outside of 15% is being used. The Queen has a sudden secret slush fund in that reserve account.

And come 8yrs later we shall find that sadly BP refurbishment wasn't completed on time because no money available as only the current year's money in any given year is counted.

And she's still receiving the annual repair and maintenance grant throughout all this.
Acquitaine said…
"Girl with a Hat said…

I find this clip interesting because NBC News comfirms that Meghan gifted Catherine a knife for Christmas. Also, Victoria Marther says that Meghan is "five clicks up from trailer trash". That always brightens my day."

I remember this clip. Everyone was so outraged that she called Meghan trash. I was more disturbed by the presentbof a knife. So sinister and hostile thing to gift someone you don't know.

Anecdotally, it's interpreted as a severing of any relationship and a declaration of hostilities.

On the gossip front, Victoria Mather is a society journalist who writes for Tatler, Vanity Fair, Vogue and Vogue travel which made her comment of Meghan's background really vicious because it speaks to societal view of Meghan no matrer how many airs she gives herself.
Girl with a Hat said…
AnT said…
@WBBM, sorry I wrote that poorly. I meant the tenants residing on his freehold land. Not that they are freehold yet tenants. You are absolutely right.

I don’t mean to suggest that he should run a charity. I am saying that while publicLy shoveling cash to the Harkles, consider his vLues as well as the optics, if he is in the mood to shovel cash, perhaps using some of the massiveHarry dowry (which seems to be what it is, paid to the cocksure spouse known as Meghan for care of the family lunkhead) toward the tenants would lessen the rent increases — versus handing it all to Megs for her Botox. Yes, Charles has built up the Duchy well, but like some CEO, seems to have a damaging nepotism, or pretty secretary, blind spot. We’re there not a pandemic, and were MM not a mad snake, I likely would not even be putting this thought out there.

Apart from that, the seed wealth of Charles results from his fortune to be born royal, just as other children may benefit from being born into wealthy or connected or uniquely talented families. The difference is, again, that Charles is a royal, a future king. In addition to being a sort of Duchy CEO, his job is to help bolster national unity, or shore up national stability. To secure the castle and its village. He is “up there” with this implicit task on his shoulders. For that reason, and as he is a modern age even if he lives like an Edwardian as pointed out by a poster above, it would be nice if he found a better way to handle the Harkles and their costs as related to the optics of leadership and the good of people in a Covid era.

Yes many landlords must raise rents, and can do so. But just as he wishes to be seen as a leadership voice in farming and in architecture, he might think about his position and potential for doing good as a very public landlord, within a strange and hopefully finite period of unsettling time, and handling the extravagant, loud. non-working toddlers buzzing at his shoulder with their plastic worthless wasteful lifestyle.

He is not just a landlord or a farmer or a CEO. That is, to me, the difference.


I think Charles (and Camilla) are offended that Prince Harry followed Meghan and flat out quit the Royal family. It was looked as to not be supporting his confidante and brother, the future King William.

I'd be surprised if Charles was so soft so soon on the Duo. It was a massive action they took, and they will suffer the cold shoulder for a long time.

If Harry and Meghan are literally asking for handouts and funding, again, that is their problem. I'm sure Charles and Camilla ask where the $5MM went, as the Duo could easily live off Harry's money and trusts without *working*. Having to explain how they ran through the cash on PR, Hollywood Career, etc...I don't think his family is that stupid.

They know the basic costs they live by, and Meghan has always exceeded those by X amounts. I don't think Charles or the BRF are feeling sympathy towards them in any capacity. They can always sell their home and downsize to something in the $5MM range.
Superfly said…
Puds - I have thought many times 'be careful what you wish for' when it comes to MM, but not because she wanted to marry a prince. I really do not think she ever thought that far. Nobody could have.

What she really wanted, was to be famous. At any cost. She would have married an elderly billionaire, a heroin addicted Chinese heir, a muslim son of some totalitarian ruler, anyone. Fame was what she always wanted. Fame is what she got. But not on her terms.
So yes, be careful what you wish for Meghan. You're famous now. How does it feel?

well said!

the line "and then found out he was not a billionaire or close" made me think. IIRC, in the original of the mOS lawsuit, one of her arguments was that the royals weren't really that rich and that she didn't really have a privileged life...or something like that.
xxxxx said…
I have read that the Queen is worth a billion dollars when you include all the land, artworks, jewelry that she owns. If you think this is too high then cut the billion in half. I understand that her net worth is "tied up" but she could always sell off some to raise some tens of millions. This is what aristocrats with declining family fortunes have always done. This is what ordinary people do, such as pawning wedding rings, selling off automobiles.

I'll bet that if the Royal financial books were opened up the English people would revolt. I like the Royals but I'll bet their finances are shot through with sleazy book keeping and massive self dealing. They think this is normal because they have done it this way for centuries.

Perhaps this is what Megs is blackmailing the RF on. Via what Dims blabbed to her.
Jdubya said…
IF Avocado is Megsy (like i think), who is cucumber?

blind gossip

Teasmade said…
@Jdubya: Hilaria ("Hilary") Baldwin.
Jdubya said…
Teasmade - i wondered if it might be her since she is recently in the news. thank you
Teasmade said…
@Jdubya: It's a really silly story, isn't it? I mean, with everything else that's going on.

I agree she could be up to some weird witchcrafty stuff. I know another ENFJ who is personally a big fan of MM (whom.I've pegged as an ENFJ), and herself a bit screwed up morally and ethically, and into the witchcraft. She's a relative I don't associate with often.

Anyway I can see that for MM.


The Royal family should have massive finance team handling the assets, a private family office. The Queen and her brand are in the billions. Her personal net worth, if managed well, should exceed a billion in the coming years. The rich are getting increasingly richer after all.

Regardless of the amount, they are wealthy. Prince Harry has money. Nothing is ever enough for a narc though.
Girl with a Hat said…

Your theory is interesting. It was rumoured that Meghan had a long standing paying relationship with Steve Mnuchin who was Secretary of the Treasury or Finance Minister under Trump. Maybe she learned something from him regarding the secrets of the wealthy and powerful.
Miggy said…
The Harkles are re-hiring again...

eam Megxit reunion: Two Palace aides who lost jobs in March are back on Sussexes’ payroll in couple’s hiring spree.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

I too have read that Steve Mnuchin was - allegedly, of course ;) - one of her 'acquaintances' from her yachting days.
YankeeDoodle said…
Crazy Alec Baldwin and his insistence that Twitter haters are the reason behind his mentally disturbed wife Hilaria not being Spanish, or even white, is completely “Who do you believe, me or your lying eyes?” Both the two belong in institutions, but I also blame the media for keeping up with all their lies, never to say, as I knew five years ago from some paper or magazine, that Hilaria was born in the U.S.A., named Hilary Hayward -Thomas. The knowledge was everywhere on the Internet. For ten years the two sickos have denied the truth, laughing at everyone because MSM would not print the truth. The same with most of Hollywood, about half of politicians, and others who blatantly tell lies, which leads up to the not HAMS, but their new name for me, the SHAMS.

When will the media stop pretending the SHAMS are in the land of OZ, and that there is an Emerald City where the SHAMS might live in a hideous Santa Barbara faux Mediterranean mansion, with hundreds of millions pouring in? Poor born-by-surrogate Archie, with soon to be operated upon eyes to correct his vision, and then shown off with a red wig with glossy photos by the soon to go under People magazine?

If you keep telling the same lie over and over again, people believe it is true. Shame on all the “media” who literally are vomitourisis, like those of the Roman Collosseum, vomiting forth people from the arches outside the arena? Why write fake stories? Why say Spotify will pay $150 million bucks, Spotify $50 million? Everything that comes out of the SHAMS are known as lies, or gross exaggerations. Yet the Royal family is racist because of what? Where in the world, anybody tell me, where and how the royals treated Meghan as anything but a nice in-law who married the hugely understood man-toddler with difficulties in knowing right from wrong, A from B, brush strokes and paint splatters, nice girls from aging bleached skinned, weave wearing, three nose job, screamingly angry who burns staff with boiling water, concusses other staff with porcelain thrown at faces and foreheads, and much worse yacht (dingy” girl who is only known for giving many simulated bjs on tv?
Acquitaine said…
We shall never know what The Queen or Charles are truly worth because they took steps to legally exclude their finanacial information from public scrutiny or the FOI act or any investigations into their wealth.

All this happened just as the FOI act was coming into being in the 00s.

Anyone who occupies the position of Monarch or Heir is automatically shielded by law.

The publicly visible parts of tgeir wealth are more than likely the parts they hold in trust for the British people ie not their private property.

The only 2 privately held assests that we know belong to the Queen absolutely are Sandrigham and Balmoral. Everything else is guesswork and speculation.
Acquitaine said…
@YankeeDoodle, there is a saying..... if you tell a big enough lie and repeatedly keep telling it, people believe it.

There is another saying that a lie will travel 3/4 ways around the world before the truth has exited the door.

Between the 2 sayings, lies are easily believed and hard to dislodge even when truth is revealed.
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Magatha Mistie said…

Jaw Ride

Rollin’, Rollin’, Rollin’
Keep that PR Trollin’
Claw Cried....
Miggy said…

Declaring Donations (again) And Petty-Minded Harry
Midge said…
Can picture Johnny Cash singing your lyrics! Love your renditions...
Magatha Mistie said…

Midge, a quickie before I start cleaning 😉

Nothing could be finer than to
boo Megs and her Whiner in the morning
Nothing could be sweeter than to see her
Sugs defeater in their dawning...

Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harris Jones said…

This foreign born C- list actress/celebrity who is really only famous for who she once dated in the past and whose name seems completely made up, got a Christmas card from her ex. She also got the most expensive thing in her wedding registry from him too. I bet his former A- list actress wife doesn't have a clue about either. Cressida Bonas/Prince Harry/Meghan Markle
Midge said…
I saw your photos when you posted them. The arrow clearly pointed out the little playhouse.
Magatha Mistie said…

Sally, yes I saw the photos, thanks.
Not sure what to think.
Who knows what churns in madams
febrile mind. Could be copying the Queen,
or Megs version of the Nativity, Megativity!!

Magatha Mistie said…

@Harris Jones

Nah, A-list actress wife, hahahaha!

Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Harris Jones said…
Oh Magatha Mistie, I didn't see that part! apologies!
Duncan said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I was trying to figure out why Grip and Drip and their recent hat donation bothered me so much (besides it being an obvious cheap way to buy some positive PR).

And then it hit me. I can't really remember anyone else blowing their own horn about charity contributions/acts. Brad Pitt fin ally acknowledged his 30+ trips to help with food distribution after Harry brought cameras to his one 10 minute contribution--complete with looking absolutely clueless what he should do (as opposed to Brad who was photographed with a hand truck stacked with boxes. ).

It kind of reminds me of the time (and only time) Drip said something along the lines of "why shouldn't one benefit (implied financially) from helping others?" He only said it once and it quickly disappeared. It struck me as Grip speak justifying the unsavory use of charities to finance themselves.
Mel said…
Sally1975 said...
I did see those and meant to comment.

I noticed the tree behind the house in your photos, which seemed to tie in with the Christmas card, the way a branch was going up and off to the side.

I think the fringe of greenery on the front eave was perhaps artistic license.

Pretty cool that you happened to save those before they were scrubbed!!

I wouldn't too much about people not responding. That happens to me all the time! I don't think it's anything personal. :-)
Louise said…
Another, very unfortunate case of getting Markled:

"The family of Loujain al-Hathloul, one of Saudi Arabia’s most prominent women’s-rights activists and a University of B.C. graduate, wants Canada and its allies to keep speaking out against the kingdom’s human-rights violations after their sister was sentenced to nearly six years in prison on terrorism-related charges."

"Ms. al-Hathloul’s activism landed her a Nobel Peace Prize nomination and extensive media coverage, such as a Vanity Fair photo shoot in Ottawa next to future Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle."

If Markle was the feminist that she pretends to be, she would be on top of this. But she only gets behind causes that are popular in the USA, so that she can milk the publicity.

Louise said…

" Meghan Markle’s activist friend locked up in Saudi Arabia and ‘tortured with electric shocks and waterboarded by Khashoggi hitman’

Alia al-Hathloul said her sister, Loujain, had been waterboarded, given electric shocks and threatened with rape and murder"

And not one peep from Markle.

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