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Are we nearing something big? The media's attitude towards the Sussexes is changing

 I've often asked myself why I first got interested in Sussex watching. 

I think it was because it was so obvious to me that Meghan was a fraud and a fake, and I couldn't figure out why it wasn't obvious to everybody

In particular, why did both the celebrity media and the legitimate press so loudly adore Meghan? Why did they applaud her shabby wedding with its ill-fitting gown and tumbledown cake? Why didn't they notice her changing bump sizes in their own photos?

Over time, the celebrity media's reason for cooperation became understandable - they were being either pressured or paid by Sunshine Sachs, although it's still not clear to me who is funding Sunshine Sachs or why. And the legit press wanted to avoid being too harsh on the "first Black princess."

Since the release of the "Lilibet Diana" name, however, things seem to be changing.

Left-wing outlet loses patience

"Meghan and Harry's baby name Lilibet, Queen Elizabeth's nickname, is at best tone deaf" wrote NBCNews' THINK feature section on Monday after the name was released. 

THINK is proudly left-wing: one of its previous articles was titled "Meghan and Harry experienced discriminatory gaslighting. Here's how you can tell."

But even its editors seem to have lost patience with Meghan. 

Palace speaks out

Today's scuffle with the BBC and Palace sources on one side and the Sussexes on the other is another sign of changing times. 

The BBC, citing palace sources, says the Queen was not consulted about the use of her childhood nickname "Lilibet"; the Sussexes and their expensive lawyers Schillings (and who is paying for them?) insist that she was.

Given the Sussexes' record, most people seem inclined to believe the BBC, the Martin Bashir story aside.

Does Baby Lilibet even exist?

As many readers of this blog have pointed out, there's not any evidence at this point that baby "Lilibet" even exists. 

No photos have been released; neither has a birth certificate. A California hospital has been named as tje site of the birth, but they cannot speak out because of medical privacy laws. (There's also a good chance it has some ties to Sunshine Sachs.)

@Torontopaper1, which has had some previous "scoops" about the Sussexes, suggests that this is a case of a surrogate baby who has not yet been born. A Tumblr blogger has posted images that suggest that photos of Meghan's various "bumps" in two different sizes were actually taken on the same day. 

How tempting it must be at Kensington Palace or even Clarence House to release some information (or give the media the green light to release it) that would expose the Sussexes for who they really are.


Henrietta said…
CDAN has a post about MM's not accompanying Harry to the Diana statue unveiling, and there's a comment on it that's interesting.

It's in response to "Maryslittlelamb" who posted a screen shot, seemingly of Angela Levin's Twitter account, reading, "I hear Meghan and Harry are in trouble for not coming up with the goods for Spotify. See The Sun tomorrow." It's accompanied by another graphic of the piece of text that's been posted in a couple places about one of their contracts: MM's verbally abusing low-end staff, having an affair, jhow o one wants to have anything to do with them, etc.

Then there's this:


3 hours ago

She [Angela Levin] deleted it right after posting it. Before she deleted her tweet people screenshotted it. Maybe you can go on twitter and ask her why she deleted the tweet. Or wait two hours to see if the news was embargoed (which could be why she deleted her tweet. Posted too early) or you can wait until tomorrow and see if the Sun posted about Meghan, Harry, and Spotify.

It's just come out in The Sun:
JennS said…
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Henrietta said…
It is understood they were not paid their full £18 million fee up front.

Streaming giant bosses were “looking forward to a full-scale launch of shows” this year.

This seems to really support that, "A little birdy told me" piece of text. And we're finally getting some numbers for their business deals!

I couldn't figure out why they seemed to be emphasizing that they were taking so much parental leave because it didn't make them look good. But this would explain it. They were trying to lessen Spotify's expectations of them for this calendar year at least.

Henrietta said…
JennS said:

I don't think Oprah has backed away from the Harkles despite the dance she did to get out of godmother duties. It very well could be that she responded in that way because she knows there is no actual child!

I think she knows MM used a surrogate, but I think she danced out of the godmother role because she thought she'd be expected to give money for the child.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't most British aristocrats start trust funds for their children shortly after birth? So the fund grows as the children grow?
lucy said…
Lol at the Sun article:

"The question might be asked whether they have too much on their plate.”

Maybe they aren't even together. Harry went on Dax podcast when they could have just as easily did same thing for their own Spotify. Or maybe they got iced out after disastrous debut. Very lazy. M is a hustler surprises me she has nothing of substance going on when H has 2 jobs 🙄🙄

Oprah released her pick for her book club today. Thought maybe that was cause of chatter as to why they were at odds. Jen just posted fresh links I have yet to check out, seems they are ok,hmm. How likely is it M approached O with the Bench?
Who proofread that? Harry? 😒 .Havent been around ,trying to catch up!
SirStinxAlot said…
Well £18M/ $25M is a far cry from £76M/ $54.5M, This is just another reason why I question H$M estimated worth.
AnT said…

So great to have you back 😃👏!

So, does anyone else remember that story that has been popping up since Fall 2020 — I fact I swear we had it posted in a previous thread here within the last two months — the alleged deal that Oprah allegedly made with Megs in early 2020 was money, support and stuff like endorsements as allegedly needed in exchange allegedly for two key things:

1. Their first sit down television interview in the US as a couple would be with Oprah in prime time with dirt ✔️

2. Megs‘ exclusive tell-all interview when they divorce is with Oprah in prime time with dirt


I can allegedly say this rumor has allegedly been making the rounds on the coasts quite allegedly firmly among industry sorts allegedly but do your own research 😀

Henrietta said…
Reposting Curiously's "little birdy text"

Blogger Curiously said...

This is the full tumblr post that was summarised in the dm comment posted by @agwah

A little LA industry birdy here with some tea.

My mother works somewhat high up in a company connected to the Sussexes and the tea is that they are about to be dropped by this company for lack of content, basically working with the enemies, lack of professionalism and for their recent actions. They were never paid mega bucks and the money that was given to them they are now being asked to hand back as they haven't fulfilled their contractual obligations and commitments. Meghan is well known to be furious, turned up screaming at lower end staff and some in management but also that Harry is a petulant man child with anger issues of his own, having forced an intern into therapy after abusing her in a phone call. Nobody in the company wants anything to do with them. The Sussexes are
desperate to be kept on though but nobody is buying Meghan's fake sickly sweet bribes at all. According to my mother it's true that there was a surrogate as well because she saw Meghan visiting, without a mask on and she definitely wasn't pregnant and my mother has four children & was a surrogate for my aunt who couldn't carry herself, noticed that ASAP. So yeah expect in the next few months to hear of mon issues, abuse of staff in the company and the complete lack of professionalism to start coming out. Some of my mother's other higher ups are expecting a divorce announcement too, apparently Meghan has been getting very close with someone higher up.

AnT said…

Excellent repost of @Curiously’s “little birdie” content.

JennS said…
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AnT said…

I think you’ve summed that all up perfectly. She is here to save Mayhew with her £10, and make sure compliant fathers their sons grow up to be pushed around and clawed by their manager-wives, and change the world by dividing it in every possible way: color, gender, nationality, politics, wealth, privilege, and gifted titles versus commoners who bow and send A money. Splintered families can’t compare notes as we do here, mmmm? All this, from one awkward little book someone is determined to push.
Henrietta said…
Blogger AnT said...

Excellent repost of @Curiously’s “little birdie” content.

Thanks. I don't remember the other comment you referred to about Oprah's deal with MM. Maybe JennS will.
AnT said…

It’s painfully laughable isn’t it? But I am sure she will win a Grammy for it.

Maybe they can make a film! There can be no more important and pivotal book. Society is saved. From the loins of the pandemic. Etc.

AnT said…

I think even her rescue chickens sleep with one eye open and hide their feed.
JennS said…
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JennS said…
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JennS said…
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JennS said…
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Henrietta said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...

Just spotted on Newzit (flashed up on DM site). They claim PC is stripping H of titles & forcing him to divorce the wife.

A likely story! Where do they get their `facts' from? Out of a bottle of something potent?

Blogger SwampWoman said...

I'm not sure how Prince Charles could force anybody to divorce their wife...

Oh, I could think of a lot of different ways, in addition to just money.

Found it!
Karla said…
JennS said "Well, I nearly lost my dinner after listening to Megalo at the link below and now I want all Nutties to suffer the same fate" Lol
This is medieval torture. I feel trapped in the burning fire of the Holy Inquisition.
AnT said…

Good list. Will try to do more digging for that Oprah comment I mentioned tonight.

Here is another reason I could imagine Oprah still clinging on, though not fooled. This is only my speculation.

1. My basic idea: they have no brains or filter. And are clowns who engage in terrible antics people will still glance at. They will keep spewing in anger and Oprah can tell, so she thinks she may as well lock in the good stuff for her they may still be worth a little cash if they keep spilling on her show. Ratings and ad dollars, not love. But now the Queen threw a royal,wrench into that plan so Oprah Is waiting as Megs and Harry are reviewing safe ways to throw more darts. Even if they blow it, and harm themselves, Oprah gets paid and can always shrug like a rich cold mountain of billionaire disdain. Oprah sees that no one watches, she dumps them. But for now...

2. My crazier idea: What if they think she could be useful as a potential First Spouse beard for some future candidate they hope to push? We see her as a mess but maybe her backers still see her as famous thus viable? As a First Spouse she could possibly still keep a title even after a divorce, yet be near a big chair? It would be her logical step up from H, because no one will ever vote for her directly. So.....A contract marriage for someone wanting a top spot who needs a big-name biracial wife who is also an abuse survivor, author and international humanitarian and “businesswoman”. Probably will be Honorary Dr Duchess Megs by then. It’s a dumb idea as she is a loose cannon, but....Oprah can again make money from the campaign interviews alone.
AnT said…

🤣😂 ....right?
Karla said…
Ant... 👏I'm loving the comments. Reading here with a bucket of popcorn. I'll just comment that The Bench on the NYT list at the same time as Duchess Catherine's new release.
JennS said…
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AnT said…

It is like being offered a choice between a piece of chewing gum (Bench) or a chef-made speciality dish (Hold Still).

Karla said…
AnT Wow! That's right. Meghan must sit on the bench and read Hold Still. Wags Mermaid's tail. Mermaid that sank Harry in deep water.
AnT said…

ViacomCBS paid Oprah between $7 and $9 million in licensing fees for the Harry and Meghan interview. Then ITV paid CBS £1.4 million to air it. Etc.

Oprah is said to have been given “multimillions” for the Apple series. Per Holly Evans in the Express on May 21.
AnT said…

Mermaid that will sing as he drowns.
JennS said…
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Karla said…
If Meghan and Harry get as much money from these projects as they claim Harry would not have said in the interview that he was living on Lady Diana's inheritance.
He said he made these trade deals because he had to. If he and Meghan were really getting such amounts, their complaints about Charles wouldn't have happened.think these deals were in part a public relations ploy to show the world what a successful brand they are.
Jenns You described Meghan very well. She is a sugar cane plantation.
How we know that Harry and Meghan lie: when they open their mouths.
AnT Meghan will open the Red Sea with her tail. (Meghan, book of saints, verse 1)

I have to confess this group does me a lot of good.❤️❤️ Thank you all. Hugs.
JennS said…
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AnT said…


the actual story for reference:

Oprah Winfrey making 'big money off the back of Prince Harry' with TV deals | Royal | News |


Well, he is a nice guy and the unofficial mayor of Montecito so maybe he finds it expedient to be super Hollywood nice to get along and doesn't worry about it. I know a few people who find it "easier' to glide through life "thinking the best of" people. I find it kind of disingenuous and smarmy in certain cases, but, Hollywood probably drums in a lot of behaviors by the time you are his age. Plus, though his father is a tough attorney, he is nice in real life too. I was in a city visiting friends a few years ago and stopped to buy some books for their kids and randomly helped a handsome tanned, salt-and-pepper-haired well-dressed man find three kids books on his list (the store was overcrowded with holiday shoppers needing help, staff was busy, so he asked me if I could help him, so I did. Super nice. He bought his books and thanked me, he left and I checked out a few moments after and the clerk said to me, "Oh do you know him? Oh isn't he the nicest man! He is always so polite and kind when he comes in, we just love him -- and did you know he is Rob Lowe's dad?" So maybe just being nice to everyone is his thing since childhood, even with Oprah.
JennS said…
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AnT said…


I remember hearing they (Oprah and Harry) were taping ten to twelve programs for their mental health series.
AnT said…

I have to get sleep but you made me burst out laughing -- " a sugarcane plantation"!! And parting the Red Sea with her tail!!
Brilliant!!!! Thank you -- it has been a long stressed two days and this was a great laugh I needed!!

This is so exactly IT too -- you wrote:

If Meghan and Harry get as much money from these projects as they claim Harry would not have said in the interview that he was living on Lady Diana's inheritance.
He said he made these trade deals because he had to. If he and Meghan were really getting such amounts, their complaints about Charles wouldn't have happened.
. <--- I mean, this this this all day long. How do people not see this??
JennS said…
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JennS said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
Out of curiosity I was googling what professional PR would cost per month. Retainers are required. Amounts can be from $250/month to much higher. Considering the amount of lies, nonsense, false figures thrown out there for the #6s, it's got to be $20,000/month. The PR is constant and false. False book sale numbers, false popularity numbers, false money from speeches, false money from Spotify, false money from Netflix, false babies, false children, false everything. The #6s are absolute frauds. They are nothing burgers. $20,000/month for PR from Sunshine Sachs? Or is that too low for the constant false narratives? She sits at home and reads all the gossip sites, and downvotes, or sends in false "blind items.". What does he do? Drugs, alcohol, whining, drunk dialing dad, etc. Fighting with each other. Slamming doors, throwing dishes, hot pots of tea. Plastic surgeries, teeth implants, hair plugs, cool sculpting, botox, facials, massages, etc.

No matter the PR, I think these two live in their self-made Hell.

Maneki Neko - Thanks for clarifying that - I threw the idea out on the off-chance without checking - my PIE knowledge extends to knowing what the acronym stands for though, if pressed, I might be able to dredge up a few Sanskrit words from the deeper part of my memory!

My formal education in languages got as far as O-Level in in French & Latin, which I've mostly forgotten now, also have picked up some Gk vocabulary* from scientific terms - did enough German in evening classes for the tutor to let the class loose on GCSE papers. We all passed, according to her, but we oldies were astounded at how little was expected of us, compared with what I & my generation were put through. Perhaps we weren't given the toughest option.

*At Athens Airport once, I was much amused to see that the word used for a baggage trolley transliterates as `metaphor'. Also `stasis' is a bus stop. Such ordinary, concrete things.
Jan Moir has an article in today's DM about Waitrose going woke by changing the name of K****r Lime leaves and speculates as to what will be the next to go, perhaps anything alluding to the Monarchy?

`So it is bye-bye king prawns, Imperial Leather, queen olives and royal icing. I have it on very good authority that the Duke of Sussex views Princes Tinned Rhubarb as a personal insult, as some interpret it as an accurate precis of his recent speeches on being a raindrop etc.'
Teasmade said…
@Fifi LaRue: I think a $20,000 monthly retainer for SS would be a low estimate. We've had some PR professionals -- or possible some professional-adjacent (maybe someone's husband?) on here discussing this before.

Think of all the freelancers they must be paying, for one thing. They'll be scouring the newspapers, ready to make inane comments with the theme of "racism" and "let them be" over and over to any criticism. As a part-time writer, I think I'd've charged $10,000 for that basket of miscarriage lies for the NY Times. Then, I wonder if they help in the location and recruitment of fake children? And the placement of dueling stories day after day, raising questions and then quashing them. 'Will M attend the statue unveiling/funeral? Yes/no? Oh, no, and here's why." That's a week's worth of news right there, all timed to compete with some other, more important royal event.

Then there's all the things we don't know about. Someone's assigned to following on here and Lipstick, for instance, and on typing up a report and advising action accordingly.
SirStinxAlot said…
@Puds said...
The last I heard was the Interview had made 6 million for Oprah, being sold to a number of countries. Megs must have regretted agreeing to do it for free. Freebie wanting Megs doing anything for free??? Something very odd about this.

Listen carefully to what people say, language is important- Especially with POLITICIANS. They were not paid for the interview, but there were several stories that circulated stating the Disastrous Duo were paid for the images of Archie used during the interview. O could use them as she pleases. The amount rumored was up to $1MILLION.
Enbrethiliel said…
Well, I nearly lost my dinner after listening to Megalo at the link below and now I want all Nutties to suffer the same fate!

I just had a listen. Now I understand the review that said the entire "poem" is just her ordering Harry around.

Until this moment, I had thought that the "you" of the book was the son. Most children's books that use the second person point of view are addressing a child. But the "you" of The Bench is the husband. And now I have creepy vibes.

"This is your bench/ Where life will begin . . ." It's like malignant hypnotherapy.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Teasmade: Thank you! I wonder if she hires freelancers. You'd think there would be more leaks about what's going on at Mudslide Manor. Some of that dreck is so awful, it has to be #6W writing it.

@Sir: If they got 1M, it's all gone, spent on PR, catching up with the plastic surgeon's office, gardeners, etc. Money runs through their fingertips like the sands of time.

1M is a lot to most of us. To the Ws it's a temporary plug in a hole of needy wants and floods of disinformation, hiring of babies/children, someone to photoshop, etc. Running a constant false narrative takes lots of $$$$$.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Fifi LaRue

In my home, conversations about the Harkles always end in disbelief that some people can be given so much money -- more money than most of us will earn through honest work in a lifetime -- and still think it's not enough.
hunter said…
My South African friend gets VERY VERY uncomfortable and looks over his shoulder whenever I've pronounced "kaffir leaves" at Thai restaurants.

I suppose if I were in a foreign country and someone said the n-word at full volume it would make me act the same. He says the word "kaffir" is WAY WORSE than the n-word, which confuses me but maybe that's just his opinion (?) I can't say as I am not South African.

That said, he's lived in the USA for at least 10-15 years and he still thinks kaffir is a worse word, so maybe it is.
hunter said…
he's a white South African if that matters
Maneki Neko said…
@Enbrethiliel said

Until this moment, I had thought that the "you" of the book was the son.
The strumpet's literary masterpiece has been said to be an instruction manual for Harry...
Opus said…
Being too pretty may be a curse. I had a schoolfriend who had he been a Thai would surely have been a convincing LadyBoy being petite with a wiggle in his walk but instead played a lot of Rugby to prove he was all man - he is happily married. I see then that Rob Lowe has rather sunk since his brat-pack days to TV movies and now further down to TV series. In his latest he is a fireman who pulls a team of diverse firemen together to make a successful team. Had the series been British it would have been quite different. A group of oddballs convinced of success would have come together but at the end of each episode everything will have gone embarrassingly wrong. 'You don't have to blow the bloody doors off' sort of thing. I think that I have only ever seen Rob Lowe in St Elmo's Fire (which they were filming in D.C. when I was there and so I have always been very conscious of it as it seems to be about my life and the sort of people I knew) and Behind the Candelabra (I am not as good a pianist as Liberace who in life like Rob Lowe seems to have been the nicest of men).
hunter said…
Maneki - yes you've put your finger on it - why THE HECK would a parent read this to their child?? It is (strangely, as you point out) addressed to the father.

It is not interesting for children at all.
LavenderLady said…
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LavenderLady said…
"This is your bench/ Where life will begin . . ."


True! Spare's married life certainly began chained to the Bench. He will most likely croak chained to the same ball, er Bench (Wench)..

It sounds as if you may be implying Rob Lowe is less than masculine?

He may not be Laurence Olivier in the acting department but he is very comical not unlike Cary Grant who was drop dead gorgeous and unafraid to be hilariously funny.

Rob has grown on me. I loved him in the series with Fred Savage. He was hilarious. His lips are a little thin for my tastes but all in all he looks hella fine for 57. I wouldn't kick him out of bed that's for sure. He's also a very nice man. Beautiful inside and out is what counts.

His wife is fabulously wealthy and keeps him living well in Montecito much like Babs who has bought and paid for Josh Brolin. Another hot man of a certain age.

That's my tea for the day.
Enbrethiliel said…
The insight into her mind blows my own. She is telling a man who met her in his late thirties that his life "will begin" at the bench. What a way to belittle all the experiences and connections of the first three decades of his life. But then again, this is exactly what abusers do when they isolate us. She's just giving us a peek into her thought process.
LavenderLady said…

Yes, because she's the Bench...
I do like River's interpretation of Meghan!

but I still can't find the link to her reading Harry's Standing Orders.

May we have it again, please, JennS? Ta.
Mel said…
The photos of Catherine today are absolutely stunning! She certainly gives off The Vibes of a woman who is thriving. Happy in her own skin.
Karla said…
I think MM was banned by the Royal family from returning to the UK to attend the unveiling of the Diana statue. Why do I think this? The despicable pair's attacks have returned. 🤔 "Meghan Markle's friend Omid Scobie makes fresh royal racism claims that family had 'not one but SEVERAL conversations about Archie's skin colour' - as he reveals Duchess WILL return to the UK next year for Queen's Platinum Jubilee"
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirStinxAlot said…
Omid is not really a reliable source. I will wait til next year when/if the Palace makes a statement at that time.
Karla said…
JeanS especially for you. Lol. The return of torture:. MM part II

Meghan Markle comes out of maternity leave for exclusive interview - Royal Family braces. "MEGHAN MARKLE will give her first interview about her book The Bench this Sunday, two weeks after giving birth to her daughter Lilibet.
notimeforbs4 said…
Follows a pattern.....Catherine gets front page coverage (including the London School of Economics) and Psych and her rumpswab mouthpiece put out BS. The time has long past to blow this bitch out of the water.
SirStinxAlot said…
I also noticed the headline says "friend" not royal reporter.
Karla said…
notimeforbs4 Well said 👏👏
Enbrethiliel said…
Re: "not one but SEVERAL conversations"

She can't even come up with new stuff!

"WILL return to the UK next year for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee"

So the family is even more racist than she first revealed, but she really wants to rejoin everyone on a really special occasion for them? Can someone help me with the logic, please?
SirStinxAlot said…
The headline should have read "Meghan Markle PLANS to return for the Queens Platinum Jubilee, after making more racist accusations ". A year from now, one or both of the Harkles could have overdosed on drugs or committed suicide. Considering both have publicly acknowledged suicidal ideations they may not even be around. If M is delusional enough to think that she would suddenly get invited to royal events because shes a widow, she better think again.

Personally, I think H has had suicidal ideations and may still have them now. M, not so much, just another script for her victim story.
DeerAngels said…
I see BF has increased computer security. Now how will 6 & 6w be able to have any electronical means of contacting the RF.🤣🤣
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Opus said…
@Lavender lady

No, I am not trying to attack Rob Lowe. I merely observe that although by ordinary standards the top leading men are handsome they tend not to be impossibly so: Bogart, Wayne, Cooper (maybe not Grant or Power) and more recently Ford, Willis, Arnie and Stallone were only average good looking. The great movie star of our age is surely Tom Cruise, a contemporary of Lowe yet despite being easy on the eye I would not have described him as pretty or beautiful or even classically handsome like say Grant. Worse for women of course who rise higher and fall deeper: would you pay to see Demi Moore - Lowe's bit of stuff in St Elmo's - now?

Neither do I attack Lowe's acting: have you ever seen Olivier as The Mahdi, Othello or General MacArthur - dreadful and I am not averse to a bit of blacking up or in the case of MacArthur trowelling on the greasepaint. Olivier (unlike Lowe) was primarily a stage actor and perhaps the technique is different for stage actors have a tendency greatly to overact when on film.
Maneki Neko said…
From the Metro:

Meghan Markle is set to appear on national radio in the US for her first interview since the birth of her new daughter Lilibet.

The Duchess of Sussex will talk about her new children’s book, The Bench, on NPR Weekend radio show on Sunday.

It’ll be the first time her fans get to hear from her since she gave birth to her second child on June 4.

The chat with host Samantha Balaban will be the only interview Meghan does about the book, according to friend Omid Scobie.

He tweeted: ‘Fresh off the heels of her first children’s book becoming a certified #1 New York Times bestseller, Duchess Meghan will be giving her only interview about #TheBench to @samanthabalaban at the renowned @NPRWeekend show, this Sunday between 8am-10am Eastern.’

The book, inspired by a poem Meghan wrote for husband Prince Harry on father’s day, has been selling well in the US and topped the New York Times Bestsellers List for children’s picture books.

It has been less popular in the UK and only sold 3,212 copies in its first week after being published on June 8


Her fans? 'a certified #1 New York Times bestseller'?
So it's only sold 3,212 copies in the UK. Not quite the roaring success it was predicted to be. I'll have to see if it's in Waterstones window, prominently displayed...

Finally, when is a maternity leave a maternity leave? She didn't say when it started but it usually starts just before the birth. She needs to rest now after the rigours of childbirth ;-)
Enbrethiliel said…
I usually bring popcorn when I watch a slow-motion train wreck, but for the rest of Harry's wife's "poem," I may need . . . something a lot stronger.
Enbrethiliel said…
Re: her only interview about The Bench

Not her first interview, but her only interview? Did that jump out at anyone else?

Why would someone who wants to hawk a book do only the bare minimum of promotion for it? Was it because no one else wanted to have her on?
LavenderLady said…

No where did I say you were attacking. My question was, were you perhaps implying.

I certainly wouldn't pay to see ANYONES' junk young or old. I can still get enough "fine as aged wine" for free if I were inclined to do so.

With that said most men age terribly as well. Brad Pitt, even the great and gorgeous Robert Redford and Clint Eastwood look mighty sad these days. It's not just women as the thinking goes (unless someone has bought into that propaganda).

Truth is people get old. Besides, there's nothing worse than an old man whose balls touch the water when he sits on the toilet. Ok that was just a snarky comeback to the "sagging boobs" -or worse- comments one reads online.

Good day.
notimeforbs4 said…
You guys have to read the Scabby story in the DM about his appearance in front of the Foreign Press Association. Unflippin' real. It's not behind a paywall but I have no idea of how to put it over here. Sorry
SirStinxAlot said…
Truth is people get old. Besides, there's nothing worse than an old man whose balls touch the water when he sits on the toilet. Ok that was just a snarky comeback to the "sagging boobs" -or worse- comments one reads online.

Thanks a lot, now I have a mental image if soggy balls floating with poo in a toilet.
JHanoi said…
Ugh... DM s obie is out there throwing bombs again and making insinuations about the alleged racist BRF thing. Im guessing its cause kate /cambridges have been getting such good press.

The Claw in a panic over losing titles has already given up on the softer approach and is back to her old molotov tricks. This way should titles be removed the BRF could
look in the wrong to the citizens of the UK and the international commonwealth members.

Shes so obvious
notimeforbs4 said…
@Enbrethiliel----I caught the word "only" as well. NPR Radio appeals only to the woke/joke PC crowd. Wonder if Samantha Balaban is a SS client?
LavenderLady said…

You have a ways to go Sir so no worries :)
JennS said…
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snarkyatherbest said…
Love it = Duchess Catherine talks to LSE academia about early childhood develpment for the new foundation.

Ducha$$ writes a paragraph for a local dog shelter

Is this what Montecito winning is all about?
snarkyatherbest said…
Oh and the mrs will be interviewed on a weekend morning NPR radio show. Everyone who is anyone knows you only listen for Wait Wait Dont Tell Me on weekends. ;-)
JennS said…
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AnT said…
Digging while on a boring conf call that doesn't even concern me, and found this: the Apple series will be 5 episodes.

How many episodes in Prince Harry series The Me You Can't See?
Thanks Jenn S - unfortunately I don't do Kindle or have anything to do with Amazon so I've only been able to hear the few seconds of clip.

Even so, I can just imagine that voice saying,

"I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

I watched the final of the Song Prize in the `Cardiff Singer of the World' last night - there was a Welsh soprano, Sarah Gilford, who sang "Suo Gân" - a beautiful Welsh lullaby. The warm maternal love that she conjured up in her performance was infinitely more convincing than anything #6's wife has shown us.
AnT said…

Yesterday or the day before I posted an article I found saying MM was not going to do book promo as she was "heavily pregnant."

I suppose now that the surrogate is back home with the child, MM has time. Plus, NPR would be her dream platform, I think. Plus, on radio, we can just bathe in her dulcet voice without being distracted by her startling beauty. Plus, if her cosmetic surgery is still healing no one will see until the big reveal when she really must steal some attention from Catherine or the Queen.
snarkyatherbest said…

Spot on - wonder which nose and face she chose? big reveal will be a pap walk on diana unveiling day

and if she really wanted an interview - she should have held out for terry gross but then again she would ask in depth questions. cant have that.

AnT said…

Lots of cute baby photos on Katherine McPhee Foster's Instagram, btw.

Lots of mum and baby too. Lots and lots. Very sweet. Even in black and white!

Whatever will Megs do?

I assume the US Air Force is doing hourly flyovers to protect the Harkle family. They can't be "open" like McPhee! you think the Harkles have a Baby Bunker, to keep the kids safe and hidden, and they were down in it when the police came that night with news?

Did McPhee ever publicly congratulate MM on Lili's birth?

She should be out on the bookshop circuit, signing copies, stuffing them into people's bags even if they don't want them - or does she have people to do that for her?

Unless she's declared Persona Non Grata, it'd be hard to keep her out of the UK next year, unless she's got the lurgi. Otherwise, she'll have to find a place to camp out on the pavement, like the rest of the hoi polloi - I'd let her go in front of me, at the kerb, near the gutter, her natural habitat.

God! They're a ghastly crew, utterly loathsome.
Enbrethiliel said…
Will she or won't she?

If she won't, the narrative will be that her racist in-laws knew how much she wanted to hang out with their racist selves and racistly denied her that simple wish.
Humor Me said…
Scoobie Doo's latest comments make me hope they fall under HMTQ's latest edict - there will be clarification.
I sense desparation: the throwing of the race card (Via Scoby)
Kate is being publically well received for her initiatives (reading the DM)
and William says Kate will be present on July 1st.

and Scoby says H's wife will be present too on July 1st. i do not belive I will need to turn up the volume of the Kraken in the crowds.
Karla said…
JennS as the interview is on the radio, I've already destroyed mine. I'm going to sit here on a park bench to feed the pigeons that soiled MM's clothes in the interview with Oprah. Afterwards, I will read all of comments here. It will be much better.
AnT said…


Terry Gross would eat MM for dinner with questions! Can't have that.

So, you wrote this: Spot on - wonder which nose and face she chose? big reveal will be a pap walk on diana unveiling day

And it reminds me I keep meaning to say: with all her facial tweaks, I think she is trying to morph into someone, but I can never quite figure out who. Kim K? Dakota Johnson in 50 Shades, for Harry? Then I realized maybe her twitchy mind keeps changing about who she finds hot at the moment, or whose mouth she wants, or who her targeted billionaire of the minute seems to date, so, she keeps re-tweaking the front of her head.
snarkyatherbest said…
WBBM - evidently she doesnt have people for that, unless Archie is skipping school and stuffing boxes for mailing. Back to putting things out on Scoobie Doos twitter page, Also she will announce another pregnancy and will be heavily pregnant and unable to attend the Queen's Jubilee If she were to attend I hope the queens asks her to be part of a historic reenactment, then send her to the tower to await trial ;-)
Enbrethiliel said…
I haven't heard a peep out of the Fosters about the Harkles since way before the promised "Christmas soirée" failed to materialize. How I wish we had the tea!
OK, I'll say it - I wonder what hue Lillibet is?

It'd be hilarious if she's picked a genetic impossibility from the colour chart, like choosing the paint for the front door. If she does exist, I feel really sorry for the poor child.

We're also getting `Dog Lover Meghan' pushed at us again, doubtless to demonstrate what a decent person she is - like another notorious person from history...
JennS said…
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Karla said…
Isn't The Daily Express Republican? I have this doubt.

In 2018, The Daily Express is edited by longtime Labor supporter Gary Jones.
JennS said…
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xxxxx said…
AnT said...
And it reminds me I keep meaning to say: with all her facial tweaks, I think she is trying to morph into someone, but I can never quite figure out who. Kim K? Dakota Johnson in 50 Shades, for Harry? Then I realized maybe her twitchy mind keeps changing about who she finds hot at the moment, or whose mouth she wants, she keeps re-tweaking the front of her head.

#6M tries to copy Beyonce in controlling all news about her. All images too. In #6M's mind she is your Kween, same as Beyonce.
In looks #6M is kinda stuck in 1990s, so Cher too. Young #6M always wanted Cher's straight flat hair. Even though wokista Cher had one or two racist tunes that must go unmentioned here. Last time they were, we got a pissing war.
JennS said…
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@AnT, recently she/her face was looking *exactly* like Kim Zolciak. It was creepy.
The Daily Express used to be right of centre - anti-EU, or Common market/the Six as it then was, even in the early 1960s. Very Royalist. It occupied a position now held by the Mail.

Goodness knows what's happened since.
JennS said…
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Henrietta said…

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2021

Blind Item #13

This A list country singer/frequent commercial actor and his actress wife turned down an invite to the alliterate one's house. They didn't want to end up pawns in her game is what they told friends.

Brad Paisley/Kimberly?
Henrietta said…
Karla said...

I think MM was banned by the Royal family from returning to the UK to attend the unveiling of the Diana statue. Why do I think this? The despicable pair's attacks have returned. "Meghan Markle's friend Omid Scobie makes fresh royal racism claims that family had 'not one but SEVERAL conversations about Archie's skin colour' - as he reveals Duchess WILL return to the UK next year for Queen's Platinum Jubilee

I still believe her visa was canceled after she was arrested for something in the U.K. She CAN'T travel there.

That said, she really seems to be losing it. My guess is there's a problem with the baby, Lili.

JennS said…
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JennS said…
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Karla said…
Henrietta said..
" I still believe her visa was canceled after she was arrested for something in the U.K. She CAN'T travel there".

Oh, I don't know this information. I agrre With JennS. " Tell me please, I'm all ears!👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻
AnT said…

I'm with @Henrietta.

Rumors (persistent) with regard to the new baby (one hopes they are wrong) & waiting to time-release the news (more PR).

Rumors I hear re fleeing the UK/being banned to do with financial issues and, knowledge about Archie shall we say. Henrietta, is this what you heard? All allegedly; who knows.
AnT said…


Forget jewelry! Megs is SO influential, I heard the Tower was built a thousand years ago with her in mind. William the Conquerer was aided by seers, constructing it in subtle acceptance of her eventual arrival in history on her broom.
AnT said…
JennS said,
If Markle has any more plastic surgery she may end up looking like Michael Jackson when his nose became incredibly tiny.

You're probably right. It almost seems like she can't stop now that she has access to money. We never know what we will see. She likes playing characters with new faces perhaps? Oprah got Italian mafia widow. Archie was carried to school by 10-month-bump suburban mommy. We've had Moaning Megs, Yachting Megs, holy Megs, Malibu Megs with Gloria S, and Beach Megs in Toronto cap and leggings. Canada Megs. Nothing compares to Green Dress Megs of course.

Maybe the Met Gala 2021 costume theme should be: Meghan.
AnT said…


Harry working closely with those organizing Diana's statue unveiling in Kensington Palace’s Sunken Garden. New evidence suggests he will honor travel itinerary in place for him and attend in person, alone. #Megxit

Henrietta said…
JennS said:


That's intriguing! What's the scoop on the arrest story? And what makes you think there is a problem with the baby?

Tell me please, I'm all ears!👂🏻👂🏻👂🏻

Maybe there is an issue with the surrogate.

At some point after they left Britain, there was a regular DM poster--I'm pretty sure his name was MajTomiK--who got into it with another poster on a Markles' article. TomiK ended it by saying that MM couldn't return to the U.K. because her visa had been canceled and she'd been told it wouldn't be renewed. After that, he only appeared on the DM boards a few times (that I saw), and I tried to get him to say more. Then he disappeared from the boards altogether. I've seen the pattern before; I think he let something slip, and nothing that's happened since then has contradicted his info.

You only lose your visa over certain things. You won't lose it over something like being at fault in a car accident (although I guess theoretically you could), but you will lose it over something more serious like a criminal arrest. From what I've heard, it's almost always a situation where you're told you can either face criminal prosecution or get out of the country and not come back. (I guess in movies they have you escorted to the airport.)

Given that the place in Canada where the Sussexes stayed was relatively close to a drug rehab--and the picture of Harry that appeared where he was holding Archie next to a large body of water looking pretty good and happy as well as his very weird Santa video that year--I'm guessing he was in rehab there. Do you know any addicts who voluntarily go to rehab?

I personally think they were both arrested shortly before the Christmas holidays. He was given the choice to either go to rehab or face prosecution and her choice was face prosecution or leave the country. The BRF probably thought Harry would elect to stay in the U.K. for rehab. But MM got him into the Canadian place, possibly with the help of that Suits friend they were photographed with (Abigail Spencer?).

It was a roll of the dice whether it would split them up or not and, in the event, it didn't work. But, again, nothing that's happened since then has contradicted MajTomiK's assertion. If anything, later events have confirmed it, esp. by their invitation to that Commonwealth event (i.e., "...and by special invitation of the Queen, the Sussexes will attend...).

Given that she's publicly declaring she'll be coming back for the Jubilee -- when she knows she won't even be allowed on the commercial flight -- I'm guessing she's just losing it. What would make a new mom lose it most of all? Something to do with the baby.

AnT said…
And, two days ago about the book and the New York Times:

Jun 16
At times, the New York Times Company works closely with public relations firms. Like when they worked with the Sussex PR firm on #Megxit Markle's opinion piece titled "The Losses We Share,". "Bench" happens to be NYT pick for Children's picture book?
Surely no bias there.

Jun 16
I saw it working for Italy's top broadcasters and news affiliates. It's one of the main reasons Barker G. and I started this Twitter account with a goal to present exclusive, factual, objective, unbiased and honest information.

lucy said…
Regarding M's pr costs. I read this on Helena's blog. Outrageous if true. Heading out now, happy Friday everyone! :)

Anonymous asked:

I can't answer all the anon questions but I can tell you roughly what their PR costs. My husband worked in a major competing PR firm. Basic monthly fee 100,000 so that 1.2 mil a year. But if you exceed the basic package in terms of hours it's approx 2,000 per hr. They are definitely going over the basic package. Then the costs of getting articles in some mags especially if you want guaranteed # per week.

she has recurring article s in Hearst and Hello she pays for that. She pays for the interns who are running up to 50 Twitter and IG accounts praising her or attacking the RF. She pays for commissioned pieces. He estimates easily in 4 yrs 5 mil probably in the 7 mil range. Remember she’s had a tsunami of daily press in two countries sometimes more for almost 5 yrs.


Oh my. That’s Harry’s inheritance
AnT said…

Extremely interesting. I hadn't thought of a drugs arrest issue. What I heard related to shady financial behavior (although I suppose that could relate to drugs in a number of ways) and removal of a child or threats therefore for reasons -- which would again support your theory, actually. Hmmm.

Would Meghan even care if something was wrong with baby Lili? I mean from her marching and control aspects, yes, certainly. But I seem to find myself doubting that she has a shred of normal human compassion or maternal feelings. Just behaviors she acts out.
AnT said…

Thanks for posting that anon's figures. It sounds exactly right. I know smaller placid firms paying that much a year for very calm, basic work in comparison. The damage control, and paying to play....adds up.

Plus it's said they have been running press in markets like China lately, exploring that market.

They've been doing this for a few years already. Set up a staff of up to 12 professionals in addition to Omid, in addition to SS. They "bought" a Montecito mansion too.

Cosmetic surgery, luxe cars, security, clothes. House staff. Let's not forget the $10/month to Mayhew. Doria?

Where's the money coming from? All we know is where it's going.

Girl with a Hat said…
@Henrietta, except that an American citizen doesn't need a visa to visit the UK.
hunter said…
Not sure if anyone else caught this comment on CDAN today regarding the BG blind about Meghan trying to score Bill Gates -

From commenter gauloise: "Interesting this happened around the same time that her personal assistant quit. Her personal assistant used to be Bill Gates's long-time personal assistant.

It sounds like someone saw the red flags and shared it with the other."

Oh MY, that's an interesting angle - did anyone else know that? I haven't caught up on our commentary yet so maybe it already came up.
hunter said…
I stand with Opus on Rob Lowe being beautiful - he certainly was! He still is really, though I must say it is interesting he does not strike me to have gayface despite his tremendous beauty.

That could just be because I know he's not gay? Gayface is a real thing. My brother's stepson has it since a child and we strongly suspect the boy will be gay, he is growing into a truly gorgeous young man. This can be dangerous for people who don't have the intelligence or skills to outwit predators (sadly this boy is a bit dumb).

Regardless, yes - Rob Lowe is shockingly handsome and I can see where that would be a problem. Who else would I put in the same category? Johnny Depp was incredibly, deadly beautiful, also not gay.

Mmmm, Zac Efron is an incredibly good looking guy (gayface). Nyle DiMarco (deaf model/actor) is CRAZY good looking (gayface). Matt Bomer? Beautiful - I am torn on whether I'd give him gayface or not, he's more like Rob Lowe despite being gay.

For the record, gayface is not an insult just a descriptor and a fairly well-known phenomenon.

By my assessment, the names I've given are some of the most undeniably attractive faces ever, would be curious if anyone disagrees with my little list.
Henrietta said…
Blogger Girl with a Hat said...

@Henrietta, except that an American citizen doesn't need a visa to visit the UK.

Tourist visas -- which Americans don't need to visit the U.K. -- are only good for a couple of weeks. She needed a different visa to stay even if she was applying for citizenship. I don't know what this would be called in the U.K. In the U.S., I think it's called a spouse visa.

Karla said…
Henrietta But Meghan as a member of the royal family needs a visa.
" Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary."
Maneki Neko said…

@Henrietta, @Girl with a Hat @ Karla

U.S. citizens do not need a visa for tourist or business travel to the United Kingdom for a stay up to 6 months. A valid U.S. Passport is required.
Karla said…
Maneki Neko Thank you!
Ralph L said…
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You're right about Hot Rob's wife. They met once before, but actually connected when she was his makeup artist on a movie set. She is also making jewelry. She was not a wealthy woman when she met Hot Rob, and she certainly didn't have enough money to "buy him."
JennS said…
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