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The Opening Act of New Adventures in Retail

 I keep thinking things will settle down to the lazy days of spring where the weather is gorgeous and there is a certain sense of peacefulness.  New flowers are coming out. increasing daylight so people can be outside/play and thinking gardening thoughts.  And life is quiet.  Calm.

And then something happens like a comet shooting across the sky.  (Out of nowhere it arrives and then leaves almost as quickly.)  

An update to a law suit.  Video of the website is released (but doesn't actually promote any specific product which can be purchased from the website).  A delay and then jam is given out (but to whom and possible more importantly - who did not make the list?).  Trophies almost fall (oops).  Information slips out like when the official date of beginning USA residency.  (now, isn't that interesting?)

With them, it's always something in play or simmering just below the surface.  The diversity of the endeavors is really quite impressive.  This award, polo, speech, speech, being a doer of good works, photo with this person, a cooking show is about to start filming (allegedly - but not in her home - unlike Julia who is in Smithsonian), potential to sell dog leashes to jam to cookware.  The only unifying link would be her and therefore being associated with her.  I thought I read that the polls which are more general public than her fans do not indicate a lot of interest in her.  That translates to questions of how supportive will this population then want to buy product?  

The lack of unity could be a problem for them in some ways though.  Some groups like cookware might also do cookbooks but that is less expensive.  So more of them need to be sold to be as profitable.  More could be sold because it was cheaper but also if you didn't like it, you could give it away at the office party white elephant gift exchange.  Most people don't buy/keep an expensive cookbook for the one recipe they like.

Cooking people might not necessarily buy the premade jam except maybe as a one off to test it as worthwhile enough to keep it around and find a (not necessarily hers from the cookbook) recipe.

This brings up the potential problem of one off sales to see if I like it enough to buy it again.  So initial sales are not always indicative of future repeat buyers.

Do the stats support that cooks also have dogs and even open to a cross sell?  Or this and that interests (I don't remember all the different potential options but it had a kitchen sink feel to the list)?  To be successful, that means a lot of purchases, well, everything.  Everything all the time.  And, again and again.  And, new product has to always be in the pipeline to encourage people to buy the new and improved to replace the old and now inferior.

Plus you have to have all this "stuff" made up from somewhere (takes time - is this ethically sourced?) and then ready to ship means sitting somewhere.  Waiting means more time and where is that space? So now this means a warehouse, people to maintain it and the package it for: Shipping - which takes more time (even Amazon doesn't get everything to you the same or next day).  Hold that thought - or ... selling it in some stores.  But even if it is in a store somewhere, you still need a central location to get it to the store.  Plus, selling it in a store means they take their cut so less profitable to the product owner.

Inventory can be expensive to maintain if it isn't moving for some reason or another no matter where it is.  Drop shipping could be risky if the real manufacturer isn't producing the quality you thought you were getting (and there is this big delay in receiving it).  

Not everything will be a big seller so how much of a discount will be needed and when to make that decision in order to move that product?  To offer a discount means to set aside the ego and say: I'm here to make a profit even if it means not as much as I wanted to.  I have purchased some Martha stuff on a discount.

This will be an interesting show to watch unfold.


Sandie said…
I love your adventurous approach to savo on toast! My go-to avo on toast is avo mashed up with a bit of balsamic vinegar and freshly ground black pepper and sea salt.

Smashed avo on toast is so bland and pretentious. It simply shows that she is not a foodie and lacks a sense of adventure.

So, Guy is simply filling space by repeating old gossip.

I have been wondering the last few days if they are done ... overtaken by world events. Will she pull some kind of stunt to get attention back on her? Parading the children would be the way to do it, but I still think that is too risky for her. First, they would take attention away from her, but, most of all, there is no way she could keep two youngsters under control in public ... unless she drugged them.
Sandie said…

This is an old story but has credibility as the source is Valentine Low (but I do wonder who spoke to him). Basically, William teached out to his brother and wanted to meet with him but hapless refused because he said William would leak to the media about the meeting. I have two questions:

Has hapless realized that the major leak is in his own home?

Was hapless too afraid and secretly ashamed to meet with his brother? The mockumentary and memoirs were in the works so hapless knew what was going to be unleashed.

Why 43 % Nigerian? It seems that she stole it from Georgina Lawton's book Raceless (2020). So once again her lies come out and she seems horribly stupid with her tall tales.

That woman reminds me of Michael Bond's Olga da Polga with her bragging.

(The story is according2taz)
Against evil eye bracelet in Nigeria? That certainly made her hosts feel her warmth towards them. Studies in international relations? Yes highly educated whip-smart woman.
Sandie said…

Photos were shared in the mockumentary from their jubilee visit to the UK. The timing coincided with Lilli's first birthday. The photos are clearly taken at Frogmore Cottage. Lilli is present.

However, there is no proof that the late Queen or anyone in the royal family have actually met Lilli. The late Queen denied their photographer and videographer access to her when they visited her at Windsor Castle, so if a photo was taken that proves the late Queen did meet Lilli, it is held securely in the royal archives and the dastardly duo cannot get their hands on it. In addition, none of the courtiers or staff attending the late Queen at the time have ever stated privately or publically that the late Queen met Lilli. (Please let me know if I am wrong about this.) We thus have no proof that she did, but we cannot rule out the possibility that she did, briefly, once.

The other person in the royal family that might have met Lilli is Eugenie, as she visited them in California and the duo supposedly visited them in Portugal (but I am not sure that the children were in Portugal with them). As with the late Queen meeting Lilli, we have no photo, and Eugenie has never said anything. It would be weird if Eugenie and Jack visited California to hang out with the duo but never actually went to Mudslide Manor and saw the children, but we have no evidence that they did.

The children exist. Lilli has visited the UK, once. The late Queen, Eugenie and Jack have probably met Lilli but we have no credible evidence that they have. We see the children with Doria and Ashleigh and with their friends at polo gatherings, but never with any member of the royal family, other than Archie's christening.

The rift is real and wide and abnormal.
Sandie said…
Also in reference to the tea shared in the above Redditt thread: Russia and China using the duo, their children, whatever as propaganda is absurd. Russia and China are not joined in some kind of plot against the West. It is actually America and its allies who are fighting a proxy war in Ukraine to try and destroy Russia and who are threatening to use Taiwain as an excuse to wage war against China.

The duo are a threat in two ways, in my opinion:

1. The elite not only want to control the flow of information, but also use false information to deceive and control the masses. The duo want to do the same, but at a personal level, to fund their extravagant lifestyle and prop up their narcissistic delusions and need for attention and adoration. It is thus the elite in the West (and possibly a Russian oligarch or two) who would support and shield the duo, not because they are useful to them, but because their goals coincide, albeit for somewhat different reasons.

2. Hapless and his children are in the line of succession for the British throne and thus are relevant in their irrelevance. As long as they exist, the British people are stuck with the possibility, remote though it is, that hapless, Archie and Lilli could be head of state in the UK. But, for now, William and George (followed by Charlotte and Louis) are relevant; hapless and Archie (followed by Lilli) are not.
Maneki Neko said…
I haven't really been following anything Harkles related as I was away but came across this this morning. Just a bit of light relief.

'Woman who won reality show 'I Wanna Marry Harry' brands Meghan Markle a 'nobody actress' and says it's 'IRONIC' Prince ended up with her - because trolls always told her he would 'NEVER' date a 'B-list star'

The winner of the reality show I Wanna Marry Harry said she thinks it's 'ironic' that Prince Harry chose Meghan Markle to be his wife - almost a decade after the show's critics told her she had no chance with him because he'd never date a 'nobody actress.'

I Wanna Marry Harry was a Fox reality show that aired for one season in May 2014, and it followed 12 American women who believed they were competing for a chance for date Prince Harry. Instead, however, it was a lookalike named Matthew Hicks.

After winning the series, Kimberly Birch, an aspiring actress living in New York City, faced a slew of nasty comments from viewers who told her the royal would never actually be interested in her since she wasn't British or famous enough.

Now, nine years after appearing in the I Wanna Marry Harry, she has reflected on her win in a new interview with Insider, she said she finally feels 'vindicated' knowing he went on to wed an American 'B-list' actress like Meghan.' . . .

The actor bears a passing resemblance to H. I would say * is more Z list than B list.,%27
Sandie said…

I agree with Richard Eden and would like to see the extended family on the balcony for TTC. All except Andrew and the harkles.

Charles is now head of the extended family and it would be nice to have photos of him with that extended family at a formal occasion.

We will have to see, but the following comment makes sense:

IMHO the wider family will be at Horseguards. The working Royals will be on the balcony.

The Edinburgh’s may be joined by their children and Prince William by his. Catherine, Princess of Wales may step out on the balcony the way her Majesty did if she is feeling well enough and wants to.

Better late than never I suopose- it was in the news at the time.
Maneki Neko said…
The latest is that Catherine 'will not attend the Colonel's Review - the traditional rehearsal for Trooping the Colour - on June 8, royal officials confirmed today in a rare update as she continues her chemotherapy treatment.' There is no mention of the actual Tooling the Colour a week later.
Fifi LaRue said…
Hairy has an intractable personality disorder.
He's going down in flames.
Unless ... someone from BP snatches him away from the witch.
Hikari said…

In regards to the Harkle children, we have seen a number of iterations of both “Archie” and “Lili” as infants and tots, never looking like the same children from (doctored) photo to photo. How many little boys (and at least one little girl) have played Archie? Almost too many to count it seems. Children’s looks dovchange as they grow, But I would submit not as much as Maxis magical children seem to change. In the space of one year for instants Archie went from bald to blonde to straight black hair to curly and red. Either Archie has fantastical powers to grow different hairs on his head or he was portrayed by at least for a little boys in that year.

Lili is even more of an enigma and we have fewer images of her. She was portrayed as a baby in the 2021 Christmas card… Then six months later, during the platinum jubilee, we retreated to an image of a toddler girl with a full head of red hair and a full set of teeth but apparently no legs sitting on the lawn ostensibly at Frogmore Cottage. Two little red-haired Gil’s, Rebecca Cord &!Hartford Schroeder have been identified as portraying Lili in different photos. Rebecca, the Lili of the FC birthday photo is allegedly the granddaughter of a staff member on the Windsor estate. If it’s untrue, I would be interested to know where these very specific children’s names come from. Somebody knows somebody who knows some thing.

Meghan’s good buddy Misan Harriman has been responsible fir for those Lili photos in Windsor along with the “Tree of Life” photo of the expectant (again) Duchess. Let’s just say I don’t find MH trustworthy— Not if he’s the official Sussex photographer.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with Trevor Coult’s YT channel—Mr Coult is a retired veteran of HM’s Army Who personally received a commendation from her late Majesty Elizabeth for exceptional bravery in Afghanistan. He’s authored a couple of books and has made it his life’s work to call out the traitor to veterans that H is. He says that he has a good mate who works ground crew at the airfield where the Sussexes allegedly landed & departed the UK with their children in tow. According to this man, no witnesses observed the couple coming or going with any children or baby gear. I trust decorated war hero Trevor’s version of events more than the Harkles’.

All told, the couple spent no more than 48 hours in the UK. Would two very smal children really be taken on such a brief visit?
H&M refused to have lunch with the family But then purportedly invited them to a child’s birthday party the next day when the slate was full of Jubilee activities that couldn’t be skipped. The only other people in the birthday photos are Mrs. Harriman and her two biracial daughters… And digitally altered Duchess of Sussex holding a gardener’s granddaughter. Elizabeth was terminally I’ll and determined to not give the grifting duo Any photo opportunities. She gave is sore Eyecas the excuse— Yet H&M insist that granny serve them tea while watching Lili and Archie play on the floor. Only one of these versions can be true and I know which has more veracity to me.
Sandie said…
“It’s known within Harry and Meghan’s circle that he’d love for her to get back into acting,” a source exclusively tells In Touch. “He thinks it’s a shame she’s not a superstar like A-listers Jennifer Aniston and Julia Roberts, and he’s pulling as many strings as he can.”

It’s all a bit cringe for the Duchess of Sussex, says the source. “After marrying Harry she always envisaged her life being more aristocratic versus dealing with that day-to-day grind of Hollywood.”

When Harry and Meghan first got together back in early 2016, he was ecstatic to have landed a celebrity girlfriend who was famous in her own right. “Harry was beyond excited to be dating a bona fide star,” says the source, noting that the father of two (he and Meghan share Archie, 5, and Lilibet, 2) was a “huge” Suits fan. “He binge watched all the episodes and would tell his friends how sexy and talented he thought Meghan was,” the source adds. “When she showed interest in him it was like a dream come true.” (In his 2023 memoir, Spare, Harry writes that Meghan was forced to give up her starring role in the successful legal series after seven seasons because the Palace began interfering with scripts.)

He is deluded isn't he? She was never the star of Suits. She was not a Hollywood actress (tried and failed repeatedly). She did not give up her role in Suits but was written out of the series. It was not the Palace that interfered with the scripts but nutjob herself.

I don't blame her for not wanting to get back into acting... she wants the fame and awards and attention, but not the hard work. Claiming that she wants to be a philanthropist like Diana is an excuse. In my opinion, if she was offered a role in a major movie, along with a huge financial incentive, she would say yes, but it would be a nightmare for everyone involved, and no one wants her in Hollywood because they know she is of mediocre talent and is a major diva.
Maneki Neko said…

Ah yes, 'the “Tree of Life” photo of the expectant (again) Duchess. Let’s just say I don’t find MH trustworthy— Not if he’s the official Sussex photographer.' I do remember the photo shot from London: 'Mr Harriman, a photographer and close friend of Meghan's took the black and white picture in their California garden. He later shared how he took the picture thousands of miles away from London using special technology on his iPad, which allowed him to instruct the couple's posing and remotely press the shutter.' (Yahoo!News) The rest is just vomit inducing language about how in love H&* are. There was some controversy about the tree in the background, whether it was a willow tree or a tree of life and whether is was photoshopped in. Apparently it was a jacaranda tree but M Harriman doesn't sound very trustworthy.
OK is now reporting about Fergie's anger at * making Eug's wedding day about herself:
lcI hadn't seen the back of the long, blush pink, number she wore in Nigeria so searched it out. It's in this article:

It reminds me of having to wear skirts supported by straps when I was small and lacking a waist.
Mel said…
Wild Boar....Suspenders. 🤣🤣🤣
Sandie said…
A summary of the very questionable tea from Paula M. Most of the statements made do not make sense.
Or braces!

My supports were stitched on. I do recall though that small boys wore detachable braces and whenever they `had to be excused' from class the teacher had to help them with not only the buttons that held them to the waist band but also their buttoned flies - in front of the class!

I wonder if H has learned to fasten buttons yet, or to tie his shoelaces in a bow?

I suppose the people who risk going into business with * assume that the rumours are all biased exaggerations - they tell themselves, `Nobody could be that awful...'


I'm with the Sinners who don't know if this is real info but it's totally believable.

'Harry and Meghan welcomed by kindly' country if forced to quit US – they won't return to Britain
Rebecca Russell
Sun 2 June 2024 at 8:04 am BST·3-min read
Perhaps H hasn't heard what happened to the 10th Earl of Shaftesbury?,_10th_Earl_of_Shaftesbury
Sandie said…
When Archie was born, what did Harry and Meghan think about him not being made a Prince?

Harry - 10 of Diamonds (inheritance/traditions/money), 3 of Diamonds (teamwork/learning/skills/collaboration), 3 of Hearts (celebration/gatherings/meetings)

For Harry, I don't think the title issues surrounded security as much as he or anyone says it is. I think he just wants to follow tradition. Harry is a prince, so he wants his son to be a prince. However, Harry believes the title can benefit his son somehow.
There was quite an effort to make this work. I see him consulting someone about the rules and regulations of titles, having meetings, etc.
I've done this reading a few times and saw disappointment on his part but for some reason, these cards are not giving me the strong energy I felt previously.

Meghan - 8 of Spades (humiliation/embarrassed/bound up), 5 of Spades (failure/abuse/surrendering), 5 of Clubs, (fighting/conflict/aggression)

I'm trying my best to be less hateful of Meghan but this is not a good spread. A lot of these cards can represent anger and hostility. I'll try my best to word this properly.
Meghan's grudge against the Royal family started when Archie was not made a prince. I see every single (exaggerated) issue circling back to this particular one. Some other things possibly occurred before and after their wedding but I still see this as the main reason for everything. Whether that'd be exaggerated stories, the Oprah interview, etc.
The problem is that Meghan struggled with not having control. Her biggest mistake was marrying into the royal family thinking she could get everything she wanted. I'm surprised she was this unaware, given that everyone knows the royals have many protocols—they're known for that, aside from the fairytales. I know some of you don't believe her when she said she didn't know how to curtsy, but honestly, I'm starting to think she was telling the truth.

When Lili was born, what did Harry and Meghan think about her not being made a Princess?

Harry - Queen of Diamonds (nurturing/motherly/success), 7 of Diamonds (options/choices/fantasy), 6 of Spades (healing/moved on/water)

Harry had moved on to far more important things by the time Lili was born.
At the time, Harry was focused on building his career and being independent for the first time. There were wishes for his daughter to be made Princess but he knew they were out of reach since the moment he left.

Meghan - 2 of Diamonds (results/imbalance/time/financial difficulties), 9 of Hearts (getting what we want/success/happiness), 3 of Diamonds (teamwork/committed/collaboration/skills/learning)

These cards do not relate to Lili's birth or titles at all.
In this spread, I see Meghan handling many projects at once even when she was heavily pregnant. It was hard but she was committed to making them work because this is the life she truly wanted.
Essentially, she had moved on.

What does Harry and Meghan think of now that Archie and Lili are made Prince and Princess?

Harry - 3 of Diamonds (collaboration/teamwork/learning), King of Hearts (empathy/compassion/care/good husband), 4 of Clubs (stability/family/new home)

I do not know why I keep pulling the 3 of Diamonds. I feel like I'm missing something. Anyways...
I'm hearing the words "Whatever I do, I'm doing it for this family."
In Harry's mind, he thinks this is a good thing. It was late but he still thinks titles can benefit his children.

Meghan - 5 of Clubs (fight/aggressive/arguments), Queen of Spades, 6 of Spades (moved on/heal/water)

I hear the words 'Why now?' lol.
She's angry and annoyed, especially since they've already moved past this. I also think it's because of how easily they got the titles now compared to back then.
Sandie said…
What comes through for me in the reading I shared is that he wanted all the privileges and honours and security and wealth of being a royal for him and his family. She just expects to get whatever she wants from everyone in every situation and to be told No or to have to be 'controlled' by others is unbearable for her. She is used to having to manipulate and grift her way through life, but was not able to do so in the royal family and she just does not have the ability to exist in such an environment.

The following post shares what was actually said in the Oprah interview and shows just how confused and messy her thinking is (this is a child throwing a tantrum because she is not getting whatever she wants, in the moment):
Sandie said…

I can understand that growing up in LA, very influenced by Hollywood, without good parenting (in my opinion both her parents are problematic), she would have adopted this behaviour to get attention and influence men. However, she got to her 30s without correcting this. Was her adoption of 'fighting for women's rights' an unconscious way of projecting her issues?

The Body Language Guy analysed a collection of photos of her, sometimes dressed very provocatively, posing seductively with men, sometimes complete strangers to her, young and old.

Although I do not dare venture into deep psychological analysis, I think this behaviour was part of her intense attraction for hapless.
Girl with a Hat said…
HGTudor received a leak about the passionate "yachting days" of MeghanMarkle & Prince Andrew

According to the rumor, M &A spent 3 days together enjoying a pay-for-play deal. After that, M became Andrew's stalker, she claimed pregnancy. He ignored her.😳🤭

with the embedded youtube video of HG Tudor
Sandie said…

Back to the video from The Body Language Guy ... I think she was intimate with two of the men in these photos (my amateur analysis). They are not the type of men she gets into a relationship with (Trevor, Cory, hapless) because relationships are transactional so she chooses men who can open doors for her, and ultimately let her dominate. If I am correct in my analysis, the type of man she is really attracted to are very masculine and dominant, but with a gentle and sweet aspect to their personality underneath their public persona.

Sigh ... today seems to be the day for me to play amateur psychologist!
Sandie said…
If hapless is deported (anything could happen), I guess that she would stay in Mudslide Manor and he would either return to the UK or go to a Commonwealth country. At first, there would be a well publicized visit to wherever he is but these visits would not be frequent or for long durations. He would be allowed back into America, eventually. She would only let him move back and resume the marriage if she has not found a replacement in his absence.
Paula is a sensationalist. I tried to listen to one if her latest videos and gave up because she was saying things that can easily be shown as false or a wilful twisting of the facts ... both unnecessary. In the tea she shares, one thing really stood out to me as not credible: that nutjob actually lives in a condo.

Nutjob does have an apartment/suite she uses in a hotel in LA. We have seen her being papped there. It is not a condo and she is not there full time because most of the time she gets papped, she is in Montecito, and is often papped driving to or from the property. Everyone has a phone with a camera. If she was living full time in a condo, there would be photos.

Even the gossip the hapless has a place that he goes to to get away from her (a cottage on some estate in Montecito?) has never been confirmed with a snap taken by someone with a cellphone. If he does this frequently, as the gossip suggests, on at least one occasion someone would get a photo of him, with him not even being aware that he was being photographed.

Shauna has a much better grip on reality than Paula, and uses intelligent critical analysis. She just interviewed Arthur, the royal photographer, and it is a great video to watch (it would be great if you could watch the video and give her a thumbs up):

What really struck me is that Prince Phillip despised the press, especially photographers, and would not co-operate with them. Charles also went through a rocky patch. Nonetheless, both worked hard, were dedicated to their royal roles and actually achieved a huge amount.
SwampWoman said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid:

'Harry and Meghan welcomed by kindly' country if forced to quit US – they won't return to Britain
Rebecca Russell
Sun 2 June 2024 at 8:04 am BST·3-min read

What the heck is a kindly country? One that pays all of their bills and supports them in the manner to which they think they are entitled?
Sandie said…

Two letters compared: one from Catherine and one from Nutjob. Of course, the letter from Nutjob is all about her, and the honours bestowed on her, and her identity ...

Amateur analysis of Nutjob's handwriting:

Letters very close together: People who write letters close together are intrusive and crowd others.

Loops and flourishes: If someone adorns their writing with loops, flourishes and flashy movements in order to look distinctive, this is not good. Often, such people have a need to appear 'special' and they're usually very talkative — but often boring. It is, basically, someone wishing to be more special than they probably are.

Signature: The signature represents the persona, and hers has changed to become more illegible. Illegible means secretive and has something to hide. Rightward-slanted means someone whose public façade is sociable and easy to get on with. Lots of embellishments means a person who needs to appear ‘special’ and they’re usually very talkative — but often boring. It is, basically, someone wishing to be more special than they probably are.
Sandie said…

A thought-provoking post on Nutjob... who is called Wallis in the piece (an insult to Wallis). It is inspired by a video from Pluto:

"It's funny the pedestals we put undeserving people on. Simply because they're rich and famous...."

Some gems from the Reddit thread:

" ...Walmart Wallis' biggest personality flaw is the ongoing war between her mental and corporeal forms of existence.

Her 20 something brain has entered the final stage of losing the chronological war with her 40 something body. Her 20 something brain has continuously deluded her self perception as an organic ingénue. Her 40 something body has continuously reminded her of her failed 40x40 bday expose. Which involuntarily set Wallis on her journey towards a midlife crisis and inevitable geriatric club membership by 50 something."

"All of her vacuous platitudes and superficial word salad to date, is a painful indicator of this complete lack of self awareness. And the widening breach between the reality of her 40 something body v. the fantasy of her 20 something brain...."
Sandie said…
@WBBM: "What the heck is a kindly country? One that pays all of their bills and supports them in the manner to which they think they are entitled?"

Yes. I do think it is as basic as that, but replace 'their/them/they' with 'her/her/she'.
Sandie said…

An interesting opening discussion on her jewellery ... Who believes that she actually bought that jewellery, at full price, that she wore on Suits? If she did, why has she not been seen wearing it since? Does she have a whole room in Mudslide Manor set aside to house all the itty bitty jewellery she owns?

Note that Johanna Torell created a number of pieces specifically for the character in Suits. By saying she owned the jewellery, Nutjob implies that she bought it. I doubt that, but how did she manage to get the jeweller to give her the pieces? Do actresses get to keep and own everything they wear on set? Remember she kept a lot of the clothes as well.
Sandie said…

This is interesting ... DM seems to be deleting comments calling out Bouzy and the SS for attacking Catherine, but are leaving the comments saying that poor Nutjob has also been severely abused. Is DM afraid of being sued? Is it essentially running a campaign to get the dastardly duo back in the fold and in control, and if so why?

My personal view on what this article says, and why I disagree with it:

Free speech must be protected.

Censorship of the Internet will not stop nasty gossip nor people spreading fabricated stories (check history).

Community Notes on X and the free discussion on a site such as this allows opinions to be shared openly, to be discussed, to be balanced with different views, to be fact checked ... all essential conversation, and ultimately we respect the right of another to hold different opinions and to reach different conclusions when presented with the same evidence.

Ultimately, Catherine cannot be protected from people hurting her feelings by spreading fake stories and so on, but the security apparatus in the UK can monitor what is said by who and assess if there is a real threat, and the royal family can decide which stories to try to debunk and how.

For example, the story about the wedding and marriage of Princess Charlene and Prince Albert will persist and be repeated in times to come in books written about them even if the evidence we see is that it is not true. Get upset and repeatedly try to force people to change their beliefs and stop spreading fake stories, or live your life as it actually is and not how it is portrayed by the gossip.

If we shut down free speech, we have to exert control and that is far more dangerous than people believing fake stories in an environment where those people can be fact checked and where different views can be shared.
Ian's Girl said…
Agree a million times over, Sandie.
Maneki Neko said…
Nothing earth shattering but

* Meghan and Harry's Netflix show has slumped to 211 on the streaming platform's global chart while 'Beckham' is No. 1 with 3.5 times the viewing figures

* The royal couple's one-time close friendship with Victoria and David Beckham has similarly soured
New figures released by Netflix and obtained by show that not only has viewer interest in Meghan and Harry fallen off a cliff, the couple has been well and truly eclipsed by the popularity of their former friends, David and Victoria Beckham.

Engagement figures for 2023, released last week, reveal that the Beckhams' eponymous documentary hit the top spot for global viewing with a whopping 43.9million views between July and December last year.

In that same period Harry & Meghan's Limited Series Volumes I and II, limped in with just 1.9million views and 12.6million total views across the year.

... fans who had tuned into Harry and Meghan's docuseries hoping for insight and intimacy were instead left tired by their relentlessly, 'woe is me' tone. Viewers complained about the couple's self-absorption and the fact that for all their enviable privilege they seemed to do nothing but bemoan their lot.

In stark contrast 'Beckham' was a show that left viewers uplifted by the Beckham's family life, relationship and work ethic. Fans raved at the couple's 'resilience,' and marveled at Beckham's self-effacing grit and ambition.

This was a couple viewers could get behind, where Harry and Meghan were a couple viewers could leave behind.

Not good, Megs, is it? I'm not sure there was a friendship between the Harkles and the Beckhams. Probably * tried to befriend VB for some freebies. I tried to find out more and came across this piece which, if it comes from TOW, shows remarkable self-awareness.

'Former Suits actress Meghan previously spoke of Victoria in the press and admitted she didn't have the right 'silhouette' to wear designs from the Spice Girl's fashion label. Meghan, who is 5ft 6in, said: "What I'm starting to learn is, even though things look amazing on the hanger, it doesn't mean they're going to look amazing on me. For example I love Victoria Beckham dresses, but I don't have the long torso to support that silhouette."'

One wonders how it is that she is constantly wearing ill-fitting clothes if she is aware of her shortcomings.
Sandie said…
I agree with this post on Reddit: the source of the Heat article is her/him. Maybe just him?

‘They’re pretty much outcasts in the UK and no amount of sugar coating can take away from the fact that this stings.’

‘It’s so tragic for them that they’ve gone from having this massive wedding celebrated across the country to feeling so unwelcome. It’s hurtful - no matter how much they try to appear as though it’s all water off a duck’s back. It’s pretty telling that they didn’t choose to make any sort of public statement marking the anniversary [of their wedding in 2018].’

‘It’s a bittersweet anniversary because, on one hand, they’re very proud that they’ve made it through so much and are living something of a dream life with their two beautiful children in California. But it’s also hard not to regret some of the things that have happened in the intervening six years. If you’d have asked them on their wedding day what their hopes were, they never would have thought that’d they’d be essentially exiled by Harry’s family.’

‘…they didn’t expect for things to go as badly as they did, leading to a complete breakdown in relations with his father, as well as William and Kate, who are said to be still upset about the many revelations Harry made in his autobiography Spare.’

’…[T]he pair have decided to take the opportunity to celebrate how far they’ve come and are reportedly planning a second wedding in America. “Having a second wedding would tick a lot of boxes for them. For one thing, it would help Harry strengthen his roots in America, which is his permanent home now as far as he and Meghan are concerned. It would be a wonderful way to celebrate their accomplishment of making it through some very tough years and coming out stronger.

“It wouldn’t need to be a formal or fancy event, as they’ve already done that. This time around, they want a simple celebration of their love. Their kids will be a part of it, and just their very closest friends and a few select family members.”’

My suggestion: How about a public apology to respective families and then mending fences in private, at Balmoral with the royal family this summer, and at Mudslide Manor for her family. A renewal of vows is always suspect (implies a separation and breakup situation and then making up again), and it is all about you.
Sandie said…

CBS Paramount has been sold and Brian Robbins is out, so if Netflix drops them, they no longer have a back-up plan with Paramount?
Sandie said…
I JUST heard that Meghan is gunning for a spot on Dancing with the Stars. It's the kind of gossip I tend not to believe, but my gut is telling me to share it, because if it IS true, I can't pass up the opportunity to be the first to spill it.

Edited to add that the season to expect her on, if they cast her, will be Season 34, the 2025 season.
Sandie said…
Some interesting tea here, and a suggestion that the dastardly duo might ask for Royal Lodge? Supposedly William and Catherine are settled and do not want to move, for now.

Theresa Longo Fans
Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi is founder & chief executive of Banda Property, a luxurious company based in central London. He is working with Prince Andrew and Fergie to upgrade their flat situation.

Stories of Andrew refusing to move are blown out of proportion. Eventually he plans to.
Edoardo is reportedly helping them de-clutter and working with them to arrange next steps as per a very solid source.
... there is no drama but the press insinuates some brewing feud :] William does not even prefer to be there at this time - despite it being earmarked for him, the children are quite settled for now.
It sells and is massively salacious to suggest there's some type of conflict. People are delighted at the thought Andrew and Ferg could be forcefully sent packing and it shows.
Daily Express's guess at a `kind country':
Fifi LaRue said…
Somewhere it was written that Rach is millions of dollars in debt, and Hairy has no clue about the debt. That's what happens to a man child who never had to handle spending/bills/housing/etc. And all she knows is how to spend spend spend. She had no savings from her television days as she spent it all on PR.

The millions of dollars in debt is totally believable, IMO.
Have just watched American Ballet Theatre's production of `Swan Lake' and it occurred to me that H thinks he's got Odette but she's really Odile.

Thinking more broadly, I looked up Matthew Bourne's mainly-male production and reckons this is prophetically near the mark. See:

Plenty of food for thought there but it ain't going to end well.

KnitWit said…
Is " friendly country" an euphemism for one without extradition treaties to US and UK?

I don't believe they ever bought mudslide mamor. I suspect both pregnancies because I saw more photos and video of the misbehaving moonbmp than I have seen of the children. I don't believe the mythcarriage report. Having lost two early term fetuses, her report doesn't ring true. The idea of recreating the painful incidents in excruciating detail and publishing them in the New York Times disgusts me. Survive and move on. Talk about it, if you wish, with your partner, close friend, physician or counselor.

While checking out at the store, I noticed our favorite couple on the cover of People magazine. They didn't retouch his balding frizz this time. I didn't scan the article. They were on a couple other mag covers as well
Someone is paying the press to write about MMMMEEEEE. Zzzzzzx

Dancing with the stars would be good for her infamous self, if she could minimize demands and play well with others...right, train wreck, totally, and she would also expect to win the prize and a special tiara for being the bestest dancer ever on the show, no in the world!

I have caught the show once in a while, but don't watch regularly. Guests said it is very strenuous. Worth watching to see how they show those hooves.

Concerned about Catherine's continuing chemo
Hope she prevails for the sake of her children especially. They seem such a "healthy" family, refreshing change for the British royal family.

Are the yachting with pervy Uncle Andy some of the ammunition ' on file' about M? Is there more? Nothing shames her or shuts her up.

FYI, screwing a prince doesn't make one a princess/green. With the exception of Anne Boelyn , but that didn't end well.

Catching up while giving doggie extra cuddles time for leaving her home alone. It is the rainy season in Florida, she likes me home safe and sound before clouds roll in. Working from home in my jammies with my dog for company is a big change from my corporate days.

Hikari said…
DWTS might cast TOW for notoriety ratings, and they might even keep her in for a round or two, but if that happened, she’d be nowhere near contending for the mirror ball. She’d pull a Kate Gosselin, another spoilt talentless Narc who got addicted to reality TV exposure and no ability to project likeability or dancing ability. Faced with not being the top, she bailed on her partner rather than work, expecting a lot of entitlements due to her motherhood.

I don’t like Kate Gosselin at all but at least her children are real.

For a person who allegedly has been a dedicated yoga practitioner since she was in middle schooler, TOW is always incredibly awkward and uncoordinated with no sense of body awareness. She wouldn’t be up for the grueling regiment of rehearsals and performances… Seriously, for all her claptrap about health and wellness she’s the most unhealthy looking person. The cigarettes/ganja/booze/Ozempic diet is taking its toll. Thomas paid for some dance lessons when she was a chubby preteen, but I would doubt very much that she’s done any dancing except the horizontal mambo since. I commend all the celebrities who have the guts to put themselves out there on that show and work so hard. 50 year old is Jennifer Grey won her season, and with a fractured vertebrae yet. I’m sure TOW has fantasies of hoisting the mirrorball but no clue about what’s involved to even appear on that show. It would be an entertaining disaster but whoever would wind up as her partner could not be paid enough money to make it worth his time.

About 20 years ago, TOW might have been a hit contestant on “The Bachelor” franchise as the villainous contestant everyone loved to hate. That franchise would’ve made use of her natural, er,..,physical talents. Which do not include dancing and rehearsing for 14 hours a day. That ship has sailed and anything else would be too much work. She’s probably working on a case of osteoporosis given all of the yo-yo dieting and pharmaceutical abuse. Watching the Duchess of Sussex suffer a hip fracture on live TV might be worth it. - original source OK!

Apparently H's wish/demand for a Lilibet + Lilibet photo at the time of the Jubilee was turned down flat by ERII in 2 words: `No chance!'
Sandie said…
An interesting opinion in response to the umpteenth story in InStyle that nutjob has 'moved on from the royal drama':

She can't move on, she's a narcissist with a grudge. And she's had that grudge from the moment both Prince William and Princess Catherine failed to treat her like the expert celebrity humanitarian she thought she was, in 2016.
She thought she was better than them, and had too much ego to show deference to their senior standing.
And moving on would mean losing face, and just losing in general.
They made their whole Netflix narrative around the claim 'they are better, and William and Catherine are jealous'.
So they have to keep trying to be better.
She's found her accomplice in Harry, who clearly feels the same way about William (and now Catherine).
As long as she stays with Harry she'll be invested in that drama.
She will need to leave him to move on, will need to start a new life (think Trevor, Cory, Harry, ____ )
Royston, interestingly, said what was obvious. Her grudge isn't with Charles, or Catherine, who were named in Scobie's book. Or anyone else, really.
Yes, she's jealous of Catherine because of what Catherine has, including William.
But her grudge has always been mainly William, the #Heir. Because he is stronger, and did not bend (whereas Harry was easily manipulated).
Sandie said…
We can surmise that they did turn up to visit the late Queen with at least a film crew in tow because footage of them returning to Frogmore Cottage was included in their mockumentary. They were all dressed up, including the children.

The late Queen must have been in a huge amount of pain, trying to shore up her energy and keep her focus on the Jubilee, state matters, and trying to do appearances for the public. It must have been most trying to have to deal with the traitorous duo turning up with the children and a film crew.

Note that the duo have not had a job requiring turning up every day for years, so they could have timed their visit to enable them to see his nuclear family, but they only cared about getting a Lilli meets Lilli photo for selfish reasons.

Of course they had prepared for the money shot by bringing along Old Uncle Tom Cobley and all but I hadn't linked it to the photos of later that day, as MH got all the credit.

What I like, though, was Her Majesty's minimal wording in response to their demand. So very succinct.
OKay said…
@KnitWit Just watch the clips online. DO NOT give ratings points to any show that features her!
Hikari said…

I now believe that Megaliar did not single-mindedly, doggedly stalk Hazmat around the world for at least two years and spend longer than that ingratiating herself into Harry’s social set via friends, cousins and assiduously cultivated contacts within the Soho House network of debauchery because the mentally challenged, legendarily cheap gingernutz Spare was such a prize. I believe that the ultimate objective was to become Princess of Wales by insinuating herself into W&C’s marriage and getting him to divorce his wife. I think the impetus for this dark fantasy was the 2011 wedding because even back then she was obsessed with Catherine. GingerNutz was just a stepping stone; a means to this end. As we know it marriages are disposable for the duchess since she had two previous ones, and she changes “religions” More often then some people get haircuts. She definitely had designs on William, and for good measure I think she planned to seduce Charles as well— Lock down the heir and the money both. What she couldn’t manage by getting William to leave Catherine for her she thought she could get through blackmail over having William & Charles
Compromise themselves with her. Every April fools day, Crazy Days &Nights posts a fake blind. The one for the year after TOW join to the royal family was quite plausible and I think they stumbled upon Jezebel’s secret plan… After a night of drinking wine in front of the fire, Harry and Catherine retire to bed being the worse for drink, leaving William & Megaliar to get it on.

That’s what she wanted, and William earned her enmity forever when he refused to play along with her delusional fantasy that she is the most irresistible woman in the world. The legendary scarfing on Christmas Day 2018 Made Williams contempt for his brothers wife clear to the world. If I’m not mistaken, wasn’t it just a couple of months after this that the Rose Hanbury rumors started to circulate? William had to be made to pay for his rejection of her and one way or another she is determined to ruin his marriage and his happiness. What narcs cannot have they seek to destroy because if they can’t have it, nobody else can either.

HazNone is a useful accomplice in this quest because Harry is the only person in the world who hates William more than she does. His grievances have been simmering a whole lot longer, like 35 years longer. Her fingerprints are nowhere near Spare, Even though she likely egged him on to do the entire thing and gave the ghost writer “notes”.

According to scuttlebutt it’s fairly likely that TOW’s had already knocked boots with HRH the Duke of York at sea, along with Nearly all of Harry’s mates from Eton. Skippy & Guy tried to tell him that his intended had been passed around like a party favor And for their pains they got themselves banned from the wedding reception— His oldest pals because they spoke truth to his face.

I think Megan proposed to infiltrate the royal family and make it a Windsor trifecta: Andrew, William & Charles— Who has always been Susceptible to flattery. Meganuts hates Camilla because Camilla saw right through her from the off, And probably was more astringent then Catherine and telling the grifting hussy to shove off.

That’s my theory anyways.
Maneki Neko said…

I couldn't agree more with your post, I wish I could give it a thousand votes. I too believe * was ultimately after William, the real prize, not Harry, the consolation prize. Fortunately, William was totally immune to * making goo-goo eyes at him. And this was in public, who knows what she was up to in private. William would never abandon his wife and children after losing his mother as a teenager. He wouldn't inflict that pain on them. * is probably instrumental in spurring H on to hate William. She is more malevolent than it seems. I hope she never sets foot in the UK ever again.

That's an entirely possible scenario about Princess Henry's motivation, approach and failure, IMO, especially teamed up with her being acceptable to H as his agent, using her to do his dirty work of getting his own back on his family.

I've been watching the D-Day programmes from Normandy with great interest, especially how the King, Queen and Prince of Wales go about engaging with the veterans - how they focus intently on whomever they are are talking to, treating them with great respect, warmth and evident enjoyment. If that's not the way way to go about `royalling' I don't know what is. Certainly not how TBW went about such matters.
Sandie said…

This tarot reader does readings daily. She is often correct in her predictions. I don't watch all of her videos.

The above video is talking to the late Queen through auto writing. I know how auto writing works, but not when done through a computer, as this is.

There are two major things the late Queen says that are mind blowing. First, she never met either of the children. Second, hapless is not trusted around anyone in the royal family and especially not alone ... the reason is quite astonishing.

I do wish Shanta had asked her what she thinks of Nutjob!
Maneki Neko said…
Prince Harry can appeal High Court defeat over personal security

The Duke of Sussex has been given approval to appeal against the dismissal of his High Court challenge of a decision to change the level of his personal security when he visits the UK.

Harry took legal action against the Home Office over the February 2020 decision of the Executive Committee for the Protection of Royalty and Public Figures (Ravec) that he should receive a different degree of taxpayer-funded protection when in the country.

In a judgment in February, retired High Court judge Sir Peter Lane rejected the duke’s case and concluded Ravec’s approach was not irrational nor procedurally unfair.

However, Harry has been given the green light to challenge Sir Peter’s decision at the Court of Appeal, according to an order by Lord Justice Bean dated 23 May.

In his 52-page partially redacted ruling dismissing the duke’s claim, Sir Peter said Harry’s lawyers had taken “an inappropriate, formalist interpretation of the Ravec process”.

He added: “The ‘bespoke’ process devised for the claimant in the decision of February 28 2020 was, and is, legally sound.”
etc. ...

This one will run and run. And what about the legal fees, have they been paid? I hope the judge won't cave in. TO hardly ever graces our shores, luckily, and when he does he seems to be picked up from Heathrow in a Range Rover with some bodyguard. He's hardly slumming it on public transport. 'The King agreed to the Duke of Sussex's request to stay at a royal residence, according to a friend of the monarch.

However, Harry chose to stay at a hotel during his time in the UK.' (GB news). Wouldn't he have been better off in a royal residence, which must be more secure than a hotel?

He really can't let go.
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