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Meghan Markle vs the Bloggers

One might think that a princess in a palace would have better things to do than go after a disabled middle-aged woman living in a trailer park in Florida.

Apparently not, if you are Princess Henry, the Duchess of Sussex. The former Meghan Markle's highly-paid PR team - and it's not clear if that team is paid by the British taxpayer or from Meg's merching income - placed several stories in high-circulation British newspapers over the weekend of February 2, 2019.

The stories "named and shamed" several bloggers who have been Meghan detractors, including Deanne Masters, who blogs under the name JerseyDeanne.

Deanne is a two-time cancer survivor living with fibromyalgia who passes the time blogging in a relatively innocent way (no profanity) about hunky Superman actor Henry Cavill, make-up tips for ladies over 50, her love for the British Royal Family, and her disdain for Meghan Markle.

Here's Deanne as described in the Daily Mail article

Deanne Masters, from Florida, uses her blog,, to share outrageous anonymous posts from others, including fake claims Meghan has slept with people for drugs. ‘She is a public servant who was not elected and people do have a right to criticise their representative,’ Masters said.

Deanne has a WordPress blog, so one could argue that her words are public and could be quoted. She does not use her full name on the blog, however - that was revealed to the public in the Daily Mail. In addition, the photo that ran in the Daily Mail appears to come from a personal Facebook page. (It originally included her husband, who would have an even better invasion of privacy case against the Daily Mail.)

Five other middle-aged lady bloggers, including two African-Americans, were also named and in some cases their photos were shown, all apparently without their permission.

A couple of quick thoughts.

First of all, who authorized this? Unlike Meghan, these ladies don't have security teams. And Meghan's fans can be pretty vicious - one reportedly threatened to call the electricity company and shut off the juice for Deanne's respirator. Can you imagine the blowback on the British Royal Family if any of these women were harmed?

Secondly, whoever did this was a professional PR team with access to legal advice. No one living in the European Union was targeted, presumably because of the EU's stringent privacy laws known as GPDR. (As an EU resident myself, I can't read many prominent US websites because their code doesn't properly protect my privacy. Big websites, like the Los Angeles Times and the Chicago Tribune). 

Meg and her people clearly didn't want to deal with a GPDR complaint. All the women named live in the USA or Canada. 

Thirdly, hasn't anyone on Meg's team heard of the Streisand effect?  Before the stories ran this weekend, the general public had no idea that there was an underground network of bloggers who deeply disliked Meghan Markle. Now they do. The bloggers named say their traffic has been going through the roof since the article ran.

Public figures (and I am a very minor one myself, in a field totally unrelated to Royal gossip) have to deal with trolls. Sometimes I respond politely; other times I just ignore them. There is no point in getting into a flame war, particularly with someone who has a lot less to lose than you do.

The DM article plus similar stories in the Sun, Express, and the Daily Telegraph - sometimes called the "Palacegraph" because it is so often used by the Royals to send messages - was an incredible miscalculation. 

The DM quotes a Kensington Palace source as saying, "We take any threats and abuse raised to our principals very seriously," but it's hard to argue that an elderly lady in Canada who calls the Duchess of Sussex a "flopsy floozy" is much of a threat to national security.  

The mantra "Never complain, never explain" has worked well for the Royals for generations.

But Meghan Markle is a divider, a splitter, and a natural creator of chaos who apparently has plenty of time to read tiny blogs (including, I assume, this one) and try to frighten their authors into self-censoring what they write.

Meg's approach to public relations is apparently based on the old song from Evita, "You Must Love Me." But the job of the populace is not to adore her. She works for them; they don't work for her.

This won't end well for Meghan. 


MommaBear said…
‘Natural creator of chaos’, pretty much sums her up! If this doxing can be traced back to to Meghan, it certainly puts the RF in a difficult spot. It’s much harder to overlook jeopardizing a private citizen’s safety than dressing out of season and bananagrams. It’s becoming a horrific car crash that you just can’t look away from.
Now! said…
Not only can it be traced back to her, it was done with the assistance of the official PR from Kensington Palace. It's not an accident when similar stories appear in the Daily Mail, Daily Express, Sun and Telegraph on the same day. That's power only the palace has.

What I'd like to know is what William thinks about this intimidation campaign. It's his future and George's that are really at stake if Markle's misbehavior begins showing the obvious gap between the wealth of the Royals and the average British citizen.

Prince Philip started his life fleeing a coup (in Greece.) I hope he doesn't end it the same way.
HoratioHoney said…
You have no legal background and not the slightest idea that you and the rest can be sued for libel over your obsession with Meghan. Disliking her wardrobe isn't anywhere near the same thing as calling her a porn actress, drug addicted prostitute or that she did this (as you claim) with ZERO proof. I'm going to love watching you clueless people lose everything behind your hate.

I'm screenshotting this so when you claim you had no clue what you are doing is illegal, it can be proven that you lied. You will probably delete this, so that's tampering with evidence.
Now! said…
LOL. I'm screenshotting this as proof that you are entirely batty.
Snuggz Bear said…
Nutty- I LOVE your informative posts on CDAN. Smirkle is a top notch con artist and once she is gone and the books are written with all the secrets we don't yet know about it is going to be on the level of "Dirty John" I think. It is hilarious the way Smirkle pretends to be pregnant with her pillow stuffed into her dress or an inflatable bump. No sane person is buying that she is really pregnant. I find her to be a total attention whore (nicest thing I can say about her) and a slut to the extreme from everything I've read about her past. That's how she got the gig with Harry from her expert yachting skills. These people who defend her, like the one above my comment, are truly ignorant, or they are Smirkle, or they are paid by her. They also don't understand the First Amendment (freedom of speech) in the USA and how it works. Current laws make it extremely difficult to sue for libel. That's why President Trump wants to change the laws. If President Trump can't sue for libel (and no one deserves that right more than him) than neither can anyone else. When all is said and done, Smirkle will crash and burn, and she totally deserves all of the shame and humiliation she will receive down the line.
Now! said…
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my posts.

I think Meg will be a trivia answer in five or ten years, when she will presumably be long gone from the BRF. She's not even the first woman of color in a contemporary European royal family - both Countess Alexandra (formerly Princess Alexandra) of Denmark and Princess Angela of Lichtenstein have her beat.

And both those women have very attractive sons, so Meg's child (or whomever she passes of as her child) also won't be the first child with non-European heritage born in the past 20 years or so. She'll be a footnote.

But you're right - it will be a fantastic story once we know all of the things that are currently hidden. Might even be the basis for a good opera.
Lady Luvgood said…
Megs is going off the rails in a big way. If she thought Christmas was awkward with Wills, wait until he catches wind of this stunt.

I do feel infinitely sorry for Harry, Diana’s little boy was bamboozled by a manipulator, who upon meeting Harry immediately cast herself as the victim, knowing he would try to be her savior.

I am deeply disappointed that Charles didn’t try to caution Harry, and wonder what Camilla thinks of Megs. Doubt her manipulation will work on the down to Earth Duchess.

William will work to save his and George’s throne, so if Megs thought it was tough before having Andrew gunning for her, wait until she gets a load of Wills when his happy family is threatened by Megs and her unseemly ways.
Kate said…
I believe much is being done behind the scenes to get rid of this grifter. Sooner than most think.
Now! said…
This comment comes from a poster called Shy Anne who says she has not been able to post. I have copied and pasted directly from her message on CDAN.

Seems to me the KP PR strategy was to hire MM to play the villain in a reality show format written by the fans under the goading of the KP PR team. The writing is on the wall and the screens, lol. Seems to be working so far in small numbers. They have their devotees on both sides.

The PH/MM union is clearly so made up. Do you remember when this hit the media? I think it was a small story that announced around Halloween of 2016 that PH had a new girlfriend. There had been nothing earlier about them. No gossip in the comments anywhere and no pap pics with this lady. Nothing. Then on the eve of the US Presidential election no less, out come's PH, aka Knight KCVO to rescue MM, his damsel in distress, ;D, by issuing an unprecedented public statement made through KP that defended her from "online trolls." But still not a single shot of them together.

Then for months with not one single pic of them together that I can remember, they were were cut and pasted side by side on the covers of the supermarket rags with stories on their relationship. There was one little outing around Christmas where they went out in matching knit caps in London to buy a Christmas tree from a street vendor. LOL

The relationship with MM got PH 10X the press right off the bat than his other two girlfriends. Why?

I knew after those two releases that PH would marry MM. It's a business relationship it seems. They're coworkers. It's all an act. I hope no child is involved, God I hope that.

They're simply continuing the "online trolls" narrative. One article I finally found after searching through Skippy's blog where they were discussing it, had a very interesting comment at the end. She told me emsi247 had posted it and I found it on Skippy through searching that user name, but the publication isn't listed in the screen shot. I couldn't find that article through Google or DDG. Maybe it was removed. At the end of the piece they wonder "why anybody would wish to sow and farm hate in the comments section on the BRF is anybody's guess." They were referring to the bots, but I'm reading irony into that question.

Is hate being sowed and farmed by KP online with the help of bots? It worked for Trump. But if yes, what is it they want?
Now! said…
You could be right. I thought it was interesting that the Queen came back from Sandringham a couple of days early this year. She traditionally comes back on February 6, which was the day her father died and she acceded to the throne.

The Queen has spent her entire life building trust in the throne. I'm sure she doesn't want to see it all fall apart at this point.

Hard to get rid of Meg before her "due date" though, unless they can somehow expose her pregnancy as a hoax. Nobody wants to be the family throwing the pregnant lady out in the street.
Now! said…
I think Harry is getting a little thrill out of this situation. He's always been the second son, the less important one, and now he and his wife are really driving the bus, the center of attention!

That said, I'm sure he doesn't like the fact that his own popularity is diminishing. My guess is that KP does regular off-the-record polls and he can see his star dimming.
Now! said…
I don't know if I buy the idea that it was all made up - I think Meg got more attention immediately because she was biracial and American, and that made for a good media story.

And as I said in the answer above, I think Harry on one level liked the idea of giving the middle finger to his brother, father, and grandmother, particularly as he dropped to a position of sixth-in-line. (The two previous second siblings, Princess Margaret and Prince Andrew, also reacted badly to their 'spare' status.)

Prince Harry was also starting to lose his hair, and maybe worried he was losing his attractiveness. And his friends were marrying and starting families all around him, while he was alone.

He wouldn't be the first man (or woman) to pick the wrong spouse out of desperation.
IhatefakePR said…
I am so glad you started your blog. Always enjoyed your thoughtful and informative comments. Good luck and keep up the good work!
Now! said…
Thank you! I'm glad you like it!
ShyAnne said…
You may be on to something with that middle finger but perhaps it was directed at pressure to marry a woman and continue his role with a wife. He’s said before he would never want to be king and I believe that. So he aligned himself with the best F U around? And KP ran with it and are using it to keep people interested.. We’ll never know for sure.

That DM article is hilarious. They put the labels hooker and trash on MM in one bold headline under the guise of accusing the bloggers of saying it. How diabolical.. zzz... PR 101. Oh, and megxit lol. Clearly they are bringing attention to the “bile” for a reason.
ShyAnne said…
Thanks for posting for me!
Unknown said…
Love your blog and your posts on CDAN.

MM is wearing a moonbump ( and continuing her charade as Saint Meg.

I believe she has found, and is posting on, your blog. Fun times ahead, for sure!
Unknown said…
Me-again Sparkles - also known as Meghan Markles - is a drug addicted prostitute and porn actress.

Sue me.
breadhead said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
I feel that Meghan had this "scheme" planned out all along. She wanted the nobility and status of being married to a royal but she really wanted to however to keep her acting career all along. And her being a Duchess would boost her acting career.

When dating Prince Harry she knew who he was. She went through extenive lessons on how to be a royal and she went on to marriage. Even giving birth to a royal which they refused to allow him to be Prince Archie. I feel that was selfish to not allow him his birth right. She defied rules/traditíons from the very beginning.

I feel really sad for Prince Harry. He's lost a lot in order to keep his family together. Being a Royal is all he's ever known. He left his blood family and he must feel very caught in the middle of everything. Plus he lost so much of pride that he was so honored to have achieved in his life.

I think Meghan is toxic for Prince Harry. I know he loves her but I feel they should have gotten to know each other more over a lengthy time and maybe this abidication wouldn't have happened. It is going to be very difficult for him and hopefully at the end of this trial period of 1 yr he will put his foot down and tell her that the UK is where they belong.

God Bless the Queen, Prince Harry and of course baby Archie.

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