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Meghan's pregnancy: What happens in April? Five scenarios, from best to worst

If the Duchess of Sussex was about 12 weeks along when she announced her pregnancy at Princess Eugenie's wedding in October, her full-term delivery date would be around April 29, 2019.

Of course, babies come whenever they are ready. This one is likely to arrive sometime in April or early May.

Here are five scenarios of what might happen.

The best scenario

The best scenario is that Duchess Meghan's PR is all true, and she will give birth in the traditional manner (vaginal or C-section) to a child who shares her and Prince Harry's DNA.

Although I'm no Meghan fan, this would be the best case for the reputation of the Royal Family and for the British public, who have enough on their minds with Brexit.

It's unlikely that the baby will get a HRH designation from the Queen at this late date, but if it is proven to have the proper bloodline, this is still a possibility.

The second-best scenario

The second-best scenario is that a surrogate gives birth to a child that shares Meghan and Harry's DNA, and the Royal Family decides to accept this child as an heir, perhaps without notifying the public that a surrogate was used.

Meg certainly wants people to believe she is pregnant: she wore a 4 or 5-month size prosthetic belly on the Australia tour when she was supposedly only 12 weeks pregnant, and a 6 or 7 month belly in early December, when she was not yet 5 months along.

Perhaps there is a real baby underneath the prosthetic. That said, her belly's tendency to fold when she bends down to greet children and swing from side to side when she walks suggests that Meg may not be personally pregnant and that a gestational carrier is being used.

If the bloodline is correct, the British Royal Family could accept the child in the line of succession and maintain a facade of business as usual.

Less positive scenarios

The third scenario is that a surrogate gives birth to a child, but it does not share Meghan and Harry's DNA.

This would cause succession problems; British aristocrats care about bloodlines, and they are unlikely to agree to a place in the line of succession for a child with no blue blood at all.

In this scenario, Meg and Harry would probably have to pretend that they are voluntarily removing their child from the line of succession, perhaps so it can "have a normal life."

(Alternately, this would be a great opportunity to remove Meghan from the Royal Family, should it be announced that she has delivered a baby who is not her husband's child.)

If there is no baby at all

The fourth scenario is there is no surrogate and Meghan is not pregnant; there is no child at all.

Carrying out a birth scenario - with all the attendant publicity - when there is no baby is difficult to pull off, but there is a precedent for it.

Louis Tomlinson, a member of the boy band One Direction, has been caught up in a fake pregnancy situation for nearly four years. In 2015 it was announced that he had conceived a child with a groupie; the idea was to prove Tomlinson was heterosexual and disprove rumors that he was romantically involved with his hearthrob bandmate Harry Styles.

The original plan was that it would all be a false alarm wrapped up quickly, but for reasons that are unclear, the charade was carried through to a faked birth. Photoshop images were made of the uncooperative Tomlinson together with the "newborn", and a realistic plastic doll was also used for some Instagram images.

Finally, a real child was brought in to play Tomlinson's "son." The charade has never been officially ended, and the "son" is now supposedly a very large three-year-old. (He is probably older). The boy and Tomlinson are never photographed together, and Tomlinson never voluntarily brings up his "child" in interviews.

Would Meghan go so far as to use a realistic doll for images outside the birthing hospital, at least until a real baby - perhaps a trafficked baby - could be brought in to play the part?

It seems outlandish, and likely to be uncovered at some point, which would damage the Royal Family's credibility.

There would be obvious questions: what did Harry know and when did he know it? What did the Queen know and when did she know it?

What role would the Royal Doctors play?

Interestingly, when Duchess Kate gave birth to each of her three children, her obstetric teams were announced in official statements one to two months in advance. No similar announcement has been made for Duchess Meghan. 

These obstetricians would be required to affix their signatures to a public document that would validate the birth of baby Sussex.

For scenarios two, three, or four, highly respected doctors would be required to be publicly associated with a story that is not entirely truthful.

Perhaps Meghan will announce an "unexpected home birth" carried out with only Harry to assist her - "The baby just came so fast!"

Alternately, she could plan a "home birth" and hire a midwife - preferably a slightly shady character who would be willing to sign off on anything. 

The worst possible scenario

The worst possible scenario, in my mind, would be for Meghan and Harry to try to cover for the lack of a true pregnancy by claiming a stillbirth.

This would be incredibly upsetting to the families who have had to go through this terrible experience in real life.

Furthermore, if such a heartless fraud was uncovered and the Royal Family were seen having gone along with it, it would deeply undermine support for the monarchy as a whole.

Although Meg and her PR woman, the former Hillary Clinton attaché Sarah Latham, are pretty desperate, let's hope they're not this desperate. 


Anonymous said…
Hi Nutty,

There can be a Sixth scenario-
The baby maybe of MeAgain's and not of Hazza. Nowadays all actresses and celebrities freeze their eggs and later use them. Sperms of anonymous person's can be used for external fertilization and a surrogate can carry it. This scenario might occur when MeAgain wants a baby for attention and Harry may not be willing.

The seventh scenario can be -
MeAgain is pregnant with someone else's child and not of Harry's,just in case she had hookups with other men,either to conceive because harry was unwilling, or just to get favors from some VVIP guy.

Having a baby may keep MeAgain safe from any kind of attack from Royals. She gets to do what she wants and yet not face consequence for it. The baby may not get a title and she will blame BRF for not giving title to a black(mixed heritage) woman's child. Although she will leak this to press through friends.
Now! said…
Good points. Probably in these cases we are looking at something similar to scenario 3.

If baby doesn't have Harry's DNA, it cannot be part of the line of succession. I'm sure the Sussexes and their minions can think up some reason why it is "their choice" that the baby not be a potential heir. "Security reasons" perhaps?

Hard to believe that Harry would accept this type of situation, having been questioned about his own parentage for much of his life.

In a world where DNA testing is inexpensive and simple, it would be hard to keep the secret about non-Royal DNA for very long.
hardyboys said…
No she will have a baby. I know you dont want to believe it but shes pregnant
Anonymous said…
Yes,the scenarios are similar to #3.. It would be hard to keep the secret and I am sure the royals know the truth but have to play along till they get concrete evidence in the form of DNA test result. Harry can be forced to accept the situation either by some blackmails/threats etc or she might have convinced him that this is the best way to built their brand..

MeAgain seems to be in hurry to make the most of this situation and elevate her celebrity status. She knows this is going to end very soon and might have planned an exit strategy. Sara might be brought in to increase the pace and also handle MeAgain's image post divorce. At least they want positive image in US..

I feel that MeAgain is aiming for much higher than we think. She may even run for US president in future. MeAgain is sharp and active when it comes to playing with the media and has all the qualities of being a shrewd politician. Giving speeches,media manipulation, networking are all the qualities of a politician.Given a proper team she can do better. Now it looks like she is restricted to some extent by the palace courtiers and she cant meet the people the way she wants to. She was mostly running the show all by herself through calls and chats until Sara joined. Once she is free,she will be more dangerous.

Peony2 said…
Hi Nutty! Certainly good summaries of the possibilities. I tend to think there will be some sort of baby presented.

Granted she is not the best representative of the BRF and Harry comes across as a dolt now - but:

I doubt such an elaborate hoax as a wedding would have taken place regardless of what secret was being maintained.

Sending those two on tour thereafter as representatives of the Crown would not have been done either if there was any doubt of the couple.

Nor would the Queen give out patronages to her if there was any doubt about the relationship with her grandson.

Curbing her thirst for celebrity exposure and training her to behave as a royal family member is the biggest challenge it seems -

Hopefully Lord G can clamp down on her pr stunts and keep her at the back of the royal bus where she belongs.

I do pity the child - however it is obtained ........................theirs will be a difficult life.
Tea Cup said…
ME-GAin *never* passes up an opportunity to mug for the cameras. If as Omid Scabby's twitter poll suggests she is trying to persuade public sentiment for a photo spread to introduce the baby at a later date and not preen with bairn in tow in front of the Lindo, then that will be a giant red flag seen from outer space all is not as it seems.
Now! said…
Hi Veena! Did you actually read the article? That was my best-case scenario.
Now! said…
I also have high hopes for Lord Geidt. At the very least, he can make sure that Harry is getting whatever medication he needs.

The "holistic, homeopathic" remedies Meghan generally prefers might not be the best choice for a man suffering from PTSD and depression, as Harry has publicly acknowledged.
Now! said…
It would look rather odd if the baby wasn't shown off immediately after the birth, as most Royal babies are.

I also think it's rather odd we haven't seen a bikini photo or a yoga photo of Meghan with her belly.

After Beyoncé's pregnancy with Blue Ivy was widely doubted, she went out of her way to pose wearing a midriff top while pregnant with Sir and Rumi to make sure everyone knew she was carrying her own children.
Anonymous said…
Well,I do think Harry was very serious about Meg and though the other royals tried to dissuade him from marriage,they relented. Meg looked like she was very keen on working right from the beginning and I think the Queen and PC were convinced that giving her more royal engagements would make Kate take on more work. There has been complaints from queen and others regarding Kate being lazy and laid back. Seeing her sis-in-law Meg being more active would make her take more work. Some amount of competition is better.

Also,I never felt Charles and Camilla had good relations with Will and Kate. So when Meghan came,Charles thought it would be a good idea to present himself as a good father in law to Meg and a good grandpa to sussex baby. Charles received some good pr with Meg's articles. But now both Will and Charles see Meg as a threat to royals as her excessive presence in the media is making people ask for republic. Both are heirs and that is the last thing they want.
KnitWit said…
Another gossip site posted another unbelievable option.
Peony2 said…
Knit Wit Blind gossip does that every April Fools - they post before to get clic bait and then they reveal its just a joke -
Now! said…
Yes, and they say it will be revealed on Monday - which is April Fool's.

Too bad Meg's PR has created a kind of environment where this kind of nonsense sounds credible, at least by Blind Gossip readers.
Now! said…
Will and Kate have three children five and under. I really don't need to see them work constantly.

That's what the Queen did, which is why Charles turned out the way he did.

I'd rather see Will and Kate keep their focus on raising their children properly.

Those kids will be out of the house by the time they're 10 or so - boarding school - so this is the only extended time they have with their kids.
Unknown said…
Hi Nutty,

I came across your blog while reading comments on CDAN and I'm so glad I did. Love, love it.

For their sake, I hope it's the first scenario. But hard to believe she's really pregnant with all the squatting. I'm a mother of one and I had a healthy pregnancy. I was quite fit, still out and about visiting friends the day before my delivery but there's no way I could squat like that (knees closed) even if someone promised to pay me a million dollars. But Meghan is doing it at 8 months while it was impossible to do it even at 6 months and I wasn't that big. I know every pregnancy is different but this one takes the cake.

I can ignore the ever changing, squishy bump, but not the squatting 😁 I can't wait to see how this plays out.

( Sorry for any grammatical mistakes, English isn't my first language and I'm still learning, thank you 😊)
Anonymous said…
Nutty, I am new to all this. Just wanted to know if @Torontopaper1 is trustworthy. Lot of warnings to meg.
Now! said…
Hi Sonia! I honestly don't know if TorontoPaper1 is a genuine source or a very clever troll.

Much of what the account reports has already been mentioned elsewhere, but the writer is very good at suggesting that he or she has inside information.

It's also been pointed out that some of its Tweets are sent at odd times for Toronto, such as 4am Toronto time on a weekday. Whoever runs the account is probably located someplace else.

(For what it's worth, 4am Toronto time is 9am London time)
Anonymous said…
Thanks nutty. This twitter account has all negative stuff. I am hating it. Not a fan of meghan.

One thing is sure, media n social media needs her..
Now! said…
No worries, your English is fine!

I agree that Meg's ability to squat in high heels with knees together at 8 months is bizarre.

In general, Meg doesn't carry her weight the way a pregnant woman does - babies are heavy! Pregnant women are often seen supporting their lower backs because of the strain, and when they walk they lean slightly backwards and don't bend their legs as much as non-pregnant women.

Meg was never a great actress - if she had been, she could have studied these movements and done a much better job of appearing pregnant.
Lady Luvgood said…
Ha ha I like the Toronto Account just for spitting in Megs eye

I just hope Harry can get away from this shrew, I have great affection for Dianas boys and hope that he isn’t in on anything to hurt his brother or Kate and their kiddos
KnitWit said…
I am blonde. I always fall for April Fool's jokes.
KnitWit said…
I can't believe the stilettos. Never saw a pregnant woman strutting in high heels late in pregnancy.

Wondering where she will be when the water breaks. Are any of the cousins getting married in the near future?

When and where would be the most dramatic place to go into labor?
IhatefakePR said…
Nutty, Thank you for acknowledging Kate and PW's importance to child rearing. I agree wholeheartedly and get really angry when people call them lazy. I think they have a great balance between work and family. I also wanted to say I have loved your comments on CDAN and am excited to follow your blog. Your insight into the PR world is informational and very much appreciated. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
@IhatefakePR,just wanted you to know that I am fully supportive of the fact that parents should spend as much as time as possible on their children especially during their growing days. I helps build bond between the parents and siblings.

what i stated above was my hypothesis regarding allocation of more patronages and more royal engagements to Meghan in the initial days of her marriage. Those are not my personal views. I said that based on many articles I read where they mentioned queen was not happy with Kate skipping many events. Nothing against Kate or The elder Monarch. Peace#
Anonymous said…
Not sure why that Forbes article was taken down. It had wonderfully summarized everything that happened since Meghan's marriage with Harry and all the PR stunts going awry.

Link -
Now! said…
No worries, Sonia.

I'm glad Kate's putting her emphasis on her parenting for now, particularly when most of her patronages focus on the importance of early childhood.

The Jesuits used to say, "Give me the boy until he is 7, and I will give you the man."
Now! said…
Well, it was announced this morning that Meg would skip the Lindo Wing at Paddington Hospital where the other Royal babies are born and choose to give birth at a provincial hospital instead.

An odd choice for a first birth by a somewhat older mother. The excuse is that the hospital is "close to their home in Windsor", but they haven't moved into Frogmore yet.

Looks like scenario #2 or scenario #3 from above are in play.
Now! said…
Great that you have the full article, Sonia!

I didn't find it that harsh, but apparently someone did - or someone just had the right number to call and have the article taken down.

I doubt that the reporter asked to withdraw the story. He's a freelancer, and freelancers are usually pretty hungry. He wouldn't want to miss a paycheck.

He's an older gentleman as well, a financial journalist, and he doesn't appear to have a Twitter account - so I doubt he'd collapse under pressure from social media.

My money is on Meg's new PR guru Sarah Latham, who used to work for Hillary Clinton. I'm sure she knows some numbers at Forbes.
Now! said…
Well, all these dreadful rumors about Will cheating on Kate that have been circulating for the past week aren't helpful.

I have no insight as to whether the rumors are true or not, but the Cambridges' circle is very tight, and there have never been any leaks like this in all the time they have bene married.

Then news of Meg's sex video appears. Suddenly there are numerous stories about William's potential infidelity pushing the Meg video stories out of the headlines.

More fine work of Meg and her PR people, including Sarah Latham, who used to work for Hillary Clinton and is used to dirty pool.

Harry has probably cheated on Meg as well - he was openly seeing other women when they were dating, and spent some time in Soho House Berlin last month.

I don't think she'd be best pleased if the Cambridge-friendly media focused on that.
Anonymous said…
Nutty, any info about Daniella Elser,the freelance journalist. She seems pro-meghan most of the time. But she written some not so flattery things about meghan as well. Its like out of 10,7 are pro meghan and 3 are anti meghan. She is not harsh but rather mild in criticism.
Lex said…
British law doesn't recognise surrogacy contracts, the mum of any baby is legally the woman who gave birth. So if a surrogate is used then it'll either be a huge conspiracy involving the hospital or the legal system (with a secret adoption order).

I mean Meghan is making out that she personally is pregnant, so it would look more than funny if they come out after the birth with "the child was carried by surrogate and Meghan just wore the belly for funnsies". Any child carried by surrogate would not be in the line of succession legally, but treated as an adopted child (he/she would get the title Lord [Name] or Lady [Name] and be a Prince/ Princess once Charles ascends the throne, but a boy would not inherit the Duke of Sussex title, nor be styled as Earl Dumbarton)

In addition I don't think Harry can renounce a place in succession for a child already in existence. He could have done so before Baby Sussex was conceived, but now, especially so late in the pregnancy, I think it's too late.

All this means that we are talking about scenario 1 and she really is pregnant (whose eggs really aren't important, though you'd hope it was Harry's swimmers, even if legally it doesn't matter) or the terrible Scenario 5, a fake stillbirth.

Sorry for the novel, I've clearly thought a lot about this.

Love your blog!
Now! said…
I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, but it's well known that Meg likes to make money.

By avoiding the standard photo outside the hospital after giving birth, Meg would have the opportunity to sell the first baby pictures to a glossy magazine like Hello or People.

Even if she's unable to accept money for the photos, she would be able to merch whatever she, Harry, and the baby are wearing in the photos, as well as any furniture, household goods, or baby goods in the background.

It could add up to a nice payday for her.
Now! said…
Thanks - glad you like the blog!

I generally avoid Thomas Markle stories because I find them repetitive, but one thing he said has stuck with me: "She bends the rules. She's good at that."

Although I understand that surrogacy contracts aren't legal in the UK, if there was anyone who was going to bend the rules it would be the royal family, and if there was anyone within the family who was going to bend the rules it would be Meg. (And perhaps Andrew, but that's another story).

What's the story with Meg's UK visa by the way? That was supposed to be problematic, but magically it seems to have been ironed out. Also, merching and borrowing of clothes by royals isn't allowed, but she seems to be doing plenty of that.

One of the most interesting aspects of the entire Meghan Markle story is that all these "rules" for royals, the ones Kate and Sophie Wessex and Autumn Philips have been so carefully following for years, don't have any enforcement mechanism.

If somebody chooses to break them, like "Tungsten" Markle, there's nothing to stop her except a few withering looks, which she doesn't care about.

She probably feels the same about the legal aspects of the surrogacy system in the UK. She's going to do what she's going to do - try and stop her!
Anonymous said…
Surrogacy in the UK is legal, and regulated by the UK-surrogacy-act-of-1985.
This is what I read -
"If you use a surrogate, they will be the child’s legal parent at birth.

If the surrogate is married or in a civil partnership, their spouse or civil partner will be the child’s second parent at birth, unless they did not give their permission.

Legal parenthood can be transferred by parental order or adoption after the child is born."

So when she has the baby delivered through a surrogate,it's not illegal and hence the hospital need not worry. And if I am not wrong,she is not going to deliver at lindo wing but an American hospital.
If the woman delivering her baby is ready to transfer parenthood by parental order or adoption immediately after the birth,it shouldn't be a problem. '
At the most the titles will not be given to the new born which is perfectly fine for Meghan. I don't think the palace is going to come up with true story in front of press. It is not going to declare that the birth was through a surrogate. They will just announce that Meghan has delivered the baby.

I think an It will be easy for her to get that adoption done quicker in american hospital -The Portland Hospital.,even if the senior royals are not too happy about it.
hunter said…
Nutty - hey, great blog - please help me with one piece of info I seem to not have.

Under what theory did Meghan decide to knock up a surrogate and WHY would the surrogate have anyone else's but Harry's sperm!??!?!

As for her ever-morphing bump, I am astonished that someone as intelligent and capable and scheming as MM would be so careless in her charade as to wear a 4-5 month bump at 12 weeks - that seriously is so inconceivable to be (though clearly it happened) I just record-scratch in my brain because WHY shoot yourself in the foot like that??

Anyway, stupidity aside - can anyone fill me in on why MM would possibly have established a surrogate that DID NOT have Harry's sperm? Because that is equally inconceivable as is the thought of no baby at all (!!).
Anonymous said…
Nutty I finally got my browser issues fixed. Let me repost. I think you made great points surrounding the birth. I was talking to a good friend who is British. She explained that surrogacy laws in England are archaic. The biggest reason for Harry/Meg to hide a surrogacy birth is that a child born of surrogacy can not be titled. Can you imagine a child of a British prince not being allowed to accept a hereditary title.? Meg would be highly insulted. I tried to confirm this last night and had no luck. Maybe a UK barrister who lurks might be kind enough to comment but it makes sense why they would go to such extremes to hide this type of birth.
Lurking said…
Won't load on Could they have had it taken down from there?
Now! said…
Glad it's working for you, Ann!

I can understand why England hasn't updated its surrogacy rules in relation to royalty; they've never really needed to before!

Surrogacy is actually illegal in most parts of the world - check out this map on Wikipedia.
Lurking said…
Hi Nutty... what's your take on the timing of the entire relationship? She moves into Kensington Palace before/shortly after becoming engaged. Is that normal in the world of the Royal Family? Their wedding pushes Eugenie's wedding to later in the year. The engagement is only 6 months. Something isn't right.
Now! said…
She may be intelligent and scheming, but I don't think she's particularly capable. The ill-fitting designer fashions (the super-tight dress at the old folks home was the worst) and her relentless barking at staff doesn't suggest a woman who has everything under control.

Unless Meg had eggs pre-stored, getting them harvested, fertilized and successfully implanted within 2 months of her wedding is a pretty quick turn of events.

From Harry's point of view, agreeing to give Meg some sperm to use for her experiments seems a bit rushed. Don't couples usually try for a naturally-conceived baby for a a few months before going the IVF route?

You're right that it seems counter-intuitive to have a baby that isn't Harry's biological son, but Meg was in a hurry.
Now! said…
I'd agree that it all seems strange, M Lurking. Meghan seems to have taken full advantage of Harry's fecklessness and Charles' unwillingness to call her out on her behavior, lest the Royal Family be called racist. Charles acutely feels the paradox of being an all-white monarchy in an increasingly multi-cultural Britain. He and his mother have gone out of their way to offer Meg many things that were never offered to Kate to make clear that she was welcome in the family.

And you're right, the link does not load. I did cut and paste the story into the comments for this reveal on Saturday:
Anonymous said…
M Lurking,
The link auto directs to some other page. When the page loads 90%,click on cross(x) on browser. This way redirect to another page can be avoided. This link still shows the article-
irene said…
PW went with Kate to Dr appts. Neither PH or MM haven't been shown to do that.
Is PH so besotted/squeemish that he's not seen his wife's "blossoming" figure these last 8mo?Not interested in feeling fake baby kick move around ? Never saw pic of him pattying her jelly belly like MM has repeatedly in almost every picture
. How could he be so blind?OR is he in on it for another reason?
Now! said…
Hi Irene! You're correct in that scenarios 2-5 would require Harry's complicity. I doubt new marriage would survive without the husband seeing his wife nude for nearly a year.

Why would he play along? It could be because he is desperately in love - the same kind of love that lands so many women in prison for doing something stupid suggested by the men in their lives. It could be out of jealousy towards his brother. It could be because Meg convinced him that this would be the quickest and best way to have the family he's long wanted.

Or a combination of all of these things.
Lurking said…
I still can't get it to load, but found it posted by Nutty on another site. Thank you for trying to help me out.
hardyboys said…
I really enjoy your blog. Its very well written. When i read thru skippy tumblr blog i was astonished at the level of barbarism and irresponsibility on there. Calling MM for wearing fake Diana jewellery being thrown into prison for back taxes owed her and harry dont live together she followed harry to Jamaica she abuses drugs sham wedding fake pregnancy. I felt like i was reading the vitriol of a young child who is angry. She accuses MM of wearing a fake Diana aquamarine ring. Posting pics of spongebob. My 14 year old twins are more mature than her. You shouldnt recommend her blog. That is one angry woman
hunter said…
Thanks for your reply, I'm really enjoying this plus I pasted your link into one of Enty's FB posts.

I have been an egg donor (I have 11 kids WAT) and can say from experience that while ambitious, it would not take more than two months to arrange an IVF baby, assuming everything takes on the first try.

I'm also confused as to why Harry might be into this BUT as to why Meg would - she is already over 35 - nobody wants to waste 8 mos trying if she can lock a baby down now PLUS she probably doesn't want to carry it herself so surrogacy for that reason is an A+ from my perspective. Her horrible representation of an appropriate belly is astonishing.

I used to be totally pro-Meghan but I was apparently duped.

Now I am starting to wonder if she is like that Fyre Festival guy and that Theranos chick - the people who take something WAY WAY PAST where it would conceivably have reasonably been pulled and just keep going, we'll see.
De luca said…
Hi Nutty, I definitely directed people here, I’m in the UK, and can tell you that most people are just about sick to the back teeth of her, as of today we have more PR in the DM, about her charities, it mentions altruism, I did make a comment suggesting Meghan doesn’t fit that discription and posted a Webster definition. As for the delivery it can’t happen soon enough, I’ve spent my whole life managing to avoid anything royal, but this is like the best / worst reality tv show I’ve ever been subjected to, but it’s so addictive; even my sick elderly mother can’t quite take it in, she just wants to live long enough for the conclusion. Anyway even my mother is reading your blog now, so thanks for the insights . Harry Markle blog has a very good time line this week, about the embryonic ( see what I did there lol) beginnings to where we are today.
fabfoxly said…
Great blog, Nutty! Of the five scenarios, I think IVF + surrogate is most likely. PH hasn't been shy about publicly stating his desire for children; he's been doing so for years. One could almost bet that being someone able and willing to have kids was a major item on his wife checklist.

But does MM want kids, and is she willing to grow and birth them herself? That's another matter. We've also all seen those stories about MM telling her former husband she couldn't, and those rumours of a pregnancy contract. Maybe she's infertile, or maybe she has medical conditions. Maybe she just refuses to ruin her figure. What is clear is she wants to keep *PH.* Surrogacy seems like an option that could work for both of them. As long as the baby has Harry's DNA, it's an "heir of his body," which is what the law requires.

The couple were known to have visited fertility doctors before the wedding: Who knows what they *really* found out? They could have been prepping for IVF or even starting it before the wedding, which could explain why the gown was loosely-fitted.

They have plenty of money to get things done, buy silence, and hide the surrogate. There are any number of ways they could keep the "delivery" under wraps, especially if they give out the story that she birthed too quickly to get to the hospital at all. It happens, even with first-timers -- and all the raspberry leaf tea can really speed up labor. ;-) Even if she checks into a hospital, I don't think anyone will find out. There are lots of babies on maternity wards, and it's probably not too difficult to sneak one in. This might have even been the reason they hired Latham when they did; she knows how to cover the tracks.

No bets on whether the marriage will last, but hopefully PH will be happy as a father. We all know MM is a disaster and has no clue how to behave (let alone convincingly fake a pregnancy), so it will be interesting to see which scenario unfolds. I have plenty of tea and biscuits on hand so I can enjoy the show.

Now! said…
Sending best wishes to your mother! I can see why she's eager to see how it all turns out.

I've said before that this is like 8 different Shakespearean dramas going on at once.

All the elements are there - lust, power, greed, deception.

And nobody knows the ending. No wonder people are fascinated.
Now! said…
Surrogacy is the latest thing in Hollywood - Kim Kardashian, Gabrielle Union, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Jimmy Fallon's wife have all openly used surrogates, and Amal Clooney and Beyoncé reportedly did so without acknowledging it.

Since Meghan believes she is modernizing the monarchy, she probably thought that using a surrogate an aspect of that modernization. As Thomas Markle stated, she's very good at bending the rules.

She probably went ahead without explicit permission, which she wouldn't have gotten, thinking, "What are they going to do about it when the baby is on the way?"

Can't wait to see what they do about it.
Now! said…
Thanks Veena - I'm glad you enjoy the blog.

Skippy is an acquired taste, as I say in my blog entry below.

However, for a while Meg seems to have been sending anonymous messages to directly to Skippy, which I think is worth writing about.
Now! said…
It would be amazing if she were able to pull it all off between mid-May and mid-July, but she does seem very focused when going after something she wants.

But you're right, that focus could be her undoing. When you're used to always being able to get your way, suddenly not being able to get your way could be a shock. I would imagine her reaction would be nasty.

Thanks for your insight as an egg donor. Meg doesn't seem to be the type of person to freeze her eggs; she didn't seem to be particularly looking forward to motherhood.

I wonder if the egg isn't hers - after all, it's not all that important if the baby carries her DNA.

Harry's contribution could have been obtained much more quickly, and his is the only DNA anyone really cares about.
Anonymous said…
Nutty, what do you think about this -
Now! said…
New Idea in Australia tends to write a lot of nonsense. They were the ones pushing the Charles-Camilla divorce early this year as well.

However, if Meg "gives birth" in secret, they will have a hard time convincing people that Scenario #1 is the truth. Scenarios 2-4 start looking more likely.

Anonymous said…
April fool blind solved -
hardyboys said…
More pictures of her out with Harry at an apothecary on Friday. She looks great she is with Harry. Shes got a FU look on her face. Harry is standing by her. This is no sham wedding. She looks good. Shes defo trying to prove a point which is I am boss
moz said…
here's a new ling to the Forbes article:

Anonymous said…
she had called the paps. She usually does that before a big event. She did it after sunset to look like she was hounded by paps during their private walk. All for show... Harry is enjoying all the attention along with her,,,,,,,,
Her acting at the December visit to the senior home was embarrassing. "I'm feeling very pregnant today." What a fool she is. From the too small summer dress to the coat flipping in the driveway to the squirming in her chair because she felt "very pregnant," she needs a psychiatrist.
Anonymous said…
This picture is photo shopped -

Now when I look back on all the pics of meg, many are photoshopped,nearly 50%.
Now! said…
I have to agree with Sonia on this. She was coming out of a "natural apothecary", which fits her brand well - "natural birth", possibly at home.

Show me celebs coming out of someplace embarrassing or carrying something off-brand - say, Meg carrying a giant bag of fast food - and I'll show you an authentically candid pap shot.
Now! said…
The dress was a very odd choice. I suppose she was merching it, but who would want to buy that dress after seeing her wear it so poorly?

In general, I don't understand how Meg helps sell clothing. Everything looks rumpled and ill-fitting on her - she never takes time for the exquisite tailoring that is the mark of the truly wealthy.

If I had a clothing brand, I would not want Meg wearing it.
Now! said…
Yes, there's something off about Harry's ear in the photo.

It's clearly staged, though. I like the sign in the back saying "love" and "inner peace."

As I said to Judy above, show me a photo of Meg coming out of a Gregg's (British fast food) or an Arby's (US low-end fast food) with a giant plastic bag of junk food. That would be a candid photo.
Anonymous said…
Got to know that harkles have an Instagram. All tacky pictures.

Now i understand the pap walk. To build hype prior to this event.
gail de scot said…
Nutty, regarding MM ill-fitting clothing: saw on another site somewhere that MM is in cahoots with a friend who gets designer clothing either free or at a discount; friend passes the clothing (sized for the friend, not MM) to MM and a bill for full price of clothing is submitted to BRF for is then split between friend and MM, and this clothing pass-along accounts for items not fitting MM properly.....any thoughts or comments on this? and just found your blog which I am now hooked on!
Peony2 said…
Hi Nutty! Well I agree with you totally - MM seems to have the worst taste in clothing and the worst fitting clothing as well -

I recall what I did like about the dress she wore in Morocco? it reminded me of one that Grace Kelly had worn to something many years ago - of course she had a good figure and wore the dress well - but MM always looks over dressed for wherever she goes and in the worst taste of all -

Well the saying goes you cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear and she certainly proves that point. She makes designer clothing look like trash ......

What suits her is the torn blue jeans .....her old Hollywood clothing -

I'm becoming more and more convinced that PH is in cahoots with her in spite of the photo shopped pics - I think his spouting of that speech she wrote which was so out of character for him or any royal to blather on about with her word salads just struck me as ringing true to his current thinking.

She may well be the Trojan horse that takes down the Royals if they cannot stop her soon. So far they seem to be allowing her to do what she pleases......its unsettling.
Anonymous said…
If you blow the picture up, you can see what a lousy job they did of photo-shopping the picture. There is another figure BEHIND Harry (someone in black jeans, you can clearly see the legs. I do not believe these are shadows). They plopped Harry over the figure of that person, but couldn't obliterate the legs because it would destroy most of the picture.
Jen said…
I have a VERY hard time believing that Will would cheat on Kate. After everything that happened with his parents, why would he ever put Kate through something like that? Not to mention, it would turn the public against him for the same reasons (they loved his mother, and they love Kate). I know that I don't want to believe it because I really like that couple, but it just doesn't make sense. The only thing that DOES make sense would be if it occurred while they were at University and not while they were married. The article I read about it didn't cite when they believed the infidelity occurred, so maybe it DID happen but it was when they dated.
Jen said…
Lot of great thoughts on this subject. I just have to say one thing about this "birth" will likely overshadow Prince Louis first birthday. We've already seen Meg take the shine from Eugenie on her wedding day (which is just so tasteless, that I am still upset for Eugenie over that), so I wouldn't be at all surprised if she gives birth on the same day or close enough to it to take the shine away from Prince Louis. I find her wanting to give birth in a regular hospital to be very odd and suspect; why not take advantage of the ADVANTAGES of Lindo? If I were giving birth, I'd rather it be where the entire staff is focused on me and my child 100%. Everything she does now really makes it seem like there is something going on; I tried to give her the benefit, and even the last photos of her show a very full face (which is pretty common for late pregnancy moms). I was leaning towards, this is real! now, not so much.
hunter said…
One note on the eggs & surrogate - your reply seems to assume a donor egg or a previously frozen egg.

No such thing is necessary. When I donated my eggs they had the recipient right there in the next room with her husband's spermos on hand (presumably in a cup). They did the transfer that day.

Which is to say Meg COULD have said - don't want to carry the baby but let's pull some eggs (one month notice & prep shots to boost eggs for collection), line up a surrogate (one month notice/prep shots to align cycle) - then wheel them both in - BADDA BING BADDA BOOM!! Pregnant surrogate.

No freezing required.
hunter said…
It is things such as the attention-pulling at Eugenie's wedding which have really shocked me as fully inappropriate that anyone would know better.

It is these small gestures that make me think maybe she really is a sociopath.
Braintree said…
Interesting end note in this article about Meghan trolls that she is employing her own medical team and will only call on the Royal gynaes in an emergency
Unknown said…
What would be interesting is that if the baby comes from a surrogate and doesn’t have Meghan’s DNA, there will be no worries about the baby being an American citizen because it won’t be born to an American citizen living abroad. If the baby isn’t declared to be an American citizen as well until it is 18 (and can renounce American citizenship), then the world will know that the baby is not Meghan’s. My cousins were born in the UK to American parents and had dual citizenship until they moved back to the US a number of years later.

Also, if Meghan doesn’t give birth or present a baby in the next two weeks, the announcement would have been seen as premature and (thus) clearly announced just to take some of the focus on Princess Eugenie’s wedding.
OzManda said…
Nutty - came over from CDAN and love your blog, I have3 been trying to add comments for a while but they either disappear or looks like being deleted, unsure what I am doing wrong?

I note MeAgain is choosing a less public hospital, her own doctors etc. Seems to me she is trying hard to not have her own people at the surragocy handov-err..birth.
Do you really think the BRF would go along with a surrogate and keep it a secret? I guess I'm hoping they have some integrity.

If mm were a true feminist, she could've been honest about a "surrogacy/fertility" troubles. Or this could have been her out to use a surrogate. Feminists and women around the world would've flocked to her. It would've given plenty of free headlines about being "brave and honest with an emotional and sensitive topic no one talks about". But no, she missed her chance, and now no one believes she's actually pregnant.
Avery said…
Not to mention Harry hasn't helped her up (from her improbable full closed leg squats), reached for her elbow or been anywhere near that belly. This from a man who has always wanted a family. Daddy instincts should have kicked in by now, or at the very least, compassion for a very pregnant wife who he's enamored with. (Okay, I don't KNOW this to be true, but, I haven't seen photos of such interaction.) Completely odd that Ms. Attention doesn't want to do the Royal hospital, the Royal exit with new baby. I honestly don't know why the Queen has allowed any of this. She may be old, but she is a strong, smart savvy broad. She also has a great relationship with PH and PW and I doubt either of them would want to purposely hurt her or the establishment.

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