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Meg loves the 90s: On the Duchess of Sussex and her 1990s aesthetic

Most people are deeply influenced by the music, fashions, and culture they experienced in their teenage years - in fact, brain science confirms that we are particularly susceptible to influence during young adulthood.

Meghan Markle's deep attachment to the 1990s was clear this week, when her intro to the Vogue UK issue she guest-edited strongly recalled the narration Carrie Bradshaw read out at the beginning and end of each episode of "Sex in the City."

When the show premiered in 1998, Meg was either 17 or 21, depending on which of her birthdates you believe.

Dressing like an extra

Meg dressed like an extra from "Sex in the City" for most of the following decade - short tight dresses, stiletto heels, long loose hair.

And until her engagement to Prince Harry, Meg was regularly sharing Carrie-Charlotte-Miranda-Samantha type images of herself and her girlfriends on exotic vacations, colorful cocktails held high.

It could also be argued that both her would-be influencer blog "The Tig" and her pseudo-anonymous blog "Working Actress" owe a lot to Carrie Bradshaw's solipsistic, confessional style.

Kate and Carolyn as influences

But imitating Sarah Jessica Parker isn't the only way Meg reflects her 1990s influences.

Her passion for black and white portrait photography references the famous advertisements for Calvin Klein's Obsession perfume, particularly the 1992 Kate Moss campaign (warning, boobs) shot by Mario Sorrenti.

Meg sometimes appears to be imitating Kate's body type, hairstyle, freckles and even posture from this campaign.

Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, another 1990s icon, is also clearly one of Meg's influences; Meg turned up to an event in February 2019 in a white blouse and long black skirt clearly inspired by CBK.

Thinking Vogue is important 

Even Meg's connection with Vogue Magazine is itself a bit of a throwback to the 1990s, when supermodels like Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Heidi Klum were important cultural forces and Vogue ruled the fashion business.

Vogue's circulation peaked in 2006, and if you were to ask the man or the woman on the street today to name three supermodels, they'd probably still say Naomi Campbell, Cindy Crawford, and Heidi Klum.

They're now attractive women in their 50s, but they're hardly cutting edge.

Meg brought the 1990s supermodel Christy Turlington back into the spotlight for the September issue, and while Turlington is still very pretty, it's hard to argue that she's influential.

Models just aren't major cultural players at the moment, which makes it a bit archaic that Meg chose to feature so many of them on the cover of a "forces for change" issue that lacked scientists, businesswomen, and tech stars.

More 1990s influences

We could go on and on about how Meg reproduces her 1990s influences (That Panama hat! What's next, playing the saxophone in front of light coming through Venetian blinds?), which manifest themselves not only in her look but in her larger decisions (choosing Sara Latham, a discarded Clinton factotum, as her PR advisor).

Of course, we're all influenced by our youthful experiences. I certainly am, if my Spotify playlist is anything to go by.

The point is, though, to use them as a basis and then grow beyond them, and reflect the culture that exists, not the one that existed 20 to 30 years ago.

I'm not sure Meghan's done that.


Girl with a Hat said…
this is a woman whose idea of having a table full of books is having coffee table books about Jackie O, Audrey Hepburn and other fashion icons. She is so superficial that she believes that that is considered "reading".

Like a true narcissist, she has no self image so she must copy others. This also explains why she doesn't evolve. Once she finds something she admires, she integrates it into her persona and stays with it.
Now! said…
Don't forget the Anaïs Nin book Meg read "many moons ago."

Her favorite quote from it:

“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”
BlueRidge said…
Great lost Nutty! Many excellent points here about Meghan and her style time-warp.

Any thoughts around the announcement of her second capsule collection via the “buy one, give one” Tom’s shoe model?
BlueRidge said…
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Miss_Christina said…
I can kind of relate, I guess. I was a teenager in the eighties and still sort of dress like a New England preppy. However, I don't wear polos with the collar popped or high top sneakers with leg warmers or anything like that. Megs is incapable of personal growth, I'm just surprised she's not wearing brown lipstick and choker necklaces too.
Girl with a Hat said…
I don't think she actually read it, because she wouldn't be quoting from it if she did. It's erotica. I think she just searches for a quotation about "shallowness" and this one popped up.

PaulaMP said…
I love this blog! Everybody writes like they have sense and intelligence unlike so many others. Spot on about Megs, she is the epitome of shallow, not an original thought in her head.
Girl with a Hat said…
I heard that Markle is the most googled woman in the world, but not for a good reason. So, she has attained fame or rather notoriety.
Miss_Christina said…
Plus, of course, she likes to think of herself as a mermaid, because, you know, mermaids are pretty. That's all Meg really gets out of that quote.
JL said…
“What's next, playing the saxophone in front of light coming through Venetian blinds?”
Spot on. Bwahahahaha!
MaLissa said…
@Nutty if she read that she's "braver" than I thought. I'm a voracious reader and can read a 500+ page book in 2 days if I'm not doing anything. I've tried reading Anais Nin several times and I just can't get past the first 10 pages let alone a chapter. Maybe I am missing something, I should take another look.
@Mischi It's erotica and that's probably why she read it... or... she read it because it's... erotica - see what I did there? :) In all honesty, she probably didn't read it, she skimmed through it and just read the "juicy" parts.
@Miss_Christina - agree with you on the mermaids. Who doesn't like a mermaid story and of course, they're pretty :)
MaLissa said…
Oh and I was in my 30's during Sex and The City. Big fan of Kim Catrall but somehow I just couldn't get into it. Even today, I try to watch the reruns that come on TV and I still can't get into it.
MaLissa said…
Give it time, she might surprise us :) LOL :)
Now! said…
I'm so glad somebody got that! :)
Now! said…
My thought is that when she says, "for every item purchased, one will be given away" could easily mean, "Purchase a 200 pound jumpsuit and we'll give away a 2 pound T-shirt."

Nothing is said about the items having equivalent value.

hardyboys said…
Sorry what is this reference to JL? I watched an interview with her on youtube where she talked about being inspired by LA and that her favourite song is I wanna dance with somebody by Whitney which was played at her reception apparently. It was the way she said its such a good song that she sounded so young and infantile. Maybe I'm being too harsh as when I hear 80's music like Madonna, bangles, Spandau ballet, boy George, or wham I get pretty soft too.

I think in terms of her being googled its because she is everybody's favorite past time about how much lower she can sink. I'm still having trouble processing how excited I was to see her on her wedding day and how beautiful she looked. I will never believe her aquamarine ring or bandeau is fake and her Stella dress was phenomenal even though she was trying to emulate Carolyn Bessette that was a no brainer. But why not? She was absolutely stunning and her dressing was classic. Megs copied the white wedding dress, the pic of JFK kissing her on the hand, the brown pencil skirt with black turtleneck, and she talks like a vapid air heady valley girl which is all she really is. She's had tons of plastic surgery so we know she is deathly insecure. Congrats to all the readers. I used to read so much also but stopped when my kids, practice and failed marriage imploded on I'm learning Hindi as my past time. :)
abbyh said…
She hasn't evolved. You are right.

And I think because she never got the changes in terms of what is new (not looking?) and then never figured out what really looks good on her so she winds up taking clothing because it is offered instead of saying thanks but no, this is not quite right for my body.

I think being in the Hollywood and New York areas, fashion has the high end red carpets but also the tolerance of dress as you feel you are even if it is way too flashy/revealing and so to go to the grocery or do the school run. One does it because one can - this is real me and you just need to accept that or I call you misogynistic for criticizing me because women should be able to wear anything at anytime. Middle America has less opportunities and/or acceptance on both ends.

She had a nice cocoon of how I want/should look reinforced (or if criticized, not heard) and it still was in the wider bell curve of ok fashion even if it was not the leading edge. It's just not working now and an inability to be guided by others is showing every which way.
BlueRidge said…
Or even a factory second which could not be sold at full price, no?

She’ll find a way to game the system and we know now why the Foundation was structured as is- so the Sussex duo can rake in the $$$$ while their charities struggle to cover expenses.
Avery said…
“I must be a mermaid, Rango. I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.” Which, is why she got into yachting perhaps? Blech.
Louise said…
$mirkles promotion of buying more and more fashion is inconsistent with her and Harry's professed concern for the environment.

No longer worn clothing is filling up our landfills. Textile manufacturing requires huge amounts of water and energy (much of the latter from petroleum) and toxic chemicals and dyes are discharged into our waterways.

Micro fibres of polyester (plastic), pollute our oceans and kill small organisms that are necessary to the larger ocean ecosystem.

In North America alone, 9.5 million tons of clothing ends up in landfills. One trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity are used globally every year to produce clothes (10% of global carbon output). Textile dying and treatment accounts for 17-20% of the pollution in our waterways. The number of new garments produced annually now exceeds 100 billion.

If $smirkle and Harry cared about the environment, they would encourage people to recycle, rewear and repair their clothing, instead of encouraging them to buy more and more schmatas.

I really wish that some journalist or at least someone with a wider audience than me would address this hypocrisy.

Full disclosure: I enjoy fashion myself, but I never pretended to be an eco warrior.
Louise said…
I don't get it.

Care to share?
fordgirl said…
If MM was born on 1981, then we are both the same age and we were teenagers during the 90s. I love Sex and the City but I actually did not watch it when it was on TV because I did not have HBO. I watched it circa 2004, the last season. I think that she is playing a movie in her mind (SATC wardrobe), where she is the most important woman on Earth and the first one to do "many things" so she has the obligation to "educate" the rest of us, poor mortals, with the knowledge of what is going on out there, but she is doing this because is functional to her and her own agenda, not because she cares. She thinks she is better that us, she respects no one (her mother, her father, Harry, HMTQ, Wills, Kate) and she has created this faux humanitarian-feminist self to promote herself and impose on others what she thinks is best, because, as a narcissist, she listens to no one but herself because she is better that the rest. And this is how she "sold" herself to PH, and he, who was desperate to get married (rejected by her girlfriends, and then tried to conquer Margot Robbie and Jenna Coleman), jumped in the opportunity. I think that he is just realizing what he married into, but he has been brainwashed by MM so it is going to take him some time, specially if there is a "baby" involved, to evaluate what he has done.
abbyh said…
Nice points about the long term costs of fashion and incompatibility.

Unknown said…
I'm six months younger than Smeg-Head (my poor hubby to be shares a birthday with her) and I get that we early 80s kids cling to the 90s, life was GOOD then (Except for, you know, the fashion, hair, music..... I jest!). It is very easy to want to keep to those asthetics, even years later. (Not saying I miss the silver eye shadow, hair mascara and dark lip liner/light lippy, but it brings a sense of comfort and nostalgia). A time when SATC was worth staying in for and it influenced a hell of a lot back then... ah the salad days of cosmopolitans, Marlboro Lights and having a group of GFs with different hair colours. However, my mum insists the 70s were the ultimate decade and it's all been downhill from there. It's all about remembering the time when you were having fun and carefree. But as you said, it needs to be a basis.

Considering how much Smegs wants to show how much of a breath of fresh air she is, so terribly, terriby modern and forward facing, she can't seem to get out of her comfort zone. It just shows how little she is able to grow, still mentally stuck at a time when she was young and pretty. Her writing relects this mindset; gushing, faux self-depricating, breathy and gauche. It's like reading a fantasy interview in the diary of a teenage girl. She sees herself as Carrie, but Candice Bushnell is a much, much better writer. (Also Carrie would now be 52 and I'm sure, still on the cutting edge of today's fashion. CB would weep over Smeg's faux pas)

I think Smeg is not able to move forward and accept she is middle aged. Not the hot young thing, anymore. I get that, I'm 37 and struggling with the big 40, but I gave up my Baby Spice mini pigtails and platform trainers years ago. The fact her PR puts out stories where she and Hazmat are constantly referred to as 'the young(er) couple' give it away.

All Vogue did was show us how incapable of personal growth she really is. Like we needed telling.

Sorry that turned into a long one! Great post as always.

(And I'll bet she plays Kenny G when she's in that bloody ridiculous copper bath of hers)
Now! said…
Nothing deep! It was just a trope that is very popular in music videos from the 80s and early 90s - Hall & Oates, Huey Lewis and the News, Haircut 100, and those are just the ones that start with H!

You get a white guy wearing a Panama hat and sunglasses, playing a saxophone very earnestly. In the background light seeps through Venetian blinds, creating a shadow pattern on the floor.

Ferns and a smoke machine may also be present. The singer (male or female) uses lots of hairspray.
Louise said…
I'm going to disagree with Nutty on this one. I thought the $mirkles street wear from her Toronto days was pretty up to date, although formal wear could be a bit tawdry. She wore a lot of low heels, jeans, nice coats and accessories for day wear, and I felt that she had her own personal style.

It was when she started wearing high end designers just for the sake of wearing high end designers that things fell apart, with a lot of expensive, ill fitting items of clothing and accessories that had no coherent personal style.

These designer clothes were generally not designed for $mirkle's short torso body, even when she was thin. It makes her look like a little girl wearing her mother's clothes.

Her makeup with the strobing and sculpting is very "today". it's what all the duck lipped You Tubers wear, although she does overdo the highlighter and bronzer. I do like her lipstick choices.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Beth said…
It's hard to know what is real and what isn't when it comes to MM. She seems to really believe that she is inspirational and that the world should react to how she thinks things should be. The problem is identifying who she really is and what she is carrying on about. Since the day she arrived on the scene as Harry's girlfriend, she has been telling anyone who will listen that she is a feminist. What kind of feminist gives up her career, her income, her country, her family and friends, her dog, her freedom, her independence, and her own identity for a man and a ride on the gravy train that is the BRF?

She's like a chameleon. Once she gloms onto someone or something that she perceives is a step up in the world for her, that becomes her newest identity and anything/anyone who doesn't fit in with the new MM is cast aside. Next on the chopping block will be the Royal Family. By now she has probably twigged to the fact that what she thought would be a life of unimaginable splendor and deference befitting a royal duchess, while traveling the world as the People's Princess 2, is not exactly working out for her. That "great fear of shallow living"? Be afraid, Meg. Be very afraid.
Anonymous said…
Bruce Willis is what I thought of. But I got it and it was wonderful, Nutty. Well done.
Louise said…
Elle: My young secretary is of the generation that grew up being concerned about the environment and shops almost exclusively at thrift stores or wears hand me downs. She really walks the walk.

However, she always looks well turned out and fashionable.

I am also trying to cut back by buying only good quality, non trendy clothing that lasts or shopping my own closet which is full of treasures from the past that I forgot about .
hardyboys said…
I totally agree with all your comments on here Louise. I thought her style in Toronto was really nice, I love her look of her hair slicked on one side, the cute outfits on the Tig….she always looked amazing.
I think a lot of her outfits she wears are still not bad although she gets panned for it.
What I find weird is how her looks completely went down hill after this alleged baby. She really looks bad, the texture of her skin is leathery and she looks old.
Anonymous said…
I think the I'm-off-to-my-ice-skating-competition engagement dress says it all. Clearly, she wanted to be a Nancy Kerrigan. Unfortunately, she is and always will be a Tanya Harding.
Girl with a Hat said…
that is typical of the narcissist and of the sociopath. They have no true identities.
Girl with a Hat said…
Some of you are going to hate me for this, but here goes ..... Meghan is a Leo and Leos are notoriously inflexible. I have a Leo friend who moved from one city to another on the other coast and set up his new apartment exactly, and I mean exactly, like the apartment he left behind.

Another Leo friend cries on my shoulder about the exact same problems she was 20 years ago because she has done nothing to try to address those problems. She is also a notoriously bad dresser, for example, she wore a cheap Indian sari to white person's wedding, and she's not even Indian. She's Scottish. And quite overweight. Afterwards, she will complain about men not being interested in her. We try to tell her gently what she is doing wrong, but she won't take advice. Not a piece of it. Nothing. She just does exactly what she wants and then complains that the world isn't as she imagines it to be.
Does any of that sound familiar? That's Meghan Markle.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, Veena, so sorry to hear about your troubles. I wish you the best of luck with Hindi acquisition. I would love to be able to get my Bollywood fix without translation!
Girl with a Hat said…
I don't think Meghan read it because if she had, she would know about Anais Nin, being a controversial person who had an incestuous relationship with her own father. I think she thinks that Nin is a feminist and she found a citation about not being shallow and went with it. This is what happens when shallow people venture into the depths of literature.
hildarumpole said…
If Meghan had any self-awareness, she'd be having a full on panic attack at the display of her shallowness in Vogue.
hildarumpole said…
That's an interesting way of looking at the Markle mystery, Mischi. It fits in with the tungsten label Prince Charles gave her. She's definitely a knucklehead.
Louise said…
She never had good skin in closeups.

I think that a large part of her changed appearance is due to weight gain in her face. However, if she was indeed pregnant (or is pregnant now), she might have stopped her usual botox and fillers.

But mostly I think that it is the weight.
Miss_Christina said…
Lol, Elle. In retrospect I should not have worn leg warmers and sneakers with my stubby legs. But they came in handy in the winter.
Miss_Christina said…
Hey, Bill Clinton was doing it too! Very nineties.
Louise said…
And I do believe that she is a sociopath, not just a narcissist.

Why do so many people not notice it? Because sociopaths are notoriously charming.
Girl with a Hat said…
Leos may not adapt but they usually have other redeeming qualities which make them endearing.
hildarumpole said…
I have half a mind to recreate my Cyndi Lauper phase just to embarrass my kids as payback for some of the nonsense they've put me through.
SwampWoman said…
Beth, standing ovation from me, particularly on the second paragraph. I think we have all had the misfortune to meet a person like this.
Anonymous said…
I wore lycra workout clothing and did have one pair of neon legwarmers. So, she who is not without sin cannot cast a first stone at you.
hildarumpole said…
In spite of Meghan's public persona, I hope she does have redeeming and endearing qualities, especially with Harry and their son.
Lottie said…
@Elle, Reine des Abeilles
That was the best snarky on & hilarious!
JP said…
Hi Nutty! I enjoy your comments on CDAN and I'm glad I found you blog. I just want to say the SITC look is a pretty standard look for gals Meghan's age across the US (I live in the middle of the country). I know that her hairstyle is not liked but it's a pretty common hairstyle in the US. I'm much older and I wear the messy bun too. I thought it looked good but I have to say I am rethinking it after reading comments on earlier posts.
It is a pleasure for me to read comments on this blog as it's a wonderful way to understand points of view from everywhere but especially UK.
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and for letting me share my observations.
Lottie said…
I'm so happy i grew up with ...i could easily stay in the time warp forverah
George Michael
Boy George
Blondie - Deborah Harry
The pretenders - Chrissy Hyndes
Simple minds
Electric light orchestra
Maryanne Faithful
Soft cell

Mork and Mindy
Golden girls

to name a few............

Anonymous said…
It's sad, isn't it?
Anonymous said…
What should should not/could not/but did wear is that tight tweed dress. Do *not* miss the photo of her kneeling in in while rummaging thru clothes for her Vogue shots. Just do not miss it. It's probably the best kneeling pregnancy photo close-up we will find (unless PH has one on his phone...)
Anonymous said…
That should say "What she should not/could not/but did wear...
Louise said…
I didn't mind the messy bun. It suits her better than a more severe style .
Girl with a Hat said…
that is why, as a public person, you hide much of your personality. Just smile and wave because someone will always find fault with something you say or do. She doesn't understand this and wonders why people aren't all in love with her. It's so basic.
Humor Me said…
and....we have another glut of MM article on the DM.
Makes me wonder if they think there will be shortage soon.
When does MM/ PH go to Balmoral???
JP said…
I forgot to mention in above comment you are spot on about Carolyn Bessette Kennedy influence. I can picture the white shirt/black skirt photo. I beleive she wore black and white often so that photos of her would all look the same to discourage photographers.
baltic_salt said…
ha, perfect visual.
Fifi LaRue said…
Nin was also a bigamist; one husband on the west coast, the other on the east coast. They met at her funeral. There's a photo of them when meeting. Neither had any idea of the other.
Beth said…
They will supposedly celebrate her birthday on August 4th at Balmoral. I wonder if the meals will be like dining under the direction of a forward thinking chef?
Fifi LaRue said…
If Markle had plastic surgery to get a better nose, she misspent her money.
And Nutty's assessment that Markle was 17 or 21 in 1998 puts Markle at age 42.
ColleenS said…
I got it immediately, soooo funny!!! I can hear the sax just over the synthesizer . . .
Geez, I'm so glad I was a teenager in the 80s!!!!
abbyh said…
Snort! that's funny, Thanks. walks away snickering about forward thinking chefs
ColleenS said…
Hahahaha! You win, Elle!
EFarrell said…
Of course I must speak up on behalf of my fellow Leos. I’m a very grounded person and not at all like the friends you described Mischi. At least I hope my friends would agree. I am older than Meghan. A GenXer to her Millennial, so maybe it’s a generational thing, or maybe I’m too old to be so obnoxious anymore. Anyway, carry on. Love the ping pong of dialogue in these pages! 😘😉
SwampWoman said…
@ Hildarumpole Heh. Cropped tops and Daisy Dukes (short short cut off jeans) were my fave back in the day. Nope, don't wear anything like that today to the undoubtedly great relief of the kids and grandkids! I still have a She Who Must Be Obeyed sweatshirt around here somewhere. Hubbie hates it.
Kat said…
50 and counting said…
Er, I'm a chubby, Scottish, Leo and would never be caught dead in a cheap Sari.
50 and counting said…
There is traditionally a shortage of Royal articles in August, apart from a few shots of the family strolling the Highlands.

Going to Balmoral isn't a sign of favour. It's the Queen's holiday and she invites all the kids and their families. Tea is a daily event.

It's as boring as all get out unless you like walking, fishing and just hanging out in some beautiful scenery. There aren't a lot of places to pop out to for a vegan latte.
JL said…
Sorry not to reply sooner. Nutty answered the meaning of the joke above. In that era there were a lot of movies and videos that would backlight the “soulful” artist. (For some reason Flashdance comes to mind even if that was 1983.) And the saxophone was such a major part of the music of the time that the sax solo, backlit, was de riguer. It was total cheese. But the signaling of “deepness” with the image is something Markle would do. Am sorry for the implosions in your life Veena. Studying Hindi sounds marvelous.
HushHush said…
Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was pap-ed and written about at the time, much along the line of the young royals. Remember Elaine losing "the bet" over John-John! Carolyn was rumoured to have read the book, "The Rules" and followed them to a T (be a creature like no other). And was a model for perfect hair in "Bergdorf Blondes." I wouldn't be surprised if MM has a dog eared copy of The Rules.

As Louise noted, her street dress is standard for well off women in NY, TO, and LA. I meet lots of Ad Agency women from NY dressed like this. I bet many women who moved to NYC during it's hey-day dreamed that like life would imitate art- so they would imitate it. The irony is that they get to live that life when work takes them out of town on expense.

The MM House of Fashion better not use sweatshop workers. With them you can make a profit, and scandal (ask the Westin Family about Joe Fresh). Without a sweatshop you lose money. Megs is a big fan of Canadian brands Lululemon, and Aritzia, I bet she copies them. Who knows she might invent the next Croc's, or Hunter boots!

Dress like SITC, voice over like Gossip Girl!
Thanks for the 80's reference. I had to look up Haircut 100- totally remember them.
Thanks for the blog, I appreciate the thoughtful comments and tone as compared to CDAN as of late.

Lady Muck said…
I'm an 80's kid and still to this day have a penchant for neon - I actually have to limit myself to only one neon item per outfit. Once you start layering it, you look like a total lunatic.
Lady Muck said…
ColleenS - So I am glad, the 80's were fabulous! Even though people sneer at the music and fashions, I thought they were a lot of fun and I'll forever mourn my ra-ra skirt.

Lady Muck said…
I don't mind messy buns - I have one myself, but I do mind them on royalty at official or public appearances.
Ann Christensen said…
The thing about Leo is a mature evolved Leo radiates the SUN outward, warming those around them...while the immature, unevolved Leo tries to attract the sun/light and be in the center of the spotlight. Leos can be so warm and such generous leaders, or monstrous, shallow attention hogs.
MaLissa said…
My husband's a Leo and he's laid back, deep thinker, big reader, very analytical, quick to anger, quick to settle down and not much bothers him. I think he has a lot of Cancer attributes since he was born this side of Cancer. Takes him a minute to get riled up then just chills right back down. Doesn't like being the centre of attention but if pushed, he can lead.
Anonymous said…
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hunter said…
42 would match with her graduation date of 1994, as Skippy pointed out - the reunion was for 1994, 1999, etc.

I graduated high school in 94 and I am 42.
Jennifer said…
Agreed! Every comment is worth reading here!
Ann Christensen said…
Yes, all important. But the specific energy that Leo draws from its ruling planet can be radiated outward, or chased after for the "me-me-me!" effect. Any sign can flip the negative expression into a positive expression. I'm just suggesting MM might be stuck in a greedy sad place, public relations-wise.
Quite agree, MM seems to be stuck in the late 80s/90s.
Those were the formative years of her life - she was beginning to understand the society around her, beginning to get influenced by famous people/fashion/television/social causes etc relevant at the time.

I also feel , at the time, going by her supposed unconventional upbringing (much older single white dad, who was working in "hollywood" + plus give-no-fucks type much younger black mum etc), she took solace in the glitzy/pop culture references around her. She also might have fancied herself/decided to be/told she was "an intellectual" at the time, so instead of idolising the black metal rock music music punkster, she decided to become humanitarian.

As a struggling actress, and then while on suits, she crafted the image of herself going by whatever seemed conventional then - her chic boho style wasnt original at all. It was what was selling at the time. She used to be super stylish, but sadly not at all original. Then when she became a princess , she thought she could finally be what she truly was - the 8 - 13 year old intellectual humanitarian. Mind you, this was just an image of herself she has in her mind from way back, and she has just tried to pander to that self image ever since.

Hence talking about Kindness - because thats drilled into all kids, and maybe she feels noone was kind to her growing up. The talk about racism - because she feels she was delt a bad hand cz she was half black. The feminisn trope- cz it was the favorite cause world over during the 80s/90s. Fashion as a means to change the world - because all the designers were using that line and creating avant guard collections. Rescue animals - c every little girl wants to take care of a sick little puppy.

She has not taken up 1 unconventional charity cause up until now, maybe because she never let her personality develop beyond these pop culture references.
hardyboys said…
Hush hush r u from To? Bc u speak like a Toronto girl
gabes_human said…
Elle, I used to be one of those “hippies in the woods” on Vashon Island way back in the early ‘70’s. I loved it! Such a beautiful part of this country. I still miss the market in Seattle.
Anonymous said…
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Ann Christensen said…
Yes I agree. Sunsign is most simplistic obvious description. It is very complex and any group of Leo suns will be very different individuals. Astrology aside, a leader generates warmth outward to those around him. A person hungry for recognition and status may be sucking all the energy out of the room...never satisfied. That is exhausting to be around or even to watch, in the tabloids, or online.
gabes_human said…
I’m recovering from spending 18 years with a narcissist and still discovering lies he told me. There was a reason he went to visit his brother at times I couldn’t get away. His bro knew all the dirt and the real truth-not the bs he told me. This man was/is a PhD university prof. Very smart. He never failed to tell the story of a colleague who wanted him to father a child with her because of his superior intelligence. NOTHING this man lived was honest. From the reason his former wife terminated a pregnancy ( HE said it was because he didn’t have their house built: she had cancer) to the reason a previous girlfriend suicided. I feel like there is a very good reason MM didn’t want Harry meeting her father. He too knew all the lies she was trying to live. Her half brother and sister tried to warn Harry before they married and that’s why she insisted on a super speedy wedding. She needed to make it legal before he found out who she really is.
gabes_human said…
Lottie you’re making me feel old! I grew up listening to Janis Joplin and spending the night outside a ticket office to get Rolling Stones tickets. Fortunately I no longer string love beads or wear granny dresses. The hair? Well, that’s another story. As long as Miss Clairol stays in business I only wear hats when the mood strikes. Chanel and pearls is so much more flattering. Maybe MM will invest in a few classic suits.
SwishyFishy said…
I'm doubtful she takes clothes because they are offered to her. It's set in stone that the royals are not allowed to accept freebies due to a conflict of interest and the potential for bias and undue influence. It is a bit perplexing what Meghan is doing with her "wear only once" closet full of couture.

I do wonder if the CDAN blind is true; i.e. that Jessica Mulroney brokers the freebie deals with designers, passes the clothes to Meghan, who sends a fake "bill" to Prince Charles, who deposits the money in Meghan's account and then she gives Jessica a 50% finders fee per item of clothing that was, in truth, given for free under the agreement that Meghan would be wearing it and showcasing it on Meghan's Mirror. It makes sense. It also explains why nothing ever fits her and that everything she wears has been from upcoming seasons that haven't been released yet. She takes what Jessica gets.

That said, why not take the time to tailor some of these fashion monstrosities? Kate's clothes are impeccably tailored and it shows to her advantage. Everything Meghan has worn has been huge until she got pregnant, then suddenly everything was unattractively tight, like a Kardashian/Jenner. Meghan can take a $5,000 couture dress and make it look so cheap and tacky. The only other thing I can think of regarding the lack of tailoring is that maybe Jessica is borrowing the clothes, passing them to Meghan, who has to give them back.

I believe Meghan thinks she looks good simply because they are designer clothes. Like a true social climber, she's wearing items for their labels and cache and not because she's aware that they actually don't look good on her. I also think she's deliberately copying some of Diana's styles alongside CBK and others. She doesn't have an original bone her her body. She's nothing more than an empty shell and, as a narcissist, subconsciously she's terrified people will discover the shriveled, maladaptive, insecure soul that lurks underneath her pathetic spit and polish.
SwishyFishy said…
OOOooo,,,I do love me some astrology talk. So fun. For anyone interested, I did find these readings many months ago on youtube where an astrologer does readings she calls "secret astrology," the dark stuff we struggle with, i.e. the shadow self. She did one on Meghan and the sugars attacked her pretty badly. It's worth a look if this thread is of interest to you and you want to see the complexities of an astrological reading. I thought they were interesting and seemed fair and accurate.
Meghan vs. Kate:
Ann Christensen said…
I love that! Made me laugh outloud!
In her defense, Tonya Harding's twisted charm is that she knows she will never be Nancy Kerrigan, and is bitter about that. Whereas MM truly believes in her heart of hearts she is Nancy Kerrigan squared. Only SHE does not realize she isn't Nancy, and is therefore dwarfed in comparison by Tonya Harding's self-awareness. That's pretty messed up.
SwishyFishy said…
I agree, she had some style when she was an actress and it all went downhill the moment she tried to upgrade to a royal. She admitted in interviews before she met Harry that she borrowed a lot of her clothes from the "Suits" wardrobe dept. so that makes sense, as at least one costumer on that show knew how to dress her body type even if Meghan didn't. What I hate most of all is her make-up. It's terrible. So much bronzer and highlighter, combined with neutral lips and eyes. She looks like a bland oil slick. She lost all vibrancy to her face, which different make-up choices can enhance.
SwishyFishy said…
To be fair, Tonya Harding had a really difficult life with many setbacks. Meghan was treated like a princess, much better than her half siblings. Meghan was given anything and everything she wanted by her father. He spoiled her, even into adulthood he kept paying her bills. Meghan has a strong sense of entitlement and is quite delusional about who and what she really is.
SwishyFishy said…
I don't mind the messy bun on more casual appearances, but formal occasions with the queen? Girl, tame that hair! She was a windblown mess on her train outing with the Queen. Apparently they had asked her to put her hair up due to weather concerns and she refused. They asked her to then at least wear a hat, something that would keep her hair neat and in place. Again, she refused. She looked foolish. The severe buns, like at the Lion King also do not do her any favors. Her hair goes a long way in giving her the illusion of beauty. When you take it all away, the severity does her face no favors. She doesn't have nice skin, a nice nose and again, that awful make-up. I will never criticize her for her weight gain, but it has altered her facial features considerably.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I think deep inside MM knows she is a Tonya and that is what causes her deep insecurity (fear of being found out.) It is also that insecurity which results in her condescension. Only insecure people need that power imbalance. It's why she can only copy others. She has none of it herself. She really does not have the taste or style to choose and hit the mark. She can only look at pictures in moments and spew the talking points and imitate the style. And it is why she hates Kate so very much. Kate was born a Nancy, and I believe that would still be true if Kate had been born into a poor or middle class family. She just has the Nancy gene. And Meghan just has the Tonya gene. Whenever someone has to humble brag, virtue-signal, or just explain to the little people, it's a clue.
SwishyFishy said…
Is this Balmoral trip confirmed by the royal calendar? I'm not sure I believe it. It feels like PR, to make it seem like the Queen favors Meghan, particularly as Her Maj has never thrown Kate a birthday party and baked a cake (according to the news reports the Queen has ordered her staff to make a nice, tasty cake to show her appreciation of all things Meghanlomaniac). After all her shenanigans, I can't see the Queen giving two shits about Meghan's 38th birthday.
Anonymous said…
Swishy, this is true "To be fair, Tonya Harding had a really difficult life with many setbacks." And by saying the megster will always be a tonya, it's not a diss on tonya - although tonya, like mm always had an excuse. I meant it as a comparison of archetypes using 1990s pop culture references to be true to Nutty's post.
Lottie said…
No, not if it makes me laugh...then it's not sad ; )
SwishyFishy said…
You are correct. Meghan was a big proponent of "The Rules". It's been verified by ghosted friends.
Lottie said…
A glut alright....MM's Pr team must be working well into the night to mop up her trail of disasters
Seems she can't leave the front door without offending as many people as possible
Although i am afraid for MM it is a case of 'too little too late'...the British people can see she won't be happy until she has her own Empire built off the backs of the BRF & the British tax payers.
MM has no interest in supporting the Monarchy or the British culture...she has made that very clear
And now on her Instagram you can vote for your suggestion of the person you think the Royal Sussex's can represent
Seriously?....why didn't she do that for the Vogue cover, it was her golden opportunity to turn her image around, and once again she missed it
One word 'Narcissist'
Ann Christensen said…
Tonya has a rugged authenticity that is a good foil for Nancy Kerrigan's nasal perfection. With Kate there is a clear authentic person also. Maybe the nurture brought out Kate's awesome qualities and lack of nurture stunted Tonya's awesome strength. Mystery is what the heck happened to MM?
Anonymous said…
She uses whole house. And I think that it can look very different without that @Swishy.
Lottie said…
The tide of goodwill & patience is finally turning against the Sussex's
This is a new development which is interesting & i should think somewhat embarrassing for the BRF
I think in the present state it won't be too hard to get the 1,250 signatures required

A CAMPAIGN has been launched to strip the Duke and Duchess of Sussex of their link to the county.

Brighton resident Charles Ross has called for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle to have their titles removed. Mr Ross said he rejected the couple’s Sussex title as it was non-democratic and a sign of oppression.
His campaign, which so far only has six signatures including his own, is also calling on Brighton and Hove to ban the royals from visiting.
Regardless of the lack of support, the city council will be presented the petition before a full council meeting on October 24.
The petition would need 1,250 signatures to be debated by councillors.
The petition reads: “We the undersigned petition Brighton and Hove Council to reject the usage of the titles Duke of Sussex and Duchess of Sussex by the individuals Henry Windsor and Rachel Meghan Markle as morally wrong and disrespectful to the county of East Sussex.
Flangalina said…
I got reminded me of the lethal weapon films where the sax was playing during intimate
moments,ergo Riggs and Pasty kensit (couldn’t remember film name) caravan love roll! Lol.
SwampWoman said…
I will accept y'all's pity for my psyche scars because I grew up during the disco era. My high school yearbook is securely locked away from familial prying eyes.
SwampWoman said…
I read a synopsis of "The Rules" on Amazon. It looked like a distillation of what mommas have been telling their daughters forever. It, uh, seems to be at odds with the lifestyle of somebody that was alleged to be on the yachting circuit.
Girl with a Hat said…
yes, I cannot believe that she follows these. Going to Botswana on a second or third date is not what these Rules promulgate.
punkinseed said…
Somewhere between voice over of Gossip Girl there's a sense of Pretty Little Liars' logic fitting this framework. Love the comparisons going on here.
I include PLL because she may have learned a lot from -A. Look at her always wanting to create a lot of suspense around everything, like the baby, suggest there will be a reveal, then no reveal.
I agree about her being stuck in a wayback machine and can't seem to adjust the dials right to make it work for herself.
Anonymous said…
So, a little OTT, but I just read that the Sussex IG account quit following everyone and when asked "Who is your force for change?" people are nominating Catherine.

Also, love the comment from James Spivey “As a lifelong royalist it pains me ….to see Harry complete his journey from war hero to just another piece of bling on the arm of a vapid, vacuous, virtue signaling diva…”
punkinseed said…
Spot on! Also, remember in my teens wanting this or that item that was in and everyone cool had it. Then... by the time I got enough to buy it from babysitting $ the item had gone out of style. Kind of like a perpetual wheel of missing the mark. Then! An epiphany happens by what? mid teens where one breaks out of that commercialized cycle of wanting to copy others, says screw it. Be individual! My attitude was that I'll make my own fashion from whatever I want and tada! Kind of like "Pretty in Pink" attitude kicked in for me.
Mom Mobile said…
"...people are nominating Catherine."

Haha... Letting the plebs have a voice on her precious Ig will be her undoing! Lol
Sarcasm aside, at some point she WILL have to acknowledge that some of the people around her, especially her new family, are genuine gems. She may not like that , but for her image's sake/relevance sake, she will have to give them their die, at least publicly, at some point.
That is, if she wants to play the long game. After all, that's how she operated her whole career. That's the whole point of being a master networker know how the people around you could help you achieve your goals!
Girl with a Hat said…
I nominated Thomas Markle
abbyh said…
Tatler (according to the DM) is stating the trophy wife concept has been replaced by hotness and power player in her own right. Examples are supposed to be MM, Amal and others.

DM comments are running in what universe is MM variety.
Hikari said…
We shall have to see if Her Royal-Pain-In-The-Wokeness will still have a 'long game' after this weekend. I guess the Queen cannot order the couple to divorce, unless marital fraud (bigamy, coercion, blackmail) can be proven against Murkle. She could, however, banish the Suxxits from the UK and strip them of their titles and cut them off from the Crown teat. Charles would have to be willing to play hardball with his own kid. Let Harry take his annuity income from his mother and his troublesome wife and go live somewhere far away from the seat of the British Crown. At this point, does HM even want the Suxxits polluting some poor unsuspecting Commonwealth nation with their presence? No, give Smegs want she's agitating for . . a free pass back to L.A., either with the Ginger Whinger and their plastic bambino in tow, or without them. If Harry goes with her, they live off his personal income alone . . .plus whatever she can scrounge by merching and 'Failed Celebrity Reality TV Shows'. Harry can stay home and take care of 'Archie' . . .yeah, that's a good one.

Alternatively, if she agrees to divorce Harry and leave the UK (never to be granted entrance again), she will be given X amount in settlement to go away. Say $4 mil? That should be enough to buy a modest Beverly Hills mansion and replace the income she claims to have had at their marriage. (Yeah, that's a good one, too.) This grifter doesn't deserve a bean, but $4 mil is enough of a figure to maybe be Hazza's selling price. She's got to have figured out that his value is fast depreciating and that his complexion would never tolerate the L.A. sun. She'll take the quick cash and bolt, if they offer her just enough to make it tempting. Her Maj should start the ball rolling by acceding to her subjects' wishes and stripping the pair of the Sussex dukedom. No more merching on that title. Then the money . . . let's see how long she takes to fold.
Hikari said…
As an American, it's not that I want them back in this country, but at least in the LaLaLand cesspool, Murkle will be back with her own kind. Let's see how all her sugars worship her after she's no longer Our Black Duchess, but just a 40-year-old has been with three divorces and no viable career. Really, will she be any sort of draw as a brand spokesperson and Influencer if she gets the shove from the RF? She'll be in the same reviled category as Kate Gosselin. The Vogue issue, not to mention, this sham of a marriage is blaring proof that Murkle is a really bad return on investment.

Note to Smegs, if you ever come back to your own country: Nobody's going to curtsy to you here, my dear. They may throw food, or worse at you, though, so mind your weave. The only reason I'd ever so much as cross the street to get a look at you is to see the living travesty for myself.

Enjoy your birthday weekend with Harry's Nan. I bet they will make a fuss over you, all right, but don't be expecting heaps of monogrammed Gucci prezzies and an organic birthday cake. Enemies of the state are not entitled to cake.
Girl with a Hat said…
they were not invited to Balmoral last year. I doubt this year is any better.
Unknown said…
In 2016 a coffee table book by Australians Samantha Brett & Steph Adam's was published. The book is called " THE GAME CHANGERS.." In capital letters.
On the front cover is MEGHAN MARCLE..
Comparing both Vogue and book, there is a clear & compelling evidence of plagiarism by Vogue & thus inference to Meghan !
This book "THE GAME CHANGERS" became an article in The Daily Mail UK on Tuesday 30th...within <12hrs it had disappeared from the tabloids..!
I am not litigious by nature, but this is one case the the original authors have a valid case of plagiarism..not just for concept, wording, but even the Cover is so copied !
They should sue, because they would Win ! If Samantha & Steph feel bad about the thought of winning , they could pay their lawyers & donate the extra $$$ to charity..
Girl with a Hat said…
best comment on twitter - Meghan has more issues than Vogue.
It was funnier when Cat Marnell wrote it.
Ann Christensen said…
Yes. All 12 houses, entire chart gives best picture. Complex but interesting. Puts those Leo traits into context.
SwampWoman said…
As an American, I am nonplussed that out of all the gracious, beautiful, and accomplished single American women that would have been a credit to America and ably represented the royals at home and England's best interests abroad while simultaneously being an able ambassador for the country of her birth, he chose...her.

I cringe inwardly at the thought that the people of the UK or the EU think that she is representative in any way of the people that I know.

Fifi LaRue said…
Inside Edition reported that PH, in the Vogue issue with Jane Goodall, says he's going to continue to fight racism. Apparently, the marital fighting is over for now, and PH is back to drinking the Kool-Aid.
Ozmanda said…
If she does get kicked out of the BRF I see her doing a "De Lesseps", Luanne Delesseps (real housewives) took her bogus "countess" title and got a lucrative amount of endorsements and other gigs to make money from it.

Yhe big problem here is the baby. If there is a baby (which I am becoming increasingly skeptical of), I can see the Queen and advisors don't want to be seen as the cruel people picking on the mother of Her Maj's "grandchild".

Sparkles is so self serving that I don't doubt for a single minute she would run this line.

Another issue - I still believe that Sparkles has something really bad on either Harry - which explains to me how she has been allowed to get away with all this crap. Part of Lord G's tactic will have to be:
1) Damage the rep of Sparkles (just tell the truth) while also:
2) Not dragging Harry down as part of it (I would put out there how enamoured he was, how devoted he was, even how "sinple" his thinking it - won't give him a huge amount of respect but will give a big sympathy vote.
3) Pay off (or encourage) Markus (who I think has some really damaging information)or other people close to the truth on her to release things in the media.
4) I would also get some agents on to any financial accounts of movements that can be tied to her - especially shell or offshore accounts - this is to see if she has been storing funds during her marriage to hide. If anything is found this can either be used as a "fraud" reason for a divorce or as leverage to get her to go away quietly.
5) I would also make enquiries with UK home office to speak with US Homeland security - maybe to puff up some excuse that due to her immigration issues she will have to go back to the US - this will get rid of her while also giving her a chance to save face.

Just my thoughts :)
Ozmanda said…
Elle - I really wanted UK Vogue to do a big feature on Catherine for their next issue including a cover - that would make Sparkles spontaneously combust :)
hardyboys said…
Or you could do what Charles did in August 1997, call the M16 to finish off the task
Anonymous said…
True, " that would make Sparkles spontaneously combust", but she would do it privately ;)
Anonymous said…
I saw this from Town & Country: "Meghan Markle had Prince Harry interview Dr. Jane Goodall for her guest-edited issue of British ... "

Meghan had Harry do it. I love that. I wonder if she had him pick up her dry cleaning after.

And the irony of it all: normally, T&C wouldn't touch a Meghan Markle with someone else's stick.

I wonder exactly when he interviewed Goodall, and I wonder how much MM edited? Still, I'm over PH and will no longer defend him. His barefoot-among-the-billionaires platitudes and hypocrisy are one charter jet flight too far.
Anonymous said…
It's gotten better, too. In addition to nominating HM and the Cambridges, Lord G has been added to the list!

Also, there is a picture of her on Charlatan Duchess that makes her moonbump looks square as a couch pillow. Also, some dish about PH saying the marriage is over -- probably not true, but it offers hope.
Girl with a Hat said…
they are saying that Lord G is in the running to be British ambassador to Washington.
Girl with a Hat said…
Meghan's movie is on Amazon Prime. She is the female lead. She really isn't very attractive. I forget the name.
To be honest, this whole Jane Goodall thing just seems like an after thought. i imagine it went something like this - Harry and Jane had a meeting at Windsor, while Meghan was busy editing the issue. She was supposed to go with Harry but then decided not to since there would be no cameras etc, so Harry starts whinging about it , saying you are always busy you never want to meet the people I want to meet, why is Vogue so important to you and Jane isnt... And so she said , Ok, Harry , Jane is very important to me , why don't you go and when you come come back everything she said and I'll put that in Vogue ! Now go, stop perstering me. I'll put a picture of you in Vogue in your new suit if you stop bothering me."

Lol... That would also explain the catch phrases and passive aggressive digs at Will and Kate in Harry's interview...She put that there, while Harry basically got a pic with his new not-Grey suit in Vogue.
Anonymous said…
Alice, that sounds like the most logical explanation. I'm glad she "had" Harry do it and got him a new suit besides.
Kat said…
@Mischi the first time I ever heard or saw her was in the Hallmark movies. Her two are some of the absolute worst ones I have ever seen and I'm Hallmark addict. However the Poster/Cover for this one is a whole other level of bad.
Flangalina said…
Hi Nutty and ladies,
I know this is off topic but could some one explain to me why my time stamps are wrong?
As I mainly post early in the morning or late at night when I’m in my office.
I don’t know if I’m being a wally lol but even some of my posts haven’t appeared.
I love this blog and all the ladies on it for their honest approach and polite discourse.
I am no English major or IT whizz( I have a security business) I did ask one of our tech guys
But they are always sooo busy perhaps you ladies would be kind enough to help
Thank you ladies xx
Flangalina said…
The time stamp above is wrong, I posted this at 9.55am GMT time,this is really perplexing lol.
SwampWoman said…
Hmmmm. Interesting about the time stamp. I assume that it is whatever time currently where the host of Nutty's blog is, or maybe it is Nutty's time. (I am NOT an IT person in any way, shape, or form. I spend much of my time cursing computers, Bill Gates, Google, etc.) I never noticed the time stamp before; I was just happy that it got through. Currently trying to post at approximately 7:44 a.m. EST.
SwampWoman said…
Time zone is same as west coast USA and Canada.
hardyboys said…
The time zone has always been wrong and I dont know how to correct it. That way you could check last comments left but it's not in synch with my time zone which is TO Cda. Btw nutjob just wrote a letter to some bakery and she wrote another calligraphy note talking about secretly guest editing vogue. Everything is so secret with this grifter. Secret hush hush...stfu and get lost. There is another piece about harry giving her a bespoke is up with these novel words woke and bespoke I've only heard associated with this trash queen? Could literally make a rap for this grifter who's that English hag with the bloke who loves to toke while gifting his broke bride a bespoke spliff cuz she so woke...ffs no more words ending in oke...have a great day folks
abbyh said…
SwampWoman: your post at 7:44 EST shows up at 6:44 CST. So I suspect that it is Nutty's hosting time zone too. I know some stuff like this.
Now! said…
I believe it's Google time - California time.
SwampWoman said…
Heh. Well, finally, I'm ahead of myself.
Beth said…
Veena, "woke" is a new one to me, too. I had to Google it. "Bespoke" is the British word for "custom made" as in clothing, jewelry, etc., so that one's not attributable to PH or MM.
SwampWoman said…
Veena, I suspect that if you are 'woke', time is whatever you want it to be. Have a great day.
Trudy2 said…

"Meghan Markle must be furious that the latest issue of Vogue features such a glowing endorsement for fancy 'gong bathing' therapy clinic, Ilapothecary, as she's previously gone to great lengths to keep that place a secret.

Meghan's team of lawyers came down pretty hard on the papers that tried to write about her visits to the boujie alt-treatment centre before, claiming that they were invading her privacy.

No doubt she'll be writing a sternly-worded letter to the editor."

"It was curious seeing Dan Wootton give Meghan Markle both barrels this week. You'd think he'd be a little more friendly, given that he's such good pals with Wills and Kate's press secretary..."

Only just got around to reading yesterday's PB email. Two Smeggy posts, the first one a tad ambiguous, the second one, not so much. Anyone in our gang care to speculate?
SwampWoman said…
I believe I shall venture forth (tally ho, y'all!) and have myself a MM day. I declare myself 5 years younger, will apply bronzer by the pound , wear too tight seasonally inappropriate clothing, and go out and instruct the lesser people on proper conduct, style, and fashion while doing the exact opposite. I shall refrain from ordering a tossed salad and avoid direction from any forward thinking chef, though. I do have some standards.

Anonymous said…
"Woke" is pretty common on WC, definitely in the Twitterverse. And "bespoke", nothing new there, except that it's one more way we can gauge mm's tackiness (she is so new to bespoke that she feels the need to mention it).
JL said…
Since Nutty has brought up Meghan being stuck in the 90s, some thoughts have bubbled up for me. In book publishing, the 1990s witnessed an explosion in books on yoga, Buddhism and New Age spirituality. At the same time yoga started to become extremely popular in the West to the point where it is now very commercialized. All the basic ideas from that collective thirst have infiltrated the collective consciousness by now, more than twenty years years later. Megan seems to think she’s the only one who knows the basics such as to take a breath, practice kindness, take a pause, and reinforce self with self love. We all already know all this stuff!! You can overhear 12-year-old kids on the street spouting these phrases to each other. If anything we’re so inundated with the philosophies that came out of the 90s that we’ve become cynical. And here comes Meghan trying to TEACH us what we already know. (PS teaching others is just another form of manipulation, but that’s another topic).Because she is stuck in the 90s, when it was probably totally cool that her parents met and married at an ashram, she doesn’t get that we know it all and that her twee efforts at educating us are not only laughable, but insulting and therefore infuriating.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's an article in the daily beast today saying that she lied to Buckingham Palace about doing the Vogue gig.
Hikari said…
It is my understanding that Doria was the one who became the yogi in the family and taught her daughter before becoming a certified yoga teacher . . . so this is just another example of MM glomming onto someone else's 'thing' and acting like it originated inside her brilliant, woke mind. I'm sure she does practice yoga, or did--does anyone still buy the BS that she is still practicing that mindful, healthy lifestyle? One day she's a resolute vegan, to the point where the 'baby nursery paint' has to be vegan . .lest the baby lick the walls? 'Scuse the quotations but I am still vague as to the actual existence of a vegan baby nursery, or for that matter, a baby to put in it . . .the next day she's enthusing about bacon. Which is it? I would never shame a new mom for having a fuller, softer shape after the incredible miracle of carrying a baby. Except that Smegs did not carry a baby . . .so why have her looks gone so precipitately down the loo in the last four months? Aside from gestating a real baby or doing some drug therapy that would account for blowing up by 25-30 pounds in such record time . . has she finally, after decades of starving herself to be sexually desirable in Hollywood, giving herself permission to eat whatever she wants? All the bacon and non-organic Ho-Hos and such that she's been denying herself? Perhaps she's discovered Tim Tams and is freebasing them? Because if it were all organic strawberry smoothies and avocado toast on sprouted organic bread and long walks in the fields in Windsor and Mommy and Me yoga, it doesn't seem like she'd be pushing such maximum density, particularly while breast-feeding. Or does she really not give a flying fart about being attractive for Harry any more because he's not even looking at her, save during their staged photo ops?

It's just curious. I could stand to lose 25 pounds myself, but these pounds have been my frenemies for many a year . . I didn't adopt them in the space of 4 months after having been as thin as a rail despite being 'pregnant'.

Meg's 'healthful' lifestyle is as much a PR stunt as anything else she's ever said. Last I checked, binge drinking and drug use aren't healthy. Even if ganja is a botanical, technically. And MM is about as spiritual as a sewage canal.
Hikari said…
BP has been entirely too hands-off with the Markle. It's gone on too long to be containable now, I think. The monstrous Markle wings needed to be clipped a year ago, and they didn't do it . .they've just let her rampage unchecked. Where is Lord G. in all of this? Obviously, firmly-worded memoranda from the Palace about expected rules of decorum, while they would be enough to scare a normal person into line, have had zero effect on Spackle and her Hazmat. But BP employed no other strategy to force compliance. Once upon a time, ER wouldn't have stood for being so bald-facedly, brazenly lied to about the activities of family members. The whole 'Archie' reveal . . that PR snafu, the weird photo-call, the faked-up pictures of the presentation to HM and PP . . .the christening photos . . how does this go on without a peep of protest from the Queen?

Harry can stage a 'baby announcement' in front of the stables at Windsor Castle (not in front of Frogmore, noted, where they allegedly have been living since a month before the sprog arrived) . . I could see that going on without HM's knowledge, particularly if she were not in residence at Windsor that day. But when I saw two footmen carrying out the official podium and placing a fake birth announcement, duly matted and framed as though this whole charade were legitimate . . WT sodding F, Your Majesty? Who gave that order to those members of Palace staff? Regardless of the Suxxits' own opinion that they are massive big shots, Palace staff work for the Queen, not for them, and should have right of refusal for any bizarre orders that do not come directly from Her Majesty. Like fake signboards at the Palace gates or ordering peaceable subjects at Wimbledon to not use their own camera phones within 50 feet of Her Wokeness. Meg does not get to decide what her PPO detail will and will not do. Why does no one have the balls to say 'hell, no' to this maniac, including the Person with the largest figurative ones of all? Elizabeth Regina seems to have capitulated to the Markle. Unless ER has been saving up her big guns and will be unleashing them in Balmoral this weekend. Let us hope.
SwampWoman said…
@Mischi, if that article is true, then she just didn't burn her bridges, she nuked 'em afterwards just to be sure. I'm more intrigued by her lack of attendance at Camp Google. What a fun little outing where all of the people with more money than sense got to damage the environment while giving lip service to how environmentally virtuous they are. It would have been a great solicitation opportunity for her.
SwampWoman said…
"Meg's 'healthful' lifestyle is as much a PR stunt as anything else she's ever said. Last I checked, binge drinking and drug use aren't healthy. Even if ganja is a botanical, technically. And MM is about as spiritual as a sewage canal."

Well, ganja would explain her obsession with food and weight gain. Somebody needs to espouse the virtue of methamphetamine use to her.
MaLissa said…
"Could literally make a rap for this grifter who's that English hag with the bloke who loves to toke while gifting his broke bride a bespoke spliff cuz she so woke...ffs no more words ending in oke...have a great day folks"

@ Veena LOL :) Love that!! And I had to Google "woke" too.
MaLissa said…
@Mischi I think they've told her "no" many times but she just goes ahead and does it anyway. Or she doesn't share information on her whereabouts and goings on and BP is caught with their pants down. That's my theory at least.
MaLissa said…
Concerning the time stamp - it's 1:51 PM EST here and my post has a time stamp of 10:50 AM. Also I don't think they're at Balmoral. I read that Harry's planning a private celebration at Frogmore Cottage (or wherever they're living).
Hikari said…
Hmm. Murkle has been sending up weather balloons since at least the TOC in June all over her paid media outlets, which duly printed that Her Majesty would be hosting a special 'We (royal We) Love Meghan!' deluxe birthday tea at Balmoral. Guess that got shot down as definitively as 'Doria's spending Christmas at Sandringham!' . . .another widely published fantasia of hers that just did not ever happen.

The Suxxits' presence at Balmoral would put a damper (understatement) on everyone else's holiday. If we can find out for sure that far from having a Royal birthday party, the Queen barred her dimwit grandson and his napalm-wielding wife from the gates of Balmoral by employing retainers with shotguns at the gates--would anything less deter the Markle?--I will rejoice and laugh my ascot off. If the Suxxits were banned last year, less than three months into their marriage, their antics of this past year have not made them more endearing or invite-worthy.
Hikari said…
Where are her PPOs? As we saw at Wimbledon, she's still accompanied by one or more bodyguard/escorts. If she eludes them and goes AWOL, it'd be a nightmare for them if something happened to her while unattended. The PPOs' loyalty is to their employer, the Queen, not the Suxxits to whom HM has assigned them. I should think they owe it to the Palace to phone in status reports about where their protectee is and what she's up to when she goes off the reservation like that. Just to cover their own backsides if they are forced into accompanying her on unsanctioned jaunts.

Apparently the NYC baby 'do came as a surprise to the Palace, too. Really, Your Maj . .can't you keep better tabs on your wayward children than this? James Bond works for you after all; the security services ought to be able to know the whereabouts of one deluded American woman.

I have toyed with the possibility that subliminally, if not consciously, the Queen is letting things slide into the loo on purpose. Has she decided that it'd be better for everything she and her father have been safeguarding since 1936 just be blown to smithereens than hand over the reigns to her disappointing eldest? Does Elizabeth, Second of Her Name propose to be the last ruler of Great Britain? Charles's inability to act decisively in any matter paints the picture ofa 70 year old man who may have talked himself out of his desire for the top job, not to mention his capability.

If their aim is to obliterate the House of Windsor, they are doing a fine job of it and should carry on.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps I'm more devious than most, but if I wanted to give markle a chance to poison herself, I would make sure there was ample opportunity for her to access the poison. So, for example, if I told her she would not/could not do something damnable, and I found out that she was, in fact, full steam on it, I would know it, but I would say nothing. I would stay silent while she did it. Then, I'd have her on two counts and she couldn't plead to "attempted" lol.
Anonymous said…
@Hikari, I wasn't following this spectacle last year, but I googled it and it looks like the markles were invited & went to Balmoral last summer. Is that not true?
Louise said…
As Hikari stated, I also recall all the Sussex PR about the Queen having a birthday tea for $mirkles and something about her own private wing at Balmoral.

I had also interpreted this as a "Doria at Sandringham for Christmas/ Kate is throwing a baby shower for Meghan" wish list trial balloon, and now we see that this was exactly the case.

Not is there no special birthday tea, the couple is not even going to be at Balmoral.

Elle: From what I read, they were not at Balmoral last year either. What would $mirkles do at Balmoral.. it is all outdoor, rustic activities. No hot yoga and essential oils.
Humor Me said…
@Mischi - Help! the Daily beast article is not available to us peons. Please help by summarizing...or something.
Is it Balmoral yet??
Anonymous said…
If they weren't at Balmoral three months after the wedding, that's tell-all right there. And this year they will be having a quiet evening at Frogmore without the Clooneys and no private wing at Balmoral and tea with the Queen? Well, at least they have Archie....
Hikari said…
I thought perhaps H. and M. had received an invitation to Balmoral but had not deigned to show. I don't know for sure.

The father of the groom kicked the couple out of his own birthday reception after 20 minutes, and it was their first engagement as a couple after their wedding. Murkle even looked the most ladylike she's ever managed; I actually liked that outfit. But apparently she stuck her tongue out at some of Charles's guests in an effort to be cute? Or perhaps PH took exception to Megatroid mocking Harry at the podium? At any rate, she managed to create bad will in less than half an hour. I don't think Chas is that fond of Tungsten, really, and he gets props for the nickname.
Girl with a Hat said…
It's not available to me either. You have to be in the USA to be able to see it.
Anonymous said…
I'm in the US and I can't see it.
Anonymous said…
I've seen the ToC for the September Vogue, and sorry Nutties, but I feel I've ascended to a higher consciousness from just a glance. MM's lights and thumprints are transformative.

This issue.... it's

Not just clothes for the office, but

DIVINE Office, my top-to-toe workwear 101! — divine! What an angel, her light permeating the cracks of my meager existence. This is kindness, Nutties -- this.




Every issue now seen on a higher plane. Caveats, no more! The lens is real!

(Get me a steaming cup of tea and an assistant at whom I may throw it — now! I don’t care if you must helicopter someone in for this (and if you do, please have them bring avocados while they’re at it.)

And more divine intervention (what would we have done without her?)

Double pick — boost interest rates with a second bag! — Personal finances solved! Buy another handbag - duh!

Buckle down — chic is a cinch (oooooh, I wish megster hadn’t read this one before Wimbledon — eek! )

Play your strong suit — How to go corporate with charm!

And to pay for it?

All day long— I just give myself a raise in BOOTS that mean Business!

(Because I know every corporate male with whom I’ve worked has given a shout out his door and said “Elle, get some boots that mean business and then we’ll talk!” But I never knew what that meant before.)

Show your Metal — Chains of office never looked lovelier. (They’re not just for ankles anymore!)

The enlightenment continues, but I’m too transformed to care. The mustiness has cleared, my insensitive and unaware self has vanished. Clarity is mine, along with a new suit, a second handbag, some kickass boots, and some new chains to ensure it! Megster, I couldn’t have experienced this kind of progress without you.
Aquagirl said…
She is not going to Balmoral for her birthday. I’m assuming that’s just another fantasy that she created (sort of like Doria being invited for Christmas.) She is saying that she’s spending it at Frogmore, and that she’s going to have a ‘low-key’ day. Then supposedly she’s taking a trip to CA and then will visit Balmoral after the CA trip. I don’t believe any of it, because anything that comes out of her mouth is lies.
Aquagirl said…
CBK usually wore black & white or camel (which really suited her.)
Girl with a Hat said…
the has a story about a birthday party at Frogmore this weekend for Meghan and ask what about the party at Balmoral with her bestie the Queen?
Aquagirl said…
People are also nominating the veterinarian with the elephant in Africa (which MM pretended was a pic of her.) I can’t remember her name. Apparently she’s deleting comments about Kate & commenters are calling her out on it. I’m certain that, given the narcissist that she is, she thought that people would nominate HER!
Aquagirl said…
All they have to do to end the marriage is to show the results of the DNA test (that Harry’s not the father), and to prove the fact that she didn’t give birth. The ‘out of body’ law means exactly that: she needs to have given birth for this child (if there is one) to be in the line if succession. She has committed treason, which is punishable by life in prison.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: I posted above: she’s not going to Balmoral for her birthday. I’m sure that was just another one of her made-up fantasies.
Aquagirl said…
@Mischi: I don’t think that Lord G. would leave until the MM situation is put to bed. So maybe that’s a good sign that this fiasco is coming to an end.
Girl with a Hat said…
Girl with a Hat said…
and now she is announcing a child's book based on the story of two dogs!!! wow, she should just stop doing stupid things. People are laughing at her.
Aquagirl said…
I just posted and the time stamp is CA time.
Aquagirl said…
Apparently she used to
take ADHD meds to stay thin. I truly believe that she is currently medicated for her psychological issues (although the meds don’t seem to be working) or she is on Prednisone. Either of those options would explain swift & extensive weight gain.
Aquagirl said…
She also could be drinking like a fish.
Aquagirl said…
@Elle: I agree but there have been so many incidents, especially recently. As far as the Vogue situation, apparently they asked her many times and she continuously denied it. At this point, she’s used up all of her chances and needs to go.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Aquagirl, I totally agree. She needed to go a long time ago. But in order to build the case and not have any accusations of racism and/or other markle spew splash back on them, they have to build the case -- not by telling her what she can't do and then stopping her doing it, but by telling her what she cannot do and then watching silently as she does it. Then they have the evidence of her doing it just like they do now. Only then can actions be evidence. Thinking about it is not doing it. The BRF had to let it all come out or they couldn't act on it.

Anonymous said…
Yep. And it's still 'members only'.
Anonymous said…
IDK, maybe there's a market for a children's book where one dog is adopted and then abandoned by its female owner at the first sign of a rich meal ticket, and then then other dog is taken along but is later broken to bits by its people and then they go and adopt a purebred lab but refuse to tell its name to protect its privacy. I can see that happening.
Anonymous said…
And just to be clear, it's not about using up her chances, it's about proving repeatedly that she's inarguably unsuitable as a member of the BRF (or really, any family, even the one she didn't have before.) They must let her tear herself down, repeatedly and indefensibly, with actions so vile that the public demands the BRF do something, and until even her previous defenders have a hard time defending her (sugars always will, but I'm referring to the semi-conscious). And that has already started, but she's not in the death throes just yet (she is the type who will drag out the death rattle as long as possible). Once she's poisoned herself completely and there's no hope she can be saved, she can go with little settlement and no silicone bambino held hostage.
Louise said…
That "royal source" who stated last weekend that the Queen AND Philip were throwing a party for Meghan in Balmoral because they "adore" her must have been $mirkle herself. I also like the part about how the Queen was going to have a special cake baked for her. Hahahaha.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, my, yes, Elle. I'd totally buy that book to read to my dogs. "And this is what can happen to you the next time you get into the trash can...." Dogs sniff each other's butts. I do not think that privacy is a big issue for them.
Anonymous said…
I almost fell off my chair from instant enlightenment, @Mischi, when I saw the titles of the articles.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
@Hikari, someone on one post was asking about the ousting. I couldn't remember the details b/c it happened after I knew she was a fraud and poser and liar but before I followed it regularly. The sashay of shame back across the lawn, though, and the photos in the car after... something went down.
Anonymous said…

A very special cake. The invisible kind.
SwampWoman said…
Sadly, my tastes are far too pedestrian to be enlightened. I can only avert my gaze away from their magnificence from afar. As far afar as I can manage.
SwampWoman said…
If the royals had a special birthday cake baked for her and I were present, I'd watch carefully to see if anybody else was eating it. I think I'd suddenly recall my diet and let them eat cake.
SwampWoman said…
This whole brump cradling thing is very strange to me. I could not recall ever cradling my swollen belly tenderly. I looked at pictures taken during the times and my hands were occupied with things other than wrapping around my swollen flesh. If only she had been photographed holding the baby with the same tenderness she reserved for wrapping her claws around herself.
Umm....I think it's not so much about being invited or being banned. It's more like Harry not wanting to do anything traditional and family related.

Maybe she really real REeeeeeaaaalllly wants to go to Balmoral and bring in her birthday in on the crisp country air, with fog looming across the moors ,risp waking up in the castle, its plush ornate 15th century rooms, lit up by warm majestic fireplace.... (wink wink...she has her diary entry already penned up for her very special Balmoral birthday ;))

Maybe she wants to go because that would mean the ultimate seal of approval, and she can finally say she lives the Royal life, but Harry has been the dampner and just never goes because he doesn't like to be near his family. Last year he might have said, we'll go next year. This year she thought, with the baby, she could finally fulfiill her childhood fantasy so she started sending out the Pr. fluff... Maybe she thought if she talked about it enough, visiualizes it with the minutest details re- cakes , HQ singing Happy birthday, balloons, breakfast in bed - she could actually manifest it for herself.

I think she might just pull this one off. It's so her style, she famcies herself a writer and it's been her childhood dream.
Plus, there is such a thing as Ghost-writer! So someone, somewhere is actually wracking their brains, trying to expand in the given brief of 2 rescue dogs who find themselves in Buckingham Palace. The ultimate rags to riches story - but for dogs.

PS: if I remember correctly, wasn't there going to be a children's book with similar story line about HMQ's corgy?!
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