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The Nutty Flavor Challenge: Revive Meghan's Image

Here's a challenge to consider. You have just been hired as a PR consultant to improve Duchess Meghan's image.

You have unlimited funds and the power to do anything - including plan a big confessional interview in which Meg admits her previous mistakes. 

What would you do? Which journalists would you involve? Which clothes and hairstyles would you choose?

Which Royal Family members would you select to accompany Meg on a potential apology tour? Where should she go on that tour, what type of organizations should she meet with, and what should she say?

The goal is to give Meghan a second chance at impressing the British public and the citizens of the Commonwealth, who are her employers. Impressing the US media and Meghan's pre-existing sugars is secondary. 


Unknown said…
1. Wear clothes by British designers - make it your mission to create an uplift in interest and revenue for British fashion
2. Meet with your father. Do it secretly, but put out one picture to make it clear it happened
3. Do some grass roots activities, that reflect your real interests - and that aren't done for the picture that's put out - but to get you known as a hard worker
Humor Me said…
and....I would NOT give an interview. Nor would I allow my "friends" or palace insiders to speak.
Actions, not words will speak volumes. Look at Sophie, and esp. Anne, the hardest working royal.
All activities solo without Harry on your patronage and personal interests (like Grenville tower) - no pap pictures. All patron activities on the court calendar, your personal interests should be on the downlow.
Also - attend with Harry on his key patronage events that a spouse would attend, like the military respect tour he gave up for the movie premiere.
Give Harry the proper respect - he goes first, not you. Speak when spoken to. Smile.
Anonymous said…
I would quit while I was ahead. Clothes and hair aren't going to fix MM. That's not the problem with MM, and any words that come from her mouth in an "apology" will only be platitudes and hot air. She'd be back to herself right away. I know a lost cause and NPD/Sociopathic behavior when I see it. MM has severe personality flaws that I do not believe can be fixed or remedied. She is who she is and I would not sink my career into that lying abyss. Instead, I would talk with the BRF (specifically, Kate & William) about getting help for their brother and removing him from a toxic situation. I do believe Harry is in there somewhere, evidenced by his growing unhappiness and decline.
SDJ said…
I second what Unknown and Humor Me above said:

1. wear British/Commonwealth fashions. Its okay if they are expensive (by plebeian standards) but they shouldn't be at the level of expense she's been wearing for the past 19 months.
2. Proper blow-outs. No instagram messy-pretty strands
3. NO interview. Just set a good work ethic example (Anne, Sophie).
4. Stop with all the secret stuff. If you don't want to announce where you gave birth or who the god-parents are, then just say nothing. I know this is probably controversial, but H & M make it way more obnoxious and annoying by saying "none of your beeswax, we're keeping this SECRET". Your desire to be normal is playing out as a desire to be extra-extra special.
5. And I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stop holding Harry's hand or grabbing his arm at official engagements. Those are work events, not dates.
6. Stop trying to be the "hot girl". Been there, done that. Grow up.
7. Have someone teach you how to accept that celebrity and royal are very different things.
8. Please, please, please listen to the royal courtiers who can teach you some things about etiquette, decorum etc.

Just my opinion: Harry should have married a girl from the Commonwealth. At least we have some passing relationship with the BRF and kind of know what's expected. Autumn Phillips anyone??
Ann Christensen said…
Too late. Damage irreparable. Was this her intention all along. Pillage and pull down?
Miss_Christina said…
Simple. Admit to Harry, the Queen, Charles, etc., that your whole plan from the beginning was to become world famous by marrying into the BRF. Tell Harry how you tricked him and played on his worst qualities. Apologize for your PR blitz. Say sorry to William, Kate, and the Hanburys. Confess to this ridiculous baby/surrogate baby/no baby saga. Politely ask for a divorce with no stipulations at all. Hand back that baby to whoever is going to really care for the poor little guy. Give the jewelry and designer crap back to recoup some of the British taxpayers' money.

Then go home. Go back to California. Hollywood probably won't touch you with a twenty foot producer's private part, but there's always the service industry. Maybe if your mom is willing, teach yoga along with her. Become a private citizen again and try not to hurt anymore people.

Because quite frankly, I think there's no going back to fix her image now. Whether she's mentally ill, some people's opinion, or a classic narcissist, mine, she's gone way too far to ever return.
Unknown said…
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Fashionfluff said…
Yes, I agree with you 1000%. It's a lost cause.
Fashionfluff said…
I also 1000% agree with you comment as well!
NikNak said…
As a British Citizen born and bred none of us would buy it. Her best hope at this point would be to lay low and look after this so called 'baby'. Harry needs to grow a pair and tell her to 'SIT THE EFF DOWN'

We are all embarrassed by your antics House Sussex just help yourselves out and LISTEN to guidance.
Hikari said…
Wow, one would have to be a real masochist to take on this job.

If only Megs' atomic missteps over the last year were a result of being unformed clay making innocent mistakes out of ignorance & childlike excitement at the headiness of her new position . . . if only she were amenable to instruction and change. She isn't, and ultimately Meg is the only one who can rehabilitate herself, and she thinks she's perfect the way she is.

If she were a normal person desirous of doing better than she has been and if she hired me for my professional advice, this is the start of what I would tell her:

1. A Royal is a celebrity that must not be *seen* to act like a celebrity. You will have the global exposure you always wanted, and people will be eager to see you--as long as you maintain an air of mystery about yourself, and remember who you work for. When you are in public, you are there to promote the monarchy, not yourself. They are your Brand now--you are not a free agent. Dignity, modesty, service. Say these like a mantra. These are the virtues of the British and that goes quadruple for the Royals.

2. You are American by birth, but you're British now. This is what you have chosen. You have a child now who is British. Your employer, and the provider of your privileges is the British people. Accord them the respect they deserve. Do not flaunt your privileges. Spend quietly, and when you do, invest in quality--British made. Wear British designers and patronize British workers/products in other areas of your life. Enthusiastically support your adoptive country and its people, cultures and customs. It's OK to give a nod to your roots every now and then, but your primary focus should always be to promote Britain and the royal family. Eschew your fake Hollywood 'friendships' in favor of making new ones in your adoptive country.

3. Ditch the Duchess entitlement attitude. Treat everyone well, including those who come to see you at appearances and most especially, your staff who work for you. They are not 'minions' . . .they are trained professionals whose purpose is to make 'you' look good and appear more competent than you are able to on your own. You owe them appreciation and respect for what they are doing for you--and not just your beauty team or your private secretary . . your nannies, maids, gardeners, cooks and everyone that contributes to your success and comfort deserves your attitude of gratitude. If you treat your staff well, they will be loyal, and you want loyal staff.

Fashionfluff said…
Just. Go. Away. Take the money you were after, run and hide. Disappear. Stop ruining Harry's life and the lives of his family. Stop only thinking about yourself. Reconnect with your family. Go through extensive therapy to try and tame your borderline and narcissistic personality disorders. Stop using the race card when you always identified with being white. Move to a remote island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Buy some fashion magazines and a mirror.
Hikari said…
Advice to Meghan, con't. . . .

4. Use the immense privileges of your position to make yourself the best version of yourself you can be. Take advice from a professional style and beauty team and trust that they know what they are doing. You owe it to your public, who may have stood in the rain or freezing cold for hours to see you, to look nice and pulled together. It telegraphs that you care. Ditch the ill-fitting, unflattering designer samples. No more merching--it's tacky and common. Have your clothes tailored and hire someone to care for your wardrobe and track what you wear, when. Selective re-wearing of outfits will show that you are not wastefully extravagant and that you appreciate quality craftsmanship.

You have access to the best instructors in any subject you could want. Take advantage of this. Engage a protocol adviser and take as many lessons on Duchess deportment as it takes until you get it. Learn how to eat a formal dinner properly . . while you're at it, learn about proper etiquette for accepting food/drink/gifts while on official engagements. Refusing local delicacies with a face/touching them with your hands and then putting them back on the plate . . or elbowing people out of the way to get to the free swag table at Wimbledon are just two faux pas we never want to see repeated.

Read up on the history of your new family. Take interest in the family holdings and activities. Study another language, take horseback riding lessons, dancing lessons, lessons in the art of making small talk to people you don't know . . You have so much to learn, Rachel. Soak it up like a sponge. Your every day is your new role, and it's a lifetime engagement, so it's worthwhile to learn what will help you best to acclimate and be effective. Right now you are acting like an understudy propelled to the lead who has never bothered to learn her lines or her set blocking, thinking she can improvise. You can't go on like this, and neither can we.

5. Mend fences. Go visit your father and take Harry and the baby. Actions will speak louder than windy letters released to the press. Mend fences with the Cambridges, too, if they will stand for it. William and Kate are either your mightiest allies or your worst enemies, and you have to choose which they will be. William will one day be King and control your finances and your life, so you want him on-side. Right now, Kate could be an invaluable source of advice and friendship to you. She too was a commoner who married in, and the press and her in-laws weren't nice to her for years. She remade her reputation, and you need to be studying her and emulating her example. 'Emulating' means copying in a positive, respectful way that is desirous of learning . . not the nasty competitive stalker kind of imitation you are known for. Note the difference, please.

Request an audience with Harry's grandmother and make apologies for all your bad behavior since you've joined the family. Promise to make amends, and then do it. He's got a lot to answer for, too, but it would show courage and accountability if you don't hide behind him.

6. Plug into your patronages, which the Queen has chosen especially for you. Prove to her that her choices were not misplaced. People have been cancelling their subscriptions to the National Theatre since HM named you patron . . chew that over. It's up to you to turn it around. Go visit there; meet with the directors about utilizing your background to develop a youth theatre program or other ways you can contribute. Attend performances, speak to patrons, be accessible. Learn the nuts and bolts of the theatre. Channel your desire to act into supporting this national institution behind the scenes and nurturing the next generation of theatre talent and theatre goers. Do the same for your other charities.

Hikari said…
A final word:

7. Basically do everything that is asked of you with a cheerful demeanor. No matter how you feel about the job at hand, remember: Dignity, modesty, service. Court only positive tabloid attention by not giving them embarrassing material to print. It's going to take years to undo the mess you've done in one, but please do try.

8. Love your husband, and help him be his best, too. Regardless of what your initial motivations for marrying him were, he is now the father of your child, in whatever way that occurred . . .you have made a family. He waited a long time to get married, and you as his wife should enhance his life, not tear it down. You two get whatever marital counseling, rehab treatment, whatever you need to be healthy for each other and your child. We'd like to believe that the love you display for public view is in fact real . . .so make it real or go away.

snarkyatherbest said…
Find God (truly), confess your sins to the public and BRF, go to the order of the missionaries of charity (Mother Teresa's order) for a year and get in the trenches with no make up, no hair extensions, no pap pics and really turn your life around. Then if you are genuine you will be accepted.
KnitWit said…
If she wants to remain a state sponsored royal
1.Fire PR team
2. Stop paying for PR placement thus eliminating the need to run scams for cash for PR.
3. Close SussexRoyal
4. Start going to family/couples therapy with husband.
5. Start listening to royal advisors, stylists, etc.
6. Shut up about getting paid.
7. Stay out of the public eye until you get yourself together.
9. Deal with the baby... surrogate... doll... pregnancy rumors and lies. If Archie is a healthy baby, let PH be seen with him in public.
10. If Archie has a birth defect or health problem (like rumored downs syndrome) be honest about that and begin doing work with the charity. Real work, not banana signing photo ops.
11. Start wearing British brands, perhaps highlighting independent new designers.
12. I wish one Brittish royal would champion British fiberarts aka Shetland sweaters and shawls, designers like Kaffe Fassett and others for Rowan, Alice Starmore... Maybe even knit in public.
13. Shut up about Privacy. Anyone who truly wants privacy doesn't pay to place stories in tabloids. I suspect Harry wants privacy and Meghan wants attention.

If she doesn't want to be a state sponsored royal, carry on with the insanity. Social climb and grift until people tire of the lies and/or the law intervenes.
Hikari said…
Harry Markle has surfaced, with more topical doggerel for our enjoyment featuring recent events. The picture she's selected showing H. and M. (from the back, their favorite position) at the Lion King premiere makes them look like cartoon characters superimposed on the Yellow Brick Road.

Let's be honest and say that's exactly what these two-dimensional celebrity hustlers are . . caricatures of human beings. As for Royals, forget it.

Harry might have opted, in his capacity as Captain General of the Royal Marines to attend a memorial concert in honor of fallen warriors on July 14th, rather than wearing bad clothes to a Disney premiere with Beyonce. It was shameful that he was not present.

Priorities, Haz . . .yours are screwed up, and she's never been on your side to begin with. Time to wise up, man.
Kate said…
Very very well said - all your points are spot-on and what I have been thinking through all these sagas. I really hope Smegs reads this and takes ALL your advice.
Jdubya said…
Off topic but these documents caught me by surprise

Me-Again Sparke "The Charlatan Duchess" has documents from their new foundation. Lots of them and one of them lists Meghan as Princes of the United Kingdom. i tried to cut & paste it here but it wont work. this should be the address
Louise said…
Agree. She cannot be rehabilitated. Anything she says or does to convince us that she has changed would be fake.

hildarumpole said…
Echoing your advice on Duchess deportment lessons, my first thought was a re-education camp/finishing school. I don't believe there are any residential programs any longer, but I googled and found Minding Manners International based in London, which bills itself as a "A Contemporary Finishing School for Today's Elegant Global Citizen." At her age, it is difficult to make significant changes in character, but if she cares at all about her future with Harry, their child, and the Royal Family, one would hope she comes to realize the pattern she's established is destructive and the only way to move forward is taking a good hard look at herself with an openness to making significant improvements in her attitude and behaviors. If she's not willing to get herself right, no amount of properly tailored clothes, combed hair, or expensive PR spinners is ever going to make the public like and accept her as a member of the BRF.
Humor Me said…
Harry Markle was harsh - and a wake up call to PH/ MM and / or any person that has influence with the couple.
Sessy said…
I think in order to rehab an image, the holder of said image would need to be willing to do what is recommended and take advice. The Duchess doesn’t strike me as such.
Hikari said…
HM includes links to the Deal Bandstand concert series, with the Memorial Concert their centerpiece of the summer season, in memory of 11 Royal Marines who were killed in an IRA bombing.

This was an afternoon concert, at 2:30 pm. Deal is a 2-hour car journey from London. It would have been tight but doable to make both events. In any case, the Deal concert should have been prioritized. PH received the invitation a year ago, and only canceled within the last month, citing a previous engagement. (The pop-culture paparazzi event with Hollywood celebrities which both he and his wife preferred to attend.)

Even notwithstanding Haz's affection for the original Lion King film (back when he was 8), would the Harry of two years ago blown off a military duty for a movie premiere? I would not have thought so.
MaLissa said…
I agree. I think she's reached the point of no return or very close to it. She's managed to burn bridges and there's no longer a life line. Not sure if anything is salvageable.
punkinseed said…
Royals don't think the way commoners do. Their entire view of the world and those in it is not and can't be the same.
In the show, The Crown, (Season 1, Episode 4 beginning about 19:33) in the scene where Queen Mary, Elizabeth II's grandmother, explains to Elizabeth her purpose as queen: Elizabeth asks Queen Mary: "... In your letter you said, 'Loyalty to the ideal you've inherited is your duty above everything else, because the calling comes from the highest source, from God himself.'
Queen Mary: Yes.
Eliz: Do you really believe this?

Queen Mary: Monarchy is God's sacred mission to grace and dignify the earth; to give ordinary people the ideal to strive towards. An example gives their duty nobility and dignity to raise them in their wretched lives. Monarchy is a calling from God. That is why you're crowned in an Abbey and not in a government building; why you're anointed, not appointed. It's an archbishop that puts the crown on your head, not a minister or public servant, which means that you are answerable to God in your duty, NOT THE PUBLIC (emphasis mine).
Now, take a moment and let that sink in. The monarchy's duty is loyalty to God. As subordinates to the monarch, the royal highnesses are required to be loyal to the queen. Anything outside of duty and loyalty to her is a type of treason, rebellion, insubordination.
The only way Meg can redress and redeem herself is to honestly and without question or refusal, learn and follow all of the queen's mandates, rules, traditions, etc. no matter how archaic some things are. And, forget about "modernizing" the monarchy. It's not an option and never has been. Throughout the last 1000 years there have been those like Megs demanding "modernization" when the truth is, it's really about her and those like her refusing to be loyal or do their duty for some selfish, willful reason or rebellious, immature power struggle.
If I was a courtier ordered by the queen to fix the mess they've made, I'd give them both a fish or cut bait option: Either show piety and humility for the past year's blatant disrespect for the monarchy, or abdicate. Tell them both they're either on the bus or off the bus. They can't have it both ways.
A big fat "show me" is in order now. Nothing less will do.
MaLissa said…
Well said Hikari. @Kate if she does, do we think she'll take it to heart or is it too late? Like I said upthread - she's burned all the bridges and I'm not sure there's a life line to be had.
Unknown said…
The problem is that Smeg-Head* is now past saving in the eyes of the public. Look at how long Camilla had to work for it and she still scored last on the opinion polls. Hair, make up and a half-arsed apology tour wont butter many parsnips now.

She accused us (Through her PR and pit bullesque sugars) of being racist and xenophobic when people called out the spending, her treatment of her father, the bad ettiquette and bizarre contradictory behaviour. There have been too many witnesses to her poor behaviour on tours or visits for them all to be lies. She came in with the attitude that SHE was bringing our drab, little monarchy into the 21st century and it showed.

Yeah, thanks, Flower, we were just fine with how things were. We like it when the monarchy shows up, cuts a ribbon and smiles. We do not like to hear that people we fund to be glorified mascots (and I love the BRF) are moaning how bad their life is when said moaner blew off an event memorialisng men who lost their lives protecting this country. Duty is the essence of the BRF and if they don't bother with that, prefering star studded, insta-worthy events, then why the hell are we keeping them?

In short, she's pissed off too many people. We've still not forgotten the war, so she's got bob hope.

*Even Arnold J Rimmer is more stalwart than her and Hazza.
Hikari said…
She won't do any of this, of course. This is what *I* would do in her shoes, and would have been trying to do from the beginning. If she had tried hard in the first year of her marriage to do any of these things, I'd be happy to give her some credit. As it stands, the only thing she's possibly done right in 14 months as a royal is wearing underwear the other night to the Lion King premiere. Not much to crow about, is it?

Harry could have chosen just about anyone else that would have been more ofa credit to her birth country and her adoptive one in her current role. Nobody expected her to know everything or be mistake-free as a newbie to the Firm. What is mind-blowing is that she absolutely refuses to *try* to fit in and every move is calculated to cause the maximum friction and negative buzz around herself. She wants all the swag and none of the duty. Does she really think if they cut her loose after the divorce that they will continue to fund her lifestyle? She is an utter disaster. There's no cure for what she's got . . .Hazza is going to have to divorce her to save himself.
Girl with a Hat said…
sorry Nutty but I'm not giving them any advice. May they both roast in hell as far as I'm concerned.
Girl with a Hat said…
you should all read this about Andrew and Epstein:

It was in the NY Post.
Girl with a Hat said…
and no one has mentioned that the worst is yet to come out - her efforts to make money off of her charitable foundation, her use of the charitable foundation to go after her critics in social media, her closing off of access to the press to her and Harry's public events so she can make money off her images and her speeches, etc. Everyone here has only scratched the surface of her supposed sins. It's not about what she wears, it's about her greed and her willingness to destroy British traditions, of which she is not even a citizen, to make money, more money and even more money to buy herself a life of luxury.
SwanSong said…
I would never let her speak on camera as she Hs her own worst enemy. Asking people for love and sympathy almost assures you will never get it. Charles tried the same tactic with his 1994 “our marriage had irretrievably broken down” interview with Jonathan Dimbleby and it backfired spectacularly on him. I think Meghan & Harry inviting Thomas to the UK to meet HM and see Archie would do wonders in re-rehabbing her image. Recycling some outfits would be another.
Anonymous said…
Exactly. I see this as a dangerous dysfunction that can only prolong a deep and pervasive disease that is the markle.
Anonymous said…
Exactly. Normal, empathetic humans can change. But the markle has proven time and again that she is not on either spectrum. To even pretend is folly and if markle does read here, then it plants some ideas for how to further manipulate us suckers. Good riddance to her and move on from it, it's the only way.
MaLissa said…
I've tried to come up with a list of things for them to do to redeem themselves out of this mess. Sadly, I can't think of one thing they can do to redeem themselves. They've blown their 2nd, 3rd, 4th... and so on chances. I keep hoping the next one will be better and just be disappointed. Most of all I'm disappointed with Harry. He knows better.

Best thing for them now is for Harry to give up his titles and live as a private citizen. I'm not sure Markle is up for that but those are the consequences. I'm all for them living a private life out of the public eye and not being supported by the public purse.
SwampWoman said…
Fantastic! Now, which designer should I use for the shock collar....
ColleenS said…
The only way to rehabilitate her image with the British people is to quietly give Harry a divorce, leave the child with his family and disappear for a long while. Show some humility, search her soul, get some professional help, and quietly do actual humanitarian work. Not the kind with photographers and sound bites, but anonymously in soup kitchens and reading to children in libraries. She needs to let the world detox from her completely while she learns the true meaning of kindness and humility. Then when Harry has found a loving wife and step mother for Archie (assuming he is still salvagable), she can slip back into the world, if she wants to. Hopefully, after being anonymous and charitable, she will no longer have a taste for the spotlight at all costs. Unfortunately, I doubt that would be the case. This woman has the same future as disco.
Fifi LaRue said…
If Markle had been above-average intelligent, and able to think at least 10 steps ahead, this is what she should have done:
PH and MM, in a public announcement, present their desire to have a child, but being unable for medical reasons, have engaged the services of a surrogate. Their appeal would have been to all the couples unable to conceive, and it would have brought them center stage into many hearts with the intimacy with the masses with the revelation. They could have said that while they desire privacy, they will keep people informed of events. That would have been groundbreaking, and absolutely astounding. PH and MM could have held the masses enthralled with their revelations. MM would have been on the cover of every magazine, in a multitude of languages; and, being interviewed everywhere. However, that would have required humility, honesty, and being just plain, decent human beings. Neither Markle nor PH have that kind of courage or honesty. MM can play games, and drag PH along with her. It's too late for MM to rehabilitate her image.
Jdubya said…
Suggestion for future oponion poll. ..... what is Harrys part in all of this ? Is he truly federation up and looking for a way out? Or just not happy that things are not going as planned?
Girl with a Hat said…
Harry is just as guilty if not more. He decided to drag in this reprobate into the BRF in the first place because he was envious of his brother and wanted to upstage him no matter the cost.
abbyh said…
Harsh reality but I like the bluntness of this.
Louise said…
Princess of the UK was her occupation on the baby's birth certificate as well.

I think that the official title would be Princess Henry of Wales.
Hikari said…
I found this slideshow on Princess Margaret. Great photos . . .interesting that many of the negative names Meg is getting were once applied to Margaret Rose, a blood royal. She was dubbed 'a parasite'.

Harry is William's Margaret, it seems, but this animosity toward Megs has been seen in a similar form. Meg is an outsider, though, and better watch it. She won't get the same kind of indulgence a true family member does.
SwampWoman said…
While I may be willing to take on the task of sending the Duchess through re-education camp and charm school, I do not think it would be effective without taking her enabler, Prince Harry, in hand as well.
Louise said…
I fully agree that Harry is complicit in Meghan' ongoing behaviour. He seems to be using her as a weapon to wreak revenge on the Royal Family.

And the RF seems to be sitting back and taking the blows.
Ozmanda said…
They need to do a interview with a respected UK journalist and address all the rumours - we all know they know and if they just rip that band aid off and be upfront and apologize for disrespecting the citizens that fund their lifestyle - that may not solve it all but it will be a good first move.

Next is to drop the self serving events and actually go back to the charities to show a semblance of sensitivity.
Maddie said…
Hey Rabbit, you are so right. Ground breaking indeed and very modern too. Everyone would have been on their side and a whole new dialogue could have been started on a topic that has been so helpful to those couples who can’t conceive naturally. But unfortunately they are not smart. Or honest.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Blackbird said…
It would be a fruitless exercise, sadly ... you could develop the most incredible PR campaign but she'd still find a way to ruin it. She'd replace your interviewer with Oprah; she'd refuse to wear the clothes you'd picked for her ... she's just one of those people who will never, ever, follow the rules. She was told as a child how special she was, and that's ingrained in her psyche - she thinks she knows far better than anyone else and that will never change.
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
I guess you didn't see the murderous look photos from Wimbledon? I had the link on another post, but it was not all friendly. In fact, if Kate weren't QTB, weren't a member of the BRF, and no cameras had been on them, I think she and Pippa would've thrown down with the Markle and yanked those bad extensions right out. And the way Kate put her hand on MM, that was power, not friendship. Kate is just a quiet kind of strong.

That polo match was just a spectacle de merde. Far more going on that I can guess, but from the looks of the faces with those with whom she did interact, the situation was somewhere between tense and bat merde cray cray.
Unknown said…
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Lady Muck said…
Yes I think we're in the early stages of game over for her. I've talked to so many people now who either at the beginning really liked her or just liked her but weren't that interested and all of them now actively dislike her, whether or not they believe in pillow baby. Every single person.
Anonymous said…
Too true, Trudy. Harry has caused a lot of scandal from his bad boy behavior, but I do not believe that he is the evil lord of the royal underworld. I see him as stuck between someone he thought he loved who he now knows (at least on some level) played him badly BUT with whom he still has a maybebaby, his pride, and the BRF. Where he lands, I don't know, but I feel empathy for him because ...

so yes, maybe he's the instigator in his lifelong dream of dragging the BRF into the fiery Mount Doom, OR maybe he's just been played and the love drug is wearing off and he's in a really FUBAR situation. I believe the latter, based on his body language and behavior. I certainly could be wrong. But I do not think that this would be happening if it weren't for the markle spell. He's going to have to man up and do something about this, and therein lies the problem I see -- I'm not sure Harry's cojones are equal in size to markle's. It's a sad thing, but most men find it very hard to leave a woman even when they are very, very unhappy....
Anonymous said…
Team Mischi.
Unknown said…
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Lady Muck said…
I agree - at first I felt like oh poor Harry getting caught up with someone like her, but now I think he loved the fact she was a celebrity (albeit a minor one) with ambition. I think he's totally complicit and had had enough of living in William's shadow. Someone commented in The Times:

"Harry is doing his mother's bidding, bringing her into infect the monarchy. A woke SJW Royal Family under King Charles III will usher in the Republic of the United Kingdom. She is Wallis II."

I actually think she's worse than Wallis in a way, as at least Wallis kept her mouth shut. That comment for me is very chilling - I don't want to become a Republic. It would send shockwaves through Britain and the Commonwealth for several generations, as the monarchy is woven into the fabric of who we are as a nation. The RF need to sort these two out and fast.
Unknown said…
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Lady Muck said…
I'm not sure whether PR rehab is even possible for her or even Harry really. They're moaning about the media and trolls, but I think if they'd been made to travel in their own carriage at TTC and heard the general public booing them, it might be what was needed to make them realise their actions have put them in a precarious position. Without public support there is no monarchy, so it also might have shown the Queen, Charles etc that people aren't happy and it's time to stop burying their head in the sand like they always seem to.
punkinseed said…
When the queen and/or Charles eventually get fed up after giving these two more rope than most of us would give, they'll act quickly to cut them off. They both have to know that any type of redemption won't possibly work let alone last, as Meg's is too stupid and stubborn to honestly stop doing things "her own way" at all costs. Her arrogance is so deep that when the sword of Damocles falls on her, she's stupid enough to try to take the whole monarchy along with her like a dead man's switch.
Their behavior is beginning to reflect badly on the whole royal family, causing them all to lose the respect from their loyal subjects. The hard working royals like Princess Anne, Kate, Wills, the Wessexes, and Charles and Camilla have worked very hard to support the monarchy. They have to be seething and cringing every time the Sussex name is mentioned. If I worked as hard as they have most of their lives and had this pair of idiots destroy my mother's legacy I'd be apoplectic with fury. I think BP is already making Meg's exit contingency plans.
Lady Muck said…
My idea for giving her a dose of reality though would be to fill her time with the more boring aspects of royal duties - I'm talking opening the new library's disabled ramp in Newport Pagnell on a rainy Tuesday, touring the new transport ferry to the Isle of Man, a rowing race with a team of professional rowers in the Bristol Channel, opening the newly built bird hide on a nature reservation near Grimsby and lots of town hall lunches with local dignitaries.

Fill her diary with a year of that stuff and she'll be booking her own flight back to the USA!
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
I think Kate had no choice. I also think that the media showed only the "nice" photos -- and that's on them. There are a number of ARFKM photos of the two of them. It's gaslighting by the media, but the photos are there from Wimbledon just like they're there from the polo match.
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Make that AYFKM
Anonymous said…
Yes, but that's media, not Kate, though I do agree it enables. Still, these photos:
SwampWoman said…
Pardon me, Lady Muck, but that actually sounds far more interesting than movie premiers. Throw in a few stock dog trials, kid livestock shows, and antique farm equipment demonstrations and *I'd* be happier than a pig in mud.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
Agree also MM's reputation can't be rehabilitated at this late date.
PaulaMP said…
I too think it's probably much too late, but if she really wanted to try: Let her hair go natural, get a real makeup artist to tone down most of her slap. Wear British designers exclusively, wear pantyhose. Wear the size she is now, not three sizes ago. Get rid of all the twee jewelry and tacky multiple rings. Get rid of her PR woman and get rid of her IG which is a joke. Start going out on a lot less flashy events, always let Harry go first and most of all stop pawing and grasping at him. Maybe they could have an all female group of Royals go out, not Kate but maybe Eugenie or Sophie. STOP seeking out the camera every where you go, stop the stupid facial expressions and all the hand waving and hugging. Stop merching constantly, get someone to alter all the clothing you wear. Also get rid of all the celeb friends who don't know you and won't know you later. The world knows you don't know Oprah, Gayle, the Clooneys, Beyonce, or even Serena. The mutual using of one another is nauseating. Most important of all, take Harry and Archie and go and make peace with your Dad, make sure the world sees photos of him holding the baby at a bare minimum. Your behavior with Doria is also suspect, she flies for 13 hours to stay five minutes? That looks bad, like she's just there to be a woman of color.
Anonymous said…
Less cheery? It looks to me like MM just dropped a nasty snark bomb and Kate wants to slap her but can't (yet). There is no love lost there. And yes, I saw the "end feud" ones, too. Kate was doing her job. But if you look closely, you'll see the eyebrow lift and the slight raise on the left side which is always contempt / disdain. The media can print what they want, and they are obvs choosing to play up the lovefest, but I don't see it working.

I *do* hope the BRF is setting MM up behind the scenes for a fall of amazing proportion while pretending to make jolly so that when the merde hits the fan, the BRF can appear to have embraced mm. My cold, hard heart tells me that something is playing out because under normal conditions, mm would be sucking up to Camilla & Charles (Chas has the pounds and pays the bills), and by failing to wish Camilla a happy birthday, H&M have landed on the bad side of both C&C. Even markle is not so stupid as to diss Camilla without knowing Chas will be a little miffed as well.
Anonymous said…
Team Trudy.

If there is any truth to his disappearing for 48 hours and Chelsy hanging around, then I do believe mm is on her way out. I know we are in the minority, but I just don't see him as a seething, festering, bubble-bubble-toil-and-trouble mastermind.
LadyJaneJagger said…
She’s almost 40 years old and a narcissist. No amount of window dressing is going to change that.
You can’t put lipstick on a pig.
Mary said…
PoS Me-Gain can’t be rehabbed, but I would happily suggest that she could rehab her image by traveling to Somalia to meet one on one with al-shabaab go negotiate the release of women. Watching the result would be endlessly entertaining
Suzanne Wilson said…
I wish the Queen would send Anne out with Meghan. That would be worth seeing.
PaulaMP said…
I'd pay to see that!
Ozmanda said…
I think Kate's call to duty was for two reasons:
1) To reign in MeAgain and ward off anymore controversy

2) I think a part of it was to combat Meg's PR blitz determined to try to make Kate be the bad one and "jealous" of her(ridiculous to everyone with a brain), if this is true then I would say this is Lord G tactic and pretty smart one.
Jdubya said…
Did you notice her first name is HRH. Same one Harrys
hardyboys said…
paulaMP your response was priceless had to read it twice..doria flies 13 hours to be seen for 5 it
Aquagirl said…
Agree. There’s no hope for her. Plus everyone knows she’s a liar, so no matter what she says or does it is not believable. Get rid of her and try to help Harry. At this point, I’m beginning to think he might be a lost cause as well. They have had a lot of mis-steps, but I don’t see how anybody can possibly forgive the fake pregnancy & photoshopped Christening pictures. Not Frogmore where they don’t even reside. Harry’s best chance is to get divorced and either go to rehab or to Africa (or both) for an extended period of time.
Aquagirl said…
@SDJ: did you hear her tell someone at TLK that they were on a date nite? 🙄
Suzanne Wilson said…
"Princess of the United Kingdom " is listed as Kate's occupation on her children's birth certificates as well. Occupation, not title. Princess William and Duchess of Cambridge are her curtesy titles.
Aquagirl said…
@Elle: I’ve been assuming that the BRF is doing something behind the scenes to take her down. Something has to happen soon, because she is not only destroying Harry’s reputation but she’s bringing down the whole family. It’s still going to be difficult to overcome as the whole family will look complicit, especially with the fake pregnancy & the surrogate. Does anyone remember the photo of Theresa May staring at the fake bump? It was so obvious so nobody in the family can say they didn’t know.
Anonymous said…
I hope we're right @Aquagirl. I do believe that the BRF has plausible deniability re the pregnancy. They may have suspected, and they may have even known, but there may be no proof that they knew. I'm sure megster has shagged everything but the carpet, but I do think William and Chas have forgone the opportunity to colonize on markle. So, short of turning her upside down and having a good look -- plausible deniability. In fact, MMs refusal to use BRF doctors may have actually been HMTQs decision to stay as far away from the very well explored territory as an added precaution, and when the care was denied MM, she made the announcement re her own medical team. I'm not saying that the BRF didn't know -- I'm saying that they can say that they didn't know, and because of what they didn't want to know, they stayed away from knowing it (if that makes any sense at all).

I would love to see a link to the Theresa May bump if you've got it. I don't recall it.
Anonymous said…
Oh, Ozmanda, two excellent theories here.
Aquagirl said…
I know that the Deal concert was planned at least a year ago, but does anyone know when TLK premiere was planned?
Aquagirl said…
@Elle: Chelsy was not in town during those 48 hrs. Plus I doubt he’d have an affair. That would be the dumbest move that he could make at this point.
abbyh said…
I may not like what she has done, the things I don't know more about and the completely unknown but I think keeping the wishing her to do penance with dedicating handicapped ramps (actually a positive by people I know), dog shows level, I'm ok with. I'm uncomfortable with wishing or thinking really bad places for her to be dropped into are useful karmic levelings.

sigh there is enough true evil already in the world happening and I hate seeing more of it, not less
Anonymous said…
And it looks like the not-a-feud honeymoon lasted for 72 hours. Now, this:
Aquagirl said…
+1 Trudy
BTW, I wish PP would have a talk with Harry since Harry was appointed Captain General Royal Marines succeeding PP. It only happened in Dec. 2017, and so far Harry’s already managed to fuck it up after so many years of his grandfather’s service.
Aquagirl said…
I never knew who MM was until the Harry saga. When I saw the first few photos of her, I had no idea that she was bi-racial, nor did anyone else I spoke to. Perhaps because she’s been presenting herself as Caucasian all these years?
Aquagirl said…
I don’t think that Harry is the father. I think she did the whole surrogacy thing behind his back. He specifically said in the engagement interview that they didn’t want children any time soon, and boom💥, they’re suddenly having a baby? Probably her frozen eggs & someone else’s sperm. Another day, another deception from MM.
QueenWhitby said…
I see Meg as the modern day version of Narcissus, unable to resist the allure of her own image, enraptured and unable to tear herself away from her perfect vision of herself - waiting for validation of her perfectness that never comes and fading away to nothing whilst frozen waiting for the expected reciprocation that never materializes.

Rehabilitation of narcissists is dubious, they are resistant to treatment and incapable of empathy. It’s not gonna happen.

SwampWoman said…
Do any of y'all think that it is possible for somebody in their late 3rd decade to do a complete change in personality and behavior? Do you know anybody that has done a successful 180 turn and completely changed? Did the change involve a crisis where they had to change or die?

I can only judge others on myself, and I have been the same basic person since childhood. Trying to change my personality would be an exercise in futility. Even giving me large financial incentives wouldn't work because it would be insufficiently motivating for me.
Aquagirl said…
The other thing about Wimbledon that most people don’t know, is that MM & Pippa never met before. Remember how MM wasn’t invited to Pippa’s wedding, but was supposedly invited to the reception? That was fake PR. MM managed to get herself photoshopped into one photo, but she was never there. I’ve seen articles in the past week confirming that it’s the first time the two ever met. Most people probably don’t know or don’t remember, but she was never at Pippa’s wedding. Just another lie.
Aquagirl said…
But we don’t know if Doria was actually there. She could’ve been photoshopped in or she could’ve been photographed when she WAS there on June 8th, when the original photo was taken.
Blackbird said…
Hi SwampWoman :-)

Yes, I do. Without going into details, illness forced this person to take a good look at their life and they really didn't like what they saw.

I think for the average person, however, it would certainly be relatively unheard of ... leopards 'n spots ...
Blackbird said…
Flowerzkool, +1,000! That's exactly it.

There's no point trying to force that square peg into a round hole.
abbyh said…
I was thinking about this (can she change) and working/being around people who have some have some of the traits or the behaviors she exhibits: medicine might be helpful but it doesn't wave a magic wand to change the thinking/logic part of the brain and ... people only change if they want to. They have to want it and the people around them have to understand that there will be moments of returning to past (now unwanted) behaviors because it was successful (in getting them what they want so it still feels right) plus there is a learning curve to altering past to new behaviors (which always includes some amount of oops).
Anonymous said…
I am certain that unhealthy, dysfunctional people can change through therapy and deep desire that usually results from life-shattering events. They can and change the patterns they learned in childhood. Of course, that's possible. But narcissists /sociopaths don't just see the world in the same way and their emotions are shallow to non-existent - they can't just grow empathy and conscience. Drug therapy isn't successful from what I've read. There is *some* evidence that narcissists can change, but it is very, very hard work and even then, experiencing empathy is difficult. MM has shown no self-awareness, no true emotion, she lies without remorse -- that doesn't just get out of bed and decide to change. MM obviously grew up as the special child in a dysfunctional cluster of markleness, and her narcissism is almost 38 years old. Good luck with changing that.
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Lottie said…
I personally feel that there has been too much damage within the last 14 months for MM's image to be revived to an acceptable 'likeable' status
To be honest I think there has been far too much deceit & controversy when it comes to the Sussex's.
MM especially seems to do her utmost to anger and alienate the British press & citizens
Her last statement 'They make it very hard" was so snide and extremely un-Royal
It shows that she doesn't have the capacity of intelligence or the diplomacy required for this role.
The role of Princess is not to be taken lightly, it is demanding and not at all easy. Even for Diana who was British & came from the upper echelons of society, floundered and made humongous errors of judgement.
The difference is that as opposed to MM, Diana was genuinely compassionate, warm and sincere.
Therefore the people forgave her for her mistakes because they knew she was an emotional being but ultimately came from a good place
She wasn't arrogant, rude, self centered nor did she ever play the diva
She wasn't the Princess with contempt for the peasants
She knew and understood the plights of the common people

Unfortunately MM is the exact opposite of Diana
She is an interloper who has little regard for the country she now represents and it seems she has no intention to learn the 'British ways'
She is married to a Prince, but she isn't a citizen, she has never paid tax in Britain although she is in a spending frenzy with seemingly unlimited access to funds paid by taxes from British citizens
Her excessive spending is repulsive to the average British person
Therefore i see very little forgiveness from the people, for MM.
The only happy ending would be if she quietly packs her bags and heads back to Sunset boulevard, with or without Harry.
It is not that she isn't welcome here, it's that she has never made an effort to 'like' the people she is taking from.
I think her arrogance & self destructive nature, has within a short space of time has burned her bridge, at both ends
Unknown said…
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Isabella c said…
I think it’s futile at this point. No matter what she does and if she actually was apologetic and wanting to do right it wouldn’t work
Flangalina said…
Just go quietly into the night..?

Or Harry must do important public functions on his own.
No clawing, pawing,clutching or people grabbing.
Show respectful deference to let him take the leads in
All things.
Dress correctly and respectfully Lay off the navy and black.
Show that you are willing to take on all things British including
Be humble contrite and kind as nobody likes a braggart.
STOP searching and looking for the camera it makes you look

Take heed.. don’t bite the hand that feeds you as right now
You are chewing the bloody thing orf..!!

P.s Archie is a little innocent human being,stop using him as. PR
Commodity or a weapon against Harry.
Flangalina said…
Well said, I second that! It has got too the point where us British find it just a
Hikari said…
Smeaghan's sins have been manifold, mostly financial shadiness, lying and massive style malfunctions. I have no use for her whatsoever, and don't believe she's got any redeeming qualities, despite our attempts (for entertainment purposes only) to counsel her about how to become a real human being.

The Duchess of Windsor was, by most accounts, a great style icon and great fun at a party. Much of the British public were supportive of her and Edward's romance, and thought he should be allowed to marry her. Her only sworn enemy it seems, was the Queen Mother. Wallis was her Kryptonite.

But . . .as much as I dislike Smeaghan for all the wrongs she has done, the fact is that Wallis Simpson actively colluded with Hitler against Britain, along with her dim-witted husband. When he was dating Wallis, Ed was so uninvested in his reign that he'd let her read his Red Boxes and summarize what she thought he should know. Perhaps he couldn't read and this was his cover . . .this is not a brain trust family we are dealing with here, and Hazza is only the latest weak link.

That might not have been so bad if W. had kept her knowledge in-house. Whether Edward knew it or not (I think he did know), Mrs. Simpson was simultaneously sharing her sexual favors with the German Ambassador, and passed off confidential papers to her other lover. After the Windsors were married, they toured German military installations as the special guests of der Furhrer--who attended their wedding and made a speech, as I recall--this was all pre-1939 . . but in 1940, ensconced comfortably in the do-nothing sinecure of Governor of the Bahamas, compliments of King George VI, Ed's advice to Hitler was to keep on with the Blitz and step it up, and the British would fold. His brother was at the time enduring the bombing along with his Queen and children in London.

This puts Smeaghan's indiscretions into perspective. I'm not apologizing for her, but it's just as well that she's too self-absorbed for espionage.
Hikari said…
Last night surfing on my phone, something popped up in my Facebook feed that made me ill.

Read it and puke:

It seems like you have to be an Apple subscriber to watch this drivel. Let it be known that in the clip provided in the article, which features many photos of glitzy royal residences, none of them is Fraudmore.

Looks like another outlet Smegs has in her pocket . . .
Hikari said…
This fauxumentary masterpiece is rated PG, runs 45 minutes and is classed as "Factual Entertainment". Hahahaha!!
BooBigly said…
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BooBigly said…
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KayeC said…
@Mischi, agree! This new foundation is VERY shady and I cannot believe the BRF are letting them go through with this. I have "no skin in the game," because I am not a tax payer in GB, but this is being mentioned often in the comments on Daily Mail and could be what brings the public to the palace gates! I thought I saw in an DM article that William was very upset when Zara was paid to endorse a pram or something.
KayeC said…
@Paula, all the actions you suggested are so easy and should have been done from the start. Her attitude is another story, but these things are so simple and have been protocol for years. If only she had followed these easy-to-understand basics, she might have stood a chance, even though her smugness would come to the surface eventually.
KayeC said…
The narcissist in my family is a skillful liar and has a habit of always messing things up if things were going well or successful (family, relationships, career). It was a weird thing to watch, because it is a form of self-destruction with the act of hurting others, but on purpose. Just when things were good, BOOM! And they had no empathy about it or who they hurt in the process. And once that person gets an enabler (our family didn't, so they found another one) then watch out, because it happens over and over.
QueenWhitby said…
Ok, I’m going to bite on this one despite my last comment. If I was her PR I’d send her out using the Brexit platform. “Make Britain GREAT again!”

Send her out to venues that highlight all that makes the British Isles special and unique, from obvious to obscure, showcasing the things that make it attractive from an American/International perpective.

Serving a double purpose, it would definitely help her image and it would help attract the investment the UK is going to need post divorce from the EU.

But.....again, aint gonna happen.
Hikari said…
Pippa did attend with her husband, James Matthews, but actually knowing the bride was not a prerequisite to attend this wedding. Smeaghan had never met Oprah before, for instance . . .or either of Harry's exes in attendance.

Is that a uniquely British upper-class thing--inviting all of the people you used to sleep with/who may have turned down your proposals of marriage to your wedding(s)? Why would anyone accept, under the circumstances, even if you parted as friends? Doesn't it smack of rubbing your exes' faces in the fact that they aren't up at the altar with you? Sounds like a recipe for drama to me.

In Pippa's case, she had a family tie to this wedding that extended beyond the bridal couple . . .her niece and nephew were in the wedding party, and Kate probably begged her to come in order to have a friendly face there.

Should be interesting if the rumors that Harry has rekindled with Chelsy Davy prove to have any legs to them . . .
KayeC said…
Wanted to add that the biggest difference in the person I am describing and MM, is that this person has such a great personality, that they literally draw people in. Like a moth to a flame....and people of all ages, backgrounds, male or female, they could would hold court wherever they went. More like one of those fish with the light on their head to attract their next meal. MM does NOT have that going for her. She has an extremely unlikable personality, no matter what mask she wears.
punkinseed said…
Thank you Trudy. The Crown, and some other docuseries have been pretty good about revealing what goes on inside the monarchy and how it manages to SURVIVE at all costs. And, I agree with you in that it is far too late for Markle. It's possible Harry can be redeemed, but only because of the unconditional love the people have for him.
Markle's NPD knows no bounds and that is her undoing. If it's not all about her, all the time, she doesn't care and can't care. The Harry we saw at TCC is still there. I think he tries to put a mask over his contempt for her because one gets weary of being pissed off all the time.
What Harry obviously, and others like Charles and Megs supporters don't understand is that narcissists are incapable of compassion, love, empathy. A normal person caught in their snare has a very difficult time realizing that. Meanwhile, Megs has no problem manipulating Harry into believing that he is somehow to blame for anything and everything that goes wrong around them and that he should be the one saying sorry to her because it's all his fault. He's so afraid of losing her "love" and affection that he'll own the blame to keep her happy.
I think the reason we see Harry not caring about his appearance when he's with her is because she's drained him of all sense of self. He's lost his personality and he's depressed and probably medicating himself to cope with her endless harping about how the world is wrong and she's right. How he must be the one to change, not her because she's perfect. He's starting to get weary of her controlling and crazy ways and his contempt for her showed at TCC, but it's going to take a while before he can find himself again, if he can. A lot of people don't. They end up allowing themselves to be gaslighted and blackmailed for the rest of their lives.
Megs can't continue unless she can control Harry's environment full on. She can't allow him to be anywhere away from her for very long if she wants to maintain the isolation she requires to control him. The Polo match is a great example of her fear that Harry will open up and rely on old friends or family to influence him outside of her sphere of control. She showed up at polo with the baby to make a statement, like an ominous warning to him to stay in line or else. Her insecurity is that deep, and she was in such a rush to get there that she forgot that baby might need a hat, his diaper bag, a stroller. More crazy is going to happen soon. Meg's insecurity and NPD won't subside.
PaulaMP said…
Aquagirl, you are right, nobody sees her coming or going ever?
PaulaMP said…
Didn't they say they provided a "teacher" early on? I guess she didn't want to listen
PaulaMP said…
that is a good idea!
Hikari said…
Yep. This is all classic Narc . . insidious control at all times. Isolating their target from family, friends and all other means of emotional support. They rely on being the center of their target's universe so that the Narc's warped version of reality is all the target sees reflected back to them. No moderating outside input that can be tolerated that might crack the veneer of the created reality which the Narc has constructed. Witness how fast MM moved to excise all of Harry's old mates from his life and the Cambridges most of all.

Harry was/is emotionally vulnerable, immature, impulsive, hedonistic, and has grievances against his family and his place in the order. The Narc moved in skillfully on her prey. She dressed sexy, she looked sexy (back then) . . .she was Up for It and cooed at him and stroked his ego, along with other parts. He enjoyed partying with her . . but when he tried to bring the party to a close, she wasn't having any of it and hounded/stalked him until he took her back. I think the narrative must have gone something like this: You need me. We are so good together. Nobody has a chemistry like ours. Together, we can change the world! We will be the power couple of the family . . we're sexy! We're fun! People love us! We will eclipse your boring, stodgy brother and his stuck-up wife . . we'll be stars! You will finally have the profile you deserve, but to to it, You. Need. Me.

Who knows, maybe she's got mad skills as a hypnotist that are better than her acting or her calligraphy, because from the outside looking in, it's hard to conceive that she actually convinced him to marry her. I think she was a royal-sized nightmare even before she moved into Nott Cott. The gaslighting would have had to have been extreme to obscure was was lurking in the shadows of her past and her psyche. These tactics are precisely the ones that are used by cult recruiters.

Narcissistic sociopaths are definitely out there, from all walks of society, and my favorite genre of escapist reading, the psychological thriller would hardly exist without this character template. I've met a few people who exhibit these tendencies in my lifetime, but none were so egregious as Smeaghan. I marvel in wonder that someone so blatantly transparent and artless in her cons has gotten this far. Usually a victim gets in deep with them based upon the Narc's suavity and charisma drawing them in. The skillful Narc grooms his/her victims for a significant amount of time before unleashing the true horror of their real personalities/agendas. Smeaghan is lacking utterly in a suave front game--she can't even brush her hair or dress herself properly. She's malignant, but childishly transparent about it. She never had the chops for being a good actress or the diplomatic service because there's no artful deception with her . . it's just straight up thuggishness all the time.

The miracle of Meg is how she's allowed to get away with it, since she doesn't even give her victims the dignity of being able to claim that they were deceived by a consummate actress.
Influential, moneyed people on two continents (at least) aided and abetted her in pulling strings to snag Harry. I feel like MM's 'bagging a royal' was some kind of wager they all made one night over a drinking game, like some kind of twisted fraternity. Does Harry feel it, too, now? The burning question is . . WHY? Why would anyone want to help Smeaghan achieve her goal of world domination? She's so crass and inept at everything she touches. Plus they have to have seen the real Smegs peeking out after spending more than an hour in her company. What's in it for the likes of Markus Anderson, Mischa Nonoo, et. al, to help Markle in any way? She's a disaster . . not their quality of usual social contact at all. She doesn't even know how to spell C-O-U-T-H, much less have any.
Hikari said…
These are my thoughts, too, Aquagirl.

If the baby was proved to be genetically Harry's, I think more positive fuss would have been made. The surrogacy was thorny from a constitutional standpoint, but still, a baby of Harry's would have been more family-supported then he has been.
With no laws in place regarding the legitimacy of surrogate pregnancies, either in British or royal law and precedent, if Harry is NOT the paternal donor, then what Smeaghan has done is technically infidelity, and that should be enough to give her the boot. If neither she nor Harry are the genetic contributors and they instead purchased (or attempted to purchase) another woman's baby, the Royal family is under no obligation whatsoever to acknowledge this child. And we could go so far as to say that they really haven't. The birth easel announcement was bogus; the birth certificate is bogus; the portraits of Archie with other BRF family members are digitally manipulated and bogus; the reports of a stream of well-wishers to Fraudmore to see the new parents: bogus. Archie is neither spoken of or seen, unless his 'mother' counts trotting out a wrapped up/obscured doll for viewing as 'seeing him'.

I don't know who the baby(ies) are that posed in the presentation/christening events . . .but I don't believe that Megs was holding a real child at the polo. He was too big, too stiff, too inert and she never held 'him' naturally for one moment. I think someone gave birth to a baby, and she's keeping him. If H. and M. do not have custody, it would have been impossible for Smegs to dash out of the house with Archie on the spur of the moment to go to the polo match. Note the complete dearth of baby items that moms of infants normally travel with for a day out, even a brief outing. Where are all the luxe 'baby gifts' she received from her celebrity friends? No stroller, diaper bag, sunhat; bottle, burp cloth, foofy or toy. Megs does not have any baby stuff because she's not living with a baby. Maybe all the designer celebrity swag is with the birth mother as part of her compensation.
Hikari said…
Don't be shy, Boo . . say your piece.
NikNak said…
I've said it before and I'll say it again; if she continues to wear ill-fitting clothes someone, ANYONE needs to step in. It's getting out of hand now. I don't care about body shape just tailoring for your figure goddammit.
Anonymous said…
"If I worked as hard as they have most of their lives and had this pair of idiots destroy my mother's legacy I'd be apoplectic with fury. I think BP is already making Meg's exit contingency plans. "

I could be wrong, but I swear I can feel William seething from across the Atlantic.
freddie_mac said…
if she quietly packs her bags

Much as this would be the best scenario, I can't see her leaving quietly. Rather, expect to see claw marks as she desperately hangs on to her trophy. The only way I can see this ending is like Diana.
Hikari said…
Unk . .

I'm trying to master Cockney rhyming slang, but can you help me out? 'She's got Bob Hope' equals . . .Dope? Enough rope? lol

Yes to the first; not to the second, yet, apparently. Seems like there's never going to be enough rope for this loser to hang herself with. The Family is being incredibly tolerant while she makes them look like eejits.

Smeg certainly has Bob Hope's *nose*--that's the first thing I noticed about her, in fact. Now that I know she actually *paid* to make it like that, I can only assume that it was a botched attempt to give herself Julia Roberts' nose. Smeg tried to channel Julia in earlier days--the notorious pop-up appearance at the British Fashion Awards saw her looking very Julia-like . ..above the neck only. She's way too puffy now to pass for Julia Roberts, even fleetingly.

Now, with her fuller face and the scraped back bun, she reminds me a lot of Michelle Kwan at times. No diss is intended to MK, but MM's eyes are looking a lot more Asian lately.
Anonymous said…
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NikNak said…
I still can't quite fathom how she does not take guidance! It blows my mind. I'm going to a christening on Sunday and I texted the mum(of said child) what she would prefer me to wear. Meghan, play by the rules or don't show up at all. We won't miss you, promise.
NikNak said…
Holy Hell, I'd dig a trench, fill it up with water and swim in it if I was living in Kensington Palace.
NikNak said…
The sole fact Princess Anne has not had and outing with Meg is because Anne refused. She looked at the agenda, snorted and then made a call.
Girl with a Hat said…
no, the best thing to do is for her to get arrested for drug possession while she is with Archie. Then, she will lose the public sympathy for being the underdog and her friends, who will have stories she sent to them, will get painted with the same brush. In fact, they should all get arrested for drug trafficking and transport - Jessica Mulroney, Misha Ninoo, the two fat slobs who were with her at Wimbledon, and Markus Anderson. That will scare away any residual support she has. I am sure drug use is not a stretch for that lot.
NikNak said…
All family dynamics are different, I get that, but if I'd just had my first baby my mum would be on call, every hour/ second of the day. The fact that Doria jumps back on a plane speaks volumes,
Anonymous said…
I agree re an affair. But just because Chelsy is in town driving MMs imagination crazy doesn't mean he'd be having an affair. It just means MM would live in fear that her meal ticket is slipping away. W/out Harry, she really is less than zero.
Anonymous said…
@Punkinseed, I agree with all you've written about the wicked place Harry found himself. I do not think he is perfect, not by a stretch. But I see him as someone who fell into the narc/sociopath's snare and is now trapped there. I do not think he's an especially strong person emotionally, so he's going to have a helluva time getting out of it. This is where his family can help him. I noticed at the polo match he tried to reach around and put his arm around William's back. Wills did not reciprocate, but the look on William's face was not one of anger. I think that if Harry reaches out, they will save him.

I am not perfect. I have made some whopper-sized mistakes in the romance department. Thankfully, I am a much stronger person than Harry seems to be, and I found my way out pretty quickly and permanently, but it would have been *much* harder if it had been global news every day and I'd drug my family into it and had a child from it (a child from whatever source, real or silicone) -- then, extrication would've been much, much more difficult. But Harry has a family that I do believe will help him if/when he wants out.
punkinseed said…
People who don't understand how a Narc. operates think those who do know and have the scars to prove it think those who are blogging about it are wicked, evil jealous trolls. The flying monkeys refuse to listen to what whistle blowers are shouting over and over. Some are beginning to come around but it takes a lot of damage to finally convince them. That's why it's so infuriating and frustrating.
Megs could drop that doll off of London Bridge and her flying monkeys would find a way to blame it on everyone but Megs. The enablers are just as nuts as she is, and it appears that Harry is not strong enough, as Hikari points out along with Elle and others here. Normal people, including eccentrics like those in the royal family, want to believe in the best in people and when someone screws up, they want to give benefit of doubt. Narcissists are masters at manipulating and gaslighting to feed on benefit of doubt.
Meg's weakness is her insecurity and paranoia. Her clingy ways with Harry are a sure sign that she has a very shallow level of self confidence. That's what makes her so volatile towards anyone who crosses her. She will not go down gently or fade away. Oh no. She'll do all she can to make the loudest noise possible. Diana's exit was a mere whimper compared to the bang Megs will make when the time comes.
The only reason she's made it this far is because she's been able to rely on her basic acting abilities to pull it off. But acting takes constant ongoing refinement, honing and work. Now that she's away from other actors and isn't using a script, her mask is falling off a lot more and will continue to expose her NPD. It's getting harder and harder for her to be one of the characters she's portrayed.
I agree that when Harry is able to break away his family will be there for him. My hope is that the family has sense enough to have an NPD expert counsel him STAT so he doesn't have to go cold turkey like I did.
marvelousmagda said…
I think PH could have been the unwilling/unknowing donor of the MM Sprog Project thanks to the intervention of AC, mother of twins. According to rumors, AC used the surrogacy route and hid it. When GC was interviewed about pending fatherhood, he was kinda dazed with how it all came about. When MM n PH visited G&AC in August, I think things were set up in advance and all it took was getting the stud to deliver. From thence, the material was hoovered out of its receptacle, IVF'd and implanted in the surrogate. So, when people wonder how she got a sample out of the UK, it probably walked out on two feet.
marvelousmagda said…
I also think that AC's assistance came at a price. A price that required a hurried trip to NYC and diplomatic status for an American citizen (wut??) and a charity sponsorship via PC, although he also may have been an unknowing pawn in this chess game.
marvelousmagda said…
been reading this great blog for a while. So refreshing after the evil on DM and other sites. The miasma of trolling from those places is shuddering. Finally decided to add my 2 cents here. Thank you, Nutty, and other commenters.

This is something that most will not consider in the PH/MM relationship. Soul ties. If you read the first paragraph, it exactly explains the dynamic between PH/MM. Not only does she use the sexual bond, but it explains her multiple "quickie"pre-marriage marriages. I strongly believe that PH/MM were somehow married before Christmas of 2017. That is why HMtQ was willing to let her come to the family gathering.
MaLissa said…
I think IF she rehab'd herself - IF - and did all the right things, it wouldn't be enough because people will always distrust her, looking for one little thing that would make her look like she's backsliding. She would have to spend years and years - if not decades proving to one and all that she's changed. I for one do not believe that she's a) willing, b) capable, c) or want to change.
Lady Muck said…
@Trudy I don't think Edward was besotted with her and after he'd abdicated she knew it would be impossible to leave him. Ever. A king gives up his position, family and nation to live in exile all for her - if she'd left, she'd be the most hated woman in the world.

Markle is a whole other kettle of fish. I think she'll be infamous rather than famous when royal historians write about her. Sure she's not a nazi loving rumoured spy with a vagina with 'special abilities' learned in the Orient, but at her very least she represents the worst of contemporary society - shallow, entitled and egocentric.

Someone commented somewhere how wonderful it would be if Will Shakespeare was around to see this play out. What would he have made of Markle?
Girl with a Hat said…
but she's still digging her own grave. Just today, details came out that the Sussex Foundation is not a charitable organization but a business. It wasn't created as a non-profit and as such, it is not subject to the same rules as charitable organizations - it doesnt have the same level of scrutiny, there is no cap on the amount of salaries, and the activities are not bound by those of a non-profit.
Lady Muck said…
@SwampWoman @NikNak - Yes I'd be happy to do all that stuff too, but Markle not so much! She's not a country girl. That is a way to drive her out - bore her to tears.
PaulaMP said…
She's been over there how many times now, and doesn't sound like she's gone sightseeing at all, that would be top on my list. The whole thing is weird
freddie_mac said…
In this scenario, has PH burned enough bridges that BRF would let him take the fall too (nifty redemption arc to build sympathy?), or would they shield him and leave Megs to catch everything?
Lurking said…
Question: It says this about Harry on wikipaedia, "He was officially styled Prince Henry of Wales from birth until his marriage, but is known as Prince Harry." So after the marriage he is no longer Prince Henry of Wales and now is Duke of Sussex? Is he still Prince of Wales? If/when Charles becomes king and William becomes Prince of Wales, would Harry still be considered Prince of Wales? What about when William becomes kind and his son becomes Prince of Wales?
Sooz said…
I read something about the foundation being set up similar to the Clinton Foundation - they can draw salaries, submit expenses, and the foundation could own real estate ... thanks, Sara!
Anonymous said…
This foundation nonsense is diabolical. SMH. Something must happen soon.

On a related note, new post at HarryMarkle.
Anonymous said…
Fauxumentary - classic @Hikari.
Jdubya said…
Marvelous - I also think there may have been a secret marriage before harry went to family. He knew family was not behind the relationship, and he "wanted MM" and the two came up with a plan. Maybe they even said she was pregers to push it through.

Blackbird said…
Meghan should pal up with Helen Lasichanh (Pharrell's wife), to get some grooming tips - she looked fabulous at The Lion King premiere - and rarely steps a foot wrong, always dressing appropriately for occasions. I posted something to this effect on Skippy's blog the other day, suggesting that if there was a line-up where people had to guess which was Royalty out of Meghan and Helen based on their looks that night, Helen would be a shoo-in. (And I'm not suggesting this because Helen is a WoC; rather, she was the best-dressed that night in my opinion).

One of the biggest issues with Meghan, I feel, is that she expected a team of dressers, hair stylists and make-up artists to come with the territory. The reality, however, is that she is a minor royal so has nobody. Kate has access to these people but only for special occasions, and only because of her status (in the pecking order).

Meghan appears at most events looking completely inappropriate (ball gowns when others are wearing smart day dress; unpressed garments; ill-fitting garments) - I sometimes do wonder if she receives her outfits at the very last minute and changes en-route to engagements.

Often on TV and film sets we'll have people arrive in a real state (read: just rolled out of bed), as we often have showers, etc., on site and they're going to be dressed and made up for their character anyway; I think this is a habit that Meghan has retained. Even though she played a minor role on Suits (and wouldn't have made anything like the amounts quoted in the press), she still would have had a team of people working on her each day on set, and I think she expected this to continue in her new role.

I think the constant murmurings about her 'guest editing' Vogue and the like are rubbish ... she has no style whatsoever and again, she's wanting to repliKATE to keep up with her in-laws. The reality is, no brand in their right mind would pick her as an ambassador as she's toxic. Her reputation is dire and I suspect the majority of her fans are either bots or paid PR.
Flangalina said…
Bob hope = no hope.
Girl with a Hat said…
the editor of British Vogue is a POC and there was some discussion about him wanting him to bring her under his wing as a protegee.
Louise said…
I recall reading that the idea of regular Vogue column for $mirkle that was being tossed about has now been repudiated. She often tosses ideas like this out to see whether they can gain traction. I recall that she put out the word in the spring that Kate would be hosting a baby shower for her. I presume that was supposed to pressure Kate into acting on it.
Anonymous said…
Personally (and this is just my opinion) the Queen has guilt over agreeing to Diana's death. She agreed to the execution and left two boys without a mother. In her mind it had to be done for the survival of the monarchy but there has to be tremendous guilt which explains why she has allowed so many bad decisions from Harry without retribution. Harry and MM have caused enormous damage to the credibility of the BRF and if push comes to shove I don't see Liz hesitating to agree to another disaster. She did it once to Diana I don't see her hesitating to repeat the outcome. When you threaten the survival of the monarchy nothing is off the table.
BooBigly said…
Nutty - Next Challenge should be: "If you were the Queen/LG, how would you get MM to GTFO without damaging the monarchy?"
JenS said…
First, I'd put her in rehab. I'd bet there are substance abuse problems. After she finishes, she'd be under supervision 24/7. I'd fill her diary full of very boring engagements and hands-on charity work, with no live press coverage or photo ops, borrow one of Her Majesty's stylists, and pay off all the major news outlets (you *did* say unlimited funds!) to embargo all coverage of her, including diatribes from her weepy, indignant, pearl-clutching "friends." I'd also cut off all her social media accounts and give her a dumb phone rigged so she can only contact RF members and her handlers. No merching, no foundation, no budget, no bling. She'd self-destruct, of course, but if she didn't, Harry would get a discreet separation, a stint in Africa, and a very quiet divorce. After 3-5 years of this, nobody would remember or care about her. That's about as good as it can get.
punkinseed said…
Ok guys. I didn't think I could be more disgusted at these two buffoons but alas, I was wrong.
I just found out that the reason Harry blew off his appearance for the marine memorial is because Disney donated over $1 million to their Sussex foundation? If that's true, merde is going to do more than hit the fan at BP. It's going to fly from London to Londonderry! And, if what another poster on another site is correct, this isn't the first time Harry has been a no show for a military memorial event! Now I could see it if his diary had a conflict with say, Lion King and a super market grand opening, but to bail on showing respect to fallen soldiers for $ from Disney? Are you kidding me? I sure hope BP has a come to Jesus meeting with these two and soon, very soon. If they pull a stunt like that again, the British public will be storming Frogcot with pikes, pitchforks and torches. I wonder if Frog Cot has an escape tunnel...
Plus, Kate, William and the kids were also invited to Lion King, but because Megs decided to give her mat leave a day off and go, so the Cambridges politely declined the invitation. WTF! I bet George and Charlotte would have loved to see Lion King. What kind of a messed up hooker does that to little kids?
punkinseed said…
FreddieMac. Hard to say. Duke of Windsor tried that and there was no sympathy for him, or Wallis.
Ann, I don't think the queen arranged for Diana's death. I think the queen's guilt comes from removing Diana's royal security detail. Read what royal security had to say about the Paris crash. Fully explains why she was left with no defenses.
Kate said…
Regarding Kate and William and the Lion King - they were tied up with the Men’s tennis final at Wimbledon. Kate is patron of Wimbledon and she and William have attended the men’s final together for the past few years. The match started on Sunday at 2pm and lasted 5 hours, plus Kate handed out the trophy and she and William stayed to greet the winner afterwards. They likely knew they wouldn’t be able to attend the Lion King anyway.
Kate said…
Have you all seen the reports about the Harkles future foundation?! Looks like it’s not going to be set up as on official ‘charity’ and that Harkles will be Directors which means they can get a salary. Very shady and supposed to be similar to the Clinton foundation set-up. The major press outlets need to follow up on and report this if it’s true BP needs to put a stop to this - it’s truly shady business
Kate said…
Yes I read this too! This is outrageous and needs to be stopped immediately by the Queen, Charles William, etc!!
Henriette said…
There is no fixing Sparkles. She is pushing 40, so her personality is pretty set. She might as well just go away because the PR is only going to get worse for her.
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Anonymous said…
Truth spoken here.
Anonymous said…
I agree, obvs. It's the way I see it, too. He was easy prey.

There was an interesting comment on the previous post about the ploy at the polo match. Total manipulation.

MaLissa said…
Yes @Mischi I've been following that convo on GOMI and LSA and its a lively discussion. Somehow I'm not surprised that they set this up and nothing goods gonna come of it. Just so sad.
Blackbird said…
Kate, I've been reading about this, this evening. I get a very uneasy feeling about the whole thing. The Clintons are bad news ... all that money that was intended for Haiti allegedly ended up funding Chelsea's lifestyle (wedding and apartment purchase, mostly). And now there are whispers on the likes of Reddit of Latham's details being in Epstein's little black book. I think real journalists are very wary of uncovering all this as those who get too close ended up dead (read up on 'Clinton Body Count'). I just cannot believe that this evil woman (Meghan) has been allowed to infiltrate the Royal Family like this and bring all her cronies along for the ride ... well, I can in a sense but I don't want to. I really feel like we're approaching end of times ...

Nutty, please stay safe and guarded at all times. I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but do not under any circumstances give people your contact details even if they seem like the real deal and want to share secret stuff ... this is becoming extremely dangerous. Now Enty is talking of releasing all the names from Bohemian Grove which leaves me feeling very nervous for him.
Unknown said…
Thank you, Hikari and to you too, Cluesoea. Only just had chance to get on here again.

Exactly, how much is too much? It's gotten really bad now with people saying they are done after QE goes.

The Bob Hope thing is from (AFAIK) a saying we have. "She's got two hopes and Bob Hope's dead.", the other being no hope. This got shortened to "She's got Bob Hope."

And I agree about her eyes. She is very puffed up. I suspect it's either a lot of fillers or she's managed to get up the spout (pregnant) by some miracle. I'm not one to comment much on people's weight (having struggled for many years), but she really does look more pregnant now than she ever did during the moonbump days. The puffiness doesn't look well on her and her eyes were narrow to begin with. She is defo giving of MK vibes.
Teasmade said…
I get fillers, and it doesn't look like this--it just targets depressions, sunken or fallen parts of the face (like nasolabial folds). She has actual overall puffiness, bloating. I'm no medical professional (maybe one will chime in here?) but I thin steroids have been mentioned. Or fertility drugs.
50 and counting said…
I understand that Doria gets the VIP treatment at the airport, no waiting around the baggage area or clearing the zoo of Customs for her.

But nobody has ever said they were on the same flight as her, nobody has noticed her out and about in Windsor. No sightseeing, no nipping into Boots for a forgotten face cream. No walking a borrowed Royal dog.

That's what I find weird. I don't get on with my Mum, she's a difficult woman at the best of times and her visits are short. But she's out and about.

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