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Meghan Markle and the Seven Deadly Sins

There's an old joke among journalists that the world's dullest headline is "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative".

Nobody wants to read about charity and good deeds. Our brains are hard-wired to seek out news about conflict, and we particularly enjoy conflict that includes the 7 Deadly Sins: lust, greed, envy, gluttony, pride, wrath and sloth.

The Meghan Markle saga contains most of the seven deadly sins, with the possible exception of sloth, although Harry might be able to take over that one.

But Meghan's proposed column for Vogue - both US and UK Vogue - would not. It is supposed to be about her "charity work."

In other words, Worthwhile Canadian Initiative.

I can see why she would be interested in writing it, but I can't imagine who would be interested in reading it.
Edit: The Sun reports today that Meghan has "turned down the offer to become a Vogue columnist"in order to focus on her Royal duties.

That, dear readers, is the sound of a trial balloon being launched - and crashing.


The Meg story of Tuesday, July 9 has been focused on her behavior while watching her supposed friend Serena Williams play at Wimbledon last week.

Meg showed up in a hat (not allowed) and stained blue jeans (not technically prohibited, because no one ever imagined anyone would be slothful enough to wear them to Wimbledon.)

Her eyes were covered in giant sunglasses, and she appeared to need assistance from two frumpy friends, university sorority sisters apparently auditioning for the role of secret godmother.

For some reason, Meg was allowed to leave a good dozen seats around her empty, even though people were waiting outside in line to get in.

This couldn't have been purely a security concern: Duchess Kate was at Wimbledon earlier in the week and happily sat with a crowd around her.

No photos, please!

Markle also had her security detail confront anyone she thought might be taking a photo of her, including a guy taking a selfie with the court (not Markle) in the background and a lady journalist taking action photos of Serena in action.

The fellow spectators were told that Markle was there in a "private capacity" and did not want to be photographed, although she was clearly visible to the television cameras broadcasting the match all over the world.

The blowback was so severe that Markle's PR had to tell the Daily Mail that she wanted to interact with "people, not phones."

But she wasn't really interacting with any people behind her hat giant sunglasses, which made her look a bit like late-in-life Michael Jackson on a day without a surgical mask.


Finally, today's media suggested that in 2021 the Queen will officially hand over power to Charles, a transition which has been taking place in the background for several years.

One of Charles' first big tests has been the care and feeding of Meghan Markle, from the wedding through the funding of her fashion choices to the management of Archie's entry into the Royal Family.

He's done such a lovely job.

I can't wait to see how he'll handle a United Kingdom dealing with the roller-coaster ride of Brexit.


Girl with a Hat said…
as a Canadian, I have to apologise for our dullness. Sorry. LOL
Now! said…
Ha ha! I think it's just the lack of conflict that makes the headline such a journalist's favorite. (If you Google it with quote marks, there are 55,800 results!)
MLRoda said…
As a proud Canadian, I also apologize for our dullness. Sorry. LOL
Kate said…
This Wimbledon nonsense is ridiculous! Many famous people and Royalty attend every year and have never caused an issue regarding picture taking. She was in a public place for goodness sake! It’s pathetic.
I am so over Smeagle. I love that name for her because it fits so perfectly. They need to figure out a way to make her go away!
hardyboys said…
I'm a Canadian too and fell asleep over that headline. I need smut. It helps me function and breaks up the mundaneness of my day. Work kids Bills. I love the daily drama that this trainwreck has brought to my life. Again I have to repeat when me and my cousins woke up last year and watched the wedding we were bitten by how lucky she is how beautiful she is and how she never has to pick up a vacuum or chop an onion again. Those fake doe eyes as they get called here were really obvious and the way they were playing with each other's hands. Btw I saw the talented Mr Ripley in April I think. Matt damon was a cold mutherfker....I'm so glad your posting more Nutty!!!!.🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Now! said…
Thanks Veena! I can also recommend the 1960 version of The Talented Mr Ripley, which is called "Purple Noon" and stars the very handsome Alain Delon. It's in French, but I'm sure that's no trouble for a Canadian.

Markle can indeed look very pretty when she is styled well. I'm guessing Vogue will do that for her upcoming photo layout, in which she will finally be pictured wearing up-and-coming designers. It would be great if they were young designers from the UK or Commonweath, but I suppose we shouldn't get our hopes up.
Now! said…
I think they're more worries about Prince Andrew at the moment, although I can't help but wonder if Meghan is also tangled in the Epstein case.

Enty said in his podcast today that Epstein would pass on his abused young girls to the Bronfman sisters at NXIVM.

Meghan has posted publicly about her friendship with Hannah Bronfman.
Weekittylass said…
Nutty I am sure that the friendship with Bronfman was more of her surrounding herself with people who she thought could use to find a man she could use as a come up. Her behavior at Wimbledon was outrageous. If the future QoE happily sat among the hoi polloi, so can Meghan Unremarkable. Diana would never, ever have people excluded due to her royal status. It would be the antithesis of who Diana was. I love your blog.
Hikari said…
Wow . .so Queenie does really propose to step down when she is 95. Though she is poised to be as long-lived as her own mother, the Queen Mum never had to carry the burdens of state in her ninth decade.

Well, I have a proposal for ER: Retire now, Your Majesty, really, as soon as is possible, and pass over Charles, your disappointing firstborn, in favor of anointing William as your successor. The future of your house depends on this transition, but the transition to Charles is not the right one. I know he's been waiting 70 years for the job that is his by birthright, and until this year, I was supportive of him having his rightful turn at the Crown. William no doubt would like another 10 or 15 years with his growing family before he has to shoulder the Crown.

But recent events have altered my view. If the monarchy is to survive under the current conditions, it needs to break with the moribund This is the Way We Have Always Done Things which is bringing them down. William is young, vigorous, has a wonderful partner in Kate--the Cambridges are the future; Charles is the past.

I look for the Queen to hold with tradition and go with her heir apparent, but I also hope that William will be an assertive second for his father and essentially become Chas's proxy. As Prince of Wales and in control of the Duchy funds, he will have more power to thwart the Harkles.

If William had been King already, the Smarkle Debacle would not have occurred, I'm pretty sure about that.
Hikari said…
@Mischi & MLRoda,
Robin Williams used to have a bit in his act about the United States and her northern neighbor:

"Canada is like a nice young couple living above a biker bar." (at this point he'd look down at the floor and tap his foot), "Settle down down there . . .eh."

It was all in the delivery . . .:)
Now! said…
That's probably true, Hikari.

There's also the chance that the Epstein affair may touch Charles - not as a direct participant, but because of his involvement with Jimmy Saville.

An argument could be created that Charles and Andrew's generation should just be skipped.

On a practical level, however, Charles has been taught all sorts of day-to-day things about being on the throne that William has not yet learned. I don't even know if William is in the security briefings.

Besides, who would run the Duchy of Cornwall until George, Charlotte, or Louis was ready to do so? Certainly not Harry, and probably not Bea or Eugenie either.
abbyh said…

I actually like to read real biographies* because they are of people who have struggled to get some place or do something worthwhile. I may only learn my own troubles are miniscule but I have learned about someone worth being written about.

I am not certain I could handle a monthly column about someone's own humanitarian works. I fear it would be a lot of I, I, I in every sentence. A column about greater good others are doing that I might not know of (elephant protectors and rescue orphan baby elephants) in far flung places in the Commonwealth would be ... useful, educational and might get them some money.

*not the ones one finds in grade school levels which can make the struggle sound equal (for a kid) to a cell phone which has gone through the washer.
Suzanne Wilson said…
For me, it comes down to the babyfeet.
Posting a photo of a pair of mismatched, awkwardly-angled non-newborn feet on SussexRoyal just a few days after Archie's birth? Meghan isn't that stupid. And I don't believe she is that crazy.
Now, we all know Meghan couldn't really afford Sara Latham. And, remember, shortly after Latham was hired BP hired a new social media wiz? I think that Latham and the social media wiz guy may be working together to make Megs look progressively crazier and more defiant than she was to begin with. And I think Meghan is playing along, under the direction of Lord Geidt. They are all playing along.
It will culminate in a stay at a mental health facility for Meghan, which she can parlay into a triumphant recovery narrative. Then the divorce and a big payout for Megs. Archie will remain in Britain with the Queen and Prince Harry. Right now he's probably at the Cambridges or perhaps the Wessexes. At least I hope so. I don't think Meghan has him, and I hope he isn't just being looked after by nannies.
Girl with a Hat said…
she looks pretty when she is injected with fillers, as do most people. Otherwise, her face isn't that attractive, especially as she is getting older and there are more and more hollows (the same for the rest of us except those who are lucky enough to have chubby faces)
Girl with a Hat said…
the Queen, unfortunately, has nothing to say in the matter of her successor. That is taken care of by English Law, by the Act of Succession. Only if Charles were found to be profoundly ill or incompetent can he be overlooked.
Hikari said…
I certainly have not read Smarkle's 'foreword' to to the charity cookbook (her only contribution to that project, as I understand it, apart from a staged photo op with her in an apron waving a wooden spoon in front of some disadvantaged minority women, despite the prevailing myth that she actually wrote the cookbook), but it is my understanding that she references herself 26 times in a piece that is all of 3 paragraphs long. The column would be more of same.
Now! said…
That's a new take I haven't heard before! The question is, would image-conscious Meg be willing to appear mentally ill?
Now! said…
That was definitely what The Tig was like - lots of me, myself, and I.

Abby, I also enjoy biographies - but not always autobiographies. They're only enjoyable if the writer is willing to take a frank look at himself or herself. (Slash's autobiography chronicling his drug addiction is very good.)

I imagine that there will be many biographies written of Meg one day, but I'm not sure I'd like to read her autobiography. Hundreds of pages of Word Salad.
Hikari said…
Lands, no, don't give that kind of wealth and responsibility to either Hopeless Haddict or Andy's girls. Is that an onerous duty? Charles seems to have a lot of time for other pursuits, both work-related and leisure.

I want to give Charles a shout-out for creating The Prince's Trust in 1976, while he was still in his 20s. I have always thought that this was true humanitarianism and is genuine.

Should circumstances transpire that would propel William to the throne before George is of age; Charles is 70 years old, after all, arrangements would have to be made for the Duchy. There must be someone trusted who could be appointed as regent over those lands, given that Harry is a non-starter. Might Anne be able to take over, given that she is next after Charles? I'm sure they have somebody in place for that potentiality.
gfbcpa said…
Duff McKagan's autobiography is excellent as well.
abbyh said…
I put in a request for both from the library. Thanks.

Nutty, if you start another blog of good books, I'm in.
Bubbles said…
>>>>"Work kids Bills. I love the daily drama that this trainwreck has brought to my life."<<

@Veena, hear hear! I missed so many exciting discussions yesterday and have so many thoughts (you bet I read every damn comment/discussion! :)) but it's almost too much work to go back and post through, the work & kids were on overload yesterday (to pay those bills, single mom here!)
Hikari said…
HarryMarkle just put up a new entry.

She discusses the time stamp discrepancy . . and also provides a photograph of Charles and Camilla leaving Louis's christening last year.
Both are wearing *identical* outfits to the ones in Smarkle's picture, down to the tilt of Cam's hat and the flower in Chas's buttonhole.

Smeg is so busted!

Also she provides a photograph of Harry's christening, including all of his godparents, among whom are his cousin, Lady Sarah Chatto and Uncle Andrew. So apparently family members can serve as godparents for each other.
Fifi LaRue said…
Markle at Wimbledon looked like she was in pretty bad shape. Her hair was an absolute mess, the hat was too small, and her behavior and facial expressions suggested that she was high on something. A mother of a newborn baby high on drugs, and on public display? Nutty, you are correct. Markle is shameless.
Bubbles said…
I've been thinking along the same lines... There IS a baby. Who he was born of and his DNA isn't as important as his health and well being. I was thinking the only thing keeping William "playing along" is because he is a seemingly good and loving father and the baby (who is cute, he's done nothing wrong here) may tug at his soft side to keep it up only to protect the child. MM will be removed from the big picture. The child is here to stay and they need to protect him which comes off as protecting PH&MM.
Bubbles said…
William et all* I was typing fast and it made sense in my head.
Now! said…
Maybe Edo could help Beatrice run it. He’s in the property business. More pre-engagement photos in the DM today.
Maddie said…
Lady Muck said…
Nutty I love your blog and Markle sure is giving you some daily material at the moment! There's a blind on CDAN today about Wimbledon and how she was vile to a group of 10/11 year olds on a field trip to the tennis.
Maddie said…
I hear ya Veena. Same here. Love the drama of the train wreck too. I loved her at the wedding. My girlfriends came over real early (Florida Girl here) and we had breakfast and lots of champagne. We figured like you, she would have a charmed life. But somewhere along the line it all changed. I started to see the very nasty comments on DM around January and one thing led to another and here I am. I love that Nutty is an intelligent writer and has attracted a great group of commentators. I am now checking the blog daily. Thank you Nutty.
Jen said…
I am becoming addicted to this train wreck...I need help.

The way she acted at Wimbledon is beyond comprehension. I will say, she does look like someone who has had a child though. If you look at pictures of her from when they first got married, she is super slim. She has gained weight in her face, her arms and her legs. And if you look at the photo of the backside of her from the baseball game, she's gained it in her caboose as well. So why is it that she didn't seem to gain any of this weight until after the supposed birth? Most pregnant women gain during the pregnancy, most of it during the last trimester. Its odd.

I'm reading what a lot of you guys are saying about the christening photo, and what I'm reading on other sites, and I'm just flabbergasted. I don't understand why this is being allowed to continue. I am an American, but I have always been a big fan of the monarchy. I am a few years older then the Princes, but I grew up reading everything I could about Diana. She was so lovely, and I always felt so sorry for what she went through. It saddens me to see so much unrest within that family, and so much craziness. The requests for "privacy" are ridiculous! You are a ROYAL! When Kate married William, I was so happy for them and she was such a beautiful bride on her wedding day. I honestly felt nothing but disgust for my fellow American on her wedding day to Prince Harry. I honestly felt guilty for feeling that way about her, but I couldn't help it. She just rubs me the wrong way, and I can't get over it.

Please don't play America for this woman. We may be to blame for a lot.... but we didn't create that monster.
Jen said…
I meant "blame" America...sorry.
Maddie said…
Nutty, would you please expand on the Charles and Jimmy Saville situation? I did not know they had a connection. Guess I need to Google that sh**.
Flangalina said…
Hi nutty,
I love this blog I lap it up as a cat does cream,I am new at posting as I’ve never been brave enough but I can assure you I’ve been watching this carnage happening since it started( I cannot post on @ KensingtonRoyal) for telling Harry to run the night before the wedding Oops.
I come to this blog as I enjoy the interesting intelligent posts and the fair points made(if that makes sense)
I have met MM pre Harry days and she is what people think and loves the sound of her own voice.
I often have discussions with other let’s say scholarly friends to which one goes as far to say the MM has a NPD
If anyone knows this does not make for good bedfellows.
I would love to hear others thoughts on this and once again thank you for bringing frank discussions to the fore.
Kate said…
I just read the new entry on Harry Markle too.
It really is a strange photo and does look fake. But how could the BRF let her photoshop this photo? This is insanity?? Also, her fave looks very slim compared to her face on her last 3 outings, incl Wimbledon, just 2 days before!
Lady Muck said…
@Maddie I think your experience of liking her and the excitement for the wedding, that has slowly ebbed away to dislike is something I'm reading more and more in the DM comments. Only the Meghan stans are left I guess and I wonder how long it will be before they start defecting. Not me - I loathed her at first sight! Unusual, as I can't think of anyone I've had that reaction to. Ever. I just knew she was bad news, but she's really outdoing herself lately.
Lady Muck said…
Nutty I'm not sure Charles' association with Jimmy Saville will tarnish him, as lots of people were fooled by Savile's quirky, cheeky chappy who raised millions for charity persona. I weirdly wrote to him when I was a kid asking for him to fix it for me (his show was called Jim'll Fix It) to meet Princess Diana!

Savile's reputation was known in the media at least 15 years before he died in 2011 though as I was a temp at a tabloid in the late 1990's including the same week Diana died in fact and one of the editors told me that Savile was a 'kiddie fiddler' - I remember that as I had not heard that term before.

Re: Epstein I see Andrew implicated heavily in the goings on during their friendship. I recall an article where a girl who was pictured with Prince Andrew confirmed they'd had some kind of relations when she was 16-18 years old. I think Andrew's involvement will be swept under the carpet, but boy do I wish he would see serious consequences for his actions like anyone else would.
Blackbird said…
Yippeee, a new post! 😘

Does anyone know who the female was sitting behind Meghan and her two friends at the tennis? I wondered if she was a member of her security team, although there were suited men sitting to her right that fitted that description ...

I've read several comments suggesting Meghan was 'on something' at the tennis ... the things that stood out to me were her sloppy dress style and ratty hair (again).

This fool is digging her own grave at this point.
Blackbird said…
I think Charles would be a terrible King and I don't think William is ready for it just yet. William has matured greatly in just the past three or four years, but he still has a bit of work to do to get to that level. I wonder if the Queen is hanging on in there as she knows this.

Anne is my choice to take over - and yes, I know it would never happen. But out of them all, she seems the most down-to-earth and normal of them all. And I really like Zara and Mike. Not so much Peter and Autumn, but never mind.

Andrew, Eugenie and Beatrice (and Fergie), are in my 'go away' list. I really hope Andrew is made an example of in this whole Epstein carry-on, but I'm doubtful that will ever happen.
Blackbird said…
As a Narcissist, it's in Meghan's DNA to take on others' traits and claim them as her own (I know this, as I grew up with two in my family [and left as soon as I was of legal age to do so, my existence was so miserable]) ... they just can't ever seem to create their own life off their own bat.

I'm convinced Meghan saw what Blake Lively was doing with 'Preserve' (now defunct), Reese Witherspoon was doing with 'Draper James' and of course Gwyneth Paltrow was doing with 'Goop' and thought people would flock to her, what with her being the same calibre as these ladies 🤣😜 ...
Blackbird said…
I've seen it mentioned that Meghan is living in the apartment that was leased for Sara as part of her remuneration (given that the Royal Family aren't big payers, they probably threw in a gorgeous apartment somewhere to sweeten the deal). Who knows if it's true or not.

The thought has crossed my mind that maybe Sara was brought on to make Meghan look crazy ... but if that is the case, then Meghan is unwittingly trusting her as she's not very smart ...
Blackbird said…
What's that drug celebs take that keeps you slim ... I think it's for ADHD ... some have speculated that's what she previously took, but she hasn't been able to get a script for it since living in the UK. She could have coke bloat now ... if coke is her chosen replacement for the other one.
Blackbird said…
Hi Cluesoea 😊, what were your impressions of Harry when you met him?

I can say, hand on heart, that Meghan does have NPD. When Harry issued those, "leave my girlfriend alone" statements early into their relationship, he would have done so because she made a big drama (lies) about being targeted. We mustn't forget it was she who drew attention to the relationship in the first place with the bananas post on Instagram. Then there was the speculation that she made up how she was being followed / her house was broken into, in Toronto. This is how Narcs operate. I could go on and on with many examples ... she's bad news.
Jen said…
That is altogether possible. I just noticed in the outfit that she wore to Wimbledon, her hips looked wider. *shrugs* the whole thing is puzzling.
gfbcpa said…
Adderall is the drug.
KnitWit said…
Another Florida lady here. Watched the wedding with friends and fancy snacks. I hadn't heard of Megan before the engagement. At the time, I thought an aspiring actress may handle the royal life better than shy young Lady Di. Both Meg and Harry had pasts. They seemed well matched, not many ladies would enjoy romantic camping trips in Africa, imo.

We watched the ladies and gents in fancy frocks and had a fun morning.

Never expected so much crazy drama! It gets crazier by the day.
MLRoda said…
@Jen I have family in both the US and Canada. I am married to a US citizen but retained my Canadian citizenship. I don't blame the US for MM. That would be like blaming Canada for Justin Bieber. But... if BRF send MM away, please do not send her back to Canada :) We may be boring but we hate drama :)
Jdubya said…
There was the woman behind her making incredible faces, but then later, in photos, she's gone an security surrounding her. Did she choose to leave, or wwas she moved by security?
LPB said…
Hi Nutty. I love your blog! First time commenting, but I've been reading this blog for a while now.

Everytime I think this MM and PH situation can't get any worse, something even crazier happens! I am just flabbergasted by this whole thing. The question I keep coming back to is "Why is the RF letting this continue?" There MUST be a really GOOD reason for letting these shenanigans continue. There are so many theories right now:
1. That she's done something illegal, and they are building a case against her (to send her to jail).
2. That they already know the marriage is doomed, and they are behind the recent build up of negative stories being put out about her to tarnish her image/reputation and decrease her negotiating power when H and M finally do divorce.
3. That there is something going on with the baby (either they don't have him yet from the surrogate for some reason OR that he is sick with some illness), and that RF is going along with all this to protect the surrogacy secret AND the baby.
4. That she and Harry are a diversion for the people from the bigger scandal about how the Epstein story might affect both Andrew and Charles (and who knows it may even affect H and M).

I suppose there could be some truth to all of these theories. What do you think?
BigFanUSA said…
I am American, a native Californian, Harry's age, and I love celeb gossip. When these two began dating I was a religious LaineyGossip reader. I loved her writing style, topics of interest, etc. OUT OF THE BLUE one day she started writing about "persistent rumors" that Prince Harry was dating American actress Meghan Markle, and she even name dropped the Mulroney family and said the two would meet up at their house and play with their kids and spend "quality time together." I had never heard of any of these people other than Harry, and I remember thinking oh that poor woman Markle has a terribly awkward name. Lainey started regularly writing about the couple, reposting pictures from Meghan's social media and connecting clues that showed the two were secretly dating. I didn't ever read anything about Meghan anywhere else, just on Lainey's site. Then Harry had his people put out a statement saying his girlfriend Meghan was recieving racist abuse online and in British media. It was all so bizarre the way the "rumors" were materializing out of nowhere, and then the racism claim, and then stories that Meghan Markle was on the short list to be a Bond girl in a future Bond film (yes this was an actual story at one point), and all the while I still had no idea who this unfortunately named woman was but I was feeling something so... disingenuous about the whole thing. At some point the Harkle posts stopped from Lainey, until BAM they're engaged. I also recall that Lainey wrote only negatively about Kate, picking apart her photography and perpetuating the "Waity Katy" rumors and such. Looking back, it was all drip drops of information painting the picture of Successful Popular Hollywood Movie Star Meghan Markle and the tRUe lOvE that she shared with Harry. I also never heard of The Tig until Lainey wrote that it had shut down because tRUe lOvE. This thing has been insincere since Day 1.
Suzanne Wilson said…
Yes, I believe Archie's well-being is important to the Queen and to the BRF in general. He's family. I think he's Harry's son (Harrison) by blood, which is why BP put out in the otherwise-odd birth notice that he is in the line of succession. And he was baptized very quietly. But legally he can't use Harry's title because he wasn't born of Meghan's body. And they are not cold-blooded reptiles; they will protect him from being exploited by Meghan's shameless marching, and they will love him. I think that for all his faults Harry does want to be a good father; I think he really has wanted to be one for a long time. But first he needs to do some recovering of his own, which is why I think the Cambridges and/or Wessexes are filling in the gap.
As to Megs being too vain to let herself appear crazy, well I think she's fighting it, but then they keep dangling that payout. And she sees the possibilities for future post-divorce, post-recovery PR. I'm sure you can imagine the line she'll take. But much as I dislike Meghan I hope this scene doesn't really send her over the edge.
Fifi LaRue said…
I remember the rumor that Markle was on the short list to be a Bond girl! Obviously, Markle started that rumor herself.
hardyboys said…
As a Torontonian lainey has a semi successful gossip blog although I hate her posts about the squawking chicken stuff about her mother. She also has the worst taste in clothes IMO. She is defo constantly making references to William cheating with the rose girl even the other day she did so. She is super annoying and a MM supporter bc probably JM and MM are her most famous followers. She is so pussy whipped and her conspiracy or coincidence theories are so annoying. I also hate the way she ends some posts with the French word non? I feel like saying stfu and her minions that write posts that are 15 paragraphs long make her unbearable. Most importantly her sympathy for MM is such a suck up it makes me sick. Rant over. Whew.
SwishyFishy said…
I had a Canadian friend who loved The Simpsons because they referred to Canada as "America-Lite." He thought that was hilarious. All the taste, but without the calories.
BigFanUSA said…
I quit reading Lainey because of those very things. Tres annoying, non? Haha!
SwishyFishy said…
@Lady Muck, like you, I loathed her at first sight. I knew exactly what she was and just could not believe it was happening, that no one could see through her narcissistic phoniness. I felt like I had slipped into a parallel universe. Surely the Queen would put a stop to this madness? Nope. In fact the madness sped up as everything got pushed forward at breakneck speed (for the RF). Of course, at that time I had great sympathy for the clearly dumb and besotted Prince Harry. That has been the biggest change for me. I think Harry is as awful as she is, he just has a better mask and better PR. With funding from Charles, Harry is the producer that keeps this whole circus running and keeps Meghan Ringmaster in full force. Charles needs to pull the money plug.
Louise said…
Lainey used to work with, and is a friend of, Jessica's husband Ben Mulroney. Nothing much more needs to be said.

OKay said…
@Mischi Like the Corner Gas theme song says, "You think there's not a lot goin' on, look closer, baby, you're so wrong." :)
SwishyFishy said…
I think Meghan will return to The TIg or some other merching lifestyle brand. That's her ultimate goal as she knows she's getting too old to go back to acting and being a fauxmanitarian is not going to pay her excessive bills. I wonder what those two women who run Meghan's Mirror for those mysterious, silent backers will do when the divorce happens and they will be forced to shut down Meghan's Mirror quickly, in order that Meghan can get her brand up and running.
Sell, sell, sell!
OKay said…
@Swishy Me too! I could not believe Harry actually went through with it.
SwishyFishy said…
I don't believe for a second that Meghan woudl let herself be labeled mentally ill. It's still stigmatized in our society. Narcissists will NEVER admit to such a "defect". She needs to portray the narrative of the strong, decisive, powerful feminist. Mental illness undermines that image, because at the end of the day, image is everything with Meghan and it will be all she's got at some point. The divorce money wont' last forever, especially with the way she spends. She sees herself as a global brand and she will do nothing to jeopardize that.
Girl with a Hat said…
I used to follow Lainey for a few years. My impression is that Lainey is very traumatised about being non-white in a white dominated culture, so she cheers for everyone who isn't white as though there was a war between the "races". She absolutely hates Kate for being white and part of the Establishment, and of course she will cheer for Meghan for the opposite reason. I find it hilarious when I read the twisted logic she uses to rationalise Meghan's behaviour. For example, for TTC, when the rest of the world saw how ill behaved Meghan was, Lainey's take was that everyone on the balcony hated her because she wasn't white. Seriously. This kind of discourse is highly divisive and can cause cleavages in society, not because it's exploiting existing divisions, but because it's creating them when they don't exist, and Meghan is paying her to explain away her bad behaviour to her fanatics.
Goldencoffee said…
Hey nutty, i saw some bashing on you on CDAN. Long time lurker there and here. Please ignore them, and thanks for creating this blog and providing a space for us to talk about this debacle. Keep doing what you're doing yeah, you have a lot of readers who really appreciate your blog. Okay back to lurking...
Brits need to demand these two stop receiving public funding. I can’t imagine why they aren’t complaining, loudly, to their government. I wrote to my rep and Senator to complain about government vehicles being used for the NYC baby shower. That was nothing compared to what British people have paid out since the engagement.
Suzanne Wilson said…
I'm thinking she'll go with a post-natal psychosis narrative--a temporary condition that could happen to anyone and which she is now an expert in, having freed herself from the stifling constraints of the British Monarchy à la Diana, and having settled happily back in America, het true home.
I may be wrong, but that's my theory--for now, anyway.
Maddie said…
Hey KnitWit. Like you I thought MM would be well qualified to handle what Diana could not and I really believed she was madly in love with PH. But I did think her family was strange and I thought her sister Samantha was insane. It’s funny how everything just changed. I just could not see it in the beginning. But here we are LOL.
Lady Muck, strangely enough those commenters on the DM blew my mind. I couldn’t get over the how mean they were. It seemed it started out as a few haters and just grew and grew. Now when a story gets posted there’s thousands of comments that are hateful. Every new story gets like 10 to 12,000 nasty comments. Unbelievable. It’s shocking. I’m glad I’m not in her shoes. 😱
Maddie said…
I second that Goldencoffee. I love to lurk too LOL!
Anonymous said…
I'm with you, @Swishy. Occam's razor, too. I cannot imagine the BRF playing along with the fraud that is MM. They are appalled by her, just biding time. It's beginning to get interesting.
Anonymous said…
Yes, @Summer - it was part of the pity play. Classic fraud play.
Suzanne Wilson said…
I don't know. She may be just a narcissist who doesn't have a personality disorder, or she may have a personality disorder that hasn't been diagnosed yet, or she may have a form of NPD that hasn't been diagnosed yet, or she may have other psych issues along with being your basic narcissist. Here in the US the Diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental Disorders is constantly being revised. Just because she doesn't fit some paradigm of narcissism doesn't necessarily mean much.
Suzanne Wilson said…
Sorry, I meant she may have a personality disorder or a form of NPD that hasn't been *defined* yet by the Psychiiatric Establishment that Be.
Now! said…
Thank you so much! After 10 years on CDAN, I have learned to just scroll past the most vitriolic commenters and go about my business.
Now! said…
Hi Cluesoea! I think you’re the first person here to mention meeting MM in person. Was she one of the many celebrities who is prettier in real life? Or does she just photograph well?
Now! said…
There’s a photog quoted on Lipstick Alley who thinks MM and Harry were photographed on May 8 (isn’t Harry wearing the same suit as in the ‘baby presentation’ photos?) and the others were added in later.
Now! said…
Her hair was a mess and the part was bright white, suggesting she was wearing not just a wig, but a cheap wig.
Now! said…
But who would buy Meg’s merch? I don’t know who her target market would be.
Now! said…
For anyone who didn't see the edit to the main story above:

The Sun is reporting today that Meghan has "turned down the offer to become a Vogue columnist" in order to focus on her Royal duties.

That, friends, is the sound of a trial balloon being launched - and crashing.
Now! said…
I think the Queen has always been biased towards inaction - or, you could charitably call it "watchful waiting."

She let her sister Margaret's situation spin out of control for years, and let Charles and Diana's marriage disintegrate in the public eye.

And that when she was much younger and presumably more energetic!

There's also the theory that because Markle is biracial, they have to demolish any basis of support she might have before giving her the gate, so that they will not be accused of racism.
Now! said…
It was a clumsy scam, but it worked. It's like a small-time burglar who finds the back door of the vault was left open by the cleaning crew.

A bunch of factors came together - Harry's desperation and fecklessness, the transition and Charles' desire to seem to be in charge, probably some shared drug usage between Meg and Harry, plus a media environment that was both excited for a biracial princess but also financially strapped and open to her PR machinations and paid articles.
Now! said…
I think a lot of journalists are ashamed to admit how dependent they are on PR people. Markle's PR people (or Markle herself) launched that rumor, and someone was apparently lazy enough (or bribed enough) to go with it.
Now! said…
Yes, the DM comment section is really something. It's also interesting to watch Markle's paid commenters try to turn back the tide, almost always unsuccessfully.
Now! said…
Thank you! Yes, the Wimbledon incident was really something, and it seems to be getting some attention in the US as well, which Markle's other missteps have not.

It's really sad for Serena, because all those empty seats makes it look like no one wanted to turn up for her match.
Blackbird said…
Cluesoea, sorry I mis-read your post - I initially thought I'd read that you had met Harry pre-Meghan.

I've met Harry pre-Meghan (when he was in these parts on a visit by himself), and he was nothing but charming ... just wonderful. Genuinely interested in what people were saying, and everyone who met him came away gushing (no exaggeration). I don't recognise him from the Harry we see and hear about today ... it's like his evil twin has come out to play.
Blackbird said…
Thank you Jdubya ... I read in Daily Mail's latest hit piece that it was her Personal Assistant (they caught her pointing at the camera, motioning "no photos").
Blackbird said…
Daily Mail has been on fire in the past few hours - first, there was an article bashing her dress sense at the tennis; and now they're reporting Tatum O'Neal's thoughts (not positive).
Now! said…
Not just that - even Lainey has a negative take! Et tu, Lainey?
Now! said…
Just a note to say Lainey also took on Meg today, although made sure to conclude at the end that it is somebody else’s fault.
Mom Mobile said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
Nutty, any thoughts on how the BRF are going to handle this new christening photo time/date stamp controversy?

It's on twitter and Harry Markle (Not sure if LSA knows yet). There is no way they can hush it up and people are asking questions.

The implications that C&C and K&W knowingly partook in this charade could cause uproar. I'm starting to think that they're going to oust her by saying she's had some sort of psychotic break because she couldn't get pregnant and retreated into a fantasy world.(hence the moonbumps), The family will say that they were told to play along with her delusions to avoid her deteriorating any further until they could get her to the correct care. This would also be an explanation for how many times she has appeared drunk or stoned ('She's on medication')

The only problem is that it's all flannel and the public will ask why she wasn't institutionalised from the start and the truth admitted. It wouldn't have been so bad if she'd not splashed money about on her maternity clothes and froggy cottage like she did. I've no doubt people will want to know why we've been paying to indulge this tart's fantasies instead of being told the truth. The UK public aren't monsters, we'd have been sympathetic. The backlash really started because of her announcing she was up the duff at PE's wedding and bizarre pregnancy/behaviour.

There are too many lies for The Firm to come out unscathed now.
Jen said…
I used to peruse CDAN back in the day, and people for the most part were pretty decent. I've been back to the site over the last year, and people just seem angry all the time. They want to attack for the dumbest reasons! I guess some people never learned that they do not HAVE to respond. This isn't a convo between two people, can just move on to the next blind.

I certainly do appreciate your input Nutty. That's why I have moved over here....and I will parrot others on here when I say, I would LOVE to see more. I do understand this is a hobby and you have a REAL job...but I was SO excited when I saw two posts within as many days.
Mom Mobile said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mom Mobile said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jen said…
Mental health is becoming more mainstream, and if it looks for even a second like they were trying to "hide" her mental illness, they will be destroyed. If she truly did have a psychotic episode, they SHOULD have been completely honest about it, and used it to educate the masses about how any form of mental illness can happen to anyone, anywhere, etc, etc. I honestly hope you are wrong about that, because there is NO way to spin that one to make them look good.

Sadly, I do think you are right that nothing can save them. All they can do now is lessen the blow back. They've had scandal before and survived....I mean, people for years (and some still do) believe that the Queen had Diana killed. If they can survive that, they will survive this.

Girl with a Hat said…
I believe that the Queen will welcome the scandal about Meghan when the scandal about Andrew hits the front pages. It will divert the attention away from the crimes of her second son.
BigFanUSA said…
Anyone else remember around March when Rachel suddenly disappeared from view? That timeline tracks for a 4 month old baby to have been born around then. Ever since around March, whenever we've seen Rachel she's been extremely off- looking (with the exception of the Christening photo); her incredibly strange "presenting the baby" performance, TOTC, the baseball game, Wimbledon, and whatever else, she has looked awful for a Member of the Royal Family. Perhaps March is when the hammer came down on her spending AND the jig was up on the baby situation. When the Royal money pit dries up for you and you're left to your own devices in the clothing, hair, and makeup department, you might turn up to Wimbledon with stained too-tight clothing and a Panama hat from your yachting days. Also, what was happening with her hair at the baseball game? Was that a bad wig or bad extensions? I am proposing that sometime late spring this year they cut her off, and that every time we've seen her since she's been putting a middle finger up to them saying "I'm not going anywhere, I'll just throw on a wig and 3 pounds of bronzer and show up whenever I want!" Yesterday I saw ANOTHER Frogmore "tranquil oasis" article about Archie playing in the backyard happily away from the noise and fishbowl of the palace. Don't airplane roar past frogmore every 30 seconds? Poor kid. Also, he's an infant. What's he doing playing in the backyard? Haha.
Silli_emperors said…
Metadata can be altered and using it as proof isn't always conclusive. I've worked with and edited photos. Possibly as Kardashians use PS extensively in their compositions, the Christening photo was edited using elements from one approved photo where they preferred their appearance as they were main focus mother, father, child then brought in the others from other photos taken. I entirely agree the image has strange elements to it but some of it can be explained away without tainting the other family members for participating in "a fraud".
Hikari said…
If C&C and K&W did *knowingly* partake in this charade.

I'm no digital media expert, but that christening photo does not stand up to close scrutiny, even if you didn't know about the time stamp discrepancy. It just doesn't. The composition is wonky.

Charles & Camilla wore the *exact same outfits* to Louis's christening, both of them: shoes, hat, pocket square, boutonniere . . Charles *may* wear the same suit from time to time, but surely he would have changed the flower in his lapel? Given their odd placement in the photo, I say they were both cut and pasted into this shot, using images from Louis's christening.

W&K likewise look very odd, though I will love William's RBF forever. Seated Kate is out of proportion to her husband standing . .there's a huge gap between her chair and the sofa, and, perhaps most tellingly, the ensemble she's wearing, from headband to shoes has been worn on a number of other occasions. Wouldn't have been hard to find a shot of her in it. Compared to the other faces, I find hers strangely out of focus. The shadows and the line edges don't feel right, particularly with the two men in blue.

What I think is totally possible in the Meg-verse, though it really sounds bizarre: That H&M and the baby were photographed by Chris Allerton in the Green Drawing Room on the same day he took the 'presentation with HM & PP' shot (also faked, but M. would have been photographed in position with 'the baby') and Doria. Then she and Doria changed clothes, (she ditched the Moonbump) and they did their hair and makeup . . and posed for the 'christening photo'. If there actually was a private christening of Archie at Windsor, it appears to have happened 2 months ago, and not actually been attended by anyone in the royal family. I suspect that the Cornwalls and Cambridges were Photoshopped in. I think Diana's sisters must have been present, potentially as the godparents, since there would be fewer appropriate images of them to manipulate into this occasion. I did feel that Lady Jane's attire was a quizzical choice for a christening. Looks more like a day at the races to me. So perhaps she was unaware that she'd be attending a christening when she arrived at Windsor. Perhaps both ladies were told they were being invited to 'meet the baby', and shanghai'd into doing this. Look at their faces--are those the expressions of two joyful great-aunts celebrating another grandchild for their late, beloved sister? They do not look happy at all.

This would account for the secrecy regarding the announcement of the godparents, if the christening had taken place in top secret two months ago.

Hikari said…
For the record, I do not believe that either HM or Philip were in residence at Windsor that day, allowing Harry and Meghan plenty of time and freedom to conduct these photo shoots. I will note that in the words of Sherlock Holmes on the BBC, "Only lies have detail." Note that MM took pains to mention, during the press conference, that "We just ran into the Duke" . . and how delighted 'the Duke' was to be meeting the baby. I thought it rather unlikely that Philip was just wandering the halls on his own, in order to run into Harry's little group at such an opportune time. Megs wanted it on the record, though, as a form of alibi. It's doubtful, had the Queen been at home, that she would not have sussed what they were up to.
Girl with a Hat said…
I saw a side by side comparison of Camilla's dress at this christening and at Louis'. They aren't the same dress. In one case, the neckline is round and in the other, it is pointed and has embellishments around it. They look similar but they aren't the same dress. The hat may be the same one, but one looks like it has a little bit of a wider brim. I can't speak to the other issues.
Hikari said…
Yeah, he's a tad young to be gamboling in the back yard chasing butterflies at 2 months, or 4 months, whatever he is.

For being such a pervasive and pathological liar, MM's lies are incredibly inept. Has she ever spent any time around babies or small children before now . . .that is, if one actually buys that she's got custody of 'Archie', which I doubt? She seems to have no clue at all about normal childhood development. Not that her development was exactly 'normal'.

For as infuriating as she is, she's actually a very sick woman, sick in the head. What she's got is resistant to therapy or modification . . .she's never going to change. The more she's sanctioned or confronted, the worse and more brazen she's going to be.
MLRoda said…
Well, S'Meagol brought Archie to the polo. Surprise, surprise!
She has her arm hooked around him like she’s never held a baby before. So strange.
Girl with a Hat said…
Midwestern, I think she is trying to hold up his head so that no one can question his age.
Unknown said…
Smeg out doing damage control. Archie spotted at polo. What happened to the need for privacy?

Where is Harry? It's not like he has a day job.
LPB said…
You're right about QE's bias toward inaction as per those two other situations. I would hope Charles and or William (or any of the other advisors they have) would be telling them how this is all being perceived by the public. Inaction in this situation indicates to me that RF doesn't think this situation will affect the RF in the long run, and they are probably right. With Brexit on their plate, the UK probably doesn't have the bandwidth for much else.
Bubbles said…
She looks PREGNANT at the Polo!!! Look at that bump!! It's been two months, no way. No way. And she's holding him like she doesn't know his tush from his head. Zero maternal instinct for a mother who "stays up all night breastfeeding" him.
abbyh said…
Damage control is right. Should have guessed it with the nice article on Kate and kids to support PW. DM is flogging Kate's dress but not the green shapeless one.

As a side note, if she hasn't noticed already, taking care of a baby, even if it is for a short time, is a handful where you have to keep your eyes and attention on the baby and baby needs. She may learn it isn't worth the hassle (better to leave with the nanny) so this might be the big show and not to be seen much again unless it is quite short.

Bubbles said…
@Mishi, I read your comment before looking at the pictures, and to me it looks like shes trying to hold his head down so people can't question a 2 month old looking around with wonder at the beautiful world around him. Also, fake bump is really bothering me today. I just got beautiful news that after FIVE cycles of IVF my best friend/cousin is pregnant with a girl. Seeing this psycho faking it is an insult.
abbyh said…
Moom bump redeux?

and for someone who is said to have a two month (or up to four month) old baby, you are correct about her hand placement. It comes off as almost but not quite the first time she's ever held him. Almost as if she is remembering everything people have said about how to hold a baby, without them being there to remind her but not remembering how much the baby has grown and changed.
Silli_emperors said…
Also repeat wearings of garments can be explained as if it was good enough for Louis, it's good enough for Archie. They have been heat for Spenderella and Harry is notorious as thrifty. Tungsten does not give 1 whit about details or heat and is back to her tanned self at Polo merching Givenchy aviators w Archie despite Saturday's pale look. Think BRF is focusing on Andrew as here his photo keeps being used alongside Epstein's mug on news outlets without actually mentioning him.
Girl with a Hat said…
how wonderful! congratulations.
Girl with a Hat said…
she also never looks at him. New mothers I know cannot tear their eyes off of their child, if not just to check if he/she is ok.
Hikari said…
The shoes were the same, also. They weren't in great condition, either, heavily stained on the toecaps. She must really like that pair.
Anonymous said…
I saw the DM headline and thought "ha! so I guess we were all wrong and she & Kate are friends and Archie is her beloved bambino after all!". Then, I saw the pictures. She and Kate do not speak. She stands in that awful dress looking more pregnant than she did before and the way she's holding Archie -- I don't have children, so I can't speak from authority, but I've held many a months' old baby and toddler, and don't you support them, not just dangle them while you search for a camera? And maybe look at them and talk to them? He's just hanging there like she's got groceries in her arms, groceries she's not particularly concerned about breaking. I saw zero love in the photos, just hunger. And the one face that Kate is making where she looks disgusted. Poor Kate having to be with that woman while she pimps her wares. The fact that they're not sitting together having a laugh and playing with Archie and the kids says all. I've been in situations where I had to be civil to someone in public - we all have - and that stand / sit trick is an obvious one.
Anonymous said…
And I must add: Kate looks especially fabulous and Louis rules. That child is so cute!
Hikari said…
What we are seeing is a narcissistic mother who has zero experience at baby care, now saddled with an infant who may or may not have her genetic material, who almost certainly is not 'from her body', and whom she may or may not have full-time custody of not bonding with him, because she is not capable of it.

I really am afraid for this little baby. They can sense when their adults are erratic and emotionally withholding and they get scared and neurotic as a result. She's getting the picture that a living child is not like a handbag to accessorize with . .he has needs . . all the time. I hope she doesn't hurt him.
fordgirl said…
I discovered this blog yesterday and it's awesome. I got here thanks to "Crazy Days and Nights" and their MM blinds. And I am also a loyal follower of "Harry Markle" Wordpress, another incredible site on MM and all her fakeness.
I was indifferent to her. I even didn't bother to watch the wedding but i did think she was a lucky girl and I was glad that she had brown eyes and dark hair and was not the typical blonde with blue eyes. But besides this, I thought there was something wrong with her, I smelled that she was not being authentic.
And then she started to behave like a diva, like she was the big thing and she wore that hideous Oscar de la Renta dress to that wedding and that was all to me. "I don't like her", I said to me.
And then I started to follow some accounts on Instagram (The Charlatan Duchess, Megsy, and others of that kind) I encountered a big community that did think she was fake and had the proofs. And the Harry Markle site was a shed of light to me. Then it all started to make sense. She was as fake as a three dollar note and a narcissist and Harry didn't have balls. And I was so glad to find a community that thought like me.
And this blog is as good as Harry Markle, but with the plus of having hundreds of comments.
Anonymous said…
And, again, no experience with dressing babies, but don't they wear socks or booties?

I have had adopted both puppies and kittens and was far, far more concerned about holding them appropriately and cuddling them. Even when doing animal rescue, I was far more focused on the puppy or kitten that I was holding than anything else (plus, who can resist the inevitable petting and puppy love, right?) So, I do think I can transfer that level of emotion and compare it to Ms. Army Tent and I see none of it. I had hoped to see some. I see a woman in a spendy tent dress in a horrible color and she's trying to get a photo op using a baby (that could be a sack of potatoes for all she cares) in to turn her image around and it isn't working at all. Even the kiss was for the cameras. Tender and sweet and loving did not show up.
Girl with a Hat said…
that child will have attachment problems, for sure. What a contrast to Diana and to Kate, who looked at their babies with adoration.
Unknown said…
There's a story in the Daily Mail about how M&H want a large family. Hmm...
NikNak said…
I'm sorry has she just grown a brand new bump since Wimbledon?
Anonymous said…
Harry is playing in the polo match along with William. I love seeing them together but unfortunately, we won't see any brotherly love on display today. Still, it's all worth the suffering to see Louis on the run. There is something about that child that just make me so happy! The others are charming and have always been adorable, but there's just something about Louis, and Kate running after him, that makes me feel happy.
Unknown said…
@Ella... the article in the Daily Mail didn't have Harry at first. When I checked back in, he had been added... like an afterthought.
BigFanUSA said…
She looks like a different person than the person we saw at Wimbledon. In every way. I'm also surprised she doesn't have her Wimbledon hat on Haha.
Bubbles said…
Interesting Camilla wore the dress she wore to Louis' Christening and it's very clearly stated in a caption of her photo.... as we speculate whether or not its the dress in Archie's "Family Photo."
Hikari said…
The neckline is subtly different in both dresses, one neckline is more round and plain, while the other is differently shaped . . but they are so very similar, being accessorized with the identical hat and identical shoes, one wonders why C. would bother purchasing two dresses which are identical in color and style, except for the one detail which is hardly a stand-out difference, on such a pale and otherwise unremarkable outfit. Do we also think she's got duplicates of the hat and shoes, too? (I don't.) There's a possibility, of course, that the dress which C. is wearing in the "christening photo" has also been messed about with in the neckline in order to attempt to disguise the fact that it's the identical dress she wore at the last family christening.

There *may* have been a family christening more recently than last summer, for Louis. But if there was, I think the family members *refused* to pose for an official commemoration photo as 'proof' that they condone and are happy about this whole situation. I think the photo was cobbled together with pieces of other photos, and perhaps the Spencer sisters and Doria were actually in the shot with the Harkles and Archie.
Bubbles said…
@Hikari, I"m with you 100% with your thoughts! Took them out of my head.

But I was pointing out it's interesting Camilla wore that very same dress today! Of all days! She just "wore" it on Saturday. I believe it was altered for the "official photo" from the "christening."
Lady Muck said…
@Nutty - did I hear that people were tutting Markle at Wimbledon? If so is there any proof of this? That is one video I'd love to see!
Lady Muck said…
@SwishyFishy I'm sure I either heard it from someone or read it that Harry is the Royal Family's best kept secret. I think it was someone who hosted him for a weekend in a country house party and they couldn't believe how entitled and clueless he was. No sign of 'Bonny Prince Harry' that the palace PR churns out.

This whole debacle has made me feel that Charles is not fit to rule - if he can't keep his own back yard in order, then there's no hope of being a strong role model for anywhere else. If I were him I'd read MM the riot act, give her a £40k per year clothes and jewellery budget, no flitting off to the USA for shopping/parties/merching and bring in Sophie Wessex for minor royal boot camp. The ultimatum of any more shenanigans and you both relinquish your titles and go live in Africa (effectively in exile as per the Duke & Duchess of Windsor).

The good thing is if it did go so far as that then Meghan would NEVER be allowed to leave Harry. A prince gives up his title and place in succession for love, that woman is tied to him forever, or else be the most hated woman on the planet. According to some, the exact scenario of Wallis & Edward. And that's what they call karma.
Flangalina said…
Hi Nutty hi all,
Sorry I’m a bit late to the table but I’ve had a busy few days.
You asked me if MM was pretty in real life or just photogenic I will get to that point for you.
I would like to explain that I have to be careful what I say as my partner works in the security world
(He’s ex special forces)he also walks in Harry’s world.
As with his job he works all over the world and gets good perks,or gifts from grateful companies and clients
That is how I met MM in a social setting by pure accident( she was there so was I) I can remember thinking wow she has a potty mouth when someone pointed out that’s MM from suits(I’ve never watched it.)
I can remember she is quite short and at the time terribly thin,she had a dirty look to her and a dress on that was quite short,she made it it quite clear who was the star in the room which raised a few eyebrows.
She would cut in on conversations(yes yes I’ve done that),also I noticed she kept hanging off the guy she was with.
The answer to your question nutty is I think she’s been cleaned up as she’s not particularly pretty I guess she just photographs well! I do know my partner recently said to me that Harry’s pals have said he’s changed he become very precocious and haughty which is a shame as he’s a lovely guy,his beloved Pa is a affable man I met him in a army sitcu also his motherDiana who was Tall lol.
I hope this answers questions as I said I have to be careful also please can I ask that my comments just stay that way as there are only observations as I only met her once.
I was at Wimbledon with friends and she was tutted I’m surprised the crowds didn’t boo as the atmosphere did change when she plonked herself down surrounded by security it was like who is she ...����
Thank you nutty for your welcome and I love your blog because it asked difficult questions with fair debates
I do think something is terribly amiss with the whole
Narracists like to set and keep to their on narrative and god forbid you try to change that.

Flangalina said…
Sorry for the non paragraphs ooops I’m not very computer

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 I started thinking about how time passes when reading some of the articles about the birthday.  It was interesting to think about it from the different points of view.  Besides, it kind of fits as a follow up the last post (the whole saga of can the two brothers reunite). So there is the requisite article about how he will be getting all kinds of money willed to him from his great-grandmother.  There were stories about Princess Anne as trustee (and not allowing earliest access to it all).  Whether or not any or all of this is true (there was money for him and/or other kids) has been debated with claims she actually died owing money with the Queen paying the debts to avoid scandal.  Don't know but I seem to remember that royal estates are shrouded from the public so we may not (ever) know. However, strange things like assisting in a book after repeated denials have popped up in legal papers so nothing is ever really predicable.   We are also seein...

The Opening Act of New Adventures in Retail

 I keep thinking things will settle down to the lazy days of spring where the weather is gorgeous and there is a certain sense of peacefulness.  New flowers are coming out. increasing daylight so people can be outside/play and thinking gardening thoughts.  And life is quiet.  Calm. And then something happens like a comet shooting across the sky.  (Out of nowhere it arrives and then leaves almost as quickly.)   An update to a law suit.  Video of the website is released (but doesn't actually promote any specific product which can be purchased from the website).  A delay and then jam is given out (but to whom and possible more importantly - who did not make the list?).  Trophies almost fall (oops).  Information slips out like when the official date of beginning USA residency.  (now, isn't that interesting?) With them, it's always something in play or simmering just below the surface.  The diversity of the endeavors is really ...