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Meg's next act: Author? Politician? Real Housewife?

When Enty referred to Meghan as a "former Royal" in a blind item the other day, it was probably just a typo. He usually calls Meg a "alliterate former actress turned Royal"; perhaps in his haste to get out another true-crime podcast he missed a couple of words.

Or perhaps it was a Freudian slip.

It seems clearer to more and more people, including former supporters like Tom Sykes of the Daily Beast and Elaine Lui of Lainey Gossip that things aren't really working out, and that sooner or later Meg will join Fergie and Mark Philips in the ranks of cast-side former royals.

What will she do next?

A Real Housewife?

There's always the entertainment business; the gentlemen over at Data Lounge say that Meg wanted to join the cast of the reality franchise "Real Housewives" as far back as the Trevor days, and some even suggest she has been contacting the Bravo people again about possibly joining one of the shows.

(But which one? I don't watch the Real Housewives, but the casts appear to be sharply segregated, with all-White groups in some places and all-Black groups in others. Where are they going to put biracial "How to Be Both" Meg?)

Of course, Meg on her own might not be all that appealing to viewers - this is the woman whose issue of Vogue UK is on sale for half price just a few days after it was released.

Could she persuade Prince Harry to make regular appearances on a reality show?

Probably not if she and Harry kept their Sussex titles, but if QE II and Charles "streamline" the family, perhaps demoting Harry to his secondary title of Earl of Dumbarton and cutting his funding, reality TV money might start to look appealing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Real Housewife Bethany Frankel launch a number of lifestyle products based on her participation in the show?

Maybe she's Meg's real role model, not Gwenyth Paltrow.

A children's book author? 

Meg is a terrible writer who needs to have her keyboard taken away and broken in half, but there's no denying that Fergie did very well with her collection of "Budgie the Helicopter" children's books. 

And when there are children's books, there are usually also ancillary products - animated videos, stuffed animals, clothing.  What merching opportunities! Sounds right up Meg's alley.

That said, it could be problematic that the books will reportedly be based on Guy the rescue dog, who was either left behind in Canada or run over by a security vehicle at Kensington Palace.

Perhaps Meg will find a new dog to play the role of "Guy", just like Lassie was cast and re-cast during the long-running TV series.

The Archie question

In addition, the circumstances surrounding Meg's own child, the rarely-seen Archificial, could be a roadblock to her career as a beloved children's book author.

Does Archie exist? Why is he being hidden? What were the real circumstances of his birth?

And would you buy an adorable picture book from a woman who repeatedly lied about her pregnancy, her birth process, and just about everything else? 

A woman who has few friends and almost no positive relationships with her own family, or the family she married into?

New parents are very protective of their offspring and generally don't want dishonest or unpleasant people influencing them. 

It's like buying a children's picture book written by R. Kelly.

A politician? 

In Friday's issue of The Sun, the paper's royal correspondent Dan Wootton says many Royal Family members believe that Meghan is interested in a political career.

We all know the type of political issues that interest Meghan:
  • economic equality (despite having married into a family of wealthy aristocrats, and using her position to treat her own staff very badly)
  • anti-racism (although she listed herself as Caucasian when she thought it would benefit her acting career)
  • environmentalism (while she and Harry fly about on private jets and Meg plans a line of fast-fashion clothing)
  • feminism (avoiding the fact that she got her big come-up via marriage, and her second biggest come-up via her producer ex-husband) 
  • sub-Saharan African development (although she reportedly refused to move to Africa herself.)

How would she address these issues if she were to become a politician?

Where would she begin her political career? In the USA? If so, which location would she seek to represent? Would she run for a local or national office? What would her platform and campaign promises be?

Who would her supporters be? Who would be her campaign volunteers? Who would vote for her?

And, crucially, would she be interested in doing the drudge work of "constituent service," the pothole-fixing and help-my-daughter-get-into-West-Point recommending and the help-my-son-get-out-of-a-Turkish-prison finagling?

It seems unlikely. Besides, politicians are generally prohibited from merching, at least while they are in office. That sounds strenuous for Meghan.

What do you think Meg's next act will be?


Mrs. F. said…
I don't think she's going anywhere no matter how hated she is, because she doesn't care. I used to hold out hope that Harry was deeply unhappy with her and was going to give her the boot - but after his condescending and hypocritical behavior this past week, he is clearly, still, fully drunk on MM Kool-Aid.

If Prince Charles and the Queen haven't shut them down by now, they aren't going to. I am sure poor Prince William is chewing his nails to the quick as he watches his patrimony frittered away by cheap celebs and royal weaklings. He might do something, if he could, but he's done all he can (e.g. splitting the Foundation) and his hands are tied.

Honestly, there is no where for her to go after being a royal. The next step is always downwards. With whom could she improve her standing in the world or her public profile? Even if she married Tom Cruise, permanent A++ Hollywood superstar, he's cheap tin next to genuine British royalty.

Only if the Sussexes get demoted somehow: lose their titles and their funding, will she kick Harry to the curb for something better. But right now, she LOOOOOVVVESSSS being "Sussex Royal" and she's not giving it up for anything.
Anonymous said…
Pole dancer in a club for the extremely visually impaired?

IDK, sans that idea, I'll have to give it some thought, but I cannot wait to see what Nutties' HR Department finds (in)appropriate for the megster's next gig. We know yachting is out (past the prime for gentlemen seeking companionship, and besides, she probably has pillow marks on her stomach from sporting silicone for months on end -- that's got to do some damage to the body.)
Ann Christensen said…
Greetings Nutty! I love your blog!
The real housewives love to showcase their "charitable" acts, so that could work for her. If her previous work resume listing her as caucasian is still in effect, she could slide effortlessly into rhony or rhobh. They don't all share their husbands on air...the husband's fame is more important. Often the housewives work off of ex-husband's fame or status. Also housewives frequently peddle their own products on the show.
Could work for her continuing desire to be in public eye.
Now! said…
There were some requests yesterday for the Daily Beast piece "Did Meghan Markle’s September Vogue Blindside Buckingham Palace?"

It's a bit long, but here we go:

"The pattern of today’s royal summers has changed little in the past few decades.

In early June comes the Trooping of the Colour, to mark the monarch's birthday. A few days later (while, the idea goes, affection for the monarchy is running high) the royal accounts are published, showing what the family cost and balancing that against just how tirelessly they have struggled on behalf of the nation in the preceding year.

A few days later we have Royal Ascot, the Queen’s carriage ride around her favorite racecourse, a waving of hands, a greeting of the great and the good, and then the work is nearly done.

In mid July, after Wimbledon, the Queen and the royal family at large shut up shop for a long, two-month summer holiday.

The Queen disappears off to Scotland and other royals, Prince Charles, Prince Andrew, Prince William, and Prince Harry, pare back their work commitments and cut staff in their offices to skeleton levels.

And the royals get to enjoy the summer quietly at home or behind the substantial walls of their friends’ vast estates untroubled by headlines or handshakes.

So one can imagine the sinking feeling that Meghan Markle’s decision, apparently taken without consulting Buckingham Palace, to guest-edit a controversial issue of the British style bible Vogue this summer must have engendered.

Although there had been reports that Meghan was going to be editing the issue, it was only as excerpts of the magazine began to appear on Sunday evening that the extent to which she was involved became clear. Harry’s involvement, complete with some vanilla thoughts about racism and privilege, were completely unanticipated by the wider media."
Now! said…
Part 2:

"The editor of the magazine, Edward Enninful, gave some insight into how the magazine was put together in a triumphal interview with The Times newspaper.

As anyone who has worked at a glossy magazine will know, when a high profile, top-secret cover star is secured, operations are carefully managed. A small and tight circle of individuals are involved, with the rest of the staff often being given pages of future issues to keep them quiet.

This seems to have been the case at Vogue. Meghan was not seen once at Vogue House in the nine months since she and Enninful first met, over what she called “a cup of steaming mint tea.”

Meetings were held at Kensington Palace, and after Meghan and Harry moved to Windsor, communication took place via Skype, rather than at the London offices of the magazine.

Intriguingly, it does appear that Enninful’s first goal was to get Meghan to simply appear on the cover.

However she refused this and instead proposed—by text, while she was sitting at home on her sofa with her dogs—the guest editorship.

Her own editor’s letter, and Enninful’s interviews, make clear that this was entirely her own idea, that she did not seek approval from anybody else in the palace and did not feel the need to.

Perhaps she did consult with someone other than her dogs, but that’s certainly not how she tells it.

Of course some might say that she’s an adult with considerable experience of the media. She knows what she’s doing and, having seen what happened to Kate and Diana, she does not want to be controlled by the palace machine and have her personality smothered as they had theirs."
Now! said…
Part 3:

"Meghan wants to do things her own way.

Sources at Condé Nast have been quick to point out that Prince Charles has twice guest-edited Country Life but the reality is that his input there was almost entirely ignored by the wider media—Meghan’s Vogue takeover has been front page news all week (as Condé Nast would have of course hoped it would) in the U.K.

Unfortunately, the coverage has been far from positive and Condé Nast (famously thin-skinned at the best of times) has taken umbrage at the firestorm of criticism the issue has received.

The Daily Beast, for example, has been blacklisted by the Condé Nast press office for our coverage of the negative reactionsMeghan’s guest editorship has engendered, and having the temerity to express the opinion that Meghan might have made a mistake in doing this.

However, it’s not just the usual suspects (The Daily Mail, Piers Morgan) who are being intensely critical of Meghan and Harry’s latest media outing; Camilla Tominey, a senior editor at the Daily Telegraph, hardly the most republican of publications, felt moved to headline her royal newsletter, “Are these the most patronizing royals ever?” and wrote, “I don’t think I have ever seen a more misguided outpouring from a pair of royals since I first started covering the beat in 2005.”

For good measure she called the September issue, “virtue-signaling nonsense.”

Many will disagree with Tominey and other critics like her, and point to the charity work that Meghan clearly feels passionate about, and the good causes which she supports—all receiving thorough promotion in this issue of Vogue.

The palace declined to comment on whether or not Her Majesty’s senior team—to whom Meghan and Harry’s PR supremo, Sara Latham, who has not exactly covered herself in glory since taking on the role, is supposed to report—had been appraised of the project at all.

It certainly seems deeply unlikely that HM’s press secretary, the careful and cautious Donal McCabe, would have gleefully signed off on an interview in which Harry reminded us all not to be racist.

Even an entry-level PR student knows that the first rule of PR is not to unnecessarily revive memories of previous embarrassments, such as, ooh, the time your principal wore a Nazi uniform to a fancy dress party or called his Pakistani mate in the army a ‘paki’.

Meghan and Harry’s decision to continually bypass the palace’s senior people, short-circuiting the entire royal press machine, only really has one explanation.

They must think they know best."
Now! said…
Thank you! Sounds like the show would be a good fit for Meghan. I wonder what Gary Janetti would say about it. Isn't he a good friend of some of the housewives? I seem to see them highlighted on his Instagram feed.
Anonymous said…
"...have her personality smothered as they had theirs." = In the markles' case, this is what is kindly known as 'mercy killing'
Now! said…
Liz Hurley is still yachting at age 54, so I suppose it can be done.

I would imagine that Liz has a pleasing personality, however. And a bangin' figure, as she regularly shows off in the right column of the Daily Mail.

I always assume those stories are thinly-disguised advertisements for her services.
Now! said…
Some other commenters have compared their relationship to the Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie relationship - bright woman with an interest in her charitable profile marries not-too-bright but well-liked guy, drags him into her political orbit.
Silli_emperors said…
@ Nutty_Flavor bullseye on your comments comparing the mystery around the Sussex to the museum with partial clues with a whodunit to solve. Everyone picks up particular aspects depending on their work and or personal experiences. When so much is kept hidden, it's nearly impossible to solve individually.

Next path prediction is likely not going to include politics because of the vetting that occurs in campaigns. Opponents are as, if not more ruthless than what MM experienced from press and public pretending to care about being a Royal according to their requirements. Politics is just another form of duty with "mundane" events focused on constituents, not just press conferences, and speeches for sound bites.

She will try to stick with fashion, editing, writing similar to JackieO. In her mind, she's an icon and an influencer.
Beth said…
I remember following the downfall of Fergie in the 90's. Her Maj thought she had it tough then? At least Fergie had the decency to hang her head in shame when she stepped out of line. I don't think MM has any shame. She is going to do what she wants to do and I doubt that she cares what the BRF think of her. She probably thinks that they need her more than she needs them and that she knows the best way to "modernize" the monarchy. As an actress she knew what to do to win over the Queen in order to gain her approval of the marriage. Now that she's in, she'll do as she pleases. I do see her dumping Harry in the next 1-2 years and blaming it on the the family for taking away her "voice." She will, of course be looking for applause and adoration from the world for her bravery in breaking away from "a shallow life." I do look forward to her tell-all books, though.
Humor Me said…
Thank you Nutty. SMH at the glut of PR blasts that are coming from (apparently) Sussex Royal as to how fabulous she (they) are......daily, twice daily. It 's like there cannot be enough news of MM, and PH.
Girl with a Hat said…
Celt news on you tube had a very interesting video last week. She suggests that the Sussexes have effectively already been cut off financially although the only sign of this is that the list job vacancies listed for Clarence House and Kensington Palace no longer includes PH and his rat faced wife.

MM's reimagined "Gone Girl" and carefully plotting and planning little Archie's character being a nice revenue stream.

"...Amy was the inspiration for her parents' popular Amazing Amy children's books."
Humor Me said…
I like all the possibilities listed for MM's future; I cannot say until I see how the RF handles her. As of this moment, MM is tainted goods. No one wants her, as evidenced by the half-price sale on September Vogue. PH goes solo to Sicily - MM would kill for an opportunity to see and be seen at this event. While children's books are an approved outlet for royals, merchandizing is not. Proceeds from the past children's book went to charity, correct?
The what-ifs on MM 's future are endless at this tipping point - and wow! the pinnacle of pridefulness is waaayyyyy up there for the descent into mediocrity.
SwampWoman said…
I think that she could command a large income by speaking to women's groups and giving seminars about how to erase their pasts and remake themselves into anything they want. There might even be a television series as she assists sow's ears turn themselves into silk purses to snare the man (or job) of their dreams.

Girlfriend knows a lot about that.
gfbcpa said…
She and Harry will divorce. Hopefully he has grounds for an annulment.

Meghan will return to America without Archie, if Archie in fact exists. I think she will remarry a very wealthy older (in his '60's) man in politics, business or entertainment (but not an actor). Her husband will fund whatever lifestyle/fashion enterprise she chooses to undertake. Think L'Wren Scott/Mick Jagger or Georgina Chapman/Harvey Weinstein.

Harry will remarry. Maybe he will even marry Chelsy or Cressida.
Mrs. F. said…
I was thinking of Brangelina as I wrote the original comment, Nutty! The only (big) difference is that Angelina made a lateral move when she dumped Brad - she was an A lister with political pretensions before him, and an A lister with political pretensions after him. MM - on the other hand - was a C-list yachter on her way to being forgotten by Hollywood. That is NOT a life she wants to reinhabit ;)
Girl with a Hat said…

in this video, Celt news claims that Meghan just lied to BP about being involved with Vogue until the overwhelming evidence that she was lying gave her away, and then she just said "Well, it's already out there."
Hikari said…
I wish William weren't so far from the seat of power. If he were the one due to take over in a couple of years, I think this would be having a seriously moderating influence on the Suxxits' extreme behavior. They aren't doing sod-all to keep William on-side because they figure it's years and years yet before he's got any real influence and they plan to continue to steam-roll over Charles and do as they like.

Clearly, stripping them of their title and their access to Crown funds, housing and other perks is what it's going to take, and nobody in charge has the stomach for it. The Vogue issue was tacky, tone-deaf and a complete vanity project, but it pales in comparison to the ongoing tacky, tone-deaf and fraudulent vanity project that is/was The Production of Archie. Editing one issue of a ephemeral magazine that displays without a doubt that the Duch of Sux and her hubby are vapid and oblivious hypocrites is a stunt that will fade away after the piles of half-price Vogue copies are in the dustbin or wrapping up fish and chip dinners. That they are vapid, oblivious hypocrites isn't a shock to anybody by this point, nearly 2 years into this sham show. But the Matter of Archie (and to a lesser degree, Fraudmore) are ongoing hoaxes that the RF simply must address to the people's satisfaction sometime. How long will those be allowed to fester?

Instead,*here* is what BP chooses to call out as a 'scandal': Sarah and Andrew hosted a little birthday party at BP (where they live) for Harper Beckham and 5 of the birthday girl's little friends, where they dressed up as princesses and had tea with a real Princess, daughter Eugenie. The Yorks have been friends with the Beckhams for a long time. They were castigated for this as promoting 'favoritism' to the Beckhams. Royals do have celebrity friends, and I think the public accepts this. But how is a private birthday party for six little girls even put anywhere near on a level with they VERY PUBLIC favoritism shown by certain other royals to celebs like Serena Williams, Beyonce, the Clooneys, Oprah and BFF Gayle King, et. al.

I'm disgusted.
Girl with a Hat said…
it's obvious that the Queen plays favourites and that itself is very toxic because it creates simmering bitterness in the family. I am appalled whenever Catherine is called upon to act like the adult and be seen with her rodent faced sister-in-law
Lottie said…
I think in MM's deluded mind she will flounce back to Hollywood and fulfill her dream of becoming an A-list actress.
Walking the red carpet, signing autographs & being adored by all, proving to everyone that ever doubted her that she is now 'it'
The plus side for MM leaving the BRF is that she will have the freedom to be her fabulous blogging self and freed of the stuffy English traditions.
If Harry goes with her he will be the ball and chain that she will discard as soon as someone richer and more influential in the industry comes along.
Archie being silicone will become an environmental problem.....but not their problem
Chelsy and Cressida would be total fools to put their foot back in the ring after this MM disaster.
Now! said…
The strange thing is, both Meghan and Harry seem to be very, very busy.

There's none of the extreme focus parents tend to have on a newborn, particularly their first.

Harry's supposedly wanted to be a dad for ages - but now he has a three-month-old and he's going to take several days off to party with David Geffen and Harry Styles at Google Camp?

While Meg is editing magazines, creating a fashion line, and busily deleting comments from the @SussexRoyal Instagram feed?

It just doesn't add up.
Girl with a Hat said…
the sad thing is that even if it doesn't happen, she will continue to press on, trying every tactic, using every person and animal to try to achieve her goals, instead of being grateful for what she has and enjoying it. She has to achieve more, acquire more, shine more, and never, ever enjoys it.
Now! said…
Yes, I think they can both do better.

I see a Meghan 2.0 (as Anonymous Houseplant used to say) in Harry's future. Possibly a British reality star.
Girl with a Hat said…
she will try to build a business empire like Jessica Alba, and other American women whose net worth is in the hundreds of millions.
Charlie said…
I agree with every word: that's Sussexs show will last longer than people want. But in the end he'll divorce. I believe that baby exists, and I feel sorry for him, he will be raised without mother on public display.

What she will do I don't know, but she will do anything to keep herself on public display, because she clearly hella likes it now, no matter how "easy they don't make it".
abbyh said…
I had seen screen captures of the Clarence House and KP no longer listing them for the job vacancies and heard that the general take was this was the first sign of cutting off the money flow. Even if it is not that, then it is still a huge step forward separating them from everyone else.

Personally, I think it was one of those quiet understated signals indicating big changes.
Now! said…
I'm not the first one to point out Meghan's resemblance to Undine Spragg, the heroine of the Edith Wharton novel "The Custom of the Country."

Here's how novelist Margaret Drabble, a fan, wraps up Undine's personality:

"Undine can, and she does. She dares, risks, exceeds, rises, falls, and rises again. She is unstoppable. She is a force of nature. Her energy is dreadful, her beauty is fatal. She is a fortune-seeker from the Midwest, upwardly mobile, ignorant but quick to learn, and ambitious not for riches (her humble and devoted father has made money and spent lavishly upon her) but for admiration and social glory. We watch, as she glitters and ascends, through a rapidly changing society that seems forced to accommodate her longings and bend to her will. Through marriage after marriage, she conquers the Midwest, and Old New York, and Europe. Will she ever meet an obstacle to her rapacious desires? You have to read on, literally to the last line, to find out."
Now! said…
Yet if their money is cut off, won't they use that to justify even more outrageous merching and charity finagling? "We had to, they cut off our money!"

Have you been following the current mess on the @SussexRoyal Instagram account?

Meg asked people to nominate various "Forces for Change" that will then be followed by the SussexRoyal account.

Amid lots of nominations for Kate and the Queen and a Russian environmental campaigner, there are dozens of nominations for something called @ShopForward, which sells tote bags and T-shirts and donates a portion (it's not specified how much) to charity.

Is Meg getting some kind of kickback from @ShopForward?
Hikari said…
And she seems to not be aware at all that the 'A-List' celebrities actually do work incredibly hard to excel at their chosen fields. Like being a Royal, being a movie star does endow one with a life of privilege and wealth unimaginable to the ordinary person. Actors might enjoy a lot of 'play' time, but they work incredibly hard, when they are working. I'm not sure Meg grasps that even the life of an A-lister isn't red carpet premieres, dinners in top restaurants and flying off to Paris on a whim constantly. In between premieres and flashbulbs, there is the hard, often unglamorous sheer bloody work of learning lines, crafting a character and spending hours and hours on a film set or a stage. Long lonely hours of being on location away from family and friends. The press junkets . . being gracious to fans . . She hasn't mastered any of this as a royal, so it wouldn't be any different for her as an 'A List Hollywood celebrity'. To stay on the A List, people need to continue to want to work with you, hire you and see your movies. Meg wants the lifestyle with none of the effort or the downsides.

This is a very childish and selfish view of how the world works. For someone with such a vaunted 'work ethic'---by herself, no doubt--she illustrates over and over again that she has no interest in working . .only in self-glorification.
Now! said…
Some people still seem to be buying what's she's selling, however, like this writer for the Atlantic, who think Meg is seeking "not fame for its own sake, but to boost the causes she supports." Right.
Now! said…
Alba is likeable, however.

She also seems to be willing to let her team do what they do best while she's the face of the brand. Meg isn't very good at supporting her team.
Lottie said…
Nutty she does fit the character Undine Spragg perfectly!

It's a tragedy for MM that she has more drive than talent
That is her downfall and why her dreams will never come to fruition

abbyh said…
My thoughts:

I think Nutty is right in that anyone now is down a step down but might be palatable if they had the finances to allow her to live the life she feels she deserves.

I have never seen a RH show. However, from reading the comments about other reality tv shows, my impression is that many (um, maybe all?) sink their money into maintaining their lifestyle (clothes, trips, shoes, houses, cars) instead of money producing ventures like building rentals for humans and businesses or something nonflashy but stable. So they need to stay in the show to keep their head above water just for today and there still is nothing saved for tomorrow.

I think this would be enticing (lifestyle to her) but I think it would be from the kettle to the fire financially to her. I don't think anyone in the family, while she was growing up, taught her about how to handle money for the future. She didn't have a lot to her name after her relationships ended and she banked at the Bank of Dad when necessary. Now there are some questions about who or how she had paid for the expensive clothing needed for her new life with TBRF. The IRS may be the only ones really drooling in her direction at the moment.

So ... I am thinking that if she does the enticing leap to reality, there will another trainwreck over money at some point later. I don't think she's learned anything from all this.
JL said…
For one thing the extremely cozy photo of Enninful and Marcus Anderson, Megan‘s best bud, that is out there puts the liento her nervousness about asking for the job. Her little cabal with Anderson means that the guest editing gig was a undoubtedly a done deal early on, maybe even before the marriage. Hear that (vis Skippy) Anna Wintour is chortling away at what a disaster it is.
JL said…
The biggest problem for the royal family is that her main future source of income is going to be talking. How to keep her quiet as they get rid of her? This is what I think is taking so long. Nothing will stop her once she’s all over. The big money will be in revealing secrets. She is so unlikable that there aren’t too many other sources of income for her. Long before Harry, she showed up at the Wendy Williams show, according to Wendy, looking for job opportunities and no one there liked her. Wendy went so far as to allude to the idea that Meghan let it be known that she was willing…
JL said…
“Meg is a terrible writer who needs to have her keyboard taken away and broken in half, ”

“Perhaps Meg will find a new dog to play the role of "Guy", just like Lassie was cast and re-cast “

“It's like buying a children's picture book written by R. Kelly.”

LOL Do I love a well crafted snide remark.

Hikari said…
I agree, Nutty. Neither of them are acting like new and loving parents, however 'Archie Harrison' came into the world.

I've been on #TeamPillow since the beginning, but now firmly believe that she didn't just fake a pregnancy and use a surrogate to have her and Harry's child. You wrote a wonderful piece about how Harry might have explained the Moonbump shenanigans as a cover for the unconventional arrival of a child who was very much loved and very much theirs all the same.

I now believe that they didn't stop at faking a pregnancy, but are in fact faking parenthood. This would account for the oddly detached/neglectful parenting style from two people who told us they wanted to be parents more than life itself just a few short months ago. It had been my assumption that H. and M. had attempted to broker a private adoption that fell through when the birth mother decided to keep her baby, though there might be some sort of legal agreement in place that 'Archie' be made available for occasional photo ops, as part restitution for whatever monies the Sussex couple paid toward the birth mother's expenses. She was, of course, within her rights to keep her baby, if this is how it went down . . .perhaps after having time to get to know her baby's prospective adoptive parents better, she began to have grave doubts about their suitability, and is now raising her son under the name she has chosen for him.

After that bizarre christening photo display and the Sussexes' subsequent behavior in public, both individually and together . . ie., at the polo match . .or the fact that Harry seems not to have spent an entire week on British soil never mind at home in 'Fraudmore' since 'becoming a father', I am increasingly convinced that there's even a more audacious hoax in play: That H. & M. concocted this baby story entirely for attention (driven by Murkle, but aided and abetted by Halfwit), the impetus being the attention the Cambridges were receiving for their brood, but that they don't really want to 'be' parents; only 'play' parents. That there never was a surrogacy arrangement or private adoption. A baby or babies and perhaps a reborn doll have been drafted in to play the role of "Archie", but there is no real child that bears the name "Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor". He is a character which his 'parents' have created to prop up their monstrous egos, and neither one of them actually wants to be a parent. That's just what they *say* because it makes them sound better than 'We're a couple of shallow, materialistic hedonists who love to party and a baby would seriously cramp our style."

Have either one of them, for one moment since this fiasco got rolling last October for one moment acted like parents? I say no . . . just like 2 under-rehearsed crap actors going though a charade for attention and to make themselves seem 'nurturing' when they are anything but.

For a couple who have no staff, their respective packed schedules really boggle the mind because if there IS a baby, who is taking care of him while Daddy's international jet-setting and Mummy's editing Vogue and meeting Beyonce?
Hikari said…
But I thought Anna Wintour enthused that Murkle was such a Style Icon?

I was seriously worried that AW had developed dementia, cataracts, or both, to give her public blessing to Smeaghan's Style. If she was just being ironic or throwing supreme shade, I feel a bit better. I don't like Anna Wintour, but I had credited her with some taste, considering her job and all.
Anonymous said…
Now that I've thought about this, I don't believe there can be much of a next act. Releasing the megster into the wild will be nothing but disaster for the BRF unless they secure her ruin and silence. The ruin must come first.

I have said on multiple posts that the reason this is taking so long is because "she is unsuitable" isn't enough. The BRF cannot just "not like her." She cannot be "just an embarrassment." And certainly the BRF cannot do this Jerry-Springer style. They cannot have another Diana splashback - that was bad enough, but imagine if Diana had been 1/2 black and racism could've been throw into it as well?) To demarkle the BRF, markle must become something altogether unholy, untenable, untoward for all the world to see. (Thankfully, we're talking about the markle here, so this shouldn't take much longer. It's been a year and three months and she's already up to her massive assive.) Otherwise, this could go terribly wrong.

MM is far too vindictive and voracious in her thirst. She will not go quietly, and has proven that she will lie without shame (big, bold, brazen, bombastic ones) and will throw anyone under a plane, train, or automobile for her next swill at the fountain of fame. So, they must destroy her by letting her continue to poison herself and then the final act can play out (most likely orchestrated by one Lord G., who was to be my date to the Balmoral Ball on 8.4, but alas...).

I do not know what the final act will be. Drugs are not enough. Yes, they might cause us to clutch at our collective pearls, but that is not nearly enough. She would garner sympathy and be given an insta-scuse. It is not harlotry or heartlessness (heaven knows we've already seen that from her.) Mere prostitution and perfidy, not going to do it or it woulda, coulda, shoulda already. Nope, needs to be something malicious and unforgivable, some combo of the seven deadly sins. Maybe she melts baby Archie or goes mad in public (or in private and on tape.) Maybe some wicked blackmail and verifiable act of hate towards HMTQ, the Cambridge family (esp the children and Lupo). IDK. But I do not see this ending other than badly and resulting in her total ruin, and then there is no happily ever after for mm.
Girl with a Hat said…
how about the rumour that Lord G is being considered to be the next British ambassador to Washington DC?
Anonymous said…
To watch over her when she goes to the US? An omnipresent reminder to her? Or maybe BRF is closer to a solution than we think? Or maybe it's just a rumor meant to allay mm's fears and give her a false sense of confidence (.... oh wait, she already has that). IDK. I'll ask him at the ball ;)
Anonymous said…
I think the biggest problem with whatever she does moving forward is that she's not very good at anything besides, well, lying. A smart con-artist would have lined up supporters in the Royal Family (perhaps even the York girls) as a foil to the William/Kate juggernaut of charm. And bided her time. Working the BRF to her advantage for a couple of years. But she didn't because she's greedy and impatient at heart. As an actress and obviously in love with the camera, she wasn't shy with her glares at Kate when she should have been cautious about such gross displays of jealousy. She was too blatant about her marching. I mean, can't they wait a couple of weeks before putting up whatever she's trying to merch so that it's not SO obvious? And then lying about the magazine. Nuf said. What a total waste of paper. And the final example of total fail. Their fake child. She would have gained far more sympathy as a woman having fertility issues and opting for a surrogate (even if she planned on having an army of nannies) if she'd been public about it. But no, she always goes for the short-term gain. The photo-ops. I wonder if she's ADHD because she can't ever seem to see the end game of her shenanigans. You pretend you have a baby, people are going to want to see the baby. This is not rocket science. And yet she thinks she can browbeat people into admiring her with endless PR stunts that over time don't make sense because she can't keep her stories straight because she reacts on the fly always. No long-range planning. The napoleon of narcissism she is not! So, yeah, she's even hopeless at lying. I don't think there is anywhere for her to go. She's proved herself inept at every single level. So unless Harry gives her the boot, I see her staying in the UK. One thing I also noticed in the excerpts from the Vague shoot: her constant references to food in an issue that is supposed to be devoted to charity and good works. Again, what poor planning. I think she saw that humanitarian causes were a good way for her to get noticed and she certainly wouldn't have gotten her U.N. gig based on the articles and photoshoots on her blog in her bikini hold up a glass of wine, but she never quite gets that her obsession with all that a jet-set life style offers, expensive food, wine, and luxurious vacations, is at complete ODDS with her stated humanitarian goals. She's schizophrenic in her outlook, and then acts all butt hurt when these obviously clashes cultures are pointed out to her.
Anonymous said…
Astute observations @WizardWench. One additional thought re this: "I wonder if she's ADHD because she can't ever seem to see the end game of her shenanigans." -- that's also a trait of the common narcissist, and while I can't diagnose the megster, she sure seems to possess copious amounts of NPD. Ditto for this: "she never quite gets that her obsession with all that a jet-set life style offers, expensive food, wine, and luxurious vacations, is at complete ODDS with her stated humanitarian goals. She's schizophrenic in her outlook..." and her delusions or accomplishment and grandeur and altruism, etc., etc., regularly result in the spectacles de merde and yet... and all that is common with the NPDer.
Mrs. F. said…
That's where my money is too. Unless an actual KING offers to wed her (hence all the doe eyes at William and Charles), she will stick with Harry until he tires of her. I was hoping he was tired already, but alas & alack - not yet.
EFarrell said…
To cut them off financially and strip them of their titles it must be framed in a different way than cutting and stripping. HM could announce that she admires Harry and Meghan’s ‘work’ so much and wants to honor them with the freedom to carry on their saving the world business. HM feels the most obvious way is to achieve this goal is to release them from their royal duties so that they can go forth and grift...I mean work. She might say that they only want privacy and being a part of the royal family will always be a burden to the duo and she doesn’t want to inflict that pressure on her beloved Harry Megs and Archie.
Anyway that’s how I would play it if I was queen.
SwampWoman said…
@ Hikari: Thanks for giving voice to what I was thinking. It appears to me that MM doesn't seem to want to spend the time to learn the intricacies of a new career. She doesn't want to start as a beginner, learn from others, and work her way up as she learns and advances. She wants to start at the top and tell people who have put in the years and time what to do. She does not pay attention to details as evidenced by those horrible pictures of her sloppy, unhemmed pants dragging the ground at public appearances. She doesn't understand how important those ignored details are.
SwampWoman said…
Do you think it is possible that she is decompensating? She seems to be having more and more difficulty keeping it together.
PaulaMP said…
I can't even post a sensible comment because I am laughing so hard at Archeficial and R Kelly. Ooh Lord ... Well, we keep seeing rumors that she has had to be picked up and dragged home in a state, so it's either drink, drugs or crazy
Anonymous said…
Megster doesn't like to limit herself to the confines of our mundane reality, so I'm guessing it was all three for her :)
Anonymous said…
By "decompensating" do you mean merde of the bat cray-cray?
SwampWoman said…
That would be it, Elle. She's losing the ability to hide her crazy. Whether it is natural or drug induced I couldn't say. Be a dear and ask LG while you're at the ball?
Anonymous said…
I'm sure LG won't say, but if it's both natural and drug induced, I'm sure to spot a special twinkle in his eye.
punkinseed said…
Sorry. Meant to write "Custom of the Country" about character Undine Spragg is free on Project Gutenberg.
donna nixon said…
Duchess Sarah kept the proceeds of her Budgie the Helicopter books because she had been cut off of the Royal Funding but still was expected to raise the little Princesses in a Royal fashion. Duchess Sarah went into great debt and had to find ways to pay it off.

I really like Duchess Sarah, as she has always apologized for her outgoing personality. The best thing is she now stays out of public but does live with Prince Andrew.
And taking another tip from Jackie O., she is probably being proactive and looking around for and possible Ari Onassis of her own once she's a single woman again. That's her best bet, I think.
KnitWit said…
I think she dressed better before they married.
Miss_Christina said…
Now THERE'S a stellar idea. Marry her off to Tom Cruise. Let Scientology do what apparently the BRF can't: manipulate, threaten, and blackmail MeAgain into silence.
KnitWit said…
Fergie's toe kissing photo was her undoing, or at least her last straw.

A post marriage sex tape with someone unsuitable, or several unsuitable persons might get Meg's exit papers. Maybe "couching" for couture?

Fraud or the truth about the baby/pillow shenanigans would hurt Harry's rep too.

What is up with him? Is he stupid? GAY? BI? On drugs?

What about the weight gain....pregnancy, fertility treatments, English cuisine, lack of coke Adderall or her diet aide of choice?

She could marry a Saudi royal or yacht until her celebrity value fades or someone throws her to the sharks whichever comes first.

She could do a prison term a la Martha Stewart for fraud, embezzlement or other such crime. Doubt she has the connections or the wits for insider trading.

Alternately, Harry could get caught with a woman or man giving her the chance to play the "wronged woman"

The royal press gurus may be holding some Sussex naughty bits for release to divert from Epstein/Andy revelations.

Who knows.
Miss_Christina said…
Unfortunately for her, I see Meghan in exactly the same state she's in now: continuing to bang her head into the brick wall known as global fame. She is totally incapable of change, insight, growth, or anything else. Whether she's a member of the royal family or the reality family, she will keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for outcome she wants. She will be eighty years old and still talking about how much she's loved the world over and batting her eyes at anyone with a smidge of pull or power. It's kind of sad really. Karma, but sad. Imagine living your life that way.
abbyh said…
Thank you all. a wonderful commentary by all. I like how you'll think. You add nuance.

I am still laughing at the Kelly book comment (snide and snarky can be such fun). A sad is the parenting skills> sigh. (the snark says: guess that wasn't the target market after all).

I think you are right in that the only stop can be something legal which ties up her money on lawyers defending her/gives PH an out (shame does not seem to exist on this corner of the universe).

And the Ball - Sounds like a fun evening. Wish I were there instead of here.

Catty said…
I don't believe Angelina was a A-lister before Brad - she was the weird actress slobbering all over Hollywood with Billy Bob - her go to magazine for interviews in those days was Us Magazine - she never had a Vanity Fair cover till Jen & Brad split & she was rumored to be the reason why. I also don't think it's a coincidence that all those Angelina loons have switched their loyalties to Meghan - same vicious bunch - they need to defend their idol from her enemy - in Angelina's case they made that enemy Jennifer Aniston & in Meghan's case they have made that enemy Kate. Same playbook exactly.
Anonymous said…
Angelina won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in 2000 and was starring in Laura Croft movies same time period, so while she was certainly more megastar during the Brad years, she had notable stardom prior.
Anonymous said…
Really, Liz Hurley? Huh, who knew. MM doesn't have that bod or a nice personality, but like I said before, maybe she can do day trips off the Florida keys. Lots of deep sea fisherman.
PaulaMP said…
LOL, nothing would shock me at this point
JenS said…
I agree with Elle that the BRF will have to absolutely ruin her first in order to eject her. I suspect fraud with her new for-profit "foundation" will be involved, but the dodgy business with Archieficial could pop up, too. She will be very hard to toss out, which is why it's taking so long. Immediately after her exodus, she'll flee to a SoHo House bolthole and lick her wounds for ten minutes. I think she's been planning for the inevitable royal exit for a while, so the lying low phase will be short. After all, she has never defined herself "by [her] relationship to a man."

Afterward? She will hit the ground running, especially eager to continue building her personal faux-humanitarian, woke-feminist brand. We should expect more of the World Vision poverty porn photo-ops, high-profile speaking engagements where she lectures the less-blessed and continues to tell lies, expensing everything and anything in the name of globetrotting "foundation" business, merching galore, and a resurrection of the Influencer Zombie from her Tig glory days. She will try to get as many deals as she can, from fashion to writing to creative endeavours. She will try to get voice-over roles in Disney films and may even try to direct or produce (utter disaster, although others will cover for her in order to lose less money). There will be sweetheart sponsorships with ultra-elite and expensive nonsense like the breathing retreats and gong-bathing idiocy we've already seen, plus vomit-inducing tosh we likely can't yet imagine.

Rather than a rich older husband, she'll find a hot, wealthy boy toy while still maintaining whatever relationship she has with MA on the sly. I am curious to see how she'll explain Archie away, though -- or maybe she thinks people will just forget if he's out of sight and out of mind long enough.

Any bets on whether she posts the redesigned rings back to Haz?
Kat said…
I do wonder what they'll do or say about Archie. They can only keep him hidden for so long. I mean they can only use a doll or borrow a kid before they need to find a permanent actor for the role of whatever they originally planned fell through. So is MM going to buy a fair-haired boy on the black market, or come up with a tragic end to Archie?
Whatever the original plan was I just can't imagine how this can play out without people questioning everything about this child.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if he went to Google Camp.
346NYC said…
Good catch Nutty. My instinct is telling me that Entry DID NOT make a mistake. I noticed in a few articles last week that the media used
the American actress Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. They omitted her title. I've also noticed the gloves are off in the press. The sharp knives coming for her are quite a show. I was laughing so hard reading an article where the author mentions Meghan meeting Beyonce and her acting career being a Deal or No Deal Model and her other part time gig on that cable TV Show. So funny. Did anyone see the photos they used of Markle in the Telegraph for her birthday? That was a clear F U from the BRF and media.
They used photos of her where she looks like a Goodyear Blimp.
I've never been one of these people who thought Meghan was unattractive.
Quite the opposite. She's an attractive woman and I don't agree with everyone ragging on her for her clothes all of the time. That being said, Meghan is the most UNATTRACTIVE woman in the world because she is ugly inside. Evil in fact. That's why I delight in her looking like she's Stay Puft Marshmallow Man because we all know she hates that. I suspect she's blown up because she stopped the nose candy for whatever reason.
Fuzzynavel said…
I think Meghan is at least planning her exit strategy. Harry may or may not know. I dont think it's in the charity sector. Her interests in empowerment and charity only extends to buzzwords to drum up attention. I know shes stated an interest in being a more global influencer. Think mega Tig2.0. Shes gonna get a mega settlement from the BRF to go quickly. But I dont think it'll be a quiet divorce. This girl has anger issues and shes going to drag them all with Harry's pillow talk giveaways. Her friends Marcus and Jessica will be there to guide, connect and influence. Theres supposed to be another shakeup coming, fall sometime. More unsettling than Vogue & Harry's screwups. Financial I've heard. Popcorn at the ready!
gabes_human said…
Good evening Nutty and company. After reading everyone’s what-ifs my head is spinning and I’m nearly speechless. Nearly but not quite. I’ve read some amazing options for dealing with MM’s sins and I agree that that the RF has realised that she must be totally ruined; either legally (shady foundation accounting) or be made to seem so morally reprehensible in the public eye that even if the grounds aren’t entirely up to royal code individually, added together they have the general populace and Mrs Jones ready to tar and feather her. The best way I see to do this is to reveal everything about the birth/manufacture of Archie. Until recently the segment of the population who believed that Archie isn’t ‘of the body’ was limited to a small group of tin-hatters. I’m ashamedly one of those who at first believed she was truly enciente. I argued with the Archificial conspiracy theorists. I took up for her when it was reported she wanted a home delivery. By the time I said that the protruding belly button reminded me of a camel toe I had seen enough big one day/gone the next, wobbling belly, belly falling to the thighs, squatting in heels with feet together squared off fake pregnancy photos to make me dig my tin hat out of its laFleur box and pin it on at a jaunty angle. I have given birth to four children; three at home so I know all too well what an expectant mum can do or not do first hand. I was like many of you at first in that I was sooo happy for Harry to finally find the right woman and hey, she’s an American too! I got up early to watch Charles and Diana marry. Two of my children are the same ages as Diana’s boys so I felt like I watched them grow up. I comforted my daughter when the news of the crash in Paris broke into our local television at 1:00.

So, by telling all the women worldwide-especially in the UK and US-of the hoax perpetrated by MM and Harry pertaining to Archie, MM will lose the support of every female I can think of. Harry will take some heat but he can say she sprung the fake pregnancy and prosthetic on him too and that since it was in public he was not in a position to call her out on it or that he started trying to get her the mental health she so desperately needs. He’ll be damaged by the fall-out but has enough family and PR support to be accepted again after a year in Africa.

Somehow I want to believe that HM and LG have a plan. I’m sure there is a lot going on behind the scenes that we’ll never know about. What did MM use to blackmail Harry into marriage? By the looks that DA sends her, he’s involved. DA and JE dealings/photos? Did JE rent her to DA? I’m pretty sure MA arranged for her to spend some time with Skippy before she ever met Harry. When he tried to warn Harry against the marriage, Harry iced him out. MM refused to let her new hubby associate with him so I guess that would have been awkward even for her.
Anonymous said…
Hi Gabe's human! I agree completely - ruined and then some is what it will take -- but I didn't realize that Fauxrchie could end it for the markle. I also agree re Harry, though I really want to snark him right now.

I agree re Skippy. I think Wills and Chas are probably the only two men in GB who haven't seen her bottom's up. But who are JE and DA?
Anonymous said…
And speaking of pregnant women, the other day I was at the drugstore and there was a very pregnant woman squatting down to look at bath salts on the bottom row. I could only see her from the side and had to stop myself from saying "EEEEK!! It can happen!" but just in time, I saw her stand up and she had been squatted with her legs apart, not together like the markle, and even though she looked in very good shape, I was glad that there was a stable shelf for support. Of course, I'm sure she wondered why I was so curious about her squatting and standing, but I just had to watch, and after that, I'd say it seems pretty unlikely that mm was able to squat legs together while that pregnant.
BigFanUSA said…
Stories of harry at camp Google giving a barefoot speech didn't even attempt to mention his wife or INFANT son and why they weren't with him on this days-long 5-star summit. Vogue is embarrassing. Rumors of Sussex "cut adrift." It's happening, it's over, Meghan will not be an HRH for much longer. Also, she's been 37 for the past 3 years. And can you believe the BELLY CUPPING CONTINUES in those insufferable vogue photos of her perusing racks of clothes?? Where's doria? Has Thomas met his grandson yet? I guess we're not supposed to wonder about that anymore because #VOGUE
Anonymous said…
Those Vogue photos are the worst. The claw, the claw!
Anonymous said…
Jen, I just like to think that once she's been tossed from the BRF, no one else will have her. She was never anything and the only reason anyone sucks up to her now is because she married to Harry. Once he's gone, she's back to the same predictable tripe she's always been.
Catty said…
I don't deny she had notable stardom but that doesn't mean she was on the A-list by any means & she was not - getting with Brad brought her up to the A-list & then right onto that pedestal she so loves to stand upon - quite like Meghan.
'We're a couple of shallow, materialistic hedonists who love to party and a baby would seriously cramp our style."
It appears that way. Excellent theories ^^^ I still can't believe this crazy train is still rolling along.
I love the Celt's YouTube videos, and when I heard her say they had been cut off by PC, I didnt know about the job postings on KP making no mention of them. Very interesting.
My guess is that if either of them are at Balmoral, it's going to be Hell in a Cell.
Girl with a Hat said…
it turns out that Meghan is copying once again - there already is a children's book about Meghan's beagle. It is called His Royal Dogness, Guy the Beagle: The Rebarkable True Story of Meghan Markle's Rescue Dog but it wasn't written by anyone close to Meghan. It came out at the time of Meghan and Harry's wedding.
SwampWoman said…
Hmmmmm. LG possibly being appointed ambassador to the US, people planning to storm Area 51 in September to look at the aliens, connection? Perhaps Donald Trump told the Queen "No, she's YOUR alien queen now, you deal with her!" and HM, with LG's assistance, is planning to smuggle the Duchess alien with the shapeshifting belly back to her people (along with the Vogue magazine issues).

Our national debt is really going to skyrocket if they all want Givenchy and Gucci, too.
Anonymous said…
Tomato/tomahto, I'm not arguing with you. Angelina was far more credible an actress and much more successful than mm. I never paid much attention to her before/during/after Brad.

There are photos on Charlatan Duchess of mm copying Angelina. She could only hope to be Angelina. And I'm no big Angelina fan, just saying mm is so much more of a wannabe/neverwas.
MXJ said…
@Hikari: I love reading your take on things. But...Seriously, I can't see the entire Royal Family going along with a pretend child? That really is tin hat territory.
MXJ said…
I am afraid I am now at the stage where I am thoroughly fed up with the entire Royal Family. Because they just do nothing, no, they actually ACTIVELY promote this woman and Harry. They signal their approval of what she does all the time! Just sit back a moment and count what they've put their seal of aproval on:
* casting aside your family as if they are dirt. And here I mean not just the Markles but also the black side of the family. Where were all the black aunties, uncles and cousins at the wedding?
* the message to young girls that it is OK to 'work' your way up the ladder via males the way Markle did.
* you can change your religion at the drop of a hat. Which sends the message that religion does not really mean anything at all.
* attending movie premieres and hobnobbing with vacuous celebrities are more worthy than attending memorial services for veterans.
* it is fine to sprout politics using public money whilst the public has no way to remove you from your 'office'.
* the environment is something that does not really need protection, it is only a fashionable cause to post about on your instagram feed.
* you're not allowed to criticise someone if they are not white, as that automatically makes you a racist.
* it is fine to treat people with disdain and contempt if you are lucky enough to have more money than they do.
* dogs can be cast away just like family members once they're not useful any more.

I can go on and on. But this is what the ENTIRE Royal Family is endorsing day by day by day. I'm done with the lot of them.
MXJ said…
Thanks for the book recommendation. Just downloaded it to my Kindle, can't wait to start reading!
MXJ said…
Completely off topic, but also not as you brought it up queen of the bees! Does anyone else think LG is HOT? I'd melt if he so much as looked my way...
Anonymous said…
Could it be all of that testosterone, MXJ? He's not "hot" in the traditional sense, but he has that confidence/intelligence factor aka BDE.
Anonymous said…

Their silence could be interpreted as approval, but if it were to be interpreted that way, wouldn't the BRF only remain silent if they wanted to signal approval *and* it was working effectively? I'd think that they would only continue with that tack if there were positive results.

But mm is a hot mess and there is no missing the mood of the public.

Because of that, and because these are well-advised, political infighters (even if they can't talk politics), I believe that they are letting MM ruin herself all by herself. Their silence is not approval but the perfect anecdote to the markle poison, and by 'perfect' I mean none at all, nothing to stop the poison. If the BRF went around shouting their disapproval and reigning mm in, then she would not be poisoning herself. The press and their op eds calling it out are not without silent support. As Americans, we're used to everyone speaking up and denouncing things, but we operate differently. I could be totally off here, but I believe the BRF is just allowing it to happen because this is what will kill mm and keep her dead -- it's the wooden stake as opposed to the garlic hung round the neck.
Aquagirl said…
@Hikari: I’m with you. I don’t think there is a baby. I do think they had a surrogate and she either changed her mind or Lord G. paid her to keep the baby. But where will it end? They can’t pretend forever. So they either have to continue their current rent-a-baby scenario, adopt a baby, or say that the baby died (which would be horrible but I do think MM is capable of that.)
Aquagirl said…
JE is Jeffrey Epstein. Idk who DA is.
Aquagirl said…
I still think there’s a strong possibility that she’ll wind up in jail for treason for messing with the line of succession. I don’t think they’ll just let her walk away.
gabes_human said…
Oops. Mea culpa. DE should be DA- Duke Andrew. My reasoning behind revealing all about Archificial would be the outrage of the Good upstanding mother’s around the world. How many hand crocheted/knitted booties and shawls do you imagine the mums of the Commonwealth sent the happy parents? Motherhood is seen by many to be a sacred estate. All the ‘real’ mothers will consider themselves slapped in the face. And, as we here on this board know, the ladies are a force to be reckoned with. The false birth announcement, fake feet photo, outrage at a christening that never really happened; this degree of deceit will push all the mums and,since they are the force behind the male half of the population, the men too to run her out of town on a rail.

A little off-topic but are we sure Randy Andy has never seen MM up close and personal? He seems to have an intense dislike of her so I wonder if their paths didn’t cross during his JE days. The looks he gives her are almost as cold as the daggers she stares at Kate. Personally, I think she has hit on all the men in the fam in her bid to sit on the throne. She all but drools when she looks at Wills.
gabes_human said…
JE= Jeffery Epstein. DA= duke Andrew.
gabes_human said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Yes, she's been photographed giving William the doe eye. Maybe she does it reflexively around any rich man but, if I were him, I'd be very, very wary about her machinations.
Tin Hatter said…
I need to believe there is a baby. I was thinking about this the other day at church. As a quasi-Anglican who very much loves the church, but struggles with the idea of HMTQ as the defender of the faith AND the fact that Welby seemingly supported the farce with the wedding and christening, if there is no baby, the fact that they went along with the lies jeopardizes the legitimacy of the church. You cannot be the highest ranking members of the church and go along with the christening of a doll.

So, for me, this isn't just about the legitimacy of the BRF, but the idea that supporting the lies is also de-legitimizing the authority of the church. I get that Britain is becoming increasingly secular, so this isn't an issue for most, but it's really troubling to me that church leaders would go along with this.
Tin Hatter said…
I agree that Meg is going to have to do something pretty horrible. So many of my US friends are total Meg stans, and they believe with their whole hearts that any negativity about Meg is racism. You can't argue with them because then you're a racist. Every magazine in the grocery checkout aisle is pro-Meg. It's kind of ridiculous that you can't say anything bad about her without being called a racist.

I'm hoping that the exit strategy involves her not being able to play the victim card, because that seems to be the one she plays the most. I think even if she set Parchie on fire, she'd find a way to gain sympathy for it.

Tin Hatter said…
This is what I think will be outcome, sad to say.
Tin Hatter said…
I agree that Enty didn't make a mistake. He's too deliberate in his word choice.
Avery said…
Very well put Hikari. Would also explain why no new staff is being hired. They would need to keep a tight lid on 'Farchie'.
Tin Hatter said…
And I should add, I am 1000% #teampillow. I don't think I could buy a real pregnancy unless I saw raw footage of the baby exiting MM's body. I just can't see church leaders supporting a christening of a doll.

I'm wondering if they kept the surrogate on as a nanny so she's basically raising the kid, only for Meg to trot it out when appropriate.
Anonymous said…
I've said many times that Andy and Skippee have probably both seen her bottoms up.
Ozmanda said…
I think to Sparkles, it is of utmost importance for her to have her title - I have said it elsewhere that I get the sense she will market herself in the similar way as Luanne Delesseps - build a brand and make money from her title. She is such a ego driven person that she will never do a ensemble "real housewives" thing and will pitch for her own reality show.

Ozmanda said…
MXJ - ME!!! I am ashamed to admit it but I would totally try one on Lord G and I don't even know why :)
Ozmanda said…
Elle - I think they may offer her a courtesy title to buy her compliance.
Anonymous said…
It will be wonderful then to see what HM and Lord G offer. Duchess Dumbarton is hard to top.
Ozmanda said…
My unproven theory is that she tried it on William and he rejected her like a bad dish. I wouldn't put it past her and I don't think he would tell his brother what happened but it fuels one of the many reasons why he cant stand her.
Ozmanda said…
I will bet money Andy has some dirt on Megs, whether he was a client or just knows those who were clients, it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Andrew comes across as someone who doesn't give a flying cahoots and will not hesitate to have the dirt "leaked" if pushed.

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 Not much appears to be going on. Living Legends came and went without fanfare ... what's the next event?   Super Bowl - Sunday February 11th?  Oscar's - March 10th?   In the mean time, some things are still rolling along in various starts and stops like Samantha's law suit. Or tax season is about to begin in the US.  The IRS just never goes away.  Nor do bills (utility, cable, mortgage, food, cars, security, landscape people, cleaning people, koi person and so on).  There's always another one.  Elsewhere others just continue to glide forward without a real hint of being disrupted by some news out of California.   That would be the new King and Queen or the Prince/Princess of Wales.   Yes there are health risks which seemed to come out of nowhere.  But.  The difference is that these people are calmly living their lives with minimal drama.  

Gosh It Is Quiet In Here

 There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know.  We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house.  And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal.   But the wording was kind of funny.  Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source.  It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...".  It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets.  Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again.  Or pictures of the awesome inside.  Or outside.  Or requisite ...

As Time Passes and We Get Older

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