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Open post: Meg and Harry's arrival in South Africa

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have touched down in South Africa with what appears to be a live, appropriately-sized baby.

Meg was carrying the child correctly, which suggests she has been practicing. She was photographed in a white blouse and white trousers, an unusual choice for a Mom with a messy baby in diapers, but we'll let that go for now.

Harry was his usual rumpled self in a grey wrinkled trousers with a large phone (or passports?) visible in the front pocket, plus those battered brown suede shoes he insists on wearing everywhere he goes.

What are your thoughts?


Nutty Flavor said…
One quick thought from me - "Archie" looks to be the correct size for 4.5 months, his age based a May 6 birthday, but he looks almost exactly the size he was in the photographs taken in July.

He hasn't grown at all in two months?
Beth said…
It would be interesting to see if facial recognition technology could be employed to see if it is the same baby that appears in the christening photos.
Royal Fan said…
I was thinking he actually looks smaller to me. It’s clearly a different child. Perhaps they’ve sourced a child for permanent adoption now that’s the proper age??
Royal Fan said…
I definitely think it’s without question a different child. Good question!!
Nutty Flavor said…
We had a commenter here - I believe her name was Kaye C? - whose husband was a pediatrician.

He looks at dozens of babies every day and has developed a skill for telling them apart, and he said the Christening photos featured two different babies.

Kaye C, if you're here, please have your husband check out this new baby as well!
Ava C said…
Hi Nutty - maybe Archie's having a rest after his massive growth spurt earlier (polo). All I can say at the moment is that this is a rather hole in the corner arrival. That's as we we expected since we've been told not to expect the trappings of state. But it's surely not what Megs signed up for. Compare it to Kate landing in Australia with baby George. That's what she would have wanted. Instead they look as rumpled and untidy as anyone else after a long flight. Oh wait ... maybe this isn't so different to a proper arrival for them anyway.
Royal Fan said…
I’m a physician who looks at babies. It’s a different baby.
Royal Fan said…
I’m an OB/Gyn to be specific
Royal Fan said…

Found this little gem!
Unknown said…
It looks certainly to be a different baby, and looks way older than 4 to 5 months old
Nutty, agree, Archie is being carried properly. The awful photos at the polo was horrid, he looked like he was about to slip out of her arms.

As per the ole DM.......She’s mimicked the white bobble hat like Harry wore as a baby.....whilst in Diana’s arms, disembarking a plane in Aberdeen.
hardyboys said…
I think she looks really happy and I knew there was always a real baby. That adopting twin baby girls sounds so real something so up their woke alley.
Girl with a Hat said…
there are no videos of their arrival, just still photos. And, no official reception ceremony. Very odd.

The DM shows photos of children doing a traditional dance. No other more official reception other than that.
Girl with a Hat said…
I think it also gives them coverage for the fact that Archie will not have a title and will be treated differently to other royal children. Because no one would expect adopted children to get titles, etc.
PaisleyGirl said…
@Royal Fan: How can you tell it's a different baby? I think his face looks different, but I'm not a professional. Also, Archie seems to be holding his head up very well for a four month old baby...
Mishi there is a video of them arriving, just saw it. It's not from up close but it's there.
Mom Mobile said…
Let the merching begin! That's why MM look$ $o happy. Also, I didn't realize it was so cold in SA this time of year?! Little Archie looks a little too bundled up given the occasion. Maybe it was cold in the plane?
Girl with a Hat said…
yes, he does look smaller.

Like her moonbump, which would shrink and grow in size, apparently, so does her child.
hardyboys said…
There is a video of her walking wearing a black and white dress with black wedge espadrilles. And the Sussex claw is in full action and so is the handholding just to meet some random lady also. She is deathly insecure that she will lose him and doesn't give a Flying fK what anyone says about holding his hand on national tours. Shes doing it. She is a total FK you kind of girl
Nutty, my thoughts exactly. The baby seems to be the right size. Now Im not a doctor, but I do have three babies in my immediate family all under 2 years, and I see all three several times weeks. My niece, now 2, has been staying with me for days on end since she was a few weeks old (her mum travels for work), so I think I'm sort of qualified to give a mum's verdict on the baby situation... And this farcicle display by the two irritates me no end. Feeding a baby, changing them, entertaining them is no easy task, so i get very irritated when I read that Archie is such a good, quiet, no fuss baby because honestly that's a myth! All babies are fussy, they are supposed to be.

That being said, I'm glad he is well clothed for Cape Town winter, it gets chilly there. He seems to have been styled like his dad, with the pom-pom hat. We've seen that pic of Diana and Harry in the birthday collage, seems that is the only reference that Mm has of Harry's baby days. Either that, or Kate's inherited all of the Will and Harry's hand-me-down baby clothes for her kids....just like she did all of Diana's good jewellary. Lol

Also, Meg's fillers seem to have settled in by now. Her face looks okish in the blurry pics.
It's wintertime in South Africa this time of the year. Cape Town does get quite cold. South African winter is much more tolerable and almost pleasant than summers. That's also possibly one of the reasons this tour has been planned for September. For reference, the weather is kinda like march/April in the UK, minus the rains.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's a story about them not wanting to be addressed by their titles. Are they practicing for when their titles are stripped from them? LOL
The Cat's Meow said…
Wow...thanks for that! Of course, twin carry on the feminist streak. Also, if HM have their "own" second child, and adopt twins....they now magically have the same large family as W+K (assuming Kate is indeed pregnant)....but theirs will have been done the "Woke Way."
The Cat's Meow said…
Am wondering why none of these babies ever move. However, if they are all borrowed...none of them probably every got comfortable with her. They might be too much in shock to move...
The Cat's Meow said…
If they are so down-to-earth and normal (ahem) why don't they change the name of their IG? And shoving those titles in our faces there LOL
Girl with a Hat said…
yea, I agree. "The Duke". LOL
Girl with a Hat said…
Alice, it's not wintertime. It's spring. Yesterday was the equinox.
Girl with a Hat said…
Alice, I agree. I just needed to mention the size of her feet! They are enormous! I cannot imagine what size she wears but in flats, you can truly appreciate the sheer size of them! I am 6 feet tall and I thought my feet were big, but they are just appropriately sized, and I still think mine look like skis. Hers outdo mine by several inches.
Unknown said…
They got their baby. Smug and defiant and so predictable. Pray for that child
The Cat's Meow said…
Mischi -- yes, very good point.
none said…
I'm at the point where I think they are both grifters sponging off the BRF and by extension the British people. And if there's any truth to the story about adopting twin girls, I expect them to be biracial. Checkmate.
Royal Fan said…
The entire baby is just different to me. I’m at work at the moment but I’ll try to put some exact physical traits later. From the face to the general makeup and composition of him, ie his limbs, fat distribution, nose etc He’s just a different child to me 🤷‍♀️
Archie is always held in the same way too, The only different pose was the christening one, where she’s sitting down with him on her lap.
Royal Fan said…
Yes I think he was adopted personally which makes me sad they didn’t feel like they could just come out and say it. The whole charade with the fake and stuff just makes me sad. Why not just say we’re adopting/using a surrogate? So much less stress on them??Especially since no title anyway!! I suppose it was so Archie could stay in the line of succession. There’s no other motive otherwise.
Royal Fan said…
Yes I think this may confirm that perhaps Kate is indeed pregnant and Meagain knows it.
Royal Fan said…
Sorry autocorrect changed “bump” to “and stuff” 😂😂
abbyh said…
Interesting points all around.

What I noticed was that the bobble hat, besides being a link to Diana, covers the baby's hair.
Royal Fan said…
@Mischi If they don’t want to be addressed by their titles, it’s not by choice. MM was signing “The Duke” like there’s only one. Were they stripped of their titles?? I can’t see her choosing to drop use of titles at all!! It’s not in her nature.
Emily said…
It was reported that there was to be no officials or fanfare to meet them. That being said, the fanfare is usually reserved for the reigning monarch and senior royals.
hardyboys said…
You dont think the baby has tufts of red hair ??
Louise said…
He actually appears to be smaller than he was on the visit to Uncle Elton.
none said…
I think the baby was born via surrogate and is not a redhead.
Louise said…
Agree with the previous comments that this child looks different. I noticed it immediately, but thought that it was just me...
Louise said…
I also thought that he is smaller than when he went to visit Uncle Elton.
Louise said…
It's currently 19 degrees C in Cape Town.
Louise said…
I noticed in the photos that she is not wearing her diamond engagement ring. This is so insulting to the people of South Africa and to an entire race... does she think that black people will steal it?
Louise said…
I also noticed that the baby is always in the same position, with face always turned to the same side.
Girl with a Hat said…
ha ha. She got herself into a mess with that one. Diamonds, of course, have a special history in South Africa, which is linked to apartheid and to racial abuse. So, she couldn't be seen to wear one. But, not wearing the diamond she is normally so proud of makes her look like she's afraid of being robbed.
Mom Mobile said…
Thanks @Alice. It's interesting how bundled Archie is in relation to his parents. I hadn't considered the weather, however, it's perfect for merching Fall children's clothes in North America.
Girl with a Hat said…
but they ordered a redhead! LOL
Louise said…
Since posting, I just saw a video of her giving a speech where she referred to herself as a "sister and woman of colour"... but a woman of a much lighter colour who doesn't trust the dark women to not pinch her diamond.
Girl with a Hat said…
Louise, he's smaller because of those weekends where he wasn't fed!
Mom Mobile said…
@RoyalFan I just wanted to say how much I admire your commitment to finding the truth! I love that you're sleuthing on the down low at work. Seriously. You are bringing joy to my life right now!
KnitWit said…
We know how she treats her sisters!

She may be a " woman if Cor", but she dances like a white girl.

Harry is going bald so fast! He needs some Tufts of red hair aka hair plugs

Perhaps his "vegan" diet is leaving him malnourished.
Louise said…
KnitWit: Two thoughts on the dancing- First, she has no rhythm. Second, I noticed further into the video (which I saw on the Sun's website), she is asked to hold hands with little boys dancing in a circle.. she looks back at Harry (or her security) as if to say, "Get me out of here". I don't think she realized that she was being filmed at that moment.

That tells me all I need to know about how she really feels about her black sisters and brothers.

Louise said…
Heh, heh, Mischi.. good one.
Girl with a Hat said…
Louise, you would think that someone who studied drama would know how to dance. Being comfortable in your body is a requirement of being an accomplished actor. The only rhythm she seems to have is the one required to simulate a BJ.

The baby I like 4 months old!! How can it have red hair?! It would have to be baby blonde for now.

Is it just me though, or does any one else think it looks exactly like baby Harry from Diana's 'coming down the airplane' photo???
Marie said…
Probably the way she holds him; the baby has no choice but to hold his face to the same side. She's starting the control early :D
Marie said…
Or teaching him how to mug for the cameras with the best side of your face early hehe.
Marie said…
I think dropping the titles shows how comfortable she is in Africa, like I'm so better than you I don't need to signal it and want to show everyone how compassionate I am towards the poor.

But back home, I think she requires the titles on Insta and in official events because she's insecure around people she perceives with status and needs to elevate herself above them.
Marie said…
Oh the WOC thing... ::eye roll:: she identified as bi-racial for her entire life recognizing both her white and black roots, joined a white sorority instead of a historically black one, never dated a man of color, never used her platform to "shine a light" on issues and movements for black Americans... Now suddenly she only has a black mother, has a gospel choir despite never going to a African-American church and chose a black cellist who probably considers himself a classical cellist foremost and not a virtue-signalling prop for a lady to get back into her black roots, calls herself a WOC and a sister in Africa. The hypocrisy and ability to twist the narrative is sickening.
NeutralObserver said…
Quick comment on DM photos. Nutty, you nailed it when you said Megs wanted photos with beautiful happy African youngsters.. It looks like she's been reading the fashion tips on this blog, because her dress was much more becoming to her new, more zaftig, figure. The baby is Sooooooo much smaller than the polo baby or the baby in the Uncle Eltie private plane pics. So odd. My instinct says she's acquired yet another infant to display. Still no clear view of his tiny face. He holds his head up very comfortably, which could mean that he's an older infant who's just naturally small for his age. What kind of parents would rent their infant out for a trip to Africa, with all of the attendant immunizations that he would need? Is the 'nanny' the real mom? Meg's looks appropriately attired, but she's still not convincing me she ever gave birth to, & has a real infant. Bless those poor little just for show babies.
NeutralObserver said…
Mischi, you're so right about Meg's outsize hands & feet. It was especially noticeable when she was much thinner. I think that might partly be the reason people began referring to her 'claw.' My hands & feet are bigger than they should be for my frame as well, so I noticed that. ( I've never had the inclination or opportunity to pose like a fashion model in glamour shots, so probably people wouldn't notice them in photos of me.) Megs like me, seems to have parents & relatives of different sizes. I've always thought I got my big hands & feet from my much taller grandmother. I think Megs looks pretty good in the Africa photos. I'm sure they'll go over big here in the US, which is really into the SJW stuff, & not so dialed in on whether baby is real or not. If it's ever revealed that Archie is not who he seems to be, I think it will be hugely damaging to the BRF. That maybe why they seem to be standing idly by.
Girl with a Hat said…
She is trying to copy Kate with the open mouth laughter while she is dancing. We all know that in real life, Meghan doesn't want to be touched by anyone.
AnnaK said…
CNN going crazy about The Worlds No 1 Couple and ‘ Prince Archie’s visit!
QueenWhitby said…
@Royalfan can you comment as to the safety and advisability of Archie at four months old undergoing the vax schedule required for South Africa?
Ugh, is MM calling herself "a woman of colour" now? THE same woman who put "Caucasian" on her resume?! I doesn't matter whatever it is, this woman will say & do ANYTHING to stay relevant, trendy & "now". Reminds me of Kim Kardashian - just watched the start of the new season of that in UK & my gawd, that woman is desperate 😂😂😂 BTW, was reading a few blogs about the "pub photo's" & the general consensus seems to be that baby looks about 7 month's if not bit older.

Interesting that a few commentators here think it's definitely a different baby 😲👶 I can't tell as the pics are blurry 😏 how convenient, but I will take a closer look if there's any more. Maybe that's why we've not seen many pics at all because MM knows they'll be commented on. Wish the Harkles, "their" child & any other's they may get their hands on would just retire quietly somewhere, so over their unecessary antics & drama 🙅‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Hikari said…

I seem to recall reading at the time of the wedding that the young man playing the cello was actually invited to perform by Charles, as he had been a scholarship recipient from the Prince's Trust . . . the Prince's Trust, which Charles set up when he was in his 20s (much younger than Harry is now) will be his legacy as Prince of Wales and I don't think he will be able to do anything as sovereign to top it.

In my opinion, the cellist was the highlight of that Wedding Show.

I also recall reading to the effect that Bishop Curry and the gospel choir were also arranged by Charles--perhaps at Meg's directive that she wanted the ceremony to be full of black faces to offset the lily-white guest contingent, except for Serena Williams and the SS Oprah. It would seem counter-intuitive that Charles would have more contacts in the African-American community than Smegs does, but are we truly surprised? Charles has been travelling widely all over the globe since he was 21 years old . . he knows a lot of people in surprising circles. Whether he personally knew Jeffrey Epstein is up for debate, but I rather think not. Chas was unfaithful to Diana with Camilla but apart from his desire to be Cam's tampon once upon a time, there's no sexual or financial perversion attaching to Charles.
Lurking said…
Look at the faces of the women behind her...

@Royal Fan, the wonders of autocorrect! It almost always manages to still make sense, just more creative. 😂😳
Humor Me said…
I agree with Marie: she has "found herself" as a wife, mother, "woman of color" and sister when she spent the past years apparently in the company of caucasian people. O the struggle! This woman's hypocrisy knows no bounds.
@Hikari, Bishop Curry was personally invited by the Archbishop of Canterbury, not Prince Charles. I saw a background documentary about the wedding where the archbishop spoke about it. The gospel choir, I’m unsure whether it was Charles or Meghan herself who invited them.🤗
@Lurking, they look less than impressed. 🙄
Girl with a Hat said…
she's changed into her 3rd outfit of the day. A belted turquoise shirt dress that actually looks good on her. She wore black wedges and let her hair down.
Hikari said…
Sigh . . .More shenanigans with the mysterious Archie.

A few observations from the photos; clips I saw:

1. For the size of the press corps, that from the looks of it took up an entire jumbo jet by themselves, *these* were the best shots that anyone could get?

2. The child known as Archie seems to be quite a bit older than only 4.5 months. More like 6 months. Also, the little tyke is bundled to within an inch of his life. While conceding that it might have been nippy in the morning when they landed, a winter jacket and long pants seems like a bit of overkill. The white pom-pom hat was a blatant homage to the shot of Harry and Diana selected for the IG. Diana and her baby son were disembarking in Aberdeen. Probably in the winter. If the idea was to merch winter baby clothes for TigTots, it'd sure help if anybody could see him properly. Somebody run over to Meghan's Mirror and see if the white pom hat and any others of Archie's duds are up yet!

3. This child at least seemed alive, unlike the prop baby used at the polo or the WTF?? staged 'pub lunch' pics just posted over the weekend. Do they really think we are all complete morons who are sight-impaired? The entire place was deserted, apart from some people in the foreground who were probably the RPOs. They seriously expect us to believe that that's how a very popular pub looks on a Sunday Bank Holiday weekend. Consider how deserted the best restaurants in your area are at lunchtime on a Labor Day weekend Sunday. The kid's shiny head and inert posture with face turned away from camera was identical to the polo kid. Those pics are about as clear as the ones we got of H.& M. disembarking this morning.

4. I will concede that Meg actually looked nice, and situationally appropriate in the black and white dress, which is a South African label. It's a bit more forgiving than the rest of her recent get-ups, but there's no sign of the Puffy Meg of the large caboose we saw at Wimbledon and even just a few days ago at the Nonoo wedding. Can she inflate and deflate herself at will, too?

5. I can't really say if it's a different Archie. He looks similar to the other photos we've seen, taking into account that he's older and it's a faraway shot. But I still have such a bad feeling in my gut that some kind of monstrous fraud/baby shell game is in progress. Why does she allow him to be seen today (albeit not very well) but not at any other time since the christening?
SwampWoman said…
Mischi, I wear size 10 (U.S.), 41/42 European size shoes, but I'm 5'9" (175.26 cm) tall. Maybe those pointy toes on those shoes are stuffed with wool so her toes won't be so cramped? Regardless, her feet look to be about the same size as my 6'3" (190.5 cm) 15-year-old grandson's, size 15 U.S., size 49 European.
Girl with a Hat said…
best comment so far about the "royals" visiting SA:

Drag queen

“I’m excited to welcome my fellow royals, the duke and duchess, to sunny SA.”

p.s. home sick with vertigo again so I will be posting a lot. LOL
SwampWoman said…
ROFL, of course! Those weekends without Mummy or Daddy to feed him affected his growth and made him actually shrink!
CookieShark said…
It didn't take long. First day of the tour and she is already pontificating.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, my gracious, Louise. We put snowsuits on infants at dangerously low temperatures like that (grin).
Hikari said…
Interesting, Louise. It appears that the Archbishop will go to any lengths, including teleporting himself from York, to cater to the Duchess of Sussex.

Meg's got hustle, as we all know by now, and so it's possible that she could have found a gospel choir to import for the occasion by working the phones and the SM. She left the viewers with the (intentional, I'm sure) impression that Bishop Curry was *her* longtime pastor and spiritual advisor and the choir was comprised of people she knew well, from her own church tradition. Even though she attended a Catholic girls' school in LA. Maybe she visited Bishop Curry's church and choir while a student at Northwestern? That's the spin Meg would put on it, anyways.

Well, Marie and I were both half-right: somebody other than Meg arranged for the African-American entertainment at the Corpse Bride wedding. 'Entertainment' is the only word I can use, because it certainly wasn't sacred.
Girl with a Hat said…
I checked on Meghan's Mirror and the dress is supposedly sold out.

I saw something else interesting while I was over there - they have excerpts from the Tig, which she copyrighted, trademarked, etc. So, either they are paying her for the right to use, or she is definitely running the site.

They don't have a baby section.

I thought this was hilarious. You remember when she looked like an unkept mess at the polo with her green tent dress? That look is available under "polo style" at the web site.

And what a strange name for a web site. It's called Meghan's Mirror but we all can see that she doesn't own a mirror.
SwampWoman said…
I have to say that it is the best dressed in public that she's been in awhile.
EFarrell said…
I find it interesting that Harry is never seen holding him. I think that’s very unusual. I always had my kids dad holding our babies because I was a stay at home mom and when he was home from work, I felt it was important for him to hold and bond. It will be interesting to see if Harry ever gets a chance to hold the doll...oops I mean archie!
Mishi hope you feel better soon. xoxo

In all fairness though, love, all the eyerolling from looking at Meg won't do your virtigo any good. You best stay away from listening to her full speech.
hardyboys said…
Is she wearing extensions bc her hair looks stunning! That dress looks good k her too. The crowds are cheering
EFarrell said…
I can’t believe I’m going to defend Meg, but she and I are both from Los Angeles and if the temp drops below 70, we all bundle up and complain it’s freezing out!
Maybe the plane was cool and she wanted him layered so he could be comfortable in any climate. I’m giving her huge benefit of the doubt right now.
Hikari said…
"Smug & Defiant" are my new nicknames for them, so thank you!

At this point I do not want them to have custody of Archie. He will be messed up for life. Can the world cope with someone who's got the worst traits of both his parents? Not to mention, his life will be hell, with a domineering narcissistic mother and a weak, hedonist father with possible addiction issues. Who is taking care of Archie while his 'parents' gallivant 'round the world?

Now they are saying they are going to get their hooks into 'twin girls'? Lord help them and us all.
Hikari said…
>>>And what a strange name for a web site. It's called Meghan's Mirror but we all can see that she doesn't own a mirror

So very true. Though her 'celebrity hairstylist' traveling with them seems to have tamed her rats' nest for the time being. He must have extensive experience of wig care.

The TigTots is her next hustle as soon as she can get the Tig back up and running. She'll save up all of Archie's looks and those of the 'twin girls' for then.

I forgot one for my list above:

6. White girls really CAN'T dance. (I should know; I am one . . and based on her dance moves, so is Meghan. Is it the Catholic school influence? hahaha)

Really for someone who studied yoga since she was a preteen and has had movement classes in college, and supposedly made a living as a model, MM has a very awkward body language. She can barely walk in her shoes. I think for people with mental disorders, there is a disconnect between their brains and bodies. I see it in her. Though she looks better today than she has for the last year. But we're just gettin' started, so we shall see what horrors await us over the next nine days.
Hikari said…
Everyone in the crowd probably received a bag of food to ensure that they cheered. Apparently the ladies snapped watching MM dance with the little boy didn't get the memo that they were supposed to be cheering. They both look like they are wishing an evil curse upon her.

As for her hair, I would hope that the celebrity hair guru she has traveling with her knows how to do wigs. Megs only looks a real mess when she is responsible for putting herself together. For somebody who's spent nearly 2 decades around show business, she doesn't seem to have picked up many makeup or hair tricks for herself.

But she did look nice today. If only this 'happy families' presentation of today jibed with anything we've been seeing for the last 12 months, I could buy it better.
NeutralObserver said…
She also lived for several years in sub-tropical Chicago while in college, & balmy Toronto while filming Suits.
Louise said…
If you look at her older photos, pre Harry, her hair was much thinner. She always wears hair extensions and wigs now.
Hikari said…
I noticed the engagement ring was off, too.

It was probably pointed out to her that to leave it off would show more sensitivity to her audience. Not just because of the conflict diamonds situation but because it would have looked provocatively flashy in such a poor area. Not down to theft concerns so much as the 'optics' of not appearing to be too ostentatious with the Crown wealth. Her attire was much more simple than anything she wore in Morocco, for example.

There would be insurance concerns, too, yes. Stuff gets lost during travel, and the concern would be less for the members of the public at engagements than loss in transit, or perhaps hotel staff. Celebrities get robbed in places not South Africa, too. Just ask Kim Kardashian.

Feelings are running high and the BRF is a symbol of centuries of supremacist oppression for these people. No point in throwing more petrel on the flames.

I would not travel with my most expensive, precious pieces, either.
Louise said…
Mischi: A lot of the dresses on the Miyamiko site are sold out. I suspect that they make limited editions of all their dresses so has not to have to finance large inventories, and that many dresses have been sold out for some time.
Hikari said…
12-year-old Meghan certainly did not have thin hair. I wonder if a bunch of it fell out due to caustic straighteners.
NeutralObserver said…
She's also managed to scrape back those loose tendrils of hair we all find so irritating. I'm telling you, she's reading this blog for beauty & fashion advice. Didn't look at the photos long enough to tell whether she's blacking up with the bronzer. That might not fly in SA.
Girl with a Hat said…
Alice, you made me laugh so hard. Yes, you're right. I should limit my intake of Meghan PR. Too sweet as well.
Louise said…
Hikari: Markle didn't seem to care about ostentatious clothing when she wore Givenchy and $800 stilettos on her first visit to Smart Works.
Girl with a Hat said…
her hair looks better, but only because they used a half barrel of oil on it.
Catty said…
My cousin is a redhead & he had red hair from birth - never was blonde always red.
Hands and feet tend to swell up with air travel. Plus she flew commercial. Plus the rate at which they are attending events today they are likely changing with a ticking clock inside their cars. lol.. that's why she took the ring off.

(Or maybe she is getting the ring refitted with a much larger authentic bespoke diamond as big as an avocado while in Cape Town... cz you know, de beers!! )
Felicia said…
I want to know....where did she get the boobs???

She’s never had them before, other than the ill-fitting bolt-ons she carted around during her suitcase days.

And it’s not like she’s breastfeeding Darren or any of the day player rent-a-tots she occasionally merches with.
Nelo said…
This tour won't be any different from when Theresa May, Prince Charles and Camilla came to Nigeria. Nothing special. Please how do non Africans describe a tour that's a hit? I don't really know cos when Charles and Camilla came to Nigeria, there wasn't anything spectacular. Besides those who work in the media, the ordinary man on the streets had no idea who he was. I keep trying to explain to non Africans that the royals are not as popular as they think. If you go through the number one trending topic in the last one hour in SA, you will see that even though royal visit is trending, the hashtag is being trended by the reporters and the media that went with them. It's not from South Africans themselves. From what I see, South Africans seem to be indifferent.
NeutralObserver said…
When Megs first began to show serious signs of wanting to leverage her new found fame as a royal to merch her way to wealth, I assumed that she wanted to be another Gwyneth Paltrow, & tell wealthy yummy mummies how to spend their hubbies' money. Now I think she might either have a two-pronged strategy or just one entirely different plan for 'global dominance.' Now I think that just as Hollywood moguls aim all of their movies at teenage boys in China, Megs might be planning to market a whole 's**tload of dreck to impoverished young women in Africa. Her Marks & Spencer 'range' might be enlarged & then marketed & mass produced & sold in African countries, & she might have a line of baby stuff in the works as well. She could have two lines of attack, focusing on different socio-economic groups as well as different geographical regions. Ambitious, but hard to pull off, as many retail companies can tell you.
@Mischi, do you suffer from Meinere’s Disease? I do and it’s horrid! Vertigo of any kind is nasty and I hope you feel better very soon. ☺️
Hikari said…

I agree . . though that was very early on in her visiting of patronages. She was *very* dressed down the last time we saw her there, looking manic and stoned--when the women weren't supposed to look at her in her eyes. She had on jeans and what looked to be a crumpled shirt of Harry's, hanging out. Classic signs of being under the influence, I think. Can't remember if she wore rings or not.

As Alice pointed out, she may have removed it because it was uncomfortable. Or, there is the chance that she is finally taking some advice about the optics (to use a favorite word of Meg's that I detest personally) of what she wears. Maybe even she can grasp that poor African women don't care about her diamonds and in any case they wouldn't be a suitable audience.

Meg is not known for doing sensible things, but leaving the ring at home safe in London would be the sensible thing to do, even with any whiff of political correctness optics removed. One less thing to worry about. 'Archie' might swallow it and all . . .
Girl with a Hat said…
Louise, no, I don't think so. I have issues with my neck and I get pinched nervesve which can cause feelings of vertigo and spaciness. I feel for you. I know Meniere's is very unpleasant. Thank you for your concern.
Louise said…
I think that she is wearing a push up bra +/- taping. The roundness of her cleavage is unnatural in someone who has/is breastfeeding and is 40 years old.

The perfect roundness reminds me of the butt pads that she wore to the Smart Works clothing launch.
Going by photos so far, the SA’s seem very indifferent. Probably more so at the moment when they have far more pressing concerns than these two turning up.
Girl with a Hat said…
Neutral, you're probably right. There are a lot of very well off Africans. I met a lot doing their schooling in Switzerland. We tend to think of Africans as poor, but there's a very large and growing population of middle and upper class people.
Louise said…

Her hair without extensions/wig
NeutralObserver said…
Looks like she's back on the bronzers & mop/top wigs. My guess is she's lost a lot of the adorable curly hair she had a child because of her long time use of straighteners & hair extensions. When will we women learn not to endanger our appearance & even health in the name of 'beauty?'
Anyhow, as for describing the tour as a hit, SS the Sussex’s PR firm might be behind the syrupy coverage. The comments on the DM site are all moderated (I haven’t checked other newspapers), but they obviously don’t want to see or hear any yet. Force feed propaganda in hope the plebs buy it. 🙄
@Louise, goodness, you really can tell the difference! She looks groomed and her hair style/look really suits her. I had no idea about her wigs, extensions till I came to Nutty’s place!
NeutralObserver said…
Hikari, judging by the way others in the photos are dressed, little Archie looks too heavily bundled. I think she's preventing people from getting a look at Archie's face & head. Is he bald? (Polo & private plane baby). Does he have soft brown fuzz? (Christening baby). Red tufts? (Imaginary pr baby). Which is it? My babies were born with full heads of hair, which they partly lost, but they never had the completely bald look of polo baby. (That's an adorable look for babies too.) My kids also had always had the same color of hair throughout babyhood. The gradual darkening from blond to brunette happens later. Wasn't Harry's hair red from birth? I also think that she's persisting in her 'I can be Diana 2.0' delusion. That photo if Harry in the little white hat being carried by Diana was taken in Aberdeen, Scotland, & judging by Diana's outfit, in the fall. Probably more 50 degree weather than the 60 degree weather reported in Meg's SA disembarking

The reason I'm so certain the SA baby is a lot smaller, is that even with all of his layers of clothing, Megs is carrying him comfortably. She's able to get her arms around the whole baby bundle easily. The reason that the polo pics were so alarming & the baby looked so precarious, was that poor giant baby was too large for Megs to hold comfortably. That baby looked almost as big as 8-9 month old George did on his Australia trip! Take a look at adorable George in Oz being held by one or the other of his parents. Polo baby was of comparable size.
NeutralObserver said…
Mischi, so sorry to hear of your health issues. I hope you can find a safe & effective path to better health. I believe you posted somewhere that you're in your thirties or forties, so to me, a mere child. Wait til you're as ancient as I am! I have a 'team' of doctors, pulmonary, cardiologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, & yes, the dreaded oncologist. DON'T feel sorry for me though. I've had a great & fun life, much better than I deserve. LOL. Sometimes I do wish I could accomplish a lot more, but am still very happy to be alive!
Marie said…
@Hikari thanks for the info! I agree with you, the cellist was definitely the best part of the "show".
Catty said…
This Irish Catholic girl can dance her ass off - most of my family are great dancers. Meghan just looks extremely uncomfortable - not a good look.
Catty said…
There were not a lot of people lined up when they were walking down the street I assume to the museum - single file only & plenty of space for others to stand right up against the rails.
Jen said…
Not a flattering photo of her.
Avery said…
How can you tell with the 'quality' of the photos. Good lord! I don't think the picture taker could have accomplished a blurrier photo if they'd rubbed vaseline on the lens. It's so very ridiculous. If we never get the truth about Archie, I'm going to be pissed. I need closure! lol!
Hikari said…

No offense to any of the light-complected gals here who can bust a move. I was making a joke, though I am the last person to criticize anyone's dancing. Kramer moves better than me. :)

It's just odd how uncomfortable Meghan actually appears before the camera . . or I should rather say awkward, considering how she hunts them down like a heat-seeking missile and seems in her element soaking up the attention. I just can't believe she's happy with the footage once she sees it. For someone who achieved a modicum of success in her industry, she's incredibly graceless. We all expected her to have such a huge advantage over Kate in the area of media relations and public speaking, given her background. But I'm increasingly convinced that she failed out of drama school at Northwestern . . where are the cap and gown photos? . . .we've got grad pics of Kate & William . . . and got the modest jobs in the industry she got due to the good old fashioned casting couch . .or floor, in her case. She doesn't even qualify as moderately talented compared to her peers in the acting business but she must toss one hell of a salad.

Do we really suppose Harry kisses that mouth? If he knows what we know . . how could he?
Girl with a Hat said…
Neutral, thank you. I hope you're around for a long time.
Nothing serious. I have a very strong constitution. Just my neck acts up from time to time.
Catty said…
I was just teasing back :) I'm always surprised at how uncomfortable she is when she is not in her element - she's like a child constantly looking for & grabbing their parent - weren't we told how she would shine in these moments? All I ever see is that she wants to get the hell outta there just like in that market place in Fiji.
Lilian said…
I'm 5'5", size 39.5/40 shoes and sneakers. Long feet, and they're narrow so it definitely looks odd if one was to fixate on my feet :-) I have a short torso and long limbs, so yes, definitely different-looking. We can't all help how we look, now can we?
As for babies, no two are alike. And "...all babies are fussy..." is a rather sweeping generalization. My first was definitely big - 10lbs. at birth - and he would qualify as 'fussy' but that was just the colic and delicate digestive system causing havoc. He's 11, and very laid-back. My next was just as big, but was literally the quietest child ever. Slept through the night beginning at six weeks, nursed like a champ (his brother didn't have the patience), and made us think that we'd won the baby lotto after his brother.
*and I nannied through college to pay bills and buy food. Watched a lot of babies and toddlers before having my own. Just sayin' that doesn't give me the creds to tell anyone how old a baby 'looks' based on a fuzzy photo. Features change, etc., so why this looks like a 'different' baby is probably due to that.
Catty said…
Awww feel better Mischi - I had vertigo once & it was awful - I feel for you.
CookieShark said…
@ Hikari, I suspect MM is comfortable with the camera when she can control the process. DM ran a story this AM about her Suits colleague posting "unseen" photos of MM to his Instagram. She is posing for all of them. Of course they were released today, for what I suspect is maximum PR for her.

Not as easily manufactured or controlled are the opinions of the people she is talking to when she pontificates as she did today in SA. At Smart Works she had an advantage; she did have her lifestyle blog so she can speak in a convincing way about fashion, etc. But again, what are her credentials for talking to SA women about gender violence? There has to be an element of feeling like an imposter at such an event, and I suspect she does.

Narcissistic individuals expect to be appreciated simply for existing. They believe their own delusions of grandeur. They are used to being able to "convince" others of their qualifications (another poster has mentioned the "love-bombing" they often engage in). MM's family has been cut off and frozen out, because they have questioned some of the things she claims. Narcissists don't expect to be questioned. People who question or fail to be "love-bombed" (William comes to mind) are the ones who get discarded or lashed out against by the narcissist.

You made me laugh at the Archbishop teleporting himself from York to cater to Murky! 😂 He’s a funny little man.

I thought Bishop Curry was one of memorable moments of the entire wedding...for all the wrong reasons. 😳 The Queen didn’t look amused throughout the entire service though.

How the last 18 months have unfolded, does she wonder what she unleashed upon the British public, and I wonder whether she regrets any of it?
Girl with a Hat said…
Lilian, Meghan's feet are much, much bigger than that. I wear a size 40 and I am 6 feet tall, and her feet are much longer than mine.

I think there is something wrong with her, in terms of health. She has that manly jaw and hands, and the huge feet. Like half as long as they should be.

We can't help what we look like, but we don't also spend 10k on a frock to make us look good. And over a million in one year. And pretend to be a fashion icon when we're just a regular person.

As for the baby, I think a majority disagree with you. It's a different baby.
NeutralObserver said…
Nutty, I hope the sugars aren't onto this blog. I don't want your serene space to be roiled, or even worse, for you to stop blogging ; - ).
Girl with a Hat said…
royals wearing butt pads. What have we come to?
Girl with a Hat said…
Over on twitter, someone said that they went over to Buckingham Palace's facebook and website pages and saw nothing wrt to Harry and Meghan's South African tour!
NeutralObserver said…
@Lilian: The only reason there is any discussion of whose, when, why, what this baby is, is because Megs & what's his name haven't allowed any clear, complete photos of him except for the cute little baby in the christening photo, who had a dusting of fine dark hair, & suspiciously good head control for a 2 month old. She's released press reports saying the baby had 'tufts of red hair.' The blurry photos of babies subsequent to the baptismal one were bald & very large. The SA baby is obviously daintier & better proportioned than baby Gargantua. You mention that you've taken care of lots of babies. It's been my experience that those who care for other's children have a 'if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all' attitude. So maybe you don't obsess over little things like others might.

The only reason that anyone remarks on Meg's appearance is that she has been inundating the web with photos of herself for many years, & seems to have made a career based on being 'hot' in the conventional Hollywood sense. I think she even played a small role where that was what she was called, 'the hot girl.' Her hands & feet would probably not be remarked upon if she didn't so conspicuously place her hands on other people & into the frame of photos she's seen in, & if she didn't wear extremely high heeled, conspicuous & very pricy shoes while she's 'shining a light' on impoverished & disadvantaged women. I'm just sayin'.
Lilian said…
She probably wears shoes that are a half size too big because she's trying to avoid bunions and/or corns. People do that all the time. Google 'Claudia Jordan' - she's talked a mile about how she's paying the price for wearing true-to-size heels during her pageant/modeling days.
"...we don't also spend 10k on a frock to make us look good. And over a million in one year..." - well, that just means we're choosing what to spend money on, yes? She's getting clothes. *shrugs in Kanye*
I think we're all (supporters and detractors alike) foisting our own notions about what kind of a person she is. Fair or not.
As for the child, I (once again) dig my heels. Babies morph all the time. Mine did, my siblings born years after I was did, and my years of nannying tell me so.
I'm trying to understand how *following normal logic* she's out here posing with a doll, or someone else's child for appearances - and all the logistical nightmares that would pose - for what reason again? To troll the public and the Royal Family, and to what end? If she's craving attention as much as we all say she is, wouldn't this be an absolutely WRONG way to go about it? And isn't it the absolute WORST, LEAST FOOL-PROOF idea ever?
Again - not to be a contrarian, but I don't get it. We all have our thoughts on this topic, I guess. :-)
Hikari said…
Maybe because it's not actually 'official'? Once HM got wind of the 'paid appearances' scheme, she has withdrawn her support, and H. and M. are more or less there for a working holiday to promote 'Sussex Royal'. This is only conjecture on my part, but it may very well be that Harry and Meghan are well and truly out. Just that this fact isn't being publicized. A long game called Starve the Markle.

The world press corps does not seem to have been informed, based on the truly sicky making press contingent assembled for this exercise in cluelessness.

Harry's portion of the tour may be official, but Megs is not invited along on those portions. Just like the jewelry box, Megs has screwed herself out of being an official royal. It's being packaged for our consumption, but she's on her own. Hence the tacky capsule collection, the equally tacky magazine, the horrific dress at Missy No-No's wedding, the private flights, the fake pub lunch . . HM is not intervening because she's already washed her hands of the Dumbarton Duo.

Somebody said they wondered if Harry was carrying passports in his pocket. Maybe not . . but perhaps the privilege of travelling without a passport is something which Ma'am has revoked, along with the privy purse funding and housing? They are dancing in front of our plebian eyes and putting on a frantic show, but what if there's nothing actually supporting them any more?

Given that it is downright dangerous to be undertaking this tour given the political unrest and the historically low popularity of the BRF at the moment just further making things even more incendiary--I was amazed that this trip went forward. Presumably if Her Maj cared what the Dumbartons did with themselves or their alleged 7th in line to her throne, she'd have rescheduled this visit, or chosen a less fraught region. Not a peep about the ongoing need in the Commonwealth nation of Bahamas has been heard from BP beyond the initial statement, do we notice this?
There's nothing so far on the BRF insta page either, although they might post something by tomorrow. But for now it seems that it's not being given any special attention and they are very much being treated as minor royals. Then again, they might be wait for the official pictures and reports from the official royal photographers, as opposed to relying on whoever is handling the SR page.

As for the supposed paid engagements, I won't put it past them, but it's going to be tricky getting someone to pay them to speak while on a Royal tour. Maybe they'll ask for donations for their foundation, a la Disney and lion king. I'm sure it will happen in some way, somehow, just rains to be seen when and where...
@Catty, 100% agree.

Redhead’s are born red heads, never blonde. It just changes shades as they grow older. Trust me I know.
hardyboys said…
Hi Lillian I totally agree with you and the fake baby surrogate baby rumours. Maybe I'm too much like Spock but I cant see why someone would carry off a harder task of wearing fake tummies (which how come no one on amazon or whatever outed her) then just saying she is not pregnant
SwampWoman said…
Hikari, it looks as though the cruise ships/cruise lines are at the forefront of efforts to help the Bahamas.
@Lilian, I think she carried Archie and he’s very much a real baby, but I know I’m one of the few on here that think that. I’m not particularly maternal and so baby sizes etc., just bypass my attention, The only thing I think is odd, is not having any real photos of Archie in the public domain, apart from the Christening one. All other senior royals, past and present release photos to the press. All we see is Archie clamped to Murky’s chest and little else.
Ava C said…
Many are commenting on the blurry photos of Archie compared to the clear ones of Diana holding baby Harry. Either they think he's a doll - which is hardly likely in these circumstances - or she's waiting to monetise him. If so, people are just waiting for it to start so they can howl her down. In the UK I mean. Would go down very badly. The birth announcement and the christening fiascos showed how invested people are in royal babies, partly because they pay for them of course. Either directly or indirectly and there's always the hidden but massive protection costs. Whichever way she turns, the paths back to approval in the UK are closed.
Unknown said…
@Lilian, while faking a pregnancy due to hiding the surrogate was bizarre, I think most of us believe that she did exactly that. However, it seems, to me, that something went wrong with the surrogate and she has been scrambling to get her hands on a real live child ever since...and, it appears she has not been consistently successful leading many of us to question whether the child(ren) we see is/are truly one and the same.
Agree, I cannot see in anyway, shape or form the royal family allowing or going along with a surrogate, adopted baby or doll for Archie. You only have to look back at Royal history to see what extremes they’d go to, to ensure it was a bona fide royal baby. Others have their own views, and that’s all fine ‘n’ dandy with me.
NeutralObserver said…
True, babies change, but do they shrink as time goes by? Big feet are fine, it's just strange to see them on a relatively petite person. Yes, the logic of no baby, but using rent-a-baby now & then seems crazy & like a lot of work, (although it happens all the time in tv & movies). None of it makes sense, which is why we're here. Where does she get all of the money needed to plant all of her gushy puff pieces on herself all over the place, or her pricy pr advisers? (Forbes did a story on BP spending a lot of money on her pr because she was becoming so disliked. It was pulled, but you can still find it if you look hard enough.) Why was the BP birth announcement so weird & executed so poorly? Usually BP is like clockwork. Why was Archie's birth certificate so dodgy? Why have no doctors ever been identified as being involved in the birth? Why were no cars, ambulances, EMTs seen leaving Frog Cott. to go to Portland on the night/morning of the supposed birth, despite the tabs having all the possible routes staked out for weeks? Why did her baby bump change sizes from day to day & move up and down on her body? Again, you can see the photos all over the web. Why is the baby named Archie & without titles? Royal babies normally have to choose from a list of approved names, names which were used by previous monarchs, & usually take some sort of fancy handle not too long after birth. Read one of Nutty's great previous posts: 'There's something about Archie.' It's a hoot, & highly informative. We don't have the answers here, but we have questions & a few facts, not to be contrarian ;- ). Does your last name begin with a T?
Girl with a Hat said…
this link says that Meghan has hired 20 people just to look after Archie during the tour:
5 nannies, a masseuse, A STYLIST FOR ARCHIE, and a photographer for him:
Girl with a Hat said…
Lilian, if you don't like people talking about Meghan, then don't come here. It's a gossip site, and we don't have to justify ourselves to you.

I am getting sick and tired of the preachy coming over here to make us adjust our thinking to their preferences.

Ava C said…
I was born with thick black hair which was cut before my christening at around ten weeks' old. I didn't look like a real baby after I was born. I looked like a doll. Black hair, white skin, and pretty enough for a Victorian chocolate-box. Maybe that's the answer to the Archie oddities! Another baby who looks like a doll. I was so much like a doll that my mother would wake up in hospital while recovering from the birth and find the crib empty. I'd been 'borrowed' for the expectant mothers to practice washing a baby. They were less nervous using me. (My mother reads this blog too BTW.)
Girl with a Hat said…
this was in the Court Circular of the Times:

Buckingham Palace
22nd September, 2019
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex this evening departed from Heathrow Airport, London, for South Africa.

Ms Samantha Cohen and Ms Sara Latham are in attendance.
It's now 10.40pm on Mon 23 Sep, day 1 of their tour I've detected 15 bots already on Daily Mail comments on only 2 stories about this pair & that's even before i've gone through all the comments or read all the other stories this "newspaper" has on the gruesome-twosome 🤔🤨
Ava C said…
And it's not just the clutching the baby tightly to the chest, when Kate and Wills carried their babies facing outwards in such situations, so the babies could see all the fascinating things around them and the world could 'meet' them for the first time. It's the persistent blurriness of the photos. I'm repeating this, but it's so weird in 2-0-1-9. Where else do we see this? And repeatedly. Just with Archie. It's ridiculous.
@Neutral, I agree about the farce of announcing the birth and everything about that. I think it’s largely down to the Sussex’s Press team just totally not knowing the ropes and how to execute royal procedures, and the ludicrous tight control the Sussex’s want over their image etc. The announcement when Murky went into labour, was a truly bodge job. The statement outside BP not only didn’t show the Doctors involved with the birth, but bizarrely listed all the people who first got told about Archie’s birth. They all (or mostly) just happened to be from the Spencer family and Murky’s Mum. It truly stank to high heaven, it was as though they were sticking two fingers up at the royal family and all the traditions. Little did they know they gave their game away, and what/who truly mattered to them.
When I last looked, all the comments were moderated too. 🤔 Did the P.R. team pay for that? I don’t think the comments will stay moderated throughout the entire tour though. Negativity within the comments will be shown at some point.
Girl with a Hat said…
the DM can stop your comments but they can't stop your downvotes.
Jne said…
i’ll give meghan some props, she was wearing flats to get off the plane and her hair was pulled back in a neat bun getting off the plane. at some events she had ballet flats again which are much more practical, attractive, stylish and woman friendly than those (f-me) stilettos she and kate wear much too often. her wedge espedrilles were nice but she was either doing her own thing or could use dressing help because she tied them in front instead of the back which is more often seen. she also desperately needs help learning how to roll up her sleeves attractively/neatly. she (and mischa nonoo too) insist on pushing them up so the cuffs flop around everywhich way and it looks disheveled. she may want to think about weights in her hem because her spanx or slip peaked thru in one photo.
Girl with a Hat said…
Louise, the problem with insane people is that normal people cannot understand them or their behaviour.

Does this whole Archie thing make sense? No? Why? Because you are sane.

Trust the evidence in front of your eyes, i.e. the swaying bump, increasing and decreasing in size, changing in shape. That's the only evidence you can understand because the rest is too insane.
Girl with a Hat said…
Veena and Louise, I also thought like you. Spock is my hero. But, I couldn't deny the evidence of my eyes. The swaying bump, the changing shape and size. In a crazy world, the only thing you can trust is your eyes.
Louise said…
I tie my espadrilles in the front.
Louise said…
I thought that Samantha Cohen had resigned quite a while ago. What's up with that?
Girl with a Hat said…
some posts on twitter are now saying they flew on a private jet to SA because there was no British Airways flight arriving at the same time they did. There was another airline arriving but usually the BRF flies BA.
Ann Christensen said…
Lillian is not being preachy. She is sharing her ideas about a very interesting subject, one we are all very curious about. Why does a slightly different idea get the hackles up here? If we are not mean girls, but merely opinionated women, what is the problem with divergent ideas? Nutty needs to come out and clarify, if in fact differing opinions are not allowed. Lillian is relating her actual experiences. Why does that offend? Begins to feel like a sorority hazing....
Ann Christensen said…
While I tend to doubt that bump was alive, I still do not understand treating comments to the contrary as fightin' words. If there is an exclusivity clause here, I hope nutty will explain it to us.
Royal Fan said…
He’s not old enough for any of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for South African travel outside the normal childhood vaccine schedule. Earliest for most of this is 6 months. I wouldn’t exposing my young child to many of those. I don’t know what the UK recommends but most of the one listed are not given before 6 months here even in high risk infants. This is the physician CDC resources site that gives a little more detail about when the earliest recommendations are for each vaccine.
KnitWit said…
" the Duke" makes me think of John Wayne....
avocado said…
The funny thing is the tour doesn't seem to show up on the Buckingham Palace website version of the Court Circular. And are the Court Circular listings in the Times always so brief? Or is this tour actually non-sanctioned?
Emily said…
As for the surrogate rumours, here's my take on it. Harry and Meghan dont mix with his family, so when they announce she is pregnant, everyone's happy. You see them at an engagement with other family members, they briefly look at the bump. Then the internet goes wild with the constantly changing shape. It's there, it vanishes then back again. Would you believe your son and his wife would fool the family and world with a fake pregnancy? Puts doubts in your mind. I believe the Royal family have been well and truly duped and caught off guard. Rather than admit anything, they have had to go along with it. I think as well that there have been problems with the surrogate which is why the dates were constantly changing.
Royal Fan said…
To clarify, generally you would not give the vaccine to a child that’s too young. The parents would just need to decide if the travel is worth the risk or not.
Royal Fan said…
That would explain the “no please no titles needed here” comment 😂👀
Twins! What will be their names? Diana 1 and Diana 2?
Girl with a Hat said…
they added this later on in the day:

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september 24 2019, 12:01am, the times
September 23, 2019

Buckingham Palace
23rd September, 2019
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex this morning arrived at Cape Town International Airport and were subsequently received at the Residence in Cape Town by the British High Commissioner to the Republic of South Africa (His Excellency Mr Nigel Casey).

His Royal Highness, President, The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, and Her Royal Highness, Vice-President, this afternoon visited Justice Desk, Nyanga Methodist Church, Nyanga, Cape Town.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex afterwards visited District Six Museum, 25A Buitenkant Street, Zonnebloem, Cape Town.

Their Royal Highnesses later visited District Six Homecoming Centre, 15A Buitenkant Street, Zonnebloem.
Ozmanda said…
Harry Markled on FB have this little clip - Seems while Haz is completely focussed on the lady and interacting, MeAgain is tapping him on the back to get him away. Her awkwardness and lack of sincerity really says it all.
Lilian said…
@ everyone - thanks for your candid, well-articulated responses! I'm legitimately trying to understand why this particular person keeps getting dragged for every little thing.
@ Mischi - you certainly do have the right to your opinions. I was trying to parse through a whole lot of opinions - opinions you clearly felt comfortable about expressing on Al Gore's internet, and not just yours! - to understand the root of the issues everyone's talking about here. Simple as. If you feel judged, meh. I don't know you, you don't know me, and Cthulhu knows this isn't a hill worth getting bent all the way over for. Rest assured that none of what I'm saying disrespected you in any way, shape or form, so I hope that takes care of that "...sick and tired..." feeling you're experiencing.
Girl with a Hat said…
what happened to her face?
JL said…
I find this kind of photo op kind of horrifying. People as props. Yet am not surprised.
Lilian said…
:-) EXACTLY, Veena. :-) One can have objections about her lifestyle, but the armchair diagnoses of mental illness, Munchausen by proxy and all seem a little much. These people are living high visibility lives - a baby bump ruse seems a little lazy and ridiculous. They've been exposed about so much else, why not a fake bump? Or baby?
KnitWit said…
Ha! Don't understand the butt pad trend.
Lilian said…
@ Anne Christensen - kind words! I'd like to point out that everyone's been very polite and respectful here. I'm not feeling hazed, not in the least bit, but it's pretty telling that just ONE person felt the need to project whatever the heck that was. Like you said, that was MY experience after birthing and parenting two little ones. And MY experience nannying and babysitting lots of kids. Direct experiences, NOT opinions parsed from looking at fuzzy pictures and videos on the interwebz. I've quietly visited this site for months, saying nothing. Homie don' even know me but is "sick and tired". ABEG, FOR WHERE?
FTR, I LOVE OPINIONATED WOMEN. We don't have to agree on anything at all, really :-)
KnitWit said…
I read that security is tight. It would make sense to limit crowd size at photo ops.

The black and white dress from a local company was appropriate. Wearing independent designers us one way she can make a difference. That company couldn't afford the publicity she provided.

Ditching the French and Italian couture for Brit. and independent designers would help her image AND the companies whose clothes she wears.
JL said…
Lilian I find my friends have a similar response as you when I talk about Markle. I explain my views, but the problem is they are the result of a very long period of unveiling. For me it goes all the way back to the wedding. Videos and articles about MM seemed off then I started to look deeper and discovered so many others had the same gut instincts about her as I did. There have been months of photos and videos of incredible missteps, bouncing bump videos, and merching activity to name just a few misdeeds. I understand why you can’t believe it because it is in fact beyond belief. Thus why so many are obsessed, including me. But the worst part is how shr (and Harry) have treated the public as if we are stupid with PR efforts that are insulting.
KnitWit said…
I live in Florida. The local news has daily stories about American and local aid to the Bahamas. We all watched the news in fear of a category 5 storm hitting our coast for the first time in history - simultaneously grateful that the storm missed the Florida coast and horrified at the suffering of the poor people of the Bahamas, many of whom are trying to come to Florida.

It is a British island, but the news says nothing about British relief efforts. I am not sure if there is a lack of British support or if it is not covered in the news. I searched British papers and haven't seen any coverage.

I am confused, not trying to be critical.

The Sussex tour brings attention to life in South Africa. I would be afraid to be there now. This is a more appropriate use of their pr power than tennis matches, jet setting, celebrity events, etc. The first day is better than other public appearances, imo.
Girl with a Hat said…
Lillian, in the same vein, not seeing the obvious signs of narcissistic personality disorder seems a little naive.
Girl with a Hat said…
I saw the video of them deplaning. It seems they had a team of 6 people apart from the security personnel.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Lilian, I don't remember seeing your name here before and all of a sudden, you come here to tell us why what we are saying is offensive to you. I don't care whose internet it is, but I object to being vilified for gossiping on a gossip forum.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Ann Christensen, I am not the one who started it. Why is it okay for Lilian to post something about how unpleasant my comments are, but it isn't okay for me to post how unpleasant for her to do this?

We can disagree on things, but why judge? Why does she feel entitled to come here and judge us on what we are saying?
KnitWit said…
Initially, I thought talk of fake bumps and dolls was wacky.

The behavior and photos during the pregnancy don't make sense.

It is puzzling. I want to know the truth.

People are sympathetic to fertility issues, health conditions, marital stress.... but not about deceit and fraud.

Girl with a Hat said…
KnitWit, me too. I thought that there was no way she could be faking. But then the photographic evidence was just too overwhelming. Even with the other factors about the other people invovled, I keep going back to the photos. They don't lie.
Girl with a Hat said…
thanks Catty, I don't like it much either.
JenS said…
I was not surprised at the pre-planned airport pap shots, MegaMack steamrolling ahead of Harry and ignoring protocol, tugging at him, using the Claw, and always performing for the cameras (while wearing unfortunate clothing, white limbs with bronzeface, and Bad Hair). Harry's disheveled appearance and wrinkled grey suit were sadly expected, as was his annoyed/peeved face when with Mugs.

Basketball Boobs on display were an unwelcome surprise, though. Either she's had work done, or that's one magical push-up bra.

I think using Archie to cosplay the Di/Harry airport shot she collaged for H's birthday was a new low, even for her. I want to see the baby move, and I want to see her holding it frontwards. Betting that never happens, though.

Further predictions: we see drunk/high Megs at some point, there's behind-the-scenes fighting that gets leaked later, she's horrid to at least one staff/employee/local helper, she makes a hideous breach of protocol (probably involving food or manners with dignitaries), and Harry goes a bit wild whilst on his separate itinerary.
JL said…
Veena I believe that Markle wanted to have a baby as quickly as possible in order to solidify her marriage, and that either she (age) or Prince Harry (rumors) had fertility issues so she chose surrogacy to get the job done quickly. What she didn’t know were certain quirks of UK law regarding being in line to the throne (the child must be “of the body” ) and surrogacy (the child belongs to the surrogate until adopted by the parents). She had seen so many people in Hollywood use surrogates and fake bumps that she thought no big deal. Her hubris made her think she could pull it off. I think the royal family didn’t know until it was too late and they have made efforts to protect themselves, for example no physicians signing off, the unusual birth announcement, and the KP tweet supposedly in error that the Sussexes had used a surrogate. Add in her insufferable habit of clutching her belly for the entire fake pregnancy even in the face of ridicule and how it can only be explained that she was keeping the moon bump from slipping as well as her changing statements regarding the pregnancy making it ten months long. The coup de grace is that they presented an inanimate object to the world and the ridiculous secrecy surrounding Archie such that the crumbs tossed at the public were weird images that were priven to be photoshopped. Unless William does it, the Sussexes will never come clean. But Sunshine Sachs can never repair all this damage either so it will follow Harry and Archie forever.
JL said…
The boobs are either she is pregnant for real or for Harry as she tries to save her marriage.
Girl with a Hat said…
ha ha. JenS, I love it. If you have nothing nice to say about someone, come sit by me.
JL said…
Kate dresses her children in throwback clothing all the time. Most recently at TOC Louis was in baby Harry’s outfit. But she does it with such panache and it is not at all in-your-face almost as though it is really just an inside thing for the royal family. Plus it fits in with her interest in photography and I can just see her pouriing over old photo albums as the source of her inspiration. Like everything Markle does her effort with the pompom hat on the hired help was clutzy and ill advised because it was so transparent. What a wreck!
Lilian said…
"I dOn'T rEmEMbEr SeEiNg YoUr NAmE HeRE BeFOrE!"
You are WAY TOO PRESSED about this. WAY.
Alice commented on the size of the child and I responded with my anecdote. She isn't climbing walls because SHE KNOWS SHE ISN'T BEING VILIFIED ON A PERSONAL LEVEL. I presented my own facts, she presented hers. FIN.
We can't help how we look. That's what I said to you. Them's facts. Nobody puts in applications to the creator/universe to ask for a particular set of body parts of features. FACT. That girl can't help what she looks like, which was the general gist of my entire post.
There is NOTHING unpleasant about that statement or anything else I said, at all. And if there is, somebody point me in the direction of that 'unpleasant' offense. Nobody's judging you. Nobody's vilifying you for "...gossiping on a gossip forum...'
And like I said, everyone's been very pleasant and nice on here. I've read this blog for MONTHS. SILENTLY. You don't know me, so I don't need to check in with you. You're not the gatekeeper here, and this is the WORLD WIDE WEB. This blog is open to anyone with access thereto. Ergo, people check in and out all the time. Some stop and post, others not so much. If there were rules on #s of posts, they'd have been set out plainly. Nutty Flavor hasn't once said that for one to respond to post they need to have "...their name on here..."
For some reason you feel like you're in my head, and can tell that I'm judging '' Where in all of this did I say or imply that I'm "...offended..."???
Alternative opinions aren't judgments. Facts aren't judgments. And I'll say it again for the folks sitting in the back of the room - everyone here is fairly nice, polite and respectful. You got bent out of shape over a non-factor.
Girl with a Hat said…
JL, have you noticed her efforts at copying Kate today? It's funny that she is doing this, as she and her followers have been trying to diminish Kate in various ways since Meghan insinuated her way into the BRF.

I guess we try to destroy the ones we envy.
HappyDays said…
Cookie Shark: Good observations about Meghan’s narcissism. Because narcissists are chameleons who invent a new self for whatever current purpose serves their agenda at the moment, you can bet there’s not a genuine bone in her body. She has to carefully craft and maintain the narcissistic facade she has built for this incarnation of herself as Diana 2.0, which is s big job because she has a lot of shady deeds and outright lies to cover up while trying to live her current life. She HAS to control as many facets of her life as possible. And not only is she trying to fool and control the public on a worldwide scale, she’s trying to fool the British Royal Family, and control her image with them. Meghan’s always going to be trying to plug cracks in the facade when the truth leaks out while spinning new lies to to cover the old lies and to explain away her narcissistic behavior.

She reminds me of the Ed Sullivan Show, a variety tv program here in the US in the 1960s. He often featured novelty acts like you might see in a circus. One act he featured was a guy who spun dinner plates atop very tall poles. He started out with one spinning plate, which was easy to keep spinning. But as he added plates spinning atop more and more poles until he had perhaps a couple dozen whirling away at the same time, so many plates caused him to rush around to keep the plates from crashing to the floor in a million pieces.

Meghan has a lot of plates spinning. After not even two years since the engagement, the plates are already crashing to the floor. Watching a narc try to maintain control and start losing on this scale is interesting.

Jdubya said…
Saw this on LSA - could resist copy/past it here - I've never seen it before

Never forget: “Being 'ethnically ambiguous', as I was pegged in the industry, meant I could audition for virtually any role. Morphing from Latina when I was dressed in red, to African American when in mustard yellow.” - Nutmeg in Elle, 2016

and Mischi - please, settle down.
gabes_human said…
It’s been a long time since any of my children or grandchildren were that small so I had to look it up-average length for a four month old is about 24-25 inches and ave.weight is 14-15 lbs. yes, girl babies tend to be a tad smaller than the boys. How did I come up with an estimate of Archie’s size? I looked at M holding him and noted where his head and feet came to on her. Then I did the same on myself and measured. By my ever so accurate scientific guesstimate, Archie is between 24-25 inches long. Sorry y’all, coming up with a weight was just not even feasible.

We’ve been wondering about the vaccinations necessary for such a trip and would we as mothers subject out own children to it. As some of you know, babies are born with a bit of immunity passed via the mothers blood during her pregnancy. It lasts 3-6 months and can be extended if she is still passing antibodies by breast feeding. I seriously doubt there has been any breastfeeding going on except possibly by the birth mother. Since we know nothing about any childhood diseases she may or may not have had or any immunizations she received we can only guess. The CDC recommends the following vaccines if one wishes to travel to South Africa: Yellow fever but not before one is nine months old. Hepatitis A and B at one year of age. Typhus (oral, attenuated) at six years. This is a teeny tiny dose of a live pathogen. Injectable (inactive) at two years. Rabies vaccine can be administered at six weeks of age. Malaria is dependent on body weight only and Archie weighs just enough to the 5-8 kg limit. Those are the immunizations that most of us never have to have unless we are traveling. He hopefully began a series of MMR ( mumps, measles and rubella at two and four months followed by another at six months. DPT (diphtheria, polio and tetanus) ant two, four and six months too. Considering that he isn’t old enough for most of those preventative immunizations, did they really drag an infant to Africa? I remember my babies running a low grade fever with their DPTs and MMRs and I’ve heard military men discussing how lousy they felt after receiving the more exotic shots. I hated having to subject mine to it but I remember walking up to my grade school for a dose of oral polio vaccine on a sugar cube when I was little and there were people still using iron lungs or leg braces because polio was so devastating. Yes, there had been a particularly virulent strain making the rounds before Jonas Salk’s miracle. We had to have smallpox vaccinations back then too. When I went back to school in the ‘90’s they asked for my shot records. I didn’t have any because there were no vaccines. We all had the diseases.
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