The Duke and Duchess of Sussex fly to South Africa tomorrow to begin a 10-day tour of the continent.
They'll be taking along coloring books and markers for the local children (markers that were probably made in China and imported to the UK).
However, there are no play dates planned with local kids and the Sussexes' own rarely-seen son Archificial.
(Prince George famously enjoyed a play date with the locals when his parents toured Australia, although he was a bit older than Archificial at the time.)
"Although the Duke will attend several receptions at British High Commissions to celebrate the UK's ties with the countries he is visiting, with the Duchess joining him in South Africa, there are few evening events in a programme designed in part to take into account the needs of Archie," the Telegraph reported today.
"The decision will mean that royal-watchers will not see the Duchess in a tiara or other major pieces of jewellery borrowed from the Queen," the Telegraph adds.
What might this work be, and do the local communities really want the Sussexes' opinion on their problems or their participation in solving those problems?
What do you expect will happen during the Sussexes' tour of Africa?
They'll be taking along coloring books and markers for the local children (markers that were probably made in China and imported to the UK).
However, there are no play dates planned with local kids and the Sussexes' own rarely-seen son Archificial.
(Prince George famously enjoyed a play date with the locals when his parents toured Australia, although he was a bit older than Archificial at the time.)
Archie comes first
As they so often do, the Sussexes are putting Archificial's needs first when it comes to planning."Although the Duke will attend several receptions at British High Commissions to celebrate the UK's ties with the countries he is visiting, with the Duchess joining him in South Africa, there are few evening events in a programme designed in part to take into account the needs of Archie," the Telegraph reported today.
"The decision will mean that royal-watchers will not see the Duchess in a tiara or other major pieces of jewellery borrowed from the Queen," the Telegraph adds.
Community focus
Instead, the Telegraph reports, the Sussexes will "roll up their sleeves and do work in the community."What might this work be, and do the local communities really want the Sussexes' opinion on their problems or their participation in solving those problems?
What do you expect will happen during the Sussexes' tour of Africa?
Will little Archie be swathed in bubble wrap for his own protection? So, in polite speak Murky is banned from borrowing from the royal jewellery box? Can someone please have some duck tape at the ready to stop Murky from speaking and lecturing? She has no place here to lecture, especially given the tensions in the region already. I can’t see what she’d have to say would in any way ease those in any serious way.🙄
I think they should plant some tress, lots and lots, they are great for offsetting the (Sussex’s) carbon footprint, besides no half decent royal would pass on the privilege of leaving their mark for future generations to gawp at. Murky will be wearing her usual ill fitting designer potato sacks, throughout her tax payer funded holiday. I’m sure there be more nauseating displays of PDA from the Sussex’s too. 😬
As for Archie. He won't be seen apart from maybe getting on and off the plane similar to France. Squished against her chest for fear that the plebby public might see his face. Lots of crinkled clothes and the markle claw forever grabbing at its victim will be on show at every opportunity. So yeah same old just with a touch of spice.
Think I will try and avoid coverage I am sick of her over botoxed face at this point.
I do feel though that this tour could change the narrative for them, the Sussexes that is. Their antics and motives are predictable by now, so anything they do isn't shocking any more, just irritating, idiotic and improper.
media is also getting wiser. Not because they a moral obligation but simply because the tidal wave of public outrage that is against the couple, so the media will cover and reveal whatever sells.
It also helps that they won't have to make stuff up, the Sussexes keep doing outrageous things. The baby debacle though does make me cringe however, and I just can't head around it. They will keep using the baby card for their own benefit, the diana card doesn't work anymore. So I'm definitely expecting to see and hear more about their precious babe. Also expected is more dish from royal insiders and quotes from the queen. That is what I am waiting and hoping for.
It's straight out of Robin Hood. H&M are the new King John and Sheriff of Nottingham and we're the peasants groaning under the weight of repeated taxation for their pleasures. Wills can be Good King Richard, a hope for the distant future but powerless at the moment.
I agree with Louise and Amzz as I'm thinking of going off-line for a while. I noticed a number of new but typically pot-stirring DM articles on H&M in Rome remained with no comments for hours. Either they were accepting sugars only but didn't have any, or people are switching off in readiness for the tour. Feels like everyone's had enough. Maybe mass indifference will work. We seem to have tried everything else.
However, I noticed that the SA president, Ramaphosa won't be on ground to welcome them( he's likely to be in US for the UNGA). They won't have state dinners like they had during their Australian tour. Some internet users are speculating that it's the BRF trying to cut off oxygen from them. When the trip was first reported, the narrative was that they were in such hot demand that the SA government specially requested that they come. Later we heard it's the foreign office that's wants them to go. Now it's been revealed that they won't be received by the SA president or any government representative. I don't know if o should believe the theory that the BRF is trying to whittle down such oppourtunities to meet world leaders or if it's just a coincidence. I don't see anyone in the BRF having the balls to stand up to Meghan and Harry. The only way I can believe they are being cut down to size is if during Will and Kates Pakistan tour, they are welcomed by the PM and hosted to state dinners.
I'm just glad I'll to enjoying the rains and grey clouds, dreaming of Christmas and worrying about normal everyday British problems before MM descended upon us... You know regular problems like why the tube is always so crowded, why white bread so cheap but such a sin to eat, how amazing it it's that the all the mean girls from my uni are now the irritating mum's who keep posting photos of their babies online etc etc.
That said, the whole 'tour' seems just very odd. Why is Meghan even going? Most of her 'appearances' seem kind of tacked on, and there will be several days when Harry is in Botswana and other countries, when she has no engagements at all. Sure, we're told she'll be having 'private' meetings, but if this is an offficial tour paid for by the FCO, surely the whole point is that their engagements are public?
And taking 4 month old Archie - who we are told is too precious to fly on scheduled BA services in first class - to a country in the grip of xenophobic violence? And supposedly nobody will even get to see the golden child? Bizarre.
I will think of the grand gesture of crayons and coloring books as going in the same direction as giving banana bread on the other tour. And here's to hoping that the kids are age appropriate for this. Side note: She doesn't always seem to wind up with kids who want to engage with her on walkabouts.
It's all coming down to Archie and what his needs are ... I am in team doll and can imagine Lord G snickering as planning no formal receptions so the doll can be tended to with her loving hands (you want this, you'll get it in spades).
I have not been to SA. As a kid, we did go to Uganda and Kenya (pre Idi Amin, Obote's first rule). I remember the teas, the silverware for the meals, the animals and how beautiful the countries were. It is interesting to see how each former colony has evolved over time. In some ways, I am still shocked it has not been cancelled.
sigh. watching a train wreck in slow motion
Yes! I agree.
As for going on a media diet, I think it's time I quit full turkey. My personal philosophy has been slowly evolving towards the conclusion that I need to create a life for myself that I find more interesting than the manipulated narrative we are being fed by the media.
Nutty Blog being an exception of course. ;)
I wonder how people will react to her mixed race background.
I just remember seeing a recent video of a Nigerian taxi driver dragged out of his car and set on fire, burning to death while everyone watched and no one made any movement to help him.
That's what it happening in SA.
As for no royal jewels, she’s had Harry’s royal jewels in a tight grip since their third date in Botswana. Likely the RF has realized this by now, so she doesn’t need to get her hands on any other royal jewels - ever.
What interests me is how much she’ll remind everyone she meets that she is biracial as she gets puzzled “but aren’t you a white person” looks from the locals.
Will be curious to see if the SA photos will be the same striking contrast as the photo of her with the group of local children when she was on a one-off trip to Africa to burnish her humanitarian credentials when she was stalking Harry. Maybe she’ll wear extra bronzer.
I wonder what message that is supposed to send.
I also think she has insisted that the trip feature South Africa - as opposed to a peaceful countries like Botswana - because there is an opportunity to make money on the side there, perhaps with speeches to corporations or private clubs.
Also, South Africa still has a lot of Mandela magic when it comes to the US media, which haven’t reported much on the chaos there.
In German, flowers that you buy for your husband/wife after a fight are called Drachenfutter - food to appease the dragon.
The BRF don't want the Queen's jewellery collection to become food for the dragon. LOL
The clips of the both of them in SA will play well with Oprah's audience because she often talks about SA on her programs.
The fact that it is currently violent and corrupt doesn’t fit that narrative and isn’t reported.
I think the US media is planning a “Black American Princess, Grace Kelly Part 2, visits Nelson Mandela’s homeland” angle.
Speaking of which, are they doing some kind of Mandela homage on the trip? Seems like a natural fit, particularly for Meg, with her love for all things 1990s.
Not sure who Oprah’s audience is these days. Her magazine, which I once enjoyed, is now super-woke and basically unreadable. Very thin too, few advertisers.
Perhaps it was a meeting to strategize about Mrs Common and Mr Wealth.
In other words, two speeches Meg wrote.
I hope the Foreign Office has reviewed the speeches in advance.
Seriously, though, they need a Sussex strategy and they need a Brexit strategy, and they need them both, like, yesterday.
Archie must be seen as one greedy and needy baby then! Funny, when George who was around 9 months old when they toured Oz and New Zealand, Catherine was equally attending functions etc., with William. We also got to see baby George! 🤗
Yes, Charles was the one who spoke about the inappropriate tiara wearing during the Sussex’s last official visit. It remains to be seen what role Murky will play during this visit. Let’s hope it’s a minor one.
I shall be coming here to catch up on Nutty media reading with be curtailed. I don’t read the articles about her or The Sussex’s now, I just can’t stomach either of them. A truly nauseating twosome. 😐
When I speak of a certain group in society that adores Meghan Markle, I am referring to the people who think that Oprah's priorities in building that school were normal.
HMQ was sending a message. She very carefully chooses whom she is photographed with.
I also think Meghan chose not to travel with Harry because she prefers to stay in relatively prosperous Cape Town. Yes, I get not wanting to bring a baby into places which might not have great facilities, but that again begs the question as to why this tour was planned for this time, and even if it was, why Meghan felt the need to go at all? It's Harry who is known for his connection - such as it is - with Africa, so there was really no need for her to be there at all.
A bunch of desperately sick people at a clinic, not so much.
An STD clinic where angry truck drivers and sad-looking sex workers show up to get tested, not at all.
As for Meghan realizing how condescending she is, there’s no chance. Narcissists never think they’re wrong. They feel entitled to the best of everything regardless of their bad behavior or how it negatively affects others.
At her core, Meghan doesn’t give a rip what the public thinks until she feels that what in her mind is unjustified outrage that might threaten her future. Hence, the hiring of Sunshine Sachs.
This lack of caring, empathy or similar emotions/character traits goes for anyone she is allegedly close to, including Doria, Harry, and yes, even Archie. They are all useful objects that can be jettisoned at the moment they are no longer useful or they become a liability to Brand Markle, which is temporarily hiding behind the Brand Sussex Royal moniker until she loses her title, is divorced, or with any luck, both.
I am hoping for a more ignominious end to her public life. A really juicy scandal, like being caught in flagrante dilecto with one of her ex yaching customers or future billionaire husband candidate.
Was there any coverage of how Smeg & her +1 got to Rome for the wedding? Was this necessary travel?
If i recall correctly, Africa was first me tioned as the place where the BRF was planning to "banish" them, it was said William is so fed up that there are secret plans to send them there for an extended period of time blah blah... And then a few months later, one dine day out of the blue, this tour was announced. The announcement for this came way in advance, while makes me think they wanted it to be known. And they have been deacyit as their first tour as a family ever since. Like I said before - Archie card being used to offset the negative connotations.
She may also want to keep an eye on Harry. When people join a cult, the cult leader does not usually allow the cult member to leave to go off on a trip alone.
Relationships with a person who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder are a lot like being in a cult. They both use love bombing to lure you in, they isolate you from your former life as much as possible while breaking you emotionally under strict control. Harry is in a cult. It is a cult of two.
It's rumoured that Beatrice introduced Misha Nonoo to her new husband, or at least played a major role in them meeting. It's funny how the fact that Beatrice was a maid of honour at the wedding and not a single photo of her in her dress was shown in the media. It's no wonder that Meghan thinks she is special - blood princesses don't get any attention, while a plane load full of reporters follow her to SA.
I have to wonder whether Harry understands his royal role. When it comes right down to it, he is to blame. If there is anyone who can real her in, it would be Harry. Since he does not, and has enthusiastically jumped on the woke brand building bandwagon, he bears the responsibility.
Yellow fever
Hepatitis A
Polio and Tetanus
The CDC and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for South Africa: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, yellow fever, rabies, meningitis, polio, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis), chickenpox, shingles, pneumonia and influenza. Just want to add a big LOL because this pretty much proves they don't have a baby, because no parent, no matter how liberal, would do that to their 4.5 month old son.
It is worth noting that all of her endeavors feature her, front and center. Of course she is going to be giving a speech. They could just donate $$$ from their charity for victims of violence, or volunteer in a women's shelter, etc.
I always wondered why we never heard about her doing more for Mayhew animal rescue, and to be fair, maybe she has, but at the time it seemed like they didn't give her the complete and utter limelight that she by all accounts appears to crave.
Most of the US reporters were questioning why the British media wasn't reporting on Prince Andrew and the narrative was that there was a deliberate attempt to throw Meghan and Harry under the bus to protect Andrew.
Victoria Arbiter also said something similar, that in the US, there is a feeling that the palace wasn't protecting Meghan enough. So I don't agree 100 percent that the US media doesn't like her.
The times also indicated in their report that William met with top editors and ensured that the Thomas and Samantha Markle stories kept pouring out. The times report also stated that when William became afraid that he was being overshadowed by Harry,that his advisors had had to assure him that he shouldnt worry because he would be king some day. That report was so damaging to William and painted him as the one behind the leaks against Harry and Megan. It was so painful to read
-- I see how this photo op can go very, very wrong. Condescension is top of a long list of offensiveness re this. I know how much I love it when someone condescends to bestow upon me without knowing what I need or who I am and/or lecture and enlighten me without knowing anything about me, so take that and multiply it times ~80% of the population, and there you go. I do not see a happy ending on this one and I honestly wonder WTF the BRF is thinking with this at this time.
@Ladyskipper102 -- "Just want to add a big LOL because this pretty much proves they don't have a baby, because no parent, no matter how liberal, would do that to their 4.5 month old son."
-- I'm not sure what liberal has to do with this? From a recent ABC News article: "Peter Hotez, a vaccine advocate and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, said that "we need a lot more social science" data about the specific characteristics of those who opt against vaccinations, but he agreed that "they tend to be affluent and educated." And this is from a study by Pew Research "Republicans and independents are more likely than Democrats to advocate against required vaccinations." So interesting, just sayin'.
As for liberal v. conservative, although it seems a lot of the Nutties are quite conservative, I just prefer to skip it entirely. Even when it's not discussed directly, the indirect remarks make it quite clear. It really ruins the fun and levity IMO. I try to skip over, but sometimes I'm reading an otherwise intelligent reply and come up against the strong statement that can't be missed or misinterpreted and it feels like icky twitter redux.
Re William w/HMTQ this a.m., that was definitely a signal of something. Not sure what, however, but I'd like to think that 1) it was a show of strong support of the Cambridges from TQ; 2) there is talk and strategy behind the scenes about handling the current debacles and William is valued and included in those talks; and 3) the transition is coming soon to a monarchy dear to our hearts.
And just lolololhellno on letting Princess Sparkly Skank wear the jewelry for so very many reasons, the first of which IMO would be "theft in a dangerous country" by none-other-than.
"A royal family order is a decoration conferred by the head of a royal family to their female relations. Such an order is considered more of a personal memento than a state decoration, although it may be worn during official state occasions."
In the old days on Kate Middleton Review, Kate's lack of a royal order was conspicuous for years. Then she got the Royal Family Order of Queen Elizabeth II in December 2017 and the Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO) in April this year. Extract below from The Telegraph show you need to be married for quite a long time before you get an honour - includes Sophie and Camilla as examples. So it's not a big deal for Meghan to have no royal orders at the moment.
"The queen appointed Kate Middleton a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order (GCVO), the highest rank in a form of chivalry personally granted by the sovereign to recognize one's service.
"The Duchess has been awarded the new honour - Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order - for "services to the Sovereign", announced by Buckingham Palace as she celebrated her eighth wedding anniversary with the Duke today.
"It will be seen by admirers of the Royal Family as the ultimate seal of approval for the Duchess, as the Cambridges aim to increase their work in support of the Queen in preparation for the future.
"She join the Duchess of Cornwall, who received the honour on her seventh wedding anniversary in 2012, and Countess of Wessex, who received it after a decade of marriage in 2010, in the ranks of GCVO."
So I think they family is circling the wagons in more than one respect, with one of them being sure "Granny" is never alone now that her "strength and stay", as she once described Prince Philip, isn't publicly in the picture anymore.
Another way the family is circling the wagons is by not discussing Archificial in anyway shape or form. And I agree with Nutty's posters here--the Queen is making VERY sure Smirkle doesn't get her hands on any royal jewels.
I do love this blog! People are polite, thoughtful, and very articulate. What a welcome respite from much of the rest of the internet! does not mean I don't understand or care.
FTR, I have been involved (deeply, on campaign teams with candidates) at both a grassroots and national level on campaigns. I am very political, but I have NO illusions. I know that much of politics in the US is about branding and the polarization on both sides keeps the voters going out to vote and the dollars coming in. The politicians on both sides do talk, sometimes cooperate, but publicly, stand by their polarizing ideals; privately, a lot of them express frustration and amusement at their cray-cray extremist constituents on both sides.
So, please, don't assume that I don't care or that I'm liberal or conservative or just stupid and unconcerned. I was clear in what I said: this just isn't the venue where I personally want to read it or enjoy it. For me, it takes away from the fun and levity. IMO.
I have read commentary on the blog about everything from "killary" to "abortion" and back again. Most of the comments have seemed conservative IMO. That was my point. I'm sure there are many who are just as liberal. I do not discuss my opinions either way. I assume there are those who think that because I live on the "left coast", I am extremely liberal. I assume there are those who think that because I grew up in the South and wear pearls, I must be conservative. Again, I don't discuss it either way because I have a 50% chance of offending someone. When others discuss it, that ruins it for me sometimes. I don't come here for that and I think it is wrong for others to throw it out there because it means the rest of us either have to shut-up or speak up and neither of those are good options. If I were on a political blog, I would expect this. But I'm not and I don't.
Some good points above re. vaccines, although I have no medical expertise so don't know the real situaiton. But my guess is if we don't even get a glimpose of Archie during the entire tour, he probably didn't travel at all. It would be quite easy to leave him back in Toad Hall (or wherever they're living) with one of the nannies, and claim that the reason we don't see him is because his parents value his 'privacy' so highly.
Meghan also uses the one-sided competition she has created in her mind to pit the Sussexes against the Cambridges, but William and Kate don’t seem to have much interest to actively engage her in a dramatic battle, which must frustrate Meghan to no end.
The commercial flight by the Cambridge family to Balmoral a couple weeks ago was not the type of one-upping that Meghan wants to play. It was more a case of W&K swatting and squashing a fly.
I can’t think of anyone who has said that during the time they were ensnared by the narc, they were elevated by the narc to be a better person. They are always dragged down, hence Harry’s personality and behavior changes since coming under Meghan’s control. Quitting smoking, and less drinking, and losing weight were positives for Harry due to Meghan, but she was molding him to fit what SHE wanted in a man. She couldn’t accept him for who he was. Control, control, control.
Also search “narcissistic mothers” and “children of narcissistic mothers” to learn the woe Archie and any other children she might download have ahead of them. Extremely sad, even if Harry tries to be a good father. Meghan will rule.
This is their website.
Actually, I think we can all win our bets of her appearing there.
However, I could deffo see her making appearances in some sort of 'exchange of favours' capacity. Going to one of the schools run by Oprah Winfrey might be one such. She wouldn't get paid for it directly, but it's all part of a transactional relationship through which she stands to gain. Same with Harry's upcoming 'mental health' programme with Oprah. Was there really nobody in British media he could have done such a programme with, if he has to do one at all?
I very definitely agree that PH's part of the tour will go swimmingly and hers won't. This is a broad maybe, but, I would not be at all surprised if PH announces that he is retiring to some African country...MM can take it or leave it.
But, here's the thing. There has been speculation based on the photos of the IG where MM, DR and MA tag team PH, that DR was playing the injured mama who wanted to see her daughter done right by, even though we now know PH had left her far behind, and the supposed fake romance was scripted by MM using the media, which was paid by her and associates.
Once DR allegedly played her part, MA, allegedly, followed up with threats to reveal private conversations recorded at SH. That left PH between the devil and the other devil.
Having made good on making DR's daughter an honest (snicker) woman,if PH chooses to retire and give up his dukedom, there still remains the threat of revelation. Nor do I trust MM, DR, or MA to keep mum even if given a payoff. That may be where the $9M in DR's bank account came from, all funneled through legal channels, of course.
Then, there's Archie...MM's desperate attempt to create an anchor baby as soon as she made port. For his sake, I fervently hope he is a figment of her demented imagination.
If any of this extortion was tied influencing the BRF re: Brexit, then all will be sorted by the end of October according to BoJo. Somebody has gotta write a novel when this is all over.
On rolling up their sleeves...since MM is the great imitator, she probably remembers the Obamas going to a community center, (I think) and doing some wall painting or some such a couple of times in their tenure in the WH.
Bwahahahahaha! I crack myself up.
I haven't been this rabid about a show since Sons of Anarchy.
MM's stock in trade is to push herself into a social event by taking advantage of most people being constrained to be polite in public so as to not make waves or others present uncomfortable. It must have been a shocker when her gimmick did not work with the BRF TWICE in public on record, the PoW commemorative and the PC garden party. Priceless! Kudos to PC for taking her down royally.
I wonder if this is a banishment wrapped to look like a official "tour"?
I can't imagine William going off out of fear (panic) - like a chicken with their head chopped off - that his brother would overshadow him, his family or his reign when it happens. Just don't see him as that kind of guy when he is living the life of dad, wonderful wife and support who was clearly a good choice for the future role as Consort (I hope I have that part right), really cute kids for the next generation and knows the job he will ultimately have.
When you have all that, you are not known for being graspy, needy and ... vindictive by nature (time and time again), then the likelihood of you pulling it out now is - Gosh why now when it makes no sense?
Instead, I look at who could benefit from this shade. And say to myself: hmmm. aren't you interesting?
Why do so few people see through this lady's "humanitarian" shtick? During her pre-Harry hustle, she did her requisite poverty-porn photo shoot in Africa, hired an English PR firm to organize her appearances and speeches at humanitarian events, and basically followed up on none of her ventures. If she were applying to an elite uni with such a CV, it would be noted that her volunteer work consisted of one-off events, rather than demonstrating consistent, on-going effort over a period of time.
What about her work with the care home for retired entertainment industry professionals?
Her inexpert handling of this could be really telling that she is not "mothering" any one. Maybe she wants to kill off the doll/no kid at all, and this is a way for that to be brought into the narrative. If MM were more rational, I could believe that there is no doll, but she is living on another planet where she believes she can deceive all the people, all the time. Outrageous is her normal.
She can never be wrong. Tungsten is determined to control the narrative and she WILL NOT be left behind. What someone said above about this being a cult of two is soooo right on.
I don't hear people raving about how much they revere her either around here either. No one is talking about her who is a friend, acquaintance, stranger at the coffee shop or even a "friend" on facebook. Nada. The topic never comes up.
I don't read about her in the local paper either. I don't see her photo in the check out at the grocery. I pay attention to that kind of thing so if the topic comes up ... I have some real "proof" "evidence" ... something to say?
But I don't see or hear it. Crickets.
Perhaps her buddy Oprah arranged a replacement for Artificial from her orphanage contacts.
Wouldn't be surprised if the pair "fell on love" with a child during the your and add to the family.
And there were some photos which show the tierra at the wedding showing a lot of colors.
So I looked at my ring and some other pieces. Did not see colors.
so ...
I suspect that HM ... (i)could(i) have had some replicas made ... you know, for insurance purposes (?) long ago and far away. Makes display much safer and cheaper for insurance purposes (although I remember visiting the tower and how they had film they had on display on a sign that they had confiscated from illegal photographers taking of the Crown jewels on display). I wonder what they do now with digital cameras?
That means they must have been immunising him over the past several weeks -- during the time when they allegedly did all the jet trips (with and without him). What parent has their child vaccinated and then hops a jet to another country for a few days, or goes on holiday for a friend's wedding with the child's alleged father, leaving only a nanny (or maybe no one at all) to tend the fussy child and watch for adverse effects or complications?
What loving parents would do this to such a young infant?
Daily Mail has a diagram of how they are connected... which one of these is not like the others?
M will make more epic, cringe-worthy mistakes like: wearing ridiculously expensive clothes while handing out cheap trinkets to children in need of food, clean water, and safety; giving woke, word-salad speeches about gender equality and empowerment even though asked to not do so; and incessantly talking about herself while always posing for the camera. We'll see the Sussex Claw at every joint appearance. She will do paid appearances by herself, but we will not hear about them.
I think M will try to source a baby, hence all the "dark" time in her diary. I don't think she has custody of Archie right now, partly because I can't imagine a parent who would drag their young infant to SA unnecessarily, especially in a time of danger and violence (or one who leaves the baby to go partying on other continents, but I digress).
H will be glad for the separate itineraries and may be able to meet up with old friends. ;-) Hopefully he packed something other than the grey suit, although that will be the default attire for joint appearances -- probably badly wrinkled. I hope he gets some decent sleep and a good stiff drink.
The separate itineraries reminds me of the infamous Charles and Diana India tour in February 1992. We got the iconic photo of Di all alone in front of the Taj Mahal, baiting reporters while Charles conducted trade talks 1200 miles away, and the botched kiss at the Jaipur polo match. That tour exposed their dead marriage, and there was really no going back afterward.
I wonder what steaming tea we'll get this time?
Headline: “Archie is 'the best ticket' for Duke and Duchess of Sussex to win back the hearts of the nation - royal expert claims”
Meghan will use Archie soon enough as a publicity prop to virtue signal and attempt to portray herself as a loving, caring and doting mother, which for people familiar with narcissistic mothers is the farthest from the truth one can get.
Also, like others above, I can't see that MM is loved in America. Yes she is by some, of course, but there doesn't seem to be a tangible wave of support. I guess most don't really care. It's not their money. There are quite a number of US commentators on DM site who are just as hostile to MM as UK ones though, and are quick to discount any idea that the US public are generally supportive of MM.
Her looks have fallen off a cliff as many have noticed, but I don't ascribe it all to hormones. Physically both of them have gone downhill so fast. It reminds me of addiction to prescription painkillers. It's a slow slide downwards and they now look the way addicts look when they're ceasing to care that it's now obvious to others, with inattention to personal grooming, inappropriate behaviour, reckless spending, lack of care for family members etc. It fits a pattern. And prescription painkillers are much easier to get in the US I would suppose, certainly in large quantities, thinking of her trips over the pond. I'm not saying they are addicts. But they're doing good imitations if not, and I can't think of another reason for what we are seeing. That, allied to NPD.
I agree about the child - I hope for the sake of the child they don't have custody, I don't imagine he/she would have much time with either "parent" and she seems to have the maternal instinct of a lamp post. I would be most curious how many photos will be seen of Haz and Sparkles together - willing to bed a triple shot espresso that would be rare.
The Ghilles ball might have been this weekend and it's an important event on the Balmoral estate so William had been making a point to attend, mainly as part of training to be king.
But more importantly, I'd say this was also an end of summer recon week for the Queen, Charles and William as both HM and Charles head back to their offices in London. There's a lot happening in the country and in terms of foreign relations for the UK. I suspect that William is at the helm of many more official projects and royal duties than we know. He has probably taken over many of Prince Phillip's duties, including the intelligence agencies and is one of the trusted advisors to the queen now.
All this crashingly-obvious PR from Sunshine - that DM readers are recognising with glee - reminds me of that old Doris Day film The "Thrill of it All", when she was a happy housewife suddenly grabbed by an advertising firm to sell 'Happy Soap', and later and more spectacularly, fabric detergent. Her house ends up submerged with bubbles. Love it. Anyway, the advertising agency runs these corny TV shows every night, just to sell Happy Soap. They think no one notices it's the same every night, even though it's Nazis one evening, cowboys the next. But Doris Day's adorable little kids are wise to it from the off. While the advertising execs congratulate themselves over dinner that the masses will never notice, the little kids are shouting "It's the same story!!!" Someone should lock Sunshine and Megs in a room and run it for them.
This is the link to the times story. Unfortunately its behind a paywall and i dont know how to attach screenshots where it was stated that Prince William met with editors to ensure that Thomas Markle story kept coming out.
But here ia a quote from the report: “People are telling William, "Don't worry. Your influence will grow and Harry's will fade. This is peak Harry.”
If you can dig out some of Richard Palmers tweets on the subject matter, you will see the screenshots thats those who read the story attached.
This was Harry and Meghan's response after the story was published.
To play the Archie card, Meg would have to make a baby the center of attention. In other words, let the baby take some of HER attention.
Seems unlikely.
It says nothing - zero - about William meeting with editors to ensure the Thomas Markle story, or Samantha Markle story coming out. It does not mention Thomas or Samantha at all.
The "peak Harry" quote you mention also does not appear in the story, or in the separate Harper's link.
Not sure what you're trying to accomplish here, Nelo.
Revealed: palace’s Africa plan for Harry and Meghan
Courtiers offer royal ‘rock stars’ break from UK
Tim Shipman and Roya Nikkhah
April 21 2019, 12:01am,
The Sunday Times
Courtiers have drawn up plans to hand the Duke and Duchess of Sussex a major international job that could see them moving abroad after the birth of their child, The Sunday Times can reveal.
Prince Harry’s advisers are working on a “bespoke” role for the royal “rock stars”, probably in Africa, that will combine some work on behalf of the Commonwealth along with charity work and a role promoting Britain.
The plan has been drawn up by Sir David Manning, the former British ambassador to the US and special adviser on constitutional and international affairs to the two princes.
Lord Geidt, the Queen’s former private secretary, has also been involved in the discussions. He is chairman of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, an organisation that champions young global leaders, of which Harry and Meghan are president and vice-president.
The proposal would give the couple the chance to enjoy a break from the divisions that have riven the royal household in recent months while “harnessing” their global appeal for Britain.
A decision on where they would be based is unlikely to be taken until 2020, when they have settled down with their new baby, which is due within days. Harry has close links to several African countries and has visited the continent since his teens.
The palace is preparing to groom William as the future king
He spent his gap year in Lesotho in 2004 and started a charity there two years later. He and Meghan are believed to have fallen in love on a trip to Botswana, a country that Harry has referred to as his “second home” and where they returned for Meghan’s 36th birthday in 2017. South Africa and Malawi are other options.
Senior palace officials have concluded that a proper role needs to be found for Harry as Prince William starts preparing to be king. They want to keep Harry and Meghan as part of the royal “firm” rather than letting them pursue their own projects, such as a planned television series on mental health with Oprah Winfrey.
The African scheme began to take shape after a proposal to make Harry governor-general or deputy governor-general of Australia or Canada was dismissed as impractical. Another idea, that the couple become trade envoys for post-Brexit Britain — which had enjoyed support from senior figures in the government — was also rejected as too restricting.
Instead, palace insiders say a hybrid role will be devised that would take them away from Britain for two or three years. “Discussions are at an early stage, but the plan is to find a new way of using their soft power abilities, most likely in Africa,” a source said.
A second source confirmed: “There are discussions in palace circles about: how do we harness Harry and Meghan? How do you harness this phenomenon that has emerged? You make it productive.”
Courtiers have discussed the potential plan as an opportunity for the couple’s “Malta moment”, echoing the time that the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh spent on the Mediterranean island between 1949 and 1951.
Palace officials are expected to open talks with the government about how to pay for the plans and how to provide security for the couple while they are away.
Simon Case, William’s private secretary who worked in No 10 for Theresa May and David Cameron, will be pivotal in those talks. He is understood to think that a period of separation between the young princes would help them to define the roles they will adopt for the next 50 years.
While Harry’s and Meghan’s precise roles remain undefined, they are all but certain to include a Commonwealth component. Last year the Queen appointed Harry as a “Commonwealth youth ambassador” and he and Meghan’s popularity overseas was evident throughout their tour to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga last October.
A source close to the royal household said: “The view is: there’s an element of letting things work out for a bit. But people have moved from containment to harnessing. There’s been a reset.”
The Queen will celebrate her 93rd birthday today at Windsor Castle, where she will be joined by members of the royal family for the Easter matins service at St George’s Chapel.
The Duke of Sussex, the Duke of York, the Princess Royal and the Earl and Countess of Wessex are expected to attend. The Queen will spend the rest of the day privately at Windsor.
However, I'm not seeing any of the information that Nelo promised in the articles.
Most new parents struggle with their infant's colic, ear infections, fevers, colds and other troubles that are familiar to pediatricians but can be terrifying to parents, particularly first-time parents.
We never hear about Archificial suffering from any common ailments.
On April 21, The Times made claims that William was in contact with the British press — and supported their ongoing campaign against Meghan. The quote from THE TIMES i'm referring to is the this:
"This sense of embattlement has been entrenched by William’s decision to REACH out to senior figures in the media as he prepares for kingship and by the apparent decision of THOSE SAME newspapers to side with the palace over Meghan and Harry by peddling the most negative coverage of the duchess’s relationship with her father, Thomas Markle."
A lot of this is cultural, I might add. In my European country, it is very common to call cute little children "funny monkeys" in the local language.
"The times also indicated in their report that William met with top editors and ensured that the Thomas and Samantha Markle stories kept pouring out. The times report also stated that when William became afraid that he was being overshadowed by Harry,that his advisors had had to assure him that he shouldnt worry because he would be king some day. That report was so damaging to William and painted him as the one behind the leaks against Harry and Megan. It was so painful to read"
The story also contains the "peak Harry" quote you mentioned earlier and, ironically, it was written at a time that really was Peak Harry, right before Archificial's mysterious and badly-handled birth and Christening, and before the enviromentalist/private jet problem.
The private jet situation, in my opinion, has really caused them more damage, because it reaches men as well as women.
Male Brits might not want to get into the discussion about why Meg is wearing a white dress supposedly hours after giving birth, but they can certainly understand that Harry is shaming them about taking a budget flight to Spain while taking numerous private jet trips himself.
Also, such is the disillusionment with MM, we are seeing a big shift in attitudes towards Thomas Markle. Sympathy and understanding, and a wish to engage with him properly now, to hear his side as told to a reliable publication. I'm really beginning to think he was engrapped into those photos, and his following stories were his attempts to present his side, but he was ill and not at his best. This man has real achievements to his name. He was highly successful in his profession. He deserves to be heard properly. The way he seems to have been manipulated, the pre-planning it would take if true, is one of the most sinister aspects of this entire sorry saga.
I don't believe PW would act as alleged, but if he tried to reach out to Thomas Markle at any point, it would be entirely understandable. If your dearly-loved brother was in the position Harry is with Megan, wouldn't you try to contact her parents as the first priority, to try to understand what you were dealing with? Thomas seems to have done the most parenting, so he would be the best place to start.