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Open Post: Meg's Royal Albert Hall appearance

Here's an open post to discuss Duchess Meghan's speech tonight at Royal Albert Hall, which comes just a few hours after a Sussex "source" told CNN that "the institution around the British Royal family is full of people afraid of and inexperienced at how to best help harness and deploy the value of the royal couple who, they said, have single-handedly modernized the monarchy."

Meghan is wearing a long purple dress and a long dark wig for her speech, which will address a global youth organization.


The DM comments are coming thick and fast....they aren’t nice! The gloves are well and truly off, it seems the British public have had enough...and that goes for me too.
octobergirl said…
She always looks so sloppy. Not well put together. Hair hanging in her face. To an American looking at this from afar , it seems she disrespects and has a lot of contempt for the British public.
Liver Bird said…
She looks.... OK?

That colour is great on her, and for the first time in a while, she's not trying to squeeze into a dress that's at least a size too small. If anything, it's too big. She never ever gets the fit right, does she? Hair is sloppy though.
Unknown said…
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Lurking said…
I can't see comments on article, but counter on front page keeps going up.
Unknown said…
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Mischief Girl said…
That statement is complete and utter nonsense.

The BRF has been modernizing for years...decades...since Diana died.

I can't believe the BRF needs the "help" H&M can provide right now. Harry is obviously emotionally fragile and needs to get himself sorted out. Meghan is, apparently, chomping at the bit for a 6-week vacation after a 5-month maternity leave and one 10-day overseas tour.

The Sussexes are "tired and burnt out"? I invite them to work my job, manage my household, on my salary, without assistance from secretaries, drivers, house cleaners, cooks, hair stylists, etc., and all with three weeks vacation a year to avoid burn out. FYI, I've been doing it for years. I didn't cave after one rough year, because everyone was so "unfair" to me and didn't ask if I was "okay".

So have fun with your speech, little Miss Meghan. You and your husband managed to make a tour of Africa all about you. I'm sure tonight's speech will also have its Me, Me, ME! imprint on it, as well.

Also, take a good look at the Cambridges. Seems to me they've done a stellar job modernizing the BRF, balancing family and work, and as far as I know, neither of them had a breakdown doing it.

Just please...could this purple dress she's going to wear NOT have a tied belt around the waist? Another style of dress every now and again is a good thing.

Mischief Girl said…
Just saw photos of her dress. Didn't realize it was already a done deal.

The dress is fine. I like it!

Her hair is a mess, but that's to be expected at this point.
ReallyDonna said…
Source close to the Royal Couple: Sunshine Sachs
NeutralObserver said…
She looks much better than she has in recent appearances. The color & style of her dress is flattering to her. Her wig/hair looks shiny & clean at least. She doesn't have the high as a kite appearance that she had in her solo appearance with American pals at Wimbledon, the baseball game, the 'impromptu' appearance at Smart Works, & she's not slovenly looking as she was in her aptly named 'Meghan does a Mosque' appearance. Maybe she's on better meds. LOL.
Humor Me said…
Fashion comments: once again, the dress does not fit her. The sleeves are too long. The torso ripples in the wrong areas, like it is too big and needs some darts/ alteration. And, the dress needs a liner, or she needs a better foundation garment. One picture makes the dress two-tone; I am wondering if I am seeing her foundation garment beneath it (light to the knees, then dark). One picture from the side shows her rear - literally. And the minor, minor complaint about the dress itself - the side vent honestly looks like a rip in the dress fabric. Maybe that is the fabric itself. That part is out of MM's control, unless a pressing would help. The color is good on her, the navy suede heels are a nice touch. Her hair - is this a wig? Is it supposed to be in her face when she is giving a speech?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
RoyalT said…
The dress is the one she wore with the red coat back in January when she was with moonbump. It’s a nice wig, bit obvious though.

As for modernizing the monarchy, no. We like our Royals steadfast and traditional. That’s why they survive.
Liver Bird said…
Apparently dress is another repeat - last seen paired with a red coat in Birkenhead for a belly cupping extravaganza. So no wonder it doesn't fit.

Fairy Crocodile said…
She thinks she is winning, poor sheep. At this point in time I don't care what she wears or what she says. I am done with her woke agenda shoved down our throats from the royal pulpit.
Button said…
Is her left arm incapable of hanging by her side? Why does she constantly feel the need to stick her left hand in front of her at all times?
Louise said…
Oh yes, she really looks as though she is suffering and only "existing", heh, heh.

And I really do with that she would get a new wig. This one makes her look skanky.
Jen said…
I noticed that she is without royal bump...ya know, the bump she was "trying" to show off and cradle in the green dress last week....

@Humor Me, I see the two colors too. I think you are right, she is wearing an undergarment (spanx?) and you can see that through the dress. Unfortunate. I do find the color to be lovely on her, but yes, her hair is too much. She is trying to "soften" her appearance as I am sure she's been told the bun makes her look severe.

I am sure SS told her to appear as vulnerable as possible as this event will ride the coattails of the documentary....must continue the farce!
This dress has been on mind lately, esp with yanky Wally just discussing her suspicious coat flicking and bump malfunction a few days ago. She's been showing quite a few pictures of this dress. Good to know though, that it was red coat that made it so horrible. On its own it's ok. Too much purple though,too flowy and too long. And looks like mm is hell bent on getting her money's worth from those hair extensions, they just make get look messy and unkpt. She should lose them asap.

Im Wondering if she will be in damage control mode tonight, esp after the sever backlash, Williams statements to the BBC and the public thinking the both of them are now mentally unhinged. It's going to be awkward I'm sure, considering that this has been a very mainstream discussion in the country for the past two days. There's no way that it won't be on the mind of those present there.

That being said, I feel mm will now double down and really unleash the beast. She is now almost in survival mode, very very angry and on the offensive because she probably feels she is now on her own.

It should be noted that after the documentary this is the first time that one of them is out in the public and it's only been 2 days, it's still too fresh in publics memory. Harry conveniently hasn't been seen or heard from so far. All other major players in this shit show - HMTQ, Charles, William, MM have been out working. Shame on you Harry. Whatever her faults may be, your wife has bigger balls than you do.
octobergirl said…
@Button The Daily Mail noted that she seemed to be constantly flashing her wedding ring. She's either insecure in her marriage or trolling people.
Jen said…
@Alice, Surrey James, Harry conveniently hasn't been seen or heard from so far. All other major players in this shit show - HMTQ, Charles, William, MM have been out working. Shame on you Harry. Whatever her faults may be, your wife has bigger balls than you do.

Does she though? Can you imagine what the media would be saying if she just up and decided NOT to show her face at this event? It's not balls that has her there, it's her desire for attention. She LOVES this.
MaLissa said…
MichiefGirl said I invite them to work my job, manage my household, on my salary, without assistance from secretaries, drivers, house cleaners, cooks, hair stylists, etc., and all with three weeks vacation a year to avoid burn out. FYI, I've been doing it for years. I didn't cave after one rough year, because everyone was so "unfair" to me and didn't ask if I was "okay".

Spot on. Get up at 5 am to get read for work, drive an hour and a half, work an 8 - 12 hour day, drive back home, make dinner, clean up, do what chores had to be done - bed by hopefully 11 pm and rinse and repeat for 20+ years. My husband works 2 jobs just to make ends meet since I had to quit to be a full time caregiver to my MIL. Can't afford vacations just staycations and oh yeah - "they're just living not thriving". Cry me a river. We just get on with it because we have to. We don't have a choice, this is life and we have do what needs doing.

Back on topic - that dress isn't too bad but couldn't she get it tailored? She still looks messy and the hair!! I honestly hope she gets booed.

@Louise500 I haven't read the DM yet or more to the point, the comments. I'll have to check it out.
Bardsey said…
The fit of the dress is wrong but the color looks good on her. There, I said something nice about her today and look forward to her speech so I can return to snarking on her.
Louise said…
She must have read the jokes about her butt pads, because she is not wearing them today. It's not only her "baby bump" that was increasing and decreasing in size.
@Jen , I agree she is there because eshe loves it. And she is definitely going to rub that smugly into everyone's faces. But can you imagine if it was Harry in her place? He would have been so sullen, dark circles, sleep deprived, an insufferable mess. Oooff!

Also did anyone else notice the awkward greeting with the lady in white when she walked on stage? Mm almost pounced on the lady while this lady is trying to curtsey to her, then she wrapped her in the most awkward bear hug and wouldn't let go. I almost thought she was going start bawling there and then.
Louise said…
Odd. The DM page says that there are over 2,000 comments, but when I try to link to comments, it says zero comments. Were they all wiped out?
Louise said…
The dress is from Aritizia.. a Canadian brand that Jessica Mulroney and Markle used to merch for..
Button said…
@Louise, in the beginning it appeared that the DM was heavily moderating since most of the comments are negative. I too, was unable to view them. It does seem now though, that they are posting them. Perhaps refresh your browser?
Louise said…
Aritizia , price wise, is like J Crew. She is finally learning not to flaunt her wealth.
Louise said…
Button and D,TW: Comments are back.

(May I call you D, as Markle refers to Harry as "H"?)
Curious said…
Is she purposely using bronzer / self tanner so she can be “darker” to support her story that people are racist? Because she’s pretty “light” and I wouldn’t have guessed that she’s part African American.
Louise said…
Curious: As others have noted, she is paler when in New York and South Africa, and darker when in the UK, where she needs to be able to claim racism.
@louise - or more likely that 'rewears are compulsory' is the one directive that her new advisors would not compromise on. To be noted that she is only wearing the more affordable, less flashy rewears. Not the over the top, exorbitantly priced ones, fancy designer wears.

She doesn't look unfazed or unhappy though. But it's been a few days since the filming and I'm sure she treated herself to a few spa days and siho house dinners since then. It also probably helps that her beloved husband is now a blubbering mental mess and persona nongrata for his family. So that's one goal accomplished for her.

One thing I noticed though is that she is so awkward in her gait, walk, her constant grin yet so cocksure of herself at the same time. That's in the most off things about her, tats what makes you dislike her instantly.
alice france said…
The dress Meghan is wearing is a beautiful color, it's the only positive thing I can say, because seeing this woman makes me feel unpleasant, close to disgust and aversion because of the emotions I feel for her behaviours. But are you going to tell me: "Stop reading and looking at articles on this subject, why you are hurting yourself so much, rather than having a good glass of wine and even several" Of course, you have the voice of reason, and I know it, but it's like an addiction that has taken over my weak person. When she got engaged in November 2017, I thought it was great that Prince Harry was in love and that a Métis woman became a member of the British royal family. Then I became disillusioned, very, very quickly, even immediately when I saw them in the interview of 27 November 2017. He looked like a shy little boy and he was a confident woman who didn't seem sincere (the intonations of her voice, the words she said). Then I went down in free fall, and I also remain hypnotized in front of this spectacle which does not end and which has so many twists and turns. I must admit that the French newspapers do not help me to stop, especially now that they talk a lot about Meghan. It irritates all journalists, even those who specialise in articles on European royalty. A title came out in the late afternoon, and I quote it to you: "Meghan is in survival mode, we have to save Private Meghan". Of course, no one intends to save her, on the contrary, we will continue to see her get stuck. We are waiting for the final scene, but it's a long show and I'm not going to be cured. Ah, life is not easy.....
Jen said…
@Alice Also did anyone else notice the awkward greeting with the lady in white when she walked on stage? Mm almost pounced on the lady while this lady is trying to curtsey to her, then she wrapped her in the most awkward bear hug and wouldn't let go. I almost thought she was going start bawling there and then.

Maybe she asked her if she was "ok" 😎😁

Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Louise said…
Trudy: Agree with most of what you said, but I don't understand this British thing about pantyhose.

I live in Canada and am bare legged from May-Sept, then wear thick tights during the winter, but only to keep warm.
alice france said…
I am waiting for the speech she will give, you must count the time it will last and the number of times she will talk about it ("I, I, I, I, I, I,..........")
Beth said…
Why did she have to make a long, slow entrance down those stairs with the audience clapping and taking pictures with their phones? Wouldn't it have been more appropriate (and by that I mean more Royal and less attention seeking) to have been seated in the front and then made her way onto the stage after her introduction?

Her dress is lovely and her makeup is very well done but those black curtains she is wearing on her head need to go.
DM reporting she isn’t wearing her eternity ring. Is this why she walked in with her left hand at attention, to send a message?
Ann Christensen said…
She looks sloppy with the glossy yet unstyled mane of hair reminiscent of a dandruff commercial. Why the bare legs? Glamorous perhaps at a barbeque in Palm Albert Hall, not so much. Spanx in evidence begging the question is her mirror only shoulderlength? Does she have no dresser/personal shopper to help her out a little? How did she confuse running on the beach in lady godiva hair with a royal appointment?
Louise said…
Alice France: "There were three people in this marriage.. me, myself and I."
Louise said…
That hair looks to be made of pure, 100% nylon.
Unknown said…
I have never hoped to see someone heckled so badly.
Mama Lawma said…
Dress is a fail, although the color is nice on her.

She’s wearing her good wig (the bottoms aren’t nearly as dry as whatever was going on in Africa). It’s hanging in her face though, which is a fail.

I agree she looks like she’s on something. Something strong.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read the comment from a markle insider about the royals being too afraid and inexperienced to deal with the modernizing force of the Harkles.

They need to fire Sara Latham IMMEDIATELY. Like HRC, Meghan is taking the tactic of blaming everyone for not loving her and not being ready for super-progressiveness instead of blaming her own hypocrisy (Hillary’s main hypocrisy is riding her rapist husband’s coat tails to ascendance in politics and never ONCE taking the side of the women he victimized) and shadiness. A decent PR person would strategize to fix that image, not belittle others for having an unfavorable opinion of their client. What the hell?!
CookieShark said…
No! No! No more speeches!

Any appearances they make from now on they should observe and listen as other folks run the show and give speeches. They have publicly stated they're 1) not OK and 2) they find it hard to get out of bed in the morning

On CB a poster was attacked today for actually giving very sound advice. They suggested the Sussex pair focus on the good press they have received and try to ignore the negative press. This poster was raked over the coals by the usual suspects.

Now, it may be a bit late to ignore negative press for H&M. Some of it is not out of turn. But I thought it was good life advice in general. If they're not going to listen to their advisors, they could at least choose to ignore stories they call patently false.

NeutralObserver said…
I'm wandering if there's something a bit shady about One Young World. One of the 'counselors' (of which Megs is one) listed on their Wikipedia page is Muhammad Yunus, who was accused of mishandling about $100 million in donations from Norway, & of not really helping the poor people his micro financing system claimed to help. Hillary was a big fan of his. Kofi Annan is also listed, despite being deceased. So a group right in Megs' wheelhouse then.

Sorry about the paywall.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
JL said…
Alice France LOL

My gravest concern that she is going to concoct her “Beyonce moment” up there on stage and belly cup to signal a pregnancy.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Louise said…
Trudy: I have the same body shape as Markle, down to the skinny legs and feet... I can't wear nylon hose because I slip around in shoes. (Wool tights hold the soes better than nylon)
@Louise, ‘Trudy: Agree with most of what you said, but I don't understand this British thing about pantyhose’.

It isn’t a British thing, it’s a Royal thing, The Queen doesn’t like to see bare legs. So stockings or tights.
Girl with a Hat said…
Louise, there are remedies for that.

As for pantyhose or stockings or whatever you call them, you really should wear them to a formal occasion. Even to some jobs. Going barelegged is not an option if you are a female CEO of a financial institution. Even in summer.
CookieShark said…
Where is Harry, such a shadow of his former self he doesn't even get a name for a nickname?
Just a letter? H?
This made me think of how Jay-Z and Beyoncé refer to each other as "J" and "B" in their songs. At least their nicknames also sound like their names.
"H" as a nickname sounds ridiculous.
I think she is LOVING that she is there on her own and doesn't have to share the spotlight with him, personally.
Girl with a Hat said…

While everyone is up in arms about how to deal with a couple of members of this famous family who are seemingly beyond their control, an insider provides a glimpse as to exactly how it happened.

She was quite cunning. She talked to him about his mother all the time. She used the pain he felt about losing his mother to make him rely on her and to turn him against everyone else in his family.

She told him that he is actually “a wounded little boy” and that his family was wrong for making him act stoically. She also told him that he should never forget how terribly his family treated his mother.

there's more at the link.
Clarissa said…
I was surprised she turned up until I saw the smug grin on her face and the flashing of the rings. I was hoping for some response from the public outside unless no one turned up.
I hadn’t realised Sir Bob Geldof was connected and wonder how he feels about her as he has always been outspoken whenever it is needed.
abbyh said…

In what I saw, she did not look frail, having difficulty coping, moving. I would say she appeared quite confident on every level.

How interesting. Does not look like a care in the world (or about who is at home and how they are).
lizzie said…
For some reason Meghan's entrance reminded me of Apollo Creed's entrances in the old "Rocky" movies (and not in a good way)
Louise said…
Clarissa: That is more than just a grin..she is BEAMING with the cameras on her, especially as she walks don the staircase. Suddenly, Wimbledon is forgotten and she no longer craves privacy. She is a media whore.. there, I said it.
Louise said…
abbyh: I have suffered from depression when younger and walked hunched over, always on the verge of tears. There is no way that Smarkle is depressed. She might be angry, but not clinically depressed.
Beth said…
@CookieShark, I believe the nickname "H" is from the time they were secretly dating. MM only told a few people his identity and for the sake of keeping the secret they referred to Harry as "H" in conversation. For what it's worth, I doubt she actually calls him H. She strikes me as more of a "No, you're Schmoopie..." type. The little gesture she made of covering her mouth after saying that's what she calls him, in sort of an "oops, I just revealed something personal by mistake" gesture was not convincing. At all.
Mimi said…
This is what she lives for! FAME! applause, flashing cameras, cheers, crowds, all eyes on her, adulation, curtsying (?). Yes, she was absolutely BEAMING! She is receiving everything she has ever wanted all her life and had to sit back and watch others receive. Now SHE is the famous one and she can never get enough. This is her telling us, “FU! I’m still standing!!!!!!!!!”.
Louise said…
Smarkle has posted a video of this event on her IG page. She enters to rock music, just like a "celebrity", starts off with a "shy Di" wave, looking straight into the camera with a smile that she cannot contain, than does an ass swaying Jessica Mulroney sashay down the runway.
Humor Me said…
@Mischi - just read the blind gossip item you cited. While PH/ MM fit the narrative, the BG comments are focusing on Corey Booker and Rosario.
Ozmanda said…
She seems to be recovering from all that bullying quite well...

Humor Me said…
and 6k comments and growing on the DM - all readable (if one is so inclined) and running 50/50 pro/ con.
@Mischi, ‘

Thanks for the link. I was discussing how Meghan has obviously opened up that festered wound of Harry’s today with a relative. So, the Blind says it all about this how she works, she’s made Harry need her and only her, and her way of doing and looking at things is the only way.
FGB said…
omg forgive me if someone else has already posted the link to this Instagram video, but what the heck? this seems like a professional wrestling entrance lol
Unknown said…
I wonder how she would be recieved at an event that was filled with members of the public as opposed to the select woke crowd here. Something tells me that Cheshire cat grin would fade very quickly. This is the only place where Megs thrives...when shes surrounded by people as phoney as she is
Louise said…
Humor Me: I don't know how you arrive at DM comments 50/50 pro/con. The most highly rated comments are negative.
Unknown said…
I think that there was briefly a 50/50 split when the comments were just opened, but the negatives very quickly outweighed the positives to a ballpark figure of 95%. Sunshine Sachs bots get in there early when the articles are published, but they simply don't have the numbers to combat the groundswell of public ire.
FGB said…
I can't get over how she practically knocked over the woman who was curtsying to her.

@Humor Me, ‘just read the blind gossip item you cited. While PH/ MM fit the narrative, the BG comments are focusing on Corey Booker and Rosario.’

It refers to a famous family, I’ve not heard of either one if those two, and no comments have been published yet. There have been a number of blinds on Blind Gossip about the Sussex’s and the royal family.

I agree with Louise about the DM comments, mostly negative, hardly 50/50 split.
Dorothy Zbornak said…
“Using African children as a backdrop to complain about your over-privileged life is offensive.
Invoking your own mother's tragic death to demand the press stop calling out your hypocritical wife is downright disgusting.

Meghan Markle is a witch.
Harry is under her spell.”

-Candace Owens

Whether or not you agree with Candace politically, I’m sure you’ll agree she’s spot-on with this matter. She’s also gutsy and won’t backtrack on this statement.
KitKatKisses said…
Forgive me if this has been discussed before. No, Megsy is not depressed, nor anxious. She is angry though, with the special anger of the self-righteous and the self-justified.

Neither does she want privacy.

What Meghan wants is freedom from the consequences of her actions. She wants to spend everything, behave like a diva, a Madonna or a *itch, dump her friends, her family, her "son", live where she wants, say what she wants, and she wants to do it all with impunity.

Harry IS depressed and/or anxious, but other than that he also wants to do whatever without having to answer to anyone or face the consequences of his actions.

That ain't reality, though.

Diana paid the ultimate price for rejecting RPOs, not wearing a seat belt, and having a fling with Dodi. It is not the media's fault.

What Meghan and Harry want they can *only* have if they shed the spotlight.

Meghan doesn't want to fade away either, so she will continue demanding her way, and in the process heap more acorn in herself and her hapless husband.
Blackbird said…
She looks different ... in the forehead and eyes area I think ... maybe fillers or clever makeup? Who knows, but she does look different. Her appearance at this event makes her look so, so bad - suffering, she is not!
Unknown said…
@HumorMe, the commentators guessing Corey Booker and Rosario Dawson are for the next blind, not the one being referenced, which is clearly PH and MM
Unknown said…
@Dorothy Zbornak said...

“Using African children as a backdrop to complain about your over-privileged life is offensive.
Invoking your own mother's tragic death to demand the press stop calling out your hypocritical wife is downright disgusting.

Meghan Markle is a witch.
Harry is under her spell.”

-Candace Owens

Whether or not you agree with Candace politically, I’m sure you’ll agree she’s spot-on with this matter. She’s also gutsy and won’t backtrack on this statement."

Can I just say how thrilled I was when Candace Owens spoke up about Markle? I realise I may be in the minority here, but I'm such a fan of her work. She's everything that Markle sold herself as, but failed to deliver on. She's smart, tough, classy, articulate, and passionate. She speaks with conviction and has the guts to stand up for herself and her beliefs, but also has the humility to learn as she goes. Also, she is authenticity proud of her African American heritage, is also in an interracial relationship with a charmingly posh white englishman, but doesn't politicise either fact or define herself by those issues. In every respect, Candace is the role model that Meghan should have been. It just highlights what a wasted opportunity Markle represents for the monarchy, really.

(Sorry, offtopic I know, but I really admire Cadace.)

Unknown said…
Note, Markle is making a huge show of her left claw. Eternity ring missing and wedding band and engagement ring are in wrong order. What’s she playing at? Separation or just stirring the pot for more attention/speculation...nothing is ever enough for this one.
CookieShark said…
H&M are in overexposure territory.

We have recently been bombarded with the SA tour (which included the Archie & Tutu meeting, as well as the suspected photos for the H&M clothing website), publicly donating Archie's hand me downs to the mothers2mothers group, the lawsuit, all of the hype for the documentary, the interviews where H&M whine, the statement from a "source" to CNN, and now this.

Did I miss anything?

Her hugging is grabby and unprofessional. Good grief she almost decked the lady in white on stage.
@Unknown, ‘Can I just say how thrilled I was when Candace Owens spoke up about Markle?’

I’ve never heard of her, but I saw what she said in the DM. She was sooo spot on with what she said, and I too was thrilled such a piece.

Her comment etc., was bought up on the last post, the last couple of comments.
Clarissa said…
She is definitely not depressed. I suffer with depression, in various degrees, and at the moment I’m struggling with even getting dressed.

One of the comments in the DM said that Meagain had lessons in catching Prince Harry, in grooming him and getting him into the state he is now. He said that it was being done to bring down the Royal Family by an organised group. He questioned who the organisation was. I replied SoHo House. First time I have replied on DM, but I might as well not have bothered as they didn’t print it, nor the second or third time I replied. These people obviously have some power despite the post Moxy made yesterday which was almost verbatim from their own web page.

I may be barking up the wrong tree but think they are very shady.

Just had a quick look at Meagain at the Albert Hall. I so wanted her to fall down those stairs!!!
Unknown said…
"One of the comments in the DM said that Meagain had lessons in catching Prince Harry, in grooming him and getting him into the state he is now. He said that it was being done to bring down the Royal Family by an organised group. He questioned who the organisation was. I replied SoHo House. First time I have replied on DM, but I might as well not have bothered as they didn’t print it, nor the second or third time I replied. These people obviously have some power despite the post Moxy made yesterday which was almost verbatim from their own web page.

I may be barking up the wrong tree but think they are very shady."

@Clarissa, there is a theory that Meghan is being fronted by powerful backers with an ultimate end goal of eroding public support for the British monarchy. The theory goes that the monarchy represents a fading but tangible symbol of British national identity. The monarchy also has the institutional power - in theory - to check government overeach should the monarch judge it to be in the public interest. If we accept the premise that there is indeed a shadowy globalist network that seeks to disolve old ideas about nationhood in order to empower a new international political oligarchy and increase centralised control over the public, getting rid of the monarchy would represent a key symbolic victory for such a group, no? Rather like the destruction of religious institutions in Mao's cultural revolution or Lenin's purge of the Russian aristocracy, political extremists first destroy the symbolic power that unifies a populus in order to remake the culture according to their own ideals. It sounds farfetched, but you don't have to buy into conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and Freemasons to believe that there are some very powerful elietists that would love to get rid of the monarchy. And Meghan's unlikely rise in status does seem to imply powerful backing...
CatEyes said…
I have suffered greatly from depression off and on for many years and am currently attending a support group with others. Seeing Meghan's behavior at the event today, so exuberant, so beaming etc it is extremely hard to believe she is depressed, 'not ok' or else she is a better actress than I gave her credit for. She sickens me. I think she wants Harry to be a despondent shell of a man so she can rise to the occasion and be the royal star among them both.
Sandie said…
As Meghan sashays down the steps and onto the stage like a talk show host (music, handlers directing crowds to cheer and clap), the war in the royal family escalates ...

My opinion is that in dealing with this, the monarchy must accept that they are dealing with an out-of-control and dangerous narc and Harry is subliminally crying for help but consciously completely under her spell.

I only have two criticisms of her appearance: . Instead of the (keep it fr the bedroom) hair hanging over the sides of her face, she could have swept those pieces up and pinned them with a diamond brooch for a classier look. 2. The dress needed a statement necklace (think Diana). Darn, there is a 3 ...too much bronzer on her face.

Do you think she was getting those expensive designer dresses on loan (and designers are no longer loaning her dresses because she is too controversial and looks unkempt) and bought a basic wardrobe that she now has to re-wear? In the first few months, definitely pre-birth, she wore fabulous designer wear. Or, is she being a narc responding to criticism with passive aggression? Or are pregnancy clothes the only ones that fit her now?
Bardsey said…
Just want to wish the commenters here enduring depression the best. It’s frustrating to watch the Harkles use mental health issues to deflect criticism when people without their lifestyle have to soldier on. Hugs to you all.
Button said…
My word, how much bronzer ( sp? ) does one need? Clearly she piles on the slap when she wants to appear as a ' woman of colour ' when she is in the UK. She also appears to be high?
Clarissa said…
@Unknown, thank you so much for your response, made a few things clearer.

@Bardsey, thanks for the hug. Really needed at the moment. It really annoys me when celebrities jump on the bandwagon with Mental Health. I doubt they would know real depression if it jumped up and hit them in the face.
Dorothy Zbornak said…
RE @Unknown

“Can I just say how thrilled I was when Candace Owens spoke up about Markle? I realise I may be in the minority here, but I'm such a fan of her work. She's everything that Markle sold herself as, but failed to deliver on. She's smart, tough, classy, articulate, and passionate. She speaks with conviction and has the guts to stand up for herself and her beliefs, but also has the humility to learn as she goes. Also, she is authenticity proud of her African American heritage, is also in an interracial relationship with a charmingly posh white englishman, but doesn't politicise either fact or define herself by those issues. In every respect, Candace is the role model that Meghan should have been. It just highlights what a wasted opportunity Markle represents for the monarchy, really.

(Sorry, offtopic I know, but I really admire Cadace.)”

I agree wholeheartedly. I have long admired Candace Owens for her willingness to express unpopular opinions and then refusing to backtrack on what was said. I may not always agree with every political viewpoint she has, but she is one of the few public figures with a spine that stays true to her beliefs and doesn’t back down (even when scolded in a Congressional hearing by Jerry Nadler when he slammed his gavel and mistakenly accused her of calling a member “stupid”)
Lurking said…
So which is it? Is he struggling or has he never felt stronger?

Why in the hell would Harry pick a fight with his brother? Doesn't he understand who will be holding the purse strings in the future?

Meghan is either acting or bi-polar? Depressed at one moment, exuberant another.

I doubt very seriously the royal family is concerned they will look out of touch.
CatEyes said…
@Bardsey Yes thank you for wishing depressed people 'the best'. Actually reading this blog adds some enjoyment to my life; I know it might sound weird considering I find Meghan and Harry's actions fake for the most part and disturbing in light of what most people have to struggle with in life, much less depressed persons.

I'm an American and I cannot stomach what those two are doing to the BRF and the British/Commonwealth public. Send them over here and they will be skewered by the tabloids, dropped by their celebrity friends eventually and realize they are a 'tiny fish in a big pond'. No one will care!
abbyh said…
I really liked Bardsey's comment too.

It makes it harder for people who don't have much day to day contact with someone who has mental health issues to walk away thinking that M has problems but look how she's able to pull it all together and do this. So why can't so and so?

In my family, there are people with a variety of mental health issues. It doesn't walk but gallops in some people.

abbyh said…
easier not harder

it's harder on the people who have real problems when people claim they have a real problem and don't

Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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JHanoi said…
I’ve only seen the DM picctures, but MM looks like the cat that ate the canary. as someone sid, she’s beaming. she thrives in the spotlight, loves the attentiona nd is a total fame whore.

the dress color is OK (picked it for Royal color) and it does look slightly large for her, maybe I’m wrong and she won’t pat her belly to anounce she’s preggo again on remebrance day. IMO the blue shoes don’t work and she should have stuck with a neutral. She should wear hose. her hair is all over the plac. i prefer embracing natural hair for all, and think she should go natural ather than fake extensions/ straighteners, etc. she’s not authentic or empowering if she can’t embrace her natural hair and needs to hide with the fake processed hair.

she’s preaching to her choir at that event so the people there are her ‘woke’ people and love her. i imagine the general public is more like the DM commenters.

OT: I don’t know what the Queens will and (phillip/charles) entails for the grankiddies but I hope in Harry’s case she adjusts her will/ or trust that was set up for him to he never can have access to the principle and can only get a yearly stipend/ interest amount to protect it. I think PH has shown he can’t be trusted to control something like that and is very suseptible to outside influence. MM probably has no financial sense based on her family members multple bankruptcies and MM would burn through that money in no time. or he would lose it in a divorce.

Lurking said…
My favorite comment about Smegs so far, "Vulnerable, bullied, struggling, surviving and STILL manages to find time to single handedly modernize the Monarchy."

JHanoi said…
And, the only thing they’ve “modernized” is Frogmore Cottage. 2.4 million $ worth of modernization
Humor Me said…
I received a response to my post on "M&H singlehandly modernize the Monarchy" with quotes from an unnamed US source. I had pointed out that IF the article was a SS article, that the Sussexes needed to end the contract and ask for their money back, as I felt the article was a failure.
The reposte' stated that "the American news media had better quit posting on rubbish they have no knowledge of." The poster did not comprehend that this may have been a PR piece commissioned by the Sussex duo! They had no knowledge of who/ what SS is to M & H......SMH at the level of trollbot supporters of these two.
CatEyes said…
@JHanoi What a priceless comment! LOL
fairylights said…
I like the color of the dress, but the heels seem like they are not the right shade of blue. To me they were enough different to be jarring and catch my attention almost immediately. The only way I could live through one of her speeches would be if I had a shot glass and a bottle and could take a drink every time she said 'me', 'my' or 'I'.
hardyboys said…
What the heck happened to this blog? I got anxiety reading this conspiracy theories on here. Lmao...this is a gossip blog not a political science forim
Mama Lawma said…
Her face looks completely different than it did in SA? She had no angles and suddenly she’s got angles and a bridge of her nose.
Jenx said…
No speech. According to tumblr. And the galumphing to the stage. Not an ounce of grace in that one.
The Cat's Meow said…
Ok, someone linked an article at The Sun so I went over to the webpage. They have chosen the UGLIEST picture of MM from this recent event -- no filters/editing whatsoever. You can see the bronzer etc and the "fake" is just dripping all over!

Third picture down after Harry and Wills.
KitKatKisses said…
That Sun link takes me to an article that Harry has "hit back " and says he has "never felt stronger" and blames the palace for fearing to look out of touch and failing to support him.

Harry is drinking his own Kool-Aid now.

Why Harry thinks he can win this is a mystery to me. The Firm will support William over Harry. That is how it must be.

Also, conspiracy theories are part of the gossip IMO.
Trooper said…
The color choice of her dress and shoes looks the same as Violet Beauregard from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory when she turned into a blueberry.
KnitWit said…
Meg looked better than usual today. The dress could showcase jewelry, but she must not be allowed to wear anything from the royal collection -ha. Stockings, a more groomed hair style, and matching shoes would have been better. I wonder what her real hair looks like? Isn't natural hair "in" with the woke crowd these days?

My Norwegian grandmother and a friend's German mother both thought that purple was for prostitutes. Perhaps that is an old fashioned, Scandinavian or Germanic notion. It was the first thought that popped into my mind seeing her dress.

I wonder about the rings. Perhaps she is giving us something to blab about. A former boss said something interesting about preparing for an audit - leave a few obvious things for them to cite because they are obligated to cite something.

Harry claims that he feels stronger than ever. I think he looks like a skeleton. I blame it on stress or malnutrition. Can't she see that?

I have alcoholic neighbors on a downward spiral which is heartbreaking to watch. The male is wasting away, looking like a scarecrow. He is in his forties but looks decades older. The female is the same age as his mother, although she lied and said she was 10 years younger when they first met. Similar dynamic, but more codependent. Odd how wounded people tend to be drawn to other wounded people. Sometimes they heal together. Other times, as with my neighbors and the Sussexes, they bring put the worst traits of each other.
The Cat's Meow said…
I know @KitKatKisses. The emotional tantrum continues. What I want to know is that if H is indeed "stronger than ever" then why can't he barely get out of bed in the morning?!?
Rainy Day said…
That is one amazingly ugly, cheap-looking wig. It looks like it’s made of nylon, not real hair.
KnitWit said…
Any sightings of them at Frogmore?

Suprised they didn't do a feature of the renovations with an environmental focus.

Imagining a "where's Waldo" style cartoon with Harry covering his balding head with a striped hat amongst a bunch 9f frogs.
KnitWit said…
Sorry. Phone got wonky. Couldn't correct 9f to of.
JHanoi said…
There’s some major SSachs PR going on now. Of course I think MM is behind it all cause she’s looks rested, happy, beaming, and in great spirits. PH on the other hand looks rough, tired, worn out, miserable, skinny, ‘fragile’ and unhealthy.

Dan Wooten of the Sun says the latest Sussex friend says that PH isn’t fragile and he’s strong as can be, it’s the institution full of panicked people that are out of touch, and fear being blamed for not supporting them. Or basically they are throwing william and the rest of the firm under the bus. Sounds like SS is trying to replay the whole Diana drama again and sway the public. For people that supposedly want privacy this seems like a very strange respons. The firm/ BRF should shut down all communication in refernce to the sussexes and drop them from the payroll/ positions / patronages. Let them both have their privacy andd live as private citizens. When PH is ready to come back to the family , maybe they can work something new out. Playing the drama out in the media isn’t helping the situtation because it’s what MM thrives on
KitKatKisses said…
The Cat's Meow said: The emotional tantrum continues. What I want to know is that if H is indeed "stronger than ever" then why can't he barely get out of bed in the morning?!?

Yes, absolutely. Don't know why I didn't make that connection!

And H certainly doesn't *look* well as others have noted.
Lurking said…
Whoever is in the driver's seat has lot the plot. It really looks like there is no game plan. They are throwing shite at the wall and seeing what sticks. Sympathy seeking victims didn't work, now they are trying to come off as the triumphant survivors... all in the span of a week!
Anonymous said…
Knowing the Narcissist has another installment on Ms. Markle. This is part 3. Strikes me as fairly insightful about her motivations and how now Harry is in the devaluation stage of the narc's playbook:
Louise said…
Lurking:"It really looks like there is no game plan. They are throwing shite at the wall and seeing what sticks. "

It certainly seems that way.

"Friends say Prince Harry has 'never been stronger'".. completely the opposite of what he said in the documentary

The Cat's Meow: Thanks for that link. to the picture of Smarkle in the Sun. Horrible. A real greaseball. And those eyebrows and overbleached teeth. Oy!
Ava C said…
The discussion about purple reminds me Elizabeth Taylor wrote that when she was married to John Warner and helped him run for office, his Republican Party backers told her not to wear purple as it was too strong and could be seen as arrogant. She said it was a sign of how bored and depressed she was (on her way to being her heaviest) that she agreed. Of course La Liz soon recovered herself with a big FU ("purple's MY colour!") and went on to a new chapter and all that amazing fundraising she did for AIDS research. Meghan's no Liz and never will be. This is yet more over-selling.

I loved one DM comment about Meghan going on yet again about writing that letter aged 11 (mainstream media please dissect for those not on the ball). This person wrote that they gave all their 8th birthday presents for Band Aid. Should they get a standing ovation?

JL said…
@Louise And Markle’s rock star appearance at Prince Ambert Hall also puts the lie to how “hard” it all is for her. Boo hoo.
Every new permutation by these two is so enraging. There are never ANY consequences for them. If this were another time they’d be tossed into the Tower of London for treason. Why does Buckingham Palace have no backbone? What happened with the promised savior Lord Geidt?
Lurking said…
8th birthday presents for Band Aid? So presents that were 4 months old? I don't recall Band Aid taking donations, other than possibly cash. Yet another lie?
Louise said…
Katie Hopkins parodies Smarkle. Hilarious.
Longview said…
At first I thought her walking down the stairs to rock music was to situate herself in the public's mind as a future Oprah/Talk Show host.

But looking at it again, it reminds me of a Political Candidate, entering the arena when they are kicking off their campaign. I really believe she is so delusional and removed from reality, that she thinks she can be US President.

When will the RF do something? I believe both these two bullies (for that is what they are) should immediately be removed of the 'burden' of their titles and royal responsibilities, so they can live the private life they say they want.
Ava C said…
There's only 2 comments up so far to DM's article reporting Harry's friends saying he's perfectly strong mentally, but what is said shows he can't win either way.

1. He's behaving this inconsiderately and disgracefully because he's mentally fragile. Therefore he needs help but cannot represent the BRF.

2. He's mentally strong therefore there's no excuse for behaving this inconsiderately and disgracefully. Therefore he should not represent the BRF.

It's that simple and I can't see a way to weasel out of this. Only the BRF's genetic ostrich tendency - the Queen Mother's most durable gift - can save them now.
Tamhsn said…
Not sure if anyo6posted it but Richard Kay is asking solid questions like who told them to modernize the Monarchy?
Unknown said…
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This past week this shit show really has become uncomfortably catty. A lit of people who might have been in the fence about MMs narcissism/control over PH will now be tut tutting because it's become very very obvious that she us relishing this chaos and Hars is unravelling under it.

I've believed for sometime now their weird couple dynamic is fueled by both of them being narcissistic and entitled to some extent. But what's become apparently clear iver the past few months that mm wants to appear blameless and hence sticks to passive agressive mean girl tactics of emotional manipulation while Hairy is one out with guns blazing and breathing fire. If one startes to nitpick his behaviors it becomes obvious that he wants to exhibit a grandiose in control image, hence his very well thought of remarks on having two children, wanting to save his family, the media statement, his soundbites to Bradby in the interview. He has, over and over again, intensified the rumours about the rift. She on the other hand wants to project the image that she is out their living her best life. And in my opinion she is.

They are both certifiably bonkers and painfully immature. Mm certainly has shattered any illusions of being smart, talented, spiritual and happy go lucky girl next door that she so painstakingly curated in the lead up to her wedding. Harpys decline in appearance and sanity, and more importantly, his declining loyalty towards his lineage is for everyone to see. The temperature tantrum is only escalating with the media articles quoting sources. It also seems that while their state of mental we'll being is not being questioned, it's just a facade to be bullying his family. Not for anything other that the sake of it.

Also,I've said it before but I'll say it again because I really do believe it - MMs sloppy dressing is less vanity more strategy. It's one she is trying to convince us and believed husband, that she is under duress. And Harry is lashing out not because his home life has become unbearable with constant fights blameing and shaming him for being weak and British.
Unknown said…
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HappyDays said…
Hi All, Although this is the blog I check daily, I do like to surf through other content too. Just happened to cruise by to see what H.G.Tudor is up to on narcsite. He just published a third and looks like a very lengthy installment of A Very Royal Narcissist Part 3 today. Quickly scanning it I see the latest escapades in Africa and the ‘stiff upper lip’ stuff that’s been in the mainstream press the last couple of days, so it’s fresh commentary.
EFarrell said…
Meghan is now getting her narcissistic fill. The constant barrage of attention, both good and bad are like a drug to her. The slights, insults, scarfing done to her by Harry’s family have only emboldened her. The media complaining about private jets, designer clothes make her feel picked on and victimized which she thrives on. No matter what we think or how much damage she can and will do, there is no stopping her. At all. The BRF does not have a plan. They have no clue what to do with her because she will not break or give in and she will turn every situation to her advantage. She will take no responsibility ever. She now has complete control over Harry. She has thoroughly groomed him and he is lost.
The true victim here is Archie. I am actually glad he is a boy as narc mother’s often do more damage to daughters.
What started as a real life reality show full of palace intrigue and gossip has now turned very dark. I’m not sure I have the stomach to continue to follow this story.
I hate to say it but I think our collective hand wringing will not matter a bit. There is no Lord G putting her in her place. No POW who doesn’t want to alienate his son even more, no brotherly bond, no granny Queen to fix this mess. The calls for a Republic grow louder. If I was a Brit, I would be in agreement. Why fund this dysfunction in any way? We Americans have our celebrities who provide us with this nonsensical entertainment, but we don’t subsidize the Kardashian’s and our Presidents and politicians have actually fought and worked their way to their position. We don’t have to like them, but none are there because of their birth or who they married. Harry is a joke and his wife might just modernize the monarchy right out if existence,
Sandie said…

This bizarre incident was noticed on a couple of blogs and is now being reported in the Express.

It's complicated and I am not sure I can summarise it well.

Background: Meghan and her team use social media to plant stories that are then picked up by the tabloids or MSM.

This tweet was from 12 October and is from a Meghan fan/William and Kate hater. (It is in support of Meghan as a force of change who is shaking up the establishment and it is very provocative and is from someone hiding behind a pseudonym.)

The official Royal Family account only likes tweets from charities and organizations or from people involved in the engagements they attended. Why would they have liked this tweet at this time?

Was it Meghan or someone on her team who has fired a shot in the war?

Apparently, social media accounts supporting MM (sockpuppet accounts, YouTube channels, etc) are popping up all over the place. SS are earning their fee!
Unknown said…
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KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, if I were to bet cold hard cash, I would bet that what they mean by "modernizing" the monarchy is that Harry married a "woman of color", and that they have become political (liberal). They are saving the BRF from being "male, pale and stale." Liberals are in the throes
of being anti-white and anti-male. Harry is an idiot.

@EFarrell, I agree with you about everything except...she will be stopped. Don't know how long it will take, but it will happen. William is not someone I would cross. If Harry has to go to save the legacy for Prince George, then so be it.
Sandie said…
I think this link should show the tweet. Is this genuine or a parody official BRF account?
Unknown said…
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Meowwww said…
It’s 1 am here in the USA. I’m up with my hubby who has food poisoning. Fun

I noticed the DM comments have suddenly turned all positive. SS at work while people sleep?
Seriously. The comments are overwhelmingly positive. It’s so weird.
El Naro said…
@KitKatKisses: Yes, that is the kool-aid, low-grade PR narrative they are selling, but no one is buying because of the obvious fallacies. It simply does not ring as authentic, but manufactured. Hence, the need for social media, IG, & tech companies who craft illusion. First, a marriage between a colonialist to a person of the colonies (or former colony, in this case) who is of mixed heritage is the oldest tactic in the book (see Wide Sargasso Sea & any # of references). 2) Haz has not exhibited any particular sensitivity or understanding about the experience of minority populations, as he demonstrated through use of racial epithets and the adornment of Nazi insignia. (Even children know to not do this.) 3)Just as Haz is attempting to posture wokeness, his accomplice is suddenly identifying through one ethnicity, while simultaneously diminishing the physical traits of that ethnicity. A curious state. Such hypocrisy is routine for low-grade actresses, though. Perhaps it is also more similar to the theatre of monarchy than we would like to believe? Did Haz see his Uncle Andrew's lurid activities behind the scenes, while popping up fresh-faced at public appearances with a public persona as a way of life? Doesn't Randy Andy seem more of a PR posture now, considering Epstein's history? Of course, Haz bears responsibility for his own actions. He can proffer all the motherly cosplay Sunshine can conjure, but it does not diminish the fact his decision-making seems shaky at best.
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning! I can see we have veered slightly into right-wing conspiracy theroey overnight.

I've removed some of the wildest posts - and, as usual, I 100% support your right to express these ideas someplace else. Just not here.

(And for the record, I highly doubt that either William or Harry are "the Antichrist" as expressed in the Book of Revelations.)

Nutty Flavor said…
One aspect I haven't seen explored - and I will write a full post about it if I have time - is the security situaton.

What in the world is Meghan doing walking through a crowd, particularly a crowd that was expecting her?

Her RPOs must be throwing up their hands in despair.

FWIW, I have been to Royal Albert Hall, and I know they have a cursory security screening when you go in as an audience member. But that can't account for some lunatic who lunges at Meg - perhaps with a plastic knife the screening doesn't pick up, or perhaps just to give her a big enthusiastic bear hug.

If something happened to Meg at this juncture, the conspiracy theories would never stop.
AnnaK said…
She is so grating on my nerves!! Reminds me of Janice Litman on Friends!!
Liver Bird said…
Some people say Meghan is good at PR but clearly, she's not.

If she had any sense, just days after that weepathon airing on TV, she would come in looking a little subdued, make a low key entrance (as royals normally do), and make sure she was dressed impeccably and modestly. But here we have the person who just days ago told us she was 'existing, not living', whose husband said that every single flash bulb is traumatising for him, and now she is out there grinning from ear to ear, striding onto the stage like a two bit celebrity and overall giving the impression that there's nowhere she'd rather be than in the limelight, being fawned over by strangers.

Meghan was right when she said 'they don't make it easy'. She's making it hard for even her fanz to defend her these days.

Ugh. There is an image on TCD where it looks as though she applied the fake tan with her hands and then forgot to wash the residue off. @Louise, happy to be known as D from now on!
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emeraldcity said…

Meanwhile as Meghan sucks all the air out of the room once again. Charles and every other European Royal is in Japan for the enthronement of the new Emperor.

Not one peep from The British tabloids about it while the obsess over the Markle Debaaacle Duo.

JLC said…
Watching her walk on to the stage was just unbearable. It was like she was about to collect an Oscar (in her mind.)

I bet she is lying on her bronzer-soaked pillow this morning basking in the afterglow of all that "adulation". She appears quite delusional.
Nutty Flavor said…
One of the Lipsticks Alley ladies is calling Harry a “knight in whining armor”.

Jenx said…
Sorry about going off piste, Nutty. Checked out that Beck dude. OMG. Sometimes in Canada I feel we are rather insulated from that kind of stuff. But honestly, MM is starting to get boring.
PA's pedo doc aired with little attention. Mission accomplished?
NeutralObserver said…
Ha,ha. Yes, Megs & Harry are changing the monarchy, but not really modernizing it. They're trying to be the Grace & Robert Mugabe of Britain. Grace & Robert were old school grifters who claimed to 'working for the people', & bled their country dry. Both couples had lavish weddings, & the wives both love their fancy wardrobes. So, yeah, the Markles are a big change from the queen & Philip, Charles & Camilla, & William & Kate, but not in a good way, & it's not modernization. It's just a couple cashing in on a soft spot they've found that happens to be in the British monarchy. Their shamelessness is what gets me.

Didn't Eton do enough to teach Harry how dumb he is, & that he should be humble? Oh, maybe they did, & that's why he seems to let Megs wear the pants & do the thinking for him. I agree with a poster above who implied all his lashing out might be because he's being emasculated at home. We know Megs has that in her.
NeutralObserver said…
@emeraldcity Too bad the press didn't cover Charles in Japan more, what photos I've seen have been gorgeous. As I mentioned in an earlier post, several members of the Japanese royal family have quietly abdicated from being royal. No fuss, no muss. Being royal in Japan is even more stifling than in Britain, so one can see why they did it. Harry & Megs, quit throwing your toys out of the playpen, & just leave!
@Emeraldcity, Not one peep from The British tabloids about it while the obsess over the Markle Debaaacle Duo.’

That’s incorrect, the DM had an article about it yesterday, and it was still there till this morning. I didn’t check other papers.
Mama Lawma said…
If there were need for any proof that Meghan is a narcissist, her behavior after the fall out from that interview clinches it. I have smaller scale
narcs in my family and what always astonished me is how conflict is their life’s blood. People commenting that she looks rested and like the cat with the canary... that’s just how my family members would look after ruining special occasions and holidays. Whereas a normal person would have their stomach in knots over conflict, the narcissist thrives on the chaos and misery they create in others (because it matches the misery and chaos going on in themselves). it’s truly chilling to see how they literally don’t care how unhappy they make the people around them and how they get off on making people miserable.

I’ll bet you a pot of hot tea that she looked the exact same way after she made Kate cry at Charlottes fitting. Ditto for when Harry confronted them (while Kate was pregnant) over not being welcoming enough to Meghan. That satisfies, man-eating grin. Poor Harry. That poor dumb bastard.
@Emeraldcity, ‘Meanwhile as Meghan sucks all the air out of the room once again. Charles and every other European Royal is in Japan for the enthronement of the new Emperor. Not one peep from The British tabloids about it while the obsess over the Markle Debaaacle Duo.’

I’ve just googled the story, most if not all the British press carried the story in the newspapers.
@Jenx. I watched the Dispatches programme about PA and JE on Monday. Not a whisper about it in MSM but plenty of noise and distraction from the usual chaos agents. Sometimes I do wonder if they are actually the Royal Family's useful idiots.
Nelo said…
Queen's photo of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is mysteriously GONE | Daily Mail Online.

I remember how Lainey made a big deal out of the photo last year. In her mind, the photo was the ultimate seal of approval from the Queen. I wonder what she will say now that the photo is no more there
bootsy said…
That CNN comment is really rather stupid. For whatever reason MM does have sympathisers, but those who are on the fence will see that for tje blatant piece of PR tomfoolery that it is.
Combined with feeling so depressed the next night she is out and about grinning from ear to ear.

I do see them doing quite well in this battle but they are doing too much too soon.

3 years ago PH was a popular bloke who ladies fancied and was seen as a nice person, rather informal and happy go lucky. No one ever thought he was ever going to achieve much but no one minded.
Fast forward to now and he's lashing out at people, telling them how to live their lives and warning them about unconscious bias (we have it but he doesn't obvs) whilst complaining about his terrible life.

It's just way too fast. MM is social hand grenade. You can argue who did what to who and when, but the simple fact is that this has all kicked off since he's known her. Everything has changed because of her and he has changed because of her. This will run and run. I didn't like her before but the speed and severity of her comments and actions in the last week is a real surprise, capped off by the CNN quote. It points towards a delusional egotist with no shame. This is only just the start...
Beth said…
@bootsy, yes Harry has changed since he met Meghan. He has become a huge hypocrite. He has no right to warn or disparage anyone for unconscious bias after saying things like, "Ah, our little Paki friend, Ahmed" and calling the manager of the Rattlebone Inn (where he was indulging in underage drinking binges) a "fucking frog." No one likes a hypocrite!
@Beth. I did not know about the anti-French comment. What a fool he is. Drunk or otherwise he should know better. I think that when they call out unconcious bias they mean ours as opposed to their own or their associates. Same as Meg overlooking Trudeau's mis-steps with the dressing up box. We have to change but they are exempt owing to their superiority.
Jen said…
@Nelo, the DM asks whether the photo is missing because she's "protecting their privacy." Good grief!

Now James Blunt is coming out in support of the Markles...and cites the "vitriolic" criticism leans towards bullying. Everything is bullying nowadays, isn't it? He also says that his good pal Harry was a great soldier, blah blah blah. That right there tells me this is a bunch of BS. Other soldiers (not paid) who served with Harry shared very different opinions on his time in the service, so I'm more inclined to believe them.
Nelo said…
The palace says Harry and Meghan are paranoid for saying that they are modernising the monarchy.
HRHYSTERIA Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ‘paranoid’ for claiming they single-handedly modernised the monarchy, say Palace aides -SUN
Louise said…
Disgusted, Turnbridge Wells: Indeed, the Harkles and Trudeau have much in common, from histories of racist comments/behaviours and fake feminism to dramatic training which allows them to cry on cue and talking with jazz hands. (Trudeau studied drama in school).They are both adept at blaming others without taking personal responsibility.

They do move in the same circles, including their shared friendship with Jessica Mulroney. Mulroney was also dressing Trudeau's wife Sophie early in his first mandate as PM (including merch from Aritizia) , until the press lost interest in her and her word salads. Interestingly, Sophie Trudeau was also criticized and mocked for claiming that she was under stress and therefore needed taxpayer funded staff. She made her request for staff through an interview with a magazine. (Unlike the US, the wives of the PM do not have an official function and do not normally have their own staff)
bootsy said…
And in terms of a general big picture point of view, I see the MM/PH issue as part of a larger trend which is occurring across all parts of society. Nutty this isn't a conspiracy theory!

From reality TV to politics we now live in a culture of feuds between groups/people. The media are fanning this, as are the actors involved, as it guarantees a media audience for everyone involved which translates to $$$ in a variety of ways.

MM knows this, and knows that she doesn't have to win over everyone, just enough that she will have her own audience. It's the same across the world where the only news that sells, and therefore gets reported, is a reality show 'feud' between people,a twitter feud, or politicians calling each other out and feuding using inflammatory language.

This is the state we're in. We're being fed a daily dose of feuds across numerous sectors of society, from the top to the bottom, because it sells and the media is happy to fan the flames. Or sometimes make up disagreements where there is none.

Either way it's frustrating to see as real life isn't like that (normally), and the media is distorting how people see the real world.

Let's face it, what MM does shouldn't really bother us too much but it gets under our skin thanks to the gleeful reporting from a variety of news outlets. Gotta get the $$$ from those clicks!

Either way it's annoying, and it's not an excuse for MM who is actively using this phenomenon to forward her own agenda based most likely on her ego and distorted view of herself.

That has to be a world record for how many times the word 'feud' was used in just a few sentences...
Louise said…
Jen: This seems to be a generational thing, where any criticism is labeled "bullying". We see this in the work place, where it has become difficult to train people because even constructive criticism is "bullying". I imagine this comes from the culture of "participation" ribbons for everyone.

What angers me is that the overuse of the term detracts from the problem of real bullying. Here in Canada, we have had several cases of young people taking their own lives because of bullying. In some cases, it was caused by uncontrolled social media and the circulation of nude photos of young girls, in others it was boys who were relentlessly bullied at school, with the school unable/unwilling to punish the perpetrators.

JL said…
I don’t think William is concerned about protecting George’s legacy as POW since he would just as soon see his children grow up without it.
I think he, as well as the whole royal family is upset about how MM is bitch slapping HM The Queen over and over again with ingratitude and deliberately ignoring the rules. It is beyond lack of respect. She has actually taken The Queen on.

As for Eton, I believe it did convince Harry that he is stupid, when he is not, and he is enraged about it. Yet he still believes the programming so he allows “the smart one” his wife to run the show.
Louise said…
Louise500: Indeed, she sucks the air out of the room, as you say. Besides taking attention from Charles in Japan, it also detracted from the Cambridge's event, where they hosted "teen heroes" at their home in Kensington Palace yesterday.

These are young heroes who deserved to have the "light shined on them" by the media, but who lost out to Smarkle's Halloween store wig.
Louise said…
JL: Sorry, but Harry comes across as not particularly intelligent.
@Louise. Birds of a feather. Laughing at your description of talking with jazz hands. Amateur dramatics. All we need now is for Megz to start fanning her eyes when she starts crying in another insincere display of "emoshun".
Liver Bird said…
Harry barely scraped two A levels - a B and a D - despite having the most expensive and exclusive education money can buy. There was also something of a scandal at the time when it was said that he required 'help' to attain even those very low grades.

So I think it's safe to say he's not the sharpest tool in the royal shed.
Jen said…
@Louise, same here in the US. Social media is destroying the world, IMO. I've been thinking it for years. Most people, for the most part, are taught from an early age to have respect for their fellow man. When you are a child, you are taught to share with others, be mindful of what you say so as not to hurt others feelings, and so on. While that may still be the case, we have lot all sense when it comes to "life online." A lot of what we say online, we would NEVER say to the person if they were standing in front of us.

When I was in HS, if there was any bullying, it was at school and that was it. Social media has given bullies a way to bully their victim 24 hours a day and to a wider audience! Sadly, while we continue to teach kids to "ignore"'s gotten increasingly harder to do so.

Can one say that what we are doing is a form of bullying? Maybe. The larger difference still remains that this couple lives off the money taken from UK taxpayers. In essence, the taxpayers are the "employer" and the royal family the "employee." While they are getting paid by the taxpayer, the taxpayer has the right to expect them to comport themselves in a manner that respects the sacrifices THEY the taxpayer are making to ensure the family lives in the lap of luxury. They do NOT expect to have their money thrown in their face with fancy dresses, luxury private jet flights, all the while being told that THEY shouldn't do/have the same because it's bad for the environment. Further, they shouldn't be lied to by these same employees. My goodness, if I did what these two have done, I'd be tossed out on my rear end.

THAT is what is not fair.
KitKatKisses said…
Sorry Nutty! It's all so fascinating to me...the world's best soap opera!
JL. I believe even Diana commented on Harry lacking in grey matter. Apparently one of his housemasters at Eton also suggested that his own Cocker Spaniel was brighter than our Haz.
Louise said…

Jen: In my opinion, if someone choses to put themselves in the spotlight, then the criticism cannot be considered bullying if the comments are based on facts. If not, how could we even run a democracy if criticism of every politician and opinion maker was labeled "bullying".

Smarkle did say that she didn't think that the criticism was "fair", but this was generic comment. What, exactly, was not fair? If she could rebut the criticisms with actual facts, I would reconsider her concerns.
@Nutty , regarding the security situation at the Albert hall engagement; Mm walking through the crowd like that did seem quite a curious arrangement to me when I first watched that video. I immediately thought that this aspect of her entrance was deliberately and carefully planned to be like this. The optics of it are certainly interesting. MM walks through a packed hall, from one end all the way up to the stage. It's her Moses parting the red Sea moment.

1. She gets quite a but of screen time, the walk takes some time. Its very attention grabbing because the entire audience has to turn around to look at her as she descends.

2. She walks down the stairs, metaphorical almost, an angel descending from the heaven. And her demeaner, smile, thrusting the chest forward, parting the hair curtain certainly conveys that that's the narrative playing out in her mind.

3. It's a good way for her to wash her hands off of the Wimbledon fiasco. She walks through a crowd, unconcerned about her security, she also weirdly touches a couple of people unexpectedly as she walks on. You can see the people she bumps into and touches are surprised. She wants to show that she is one of the people but still above them.

4. She is beaming maniacally through out, she has planned this walk. The awkward hug at the stage with the lady in white is that split second where her calm and confidence slips because she can't wait to ounce on the poor hapless lady and SHIW her friendliness and approachability. Yet, she is definitely a tad but unnerved to be putting on such a display.

I've been to the Royal albert hall, and usually when they have a guest of honour, they would either already be on the stage or come from backstage/sidelines/friend row. So the long walk was definitely planned and demanded.
Liver Bird said…
Also re the 'bullying' thing - and I'm so tired of that word being used incorrectly, not just in regard to Meghan - surely one of the hallmarks of bullying is that you can't avoid it? If the other boys at school are chasing you down the road or shouting insults at you, or if your colleagues at work are snearing at you and calling you names, then that is certainly bullying, and deeply unpleasant.

However, Meghan doesn't have to read one single word of what is written about her. In fact, just a few months ago she said she does exactly that. Plus, she is not physically stalked or harassed at all - the taxpayer funded RPOS see to that.

So how, exactly, is she being 'bullied'?
Jen said…
@Liver Bird...that's just it, they aren't being bullied, just criticized. They are blurring the lines between the two because bullying is a buzz word that takes the blame off of them, and puts it solely on the "bully." They have taken NO responsibility for their actions. NONE! They have never said, "sure, we make mistakes, everyone does..." Instead, they are playing the bully card and acting like victims.

She is harping about bullying the same way she has latched in to other on-trend words - racism, feminism, empowerment, modernizing the monarchy, husband, family, kindness... She probably doesnt have the faintest clue what it means to be at the receiving end of actually cruel bullying. She was also probably the one dolling out the bullying on other kids.

This is her ranting about Harry's family because they don't give her the time of the day. They probably just go off to sleep once she starts speaking. Or maybe they don't reply to her 'gm 2 all' 5 am msg everyday on that WhatsApp group and now she is pissed.
@Alice. I bet she was the school bully. Looks the sort.

Agree that she can't distinguish between bullying and legitimate criticism. And yet in that documentary she said she would be the first to stand up and admit her mistakes. No sign of that happening any time soon. No humility whatsoever. I would like her to come out with what lies exactly have been spun, so she could defend herself against them and we could point out what we know to be the facts.
We've witnessed her hypocrisy time and time again. So it's safe to say that whatever she said in the documentary (to invoke emotion) isn't necessarily true. There are some things which she in her head probably believes to be true, but in general most of the ceyfest was an attention grabbing ploy, at least from her side.

Also her split second micro reactions during the interview are very telling. I watched her interview this morning and she is way over the top in the Archie reveal part and trying too hard to convey her emotions in the trenches coat part.
Jen said…
@Disgusted, Tunbridge Wells

I would like her to come out with what lies exactly have been spun, so she could defend herself against them and we could point out what we know to be the facts.

By the British press...since that seems to be the "bully" in this accusation. I do not know of any truly false press they've received, do you? I know the average DM commentator, and other blogs on the web (like this one) have commentators who have been less than flattering regarding her appearance but they are average people, not the press. Are they again blurring the lines between press and public? Attributing what the public is saying on to the press because they can't very well sue the public, can they?
Chiland said…
I’m not sure if this has been brought up by anyone recently but I was thinking back to this article where her Dad is quoted as saying how unhappy he thought she was in the Royal Family and he felt she was under stress and her smile etc was looking strained. Of course he was lambasted for it...
Liver Bird said…
Also - since we know all this 'bullying' talk is the build-up to their move to LA - what difference would being out of Britain make? Leaving aside that the American press is at least as 'vile' as the British press, the latter will still be interested in her after any move to America. And they all have reporters in LA and other major American cities. So the 'bullying' will continue and in fact be even worse, because if they give up their 'working' royal status they may no longer have their Met Police security officers, and the deference they are shown as members of the royal family - whether they're aware of this or not - will no longer apply.

It's such a farce.
Ava C said…
I'm reading a recently published memoir by Anne Glenconner (born Lady Anne Coke) called 'Lady in Waiting: My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown' which is the most eccentric and entertaining book I've read for years. Aged 87 now, she was a childhood friend and then lady in waiting to Princess Margaret for three decades.

For quite a while she actually lived in Apartment 1A at Kensington Palace, with Princess Margaret, and what she has to say about security there really brings home, afresh, all the needless additional expense caused, no doubt by Meghan, by moving to Frogmore. Simply because she must have sowed so much unrest at KP. (We can see imagine this even more now we've seen last night's cat with the canary look, having caused the greatest amount of chaos yet.)

Anyway, Anne Glenconner writes of KP:

"As the apartment was in the Palace complex, it was completely guarded and safe, and for me it was bliss not having to worry about security, leaving windows and doors unlocked and the keys in the car. A luxury I don’t imagine Princess Margaret had any awareness of, but something I really valued."

Really sums it up. And as far as we know Harry was perfectly happy there before she came along. I remember reading about Harry dropping in and eating William and Kate out of house and home, and Kate teasing Harry about how scruffy his shoes were. They seemed to be a solid team. Oh why couldn't he have married a straightforward woman who loved babies and labradors and was happy having all his old (now lost) friends over for Sunday lunch? A lovely estate in Herefordshire too (if I've got the county right. My idea of heaven. Love that part of the country.)
JL said…
I certainly joined in the chorus that called Harry dim for falling for what the horrid one was selling. Naivete and desperation? Crazy good sex? Plenty of very smart people have fallen into the clutches of an NPD/borderline.

I also do not think grades in school denote intelligence. Have known plenty of people who were poor students, or who never went to college at all, yet who did extremely well in life. I was a straight-A student all through school and university only because I could write an essay and had a knack for multiple-choice questions. Yet I am certain that many people on this blog are smarter than me. As everyone knows there are many kinds of intelligence. I can’t blanket say that Harry has none of them. Whatever insanity he is in seems like addiction to me. And I feel angry at him for it.

Finally I think his grades could very well be due to learning disabilities and depression similar to James Middleton, who describes his struggles so beautifully in this article.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the article was James’ and Kate’s way of telegraphing to Harry.
@Liver Bird , my thoughts on what you say about their bullying accusations. We are assuming she is accusing the media or more importantly the public. We are also assuming she needs the publics sympathy, but then again we know she doesn't care. What if this whole shebang is actually for Harry's benefit? What if she is crying wolf to Harry with this, and this is all to convince him to finally leave by turning him against British public/media.

Harry is certainly not blamless in this and he has allowed all this to spectacularly unfold withing 2 years of his marriage. But he is still an entitled brat who had grown up knowing his privilage and reveling in it all his life. He may bit want to do his duties, he may feel restricted by he still feels duty bound by the circumstance of his birth. He would have carried on in his capacity as Charles son, Williams brother. This drama that his wife has created around him is bound to affect him profoundly. And by forcing everyone's hand so publicly, she is infact saying to her husband 'see I told you they are not what they seem, they don't actually care about you, they will throw under the bus and I'm doing you a favor by showing you their true colours'.

Harry's frustration is palpable, he is clearly out of his depth and does not know how to handle the shit storm he stirred up. And to him the best course forward probably is to carry on what he started. She would also have convinced him in some way that he has infact burnt all bridges and would not be accepted back into the family even if he does want to go back.
Liver Bird said…

"And as far as we know Harry was perfectly happy there before she came along."

I'm not convinced he was all that happy. I don't think a truly happy person would have been such easy prey for Markle. There were also rumours that he used to turn up at Will and Kate's home drunk and they didn't want him around their kids. Remember that we only saw carefully controlled snapshots of his life - it's easy to appear 'happy' when you're only seen being grovelled over maybe once a week. And royal PR had done a very good job of turning around his image - from drunken naked games in Las Vegas to the jolly, fun loving prince. Who knows how much relationship this bore to reality?

"Oh why couldn't he have married a straightforward woman who loved babies and labradors and was happy having all his old (now lost) friends over for Sunday lunch?"

Because why would such a woman want to lumber herself with an emotionally and intellectually stunted man-child? Look at Cressida. She played a blinder - dated Harry for long enough to get her name out there, and then turned around and got engaged to another Harry: the same handsome, rich aristocrat she'd been dating before her liason with Prince Dimwit. No fool, that girl!

JL said…
I certainly joined in the chorus that called Harry dim for falling for what the horrid one was selling. Naivete and desperation? Crazy good sex? Plenty of very smart people have fallen into the clutches of an NPD/borderline.

I also do not think grades in school denote intelligence. Have known plenty of people who were poor students, or who never went to college at all, yet who did extremely well in life. I was a straight-A student all through school and university only because I could write an essay and had a knack for multiple-choice questions. Yet I am certain that many people on this blog are smarter than me. As everyone knows there are many kinds of intelligence. I can’t blanket say that Harry has none of them. Whatever insanity he is in seems like addiction to me. And I feel angry at him for it.

Finally I think his grades could very well be due to learning disabilities and depression similar to James Middleton, who describes his struggles so beautifully in this article.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the article was James’ and Kate’s way of telegraphing to Harry.
Louise said…
Smarkle must be thrilled today.. she will be on the cover of the next issue of Tatler. They are using an old photo of a younger Meghan .
JL said…
Sorry for the double post. Working off iPhone has its limitations. It also accounts for my many typos.
Liver Bird said…

"I also do not think grades in school denote intelligence."

They're not the only measure of intelligence, certainly. However, when you've had the very best educational resources available to you - including alleged 'help' in your exams - and STILL only barely scrape 2 A levels, it doesn't look good. Mind you, despite similar advantages, none of the royals are known for their intellect.

His mother also was a bit of a dunce at school. Her only 'academic' achievement was the award for 'best kept hamster' and she supposedly told a girl that she was 'thick as a brick'. However, Diana was astute. She would have seen right through Markle, I'm convinced of that. Harry lacks even her emotional intelligence. He's a wreck.
Jen said…
@Liver Bird, I've noted the subject of his 2 A Levels grades being brought up numerous times, but cannot find information that tells what exactly that is (that makes sense to me, as an American). It was mentioned he got a B and D. Is it coursework that culminates in a test?
Nelo said…

'An irreparably changed relationship' for princes

"The BBC has repeatedly asked to speak to the couple's communications secretary, Sara Latham, but has had no response.

A friend of Ms Latham told the BBC that the comments defending Harry and Meghan, and criticising the Palace, did not come from her."

EFarrell said…
Another aspect in how the term bullying has been cheapens . If one criticizes MM over very obvious transgressions, her defenders not only call you a bully, but a racists and a hater. Isn’t calling people names such as this in itself a form of bullying? It always amazes me. I made the mistake once of commenting on Twitter, saying that MM only embraced her black ethnicity when convenient for her and basically lived most of her entire adult life as a white woman. Stating in her acting resume, she was white, joining a white sorority, marrying 2 white men (maybe 3, surrounding herself with white women friends. The onslaught of hate and name calling I got, actually freaked me out for a minute. I was called every name in the book and told to STFU. Her sugars commented on my profile picture, my appearance, old tweets they felt bolstered their case that I was a racists old white lady! I mean, old and white yes, but seriously? I deleted the Tweet and blocked the crazies. Whew. Social media is a choice however. At my age I realized that and I chose to not go to the bad rage infested neighborhood again.
Real bullying is not something people can avoid. That is what is so damaging. Young kids must go to school, people must go to work, etc. I get extremely triggered when people cheapened real trauma by the overuse of words.
Really?? Sara Latham is actually denying it? This just keeps getting better and better.
Liver Bird said…

A levels are the final exams done when one is finishing secondary school - most students do 3 or 4. I'm not sure what the American equivalent is. Harry got a D in Geography and a B in Art. The latter was the subject of a minor scandal in 2005 because his teacher claimed that she helped him to pass the exam by basically doing a project for him. She later won her case for unfair dismissal from Eton.

"Former teachers of Prince Harry at Eton College helped him cheat in his A-level art course because he was such a weak student, a tribunal was told yesterday.

One teacher allegedly prepared explanatory text to go with images produced by Harry while a second helped the prince insert the lines into a project.

The head of art at Eton also allegedly completed work for Harry which was later published in newspapers around the world.

As the prince began army officer training at Sandhurst yesterday, one of his former teachers, Sarah Forsyth, was claiming that his art exam result, which helped him get into the elite college, was flawed.

Ms Forsyth told an employment tribunal, where she is claiming unfair dismissal, that the evening before a moderator was due at the school to look at the students' AS-level work - which counts towards their A-level grade - she was asked by the head of art, Ian Burke, to prepare text to go with some of Harry's work for his Expressive Project, in which a pupil is required to explain some of his work and relate it to that of great artists.

Ms Forsyth said she was "profoundly shocked", adding: "I was concerned that this was unethical and probably constituted cheating."

She told the tribunal at Reading, Berkshire: "I assumed I had been asked to do this because Prince Harry was a weak student."

Ms Forsyth, 30, said Harry's failings as a student were well known at Eton and she had been told that a teacher who marked Harry's entrance exam had been "desperate" to find points for which he could award marks."
Ava C said…
Why did they choose such an awful photo for the Tatler cover? Skin looks far from airbrushed and she's missing the melting gaze she usually aims for when there's lots of artifice on hand to help her. A rodent's eyes. I've never been mean in writing in that way to her before, but that was the first thought that leapt into my head on seeing it. It's as if they're highlighting all her bad points but they would hardly do that to their circulation. Must just be that I'm old-fashioned. I go for beautiful over edgy or modern every time.

Of course the fact that she supposedly thought it too boastful to be on Vogue's cover has not been forgotten by the masses. How many times can you turn 360 degrees in 48 hours?
Lady BreakWind said…
Interesting how she posts a pic of h erself on the Sussex IG with Justin Trudeau given the fact that the pics of him in blackface surfaced.
JL said…
@LiverBird “best kept hamster” LOL
I’d point out that Diana also had early trauma when her Mom ran off. It’s hard to be motivated to study when you are depressed. What happened to Prince Philip’s genes? He’s known to be highly intelligent. Where did they go? We must send out a search and reacue party.
Lime_Smoothie said…

I can help here!

A levels are the exams you take at age 18 in England, you would normally take 3 or 4 - I took 4. Graded A* to E. He dropped his third subject at the end of the first year, which normally denotes that he failed that subject and his school wouldn't let him continue.

When Harry took them, they included coursework, plus 1 or 2 exams in each year of study (Year 12 and Year 13). His Art teacher was accused of doing his Art work for him (He got a B). He got a D in Geography, which includes a massive field study/coursework, plus exams with pre-prepared case studies.

These are poor results, even if he was at a failing school. He was at £30k a year Eton, where they specialise in getting averagely intelligent kids from very wealthy backgrounds through to top universities.
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