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A note from Nutty: The inactive Sussexes

Just a note to check in. The Sussexes have been so inactive recently that they've given me very little material, which isn't an entirely bad thing.

I've always said that my hopes and dreams for the Sussexes were not some kind of macabre violent end, but for a quiet fading away, so it would be hypocritcal of me to complain when they take some long-overdue time out of the spotlight.

A few Sussex notes from the past week:

➯ It's not clear where the Sussexes are currently located, and nobody seems particularly concerned where they are. The Sunshine Sachs PR money tap appears to have been turned off for the moment, so there are fewer articles about Meghan and even fewer commenters defending her in the Daily Mail.

➯ Talk about the upcoming Sussex "move to the US" has vanished entirely after Prince Andrew's defenestration.

Apparently it has dawned on the Sussexes that they are very likely candidates for the slimming down of the monarchy which Prince Charles has reportedly been discussing with Prince Philip at Sandringham.

Instead, Meghan supporters like Lainey Gossip are pushing the concept that the British Royal Family needs the Sussexes more than the Sussexes need the BRF in order to keep in touch with younger British citizens.  This sounds....improbable.

➯ DripDrop, the Twitter account which along with TorontoPaper offers maybe-you-believe-it, maybe-you-don't inside info on Meghan Markle, is reporting that Prince Philip wrote a letter to be delivered to Prince Harry, but the letter was intercepted by Meghan.

Philip does like to write letters, particularly when angry - he wrote many of them to Diana, and some were published after her death - so that part of the story rings true. What was in the letter? DripDrop doesn't seem to know.

➯ Whomever is doing Prince William's PR deserves a knighthood. Casually showing off of his ability to speak Swahili while greeting a teenage Afro-British prizewinner made William look much more in touch with the continent and its people than Harry with his elephant patting and random moaning.

(It's also a nice change to see Black British citizens presented as heroes and movers and shakers --
instead of the charity cases they are often depicted as in Sussex projects.)

William (and his PR team) is also making good use of his time with the East Anglia Air Ambulance by announcing yet another initiative to address the mental health of first responders - news that dropped on the same day as yet another terror attack in London. (I don't believe that the two were timed to coincide, however - Royalty just doesn't move that fast.)

Meanwhile, the Cambridge PR team made sure everyone knew how Duchess Kate spent two days working in a maternity ward and joined a community midwife visit as part of her background research for her early childhood initiative.

Folks, this is how good publicity is done. If only the Sussexes would watch and learn - wherever they are.


Portcitygirl said…
Very interesting and on point. Always enjoy your perspective. Had not heard the bit about PP. Very interesting indeed.
none said…
Excellent post Nutty. Inactive Sussexes...a quiet fading away. This would be the best possible outcome.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Perhaps it finally dawned on them silence is the best survival strategy. They are very unpopular now
Nelo said…
The Sussexes are quiet because they are trying to strategize on what their narrative will be going forward. But I totally agree that the new narrative is going to be how they are good for the Monarchy.
gabes_human said…
Hi Nutty and Co., I have a hard time imagining that Charles will trim down the monarchy to the point that Harry is cut out. He’ll have a hard time justifying keeping him on the payroll though. Part of me wants to see the H&M debacle over and done with already and my evil twin wonders what we’re going to do with all the spare time we gain from not reading and researching their foibles.
Kate said…
Well, even if Charles does trim the monarchy, we will still hear about the Harkles. Meghan will be merching up a storm, girl has got to make money where she can.

Interesting about a letter from PP to PH that Megs intercepted. That is a disgrace, I don’t understand how this is even possible.

Anyone been watching Season 3 of the Crown? Paints Charles in a light I never realized and I actually feel sorry for him. I’ld love to see him take over and try to reign in his own way. First important step though - get rid of Megs!!!
Himmy said…
I just don’t understand why they allow H&M run their own PR. They are using RF’s money to undermine the other members of RF.

If they want the easy money and perks, they must toe the line.
lizzie said…
@gabes_human, I agree about Charles likely having difficulty cutting off Harry. Harry is his son, after all. But the more Charles is given credit for getting Andrew out (however incomplete or temporary a banishment it might turn out to be) the harder it will be to continue to support H&M merching around the clock, running a shady foundation, constantly whining through mouthpieces, and denigrating both the UK and the RF.

What Andrew did (and we still don't know for sure what that really was other than associate with JE) isn't the same as what H&M are doing. But until recently, questions about what Andrew had done in 2002 with Virginia R wasn't on the front page every day. In contrast, H&M want to be front page news no matter how much they might protest about "privacy." Many of their associates don't have the cleanest hands and neither of them has the cleanest past.
bootsy said…
It's only been a few days, I don't think anyone expects the dynamic duo to be too quiet for that long. What I do find interesting is that press coverage is largely dependent on whether they are engaging in royal duties or gabbing away in public/on twitter/doing stories from 'sources close to the couple.'
They're really quite free to do what they want without much intrusion at all.

As for the Crown, do people watch it as an accurate portrayal of personalities and events? I would be very wary!

Key parts will be dramatised or made up to move things along for the plot. And as it's drama then that means characters will fulfil certain roles of goodie/baddie when it's just not that simple.

Let alone the fact that no one really knows what goes on a lot of the time, and what little we know is most likely released with an agenda in mind rather than being unvarnished fact. Case in point all the MM PR leaks from 'friends or sources', or the DM debacle over the PA intvw where it initially claimed Beatrice and Fergie thought it was a great idea, then other 'sources' said the opposite a few days later.

I'm dead against (as you can probably tell) dramas based on a true story. They can massively distort reality and give people a false idea about personalities and events. What we know about the real ins and outs and all this infonis tightly controlled. Anything that is released is done with an agenda in mind. Not exactly enough for an entertainment show to be treated as factual, or even largely factual!

But hey that's my opinion so there you go.

PrettyPaws said…
Good morning, All. Many thanks for this post, Nutty, as it feeds into something I have been thinking about for a while.

I think that the Harkles have been so quiet because MM has a bad fit of the jitters and, to be honest, she's got a lot to be jittery about:

1) Prince Andrew/Ghislaine Maxwell - If PA does speak with the FBI, or GM does, they just might let out something regarding links between MM and Epstein/Weinstein, etc, not forgetting Soho House. Many of us already suspect a former link between MM and PA, especially given her alleged "yacht girl" past, so it's not inconceivable that something like this will leak out. Besides, PA doesn't like MM and is always giving her the cold shoulder so he may decide, particularly after her "horrified" comments, that he won't be the only one to suffer and will throw MM under the bus.

2) Oprah & Others - If the above does happen, I don't think OW would be in such a hurry to make any kind of documentary with PH and MM's other celebrity "friends" will drop her like the proverbial hot potato, as far as they are concerned she will go from A-list to Z-list in a heartbeat. What price her US money-making plans then?

If anything really unsavoury DOES leak out (please, please, PLEASE!), then perhaps the scales will start to fall from PH's eyes - and not before time, IMO.
Louise said…
1)If Philip sent Harry a letter and it was intercepted by Smirkle AND the fact of the interception has been published online, would not Harry not be aware of the letter?

I don't buy this story that comes from some obscure blogger. Most people who intercept letters keep it a secret. Who leaked this? Archie?

2) I don't think that Mrs Common and Mr Wealth have been permanently sidelined. In my opinion, they are laying low so as to "keep secret" their current location as well as the location of Doria and if people read meaning into a maple leaf, so much the better for generating talk.

"Keeping things secret" has worked for them in the past as a way of generating further discussion about them.

Even during their 6 week break, there continue to be Instagram posts of the one year anniversary of the announcement of their engagement (talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel for news..not the anniversary of the engagement but the anniversary of the announcement of the engagement) as well as "previously unseen" wedding photos that look 90% similar to previously seen photos.

They will be back after January 1st, bolder and louder.

Louise said…
I would also add that Thanksgiving is a bigger holiday in the U.S. than is Christmas. Sunshine Sachs employees would all be on holiday, unless SS wants to pay them overtime.

They will also be back, possibly before Christmas.
IEschew said…
Remember the “news” a week or two ago that that no one in the RF was in touch with PH and MM anymore? Was that prompted by this letter business, or did this letter prompt that news release? I thought that was odd at the time and wondered what was behind it. I believe little of what I read about this debacle anymore, so DripDrop’s tweet may be completely untrue. Just pondering.
Louise said…
It says on DripDrop's Twitter account that this alleged letter from PP to Harry occurred just before Smirkle left to LA.

Did Smirkle ever leave to LA?
Mischief Girl said…
I don't know that the Sussexes have been too quiet. They have arranged for Harry to be seen via video (that I am sure was taped before their much needed 6-week sabbatical, because a 5-month maternity leave is so completely exhausting) at some event, they have wished the British a "Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours", and there were probably a few other puff pieces published that the Sussexes endorsed.

My perception of a 6-week sabbatical is that they go away and we don't hear a blessed peep from them or their PR team the entire time. I want to forget the Sussexes even exist and then when they reappear (at the Oscars? who knows...) MAYBE they'll have a semi-fresh start.

When the reappear, Archie will have advanced so much that he will take the lead on answering the myriad of texts, cards, and letters that the public will have sent to H&M, all of which will begin "You've had 6 weeks off. ARE YOU OKAY?" because we all need to ask that question even before we say Hello.

Nutty, you create very thoughtful and intelligent content on this blog. Keep asking us questions via blog posts! Just because they've gone into hiding doesn't mean we should stay quiet. Thanks for all your work on this blog. It is much appreciated!
Humor Me said…
Post thanksgiving greetings Nutties and Nutty!

I disagree re: the "inactive" Sussexes. For a couple who were taking six weeks to lay low and decompress, their presence is still front and center. From Meghan being pitted against Kate, Archie's solid foods (organic and nutritious), Uncle Mike and saving lives with baby monitors, to OMG - here they are at the Landmine charity - they gave up their vaca!! and are they in Canada? and the archbishop defends, and Uncle Andrew's comments made her crawl under the table...the duo have had an almost DM presence (pun intended).

I cite all the DM postings to say that they haven't learned a lesson from Andrew, and that the "6 weeks" was a discreet way for the Firm to say be quiet. Learn from your mistakes. Sunshine Sachs is making sure the couple at front and center. Tomorrow is Dec. 1st - will the 6 weeks begin then?
Anonymous said…
I believe that we have reached a point in the Sussex drama where Ms. Markle’s narcissism, which in many aspects of her life has been a valuable asset (her drive), has flamed out into ash. SS PR endeavors for ther “entities” is methodical and deadly. So why is their handling of Ms. Markle such a failure? Because her narcissism mistakes constant exposure for “success.” And because it’s a total mystery what those two do with their day, she has to make up shit. But, this is Meghan Markle, who I believe, in addition to her narcissism is severely ADD, unable to follow through on even a simple narrative. All these competing and some of them just ludicrous stories bombarding the press make her and her husband look like lunatics. Going to L.A., Nope, we’re not going to L.A., Oh, the mother is joining them in the U.K.. Uh, no, that’s not happening either. Uh, yes, it is. and the two of them are going to serve the homeless. Did this happen? Uh, no. SS is not stupid. This barrage of completely contradictory stories MUST be coming from her at her direction. It is doing the exact opposite of what these faux narratives are supposed to do. It makes her look desperate to keep her name in the headlines at any cost. So lots of what she thinks are harmless little lies are only fanning the flames of discontent. She certainly has people listening and watching, but they are connecting all these crazy dots and only cementing their dislike of her.

In order to generate the kind of relentless, near constant positive headlines she craves, she would have to do what Diana did. Carefully constructed photo shoots of her interacting with the masses that Ms. Markle apparently abhors. The meets and greets with the locals. Spend a few days in Sussex, a few days in Dumbarton. Go to all those horribly boring county fairs that Charles and Camilla seem to spend 90% of their time promoting. Actually meeting with the people of Great Britain that you’re supposed to be serving. Shocking concept I know. And that means turning up in appropriate clothing that is NOT merching, that fits, that is clean and pressed, and saving the cleavage for, actually, ditch the cleavage entirely. Look at how Diana managed to look oh-so-sexy but rarely showed any of the girls bouncing around.

Ms. Markle is a fool. Instead of her alienating everyone with her talking about American Thanksgiving, why couldn’t she have bridged that gap by saying something along the lines of, “In America there is a lovely holiday known as Thanksgiving.. It is often portrayed as a day where we eat a lot of food, but the deeper meaning of this day is that we acknowledge what we should be grateful for, take a moment or several to reflect on how grateful we are. This is a sentiment that that is global, not the property of only one nation. So I am grateful for my husband, blah blah blah.” This should be right up her alley because she could legitimately start every sentence with “I”! And in her list, name everything that is BRITISH as a way of reaching out to the Brits and Brits ONLY. I think this constant reference to the U.S. in her IG, etc., tells me more than anything that she plans to return to the U.S.. Unless it’s a photo op for her showing off yet another new coat (how MANY coats does this woman own?), she’s focusing all her energy on the U.S. market. I said it once and I’ll say it again. She is a fool. By dissing the U.K., she makes it all that much harder to get a decent payout from the BRF. The public outrage only mounts every time she does something like this without any references to what is happening in the U.K., and strengthens the spine of the BRF is not giving her a single pence. Her and Harry’s subtle and not-so-subtle criticisms only would have worked as a blackmail had these two maintained their original popularity. Instead, because of their antics, it is serving to completely undermine them and expose both of them for the shallow, selfish, and rather unlikable that they both are. Water seeks its own level.
Louise said…
Humor Me: God post. I had forgotten about the Archbishop and everything else.
Miggy said…
Apparently Meg's briefcase from the programme 'Deal or No Deal' is going under the hammer for an estimated £5,000 at an auction next month in Los Angeles.

Who on earth would want it?

The mind boggles.
Unknown said…
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abbyh said…

I'm in the quiet is suspicious camp personally.

I do think we will see some sort of wave of the BRF needs us more than we need them. The BRF may need good warm bodies to meet and greet to keep the face of the monarchy in front of the people but I doubt the BRF needs them more than they need the BRF (status, money, clothing, jewels or ideas for jewelry, situations to show off for merching). All that money into SS hasn't really budged her numbers. If they were the ones who sent the balloon for I'll be serving at a homeless shelter, it speaks a lot that they don't understand (and may never have) the British market. The positive British market would allow a positive transition to others like the US but the negative fumbles (all hers) make the idea she is a victim hard to be sustained enough to then pull into positive now that she's back and away from the awful. What I mean is that if she is screwing up so much now, then she's had a lot of practice at it and that is what people would see once the dust settles about her victim status. (just finished reading Atomic Habits)

letter snark: since she has wanted to be Diana 2.0, she just got a letter (not even addressed to her) but about her behavior just like Diana used to. Nice to be special like your idol. (snark off)

I have not read the tweet but I had wondered how the letter got to him because my impression had been that PP and PH had been in the same place (and I didn't think that had happened). If there is a letter she swiped/saw, then it means they have a lot more togetherness than some other bloggers are thinking. (to commit a crime, you need access to the area)

Seriously. Would they expect someone to possible have access to and allegedly purloin a letter to another family member about their spouse? Maybe not. BOTOH, wouldn't that be a great chess move? Expecting she might < and a whole chain reaction in response to her response and she might not < a whole chain of reaction to his if he got it and her response if he shared it.

I have a lovely kids book about the spies for the Revolutionary war (both sides and double sides). And a book from the library about Civil war spies for Lincoln (haven't started but will). So I'm thinking like how they used spies. Washington would call someone he suspected of being a spy into his office and ask them questions about an area he had not intention of moving toward in order to give disinformation. The British did that with WWII (operation Mincemeat - the man who never was).

Nutty Flavor said…
@AbbyH, apparently the Americans did that during World War II as well! One German soldier interviewed by a historian said the US would do recon at various locations (which spies would report on) so the Germans would use resources setting up a defense in those locations. Then the US would attack at an entirely different point where they'd never done any recon at all!
Royal Fan said…
@abbyh Many have speculated that the Rose Hamburg business was really a test to see if Meg would spread the rumor and that there was never any real credence to it. I believe Queen Elizabeth I spread disinformation with her royal spies as a loyalty test as well.
Royal Fan said…
Typo autocorrect kindly changed Hanbury to Hamburg lol
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks to several commenters for pointing out that the Sussexes have indeed made small appearances during their "time off", although these appear to have been prescheduled.

They also shared three previously unseen photos to commemorate the anniversary of the announcement of their engagement - an odd day to celebrate.

The wedding photo in particular caught my eye, because it was yet another photo in which the Sussexes are not looking at each other. Meg, in particular, never seems to be looking at Harry. She's always looking off in the distance - is there somebody better over there? Maybe Husband #4?

This is particularly true of the black and white shots Meg loves to share. If you Google "Sussex wedding photos", you'll get a few color candids from the day in which they are making eye contact, usually taken by a press photog, but those aren't the shots that Meg likes best. In fact, her favorites seem to be the ones in which Harry is looking at her and she is looking at the camera.

Compare that to the photos that Bea and Eugenie chose to release with the men in their lives. The couples look absorbed in each other, which is kind of the point when you're in the process of getting married.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Royal Fan, I've often thought @Royalreporter Richard Palmer's reference that William "dropped his brother like a load of hot bricks" sometime during spring 2019 matched up well with the Rose Hanburg affair allegations, so you may be right.

Spring 2019 was also when the Archie mess was happening, so William might have also been eager to distance himself from that.
DesignDoctor said…
@Royal Fan It totally makes sense that HMTQ is/has tested Smirkles loyally. Although the whole fam should have seen the writing on the wall when she was sent back to Toronto for taking pics inside the palace.
Not sure what to make of the silence except it is a relief.
I also want to thank Nutty for a fascinating blog and wish everyone a happy holiday season!
DesignDoctor said…
I def think William wants to,distance himself and his beautiful ,as,far as possible from whatever artifice is going on with Archie.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DesignDoctor said…
*and his beautiful family
SwampWoman said…
My personal thoughts were that the crazy PR had already been prepaid before Andrew getting kicked to the curb, and they should be biting their nails up to their elbows lest they be next. Wizardwench has given me food for thought about MM's possible disorder and ADD. The crazy contradictory PR releases may be from her; alternatively, some of the RF staffers may be releasing contradictory PR as soon as the Sussex PR is released so that people will shake their heads and say "Oh. Poor, poor Meghan! So very ill!" while looking sorrowful.
Unknown said…
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JHanoi said…
I also think PW tested MM (or their household) by floating that Rose story, and the PH MM household failed the test. Hope PW cleared it with Rose and her family first !
I think Blind Gossip had something on someone (MM) keeping a diary and the family was concerned about it’s purpose when they found out. Also supposedly she left it lying around for any staff member to see and PH was upset.
Also, the dripdrop of ‘unseen’ photos is just another way for MM to subtly keep the Harkles in the news/ spotlight. She’s a fame-whore.
I find it offensive because of their ‘privacy don’t look at us’ stance unless we orchestrate it for our fame-hoe-ness/ money grabbing publicity purposes.
SwampWoman said…
Perhaps my bleary eyes overlooked it before coffee this morning, but did the Sussexes express any sadness for the victims of the terrorist stabbings and their families that sadly took the lives of two innocents?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said…
The Rose affair was started on Twitter by a Meghan fan who wanted the Cambridge's to get the same bad press that Meghan was getting. She admitted there wasnt a single bit of evidence to back it up. She later changed her story and said her account had been hacked.
Was she set up so that it wouldn't look like Meghan was involved?
CookieShark said…
Excellent points everyone, but especially @Wizardwench.

I would believe that MM might keep a diary of dirt on the rest of the family, true stories or otherwise, and leaving it out to be seen by staff on purpose. This way stories could "leak" and she could claim that HER privacy was invaded.

Julesverne12345 on Twitter has a truly scary video of her microexpressions at an event, as soon as the reporter says "I want to challenge you..." You can tell that the response made her blood boil. I suspect her personality type expects people to fawn over her and immediately accept what she presents at face value.

The Thanksgiving plans chaos mirrored the "they're moving to Africa" story, the "Archie birth" debacle, not to mention all of the hubbub surrounding their wedding. CB as usual is trashing MM's uncle for complaining about her in the press; how dare he? On the other hand, what has MM done since joining the RF? Who else uses the press to complain about their family?"

I don't have to speculate here, she provides her own quotes about it not being easy, no one asking if she's ok, and they're not thriving. Good grief!
Portcitygirl said…
Emily, I'm amazed with the witch hunt of Andrew and no one else involved. There is a shift going on globally and there is definitely some malevolent force out to destroy the British Royal family.
It may just be ironic that the trouble began with MM.
PaisleyGirl said…
@Nutty,re the newly released photos on the Sussex Royal instagram to celebrate 2 years after the engagement announcement (what kind of anniversary is that?), it struck me that they said "they welcomed their son, Archie, into the world." This is the same expression I see in the DM every time a celebrity has a surrogate baby or an adoptive baby. Nothing wrong with that, but it is an ambiguous expression.
Mimi said…
She has never said “ When I gave birth”. , “ Giving birth to Archie”.
PaisleyGirl said…
@Mimi, exactly! And didn't Harry, in his strange and incoherent interview in front of the Windsor Palace stables right after Archie's birth, say something about how he was full of admiration for his wife or actually for all women who give birth? Can't remember the exact wording now.
Mimi said…
Yes, it was very vague....nothing about ..”watching my wife give birth was. blah blah blah.....”. He was so nervous and didn’t make sense in describing that his wife had just given birth to a son, HIS son!!!!!

But would you believe I still have doubts.......I can’t believe she really faked it!!!!!!!
PaisleyGirl said…
@Mimi, I can hardly believe it either. If I hadn't seen the changing, shrinking, expanding, sideways bump with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it either. I must admit, the woman has some nerve to try to pull this off. It is so audacious. She must think she is such a good actress that no one would notice...
Fairy Crocodile said…
Should we all laugh a bit? International Business News (a very dubious source!) started rumors that Harry and Meghan are on trial separation due to unreasonable demands. I anticipate more sob stories about how life is unfair and public cruel.
Mimi said…
She had the most amazing pregnancy ever. No weight gain, no mask of pregnancy, no swollen feet, limber as hell. Was she wearing a wig or still using the chemicals for the Brazilian hair treatment for her “glossy locks”? She flew all over the world late in her pregnancy and very early in her pregnancy she risked the zika virus? She never looked sick or tired or grumpy.
Mimi said…
And wow....putting her at over 40 years old ( per her half sister Samantha) first time, high risk mother she gave birth in about 4 hours and then Harry whisked her and the baby back home shortly thereafter....a couple of hours later? And just think, she had originally chosen to give birth at home with a midwife! She rejected the most respected doctors for her pregnancy and birth in favor of a midwife, a doula, Harry and Doria? WOW! She is AMAZING!!!!!!!!
Louise said…
Swampwoman: The Smarkles didn't have anything about the attack on their IG page, but neither did the Cambridges.

However, on the Kensington Twitter account, the Cambridges retweeted remarks about the incident from the Queen. The Sussex Twitter account had no mention of the tragedy.
Anonymous said…
PS to my previous post. I wanted to say that narcs thrive on creating chaos around them. This is very effective in a a small circle where the manipulation factor is manageable. It is designed to keep the narc in charge of the “circus.” I imagine Harry is the perfect patsy as he seems to be of average intelligence and a contradictory ball of unbelievable arrogance and crippling insecurities. This combination is tailor made for a narc, and Ms. Markle must have felt she won the jackpot given his issues. This strategy of creating chaos with every breath she takes cannot work on the bigger public stage. It just makes her look unstable, grasping, greedy, and manipulative. But she can’t see that because, hello, she’s a narc. I think these strategies had worked very well for her for a number of years, In a controlled environment like a family, a group of friends, or even the closed set of a television production, she would have thrived. The world stage where her every manipulation is shown in its full glory? We’re going to L.A., no, we’re not. We’re going to SA. No, we’re not. We’re moving to a hut in Botswana and communing with the elephants. No, we’re not. We are we doing? Creating lots and lots of chaos. And it’s obvious that the BRF has had enough, especially William, who seems to have had her number from the get go. I would imagine he could write an encyclopedia on people trying to use him to further their private ambitions. Why his brother deigned to ignore all the warnings is also the stuff of a book.
Anonymous said…
Welcome to Upsidedownlandia, where Mrs. Engleson lives with Harry on leash and Archie-in-the-box, where humanitarianism is spending millions on designer clothes that will only be worn once, private jets, and private rooms at SoHo House because the house given you for free just isn't big enough to fit your gigantic cranium and all of your stringy wigs. Where privacy is paying for publicity, strength is being a wounded creature, and where everyone is mentally ill but it's OK!

Where feminism is getting where you are today solely because of the men in your life, how much simulated boom-boom you perform and skin you show on cable tv, and how many times you perform real boom-boom on the yachts of males who are pale and stale. Where being a woman of color means straightening your natural hair, calling yourself Caucasian, and only bringing out your black mother when it furthers your agenda. Where family values are alienating your entire family, and real love and compassion are not forgiving your own father for a relatively small misstep you probably set up yourself. Where celebrity is revered, friends are expendable, and humility is absent. Where fantastic chefs are made with avocado toast and roast chicken, and vegan means wearing leather and eating meat on the weekends.

Where baby bumps inflate and deflate depending on the scheduled venue, and where photoshopped babies 'feed' like cattle and are bragged about for growing teeth, but are never seen. Where the reputations of people like Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein can't possibly be resurrected, but yours surely can. Where plagiarism is fine so long as you change a word or two, and where refrigerator magnet platitudes make you profound, wise and a born leader.

Where you can always find and make love to the camera, but have difficulty looking your husband in the eyes or using his name. Where do as I say and not as I do is demanded, and where thousands of years of culture, protocol and tradition makes way for the illuminating force of change by spitting on it and flushing it down the loo - because destruction is progressive, and just so damn cool and PC. She lives in her own upside-down personal hell of her own personal making, I just hope she doesn't drag us all in there with her.
Mimi said…
that was really good ladyskipper102!
Peggy said…
Hello! Love this blog. Julesvern12345 on Twitter has some gossip that narkles is hiding out with her pal Jessica Mulroney and Markus Anderson , in Winnipeg Canada. Also mentions she is alone without Doria, Harry and Archificial.
Eowyn said…
Bravo, ladyskipper102!
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Mimi said...
that was really good ladyskipper102!

Poetic almost.

SirStinxAlot said…
Just going to leave this here...
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Peggy said...
Hello! Love this blog. Julesvern12345 on Twitter has some gossip that narkles is hiding out with her pal Jessica Mulroney and Markus Anderson , in Winnipeg Canada. Also mentions she is alone without Doria, Harry and Archificial.

That is actually quite sad if accurate. A day for families and she has none.
Eowyn said…
"A day for families and she has none."

By her own choice and actions. No sympathy from me.
Anonymous said…
@Mimi, @Eowyn, @SwampWoman, Thanks so much! ~Cheers
cutmasterC said…
An Instagram account I follow is claiming MM and Harry are in a trial separation. How much truth there is to this is debatable. I would be thrilled if it were true. It's scammingduchess if you want to look for yourselves.
SwampWoman said…
I have seen several references to that trial separation today. It is interesting.
cutmasterC said…
@SwampWoman I want so badly for it to be true, yet dare not to get my hopes up.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger cutmasterC said...
@SwampWoman I want so badly for it to be true, yet dare not to get my hopes up.

I know just what you mean! I start smiling an evil smile like the Grinch, then realize that she's probably just trying to get people to beg her not to leave. If the UK people beg her for forgiveness hard enough, after all, she just may stay.

I've been reading the Daily Mail story Prince Andrew's Papers. THAT, IMO, is the real story, not the sex.

Mischief Girl said…

Beautifully written! Just perfect.
Charlie said…
BuzzFeed had run an article about them recently. It's not like BuzzFeed is some huge source but still
Unknown said…
Glowworm here: https: @ladyskipper102...fabulous! Just fabulous. Saving for everytime someone asks me what’s wrong with Meghan Markle and the sheer weight of her catalog of transgressions render me speechless. xoxo 🐛
gabes_human said…
The trial separation idea originated with a YT tarot reader except he says that it’s a trial separation of H&M from the RF at HM request. Boy, that’s a lot of abbreviations. We have our own cryptic language on here.
abbyh said…

Interesting in the quiet lull of the 6 weeks. (humming Another one bites the dust)

Samantha is leaving according to the DM.
cutmasterC said…
Well no offense to anyone, but I don't put much faith in tarot card readings. Some do though and that's perfectly fine.
Teasmade said…
@SwampWoman and the DM Prince Andrew stories . . .

I've read the DM article tonight and just think, Really, QEII? Really? THIS is your favorite child?

It makes me question the whole institution, not that I had a shred of belief in it to begin with (I'm American), if the revered woman in charge has such poor judgement. We hear from many sources that they're not all that bright, but not even smart enough to curtail all this corruption? Come on.

lizzie said…
@tweeymma--To be fair, while it is often said Andrew is the Queen's favorite child so far as I know, she's never said that publicly. It may very well be true but it's possible it's not true as many stories that are often reported aren't true. (Charles wanted to be a tampon, for example.)
Sandie said…
The Prince Andrew scandal keeps getting worse.

Prince William has made it clear that his life is one of service as taught to him by his parents and grandparents.

I wonder if senior royals will be honest enough to face the fact that Meghan is not suited to life as a working royal at all, and she is not going to change? With guidance, I think Harry can do much better, but not Meghan.

If Meghan was a successful Hollywood actress (I mean a really good character actress), her personality and behaviour would not be an issue at all. However, being a working royal is to be of service to the British people, full time, with the pomp and ceremony of a few state occasions where the brief is to be of service to the institution of monarchy. I think Meghan did get the memo about this (and it might even have been Harry who gave it to her) but either did not read it or dismissed it or pretended to agree to the terms (or all three!).

I feel sympathy for her because she hustled to get the very position that would have her tripping over her own character, and unable to change.
SwampWoman said…
Heh. I always told the kids that they were my favorite son and favorite daughter. Now I have my favorite oldest granddaughter, favorite 2nd oldest granddaughter, etc.

CatEyes said…
@lizzie Guess you completely forgot the actual quotes provided to you the other day as follows:

"Charles: Or, God forbid a Tampax. Just my luck! (Laughs)

Camilla: You are a complete idiot (Laughs) Oh, what a wonderful idea"

Such regal talk from the future King and completely true!! LOL
Lemonfrog said…
Nutty - long time lurker, first time commenter. Love this forum by the way. I think they are having in vitro. There was something in the DM I think, last week, about how people are expecting them to announce they are expecting “as early as February.” Really? How specific. I’m sure it’s the usual garbage but it definitely made me think they were doing in vitro during this much needed sabbatical, hoping they would have an announcement in the next 3-4 months.

For the record, I’m not a believer in the fake baby theory. I think they had in vitro the first time and that she did actually have a baby herself. I think she foolishly wore pads of different sizes to spark additional comments and attention because she’s insatiable in her need for attention. I think Archie looks like both of them and it would be incredibly difficult to pull off a fake baby. I think she went so far to muddy the waters surrounding the pregnancy and birth because she feeds off the attention - negative or positive. Anyway, just my two

IMO it will be interesting to see their demeanor when they return to the spotlight. They SHOULD be nervous and ready to toe the official line - but my prior experience with a malignant narcissist has taught me that they will go to extreme lengths to “cut their nose off to spite their face” because they can never admit they have been wrong.

Guess we’ll have to wait and see...
CatEyes said…
@lizzie said:
>>To be fair, while it is often said Andrew is the Queen's favorite child so far as I know, she's never said that publicly.<<

It has been widely reported by informed media personnel who had the opportunity to observe and come to their conclusions. Here is one such person stating thusly:

"This claim was most recently made by royal historian Piers Brendon in the 2019 documentary, Paxman on the Queen’s Children. He said that the Duke of York is “obviously” HM’s favorite and also pleased his father with his enthusiasm to serve his country.

“Andy skipped university and went straight to naval college, which went down well with his naval officer father. He completed the Marines Commando course, just to show he could, before qualifying as a helicopter pilot,” Brendon explained. “Then, aged just 22, he fought in the Falklands. And so, its pretty clear that Prince Andrew is obviously Queen Elizabeth’s favorite son. He was heroic during the Falklands War. It’s clear that she has a soft spot for him.”
DesignDoctor said…
ladyskipper102 said...
Welcome to Upsidedownlandia

BRAVO!!!! You have the insanity of Smirkle and Hazz described perfectly!
Anonymous said…
@Glowworm, cool! Everyone feel free to add/edit whatever you can think of, been wanting to see a list of all her contradictions in one place for the bully-callers and nay-sayers and wish I had a pro like Nutty to edit, but here's a cleaner version with some stuff I forgot.
@Mischief Girl, @DesignDoctor ;-) ~Cheers

Welcome to Upsidedownlandia, where Mrs. Engleson lives with Harry on leash and Archie-in-the-box. This is where humanitarianism is spending millions on designer clothes that will only be worn once, private jets, and private rooms at SoHo House because the house given you for free just isn't big enough for your ego, entourage, and stringy wigs. Where privacy is paying for publicity, strength is being a wounded creature, and everyone is mentally ill but will always ask if you're OK!

Where feminism is getting where you are today solely because of the men in your life, how much simulated boom-boom you perform and skin you show on cable tv, and how many times you perform real boom-boom on the yachts of males who are pale and stale. Where being a Woman of Color means calling yourself Caucasian, straightening your culturally appropriate hair, and only bringing out your black mother when it furthers your PC agenda.

Where 'family values' means alienating the lot of them, and real love, gratitude and compassion are not forgiving your own father for a relatively small misstep you probably set up yourself. Where fantastic chefs are made with avocado toast and roast chicken, and vegan means wearing leather and eating meat on the weekends. Where celebrity is revered, friends are expendable, and humility is absent. Where money is god and God is forgotten, but the Archbishop will tell everyone how awesome you are anyway!

Where baby bumps inflate and deflate depending upon the scheduled venue, and where photoshopped babies 'feed' like cattle and are bragged about for growing teeth, but are never seen. Where the reputations of people like Michael Jackson and Harvey Weinstein can't possibly be resurrected, but yours surely can. Where plagiarism is fine so long as you change a word or two, and where refrigerator magnet platitudes make you profound, wise and a born global leader.

Where you can always find and make love to the camera, but have difficulty looking into your husband's eyes or using his name. Where do as I say and not as I do is a no-brainer, and where a thousand years of culture, tradition and protocol make way for the illuminating forces of change by being spat on and flushed down the loo - because destruction is progressive, and that's just so damn cool.

She lives in her own upside-down personal hell of her own personal making, I just hope she doesn't drag us all in there with her.
CatEyes said…

Kudos to you, wonderful post!!!

I only wish her personal hell didn't include such a wonderful environment and ample rewards; world-class royal title, uberwealthy family, besotted husband, million-dollar wardrobe, jewels that supposedly even include gifts of Diana's pieces, lovely renovated home, world travel, VIP adulation. a world stage on which to pontificate from etc...(I won;r mention the bebe as that would sound crass).

However as the old adage goes, "the bigger they are the harder they fall". I do think her comeuppance will come in time. But I feel sorry for the UK public that has to pay in part for her lifestyle and the BRF that has to put up with her antics.
Ziggy said…
Hi Nutties,

I hope you are enjoying your weekend.

I haven't had a chance to read all the comments today (though I must admit I savour them on and off during my work day- (sorry, work!) :S

There is one thing that I've been thinking about commenting about, then second guessing, etc.

I want you to know that it's through this website that I have come to realize that I am in a relationship with a narcissist- somebody with NPD.

I've been with him since I was 17. I'm 37 now.

Reading your comments has been absolutely eye opening to me. It's like I always knew something was wrong but... of course- everything has been my fault. Any time he lashes out... is my fault. Walking on eggshells... is just something I have to do, because I'm so flawed that anything I naturally do might set him off.

Thank God for my parents, who were amazing and always gave me confidence and unconditional love... I still have a sense of myself. I'm a good person- everybody likes me. I'm positive and kind and funny.

He... didn't have that. He wouldn't know how to give a compliment. He once scored a hat trick in hockey and then got a screaming lecture from his dad that left him in tears. (this is just one tiny example.) And what I think compounds all this negativity... his mom is cruel too. She kicked out all three of her kids before they were 18. Like, maybe I could understand if you had one bad horrible unruly child... but this was all three of your kids. How can it be more clear that the problem is YOU and not your adolescent children.

PS... one of her children is developmentally delayed. My husband has asked me to forgive his mother for the things she did to him when he was young, and I have.
But. I will never forgive the way she has treated her developmentally delayed son, my brother in law.
He's a good man who is capable of so much. If he had only had somebody to nurture him... he could have had a great existence. Or at least a better existence than he's had.

ANYWAYS, apologies for being a Debbie Downer. I've had a few cocktails and just thought I'd lay some of it out there for you.

Perhaps I'm looking for a little bit of advice, but I should let you know that I have two children with my NPD husband. One is 9 and one is 6. And everything i've read says... basically- if you divorce, your children are f*cked. They will never be the same again, your son will end up in prison, your daughter will end up on the pole.... I mean, f*ck, seriously... what the heck is a mom to do??
lizzie said…
@CatEyes, Thanks for the reply.

I agree it is often reported Andrew is the Queen's favorite. The clip you provided is one of the many sources. But a royal historian writing that Andrew is "obviously" her favorite is still supposition. He may be but no one knows that for sure. This particular source seems to suggest his service in the Falklands War is why. Other sources have hypothesized very different reasons. But historians who write about history as it happens frequently have gotten all kinds of things wrong. Which child is a person's favorite would seem easy to get wrong!
HappyDays said…

Quite some time ago, I read an article about humor and what makes something funny. The presence of an element of truth is often the basis of something that’s funny.

You nailed it!
CatEyes said…

I understand the point you are making and but ewally could the Queen actually say it?. Often in life, we don't come out and Say It, such as, 'You are my favorite Wife" (for those who have been married more than once), You are my favorite Parent or "You are my favorite Child" (because it would hurt the feelings of the non-favored children). Realistically it is the collective actions toward the favorite is how we know such differentiation exists. In my family, my oldest daughter was the favored grandchild, much to my dismay. But it was how my parents treated her that one knew she was favorite (she ended up inheriting everything btw)..

So in this respect, it is how the Queen treats Andrew that makes people say he is her favorite. Supposedly Peter is the favorite grandchild. Is it correct I wonder?
CatEyes said…
Sorry for typo, meant 'really could the Queen,,,,' in first sentence/
CatEyes said…

My heart goes out to you! Unfortunately, I can't say anything about your marriage or NPD. At this time of day, it gets very quiet here.

I had a difficult but short marriage because of domestic violence and I was encouraged to divorce even by a priest. However, I believe I should have filed for a legal separation and allowed quite some time to elapse before making a final decision one way or another. I heard my Ex went and had a total of like 6 marriages or so. lol
lizzie said…
I agree people often do say things like that. But when we infer feelings from other people's actions we can be wrong. For example, sometimes people treat people they don't like better because they don't like them and don't want it to show! And in this situation it ends up being circular to say TQ treats Andrew a certain way because he's her favorite---- and then if someone asks how it is known he's her favorite, say it's obvious because of the way she treats him! (And that sort of circular reasoning is what writers/reporters tend to do.) There also can be a difference between showing favoritism and having a favorite. Sometimes they go together (as in your daughter's case) and sometimes they don't.

I'm just not persuaded that any "royal historian" knows what is in the Queen's heart. As you say it's also been reported that Peter is her favorite grandchild (except when it's reported that Harry is her favorite, or Zara.)
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning all. Opened the DM online to see William and Kate paddling hard to keep the monarchy alive while the house burns down around them.

So many more revelations about Andrew's financial affairs, but also a report that Bea will finally get to have her engagement party, and a suggestion that the delays to the wedding have been at the Queen's insistence, not the groom getting cold feet.

Interesting about the trial separation rumor. My personal guess, based on absolutely nothing, was that Harry was in rehab.

There seem to have been Meg sightings, but no Harry sightings.
Nelo said…

The tabloids had these on Andrew but locked it down till now. Trust me, they will monitor the Sussexes foundation and I believe have details of meghan's merching
@Lizzie, ‘I agree it is often reported Andrew is the Queen's favorite. The clip you provided is one of the many sources. But a royal historian writing that Andrew is "obviously" her favorite is still supposition. He may be but no one knows that for sure. This particular source seems to suggest his service in the Falklands War is why. Other sources have hypothesized very different reasons. But historians who write about history as it happens frequently have gotten all kinds of things wrong. Which child is a person's favorite would seem easy to get wrong!’

It isn’t just royal reporters who have written/said Andrew is The Queen’s favourite, it’s the royal biographers etc, too. I’ve been reading and hearing from them for too many decades that he is. They often hear first hand knowledge, know people who know the royals and know the royals themselves and have also spoken to members of the royal family. Some is based on the fact she had more time for her youngest two children. She was newly Queen when Anne and Charles were small and travelled the most, and hadn’t settled into her role as Queen. So in this case I’d put good money on that notion that Andrew is The Queen’s favourite.

On another note, I agree with Bootsy on what he says about The Crown series. I’ve read overhere that it’s included a lot of fiction, is made up for dramatic reasons. It’s not had such favourable reviews overhere because the recent series has gone too far with the scandal’s. People should not take the characters portrayed or storylines as gospel.
lizzie said…
@Raspberry Ruffle, It may very well be true that he is the Queen's favorite. Plenty of people seem to think that and that's fine.

But there are an awful lot of things frequently stated as facts by those who claim to know that later turn out not to be true at all or to be quite a bit "fuzzier" than previously reported.

It is quite possible the Queen's relationships with her younger children are different than those with her older children for the reason you say. It's also quite likely her relationship with Charles is different because from his birth he was her heir. And it's quite possible her relationship with Anne is different because Anne's a daughter. And her relationship with Edward could be different because he's "the baby."
FrenchieLiv said…
@ScoobyFinch : I am 100% with you. I don't believe in a conspiracy theory and a fake pregnancy/surrogate.
I do think she wore artificial tummy to spark additional comments but she gave birth.
IMO, they are having in vitro during those 6 weeks (if it hasn't already started before those 6 weeks) or they're trying hard to conceive naturally.
Many people think because you're 40 you can't get pregnant on 1st attempts (naturally or IVF). In that particular case, your chance to get pregnant are lower, but it's not impossible.

I found interesting (but not surprising) that MM's assistant private secretary, Samantha Cohen resigned. They're trying to hide the facts (Samantha's got a new job), but I don't buy it considering their staff turnover and that MM is said to be the kindest/inspirational woman in the whole world.
That breaking new came the day Prince Harry's video with Gareth Thomas (on HIV) is being broadcasted on BBC : is it a coincidence ? I guess it's damage control as they could expect that MM would be mocked for not being able to have long term working relationships.
Lilalee said…
I have to agree with other commentators that Charles will likely not slim down to Harry. More than likely he will remain an HRH until George comes of age (whatever that may be). But I do wonder if there will be more scrutiny on these various royal foundations now that Andrew is being investigated for shady dealings. I find it very disturbing that the Sussex foundations is maintained in the United States vice Britain. They may not have done anything illegal as of yet, but everything does seem to be about them making a profit in some way which is not what royal foundations should be about. This is something the RF needs to put a stop to. Unfortunately, PC started this mess with the Prince's Trust foundation.
Eowyn said…
From an interesting article that, while seemingly sympathetic, is both covertly and overtly critical of MM:

"While Meghan Markle has claimed that she didn’t know much about the royal family before marrying Harry, some friends beg to differ. In fact, childhood friend Ninaki Priddy claimed that Meghan always had a strange obsession with the Queen and company. “It’s like she has been planning this all her life,” she said. “She gets exactly what she wants and Harry has fallen for her play.” She also admitted that Meghan always dreamed of being famous and loves being the center of attention."

"many have criticized Meghan and Harry’s excessive spending since tying the knot. One of the ways that financial troubles have made their relationship more complicated is the fact that Meghan still pays taxes due to her American citizenship. This also means that a lot of Harry and Meghan’s royalties could be subject to American taxation."
DesignDoctor said…
@Zoggy You have my sympathies. I have worn your shoes. It was hell. I was relentlessly attacked and criticized by him in all aspects of life--everything I did on a daily basis. Nothing was ever good enough. I have two children with him. When he started berating one of them in the same way, I divorced him. I was not going to allow him to treat her the same way he treated me! And he started to get physical. There was no way I was going to stick around for that treatment! We were married 16 years when I divorced him and my children were 8 and 6 years old.
It is now 28 years later. It has been difficult to say the least. Raising two children on my own, going to graduate school to update my education so I could get a job -- working and going to school and raising too kids in a city far away from any relatives was really hard. The worst aspect? That everyone else only sees the charming side of him. He is so nice, kind, smart, etc. He believes his own BS. All this is crazy-making. My children blame me for the divorce when I just wanted a happy family and a marriage where I would be loved and appreciated for the person I am. I learned that he is incapable of love.
I am still single. He is on wife number three. She is very friendly with me and very kind to me. Imagine my shock when she and I went to dinner a couple of months ago and she reached across the table, took both of my hands and said I know why you divorced him.i could have fallen out of my chair! This validated that it is not me!
It is very hard to get out of a relationship with a narc, but it was totally worth it for me. At least I have my self-esteem and what I have accomplished on my own. I earned my doctorate and have a successful career. My children are both happily married and have successful careers. I am proud of how they turned out. For me, the saddest aspect is that all I wanted was a happy family life and by his actions he made that impossible for our beautiful family. IMO he had everything and by his choices and actions threw it all away.
I feel very sorry for Harry and Archie. It is vital for them to escape the Sussex claw!
Eowyn said…
@Nutty Flavor: "Interesting about the trial separation rumor. My personal guess, based on absolutely nothing, was that Harry was in rehab. There seem to have been Meg sightings, but no Harry sightings."

Please tell us more about the Meg sightings. While it's claimed that she (and Harry & Archie) spent Thanksgiving at Doria's in the U.S., there are no pictures or eyewitnesses.

Re. the trial separation rumor, here's what IBT says (

"Carla Berlusconi, a British and Sussex royal superfan, provided an answer to the question. According to her, the couple has already started their trial separation. 'You mean you don’t know? It has just been announced that they have decided to start a trial separation due to the unreasonable demands and unpopularity of one of the parties. Harry is moving back to Ken Palace to be near ‘his people’ and Meghan and baby will stay at Frogmore cottage in isolation for now,' she wrote. 'It has sadly all ended in tears and many a tantrum but Meghan is set up to cash-in big style,' she added. 'It’s all sadly true, I really really hoped it was going to work out. I read it just now in that popular online publication called ‘It’s the Troof’, so it is true.' ... Despite Berlusconi’s claims and Simmons’ prediction, there is no proof about the alleged trial separation."
Madge said…
Under the "maybe it's true, maybe it's not" banner, the Express has a timely article.
I’d like to think the Sussex’s have been put out to pasture, that’s wishful thinking I believe. Not enough time has passed to see what this 6 week stint away from royal duties really means.

If the Sussex’s heed any warning or signs that their own behaviour and shenanigans could be questioned in the future, they should look no further than Prince Andrew, his life and gilded life is been turned over and upside down for all and sundry to see, including his finances over the decades (little we don’t already know). I really don’t see him resuming his royal life as it once was, he’ll only be seen at solely family events. This could be the Sussex’s future only theirs being much more distant and lonely, because I don’t think they will ever learn or want to behave any differently.

Anymore wrong moves etc, could prove costly for the royal family.
@Madge, ‘Under the "maybe it's true, maybe it's not" banner, the Express has a timely article.’.

It’s old news reported a few days ago, about the Queen appointing someone to oversee royal travel and expenses. It would affect the whole royal family, not just Harry etc.
Madge said…
@Raspberry Ruffle.

Pardon me for being behind the times.
@Madge, ‘Pardon me for being behind the times.’

No offence was intended. :o) I wish we could add tone with comments, but sadly we can’t. :o(
Louise said…
Nutty at 10:33:
"Interesting about the trial separation rumor. My personal guess, based on absolutely nothing, was that Harry was in rehab.

There seem to have been Meg sightings, but no Harry sightings."

Where has Smirkle been sighted?
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Louise said…
Interesting comment from a poster at the Daily Mail today beneath a story about the Smirkle's wedding photographer:

"I just watched the zookeeper's wife, released in march twenty seventeen. There was a scene where the child says 'mum it's snowing'! The mother says 'no it's the the wa rsaw g het to bu rning' (due to a je w is h uprising). MM used that exact story several months later in her van ity fa ir interview but changed the details to be an exchange between herself & her mother about the Ro dn ey king ri ots. There's been so many odd li es MM seems to be pu mp ing out since the 'I didn't know who Harry & the rest of the royals were' engagement interview li e (she had written in her tig blog in twenty fourteen about the 'pomp & circumstance' surrounding Kate). MM is completely in sa ne."

Ad this to her list of plagiarized comments.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, Ziggy, I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. I really do feel your pain. I have given advice once on this site that ended *very* badly (grin) so I'm inclined not to do it again. I will only ask one question. Do you want your children to think that verbal abuse is normal in a relationship? (Grown adults often re-create their childhood environments because that seems familiar.)

It sounds as though you have a family that you can go to at any time so that is good.

lizzie said…
@Trudy, Well, if the DM article is true the ones remaining better all plan to get off their asses. No more doing 1-2 appearances a week, or claiming to work behind the scenes. They'll more likely each need to do more than 2 events every day, and even that may not account for the number of appearances Anne, Sophie, Edward, and the elderly cousins make now. Anne, Sophie, and Edward frequently are sent abroad for royal duties as well. Guess this plan will put the Sussexes on the world stage more often (although I'm not sure they can handle the "funeral and wedding duties" abroad Edward and Sophie have typically done.)

If this is true, I think it's awful. I do understand Charles not getting rid of H&M (as much as I wish he would) but pulling the rug out from under senior citizens & almost-senior citizens who've devoted much of their their lives to royal service....I had hoped his slimming down would mean he'd let them die off or self- select out.
CatEyes said…
@Rasberry Ruffle said:

>>But a royal historian writing that Andrew is "obviously" her favorite is still supposition. He may be but no one knows that for sure.<<

In that a supposition is a belief in keeping with the facts then the opinion that Andrew is favored seems to fit that definition. No one knows anything for sure when it comes to knowing what's in another's mind, even if they tell you what they are thinking (they could be lying/think unfaithful spouses or murderers)

One could invalidate the majority of the things that are written here. 1. The opinions we express that are supported by the facts, hence suppositions. 2. Obviously, the opinions expressed that Are Not supported by the facts.
But what would we Nutties do if we couldn't use suppositions. lol
Nelo said…
Daily mail got the report from daily star and for those who don't know, one of daily star's former editor's revealed on YouTube that they were not getting palace scoops until Meghan came. She categorically said that Meghan was leaking stories to them. So the possibility of Meghan leaking this to them is 95 percent. Any palace story in daily star came from Meghan. So take it with a pinch of salt.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DesignDoctor said…
The use of material from The Zookeepr"s Wife by MM is fascinating. She does not have an original thought in her brain or creative bone in her body. It takes a large dose of hubris for her to continue to pass others' words off as her own!

I,would,love for the separation stories to be true. I always thought perhaps Harry would go to rehab during their break.
Would also love to see/hear verification of any Meg sightings.
CatEyes said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
CatEyes said…
CatEyes said...
Charles may intend to keep Harry and by extension, his wife in the slimmed-down monarchy but will it happen? His reign may still be a long way off and I am not so sure Meghan will still be with Harry in say 5 yrs.

Why would Charles want to eliminate Anne, Edward, and Sophie who do the lion share of work? Heck, Charles will be busy with Kingly duties and Camilla may want to rest more in her advancing age. I hardly see it is plausible to only use William/Kate and the 'Disaster Duo' (the Spare & 'I-don't Care' pair).
DesignDoctor said…
@Cat Eyes
I agree. I don't think eliminating Anne, Sophie, and Edward is a prudent move due to the amount of work to be done.
I have also read that Camilla is not in the best health--she needs more rest, etc--and with the Harkle's aversion to work, He will need more hands on deck.
Lemonfrog said…
@FrenchieLiv we’re on the same page. I think a phony pregnancy would come so close threatening the crown (yes I know it’s very unlikely the crown would pass to the Sussex clan) that it would never be possible. HMTQ is not stupid, neither are those who work for her. She might tolerate media shenanigans regarding the pregnancy and birth but I don’t believe she would tolerate such a deception, nor do I think the Sussex duo could pull one off without her knowledge, and while she didn’t seem to gain a great deal of weight, MM’s face became bloated towards the end and after Archie arrived. (Mother of 3 by the way and mine did too).

Today’s revelations re PA are interesting for several reasons. IMO the Sussex duo should be on notice. I think PC will resist having to cut them, but I think he would ultimately do it. With much guilt and probable financing out of his own pocket, but yeah. I think he has more gumption than he’s given credit for and he just see that the public are losing patience with the royal BS that spills out every decade or so.
I don’t envy PC and think he has more “stuff” than he’s given credit for.

Ok - off the soapbox and back to the kitchen. These meals won’t cook themselves.

DesignDoctor said…
I totally agree with you I think Charles has shown he has more strength than he has been given credit for in the past.
I think,PA should go far, far away and stay out of public view. He is most unsavory!
I would like to think Charles will take the Harkles off the public stage, too, and work to build up/restore the monarchy's reputation. We can only hope that they will fade into the background.

I still am of the opinion Smeg did not give birth of her body. The whole Archie birth scenario is just too strange IMO. And the lack of interaction between the Harkles and the Cambridges i.e., at the polo match cements my view that MM did not give birth. What little kids don't love to see their new cousin?
Anonymous said…
@ziggy. Please head over to and just start reading. There are hundreds of people (men and women) who have been in your shoes, and they will understand 100% what you are going through—marriage to and parenting with a narc. Hugs!
Mimi said…
Andrew’s ill advised interview resulted in his dismissal from royal duties. Whether it was HIS choice or the Queens choice we don’t know. All Charles did was go along with what was decided for we all know the Queen would have made the ultimate decision.

Supposedly Charles has been told by the Queen to handle his business with regard to his sons feud. Besides a 6 week break for H and M who nobody knows who’s idea it was, Charles has done nothing about said feud and certainly nothing that we are aware of as far as reining in the Sussexes.

I don’t see Charles doing anything in regard to slimming down the monarchy as he is not the king and can’t make those decisions on his own.
CatEyes said…
No doubt Charles is listened to by his Mother as he might give wise counsel. However, I hardly think Charles made the decision about Andrew. The Queen is still in her right mind and she definitely exercises her will. Once famously she snapped at PP and allegedly put him in his place in front of guests by saying "I AM THE QUEEN"!!! lol

Up to now, Charles has not only been ineffectual to the Meghan problem he contributed to it in my eyes by approving the million-dollar wardrobe fail she has so famously flaunted in the public's eye. What has he done to curtail all the nauseating PR puff pieces by the Sussex's much less the ones that seem to damage the BRF? I for one would like to see him manipulate the Harkles by controlling the money he gives out from the Duchy.
KnitWit said…
Ziggy, I relate to your situation.

My mother " has issues". I suspect a variety of narcissism resulting from childhood polio and early childhood years spent in a Shriners hospital distant from her home.

My parents had an unhappy marriage
It would have been better for everyone if they had divorced. Growing up in an unhappy home is damaging for everyone.

My advice would be to get family counseling for you and the children even if it is talking to a minister/ priest/ rabbi or social worker. Also, talk to several good divorce attorneys, the first meeting with attorneys is usually free. If you need to talk/ type with someone, you can contact me privately.
Fairy Crocodile said…
As the happy Sussex duo wants the world to celebrate their engagement I decided to recap everything that I witnessed within the two years. Please add to the list should you wish, so we don't miss anything.

-Lies during the engagement interview (I didn't know anything about the royal family..); dates they first met are amended to hide sleeping with Harry while living with another man, embarrassing behavior during the interview

- rudeness towards staff and even embassy personnel (do you f-king know who I am?); reportedly throwing a teapot at a person who later demanded apology and scandal had to be extinguished with a cheque;

- tiara scandal "what Meghan wants Meghan gets", complains about dusty smell in the chapel, rudeness towards chefs prompting the Queen to remark "We do not treat people like that"; reducing Kate to tears over the bridesmaids and pages outfits;

- prompting Kate to rebuke her re rude treatment of Kate's staff;

- Harry's distasteful "family she never had" remark; animosity towards father and uncle; using mother as race card.

- sticking tongue out at the press after the Church in Sandringham;

- Horrible dress sense, sloppiness, dirty shoes, holes in hosiery. Oscar de la Renta forced to remove a picture of the dress she wore because of how unkempt she looked; showing her underwear on various occasions in public;

- announcing pregnancy at Eugenie's wedding, constant coat flicking, bump holding, size and shape shifting bump;

- swearing during the carriage ride -infamous "F" word

- shameless spending at the amount of £1 million during the first year while posing with "helping the world poverty" bag

- turning her back on the Queen and other protocol violations on official visits to the extent that a Moroccan journalist remarked "She is repugnant".

- insulting public with their rear end view Christmas card;

- Frogmore cottage spending spree while lecturing about "kindness". Indecent behavior with dresses too short and opening too much when she is sitting; the infamous "a feminist inside" remark;
- unnecessary and expensive baby shower in the States;
-Archie's birth PR fiasco;
- Snubbing Trump's official visit while courting Vogue; disastrous "charity dress collection", mememe speeches where she mentioned herself non stop;

- private jet PR fiasco, Harry's "my family is unsafe on commercial flights" comment; carbon footprint scandal at the private island eco conference; flying to see Serena play.

- Wimbledon empty sits and "don't take my picture" scandal with a person who didn't even take her picture;

- Absolute PR disaster during the African tour, self-pity at the expense of African people; "nobody asked if I was OK", insult re the "stiff upper lip" British approach to life; "existing not living" remark; playing Diana's card non stop

- calling her husband H publicly; insulting Harry by saying "nobody noticed his work"

- rejecting Queens invitations twice while flooding media with false rumors of special parties to honor her and her mother;

- war on the British media; "we don't have tabloids in the States" lies;

- six weeks holiday to rest from endless holiday;

And my special problem with her lecturing on good deeds: her past. Saucy burger flipping video for Man's Health; indecent photos; unsavory sex scenes in movies, possible pornographic video with her participation.

Enough for two years of disasters, what do you think?

Anonymous said…
@Louise, Great catch! So many instances of contrary behavior and unoriginal thought passed off as her own, so little time.

@CatEyes, thanks! I agree, it's insufferable for us to witness. I've never had a such a scorching case of Schadenfreude with that woman, and I can't wait for the climax and the resulting fall from false grace, but I have no doubt it will eventually happen.

Generally speaking, I think maybe The Firm is in crisis partly because of the nefarious personal and financial behavior of some of its members, and partly because of the indoctrination of especially our children into this mindset where social and financial equity and global- and hive-mindedness outweigh everything else 'for the greater good'. Monarchies simply don't fit in with that agenda, so they know they have to make some changes, be they genuine or only perceived.

I don't know if the culling of royal families in Europe has to do with genuine concern for economies, or to give the appearance of changing with the times to save their royal heads, lands and treasures, but I do believe that nothing will ever really change, and think that they will never redistribute their wealth to us. These bloodlines have ruled for thousands of years, and there really is nothing new under the sun, so I expect no miracles from any of them. That said, I enjoy the pomp and circumstance, tradition, security, and dignity of the crowns, and do expect nothing less from them if they wish to keep their heads, titles and treasure.

@Zoggy and @DesignDoctor, I feel for you both. Many more of us can empathize with your situations than have the courage to speak out about it, so well done. I think more of us would benefit from a strong dose of the pill 'Growacet' so that all malignant narcissists are called out for it. Who knows, maybe that's exactly what they need in order to seek help for it because like alcoholics, the first step is admitting they have a problem. They are broken people with low self-esteem, living in total masquerade, so imagine how hard that is to maintain, never mind accept and then seek help for. Not defending them, but also not giving up hope on them unless all is done first to try to help them (probably impossible for most of them).

It takes strength and fortitude to leave a legal spouse for psychological abuse when children are involved and can't see it for themselves, and I know it's harder when we're gaslighted and conditioned by these spouses to question our own sanity or observations without affirmation. But you have affirmation here and where there's awareness, there's also hope. Just know many of us have been in or are in the same boat - and rough seas always calm with the changing tides, so hang in there! I'd draw the line at abuse and leave if my partner refused to get help, but that's just me. Good luck and many blessings to you both!
Mimi said…
Cat Eyes, thanks for agreeing with me. Many think differently but that’s why we are here. To discuss and debate our thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc. Also, many say there is nothing than can be done to rein in the Harkles. A very easy and effective way, in my opinion, is simply to tighten the access to money and tighten access to whatever they want to do that would require his approval. Although it seems they do what they want no matter if it requires approval or not. I would definitely stop all this U.S. travel of her’s (the baby shower!!!!!!! how was that ever allowed to happen? ). and all the U.S. involvement she has. She is supposed to be representing the Queen!!!!!! She has nothing, or should have nothing, to do with the U.S. anymore!!!!
Mimi said…
Fairy Crocodile, your recap is good and I will add more to it after I have had my coffee. But how about Hairy introducing the racism issue. Accusing commenters and posters of it!!!!!
SwampWoman said…
I'm going to need more popcorn (grin). I think a tart sweet apple ale would go nicely with that.

I need some education from the UK. I understand the role of the heir and how it is a full-time job. Likewise, the spares need to learn the job as well in case, well, they become the heir. Then there is the emergency back up spare, and the backup to the emergency back up spare that need to learn the job as well just in case.

There doesn't seem to be a provision for them to be both a supernumerary royal AND to be able to earn money. It seems to be either you are royal and do royal engagements (and not be able to afford to pay your wife's credit cards), OR you can stop being royal and go forth and earn your keep. Is that accurate? It must be hard to be the "poor relation" particularly when your sibling barely tolerates you.
Mimi said…
her plagiarism....Vogue
KnitWit said…
Reading and commenting scanning up and down....

It makes sense that Harry may be in rehab. He may have filmed videos in advance to minimize speculation he is away.

Meg should have been nicer to Andrew, she could have learned to scam from a masyer (autocorrect suggested monster, which is also true)

Did my own nail extensions for the first time. Having trouble pecking at my phone. Trying a midlife makeover....
Mimi said…
SwampWoman, I have often wondered WHY she decided to make money on the side with her BLATANT merching. If I have it right, they get paid x amount of money for each royal engagement they attend. That would include every single fricken possible thing you can think of in order to perform those arduous tasks. Shaking hands must be extremely difficult so yeah, you can’t pay them enough to do that. They are provided with cost free housing and I am sure EVERYTHING else they require is paid for by Charles. So why does she need MORE money?
SwampWoman said…
KnitWit said: Reading and commenting scanning up and down....

It makes sense that Harry may be in rehab. He may have filmed videos in advance to minimize speculation he is away.

Do you think a 6-week rehab would be adequate? (He looked pretty messed up at some of his engagements.) I know that inpatient rehabs are of shorter duration than outpatient rehabs but he seems to have so many issues simultaneously.
KnitWit said…
Master, not Mayster or Mauser or Monster

Not sure about the nails...nail people call my extensions short squared natural but I feel like Wolverine...they look nice and have lasted 3 days. Nail polish used to last a week for me, now chips in a day no matter the polish, base coat, top coat etc. Related to hypothyroidism and recent illness. Health, nails and hair are improving.

Maybe I should go back to short natural nails and ballet pink polish like the queen and Kate.
Anonymous said…
@DesignDoctor - I failed to acknowledge your success in exiting what was obviously a no-win situation, so many pardons! Kudos to you on your doctorate and for accomplishing that mountainous feat while raising up two highly-functional and successful children. Can't imagine how hard that must have been! My comment ended up being for those who are currently stuck between a rock and a flaming narcissist, and I didn't make that at all very clear. ~Cheers!
KnitWit said…
They could have been babymaking. Haven't heard if they had 1 or 2 rooms in SA. It would explain her being able to alledgedly interfere with mail. Who knows?

SwampWoman said…
Mimi said:SwampWoman, I have often wondered WHY she decided to make money on the side with her BLATANT merching. If I have it right, they get paid x amount of money for each royal engagement they attend. That would include every single fricken possible thing you can think of in order to perform those arduous tasks. Shaking hands must be extremely difficult so yeah, you can’t pay them enough to do that. They are provided with cost free housing and I am sure EVERYTHING else they require is paid for by Charles. So why does she need MORE money?

Beats me. I'd have to have an amendment added to my royal contract that says no appearances at any event that requires high heels and formal wear. Send me to all the country fairs and stock dog trials but no fancy stuff. I'd be happier than a pig in mud to go to archeological sites and poultry judging competitions.

I do not think any amount of money would be enough to assuage that gaping hole in her personality that requires constant attention and adulation.
Mimi said…
Fairy Crocodile, adding her ghosting her gather and the wopper....She DID NOT KNOW WHO THAT PERSON regards to her step brother?
lizzie said…
@Mimi, I don't believe they get paid per event they do although clothes, transportation, and other "expenses" are provided. I think some of the European royals do pay per event. In my opinion that latter approach makes more sense than what looks like the "just about everything free for Charles's line" approach.
KnitWit said…
It makes sense for Harry to legally separate before tax time. It is the worst possible time for financial irregularities in the RF.

Fairy Crocodile said…
@Mimi Good one. "I do not know this person" after appearing in family pictures with him is a whopper indeed.
SwampWoman said…
Mimi, would you want to be completely dependent upon one person for everything? As you said, PC probably pays all of their bills BUT he's not always going to be there. PW and the Sussexes have a, er, rather colder relationship. You just know that once he is king, the money ends.

I can see where a person would not want to be completely dependent upon one source. If I were a business, I certainly wouldn't want only one client. If I were retiring, I wouldn't want to have only social security for funding.
DesignDoctor said…
@SwampWoman I do not think any amount of money would be enough to assuage that gaping hole in her personality that requires constant attention and adulation.

So very true!

I think she is merching to build her personal brand for when her marriage to H is over. M was never in it for the long term Narcs are incapable of genuine love and empathy.
Mimi said…
Fairy Crocodile, I mean, come one....she did not know who he was? How can she expect to get away with such a tremendous lie? When the brother heard about it he was so pissed and not sure what, if anything, he did about it. Who was it that wrote the letter to Hairy? was it him?
KnitWit said…
Slimming down the monarchy could be done by attrition. Corporations do it all the time. The elder royals may continue as they are, but their children/ grandchildren won't . That allows time for Williams children to grow up.
Mimi said…
SwampWoman, I thought maybe she told Hairy, “ I don’t need your father’s stinkin’ money. I can make my own money and not have to ask him for shit every time I want to go somewhere, do something or buy something for myself” !!!!! and he replied....”Go for it honey, I’ll back you up and I’ll even help you”. ( offering her services to effing embarassing!!!!!!!!!)
DesignDoctor said…
Thank you so much for your kind comments. Support like yours means everything to me. It is so hard to make the break but I am so grateful I finally had the strength to do so.
Mimi said…
One of the many things I wish SOMEONE would put a stop to is their pay-for-play. Is that what it’s called? Where they charge to attend a function or make a speech or support a cause...or anything!
DesignDoctor said…

Maybe I should go back to short natural nails and ballet pink polish like the queen and Kate.

I love that elegant, simple look.

I used to have long nails but recently decided on short natural nails with pale pink polish. Love the change. Much easier to navigate screens and texting :-)
KitKatKisses said…
@Louise, Thanksgiving is NOT a bigger holiday in the US than Christmas. Stores are often open on Thanksgiving (morning or evening because of "Black Friday.). Christmas is still more special here.

General comments:
Harry will not lose his HRH. He will be son and brother to a King. Harry may choose to give up his role but that is not the same thing.

Harry and Meghan will not stay married forever. She is incapable of such a thing.

Charles is not stupid. I don't care for the way he treated Diana, but Charles has been ahead of time on many issues. He will be well aware of the negative atmosphere surrounding H and M.
lizzie said…
@Fairy Crocodile, Good list but I'd add a few specific things. (Some or maybe even all may have been implied in your list.) 

Wearing a hat on arrival in Fiji and during the welcoming ceremony in violation of local customs, deliberately pulling side pieces of hair out from her head covering at the mosque, wearing a black bra, sheer top, and tight jeans for the photographed "private visit" to the memorial for the slain girl in SA, insisting the women in SA sit on the floor in violation of local customs, trying to edge over to Harry at the recent Remembrance wreath-laying ("stand here" should be easy enough for any adult to do), baring cleavage at inappropriate times/places most recently the Remembrance event at Albert Hall, wearing the outfit with the hanging price tag on tour, insulting the SmartWorks inventory on not one but two occasions to promote her "superior collection," hugging strangers without warning or permission, ignoring safety requests from RPOs, crashing events like the fashion awards, writing on bananas to be given to adult women (bad enough) who were sex workers (even worse), Archie's christening fiasco, constant plagiarism...
Mimi said…
barging in front of Hairy, slapping his thigh in trooping of colors!!!
Mimi said…
interrupting speaker in mid-speech to basically repeat what the speaker had just said!
Anonymous said…
@Fairy Crocodile - Brilliant job! Wow, you really nailed it, well done!

*It's still me, ladyskipper102, I updated my profile a bit and removed my numbers.

Unknown said…
Glowworm here: may I add?
1. Shoving Harry out of the way to shake hands FIRST and enter doorways before Harry.
2. Interrupting the CEO at the Gender Equality roundtable in the MIDDLE of her video-taped opening introduction...essentially taking over the opening ceremony.
3. Yanking Harry away from finishing the reception line at a Commonwealth ceremony.
4. Throwing at fit on the balcony at the 2019 TTC because she realized they were being prevented from standing - as they had the previous two years - with the Cambridges (ha ha ha...good work Princess Anne and Prince Andrew)
5. Leaving the appropriate royal titles off birthday greetings for the Cambridge children.
6. Giving Catherine aggressive, glaring looks on too many occasions to list.

Ok, who can take it from here?!? (While I think up some more!)
Mimi said…
who can forget the first time she went out with the queen. She was told to wear a hat but refused to and her Himalayan Yak hair was all over the place. Her dress looked like a straight jacket. Was instructed not to walk in front of the queen but did so anyway and then the embarrassing dance about who gets into the car first and on which side.
Lurking said…
Interesting tidbit in this linked article: If you get a message from the website but not the article, click refresh & the article should load.

There is a private members only terminal at LAX on the far side of the runway. Business people, celebs use the terminal to bypass TSA and escape the paps. From the article, "Meghan Markle’s mom used the facility en route to the royal wedding, and Jamie Foxx is a fan, too." There is a car service that will fetch you from where ever you are located in LA and take you to the terminal or deliver you to where you are staying in LA after arriving. This could explain why no one has seen them arrive in LA.
Mimi said…
Refusing to eat the specially made feast which the people in SA made for them. Pulling Archie’s USED clothing out of a black trash bag and posing with them for. photo op at the place where the woman who have HIV were there with their children.
Anonymous said…
@DesignDoctor, you're most welcome, you should be proud.

@lizzie, great additions!

@Everyone else who is adding to it, now I know why I love this blog so much, you guys don't miss a thing. There's an entire book full of stuff here, I'm thinking The Nutty Flavor Blog Big Book of Briefcase Barbie's Blunders and Boastful Beatitudes. Did I read it here that her briefcase from Deal or No Deal is up for auction starting at $5K?
Mimi said…
after identifying herself as caucasian all her life she changes to now being a WOMAN OF COLOR and a SISTA in SA!!!!!!
Humor Me said…
and today it is the 12 days of Christmas focus on charities !!
I can sing it now..."Twelve merchants merching........"
Mimi said…
Humor Me...😂😂😂😂😂. food one!!!! 👍🏼
Mimi said…
dam it.....GOOD ONE!
Mimi said…
I am so curious as to what kind of an FU Christmas picture they will put out this year! Ladyskipper, you are too funny! Love the title for the book!!!!! 😂
Mimi said…
can’t forget the now you see them, now you don’t, breast and butt pads!!
Sandie said…
Even if 50% of the criticism of Meghan listed above in various superb posts (I agree) is a repeat of speculation, unsubstantiated gossip or unfair (I am trying to be reasonable), there is still a whole lot of stuff that she does that just annoys people (to be polite).

As I have said before, I feel sympathy for her because she has increasingly come across as unable to change/adapt to fit in and serve the BRF and the British people well. It's like this marriage has brought out the worst in both her and Harry, and that's a tough one to live through, especially in public and when you are just unable to fix and change behaviour and the attitudes and feelings behind such behaviour.

Nevertheless, I hope PC does not give them a green card to continue as before or trust that they will change and become the best of royals and at the same time boot out other members of the BRF that have served the monarchy and British people with decency, grace and dignity for years. What PC needs to understand is that H&M are not young and making mistakes that they will grow out of. Megsy is nearly 40 and Harry is about 5 years behind her, but has a lifetime of knowledge of the BRF, plus parents who always taught him that he is privileged and should be of service.

I suppose the problem is that PC should create a rule that will apply no matter who is on the throne (i.e. not a specific rule for H&M), but modern life is about quick change so perhaps rather create a rule that can be adapted. Maybe royals outside of the direct line of succession can do royal duties on contract with an attached list of performance objectives and at the end of their term (maybe 2 years), they are thoroughly evaluated.
Mimi said…
HANGING on to Hairy and the claw......the ever present DAM CLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi said…
Wearing an outrageously expensive transparent dress and sitting BETWEEN HAIRY’S legs for their engagement photos!
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Glowworm and ladyskipper Thank you! Everybody is welcome to add to the list of offenses. It just helps me focus and shake off accusations of being unfair, sexist, racist and whatever they chose to throw at us to deflect from the real problem - their unroyal behavior.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Lizzie Yes, I forgot the huge faux pas of forcing people on the floor in culture where people sit on the floor for the funerals. Well caught.
CatEyes said…

I agree with you completely about Christmas, for not only the reason you state but also because of religious significance to me personally. But perhaps @Louise was considering that almost anyone in America will celebrate Thanksgiving but many don't place importance on Chritsmas because it represents the birth of Jesus. Frankly, if I was Native American I might have mixed emotions about celebrating Thanksgiving considering how horrid they were treated by Non-natives.That's a story for another day!!


Meghan should show her allegiance to the Queen and her 'adopted'? country. She was supposed to be applying for citizenship but it seems her heart is still in California/US (as a Texan I can understand as we are always Texans no matter where we live, lol). But in all fairness, I find it a bit of betrayal toward the honor that was bestowed on her to be given the title of Duchess and have all the amenities of belonging to the BRF. I will say it again, as an American, I am ashamed of how Meghan has treated the Queen, the BRF and the UK public!
Miggy said…
Has anyone mentioned the hole/ladder in her tights/pantyhose and the shoes that always look 2 sizes too large and scruffy?

And please... her infamous SMIRK!!!

@Ladyskipper - Yes, you did read it here re the auction.
CookieShark said…
@ Fairy

- MM's interview "Wild about Harry" with the cover picture, then saying later it would be "boastful" for her to appear on the cover

- MM putting the hat on at Wimbeldon and wearing jeans, even though surely she was instructed about proper court behavior and attire

- Coat flicking while pregnant, constantly placing her hand on her bump and then "showcasing" Archie in SA instead of a proper introduction to the UK

- Flying to the States to watch a friend play tennis when she has a newborn (either in the UK or at the hotel) then complaining no one asks if she's OK. You are a new mom with tons of money and people to watch the baby so you can take trips. If you're not OK that's on you!

She complains in the press in the same manner that her own family complains about her in the press. Negative press about other members of the RF has reached a fever pitch since she joined. She was given opportunities as a fiancée that other family members did not get until they married in, yet she perpetuates and allows the narrative that she is merely surviving.

She never should have married Harry. The most modern thing to do would be to just date him while continuing to work as an actress and shill for beauty products and clothing. If she had never married him she would enjoy much more freedom than she is now.
Mimi said…
Cat Eyes, I am hoping one of the many things that change is her involvement with U.S. Her baby shower in N. Y. has always baffled me. She had NO BUSINESS coming to the U.S. to have that baby shower!!!!! That was truly one of the more outrageous things she has done. I wonder how Hairy feels about the time she spends with Marcus Anderson and how oh-so- chummy they are!
CatEyes said…
Did anyone mention 'Doggygate', where Meghan left behind her beloved pupper because it was too old?

Or Meghan the Vegan, supporting the killing of baby lambs so she can drape herself in their skins, not once but twice ('Boss skirts').

And how many chickens died starting with her first Roast Chicken dinner for Harry-poo?

Maybe even her leather? purses and boots have been due to animal sacrafice for mademoiselle's fashion.
Miggy said…
'Meghan Markle and Prince Harry urge their Instagram followers to reflect on the 'lonely, hungry and homeless' as they follow charitable accounts 'inspired by the Twelve Days of Christmas'
Miggy said…
It looks like the DM are catching on...

"The heartfelt message to their 9.9million followers contains the American phrase 'festive holiday season', which could suggest that the Duchess of Sussex wrote the post herself."
CookieShark said…
I have a few more to add.

- Regifting the Invictus onesie at the mother2mother event.
- Crashing the BAFTAs and taking the focus off the award winners while she posed for cameras
- Her word salad speeches (too many to mention)
- Her ridiculous remarks in SA about mental health, declaring that "everyone is going through a different version of the same thing" (I am paraphrasing but the comments contradicted themselves)
- Her remarks that she does not look at anything on social media, and yet she decides to sue the MoS for a letter she wrote and mailed herself
- I would like to know if she is truly fluent in French and Spanish, as is listed on several websites with her CV. If so why haven't we seen her using these skills?
- Some of her sugars and stans online are truly deranged and post openly about fantasies of the Cambridges being wiped out so H&M would take the throne. She has to be aware of this, why not address it and ride Melania Trump's anti-cyberbullying campaign coattails?
Mimi said…
Except for the 3 minute presentation of baby Archie’s nose, not allowing the British people to ever see him again except in parts, or photoshopped pictures and when he was 4-5 months old in SA...but only for a few minutes!
SwampWoman said…
Sandie I agree but with a caveat: I suppose the problem is that PC should create a rule that will apply no matter who is on the throne (i.e. not a specific rule for H&M), but modern life is about quick change so perhaps rather create a rule that can be adapted. Maybe royals outside of the direct line of succession can do royal duties on contract with an attached list of performance objectives and at the end of their term (maybe 2 years), they are thoroughly evaluated.

If the royal(s) on contract appear unkempt and/or behave(s) inappropriately while on royal duty, they must agree to a drug test immediately. I do not give a damn where MM claims to come from but hugging strangers is extremely inappropriate. I do not have fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis, but I have been assured that vigorous hugs can be extremely painful.
CatEyes said…
Here's the 12 Days of Meghan's Christmas:(Thanks @Humor Me for inspiration)

Twelve days of Merching Madness
Eleven Wigs a Waving
Ten Men-a-Waiting and Watching
Nine months of Archie incubating
Eight days of Tour Blunder happenings
Seven 'Sista's signing Megs Praises
Six weeks of Family Time disasters
Five lives of many Meghan's faces
Four is for Meg wanting more, more, more
Three Million Dollar Froggy cottage
Two few reasons we like her
One, one, one since she is always #1
@Nelo, ‘Daily mail got the report from daily star and for those who don't know, one of daily star's former editor's revealed on YouTube that they were not getting palace scoops until Meghan came. She categorically said that Meghan was leaking stories to them. So the possibility of Meghan leaking this to them is 95 percent. Any palace story in daily star came from Meghan. So take it with a pinch of salt.’

100% agree. The Daily Star is a comic...I can’t believe the DM would want to even quote anything from it
CookieShark said…
@ SwampWoman,

you are 100% correct, MM's constant hugging is as inappropriate as her hanging-on Harry and PDA. I think she equated hugging everyone = Princess Diana, but she's wrong. There was also a picture of her kissing a child's hand (or her thumb, as some say) taken in SA. Also wrong. This is where her miscalculations are really apparent: why would someone so obsessed with privacy, so much so as to refuse to talk about her child's godparents, invade the space of others with unsolicited hugs?

In addition to this, I am sad to say I have seen an uptick in family portraits where they all have their backs turned to the camera. One family announced their second child with such a photo. It is a ridiculous and snobbish trend.
Mimi said…
Good job Cat Eyes!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
Mimi said…
hugging little kids and forcing their little faces into your crotch is never o.k.
SwampWoman said…
CatEyes, you left out the number of ho's a-yachting.
CatEyes said…

Thanks! I did think of substituting in the 12 days poem, "Two boobies bouncing happy for all to see" How apropos considering her vampish display of flesh.

About your and others' remarks re: her hugging others, often so clearly awkward; I would have cringed if she hugged me as I for one don't like to be touched by strangers, no matter who they are. She should respect boundaries. Would Meghan like someone to go up to her and foist a hug on her if she wasn't expecting it. I can only imagine she would alert an RPO and that would be the end of that.

CatEyes said…
@Swamp woman

Yes, that's a good one. I made an oblique reference to such with the "men; remark. I bet someone more talented could really create a much funnier one since she gives us so much to work with. LOL
Mimi said…
SwampWoman, ho’s a-yachting!!! 😂😂. Good one. Cat Eyes, I have a thing about hugging and being hugged. I don’t like women smashing me into their breasts and smashing MY breasts. I also don’t like being in such close proximity to men’s bodies that I don’t know. Unless they’re gorgeous hunks! 😅
Mimi said…
At o e of the places I worked their used to be a big, huge, disgusting, stinky, sweating man who would embrace all the women in the office with a big bear hug with his body pressed up very close to you.......we tolerated him because we were being polite and because he passed himself off as a sweet, dear, innocent, loving and warm person. YUK!!!!! When the women began comparing notes about him and his hugs we decided he was doing it because that’s how he got his jolly’s. We complained to the boss and he was told he could no longer hug anybody!!!!! Ugh! but the times I had to endure his hugs and feel his......ugh, you get the picture!!!!! 🤮
Ava C said…
That Instagram post about helping the homeless and lonely has really got DM readers frothing at the mouth, including me. I posted a comment myself (same name as here) and got 38 likes in a second. I do hope someone tells Prince Charles just how unpopular they are. He famously no longer reads newspapers and I certainly can't imagine him online. He would be making a serious mistake, including them in his slimmed-down monarchy. For the love of God, why would you lose Princess Anne and keep the Dumbartons?
CatEyes said…

I know what you mean. I am happy to just have someone give me a warm 'Hello' and maybe if they want a handshake. I thought it was a lady who offered her hand first if she wanted to shake hands with a man, otherwise, a man was to wait for her cue. It really was over-the-top to have a business colleague kiss a woman on the cheek. I absolutely found that repugnant when I saw my male manager do it (he was raised in a Commonwealth nation). Of course, that probably dates me and no doubt things have gotten very relaxed and I don't disagree a more friendly environment is warranted perhaps

However.I had a male neighbor who always wanted to hug me and I would just flatly tell him 'No'. If Meghan went in for a hug I would stick out a strong arm. LOL
HappyDays said…
Add to the list of Meghan’s mess-ups: Redesigning her engagement ring from Harry.
Mimi said…
She thinks she is another Diana who one could see had GENUINE warmth and kindness. On her it looks contrived and fake!
@SwampWoman, ‘I need some education from the UK. I understand the role of the heir and how it is a full-time job. Likewise, the spares need to learn the job as well in case, well, they become the heir. Then there is the emergency back up spare, and the backup to the emergency back up spare that need to learn the job as well just in case. ‘

No only heirs learn how to be a future a monarch, the rest are there to support the monarch. William has his own heirs now, if God forbid anything happened to William, it would depend on the ages of his children at the time and whether William was King or not. George is his heir, if he was a child at the time of William’s death, then an adult royal would become a Prince or Princess Regent until George was old enough to become Monarch. When Edward abdicated, they didn’t automatically go to the next in line, they went to the the most able and the one who was more willing to take on the role. I believe Prince Henry, The Duke of Gloucester passed on it, and Prince George, the Duke of Kent, had far too much scandal wafting around him!
Mimi said…
Happy Days, I like that...”Meghan’s mess-ups”!!!!!!!
@Ava C ‘That Instagram post about helping the homeless and lonely has really got DM readers frothing at the mouth, including me. I posted a comment myself (same name as here) and got 38 likes in a second. I do hope someone tells Prince Charles just how unpopular they are’.

Bravo, bravo! ;o) I can’t do the DM comments, there’s still too many Meghan (and Harry) fans who write absolute bloody codswallop. I’m sure Prince Charles gets updated by his advisors and no doubt by William, about lack of popularity shown for The Sussex’s.
Humor Me said…
@Raspberry - yes, they did go to the next male in the line when Edward VIII abdicated: the Duke of York, Prince Albert, "Bertie" who became George VI.
@Humour Me, ‘yes, they did go to the next male in the line when Edward VIII abdicated: the Duke of York, Prince Albert, "Bertie" who became George VI’.

Yes, but the others were considered along side. They weren’t automatically written off. Bertie was their only hope regardless of the others. ;o)
Yo-yo said…
@Raspberry Ruffle

When Edward 8th abdicated, yes, it did go to the next in line, who was Gerorge VI.....they don’t go round all the brothers asking who might be suitable. If you’re next, you’re on. They don’t “consider” the others. It’s not a popularity contest, it’s the line of succession.
Humor Me said…
@ CatsEyes - Bravo! Well done!!
KCM1212 said…
This is so great! For a week where not much is happening you guys are ON FIRE today! @ladyskipper@cateyes@fairycroc and all who contributed, thank you for the laughs and insight. I can't believe that one person can create so much chaos in two short years. Of course she had an able assist from Harry. Did we mention keeping Harry from the Marine concert to attend the Lion King premiere? Or taking credit for the cookbook she actually wrote the forward to?

@designdoctor @ziggy thank you for your generosity in sharing your story. You are brave women who have overcome a terrible situation. You might find the blog of H.G. Tudor interesting. Not only is there a great feature called "a very royal narcissist" (parts 1-4 ) which is a pretty fascinating read, but the author is himself a recovering narcissist so his insights are worth a read.

A curtsy to all you nutties!
@Yo-Yo, ‘When Edward 8th abdicated, yes, it did go to the next in line, who was Gerorge VI.....they don’t go round all the brothers asking who might be suitable. If you’re next, you’re on. They don’t “consider” the others. It’s not a popularity contest, it’s the line of succession.’

This is what I’ve read in royal biographies and seen. Please don’t misconstrue my words. I never said it was a popularity contest, just that they knew Bertie had problems with his speech, and the others were considered. I’m sorry you haven’t seen all the programmes I have on the royals or read the books I have. I just made a comment on a what used to be a light hearted and funny blog, now it’s becoming far less so. :o(
Mimi said…
Maybe her dress was so tight it cut off the oxygen to her brain at the Lion King premiere because she literally threw herself in such an undignified manner on Beyonce, her husband and anybody else that was “important” and provided a good photo op. And Hairy offering her services for voice overs or starring roles in upcoming Disney projects. So dam undignified and embarrassing.
Mimi said…
Uh! time out for some fortified egg nog!!!!!!!
punkinseed said…
You guys gotta see this! It's not a Tarot reading. It's a clip showing Meg's microexpression and whoa! Her mask slipped and fell off in that moment. Check it out!
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