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Meghan and George: Why does a 40-year-old woman envy a 6-year-old?

Apparently Photoshop is not required when releasing photographs of Royal children. Prince George appeared today in a historic image of four heirs to the British throne - Elizabeth, Charles, William, and George - and both his blue-piped white shirt and Black Watch long trousers were hopelessly wrinkled.

That's an easy Photoshop fix - the white shirt is, at least. But the Royal family seems more interested in authenticity than perfection.

They don't have to be Kardashian-smooth. They have the security of old money and it shows.

Meg and her Photoshop

By contrast photos of Meg and Harry's son Archificial, whomever he is and wherever he comes from, are tweaked within an inch of their lives. Backgrounds don't match, faces are imposed, and sometimes the whole thing is reduced to black and white to make the tampering less obvious.

Archie does not have a title, even though he is technically 7th in line to the throne. (And I have my doubts about that.) 

He doesn't have the security of a steady income the way the heirs do, whether it is the Duchy of Cornwall or the Duchy of Lancaster. For Royal income and privileges, he will always be dependent on somebody else. 

So he's got to look good. And he needs the sort of publicity that proclaims that he is going to be a "confident social butterfly." (Which sounds to me like one of those wealthy wastrels out of an Evelyn Waugh novel from the 1930s, but I digress.) And he needs to be admired by glossy celebrities.

At least his mother thinks he does. 

Meg and Envy

Meg is well-acquainted with most of the seven deadly sins - lust, greed, pride, wrath, gluttony, sloth, and envy. When it comes to George and his sister Charlotte, envy seems to be Meg's primary emotion. 

George and Charlotte have something Meg can't hustle her way to. They were born into their roles, born into immense privilege. 

This frustrates Meg, who feels she should be able to hustle her way into everything

Thus we get Sunshine Sachs-style publicity that emphasizes the superior people skills of poor Archificial (whomever he is) and how the Cambridge children should spend more time with the little Mountbatten-Windsor, so they can watch and learn.

(Meg hasn't gone after Prince Louis yet, but give her time.)

Prince George's personality

Usually the only people concerned about a six-year-old's personality are his parents and perhaps his first-grade teacher. 

George is a little different, of course, given his future position. But kids' personalities can change. William was a difficult and arrogant child - his school nickname was Basher - but seems to have matured into a calm and responsible adult.

And George - who is reportedly called "PG" at school, leading to the inevitable nickname "Tips"- seems to have friends, hobbies, and loving parents. 

With his father and grandfather ahead of him in line for the throne, George also has the advantage of many years to live his own life, which would allow him to pursue his own interests. Japan's emperor Akihito was a marine biologist, for example, and of course Prince Charles has used his extensive waiting time to get involved in environmentalism and architecture. 

Does George look miserable when forced into formal clothing and interactions with adults he doesn't know? Yeah, he does. That's pretty normal for a six-year-old boy. 

(And personally, I think it is highly inappropriate that he and Charlotte are being asked to hug random members of the public. Shaking hands is fine for that circumstance.)

Meg's personality

Meg's personality has been extensively discussed on this forum, but her constant craving for publicity and approval is what runs her headlong into George. 

How can she understand someone who was born with all the fame he'll ever need? 


DesignDoctor said…
She can't understand what it is like to be born into a hierarchy that she will never truly be part of--all she knows how,to do is hustle, lie, and scheme to get what she wants. She can never have what George and William have; stature by virtue of birth, or what Kate has the stature of being the future Queen Consort. These positions are impossible for her to attain by any means so she is left on the periphery. Thus the competitiveness and one-upmanship she plays with her PR releases to,try to beat them in the only way she can in a sad popularity contest which she cannot win. Or by pushing past Harry to greet dignitaries first, or to put them down in some way. Luckily, the Cambridges have her number and refuse to engage in her games.
CatEyes said…
I can see that envy is the o lust, greed, pride, wrath, gluttony, sloth, and envy.verriding force in Meg's action toward the Cambridge's but not far behind is her pride that is wounded because she 'Doesn't'get what Meghan wants' all the time thus bringing out her rath. That coupled with her other 'sins', being greed, (what Meghan wants Meghan gets ) and gluttony (as we saw in the first year of her spending on clothes) she will continue, as a Narc does to contol and grab what and however much she can, be it money, fame (or infamy) or jewels (it has been reported she has more than Kate (but i am skeptical on this claim, not that I don't think she demands it from Harry).

Her sins will be her undoing much as it is with other people who concentrate on negative behavior instead of living a good decent life. I am hoping that indeed the Harkles, especially MM will be on a short lease, that is what is desperately needed to help them thrive (not in Megs eyes but from a practical helpful standpoint both for them and the BRF.). The next few months will be telling and maybe that is why the Queen also referenced small steps because Meg is incapable of making major changes immediately while 'Harry the Stubborn' is also likewise afflicted.
Fedde said…
Haven't had the op opportunity to examine the four heirs pic on my computer yet, but I'm pretty sure some photoshopping was done. However, unlike the H&M pics, this would be the 'normal' kind of photoshopping like maybe brightening one's eyes or adjusting the light in some areas. The kind of manipulating that's been done by professional photographers for decades before there even was software to do this or even digital photos.
Unknown said…
Happy New Year Nutty! Thanks for the new post. I just love what the new photo of the heirs got as moniker from one of the “Nutties”: The Real Fab Four :)
I think George’s trousers are `a bit on the long side’ because they’re new and he’s expected to grow into them. Ironing wouldn’t make any difference. The choice is between leaving them as they are or taking them up, which would probably leave a permanent mark when they are let down again. I speak as the daughter of a Court Dressmaker (working 1920 – 1934), who taught me her trade well.
I can’t imagine that photoshopping tartan, even something as subtle as Black Watch, could be achieved successfully.
Sandie said…
Brilliant post Nutty! I used to be baffled by this trait of the narc (undermining/destroying a person or aspect of a person who is no threat to them), but you have cleared up that confusion for me.

The stories about Archie being a confident child, and so on, are ridiculous. He is a baby and has barely started on the process of forming character and personality, and, as you say, William was a bit of a brat as a kid but has become a responsible, decent, well mannered adult who is increasingly living an admirable life.

Maybe I am reading to much meaning into this, but the latest photo of Her Maj and her heirs was taken in the throne room (the throne is just one of the symbols of the meaning and power, albeit soft, of the monarch).
I've read here from the beginning, but this is my first comment. I think H&M are in a contract marriage, they're only together in public, they live apart. I think her previous marriage was also a contract marriage, hence returning the rings via Fed Ex. Hollywood is full of contract marriages. It's probably why she does whatever she wants.

Meghan was not pregnant IMO. I have no clue if Archie really exists or he's an actor or actors. If Harry actually did father a child, it was through a surrogate.

All I know is nothing is what it seems with H&M. It's a reality show, and we all know there is nothing real about those either.

Sandie said…
Other than an announcement of separation/divorce, it was the only thing she could do to steal attention from the Cambridges:

1. It has been revealed that the photo was taken around Thanksgiving, so she had it ready to use, with Archie posing with clothing he was given from the only successful overseas tour they have done. (There is no confirmation but I think that Harry and Meghan have not been together holed up in that mansion in Canada for all this time and that Harry, at least, has been in the USA for some of the time, working on the Apple documentary, and Meghan has been in the USA for some of the time making deals, but separately, not together.)
2. She knew something big was coming from the Cambridges because they had officially said so (plus there might have been communication between William and Harry about Earthshot). She had enough time to prepare her trump card.
3. That photo of Harry and Archie was the first and most important photo of their annual review (series of fast-changing photos but the one that formed the cover pic was Archie and Harry).
Nutty Flavor said…
You could be right, Sandie. And she did manage to steal focus from Earthshot temporarily. It's a very small victory against an enemy with vastly superior resources, however.

@Wild Boar Battle-maid, if a one-of a kind photo with the 4 monarchs and future monarchs isn't a good excuse to make sure George's trousers are the right length, I don't know what is.

The choice is between leaving them as they are or taking them up, which would probably leave a permanent mark when they are let down again.

He's rich. He can buy new trousers when he gets taller, and pass the previous trousers on to Louis. Really, it's the UK, home of Saville Row tailors, and the future king's trousers should fit properly.
lizzie said…
Yeah, the apparent need for Archie to appear superior to George-- Archie's confident! He's a social butterfly! --- sounds kind of sick. And it's nothing new. As I recall, when we were introduced to Archie at Windsor Castle when he was fifty-some hours old, Harry was anxious to tell us how mellow Archie was (perhaps in comparison to colicky, cranky infant George.) We were also told Archie slept for 11 hours straight flying to SA.

It's possible Archie really is like that (although not waking for 11 hours straight at 4-5 months old sounds unlikely, especially since it was reported he was lying on Harry all that time. Didn't Harry ever need to move, get a drink of water, stretch his legs to avoid getting a blood clot, or go to pee?) But if Archie IS like that, that might not be good.

When I first read the report from the "unnamed source" saying "He’ll go to anyone without kicking up a fuss!" I immediately thought about Attachment Theory.

While confidence tends to correlate with secure attachment, we've already seen that Archie *appears* not to track Meghan or Harry's presence. We've seen him hanging like a limp rag in their arms. (But to be fair, we haven't seen alot of him.) We've also seen that Archie doesn't seem to try to focus on H&M's faces. (But that could be because he has a vision problem, I suppose.) And now we're being told he doesn't care who picks him up. (Maybe he hasn't yet reached the "stranger anxiety" phase of development? And good grief, his parents supposedly let visitors they barely know do "feed time" and "cuddle" him-- like Ellen and Hillary.)

But with all that taken together, I do wonder if Archie is starting to exhibit an insecure-avoidant attachment style. This attachment style can arise when primary caretakers are not consistently responsive to a baby's needs. These parents may have unrealistic ideas about a baby's emotional Independence and ability to self-regulate emotion.

Re: George's trousers: It looked more to me like they had static cling. I know the family can afford decent trousers that don't cling (and are the right length!) but maybe he'd only tried them on briefly before? And the weather was different or it wasn't in a dry indoor environment?
Sandie said…
I think that what Megsy wants for 2020 is a world tour of Commonwealth countries but with some influential others, such as the USA, included. She wants to go global and huge for their foundation and such a tour is what she regards as the perfect vehicle for that (especially with Archie, the ultimate prop, and she is, as Nutty has explained in this post, using him for that purpose).

Her Maj was on a Commonwealth tour when her father died and she became queen, so a visit to Kenya to invoke parallels is something she would want to include.

What is the point of being President and Vice-President of the Queen's Commonwealth Trust if you can't use those positions? The real power brokers (with the money) are the people you invite to swish private dinner parties (something Charles has used very effectively), but Megsy does not have those kind of connections (try to siphon billions off the Clooneys and other celebrities at a private dinner party ... I don't think so) nor does she have the class to pull off such a strategy.

Megsy does not do slow and steady growth, as Charles does and as William is learning to do. She is all about the quick splash with epic IG moments.

Will the BRF and the Foreign Office support such a tour? The British public certainly will not.
Sandie said…
Charles got a reputation for being the eccentric on the BRF. George in his over-long tartan trousers, Peter Pan collar and piping on the shirt looks like he may be a good candidate to take on that role for himself one day! I personally love it when the BRF has an eccentric!
Whatever does she mean, `more’ time with the cousins?

I see - in the Gospel according to St Rachel, it’s all the wicked Cambridge’s fault, nothing to do with her at all. Perhaps George, Charlotte & Louis should have stirred themselves to make the effort and visited the Tutu’s too? Hopped on the PJ with them to Auntie EJ? Popped up when EG popped in? Swung by with the chimps for Jane Goodall’s visit?

Why wasn’t Archie invited to the Chelsea Flower Show Rave? He could have identified all the species that Auntie K used, (with their Latin names naturally) and informed her of their full taxonomic position, with a quick rundown of how flowering plants evolved from non-flowering ones, all with perfect clarity.

Perhaps Archie the Wonder Child could also suggest to Mummy that before she re tweets anything technical, especially about aero-engines, she checks with Daddy first. It could have saved getting egg on her face. The Economist article (Jan 1st) may have been about the development of electric-powered flight but even I could see, before I checked with my aero-engineer husband, that the C&P image was of an internal combustion turbine, fuelled conventionally by oil.

Sadly, Archie, despite what Mummy may tell you, she doesn’t know everything. I don’t either but at least I know I don’t.
Nutty Flavor said…
I think we should credit (or blame) George's current clothing choices on his parents, in particular the white shirt with the blue piping, which they seem to be trying to make his signature. Personally I find it babyish, and rather girlish. I hope they move on to a different style soon.

At least he's wearing long trousers now. Victorian-style shorts in December or January would have been a bit too much.
none said…
There are different types of narcissism. MM appears to be of the most dangerous level. A Malignant Narcissist. These people are so disturbed, they destroy everything and everyone around them. They dehumanize everyone they associate with. Even children.
Unknown said…
@Nutty @Wild Boar Battle-maid I may be reading too much into George’s wrinkled trousers but I think it’s a subtle message to Meg. The message I think the BRF is sending is: We’re not shallow and are perturbed by your unkempt wrinkly clothes and non-existent grooming. We have no problem with you growing into your role or shall I say, your “big-girl pants.” What we have a problem is your bad attitude and sabotage.

If HMTQ could handle getting photographed with Meg when she turned her back to her, when she refused to comb her hair, wear a hat, and insisted on wearing that wrinkly off-white dress, I think she will survive standing next to a cute 6yo in unpressed pants.
Unknown said…
I actually think it would have been a better idea to have dressed George in a kilt instead of the tartan pants. It would have shown deference to Scotland at a very crucial time and it would have been a nice dig at Meg’s early PR about raising Archie gender neutral.
Mom Mobile said…
Love PG's expression in that photo of The Real Fab 4! Also, what in God's name is the Queen carrying in that purse?! Couldn't she part with it, even for a moment? LOL
Nutty Flavor said…
It may or may not be a subtle message to a Meg, but it is certainly a less-than-subtle message about who matters in the family. They are, after all, standing in the throne room with the legs of the throne in the corner of the image. I’m surprised Liz isn’t wearing a cameo of Queen Victoria.
Nutty Flavor said…
Actually, maybe she is. The blue brooch she is wearing - does anyone know which piece it is and what it represents? I’m sure it wasn’t casually chosen.
Unknown said…
I think the Queen has been sending a strong message in the last two photos depicting the four heirs. I'm sure we have all heard the rumours swirling around about this whole debacle how she is a plant to destabalize the monarchy or the black mail rumour ect. I think HM is telling her no matter how much scheming your doing behind the scenes this is the line of succession and this is how it stays. We have all heard the sugar cult calling Archie King and saying that H+M should be king and queen. Its insanity. I have always felt there are darker forces at work with all this and I am positive that the senior royals are now in the know. As for the photo shopped pics it's become sadly predictable mostly black and white to hide the touch ups so I was surprised when this one was in colour. I agree with nutty George is getting a bit old to be dressed like this and it gives off an air of outdated traditions, he does look cute though I have to admit but I think it's time he grew out of the cute phase. Her jealousy know know bounds and the sugary puff pieces seem to be more than ever but her jealousy of the entire Cambridge clan including the children shows just how deranged she is. Not sure if anyone saw the piece on blind gossip about her wanting their social media numbers to surpass the Cambridges as proof that they are more important than the heirs. She is deeply disturbed quite frankly. Every single comment(over 100) were negative towards them. People have grown tired
Jenx said…
She is trying so very hard. Articles daily. Blaming and one upping the Cambridges. But it will fail. One commenter on YouTube said no more MM and PH because she was bored with them. It will happen.

I am disturbed that a child/children are being exploited in this fiasco, whether legitimate or no.

The heirs picture is interesting. Charles with his arm around George's shoulder is a nice touch. PG's shirt is very old fashioned and too small. It doesnt go with the trousers. They could have done much better.

I agree. Forcing children to hug strangers is a big no-no

I think wills and Kate will have their hands full. It seems to me that all three children are very strong willed.
Girl with a Hat said…
I just watched the latest Danja Zone video - Ashlee claims that Meghan and Harry haven't been together since Thanksgiving and that Harry is in Turkey. That's interesting because I read a comment saying that someone had identified the mountains behind Harry in the photo as a place in Turkey.

Ashlee also claims that Meghan fired her old agent in Hollywood and hired a new one, and another US PR agency.

She goes on to compare baby Archie with the baby of one of Harry's polo playing Turkish friends, that happens to be a girl. This little one was wearing the exact same hat as Archie in one photo (the one with two pompoms), so it leaves one scratching one's head.

Sorry, the tartan does acknowledge Scotland but, with the exception of when Edward's on parade as Colonel-in-Chief of the London Scottish regiment eg Trooping the Colour, it's a faux pas for royals to wear the kilt in England, as it still has political significance.

My husband, over 70 years on, still cringes at the memory of being jeered at by country lads in Somerset when his mother made him wear his kilt on Sundays, as was customary at home in Edinburgh. His family are really Lowlanders & Borderers but faced recently with a Highland wedding, he was pressurised to wear the kilt; he opted for trews and continues to wear them for smart casual in the south. ( I said `And what am I supposed to go as? Flora MacDonald?')

Just think how MM might have sneered at George in a `skirt'...
Nelo said…
I see the Sussexes are pushing for a tour. If the UK government gives them a tour then that will only embolden them
SwampWoman said…
Heh. Some of you have forgotten how determined a 6-year-old child can be when it comes to their clothes. Although it may be visually painful for me to see the riotous mismatch of fit and color(s) as the youngest grandchildren insist on what they wish to wear, I believe in letting them have autonomy over their choice of clothes.

Besides, Prince George had cousins to play with, a royal lunch to eat, and a massive pudding to stir. One must be comfortable for that. (I am impressed that he is relatively spotless.)
Fedde said…
A Narc's Daughter
I've read here from the beginning, but this is my first comment. I think H&M are in a contract marriage, they're only together in public, they live apart. I think her previous marriage was also a contract marriage, hence returning the rings via Fed Ex. Hollywood is full of contract marriages. It's probably why she does whatever she wants.

Meghan was not pregnant IMO. I have no clue if Archie really exists or he's an actor or actors. If Harry actually did father a child, it was through a surrogate.

All I know is nothing is what it seems with H&M. It's a reality show, and we all know there is nothing real about those either.

If it is merely a contract marriage then why on earth would Harry agree to it? It's not like he's actually gaining anything (like popularity, money or status) from it. And if all he wanted was a wife who would give him a child, then there are plenty of women more suited to life as wife of a royal duke than MM. Plus, according to some, MM didn't even give him a child...
January 4, 2020 at 2:30 AM
Jenx said…
@swampwoman. You triggered a flashback of my son proudly donning his yellow Oshkosh overalls and brilliant tie dye shirt topped off with his striped engineer cap!

However, royal portraits would demand a wee bit more decorum and less autonomy on the wardrobe front. Unless this is the dawn of a new era of a more relaxed and, ahem, modern monarchy.

I can't help but feel sorry for that child. What does his future hold?
Portcitygirl said…
I think George is adorable. It is a beautiful pic and gives me hope for the future of England. God bless Her Majesty, long may she reign.
NeutralObserver said…
Poor little whoever he is! To be honest, most very young babies (1-2 months) look very much alike. If I were shown photos of George, Charlotte or Louis, alone, lying on an anonymous lap in their christening gowns, I don't think I could tell who was who. Archie's christening photo was a bit different in that in the group photo it looked as though he had a few strands of dark hair, a tiny eye defect, was a dead ringer for Thomas Markle, & he was sitting up rather than lying down. His appearance was slightly less generic than the Cambridge children's christening photos. The Cambridges, however, discreetly released photos of their children at various states of development, & the public was allowed to get a pretty good idea of what they looked like. To me, Charlotte has looked like a Queen Elizabeth doppelganger almost from birth. George has changed the most, going from the pudgy little guy who bulldozed his way through a playgroup in NZ to the lanky shy child he seems to be now. Louis is too young to have changed much, but he seems to favor Middleton pere, or gasp, Andrew. (Hope he doesn't become like Andrew in other ways.) When we see the occasional photo of one of the Cambridge kids, we nod & move on, because we believe what we're seeing.

Archie's looks, on the other hand, have caused controversy from day one. Maybe it's a publicity generating strategy. Maybe Megs has latched on to one of those experts in pr metrics Dominic Cummings is advertising for to work at #10. We never know if we're looking at the same baby or not. What I find most odd is the Canada/Harry baby, at almost 8 months, is almost the same size as 2 month old Megs/polo baby. I grant you that lighting, lenses, angles, etc. can make anyone look different, & babies do change a lot as they age, but SA/Tutu baby, who was shown the most completely, had a few salient physical features that probably wouldn't change overnight. His left eye has noticeable strabismus, & the left eyelid drooped a tiny bit. His almost completely bald little head looked exactly like the old American cartoon character, Henry. His ears for some reason look as though they're in a different position relative to his eyes than Christmas/baby. The head shape & ears can be covered by hats, (Canada/baby), & the eye issues can be minimized by camera angles. Perhaps Archie has already had surgery for the droopy lid since the SA visit. Babies heal quickly. I have no idea at what age a surgery like that would be performed. I also have no idea whether or not human features change position relative our other features as we age. Christmas Archie's ears are in a completely different place on his skull relative to his eyes than SA Archie. Oh, the intrigue. We don't nod & move on. Our curiosity is piqued, but not in a way that reflects well on Megs or the BRF, unfortunately.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Jenx, my grandchildren would happily wear the same. Who am I kidding; I'd LOVE to have some bright yellow Oshkosh overalls to wear with a brilliant tie dye shirt and a striped engineer cap!

I wear bright colors when I have a flock of grandchildren in public places such as zoos so that they can easily spot me. The colors that look best on me are muted earth tones:(

Rut said…
I saw a video of Meghan Markle when she was a child invited to a friends birthday party. Meghan was very dominant and bossed the other guests around pretending to be the queen. And I remember when Harry was a child. He was very..."energetic" and a bit mischievous :)
So...neither Meghan or Harry were shy, calm and quiet as children. So when they describe Archie as being a "social butterfly" maybe thats just a nicer word for the same kind of personalities Meghan and Harry had as children? :) Knowing Meghan she often make little things greater than they are. The word "social butterfly" is a typical word Meghan would use for a child who is a bit..."energetic" Nothing wrong with that. Its just a interesting choice of word to describe a babys behaviour.
NeutralObserver said…
Re: Canada mansion. Laughable, desperate & tacky. The place looks like a set used for a supposedly rich person's house in an old Murder She Wrote episode in the 80s-90s, The selfie story doesn't pass the smell test. Since the woman worked for Canadian tv, it probably could have easily been set up by Meg's Mulroney-Lainey connections. No proof Megs was actually there, although it is believable that Megs might not be recognizable in her new zaftig state, & perhaps she wasn't wearing one of her wigs.

I noticed the music producer who claims to have arranged the rental rambled on quite a bit about some 'foundation' he had set up, so it was a win-win publicity wise for all.

I say Megs is tacky, because who else in the RF publicizes what houses they've been staying in, or whom they stay with? The New Yorker did an article on Charles's love for mooching off his wealthy friends, & his allegedly fussy demands, but no actual names or places were mentioned. You never see anything about where the Cambridges stay or
whom they dine with, unless it's the Queen, (or planted by one of Meg's sycophants). The Queen and PP have had an active social life, & most of it has been completely private. Diana's social life drew a bit more attention, particularly after the divorce, but she was a genuine global phenomenon. One of my deceased in-laws entertained Princess Margaret at his house on Martha's Vineyard back in the 80s, but the rest of the family barely knew about it, much less the 'public.' The in-law in question avoided random publicity like the plague. My guess is that RF, other than Megs ,avoids association with people who will blab to the press.
Girl with a Hat said…
since people are not sure if narcissism is genetic or caused by environmental factors, it's quite possible that Archie might have issues with that later in life.

If Harry has ADHD as I suspect he does, Archie may also exhibit some of those tendencies as well.

Meghan once made fun of George by saying once that he caused his daily havoc or something to that effect, or was it through one of her sycophants, like Lainey Lee. Karma is a bitch, innit?
NeutralObserver said…
Any parent will tell you that it's very difficult to entice boys George's age into wearing what an adult deems appropriate. George has to wear a uniform at school, he probably wishes he could dress like a biker or something equally outrageous at home.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Another great post Nutty. You find really good topics to write about.

Isn't "confident butterfly" an oxymoron? A slightest change in the weather conditions or wind will result in trouble for them. Nor they last long, and in many tales they are a symbol of superficial, seasonal and passing, regardless of beauty.

Calling their son a future "confident social butterfly" is stupid.
IEschew said…
I don’t have much to add but wanted to chime in with Swampwoman re: kids and clothing choices. I think if kids have been permitted to develop a healthy sense of autonomy, one of the first battles they choose to fight is re: attire. I sincerely doubt PG fought *for* dressy clothing, but perhaps those selections are what his dresser (whether parents or nanny) could get him to agree to. Does not matter. He is heir. That is the point.

I am uncomfortable participating in Meghan’s game of attacking children. Whoever Archie is, he has been made a pawn; if Meghan rails against the objectification of women (self-objectifying hypocrite that she is), she could at least pretend to care about the objectification of her son. What a horrible mess this unwitting baby is in. I so wish someone would/could resolve it for him and am disturbed the RF does not seem to do more for his sake.

Please let this child have a happy future, and please let Prince George grow up with a sense of peace and fun. These children are innocents and shouldn’t be picked to pieces.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@lizzie You made a good point. A baby sleeping 11 hours without waking is the cause for concern. Unless they gave him something to make him sleep, but I don't even want to think about it.
none said…
IEschew...Yes, the level of public exposure and scrutiny these children are getting at such young ages is worrisome. The Harkels and their games need to end for the sake of the children.
@Fedde, She is there to "modernize". Just my opinion. However, there was a Twitter post right after the wedding of a mixed-race young lady from Texas, a beauty pageant contestant who said she was approached and asked she wanted to marry a Prince. I no longer have the computer where I stored the screen shot. I'm estimating a 5 year contract, it would give her time to establish the foundation for untold wealth and prestige, and find a billionaire. The marriage was a set-up, they barely knew each other.

I can't begin to guess what's going on with Archie, but I will go to my grave knowing she wasn't pregnant. So if that story line isn't true, the rest of it probably isn't true either.

I was raised by a narc mother, Meghan WILL hurt children, physically and emotionally. They are a threat to her.
SwampWoman said…
NeutralObserver, I quite agree that Megs is tacky. No argument whatsoever.

Perhaps some of the perceived tackiness is a generational thing? I notice that soooo many people now seem to be incapable of anything approaching privacy. EVERYTHING is posted online. I go to a restaurant with friends and all around us are silent tables while people take pictures of their food and their friends to post online while not interacting with them. I go to the beach and people are looking at it through their phones.

I have family members and friends that are actually offended because I'm not on Facebook or Instagram and that my cell phone is usually off. It isn't that I do not know how to use social media; I have passwords to provide content for friend and family accounts when they are busy or are out of town on a vacation.

Also, forgot to add, a contract marriage would explain why Meghan's chain hasn't been yanked hard. She's not there for the long haul and the contract probably doesn't state acceptable behavior, so she doesn't care whether they approve or not. She is there to make a name for herself.
KayeC said…
@Nutty, the brooch looks to be the Empress Marie Feodorovna Sapphire Brooch. It was given to her as gift on her marriage to the future Emperor Alexander III of Russia, by her sister and brother in law, King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra (at the time still the Prince and Princess of Wales.) Marie (called Minnie) and Alexandra were very close, both were daughters of King Christian IX of Denmark. (I mentioned the other day that KCIX and QVictoria married all their children into other royal families) Minnie, wore the brooch often and it was one of her favorite pieces. This was one piece that Minnie had in her possession when she left for Denmark during the Russian revolution that saw her son murdered and royal family abolished. When she died, her daughters sold several of her pieces at auction and it was snapped up by Queen Mary (HM's grandmother) who was then married to Minnie's nephew King George V. She even paid more than the value.
HappyDays said…
If you are stuck having to put up with a person with narcissistic personality disorder in your life, cutting all contact or, if that’s not feasible, ignoring their manipulations and constant pokes such as Meghan attempts with the Cambridges, is usually the best route to take.

It blunts their childish antics while tacitly sending the message they will not be allowed to control you via manipulation. You exist on a higher plane of life.

It also directly impacts the narc, who ends up frustrated and, as an already angry person, it infuriates them.

Because they aren’t physically in the presence of Meghan that often, the Cambridges will be able to keep her at arm’s length and protect their children from “Auntie Meg,” which is of paramount concern for them.

I would never allow someone like her to be left alone with my kids, not even for a minute. Profound narcs such as Meghan can never be trusted. They are likely to jump at any chance to inflict physical abuse and say it was an accident or say something cruel to a child that they’d remember for life.

I had a narc in my family who told me that I was a mistake. That my parents wished I’d never been born, which wasn’t the case. My mother had two miscarriages between the births of my brother, who is five years older and me.

But it only took a few seconds to utter, and I will never forget it. It was just a mean thing to say to a kid, but par for the course by this relative who was tremendously angry and unhappy with life in general and constantly lashed out at everyone.

I think Meghan arrogantly thought she would immediately emerge as a universal superstar, easily eclipsing the entire royal family even though she is attached to a man who, as years pass, will become less and less important in the hierarchy. As Harry’s importance declines, so will that of Meghan, Archie, and any other children these two manage to spew forth.

The creation of Sussex Royal foundation to create a new “Brand Meghan” to replace The Tig and trotting off to live in LA among her fellow narcissists as the Duchess in Residence will hopefully up being only a grandiose pipe dream for Meghan.

It seems like there are at least some stirrings among HM and Charles regarding their dealings with Meghan. In light of the damage Andrew has inflicted, perhaps it has put them on high alert to the potential damage Meghan can cause if she is not tightly controlled as long as she remains in the family or holds any royal title.

Her title is only a courtesy title at this point because she is not a UK citizen. I am hoping the marriage ends before she obtains citizenship, which could end any claims she has to a title. It is the main reason she stalked Harry. Otherwise, she could have just snagged some other wealthy idiot from a famous family.
KayeC said…
Btw, Alexandra and Minnie's sons, King George V and Emperor Nicholas II could have been twins. I wonder how sad it must have been for the sisters during the Bolshevic revolution!!
Fairy Crocodile said…
@SwampWoman We are not on FB, IG, Twitter or any other form of SM either (well, I post on this blog). If we need to contact our friends we use phone, email or watsap. Just like you. Not saying it is good or bad, it is our choice. So MM's obsession with SM is beyond my comprehension.
KayeC said…
About PG's pants, the look too long, not really wrinkled IMO, but I agree that a hemming them would have helped the way they hang. Depending on the fabric, they could have been hemmed without leaving holes, or even flipped and tucked for the photo.

Maybe if DoC had been at the photoshoot, she would have said, "Wait, let me straighten out George's pants." Didn't she arrive after with the other children? Sometimes mom's are better at catching these details. I am also getting tired of the white shirt with piping, lol!
Jenx said…
The only scenario where I see that a contract would make sense is if Harry in indeed gay. A short and sweet contract to produce some royal offspring and be done with it. Then he would be free to live his life as he chooses. He is only the spare afterall.

Nothing is making much sense at this juncture except the depths of MM's greed and depravity are coming more and more into focus as time goes by. Who in their right mind would use pictures of babies for their one up moments on a global stage? To say on one hand that they protect their child and his privacy and then dangle said child to trump the Cambridge announcement. See, we are more important than you. Nah nah. It is truly sick.

How she got where she got and how she continues to do what she does is beyond me. She is not allowed on royal property, she is not allowed access to royal jewels, she was at neither Balmoral nor Sandringham this year. It appears that the RF is working hard to contain her. But there she is!

The selfie stick couple can easily be explained away. CTV is the network on which both Lainey and Ben Mulroney (jessica) co-host an entertainment show. That is a very transparent no-brainer and shame on them
re George's trews

It's not really a matter of not being able to afford to buy new as soon as things are outgrown, or static cling come to that.

It's about values. As has been said, Authenticity. That and those traditional British values that have stood us in good stead in the past: durability, making things last, not appearing profligate, getting your money's worth, not wear-it-once-and-then-chuck-it-away, bringing out the bling when the occasion really calls for it but otherwise not flaunting the wealth or irritating the revolutionaries, implying that royals aren't so very different from the aspiring middling sort with children who are shooting up like Jack's beanstalk.

As for static cling, we don't know if he's in polyester pants or wool. People with land, livestock and environmental concerns often prefer natural fibres, I'm told. They also don't have anything to prove - many an aristocratic lord wearing a ratty old tweed coat as he potters around his parterres has been mistaken for a gardener and hasn't been bothered by the error.

All of which would drive old `Don't You Know Who I Am' crackers, if she isn't already.
CookieShark said…
My favorite type of morning, an overcast, drizzly sky with mild temperatures.

MM has truly outed herself as "new money" since her marriage to PH. Not that there's anything wrong with new money. In the States money is money, but she certainly could have tried harder since she married into one of the most "old money" families in the world. Does anyone know if she owned her home in Canada? I have the impression MM was not careful with her money. She appears to spend recklessly. Her own blog was dedicated to luxury goods and posh travel. This does not seem to be someone concerned with savings, but I could be wrong. The article I saw yesterday was an old one, but it depicts her penchant for merching and loving swag at the time. However, all of that should have changed when she married PH. They have almost everything a person could need comped, but she appears to still feel the need to merch. Why?

I think MM is used to barging her way through situations, whether or not she is aware of this. The RF is something she barged into if stories are to be believed, but she can't manipulate her way to the top now. As a narc that would be infuriating. I believe we caught a glimpse of this at PC Investiture. MM speaks to PC upon his arrival but he is walking away from her, as she is not supposed to be at the display at that time. She starts to follow him but he is walking away. If she planned to bulldoze her way into being at the display, it was not going to work. Perhaps this is why she is jealous of George. He is the legacy, while she has barged her way in and behaved badly.
SDJ said…
Young George's outfit in the portrait is not my favourite, but I'm going to overlook it because that portrait is/will be historic--perhaps the last of its kind. Since it will be part of our cultural history for the next few generations, I'm going to just enjoy it for what it is.

And don't you think Charles has "grown into his face"? Its taken the better part of 70 years, but I think he looks quite handsome and distinguished these days.

MM probably thinks the Queen is merching Launer handbags.
abbyh said…

Nutty - another thoughtful post as always.

It is interesting that the Hollywood connections aren't really speaking out anymore. I think someone realized that this play wasn't working and dropped it (there was a lot which didn't make sense other than just "random" talking heads lecturing at us).

That she might think she could just step right into the center spotlight (not relinquish it) by just a few well placed IG photos and her determination. And, all the attempts to undercut anyone else's shinny moment - show a true and well developed behavior pattern (which isn't going away but will hopefully show the need to be firmly managed by others). And, continued practice will make this more obvious (cue: DM article on how much this happens. Maybe after the lawsuit is over?)

I love how the BRF show subtleties in the photos (in the thrown room, purse, the line of heredity).

I'm not so much worried about her influencing PG and siblings. I think that W&K will manage keeping the kids at arm's length even if they are in the same room.

How can Meg understand something that she can never be a part of? She can't. Life is unfair. Sometimes you get the big piece of cake and other times, the small. I am reminded of a sibling rivalry book where one mother would deliberately cut the pieces (say cake) of different sizes to teach the kids that. She was not going to spend her time/life trying to make cake slices equal so that the kids would think that they should be entitled to equal to the person next to them.
Fedde said…
Does anyone know if Sunshine Sachs still represents MM? Could be that the contract ran up to/through December and that's why we haven't heard from other celebs (also rep'ed by Sunshine Sachs) commending/defending/promoting MM.
Hikari said…
@Neutral and Unknown

Re. Cute Camb Kids

George has certainly changed a lot, hasn’t he? He was such a chunky baby with a round head. Of course, he was inevitably compared with Willian’s baby pictures, but To be honest from nearly day one with George, I have seen Grandpa Middleton, And the more he grows the more pronounced the resemblance gets. George has his father’s blond hair and is going to be as tall as William by the looks, but otherwise he favors Michael. He’s got very old soul eyes for a six-year-old. Little Louis is blond too, But check out Kate’s baby pictures ... Boss Baby L. looks like Mummy. In William’s middle child, The house of Windsor shines through like a beacon. Charlotte is the Queen in miniature. Are used to think that William had his mother’s eyes, But now I see that is actually his grandmother’s eyes that he has and he has passed them to his daughter. Louis has brown eyes like his brother. The House Of Middleton is strong in the boys.

Royal Fan said…

They’re still trying to say Megs vogue issue was a sensational hit! 😂😂😂
Girl with a Hat said…
@Fedde, according to Ashlee from Danja Zone, she is being represented by a new American PR firm which she hired recently while she was in L.A. No announcement has been made though.
Fedde said…
I've seen a lot of people online saying Charlotte looks exactly like QEII, but in my opinion she looks exactly like Carole Middleton. All the Cambridge kids look like the Middletons. Charlotte definitely has Carole's eyes (the shape and eyebrows etc).
Fedde said…
Thanks. Does that mean she dropped Sunshine Sachs or did she get another firm aboard? IIRC, she still had her old one (from her Suits/acting days) when Sunshine Sachs came aboard initially.
Jenx said…
Re: change of PR firms. Maybe she has to economize. SS must have cost a king's ransom.
punkinseed said…
Here's my take on George's clothes in the 4 Gen. shot.
I agree with Nutty in that the shirt is too Peter Pan. If he was under age 5 then maybe that would be an ok choice. And, I'm thinking the outfit may have had a vest or blazer, but good luck getting a kid to wear it if he is too hot or simply doesn't want to. ... or he got pudding on it.
I don't think the trousers, or some might call them trews? are too long. Static cling from the look of them and the fabric bunched up probably after he'd been sitting down and he didn't pull them up like he was supposed to as he sat down, which can cause that bunching when one stands up. I say they are not too long because of the "European Break" isn't really there as far as I can tell. The break is on Charles' slacks but not really on George's. (European Break is where the pant leg "breaks" or folds just a few inches above the ankle and the hem covers about half way over the top of the shoe. You can usually tell an American from a European by this. Americans tend to wear shorter hemlines on their slacks and thus, no break or not very much of one at all compared to the European. (I learned all of this vital esoteric information after watching it on an afternoon talk show in the 80's and a British fashion expert explained it)
punkinseed said…
Feddie, I agree. Charlotte looks a lot like Carole and to me George and Charlotte look a lot alike. So does Louis I think.
SwampWoman said…
SDJ, yes, I agree with Charles growing into his face! (grin) It may have to do with him being happy and even vindicated in his beliefs about some of the values of traditional methods.
Mary said…
Markle’s trolls started attacking Prince Louis when he was newly born, almost as one they started suggesting that he looked as though he was mentally retarded. I wondered at the time if this was orchestrated by Markle
CookieShark said…
I rewatched footage from TTC today. Celt News on YT has some excellent videos.

In one video, MM is very clearly seen popping up right behind HM, but she is quickly sidelined by Anne & Andrew. Thank goodness. Why she would suppose it would be right for her to stand next to HM and block HM's children is baffling, but it doesn't stop her from trying. It is quite disturbing really.
Jen said…
It always amazes me how different people can see different things in an image of a person. I'm intrigued by the fact that some see Charlotte resembling Carole Middleton, while other believe she is the spitting image of HMTQ. Interesting.
Princess Mrs. B said…
@Nutty, I believe the brooch Her Maj is wearing is Empress Marie Feodorovna's Sapphire Brooch. She was Princess Dagmar of Denmark and sister of Queen Alexandra. I doubt it has any significance worn on this occasion. It probably just goes along with the blue theme of the picture. I know many Nutties don't care for Prince Charles but I admire him and I am struck by how regal he looks in this picture. Very proud to be there, no doubt.

As for MM, she just can't help herself. I just read somewhere that a source claims that Meghan has not been banned from borrowing the Queen's jewels, she just doesn't like them and they are not to her taste. She apparently doesn't have the same "boring" taste as Kate. If by boring she means classy, dignified, and respectful of the history of the BRF, then by all means, we get it. Those 3 bizarre rings she wore to Eugenie's wedding remind me of the time I dressed up as a gypsy for Halloween. Of course, I was 8 at the time and it was a costume. That many rings worn on the same hand is just tasteless and trashy.
KCM1212 said…
I think George, having finally gotten his first pair of long trousers, simply refused to remove them. Even for bed. He did look sharp Christmas day, didnt he?

Megs may finally do herself permanent harm by going after the children. To think that William, PC, or even Kate will sit by while their children are attacked is utter folly. I hope they will move quickly to contain her.

If she is still around in a few years (and please, please make it not so), I worry about the venom she will have been pouring into Archies ears about how much more worthy he is than his cousins. Envy breeds malice. And there is so much malice there already. Archie And Harry both may require extensive therapy just to be able to move beyond this toxic witch. The least amount of time spent with her can only be good for him.

KCM1212 said…
I am amused at the reports Megs is obsessively watching her SM numbers, convinced that her value to the RF will be improved by higher numbers.

I believe we all know what she is up to with those numbers.
Debra said…
Wow I honestly didn't even notice that PG's pants were wrinkled. I had to look up the picture again in the Daily Mail. They probably got wrinkled while he was baking. I think he looks adorable and even better he looks his age. Sometimes I find people dress their kids up to look like creepy mini-adults. The little guy looks like a happy six year old. Ha he even looks like he is trying to suppress a giggle in the picture.
abbyh said…

KC Martin - she is obsessed with her numbers? Wow. What ever did the Royal Family do before social media numbers were invented? (sarc off).

Change of PR firms - I'm wondering if not only did she run out the that money but she might have been difficult about taking their advise?

I don't completely buy the idea that the real reason she doesn't wear any of HM's jewels is that they aren't her style. They aren't her style is correct but I think that what is being omitted is that they were not offered or permitted if she asked. It sounds better, more soothing to hurt feelings to say not how I see myself than to say I was told no.

Besides, how often do you see Kate wearing these things while she pops into the grocery or thes school run? You don't. She wears them on formal and official dinners which she did not get to participate in right away either. My guess is that she also didn't ask to borrow them for some private formal dinner or just practicing wearing them in the hallway (long before that was an option).
Girl with a Hat said…
@CookieShark - she thinks she has an exalted position in the BRF because she is a POC and that this is more important than anything else, including the Law of Succession. I thought that many of her sugars or stans were also POC but when I looked at the nasty reviews left at the Yelp and Google site of the restaurant that supposedly refused her a reservation, I saw that many, if not all, were white (their profile photos were attached).

KCM1212 said…
@Abby Change of PR firms - I'm wondering if not only did she run out the that money but she might have been difficult about taking their advise

You are so right! She has made SS a laughingstock.
Princess Mrs. B said…
@abbyh, yes I agree on the jewels. The "source" came forward with this theory because it was killing MM to have the public think that the Queen finds her unworthy and is therefore unwilling to loan her anything of value. Personally, I think that the Queen is afraid that she will abscond with pieces of history when she does the inevitable bolt, so why take the chance? The Queen is a smart cookie. She knows who has staying power and who doesn't. She never granted Fergie any of the family orders because she most likely thought she was not a keeper. Seems she was correct.
abbyh said…

Well, if you are going to hire big guns, let them do what they do, check with you on it and then don't micromanage or assume that you have the best ideas and it is up to them to figure out how to do it.

The other thing about the not my style of jewelry is that the timing is way, way off. That kind of thing should have been mentioned long ago. Maybe when she decided that the ring needed to be redone (presumably he would have been heavily influenced by what he saw growing up and needed to be educated by her). Or before?
punkinseed said…
Every piece of the crown jewels and the queen's have a wonderful history behind them. I love to learn about the tiaras and the stories about how they were designed and which royal wore them and when, along with the personal stories attached to each piece. Megs couldn't care less about any of the item's backstory. All she cares about is wearing a tiara or other items to make a big fat splashy show of herself and as a way to show the world, "See, look at meeee. I'm your sovereign princess, now bow down and kiss my ring/ass/ring!"
If I was queen I'd surely not loan jewels to someone who doesn't appreciate or respect or care to know about such precious heirlooms.
Bones said…
RE PG's clothes, it's been said the queen herself, PREFERS, that the children be dressed in the traditional, (stuffy and dated) manner. If you notice, the children are usually dressed more contemporarily, on non-official circumstances. They've even been photographed wearing GAP watching dad play polo, if I'm not mistaken.
abbyh said…

Wait? What?

MM was upset that people thought that the Queen thinks she is unworthy to wear the family jewelry?

Where is the logic and prior optics in her thinking?

Kate wasn't doing this so it's not up to her to show and tell Kate how to handle the good jewels.

And then, why (oh why) would you draw attention to the idea that Queen is distrustful of you (Yeah, I get that she could potentially use that as a see how I'm snubbed except that they didn't do this for Kate so being a WOC doesn't grant you rights that people of higher rank don't have)? There is not presidence for her actions or not actions (and yelling racist louder and louder isn't going to change what didn't happen historically for Kate although it might unloosen something withheld M did that was not appropriate and then stated as a reason why she was not trusted way back when).

It is not a good idea to plant the seed (no matter how you think it can be used later) that I am unworthy by someone the country has watched grow up into who she is today? It can easily go off in a direction you don't intend (by someone who doesn't like you) and can't get it back. You can't unturn on that light once you turned it on.

Why give them the wood, the matches and lighter fluid?

I have a lot of respect for HM. She's wise about many things and people (who is a bolter and who isn't and whom, if left long enough, will self immolate).

punkinseed said…
abbyh, well said. I think that not only does she micromanage, she also tears every single bit of work apart that others have spent hours perfecting, takes over and does it her way, then the whole while rages and bitches at the professionals for being incompetent, stupid and unable to read her crazy mind. Then, when she uses her way to do or say whatever it is falls flat on its face as it always does, she blames the people for her own screw ups. Nothing is ever her fault.
Another thing she does is say she's hired a photographer to take some shots for her. The photographer sets up the space, lighting, etc, and has everything perfect and just so. Megs arrives and moves the light bar, backdrop, etc., then after taking the shots and making them ready for final, Megs decides not good enough for her standards and photoshops the crap out of them so much that the whole image is a cluster of pixelated mess, but hey, she likes it cuz you know, she's right about everything and nobody is as good at anything as she is.
Sandie said…
Poor Meghan ... patron of the National Theatre (non-starter on that one), yet it is the Cambridges who are supporting innovative theatre (and feminism) by, well, hosting a theatre production at KP about George II's wife and mistress!

I had to look up who Luke Walker is (writer of the piece) as the writing is so appallingly bad. Maybe it was messed up by bad copy editing? Cringe-worthy bad!

By the way, I don't think the Cambridges are playing some kind of competitive game with Meghan and Harry. They are modern royals using their intelligence, interests, and position with all its connections to live a meaningful modern life.
Unknown said…
Ireally enjoy your blog. Your profile says you are based in Estonia. Are you a British journalists based there? Just curious. You seem knowledgeable about your facts.
DesignDoctor said…
@Princess Mrs. B Those 3 bizarre rings she wore to Eugenie's wedding remind me of the time I dressed up as a gypsy for Halloween.
Your comment made me laugh out loud! I totally agree with you--those three rings she wore to Eugenie's wedding just looked trashy.
Maggie said…
I believe the explanation for the clothes worn at formal occasions is that they are timeless; fashion would detract from the importance of the occasion.

Besides it's training for the future- those kids need far more self-discipline than most other kids.

On the subject of MM I wonder if her potential or actual effect on the children will be what precipitates measures being taken to manage her? Bad enough for the adults to have to cope with her behaviour but if she's allowing her PR and stans to badmouth infants and young children that is very damaging.

No wonder Samantha and Tom jnr hate her with such a passion.
Bones said…
Finally looked at the pic of the heirs. I think the wrinkles are a result of tension and static between the wool and the pant lining.
DesignDoctor said…
@Swamp Woman I bet Charles is happy that his views on gardening are being validated. He was truly a visionary when he advocated for organic gardening/farming methods so many years ago.

In no way do I approve of the way he treated Diana, but I am glad to see him looking so well and happy.

I loved seeing the photo of the Queen and the three heirs together. A priceless photo. George looks like a happy, well-adjusted boy. I love seeing Charles arm around him.
So Megwitch, a grown woman, is supposedly on a very short leash (or lead, as we say here).

How is that achieved without infringing her basic human rights? The days are long gone since she might have been thrown into a deep, deep, dungeon and forgotten about. Habeas Corpus (the principle of no imprisonment without trial) goes back to at medieval times so we can forget about that.

Has the flow of Royal cash been reduced to mere sweetie money? Do the Princess Royal, the Duchess of Cornwall or an RPO shadow her every move (like an invigilator supervising one's visits to the loo during important exams)? Has she been tagged?

Could she have been legally detained? If the marriage is not deemed `genuine' according to immigration law, she could be in trouble over her visa. What about that shortfall that was said to have appeared in the Royal Foundation accounts once she got involved? Or even something under Treason Law - aliens on British soil are not immune from that piece of legislation - there must be something there, especially for a member of the Firm who undermines its Head.

Or the kinder approach - detention under the Mental Health Act.

Oh, sweet dreams. If only...
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Someone above mentioned that George was dressed so formally to appeal to HMQ. I agree with this. Although wonderful at pulling off the formal, it strikes me that the Cambridges are more of a sporty lot, and that if they had their druthers, they would be more comfortable in their Barbour and Welles. But for the great-grandmother, formality is observed. It makes sense to me. I dressed my children much formally for family events in deference to my mother, who wasn’t a formal person but loved seeing the children dressed up. Also, this is a formal shoot, and he’s only six! Finally, the length of the pants. Charles has his suits patched. I think this is a rather charming but subtle way of saying we are real folk and we care about your dime. We can clearly see that they have recycled clothes from George to Louis. These are smart people who know what they are doing. As opposed to She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named.
Jenx said…
I read She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Shamed. Lol
Madge said…
Reading the comments on the DM articles, it's often pointed out that whenever there is something positive in the media about any of the Cambridge family, Markle and her PR orchestrate something to try and divert attention.

The latest was the launch of Earthshot where the photo on the new press release of William sitting on a mountain top was taken by Kate. The photo and Kate received a lot of positive response. Within 48 hours Markle's friends release a photo of Harry and Master Windsor taken by Markle with (you guessed it) fawning praise about her so-called photography skills. As many have pointed out on the DM comments, it is nearly 100% predictable!

I think Markle's envy of the Cambridges comes from her not realising the really strict hierarchy in the RF before she married. I think she thought that because William and Harry were brothers, then she would get the same treatment and privileges as Kate. How wrong she was, and I think that is why at every opportunity she tries to shove the Cambridges (Kate in particular) out of the headlines.

Unfortunately for her, she's also discovered that her brand of media pseudo-celebrity doesn't work the Brit public. We like our RF to be slightly stuffy, old-fashioned and predictable. We don't like all that woke nonsense or the hypocrisy.

One commenter (called Oliver from Toronto) about that set up meeting while out hiking joined some very interesting dots about the friend who released the photo: "She works for CTV Victoria now but used to work at CTV Toronto. You know who else works at CTV Toronto..Ben Mulroney, Jessica's husband. She also volunteered for World Vision at the same time Smirkle was an 'ambassador' for World Vision". So, Harry and Markle just happened to be out walking with an actress friend when they bumped into a TV producer who works with Ben Mulroney and was involved at World Vision at the same time as Markle. What a coincidence.

As with the release of so many other things (including the ill-fated letter to her poor father), evidence suggests that Markle orchestrates these things with her friends. The British public are not stupid. We can see right through this bullsh*t.

(As a footnote, I agree with someone in the comments above as about the George and Charlotte hugging members of the public. It's not necessary and not attractive. William and Kate should change that ASAP.)
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Finally, the length of the pants. Charles has his suits patched. I think this is a rather charming but subtle way of saying we are real folk and we care about your dime. We can clearly see that they have recycled clothes from George to Louis. These are smart people who know what they are doing.

WizardWench, precisely. My TFK friends all do the same and would never whine to me that I need to get a new car because theirs are not an extension of their egos, either. (In fact, my car is one of their old cars, and they drove it for years). I have friends who have just no money (nothing wrong with that; I'm broke, too, lol) but they're driving relatively new MBs (and when one breaks, they have to sell it because they can't afford the repairs -- seriously, WTF?) I have friends who've more recently arrived at the good life income, and they're eager to show that. OTOH, Kate is still wearing her 15 yo tassel boots. Chas mends the Harris tweed. Life goes on lol.
abbyh mentions the word`bolter'.

Who remembers Germaine Greer being howled down for predicting that Megwitch would be off just as soon as she'd got as much as she could out of this relationship, or when a better prospect appeared? Or the treatment Ann Widdecombe got when, on hearing news of the engagement, immediately predicted that she'd would be `trouble'?

Both ladies are well known for speaking their minds, and to Hell with political correctness, and both deserve apologies, I reckon.

For what it's worth, I imagine that Megwitch's business plan envisages a career trajectory that takes her up into the highest levels of the global kleptocracy, via an oligarch or three. Dangerous company.
KitKatKisses said…
Sorry, this is just MO, but all these comments picking apart what a 6 year old child is wearing are ridiculous. He is neat, he is clean, he is dressed traditionally as suits a formal portrait. I think George looks darling. I have always thought he resembles Catherine's father.
KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, IMO the way Gary Janetti has attacked the Cambridge children is vile. The things he has said and insinuated about them (that George is gay, that Charlotte is fat, that Charlotte is ugly, that George is power mad) are not funny. They are cruel. These are small children. There is nothing humorous about attacking children.

What really crossed the line for me was during the height of the William/Rose rumors, when Gary had a young George asking his mom, "is Dad seeing his slut tonight"? It made me feel terrible for Rose, to be called a slut like that, all based on a viscous rumor. Of course this comes from the same camp that touts "women's rights", equality, the metoo movement and so forth. What a hypocrite. Of course when I called Gary out on it, he blocked me, which he does to all who criticize his "humor". He can dish it, but he can't take it.
Anonymous said…

@Princess Mrs. B
Those 3 bizarre rings she wore to Eugenie's wedding remind me of the time I dressed up as a gypsy for Halloween.

Your comment made me laugh out loud! I totally agree with you--those three rings she wore to Eugenie's wedding just looked trashy.

Thank you both for the LOLs. Anyone want to place a side bet on how long before we see toe rings and/or nail bling?

And very interesting, @Madge -- that CTV stuff sounded like tofurky.

@IEschew & Holly, YES. Add me to this, pls: "Please let this child have a happy future, and please let Prince George grow up with a sense of peace and fun. These children are innocents and shouldn’t be picked to pieces."

@WildBoar: Oh, sweet dreams. If only..." lololol, yes.

Apologies for the multiple posts, just getting caught up.
Rut said…
KitKatKisses; Also he turned and suddenly decided to be nice to Meghan.
KitKatKisses said…
An Instagram account I follow is claiming that there is a mental heath/addiction residential facility called Ravensview, about 6 miles from
the alleged Vancouver Island rental home. Supposedly the view from this facility is the same as the view in the Harry photo. So, theories are still being spun.
Brown-eyed said…
This article, dated today, is at least as funny as the “MM doesn’t like the Queen’s jewelry.” MM allegedly has a secret skin care business, but HMTQ found out. Products are alledgedly sold on QVC to an American audience. There is even a photo of Kate with an “endorsement” of the products. Enjoy a huge laugh.

The article title is “Meghan Markle’s Secret Skincare Empire Has the Royal Family Furious!” Judy google the title to get an active link to the story.
On this website:

Thanks for this discussion,Nutty and Nutties, and sorry this one is sideways to the topic.
Miggy said…

"An Instagram account I follow is claiming that there is a mental heath/addiction residential facility called Ravensview, about 6 miles from
the alleged Vancouver Island rental home. Supposedly the view from this facility is the same as the view in the Harry photo. So, theories are still being spun."

I posted about Ravensview on the previous thread and also gave the twitter links.
The theory sounds quite plausible.
KitKatKisses said…
@Miggy, sorry I missed it. It's hard to keep up with all the posts when there are so many replies.
CookieShark said…
A poster on these boards described MM as a "heat-seeking missile" when it comes to photos. I forget who said this, but it is such a great description.

Re: is MM jealous of the other Royals. I think so. Here are some pictures from Eugenie's wedding.

There is no doubt MM looked very pretty at Eugenie's wedding. She wastes no time finding the cameras, as pictured, and appears to pose when she exits the car. People do not naturally stand this way. Whether this is to give the camera her "best angle" or to show off items she's marching, it isn't natural. The media at that time reported that leaving the buttons open on her coat was sure to start tongues wagging about her pregnancy, and it did.

Is it possible that Tiaragate made MM determined to steal the show at Eugenie's wedding? Poor Eugenie. No one else seeks the lens the way MM does. Even before the marriage people pointed out that MM was posting pictures of her wearing bracelets similar to Harry's and elephant charms. These were always easily photographed. Why?

It was also reported that Harry attended Eugenie's evening reception, but MM did not. Why not? If she was early on in her pregnancy, she may have felt tired or not up to the reception. Understandable. Or perhaps it was another way to actually draw attention to herself, by not attending at all.

It was Eugenie's big day. To me, MM's behavior at the wedding does demonstrate she is jealous of the blood Royals. It appears she cannot be happy for someone else without stealing the spotlight back for herself. Within days there were reports that Eugenie was "unhappy" MM did not attend the evening reception, allegedly. Did these reports come from the Yorks or MM? In addition to MM getting lots of attention at someone else's event, another Royal appears to be trashed in the press. Have we seen this happen since?
Miggy said…

I agree that it's difficult to keep up at times. :)

Someone also posted on Twitter that the average stay at Ravensview is 6-9 weeks, which is interesting!

lizzie said…
I'd say it's a sure thing that M didn't understand the ways the RF hierarchy is rigidly set and that W&K will always come first. Consider her family background-- I can only imagine the ways she managed to come first in Thomas's eyes even though he had two other children. Early on, many people thought Samantha was just sick and delusionally jealous. After all, there were so many years between their ages. How could Sam possibly have been jealous of a small child when she was an older teenager, or jealous of a young teenager when Sam was in her late 20s.... But now I do understand why Sam would be fed up after 38 years of watching M's antics!

Re: George. As others have said, I expect his outfit was his parents' choice, not his. So any criticism belongs to them, not him. I do hope for formal-ish wear before he's old enough to always be expected to wear a suit in cooler months they put him back in V-neck cardigans or sweater vests like he setimes wore as a younger child. Unlike shirts with colored piping/peter pan collars, those are styles grown men wear too.
@KitKat, ‘Sorry, this is just MO, but all these comments picking apart what a 6 year old child is wearing are ridiculous. He is neat, he is clean, he is dressed traditionally as suits a formal portrait. I think George looks darling. I have always thought he resembles Catherine's father.’

I wholeheartedly agree. I thought I was the only one reading and thinking it. I don’t like to see children criticised, (especially over clothing) and if parents are there along side them. It’s the Cambridge’s decision on what they wear, and being royalty and for a photo, it would be traditional all the way.

For me, George is a mix of Earl Spencer and yes, Catherine’s father.
Miggy said…
New Instagram post from the duo:

Our thoughts and prayers are with those across Australia who are continuing to face the devastating fires that have been raging for months.

From areas we are personally connected to such as the communities and people we visited in New South Wales in 2018, to the fires in California and parts of Africa, we are struck by the increasingly overlapping presence of these environmental disasters, including of course the destruction of the Amazon which continues.

This global environmental crisis has now been described as Ecocide. It’s easy to feel helpless, but there’s always a way to help.

To find out how you can lend your support, please see the links below to help as we have."

Miggy said…
Instagram post for comparison from Kensington Royal:

"We continue to be shocked and deeply saddened to hear about the fires that are destroying homes, livelihoods and wildlife across much of Australia.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all the people and communities who are affected by this devastating event.

We send our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those who have tragically lost their lives, and the brave firefighters who continue to risk their own lives to save the lives of others."

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge
TTucker said…
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TTucker said…
Hi Nutty, I wished the Cambridges dressed their children as modern as the Monaco royal family dresses their twins. This said, I don't see it happening because of a) tradition and b) values.

a) Children in upper class schools, and even most British elite schools overseas, wear Victorian-style shorts right up to Year 7 (11 - 12 years' old). Shorts are compulsory up to approx. Remembrance Day, then long trousers, then shorts again from around May Day onwards. This is so whether too cold for shorts in automn or too warm for long trousers in early spring. Does it bother children? Do they complain? Are they cold? No, actually not. The length of the trousers is to be exactly the one George is wearing. Otherwise they get told off. Punkinseed explained the break. After school and during weekends? They wear jeans, hoodies, sports clothes, like any other child.

b) There were some horribly wrinkled dresses Meghan wore, which were inelegant and undignified IMO. Then there is pure linen, but also wool, whose elegance lies in the way they fold when they wrinkle. C'est la beauté du pli, as the French say. Some people would see "wrinkles" while others would see "natural fibres" as Wild Boar mentioned.

As for the babyish shirt with the blue piping, could it be a shirt that is being reused? You know, aristocracy usually passes on furniture, paintings and formal clothes to subsequent generations, such as the christening gown and other items considered "significant". It is not a question of wealth; they surely can afford new gowns or shirts. It's that not buying "new" is just a value in itself, a kind of landmark, a symbol for old family or long-standing wealth.
Maggie said…
They can't bear to post and not make it all about them. How offensive it is and how it trivialises Australia's tragedy; don't think you're special Oz! They don't have an empathic bone in their body.

Breitbart have written about the fires and how the Greens have made them much worse than they might have been. It's a very interesting assessment

Meanwhile the despicable Sussexes shout about their new word ecocide. Words are just about failing me.
KitKatKisses said…
@Miggy, thank you for posting the writings from both the Cambridge camp and the Sussex camp. They are striking in their differences. I noticed how the Sussexes had to insert themselves into the story ("places where we visited"). What really bothers me though is the eco-political global stance they had to take, mentioning California and Africa and "Ecocide". There is an article in "The Sydney Herald" written by a wildfire expert, who claims that 87% of these fires are manmade, either through arson or through carelessness. Indeed, firefighters have confirmed that one of the worst fires there was started by arson.

Including California is another hot button topic. The issue of controlled burning has become a political and environmental issue both there and in Australia.

I don't really want to start a controversy on here about man made climate change and the like. I just want to point out that the stance taken in the Sussex post is typical of them and to my mind, another example of their hypocrisy as they flit around the world. Are there no mental health facilities in the U.K.?
SwampWoman said…
Heh. I had not previously considered pics of the royal family as Rorschach tests which examine OUR psychological states. FWIW, I see Princess Charlotte as HM in miniature. I'm not sure what this indicates about me.
Anonymous said…
@CookieShark, do you think it is possible Rach was uninvited?
Maggie said…
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KayeC said…
@Miggy & KitKatKisses, yes to all above! Why include the other areas when talking about Austrailia? Why not focus on that situation, instead it gets lost among Cali, Africa and the Amazon?? And the "we personally visited,"....eyeroll!! I cannot stand buzz words, ecocide going on that list.
KayeC said…
@Princess Mrs B, agree about the brooch (we had very similar posts, lol). It is a beautiful color sapphire and I thought it was to bring out her blue eyes in the picture. She has worn it many times on many varying occasions. It is very pretty and has a wonderful history. I am happy DoC has started to wear more brooches on public outings. They are not as in style as they use to be, but there are so many great ones in the HM's collection, I hoped they wouldn't be vaulted permanently by future royal ladies.
Unknown said…
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@Fedde . Yes, of course it has been Photoshopped. Every pro photo is these days, to brighten, sharpen and digitally remove errant hairs, etc. as you have pointed out. The difference between this kind of Photoshopping and that done by Megalomaniac and those in her employ is that it is done only to enhance and not to deliberately fake reality and gaslight anyone looking at it. That woman is completely off the wall and needs to go.
Clarissa said…
Not sure if this is allowed, if not please remove. On Twitter there is a Tweeter named Hurl Brickbat. You need to scroll down a little way and he has posted about the little girl posing as Archie. The parents are Turkish and friends with Prince Harry. The father is on Instagram and his name is Hakan Hatipoglu. He has posted lots of pics of his little girl.
@Jenx with regard to contract partners, also on Twitter is Beard_club. Bit of an eye opener, but beards usually have contracts for 2 years for their gay partners. A lot of the celebrities, named on the site, were guests at Mischa Nonoo’s wedding who is now pregnant for her gay husband.

On Chalatan duchess there is a montage of Meagain with her jaw jutting out at a strange angle. Someone said it was because of her dentures. I now have a picture in my head of Meagain preparing for bed. Off with the false lashes, off with the false tan, off with the false hair and her false teeth in a glass by the side of the bed. No wonder Prince Harry lives elsewhere.
Fairy Crocodile said…
I am not sure what esteemed Australians feel about Sussex messages of prayers towards them but something tells me they don't give a toss. Words are cheap and I wish the royal family either shuts up or does something that matters to support one of the Commonwealth countries. We are told Commonwealth is oh so important for the Queen. Well it doesn't feel like it at the moment.

Dumbartons got three million from Disney, why not to lead by example setting a fund to help the farmers in Australia who had to kill their badly burned livestock? Oh funding vets who try to save the animals?

Saying this not only Dumbartons, all royals could do something like this, lead by example. I bet their sycophantic billionaire friends would jump on the bandwagon too, actually doing something good for a difference.
Mimi said…
Fairy Crocodile, words are cheap. The RF needs to back up their words with SOME kind of aid!!!!! This is outrageous!
KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, I didn't mean to imply that *you* find cruelty towards children acceptable. Sorry if it came across that way. With respect to Gary Janetti, it seems there is no line he will not cross, all in the name of "humor." I for one have had enough. I did have to examine my conscience when I liked the posts about MM but not any of the others. I found that I was unfortunately being hypocritical. I don't like MM at all but 90.% of his content is unacceptable IMO. Sorry, not trying to preach, this is just my opinion/experience.
KitKatKisses said…
@Mimi, do we know that the RF has *not* provided aid? Also, did they ever do anything to help The Bahamas after the devastating hiurricane a few months ago?
Mimi said…
KitKatKisses, I don’t know if aid has been provided as Australia burns or if aid was given to the Bahamas disaster. I guess I should do my research before posting......der!!!!!!! Does anyone know if aid has been given?
CookieShark said…
@ Elle you make such a good point. Harry looks completely grim in some of those photos at Eugenie's wedding. He had to know that the pregnancy announcement, true or not true, was way too close to his cousin's wedding and how that goes against protocol. You can't do that. Maybe MM was told not to come if she had already upset Eugenie by announcing the pregnancy to the family.

If MM wasn't pregnant, for whatever reason, I can picture her leveraging the announcement at Eugenie's wedding. "We told everyone I was, we have to move forward with this." Perhaps bewildered, Harry went along with it, not knowing what to do otherwise. I just keep picturing the photos from the Inskip wedding. She has both arms gripping him and appears to be hissing in his ear. One can only imagine how often that strategy was used to talk him into things.
Unknown said…
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Miggy said…
KitKatKisses & KayeC,

The comparisons in their Instagram statements were glaringly obvious.
How I wish someone would grab hold of the Sussex pair and give both their heads a bloody good wobble!!


That Breitbart article you posted was such a thought-provoking read.

Thank you.

hi lurking since this blog inception and decided today to add my 'penny worth'. I am a british canadian and work in a position that requires me to be able to smell b/s almost immediately and I like to believe I am good at it. I know of Corey's family through two friends. One is closer than the other. We were both suspicious of the engagement interview. The b/s was thick and when the corgies were mentioned we both said - really I mean really - too contrived and too cringe. I was told the line 'family she never had' was used by her to describe the family Xmas at the Vitiello's prior to her meeting Harry. When the same line was used for the xmas with the RF we called each other and laughed. She cant even be original. My take on all this is that it is/was a contract. She to get fame etc. He no longer to be the third wheel, the family off his back about settling down, the ability to do as he pleased but on the surface at least to be and do what was expected of him. Turn up at scheduled appointments do their bit in the RF but lead somewhat separate lives both in essence getting what they wanted. 'Friends with benefits' and with a few more benefits on the surface. Unfortunately for Harry I think she is extremely smart, driven and without any moral values. He has been sucked into a black vortex that is going to be very difficult for him to get out of. Archie is in my opinion a surrogate baby. No way was she pregnant. In my opinion she is a small time grifter who hit the jackpot. What really galls me is that she and her cronies think we are stupid. The ever changing baby bump, sometimes within hours is grew like a souffle then deflated and folded. Please really and the selfie on the hike, words fail me - not Joe the plumber and his wife Doris who works in a grocery store, but a CTV employee in Vancouver who worked in CTV in Toronto, where coincidently Ben M works and whose wife is BFF Jessica. Again - Really. Dont even get me started on the Xmas card. It insults my mediocre intelligence. If you are going to do something as dumb as this at least do it well
Fairy Crocodile said…
Hi, sorry to use the site for activism but lets put them to shame by our own example. We can donate to support the Aussies. I have just donated to the RSPCA in AUstralia, they run the bushfire appeal

We don't have to be like Dubartons, all words and no substance. Even a small donation from our community may help to save an animal. Salvation Army Australia also runs an appeal
Jenx. Ahhh I've always wondered why that ghastly, classless Lainey woman keeps ranting on about those who dare criticize or critique Megalomaniac. Thanks for the heads-up. I know Mulroney works for CTV. I don't have a TV, so none of this comes easily to me!
KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, shouting at me in all caps is really not necessary. He is a child doing what his parents told him to do. To pick it apart in excruciating detail seems petty and small. Again, this is my opinion. YMMV.
lizzie said…

Agree. And remember too both Will and Harry talked about the "bizarre" matching outfits Diana made them wear in that 2017 special about Diana--Harry mentioned "weird shorts" and "shiny shoes" specifically and said he'd like to ask her "How could you do that to us?" But then he said he'd dress his own kids the same way. I guess we'll see about that!
Unknown said…
Gary Janetti is a jerk. I've always thought so. He isn't funny. He doesn't just poke fun at the Royals for being a privileged family, he gets nasty and cruel in regards to children. Posts about Charlotte being fat and unloved. Posts about George hating his sister and plotting against her. Im not sure how he gets away with it. THESE ARE KIDS. And PG is at an age that he can figure this out if he is exposed to Gary's crap. I can't imagine what that'd do to his psyche. And its not any better when he hurls insults to the adults. Calling people sluts? Making it seem that a six yo is calling someone a slut? Just awful. The Meghan posts were a bit funny, because we know what kind of person she is, and so much of what he would say about her is quite accurate. But even some of his MM posts crossed a line for me.

Regarding MM's jaw jutting: yea, I've seen the compilation video. I never realized how much she does this. I remember reading a comment from someone on youtube who was in the dental field. Apparently, some veneers can cause a person to constantly "readjust" the jaw. They also said that it could be a "flipper". A dental piece that can be removed, but not dentures. I doubt the girl has dentures, but who knows. IMO, she's not an attractive girl. Even with her obvious nose fix. She just has very masculine features. I don't think she is ugly be any means, but when others say how beautiful she is, well, i have to laugh, because I just do not see it. I imagine that she looks VERY different with no make up on and the hair natural. Probably unrecognizable. LEts face it, Rachel didn't make it to where she is on looks.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Girl with a Hat said…
@Clarissa, that same Turkish friend with a baby girl who resembles Archie is mentioned in Danja Zone's latest video on youtube. The little girl has exactly the same hat that Archie wore in the photo with Harry - the one with two pompoms.
Sandie said…
We have had a lot of fires the past few years in the region where I live (scary watching it, especially at night, and wondering if I should start packing the car and unable to sleep!). We are lucky though. Unlike Australia, there are lots of mountains and less trees, especially big flammable ones like gum trees, and plenty of firebreaks, which don't necessarily stop the fire but give firefighters a gap to work from. However, as posters have pointed out here, most of the fires are caused by arson or sheer carelessness (here and in Australia).

How Meghan and Harry connected these huge bush fires to a woke environmental concept, I do not know but they come across as ill informed, rather than the impression they are trying to give. (By the way, Megsy, Africa is a huge, diverse continent, not a country, so which country are you referring to specifically in Africa?) In trying to compete with Earthshot and be global number one, they are looking rather silly. Oh, and they always have to find a way to lecture and criticise/blame in a passive way (see, someone is to blame so you have to change). This is a narc quality that I am very familiar with.

Ecocide (short definition): the destruction of natural environment, especially when deliberate

Ecocide (long explanation): Ecocide is criminalized human activity that violates the principles of environmental justice, such as causing extensive damage or destroying ecosystems or harming the health and well-being of a species (including humans). It has not yet been accepted as an international crime by the United Nations.
Fifi LaRue said…
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Miggy said…

I went to his Instagram page and although his daughter does have the same hat, she does not have Archie's distinctive features. (IMO)
KayeC said…
I agree about Charles too, he is always very dapper and I think he is one of the best dressed men on the world stage right now.

@Bones, I think you have nailed it about the PG's shirt shirts. It is probably what HM prefers, remember her getting on to William about how he was dressed at the garden thing. This is something that MM cannot wrap her head around, tradition. It may not be what we like, but if it's tradition and the Queen prefers this look, then you do it.
@Yorkshirepudding I vote your post one of the best ever! Don't know if I have the right to do that but I have ;) Just wow. I believe you have hit the nail on the head on all accounts and thanks for the insight on the Vitello situation. The other thing I noticed and thought too obvious was the plug for Abigail Spencer, another wannabee, although I believe she did "star" in a series after Suits. When MM got married, she gave Harry exactly the same expression as her husband in Suits. It made me feel ill.
KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, generally all caps on the internet equals shouting. I wasn't scolding; you just came across a reaction opposite yours. I for one learn a lot from the other posters here. In the end, though, these are just comments on a blog and shouldn't be taken so seriously. Even if it is a great blog! ;)
lizzie said…
Interesting perspective from a dental professional re: M's jaw movements.

I've wondered if she readjusts because of TMJ. Also some drugs can cause clenching, shifting jaw movements.
Miggy said…
@Yorkshirepudding - Great name but now every time I see it I will want one! LOL

" I was told the line 'family she never had' was used by her to describe the family Xmas at the Vitiello's prior to her meeting Harry."

Ha! She just can't help herself, can she?
@lizzie, chronic cocaine use has that effect on the jaw.
Unknown said…
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KitKatKisses said…
@Trudy, oh please. Now you are scolding me.

Maybe you have a different sense of humor than I do. That's fine.
I'm not sure how I could say that Gary Janetti is an offensive jerk in any more of a kind manner than I did.

I do find it extremely odd that you want to call my posts out for having a "scolding" tone, but yet think it's perfectly acceptable and even funny for an adult on social media to call a young boy gay, put words in the mouth of that same young boy calling a private citizen a slut, calling a young girl fat, and so forth.

It seems to me you are getting upset about the wrong thing.
SirStinxAlot said…
I wasn't sure about the jaw movements being a sign/symptom of drug use, So I looked it up for anyone else interested. I never believed MM had clip on veneers. She was willing to pay for other permanent plastic surgeries (ie. Padded bra vs. Breast implants).
@Unknown. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I detest the woman so much that I have actually questioned my own sanity and "niceness." However, I think she photographs beautifully or else she has had something done since Suits, when I found her to be most unappealing. What I am trying to say here is that, either she has had a lot done between ending Suits and becoming Harry's wife, or she just photographs better that how she appears live. I think she looks beautiful and I envy that jawline and the wide teeth. (I have "smile corridors" which I loathe.) I always feel uncomfortable with the wig comments because many women wear wigs due to various forms of alopecia, some caused by chemo. On other sites I see comments like, "How disgusting for Harry to have to live with a women who wears a WIG!" It makes me cringe as those who have less than stellar hair are often very self-conscious, especially if suddenly finding themselves alone and trying to find a suitable partner.
d.c. said…
“And it is clear that NO ONE is making fun of GEORGE - we are merely discussing the CLOTHES his MOTHER chose for him to wear. “

“"@Trudy, shouting at me in all caps is really not necessary. He is a child doing what his parents told him to do. To pick it apart in excruciating detail seems petty and small. Again, this is my opinion. YMMV."

Unknown said…
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SwampWoman said…
SirStinxALot, long-term use of older antipsychotics can also cause tics such as involuntary jaw movements. Now that I've dropped THAT bomb, I'll just slowly back away....
d.c. said…
Wait, so what’s the scoop, on the Turkish child video? I couldn’t find it... Is it pretty obviously wrong (like, not the Lake “Arch”?)?
I'm not really answering Nutties question at the beginning but i have been watching, like most of you, this shite show from the beginning. As i said i think this is a contract plus i think Archie in some form exists. Havent figured out in what form. I believe he was MM's idea and like most of what she does she pushed right in and 'got it done'. Remember she has no allegiance to the family and to get what she can while she can before, as we all hope, Harry wakes up and smells the coffee or the immeasurably polite british RF say enough. She is way way ahead of him in street smarts and he is probably gob smacked at her stainless steel balls. I would be surprised that if Archie exists that is his real name. Archie Harri-son is just too ridiculous - thats at least one reason why the birth certificate is a typed version. i firmly believe they are as we say 'taking the piss' out of the traditional five christian royalty names which sound OK on grown adults not on children. Remember it has been said that it was Harry who persuaded his grandmother to be seen to be jumping out of the helicopter aka James Bond for the Olympics. He/she are making a statement, effectively mocking the royal family, however I also believe she has taken it much further than he intended it to go.
lizzie said…
@Swamp Woman & @SirStinxAlot,

Many antipsychotics can cause tardive dyskinesia (abnormal facial movements) But jaw clenching and shifting without odd mouth, eye, and facial movements tend to be associated more with cocaine (as @A Narc's Daughter said) and amphetamines. IF her tongue thrusts were involuntary vs an immature voluntary sticking out of the tongue as they appear to be, antipsychotics would make more sense. Some antidepressants can cause bruxism but mainly at night. Still, that can aggravate TMJ symptoms.
HappyDays said…
Elle, Reine des Abeilles said…

IMO, Rachel is stuff with a high-school mentality in an increasingly middle-aged body with unnaturally-modified face. She sees herself as the Most Popular, Smartest, Prettiest, Most Likely to Succeed, Favorite, Homecoming Queen, etc. And she sees anyone and everyone who puts a dent in her reality as a threat, an enemy who must be vanquished.

Also, in the way of the narcissist, Archie is not a baby in Rach's mind. Archie is only an extension of the ego of the desperate, grasping woman who sees herself as the Smartest, Prettiest, etc., etc., and that woman only exists in the vacant rooms in her own head, and anyone or anything that threatens that must be vanquished, excluded, slighted, etc.

@Elle, Reine des Abeilles:
Girl, are your fingers smokin’ after writing these absolutely spot-on assessments of a profound narcissist? You are ON FIRE. Bravo!
KCM1212 said…
Thanks for the links @fairy croc
It only takes a moment to donate to our friends and the animals impacted by the fires in Australia.
Sorry for the aside, Nutty
So many good comments. I don't know where to begin.

@Clarissa, I don't know what is real about the Harkle marriage or not, but your image is hilarious.

@Hikari, I think you're right about the boys looking like Middletons, who've improved the Windsor looks a lot. I also think the Spencer genes are in evidence in the Cambridge kids as well. The DM published some photos of Carol Middleton in a bathing suit recently, & she looks amazing for a woman of 60. I think the Cambridge kids will be quite attractive when they grow up.

Not sure about Megs' & Harry's offspring. All the photos of Megs as a teen seem to indicate that she's had quite a lot of work done. My kids went to school with children who got nose jobs & other kinds of plastic surgeries for birthdays & bat mitzvahs. I was appalled that kids that age were allowed to subject themselves to surgeries, when their faces were still changing rapidly, plus, surgery doesn't change genetics, so whatever they didn't like about their original features might be passed on to their children. I also think that what some might think of as flaws can still give beauty & individuality to a person. I think Barbra Streisand is quite beautiful with her unique nose.

@lighthealer. Wigs are fine, sometimes necessary & are big time savers. Michelle Obama apparently used them at times, & she always looked good. I think Megs' wig use has been criticized because they've been obvious, sometimes look messy & even dirty. Not very royal. I also wonder if she's ruined her natural hair with straighteners & glue-in hair extensions. I think she would look better if she allowed her natural hair to grow out. Solange Knowles looks very chic & glamorous in a natural hair style.

@Elle, I knew you were a cashmere wearing girl. LOL. Very California/West Coast professional lady.

@ SwampWoman, you obviously know what it's like to struggle with little boys & their clothing preferences. I think little George should be left alone about his outfits. I don't think he has much latitude about what he wears in official photographs. If his Blackwatch trousers were a compromise of sorts, so be it. I know he's a privileged tyke, but the restrictions & formality that he's growing up in must be a bit wearing on a child at times.

Can't address all the great observations here, but enjoyed reading everyone!
KCM1212 said…
@Yorkshire pudding
Fascinating theory about the contract. Does anyone know who might facilitate such a contract? I wonder if she would then have certain limitations and expectations on her behavior?
Why does Soho House spring to mind?

One more note on the completely transparent hiking meeting: apparently HRC had exactly the same experience! And apparently there was some suggestion that the two women were acquainted previously based on some photographic evidence.

We know Me g hasn't a single creative bone in her body. To
copy an encounter of one of her heroes is probably just "homage" in Megs tiny mind.
CatEyes said…
Prince George is a handsome little boy and looks darling in his tartan long pants wrinkles/folds regardless.

Meghan is truly evil to contribute negative articles against the Cambridge children. Ultimately if she continues this mean spirited behavior she will harm the relationship the cousins might have (poor Archie will miss the wonderful life he could have with the Cambridge kids). Harry needs to man-up, show leadership and set the course straight for his family since Megs is on a collision course with destiny.
abbyh said…

I don't care about the kids and clothing (is it clean, unripped and not showing a lot of flesh?) beyond that IDC (I don't care). Had a teen ager once and let me just say: school uniforms prevented arguments which would have involved the police (either in the middle or the aftermath).

KC Martin and HRC convenient and "accidental meeting". You do know that Sara Latham worked for HRC before MM, right?

Elle's fingers always smoked (IMO). And I love cashmere (wear it and knit it).

yorkshire pudding (love the name, makes me want some too) - I disagree with you that Harry convinced HM to do the jump. I'm more inclined to the recent book out by someone who worked for her and said to Danny (when he suggested it) Let me go ask her right now. I suspect Harry was as shocked as everyone else and thought it wonderful. (she came back right away and it shocked him).

Lighthealer - agree with you about the wigs but never thought of it in that way (acquaintance is recent breast cancer survivor who chose to wear a wig).

Fairy Crocodile - thank you for the links to help. (will do this this week end).

Himmy said…
I think George looks adorable. He will be a handsome young man in 10 years.

I used to babysit a 6-year old boy who liked to choose his own outfits. Let’s just say his choices were quite unique. I actually found it very endearing.

I always find MM’s overly bright eyes very unsettling. They have the same look as Charles Manson’s eyes in his infamous mugshot.
Anonymous said…
Why thank you, @HappyDays. Fortunately, my fingers are still cool and nimble. Comments about Rach and narcissism pretty much write themselves lol.

@Cookieshark: Kinda what I'm thinking, too:
Maybe MM was told not to come if she had already upset Eugenie by announcing the pregnancy to the family.

Something in Chas-speak to Harry, along the lines of, "Now that we've heard the delightful news that Rachel claims to be with child, she's probably too delicate to attend tonight, so we've sent a car for her"

Applying the Ellespeak translator, this means,"That attention-whore of a tramp you married comes within 50 yards of that reception, and I take her down with one of the bumper cars myself. Send her home, and I don't want to see her sashaying ass near any of the events."

And I'll add this, unpopular though it will be:

As for the Turkish baby and her parents, I hope to heavens they never read this stuff and see the speculation that they and/or their baby are part of this mess and WTH is being said about them. It's one thing to address Rachel, but IMO this Turkish baby and her parents being passed around is offensive, invasive, and possibly dangerous.

How would you feel if you were those parents and that was your child? Wild speculation about complete strangers whose picture was just found online and who otherwise have no other apparent link to this is just icky IMO. Not to mention crazy. But I'm crazy, and we have plenty of crazy here, so I'm not going to throw shade at crazy, but icky is just not done.
I'm not even sure H&M are legally married. Wasn't there a mix-up with the signing of the paperwork? Excuse my ignorance of UK marriage laws. The entire wedding could've been fake. The tiara she wore is sold on Etsy for $300+.

And the blue aquamarine ring she wore when leaving the church that belonged to Diana is $45.

I can't say whether they were available before the wedding, but most of the BRF tiaras are available on Etsy and have been for many years. I'm sure Meghan was aware of this, she's always wanted to be Queen.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
@Happy Days, re this:
Her title is only a courtesy title at this point because she is not a UK citizen. I am hoping the marriage ends before she obtains citizenship, which could end any claims she has to a title. It is the main reason she stalked Harry. Otherwise, she could have just snagged some other wealthy idiot from a famous family."

I've been told this, but in a previous discussion, was told that the citizenship issue wasn't one. Do you know? I've no idea and would love to think this wasn't realsies for Rach. (Sorry, I just never get to say "realsies" and it is such an annoying and juvenile thing, it seems to fit in a sentence about her.)
Glow W said…
@elle “as for the Turkish baby and her parents, I hope to heavens they never read this stuff and see the speculation that they and/or their baby are part of this mess and WTH is being said about them. It's one thing to address Rachel, but IMO this Turkish baby and her parents being passed around is offensive, invasive, and possibly dangerous.

How would you feel if you were those parents and that was your child? Wild speculation about complete strangers whose picture was just found online and who otherwise have no other apparent link to this is just icky IMO. Not to mention crazy. But I'm crazy, and we have plenty of crazy here, so I'm not going to throw shade at crazy, but icky is just not done.”

I agree 100%. I think it’s despicable to discuss these people.
SwampWoman said…
Check out what Prince William (and next year, Prince Harry) had to wear at the Windsor Chapel walk when they were small:
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty, do we have to have comments about commenters wear? It's just boring to read about total strangers bragging about their wardrobes. Thank you
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Tatty. I really think it's just wrong. This is a photo pulled off the internet and those people and their little girl are in no way associated except by bad luck of facial recognition. I can't imagine anyone here would like that kind of thing done to them. I'd loathe it; I'd be horrified that my photo and (even worse!) my baby's photo were being passed around and discussed like this. It's like doxxing without the sex lol. Okay, so there is no sex in doxxing, but you get my point, I think.

>>>>I agree 100%. I think it’s despicable to discuss these people.<<<

The parents evidently posted lots of photos online of their child...eww! Maybe the parents shouldn't expose their child like that. If they didn't then no one would be able to say anything. So that's despicable. Parents should keep their child private!
To answer the original question, narcs are envious of nearly everybody for nearly everything nearly all the time, children included.

What I find fascinating about MM's grandiosity is why she would pit herself against Catherine in a competition she can't possibly win. The Cambridges could be boring unattractive slobs with sullen unattractive children but they would still outrank the Harkles. It must kill her that in addition to outranking them, William and Catherine are taller, better looking, charming, well-respected, and have three adorable real live children with no mystery surrounding their origins. Then on top of that, Catherine's beautiful hair, teeth, figure, and legs. Did she really think she was going to be able to compete? De-lus-ion-al.
Re the Turkish family, I read somewhere that they had posted their pictures on a thread on Twitter and tagged the Sussexes. Maybe it's not true, I didn't verify it but maybe they noticed the babies' resemblance and the same hat and thought it was cute.
Unknown said…
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CatEyes said…

lol I was wondering that myself.
Anonymous said…
re: this: "@Nutty, do we have to have comments about commenters wear? It's just boring to read about total strangers bragging about their wardrobes. Thank you"

@Nutty, I'm not sure if I'm an offender, but if I violated any cashmere-bragging-wardrobe rules, I apologize lol. My intention was to respond humorously to another Nutty, and I sharing what I thought was a funny story, and I did mention my BFF, Kate. It was hardly bragging lol, but if it's a problem, please feel free to delete. If someone finds my comments boring, well, rest assured, I find them boring, too, and sometimes I skip my own :)

But the whole cashmere/wool thing made me think of this, and it's neither bragging nor boring, at least not to me, so I'll comment:

Prince Charles' wool campaign is impressive, and of course, cashmere is just wool, and Scottish cashmere is common now, but it wasn't until the mid-to-late 80s that it became a popular idea. In fact, since that time, cashmere has become very affordable (I love vintage/consignment and buying at great prices, FTR). Chas has gone to some effort to raise awareness about the qualities of wool and to help the BI wool farmers, and I applaud that!

Anonymous said…
@Glinda, What I find fascinating about MM's grandiosity is why she would pit herself against Catherine in a competition she can't possibly win. The Cambridges could be boring unattractive slobs with sullen unattractive children but they would still outrank the Harkles. It must kill her that in addition to outranking them, William and Catherine are taller, better looking, charming, well-respected, and have three adorable real live children with no mystery surrounding their origins. Then on top of that, Catherine's beautiful hair, teeth, figure, and legs. Did she really think she was going to be able to compete? De-lus-ion-al.

OMG! That is so perfect! You've said it. Yes, my BFFs (and I'm not bragging, I'm flat out delusional on this one, but I wish they were lol) are totally awesome and charmed. It's so sad that instead of Rach wanting to bask in their glow and support them, she must seethe with jealousy and undermine them. It's not surprising, just disappointing. But Rach is definitely one of those people who must be the bestest, and she will take the cheap shot every time.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Elle, it is bragging and very, very boring. I have no wish to know anything about you.

I come here to discuss Meghan and the BRF.

Nutty has already asked people to stay on the subject, and not to post comments discussing their own personal issues. Bragging about your clothing is not the issue of this blog. I find it interesting how you always manage to turn any issue into blathering about yourself. I believe Meghan Markle displays the same behaviour in the instagram post about Australia's fires.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…

I certainly don't think this is the case, but if you feel this is true, please let me know and I will not post here anymore. Thanks, elle

@Elle, it is bragging and very, very boring. I have no wish to know anything about you.

I come here to discuss Meghan and the BRF.

Nutty has already asked people to stay on the subject, and not to post comments discussing their own personal issues. Bragging about your clothing is not the issue of this blog. I find it interesting how you always manage to turn any issue into blathering about yourself. I believe Meghan Markle displays the same behaviour in the instagram post about Australia's fires.
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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KitKatKisses said…
Trudy: if I understand you correctly, you find that "George and his kingdom" posts are "funny" and "not offensive".

Let's just overlook the fact that three people in George's family have to die to achieve that, including his own father. But sure, I'm embarrassing *you.* Whatever.

I have already apologized for any implication that you *aren't* offended by all of Gary Janetti's other atrocious posts. I applaud your ability to pick and choose among his media. I find his work completely disgusting, yes even the posts about MM.

I don't know what you expect me to say. I will not and cannot agree that Gary Janetti is funny (and yes I watched the clip). He is using small children for his own gain, his own noteriety. In addition, he does so in a way that degrades the essence of childhood, which is innocence.

If my opinion offends you, I am sorry you feel offended, but I am not sorry for having said it in the first place. I stand by what I said.
DesignDoctor said…
Remember Charles threw her out of the garden/birthday party because she was laughing at a bee buzzing around Harry as he spoke. One of their first engagements as a married couple so I have no doubt Charles would have no qualms about keeping her from ruining Eugenie's reception.
If you ever saw the video of the Harkles leaving the garden party her sashaying ass was on full display as they left. Your Ellespeak translation is right on!
Anonymous said…
@Trudy, I have no idea how it started. It just seemed wrong, but just sayin'. Seriously, it's my own little opinion in this world, which matters not a lot. If they did link themselves up with the Dumbartons, then that was their mistake. Mine was mentioning it in the first place lol. Seriously, I'm not trying to offend anyone.
Anonymous said…
@DesignDoctor, lololyes, that was exactly the one I was alluding to when I used the word 'sashaying' and the Chasolator to translate lol. I'm glad you got that! I wasn't actually being a narcissistic, self-absorbed twit when I used the Ellespeak translator, I was just being silly, having fun with the idea of what Chas would say v. what he meant and that was the exact image I got was her slut-pumping it out of there. And they did have bumper cars which always struck me as so very Fergie (I just know her cars been bumped a lot). So, thank you for getting the reference and sharing in the lol.

That 'bee' thing was so offensive, though. Who laughs about that? And sticks their tongue out? I thought and still think that was why Chas offered to have the car brought around early for her that day, and I do think that might have happened at Eugenie's wedding, too. It was around that time that things started to really chill IIRC.

It's sad that she has managed to ruin so much in such a short time. Besides the fact that she's an insecure narcissist, she has no sense of humor about herself, and fails to see the absurdity of life. She misses the silver lining as well. She can't bask in the glow of others. How sad it must be to go thru life that way, I think. Because life is bloody hard, and if you can't laugh at yourself and everything and everyone is a threat or an insult or a bore or whatever else, how is it even tolerable?
SwampWoman said…
Elle, perhaps when William and Catherine succeed to the Duchy of Cornwall, they will establish some cashmere goat herds just for your wearing pleasure what with you being Catherine's BFF and all (grin). Cornwall Cashmere sounds luxurious. A pashmina would be so comfy for Charlotte, too.

If MM is still in the family, they could put in a herd of yaks, too, for wigs. Cornwall Yak Hair Wigs sounds utilitarian.
DesignDoctor said…
No way did I think you were being a narc with your Ellespeak translator. I get and enjoy your brilliant humor!
The pics of MM's facial expressions in the car after being kicked out were priceless! You are right who laughs and sticks their tongue out at bee stings?
Her lack of decorum, manners, and self-awareness of her optics totally floors me. She really does think she is about it all!
I was thinking good on Charles for kicking her out for her bad behavior!
DesignDoctor said…
Her wigs look (barely) utilitarian! The cashmere sounds fab.
Anonymous said…
LMAO on the yak wigs, @Swampwoman.

Remember that poem,
"a long haired yak with long black hair... How wild and woolly and devil-may-care,
A long-haired Yak with long black hair
Would look when perched in a barber chair!"

Rach is not nearly cool enough to be a Yak! What if we used hyena tufts instead? They could be dyed, and hyenas eat their siblings, so perfect.

On a serious note, it really is IMO a cool thing that Chas is building up the wool industry. In fact, up here, you can even donate old rags and sweaters to Goodwill for insulation.

Thank you, @DesignDoctor. I'm glad you enjoy my absurdities. I really am laughing as I type. I guess it's like Marie says in "When Harry Met Sally", "everyone thinks they have good taste and a sense of humor...", and that means I'm usually just making myself laugh.

Still, sometimes, when the world seems dark and lonely, I just watch the video of Rach being booted, and think "well, at least I didn't FUBAR it that badly" lol.

Seriously, the only thing she didn't do that day that could've made it more OTT trampy/ childish was 1) wear a boa and 2) lap dance Chas. (And maybe she tried 2 and that's what got her booted, because she was giving him the "ooh, big (sugar) daddy" look at several points... maybe it was Camilla who got her booted.

abbyh said…

(I saw Elle) and yes, I understand.

Alas, I haven't tried to do anything online. Up until this point, it has been limited to gifting to various ex's before they were ex's and currents, family and a couple friends to try to so anything. I still remember the Ex whose first response was: I guess you forgot I hate wool. And things went a tad downhill from there ever since.

ouch. I think of my knitting as more a way to end relationships ... except with family and girlfriends. Romantic? seems to die a painful but expensive death for me.

(snark: there was this guy, big guy like football player size whose first response after the break up was: Well, you are planning on finishing the sweater you started for me, aren't you? at my expense ... I left a copy of the instructions and the knit parts finished plus all the unused yarn for him with a note about this for your next girlfriend.)

DesignDoctor said…
@Elle I would not put it past Camilla to get her booted, either!
I adore the movie "When Harry Met Sally." So many brilliant lines and scenes.
Will never forget the wagon wheel coffe table scene. :-)
abbyh said…

do anything not so anything (error)
Anonymous said…
Classic! @AbbyH

snark: there was this guy, big guy like football player size whose first response after the break up was: Well, you are planning on finishing the sweater you started for me, aren't you? at my expense ... I left a copy of the instructions and the knit parts finished plus all the unused yarn for him with a note about this for your next girlfriend.

Well, if you ever decide to sell online, you should share the link! I would def share with my BFFs (even the ones who aren't royal because I do sometimes mix with commoners lol)
Anonymous said…
@DesignDoctor, nothing breaks tension during an argument like looking seriously at the other person and reassuring them that no matter what, you'll never want the wagon wheel coffee table. Kate would agree ;)
@Elle, I didn't mean to get into anything in regards to the Turkish couple and their child, I see where you're coming from, I just thought they may be enjoying the attention they and their cute little girl are getting. I'm a little on the old side ao I'm frequently surprised at a lot of the personal stuff I see online, I assumed they welcomed the attention.

When you and Kate hang out, don't forget to invite some of us! I just bought a small print Called A Royal Day Out by an artist named Adrian Valencia, it's an adorable illustration of Kate, the kids, and their dog. The funny thing about MM's campaign against the Cambridges, I for one never gave them a second thought and now I'm a huge admirer of them. Thanks, Meg!!

SwampWoman said…
Oh, snap, you KNOW it is late at night when I start thinking "Hunh! A wagon wheel coffee table! I could improve on that with some poured resin, and maybe some shark teeth embedded." That sounds so hideous that I might have to open an Etsy shop under an assumed name with a Sussex Royal embedded on it somewhere.

/Is that a hate crime? I may need some legal advice about that....
abbyh said…

Sigh, I will work on getting more perfect looking items (recently finished a scarf for a friend which totally changed how I will make my edges ever more even if the pattern doesn't mention the way to make them look (and be easier to sew) be pretty (purl slipped stitch on the front and from the back stitch on the end)

When Harry Met Sally - loved Bruno Kirby. I need to track down the episode of him in Hill Street Blues. Loved him in Homicide: Life on the Streets.

Sigh. Someone I didn't realize their accomplishments until they were long gone. And, this is something I think we all grapple with some times: how do we distinguish between current thinking of leading edge of the lunatic fringe movement and wow, they are onto something that I'm not. Like Prince Charles. I can remember thinking about his ecology movement as up there with my dad and his rants about acid rain. (ah, how can I escape this "conversation"?). And yet, over time, people have come around to the basics of what was (back then) simply silly thinking.

on a different note: does anyone have any idea as to why sometimes the emails sent in response to you marking (send me follow up) will send you your responses and other times, not yours but everyone but yours? I am unclear what I am doing wrong to not see my posts but can see them on the blog and that others respond. (thanking you if anyone has any ideas)

Anonymous said…
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