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The Saturday Stunner: What's in the second half of Prince Harry's "Greta" tapes?

If anyone knows how to build up a tabloid story, it's The Sun.

The London-based paper is at the top of the tabloid game, even though it loses an enormous amount of money, year after year.

Like the New York Post, which has also lost money for decades, it's mostly an influence organ and vanity operation for its owner Rupert Murdoch, a plaything for a billionaire.

It was The Sun that published on Tuesday the first transcripts of a phone call in which Prince Harry believed he was talking to environmentalist Greta Thunberg; the Russian pranksters who made it confirmed that the "rights to the recording have been transferred to the British media," presumably The Sun.

Getting those right must have required a substantial payout from Murdoch, who has been positioning the paper as a reliable source of Royal scoops - it also broke the "Megxit" story in early January.

Maximum impact

Given what Murdoch must have paid for the Greta transcripts - which seem fated to take their place in Royal lore along with Diana's "Squidgy" tapes and Charles' taped calls to his then-mistress Camilla - he wants them to have maximum impact.

That's why the release has been broken into two, with the second half scheduled for release tomorrow (Saturday), according to the pranksters.

It will be just in time for the Sunday UK papers, including the Murdoch-owned Sunday Times. And just enough time for Tuesday's release to have maximum impact.

Column inches

Despite that other big story in the media these days, there have been numerous column inches devoted to Harry's insistence that he and Meghan "operate in way of inclusivity and we are focusing on the community. And so we are separate from the majority of the family."

In the December 31 conversation, he took a quick shot at the Queen, who in her Christmas speech had just recommended "small steps" towards a better world, and his brother William, who had announced his Earthshot environmental prize that very day. "Small steps or giving out prizes doesn't make any difference these days," Harry said.

Instead Harry, like his Uncle David, recommended extreme political action to influence public opinion. "People need to be woken up and the only way to wake people up from what effectively is a consciousness crisis, I think, you need to be doing extreme things," he told the persons he believed to be Greta and her father Svante.

What's in the second transcript?

In addition, Harry made a fool of himself by offering to use his network to save some penguins suffering on a boat docked off the coast of (landlocked) Belarus and return them to the North Pole.

Penguins are native to the South Pole, not the north one, something Harry might know since he went on an Antarctic expedition himself in 2013.

So, the first transcript made Harry look both dumb and craven.

What in the world can be in the second transcript, reportedly from January 22?

Waiting for the sequel

I'm guessing it's a doozy, because The Sun knows how to set up a story.

They've informed the world about the transcripts, and every Royal watcher is waiting for the sequel.

Also, if the January 22 date is correct, the Russian pranksters had a whole month to come up with questions.

When they managed to get through to Harry the first time, no doubt they couldn't believe their luck. With a month's preparation time, surely "Greta's" questions for Harry will be even more provocative.

My guess: there will be specific references to William - what does he really think of his brother? - and specific questions about the "racism" the family has shown to his lovable wife Meghan.

What's your guess about what will be in the second set of transcripts, the "Saturday Stunner"?


Many posters have expressed an interest in discussing the Corona Virus pandemic. I've created a new Nutty Virus board for precisely that purpose.


Fairy Crocodile said…
Oh Nutty, you always hit it!

The short read about Vovan and Lexus tells me they are extremely good using cliche from their targets current agenda.

For instance, pranking Macron with a supposed call fro the new Ukrainian president Zelensky they commented on the landslide majority of votes for Zelensky being reminiscent of Putin's customary rating. To this allegedly Macron replied "You have not put your opponents in jail yet".

I guess they will dance around perceived bad treatment of the couple by the media, their heartbreak of being misunderstood and predicament of Megsy rejected by the "unconscious racists in the UK".

Whatever they are going to base on we may safely assume it is something they had been able to catch from the media coverage of the couple, combined possibly with some private hints about Harry they could have got from whoever booked this particular prank.
Fairy Crocodile said…
It just hit me

Karma has a great sense of humor. Megsy and her messages on bananas complement bananas being the main produce of the fictional island of Chunga Changa (Eat coconuts, chew bananas, Chunga Changa!).

Behold the King and Kween of Chunga Changa, fauxmanitarians extraordinaire!
abbyh said…
I think, in addition to taking swipes at members of his family, he will praise his wife.

Panorama 2.0
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks, @Fairy Crocodile.

Interesting idea that someone may have "booked" the prank. If Murdoch (or some other player) didn't book the first one, they quite likely booked the second one, after the pranksters had produced "proof of concept."

Easy to imagine a bunch of Sun reporters and editors - including new-kid-on-the-block Matt Wilkinson, who got the byline for the story - sitting around a conference room table coming up with outrageous questions for "Greta" to ask the Sussexes.

After all, Prince Harry still has an active lawsuit against the Sun.

Bad idea to make an enemy out of someone who buys ink by the barrel.

Fairy Crocodile said…
Oh my dear, Nutty!

I have had this image of Murdoch and his folk sitting around laughing their heads off at some ideas for Vovan and Lexus to play at Hurry. They would be an excellent source of inspiration for the prank, wouldn't they? They have chestfulls of priceless details that can be brought up to stir up Harry.
none said…
Has there been confirmation that this was actually Harry? Or perhaps the silence on the part of the Harkles and BRF is confirmation.

I'm not asking to stoke the conspiracy fires, but because I am shocked at how ignorant and arrogant he is. I really had no idea he was that far gone.
Hikari said…

This thread is right out of the gate, but I'm giving you a Starbucks for . . .

>>>Karma has a great sense of humor. Megsy and her messages on bananas complement bananas being the main produce of the fictional island of Chunga Changa (Eat coconuts, chew bananas, Chunga Changa!).

Behold the King and Kween of Chunga Changa, fauxmanitarians extraordinaire!<<<


Karma, indeed. I had temporarily forgotten (due to so much else going on more recently with the Dumbarkles), that Harry's ill-conceived lawsuit was against Rupert Murdoch's paper.

Mr Murdoch is a billionaire; maybe Megsy proposes to throw herself at him for his next trophy wife, which is why she allowed her stupid husband to be captured in his full moronic glory in the latest SR pictures. Megsy may very well have arranged this fortuitous access to Harry herself.

I listened to as much of the audio as I could stand to. Besides Harry, I distinctly heard two Russian male voices, one maybe slightly deeper than the other, but nowhere did I hear anybody who sounded like a 17-year-old Scandinavian female. I've heard Greta's voice . . the jokesters didn't even try to disguise that Harry was talking to two Russian dudes. Does H. have an auditory problem in addition to all his other ones?

That's why I'm having a hard time thinking that even Harry would be so fooled, and this was deliberate. Nobody was asking him if he was OK, so he hired some people to pose as two other well-known figures from the environmentalism movement to make himself seem so important to the cause that Greta is phoning him at home. As to the comments he made, violating in every possible way the tenet of Abraham Lincoln who said, Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

We've had our doubts removed about Harry for some time now, but this really tore the biscuit. So bloody reckless! So bitter! So random! Also, none of it really sounds like Hazza's own speech patterns/vocabulary, so I see Meg's hand in this everywhere. Even though they are supposed to be a team, and he's the entire reason she's anybody . .she doesn't care if she makes him look bad, so long as she can wriggle out of any splashback on herself.

Part II should be a doozy!
Button said…
I have no doubt that this was Hazzard. He is vain enough to think " Yes, Greta will speak to me ". He is also such a muppet that he, like his herpe of a wife, do not think things through. I read somewhere that two statements he made were identical to the ones that Megatron babbled at their engagement interview. Either way, I am chuffed that this was released. He really does look like a complete and utter idiot. I must admit I almost blew hot tea through my nose when I ' heard about the penguins '. Christ on a stick, even elementary school children know that penguins don't live at the North Pole.
Nutty Flavor said…
Of course, since we know the "Saturday stunner" is coming, so does Buckingham Palace, and so does Sunshine Sachs.

There must be some diversions being moved into place.

If the Sussexes did indeed fly with Sophie Trudeau on her jet, might they announce that they have been exposed to the Corona Virus and are self-isolating? Or even that they've been proven to have contracted the virus?

It doesn't make them look like great parents, but the "celebrity space" of people having been diagnosed with the virus isn't very crowded yet in the US - there's really only Tom Hanks - so the Sussexes' California-based advisors might suggest they go for it for publicity reasons.

Or they could always post an image of the mysterious Mr. Archie. Even better, a video. Archie walking?
Nutty Flavor said…
Not sure what distraction BP might plan.

If Harry says something damaging about William (He's a racist!) they'll have some very big gun to roll out.

Kate, Eugenie or Beatrice pregnant? Or two of them, or all three?

Edo dumps Beatrice and the wedding is off?

Cute photos of Prince George playing football or riding a horse? Charlotte playing dress-up in some of great-granny's jewelry, or playing with Princess Margaret's doll house? Early birthday photos of Louis?

Just guessing.
Ian's Girl said…
When did Harry file his lawsuit against the Sun? Seems incredibly stupid for the Sun to be involved in booking a prank call against someone who is suing them for breach of privacy and/or harassment?

The talk about re-homing penguins and arranging marriages between Greta and George seemed like harmless joking to me. The tackiness of dissing HM and William's ideas irritated the hell out of me. He is entitled to his own opinion about the efficacy of such measures, and it wasn't even a strong or mocking rebuke, but the idea that he would even say such things to people he doesn't even know is what appalls me.

However, the call for extreme action was well beyond the pale to me. I will five him the benefit of the doubt that he meant extreme measures like banning automobiles and such, but he surely cannot be unaware of the acts of eco-terrorism that have gone on around the world, and he should also realize that his high media profile and elevated position in the world put a great deal of weight behind his words, and that was a pretty darn strong statement. Sadly, I also wouldn't be surprised if he meant to stir fanatics to that sort of extreme action, but I think that would have been influenced by his wife.

His reluctance to say much about Andrew ( even negative things) makes me think there won't be too much blasting of anyone else. I'd love to hear him spilling dirt on all the tacky things they mean to do to make money, or whine more about how dreadfully he feels they've been treated. Anything that makes he and Nutmeg, Prince and Princess of The United Kingdom, sound like whining, petulant, put-upon brats is fine by me.

abbyh said…

Self-isolating. And thinking over and over what you said and waiting for it come out. Would not to be near any of them.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Ian's Girl

Good points. I think we have to keep in mind that in the first call Harry was probably showing off a little bit to "Greta", trying to convince her that he is also an environmental campaigner to be taken seriously.

"Tricky talking sense to a bunch of people who seem to be in an induced coma!" Harry says when Greta mentions she will be speaking at Davos.

So what he's saying to her is a bit of a sales job. He's trying to form a "business" connection.
NeutralObserver said…
@Nutty, Fascinating idea that the Sun might have been behind the Russian pranksters. Murdoch has always had a take-no-prisoners style of journalism. I wonder if Rupert is very active in running his papers now, he's almost 90. I know he loves the news business much more than entertainment, but are his children in charge of things now?

Harry sounds so dumb in the first interview. If it is really Harry, & if Megs helped script him, I wonder if she's enraged that he sounded like an idiot on cannabis, or pleased that she/he/they scored so many points off the RF? Harry is essentially issuing a call for eco-terrorism.

I wonder if anyone from BP has had a quiet word with the Sun at any time during or before this escapade. I have a feeling that if we do get the tapes tomorrow, they will be even more embarrassing for Harry. How could anyone pay anything to hear this guy make a speech?

Slightly OT: I read the original of the Vanity Fair article on Megs' 'revenge dressing' so you wouldn't have to. The writer has been an in-the-tank Megs sugar from the beginning. We on this blog were pleased that Megs' hair was combed & that she looked relatively covered-up & clean, but the writer of the article got 'an erotic charge.' So this writer gets off on eye make-up that can be seen from space, visible undergarment lines, unfortunate bulges, & blinding colors which obviously are meant to draw all attention to Megs & away from her very pale & grumpy looking husband.

Vanity Fair was revived in the 80s after closing down in the 30s. Tina Brown & Graydon Carter made it glamorous & fun for quite a while. There used to be an old media joke that by the time a plum media job was given to a woman or a minority, the job wasn't worth having. The current editor is a WOC, so she's both. The first version of Vanity Fair shut down probably because of the Great Depression & no one had the means for or interest in the lives of the rich & famous. History may be repeating itself. Go read the Wall Street Journal, another Murdoch publication. Rupert likes to keep things fairly staid & factual there.
Henrietta said…
If Part II is really bad, maybe BP will try to change the subject by releasing something about MM? I consider any serious allegations about PW to be bad, and the Queen's color-blocking dress reminded me of MM's purple and red outfit that she wore to Birkhead where, allegedly, a pillow slipped from under MM's dress and landed at her feet. I actually did see that photo for a few seconds on one of the royals' social media accounts. I hadn't believed the initial reports that the picture existed!
Shaggy said…
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Nutty Flavor said…

As someone intelligently commented on CDAN yesterday, when a big bank pays someone to make a speech, they don't really care about the speech.

They care about the person's proximity to power. Having been paid, say, a half-million dollars to make a speech, they are expected to pick up the phone when the bank's CEO calls and make their network available to get the bank what it wants.

Not only does Harry have very little worth communicating in a speech, but his network is shrinking by the day, particularly since he acknowledges himself that he is cut off from his family.
Button said…
@Ians` Girl,
" he should also realize that his high media profile and elevated position in the world put a great deal of weight behind his words"
That may have been true a year ago, but now most people, especially Brits, just consider him a spoiled, overindulged, dumb as a post whinging prat. Rightfully so.
Nutty Flavor said…
I dunno, Button. Don't you think the Extinction Rebellion people might find him a useful idiot?
Nutty Flavor said…
I see that the Royals are cancelling some of their engagements because of the Corona Virus.

This would be a really good time for the Royals to be visible - if not in person, then by video. The Queen, in particular, has a lot of resonance with the older people who might be severely affected by the virus, and so do Charles and Camilla, to some extent.

Maybe do a hand-washing video, or show how the family 'meets up' by video instead of getting together in person (FaceTime with Peter Philips and Zara?), or just *something* to show some leadership in the UK at a difficult time.

It's probably too early to begin visiting hospitals, although that's what Diana might have done. Who wants to be Diana now, when there's actually some risk to humanitarianism?
Ava C said…
Of course Murdoch has been known to be an anti-monarchist for decades. Harry must be a gift to him. If I was paranoid I'd say Meghan was Murdoch's Trojan horse in his plot to destroy the monarchy but she's too erratic and thoughtless to be trusted with such a mission. Mind you, she's done a pretty good job so far.
Button said…
@Nutty Flavor
I admit I do not know much about that faction,but good point. Hazzard is not that bright and would not be able to discern whether he is being used to further extremist goals. As with any ' movement ' there must be unlimited funds and resources to really get it underway. Yes Nutty, you are correct. There are groups out there that would find him a useless idiot.
Button said…
edit: s/useless/useful
Ava C said…
@Nutty, I liked your analogy between Harry and uncle David re: extreme action. Of course Edward VIII/Duke of Windsor was one of many in the privileged classes who rushed over to 1930's Germany to watch the autobahns being built and cities being redeveloped (no hint of the slave labour behind it even then). They then returned and lectured parliament and the country on the need to emulate these measures.

Look at Sir Oswald Mosley. Seduced people into thinking in more extremist terms. Harry is on a slippery slope here. I'm not saying environmentalists are nascent Nazis. I am saying members of the royal family have no business expressing such views. As Harry has more than proved, they are not qualified to do so.

This is cardinal rule. Royals must not express personal opinions. Harry and Meghan will insist on ignoring this, no matter how much it is drummed into them.
NeutralObserver said…
Re: Harkles & Coronavirus. It's unlikely that Archie will get or die from C-19. It creates few or very mild symptoms in babies & young children, fortunately. That's its one saving grace. I posted on this a couple of days back & pointed out that for the sake of the Queen's health, it's fortunate that Archie was left behind. Babies can be 'silent carriers.' If Megs had known that she probably would have been pushing him into Her Majesty's arms at every opportunity. LOL. She apparently issued a statement that made it sound as though she kept Archie in Canada to protect him from the disease. So ignorant. The disease is most deadly for the elderly.

If Megs ever claims that Archie has died from Covid-19, in my mind that would be further proof that he never existed in the first place.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Chrissy said…
I'm not allowed to say but BP are about to blow everything out of the water. Harry won't get a lookin tomorrow unfortunately.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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Hikari said…

>>I'm not allowed to say but BP are about to blow everything out of the water. Harry won't get a lookin tomorrow unfortunately.<<

Insider tea? Is this the long-awaited Kraken?

At this point, nothing about Meg's past personal life/law-breaking to get ahead or horrific damages she's inflicted to people she's used and thrown away wouldn't surprise me at all.

Meg was born a bio-male? I wouldn't bat a false eyelash, though it would open up an interesting can of worms about Harry's CV (for the record, I do not believe this, but it's one of the more outlandish theories circulating)

Regular sex parties with Epstein/Weinstein/All around the Yacht-stein? Yawn.
Ditto sex videos, old Penthouse shoots, certified proof that Megsie was on the game. Tres ennui by this point.

A high school pregnancy? Her 'niece' is her daughter? She serviced the entire lacrosse team at a local boys' Catholic school?

She didn't actually graduate from Northwestern?

I'm bored with all of this. At this point the Kraken for me is irrefutable evidence that Meg has killed someone(s) . . and/or the Matter of Archie. Archie being a plastic baby and therefore absolutely immune to Coronavirus would make not only my year but the entire decade.

I will don my swim goggles and wait for Something Big to be blown out of the water. Sweet stories/pics about Kate's children or Bea's wedding or even a pregnancy for Eugenie or Kate is not going to do it. Enough with the hearts and flowers, BRF . .Let's see the real Kraken and I need to see it now!
I raised the question of Murdoch in Nutty's previous thread but don't recall anyone picking up on it.

I'd floated the simplest hypothesis I could think of (Soho House criminal conspiracy) but at end reminded folks that someone, some weeks ago I think, said words to the effect `Don't forget the Wizard of Oz', whom I took to be Murdoch.

The Harkles' case is aimed at Murdoch papers.

Sophie's `fake sheikh' was a reporter for a Murdoch paper, News of the World

Murdoch & Maxwell empires have long been at war.

Ghislaine Maxwell's in there somewhere.

Murdoch's a republican who takes/switches sides in General Elections.

Make of that what you will
The Kraken? When I read the hint about the sex tape, and almost yawned, I muttered `Well, I expected at least bestiality...'
Vince said…
The Murdoch media network has been itching to take down the Harkles. It looks like they finally have their mechanism to do so.

As I said previously, my guess is that in a few months from now the only thing people will remember about the Farewell Tour will be Harry's ridiculous phone call.

Team Murdoch and the pranksters may not be the heroes we asked for, but they look like the heroes we need.
Ian's Girl said…
@Button, I wasn't really meaning the average person, but rather the kind of semi-mental or rage filled types that get involved with fringe groups like Antifa, etc. I think a call to extreme action from a member of the Royal family married to the very woke First Black Princess would carry a lot of weight among certain segments of society.

It hurts me to say it, Vince, but I'm with you on Murdoch media, as long as H$M are all they take down.
NeutralObserver said…
@Unknown, I believe a very few children have been diagnosed with the disease, & that they all recovered. The ones I recall reading about were in China. It's very tricky diagnosing them, as they don't show symptoms, hence 'silent carriers.' It's older people who get the severe symptoms & die. Megs alleged concern for Archie is obviously fake, Archie, if he had the virus, would have given it to anyone he came into contact with, & no one would have even known he was ill. That's why I made the joke about the Queen holding him.
Animal Lover said…
China reports a toddler and newborn with Covid-19.

IMHO, Harry and his wife/boss have grandiose notions of their importance in the world.

It appears their plans to be global superstars and humanitarians have had a major setback due to their own ineptitude.

Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
NeutralObserver said…
@Hikari, once again, you made me laugh out loud. I cannot understand people who don't understand that you, & others, like Elle, write in a satiric & humorous style, & should be given artistic license until Nutty says no.

@Wild Boar Battle-Maid, Wizard of Oz does sound like Murdoch. Aussies call their country Oz. It's what I write when I email family that I have there so I don't have to type Australia!

@Vince, Good comment, & I have to agree with you as well. I hated the whole Murdoch tribe & empire for the Millie Dowler thing, but you use the weapons at hand.
Tomorrow's news-

The marriage declared legally non-existent?

H taken into rehab?

If only...
Animal Lover said…
Welcome Sunshinedaydream.

Does anyone know the ratings for the Vice documentary?
Sylvia said…
Hi All Nutty posters
News just is in that the London Marathon is cancelled i April postponed until October.
No return if JH then..
Keep well everybody Thank you for your amazing posts
Shaggy said…
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Henrietta said…
One thing that could blow Harry off the front pages is an article revealing how very ill Prince Phillip is.
SwampWoman said…
Yes, Boston Marathon cancelled, er, postponed, until September.

Ooooh, National Emergency just declared in USA.
Nutty Flavor said…
I can't imagine Invictus will go ahead in the Netherlands in May.

Things are bad in Europe. Denmark just closed its borders - nobody allowed in unless they are a Danish citizen - and they're sending the Danish military to the borders to keep non-citizens out.
SwampWoman said…
Oooh, SNAP, lots of red tape is being shredded at the moment. They just bypassed CDC dragging their feet on the testing. Great!
Unknown said…
I hope Archie’s origin story comes into play.
SwampWoman said…
Oh my goodness, I knew he had to be furious at the various factions of government that were useless, and they've been bypassed and private business has been brought in. Oooh, retailers and big pharmacies are cooperating.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, yes, the heads of various corporations are making statements now re cooperation. Fantastic! I never thought I would see it. THAT'S what he and Pence have been doing behind the scenes, and why he has looked uncharacteristically tired.
Henrietta said…
Maybe the same thing is going to happen in the U.K.? The declaration of a national emergency?
Nutty Flavor said…
That would be interesting, Henrietta, and it would certainly keep Harry off the front pages.

Let's see if the Royals take a role in a national emergency situation, as the face of Britain.

From my point of view, that's their job.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
HappyDays said…
@Nutty said...
Cute photos of Prince George playing football or riding a horse? Charlotte playing dress-up in some of great-granny's jewelry, or playing with Princess Margaret's doll house? Early birthday photos of Louis?

Just guessing.

@Nutty: It would be hilarious shade thrown at Meghan if Charlotte was photographed playing dress-up with great granny’s jewels, specifically the emerald tiara Meghan wanted to wear at her wedding but was denied by HM..
Humor Me said…
Hi all! We could use a kraken at this point in time with everything swirling around us.....
Perhaps Part II is the key for his release......
Miggy said…

'Harry won't get a lookin'... simply means he won't be mentioned, as there will be other things taking precedence.
Nutty Flavor said…
@Unknown, I believe that in this context "lookin" means "Harry won't get any attention tomorrow."
moz said…
I wonder if “Greta” spoke with Markle in the second phone call.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree, Unknown. The state of emergency would be BoJo's call.

But the Royals could make themselves visible to support Britain at a difficult time, as they did during World War II.

They are symbols. This is an appropriate time for symbols.

Interestingly, this is also a big comeback time for nations, and national borders. The Royals are national symbols.
WalkHumbly said…
@Nutty That’s a great idea about the Royal Family stepping up to lead in this crisis, and yes, it would seem to be their job. An elected official in the US today released recommendations on helping seniors in your community, and people are beginning to organize efforts to run errands, buy groceries, etc, to help the most vulnerable. The family could do a great service at this time.
Chrissy said…
Please be patient. Perhaps the BBC are waiting until Sports Relief (charity telethon) is over at 10pm.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
WalkHumbly said…
@Nutty I hope someone in the RF sees your suggestion and gets right on it, if they haven’t already. If Harry is still in the U.K., he could begin to strengthen his own reputation by putting himself in the forefront of efforts to help one another. He could lead by example on how to organize community networks to get supplies to those who need them, for example. Serve and lead with humility, he could, out of real concern, rather than for attention. He may not care, but I hope someone in the family will step up to do this, regardless.
Ian's Girl said…
I would be just fine with elderly members of the BRF, HM, especially, but PC, Cam, the Kents, Ogilvys, ALexandra, etc,to stay far away from the public right now. Videos would certainly be great, even some amusing ones.

Would it not be adorable to show Her Majesty showing her little Mini-Me Charlotte, how to wash her hands properly? I keep hearing her little self singing the "Happy Birthday" song through twice, for instance. (Is that a thing in the UK, timing your washing by singing it twice?) Of course I realize her school was shut down over a CV scare, so maybe not the best idea, but how about something similar to the one she did with JH and the Obama's? Not sarcastic in tone or anything, but something that might lift spirits in a gently humorous way?

Jdubya said…
EEk - have you seen the new blind #11 on CDAN? all the guesses are Fergie (Sarah Ferguson). "there is no such thing as a loan with this former royal. She keeps all the money given to her. It is all kickback money paid through her to her ex. She is up to her ears in it and she knew what she was doing when she offered up her daughter to the billionaire pedophile too.
Jdubya said…
ah geez - another one today
Blind Item #9
I should emphasize that she did not say this directly to the person, but the former alliterate actress turned celebrity said to someone to tell this royal higher on the hierarchy to "f**k off". Apparently the one higher on the hierarchy was upset at something the former actress had done and promised not to do, but did anyway.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Thank you! Do you know that Vovan and Lexus pulled the same Greta prank on Joaquin Phoenix and his bride? They suggested the actor and his bride take part in the project called "Stars save the world" initiated by Greta, and the victims swallowed it.

The Russian article reporting the prank is dated Jan 30, 2020 but we do not know when exactly they talked to the actor, before or after Harry.

"Greta"'s voice was done by a woman acquaintance of the prancers. I think the same voice is used with Harry.
Miggy said…

So 'it' is to be announced on the news?

All news channels or just the BBC?
Hikari said…

>>>@Hikari, once again, you made me laugh out loud. I cannot understand people who don't understand that you, & others, like Elle, write in a satiric & humorous style, & should be given artistic license until Nutty says no.<<<

Thank you for the props, Neut. I hope to meet our Queen of the Bees one day because I think she and I would, as the English say, 'get on'. Similar senses of humor and verbosity. Thanks to all for wading through our novellas.

Yes, I was going for satiric and humorous up there, though I don't put it past Meg to have done anything her critics can devise by way of scandalous behavior. She just doesn't look at rules and morality and decent human conduct the same as we here do. She believes her end (the glorification of Meg) justifies any means.

@Unknown who asked about 'Get a look-in"

I understand 'Chrissy's' cryptic comment to mean the BRF plans to roll out something big enough to drive 'Greta-gate' from the front pages and 'Harry won't get a look-in', ie, his shenanigans will be eclipsed by bigger news. I don't see why 'Chrissy' would have information, unless she's Murdoch employee or Palace insider, and really, would either of those post here?

I won't speculate as to what it is. Can't imagine something that big that is not Archie-related, the unmasking of Meg's backers . . evidence that Jeffrey Epstein is alive and well and living in Buenos Aires; HMTQ stepping down . . or the Duchess of Cambridge expecting again (Twins!) The ghost of Princess Margaret has come back to haunt Meg and make her 'thriving' life a misery . ?

Gee, I speculated, but half of those are my satiric side coming out again.

Meg loves all this. Everyone--lovers, haters, stans, anti-stans--all talking about HER. This is a Narc's paradise.
Sylvia said…
 get a look-in

 to not have a chance to do something or to succeed:

That's very possible the news could well be about JH grandfather PP could be in his final stages as we post

Nutty Flavor said…
@Fairy Crocodile, I've read that Joaquin and Rooney Mara figured out it was a hoax halfway through.

Harry didn't, at least in the first call. We'll find out if he figured it out in the second call when the transcript is released.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nutty Flavor said…
I understand 'Chrissy's' cryptic comment to mean the BRF plans to roll out something big enough to drive 'Greta-gate' from the front pages and 'Harry won't get a look-in', ie, his shenanigans will be eclipsed by bigger news. I don't see why 'Chrissy' would have information, unless she's Murdoch employee or Palace insider, and really, would either of those post here?

I know nothing about Chrissy, but employees and insiders have partners, friends, siblings, etc., and as an event grows closer, there are vendors involved - plus their partners, friends, siblings, etc. Program printers, florists, caterers, and on and on.

One journalist won a Pulitzer for his reporting on General Motors back in the day - he had uncannily accurate reports of their Board meetings. His source turned out to be the guy who ran the slide projector.
abbyh said…
The idea that M is on the Saturday release - that's an idea I hadn't thought of and like

Love the idea of a PS ad of HM and one of the kids doing how to wash your hands. (and imagining a photo of Charlotte doing dress up in the crown jewels).

The CDAN blind of M speaking profanity about a higher royal. After spending a lot of time in a number of grocery stores this week, the National Enquirer has a front page, with pictures, of M and HM with the following titles

Defiant Meghan attacks Queen, 93
'Drop Dead!'
We're BIGGER than the ROYAL family & don't need YOU!

They can be fluffy and then again, they can be accurate. Either way, this is an article not designed to sooth troubled waters.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Isn't it telling actors were able to see the prank and Harry didn't? Phoenix accepted invitation to take part in the phony project but became suspicious when "Greta" suggested she could play the role of Joker's lover in the sequel to Joker.

Harry didn't wake up even when "Greta" suggested they were distantly related and she could marry George. Neither he sobers up when "Greta" hints at wanting to restore the monarchy in Russia.
SwampWoman said…
Re: The Harkles: They are going to look exceedingly petty and small-minded (or pettier and smaller-minded) when everybody that matters is at the forefront fighting against this pandemic and they whine about their feelings. Somebody needs to tell that horrid Markle woman to STFD and stop touching and breathing on people. I don't doubt that the Queen has the fortitude for but, at her age, she really does need to encourage via video rather than in person.

I know this is off topic, but I am curious. Can the EU declare a collective emergency, or will each individual country/state have to declare them with differing laws? For example, our state declared a state of emergency prior to the USA state of emergency as a whole. The state can enforce the emergency declaration only within the state (no visiting nursing homes in Florida), the feds can enforce it across the entire country (no visiting nursing homes within the USA).
Ian's Girl said…
Gloves and elbow bumps are all fine and well, but this is, by and large, an airborne disease and I wish they'd lock that precious lady up behind closed doors.

PC and Cams are also elderly, and in my opinion, don't need to be out there elbow deep in crowds. I agree that their leadership and encouragement is of paramount importance, but must it include meet-and-greet situations?

Maybe it does need to, but oh how I wish it didn't!
Henrietta said…
My official guess on what BP is going to release tomorrow: The Sussexes are being stripped of their Sussex title.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Ian's Girl said: Gloves and elbow bumps are all fine and well, but this is, by and large, an airborne disease and I wish they'd lock that precious lady up behind closed doors.

PC and Cams are also elderly, and in my opinion, don't need to be out there elbow deep in crowds. I agree that their leadership and encouragement is of paramount importance, but must it include meet-and-greet situations?

Maybe it does need to, but oh how I wish it didn't!

I agree. Maybe Princess Anne could even step back from her prodigiously busy schedule for a few months, too? I doubt she would agree but I consider her a national treasure for y'all as swell.

SwampWoman said…
D'oh! As WELL, not as swell. If I had a ruler I'd smack these unruly fingers like a Catholic nun.
Fairy Crocodile said…

There is a female voice who plays "Greta". Harry thought he spoke with both Greta and her father. Video is below

Interesting I could not find the video on Vovan and Lexus official youtube, only on the Sun's site. Looks pranksters sold all right for the prank to the Sun. I also wonder if the second video is also sold to the Sun and will be released by them.
SwampWoman said…
Re CDAN, anything that they release about royal gossip usually just elicits an eye roll from me.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ian's Girl said…
I know I sound ridiculous, but aside from my own deep affection for her, I feel like Her Majesty is one of the pillars of Western civilization some how. I am as nauseatingly patriotic as any American going, but there is something about her, not the Monarchy in general, but her particularly, that embodies duty and strength and stability and I don't even know what else.

Maybe it's just because she's been around for so long, but there is something almost comforting about her reign. "Elizabeth's on her throne, all's right with the world", so to speak.

Keep her away from crowds, for pete's sake!
Nutty Flavor said…
Sure, Unknown - that's a good idea.

Anyone who would like to discuss the ongoing pandemic - here's an open post to get it started.
Nutty Flavor said…
If you're on a phone and can't cut and paste, here's a click through to the new Corona Virus discussion board.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Re: The Prince of Penguins not knowing they only live at the South Pole --

When Harry made his expedition, he was young and fit, filled with the idea that he was "immortal" as all young men and women do. He no more did any research than the man in the moon, IMO. He simply went, thinking it a great adventure.

He just keeps piling on the "thick" evidence by the day. Can't wait to see what the new release will say ;-)
Lurking said…
"I think, you need to be doing extreme things,"

I want to know what type of extreme things he's talking about. I have an inkling that it involves the plebs making sacrifices while he pays lip service.

torontopaper1 on twitter had an interesting take, essentially the prank calls were set up by Smeg as part of a scheme to get their security paid for. Not sure I'm believing that one.
Sandie said…
@Fairy Crocodile:

There is a female voice who plays "Greta". Harry thought he spoke with both Greta and her father. Video is below

Thanks. I deleted my post because I picked up that information elsewhere but did not want to leave yours 'hanging there'.

As for timing, I realised that these phone calls happened before they published their manifesto and forced an emergency on the BRF. Rather than realise it was a hoax, I think it boosted their confidence that they were going to be super global stars and encouraged them to act rashly. I wonder if he privately boasted about 'speaking to Greta on the phone twice and exchanging e-mails' to anyone in his quest to make deals and get a platform to establish them outside the monarchy?

Why was he so easily taken in, not once but twice? I think that holed up in that mansion in Canada and cut off from all and any good advice and people who would ground them, they have been living in an unrealistic bubble. How could Harry make digs at his brother and grandmother and then face them in public and act as if there is nothing wrong (and, indeed, express astonishment that his brother did no more than say hello)?

If the phone calls were fake, they would have issued a denial and threatened to sue someone in some way, and if things were ok between Harry and his family, the statement released would have strong statements of support for the work done by William and the Queen.

What would blow the Harry story out of the water? Meghan is pregnant again? (I doubt that Kate is because she would be at home as sick as a dog if she were.) The Queen and Prince Phillip are going to be self-isolating in Balmoral until the coronavirus crisis is over (shades of Queen Victoria)? Prince Charles is taking over as regent?
FrenchieLiv said…
@Nutty: I believe Invictus will be cancelled.
Most of international/bilateral military exercises/trainings/meetings are cancelled little by little.

Recordings Part II: I don't see Meghan giving Harry the permission to tell great secrets to Greta or potential co-contractors.
Indeed, both of them need to keep "weapons of mass destruction ", their very dirty laundry for later (eg. tell all interview, retaliation, blackmail or divorce).
However, I could justify the need for more and more security saying his wife is currently pregnant ....

@Nutties: Did you notice that this week, after the farewell tour, we have seen lots of members of the Firm: Sophie, Zara, Peter (and even Autumn)! I am happy about that (especially because the Countess of Wessex deserves to shine, she is such a hard worker!).
I assume, that would also reduce the burden for William and Kate who are overexposed (especially Kate).
Shaggy said…
re the Pandemic Page - Thanks so much Nutty! 😁
Nutty Flavor said…
@FrenchieLiv, yes, I thought it was interesting that Autumn was so prominent.

Somebody - was it on this board? - mentioned that Peter had been a heavy drinker. Perhaps the separation announcement got him to reform. Alternately, perhaps the Sussex saga means the rest of the family has been told that all hands are needed on deck.

@Unknown, you're welcome!
Glowworm said…
Re the CDAN #9...if true, could be MM being overheard saying Camilla should/could “f-off” when she was faced with the backlash from posting about her secret meeting during Cam’s speech. Apparently, she was aware such postings were to be embargoed during that period.
Nutty Flavor said…
I think Camilla had Meg's number from the start.
Glowworm said…
Totally agree, Nutty.
none said…
Just saw this on houseplant...

A tarot reader on YouTube (simonespeaks) is saying that Meghan is going to reveal a scandal about William that will break Kate’s heart. I’m stressing out because she’s been proven to be pretty spot on in her readings.
Animal Lover said…
@ Nuttie

Anyone who would like to discuss the ongoing pandemic - here's an open post to get it started.

Thanks for that.

WalkHumbly said…
@Ian’s Girl That’s a really good description of how Queen Elizabeth is admired. I agree with you!
Miggy said…

The CDAN blind of M speaking profanity about a higher royal. After spending a lot of time in a number of grocery stores this week, the National Enquirer has a front page, with pictures, of M and HM with the following titles

Defiant Meghan attacks Queen, 93
'Drop Dead!'
We're BIGGER than the ROYAL family & don't need YOU!

Yup - sounds CDAN is parroting the NE.

Article here:

Nutty Flavor said…
A tarot reader on YouTube (simonespeaks) is saying that Meghan is going to reveal a scandal about William that will break Kate’s heart. I’m stressing out because she’s been proven to be pretty spot on in her readings.

Well, Meg is a viper, so that's not impossible.

That would really put paid to any showbiz career she hopes to have, however. Might even disqualify her from Home Shopping Network, which is where I believe she'll eventually end up.
Button said…
@Nutty and Glowworm,
I agree completely, and Megatron realised straightaway she would be up against a formidable opponent.
I like Camilla.
@SwampWoman, ‘I know this is off topic, but I am curious. Can the EU declare a collective emergency, or will each individual country/state have to declare them with differing laws? For example, our state declared a state of emergency prior to the USA state of emergency as a whole. The state can enforce the emergency declaration only within the state (no visiting nursing homes in Florida), the feds can enforce it across the entire country (no visiting nursing homes within the USA).’

The EU isn’t a superstate or one country, so each individual European country will or have already declared (national) state emergency etc. 🤗

Within the comment threads, what supposed statement is being issued by BP tomorrow? I haven’t read anything about it in the British press, so I’m curious. 🥴
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Raspberry Ruffle -- there is a separate site Nutty Flavor has established just for discussions on the COVID-19 virus --
@Lt.Nyota Uhura,

I was only answering SwampWoman’s question on this thread and nothing more, sorry if I offended anyone. 😟 I don’t particularly want to discuss the subject, but thank you. 🤗
Nutty Flavor said…
Meg/Sunshine Sachs has given the NY Post an “exclusive” about how Meg is terribly concerned about Sophie Trudeau’s corona virus diagnosis.

What an awful woman Meg is. Anything for publicity.
FrenchieLiv said…
I do think all the BRF read the transcripts before the commonwealth service.
What happened? Kate is one of the most gracious royal, however, she couldn't acknowledge Harry or Meghan.
I don't think their tantrum concerning the procession can explain Kate's behaviour.
Was it the hint about George?
Is it something else?
Animal Lover said…

I was just going to post about Page 6. I check several newspapers a day including the NY Post and cannot believe the gall of that woman. If you read the item, it's a brief few sentences about Sophie Trudeau, one sentence about Harry and several paragraphs abut Meghan. I just skimmed through it.

Would she please shut up! Is PC's money paying for this nonsense?
`Getting a look in' suggests not getting what one considers one's fare share of something, whether food, attention, opportunity to play a computer game, for example, because others got there first, elbowed one out of the way, ate the lot, or hogged the limelight or the equipment.

As in `The food on the buffet table looked spectacular but I was at the end of the queue and, as everyone ahead of me was so greedy, I didn't get a look in.'

Tomorrow -I pray that the news isn't bad and that the tarot reader is very, very wrong. I'd like it to be something that wipes the smirk off Smirkle's mush for good. I was going to say something that `would put her gas at a peep' but that's too light weight.

Am now going to watch `The Papers'on BBC news 24 in hope that they have the first editions.
It's all Covid 19 - new powers, massed gatherings banned - PM U-turn- emergency laws.

Nothing royal.
Portcitygirl said…
Thank you, Nutty, and RaspberryRuffle for alerting us to the blog.

punkinseed said…
I think Megs set up the whole fake Greta interview and Harry didn't know about it and fell for it. She's doing things to make Harry look stupid, like the photo with his legs up.
Now that Harry has "escaped" the RF, it could also be that he has realized, gee, now that I'm free from BP I can actually, possibly reconnect with say, Chelsy Davy and she'd accept him because he's not under the scrutiny of the Windsors. He did party with and hook up with Chelsy a few days ago. Probably right before the Greta hoax was released. Megs green lighted it out of scorned rage at Harry. She IS impulsive so this would very much be a Megs move.
All the talk will be political - are we heading for totalitarianism?

Mass gatherings banned.

Can the undertakers cope?

Will they take care of the elderly/frail/ or leave us to die?

Will there be a `sunset' clause, giving an end date, or is it indefinite?

Police powers greatly increased.

Nothing Royal will get a look in.

punkinseed said…
Nutty, ha ha! As if Megs gives a rat about anyone being sick, including Sophie T. That's about as fake as Joan Crawford saying she was concerned about Bette Davis if Bette was sick. That hag Meg will do anything for publicity, just like Mommy Dearest.
Imagine adopting kids to boost publicity in your fading film career. What a whacko.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Wild Boar -- I will quite appreciate it if you will set aside your speculations and allow me a space to air my opinion.

Nutty -- I have had several posts "ghosted".
abbyh said…
Re: Page Six

How interesting:

They need and want to return to work (where not specified) to pay bills.

Foundation is still undefined.

Disney deal: she's done the voice over for a documentary on elephants and money has been donated to Elephants without Borders.

Apparently (a friend) she is not looking at returning to acting but they are "close" to signing a Netflix deal.

And, they will be staying in Canada (not moving to Malibu).

Sandie said…
@holly said...
Just saw this on houseplant...

A tarot reader on YouTube (simonespeaks) is saying that Meghan is going to reveal a scandal about William that will break Kate’s heart. I’m stressing out because she’s been proven to be pretty spot on in her readings.

I watched about the first 12 minutes of her reading and did not get to the part about William and Kate.

The tarot is an intricate system with layers of meaning (think of it as a map of life). Simone is not reading the cards. She is making up her own meanings and ignoring what the cards are telling her. One example: She picks up a card that she says represents Harry (The Hermit) and goes on about grief and Harry being so low and grieving. That is not what the card means. Essentially it means that the person is setting out on a search for the truth, leaving everything behind him, and that it is a lonely journey. She picks up a card that she says represents Meghan (the Hanged Man). She then talks about it showing that Meghan did not want to go to the service because she was ill and probably pregnant. The essential meaning of the card is actually about sacrificing oneself (usually imposed rather than chosen) in order to try and see a situation from another viewpoint (once again it is about seeking the truth). She picks up the Moon card but does not explain what it means in context of the question she asked. Essentially the meaning of the Moon card is illusion.

Of course there are a complexity of meanings for each card, but I have given the essential meanings above.

I might go back and watch more, just out of curiosity as to why she says that about William and Kate. Other tarot readers picked up a small issue between them before the Pakistan tour but that it has been sorted and made their marriage stronger (and it was an issue about Kate stepping forward and having a voice). If anyone has broken Kate's heart it is Harry (because they had a long and good relationship and there was real 'sibling' love there). I keep getting the feeling that the BRF found out something more than just the hoax phone calls (and Harry openly trashing the Queen and William) before the 'reunion' at the Abbey and that was the final straw for Kate (no tarot readers saw that coming and only focused on William being done with his brother).
Ian's Girl said…
I agree with @FrenchieLiv that the tantrum about the procession can't have been the only thing that made Kate ( and the rest, really) look so sad at the Commonwealth Service, and neither do I think they were so visibly upset that this was Harry's Last Stand.

I refuse to believe that Harry would have blabbed anything about William (along the lines of an affair, I mean) to Greta and her dad. The hoaxster's did their best to get something out of him about Andrew, and he glossed over it. ( I suppose he actually really didn't have any info to give)

I grant you he was keen to indirectly accuse them of being non-inclusive, feet-dragging old fuddy-duddies, but I can't see a blood royal dishing out that kind of shocking information about his brother to strangers. Sending it out generically into the public as an unsourced rumor, perhaps, but not told directly to people he didn't even know.

And Fergie is what Fergie is, but I do not believe for one minute that she offered up one of her daughters to Epstein. That is sickening even for a gossip site to insinuate. I wouldn't be surprised that she offered herself up, though.

@Wild Boar,’Nothing Royal will get a look in.’

I totally agree, you know what is knocking every other story off the headlines (and more). The Dubious Duo are nothing but a footnote. 😉
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Markle is a piece of cardboard, and everyone knows it.

For those who think I was speculating, perhaps I should have reiterated that I was `taking dictation' from the BBC News at 10pm.


I apologise for not being a mind reader and for your not getting a look-in.

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
What the mother loving H3ll?

Nothing I have posted tonight has gotten into any kind of discussion.

Nutty, I am your admirer, always will be. But what the hell?
KCM1212 said…
I agree @punkinseed

Me g had to have been in on the Greta call. There is no way Harry wouldn't have bragged about getting the email and I there is is no way she wouldn't have also been on The call if it really was Greta.

Although the word salad sure sounded like her. Maybe he's heard it enough to recite by rote now.

If she didn't set it up, her self-protection kept her out of it.

And from the Department of Irony:

The "iconic" (gag) shot was taken by Samir Hussein and Royal Rota photographer. Yes, the same Royal Rota that they are refusing to work with. And they can't copyright it.
See my post at 12:40 AM above, if you missed it.
KCM1212 said…

I'm seeing several comments from you.

-the Prince of penguins (hehe good one)
-Mentioning the new Covid 19 page
-A comment to WBBM
-Markle as cardboard
-and the last questioning of your posts were coming through

Live long..
KCM1212 said…
I read that in "voices of the RF", Uhura
#1 Camilla
#2 Charles
#3 William
#4 Kate

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
KCM1212 said...

I'm seeing several comments from you.

-the Prince of penguins (hehe good one)
-Mentioning the new Covid 19 page
-A comment to WBBM
-Markle as cardboard
-and the last questioning of your posts were coming through

Live long..

My dear KCM1212 --

How lovely you have kept track of my posts!

I can only hope you agree with the reasons I post, but if you don't, no harm done :)

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
The bottom line is, once upon a time we all agreed that there are certain things and values that we all agree on. It is based on the Christian Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not hurt one another. Why is that so bad?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Love thy neighbor. I do not have the right to sweep up the crumbs of my Lord Jesus Christ's feet.

He hung himself on the Cross for ME. ME, who is a stupid idiot human. I look forward to seeing Him again :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Sorry … it's just that I believe we do need to believe in something above ourselves.

As Albert Einstein, an atheist, said -- "Anyone who doesn't believe in a master hand in the Universe is worse than a fool."
Lindy said…
I think it was a typo and the writer meant Harry don’t get a lickin’ tomorrow. That was my take anyway.
Lindy said…
Now my typo - won’t get a lickin.
Sandie said…
Simone Speaks: I went back and continue watching for a bit longer. How she gets that there is going to be a scandal about William having an affair I really do not know. She is ignoring the meaning of the cards and making up her own stories!

What do I get from those cards that she read as a scandal about William having an affair? Without too much detail because there are a lot of cards (... too many cards and thus to much information!): Meghan feels betrayed by the BRF or there is a major betrayal in her relationship with Harry or both ... there is heartbreak for her; she is busy working on getting deals and is looking forward to being victorious and going back to the UK as a winner; she is trying to build a foundation of wealth but is also being quite 'stingy' in terms of holding onto whatever she can get financially/materially; she feels that she is setting out on a new journey/adventure and she is not sure where it will take her; she is in contact with a man who will help her and who will become important to her; what she shows in public is an illusion/an act ...
punkinseed said…
KCM1212, There's been brought up on Murky Megs or Celt news that Megs is trying to make Harry look like a crazy fool, setting him up so she can control her exit when she makes her grand separation departure from him with baby, if there even is a real baby in her custody.
What's super odd too is Harry has been such a detached father. It screams that either baby isn't really his so he just can't bond with him, and/or baby doesn't really exist or is in Sussex custody and has been kept by the surrogate who legally can refuse handing a baby over to the donor parents. I just can't see a loving, caring father remaining in the UK for such a long time away from his baby. Mommy Megs? Ha. She doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. It's so obvious. Even detached mothers who reject their babies at first for hormonal reasons or whatever, show more mothering than Megs has just by the way she holds him. She barely looks at him.
Mimi said…
I have been on the fence about the baby because I just CAN’T/WON’T believe she is capable of such a diabolical fraud. But with recent events I am almost convinced he is a borrowed and photoshopped baby and once or twice a doll (or dead frog).
Mimi said…
Most two day old babies are fuuny looking...not pretty or cute although some are born looking like little angels. The presentation baby was least his eye and nose was.....
Mimi said…
I have been reading along but can’t comment because there is so much insanity going on with them and the world. My daughter who works at a market showed me pictures of the pandemonium....people is terrifying.
Mimi said…
Lt. Uhara, not trying to get into religion but I keep telling myself........hey, if I catch it and was my time to go and there is nothing I can do about it! Of course I am self isolating, disinfecting until I am faint, stocking up on whatever is left on amazon but if I die I believe it is all predestined. Sorry if I have offended anymore, I realize this should have been posted on the new blog but just wanted Lt. Uhara to know I am with her/him?

KCM1212 said…

Yes! The only time I felt like Harry was the Harry who loved kids was the Christmas photo. And who knows who that child is?

Another thing that makes me wonder is Harry s extreme anger. He seems deeply depressed and scowling all the time. When he does smile naturally, it surprises me. He talks a lot about doing this or that to "protect his son", but There doesn't seem to be any of the joy or optimism of a new parent. Why isn't he talking about how Archie loves his stuffed doggie, or eats bugs. Anything that shows a real relationship. I don't know how he could help it if he spent any time with him. It's not privacy. It's weird.

And the Queen of the Snake people....don't get me started. She is like that old joke.
Q:How can you tell when Megs is lying?
A:Her mouth is moving

@Mimi. I get that. Diabolical is the perfect description. I think she gets away with so much because The rest of us are thinking "what kind of a person would even think of that"? She is totally beyond our ken.

I'm so grateful to @A Narcs Daughter and @Walks Humbly and all the others who have shared their experiences with us. And this blog! I was seeing crazy stuff with Meg, and nobody in the msm was even commenting on it. I thought I was either imagining it or a very mean person. I was gaslighting myself!

Just to hear someone say "yes, I see that too" is such a relief!
CatEyes said…
Here's the blog Nutty created for your COVID-19 comments:
Portcitygirl said…

I see you! Great posts all! And I agree with you! I know I've been a little distracted today as my posts on Nutty Flavor Virus Blog will show. Haha.
KCM1212 said…
@Uhura and @Mimi

This helped me today when I read it.

Sorry, OT here, but this is where the discussion started.
Starry said…
Perhaps Philip has died? Is this the BP announcement that is apparently forthcoming?
KCM1212 said…

Oh, that would be sad. I hope not. Too much depressing news lately for us all, and Britain in particular. I think that might just break the Queens spirit.
KCM1212 said…
Great comment on THE

"Who knew the first interview would go to two Russian pranksters"
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
JHanoi said…
Thanks for making a seperate blog for CV19, it’s making me nutty, this blog is refreshing

Did mrs trudeau fly back with the Meghan? If so thats intersting.... megahn could have caught the virus.

I hope HM, PC Cam, Anne, kents, etc.and even wills and kate stay out of the public, no hand shaking, social distance, etc etc. while HM, wales and anne are at most risk it hit the below 60’s hard too.

I hate to offer up sophie as the scacraficial lamb but she’s younger and female. In china 64% of the victims were male, men are more at risk, women apparently have stronger immune systems

Imo, Keep will and kids as safe as possible, can you imagine if something happened to them and who is next in line? Ugg, that would be horrifying.
JHanoi said…
Oh forgot to comment on harry’s fake call and comment about the davos comatasized rich people..... if he really said that, nothing like insulting the very people you are begging from for jobs and donations to your ‘charity’ ‘foundation’, new progressive charitable entity thats not really a charity.
Maybe this has been mentioned in another thread but is anyone else disturbed that a 35-year old man poured his heart out to a seventeen year old stranger and her DAD? I know they aren’t really speaking to anyone in either of their families (except Doria, though her name seems to be invoked more than she seems involved) but don’t these people have any friends? Other than the weepy hairstylist who Meg pays and the weird Canadian stylist who somehow doubles as a babysitter despite living 3,000 miles away from where Meg supposedly keeps her baby, Even if they talk to no one else do they even talk to each other? Greta Thunberg is arguably one of the most famous people in the world at the moment. Did Harry not mention this call at all to his wife? Tell her what they had talked about? He’s clearly not bright but we’ve been told Over and over that she’s “the smart one”. How did she not pick up on any of this either?
punkinseed said…
Millicent, I have serious doubts about the whole thing. I think Megs set it up and didn't tell Harry it was a hoax.
Harry would have wanted to get in good with Greta to gain support for building his new ventures.
HappyDays said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Markle is a piece of cardboard, and everyone knows it.

@Lt Nyota Uhura: Spot on and witty comment! Meghan truly is like those life-size cardboard stand-up cutouts you see in stores of a person that’s promoting a product. Meghan is a flimsy facade of a human being who is intent on selling herself to the public. But like the cardboard cutout, she may be destined for the trash or recycling bin to be ground up into pulp.
@KCM1212 - you're more than welcome. If my story can help someone else get out of a relationship with a narc, or recognize a narc, that's all that matters to me.

It took 5 decades for me to have enough of it. I just could not bring myself to abandon my mother. All it took was someone ahead of me in line at the mall, saying to her friend, "Guilt is self-induced." At that moment, a light bulb went on in my head.

I just hope I haven't come across as a victim. I'm no longer a victim, I'm a survivor. I will not let her keep me a victim.
Ian's Girl said…
They way she holds him has always been puzzling to me; she always has him in front of her, with his little face squished to her chest.

What normal human being who holds a baby that age doesn't instinctively just plop it over to their hip? It does lend to the theory that he's not real, but I believe the real reason is even more chilling. I think she is physically forcing his head to her chest so no one else can take (and therefore post or publish ) pictures of him. I think when he turns one, she's going to go full-bore merching him.

Think about the evilness of physically restraining a baby, damn near suffocating him, for purposes of your own greed and ego.
murphy said…
An earlier post mentions that at least Harry isn't a Nazi sympathiser like some of his predecessors. However he displays some worrying ideas. Ecofascism is on the rise. It focusses on population control, limiting numbers of children, exalts young, rebellious people as being the key to the future ( as in the aryan race of previous fascism) calls for extreme measures etc. Harry of course cannot ever be truly democratic, despite some thinking his words expose a 'socialist' agenda, as that would mean redistribution of wealth and genuine political engagement. They are both empty-headed, the only guiding point seems to be what looks good to a 'woke' audience who only value the sentimental image, being seen to embrace the only black girl in the room (as she did twice recently) or whatever will annoy his brother, just like the petulant adolescent that he still really is.
Anonymous said…
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Portcitygirl said…
@A Narc's Daughter

We share the same experience.
Unbeweaveable said…
@Millicent, the absolute best comment about MM was in a Vanity Fair article last year where somebody who knew her said she was the kind of person who is best friends with her stylist. Meghan’s friendships, like all her other relationships, are transactional and hierarchical. Either she’s hanging around with people who are paid for their services, or she’s sucking up to the highest-status person in the room (“so kind”). I wonder if Harry overruled her in his eagerness to speak to “Greta?”

@Ian’s Girl, she’s definitely hiding the baby’s face. Either she’s going to merch him or selectively sell pap shots. Poor wee thing.

And in other Harkle news, everyone is predicting the postponement or cancellation of the invictus games. That was the only thing Harry had going on this spring and no company is going to be holding big conferences with external speakers any time soon. They also aren’t going to be able to fly around freely as long as governments are issuing travel bans for non-citizens (which is both of them in Canada and him in the US). It’s going to be a long, boring spring sitting on Vancouver Island. His other big project was filming for Oprah’s AppleTV series with one of Charles’ patronage charities, but it looks like that’s done now.

@Ian’s Girl
“I feel like Her Majesty is one of the pillars of Western civilization some how.”
I agree with you 100%. She is an absolute treasure, and the Royal Family will be a shadow of its present self when she passes; the world will be poorer for her loss.

Is it possible that Chrissy is, well, not legit? I guess we will find out Sunday.

Anonymous said…
*erotic - did someone actually write in VF that Rach was erotic? And to what demographic is her stale cringe a la mode erotic?
Anonymous said…
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Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@ All --

Apologies if I have gotten carried away -- never thought I'd feel so strongly about the British royal family, even if I DID live there for 3 years back in the day. Somehow, they represent the ideal we all want to strive for, even if they're only human like the rest of us.

I think I'd feel the same no matter the year, nor the place. Something about Markle gets the hairs on the back of my neck up. As for Harry, the treachery makes me sick.

Anyway, I look for the day these two not only head off into the sunset, but with their legs cut off at the knees. I hoped I'd be a better Christian, but I guess I've got a way to go.

HappyDays said…
punkinseed said…
KCM1212, There's been brought up on Murky Megs or Celt news that Megs is trying to make Harry look like a crazy fool, setting him up so she can control her exit when she makes her grand separation departure from him with baby, if there even is a real baby in her custody.

@punkinseed: My guess is at her rotted-out core, Meghan actually won’t want custody of Archie. She doesn’t have a maternal bone in her body, but apart from him she will still be able to use Archie to make herself look like a victim by portraying herself as the mother whose child was torn from her arms by her now evil ex-husband and his evil royal family.

Because Archie is a royal child, and when Charles takes the throne, he will come under Charles’ guardianship as the grandson of the reigning monarch. Even if the Harkles are still married when Charles takes the throne, Charles could probably tell the Harkles Archie needs a traditional British education instead of some moonbeam school out in California and force them to live in London for at least nine months of the year.

If they end up divorcing, it will make the parting of Heather Mills and Paul McCartney look like a Wednesday night Bible study group. Narcissists typically pull out the nukes in any sort of marital breakup and Meghan’s rage will will be out of control.

She has already weaponized Archie and used him as a pawn by not bringing him to London for their last events. It wasn’t fear of COVID-19. It was meanness, viciousness and a twisted desire to assert some sort of control over the RF, who didn’t give her everything she wanted in the Megxit deal on a silver platter.

She purposely withheld Archie from HM, PP, and PC to be controlling, mean, and spiteful. She will continue to use him as a weapon, pawn, and bargaining chip, and simultaneously as a tool to garner pity for herself even though she probably wouldn’t care if in reality, she ever sees him again.

I think the RF knows there’s SOMETHING wrong with her, even if they don’t know she has a severe case of narcissistic personality disorder, they might realize it during a divorce proceeding or other future dealings with her if she and Harry limp along in their distorted marriage for another 10 or 15 years.
HappyDays said…
Elle, Reine des Abeilles said...
*erotic - did someone actually write in VF that Rach was erotic? And to what demographic is her stale cringe a la mode erotic?

@Elle: Perhaps the VF writer made a typo and meant to write “erratic.” LOL
Longview said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fifi LaRue said…
Someone who consistently wears ill fitting clothes that shows her undergarments, and is over 40, is a certified hooker looking for her next mark. And that is Markle.
Ian's Girl said…
I'm sure I read on some gossip site that Nutmeg was offered a pretty big chunk of change to leave Harry before the engagement or maybe before the wedding, and was told that the offer was far better than anything she could expect from a divorce settlement.
Longview said…

I have a slightly different take on it.

1. MM, like Harry, believed that the Greta call was absolutely genuine.

2. As usual, MM wrote the talking points for Harry, and Harry accepted that assistance/direction.

3. We know the message was very anti RF, and directly critical of Her Majesty and William. Those comments were in fact spiteful and unnecessary. It also was politically embarrassing because it was critical of President Trump.

4. My view is that MM purposely wrote a no-holds barred/embarrassing script because she used the opportunity to separately and secretly record H's comments, for future insurance and as a bargaining chip with the RF. I have no doubt that she has used photography and audio recording over the past 2 years, to create a war-chest of embarrassing items that can be sold to the RF, or to a future talk show host if the RF does not come up with the right amount of money. She may already have audio of a number of embarrassing phone conversations Harry has had with genuine celebrities or leaders (embarrassing because she also wrote the talking points for those as well).

5. The fact the interview turned out to be with fake Greta, and that it was published, is bad for M. It taints Harry whom she is still trying to sell around town as a bankable commodity, and it leaks some very handy embarrassing comments that she could have used at a later date herself, to sell to the highest bidder.

Just a thought.
Anonymous said…
Jdubya said…
I read somewhere that the 2 Russians had a fake email account and emailed "her people" to set it up. They emailed Harry who then emailed the fakers back and gave his private cell number.

I would think he and Meg's made up a list of points to talk about. She was probably listening and recording.

That and second call occurred is the most mind blowing.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
just sayin' said…
I wonder if MM is trying to portray JH as someone who is incapable of making sound judgments in order to argue that the agreement he made with the RF is legally unenforceable.

MM probably believes she is as knowledgeable as any lawyer because she played one on tv.
Unknown said…
Holly, it most definitely is Harry it’s been confirmed that it is the former prince who got trapped and blackmailed by a whore who has now made him her whore to be pimped out
Nutty Flavor said…
Re: timing. If a bit of news is coming out today for the Sunday papers, I'd expect to see it at around 1800 British time.

Possibly earlier if Murdoch hopes the big broadsheet papers will write "think pieces" about it - those columnists need a little time.
Anonymous said…
@Happy Days

If they end up divorcing, it will make the parting of Heather Mills and Paul McCartney look like a Wednesday night Bible study group.

Portcitygirl said…
MM put Greta on her Vogue issue and catapulted her to world fame and fortune. It isn't farfetched to think they keep in touch regularly both being such woke people.

Does Harry do anything without MM's permission and wouldn't he have told her, oh by the way, Shugs, Greta wants to chat me up.

This whole scenario just seems off to me. Although I haven't listened to the audio either. Their PR seems so tightly controlled and shouldn't a 35 year old royal have been severely
warned against such mishaps with phone conversations? Surely, he must know better. It makes him look so bad.

Our press here is still spinning the race card and the luvvies on youtube, my guess all under 25, are outraged about the trailer trash comment still. Could that reporter have been a plant to further their narrative? I'm not familiar with her background or history. Anybody know about her from the UK?
Is that a possibility?

Sorry if repetitive, I posted this on a few other sites.

I guess we will know more if there is another audio.

Victoria Mather - as reported in Daily Mail, 9th March:

"A British guest on MSNBC Live has sparked outrage after saying 'many people' consider Meghan Markle to be 'five clicks up from trailer trash'.
The show's anchor, Lindsey Reiser, ended the interview about Prince Harry and Meghan stepping back from royal duties immediately following the remark from British reporter Victoria Mather.

"The comment from the journalist - who has worked for The Telegraph and Vanity Fair - came as she was discussing how the Duchess of Sussex has been 'disrespectful' to the royal family and its protocol.
'I think what has really, really upset the British public is that Meghan Markle, who many people consider as only, you know, five clicks up from trailer trash, has actually tried to disrespect the queen,' she said."

Mather is a mature woman, I imagine she speaks as she finds, with no ulterior motive.

I'm as puzzled as the next person as to why this issue is `racist' - it's a class issue, so yes, you could call it `classist' but I'm blowed if I can see why it's `racist' in the accepted sense in the UK. I always understood that `TT' were usually poor whites, often typified as `trash', but that was then and this is now.

Or is it `racist' because the Woke say it is?

I apologise in advance if I've used unacceptable terminology - will someone kindly explain how it's spun as `racist'?

Is it because it implies she's `white, when she's biracial', because it implies `lower class, regardless of colour', or because ` trailer trash' aren't black or biracial'?

I give up.

Btw, some of my ancestors (closer than 5 clicks and with a slave ancestor) lived in Fullwoods Rents, one of the most notorious `rookeries' in Victorian London; were I challenged about it, I'd say `So what?'
Ava C said…
The Harkles will be losing any momentum they had now there's a global health crisis. When it's over, they'll have vanished from the public radar and won't be able to get it started again. They would look even more trivial and self-indulgent than they do now.
CookieShark said…
I think MM is seething that her "revenge dressing" and farewell tour has been overshadowed by the Coronavirus! Once again she has to insert herself into stories for the press, just like she wanted to "crawl under the table" when Prince Andrew gave his interview.

Poor Harry may soon find himself in quarantine her. Brace yourself as she will likely bombard the DM of avoiding the virus by taking walks, cooking chicken and doing yoga.
Superfly said…
I don't whether any nutters here have had experience with cocaine, but I listened to the excerpt of the first conversation and to me Harry sounded coked up.

I will explain: most people, when taking cocaine, become extremely chatty. Unusually chatty. Over the top chatty. They will happily talk about nothing, talk to anyone and not listen to what the other person has to say. Harry sounded like a complete idiot, but he did not even properly listen tot he questions asked, he just marginally did, before diving into minute long monologues that made very little sense.

I think the first released tape is just an appetiser, an amuse bouche. The second one will be explosive, because of the timeline.

I'm fascinated.
CookieShark said…
Also I think Travalyst is DOA now, no one knows what it does anyway!
xxxxx said…
"an amuse bouche"

hahahaha haha Miss Malice in the Palace. What's your next move. I think she is taking daily hikes. Not too much to do there, maybe stuff yo face with sandwiches and things from the local organic deli.
With the virus crisis, tourism must be down. Thus H$M might be allowed to couch surf longer than expected
Portcitygirl said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid

You are right, trailer trash is classist and not typically deemed a racist connotation, although just as discriminatory.

The ladies on The View segued the conversation over to racist and the dim bulbs over on youtube ran with it. Our media luvvies seem to be in HAMS back pocket which doesn't bode well for us.

Apparently, they just don't care about the shade and utter disrespect towards HM and the BRF.

Has anyone heard from US news channels about the phone audio?
That sure has been buried quickly here due to the virus. Harry must be happy about that.
xxxxx said…
CookieShark .......

The travel industry is in survival mode for the next few months. The last thing they want to hear is "sustainability" lectures from the Dummkopf Dumbartons.
Portcitygirl said…

I agree with fascination aspect. I can't look away. Lol.

If he was using coke then that would explain a lot.

I bet this virus surely has dampened their plans.
Sandie said…
DO you think the non release of the second tape (phone calls between Harry and the fake Greta) has been stopped by legal action from the Sussexes? It is the sort of thing they would do.

Could they stop a couple of Russian guys from talking and releasing the recording? Perhaps in the UK, but I doubt the Sussexes could control the entire planet, so I am surprised that nothing has emerged.
Fairy Crocodile said…

I thought that something happened to Phillipp too but was afraid to even suggest this. He is the era in himself. He connects us to previous times where real human values and honor still had their proper due.
KnitWit said…
Perhaps the virus will keep them separated. Best possible option for Harry- forced separation from MM.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Looks like the pranksters sold their rights to both interviews to the Sun, and Sun now controls the release.
Do you think Harkles had enough time to go to court for injunction within a week?
@Ava C’The Harkles will be losing any momentum they had now there's a global health crisis. When it's over, they'll have vanished from the public radar and won't be able to get it started again. They would look even more trivial and self-indulgent than they do now.’

Exactly! That’s similar with what I commented earlier, with the ongoing global health crises, once it’s subsided they will nothing more than a foot note, even more irrelevant than they are now. 😐
Fairy Crocodile said…

Megsy chose wrong time to attack Kate's percieved lack of tactile drama. Covid makes sure NOT hugging is the best approach. Miss again Megs. Use your brain sometimes, it helps.
Sandie said…
@Fairy Crocodile said... Looks like the pranksters sold their rights to both interviews to the Sun, and Sun now controls the release.
Do you think Harkles had enough time to go to court for injunction within a week

I am not sure how an injunction/super injunction works. I do know that the Harkles would try to shut down the release of the second recording because I suspect that what is said in it is worse for Harry than the first. I also suspect that Harry's family have heard both recordings.

Was everything that has been published in that first recording? I haven't listened to much more than the first few minutes.

Perhaps the Sun is holding back until this evening (Saturday evening for me, for those in a different time zone) and will put a 'teaser' online to boost sales for their Sunday print edition, which will 'reveal all'. From a commercial point of view that would make sense to me.

Coronavirus may have 'blown out of the water' the release of the first recording but Harry's family will not forget, and the Harkles still need them ... the funding from Charles, the taxpayer-funded security, the patronages and positions (e.g. Commonwealth) to provide a platform. Megsy is really gutted that she did not get the part-time royal thing because I suspect she wanted access to the jewellery, wanted to host events at Buckingham Palace and have an independent office there. I suspect that she is spitting mad, and the coronavirus taking attention away from them (never mind the Cambridges and the rest of Harry's family) ... well, I think Harry is finding out just how spiteful and mean Megsy can be.
FrenchieLiv said…
@ Longview : I'm 100% agree with you!

"Miscellaneous Thoughts":

1. Bea & Edo’s wedding:

I know for sure Harry won’t go to Beatrice’s wedding after what he said about his family (and Andrew) in the 1st part of the recording.

2. Timing of the 1st call:

I think no one pointed out the odd timing for one of the calls: New Year’s Eve’…
Why did they have to take a call during that particular day of the year? I don’t understand… I mean, I would rather spend some time my family or my friend …
That shows in what extent they are lonely and miserable or maybe something else….

3. Prince Philip:

If Harry is still in the U.K, do you think Harry is currently spending some time with his grandpa because of Prince Philip’s declining health?
On the one hand, I doubt about it since Prince Philip may have a huge grudge against Harry. On the other hand, we know a few things about Prince Philip’s health and it does not look good so maybe it’s time for apology & forgiveness …

4. Coronavirus and consequences for Harry & Meghan:

If Meghan travelled with Sophie Trudeau, she may be sick…
I dislike her but I don’t wish her to be sick. In addition, it’s a very selfish thought but I think that would be even worst than a pregnancy announcement, she would complain/show off!

Invictus, London Marathon: I would be happy if every single event Harry is supposed to participate is cancelled. How could Meghan update their IG?
They don’t want to be part of the Firm but it seems that every single event scheduled in the next couple of months is related with a patronage they were responsible for while being royals.

The speeches they do for banks or dodgy billionaires can’t be advert: so sad… She must be fulminating because it will be difficult to make money if they can’t travel…
FrenchieLiv said…
"Meghan Markle ‘plots acting return this autumn as she holds talks with TV and movie agents’ after quitting royal life"

IMO, she is so delusional.
What about Givenchy deal? Disney deal? Netflix deal? Oprah documentaries which were announced almost 1 year ago....
Injunctions and superinjunctions -

I'm no lawyer but, roughly, an injunction is a kind of Court Order not to publish something. Breaking it and blabbing brings legal penalties.

A superinjunction is another layer of injunction which forbids any mention of the injunction, likewise punishable in law.

To acknowledge the existence of an injunction is a big clue that something's been hushed up. Sometimes it's to protect a purely private matter that nevertheless attracts public
interest - eg the details of the breakdown of a footballer's marriage.

It has pointed out in Court, that just because the public is agog with interest to know what's going on (ie curiosity/nosiness), it doesn't mean it's `in the public interest' for them to know it. Applies, say to matters of national security (two more very big words!).

A judge has to decide to what extent `the public interest' would be served by issuing/withholding an injunction. The other sort of `public interest'(nosiness) may or may not be indulged.

I hope that makes sense!

The postponement of engagements may just be a precautionary measure in view of the epidemic. I hope and pray that it is only that and not other bad news for the RF.
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