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Open Post: Does Meg have "the best team in town"?

Enty ran another of his blind items on the Sussexes the other day, to wit:

"This alliterate former actress has the best, if not the best team you could hire in town. Apparently though she has sent word out through her media mouthpiece to the north that she isn't happy with them. Why? No one wants to hire her at the rate she thinks she deserves. Her demands are much higher than reality. Oh, and as a side note. Since she can't use the title any longer, the movie studio asked her if she wanted to change the name under which she is credited. She said of course not and that is who she is even if she "can't use" it any longer."

Enty, as usual, mixes fact and fiction.

Meg can certainly use "Meghan, Duchess of Sussex," which is how she was credited in her Disney elephants documentary. The only thing she has agreed not to use is her HRH - and she didn't.

The "media mouthpiece to the north" is clearly Lainey Gossip.

But the "best team you could hire in town" - who is that? And why would they want to work with Meghan? And how could she pay them?

Enty's royal sources are not good, but his Hollywood industry sources tend to be excellent. What do you think?


xxxxx said…
Enty is entering the world of Megsy fan-fiction. Enty is trying his best to be happening in a new Covid world. Megs has no best team. She is her own team these days. With the proof being the bollixed up website launch with embarrassing redirects to Gold Digger and so on.

I could post out to the world the same inane jive, but I don't have Enty's website.
Unknown said…
Yeah, something has gotten weird with Enty's blinds about Meg. In the beginning, they were spot on and had great dish on her good ole "acting" days. However since he started working with her (the Kate mudslinging), Enty has become reliable. We clearly have to read between the lines but I'm not sure how. Maybe he's trying to be ironic? Maybe he wants to give a laugh to insiders. I don't know. The Sussexes look desperate to me and seem like they are hiding because of sheer chaos behind the scenes.
xxxxx said…
And Nutty....I talked up wordpress as a place to move to. Yes it will block bad posters. But the downside is that the layout of the comments is inferior. I am familiar with two wordpress blogs that have decent traffic. One has tremendous traffic--- ---- but the comments, the way they get layed out, come off as cold and detached.
Unknown said…
I meant to say: Enty has become unreliable since he started mudslinging Kate which seems at the direction of Meg's PR.
Unknown said…
@xxxxx I think the best bet is to get a moderator for @Nutty during the 9-hour window she is unavailable. For everyone's reference:

PST: 12PM - 9PM
EST: 3PM - 12AM
GMT: 7PM - 4AM
Fairy Crocodile said…
Whether she does or doesn't have a good team is not the point. She doesn't listen to advice. Countless people told her not to drag racism into her issues with royals. She did. She was advised against personal outpouring in the documentary. She did anyway. She and Harry were directly requested not to announce their departure until details are agreed. We all saw the result. The same goes on now. Looks like she expects people just magically give her what she wants, not advise her how to behave and what to do.
SirStinxAlot said…
Team Sussex seems like it is powered by a potato these days. Like a middle school experiment gone wrong.
They are chaotic, and good reputable professionals can spot their ignorance a mile a way. Look how their last staff was treated. You would have to be desperate or stupid to work for them.
People with talent will get snagged by better opportunities to work with actual talent. The z list actress will most likely have to settle for zlist team. Remember her saying "I am such a fraud". The zlist talent with the same mentality will con them into jobs long enough to boost their resume, then ghost the disasterous duo.

xxxxx said…
My thinking too. And how about Elle and one other? Even if not done perfectly and all the time.... A relief pitcher for Nutty's off times would be effective. Though Elle deleting Cats would be the best justice. Elle might even give off a smirk or two as she deletes cats and other bad actors.
xxxxx said…
Just Above addressed to Charade!
Speaking as a medically-unqualified person (therefore not bound by a code of medical ethics!) my experience of my latest narcissist not taking advice/refusing to do as requested/recommended amounted to something like what educational psychologists call `obstructive disobedience disorder'.

Reminds me of the old days of teaching about sulphur/sulfa, if you insist. The kids had melted flowers of sulphur in their test tubes (hard glass). Given stern warning not to breathe in the fumes if/when it ignited (the pretty blue flame produces sulphur dioxide).

So of course the little buggers did, just to find out why they'd been warned, they said, once they'd stopped choking.

That was long ago, before we were hot on Health, Safety and fume cupboards.

Even when it's in their own best interest to listen and comply, they seem incapable - the `Nobody tells Me what to do' syndrome. To give in would be to acknowledge that they were giving way to a stronger person - for them, that's just not on.
Sylvia said…
Speaking of MM PR teams The charlton dutchess tumblr blog today has picture of MM with her former PR consultant Elizabeth Tuke of Tuke consulting "who's PR team created cursted managed wrote MM Tig blog "picture taken at the 2014 US open tennis match
" guess the paparazzi was trying to get a picture of Kevin Garnett (NBA basketball player) and she was pictured because of proximity"
Fairy Crocodile said…
A while ago I was musing here what made Megsy who she is. I have got my answer. Deceiteful Duchess has an article about Megsy's mother and it is not a pretty read.
Sylvia said…
Sylvia said…
@Fairy Crocodile
Thanks for the link to D.D.
Its an amazing insight into Doria's past fFar more detailed information than whats been out there you think? .Mother daughter seem very alike genetics or nurture?
xxxxx said…
What Fairy Croca is referring to on Doria. Child like mother. Part two with a link to part one.
New. News to me at least. Date is from December. Lots of original photos. Extensive text too.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Sylvia and xxxx
What came as huge surprise to me is suggestion that Thomas Markle cheated using his connections to get the lottery win, and lost it when the story surfaced. Other sources his win was legit and he lost money due to bad investments. Don't know what to believe, although I always wondered how he lost his job and everything else in life. As for Doria her prison time is a well known fact.
Portcitygirl said…

Article stated they are in Malibu with Archie.
Portcitygirl said…

I couldn't get the link to come up.
Portcitygirl said…

Was able to link from my mobile. Wow. That was a pretty scathing article. MM is not going to like that.
Nutty Flavor said…
I didn't find that article about Doria credible.

It came from a Russian source, and had some obvious mistakes, like the presence of a jury in a child custody trial. Judges decide on custody, not juries.

The supposedly corrupt Lotto win also sounds very Russian. Supposedly Thomas was suspected because his show filmed at the same studio as the Lotto drawing was held.

While I do not live in California, it seems odd that the lottery draw would be held at ABC Television Center in Hollywood, Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood, or Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, which was where the show was filmed.

Also that the Russian author says the "police" were looking into it. What type of police? State? Local? National?

My guess is that the Russian author wrote around pictures and invented the rest.
KCM1212 said…

I've been trying for a couple of months to figure out how to follow this blog.

That may be why you have so much traffic with relatively few followers.

How the neck do I do it?

xxxxx said…
Live easy link to Doria and Thomas backgrounder + expose. Parts one and two. That Fairy Cr. and Portcitygirl gave their seal of approval to. :)
CookieShark said…
One part of that blind sounds very credible: MM insisting on still using the title.

I believe 100% MM was behind the retort during Megxit that HMTQ had no right to the word "Royal" (paraphrased). This reeks of her pathology. I would believe that she thought "stepping back" from Royal duties meant she was free to merch, since she wouldn't technically be a senior royal anymore. She did not count on everything being taken away.
Sylvia said…
@Fairy Crocodile (love your name )
It's the details in the article that reveal so much more than before. Not just the bare bones of the Lottery win by TM or the known prison sentence but more revealing detail of TM Lottery win and the real reason for the D prison sentence
That's if it's credible not fabricated as Nutty has highlighted incorrect facts ie jury not judge ?
Re-posting, I forgt which blog I was on!

I had difficulty accessing the virus blog site to start with, as a normal search only brought up this site, no matter how `firmly' I attached `virus' to `blog'.

For ages the only way I could do it was to go to Nutty's profile on t'other blog & select it from the list there. On my Google search page, tho, it eventually appeared automatically as a `favourite' leading to the latest board.

My tagging the latest as `favourite' didn't work - I was led to that board and that board only, even when fresh boards were up.

Hope that helps.
Sandie said…
@Nutty Flavor: I didn't find that article about Doria credible

Me neither ... a badly written and poorly thought-out slander (Parts 1 and 2). Thanks for using your knowledge and experience to point out some obvious errors that I missed. But, I can say ...

There is no factual basis to the rumour that Doria was in prison. If she had been, there would be a record and the media would have told that story. (Meghan went to live with her father because she asked to (maybe he spoiled her and Doria was more strict?), but she continued to see and send time with Doria.

There is no factual basis to the statement about Thomas losing his job in Hollywood. He retired. He may not live like a millionaire but he has a nice home (photos of the interior show a very nice home), lives well and has money left over to give to charity and help out others.

There are rumours about Thomas making a bad investment with his Lotto win, but it was not a major huge amount and it is quite feasible that he spent it (Meghan's private schooling, her overseas trips, her post-school education, and everything else was paid for by her father).

I wonder why a Russian would compile such poorly constructed stories about Meghan that are full of falsehoods?
Fairy Crocodile said…
I did a simple research and it does show Doria has a criminal record. The nature of the crime is behind a paywall and I didn't want to pay to find out. You can easily do the criminal record search for anyone.
This comment has been removed by the author.
I apologize if anyone upthread already suggested this, but maybe what Briefcase Girl #5 has is the best team willing to work with her at this time, at a price she can actually pay: a one-person outfit, known as Megan Markle.

And, bless her heart, she's getting what she paid for.
KCM1212 said…

If TM spent his lottery win on Meghan that was a very bad investment indeed

Very sad for him

KCM1212 said…

Even If this format allowed for a poster to be blocked, it's a very easy thing to change ones username

Unless...can a VPN be blocked?
Animal Lover said…
Enty is hit and miss. He writes to get the most clicks. His Hmmm source was exposed as a fraud. I read his site because I like some of the comments. Other commentators are conspiracy theorists.

The tone of the blog has changed dramatically over the years depending on what audience Enty is trying to reach.

One of the reasons I like Nutty's site is bloggers bring in news articles and opinion pieces by writers who aren't mental. Special thanks to the blogger who mentioned the Airmail site. Nutty also allows for differing views on the Sussexes.

Back to the blind, Lainey has been MM's unofficial PR person for years. She was the source who said Kate refused to take Meghan shopping with her even though they were headed to the same stores. Lainey promoted Meghan as something she wasn't.

I was surprised when one of Nutty's bloggers revealed that M had lied about speaking to the UN and received a standing ovation from someone important who wasn't even in attendance. That was easily fact checked as have other claims M has made that have proven false.

M's self promotion can only take her so far. She was able to marry a prince who turns out to have severe mental health and self esteem issues, but securing a large income may not be possible. We shall see.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Thank you! I always wonder why there is so manybody would want to put so much disinformation about somebody of no consequence. Not like Thomas or Doria hold public offices or stand for election.

I can see why Russians could make a mistake about divorce cases been decided by jury; Texas and Georgia allow this option, but not California.

I find it compelling that Markle was left in the care of her father since she was two, normally judge would side with the mother. There was something in Doria's history that tipped the scales in Thomas's favour.

Anyway, royals have plenty expensive solicitors to make sure what they missed in Megsy's history is now filled in. I am convinced they know everything there is to know by now.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Sorry for the words mash, my phone has a will of it's own!
Sandie said…
@Fairy Crocodile:
I did a simple research and it does show Doria has a criminal record. The nature of the crime is behind a paywall and I didn't want to pay to find out. You can easily do the criminal record search for anyone.

Bankruptcy? I think she was hauled to court and declared a bankrupt delinquent more than once.

Media such as Daily Mail would pay to get behind the paywall and find out what her criminal record is about. I think they did and that is why her bankruptcies have been reported in mainstream media.
Sandie said…
@Fairy Crocodile: Meghan lived with her father from the age of about 11. Until then, she lived with her mother, but Thomas would have paid child support for her.

There was some story put out about Thomas being able to fetch her from School and take her to set as a form of babysitting (Doria was supposedly working and had no one to take care of her when she finished school). I suspect that Doria was a strict mother whereas Thomas completely indulged and spoilt Meghan (and had a nicer house) so I think Meghan wanted to live with her father and found a way to get what she wanted. Until then, though, she lived with her mother and was close to her mother's family, so although she saw her father frequently, she grew up with a black family. After she went to live with her father, she started straightening her hair and by the time she was an adult there was no sign that she spent the first 10 or more years of her life growing up in a black family and surrounded by black culture.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Yes indeed, thank you for correction. Her parents divorced when she was 6 and she continued to live with her mother for a while. As Good Housekeeping puts it, she spent increasing time with her father when she became interested in acting.
I still wonder where Doria was in her daughter's life after Megs needed with her dad permanently.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Landed with her father!!! Blooming autocorrect!!!!
Anonymous said…
I think that part of Markle’s dilemma right now with her PR is twofold. (1) Up until her relationship with Harry, she seemed to have a hold on her narcissism to a certain extent, Sure, she ghosted people right, left, and center, but it was enough under wraps that she was able to create the illusion she wanted to create: a savvy woman with a modern style and the appropriate politically correct goals. Sort of Oprah light. Of course, this was all a sham as she flitted from man to man, cause to cause, friend to friend on her quest for greater glory. She had much more control over the narrative as she was essentially a nothing-burger in the greater scheme of things. Then she met Harry and she began to think that all her dreams were about to become true. Yes, she started to get the press she believed she deserved from the get go, but it also put her under a microscope, and all the scrubbing of her former life couldn’t hide that she was essentially a shallow woman who was insanely ambitious. (I’m convinced the BRF were working overtime to scour the Internet of the less flattering aspects of her life.) She did nothing to dispel that notion with her banana writing and pap strolls, etc. She doubled-down on her fake persona as someone who cared about the PC things one is supposed to care about. But the problem with that is where No. 2 comes in.

All that press that she wanted, craved for, had spent years cultivating was hers. Nirvana? No. It exposed her for the two-bit grifter and hypocrite that she’d always been. Her influencer website, The Tig, was nothing more than a vanity project where she could stand with a glass of wine on the balconies of hotels that certainly SHE couldn’t have afforded in her pre-Harry days. Unless she was comped for it, she was still pressing her nose against the glass. And because of her awareness is about 1/2-inch thick, she couldn’t see the disconnect between giving woke speeches one day, and lounging on the terrace of a five-star hotel, drinking a from a bottle of expensive champagne that was cost as much as another person’s wages for a week. She just doesn’t get that, and she STILL doesn’t get it.

All her relationships for the last twenty years have been purely transactional. Unfortunately, it seems like most of those people didn’t realize that it was purely transactional on her part. And marrying Harry put her in the position of being at the top of the transactional heap. This is why all those people like George Clooney and Ellen were bending over backwards to support her. She had huge transactional bank. Leaving the BRF was, IMO, the STUPIDEST thing she could have done. It put her in transactional bankruptcy.

I believe that her marriage to Harry unleashed the narcissism hounds. She seems to have crossed over an invisible line where previously she understood her relationship to others and used them appropriately, to now swallowing her own internal PR. I’m sure she’s completely baffled by this turn of events. By this point, she’s not listening to anyone but her internal voice, whereas before she did, sort of, listen to external advice. Now, she is her own worst enemy, constantly making stupid mistakes because the voice in her head is constantly praising her as being the best and the brightest. I’m positive she lies awake at night wondering why people aren’t getting it? I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, it would be sad if she wasn’t such a malignant person at heart. Who in their right mind courts Hollywood for major roles while simultaneously spreading PR about how she didn’t get the roles she should have gotten previously because the industry was so racist? How can she not see that this beyond self-destructive?

Fairy Crocodile said…
Yes, possible bankruptcy fraud. It is a criminal offence in the States, isn't it? Punishable by prison time. It is conceivable if Doria committed this crime she could have needed up in prison for several years with a criminal record to her name.
Question about the PR stuff, as I'm a scientist and not versed in that world. When you sign up with a PR company, do you pay for a package deal, like you get x number of articles/pieces about you planted in media over the course of for example 30 days, no matter what else is going on in the world? The releases and timing have been completely tone deaf, which seems like not the best team or use of money(or a lower-priced pkg deal?). I would think the "best team" would play it by ear and release stuff that way. But I suppose you get what you pay for, like anything else. it's like these pieces were scheduled and are coming out on a certain date no matter what, in addition to the ones thrown out there strictly to overshadow the RF's things. I also think some of what is being put out is her merching, or trying to bait the RF, like "If you buy me this house or pay me x amount, I won't go nuclear."
My mother firmly believed that it `doesn't do to get what you've always wanted'.

To illustrate the point, she'd refer to the wife of one of my father's friends who had longed for a carpet in the sitting room and had finally achieved it.

`And then they went to Eastbourne for the weekend', she'd say, `where she got food poisoning and died. See? That's what happens when you get what you want'.

I certainly disagree with my mother's superstitious logic about causal relationships but there is truth in the idea that getting `what you want' isn't always good for you if you handle it badly.

Meghan will never get what she wants because she always wants More! More! More! As Wizeard wench says `How can she not see that this beyond self-destructive?'
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
lizzie said…
@Fairy Crocodile @Sandie,

Bankruptcy itself isn't a crime but bankruptcy fraud most certainly is (e.g., hiding assets during a bankruptcy) Doria was also evicted from an apartment about the same time as the bankruptcy. So her criminal record could be associated with her obviously problematic personal finances--maybe bouncing checks, kiting checks, etc as those can become criminal matters.

The bankruptcy, at least the one we know about, happened when M was at Northwestern though, not when she was 11 or a younger teenager.

I do think there's something "unsavory" in Doria's past. I did see online long ago the bankruptcy filing but it has disappeared and I did not keep a copy. As I recall, her assets reportedly totaled around $3000 and I believe she had debts around $50,000.

As to why the press hasn't reported on it if there's something there--- Remember Harry's statement in Nov 2016. Part of it said:

"Some of this has been very public - the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments. Some of it has been hidden from the public - the nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers..."

I do wonder if some of those "defamatory" stories were about Doria. Depending on the legal tactics used, the press may have stayed muzzled.

I also wonder how even M's defenders could believe her claim she didn't know about the tabs until she moved to the UK given what Harry said publicly a year before that!
Portcitygirl said…
Unfortunately, per the Doria article, where there is smoke there is fire. It would be completely defamatory to put this in the public domain if there weren't some truth to it, imho. I always wait for a rebuttal, as in JH's Russian prank. One didn't come and now we know it was absolutely true. I have no issue with Doria having gone to prison as people grow and change and good people make mistakes.

My issue is with HAMS' total disregard and bullying treatment, played out in the media intentially, of her dad. My opinion of both of them went way down after that. People that treat a loved one as such are bad people. I know due to first hand experience.

I don't normally read the Daily Express due to all the commercials, but there is a very demeaning video about HAMS supposedly disrepecting the firefighters in Australia by refusing to let them use Archie's name on one of their fire bombers. I couldn't get it to link due to storms here and my connection is weak.
Anonymous said…
@anon-Unknown Oh, I think there ar a lot of people who make it in Hollywood with no talent as actors. Or least they are bankable for about ten years and then fade away to a career of doing infomercials. Markle’s problem is not the lack of talent, per se. I think it was because she made a fatal mistake that a lot of young actresses do: she positioned herself as a sex kitten when that has a very limited lifespan. Over 30 and you’re done. I think she was damn lucky to get the Suits gig, frankly. I suppose she thought she could transition out of sex persona into the woke persona. Unfortunately for her, there are no boundaries to her ambition and she LOVED the sex kitten persona too much to give it up.

She never stopped to think, how will this serve me down the road? Should I really be simulating blow jobs in cars and dusting in a Merry Widow? Will this come back to bite me on the ass? I think she got desperate as she began to age and threw caution to the winds, or actually reveled in that persona, hoping to snag a rich husband in the process.

It seems to me, with the bra flashing, the bras that don’t fit so that her boobs are hanging over the rim of her brassieres, etc., that her sexuality is very important to her, integral to her identity. It’s a marketing ploy that she can’t seem to shake off, Even though this was the scrubbing of the century, the BRF (or her PR company) couldn’t eliminate everything. And, of course, gaps in time like that raise more questions than they answer. If I’d been her, I’d have gone resolutely prudish, as if to say, yes, that was foolish of me. But I was a starving actress and forced myself to play the sex kitten to make rent. She should have out “pruded” Kate. Given Kate a run for her money in terms of appropriate behavior and attire. Had she been truly evil, she could have pulled that off, and then had more than enough ammunition in her racism whining. Look at me. I do everything right, and yet the BRF hates me. But nooooo. She shows up at events and not only eschews protocol, she actively seeks to sneer at it with all the barging forward and hand holding and blatant disregard of local customs, only setting the stage for later on when people say, it’s not that she’s biracial, it’s that she’s a bloody train wreck. We don’t want her representing us because she can’t even honor Muslim culture and put her frigging hair back behind the headscraf. I saw a picture of a video of her actively arranging her tramp lanks outside of the head scarf BEFORE entering a the mosque! Who in their right mind does this?

Because she can’t resist seeing herself as an object of desire. In her 50’s, she will be one of those horrid women you see at parties chatting up young men while wearing totally inappropriate blouses and dresses and shoving her boobs in their faces. Remember the garden party she got thrown out of? That “ho” walk across the lawn as she and Harry exited? That was the WORST time in the world to pull that stunt. It said, “I don’t care if we’re thrown out. I’m still the most beautiful piece of ass here.” What in the world was she thinking? She should have walked out of that party with her dignity on high. Instead, her vanity demanded that she sashay out of there with all the panache of a high-class prostitute. Right there and then I said to myself, whoa, this woman has issues. Harry is a fool. Which has proven to be right, although I don’t claim to be a genius at reading the tea leaves. It was just obvious that her ego had to win every single time. Even when she wasn’t winning! In her mind, she was winning.
Fairy Crocodile said…

I agree with you there is something unsavory in Doria's past they had to fight to keep out of papers. It may explain their ongoing war with media, they are trying to muzzle as much as they can because there is information that will be damaging if released.


Megs is not a great actress and she is flimsy using what she learned at filming sets; she also confuses vulgarity with sexuality. It bothers me, I really dislike her but her behavior and demeanor make me think she could have been sexually abused very early on, and it formed her modus operandi. She associates sex with climbing up in life. She is one very disturbed cookie and the reason is what happened to her while she was very young I think.
Christine said…
@wizard wench- I storongly agree about Meghan's sexuality. She uses it in every single aspect of her existence. I think her sexual nature was hugely appealing to Harry (as it would be!) My sister always says that at H & M's wedding Harry was looking at her with such longing. Between his dim and non-worldly nature and responding to Meghan's sexuality, she has that man WHIPPED. Think of any person that you've lusted over, would you never wake up from it even at the risk of alienating your beloved family who just so happens to be one of the oldest and most powerful governing families in the world???

In reading about narcissists, you read that they have a hard time listening to others. Here is where Meg TRIES HER BUTT OFF. When she listens to someone, you can see those weird looks on her face as if she is utterly forcing herself to listen because there is some end she is trying to accomplish. Harry was such a sucker for that. She had that boy hook, line and sinker probably after 1 or 2 nights together. I have read different things, like Harry wasn't sure about her but I don't buy it. She had the right 'mojo' for Harry. Also Charles... he loved her in the beginning. I would say I highly doubt Charles has any feeling for her left. To be frank, she isn't in bed with Charles so that oozing sexuality wears off after awhile!
@ Fairy Crocodile: She doesn't listen to advice.

You hit the nail on the head. BG has had numerous items where she was specifically advised by the Palace not to to do something or wear something (such as jeans at Wimbledon) but she went ahead and did it anyway.

Reminds me of a World War I joke I once read: What is the difference between God and the Kaiser? God knows everything. The Kaiser knows everything better.
Anonymous said…

@xxxxx, ... Though Elle deleting Cats would be the best justice. Elle might even give off a smirk or two as she deletes cats and other bad actors.

LOLOLOLOL! Can you imagine the howling at the moon that would stir up? It would be relentless, her trying every way to sneak in. So while I'd be happy to help, and I'm getting a great laugh out of the visuals, I'm not sure that this is the best option. OTOH, maybe it would stop her entirely...

nah, who are we kidding. If that were the case, she'd just stop anyway.

I have said that I just won't post during the hours from 12 pm to 9 pm PST, and that should help some of it. Also, IMO, I think it's time for everyone to realize that there's just no being nice and responding. Ignoring completely has to happen, even with the sane comments, because any acknowledgement at all eventually unleashes bat merde. I had tried the nice tack, thinking maybe she'd turned a corner, but no, it's a vicious circle.
Anonymous said…
@Fairy Crocodile, have you seen those photos of her at 16 with her tour guide? Completely inappropriate, and not that I'm holding a teen girl responsible for that, just saying that you may be right, and she learned some really inappropriate sexual behavior young. IDT that has to be sexual abuse, even emotional abuse could do it, but some relationship where she was objectified and/or where she learned to use her feminine charms to manipulate really early on?
Anonymous said…
I should have typed 'emotional incest', not abuse.
bootsy said…
The only thing we know for sure about Doria is she had MM, divorced Thomas Markle, trained and worked as a social worker, was a yoga teacher and her travel agency went bankrupt. And that's it. Am I correct? This arrest stuff sounds like a load of bollocks.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Yes, I have see her pics with tour guides and found them disturbing. It is a classic action-reward. She has learned that it is "cool" to behave like that.

I do not even want to consider how she learned such behavior. She uses men she traps with her sexual favors for gain and advancement and doesn't see anything wrong with it or with just dropping them afterwards. Business deal. It is a classic sign that she views payment with sex as fair game (I let you f me you give me what I want).

Many women do the same thing; I can't quite explain but in Megs it is almost pathological. Did you see how she makes sex eyes at any potentially useful male even in Harry's presence?

I may be wrong but I think something had happened to her that we would be horrified about.
CookieShark said…
Re: Kate & Shopping-gate

I remember this story, but I hadn't thought about it for awhile.

Unlike the folks on CB, I'm not going to engage in mental gymnastics to explain away her behavior (except when they do this it is usually about H&M). If the story is true, so what? Perhaps Kate didn't want to take MM with her? I wouldn't want to spend time with her if I didn't have to. But, the Sussex Squad will not tolerate anyone who does anything less than fawn and cater 100% to MM.

MustySyphone said…
I volunteer to be tribute for Elle, if it helps. LOLOLOLOL
MustySyphone said…
I'm actually slightly serious here. I'll be tribute if means Elle will stay!
Animal Lover said…
Something all Royals can do is to make some masks.
Even tracing a pattern and cutting it is not too hard.

If I can do it for my community, even Harry and Meghan can do a few.

True most people will scoff but they need some positive publicity.

They have a talent for stepping in💩 and don't realize it or care.

Fairy Crocodile said…
Interesting fact to consider.

I have used various free online searches to find information on Doria Ragland and this is how I learned she has a criminal record attached to her, as well as the fact that she had been evicted from a flat and also had bankruptcy record.

Now when I do the same search nothing appears; search engines can't even find a person with this name in California.

I am sure the records are still there and can be found with some effort but somebody did a good job cleaning her files.

This makes me think there is something Megs doesn't want to surface.
Anonymous said…
@Fairy Crocodile, you make valid points and, sadly, you are probably onto something. That early kind of 'acting out' is learned. The other girls in the photo weren't doing the posing. Of course, I am not holding her responsible for learning that behavior and using it at 16. At 16, it's sad and, if anyone had been paying attention, then steps could've been taken to help her.

She's 40ish now, and still using it, though, and that does not get a pass from me. At this point, that is her choice. She could look at her behavior objectively, evaluate the patterns in her life, ask for help, and change it. That she doesn't/hasn't is her choice. Many people in their early lives have unhealthy experiences, sexual and otherwise, and many choose to grow and change later. Rache doesn't seem to have chosen that path. And yes, she gives every available "potential" the good-to-go signal.
Anonymous said…

I volunteer to be tribute for Elle, if it helps. LOLOLOLOL

ROFL, lol, classic! I love the Hunger Games, and of course, i want to be a Peta girl, but also of course, I'm a Gale girl lol. Which are you? This may be important before we begin...
Anonymous said…
And I hope you all have a sunny and sane afternoon. I'm outta here till 9 pm or later.
Animal Lover said…
I'm neutral about Doria and Thomas Sr.
It seems like both parents had trouble managing money.

There will be a few biographies on Meghan and at least one of them will be well researched.

From what I can gather she's a shallow person like most reality stars.
Some bloggers give her more power to and credit than she deserves.

Just follow news stories and not opinion pieces and you can see how time and again she made a muddle of things.

This says to me what other bloggers here including Nutty have said: Meghan doesn't listen to advice. So doesn't Harry.

He's too angry and impulsive.
lizzie said…
@Fairy Crocodile,

I had done the same thing. Stuff was there before. And it was a personal bankruptcy, not a business one as I recall (although it could have occurred because her travel agency failed.)
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Cookie Shark

It is easy to understand why Kate didn't want to take Megs with her. Kate has security team at all times, she informs them about her movements and they drive with her.

Imagine logistical nightmare squeezing Megs into all this at very short notice. Does she come alone or with her bodyguard? If together how do they fit in Kate's car? How bodyguards interact? If alone who is responsible for her? What if she decides to go with Kate and then split from her? Do they split Kate's team to follow Megs? How they control her movements?

Megsy never thinks about others that is why she took offense.
Seabee666 said…
I am convinced Meghan's team consists of Meghan, Omid Acobie and Lainey Lui. I doubt any heavy weights want to work with a talentless, toxic egomaniac and her sad sack of a castrated husband.

Early on, Meghan seemed fairly media savvy, knowing how to monetize followers into advertising dollars, etc. With her starlet dreams fading as "Suits" wound down and age 40 on the horizon, Meghan began to reinvent herself as a politically active, global feminist and lifestyle blogger. The pre-Harry Meghan had The Tig, was a burgeoning brand spokesperson, and hobnobbed among Toronto's A-List. She parlayed an intro to Harry, contrived Harry into publicly defending her against press persecution she staged, and landed the cover of Vanity Fair suggests there was some pretty smart string pullers (like Gina Nelthorpe-Cowne who was later Markled) at work.

After dumping Gina and building her new team with the British tax payers' money, Meghan's inflated sense of PR acumen went nuclear. For some reason, she thought it was smart to defy protocol, diminish Harry to whipping boy, flaunt a pregnancy at 10 weeks to coincide with a Royal wedding, write on bananas, launch a fashion line to hobnob with designers, edit Vogue through plagiarism, and cry about how hard it is to be rich and royal on a documentary about the crises in Africa. And that's with her handpicked team in Buckingham Palace.

Now, on to Act III, the post #SussexRoyal era. An unhinged Meghan is dealing with the results of her know-it-all impulsiveness crashing down in the middle of a pandemic. Who knows how lucid Harry is to have gone along with Meghan's scheme of Outrageous Fortune to live in LA as HRH the Duchess, build a Kardashianesque mega-fortune under the guise of a foundation, star with A-listers in Oscar worthy films, be a global brand.

In a spectacular Reversal of Fortune, they are shunned, broke and pathetic using the likes of Lainey and Obie to try and rebuild the Sussex reputation through hits in British newspapers' on-line editions where every story is bombarded by almost entirely negative comments. If Meghan was smart or not completely nuts - whichever - she would have stuck with the people who got her to the palace gates not Markled them for knowing where the bodies are buried. So, Nutty the answer is no, Meghan has not and cannot hire the best of the best. CDAN is way off course on that one.
Fairy Crocodile said…

Yes, a number of posters mentioned finding stuff about Ragland (I think it was Hikari who just didn't want to pay either, like me, to dig deeper, but we all could see things about her).

Now this is all gone.
Button said…
I am an oldie and in all my time I have never really encountered someone who was a narcissist. They could have been right in my face but I would not have known that. I have only learned about this from watching Ginge and Cringe as they go crashing from one extreme to the other. It really is mindboggling that during this crisis that is happening in the world that they are truly blind to it. Apparently this is what narcs do and how they operate. My word, I cannot fathom going through life like that. I almost feel sorry for them, but then I recall all the horribleness they have caused, and stop right there.
CookieShark said…
@ Fairy you raise excellent points. I would also believe that Kate knew a thing or two about how MM allegedly treated staff, and wasn't about to inflict that upon her team.
Nutty Flavor said…
Terribly sorry, everyone, but I’m going to turn on moderated for the comments overnight to avoid more drama. Feel free to send a comment anyway, and I will publish when I wake up tomorrow. Apologies!
Teasmade said…
I was on Twitter and saw "Princess Beatrice" trending. Apparently she's planning a bigger, post-Covid wedding to cheer everyone up. They are ALL tone-deaf! Comments are NOT in favor. The arrogance!

There was also a poll (in the Express??) about which royal personage cheered you up the most, or was the biggest comfort, or something like that, in these times.Really? How is this even a question? What have they DONE?

How about Jack Dorsey, giving away a billion dollars? How about any nameless medical worker, sacrificing health and family time? How about any ordinary person (some of them who post on here) who are shopping for neighbors who can't shop for themselves?

I hope this is all just one more nail in the coffin of royalty.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
I think what also binds Markle to Harry is that neither of them seemed to have ever had to face consequences for their actions. She was obscure enough to just move on from relationship to relationship (and I include her family in that dynamic) because at some point all these people had fulfilled their purpose. Now her normal tactics of ghosting and and/or smearing aren’t working. We have been admonished in the past for making armchair diagnoses. I will say that character assassination for those who are being dumped or ghosted is one of the key tactics in the arsenal of NPDs and leave it at that.

Harry has never had to face consequences. Ever. Blew off school because he knew that his father would force them to at least pass him. Consorted openly with hookers in at least one orgy we know of. Bring in ElF to orchestrate the public rehabilitation of Harry the Soldier (but I don’t believe for one moment that any of that party-boy shit stopped). His alleged distress at losing his military affiliations sounds like just another one of his pity parties to me. He’d rather shill for his wife in PUBLIC for voice over jobs with Disney than commemorate the loss of soldiers to an IRA bomb. Harry, you deserved every degree of shade directed toward you for that gross act of selfishness. The rumors of his insubordination and demands that he be treated differently from the other soldiers in his troop now have context.

Both of them appeared absolutely gob-smacked when the Queen put her foot down. They thought they would waltz through life in California (now that there isn’t any doubt that this had been the playbook all along), getting oodles of pounds to fund their celebrity lifestyle while doing nothing on behalf of the Crown.

This isn’t just privilege on steroids. It goes way beyond that. These two have never had to face unpleasant music and now the band has packed up their instruments and gone home. Except for the lone trumpet player, who’s playing Taps.
SDJ said…
Thanks for moderating Nutty - I'm sorry its gotten to this. I wish people would just ignore a poster they don't like instead of creating high-school level drama.

Thanks for this blog. I love it and I find your insights and questions really thought-provoking.
Archie's name on an Australian fire-bombing plane -

Would it have made a difference for the Australians to have offered a `contribution' to them and their `charity'?

Or if they had wanted to name it after her? With or without a contribution?

Button, in answer -

Narcissists have a 'nose' for potential victims - they smell us out from afar:

Somehow, they can pick up on those who:

- have weak personal boundaries,

- have qualities they wish they had themselves and are envious of,

- have been `trained ' to comply with a narcissist's demands by narcissistic parents,

- who feel guilty about not being `nice' enough and who try `always to see the best in others.'

- are lonely and desperate for friendship.

- who take responsibility for their own possible part in any upset, wondering what they themselves had done to upset the narcissist.

I know I tick several of those boxes and have been inadvertently `facilitating' and complicit . Hence the number of narcissists I've had to deal with. I like to think I'm wiser now.

If you project a image of having strong boundaries, of not taking any nonsense from someone who falsely professes friendship, they will leave you in peace. You clearly have the necessary immunity. Lucky lady!
KCM1212 said…
I'm with @Seabee666 and think "the best of the best" is defined by Megs, who certainly thinks that is an apt descriptor for herself, Omid Scobie and Lainey.

I don't think she can afford herself. She is getting nothing but scorn for her money. Sorry. Harry's money. Oh well, easy come, easy go, right Megs?

I wonder what Catherine St. Laurent thinks about the mess she has landed in. After the calm, kind Gates family, it must feel like a trip to the seventh circle of hell. Noisy, chaotic and crazy. And she is stuck with this circus until the worst of this pandemic is over. Not a great time to go job hunting. Did the woman not read the papers before she accepted this gig? Maybe she is as bad as they are and the Gates' hindered her free expression like the BRF hindered Megs.

@wizard wench you are on fire today. Excellent posts!

And where has @Hikari been?
Lindy said…
I don’t think it’s so much the fault of any PR firm. She just doesn’t listen to them. Meghan’s going to get such a bad reputation she will have a hard time getting top tier. Who needs it?

And Enty has never been too reliable about MM. Sometimes it’s like he pulls things out of his hat.
@Cookie Shark

"It is easy to understand why Kate didn't want to take Megs with her."

Are we discussing when Kate didn't offer Madam a lift to Waitrose? I thought that whinge was extraordinarily petty.

Our neighbours regularly drive past me as I trudge up the road, clearly going shopping. Never so much as enquire if they could give me a lift. Do I tell the World? Certainly not, because I know it could backfire , as in `Really? What's she done to upset them?'

That's a very good point about the RPOs. M wouldn't have considered that for a moment.
SwampWoman said…
No problem! Have a peaceful evening!
Seabee666 said…
As for what's behind Doria Ragland, I think the two-parter was nonsense. Rigged lotteries? Me thinks the real dirty deal has to do with her father's house that she snatched from her co-inheritor after her father died on the sidewalk in front after tripping over his dog...
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Nutty Flavor said...
Terribly sorry, everyone, but I’m going to turn on moderated for the comments overnight to avoid more drama. Feel free to send a comment anyway, and I will publish when I wake up tomorrow. Apologies!

Quite understood. Rest well :)

I expect everyone's seen the meat of this in other rags but the sting in the tail is:

"As a reminder, Meghan and Harry are planning to spend the majority of their time in the United States, but they've made it clear they'll still have a strong connection to England and the royal family.As a reminder, Meghan and Harry are planning to spend the majority of their time in the United States, but they've made it clear they'll still have a strong connection to England and the royal family. In fact, they're said to be spending time with the Queen in her Balmoral estate this summer (assuming it's safe to travel!)."

One good reason to continue the lockdown?
OT but posting here,as well as on virus blog, in hope Ava C finds it:
MustySyphone said…

I'm a Gale's looks and Peta's personality kind of girl. I love the way Peta loves Katness but I also love Gale's eyes!
bootsy said…
@ Fairy Crocodile
Thanks for the background to your searches r.e. Doria. When I searched nothing came up except a Quora question asking whether Doria had a criminal record. Are arrests public documents, are there online resources from the justice system that can't be scrubbed by Google?

To give you all an idea about the power of scrubbing data, I have a friend who is a keen cyclist. He read a book about a pro cyclist (can't remember the name-sorry. Maybe Dutch and a definitely drugs cheat ) and remembered that in the book he had said he was married to a particular woman who came from a very wealthy background. I can't remember the order of things exactly, but she divorced the cyclist years ago and had subsequently applied to have all records of the marriage expunged from the public domain. This is what mystified my friend who went back to the book , saw her name and typed it into Google and other search engines to see her details. Absolutely NONE of them mentioned the marriage. It's only because he had the printed words in a book that he knew this event/relationship ever existed. A real eye opener.

I have done searches on corporate issues (how rubbish train services are) and you can tell the search terms have been scrubbed as you just get directed to industry sites all the time while in all other searches google brings up all kinds of detail.

It really can happen, I'm just surprised that an arrest record can be 'forgotten. ' Can anyone else provide any details about Doria's arrest. Did you save any records, take a screensaver?
bootsy said…
Interesting. At the bottom of a Doria Ragland google search there is a link saying (paraphrasing here) that the search has elements of the 2014 EU law that allows the 'right to be forgotten ' on the internet. Wow this stinks.
Jdubya said…
Not sure this has been posted yet

If THEY did decide not to use the surname - they certainly will have something planned. I do notice he still used Prince along with Duke of Sussex.
Sadie Sunshine said…
It my actually be true that she has a great team behind her. Per my source (who works in Hollywood and has connections to the royal family), top agents were clamoring to sign her and Harry. The feeling at that time was that she and Harry were poised to make a ton of money. He hasn't heard much about them in Hollywood circles recently, so not sure what the recent scoop is for them with pending deals, but he told me last week that the buzz is that their foundation will make the Clintons and their look "clean" by comparison.

Royal family has really locked down what they're saying about M&H, so he's getting no intel from his friends on the inside.

Wish I had more scoop to share with my fellow Nutties. :(
Hello All,

I read this today in the New Yorker online. I’m not a subscriber but was able to access the one article. The words that come first to mind to describe it are “insipid” and “whitewash job”. You may disagree with that assessment, but I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts. Here is the link in case you’d like to read it yourselves:
First our Governor shuts down all the state parks, now Nutty shuts down the blog overnight for moderation (which I do understand and accept). At least I scored the trifecta at Target today when I was able to buy TP, paper towels and Kleenex. Normally the shelves are stripped bare of those items. So not all was lost.
Genia said…
I'm still not fully understanding the garden party that Meghan was kicked out and escorted from, is that the one with Charles and Camilla as hosts? What are the details and sources that these details? Reliable or not so much?

Regarding Doria's shady past, I do think that is the case or else she would've jumped on the Oprah gravy train as one of Oprah's cadre of mental health experts. I subscribe to identity check services and I did look up Doria's background on the site 2 years ago, now her information has been scrubbed. What I was able to see 2 years ago was that she had a criminal history, detailed with date and jurisdiction of where that was prosecuted. If my memory is correct, it was in Riverside County. I can't remember the exact time though, but definitely not in the 1980s but later I think in the 1990s.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Gosh, the Harry Markle blog is such a treasure. Post after post.

"People have questioned as to why ‘Sussex Royal’ the website and the Instagram account are still up, because even if they are inactive, it still actually allows them to use the images there to promote themselves. Theoretically they should both be taken down and archived, and there will come a time when that will be enforced. All it shows is that the duo are desperate to cling to any publicity they can, especially channels they can control. Meanwhile, they failed to disable comments for all the posts and truthful, yet cutting remarks fill the Instagram account so that people can express their disgust at the couple."

All of that is throwing shade at HM the Queen. I don't understand how she allows it.
Jdubya said…
Criminal Histories - a lot of the information will never be found publicly. There are certain things that are. Those companies that search criminal records online actually search court records. Different states allow different access. They cannot access CJIN - Criminal Justice Information Network or NCIC National Crime Information Center. CA is one of the stricter one's for information. I couldn't even get a "driver's history" from CA without sending an administrative message with reasons why i needed it listed (I worked in law enforcement for over 30 yrs).

Bankruptcies are public record. Now a days - a lot of newspapers will publish crime logs - arrests, convictions etc. That makes some details public record. But in the 80s and 90s, it was rare to see anything published unless it was major crime.
Jdubya said…
LT Nyota Uhura - about the Sussex Royal site still being up. I bet the wording of the agreement did not state they had to remove the site and so Hegs is keeping it up. They probably scoured that agreement to see what the minimum was they had to do. Hopefully, at some point, they will be told to take it down or be cut off.
Fifi LaRue said…
Melinda Gates wrote a book about her foundation empowering women all over the world in all different kinds of cultures and countries. Catherine St. Laurent, formerly of the Gates Foundation, most likely believed Markles' feminist views. St. Laurent is going to get Markled in a big, really awful way, somewhere down the road, in the next year. St. Laurent will find that instead of giving money to causes, Markle is looking to take in money for personal use.

“ Thanks for moderating Nutty - I'm sorry its gotten to this. I wish people would just ignore a poster they don't like instead of creating high-school level drama. ”

I second those sentiments.
TLT said…
Thanks, Nutty. I’ll take others’ advice and not engage in the future. Love this blog.
Sandie said…
Thanks to everyone who has filled in gaps and given more information about Doria's possible criminal record.

I still do not think that Doria served time in jail. I can see Thomas covering up and keeping that a secret for her, and I can see Harry making sure that information disappears or is suppressed, but a lot more people would have known and would have talked. It would have been noticeable that Doria was not around for family occasions like birthdays and other holidays. Doria's family have not held back in talking about her and Meghan and nor have Meghan's half-siblings and paternal uncles. A lot of people in the justice system would know and could have remained anonymous and sold their story for a huge amount of money.

If there is something about Doria's past that has been covered up it is the cover up and not whatever it is that they are covering up that will cause the scandal.
MustySyphone said…

I'll see your TP, paper towel, and kleenex and raise you one travel size hand sanitizer (that I found at the store today).
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning, all!

I see the DM is running today with the idea that "Harry is finding life in Los Angeles a bit challenging" from the Jane Goodall interview.

The top comment is, "He has virtually everything that he wanted and he finds it challenging? I wish someone would have the guts to tell him, face to face, to grow up and stop being so self centred."

Genia - re Garden Party-

Yes I think it must be this one:

Harry Markle is a great source of material!
Nutty Flavor said…
The Telegraph also has a Harry piece based on the same Goodall interview:

Prince Harry 'will give up hunting because Meghan does not like it'

So does The Guardian:

Prince Harry may quit hunting over Meghan's dislike of sport, says conservationist friend

What's going on here? First of all, it's an easy story to report: just have a writer spend 30 minutes repackaging Goodall's remarks according to your paper's political viewpoint.

Secondly, a lot of news outlets are struggling now because advertisers refuse to have their ads featured next to Corona coverage. Traffic is way up, but advertising is way down - as much as 60%, by some accounts.

The solution: Run stories that have nothing to do with Coronavirus so you can run some ads. Harry and Meghan fill the bill.

Punctuation Correction - hope I've got it right this time!

The same `story' is running in a number of British papers.

The only `news' is the quote about being in touch and learning that he can't rise to the challenge of living in `sheltered accommodation'/paying for himself and She Who Must be Obeyed, as the case may be.

I used to have a great deal of respect for JG - I'm old enough to remember the original National Geographic article by Hugo van Lawick. Sadly, to me, she now looks as if she fits some of my criteria for the sort of person that gets enmeshed with narcissists.

Sorry, Jane, I don't think studying chimps takes you far enough to provide insights into all the foibles of human nature, beyond our basic propensity for aggression that is.

Two thoughts from my recent TV viewing -

-Judge Rinder, much earlier today, had a feckless, insolent, son of 37 who failed to repay his father for generous loans. Furthermore, they both worked for the same employer who had once paid £2000, due to the father, to the son instead in error. Son didn't ask where the cash had come from but spent it at a lap-dancing club. To top it all, he made it clear that he thought his dad should still be supporting him.
Clearly, there's a lot of it about.

- `Ab Fab-The Movie' was on again over the weekend. Kate Moss was wearing a longish bright green sheath dress when Patsy and/or Edina shoved her over the parapet into the Thames. (Apparently, that is. The Thames is a very dangerous river into which to fall and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. [`Grin' as Swamp Woman might say!])
Ah! I see from the Grauniad that it's a report about a report (a metareport?).

Next week's Radio Time is published today - I'll give the programme a miss, I think.
bootsy said…
@Jdubya and Genia
Thanks very much for the detailed info on criminal records. So by the sound of it the only way to find out now would be to go to the individual court concerned (or the county/State?) and go through paper records?
Sandie said…
I did do a post thanking everyone for their feedback on Doria and her criminal record/lack of criminal record, but am not going to try to recreate it here. Basically, whatever was hidden about Doria will not be hidden forever and the act of hiding will probably do more damage than whatever was hidden!

My favourite tarot reader has a new reading up (and it just confirms what has been coming up in her readings over and over again). Here are some juicy bits:

* When Meghan dumps Harry (and that is coming soon folks), he is going to be lashing out big time at his family, the British people, the press ... (he will not blame her, himself or their actions in any way). William is the one who is going to have to step up and try and deal with what is going to be a very damaging situation (it is going to be a free-for-all in the press and any holding back about what they know about Meghan and Harry will no longer be the case). It is going to be very ugly and stressful.

* Meghan will put on an act of being sad about it all (using PR) but behind the scenes she actually does not care and moves on to the next man immediately. She will also move to control the narrative about the divorce and set herself up as an independent even before the separation becomes public knowledge.

* Harry will probably be forced into making some kind of announcement about the separation/divorce, probably by the Queen.

* There is a woman that Harry has been confiding in and who has been giving him emotional support but she does not feature in the separation and divorce narrative.
Magatha Mistie said…
@Wild Boar

Ab Fab & the Moss green sheath, still clutching a glass of, Tig ��

As for JG I’m wondering if she was actually cradling Harry, not Archie!!
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting, @Sandy.

When Meghan dumps Harry (and that is coming soon folks), he is going to be lashing out big time at his family, the British people, the press ... (he will not blame her, himself or their actions in any way). William is the one who is going to have to step up and try and deal with what is going to be a very damaging situation (it is going to be a free-for-all in the press and any holding back about what they know about Meghan and Harry will no longer be the case). It is going to be very ugly and stressful.

If I were the royals in this situation, I'd take a two-pronged, Good Cop/Bad Cop approach.

Have William say smooth and calming things, and then feed various attack dogs in the press, like Piers Morgan, with damaging info on Meghan. Has to be rolled out carefully, of course.
abbyh said…


I liked the observation of once having achieved the goal of crossing the gate at the palace, dropping the support which got her there and then relying on her own now learned knowledge could very well explain why that car seemed to leave the track and has not gone a straight line since.

Other interesting observations about the sexkitten trajectory and not moving into more mature appearances. Reminds me of the earlier piece on how she appears stuck in a certain era.

Not being asked to join K shopping: maybe K had other stops? a dental appointment? return books to the library? or maybe she just didn't realize M wanted to go with her? M doesn't strike me as shrinking violet about asking to do things so maybe this idea of joining came later, after it was too late - in the same vein as the affair rumor?

Enty - if his sources about what they currently are doing was not them or their hangers-on but a 3rd party, I would probably think it a lot more accurate.

If she has/had a lot of difficulty listening to advise, I wonder how that will factor into the upcoming legal trials?
Magatha Mistie said…
@Nutty Flavor

Now that would be the perfect plot. Nice touch with Wills gently, gently approach.

I reckon the press are already sitting on a giant pile of dirt, just waiting....
I've just found this. I was looking into Mass Observation with a view to making my own contribution, given current circumstances. I had no idea it was still going strong although I'm familiar with it from reading about WW2:


- this is a research paper examining public reaction to the death of Diana, as recorded in Mass Observation diaries from 1997

How about this gem, from an anti-Royalist?

"She was as near to an anarchist as you can get in the Royal Family. I always dreamed of what would happen if a Royal became an anarchist and said “up yours” to their ways. Diana did that, almost, well, as best she could [B2810]."

Well, we know now!

The author records quotations from `observers' uneasy about the public `outpouring' of grief:

"Such ‘aggressive reactions to criticisms’ led non-mourners to choose ‘not to voice their opinions further’ [W1813] as they ‘began to feel intimidated. I have heard people say they did not like to be the first to say how exaggerated the whole thing was, how unreal and even frightening’ [H2410]. Their subsequent isolation meant that, as one observer put it: ‘I did not express my views in public for I realised that I was a lone voice’ 24 [W1457]. Such was the pressure not to go ‘against the moral consensus’ [O2349] that actions as well as words were felt to be deviant. As one arch-sceptic put it: ‘I once crossed London Bridge in the rush hour, when everyone was going the other way and I felt WRONG!’ [G1041]. The result was a retreat of opinion into the private sphere in a pattern more reminiscent of life under dictatorship (Peukert 1989). Indeed such isolation penetrated even into this area as others found themselves ‘profoundly uneasy’ [C602] and wondering if there was ‘something wrong’ with them [B2785] for being so ‘callously lacking’ in grief [J2187]."

This chimes with my experience. I was sad because it was a horrible way to die but recognised that my feelings were ambivalent, especially when it seemed mischief-makers were actively stirring public discontent and constitutional stability looked under threat.

I haven't read the entire paper yet, it's quite substantial but those passages I've quoted really jumped out at me.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Do you get why Doria, who is US citizen, is associated with EU right to be forgotten? Thanks!
A further thought: I realised at the time that my response to Diana's death was affected by my mother having died just 4 weeks before. She had suffered from failing health and mental acuity for at least 18 years and at the time I was unable to weep for her, such was my sense of relief that her suffering was over.

Possibly, I was vicariously grieving for her.

I did make an entry in our local book of condolence for Diana, but I expressed my dissension from the general mood with something like:

Diana Princess of Wales RIP
God Bless the Prince of Wales
God Save the Queen

All traditional utterances.
Magatha Mistie said…
@Wild Boar
Very interesting, didn’t realise how the public mourning affected those that weren’t affected.
The herd mentality, of which I was part of...

I loved Diana, but realised she had personal problems.
However I loved seeing her, what she was doing, wearing.
She was beautiful, made me smile

Harry with/without realising it, has opened my eyes more to what
she was really like, and it’s not good.
I did watch the funeral, because I felt it was an historical occasion.

My chief concern though was for the horses pulling the gun carriage - all those idiots chucking flowers at them. Not that I needed to worry - the stable where I was riding up to a year ago has a number of retired RHA horses and I know now that very little upsets them.
Magatha Mistie said…
@Fairy Crocodile

I missed the EU reference!! Good call, murky waters indeed.
Dorias dastardly deeds need unveiling.
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

I know exactly what you mean. It all just felt so surreal. It was like people had been taken over or something; people I'd known for years who had zero interest in the royals were suddenly putting on hair shirts and wailing and tearing at their hair (not literally, but that's how the change in their behaviour felt), and anyone who wasn't acting in the same manner was either given the side eye or asked what was wrong with them. It didn't matter if we felt personally upset over what happened but carried on normally, if we weren't showing outward signs of grief we were treated as if we were somehow defective.

Both of my kids were very young at the time and we'd had a day out at the seaside planned for them on that bank holiday Sunday for weeks, after the news broke that morning we decided to go ahead with it anyway as the kids were too young to have understood why their much-looked-forward-to trip was cancelled overnight. The amount of complaining we got from people who thought we should have cancelled and stayed home "out of respect" was astonishing. I can empathise with anyone who felt it was prudent to just stay silent and let everyone else get on with it, if we had that level of aggravation over not cancelling a scheduled summer treat for young kids, I can't imagine what it was like for people who openly criticised the public reaction.
Nutty Flavor said…
I hear you, Lurking.

Another thing that's "simply not said" was that Diana's public reputation was on the skids before her unfortunate death.

It's often been said that the public had trouble with her dating a Muslim, but I think it was more of a problem with her dating a rich layabout and (being in the process of) becoming a rich layabout herself.

She seemed to have very little purpose in her life.

Then she died, and instantly became a form of saint.

abbyh said…

Someone mentioned Deceitful Duchess. I scrolled down a bit and there was a photo from the JH/M umbrella series (taken from the back) where they talk about how it was photoshopped as there appear to be 2 heads, 4 ears.

I don't think so but I could be wrong. I have not looked at the metadata.

Umbrellas often are not held perfectly horizontally - this one isn't as you can see the edges of where the fabric is darker/doubled versus a single lighter part ... and the actual edge of it.

So the front is higher than the back. Normal unless you are trying to hide which clearly the front shots aren't. They would not likely flip back and forth.

I think the upper "head" is actually the shadow thrown by the lighting in front (visible from his neck). Coming from below the jaw will make the shadow appear more up (than if it were all parts were in a flat plane) and the curve of the umbrella might also be a factor in the distraction.

Not everything is always a conspiracy.

Magatha Mistie said…
No @Nutty
Call it as it was, the public had a problem with her dating a Muslim.
Imabug said…
The only reason Harry & Megs would visit the Queen at Balmoral is if they want something. I'm sure their "visit" has everything to do with their "year-in-review." They will want to spin their side to the Queen.

As far as Enty goes, I think you need to breakdown his words precisely. And I don't think he gives you the entire story of what
happens. So, what he actually says could be 100% accurate, but only what he actually says.

"This alliterate former actress has the best, if not the best team you could hire in town."

- No one knows who she has hired as her PR. We know it's currently NOT Sunshine Sachs. Maybe it is someone far better. "Best" is usually subjective as well. It only says she has them, and not that she is actually listening to them.

"Apparently though she has sent word out through her media mouthpiece to the north that she isn't happy with them. Why? No one wants to hire her at the rate she thinks she deserves. Her demands are much higher than reality. "

- This part isn't surprising and isn't really news. There were already articles saying that she wanted to work with top directors. She is delusional when it comes to her acting skills. She thought as soon as she left Britain, doors would open for her. But one thing I think everyone on this blog agrees she really is a terrible actress.

"Oh, and as a side note. Since she can't use the title any longer, the movie studio asked her if she wanted to change the name under which she is credited. She said of course not and that is who she is even if she "can't use" it any longer."

-Nutty pointed on this is false because in the Disney credits it says Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. The part she can't use is the HRH, and in the Disney credits that's not used. But, all Enty says is that Meghan says she didn't want to change it. It doesn't say that Disney listened to her or someone else didn't step in to get it changed. Meghan had an HRH when this was recorded. I could see the studio asking her if she wanted it changed in Feb/early March and Meghan saying no, absolutely not. But then Disney, not wanting to be sued, or Meg's agent telling them, yeah, you gotta change it. Or Harry stepping in at that point.

Meghan *can't* make a stink about it NOT saying HRH now. So, if someone else stepped in to stop it, Megs just had to live it.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Nutty, Magatha.
I think Nutty is right. There may be some who disliked her dating a Muslim, but majority didn't approve her getting involved with Fayed, who had really unsavory reputation and his empty cocaine addict son. She really regressed there.
SwampWoman said…
Fairy Crocodile, I agree! I remember reading about Fayed being on the shady side and the playboy drug-addicted son. I couldn't believe that she was exposing the children to them. Maybe I was judgemental (ya think!) but I knew that I wouldn't want MY children around that family, and I wasn't a princess raising an heir to a monarchy.
SwampWoman said…
Oh, back to Fairy Crocodile: When I was reading about Diana dating that man, I wondered if it was a case of Jackie Kennedy/Aristotle Onassis with her marrying money in order to have the privacy that money can buy. Upon reflection, though, Jackie Kennedy really did want privacy while Diana courted the paps.
Magatha Mistie said…

No way in hell are those two going to Balmoral.

@Fairy Crocodile

I never realised that Fayed had such a bad name beforehand.
Sandie said…
Celia Walden (married to Piers Morgan) writing in the Times:

Coronavirus has been the making of Prince William
Celia Walden

What have you learnt about yourself during lockdown? Have there been any big surprises? I mean, real foundation-rockers like “I enjoy grouting”, “turns out my beard isn’t even on the same colour wheel as my hair” or “I married the wrong person”?

Aside the visceral hatred I now feel for moisture-exuding pavement runners incapable of observing the six-foot rule, what surprised me most was my reaction to a bitchy Twitter thread about Prince William yesterday.

In a newly released video announcing the Duke of Cambridge’s patronage of the National Emergencies Trust, the Prince had praised the public’s response to the corona crisis, insisting that: “Britain is at its best, weirdly, when we’re in a crisis: we all pull together.”

Comforting words for many as we enter our fourth week in lockdown. And yet the Twitter vultures swooped. “What a stupid, intellectually challenged, brain-numbing s--- Prince William is. It’s easy to think the UK is ‘best in a crisis’ from the privileged position of being protected from every crisis imaginable.”

“Detached from reality in every way.” “No Prince William, Britain is ‘at its best’ when we’re an open, tolerant, accepting, liberated, internationalist society, not when we’re all locked down at home by a deadly disease while being crippled in leadership by incompetent, exceptionalist, populist, nationalist stupidity.”

And what a testament to that open, tolerant and accepting society the author of that last tweet is. Only it wasn’t the fact that Twitter’s a seething morass of illiberal liberals that surprised me, but how defensive I felt of Prince William in that moment.

“Good grief…” I heard myself mutter. Then, to my husband’s raised eyebrow: “…I care about Prince William.” There, I’d said it. “I mean, I think I may actually… be fond of him.”

Despite being in awe of the Queen – who wouldn’t be? – I’m not a commemorative royal mug owner. Like most people of my generation, I’ve never felt the need to ‘pull out and keep’ anything royal-related from newspapers or magazines, and when reporting from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s wedding, I left the official goodie bag I was given (a goodie bag that later sold on eBay for $28,500) in a Windsor pub toilet.

Sandie said…

It follows, therefore, that in the three and a half decades I’ve been aware of Prince William’s existence, I’ve not felt strongly about him one way or another. Not when every woman in America was cooing over our little flaxen-haired heir; not when Britney Spears admitted to having a poster of the most eligible “teen bachelor” in the world on her wall.

Not when – during my gossip columnist years – I’d spy on him as he boozed the nights away behind the VIP cordon at Boujis nightclub, hoping in vain he’d do something if not wild, then at the very least ill-advised.

Not even when, reporting for US news channel, NBC, I stood outside Westminster Abbey on William’s wedding day and watched him nervously flexing his white-gloved hands.

He was always well-intentioned – anyone could see that. But never the exciting one. Too predictable, too dependable for that. Only the values you set store by change as you get older, and at some point over the past few years, the Duke of Cambridge must have gone from being an indistinct figure in my peripheral vision to the rare and impressive individual I’m suddenly focussing on now.

Rare because you don’t come across many solid, dutiful people of his age – both of those words doubtless considered insulting to generation me-me-me. And impressive because Prince William never has made it about him, or tried to become any more media-savvy than he has to be.

Which is part of his charm. Watch him praise the community spirit that has come “rushing back” in this latest video, and although he’s got less shy and wooden over the years, he’s still an awkward British male, with his back-of-the-neck scratches and his goofy smiles.

Self-consciousness and male vanity are luxuries when you’re a working member of an institution that, whatever you think of it, has the power to rally, motivate and inspire: an institution people depend on. And you can laugh at that dependency, or indeed at Prince William for being “privileged”, for being “protected” and for having lost his hair.

But it shows what the Duke stands for – what's at the core of the only royal British brand that matters, and matters now more than ever – and that’s the ability to just get on with it.
Unknown said…
Diana spent the 6 months before her death being on endless holidays in the Med and it was being ridiculed in the press. Dodi was a coke addict with a girlfriend (fiancée?) sitting in another boat....if I remember she was threatening to sue him before the accident

I was the same age as Diana and am afraid I found her irrelevant at best - the knowledge that she spent over £150,000 a year on underwear sort of did it for me and my friends!!!

What I do remember is that at the time one of the people I was working with was one of the most poisonous people I had ever encountered, she was a true bully, unfortunately promoted to a position of a little power which she exploited unmercifully....she was actually distraught at Diana's death...I remember her turning to me with a tear strewn face, grabbing my arm and saying "do you think she suffered?"....much as I actually hope and believe that she didn't ( I was an emergency room nurse at the time) I'm afraid the spiteful side of me won out and I replied "probably…."

Diana wasn't all bad but she was vain, manipulative and probably ever so slightly bonkers...she was no saint
Seabee666 said…
As an American, I have to say I was shocked that Diane and Dodi advertised they were having sex so soon after meeting. She had two young sons, and he was still engaged to another woman in July. They were dead by August. Same with Harry announcing to the world during his engagement interview he was boning Meghan under the African skies two weeks after they met. Call me a prude, but when did discretion go out the window? When you compare William and Catherine's engagement interview to the Markles' it's glaring. William and Catherine were a decade younger but so much more mature. They exuded mutual attraction, love, companionship and commitment. And they primped and dressed for the occasion. I won't bother to describe the Markles' lie fest mess except to note that Harry said and I quote, "I don't know, but she is capable of anything." To which Meghan replied, "Thank you." Talk about foreshadowing.
KCM1212 said…

Was it "she was dating a Muslim"
"She was dating an Al-Fayed Muslim"?

The father has a bit of a shady reputation, right?

Fairy Crocodile said…
You are not a prude. It took me half my life to understand that so called sexual revolution is not all good. All these brief sexual encounters can do a lot of damage in all senses.
I was shocked to learn that Dodi broke his engagement to jump Diana's bones so quickly. It was obvious he was driven by his father, and there was nothing but pure ambition behind it. Diana lost a lot in my estimate when she fell for the scheme. She was 37, hardly an inexperienced teen. Should have known better.
KCM1212 said…
@Fairy Crocodile

Oops! Sorry Fairy, didnt read all the comments before I posted
Snippy said…
@Lurking, I was driving home from my wedding when the news came on the radio about Diana. My honeymoon was that week of mourning and her funeral. At least (ex) hubs had no excuse for forgetting our anniversary, as every August it would be “First anniversary of Diana’s death approaching”, 2nd, 5th, etc. etc.
CatEyes said…
@Unkown said...

>>>Diana wasn't all bad but she was vain, manipulative and probably ever so slightly bonkers...she was no saint<<<

We do no favors to people when we set them up as being 'saints; like many did with Diana, because they will not live up to it (except maybe Mother Teresa). It is a disservice because they are bound to disappoint at some point, or the fickleness of people will turn on even the best of candidates sometimes.

I think the statement of "vain, manipulative and probably ever so slightly bonkers...[she/he] was no saint" could be used to describe Charles and even Camilla. I think we should just accept people as they are not as we want to imagine them to be, or what we despise them to be. Of course that requires objectivity and fairness which if we are honest, we don't always use, even the with the best of intentions (and worst when we have unacknowledged unconscious bias) sad to say.

I certainly won't offer an analogy about how we view Meghan or Harry and poor little Archie (where some deny his very existence). It is always better to try to stick to the facts when analyzing (or judging, lol) assessing a person, rather than our projected feelings about them, which I am sure most of you do. :)

Time will reveal the truth behind the person (in Diana's case the story ended too soon and thus we have such differing opinions it seems). In the Queen's case we have a long history by which to come to conclusions about her, but would anyone have suspected how she handled letting Meghan into the BRF would turn out; I wouldn't have (a 32 million dollar wedding, white veil and all, etc..). Now we see the mess of making a d-list American actress a Princess.
Unknown said…
Dodi's cocaine habit and shady, flamboyant reputation were awful enough but I still think him being Muslim was the biggest problem. It was an awful combination and I have to agree, Dodi's father wanted the match for obvious reasons.

That is something I don't understand about Meg's hue and cry about racism. She's controversial not for her race but for her awful personality and outrageous behavior.

Imagine if Harry opted for a Muslim wife. Now that I believe would have been highly controversial. Not that any Muslim woman would likely marry Harry.
KCM1212 said…


Thanks for the article!
bootsy said…
@Fairy crocodile
I did a long post with links but I've lost it! I live in the UK and so is my IP address so if she applied then it would affect my searches.
I also did some research about scrubbing the internet of a criminal past. Seems easy to do. Perhaps the Nutties with knowledge in this area can research this further and come up with a definitive yes or no regarding an arrest and jail time for Doria?

As for Diana being unpopular when she died, this is correct. By and large people were sick of her and the non stop PR and her gallavanting about. It wasn't that people disliked the Muslim thing (not an issue in the UK until 9/11 and then identity politics took a hold), but as someone has mentioned it was an Al Fayed thing. He's generally considered to be a slimy toad. The non Muslim equivalent would be Philip Green. To be galavanting around with the son of someone like that whilst people were already sick of her did not do her any good.

And yes the herd mentality at her death was unreal. My father was thinking of giving some employees the week off work, and it was years later when he confided in me that he had no idea what he was thinking. I'm not a fan of the RF and didn't care so was very unsettling to see all of it.

If anything I think it has been hugely detrimental to the modern world as it showed how easily people could be manipulated on an emotional level. Not much of a jump to see how this is utilised in politics now, let alone the claptrap that the RF keep spouting nowadays.
Margery said…
@Sandie, thanks for the Times article. That's the only way I ever get to read them.

I totally agree with the defensive feeling about Prince William. As stated, he is motivated by a deep sense of duty and obviously wants to do something to help. It's ghoulish of people to eviscerate him over an address that was meant to be encouraging.
Old Man (al) Fayed had been refused a British passport, IIRC, for unspecified reasons, despite being a wealthy business man owning high-class London department store. Make that of what you will.

I had fears about the Muslim connection - less than 8 years previously we'd seen the reaction in Britain to the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel The Satanic Verses and I was anxious about how Diana might influence her boys, were the relationship to become permanent.
To me, it looked as if it could be another way to destabilise Britain.

Btw, the (al) is to show that his real name was just Fayed - the `al' was assumed, like a Frenchman called X dubbing himself `de X' or a German adding `von' to an undistinguished surname.

Another btw: Diana's death meant that Charles was, in the eyes of the Church, now widowed not divorced, removing a possible objection to him becoming king.

Doria & EU reference - that seems to confirm that she has got something she wants to hide, otherwise why mention it?
CatEyes said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid said...

>>>To me, it looked as if it could be another way to destabilise Britain.<<<<

>>>Another btw: Diana's death meant that Charles was, in the eyes of the Church, now widowed not divorced, removing a possible objection to him becoming king.<<<

Guess that is why some 'tin hats' believe the BRF got Diana killed. So sad.

My guess is that I doubt that Diana would have gotten serious with Dodi. She was probably charmed but charm only goes so far IMO. I think she would of found someone else with more cachet. Certainly there would of been many eligible men that could have offered her just as much money and certainly more prestige.

Diana seemed to be in a state of flux, but that often happens to people after a divorce. She had a lot to contend with. Her heart toward people, such a sincere deep care for the disenfranchised, was a part of her and likely she would continue to find her way again to help others. I would have liked to see what she would have done if she had lived much longer. Definitely I think she could have helped Harry find his way in life (without the likes of Meghan).
Seabee666 said…
In unrelated non news, I recall seething when Gwyneth Paltrow compared the London attacks to 9-11 complimenting the Brits on their stoicism vs American melodrama. First, apples and oranges, pretentious mother of the idiotically named Apple. Second, did she not remember that the entire UK shut down for two weeks of mourning one person versus the 3300 we lost on 9-11? Have despised the chinless, goopy wonder ever since.
Teasmade said…
Remember this was the second Muslim boyfriend--the very handsome doctor that she was interested in before Dodi?

It didn't bother me . . . I didn't have a dog in that hunt and none of my business anyway, but maybe it did some? I think the doctor's family, and certainly the royal family were not in favor of a marriage.
Seabee666 said…
@Fairy Crocodile

I don't think Diana fell for the Fayed scheme. She was so jaded, she wanted to shock and embarrass The Firm. Right before the Dodi affair, she was in love with that Pakistani doctor but he broke it off. Diana knew his Muslim heritage was freaking the Royals out so she turned up the volume with the obviously sleazy, slimy Dodi and his tacky gold jewelry. That's why I cringe when Harry blames the paps for his mother's death. She died without her seatbelt on during an orchestrated game of cat and mouse with press. They left a secure hotel in the middle of the night to go to an apartment. Why? Tragic results.
Fifi LaRue said…
In retrospect, Diana had the emotional equivalent of a 16 year old. Dodi was low hanging fruit, and Diana was attempting to make the Pakistani doctor jealous with the photos on the yacht.
Seabee said, In unrelated non news, I recall seething when Gwyneth Paltrow compared the London attacks to 9-11 complimenting the Brits on their stoicism vs American melodrama. First, apples and oranges, pretentious mother of the idiotically named Apple. Second, did she not remember that the entire UK shut down for two weeks of mourning one person versus the 3300 we lost on 9-11?.

I for one do not remember the UK shutting down for 2 weeks when Diana died. I went to work as normal and people went about their lives We may have been a bit subdued a day or two after we heard of death and the day of her funeral, but this to say the country shut down for two weeks of mourning is not true.
Sorry for typos! 🙄
abbyh said…

Just before she died, one of the things she did was to undo the patronages she had so when it was mentioned that she was at loose ends, becoming more of a layabout, she took out a lot of the stabilizing foundation of how she was defined (doer of good deeds for good groups) after having lost the other big definitions of HRH/BRF/wife status. She had mother but not a lot else.

Somewhere in something (one of the biographies I believe, not newsprint), there was something about how she was moving in the direction of what the author called Euro Trash circles.
Christine said…
@Sandie, loved that Times article. Prince William is the type of person that if you don't like him, it's probably your problem. Yes he's very rich. Yes he is giving positive and upbeat statements which many people may find false, but he is trying to do something to help and show his support of the British nation during this pandemic. I personally love the guy. There is something inately kingly about him. He has the best characteristics of both his parents. He seems to hear the public as well, and makes corrections and adaptations . When
H & M were catching hell for their frequent flights allover on private jets, William was photographed with his family departing a commercial flight. That was...awesome. Upped my level of respect for him. Plus when he scarfed Meghan. Probably one of the best vids to watch on Youtube! William is a good person. He might be shy and sullen at times, but he's intelligent, modern with a sense of old fashioned duty, and seems to be a wonderful husband and father. Kate loves the guy! Those rumors of him cheating with Rose, which were apparently started by some troll- I think Kate would have forgiven him and stayed with him if they were true.

CatEyes said…
It's possible Diana took up with a Nuslim (twice) because she was so devastated by the fact she gave her all to a CoE British man and his royal family (by producing two heirs) that she wanted to try something 180% opposite. She did not get the love and respect she deserved in her marriage and got burned quite badly right from the start (I read the Queen Mother even didn't like her). I could see her wanting something different, so foreign to what she had previously placed her trust in. I think it may have been a phase she would have to go through but I believe she would havereturned to her roots so-to-speak.

It is unfortunate that Harry blames the press but I believe it was entirely irresponsible of them to chase her like that. If it was my mother I would want those drivers who drove illegally (speed or erratic weaving, tail gating) to be held responsible. Certainly Diana as a free person should have the right to leave the hotel and go to wherever she wanted for whatever purpose. Her unfortunate lack of judgment in not wearing a set belt is one many make (do we blame CV-19 patient's for their death on the fact they got exposed by going to a grocery store or at work...I think not).If the car did not crash it would not have mattered if she wore a set belt. Diana died like many car accident victims and it was a tragedy (so much more so because she had a lot to give to society) whether she dated/married a Muslim or not.

The outpouring of grief at her death could not have been a more visible sign of esteem many Britons, indeed the world had for her (and IMO rightly so). Luckily William has emulated his mother in good ways and hopefully Harry will get on track and do something worthwhile that his Mother would be proud of if she were still alive.

Anxiously I await to see how long it will take for Harry to make his mark in as big of way as his mother did (he has already lived about as long as her life at this point). If Meghan remains his wife then I am rather pessimistic about it.
Superfly said…
Over a year ago I was still going on Dlisted (not anymore). At that time anyone who disliked MM was a racist Hitler-lover.
When I questioned where Doria had been for 7 years of MM's life, I was insulted, smeared, and told to die.

But I kept asking: if the reason for Doria not having been there for 7 years, is innocent, why don't we know it?
Nobody would answer this question. Because nobody could. And google can not answer this question either. Why not? It's a normal and reasonable question, unless you're trying to hide something.

But there is nothing on google. Not one word. I find this telling.

So to me, it is not about proving that Doria had perhaps been to prison, but it's about proving that she hadn't been.
CatEyes said…

>>>just before she died, one of the things she did was to undo the patronages she had so when it was mentioned that she was at loose ends, becoming more of a layabout, she took out a lot of the stabilizing foundation of how she was defined (doer of good deeds for good groups) after having lost the other big definitions of HRH/BRF/wife status. She had mother but not a lot else.<<<

I agree...Yes true she did, but the patronages stemmed from her belonging to the BRF for which she no longer was at that point. It seems she needed a break, a time to reassess, and as such it would not have been fair to continue with patronages if she could not commit the time and attention. Her goodness toward humanity did not change I believe (she was a close friend with Mother Teresa) or why would it? She did more than Harry yet no one dares calls him Eurotrash, or I guess some here may think he is, by the tone of the posts.

She was shoved out of her marriage or maybe she would have continued with some patronages but why should she work for the Firm, when the Firm did not want her. I say good for her that she took time off to recoup after a divorce, something many people do or should do. She was 'out of a job' in some respects. Being a Mother is one of the penultimate jobs a woman can have and if she did nothing else well good for her as her love for her boys was unquestioned (at least among what I have read).
@Sadie Sunshine, thank you! Your intel is much appreciated. Sounds like things have been in a state of flux!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
xxxxx said…
abbyh said...

Just before she died, one of the things she did was to undo the patronages she had so when it was mentioned that she was at loose ends, becoming more of a layabout, she took out a lot of the stabilizing foundation of how she was defined (doer of good deeds for good groups) after having lost the other big definitions of HRH/BRF/wife status. She had mother but not a lot else.

Somewhere in something (one of the biographies I believe, not newsprint), there was something about how she was moving in the direction of what the author called Euro Trash circles.

An Excellent remember. Back when she passed away I thought the same and back then my caring about the BRF was below minimal.

Diane was palling around and rousing around with too many dubious characters like the Al-Feyeed scion (aka useless eater) who was pure playboy and wanting to see how many British ___ he could insert his worthless D into. It must be that the cocaine makes this casual with X sex seem epic. And then be one and done and very remote and a hundred miles ago.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Doesn't matter what religion or race person is. One of Diana's lovers was a heart surgeon who was known for caring greatly about his patients. Another one was good for nothing spoilt cocaine loving son of a billionaire weapons dealer. She died in a car with drunk driver who never qualified to drive a powerful Merc, she neglected the basic safety rule in the car fleeing the unspeakable danger of being photographed. Sadly, I can't respect choices that she did in the end.
The `Nobody asked if I was OK...I tried, I really tried...' interview by MM was nothing more than a parody of Martin Bashir's interview of Diana.

Cringe-making and nauseating.

MM lacks an `authentic self' - that's why she bangs on about `authenticity'. She has to construct an artificial Self, using bits and pieces purloined from other people, like a magpie picking up shiny things.
Fairy Crocodile said…
I agree completely. What makes it even more bizarre the Ritz where they stayed in Paris was also owned by Fayed. There was zero need to leave the hotel. I suspect Dody was so stoned he couldn't think clearly, hence the erratic illogical movements that night. Dody also called his father to approve the abrupt change in plans and Fayed approved. Fully aware that the guy who drove them was not qualified as chauffeur, plus he was already off duty and enjoyed a drink or two.
Nutty Flavor said…
Congratulations Elle!
Jdubya said…
Wednesday april 22
People presents Harry & Meghan: A Royal Rebellion
By royal decree (or maybe ex-royal decree), there'll be no Riverdale or Nancy Drew this ewek, as the Duke & duchess of sussex (who do get to keep their title despite stepping away from Buckingham Palace) take over with a two hour special, from 8pm to 10pm, that breaks down their love story and surprising exit from royal life. People magazine reporters in New York & London help tell the story chronologically through interviews, archival footage, animations and graphics. Find out what a "duchess" is anyway! Fun Fact: did you know Meghan Markle once player Jill on General Hospital in 2002?
Seabee666 said…
@Rasberry Ruffle

My apologies for the mischaracterization of the UK surrounding Diana's death. Those were the media optics. And I only meant to insult Gwyneth Paltrow for her horrible comments about Americans and 9-11.

Fairy Crocodile said…

I think I am very glad that so many people now see Diana for who she really was - a human being with many great qualities, with some serious flaws (aren't we all?) and both street smart and extremely immature.

She did some very good things in life for her charities and she loved her sons very much. I feel sorry for both Diana and Dodi, who lost his mother pretty early on (she divorced Fayed) and drifted in life aimlessly afterwards. They both paid the ultimate price for their errors of judgement and it makes me sad. May they rest in peace.

I hugely appreciate the fact that so many people here are sober about Diana. I find I agree with a previous poster that the erratic, vengeful and manipulative side of hers could have damaged Harry, and what unattractive qualities we see in him now are somewhat due to her early influence.
Fairy Crocodile said…

I join with Nutty's congratulations to you. Hope you will love your new job!
MustySyphone said…

Congratulations on the new job!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Elle -- Many congratulations, and best of luck! :)
JHanoi said…
CW people Harkle fauxmentry- I wont be watching
Nutty Flavor said…
@Jdubya That’s very interesting.

For non-US posters, the show will air on the CW, which is a minor broadcast network featuring youth and urban programming. Its top-rated shows get about 1 million viewers.

Meg and Harry’s last documentary, run on a major network, was seen by about 3 million viewers.
Dallas Alice said…
Congratulations, Elle!
SwampWoman said…
Hooray, Elle! Glad you are now working with people that above the emotional age of 12 (I assume).
SwampWoman said…
@Nutty: Wow, it must be really, really bad to be placed on a venue where 1 million pair of eyeballs tops would see it. Or am I reading that incorrectly?
Anonymous said…
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Mel in SoCal said…
Congratulations Elle!
@Nutty: The divorce is going to be brutal. I think at this point Meg wants out and Harry is hanging on for his life. It's the only reason for his coming to L.A., he has absolutely no standing here like he does in the U.K. in fact local rumour is that he isn't even in the U.S. or U.K. so where is he? There is a huge British expat community in Santa Monica and boy do they know stuff.
The Bel Air residency is still strongly supported, but I am starting to doubt that, Meg is probably in someone's guest house, she still has friends like the yoga chick and Mrs. Jonas.
In regards to Doria, sometimes in CA criminal records can be expunged.
When I first heard of Harry's new gal I looked her up and this is what I remember reading, though the internet narrative has changed several times. Doria and Thomas separated when Meg was a toddler, but didn't divorce until five or six years later. Thomas was the custodial parent and Doria visited. It's interesting that that period is so cloudy, not even the half siblings say much about those years. Doria has had a lot of financial trouble and minor drug stuff, but it must of been expunged. Also the Masters degree from USC which would have been very expensive, could have been part of a program for ex-felons where if you finish "this and that" the education is scholarshiped and the record expunged. My nurse went through such a program. And I will say a black woman would have had stiffer punishment for same lowly crimes committed by a white person.
Some say Meg paid her mother's fees, but I doubt it. I think, scholarship or Thomas paying is more likely.
Mel Gibson's house would never ever be purchased for the Sussex duo, it's too expensive and EVERYONE knows where it is located. I really don't understand the focus on Malibu.
They could never afford to live where it is truly a secure location in Malibu, the taxes alone would kill them. There are a lot of people in Malibu who bought property pre Prop 13 and the taxes are very very low and they keep it in family. The property taxes post Prop 13 are insane. My Dad bought our property on the Westside in 1971 for less than the yearly taxes someone would pay if they bought the property today.
And another thing it's hard to hide in L.A. TMZ has so many informants. It's easy to make a hundred bucks with something like hey "Brad Pitt is in the neighbourhood".
So to get back to the subject matter they have very good PR. But who's paying for it?
On the subject of Camilla, she got tired of waiting for Charles and married Parker-Bowles. Penny Juror has written a very good biography of Camilla, I highly recommend it, it's based on facts, not hearsay.
On the subject of the Duke of Windsor, one big reason the government didn't want him for King was his relationship with the pro Hitler Germans. Can you imagine that? WW2 in Britain with a German sympathizer as the monarch, never. They contrived the narrative of him giving it up for Wallis. It's true about Balmoral and Sandringham, Bertie just about went broke buying them from David, who blew the money very quickly. It's interesting how history repeats itself.
I stop by here only occasional because it's so hateful and many commentators have their own agenda that takes a nasty turn towards other people/subjects. The Obama and Clinton nastiness is particularly misguided and false. The conservative narrative and the bible thumping I also find disagreeable, but what really bothers me the most is the nastiness, the personal insults toward each other and the royal family, especially against the Cambridges.
It's one thing to criticize about policy and public opinion and actions but the personal attacks remove any credibility from the commentators position and take away any entertainment/discourse from the discussion.
JMHO. Cheers!
Portcitygirl said…

This was an amusing video about the duo.
Portcitygirl said…

Haven't had time to read through comments but congrats on your new job🙌

Can't wait to hear all about it!

Congrats on the new job! I hope it's a perfect fit for you!

Anonymous said…
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HappyDays said…
Congratulations on the new job, Elle. Cheers to you!
Nutty Flavor said…
@Swampwoman, I think many millions of Americans have access to the CW - it is a broadcast network - but its shows are not very popular.

Heading to bed now and will leave the comments open. If anyone misbehaves, kindly do not engage, and I will delete the inappropriate comments in the morning.
Platypus said…
@Elle, congratulations on the new job! I hope that it is everything that you hope it will be! Best wishes!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
I missed a few thank yous, so THANK YOU @HappyDays and DallasAlice and Lt. and Platypus and Fairy Crocodile ... and any other Nuttiers I missed your good wishes are much appreciated!
xxxxx said…
You must come back and say say say some more Mel in SoCal who knows a lot. A nephew inherited a 3.2 mil townhouse (three floors) in Marina Del Reye and it was impossible to keep all the Los Angeles Chiselers from getting their percentage out of the extended trust inheritance. There are a million ways to do this! And the last 2mil chunk is coming up as he turns 30 in two years. He is married to a tubby who has been on psych drugs..
Wot a mess as Queenie might say.

Especially when he was unmotivated-- Harry Hapless Dumbass Style.... As always my fellow nutties YOUTH IS WASTED ON THE YOUNG! Quote via me stepmother who often said this.
HappyDays said…
Mel in SoCal said...
There is a huge British expat community in Santa Monica and boy do they know stuff.

You’re right about all the Brits in Santa Monica. Even some famous ones have had homes there. As I recall Eric Clapton used to have a place there in the late 90s or very early 2000s, but I believe he sold it after he got married near that time.
Humor Me said…
Congratulations Elle on your new job!
A little inside scoop about Fayed. I knew the CEO of Harrods (which Dodi's father owned), John Whitacre, who also was the former CEO of Nordstrom. You couldn't have met a nicer and more grounded person than John, who died of a heart attack in the early 2000s. I have such fond memories of him- just a wonderful big lug of a guy who was a natural athlete, and obviously very astute in business to reach those heights.

Harrods was deep in debt and so where many of Fayed's other holdings when John was brought in to try to turn Harrods around. Fayed wanted to run the store when he really didn't know anything about retail, getting the store deeper and deeper into financial trouble, and that's when John resigned. Fayed was trying to get financial backers but nobody would work with him because of his, um, "business reputation," another reason why John left so quickly. Fayed tried to take Harrods public on the NY Stock Exchange, but failed, and eventually, he had to sell to a Qatar conglomerate.

@Elle, You'll be interested to know that John played football for the UW Huskies.

Diana was not running in the best of circles when she got involved with Dodi and his father, to put it mildly.

brown-eyed said…
My Life still flags Doria’s records, which are behind a paywall. I googled her name , location and “criminal record” and My Life came up. I did not pay, so like everyone else, I don’t know what the documents say. One category mentions a possible bankruptcy; another suggests a possible arrest record. My Life makes a point of saying that an arrest does NOT mean the person was convicted. I have no idea why Doria wasn’t living with MM part of the time. My observation is that she is the only relative of MM who has behaved: she doesn’t talk to the press, and she values her privacy. What we think we know about her is mostly tabloid rumors so far as I can tell. If she did something 20 years or more ago, she has obviously moved on. She also possibly had records expunged, as someone mentioned. I’m on the “give Doria a break team” until we have proof that we should not.
brown-eyed said…
@elle. Congrats on a new job!
abbyh said…

Well fancy that.

I just hit up google to see what it had to say about the upcoming tv show and there are the usual filler explaining who, what, why, when and meaning behind it all. Supposedly we are getting just about every post twist from the beginning on through.

1) If they do this and cover everything

2) will there be anything left for a book or another show?

3) To pull this out so soon after the deadline means they must have been working on this long, long before April 1. Between the "script" approval, filming and editing - nah, they just didn't start signing all the paperwork at April 1 @12:00 am.

4) People magazine does not have an article on the website pushing this to drive numbers.

5) Say what they will about how extensive their sources are, how into being the sources of knowledge we can and should trust, the People magazine website currently has her as:
FULL NAME Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex
(or am I wrong about that? If so, I can admit it. I've been wrong before and will be again).

abbyh said…
Error on my part:

plot twist not post twist

Nutty: what do you think are the episodes they will cover? and what they will not cover?
Anonymous said…
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Mimi said…
I believe Saint Doria used various mean names.........
brown-eyed said…

The “may have” is my language because I don’t know what My Life has. I would want to see official documents. I know you can do that online, but I doubt if that is what you get from My Life.


I did read that she had used aliases. I have no details, sorry. I doubt she is a saint, Mimi.
Jdubya said…
speaking on alias' - just remember anyone who has married one one. Maiden name vs married name
and there's simply
jonathan johnson alias
jon johnson
jony johnson
john johnson
jon john
and so on and so one. They are all alas (or aka also known as).
Anonymous said…
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I have a subscription to one of the people search sites, and up until about two weeks ago, Doria was listed, but there was very little info about her, except for former addresses and other easily available public info. There was no mention of any crime, and I assumed it had been scrubbed.

Today, I looked her up again, and she no longer "exists." Thomas Markle is there, and so is MM, but her addresses are old ones. It mentions Frim Fram, and an address that looks to be a PR agency on Wilshire Blvd in LA, which is listed as her address. It also mentions Northwestern University and a site called "Meghan Markle Fanpage". Her job is listed as "actress/model at HRH."

The most interesting is that she has a page on a Russian Facebook-type of site named On there, it appears that she was selling a Russian car IN RUSSIA in 2012?????
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
One article on the businesses:
hunter said…
They left a secure hotel in the middle of the night to go to an apartment. Why?

Ummmmm, based on this thread my guess is Cocaine.
hunter said…
I don't know Elle (congrats, btw), I think if you're clearing those sites "regularly," you may want to re-evaluate some life choices (?).
Be careful of those people search sites. I looked myself up once, and it listed states and addresses that I've never lived in/at, names of "associates" that I've never heard of and other incorrect information. I usually use it as a place to start my search and double-check everything.

Like my post below yours, I don't know if that is actually MM's page, but it sure looks like it. Usually, I try to verify through another source, but a Russian Facebook-type page is almost impossible to track down.

But here's another Russian connection to MM through a secretive London attorney who knows the billionaire (founder of Lionsgate films) who owned the Canadian mansion that was found for them by David Foster. This attorney has managed companies for many Eastern European and Russian oligarchs, according to Page Six and the DM:

Wow! I've really had too much caffeine today!

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