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Meghan and Harry and racial tension in Wisconsin

If you're a student of recent New York history, you know the name "Tawana Brawley".

In 1987 Ms Brawley, age 15, stayed out past curfew while visiting a jailed boyfriend and was justifiably afraid of how her violent stepfather, Ralph King, might react.

To protect themselves from the stepfather's wrath, Brawley and her mother (allegedly) concocted a story of a brutal attack by four white men, naming specific persons.

A grand jury ultimately decided there was not enough evidence that the crime occurred. One of the men sued for defamation of character and won, and Brawley's mother was ultimately held in contempt of court for refusing to testify to a grand jury.

Rallies in support

At the time, there were extensive public rallies supporting Ms Brawley, who is Black, lead by current CNN commentator Al Sharpton.

I suppose I'm not revealing too much about myself to say that I happened to walk by one of the rallies in New York City and saw white envelopes being distributed to protesters.

Of course, I don't know what was inside the white envelopes, but I can guess.

Meghan enters the picture

Fast forward to June 2020, when another teenage girl has reported a hate crime, this time in Madison, Wisconsin, a very left-wing city in a state with wide political diversity.

(Wisconsin sent the first openly lesbian Senator to Washington - Tammy Baldwin - and has a Democratic governor, but went for Trump in the 2016 election.)

Althea Bernstein, age 18, is a light-skinned biracial girl. She says she was attacked early in the morning of June 24, near the end of a harrowing night for Madison, when protesters smashed the windows of several buildings and attacked a state senator as well as tearing down two statues.

Ms Bernstein reports that she was stopped at a traffic light when she "saw four men, all white. One used a spray bottle to deploy a liquid on her face and neck, then threw a flaming lighter at her, causing the liquid to ignite," according to the police report.

"She drove forward, patted out the flames, and eventually drove home," according to the report. 

Ms Bernstein's mother then encouraged her to go to a hospital, according to the police report.

Lighter fluid used for arson

Not far from the intersection where Ms Bernstein reported that the crime occurred, lighter fluid was being used in another context.

Just 20 minutes before Ms Bernstein reported being attacked, the City County Building, where the 911 center is located as well as various other public services, was set on fire by someone using lighter fluid. 

This building is just a 3-minute drive from where Ms Bernstein says the attack occurred. 

(A Twitter user has plotted it on a map, and also raises some interesting questions about how one might react when dealing with severe burns.)

Wouldn't you rather punch a man?

While things were clearly crazy in Madison that evening, it seems unlikely that four right-wing guys would have appeared among the mostly left-wing crowd and chose as their target a light-skinned young woman in a car.

As a general rule, angry young men tend to like to mix it up with other angry young men, and there were plenty of left-wing guys out there that night to have a punch-up with. Why attack a girl in a vehicle? 

What seems more likely is that Ms Bernstein was one of the protesters/rioters herself, and perhaps went to the demonstration without her parents' permission.

Perhaps she got injured during the City County Building arson attack, or some other violent event that evening, and needed a way to explain this at home.

There's an investigation going on, so one can only hope the truth will come out.

Meghan gets involved

Which leads us back to Meghan Markle, who is apparently in touch with the Bernstein family and trying to position herself as Ms Bernstein's protector.

"Prince Harry shared that young people's voices matter, and Meghan has agreed to talk with girls in Wisconsin" says the representative of a local Boys and Girls Club.

Has Meghan ever been to Wisconsin? Perhaps as a student at Northwestern University in nearby Illinois she went up to party in Milwaukee, or at some wealthy student's Wisconsin lake house.

South Africa redux

The whole thing reminds me of Meg's attempts to parachute in and address the very real issue of female murder victims in South Africa. What did she really know about the situation? How could she really help?

In addition, her suggested work with the Boys and Girls club sounds like the exact sort of thing she would have been doing in the UK if she and Harry had remained in their royal positions. 

Visiting charities, speaking to people, trying to's the job she quit.

And that job had a salary and a wardrobe allowance and a nice place to live. 

Has she given all that up to do basically the same thing, only unpaid, from the tenuous comfort of a borrowed home?


SwampWoman said…
I agree that it is most likely that the young woman accidentally set herself on fire, and also think that it is shameful that the HFKAP and MM are trying to find a way to profit from the situation.
Fairy Crocodile said…
Thanks Nutty. It is clear what you think about it.

Two members of the British royal family getting involved with political issues. First, it is against BRF rules. Second, it may be viewed as titled individuals including a foreign prince trying to influence the outcome of the elections in a foreign state. That is a Pandora's box that has a capacity to further damage the RF.

Queen must call their titles back. Her fear of being blamed racist will result in much bigger damage in the long run.

As for Harry he turned into a time bomb.his brain is not working.
CookieShark said…
As a parent and medical professional I would be very skeptical of anyone "reaching out" to speak to a young woman while she is trying to recover from injuries. I do not think organizations should be trying to use her story for their platforms right now.
Nutty Flavor said…
I agree, @CookieShark.

People who believe Ms Bernstein was the victim of a vicious attack should leave her to heal, both physically and psychologically, with the support of her family and friends.
lucy said…
I have to read up on the specifics. I do not know enough to make any specific comment, which is both interesting and telling to me as I would expect such a heinous assault would be EVERYWHERE

MM lacks sincerity. She is selfish and only cares about her self and getting her picture taken

In SA when she made "secret solemn pilgrimage" to tie ribbon for girl who lost her life she brought her own photographer, that is so warped

Unfortunately I do not recall the victims name , but I do remember Meghan Markles. That much she made sure of

I really hope i show up as lucy (I think)

Ok I just got an error code. I am going to have to create new account as I refuse to be labeled an unknown after this post

The Cat's Meow said…
If she was in the UK doing this work it was ultimately to someone else's "glory" (ie the Queen or BRF). Doing that same work here in the US she only represents therefore it is to her own "glory".
Nutty Flavor said…
One of the reasons I mention the Brawley attack is not only the obvious parallels, but the suggestion in both cases that it was "four white men" that performed the attack in both cases.

Why four? Why not three, or five? Why not two white guys and two Mexicans? Or three white guys and one female? Odd that it would be the same color and same number of perps.

The Tawana Brawley case was long before Ms Bernstein's time, but perhaps she has read about it in an ethnic or gender studies context.
Catlady1649 said…
It will be for self promotion as usual
Girl with a Hat said…
you know with all of the tensions in the USA now, a lot of people are seeing attacks on them where there are non because their sense of impending danger is heightened, like the noose in the Nascar driver's garage.

I believe that people are hateful enough to target a young woman and possibly try to set her on fire, but I will reserve judgement because frankly, we've been duped before.

I hope this young woman recovers quickly and that the true story and perpetrators, if that is what happened, are found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Unknown said…
Great post @Nutty! This Meg and Harry using the BRF game plan while in the U.S. is absolutely bizarre but makes me think they have no idea what to do with their futures. Their involvement in politics is disturbing to me on so many levels. Having a foreign entity influence our government is something most Americans would feel disturbed by.
Nutty Flavor said…
>>I believe that people are hateful enough to target a young woman and possibly try to set her on fire, but I will reserve judgement because frankly, we've been duped before.>>

Agreed that this could happen - people are cowardly and cruel - but the details sound off. Have you ever heard of anyone throwing lighter fluid and then matches through the open window of a motor vehicle? I have not.

Molotov cocktails, yes. But then you're throwing one unit. Fluid and then a lighter seems tricky. How can you be sure they'll land in the same place?

The obvious question is - was a lighter found in her car?
xxxxx said…
Ms Bernstein is involved in such an obvious hate hoax that this shows how far off (they lost the plot) Megs and Hapless are getting. That they want to ally with her. Hilarious! Did Sunshine Sachs give them this bum steer? (US slang there) Just to mess around with the Malibu Two?

She has six/yes six go fund me pages with total of about $6,000 donated so far.
none said…
Reported that the Harkles have spoken with the teenaged girl.

According to Johnson, Megan called her and the two chatted for around 40 minutes, while Prince Harry joined in for around 10 minutes.

“Her and Meghan talked about the importance of self care and allowing herself to heal. And she applauded her for the way that she responded and pretty much said ‘Hey Michael, give me her cellphone number. I want to stay in touch. And let me know when you want me to come back and talk to people in Wisconsin,’” Johnson told “Channel 3000“.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Nutty, I withhold judgement on this incident. I don't want to say that I don't believe it, because all of the facts aren't in.

I am skeptical because frankly, when you throw a match, it tends to go out. Or, it tends to end up burning something else, not your target.

Until all of the facts come out, we do have to entertain the possibility that this story might be true, otherwise the young woman is being victimised once again.

Meghan and Harry, by climbing onto the bandwagon are going to be associated with the outcome of this story. If it's a hoax, they will be discredited along with her.

I happen to live near Madison, aka Ho Chi Minh City aka 30 square miles surrounded by reality. I also got my master’s from the UW-Madison and experienced the left-wing mob mentality during the protests against Republican Governor Scott Walker in 2011. The city is a Left-wing stronghold with an overwhelming majority of Democrat residents. You’d be hard pressed to find four conservative white men ever roaming the city together at night (except after a Badgers football game) and certainly not during a period of unchecked violence and destruction the likes of what happened last week. Like you, Nutty, I smell a rat and think Althea Bernstein has fabricated the story of her assault.

Last night when I heard the news that Meghan and JHFKAP were inserting themselves into the Althea Bernstein story, I nearly choked on my Planter’s mixed nuts. The audacity! It is clearly nothing more than a case of two homeless and jobless opportunists trying to gain some faux street cred and PR points by showing up for a virtual chat with the Boys and Girls Club—an organization I happen to respect but is making a grave error allowing themselves to be used this way.

Sorry for the rant but this just makes me hate the Harkles even more.
Unknown said…
I may be reading too much into this but the unconscious choice of 4 men by these women could be a modern day metaphor for the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse."

Nutty Flavor said…

Seems like that would be an awkward 40-minute conversation. What do you say to a complete stranger who (you believe) has just experienced a traumatic event?

"I'm so terribly sorry this happened to you. I stand behind you."

That's 10-15 seconds. Then what?

Interestingly, I don't see any other major Black celebrities coming out for Althea.
Maneki Neko said…

MM is jumping on the bandwagon.
“Her and Meghan talked about the importance of self care and allowing herself to heal."

Pity she did do the same with her father.

As an aside, Ms Bernstein 'drove forward, patted out the flames, and eventually drove home' (Nutty). How could she if she was 'reportedly covered in lighter fluid and lit on fire' as per the ET Canada article ?
As Harry well knows that royals are supposed to be apolitical. Not that Megsy ever listens nor cares about any of that. Her pursuit of anything that gets her media attention knows no bounds or limits.

This situation is and should be a complete no-go. I most definitely think it’s time for the royal family to completely denounce them and cut them off financially.

No good can come of this. :o/
Nutty Flavor said…

Could be. It still puzzles me - four guys? You don't need 4 guys to throw lighter fluid and a lighter.

One creep doing so can be just as deadly.

Let's say you have one man throwing the fluid and one throwing the lighter. What did the other two get up to while this is going on?
CatEyes said…
It sure seems coincidental but I could see it happen, afterall troublemakers run in packs (four seem like a believable number for a pack of cowards). However the HAMAS if they were genuinely concerned about the young lady, should have been discrete at this point and sent a private message of support while the authorities ascertained if the story was true. It smacks of them wanting to get a band wagon for their own PR gain., sad to say. And worse, if they are somehow using it to venture into political commentary/actions then it is very unseemly.

I just hope the facts are verified very soon so racial tensions are not inflamed more than they already are. Interesting you mention Al Sharpton because IIRC wasn't it the T.B. case that shot his star to fame? Maybe Meghan knowing that from a Northwestern class made her sudden 'altruism' kick in. Gee Harry, look at who you hitched your wagon to!!

Nutty Flavor said…
@Girl With a Hat

Until all of the facts come out, we do have to entertain the possibility that this story might be true, otherwise the young woman is being victimised once again.

I agree. I think the police should take it very seriously.

If you read the Twitter link in the story, it shows there are numerous surveillance cameras in the area where the incident is alleged to have happened.

I think the police should review every one of them.
abbyh said…

Well well well. I remember that brouhaha.

I looked at a picture which shows some slight burns (no 3rd degree) and what I find odd is how it goes across the face.

So we don't see her right side, but we do see the left (with an open driver's window would be the direction this liquid would come). It has spaces where the skin looks irritated surrounding the more burned area. The burn area skips around. Not certain if that theory of they sprayed liquid would be quite in that pattern as shown.

Look closely at her ear. There is some stuff going on on the lowermost edge but not so much at the earring holes. Think about it. If she's got some flames, buring going on close to that ear, those earring are going to heat up. That will hurt. Or maybe she wasn't wearing any at that time.

We don't see the car interior and what burned there but it would make sense that some liquid would fall onto her clothing, the seat belt and some in a scatter shot down into the car. That should be traceable arc. And, the lighter should be in the car somewhere. (thinking of the insurance claim reminds me of the Farmer's insurance ads).

I think she is trying to follow in the steps of Kim K and that whole stand up for a case where she believes they are innocent in addition to the linkage to being biracial.

and, fwiw, I had second degree burns on a large part of my body - way more that what we see here (think about 3 full of your hands flat/fingers straight, not from a fire). I can tell you that it was incredible painful. It all looked like her cheek where it is white with puss. No one was with me but I don't remember being in an ambulance so I doubt the car was towed ... so I must have managed somehow to get to an ER. No apparent scaring.

CatEyes said…
Sorry for typos, not 'HAMAS' BUT HAMS...although the duo does at times remind me a bit like terrorists, especially to the Queen.
Animal Lover said…
I've read this blog from its inception but haven't posted for weeks because I'm losing interest in M&H. However Meghan reminds me more of Paul McCartney's 2nd wife Heather Mills rather than Audrey Hepburn or Angelina Jolie.
none said…
@Nutty ~ A 40 minute serving of Markle Word Salad. I thought this quote was interesting....

Johnson was impressed with Meghan, noting she sounded “almost like a seasoned high school counsellor.”

How would he know? Was it a conference call? Makes me wonder where this is all going.
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting analysis, Abby H. Not sure about the right side/left side thing - any chance the photo was flipped?

I should say that I don't think this was a planed hoax like Jussie Smollett.

My guess is a young woman who felt overwhelmed in the moment and didn't think through details like metal earrings heating up.

Anonymous said…
I suggest that nutty’s readers check out a picture of Ms. Bernstein in any press you care to Google. She was attacked (let’s say allegedly) at 1:00 am in the morning. No one at that hour— because it was frigging DARK outside—would have been able to determine whether she was white or black. Except. Ms. Bernstein’s hair, which probably would be visible in the light from a street lamp, clearly shows her to be at least bi-racial. So, yes, I think in the semi-dark she probably looked black. To say that a group of four white men prowling around near a protest site looking for trouble sounds completely rational and sane to me, and given that this is still under investigation, I am, frankly, REALLY disappointed in you, nutty, linking the Brawley case to this one because they have nothing to do with one another.

Second, the infiltration of white supremacists in these protests is a fact. It even happens here in Northern California where I live. The people smashing windows in various protests over the years are dressed all in black have been identified as as anarchists. They tend to do most of the property damage (although it seems little of the looting). And then we have a hard core of white supremacists who turn up at these protests to discredit the message and are the ones that start the violence. Not all the time, obviously, but often. And then we have the looters who are not political and could give a rat’s ass about the protest but want free stuff. That seems to cut across all racial groups, based on the footage I have seen.

Let me do a little linking of my own. Shall we talk about what young white men do in cars at protests? A self-identified white supremacist drove into a crowd at Charlottesville and killed a young woman and injuring 28 who were peacefully protesting at a white supremacist rally in response to the removal of a statute of Robert E. Lee. This man drove from Ohio to Virginia to attend this rally. He is now serving life in prison.

In regards to the Markles. Clearly, this is in flagrant violation of the BRF’s policy of not engaging in political protests. Whether it is in support of just or unjust causes (which is clearly open to interpretation), let me just say that their only recourse at this time is to strip her of her title. Had she not sought to abuse the privilege of this title, I think they would have laid low but she hasn’t. She is clearly using it for her own benefit,

I support the Black Lives Movement. I’m not going into the reasons why because I thought that this wasn’t the place for injecting our political stances into this blogosphere. That said, I do not support Markle’s foray into the BLM purely because she has never adopted any platform without using it as a means to forward herself. She exploits everything she touches. People. Movements. Causes de jour. Whatever. I expect that she has started to put her narc paws on the BLM because it makes it all the move difficult for the BRF to strip her of her title. It’s a brilliant and evil move on her part. She disparages that title with every breath she takes, but they will have to pry it from her cold dead hands before she will give it up (to paraphrase Heston).

Nutty, this post is racist. You could have introduced this topic in a myriad of ways as a means of introducing Markle’s attempts to maintain her relevance in the public’s eyes by appropriating the BLM for her own personal gain. But you didn’t. You set up a false equivalence between a woman who staged an assault and an investigation that is still ongoing to make a point about Markle’s fake philanthropy. You could have said, this is an ongoing investigation and left it at that. But you didn’t. You made it quite clear where you stand on Ms. Bernstein’s accusations without a shred of evidence to support your stance by linking it to the Brawley case.

I’m done here.
Nutty Flavor said…
Well, bye then, WW.

I hold Black people, and biracial people, to the same standards as all other people.

Not to do so is the bigotry of low expectations.
abbyh said…

I don't think so Nutty (photo flipped). When I look at the background - that sign looks left justified.

She might not have been wearing any earrings. I doubt (if it is a hoax) that it was planned either.

I was thinking about the part where she said she just patted herself down, went home and then did the 911. I didn't get hurt and immediately think I need to find the ER either. It took me some moments to come to realization I had to seek help. How far did she have to go home?

From a safety view point, it could technically be safer to leave an area where you were hurt if those guys are still around. Thinking about the comments above about the populations of the locals, what we don't know is the density of people in that area at that time. OTOH, in the Charles Stuart case, he was driving around on streets where there were a lot of people walking on the sidewalks (which was a loose end in his story). Almost no one on the sidewalks, perps easier to trace. If not, then why haven't we seen others call into to confirm her story?
Midge said…
I'm a little confused. The newspaper article says a lit lighter was thrown. My experience with lighters is that they only remain lit as long as you hold the lever down. As soon as the lever is released- say to throw it- the flame goes out. Perhaps the news report is incorrect and it wasn't a lighter but some other device.
SwampWoman said…
I would also like to point out that there is no evidence whatsoever to support her assertion that four white men set her on fire in Wisconsin. What you are doing is trying to shut down any conversation whatsoever about alternative explanations because questioning the motives and Go Fund Me pages is racist.

I doubt that you will come by and offer any humble apologies for screaming "racist" when the investigation is done.
Jenx said…
Wow. I shall reserve comment on this incident but I will follow it more closely.

The woman is a vulture. Swooping down for any bit of carrion to serve her needs. Disgusting.
none said…
@WW says

Ms. Bernstein’s hair, which probably would be visible in the light from a street lamp, clearly shows her to be at least bi-racial.

Or Hispanic or Irish or someone with a perm.
none said…
Here's her picture. Pretty girl.
Miggy said…

I've been asking my self that very same question re the lighter.

Police are reviewing surveillance cameras in the area, so hopefully we will know more later.
CatEyes said…
Corrected post, sorry for typos Bad thumb day.

1. At 1am what young lady keeps a window down especially where there is civil unrest?
2. Why didn't she see the men approaching her car and take evasive action.
3. She just sat there and let them spray her without turning her head or covering her face?
4. I have used lighter fluid to start a BBQ fire and it is really stupid risky and tricky. Can't see someone doing this in close quarters where fluid can go backwards toward flame source.
5. A spraying would possibly leave liquid running down your face and leave dripping pattern of burns.
6. When set on fire a person takes the time to drives off to pat flames out?! By the time you are driving off the flames could have been horrific.
7. Why didn't her hair catch on fire?
8. No lighter fluid spray hit her eyes?
9. That she didn't seek immediate attention at ER is bizarre and beggars belief.

I just burned myself with extremely hot water on entire thumb last Thursday and it was severe and immediately! had massive blister which has not gone down at all. I am only providing questioning comment not that I disbelieve the young woman per se.
Jenx said…
@ holly. Attractive girl. Perfect for MM to be photographed with.
SwampWoman said…
Midge, those BBQ lighters do the same thing (go out when thumb taken off the 'safety'). I dunno what it could be that wouldn't go out when thrown. And, if I were Four Evil White Men (tm), I wouldn't want to leave fingerprints on a lighter.

Husband was burned in a fiery explosion. His (safety) glasses were melted (but eyes protected), his eyebrows, hair on his head and mustache and facial hair singed off, and the skin on his face, except what was protected by beard, mustache, and glasses, was pretty badly burned.

I'm not seeing that here which is probably proof of racism so I denounce myself in advance.
Unknown said…
This is a very volatile topic. I hope Nutty will be around to moderate comments.
Girl with a Hat said…
I had a major burn on my foot last year - about 2 inches by 2 inches. It was extremely painful. I don't think I could have driven anywhere. I had to lie down for at least half an hour and that was after taking painkillers.

You can keep a lighter burning without your finger on it. Some people figure out a way to keep it lit by removing one part and inserting something else.

The problem with this story is that lighter fluid, and many other accelerants, evaporate quickly meaning that there is a vapour in the air around the liquid. That's why you see so many people who try to set something alight get burned themselves.

SwampWoman said…
@Holly Or Hispanic or Irish or someone with a perm

Isn't it racist to assert that only biracial people mixed with black can have curly hair?
abbyh said…

Google her name and check the images. There you can see it clearly is her left but there is this little bit towards the front of her face. Note that there are parts which are more toward the front (the check, left of the chin and the under the nose patches). Those are more front than side. But we are not seeing is a line of fluids which would go from front to side or side to front. That under the nose part really bothers me a lot. That area is recessed so how did it get to that area but not spread? We have that in the middle, the chin and cheek and then moving to the side are two much larger areas of damage.

Does it make sense to have your car windows open at 1 am when you are driving around when there has been all this crazy stuff just going on? Most cars have air conditioning but really is that safe in any city at 1 am even if there wasn't crazy stuff going on?

And nice catch about lighters needing to be held down. Note: one of the problems with matches, even being tossed, is that the flame might follow the aerosol back to you (blow back is I think the term). Happens a lot when lighting a fire for a cookout.
abbyh said…

Girl with a hat, you beat me to it. minds thinking alike
none said…

Isn't it racist to assert that only biracial people mixed with black can have curly hair?

Yes, it sure it.
Este said…
I hail from a very left wing neighborhood as well and I can tell you there are right winger nutters who would indeed come to left wing protests to stir up some trouble. We're a divided nation even in "so called" liberal enclaves. And, just because one person made up a hate crime doesn't mean this person is making it up. And just because it was 4 alleged perps in the made up incident doesn't mean this one is a copy cat hoax either. Let's leave this to the courts to determine the facts.

As for Meghan using this to launch her new career as civil rights activist, regardless of what I think of her (and I think she's a calculating self-serving elitist scum bag) the fact she is part Black gives her the right to get involved here and try to make a difference. I don't see this working out for her long term because unlike say Beyonce, who also promoted her Blackness late in her career, she hasn't built up a career for herself like Beyonce did, independent of marrying into one of the most famous families in the world. And yes, her activism will cost her some mass support but she demonstrated at Wimbledon and in her celebrity filled wedding and bridal shower that she doesn't care a fig for the Common Man. I don't think she cares that much about poor Blacks either tho it makes her look good with the bourgeois class that cares more about appearing enlightened than really being enlightened.

Nutty, I think you called it in your prior post about Meghan and Hapless Harry's star fading. People are already growing bored with these two and after the last spate of books they'll really have their can mystery and no real talent between the two of these hucksters. And her Johnny come lately celebrity friends will drop her just as easily as she dropped family and friends when they see how irrelevant they've become and bring nothing to their table.
SwampWoman said…
If it was something that she feared her parents finding out about and concocted a spur-of-the-moment cover story, are vaping devices still blowing up? (I really don't know; I just remember when it was the news story of the day about how dangerous it was.)
Fairy Crocodile said…
I see no problem with the info that Markle talked to the girl for 40 min. Most of it she talked about herself. "I understand you completely, I was the target of racial hatred since childhood but managed to overcome it and look at me now, I am working so hard to give you voice, we must fight together, I am your sister and a woman of colour, I swear I will fight racism tooth and nail etc.". If anything I am surprised it was only 40 min. Girl must have got fed up and excused herself. Not surprising, with facial burns taking would not be easy.
xxxxx said…
Duchy of Cornwall income will be down next year for Charles. Due to Covid 19 the Duchy has put many of its lease holders and rent payers on deferred payment plans.

Pure speculation, but Charles has already been cutting transfer payments to Harry. This means the Gruesomes have been late in paying their Sunshine Sachs bills. Sunshine Sachs is pissed off, so just for fun (shits and giggles) they tell M$H to phone up the hate hoaxer Ms Bernstein. That she is an ideal candidate for some Gruesome Duo racial-BLM outreach. Ideal for their new transformation into black lives matter advocates from their 20 million dollar mansion.
Nutty Flavor said…
Isn't it racist to assert that only biracial people mixed with black can have curly hair?

Many Jewish people have similar hair. Althea Bernstein may have inherited her hair from that side of the family.

I don't have any hate for Althea. I think she got in over her head; she's very young and passions are high right now. She was certainly injured by something.

What I find objectionable is so many news organizations immediately reporting the "four white guys" account as fact when so many things don't add up.
Miggy said…
I received 2nd degree burns on the inside of my forearm approx 9 years ago which left me scarred. Mine were caused by boiling water and even though I ran my arm under a cold running tap, I still ended up badly blistered and needing medical attention. I have no idea if water burns differ to other types of burns (?) but from the images of the young girl I've seen, they look more like 'friction' burns.

I appreciate I may be wrong so please don't take this as my disbelieving her story.

Like others here, I await the investigation.

KCM1212 said…
There are a couple of things that I wonder about:

- She is a young girl driving late at night. Windows down? During protests?
- Why would she let those guys get close to her? If I see four young men approaching at that time of night, I am out of there. Running lights all the way. And again, window down.
- She is an EMT. And she doesn't go immediately to the hospital? Her face is burnt. Any young girl is taking care of that immediately.
- She didn't talk to the police immediately. She said she was "high from the pain meds". Again, an EMT would know that cops can deal with pain meds and that timeliness is of the essence.

This is also painfully close to the Jussie Smollett allegations.

I hope they get to the bottom of this quickly, and that whoever is responsible is held accountable. And that that poor girl never has to listen to Megsy for 40 minutes ever again (really, 40 minutes???) And that anyone who tries to enrich themselves here is also held completely responsible. That includes Harry and Meg.
SwampWoman said, Isn't it racist to assert that only biracial people mixed with black can have curly hair?

I think it’s a very fair point. I have very long curly hair which is frizzy ...a profile of me in the dark wouldn’t give away that I’m Caucasian.
Nutty Flavor said…

That's an interesting point about her being an EMT - although at age 18, I don't know how much experience she would have had in the field. Anyway, she drove *past* the hospital on her way home.

Also, if she was "high from the pain meds", why was she driving?
Humor Me said…
IF this young woman did sustain burns from an assault - how terrible and I hope the assailants are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. That said....

I question the accusation based on the injuries,and her statement:
1) she was driving....that means unless she was in a british made car, her Left side was closest to the driver's side window.
2) the photo in the DM is of burns to her Right side of her face and less so, her neck.
3) Where is the scatter pattern of the burns? a stream or spray from a spray bottle would produce a concentrated area and then scatter. The photo does not show this.
4) She states in the article that she sustained 2nd and 3rd degree burns. Second - okay. Third? where?
5) Her assailant would have to be close to ignite the fluid with a lighter. (I admit - I don't smoke, and have never used a lighter with a leave on feature). Where is the lighter? What does the insdie of her car look like?
6) Where is the photos of her hands - they would be burned also from putting out the flames.
7) How could she "drive" and then "pat down the flames", and then drive home...seriously? Her calm demeano is amazing in a time of personal peril. Second degree burns are painful - they hurt. Any burn hurts.

The accusation as holes the size of Texas to this reader. If she is found to have filed a false report, then I hope she is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. These are perilous times for all.

As to MM jumping on the bandwagon - what else is new. Not the first time celebrities have virtue signaled loud and pround, only to learn the actual event/ victim wasn't quite as depicted..... Perhaps Meghan wanted to be seen as tagging the Post as "FIRST".................

xxxxx said…
@Nutty Flavor

I feel for the in over her head Ms Bernstein. The easy way you know she is lying, is she said two of the men were wearing Hawaiian shirts. She obviously read this on the internet about the very small right wing grouping called boogaloo boys, who wear Hawaiian shirts. Bernstein already has $6000 in go fund me dollars coming her way. I believe go fund me takes 25% off the top.
Mistral said…
First off, I have no idea if this is a "hoax" or not. There have been a few, probably none as high profile as Jusse Smollet (and look at the fustercluck that caused!) The blowback of supporting a hoaxer can be severe. Ask Kamala Harris.

@Este - all due respect, I don't see how she has the "right" to meddle just because she is part black (when convenient). What difference does she expect to make? She's taking a page from Kim K's playbook and although I cringe to say it, Kim has more "cred" than Meghan does. And better results.

Wow, I'm defending Kim K. I probably need more coffee.

Nutty Flavor said…
I feel for the in over her head Ms Bernstein. The easy way you know she is lying, is she said two of the men were wearing Hawaiian shirts. She obviously read this on the internet about the very small right wing grouping called boogaloo boys, who wear Hawaiian shirts.

Two men wearing Hawaiian shirts should be easy to pick out on the surveillance camera footage.

There was a lot of cellphone camera filming going on in Madison on that particular evening, given that the statues were being torn down. Have Hawaiian shirts appeared in any of that footage?

Finally, if they were "frat boy" types, it's rather odd for them to be in Madison at a time when the University of Wisconsin is not in session due to corona. All classes were suspended in March, and summer classes are online-only.
KCM1212 said…
You know, a British Prince taking part in politics (esp during an election year) could really cause some problems for the Queen.

Not this situation per se, but the Facebook situation is skirting really close to problematic. We know that neither of them have any issues with censorship (see: Battles with a Free Press).

HM really needs to move quickly to either being them under control or to start pulling titles. She just can't be seen condoning this.
none said…
From Madison 360

She said she’s reasonably certain it was four white men who “looked like classic Wisconsin frat boys … Two of them were wearing all black, and then the other two were wearing jeans and a floral shirt,” she said. She said the way they walked made her think they were intoxicated.

Lots of interesting information in the article. Worth a read.
Weekittylass said…
I remember the Tawana Bradley case quite well as I was a young mother living in Virginia Beach at the time. Al Sharpton was sued by the prosecutor who was accused of being the main perpetrator. The man won a $345k judgement against Sharpton and two others. Sharpton’s share was paid by Johnnie Cochran and others. At that time, Sharpton was not the polished character he is now. He was an obese, track suit wearing, jherri-curled, Mr. T starter set wearing, nouveau race baiter. A dear friend of mine knew the Sharpton family growing up. They were opportunists and cons back then as now. Al Sharpton is the perfect mentor and business model for MM. He uses his ‘cough’ charity’cough’ to shake down large corporations and demand large speaking fees. The Fed and NYS says he owes back taxes for earnings he says he donates to his charity. I actually tweeted this man, McDonald, on trading carefully with the Harkles. I am sure my Twitter is full of raging sugars. I don’t care. Dox me and you’ll find I am not the one. Before anyone thinks to call me a racist, I am mixed. I am half FBI and half Puerto Rican and that half is Hispanic and black. My black blood is not African American but from the Caribbean which is an entirely different perspective. We don’t believe in a victim mentality.
Miggy said…
I had missed the article in the DM relating to this incident but in it she says: 'They had to pretty much scrub the skin off, which was extremely painful,'

That may go some way to explaining why I thought they looked like friction burns.
Weekittylass said…
Oh, and the only lighter that might possibly stay lit is a zippo type lighter. Not one normally associated with frat boys. As a biker, I used to use one of those. Now I use rechargeables. Far less maintenance and less messy.
YankeeDoodle said…
How dare Just H, a foreigner without even a green card, get involved in the internal politics of the USA? I find his chutzpah beyond disgusting. It was like the time when President Obama flew over to visit the Queen, interfered with Brexit talks, and told the citizens of Great Britain that if they voted for Brexit, then they will find themselves at the back of the “Queue” a British word, instead of the American “line.” The irony of an American President threatening its closest ally that if they wanted freedom from the EU that he would do everything he could (including appearing with anti-Brexit people, in the country where American fought a war to free itself of in 1776, and the king) was crazy crazy. Now Just H, a grandson of the Queen, who insists on using his titles to tell Americans how to vote, how to talk, and how to think, is crack smack. Without Obama’s threats, and pushy interference, I believe there would be no Brexit, as resentment about another pushy President/American was insulting to the British.

Just H has zero rights to open his big mouth or show support to any American political cause. He should be stripped of all titles, let Parliament if need be cut off Sussex from his name and M’s. If Just H gave a damn about anything, he should go back home to be with his countrymen, and help them with the fighting the C-virus, and let him rant about racism in the least racist against minorities country I have lived in, Great Britain. Cut off the HAMS from all funding, including police, if Just H wants to live in a foreign country, instead of his birthplace.

The only fun part of the loser HAMS story is/will be the huge amount of taxes they will owe to the IRS and state of California. Meghan never had immunity from paying taxes because a foreign government gave her a title. Titles mean nothing in the USA. Meghan probably owes millions of dollars in back taxes. As an American, living in the Marxist state of the highest Income taxes in the USA, Megs will be paying over 11 percent state income tax, 39.5 federal tax, 15 percent FICA tax,( as she is self-employed), Medicare taxes of 3 percent, plus local, city, sales and huge property taxes (if she owns any real estate in California.)
Girl with a Hat said…

You're right. Does Meghan want to become the next Al Sharpton? Because this is not a man who is well liked in any community. He is known as an opportunist and a race huckster.
Weekittylass said…
Johnson not MacDonald.
Nutty Flavor said…
Oh, and the only lighter that might possibly stay lit is a zippo type lighter. Not one normally associated with frat boys. As a biker, I used to use one of those. Now I use rechargeables. Far less maintenance and less messy.

Not being a smoker, I had to look up Zippo lighters. They look kind of nice, as lighters go. And very personal. If I had one, I don't think I'd want to throw it away, especially at someone I hated.

I would associate frat boys more with disposable type lighters you might buy in a convenience store. Would they stay lighted if you threw them? Could they be modified to stay lit?

I suppose it's academic, because if Althea Bernstein's story is true, the lighter should still be in her car.
Something about this story smells off to me but, then, people do daft things where flames are involved - like running around with their clothes on fire instead of rolling on the ground.

They can do extraordinary things even when severely injured but ..

I don't know enough about burns to comment on the photo - but when was it alleged to have happened? How soon after was the photo taken? Have any Nutties seen burns like this before? I've certainly never had burns or scalds that have healed (?) like this - intense redness, blisters and cracks, yes. Perhaps healing eventually to a slightly darker skin tone.
I've also seen acid burns from conc.sulphuric (sorry, sulfuric) acid spraying into a student's face - different again.

I hope the truth is revealed soon.

My conclusion about MM is there there are no depths to which she will not sink, even those postulated by Jules Verne - 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea or to the Centre of the Earth.

Talking of Monsieur Verne, Harry may not be going Around the World in Eighty Days but the BBC Ceefax announced yesterday that he had launched the next `Walking with the Wounded' mega-trek across the Empty Quarter in Oman. Harry has joined previous treks, the Polar ones for example, but it's not known whether he will this time.

It could give him a break from the wife, if he were to take the opportunity, but I wonder how he might be received by real soldiers now?

I must admit, I had visions of a re-run of `Ice Cold in Alex', with H in the John Mills role, suffering desperately from the lack of alcohol, sustained by the mirage of at least 6 pints (for starters), with the condensation running down the outside of the glass.
Fairy Crocodile said…

I am with you on that. What was a 18 year old girl doing in the area of riots at 1 am in the morning with her window open?

If 4 men approached her car close enough to attack, she would turn her face to them. It is an instinctive move.

She would not be able to drive with her face burning. Immediate instinct would be to protect the face first. Even if somebody througs water at your face unexpectedly you would immediately reach to wipe it. And she would scream.

She would not be able to drive properly either, she would most likely accelerate like mad and risk an accident

Her hands would be burned too.

She would be extremely frightened and she would want to call police immediately as well as to see a doctor immediately.

Tough to judge from the media reports, they may be off, but there are obvious details that don't seem logical.

I hope the investigation team will be able to get to the bottom of it.
This is an ugly crime that has to be punished if things happened as she say.

And how a private phone call can bring somebody to compliment Meg's counselling capabilities? Did Megs bring a recorder or a full PR team with her?

KCM1212 said…
I must say, that Ms Bernstein seems level headed. She speaks of forgiveness, and says that she and her mother have no need for funding yet.

But it happens. I came across this article from 2012 by accident.

"Meghan Markle beams next to private chef in never-before-seen photo
"Aisha Nozari
"Hello!21 hours ago
"A South Africa-based luxury service company called Concierge Cape Town has shared a never-before-seen photo of the Duchess of Sussex."
(Yahoo News today)

She's being used for blatant advertising here - how much did the caterers have to pay her (I mean, their `charitable' trust, of course)?
CatEyes said…
I am not trying to be funny, but remember when the black comedian Richard Pryor set himself on fire where it was reported he freebasing cocaine but his version it was 110 proof rum that caught fire. All kinds of stories for people's otherwise explainable events.

FWIW typical cheap Lighters are used in smoking crack also but I can't imagine how a rock could explode and cause a flash fire on one's face on the other hand smoking meth, well??. Both of these substances are cut with all kinds of crap even formaldehyde. Not trying to infer she was a drug user though. Just that lighters are plentiful

I don't think not finding the lighter would be an indication of it not happening; maybe it bounced off her face and fell on the ground. A god police investigation should answers all these questions even perhaps with Ms. Bernstein taking a polygraph.
Nutty Flavor said…
I must say, that Ms Bernstein seems level headed. She speaks of forgiveness, and says that she and her mother have no need for funding yet.

Yes, she comes across as a nice woman.

Funny dichotomy, isn't it?

a) hoping that a crime did take place so she is not exposed as a liar?

b) hoping a crime did not take place, because it's a terrible thing to have happen, in which case she is indeed a liar?
none said…
@WBBM ~ It's a photoshop. If you enlarge the pic, you will see a chunk of the chef's left arm is missing just below his elbow. There are other issues, but that's the most obvious.
CatEyes said…
Sorry for typos, I cannot see easily as I have significant vision problem (too much staring at computer screen?) that is causing blurred/double vison. I need to scrutinize and proofread 3-4 times. I am only mentioning because the 'Disruptors' accuse my typos on being drunk. :(
SwampWoman said…

Many Jewish people have similar hair. Althea Bernstein may have inherited her hair from that side of the family.

I was thinking Debbie Wasserman Schultz (grin) because many members of my family on Grandma's side have Jewfros.
Curlytop said…
Given the Harkles' amazing ability to interject themselves at the worst possible time to the most ill-conceived causes, I'd bet this ends up being a hoax without even reading the details, just on their involvement alone. It would serve them right to be taken in on a hoax, continuing their descent into buffoonery.

After reading the details of the incident, her story doesn't add up. Nutty, I think you've assessed this accurately. I suspect that this story will be largely memory-holed if proven to be a hoax given the current climate.
I didn't look that closely at the photo - she controls her image so tightly that if it was done without authorisation/payment we can be sure there will be an attempt to extract money.

I can't imagine her posing without some sort of quid pro quo being involved.

Perspective has been very unkind to her, I think, but even so, it's the Ultimate Sponge Bob picture.
Weekittylass said…
Nutty, yes, Zippos are very personal and very heavy for a lighter. It is possible to make a cheap one stay lit, but usually the mechanism itself will melt. Throwing the lighter with any force would extinguish such a weak flame. There used to be an idiot trick, back in the day, where teens would spill lighter fluid on their skin and set it on fire. They would put it out immediately, of course. I can’t remember anyone ever suffering residual burning or leaving more than a slight red mark of a burn. Butane evaporates rapidly when exposed to air. I hope she is not lying. Nobody needs another Brawley/Smollett type of scenario but something in the buttermilk ain’t clean.
CatEyes said…
Despite my questions I wanted to balance it with a few items;
1. Who wants to cause harm to their self if it was self inflicted. An accident I can see is plausible.
2. She must know her story was going to be vigorously looked into (inc. taking a polygraph) especially in the current political environment
3. I do believe there are racist troublemakers who could do such a thing.
4. She has to know a false police report would be a crime punishable by fine at the least.
6. If she is an EMT she knows that injuries can't be too easily manufactured to fit the story.
6. As a young woman with AA heritage, burns can be particularly problematic so it would be hard to believe she would do it to herself willingly.
7. If she lied she would be a social pariah even among the black community much as T.B. was IIRC.
8. To accept financial donations under false pretenses would be a separate and perhaps more serious crime than a false police report.
9. She would be a laughingstock if she lied unless she has a mental illness which caused her attention seeking behavior.
10. The resultant public attention even though overall positive is a stress nonetheless and can be hard to handle.
11. She probably got grilled hard by her family as they wanted to make sure the story was true knowing what was at stake.
12. She is now a public figure and her life might become an open book leading to embarrassing scrutiny.
13. She will face from this day forward a barrage of press and media intrusion which can't be pleasant for someone unaccustomed to it.
14. Her family and friends will no doubt ask a multitude of questions and even skepticism which can be hurtful.
Lily Love said…
It’s sucks that this young lady has to heal from these burns. However I will never blindly believe someone’s account of what happened without proof. It’s also awfully convenient that all of these incidents happen in large cities( which are usually run by democrats and have been for years). Her description of what happened and what she did is also suspect in my opinion. Even at 18 I would not have driven home, I would have driven to the hospital as would everyone that I know. Also, after the whole Jussie Smollett incident it blows my mind that people still blindly believe these people.
CatEyes said…
A typical lighter which would include Lighter fluid, is a VOC mostly containing any easily flammable compound such as Naphtha or White gas, a volatile flammable liquid hydrocarbon mixture or even Butane.

Lighter fluid, as the term is used in the USA means a very light petroleum distillate liquid. It has fewer very volatile substances than gasoline, and also fewer heavy hydrocarbons than gasoline. However it does possess extreme volatility hence why it easily sets things on fire and have a residue that leaves burning temporarily on the substance you are setting on fire,. So if you want to continue the burning you must continue to douse the fluid on your object.

In this case, the fluid would have create an immediate flash of fire but to sustain the burning, more fluid would haver to be ejected unless the original amount of fluid was considerable and caught something like her hair to go up in flames keeping the burning action going. IMO I think the young lady could have been sprayed and a flash of flames erupt and we would see a burn on her face but to keep it burning more fluid would have to be administered. I find the lack of blistering unusual (unless the photo was taken immediately or shortly thereafter) especially since it was reported as 2-3rd degree burns.

I asked someone who used to smoke crack cocaine and they said yes, users have a very well know way to fix the lighter so that the flame stays lit. Also these cheap lighters have a lever to increase the flame which can go up about 1 1.2 inches or maybe more.

Nutty Flavor said…
All good questions, @CatEyes

Re Number 8: "To accept financial donations under false pretenses would be a separate and perhaps more serious crime than a false police report", this may be why she and her mother have said they have no interest in their GoFundMe.

Re Number 11: "She probably got grilled hard by her family as they wanted to make sure the story was true knowing what was at stake."

Her family probably shares her political orientation and would be inclined to believe her account. Most of us would believe our children/parents/siblings if they came home with visible injuries.

This was a passionate time in Madison, with the statues coming down. (Most notably a statue of an immigrant who had lost his life fighting *against* slavery, and a statue commemorating women's right to vote, paid for by women and designed by a woman.)


I suspect that this story will be largely memory-holed if proven to be a hoax given the current climate.

Perhaps it already has been. I haven't seen any updates on the original story. If there are no men in flowered shirts on the surveillance camera footage, the Madison police may just "let it lie" in order not to inflame passions again.
Curlytop said…
I live in the SouthEast US, and this site is the first I've heard about it.

Second: you can eliminate the option of the girl doing this to herself on purpose. The story is either true(highly suspect) or she was involved in the rioting and accidentally set herself on fire. Several stories of rioters setting themselves on fire while trying to light up things. Althea panicked bc if she went to the hospital, she'd be charged w/ arson as many of these cities ARE arresting those who are setting fires to buildings.

CatEyes said…
Yes Nutty I tend to agree in normal times, but in this racially charged atmosphere I would (as a Pareant) want to know all the excruciating details because the police are going to interrogate not only the victim but the family as well. It could be a protective thing for the parent(s) family members to want to have a cohesive account before the police grill them.
Nutty Flavor said…

I don't think she did it to herself on purpose.

I think it was either an accident with lighter fluid, which was being used to commit arson on a building nearby, or some other protest/riot related injury.

What I don't believe is that four white right-wing frat boys turned up in identifiable gear (flowered shirts) in the middle of a violent left-wing protest and instead of fighting the many left-wingers who were nearby, decided to attack a light-skinned biracial woman in a vehicle.

And certainly not by throwing lighter fluid and then a lighter which had been altered to remain in the "on" position and somehow managed to hit her in the exact same spots the lighter fluid splashed.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

jessica said…
It’s no surprise to me that Meghan is wasting her time trying to be Mother Theresa of America. The woman has no original thought in her brain. She’s just copying what she just did for two years, because she doesn’t know what else
To do. There’s no script or playbook for ‘startup Charity’. Real charities don’t use an influencer to go around being famous to support the charity. I mean I guess that’s what the Monarchy does, which is my point.

The Queen does not want the profiting off of playing Royal which is their end goal here. It is not possible to continue this charade. The Queen needs to step in.

If Meghan wants to play start up charity Barbie, then it should be done entirely separate from Royal funding and Royal influence.

It concerns me that Lady CC reported that the Queen is fine with everything, and suggested that if this works for Meghan and Harry then it could be a playbook for other royals. So this is how lax it really is.

I’m wondering what Charles and William are going to do about it. If they continue meandering on in random political American affairs, are they going to keep their funding?

Btw, I agree the teen girl was just trying to avoid parental trouble. Now it’s gotten out of hand.
Nutty Flavor said…
Also, this is a good point by @CurlyTop

Althea panicked bc if she went to the hospital, she'd be charged w/ arson as many of these cities ARE arresting those who are setting fires to buildings.

This could be true, particularly since it was an important government building, the home of 911. Perhaps her family encouraged her to lie. Arson is a very serious charge.

Also, I think it is of interest that Althea was training to be a firefighter. Firefighter arson is a known phenomenon.

According to Wikipedia, firefighter arson is particularly common in the 17-26 age group, although the profile is more likely to be white and male (like the majority of firefighters.)
Nutty Flavor said…

If Meghan wants to play start up charity Barbie, then it should be done entirely separate from Royal funding and Royal influence.

Good point. It seems past time to cut her off.

My guess is that the lawyer for Althea - who is also the Boys & Girls Club head for the Madison area - was fishing around for a celebrity to push his cause.

Somehow he got in touch with Meghan, and because she has nothing else going on at the moment, she agreed to get involved without really researching the case.
lizzie said…
I'll reserve judgment but the story seems a little off. Seems it would likely have been a Zippo (at least those would hold fingerprints so if one is found...but who would plan to throw one of those away?) I see @CatEyes mentioned crack users altering disposable lighters...maybe, but "frat boys" usually don't do crack so would that be known?

Why is only the right side of her face burned? And her hair wasn't? If she was in the driver's seat? And who drives alone at 1am downtown during a riot with the window down?

Why did she drive to her brother's, then to her mother's, and then and only then (apparently) drive herself to the hospital? I can understand being in shock but what was wrong with those other people? I'm also wondering why the hospital didn't notify the police.

After Tawana, Smollett, Clock Boy, Emmett Till, Susan Smith, Charles Stuart, J. Wilbanks, Yasmin Seweid,
as well as non-racial hoaxes-- the Balloon Boy, Bobbitt GoFundMe hoax..I'm just not at all sure if I believe the story.
jessica said…
Read some of the comments.

Her activism won’t be welcome in high society, and her activism
In America is mediocre at best due to her past choices and lack of platform
(Career/experience). She married into a family she calls racist, and married the whitest dude on the planet. At least Beyoncé married Jay-Z. And works her ass off. Beyoncé is also light skinned and from an upper middle class family, but she didn’t marry a white dude.

Sorry to say, it’s going to cause issues for her. And again, leads me to believe she has no real market.
JHanoi said…
madison- sounds like the ‘activists’ , perhaps paid, or perhaps still unemployeed and perhaps crazy from staying home due to covid, are using social media to plan their areas to attack and create another chaz/chop in madison.

MM- i suspect she may realize her ‘dream’ of an EGOT is a pipe dream, and is now turning her attention on a future running for political office. she’s working on building up her SJW do-gooder CV so she has something to run on other than being a B-list actress, quitter, and sleeping her way up the fame/social ladder.
CatEyes said…
Nutty your last two comments really pushed me in the direction of not believing the story, particularly that she was in training to be a firefighter. It is possible (a theory folks) because of her knowledge of flammable liquids and she was out that late in a area experiencing civil unrest she may have participated in arson because she thought her knowledge would make it easy to do and that she could get away with it. I would be curious to see if she had previously participated in protests and how zealous her beliefs were.

To be clear, I am not being racist just a realist. When I first heard she was driving at 1 am with an open window it was a red flag. I don't drive at night like that and I am in a relatively safe area and certainly wouldn't do it in the next big city over which is smaller than Madison. But my apologies in advance if my theory is wrong and as I am certainly not racist and am sympathetic to a degree with the BLM movement (when it concerns police brutality).
Curlytop said…

"What I don't believe is that four white right-wing frat boys turned up in identifiable gear (flowered shirts) in the middle of a violent left-wing protest and instead of fighting the many left-wingers who were nearby, decided to attack a light-skinned biracial woman in a vehicle"

THIS is a tell and I agree. The US media latched onto the internet joke meme of "Boogaloo Boys"(not a real group and suspicion is its certain political orgs paying actors to claim to be a part of the made up label in attempt to stir up trouble) and has ran with it in stories of the protests/riots in the aftermath of the George Floyd case to gin up division. NO ONE disputes that what happened to Floyd was gross police brutality yet provocateurs are fanning the flames of division, sadly with great success.

"My guess is that the lawyer for Althea - who is also the Boys & Girls Club head for the Madison area - was fishing around for a celebrity to push his cause"

This makes the Harkles involvement richer. The grifter falls for a con. Priceless!! However, this is yet another black eye for the BRF if this story is a hoax. I've followed this blog since its inception, and I am still baffled at how MM was able to pull this off. At this point, like others on this site have stated, they just need to go away!
HappyDays said…
Oh Nutty, I read the news of the incident in Wisconsin and there was something that struck me as not lining up with her account of the attack. It just seems far fetched.

I am also well aware of the Tawana Brawley incident as well as the Duke University lacrosse team incident.

Meghan is desperate to raise her profile and it is apparent that Hollywood isn’t falling all over her, and their foundation is having trouble getting off the ground. Because she has openly represented herself as white for years in her acting CV, people might not take her seriously there either, but she now seems to be attempting to use the Wisconsin incident to enhance her facade.

Bennie said…
@Nutty... Am I missing something?!? Where did she get the pain pills?!? ( I'm going to read the story again maybe I missed something )
KCM1212 said…
From the hospital, I think @Bennie
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, it seems like the nurses gave her the pills at the hospital, and then according to Althea advised her not to call the cops because she was "high as a kite" from the medication.

She apparently returned home at 6am on the morning of the 24th and called the police later that day.

Before she knew it, she was on "Good Morning America."
Miggy said…
OT @Nutty,

Are you still adding to your list of Meghan supporters and was Sharon Stone on it?

Apologies in advance if she was!

Nutty Flavor said…
Wow, I should dig up that list and update it.
none said…
Is the name of the hospital she was treated at reported anywhere? I would like to know their policy on contacting law enforcement if they suspect a patient is the victim of a crime.
Anonymous said…
@Nutty Flavor

“Well, bye then, WW.

I hold Black people, and biracial people, to the same standards as all other people.

Not to do so is the bigotry of low expectations.”

Thank you Nutty. Standing ovation for you.
KCM1212 said…
UW Medical Center, Holly. University of Wisconsin
none said…
Thank you KCM1212 :)
KCM1212 said…
Lol, and you too Nutty. That was elegantly expressed.
SwampWoman said…
@Curlytop: THIS is a tell and I agree. The US media latched onto the internet joke meme of "Boogaloo Boys"(not a real group and suspicion is its certain political orgs paying actors to claim to be a part of the made up label in attempt to stir up trouble) and has ran with it in stories of the protests/riots in the aftermath of the George Floyd case to gin up division.

ROFL, thank you. I was wondering why people were talking about it as though it is a real thing. More 4-chan shenanigans and, again, it points out to how credulous MSM "reporters" are.
none said…
According to Wis. Stat. § 255.40 the hospital is required to report the injury as a crime. Unless of course the nurses were told there was no crime.
lizzie said…
@Nutty wrote:

"She apparently returned home at 6am on the morning of the 24th and called the police later that day."

So this happened around 1am. She then continued on to her brother's house. Then she drove back home (exact time unknown) and called her mother who said she should go to the hospital. Her mom also said to call their "healthcare provider" (around 2am????) and told them that she “got a little toasted.”

The nurses for the provider told her to call an ambulance but she decided to drive herself to the ER.

At the hospital her skin was "decontaminated" and I assume debrided. She was given pain meds so the nurses specifically told her not to call the police then because she was high as a kite.

And somehow she got home by 6am? How? Certainly didn't drive her "high as a kite" self home did she?

Nutty Flavor said…
OK, friends, it's almost midnight here and I'm going to hit the sack.

Since this is a sensitive topic, I'm going to put it on moderation overnight Estonian time. Feel free to leave comments, which I will approve first thing tomorrow morning (in roughly 9 hours).
Curlytop said…
you beat me to it! I have 2 family members who work in a hospital setting and a friend who is an ER nurse. They most certainly would NOT discourage a patient to contact LEO if victim of crime. In fact, it's easier on cops bc they can get the medical staff's statement before the patient is released while details are fresh in order to validate or debunk narrative the patient is telling.

Yeah, the US media is an embarrassing joke!

Rufus T said…
As mentioned a Zippo, or indeed any petrol lighter,would remain lit.I agree it's unlikely you would want to throw away a Zippo but much cheaper petrol lighters are available.
Anonymous said…
This incident reportedly occurred at a busy intersection in Madison—West Gorham and State Strret—so there will have been lots of cameras there. A good thing because the images will either clearly confirm or undermine Althea Bernstein’s claims.
Mel said…
Johnson was impressed with Meghan, noting she sounded “almost like a seasoned high school counsellor.”

How would he know? Was it a conference call? Makes me wonder where this is all going.


I noted this also. It seems like a pretty odd thing to say. How would he know what a high school counselor sounds like anyway? And why would you compare Megan to that?

Maybe she took one of those 10-minute counseling instructional sessions she was talking about?

It reminded me of the recipients of the bag lunches they were delivering to who said what down-to-earth people they were and how pretty she was. How would he know all that just from them dropping off bag lunches in masks once?
unknown said…
Absolutely ZERO chance this woman was told to not report the crime due to being in a hospital on medication. That is absurd.

A nurse or doctor would lose their license over this. What if the attackers are still roaming the streets trying to kill people? They have a duty to call the police.

So, She's off telling the world she told the staff at a hospital she was viciously attacked via a race hate crime and they advised HER to not contact the police?

All this means is she didn't tell the hospital staff what actually happened, or told them the truth: she was injured during her protest, or stayed silent ('I was committing arson and OOPS'). That's the only time the hospital would be legally able to not act (call police), is if it was an accident/harm she caused herself.

The FBI will interview the hospital and find the truth of her claims.

This is what happens when you lie. You think your story makes sense, until it's cross checked by the FBI (which are probably only involved because of the hospitals failure to act IF it IS true, which would be problematic for the hospital).
HappyDays said…
It bothers me that Meghan has rushed to insert herself in a case that could result in criminal charges no matter which way the results on the investigation go.

But Meghan has to insert herself because she is trying to be relevant to SOMETHING, ANYTHING no matter what.

If the investigation finds the claim to be true, there will be four men in deep criminal trouble.

If the investigation finds that it was a made up story to hide possible involvement in attempted arson, then she’s in bug trouble on two fronts, attempted arson and false crime report.

Meghan is incredibly stupid. She is basically proclaiming this young woman as a victim before the police investigation is concluded and people are charged.

Meghan is being quick to place a large bet on it being a racially-motivated attack. If it turns out to be a hoax, Meghan’s will have egg all over her face and her reputation will take another hit, and so will Harry’s.
HappyDays said…
Sweet dreams, Nutty.

This is off this specific topic, but it might be worth input from some of the legal eagles on this blog. Enty at CDAN posted a blind today (Sunday, June 28, 2020) saying the Harkles won’t be able to command the really big bucks for speaking engagements, which isn’t surprising, but the interesting thing enty said was that Harry can’t work in the US. Is it because he doesn’t have a H1B or is it something related to being a royal?

Maisie said…
Just thinking back to my youth when a few things happened which I felt uncomfortable explaining to adults. My reports were edited by omission. Stick to the truth but leave out a thing or two... such as when, still on a learner's permit, I received a citation for speeding on a road that had MPH reduction, I did not tell the judge that I stopped at a traffic light while traveling between the two zones.

Which makes me wonder about Althea and her brother. Where was she driving from? Why was she going there at 1 am only to drive right back home. Perhaps he was in the car with her, an omission, and she was dropping him off at his home? He would be a good person to question.
Jdubya said…
Anyway post this blind item reveal yet?

SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2020
Blind Items Revealed #1
June 20, 2020

A big legal battle looks like it is brewing between the former actress turned royal and her husband vs the husband's family. It is why they had to stop using the same law firm as the husband's family.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Harbottle and Lewis
Sharon said…
Sharon AKA Poodle 12 here

@Nutty, Holly, Rebecca, Swampwoman, KCM1212 and others,

I stand with you. Holding each individual to the same standard is the very definition of justice.

BTW, leave it to MM and her stooge JH to insert themselves into the most sensitive events without an iota of good judgment or discernment.

If this weren't all so sad it would be laughable; to entertain the thought of Meg as the new version of (the fat at the time) Al Sharpton. Could she sink any lower? I don't see how Charles and William are allowing these two plonkers to continually besmirch the reputation of the BRF, even if HM acquiesces to their antics (according to Lady CC) and sees them as role models for other lesser royals in future.
Leela said…
I love you @SwampWoman. Denouncing your own self in advance, and all your other wise, snarky and clear cut comments enliven this blog.
Bennie said…
Good Morning @Nutty! Just saw this article, thought it was interesting!! Of course it mentions MM!!!

"Hate crime investigation opened after Jewish biracial woman set on fire"

By ZACHARY KEYSER JUNE 28, 2020 17:58
Ozmanda said…
I literally have no idea what is going on - I feel like I am in one of those movies when the person passes out and wakes up to find everyone is completely different and she/he/them has no clue what is happening. :)
abbyh said…

Side note: the Beyonce video - I watched it and thought that this is what M has wanted to pull out of her bag to show she is sympatico with the current landscape of politics.

Well the reality is that she doesn't have the family to fill in for the parts ... (or she chooses not to call them to help her for those who can) ...

take your pick

I am not going to give any comment on this matter until the police have had a chance to investigate and report their findings. Apparently there are many surveillance cameras in the area, which is excellent, since it will make their job a lot easier.

Somebody mentioned that Black celebrities have not rushed to publicly support Ms. Bernstein. I think they're remembering the Jussie Smollett debacle; when the news first broke, many Black celebs and politicians publicly called the incident a hate crime, and anyone who pointed out inconsistencies in Jussie's story was denounced as a racist. Jussie's story was not the only hoax of that kind in recent years, and I think people are being cautious and waiting for all the facts to emerge before they voice an opinion.

Not MM and JH, though. Desperate to remain relevant, they have latched onto the BLM movement as a way to keep their names in the news. And should this incident turn out to be a hoax, it won't be the first time they've been fooled. Remember JH, Greta and the penguins (the Russian pranksters who called JH pretending to be Greta Thunberg and her father, and convinced JH to help "Greta" bring penguins home to the North Pole?
Nutty Flavor said…
Good morning, all.

Barbara, I agree about the other Black celebrities who have kept their distance from this case. They no doubt have professional PR teams around them who look into causes before letting them get involved. Meg and Harry seem to have nobody.

I wonder what happened to Sunshine Sachs - maybe they play only offense, not defense - or that woman who had worked for the Gates Foundation and was now going to work for Archewell. Supposedly she was paid a year in advance. What's she up to?
Nutty Flavor said…

I agree with you that the Aletha's brother is worth talking to.

Concept: she was injured in the protests, possibly in an arson attack or some other criminal activity, drove to her brother's house, and he said, "Do you realize that if you're charged with this, you'll no longer be able to be a firefighter?"

Then the two of them came up with this attack story, which they fed to the mother. Alternately, the mother helped them.

It's still a tragedy - a young girl caught up in the moment, doing something stupid, throwing her dream away.

It's just a different tragedy than originally advertised.
Lily Love said…
@nutty flavor

I hope for her sake that this is not a hoax, however my gut tells me that it is. Even if she was caught up in the moment and did something stupid, she is still old enough to know the difference between right and wrong, and she is going to have to face the consequences of her actions.
Nutty Flavor said…
Maybe she will have to face the consequences....and maybe not.

Unlike the Brawley case, there have been no men specifically accused in the Bernstein case, which means that there are not four people desperate to clear their names by having the accusations declared false.

As @CurlyTop suggested, the whole thing may be memory-holed, allowing Bernstein to avoid charges that would ruin her potential career.

If she's done nothing worse than filing a false police report, that's a Class A misdemeanor in Wisconsin., and a sympathetic DA/judge might allow her to plea-bargain it away, keeping her dreams of being a paramedic/firefighter alive.

On the other hand, if she was involved in the arson of the 911 center performed with lighter fluid, she's looking at jail time.

unknown said…
the head of their new charity is meant to be Catherine St. Laurent, from the Gates Foundation.

It will be eye opening to her, to have worked for the intelligent and exceedingly wealthy mrs. gates, to working for the low budget harkles.
Aquagirl said…
@Nutty @8:20: Your comment sums up exactly what I was thinking. First off, there are too many people involved before she even goes to the hospital. And why didn’t her brother drive her? She goes to her brother’s place, then calls her mother, but then drives herself? But can’t even remember? (Will the ‘not remembering’ be part of her defense?) And she is told by the hospital not to contact the police? Also, I don’t know anyone of any age (especially a female alone in a car) who would drive with the window open, listening to music, at 1am in the vicinity of riots. It’s just not plausible. And the details such as the lighter fluid in a spray bottle sound way too Smollett-ish to me (i.e., the bleach in a hot sauce bottle.) Not to mention the 2 guys in Hawaiian shirts (just like the 2 guys in MAGA hats.) It’s also suspect that she’s in so much pain and is so upset but she’s able to remotely appear on GMA so soon after the event. She’s trying to get her story out there I guess. Finally, adding religion into the story just irks me. While I have zero tolerance for people being targeted for their religion, she’s a bi-racial female who identifies as both Unitarian and Jewish. Isn’t it bad enough that she was targeted for her race? And how would the four white guys even have any indication as to her religion? Sorry, but I’m not buying what she’s selling. And I hope that she does pay the consequences for whatever truly happened (a false police report or arson.) This has got to stop.

As for the Harkle’s, as I expressed in my last comment on the previous thread, it’s time for HM to step in.
Aquagirl said…
@Lucy@5:51: I agree. Why isn’t this story everywhere? Besides GMA & Essence Magazine, there are quite a few outlets which I’ve never even heard of covering this story. But no major press compared to other similar stories.

“Where was she driving from? Why was she going there at 1 am only to drive right back home.”

The purported attack against Althea Bernstein took place just a few blocks from the Capitol building in Madison, where the violent mob destroyed the statues and committed other acts of vandalism. Of course I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. #sarcasm
unknown said…
What I appreciate most about this blog is everyone's ability to critically think about what the media/pr/agenda's are pushing. Breathe of fresh air.
gabes_human said…
They haven’t been hugely popular since cheap disposable Bic and Cricket lighters became the go-to source of personal flame but in the good old days we smokers treasured our Zippo lighters. I no longer smoke cigarettes but those Zippos were what we all carried. They are refillable with lighter fluid and would stay lit in a hurricane force wind (almost). Zippos came with as many outside shells as you could imagine. Gold plated, sporting a US Marine Corp cartouche, your company’s name and logo engraved along with your name. They were s3cond to gold watches as retirement presentation gifts. Now that I’ve dated myself, I can assure anyone interested that a lit Zippo would stay lit if tossed a short distance. At one time we were not a throw away society.

Stepping down from my soapbox now.
none said…
Current GoFundMe fundraisers for Althea total $690, $340 and $110. One fundraiser with a $10,000 goal raised $0 and the organizer has disabled new donations.

The largest amount is $5,825 out of $500,000. This one is said to be approved by Althea and her parents. Here's the intro....

On June 24th at 4:30 my 18 year old cousin was exposed to white supremacy! They lit my teenage cousin on fire. On fire. A genuine kind human. One who you would turn to for love and support and know for sure she is ready to give her all to you We just want some money for expenses and after this please if you have more to spare support any black lives matter movements !!!! Thank you to everyone is you need any updates please follow on Instagram @althea.bernstein_
Nutty Flavor said…
Wow, Holly - it sounds like we aren't the only people who have noticed something is off.

The fundraiser approved by Althea and her family has this text:

"This fundraiser is approved by Althea and her parents. The Boys and Girls Club supports this. We also encourage people supporting The Boys and Girls Club . Funds from this campaign go directly to Althea toward animal rescue efforts. Althea and her family requested no personal assistance. This is for animal welfare, in support of Althea's dream."

Sounds to me like Althea and her family are eager to avoid accepting money personally under what may turn out to be false pretenses.
Nutty Flavor said…
Of course, this raises the question: if you and I can see that there is a major credibility problem here, why can't "Good Morning America", "People" magazine, "Time" magazine, CNN, etc. see the same thing?

Probably because they are lazy and understaffed, and because this story fit the narrative of the moment. Also, Althea looks very pretty in the one photo of her that is being published, and you'll never go broke selling stories of pretty young women in peril.

(As the GoFundMe images show, Althea is actually an average-looking girl with a big build that probably would have made her an excellent firefighter.)
Nutty Flavor said…
Off topic, but I've really gotten into independent journalists these days, because the mainstream is just not bringing me any fresh ideas.

The best piece I've read today is by Matt Taibbi, a longtime Rolling Stone writer who now writes for a paid group of subscribers.

He's got a left wing approach but with no time for fakers. From today's piece criticizing the "white fragility" movement:

"For corporate America the calculation is simple. What’s easier, giving up business models based on war, slave labor, and regulatory arbitrage, or benching Aunt Jemima?"

Anyway, here's the link. Taibbi is not for the sensitive, however.
Nutty Flavor said…
Anyway, back on topic, Meg's clearly picked a winner here.
lizzie said…
From the family-approved GoFundMe page:

"As I write, Althea is in the hospital battling 2nd and 3rd degree burns..." (Page was created "3 days ago", not on the 24th when she was in the ER. So she wasn't in the hospital then, she was on TV shows like GMA and being interviewed.)

"Funds from this campaign go directly to Althea toward animal rescue efforts."

It sounds to me like Althea WILL be accepting the money but purportedly not for herself but to rescue animals, whatever that means.
Aquagirl said…
@Holly: June 24th @ 4:30? I wonder if that’s supposed to be am or pm? I thought the incident occurred at 1am. ‘We just want some money for expenses’—I guess that would be medical expenses but why not just say so.

As for the next one, it’s for animal rescue efforts. I’m all for that but how is that connected to her accident/attack? Why start up a GFM for that now? Also, I thought her dream was being an EMT and a firefighter, not rescuing animals. I’m so confused.
Fairy Crocodile said…
If you call a decent person racist a thousand times, on a thousand and first the person may turn into one.

What is going on will backfire in a way no current bandwagoners can see.

Whoever is behind of the events has a very clear goal of dividing society further because the house divided can't stand.

Meghan becoming part of this agenda while she is still associated with the British
Royals already already resulted in reduction of respect for the Queen and the institute.

Royals can see this. I expect Charles's announcement of the income from the Duchy falling is a sign royals are preparing to cut tge Harkles loose.

Girl with a Hat said…
something no one has mentioned is that Althea looks a lot like Meghan before Meghan had all of her African-American features redone. How Meghan who has altered everything about herself to make herself look more white is giving advice to a woman who was allegedly attacked as an anti-black hate crime is very ironic. In fact, it's ridiculous.
Unknown said…
OT Warning.

Thanks @Nutty for cluing me into Matt Taibbi. I will be doing a deep dive of his backlist. If you got more recs, please keep them coming.

As someone who supports BLM, I've been bothered a lot by the broad-strokes in their dialogue. These are the same people that say that Brits are racist against Meg and even Archie.

As a TCK, I see a lot of white-washing going on and it's troubling. Have these people read how radical Martin Luther King Jr. was? My mind was boggled when I heard an academic say that racism was new and different from ethnocentrism. I'm just demoralized by it and see more heightened division and no progress happening.

Anyways, I got around to watching Keeper of the Flame (1943) recently. I was just so struck by how relevant that movie was today. Although not perfect, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I think any Katherine Hepburn-Spencer Tracy fans will enjoy it too.
Bennie said…
@Fairy Crocodile... Oh how I hope & pray you are right & the RF finally will cut ties with the Harkles! The amount of damage they're doing to the Monarchy is very unsettling!

Fairy Crocodile.... If you call a decent person racist a thousand times, on a thousand and first the person may turn into one.

What is going on will backfire in a way no current bandwagoners can see.

Whoever is behind of the events has a very clear goal of dividing society further because the house divided can't stand.

Meghan becoming part of this agenda while she is still associated with the British
Royals already already resulted in reduction of respect for the Queen and the institute.

Royals can see this. I expect Charles's announcement of the income from the Duchy falling is a sign royals are preparing to cut tge Harkles loose.
Unknown said…
I don't want to spoil Keeper of the Flame (1943) but it's about a widow of an American hero and the responsibility she takes protecting his legacy. I would say that the film has some overlap to the topic we are discussing.
Miggy said…
Off Topic - The Royal Finances

Richard Palmer posted this extremely lengthy but interesting read.
Bennie said…
The hospital by law should have reported the crime to Police!


Updated 2014

Reporting of wounds and burn injuries
In this section:
(a) "Crime" has the meaning specified in s. 949.01 (1).
(b) "Inpatient health care facility" has the meaning specified in s. 50.135 (1).
(a) Any person licensed, certified or registered by the state under ch. 441, 448 or 455 who treats a patient suffering from any of the following shall report in accordance with par. (b):
(1) (2)
A gunshot wound.
Any wound other than a gunshot wound if the person has reasonable cause to believe that the wound occurred as a result of a crime.
MeliticusBee said…
I agree that the police should aggressively pursue this case. If it turns out to be true...the perpetrators should be hung out to dry.
If however, it turns out to be a hoax...the perpetrators should be hung out to dry. All of them.
Too many hoaxes have been dismissed, swept under the rug and memory holed. With cases quietly dropped or undercharged when people lose interest.
KC said…

If Meghan wants to play start up charity Barbie

E said…
Meghan Markle--champion of the common man. What a laugh!!
Seabee666 said…
If I'm innocently driving around a riot zone at 1am, my windows would be shut. They certainly would if four men approached my car and I would have hit the skids. You are brave to put in writing what I was thinking,Tawana Brawly 2.0. Where's that huckster Al Sharpton?
Bennie said…
OT... New Harry Markle!!!
none said…
Prediction...the confusing story of Althea Bernstein will quietly disappear. Markle sadly will not, as she works her latet grift as a social activist.

Appreciate the Matt Taibbi link Nutty.
E said…
Also, isn't it funny how so many incidents over the recent past end up with GoFundMr pages (or something similar)? Makes you wonder if that wasn't the goal all along...
@Nutty Flavor: you wrote that other Black celebrities have professional PR teams who look into causes before letting them get involved, but Meg and Harry seem to have nobody.

Actually, from everything that I've read about MM (and LCC's book confirms this), Meghan does not take advice from ANYBODY. She is convinced she know better than anyone else, even professionals. Her PR team could have counselled her to take a wait-and-see approach, but that's not MM's style (I'm purposely not mentioning JH because it's clear from LCC that she does what MM tells him to and thinks what MM tells him to do. Do you realize that when he was at Eton (a school he only got into because he's a member of the BRF) they dumbed down the exams as much as they could for him, and he still couldn't pass? Of course, everybody who has known him, including those who liked him, admit that he's a dimwit or, as Dickie Arbiter said, "not the brightest bunny").
Mel said…
Why isn’t this story everywhere? Besides GMA & Essence Magazine, there are quite a few outlets which I’ve never even heard of covering this story. 

Essence Magazine???

That's who Mm had release her graduation video.

Connection? Sunshine Sachs? Some other connection?

Why would Essence Magazine be a conduit for mm nonsense?
KCM1212 said…
Ironically, Megsys involvement in this story may actually call attention to a matter that all parties will want to quietly drop in a few days if the cameras don't back up Altheas version of events.

I'm not seeing this all over MSM, and the relatively small GFM amounts may mean lot of people want to wait on this one.

Not Ol' Harry and Meg though!
Superfly said…
I'm British so I don't know much about this story.

But I know this: like most sub educated, simple-minded Hollywood celebrities, MM believes that virtue signalling leads to increased popularity. If anything, we have witnessed in the last few years, that the exact opposite is true. Celebrities who have thrown their weight behind topical political causes, be it being anti-Trump, or eco warrioring, or now BLM, have been shown to be ignorant hypocrites. Nobody listens to them. The same people who who were trending on Twitter yesterday for trashing Trump, and today being cancelled at the speed of light.
Hollywood has lost its' shine, it has been revealed as a cesspit of self-indulgent, self-important, self-promotional, self-congratulatory narcissism. A pit of stinking garbage.

But because MM is so simple minded and desperate, and always late to the party, she doesn't see it.

The smartest celebrities are those who are keeping their mouths shut. They do their little act, do their little dance, sing their little song, and then piss off - like we want them to.
CatEyes said…
Here's a weird quote by Ms. Bernstein about the event

“My brain still got me home and my brain still got me to call my mom. I just remember my face was bleeding.”

If she "had a brain", why did she not call the Police before going to the hospital, so they could quickly look for the distinctly dressed men who might do it to someone else. Or her mother? That is a crime of serious magnitude, possibly attempted murder.

Strange for me is her description of the men as typical frat boys...say what? I have a university here with fraternities and don't see a 'frat boy profile'. Is this a contrived description to indicate 'white privilege'?

Also burns are very painful and the hospital certainly would have given her something, but in this era of such a crackdown on the painkillers meds (due to FDA policies) I doubt very highly she would have gotten anything very strong. If she did, I doubt it would have made her "high as a kite". My brother just got a shot of morphine and he got pain relief but no indication of being high.

However. Ms. Bernstein can give us this story, as the Hospital can't contradict her because of HIPPA laws. If she was high, maybe she was indulging in something narcotic before she got to the hospital hence why she was out at 1am making a quick trip between her alleged brother's house and home.

Last night I searched and searched to try to get additional media accounts for this story and was disappointed to only to only see the original couple. I repeatedly checked to see if liberal MSN (my home page) would cover it and zilch...wonder if they are skeptical too?

Just skeptical not racist btw. I sure wish this didn't happen whether the men were responsible or whether she had some unfortunate accident.

Girl with a Hat said…
@Barbara, the problem with stupid people is that they don't know they are stupid.

It takes a certain amount of knowledge and self awareness to understand how much one doesn't know.
KCM1212 said…

And all those celebrities who were so vocal in their patronage of Meghan and Harry are just silent now. Crickets.

I would love to hear those celebrities' rationale now.

Did they get too much negative feedback? Or did they learn the truth about who the Sussexes really are? Megs may have made a "thank you "call and they realized how very wrong their support was. A few minutes of actual conversation probably filled them with horror.

HappyDays said…
holly said…
Is the name of the hospital she was treated at reported anywhere? I would like to know their policy on contacting law enforcement if they suspect a patient is the victim of a crime.

@holly and others who have brought up the hospital staff telling her to not report this incident immediately.

This stuff about the hospital staff smells fishy. Some of the other commenters are right in that law enforcement would want to get statements from the victim asap and from those who treated her, plus perhaps take some photos of the injury and go to the crime scene right away in case the four men are still in the area looking for others to attack.

In addition to this being an assault and/or battery, and depending on the individual case, it could be a hate crime under state law if Wisconsin has a state hate crime law (most US states now have a state hate crime law), plus the perpetrators could be charged under federal hate crime law too.

Glumdalclitch said…
I also noticed that GMA (Disney owned) was one of the few national outlets to cover this story. Is Meghan perhaps auditioning for the role of Royal Racial Reporter on GMA? To be a "news" personality these days, one only has to ask, with quivering voice and moist eyes, "And, how does this make you feel?" Meghan doesn't have the stunning looks, glamorous body and acting chops to move high in Hollywood. However, she does have the bright white teeth, faux-empathy, and clarity of voice to host a morning gig. Perhaps "The View?" (Also a Disney vehicle). That still leaves poor Harry with nothing but the title of Mr. Markle.
KCM1212 said…
I saw Meghan referred to as an "ambulance chaser" thismorning.

KC said…
"Hollywood has lost its' shine, it has been revealed as a cesspit of self-indulgent, self-important, self-promotional, self-congratulatory narcissism. A pit of stinking garbage."

And you didn't even get to the pedophilia and sex harrassment.
SwampWoman said…
Also burns are very painful and the hospital certainly would have given her something, but in this era of such a crackdown on the painkillers meds (due to FDA policies) I doubt very highly she would have gotten anything very strong. If she did, I doubt it would have made her "high as a kite". My brother just got a shot of morphine and he got pain relief but no indication of being high.

There is a much better chance of buying effective pain-relief pills in a hospital parking lot from an amateur pharmacist than having them dispensed to you at a hospital and being sent out to drive home high.
Glumdalclitch said…
Another possible Disney vehicle for Meghan (besides my prediction of a GMA or The View spot). Disney is repurposing the popular "Splash Mountain" ride at Disneyland to a "Princess and the Frog Theme." Princess and the Frog featured the first Black Disney Princess. When the ride re-opens, watch Meghan Markle be there to cut the rope.
Grisham said…
Getting back to Lady C’s book, I think it was Yankee Wally who posted excerpts. Here is one I’d like to discuss.

“There was serious concern that the Royal Family’s reputation for integrity would be damaged. There was also a real fear that the monarchy would suffer IF (emphasis mine) it became accepted and generalized belief that Archie had been born by surrogate.

No monarchist wanted a situation in which a member of the Royal Family was believed to have practiced a deception upon the public by pretending to be pregnant when she was not.

It was felt that the honor and integrity of the monarchy could be called into question IF the public believed that the Royal Family and its courtiers had colluded by faking a pregnancy when they had done no such thing.”

Ok so these quotes are in the context that Harry and Meghan brought this speculation on themselves by acting so weird and secretive during her pregnancy that the unintended result was people believed she wasn’t pregnant, openly speculated on it which also led to the idea of a surrogate.

Tha Royal Family IG posted pics of HM meeting the baby and the Cambridges posted the christening photo either for archie’s first birthday or their end of the year collage on IG.

To me this suggests she was pregnant and birthed Archie, otherwise the royal family IS INDEED complicit in conducting a fraud on the public, which is apparently something that is very feared would rock the monarchy itself.

Surely the queen wouldn’t participate in a fraud and neither would William.

Archie is still on the website.

Grisham said…
About Althea, only first and second degree burns are painful.

3rd degree burns are so bad, that they have burned the nerve endings off and people don’t feel much. 3rd degree burns need skin grafts and usually hospitalization.

My husband worked in the burn unit for years. If you have questions about burns, ask me and when he wakes up, I’ll get the answers.
CatEyes said…
@Glundalclitch sai...
"Another possible Disney vehicle for Meghan (besides my prediction of a GMA or The View spot). Disney is repurposing the popular "Splash Mountain" ride at Disneyland to a "Princess and the Frog Theme." Princess and the Frog featured the first Black Disney Princess. When the ride re-opens, watch Meghan Markle be there to cut the rope."

Disney would get a 2 for 1...Megsy can not only portray the 'Black Princess' she can bring along 'The Frog', Harry!
Grisham said…
Getting back to Archie and a pregnancy.... it wasn’t the longest pregnancy in history.

Harry said she delivered late, so let’s say May 6 she was 2 weeks overdue. (Good healthcare, healthy pregnancy, no complications. This could be true). If she delivered 2 weeks late, she may have been dialiated a while, so it’s very possible she popped him out in 4 hours.

With a due date of April 22:

Conception was around July 22

Hearing first heartbeat was around August 24

First trimester ended on October 22

Eugenie’s wedding was October 12 (I have no doubt she wore her coat like that to tell the world)

Also, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor is the plaintiff of a lawsuit.

I’m curious if anyone still believes that Archie doesn’t exist or that he is a doll or that he is a borrowed child actor. Just curious where everyone stands with this.

Tatty said, Getting back to Lady C’s book, I think it was Yankee Wally who posted excerpts. Here is one I’d like to discuss......

I completely agree with you and your full comment about Archie, surrogacy and the Royal Family . etc. :o)
Grisham said…
@RR it seems to me Lady C is saying she was indeed pregnant and the new book says the same apparently (according to today’s DM article):
Natalier said…
Strange. The Althea and Meghan story is gone from DM. Obviously someone wasnt happy abt it and it wasnt the odious pair.
Fairy Crocodile said…

The Queen acknowledged Archie however in passing. I think we may all agree there is a real child there.

We may or may not hear the full story. At this moment in time what matters is their stupid behavior damaged them too much. The "baby in the bed warming pan" scandal really damaged James II despite that baby was real too.

I am fully convinced if Harkles didn't do all that stupid mistakes with his birth nobody would have given it a thought. Even in case of a surrogate baby this wouldn't make the public raise the eyebrows if they were open and honest about it.

It is their handling of the thing that backfired and morphed into a never ending saga.
Miggy said…

It's still online.
Natalier said…
Not sure why I cannot edit my post above. The Althea article is back on DM.
Grisham said…
@Natalier it’s not gone. It’s on the main page, top half.
Catlady1649 said…
@ Natalier
Is that the Daily Mail in the UK?
I noticed that they had picked up the story
Grisham said…
@fairy croc I completely agree.
Maneki Neko said…
OT but the new book Royals at War by journalists Dylan Howard and Andy Tillett reveals that

'Meghan put her foot in it when she decided that it would be the ideal moment to announce that she and Harry were expecting their first child,'.

The DM article states Meghan Markle'embarrassed' Prince Harry after divulging she was pregnant during Princess Eugenie's wedding day 'in a huge social gaffe' which left the bride and her mother Sarah Ferguson 'furious', a new book has claimed.

A 'source' at Bazaar claimed the BRF was informed before the wedding. Maybe but it definitely took the shine off Eugenie and Jack's wedding.
@ Tatty, re the DM piece

Yes, and the massive and unforgivable social faux pas of announcing it at a wedding, a family one at that. :o/
@tatty@fairy Crocodile

Agree there is a baby but don't agree MeMe was pregnant. Just too much secrecy and illogical actions.

Refusing the Queen's physicians for being pale stale male, insisting she would be using woman POC but never mentioning one (how could one miss advancing the cause of replacing stale male pale then by promoting/naming a female POC to deliver baby). I know of no woman, ever, that would refuse the best physicians in the land if offered

Any physician would be questionable in my book if they let a first time geriatric pregnancy go over do by two weeks--longer results in larger baby and additional risks to geriatric mother

I question a physician that would let a first time mother (geriatric) after four hours. Would want to make sure mother and child are fine (especially if Royal) and that baby was nursing successfully etc. And nobody saw them come or go.

If surrogate, the HAMS would be able to quietly adopt thereby being listed as birth parents on copy of birth certificate (we've not seen official, just official copy) and the original birth certificate is sealed (I think, if not destroyed so that parents on certificate are only parents known legally). in other countries, adoptive parents are listed on adoption documents but birth mother is still on birth certificate but not in UK (I think)
Grisham said…
Well, since my husband is a doctor, I can say the queens doctors are not the only good doctors in London. HM can only choose 2-3 from among the best.

There are women of color OBGYNs at Portland Hospital, which has a private entrance.

Archie wasnt a large baby, so no trouble there. MM probably had a midwife, nurse or similar come every day to FC to check stats before delivery.

First time moms tend to go overdue. Obviously she had no additional issues if she was pregnant and delivered at Portland. Again, she may have been discharged with a nurse or baby nurse or they hired a nurse to stay at the house. I mean, these are wealthy people who can have extras regular people can’t afford.

The palace placed a birth announcement at BP which states Archie’s birth is May 6. The queen acknowledged Archie on video and on all social media platforms. It states in that he was born on May 6.

I’m back on no surrogate as if there was, the palace is involved on all levels, including the queen.

Did you click on the link? They even have all the social media posts on there, so the palace doubled down on this— that Archie was born to HAMS on May 6.
Grisham said…
But, yes, I think at this point everyone has to agree that there is a real child named Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.

I’m not 100% rulingout surrogacy, only that I’m back to thinking she had the weirdest pregnancy in the world.
lizzie said…
Of course the Queen's doctors aren't the only good doctors in the UK. But how odd to say as H&M did they weren't going to identify the female docs or midwives involved to "protect the privacy of their medical team." How many doctors/midwives consider their professional work to require personal privacy? Patients have a right to privacy but I can't imagine any person on the planet involved in the delivery of the Queen's great-grandchild would hope the news didn't get out. Just very odd. (Along with a smaller yet overdue baby who became a very "husky" 1-year old.)

I thin k we're going to have to agree to disagree. yes there are many fine physicians in London besides the queen's . just strikes me as unusual you would not mention the name as it is a great honor to deliver a royal baby. touting not using pale stale male and then NOT giving any information is odd. how can you promote a cause when you behave that way.

I think we all tend to forget the BRF is actually quite fragmented and that it is very common not to know what others are doing.

I thought IVF at first but of the women I know who tried it, none worked the first time. Could just be the women I know but all were surprised (if she did) that it took on the first try at her age. If it doesn't take they tell me you have to wait months (not days) to try again.

no matter what, it is said that the hams told the queen they would "get to know each other" for a t least a year before they started having children. how many times does on lie to the queen and not walk away tarnished?
I still fail to understand how an apparently heavily-pregnant woman can fold up like a jack- knife when crouching down, feet and knees together, (see Mayhew photos).

When I carry `too much' weight around my middle (and my `too much' isn't very much!) I can't comfortably come to front stops on my Concept 2 rower because the bit extra gets in the way, unless I let my knees fall apart.

Then there's the question of what the weight does to one's balance...

As for ignoring advice, it's all part of the Narcissist's Creed - `Nobody, not even people I pay to look after my interests, be they lawyers or PR gurus, tell ME what to do. I ALWAYS know best.')

I speculated at some point, IIRC, that she might have a Napoleon complex. That World Domination thing.

I'd like to amend it - she thinks she's the Feminist Messiah.

Does anybody remember the Mad Scientist, played by Victor Spinetti, in the Beatles' film Help)? Asked what he wanted, he replied,

`World Domination - if that's all right with the rest of you.'

Well, in MM's case, it ain't all right with me.
There appeared to be some sort of disagreement between the HAMS as they sat in the choir stalls waiting for Eugenie's wedding. It can be interpreted as him telling her not even to think about mentioning pregnancy, while she looked as if she didn't give a damn' about what he thought or told her to do/not do.
From Yahoo News, right now:

Prince Harry Is Reportedly "Overwhelmed With Guilt" About Moving Away from the Royal Family
Kayleigh Roberts
Marie Claireyesterday

Royals source close to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle say Harry is struggling to adjust to life in Los Angeles.

The coronavirus pandemic has reportedly compounded the difficulties of adjusting to life in a new country and those close to Harry say he's missing the royal family and worried because he knows that his father, Prince Charles, and grandmother, the Queen, "aren't going to be around forever."

Meghan is still optimistic about the move apparently and is assuring Harry that, as life returns to a more "normal," pre-pandemic state, he'll enjoy living in Los Angeles.

Prince Harry is reportedly struggling with his new life in Los Angeles.

According to Andy Tillett and Dylan Howard, the authors of Royals At War: The Inside Story of Harry and Meghan’s Shocking Split With the House of Windsor, adjusting to life in the states hasn't been as easy as Harry initially anticipated.

The difficulties Harry is facing with the move seem to be due, in large part, to the coronavirus, which his the U.S. right as Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, were relocating from their temporary home in Canada to her home state of California. Sources close to the royal say the pandemic has reminded Harry that "Charles and the Queen aren't going to be around forever" and he's found it tough to be so far from his family during this time.

"On top of it all, he’s got cabin fever," a source close to Harry said, according to The Sun, who also reports that Harry is "overwhelmed with guilt" about his move.

"It was far from an ideal situation," the source added. "Harry’s gone from feeling excited about the move to feeling secretly tortured."

Meghan, on the other hand, is reportedly still optimistic about the move in the longterm.

"She’s assuring [Harry] that once things go back to normal, he’ll love their new life in LA," the source said. "Meghan wants to take him hiking and talks about the local polo club and how much he’ll love surfing."

Whatever they decide to do about their living situation, we just hope the entire Sussex family (and the whole royal family in general, for that matter) find a happy solution
CatEyes said…
Archie was 7 lbs 3 ounces at birth. Since babies increase weight more significantly toward the end of pregnancy I am surprised Archie didn't weigh when born. I concur with the poster that it was unusual that Meghan being a first time geriatric mother and Archie being so overdue was released from the hospital so extremely quick. I say this as my dad delivered babies and my Brother-in-law is an OBGYN with a huge practice in Calif.

Sure Meghan could have hired a nurse but all we ever heard was the revolving door of nannies and how Meghan didn't even want Harry to hold Archie because she was so possessive. If anything might have occurred, maybe Meghan didn't have a correct due date hence the smallish 'overdue' baby; but surely the ultrasounds would have pinpointed that accurately, assuming Archie really was birthed by Meg.
Fairy Crocodile said…
@Wild Boar Maid

Until I see another woman who is heavily pregnant squatting low with knees together on stilettos and then standing up without help I will always question Markle's pregnancy.

none said…
Another did Markle connect with Althea?

Articles say...Michael Johnson, the CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs of Dane County, has been in touch with Althea, and claims Markle reached out to him after reading about what had reportedly happened to her.

How did Markle know he was in touch with Althea?

Johnson's organization has released an Open Letter to Madison, Wisconsin from the Club with a list of demands that includes....

1. Repurpose $8.6M or 10% of MPD’s budget to community policing, mental health services and community policing strategies to be managed by black led organizations who are culturally competent, including grass root groups and other communities of color.

3. Set aside $30M endowment as a public/private partnerships to help black Madisonian’s start businesses in Dane County and to help purchase homes.

What does this have to do with children?

CatEyes said…
Meant my comment to tatty btw.

Also "Archie...*weigh more when born"
CatEyes said…
Michael Johnson needs to hit up the HAMS for a hefty donation toward the endowment he is seeking. Bet 'Cheapskate Harry' won't contribute a penny.
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