There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house. And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal. But the wording was kind of funny. Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source. It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...". It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets. Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again. Or pictures of the awesome inside. Or outside. Or requisite ...
I would have done better had I not changed an answer at last minute. alas.
Hope all is well with you and yours Nutty.
Disease...locusts...riots...statues being pulled down.
Nobody's really interested in stories like "Megxit was planned in advance - Harry's been unhappy for years!"
I think it'll depend on what else is going on in the world by that time. The US election will certainly be heating up by then.
I wonder if Meghan will have a voting recommendation for us.
I couldn't face the latest word salad for Immaculate Heart/BLM until today and her body language really struck me, hard. I was married to a narc and trying to get a grip on feeling things were off all the time I invested in several books on body language and while it's not an exact science it can be surprisingly accurate especially where lies are concerned.
If you are using recall you tend to look up to your left and if using imagination (lying) then to the right. Something to do with which part of the brain you're accessing. Anyway, in that latest video she starts off with some recall with naming the victims and does indeed follow the pattern by looking to the left. So far so good. But when she gets into talking about the LA riots she veers off to the right and at times can't look us in the eye. She also rubs her nose, another lying 'tell' or indicator.
Has anyone else noticed this sort of thing watching her previous videos? I might have to revisit some of them.
Good point, @Unknown.
I think it'll depend on what else is going on in the world by that time. The US election will certainly be heating up by then.
I wonder if Meghan will have a voting recommendation for us
Well, considering she swore not to live in the U.S. while Donald Trump is president ...
Meghan will campaign for Martha Stewart.
Hahaha! ;)
Somewhat O/T, just have to say that there is something mesmerizing about watching Jessica Mulroney's IG numbers drop ...!/jessicamulroney
But if I were Meggsy, I wouldn't P@#$ her off too much ... money to be made in the kind of tell-all book JM could write, versus the vanilla stuff Scooby-Doo will come out with!
By the time the US elections happen, she might to be stepping out with her next 'mark' and be too busy spending his millions to care.
Since May has given us so much material, I think maybe five new trivia questions a week would be a great way to pass the time until something notable happens. I generally avoid yahoo like the plague, because the articles are nothing but fluffy puff pieces mostly about the Harkles, But something made me look yesterday. The second article, directly underneath the George Floyd protest banner headline, was a bunch of tripe published in Elle About how hairy and megs relationship is thriving amid coronavirus lockdown, and how they’ve never been happier or closer or more relaxed without all that pressure of being in the royal family. How they’re loving just kicking back with Archie and playing with the dogs and being absolutely free.
Feel free to insert a snort here along with any of the following words: codswallop, poppycock, bollocks, absolute shite. The key to Meg’s PR, Whether it comes from her or the hired guns at Sunshine Sucks (Not a typo), Whatever frantic narrative fu jour she’s pushing, It’s a safe bet that the reality is completely the opposite. So all is not blissful in La La Land, And if the two are really together in Tyler Perry’s mansion, they are each self isolating at opposite ends of it. Megan must be so pissed ... Hollywood hasn’t fallen all over itself to welcome the visiting potentate, and lockdown means that she can’t go shopping for her next sugar daddy to replace Harry.
I’m sure that everyone remembers that yesterday was Prince Phillips 99th birthday. Of course Meg could not stay quiet. There was no public acknowledgment of the Duke of Edinburgh’s milestone from the Dumbarkles. They claimed that they had a private phone call with Philip to extend their birthday wishes. Sure… And I regularly imbibe gin and tonics with a ghost of Princess Margaret. There’s an eight hour time difference between LA and London; for birthday wishes to reach him before noon, they would’ve had to call him in the middle of the night.
Nobody wants to hear from either of you, Harry. I’m pretty sure after the Deal debacle last summer, you are dead to your grandad. He should have given Captain General Royal Marines to begin with.
I’ve always wondered how her dog had its legs broken—it sounds credible that a vehicle ran over it. Too bad it wasn’t her.
While I agree it’s most likely untrue, I can’t help but think how most people would be happy enough whilst living the millionaire lifestyle for free and without the stress of having an actual job.
It speaks to their mental issues that they are miserable in paradise!! I don’t think either of them is capable of contentment.
@Indy, agree-wondering what will happen with MM & JM after today. Perhaps this is the sign JM has outlived her usefulness, and she too has finally been Markled?
I have a feeling we won’t hear a peep from MM about JM.
First of all, there is a trial coming up and I have a feeling that JM is the ringleader of the five friends. Daily Mail is out for blood and I’m sure the subpoenas are flying.
Second, JM is MM partner in crime. She’s helped her merch. I’m pretty sure that JM has helped MM “bill” the PoW for clothing that was returned. She’s her biggest “source” (outside MM herself) of all these little nuggets we get in the press every day. JM knows EVERYTHING. There is no way that MM is going to put herself at risk of JM telling all. They’re stuck with each other.
Thank you for the light relief, Nutty, we're going to need as much of that as we can get.
Also am really hoping GMA drops JM--I haven't watched it since she joined, she's annoying.
3/5 for me. Got the first 'rumour'one wrong but agree with others on the cosmetic surgery question - could have sworn it was earlier!!
The other one I am rather ticked at myself as I went back and forth between Heathrow and the breath mints. I really thought it was duty free shop but last second went for the mints I didnt think she would be so brazen with a brand, never underestimate grrr
And in interest of full disclosure I guessed on the book, but guessed correct :)
this was fun! Thanks Nutty! I liked too how you used a flattering picture of them, they really could have been something stellar. Epic fall from grace that I do not believe they can,collectively, recover from. Looking at that picture kinda is rather melancholic.. what could have been..
can I ask everyone best place to read up on the JM fiasco? I kind of get the gist as I saw the Instagram post from influencer but I need more! Maybe you could fill me in a bit here. I cant believe they cancelled her tv show wow.
thanks gardner! Can you tell I quit reading DM? twice now I have asked question and been directed there. I will remember to read there first. I used to check it out daily but got turned off by all the fluff pieces
It’s funny. Their many reasons for crazy. That is what it is right? All their excuses for their insane unpredictable weirdo behavior for middle aged adults? Without money they’d be welfare grabbing, mentally ill, permanent pub dwellers. Take away the glitz and glam and you have sad and desperate (no offense to people with Real problems) these two MAKE problems for fun. You know why? Because life is pretty boring. It’s adventurous but boring. They need to understand that first.
But beyond and back to the book, it’s not going to succeed because lady Campbell’s is coming out first and is the interest of everyone. Not a reporters BFF version.
It’s also not going to do well because I’m creating a giant Map of Truth, with references. Hopefully when Obie’s book comes out, it will be one long contradiction. Lol.
Nutty, what fun! 4/5 is my score; dang, I knew that other one too.
Great education here at Nutty U.
I'll be better prepared when the next quiz drops, I promise. And hoping to get some new info to Nuttiers too.
Glad all's well in your world, Nutty. And warmest regards to all friends on this wonderful comment board.
Also, Meghan looks a heck of alot better looking when standing alongside JM. I say this not to shame anyone as it is completely obvious JM has had extensive work done and frankly ,looks really really bad. Imagine what she will look like once she hits 60. yikes!
what a pickle for MM she has to remain loyal to JM as she "knows where all the bodies are" but how do you do that ? Perhaps now is the time for Meg to finally embrace the never complain ,never explain
Harry has to be utterly miserable. Cant you just picture Meghan's war room? Was bad enough but now you got the girl problems oh and then wait till this book hits. If it is written that they planned on bailing on the RF prior to the wedding and then had that extravagant service and all the expense and add to it the expensive Frogmore redo? This summer is going to be HOT
Just had a rough evening & ended up going to bed at 01:00 last night. Did the quiz with the. Morning coffee to help me "wake-up" & feel so much better already. ☕
Thanks nutty. I needed a laugh. 💜💜
How old was she in that trampy pic with thigh high slit was that high school graduation?Where she is with the boy. Was that prom? We just need to find her with different nose between then and 20
remember that youtube video with that girl breaking down all her work? where is that?
I had NO IDEA about Question One. I am shocked I tell you, shocked!!
Do we need to clear the air over what I disliked regarding Sasha or let it go? I am the last person to want to stir things up here but perhaps my comment to xxxx may be misinterpreted. I found xxxx saying sasha was 2bit black influencer rather offensive. I did click the link she provided but read nothing of it as it was too wordy . What I did not like regarding Sasha was her overuse of "white privilege " and to me ,initially she kind of came off as a bully. JM has every right to remain silent, everyone does ,if they so choose. If I am wrong in that so be it. It is clearly my own opinion.
Bottom line is JM was IMO wrong in the end with her threats and playing both sides
I really don't feel this is the place to discuss racial issues but maybe it is topical but many are so passionate that it is like discussing politics or religion and it surely will result in heated exchanges and we have had so much strife lately
Sorry if overstepping. I should have said nothing in the first place
lucy said...
What I did not like regarding Sasha was her overuse of "white privilege " and to me ,initially she kind of came off as a bully. JM has every right to remain silent, everyone does ,if they so choose. If I am wrong in that so be it. It is clearly my own opinion.
Bottom line is JM was IMO wrong in the end with her threats and playing both sides
Just for the record and not that you asked, I'm with you. I think Sasha fired the first shot and should have just minded her own business, but OTOH I don't like JM so it's fine with me if someone makes her feel uncomfortable in public. :-)
It is highly complementary, but an interesting read nonetheless.
Sasha has 58,000 followers, so hardly a 'two-bit' influencer. That's a significant number for me anyway.
I think JM threatening to talk to companies and influential people in the business was wrong. That comment reveals her arrogance and lack of judgment. Using perceived power to shut down a discussion is an abuse of privelege. That's what happened with the black birder and the white woman in Central Park two weeks ago. Instead of putting her dog on a leash as that part of the park required, she decided calling the police and faking an attack was a better tactic. If we can learn anything from the protests of the last week, it should be to stop the false accusation and threats.
I found xxxx saying sasha was 2bit black influencer rather offensive. I did click the link she provided but read nothing of it as it was too wordy . What I did not like regarding Sasha was her overuse of "white privilege " and to me ,initially she kind of came off as a bully. JM has every right to remain silent, everyone does ,if they so choose. If I am wrong in that so be it. It is clearly my own opinion.
Moron-loser Sasha's whole point is that Jessica does not have a right to be silent.
Sasha might be making all or most of this up. She is definitively out for vengeance. Maybe she despises that Jessica Mulroney is married to the former Prime Minister's son and has a cush life. Mulroney was saying nothing until Sasha comes along asking/demanding of various people that all non-blacks must declare support for these wacky BLM activities. IOW no one can say nothing. Provocateur Sasha saying Mulroney has a platform (how often do we hear this retarded word?) so she is obligated to speak out for BLM, racial justice etc
It is all a scam and don't be fooled! For people outside the USA. Blacks are 13% of the population here. It is all a dirty, rotten scam to rewrite history and topple statues and so on
George Orwell--
From a famous passage in George Orwell's novel 1984: "He who controls the past, controls the future; and he who controls the present, controls the past.". This is the motto of the Ministry of Information, spoken by O'Brien.
Regarding the nose, I think it looks way slimmer when she is 17.
As far as i know 58,000 is merely a blip. Where are Sasha's receipts on anything? Really this was a petty dispute and jealousy between two women. But because one can bring in the race card for vengeance it becomes a big deal worth firing someone for.
@xxxx, it wasn't just a tiff between 2 women; Jessica tried to use her position to contact various people who had commercial dealings with Sasha to get them to drop her. That was vicious and vindictive, and she completely deserves that it blew up in her face. And an example of her entitled, arrogant attitude; who can forget her plan at the farce wedding to show off her butt to become "the next Pippa", barf.
I think I better shut up and take it from the top. First we need concrete proof that meg had work done before she was 21 ;)
I am going to reread posts from where I left off. Thanks for making this so fun!
This doesn’t exactly qualify as plastic surgery, but Meghan did have some expensive major dental work done in her teens to replace her teeth with veneers of some sort, possibly a product called Lumineers, which are cheaper than the porcelain veneers she’s had since sometime after college.
I recall reading a comment from a woman who knew Meghan in high school. She said Meghan was terribly self conscious about her teeth and that she wanted to get them fixed before she went away to college, which she obviously did because the photos of her in late high school and college show her with a bright white mouth full of veneers of some sort. It's likely she got Thomas to spring for them.
There’s a photo of Meghan with Katherine McPhee from high school and you can see the new teeth there. Her original adult teeth are too small for her mouth and widely spaced. They were also squared and dingy compared to her late high school and college photos.
But as one Disney exec was reported to say about the Duchess of Beverly Hills, Meghan needs Disney more than Disney needs her.” I guess they decided they needed Beyonce a lot more.
I was serious. I’ve never before heard any rumors that MM might have had lesbian affairs. It was so out of left field to me that I thought the quiz was a hoax, and that all the answers were going to be made up.
It is too difficult to navigate with phone so I apologize if someone tagged me and I don't directly reply back but trust I am reading you and appreciate your individual replies
I'm with a lot of you about JM can choose to promote what causes she wants. I disagree with the idea that publically calling someone out to promote a cause when they have not for whatever reason already done so then as using social pressure which might be viewed as bullying and would not be a good way achieve long term and widespread change.
When the threats start flying, it sure went down the loo fast though.
Without seeing both sides of the comments it is hard to figure out where the truth is about what was actually messaged. Layered over that is that in print, one doesn't hear inflection, tone and intensity which one would if they were talking.
No knowing what was back and forth prior to the threats hard to gauge as well. I have memories of listening to a family member ask one their kids: And, what were you doing before X starting hitting you? Um, we were kicking X.
Aquagirl - agree with you that both are "self serving and wrong" and I could do without hearing a lot about them again either.
@just sayin I remember that link! Meg actually looked cute in alot of photos
@wullie-buckets link does show every year of Meghan
I think Nutty may be right. Zoom in on pic they show of her at 19. Her nose looks original to me . I think most shocking was reading Meghan was TEN with her dad on Married With Children set. Holy heck I bet that is where things really went wrong. I bet that is reason she was so overly sexualized. The "trampy" picture I was referring to is taken at age 16. Lmao my mom or dad would have beat my ass wearing such a dress. I guess maybe she could have cut that slit after leaving house . And I agree with commentor who said she is always pressed against her friends, very true!
check out that link to DM pics that looks like our best case for proving/disproving any work done prior to age 20
Meghan really did look nice in most shots I have seen during Suits days. It was like she wed into RF and purposely became total mess. I read somewhere that perhaps her clothing was so ill fitting when "pregnant' because a seamstress would discover fake bump, makes sense to me but doesn't excuse the other days
Some moments I actually do feel sorry for MM like that Vixen video could you imagine someone having your face blown up dissecting every freckle and every line for 20 minutes? And too growing up in LA. For those of you who have never been everyone there is for the most part gorgeous. I was last there maybe 15 years ago before everyone was injecting ad nauseam but you really do notice the beautiful people. Plus she didnt have her mom around and her dad coddled her and she spent preadolescence on set of probably most sexualized TV show of time. Recipe for disaster and now seeing the effects.
She is by no means blameless as she really is a monster. She definitely made her own decisions as adult but you know she lusted for that luxury and opulence she was surrounded in, especially growing up with modest means. Her dad hit the lottery and it was ON
But oh, no, wait - this wasn't quite fair on poor Jessica. Sasha's just a wacky nobody. Just jealous.
Uh huh. Guess I been right to avoid.
@Indy and Aquagirl, you cracked me up. We absolutely need an additional term at Nutty U. And I hope we get that chance to improve our test scores.
I don’t think it’s too soon however to organize our commencement speaker. Our obvious first choice might not need an invitation as she might crash it anyway. Second choice might be Mulroney; she is likely to have plenty of time on her hands as her series was cancelled today for her speech and thought crimes against the new influencer warlords, notwithstanding her close links to the most influential and royal bi-racial woman, er, womyn in the world and herself being the DIL of a former Canadian prime minister.
Third on my list would be Scooby Doo— just because it would be so dang funny, and he will be an acknowledged author by then.
So fellow seniors (score of 2/5 or higher, shall we say?) please offer suggestions of your own for commencement speakers, if the chancellor of Nutty U. approves, of course. I myself tend to think Meg would be willing to attend the opening of an envelope by the time of our ceremony.
Three cheers for Nutty, btw! What should be our school colors? Brown and puke green perhaps.
Megs having a “head to head” with Weinstein also rings true ...
I just feel like she is a dominant male in a girls body. She gets away with a lot of bad behavour just because she is a woman. If she would have been born in a male body and if Harry was a girl people would think Meghan was a dominant male who isolated his girlfriend ( Harry ) from her friends and family.
She gets away with a lot because she looks small and cute. And because she lives in a female body.
I would nominate 'Doria', Meghan's mother for commencement speaker since she could provide a very enlightening discourse on details we can't even begin to be able to guess/gossip about with respect to the DuchAss. Oh the stories she could tell..the machinations she taught Megs and she is the holder of all the secrets about her/their past and maybe even plans for the Harkles future.
She looks really pretty at 23
But yep you nailed it! That nose is different at age 19. You are right Nutty is wrong . You tell her :)~
Oh what a load of baloney
spouted by plastic Mulroney
With her lips like cod
the poor daft old sod
Should admit that she’s fake, and so phoney
Her hair was better kept years ago, and she doesn’t have fashion sense. I think we are just seeing the results of someone who gave up bothering to look desirable after she got what she aimed for. Probably trying to fit in Brit society really messed with her. They are a conservative crowd, refined, elegant, waspy. It looks like she tried to appear that way, and failed. Hence, covering up but not knowing how to cover herself AND look sexy/smoking. She doesn’t have assets that would help when covered, like boobs, or ultra thin. Her figure would be hard to cover while showing off assets. Decidedly, She should get a boob job.
I nominate the following:
James Wood
David Spade
Tom Inskip
Samantha Markle
Prince Phillip
Frogmore Cottage neighbors
*This list is preliminary. Please add any worthy candidates to the list
So fellow seniors (score of 2/5 or higher, shall we say?)
I got 3/5, so I just scraped through as a senior, although to be fair repeating wouldn't be a problem at all - if only real life school was this interesting! I got the plastic surgery age one wrong, and I chose Smints. I too assumed she'd had work done earlier, but thought maybe I'd got things mixed up. I loved the book question, it really had me laughing. The rumour one threw me a little, I hadn't heard of the hockey player one either so it was a bit of a guess between that and the lesbian one as they both seemed plausible as rumours, I was lucky and guessed right.
I'd quite like a commencement speech from Prince Philip. I'm sure he'd have a lot to say on the subject and I've always enjoyed his wit. I bet it'd be a real eye opener.
"I think most shocking was reading Meghan was TEN with her dad on Married With Children set. Holy heck I bet that is where things really went wrong. I bet that is reason she was so overly sexualized.The "trampy" picture I was referring to is taken at age 16. Lmao my mom or dad would have beat my ass wearing such a dress."
I'm not sure being on the set of MWC is to blame for M's "trampy" appearance in high school. In the Christmas school dance photos, her girlfriends tend to dress in pretty much the same way and I doubt M's MWC experience infected the entire school. Kind of surprised me because people I know who went to Catholic schools always talked about how strict the nuns were about clothes (for both boys and girls.) And even in the public schools that I attended, there were dress codes. And the costumes for school theatrical performances were never as revealing as those we've seen M and McPhee wearing. (The photo of MM & KM was taken when KM was still in middle school, I believe.)
Of course, people I know are older than M and they didn't go to school in Hollywood and neither did I.
She's so toxic and unlikeable, she doesn't even have to do or say anything, people merely associated with her become toxic and unlikeable themselves.
Oh yeah, and unemployable.
Q3, that was way too easy!! (book: Icons of England).
Another winning poem 😂. (What did you have for breakfast?)
"Her father didn’t do that well, he won the lottery when she was young and put her in private school."
I'm not exactly sure when Thomas won the lottery. I've read it was in 1990 when M would have been about 9. But she attended pricey private schools from preschool onward. Right now the tuition for preschool at the Hollywood School House (Little Red School House) M attended is $19,950 per year and it increases up to $25,950 for 4th-6th grade. I don't know what it was when M attended during the pre-lottery years, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't cheap in the 1980s. (The school has always been quite exclusive.) So it seems Thomas must have been doing ok before the lottery win. (He won his first Emmy, a Chicago/Midwest Award, for work in 1975. He then won awards for General Hospital in 1982 and 2011.)
We don't really know what Doria was doing for most of M's life. But we do know she was working as a makeup artist temp on the set of General Hospital when she met Thomas who was already a lighting director. So I expect the tuition money came from Thomas's earnings, not Doria's. Of course, when M was born TM still had to support his two older children and life in LA was and is expensive so money may have been tight anyway.
Also, it is dribbling out that JM was a conduit for freebies and merching, using her network and name dropping. (as generally suspected)
The facade is crumbling.
My vote is Prince Philip and Lady C as runner up.
And Fairy, you are right about about social media being something which can become a weapon.
I've never met any of the Mulroney clan, but I have spoken to several people who have had dealings with them (not just JM, but the other members of the family) and they have nothing good to say about them. The general consensus is nasty, greedy, cheap nouveau-rich trash. It's no surprise that JM and MM are besties. Rumour has it that JM is one of the five friends who spoke to People about MM's infamous letter to her dad.
I'm admitting to a touch of schadenfreude as well, although that is not something I am proud of. I was especially thrilled to see Wicki had been updated yesterday to include the fact CTV let JM go. On the subject of cosmetic surgery, IMO she is an example of everything that is bad about it, her husband, however, looks considerably more appealing.
It will be interesting to see where all this ends up. ABC can't afford to hang on to someone canned by CTV for "white privilege."
As for "social influencers" even the term makes me feel ill. Someone wrote in the DM comments "modern terminology for 'parasitic brain washer of gullible idiots' " Never a more true word spoken.
There were many rumours about that first and only garden party for Meghan (it was the only one and that is perhaps strange).
Her face in the car when they were leaving (perhaps a moment that was misinterpreted, but she did not look happy) was interesting. Megsy perhaps tends to forget about the photographers once she is in the car and those candid snaps are a gift peek into behind-the-scenes Megsy.
They left early. At the time everyone assumed that they had to catch a flight to go on honeymoon, but that did not make sense (a time clash would have been resolved long before the garden party). Were they asked to leave and why?
Megsy accepted a gift from someone in the crowd. I am not sure how this breached protocols (Catherine and others have accepted flowers and other gifts at garden parties) and what was she supposed to do other than accept it graciously, which she did. The Queen has had flowers thrust at her (against protocol as we know because of the scolding from the lady in waiting) and reacted graciously.
She got a fit of the giggles during Harry's speech because of a bee. Camilla also giggled and Charles and Camilla have been known to have a fit of giggles during a formal engagement, so hardly a major unforgivable breech of protocol.
She pushed her way in front of Harry. At the time it looked like the awkwardness of each telling the other to go first and kind of cute for a royal couple still finding their way with protocol in public but so in love, but we soon became familiar with Megsy's behaviour: dominant and controlling. A BP garden party is not the place to flout the rules of protocol as concerns precedence in the royal pecking order.
Was there something else?
Cracks started to show in Meghan Markle’s relationship with the Royal Family four days after she wed Prince Harry, Royal author Lady Colin Campbell has claimed in an exclusive interview with Daily Star Online.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex wed on Saturday May 19 in 2018 in a star-studded ceremony held at Windsor Castle.
By Wednesday May 22, Meghan was the topic of conversation at Lady Colin Campbell's house, she claims, as Meghan had done something "astonishing" at a 70th birthday party for Prince Charles the day before.
Lady C said the first "warning" something wasn't quite right was four days after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle wed at Windsor Castle on 19th May 2018.
On May 22nd the Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined the Royal Family in the grounds of Buckingham Palace where the Duchess of Cornwall and the Prince of Wales gathered for a party for Charles.
The garden party was thrown to celebrate the work of the Prince's Charities in the year of Prince Charles' milestone 70th birthday, and newlywed Prince Harry gave a speech.
Prince Charles' joyful occasion was marked, Lady Campbell claims, by Meghan who did something that "astonished" an attendee with "impeccable palace connections".
She told Daily Star Online: "I can’t repeat it exactly, it’s in the book, but what I can say is, something happened at the very first garden party at Buckingham Palace to celebrate Prince Charles’ 70th birthday and all of his charity work.
"Something happened there on the Tuesday, and I was told about it on the Wednesday evening at dinner by a household name with impeccable palace connections.
"We were all absolutely gobsmacked and astonished, we all thought this doesn't bode well.
"It was not a good harbinger, we were all hoping against hope the information was wrong, but of course it was accurate".
I got rid of all my social accounts after catching some strange activity on my FB. Better safe. You say your are Luddite - I am definitely one. My social presence is near zero.
If I need to get in touch with people I will use WU or phone them or send an email.
I do not view my opinion as that important and remain more interested in listening to other people, so no Tweets for me. I like talking to interesting people tho, that is why I enjoy this site. You, Hikari, Maneki, Charade, SwampWoman, Wild Boar Battle Maid, Barbara from Montreal, Jenx, Sandie, Magatha Misty, Lizzie, Lucy, Superfly and many many others are the reason I keep coming here. Plus we always have new interesting ones popping up from time to time.
Stay safe!
Abbyh, always interesting to read your opinion. Please post more often if you can!
Every single one of you people contributes to a meaningful discussion and keeps this site a place to be during this unsettling time.
Love you all.
The garden party ensemble was nice. She looked demure and clean. If only she had been able to Keep dressing like that and keep her mouth shut, we wouldn’t be here now. Considering that this was her first engagement as the Duchess of Sussex a scant four days after her wedding, Whatever she did must’ve been very egregious, to kick the newlyweds out of Pa’s birthday party. Whatever it is, I’m sure Lady C. will relate it with relish.
Thank you for posting the extract from Campbell's. She is very obviously heating up curiosity in order to help sales, but there is no denying she does have sources and connections in the right circles.
My bet Megs either said something totally inappropriate or did something unacceptable. Like recording a conversation or taking pics with hidden camera, or grossly neglected protocol. Or perhaps treated a member of staff like dirt in front of others.
Think about it...a doctor's office is one of the few places where it is truly all about you and your needs, and only you.
Some leading contenders for your consideration:
Flashed one of the well-heeled gentlemen her panties. We know she likes to do that to married guys that have money.
Tried to pickpocket one of the ladies for her jewelry.
Hocked a Lougie onto somebody’s shoe?
Made some awful terrible crass comment to a VIP guest?
Groped Harry’s man bits in full view of everyone?
Scratched her Cooter and then tried to handle someone else’s teeth sandwiches?
Even given that it’s Meg and her special talent is being offensive… They were only there for what, 30 minutes? And it was her first time at bat as it were? All her clothes were intact from those photos in the car, so it’s not like she ripped off all her clothing and gamboled naked on the lawn. Whatever it was, it was the British uppercrust version of that though.
My serious guess is the constant pushing ahead of Harry and totally ignoring the proper protocol (who goes first, etc.).
Also, I like the teeth sandwiches better.... ;)
Exactly. I've thought this also.
That if she was a man she would be called out for being abusive
I think her personality being so masculine looking is why one of the reasons her trying to be sexy doesn't work (besides the fact that she's extremely bad actress).
Sexy from a man looks different than sexy from a woman, and mm doesn't get that.
She just copies what she's seen other women do for physical actions, licking her fingers, etc., and doesn't realize that it just makes her look stupid not sexy, because it's not what a man would do.
I've always thought that she had a very masculine personality, and H has had a fairly feminine personality. She's alpha, H is beta. Thus why her bossing him around works psychologically for them.
It just doesn't work well in the Royal environment where there are protocols to be followed. As in the Royal goes first, not the commoner spouse.
There was a big hint/insinuation about MM & HW on Toronto Papers 1 - I don't think I was surprised even then.
I stopped reading the Toronto Papers, and others, quite early as I just could not believe all this 'wild made-up, unbelievable, ridiculous nonsense'!
It is quite astonishing that much of the rumour was actually 100% true!
That would do it.
If that’s how she behaved after 20 minutes of being Duchess of Sussex in a social capacity, it’s mystifying that HMTQ Would proceed to send her a few months later to Ireland...Where she promoted abortion again and proceeded to wear Ulster colors in the Republic.
She absolutely needed to be grounded after that little episode, but no she proceeded to get tours of Oceania and South Africa...And give cultural offense wherever she went. And we won’t even mention Morocco, Where are the cultural insults began the moment she deplaned. She’s a disaster on every level, but the royal family permitted her to infiltrate them and bring her a filthy trashy conniving ways. I think subliminally the house of Windsor might have a death wish. Have they objected more strongly to Harry’s choice of bride, They would’ve been painted as racists ... But they did allow the marriage, and lavish money and favor upon Meg...And they’re still being painted as racists. They saved themselves nothing And lost a great deal, not just money but in terms of heartache and lost respect. She’s a leech who has tarnished the royal brand and continues to do so.
I did not write you the comment upthread. I am very sorry that a disturbed poster is doing this. I just found out impersonation on the internet is a criminal act.
My comments will have my Lady Justice avatar.
I think Royals mistakenly overestimated Harry's popularity and underestimated disastrous protocol blanders by MM.
Most of their tours had been planned well in advance, long before their wedding. They made it clear to the Queen they wanted full speed ahead royal schedule following the wedding and they have got one.
It would have been difficult to pull them off the trips without a very serious reason. Imagine fighting to find an excuse for termination of several high - profile trips for (yet) popular newlyweds.
It must have been a blessing in disguise when the two idiots demonstratively banged the door. The RF team let out a collective sigh of relief. The Harkles own choice spared a lot of further high profile embarrassments.
can get another year here. Lol. Meghan is soooooo screwed. Why? Didn't she say ( plagerize ) that the "worst thing to do is to say nothing?" So now what. This whole story is epic history in the making. ND just think , not only did the Queen slam SR plans , Covid appeared and Lady C's book coming out , but now we have BLM missile aimed right at Meghan. What say you, Meghan?
Your comment impersonating me at June 12, 2020 at 5:58 PM (along with the many other times) is a criminal act as is the harassment and stalking. It is a misdemeanor but may rise to the level of a felony due to the specifics of your continued bullying.
How much of this will MM get on her? Will she rely on sources to condemn JMs behaviour while playing besties behind the scenes.
This is big in Canada, and Lainey even used Amy Coopering (as a verb) to describe the mask-slipping behaviour of privileged white women.
It will just die down after a while.
Although it gives Malroney a taste of what it means to be on the receiving end of wide-whipped criticism.
If she had been one of the "friends" who attacked Thomas Markle in the media and stepped in to label UK and RF "toxic", she will have a chance to learn from this.
I don't envy Markle. Malroney was her maid of honor at the wedding. They are closely associated in the public eyes.
I went to Catholic school and we wore uniforms and no makeup allowed, dances were different but that style of dress with the slit would never have been acceptable, ever. I am Midwest perhaps West Coast Catholics are more lax? Lol sounds silly but I have no explanation
I do maintain MWC was inappropriate environment for 10 year old. I watched it I thought it funny but pardon me, Kelly Bundy was basically a slut and the whole show was full of scantily clad women with big boobs and short skirts, saturated in sexual innuendo
Apologies for not tagging but in response to me saying Meg had modest upbringing, I was under the impression she was of middle class until her dad won the lottery.
Catholic school is very expensive my dad worked at Ford, we lived comfortably but he was a great bowler and his tournament winnings is what afforded my sister and I our private education. Doesn't get more midwest than that lol
I also agree Meg had lasix or very least contacts . I do find it curious she never had braces. I did, it was priority one when young with messed up teeth.
From neck up she does now seem to have revamped her entire appearance, hair included. I also heard she had her ears pinned and tucked. LOL bad joke, I am lying but really her ears are probably only thing 100% natural, although they are pierced :)
Hilarious @hikari! your suggestions for what went awry at garden party! I feel it has to be something really sinister for things to have been so icy so soon. Listening device, pictures? Abhorrent treatment of staff? It really must have been bad. Maybe residual ill feelings regarding wedding coupled with something else
My vote for commencement speaker goes to Prince Philip!
I best just say nothing, but in doing so it does not mean I condone her statement nor that I disagree with how she views her own self . It means I am remaining mute on the subject and that is perfectly fine, Sasha.
My list of interesting speakers
- "airborne tea" recipient had been paid off, but yes, I would like to hear him/her speak
- people Harry had been constantly apologizing to for her behavior at foreign tours
- wife of the Ambassador who had been told "F off, do you know who I am"
- staff who got texts at 6 am demanding immediate action
- Kate's staff who had been treated rudely prompting Kate to reprimand MM
- witnesses at the pre-wedding quarrel between Kate and MM
- witnesses of the "tiaragate"
- female bodyguard who resigned
- nannies and other aids who resigned
- people who worked so hard to make the South Africa trip a success
- Royal Marines Harry betrayed for Disney
- people who could hear and watch Harry pimping her out to Disney
- people in Disney who REALLY understand how bad her voice over was
- folk in Frogmore who had been banned to approach or ask after Harkle's dogs and Archie
- hospital staff where Archie was "born"
- bodyguards she used as house aids buying organic veggies and coffee in Canada
- Canadians who paid for their security in Canada
- her classmates and schoolmates. Although this one is probably clear thanks to her school ignoring her "graduation address", thankyouverymuch
- anybody who witnessed her true self
Have I missed something?
CatEyes, you wouldn’t have a case. Your personal online reputation is not being affected as no one knows your given name. Just stop with your legal declarations.
June 12, 2020 at 7:05 PM
I'm sorry you are ignorant of what I am speaking of. Online reputation has nothing to do with online bullying, stalking, impersonating me etc..
It seems you are trying to allege libel where reputation may be an issue. On the issue of impersonating (using my "persona") is just one of the criminal violations.
Sec. 33.07. ONLINE IMPERSONATION. (a) A person commits an offense if the person, without obtaining the other person's consent and with the intent to harm, defraud, intimidate, or threaten any person, uses the name or persona of another person to
(2) post or send one or more messages on or through a commercial social networking site or other Internet website, other than on or through an electronic mail program or message board program.
(c) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third degree
@Dallas Alice
I made an outcry on almost every instance of the poster using my "persona" that it was not me. In addition I have made it abundantly clear it is harming me. Also I have documented my injuries and have witnesses too.
I find it offensive but not surprised that YOU TELL ME to stop (with my legal right to timely object as a victim) since this is not the first instance of you specifically writing me a critical post that had nothing to do with you.
No, I get zero lesbian vibe from MM. Absolutely none. And I lived in the SF Bay Area for 36 years, so I have some familiarity. The second wedding I ever went to in my life was a lesbian celebration in the early 80’s. It was a wonderful expression of love!
@Cateyes we know your comments have your avatar
Would you mind if I expropriate your "airborne tea" expression and use it as her title?
The Duchess of Airborne Tea. I will use it in my occasional DM comments on the Harkles.
I think Thomas lived in that area even before the lottery win and I think his salary was good. He had a good job you know. Meghan was not poor. It was not poor Meghan growing up in the ghetto.
Re your list of speakers 'Have I missed something?'
It would be interesting to get
- Thomas Markle
- Samantha
- Trev
- Corey
Trev & Corey will never talk,in my opinion, but wouldn't they have a few things to say? I wish Thomas & Sam, or just one of them, would spill the beans.
Fun quiz, I did NOT know that rumor about Meghan's niece Noel possibly being her daughter. Sounds a little kooky to me. I looked at Noel and she certainly looks like a Markle, but not necessarily like Meghan though.
I can't WAIT to find out the truth about the garden party. It had to be something that was noticed by Charles or Camilla because Meghan left so fast. Is it clear that Charles asked them to go? What probably happened is that Charles noticed this behavior/antic and asked H & M about it and Meghan probably got pissed off and they left.
Just wondering if there is anything that is undisputed about the story.
Lainey throwing JM overboard. For her own self preservation? I suppose, as BLM no-talents and BLM loser-influencers go after everyone? Trying to settle scores in their lo-IQ minds. Pathetic.
Biting the hand that feeds you-- My bet is the Mulroney's taxes are supporting single mom (as many have described her) Sasha Exeter. Via Canada's social welfare system.
Yes, former husbands will not speak, they are probably just happy they escaped relatively undamaged. I am sure there are private jokes in their new partnerships and may be even private toasts "for happy deliverance".
As for her family didn't her half brother try to warn Harry? The wording was something like "it is not too late" to stop it and it would be a mistake to marry her. Nothing can be clearer.
Looking at the photos, it seems that Meg had the distinctive "Markle nose" through her time at Northwestern University, including at what the article calls a "graduation party" in 2003.
After that, her nose began looking different. Graduation gift from Daddy Markle?
I'm open to other interpretations, however.
How does this bode for Harry, with a cancelled wife?
It's not for legal reasons, but that the body isn't finished growing.
`Prince Philip would be a fantastic choice. He’s like the honey badger of the BR'
That's brilliant! Absolutely fearless and totally determined. One messes with a honey badger at one's peril.
Aqua Girl said: @Fairy: Believe it or not, for someone who posts here so frequently, I have the most minimal SM presence. A LinkedIn account, which I really have to have, and a Facebook account that’s not even my real name so that I can Messenger my family in Europe. That’s it. No insta, no Twitter. I’m basically a Luddite at heart.
So, I'm not the only one, then? When I created my first email account back in the stone ages of dial up, I used a fake name. I have a floating ISP. The only "real" name I've used is in business accounts, and those were used for business only. No Facebook*, no Twitter, no Insta, no TikTok (although friends and relatives complain loudly about that). Even my phones are cheap and can be tossed away and I buy prepaid minutes from the grocery store (unless I'm using them for business, but they are used *only* for business). It is the principal of the thing. I do not like being tracked everywhere. I do not trust the beneficence of an all-powerful technocracy.
*But I may create a business account and keep it strictly business.