My vacation continues, but here's a fresh post to discuss additional events in the Sussex saga.
There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house. And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal. But the wording was kind of funny. Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source. It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...". It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets. Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again. Or pictures of the awesome inside. Or outside. Or requisite ...
Was Meghan handing out copies of the letter like Halloween candy? There probably were only a copy kept by Meghan, a copy with her attorney and/ or public relations team and the original the was sent to Thomas.
The People article contained close-up readable photos of sections of the letter in Meghan’s handwriting. As a flaming narcissist, Meghan is too much of a control freak to allow copies of the actual letter to just be floating around between five of her girlfriends. Access to copies of the letter were likely tightly controlled, and we KNOW Thomas didn’t give it to People.
The purpose of Meghan sending the letter to Thomas was she likely figured that Thomas would go running to the media as soon as he received the letter. It would then allow her to cry foul and portray Thomas as an awful man inflicting deep emotional harm on his innocent vulnerable, pregnant daughter. She was trying to manipulate and set Thomas up for a public hit job with that letter. It had nothing to do with “breaking her heart into a million pieces.” In order to break Meghan’s heart, she’d first have to have one.
When it became obvious sometime in late 2018 that Thomas didn’t take the bait and was just sitting on the letter, it must have infuriated Meghan. Her attempt to manipulate Thomas wasn’t working, so she probably came up with Plan B, which was much more elaborate and called for using five of her friends giving interviews to People, one of her favorite mouthpieces, but to make it sensational, it would necessitate providing a copy of the actual letter to the magazine.
So back to my original question: Who provided the copy of the handwritten letter to People at a resolution that was suitable to run as a large photo in the story? If it wasn’t directly from Meghan herself, it was likely provided by someone who had an approval from Meghan to provide it to People. She’s too conniving, manipulative, and controlling to allow copies of the letter to be just floating around.
Any thoughts?
The judge said he’d let it be known in due course, no actual date given as far as I know. I’ve only heard/read August. I hope he makes them testify. Megsy can’t drop the case unless the MoS agrees to it. We need for the MoS barristers to keep up the pressure.
I don't know if this link will work but it's a cartoon which seems relevant:
The alternative is to google `Leunig selfie phone'
I also came across this on line:
Narcissism facts – prevalence
• 6.2% of the people have narcissism. 7.7% of the men and 4.8% of the women [1].
• More young adults (20-34) than older adults (50+) have narcissism: 8.9% versus 4.4% [1].
• Narcissism is more common among Afro-Americans (12,5%) compared to Hispanics (7.5%) and Caucasians (5.0%) [1].
• There are more single (9.6%), divorced/separated (7.3%) narcissists than married ones (4.9%) [1].
Whoever was the principal of the five, gave the letter to People Mag. Abigail Spencer probably. I doubt Megs gave it directly. She had to maintain a fiction.
The one I like is Megsy was crying they were pushed into action by press reports about their exit while the truth is Dan had been in touch with their office about the story for days.
He also confirms what we all knew: while Harry is glued to Megsy reconciliation is highly unlikely.
If you and the rest of us are asking these questions then the MoS lawyers definitely do too. Media can't talk about the active court case until it reaches Amber and Depp stage, but, if not dropped, the details will be publicly exposed.
`Whoever was the principal of the five, gave the letter to People'
Yet, if that was the case, why didn't they check it with Megsie?
Have this been flagged up yet:
`Prince Harry slammed by former transport minister for 'hypocritical' travel speech'
Loved your post. She must be absolutely uncontrollable, to the point of psychotic, to alienate both Wills and Queen's friend and dresser Angela Kelly to the extent they concluded royal jewellery can not be trusted to Megs.
Angela Kelly by her position has a say in these matters, and she is very discreet and doesn't do anything without the Queen knowing. And now Scobie's book alienated Will, Kate, Angela and countless others even more.
The only talent Megsy has is destroying relations and turning people against herself.
Yes, the link works! The cartoon is very good and very apt.
Have this been flagged up yet:
'Prince Harry slammed by former transport minister for 'hypocritical' travel speech'
Yes I did late last night at 12.54am. Although no one replied to me, I think someone may have mentioned it. It was in the DM.
@Maneki I posted this on other page for you
Harry’s latest Travelyst
was filmed whilst he looked drugged or p...ed
Megsies love for Harry’s ghost
has seen them move from coast to coast
All we know are Megsies versions
of what went down on these excursions
Make no mistake she’ll claw for more
whilst booting Harry out the door
These latest ploys are mere diversions
she’s now intent to cast Casper’sions
*My post from previous thread follows:*
Hello everyone. I have not been able to keep up with all the posts here lately, so I may be echoing others: The ghost emoji story is, in my opinion, part of Meghan’s PR setup against Harry. Sort of like “bless your heart” in the US South, she is saying look, how “cute” (aka stupid) is he, he doesn’t even know how to use emojis properly. I believe the divorce wheels are already in motion, maybe just as a contingency plan or even a threat to H.
There have been suggestions that the lawsuit could be settled out of court, but I think it's very unlikely. In order to come to a settlement, both parties have to agree, and I just don't see why the MoS would want to settle, on any terms. Why should they? As long as the case is ongoing, they can continue to report on it - and expose Megsy for the liar and vindictive brat she is.
Could she drop the case? Sure, a plaintiff can withdraw their lawsuit at any time (unless the defendant has filed a counter suit, in which case the counter suit continues). BUT - and this is very important - anytime a plaintiff withdraws her lawsuit, she has to pay the other side's costs. She's already been ordered to pay the costs for the hearing held on MoS's motion to strike some of her allegations; paying the costs for the dropped lawsuit would be even more expensive. And of course, she has to pay her own lawyers, as well. So for her to drop the suit would not only be a humiliating admission of defeat (although I'm sure she would try to spin it some way to try to save face) but would also be very expensive. Of course, if it goes to trial and she loses, she would have to pay the defendant's costs as well, so either way, she is trapped.
I have some old Michael Leunig
Christmas cards and wrapping paper.
Nothing pertaining to Megs and her traits,
thank goodness.
Miz Malaprop said...
@Lr Uhuru
Think of Hollywood as an industry town. for every movie star, there are agents, lawyers, cosmetic dentists & plastic surgeons that live alongside the famous faces, but the quest for beauty, attention and money infiltrates so much of the city. Even though Meghan wasn't in a celebrity household, she schooled with the children of film executives, actors, agents, etc. Her father's position as a lighting director made him "crew" thus, the unglamorous. Like NYC, London, Paris, there's a very high a level of ambition and status consciousness that trickles down to the school kids.
I'll say this, that Doria sent her to the Little Red Schoolhouse says she, Doria, was ambitious and looking to make well-placed connections. Great school, hard to get into, very hip and lots of rich famous parents send their kids there. Less abiut academics, more about kids getting to truly express themselves .... So she started young proclaiming her truth.
Thanks, Miz M. I do think it's important to examine MM's childhood as well as her adulthood in order to get better perspective. You have helped give me some important pieces of the puzzle.
So status is a key component of the facade. The lure of reaching the *highest* levels is what feeds the all-consuming ambition. I wouldn't be surprised if both Thomas and Doria fed MM endless drips and drops of "You are a star, go for it" from the time she was a small tot. Their idea of *love*, I guess. MM fixated on that and never looked back.
As for *expressing themselves*, sounds like more of the "everyone gets a trophy" dross that took hold in the '90s. "All your thoughts R good," regardless. Makes sense!
Thanks again :)
Looks like win win for MoS
even if they lose
Sorry, I didn't see your earlier post - I read everybody's.
At this stage, taking the p** out of them is all we've left. A big thank you for reposting 😘
I agree that JCMH is a lot like the Duke of Windsor and that he is becoming and will continue to evolve into a completely tragic figure. Such potential, completely wasted.
From what I know, at least Wallis devoted her public, married life to the attention of the Duke. She did what she could to maintain the fiction that he was important and central in her life, even if she had other romantic liaisons (and I don't know if she did or not). But her public, outward face was nothing but respectful to the Duke and helped create and sustain the fiction that he was a Great Man. I get the sense she was deeply unhappy in the marriage, but she maintained the charade, at least in public, anyway.
MM is the opposite of Wallis in that everything is All About ME, as this team of Nutty bloggers have dissected thoroughly. MM makes JCMH look pathetic--with help from him, to be sure--but she does nothing to boost his reputation. Granted, it's hard to prop someone up when you're too busy standing on their shoulders to make yourself more visible.
I don't like either woman, Wallis or MM, but at least it appeared Wallis knew how to play the game, whereas MM is in this relationship strictly for her benefit.
All of the Wallis comments are purely my conjecture. I don't claim to have any deep insight into Wallis' psyche as I haven't read a lot about either of the Windsors. I find other historical and recent royals far more interesting and sympathetic. There are too many books to read and too little time, so prioritizing has to take place and the Windsors fall to the bottom of that heap.
I am scared of the private info that Meghan will spill during the trial - she is a vindictive woman and may damage and even bring down the monarchy. You can see from her actions of releasing totally unrelated info to the case. What she can't have she will try to destroy.
Thanks for the legal analysis for Megsy. And what she will be paying out...From other people's money of course, such as the Cornwall Duchy
For mega-leech Megsy, this case is not costing her a dime. It is risk free for her.
Every time she attacks the royal family it backfires. British regard royals as sort of their property, almost family, and most of the royals fit the nation's expectation quite well. Even Charles is now viewed as a victim thanks to the book.
Meghan will not win anything by pouring dirt. She will lose more.
She had some very unattractive features - crooked eyes, bulbous nose, very uneven teeth, wiry and unruly hair, big feet, disproportionate limb length, no waist, big jaw
I think this might cause a real inferiority complex in a place like Hollywood. And narcissism is just a cover for a very bad case of inferiority.
As to the MoS lawsuit - I love the fact that in British Courts, MM must pay the legal fees as part of the ongoing trial due to her side losing a motion (forgive me if I do not state it properly). In American Courts, it would be an 'oh well", but this looks like a slap on the hand with a ruler like the nuns did in catholic schools! Ouch!
@Lt = I think if we look at Meg's childhood and upbringing, one thing we have to bring up is her physical attributes.
She had some very unattractive features - crooked eyes, bulbous nose, very uneven teeth, wiry and unruly hair, big feet, disproportionate limb length, no waist, big jaw
I think this might cause a real inferiority complex in a place like Hollywood. And narcissism is just a cover for a very bad case of inferiority.
MM had to have grown up horribly insecure, given that many (most?) of the upper-echelon Hollywood girls were not only privileged but looked better naturally, due to attractive-gene people producing them as their children.
In her quest for perfection, MM had to have spent tens of thousands of dollars (and still does, now that she's almost 40).
Can't do much about being shaped like Sponge Bob, tho, stick legs and all ;)
Migrateful @MigratefulUK
"We're so excited to share that we have received a donation of £8000 from The Royal Foundation on behalf of The Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle! We are immensely grateful for this donation which will go towards supporting the Migrateful mission."
The story about the ghost emojis came out of nowhere. My friend thinks that Meg leaked it because she thought it would make her and Harry seem cool and relatable to her youthful target audience. While Meghan's aim has been off before, I don't think that's the real story behind it.
But if she planted it to make Harry look bad, well, that is something out of the narc playbook! Very vindictive and very petty of her. I wonder what the poor fellow did to trigger it this time . . .
@Tatty. I've been thinking what you said about there must be a real Archie because she filed suit for him. Except that she filed suit against "John Doe' and not real people (because she didn't now any to sue) and nowhere does the legal system require proof of life or existence when filing a suit agains "unknowns". I mean he may very well exist but the filing of a bogus, and yes its bogus until she supplies the names of real people to be sued, lawsuit does not guarantee Archie exists. Or she has custody. Or that he was "of the body" . or all the other questions. Basically she used the legal system for free PR because you can't sue unknowns until they are known (by somebody anyway).
I hope that made sense.
Such great reading you guys. Learned so many new things ie. Kate wearing the rose fascinator to the Commonwealth service. I sensed such anger and bitterness from Kate toward Meghan that day. I suspect that no one dislikes Meghan more than Kate. I feel that Kate has had to constantly deal with Meghan's b.s. Whether directed at her or her husband. Especially if Meghan is the source of those Rose rumors. I remember Kate's last birthday, I recall seeing a pic of Kate driving somewhere, which is a rare photo in any case. Kate looked massively stressed. Meghan pulled some crap that day. Kate has a beautiful face but she looked so tense.
Re. The Five Friends- There can be no doubt whatsoever that Meghan colluded with them for the People Mag article. As Happy Days so perfectly put it, "Was she handing out copies of the letter like Halloween candy?" Exactly, you don't have to be a genius to put this entire puzzle together. She very stupidly filed this suit and it will greatly backfire on her. Meghan describes herself as whip-smart but I wouldn't say that is true. She has an end goal in mind, all the time, but she cannot piece together the proper way to get there. That is how she makes so many errors and foolish choices.
Re. William and Charles- Yes I believe there has been a lot of tension there over the years. I love William but yes, he can be petulant as well. Maybe petulant is the wrong word (describes Harry perfectly). William is the relunctant King who had to be turned around. The combination of the grounding of Kate and the Middleton family, having his own children, William's inate sense of duty and his serious love of his Grandmother have all turned him around I think. That 'Dad Dancing' thing was so funny. Look it up for a laugh. That was very bad PR for William and Kate though. But very small in the grand scheme of things compared with the Harry and Meghan sh** show
Re. Meghan's insecurities about her looks growing up. It seems to me that Meghan's parents utterly doted on her. I get the vibe that she was the absolute favorite. I don't sense insecurity there. I think she was a complete narcissist in the making and the combination of her laid-back allowed her to rule her roost. She corrected some of her appearance issues and voila we have the Meghan Markle of today.
Oh I don't know how much money they will get from PC to cover the lawsuit (although I suspect it would have been touched on during the Megxit negotiations).
He has already commented that the Duchy is not nearly as profitable this year so I suspect that the idea they can just dial up and get more money has faded.
I would like to think of it as he offers them a set amount and do they want it for living expenses or pay the lawyers (giving them the control they want over their lives).
What I want to know is if Meghan had no knowledge of her five friends talking to People magazine to protect defenseless victim Meghan, then how on God’s green earth did People magazine acquire a copy of the actual handwritten letter from Meghan to Thomas?
People didn't get a copy. Meghan's friends quoted parts of the letter verbatim trashing Thomas in the midst of fawning over and flattering Meghan. They refer to visiting her at Frogmore, so"heavily pregnant" they were worried about her health. Except the issue was published on Feb. 7. Interviewing five different sources, fact checking (ha!) and editing takes a while. So no one could have been at Frogmore any later than early January - the tale end of the holiday season when these women would all have been with their own families. At any rate, Archie was born mid-May and weighed 7.3 lbs. Meghan should not have been heavily pregnant with five months to go. It's all such lies. These women all must have been very invested in Markle's marriage to go to such lengths for her. We know it wasn't friendship. What? More followers on Instagram? Better parts for the actress? Business promotion? You know what they say, a fish rots from its head.
I never understood her thinking there....she's gotta be the world's worst actress ever. She was lucky to get (and keep) that part in Suits.
I don't understand her wanting to be an actress when she is so incredibly bad at it.
I wonder what made her think that she would have a chance there. She's not drop dead gorgeous and has no acting skills whatsoever, two of the things that she would need the most to have a successful career in acting.
It's interesting that she wasn't guided to some other sort of career that would have worked better for her.
Pity she didn't send a donation to which helps people according to their need, not their origin.
Only to be expected. Anything to stick it to the Brits, under the guise of doing good.
I'd better not say any more.
It is from Sussex Royal
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have dissolved their Sussex Royal foundation, and they're using the remaining funds to support causes close to their hearts.
On Friday, the charity Migrateful announced on Twitter that they received a $10,000 donation on behalf of the Duchess of Sussex. "We are immensely grateful for this donation which will go towards supporting the Migrateful mission," wrote.
@Lt, the people I know who had to have plastic surgery because they were unattractive and we're made to feel that way, also turned out to be horrible narcissists. Either by parents or school mates.
Yes, after all, *normal* people only spend one tenth the time and money on their appearance that narcissists do, IMO.
I bolded the bit in your post because we've become such an appearance-worshiping society across the board, where it once was more or less confined to Hollywood and the East Coast upper classes. Social media seems to have every young girl obsessed with her own appearance and devastated when either she can't live up to the impossible, or she is bullied and shamed because of her looks.
MM is the poster girl of this.
BG has a new post up called Benjamin Franklin and the Sisterhood, about MM's five friends. Will they perjure themselves for her? Hell to the NO! They have hired their own lawyers, incurring costs they never expected to have, and their own reputations are about to be tarnished badly unless they tell the truth. I was wrong about MM - I thought she was intelligent, but all of her actions show that she is dumb, dumb, dumb.
I have always thought so, too. What Meghan has is an out-sized ego, a good education, and fearlessness about lying. She also feels very sorry for herself. If you look at the series of photos from Ninaki Priddy's kiddie birthday party, Meghan is sulking in every one, clearly unhappy not be the center of attention. In her secret blog, The Working Actress Markle related how hard and discouraging it was to chase fame and fortune in Hollywood. The blog follows Meghan to Suits and within a season or two she's whining about all the time in hair and make-up and attending boring industry events.
Meghan is stupid and slick. If she had been a little slicker, the world would have been her oyster. A global ambassador allowed, in a large part, to write her own script. If she could live in the shadow of higher ranking royals and obey their rules, she could have outshone them all. But her greed and entitlement drew criticism which she couldn't handle and Victim reared her ugly head, again. So yes, I agree in my meandering way, Meghan is stupid, stupid, stupid.
I guess she didn’t have to fake it anymore once the ring was on her finger (and she had it remade to add a bunch of diamonds)!
I guess she didn’t have to fake it anymore once the ring was on her finger (and she had it remade to add a bunch of diamonds)!
So true and I agree! They act like love-struck teenagers....totally embarrassing considering they are nearer 40! Lol
Oh the ring changes! I hated the tiny thin band that replaced the original thicker one. It looks far too top heavy now. I thought it was rude and ungracious to change it. :o/
How do we know th 5 friends hired lawyers? Thanks.
this is a celebrity photographer in Toronto, Canada.
Archie’s lawsuit is not the same lawsuit as the drone John Doe lawsuit.
I think.
Archie is the plaintiff in a lawsuit suing Splash for photos taken in Canada.
The necklace
Back in 2016, the Right Hand Gal jewelry company was commissioned to create their signature mini initial necklace with the initials M & H. Meghan’s BFF and stylist, Jessica Mulroney, went into Ani + Wren, a boutique the friends often shopped at, and ordered one of the necklaces with the initials “H” and “M” on it. The girls at Ani + Wren shared with us that they knew the order was placed by Jessica and that they were puzzled about who the titular “H” and “M” were. Right Hand Gal actually photographed the exact necklace before it was delivered
I did receive an Add-a-Pearl necklace as a baby but the deal is, you get a pearl for subsequent birthdays so by the time you're old enough for jewelry, you have a decent size necklace; it doesn't STAY eentsy until you are almost 40.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Yes, it sounds very worthy but, from where I'm standing:
The people that Migrateful trains are not allowed to work because their status as refugees has not been confirmed. Britain is an island, surrounded by safe European countries. International law decrees that refugees should claim asylum in the first safe country they reach. So technically, the only refugees we should be expected to take are those who arrive by air and those the Government agrees to take in by international agreement.
Nobody can walk into England, Wales or Scotland. On their own, they'd have to swim.
Many of these people have paid handsomely for criminals, aka people smugglers, to bring them here, not out of the goodness of their hearts but for hard cash. The last part of the journey is done by crossing the Channel in tiny boats, across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world. They have come through a number of EU countries in which it would be perfect safe for them to claim asylum.
A recent case highlights this - a refrigerated lorry was found near the Essex docks. Within were 39 Chinese people, every one dead from suffocation. They had travelled overland all the way, through safe countries, apart from the last journey on a ferry.
Britain has a proud history of accepting refugees, from the French Huguenots, who gave us the word `refugee', right through to the present.
My black ancestor presumably did not come of his own volition but the Huguenots and Jews in among my forebears were able to find sanctuary from the persecution going on in France and the Low Countries. We took in Spaniards, German and Austrians in the 1930s, and also those from the Eastern bloc who had been here as Allies in WW2 but who could not return home when it was over. We've taken boat people from Vietnam and Ugandan Asians. I have taught youngsters who had escaped Czechoslovakia with their parents after the Prague Spring (1968) and those of anti-apartheid activists who'd had to get our of South Africa. Many more of my pupils were the children of refugees from the 1930s.
We are a small, densely populated place - even when the deserted wastes of the Scottish Highlands are taken into account. We are heading for a major crisis of unemployment in the wake of Covid 19. We are desperately short of decent housing. We do not need to encourage yet more people to arrive unbidden.
IMO, Meghan was yet again giving us the middle finger.
When I heard Meg's family nickname for her was 'Flower" I almost barfed. Having a strong background in botany made me immediately think of the infamous plant called 'Amorphophallus titanumn' or commonly the 'Corspe Flower' because it stinks like rotting dead flesh or spoiled baby diapers when it blooms. So the Botanical world would be wise to rename this plant the 'Meghanphallus insanitium'.
Queen Mary's tiara is a piece within the Royal Collection.
Wooten has just confirmed Meghan's tiara was a fake.
This also explains why her tiara was missing the central stone placement and upper crest clearly seen on Queen Mary's version yet mysteriously missing from Meghan's.
The Queen doesn't give a toss what the public thinks (borrowed tiara) when everyone in the Royal Family knows the truth.
Meaning after the wedding...
(afterwards means “at a later time” )
We are a small, densely populated place - even when the deserted wastes of the Scottish Highlands are taken into account. We are heading for a major crisis of unemployment in the wake of Covid 19. We are desperately short of decent housing. We do not need to encourage yet more people to arrive unbidden.
IMO, Meghan was yet again giving us the middle finger.
You're so right, also your post at 7.55pm. What is that Floozie doing giving money to that organisation? Where does the money come from? (sorry, I haven't been able to find much about it). And dare I say this is very political.
She changed who she was to snare Harry. Harry is a gullible sheltered fool.
In her games, she forgot she just this regular middle class part time actress. She started thinking she could
Keep ‘acting’ for PR. She justified it thinking Sam and Thomas would make a lot of money off the whole thing, not realizing Thomas actually seems to care about his reputation, and basic facts.
He has already commented that the Duchy is not nearly as profitable this year so I suspect that the idea they can just dial up and get more money has faded.
Charles has been saying that the Cornwall duchy has been deferring rent and lease payments due to the Covid19 situation. Charles might be compelled to send less money Harry's way whether he likes it or not. The Harkles might have to tighten their belts
Charles cannot be brutal with his Duchy people. Many are agricultural tenant farmers and Chas screwing them will make for very bad PR. Thus the deferrals, plus I think Charles is a good enough person to do it this way anyway. Shared sacrifice.
Where did MM get 10k to give to anyone?
Has to be part of the Travalyst/Sussex Royal liquidation, yes?
So why did only MM get the credit?
There is a tumblr blog I stumbled across that has a couple of interesting items.
The first is some previously unseen MM shots purportedly taken as proof she was back in Canada after being booted by PC for the sneaked photos KP.
The more interesting item is Wikipedia 's pages on Doria. She started out described as a "yoga instructor". A month later upgraded to a "yoga therapist" and a masters degree in
Social Work. A few days later Clinical Therapist was added.
MMs resume included a "Communications degree" from NW. At the same time Dorias entry was changed (Nov2016) MMs was changed to the Double Major in Theater and International studies.
IIRC, we had some discussion to the effect that the double major would have been listed under "communications". But since Dorias entries would have required licensing, it would be interesting to see whether she was licensed, and who made those changes. Today, she is apparently listed as a former social worker.
The other changes to Megs as humanitarian, etc. has been tracked back to an early pr firm in LA Megs used. That isnt on this blog, but I think I can find it if anyone is curious.
I doubt Rache was wearing a fake tiara but when it comes to H&M, who knows?
Dan Wooten wrote...
The now infamous tiara row, which I first revealed in November 2018, was the culmination of many fallouts before the wedding.
Afterwards, William and the Queen’s dresser and closest confidante, Angela Kelly, were united in their decision not to loan Meghan items from the Royal Collection, which included tiaras worn by Diana.
The Crown Jewels are the formal regalia (ie the items to do do with Kingship) which are kept in the Tower and brought out for Coronations and to a far lesser extent, the State Opening of Parliament:
They belong to the `institution of the Monarchy'.
They are not necessarily `jewels' n the way we might think of them.
If Archie really were baptised, I would roar with laughter if the Charles II font were used, rather than the Lily Font we were told about.
Meghan referred to as a TV star rather than a Hollywood actress in this article!
It is prior testimony and PA's name is in it.
I feel badly for "some" members of the RF. The backlash the family will have as more of this comes out. But, some members knew he was scum and protected him.
It wasn't the Ducharse who donated the money. It was the people who donated to the Royal Foundation, 50% of which went to the now defunct Sussex Royal. So how can it be on her 'behalf'?
look at Scobie before and after plastic surgery!
another one with body dysmorphic disorder
"...since Dorias entries would have required licensing, it would be interesting to see whether she was licensed, and who made those changes. Today, she is apparently listed as a former social worker."
"There is only one type of license in California and that is the Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). Although, one needs to be registered as an Associate Clinical Social Worker (ASW) with the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) to gain the required experience to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker."
Doria is registered as an ASW through 7/21. Her original ASW registration was in 2015. For whatever reason--not enough hours (which is odd if she was full time from 2015 until 2018), couldn't pass national exam--she never got the license-- the LCSW.
I don't know if "therapist" is a protected term in CA. It's not most places so anyone can claim to be one.
I do understand a bit about the migration situation. I've seen several Brit police procedurals in which people perish in containers (and recently, "Years and Years") -- all sorts of dramas and real-life reports actually.
(I have a tiny bit of Huguenot myself. Mine went to Canada and then down to the US or perhaps the colonies at the time.)
Thanks again for the education! I withdraw my temporary admiration.
"...look at Scobie before and after plastic surgery!"
Oh my, Scobie looked so much better before the 'procedures'. He almost looks hideous in comparison, poor dear! He 'markled' himself so it seems (much like Michael Jackson did in trying to emulate Diana Ross it appeared).
Mixed Race Reader
Thanks for the Doria clarification, Lizzie!
Apparently Andrew lobbied the US Govt for a leniency towards
Epstein, reports the Telegraph. Based on unsealed court documents.
Guess what—Ellen sounds just like Meg. Peas in a pod.
He looks horrible. He has lost weight/muscle
the 1st in sweats & a knit cap - while his security is in shorts.
2nd in black looking back at camera
3rd in black again.
I am wondering if these are from So. CA though due to long sleeves. Been hot there so i'm not sure how old these are.
He does look horrid
I find it fascinating that the metoo/woke/cancel culture has hit her and her show. she perhaps could have avoided some of this if she had paid her staff during the Covid shutdown, instead not paying them and hiring an outside production company to film her show from her home. and her filming from home is very very lame, pathetic, and shows how unfunny she really is.
but the fascinating part is these people/ employess/staff that are blabbing about the meanies will probaly result in the cancelation of the show and all those people losing their jobs. granted alot of them probably dislike her, but they need the jobs don’t they? especially in todays unemployment environment. even if the show isn’t cancelled, id expect ratings to drop., meaning job loss for some.
people often do things that aren’t in their best interest. oh we’ll complain and things will get better, no, the show will be cancelled and you’ll lose your jobs.
Like MM and JCMHFKAP storming out of the BRF. I doubt that those people on the Ellen show, if they are accusing the star of sexual, racial, etc. harassment, will be able to find homes on other shows.
Carryover comment from the last thread. Another entry for the transatlantic “Separated By a common language” Lexicon.
“Dormitory towns” are called “bedroom communities” in the US. Not so far apart.
I told the lawyer that the two Sussexes are allowed to sue in American courts in L.A. against not-known at the time, or now, reporters and photographers, all of whom have not published or written anything about their kid, known as Archie. Nothing published, but they are suing up to 100 unknown people.
Without knowing any further details, the lawyer said it is unconstitutional for plaintiffs to go after any person or business without just cause. In a civil trial, or even criminal, a plaintiff cannot invade a person or business, looking for whatever they want, without just cause. The absence of any photos, is not a reason to break into the private homes or businesses. If this is upheld, then anybody can sue anybody for whatever they want. I can say my neighbor used a drone, and then I can sue every drone company, and have a judge issue a writ to go through every personal or professional drone company and my neighbor, too.
The two maniacs are crazy. The judge needs to throw out the case, as it is frivolous, unless the judge wants his/her name known.
Every lawsuit, the Supreme Court lawyer said, must first pass the basic “smell test.” The lawsuit regarding a less than interesting kid, especially to Americans who have no idea or interest in his life, stinks to high heaven.
BTW, American taxpayers are now forced to use their tax dollars in an American court with the two smelly Sussexes. They need to leave the pap capital of the world.
But nothing make sense with these two so who knows.
I agree with your comments re migrants and the impact on the society they are migrating to and also the country they have left behind. Having young men and women leave in droves is devastating for the economy, towns, communities, families and children left behind.
I think perhaps another reason, Mega Whinge, donated to Migrateful, was her obsession with being a humanitarian like Angelina Jolie--who single handedly saves refugees with a scarf placed strategically on her head like a white Madonna surrounded by brown people--desperate to live (at least she brings attention to their plight).
Madam probably also thinks this might get her some brownie points with some type of UN ambassador position in the future as well. It will look good in her wikipedia bio as well.
The other thing is that the people who donated years ago to the Diana Memorial Fund, which is presumably where at least some this money this money originated, had no say in it. Somehow, I don't think they would have approved 100%, or given the money in the first place, had they had been able to see into the future.
Of course, it would have been too much to expect her to donate `her' money to the National Emergencies Trust, given that Wm's involved with that; but it's all too easy to guess that she'd choose a cause guaranteed to get up the nose of many Brits.
@Hikari - nice one! I always think `Vest and pants' is a classic!
A great little extract in the DM, of Tommy Lascelles book: King's Counselor: Abdication and War. His description of King Edward, VIII--dim, greedy, zero interest in service to country and empire, could not wait to leave the RF (until he left)...sounds like another more contemporary prince.
I suspect, now that the truth about Ellen has come out, that her employees are at peace with the possibility of the show's cancellation. Given how toxic the work environment was, it couldn't have kept going much longer. Perhaps they're surprised it lasted for as long as it has!
It's not a great time to be without work in the entertainment industry, but everyone has had months to brace themselves for the worst. We've already seen a lot of stories about single proprietorships and family businesses closing. Ellen's staffers at least don't have that kind of deep connection to the show.
Now I'm just wondering exactly what opened the floodgates here. Was it simply that these terrible incidents had reached critical mass? Or was there a specific mistake -- a particular person that she rubbed the wrong way? Asking for Meghan. Not that she'd ever believe this sort of thing would happen to her. The rest of us could use the foreshadowing, though.
A great shame Markle didn't tell these people what a nasty racist lot we are...
Migrants pictured drying on Kent bench after dumping their stolen dinghy
Gareth Davies
2 days ago
A group of five migrants have been pictured drying off on a bench on the Kent coast having dumped the stolen dinghy they used to cross The Channel.The photographs were taken in Saint Margaret's at Cliffe on Thursday morning.
More than 3,000 migrants have now made it across the Channel to the UK this year.
And with hot weather forecast for the next couple of days - it could mean another influx is imminent migrants typically opting to make the trip when the temperature is warmer.
Kent Police confirmed it was assisting the Border Force and HM Coastguard following reports of suspected migrants seen in the Deal area at around 8.30am.
Campaigners have said that evictions of migrants from camps in Calais are at their highest intensity for years and that attempts to cross the English Channel have risen as a result.
This was the scene in Kent this morning
Aid workers in northern France say police evictions are happening at the highest levels since the Jungle camp was cleared in 2016.
In one incident, more than 500 migrants were put onto buses and moved away ahead of a visit from UK Home Secretary Priti Patel earlier this month.
Clare Moseley, founder of the humanitarian charity Care4Calais, said conditions in the French city are as bad as she has seen since 2016 and criticised police tactics.
Calais MP Pierre-Henri Dumont said that he believes there is "no link" between the evictions and attempts to cross the Channel.
He said the huge number of migrants trying to reach the UK is down to "British law and way of life" and said migrants would rather live secretly in the UK than claim asylum in France.
More than 3,100 migrants have made it across the Channel to the UK in 2020, analysis by the Press Association shows.
Ms Moseley, who runs charity Care4Calais, said a safe, legal process for the people in Calais is essential to end what she says is a humanitarian crisis. She also criticised police tactics - including the use of tear gas - and the forced evictions of migrants from the camps where they live. Ms Moseley said: "This policy is cruel and it is counterproductive. It succeeds only in increasing the numbers of people desperate enough to make a dangerous attempt to cross the Channel.
"Priti Patel and the French authorities are only adding to the chaos in the Channel, they have no strategy to protect vulnerable refugees and get control of our borders long term.
"The people in Calais are normal people: doctors, builders, sons and fathers. Terrible things have happened to them, they're fleeing wars, torture and persecution.
"The least we can do is give them a fair hearing and treat them with decency and dignity."
She called on Ms Patel and her counterparts in France to "stop grandstanding" and tackle the root of the problem.
Calais MP Pierre-Henri Dumont said he too noticed a "huge dismantlement" of a migrant camp before Ms Patel's visit.
However, he said that since then migrants have returned to the area in larger numbers.
He added: "To me, there is no link between the dismantlement and the crossings. The huge number of crossings is the result of the British law and way of life, making it easier for the migrants to live in clandestinity in the UK, to work and find a place to live, than in France.
He also defended police actions in the area.
Following their joint visit to Calais on July 12, Ms Patel and new French interior minister Gerald Darmanin agreed to create a Franco-British intelligence cell in an effort to reduce the numbers of small boats making it to the UK.
On the same day, a record number of migrants made it to the UK, with at least 180 making it across the Channel.
Lily Allen beat her to it. Allen apologized on behalf of my country to the refugees in Calais in 2016. I don't think she ever housed a migrant in her house either, as was the suggestion for all to do, at the time. So, all is forgiven!
The cost of litigation in the United States can be extreme and even a party that defends a case and wins often faces significant damages in the time lost and the expense of the defense. It is not uncommon for even a simple civil case to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to defend.
Thus, a party who is repeatedly sued by the same party and wins still suffers significant costs and there are persons who are prone to file suit, often representing themselves, on a repeated basis. Some people are addicted to litigation. Others are convinced that they are right and will keep finding excuses to sue if they can. Often they are insolvent and thus represent themselves and get special waivers of filing fees from the courts because they are indigent.
Obviously, this point of law didn't feature in an episode of Suits.
They have not sued the same person more than once.
As far as I can see, it's not limited to suing the same person more than once. I think it means five litigations in seven years. The way she's going she might well end up that way.
There is also the psychology of serial litigants (article from
People who file numerous lawsuits, known as serial litigants, are often motivated by the hopes of winning lots of money or obtaining justice. And according to forensic psychiatrists, in some cases they're also motivated by deep psychological reasons -- paranoia, the need for attention or a belief that only in court will their perceived suffering be validated.
Also from a medical website:
These individuals wish to have their alleged suffering, humiliation and victimization witnessed on the stage of litigation. Their common fantasy is that unspecified “others” (the jury, initially the Court itself) will sympathize with suffering and offer some sort of illusoryl vindication and redemption. Narcissists are mentioned in this context.
Maybe something to consider.
James Murdoch, the younger son of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, has resigned from the board of News Corporation citing "disagreements over editorial content".
In a filing to US regulators, he said he also disagreed with some "strategic decisions" made by the company.
The exact nature of the disagreements was not detailed.
But Mr Murdoch has previously criticised News Corp outlets, which include the Wall Street Journal, for climate change coverage.
News Corp also owns The Times, The Sun and The Sunday Times in the UK, as well as a stable of Australian newspapers, including The Australian, The Daily Telegraph and The Herald Sun.
Of litigants such as MM:
Even if she had come across this in Suits,she would not perceive it as applying to her. The `logic' of her actions may be incomprehensible to us but she has a consistent world view which makes sense according to her reasoning, even if nobody else can see the sense of it.
These individuals wish to have their alleged suffering, humiliation and victimization witnessed on the stage of litigation. Their common fantasy is that unspecified “others” (the jury, initially the Court itself) will sympathize with suffering and offer some sort of illusoryl vindication and redemption
A brilliant assessment.
Unfortunately, there are cases where a sympathetic juror awards heavy damages in cases of real injury although, IMO, the wrong party may have been sued. I'm thinking of that fairly recent case in the US of the poor chap who had suffered severely from using weedkiller without proper supervision/protection.
It seemed to me that the negligent party was his employer who tolerated mishandling and apparently ignored the manufacturer's warnings as to safe use and protective equipment. UK law is very tight on professional users of herbicides being properly trained and certificated, and on the correct negligent party being identified, under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Of course, Monsanto had more cash then his employer, so why sue the real culprit if you can get greater damages out of someone else?
Money, and the things that money buys, were the principal desiderata in Mrs Simpson's philosophy, if not in his, and, when they found that they had been left the Crown without the cash, I am convinced that they agreed, in that interminable telephone conversation, to renounce their plans for a joint existence as private individuals, and to see what they could make out of the Kingship, with the subsidiary prospect of the Queenship for her later on.
The events of the next ten months bear out this supposition; for, throughout them, he devoted two hours to schemes, great and small, by which he could produce money to every one that he devoted to the business of the State.
Omid has even said that...that once people read this book their eyes would be opened as to the suffering mm has endured since meeting H.
I was expecting examples such as overhearing her being called the n word, or things equally horrendous.
But nope, just a few petty slights which she brought on herself.
Mostly it was a book singing her praise and adoration, it sounds like.
Flowery, adolescent prose. Sounds like a 13 year old wrote it.
And it doesn't answer or address many of the larger questions. Or even the little ones.
Like how did it evolve that she taps him like a dog when she wants behaviour changed. For example, when she wants to walk first when it should be him first she taps his elbow and he immediately acquiesces.
How did that evolve? And who put her in charge anyway? What makes her think that she knows better in these instances? He's had a lifetime of knowing how to do this.
Epstein, reports the Telegraph. Based on unsealed court documents.
I read some time ago that the woman making these allegations had at the age of 14 accused 2 young men of rape. The prosecutor declined to go forward with the charge as she was considered not to be a credible witness. I wonder why so many people consider her to be credible now
If they dont what does a royal duke do differently to just a duke?
I have read others have corroborated her story, or parts of it. She will always be labeled not credible by opposing parties, maybe the perceived surge in belief has to do with Dershowitz coming under rabid scrutiny as he was the one who tore her up on stand previously. Just my thought, no idea otherwise
While here I must comment on Scobies before and after shot. Wowza . He was previously cute kid what a mess. Curious if he has regret or thinks he looks good now and I wonder if that metamorphosis was done in one failed shot or multiple surgeries? Egads.
MM's donation to the migrants will make her even more unpopular. Most British rightly see illegal migrants as a huge burden on the economy. Now the situation is worsened tenfold because of the damage to the businesses and pressure on the NHS. So illegals are even more unwelcome.
She is so tone deaf it is staggering. I also think she may try to deliberately provoke people to suite her racism agenda.
I thought the same! Lol I read comments via email and thought it was me, I then checked to see if there was a new post and there wasn’t. Maybe peeps are busy, or Markled out! Lol ;o)
You might be right. So many law suits I can't keep track.
So, anybody, how many law suits is MeMe involved in right now and against whom?
Thanks in advance
I didn't hang around long after that. Everyone else who thought it was funny was cut out of my life quickly.
Hello Nutties,
A great little extract in the DM, of Tommy Lascelles book: King's Counselor: Abdication and War. His description of King Edward, VIII--dim, greedy, zero interest in service to country and empire, could not wait to leave the RF (until he left)...sounds like another more contemporary prince.
I saw that! I immediately read it. I will have to find the book here in the US. I have read many books and seen several films on David and Wallis. Of course the similarities can't be ignored. I wish the RF had taken a harder stance in Mexit but I understand why they didn't with today's PC climate.
What I found really interesting in that article is it was mentioned that David was sterile that is why he never had children and why he suffered from arrested development! That is interesting.
I thought I read somewhere it is rumored that Harry is also sterile. That is why a surrogate was procured for Archie. But then so much is discussed about those two from sophomoric necklaces to feet and toes etc, etc...don't know what's true or not.
Thank you for mentioning that very fascinating piece in today's DM.
She can't defend herself against the truth of her nasty behavior anymore, not with myriad celebs who've been on the show piling on on Twitter to share their experiences.
Now there are going to be lawsuits against the perpetrator(s) of the alleged sexual harassment on the set. Ellen's trying to get out of the way.
Her troubles really began since she lied last summer about holding Archie and all his 'tufts of red hair' at Frogmore Cottage . . despite being in a rush to get to the airport to catch her private jet.
Everyone else who has colluded in Meg's lies should have a big helping of what's coming to Ellen. Mr. Perry needs to kick them out of his home, stat. Let them move in with Oprah .. or go to a long-stay motel.
Where has everyone gone?
I have wondered the same. I am guessing it's holiday season?
At first I thought maybe I put people off because I mentioned I am a person of color (not of our Black community). With some of us older generation POC, it's often the first thing we think. Sad but true. Things are so touchy right now that one wrong word and it can get explosive so if that's the case, I understand completely.
When I received no responses to my posts, I quit posting. I'm back to reading on occasion when I'm have a good day health wise.
I really don't enjoy the banality in the many details on looks, body parts, hair treatments, the nauseating lawsuits etc. so I've been waiting for something really juicy or remotely fresh and interesting!
I've enjoyed the posts lately!
Thanks, Nutties :)
I’m glad to see Ellen called out. The most interesting thing about her is that she is gay and that’s not terribly interesting anymore.
Someone recently said (I think a on Twitter post) that there are two groups a person cannot say a thing against. One is the Jewish community and the other is White gay males. I am just quoting what I read. I'm going to assume this is in reference to American identity politics. I cannot speak for Britain.
What I found very interesting is Ellen is a perfect example of the second half of that quote.
I'm wondering if it had been Elton John, or another White gay male celebrity, would he be have been singled out and cancelled?
Just curious.
How many lawsuits anyway? In what country?
Archie’s lawsuit was filed in the UK.
I'll have to respectfully disagree on *banality* as regards the Harkles -- I derive a fiendish sense of laughter and delight at each of their missteps, I'm sorry to say. Having said that, tho, I equally enjoy some of the more cerebral discussions here as well. Quite the mixed bag, which makes this blog all the more interesting, IMO!
@ Teasmade -- Your post reminded me of Pink Floyd -- "Hello (hello ... hello), is there anybody IN there ... :)
Another Nutty pointed something out which I laughed my head off at -- MM constantly appearing in her hideous green outfit, I guess because it's one of the few photos that doesn't require payment of some kind, or something like that -- the Green Hornet! Preying Mantis! Robin Hood! Hahahaha!
It is rare that we go hours with no postings!
I so appreciate that we are all from around the world and all pretty much agree on most of the important points. There are things that don't interest me either, and I just scroll on by, and eventually the conversation turns to something else.
And I ESPECIALLY value input from POC, honestly (although we usually don't know who is who on here) because of, you know, the large part that misdirected accusations of racism have played in this ridiculous drama.
Like how did it evolve that she taps him like a dog when she wants behaviour changed. For example, when she wants to walk first when it should be him first she taps his elbow and he immediately acquiesces.
So funny! But true. Wallis had a similar way of "training" David-along with lurid rumors of her sex techniques she picked up during her Shanghai days (spent in brothels and opium dens)! I suppose the yachting of those days...
So true, The Duch has H very well puppy trained :)
"Of all the lawsuits, Archie is a plaintiff, MM is a plaintiff and isn’t Harry a plaintiff? It’s not just MM suing everyone."
I think Archie is a plaintiff in only one lawsuit--the one filed in the UK for the pics taken in Canada with Archie or an Archie stand-in dangling from M's front.
Harry is not a party to that suit. Meghan is Archie's "litigation friend." Only one is required. It's a bit odd to me it wasn't Harry given her grins in those photos.
The CA lawsuit doesn't list Archie as a plaintiff, I don't believe.
@Pink: Whatever color you are, even if it IS hot pink : ), I truly doubt we all fled for a few hours because you mentioned that! I'm thinking it's Saturday and everyone is out to the shops (UK), running to Target (US), doing a bit of weeding (?), taking care of an older or younger relative, or any of those things we can't get to during the week if we are lucky enough to still have a job.
Realistically, I know this, however as I mentioned, it's sad how many older POC think this first off!
I Do see myself as pink:) the color.
Lol...I'ts such a happy color.
I don't concern myself with Meg's color aside from I find it appalling and loathsome she and Harry use it to weaponize against the RF and to victimize herself.
My opinion is in EVERY color she would be what she is. And we know what that is...
@Pink Peony- cancel culture is so rampant, no one is safe
So true!!
I have been reading for ages and did not dare post as I am tech useless. I could not resist the comment that in that virulent shade of green maybe she is poison ivy or Peter Pan (she never grew up or matured).
I'll have to respectfully disagree on *banality* as regards the Harkles -- I derive a fiendish sense of laughter and delight at each of their missteps, I'm sorry to say. Having said that, tho, I equally enjoy some of the more cerebral discussions here as well. Quite the mixed bag, which makes this blog all the more interesting, IMO!
Very good point! I suspect I'm crabby and cranky because I'm battling a case of shingles and nothing is funny to me these days.
When I'm feeling better, I'll re-read and get a good guffaw off the zany descriptions of the Duch and her lap dog Lol...
Thanks for the reply. I feel better now:)
Hi. A warm welcome!
I LOATHE that green dress. I am sick to the back teeth of the repetitious photos of that monstrous garment Ha ha.
I so agree! The Duch is definitely dealing with some form of arrested development as well as her H.
Don't worry, I don't get responses to my posts very often either. As for you being a POC (I don't like that expression, we’re all ’of colour’!), I didn't know or else had forgotten as have many people on here.
And like you, "I really don't enjoy the banality in the many details on looks, body parts" etc and am also waiting for something really juicy! I guess there's nothing of real interest happening chez H&M right now and we are all suffering from Markle fatigue, hence a scarcity of posts today. Take care.
Another Nutty pointed something out which I laughed my head off at -- MM constantly appearing in her hideous green outfit, I guess because it's one of the few photos that doesn't require payment of some kind, or something like that -- the Green Hornet! Preying Mantis! Robin Hood! Hahahaha!
See my reply to @Elona. Great point- the pics are probably freebies. Ugh but those pics! Makes me want to hewey every time I see them.
Yes Markle fatigue and Corona fatique.
Thanks...hugs :)
(Won't be long now, she says nervously, clicking on the Accuweather update site for the 100th time, and watching the cloud cover starting to move in)
We should start a list of all the nicknames for the Harkles -- they're starting to pile up! That's always good for a laugh :)
Ginge and Cringe
Whinge and Whine
Cash and Harry
The Duke and Duchess of Griftershire
Hag and Drag
Eeek and Geek
(Just to name a few!)
Poison Ivy, hahahahaha! Good one ;) So apt! But Harry is the Peter Pan if you ask me, so maybe HE should put on the green outfit ;)
how she really behaved on the set of Suits. Hint - she was a nightmare!
Omg, thanks for the link! That article made me chuckle, confirms everything we already knew about Megsie!
Sheilding ended or paused in the UK today 1st August following lockdown in March recon 2 million people who sheided are allowed out to the shops and to visit family from today I believe ?That's possibly why the blog is quiet todsy.Its my guess anyhow.Augugust 4th Tuesday is MM's birthday WWonder if thecill the planned hoped for hinted at asked for gathering happen?
Richard read architecture at Cambridge - I remember one of his contemporaries saying, after Finals, that the entire class had been optimistic about their results because Richard wouldn't be allowed to fail so the rest of them expected to pass! Rather unkind, especially as he did subsequently earn his crust as an architect.
He inherited Barnwell Manor, which came into the family from his mother's side (Scottish aristocracy), along with the ducal title, when his father, Henry Duke of Gloucester died. This has an estate but financial straits mean they have had to `let it go' (whether it's been sold or just rented out, isn't clear; I suspect the former.) He and his wife Birgitte live in KP.
The Kents, too, were affected by an air crash, in the previous generation, the present Duke becoming such before his 7th birthday.
`The Old Duke of Kent',as my mother always called him, (Prince George - not to be confused with King George VI [that was his regnal name, originally baptised Albert, known as Bertie, like his grandfather who became Edward. Are you still with me?]) died in the war.
He was a rather dubious character, like our 'Arry in an embarrassing number of ways. His death, on a flight bound for Iceland, raised all sorts of questions, rather like Diana's.
The Duke of Kent performed Royal duties as well as having an Army career for over 20 years. He had a house, Coppins, in Buckinghamshire which was eventually sold. No mention of it being an `estate' as such. Now lives at Wren House in grounds of KP.
I believe both dukes pay rent to live at KP.
There is also the Duchy of Lancaster - HM is Duke of Lancaster, just as she is Duke of Normandy! See for a better explanation that I can give.
It's actually administered by the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, a government post.
That's about it.
When I received no responses to my posts, I quit posting. I'm back to reading on occasion when I'm have a good day health wise.
Meh. I don't care about race, I care about character. I'm more involved with getting ready(ish) for the hurricane about to hit (not that I expect it to do much in the way of damage, but it is a good exercise for checking hurricane preps), plus trying to avoid the WuFlu while caring for grandkids. I really don't care too much about the Gruesome Twosome other than their siphoning money off for themselves that has been donated to help people of far less means than they possess donated from people of far less means.
Whine and Cheese
Does Finding Freedom really lay bare all the bitterness and infighting that drove Meghan and Harry to quit the royal family”
By Stuart Heritage
Part I
The amazing thing about Finding Freedom, the new and probably-not-unauthorized biography of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, is that it miraculously manages to reinforce every single one of your existing beliefs about the couple, no matter what they happen to be.
A fan? The book does everything in its power to demonstrate how thoroughly unwelcome the royal family and Buckingham Palace staff made Meghan feel, with courtiers sniping behind her back and Harry’s own brother being “snobbish” and “condescending” when it came to discussing her.
Examples of this behavior come thick and fast in the excerpts that have recently been published in The Times. Kate Middleton apparently once ran into Meghan, before she married Harry, on the grounds of Kensington Palace; they discovered they were both going shopping on the same street, but Kate didn’t offer Meghan a ride. Observers noticed that it seemed as if the various royal households would attempt to undermine each other by scheduling conflicting social-media posts and events. One member of the palace staff referred to the Sussexes as “the squeaky third wheel” of the monarchy. If you’re of a certain disposition, then this book will underline precisely how Harry and Meghan’s break from the royal family was less a decision and more a complete emotional necessity.
But then again, this is a book—filled with such specific information that it appears to have been written with the support of its subjects, if not their full cooperation—called Finding Freedom. As Piers Morgan has pointed out in the Daily Mail, intentionally or otherwise it implicitly draws a line between itself and Nelson Mandela’s autobiography, Long Walk to Freedom. One of those books is about a man who spent 27 unimaginable years toiling away at hard labor on Robben Island. The other is about two rich people who decided to move out of a nice palace in England and into a nice mansion in Los Angeles without gaining or losing any tangible responsibilities. You could argue that a closer comparison could be found in Finding Nemo, in which a young clown fish leaves his family and everything immediately goes wrong.
The other key text when discussing Finding Freedom is Andrew Morton’s Diana: Her True Story, the gossip-filled 1992 biography that served as Princess Diana’s method of severing all ties with the royal family. That book became a sensation for its blockbuster revelations of alleged infidelity and attempted suicide by the future king of England’s wife, putting the royal family under more strain than at any time in living memory.
But, again, it isn’t a fair comparison. Finding Freedom has none of the shock of Morton’s book—one of its biggest revelations is that Harry issued a statement to the press while Prince Charles was trying to publicize a trip to the Middle East, and it made Prince Charles feel “disappointed”—plus, it’s about two figures who are now, in terms of the monarchy, utterly irrelevant. The Times ran three days of exclusive extracts from the book last week; the well ran dry so quickly that by day three it was resigned to printing descriptions of the wallpaper in a bar where Harry and Meghan once had a drink. So what’s the point of the book? The extracts are so sympathetic that they seem like a clear attempt by Harry and Meghan to show the world who they really are. But that can’t be the case, because this is a couple so fixated on maintaining their own privacy that surely they’d never stoop so low as to help out with a tawdry tell-all book. Or maybe this is a gentle reminder to the world that they’ve both still got the unqualified star power that, as the book incredibly claims, “might eclipse that of the royal family.”
Whatever the intention, it seems likely that history will look back at Finding Freedom as a document of what gets left behind when you remove the royalty from members of the royal family. If the paucity of the extracts are any indication, the answer is not an awful lot.
Just wondering, do all royal dukedoms have land and a living attached like Cornwall or only some? I thought I remembered reading that Kent did but now I cant find it. It was the one that had the Prince killed in the plane crash in WWII. George?
If they dont what does a royal duke do differently to just a duke?
Wild Boar Battle-maid has beaten me to some of this, but here's my take on your question.
The Duchy of Cornwall supports the heir to the throne and the Duchy of Lancaster supports the Queen. I think that they make up a lot of their protocols as they go along. At the moment royal dukes are family members, legitimate descendants of a monarch. The Duke of Richmond is descended from the illegitimate son of King Charles II of England and never been royal but has a nice racecourse.
she will lose because her friends don't seem to want to testify
"Poison Ivy, hahahahaha! Good one ;) So apt! But Harry is the Peter Pan if you ask me, so maybe HE should put on the green outfit ;)"
Oh but I think Harry DID wear green...wasn't that the time when he had a stupid green lining to his jacket to match her 'Green Giant' dress (also 'preying mantis dress) she had on that day in question. How juvenile, like they were two teens going to the prom in matching colors.
I think Meghan really started struggling with reality when she met Harry.
@jessica: Not a lot of people seem to know about this, but when Meghan was on Suits, she used to haul around a red-headed doll she named “Harry.” (Im not kidding!) To me, it just adds another link to Meghan being a royal family groupie, especially her obsession with Diana. When she was on Suits, she was one asked in an interview who she would prefer of Diana’s two sobs, and she replied “Harry, I guess.”
It also gives credence to the theory many have about Meghan, myself included, that as soon as the ink on her divorce papers was dry in February 2014, she put her plot to target and stalk Harry into action by using her Canadian connections to polish her worldwide humanitarian credentials while working those same contacts to move herself into Harry’s UK social group.
Here’s a URL to an article in The Mirror with a photo of Meghan on the Suits set with the doll she named Harry, although the photo caption doesn’t say its name. Sorry, but I do not know how to create a working link on this blog, so you’ll have to copy and paste it.
I think it’s creepy a woman in het 30s would be hauling a doll around with her like that, and double creepy she named it Harry.
It’s incredible
Meghan didn’t think people would have anything to
Do with this case.
Welcome! I love your avatar, how appropriate, two beautiful peonies, one of my favorite flowers.
I would have posted something during that 2 hour lull but lately I just haven't really felt like I had anything to offer compared to everyone else. Maybe people are preoccupied since its the first of the month, I know the stores are real busy (as I just got back).
8/1 12:12
What I find really funny is that Doria even had a Wikipedia page that had to be updated when MM and Harry went public with their relationship. She certainly was a nobody that no-one would even be curious about.
Did MM instruct someone to create a page for her mother and when was it first created?
There is an interesting dynamic between these two. Thomas was a GIVER and I am wondering if Doria withheld affection/attention, and then there was that time in prison. I suspect she is the 'nature' contribution to the NPD where Thomas was the 'nurture". Is MM still trying to connect and get approval from an absent and self-interested mother?
In relation to the Ellen comments, The Sun is saying James Corden will be the new host! A white cis gender guy, no less--but he did snag an invite to the Harry Markle wedding! I would have thought with all the talk from Hollywood about how we have to do more better, a POC would have been picked.
@Wullie'sBucket -- I guess I haven't been around long enough to be aware of which posters have left and which have stayed -- I do like it when lurkers come out of the shadows tho, lots of nice new people to converse with --
Tho I agree with you that the format is a bit awkward as far as actual conversing goes. Sites that have replies built in to the original post make it much easier. Still, if this format prevents trolls (which it pretty much does), that's a good thing.
You said, My current favorite topics are the recent books published and the lawsuits. Not only have they served to uncover much about this Megalomania Megxit Mess, but they are also acting as the impetus for the revelation and leaking of even more information. Altogether the books and suits may be the Kraken event we've been fervently hoping for!
Agreed! Not to mention the fact that I read somewhere (LSA?) that there have been some high-profile Hollywood events the Harkles were somehow not invited to, ;) I hope they drown in their stupid lawsuits!
Good luck preparing for the hurricane, south Florida people! (Our preps in centralish to north Florida include grabbing the surf boards and heading for the beach, I ain't gonna lie!)
Not a lot of people seem to know about this, but when Meghan was on Suits, she used to haul around a red-headed doll she named “Harry.” (Im not kidding!) To me, it just adds another link to Meghan being a royal family groupie, especially her obsession with Diana. When she was on Suits, she was one asked in an interview who she would prefer of Diana’s two sobs, and she replied “Harry, I guess.”
Whoa! Sweet Lord of mine now that's juicy! She had a mini me Harry doll...crazy AF!
Now she has two (or three counting Archie, if that's true). In any event the Harry doll must be stuffed with sawdust not unlike the human version.
I agree with Wullie's Bucket. Harry the doll looks like a ventriloquist dummy which is rather fitting since she rules what he thinks and says. What a crap show...
@Teasmade Hi
Sheilding ended or paused in the UK today 1st August following lockdown in March recon 2 million people who sheided are allowed out to the shops and to visit family from today I believe ?That's possibly why the blog is quiet todsy.Its my guess anyhow.Augugust 4th Tuesday is MM's birthday WWonder if thecill the planned hoped for hinted at asked for gathering happen?
Makes perfect sense about lock down being lifted today. Everyone wants out of the house!
Meh. I don't care about race, I care about character. I'm more involved with getting ready(ish) for the hurricane about to hit (not that I expect it to do much in the way of damage, but it is a good exercise for checking hurricane preps), plus trying to avoid the WuFlu while caring for grandkids.
Lt. Nyota Uhura
@Pink Peony -- I'll pretend our incoming hurricane's winds are blowing your (horrible, I know) shingles right off you :)
(Won't be long now, she says nervously, clicking on the Accuweather update site for the 100th time, and watching the cloud cover starting to move in)
We should start a list of all the nicknames for the Harkles -- they're starting to pile up! That's always good for a laugh :)
Ginge and Cringe
Whinge and Whine
Cash and Harry
The Duke and Duchess of Griftershire
Hag and Drag
Eeek and Geek
Though I like all the names these are my faves:
Cash and Harry
The Duke and Duchess of Griftershire LOL!
I feel for you guys. I can't even imaging myself awaiting a hurricane though I will take even a hurricane blowing these shingles off! I'm miserable! I will sigh a prayer for you two and any others on here waiting for the hurricane. Hugs.
Thank you! :)
I hope I didn't miss anyone. I'm signing off now. Happy posting Nutties :)
In relation to the Ellen comments, The Sun is saying James Corden will be the new host! A white cis gender guy, no less--but he did snag an invite to the Harry Markle wedding! I would have thought with all the talk from Hollywood about how we have to do more better, a POC would have been picked.
I will have to check out that article, but I'm not sure I believe this. James already has a very successful gig as host of the The Late, Late Show (he took over for Craig Ferguson in 2014). Daytime TV is considered a demotion. Unless JC is going to pull a Seacrest and do both shows. Does the article say?
The articles goes on to say, "could be" and then "Corden was seen as the long term successor long before the scandal hit..." (whatever that means). Maybe he likes the hours better, even if it is a demotion... Who knows!
@Cat Eyes -- Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that stupid dress-up stunt Harry pulled with the green lining of his jacket -- what a putz!
That was soooooo stupid! That strong emerald green lining looked terrible with the light blue suit fabric.
Hardly looked regal.
Too bad that they didn't have any royal dressers to help them with color choices.
Preferably the lining should not have been green at all. But it absolutely had to be green, then it should have been a very, very light green. Or else the suit fabric needed to be a very, very dark blue.
Think she did it on purpose? To make him look dumb and her the shining star?
Seems like a pretty passive aggressive move like she might pull.
It often seems that she will look fairly put together and he'll look like a hot mess.
She probably told him it's no big deal, don't dress up for it, and then she shows up dressed to the nines.
Didn't he used to dress up decently for royal appearances?
Also some good names just for her out there...
Megtoinette (my personal favorite)
Duchess Patron of Hot Button Issues
ha ha.
He was invited as their MC at their reception. I can’t stand the man and know few Brits that do. He’s too much up his own bottom and a one trick pony who just isn’t funny. The Duo have an odd sense of humour with a liking for shallow types like themselves.
It sounds like James is another Ellen, then!
The real story about the tiara - Meghan just showed up at BP and demanded to see the tiara, and when she wasn't given access, Harry used foul language towards Angela Kelly.
Saw in the DM the picture of Wills, Kate, and kids (so cute) holidaying in Tresco (looks marvelous)! They are staycationing to help out the UK tourism industry, so the article says. Meanwhile, Harry talks about some 'Travesty" thing from a room in LA--while Megah wants a birthday bash somewhere nice, to get away from the horrors of a free mansion on an LA hilltop.
I remember reading that Hikari wants to visit Yellowstone one day and I think WBBM has probably visited some really interesting places. Anyone going on holiday this summer? Or, have fond memories of a past holiday or a future post Corona holiday wish?
@Lt Uhura: You forgot
Woke and Broke
Ginge and Cringe
(Still thinking, there were so many great monikers...)
You got it in one! Lol He’s a legend in his own mind. Lol
Oh, thanks for link to another version to the Tiaragate events. Fascinating!
Contrary to previous reports, Harry's fury was not about which tiara Meghan was allowed to wear – but about access to it.
This is interesting. And it makes me wonder about the credibility of other stories in circulation. I’ve read over and over again about how Meghan demanded the emerald tiara—but now we learn that isn’t true. This doesn’t make her or Harry’s demanding behavior any more excusable, but the misinformation sure muddies the water.
Didnt know about Lancaster. Thanks for the link. Will check it out.
So basically there are 2 duchies set up to make income for specific purposes neither of which H will ever have access to. So the only way he can make money from being a Duke is to sell himself.
@ Golden Retriever
Love the article especially the comparison to Nemo. It really fits. Dumb youngster who thought he new everything about the big bad world and would be fine in it.
Saw in the DM the picture of Wills, Kate, and kids (so cute) holidaying in Tresco (looks marvelous)!
That is a lovely photo of the Cambridges, but it was not taken recently. It would have been nice to see one of them in Tresco, though.
What is the usual blog etiquette if another poster addresses you? Isn't it correct form to respond and acknowledge that person? Otherwise, that person may indeed think they are being ignored for some unknown or upsetting reason as Pink Peony contemplated.
Once you’ve been here a while you notice a lot of comments go unanswered or unresponded to. It’s not personal, it’s just how it is. I have comments emailed to me, it allows me to follow the flow of subjects discussed and comments made. Even then the comments build up and more often than not, I just don’t have time to read them all.
When there were far fewer posters, it was far more intimate and the conversation jogged along but this was before Nutty changed from embedded comments to this format. It allowed far more posters to comment, but it doesn’t allow a direct reply to a comment. Now it’s helpful to include the bloggers name and comment you’re addressing when replying etc .
I personally preferred when the blog was more intimate, there seemed to be far more blog etiquette then too, which I don’t see much of now sadly. :o/
I have been known to ask a question then take off for the day and it isnt always easy to rejoin and thank someone for reply 100 comments later, or rather it seems weird
Like this post for example I just said something to allow me to read the conversation through email and that was after trying to keep in the loop without having said nothing and reading via the web
I think alot of us read all comments and shy away from engaging as it has been already said. Like Meghan with that doll oh my gosh that is crazy! But that is all i got so me just posting the above seems like me just looking at my self speak, doesnt mean I didn't appreciate the share I just have nothing to add to it
I would like to say to poster who felt she was ignored for being PoC that is very sad to me. That is certainly nothing I have ever seen displayed here. Yet again this format is rough for me on phone I can't scroll through 100+ comments to address you by name and for that I apologize