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Sigh. Meghan and Harry talk politics again

I almost hate to make a post about Prince Harry's latest venture into the arena of woke politics.

Speaking to young Commonwealth leaders in a video released today, Harry focused on the negative aspects of the countries' shared history, saying that while many people had "done an incredible job of acknowledging the past and trying to right those wrongs, but I think we all acknowledge there is so much more to do."

It's all so tiresome, and reminds me of a McDonald's employee campaigning against the beef and french fry industries.

What pays your bills?

Dear Harry: the fruits of those historical wrongs have paid for, and continue to pay for, everything you've received your entire life.

I'd have a lot more respect for your wokeness if you renounced your income from Dad and your inheritance from Mom, both of which are at least indirectly related to the profits of colonialism.

You can't change the past, Harry, but you can change the future.

Stop paying for private jets and cocaine with money from what you call "endemic institutionalized racism" and then we can talk.

Like Nancy Reagan

Meanwhile, the video shows Meg looking at Harry adoringly, a bit like Nancy Reagan used to look at "Ronnie" back in the day.

Meg told the attendees at the conference that it was "not just in the big moments, it's in the quiet moments where racism and unconscious bias lies and thrives."

Perhaps Meg should make a commitment to a bias-free future by pledging that her son, Archie, will attend only state schools - nothing private - and that she and Harry will choose a school with a majority nonwhite student body.

After all, the Commonwealth is majority nonwhite.

Is this impactful?

The question is, are Harry and Meg really convincing anyone to change their point of view on historical injustices?

When people really do take a moment to examine a long-held point of view, it's usually because someone they respect has urged them to do so. 

Someone like David Attenborough or Dolly Parton. Someone known for talent, kindness, and a long career of good works. Someone not like Meghan Markle.

When Harry and Meg speak out on the issues, it always seems part of a plan to make themselves look better - not to make the issue itself look better.

All they seem to have achieved with their latest statements is increased profits for the Mail Online; the article about the Commonwealth video has 15,000 comments right now.


@lizzie: Somebody once said that intelligence is like an underground mineral deposit: until it's actually developed and used, it's of no use to anyone. I do think that MM is intelligent but also that her personality disorder (yes, I strongly believe that she's a narcissistic sociopath) gets in the way of her using her intelligence in any meaningful way. I've been reading extracts of LCC's book and what comes through loud and clear is that MM thinks she knows better than anyone else and doesn't need to learn anything. She feels she doesn't need to read, to study, to learn from anybody else because in her mind, she already knows it all. One of the key indicators of intelligence is the ability to learn and to use one's newfound knowledge, but how can somebody who refuses to learn do that?
Lizzie & Barbara from Montreal -

Thank you for your thoughtful answers to my query `Do we take that as an euphemism for `downright scheming little b*tch'?'

I'll take them as a resounding `YES!', then.

`Sly' is a very good word, even the sound of it suggests something underhand, perhaps because of an aural association with `slither' and `slimy'. When I used to see the pics of Diana peering out from under her fringe and captioned `Shy Di', I always wondered if `Sly Di' would have be more apt?

Lady C does briefly quotes an informed opinion about MM's mental state; it confirms our view as to a disturbed personality. I'll give page ref when I find it again - I may as well start an index!
lizzie said…
@Barbara from Montreal,

I agree with that description of intelligence in some ways and not in others. (That intelligence is like an underground mineral deposit: until it's actually developed and used, it's of no use to anyone.)

I believe the potential to be "intelligent" exists at birth. Whether that innate "intelligence deposit" develops into realized intelligence does depend on the environment-- the prenatal environment, home life, parental availability, nutrition,  advantages/disadvantages, presence/absence of brain injuries or illnesses, quality of schooling, and so on. So in that sense I might agree M had a hidden "deposit."

But instead of having a personality disorder that interferes, let's say a person with a large "deposit" of innate intelligence was kept in a locked room from birth on. (Like the sad case of "Genie, the feral child" )

Let's say like Genie, this hypothetical child was rescued at about age 13. Like Genie, she's not toilet-trained, no language, no social skills, and so on. And like Genie, recovery from that early torture is forever incomplete. Would we really say that person "is very intelligent" but the intelligence simply isn't properly developed? I kind of doubt it. We would mourn for the lost potential but we wouldn't say she still has it.

So it's hard for me to see M as having high intelligence except for her life-long mental/personality issues. (While personality disorders usually aren't diagnosed until adulthood, their roots are deep in childhood.) Had she had different genes and different experiences and had she developed differently, maybe she would appear quite intelligent. But none of that happened.

M's tendency to "know it all" and her desire to control others are undoubtedly life-long traits. (We have some evidence of that--- the other child's birthday party where she acted as "Queen," the accounts of her two half-sibs, things Thomas M has said, the stories that she bullied...)

So even if her personality disorder could be magically removed at age 39, that wouldn't change the life-long likely stunted development of her innate deposit of intelligence. Lack of curiosity, lack of true openness to the experience and feelings of others, lack of an appreciation that problems may have complex solutions (and "because I said so" isn't a solution), denial of facts incongruent with one's desires...

So I don't see M's intelligence as merely temporarily hidden by her disorder, it's so intertwined with it that the existence of the disorder has damaged it permanently.

@WBBM-- Diana's family always said she wasn't at all "shy."
From the Telegraph - 2 days ago:

"The comments attracted criticism from historians, but Lord Howell of Guildford, the president of the Royal Commonwealth Society, said the Queen would have understood the Duke's message."

ie Lord Howell is guessing. Or `would have understood" = she knows what his mental state is!

Two of the `screaming narcs' I've known were highly capable academically, one with a Cambridge degree, the other with an Oxford one. Of 2 lesser ones, one became a solicitor, the other a doctor when female admission to medical school was strictly controlled by a quota system.

My intestate cousin was always said to be `hot on maths' - like a number of other mathematicians I've known, she was distinctly odd and very rude at times. She couldn't go to university because she couldn't get the basic Modern Language requirement to matriculate. She failed French 5 times but whether she took the attitude `This is stupid - what do I need French for? - I'll just dazzle them with my mathematical brilliance - I'm not going to bother to try to pass' or whether she really tried but still couldn't hack it, I don't know. I'd bet 7 to 3 that it was her poor attitude rather than lack of ability.

All were `a bit odd' in a way which today would lead one to suspect Asperger's syndrome.

Yet narc rage is different from an autistic one - it's directed at a victim and likely to be triggered by something perceived as a slight or evidence of a lack of respect. They have to be at the top of that greasy pole; control is the overarching need, even at the expense of what others see as their long-term interest.

This need seems to be so great it prevents behaving in a way that would appear sensible to the observer.

Goodness knows what really goes on in their brains.
xxxxx said…

What a night out with Prince Andrew is REALLY like --- Party Prince Andrew in the 1990s - He always chased a shag. Good and fun account at UK Daily Mail.
CookieShark said…
She can't admit that perhaps she just didn't want her father in the picture with the Royal Family. What if he talked about winning the lottery, or being proud of sending her to the best schools, or paying for trips for her to go to Europe? (I think). That doesn't fit with the narrative that she had to work for everything she had, that she struggled to make her own way, etc etc. And he is not attractive or accomplished enough in this new context. Of course, he was good enough for the Tig, but that was a lifestyle blog and those need a happy family, we get along vibe.

A "young mother" is a sympathetic figure and maybe that's what she wants to be, not a woman closer to 50 than 20 who doesn't have her act together. I believe the letter debacle was originally a campaign to make the public hate Thomas. I believe her pathology limits her from being mature enough to admit she is cold and her father doesn't fit into her new life. No one was thinking about the letter when she decided to sue, in my opinion. It looks like a grab for cash or another attempt to show how the media has wronged her.

She will never admit that it is HER BEHAVIOR that is the problem, and the constant accusations/lawsuits she is embroiled in just hammers home the point.
KCM1212 said…
@Nutty. The Spectator was excellent! Thank you for adding it here.

@WBBM, @Lizzie and @Barbara from Montreal
Thank you all for the stimulating discussion of intelligence vs. intellect this morning. You got my day off to a great start.

@WBBM, I had to laugh at the "introducing Typhoid Mary to New York" remark.

Fairy Crocodile said…
The Spectator article is good but rather toned down. Long standing royal reporters did a better job. Harry doesn't appear to understand the difference between the British Empire and the Commonwealth, and they nailed it.

Another great and very telling piece by Arthur Edwards is the UK press tried 3! times to set a meeting with Megsy to discuss her concerns and she cancelled all three.

I didn't know that gem of a fact.

You’re so right about the lack of attributions – they’re an insult to her audience because they carry the message `I know these things but you are so ignorant that I can safely assume you won’t recognise them and will credit me for being so brilliant’.

`You peasants won’t realise I’ve lifted them from a book of quotations.’

How I hope I live long enough to see King William V!

God save the Queen!
Fairy Crocodile:

Lady C mentions that Arthur Edwards noticed a distinct change in H's treatment of him, on M came onto the scene.
Snippy said…
@Lizzie, the dog “too old to travel” was such an unnecessary lie. Why not just say “my ex Cory and I had two dogs; when we separated he took custody of one and I the other.” I suspect she didn’t because she wanted to write that relationship out of existence, due to the obvious overlap with Hapless.
p105- The relationship with Elizabeth Cundy and the possible reasons MM might not want to get it together with Ashley Cole, a multimillionaire footballer (tho' from my PoV, she fits the common stereotype of a footballer's female associate).

The M met H - and dropped Lizzie.

pp106-7 - the ghosting of G N-C: chickens coming home to roost, Gina now spills the beans on how calculating MM is.
Shaggy said…
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Shaggy said…
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@lizzie: Thank you for your insightful reply to my comment on MM's intelligence (or lack thereof). When you wrote about the influence of a person's environment growing up, I thought about the way her parents brought her up. Thomas especially told her, from a very young age, that she was the most beautiful, the most talented, the most everything little girl ever and that she was going to be a huge star when she grew up. That kind of upbringing to someone with narcissistic tendencies is what Miracle-Grow is to plants.
Wullie's Bucket -

Good point - I was thinking of them as `normal' people going for a quiet, budget, Register Office wedding, with a meal at a local restaurant!. As if...

Perhaps the only way they could get the deed done by an authorised person, in the absence of HM's permission, would have been to go abroad. Las Vegas, perhaps? What an entertaining thought.

That would have tested MM's commitment to breaking point; either she'd have cleared off or gone for the R-ism accusations, probably both. Nothing but the very best/most expensive for our Megsie; I doubt if she gave a toss about HM's approval, although she'd ahve given H hell.

HM was presented more or less with a fait accompli and anyway I expect she'd want Harry to be happy at last. There was no alternative but to try and make the best of it, see the positive aspects, especially as attempts to change Harry's mind proved pointless.

Now for a good laugh:

116 – From a Mail journalist “As she climbs up the next rung of the ladder, she plants the soles of her shoes on your head. And, when you wipe your face off, you see that it’s covered in cow dung.’

`Bovine excrement', I love it!
`Miracle Gro to plants'! Wonderful!

Of course now, her ego feasts on her own, home-produced, bovine excrement
p116-118 Fascinating background to Harry's statement when their relationship became public - Although the Press could smell buried bodies, they had been playing down what they wrote about m, as they didn't want to hurt H - nor go against legal advice!

it wasn't good enough for M tho' - she feared what they might say. hence the statement from H which bought them time.
lizzie said…
@Barbara from Montreal wrote

"Thomas especially told her, from a very young age, that she was the most beautiful, the most talented, the most everything little girl ever and that she was going to be a huge star when she grew up. That kind of upbringing to someone with narcissistic tendencies is what Miracle-Grow is to plants."


And while we don't know much about Doria's parental contributions we do know:

1. She taught M "don't do for anyone who won't do for you." Being taught to live by that altered "Golden Rule" probably didn't help much either.

2. Wherever Doria was and whatever Doria was doing, M lived with TM from age 11 on. That's an age when girls tend to need their mothers and I'm sure TM did everything he could to make up for Doria's apparent absence from his perfect little girl's life. But being treated as the center of the universe from age 11-17 sealed the deal, I expect.
Harry Markle focuses on the petition, originated I think by Yankee Wally, the Welsh Wonder, God bless her!

Jersey Deanne is clearly on board too. This post (from a few days ago) is a scorcher also:

Middle Age Meg and Hapless Harry …Zoom Calls are our specialty!
Shaggy said…
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WulliesBucket said, Just out of curiosity - does anyone know what a non-approved marriage for Harry would have looked like?

Without the Queen’s permission (and Harry required it), any wedding would be considered null and void. So any issues (children of royals) would be considered illegitimate.

Royals aren’t legally even allowed civil ceremonies (Prince Charles bent the rules with that one and its details locked up for 100 years, so we don’t know how he wrangled it). ;o)
Animal Lover said…
NY Post has an article on the Sussexes "Why Meghan Markle should be Afraid of Johnny Depp's disastrous libel trial."
I'll read it tomorrow morning while enjoying my coffee.
Shaggy said…
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Perhaps it would have been like the Windsors' life/marriage? Some funding from Geo VI (from which pocket I do not know) but the security services kept a close eye on them?

BTW, Could our dastardly foe be fighting back? My computer had a hiccup while I was trying to post something about HG Tudor's latest offering -it's very sinister, pentangle and all. Windows intervened, shut me down and now, that goodness, restarted me.

Or had I upset CNN by trying to click on a Jersey Deanne post that `Meghan left the RF because she couldn't control the narrative'?

Or was it because I engaged with with Y-W's petition?

Anyway, take care dear Nutties and please say if you have similar problem.
KC said…
On p.103-4, Lady C quotes Gina NC as saying MM ` ferociously intelligent.' Do we take that as an euphemism for `downright scheming little b*tch'?

On the same page, she adds that G NC refers to MM as `razor sharp'. Think we can come back with the old response -`Yeah, so sharp she cuts herself...'

So far, I have seen no reference to her intellect, as opposed to intelligence....

I think, WBBM, that by her word choice and repetition of imagery comparing intelligence to harm or anger (ferocity, sharp edges) Lady C was making her point, which you saw clearly.... not much intellectually (though i think MM wants to be seen as such); and MM can cause harm to her own causes by the choices MM makes from her intelligence. Own goals the British call it.
KC said…
Sorry, WILD BOAR BATTLE MAID quoted Lady C and made the points about Meghan's intelligence vs. intellect. I built on her quote!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid -- I'm able to get to both the JD and HD sites, so I'm suspecting a computer glitch on your end --

Have you cleared your cache lately? Do you (as I do) have the computer on most all the time? Often, clearing your history, shutting down for a half-hour and then rebooting (restarting right away doesn't always work) should help. Also, optimizing before you shut down (hopefully you have a tool for this).

Best of luck --
KC said…
lizzie said...

I'm not sure what LCC meant when she described M as "ferociously intelligent." I'm not sure what people mean when they say M is "whip smart" either. But I agree both those terms could imply a kind of destructive force.

EXACTLY! Put it better than I did. I think that is what Lady C is shadowing, every time she mentions Meghan's intelligence with those kinds of words. Reading between the lines, as one does, for the underlying meaning.
Charles, by the time he married Camilla, was a widower but Camilla had a former husband who was still alive.

The CofE is much less strict on this now - it rather depends on which wing of the church one worships in, especially if one partner is the `innocent ' party.

Regarding Royal rules, could been decided that the legitimacy of offspring was irrelevant, as C was of `riper years' at 58?

In my case, nearly 30 years ago, we didn't even ask for a church wedding but tentatively enquired about the possibility of a `blessing' following the civil ceremony. The matter was taken out of our hands!

I was in the choir, husband was a server - the Rector and Churchwardens had decided it would called be a `service of prayer and dedication', all very penitential, on the Sunday after a major feast.

It proved, however, to be a Nuptial High Mass - loads of incense, bells, the lot - a marriage ceremony in everything except signing the Register. All we'd had to do was choose the hymns.
PrettyPaws said…
Hi, Nutties

I don't know about the rest of you but I have just signed the petition to have JH and MM removed from their posts in the CWT. Unlike their titles, an Act of Parliament shouldn't be necessary as their appointment was in the gift of the Queen - as she appointed them, so she can un-appoint them.

In the meantime, I should like to tell you of a recurring dream I have:

In my dream, the Harkles are transported to Cold Comfort Farm when the sukebind is in flower and where they are fed by Adam Lambsbreath and preached to incessantly by Cousin Amos. Of course, they would get along fine with the livestock, especially the cows (Graceless, Aimless, Feckless and Pointless) although I imagine that MM would get on better with the horse, Viper. What a lovely vision it all conjures up!
Nutty Flavor said…
Here's a link to the NY Post story Animal Lover mentioned above.

One excerpt:

"The notion that these friends spoke without direct authorization from the Duchess of Sussex is laughable."
Nutty Flavor said…
I've always thought the story that these five friends all approached People Magazine separately because they were concerned about Meghan was weird.

How do you do that? Do you call the central number and say, "Hi, I'm Susie Creamcheese. I'm a really good friend of Meghan Markle and I'm concerned about her. Please don't reveal my identity."

Would a call like that be taken seriously?

Also, maybe one friend might do that, but five at the same time?
The Cat's Meow said…
I also urge fellow Kitties to check out Yankee Sally on Tumblr. Someone is kindly summarizing "Royals at War"...and apparently confirming that there is a video of MM raging that her kids won't have the same level of titles as Kate's offspring....!

I WANT to see that....

MM also had to curtsey to Kate at the Family lunch
Unknown said…
@Nutty Meg's Fab Five contacted People separately? I guess I overlooked that detail. I always imagined they did some sort of conference call or one of the friend's called with the four others in the room yanking the phone when they needed to comment.

Five friends that happened to have the same plan on a similar timeline sounds like they were using Meg's pregnancy calendar.
Pretty Paws:

Cold Comfort Farm - wonderful

Perhaps Markle is the original Something Nasty in the Woodshed, as seen by Aunt Ada?

Further comment could be unwise!
WBBM said, Cold Comfort Farm - wonderful

Perhaps Markle is the original Something Nasty in the Woodshed, as seen by Aunt Ada?

You read my thoughts! Lol One of my all time fav films.


Susie Creamcheese! Lol lol so funny! :oD
KC said…
CookieShark said...
She can't admit that perhaps she just didn't want her father in the picture with the Royal Family. What if he talked about winning the lottery, or being proud of sending her to the best schools, or paying for trips for her to go to Europe? (I think). That doesn't fit with the narrative that she had to work for everything she had, that she struggled to make her own way, etc etc. And he is not attractive or accomplished enough in this new context. Of course, he was good enough for the Tig, but that was a lifestyle blog and those need a happy family, we get along vibe.
Fear of her own social inferiority. The Royals would take him in stride, they meet all kinds of people all the time. And many of us have moments where family is embarrassing....of course being FOUND OUT as a LIAR, basically a snake in the grass would have destroyed a lot of her image building. No, no, no, can't have that. Instead of a person who made true, personal connections and could rely on loving support from family and friends...."I am out here alone in the cold and I did it all by myself." I am sorry for her that she gave up a relationship of unconditional love from her dad just to keep a tenuous hold on fame and chase money. Many women who are close to their fathers find a source of emotional support there for dealing with life. Not everybody of course. Harry might have liked his real father in law. Never mind. Too late!
Nutty Flavor said…
Goops, look like I was wrong about the separate contacts:

From the UK Press Gazette in April 2020:

"In court papers, Markle’s lawyers say that following visits to see the duchess in London in early 2019 “some of her close circle of friends became extremely concerned at the aggressive attacks upon her in the media and the palpable and profound impact which this was having upon her, especially as she was vulnerable as well as heavily pregnant at the time”.

“As a result, one of her closest friends decided that they should help by arranging to give anonymous interviews to this American magazine whose editor was a very good friend of hers in which they might explain what [Meghan Markle] was truly like (as opposed to the tabloid portrayal of her).”

In her claim, Markle says she “had no knowledge that her friends would make any reference to the letter or its contents, the intention of sending it, or the response that her father sent, nor would she ever have agreed to this being done had she been made so aware”.

So one person supposedly had a "very good friend" who was a People editor.
Pretty Paws - Yes, I signed it.

I love the pseudonym Susie Creamcheese; is her bff called Philadelphia Spread?

We could have fun with silly names - Phildelphia and her brother, Heinz Sandwich. Oh dear, hysteria is setting in, I sound as if `I'm on Sorry, I haven't a Clue'.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
punkinseed said…
Nutty, Thank you for posting the Toombs piece. Very well stated.
I've been reading a lot and not posting much here lately. I try to wait until I have enough understanding of the subject before I comment. However, I think I found something that is very disturbing and quite possibly unintentionally overlooked by those who are believers in the "My Grandmother's Hands" concepts. What disturbs me is the author has somehow managed to triangulate white DNA "memories" to attach a scientific/biological connection to oppression and slavery. What I find so very disturbing is how some people who have a platform and political agenda would use this "scientific" connection to diminish fairness and civil rights of all people like say, Hitler used eugenics to destroy the Jews in Germany and elsewhere. I'll have to read more on it, as it's hard to wrap my head around it very well. It's like trying to stomach reading the Malleus Malefecarum for more than a few paragraphs before feeling brave enough and not sick to my stomach enough to read more.
I can see a connection to the Malleus' use as the sole book of law used to prosecute heretics by The Inquisition, as the same/similar ways Megs is using her self righteous maverick ways to win what she wants no matter who is harmed as she stabs her way to the top of Maslowe's Hierarchy. She has her own Malleus Malefecarum so to speak. A law unto herself. For those who don't know, The Maleus Malefecarum was the ONLY law book used by church inquisitors and judges to prosecute heretics. It was written with such precision that it was impossible for the accused to defend themselves from punishment or death sentence.
I've also been reading The Slave Narratives. They are free online for anyone who really wants to know what the former slaves had to say about their lives during and after freedom. I think anyone who really wants to understand real history, rather than what politicians or activist revisionists claim should read all of the Slave Narratives. Enlighten yourselves.
Miggy said…
A new Lady C video, the first part discussing royal correspondants. :)
YankeeDoodle said…
I was looking at a few of many Las Vegas photos of Just H, in pools, hot tubs and naked billboards, with his security guards, aka RPOs, each paid over $100,000 per year, to protect Just H. One very prominent RPO wears a hat similar to Just H’s. All appeared drunk, high, and had arms around women. Just H was wearing the hat Megs (It) wears much of the time in public, I.e. Wimbledon. It is a signal to misbehave. I noticed the RPOs on different occasions wearing the same hat. Hail Britannia, these are the idiots that “protect” Just H. Too bad they could not keep Just H from being fired from his Grandmother’s armed services, for conduct unbecoming to a non-helicopter pilot who cursed out two Superior Officers; the American Officer called out Just H., and said that unless Just H was kicked out of the British armed forces, what Just H said was going public. Just H almost killed several pedestrians when he gunned his motorcycle from California to Nevada. Apparently, if you have the guts to tell Just H that he is considered a disgrace, then Just H obeys; he was fired, and was going to be court-martialed. To redeem himself, his wimpy father allowed Just H to latch onto Wounded Warriors, an American charity, and the staff made up the name “Invictus.”

The British have no idea about Horrible Harry. He and his reputation was made out to be boyish jokes. However, when he made anti-Semitic, anti-black jokes in front of American troops, in addition to his complete disaster as an officer, and not being able to comprehend the basics of training ( he could not pass Basic Training as every American soldier has to, to be a member; which lead to the Queen’s and PC’s disaster of their own making. How dare this eighth grade dropout be a Captain? He cannot spell the word).

QE2 should not let this moron, and his stupid wife, continue representing Great Britain. Every day, another f..king Wound. Queen up, Your Majesty - start acting, instead of playing the “long game.” Americans kicked out Just H, but Just H’s PR said he did a great job training with American troops. Start acting like a Queen, or at least take the lead of an American Officer, and kick out Just H from his titles, income, and the lies about the birth of his son.
jessica said…
I’m maintaining that I think Jessica organized the article with people, at Meghans direction perhaps.

Then the author was given 4 friends to call to bolster the story as it was a front page piece.

This Meghan vs Jessica behind the scenes must be very very real right now.
Hikari said…
Re. Meg’s intelligence

Even before she aspired to be Royal, she had a number of pieces published in women’s magazines about “Growing up biracial” and not knowing where she belonged, facing discrimination, etc. Rrgardless of the level of actual truth of her anecdotes, she’s been able to package herself in a way that gets eaten up by a spoon amongst the woke brigade in our superficial SM culture of today. School administration and media outlets are so very keen to be seen as inclusive of minorities, and I think Meg marketed herself hard-core as a high achieving biracial woman When it suited her. She may have been admitted to Northwestern on the strength of this regardless of what her transcripts said, And no magazines would’ve been interested in any of her word salad if both her parents have been white. So Meg has handily exploited the zeitgeist as a biracial, attractive (used to be, anyway) female to make herself seem more substantial than she in fact is. I think she is intelligent enough to have performed well at the high school level, and make the dean’s list and earn some school prizes. She is inordinately proud of her penmanship, And was probably praised for that too. But I think her intelligence and personality development stopped at adolescence. It’s not so much a lack of intelligence, as a lack of developing her self in her mind any further than she got when she was a queen bee at her high school. Her preoccupations with fame and popularity are very adolescent, and her penchant for speaking in writing in endlessly repetitive platitudes smacks very much of composition 101, where she probably got Highmarks for appropriating big words. It be interesting to know if she ever got in trouble For plagiarism as a student. I think it was in school we’re McLaren to coast by on doing just enough to schmooze her teachers, and no more. She loses interest immediately if she feels challenged outside her existing level of knowledge and experience. Really rooting deep to learn more than superficially about any subject is of no interest to her at all. She will never work hard or endure drudgery when she can fake accomplishment instead of actually doing it. I don’t think Meg is low in IQ points as measured in a standardized test, but she’s profoundly lazy, and her grandiose sense of entitlement means that she will never do anything that she can get out of and just say she did. She and Henry are well matched in that regard, though I think his lack of achievement Has its roots in learning disabilities. Growing up in such a privilege as a prince He was Jollied along and covered for, and never held accountable for his lack of effort, Coming from such wealth and privilege there is no incentive to excellence because there are no penalties for failure to be even sub par. Harry learned as a child that excuses would be made for him, and he could really behave as he pleased. Losing his mother was genuinely tragic, But I also think he’s been using it as they go to excuse to do F all since Eton.

Meg has a similar mindset…She learned early that pretense was as good as the real thing, with none of the work.
Hikari said…
RE. Harry’s wedding

He was constitutionally required to obtain the permission of the sovereign to get engaged so long as he was fifth in the line of succession. That meant until Louis was born. After that, he did not require permission to marry who he pleased, but Meg didn’t want just the queens blessing; she wanted a whole royal wedding kit and caboodle, televised chapel ceremony , Big dress, big veil, crowds, big party, the carriage, the lot. If her Majesty had stuck to her guns and said that a large public wedding in the church of England was impossible due to canon law, But not being one to stand in the way of true love, Harry and Meg could wed at a registry office, followed by a chapel blessing and a family lunch… The kind of service that was permissible for the future king at his second wedding… And this was Meg’s second or third wedding… Meg might have buggered off right then and set her sights on some dumb but loaded footballer. Meg never wanted Harry for himself; she wanted the whole Princess Fantasy

If the royal family has been prepared to be called racist 2 1/2 years ago, instead of postponing it till now, I don’t think there would be a sparkle Farkle situation at present. The royal family Gave Meg the ammunition against themselves by allowing her to join the family and giving her titles and that big wedding. Age and take you could have showed her graciousness by allowing the marriage ellipses just not under the circumstances that it happened. By conferring titles and a chapel wedding by the Archbishop of Canterbury upon Farkle, The
Queen in advertently loaded the guns herself. Markle could’ve levied the charge of racism back in 2017, but back then she was just one
Of Harry’s many girlfriends. Without access to the resources of the royal family which marriage gave to her, she wouldn’t have had the resources to continue to smear campaign against her in-laws, and very few people would’ve cared I think About the grievances of a little known cable actress that Harry had knocked boots with. The queen has really done this to herself by allowing such a whitewashing of megs past, Sanctioning the gigantic wedding, making Farkle a duchess and everything elseshe has done To support the fiction that Farkle was ever a suitable bride for her grandson. If harry was adamant on his own huge white wedding show, he should’ve picked a girl who had an already had two husbands. Race need never to have come into this at all; ER violated all of her own principles by allowing harry to marry this divorced woman on their own terms.
Hikari said…
HMTQ Not whatever my phone said up there.
The New York Post is not behind a paywall but I thought because so many here are Brits, I would copy and paste this:

Why Meghan Markle should be afraid of Johnny Depp’s disastrous libel trial
By Maureen Callahan

If privacy is truly what Meghan Markle craves, she should take one look at what happened to Johnny Depp last week and drop her libel lawsuit against a British tabloid immediately.

At issue for Markle: In her initial filing against the Mail on Sunday and its owner, Associated Newspapers, in October 2019, she claimed the paper violated her privacy by publishing a letter she wrote to her father — a letter she mailed to him, and which he gave, or sold, to the Mail. Markle also maintains that the paper edited her letter to make her seem like a villain.

“Please allow us to live our lives in peace,” it read in part. “Please stop lying, please stop creating so much pain, please stop exploiting my relationship with my husband … if you take a moment to pause I think you’ll see that being able to live with a clear conscience is more valuable than any payment in the world.”

Not a terribly toothy letter, that. In fact, in some ways — in my opinion only, don’t sue, Meghan — it reads like a document that the writer suspects will be leaked to the media. Take this part, which seems almost alibi-like in its exposition:

So the week of the wedding to hear about you having a heart attack through a tabloid was horrifying. I called and texted … I begged you to accept help — we sent someone to your home … and instead of speaking to me to accept this or any help, you stopped answering your phone and chose to only speak to tabloids.”

There was also a helpful refutation of her father’s claims that his daughter had changed her phone number, and he didn’t have her new one — a piece of minutiae surely known only to the most die-hard royal watchers.

“My phone number has remained the same,” she wrote.

These details are salient: Libel lawsuits in the UK, as Depp is learning, are far more brutal than those in the US. Depp filed suit over just one adjective, “wife-beater.”

But instead of a trial narrowly focused on that word, the world has been made privy to the most grisly, humiliating details of his ill-fated marriage to ex-wife Amber Heard — evidence submitted in everything from Depp’s drug binges at breakfast to Heard, or one of her friends, pooping in the marital bed.

And just like that, the Coolest Guy in the World has become, perhaps irrevocably, a sad caricature of an aged-out, irrelevant movie star.

Yet here’s Markle doubling down last week, filing an application to prevent the Mail on Sunday — as part of their defense — from naming five friends who spoke to People magazine for a glowing 2019 cover story about Markle.

“Meghan Markle’s Best Friends Break Their Silence: We Want to Speak the Truth,” went the coverline.

The notion that these friends spoke without direct authorization from the Duchess of Sussex is laughable. People magazine itself made the slant of this write-around profile clear.

“After maintaining their silence for nearly two years, five women who form an essential part of Meghan’s inner circle have spoken with People to ‘stand up against the global bullying we are seeing and speak the truth about our friend,’” says a longtime friend and former co-star.

Part 2

Selfless” and “the best listener” is how her friends depicted Markle here.

“If I’m thrown some kind of curveball, I always think, ‘I gotta talk to Meg,’” another colleague told People. “We talk daily. And the first thing out of her mouth is, ‘How are the kids? How are you?’ I’m not even allowed to ask about her until she finds out about me.’”

And the issue here for Markle is … ?

Ever since she wed Prince Harry in 2018 — a wedding watched by 1.9 billion people, attended by largely glowing media coverage about the new, divorced, biracial American who was a breath of fresh air — we have been unrelentingly subjected to Markle’s victim narrative.

She has complained about the British tabloids, about the Royal Family, about no one asking her “if I’m okay” during a trip to Africa where she met with poor and starving children living under the threat of violence.

Poor Harry and Meghan. The Queen wouldn’t let them brand SussexRoyal, so now they can’t peddle various and sundry tchotchkes. The pandemic has prevented them from giving paid speeches, as Harry did in February to JP Morgan Chase on life without his mother.

Princess Diana’s premature, tragic and preventable death, by the way, was Harry and Meghan’s stated reason for stepping down as senior royals and staying out of the spotlight.

Yet here they are, monetizing Harry’s most painful and once-private loss. And in August comes another Sussex-approved gambit, the forthcoming book “Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family.”

Such a great title. Two famous, privileged, wealthy global celebrities fleeing a castle in the night, just the clothes on their backs, looking for independence while taking refuge in a $14 million mansion in Canada — since upgraded to Tyler Perry’s $18 million LA mansion, where they reportedly pay rent — still bankrolled by Harry’s father Prince Charles.

Does Markle think this book won’t come up at a libel trial? Does she think there will be no mention of the book’s co-author, Omid Scobie, who told the press in May that he’d been working on it, with both Harry and Meghan, since 2018, the year they married? We keep hearing how media-savvy Meghan is, that her time in Hollywood made her a master at manipulating the press. But this decision to sue for libel makes no sense. Perhaps she’s confused her time on a basic-cable legal drama with actual legal expertise.

Meghan can’t have it both ways. She can’t sue for intrusion of privacy while doing everything she can to stay in the spotlight. And if she really wanted to retreat, no better time — we’re all under lockdown, preoccupied with our own pressing real-world issues.

Yet Markle is willing to do battle in court over such libelous claims that she didn’t invite her mother, Doria, to her star-studded baby shower in New York.

Johnny Depp, who has lived his entire adult life in the spotlight, has seen the smallest aperture widen out into a forensic examination of his alleged addictions, demons, and failings — accompanied by photos of him allegedly passed out, bloody and burned, insults scrawled in his own blood. His public image, carefully cultivated over decades, has been blown to bits in just four days of testimony.

Meghan Markle, ostensible spin doctor extraordinaire, should take heed.
@ Hikari

I agree entirely. the Queen simply gave her a lager tribune to shout her racism accusations from.

This is the biggest and the costliest mistake the Queen ever made.
Hikari said, He was constitutionally required to obtain the permission of the sovereign to get engaged so long as he was fifth in the line of succession That meant until Louis was born. After that, he did not require permission to marry who he pleased

A royal who’s 6th in line and above needs the Queen’s permission to marry. That meant Harry needed the Queen’s permission regardless whether Louis was born or not. ;o)
Miggy said…
@Golden Retriever,

Thank you so much for that New York Post article.

What an interesting read! :)
Hikari said…

I think so too. It took the royal family to decades to recover from Diana, but even at her worst, Diane it was never this damaging. The reputation of the royal house is even worse than it was in the summer of 1997. People were angry at the queen for that week that she was silent about the nations loss of the People’s princess, but after she took the unprecedented step of appearing on television to acknowledge Diana, and that she could’ve handled the whole situation better, people forgave her. Earl Spencerexploited his sisters memory for his own 15 minutes of fame, And Charles reputation has never fully recovered… He’s still hated in some quarters and Camila too...But the great majority of Farkle supporters and sugars weren’t even born, or else were tiny children when Diana was still alive.

We’ve wasted raft loads of cyber ink discussing this travesty, but when you boil it right down, the queen allowed this to happen, and it was always within her power to stop it before it started. She and the rest of the family were legitimately concerned About appearing to be racist if they denied Harry his choice. Regardless of whatever blackmail Meg had to force through this engagement… Something I don’t believe Harry genuinely wanted, But he got involved with something he felt unable to put an end to...Her Maj Should’ve stood firm — no royal wedding for this pride, not until hell froze over. Not the spectacle we saw at Saint Georges chapel. This would’ve been a test of megs sincerity right here .. Meg could certainly marry Harry In a small private ceremony, but as a divorced non-Briton, She would not get married on television, she would not have a carriage, she could not be a working royal, Nor could she be a duchess until such time as she became a British citizen. Elizabeth was within her rights to make such terms. She folded like a soufflé in the rain, and gave Farkle everything, and now Farkle will be Charles’s problem and then William’s Until she’s dead. I don’t think she’ll give up before then.
ShadeeRrrowz said…
Oh my. They're out and about in Beverly Hills.

WHAT on earth is she wearing?
@ Hikari

agree again

The RF worried about appearances instead of admitting the glaring fact that Harry is about to bring a totally unsuitable woman into the family and act upon it. I will never accept they had not known who Markle truly was.
CookieShark said…
The photos are by Backgrid, and I believe those paps come when called.

The optics of her having an African American open man open her car door are dreadful

I agree with your two posts re the wedding and M’s intelligence.

Do you think the Queen was blinded by her affection for Harry? Just as she apparently was/has been by hers for Andrew?
It is so hard for me to wrap my head around her disastrous missteps with both of these individuals.
I just saw the latest pics of JH and MM out and about in Beverly Hills. Is that the ONLY shirt he owns? Seriously, we have seen him wear that grey polo shirt again and again and again..... Does he at least launder it between wearings?

You’re welcome!
Hikari said…

Thank you. I had erroneously read permission was only required up to the fifth.

Sort of a moot point since Harry did get that permission, to our lasting regret and his too, most likely. We shall never know what would’ve happened if the Queen Had allowed the engagement but categorically refused the huge wedding. She could have done that, and she should have done that, and I believe everyone would be living in more peaceful life now. Particularly Harry and the royal family, and poor wee mite Archie, If he exists.

Harry would not have been an appealing target if marrying him wouldn’t have gotten her on global television and made her a Duchess. That’s all made cared about… The boodle, the fame and raising her profile to “known by her first name” level. The kind of global celebrity which makes it impossible for her to ever live normally again or take her child to a mommy and me class. Had she been sincere In her left for Harry, She could have wed him quietly And lived well outside the palace fishbowl that was so unsupportive and onerous. But it was never about loving Harry. It was about all those royal trappings. If the queen had made this couple wait a year And made it clear that Meg would never be a working royal, or titled, and the true state of Harry’s actual wealth been made clear to her, do you suppose Meg would’ve stuck around? Now that we know what we know about how she operates, the notion that she ever gave up her American life because she was just so much in love Seems quaint to say the least.
xxxxx said…
ShadeeRrrowz said>>>>>>

Backgrid paps given the word.

Strolling about. They are determined to be in the DM every day.
lizzie said…
Honestly I'm not convinced HMTQ gave Harry permission to marry mainly because of fears of being called racist (although I agree with @Hikari she inadvertently facilitated those claims.)

I think TQ has always felt guilty over Margaret. And I think Harry not only threatened racism labels but also said he'd leave the family. Yes, M wouldn't have gone through with the marriage unless it was royal all the way. But the RF didn't know that. Harry's inheritance might have seemed enough of a draw for her in their eyes.

And I doubt RF realized how truly sick and manipulative she is. They probably expected her to play her role well enough....She'd managed to hold onto the same job for 7 years, after all. How unstable could she be? And Harry is 6th in line and not that bright so he wasn't going to be going on the really big tours like Will.

I expect Harry, not Meghan, was seen as the looser cannon. A mistake, sure, but we don't know everything they know about Harry.
Miggy said…
The new Daily Mail article with them both leaving 'wherever'... and Harry in his usual grey polo shirt. It's the first time I've seen HER wearing a watch - gold - must be new!
No wonder Hazza can't afford decent clothes. She's bleeding him dry!
Shaggy said…
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ShadeeRrrowz said…
@Barbara from Montreal

” Is that the ONLY shirt he owns?”


“No wonder Hazza can't afford decent clothes. She's bleeding him dry!”

Perhaps we should put together a care package of (any color but grey) polos and drop them off at the guard shack.
I am quite sure that every time Harry is photographed in that grey shirt, it's a stand in wearing "typical Harry garb" the grey shirt. There are very few comments but thousands of ratings on those comments, which likely means the vast majority were moderated out for being too negative.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.

How many people seem to think Q was regarding mixed race would be "good" for them. Don't we see how fundamentally wrong this is? They were thinking about appearances and PR points, not looking at what kind of a human being the person was.

I am convinced this is the reason why it turned so bad so quickly.

There must have been somebody who had been concerned and possibly raised objections, but was quickly silenced on the race grounds. This is hypocrisy. And it turned and bit the royals very badly.
Miggy said…
I honestly don't know how he isn't embarrassed wearing the same shirt all the time!

@Lighthealer Astrid,
That's definitely cold-eyed angry looking Harry in those pics!
Shaggy said…
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Miggy said…
HarryMarkle's latest blog post is excellent! (sorry, just catching up!)
Miggy said…
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Hikari said…
In light of what’s happening now, the Queen’s actions do seem inexplicable. She has never in her life been good at confrontation, nor managing the messiness of her own family. I think she loves Harry, and loves him still, and it was easier to give in when he was being difficult then to deny him. A very emotionally stoic person herself, I don’t think she is at all able to cope with the emotional incontinence of others. She left these kinds of uncomfortable conversations to her husband, but Philip is not long for this world and he’s not the fire brand he used to be. It’s unfortunate that megs arrival on the scene coincided exactly with PP’s retirement from Royal life. He withdrew to Sandringham, and I think he is both by choice and infirmity past caring About the love life and screw ups of his children and grandchildren. If he were still actively engaged in kind of being the queens enforcer or within the family, He could’ve slapped some sense into wayward Harry And shored up his wife against the Harkle shenanigans. The queen still remembers the hurt she caused Margaret over denying the marriage to Captain Peter Townsend, and more recently the disaster that was the Charles and Diana marriage. I think it’s in her nature to hope for the best in the face of facts, and it’s very possible that she was never told of the extent Markle’s sordid past. She still may be blissfully unaware of a lot of it, beyond the prior marriage to Trevor and show business career. I think that a large coterie of courtiers Work overtime to shelter her majesty from anything they think will disturb her peace of mind. Harry is not an heir, And now that the succession is a shored with Williams children, Harry’s choice of bride could be giving a little more leeway then it would’ve if he were still number three. I think everyone concerned hoped for the best, And was simply unprepared for just how destructive Meg was willing to get. This family has never been good at confronting ugly truths or dealing with members who do not conform to their codes. Diana’s mental health issues were swept under the rug for years, and Meg is in many ways another manifestation of everything on stable about Diana that threatens the crown. Nearly 40 years on from Diana joining the family, they’re still not coping. I think William probably knows Meg and her damage better than anyone in the family besides Catherine, But unfortunately William has no official power as yet. Maybe if he had been Prince of Wales, he would’ve had more clout to stop this marriage in its track

I think Elizabeth sought peace in the short term By giving Harry his demands. She’s had plenty of time to regret not vetting this girl better. It’s easy to avoid the Farkle situation if One doesn’t read the Papers, And I doubt very much the Queen is surfing the Internet
either. I’m sure she’s relying on Charles to take care of his own wayward kid and his wayward kid’s wife. We see how that’s going.
Hikari said…
The above was directed to @Golden. Sorry. Phone issues.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mistral said…
@Miggy - Agreed about Harry Markle post, but I wasn't able to find the link to vote on the 5?
Jdubya said…
Nutty - what I read here

In her claim, Markle says she “had no knowledge that her friends would make any reference to the letter or its contents, the intention of sending it, or the response that her father sent, nor would she ever have agreed to this being done had she been made so aware”.

is that Megs knew they were going to talk to the press, try to "set the record straight" on Megs but alledgedly didn't know they'd discuss the letter. I feel like she was well aware they were going to talk to the press. They sat down and planned the entire thing. She passed around the letter and response.

Only thing she's denying is that them mentioning the letter in their interview
Miggy said…

Apologies, I deleted my comment when I realised I hadn't read your post properly and was just basically parroting what you had said!

I agree with everything you say about that dreadful dress! :-)
Hikari said…
I haven’t seen the picture of Meg in this latest white horror, But her puzzling lack of attention to detail in her appearance Might be attributed to a particular kind of blindness that affects narcissists—Meg Must have a distorted view of herself when she looks in the mirror; She only sees what she wants to believe she looks like—Gorgeous,young, sexy, aspirational—And not what she actually looks like. Or a simpler and less psychological explanation is that she’s just high AF.
Miggy said…

It's right at the bottom of her post. You have to vote once, then refresh each time to vote for the five.
Snippy said…
@Miggy that potato sack dress is hilarious! Trying to spark pregnancy rumours. The thirst is off the charts!
Markle looks like the Invisible Man on this pics in the DM.

I wonder if Harry has any dignity left walking 6 paces behind the figure right out of a C movie.

He had icons of good taste for a mother, grandmother and sister in law. Now he is been dragged around by this?

We are told not to judge but this is grotesque. I am beginning to suspect Markle does it with a sole aim of staying in the news.
499lake said…
Not. Channel ballet flats? Charles cutting her clothing budget.
Shaggy said…
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YankeeDoodle said…
I am tired of hearing that the Queen felt guilty about sister Margaret and Townsend (Margaret had “aged out” of Townsend, as he preferred the younger, the better). Townsend “met” his last wife when the little girl, at age fourteen (14) fell off her horses at Townsend’s feet. Yes, “The Crown” is bs. Memoirs, written by whomever, are called memories, as they are mostly fantasies and lies. Autobiographies are checked, line by line, for fact.

It is an idiot. She is a liar. She invents lies about herself. She already had a lawsuit with the IRS, about her lying about her income, and was lucky not to be jailed. She settled out of court. Her two parents had three bankruptcies, and there are strong rumors that her mother was jailed for lying to the IRS; Doria’s family apparently were cheated out of the family home, and Doria stole the house, and did not report her inheritance to the IRS. AL Capone, a serial killer, was finally sent to jail for tax evasion. Just H better bulk up to protect himself from jail, unless he flees to his brother’s country. The IRS does not care if you call yourself a royal, a Caucasian, a nutjob - they will get you.
Yankee Doodle

Margaret would have had to drop her royal privileges and income to marry Townsend and this was what stopped her. The damsel preferred her glitzy life style.

All that sugary snot about her preferring "duty" over "love" is just another version of PR we saw with Harry.
Jdubya said…
Blind Item #2
Apparently the drinking sessions with the foreign born A+ list singer is exposing some really unpleasant truths to the point, the drinking companion of the singer is being advised to seek professional help.

AND - i am wondering why M would carry a clear clutch with items in it when she has a purse. Saw above post regarding injectable medical device. ??? Whoever took the pic would know what building she came out of. What type of offices were there.

So maybe it was a paid PR stunt?
Miggy said…
@Snippy and @Wullie'sBucket,

She's simply desperate for publicity and doesn't care how she gets it.
lizzie said…
@Fairy Crocodile wrote

"Markle looks like the Invisible Man on this pics in the DM."

Sort of! But I think she was trying to channel Audrey Hepburn.
Miggy said…

A long time ago now, I mentioned that I was watching a programme on the Royals. In the programme, they had access to archives and came across a letter from Margaret in which she stated that she was quite happy to move on from her relationship with Townsend.

Maybe @RasberryRuffle will remember because I think she may have watched it too.
Miggy said…
HappyDays said…
Wullie'sBucket said…
LOL - the lady detectives on LSA have deduced that the building the Harkles came out of was a medical one and she is carrying some sort of injectable medical device! They are discussing how she may be trying to give the impression she is attempting fertility treatments!

@Willie’sBucket: Given Harry’s past problems with alcohol, which according to cdan could have resurfaced with Adele in LA, plus it being known that he had issues with drugs in his past, it could be Narcan, the injectable used to bring people who have ODd on opioids back from the overdose. In LA, there are plenty of people who can supply the Harkles with whatever substances they want, but the problem with a lot of the illegal opioids that people get these days is that they contain fentanyl, which is deadly in the tiniest amount. An amount the size of three grains of sand can easily kill a person. This is the drug that killed the musician Prince. Authorities have never determined the source.

A number of nutties, myself included, have said Harry is s likely candidate for an alcohol and drug problem with the danger of an overdose one day. So perhaps he has attempted to assuage the pain of a bad marriage and separation from his entire life while living as an emotional hostage has caused him to turn to seek an escape from Meghan via drugs and alcohol.
Scandi Sanskrit said…
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Scandi Sanskrit said…
Re: Martin Luther King III Was "Greatly Disappointed" with the U.K.'s Treatment of Meghan Markle

Dude needs to take his Dad's advice and start judging people by their character.

Disappointed but not a unexpected. His stance and attitude is a perfect example of the Oppressed American who immediately switches role and becomes the Oppressor the minute he crosses American borders...

But then MLK and his movement have always been America-centric hasn't he? We don't expect MLK's descendants to be the charming, savvy diplomats like Nelson Mandela was. Now that man has all the heart-eyes from me.

I read an article about the Commonwealth recently, and learned that Nelson Mandela, charming as he was, was apparently one of the only people in the world who could get away with calling the Queen by her first name, Elizabeth. (But just respectful and classy enough to never complain about a historic church in a foreign land being “smelly”, because that's a line you don't cross.) Now THAT is man making a statement! That is a man showing his people what equality meant. REAL King material, Mandela.

I'll bet he thinks the treatment Meghan received was racist because he never bothered learning about the British and their traditions. The only English people who defend Meghan are people like Jonathan Pie (who is an anti-Monarchist and trashes the Royal Family for cheers, as far as I can see—if he were honest with himself, he'd stop trashing his own country for America's sake).

I've long been resentful of this attitude, we (the rest of the world) are all expected to know all about American history and accommodate them (their delicate feelings, their needs). Yet they don't bother learning our languages or our history. ESL citizens of the world who speak English as a second language are expected to know that "coloured" and "people of colour" are two different things, one is unacceptable the other is acceptable. I grew up bilingual and I didn't even know former was unacceptable until I witnessed a non-American celebrity's faux pas in January 2015.

But how many Americans know about the history of the Communist Purge in Indonesia that America facilitated? How many of them know that America provided weapons for that? How many Americans understand and know the term "bahaya laten", but expect the rest of the World's population to know the difference between "people of colour" and "coloured"?

And what if a Cape Malay woman (a South African of Indonesian-descent, descendants of political exiles enslaved by the Dutch) prefers to identify as “coloured”? Should she be barred from doing so just because America says so?


Just because you're only half-white doesn't mean you a free pass to treat foreigners like crap, Meghan. I'm sure many of the people you insulted when the "Ugly American World Tour" were not even white at all.

Gotta love the hypocrisy of jingoism/ethnocentricism wearing an “anti-racism” mask, though.

Meghan Markle is the American Nightmare personified. Wake up.
YankeeDoodle said…
Fairy Crocdile,

Margaret met Townsend when she was a young teenager. By 1945, this handsome man was a true, real-life hero. What young girl would not fall in love with him@? (Funny, but spell-correct wrote what woman would loathe him? It makes no sense.). Even if he had a wife and children, nobody said no to him or the King’s daughter. Margaret was almost too old for him! If the Nazi- moron King Eddie David had to give up his throne for a startled Wallis (Wallis did not want to marry a nothing; she wanted a King, and was shocked to have to marry a stupid Duke), then a secondary, short, fat sister of the Queen could not marry a man whose marriage she broke up, with her stupidity. Townsend was into young Margaret, not twenty or twenty five year old Margaret. The Big Lie is that Margaret would lose HRH. Uncle David was still HRH. Townsend wanted a little girl, not a semi-mature Margaret.
@Wullie'sBucket wrote: "I always wondered why someone like Markle who was known by some to be vivacious and charming, was unable to handle making small-talk with people at royal functions."

In everything I've read about her being very charming, it was always with people she wanted to impress or wanted something from - in other words, her charm was very calculated, with the aim of getting something. Being polite to the public at royal functions - I'm sure that in her mind it was a wasted effort since they couldn't do anything for her.
abbyh said…

CookieShark re: optics of an African American man opening her door - OMG.
That was a good catch and yet again, a great example of how she can think of how something will play out and it will bite her in ways she doesn't foresee.

One thing which has been bothering me is that I keep reading that 1.9 Billion people watched the JH&MM wedding. That number always seemed a little high, out there.

Ok so, let's talk some numbers.

world population was 7.594 Billion or 7.5 (2018)
that would mean that a quarter of the population watched the wedding, so not just I saw a snip of it on the evening news but I made an effort to see some part or all of it. Do you believe that?

population of Great Britain (2018) was 66.27 Million
If every man, woman, child, every single person watched, that was only like 3% of the viewing audience numbers.

population of the British commonwealth was or is (sort of unclear) 2.4 Billion people
but 1.37 Billion are in India. Note: 94% of them live in either Asia or Africa. And, 60% of them 29 or younger and that 1 in 3 is between 15 and 29. Interesting demographics.

Hikari said…

It is incredible to any rational person that Markle ever believed for a nanosecond that she could become the Princess of Wales. I’m sure she tried her charms on William, and we all saw the Scarfing she got for her efforts. I can totally believe that she saw Catherine not as a person, But as an obstacle in her way to be climbed over. For her scenario to come to pass, let’s see… Ideally William would renounce his claim to the throne, And give everything to his little brother and wife… The place in succession, his current and future titles, all his money, Anmer
Hall, KP #1, All his possessions, and take his brats and his wife and go live down by the River Thames in a caravan. Or, renounce Catherine And divorce her, and she take the brats somewhere else; She would then be free to divorce Harry and Marry William In the lavish Saint Pauls red carpet ceremony that she was denied, and the queen would have absolutely no problem with this. The last and most brutally efficient scenario: the tragic death of the entire Cambridge family in a terrible accident, leaving the way clear for Meg to well and truly be Diana 2.0,

I can totally believe that she entertained everyone of these as a real possibility. This would make her certifiably insane and a candidate for Broadmoor forthwith. How does a person with such a tenuous grasp on sanity get so far as she’s gotten in life? She really should’ve been committed years ago. All the more reason the queen dropped the ball majorly in letting this parasite in. That huge ostentatious wedding should not have been allowed in the first place, but her Majesty had another opportunity to cancel it when Tiaragate get kicked off. Megs intentions were really clear from the start if only they had looked. Of course she felt her self entitled to wear the Vladimir tiara on her wedding day, The one that has only ever been worn by Queens. From the very start she saw her wedding as belonging to the future Queen.

I wonder if there’s going to be any way to get an insanity commitment out of all of this. Now that they’re living in America, harry would have to get that ball rolling as her next of kin and he’s as badly off as she is. Worse, by the looks of him.
MM claims she left the UK because of the nasty, vicious UK tabloids. Well, In Touch Weekly - an American tabloid - has a cover story saying that MM partied with Prince Andrew on Jeffrey Epstein's yacht several times. Whether or not the story is true, and we can speculate forever, it certainly puts a lie to her claim that only the UK tabloids were out to get her.

Following up on the discussion on what would have happened if the Queen had refused JH's request for permission to marry MM - what if she had agreed, but on the stipulation that they have a quiet private wedding but no Duke and Duchess titles and no HRH for MM? (Since he is HRH Prince Harry of Wales by birth, would she be known as Princess Harry of Wales, no HRH? Also, no tiara for MM and only a small clothes budget from Prince Charles. Would marrying JH still have been appealing to her?
Mistral said…
@Miggy - Thanks for the input on HarryMarkle's quiz. I think it must be my browser or my security settings that don't allow me to see this. Oh well, the names should be leaked soon....

@499lake - All I could see was those aircraft carrier feet in flats. Girlfriend should NEVER wear flats.
lizzie said…
@Hikari wrote:

"I wonder if there’s going to be any way to get an insanity commitment out of all of this. Now that they’re living in America, harry would have to get that ball rolling as her next of kin and he’s as badly off as she is. Worse, by the looks of him."

I don't think M (or Harry) would qualify to be committed. These days in the US a person has to be an imminent danger to self or others to be committed. It's not the olden days of Zelda Fitzgerald type committments. Delusional thinking won't do it unless there's an immediate and credible threat coming from that thinking. And believing you might be able to break up Will and Kate's marriage by sashaying about and love-bombing won't do it (although I agree that thinking wasn't reality based.)
Mel said…
Nuttie... I saw this on Twitter just now. Hard to see if it's true or not. The original tweeter apparently lives in Wisconsin, so it could be true.

It seems that the family of Althea Bernstein has retained a lawyer who specializes in immigration and criminal defense - Andrea Love Sumpter.
Leela said…
I am still reading the Lady C book here:,-13,464

I have just kept the window open and have been chipping away at it ever since the link was posted here. Maybe that's they key, to keep the window open?

If it disappears I will let you know, but so far it’s still there.

I am finding Lady C’s writing style a bit boring. A more breezy gossipy style would be more entertaining. So I keep getting bored and leaving it. Also there are so many proofreading errors, I am surprised.

Hope that link works for those wanting to read.
@Sandi Sanskrit

I get that you feel revulsion for the United States and Americans, but can you please take your hate-mongering to a different forum?

Thank you @Hikari

I agree with you that William is the only member of the RF who seems to see Meghan clearly for who and what she really is. It’s very unfortunate that he isn’t in a position to do anything to put an end to her and Harry’s campaign of destruction.
Cass said…
Thanks Golden!
This comment has been removed by the author.
As for the photo of the Harkles leaving the medical clinic, please dear God, do not allow this dysfunctional couple to bring another child into the world.
xxxxx said…

That link works and if you pressed control + S ..... you could save that PDF onto a Windows computer or laptop. (tested) This way it physically exists in your computer and can be retrieved. All 3mb of it.

How do you download or save a pdf on an android phone? One of the mysteries of life. Though I see instructions on the internet.
CatEyes said…
@Scandi said...

"I've long been resentful of this attitude, we (the rest of the world) are all expected to know all about American history and accommodate them (their delicate feelings, their needs)."

Excuse me...please don't lump me in your repeated generalization criticizing Americans.

For all the times you have been highly critical (er, 'delicate feelings') of us wretched Americans, I have never seen one time any US poster here slam Indonesians. Hmmmmmmmm!

punkinseed said…
I just looked at the shots of Megs in today's DM. WTH? At first glance I thought she was wearing a paper dress. Remember those from the 60's? Or, ha ha, maybe she'd just been released from jail after they made her wear a paper dress like the infamous Gislaine Maxwell is wearing these days to prevent her from access to suicide fabrics? Or, maybe better yet, Megs is getting fashion ideas from Gislaine? (sp) I'd look up how to spell GM's name, but I'm too lazy right now to bother.
Then I read further on and the article states the dress is linen. I am a bit familiar with linen. You HAVE to iron it with a damp cloth or you'll be very sorry. You can't just steam those creases out with a steamer! Good grief. She is such a couture disaster.
Jdubya said…
Yo Scandi - your anti-American attitude is going tiring. You complain you are expected to know American history and on the other hand, some complain "we" American should know British or other world history.

Please stop with the Anti- American posts and attitude. It's old and tiring.
punkinseed said…
OHHH! Thank you Leela for the link to the book! I lost my link after shutting down my computer. Air hugs!
Jdubya said…
Yes, this link works -,-13,464

Takes a bit to load. I am trying the cntrl+s to down load it.

Leela said…
@xxxxx Thanks, but I am on my iPad. I don’t want to save it. As long as I keep a tab open it seems to stay right there. But thanks!
Rut said…
Puds; I do belive Meghan Markle is "love bombing" ( manipulating ) people to become her friends. I read what she "did with a boy" when she was just a teenager:
"We were at a party one time and she sat on my lap. She got nose-to-nose with me. For a 16-year-old guy, that is an emotional moment. She said to me in Farsi, 'You are so beautiful.' I asked her, 'How do you know Farsi?' She said, 'I learned it for you.' Then she walked away."

She took time to learn that phrase in Farsi for him. She planned to tell him. And she also said: " I learned it for you" to make him feel special ( Im sure she saw all that in a movie ) know how her mind works

Im sure nothing she says when meeting new people is a coincidence. She google them first, finds out their soft spot and just "lovebombs away" Weak people in need of affirmation fall for that. I belive all her close friends are weaker than her.She is like a bully praying on weakness. But they get so high on her attention they don't notice they are being manipulated.
Since it is so easy for Meghan to cut close people out of her life I don't belive she have real feelings for anyone. All that lovebombing and kindness is just something she learned, its just an act.
xxxxx said…

That will probably work. I guess do not close that tab, do not shut down or reboot iPad and you are OK.

Do people reboot iPad's twice a year and only for updates? I never owned one.
Jennifer said…
Can anyone list ONE associate of Meghan that is stronger than her?

I say this because it's clearly not her mother, Prince Harry, Jessica, her numerous friends (I actually believe Serena is strong, via her astute hubs and walked away with dignity).
Meghan is a highly codependent Narc who love bombs to achieve whatever means and ends. Narc codependents need people who are weaker than them. Most people aren't weaklings. Is this why she has no one?

Further, is this why she actually left the RF? All the tantrums and fit throwing up against 'the stiff upper lip'? she couldn't get movement or a reaction, just 'oh there's meghan being a weirdo, meh, good luck at your new Local Authority children's center opening in Matlock today!' .

To me, she just screams of a crazy codependent person.

As for the pics, Harry looks miserable as usual. No change there. He even looks like he resents her. Hopefully William is letting him know he doesn't have to keep living like this. It's awful to watch.
So if the picture is current and real, then Harry isn't in the UK as was reported.

And this is a staged pap shot so she definitely wants people to guess what's in the clear bag. Fertility drugs perhaps???? so it was rumored) Fertility drugs outside a medical clinic for a pap shot. Could Harry sink any lower? Money must be very tight and we can now all wonder how she got pregnant so easily and quickly the first time.
Also, guess those big Hollywood deals haven't materialized yet.
punkinseed said…
Hikari, love your well written comments.
Narcs don't view others as people who have feelings. That's why it's so easy for her to dump anyone in her way or anyone who opposes her in any way. People are objects to her. People are like pets to her, and when she tires of them, she not only drops them but is able to never think of them again. She is incapable of caring about anyone else's feelings. Look at what she's done to her dad, or the long list of former friends and relatives. Now look at what she's done to Jessica. A true friend would stick up for her friend unconditionally. Megs really has no friends, not even five and never has. She's incapable of friendship because she can't be a true friend to anyone, including herself. It's all a big con she's managed to navigate quite well. However, Harry is starting to look much worse than before they left UK. The lights in his eyes are gone. And also notice that since they left UK there has been ZERO PDA, not even holding hands? In today's pap walk he's a few paces behind her and she doesn't look back to him at all like she used to. Something is way off; more than usual.
The folks over on LSA having pointed out that the pap walk at that medical building in that ugly paper dress as she's deliberately positioned by posing that bag that looks to be meds is her predictable way to telegraph that she wants everyone and possible the BRF to think she's trying to get knocked up. She's become so transparent in her actions that no matter what she does or says it's all theater.
punkinseed said…
Mustyiphone, LOL. ya! That hat and mask and sunglasses she's wearing reminded me for a moment of Vivi, the character on Final Fantasy game. Kind of made me annoyed because we all really like Vivi so the association ends there. LOL. And yes, I'm over 60 but still love to play adventure games.
Jdubya said…
When i saw the plastic bag she was carrying, my 1st impression was it was perhaps an electric tooth brush & maybe a box of toothpaste. Then i felt foolish. But now, i feel vindicated as i just read on LSA that on Megans Mirror, they are saying they left a dentist office & that's what it contained !!!
Jennifer said…
why did they go to the dentist together? that's....weird.
just sayin' said…
Regarding the backgrid pap photos:

1. So glad MM has found a new hat. We were spared a bad hair look. Plus, I hate the smooth criminal fedora!

2. She appears to be wearing Diana’s gold Cartier tank watch. Don’t forget Diana!

3. She could have handed the clear bag to an assistant, or even Harry, but chose not to for a reason. She wanted to be seen holding it.

4. If she had wanted privacy for herself or the clear bag she was carrying, she only needed to walk behind Harry, whose larger frame would obscure her. But no, she chose to walk first and foremost. Everything was staged and sends a message in her mind.
Miggy said to Fairy Crocodile, A long time ago now, I mentioned that I was watching a programme on the Royals. In the programme, they had access to archives and came across a letter from Margaret in which she stated that she was quite happy to move on from her relationship with Townsend.

Maybe @RasberryRuffle will remember because I think she may have watched it too.

I was in the middle of a reply to Fairy when I read my other email notifications and saw this. ;o)

Yes, I watched the documentary. The archives showed Margaret was given permission to marry Townsend and still have her royal privilege (money etc). However, the archived documents also showed her clearly stating she simply chose not to. She had grown away from him and was happy to leave it as that.

It’s amazing what stories are spun. Sadly none of us will be alive when some of the recent royal archives will be opened in the next 50 and 100 years time.
just sayin said, 2. She appears to be wearing Diana’s gold Cartier tank watch. Don’t forget Diana!

It’s not her watch. The Cartier tank watch is nothing like that. Megsy’s watch has a large oblong face, the tank watch does not, it’s quite small and it’s square. ;o)
Maneki Neko said…
What does she look like in that dress that's longer at the back? The DM showsit as an asymmetric dress, 'Look sophisticated in linen like the Duchess of Sussex'. Sophisticated?? It's like a version of the olive/khaki one she wore at the polo. And it's really, really cheap, $76!!! Have they fallen on hard times?
Rut said…
Jennifer: Yes that is weird. I think Meghan can vistit the dentist alone. Since Harry is new to the country, with no friends, Meghan would have followed him, also if Archie had his first check up they would both have been going together. So I guess either Harry or Archie had the appointment.Maybe Archie went in a separate car with the nanny. The reason Meghan is carrying the bag is because she is the one wanting the things in the bag. Harry is depressed and miserable, he doesn't care about the things in the bag :)
Rut said…
Jennifer: I belive Marcus Anderson is stronger than her.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rut said…
WulliesBucket: We were talking about if Meghan has any friends who are stronger than her. William is not her friend
lucy said…
Piroska said…
@RaspberryRuffle said Without the Queen’s permission (and Harry required it), any wedding would be considered null and void. So any issues (children of royals) would be considered illegitimate.
In fact the marriage would be legally valid however Harry and any descendants would be disqualified from succeeding to the throne.

Regarding intelligence intellect whatever although my niece has no narcissistic tendencies her fther alwys sid that although she is extremely intelligent she has no commomsense.
Piroska said…
Should read always said
Miggy said…

Yes, I watched the documentary. The archives showed Margaret was given permission to marry Townsend and still have her royal privilege (money etc). However, the archived documents also showed her clearly stating she simply chose not to. She had grown away from him and was happy to leave it as that.

@RR, I couldn't recall the exact details, (brain fog) so thanks for confirming! :)
Anonymous said…
@Nutty Apologies if this is already k own or stated by other posters
Is it MM friends and co star in suits Abigail Spencer that is maybe the good friend who is well connected to People Magazine has family connections maybe ? There have been so many glowing articles since MM appeared all puff pieces by AS praising Meghan. Also dozens of articles on every amazing detail of Abigales life ..
Magatha Mistie said…

Linen was used to bind Egyptian mummies.
Her latest sackcloth and ashes look,
whilst grasping a toothbrush
must surely portray something?
Something other than a need for attention?
Anonymous said…
Jess Cagle former editor of People magazine until 2019 apparently is close friends with Abigail Spencer . They have attended many events together and Abigail attended Jess Cageles wedding in the Hamptons .
Magatha Mistie said…


Regarding Margaret, I wonder if Sarah will eventually become a Lady in Waiting to Kate.
She’s never performed any Royal duties, but is loyal to the Queen, and RF.
499lake said…
$76 for the dress and knock-off ballerina flats-something is off. The flats are strange, given where she is. I would think that people would recognize her shoes weren’t Channel.
I thought she looked like a mushroom, not a button kind but the ones with a more pointed cap. The white dress is the stem and her shoes the dirt sometimes found on a stem.
Miggy said…
@Magatha Mistie,

I wonder if Sarah will eventually become a Lady in Waiting to Kate.

As William and Kate didn't invite Sarah to their wedding, I'd be surprised if it were to happen!

I was quoting from the royal marriages act dated 1772. It was updated in 2011 by the Perth amendment (succession to crown act). See below.

The legislation in a number of Commonwealth realms repeals the Royal Marriages Act 1772 in its entirety. It was, in the United Kingdom, replaced by the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, which stipulates a requirement for the first six people in the line of succession to obtain the sovereign's consent before marrying in order to remain eligible. Article 3(5) of the new act also provides that, except for succession purposes, any marriage that would have been void under the original act "is to be treated as never having been void" if it did not involve any of the first six people in the line of succession at the time of the marriage; royal consent was never sought or denied; "in all the circumstances it was reasonable for the person concerned not to have been aware at the time of the marriage that the Act applied to it"; and no one has acted on the basis that the marriage is void. New Zealand's Royal Succession Act 2013 repealed the Royal Marriages Act and provided for royal consent for the first six people in the line of succession to be granted by the monarch in right of the United Kingdom.

Yes, you are correct under the new rules of succession. ;o) See below.

It was repealed as a result of the 2011 Perth Agreement, which came into force on 26 March 2015. Under the Succession to the Crown Act 2013, the first six people in the line of succession need permission to marry if they and their descendants are to remain in the line of succession.
Magatha Mistie said…

Sarah was there, dressed in grey.
Magatha Mistie said…

Regarding Megs intelligence/commonsense
she has none.
Not intelligent enough to realise she had hit the top with Harry.
No commonsense to enjoy the fruits of her labour.
Just an ongoing vortex of “more for me”
Miggy said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Sarah was there, dressed in grey.

She attended Harry's wedding but not William's.
none said…
The DM article about the Harkles' latest outing makes a point of saying they were dressed for the scorching weather in Beverly Hills. Markle was the only one wearing hot weather attire which, judging by the fold lines, appears to be fresh out of the package.

Notice in one shot the man on the left is wearing a jacket? And there's Harry in his year-round grey shirt and jeans uniform. These pictures are very suspect based on the quality alone. I'm at the point where I don't believe anything from the media about the Harkles.
Magatha Mistie said…

She was at Williams wedding.
She wore blue at Harrys wedding.
Magatha Mistie said…

Im talking about Sarah Chatto, Princess Margarets daughter!
Oh, dear, whatever possessed her to set foot in public in that get-up?

I can't decide which she most reminds me of - an alien, something from a horror film or one of Disney's dancing mushrooms from `Fantasia' (tho' I suppose we should now pretend they don't exist because he gave them Chinese faces?)

As for the RF not grasping the nettle earlier - I'd suggest any or all of the following:

- they wanted H to be happy and feared for him if they didn't accept her;

- they feared a major backlash from certain sectors of the population, egged on by the Marxists, Trots, Maoists, Socialist Workers Party and so on. That could still be very nasty, if the London riots of 2010 are anything to go by.

- those who have never experienced a raging narcissist have no idea what they're up against. How does could she reconcile the glowing impression given by H , with the reports from the vetting? Could MM really be that awful? Surely she can see which side her bread's buttered on? Could HM have been gaslighted?

My worst narcs pale in comparison with her - and it's taken me decades to find out what really going on when one is snared by one of these horrible people. It's too easy to think they are mentally ill and deserving of sympathy. Especially if one's been brought up to see the best in people.


@Punkinseed said:

"I think I found something that is very disturbing and quite possibly unintentionally overlooked by those who are believers in the "My Grandmother's Hands" concepts. What disturbs me is the author has somehow managed to triangulate white DNA "memories" to attach a scientific/biological connection to oppression and slavery. What I find so very disturbing is how some people who have a platform and political agenda would use this "scientific" connection to diminish fairness and civil rights of all people like say, Hitler used eugenics to destroy the Jews in Germany and elsewhere. "

Thanks for this, Punkinseed.

I've tried to grasp what the author's getting at - it strikes me that he has picked up the concept of epigenetics and run with it much further than any accepted evidence would support, possibly into the realms of pseudoscience and political danger. There is a little evidence,IIRC, that that suggests that low-level trauma, shortly after birth, may damage the development of the brainstem/medulla oblongata, hence the autonomic nervous system and psychology of the individual but that's all.

It's the poison that's dropped into the ears of children that's the problem, I think, also social pressure to conform to the Groupthink.

Btw, there's a good account of how eugenics influenced the Nazi programme in Joshua Goldberg's Liberal Fascism,(2007) Ch 7. `The Eugenic Ghost in the Fascist Machine'. The Nazis turned to the Jews having first applied their theories to disabled, old and mentally-impaired people, even if they were undeniably `Aryan' - using mobile gas chambers.

I can't comment on what Goldberg writes about American politics and history - Nutties may or may not agree with him and his analysis from a conservative viewpoint but he's good at identifying the paradoxes involved.
lizzie said…
@Holly wrote

"The DM article about the Harkles' latest outing makes a point of saying they were dressed for the scorching weather in Beverly Hills. Markle was the only one wearing hot weather attire which, judging by the fold lines, appears to be fresh out of the package."

True. But the article also says the temperature was 84F with a humidity of 67 which is hardly scorching or even especially muggy to anyone living in LA or living in any part of the lower half of the US. I live in the south where those readings would be a nice day in May. Scorching is when temps are in the 90s up and muggy is when humidity hits at least 75. Today in LA it's supposed to hit 91F so a potential scorcher but all next week it's not supposed to get above 86. Hardly overwhelmingly hot to people who live there.

That is one ugly dress M is wearing. It looks a little better on the manufacturers site when it's unwrinkled. It also looks bright white on the site whereas M's looks yellowish.

Finally, the model has better legs than M. Not sure why M thinks hers are one of her best features (mile long legs)
A big thanks to Raspberry Ruffle and others for the input re Margaret. I find it very interesting how many versions of the story are currently in the circulation. I myself read the following:

Margaret had been refused a marriage with Townsend because he was a divorced father of two boys, moreover, his divorced had been due to a pretty scandalous love affair his wife had. The then PM Winston Churchill made it clear the Cabinet and the Parliament would oppose the marriage, as well as the COE, despite the nation's approval of the union. The Queen was caught in the middle as the Head of the Church. Townsend was posted away to Belgium.

After two years apart the couple were still wishing to marry. However, by that time Anthony Eden, the PM himself divorced, gave princess a choice. He said if Margaret still insisted on marrying Townsend, she would be stripped of her privileges, as well as her income. Margaret gave up and issued a declaration confirming her decision not to marry on the grounds of duty

May be they grew apart, may be the Eden's choice didn't taste palatable to her. I suspect both.

A short version of the events can be found here: 7 things to know about Princess Margaret and Peter Townsend love affair.
Considering that the pap walk outside the Beverly Hills medical clinic was totally staged, did it now occur to these two BLM-supporting eco-warriers how bad the optics of having a Black man opening the door of a gas-guzzling super-polluting SUV would look? Or do they feel that all they have to do is preach down to others?
xxxxx said…
Barbara from Montreal said...
Considering that the pap walk outside the Beverly Hills medical clinic was totally staged, did it now occur to these two BLM-supporting eco-warriers how bad the optics of having a Black man opening the door of a gas-guzzling super-polluting SUV would look? Or do they feel that all they have to do is preach down to others?

The black man is one of their security men. These guys, their default mode always seem to be to open automobile doors for their clients. If Megs did not want this she would have to order him. Even then, maybe it is part of "security" that he opens it. Maybe?

If Megs was there for dental maybe Hapless tagged along for a tooth cleaning and exam. If such a hot day he could have worn shorts, but these jokers (The Gruesomes) are hopping from one air conditioned place to another. With a Cadillac Escalade with A/C to convey their yoga/Pilates firmed up, anti-racist bodies.

Jokers as in, "Thanks Dad for the Duchy millions each year". The joke/scam/guilt tripping is on Charles and the BRF, it has been working so far and probably into March 2021 when the Gruesomes get their Palace review.
none said…
@Barbara from Montreal

Great observation. The Harkles can't get anything right.
none said…
@xxxxx ~ my guess is that the Escalade is a rental and the black man is the driver.
Rut said…
xxxxx; the security man didn't open the cardoor for Harry. Harry is the prince and I suppose he is the reason they need security. So, if opening the door is part of the security he should also have opened it for Harry.
xxxxx said…
For sure they did not buy the Cadillac Escalade. It is a rental or a lease or might come along with their security team as a package deal. The Gruesomes like to flit about, live about from nation to nation, rent homes about. Everything, normal possessions are transitory for them except clothing. You cannot rent your shoes or white linen frocks. Family relations and long time friends like Jessica are transitory and transactional, Megs will fire you at anytime.

You are more observant than me. Megs wants doors opened for more ways than one. Harry is casual and laid back. Even when he complains (Megs prodding) about the racism of the British Empire.
My husband's take on the linen garb is that it looks like a gown that one wears for the theatre - taken down on a trolley.

There's a get-well card saying ` I hear you went to the theatre in a very revealing gown...' with a cartoon of the patient's backview - including the bare bum.

She's merching the stuff - it's on Meghan's Mirror so that confirms 'twas she who called the paps.
KC said…
From Lady C, page 409. This shows up MM's word salad for what it is:

The values she espouses, no matter
how heartfelt, are basically new, cutting-edge ones. She often talks about change, but she has no cohesive overview nor does she ever bog herself down in what the consequences of change would be. Change always brings
about new problems, but these are never mentioned, much less defined; nor are the potential solutions addressed. [Emphasis added]

Leela's link above seems to be working.
HappyDays said…
This particular thread is the BEST thread I’ve ever read here on Nutty’s blog. So many insightful comments with excellent analysis! No tone to reply to the vast number of fabulous comments.

I hope someone associated with the RF reads this blog.
CookieShark said…
With this one photograph, it seems they are no longer humanitarians, (asking security to work during the pandemic) you have to question their "equality" speech (having an African-American man open the door for her) and their "eco warrior" ways (the huge SUV).

I think they wanted to set up a rival court in the States, but having titles then makes even less sense. It is like they are CEO of a company but they never go to work and have no real impact on the job.
We've heard of `body dysmorphic disorder' - could she have `eumorphic disorder'? Does she look in the mirror and see a perfect vision of loveliness which is denied to us mere oiks, we who are but dust beneath her chariot wheels?
Miggy said…
@Magatha Mistie,

Im talking about Sarah Chatto, Princess Margarets daughter!

Apologies, my mistake! I thought you were referring to Sarah Ferguson.
@ Happy Days -

Lady C says yes, they do read what's online the net so it's a fair bet that somebody with the right connections does read us. At least, that's the assumption I work on.

Now, a sideways look at the question of titles - much as I'd like to see her stripped of them, I can see that if things are left as they are, it would prevent her running for office and we all might be safer in our beds.

It'd make a cat laugh if she begged to be freed of the ducal handle!

I'd always expected her to bolt but hadn't foreseen her decamping with H. I simple assumed she use the `fame'/notoriety as a a way of establishing her value at the box-office.

She's an even sillier, middle-aged, moo than I thought.

I hope I live long enough to see her downfall, brought about by none other than herself.

To echo Churchill, via Harry Markle, I shall fight, I shall never surrender to her tyranny.

God save the Queen.
Fifi LaRue said…
Someone posted a YouTube link here re: Markle's cosmetic procedures. 84 degrees isn't that hot. I think she was returning from a visit to the cosmetic procedures place, and had a refill in her hand. Markle's face is completely shielded from the sun. She's still wearing that nasty, vomit-inducing wig.
@Fifi La Rue

Comsmetic procedures?
That could well explain the curious garb, though why she'd want paps there is beyond me.
KC said…
abbyh wondered about the numbers for viewing the wedding. I have read that 1.9 billion number also, for worldwide viewers. I found these about US and British viewers.

Here is <b>Town and Country</b> on this topic:

<b>More Americans Watched Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's Wedding Than Prince William and Kate Middleton’s....</b>


MAY 21, 2018 ...Nielsen calculated that 29 million Americans tuned into the 15 channels that aired the royal wedding. Between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. Eastern time, NBC averaged 6.4 million viewers, ABC had 6.3 million, CBS had 4.8 million, Fox News had 1.9 million, CNN had 1.8 million, and MSNBC had 1 million.

For William and Kate’s wedding, a still impressive 22.8 million people tuned the U.K.....more people tuned in for William and Kate’s wedding, The Guardian reports. About 18 million people watched Harry and Meghan’s wedding, most of them watching the BBC’s coverage. But 24 million Brits watched William and Kate’s big day in 2011, The Telegraph reported.

.... when it comes to calculating these numbers....William and Kate were married on a Friday morning, and Americans didn’t have the day off, so fewer people may have tuned in.... these ratings numbers don’t calculate how many people watched the ceremonies on computers or on mobile devices....[or used methods] like YouTube streaming, which was available for both weddings, that didn't get counted for the ratings.....

And from <b>Hello</b> magazine: <b>Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding was third most watched - guess who topped the list! </b>

MAY 29, 2018 - 14:55 BST


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stunned royal fans across the globe when they exchanged vows in a beautiful ceremony at Windsor Castle last week. It has since been revealed that a combined audience of 11.5 million people tuned into watch the magical moment on 19 May. However, the ratings were a third lower than those who tuned in to watch the marriage of Harry's brother, Prince William and Kate Middleton. Approximately 17.6 million tuned in for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's royal wedding in 2011.

<b><i>Surprisingly, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's wedding failed to pull in as many viewers as his uncle Prince Edward</b><\i>, whose wedding in June 1999 to the Countess of Wessex, enjoyed a combined of 14.8 million. The new figures - published by Barb - are consolidated ratings, and include those who recorded the wedding and watched it up to seven days later. ...[emphasis added]

...Royal weddings have a history of being one of the most-viewed TV events of the year, but 2018 may turn out to be different. Harry and Meghan's ratings of 11.5 million could be beaten next month by audiences for England's matches in the World Cup [26.5 million per BBC, see below]....The biggest ever UK TV audience for a royal wedding was recorded in July 1981, when an estimated 28 million watched Prince Charles marry Lady Diana Spencer.


Just fyi: World Cup 2018: England defeat watched by<b>26.5m</b> - BBC News

Sadly , it was Croatia 2-1 over England.

I suppose the numbers for Edward's wedding were from the British having seen him grow up since he was born in 1965, plus it was a couple of years after Diana had died. So they tuned in for the happy ending.
Anonymous said…
@Wild Boar

Does she look in the mirror and see a perfect vision of loveliness which is denied to us mere oiks, we who are but dust beneath her chariot wheels?

Lol. Here’s hoping her toga does an Isidora Duncan.

abbyh said…

DM article about how PC wanted to expand their role, not lessen it in the slimmed down version

I suspect that although he may have wanted to expand their role, it may not have been enough for her (and maybe too much for JH).

It also says that PC was clear that leaving the country meant they lost their roles within the family. No court which was separate but competing in all but name only.

Interesting points coming out now: with all the roles which she has not been offered, the idea that they left before they had a chance to examine what the expanded version would look like. And that Charles was ok with their losing their roles.

Funny timing we all said about the abruptness of the leaving decision. Something happened. Something under the placid water and suddenly they had to go and had to go now.

Shaggy said…
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KC said…
Aha. Now we are getting to brass tacks. In Ch. 11 Lady C says:

Reconciling the opposing perceptions of Meghan is well-nigh impossible. To those who know and love her, she is almost the ‘angel’ her mother calls her. Rather more controversial is the opinion of a psychologist to whom I spoke. While her admirers consider her an extremely sensitive person whose every thought and feeling are governed by a sweet-nature and a good heart, he concluded that descriptions of her correlate with sociopathic as well as narcissistic tendencies. Meghan has pronounced charm, charisma and social skills, all of which narcissists and sociopaths possess in greater measure than the average person. But what tipped the scales for him as the decisive factor was her propensity for wanting sympathy. People with sociopathic tendencies evidently possess a greater need for sympathy than the general population. As one in every twenty five individuals falls within this spectrum, and few of them typify the popular view of murderous crazies while many are high flyers in high functioning roles, sociopaths, or people with sociopathic tendencies, proliferate far more than the public realises. In his opinion, Meghan’s interview with Tom Bradby was a dead giveaway not only of her hunger for sympathy but also of another sociopathic trait, namely lack of insight into how inappropriate her requirement of having her needs fulfilled, even in disproportionate circumstances, can be.

Great personal charm BUT..

Shaggy said…
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KC said, Aha. Now we are getting to brass tacks. In Ch. 11 Lady C says....

Just whoa to the excerpt! That’s truly truly scary if a psychologist said that of Megsy! What chance has Harry got of getting away?! :o/ They truly deserve each other.

I haven’t started my book yet.....I’ve been trying to ignore extracts on here, I couldn’t resist this one!
Shaggy said…
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KC said…
Annnd here is Lady C, pointing out about Harry:

. It is interesting that no one to date has questioned whether Harry has narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies
commensurate with those questioned about Meghan, when,in every respect save intelligence, he has mirrored her, as his conduct throughout the Bradby ITV programme demonstrated. He too came across as someone who wants
sympathy intermingled with admiration, all of which is offset by a notable lack of insight as to how blessed he truly is.

About the lack of insight into his own blessings. I seem to recall his mother spent a fair amount of time taking him, with his brother, around to SHOW him sick people, and homeless people. And made quite a point of how much better off he was than other people. I guess he forgot, in the turmoil of losing her just on the cusp of adolescence.
JHanoi said…
just a thought. - in refernce to the Markle/ Depp libel article.

it makes the comment, that i have read elsewhere, that MM didn’t invite Doria to her NYC celebreturd baby shower.

Maybe, it’s just the Miss Manners in me, but Baby Showers are usually thrown by ‘Friends’ / bridesmaids, or even family, but you don’t typically throw your own Baby Shower.
granted MM knew about the shower and presumably her ‘Friends” should have asked for Dorias address/ # so they could invite her.
Maybe the Friends didn’t ask, or MM. didn’t provide it, or even Doria chose the decline because it was cross country flight, hotel. expensive, maybe couldn’t get off work, or whatever and declined.

But the way the press blame MM for that one, seems off to me. that said, it also seemed strange the Doria didn’t attend it.

there are enough other things to pick at, like MM’s letter!

She whined in the letter she read he had a heart attack, and she tried so hard to call him and they sent someone to his house and no one answered, and that was so rude of him not to respond ( I’m paraphrasing)....duh ! he was in the hospital recovering from. heart attack, and not at home! maybe he didnt have his cell or charger with him. maybe he was confined to his bed or recovering from a heart attack!
KC said, (from Lady C C’s book) It is interesting that no one to date has questioned whether Harry has narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies
commensurate with those questioned about Meghan, when,in every respect save intelligence, he has mirrored her, as his conduct throughout the Bradby ITV programme demonstrated. He too came across as someone who wants sympathy intermingled with admiration, all of which is offset by a notable lack of insight as to how blessed he truly is. ....

Absolutely this! He’s more than just complicit. We can see he’s petulant, self-entitled etc. I said long ago they feed off each other, but not in a codependent way. She’s simply brought out the very worst in him, whereas his old girl friends perhaps brought out the nicer traits. He is who is regardless, others can’t truly change (a person) what’s already innate.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Interesting exchange about the Harkles' finances on LSA (page 4816).
Grisham said…
Btw, that sunshine sacs rumor goes around every now and again. I believe they don’t represent her personally, but they represented the D&D royal foundation? Does anyone remember the explanation? Of course, things may have changed in the last few months. I’m just saying, that was not new news and we had heard that before.
KC said…
Lady C on Meghan's acting ambitions:

"Although she is rapidly approaching forty, and therefore has a very short shelf-life left as a leading lady, she has nevertheless expressed interest in reviving her career as an actress in the hope that she can achieve her twin ambitions of winning an Oscar while
making a vast fortune at the same time. A story was planted by her ‘people’ that she had received many offers, none of which she would be considering as they were too ‘cheesy’ for someone of her stature. Nevertheless, she remained open to offers from serious A-List directors who could showcase her acting talents in the exemplary light someone as prestigious as the Duchess of Sussex would require. It was mischievously observed that no A-List directors stepped forward, so time will tell whether her ambition to be taken seriously as an actress while earning big bucks in a major production will materialise."

Her D-list stature, or her I-married-a-Prince stature? Golddiggers of 2018 award?
Jdubya said…
KC - i'm in chapter 8 of the book
Maneki Neko said…
@Miggy 1.09 pm

Sarah Chatto was invited to William and Kate's wedding as Magatha confirmed:
CookieShark said…
Re KC: the need for sympathy

This is so fascinating. From that angle, you can see it's driven the agenda all along.

PH has to release a firing shot to the media while they're dating, because she was "hounded" by the paps and someone tried to break into her home (allegedly).

Thomas Markle can't be in the picture, because he spent a fortune sending her to private schools, the university, overseas trips, etc. He doesn't fit the "family she never had" angle.

Recently invoking the "young mother" character because I think she wants to be perceived this way. But there are too many instances of her leaving Archie to do frivolous things like attend the tennis match for anyone to think of her that way.

I wonder why a narc, filled with delusions of grandeur, would also have such a need for sympathy? This is so interesting!
Blithe Spirit said…
@Raspberry Ruffle.

I've always felt this was true. MM climbed her way up the greasy pole of fame and fortune. But she is a garden variety of that sort of person. There are plenty like her who use their partners to further their nefarious ambitions in every part of the world. But Harry was born into privilege and global stardom and yet allowed his jealousy and resentment to control all aspects of his life. In your thirties if you are willing to connive with a D-list actress to lob grenades into your family just to assert your sense of (delusional) self-importance, that speaks of a weak and repulsive personality.

If the RF were aware of MM's shady past and covered it up, what does it say about their ethics? I am not naive nor do I expect royals to be paragons of virtue. But surely aiding MM by whitewashing various aspects of her past and her personality is showing mind-blowing disloyalty to the hundreds of Royalists many of whom curtsied to her? No wonder Hapless and his narc wife show little regard for his family. They know their backs are covered.

Hikari said…
Fairy and all,

I just took a gander at the white potato sack dress pictures. Fairy nailed it in one when she called Meg The Invisible Man. Not an inch of her facial skin is visible… Which come to think of it is handy If she is covering up evidence of the latest cosmetic work. The tiny clear case she’s holding in her hand reminds me of the toothbrush kit I get twice a year from the dentist. When it was referred to as a “clear purse“, I had visions of a bigger bag with some kind of medical device inside. The British say purse when Americans use “wallet”; What us a purse is what they call a handbag. So as far as that goes, Meg might have been for a dental cleaning. It’s probably something topical from her plastic surgeon. I don’t really envision a fertility clinic passing out that kind of a kit. Who knows. I actually suspect that Meg had her tubes tied during the Trevor marriage because she absolutely did not want children interfering with her glamorous career, and all this peekaboo About is she or isn’t she pregnant again, ....”Again”...Is solely for attention.

That linen dress looks like a white garbage bag that has been cut even shorter for an asymmetrical hem. Funny how it dips well below the knee on the very slender 5’10” professional model wearing it in the side by side photo, but on 5’4” Megan in flats, It comes up way over her knobby knees. Either she’s hacked some off to make it shorter, or this crumpled mess is a hand sewn knock off. It’s an unflattering garment on her, but it is very typical Casual LA summer look. Most women would probably choose sandals or flip-flops with it, but Meg is very sensitive about her feet. Harry looks anything but some are cool in his typical “on a day pass from the drug rehab Centre” Ensemble. Back when his family and Her Majesty’s Armed Forces Were dressing him, Harry could look very spiffy. When he’s responsible for his own dress, He obviously doesn’t give a F. All his wardrobe Allowance has likely gone straight up his nose.

Guess Meg couldn’t organize any more food deliveries for shut-Ins. How desperate for any crumb of attention. My but don’t they look royal, our American Duchess and her Handbag. Getting standins for these two Wouldn’t be as easy as it seems, because they both have very weird, awkward ways of moving their bodies. Meg is always doing those artificial merching arms, While Harry Captured and pictures walking looks just like the characters in Beetle Bailey comics, With his lead foot nearly perpendicular to the ground and his whole sole visible. I feel compelled to mention that he looks like a scarecrow. Those jeans are practically hanging off of him and his legs are like sticks. Harry always had A more slender frame than William, but he used to have muscle. Not anymore. That vegan all cocaine diet has really melted all of that off.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
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Maneki Neko said…

Mentioning Lady C on Meghan's acting ambitions:

A story was planted by her ‘people’ that she had received many offers, none of which she would be considering as they were too ‘cheesy’ for someone of her stature.

Too cheesy?? Someone of her stature?? What? We're hardly talking Meryl Streep here, are we? Grilling burgers, anyone? Beverly Hills 90210?
@ Blithe Spirit

I will never believe the RF was blissfully unaware who Markle really was. If it is the case it gives me even more grounds for concern, for it demonstrates our own Head of State doesn't have any safety net or clue when it comes to making far reaching decisions. What could be more important to her than a new addition to the few who hold up the crown in UK? Who will represent the country to the world? Who will have a role in the Commonwealth?

I only recently realised how complicit the royals were in trying to sell Markle to us as something good and wholesome, while we could all see she was anything but.

It is consistent with years of lies about Andrew's great contribution to UK's business abroad in his role of trade envoy (they couldn't answer the Parliament about a single contract he helped to bring on) or what a great solder Harry was (American military were quite straightforward in getting rid of him)

The real Harry was quite an eye opener, so from now on I do not believe any spin that comes out of the Palace, unless it corresponds to what I can see myself. Royals lied to us and will lie in the future.

@ Lt. Nyota

I do not mean to lecture, sorry, but we shouldn't download a book from a pirate site, however attractive the instant access is. Many people here went this way only after paying for a legitimate copy but failing to get it due to delays in delivery, and I still don't feel it is right, as it gives boost to dubious people behind the site.

It is unfair to the author of the book.

We shouldn't do ourselves what we wouldn't approve in others. Wouldn't you agree?
just sayin' said…
Still pondering the ‘dentist office’ pap walk...

Is this a signal that she and JM are once again working together to merch?

Or is to show JM that she is no longer needed for MM’s merching game?

I can’t help but feel whatever the point of the pap walk, the timing must somehow be related to the lawsuit and the attention being given to the 5 friends right now.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Fairy Crocodile,

Yes, you're right -- I didn't think of that, as I have never downloaded either books or music in my life. This is a first. It won't happen again.

And you didn't "lecture," but very kindly offered a heads-up, and I appreciate it.
@Fairy Crocodile

Thank you for your comment about the book download. I feel the same way but wouldn’t have been able to express myself as well as you have.

My copy of Meghan and Harry: the real story finally arrived in my mailbox from the UK on Thursday—nearly two weeks after it had been shipped. My beach read! (Sans beach).
Miggy said…
@ Maneki Neko

Sarah Chatto was invited to William and Kate's wedding as Magatha confirmed:

Yes, of course she was... but as I explained, I thought Magatha was referring to Sarah Ferguson.

That vegan all cocaine diet has really melted all of that off. 😂
Maneki Neko said…

Sorry, I posted before reading your post to Magatha.
@ Blithe Spirit, Fairy

We’ve most definitely been sold PR fluff stories about Harry for most of his life. I remember last year other Nutties saying as much. Of course the royal family lie, most families do to protect their own. The royal have an image and have had to create a better facade for some family members. You don’t have to search too far or deeply to see Harry for who and what he truly is. He was caught smoking pot, he’s had a very public brawl with the press and of course the Las Vegas shenanigans! Goodness knows what truly happened there.....I think the recent Blind Gossip piece about the blow-up doll (!) was applicable to him and not his uncle Andrew.

These are the things we know of, there must be a cupboard full of antics and stories about the real Harry that have been kept hidden from public view and opinion. ;o) He met his match with Megsy. They both take it in turns to load and fire the gun.

I’m sure the royal family knew about Megsy, just how much remains subjective. I’m sure William had her true measure and Catherine too. I don’t think Prince Charles or The Queen are clueless either. However, Charles is weak and addled with guilt over the loss of their Mother and added to the fact he married a divorce himself it was probably harder for him to say no to his son. I still think Harry and Megsy had them over a barrel with the victim racist thing. They must have known she wasn’t suitable.....just how it got to become yes you can marry her is something we’ll probably never know in our lifetime.

I oscillate between them knowing and playing the long game so Harry would find out who he married (yes, even knowing Harry is no catch with his personality traits), versus they knew what she was about and they bought this onto themselves for not standing up to Harry and saying no you can’t marry her. :o/

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