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Open post: New developments in the Sussex saga

 I hope to write a new blog post in the next couple of days. 

Until then, here's a spot to discuss new developments in the Sussex saga. 


SDJ said…
I feel like MM is AUDITIONING HARD for a talk show.

Zoom appearances, two recent stints as an (cough) interviewer.

Its her only option to make money without working too hard.

And please please please, stay at home when Haryy & William unveil the Diana statue next year. Its not about you.
May I ask a question - how do you feel about Megs chance to show off on the balcony or anywhere with the rest of the royals after:

the book and it ridiculous contents
her statement she would never step into anything royal again
her open political campaigning in the States
her declarations she was forced out of the family
SwampWoman said…
Fairy Crocodile said...May I ask a question - how do you feel about Megs chance to show off on the balcony or anywhere with the rest of the royals after:

the book and it ridiculous contents
her statement she would never step into anything royal again
her open political campaigning in the States
her declarations she was forced out of the family

I'm going to MYOB on that one. While I'll be happy to opine on whether she was pregnant or whether there actually *is* a child, their punishment (or not) in the UK should be up to the UK, I believe. I will happily read the opinions of others, though!
none said…

I don't think she needs money because I believe she has backers. I think she needs projects, events, causes, anything to give her exposure and broaden her base.

@Fairy Crocodile

I'm of the opinion that Markle has no intention of ever returning to the UK in a Royal capacity. Perhaps representing the US in some way, but not as part of the Royal family.
SwampWoman said…
SDJ said: And please please please, stay at home when Haryy & William unveil the Diana statue next year. Its not about you.

I'm pretty sure that asking that she keep her butt home would be evidence of racism. It couldn't possibly be because she has to make everything about her. Hey, when she does show up, which Diana-style dress will she be emulating?
CatEyes said…
I suppose she may very well appear on a balcony at some royal event or in a carriage but as to whether she will show off, that is hardly likely. Even if she came dripping in jewels and a bespoke clothes from the biggest designers she is still just trash (hate to be so blunt and crass). Meghan might pull a whopping big pregnant belly-cupping moment and that might garner a little attention but it wouldn't capture the hearts and minds of the British public.

She is done and dusted in the UK. I wonder though if Harry might get some sympathy especially since he is alleged to having been visiting the UK since decamping to LA/Montecito. People might actually feel sorry for him even if it was his decision to leave and said many hurtful things. People may think he is under the spell of MM and can't do much about it being as there is a baby involved and Meghan has been so pushy in getting her way about things.

I read on the other thread about why Harry is keeping his Frogmore residence as his official abode due to the rules regarding succession etc.. Now it makes sense, and someone mention how that would be considered if a divorce occurred. Well that indeed changes things if if Harry is considered a continuous UK resident and lives officially at Frogmore with Archie. It would be a 'sticky wicket' for the judge to navigate through that complication if Meghan was a resident of Montecito and said Archie did too. I wouldn't place bets on either side as to who would win in a residency skirmish.
SwampWoman said…
@ Holly: Maybe a Democratic Prez will appoint her Ambassador to the UK!
none said…

Anything's possible! There was a time when I thought there would be a divorce and she would fade away. Now I think she will never go away. If it's true MWX stands for Markle Windsor Foundation and it's a legal go, that tells me she is here to stay. Grifters gotta grift!
xxxxx said…
Go see the northern lights Nutty. Do some laps with the Finlandia Laplanders. Their igloos must be melting in the summer sun. (humor) But the wild berries are all over the place.
Humor Me said…
Hooray - an opportunity to char about the "run it up the flag pole and sees if it flies" from Omid regarding the Harkles returning to the UK for a) the dedication of the statue of Diana and ahem, b) the Trooping of the Colors.
Okay - of course Harry should be present at the dedication of Diana's statue in the gardens she loved to visit. It would be odd if he were not present to honor his mother's memory.
As to Trooping the Color - of course they should go and watch it from the cubside like the thousands of British citizens and tourists are planning to do. To expect a carriage ride, honors and a balcony spot is preposterous.
The fact that Scobey floated it shows that they are testing the waters as to how much they can get away with. This visit is waaaaaay different from their "farewell" weekend. The 12 months of Megxit should have occured and Life may have changed dramatically for one or both of them.
luxem said…
I too thought she would never return to the UK when she flounced out in a huff. But she and Haz have sure held tightly to their QCT roles and their patronages. A few days ago we heard about how thrilled they were to be involved with "grandmother's" work and today Scooby says their patronages are "important" to them. Something has made them skittish. Is it because the money is not rolling in, not even trickling in, so they have to keep their least desired option of returning to the UK open? Or did someone, perhaps "Grandmother", remind them that they can't ignore their patronages if they expect to retain them, and the patronages are one of the few remaining connections the Harkles have to the BRF?

Remember Haz's face vs. her face at the last event in Westminster. She was completely unfazed about the angst she caused, while Haz looked like he would burst out crying. She doesn't care what they think and they know whatever they say to her will hit the press within days. They can't say "no", so they will have to grit their teeth and get on with it. I could see her bringing "Archie" to the balcony, pushing her way up front "so Archie can see" and upstaging the entire event with her antics.
I can't figure the whole Doria thing out. Jewelry designer? After: make up artist, travel agent, social worker, prop when needed, unemployed. And yet where are her visible means of income to support herself or is she totally supported by the HAMS (i.e. UK taxpayers)????? And what about her "partner" or roommate???? Still living in Doria's house while she lives in a mansion?
abbyh said…

I agree about the types of video as audition tapes. Whether or not anyone is interested in her to do that is a different comment (not convinced many are all that interested).

Balcony - oh my.

Do I think she would talk of trying to show? Maybe to a strong maybe if she thinks it would benefit her in some manner (either as a show off how I've been successful or as a way to try to stir the pot). If they made an early show, I could see some booing might be discouraging though.

I could easily see there be some strong discussions (behind the scenes) about this as not very appropriate (for the BRF and for the country). They may even already be discussing this proactively considering they may need to plan for a funeral (hope not soon by any means but being realistic).
Cass said…
Mayhem probably has her on the payroll as “nanny” ”Spiritual Advisor” or “ Referee”
Cass said…
Wouldn’t a clear, close up, not photoshopped (copyrighted) picture of Oprah holding baby Archie have made a ton of money for Tweedledee and Tweedledumb?
Cass said…
Oh, scratch thT last comment. They would both have to be wearing a mask and I don’t think the baby would hold still for that!
CookieShark said…
I think she is trying for Oprah/GOOP lifestyle interview etc etc. But personally I think she missed the mark with Gloria. She wants the moment to be so iconic but she kicks off her shoes and looks at her phone. All of her interviews come off as self promotion. When you read transcripts of what she says, it really makes no sense.
lizzie said…
@Cass wrote:

"Wouldn’t a clear, close up, not photoshopped (copyrighted) picture of Oprah holding baby Archie have made a ton of money for Tweedledee and Tweedledumb?"

I guess. But Oprah isn't the draw she used to be. At all. And would Oprah do that? I know sometimes she seems to sell her soul but would she let someone else sell it? Even for a split of the profits? There's the Netflix project with Harry still lurking about and maybe she had a hand in their borrowing TP's house plus the rumor they stayed on her estate while painting most surfaces inside their new house white. But she hasn't really been out there cheerleading for them now that they are on her home turf.
Hikari said…
Apropos of the last threads discussion about megs pregnancy, I stumbled into this just now over on Tumblr bloggerDeceitful Duchess—
A rare screenshot of the post on the KP Instagram stating that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex used a surrogate. This was posted briefly on the evening after the Sussex birth announcement Sh^t show And quickly deleted.

Perhaps a junior staffer Meg sh@t on was getting his/her revenge. Or perhaps someone rather more senior, like the Duke of Cambridge, frustrated with official channels, Was getting the truth out there. Since it was not the official position of the Palace that Meg had not given birth Earlier that day, the posting was not allowed to stand. But it was seen and has been preserved in situ. Not impossible to perpetrate a hoax; Nevertheless profoundly interesting.

greataustralianbight: skippyv20: Oh yes….and then deleted right away!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Looks like someone had fun! I would bet good money a pissed off staff...

Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Just saw this on The Mirror (exclusive) --

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to be offered Spotify megadeal for exclusive podcasts

(No Scoobie Doo reference, tho -- only "sources" and "an insider")
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Hikari -- If true, which it looks it, Whoa!
KCM1212 said…
@Lt Uhura

That looks a lot like her other trial ballons, Uhura.
Firstly, it hasnt happened yet, they are going to make an offer soon

“The Duke and Duchess have been on their hit list for a
while and a detailed proposal is set to be presented to
Meghan’s US agent in a matter of weeks.”

Secondly, its riddled with outright lies designed to make MM look good:

"Media firms have clamoured to hire the couple"

"An insider said: “Of course, money is no object. Meghan
Markle will be more or less able to name her price for
exclusively working with them on a podcast series."

Finally, critcially:
"The platform signed former US First Lady Michelle Obama
and now hopes for similar success with lifestyle chat
from the Duke and Duchess of Sussex."

If Michelle Obama has i t, Megsy wants it.

I could hardly read that tripe without gagging.
Fifi LaRue said…
Markle seems to be hooking up with the Russians; i.e., the house in Vancouver, and now the Montecito monstrosity. I just wonder exactly and specifically what Meg has to do in order to get those houses. Thinking Harry has already been cucked over multiple times.
Unknown said…
Hi Nutties,

Anyone who hasn't already, I would appreciate it if you commented about your feelings about Constant Moderation. I *will not* publish your feedback so please feel free to be candid in your messages.

Also, I would appreciate ideas about what Nutties would prefer if I cannot maintain frequent check-ins. Right now my frequency is 8-12 times daily. What is acceptable if I can only check once daily or not at all certain days?

Thanks for your help & patience!
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Fifi LaRue said...
Markle seems to be hooking up with the Russians; i.e., the house in Vancouver, and now the Montecito monstrosity. I just wonder exactly and specifically what Meg has to do in order to get those houses. Thinking Harry has already been cucked over multiple times.

Those Russian women are quite beautiful...not sure that anything that MM can provide is worth millions. Information, maybe; influence, maybe; money laundering, maybe.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Charade: Your moderation is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

@ SwampWoman: Yeah, there's something hinky going on. Markle is not beautiful, nor influential enough to rate such glorious living arrangements.
Unknown said…

Just a reminder that Constant Moderation is on indefinitely. Every post you publish in the Comment Box is screened by me. Nothing will be published unless I approve it. If you want to send me or Nutty a message that you do not want published, feel free to indicate so in the first line of the Comment.

I highly recommend every Nuttie get a screen name. Neither Nutty nor I have access to your IP or email information. We just see your user name. If you wish to be extra cautious, you may use a gmail account and username you use only for Nutty's blog.

Thanks again for your time and patience!
Unknown said…
I also want to make clear that I cannot edit your posts. I can only approve or delete your comments.
Unknown said…
Lastly, during Constant Moderation, no one will receive email notifications of comments except messages from me or Nutty.
Lol regarding this huge Spotify deal. Michelle Obama is one thing but even very popular podcasters (like #1 on iTunes) who go exclusive w Spotify don’t make that much money directly from Spotify. I think the content market has seen Netflix’s error in spending crazy money for less than amazing material and if something does transpire on this I bet the only $$ they’ll get is advertising share and a small fee for signing/exclusivity. These articles are so ridiculous and I feel any major company legitimately trying to sign talent would see this as the junior varsity nonsense it is. Like from someone who thinks they know how to negotiate but cannot. Either way it’s funny how the hopes have been revised down to podcasting - not that it’s not a great thing to do, it’s just not an A list movie role or chat show gig, it’s a revision downward again. I guess it’s a good thing my expectations were always low! A podcast is a step up from the reality crap I feel certain will inevitably happen. Privacy!!
Charade said, May I ask a question - how do you feel about Megs chance to show off on the balcony or anywhere with the rest of the royals after:

the book and it ridiculous contents
her statement she would never step into anything royal again
her open political campaigning in the States
her declarations she was forced out of the family.

I cannot even begin to contemplate them being seen with the royal family ever again. It’s a horrid and ridiculous notion after all what has gone on. Yesterday it was reported they are going to spend an extended time overhere next year. They should be stopped at the airport and sent to somewhere, where there’s no internet, 4G or media.
Sandie said…
There is a photo of Harry and Meghan having lunch at an outdoor restaurant that is popping up on social media sites. A photo captures a moment, but Harry does not look happy at all. She is wearing a hat and has a huge glass of wine in front of her. The photo is real and portrays Meghan's ideal life (just without the adoring companion).
Sandie said…
Meghan is not involved with MWX.

Sussex Royal Foundation was renamed MWX Foundation, but it is in liquidation and when it was renamed, everyone resigned as trustees and directors except Harry. Meghan is not connected to the MWX Foundation.

MWX Trading Limited is a private company that was set up way before Megxit and looks very shady. Sussex Royal has a controlling interest and is majority shareholder, but Sussex Royal is being liquidated and has been renamed. The only people named connected to this odd company that was registered are Natalie Campbell (resigned) and James Holt (he who has been passing confidential information to Scobie for Meghan).

There is no Meghan in MWX.
Maneki Neko said…
This is in the Express, whether it's believable I don't know. Perhaps American Nutties would know.

Prince Harry is likely to use the Invcitus Games to qualify for a key tax loophole, a tax and immigration expert told

Harry will likely get a special type of visa so as not to avoid paying tax in the US, Canadian tax adviser David Lesperance explained. This visa is called the O non-immigrant visa and is given to individuals with extraordinary ability or achievement in their field. The main achievement Harry could use to argue that he deserves this visa is the Invictus Games, an international multi-sport event he founded and runs, in which wounded, injured or sick armed service personnel and veterans compete in nine adaptive sports such as wheelchair basketball.

Harry is likely to choose this route to avoid becoming what is known as a ‘US person for tax purposes’.

For a person to be taxed in the US they need to be considered a ‘US person for tax purposes’, which means being a citizen like Meghan, a green card holder or passing the substantial presence test.

Green card holders have the equivalent status as those with indefinite leave to remain in the UK, which Meghan could sponsor Harry for.

The substantial presence test counts the days you have been in the US and if you meet certain criteria you count as having residency in the US and liable to pay tax there.

What on earth could the Harkles bring to the White House?

Harry may like the idea of being First Man/Gentleman/Bloke/Guy of the US and she'd love the international stage but the thought of her having executive power is terrifying.

Please let it be only her fantasy.


If she did try to take `her place' at the Diana unveiling/ToC, would it reveal her hypocrisy to the world or would the sugars see it as vindication?
Blogger Raspberry Ruffle said...

`Yesterday it was reported they are going to spend an extended time over here next year. They should be stopped at the airport...'

Sadly, if they came by PJ, they could sneak in at a small airfield where checks are minimal/ non-existent.

I pray that they are forestalled, on the grounds that their presence is not conducive to the good of the nation.

(Second thoughts about why they use PJs for international flights: are they scared of British authorities trying to seize Archie - there were rumours of custody battles a while back.

Another reason for their fleeing the UK in Jan - if A was here, did they want him out of the country before Charles ascended the Throne and A fell under the provisions of the law?)
Raspberry Ruffle said...
Charade said, May I ask a question - how do you feel about Megs chance to show off on the balcony...

My answer: nauseated.
Longview said…

Just a thought...

The 'X' in MWX may mean 'Cross', because that's exactly what it is, a cross.

Could MWX mean "Make Windsors Cross" or "Make William Cross?

i.e. it is a foundation/company designed to p*ss off the RF and support every unacceptable thing Mrs. Common and Mr. Wealth want to do as so-called members of the RF?
none said…

The linked article discusses various meanings of MWX. The M could be for Markle or Mountbatten. Who knows at this point.

This part though I found interesting...

Mountbatten-Windsor applies to male-line descendants of the Queen without royal styles and titles. "Individuals with royal styles do not usually use it." The expert added the Duke appears to be using his family name for commercial reasons.
Magatha Mistie said…

Dean Martin “That’s Amore”

When the smirk hit her face
As she blamed all on race
That’s Amoral
When her bump seemed to grow
Then deflate in slow-mo
That’s Amoral
Whose bell did she ding
To get that ring o bling thing
That’s Amoral
Sylvia said…
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry 'set to be offered seven-figure Spotify megadeal for exclusive podcasts' following Michelle Obama's project with streaming service
By Bridie Pearson-jones For Mailonline
10:32, 30 Aug 2020 , updated 10:36, 30 Aug 2020

Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 39, reportedly set to be offered 'megadeal'
Spotify insider said Duchess could 'name her price' and 'money was no object'
Follows soaring success of Michelle Obama's podcast on the streaming service
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly set to be offered a seven figure deal to produce podcasts for Spotify.

Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 39, who are currently living in their $14 million mansion in Santa Barbara, having officially stepped back from royal duty seeking financial independence in March.

The streaming giant, which is worth £22bn, are hoping to sign the royal couple following the success of The Michelle Obama podcast, which launched last month, and has been a huge ratings hit.

Sources told the Mirror that money is 'no object' for Spotify and Meghan would be able to 'more or less name her price'.

Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 39, are reportedly set to be offered a seven figure deal to produce podcasts for Spotify (They are pictured on Zoom call last month) +8
Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 39, are reportedly set to be offered a seven figure deal to produce podcasts for Spotify (They are pictured on Zoom call last month)
An insider said: 'The Duke and Duchess have been on their hit list for a while and a detailed proposal is set to be presented to Meghan's US agent in a matter of weeks.'

Rumors of Harry and Meghan seeking to gain a foothold in Hollywood have run rampant ever since the couple announced their plans to quit as senior royals, seek financial independence and move to North America in January
Magatha Mistie said…

OT @Maneki

My mum loved Ethel and Ernest, cheers.
Sylvia said…
*Apologies for the DM repeat article copied posted by me as it was referred to a
already thread by other posters
Magatha Mistie said…

Surely madam won’t attend next years Trooping of colours.
racist connotations in the name?
Catlady1649 said…
@ Sandie
Which sites are showing the pic ?
Sandie said…
Someone loves to circulate rumours that then become headlines in tabloids.

The Queen is getting a special cake baked for Meghan's birthday. Nope. Perhaps Harry asked the kitchen staff at Windsor Castle to bake a cake for her (gosh, with all her pretentious fussiness that must have been a nightmare). The Sussexes did have meals prepared for them in the Castle kitchen and that was round about the time of the arrival of Archie.

The Queen has invited the Sussexes to Balmoral and will be her special guests there this summer. Nope. The Queen invites everyone in her close and extended family to Balmoral. Her staff sort out the logistics of dates and accommodation. The Sussexes never accepted the invite and the Queen had to phone personally to confirm that the invitation had been declined as the Sussexes were stonewalling her staff and probably messing up arrangements for everyone.

And so on ...

Other than the Sussexes, no one at Kensington Palace, Clarence House and Buckingham Palace (or wherever the Queen is residing) wants Meghan at a dedication ceremony for the memorial statue of Diane, or on the balcony for TTC, or at any other official family gatherings. As it is, Meghan did her public engagement photo call in the Diane memorial garden. I doubt that she had permission from anyone except Harry for that. I suspect that Harry would prefer Meghan to not be there but she has no shame and would push her way in (clinging onto Harry and producing those instant fake tears). Surely no one in Harry's family falls for her act anymore? However, if William wants Catherine and any of his children at the ceremony, how does he keep Meghan away?
Magatha Mistie said…

Humpt then Dumpt

Meggar the beggar sat on her all
Meggar the beggar is up for a fall
All the Queens counsel
And all her grey men
Couldn’t stop Meggar up, yet again!

JHanoi said…
MM at Diana’s statue unveiling

sandie -good points!
PH would want MM theree. Didn’t she vow never to step foot back in the UK. but that will be thrown out the window for photo ops and self promotion, anything to get into the Press.
she’d use the ceremony to take focus away from Diana or glom onto Diana’s memory and use it to draw comparisions between the two.
at least trooping of the color is easier to manage. either don’t include them at he ceremony as they’ve quit public functions or send them to an end balcony with RandyAndy. Hahaha. but they’d probably make a scene behind the scenes and push their way to the middle/ front
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
KCM1212 said...
@Lt Uhura

That looks a lot like her other trial ballons, Uhura.
(Good point)

I could hardly read that tripe without gagging. (You and me both!)

So, grain of salt duly taken. Good thing Nutties like you are around to inject some common sense!

Fifi LaRue said...

Markle seems to be hooking up with the Russians; i.e., the house in Vancouver, and now the Montecito monstrosity. I just wonder exactly and specifically what Meg has to do in order to get those houses. Thinking Harry has already been cucked over multiple times.

I agree with you that the Russians have been bankrolling the whole Markle and Harry's Big Adventure. Dunno if sex w/Markle is the quid pro quo w/the Russians -- she's well long in the tooth for those guys, who like them very young. But now she's got that royal "cachet," so maybe they're looking for some kind of influence to get investigators in UK and US off their backs. Not likely, but that's the best I can come up with. As for Harry, he himself used to be quite the lad about town -- tho nowadays he doesn't seem to be given enough time to sleep around.
JHanoi said…
Spotify - Harkles

it is true that Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, etc are rolling in money and looking for content so at one time they were greenlighting all kinds of crap. With Covid there’s a good chance that still may be true as people are spending lots of time at home and those services are probably booming and need content since everythng is on hold. but are the Harkles a good buy or is this more BS from their publicist?

if they are copying Michelles game plan for success, and have nothing new or different to add, don’t they then become competition for her?
and Michelle O is loved, The Harkles, not so much.

isnt Spotify JayZ’s service that enty used to write about? Is JayZ going to put her on air, didn’t MM try to snatch one of Bey’s Disney jobs?

Publicly, Hollyweird supports the Sussexes, who had to flew the oppressive grey suits and deary family in order to be happy and make their own way in the world. but privately, aren’t they backstabbing them like they do all their friends, as they climb the knife handles to the top?
The Harkles are more competition for the limited resources, parts, money out in LALA land.

SwampWoman said…
Sylvia said...
Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 39, reportedly set to be offered 'megadeal'
Spotify insider said Duchess could 'name her price' and 'money was no object'
Follows soaring success of Michelle Obama's podcast on the streaming service
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are reportedly set to be offered a seven figure deal to produce podcasts for Spotify.

My gracious! Would that be enough to pay the taxes, utilities and insurance on their house?
SwampWoman said…
Magatha Mistie, I shall be singing "That's Amoral" all morning!
Sorry, I meant to quote Fairy Crocodile in my comment and not Charade. It was early morning my time. ;o)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@Magatha Mistie -- Heeeee! You deserve to be in print everywhere, but we lucky ones enjoy every last gem you compose! :)
WBBM said, Sadly, if they came by PJ, they could sneak in at a small airfield where checks are minimal/ non-existent.

It doesn’t matter whether they arrive by private jet or at any of the smaller air strips. Officials would still know they were arriving, so they could be escorted somewhere else. The Duo could hardly hide out. ;o)

I think they definitely fled the UK, I think it was done in a cowardly manner through. Their reasons? Many. They have no reason to come back only to see if they can still bank on Prince Charles for more money. Neither care about family or in-laws.
@ Sandie: That's always been MM's modus operandi, float a rumour about something she wants to attend in the hope that an invitation will be forthcoming. Remember that Doria was supposed to spend Christmas at Sandringham with the Sussexes and the Queen? When MM was going to present the Oscar for Best Picture at the Academy Awards? How she would be the guest of honour at the Met Gala? There are other examples, but the latest rumours are just more PR from MM, once again angling for an invite.
Sandie said…
The Tumblr account Tiaras and Houseplants (anonymousehouseplantfan) has the photo of Harry and Meghan lunching at the Stonehouse Restaurant at San Ysidro Ranch. It was posted 28 August. scroll through posts and you will find I. Sorry but can't post links yet!
Fairy Crocodile said…
What is Spotify? If this is some online music/film hub I don't see much about it. Megsy is nearly 40. She is not a star, not a singer, not a pop idol. Harry is a non entity from the start.

Spotify using them exactly for what? Adverts? Please help because I genuinly don't understand what they can bring.

The wider world does not care.
Maneki Neko said…
@Magatha 1.27pm


Thanks. Glad your mum enjoyed the book, I hope it was a nice trip down memory lane for her.
Miggy said…

The photo of Harry and Meghan lunching at the Stonehouse Restaurant is a gem.

He has a face like thunder and she's wearing her yachting hat! :)
Magatha Mistie said…

@SwampWoman & @Lt. Nyota 😉

I believe they were booted out.
I don’t believe they will be back, Harry? Not her.
Here's another article on "X", and it's various meanings, by a marketing expert. I'm thinking it may mean "nexus" or "crossroads," although the author has various other meanings behind the letter. It is also the letter that people use who can't write their name. Archie?:

"What I might offer is that the idea of the X — the X-Factor — is that the power of the character lies in the method by which it is drawn — it crosses space, it marks time, it defines confluence, things come together, intersect then depart, it flattens the dimensional and it creates visionary form where the imagination strikes."

As for her showing up at Trooping of the Color, I say let her. Then, the world will hear a cacophany of boos that she and Harry so rightly deserve. Of course, to MM, any booing will come from racists, but the world knows better.

The Spotify deal has all of the hallmarks of a PR press release. There is no source named, and a Spotify spokesman wouldn't comment. Again, there's a comparison to Michelle Obama, and no offer from Spotify has been made yet. This is just a fantasy article on what may come to be, which is nothing until it actually happens.

I'm thinking of flapping my wings and flying to the moon, but it doesnt mean that it will happen.

Even if the Spotify deal happens, how big will her audience be, as she has proven to be a completely self-centered interviewer. How many people really care what she says and will sit through that horrible voice of hers and 30 minutes of her word salad? I doubt that having famous guests would help. Knowing how universally disliked MM is, unlike Michelle Obama, would Spotify really gamble on a million dollar deal with MM? She hasn't proved that she has any tangible worth, yet, in any section of the entertainment or political worlds.

And. finally, most podcasters get on Spotify for free- free to the podcaster and free to Spotify, which I think would be the case if MM shows up on a Spotify podcast. She will get no money from Spotify. Here's a link showing how to easily do it:

Many podcaster that I listen to read ads on their podcasts from smaller companies who sell things such as mattresses, bed pillows, and fresh food deliveries. I'm sure that you've heard them, too, and they make little money for the podcasters. MM would have to dig deeply to get ads on her podcast that come from major companies with money to spend on a new podcast that has yet to prove its worth. Most podcasters are also on Google Play, ITunes and Tune In- all free to the host, like Spotify.

Maneki Neko said…
I don't think H&M have been/will be invited at Trooping the Colours, let alone appear on the balcony. In any case, they aren't really part of the BRF any more, only in name, and remember they are actually refugees from the UK and the BRG, fleeing persecution and racism, so how could they come back? Has Harry applied for refugee status in the US yet? And they have backed themselves, MM especially, into a corner with their accusations, so it might be a bit difficult and hypocritical of them to come back on BRF business.

As for the unveiling of Diana's statue, the harpy has no business being there whatsoever.

In any case, for both events a lot will have happened by then (MoS case, US elections, megxit review) which probably won't help them.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Fairy Crocodile said...

What is Spotify? If this is some online music/film hub I don't see much about it. Megsy is nearly 40. She is not a star, not a singer, not a pop idol. Harry is a non entity from the start.

Spotify using them exactly for what? Adverts? Please help because I genuinly don't understand what they can bring.

The wider world does not care.


Spotify is just one of many outfits competing for listenership, but one of the biggest. The Harkles will have to go up against such personalities as Jimmy Fallon, Lady Gaga ... and, yes, the Obamas. (Hmmmm. Taco lunches and "inspirational" gushings. No coincidences there, oh, no!)

Somehow, I really don't see the Harkles cracking the tens of thousands of listeners, much less the millions Spotify would obviously want to earn a profit. That's pretty obvious. And as you say, for what? Word salad "interviews?" Adverts? (so far they're "beneath them," but the cash will call, if it hasn''t already.)

I smell the not-so-fine hand of the Russians at work again, somehow. That is IF, and only if, this story is for real. The Harkles' PR flack probably was told by Spotify that, "Don't call us, we'll call you" translates into "..... they said We'll call you! equals "An "offer." Voila! Textbook PR sleight-of-hand.
JHanoi said…
my bad, Spotify is not JayZ’s music app. JayZ’s is called Tidal.
Sandie said…
Spotify is a commercial Swedish company with offices around the world (seems only New York in the US). It streams music for subscribers and from its promotional material, it is clear that it is aimed at a young audience (not Meghan young but teens and twenties). It does also stream podcasts.

138 million subscribers
299 million active monthly users
60 million tracks
92 million markets (how they calculate that I do not know)

I think Meghan would be very lucky to get 1 million followers on Spotify, but with her popularity so low that would be gold for her. Since Spotify is a commercial company, she would have to make money for them through advertisements.

Perhaps she could get a cult following as a comedy act? Irreverent and bright youngsters could have a lot of fun with her pretentious word salad!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
From the newest Harry Markle blog --

(By the way, if the video makers of Sussex Daily News are reading, the world knows that you are unethical frauds when you read out my last article verbatim on YouTube (and others) and passed it off as your own, and made money through ad revenue. We know you are Vietnamese scammers pretending to be in the USA, and I’ll let Karma do the rest.)

Anyone know to which YouTube she's referring?
Blogger Raspberry Ruffle said...
WBBM said, Sadly, if they came by PJ, they could sneak in at a small airfield where checks are minimal/ non-existent.

It doesn’t matter whether they arrive by private jet or at any of the smaller air strips. Officials would still know they were arriving, so they could be escorted somewhere else

I stand corrected, must be getting confused with the allegations I've heard of ex-pats, supposedly resident `abroad' for tax-purposes but allowed in the UK for no more than a specified duration of stay, taking off late one evening, flying around for a bit, thereby exiting British airspace, then landing back where they started sometime after midnight.

It's pushing the law to the limit but nobody queries it. Presumably they get away with it because they've technically left the UK.
I think I may have figured the Spotify deal out. To get on Spotify for free, you must have a first episode already in the can. I think MM's "interview" with Gloria is the first episode. MM will call her podcast "A Backyard Chat With MM," a play on President Roosevelt's famous Fireside Chats. She will not be paid by Spotify, but it will be a place for her to spout all of her word salad political views, thinking that this will be a way toward running for political office, and eventually, the White House.

Spotify, along with bringing back The Tig, which will focus on her "expertise" in all of the finer things in life- decor, fashion, makeup, wellness, wine, travel, restaurants, etc., she's covered just about everything. Any expenses for this will be tax deductible, including travel by private jets and free hotels.

With a political podcast, and The Tig for merching, she believes she will have saturated the market, will become an international influencer and will make boatloads of money.

MM is delusional. She doesn't have the market for any of this because she is highly unlikable. People just don't care what she has to say, except for a few sugars who believe she will become either The Queen or POTUS.
@Fairy Croc,

Spotify is a streaming service where people can put up their own podcasts on any subject from curated music playlists to crime to knitting. I believe there is a Spotify Premium that you have to pay for to get extra content, but most people just listen to the free podcasts.
NeutralObserver said…
Have no idea what the Harkles will do next. They don't seem to have the discipline or skills necessary to do anything really successfully. They seem to be trying to get some sort of re-entry into the RF. Perhaps they realize where they were better off. Not sure how that would work, although, as Nutties have pointed out, Charles seems incapable of keeping them in check enough to stop them from embarrassing the monarchy.

My streaming service keeps showing an ad for an HGTV show which stars a young couple who look a lot like Hegs & Megs, at least, superficially. If this couple hadn't gotten there first, the Harkles could have done a home improvement show. It would have to be played for laughs, of course. I think a lot of viewers around the world would enjoy watching Harry trying to hang some dry wall.
HappyDays said…
A second dose of the Sussexes at the school supply event has been released today, which prompted me to take a look at this charity and why it apparently merited a second media release by the Sussexes, this time with video.

This is a slightly deep dive into the background and template of how Meghan networks. NOTE: This comment contains a lot of information, so I will have to post it in multiple parts.

From a previous thread by tatty:
‪tatty said....‬
The Sussex’s involvement with baby2baby goes back to when Archie was born, May 2019.

@Tatty: Your research is a piece in the Megxit puzzle for those of us, including me, who believe that Meghan staged the biggest snatch and grab of the century of a royal title and all the goodies that go with it.

Meghan, with her dimwit power source Harry, even outdoes Wallis and Edward in that for the most part, the Windsors stayed in the background and did not appear to be publicly working to enrich themselves while also inflicting heavy damage upon the monarchy, if not completely end it.

Tatty’s info that Baby2Baby was involved in events around Archie’s birth, plus the fact that Meghan left her pre-Harry American professional support team in a sort of holding pattern until she returned to LA with a royal title, Harry, and Archie less than two years after the wedding says a lot.

To be specific, she stalked and manipulated Harry into marriage specifically to advance herself in America and worldwide, NOT the UK or Commonwealth. She never intended to stay in the UK after she locked down Harry with a wedding and a quick baby.

Living in the UK or the Commonwealth to build a life of service in partnership with Harry and teaming with the royal family was the LAST thing on her mind.

Say what you want about her, Meghan is an expert at networking, and in some ways, playing the long game. I wrote some ways, because the narcissistic personality disorder affecting Meghan that drives her to be so calculating also causes her to make some incredibly bad decisions because she also believes herself to be smarter than everyone.

Her ability to research and identify key people, then network her way to establishing transactional friendships with those people to use them to to march into Harry’s life and immediately seize total control can be called nothing less than masterful. It’s evil, but it was still masterful. Hitler is probably applauding her from hell.
HappyDays said…
Getting Baby2Baby involved in events linked to Archie’s birth laid the groundwork for Meghan to establish a relationship with this LA-based charity. Astonishingly, before he was even born, Meghan was already using Archie as a means to target and establish a relationship with this influential and key charity.

This strategic move was no less happenstance than Harry describing the beginning of their relationship in the BBC engagement interview:

“The fact that I fell in love with Meghan so incredibly quickly was sort of confirmation to me that all the stars were aligned, everything was just perfect. It was this beautiful woman just sort of literally tripped and fell into my life, I fell into her life.”

Oh, Harry, too bad you couldn’t see what many others saw in your future!

Like her marriage to Harry, the connection to Baby2Baby was a calculated and strategic move aimed at benefitting Meghan’s overall life/career plan. Nothing else, no one else. It’s all about Meghan.

As pretty much everyone here knows, Meghan doesn’t do anything that isn’t premeditated, calculated, and carefully planned to benefit herself, including “charity work.” Of course, her favorite charity is Meghan.

With a narcissist, relationships of any type are always transactional. No freebies, or Meghan’s mother once told her, and I’m paraphrasing here, Don’t do anything for anybody unless you get something in return.

As with Project Angel Food, the charity they delivered meals for in mid-April, which counts Adam Sandler, David Furnish, Bryce Dallas Howard, Charlize Theron, and Denzel Washington as some of its celebrity supporters, there is a specific reason why they showed up at the Baby2Baby school supply event.

Besides being a vehicle for Meghan to keep herself and Harry in the public arena by releasing the still images August 21st and now more coverage via the video release on August 30, another perhaps far more important benefit is they used this event as an avenue for the Sussexes to reap additional personal benefits via networking and schmoozing for their dreams of becoming Hollywood bigshots by targeting Kelly Sawyer Patricof and Norah Weinstein, the two women who head this charity.
HappyDays said…
So just who are the two women running Baby2Baby?

Let’s take a look at Kelly Sawyer Patricof and Norah Weinstein, the two women at the helm of Baby2Baby and their connections in Hollywood and beyond.

This is from a New York Times Style section story in March 2015.

“Kelly Sawyer Patricof - She is married to Jamie Patricof, a MOVIE PRODUCER (caps mine) and a son of the venture capital tycoon Alan Patricof. Their Hollywood bungalow and Malibu beach house come stocked with two darling daughters, a blue-chip art collection (a Rauschenberg here, a Serra there) and charming tchotchkes.”

How convenient that Kelly’s husband is a bigshot producer. Meghan and Harry just happen to have a project(s) they want to produce!

Here’s a bit about Norah Weinstein: from Haute, where she was described as a “philanthropy power player” in a November 24, 2015 article:

“Weinstein, an attorney, previously practiced law at Skadden Arps Slate Meager & Flom and worked for the Clinton Administration in the Oval Office of the White House. She and her husband Brian reside in Los Angeles with their two children, Sloane and Graham.”

But there’s more about Norah to really make Meghan salivate — Norah’s husband Brian. Check out the recent work history of Norah’s husband, Brian Weinstein:

Variety June 13, 2017
HEADLINE: Bad Robot Names Brian Weinstein President and COO

“Bad Robot has named Brian Weinstein as its new president and chief operating officer.
Working closely with co-CEOs J.J. Abrams and Katie McGrath, Weinstein will oversee Bad Robot’s daily operations and spearhead the company’s growth strategy in its existing businesses, while developing new areas of expansion across the entire Bad Robot platform and pursuing alternative financing options.

Weinstein comes to Bad Robot from CAA (Creative Artists Agency where he most recently served as Head of Global Client Strategy, executing corporate and diversification strategies for the agency and its clients. Weinstein has also served as one of Bad Robot’s reps alongside the rest of the CAA team for several years.

Here are some additional notes about Bad Robot Productions from its Wikipedia page:

Bad Robot is an American film and television production company led by J. J. Abrams. Under its Bad Robot Productions division, the company is responsible for the television series Alias, Lost, Fringe, Person of Interest, Revolution and Westworld alongside the feature-length films Cloverfield, Star Trek, Super 8, Star Trek Into Darkness, Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol, Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, Star Wars Episodes VII and IX, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Star Trek Beyond, The Cloverfield Paradox, Mission: Impossible – Fallout, and Overlord.

Here are some additional notes about Creative Artists Agency:

CAA, full name Creative Artists Agency, is one of the largest talent management agencies in the entertainment business. Among the many A-listers it represents and manages are the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Simon Cowell, David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Derek Jeter, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Stevie Wonder, and Harry Styles. Of special interest to Meghan: Clients also include the creators of hundreds of shows including American Idol, the CSI franchise, Two and a Half Men, Glee, Grey’s Anatomy, House, 30 Rock, The Amazing Race and Lost.

It seems like Meghan and Harry are looking to get quite a return on their investment of handing out pencils and backpacks, visiting the Homeboy bakery, and delivering a few meals for Project Angel Food.

Of course, they always have a personal photographer in tow so they can tacitly convey to the Hollywood movers and shakers affiliated with these and any other charities they come in contact with: “Look at all the free media attention we got for your charity. You now owe us. A meeting with people who can help with our project would be a suitable repayment of this favor.”
Sylvia said…
@Fairy Crocodile
Spotify using them exactly for what? Adverts? Please help because I genuinly don't understand what they can bring
I had to look it up too I agree with you
'Spotify using them exactly for what? Adverts? Please help because I genuinly don't understand what they can bring'
'If you're only using Instagram and Twitter to stay connected with your favorite celebrities, then you're totally missing out on another social media that's even more interesting: Spotify. Sure, the music streaming platform isn't helpful when it comes to getting pictures of the stars or any of their witty thoughts, but you do get something better, 'and that's their SOUL'
As dramatic as that
sounds, it's true. Listening to your favorite artists on Spotify is all well and good, but listening to what they're listening to? That's some next-level inception. And it's not just singers! Aaaaall your fave celebs are using Spotify, be they actors or writers or former presidents of the United States. They're making playlists and creating mixes left and right, and it's more revealing than you think. We now know what author Stephanie Danler listens to when she writes bestsellers like Sweetbitter thanks to her playlist "Writing 1," and what Ashton Kutcher puts on when he works out thanks to his playlist "work out
Miggy said…
New vomit inducing article from the DM.

'It is fantastic': Prince Harry says he is 'loving' new life in the US and reveals he wants to teach Archie to play rugby in the garden of his $14 million Santa Barbara mansion during video call.

KCM1212 said…

I live in a city known for music. Many amazing songwriters here.

You would make a fortune.

@Lt Uhura

I'm very much afraid the Harkles do have the brass cajones
to show up at the Diana unveiling and even TOTC. Perhaps the Queen will not invite them to the balcony. I can't imagine Andrew will show up there. But the Harkles have no shame. At all. I truly think they believe their every action was honest, appropriate, and someone-elses-fault. They are Charlie Sheen's version of "winning".

If Harry can't prance about in his uniform, he may try to avoid the event, but MM will insist. Perhaps she can design him a pseudo-uniform to wear.

I would dearly love to see some type of mass protest. Like the entire crowd turn their backs en masse. Or no crowd shows up. At all.

But of course the Harkles would think a protest was directed elsewhere and its unlikely to happen in any event. Perhaps a petition will be started.

Like this article, we will be subjected to a metric sh*t-ton of news items designed to measure the UKs willingness to have them show up and another ton of articles showing how beloved they are of the RF, and how supportive they are of the Harkles every move to date. Its so wearyingly predictable.

The Duchess of Propaganda has just gotten started.
Sylvia said…
@Fairy Crocodile

It's still in press reports, that mocking photo - whoops! Couldn't have happened to nicer people...
Girl with a Hat said…
I really don't think that Meghan is involved with Russians.

Russians couldn't care less about these people or the US government.

Some Russians are fabulously wealthy and Russia is more involved with China now that the US has turned its back on the country. The Russians have managed very well after US sanctions. In fact, the country is booming thanks to the Chinese.

Russians have their own rich and famous, and if you go anywhere like Miami, Monaco, St Moritz, you will see that they stick to their own and do very little mingling with other people.

Trust me. I've grown up around the Russians. They are aloof and don't trust anyone who isn't Russian. They have their own little world with their own religion, culture, country and language and Mafia and don't need and don't want to be involved with the US.

Since the Brits faked that entire Skripal poisoning, the Russian billionaires have turned away from the UK. They can find many other countries where to live outside of the UK.
Miggy said…

The End Of Summer Sussex Round Up
Acquitaine said…
@Lt Uhuru who said, "Just saw this on The Mirror (exclusive) --

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to be offered Spotify megadeal for exclusive podcasts"

This is definitely a trial balloon planted by her PR. They want Spotify to offer them this deal just like Michelle Obama or Joe Rogan.

How can you tell?

It's an article exclusive to a UK tabloid. No Industry media is carrying this deal, speculative or imminent.

It's on a par with Meghan on the verge of signing a mega deal with Givenchy or Dior which was leaked in the immediate aftermath of Megxit.

Ditto Netflix.

If there was any truth to this rumour they wouldn't be pivoting back to the UK so hard as they are currently doing. Signaling to the world that they are back to the UK for extended period next year and all the events they wish to attend - nevermind that the UK despises them and they appear to be inviting themselves to the mentioned events.
Maneki Neko said…
Sorry, me again.

CCN has an article about how "Prince Harry Is Being Blamed for Meghan’s Inability to Handle Pressure of Being a Royal" (MM, it is implied, is entirely blameless and a victim).

The fallout from Finding Freedom is starting to take shape, and those around Meghan Markle are paying the price.
The book is not critical of Meghan at all, and paints her as entirely blameless for her failed royal stint.
The problem is, someone has to carry the can–and that someone is the oblivious Prince Harry.
Since we began seeing excerpts from the Meghan Markle and Prince Harry biography, Finding Freedom, I have believed that the book aims to portray Meghan positively at the expense of all else.

Even Prince Harry.

It’s clear to anyone with a reasonable level of intelligence that the groundwork was laid for Harry being the scapegoat should the couple’s attempts at “finding freedom” prove unsuccessful.

Is Meghan Markle a Strong, Independent Feminist? Or a Shrinking Violet?
When it comes to Meghan Markle, the messages we get are most definitely mixed. And confusing.

Is she the strong, independent feminist who was too much of a character for the dastardly old royal family to handle? Or a shrinking violet on the verge of tears because she couldn’t handle the pressures of royal life?

I ask because it seems Prince Harry is being criticized for not preparing Meghan Markle for royal life and failing to protect “emotional” Meghan during her time as a royal.

For a strong feminist, Meghan seems easily upset by the most trivial of matters.
The authors of Finding Freedom would never think of questioning Meghan Markle herself, but everyone around her is fair game. Be it her father, the media, the British public, the royals, and even Prince Harry himself.

Meghan was clearly unable to adapt to royal life, which is perfectly understandable. It’s a high-pressure environment and one that few people are cut out to handle. Not everyone can be a Kate Middleton, and that’s fine.

But with all and sundry around the former royal couple refusing the lay any of the blame at Meghan’s door, we see the blame attributed elsewhere.

Including Prince Harry.

According to The Express, fans are beginning to speak out against the wayward younger Prince, claiming:

Harry failed to prepare her – either due to her ability to act, thinking she’d be able to adapt quickly or due to fear of losing her or due to god knows what. But he failed her.

The author is scathing abt MM.

SwampWoman said…
Fairy Crocodile said...
What is Spotify? If this is some online music/film hub I don't see much about it. Megsy is nearly 40. She is not a star, not a singer, not a pop idol. Harry is a non entity from the start.

Spotify using them exactly for what? Adverts? Please help because I genuinly don't understand what they can bring.

The wider world does not care.

I agree that the wider world does not care. Not even a little. Nope. Lots of the young use it for music. I am old and suspicious and worried about spyware.

makescakes said…
Mugsypoo and her Handbag would be roundly BOOED on every street if she has the nerve to return with him. I think she should be given very cold shoulders by all of the RF if she is actually bold enough to show her horrible face in the UK. She's nothing but a climber and a poser and at this point, EVERYONE including all the members of the RF know it!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
KCM1212 said...

@Lt Uhura

I'm very much afraid the Harkles do have the brass cajones
to show up at the Diana unveiling and even TOTC.
(I'm afraid you're right. Perhaps the Queen will not invite them to the balcony. I can't imagine Andrew will show up there. But the Harkles have no shame. At all. I truly think they believe their every action was honest, appropriate, and someone-elses-fault. They are Charlie Sheen's version of "winning".

If Harry can't prance about in his uniform, he may try to avoid the event, but MM will insist. Perhaps she can design him a pseudo-uniform to wear.


*Chuckling* at the thought of Harry in some kind of Hermann Goering-esq outfit!

I don't see even him showing up on the balcony in a 3-piece suit, in spite of Markle. And if he does try and get away with a uniform of some kind, I think major backlash would ensue.

Acquitaine said...
@Lt Uhuru who said, "Just saw this on The Mirror (exclusive) --

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to be offered Spotify megadeal for exclusive podcasts"

This is definitely a trial balloon planted by her PR. They want Spotify to offer them this deal just like Michelle Obama or Joe Rogan.

How can you tell?


Actually, that was @KC212 who said that about the trial balloon etc. ... but I definitely agree with both you and her re: PR wheeling and dealing.
@ Maneki Neko: It's hardly surprising that MM, her mouthpieces and fans are throwing JH under the bus, although it seems that the poor fool is oblivious to what's happening.

That being said, there are valid questions about the extent to which JH prepared her for life as a royal. It's a question that LCC asks in her book (which I just finished reading). After all, he was born into this life and should have known the protocol, which makes her gaffes all the more puzzling. Did he not tell her, for instance, that when they met foreign royalty, he should go first since he had precedence. Was he too intimated by her to tell her? Did he not care what she said and did? Or did he secretly take joy in seeing her give tradition, diplomacy and protocol a big fat finger?
SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said: The authors of Finding Freedom would never think of questioning Meghan Markle herself, but everyone around her is fair game. Be it her father, the media, the British public, the royals, and even Prince Harry himself.

Meghan was clearly unable to adapt to royal life, which is perfectly understandable. It’s a high-pressure environment and one that few people are cut out to handle. Not everyone can be a Kate Middleton, and that’s fine.

But with all and sundry around the former royal couple refusing the lay any of the blame at Meghan’s door, we see the blame attributed elsewhere.

Including Prince Harry.

According to The Express, fans are beginning to speak out against the wayward younger Prince, claiming:

Harry failed to prepare her – either due to her ability to act, thinking she’d be able to adapt quickly or due to fear of losing her or due to god knows what. But he failed her.

Hey, Harry! How's the view under that bus?
Fairy Crocodile said…
Thank you everybody re info about Spotify.
I don't think she deserves any success anywhere because of her behaviour in UK but it is uncharitable.

So if she finds her audience and gets paid what she thinks she deserves, perhaps she will finally be satisfied and will live her life in her own niche.

I would love to see the justice done to both Harry and Megsy but who I am to judge what is justice?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
There is a fantastic (to me) essay in Lipstick Alley. Go to search, put in Rae St James (no period after "St") -- click on the first result -- and the essay is at the bottom of the post, with a "SPOILER" button to click on to read it.

Hope my post doesn't get "lost in the shuffle." This essay is really amazing in its clarity and insight.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Ugh ... Re: aforementioned essay -- Just discovered that only those with a LSA account can search on the site.

The essay is really long, which I'd have to break up into at least 7-10 parts to post here. I'll do it, if asked, but only if it's okay with Nutty and/or charade.
Unknown said…
@Lt. Nyota Uhura I think there is no problem posting the essay. LSA has copied posts from here as well. I read it and it's great! I'm pretty sure the writer is British because they seem to have a strong command of the subtleties in the BRF. Here's the link:
KCM1212 said…

Is there a link we can use, Uhura?
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@charade -- Thanks! Will do!

(P.S. I believe you're right that s/he is British. I'm and Yank, and I love us to pieces, but we do tend to either be unaware of, or otherwise bypass, many subtleties :) Anyway, will plunge in, then --
Unknown said…
@Lt. Nyota Uhura Thanks for the find :) I posted the links so you don't have to repost if you don't want to.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
ESSAY by Rae St James, a poster at Lipstick Alley

NOTE: Lengthier than most extended posts here on Nutty Flavor blog. I don't know how many clips I will have to make, so will alert when finished.


I don't think Harry would have tagged along with the Cambridges if William didn't want him to. William has way more influence than he likes to give off.
I think William was one of Harry's enablers and was being protective. I think he genuinely felt protective of him, and felt that he was safer under his care than covered by their father's office. He knew Harry's limitations and wanted to protect him, their mother was gone.

I also think it suited William not to emphasise his rank when he was still part-time. I think he was dealing privately with his own demons, still coming to terms with the weight of his role and responsibilities, and wanted, together with Catherine, to build a stable family life that will serve as a foundation for their work when they go full-time.

I think he was quite happy not to demarcate between him and Harry, and let Harry take the spotlight while he sorted himself out. He knew his position was waiting for him and will only increase with his responsibilities so he could afford to let Harry enjoy his time in the limelight.

I think things began to change between the brothers mid 2016 (the Queen's 90th). I suspect that they were informed internally that the DoE would be retiring the next year and that William would need to wrap up his contract and take up full time duties. The media clamour for William to come on full time also reached fever pitch but I think the internal decision was independent of that.

I think that's when the pin dropped for Harry re time running out for him and he started getting contacts to set him up with any celebrity that fit the bill.
William did an interview with BBC 2016 on not staying awake waiting to be King, absolutely refusing to elaborate on what his monarchy would look like, despite pressure from the interviewer. In 2017, unprompted, Harry decided to let us know nobody wanted to be King, and what he would do if he was King. I think William then realised that he'd led Harry on a bit unintentionally, and was ready to start damping those expectations.

They moved down to London August 2017, announced their pregnancy October, Harry announced his engagement November. The rest is familiar history.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@charade, Oh, I don't mind -- some Nutties like to read rather than click :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
ESSAY by Rae St James


In effect, William was protective of Harry, possibly aware of the brooding resentment Harry had for him but felt he could contain it, till Harry tried to openly challenge him, then he kicked him out from everything, office, residence, foundation. He has no qualms defending his authority. He is not without influence in the palace. See Dan Wootton's story implying the Queen banned Meghan from wearing Diana's jewellery from the RC in response to William's concerns. I believe it. I think William had good reasons for those concerns but the key point is that he has more influence than many people realise.

I genuinely think Harry never expected that the outcome from his manifesto would be as drastic as it was. The real reason was that William stopped being part of the Harry enablement team. Once he pulled out, that was it for Harry. He was out. He is still reeling from that.

When William and Kate went to Bradford just after the Sandringham summit, he made the following comment:

‘It’s sometimes trying to get people to understand that’s it’s OK to have these challenges, we just need to deal with them and we need to move forwards rather than just be stuck in paralysis and pretend they don’t happen, which is no good.’

What he described above is exactly how the BRF behaves, their MO, and he decided he was done with that. Now is the time to deal with Harry and move on.

We'll see how it plays out but make no mistake, the BRF are united in this fight.
The Queen does not do confrontations, she couldn't do it with Margaret, she couldn't do it with Charles or with Andrew. However, when Andrew clashed with Charles, she always backed Charles' authority. The Queen always backs rank. There was a story that the Queen tried to create a special role for Anne in Scotland, Charles opposed it and the plans were dropped. Instead the Queen piled Anne with Orders and special roles within the Orders. Charles can be ruthless when fighting his corner, but he too doesn't do confrontation with his sons. He's never been able to control them, or force them to do what he wants, even though he funds them
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
ESSAY by Rae St James


William is the only resolute one amongst them. He does confrontations very well and with relish. He knows what the dynamics are in the family. I also think he has agreed with the Queen and his father that he will play bad cop while they play good cop. He has the authoritative bent and the popularity to withstand any backlash. I think he's now committed enough to the monarchy that he is willing to use his strength and popularity on their behalf and be the scapegoat as long as things are done his way. He's not that altruistic, he'd have extracted a lot of concessions for taking one for the team.

The Queen and Charles can mollycoddle Harry all they want, the PR is not backed with substance. They will always back William's authority and rank in private.

The Queen has never ever blurred the lines between William and Harry. She takes precedence and rank seriously (see second point below). It's actually Charles and William himself that has blurred it in the past as I mentioned above. I also suspect that with time, William felt that how they were handling Harry wasn't helping and wanted to change the template.

That's why I don't believe there will be any returning for Harry until he submits to William's authority and William okays his return. Notice Harry's PR keeps saying the Queen and Charles have the door open for him, but he's the one not wanting to take it yet. Right. It's because the unspoken condition is that the door is open if you 'take the knee' and acknowledge William's authority and he okays your return. The Queen and Charles are fully behind William but it's easier for him to be the 'face of the institution' in this fight and play bad cop.

Against The Queen and Charles, it's easier for Harry to try to replay the 'Diana against the big bad institution' drama. Against William, it doesn't really work. He is also Diana's son, he has a young family that the nation is invested in, he manages to serve the nation and still honour his mother. His steady and calm leadership qualities are a counterfoil to Harry's volatility. It's harder for the darts thrown by Harry to stick and FF proves that.
Again, I believe the BRF are united in this fight (though I think CH always overdoes its PR and will never resist a dig at the Cambs), and that the Cambridges are being amply compensated behind the scenes for being the face of it and taking the hits. This is their stepping up. It's significant that their popularity is easily withstanding all the mis-directed darts. The palace is paying attention, and their internal influence is growing.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
ESSAY by Rae St James


Still, I also suspect the BRF are secretly alarmed at the strength of public backlash against Harry and are trying to downplay the feud so it's more like they've just gone away to live an independent life. They want to teach him a lesson, and make him take responsibility for his actions, but they don't want to break him, or push him over the edge, precisely because they know his real issues, whatever they are.

I think Harry is grovelling behind the scenes to come back but the BRF, using William as proxy, is holding out partly hoping the divorce happens sooner than later, and partly because they need the noise around the harkles to die down. They don't need their chaos at this time.

The second point, partly re the Obama's visit is that the Sovereign's children actually have higher precedence than the Sovereign's grandchildren. Precedence is separate to line of succession. See link below.

(Orders of precedence in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia)

I don't think it's entirely accurate to compare Charles directly with William. Charles is the PoW and heir apparent. This is a formal role in our monarchy/government that involves participation in certain ceremonies including opening of parliament and entitlement to his own stream of income.

The Duke of Cambridge is not a formal role within the monarchy/government neither is the second in line. He is just the heir to the heir and grandson of the monarch. While the Queen is alive, if we're being really technical and honest, the difference between William and Harry is not the same as the difference between Charles and Andrew. The latter is more significant and defined.

William and Harry should technically be under Clarence House and have less profile than the Queen's children (this has been at the root of Andrew's fight with Charles, and Clarence House aides' annoyance with William/KP).

The last time a monarch lived as long as the Queen was Queen Victoria and things were done very differently then. The Queen has been freestyling how she deals with grown up grandchildren with no formal role but higher profile without necessarily overshadowing her own children. Neither her grandfather nor her father had to deal with this problem.

In my view, the Queen has gone out of her way to really promote William and carve out a role for him. She treats him more as a Sovereign's son than a Sovereign's grandson and that exacerbated the difference between him and Harry way before he became full time. Consider the following:

He was made a Knight of the Garter when he was 26. (His uncles got it just two years before, when they were in their forties).

He was made a Knight of the Thistle a year after marriage when he was 30. The only other royal knights are his father and Princess Anne.

He was made a royal colonel two months before his wedding, when he was 28. At the time, only his dad, grandfather, aunt and great uncle were royal colonels. Andrew only became one in 2017. Edward is still not one.

He was added to the privy council which should technically just include the PoW and his wife along with the monarch's consort as royal members.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
ESSAY by Rae St James


Interestingly, all these appointments William would have automatically assumed as Prince of Wales but the Queen, for her own reasons, decided to give them to him quite early on, setting him apart from his brother.

She sent him on his first solo royal tour immediately he graduated handpicking an adviser to work with him.

She gave Anmer hall to him as an outright wedding gift. Only Anne and Andrew got outrightly owned properties from her. It wasn't her responsibility or obligation, she had already assigned him KP as an official residence. This was a private gift to ensure he had his own country home, further emphasising his role.

She made Harry Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, but gave the married-ins, Camilla, Kate, and Sophie, a higher rank than him. And he served in the Iraq war. The only other thing she gave him when he got engaged is CG of the Royal Marines. He still has to stand at the balcony with the women at trooping and not ride with the royal colonels.

There is a lot of PR and noise about Harry being the Queen's favourite and crap about equality with William. All noise and no substance. The Queen made sure she differentiated between them from early on.

It was William that blurred the lines when he set up his own office and foundation and took Harry with him. I guess he has un-blurred the lines now.

Let's absolve the Queen of having a hand in that mess. She never threw Orders and ranks at Harry the way she did at Anne. I actually suspect Anne is her favourite child. Take a look at what is in her gift to give that she has given Anne, compared to her younger sons. My rule is that the favourites are the ones that don't cling, and don't set it about that they're the favourites.

On that note, I feel her favourite grandchildren are William and Zara. Their weddings were the only ones she attended with a white bag and white pair of shoes which is very very rare to see her in.

none said…
Many thanks Lt. Nyota Uhura! That was very interesting reading. Puts a whole different spin on this for me. Now for a second read.
CatEyes said…
A nutty wrote somewhere way upthread:

"I don't think H&M have been/will be invited at Trooping the Colours, let alone appear on the balcony. In any case, they aren't really part of the BRF any more, only in name, and remember they are actually refugees from the UK and the BRG, fleeing persecution and racism, so how could they come back?"

I am only speaking as a 'devil's advocate' on this issue. Harry as a blood Prince will always be part of the BRF. I believe the family has repeatedly thrown out lifelines for him to resume his role in the BRF. We are told his actually home is the UK and based on the legal reason it will always be (so no refugee from UK). Yes, I know this is a lie but it is a lie (another) that Harry/maybe BRF wants us to believe. I think he has a tremendous chance to be seen at ToC and the HAMS together at the unveiling of the Diana statute. I would hope the UK public would boo Harry at any public appearance of hm but sadly, the UK public hasn't petitioned the Queen (that I know of) to strip him of titles or make him even pay the cots of Frogmore. No, Harry and Meghan are getting funded by the UK taxpayers for at least part of their living expenses at 'Frogmore West' in sunny Montecito. Harry and Meghan have successfully set up their rival court and are it for their own expensive bolthole, political platform and a luxurious castle California style from whence to expound to their subjects. They are beginning to make the Queen and Charles look foolish because they actually are freewheeling the royal life and doing everything they could not do beforehand, the Firm be dammed.

They have created a path for all future heirs to live their life. Why would George, Charlotte and Louis want to be like Charles and wait in the wings being so constrained and dutiful for decades when they could emulate their Uncle and live doing everything except royal duties, in exotic locations across the world in mega-mansions that would put Frogmore to shame, and still stay in the line of succession. Sorry Brits, but there are countless number of exotic locations that would be more glamorous and fun perhaps to the rainy UK under the strictguidelines of royal duty and protocol. Heck, I could see Williams's children fleeing to California too! What Harry has done (with the Queen and Charles blessing) is set a dangerous precedent for the royal family, The TQ & PC and maye William does not have to worry about people clamoring for a republic when their own flesh and blood may destroy the monarchy first.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…

You're very welcome -- it gave me new perspective, too, and I liked the fact that Markle was left pretty much out of it (a breath of fresh air after the miasma of constant PR!).
Portcitygirl said…

MO shares her feelings on the podcast. Much like MM and JH want to do. Hope everyone enjoys this because it's coming to you via many networks ad nauseam. I hope that ppl can see that all these ppl are linked together.
MaLissa said…
Thank so much Nyota that was and is fascinating. It makes sense though. Now that I've given it a first pass, I'll go read it again at Lipstick Alley to find out what the other commenters have said about it.

Hello everyone!! Haven't been on much but I still come in to read the comments anytime I can. Back to work for me - at home but between that and RL i've been busy. Hope everyone's doing well. Stay safe Nutties :)
KCM1212 said…
@Lt Uhura, @Charade

no kidding on that article, Uhura! A great read!
And thanks for the cut and paste. Thats a lot of work!

And Charade, thanks for the links. I find LSA hard to navigate (plus all the rules)
Sandie said…
Lt. Nyota Uhura thanks so much for sharing that post. I read it on LSA and thought it was so good and am becoming more frustrated about not being able to do the copy and paste when I come across something interesting.

Night time for me here so thanks to all for posting a lot of interesting and informative views, opinions and information.

On a different track: the attempt by the Harkles to create wealth and power in the US could be interesting to follow and gossip about, but the damage they leave behind, the lies the tell, the people they use and ghost, and so on are infuriating and dangerous.

And in the real world ... coverage of the presidential race in the US is increasing and the Harkles, reduced to gossip columns and celebrity entertainment news long ago, are fading into the obscurity of the forgotten. For William and Catherine there will be royal tours, state visits, important meeting, and well covered ceremonies in the future just because of the nature of their position. That is not the future for the Harkles.
Grisham said…
Btw, I’m fine. We didn’t have power for a few days, which is exhausting. Cell coverage was spotty and no internet, so I’m just catching up.

I could believe they never intended to stay in England. I do think Harry was part of that thought and a brash American was the perfect person to hang on to who would get him out...
Grisham said…
I don’t think any of diana’s jewelry is in the royal collection, but the royal collection does include jewelry Diana wore.
@Lt Uhura,

Thanks for posting all of this. It was a great read, and I think that poster hit the nail on the head. It explains so much. I'm going to do a second read, too, to make sure I have all of the info presented here.
none said…
@Lt. Nyota Uhura

Yes! No Markle. Great point. Being American I know nothing about how the BRF operates. This essay is a complete game changer for me in trying to figure out the Harkle Debacle. It's nothing like I thought at all.
CookieShark said…
Stay safe all Nutties in the storm!

Fame Vixen is an excellent channel on YouTube, as is According to Taz & Celt News.

I think they are glomming onto anything done by MO or HRC at this point. But they aren't articulate or accomplished like MO & HRC. To whit:

“It’s just getting people to talk about it and talk to each other, right?” she said. “No matter where you are in the world, if you’re a small community or a township, if you’re in a big city – it’s that everyone is dealing with a different version of the same thing.

“Globally, I think there’s a bit of a consciousness crisis,” she continued, “so the fact we’re able to be here together to see on the ground so much good work that’s being done, just because people are willing to talk to each other about it and someone’s willing to listen, is huge.”
Hikari said…
@Lt. Uhura

Thanks for posting that illuminating read from LSA. It seems clear that the Queen is well aware that William, not Charles, is going to be her legacy. Since he was around eight years old, William has been having regular “monarch lessons” with Granny. He had a special private tea with her every week even as a little boy. One wonders whether even Charles received the same amount of regal personal attention to prepare him for his future role. It is paying dividends now. It seems to me that William did everything a loving brother could have in the week of his mother’s death to bolster Harry, and we have seen how he was repaid. Ironically, it was upon Harry’s marriage that the discrepancy between his and William’s status within the Firm needed to be codified and made plain, Because Harry was no longer a freewheeling bachelor Prince who could tag along with William’s projects—Especially not with a spouse like Meg. Had he chosen a meek and amenable wife, or had he remained single, the separation of their respective statuses could have been more gradual and less stark. Of course, had Harry married a living British girl who could have talked him into accepting that estate offered by Charles, and helped and supported him in fully realizing his role as it was—and not carping on his it was lesser to William’s, we would be talking about a much different Harry. Maybe he was always going to be bitter and jealous of William no matter what. But the marriage she has now certainly has not contributed to his happiness.

Harry should be invited to the ceremony for his mother’s statue dedication, But it should be for the two sons of Diana only, not spouses. If Catherine will not attend on these grounds, then Meg can hardly cry racism for being excluded. I do not foresee anyone in the BRF supporting an invite to the balcony at TOTC, Provided it can even go forward in 2021 as a public spectacle. Harry is no longer entitled to wear a uniform; Would he really accept standing on a lesser balcony in civvies? Having Found Freedom from Royal duties, that must include freedom from ceremonial appearances as well. The memorial for Diana it’s a personal event, not a Royal one; William will not appear in uniform there either.

I am comforted that William is in the wings to take over, but things being what they are, it would probably be better for the monarchy if Charles were not in the way. I think the Narkleheads would be minding their Ps & Qs better if William was in charge of their funding.
@Happy Days,

Great sleuthing between you and tatty concerning Baby2Baby. Yes, MM is working all of the Hollywood connections that she can, but the problem is that she has no talent, and the Hollywood big players know it. She can race around doing 10-minute runs to charities that have big names behind them, but it won't do her any good in the long run. Disney found that out after the Elephant voice over debacle, which was roundly panned.

Even some workers at Baby2Baby have voiced negative opinions of her visit, so that got her nowhere. Charities aren't going to tell her not to show up the last minute, but they won't like the disruption that she causes with her own photographers, etc. I'd like to know how many have told her not to visit or try to "help", and I'm betting that the more she does it, the fewer will want her there. The backlash against the charities is beginning to show, and I'm sure that they don't want people to dive too deeply into their finances.

If MM wasn't washed up in Hollywood, with a reputation as a horrible actress and an even more negative reputation as a human being, she'd still be living there.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@MaLissa @KCM1212 @Sandie @JocelynsBellinis -- All y'all are very welcome, glad you enjoyed it -- and like you, I've given it a 2nd read, and will probably go a 3rd!

@Sandie -- No doubt you've gone to several how-to websites for copy/paste -- when I was first learning, most of them told me to use the control c and control v commands, which confused me mightily. Then I learned that you can do the same thing with the right click button of your mouse.

1) Highlight the bit you want to copy. Press and hold down the left clicker at the far left of your selection, then slide to the right and stop where you wish to end at, and release left clicker. The selection should look like the words are covered by a translucent blue bar.

2) Hit the right clicker once anywhere inside the highlighted bit and release. You'll get a box with choices, one of which is "copy." Choose that one with a left click. (Won't work if the blue highlight disappears. You'll have to use Step 1 again.)

3) Go to where you want your selection to be, e.g. the comment box. Left click inside the box. Then right click once, and again you'll see the box with choices, one of which is "paste." Select that by left clicking on it. Your selection should paste into the box.

Hope that this wasn't either too simplistic or too difficult! Apologies if so, and good luck :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
holly said...
@Lt. Nyota Uhura

Yes! No Markle. Great point. Being American I know nothing about how the BRF operates. This essay is a complete game changer for me in trying to figure out the Harkle Debacle. It's nothing like I thought at all.


Same here! It gave me a deeper understanding of just exactly what Markle has been trying to "modernize" in her blundering, narcissistic stupidity. Frankly, she makes herself ten times the @ss, IMO!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Wishing to join others in hoping that A) the hurricane/tropical storm/flooding didn't injure Nutties in the areas involved or destroy your homes and B) you've got a good support network if they need help clearing up. We are all pulling for you.
Maneki Neko said…
@Lt Uhura

Thank you for the LSA essay. The writer sounds quite perceptive. I do wonder, though, how she can say William "kicked him (Harry) out from everything, office, residence, foundation". An interesting theory but we don't know for a fact.
A lot of the essay makes sense and puts some events in a different light.
By the way, Harry served in Afghanistan, not Iraq.
KCM1212 said…

Glad to see you safe, Tatty! We were becoming concerned.
Unknown said…
@tatty Super glad you are okay :)
Maneki Neko said…

I am the nutty who wrote "I don't think H&M have been/will be invited at Trooping the Colours" etc. I fear you're right when you say said "I think he has a tremendous chance to be seen at ToC", my post was wishful thinking on my part, although he'd need to eat a lot of humble pie. Rae St James wrote in her essay (Lt Uhura's post), Harry is CG of the Royal Marines and as such needs to be on the balcony at ToC. If this is the case, I hope his wife of his stays at home.
Grisham said…
Thanks, everyone, it was WILD... so many trees down, but none hit the house, thank goodness. The pine tree is worse for the wear but still standing proud and tall. I went to New Orleans Friday morning and slept basically until now. We have so much to clean up. It looks like a leaf and limb bomb went off. So many shards of trees, pieces of limbs every freaking place. It’s going to take weeks to clean up. I think we lost 7 trees, maybe 8 or 9 as when I left more looked like they would eventually fall. The house has power now, so I’m probably going back tomorrow.

Sorry for the off topic post, I watched the storm that morning and it was awesome and insane and freaky, but not scary. I can see why some people are drawn to storm chasing.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Maneki Neko said...
@Lt Uhura

Thank you for the LSA essay. The writer sounds quite perceptive. I do wonder, though, how she can say William "kicked him (Harry) out from everything, office, residence, foundation". An interesting theory but we don't know for a fact.
A lot of the essay makes sense and puts some events in a different light.
By the way, Harry served in Afghanistan, not Iraq.


I do think that William and Harry came to argue over Harry wishing to do things all his own way without any oversight or adherence to protocol whatsoever, and William told him either do it the Palace way or get out. Not quite "kicking out," but I can see how it must have seemed that way. Rae St James probably allowed a bit of her own bias in, thinking that's how it SHOULD have been (and I agree!).

And yes, I noticed the error in wartime service too. Not as many British service people over in the Middle East as before, and with COVID (even before the virus) much less attention paid to that situation. Still, an error is an error.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
tatty So glad you're okay, that's the main thing -- but very sorry about all the debris you've got to clear away. Please don't "overdo" and hurt yourself! Is there a way that you can either stack the wood, let it season a bit and burn it in a fireplace or fire pit, or share it with someone, or have someone pick it up? Here in South Florida, we tend to do a bit of all three.

(I think going O/T in this situation is okay!)
I think they rushed to sort the Monarchy in 2016 because of Brexit, nothing else.

Streamlining things only means they got the message that they could be outted at any point in the near future, due to public opinion.

Meghan and Harry met at the same time things were changing for him. She is his life raft (in his own head).
SwampWoman said…
tatty said...
Thanks, everyone, it was WILD... so many trees down, but none hit the house, thank goodness. The pine tree is worse for the wear but still standing proud and tall. I went to New Orleans Friday morning and slept basically until now. We have so much to clean up. It looks like a leaf and limb bomb went off. So many shards of trees, pieces of limbs every freaking place. It’s going to take weeks to clean up. I think we lost 7 trees, maybe 8 or 9 as when I left more looked like they would eventually fall. The house has power now, so I’m probably going back tomorrow.

Sorry for the off topic post, I watched the storm that morning and it was awesome and insane and freaky, but not scary. I can see why some people are drawn to storm chasing.

Woohooo! So happy to see you back. I did wonder about that pine! (grin) There is nothing more awesome than watching a hurricane came in from the beach! (There is also nothing more stupid, but it is beautiful.)

Welcome back, and so glad that you're safe!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
CatEyes said…
@Maneki Neko

Thank you for letting me know you were the poster; I enjoy what you have to say. I guess I better read the long post Lt. Uhura so generously reposted. I thought Harry had to give up his positions with the Marines and other military connections. I like the thought of Harry just appearing in 'civies' and yes, wishful thinking that Madame stays home in the Frogmore West Castle. I wonder when they will erect a flagpole at FW and hoist a royal standard with their Coat of Arms so we peasants know when they are in residence (like the Queen does at her castles).

I wonder is Harry coming over to the UK as reported, to go begging 'hat in hand' with Charles, so Bank of Dad remains available for periodic infusions of cash now that maybe monthly expenses are coming due. I hope Harry gets a breath of fresh air away from the fires (including the fiery exchanges I'm sure Meghan's spews on a daily basis). Perhaps Harry is also visiting friends, real friends not the Hollyweird hanger-ons (and that includes Oprah). Hope he finds a nice lassie while drinking in a pub who will turn his head if he isn't under complete brainwashing of the evil Ms M. Shame on me for writing this!
Unknown said…
Hi All,

I've done a website which explains all things about narcissistic personality disorder in a hopefully easy to understand way

Welcome to everyone who would like to understand what is going on with narcissists.
xxxxx said…
Your house survived! @Tatty ___Which is all that matters
In honor of Tatty and all others crawling from the leaf and limb wreckage ---
Grisham said…
Haha! The airBnB is funny!!!

Uhura, yes, most of the downed trees are white/swamp oaks and they keeled over from the base, roots and all. Dh ordered a chain saw and I think that’s the plan.... cut it up, let it season and use it in the winter... or call my wood man and see if he wants it since he likely has a log splitter. (Though he probably has so much wood right now lol)...

I do think Harry is going through “the spare” issues that Andrew, Margaret and maybe to a lesser degree Anne have gone through...
CatEyes said…
@Lt. Uhura Re: Frogmore Cottage as Airbnb

Let me envision some other uses;

- Retail outlet for Doria's award winning jewelry/clothes
- In-stay residential treatment facility for drug addicts
- Hotel lodging (free of course) for BLM protestors
- Hideaway for gestational carriers (with Meghan's OB-GYN on call)
- Meeting place for Republican groups
- Educational center for males wanting to be feminists
- Playground for children of too-famous parents needing playgroups
- Time-share for Meghan sugars
- Grounds for historical Reenactors, esp, for Henry VIII time period
- Halfway house for parolees, nonviolent of course
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
@tatty Yes, your wood guy is going to be pretty busy around your neck of the woods, I can well imagine! You may have to "squeeze in" somehow!

Re: the "spare" issues -- I agree. If I were the Queen, I'd have well-defined, important roles for them to play that no one else can as a birthright, so that they grow up knowing they may not be King or Queen, but they have their own well-defined role from the get-go. Something really important -- which British Nutties would probably know what those roles might be. If that makes sense!
KCM1212 said…
@Maneki Neko

Is Harry still Captain General of the Royal Marines?

I was under the impression that the post was simply left in abeyance for the whiney little baby for a year and then given to Anne as it should have been the minute he stepped back?

What was all the tear sniffing and long face for at the victory lap, when he and the Christmas hag thought the standing ovation was for them?

(No, I have no particular feelings on this subject hahaha)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
CatEyes said...
@Lt. Uhura Re: Frogmore Cottage as Airbnb

Let me envision some other uses;


Ha! :D Someone should do a bunch of parody websites on different topics!

lizzie said…
Yes, definitely W&H only for the statue reveal ceremony. Kate and Meghan never met Diana and neither was officially part of the fundraising effort for the statue.

@Lt. Nyota Uhura, Thanks for the LSA stuff.

Re: the defined role for a spare... Wasn't the idea for the second son usually the military? Or for Harry when that didn't work, the CW Youth Ambassadorship?

I think I know what you're saying...but 1. if the approach to the non-spare is to let him/her not take on full-time royal work until the mid-30s (to sew wild oats and then to focus on marriage and family) I'm not sure how the spare could be given a defined and active royal role much earlier in life. That would likely cause resentment too. And 2. I'm not sure Harry was ever made to feel he had no role in the RF. I know I read Charles wanted both W&H to be active in The Prince's Trust when they were younger and both refused, preferring to develop their own interests.

@tatty, Glad you're ok!
If the reports are correct about Anne becoming Capt.General] of the Royal Marines, perhaps she will be in `post' by the time ToC comes round.

No ban as such on women in the marines, as Commandos, they just have be tough enough. There's one in training at the moment I believe.

There have been female RM Marine Musicians for quite a time now - I assume they have have similar combat roles to other musicians in the Forces, eg medical support, but haven't yet found confirmation of this.

So its entirely appropriate for P.Anne to replace her irresponsible nephew.
Maneki Neko said…

Ha ha! Very good uses for Frogmore! You forgot

- yoga studio and retreat
- community kitchen to teach cookery (avocado on toast, roast chicken)
- recording studio for these important voice-overs and podcast

KCM1212 said…
@unknown at 12:14

thanks for the link! I have guests arriving, but I will read in detail later.

Good for you!
Li Nyota posted this


A wonderful spoof!

As the report is from Suffolk, it reminds me of a story I heard about a brutally-honest estate agent in that part of the country, who was supposed to have advertised for sale a house almost at the end of the runway of the RAF/USAF base at Mildenhall:

`Would suit deaf Russian spy...'.
Hikari said…
The Harkles are putting a lot of eggs in the basket with this bald-faced statement about returning to Blighty. Meg’s endgame there of course, is to be seen at the highest profile ceremonies that draw the masses—a carriage & balcony appearance at Trooping, and the Diana memorial. That’s it. She has no intention to settle into FC and quietly resume Her patronages on behalf of the Queen. TQ did say that HAMS would always be members of her family, but she meant in a private sense. Granny would always be delighted to see Harry and Archie. Maybe tea or lunch in her private quarters. Frogmore Remains their address if they want to stay. Trooping of the Color is the state occasion of her birthday, not the family celebration. Not all members of her extended family get invites for the public parade and balcony appearance. I know the HAMS feel entitled, but they have really excused themselves from official duties of state. Rumor has it that Meg was not supposed to be part of the entourage for last year’s event, But she showed up, separately from Harry, with a legal representative and threatened a scene unless she was included. Worked a treat, If she got to be jammed in last minute in the carriage with two future queens and Hasnowt. Based on Camilla’s face, this is was a last minute development which did not please her.

Meg had just presented Archie a month prior, so it was probably decided, since she was brazen enough to turn up, that excluding a new mother Would look worse than letting her attend. Perhaps they knew that she would pull this stunt, because there seems to have been a well developed choreography agreed upon in advance to encircle the Queen and rebuff Markle’s shoving toward the front. But that was before Megxit. The terms of the Sandringham summit revoked all of Harry’s military titles and styles. He is no longer Captain General RM and presumably cannot wear his Blues and Royals rank either. The post of CGRM is currently vacant, pending the outcome of the 12 month review I imagine, Though in my opinion, HM ought to have immediately reassigned that to Anne. The idea that Harry could resume that title after everything he has done is quite ludicrous, and in so far as the royal marines have any say in the matter, I think there would be a revolt in the ranks. Certainly it would be injurious to morale. Harry has cooked his goose with the Royal Marines, and humiliated his grandfather who passed on that responsibility in good faith only two years before Hasnowt showed his contempt for the office.

This is another one of Meg’s trial balloons, Along with the inherent threat of more charges of racism if it is not forthcoming.

Having boos ruin HM’s day is unthinkable. If the queen, through Charles, allows the Harkle shenanigans to ruin this highlight of the Royal calendar, on her head be it. If this event occurs in the usual format, that would be a couple of months after the so-called review. Much could change between now and then. We could always hope that pandemic protocols are still in force for huge gatherings and there will be no parade and no balcony appearances save HM, as this year. Discussions are probably already underway about what to do in the event of a Harkle return. Harry on his own would be easier to deal with, but whether she is present or absent, Meg is going to spin it somehow to her victim narrative if she doesn’t get exactly what she wants in every particular.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
lizzie said...

Yes, definitely W&H only for the statue reveal ceremony. Kate and Meghan never met Diana and neither was officially part of the fundraising effort for the statue. I agree. I suspect Megs is secretly hoping for this to happen, but will barge in and take over if she thinks Catherine will be there.

@Lt. Nyota Uhura, Thanks for the LSA stuff.
Sure thing :)

Re: the defined role for a spare... Wasn't the idea for the second son usually the military? Or for Harry when that didn't work, the CW Youth Ambassadorship?

I think I know what you're saying...but 1. if the approach to the non-spare is to let him/her not take on full-time royal work until the mid-30s (to sew wild oats and then to focus on marriage and family) I'm not sure how the spare could be given a defined and active royal role much earlier in life. That would likely cause resentment too. And 2. I'm not sure Harry was ever made to feel he had no role in the RF. I know I read Charles wanted both W&H to be active in The Prince's Trust when they were younger and both refused, preferring to develop their own interests.

Hmm. I see what YOU mean as well. Maybe if something like being head of the Prince's Trust were to be a hereditary title? I know it's supposed to be a Prince of Wales thing, but princes are princes ... just seems like the spare not having anything passed down to them might lead to the kind of aimless, drunken drifting Harry's done, or sneaking around doing unsavory stuff like Andrew. Not that they two wouldn't have turned out otherwise, but maybe if they had a title no one else could have might have grounded them somewhat.

*Sigh* I'm definitely NOT the one for this kind of intellectual exercise -- there are so many other variables involved. Still, a girl can dream :)
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
Li Nyota posted this


A wonderful spoof!

As the report is from Suffolk, it reminds me of a story I heard about a brutally-honest estate agent in that part of the country, who was supposed to have advertised for sale a house almost at the end of the runway of the RAF/USAF base at Mildenhall:

`Would suit deaf Russian spy...'.


Hahaha! How absolutely British LOL!
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for having faith in my knowledge in asking me if Harry is still Captain General of the Royal Marines. I am not as knowledgeable as some other posters! I didn't really know/remember but I've found out that Harry gave up his duties as Captain General because of megxit. He had a farewell engagement with the Marines in March, to officially close his two years at its head.
As far as I know, Princess Anne has been appointed to take over his duties. You'll all agree she will be a much better choice and won't let the Royal Marines down.

CatEyes said…
@Maneki Neko

Oh your suggestions are the bst!

Maybe also:

- Acting studio giving lessons in "the Markle method' of acting
- Hair salon whose specialty is importing and fitting 'Yak Hair Wigs'
- One-stop Botox shop and retreat (when you need to hide the bruises of uh 'procedures')
- Language College (she can give first level tutorials of Spanish and French)
- Counseling Center for people who are 'Not Ok'
- Life Coaching Center specializing in how to live large on others people's money
- Speed Dating Meeting Place for people who want to find their forever love and get engaged
in 3 dates.
- Esthetician salon (specializing in ethnic transformation make-up/techniques)
- Scholl teaching an anti-Dale Carnegie course 'How to lose friends and P!ss-off People'
- Layman's Law Center featuring how to find and litigate your own unmeritorious lawsuit
Miggy said…
@Lt Uhura.

Thank you so much for bringing that great post from LSA over to us.
It's obviously only one person's opinion but what an interesting read!

I think this may be the same person on Twitter.
Maneki Neko said…
Anne as Captain General of the Royal Marines: my apologies, I wrote on a previous post that Anne had been appointed. As far as I know, I don't think she has but is expected to take up the vacancy. An excellent choice.

Hikari said…

Just a small but vital correction re. Capt. General:

Harry did not voluntarily relinquish his role as ceremonial commander of the Royal Marines; it was taken away owing to non-performance of duty. He was stripped of all of his military styles and uniforms. Anne was tapped as his replacement, but has not been officially awarded the title. It is, as someone said, being held in abeyance for one year. The royal marines have no royal patron at this time.

That this was an unexpected punishment and a sore point with Harry was obvious in the pissy tone in the manifesto on the subject. I really believe that the boneheaded idiot thought there wouldn’t be any penalties for his disloyalty. Taking away the shiny medals and uniforms hurt the most of anything, but he should have given thought to that consequence when he chose shilling for his wife at a Hollywood premiere rather than represent the Crown at a memorial for Marines killed in a terrorist attack. That concert was not an annual event—it was to mark a special anniversary of the tragedy. As their patron, Harry had been invited six months prior, but he never officially replied to the invitation, even though he certainly would’ve known about this months before any Lion King premiere. As soon as he married Meg, he mentally checked out of all his Royal duties—He had been particularly proud of being selected by Philip for this honor until she came along. He is a disgrace to the uniform and should not be allowed to have it back. Even if they were both to behave perfectly henceforward, Like that would ever happen, the damage has been done. It would be a grave insult to her Marines were Harry to have that back. This is bitter medicine, but he needs to swallow it.
Maneki Neko said…

🤣🤣🤣! May I add

- Fashion school (how to always look your best in couture)
- Mediation centre to deal with thorny family problems (with in-laws in particular)
- Deportment and etiquette training centre for public appearances
- Estate agents dealing with upmarket California properties

I'd better stop now! Bedtime!
CatEyes said…
@Maneki Neko

Again very creative ideas and the Mediation Center had me laughing out loud! G'night.
KC said…
Golden Retriever said...

Harry Markle seems to have eliminated comments from her blog. Anyone know about this?

August 29, 2020 at 6:39 AM
Sorry if someone already answered Golden Retriever.....i believe Harry Markle is working on a book based on some of the blog's posts--comments may be turned off during the writing process so there is no need for moderation. I have read there that a lot of posts were made private or turned off or whatever to save them for the book.
CookieShark said…
The more I think about it, I really don't buy their "we planned to leave from the beginning" story. I think this is a cover. I believe what happened was their merching on the side was squashed in a very public way with the admonishment of Jennifer Meyer. After that, she realized she could only merch if she wasn't a senior Royal, so in her mind the way to do this was to "technically" step back. She did not count on being out, completely. They uploaded the website in the same way they float their "trial" stories. If they put it out there, HMTQ would have to agree to their terms. They did NOT want to compromise and talk through anything.

Or, perhaps there were too many probing questions. She is 100% the type to simply run away rather than assume any responsibility. They seem very bitter for people who have gotten what they wanted, so I'm under the impression they didn't want it. Perhaps they were kicked out.

The recent picture of the HAMS in an outdoor restaurant in LA. It looked like it was taken on the sly using a cellphone maybe behind some type of privacy screen? So I have to wonder: who took the photo and how did it get released? Also will the HAMS be suing? There has not been a fuss made by them, yet.
KCM1212 said…
lol! Didnt you know you are my go-to source?
I apologize, I misread something you said.

love the ideas for Frogmore!! Too funny!

You can still post comments to Harry Markle’s Facebook account. But she got rid of the link between her blog and FB page.
KCM1212 said…
Here is a response from Anonymoushouseplantfan to, I believe, the LSA poster Rae St James. She makes a couplebof interesting points:

"More from the LSA anon (who I really hope doesn’t mind my reposting their thoughts).

I’m going to disagree slightly with some of these thoughts, even though they are very intriguing.

First, although I think Will is a big factor I doubt he’s the only factor. There will be other family members involved, staffers, publicists and stakeholders from the government, military and charities. Those people are all going to have a say because the Harkles are using the charities, the Commonwealth, and the military to do foreign politics and that is very worrisome. Now, these factors may all coalesce around Will because he is the future of the monarchy and HM and Charles seem to not see some of the more obvious pitfalls at times. However, it won’t be just Will. It will be Will as a representative of a lot of interests.

I also disagree with the definition of “return” the LSA anon seems to be using. One reason why I think we are dealing with a corporate bundle of interests is because I don’t think the Harkles are interested in a full return to the family with all the restrictions and protocols. What I think they want is a version of their “half in and half out” deal. They want to be “outside” the family, but still “carrying out the Queen’s legacy.” Meghan now knows that big brands are not interested in her videos with Gloria Steinem. If she wants to go back to $500k per merch deal, she needs Trooping and the Diana statue, as even Invictus isn’t going to get her to six figures. Harry now knows that there isn’t much interest in his “mental health” chats in the US. He needs to make an Invictus documentary or an Africa documentary and sell it to the BBC.

I think that’s the problem they are facing right now. These two know their Hollywood dream didn’t work, and they are trying to negotiate for a “satellite royals” position where they can monetize their royal connection more directly. "
Girl with a Hat said…
I wonder if the Queen and the rest of the BRF saw how Diana told Harry that he was going to be "good king Harry" and other things to make him feel better, and saw that there was going to be an issue with Harry, so they promoted William to make sure that Harry knew his place.

Also, I think that the Queen is promoting William faster than normal because Charles is over 70, and although the family is long lived, one never knows what can happen to people at that age.
I've always thought they were kicked out.

Harry was entirely too upset over 'choosing' to leave.
Fifi LaRue said…
@ Lt. Uhura: Thank you, and I salute you!

@Girl with a Hat: Thank you. I know nothing about Russians. Your input is appreciated.

@Charade: Dear Lady, I wish I could send you a bottle of very nice pinot noir, or a chardonnay, or a pot of tea.
Thank you for moderating, your efforts are greatly appreciated; and, your comments are sorely missed.
Be well in all things.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Fifi - you're welcome. Although I understand some Russian words, and have thought of studying it (it would be easy for me to learn), I don't because I know that apart from reading Tolstoy in the original language, there would be no use for it. Russians aren't very welcoming people. Other Slavic people are much more inclusive to outsiders.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Girl with a Hat: Thank you! I'm busying studying French
Two things:

Megs earning potential is really low. Maybe some merching (as we've seen), maybe a couple interview gigs. No book (nda), no royal. Max annual? Good year? $500k. A little more than Suits due to her sugar reach....but nowadays- her PR is double that. Good luck Megs.

Harry, mister no skillz, never held proper thinking job. But watch, she's gonna work him to the bone since she can't earn enough or yacht. His big complaint last year at dinner parties for Royal engagements? That he's not home with Megs enough LOL. Say bye to that idea Harry. Seems ideal now due to covid. Imagine next year for this guy! Shock of a life. No time. Max annual earnings? $1MM, foreign speaking gigs, birthday appearances, product placements, Merch-Archie (MArchie). He's not going to have time to 'cheerlead' causes anymore. This is not the Royal world, this is the real world.

They seem to be auditioning for board positions at Charities, high paid, no work gigs. Not gonna happen. No real advisory skills, and no previous deep involvement on either side (H or M), so foundations know the $$ they can bring in....So that wont work.

It occurred to me Megs needed a house the size of her Ego (as we can see she didn't have in UK) and it was bought with her biz manager. This was probably done with her Merching funds from RF time.

That and something important. Megs wants Harry away from LA women, so she stuck him in suburbia a couple hours away. He can't just pop out and in to meet actors and entertainment buddies. Random party invites will always need travel planning....she's keeping tabs on him.

Which is fine, until my first point about who will really be earning, rears it's ugly head. Harry is going to work his ass off to pay her large bills, which means they won't see each other often, which means Harry will be escaping in other ways, such as with other LA.

Megs is trying her damnest to control this guy, and it's going to backfire massively once Harry gets his freedom through work, and starts to realize she is psychotic as he deals with a bigger team and normal people day to day.

Why do you think she changed her look so drastically? She's freaked out that Vegas Harry will betray her, and I 100% believe he will, because she is a problem not a solution.

It's never-ending -

Marie Claire, according to the above, has wheeled out the story how `Meghan hoped to meet Catherine at teas with HM etc but she was in Norfolk...' then uses it as a peg on which to hang the idea that they got on famously together...`bonding at Wimbledon'.

They must be combing through FF for extracts to prove MM is a such a sweet soul. I wonder why?
Sandie said…
Harry Markle has never had a comments section published on her blog. I think you could send her a message via her blog (would be kept private) or comment via FB.

The Harkles not only planned but took active steps to commercialize their position as working royals. MWX Trading Limited was registered in August 2019. I think Andrew also had private commercial companies registered while he was a working royal. However, if Meghan was making money while a full-time (and on extended holiday) working royal, she hid that money in the US or maybe there were other companies registered in the UK or some tax haven that are still hidden. What if Megsy did pay for the Montecito grandiose mansion? There is no way she made enough money from residuals for that (and shame on the press for not calling her out on that).

Interesting that talkingtarot (QueenTT on Tumblr) made a prediction in a tarot reading that some kind of financial shenanigans would be exposed that involved Meghan and she would make a public apology. IMO science will prove that the moon is indeed made of cheese before the latter happens, but I keep on thinking of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in that video where they apologized for breaking the law when they smuggled a dog into Australia.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the correction re Harry as Captain General :). You're absolutely right.
Miggy said…
Haz and Megs have made it to TMZ.

Enbrethiliel said…
Like everyone else, I found the article shared by @Lt Uhura very eye-opening. It certainly sheds more light on how the BRF see Meghan's grandstanding. Meghan and her sugars like to chant that Harry is sixth in line and Archie is seventh; but as a grandson and great-grandson of the Queen, they're a lot less important than even the married-in Sophie!

It's also illuminating to realize that so many concessions have already been made for Prince William. Since he seems to be a team player and there's a good reason for the Queen to be honoring him this way, I'll guess that her children have mostly been at peace with it. Though given Prince Charles's envy of family members who get more attention and his own strained relationship with the Queen, it must have really hurt him to see his young son get a weekly tea with his mother, when she had been mostly absent to him as a child. He could have reasoned that she had learned from the mistakes she made with him and that it's a good thing William could get the training; but it would have still rankled. Especially since it was just an Elizabeth-William thing. Charles might have been able to get something out of those meetings, too, but she completely skipped over him again!
Enbrethiliel said…
Meghan now knows that big brands are not interested in her videos with Gloria Steinem.

This reminds me that one thing I've been wondering about is how much self-awareness narcissists can have. There's definitely a level on which Meghan understands that her "interview" won her no points. But does she know it's because she wasn't very good as an interviewer -- or does she still think she's super amazing and that it's all of us who can't see it?

I mean, I can kind of get where her entitlement with respect to the BRF came from. She really thought being married to the sixth in line meant a lot more privileges than were actually available. And even if she had heard the reasons for it, I can see why she thought the stuffy monarchy ought "to modernize."

But Hollywood, for all the children of celebs who make it, still runs on talent. She can pin her failure in the UK on racism and on unfairness in the Royal Family; but what is her excuse back in the US? With all her trial balloons sinking like lead, what story is she telling herself?
Enbrethiliel said…
TalkingTarot seems to have the best prediction record of everyone out there, but I confess I'm still waiting for her promised Cambridge Baby #4.
Sylvia said…
Covert Narcissists and Charity work
This is completely Meghan Markle!
by Patricia Hart on Quora

‘There is something about looking as though you are doing good deeds, actively doing them whilst appearing humble, that attracts our narcissistic brethren.
My goodness do they love to tell people about their good deeds with a pious expression and when praised they shrug their shoulders, say something like ‘ someone has to do it’ and voila the saint is born!

The profession of Social Work and mental health, which ironically I am part of, is bursting with these saints. For some unknown reason, they try to get managerial positions as soon as possible, probably because actually working one to one with clients requires a lot of patience and hard work.

The covert narcissist particularly loves showing the outside world just how much work he or she does with just that hint at martyrdom. I have seen them act as though filmed by Ken Loach, as soon as anyone comes near. Did anyone say’ Lights, Camera, Action
Miggy said…
Meghan Markle 'met her new friend Jameela Jamil' a day after the TV presenter called Prince Andrew an ‘alleged paedophile’ on Twitter.
Sylvia said…
Taken from tumblr

'The Time Magazine voting for The Harkles!

Keep voting! Don’t stop! The sugars will get numbers up again.

Looks like you can vote once a day!

These Time Magazine Lists are prestigious in the liberal crowds in the USA. Markle will use this to show her popularity to get her high paying speaking gigs!!
Remember most Americans only know the positive press she has been paying $7 million for. They don’t know what she really is. There hasn’t been a Markle scandle in the USA media yet.
Let’s get them down to 10% yes!!!
PLEASE KEEP VOTING NO and use husbands, kids anyone in your life’s email! 😇
Please keep voting
People like Oprah, Obama’s, Clinton’s, Kennedy’s, world leaders, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Madonna ..... get on these lists. She will use this to try to show she’s as popular as the World Elite that she is an A+ list celebrity. Vote No everyday!!!

Sorry here is the link:

Who Should Be on the 2020 TIME100? Vote Now
Cast your vote for who you believe should be on TIME's 2020 list of the 100 most influential people

To those having trouble getting in.....from a tumblr: @omgreadyteddy I just kept reloading the site. It only gives you three at a time to vote for before the email message comes up but eventually I got to down-vote

How they even got nominated is a mystery. A vindictive nasty be pair of cretons.

Thank you so much everyone for voting!! Please keep sharing!! This is great
Sylvia said…
Taken from tumblr

'The Time Magazine voting for The Harkles!

Keep voting! Don’t stop! The sugars will get numbers up again.

Looks like you can vote once a day!

These Time Magazine Lists are prestigious in the liberal crowds in the USA. Markle will use this to show her popularity to get her high paying speaking gigs!!
Remember most Americans only know the positive press she has been paying $7 million for. They don’t know what she really is. There hasn’t been a Markle scandle in the USA media yet.
Let’s get them down to 10% yes!!!
PLEASE KEEP VOTING NO and use husbands, kids anyone in your life’s email! 😇
Please keep voting
People like Oprah, Obama’s, Clinton’s, Kennedy’s, world leaders, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Madonna ..... get on these lists. She will use this to try to show she’s as popular as the World Elite that she is an A+ list celebrity. Vote No everyday!!!

Sorry here is the link:

Who Should Be on the 2020 TIME100? Vote Now
Cast your vote for who you believe should be on TIME's 2020 list of the 100 most influential people

To those having trouble getting in.....from a tumblr: @omgreadyteddy I just kept reloading the site. It only gives you three at a time to vote for before the email message comes up but eventually I got to down-vote

How they even got nominated is a mystery. A vindictive nasty be pair of cretons.

Thank you so much everyone for voting!! Please keep sharing!! This is great
xxxxx said…

PUBLISHED: 04:36 EDT, 31 August 2020 | UPDATED: 04:36 EDT, 31 August 2020

Meghan Markle met Jameela Jamil at the couple's sprawling California mansion just one day after the former Radio 1 DJ dubbed Prince Andrew a paedophile on Twitter, a source claimed.

The Good Place star, 34, said the Duke of York - Prince Harry's uncle - was the Firm's 'alleged resident pedo' and claimed he was 'besties with a sex trafficker' in a Twitter rant on August 22.

Just one day later, Jamil - who is known for her 'woke' opinions - is believed to have travelled to the Sussex's sprawling nine-bedroom and 16-bathroom mansion in Montecito with her boyfriend singer-songwriter James Blake.

Jamil was one of Meghan's 15 Forces For Change in her September 2019 guest-edited Vogue issue and it was then that the pair became friends

DM Comments

Chunkebuh, HeartofAmerics, United States, 2 hours ago

Harry and Mehgan at a marriage counselor: "Harry, do you feel dominated by your wife?" Meghan: "No, he doesn't!"


Sandyhills, Sandy, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago

That's really made me smile and laugh

Chunkebuh, HeartofAmerics, United States, 2 hours ago

Meghan: "I don't want to live in the UK but I want to keep the title of Duchess of Sussex. I want to step back from royal duties but use the trademark SussexRoyal to make money. I want to keep Archie away from my relatives and Harry's family since family is so much trouble. I want to be in control every step of the way - we are going to be so rich. The 30 million we have doesn't go that far these days - I like living in a billionaire's mansion."
Our Spanish neighbour joked that he reckoned to secret to a happy marriage was always to have the last word-`Yes,Dear'.
Lottie said…
As a former Wrns/Royal Naval officer, I think Harry is a disgrace to any uniform he wears after ditching the Deal memorial to pimp out his wife to Disney. Dim has always been constitutionally irrelevant: Charles is the heir, William is the spare; and Dim needs to learn his place in the scheme of things. As for returning to the family, we need to differentiate between the family and the Royal Family. I can understand that the family want him back but he will be a serious liability to the Royal Family. If they try to gatecrash any public events in future, the RF have a clever way if dealing with gatecrashers. Remember the way they were cutbout of the herd at the BP do for Charles’s celebration as PoW?
Artemisia19 said…
@Lottie, and don't forget Princess Anne's maneuver during the last Trooping of the Color.
OKay said…
unknown said...
I've always thought they were kicked out.

Harry was entirely too upset over 'choosing' to leave.
Harry thought he'd issue "his" (hah!) ultimatum to the Family and they would fold and give him whatever he wanted. Meg told him they would! And then they didn't.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
KCM1212 said...

Here is a response from Anonymoushouseplantfan to, I believe, the LSA poster Rae St James. She makes a couplebof interesting points:

"More from the LSA anon (who I really hope doesn’t mind my reposting their thoughts).

I’m going to disagree slightly with some of these thoughts, even though they are very intriguing.

First, although I think Will is a big factor I doubt he’s the only factor. There will be other family members involved, staffers, publicists and stakeholders from the government, military and charities. Those people are all going to have a say because the Harkles are using the charities, the Commonwealth, and the military to do foreign politics and that is very worrisome. Now, these factors may all coalesce around Will because he is the future of the monarchy and HM and Charles seem to not see some of the more obvious pitfalls at times. However, it won’t be just Will. It will be Will as a representative of a lot of interests.

I also disagree with the definition of “return” the LSA anon seems to be using. One reason why I think we are dealing with a corporate bundle of interests is because I don’t think the Harkles are interested in a full return to the family with all the restrictions and protocols. What I think they want is a version of their “half in and half out” deal. They want to be “outside” the family, but still “carrying out the Queen’s legacy.” Meghan now knows that big brands are not interested in her videos with Gloria Steinem. If she wants to go back to $500k per merch deal, she needs Trooping and the Diana statue, as even Invictus isn’t going to get her to six figures. Harry now knows that there isn’t much interest in his “mental health” chats in the US. He needs to make an Invictus documentary or an Africa documentary and sell it to the BBC.

I think that’s the problem they are facing right now. These two know their Hollywood dream didn’t work, and they are trying to negotiate for a “satellite royals” position where they can monetize their royal connection more directly. "


Excellent points, and good eye on you to catch it. To me, it's an act of desperation -- The Queen made it crystal clear there will be no "half in-half out." Yet they're still clinging to the fantasy that they can "have it all their way."

Miggy said...

Meghan Markle 'met her new friend Jameela Jamil' a day after the TV presenter called Prince Andrew an ‘alleged paedophile’ on Twitter.


There's this interesting comment from an LSA-er:

Jamil is the mentally unstable manipulator who "feels unsafe" when someone in her orbit indicates that women don't have penises.

I'm surprised that Markle continues to associate with her since she quietly pulled their Mermaid charity support amidst the JK Rowling situation. Mermaid is a "kidstrans" group; one of the founders took her 16yo child to Thailand to get him cut, as British legal age is 18.

Super hot topic....:eyes: watching you Sparkles.
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
Lottie said...

As a former Wrns/Royal Naval officer, I think Harry is a disgrace to any uniform he wears after ditching the Deal memorial to pimp out his wife to Disney. Dim has always been constitutionally irrelevant: Charles is the heir, William is the spare; and Dim needs to learn his place in the scheme of things. As for returning to the family, we need to differentiate between the family and the Royal Family. I can understand that the family want him back but he will be a serious liability to the Royal Family. If they try to gatecrash any public events in future, the RF have a clever way if dealing with gatecrashers. Remember the way they were cutbout of the herd at the BP do for Charles’s celebration as PoW?

Thank you for your service! Tho as ex-(American) Army, I am forced to say, "Boo Navy," LOL -- only joking :) I expect you have that kind of friendly ribbing in Blighty too :)

But in seriousness, I, too, have the deepest contempt for Harry's behavior as Captain General of the Royal Marines. I can only imagine his conduct as an actual serving officer -- I'm pretty sure the rumors are only the tip of the iceberg.

As for pointing out that Harry will be welcomed back as family but is a liability going forward, I agree with you 100 percent.

Not only as you say they were publicly humiliated at the PoW anniversary event, but I clearly recall the fact that The Queen used the word "family" four times in her response to the Harkles' "manifesto" (ultimatum) of their quitting. That was a strong hint of how Harry was going to be regarded going forward.
Grisham said…
Xxxxx, thank you for the song. I hadn’t heard ur before and it was very appropriate.

I think the TMZ link shows HAMS are very sought out for paps. Obviously pics of them make money and there must still be a lot of interests. Que the saying, any publicity is good publicity? 🤷🏼‍♀️
Blithe Spirit said…
Thank you Lt. Uhuru for generously posting the LSA comment and thank you Charade for posting the link.

The post was insightful and well-detailed, apart from the glaring error of Haliwit's army tenure. William babysitting his younger brother makes a lot of sense. It's something he got stuck with very early on since both parents were on their own drama trips. The BRF should have realized that this only encouraged tantrums and drunken binges from the perpetually whining one. It must have been incredibly draining to be supporting someone who resented your position in the family. My respect for William has grown.

Not sure if William has all that power. If the queen always backs rank wouldn't she support the heir? William may make his thoughts known but Charles is selfish and insanely insecure. He wouldn't cede to William's common sense. I think that's why we are seeing the mess of the Harkles. They can throw all sorts of stinky muck at the family, the Commonwealth, the courtiers and Charles seems to reward them with more cash. If only TQ would put her foot down about that!
Miggy said…

Jamil is the mentally unstable manipulator who "feels unsafe" when someone in her orbit indicates that women don't have penises.

I'm surprised that Markle continues to associate with her since she quietly pulled their Mermaid charity support amidst the JK Rowling situation. Mermaid is a "kidstrans" group; one of the founders took her 16yo child to Thailand to get him cut, as British legal age is 18.

Super hot topic....:eyes: watching you Sparkles.

It is a super hot topic!

I regularly follow Kellie-Jay Keen,(formerly known as Posie Parker) on YouTube to keep up to speed on the subject.

Jameela Jamil is a vile bully.
HappyDays said…
JHanoi said...
Publicly, Hollyweird supports the Sussexes, who had to flew the oppressive grey suits and deary family in order to be happy and make their own way in the world. but privately, aren’t they backstabbing them like they do all their friends, as they climb the knife handles to the top?
The Harkles are more competition for the limited resources, parts, money out in LALA land.

@JHanoi: I agree with you 100% about the public facade that Hollywood is supporting the Harkles, but privately not supporting them.

The Harkles, specifically Meghan, have an awful lot in the negative column.
A) The manner in which they left The Firm.
B) They led the RF and public and the country of Canada on to believe they were planning to live in a Commonwealth country, when all along Southern California was Meghan’s ultimate destination.
C) Behind the scenes, Meghan apparently had a bad reputation as an exceptionally difficult person to work with. I’ve read too many articles, Tweets, and comments from people who worked with her when she was on Suits and side gigs she picked up, mostly in Canada as people recalled how mean and snobby she is. And this is nothing new. One comment from a woman whose sister was a “not cool” kid at Meghan’s high school who was the target of bullying by Meghan and a group of girls she described as typical Mean Girls.

One Hollywood producer described Meghan to Lady Colin Campbell in her recent book as follows:
“While her admirers commended her for her tenacity and toughness, one producer told me that he regarded her ‘an odiously pushy, voracious piece of work’. She was ‘greedy’, had ‘far too high an opinion of herself’, and was ‘a player who has a compulsion to always push for more. If you offered her California, she’d demand Arizona as well, and, if you didn’t give it to her, you were victimising her."

D) As an actress and entertainer Meghan is mediocre, and that’s being generous.
E) I doubt Trevor sings her praises in private conversation.
F) Entertainment is a business. There might be a few people who will risk their money and hire Meghan for a project, but most people are not willing to risk tens or hundreds of millions of dollars betting on a lame horse like Meghan.
G) Meghan likes to play victim, and if she doesn’t get her way, wants to change the terms of a contract midstream, if otherwise feel she has not received the fawning treatment she feels she deserves, she will play victim, cry racism, sexism, or invasion of privacy or another excuse and file a lawsuit.
SwampWoman said…
The theory that he pitched a fit and got kicked out as an official paid royal resonates with me. I like it. I like it a lot. Yes, he can go back as a family member, just not doing any duties or appearances.

I can see her in terms of southern matriarchy as a trashy basic b*tch daughter in law that comes in and starts dictating what great grandma, grandma, and momma as well as cousins and other sisters in law are going to do to cater to her whims and oh, by the way, she wants these jewelry pieces and the most valuable antique furniture when great grandma kicks off. While people will be polite and good natured at first, the family will eventually get together and decide that the drama has to go. The one that introduced her to the family will be told "Son, you are welcome to visit us anytime. We love you. She, however is no longer welcome at any of our houses. Here are the restraining orders. Say, how's that new job going?"

In the meantime, my smallest grandson is in the living room yelling "I didn't touch nuffin!" so I suppose something has, indeed, been touched and is no longer intact.
CatEyes said…
@Lt. Uhura said..

"Not only as you say they were publicly humiliated at the PoW anniversary event, but I clearly recall the fact that The Queen used the word "family" four times in her response to the Harkles' "manifesto" (ultimatum) of their quitting. That was a strong hint of how Harry was going to be regarded going forward."

Good catch...regarding the repeated use of the word "family". I had wondered why the use of the word over and over and now you have made what might have been obvious but wasn't now made clear! Yes, they would be welcome back as family, not perhaps as working royals. I sure hope that is what the Queen was emphasizing, a place for them always in the family but not necessarily a place again among the working royals. As an aside, I do hope the York sisters are allowed to take on more engagements.

And to the Nuttie who mentioned/hoping about Catherine maybe having baby #4, I think that would be so great! William and the DoC are such good parents and they have such a lovely family...truly a blessing to the BRF.
Lottie said…
@Lt Nyota Uhura
Thank you and I agree with your comments. Keep posting. Yes,nwe do have a friendly rivalry. The navy calls the army pongoes!
SwampWoman said…
Not only as you say they were publicly humiliated at the PoW anniversary event, but I clearly recall the fact that The Queen used the word "family" four times in her response to the Harkles' "manifesto" (ultimatum) of their quitting. That was a strong hint of how Harry was going to be regarded going forward.

The junior family member couldn't even sweep the floors in the factory without screwing up. He will have no further place in the family business but he is welcome to come to Christmas dinner, preferably alone?
Hikari said…

There is something about looking as though you are doing good deeds, actively doing them whilst appearing humble, that attracts our narcissistic brethren.
My goodness do they love to tell people about their good deeds with a pious expression and when praised they shrug their shoulders, say something like ‘ someone has to do it’ and voila the saint is born!

So true. The first time I ever heard the now on-trend term 'virtue signalling' was in the context of Ms. Markle. Tons of celebs do it . . every self-righteously pontificating Instagram post/tweet/wardrobe choice/etc. Meg's not by herself here, but where she does stand alone is that her *every public move* is calibrated to this.

As a young, hustling startlet with nothing to show for 10 years in show business but a stint on Deal or No Deal and a couple of stanky Hallmark movies, MM looked at Angelina Jolie & her icon Diana and decided that the quickest no-pain route to becoming a global celebrity was to be a 'humanitarian'. So she did what has become her MO: hired herself a PR agent who found some photo-ops for her in Third World countries. We can thank Gina Kruger-Cowne for a number of fetching photos of Meg smiling in bo-ho chic with African and Indian kids. GKC also obtained for her all those One Young World summits where she was to be a panelist and bailed out early because she had a sexier offer.

Here's what I have to say to Meg, through St. Matthew:
"But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
Hikari said…
Not only as you say they were publicly humiliated at the PoW anniversary event, but I clearly recall the fact that The Queen used the word "family" four times in her response to the Harkles' "manifesto" (ultimatum) of their quitting. That was a strong hint of how Harry was going to be regarded going forward.

The BRF shade is always very subtle to the uninitiated. I think, yes, there is a WORLD of difference between 'Family' (Big F) and 'family' (Small F).

The Queen will stand with her Family on the balcony at BP for Trooping the Colour, presuming they are allowed with Covid. Meg and Harry are no longer 'Family'. They remain 'part of my family.' Could Harry get a spot on the balcony, even now? . . .mmm, unlikely. Granny has taken away his uniforms, and his wife will not be invited. To stand alone, in the back, in a suit, with even Eugenie's Jack better thought of and given a closer place to the front? I don't think his ego would stand for it.

By 'family', TQ was saying that the borders of England are not closed; Harry will always be free to visit, if he's got the stones to show his face. Allowing him to resume his place as part of the Family Firm at high profile Royal events . . iffy. They would be so stupid to let him. His star is fallen too far; nobody really wants to see Harry back. I'm sure the Queen does not wish to get booed, and steps will be taken to prevent that happening.
Meghan is going to use Archie as her excuse for everything. wait for it.

I have a relative that operates like this.
My no.1 husband was very much a pongo. I gather it's reference to apes, rather than BO!

One of my all time favourite car stickers, when such things were popular, was
`Fly Navy, dig Army, eat Crab'

The Navy has always considered itself very much the Senior Service, with the other two a poor second and third, respectively. It says something for William that he is RAF.

O/T My other sticker favourites are:

`Support Mountain Rescue - get lost',

`Keep Yorkshire tidy - burn a caravan.'

The best, though, was one I say in Ireland in the 1960s: `Come to Lisdoonvarna for happy holidays, where the summer temperature is almost 60 degrees.'

That `almost' kills me!
Lt. Nyota Uhura said…
CatEyes said...

As an aside, I do hope the York sisters are allowed to take on more engagements.

I also would like to see them on more engagements, tho they'd have to be willing, of course. Not sure how much their Dad has possibly queered that particular pitch for them. I feel very sorry for them having to put their bravest faces forward. They both seem to be very nice people, as down-to-earth as born royals can be.


SwampWoman said...

The junior family member couldn't even sweep the floors in the factory without screwing up. He will have no further place in the family business but he is welcome to come to Christmas dinner, preferably alone?

This is exactly what I'm hoping will happen! If they DID somehow reinstate Harry as a senior royal, not only would he bunk off of most of his responsibilities, IMO, but also keep on demanding that L.A.-U.K. commute, which is obviously not going to happen. (At least I HOPE "obviously") Besides, both he AND La Markle look perpetually stoned nowadays, especially him. He's a shell of his former self, which is finally coming home to roost, both to the world's eyes and to most crucially his own. His head is not in a good place -- not that it ever was, but he has nowhere to hide now.


@Lottie --

Hahaha @ "pongoes"! Very short (O/T, sorry Nutties!) story --

Where I did advanced Army training (after basic), they trained people from all the services, and I got to know this wonderful Marine named Rusty, from Alabama. One day I asked him: "You Marines have so many nicknames -- "Jarhead," "Leatherneck," "Gyrene," etc. -- but the only nickname I've ever heard for us soldiers is "dogface." Aren't there any others?"

He smiles at me and says, in his Alabama drawl (which @Swampwoman, @tatty and other Southern Nutties know well I'm sure) -- "Honey, Ah don't buh-leeeve yew want to KNOOOOOW the other names we got for you doggies."

LOL *grin*
Much as I'd like to see another young Cambridge, I feel for Catherine. Far from `not doing much' she has performed her role as wife of a future king, which is securing the succession, in an exemplary fashion.

Moreover, it has been at high personal cost in terms of suffering (all that nausea vomiting...) and I'd say she's already gone above and beyond the call of duty.

I'd go as far as suggesting that all M's skipping around and physical contortions, when apparently heavily pregnant, were designed to show M's superiority over Catherine, another opportunity to put her sister-in law in the shade, subsequently backed by Scabies dreadful comments.
SwampWoman said…
5X said: Meghan Markle met Jameela Jamil at the couple's sprawling California mansion just one day after the former Radio 1 DJ dubbed Prince Andrew a paedophile on Twitter, a source claimed.

The Good Place star, 34, said the Duke of York - Prince Harry's uncle - was the Firm's 'alleged resident pedo' and claimed he was 'besties with a sex trafficker' in a Twitter rant on August 22.

Just one day later, Jamil - who is known for her 'woke' opinions - is believed to have travelled to the Sussex's sprawling nine-bedroom and 16-bathroom mansion in Montecito with her boyfriend singer-songwriter James Blake.

Seems to be her go-to move to blame others for something ("Look! PEDOPHILE!") whenever she knows that something negative is going to be reported about her. But, I wonder.

There have been at least two good-sized child rescue missions at the end of August by the U.S. Marshal's service. Some of the children were kidnapped by non-custodial parents and were recovered; some of them were being trafficked by convicted felons and pedophiles. Internet chatter speculation was that it *may* be due to Maxwell spilling to the Feds and cutting a deal. MM liking a pedo comment about Andrew makes wonder if Andrew will be in the news again soon. I wonder how much MM hears from Hollywood connections and SoHo about sex trafficking. I know that PA claimed that Maxwell could prove his innocence but would she? And would anybody believe her if she did?

Button said…
I am in the ' they were booted out ' camp. I think the Archie fiasco was the nail in the coffin. As others have indicated we none of us really know what is going on behind the gilded walls of Balmoral, nor what has been going on prior. I have stated before that Meghag will never ever be completely washed out of the RF. She will always be a herpe. As for Hazzard, he should think very hard about coming back to the UK.
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