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Who does Meghan actually influence?

 Duchess Meghan is working quite hard at the moment to be an "influencer."

She recently took the opportunity to go on video, with Harry, to suggest that people "vote against negativity" in the upcoming US election (given Meg's simping for Michelle Obama, that means not for Donald Trump) and also took time to send a video message offering encouragement to an America's Got Talent contestant who served time in prison while being wrongly accused of a crime. 

(The contestant was named Archie, the same as the Sussexes's possibly mythical child, and the Daily Mail reports that he "smiled in disbelief" upon seeing the video. He may have been smiling uncomfortably because he had no idea who the Duchess was.)

Cause and effect

Cynically, I believe that the Duchess' political pronouncements are more about ingratiating herself with the Hollywood "in crowd" than any actual heartfelt beliefs. 

The question is, is anyone really being influenced by what Meghan says? 

If so, whom?


Svetlana said…
Harry. Harry is the only one.
abbyh said…
Really good question. I have no clue.
LavenderLady said…
Harry. Harry is the only one.
LOL! May I add HERSELF? She influences herself.


Thanks for turning the page!

To answer your question, I really don't see La Markle as an influencer (more like a bad in*flu*enza).

I view her as nothing less than an exploiter...
Thinking hard, nope I’ve gone completely blank on that one! I know she’s great at stirring up trouble!
AnT said…
Harry (can’t vote)

Omid (can’t vote)

Bots (can’t vote)

Various “good for her elevating & snagging titles, $, and swag” types (may vote)

Various “she threw. away everything for love, humanity and Harry” types (may vote)

Impressionable or/and isolated 12-15 year olds (can’t vote)

Those who squad and tweet but never actually registered (—)

In my opinion only, she seems like a backed puppet, who may be replaced soon by her backers for poor pull.

I think she is doing it all to advertise for a new gig as a Bezos (copter lessons like his current girlfriend) or Gates (humanitarianism, philanthropist) or Musk (outspoken, showbiz, hardcore) wife, a la the almost daily DM Hurley bikini photo.

Thanks for the new brainteaser Nutty

There are probably some people who take Markle's verbal diarrhoea at face value. She is using words that signify good things, like equality, fair society, kindness, support etc. Young and idealistic people especially feel things are wrong in the world and believe they can change it by throwing away the old structures and institutions. They are her main consumers. Plus not everybody is aware of the finer points of Markle saga that are plain ugly

If I judge by the comments I have seen so far the vast majority sees right through her propaganda.

Curious how much she has spent on her relentless PR. Her AGT "message" alone was probably a good couple hundred thousands paid to the show.

SwampWoman said…
I believe that she is hanging onto the title by claws, teeth, and gnarly toes because that is the *only* way people know who she is. By that, most people, when asked about MM, have no clue who she is and do not care. If she has a Duchess title, then people are at least aware that she is a part of the British aristocracy (but most don't care).
LavenderLady said…
@AnT said,

Harry (can’t vote)

Omid (can’t vote)

Bots (can’t vote)

Various “good for her elevating & snagging titles, $, and swag” types (may vote)

Various “she threw. away everything for love, humanity and Harry” types (may vote)

Impressionable or/and isolated 12-15 year olds (can’t vote)

Those who squad and tweet but never actually registered (—)
Oooff, good one!! :D :D :D
SwampWoman said, If she has a Duchess title, then people are at least aware that she is a part of the British aristocracy (but most don't care).

Megsy didn’t marry an aristocrat, she married a royal, so she’s not part of the British aristocracy, but erm royalty unfortunately. There’s a huge difference between the aristocracy and royalty. ;o)
Unknown said…
I second the Harry vote. Archie too I suppose.
SwampWoman said…
@Raspberry Ruffle, I'm one of those people that really has no idea about the differences (except for watching Downton Abbey). You are right; I know about royalty, not aristocracy.

*sigh* I'm not even aware of all the conspiracy theories. Is it only royalty that some YouTubers allege have alien reptilian blood, or is it supposedly spread throughout the aristocracy?
none said…
Currently, I don't think Markle is influencing anyone. These appearances are designed to cultivate her image for future influence.

Markle is a very unlikeable person with zero charisma. Her voice and delivery are grating. There are plenty of other people - younger, attractive people with real talent and accomplishments - who can be influential. Nobody will care what "I'm such a fraud Markle" has to say.

A secondary issue is the potential set up for removing titles, so she (possibly Harry) can participate in U.S. politics.
Meghan is trying to influence one person, and that is her new target Marc Benoif.

Copy Bezos' girlfriend, break up a marriage and run around 'having fun'.

The life she lives with Harry is limiting, boring, hard (gotta make money now), and they are in a negative world they created for themselves because Harry has no boundaries and no spine.

Probably the saddest part of this is Harry's inability to see the fact he's let her continue her antics, which is just to get away from him and get her closer to Marc- where the true money, fame and freedom is. He is a dem activist. He recently hired them for the Time 100 appearance.

Harry is a weak fool, and once he realizes what's really going on here he's in trouble, just as Trump said.

Meghan realized she was over Harry, as soon as she figured out what he was worth in all terms when she moved to the UK. He wasn't ever going to be able to give her the ultimate freedom and power she craves. But the one thing she knows he is good for? More social climbing and status connections. That's it.

Meghan isn't trying to influence anyone to follow her, except her new target and future husband.
SwampWoman said…
unknown said...
Meghan is trying to influence one person, and that is her new target Marc Benoif.

Gracious me. I googled him; he has a decided resemblance to Weinstein, at least in the picture that I viewed.
lizzie said…
Mostly Harry and assuming he exists, Archie.

I guess she influences me a bit. Anything she's in favor of, I look at with more suspicion than I might otherwise (although I'm not a pushover re: charitable contributions to odd foundations and questionable groups anyway.)

She influences some members of her "squad" to make death threats against people but there's a lot of that going around these days. So that's not really an indication of great power.

I just don't think she's a big influencer. But I've never been able to figure out who other "influencers" influence either!
SwampWoman said…
I wish her well in her pursuit of Marc B. If he hooks up with her, he'll have less money available for his causes, and we'll probably never recognize her again due to deep pockets for plastic surgery. Harry will be freed from whichever room he's locked in. We'll probably never hear of "Archie" again. It seems like a winning proposition to me. I would help in this present endeavor if I could.
LavenderLady said…
Re: Marc Benoif

By the looks of him, That Thing That Harry Married has daddy issues...but don't we already know it?
SwampWoman said…
Oh, never mind. It seems he's married with children; she's quite attractive.
SwampWoman said…
LavenderLady, I think she has money issues and does not care about how old the holder of the wallet is.
LavenderLady said…
Oh, never mind. It seems he's married with children; she's quite attractive.

I don't think the Duchess of Dirty cares. She's probably still pissed off Dirty Sanchez one upped her and beat her to Bezos.

Both men are ewwww IMO.
LavenderLady said…
LavenderLady, I think she has money issues and does not care about how old the holder of the wallet is.
Agree 100%. She's probably already porked Weinstein, Triple ewwww, to climb that pole.

Mrs. Benoiff looks she and Dirty Sanchez may have the same surgeon Lol...

Soon Archie will be calling mama Duck Duck Quack Quack hahahaha!!
Sandie said…
Politically and socially she really is too inconsequential to influence anyone or anything significant. As the folk at LSA keep pointing out, whereas others are getting millions of viewers, Meghan struggles to get past 100 000, and negative comments on any article about her quickly add up. She seems tone deaf to those facts.

However, on a smaller scale, she does attract a few crazy fans. Crazy people have done scary things after becoming obsessed with a famous person. The person most at risk is probably Harry, since his family are very well protected.

I think if she had been able to overcome her hubris, she could have returned to her Tig days and being a lifestyle influencer? I don't like her style in decor, dress and so on, and was not very inspired by the foodie stuff she shared. However, there are a lot of people who would love her style and be influenced by her to buy stuff to try to copy her style, and even be nfluenced by her in what kind of dream holiday they plan.

She is not being successful because she is not being authentic, despite all the spin. What she loves, other than herself, are clothes, jewellery, make up, holidays, shoes, decor with lots of white and piles of books for show and not to be read, wine, perhaps food, but I think she emphasized that because she thought Cory was a gateway to her becoming a famous foodie? Influencing a person to purchase a certain type of cushion is benign and can be lucrative. All the 'influencing', woke speech does not reach many, and most are not interested, but all it needs is one crazy ... What really bothers me is that she keeps telling people to act but gives them no avenue to do so. It only takes one riled up crazy to create havoc.

If you want people to register and vote, offer assistance and create a network of people across the country doing the same.

If you want to make the commentary on the Internet kinder and more honest, then offer assistance, such as practical courses on self-control and how to evaluate the veracity of information ... and get people to focus on all that is positive and amazing about the Internet.
LavenderLady said…
@Lizzie said,
She influences some members of her "squad" to make death threats against people but there's a lot of that going around these days. So that's not really an indication of great power.

@Sandie said,
However, on a smaller scale, she does attract a few crazy fans. Crazy people have done scary things after becoming obsessed with a famous person. The person most at risk is probably Harry, since his family are very well protected.

So true Ladies, so true. That's the concerning part. That she'll go Bunny Boiler on someone...yikes!
NeutralObserver said…
I said months ago that the preteens the Kardashian family made its millions from seemed to be the Harkles' obvious market. The death of cable tv in the US means the Harkles don't have a platform to reach low information consumers who might buy the stuff they seemed to think they could hawk when they trademarked Sussex Royal, like mugs & sweatshirts.

I have no idea what's in the Harkle agreement with Netflix, or how much exclusivity Netflix is demanding, but that tie might prevent them from setting up deals with companies like Apple, or Disney, which are now competitors in the streaming business, & Netflix is facing its own woes with the fragmentation of the entertainment business. I've mentioned that a lot of the big corporations like Apple, JPMorgan, Nike, etc. are throwing around big bucks to seem 'woke' these days, but again, their deal with Netflix might make them less able to exploit this.

I also predicted a lifestyle show of some sort for Megs, & this might be her best bet. The Montecito white elephant would be the perfect setting for Megs to merch her favorite furnishings, garden furniture, cookware, etc. She could also do streaming yoga classes.

There are many problems with the Harkles making inroads in the teens to 20s crowd in the US. That group usually wants something with a 'coolness' factor, or is something that isn't widely known. Youngsters like to be trendsetters. The Harkles frantic pr buys, & blurbs on outlets like GMA, make them decidedly 'uncool.' The Covid economy, the struggles of big luxury retailers in the US, & the strained relations with China, make expensive fads a hard sell right now in any case. So, no Tiffany & Co trinkets for Megs to merch.

When the Harkles try to address more serious matters, like the upcoming US elections, or the environment, I don't think they have any added value. The Dems think young people are their road to victory, but the problem is, most young people don't vote, & the ones that do are too well informed to be influenced by Megs & Harry. Too bad Megs didn't land Harry in the more prosperous & frivolous 90s or early 2000s.

As an American, it's not my business, but I'm saddened by the damage the Harkles have done to the BRF's, & by extension, the UK's 'brand.' I hope those entities can get the ship righted soon.
NeutralObserver said…
Loved the dissection of the Harkle GOTV video on the previous thread.

@AnT, you're up there with @Hikari in your ability to go for the jugular while making us laugh.

The MOS lawsuit is looking interesting. Some very pricy NYC law firms subtly & politely direct clients elsewhere when they don't think they'll be getting the huge fees they depend on. Don't know if this is true in the UK.

It is interesting that the more jr. barrister who argued against the MOS being allowed to to introduce FF, kept saying, 'I understand,' or 'It's my understanding.' She was obviously protecting herself from saying something untrue in court.
LavenderLady said…
@NeutralObserver said,
There are many problems with the Harkles making inroads in the teens to 20s crowd in the US. That group usually wants something with a 'coolness' factor, or is something that isn't widely known. Youngsters like to be trendsetters. The Harkles frantic pr buys, & blurbs on outlets like GMA, make them decidedly 'uncool.' The Covid economy, the struggles of big luxury retailers in the US, & the strained relations with China, make expensive fads a hard sell right now in any case. So, no Tiffany & Co trinkets for Megs to merch.
Of my adult children, only one defends her because he's "woke" like her and has activist leanings. As Americans we know EVERYTHING distills down to what side of the political aisle you are on. He doesn't give her the time of day but he will defend her because she's on His Side. What ever that means because I'm apolitical. I love my son so I never go there.

I get all of my snark out on this blog. It's gotta go somewhere!...(then I blame it on the spirit of John Lennon) ;)
Blithe Spirit said…
Gosh, @Nutty Flavor, you've asked a hard one. I tried to think of someone, anyone but ...zilch. She desperately aspires to be an influencer, I'll give you that. But apart from preaching to the choir like her stans or hapless Harry, I don't think she has any luck.
Very good comment by Neutral Observer
AnT said…
Oh, @unknown, in that case:

People who enjoy free daily comedy, and watching prancing clueless buffoons hit walls, especially in 2020.

People who are furloughed monitoring the escape route taken by looters of millions of their U.K. tax dollars

People studying narcissistic people and their damage, discussing a live case study with other victims and students

People who miss Game of Thrones

People who remember Patty Hearst

People who are curious about how money laundering works, and missed the Ted Talk

People betting in pub pools on William v Charles

People researching the screenplay for the rom-com “Cornwall Gulag: Camilla & Carole’s Revenge”

People who want to know what Princess Charlotte may be noting in her Junior Burn Book while others think she’s napping

People hoping to write a bestseller about their own holiday peeing habits

People curious about renting babies for ads and Christmas cards

People reaching out in kindness to curb the harvesting of hair from poverty- stricken women

People with no jobs learning how to secure a $15 million mortgage using an old Cartier bangle as collateral

People deeply curious about how Russian oligarchies handle nonpayment of mortgages
Artemisia19 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
@ unknown: How do you know that her new target is Marc Benioff? I can certainly understand why she would go after him - he's reportedly worth $9.8 billion, a lot richer than JH - but are there any rumors or blind gossip items about this?
Artemisia19 said…

I think their initial plan was to make millions by doing the speaking circuit (like the Clintons, Obamas, and the Davos crowd) but the pandemic has hurt that market. And based on what I've read, JPMorgan was not too impressed with Harry's speech. The events industry is not expected to recover anytime soon.

It looks like she also had plans to become an A-list actor and the millions that come with it. But she's not talented enough to compete on that level. And Hollywood is going through some tectonic shifts right now, including more scrutiny over its relationship with the CCP and censoring movies to grab the Chinese market.

Their more recent maneuverings seems to be plan C: latch on to any topic that is trending on the Internet and ride those algorithms. She hasn't be able to make herself into a thought leader who creates the discussion and can demand $500,000 speaking fees so she has to latch on to topics like BLM, equality, etc. It's the same marketing tactic that influencers use. I guess we will see how much mileage she'll get out of this.

I live in the Northeast, and no one I know has any interest in these two either politically or otherwise. When I have tried to talk to friends about them; some gave me the "Didn't we fight a war to get rid of the British monarchy?" My friends, however, may not be in the target age range. In the end we have a woman who bangs on about equality but acquired what she now has by marrying a prince. And we have a prince who wants to be ordinary but get paid millions for be a prince who tells you how ordinary he is.

This world is just bonkers.

Jess said…
I’m confused - why are we debating Archie’s existence? We’ve seen his pics and he is living, breathing child. He looks a lot like Harry. I think we can out this one to bed.
Sandie said…
Off topic ...

If you want to read something very sad, Richard Eden on twitter has shared a short article about Harry at school after Diana died. He was sad and isolated when he returned to school after the funeral. Parents were sent a letter telling them that no one must mention Diana to him so people ended up avoiding him. One women ignored the instructions and went up to him and said how sorry she was that his Mom had died ...
JHanoi said…
i don’t think anyone in the US general population is influenced by what MM/ harkles preach.
Her woknesses audience is already ‘woke’ so she’s just preaching to thee choir.

When or if HM pulls MM’s titles & HRH, will the press then refer to her as Meghan Markle, formerly known as the Duchess of Sussex?
I actually know a few people in Tunbridge Wells, so, that poster got me curious.

Back to the regular thread please :)

Meghan is such a strange person to be infamous. She has no hallmark of a person that is legitimately famous, or infamous.

My husband maintains that she will try anything and everything and we will then be seeing her on Big Brother in 5 years for the paycheck. He said that's the max 'value' or 'influence' she holds. Funny.

@ unknown "not Meghan Markle"

Well written. I think all of us agree here Harry and Meghan don't have a healthy relationship and the dynamics are damaging - at least for Harry. Megs got everything she wanted; not sure the same stands for Harry.

The longer they stay together the more dead - eyed he becomes. This is a portrait of a man who is forced into something he hadn't foreseen when he made his decisions. He is alien in the States and he is not welcome in the UK after his blunders.

Plus Harry is too limited and too stubborn to stop, admit his mistakes, apologize and start afresh. He will just dig deeper.
Hikari said…

I’m confused - why are we debating Archie’s existence? We’ve seen his pics and he is living, breathing child. He looks a lot like Harry. I think we can out this one to bed.

We have seen (some pitifully few) pictures of a baby and/or parts of a baby. We have seen some babies (at least two; possibly 3) which do not appear to be living or breathing. We have seen live video of 'Archie' on two occasions--Sept. 2019 and May 2020. Those were not the same child.

The child Harry was holding at that staged photo scene 'In Canada'(sure) was a little girl. Unless they dressed Archie in the identical wardrobe items belonging to Harry's friends' little girl. "Archie" was wearing a little girls' skirt, tights and the identical pom hat belonging to the friends' child. That was a cute kid . . .but it was neither South Africa Archie or Duck Rabbit Archie. The passage of time alone does not explain how the child's head ratio would change drastically. Or how, in the space of six months, a pronounced strabismus would switch eyes from left to right.

Christmas Card Archie was none of these.

Which of these is the 'real' Archie? Meg is not good at details but we aren't blind.
Christine said…
Hello All!

Jess- I believe Archie exists. I've said before that the theories about Archie are fodder for Meghan to use to demonstrate how persecuted she and H are and how they are plagued by all these wild theories. I firmly believe the RF's sympathies over some of these types of theories are how she has gotten as much as she has. It's my humble opinion that it's time to put that stuff to rest, but many just do not agree.

Here's my 2 cents regarding the latest bs from them. Meghan knows that it's coming that she and Harry will lose their titles. I'm sure it's been difficult for Harry to process that possibility. But for Meg, she has a goal in mind...political power and that is what she is turning her eye to now. Since Meghan is such an malignant narcissist, she is able to 'markle' friends, family, anything...including the title that she has coveted but now knows that she will likely lose. She's letting the thought of the title go. Now the title is in her way, so she doesn't care if it goes. Plus she knows that Harry will be completely hers if they are stripped of their titles. She also feels they may get some public sympathy, especially in the US, if the once beloved Prince Harry of the UK loses his title.
I think Harry must be f'ing miserable. He knows it's the kiss of the death for his title. If nothing else, the recent video where they made the political statement is rife with psychological intrigue. Gahhhh she is so fake and so contrived. The way she sits with her legs angled toward Harry but yet taking up the whole bench and staring at him is well, you can make up your own mind watching the video. Daily Mail has a great article up today about it.

Remember when Trump went to England recently and had those events with the Royal Family? The Queen, Charles, Camilla, William and Catherine all gave him such a royal welcome. It's evident that Charles and probably William, have many opposing viewpoints to Trump but they met with him, greeted him as ambassadors and showed much goodwill. Remember Harry had to go to that one party and he was photographed with such a sour look on his face in the corner? His wife was probably LIVID that Harry had to go to that event. I knew then that she would never again allow Harry to go do any sort of event like that with Trump.

Well, what can we say about Harry that we haven't already said? We can feel a bit sorry for Harry, but it's really hard to completely feel bad for him. So much writing on the wall, but his absolute lust and obsession over her overtook everything and I do mean everything!!!
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
lizzie said…
@Jess re: Archie:

I agree with all of Hikari's points about what we've seen.

I also don't think the child/children we've seen look anything like Harry. Yes, they all have had a light complexion as he does (and as do millions of people.) And we keep being told Archie has red hair like Harry but I've certainly not seen it yet. To me, as a small child Harry had a bit of an "elfin" appearance. The only Archie child we've seen that could possibly be described that way was Christmas card Archie (although he also looked a bit Asian.)

But my reasons for continuing doubt have nothing to do with whether he looks like Harry anyway. Lots of times people see a parent/child resemblance even when a child has been adopted. My reasons have to do more with the distinctly odd pregnancy and the lack of attachment Archie seems to show to H&M.
This is the user formerly known as, 'unknown'.

Hope this helps.
"Plus Harry is too limited and too stubborn to stop, admit his mistakes, apologize and start afresh. He will just dig deeper."

I was just talking about this at lunch with my husband (he must think I'm slightly mad ha!). How she played Harry so he couldn't get away.

Remember? Harry REALLY cares what the public thinks of him. When she craftily made the relationship media public with her interview and forcing his public letter trying to 'protect her'.

He couldn't back down from the relationship. She played the media game with Harry's insecurities from the beginning.

Now she has him in the 'Us vs. Them' 'They just have the wrong information' stage, while she has one foot out the door looking back at him wondering why no one likes him anymore, and thus she shouldn't associate with such a negative person.

The best thing Trevor ever did for himself, was to let Meghan move to Toronto by herself.
LavenderLady said…
@Not Meghan Markle,

Love your handle! Darn, I should have thought of it ;)

Thank you so much!
KCM1212 said…
Influence, in order to be real, must be either positive or negative.

Part of what keeps the Sussexes interesting for me is that I can never completely figure out which influence type they see themselves aa having.

Their "party line" is that they see themselves as 1) tremendous influencers, in the SM sense and 2) that influence is kind, beneficial, and woke. Harry, at least, seems to buy into that narrative totally. He seems honestly to be baffled when called out on his hypocritical b@llsh#t. Again, I am confused. We all know PH will never be asked to bring the dip to the next Mensa meeting. But is he simply too stupid to get it, too entitled to think he doesnt have to follow the guidelines he spews, or really thinks that his intentions are all we should look at, never mind his actions??

In any event, the poor ninny seems slightly more sincere in his "save the world" bleating. He at least seems to think of himself (and oddly, la Markle) as being a Positive Influence.

I tend to see Skidmark as a negative influence straight across the board. She might find the idea of being a beneficial influence slightly more useful to her ends (because sheep are easier to control than a herd of cats) but ultimately it doesnt impact her plans for world domination.

And it especially doesnt have any impact on how she feels about herself. She is in it for her goals. The world, the environment, the hangers on, families, friends and her enemies can all just f*ck right off.

She ain't in this thing for love, baby. Its about the greenbacks.

As a result, her influence is negative. Every time. Even the " relationship " with her fans is ugly and brutally self-serving. Not one of her relationships is joyful, productive or even slightly honest.

Ultimately, they are all work.

Markle will have some fame. Shes a fame whore. She will have some money. She'll do anything to get it. She will ruin a few people's lives. Any fool who truly loves her will suffer.

But I don't believe she will have any real influence long term. That influence tends to be the positive kind. The Sussexes, especially MM seem to attract 3 enemies for one friend (or ally). And we, her enemies, speak out loudly, often, and with great mockery. As long as we are here to call her out, expose her lies and drink Contemptinis, she will never win. as least not for long.

True things endure.

@AnT ...hang with us! I really enjoyed your input. As I do the input of all the Nutties.

It would be easy to feel like she can win some days. We have to help keep each other strong.

To The Snark!

Some of us are loyal subjects of Her Majesty and can see every reason why Markle's antics are so dangerous to the land we love and its Constitution.

It is a serious matter for us, not just a bit of frothy gossip. We joke and try to find what scraps of humour we can to help us through it, just as our parents and grandparents did in the war. We may not feel it appropriate to demonstrate our patriotism in the way that the US does but the feeling is every bit as deep.

We have been traduced, insulted and dragged through the mud internationally by a two-bit tart.

My attempts to unmask Markle are absolutely serious - too many people here in the UK give her an easy ride because they don't wish to be seen as illiberal.

I hope I have made it clear that I do not regard this as `pop culture', any more than BLM is `pop culture'. I There are serious political and constitutional issues at stake and if anyone can't see this, this may not be the place for them.

Btw, for the avoidance of doubt about what I have said, or not said, I'm keeping copies of what I have posted. with the time mark.

God Save the Queen.
SwampWoman said…
Markle's passion play about supporting BLM might play well in California but, to have a viable brand, she needs to expand way beyond California. It isn't going to play well in places where BLM and antifa are burning, looting, and murdering.

KCM1212 said…
if anyone needs a laugh

move down to the photos of MM in the leather (??!!)pants, next to the one of them on the bench in hells half acre.
NeutralObserver said…
@KCM1212, LOL! Comments like this are what make this blog so much fun.

"We all know PH will never be asked to bring the dip to the next Mensa meeting."
KCM1212 said…
@swampwoman said:

Markle's passion play about supporting BLM might play well in California but, to have a viable brand, she needs to expand way beyond California. It isn't going to play well in places where BLM and antifa are burning, looting, and murdering.

Dead on, Swampwoman!
KCM1212 said…
@ Neutral Observer

HappyDays said…
Nutty said: Cynically, I believe that the Duchess' political pronouncements are more about ingratiating herself with the Hollywood "in crowd" than any actual heartfelt beliefs.

@Nutty: I think you are correct in your theory that Meghan is trying to make inroads with Hollywood A-listers and power brokers in hope of generating big-dollar high-profile projects for herself.

Liberal politics is a popular platform for pampered stars to pontificate to us lesser mortals. In the entertainment industry, liberalism helps these people fashion public images as superior intellectual beings when in reality, many of them could not come up with a reasoned argument support the validity of their soft bigotry of low expectations and rules they set for everyone but themselves such as endless private jets and oversized mansions while prsttling on about climate change. They prefer to run on drama and emotions rather than logic, which appeals to intellectually lazy people like Meghan, who is only looking for the next cause to hitch her publicity wagon to with work limited to 10 minute photo ops.

I don’t think she influences that many people, and those she does influence are either not old enough to vote for several years, or vicarious royal wannabes who have probably rarely, if at all vote.
Girl with a Hat said…
read on twitter - the best nickname for Meghan so far : Woko Ono! LOL
Girl with a Hat said…
the royal household's 2019 financial report is available online:
Natalier said…
Read that the grifter wrote to DNC and wanted Kerry Washington replaced by her. They refused. Someone there reported her to the British govt. Said Meghan used her HRH in her email for the request. Lol Queenie time to strip them of all titles.
LavenderLady said…
Well I came close to suggesting maybe AnT is a new Elle but I waited and here it is! Ha!Ha! I'm shocked I tell ya lol!

I'm am happy on this blog so I'm staying put :)
Anonymous said…
From the Telegraph

Americans like me don't want to hear what Prince Harry has to say about our politics
He is the latest famous face to have their say on the upcoming election, but why should anybody be interested?

Helen Kirwan-Taylor

For a brief moment, we Americans are aligned. When I heard that Prince Harry had weighed into the 2020 elections, I called my favourite Trump supporter and asked what he thought (I had to hold the phone away from my ear).

“This isn’t going to end well,” he said. “They’re going to end up like pathetic Fergie and Andrew selling off properties to pay off their debts. I liked Harry when he was one of the guys getting drunk. He was a bit of a rogue, the perfect antidote to boring William and Kate. Now I feel sorry for the Queen. She must be so disappointed.”

From Meryl Streep to Taylor Swift or Kanye West, celebrities standing on podiums voicing their thoughts on US politics generally results in us wanting to change the channel. But this is no ordinary election - living in London, I’ve missed submitting my ballot before, but not this time, and I can’t think of any American I know who is sitting this one out.

For Harry – a Brit who cannot even vote in this election – to sit beside Meghan and sprout his opinions at such a volatile moment in US politics, has united everyone against them.

Americans bought wholeheartedly into the royal soap opera; all they wanted to do is tune in for the next episode of the real life Crown. Even the dimmest of Americans understands that the British royals are paid to be quiet. That’s precisely what makes them alluring.

“The only reason Meghan is in a position to do anything is because she is married to a royal,” says a London-based (Biden supporting) friend. “If she has political aspirations she cannot be a duchess as well. Poor Harry does whatever she tells him to.” Another friend, who said he had no opinion on the couple before this, now actively dislikes them. “Prince Harry waffles on incoherently. Who writes that crap? Didn’t they agree to be non-partisan?”

The resounding opinion is that Prince Harry has made a big mistake. The two of them have been busy suing newspapers (mostly unsuccessfully) for violating their privacy. They now face the same backlash in the US that they have endured in the UK. You can’t ask to be left alone and demand attention at the same time.

The couple would also do well to remember that the polls are extremely close and to consider the possibility of a Trump re-election, before sharing their political views with the world.

After all, Prince Harry’s application for citizenship is probably sitting on someone’s in-tray. I wouldn’t put it beyond Donald Trump to make sure it never gets stamped.

Anonymous said…
And another from the Telegraph

Prince Harry is in danger of ruining America's love affair with the Royal family
The US may be obsessed with the monarchy but I fear things will quickly turn sour if there are more lectures on politics

Harry Mount

Part I

“Have you met the Queen?”

When I was New York correspondent for the Daily Telegraph, that was the question I was asked more than any other.

From the coalmines of West Virginia to the ritzy Upper East Side of Manhattan, Americans are obsessed with Her Majesty – almost 250 years after they kicked her ancestor George III out.

But, much as they revere the Royal Family, the ardently patriotic Americans don’t like them interfering with their hallowed politics and constitution.

So they won’t take kindly to Prince Harry’s unprecedented intervention into American politics this week, just before the Presidential election.

Sitting next to the Duchess of Sussex, broadcasting from their Californian mega-schloss, Harry declared, “As we approach this November, it’s vital we reject hate speech, misinformation and online negativity.”

You don’t have to be a genius to see which Presidential candidate attracts Harry – who doesn’t have a vote in America and, by royal convention, has never voted in a British election. The Duchess of Sussex and Donald Trump have recorded their dislike for each other. It’s clear Harry was encouraging American voters to back the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden.

“The golden rule for the Royal family is that they do not trespass into politics, and most particularly not into party politics,” says Hugo Vickers, the biographer of the Queen Mother and the Duchess of Windsor, who gives regular lectures on the royal family in New York, Lexington and Palm Beach. “I wish Prince Harry would cease to be a mouthpiece for his wife.”

Americans may be obsessed with the Royal family. That’s why they invented the Kennedy and the Trump dynasties. But they want to admire royals from afar, sitting on thrones in crowns and tiaras. They don’t want to be lectured by them.

“We adore the Royal family,” says Donna Freed, a writer and native New Yorker, living in London. “We wouldn’t want them - let alone pay for them – but we love that you do. It’s a real-life Dynasty – great outfits, great gossip – but it’s not like we listen to them!”

There is also a very real danger in the Royal Family siding in any political debate. One of the reasons they’ve survived so long is because they appeal to both sides of the political divide.

That’s why it was so controversial when, in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, David Cameron said the Queen had “purred down the line” when he told her Scotland was remaining part of the Union.

It was controversial, too, when the Queen said, days before the Scottish referendum, that Scots should think “very carefully about the future”. That was interpreted by some as political intervention, backing Scots to vote to stay part of the United Kingdom.

Prince Harry should be very careful then about intervening in American or British politics; “he’s just spouting what the Duchess says,” Hugo Vickers says. “The Royal family talking about climate change isn’t political. When Prince Charles sees what’s going wrong with climate change and pronounces on it, that’s fine. But they’re careful not to be political about, say, Brexit.”

The chances are, though, given the Duchess’s increasing political activity, that Prince Harry will continue to be politically outspoken.

You're right, but I think the odds are she does read this blog.

a) She's narc
b) she's obsessed with her online profile and persona
c) she's married to a guy who googles himself and reads all the comments
d) this blog has a strong history and readership and would at the very least, be known to her by now.
Anonymous said…
If the Democrats get in, America will go completely woke,” says Hugo Vickers. “She can make all the woke speeches she likes while he looks after Archie – he’s gone from being Captain General of the Royal Marines to a childminder in two easy moves.

“It’s all been totally calculated by her. She now has the global recognition she wanted.”

In the end, Americans will just ignore Prince Harry, particularly if he’s loafing around, dressed in a T-shirt and beanie hat. They like him in full-dress military uniform – but, even then, only to look at him, not to listen to anything the self-confessed non-intellectual might have to say about politics.

If anything, a Prince Harry intervention will only backfire – just like Barack Obama’s suggestion in 2016 that Brexit would leave Britain at the “back of the queue” in trade negotiations. British voters ignored the charismatic President – just as American voters were enraged by Hillary Clinton calling them “the deplorables… the racists and the haters” in 2016 and voted for Trump in their millions.

If Prince Harry knows what’s good for him – and his popularity on both sides of the pond – he should steer clear of politics.
Girl with a Hat said…
so the DM has an article about the sky high cost of the Sussexes tour of South Africa last year.
SwampWoman said…
OT @JocelynsBellinis, hopefully the smoke is clearing out? Considering how ill you were, I was worried that it might be hard for you to breathe in very smokey air.
Girl with a Hat said…
so why did the Sussexes' trip to South Africa cost so much? 245k pounds for regular flights. Did they really ship the Range Rovers for their security to SA for them? If you compare the cost of their flights to that of other royals, it's astronomical.
Girl with a Hat said…
has anyone noticed how the Express seems to be the National Enquirer of the UK?
Unknown said…
Comments are on moderation.

I will get to cleaning the comments after I finish my job responsibilities. As for why I am not maintaining constant moderation 24/7, I am mourning the death of a close family member from Covid-19.

I would appreciate decorum on this blog from every poster whether you believe you are in the right or not. If you are unhappy here, participation and lurking on this blog is not mandatory.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger Girl with a Hat said...
has anyone noticed how the Express seems to be the National Enquirer of the UK?

Nope, but then I haven't followed either much. I have noticed that the online people that I had dismissed as tinfoil-hat wearing 'conspiracy theorists' have turned out to be true or, at the least, have elements of objective truth mixed in with some fairly wild speculation. 2020 has been quite interesting thus far.

As a sign of the apocalypse, I went to pick up some groceries tonight and the dairy section has eggnog on the shelves now. The dollar store had Christmas decorations mixed in with Halloween.
I'm very sorry to disappoint those rooting for Princess Anne but the change in the Succession that moved Charlotte up in the line was not retrospective, so it has made no difference to Anne’s position.

Duchy expenditure
The cost of the H$Ms Africa tour to the Duchy is eye-watering. (What was going on with those Range Rovers?)As it was an Official Tour, presumably it cost HM Government substantially more.

Initially, it looked as if it might have been a success, despite criticism from our neck of the woods - until that is, she cr*pped all over it in the Tom Bradby interview. I haven’t heard or read anything about how this was generally perceived in Africa or regarded at Government levels. I doubt if anyone was impressed and any influence would have been negative. Can you fill us in on that, please, Sandie?

The Cambridges’ trip to Pakistan may have been shorter but the value for Britain in international relationships was so surely so much higher. Again, I imagine HMG would have borne much of the cost.

Her `influence?
Presumably in her Tig days she influenced people to buy her stuff and got backhanders from those she recommended – like a myriad of affiliated bloggers. Ditto for Meghan’s Mirror.

Now, I’d say her target is any one with money who is prepared to waste it on her and who can see the advantage to themselves.

It strikes me that they are blind to the fact that Netflix has them by the short-and-curlies, with no real promise of megabucks unless they come up with the goods. Even no payment is within the range of `up to’.

Somehow, I don’t think she’ll want to make a film of what really comes to pass next January, although I’m sure there’ll be an enthusiastic audience for it, if it's truthful - but `truth' is an alien concept to her as she spends her life being `less than candid'.

Has she got her eye on US voters? You bet!

How effectively is she wooing them? We have the answer to that already-

She alienates people left right and centre, and blames them for it. Flitting from cause to cause reveals her as lacking commitment to anything or anyone except herself. She hasn’t an original thought in her head, just a handful of unattributed quotations that she trots out repeatedly. I can’t, for one moment, imagine her using a speech writer, as we all know she assumes her skills are superior.

Her incompetence as a cunning politician gives me hope. Most are thought to be in for themselves but at least they bring something else to the table – but her?

It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
WBBM said, It is a serious matter for us, not just a bit of frothy gossip. We joke and try to find what scraps of humour we can to help us through it, just as our parents and grandparents did in the war. We may not feel it appropriate to demonstrate our patriotism in the way that the US does but the feeling is every bit as deep....

I totally agree with your sentiments regarding Megsy. However, what exactly is the royal family doing about shutting the duo down? That recent statement was weak and pathetic, the royals appeared to just roll over and bury their heads in public. What’s going on behind the scenes we can only speculate, let’s hope it’s a lot. Unless we Brits are writing to the Queen and/or their local MP what’s said here could be seen as merely chitter-chatter on the internet that has no real power.

I can’t respect the royal family if they publicly continue to ignore the Duo and their antics, whilst all the while carrying on as usual in the middle of a pandemic, where people are losing their jobs, loved ones and they still hold their hand out for public money. More money this year when they have more than enough personal wealth to pay for any shortfall themselves. At some point you can’t defend the indefensible.
Puds said, The DM has a big spread on the Royal finances and tours. Quite scathing, luckily the Queen had just rejected the proposedpay rise or was that timely PR as the costs of some of the usage of private jets and private trains is excessive in these times....

The DM published this:

Buckingham Palace has admitted it faces a £35million funding shortfall due to Covid-19 – but says it will not ask for extra public money.

Senior Royal aides said that the household will have to tighten its belt, which could lead to job losses.

Just because the BP publicly state they won’t ask for more more money, doesn’t mean they won’t receive or take it....unfortunately. :o/
Sylvia said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

I remember reading at the time that there was a reason why the Range Rovers had to be shipped to SA:

Range Rovers have been shipped from the UK to southern Africa for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's ten-day tour, it was revealed today.

The 4x4s were drafted in because organisers at the Palace were unable to locally obtain secure enough vehicles suitable for Harry, Meghan and baby Archie.

The cars for the trip were understood to have been offered by Jaguar Land Rover, and were transported at no cost to the taxpayer, the Press Association reports.

Not sure why they needed a fleet of cars, and what about their green credentials? Not sure either where the cars came from, "offered" by Jaguar Land Rover but the one in the photo was not brand new (18 reg).
Girl with a Hat said, has anyone noticed how the Express seems to be the National Enquirer of the UK?

Erm yes, I’ve been stating here for too many months that it’s nothing more than a comic and Megsy’s mouthpiece. It’s never been a great British newspaper, but it used to be much better.
Magatha Mistie said…

Dr Spoofss

I do not like you, Megs-I-Am
I do not like you, Megs-I-Scam
I do not like your smirking face
I do not like your blame on race
I do not like your constant spam
I do not like you, Megs-I-Sham
Maneki Neko said…
The Palace has just announced Eugenie is pregnant. I wonder if MM will somehow try and upstage Eugenie. Wouldn't put it past her.
Raspberry. Yes, to your final paragraph about respect for RF tanking when the UK economy is too. We now have the joyous tidings about a new royal baby to distract us from the inconvenient scrutiny of the sovereign grant spending, however.
Sandie said…
Princess Eugenie pregnant. Confirmed!
Magatha Mistie said…

More hullabaloo
From Thing 1 and Thing 2
Repercussions will surely ensue
The pr..k and his trick
With their ‘flix, and now ‘tics
Should lose all their perks, titles too

Enbrethiliel said…
I LOL-ed at Svetlana's answer . . . but I think Meghan's days of wanting to influence Harry are over. He's no longer a prime target and may actually be in the devaluation stage.

She wants to influence whomever can get her close to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. For a photo op, for starters.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Maneki Neko
The Palace has just announced Eugenie is pregnant. I wonder if MM will somehow try and upstage Eugenie. Wouldn't put it past her.

I'm sure Meghan would love to grab headlines away from Princess Eugenie yet again! But since she's not doing anything royal (or even interesting) any longer, the only way she could do that now would be to leak that Eugenie had been mean to her once.

Or to debut another moonbump. Okay, I wouldn't put that one past her, either.
Weekittylass said…
Eugenie’s pregnancy means Markle will escalate.
Magatha Mistie said…

Megs and her non-stop effluence
A channel for her effluent
She loves to spout muck
Who it hits, that’s bad luck
She’s mad, and under the influence

SwampWoman said…
@Sandie, you have a good eye! You called this! (The photographer thought so, too, judging by the pics.)
Unknown said…
Hello Nutties,

Thank you everyone who sent kind messages to me and my family. I would like to extend my thoughts and best wishes to those grieving personal tragedies of their own.

I ask that everyone here please treat one other respectfully and compassionately. Suspicions of posters are for the most part misplaced. This year is fraught with disasters and it's not surprising emotions are running high. Please consider that in your interactions. Hopefully we can all try our level best to keep this blog peaceful and a positive place to discuss the Sussexes and the BRF.

Please avoid negative comments about the blog and other posters. Please stop with the threats and retaliation.

Stay safe, healthy, and hopefully at peace.
Markle is , I believe, reinforcing (ie influencing) the republicans in the UK, even if it's by with her spending habits . For any US readers, our republicans are not a political party in the US sense, but people who wish to abolish the Monarchy and institute a republic.

We had a republic/military dictatorship from 1649 -1660 and found it less acceptable than the Monarchy. So we invited the king back. And have continue to have a hereditary sovereign ever since.

Certain female MPs of the left expressed the wish to have Smirkle as Queen, thereby breaking their Parliamentary Oath of Loyalty.
Magatha Mistie said…

I give thanks to Charade
Who works bloody hard
It cannot be easy, it’s true
To keep us together
Through fights, and whatever
You deserve a big hug, a kiss too X

Thank you Charade
So sorry for your loss X
Then there's the question of whether Harry could be unacceptable, with or without That Woman.

I know unlikely candidates for kingship have proved the doubters wrong in the past - George VI for example - but H would have to undergo considerable rehab first.

This brings us to Archie. Whatever his origins, if he has material existence that is, they won’t meet the relevant criteria and the Crown will have to pass him by. This will call for explanations.

That brings us to Andrew…

After Andrew comes Beatrice, not Edward, then any child of Beatrice (the last candidate for the throne who had an Italian parent was James Francis Edward, the Old Chevalier/ Old Pretender); then Eugenie, E's sprog(s), then Edward.

Heaven forbid anything untoward happening to William and his children. The Crown would have to pass over 3 males in the Line who are completely unacceptable.

I’ve previously referred to the Curse of Diana; it’s looking almost as if the Curse of the Stuarts is still in play.

I wonder how soundly the Queen sleeps at night?

Of course, it’d be a completely different story were something to happen to Charles.
SwampWoman said…
IF the gruesome twosome are still together* when the baby is born, I think that she will release pictures of the child known as Archie (if she has access to him) just to siphon from the outpouring of goodwill for the birth of Eugenie and Jack's child.

*I think that they are together occasionally to make videos but that's it. I almost expected him to make a run for it during the last filming. He probably didn't waste much time beating feet out of there when it was over; it looked to be a very unpleasant situation for him.
Charade. Duly noted. I hope I didn't cause you any hassle given that you're dealing with far more meaningful family matters. Thinking of you at a difficult time.

Battle Maid. In the spirit of online friendship, I will desist from posting about the wider RF and keep my comments to the Meghster only. I don't want anyone to leave the site. Your posts are always really informative. I think you and I are probably just a couple of "thrawn besoms" *grin* as Swampwoman would write.
Sarah said…
Gold diggers? Yacht girls? Bad actresses willing to sleep their way to fame?
Birdie said…
@SwampWoman - Markle's passion play about supporting BLM might play well in California but, to have a viable brand, she needs to expand way beyond California.

Agreed! Currently, Meghan seems to be influencing those who want an ego boost - look at me, I associate with a Royal. However, she continues to narrow her base.

Meghan wants to be an influencer, but how many countries has she offended? Entire countries - that takes talent! She shrugs off her offensive behavior because those are not the countries she really wants to influence (so condescending). Apparently, Meghan wants to influence the USA. She begins by offending half the country by speaking out politically in a divided nation. That’s a huge chunk of geography within the USA who are now repeled by her (some who were probably unaware of her before this). The power of an influencer is through having a broad base of supporters, and yet her base continues to shrink. Is her goal to influence CA and NYC?

I find irony amusing, and Meghan is the gift the keeps on giving. As Meghan becomes more ridiculous, she may loose even the ego appeal.
Ralph L said…
Has anybody noticed her cheeks? She looks like a chipmunk. Too much fillers.

I think she's lost weight. She's approaching the age a woman must choose between her face and her derriere, per Catherine de Neuve.
Magatha Mistie said…

Princess Eugenie
Will give birth to a baby
Born in the usual style
No need to divert focus
With much hocus pocus
Will be born with a smile
and no guile...

JHanoi said…
how exciting for Eugenie!!

of course MM will try to upstage her whenever she can, its her MO
SwampWoman said…
So, early 2021 for a new baby for Eugenie and Jack. I wonder how early? I'm guessing she's between 4 and 5 months, 16 to 20 weeks.

I do so hope that Andrew doesn't have any more skeletons* in the closet that will come tumbling out at inopportune moments to distress the parents to be.

*Still of the opinion that his crimes will be more financial than sexual, but who knows.
Mango said…
Maneki Neko said…

What I found worse was the video where they're on a bench. Has anybody noticed her cheeks? She looks like a chipmunk. Too much fillers.

What is also noteworthy about that photo besides the fillers (I mean, WTH?? Is she storing nuts for the winter??), is that you can actually see daylight between Grifter and Griftess (she's not hanging on to him for dear life with her hand holding his, or tucked in his arm) and Harry's head looks enormous. He's hunched over a bit, looks too thin, with a lollipop head.

JHanoi said…
DM’s latest - MM would seriously consider running for president if she an dPH ever gave up their titles.

who writes that stuff for her? SS? MM herself? why does she drop these insisent PR pieces, to keep her name in the paprs? is she that much of a desperate thirsty fame ho?
Can you imagine JCM Harry, formerly known as ‘Prince Harry’ as First Gentlman? it sends me into hysterics LOL

Maybe the UK and US will unite once again if MM becomes President and sixth in line JCM Harry ever becomes King of the UK realm at the same time! Or maybe it’s Archie that inherits/wins the new US/UK empire. LOL

They are both delusional..... more delusional than Trump or Biden!
SwampWoman said…
Magatha, love the Dr. Seuss-type limericks!
Magatha Mistie said…

The cunning stunt
And her quest for the front
Has been her MO from the start
Her psychotic illusion
All part of delusion
She’s nasty, an old tart with no heart
Magatha Mistie said…


Thank you, thank you, Glad-I-Am 😉
SwampWoman said…
JHanoi said...
DM’s latest - MM would seriously consider running for president if she an dPH ever gave up their titles.

who writes that stuff for her? SS? MM herself? why does she drop these insisent PR pieces, to keep her name in the paprs? is she that much of a desperate thirsty fame ho?
Can you imagine JCM Harry, formerly known as ‘Prince Harry’ as First Gentlman? it sends me into hysterics LOL

JHanoi, I think that you are looking at this the wrong way. It isn't the presidency that she wants, but the sweet, sweet campaign donations that she would have access to.

Per Yahoo: According to the Federal Election Commission (FEC), there are several permissible things that a candidate can do with the money they’ve received while fundraising. They can use it for moving expenses, pay campaign staff, purchase gifts of “nominal” value to those who aren’t a member of their family, donate it to charity, move it to a state or local party committee, transfer it to a future campaign, or to a state/local candidate.

But some people just spend it. If one has one's own charity to drop any unused funds into, how convenient.
Magatha Mistie said…

In the words of President Trump
Who delivered his message with a thump
I doubt Haz will heed it
He’s too daft, an eejit
Good luck Harry, you’re going to need it
Magatha Mistie said…


The Queen, the constitution, is at stake.
Troubling times for us.
But my faith in the Queen is still strong.
The Queen will overcome

God Save the Queen

KnitWit said…
There is a sale on the Markle book on Amazon today for anyone who hasn't read it. ( $1.99 for eBook version)

Markle "influences" Harry. Perhaps her influence is strongest in person. She must have mad sex yoga skills or something.

Vanity Fair and other media are pushing " Meghan for President" does that mean PH is aspiring to be the first ladyman?

I think most Americans don't know or care who she is. People resent British royalty commenting on American elections. I think this video may force the Queen to act. At least I hope it does.
Congratulations to Eugenie and Jack! Wonderful news for them and so happy.

As to MeMe running for any political office, "bring it on". Americans are ruthless in uncovering dirt for any political candidate. Her past, all of it, would be revealed quickly without the Palace there to scrub it.
Sandie said…
@Charade, my condolences. I admire you greatly for taking on helping out with moderating this blog while you balance work, the complexities of living in the times of the virus, and now a bereavement in the family.

The South African tour was the Sussexes using British taxpayers' money and a country and people they care nothing about as one big photo op and then a stage for an awfully public pity fest. South Africans protest every day, about something, and have done so for decades. (Recently, facists have taken over and caused havoc.) There were no protests of note about the 'royal' tour and how they used the country (and Archbishop TuTu) because it was not South Africans who were paying the cost of it and they are not important. It was supposedly a huge success, as a photo op but made no difference to South Africans, and especially to the causes they were supposedly trying to highlight. South Africans were polite and generous enough to ignore the 'rude' faux pas: the way she was dressed for the mosque visit, turning their noses up at traditional food offerings, using the term 'women of colour' when addressing a group of black women, making young mother's sit on the floor while she handed out second-hand baby clothes, dressing too casually for a meeting with the president and his wife and being late for that meeting ... and more. They sent out a message that South Africa is a violent, unsafe country where everyone is poor and in dire need. Not true! Meghan did highlight one marketplace in Johannesburg, but there was no highlighting of Cape Town as one of the most beautiful and culturally rich places in the world.

The Queen is head of state in the UK, and an official visit by a head of state or representative of a head of state usually indicates a major historical occasion or some major agreement (trade, peace ...). The Sussexes came for the photo op but with no diplomatic power.

Personally, I think they should rethink the format of royal tours.

A state visit from Trump would be MAJOR (and the same goes for leaders from the UK, Australia, and so on). An official visit from the Sussexes was celebrity entertainment (but with no fabulous jewels or clothes!).
AnT said…
Charade, deepest sympathies for your loss. Our family lost a relative in August, the same awful cause. Give yourself some time & rest.

Thank you for your work here.

A design colleague now living in PacHeights (US) just sent the following to me with this comment,

“The perfect image for her presidential campaign collateral, illustrating her lifelong feminist side. Certain to grip her active feminist supporters now. Note none of her sisters wear similar attire, so perhaps this isn’t typical American Ivy League sorority garb?”

I never saw this image before. Missed in the scrub? The accompanying copy by her former classmate is interesting as well:

KC said…
"Ralph L said...

"'Has anybody noticed her cheeks? She looks like a chipmunk. Too much fillers.'

"I think she's lost weight. She's approaching the age a woman must choose between her face and her derriere, per Catherine de Neuve."

Ah yes we all come to that place eventually. Even as de Neuve....

Did anyone see, in the AGT video, the red highlights in MM's hair? With those and those cheekbones and the smaller eyes, i thought it was a prettier younger stand-in. But it's her.

You know, the RF doesn't really do plastic surgery and fillers. They just age in place as gracefully as possible.
KC said…
Wild Boar Battle Maid mentioned:

"I’ve previously referred to the Curse of Diana; it’s looking almost as if the Curse of the Stuarts is still in play."

Ah, but the Spencers are related to the Stuarts:

1. Through the marriage of Princess Diana's grandparents, John the 7th Earl Spencer and Lady Cynthia Hamilton, the Spencer family enjoys a uniquely comprehensive range of descents from the royal house of Stewart/Stuart that ruled in Scotland from the late 14th century and in all of Britain from 1603 to 1714.

Unofficial Royalty › the-laird-othistle

The Spencers' Royal Stuart Ancestors | Unofficial Royalty

2. The Spencers are direct descendants, albeit illegitimate, of the House of Stuart, with the family boasting at least five lines of direct descent from the Stuarts...

So it's the Stuart curse all the way, seems like.
Midge said…
@Magatha Mistie
You are in rare form today! Some of your best work! Thank you for the poetry.
KC said…
AnT said:
I never saw this image before. Missed in the scrub? The accompanying copy by her former classmate is interesting as well:

I have seen this before but not sure where, Express or Sun or DM or maybe Vanity Fair? But there was no commentary published with it on the bunny trademark where i saw it. Perhaps mere publication was enough....This sorority sister may have been the source?
Thank you, Maneki Neko and Sandie, for the information on the Range Rovers in particular and the general overall impact, or otherwise, of the South African trip.

Looking at it with my usual critical eye, from the start she made it all about her, her wunderkind, and her black identity (for want of a better term). I learned very little that was new to me about SA, given that I've known a number of people from Cape Town.

A lost opportunity.

BTW accounts vary as to the source of the £250K - the Mail said the Duchy, BBC the Sovereign Grant.
Seabee666 said…

Magatha Mistie said...

Dr Spoofss

I do not like you, Megs-I-Am
I do not like you, Megs-I-Scam
I do not like your smirking face
I do not like your blame on race
I do not like your constant spam
I do not like you, Megs-I-Sham


You are on a roll!
unknown said…
There are so many missing images of Meghan.

Northwestern, while a decent school, is not an Ivy League school.

It's all so troublesome. The mega. Everyone is pretty nice and kind in college to get invited to the parties and activities. No one is troublesome then, everyone is busy and on the same wavelength. When people talk about 'the college days' it's such a picture in time. It's not reality. Especially in the USA when college is separate from 'adult life'. It's its own political world, boosted by one's parents deep pockets and unlimited drinking accounts.

One thing that strikes me about Meghan, back then, is that she was actively social climbing. No offence to her parents, for all their troubles, but she is not the typical girl picked into the sorority life (her background would be known unless she lied to everyone which is possible). She had to be exuberant and charming beyond her social flaws, to be selected. Sorority life is also expensive.

So it's safe to bet, she was a sociopath then.
Weel, Disgusted o’ Tunbridge Wells, Meggy gies me the bokes...
Seabee666 said…
Couple of things. Totally agree that like other dimwitted, obliging Hollywood wannabes, Meghan's political convictions are to curry favor. But since homogenous liberal group think is so ubiquitous is Meghan saying or doing anything new? Nope. I'm sure whatever she would do to oblige Harvey Weinstein ten years ago she would have done to Donald Trump for a slot on Celebrity Apprentice, as well. Every about Meghan seems convictionless. Her blathering on about "voices being heard," 1960's based feminism, preserving the environment (HA!), 1970's proud woman of color, blah, blah, blah. This is the same woman who claimed to be giving up her big scary Hollywood career to "hit the ground running" as a full-on, duty-bound member of the Royal Family. After her 50M wedding, run she did! With quick stop at the Grenville Kitchen to highjack their hard work with a cookbook she took credit and money for; British Vogue to highjack the September issue; to highjack Smart Works to launch a fashion line - she was out the door. And I concur, Harry was either a stepping stone to a far richer, cooler billionaire husband or he is now because Harry didn't really have the goods Meghan thought he would.
Ròn said…
I don’t think either of them have what it takes to influence anybody. Or at least anybody that matters. They don’t have the X factor. Charisma is totally absent. They have no new ideas, thoughts or anything of any substance to offer. He came bottom of his class and she used to open suitcases on a game show so expectations weren’t exactly high on that score.....Their only skill, if it could be classed as one, is the ability to jump on already rolling bandwagons. Their style of address has an edge of the hectoring, is devoid of warmth and lacks authenticity ( ie fake as...) which erases any feeling of trust.
They couldn’t influence me to buy a pack of jelly beans.
AnT said…
KC, could be, I don’t know. I assume this mommy blogger used her own image, but perhaps not.

Actually, I am puzzled by the logo shirt for another reason, apart from her comments. I thought by the late 90s/early 2000s the brand had collapsed, certainly in wider popular influence, for obvious reasons. A male screenwriter friend in LA went to a Hefner party at the behest of a director pal who had to meet a backer, and he hilariously described a scene of quite old and out-of-shape men and leering C listers and creepy Vegas comedian types prowling a party in the few minutes they were there. Probably in late 99, early 2000. Already a dead zone.

Ok. Two seconds of research has turned up a Washington Post lifestyle article dated June 13, 2003, written by Laura Sessions Step, on teens wearing the logo clothing, apparently found in cheaper mall shops in that year.

From the 2003 article, some highlights:

“The real deal is this: Teenage girls are snatching up the very symbol of a lifestyle that their mothers’ generation derided as sexist and exploitative. .....local managers at Gadzooks, Hot Topic and Wet Seal, three top chain stores, say they can’t keep Playboy items on their shelves. “Those who wear it wear a lot of it,” says Desiree V., manager of Wet Seal in Georgetown.”


“...If power over their lives is the goal, some girls ask, why not use everything they’ve got, including their sexuality?.....if they can attract male attention by wearing a furry creature profile, what’s the harm?

“That’s the argument Cassie,16 years old, makes to girlfriend Carolina F., also 16, as they break from shopping for a snack in Montgomery Mall’s food court. “I want guys to notice me,” Cassie admits, while a few feet away a miniature carousel spins 3- and 4- year olds around. “Once boys notice, they can get to know the real me.” Which she elaborates later, includes being a fierce field hockey goalie, a tutor in D.C. schools and a decent student.

“Carolina, disturbed by her friend’s interest in the Playboy bunny, tries to convince Cassie that she shouldn’t want the kind of young man who would drawn to it. “He wouldn’t be nice. He might start something you couldn’t stop,” Carolina says... ....Carolina tells her friend, “There are enough pigs around. You don’t need to encourage them.”

Sixteen-year-olds. 2003.
@KC – Thank you!!!

Of course, the Spencers are! It’d slipped my mind .

Once or twice I’ve seen photos of William and thought how much he looks like Charles Edward - and I’ve seen at least one other comment in the papers to the same effect. Other times, he can look almost like Frederick PoW, son of Geo II, distinctly Hanoverian…

In my teens, I was a devoted Jacobite but have modified my views somewhat, having read more about European power politics of the time and the ambitions of the French kings.

On Charles’s death in 1788, his brother, Henry Benedict, became the Jacobite Henry IX of England and I of Scotland. But, as a Roman Catholic cardinal, it was with him that the direct, legitimate line ended on his death in 1807. By this time the beleaguered cardinal, who had witnessed the French Revolution (and lost the financial support of his Bourbon cousin in the process) had begun receiving an annual pension of £4,000 from George III – yes, from the very Hanoverian monarch or, in Jacobite terminology ‘usurper’, that his father and brother had fought so hard, and at such great cost, to remove from the British throne. Henry, unlike his father and brother, did not press his claim.

So, at the end, there was a rapprochement between Charles's brother Henry and George III and I also understand that jewellery was returned – and Henry even got a pension! (Although I’m not sure if that £4k was the original sum or it’s modern value – even so, it was generous).

Is this all beginning to sound familiar, if not downright spooky? Charles III and a would-be Henry IX?

Hazza looks as if he’s on course to an end like that of Charles Edward, a bitterly disappointed, dissolute, drunken wife-beater, dead at 66 (or even 65, given he was born just before Christmas? (Are you paying attention, Harry?)

Frederick, the Hanoverian PoW, died too young to be king (Geo II & he were another sovereign and heir at loggerheads) – when I counted up, the probability of a PoW actually ascending the throne, over the centuries, were only 50%. That was then; now survival rates are so much better fortunately.

Btw, I think George III, reckoned to be the first `English’ Hanoverian, was a decent chap and I like to think that the American Independence was more about the British government being at a distance , imposing taxation without representation, rather than anything personal about the king. I accept that American Nutties may see it differently, though.

As for another our William could become William V. Another twist of history is that the Pope was backing William III against James II, his Jacobites and the interests of Louis XIV, which threatened the Papacy. Not many people know that…

Perhaps it really is the Curse of the Stuarts, inherited (DV) only by H? I can see that Megsy, at least, would revel in Absolute Power, without having to bother with advisors.
Christine said…
Magatha- You make my life complete! "Who delivered his message with a thump"

Charade- I am so sorry to hear about your relative! Covid absolutely sucks. Thanks for what you do here. Every time I read these little spats that come up, I just shake my head. This is a great, GREAT blog. One of the best out there as far as content. Hopefully all will continue to contribute in a positive way.

You know? Some days I think I am becoming a psychic. LOL. I just have the feel for Ms. Markle's mind (maybe I should be scared!). Yes, she desperately wants to enter politics. This has been her motive all along. The b.s.about how they'll 'support the Monarchy' was absolute nonsense crafted to keep dumb Harry on the line and to satisfy the Queen and Charles. Every move she makes is geared towards that end. As I said yesterday, the titles can be gone as far as she's concerned now.

I know there are 3 viewpoints on Harry. Either that he's complicit completely with all their schemes, that he is being completely dominated and controlled now or, as I believe, that it is a mix of the two. I am positive Harry doesn't want to lose his title so Markle will have to pull out every trick in her playbook to convince him that will be okay when the time comes. Now we'll see the real situation between them.

To answer this blogpost question- I don't think Meghan is targetting anyone specifically to influence. She knows she is incredibly famous and renowned and she's hoping something she throws out sticks. In the beginning, I remember the smug looks she'd have when the crowds were screaming for her, back when she was somewhat liked. For a narcissist like her, that was EVERYTHING. When the crowd screamed louder for her when she got out of her car and flicked open her coat at Eugenie's wedding, that was incredibly impactful. When the flashbulbs were going like crazy in New York, old Meg new she had hit her ticket to fame so she'll ride it with every bit of energy she has

Girl with a Hat said…
the cover of USweekly has a headline about Meghan wanting baby #2 before she turns 40 and Harry will be a stay at home dad! they are the most unreliable celeb magazine in the USA, I've read.
Christine said…
My previous post was so long and I didn't even get to mention Jack and Eugenie's upcoming baby! How wonderful!! It will be refreshing to see a normal Royal delivery with everything organized and chaotic and meant to create hysteria.
AnT said…
Jan Moir does not mince words in her new piece in the Daily Mail.

Headline: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have taken us for fools. Now it’s America’s turn

“it seems clear Harry and Meghan want to establish a god-like presence in the U.S. as quickly as possible, hot-branding themselves on the rump of the American consciousness before the Queen kicks them out of the royal stable for good.”

She also finds Harry “eerily reminiscent of Forrest Gump” on his bench.

I think Meghan is a dense 'learn as she goes' kind of person. I, too, think she assumed Harry was far more than his public persona that the RF cultivated for the RF.

I think part of her internal rage against him (that we are now publicly seeing) is the fact he's allowed her to cause them so much public embarrassment by not himself understanding how the RF works and eloquently explaining to her the perils of attempting half- in/ half-out.

Once she realized all his money she could use were expensed CC's to the RF, and no home would ever be in her name because he didn't have the private funds himself to purchase one in the UK, and the family money goes down ONE line, primarily, and Harry cannot for the life of him adequately advise her so she doesn't look so stupid, she checked out.

She is not meeting with billionaires and doing deals with them, Harry looks awful as a partner in comparison to people who made something of themselves. She feels like she made something of herself, and probably doesn't want more public embarrassment. I do think she blames Harry, for mostly everything that has gone wrong.

He's hinted at it. She said in her interview 'she gave up her whole life'. The strange part about that interview was, what exactly is so wrong with your Royal life megs? Why are you SO upset? It can't be because of poor press. I think it was the lack of money.
Shaggy said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Wild Boar, the 250k is from the Sovereign Grant. Yesterday, I posted a link to the report for 2019 and if you open that, there is a section dedicated to travel expenses.

There is another link for the Duchy of Cornwall which brings you to their site, but the report there is very large and there is no section dedicated to travel.
Maneki Neko said…

Love your poem about "Trump who delivered his message with a thump"😂.

I too have faith in the Queen.

Sandie said…
Meghan also had a stain on her blouse in the AGT video. She is so sloppy with details!
The Harkles are idiots to underestimate the opinion-forming power of the traditional media.

Almost three quarters of Brits want their titles gone. And this is a conservative estimate.

The latest article showing Brits wasted 240K of tax money to give highest visibility to her complaints during the Africa tour was a masterstroke. Brits have started growling about the cost of royals again and this fits in nicely into "they wasted our money" picture.

The anger is palpable.
D1 said…
New Harry Markle
Nutty Flavor said…
Good piece in Unherd by current right-wing heartthrob Douglas Murray.

Pity poor oppressed Prince Harry
The Duke of Sussex's latest political intervention reveals a man caught up in the social justice religion

I have no idea what was in Prince Harry’s leaving report from Eton College. But it would have required a teacher with an almost superhuman degree of foresight to have predicted that by his thirties the Prince would be spouting a range of social justice theories derived from West Coast liberal American universities. Here we are, in 2020, with Harry of Wales, grandson of Elizabeth II and sixth in line to the British throne, choosing to do just that.

Occasionally people will suggest that those of us concerned about the dogmas of our age are tilting at windmills. “Intersectionality”, they say, is something that is only really understood and talked about on a few American university campuses. The “critical race theorists” do not dominate anything much beyond the unreadable journals that they like to play with — and advocates of the “privilege” hierarchy as the best tool to understand human existence have not caught on much beyond their rarefied university circles. There are any number of reproaches to such a complacent viewpont, but it is certainly an illustration of how far beyond rarefied circles these ideas have actually reached that they have penetrated even the head of Prince Harry.

It is no special slur against the second son of the Prince of Wales to point out that nobody would have placed him as a theorist of any kind until this recent stage in his life. A year ago, I noted the oddity of the Queen’s grandson lecturing people about racism through the medium of Vogue magazine. After all, why should critical race theory be of any interest to readers of the fashion magazine, other than the fact that Vogue — like GQ and a number of similarly vapid-turned-woke magazines — has fallen for the same cultural moment that has so swept through the mind of Prince Harry.

In Vogue a year ago, the Prince could be found saying that unconscious bias was “Something which so many people don’t understand. If you go up to someone and say ‘what you’ve just said, or the way that you’ve behaved, is racist’ — they’ll turn around and say, ‘I’m not a racist’. I’m not saying that you’re a racist. I’m just saying that your unconscious bias is proving that, because of the way that you’ve been brought up, the environment you’ve been brought up in, suggests that you have this point of view — unconscious point of view — where naturally you will look at someone in a different way.”

Yet, as I pointed out back then, a giant train-wreck was awaiting Prince Harry and his Duchess, because at some point the Sussexes would have to contend with the question of privilege, a central plank of social justice theory in which everyone is expected to acknowledge their advantages, be it of race, sexuality, gender or upbringing (generally in that order).

It is possible that when he set off along the path, Prince Harry did not realise that this demand to “check his privilege” awaited him, and that it would be hard for him to play this particular game, considering his grandmother is the Queen of England.

But in his latest media announcement it appears that he has found what he and his spouse may imagine to be a way around the problem — to portray the Prince not as a victim of privilege but as a victim of oppression.

Nutty Flavor said…
In their newly released video the influencer couple sit on a bench in the garden of one of their homes and deliver a not-remotely-subtle call to the US electorate to vote for Joe Biden as their next president. In response Donald Trump, asked about the video the following day, admitted that he was not a fan of the Duchess and wished Harry a lot of luck “because he’s going to need it”.

One might question whether it’s appropriate for a British prince to advise Americans on who to vote for, and whether it’s any of his business; after all, the British royal family has not played a huge part in US politics since Harry’s illustrious ancestor George III and his rather ill-fated intervention. Indeed British interference in American politics has a somewhat mixed record, the Guardian’s Clark County fiasco of 2000 famously backfiring.

The video was not explicit in endorsing a candidate but neither was it especially cryptic. In the interview, the Duchess made the striking and original observation that the forthcoming election might be the most important election of our lifetimes, and that it was therefore crucial that everybody used their right to vote.

But the couple also talked about the need to “reject hate speech”, and in every way making it clear that the unspoken conclusion of their observations was at no stage likely to be: “And that is why we are asking you to give President Trump four more years.”

It was in this moment that the Duchess and her scriptwriters gave Harry the line that would surely win over any members of the US electorate unsure as to whether they want to receive voting advice from British royalty. For Harry pointed out that, sadly, he was not able to vote in the forthcoming election, going on to explain that “many of you may not know that I haven’t been able to vote in the UK my entire life”.

It is indeed unlikely that many American citizens are aware of the tradition that requires members of the British Royal Family to refrain from voting in elections. But whether or not others were aware of the precise voting arrangements of relatively minor members of the Royal Family, in his statement there was an undisguised attempt to gain pity — that pity and identification as an underdog that is so crucial if you are to survive in the social justice hierarchy.

Nutty Flavor said…
If the American public (and the anti-Trump American public in particular) thought they had been disenfranchised over the last four years, imagine if they had been in the slippers of Harry of Wales, had walked his shoes for a mile? He has been disenfranchised his entire life, all of it spent in a deeply personal form of apartheid.

The entire British state had conspired to ensure that Harry — for no reason at all, other than by dint of being a Prince — had never enjoyed the right of the common man to vote for David Cameron or Ed Miliband. I imagine that many Americans watching this message were not just surprised but horrified to discover this fresh human rights abuse — perhaps a newly freed-up Amal Clooney should investigate the case?

It is a small detail, but a telling one. Since they have decided to give up the life of duty that being working members of the Royal Family entails, and swapped this for a life as celebrities and influencers with a social justice agenda, the Sussexes are now in the process of having to square an impossible circle.

The Duchess clearly feels that the couple have something special that they can give to the world, that through their “fresh content” and sub-Obama style urgings they will be able to do some good as well as make some cash.

But here lies a problem, in that the Sussexes are a highly atypical couple — they do not have an origin story of struggle. The pair cannot claim that they are just like everybody else. They have great wealth and some beauty, and while one of them — helped in no small part by those looks — can claim to have made her own way, the person who sent the couple into orbit was born into the most privileged family on the planet. People like, and are interested in, the Royal Family not because they have struggled like them, but because they see them as different, elevated, dedicated to a life of service for an older way of life.

Cut loose, Harry and Meghan now have to present themselves as somehow similar to everybody else — more relatable, more normal. Because that is a hard thing to do, and obviously disingenuous, so they must talk up any and all “struggles” that they have gone through, such as the barbaric refusal to allow Harry the franchise, in order to more greatly resemble the public they would so like to influence. This may work — but I very much doubt it.

Social justice theory, critical race theory and all the other theories of power and privilege are highly unforgiving doctrines, and try as they might the Sussexes will not be able to reconcile the contradiction between their own lives and the ideology they have chosen. They are playing a game they cannot possibly win. We may pity the Sussexes — but not for the reasons that they imagine we should.
Nutty Flavor said…
You can find links to more stories by Douglas about Harry and Meghan on Unherd as well.

Unfortunately for his many female fans, Douglas - like his fellow right-wing heartthrobs Guy Benson, Brad Polumbo, and Dave Rubin - is gay. Strange phenomenon there.
Nutty Flavor said…
BTW, Golden Retriever, thanks for posting the Telegraph stories. We appreciate it.
Nutty Flavor said…
Just to close the circle, here's a new piece from The Spectator UK, where Douglas Murray is an editor. This is a rather dull piece, but I thought it was interesting because it takes Meg's Netflix "lucrative deal" at face value.

Who cares what Harry and Meghan think about Trump?
Meghan’s views, sans title and sans husband, would not feature in an influential magazine
Melanie McDonagh

Melanie McDonagh

September 23, 2020

5:10 AM
Well, who can the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have in mind in their video message to the TIME 100 — for the magazine’s issue on influential people — when they talked about the need to reject ‘hate speech, misinformation and online negativity’ in the context of the US election?

There are precisely two possibilities. Do you reckon these things might, just possibly, be code for the President, Donald Trump? In which case — I may of course be wrong here — it looks as if they’re urging people to vote Democrat. As for lovely Meghan’s observation that this is ‘the most important election of our lifetime’ it does seem to be channeling Michelle Obama’s call to arms: vote as if your life depended on it. And she’s saying this on the basis that one of the candidates is — what? Too frightful for words?

Meghan and Michelle have both signed extremely lucrative deals with Netflix, which might go some way towards explaining the similarity of their ‘messaging’. But Mrs Obama is, unlike Harry, an American citizen and is entitled to get involved. The Duke has no such qualification, even though Meghan can actually vote. Harry, as he engagingly observes, hasn’t ever voted on account of being royal, that is, because his grandmother is the head of state. Has he got any knowledge of US domestic politics except what he’s picked up off his wife and from the vantage point of his well-appointed villa in Santa Barbara?

The sole likely effect of their intervention may be to steel reluctant Republicans to vote Trump, because who wants to be lectured to by this pair? Is there any Democrat out there more likely to vote because Meghan thinks it’s important?

And the only qualification either of them has to sound off is that they have been picked up by TIME magazine as a power couple and they are a power couple for one reason, which is that the Duke is the grandson of the Queen. There is nothing else. Nothing. Meghan’s views, sans title and sans husband, would not feature in an influential magazine because her views have no inherent merit, no insight, no originality — for they channel those of every other US thesp — and are striking only for the sense of entitlement with which they are delivered.

The Sussexes have rather less qualification to give the benefit of their considerable views than the Duke and Duchess of Windsor — Wallis Simpson was the last American to grace the British royal family — and at least the Duke had been an uncrowned king. But the Windsors, in their agreeable if boring exile in Paris, never tried to intervene in French politics, or indeed American. They knew their place. If only Meghan and Harry knew theirs. Which is to be quiet.

Crumpet said…

Thanks for the link. I think it is a great site for analysis with Douglas one of the top writers and academics on the site.

@WBBM, I know that last revolution was pretty horrific, but my question (perhaps to all the UK Nutties out there): will there ever be hundreds (or perhaps just six!) UK citizens protesting about the monarchy on the streets (with pithy Magatha limericks on signs)! If there can be protests about climate, masks and George Floyd --why not the monarchy??

The only influence that will quell these Two will be The Queen & Co. who seems not so much concerned about the monarchy, as a political institution, but more concerned about family members and protecting them and their finances at any cost to citizens (or perhaps the Queen still views citizens as subjects?).

The Narkles are in the US, but unfortunately are doing an incredible job of highlighting the greed (is that too strong a word here?), short-sightedness, and insularity of the Royal Family.

Perhaps the press and social media are the only way to influence HM and push The Firm into a corner.
Enbrethiliel said…

Douglas Murray makes a great point. He wasn't the first to notice the contradiction between Prince and Princess Harry's background and the SJW causes they are aligning with, but is probably the first to say so on a significant platform.

I also can't help comparing this new oppressed Harry to the "Hero Harry" we all used to like. Both of them had the aim of making him seem more relatable -- someone "just like us," despite a background of insane wealth, fame, and privilege. Hero Harry was likable because what he had in common with us were virtues we ourselves were proud of: a work ethic, camaraderie, courage, down-to-earthness. There was even something aspirational about him, because we'd all like to believe that if we were in his position, we'd be cool like that, too.

SJW Harry is far less appealing because what he claims to have in common with us is victimhood and systemic oppression. And what's there to identify with in that? I may have moments of self-pity myself, but to have a self-image as a victim sounds terribly soul crushing. There's also nothing to aspire to here. We can't look up to a poor, oppressed Harry; as Murray points out, we can only pity him.

And then the cognitive dissonance kicks in. Because it's really hard to pity a blood prince who lives in a mansion and gets to spout drivel on TV that humiliates his family.
Nutty thank you for the piece.

Interesting that the article offers a new angle - Harry attacking the monarchy for not allowing him to vote, thus breaching his basic human right!

At this point I almost wish some big earthquake to shake our hopeless monarchy from it's slumber.

Harry has basically gone rogue.
Christine said…
CookieShark- Meghan likes those suprises because she feels it adds drama or something. Like the person will be like OH MY LORD IT'S MEGHAN MARKLE and start crying or something. Plus as you said, she doesn't get invited anywhere!
hunter said…
I'm entirely in agreement with Hikari on all the versions of "Archie" we've seen so far.

However, just as a "point of information" I wanted to let everybody know I have a mixed friend (light-ish skinned black man) with a white wife and they have two daughters. It appears to be National Daughter's Day or something and he posted proud papa pics of them, they are teen girls.

One looked like Meghan (early/teen Meghan) and one looked entirely white. White girl hair and everything. It's possible she could be the first daughter of his wife before they got married but it looks like she has his lips.

So Archie can look like anything but I don't believe we've seen a real Archie.

That said, let's not get into another genetic discussion because it bores me.

Influenced: I think mostly she is influencing her own delusions and Harry's limited view. From what I read on Twitter it looks like most of Hollywood has blacklisted her and considers her a joke. She is a poor actress because she lacks empathy therefor she cannot channel emotions (as actors do).

I also think she is influencing how larger corporations who don't know anything. If they do no deep-dive they may well think she is a great choice for a speaker.

As an American living in the NE with FB friends across the USA, I can confidently say very few people care about her at all. Most Americans believe the People magazine version of events and don't care to know more - they just don't care.

I'd say she's about as relevant as Ashlee Simpson.

Mel said…

Her AGT feature predictably pulled focus from the gentleman who deserved it. 

A prime example of check your privilege.

Poor guy, he deserved the hype. She comes rolling in as the white appearing wife of Prince Harry and steals it all, having done nothing to deserve it. Nice.

It's that kind of behavior that causes people to intensely dislike her.
Taking things from other people which they have earned and she has not.
Simply because she's a prince's wife who named her invisible baby Archie.

SwampWoman said…
hunter said...I'd say she's about as relevant as Ashlee Simpson. Yep. But Harry isn't relevant at all.
Mel said…
Christine said

I agree with you that her motive now is politics.

However, I think in the beginning she thought she could be the star of the BRF. Once she realized that no way, no how, was that gonna happen...and she realized that pretty quickly, maybe even before the wedding....she moved on to wanting to be in politics in the USA.

I do wonder if she's eyeing politics with the same blinders that she eyed the BRF. She didn't really understand the workings of the Firm, and I suspect she doesn't understand the workings of USA politics either.

She sees what she sees on a very superficial level, and thinks she should have that. Fame, adoration, unlimited money to spend.

She doesn't see the very public criticism that comes along with both scenarios. Or thinks it shouldn't be directed to her cuz she is oh so special. She doesn't see that when others fund your lifestyle they also feel free to criticize how the funds are spent.

I don't understand the draw to politics over royal life. Politics are not any different than royal life, in a lot of ways. Both are based on a life of service...what do you have to offer to make the country better.

She doesn't have anything to offer, and she doesn't pretend that she does. It's all about what can she get from it.

That's what people see in her motivation to be in politics, and it turns them off. It was bad enough when she acted that way in the BRF. That act ain't gonna fly in politics.

In politics, you have to at least pretend that you've got some good ideas to make the country better.
Thank you, Nutty, for posting the Douglas Murray piece - so good to read an article that's spot on regarding the issues.

UnHerd will now be one of my go-to sites.
I’ve just found the report about the AGT intervention and it struck me that :

- She’s had another transmogrification. She’s wearing yet another face, looking like someone else entirely (I mistook her for my first SiL)

- That’s a silk blouse costing, it was said, $1250 IIRC. It’s not just dirty, that’s a very conspicuous grease spot on the front. Is she a messy eater? Wouldn’t Archie lend her one of his bibs?

- At least the hair colour is kinder to her than the black was.
Mel said…
Great post --->Not Meghan Markle said
Remember? Harry REALLY cares what the public thinks of him. When she craftily made the relationship media public with her interview and forcing his public letter trying to 'protect her'.

Agree. That letter wasn't anything to do at all with her objections to the press. It was solely for the purpose of locking him into a relationship with her. Another way to look like she was on the road to Diana2. Couldn't protect his mother, but could protect her.
After he wrote a public letter like that, he can hardly dump her without looking beyond foolish. Locked in.

Harry cannot for the life of him adequately advise her so she doesn't look so stupid, she checked out.

Agree. I don't think he maliciously didn't tell her; he told her stuff as he understood it which probably wasn't all that well. And she heard what she wanted to hear. Confirmation bias.

She feels like she made something of herself, and probably doesn't want more public embarrassment. I do think she blames Harry, for mostly everything that has gone wrong.

Yep. Although that's not entirely fair on her part. She clearly didn't do her due diligence there. On the other hand, she would have a reasonable expectation that he knew what he was talking about and wasn't just blowing smoke.

She just went with what she saw on a superficial, fame, adoration. What else would there be? Oh, you mean there's expectations to follow in exchange for all that? It's not all just freebies handed over?

She just saw the simple view. Which is maybe all H told her, but anyone with a brain knows it's never that easy.

Why are you SO upset? It can't be because of poor press. I think it was the lack of money.

Yep, once again. Once she realized there wasn't a ton of money just waiting to be handed to her, not wanting anything in return, she was out.

Once she saw not only no free money, but she had to walk behind Catherine, she was really out.
Not only no money, but there was a hierarchy to follow. Just like there is in any company or organization. And Ms. Wonderful wasn't gonna be honoring any hierarchy.

Where she's making a mistake now is looking at politics the same way. Thinks she can just waltz in and take all the money with no responsibilities, take the top spot without having earned it, don't put the time and energy into earning the spot. Just take it because she wants it.

Setting herself up for failure again because she doesn't understand what it's all about. And then she'll play the racism card, which is the only card she has.
"I'd say she's about as relevant as Ashlee Simpson."

Maneki Neko said…
Who does MM influence?

I don't think she really influences anyone. In order to influence someone, you need to lead by example. So far, her examples have not not exactly positive.

Out of curiosity, I googled how to influence others and this website ( gave the following list:

1. Give them what they want - has she given anyone something they want?
2. Make others feel important - hell, no, she is the important one
3. Connect with emotions - she is not genuine enough to do so. How are you feeling, daddy?
4. Empower them - the only one she empowers is herself
5. Respect other people’s opinion - I think she might just pretend to
6. Be a leader, not a boss - this is obviously in a work context but she can't manage staff and is no leader
7. Show sympathy. If you see anyone making a mistake. Never scold them - perhaps we need to ask her former staff or the staff of Government House in Australia (pot of tea, anyone?)

So, no, she doesn't have what it takes and she doesn't really influence anyone (other than her sugars).
JerseyGirl said…
This is my first time commenting here. I've been doing a great deal of reading of the comments and would like to throw in my two cents.

I know Markle said she knew nothing about the RF when she first met Harry, but I believe she has obtained Diana's life playbook and has it buried in the backyard of her new home....

I liked Diana and followed her journey start to finish so I'm not trying to disparage Diana's memory. I do however remember all of it and it was just sad to me.

Markle has been using personal information she's gathered from Harry, read all books on the subject of Diana and is now picking and choosing which one's suit her agenda.

I was happy for Harry when he met this new woman from America, she appeared to make him happy and she looked like she was in love with him. But then these little red flags starting waving at me. She's cunning for sure. Always looking at him so lovingly and touching him, it didn't feel genuine. And now looking at the latest video of the voting campaign she didn't touch him once, she didn't look at him lovingly like she once did. She is as phony as a 3 dollar bill. I hope Harry wakes up before she completely destroys him, but from the looks of things, it's not far off because everything Markle is doing is a failure and no one likes her.
HappyDays said…
Fairy Crocodile said: The latest article showing Brits wasted 240K of tax money to give highest visibility to her complaints during the Africa tour was a masterstroke. Brits have started growling about the cost of royals again and this fits in nicely into "they wasted our money" picture.

@Fairy Crocodile: Don’t forget that while in South Africa, Meghan attended a private luncheon where 25 guests reportedly paid $10,000 each to have lunch and listen to Meghan speak to them.

So while she was in South Africa courtesy of the taxpayers, she is said to have scored $250,000 for hersrelf. I wonder if she reported it on her taxes.
MeMe can't go into politics. American press would dig up her past life and eat her alive.
AnT said…
Fascinating articles. Thank you for posting them. Murray makes a great point about their finding a way via Harry attempting to find his victim hood calling card via a portrayal of oppression, albeit a quite privileged oppression.

With this in mind, I wonder just how much has truly “penetrated even the head of Prince Harry” when it comes to all this, including the difficult subject of unconscious bias. Not merely suggesting he is thick, or that he is muttering words written for him. But rather that judging from the sour looks, deadened eyes, botched escape plan, and the concept of a long spoiled, long jealous second son, I wonder if he can actually step beyond another internalized embedded premise.

A very personal premise that began to form and fester and grow since the Vogue piece. A premise giving him the conviction that one of the biggest most terrible waves of unconscious bias in the world is the one that splashed from BP In the 80 to Parliament in the 2000s that denied him a chance to usurp his brother as a sort of larky ginger BGT winner who gets to be king. Ie, Everyone was so cruelly presumptive and biased against him in treating him as a less important spare. How wrong they were to not see him, overlook him, and deny him.

I wonder if that is the prism through which he sees everything, so it makes his privilege seem so bruised And savaged, he doesn’t think it is privilege, and doesn’t check himself, or see how out of touch he is, or actually see the way real bias or systematic racism actually affects others outside his bubble. He will harvest victimization from this cracked Champagne glass of golden bias.

Thus, if he labors under the impression that this is bias, if that is how he understands it, and it is what cost him his chance to be a king, and thinks that his experience falls under unconscious bias victimization (perhaps prodded by her to believe this). does that mean he will be only too happy to help her claw her way to be another sort of monarch: an American president? Is this what makes him think he has a right to butt into American politics: to correct the terrible bias that denied them to be King and Queen in his homeland.

I am oversimplifying this by a lot, I am wondering if this forms part of the rope tying them together.

Forget what others have actually suffered the world over. The diamond-studded power and adulation they think should be theirs got channeled elsewhere via “royal bias” and second son oppression! And so they moved camp, and are going to try to educate or influence the Americans to about bias and oppression, and train them to pity them and bucket it all back their way in 2024. This way, the cloddish Americans won’t ever have to feel guilty about being as badly biased as the mean BRF. H&M will focus on training Americans to “fix” what happened to them. Thought training started on the bench in their green leafy oceanside snowglobe of delusion.

Now all they want to know is, “America, are you nice?”
Hikari said…
Meg is merching her AGT appearance, of course.

If you feel your spirits running low due to a global pandemic, climate change, worldwide racial tensions, economic Armageddon, and freight political landscape, never fear...Meigs colored her hair again and it’s all the inspiration you need!

Meigs ultimate goal has always been to be an Instagram influencer....The dumb CU next Tuesday is too blinded by greed to realize that she could have been bigger than Kartrashian and J. Lo if she had been successful in the BRF. Nah—she’d rather merch throw pillows and pop up on reality TV.

For a dastardly egomaniac, she is incredibly stupid. Only her husband is stupider.
Nukleopatra said…
If you feel your spirits running low due to a global pandemic, climate change, worldwide racial tensions, economic Armageddon, and freight political landscape, never fear...Meigs colored her hair again and it’s all the inspiration you need.

That made me snort (and I don’t that often)
SwampWoman said…
@Hikari If you feel your spirits running low due to a global pandemic, climate change, worldwide racial tensions, economic Armageddon, and freight political landscape, never fear...Meigs colored her hair again and it’s all the inspiration you need!

I think she colored the hair of some poor woman that sold her hair to feed herself and her family. It seems like such a privileged thing to do.
Mel said…
I actually thought mm looked nice in the AGT video. Other than the grease spot on the front of her shirt. Haha.

That long black Morticia hair did nothing for her. She looked so dark and dreary. She doesn't have the right look to pull off the Kardashian ponytail. The new hair color is pretty on her.

Interesting how she changes looks so completely different from one time to the next. I can't figure out how she does it.
She looked like a whole different person in the AGT video than the Time video.

Does anyone think that in the AGT video that mm looked like a middle aged Sally Fields?

AnT said…
Hikari, that made me laugh out loud. Spirits running low? Megs colored her hair again!

Honest to god, you are so right: what kind of insipid mall rat makes a choice like this? Insta pillow and scented candle hawker over being a royal positioned to seriously help his/her people. And what kind of insipid Royal helps her. I will never understand.

Jdubya said…
not sure if this has been posted yet: CDAN blind

Blind Item #2
Apparently the alliterate former actress had words with the foreign born one name A+ list singer and the words were not kind. Jealous much? It feels like the ginger one is not allowed any female friends.

she probably said - run Harry run
Fifi LaRue said…
The Harkles influence no one. No one cares. There isn't an age group that can relate to them. Markle is not a "young" mother, but rather, in obstretic terms, a "geriatic" mother. And everyone doubts the veracity of the kid's birth.
The more Harry tries to win us over with his victimization by any and all, the more respect he loses. Whoever said we just want to see him in his uniform and no speeches, was absolutely correct.
Keep your mouth shut, Harry. No one cares. Stop being Markle's puppet.
Natalier said…

Meigs ultimate goal has always been to be an Instagram influencer....The dumb CU next Tuesday is too blinded by greed to realize that she could have been bigger than Kartrashian and J. Lo if she had been successful in the BRF. Nah—she’d rather merch throw pillows and pop up on reality TV.

For a dastardly egomaniac, she is incredibly stupid. Only her husband is stupider.
Your last sentence about the stupid - never a truer statement is there.

Her ultimate goal is to be an influencer - perhaps when she was with Cory. However, I think what motivates her now is to be more famous, more loved, richer than the Duchess of Cambridge. She believed that the public would adore her when she married Harry because she is such an amazing person. When she couldn't win over the public, she chose as her target the person who was her biggest competitor, Kate.It must kill her everytime she looks at the idiot she married instead of the brother who would be king.
Fifi LaRue said…
That's very interesting about Marc Benoif being Markle's next target

Bezos has not been stupid enough to marry Sanchez.
Notice the ever present self-satisfied smug smile on his face when he's with Sanchez? That's because she's putting in 200% effort, and if he marries her, it will all dry up.

Bezos took one look at Harry, and saw the result of marrying one's personal whore: No More Sex!
Unknown said…
Great posts!

Nice to see you back, AnT. Thanks for not giving up. Your views, thinking, and writing are much needed and great to read- very comprehensive.

I do believe there has too been a paradigm shift in Harry, but I don’t believe he is ‘all-in’.
I think it’s obvious he knows the difference between right and wrong (Meghan does not). He is disheveled, extremely unhappy, never smiling, angry, agitated and plainly displaced. This is the natural consequence of knowing his shift in thinking and what you theorize, confirmation bias about being second, is not all, ‘right’. He knows it’s wrong. He’s telling us he knows it’s wrong via his behavior. If he truly believed what Meghan has been feeding him, we would not see this mess of a guy. We would see someone feeling empowered and enlightened like a weight was lifted off of them, if it were “true” beliefs that others didn’t care about him (simplifying here).

So, while there has been a shift and the many reasons, and primarily through Diana’s open wound he still carries around and perhaps where Meghan started it all, I think he doesn’t completely agree with it. He met someone equally spoilt and entitled. He partied with her on TRIPS and proposed on a trip. Neither of these two ever actually ‘invested’ in a real relationship. It was one of illusion. It’s documented. Meghan had fake press photo her. It’s all a ruse. The real Meghan never gets what she wants, as we are seeing now..

And perhaps that is Harry’s biggest insecurity: that he will never get what he wanted which is to be the most important BRF member, and Diana’s #1 child who would live on in her legacy in the RF.
Natalier said…
@ Fifi LaRue, your post about Bezos and Harry - dear me, I spilled coffee all over my laptop snorting hysterically. On point, dear.
Highlights from today’s papers:

Duke and Duchess of Sussex should lose royal titles, majority of British public believe

Main points are:
4,174 British adults polled:
68 per cent agreed Harry and Meghan should have their titles as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex taken from them, following their step down from royal life and their move to the US.
63 per cent agreed Meghan, although American, should not be commenting on US politics.
35 per cent concurred that the duchess "wants to be president of the United States one day".

Daily Mail:

Royal Family 'are a bargain': British monarchy works harder and costs taxpayers less than their European counterparts, study finds
26/09/20 02:03

The £240,000 slap in the face: Royal experts say Meghan Markle and Prince Harry would have justified year's most expensive royal trip if they hadn't used it to launch 'personal' attack on press
25/09/20 13:46

No surprises there.
Does anyone read NewsNow?

There are some crackers today:


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'urged to pay back Prince Charles' Daily Star06:17

Pinko Prince Harry, Meghan Markle Stick Their Elitist Noses into US Politics, Preach About ‘Hate Speech’ & the ‘Most… LewRockwell.com06:03

Prince Harry Is A ‘Henpecked Husband’ Who Must Stand Up To Meghan Markle, Royal Expert Says The Inquisitr20:51 Fri, 25 Sep

Harry and Meghan's political statements 'could harm US brand - but might help them… Yahoo! UK & Ireland17:04 Fri, 25 Sep


Meghan Markle reportedly wants to become US president Newshub06:37

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'urged to pay back Prince Charles' Daily Star06:17
Meghan Markle, Prince Harry's Africa tour most expensive royal trip in 2019 Geo.tv03:02

Meghan Markle poised to run for president: Duchess determined to take part in polls Geo.tv02:31

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry react to Princess Eugenie's pregnancy Geo.tv02:21

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry blasted as their last royal tour cost millions of taxpayers money The News International01:34

I’ve omitted some duplicates – but you get the flavour of it.

`Pinko Prince'made me smile - shades of ` “King’s Moll Reno’d in Wolsey’s Town!”
I clicked on `Pinko Prince’ article and found it originally came from RT News.

That doesn't stand for `Radio Times' but `Russia Today' – for once, I agree with the view from Moscow!
Their reaction to Eugenie's announcement was `private' according to the geo.TV report.

Does that mean `secret - to be splashed all over the news'?

Or as in `so secret we wonder if it really happened'?
Maneki Neko said…

Their reaction to Eugenie's announcement was `private' according to the geo.TV report.
So it was 'private', was it? Translation: they weren't that pleased, otherwise they (she) would have splashed their congratulations all over the news.
Nutty Flavor said…
@JDubya, thanks for posting the CDAN blind.

I assume the "foreign born one name A+ list singer" is Adele.

Adele is having an interesting career trajectory; such a big star and now it seems she's lost interest. Reminds me a bit of George Michael.

Wanderer said…
Megan does have influence over the British Public... she's made Camilla look good.
Ròn said…
Half the world is puzzling why she gave up a world stage and RF benefits to merch throw pillows - it’s like attempting to get your head around quantum physics. Maybe she thought Royalling looked easy - wave, smile, shake hands, chit-chat, bye, private jet back to Frog Cottage via Antibes. The real Royals make it look effortless whereas she often had the deer in the headlights look on engagements, very unsure of herself. At the retired actors home she asked them all the same question “ How long have you been here ?” “And how long have you been here ?” She showed zero interest( to the point where it did actually show..) in those in a line up of dignitaries - unless they were Beyoncé . Her and JM thought the Oceania tour would be girls holiday such was her lack of interest in the actual reason for it. But isn’t this the life of a politician - the glad handing, the polite interest, engaging with the masses. She’d suck at it just as she did at Royalling.
The political life used to involve kissing babies -thank goodness that's out of the question `for the Duration', as they used to say.
Maneki Neko said…

Megan does have influence over the British Public... she's made Camilla look good.
Camilla was certainly intensely disliked for a long time. She has, however, kept a very low profile, discreetly works for patronages and charities, doesn't put herself forward like and doesn't offer us the benefit of her private opinions, unlike MM. I think Camilla has more than redeemed herself (anyway, it takes two to tango) and certainly did not need Megalo to look good.
What qualifications /qualities are sought in an American president? I came up with these, in no particular order. (I intend no insult to any POTUS I can think of) I’m sure other Nutties can add to the list!

Financial acumen/Business savvy

The common touch

Background in local/regional/state politics

Evidence of being a successful leader

Understanding the military

Coming from an intensely political family

Being able to debate successfully

Being able to think deeply

Think the unthinkable

Has been active in politics for a number of years (voting, being a party member, well-read in the area and so on)

Has never offended (or at least rarely) against the legal code

A good speaker/communicator

Appealing to the electorate

Capable of standing up for the nation in dire circumstances

Getting things done

Good negotiating skills

Sound in mind

Not an alcoholic or drug addict

A keen sense of justice

Can Tread softly in international relations…

Careful not to jeopardise America’s good relationships with her allies.

Careful not to use gratuitous insults against other nations.

Capable of taking advice

Capable of listening

Prepared to be open about personal taxes and health.


Has held executive power, successfully, at a senior level.

Is not an inveterate liar.

Prepared to admit, if only to self, that doesn’t know everything

Understands how laws are made.


A few unticked boxes may be ignored but I can't see Markle getting anything like a `Pass' grade.

Some members of our Royal Family might score reasonably but to be on the safe side, they are expected to keep quiet about matters political. It goes as far as not even expressing a preference for one manufacturer’s biscuits or sweeties over another, lest it cause ill feeling.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Not Meghan Markle
I skimmed the comments the first few visits to this thread and somehow glossed over yours. I'm sorry about that, as they are pretty good!

The best thing Trevor ever did for himself, was to let Meghan move to Toronto by herself.

Imagine Prince Harry letting Meghan move to California by herself -- and the BRF painting it as a supportive, 100% secure husband wanting his feminist wife to pursue the causes dearest to her. And if they wanted to play hardball, it would have been a lone Harry papped with a baby a few days after Meghan's departure. Imagine being so supportive that you play "house husband" so that your wife can have the freedom she needs!

I think part of her internal rage against him (that we are now publicly seeing) is the fact he's allowed her to cause them so much public embarrassment by not himself understanding how the RF works and eloquently explaining to her the perils of attempting half- in/ half-out.

I'll bet this has hit the bull's eye! There were many things Harry could have told his wife about day-to-day operations in the BRF, but when she started asking "What if?" questions, he soon got out of his depth. She masterminded their escape with him as her chief advisor, and when it blew up in their faces, well, of course it had to be his "fault."
Enbrethiliel said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid
Their reaction to Eugenie's announcement was `private' according to the geo.TV report.

My guess is that it involved screaming, obscenities, and a teapot (or something more appropriately Californian) hurled at someone's head.
I agree with Maneki Neko about Camilla.

Back in the day, before Charles got engaged to Diana, I envisaged someone like her as being ideal for him.

When, the engagement with Di came about in Feb 81, and snippets emerged about her being only 19, when he was 32, without much experience of life, I thought `Oh de-ar...!'
@ Crumpet

Yes, greed is too strong a word applied to the whole RF, although it could fairly be applied to Markle.

I take care not to insult any POTUS, please reciprocate.
Superfly said…
I'd also like to add the following for all commenters here who assume she's bagging herself a billionaire next:

anyone of you ever met a billionaire? Because I work with lots of them. So let me tell you about them: none of them are Harry. These are men who can smell a MM a mile away. Please. She'll be lucky if they fuck her, throw some money at her and send her her way.
These men are surrounded by women who are a thousand times more beautiful, a thousand times smarter, a thousand times more genuine, and a thousand times more pleasant to be around. Only Harry wanted the Deal or no Deal suitcase girl, with the busted LA nose job, no billionaire is going to go near that mentally unhinged psycho, with a bargepole.

You're all clueless if you think a Benioff or any other billionaire for that matter is going to listen to her self-indulgent delusional ramblings for longer than 3 seconds.
SwampWoman said…
Hunh. Now who would have more 'influence', we wonders, Adele or MM? I would go with Adele because she has actual talent and worked her way up, but I'm funny that way.
unknown said…

Re: Adele

I think it's due to vocal problems. She struggled on her last tour and needed surgery.
unknown said…
I think Camilla is more genuine than Meghan and that's the difference. Like her or not, she owns her private decisions.
From @ Hikari: “ How long have you been here ?”... “And how long have you been here ?”

Well, although she could see it was a bit daft to ask if they’d come far, it reveals the extent and depth of her creative `thought'...
Lady BreakWind said…
Regarding comments about Morticia's new hair color:
If I recall, the Daily Mail observed in one of Kate's appearances over the last week or so,
it was mentioned that her (DofC) hair had been newly highlighted.
Since Morticia is somewhat maniacally obsessed with Kate it makes total sense to me that Morticia would do the exact same thing to get a bit of extra press.
Mel said…
Asking someone in a senior living home how long they've been there seems rude, tone-deaf, ill-mannered, boorish, loutish, bracelets.

Probably a topic they'd prefer not to think about?
KC said…
@Wild Boar Battle Maid, to your question, "Perhaps it really is the Curse of the Stuarts, inherited (DV) only by H?" I would say really the whole monarchy is in the stew now.

People outraged at the cost of monarchy are now joined by those outraged at the cost of the in-and-out Sussexes.

Next year is the 20th year since the "annus horribilis" which might, might have also receded in the public memory to some extent but memory has been refreshed by events of the past few years....
KC said…
@Lady BreakWind who said:
If I recall, the Daily Mail observed in one of Kate's appearances over the last week or so .... her (DofC) hair had been newly highlighted.
Since Morticia is somewhat maniacally obsessed with Kate it makes total sense to me that Morticia would do the exact same thing to get a bit of extra press."

Oh! How right you are, seems be such a copycat.

Your ladyship, your "Google handle" is a quite amusing nod to Sheridan.
Mel said…

Ròn said…

.... Maybe she thought Royalling looked easy - wave, smile, shake hands, chit-chat, bye, private jet back to Frog Cottage via Antibes. The real Royals make it look effortless whereas she often had the deer in the headlights look on engagements, very unsure of herself.


She was always walking around in a daze, unsure of where to stand, which way to face, when to move. Which made no sense. You'd think that her acting background would have enabled a better sense of that.

I think she saw the 10% glamorous work of the Royals, and didn't even comprehend that there was more to it. She thought that's all there was.

And hey, if Catherine and Ronald Reagan can do it, so can she.

But she doesn't see that those two have a high relatability factor, whereas she has absolutely none. Hers is maybe even in the negative numbers.

But isn’t this the life of a politician - the glad handing, the polite interest, engaging with the masses. She’d suck at it just as she did at Royalling.

I've always thought that. The two jobs are remarkably similar. Since she detested everything about the royals what makes her think she's gonna like politics?

Not only will she not like it, she's gonna be really, really bad at it. Just like I don't get why she wanted to be an actress when she's so incredibly bad at it. Most people choose a profession where they have some chance of success, some natural abilities to leverage.

Once again she's setting herself up for failure by not looking clearly at something.

She sees whatever it is that she hopes to get from being in politics, but doesn't even notice the rest of the job duties.

Since foreign money can't be used to fund a political run, how exactly does she think her political run will be funded anyway? She can't use her slush fund from PC. And besides, neither of them has shown an inclination to spend their own money on anything other than themselves. We haven't seen them donate their own money to anything. No seed money anywhere.

Does she think the political funding fairy will knock on her front door and hand a bunch of money over for free?
Girl with a Hat said…

excellent thread on Twitter regarding the fact that the London Times, the UK's newspaper of record, published excerpts from Finding Freebies which is now considered a work of fiction.

Girl with a Hat said…
about her supposed new hair colour:

I think she is using Mama Kardashian's PR tactics which is to always have something new in her appearance to talk about. I think she also uses the same inspiration in her daily PR exercises because Kris Jenner doesn't believe that there is such a thing as over-exposure.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for agreeing with me about Camilla, I thought you would. She's been vilified in the past and doesn't need to be reviled at this stage. In fact, MM could have learnt a lot from her (discretion and decorum spring to mind).
I don’t think anyone has mentioned yet that, apart from the new wig colour, jaw and cheekbones, in the AGT video her face is remarkably pink / flushed/ roseate/ light red … with nary a hint of brown. As is her neck, almost down to her cleavage.

Shades of Pete and Dud - ` I thought, you know, 'funny'...’

`Pete is a know-it-all and would-be intellectual, very much in the spirit of E. L. Wisty, and Dud is a put-upon Herbert in a subservient role, who tries to impress Pete with his knowledge. Neither of them has any real sense’

That’s even funnier. (See Pete and Dud videos -ie Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.)
Enbrethiliel said…

Your comment reminded me of an Anna Bey video on the kind of women whom wealthy men go for:

Bey first classified the wealthy men into types and then said which sort of women each type is attracted to. There's a lot of generalization, of course, but it's fun to watch with Meghan in mind. She has already landed Prince Harry, who is kind of a combination of Old-Rich Guy and Party Playboy Guy; so she must be feeling optimistic. But what are her chances going forward, with the world more aware of the type of person she is than it was three years ago?

Hip-Hop/Rap Guy: He goes for a Kim Kardashian type. I don't think Meghan would want to be a music mogul's arm candy, but I may also be underestimating what she will do for money. And she did have a phase where we we were all comparing her to the Kardashians, so . . .

Old-Rich Guy: He marries a woman who will fit in with his family, pass on their legacy, and not go for a lot of plastic surgery. I laughed when I heard that last part. Sorry, Meghan.

Russian Oligarch: He will either have a "double life" with wife his own age and a gorgeous younger mistress, or leave the wife for the younger model. And Meghan is already closer to the first wife's age than to the mistress's age.

Party Playboy Guy: He will go for whomever will let him get laid at the end of the day; and if he does have a steady girlfriend, he'll probably cheat on her. Chelsey and Cressida surely have stories. Meghan held on to Harry only because she absolutely broke him. But I don't think she wants to do the wild party circuit again to catch a newer model.

Arab Prince: He may date different types of women, but he will marry someone from his own background. Meghan could get lucky if she said she were willing to convert. But probably not after looking like a slob during that mosque visit.

Chinese New Rich Guy: He also prefers a wife from his own background, but will be generous to a mistress. Even Meghan has more self-respect than that!

Tech Millionaire: He tends to stay simple even after becoming wealthy, so he is attracted to someone with a high school sweetheart/girl-next-door vibe. I wonder if Meghan is dressing more low-key not just because she has less money, but also because she wants to catch more of this type in her net.

Rich Farmer Guy: He goes for a woman who'll be happy living in his sprawling farmhouse near a small town, not really interacting with high society. And if FrogCott in Windsor wasn't good enough for Meghan, neither will the home this guy may have to offer her.

Discreet Rich Guy: He likes an Anna Bey type. Hahahaha! But a woman can usually only meet him through getting invited to the right events and parties. And both the virus restrictions and Meghan's own character means that she isn't getting many invitations these days.

Finance Guy: Even Bey had a little trouble summarizing this type in a soundbyte, saying he runs the gamut from real catches to messed-up men who don't really know what they want. (I feel Meghan thinking: Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!) Bey also said that when he settles, he picks someone a little less glamorous than what he can attract, but who can help him be a little more down-to-earth. Maybe this is what Meghan is aiming for? By leaving the royal household for crunchy California and rebranding herself as an activist for democracy, perhaps she hopes she comes across as that type.

Now, I do agree with @Superfly that Meghan will have a really, really hard time landing any of the men who could be stereotyped on this list. But I believe we're all saying she's aiming for Benioff (or whomever else is in her sights) not because she could land him, but because we're trying to see things from her perspective. And she must believe she could land him!
Enbrethiliel said…
@Girl with a Hat
I think she is using Mama Kardashian's PR tactics which is to always have something new in her appearance to talk about

That makes sense! And if she can't always be doing something new with her hair, then she can have a grease stain on her shirt.
@ Mel

"Does she think the political funding fairy will knock on her front door and hand a bunch of money over for free?"

This is exactly what she thinks. She believes the more visible she is the more likely it is to happen. Any visibility is a good visibility for her, even if if turns to notoriety.

It feels like the situation has reached some sort of climax. A huge percentage of UK citizens is very angry at the monarchy including the Queen; the stupid declaration from the palace deceived nobody; there is no goodwill left towards the Harkles; as more information about the money wasted on unruly duo emerges the patience is depleted.

I am no Cassandra but the saga has started the invisible cogs and wheels that may result in the fall of the monarchy in UK; worldwide epidemic is a bad canvass for Harry's and Andrew's antics. I only hope Wills and his popular wife will come to power when it is not too late.
unknown said…
VERY important to note that Meghan has had a US citizen/ POLITICAL Democratic operative working as the EXEC DIRECTOR of Travelyst, and as Harry's personal assistant for a few years:
(copy pasted below)


Executive Director
Company NameTravalyst Full-time
Dates EmployedSep 2019 – Present
Employment Duration1 yr 1 mo
LocationLondon, England, United Kingdom
Senior Advisor to The Duke of Sussex
The Royal Household
Assistant Private Secretary to HRH The Duke of Sussex
Company NameThe Royal Household Full-time
Dates EmployedSep 2016 – Sep 2019
Employment Duration3 yrs 1 mo
LocationLondon, England Metropolitan Area
Milltown Partners LLP
Associate Director
Company NameMilltown Partners LLP Full-time
Dates EmployedJan 2016 – Jul 2016
Employment Duration7 mos
LocationLondon, England, United Kingdom
Maternity cover
NextGen America
Communications Director, NextGen Climate
Company NameNextGen America Full-time
Dates EmployedOct 2013 – Mar 2015
Employment Duration1 yr 6 mos
LocationSan Francisco, California, United States
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Public Affairs
Company NameU.S. Department of Homeland Security Full-time
Dates EmployedMar 2012 – Sep 2013
Employment Duration1 yr 7 mos
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States
Acting Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, March 2013-July 2013
United Nations Foundation
Director Of Communications, Better World Campaign
Company NameUnited Nations Foundation Full-time
Dates EmployedAug 2009 – Mar 2012
Employment Duration2 yrs 8 mos
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Spokesperson, International Affairs, and Terrorism and Financial Intelligence
Company NameU.S. Department of the Treasury Full-time
Dates EmployedFeb 2009 – Jul 2009
Employment Duration6 mos
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States
United States Congress
Press Secretary, House Financial Services Committee
Company NameUnited States Congress Full-time
Dates EmployedJan 2007 – Feb 2009
Employment Duration2 yrs 2 mos
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States
United States Congress
Communications Director, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
Company NameUnited States Congress Full-time
Dates EmployedApr 2004 – Sep 2005
Employment Duration1 yr 6 mos
LocationWashington, District of Columbia, United States

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Degree NameMaster of Science - MSField Of StudyPolitics and Communication
Dates attended or expected graduation2005 – 2006

University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley
Degree NameBachelor of Arts - BAField Of StudyMass Communications
Dates attended or expected graduation1999 – 2002

Why the Press doesn't focus on this is disturbing.
unknown said…
Honestly, when you look at a VETERAN US Politician commmuncations director who served in all parts of the US government

Who mmagically starts working in London, and quickly becomes Harry's Senior Advisor, the MONTH before he announces his 'relationship' with American Megs, and now he and Megs are Dem Political in the USA.....

Is this just what the RF concocted? Are we all being taken for a ride? Was this Harry (potentially again all BS) and is being used as a greater distraction from Andrew (to get in front of the Epstein mess)?

Something stinks here, and it looks like the BRF might be more deeply involved than we think.

Not trying to make up conspiracy theories, we just need to look at the facts. Nothing adds up with the story they are selling. Sure this employee could be in politics and in climate (hence travelyst) or is it all a cover? Since they don't actually live the principles with TV in the first place....

It's bizarre no matter what we personally think of these facts.
SwampWoman said…

Blogger Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
I don’t think anyone has mentioned yet that, apart from the new wig colour, jaw and cheekbones, in the AGT video her face is remarkably pink / flushed/ roseate/ light red … with nary a hint of brown. As is her neck, almost down to her cleavage.

Probably laser resurfacing or dermabrasion to remove light wrinkles/scars.
SwampWoman said…
The laser stuff tightens up skin, too.
Omid and Tatler:

After Catherine wiped Anna Pasternak off the list of respectable journalists for her inaccuracies and forced the magazine to delete huge chunks the Tatler's reputation is much dimmed.

That they associated themselves with highly controversial Omid who has been previously caught lying is a further evidence of the deep hole Tatler is digging for itself.
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