Here's a fresh post where we can continue to discuss the Sussexes' royal status, podcast, and biographers as well as Samantha's upcoming book and other royal goings-on.
There just hasn't been a lot from really either of them together or individually lately, has there? But why? Have they blown all their bridges, connections and are down to toss the proverbial kitchen sink for attention? I don't know. We've heard that moving vans showed up at the house. And nothing more like pictures from a neighbor happy to see the back of them. We've heard they bought a house on Portugal. But the wording was kind of funny. Multiple sources of the same thing - yes but that isn't a guarantee of proof as it could all be from the same source. It was more along the lines of "We've been told that...". It came off as a we really don't know if we believe this to be true or not so we are putting it out there but hedging our bets. Or at least it did to me. And nothing more like exactly when, where or for how much or when they might visit it again. Or pictures of the awesome inside. Or outside. Or requisite ...
And I'm so done with Grip and Drip, I can't think of anything to post. Except ;maybe now that Doria is front and center of the new Archwell (sounds like a brand of biscuits), I think its time the press digs into her background. Rumors of her serving time for embezzlement should be researched as to protect future investors/donors.
I have to wonder about people who grew up receiving lots of Christmas gifts not wanting to offer the same chance to see joy and happiness in their kid's eyes.
@abbyh: Perhaps money is tight, they discovered they couldn’t write gifts for Archie off on their taxes, or Meghan wants more cosmetic procedures done before the lockdowns finish by sometime this fall now that there’s a vaccine..
thre Royals was pnly available outside the UK ?
Is this a PR placement by SS ?
Will the Palace intervene?
Meghan Markle's sister Samantha set to reveal all in bomshell book
1 day ago — One insider said: “ The book may never be on sale in Britain because of our tighter libel laws but it will be all
American Nutties ordered when LCC book on the Harkles was first published ?
'I plan to buy Samantha’s book. I hope she makes a tidy sum from it — enough to write the second book with information Meghan doesn't want public '
@Happy Camper Same here for all those reasons that you mentioned. Maybe hopefully the truth will out finally ...
I think the media are hyping up the potential 'explosive information' in the book. Samantha has said that she aimed for an honest but balanced account.
I suspect that Samantha's book will out sell the Scobie FF book in pre-orders! She knows where the skeletons are hidden and is not trying to flatter Meghan. But maybe there aren't any skeletons and the book will just provide another perspective.
Crockery being hurled at walls in a mansion in Montecito as we speak ... and the anti-Samantha campaign in the media is going to start soon!
I do not understand the Christmas gift reference. Have I missed a story somewhere?
I wouldn’t put it past Meghan, but if the information in Samantha’s book is true, then Meghan wouldn’t have a case, but that hasn’t stopped Meghan so far, has it?
A belated Happy, Healthy & Prosperous New Year to you all.
I haven't been very well lately but just thought I would pop in to say that, if MM wants to strike back at the latest news from BP re HMTQ being the one to turned JH down for wanting to lay his own wreath at the Cenotaph, then I predict she will release any bombshell on 9th January. In fact, I bet MM is already planning something for this particular date even as I type.
I do not understand the Christmas gift reference. Have I missed a story somewhere?
I believe it was in the info from the Harkles about the purchase of the childrens’ knit hats from the company in New Zealand that in place of giving Archie gifts this Christmas, the Harkles were donating the money to buy and donate the hats.
As if at 19 months old Archie has any idea of what Christmas is, so not getting presents isn’t apt to bother him in the least. He’d probably be happy playing with a box.
In my experience, children don’t really start to get a grasp on the basic gist of Christmas until closer to three years old. And at that age, they are often scared and totally freaked out by Santa Claus, but they start to make the connection to Christmas and gifts.
Will Meghan sue? Probably. I am sure Harry still has millions she has not spent! Sue for what? Defamation of character? She would have to prove that what Samantha said was knowingly false but presented as facts and then prove what damage it caused her.
Maybe that is why there isn't a UK publisher for the book. I think it would be easier for Meghan to sue in the UK.
Or perhaps the Harkles had been counting on receiving one of those COVID-19 stimulus checks that were hung up in Congressional bickering.
Meghan does this to everyone, so Sam will be par for the course.
Meghan is a very bullying person behind the scenes. She knows her sister doesn't have the money to fight her. Hopefully Sam calls her bluff and starts a GoFundMe for Legal costs.
I think that in the USA, First Amendment issues stop a lot of the issues you might see in the UK with books not getting published.
People have been known to sue tabloid magazines successfully for blatant lies, for example, but the bar is set pretty high because of free speech issues.
Kate reached out to Meghan after her ITV documentary (no one asks me if I'm ok) but those efforts were not well received.
Oh,oh, the press is beginning to turn on her.
Thanks. Agree about children don't really understand Christmas until about 3 years old. A little younger if they have relatives or playmates that can clue them in.
What really makes me question everything now is that they went out of their way to say they mailed Christmas presents to the Cambs and included hand written cards. But their kid gets nada? And you brag about this???
Is that true? Has she left the word gospel out of it?
You can sue for anything really as Meghan has repeatedly done on technicals.
All of Meghan's legal cases are in the UK, including the Splash paparazzi pics of her with the doll and the two dogs.
My neighbor (my source for this) said its a children's song about sharing your faith. I'm going to see if I can find the lyrics
Yes, but I think Meghan will sue Sam not with the intent to prove a point, but to destroy her financially.
You can sue for anything really as Meghan has repeatedly done on technicals.
I agree. She would do it because she can, just because she wants to hurt her.
Thanks. Agree about children don't really understand Christmas until about 3 years old. A little younger if they have relatives or playmates that can clue them in.
What really makes me question everything now is that they went out of their way to say they mailed Christmas presents to the Cambs and included hand written cards. But their kid gets nada? And you brag about this???
@MustySyphone: It’s doubtful the Harkles do anything that isn’t contrived and without a purpose to help further their, well, actually Meghan’s because she’s the controller, agenda.
My guess is they sent gifts to the Cambridge children to ingratiate themselves to William and Kate and Charles and the Queen. The review is coming up soon, and they want to appear in as positive of a light as possible. William’s influence is likely growing, so perhaps they think they can soften William and Kate up with a few baubles for their kids. Maybe knit hats and oatmeal milk lattes for the kids!
I think William takes Kate’s opinion into consideration regarding Harry and Meghan and what to do with them, so the gifts were likely a strategic move by Meghan. She likely chose the items, which were sent in Harry’s name.
@gfbcpa —I agree Martha Stewart worked really hard, but below is my one experience with her.
My Martha Stewart experience: I loved her books and was thrilled to be invited to a large, fundraising, before-Christmas luncheon with her. She was paid $15 K for lunch and a brief talk. She arrived over an hour late. Her clothes were wrinkled badly and her hair and makeup were a mess. She had been up all night at a part y, she said. I forgot what she agreed to talk about, but she had been asked not to talk about Christmas decorating. So . . . She talked about Christmas decorating for maybe 20 minutes and flogged her books. I was surprised that she had so little respect for the audience, and the hosting charitable group. I never bought anything of hers or paid any attention to her after that. She lost about 100 customers that day. That’s the way the Markles are headed; they are tone deaf.
Samantha suffers from MS, which can be very virulent and then ease off.
She also seems to have domestic violence issues at home.
And writing may not come easily to her, regardless of her other issues.
I picked up the same thing from Samantha's tweets. She may very well sabotage her own book if she did not use an experienced and skilled editor.
I haven't heard Samantha mention anywhere that she was being harassed by Meghan not to write the book.
this is Samantha Markle's twitter account.
Many thanks for your kind wishes. I have to take daily medication that renders me susceptible to any germs/bacteria flying around, hence the bouts of illness and my frequent absence from this blog.
On the Harkles front, I hate that woman with a passion and I don't have any time for him so I just love to see them taken down.
But whoever said that is probably right.
The situation's very ugly and the graphs are about to rise vertically. I could weep. We have bred up a generation of narcissistic serpents. God help us.
this is Samantha Markle's twitter account.
Her tweets are now private. That's happened in the last few days.
We in the UK are currently witnessing outbreaks of mass narcissism among those who think they are entitled to drink, dance and rave as per usual, and to blazes with anybody else's health. I'm sure there are some historical precedents at time of plague but, at least then, there was the excuse that nobody at all understood what was going on nor what to do about it.
The situation's very ugly and the graphs are about to rise vertically. I could weep. We have bred up a generation of narcissistic serpents. God help us.
I don't know if it is so much that people are narcissistic serpents as that nobody believes *anything* that "authorities" say anymore. There have been so many bald-faced lies promulgated by TV-anointed "experts" that *everything* is suspect. When authorities here say "Oh, we can't really produce the science that says that your business is spreading COVID but we're going to shut you down anyway, bankrupt you, and guess what? We're not going to compensate you, either!" people get a little testy. Our CDC has been such a disappointment with "masks don't work, masks are useless, don't use your N95s that are for industrial use because they are needed for medical personnel where they magically work although the medical people can't use them because they are only approved for industrial use, OMG, you have to wear a mask and, oh, BTW, masks don't work" message. When the CDC says something now, so many people roll their eyes that you can hear a great rattling across the nation. Not to mention that we *still* don't have effective masks for the populace and most people rely on those freakin' (used in place of the words I really want to use) useless surgical "masks" from China.
What the CDC and *most* medical practices have NOT done here is tell* people about how to mitigate their risks with supplemental vitamin D, zinc, baby aspirin and NAC, vitamin C, quercetin, melatonin, ivermectin, lose weight, if having difficulty breathing lay on stomach (proning), etc.
People with positive tests are told to go home until they can't breathe instead of being told how to not get to that point. That works fine for the 80% of the people for whom this is nothing more than a mild cold. For the rest, it's a great way to increase morbidity and mortality. If anybody waits to go to the ER until their O2 sat is in the low 80s and they are turning blue, their organs are already shutting down.
*Not that I think people should wait around to be *told* how to mitigate their risks; they should be actively seeking out information but, with the dumbed-down educational system and people that spend their lives staring at their phone, few people know how to research properly or stratify their risks.
I wish she had chosen a different title. If I just randomly heard "The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister" I would think it is a children's book.
I wonder if Samantha kept written diaries as a child and if she saved them. That would bolster her credibility in a lawsuit if the incidents related in the book matched those in the diary.
I hope she used the services of an editor/ghostwriter. The book is over 300 pages. That is pretty long to get through if the writing is bad.
I am sure that Meghan will sue her to try and stop publication of the second book, which will have more about Meghan's later life. That will just draw more attention to the whole thing.
I agree with everything you said. This situation is just causing a state of perpetual anxiety. I always believed that the purpose of education was not to teach people WHAT to think, but to teach people HOW to think. (I think I am quoting someone here, but I can't remember who and I am too anxious to google it. I feel I should know.) Time for coffee.
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I'm not sure I want to buy the book, I'll wait for the reviews and Nitties' comments but it looks like a lot of us won't be able to buy it.
As for Megalo suing, she can but if she does she won't be doing herself any favours. She'll definitely be seen as a serial litigant and who'd want any dealings with someone like that? Also, what could she sue about? Breach of her beloved privacy? Lies/libel? MM would have to provide evidence and a lot of dirty linen would become public. I don't think she would like that. Just my thought. We'll have to wait until next week to see what comes out of the book.
Daily Mail has a US edition so I am sure they will get the scoop and publish articles about the book first.
Has it occured to anyone else that if Samantha did not use the services of an experienced and skilled editor, she perhaps shares some traits with her sister (not stepping down and leaving some stuff in the hands of experts)?
I'm a scientist at heart & don't think we've been told lies by the Govt - it's just that there are too-many way-out theories based on fruit-loopery & woo-woo thinking, as the New Scientist mag would say. One friend is an eminent retired virologist and we are in agreement that the difficulty has been that this is a bug we hadn't met before. Plus a young population who probably think they know it all and are ignorant of the scourges of the past, and who believe some pretty bonkers ideas.
Also, there is a widespread distrust in science and scientists, there are no scientists in the Govt as far as I know & the politicians are caught between the scientists, the business/economics lobby and the educationalists. HMG has tried to look strong when it might have been better to have stressed that `it all depends... we can't see into the future' etc instead of over-promising.
@gfbcoa - I may have quoted Hemingway on the purpose of education being to give our pupils in-built, fool-proof crap-detectors - but too many people now can't tell 100%, copper-bottomed crap & loony thinking from what is sound - they mistake one for the other. They are as deluded as MM and narcissistic self-belief and sense of entitlement lead them into becoming dangers to society.
Don't forget: `Every disaster movie starts with someone ignoring a scientist...'
agreed with what you said. It is a pity that we never had national leadership with a coordinated approach. I am so tired of sending sympathy cards to friends. So. Very. Tired.
Certainly with a novel virus there are going to be missteps. And I'm enough of a (social) scientist to know that science is an imperfect human enterprise and doesn't always progress in an orderly fashion. Variables that aren't considered or even known in early studies can lead us to vastly different conclusions when they are considered in later studies. But like @SwampWoman, I don't think there's much doubt we were lied to in the US about the value of masks early on because of the fear there wouldn't be enough masks. As late as late April the CDC said people didn't need to wear a mask unless they were health care workers or sick themselves. That even if caring for a person sick with COVID at home masks weren't needed unless the sick person couldn't wear one. Now not wearing a mask is practically treason.
As for the name of the book "Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister" that means SAM'S diary, not Meghan's.
They can't just name their kid Archie because they like the name Archie. They can't just have a song at their wedding because they like a particular song. They can't just release a photo for Christmas to release a photo for Christmas. No one cares your deep explanations for how you invented the name of your foundation. Literally no one is curious about any of this, especially not right now. As I said to my friend, they can't just like chocolate because they like chocolate. They have to like it because it reminds them of the chocolate they ate in Africa while touring an organic cocoa reserve and they bought 50 cases and had them shipped to an orphanage in Zambia in Archie's name and they gave him some and that's the first treat he ever had. Sometimes you just like chocolate because you like chocolate. They somehow think this makes them more relevant. They have no idea how overbearing and self important they sound.
If they had just released an actual photo and a message on their own channels that just said, "It's been a rough year for everyone. We left our families, moved somewhere new, are raising a small child in quarantine, and are struggling to find work, and it's exhausting, and we feel you"--yes, it's on the backs of unimaginable privilege, but it might make them a tiny bit more approachable, more likeable, more interesting.
They just don't get it. I don't understand why or how they think they're doing anything interesting or important. I don't understand how they can crap on the Royal Family and then show up hat in hand and say "Let's do this for another year!"
I'm vaguely sad about the situation--I got up at the crack of dawn to watch their wedding and thought this could really be an interesting situation for the British Royals. Little did I know that this couple would instead thumb their noses and instead of changing or modernizing anything for the better, just jump ship and go.
It's a shame. I think they could potentially have done some good, but it seems Meghan's character is not of that level.
I think they are selling the ideology of everyone for themselves. That's what the globalists want us to follow as they break the ties of community and nationhood and yes, even family. The most important thing is oneself and the mighty $ in these people's minds. Not tradition, not empathy, not patriotism, certainly not religious imperatives (unless you are non-Christian, then it's ok and even encouraged).
I think Lacey was involved in writing The Crown for Netflix, non?
Maybe totally off topic but I was watching jodi arias trial..she reminded me of MM so much!!! With the demeanor, how they talk, of what they tell us they they carry was so uncanny!! And the word salad too!! Just watch few minutes of her videos where she is talking ..its re"markable"
I think her boyfriend figured out what she was and ran in the other direction (which was not acceptable to Ms. Arias.) I'm concerned with anybody that is close to MM and then tries to walk away on their terms, not hers. Perhaps the people that are not talking are not talking because they are afraid of her, not being sued.
Even if MM sues, Sam has masses of witnesses that MM has cut out of her life or offended. Tom Sr., Tom Jr., the childhood friend who gave the interview about how M changed, was bossy, had a big ego after a year of being a Z lister on Suits, and how she’d dumped Trevor. There will be childhood friends she bullied, right through high school, too, that we have heard about. And the teachers, one who already said nice things about Tom Sr being a supportive father in the DM. There are her uncles, too. Exes.
There will also be those invisible forgotten neighbors and coworkers who will show up, in the press, the way they did for the Hilaria story.
Meghan isn’t dealing with a tiny, trained, paid-off posse this time. She is dealing with the hordes of unknowns she sliced off, or those she never noticed as an arrogant narcissist. Everyday people, who continue to live, speak, and remember.
Great write up! Yes, exactly. Meghan is too short-sighted and perhaps not global minded enough to realize the opportunity she had. I particularly thought the name of the book ‘Finding Freedom’ was the biggest slap in the face to the BRF. How absurd!
As for the masks,
The day we found out about the virus I told my husband to pick up masks. The local corner shop had a few at $12 each. He checked the news on his way and read that the CDC/US Gov was actively discouraging the use of masks and left them. Then for another 2 months, no masks! They won’t help! Etc etc. The response to this virus was terrible. Once we figured out how to manage it (within those two months) and treat it, I’m pretty sure life should have gone back to 95% normal. Masks, hand washing, and distancing, and NO HOME GATHERINGS (the big culprit) would have made a wild difference to the productivity (and sickness) levels this year. I’ve seen people of all ages flouting the guidelines and recommendations, while I understand the Youths like to gather...many groups are just weary from the constant lockdown and bored from unemployment.
My two cents!
As for my family we work from home and avoid everyone still. No problems for us particularly.
Back to Samantha. I have never read a book on any royal, (although I've been tempted by Kenneth Rose's Who's In, Who's Out journals), but Samantha has my sympathies, & I hope she can have some success with her book, & doesn't suffer recriminations from Megs & her sugars.
No, I have no evidence that Samantha didn't use a professional. My posts were speculative based on the many errors on her Twitter accounts, the cover, and the blurbs she posted on the B&N site, and I was, somewhat clumsily, expressing the hope that she has not shot herself in the foot by not using the services of a professional.
Memoire is actually a French word meaning 'a memory', and there should be an accent over the first 'e'. I read it as 'shade' because Meghan claimed on her CVs that she could speak read and write French! Harry exposed that lie, presumably innocently, at the Canadian embassy.
Errors or not, there are a few mysteries that I hope she will address in the book:
There is a video her childhood friend shared of the time just before Meghan went to college. She was not living with her father, nor even talking to him at the time, but he nonetheless paid her college fees and she was driving around in her own car. She does not seem to have been living with her mother either. What happened?
Why was Doria an absent mother for about half of Meghan's childhood, and what contact did she have with her mother's family after she went to live with her father?
There are photographs showing Meghan with Samantha and Samantha's daughter after Meghan left home (the latter appeared on The Tig), but nothing with her mother's family. When did she ghost her mother's family and why?
I agree that Samantha does come across as bright and articulate, and without the arrogant pretentiousness of her sister.
Protection when Meghan sues for anything and everything occured to me as a valid reason to self publish. Meghan went after the media outlet, not her father, as she knows he does not have the money to give her the big trial with all the attention nor a big payout.
Writing a book is a daunting prospect with no help.
I initially assumed masks were useless because viruses are so small the can get through the finest filters.
I hadn't taken into account that they are spread by droplet infection - they ride on tiny drops of fluid/mucus (saliva & snot) from coughing/sneezing etc- and mask does present a barrier to that.
My aim was to draw attention to selfish, narcissistic behaviour by large numbers of idiots which presents a danger to others, like the H$Ms, but on the scale of scores of people, like those greeting the verdict they wanted outside the Old Bailey today.
There are SO many aspects to self- (or "independent") publishing. You can get someone to go through and do a basic check for bad breaks and typos for a few hundred dollars or euros. You can spend twenty-five thousand and have someone write it for you. And anything in between. Artwork, indexing, photo prep, publicity, distribution is extra.
I think they are planted articles to try to force the RF to pay all costs on both sides and end the case. I think they insiders are the two RF freelancer’s Meghan hired when they were released from Sussex duty. It would not be surprising, as Meghan has a whole British PR outfit running as well.
She’s doing everything she can to confuse readers, stay in the news, stay controversial, say everything and nothing, give infinite possibilities, and I think Meghan assumes PR in the UK is her backhanded mouthpiece straight to the BRF as their press team WILL be keeping tabs on Meghan and Harry’s UK stories.
The line "I am my mother's son" is lifted from a poem which has been published on the Internet since 2017 on the website This seems to be a site for amateur poets to express themselves.
On the face of it, "I am my mother's son" is not particularly original, and any son with a mother should have the right to use it. Aha, but read the rest of the poem. WHO does it sound like?
I am my Mother's son.
I am my Mother's son.
She shines where darkness prevails.
She lights up a room like a comet.
She soothes where illness ails.
I am my Mother's son.
Through troubled days ahead.
The constant love throughout my life.
Where sunshine fears to tread.
I am my Mother's son.
She's the moon and stars, you see.
The warmth and kindness of a saint.
The reason I am me.
It's not good poetry, of course. But doesn't it sound just like Diana?
Now tell me that Madam didn't spend time Googling combinations of 'mother's son' and 'son's mother' to come up with this.
Oh, but they don't want any PLAGIARISM in their submissions! Even though their baldly mercenary and completely transparent intent is to steal these ideas and pretend they were theirs.
I hope to God that the only 'submissions' they receive are of the "Excuse me if I plagiarize thousands of others when I tell you to go **** yerselves, you two wankers."
I think because of this, her rush to the alter (for whatever reasons) and then subsequent choices of continually reminding him he is married to her and their child’s mother and she is just like his mom....all signs point to me that she knows Harry will walk away the minute he gets the chance. And she knows it.
So in order for her to get a proper financial settlement she had to leave the U.K. with him and sit in Cali, so she can also keep custody of Archie. The terms were really unfair for her if she stayed in the UK and ended up divorced. Harry probably told her he had to stay with his dad and only saw Diana every other weekend.
That was great, and I can actually imagine it happening that way. Do you think H has given in to the program, at this point?
I know what you mean. I think she realizes his small attention span will wander, as will he. Her clawing grip and doe eyes have disappeared a bit though. She is probably thrilled the world is shuttered, free opportunities for him to escape. I wonder if she monitors his internet usage. .....however think she may have someone else in her life, be it Markus or someone in LA, or she will seek that out.
Speaking of plagiarism...there have been comments re Madam and Kamala Harris (birds of a feather) and some of the similar personal characteristics they share on this blog. Here is another shared personality flaw just in the news.
Kamala Harris accused of plagiarizing MLK anecdote.
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris apparently appropriated an anecdote first told by civil rights icon Martin Luther King Jr. when she was interviewed by Elle Magazine for a feature that was published in October, at the height of the 2020 presidential election campaign.
Harris has repeatedly boasted of her parents' involvement in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. In the Elle interview, she recalled accompanying them to marches as a toddler in a stroller.
"Senator Kamala Harris started her life’s work young," writer Ashley C. Ford led off the piece. "She laughs from her gut, the way you would with family, as she remembers being wheeled through an Oakland, California, civil rights march in a stroller with no straps with her parents and her uncle. At some point, she fell from the stroller ... and the adults, caught up in the rapture of protest, just kept on marching. By the time they noticed little Kamala was gone and doubled back, she was understandably upset."
"My mother tells the story about how I’m fussing," Harris told the magazine. "And she’s like, ‘Baby, what do you want? What do you need?’ And I just looked at her and I said, ‘Fweedom.’"
After the interview resurfaced Monday, Twitter user @EngelsFreddie and Andray Domise, contributing editor of the Canadian publication Maclean's, noted that Harris' story resembled one told by King in a 1965 interview published in Playboy.
"I will never forget a moment in Birmingham when a White policeman accosted a little Negro girl, seven or eight years old, who was walking in a demonstration with her mother," King said at the time. "'What do you want?' the policeman asked her gruffly, and the little girl looked at him straight in the eye and answered, 'Fee-dom.' She couldn't even pronounce it, but she knew. It was beautiful! Many times when I have been in sorely trying situations, the memory of that little one has come into my mind, and has buoyed me."
“Fweedom”? I need a sick bucket.
The similarities are stunning, yes. The lisping toddler standing up for social inequality; The 11-year-old social justice warrior writing to misogynistic dish soap companies and changing the world…Both self proclaimed independently wealthy feminists who owe their current positions of prominence to the men they’ve screwed and been bankrolled by. Kamala is known back home in San Fran as ‘Heels Up Harris’. Screwed a married man who happened to be the mayor of the city, and he was instrumental in getting her appointed as DA.
Both woke word salad spinners, married to white men of a differing religious faith. K is better looking And we can presume her law school credentials are legitimate, but in an awful lot of ways she and Meg are so similar. Both are adept plagiarists it would seem.
I agree. There has to be someone else! How anyone (sorry to say, including her) could be attracted to him at this point is beyond me! I think he’ll get his groove back a few years post Meghan. Unfortunately, he just seems to far gone at the moment.
I wonder if she monitors his internet usage. .....however think she may have someone else in her life, be it Markus or someone in LA, or she will seek that out.
@AnT: I’d bet money Meghan monitors Harry’s internet usage and because smart phones are tied into a person’s Internet account, I bet she monitors his phone too.
Remember the photos of Meghan attempting to snoop around the back of Harry’s car at a polo match? This was either while they were still dating or the match not long after they married. I think it was pre-marriage.
She was shooed away by a security team member. I read she was allegedly looking for Harry’s phone, and it wasn’t a case of Harry asking her to get it for him.
I read a blind during the early summer, while they were still at Tyler Perry’s house, that Meghan had words with Adele after it was revealed that Harry and Adele had been out doing some drinking together.
The choice of Montecito was interesting. For two people who want to be Hollywood movers and shakers who want to make buckets of money it seemed out of place. From what I know of it from someone I went to high school with, Montecito is the type of place you live AFTER you’ve already made your money.
I was surprised the Harkles didn’t buy much closer to LA, such as Beverly Hills or Bel Air or some other upscale area. It is much more convenient for meetings and attending events to network at.
But perhaps Meghan specifically chose Montecito to keep Harry from developing a group of friends of his own or to meet a woman who opens his eyes and causes him to realize he’s made a huge mistake. It’s much easier for Meghan to keep him under surveillance in Montecito.
If he’s isolated and tucked away in Montecito, she can keep him on a very tight social leash and he will remain emotionally and psychologically dependent solely on Meghan.
Prince Harry living the life of 60 year old retiree is exactly what Meghan has in mind. If he’s anywhere near the fun of Hollywood I think she’d need a Xanax or two. It just won’t happen on her watch! Adele was probably a step too far. A younger, funnier, more attractive and vibrant mother who is independently wildly successful and secure?! Surprised Meghan didnt have a heart attack and end up in hospital. A call is actually quite tame! Lol
It’s funny to me they emphasize their businesses are based and run out of Beverly Hills (but only reference the address where her personal attorney is located). She knows Montecito won’t help her become successful.
Arch - nemesis
Hoping with this new memoir
Lots of goss, and dirt galore
Not sure how much Sammy knows
But what she knows, I hope she blows
Causing Megsie karma, grief
Exposing all, “What Lies Beneath”
The Sorceress Apprentice
The ginja ninja and his faustian bride
Married in haste, took us all for a ride
In haste they then scarpered, over the pond
The ninja was led, by his love of his wand
How it all ends, is anyone’s guess?
Ill-fated union, and one helluva mess...
Megsies quest for global fame
Rests upon her royal name
Once it’s known they’re on the out
The backers will withdraw their clout
Even Oprah must agree
They’re nothing without Royalty
P is for Potify, full of white sound
A is for Archie, he’s yet to be found
N is for Netflix, Meg hopes to be crowned
D is for Doria, she’s now gone to ground
E is for Harry, keeps him house-bound
M is for Megs, word salads abound
I is for MeMe, her fave vowel sound
C is for Chaos, makes Megs world spin around
I just cannot imagine the Queen is going to let Meghan continue to trade on her title. She has been humiliated and embarrassed and cheapened! Public support is falling around Charles who will be King any day. How can Charles be successful if Harry and Meghan are continuing their bizarre antics on California? While also putting out their weird half-in\half-out articles.
If the Queen fails to act this spring, then Meghan has won and the RF will be fighting her and the fallout for years.
My best guess?? They will pay her off, bring Harry slowly home, perhaps after taking the titles when she starts to loathe Harry and Harry wants back.
Harry can be rehabilitated, Meghan cannot.
I think they are apart of the Rota? If so, maybe a back door deal can be made where all parties back down and the Queen covers the costs.
It’s not what I want personally, but how can the RF let this go to trial? It will bring in Palace Aids now (Meghan’s chess move implicating them) and they can be fully questioned.
The whole thing is rather cheap and sordid as with everything Meghan is involved in, but it’s BRF member case at the end of the day. Plus, she admitted to lying. It’s a mess.
I also thought that both parties had to agree
to drop a case?
The MOS won’t back down, they were adamant from the start.
Win, or lose the case, they win with revenue clicks.
They are also standing for freedom of press,
supported by UK media, tabs/broadsheets.
It’s in the best interest of the RF to not have
Megs, or any RF member in court, for whatever
reason, distasteful and embarrassing.
But, Megs is distasteful, and embarrassing,
bring it on! Might finally shut her up!
Personally I think it’s in the RF best
interest to see Megs in court.
Hoisted with her own leotard...
I am my Mother's son.
I am my Mother's son.
She shines where darkness prevails.
She lights up a room like a comet.
She soothes where illness ails.
I am my Mother's son.
Through troubled days ahead.
The constant love throughout my life.
Where sunshine fears to tread.
I am my Mother's son.
She's the moon and stars, you see.
The warmth and kindness of a saint.
The reason I am me.
And @Jessica added this:
How anyone (sorry to say, including her) could be attracted to him at this point is beyond me!
I really cannot imagine any bloke writing, let alone publishing, a piece of verse like Hikari's brilliant find unless he was a hopeless `mummy's boy', incapable of any sort of connection with a heterosexual female who didn't want to mother him to the nth degree.
When I was an undergraduate, I'd run a mile from any potential boyfriend who sent his washing home for his mother to deal with. No wife could live up to being compared with a holy saint like that.
So I incline to the view that the verse is, as suggested, a bit of MM's cut-and-paste.
As for Harry, a sandwich short of a picnic,
I can’t believe he was ever privy to RF
financials, let alone state secrets.
I’m sure the family were on megalert
the minute she crawled through their doors.
I really doubt she has much to spill.
Whatever it is will be beige, compared
to what we already know.
The Sussexes are trying to blackmail the BRF into 'rescuing' Meghan from the court case. I think the BRF are only concerned for Harry, but even if they did want to act for Harry's sake, what could they do?
Remember the Queen stepped in to stop the Paul Burrel trial? Even if Charles and Camilla 'remembered' that they did indeed advise Meghan to write that letter to her father, it has no significant value to the trial. I can imagine Charles complaining about being dragged into the case by Meghan, and 're-living the nightmare of the Diane scandals', and perhaps it is that which is being blown out of proportion in the story originating in the Times. Remember, Charles has the very English habit of using hyperbolic language for small things and mild language for major issues.
As for the BRF covering her escalating legal fees? My instinctive response to that is 'not bloody likely', but Meghan is not a stranger to delusional thinking and actions resulting from delusional thinking.
Harry has shown he’s lower than a
snakes belly. But, I doubt he has
much to spill.
She/He stoops to conquer,
by any means, fake, and foul.
FF (p 248) has it the staffer was Katrina McKeever and that the Due send flowers ("huge") and a handwritten letter to her as "she left on a good note with the Sussexes". Also, "Even Kensington Palace didn't understand the bizarre story."
What I don't understand was how much contact either Sussex had with her as I got the impression that one of the problems was that staff talked with staff and the information flow came from your staff person, not someone else's and not brother to brother or sil to sil. I'm sure there were moments when there was but that generally most did not flow in that way.
With apologies for some plagiarism
Hoping the new memoir
Will be Meg's bête noire
So, I wonder:
Does this mean Megs will seize the opportunity to do podcasts and photo shoots from the gardens of their Montecito mansion?
Prince Harry living the life of 60 year old retiree is exactly what Meghan has in mind. If he’s anywhere near the fun of Hollywood I think she’d need a Xanax or two. It just won’t happen on her watch! Adele was probably a step too far. A younger, funnier, more attractive and vibrant mother who is independently wildly successful and secure?! Surprised Meghan didnt have a heart attack and end up in hospital. A call is actually quite tame! Lol
Wait, what? The 60-year-old retirees that I know are out working on archeological digs, clearing trails in national parks, trying new adventures like rail biking and working on starting new businesses. Even though we stayed close to home during the pandemic, we go out frequently and see our kids and grandkids and parents (his) regularly.
(grin) I know what you mean; their lifestyle in Montecito is much more like the lifestyle of my 92-year-old in laws. I just think that you need to bump up the retiree lifestyle that JCMH is allegedly leading by three to four decades.
Samantha's book info - nothing really new.
In the last post, you mentioned something about would Andrew lose the HRH if it could make it easier to take the titles back from the duo.
I think it could be a maybe.
If it meant that he still got some money to live on AND his daughters were able to step into the space vacated by the duo, then that could be a win-win all around.
If it some how impacted the potential for legal action against him regarding some aspect of the Epstein case, then no.
Megsies quest for global fame
Rests upon her royal name
Once it’s known they’re on the out
The backers will withdraw their clout
Even Oprah must agree
They’re nothing without Royalty
PERFECT! LOL, Magatha, even when I do not have time to comment, I stop by to read your song parodies/poetry (and then I get in trouble with my family for getting sucked into reading the other excellent comments)!
From the DM:
"multi-millionaire British tech entrepreneur has been charged with rape and multiple counts of sexual assault.
Lawrence Jones, 52, who is worth £700million and attended Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding, is the founder and former chief executive of UKFast, a cloud computing firm."
So, Hairy and Meghan had room to invite some tech entrepreneur to their wedding, but not other family members, from the family she never had? Wonder what his connection is to The Grifters?
So now, these staffers have to hear all the latest about the Duo and it probably pisses them off to no end. If you want to know a secret, give it time. I am wondering if more and more of these types of stories will come out. Here's the thing, you can't act that way to people who work for you and have a Lady Madonna face in public, and not expect it to eventually bite you in the ass. Hello Ellen Degeneres?
We'll see how Markle sets her self up with those who know her secrets.
Also, I was reading a People article about Harry today and there were many positive comments like "Good for them, go live your lives" and such. So interesting that they are so much more popular in the US than in Britain. It's definitely diminishing but they still have a fan base, as it were. The removing of their titles is huge now. Huge for changing their status.
I really cannot decide if the Queen will take the titles or not.
I think their fan base is mostly illusory.
Which begins my reasoning: If the Queen takes the titles from this deceitful pair, then this means Meghan has to cease using them commercially. It doesn't matter so much for Harry- he's not even in Europe going to upper class parties anymore. Once they split and Harry remarries, I bet the plan is to gift him new marriage titles with a cooperative partner. That is, if he wants it. I bet he'll settle in Africa, at some point and may be fine being 'Just Prince Harry'.
I think Meghan using Duchess as the end-all, be-all to her financial gains is an enormous breach for the Queen and the agreement. She's doing exactly what the explicitly told her not to do. They figured 'HRH' is what mattered well, no, clearly Meghan held on bending the rules as much as possible while in her own head, 'not technically breaking them.'
Meghan lied to them about her plans. She probably told them she could go back to acting and Harry could do the foundation. When that didn't pan out, at all, after the half-in half-out was rejected, and due to her own horrible profile and lack of actual talent she started hitting below the belt due to greed.
There should be no need to use their titles in contracts and with corporations, but greed is driving them. They don't want the nice life with a safety net of a few million in the bank, which is what they told the Queen. 'Too much stress, too much pressure, not enough privacy....'
They've given her every reason to separate the odious pair from the BRF completely, and not much reason to stay associated. They need to do as they said they would, which is go quietly off into the distance to have a nice family life.
And finally, how does keeping their title's benefit the RF or even remain neutral? It doesn't, it only creates confusion and causes mayhem due to their antics. Meghan had the opportunity to keep them, and she has exploited and damaged the family with them at every turn.
Not Meghan Markle- In every sense, you are correct and this should be the absolute course with your reasonings. But the Queen and Charles can be sticky. They will probably take the titles but allow Harry and Meghan something, even if just to polish up the narrative the way they like to. They'll say something like they don't want the titles and never have, etc.
The American public only know the surface story and know nothing of British protocol or traditions. They very much only know "oh hey yeah they left the royals" and that is why you see comments like "let them live their lives" and "good for them!"
In fact, it is because Americans don't care that there is, in fact, zero clamoring for an Archie reveal because nobody cares a'tall. The most invested comment you will hear is "yeah wasn't the Royal Family racist and mean to her? nobody needs that..."
Americans see/hear the official story, figure they are up to date, and carry on but they do not care anymore than if the news were to report that Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) has a sister. Or whatever, nobody cares.
*disclaimer: I have no idea about The Rock's siblings.
Good God!!!
You can't do that can you?!!?
Noooooo that'd be crazy. Also I think maybe Queen Elizabeth may leave the dirty work to Charles & William.
Don't make me go back to get the link.
Meghan Markle's sister attacked over 'uncomfortable' new memoir - 'doesn't have the goods'
MEGHAN MARKLE'S sister has been criticised over her new memoir not having "anything interesting to say" despite her threat to make the Duchess "uncomfortable".
Samantha Markle is releasing The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister Part 1 on Friday. Ahead of its release, she said the contents of the 330-page memoir will expose what happened "behind closed doors that the world didn't know" in the Markle family.
We probably won't find anything earth shattering. We shall see.
First, everyone assumes it's not even going to appear, then that it's going to be bad, now that it has nothing interesting to say.
Why not give this poor woman a chance and the benefit of the doubt? I don't get it.
Meghan Markle drops her family name
Re. The dumping on Sammie’s book which has not appeared or been read by anyone yet—
I smell the stench of panic emanating from Montecito. That is the source of all the negative buzz. Sam knows where a lot of youthful skeletons are buried. People judging Sam before the fact based on some tweets are not being fair. The manuscript should be judged on its merits. I wish Sammie all the best. Hope she gets vindicated.
Re. The last name
Non-news. Windsor has been her official surname since marriage. What this tells me is the she knows that she will no longer be permitted to use Sussex. Titles must be going bye bye.
The Express article is based on the input of just one 'royal expert' - Omid Scobie.
Thanks for answering my question but I am not referring to the media or the public when I ask about the bad opinion of Samantha and her book.
I am referring to people here. I have never seen such negativity about anyone who has a common cause with us as there is wrt poor Samantha.
I find it admirable that she is trying to fight back to clear her father despite her health issues.
I just gave an excerpt of the article, which didn't mention Scobie. We can expect him to be biased.
I noticed some negativity toward Samantha’s as yet unknown skills as an author here too. Why assume that she needs a ghostwriter or wouldn’t know enough to use an editor, based off a tweet? I am not familiar with self publishing platforms, but we shouldn’t automatically assume that means she’s too crap to be published by a mainstream publisher. Given how litigious her subject is, her story would be a hard sell right now. I think very possibly Once it is clear that Meg is completely out of the royal family, perhaps post divorce which shouldn’t be so terribly long now, it will be open season on her in the media. Sammy may be testing the waters with this first installment, and if it is well received and has merit, she should have a little trouble securing a publishing house and an editor and agent for a sequel.
I didn’t like any of the Markles three years ago, but I consider that they have proven themselves correct about Smeg. They were telling the truth about her, And must have ample material for several more volumes of memoir. I don’t begrudge Samantha any money she can make off of this, because the poor woman is in a wheelchair and her condition is only going to get worse over time. If she can have some comfort, and health out her dad—To whom Sam has remained loyal despite his betrayal and tossing over his first family for a grifter and switching all of his affections to his younger daughter—I wish her all the best in those endeavors. Sam has earned a college degree as an older adult while facing significant challenges, so I peg her as whip smarter than Slut. It would be great if she could be vindicated as a truthful person and get some restitution of what megs stole from herself, her brother and their father.
If any of the public buys into the negativity being drip fed from Sméagol’s PR machine, they are aiding and abetting the Douchess of Dumbarse in disseminating her campaign of lies. Who has the most to gain from discrediting Samantha, and killing her book before it gets any traction? Can we think who? I just start from the position that anything flattering we read about Sméagol, and detrimental toward others who have knowledge of how she really is has been bought and is worthless disinformation. Like, the entire manuscript of Finding Freebies. That was the nadir of book publishing in this or any other year since Main Kampf. How could Sammy possibly be worse? That said, I hope she doesn’t let us down.
IDK, maybe there is a lot of truth to it. Maybe not the one referenced in the book but a different one? Splitting hairs but they do seem to do that in the book where it is like they are saying we technically didn't say X but it is clearly failed the spirit of it.
Even If it poorly written and edited which is by no means a given, she gets my entire respect for going against the Establishment to write this story. I imagine she had a few doors slammed in her face in the last couple of years. Add to that that she must feel terrible a lot of the time, and we have one very determined lady here. That in itself, should be applauded.
I have respect for Sam as well. She married at about 16, had 2 kids, single parent, married again at about 34, 1 more kid and then got her college degree at about 44 (Thomas and Meghan went to the graduation), that same year she was diagnosed with MS.
Does MS run in families, do you know?
Rachel Meghan Windsor!
Love it!!! Confuse everyone Megz!!! You go girl! Start yet another brand!!
Bye bye Duchess of Sussex!! It was fun while it lasted, eh?
I noticed some negativity toward Samantha’s as yet unknown skills as an author here too. Why assume that she needs a ghostwriter or wouldn’t know enough to use an editor, based off a tweet? I am not familiar with self publishing platforms, but we shouldn’t automatically assume that means she’s too crap to be published by a mainstream publisher. Given how litigious her subject is, her story would be a hard sell right now. I think very possibly Once it is clear that Meg is completely out of the royal family, perhaps post divorce which shouldn’t be so terribly long now, it will be open season on her in the media. Sammy may be testing the waters with this first installment, and if it is well received and has merit, she should have a little trouble securing a publishing house and an editor and agent for a sequel.
I was the one that looked at her tweet and discounted her ability to put her story in writing, not her story, which is why I hoped that she had a good editor. Sorry, y'all, but I have found that if a person cannot spell or punctuate in an informal communication such as a text, an email, a social media post, or a tweet, they can't do it in formal written communications, either. I have known a lot of otherwise brilliant people with the same problem.
I particularly loved when she went to
Kensington Palace to deliver her letter. Lol.
I agree. I am Team Sammie all the way. She has a lot of moxieand has basically been savaged by Megs and her flying monkeys.
I hope she is fully vindicated, helps her dad, and makes so much money the Harkles apply to her for a "loan".
Megs would doubtless think that is fair since without Megs, she would have remained anonymous.
That last name story is strange. Is she threatening the real Windsors that she will never leave the family? Is Meghan Markle such a pariah that she is trying to do business with an alias? I thought I saw someone upthread saying it may mean the titles are going to be pulled. Im sorry, because I cant find that now to give you credit. Is she tired of the Harkles moniker?
I really like door #3. But she will always be known as Meghan Markle. Always.
I think the RF may be preparing the public for the loss Douchess Meg and releasing negative articles.
Also, does anyone remember stories last year saying the RF had done their event planning for the year, and the Harkles would not be invited to some events and would not be allowed to be photographed with the RF? I cant seem to find those articles anymore.
I am clearly having an " I cant find it " day.
Maneki - Touche 😉
Swampie - My pleasure ☺️
Ant - Megs Christmas Cottage tours
“Soho Shed Soirees” 🕯Mrs Phuk-ett
"Growing up with you in the same house, you were always a smarmy, sneaky, little pain in the ass. Dad doted on you. You screwed my father, I am in a wheelchair MS, so pay me off. Two million dollars for medical expenses."
They were both disdained as trailer trash by (again) UK tabloids. Lets see how this all sorts out as so called trailer trash takes down fake princess -fake duchess. This will be on the hot stove for 2021.
please don't make any assumptions about Samantha. My MD has MS and he is perfectly capable intellectually. He doesn't work every day, but he manages pretty well.
I do remember a comment that FF implies that the same day that M had an article in Time magazine was the same day that Sam announced the book and then "...has yet to see the light of day." (p 147)
I was reminded of the part on page 247 how the households (BP, KP and CH) would try to appeared to be " competition with one another." when announcing some event which would conflict with someone else's. So, I was a little amused at the sense of outrage that the book announcement had the potential to overshadow her announcement about the article.
Also, take note that one of the reasons they wanted to leave was that they felt they were not only being held back (from potentially outshining everyone in the family) but were kept from working on something which looked interesting or announce something as it would conflict with a royal of higher rank (p 300).
The name change ... well she can try that but when the press write about her sister-in-law, they have a tendency to call her Kate Middleton (and that really hasn't been her full legal name for a lot longer than it has been an issue for Meghan). So, good luck with that.
I hope Sammie makes MORE money than Grip and Drip this year. That would be the best laugh.
Meghan Windsor is better than Meghan Mountbatten Windsor (that would finish PP off)
I don't see them on magazine covers at the shops, I don't see them on my newsfeed. They are quiet. Always a sign something GOOD (but not for them) is about to happen.
Should we start a betting pool of potential announcements grip and trip could come up with to spoil Catherine’s birthday on the 9th this year? Last year, it was the Sandringham summit, and that’s going to be tough to top virtually from Montecito.
I used to be fairly neutral about the name Meghan. I personally do not find it melodious, but I did have some positive associations with it. Meghan ‘Meggie’ Cleary, heroine of The Thorn Birds, And Megan Follows, Star of Anne of Green Gables. Now, thanks to Smirkle Dumbarton,
I absolutely loathe this name. Rachel goes better with Windsor, but I don’t want her to start using that and make me hate the name Rachel too.
Re how Meghan can spoil Catherine's birthday.
Well, perhaps the Grifters will release another podcast or at least a trailer for a podcast with mindless, tone deaf celebs. Perhaps it will have another guest appearance from ArchieFaux. Meghan: Saying something FUN!
ArchieFaux: Happy Birthday, Aunt Kate.
Also, take note that one of the reasons they wanted to leave was that they felt they were not only being held back (from potentially outshining everyone in the family) but were kept from working on something which looked interesting or announce something as it would conflict with a royal of higher rank (p 300).
I remember that they thought they were being held back from implementing all of their wonderful, awesome, world changing ideas.
And here we are, a year into their freedom, and they've put out a whole lot of nothin'.
Haven't heard a word about those ideas. What were they? Why haven't they been talking about them, putting them into action? Hint: they never had any. Just something to complain about.
I'm in! I'm with Crumpet--I think if they feel the need to out news Kate, they'll trot out Archie.
If there is an Archie, my guess is he is being trained to say "Happy Birthday Gan-Gan" and "Happy Birthday (I don't know what the Cambs kids call PP)"
I do hope they will not be shown at any birthday celebrations but especially not on the balcony for trooping.
Whoever posted "they are Andrew now" was correct.
Oooh, though!
Wouldn't it be telling if somehow the RF family would say, oh, ALL members of your family will attend and be present on the balcony.
That would force a real live ArchieFaux to be on display. Of course, then, they would either show up, if Archie is real or claim privacy, sickness, pregnancy or some other excuse if the ArchieFaux is fake.
Hmmmmm. Yes, they would either show up or claim privacy
But if they show up, nobody has seen the baby in so long , they could bring some hire-an-heir and no body would know the difference.
And what a huge and weeks-long news event Archie on the balcony would be. So no, please no Grip and Drip on the balcony--working Royals only and/or direct heirs (and spouses).
"And what a huge and weeks-long news event Archie on the balcony would be. So no, please no Grip and Drip on the balcony--working Royals only and/or direct heirs (and spouses)."
I agree about Archie (whether faux or not) being a distraction. And I seriously doubt there will be a traditional TOC and balcony gathering in 2021 anyway. After all, London is locked down until at least mid-Feb. I can't imagine everything will be back to normal pre-COVID levels less than 4 months after that.
But as an American, I'm never sure what people mean by the term, "direct heir." If "being in the line of succession" = direct heir, Harry and Archie would be included. And if what is meant is "from the "House and lineage of Charles" then Harry and Archie would also be there.
Limiting balcony appearances to working royals would leave out people like the York princesses and Princess Margaret's children. Personally, I think it would be kind of dull year after year to only see Charles & Camilla, Will & Kate w/children, Sophie and Edward w/children and Anne & Tim. (And even Lady Louise is about to "age out" at 17 if appearances are limited to minor children and working royals.)
The G&S comic opera `Ruddigore or the Witch's Curse' has a character `Mad Margaret'...
`Crazy Meg, poor Peg', driven to distraction by her unrequited love for the Bad Baronet.
As far as I can make out:
`Megan' is a Welsh pet name, from `Margaret', from adding the diminutive `-an' to `Meg' which in turn is a pet form used throughout England, Wales and Scotland.
Eg Keates's `Meg Merrilies'
`Old Meg she was a Gipsy,
And liv'd upon the Moors:'
The `h' is, I think, pretentious, an attempt to make it look more `Celtic'...
Btw, `Markle' is a variant of the German name `Merkel', as in Angela.
Might she try calling herself `Duchess of Windsor'? Might H be given the tainted `Windsor' title instead of `Sussex'?
Who knows? I certainly don't, although perhaps this whole sorry saga could be a good starting point for a `Ruddigore II'.
(This is in the Express)
Prince Harry scraps returning to the UK for 12-month Megxit review with the Queen amid Covid chaos
PRINCE Harry has scrapped a planned face-to-face meeting with the Queen for the 12-month review of Megxit, it has been claimed.
When Harry and Meghan Markle stepped down as working royals last year, it was on the condition that Harry would meet with his grandma at a later date to discuss how the arrangement was working.
A 12-month review was due for March 31 this year.
But the prince has been forced to cancel the plans as a terrifying mutant covid strain ravages the UK - with a ban on non-essential travel imposed.
Royal sources told The Mirror Harry is yet to re-arrange with his gran, but is expected to do so in the coming weeks.
If there is a review, then it will have to be a zoom one or a phone one with the country in total lockdown. H&M are now surplus to requirements for the BRF. Maybe the Queen can be generous and allow them to keep the Dumbarton titles ;)
Once William had children, Harry was no longer a direct heir. The 'direct' line of succession follows William, his children and their children and so on.
Think of it this way, Willam and George are presently second and third in the line of succession. When the Queen dies, they move up to first and second. Even if Charles had to have another legitimate son, they cannot be bumped further down the line.
Harry moves up the line when the Queen and then Charles dies, but he also moves further down the line because every Cambridge child and grandchild and great grandchild and so on take precedence over him and Archie.
Andrew was second in the line of succession when he was born. He is now eighth. Margaret was third in line when she was born and then moved up to second. She was how far down when she died? She died in 2002 so I think she was about 11th in line by then because Edward's children had not been born. Charles was second in line when he was born and moved up to first when his grandfather died and his mother became Queen.
There is a significant difference between William and Harry and their place in the line of succession.
I doubt that the Queen would instruct patronages such as Mayhew, the National Theatre, Invictus Games, Well Child and so on to drop the Dumbartons as patrons but she made it clear that they may not use HRH in her polite British way (they have agreed ...). Even Eugenie and Beatrice can use HRH for their roles as patrons!
The Commonwealth Trust is a fund the Queen set up in her Jubilee year for youth. The Dumbartons have ceremonial positions there and perhaps the Queen believes the spiel of the middle-aged pair appealing to youth, but the Trust is not a permanent organization, and the Queen specifically distances herself as head of state on the website. Because the Queen set it up and it has Commonwealth in its name, people mistakenly think it is some kind of official Crown or Commonwealth organization. It is not. The fund is simply funded by the Queen and limits its largesse to youth in Commonwealth countries. The Dumbartons have simply used it as a platform for self promotion and have done nothing at all to raise funds for the Trust - nothing, nada, ever.
Harry's ceremonial military position seems to be a case of the Queen having a soft spot for her grandson, who was probably blubbing in his soup at that Sandringham lunch, and agreeing to wait a year or so before making a new appointment (perhaps a hope that the Dumbarton marriage would fail and Harry could return and be rehabilitated?).
It is the Dumbartons who are pushing the fiction that there is a one-year review to reconsider their request to be half in and half out. They want and need that royal connection. They want to use the HRH (instead, they may lose it completely). They want Papa and Granny to financially subsidize their expensive lifestyle in some way and the role of a working royal is the best way to access funding, plus get major celebrity deals.
By the way, the surname for royals is Mountbatten-Windsor. I wonder why Meghan is pushing the PR of Windsor being her surname? If you take away the titles, her official married name is actually Rachel Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor.
Thanks for the explanation re: direct and indirect heirs. I'm never sure what people mean here when using those terms. But that makes sense. What doesn't make total sense to me (within that framework-- I do understand the line of succession) is that Charlotte and Louis would be direct heirs. But I guess they are until George has children? Then they move to a Harry-type position? (But if Will is King then, Charlotte wouldn't fall as low as 6th unless George had 4 children. But she and Louis would be indirect heirs then.)
I completely understand the Queen, Charles, Will, & George grouping we see occasionally that apparently so offends Harry. But the clarity of that direct-line grouping gets a little murky to me when George's sibs are thrown in when we talk here. And I do think the balcony pics will be less interesting if only direct heirs appear.
Even with the repost review nearly 3 months into the future, it seems a surety that at least for the next full year, her Majesty will continue with the Covid precautions, Canceling all of the ceremonial and public appearances and doing everything else virtually. Her decisions last January always had an air of finality about them, vis a vis Harry’s future role with the Firm. A few things, Like the titles and a few of the patronages were left open, I think to test his Resolve to permanently leave. Had the couple at any point made apologies for their behavior, admitted to their fault And they were too hasty, and furthermore had behaved themselves With more decorum according to their promises, there might have been a way back for them. The last 14 months have been nothing but double barrel two fingers up to the Queen since they left. They may think that their main beefs are with the Cambridges and Charles, But ultimately they are defying the Queen. If she were any normal indulgent grandmother, their behavior would constitute elder abuse. Not to mention how profoundly Harrys betrayal must have wounded and upset his grandfather. Philip may be taking it worse, in fact. Harry appears to give not two s—ts that his grandfather is frail and that every day he’s got left is a gift. It cannot be much longer Before the Bridge of Forth goes down. Harry is too busy getting baked in LaLaLand to care. If he cared, he would have defied the Meg and put an end to this.
I think this so-called review has always ever been just a formality, not to reinstate them to anything but just to have a cooling off period before the final severance. Though Grip and Drip have ramped up their shenanigans to their hottest levels in the last three months of their year away, it’s ridiculous. If H thought at the outset he was just signing up for a gap year to play with movie stars in Hollywood, he was sorely mistaken. I have also come to the conclusion, as we strive to explain away Harry’s extraordinarily callous behavior toward his family, that in addition to the intellectual challenges he’s got, here also suffers from an affective disorder and doesn’t experience feelings of love or attachment like normal people. Very like his wife in fact. As a little boy, he was attached to his mother, but I’m not sure he’s ever felt love for any other person besides himself. Even the toxic relationship to Smirkle feels less like devotion and more like he’s bought into her plans to make him Good King Harry of the New World. If he went back to his family, he would have to be subservient once again To his place in the royal pecking order, and his ego can’t handle that anymore than Smeg's can. Covid restrictions allow him to save face and spare his fragile ego any more confrontations in person with people—like William and PP—he’d sooner avoid. Because he is a coward, too. I’m hoping the plant Diana statue unveiling on her birthday will also exclude Harry on the grounds of Covid, boo boo what a shame, and that it goes forward at a social distance with William, and possibly the Spencer family if they were ever invited.
I can see him trying to escape their grasp and creating havoc on the balcony!
I think it’s very likely indeed that that crafty bi— Is marketing the Windsor half of her married name to purposely align herself with the other American Duchess in exile, the Duchess of Windsor. For all of Smeg’s affectations as the Second coming of Diana, clear eyed people have only ever seen her as the second coming of Wallis Simpson.
Mountbatten-Windsor is correct, But it’s too unwieldy for a Marquee, and conjures up the association of a proud wearer of the Mountbatten name who is not a fan. I hope Philip is keeping away from the papers for the sake of his blood pressure. On the upside, 85% of Harkle drivel is relegated to the Internet, So he’s safe. I do not peg Philip as a reader of American women’s magazines.
As for me, henceforth “Smirkle Dumbarton” is what I will call It.
I can't recall if it was somebody here, or one of my friends, who said that M's approach to him was based on the premise `I'm you're Mummy - but you can f**k me'.
A brilliant observation, whoever said it.
Re. Charlotte and Louis - yes.
People forget that Margaret was a major feature in the media. She was perhaps the most photographed woman in the UK. People could not get enough of the beautiful princess.
Same for Andrew ... the handsome prince with a naval career got a lot of media coverage.
Both Margaret and Andrew remained full-time working royals, but interest in them waned, other than if there as some kind of scandal.
Anne got a lot of press attention when she was young, as the only daughter, and an interesting character. She still does get a lot of respect and attention so maybe the future for Charlotte and Louis will be more like Anne than Margaret or Andrew?
Eek, but I think you have hit on some kind of deep underlying psychology in the Dumbarton's relationship!
Harry mistook 'hitting the nerve of some kind of unresolved deep psychological issue' for 'love'? Besides, I think her earlier giggling girlish play acting reminded him, subconsciously, of his fun mother.
Charles has built an 'empire' that he has to hand over to someone else. William and George, realistically cannot take it all on ...
For the Prince's Trust, Charles turned to his cousin, Margaret's son rather than Harry, his son.
For the organic farm and business at Highgrove, he has given it up rather than ask his son, Harry, to take over for him.
I am sure there are many other projects.
William will take over the management of Sandringham and Balmoral one day, and, unlike the Queen who had Phillip to turn to, until George is old enough, who does William have in the family to step up for him? Catherine is not going to be a Phillip in that regard and Harry is gone.
Your metaphorical 'gap year in Hollywood' is the most apt and brilliant I have seen!
I was just invited to to a "Meghan Markle Happy Birthday celebration.. . I was told to "Dress up as Meghan in any one of her face stages from childhood to her latest plastic surgery. --No fancy dresses are required. A bathrobe with the sleeves cut off will be just fine. (her white “robe” outfit) --Or even an old brown feed sack for that post pregnancy look. We'll play games such as Throw Tea At The Servants, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Narcissist? Wear a Pregnancy Moon Bump And High Heels 100 Meter Dash, and Catch The Paparazzi (greased pig catch). RSVP and I'll arrange for a private jet to pick you up" LOL LOL LOL I thought this was hilarious!-
I don't know if it's true, but it was widely reported years ago Charles asked both Will and Harry to become involved in The Prince's Trust but both said they wanted to do their own thing. I think the reports first came out about the time Will and Harry's version of the Royal Foundation was ramping up before either was married.
I've never understood how the "slimmed down" version of the monarchy was going to work even before Harry left. (Especially if George doesn't want to be a full-time working royal until he's 35, the age Will was when he left the EAAS, moved to living more in London, and became full-time.)
I totally agree with what you said:
'Her decisions last January always had an air of finality about them, vis a vis Harry’s future role with the Firm. A few things, Like the titles and a few of the patronages were left open, I think to test his Resolve to permanently leave.' I think if there is a review it's because the Queen didn't want to seem too harsh by cutting off the H arkles straight away.
In other new, 'Prince William made three secret visits to a homeless centre in London before Christmas, where he helped pack food and chatted to residents.
William visited the charity's Resource Centre in Westminster, where he prepared and served meals.
He also spent time at two residential projects - Passage House Assessment Centre in Pimlico, and Montfort House in Bethnal Green, which caters to clients with complex needs - where he dished out food and chatted with residents.'(DM). He made a similar visit to the same charity for the homeless, The Passage, in February of last year.
This are not 'look at me' visits and are done without fanfare. H&M, take note...
It's an idea for another of our games - may I suggest `Pin the Tail on the Dumb Ass'?
Out of all the people affected by the Harkle drama, I think the person most wounded here is probably Charles. As disappointed as the Queen must be in Harry’s behavior, She is carrying on in her practical and indefatigable manner. Philip is no doubt upset by the shoddy treatment of the Royal Marines, which reflects poorly on the whole family, and particularly himself as he must feel, as the former patron who handed that responsibility off to his ungrateful grandchild. But however affectionate HM And PP may feel towards H, He is not the sun of their skies. He’s one of eight grandchildren, several of whom have proved themselves Assets to the firm in a way Harry has not. Any favorable press Harry has received Has been offset by the great amount of trouble he has brought to the family ever since he was a young teen. While he’s had amiable relationships with his grandparents in the past, I don’t think he’s ever been the favorite grandchild. I think the first grandchildren, Anne’s kids, take that honor. William of course is the future of the dynasty, and while his relationships with his grandparents might therefore have a more professional cast, I’m sure both Her Majesty’s and Phillips thoughts turn most often to William. The Queen has been mentoring William since he was a small boy in the art of Kinging—Something which she seems not to have even done for Charles. So I think she probably knows William the best of all her grandchildren, having spent the most time with him. Whatever favor H used to enjoy I think we can safely say he has squandered. It seems like the whole family may have resigned themselves to Never dealing with H in person anymore, Estate affairs which is probably preferable to everyone. They have let their defective loose in the world to bear the consequences of his behavior finally as an adult man of 36. His only way back Is without Markle, and only if the family is feeling generous. I think at this point, Only a major health crisis for H— physical or mental—Would get the family involved in his affairs.
Harrys defection means that Charles has to give up a big chunk of his vision for the future. He’s had to make other arrangements for the Prince’s Trust, and give up his vision for Highgrove and the organic farm in Herefordshire. The Sussexes were supposed to take over as ambassadors to the Commonwealth. Charles travels extensively now to represent the Queen in foreign countries but presumably would have to stay home more as the monarch. Had H been loyal and capable, he could have been an indispensable support to his father and right hand to his brother and would have been too occupied to fret over being relegated to a lesser seat at formal events. H was not up to it; never has been. His current acting out is just an extension of what he’s done since he was a tiny boy, And his own tacit admission that he was never going to cut the mustard. But the disloyalty and out and out hatred displayed must cut Charles to the bone. Not to mention that the SHAMS have no intention of letting Diana rest. They will be flogging Charles with Diana’s ghost as long as they all draw breath.
As usual, you are spot on in your analysis.
"Just a clarification that people seem to be struggling to understand. The parliament does not make decisions on titles. It makes laws. Even if H&M broke the titles deprivation act 1917, it wouldnt be the parliament's (Commons or Lords) to make a decision, but HM with her privy council. It's clear in the Act. It is pointless to make petitions for parliaments to make decisions. That's not its job. You can make petitions for MPs to discuss drafting a bill about something but not to enforce an act."
@lizzie, thank you for your clarification that neither William nor Harry wanted to take on the Prince's Trust from their father.
“It's an idea for another of our games - may I suggest `Pin the Tail on the Dumb Ass'?”
Good one!!! 😂
At what point in a slimmed down monarchy do the members have the right to say no? I think that is where we are at with this. Charles wants a slimmed down monarchy.