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Quick thoughts about the Sussex Interview

 Good morning! It's a work day here and I haven't been able to delve deeply into the Sussex interview with Oprah last night, but here are a few quick thoughts:

  • If we're allowed to have Halloween celebrations this year, lots of couples are going to go dressed as Harry and Meghan. 

Beaten-down redhead in a wrinkled grey suit, crying pregnant (?) woman with heavily-applied eyeliner and a black dress - it's an easy costume that anyone can manage.

  • Talking about how a baby will look as a balance between its parents is a pretty common thing. Speculating on the baby's skin color when you have one biracial parent is also not an unusual thing. (I'm sure there was also some discussion about whether or not the baby would be a redhead.) 

Anyway, the ladies at Lipstick Alley spent a lot of time trying to figure out how "Black" the baby would be. 

Apparently so did Prince Philip. It's easy to imagine him saying something stupid about it. He's 99 years old.

  • It makes no sense to anyone that the baby's skin color should determine his security status. What should determine his security status - and that of his parents - is "Do you live in the UK? Or have you left the UK by choice?" 

No one should expect to be protected indefinitely wherever they choose to live in the world. 

At any rate, do Lady Louise and Viscount Severn have security? They're not at all Black, but they are minor children who are minor Royals, as is "Archie".

  • Charles really got thrown under the bus here, apparently for cutting off his 37-year-old son from an ongoing allowance and expecting him or his wife to work for a living. 

Then Harry goes on about how much he likes Netflix's The Crown, which depicts his father in an unflattering light. 

There's already a lot of sentiment for skipping over Charles when it comes to the line of succession. Will this add to this sentiment?

  • The palace response will have to be a doozy. 

But one response would solve almost all of their problems quickly: confirm that Princess Diana met James Hewitt in or before January 1984.

No more "Prince" Harry, no more Duchess of Sussex, and Archie (if he exists) can just be an ordinary boy. 


Ava C said…
Glad the Guardian has clearly set out the facts about Archie's right to titles and security:

I'm tending to steer clear of the Guardian otherwise, as they love to leap on Meghan's bandwagon without paying due care and attention.

I see the Labour Party is getting in on the act, calling for an investigation into her allegations. On the other hand, bring it on. We know where the truth lies.
Kate Kosior said…
"The Palace has heard Harry and Meghan Mountbatten Windsor's side of the story and wishes them well in the future."

Full stop. No more Sussex. No more HRH. No more money.
NeutralObserver said…
If I were Hairy's family, I'd have someone pore over every second of every clip from that interview. Perhaps CBS & Oprah could be sued for libel. In the good old USA, the defendant has to prove his innocence, the opposite of the UK. Her Majesty could sell some jewelry to pay off the US sharks she would need to hire. Prince George might be king before the lawsuit would be over. LOL.

@Sandie, I think you'r probably right about Oprah, underneath her jovial billionaire exterior, she must be seething with resentment. I don't get it. Surely, she's achieved & gotten everything she could ever have hoped for.
Ròn said…
Watching the BBC news. The news reader is interviewing a guy from the DM. She is a critical thinking free zone. No surprise there.
Unknown said…
Thank you Nutties for the play-by-plays, articles, and personal knowledge and anecdotes. This was a fascinating roller-coster ride with all of you. Thank you again!
Unknown said…
Now it seems confirmed... the Sussex goal was for Archie to be Prince, they have their full titles and styles, and their primary residence would be the United States. They wanted to be working royals stationed in the U.S. so they could get lucrative cash deals and have U.S. taxpayers and any country they visit cover their security. They'd fly to the U.K. periodically for some official duties to maintain the public image of being true royals. That's a crazy plan and I think Rache is Narc enough to have come up with it.
Unknown said…
At this point, what tinhat theories about the Sussexes aren't true? Before it was only a rumor they married before the official service. Now they just confirmed it! Given the fact they lied about basic facts, it's a lot easier to believe they first got married in Botswana as is rumored. Why no picture of this first-wedding certificate?

Kate making Rache cry? That story will never leave Rache unscathed. Sounds like an incomplete story about a real-life Bridezilla.

My jaw dropped about the Sussexes claiming to be suicidal. My experiences around it were much different. I would hate it if it was them manufacturing a "get-out-free" card to shield themselves from the eventual probing of their bad behavior and lies. After this interview, there will definitely be checking up on the Sussex stories. They've opened a can of worms and they won't be able to close it back up. I don't know how much critical coverage there will be but it will be there. They cannot stop or control it anymore.
Unknown said…
I know Rache is a big fool but Oprah? Why on Earth would Oprah let Rache lie about things that can be easily checked and verified? This reeks of the "A Million Little Pieces" scandal she faced with her book club.

Their is publicly available documentation to disprove:
- Archie's inheritance of titles and styles
- Security
- Rache's knowledge about the BRF & Prince Harry

The last one: Rache posted on Instagram a stack of biographies she was reading and it included a book about Diana. She wrote about W&C's wedding on the TIG. Wills & Catherine visited Hollywood, A-listers and all, and you could not escape coverage of it. All our MSM has covered Prince William and Prince Harry extensively for decades at this point. After W&C's wedding, you could not escape coverage of playful impish Prince Harry in any American Pop Culture outlet. What about the "Boom" video with HMTQ, Prince Harry, and the Obamas for Sentebale?

Does Rache really want us to believe she is an actress who doesn't even read news or Hollywood news? No wonder she never made it! She couldn't even manage the basic minimum for her job. Every job I know requires you be up-to-date on industry news. The best performers are on top of trends but also gossip/rumors.
Animal Lover said…
MM is diabolical. I've never called another human that before. Well she got a lot of press coverage and attention and many people are going poor Meghan. What happens next is anyone's guess. As the Royal family is made up of human beans they have flaws. Andrew is the most glaring example. To say her son was not given a title because of race makes no sense as he is still the grandson of a future king and if the BRF was so prejudiced why throw that huge, expensive wedding with Prince Charles walking her down the isle.

I'll check newspapers and be back later , but this will be discussed for a while. Today is International Women's Day, I wonder what she'll do to draw attention to her self again? Will she attend the George Floyd trial?

DL was invaded a sugars late last night in the US.

Thanks Nutty for this calm statement on this crazy interview.
IEschew said…
(Bringing over from previous thread:)

Great job listing all the hypocrisy.

Where can I find help for the stress these two royals are causing me? I threw my hot coffee at my television this morning. Am I privileged because I am a pleb and can phone a hotline all by myself?

Now a serious question: What reputable paper will list each of these hypocrisies and and back each one with specifics? I think our societal problems today are due in large part to lack of accountability. Rarely are there specifics to back allegations anymore (and this unfortunately includes the bullying allegations against Meg). Give us the receipts.
Superfly said…
To accuse someone of racism against an unborn child, without naming them, is the lowest these two have sunken to. It gives the person zero chance to defend themselves, and it puts everyone under suspicion.

She's a terrible terrible actress. Her act was utterly unbelievable, and it was clear she was straight out lying most of the times.

They are completely finished. Nobody is going to touch this mess with a bargepole. Two sue-happy slandering family-thrashers, who have nothing good to say about anyone, and are victims, no matter what and how much. Watch them being treated like lepers, instead of the heroes they believe they are.
Mom Mobile said…
Wasn’t there something about William not signing the wedding certificate? I remember something about that. Maybe because he knew they were married already?

And @Nutty can you imagine if the truth came out and Harry was James Hewitt’s son? OMG! I’d want an MM reaction video on that one for sure. Thank you for making my day with that comment.

I didn’t watch the interview but I’m so thoroughly disgusted with those two. What lying cowards. Harry is taking to his new country like a duck to water. They represent everything that is wrong with America.

I watched the Commonwealth ceremony yesterday. I thought it was so lovely. I’m an American married to a Canadian and I only wish the US would celebrate our humanity and focus on the good that people are working towards. I have seen nothing of the kind from any of our leadership, regardless of political party. “Helping others” is usually done publicly for good PR.

I’m just so disgusted!

The good news is I can get on with my life now that this ridiculous interview with the equally deceitful and corrupt Oprah Winfrey is over.
snarkyatherbest said…
Neutral Observer - oprah gets a big talked about interview. If anything was lied about (and there are a ton) she can say, well I didnt say it, i trust my interviewees come with the authentic story. Oprah will move on and interview Andrew Cuomo in a month or two and that will be the next big hot topic.

The lies were carefully thrown out there. Megs never heard someone talk about skin color of archie because harry told her. He didnt want to get into because I think it was a lie.

Go charles, if in fact he cut them off yea! he does still have a pair, no matter how small

So Megs was depressed/suicidal - didnt she talk to Gayle, who was at her babyshower? and who she was trying to talk to after the birth?

shes a narc she twists things that went on. I am convinced she made Kate cry (who just had a baby so more likely then not). Went to HR, HR probably went to her because of the string of employees leaving and she said I am not an employee. I also think that there was already work to take out them out of the iine of succession so she decided i am going to make them do it (turning what was to be done to her and making it like it was their choice via the interview_

Im really curious about the wembly thing. PR that he oversaw her baptism in the Church of England, said he was at her backyard barefoot (my add!) wedding, and he was at the fake christening when he was suppose to be in york. Did she throw that out as a reminder she has good on people? and the three days before the wed for the first time (probably wed before that) so what was really going on three days before behind the scenes. I think she alluded to bombs the BRF knew about and only people in the inner circle know. If they were cut off, by alluding to those things she is basically threatening to go tell the story for cash. I think there is a real story behind this.

Magatha Mistie said…

@Kate Kosior

luxem said…
Well, I didn't expect the Archbishop of Canterbury to play a role in this soap opera. One of the stories pre-interview said that the Archbishop was called in a few days before the wedding to calm down the duo because they were both crying. Is "calm down" a euphemism for "marry"? Did Rache fear Har was getting cold feet and had to seal the deal by pushing him to write flowery vows professing how he loved her as much as Diana?

Why did Rache not ask the Archbishop for mental health help, since she has made it sound like they have a close relationship?

Finally, this calls into question the date of the baptism. Did that also occur several days before the stated date, privately? The Archbishop was out of town that weekend and said he would travel back (a long distance I recall) for the baptism, then head back to his conference. That could explain the questionable picture.
Maneki Neko said…
Over from previous thread

@AvaC and WBBM

What a truly horrific experience. I can empathize, having suffered from severe depression and very dark thoughts. Well done for coming out of it stronger, something Meg could learn to do. Hugs X


The BRF took Megsy's passport? Was she trying to copy Princess Charlene of Monaco who, allegedly, tried to flee just before her wedding but, allegedly, the Palace had taken her passport? I'm crying as I type!
jessica said…
Oh yeah, this has torpedoed deals. Meghan is going to go on Oprah and defend her *truth against anyone that disagrees with her? Then sue them? Sounds like a fun time in business hell.

Meghan is really bad at acting. It struck me as incredibly odd we have a couple claiming racism against their child and then suicide. Two very serious claims. I’d be willing to hear anyone out on issues such as these and give them a fair chance. She reminded me of criminals who go on trial and claim mental incompetence due to mental illness. The biggest ‘get out of jail’ free card one can go for heinous crimes. Meaning, she didn’t know the difference between right and wrong. Of course, she never got help so there is no evidence this mental illness existed and we still she believes we should grant her the ‘get out of jail free card’.

The claims were so serious and yet they just brushed right over them, Harry joined and it was time to bash Charles for pulling the funds and the institution for pulling security for *Harry* and all his *risk* that came with his *birthright*. Entitled by birth. This is their motto.

Then the ultimate creep factor after the diabolical interview was Meghan comparing her made up narrative to Ariel, escaping with the Prince and living happily every after. *I’m Ariel* no two words any grown woman that is competent should say. But it gets worse, she starts plugging her new narrative of ‘everyone has a story and I’m here to share my story so everyone can see you can overcome things and share your story with us blah blah blah blah.’ What? Everything is 100% fine? Time to put my suicidal/ depressed/ struggling hands into Meghan and Harry and they will save me?

That had to be the strangest interview turnabout. They did a terrible job ‘plugging’ their new life. If they wanted to do that they could and should have refrained from bringing up their family dirty laundry, talked about their personal experience and the responsibility they took. Instead it was ‘we whined’ ‘we ran away’ trust us, when you have issues we’ll advise to ‘run away’ but only if you have access to a mega trust fund to leave all your problems in the dust.

Their problems are far from over. They still don’t have unlimited funds and it’s time to get to work. Meghan is going to be busy with another mystery baby and Harry doesnt *do* work. They’ve over leveraged Harry’s inheritance. They expect this to end well, or as they’ve presented, it’s already *happy times* all the time.
NeutralObserver said…
Hairy, Oedipus much? He is one mixed up puppy. Wow, Oprah hates men, the hierarchy, & Hairy hates his dad. I just didn't know all these things before this interview

The US doesn't know that much about the RF or the UK. The RF 'institution,'have been covering up stuff like this 2017 story from Australia his whole life.
xxxxx said…
I am reposting what Puds said in the previous thread>>>>>>>
Let it rip Puds! (without your permission)

Puds said...
It's funny how cheerful Megs was after close to half a million was spent on a baby shower in NY and how happy she was the press caught how happy she was, out to dinner with Marcus, being a barfly again. That's all Megs wanted to be papped acting like a rich celeb. Megs mood went down when she was criticided for taking private jets, why oh why couldn't the UK taxpayer let her show off her wealth like Amal and George and uncle Elton (who also suffered from depression and could have helped Negs to get help when they had holidays at his french villa, poor things must have so exhausting taking all those holidays no wonder the Queen was unaware Megs was suicidal), the UK were so mean,they didn't give her a baby shower and give her free things, don't the UK know how important it is to get free things, it means you are loved!( and you can flog the free things for cash, but don't tell anyone, especially the tax man, oops), and so started the massive hissy fit and foot stamping that is still going on today.
NeutralObserver said…
I haven't watched US tv news for some time. Don't these women, Gayle, Oprah, Megs, almost all tv talking heads realize that tv has been HD for some time? Crickey, you could see Megs' makeup from outer space.
luxem said…
Did they provide ANY information on Archewell/Spotify/Netflix upcoming projects? WOuldn't the interview be a great time to advertise something you want a big audience for?

I think Rache has just set herself up to be a Suicide Awareness spokesperson. I fear she simply parroted words/ideas of someone with suicidal thoughts. Hopefully people who are involved in that area of mental health can determine whether her behavior rings true before they hire her to give speeches.

So, no footage from the SA interview?
SirStinxAlot said…
@Neutrl Obs
Page no longer exists or is under construction
LavenderLady said…
That interview is the equivalent of a coup attempt.
I can only imagine the scrambling of the royal security forces right now.

They might as well have been photographed shaking hands and smoozing with Hitler.

I can't even...
Mischief Girl said…
Re: Harry saying he was "cut off" from family funding first quarter 2020, and all he had to fall back on was his mother's inheritance.

Ya' know when I was "cut off" from my family funding, Hazza? When I was 21, as soon as I graduated from college. You know, when I began to become an ADULT and had to provide for myself.

And I sure didn't have a multi-million pound inheritance from Mummy to use as a financial cushion.

You work for The Firm, they help allay costs. You step away from The Firm, you don't need their resources. This is hard to understand?
NeutralObserver said…
@SirStinx, try this link. If it doesn't work, just Google Skerrett, Harry, that's what I did.
snarkyatherbest said…
@Puds that could be it that they offered her to go away and shes now trying to spin it. Heck she should have just said, they tried to pay for me to go away. That we would have believed and that would probably not make the BRF look good (standing in the way of love and all) Just weird on Wembly though. I think i saw somewhere that he was called into calm them down. If that were the case, shes just trying to excuse what was going on. But i am more confused why his name keeps coming up. Its almost as if shes trying to subtly threaten about something she knew. I get fixated on odd things sometimes, like the murder earrings. There is totally more to that story and now its no long being talked about.

Gotta say, the palace saw the transcript before, and they knew she was capable of saying anything, and they had to have guessed on the race card (heck we all did) so it will be interesting what the public versus private response is.

oh and i agree - weird not to mention your spotify and netflix deals specifically; heck Oprah even plugged her new show. Something is truly off in all of this

finally, to bring back the pregnancy stuff. So she bent like that without feet apart too much to feed the chickens and she has minimum 3 more months to go (since summer starts in June) so this is gonna be another 25lb already walking baby by the time she gives birth on diana's birthday

Oh and now is the time for real paps to start hanging out at the beach or around town to see Harry riding with Archie Even Hot Rob didnt mention that one. Lets see the elusive mr. archie a pic with out a markle copyright
'Cat Eyes' said…
I will admit I thought about what Meghan's future baby (Archie) might look like. I am not a racist. I'm a biologist. It was just a matter of curiosity because much was made of the fact of Meghan being 'black; heck, she herself made much ado about her own racial makeup. From 45 yrs ago genetics was the Biology specialty I was intrigued by. I've done it with some of my own grandchildren because I have one daughter who is married to man with 1/2 so-called minority background and my daughter is very fair. I just wondered what the cute kids (I knew they would be cute, what kid isn't!!) were going to look like. But the average person might have wondered what Archie would look like (as they are still wondering about his looks) because people have an innate curiousity about things the media promotes in many cases. We shouldn't have to feel guilty for wondering about what their kid might look like (or the next one). The BRF does not have to apologize. Meghan needs to apologize for making such a fuss over her less than 50% 'blackness' then criticizing unnamed others for commenting on 'blackness. She seems to be putting a negative spin on racial comments which she herself does also. Of course, what 'Meghan says is ok, what others say is not ok".

I feel sorry for Archie because now his own mother has come out before the whole world and tried to make his looks the subject of unfounded ugliness by his loving relatives. If such a thing was said in a negative way, Meghan should have completely kept it to herself and Harry. No she would rather get her 15 minutes of fame at her son's expense. Talk about 'privacy' for her son, I bet one day he will wish his mother should have been more private.

Meghan finally has achieved something on the level of Diana...her 'Orpha Interview' methinks will be like Diana's 'Panorama Interview', no good will come of it.
NeutralObserver said…
The chicken coop thing raised alarm bells with me. She went into an enclosed space with live chickens looking 8-9 months pregnant, wouldn't there a danger of infection?
Turns out, there is.

Apologies in advance if the link doesn't work, but as I have told commenters on the Guardian, & the NYTimes websites, you have internet & google, use it.
k said…
Thoughts? Alright here goes:

39 and 36 year old toss public temper tantrum because daddy cut off their funds. They expected to be reimbursed for a job they quit. They expected their security costs to be paid even though they were no longer working royals. Oprah Winfrey gives pair of narcissistic losers two hours to spout their grievances unchallenged. Lies about the conferring of titles is allowed to stand. Markle channeling Diana, Mother Theresa, and Joan of Arc. Harry is a boiling cauldron of hate, jealously, and resentment.

Bottom line? The Brits have every right to be apoplectic about this interview. The British government should petitioned to have all rights and titles removed from Harry. He and hic children should be removed from the line of succession. No one with that much hate, resentment, bitterness, and jealously should ever be allowed to ever represent the UK in any capacity.
jessica said…

I love the talk of how Meghan gets her narratives and ideas from the Press: suicide while pregnant- Diana, trapped in a guilded cage - Dubai Princess, Miscarriage- Chrissy Teigen, Archie’s race card- BLM/Oprah

Pretty much anything that is trending in the news or historically relevant Meghan pulls up as her own. She has no original ideas. Her explanation of life in the palace was boring. She had no life, oh except all these headline grabbing narratives! No substance.

I’m will be paying attention from now on to any Markle narrative and tying it back to a recent headline. This is her M/O. Fake it till she makes it. In the words of Steve Jobs, “Good artists copy, great artists Steal”.
Correction: I swear I heard `raPe' and not `raCe' on the Today prog. Did I mishear/imagine it? I'll check back on it.
jessica said…
The fact Harry and Meghan didn’t use this to plug Netflix or Spotify says a few things:

They are in trouble with those firms, so they wanted to go back and say ‘look at our numbers now, see! we were a good investment’ to buy time.

Their distribution wasn’t working.

They need cash.

They want paid interviews now that Oprah is done. Paid magazine spreads, paid talking head points, paid TV spots, paid endorsements. They are attempting to use these hot button topics to cash in.
NeutralObserver said…
@Jessica, There is a huge movement against silencing the 'truths' of women & POC, & the MSM is amplifying it. This interview underlines the whole narrative of an old fusty, white, mostly male institution (& a country) silencing a strong woman of color. Andrew Cuomo will probably have to resign because of 'inappropriate' behavior. Nothing that rises to Weinstein levels has been alleged yet. Someone in the Democratic party wants him out of the 2024 presidential race.

Megs can probably sell this stuff to her chosen platforms, Netflix, Spotify. It's where we are right now, unfortunately.

@Snarkyathebest, I know next to nothing about libel law, but doesn't a news outlet have the responsibility of fact checking what they print or broadcast? I have no idea, maybe they can just print anything.

Watched a bit of the interview. Her blinking is off the charts. When she talks about 'Archie' she looks left a lot.
jessica said…
I for one think it’s crazy these celebs are attaching themselves to this interview. Serena has come out in full support (wow what a nice friend to distance themselves when you’re suicidal then all the sudden take credit for your narrative around woman oppression).

When everything about Meghan comes out in the wash they are going to look stupid.

But is this all about Meghan having the loudest voice right now? Everyone scared of click- backlash? Seems to be the sentiment.
Sandie said…
Huge thanks to the Nutties who watched the horror show and kept us all updated. Your coverage was brilliant.

Chris Ship is acting as a Sussex agent and has pointed the finger at Charles, William or Catherine as the family member that made the comment about Archie and race, and has categorically said it was not the Queen or Prince Phillip. I don't believe it, and if there was any conversation, it was not motivated by racism and was definitely not how they portrayed it. This was a direct attack on the monarchy. Why? Because Meghan could not be Queen, because she was called out on her behaviour, because she could not turn the BRF into her platform for celebrity fame and exposure.

Why did Harry let her manipulate and brainwash and use and abuse him (what she has done to him is abuse)? Subconscious issues about his mother - the drama, the victimhood, the fairytale love story gone wrong - and denial. They did not know each other well when he proposed. At first when she started showing her true colours, he apologized for her and tried to cover for her. It all happened so quickly, so he was in too deep and could not retreat so everyone became the enemy. He could not admit to himself that he had made a huge mistake.

Suicide? Nope, a full-blown narc is not going to do that. So many red flags that this is not true, but I have no doubt that she was sobbing in Harry's arms and creating drama every single day.

Their children were not going to get HRH Prince/Princess titles/styles, nor taxpayer funded protection. These things were decided long before Harry met her and fell into her trap. The Sussexes only got taxpayer-funded protection because they were full-time working royals.

She is so envious of Catherine that it is pathological. Also William. Position, status,
respect, affection, power - she hates them for having what she cannot and her and Harry cannot comprehend and acknowledge that it is about character and work and behaviour and intelligence.

Complete lies and nonsense about not being able to get help for mental health problems. This was an attack in William - all the work he has done for mental health will now be undermined by the narrative that Meghan was suicidal and could not get help.

I find it quite amusing that Harry is shocked and aggrieved that they lost funding and security. Why should British taxpayers keep funding them? Astonishing! This is a sore point with him though - she likes to spend!
Animal Lover said…
First thanks to JennS and Longview for The Times articles. Below is Camilla Tominey's take from The Telegraph:

Forget hiding behind the sofa, the Royal family needed a bullet-proof vest as Harry and Meghan let rip
The Duchess of Cambridge, Prince Charles and Prince William were all in their crosshairs - with just the Queen spared their ire

It was both everything we had come to expect - and not what we were expecting at all.

We knew it was going to be blockbuster TV. But what we didn’t anticipate about the Duke and Duchess of Sussexes’ Oprah interview is how unvarnished their “truth” was actually going to be.

From Meghan’s revelation that she was almost driven to suicide by being in the Royal family, to the astonishing claim that Harry was questioned about the potential colour of Archie’s skin, it’s fair to say this two-hour tell-all represented a worst-case scenario for what the couple kept referring to as The Firm.

Talk of Royals “hiding behind the sofa” ahead of the primetime, no-holds-barred chat appeared to underestimate quite what the couple had in store.

At first, it seemed as if Meghan casually letting slip that she and Harry were secretly “married” by the Archbishop of Canterbury three days before their actual wedding day in Windsor in May 2018 would be the biggest marmalade dropper of the morning.

But viewers had only just settled into the cosy tete-a-tete in someone else’s Santa Barbara back yard when the blows quickly started raining down on the Duchess of Cambridge.

Dressed in a black Armani dress with a distinctive white splodge and with her hair tied back in a matronly bun, the pregnant mother-of-one, 39, unleashed on her sister-in-law as the UK entered the second hour of International Women’s Day.
Animal Lover said…
Part 2

Contrary to reports, which first surfaced in the Daily Telegraph in November 2018, that Meghan had made Kate cry during a bridesmaids’ dress fitting, the former actress insisted it was actually the other way round.

Implying a distinct lack of sisterly support from the mother-of-three, even when “everything was going on with my Dad”, Meghan insisted: “I’m not sharing that in any way to be disparaging about her,” adding: “I would hope that she would want that to be corrected.”

Onecan only begin to wonder what Carol-with-an-e might make of that suggestion over in Bucklebury - let alone those picking up the pieces at Kensington Palace right now.

And to think the Duchess reportedly thought there was still hope of reconciliation before CBS went to air at 8pm US time, 1am GMT?

It cannot have been lost on anyone in clan Cambridge that no fault was found in the hospitality offered by those beloved figures of Twitter, Prince Andrew and Fergie.

Those already doubting whether there would ever be any way back into the royal fold for the Montecito Two - also dubbed “Duchess Difficult” and “The Hostage” by palace staff - had their worst suspicions confirmed when Meghan then went on to accuse the Royal family, their staff and the British press of being, well, outright racists.
Not only had Archie been denied a title and his own security detail - but an extraordinary conversation had also taken place behind palace gates about how dark his skin might be when he was born.

Harry was later invited to expand on the issue but declined to do so, leaving the viewer guessing as to who the hell came out with this.
Animal Lover said…
Part 3

Meghan said: “Those were conversations family had with him,” but Harry refused to elaborate. The unfortunate inference was that Prince Philip may have put his foot in his mouth again, while the 99-year-old was in his hospital bed 5,400 miles away.

Or perhaps it was the wearer of “racist” brooches, Princess Michael of Kent? As we are never likely to know, we may as well consider them all white supremacists along with any journalist who has ever written anything vaguely negative about them.

If that wasn’t damning enough, Meghan’s tearful admission that she was so unhappy she considered suicide managed to hammer the penultimate nail in the coffin of the Royals’ already well-honed reputation for mismanging family matters.

You would have had to have a heart of stone not to sympathise and feel real sorrow as she detailed how she “didn’t want to be alive any more” and told Harry before being forced to smile through an engagement at the Royal Albert Hall: “I can’t be left alone.”

Make no mistake, this was a pregnant woman blaming the institution - and those within it - for failing to help her at her lowest ebb.

The final nail in the unfeeling Windsors’ sarcophagus was driven home by Harry’s revelation that his father had stopped returning his phone calls in the run up to Megxit and had really let him down. Meghan’s own fractured relationship with her father, Thomas Markle Snr, only merited passing mention with the tragic words: “I lost my Dad”.
Animal Lover said…
Part 4

Ever sacrosanct on the throne, the Queen appeared the only attendee of the so-called "Sandringham Summit" to emerge unscathed.

The couple were keen to reiterate how much respect they had for the 94-year-old as they trashed her family and everything she has stood for during her 68 years on the throne.

Insisting that he would “never blindside” Granny, Harry called her entire operation into question as he suggested both she and Prince Charles knew they were dropping their Instagram bombshell on Jan 7. (Actually it was Jan 8, but don't take my word for it - we just make it all up, anyway).

To her credit, and contrary to suggestions she would give them a soft-soaping, Oprah reinforced her credentials as the undisputed chat show Queen of America by asking all the right questions. It was just that the answers were taken as gospel - despite some obvious contradictions.

The couple never read their press and yet were unrelentingly tormented by it.

Meghan went into the Royal family so naively she didn’t realise she had to curtsey to the Queen - yet told ITV’s Tom Bradby in October 2018: “My British friends said to me, I’m sure he’s great, but don’t do it because the British tabloids will destroy your life.”

The Royal family were all very welcoming, until they weren’t.

The most important title to Meghan is “Mom” and yet she wanted her son to be a prince, despite allowing it to be widely briefed that he’d be called “Master Mountbatten Windsor” so he could live like a “private citizen”.
Animal Lover said…
Part 5

Like the Little Mermaid, Meghan "fell in love with a prince and lost her voice” and yet, somehow, her narrative was strangely familiar thanks to not one, but three “unprecedented” statements released by Harry “as a boyfriend, as a husband and as a father”.

The multimillionaires were forced to sign deals with Netflix and Spotify because they didn’t have any money, even though they had Harry’s inheritance from Princess Diana.

Meghan wasn’t the driving force behind them stepping down as senior Royals, but Harry would never have done it without her. Oh and the Duchess didn’t have access to her own car keys, even though Royals regularly drive themselves about the place. (The less mention of the “holiday parties” at Buckingham Palace that Meghan claimed journalists, excluding this one, were invited to, the better. I went there once, for the Diamond Jubilee in 2012, m’lud.)

The weighty revelations were intermingled with casual asides as the trio inspected Archie’s Chick Inn - a hen house in the garden of the Sussexes’ home, which they presumably avoided filming in to avoid accusations of invading their own privacy. (Notwithstanding the gender reveal moment, during which Harry’s gleeful reaction to having a daughter was genuinely touching).

Meghan managed to squeeze into the pleasantries that she had called the Queen upon news of Philip’s hospitalisation, that she “loves rescuing” and had her first job at 13.

“I’ve advocated for so long for women to use her voice,” she insisted.

Yet as Harry made so plain, his Royal relatives are “trapped within the system”. They cannot sit down with Oprah for two hours and give their side of the story.

Thankfully, for the Sussexes, this fairy tale does have a happy ending, however. As they walk away from the wreckage of their time in the Royal family - and the relatives they have left behind - towards the LA sunset, like the closing scene of a Hollywood movie, they are “not just surviving, but thriving.”

Well, I guess that’s the most important thing, right?
snarkyatherbest said…
@neutral observer - the oprah interview was done out of the entertainment division and she herself does not proclaim to be a journalist so they take cover on that. Libel is harder to prove here in the states and megs is smart enough to use words and inferences without outright saying something. clever tact
'Cat Eyes' said…
Here is a snapshot of a quick poll that MSN just published;

In your opinion, will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's recently broadcast interview with Oprah fundamentally change the public perception of the British royal family in the United States?

No, I don't think so...32%

Yes, I think so...42%

Maybe, I'm not sure...22%

Other / No opinion...4%
NeutralObserver said…
OMG, watching the interview. Oprah just played a few seconds of the Bradby clip. You really can see her eyelash glue. I have never seen Megs on my regular tv before. I thought the eyelash glue was just a catty rumor. I know all about eyelash glue. I wore false eyelashes in my teens. Why does an entertainment pro not use individually glued on lashes applied by a makeup artist when she's being filmed?

Megs seems to want the Queen/Institution to apologize, & she wants Charles to pay for security for a 'baby.' Her sugars will demand that Charles pay for 'Archie's' security.
NeutralObserver said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
'Cat Eyes' said…
Here in America, it is 'Slander' if someone says a defamatory thing and 'Libel' if the defamatory statement is written.

There are large obstacles to overcome to meet a burden of an actionable case of 'libel' or 'slander'. Many people are allowed to write or say things otherwise most of us would consider are defamatory because they are an 'opinion' not a fact. In addition, a so-called public person is afforded less protections in reality and that is why we often see such negative things said or written about a public person and no law suit ensues.
Curiously said…
Oops someone is going to be in trouble

“ The Duchess of Sussex said 'concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born' happened 'in those months when [I] was pregnant' with Archie. However, when Prince Harry was asked about the exchange later he appeared to suggest he heard the alleged slur from a royal figure earlier, before he and Meghan got married. The couple married on May 19, 2018, while Meghan revealed the news of her first pregnancy on October 15, 2018.”
lizzie said…
Interesting article re: the backyard wedding and COE

'If Meghan's claim she tied knot three days before Royal wedding is BS, that helps assess the rest of the interview', says vicar who adds her statement is 'easily verified' with Church of England'

Sorry if it's already been posted.
NeutralObserver said…
There is some subtle visual & audio snark! Megs, blinking rapidly & constantly looking left blathers some word salad about the importance of young girls of color seeing 'someone who looks like them' in certain roles. Oprah, sagely nods says, 'uumm.' She then shows a clip from the SA tour of very, very white looking Megs surrounded by some very dark looking young women dancing around her. A picture really is worth a thousand words.
xxxxx said…
PIERS MORGAN: Meghan and Harry's nauseating two-hour Oprah whine-athon was a disgraceful diatribe of cynical race-baiting propaganda designed to damage the Queen as her husband lies in hospital - and destroy the Monarchy ......... >>>>>>>>

PIERS comes through! My insta-take is the fake. That this particular fake mess of a Duchess will get....her outright lies will fly here in America. Sorry to say.
Well, well,well!

The much-criticised recent Historic England report on great houses and slavery has its uses after all:

Caesar Shaw
Caesar Shaw was an African enslaved by the Spencer family in the 18th century. He was baptized in Northampton and was owned by John Spencer. Caesar Shaw is featured in two portraits at Althorp House, Northampton NN7 4HQ.
Jdubya said…
I've been wondering if this is how they will get around the "wedding"

Callum May
Mar 8, 2021
Replying to @callummay
This is a problem. The law says that the C of E can’t marry people a) outdoors in a venue such as a back yard; or b) without witnesses. But….
Callum May
now @JonnyDymond reports... a person close to the Sussexes saying this “backyard wedding” was a private exchange of vows. The couple were legally married on May 19th. The BBC was told that the event had been incorrectly described in last night’s interview by Meghan.

snarkyatherbest said…
So megs cried at royal albert hall be cause she couldnt be left alone. BS - they were booed as I recall and then after she was fawning on everyone in the cast and her makeup was not out of place and her nose wasnt red. maybe she did her actress cry sob so harry thought she was upset by the boos. shes been working on him for a while

i have the sense that all she kept bringing up was in answer to the blogs that were calling her out on specific instances.

ok back to it - where's archie?
SwampWoman said…
Awwwww, poor babies, they had to pay for their own SECURITY and HOUSING in their mid and late 30s? I'm just devastated that they had to face ACTUAL LIFE. There are a lot of people that are in their late teens that do the same without whining.

It has been rumored that, rather than living in Montecito, they are actually living on an Oprah property. Perhaps that 'suicidal while pregnant' could have been aimed at Oprah, too, as a veiled threat not to evict now that the 'interview' is over?
Fifi LaRue said…
Confirm that Princess Diana met James Hewitt before 1984. LOL!! Nutty, from your mouth to God's ear!
SwampWoman said…
Dang, I should have said "living in Mudslide Manor in Montecito" since Oprah's expansive property is in Montecito. But y'all know what I meant, I'm sure.
lizzie said…

Well if HARRY considers his backyard wedding to be the real thing, not what happened in the chapel at Windsor, he shouldn't be in the line of succession it seems. He can't be Supreme Governor of the COE.
snarkyatherbest said…
OMG i missed the part where archie tells people to drive safe seriously diana's grandson? markle is just evil
SwampWoman said…
Heh. I think it unlikely that 'Archie' or whoever the hell he is at not quite two is worried about driving safely.
Blithe Spirit said…
Reading up quickly on most of the comments on the whine fest before I start work reminded me of an Indian saying: Talking untruths about your family is like standing in the marketplace and lifting up your skirt.
When all the media frenzy dies down, MM's lies will be exposed eventually and her true nature revealed. But it's Hapless who is going to be be ashamed and degraded.
HappyDays said…
Now that Meghan and Harry have weaponized the alleged questions about Archie’s skin color, could the legal experts here tell me if this could be construed as an attempt to blackmail or extort money, or special favors from the monarchy?

If what the Harkles say is true, no matter the intent of the person who asked, in today's climate, it is automatically regarded as racist without any discussion.

It is now a weapon, a threat they can, no, strike that, WILL hold over the royal family until the person who asked this question either goes public and is cancelled by the cancel culture or passes on, which could be a long time.

Oprah said it is not The Queen or Phillip.

Any thoughts?

My guess it is NOT William or Kate, but perhaps a person older than them.
@Flore said…
@Animal Lover
Thanks for sharing.
Loved the sarcasm of the article!
HappyDays said…
Also, I wonder how the questions about Archie rates with Harry’s reference to a fellow soldier in Afghanistan as “my Paki friend” or the Nazi costume?
abbyh said…
If the BRF responds in any way, shape or form, then that allows them to walk back on the idea the interview was no longer the last word.

And having the last word is very important as they NEED to educate us about their reality.
KCM1212 said…
Hollywood’s Cinderella has spoken
Meghan Markle, actress and influencer, knew what her audience wanted
Part One

America has always had a mixed fascination with royalty. The world’s monarchies are at once romantic and exotic, fantastically glamorous but also a little bit weird. The manners, and the manors, and the hats — good lord, the hats — seem like something out of fiction, otherworldly and governed by a system as inscrutable as it is foreign. The difference between royalty and nobility and between nobility and landed gentry is hard to parse in a republic where the wealthiest folks are the great grandkids of tycoons and industrialists, where we have oil barons but no baron-barons. If a successful American wanted to live as lord of a sprawling Downton-esque estate, he’d have to buy one or build it himself, a business proposition rather than a birthright. (Not that this stopped people like the Rockefellers from doing exactly that, and good for them: their mansion are museums now, and they’re fabulous.)

But when it comes to our complex relationship with the royals, nothing illustrates it better than the American Cinderella story: a kind of modern riff on the original fairytale with, usually, a feminist twist. From The Prince & Me to A Christmas Prince to The Princess Switch, these fictional fantasies centre on an ordinary girl who falls in love with a prince, usually to the horror of his family, but also often to her own distress. She’s a farm girl! She doesn’t know how to curtsy or what fork to use! She hardly even bathes — and she doesn’t want to!
KCM1212 said…
Part Two

The American Cinderella is independent, hard-working, and as uninterested in a royal marriage as she is unqualified for one. But love will not be denied, and in these stories, a compromise is inevitably reached: the princess-to-be teaches her stuck-up in-laws that it’s okay to embrace change, but she herself also develops a new appreciation for stodgy royal values like tradition, duty, and service. And they get married and live happily ever after, the end.

But in real life, the wedding is only the beginning.

Oprah’s tell-all interview with the stateside Sussexes reminds us just how much the fairytale once seemed real. Meghan Markle was the glamorous true-life realisation of that empowered princess, and her marriage to Prince Harry the stuff that modern fairytales were made of. There was the transcontinental romance, the lavish wedding, an incoming Duchess who was not just American but a mixed-race divorcee with an impressive education and a career of her own — and no, she didn’t know how to curtsy.

Granted, it wasn’t exactly like the movies; there were whispered suggestions in the gossip pages that Markle had strategically placed herself in Harry’s orbit in a way that was more wicked stepsister than Cinderella. But it was close enough. Watching from the US, there was a sense not just that Markle was living the dream, but that she was irritating to all the right people (yes, especially the racist ones) in a way that was profoundly, even historically, American. 1776 was a long time ago, but don’t we still get a little thrill out of that irreverent contempt for authority — especially if it is wearing a crown?

Is Prince Harry the new Edward VIII?

Fast forward to the big twist a year ago, when Harry and Meghan announced that they would be stepping back from royal life. Even not knowing exactly what it meant, it certainly seemed like a win. A win for Meghan, who was being abused by the British tabloids (not to mention, allegedly, certain less-enlightened members of her new extended family), and also for American values, for freedom itself. From across the pond, Megxit seemed like a second, more intimate iteration of our original Revolution, complete with its own Declaration of Independence (this one announced on Instagram along with the couple’s new brand-to-be, Sussex Royal).
KCM1212 said…
Part Three

There was even the particularly delicious irony of Harry having appeared at a 2018 benefit performance of Hamilton — a musical about his ancestors getting kicked out of America. Harry even sang a couple lines from the song in which a grossly overconfident King George proclaims his intentions never to relinquish the nation to autonomous rule. The lyrics depict a ruler in the grips of pompous delusion, in the style of a needy lover:

“You’ll be back, soon you’ll see
You’ll remember you belong to me”

It’s funny, of course, because we all know how that little romance ended. But a year after Megxit began, it’s equally clear that the Sussexes won’t be back — and more importantly, they won’t be quiet.


To hear Meghan and Harry tell it, their departure from royal life was a question not of freedom, but survival. The biggest bombshell came from Meghan, who said that she was desperately lonely, isolated, and eventually suicidal, and that the Palace refused to offer support. “I didn’t want to be alive anymore,” she said.

This question of safety, physical and otherwise, loomed throughout the conversation — as did the ghost of Diana, who was also beloved by American audiences, and whose death is perceived to be at least partially the fault of the royal family who shunned her after her divorce. Harry said he feared that history would repeat itself, and Meghan described a barrage of intimidation during her pregnancy with Archie — not just death threats and tabloid harassment, but racial insensitivity from inside the palace, including concerns from an unnamed party over how “dark” their firstborn would be. Together, the couple painted a picture of desperation, being treated like outsiders by an institution that bent over backward to help everyone else.

“They were willing to lie to protect other members of the family, but they weren’t willing to tell the truth to protect me and my husband,” Meghan said.
KCM1212 said…
Part Four

It’s a great line that is also, alas, a little too good to sell the illusion of totally off-the-cuff, unrehearsed honesty that we’re meant to take away from this moment (despite Oprah’s assurances at the start of the interview that her subjects hadn’t been prepped in advance). It reminds you that Meghan is both an actress and an influencer, and exceptional at both — and also that this interview came after weeks of escalating spin from both camps, which reached its peak with a story that Meghan was a difficult Duchess who shamelessly bullied her staff.

But even if those rumours are true, it’s an insignificant skirmish in a war that has already been won. Just look at the Sussexes, sitting with Oprah under a vine-draped pergola, Spotify and Netflix deals in hand, as radiant as the California sun. Meghan hasn’t just escaped back to the States with her prince in tow: she’s tossing a lit match over her shoulder — with an assist from Oprah, no less, who might just be the closest thing the US has to a Queen. Is it all a bit contrived? Without question, from the strategic displays of emotion to the “casual” followup with Meghan and Harry as they tend to their backyard flock of rescue chickens. (“I just love rescuing,” Meghan says, in the second-most loaded moment of the interview.)

But that’s Hollywood, and that’s America — and this is Meghan Markle’s home turf. She knows that what we really love, even more than a traditional fairy tale, is an underdog story that ends with a cry for freedom, a confessional interview, and a few tears. Even if it’s all just made for TV.
Humor Me said…
Nutty - thank you for the new thread. I look forward to your analysis of the show.
Take aways - nuclear weapon indeed in the UK (from the papers), in the US, not so much.
Hypocrisy - yep, front and center: Security was the central thread, especially for Archie, then she contradicted herself with "as long as Harry is safe".
Money - "we had to make money, I was cut off" - ahem, then what was Sussex Royal and all the trademarks for?
Title for Archie - this really mattered! from security, to race. The title for the boy was important to them, despite wanting him out of the toxic environment.
and HEA - not with this bombshell.Harry did not learn his lessons from his mother's interview with Bashir.
KCM1212 said…
That article was from Unherd, btw
Ròn said…

I wonder how the RF are going to deal with this ? The usual never complain/explain manoeuvre isn’t going to cut it this time although you just know it would drive madam incandescent with rage to be ignored. You can picture her now, waiting for their undivided attention and grovelling apologies over zoom. Which would be a mistake on the RF’s part anyway because nothing is ever enough with her. Maybe they’ll issue a bland denial/ we’re very saddened statement. Or maybe someone in the RF (William) will draw the short straw and appear in a tv interview playing the recording of her abusing staff, on his IPad. Which taking my sensible head off is what I want to see - William coming out like snarling lion to avenge his wife and family and eviscerate the Harkles. Maybe not a lion - too noble a beast to be dealing with them. Maybe like a pack of crazed hyenas, attacking with such a frenzy, it’ll take them months to regain even their power of speech. It’s what they freakin’ deserve.
I can’t understand why they’re being taken seriously.
Elsbeth1847 said…
Carried over from the last post:

@flore @ HappyDays

Yes I see what you mean but does Megalo know that D was pregnant with W and not H the nameless??

Maybe this was a message to William - the one driving the response that: If I feel under threat, I could feel suicidal again so don't mess with me? especially as a pregnant woman (like your mother) with a baby girl.


Notice how she throws her husband under the bus: when ever there was something sticky like their son not getting titles or protection, she turned to JHbut there doesn't seem to be anything about any response he was told or to "the letters" she wrote to the family.

So either she didn't ask the right questions, in the right medium, to the right people ... or ... she wasn't given the right answer back from her husband which means he either messed up on the "truth" or he was afraid to tell her ... or - she didn't like the answer so it didn't happen.
NeutralObserver said…
Look, this is my opinion only, but if there was one iota of authenticity in the Harkle relationship, & they were truly 'in love,' this is what would have gone down.

1. A small private, elegant wedding, the bride in a tasteful blush, creme, not blazing white dress, & no veil. Only close friends & family present. A few select & beautiful photos released to the press.

2. Pregnancy handled discreetly with a few shots of Megs doing something ordinary looking authentically pregnant. Baby born at St. Mary's or the Portland. Birth attended by prominent physicians who sign the proudly displayed Palace announcement which is released in a smooth & timely fashion. Glowing new mom & dad pose proudly with adorable infant for a few snaps, then the happy family retreat to their royal abode.

3.When the baby is old enough, Hegs & Megs start a part-time life in Africa, where Hegs works on wildlife conservation, & Megs helps bring healthcare & clean water to isolated villages. The 'Firm' pays for excellent security & housing for them, & they make frequent trips between the UK & Africa with their growing brood of beautiful bi-racial children. They allow a few discreet snaps to be taken of their children playing with other children in the RF. Like so many other British children, the Harkle children are enrolled in boarding school at an appropriate age. The Harkles would be admired & beloved members of the British Royal Family. That's what would have happened if anything about them were real.
SwampWoman said…
Four year old grandson just recently started getting worried about me driving without his supervision (grin). He told me "GRAMMAW! You be...oh, I forgot the word!" "What word?""The word that means you don't get hurt and you don't get dead when you drive!" "Oh, be careful!" "Yes, be careful, Grammaw! I love you!"

I'm not sure that a child allegedly the age of 'Archie' is capable of the abstract level of thinking that could connect driving with accidents, danger, and death.
jessica said…
I personally don’t want to speculate on the racism claims. That’s what they wanted: an omnipresent evil person in the BRF who we will never know the identity of Hates the commonwealth and people of color, therefor the Monarchy has to go and it cannot be trusted. So much for respecting the country and territories they represent. Hiding this information is just as damaging.

I also think they are lying. It was probably, ‘will it have ginger hair, be a boy or girl, light or dark.’ Perfectly acceptable questions. As we’ve seen, Harry and Meghan have turned their home into Gossip City. Harry *relays* things to Meghan. Harry, trying to please his wife, finally got a smidgen of *is this racism??* and they went spinning up into the sky. Now, this member of the BRF is a racist. They won’t share who it is. Wonder why?

If I was to speculate, I’d assume it was a late night drunken pub talk (private member club) between William and Harry. They are scared of William and I am not sure why. Probably of things like this.
Fifi LaRue said…
Harry, 37, complaining on world wide television that his daddy cut off his allowance, and now he has to spend his $35 million inheritance to support himself and his family. Tiny violins.

At least we know that Charles is not a complete gutless wonder.
SwampWoman said…
Goodness, since Harry has to relay all the news to Meghan, I suppose we are to believe that she was shackled in a tower somewhere? (Except for all those times she snuck out to do things like the Vogue debacle.)
LavenderLady said…
@xxxxx said,
PIERS comes through! My insta-take is the fake. That this particular fake mess of a Duchess will get....her outright lies will fly here in America. Sorry to say.


True! But with that said, he failed to go further when he said this:
"The only difference is that Edward and Wallis Simpson never spoke badly in public about the Royal Family or trashed the Monarchy".

No, but they allowed themselves to be in the company of the most diabolical human being ever to hold a position of extreme power in modern history. The BRF is still dealing with the implications of that debacle. And now this. I imagine the press has been instructed to keep a lid on the nukes H&M unleased. As we all know, there are many SICK minds out there among the plebs.

The Crown is in checkmate at this time. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I see a side that most here do not see due to my days as a SW working in the Shankhill, Belfast with my caseload of former political prisoners from the Maze.

As an American it was overlooked that I was raised in a Catholic home and a woman of color BUT my boss told me to not tell anyone about my Catholic roots. As far as the color thing, I was "exotic" and had more drinks bought for me then any other time in my life (just in case anyone wishes to question my presence there).

I won't attempt to predict the outcome just that I view it from the political perspective and it's dangerous at the moment. IMO. I am giving my experience so I'm not viewed as just blowing smoke from my arse on this issue. I understand the UK is not as volatile as the US has seen in the race riots recently. Maybe I'm responding from that concern but I still feel it was HIGHLY irresponsible of CBS to allow the interview.

What happened in the interview is NOT funny yet Oprah is smirking an grinning when discussing Kate. She got way too much glee from it.


Some of the slaves in your link were still SLAVES. Therein lies the problem. I get it the past is the past but sometimes the past comes back to bite us on the ass, no?


Please for the love of God if you still want a place here, just do as has been done on this site (and rather successfully I might add), just get a different server and a new handle and avatars that's are not identifiable. Re-invent yourself. Stick to the subject. Let go of the past. It's hard sometimes to stay mum but it can be done...
Paying them off - yes, she is believed to have named the price by saying how much their business deals could be worth - was it £200million? Something exorbitant anyway.

She certainly won't go for the paltry sum of £37m that was originally said to have been budgeted for that eventuality.
lucy said…
"rescue chickens" 🤣
I did not realize there was such a need

Here for the email. thank you for the new thread!

NeutralObserver said…
@KCM1212, Thank for the posted articles!
NeutralObserver said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
LavenderLady said…
Please enlighten us that are not part of the inner sanctum what "email" is code for. This enquiring mind wants to know lol.
Mel said…
I didn't see that there was a nrpee thread...brought over from the old one.

That whole thing was beyond disgusting.

All I can say to the BRF and especially the Queen: I am so, so sorry.

To Oprah and the Markles, may you always have saggy pants and sand in your bed.
Thank you all who have commented on my powers of endurance!

It's taken almost 2 years to get my `funny turns' investigated as my GP believes in CBT as a cure-all. Had the nerve to tell me I lacked resilience - next time I see her I'll say, if that were true, I'd have topped myself years ago.

Persistence paid off and the I'm being investigated in the nearest major hospital - it's clearly something physiological, not psychological.
AnT said…

I am so glad you will finally get the physical health check you need. Some doctors can be such condescending, dismissive, pompous farkers, especially to women. Stand your ground with this lot!
Unknown said…
Harry and Meghan absolutely torched his family. It was disgusting and the only people cheering them will be the those who play this race baiting game like Chrissy Tiegen and Lainey Gossip. Everyone else will be appalled by what they've done. And to say someone brought up the color of their baby and not name names and against an institution that can't defend themselves is the lowest of the low. But this is what ID politics does...accuse but provide no proof. Smear your enemy as racists. This interview really shows you their stripes. Let's stop pretending Harry's just suffering from Stockholm syndrome. He's an active player, is dangerously jealous of William and is willing to torch his whole family and smear them as racist because he didn't get every thing he wanted. This was a massive temper tantrum and this interview will come back to haunt them. This is a hollow victory and Harry's gonna regret what an ass he's made of himself but the damage is done.
LavenderToast said…

I highly doubt the story about 'rescue' chicks from a factory farm as they are run very sterile and don't want people off the street coming in to the hatcheries or farms and maybe bring diseases in by bacteria on the outsider's shoes. I raise chickens.

You can purchase chicks online and that is probably how Markle got her chickens! Someone should create a 'Royallty Rescue organization since things are so bad in the best royal family in the world, how dreadful it must be in lesser royal families. lol

Seriously though, Markle admitting to being suicidal and Harry doing nothing to help her definitely sound as if Nutties were right in thinking she/they should be investigated by the authorities as they may have posed a danger to her unborn child and even afterward.

@lavender Lady - I mentioned it in case if H believes the Spencer money came only from sheep. Not that either of them is likely to think through the implications for them?


@Lucy - it's quite done thing here among DFL (`Down From London') hobby farmers, taking in hens that aren't needed by battery farms any more, rather like wanting to keep alpacas.

What does she do with eggs, as she's vegan?


chickens and pregnancy - see

WSAVA = World Small Animal Veterinary Association

It's laughable, considering her aversion to `dirt'.
NeutralObserver said…
@Jessica, I so hope you're right about the Harkle being able to monetize this whine fest.

@WBBM, @Ava C. You're obviously survivors, that't the important thing!
Sandie said…
Anne is now being fingered as the family member that suosdly made the racist comment about Archie. Meghan says it was while she was pregnant; Harry says it was just after they got engaged. Harry, you are not sticking to the script she gave you!
Sandie said…

Someone should send this to the press to expose yet another lie.

AnT said…

From Dan Wootoon's tweeter thread:

@GordonRayner says:

As my colleague @rmendick has pointed out, unless Harry & Meghan name the "racist" royal, the other members of the Royal family would have a clear-cut libel case against them as they have put them all under suspicion
4:31 AM · Mar 8, 2021·

From Dan:
Oprah has just revealed that Harry has told her to make clear that it was NOT the Queen or Prince Philip who made racist comments regarding unborn baby Archie.
Neither Charles or William mentioned, allowing this grotesque and damaging guessing game to continue.

LavenderLady said…

Thanks for clarifying That makes perfect sense.

Glad to know you are advocating for yourself ie your health. My docs know that I will fight their "decisions" which are sometimes for financial benefit. Give em hell. It's your body/self-determination!
AnT said…

Colin Brazier

Here's that Sussex 3-point-peace plan in full.
1. You're harbouring a disgusting racist who's a senior royal who we might name in the future.
2. You've pushed Meghan to the point of suicide.
3. Er, we'd really like to "patch things up".

Animal Lover said…
I read the NY Times coverage of this and won't post it because it's basically a rehash of the interview. However, most interesting is that most of the top rated comments are negative, people don't feel sorry for these rich people in the time of Covid with unprecedented death, unemployment and other worries.

Earlier I was comparing MM to Evita in my mind, but feel that may too dramatic. Harry and MM really have it in for William and Kate, that's who I think they want to imply made "racist" comments about their baby.
I don't think it matters that they "spared" the Queen in their interview. Referring to Charles and William as hostages really shows they want to dismember the BRF because they didn't get their way.

What is up with Harry? He seemed very comfortable in his role before meeting up with MM.
lizzie said…

I doubt the "rescue chickens" story too. When I lived in a more rural area, people did rescue chickens that escaped their cages somehow and fell off trucks on the way to the slaughterhouse. I doubt that's how H&M got theirs, at least not directly. Maybe from a rescue organization but it's not like chickens commonly escape those cages. Maybe 5-7 per year where I used to live and some of those got run over.

I still want to know who cleans the coop and why pregnant Meg isn't concerned about crouching in the dirt. Of course, she wasn't concerned about Zika either.
Actually, it was a woman GP! As was the one who told me off for seeing her in a bit of an emergency.

Apparently, I should have gone to her colleague I'd seen before. How was I to know that the latter had a vacant appointment if the Receptionist didn't tell me? She calmed down a bit when I said sharply that I wasn't a mind reader nor could I see the appointments screen over the phone.

It was the youngest doctor, male, who listened carefully, said he hadn't a clue, so he'd refer me to a specialist! Exactly what I needed, even if it was a specialist `for the older patient'. `Geriatrician' is obviously not PC.

I now have a problem with female doctors.

The ones at our med centre all seem to specialise in Obs & Gyn and work part-time. Devil of a job to get continuity or someone who can think beyond female bits.
AnT said…


From the NYPOST this morning
by Maureen Callahan

Meghan Markle’s interview was full of bull

Pity poor Meghan Markle, won’t you?

And do so as she drops the kind of bombshells — Prince Harry’s family is not just openly racist, they drove her to consider suicide while pregnant and denied her the help she begged for — that will destroy once and for all any chance Harry had of reconciling with the British royal family.

“I wasn’t planning to say anything shocking!” Megs told Oprah.

Please. As we all know, Meghan’s not that good an actress. Or a dissembler.

Whopper Number One, at the interview’s outset: Meghan knew nothing of the British royal family — nothing! She’s American, after all!

Here she was, living her life, starring on a basic cable legal drama, when she got sucked into the vortex of royal life. Castles, riches, titles, instant global fame, a team of servants and advisers — none of these mattered a whit to her

“All the grandeur attached to this stuff,” said Meghan, has never meant anything, not part of the attraction at all.

Says the woman who invited Oprah Winfrey and George Clooney to her wedding — A-listers she’d never even met.
Oh, and let’s not forget Buckingham Palace’s clapback this week, revealing that Meghan had been gifted blood diamonds by MBS after he authorized the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and wore them even though warned not to — a charge Meghan has not denied.

Whopper Number Two: She never so much as Googled Harry when they began dating. She also never so much as Googled herself or followed any of her media coverage because that too has never mattered to her — says the woman who posed for a Vanity Fair cover story before she and Harry were even engaged.

As for the catastrophic event Meghan calls “the turning point,” the moment she knew that the royals were plotting to destroy her and she and Harry had to go: The tabloid report that she made Duchess Kate cry.

No, says Meghan: Kate made her cry. And The Firm wouldn’t let Meghan issue a denial.

As Harry once infamously said, “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!”

NeutralObserver said…
I sort of made it through the horrorfest. Harry's blinking is at warp speed when he talks about Megs giving birth to 'Archie,' & 'breastfeeding.'

Judging by Meg's bump size in the parasite infested chicken coop, she's carrying triplets again, if the due date is 'in the summer.'
AnT said…

From the NYPOST this morning
by Maureen Callahan

Meghan Markle’s interview was full of bull

So are we to believe Meghan had no recourse until now? No friend or surrogate who could set the record straight? She is, after all, famously litigious when it comes to the British tabloids — you know, the ones she claims not to read.

Then came the day Meghan was advised not to go out to lunch with a friend, because she’d been far too visible.

“Well,” Meghan recalled saying, “I haven’t left the house in months!”

While we enter year two of quarantine.

Not since griping “not many people have asked me if I’m OK” amid starving, impoverished children in South Africa have we gotten such a tone-deaf utterance from dear old Megs, that perpetual victim.

“The Queen has always been wonderful to me,” said Meghan, before stating that a very senior royal — that would be either the Queen, Harry’s father, Prince Charles (who, Harry tells us, stopped taking his calls for a time and has cut him off financially, wonder why), or brother, Prince William — told a desperate, suicidal Meghan that she could not seek professional help.

So is Meghan saying they’d be happy if she killed herself?

Sure sounds like it. But after Harry joined the chat, he told Oprah that he never told any member of his family about that.

So which is it? The top royals knew and didn’t care or truly had no idea?

Meghan swiftly moved on, claiming that there was a serious discussion inside the royal family about how black her baby might be and the decision to refuse the child any security — zero, zip, nada, Meghan again implying the royals wouldn’t mind harm coming to a royal infant who wouldn’t be 100% white.

The British taxpayers spent millions on Harry and Meghan’s wedding. Prince Charles walked her down the aisle. The Queen, by Meghan’s own admission, was warm and embracing and maternal. Meghan quickly became an object of fascination and adoration, a unique figure who, like Diana, could modernize the crown.

Meghan and Harry had a lot of goodwill. People were rooting for them.

That was then.

As to Oprah’s question about whether Meghan wanted a royal life only to quickly leave and build her brand as a newly minted global celebrity, nonsense, she says! None.

No follow-up from Oprah about building the SussexRoyal website once outside the castle walls and the couple’s attempt to monetize their title until the Queen smacked them down.

Interestingly, after Meghan denied having any kind of plan, Harry told Oprah he would never have left the royal family if not for Meghan.

“I was trapped,” he said, “but I didn’t know I was trapped.”

Meghan helped him figure that out, he said. That’s why they announced they wanted a life of privacy before settling in LA and streaming endless videos from their $14 million mansion and signing deals with Spotify and Netflix and appearing on “So You Think You Can Dance” (Meghan) and sitting down for a primetime tell-all with Oprah Winfrey.

In the run-up to tonight’s special, Meghan and Harry announced that this would be their final word, for real. They’ve said all they have to say and will be furthermore unavailable for comment.

What? You don’t believe them?

Mel said…
If either of them is/was suicidal, it sure as h*ll isn't her.

Watch their body language in their zooms.
Which of them looks like they've lost the will to live?

The one in full makeup, merched outfit, and all smiles or the other one with head hanging low wringing his hands, wearing the same dirty outfit over and over, who looks like he wishes he was anywhere but there?
lucy said…
@LavendarLady no veiled message I just wanted to post so comments were sent to my email :)

Wouldn't those be Gayle's chickens? Wasn't it filmed at her house? Actually I do not even care as whatever was going on reads completely contrived.

I wonder where Meg's surrogate is? How much do you think she was paid? More or less than the expense of the wedding?

Curious too as to how hands on Meg was during the process? With her obvious need of control how removed was she while awaiting the birth of her paycheck? Where was "mom"

LavenderLady said…

Emma Webb Deputy Research Director of Free Speech. 9:59 minutes.
SirStinxAlot said…
Harry torpedoed the whinefest when he said "they would still be there". I hope the media and RF zoom in on this statement. It obviously wasn't the hell MM tried to paint it to be. They just had to follow the rules, laws, and protocols governing the RF and their business dealings. It was made clear in the Megxit manifesto what they wanted, even though legally they couldn't be allowed without walking away.
AnT said…

Totally agree with you. (1) This is another fake padded pregnancy. And (2) obviously Harry (who she called “H” again in the chicken pen) is the crushed one living without hope or plan. The Harkle world of “the opposite is the truth” again.

You know, given that neither Oprah or Gayle do any fact checking in their NWO craze to dismantle the monarchy, I think a couple of Nutties need to volunteer to call a media agent and contact Oprah, or Gayle saying they

(1) married Haz in Vegas in 2012 and had his daughter, which you named Diana

(2) Met drinking with Haz in summer 2019 as he drank in a pub in polo gear, he said he doesn’t have a child with Megs

(3) met Megs during college in Chicago when she said she was a paid escort and tried to recruit you in a hotel bar

One of these things may be true.
LavenderLady said…
Wouldn't those be Gayle's chickens? Wasn't it filmed at her house? Actually I do not even care as whatever was going on reads completely contrived.


No worries :) Shenanigans again, so on my guard lol.

That is a very interesting question about chickens and Gayle's place. I don't get into the minutiae of the debacle so maybe it is stated that some parts filmed at Mudslide and some at Gayle's place?

Who really knows? So much BS one needs wellies just to read the news. I do know if La Markle's lips are moving she's lying. Same for her lackey er hubs, The Duke of Dumbass.
IEschew said…
I feel sick for the Royal Family. Of course they have big issues. But this is below the belt. What must be happening with them today? I imagine the women feel anger and the men bewilderment.

I also keep thinking of the mama bear, Carole Middleton. Can you just imagine her rage? Her beloved, once-bullied daughter, thrown under a bus by a jealous starlet, and her beloved son’s mental health issues utterly diminished by the same starlet’s careless lies.

Any admiration I once had for Oprah’s efforts to help AIDS patients and orphans, and girls at large, in Africa has gone out the window. Oprah, if you read here, shame on you. You have undone any act of goodness that you ever made. For shame, for shame, for shame. Your ancestors are rolling in their graves. I cannot state this strongly enough.
LavenderLady said…
@IEschew said,
On Oprah Winfrey: "Your ancestors are rolling in their graves. I cannot state this strongly enough".

Of course, her mush is so full of filler and botox she can only just move her mouth. How very convenient - it removes all the little `tells' that would reveal her completely.

There's just huge `tell ' - her mouth.

When her lips move, she's lying.
Museumstop said…
My problem is that nothing gets to this woman, even if she's caught lying - it does nothing to her. I don't know how to reconcile to that. The lies come so fast and furious that before you can disprove no 1, no 110 is already doing a number on your life. And no one seems to care by then that a hundred other lies have been told, each paling the one before. Already we are beyond the earrings and bullying.
How do you fight someone with absolutely no compass of any kind. I think of all people Meghan has trampled on, the ones never spoken of, the ones who cant speak up, whose names we don't know, and I think what they must feel when they see her sitting with Oprah and reach the zenith of her ways. How defeating. Where is karma, where is justice.
jessica said…
They’ve never met Archie, so to be fair a lot of people ARE still wondering what the mystery child looks like.
OKay said…
Ratings for the special just posted. It did a LOT better than I anticipated; CBS is reporting 17 million viewers (so, not the 29M someone stated earlier, but still a whole lot) with 2.6 in "the demo" (viewers between the ages of 18-49). Damn. Oprah got good ratings. Here's hoping all that means is everybody saw the lying liars lie.
Mel said…
May their eggs always have extra cholesterol.
jessica said…
The interesting thing about Meghan is she definitely has patience. She sits around waiting to see what everyone else is doing, while stacking her receipts and narratives. She’s then able, with a memory of an elephant, to go back and retaliate. Considering we think she’s a Narc, she would remember everything about herself and what others are thinking. I think the reason is she is so successful with this backwards approach, in terms of getting attention, is precisely because she was raised well in private schools and unis, lived off Trevor then easy Suits money, and had TIME to graduate to a dumb wealthy famous guy- trust fund Royal. She always has time on her side. She’s now bought herself more time with Harry’s money firmly in her bank account. Netflix and Spotify also might have given her a buffer.

On Meghan’s scheming and plotting plan, what’s next? The destruction of Harry? He seems like tainted goods. Is she patiently waiting for the Queens inheritance- obviously the reason they are sucking up hard and calling her nonstop. She’s their next big payday. Will The Firm put a stop to them receiving anything? Will it go straight to Charles? Their obsession with the Queen seems to be a big signal they are awaiting a payout,

They know they won’t get a dime from Charles and William.
lizzie said…

Re: Time of events

On the last thread it was noted the sparkly dress event at Albert Hall was Jan 16, 2019.

On Jan 18 M went out to lunch in Notting Hill with Christian Jones. No Harry.

M made first visit to National Theater on Jan 30. She wore Brandon Maxwell. No Harry.

M visited University of London. She wore bespoke Givenchy. No Harry.

H&M went to Bristol Feb 1.

H&M attended the Endeavor Fund Awards Feb 7. She wore that horrid black skirt and white shirt supposed to look like CBK.

H&M attended the a gala supporting the Quuen's CWT Feb 12. She wore cream.

She went to NYC in mid-Feb for her baby shower. Without Harry.

They went to Morocco in late Feb.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Neutral Observer,

As I recall, Oprah's mother told her something about always obeying the white people, or something similar. The mother was a cleaning lady at a time when the differences and divisions between the races in the US South were strictly enforced to the detriment of the blacks. I think that Oprah has carried a chip on her shoulder ever since. I think she needs to show white people that she is better and richer than they are, and she needs to destroy the institutions that represent white people.
jessica said…
I wouldn’t call those ratings great. 60 minutes averages 10 million viewers every single week. This came on right after, and only 2 million were under 49 years old?

LavenderLady said…
@Museumstop said,
My problem is that nothing gets to this woman, even if she's caught lying - it does nothing to her. I don't know how to reconcile to that. The lies come so fast and furious that before you can disprove no 1, no 110 is already doing a number on your life. And no one seems to care by then that a hundred other lies have been told, each paling the one before.


Lady Colin Campbell states on public record than MM is a malignant narcissist with sociopathic tendencies. That's huge since LCC is very careful about lawsuits.

I agree with others here that malignant narcs won't suicide. They would never harm the one they love the most; THEMSELVES.

One of my narcs used threats of suicide as one of his big guns in his arsenal. If he were alive today, he would snap that the biggest gun to date is an accusation of racism. La Markle used both...Welp!
Elsbeth1847 said…

4. Please wire in more money (stat).
KCM1212 said…
The two lies that really bug me are the

+ Kate made me cry. That is like a kitten making a snake cry. Although she goes to some trouble to make it appear that she agrees Kate is a good person. Wants to appear this isnt just mudslinging. "She is so fair!" the sugars cry

+ The "they changed the convention to forbid Archie the princes title". Grrr. Nobody has called her on that one either

I watched five minutes of the GMA slobberfest. There was some new clips, but honestly, I couldnt take it. I almost had to lay down.

I am convinced the sweeter she sounds the more she is raging
jessica said…

What do you think about the foreign backers theory?? This was a direct hit on the Monarchy, and as you said, a continued threat. It fits in line with your original thoughts of who’s really pushing all of this drama and New World Order nonsense.
Grisham said…
I think if your didn’t watch it, you can’t comment on it.
jessica said…
How is everyone feeling about being gaslit by Meghan, again?
jessica said…
Wow lizzie great timeline. Meghan’s suicide story doesn’t make any sense. The firm pushing her out into events knowing she could publicly ‘off’ herself? Yeah. Right.

Seems like Knauf is going to play the PR bad guy that keeps slaying Meghan on behalf of his employers. He has Williams charity to protect.
AnT said…

Big oddly shaped pointy tower bump in black and white Valentines photo under the tree

No bump In lemon dress in video

Big bump now, but no boobs to fill out top of black muumuu in Oprah video (my 38-yr-old sister-in-law, a mother of five who is tiny and Uber-fit is screaming fraud today over the lack of boobs and the high stiletto heeled shoes)

And again the squat-stand with huge bump in chicken pen

She got away with it before and is confident again.
@Flore said…

I feel the same way. The BRF are in what feels like an impossible situation. What to do about such a creature with zero moral compass? Like you said, nothing gets to her. I am convinced she is a malignant narcissist, probably even a sociopath, incapable of loving anyone not even her own children. That’s very difficult for a lot of people to wrap their heads around but she truly is incapable of love. How should they deal with her when she has one of their own in her web and she has reproduced?

I know they have a great support system but I still feel sorry for them because she will never leave them in peace. Never.

This what antagonizes people about her. You see a very vile woman getting everything she wants and we all know she doesn’t deserve any of the privileges and blessings she has acquired through her conniving lies.
Grisham said…
For the convention, she said they were told they plan to change it in the future so that Archie and the baby girl wouldn’t get prince and princess titles and police protection. They would be the first grandchildren of the monarch who wouldn’t have the chance to accept or decline the titles and protection.
Nelo said…
I feel 17m views for all the hype is small. CBS did 22m for stormy daniels.
D1 said…
I think if your didn’t watch it, you can’t comment on it.

We have every right to comment we don't need to watch it, we are all able to read the bullshit.

Any legal child of theirs is entitled to a HRH Prince/Princess when Charles is king.

Museumstop said…
@LavenderLady, what a cruel situation to be caught in. sorry about it.

It's chilling that we may be seeing a sociopath/psychopath in action right before our eyes.

Nelo said…
@Tatty, Beatrice and Eugene are blood princesses but they don't have protection. Even if Archie gets the Prince title, he's not entitled to protection
lizzie said…

While I'd like to take credit for being a great researcher re: the timeline, I'm not. I just looked at a Meghan fashion site I used to read years ago. (NOT Meghan's Mirror!)


You are right-- the suicide story doesn't make any sense.

If her 5 anonymous friends visited in Jan as the story in PEOPLE claims, why didn't they do something? Versus plan to see her in NYC the next month and run to a magazine in the meantime? Were they concerned she might kill herself?
Grisham said…
Nelo, Eugenie and Beatrice had police protection until they went to university, so about 18 years maybe.
LavenderLady said…

I was young and naïve. It took awhile to make better choices in men. I still have commitment issues due to trauma and lack of trust because of the three narcs I allowed in my life. Yes, three. Ugh!

I wish I could tell all young people to be careful who they let into their lives and who they have children with. I am so grateful I was able to raise my children by myself as they are doing great, thank God. I woke up just in time...

Thank so much!
JHanoi said…
apparently PH said he has tried to help his ‘trapped’ brother wllliam and presumably help him escape?.

If JH truly felt trapped and is estatic to ‘be free’ from the Toxic BRF / Firm/ institioin and Britain, then why doesn’t he abdicate his right in line of succession and responsiblity to become Regent for PG should anything happen to PW?

Why is he irate over the lack of ‘Prince” title for his children, when that was such an albatross around his neck all his life? Does he really want that albatross and Toxic title for his children?

Truth is MM speaks with forked tongue and JH is a little slow and needs to have MM rationalize EVERYTHING for him.

Should anything happen up the line, MM would gladly Jump at the chance to return and for JH or Archie to become top dog. She will never allow JH to reject that option ( because she tells him, if they ever got the top job, they could change it the way the firm is run)

Essentially, the legislature, desperately needs to make some changes and revoke JH line of succession and Regency over Cambridge kids.
Ava C said…
@AnT - thanks so much for the NYPOST article. One of the things that depresses me most is the thought of millions of Americans being taken in by all this malicious nonsense, no matter how simple it us to question or disprove (because so few are doing that and Oprah not at all). So I'm really heartened every time I see an American article where the writer isn't just rolling over for Meghan.

Oprah is phenomenally irresponsible here. As if the UK hasn't been torn apart enough since 2016 and our Brexit referendum. We need to heal now, and there Oprah is, helping the Sussexes throw Molotov cocktails over the Atlantic. The US needs to heal just as much as we do, so there's no excuse for her. She knows millions are suffering, in every way there is to suffer. I will never forgive her for this.
Grisham said…
From 2012 about Bea and Eugenie police protection
LavenderLady said…
@JHanoi said,
apparently PH said he has tried to help his ‘trapped’ brother wllliam and presumably help him escape?.

If JH truly felt trapped and is estatic to ‘be free’ from the Toxic BRF / Firm/ institioin and Britain, then why doesn’t he abdicate his right in line of succession and responsiblity to become Regent for PG should anything happen to PW?

Why is he irate over the lack of ‘Prince” title for his children, when that was such an albatross around his neck all his life? Does he really want that albatross and Toxic title for his children?


Excellent questions!!
jessica said…
Tatty, Eugenie and Bea also lived in the U.K.

If Meghan and Harry had been talking to the Queen for two years prior to Megxit, as she claimed in the interview, about coming to a half-in, half-out/not based in the UK agreement (as Meghan pointed out many countries were discussed) then the RF didn’t need to go through all the protection hoopla over a baby that wasn’t going to be raised within The Firm (which we all know is the safest place for him, so Meghan’s safety argument is null)

Christopher Jones wrote an excellent piece today on Quora which points out the great scam protection officers are. Meghan and Harry stayed for free in Canadian mega mansion, but charged the Uk/ Canada a fortune for ‘protection’ accommodation and paid the landlord with that.

Same for Tyler Perry’s house.

The UK got the bill for Tyler Perry’s house and turned of the money spigot. The protection officers flew home. They were out, which led to the quick purchase of the Montecito home.

It’s been one grift after another.
HappyDays said…
From the Piers Morgan DM commentary this morning, this is the best comment of the day. Funny but pointedly spot on:

Lord Elpus, In the scullery with the maid, moments ago

According to a CBS insider the interview had to be suspended shortly after Meghan started speaking, when her pants spontaneously combusted
Grisham said…
Oh, Harry also said Meghan safely delivered Archie during childbirth and something about how it’s amazing after everything she had been through...

They said a ton of things. I have to watch it again.
lizzie said…

No problem!

I think they were supposed to move to Frog Cott March so while suicidal she was decorating. Personally I'm not sure they ever did move there. In PEOPLE mag the friends said they were living in Nott Cott in Jan. There was also the Cotswold rental.
Grisham said…
Puds, that was the foggy beach day close to their house in a video that Harry took and it’s all in black and white. Or a filter,
Grisham said…
also, Harry seemed to indicate everything is getting taken away and he accepts it.
Sandie said…
Definitely lies:

* Archie not given a title and security because he is black. (This was decided long before Meghan met Harry. Security does not depend on titles - Eugenie and Beatrice are HRH Princesses and have no taxpayer-funded security.)

* Harry never went on bike rides with his parents and sat on the back of the bike with his father. (See my post above for photographic proof of this lie.)

* Meghan was given no guidance or support. (The evidence shows that she got an unprecedented amount of guidance and support, which she rejected.)

* The family never defended her. (Lies again. The number of press releases from the Palace for Meghan in less than 2 years was tenfold what they did for Catherine in the last 10 years.)

* They got married in secret 3 days before the big extravagant wedding. (Welby has been thrown under the bus and still adores Meghan and defends her. But no, a marriage ceremony in the back garden with just the 3 of them would not be possible.)

* The press ignored Archie's birth and were not there to take photos because he is not a prince - or some convoluted story. (The press did not know you had gone to hospital nor which one - the former they found out hours after the birth; the latter they found out when they got a copy of the birth certificate.)

* Your passport, car keys, and so on were taken away from you. (BS ... you did a lot of international travel, including three private trips without Harry, for someone who had their passport taken away. You probably do not have a British driving licence.)

I am getting lie fatigue! These are just the outright lies. Anyone want to add to the list before we embark on a 'could be lies' list?

What kind of pathology is this?

Grisham said…
Jessica, yes, Bea and Eugenie live in England.

Also, Tyler Perry paid for their security while they were at his house.
abbyh said…
A little push back from the CoE
jessica said…
I’m sure Kate made Meghan cry. Kate is badass and has zero tolerance for Meghan’s games. Meghan can’t hack it so the ‘victim’ narrative began. Team Kate!

Plot twist: Kate took Meghan’s camera at KP when Meg was snapping Charlotte and threw it in the trash. Cue Megs crocodile (!!) tears. Kate realizes that protecting her child is #1 and that she’s dealing with a complete sinister idiot and sends Megs flowers. Meg shares the twisted version after becoming Angry that Kate was onto her stupidity. Meghan took the flowers as an insult to her intelligence and never recovered.

IEschew said…
@Jessica, @Lizzie
Yes, things do not add up. If I were suicidal and had asked for help and was denied, would I leave the comforting arms of friends and my home country once I had returned for my baby shower? Absolutely not! I would ask them to take me to the help I needed. (Never mind the many other issues with this tale.)

And while we’re on the subject of NYC: When does she say the Palace took away her passport again?

Wake up, fellow Americans. Here we go again. Narcissists bank on our collective stupidity.

Defeated is exactly the word for how this must feel to anyone who has been Markled in any way. I feel it as one who simply wants to see people held accountable for their actions, so I cannot imagine how those who know her must feel. But I would happily give money to help them out of their NDAs. Can we start a fund to do just that? I am convinced it is the only way to shut these two up.
TheGrangle said…
@Mel -If either of them is/was suicidal, it sure as h*ll isn't her.

Watch their body language in their zooms.
Which of them looks like they've lost the will to live?

The one in full makeup, merched outfit, and all smiles or the other one with head hanging low wringing his hands, wearing the same dirty outfit over and over, who looks like he wishes he was anywhere but there?

Spot on, you can always tell who has the upper hand in a dysfunctional relationship.

My own opinion is that she is on someones payroll for sure and I've thought that for a long time now. Classic honeytrap, targeting the weakest link in the Royal family who was eager to marry and have kids as well as having documented mental health issues (in particular, relating to the loss of his mother) Having had years of therapy, she has deliberately brought Harry straight back to square one, hence the abrupt change from a reasonably happy chap, to that insecure, angry young man that he was.

I still maintain that she manipulates him with NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) All the touching and in particular 'the stare' is a good indication. I am not a fan of the technique and it can be dangerous in the wrong hands, particularly if someone is on the fragile side in the first instance. Add to that all the 'Mummy triggers' such as Dianas' perfume etc.......

Just the speed of events since he met her also raised huge alarm bells for me, it's been a real 'smash and grab' and clearly designed to cause confusion.

And still no sign of her best buddy, the so called 'King of Soho House' Markus Anderson.Discretion personified, as is the newly wealthy Doria.......

On a lighter note, some rather amusing satire here from NewsThump
jessica said…
@puds, Meghan is an expert con artist and is _only_not in jail because she has a great education behind her. Harry claiming he was fine before he met her is further proof. I’m starting to think Harry has a thing for this dark and deviant emotional hell. He’s addicted to her. She’s the big distraction from his own issues.

Here’s the link to the Quora on scam protection:
Ian's Girl said…
Tatty, Charles has been vocal for years, long before Nutmeg entered the scene, that he planned on streamlining the Monarchy. I think he meant that he wasn't going to replace the Queen's cousins who have done so much work in the family for so long with the York and Wessex children, and have to pay them off the civil list, but i have often wondered if it was to spite andrew, lol! I do think he intended that harry and his children would also have lesser roles, although I am sure he would have supported them and expected occasional help from them.

I am hoping he cuts the lying ingrates off completely now, but the plan to cut back the civil list rolls predates Nutmeg by decades, I think.

Grisham said…
ian’s Girl, yes, I understand that. I’m simply relaying that Harry said, “they will be removing everything.”
Elsbeth1847 said…

with all the reading I've done in the last day about this, I seem to remember something about how they were wanting to meet up with the Queen when returning from Canada but she had a conflict she had forgotten about which makes it sound like they were all on good terms, buddy buddy and very friendly. But I seem to remember from way back that actually he was quite angry about suddenly not being allowed to meet with her, she didn't have openings until close to the end of January and that he thought about just showing up and demanding to see her. (not the same sense of friendship).

So am I reading and remembering this all correctly in the time sequence? What changed or really when did things change for JH and does that fit to the timing sequence M pitched?

Grisham said…
Oh, after Harry said Meghan safely delivered archie in childbirth, he also said she breastfed during this awful time.
luxem said…
They claimed in the interview that it would be their "final word". THis morning a final, final word - the racist comment did not come from PP or HM. Then the final, final, final word, the "backyard wedding" was really a "vow exchange". Truly, the only thing the RF has to do is wait a few days while the media brings up every contradiction/lie made. If the Harkles respond to every instance OR quit responding to every instance, it reflects poorly on their trustworthiness. I hope the RF doesn't respond immediately or says something like "We will respond in due course" so the Harkles are left waiting and not knowing what or when the RF will strike back.
jessica said…
It is so crazy these two use Diana every other thought and sentence to excuse their behavior and treatment. Grown adults whining about mom? Come. On.

Williams’ eyes must be stuck from rolling them so far back into his head by now
abbyh said…
Clarification (or push back if you will) about the Prince/Princess.
Ian's Girl said…
yes he did, and the pair of them by their words implying they were hurt/shocked/suicidal about it, as if they didn't know it would happen. How did Harry not know a great grandson of the monarch not in the direct line wouldn't be an hrh or prince? At the very least he's lying, and the nutmeg speaks about in practically the same breath as the remark about archie's color, knowing full well it sounded like that was the reason Archie was lacking security and hrh, etc.
JHanoi said…
MM - the hypocrisy gift that keeps on giving.

just read her oprah blurb on her Dad. She can’t imagine ever doing anything to hurt Archie like her Dad did to her. She asked him if he spoke to the reportes or tabloids, and he denied it. She says ‘he Lied’ and hurt her. (so of course she dumped him) and Doria has been ‘quiet dignity the last 4 years’.

Is she just totally self absorbed and not self aware at all? She and JH have done 10,000 times worse than her sad dad ever did !!
speaking to the Oprah and that other hack in Africa, and LYING in both interviews on a Global stage !!! She truly is NUTS to think her ‘rules’ don’t count for herself. She just trashed Britain , the BRF, the Queen, the Firm, her employees / staff, etc.

she is truly delusional
TheGrangle said…
Oh really?
AnT said…

I mentioned on the other thread that last night my tin tiara turned to gold. Okay, grab your coffee or tea as I explain my thought process.

Who, really is Rachel Meghan, this mysterious untalented broke nothing from LA with access to surgery, with one hidden marrIage, who did a two week South American internship before disappearing to Spain for awhile, who can’t even correctly name the discipline of her own college got in tight with Canadian political biggies, has a photo partying at an event with Obama, is defended by Hillary, avoided by Andrew? Whose mother, whereabouts unknown for year, who suddenly got a big house in “Windsor Hills” LA after the relative who owned it suddenly died by falling over a dog leash onto a sidewalk, though his autopsy report (was online two years ago) allegedly showed three blunt force trauma injuries to three different sides of his head? Whose father had mysterious lottery winnings to launch Megs?

Why were politicians and political celebs pushing for her hard, and ringing around her and Harry at the wedding and beyond, and why does Eugenie’s husband work for Clooney? Why was she pals with Amal, the “human rights lawyer” with bloody, close political family connections in arms, underground terror-spouting groups and media ?

Why did she carefully exclude Eugenie and Fergie from her smears? How does she know Andrew, what does he know about her, have they done a deal to keep it sweet? (& Her Sara Bronfmam NXSvim connections btw?)

She clearly went into royal life planning to malign it (Scobie book) for just a minute to establish her credibility, then grabbed money and fled to LA where they live a life far, far beyond the scope of Harry’s Diana inheritance. How?

Huge cash payout from NWO banks and funds right off in Florida, & ridiculous large Netflix contract for nothing later. Why?

Oprah asks nothing about their pre Archie trademarks and post Archie trademarks and SR trademarks and Delaware businesses. Why?

Soho House and its officers and connections and journalists pop up in a tangled ball — why? Markus Anderson just disappeared?

Evinces the calm assumption she can get away with anything, even brutal abusiveness, missing foundation funds... why?

Only one talking point for these two, resembling anti-monarchy propaganda now. Why?

Dimwit Harry invited to barefoot billionaires global secret symposium—the yacht and jet scandal era — why?

I have mentioned before that three scientist friends of mine in Germany were invited to a private dinner with an extremely old EU-born billionaire whose name you know who seem to have fingers in everything in global politics and NWO. He openly told them of his life, his beliefs,mhis/their plans, laughing and going on and on. They sat increasingly horror and when he offered them a staggering sum in millions to support their (Unrelated) work and be his friend, they turned him down and were scared and upset for months. Hillary etc backer.

You can invade countries with tanks, financial ruin, disease, crop blight. But to take take a monarchy by killing the belief and trust of the loyal, you can’t really do a Tsar family basement shooting today. But you can send in a missile in the form of an utterly criminal actress whose only loyalty is to money, with a press and other paid celeb agents poised to support her and give her a clear pathway to create destruction.

Megs isn’t worried about money the way her dumb husband is. I think she has a money spout. From who. Why?

That is my mere speculation, enhanced after what we heard and saw last night.
HappyDays said…
Meghan shouldn’t be anywhere near live chickens or a chicken coop as chickens are a risk for toxoplasmosis.

The infection can be passed from an infected mother to her baby through the placenta. For that reason, just as pregnant women should avoid cat litter boxes, they should also stay clear of chicken coops and live chickens.

If caught during pregnancy, toxoplasmosis can cause miscarriage, stillbirth or damage to the baby’s brain and other organs, especially the eyes, which may appear normal at birth but later develop problems ranging from eye pain to blindness.

This is the same stupid woman who went to Fiji, where Zika virus was present at the time of her visit with Harry during their October 2018 tour.
Unknown said…
There is nothing nefarious about trying to limit police protections for the Sussexes. The BRF has been trying to cut police protection costs for decades at this point. The biggest headway was made in 2011 when the York sisters were cut off. The Wessexes with minor children were cut off from many protections as well.

The Sussexes have gone on record with outright provable lies. How much credence any of us can have in their stories is debatable. However, I propose the possibility that when Rache and Just H made their Hollywood plans plain, they made the choice for the BRF easy. If they go Hollywood, no more protection. The Sussexes trying to eat up taxpayer money for protection to be Movie Stars is a detriment to diplomatic relations. Look what happened in Canada. Imagine future U.S. relations. I'm still upset that as a NYer, my tax money subsidized her ridiculous Baby Shower.
JHanoi said…
MM passport -
Also accoding to the Marriage in Britain, since foreigner MM was marrying a UK citizen, she would have had to apply for a famly or marriage VISA and they probably would have needed her passport for the paperwork/ VISA.

Lie of omission!
AnT said…
@jessica, Apologies for all the typos from my frazzled brain and autocorrect ^^ no time to retype right now.

Thanks for setting Tatty straight. I had the exact same thought. Archie was not going to be given the title prince until Charles becomes king. period. that's the way it goes.


agreed. the five friends didn't notice or figure out how depressed Grip was? but they are so close!


Yeah, your mum is a SW and therapist but you didn't reach out to her? She must not be very good at her job. Oh wait! She quit her job days before the wedding and hasn't had self supporting since (and has never made enough money to retire early nor worked long enough anywhere to earn pension)

UGH I need a shower after reading this tripe.
AnT said…

Excellent point re the truth about the security issue.
AnT said…

I’m with you in that — see my response to @jessica at 7:56 pm, a few posts up ^^^. Apologies for the iPad autocorrect typos.
OKay said…
@Puds The ratings I reported are strictly for the US (or possibly North America).
TheGrangle said…

'I mentioned on the other thread that last night my tin tiara turned to gold. Okay, grab your coffee or tea as I explain my thought process.

Who, really is Rachel Meghan, this mysterious untalented broke nothing from LA with access to surgery, with one hidden marrIage, who did a two week South American internship before disappearing to Spain for awhile, who can’t even correctly name the discipline of her own college got in tight with Canadian political biggies, has a photo partying at an event with Obama, is defended by Hillary, avoided by Andrew? Whose mother, whereabouts unknown for year, who suddenly got a big house in “Windsor Hills” LA after the relative who owned it suddenly died by falling over a dog leash onto a sidewalk, though his autopsy report (was online two years ago) allegedly showed three blunt force trauma injuries to three different sides of his head? Whose father had mysterious lottery winnings to launch Megs?

Why were politicians and political celebs pushing for her hard, and ringing around her and Harry at the wedding and beyond, and why does Eugenie’s husband work for Clooney? Why was she pals with Amal, the “human rights lawyer” with bloody, close political family connections in arms, underground terror-spouting groups and media ?

Why did she carefully exclude Eugenie and Fergie from her smears? How does she know Andrew, what does he know about her, have they done a deal to keep it sweet? (& Her Sara Bronfmam NXSvim connections btw?)

She clearly went into royal life planning to malign it (Scobie book) for just a minute to establish her credibility, then grabbed money and fled to LA where they live a life far, far beyond the scope of Harry’s Diana inheritance. How?

Huge cash payout from NWO banks and funds right off in Florida, & ridiculous large Netflix contract for nothing later. Why?

Oprah asks nothing about their pre Archie trademarks and post Archie trademarks and SR trademarks and Delaware businesses. Why?

Soho House and its officers and connections and journalists pop up in a tangled ball — why? Markus Anderson just disappeared?

Evinces the calm assumption she can get away with anything, even brutal abusiveness, missing foundation funds... why?

Only one talking point for these two, resembling anti-monarchy propaganda now. Why?

Dimwit Harry invited to barefoot billionaires global secret symposium—the yacht and jet scandal era — why?

I have mentioned before that three scientist friends of mine in Germany were invited to a private dinner with an extremely old EU-born billionaire whose name you know who seem to have fingers in everything in global politics and NWO. He openly told them of his life, his beliefs,mhis/their plans, laughing and going on and on. They sat increasingly horror and when he offered them a staggering sum in millions to support their (Unrelated) work and be his friend, they turned him down and were scared and upset for months. Hillary etc backer.

You can invade countries with tanks, financial ruin, disease, crop blight. But to take take a monarchy by killing the belief and trust of the loyal, you can’t really do a Tsar family basement shooting today. But you can send in a missile in the form of an utterly criminal actress whose only loyalty is to money, with a press and other paid celeb agents poised to support her and give her a clear pathway to create destruction.

Megs isn’t worried about money the way her dumb husband is. I think she has a money spout. From who. Why?

That is my mere speculation, enhanced after what we heard and saw last night.

March 8, 2021 at 7:56 PM'

That is a cracking post!

jessica said…
So, when I met Rihanna’s security team this was the set up:

She lives in London near Regents Park. I witnessed their accommodations in a local 5 star hotel. I witnessed where they ate. I met the head of the team who ran the operation and previously worked for Beyoncé. I watched the shift change and met the rest of the teams. They explained how it worked:

All in Rihanna has 24 hour protection which is a staff of 4 protection officers. They work full time 24 hours a day in shifts. They fly on the drop of a hat. If she isn’t flying private they fly with her in first class. They take up suites in 5* hotels, for each officer. They get to bill all their meals from said hotel. She travels on whims and frequently once a week.

Their wages are not cheap, but their accommodation and expenses are waaaaaaay more. It’s a nice gig and a great lifestyle.

Imagine putting Meghan and Harry’s officers up in a wing of the house. Someone’s paying for this, someone’s paying for their food, someone’s paying for their flights, and it can all be fudged and rounded.
LavenderLady said…
I'm sick about the WH disrespecting the BRF by weighing in. Politicians are such ass kissers. This is why I'm mostly apolitical unless I am so over the edge I have to hold my nose and vote.


I feel so bad for Camilla and Kate re DM photos. So much sadness in their eyes. Any decent person who deeply loves their mate will love their mates family, as is possible.

Keyword, decent...

I'm disgusted beyond measure.
SwampWoman said…
MustySyphone said...I had the exact same thought. Archie was not going to be given the title prince until Charles becomes king. period. that's the way it goes.

Mmhmmm. Those two better pray that they don't give Charles a coronary because if he dies suddenly before the Queen and William becomes Prince of Wales, bye bye titles for their 'kids'. (Or am I wrong?)
Unknown said…
Thanks @AnT. The way Rache and Just H discuss the BRF, you'd think everything starts and ends with them.

LOL @Flore :) You are probably right. Rache has upgraded The Claw and it can be activated remotely. No more cold drafty Castle dungeons for her.
@AnT, I agree with you-it all stinks to high heaven and I think there is more going on than appears on the surface. Big picture: someone behind the scenes is trying to get rid of the monarchy in the UK. What better way than with a Trojan horse of sorts? The Queen is nearing the end, so that leaves PC and William & Kate as targets to go after. If they are undermined, there you go. What then is left?
Humor Me said…
Is anyone keeping track of the debunked lies from the broacast?
1) Married three days earlier - debunked in the DM by a vicar.
2) Archie not a Prince because of his color - see Geroge V decree. Title of Prince could (operative word) be bestowed when Charles ascends the Throne.
3) We did not want to do deals - we had to / PC cut them off. Hmmmmmm - what about Sussex Royal and all the trademarking. What about the Lion King request? Why wasn't this asked?
4) Kudos to the poster as to the time line and MM's pregnancy with Archie - posted above. Things do not line up with her narrative.
5) Her passport was taken - so how did she travel to NYC for the shower?
6) I could not go how do you manage the Vogue assignment, or showing up unannounced at some of the charities?
7) Harry could not get MM mental health - I believe everyone on the blog called BS on this one, as Charles was able to obtain the services of a therapist for younger Harry back in the day. Word would have gotten out if MM was asking for mental health help. Someone would have said something to the couple.

I hope someone at Legal in the "Firm" is combing through the interview and the out takes with a fine tooth comb.

SwampWoman - I believe so because he would be then be the nephew of the monarch.
TheGrangle said…

Indeed, this almost confirms that they see it not as a family matter, but as political.

As I understand it, Biden is an IRA supporter and anti monarchy ( despite his wifes' friendship with Harry.

Sadly, it would seem that another 'Special Relationship' is on the rocks.

Pinning my hopes on William and MI6 intelligence.......
DesignDoctor said…
Have you seen this old article in DM?

Will He or Won't He? A Year after she met Harry, what MM diary says about what she really thinks.

What a self-serving, self-promoting woman she is!

Sandie said…
@Humor Me

Yes, i wrote a post about the lies they told in the interview.
DesignDoctor said…
@Humor Me

Someone in a DM comment made the point that MM arranged for her own medical team after refusing the Queen's doctors. If she could do that, then why couldn't she make her own appt for mental help?
Maneki Neko said…

Thomas Markle is set to appear on GMB tomorrow after Meghan accused him of ‘betraying’ her in bombshell Oprah interview
NeutralObserver said…
From the Spectator: Part 1

8 March 2021, 5:18am
Can Harry and Meghan back up their incendiary allegations?

Well! On the bright side, Oprah Winfrey got her money’s worth. Also on the bright side, Prince Harry is sixth in line to the throne so bear in mind folks last night’s interview by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex does not, really, matter in the great scheme of things. On the final bright note, Meghan makes Wallis Simpson, the last American divorcee to marry into the Royal Family, look relatively good.

And that’s about the limit of the positive aspects of last night’s self-revelations, of which I should say I’ve heard only extracts. They tell us a great deal about Meghan’s perspective but not an awful lot in the way of fact to substantiate her really damaging allegations about neglect, racism and indifference from the Royal Family and palace staff. Kate making her cry? The press being horrid? Prince Charles keeping them short of funds? The Royal Family, according to Harry, refusing to call out ‘the colonial undertones’ in the coverage of his wife? Damaging, devastating assertions, but the ones that don’t relate to Meghan’s own feelings are at the very least disputable.

The explosive stuff was the assertion of racism in the Royal Family and a conversation between Harry and one of his relatives about how dark skinned his baby might be. It’s quite possible it happened but it’s also quite possible the conversation was very different in tone from what we’re being told. And who was the Royal in question? We’re not told; it was a conversation with Harry which he helpfully relayed to his wife. But having planted the bombshell he’s too
reticent to share further details. Sorry, you can’t do that. There’s now endless speculation about the identity of the culprit. When Oprah asked, Prince Harry replied: 'That conversation I'm never going to share, but at the time, it was awkward’. That’s belated discretion, don’t you think?

And then, having planted these incendiary revelations, they’re left hanging in the air. Consider Meghan’s remarks: 'In those months when I was pregnant, all around this same time, we have in tandem, the conversation of "He won't be given security, he's not going to be given a title," and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born.'

Oprah then interrupted and said: 'Hold on. Hold up. Stop right now. There's a conversation... about how dark your baby is going to be?'

Meghan replied: 'Potentially, and what that would mean or look like'.

The assertion seems to be that the couple’s baby wouldn’t get a title or security, potentially because of his race. He does have a title – he’s an earl and will be a duke – but is the rest plausible? And what’s all this about security? The notion that the Government or the Met would hold back on security because of the baby’s race seems inconceivable. This is loose talk, designed to create the maximum damage without, as they might say, taking ownership of the allegations.

She returns again to: 'the idea of our son not being safe, and also the idea of the first member of colour in this family not being titled in the same way that other grandchildren would be.' How can I put this? I do not believe Meghan’s version of events.
NeutralObserver said…
The Spectator, Part 2

And what’s this about Meghan being rebuffed when she sought help for mental health problems? We’re told she felt suicidal: ‘It was like, these are the thoughts I’m having in the middle of the night, and this is real and this is not who I am.’ That, as Oprah would say, is her truth. But the assertion that she was rebuffed when she sought help is a more concrete assertion and it’s both damaging and unsubstantiated.

Oprah pointed out that Meghan 'came in' as an actress, a divorcee, an independent woman and 'as the first mixed-race person to marry into the family'. Oprah asked if 'being able to fit in' concerned her, and if she thought about it.

Meghan replied: 'Well, I thought about it because they made me think about it.’

Stop right there. Were you, dear reader, there at the time of the engagement and the wedding? Did you notice anything except excitement, admiration, effusive stuff about diversity and female pundits sounding off about how fabulous it was that this was finally an independent woman with her own career marrying into the Windsors? Not by me, I may say, but by and large there was an abundance of goodwill towards the couple which only curdled when we got to hear about their extravagance and peculiar behaviour – like the very weird secrecy about their baby’s birth and christening. Social media is another matter, in a world of its own, but so far as print and broadcast journalists were concerned, I cannot remember ‘colonial overtones’ in the coverage. If the coverage changed, it was in response to the couple’s behaviour. It was this they didn’t like; they couldn’t understand that controlling coverage isn’t a press officer’s gift.

The person who comes out really badly from all this is Prince Harry, not his wife. He is absent from the first part of the interview and poisonous in the second. It was he who should have tried to explain to his intended about the nature of the royal role, though it’s hard to think of anything he could have said that would have deterred Meghan. His assertion that they would have remained with their role had they been given greater support is malign to the people who did try to help them. His declaration that Prince Charles and his brother are trapped inside the institution is ostensibly sympathetic and actually spiteful. His suggestion that he was kept short of funds by his father seems implausible; the couple’s extravagance is another matter. As for his implication that the Royal Family is racist, even subliminally, it is impossible to disprove but damaging all the same.

Really, it was apt that the couple bared their inmost selves to Oprah Winfrey, the woman who, like some Mies Van Der Rohe building, turns people’s insides out and privileges inner feelings over objective truth. Meghan was reflecting Oprah’s philosophy back to the satisfaction of them both. She and Harry… what a pair.

Melanie McDonagh
Melanie McDonagh is an Irish journalist working in London
Martha said…
@theGrangle....thank you for your post. Also, @lucy. I’m firmly of the belief that she is a weapon, a political weapon.
@Flore said…
I am not a conspiracy theory advocate and never have been. That being said, I am starting to entertain the idea that this viper is on a mission. Oprah’s over the top reactions to the appalling racism the poor delicate flower had to endure show a disturbing amount of confidence. They were going through a checklist and, at each turn, the race card was played. Lies and contradictory statements went totally unchallenged.No interviewer worth their salt would have let her slip all those false claims without ever challenging her answers.

I ask myself: and now what??
Is she anticipating being sued for bullying and has already pleaded the insanity defense?
What do they want? What does SHE want? What is the end game?

Chaos seems to be the only target.
AnT said…
Gad Saad Celebrates three strong women: Princess Harry, Princess Meghan and Queen Oprah

"Enough with your whining, people who have suffered genocide, enough whining you Covid victims -- Princess Meghan and her wife Harry only get seven million a year allowance"

This is so scathing, so true, so cynically funny.

4 minutes long. Laurance Fox posted it.
Maneki Neko said…
Let's hope Thomas let's rip tomorrow and disproves many of Megalo's lies (e.g., he didn't pay her college fees etc.). About time we heard his side of the story.
AnT said…

DIRECT LINK to Gad Saad's YTube

Gad Saad Celebrates three strong women: Princess Harry, Princess Meghan and Queen Oprah
Hannah said…
Predictably manipulative and repulsive pair.

I had posted comments on various daily mail articles, which were initially published and received upvotes. However, I went to go find a direct link to one of the articles I had commented on, and miraculously five of my comments that had previously been posted and were clearly seen by others are now gone from that website. There was no vulgar or foul-language in any of the comments.

How much does the Sussex PR team have to pay in order to delete negative comments?? Perhaps I am naïve, but I am so discouraged and disturbed by the idea that they would get deleted.
JennS said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
AnT said…
Smash retweets onDan Wootton's Twitter thread --

Andrew Neil (Spectator chairman): "It’s been Bash the Brits day on US TV after that interview with the Markles. I suspect most Brits will be a bit sniffy and circumspect about that they had to say. But it’s going down a storm almost everywhere else. A total sh*t-show for UK’s global reputation."

Piers Morgan: "Remember the golden rule of Twitter: Meghan Markle's young female bullying victims that she reportedly drove out of the Palace are not to be believed - but every word SHE says about being bullied or a victim must be."

The Press Gazette retweets: "The UK media is not bigoted and will not be swayed from its vital role holding the rich and
powerful to account following the attack on the press by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex": Robust statement from
@EditorsUK following Meghan and Harry's interview

Dan Wootton: In another new clip on CBS, Meghan tells Oprah the institution gave her only one chance to kill a media story (her dad Thomas’ pap pics scandal). That’s untrue. Communications staff for Buckingham Palace tried to stop many stories running on her behalf, some of which were true.
AnT said…
HAHAHA Tourre Bakahai on Twitter:

"Just a thought, my friends, but what if Prince Harry was the mystery racist member of his family who said awful things, and he's simply forgotten? He's a bit of a simpleton, so who knows? Maybe check the CCTV in whichever mansion he was using at the time? Worth a look."
punkinseed said…
Hannah, having comments deleted or commenters doxed has happened to others quite a bit. There's an article somewhere about how an indepth investigation is being done and ongoing about allll of the massive amounts of fake accounts, bots and sugars who have been hive massing on anything posted on a ton of sites. Plus, journalists were noticing that whenever they wrote an article or mentioned Megs or Harry in it that they were suddenly being slammed with tons of attacks on their integrity. Even if the writers didn't say anything negative, the swarms arrived en masse. The findings are very telling, including that a certain clandestine program is being used to do this to them. So, they've continued to narrow it down so this is not some paranoid conspiracy going on. Right now they are in the process of tracking down the sources of the swarms.
TheGrangle said…

Thanks, but I suspect you may mean @AnT 's excellent post, which I quoted in my response. It corresponds with my earlier post in which I voiced my long held suspicions that Maggot was on someones payroll and there was a much bigger agenda being played out here. @AnT just put it better and with a lot more supporting info!
Welby should be charged under whatever the contemporary legislation is on Clandestine Marriages.

Get him into a Court of Law so the truth may be determined.

Remind him that being an Archbishop didn't save Wolsey from being charged with treason - he was lucky to die on his way to the trial.

Nor did it save Laud from the headsman's axe, for all that his trial was inconclusive..

Mere Bishops were burned at the stake (Ridley and Latimer).

We don't do that sort of thing these days but still...Welby will be well and truly Markled.


AnT - just as I thought almost at the start of this, from the Engagement interview onwards.
AnT said…
CELT VIEWS does an excellent job pointing out the flaws in the early marriage and wedding story Meghan told last night --

worth a listen. About 8 minutes.

AnT said…
Sorry --- @WBBM --- this Celt Views link is for you! ^^^^

I agree with your thoughts.
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