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A Return? Maybe?

 Recently there was an article about how it is unlikely that Harry will return for the Jubilee. The thought was that he would have difficulty looking at his family while knowing what is about to be unleashed against them in the upcoming book.

Other thoughts are that if he did show with the kids (with or without Meghan) that the whole focus would shift to be on them instead of on the long years of work by Her Majesty.  

As a side note, think about how different the kingdom has become since her first day on the throne?  What has change(s) have you seen?

The security has not resolved so if he does come, what does that say about the future of the lawsuit?

But at the same time, what about that idea that they might be able to come back when Charles takes the throne since the Queen put a kibosh on that return quite decisively? 

As always with these things, it is an unnamed source.  So how reliable have those sources been in the past?  Really.  Can you come up with statement(s) which later came true?

As with the can't face them thought, would Charles really be all that willing to accept them back if Camilla is totally trashed in the book?  Or he is as well? Would he do this knowing that William would be highly unlikely to allow it to continue (meaning leaving a messy family situation for William)?

By claiming that Charles would be open to it because he is more modern - would that label does that put on the current ruler without actually saying it in print but leaves it in the mind?

Could it be like BLG mentioned, the idea of trying to smear the joy out of the jubilee? 

Or a disinformation leak knowing that even it there is some truth to it, the motto of "Never complain, never explain." would continue to allow the idea to be batted about the social media for clicks without a public comment by the Palace. 

All of the above or something else?



abbyh said…
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Este said…
I think the Mardi Gras float showing Prince Handbag perched on a toilet is an excellent visual representation of what the "Windsor Whiners" have done to their respective families. I think it's a line of bull that the "Whiners in Chief" are perpetrating to a) keep them in the news b) keep them ROYAL, since that's their only currency to shill and c) create confusion when really there isn't any here. They both torched their families but good and Frido ain't coming back to the fold so long as he's married. And even then, it will never be the same.

In other, more pleasant news, Samantha Markle is giving the Windsor Whiners a taste of their own medicine and, at a minimum, using the press, to trash Meghan. They know all about that now don't they.
Girl with a Hat said…
check out the latest cover of Star Magazine:

* is the boss from Hell!
complains about everything
Threats, Humiliation and Filthy Bathroom
no eye contact or small talk allowed
why Archie and Lillibet are never seen
Este said…
One more reflection on the line of bull that they want to and actually may come back as part time royals. First off, Meghan will never come back unless it's for the Queen's funeral. She didn't want to work for the Firm at the beginning when there was good will. Now that she's burned every bridge and is widely disliked in the UK, even she's not deluded enough to believe that they would welcome her back. Camilla only resurrected her image, to the extent she actually has, by keeping her head down, doing the work and playing the long ball. Plus, I don't know that Camilla actually cares about being Queen. I think she really loves Charles and suffered alot for him. That's what people in love do...they give, rather than take, from their partners. Which makes her diametrically opposed to Meghan.

I think is about them trying to appear to the outside world that sees through them that they haven't actually haven't burned their royal bridges, that Charles is sympathetic and will let them come back "part time" when the "old fuddy duddy" Queen, who yet again is being thrown under the bus by the ingrates, passes.

I think Disney, Netflix and Spotify offered them deals because they are royals but now they are just toxic.
Natalier said…
This is about Samantha's lawsuit against TBW. You can read the 15 pages here:

I found this part very interesting:
................Plaintiff regularly receives hateful emails
and messages on a regular basis and her reputation has been so damaged that she has been unable
to work in her chosen profession. As just one example, Plaintiff was forced to seek and obtain an
“Injunction for Protection Against Stalking” in Polk County, Florida against one of Defendant’s
zealous fans.......

Haha, the Suxxess Squad is coming back to haunt TBW.
Fifi LaRue said…
IMO the Maggots are putting out aspirational statements, via "un-named sources" in hopes something will come true; i.e., sitting front and center at the Oscars. Now, the new aspirational thought is that Charles is going to let them be part-time royals once he's in power. This tells us that the Maggots are not happy. They are not receiving adulation, they are not the center of anyone's attention except their PR company, for which they are paying big bucks to buy attention. They are not raking in tons of $$$ just for basic living expenses. They have to pay for their own home. No one in Hollywood cares about them. The Maggots have no cachet. They have no friends. The Maggots do not get invites to important social events. Designers are not clamoring to dress Mrs. Maggot. She's not photographed at society events, because she's not invited anywhere. If only they were officially Royal again, they might get some respect. No one has any respect for them.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Fifi Larue

It's also their way of twisting the knife into the Queen some more, by saying "we're young and we will outlive you and then we can do whatever we want because Charles is a pushover"
Girl with a Hat said…
From there, according to this insider’s
experience, things get even more taxing
for potential staffers. “Once you get offered
a job, Harry and Meghan give you
a detailed contract, full of fine print,”
explains the source of the lengthy document.
“It’s so complicated that even a top
attorney would be confused.”
The contract is said to be full of very
specific demands — including a ban
on small talk and eye contact with the
master and mistress of the house. “You
can’t speak to them unless they speak to
you first,” says the source. Cell phones
and laptops aren’t allowed in the Sussex’s
Sightings of the littlest Sussexes are extremely rare — and that is
no accident. According to sources, Meghan and Harry have serious
concerns about Archie and Lili’s safety, and have strict rules in
place to keep them protected. “Harry and Meghan are petrified
that Archie and Lilibet are at risk of being kidnapped,” says one
insider, noting that outside of nannies, they don’t trust staff members
around the children. “No one is allowed to see them,” says the
insider, “they cover their kids’ faces when they leave the house.”
Tellingly, if publications wish to use their family photos (typically
handed out gratis by other royals) they are expected to pony
up a fee. It’s all part of their all-consuming effort to control their
image, says the second insider of the pair, who will celebrate their
fourth anniversary in May. This source claims Harry and Meghan
have even removed photographs of the children from the main
house. “You can’t go anywhere near the kids,” the source says.
“It’s a pretty unfriendly atmosphere!”
residence, and all bags are searched before
employees pass the gate. The source
claims female staffers are even told what
to wear! “Flat shoes and pants must be
worn at all times,” says the source, adding
that the staff joke it’s “because Meghan
doesn’t want Harry looking at another
female’s bare legs.” Notes this source, “If
you break the contract, you’re out.”
Though brought up far from the royal
palaces of her husband, Meghan has
earned a rep for being a micromanager
who watches her employees like a hawk
and complains about every little thing.
“Some people call her ‘the wicked witch
of the west coast’ behind her back,”
says the source, adding that staff was
aware the former Suits star had cameras
installed throughout the house. “You
feel like Meghan is constantly breathing
down your neck — even when she isn’t
in the room!”
No misstep is too small for the women’s-
rights advocate. “If you forget to put
the top back on a pen you get told off,”
the source reveals, adding that one assistant
was fired on the spot because there
was a typo in Harry’s to-do list: “She
left in tears.” Neat freak Meghan
wants things in perfect order
at all times — and is said
to threaten termination
if something isn’t done to
her liking.

excerpt from that Star Magazine article I mentioned above
Girl with a Hat said…
kitchen cupboards have to be aligned to
be a certain distance from one another,
and everything is color-coordinated,”
the source says. “If anything is left out of
place she snaps at you.”
Meghan isn’t above playing mind
games. “She expects her staff to be wellread
and tests their intelligence in front
of colleagues,” says the source, revealing
that the Archewell nonprofit founder
will deliberately ask an employee a
tricky question about current affairs
“and then make them feel so humiliated
when they don’t know the answer.”
Harry is just as exhausting, says the
source. “He is the biggest slob,” the
source says of the royal, who grew up
with an endless supply of nannies and
housekeepers to clean up after him. “The
bathroom is the worst — he doesn’t flush
the toilet and there’s toothpaste all over
the sink. Worst of all, he leaves his dirty
underwear on the floor for the help to
deal with,” says the source. “Maids wear
rubber gloves because they don’t want to
touch anything in there!” Never mind the
dirty dishes and half-eaten sandwiches
the source says the former military pilot
is known to leave around the house!
Being up close and personal with royals
(or former royals), in other words,
is no fairy tale. “So many people quit
because of their bosses, not the
job,” concludes the source. “Put
it this way, getting a job with
Harry and Meghan simply isn’t
worth the hassle.”
Girl with a Hat said…
also, that article says that Archie and Lili's faces are hidden if they leave the house and no one except the nannies are allowed to interact with them. And that * has removed all of the children's photographs from the house.

* is giving a Michael Jackson vibe with all of this.
Henrietta said…
WBBM said:

"No indication of what was doing the `influencing' in the GP."

What's "GP"?
OCGal said…
This new blog post asks if Charles really is willing to accept Harry back. My answer is a resounding yes. Why:

I believe that Harry is Charles’ totem, representative of all of Charles’ own flaws writ large. Charles will therefore forgive Harry anything and everything, because he is in essence forgiving HIMSELF for all his many flaws and weaknesses.

I’ve consistently maintained Charles would welcome Harry back in a flash through this whole freak show, but hope I’m wrong. Charles has always done exactly what he wants, surrounding himself with sycophantic yes-men as advisors, who tell him only what he wants to hear. Lord Geidt, HMTQ’s clear-sighted straight-arrow honorable advisor used to stand his ground and strongly warn against Charles’ ill-thought-out courses of action, which didn’t suit Charles’ selfish purposes, so ultimately Lord Geidt was ousted. Biggest mistake, ever.

Here’s just a sampling of Charles’ perceived weaknesses which he sees reflected back at him in Harry:
- Charles’ not-so-attractive looks when young (stick out ears etc)
- Charles’ authorized biography written years ago throwing his parents under the bus
- petulant, sensitive, thin-skinned, selfish, willful, impulsive, hypocritical
- feeling that he was not as loved as a sibling is/was, that another sibling was considered golden
- feeling that he was not raised as he should’ve been parents who were too busy with other things
- rivalry and friction between two siblings
- acknowledgment that the press and world is/was more focused on his vibrant spouse than in himself as born Royalty
- etc…etc…etc…

Every single one of the above points about Charles could be made just as easily about Harry.

Since Charles forgives himself anything and everything, and sees Harry as a mirror of himself, he will continue to forgive Harry anything and everything, and still plans to welcome him back into the fold. I’m not sure if Camilla and William can persuade him otherwise. I think Charles discounts or ignores the anger the people have against Harry.

If Harry returns, I think Charles will be genuinely shocked at the world’s negative reaction. There will be an unrelenting hue and cry, and I use that term on purpose:

From “hue and cry, early English legal practice of pursuing a criminal with cries and sounds of alarm. It was the duty of any person wronged or discovering a felony to raise the hue and cry, and his neighbours were bound to come and assist him in the pursuit and apprehension of the offender…”

Oh I would love to witness the hue and cry against Harry. The only way it could be avoided is to keep Harry away.

Will this nightmare never end?
Girl With A Hat, thank you for giving us juicy excerpts from Star Magazine. I loved reading them.
Mel said…
Designers are not clamoring to dress Mrs. Maggot. 

The designer from the NAACP award fiasco said she approached him.

As always, she was totally taken with her charm and down-to-earthness. Gag me.
lizzie said…
Hmmm. With a bit of Michael Jackson's paranoia thrown in the list of required behaviors for staff from Star Magazine sounds alot like the list they denied was given to neighbors before they (supposedly) moved to Windsor. Only thing missing from Star was a discussion about how their depressed-looking dogs should be treated.

I don't doubt they have a dress code for staff. I do recall their horror at the idea of having a uniformed nanny. But it's pretty clear they'll always do the exact opposite of what they say they will.
OCGal said…
@Henrietta, GP means Great Park. You asked of WBBM:

"No indication of what was doing the `influencing' in the GP." What's "GP"? End quote.

This was in reference to MegHag’s U.K. wandering:

Wild Boar Battle-maid wrote at the end of the last blog discussion:
“Windsor wanderings:

I recall 2 reports of her being picked up by the police and taken home when she was `under the influence' - once in the Great Park and once in the town, apparently heading for the off-licence. No indication of what was doing the `influencing' in the GP.

Was this what she meant when she said she wasn't allowed out of the house?”
Svetlana said…
Celebitchy posters are raising the roof over sister’s lawsuit. Entertaining reading.
Elsbeth1847 said…
I don't know that I buy that Charles could make himself do that if the book really did a number on the woman he loves knowing that his son was trash talking her so publicly now and was supportive in the past.

The degree of anger might, however, shock the public (even non UK) and then they feel for her being stuck in that situation and * not so much. By now, many have lived through personally or via friends a messy bitter divorce and can have a more discerning eye about grievance collectors.

And the clamor for Charles to do something which is not bringing him back into high status position will only increase even more if it is not just Camilla.

It's not a good look for his reign (during or after) if son is essentially tossing knives into the back of his father either. Or William. And not forgetting Catherine. All could be targets as well.

It might actually be the one thing which makes Charles realize that his mother might be right about the cut off.

Henrietta said…

Thank you for those excerpts! It's one thing to guess MM is a nightmare to work for, but seeing it all in print is somehow worse. And it confirms most of our speculation here about the children: they're first and foremost Mommy's little money-makers. Those poor kids.
Girl with a Hat said…
Lainey Lui posted something about the designer of *'s dress after the NAACP award ceremony, so I think that Lui is a fan of the guy. She's the one who probably recommended him to *.
snarkyatherbest said…
would be interesting to see if she uses the star. if not, well we will then know the “truth”.

perhaps the reason to cover the kids so people can’t get a good luck at the dolls 😉
There’s a lot to pack in and consider in this post, too many unknowns to give a real feeling of what could happen! 🥴

As a Brit, neither Maggot or Mole would ever be welcome here in Blighty. I’m guessing Mole’s lawsuit will be resolved before the Jubilee celebration’s start. He shouldn’t win going on what we know about the law, but pigs could fly and he might get some kind of protection. 🤔😔

I truly don’t think Maggot or Mole would be welcome to the Jubilee by any of the Royals, if an invite was extended to Mole and if he did come, I doubt very much he’d be invited to any public/official celebrations. 🥴 I cannot envisage him on the balcony.

If The Queen lives as old as her Mother did, It could be a few years before Charles is King. I personally still do not think either Maggot or Mole would be welcomed back, I’d think they’d be ostracised pretty much like Andrew has been with no official Royal life. Don’t forget we have other living royals who’d freeze them out, I absolutely cannot see William ever trusting Mole again, Charles would have two sons at odds with each other. I’m certain William would make sure we never see Mole in any official capacity.

If we’re talking another 6 years time when Charles is King, the pair might be separated or divorced. I could see Mole coming back to Blighty, I’m sure he’d still be ostracised from royal life. I’m almost certain if Charles welcomed (both) or Mole back and were allowed to be working royals in some capacity, I think that decision would spectacularly backfire on him and cost him the throne. Again, I still think William will see to it that Mole never sees public life again. 🥴

Sorry it’s a bit repetitive, I’m on my phone as usual and it’s a challenge! 😳🤔
Rebecca said…

In other, more pleasant news, Samantha Markle is giving the Windsor Whiners a taste of their own medicine and, at a minimum, using the press, to trash Meghan.

The Telegraph has picked up the story. I enjoyed this comment: 15 MIN AGO
This could well be just the warm-up for the main event - the publication of Tom Bower's much anticipated biography of one of the most odious and narcissistic gold-diggers of modern times. Presumably lawyers are going through it line by line as she's notoriously litigious, but Mr. Bower does his homework so she'll be powerless to stop the destruction of what little remains of her reputation.

Here’s hoping Tom Bower’s book does not disappoint.
Hikari said…
Cell phones
and laptops aren’t allowed

Well, of course not. Wouldn't want any staff member obtaining images of what is really going on (or not going on) viz who is living at Chez Montesh*tto (or not) and trying to sell them or just having them published in the public interest.

Sightings of the littlest Sussexes are extremely rare — and that is
no accident. According to sources, Meghan and Harry have serious
concerns about Archie and Lili’s safety, and have strict rules in
place to keep them protected. “Harry and Meghan are petrified
that Archie and Lilibet are at risk of being kidnapped,”

they don’t trust staff members
around the children. “No one is allowed to see them,” says the
insider, “they cover their kids’ faces when they leave the house.”

For 'kidnapped' I'd insert a number of other phrases, as it's not possible to actually kidnap individuals who aren't actually there. "No one is allowed to see them." I bet. I'd argue that nobody has ever seen them. All these multiple little "Archies"--must be half a dozen different boys by now . .and one image of a screaming infant that seemed to be floating in the air--not definitive proof that these kids are theirs or were even in the room when the photos were taken. This article is more or less saying that no personnel have seen those kids, save unnamed 'nannies'. "Leave the house?" When? When does anyone emerge from Mudslide Manor to play in the healthy California sunshine?

I'm sorry, but this entire article smells like another gambit to insist upon Royal-funded security to me. Since the two are 'terrified' that Archie and Lili will be kidnapped. These tossers are legends in their own minds. Catherine takes the heir to the throne of Great Britain and her her other children to Waitrose to get Halloween costumes. They go to fun fairs with the 'regular folk'. They attend the theatre with their children. Sure, the Cambridges have Royal protection, but if terrorists wanted to kidnap William's children they have more opportunity to try seeing as the Cambridge family is actually *seen*.

This source claims Harry and Meghan
have even removed photographs of the children from the main
house. “You can’t go anywhere near the kids,” the source says.
“It’s a pretty unfriendly atmosphere!”

These measures 'for security' also get * off the hook for producing appropriately age-progressed photographs of a happy family that doesn't exist, IMO, and since the staff have gotten accustomed to never seeing children about the place, nor any TRACE of children about the place, this trend will continue. * and Harry could sneak bundles of washing out covered up and allow the impression to remain that they are carrying 'the children'.

Whatever. It's all fake. Think of the most recent iteration of 'Archie' and his glowing red skull. This is all contrived for * to seem important, and like she's got bargaining chips against the RF. I know celebrities have a wide leeway for eccentric behavior, but if not a single child protection agency in two countries has gotten involved over such routine and damaging abuses to two vulnerable children (who on paper at least are designated heirs of a foreign monarchy--which does not make them more valuable as human beings but does increase their political and journalistic value)--I'd sincerely like to know why.

Maybe they know something we do not, for certain, and have been informed from the highest quarters that there are no actionable children residing with that couple. I am worried about any potential dogs, though.
Hikari said…

Star Magazine is not a reputable news agency. They are on a par with the National Enquirer, a step down (or more) from the likes of US Weekly and InTouch. These magazines have occasionally had stories proved right but let's just say I'd be more apt to believe it if it came out of Esquire or the New York Times.

In other con artist news, I just read today that Sherri Papini, the California mom who claimed that she was abducted at gunpoint while out running by two Hispanic women, held captive for three weeks, beaten, starved and branded before being thrown to the side of a highway on Thanksgiving Day in 2016 has been arrested on multiple charges after a 5-year investigation. She had in actuality been holed up with an ex-boyfriend (not so ex, evidently) and had caused harm to herself in a bid to sell her story of a violent assault and imprisonment.

It was a long five years but now the truth is finally known--the angelic-looking sporty mom with the long blonde hair is a pathological liar who abandoned her family and devised an elaborate ploy for national media attention. She faces a 20-year sentence on the fraud associated with collecting $30,000 in monies raised for her and another 5 years on the wasting police time charge. She will probably skate on a plea of mental disease or defect, but at least she's been outed as a conniving fraud artist and liar, not to mention unfaithful wife and indifferent mother to children that are real.

I have to believe that the truth is also coming for Smeagol. This is Year 5 of her con to defraud the Royal family and the world at large. It would be fitting if this is the year it all blows up for her.
Mel said…
have even removed photographs of the children from the main

The Harkles and kids live in some other house? And these are the the housekeepers for the 'main house' speaking?

As in no pics in the main house, but there are pics in the other house where they actually live?

That is one oddly constructed sentence.
Martha said…
@hikari..agree with our analysis.
Girl with a Hat said…

here's a thread at Dlisted about Samantha's suit against her half-sister *

You can also read the entirety of the article I posted above from Star magazine and from another magazine in one of the comments.

Have fun!
Girl with a Hat said…
also, one of the comments at Dlisted has a link to Samantha's lawsuit and makes this good point:

I was curious about what were the claims Samantha was making in her lawsuit because the interview with Oprah seemed too weak to sustain this legal action ( if it's not only to gain some attention of course).
So here's the link of the actual lawsuit if someone wants to read it ( https://storage.courtlisten... ) and as I suspected is not only about that interview but also about the comments made about her in Finding Freedom and in Meghan's case against the Mail on Sunday where she said she “lost custody of all three of her children from different fathers.” implying she was promiscuous and a bad mother so they might have something with this? I don't know how the law works in USA, but I guess we'll find out soon.

snarkyatherbest said…
girl with the hat. interesting article. i wonder if she leaked the story to help set up mental illness excuses needed for later or the need for security in the uk. harry is just appeasing his crazy paranoid wife 😉. she prob got a few thousand $ for submitting the story. also if she doesn’t sue the star then we know elements are true.

mel good catch. maybe they are in the pool house/guest house and not in the main house.

i am curious how the russian sanctions are hitting her oligarch. can’t launder money as easily?

so i notice real (crazy) housewife bethany frankly has been actively raising funds for humanitarian aid. if she isn’t taking a collection/administrative fee (who knows with publicity hounds) she does appear to be raising a lot of money and i grudgingly give her props for that. note to montecito. that is how you turn your brand around.
Yes, GP = (Windsor) Great Park.

Also in full `...under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs'.
snarkyatherbest said…
rebecca english shared the Saturday Daily Mail front page. a big article from robert hardiman book including details about Megxit. and yes mr dollar they used that name.
Henrietta said…
"The couple could and should have been a very great asset to the monarchy.

That they felt unable or unwilling to fulfill that role may have been down to some unrealistic expectations on their part, but that is not the whole story.

Beyond the Palace, there remains a sense of a lost opportunity for the country.

David Cameron, who regards Prince Harry as 'an enormous asset,' does not believe that a parting of ways was inevitable.

'I feel sad that they couldn't find some sort of halfway house,' he says, adding that Prince Harry might have been happier with a more defined career path.

From ROBERT HARDMAN: When Charles offered to walk Megan down the aisle


Boy, if I was Prince Harry -- homesick, suspecting that my wife was cheating on me with several different men, and about to be sued for millions of dollars that I no longer had -- those words might very well cause me to start packing my bags and making that long-dreaded phone call to Pa.

Rebecca said…
The excerpt from the Robert Hardman book was underwhelming. He clearly feels BP needs to mend fences by taking responsibility for the falling out with the Sussexes. And he appears blinded to the fact that * is the architect of a long con.

I hope that Tom Bower will not pull any punches in his take on *.

Fifi LaRue said…
@GirlwithaHat: I'm thinking that Phillip, upon his death bed, pulled Charles close, and whispered, "I'll haunt you if you let that bloody woman back into the family." And, I'm guessing Lizzie pulled Charles by the short hairs, and also threatened to haunt him if that bloody woman came back to rejoin the family in any way, shape, or form.
Mel said…
Bethenny's website says that 100% of funds raised goes to efforts.
She also said that on Twitter when someone asked.

Archewell might take note, eh?
Just in case nobody has flagged this up yet, there was a new Harry Markle on 2nd March (Tues).

I've skimmed through it but it deserves reading more carefully, deals with the response to the NAACP gig and H declaring both that the US is his permanent home and claiming to be domiciled in the UK. I'm struggling with migraine so I'll leave it at that for now.

Some cognitive dissonance!
Maneki Neko said…
I've read the DM article about Robert Hardman's biography of the Queen. What struck me was this about Obama and the Queen, quoting Obama's senior speechwriter Ben Rhodes:

‘They developed a real affinity,’ says Rhodes. ‘He saw how much the Queen went out of her way to make a black American President feel as welcome as possible.

She treated him a lot better than some other leaders [treated him], I can tell you that. ‘That was very powerful.

She and Prince Philip — people who, generationally and racially, couldn’t be more distinct from the Obamas — were trying to strike up a genuine friendship.

Obama was blown away.’ I have been writing about the Queen and the monarchy for 30 years (through good times and some very bad ones), during which I have interviewed her family, her staff, her ministers and her fellow world leaders.

In the course of writing this new biography, I have also studied documents and correspondence, much of it previously unseen.

Time and again over her 70 years on the throne — during which she has been a devoted Head of the Commonwealth — I have seen how the Queen has gone out of her way to promote inter-racial, multi-faith, cross-community cohesion.

All of which will have made it particularly upsetting, in her tenth decade, to find her monarchy facing imprecise yet wounding charges of racism not from republicans or culture warriors — but from within her own family.

Perhaps a biracial resident of Montecito ought to read this.
snarkyatherbest said…
interesting comment about harry an asset to monarchy and should have had a more defined career path. 1) notice cameron didn’t say both of them just prince harry 2) he had several paths he was on army and invictus and sentable. he chose his current path. he had several. the grown man is in his 30s. stop the excuses. he’s responsible for his own choices.
DesignDoctor said…
Yes * should read the passages @Maneki highlighted from Hardman's biography of the Queen. I don't think it would make any difference, though. We all know that the false racist narrative was concocted as an excuse to move out of Britain, get out of "boring" Royal engagements, and monetize the Monarchy using their faux titles. I say faux because I do not view either Twit or Twat as Royal at all. Their behavior is appalling especially towards HMTQ who has led such an exemplary life of duty and service. God Save the Queen!
DesignDoctor said…
I agree. The entitled Twit had several career paths he could have pursued that would have led to a life with a purpose. Instead he chose a vacuous life of leisure and pleasure without purpose (unless you regard jettisoning your friends and family, whinging about your mental health while tapping on your chest, juggling balls outside a window, and trading on your dead mother's memory for money purpose.)
If he is unhappy he has only his choices to blame.
Mel said…
Yeah, it blows me away how this grown man is treated as if he were a toddler needing more structure in his life.

He's 36 years old.
On Lady C’s latest video she was asked if she was The Queen what she would’ve done when Maggot and Mole wanted to do their own thing.🥴 You need to start at around 38 minutes into the video to hear what Lady C says, I’ve only included a little here.

She mentioned 2 things I’ve never read or heard before.

Mole’s children not be brought up in Britain, she’d exclude them and they’d be non-royal. When they reached 18, if then they wished to be included she’d give them a chance. She wouldn’t give them Prince or Princess titles. She didn’t say anything about when Charles is King , that would be his decision.

She would strip them rather more visibly of their royal status than they have been. They’d have to put their titles into abeyance and Mole would become the son of a Duke, (his title would be Lord so Maggot would be Lady). She’d also cut them off financially.

She said that she thinks the Queen has thought and acted naively, although she understands the nuances of why The Queen did what she did, but she doesn’t agree with them. Lady C said before the wedding, there was ample evidence that Maggot was going to be trouble they (the Queen and royal family) didn’t heed the warnings because of the racist label being hurled at them if they questioned or objected to Maggot. Maggot and Mole did it anyway. 😟
DesignDoctor said…
* uses racism to justify her despicable actions, separate Twit from fam and friends. and to get her own way. Everyone can see through her now, I hope!
DesignDoctor said…
I agree. The entitled Twit had several career paths he could have pursued that would have led to a life with a purpose. Instead he chose a vacuous life of leisure and pleasure without purpose (unless you regard jettisoning your friends and family, whinging about your mental health while tapping on your chest, juggling balls outside a window, and trading on your dead mother's memory for money purpose.)
If he is unhappy he has only his choices to blame.
Maneki Neko said…

Yes * should read the passages @Maneki highlighted from Hardman's biography of the Queen. I don't think it would make any difference, though.
. . . .
Sadly, I am under no illusions either that it would make any difference to her attitude but she could see how stupid her accusations are. I hope people read Hardman's biography and draw their own conclusions - which I'm sure most have
snarkyatherbest said…
hardman’s book has more interesting tea. blair took. credit for the princess diana funeral and all the events around it including several breaks with tradition. seems that was just the blair spin because in the book it names three palace insiders who with the queens direction worked on all of the details including the cortège and the guest list and the breaks with tradition to make a unique funeral for a unique woman. why is the more stories i hear about blair the less i like him.
HappyDays said…
Just tossing this thought into the mix. Has anyone noticed that Thomas Markle has been rather quiet lately?
DesignDoctor said…
He may be 36 chronologically but how old is he cognitively? I have always heard that people who abuse chemicals are emotionally stuck at the age which they began using said chemicals.
Henrietta said…
Marklenews1 on Instagram is claiming Harry will get temporary security for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

The Beast (editor Tina Brown) is reporting something different: that he won't be going to the Jubilee, but will stop over to see the Queen when he travels to Europe for the next round of the Invictus Games.

I can see him getting temporary security for the Jubilee, but I don't think that's going to help the situation surrounding his requested "judicial review" of his losing his security team.
SwampWoman said…
I do believe that Samantha would destroy *. I confess that I would enjoy the spectacle very much but I think it will be settled.
Magatha Mistie said…

Sunday Singalong 🎤
Apologies:The Crystals
Then He Kissed Me


Well she waltzed up to him
and adopted her kneeling advance
He seemed kind of thick
so she thought she’d grasp
her last chance
Then he took her to
that campsite
She took her shovel
‘neath her pale moonlight
Something’s wrong, not quite right
And then it hit him

Each time he saw her
she positioned herself like no other
She made him believe
he’d found a new substitute mother
He didn’t know just what to do
So he croaked, it’s just a screw
She snarled back
the payment’s due
And then it hit him

She hit him in a way
he’d never been hit before
She hits him in a way
he’s still begging for more
an Encore…

Magatha Mistie said…

I agree, Samantha is articulate,
well considered answers/opinions.
Meh would be tossing her greens
not realising Samantha had already
drenched her salad.
Bring it on!

Magatha Mistie said…

Thanks for the Robert Hardman piece.
“the Queen has gone out of her way to
promote inter-racial, multi-faith,
cross-community cohesion” during
her long reign.
We knew, about time other’s
acknowledged this.

Magatha Mistie said…

I reckon many more have seen
through her schisms, they
choose to ignore in order to
promote their own agendas.

SwampWoman said…
Good morning, Magatha! I am so sorry that I missed you earlier; I was dealing with family problems. I am really, really tired of being the person whose shoulder is cried on.

/Did I say that out loud?
Maneki Neko said…

* is too thick to see what the Queen has achieved for race relations. Thank you for the latest singalong, another good snigger 😁


I hope you're OK. People forget that the carers need to be looked after, I hope you can get others to help you. You have been doing a lot of caring in the past few months. Take care.
The IndependentThe Independent
Queen to ‘leave’ Buckingham Palace and make Windsor her permanent home
Laura Hampson

Sun, 6 March 2022, 4:17 pm
It has been reported that the Queen will never live in London again, after making Windsor Castle her permanent residence for the past two years.

Her Majesty and Prince Philip moved to the Berkshire residence at the beginning of the pandemic, before Philip’s death in April last year.

The Queen has spent the past two Christmases at Windsor, because of Covid regulations, and now the monarch is said to have “no plans” to return to Buckingham Palace.

As The Sunday Times reports, this means the next royals to take up residence in Buckingham Palace will be the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, when the time comes for Prince Charles to be king.

Royal author Hugo Vickers told the newspaper that Windsor is the place the Queen “loves”. He added: “She has her memories with Prince Philip there, she has her ponies there and family nearby. It makes sense.”

Windsor is a short drive from Bagshot Park, where Prince Edward lives, while Prince Andrew resides at the Royal Lodge in Windsor.

The Queen spent much of her childhood at Windsor, with her father and mother, then the Duke and Duchess of York, who were gifted the Royal Lodge by her grandfather, King George V, when the young Elizabeth was five years old.

Initially used as a weekend retreat during the Second World War, the Queen and her sister Princess Margaret moved to Windsor Castle as it was considered to be safer than London.

Royal biographer Christopher Warwick told the BBC in 2016 that Windsor “was a place that was very much home to the Queen and to her sister for a very long time, and that cemented the emotions and attachment that she has to a place she loves dearly”.

Windsor is also where Prince Philip is buried. When the Queen dies, the pair will be buried together in Windsor, in King George VI’s memorial chapel.

The Independent has contacted Buckingham Palace for comment.

Longer article on yahoo news, also

...and so on

Not entirely unexpected, it was sort-of announced a little while ago.
snarkyatherbest said…
so i can’t decide if all this coming back after the queen has died is

1) the montecito crew trying to lay the groundwork
2) charles taking the temperature and laying the ground work
3) william trying to show his dad the reaction if he is even considering it.

so latest is that after the queen dies they try again. so the death of a monarch is their strategy. useless
Enbrethiliel said…
What a lot I've missed because I've been so busy!

I believe that Harry is Charles’ totem, representative of all of Charles’ own flaws writ large. Charles will therefore forgive Harry anything and everything, because he is in essence forgiving HIMSELF for all his many flaws and weaknesses.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I wonder about the chances of the reverse happening, with Harry's unpopularity finally opening Prince Charles's eyes to why his own past behavior and long-term weaknesses were so hurtful and damaging. Is he finally seeing himself in a mirror? But if he feels his own misdeeds weren't that bad, then it makes sense that he thinks Harry's behavior isn't a big deal, either.

@snarkyatherbest and @DesignDoctor
Re: Harry's career path

I agree with both of you! His path, as laid out for him by his family and experts hired by his family, was just as clear as Prince William's! I kind of wish I had had someone managing my career all throughout my 20s. I'd still be doing the work, but I'd have a better sense of direction and a lot more guidance. He certainly didn't lack support. We all occasionally slip into the "What if?" game when discussing Harry's trajectory through life, but the fact remains that a 37-year-old man has to take responsibility for his own choices.

@Raspberry Ruffle
Lady C said before the wedding, there was ample evidence that Maggot was going to be trouble they (the Queen and royal family) didn’t heed the warnings because of the racist label being hurled at them if they questioned or objected to Maggot.

It really sounds as if * has a much more privileged background than Harry, if one of the most powerful families in the world was afraid of her in this way. I'm only half sarcastic here. Ironically, it used to be royals who were the hardest to criticize, because you didn't want to seem treasonous. Today, there's a different kind of heritage that makes people untouchable, but insofar as it's also something inherited rather than merited, it's equally unfair as an advantage.
Hikari said…
If Madam and Handbag are counting on an triumphant return to the Royal fold after the death of HMTQ, I hope the Queen surpasses her mother in longevity and reigns for 10 more years. That would show ‘em. Even if she cannot live that long, I don’t believe she is going to leave soon enough to suit the odious pair of vultures. Netflix and Spotify are agitating for their money back NOW. If I had my wish, The Queen would outlive both Sussexes and her dithering son. The Muckseses are foul.
Enbrethiliel said…
so the death of a monarch is their strategy. useless

I don't know which camp is behind this, either, but I think it's clear to everyone that such a move would not be well received.

Unfortunately, I don't think the Dollars care a flip about what the public genuinely thinks of them (except for the moments when they rage about not being as popular as they feel they deserve). And @OCGal just made a great case for why Prince Charles won't give a flip about that either.
Maneki Neko said…

We all wish you were right about the Queen! And the Muckseses are foul.

SwampWoman said…
Hunh. It sounds as though they believe that without the eeevil Queen, they would be free to suck at the taxpayer's teat for as much sustenance as they require.

Maybe I'm missing something here, but I'm not seeing taxpayers demanding that their monies be used to support the stompy-footed tantrum throwers who convinced themselves that Americans wanted to throw money to them or at them. If they hadn't failed, they wouldn't be trying to row that concrete boat acrossthe the ocean back into the bountiful harbor (or harbour) of the UK.
Elsbeth1847 said…
I really liked the comment

They are in panic mode, knowing that all the celebrations really can go ahead without them. In all HM years, I doubt she has ever confided anything truly personal, to anyone except close, close relatives....

Hikari said…
This is the kind of tripe the Dumbartons are frittering away Harry’s inheritance on. ‘Cause we are really going to believe that * “generously gave up her seat at the Super Bowl so Eugenie could attend” because she had a jam packed day of meetings with Netflix executives and “didn’t have time to go to a football game.

It used to be reported that HM had only one person who could truly be called a `bosom friend', her first cousin on her mother's side, Margaret Rhodes. They were close in age and grew up together in Windsor. Sadly, she died in 2016.

SirStinxAlot said…
I don't think the security will be reinstated. Its been 2 years, its obviously not necessary for the taxpayers to fund it. I would be surprised if the UK review court didn't agree. Add to that the multimillion dollar home and slew of agregious deals that were announced just show H$M are capable of paying their own way.
Fifi LaRue said…
I don't believe the Super Bowl was on the Dollars' radar at all, then Eugenie and Jack blow into town with tickets to the big game. Mrs. Trotter would have scheduled her plastic surgery for a different date so as to be presentable for the event. Another missed opportunity to mix with the glitterati. As it was, their dinner date was at night, in low light to hide any remaining stitches, etc.
Fifi LaRue said…
Which brings to mind...Casa Amigos publicly traded, valued at $3 billion.
ButterUp, privately held, "valued" at $3 billion.

Jack and Mr. Trotter must have had a lot in common to talk about.
snarkyatherbest said…
Hikari. super bowl was on a sunday and netflix prob had people at the event. nice try mrs dollar. she wasn’t invited or was told she would be thrown out if she went into the wrong hospitality suite. she has been black balled. or she was raising funds on the side. mama needs a new pair of ……. what is the land equivalent of yachting 😉
Mrs Trotter - oh my, shades of Del Boy and Rodney of Trotters Independent Trading!

For non-uk Nutties, the reference is the sitcom `Only Fools and Horses' - ie only fools and horses work for a living. It's all dodgy scams & black market stuff - remarkably similar outcomes:

She's Del Boy to his Rodney and the only `royal' treatment she deserves is a yellow Robin Regal.
snarkyatherbest said…
fifi. casa amigos (my phone started autocorrecting to calamity!) was bought out by Diageo brands i think in 2016/2017. valuation was closer to $1B which includes an earn out after a number of years. last round of butterup funding was last year suggesting a $4b valuation. in light of current market conditions i would say prob much less than that. the funding round was likely to prep it for an ipo this year. this market. no ipos are getting done. i think they’ve been markled
Mel said…
she had a jam packed day of meetings with Netflix executives

Yeah....try to tell me the Netflix executives were not all at the Super Bowl themselves.

Why would they schedule a day full of meetings on a Sunday anyway? They wouldn't. - another amusing and vaguely relevant clip.
Este said…
Lady C just put up video on Harry's book. So, long story short, he's going to blame his alcoholism on his family and upbringing and he's going to cast Meghan as the savior who got him to quit drinking. On one level, it's a perfect broadside, in that it renders his version all but un-attackable, especially with call out culture raging as it is. On another level, it's more of the same "woe is me" garbage he's been hustling since he left his family. I don't see this creating half the stir the Oprah interview did because they've already played this card and the general public just doesn't care about the "suffering" of a couple of rich royal celebrities.

I don't see this changing the long slow slide to pop oblivion. Those who love them will love them more and the rest will just yawn. I also think world events are going to conspire as they have been since they left, to leave these in the dust. And, when the dust settles, those who are attacked and cannot defend themselves in like manner, will win the sympathy of their people.

These two aren't going to "break" the monarchy but will create more sympathy for them by the general public who see through these broadside attacks as unfair, imbalanced and all about cashing in on the family that made them famous.
Hikari said…
Hikari. super bowl was on a sunday and netflix prob had people at the event. nice try mrs dollar. she wasn’t invited or was told she would be thrown out if she went into the wrong hospitality suite. she has been black balled. or she was raising funds on the side. mama needs a new pair of ……. what is the land equivalent of yachting

Holly Golightly always used to ask for change "for the powder room"--in $100 bills.

Yes, interesting, but *'s PR has been churning out articles explaining why she hasn't been seen for 110+ days, and that was the latest weak gambit. I think it's fairly obvious that Harry attended the Super Bowl as Jack's guest. While Jack was busy schmoozing corporate executives in a skybox, Euge had to babysit the ginger whinger. * was not invited out of fears that she wouldn't be able to resist flashing her moneymaker on national television.

It would be interesting to learn how the check at dinner was handled. Did the couples go Dutch, or if not, who treated whom?
Hikari said…

Thanks for supplying us with another nickname for Princess Pincchio . . * lacks a certain flair.
Fifi LaRue said…
@WBBM: Trotters is from the YouTube video of someone named River, who, critiquing Mrs. Dollar's ensemble at the NACCP awards, referred to Mrs. Dollar's feet as trotters and said trotters only belong on a farm. LOL!

@Snarky: You may be right, Mrs. Trotters may have been blackballed by Netflix, besides being black-balled by most people who've had the misfortune to do business with her, dine with her, be seen in any kind of supportive or friendly role with her.
And ButterUp going nowhere.

There must be a revolving door at the agencies which supply vetted domestic help to the Dollars.
Ralph L said…
H$M are capable of paying their own way

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but they can't buy armed security in the UK--legally--as they can in the US.
DesignDoctor said…
@ Hikari

Re: The dinner check with Eug and Jack

Maybe Jack was able to expense it as "business."
Hikari said…

That is the likeliest scenario. Harry & Mrs. Trotter certainly weren't going to dig deep.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Este: Thanks for the quick review of Mr. Dollar's alcoholism.

Mrs. Trotter fixed him? Hmmm. Alcoholism was a severe addiction for Mr. Dollar. Without on-going therapy, when one addiction is gone, it's replaced by another addiction. It used to be there were seven addictions, all described in one syllable words.
I can remember four: Bet, screw, drink, smoke. When I remember the remaining three, I'll list them. So, Mr. Dollar is engaged in one or more vices to replace the Drink. I'm not sure where addiction to playing video games fits in. Thinking on it...

There are recorded instances of the Dollars giggling at formal events, and Mrs. Trotter's behavior at some tennis game, so they haven't given up weed, at all, or other drugs.
@Este and Fifi,

Lady C indicated more than one addiction. She didn’t outright name or say it…lots of heavy hints and alluding to.

In earlier video’s she said the book would give them both short term sympathy, not much and not for long. Mole doesn’t hold himself accountable for any of his actions, it’s everyone else, this is one reason so many won’t buy the whine and woe is me fest coming later this year. 🥴
Girl with a Hat said…

how about "eat", "spend" and "inject"?
snarkyatherbest said…
este. you are prob right. he will be ready for a big splash and some big event will happen and he will look tone deaf. also. it doesn’t explain her ummm recreational use. and likely his for a while. but maybe they will limit it to alcohol and conveniently ignore the drugs. always a technicality on something for them

hikari. i am thinking tmz paid 😉

fifi. just reread my post. i hope i wasn’t too harsh on the valuations. i listen to business news all day for my job so a lot of this is second nature to me. markets too another hit today. maybe it needs butterup to help it work through its negative performance 😉
Fifi LaRue said…
Three more: Lie. Eat. Spend.

Bet. Screw. Drink. Smoke. Eat. Lie. Spend.

Sloth, and Envy are Biblical sins, and they can be added to both Dollar's characterless traits.

@GWAH: Thanks for the spend!
Inject wasn't one someone gave me, but it's a good one!

@Snarky: Enjoy your posts.
We're all just having fun here at the Dollars' expense!
Henrietta said…
Do you guys remember the pro-Monarchy site called "Theresa Longo"? Its Twitter address is
/was "barkjack". Its Twitter account was suspended, probably by an MM sugar, so they've temporarily relocated to here:

And here's their latest tea:

Megxit was planned. Ok -- rogue publicity and stah-dom was most definitely planned -- but that's exactly what got them canned.

Markle had been cooking up her own drama that the Palace had forewarned her about, culminating in the letter to her dad. She was warned not to enact her gasconade plan about having 5 pre-approved sources with their pre-approved messages go talk to Sussex-friendly outlet, People Magazine. When Meg went and released the hounds anyway, chaos ensued.

Our Palace insiders say she was relentlessly counseled on publicity and communications to no avail (she did what she wanted anyway). She was advised of PRESS protocols with respect to members of the Royal Family and ignored much of it. She was regularly admonished about attitude and respect (or lack of it). She continued fostering media relations with outlets like People & attempted to shake Disney's & Apple's tree[s] while still working as a Royal. Many of her motives and actions were openly questioned and this is how we have this information.

We exclusively told our Twitter followers about pitches they ALREADY had lined up in January 2020 for Netflix, Spotify, Apple, Hulu and other media giants.

They then go on to say that the reason they got Archie's gender wrong was because their source for that was MM herself, and she lied!
Henrietta said…
Guys, I might not have gotten Theresa Lingo's new address right. Use this one:
Girl with a Hat said…

thanks for the link. Good tea!

Mel said…
Apparently H was at a rodeo in Texas over the weekend.
Or not.
Someone was saying this was an imposter...doesn't have H's blue eyes.
Also said Mm has several impostors on her payroll.

Harry takes Texas ✈️: He has been seen at @cowtowncoliseum in Texas! @StockyardsRodeo thanked Harry for the visit❤️: “Where was #PrinceHarry Saturday night? Ooooh, just hanging out behind the bucking chutes at the Stockyards Championship Rodeo! Love it! Thank you for the visit!”
Mel said…
Stockyards rodeo secretary thanked H for the visit.
Maneki Neko said…
Happy International Women's Day to all Nutties!

In the last post,I wrote:

* Meghan Markle has announced Smart Works patronage will get Archewell grant
* Organisation will receive grant to mark this year's International Women's Day
* Meghan, 40, has been working with Smart Works from her home in California

Cue another appearance on 8th March 🙄.
. . . . .
Let's see if she does something today, unless she's already forgotten.
Maneki Neko said…
I did see a photo of Harry in a Stetson on Newzit but assumed it was an old one. Reading here, I realise it wasn't. It is H, the eyes don't look blue but I think this might be due to the lighting, for instance, but it certainly looks like H.

The article was in the Sun which states that H might face *'s wrath for attending a rodeo - more like going away without him. Remember,* is this great animal lover (not). I like this sentence:

"The funny thing is most people didn't recognize him or care."

Quite right, he wanted his privacy.
snarkyatherbest said…
hmmm the rodeo. clearly a netflix prince out of water thing. he didn’t look happy. so the wife wasn’t there odd because she loves to ride. oh nevermind 😉. but with cameras around why wasn’t she. is she pissed that netflix is pushing more the harry story than her so she comes up with ridiculous things to make him look ridiculous. and she’s back in cali entertaining i’m i mean have back to back to back “meetings” with netflix execs. and this is why they need a big house 😉
snarkyatherbest said…
i can’t link on my phone but the royal household on linkedin has a series of pics for intl women’s day the employees have their arms crossed and look like they are flapping their hands. thought that for a second that they were trolling mr. dollar 😉

also their good friend misha shared a pic from a year ago about mrs dollar being pregnant. is she breeding again 😉 definitely no jubilee for her
DesignDoctor said…
Love your comment of the necessity of a large house! LOL 😂
Hikari said…
I looked at the photo of Cowboy Harry . . . I could only find the one; where there others? The shot is too far away to see his eye color clearly but that's definitely him. I think a stand-in actor would arrange his face in such a way as to appear that he was actually enjoying himself at the rodeo. There must have been more than one photo snapped of Aitch at this event that they could have released, so if this is the one that got out, either he looked the same in every shot or this is the best one they could find. Far from enjoying this quintessentially American activity, since he agitated for so many years to come live in America, Aitch looks like a man who's at the dentist waiting for the novocaine to kick in. Glum as hell and looking as much like a fish out of water as he did at the NAACP awards.

When Aitch was 14, he spent some time at a dude ranch in Australia, where he was photographed posing like a jackaroo. Ostensibly he was there to learn some rugged skills and 'help' on this adventure holiday, though of course it came out later that he behaved as the snotty entitled little prat he played at home. I can't help thinking though that had H been sent to some kind of rugged outdoorsy residential school and been expected to stay there and finish the course without special privileges, he might have been redeemed from the self-destructive course he's been on since that time. It certainly would have helped to keep him off the drugs and the drink.

As a rodeo has no visible connection to any of the activities he has heretofore done while in Cali, I can't fathom why he was there. That's a pretty far way to go to be that bored and unengaged when he could've stayed home and saved himself the trouble. It's a wonder that H is able to get (or have) himself dressed and shoved out of his cocoon at all. He's had all the vitality sucked out of him and is a walking shell, with word salad on auto record. Just pull a string and he talks. Haz is exactly like a mentally challenged child who has wandered away from his sheltered workshop where he could thrive despite his limitations, given a strict structure. Now he's playing in traffic and I don't think it's going to end well. He's completely lost, in all senses.
snarkyatherbest said…
See what I mean - trolling 😉

Maneki Neko said…
Camilla Tominey has now questioned 'what Harry and Meghan Markle have actually been doing' since leaving life as senior royals last year, stating there has been 'little evidence of a global wave of service' sparked by the couple.

I think we've all been asking ourselves the same question.
Fifi LaRue said…
The photo of Dollar is on Page Six. He looks like he's giving off some highly charged negativity, because the woman next to him has her face all scrunched up in worry.
SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said...
Camilla Tominey has now questioned 'what Harry and Meghan Markle have actually been doing' since leaving life as senior royals last year, stating there has been 'little evidence of a global wave of service' sparked by the couple.

I think we've all been asking ourselves the same question.

Terrorizing the help is a full-time job!
Rebecca said…
Omid Scobie posted the photo of Harry on Instagram, writing “Prince Harry living his best American life.” Ha!

My favorite comment under the DM article: “He's been in the dressing up box again he's a cowboy today”
Rebecca said…

The photo of Dollar is on Page Six. He looks like he's giving off some highly charged negativity, because the woman next to him has her face all scrunched up in worry.

If you zoom in on the photo of Harry you can see that he is looking straight at the camera. I think his scowl was directed at the photographer.

I wonder how much cash he was able to grab for his and the wife’s con job in Fort Worth.
Girl with a Hat said…

I can't see Hairy's photo on

Can you tell us what story it concerned?
OCGal said…
@Girl with a Hat, I’ll answer your question since I just was on page

Search for headline “Prince Harry makes surprise appearance at Texas rodeo in a cowboy hat” written by Francesca Bacardi.

The article link is

Hope this helps!
Henrietta said…
I can't for the life of me guess what PH was doing at a rodeo unless it was a paid appearance.

The biggest topic on Lipstick Alley is the Markle v. Markle suit. Apparently Sam's attorney used an address for MM that is a house Ellen DeGeneres owns, not their current Mudslide Manor. But Theresa Longo is saying the following:

-The mood at Harkle Manor has been sour, anxious and panic stricken lately.

- There has not been communication between Ellen & the pair since The Ellen Show disaster aired.

It sounds to me like the Harkles are expecting to be sued (by someone other than Samantha Markle). Maybe their deadline was March 1st?

I can see where all of MM's ideas for Netflix flopped, but I'm a little surprised about the Spotify non-performance. MM seems to like to interview people. Was she really incapable of getting anyone to talk to her in a recording studio setting?

Henrietta said…
Marklenews1 is reporting that a Sussex divorce may be imminent:

I've been told by someone -- (but I never know if he always tells me the truth) -- that the Sussexes are planning to divorce. I will say now, I sincerely hope it isn't true. It would be very sad to happen to such a lovely couple.

According to my informant, February was the month when it should have been announced. The Queen's lawyers, Farrer and Co., were to be at a meeting with Harry, the Queen, and Prince Charles present. Unfortunately, on February 20th, the Queen tested positive for Covid, and this meeting didn't take place.

The Ukraine crisis is now taking up much of the Monarch's time. Today the Queen is meeting Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at Windsor Castle.

I've been given the name of a trusted partner (and one of the Queen's favorites) at Farrar's who will be heading the meeting whenever it takes place. We can be sure the lawyers already have a plan in place that protects Harry's interests. It would be considered amateurish if all those loose ends were not tied up long before the meeting.

So there you have it. Take it with a pinch of salt if you wish. I'm simply passing on what I'm hearing. But I must add the rumors coming out of California that Ms. Markle is looking out for a wealthy man only add fuel to the fire.

The one thing that really agrees with this is Prince Harry's saying in his suit against the Home Office that the UK will always be his home or wtte.
SwampWoman said…
Henrietta said:
I can see where all of MM's ideas for Netflix flopped, but I'm a little surprised about the Spotify non-performance. MM seems to like to interview people. Was she really incapable of getting anyone to talk to her in a recording studio setting?

I don't believe that anybody trusts her. She probably demands legal non-disclosure papers to be filled out and the guest is probably not allowed to make their own recordings. With her history of litigation for profit, I do believe that a person would be very foolish to work with her.
Mel said…
I don't know...if you were somebody, after the Oprah interview, would you risk being seen with the Harkles?

Even if the Harkles were nice to you that day, you can't count on them not to bash you later when they decide they don't like you anymore.

If you're white, you'd have to worry about being called racist, males would have to worry about Mm and a #metoo accusation.

And what male wants her out there, mostly undressed, rubbing against them on national TV? The doe eyes, making sure her boobs press into their body?

Mm has no use for women. Look how disrespectful she was to Mellody Hobson and Catherine, not to mention the Queen of England. I wouldn't even trust her to be nice to Michelle Obama.

No woman is going to want to interview as a couple. Mm completely ignores the woman whilst draping herself all over the man.

No one is going to put up with that nonsense.

I suspect that they got a lot of hard NO's.

They ruined it for themselves with that Oprah interview.
And their utterly ridiculous Zooms where they had nothing interesting or substantial to say.
Henrietta said…
Mel said:

I suspect that they got a lot of hard NO's.

I actually hadn't even thought of this, Mel. But MM does have a habit of shooting too high -- because of her narcissism -- and if it's true that Hollywood is turning against her, she probably approached a lot of people who can see through her BS.

Henrietta said…
Swamp Woman said:

She probably demands legal non-disclosure papers to be filled out...

Theresa Longo Fans did say that when M&H were initially making their Megxit plans, they made the "big guys" (e.g., Netflix, Apple, etc.) sign NDAs just to view their proposals and that that, in and of itself, caused some hard no's.

Fifi LaRue said…
@GWAH: I first saw the photo on FB -- Page Six posts there.

@Rebecca: That's what it looks like to me, also. He's still a nasty, little twerp, and not too bright, to boot.

@Mel: What did she do to Hobson? That's messing with the big guy's wife! Trotter spells Stupid with a capital S.

Mrs. Trotter did get Gloria Steinem, but that was probably an Oprah favor. Oprah can't do endless favors for Mrs. Trotter who's just not going places, due to her lack of talent, integrity, intelligence, charm, wit, etc., etc.
She interrupted, barged in, Mrs. Obama's book tour, with her whining. Mrs. Obama looked she needed a 10-foot pole. And, then there was the lie about having lunch with Michelle.
Natalier said…
Henrietta, I hope the tea from Marklenews1 is true.

Even though I think Harry is as revolting as he has shown himself out to be since Megxit, a part of me still hopes that he can make something better of himself, away from that user narc grifting wife and somewhere away from the public eye like Africa. He may be able to mature and understand himself better with the right help and be a good father to the two kids.
Natalier said…
Agree with you, Rebecca.

It looked like H was scowling at the photographer. It was a very hard look he gave. I just one day he gets as good as he gives - when the press totally ignores his attempts to sell himself and the $$$$ dries up.
Mel said…
Besides which, Mm doesn't seem to understand that she is a nobody.
She has nothing of value to add to the conversation.

Can you see Michelle Obama sitting down to be interviewed by this nobody?
This nobody who thinks she's in the power position? Who thinks she has a one up on the interviewee?

Mm wouldn't have any idea how to have an intelligent conversation with Michelle Obama.

Mm isn't any more knowledgeable than a 7th grader about anything.
Natalier said…
Hikari, good point. Only the genuine Harry would scowl at the photographer. An actor would do the correct PR and look great for the pic.
Magatha Mistie said…


The twat in the hat
Looked a right prat
Howdy Doody
out of range for a day
Wearing an Aussie akubra
The saddle sore loser
Yodelled Yee-ha
Hi Ho Sliver’s, away!

Magatha Mistie said…


I’m still pinning my hopes
On the long velvet ropes
Self strangling H & M Trot’sky
They’ve had plenty to say
Still not getting their way
Time to move on
shut up and
Fu.k Offsky…

Magatha Mistie said…

I watched the vid with
madam and Melanie Hobson,
didn’t know who she was.
Markle did her usual arrogant,
ill informed gabber splat,
talking over her host.
Melanie handled it graciously,
embarrassing to watch.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Magatha: Thanks for the laughs!

Trot'skies! Both of them!

Was he pretending to Indiana Jones, or Crocodile Dundee? That wasn't a cowboy hat.

Perhaps the Trot'skies will visit an Indian Reservation next.

The Trot'skies can be Hole in Shoe, and Big Horse Feet.
Mel said…
Mm talked over Ms. Hobson. Wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise.

Which was pretty rude on general principles, but especially considering that Ms. Hobson was the expert on the subject matter and Mm was a nobody.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Mel: Thanks! Ms. Trot'sky really knows how to put her horse foot in her mouth.

She must have been high flying on nose candy.
Este said…
I wasn't going to comment on the Prince, formerly known as "Just Harry" now new and improved "cowboy just Harry" out of some misplaced frontrum on the lil' ingrate's behalf but I'm bored and he's unworthy of some near woke displays of sympathy on may part. Cowboy Harry in that photo supposedly "living his best life" looked pee-d off and for once, I actually understand WHY. He looks like a blooming idiot trying to pose all "folksy" "common man" at a real bonafide Texas rodeo with real bonafide cowboys, who would naturally sneer at a "to the manor born" bonafide British (didn't we run them outta town back in the 18th century??) Prince.

Not many could look good wearing a cowboy hat, other than a real cowboy, except in my mind (native Texan here) a Texan and maybe Arizona or deep southern Cal resident. Okay, Colorado, you get a shout out too as would any Western American resident who really felt the country vibes and adopted it. Not a big fan of the cowboy look Matthew McConnaughey looks amazing in cowboy attire. (Yes, Matthew Mc-C looks amazing, period, too!) Cowboy Harry is just Howdeedoodee.

This royal idiot though...he's paying Sunshine Sachs big big bucks to look this stupid. Suing them for a refund might be one lawsuit I think had merit. Bottom line. If this is their "A game," well you gotta wonder what they're smoking in Monte-cheato.
Henrietta said…
Este, I was thinking the blonde woman on his right who seems to be talking to him might be a reporter; hence, the anger, especially if his handlers told him there would be no press.
Hikari said…
Re. Cowboy Howdy Doody,

Come to think of it, the felt green hat H is sporting on his rapidly balding pate looks identical to the one he was wearing when he was 14 during the "Hazza Down Under" photo shoot.

Is it possible that he's kept that hat all this time . .23 years, and numerous moves? That he brought it all the way to North America? Surely a more suitable, authentic American cowboy hat could have been found for him. I swear that's the same Aussie jackaroo hat he had as a teenager. For a Prince of the realm, he does not seem to ever have collected many clothes, so it's possible that he has clung to the few articles of his past life he still has for sentimental reasons.

Well, we'd certainly pictured a very different future for Teen Jackaroo Harry. Now we know what he is--Rapidly Middle-Aging Jack*$$ Harry. Not a good look.
Mel said…
Now that I've looked at that pic more closely, her eyes aren't on H. They're looking at something further away, to his left. Out of our line of sight.

Maybe she's pointing something out to him?
HappyDays said…
@Henrietta regarding a possible Sussex split:
If their marriage is on the rocks, then it would make partial sense why they haven’t created anything worthwhile for Netflix or Spotify. For the most part, they market themselves as a two-person package. If both parties are at each others’s throats and preparing to divorce, then it might be difficult or impossible to work together.
Henrietta said…

That's a good point. It would also make her clap-back -- that she wasn't at the Super Bowl because she was home working -- more understandable. "Sue him, not me! I'm really trying!"

Girl with a Hat said…
I think it was Neil Sean that said that he thought Harry's appearance at the rodeo was for a Netflix project - British Prince does America tourist stuff series.
Fifi LaRue said…
Judging by his glare at the photographer, Jacka$$ Harry is in dire need of anger management.
snarkyatherbest said…
fifi. perhaps he should partake in a little butter up counseling 😉

just saw that there will be royal attendance at Commonwealth Day. didn’t say which ones as yet. if Cambridge’s are there you know someone will pull something.
Henrietta said…
More from Theresa Longo Fans:

Many are asking about a potential divorce looming. We know and have reported upon (based on sources with direct contact) the pair have heated arguments. It is accurate to say Harry is quite submissive and eager to keep the peace BUT at some point, even he has "had enough" as resentment and incertitude build. He's truly far from everything he has ever known under immense pressure and confusion. Having said all this there truly has not been talk of divorce whatsoever even from celebrity circles purporting to be their "close friends".  The pair have been miserable at times, indeed. 

She's difficult. He's full of dry, sarcastic humor that she is sick and tired of. There is conflict.

Other interesting facts: 

- According to a housekeeper, when Harry cries, his eyes get red with port wine looking blotches around them. 

- The ball is always in Meghan's court. She controls the agenda, the route, the working parts and negotiations. 

Girl with a Hat said…

Neil Sean claims that the West End show Spitting Image are petrified of being sued by *
Girl with a Hat said…

Trevor Coult says that Frogmore Cottage has been repossessed?
Girl with a Hat said…

* and Hairy were trying to get Netflix to change certain episodes of The Crown!!!!!!!
Maneki Neko said…
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry slam British Government for 'self-defeating nationalism, pharmaceutical monopolies and inequality' they say is behind failure to vaccinate poor countries against Covid (DM)

They've left the UK so what concern is it of theirs?
I like this comment:
HeartlesslyCorrect, Just Beyond The Stratosphere, Canada, about 2 hours ago

In reality, he should be stocking biscuits in Aisle 6 !
Maneki Neko said…
Now H will not return to the UK for Duke of Edinburgh's memorial service but he hopes to see the Queen 'as soon as possible'. That's fine, he can fly incognito and therefore won't need security. After all, he was able to fly to Toronto and back and stay under the radar when he was seeing *.
Henrietta said…
From CDAN:

FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 2022
Blind Item #11

The ginger haired one could go alone of course if he is so worried about security for his family. It isn't about that though, it is because the alliterate one never wants to step foot in the country again. If it wasn't security, it would be something else.

I really think "Enty" is wrong here. I'm sticking to my theory that her visa was cancelled, she has criminal charges pending in the UK if she should go back, and that she was told not to come back unless she wanted to face the music.

So, not sure exactly why he's not going back. Maybe it was too emotionally painful for him to do so without a security team picking him up from the tarmac and taking him home to a royal palace.

abbyh said…
My apologies to you.

I've had unexpected travel,the family crisis, drama from family, bad weather and connectivity issues. And I managed to forget the power cord for the ipad.

Please bare with me for a couple of days and then life will return to a more normal setting.
Mel said…
I really think "Enty" is wrong here. I'm sticking to my theory that her visa was cancelled, she has criminal charges pending in the UK if she should go back, and that she was told not to come back unless she wanted to face the music.

That's what I think, too.

IMO, that's why she skedaddled outta there so fast. I think she was told either come clean today, or leave today and don't come back.

Sure would be fun to know what it was that caused that reaction.

Fake baby
Financial shenanigans
What else would be that serious?
Magatha Mistie said…

Saturday Singalong 🎤
Dancing Queen

Hard Hooved Scuttle

She can prance
She can dive
Haz hanging on for his life
Ooh, see that dame
Old has-been
Digger the grifting kween

Every night spent at SoHo
Trawling the joint, getting down low
Where the ploy is just screw it
Plotting her next sting
On the prowl, mistook for king
Only haz could be that guy
Night is on and she’s really high
With a bit of coke, used it
Everything’s a fine line
She’s in the mood to pounce
Haz never stood a chance

She is the ranting spleen
Rode well hard
Raging mean
Take your seat on li’l bean
Oh yeah
She can duck
She can rive
Hazza don’t make her your wife
Ooh, see that troll
Not too clean
Megger the poncing kween

Magatha Mistie said…

Repossessed, as in the ghosts
of martyred markles 😉

Magatha Mistie said…

Exactly @Maneki,
they also managed to fly
incognito to their honeymoon
May not have flown, spent
the week in Blackpool, hence the
cowboy hat & Meh’s
“Kiss me Quick” titfer she’s
so fond of 😳

Henrietta said…
GWAH said:

Trevor Coult says that Frogmore Cottage has been repossessed?
* and Hairy were trying to get Netflix to change certain episodes of The Crown!!!!!!!

I think his explanation of Frogmore Cottage being repossessed is pretty unintelligible. Non-royals can live on the Royal Estate, but they must pay market rents. (They're also vetted for other reasons of course.) Royals must either work for the family -- and get their housing free -- or pay market rates. I know some of these rates are rumored to be "peppercorn" rates (e.g., Beatrice's rate at St. James's Palace),but they pay them nevertheless.

I'm really not sure what happened with the Cottage. But if Genie and Jack have moved in, then it must have been repossessed a while back, and they must be paying rent.

I couldn't understand all the articles about PH "renewing his lease." There wouldn't have been a lease to renew. But maybe PH really didn't know that. I think he probably panicked when he read that Counselors of State had to be "domiciled" in the UK. Hence his attorney in his suit against the Home Office saying, "the UK will always be his home," or wtte, when he clearly no longer lives in the UK.

On the Netflix stuff, yes, I can easily imagine them trying to influence the portrayal of themselves and being told they don't control Netflix. Gee, didn't the Queen also say something to that effect at some point during Megxit?
Magatha Mistie said…

A well known proverb from
Charles to Thomas

Your son’s your son
‘til he takes a bad wife
Your daughter’s your daughter
‘til she sticks in the knife…
Magatha Mistie said…

We still don’t know what the
Super-injunction entailed??
Maneki Neko said…

Hope life is back to normal for you and that you're ok.

@Henrietta said

I'm sticking to my theory that her visa was cancelled
. . . .
* doesn't need a visa to visit the UK although I'd be delighted if she was barred from entering the country 😁


Love this week's singalong and your proverb 😉
Magatha Mistie said…

The Queen showed her
feelings regarding the coupling
early on.
Rejecting their plans to live
in Windsor Castle, she offered
Frogmore Cottage, a rather ugly
house overlooking a mausoleum.

Sandie said…
Apologies if I am offending anyone by popping back in ... I scrolled through comments to catch up and did not see something interesting that came up on another social media site (and the poster and the information have been accepted as verifiable, but, who really knows).

Someone with access to records posted a copy of the summons that was served on the Duchess by her sister's lawyer (actually posted a copy of the document). The address given for the dear Duchess is not the Montecito monstrosity but a property that Ellen has just purchased in Montecito. It is odd, but if the information is not a hoax that failed to gain traction, there could be a few explanations:

First, Ellen feels bad about the backlash from her show and how the Duchess was mocked (plus fell for heaps of manipulation).

They could be having work done on their property and did not want to be there with contractors around.

They could indeed be selling the Montecito monstrosity (and only bought it because they believe that their 'name' would hugely increase the value and thus bought it to 'flip' it and not as a forever home,). They would not want to be on the property if the estate agent needs it for viewing (maybe no takers and estate agent has persuaded them that viewing is required to make a sale).

They have separated. Highly unlikely scenario.

The Duchess instructed her staff to give the wrong address when they were contacted, and, of course, the Duchess will deny and if proof emerges will claim to have forgotten.

This is the property:
SwampWoman said…
Well, my gracious. Get out or go to jail does make sense for *'s quick exit and Sophie's cold stare. However, if there were actual charges placed, wouldn't Harry be culpable as well? I don't see her going down (ahem) alone. I thought that she probably had a working relationship with SoHo House as "entertainment".

Ugh. We are being forced into "time change" again this weekend. Just pick ONE time. Then leave it. I get all grumpy when my sleep patterns are interrupted!

/While I work at home and observe my own time, sadly the people calling me to, say, pick up a sick grandchild from school have schedules that follow the time that the government says it is.
SwampWoman said…
I bow in Magatha's direction for the lovely poem about children this morning! Dancing Queen had me almost in hysteria here.
snarkyatherbest said…
abbyh. so sorry for all your troubles. the power cord prob was the last straw.

i think h is afraid to go back because he thinks his brother is gonna pummel him. or louis wil kick him in the shins and princess anne could slap him from here to kingdom come. maybe it’s being safe from the family is what the core of it is 😉

actually he’s afraid to go because 1) she has prob manipulated him 2) he has a conscience and realizes it will be brutal silence and shunning from his family. 3) he would have to talk about the kids and mayb produce a pic or two (and that is costly. and there wife doesn’t have time to photo shop)

i do believe she doesn’t want to come back and she may have a passport issue/visa issue. she’s smart enough to know no one wants her back.

great yea if frogmore is taken back. where is his domicile if he doesn’t have a residence. p.o. box at the ups store.
snarkyatherbest said…
magatha. brutal but true
Hikari said…
Magatha and Maneki,

Re. The Honeymoon

There is a remote possibility they could have slipped away back to Botswana, site of their second? all nighter date. But I’m leaning toward the honeymoon being spent holed up at Nott Cott getting high. If they were even together then.

I wouldn’t be surprised at all to learn that they have never shared a bedroom or possibly even a roof since she moved to the UK, including the period they were engaged. Do you remember in the lead up to the wedding, or maybe just afterwords a piece appeared in a women’s magazine, don’t ask me which one now, where the author claimed That she was invited to Nottingham Cottage for tea and a private tour? She gushed at length about The gorgeous table, the homemade scones, how wonderfully Smegs had decorated and and made the bachelor pad into a cozy home? And that * had claimed to host many friends during her engagement, setting out bathrobes for them?

At the time, before we learned how many PR companies she has on retainer and that she is a habitual pathological liar, it didn’t seem entirely fantastical that she would’ve had some friends over to meet H. The friends of course remained nameless…The wedding was pretty friend deficient unless we count certain members of the Suits cast & Messica baloney.

Like the chicken taco lunch with the first lady of the United States, I think this entire interview and all of the alleged friends coming over to visit were entirely concocted fiction. * Most likely stayed at a Soho house property or a flat for the entirety of her brief stay in London, and I actually doubt The Harkles spend much time together under the same roof now, wherever that roof is. This marriage was entirely for show and over before it started.

Girl with a Hat said…
did anyone listen to Lady C's video from today?

What do you think she meant when she was talking about the horrible things that * and H did to Lady C while she was writing her book about them?

She also said something else cryptic in that video, which I don't recall at the moment.
Mel said…
Anyone see the promo that H did for Invictus?

It just boggles my mind. They complain that they're not taken seriously as world leaders....and then he does that?

They really need to decide what they want.
If they want to be seen as royal, this isn't it.

Also, it kinda seems like not the right time to be goofing around like that.
Do we know for certain that the agreement about Toad Hall was actually leasehold (a very short term) in the strict sense? Probably different rule aapply

Could it have been a rental arrangement or did they have it on `Licence to Occupy'? `Repo' suggests they had failed to keep up regular payments such as rent/ground rent.

In normal circumstances, for ordinary folk, the bailiffs, authorised by the Court, move in, take goods to the value of what's owing,(they can take anything except the beds and anything that the defaulting tenant needs to conduct their trade or business eg tools - can't deprive them of the means of earning, otherwise they would be stopping earning cash to pay balance of debt. Then they secure the property (change locks, board up the windows, turn off gas and so on, and affix stern exterior warnings of legal action that would be taken against anyone who tries squatting.
Henrietta said…
I found this extra tidbit on Theresa Longo Fans website and wanted to include it here:

Many of you are talking about the #Megxit detail whereby there was a privacy breach between the pair and HMTQ. This detail was originally published on our Twitter account @barkjack. 

The breach happened on a trans-continental CALL way back when a new arrangement for Frogmore was being implemented since it became clear the pair were not to reside there full time. The pair were dutifully informed by phone call of changes to the arrangement. Key details of this arrangement were "spun" favorably to news sources when in fact, it was arranged without much input from Harry and Meghan.  To clarify, there have been no zoom calls or phone calls between HMTQ and the Sussex pair since Eugenie and her husband, Jack Brooksbank began residing at Frogmore.

This to me says the Sussexes' lease was cancelled ("in fact, it was arranged without much input from Harry and Meghan") and a new lease was signed with Genie and Jack. This also confirms an old rumor, in my mind, that G&J left PH's bedroom and possessions intact until he left the UK following PP's funeral. Then they packed it up and shipped it to him in California. If true, that was incredibly generous on G&J's part. Can you imagine just not packing up your bedroom after losing the lease on a home and just expecting someone to do it for you? It's like what the Star magazine said about PH's underwear. He just leaves it wherever and expects someone else to pick it up and take care of it. "Spoiled rotten" barely covers it.
@Magatha @ Mel.

The whole point of a super injunction is that it prevents the contents of a previous injunction being published. It tries to stop anyone even knowing about the existence of the first injunction!
I daresay H likes the attitude to drugs in the Netherlands. I wonder if he'd happy in exile there? After all, it's where first cousin-thrice-removed Wilhelm ended up for his misdeeds.
Rebecca said…
Anyone see the promo that H did for Invictus?

He keeps lowering the bar again and again. More juvenile behavior from one of the Royal Family’s black sheep (Andrew being the other).
Henrietta said…
Mel shared:

Sure would be fun to know what it was that caused that reaction.

Fake baby
Financial shenanigans
What else would be that serious?

I'm still going with drug deal. MM really thought that if PH could buy and use in the UK without any fear of prosecution, she would get the same free ride. But she couldn't anticipate that Harry was getting away with it because he was family, and she was just a (sociopathic) con artist who had united the whole family against her.
Mel said…
We still don’t know what the
Super-injunction entailed??
True. I still wonder if there isn't something else waiting in the wings, that we haven't gotten a whiff of yet.
Although what that could be I have no idea.


Someone with access to records posted a copy of the summons that was served on the Duchess by her sister's lawyer (actually posted a copy of the document). The address given for the dear Duchess is not the Montecito monstrosity but a property that Ellen has just purchased in Montecito.
I agree that that seemed to gain no traction. But I found it exceedingly interesting.

If true, it would bear some more investigating.
Henrietta said…
Oh, Sandy! What a beautiful property! I can't imagine that Ellen's letting them couch-surf in the whole mansion. Letting them live for free in a guest house I think would be more likely. Maybe they're going to live there free in exchange for some property management duties?

I really thought the address on the lawsuit was for a small, but decent bungalow.
Mel said…
Could be drug related. Maybe either or both buying/using could have been ignored, except that she moved on to selling (behind his back?)?

I think that whatever the problem was/is, it was something that she was doing that he wasn't.

Kinda like her merching and pap-calling. Or maybe something related to missing funds from the Royal Foundation?

Or something we haven't thought of yet.

Svetlana said…
I eagerly await the lunatics on Celebitchy attempting to put a positive spin on the Invictus promo. I detest him, but this … this… has me feeling embarrassed for him.
Svetlana said…
I eagerly await the lunatics on celebitchy trying to put a positive spin on this Invictus promo. I detest Harry, absolutely detest him, and this little clip makes me feel embarrassed for him. With someone please put him out of his misery and send him off to the wilds of Africa?
Fifi LaRue said…
Interesting commentaries...

I haven't seen the latest Lady Colin Campbell, but was spellbound by her video about Twit's book that is being ghost written.
Supposedly it is based on the 12 Steps, and how Mrs. Trotter got Twit off alcohol.
Lady CC said that in place of a Higher Power, Mrs. Trotter is Twit's higher power. She is his god. Twit has made her his god.
I know that one, of placing someone in the place of god in one's life.

IMO the hierarchy in Twit's life is Mrs. Trotter, and only Mrs. Trotter. Mrs. Trotter tells Twit how to live, what to do, etc. He has almost no agency in his own life. See how willing he was to juggle balls in the background? He made a complete and total damn fool of himself in front of the world because his god told him to. Forget about any relationship to a real Higher Power. Eventually, Mrs. Trotter will dump Twit. Because she's in charge, and she runs the show. That's how those things go. It will come as a shock to Twit, because he has pledged his allegiance to *. Since Twit has no relationship to a Higher Power, and certainly no allegiance to himself, this is going to end very, very badly for Twit.
OCGal said…
@Fifi LaRue, you said “Since Twit has no relationship to a Higher Power, and certainly no allegiance to himself, this is going to end very, very badly for Twit.”

Oh, I hope you’re right. Cheers!
Today's Yahoo UK home page features a piece from People declaring that the would-be-still royals, named after a Swedish chain-store-clothing brand, have given an update on when they will next be in the UK.

I refuse to click on it but will keep an eye on it appearing elsewhere.
Have done quick survey of the Mails's comments so far this month on the duo and whether they'll be back. Went via `Femail' and `Meghan Markle' sub-headings.

It's not at all encouraging (Gloomy face...)

@OCGal re `ending very, very badly for Twit' -

If what I saw in the Mail, mentioned in previous post, proves to be true, it'll end very badly for Charles as well.
Maneki Neko said…

Seen in Geo News, not sure how much is true, time will tell. Apparently, Thomas senior is launching his 'YouTube channel- one where he will exclusively speak on his relationship with estranged daughter Meghan.'
. . .

The episode, that will stream on Sunday, will delve deep in to Meghan's half-sister Samantha's defamatory lawsuit against the Duchess.

Thomas adds: “I’m standing up for my oldest daughter, Samantha. In this case, she should win because Meghan’s book was full of lies about her. I would appear in a deposition in this case, if it came to it.”

Meanwhile, Meghan Markle's lawyer Michael Kump, has branded the lawsuit “baseless and absurd” and a “continuation of a pattern of disturbing behaviour”.

“We will give [the lawsuit] the minimum attention necessary, which is all it deserves," he added.
(cue another lawsuit from *)

This should be interesting if true.

Fifi LaRue said…
@OCGal: The ending very, very badly would, IMO, be hitting bottom, or at the very worst, suicide. If she's his everything, when she leaves, Twit has nothing. There aren't any children, so he has no reason to hold on.

In that vein, the titles must be removed. Otherwise, we will have Trotter swanning for sympathy, going only by her title, for the remainder of her life. She will act "in remembrance of" Twit. If anyone thinks it's bad now, you ain't seen anything.
snarkyatherbest said…
i woke up from a bad dream last night about the queen. (i swear i wasnt looking at royal news before bed i was doing sudoku). i can’t help but think both would try to come back for the funeral or charles coronation. way too big of events to be missed. if she doesn’t come then we know she banned from the uk (btw there is reciprocal extradition so hard to think if it was bad enough they wouldn’t pursue it). i think it’s still about the allegedly fake pregnancy. it’s a more complicated thing (proving that is especially after the photo shop of the queen looking at the baby) she may think she has an in back with charles with the mr making the pitch it’s all too distraught for the mr to go alone). just hoping he has terrible timing and the book come out before the queen’s well you know and then he looks like dancing on her grave.
hunter said…
HELLO EVERYBODY!! Nice to see many of y'all are still here.

I'm doing pretty great, am gainfully employed and trying to bloom like a squashed little flower.

I see by the first comment that you've all been fighting again which cracks me up and tells me the spirit lives!! Silly Nutties.

I hope you're all still watching Lady C at 1.5 speed, I've become so accustomed to it that when I hear her speak normally I think the woman's had a stroke. Instead she seems quite lively and quick-witted at 1.5 (which she is regardless to be sure).

As a person who struggles with addiction I wanted to say I cannot understand how in the Good Lord Almighty's name Harry can possibly stay sober under the kind of pressure and stress we are all seeing. My first offer to a non-drinking alcoholic would be benzos (which mimic alcohol's effects on the brain/other) and then opiates would come in right alongside. Those would both gork someone out pretty heavily though and affect his speech which honestly I haven't seen.

I just... can't imagine how he's staying sober... OH MY GOD - I've cracked the case! Durrr... he's NOT. *whew*

Lol they almost had me. They're such liars! How in god's name is Harry sober if their children don't even exist? Good gracious I'm such a silly rube.

duh. Harry's not sober, how would he manage? Plus there's no way SHE would quit drinking so frankly I just don't believe it. She probably dangles all his preferred substances over his head along with sex and controls him like a juggling clown puppet

hunter said…
In regards to Bethany's activities, I also give her my grudging respect. She's a ball-buster and if she's using her powers for good than I applaud her.

She did real stuff for Haiti and she's doing real stuff for Ukraine. How hard can it be? Call around the Salvation Army outposts for extra gear, contact all the local outdoors-goods stores (blankets, coats, tents, boots), raise awareness, grab a bullhorn, collect all the shit and ship it to Poland.

Easy peasy. It's not rocket science but as our friend Kim Kardashian said (I know, I know) "get your f***ing a** up and work."
hunter said…
edit: *then I applaud her
OCGal said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid, you wrote “If what I saw in the Mail (…) proves to be true, it'll end very badly for Charles as well.”

Oh, I hope so! I know there are dramatically different opinions on this blog of Charles’ culpability in all murky areas of his life and status as prince, from the tender-hearted view that

A. Charles is innocent of everything, he only acts after it becomes clear he has no other choice, or his crafty courtiers, unbeknownst to him, do bad things behind his back

to the gimlet-eyed view that

B. Charles is innocent of nothing, and is master planner of everything done in his name. In conjunction with his carefully vetted, conscienceless courtiers he is creator of his own path and actively seeks to further line his own pockets and advance his stature and position through the secret pulling of dishonorable strings

I fall firmly in the second camp, certain in my own mind that Charles, from early adulthood, has covertly and proactively put his own desires first and has instructed his closest courtiers to do his bidding even if clean-conscienced people wouldn’t consider condoning such schemes. They are covert schemes because Charles and courtiers know good people would not approve.

Following this line of thinking my sincere belief is that Charles continues to forgive Harry everything because he sees Harry as an extension of himself and thus in forgiving Harry everything, Charles is essentially forgiving himself and giving himself a pass for his own bad actions.

Further to that thought, I still maintain that Charles would welcome Harry back in a heartbeat to be an acting member of the Royal Family, and that because Charles thinks Harry will eventually be back, he continues to covertly fund Harry to ensure that Harry and wife don’t tank completely. Charles monetarily props up their delusional lifestyle and pretensions, but knows it must be done in a Byzantine, hard to identify manner.

This is why Harry and his grifter wife continue to act with impunity: they know Charles will put up with everything and throw down no painful consequences for their gobsmacking, insulting, bordering-on-criminal actions.

Since I think Harry and Charles are cut from the same cloth, I want Harry to be smacked down thoroughly, and Charles, too.

Therefore Fifi LaRue’s declaration that “… this is going to end very, very badly for Twit” and WBBM your prognostication that “If what I saw in the Mail (…) proves to be true, it'll end very badly for Charles as well” comforts me and pleases me no end.

I look forward to the day of reckoning.
HappyDays said…
Fifi LaRue said…
Interesting commentaries...

I haven't seen the latest Lady Colin Campbell, but was spellbound by her video about Twit's book that is being ghost written.
Supposedly it is based on the 12 Steps, and how Mrs. Trotter got Twit off alcohol.
Lady CC said that in place of a Higher Power, Mrs. Trotter is Twit's higher power. She is his god. Twit has made her his god.
I know that one, of placing someone in the place of god in one's life.

@Fifi LaRue:
There are many parallels of being in a relationship with a narcissist and joining a cult.
There are quite a few clinical and non-clinical articles online about how being ensnared in a relationship is very similar to being caught up in a cult.

Both cults and narcissists are incredibly predatory. Both seek out and target enotionally vulnerable people. Then they love bomb them to ensnare them while quickly physically and psychologically isolating their victim from family, friends, and their former life. Both devalue their victims via non-stop psychological and sometimes physical abuse to manipulate and maintain control of their victim.

The main difference between the two is that a relationship with a narcissist is a cult with just two members.

In the case of the Sussexes, Meghan is the cult leader and Harry is her obedient follower. I think by this time, at some very deep level he knows something is wrong, but he’s in so deep with her now that getting out would be very hard. He is living several time zones away from the UK, he has two kids with her, their finances are likely deeply entwined, he likely has few close friends in the US he can confide in, and Meghan likely keeps him on a short leash to prevent him from making close friends.

Add in the fact this relationship has been playing out on a world stage where many people recognize he is trapped in a marriage to a profound narcissist, it will make it very difficult for him to swallow his pride and admit he made a colossal mistake after family and lifetime friends recognized something was wrong with Meghan and cautioned him to slow the fast pace of the relationship to marriage. There’s nothing like admitting you were a fool to the general public and your family, who just happen to be the most well-known royal family in the world.

If Harry ever wants to write a book that would truly be a smash bestseller, it will be the tell-all he writes after they divorce and he gets his head on straight. It would be a book that details the lies, manipulations, abuse and control he was subjected to that he originally missed only to recognize it years later as a massive fraud revealed to him after the veil of Meghan’s facade was lifted from his vision. Now THAT’S a tell-all I’d be sure to buy.

A good place start is this article at Psych Central titles 14 Ways Narcissists Can Be Like Cult Leaders:
OCGal said…
@HappyDays, you wrote
“If Harry ever wants to write a book that would truly be a smash bestseller, it will be the tell-all he writes after they divorce and he gets his head on straight. It would be a book that details the lies, manipulations, abuse and control he was subjected to that he originally missed only to recognize it years later as a massive fraud revealed to him after the veil of Meghan’s facade was lifted from his vision. Now THAT’S a tell-all I’d be sure to buy.”

Wow! What a great succinct paragraph and sentiment I can get behind all the way. I, too, would buy that tell-all book in a heartbeat!
snarkyatherbest said…
my thoughts on fanta harry. the wife likely told him to do it because
1) still embarrassed about ellen
2) we comment on her fake orange tan

i may have been funny if he was say 21 but not at his age. what an embarrassment but i guess party guy harry is back. vegas here he comes

OCGal said…
@Fifi LaRue, oh dear, I guess I’m in my own little protected bubble because I never even considered the phrase referring to Harry “ending very, very badly would (…result in) at the very worst, suicide.”

I sincerely hope that isn’t his solution to his mucking up of his complete life. That’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

Yes, if Harry did himself in, the grifter wife would be ecstatic to put on widow’s weeds and play the wildly inappropriate, overacted rôle of grieving wealthy sessy widow to her delusional fan club, while trolling for another dupe to marry.

If the children exist, what would she do with them as a titled widow with no place in her life for little ones who need loving guidance?

For the (possible) children, I pray Harry doesn’t take a step that can’t be undone.
Miggy said…
Meghan Markle's father says he is willing to give evidence against her in defamation case launched by half-sister Samantha who is suing Duchess over her 'rags to royalty' narrative in Oprah chat.
OCGal said…
@snarkyatherbest, you awakened from a disturbing dream about Her Majesty’s death, and connected a thought about Harry’s upcoming memoir and dancing on her grave.

Well, as far as I can understand his future plans, Harry wouldn’t mistakenly have bad timing and by mistaken implication dance on her grave with his book, he instead has (in my opinion) made a strategic decision to do just that since last year it was announced he would roll out a memoir this year, and another book to be released after Her Majesty’s death, whenever that takes place. It sounds to me like that awful book will be ready to roll out the minute the shocking QEII death announcement is made. Yes, to deliberately dance on her grave.

From I quote “The book will be put out during the Queen's Platinum Jubilee...

His lucrative deal - worth up to a potential £29million - with publishers Penguin Random House involves four books.

The second of those books is due out only after the Queen has died, the Daily Mail reported.” -end quote-

I wonder if the Palace has already quashed the second of Harry’s four planned books by paying huge money to Harry and grifter wife and Penguin Random House to derail the project?

Harry and grifter wife could have an unending source of income from The Palace if they keep signing book deals to spill the beans on royal secrets, then getting paid magnificent sums to keep their secrets to themselves. And keep it up, again and again to fill their moneybags.

It would only permanently cease when William gains the throne.
Miggy said…
Remarkable Friendship with Thomas Markle and Karl Larsen (episode 1)
re What to expect at Charles's coronation:

It's been obvious for years that the next coronation can't be anything like the last one.

No column upon column of marching Home and Commonwealth troops (the Commonwealth then was the `Empire in transition'; the British forces were swollen by the huge numbers doing compulsory National Service.

Whether the Peerage (apart from the Life Peers) will have anything fit to wear is debatable: for instance, a previous Duke of St. Albans was obliged by, constrained by financial circumstances, to sell his coronet and doubted if his robes would last long enough for the next coronation- they were made for Queen Anne's coronation in 1702.

No, the procession alone in 1953 was magnificent and I feel very privileged to have witnessed it - but have long regarded it a the final expression of a vanished age of Empire.

Most significantly, back then there was a general consensus on a number of social issues which came to an end in the 1960s - one of those things that the majority believed in was that the Monarchy was a Good Thing. We weren't multicultural either.

We were back in our Hertfordshire village on the 3rd of June, in time for the spit- roasting of a whole ox on the village common, followed by the best firework display our local firework factory could manage - a meagre affair by modern standards.

The village might be allowed to have an ox roast the next time as it has a long history of so doing but even attitudes to meat eating have changed. Back then, it symbolised a great communal feast, even though it gave us little extra meat over the tiny amount the Ministry of Food allowed then. The shadow of the war still hung over us - rationing didn't end for another year - and there was still such a great need for colour and and a `good show'.

We've already be warned by The-Powers-That-Be not to expect anything like 1953 - the whole thing will be much more muted. Even whether C will be `hallowed to kingship', as the Old English used to say before 1066, may be in question. A small `do' in Windsor perhaps?

Recent `coronations' in Europe have been dismal affairs - few glad rags and only a bit of ceremony - our `mayor-makings' would knock them into a cocked hat. Tradition is important but I fear there are many who wish to see it swept away.

BTW, I was looking into the history of the City Mill in Winchester earlier today - Winchester was a royal estate, going back to the Days of King Alfred. The marriage of Mary I & Philip II of Spain was held in the Cathedral in 1554, putting a heavy burden on the City's finances. By way of compensation, ownership of the Mill was transferred from the Crown to the City as a gift. What do you think would have been an appropriate recompense for Windsor for what that farce in 2018 cost?
DesignDoctor said…
@ Sandie
Thank you for the article and video about Ellen's new home. Stunning. I especially enjoyed the video.

BLG has a new video out on How Sophie SCARED Meghan in Front of Millions.


I hope you are OK now. Thank you for all you do for the blog!
Maneki Neko said…
I was just going to post about the 1st episode of Thomas's YouTube channel when I saw @Miggy had posted a link. No earth shattering info but he does say Finding Freedom is full of lies - he gives a few examples. I just hope he gets very specific and his statements cannot be construed as defamatory/accusatory by you know who.
This 1st episode is about 14 minutes long but the delivery rate is slow and I speeded it up x 1.75.
Henrietta said…
WBBM said:

What do you think would have been an appropriate recompense for Windsor for what that farce in 2018 cost?

TW's pre-Megxit haute-couture wardrobe!
Girl with a Hat said…

Samantha Markle wants her day in court with Oprah as well.
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