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In Mourning

 Now is the official time of mourning after Her Majesty was laid to rest beside her husband and near her other beloved family members.  

During the lead up the funeral there was a stunning amount of press about certain grandchildren finally receiving their titles, uproars about uniforms and epaulettes (or not), when someone learned of her death, rumors of needing to start claims for the will, rumors of a PR firm no longer at the helm, a book which may or may not be happening any time soon or maybe later, or possible a different book focused on a love story not the deceased though, flowers not handed off to staff or questions raised of  Were people placed for a filmed touching moment to be shared on social media?  And then, the claims of invitations offered and then rescinded.  

And not enough of how people stood in line to show their respects (and some could easily have jumped the line but chose not to).  Ordinary people who were focused on the real why they wanted to stand (for hours and hours) in a cold, rainy line for someone they were unlikely to have ever had a chance to meet.  That was dedication to the monarchy.

Considering everything listed in the second paragraph, it is not obvious that the reason anyone was around was a funeral of someone who exemplified dignity, decorum, pomp and, most of all, a life of service.  No. It comes off more as the description for a Jerry Springer or similar show.

This is the time of mourning until the 26th.  I am kind of afraid of what else will happen during the remaining morning period.  And after that ends.

I keep thinking "What a comparison of the deceased's life and some actions, some true, some rumors and some may be false, to what went down before her funeral."  Here's to hoping more about her than all this brouhaha is what is remembered in history.  She earned it.  


re Inheritance: if Her Late majesty has made any provision for H in her Will, I hope it's tied up in a trust and he/she can't he his/her hands on it until at least the standard retirement age for the State Pension (men & women).

As things stand, that'll be H's 68th birthday.

If we consider occupational pensions, GPs and clergy have to retire at 70, whereas Kings may not start their duties until they are much older, in CRIII's case, 74, and Grandpapa Philip didn't retire as a working royal until much older than that.

Happy waiting, Meghan.
Anonymous said…
I do not believe K inherited QE jewelry-just borrowing as usual for all the reasons already stated.

Personally, I do not believe the RF conspired with anyone about M being blocked by a candlestick. It's petty and ridiculous. HOWEVER, I do think the media might conspire against her. H$M have launched multiple frivolous lawsuits against them. Some they have lost, others won. At a huge cost though. QE funeral was not about the feuds, inheritances, jewelry or dresses-it was about the queens life of service to her country. M has a reputation for drawing attention to herself whether it be transparent skirts, unbuttoned shirt with bra showing at someone's wedding, mantis green dress at church service etc. The media may have anticipated her antics and planned accordingly so the focus remained on QE.

 “Never argue with a man who buys ink by the barrel” 

It wouldn't surprise me if she tried to sue over being blocked by a candlestick. The media decides what gets published and what doesn't. If they refuse to publish her planted puff pieces it will be extremely difficult to rehabilitate her image. This may have been H$M "shot over the bow" from the media. H$M are fading into the abyss and their whinging horrid behavior isn't helping them. They really are their own worst enemies.
snarkyatherbest said…
per the last thread. the best thing the queen could give to all of her children and grand children and great grand children heartfelt letters sprinkled with motherly and grandmotherly advice. that would be so cherished by those receiving it. and give the harkles a big piece of history with an astronomical value that would be difficult to sell thus imposing a large inheritance tax on them. ha!
snarkyatherbest said…
GabikerGirl. agreed. she said the british media called her the n word. everyone wants to be on good graces with the new lowers that be KC and PofW. if they sensed these two want none of the harkles and wanted the focus on the queen they would have obliged. Charles likes to give little interviews about his pet causes. everyone in british media will be clamoring to get the king’s first interview.
Maneki Neko said…
How come Gayle King can talk about the Harkles returning to California without a 'peace deal'? No, don't answer this question. * must have been in touch with her (via O?). Silly me, I thought they were going to the UK for the Queen 's funeral, I didn't realise they were going to get a deal (read: negotiations). In other words, they made demands that were not agreed to. Now is not the time. At least Charles left quickly for Balmoral. I hope he stays strong and steadfast.
Girl with a Hat said…
The stupid twats don't realize that they should have behaved well, kept their noses clean during this period, let sleeping dogs lie, and bring up reconciliation after waiting that the hurt of the Queen's passing was a little less recent.

Instead, they made incessant demands, and showed that they were willing to breach the family's privacy.
Nice one Ben!🤗😃

Ben Goldsmith claims Meghan Markle is disliked in Britain NOT because of racism but 'because she is a manipulative bully who got found out'

I’m coming back with my thoughts on the post’s topic!
Very worth a listen…from a black American woman’s perspective who married a Brit herself…🥴

Katie Hopkins SCHOOLS Meghan Markle with Candace Owens
Oh dear,

Danish Queen tests positive for Covid -

She's 82, sat at end of a row in the Abbey.


Peace deal - something like `Give us the money and we'll behave for a little while'?


A couple more random thoughts:

Even if the San Andreas Fault swallowed her up, we Brits would still be to blame - had we been happy to accommodate her, she wouldn't have had to return to CA.


She condemned herself out of her own mouth during that notorious Engagement interview. She happily agreed that she's use her new position as a `platform' for her `philanthropy' and `campaigning', after `hitting the ground running' to `empower women'.

The correct answer should have been along the lines of `My main role, of course, will be to support my husband in his life as a royal and in time developing my own charitable interests.'

It sounded even then as if she was applying for the CEO's job, without noticing that the corporation she was joining already had a competent CEO, a woman who had held the post for 65 years and who wasn't leaving until Death took her.

I hoped she'd learn - some hope!
To be perceived as `racist' seems to be the new `sin against the Holy Ghost' and the Press is afraid of being thus labelled even when criticising her conduct, not her ethnicity, - just as most of us are.
@RR - Thank you for that link - you're right, well worth hearing.

Whatever one may think of Hopkins & Farage, in this case they tell it like it is and these days that takes courage,
Maisie said…
Thank you to all who contribute to this community. Very astute, informative and entertaining commentary.
Emails please.
@RR -thanks again.

A DM comment about the Goldsmith tweet says that it was never about race but about attitude -

OCGal said…
@GABikerGirl, you wrote in reference to Grifter M being consistently obscured on camera by candle(s):

“It wouldn't surprise me if she tried to sue over being blocked by a candlestick.”

Wow! Right on! The second I read that, I felt a surge of agreement and clarity that you’re likely right. I imagine the crafty money-and-fame-hungry litigious wife is already consulting voracious attorneys trying to start her newest lawsuit.

I hope the lawsuit tide has permanently turned, and ex-6 and ex-666 are washed permanently out with the tide…the tide of well-deserved opprobrium that has been far too long in coming.
HappyDays said…
I posted this quote from the Archbishop Welby remembrance speech at The Queen’s funeral and it bears a repeat.

While I think it was more of a general statement about people in government, politics and other forms of public life, it rings so true for Harry and his wife. But I do not think it was specifically directed at them. It’s just very applicable to them

"Those who serve will be long remembered when those who cling to power and privileges will be long forgotten."
- Excellent quote from Archbishop Welby in his sermon at the funeral of ERII.

Harry and Meghan are two of the many clingers who inhabit this earth. They will be just a footnote in history while Queen Elizabeth II will be remembered for her exemplary life of humility. duty, and service to her country and beyond. She will be remembered for her contributions and actions that made this a world better place.
Enbrethiliel said…
@GABikerGirl and @OCGal

I would love it if she sued over being blocked by a candle! It would be the perfect way to expose her pettiness for all to see -- and the best part would be that she'd be entirely in charge of it.

Of course, there will still be people who will believe she is entirely in the right to sue. They will say that "microaggressions" have gone for long enough and that they're happy * is finally standing up for the poor, downtrodden minorities of the world. In which case, I hope the photo that accompanies every update in the news features her blindingly pale arms.
There’s much to mull over , but we are still living through the fallout from the shenanigans from the run up to the funeral and thereafter. I’m still absorbing where we go from here…or where the story of the royals etc go from here. 🫤

If SS no longer represent the Despicable Pair, then who is? Is it just Scabies? Or? There were rather too many whines and oh woe is me articles to think they have no one to push out those PR puff pieces. 🫤😔

I don’t think much if anything has changed between the Pair and the Royal family. I don’t think Mole will cancel his book, he can’t can he or he’ll get sued for breach of contract? 🫤

My prime concern is the continued spin and lies about The Royal family and Britain abroad, it isn’t good and it isn’t abating. I do think we have seen some retaliation from BP regarding the so called rescinded invitation and the requested meeting (which appears to be a lie as well).

I’ve been listening to various podcasts and YouTube videos. A real mixture (I like to hear a lot of different view points and perspectives even if I think they’re absolutely terrible (for various reasons).

The *one from America below which I can’t get a link for, so if you want to listen to it you’ll need to search for it. The segment about the late Monarch starts at approx. 12.17 minutes in). It started off fine and then it descended into believing the full victim narrative of the Despicable Pair and it just gets worse thereon-in. What annoys me the most is the complete lack of due diligence and appropriate research before commenting. Just don’t bother to make a podcast etc if you can’t be bothered to fact check first. 😠

Podcast airing only24 hours after The Queen’s death…and can be listened to via Apple Podcasts , Spotify, Stitcher (Google first if necessary)

Podcast*Higher Learning with Van Lathan and Rachel Lindsay

Title Black Twitter and The Death of Queen Elizabeth II

Van and Rachel react to the news of Queen Elizabeth II’s death and the overall legacy of the crown (12:28)


HG Tudor’s excellent piece and criticism of The Cut magazine follow up article.

Harrys Wife 101.41 The Cut Mocks Silly England (Meghan Markle)..
Humor Me said…
New Harry Markle was posted last night.

Just when I think I cannot be surprised, I open my DM to see Gayle King as the headline, speaking of the Harkles. SMH.
and no one knows where the couple is? If they have returned to CA, or they are laying low in Britain? Seriously - the children....
Fifi LaRue said…
Gayle King, via Oprah, really is a shark swimming in bloody waters. GK is one apex predator. She contacts the Suck-Its when she wants info, and no other time. It is completely hands-off for Gayle and Oprah, except when they're fishing for juicy information. And the Suck-Its are too stupid, too desperate for attention, too needy for someone in power to pay attention to them, so they communicate with Gayle. OW and GK only want the goods, they don't want the Suck-Its anywhere near their personal and social circles. Nope.
The late and controversial judge, Lord Denning, apparently, once ruled in the case of a lorry driver who had deviated from his prescribed route in order to visit his lady-friend but was caused an accident when he was where he should not have been. He tried to wriggle out of his liability, claiming he was covered by the employer's insurance.

Denning ruled, however that he was not covered, as `he was on a frolic of his own'. The phrase has long-standing use in English law but perhaps has never been applied so piquantly.

I suspect that * is, mentally at least, on a `frolic of her own' in all the public events we have witnessed her in.

In your head, Meghan, it's all about you. Never mind the retired thespians who'd love to tell you stories of their stage careers, the dog-shelterers who want to tell you about their charges, the loving mothers of S.Africa who want to show off their babies, the starving and dead of the Irish Potato Famine whose suffering you failed to acknowledge, the dead of so many wars you were supposed to be honouring but you couldn't be arsed to stand properly, the dead in a cemetery who provided you with the scenery for a bit of virtue signalling, or those you insulted by choosing to beg, no - `solicit' that's a better word - for a part with Disney rather than attend a concert remembering victims of terrorism.

I could go on, each instance more egregious than the last. Even at the funeral of our Queen, you had to try to upstage the Departed.

In your head, you are `on a frolic of your own'. In case the message hasn't yet sunk in, it's not about you, nor finding the photo opportunities for your own publicity. It's about others. That's the lesson you should learn from Queen Elizabeth and unless you do so you will become even more bitter and twisted than you are now, and poor was well.
OCGal said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid,

"on a frolic of her own"

I love it, and thank you so much for bringing the history of this delectable phrase to our attention.

Any time in future that I'm caught during something naughty, I shall dismiss the caller-outer by airily proclaiming that I am simply on a frolic.


P.S. sad to report I can't think of anything frolicsome to do...
Hikari said…

Denning ruled, however that he was not covered, as `he was on a frolic of his own'. The phrase has long-standing use in English law but perhaps has never been applied so piquantly.

I suspect that * is, mentally at least, on a `frolic of her own' in all the public events we have witnessed her in.

Yes, despite the absolutely inconceivable fact that a great number of wokie-jokie liberal flying media monkeys and rabid sugar stans are grimly hanging on to support for her, thus proving themselves if not utterly demented, than morally bankrupt in the extreme (I count Twunt's SM sugars in the former category and media flunkies like Gayle King in the latter)--the tide is largely turning against them. I see a number of commentators whilst describing the royal players in a given shot of the funeral coverage are enumerating everyone by title except the Harkles. "Prince Harry and his wife MM" was one such. Pro-monarchy or pro-human decency outlets are depriving them of the Sussex title before Charles does so officially. A few panned over her face with no comment whatsoever.

Maybe it will take the egregious shenanigans of this foul pair to reinstate a small measure of media deference toward the Royal family, at least in Britain.

I've been enjoying the steadfast stoicism of future Sir Candlestick of St. George in obliterating the worst of the Twunt's face. Apparently she also tried some antics like sitting down mid-anthem (since taking the knee was logistically impossible from her seat) whilst her husband pressed his non-existent lips together in a refusal to sing God Save the King, and we were blocked from seeing that, too. It's heartwarming to think that in a highly competitive industry and while capturing the television event of the century, multiple rival producers made the decision either independently or in conference to honor the Queen by depriving the Sussex dumpster fire of more fuel. Screwing over rival Netflix was an additional bonus but let's face it and say that Netflix has already screwed themselves over by getting into bed with these noxious idiots to begin with.

Hikari said…
In the Spectator article posted earlier, the author out and out calls * mentally unstable with numerous references to her 'loose relationship with reality' and outright calls her a fantasist. In short, *'s breathtaking Tungsten self-assurance comes from a refusal to acknowledge the reality of her situation or perhaps a congenital inability to do so. If the RF has not appeared to deal with the pair more harshly in public, I think behind the scenes they have probably been consulting with doctors as to what legally they CAN do in the interests of the mental health management of two middle-aged adults who ostensibly have minor children in their custody. These mentions are notable though because up til now, 'Meghan's truth' has never been openly labeled as psychiatric illness by the MSM.

Asthe Harkle sojourn away from Montesh*tshow stretches into a third/fourth? week and their current whereabouts remain unaccounted for, the notion that they have a one year old baby and a toddler at home has become transparently hard to sustain.

I fully expect the odious pair will double down on all their slimy vindictive projects they have planned. The podcasts and book(s) will go forward; * will work overtime trying to get herself rebooked on Fallon and every show she can. The floodgates will burst fully open and toxic sh*t will pour forth in a rushing torrent instead of in dribs and drabs as it has been. They've got nothing left to lose, and I think they know it. All that's left is wh*ring themselves some more to whatever bidder they can eke some cash from. The Duke and Duchess of Windsor found themselves hawking similar deals to magazines and corporate sponsors in their exile. They both became pathetic jokes and barely tolerated curiosities long before their deaths.

In the new Carolean age, where the motto is "We still don't complain but we now do explain (a little bit)", I think perhaps a weekly press release on Mondays, to refute the Sussex PR shenanigans from the previous week should be instituted. Not a detailed slanging match by any means. In fact, one sentence would suffice. "Overseas Harry and Meghan have once again released some allegations over the preceding week to which the Palace can only respond 'Recollections may vary.'
Ralph L said…
The Spectator writer claims that * and her people were the source of rumors about family drama. I wish she'd been more specific about which ones, but I think we all knew she was behind much of it.
Humor Me said…
A mediator?

Read The Sun article "William-Kate relieved..."
OCGal said…
Nutties, I ran across a copy of the private letter Meghan wrote to her beloved father-in-law KCIII. Although imaginary, courtesy of Lady_Doi on Twitter, I nodded as I read it because it is assuredly true-to-life. Have a laugh! Link:
Observant One said…
Great topic to ponder! The British people showed the citizens of the world how to honor a beloved leader with an elegant and artful display of pageantry. As an American, I was pleasantly surprised there were so many articles and social media comments focused on the life and reign of the extraordinary ERIII, especially considering the media manipulators from ‘overseas’ were in town. Another surprise (for me) was the warmth, love and respect shown to KCIII. Watching his astonishment and joy, while out among the people, helped offset the pang of grief. The spontaneous singing of God Save the King and the Hoorays were a guilty pleasure to watch. I often thought that the late Queen and Prince Philip would be proud and overjoyed to witness the outpouring of allegiance and love that Charles received. I concluded that they DID witness it.

Other positive standouts: Announcing that William and Catherine were named the Prince and Princess of Wales was an unexpected joy. -Princess Anne’s devotion to her mother and love and concern for her brother. - Sophie Wessex was everywhere, all the time. She and Edward seemed compelled to thank as many people as possible for their support. I sincerely hope the King will soon name them the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh. There will never be a better time. - The Wales children were impeccable and delightful!

Negatives: H$M tried to steal some of the media thunder, but everyone is appalled by and fed up with their ability to take offense at everything. Princess Poontang’s (apologies to anyone offended by this term) attempts to use the media to manipulate the Monarchy were particularly egregious, but thankfully impotent - pun intended. I believe that after the dust settles, they will have lost even more of the fools who either supported them or were sitting on the fence. Attempting to control their family, by lying and using the media, was unspeakable.

In hindsight, it is very apparent that Oprah had a vested interest in a reconciliation. Why else did she make the distasteful, headline grabbing comment about burying the dead? Gail’s comment today convinced me that Oprah was hoping to do a follow-up interview to redeem her reputation and bank a few more million. Perhaps more “aha moments” will crystallize in the days or weeks to come.

A big round of applause for abbyh and other participating moderators for keeping up with the continuous 24 hour loop of commenting. Many thanks!

CatEyes said…

@Humor Me wrote;
"and no one knows where the couple is? If they have returned to CA, or they are laying low in Britain?"

It's been reported there was a dark figure hanging around St. Geoge's chapel with a magnificing glass and a handheld metal deterctor (along with a ginger-haired dopehead looking guy). Theory is it was * and she was looking for 24k flakes which might of fallen off the Queen's Orb during the funeral processionand especially since Angela Kelly let slip that the Queen privately said 'M@#&$%n' "wouldn't get two pence over her dead body". And M$H were previously seen on the procession route looking for any spare change someone might have dropped. It seems a Russian oligarch posted an eviction notice on their Montes*to mansion after Archie answered the door and couldn't say anything because his batteries needed charging as there was an extended brownout order for Santa Barbara County. While the plastic form named Lillibuck$ had fallen to the floor after the maid quit due to nonpayment of service and backup staff were seen smoking dope from a hidden stash in the living room next to *'s desk and were making zoom calls to law firms in order to handle abuse complaints against the Suck-its for bullying!

[If you don't find this at least a little funny just post a thumbs down and I might promise not to post again] I'm just trying to overcome the lingering sadness I still feel about the Queen's passing.
Karla said…
Cat Eyes🤣👍👍

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle fly back to California after Queen’s funeral
. ..

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have flown back to California following an extended mourning period for the death of Queen Elizabeth II in the UK, Page Six can confirm.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex left his homeland on Tuesday, one day after they attended the late monarch’s funeral services.

It does not appear likely that the “Suits” alum was able to have the “one-to-one” conversation with King Charles III she reportedly requested before leaving the country.
NeutralObserver said…

Apparently she also tried some antics like sitting down mid-anthem (since taking the knee was logistically impossible from her seat) whilst her husband pressed his non-existent lips together in a refusal to sing God Save the King,

OMG, did that really happen? LOL! If they really did do that, they're even more insane than we thought. Poor Archie & Lily.

Harry named Sir Edward Young in one of his lawsuits as the source of his security problems. Sir Edward is leaving Charles, & will be replaced by Sir Clive Alderton, who penned the 'recollections may vary' comment for the RF. The article below doesn't give much evidence that the 5s will find Sir Clive to be a pushover.

Part 1

When the Duchess of Sussex claimed that a member of the royal family had questioned the colour of her child’s skin there was one person the monarchy turned to for advice.

Sir Clive Alderton, an aide to the King, provided Buckingham Palace with the now infamous wording “recollections may differ”, friends suggest.

“The famous phrase ‘recollections may vary’ was his,” a friend said. “I just laughed and thought, that is so Clive. It would be a perfect example of how he is very good with language, he’s extremely articulate. He loves a debate and always wins an argument.”
As Charles’s most trusted adviser Alderton, 55, finds himself at the heart of power and will face scrutiny as never before. This was in evidence this week when he was criticised for a letter putting Clarence House staff on notice of redundancy during the thanksgiving service for the Queen at St Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh on Monday.

Friends say he can handle the pressure, having been an aide to the King since 2006, helping steer him through some of his most testing challenges.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were believed to have had difficult dealings with him as they tried to negotiate a future based in the United States.

“He has to make some tough calls that haven’t always gone down well,” the friend said. “On occasion he has to put his foot down . . . and he’s good at that. He’s a born diplomat in that he’s very charming and understanding of someone else’s perspective, accommodating it but somehow steering it round to what he wants.

“I’ve seen him in many meetings around the table with officials and they’ll tell him what they want, he’ll say ‘great’ but at the end they will have agreed to do what Charles wanted.

“He’s one of the most, if not the most, intelligent people I’ve ever met. He didn’t go to university, he got fast-tracked into the Foreign Office. He broke a record and was Britain’s youngest ambassador. He was the definition of a high flyer.”
As well as having a “calculating mind” that can “see all the angles” he is also liked by the King and Queen Consort for his “great sense of humour”.

The friend said: “He makes Charles and Camilla laugh. He knows when to lift the spirits, puncture the atmosphere or change the subject. It’s important — you must be good company because they spend a lot of time together.

“He loves socialising; he can socialise late into the night and get up first thing in the morning fresh as a daisy.”

Alderton was educated at Abingdon School, an independent school in Oxfordshire, and joined the Foreign Office in 1986.
Henrietta said…
A big round of applause for abbyh and other participating moderators for keeping up with the continuous 24 hour loop of commenting. Many thanks!

Here, here!
NeutralObserver said…
Sir Clive Alderton, Part 2

His diplomatic posts included stints in Poland, Belgium, Singapore and France. Between 2006 and 2008, he served as deputy private secretary to the King and Queen Consort, then the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall. He was promoted to private secretary for foreign and commonwealth affairs in 2009, a post he left in 2012 when he took up an appointment as ambassador to Morocco and non-resident ambassador to Mauritania. He returned to the royal household about seven years ago as Charles and Camilla’s principal private secretary, the most senior position in their household.

A former aide who worked with Alderton for several years said: “He was specifically asked back, which in itself is unusual and a sign of the high esteem in which he is held by both of their Majesties.” The former aide said the plans unfolding after the Queen’s death were longstanding, “but the design and the really important context has been crafted by Clive to make sure that they fit with the mood of the country now”.

Alderton is said to have played an “integral” role during recent challenges around the future of the Duke of York and “Megxit”, when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepped down as working royals. The former aide said: “When I worked with him I used to say that he likes to play five-dimensional chess. His ability to predict how issues will play out over the long term is phenomenal.
“His understanding of the King and how he will react in certain circumstances is probably his greatest asset — coupled with an encyclopaedic understanding of the constitution and royal and political history. Taken together, what you have is an incredible strategist and problem solver wrapped up in a very charming demeanour.

“I would add that his way of defusing situations and perhaps persuading the King and Queen Consort with occasional use of bonhomie and humour is also extremely impressive.

“Court life is not without its challenges and to survive as long as Clive has is an absolute skill in itself and to have done it . . . has been a testament to his abilities. You never see him lose his temper, even in the most trying of circumstances. He’s a realist. He understands the difference between the ideal outcome and the pragmatic solution.”
Hikari said…

I didn't have a chance to read this link on Charles as a Scorpio and comment before the last thread was closed so I'm importing it here.

While I don't 'follow' astrology per se, I have spent a lot of time studying the traits of the various signs of the Zodiac and comparing them with people I know to see if there is any validity to them. As a student of human nature, it's another arrow in the quiver, along with the MBTI. I've never done a cross-reference study of MBTI type and how it matches up with one's star sign but I'd expect there to be overlap.

For Charles's MBTI I peg him as:
I - Introvert That one's a no-brainer. A shy child, always under the thumb of a domineering father, a brutal public school system and the crushing burdens of Duty, he took a shine to the stage, which surprised me. He has blossomed as an adult. His speech-making much more natural than the Queen's ever became. His gift for extemporizing can be dangerous. The Queen never warmed to being addressed as 'Mummy' in his speeches but it became his 'thing'.

N - Intuiting
F - Feeling
P - Perceiving

In short, the spirit of a poet, an artist, a philosopher. A dreamer, a romantic. Incidentally, that's my own type. And I'm the eldest of four children from a family which struggled to verbalize or demonstrate emotions very well. I have a lot in common with Charles, which is why I have come to admire him after the rocky Diana and post-Diana years. He doesn't always make good decisions but I feel like I know how his brain works, why he acts like he does and why he struggled to harmonize with his Greatest Generation

Scorpio good traits: driven to succeed, hard-working, leadership qualities, self-confidence, resourceful, hate dissemblers, honest (to a fault) . . prize authenticity.

Nobody embodies all the traits of their sign all the time. Charles has worked his entire life to overcome feelings of inadequacy and timidity which came out of clashes with his legendary father, the Iron Duke. (ESTJ, by my reckoning. ie, the exact opposite type to Charles. Elizabeth I rate as an INTJ. 'Feeling' or head-in-clouds musings were self-indulgences to these pragmatic people.) But Charles is tougher than given credit for by many, seeing as he survived Gordonstoun and morphed himself from a chubby shy bullied child into 'Action Man'. In terms of the traits of needing to take charge, give orders etc., it's a bit hard to separate the man from his birth-ordained role. I don't think that Charles was a natural leader by temperament, judging by his childhood experiences, but being born heir to a Crown has the effect of conferring authority anyway. One becomes used to expecting one's whims to be carried out when one grows up from birth waited upon by courtiers and being bowed to and addressed in terms of reverence. This would predispose one toward becoming petty and demanding and self-centered because that's what happens when human beings are turned into quasi deities with automatic deference from everyone.

Hikari said…
If Charles had grown up in a middle-class family and was just regular Charlie Bucket, he might have become an architect or an organic famer or just worked down at the garden centre. He doesn't seem naturally predisposed to be a leader or a company man and is in fact a bit of an iconoclast, which is why he's kicked his whole life against the goads. He and * share in common a desire for their 'voice' to be heard; for people to know the 'real' them . . only with * there IS no real self and she's got nothing of any value to say. She just wants to talk about herself and how she should be worshiped for breathing. Charles has a great many opinions and a rich inner life that needs venting. This gets him in trouble often when his frank private opinions reach the light of day.

The negative traits of Scorpio which I reproduce here sound an awful lot like . . .Harry's wife. My father was a Scorpio, with a birthday on November 16, two days after Charles's. He was 10 years younger than Philip and he'd be 91 this year if he were still with us. Not a natural leader in the world, though the leader of our family. He was pretty emotionally repressed as were most men who came of age in the 1950s, but not aggressive, vengeful, etc.
But I know exactly who this DOES sound like.

Scorpio men are stubborn. They want to have things their way because they believe they know best. Scorpios can come across as selfish and demanding because they love taking charge and giving orders. However, when someone else tries to give the orders, they will explode. Scorpios aren’t comfortable unless they are leading. They don’t want to be given rules or ultimatums, which is why they clash with authority.

You don’t want to get on the wrong side of a Scorpio man. They are vengeful, bitter, and resentful. After all, they are represented by a vicious scorpion. They are also ruled by the planet Mars, which symbolizes passion, aggression, the God of war, and animal instincts. If you hurt a Scorpio man once, they will never forget it. They aren’t going to forgive you anytime soon. They can hold grudges for the rest of their lives because they never put the past in the past.
Hikari said…

Re. the sitting down by *

I can't be sure it did happen as I was trying to avert my eyes from that general direction even with the valiant efforts of Sir Candlestick. They were seated directly behind the King so it drew the eye even though I was trying not to look. Charles's visible grief and forlorn air when God Save the King started up were compelling. He's got the air of a man who, having looked forward, with anticipation and dread for the last 50+ years, for this day to arrive, felt entirely overwhelmed by the occasion . . and who wouldn't? Who (other than mentally deranged persons) would feel deserving of inhabiting ER's place?

That * had some stunts up her sleeve during the service was discussed on SM, that she at least planned to sit or threatened to. No doubt so she could later claim that she, in the early stages of being heavily pregnant and overcome with faintness brought on by the horrible racist RF had to sit down or crumple to the floor.

As much as we are rejoicing in the foiling of all the Harkle schemes over their last two visits to the UK, this is actually a very delicate time for the RF. I've often fantasized about various ways in which the Harkles could be made to Go Away . .some rather more permanent than others, if you take my meaning. But given that Harry's wife still has powerful supporters . .as quizzical as that is . . It would make things 10-fold worse for the RF if anything life-threatening happened to either of the odious pair. Whether a verifiable accident or misadventure should befall either one of them, just imagine how the media would spin that as 'Diana all over again'. Even if something bad were to happen due to the couple's own personal behavior and poor choices/habits, everything would be blamed on the Royal Family, who cast them out across the ocean and then refused to give them security and made them destitute. * as a widow would be absolutely intolerable, but sadly enough, I think H has been devalued enough that he's the expendable one here, in terms of her world domination narrative.

The Harkles have been temporarily neutralized but are now even more bitter and vengeful. Harry hates Charles so there won't be even the modicum of pretense to 'honor' the monarch with their 'service' the way they did with the Queen. It's a fine mess, as they say.

Thanks for posting the article on Sir Clive Alderton. I'm quite disappointed, I don't mind telling you, that the Queen didn't come up with that bon mot herself. I'm sure she approved and got a hearty chuckle out of it, though.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the excellent Times article. I find it heart warming and very reassuring to know that the Principal Private Secretary to the king is such an outstanding member of staff. He can be trusted to ward off the Harkles and their shenanigans. It gives me hope that Charles will be strong and resolute where the duo is concerned.
Hikari said…

Tarot card reading is another practice I never paid any attention to once upon a time. As a practicing Christian, I feel a bit uneasy about even watching the videos, as we are exhorted to stay away from fortune tellers. Seeing as I am not seeking out a tarot reading for my *own* purposes, though, I am adding these 'readings' to my dossier of information about one of the most perplexing human soap operas of our, or any time. I think we all are on a quest to get to the bottom of what makes this couple tick and are resorting to any means to gather pieces of plausible motives. Has any other pair of celebrities in modern times had so many tarot card readers and just vloggers in general dedicating their channels to their every move? Other than Diana herself, I've gotta say I can't think of anyone. The Twunts of Montecito are right up there with Jack the Ripper, Sherlock Holmes and Marilyn Monroe as the focus of obsessive interest.

However I confess that this lady is pretty delightful to listen to (she's Scots), and Tarot by Andie is another channel I periodically watch. I've got no familiarity with the card so they could make any narrative up and I wouldn't know the difference.

I am very selective about which topics I choose to watch 'readings' on and the one that is always at the forefront for me is the alleged children. Those kids are the centerpiece of this incredible story--and must be the RF's greatest headache. * has deftly wrapped them up, figments or not, in her perpetual victimology narrative because her last salvo against the British press was that 'they'--papers unspecified--called her children n******. Once again, she's got no proof but she doesn't need any because her unquestioning support base will latch onto that and it will 'become' fact in the popular mind. Even if she can't find a single line of evidence in any medium. She'll just say it was revoked AFTER the damage had been done.

The Kraken for me is the unmasking of all her machinations and lies regarding these children. Can the RF extricate itself from the inevitable charges of complicity--if they have knowledge--in perpetuating such a huge fraud upon the world? Now that the Queen is no longer with us, the morally impeccable lady whose sense of decorum held everything together . . it could get even uglier than it has already with various revelations finally seeing the light of day. ER is beyond reproach now, but Charles may yet land in it. Who knows what will happen? I do not believe the cards predict the future, but in the hands of an experienced 'reader' they may illuminate bits of the past that have already occurred.

Even if you think tarot is hokum, this lady is quite entertaining and raises some food for thought and discussion.
NeutralObserver said…
@Hikari, You almost make me sympathetic to Charles. I do think he has beautiful taste, & lovely manners. The poor man has a lot on his mind these days, & recently has had a schedule that would be exhausting for a man half his age. The last thing he should be bothered with is two middle-aged toddlers!

I also think the RF handled the 5s quite well during the funeral, in a situation with many moving parts, not least the grief that Her Majesty's family & people felt. I feel strongly that the poisonous 5s hastened the Queen's demise. I doubt Princess Anne will ever forgive her, if not him. There was a long gossipy Angela Levin article in the Telegraph recently that recounts some of the bumpy times various 'married-ins' have gone through over the years. Poor Camilla was really persona non grata for years! (Anne now appreciates her hard work, according to Angela.)

I want to add my thanks once again to all the appreciative comments for abbyh, who has worked so hard keeping this space pleasant & civilized!
Teasmade said…
I am also INFP and the oldest and not my mother's favorite (that would be my brother, the Scorpio, ha!), and have always been sympathetic to Charles. And always Team Camilla.

(I may have missed a few posts today, as the topic changed while I was at work where there is a firewall thus no access. So if this is too focused on "me", my apologies. Just to say, I "get" Charles, if I may say so.
Karla said…
Sir Edward Young - The Times

There is contradiction in The Times article and DM's article ( 17 Sept)

The Times
"Sir Edward is leaving Charles, & will be replaced by Sir Clive Alderton, who penned the 'recollections may vary''

a) Queen's Private Secretary Sir Edward Young and not KCIII
b)Sir Clive Alderton was already private secretary to KCIII
c) King Charles III will keep the Queen’s Private Secretary – known as a ‘hatchet man’ for his ability to deliver bad news – in his post
Sir Edward Young, the Queen's Private Secretary, will be kept in post by King Charles III.

Known in Palace corridors as a 'hatchet man' for his ability to deliver bad news, particularly relating to job cuts, it is thought that his skills will come in handy.
The new King, who is served by Private Secretary Sir Clive Alderton, already has a challenge on his hands'
Girl with a Hat said…

you've spoken about Charles' sun sign of Scorpio, but his ascendant is in Leo. So, he loves being the centre of attention, as all Leos do. Perhaps that is why he did so well in the theatre, because it's the natural profession of a Leo.

His second house is Virgo, which is why he is always thinking of being thrifty and efficient in his endeavours. It also makes him a little fussy.

Since Scorpio and Leo are at 90 degrees from each other in the horoscope, I expect that he has a lot of inner turmoil about conflicting aspects of his personality and also that others perceive him in a way that he doesn't want or like.
xxxxx said…
But this may be good news for Harry. U.K. broadsheet The Daily Telegraph reported that Sir Edward Young will be among those to leave, after a transition period lasting months. Newsweek has confirmed the Telegraph's account.

There will be a period when Elizabeth's private secretary stays on as joint private secretary to the king, along with Sir Clive Alderton, who has been by Charles' side for many years as his principal private secretary.

Both Young and Alderton
Petunia said…
Hikari, excellent insight on the second son of the monarch waging a war on the throne, only with a virtual army. I hope that someone, perhaps Sir Clive, has considered this as well.

Still haven't watched the video of the services but am looking forward to seeing the valiant efforts of Sir Candlestick in action!

Prediction: TBW will claim she was pregnant, but had a miscarriage due to the stress of recent events.
Hikari said…

Trust Charles to have such a complex, diametrically opposed sign. I think he very much has been a man at war with himself since he was old enough to understand his destiny. If he craves the limelight, it’s probably due to the early deprivation of his parents’ attention and presence during his formative years. Anne wasn’t bothered, she says now, though ever staunchly loyal to the Crown she could be demurring to say anything that reflects poorly on her mother. Anne is a sturdier personality and far less complicated—which would have made her an effectively no-nonsense leader. Charles’s Hamlet-like tendencies make his position even more difficult than it would be for another individual not so burdened with inner baggage. Acting decisively is tough for an introspective person who has to examine all the potential angles and find the flaws in each.

That’s my line and I’m a Libra. Good thing I was not born to a crown because I hate being the center of attention.

Even though I was my mother’s firstborn, she can’t remember the exact time of day of my advent. She was doped up at the time. I’m sure my dad, the meticulous record compiler (He worked as a data analyst for GM) wrote it down in my baby book. I would be interested to know what my chart looks like with the additional wrinkle that I was about 10 weeks premature. Based on my due date of December 15, I should’ve been a Sagittarius. Could make for some interesting results. I definitely feel Libra is more me.

I think Peter Morgan, creator of the Crown series must be a Charles sympathizer because the episodes centered around Charles’s early years were some of the best moments in the show. Helps that they found two outstanding actors to portray him at different ages.
Hikari said…

As a continuation of my previous comment, if Charles has his ascendant in Leo, that might explain why he initially had a favorable impression of Tungsten Markle. I’m sure she was pulling out all the eye-lash batting in her repertoire. Two Leo’s can’t share the spotlight though, Not even when one isn’t the King of England and the other isn’t a psychopath. I’m sure Charles probably chalked. up early clashes to his son’s wife being American and unused to their ways. During her first year in the royal family, Tungsten milked that ‘new girl/abandoned American orphan’ schtick hard as a cover for her breaches of decency.

King Charles has had enough now, and dipping back into his Scorpio sun, I predict that he is never going to forgive her for being the fraud that she is and abducting his sorry excuse for a son. Harry’s treachery is going to hurt him even more than it did The Queen. For her, Harry’s going rogue was a disappointment, an irritation, A matter for perplexity and even righteous anger… But she could stay quite insulated from the worst of it And the impact would have been blunted. Displeasing sure, annoying, upsetting to some degree, particularly when Harry refused to visit when his grandfather was dying. I think chances are fair that the Oprah interview Was kept from Her Majesty in the interests of her health and well-being.

Charles has to be privy to all of the disgusting antics, and there’s no buffer. Harriet was one of a large crowd of grand children for the Queen, but for Charles, there’s half his children seemingly lost to him forever—and hating his guts. Worse still if that animosity is depriving him of seeing two grandchildren.

How like a serpent’s tooth it is to have an ungrateful child, lamented King Lear. Only, the child he was lamenting was good and pure and true— The king had listened to poison and was completely wrong. It becomes his undoing, and things don’t end well for Cordelia either. Evil corrupts everything it comes into contact with, and sadly for Charles, his ungrateful child isn’t going to be revealed at anything but.
SwampWoman said…
Aquarian INTP here. How messed up is that?! I will side eye you feeling people henceforth (lol).
Fifi LaRue said…
@Hikari: You are so well spoken/written. It is always a pleasure to read what you write.

There is a British astrologer, Marjorie Orr. She has a website with daily predictions, and commentary on daily political and entertainment events. My comprehension of astrology is above average, but her website is for very, very practiced astrologers. Yet, there is great insight there if one can go beyond the abstract language, and get to gist. She has some very pertinent things to say about Twit's chart, and the coming years.

Marjorie Orr's predictions about Twit's coming years is pretty dire.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Swampie: Oh, you are not messed up!

Pisces with Aquarian Moon and Sag rising, INFP here.

We like someone with a Thinking ability!
gloriosasuperba said…
@Nutties. Another good tarot reader is Madworld Tarot. Youtube.

Aries here with Mars rising. Aren't I lucky!!! ISTJ
"ISTJ Their intolerance for complaining or excuses.
Their hard working favoured nature.
Their direct no-nonsense demeanour.
Their albility to see patterns and "bad habits" in people."

Just think of all the fun I could have with The Gruesome Twosome
Enbrethiliel said…
Hello, fellow Nutties! At the risk of being that annoying, pedantic person, I wanted to share my understanding of the 16 Jungian personality types.

It's not simply about the letters -- e.g. whether one is a T or an F. Everyone thinks and everyone feels. It just that some people think introvertedly (Ti) and feel extravertedly (Fe), while others think extravertedly (Te) and feel introvertedly (Fi). These functions are "on a coin," as some in the type community like to say, so if you introvert one, then you definitely extravert the other. Plus, all of these functions are arranged on a stack, with the top function being the strongest. An INFP's stack, for example, would be:

Fi -- Introverted feeling
Ne -- Extraverted intuition
Si -- Introverted sensing
Te -- Extraverted thinking

While INFPs are indeed "feelers" (meaning that they're in touch with their values and know exactly how they feel about everything), they "introvert" it by keeping it inside. Contrast this to ENFJs, who are also big feelers, but who "extravert" their emotions by talking about them a lot and often creating a forum where others can do the same with their own feelings.

The BRF aren't popular subjects for typing, but someone in the community with a very systematic method of typing individuals is 100% sure about the following:

Prince William -- ISFJ
Princess Catherine -- ENTJ
Harry -- ESFJ
* -- ESTP
Enbrethiliel said…
I forgot to add:

Queen Elizabeth II -- ISFJ
Diana -- ISTP

I share his typing for discussion purposes. Since I haven't given the BRF's types much thought on my own, I can't say whether I back his conclusions or not.
I'm still thinking about that 'orrible dress.

Either it'd be a good costume for the Demon Kween in the upcoming pantomime season, or she's left her scythe and hourglass at home.

(Thanks, Cateyes, it was your mention of `glass' that set me off on the Death cosplay!).

ps I've never bothered with Myers Brigg.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the tarot link. The few times I've ever watched a tarot video was about the Harkles. It will be interesting to see what becomes of Lilibet but we might have to wait a long time. I must say Stassi Shroeder's baby looks remarkably like Lilibet. I checked SS's baby's photos. Her 1st birthday was in January and she was clearly wearing earrings (studs). I tried to look at Lilibet's ear but can't see any sign of a pierced ear - the only pic we have - apparently taken in June - shows her left ear very clearly and there's no sign of a pierced ear. I know it could have been doctored to hide a tiny hole. I'm none the wiser. As a minor aside, that tarot lady sounds Irish (Dublin, I'd say) but I'm no expert.
snarkyatherbest said…
the victimhood articles are starting. boring. so will be curious what they do next. didn’t fly private back home if they did go home. if no SS maybe a few more pr pushes. but what next. will they need lots of papping to make up the $. am really curious what is next. are they clever enough to take a different road will there be a divorce. she is certainly branding herself away from him. (her version of an iconic pic while we have none of him but walking frustrated). we will get an interview eventually. but what will that spin be.
I hope I’m not the only Nuttie who finds the two new books on The Royal’s in poor taste, inasmuch the timing of their release. The royal family are still in mourning and they have these two stinks thrown in the works to deal with now. 😔

The Telegraph is serialising Angela Levin’s book and the DM’s had excerpts of Katie Niccol’s book.
I hadn’t even heard of the Myers Brigg’s 16 personality types till last year…,Do I live under a rock, or is it a case that it’s not well known or popular that over this side of the pond? I have no idea. 🥴Anyhow I did succumb and did the test twice. I’m an INFJ and I do think there’s linkage between astrology and the MB types.

Multiple sources state The MBTI have Charles pegged as a ISFJ type.

Charles is a Sun Scorpio with his Moon in Taurus. Both his Sun and Moon are fixed signs and are opposites signs in the astrology world.

I always feel Scorpio’s get an unfair and bad rap mostly based on the stereotypes of Scorpio’s. I’ve known many in my lifetime and I’ve got on great with them. The only time I’d be super wary, is when someones Mars is in Scorpio or Venus…. revenge is their MO, they never let go of the past.
I gather that in the Middle Ages & into the Renaissance, astrology was regarded as God writing messages in the stars for humanity - angels were the messengers who brought reallyimportant tidings, such as the birth or resurrection, of a Saviour to select audiences.

BTW Astronomy, rather than astrology, has always been important for calculating the date of Easter each year - the Vatican supports an observatory in the US,

see: - Ive probably quoted the Director's adage before on this site:

`Never let your faith compromise your intellectual integrity'.

Long ago, I abandoned my Bible-believing Non-Conformist background for this very reason - I couldn't stand the earnest concern with which I was warned that I was condemning myself to eternal damnation if I accepted Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. I took a chance on it and aligned myself with the `modern catholic' wing of the CofE and continued as a biologist with a keen interest in paleontology.

My view of astrology is that it seldom says anything we couldn't find or work out for ourselves. Sorry.
snarkyatherbest said…
rasberry. i think it’s hard to pull or delay the pr already in place. Levin’s book was due to be released early next week. the publishing houses have months of books line up for release and don’t want books stepping on other releases. the serializarion could have waited a week. then again if the book is favorable to camilla hopefully it mutes the harkles tome whenever that gets released.
This doesn't make sense - a repetition today of old news - from April - without correct dates? Who is the mischief maker? Yahoo or the Indie?


The Independent

Prince William and Kate ‘did not cancel skiing holiday for Harry and Meghan’s return to the UK’
Emily Atkinson
Thu, 22 September 2022 at 8:38 am (My reaction: !!! wbbm)

The Prince and Princess of Wales did not cancel or rearrange their family skiing holiday to accommodate the return of Prince Harry and Meghan to the UK in September, a new book claims.

In the forthcoming book The New Royals: Queen Elizabeth’s Legacy and the Future of the Crown, it is alleged that despite progress in healing family tensions with the late Queen, King Charles and the Queen Consort having been made by the Sussexes’ on their stop over in the UK, peace talks with William and Kate were unable to go ahead.

The Waleses were reportedly enjoying a family skiing holiday in the French Alps with their children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis when Harry and Meghan made a brief return to home soil en route to The Hague for the Invictus Games earlier this month.

“William pointedly did not change his holiday plans,” author Katie Nicholl writes of the alleged snub.

The Sussexes’ whistle-stop tour of the UK included an audience with Queen Elizabeth II and an “awkward” 15-minute meeting with Charles and Camilla to which the California-dwelling pair had reportedly been late.

“Harry went in with hugs and the best of intentions and said he wanted to clear the air,” according to a family friend.

“He actually suggested that they use a mediator to try and sort things out, which had Charles somewhat bemused and Camilla spluttering into her tea.

“She told Harry it was ridiculous and that they were a family and would sort it out between themselves.”

The book also alleges, citing a source, that William and Kate had felt a “sense of relief” that the “drama was gone” when Prince Harry and Meghan left the UK to live in the US in January 2020.

Nicholl also writes that, to this day, “William still cannot forgive his brother.”

The Independent has contacted Buckingham Palace for comment.

I know more non believers of astrology than those who do, so you’re not alone. 🤗

@Snarky, I don’t doubt anything you say. They could’ve held off a week? 🫤The DM has chosen to print an excerpt of Levin’s book stating Andrew lobbied The Queen to stop Charles becoming King….these kind of headlines and articles are not necessary at this particular time. 😞
Girl with a Hat said…
@Raspberry Ruffle,

I thought Scorpios were ok as well, until I get to know them.

My stalker was a Scorpio man.

The neighbor whose life I saved from covid, is a Scorpio. (He didn't know he had covid and I told him to get tested, and then provided him with a remedy which helped him get rid of symptoms very quickly. He is 72 years old and obese). He thanked me by ridiculing my family photos, making fun of my decor, and saying that my 39 deg fever when I had covid was "nothing". He also demanded that I help him with a computer problem over the phone while I was sick with covid, and wouldn't let up.

Another Scorpio friend of 20 years tried to force me to have sex with him.

So, when someone tells me they're a Scorpio, I keep my distance.

Anonymous said…
W&K have busy schedules and meetings arranged months in advance. Why would they change their planned ski vacation as a family unit to accommodate H$M in September??? That doesn't make sense at all. Just like when H$M planned Archie's christening, no consideration was given to the Queens schedule but they tried to pretend they were snubbed by it. She was old and had another engagement already. QE did not attend Prince Louis christening either, btw.
@GWAH, your experiences haven’t been good at all, they sound horrendous, especially the so called friends’ actions. 😞

We can only go by our own experiences. I’ve yet to have a good experience with individuals with the opposite sign to mine, and I really try not to stereotype people based their astrology sign; people are rather more complicated and complex than that. 🥴
Portcitylass said…
She was kept from Archie having his John John moment but she surely got her Jackie O in standing aside and with the one tear. I knew she would get her money shot.

Also, it has come out that Anne was the guilty party accused of racism. I knew something was up with those whispers.

Lastly, GK's article means that they are in this for the long haul.
CK and the royals will have no peace. The royal family can continue doing what they do, but the media has already begun to deplatform them. Just look at the articles in the DM. Very sad for HM's legacy.
It would been better if she had retired in Her 70s then none of this would be happening.
Humor Me said…
All these books indeed and what they are spilling!
My goodness! If we were back in the day, there would be occupacy of the Tower and there would be less royals of by the end of the reign.
@Portcitylass: It's always easy to be wise after the event.

ERII would have been in her 70s from 21/4/1996 - 20/4/1997, we would not have had the current crisis but there would still have been crises a-plenty, just different ones...

- 1996 was the year C & D divorced. There would have been a hell of a stink over C taking the throne.

- Wm would have been 14, subject to a Regency for 4 yrs, if C had been rejected

- Not sure who would have been Regent until Wm attained full age at 18, in 2000 - Andrew, ? (Fergie's toes and their adventures had been publicised already) - Duke of Edinburgh?

- Would Wm have gone to St Andrews' as King? Would he have met Catherine?

None of this bears thinking about - it would have been different, certainly. but probably just as ghastly.
Mel said…
but can't see any sign of a pierced ear 

If you expand those photos, you can see a small photoshopped square over the kid's ear.

Now....why would that be necessary? Hmmmm?
Mel said…
I think that King Charles has finally blossomed
He's finally grown into his looks.

He can finally be himself, and it's showing. His looks and personality finally synch up. No wonder he seems to be glowing in the public walkabouts and receptions.

The same with Catherine.

In the earlier years I never thought of her as particularly good looking. Not really cute, and certainly not beautiful. Scale of 1-10, maybe a 7 or 8. But you could see the potential she had to grow into her looks.

But look at her now. She's beautiful and gorgeous. Glowing from within.
Whatever burdens she may have had, she's come to terms and is contented with her life. Scale of 1-10, she's a 20.
Mel said…
Then we have Morticia down on the floor during the funeral. Any thoughts as to what she was doing down there? Hmmm?
gloriosasuperba said…
@Mel. seeing she has been starting rumours about a fourth pregnancy, to support her story when it is revealed she has another mythcarriage to go with the last one!
DesignDoctor said…
Was * down on the floor and just sitting down? Does anyone have a source?
Portcitylass said…

I get that. Perhaps I should have said ten years ago. But you get the gist of the statement.
Mel said…
DesignDoctor....Probably sitting, who knows. I was being facetious.
snarkyatherbest said…

looking for loose change 😉
Maneki Neko said…
@Girl with a Hat

I'm sorry to hear about your awful experiences. I hope they're well behind you. Take care.
SwampWoman said…
Portcitylass, she's being widely mocked for that photo.

You need to read those scolding articles not as the truth, but with an eye to the hidden agenda. Why was this written? (To erase Britain's national identity?) Then you look into the why and how and what they propose to replace him with.

I wouldn't worry about 'them' being in this for the long haul. They live in an extremely high tax state with a bifurcated populace that is extremely high income or low income and increasingly homeless. Even people with high incomes in the tech industries are living in their vehicles. The middle class (that don't have private security) are fleeing the crime and high costs. California is seismically active and a mass casualty seismological event can happen at any time in a place where government is incompetent.

The Deep Sixed appear to be running out of money and their options for having security (probably to protect them from anybody that they've ever worked with and current and past employees) may be disappearing. Uh oh.

Archie would not have been allowed in for his money photo (if he exists) because he is a toddler.

Y'all overestimate how important The Deep Sixed and Invisible Children are to us. We look at them as a comedy sideshow of stupid in action.
Enbrethiliel said…
Whatever she was doing, the beauty is that there isn't a single image of it that she can use to bolster whatever story she's going to tell!

She wouldn't have known that during the service, of course. Hence the smug I-know-something-you-don't-know expression at the very end, even as she was being snubbed by Princess Eugenie and Jack. I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall when she learned that her stunt had been totally in vain!
Hikari said…
This reading was done in February, lest we get too excited but she's got interesting insights about the state of the Harkle relationship and their mental status. 7 months ago the cards said that: * has dirt on high-ranking Democrats and is threatening to spill secrets unless given a Senate seat. I smell an EPSTEIN connection--how else could a yacht girl rub elbows (or something) with Senators? She sees yachting with the Saudi Crown Prince (backer?) Regular payments and jewelry, including Those Earrings.

The Death card came up, just days before the Queen's Accession Day. Harry will return very suddenly to England due to a bereavement. Chariot = cancer came up, also 'heart attack/sudden fall'.

Markus = the Devil . . he knows all about the children. Well, I could have told you that from Day 1.

Lily is definitely Irish/Dublin. I misidentified her as Scots so I was really out of it.

MEGHAN'S FUTURE, WHAT'S LEFT? Viewer Questions & Shocking Cards! #thetarotknows #tarotbylily
Hikari said…
The Queen did exactly as she had promised to do and carried on to the very end of her life. I expected no less from her. She would have viewed an early retirement as a dereliction of her duty. I too am sad though that the last 5 years of an exemplary reign were marred by this freak show. The whole royal machine from the queen on down fatally misunderestimated The toxic fallout in perpetuity of allowing a marriage that was patently unsuitable from the off. Everyone close to Harry had misgivings and inklings that his chosen bride was bad news and would not fit in and was not appropriate in a host of ways but I’m not sure that even her own family could’ve predicted how very bad it would get. The only reason Harry and his toxic baggage have been able to continue their escalating and relentless media attacks against his family is due to the millions and millions of dollars which Harry’s family willingly gave to him, and the extra millions and millions have been able to generate off the back of Harry’s family name. By themselves and left entirely to their own resources alone, these two are nothing. But anointing * a Royal Duchess and giving her access to the kind of money and global exposure she’s had has Created this monster. She always had these tendencies And has been an awful soleless person since childhood, but left to Her own devices, abilities, and modest circles, the best she could ever attain in 20 years of hustling To become a global celebrity was a lifestyle blog, A small roll on a two-bit cable soap opera and some complementary drinks at Soho House where is she could rub elbows with the rich and famous. People who knew her back then have nothing good to say that’s honest and we can assume that she has always been the same, but the damage that she was able to cause Was a lot more localized before anybody in the larger world knew who she was.

May the Queen Rest In Peace, but her fatal error was allowing Harry this marriage on the couple’s terms. She herself gave * the status and the means to torment the family— And by extension the entire nation of Britain—and tarnish HMTQ’s legacy. The family had good motives and intentions despite all the misgivings: They wanted to be inclusive, they wanted to be kind, they wanted Harry to be happy. It looked good, as the Commonwealth continues to fray and support for their archaic institution wanes, to welcome a black Princess. Just look at how their good and kind intentions have been repaid. And after all of this, not only is Harry not happy, he’s threatening to trample on his father’s crown Before Charles has even had the job for five minutes. Well, all I can say is that kind intentions are all well and good, but after three decades of knowing Harry, they Should have known it would come to this if he got his way.

Yes, that might have been a more favourable time but that isn't the basis of being monarch. It's not like a contract of employment. She took an oath/vow before God, and she wasn't someone who would break her word, and then she was anointed. One cannot be un-anointed.

Still, we've had the retirement of a pope and it's almost normal for wedding vows to be broken, although many still feel very strongly about the breakdown of C & D's marriage.

H might still have met his keeper and there's no guarantee that C would have been any more capable of stopping the marriage than QE2.


Demon Kween disappearing - well, I don't think a trapdoor in the stage opened. I didn't see it & haven't got it recorded but some Nutties have reported that she had stated she would disrespect the National Anthem, the Monarch and the Nation and its sentiments, like her appendage - but he was less dramatic about it. That alone calls for action against both of 'em.
Hikari said…
May the Queen Rest In Peace, but her fatal error was allowing Harry this marriage on the couple’s terms. She herself gave * the status and the means to torment the family— And by extension the entire nation of Britain—and tarnish HMTQ’s legacy. The family had good motives and intentions despite all the misgivings: They wanted to be inclusive, they wanted to be kind,

That HM was willing to overlook that Harry’s choice had been divorced— Twice if reports are true— Was a surprising decision to say the least, since her own son had to settle for a civil ceremony. But considering that Andrew was denied permission to marry a lovely American girl who had appeared in a saucy film because that was deemed too scandalous, The fact that ER endorsed Markle as a royal bride despite everything the security services would have told Ma’am about Harry’s girl is astounding. I guess they really feared the racism allegation that much. And Harry was, as is his wont, Emotionally blackmailing his grandmother by threatening to hurt himself…again. Five years on and gee—look what we’ve got: The racism charge Was lobbed On national television as Philip lay dying And Harry is still threatening her in self. These are the stock pieces in the repertoire.

The tragedy here is that the Queen herself loaded the guns by accepting Markle into the family and conferring that status on her. Had the RF called her bluff in 2017 when She was just Harry’s transatlantic booty call, they could have neutralized her. If Harry’s girlfriend of six months Had leveled claims of racism before ever meeting any of the family, it would have looked like exactly what it was a party girl of loose character and dodgy past trying to blackmail her way into marriage with a Royal for material gain. Once she got in, she made sure to wait until after the eye wateringly expensive White wedding and the million pounds for clothing before she started crying Racism— When it became clear that they weren’t going to give her Windsor castle and the keys to the jewelry vault. She’s in now like a pernicious virus, and It’s not going to be easy or maybe even possible to shake her off. Far better to have practice prevention and refused her admission to begin with. The Harkle saga is certainly a lesson for us all in the power of media and its willingness to be bought.
Henrietta said…
From SecondhandCoke on Reddit's St. Meghan Markle thread:

So here's what I got along the lines of Meghan's new PR. As we know, she no longer has Sunshine Sachs. Meghan and Harry have left SS a couple of times and come back, but I heard that this time SS broke up with THEM, making it unlikely that they reunite again. Never say never, especially when it comes to Meghan Markle, but I think they are truly done now.

Sunshine Sachs allegedly ditched them for a couple of reasons more than because Meghan put off paying a $2 million PR bill for 6+ months. Once she paid, they were dropped because A) they know she'll end up unable to pay bills again-- it's just a matter of time, B) she apparently (unsurprisingly) wouldn't listen to advice, C), she insisted on being oversaturated in the media resulting in enough puff pieces to build the giant Stay-Puff marshmallow man of Ghostbusters' fame, C) apparently when they tried to limit the amount of bilge being pushed out about her, she went behind their backs and did it herself, D) as a result of B and C, she got dropped because she herself was bad PR for Sunshine Sachs. She made them look incompetent. And finally E) she is rumored to be a controlling nightmare to work with. So that's done.

The thing is, I have been asking around, and I cannot find out who is handling Harry and Meghan's PR now. This makes me think Meghan is doing it. Usually SS will push out positive stuff of no consequence like Meghan's beauty routine, or what she wore to something, or how she makes time for Merchie and Lilibucks while still being a working mom, that kind of shit.

The shit we're hearing now doesn't have the ring of an insurgence of positive puff pieces designed to neutralize her in the people's minds. Instead the article inundation right now seems to be about how Meghan and Harry and the kids were so hard done by during the funeral. My gut feeling is that if an article is glorifying Meghan by throwing shade at the RF, Meghan is the source of the article. Meghan is the one who routinely vilifies the family. So my feeling is that Meghan is handling all her PR right now and she's rallied every asskisser in her arsenal to push out articles claiming she and Harry were treated poorly, etc. If I can find out that she's using a new PR company, I'll be sure to share, but for now, I think it's mostly her.

Girl with a Hat said…

I also think that the Queen overruled Philip about the twat entering the family when this was his purview.
Humor Me said…
Regarding HMTQ allowing H to marry *....
We will never know what H said or did to convince Ma'am that it would work (I am thinking OOT: threats of suicide, etc, or going public with something - some sort of stunt) or maybe he just wanted to settle down and get married and thought * would conform.
We will never know what HMTQ was thinking: three of her four children's marriages ended in divorce, with Diana being the most spectacular and Fergie being the most salacious. We know the pressure on KCIII at the time; was pressure brought to bear on the others too?
Perhaps Ma'am was thinking that this time she would not interfere and armed with full knowledge, placed all the cards on the table regarding what The Firm knew about * and let H make his own choice. She is smarter than we give her credit - after all, Ma'am witnessed Edward VIII and had to personally deal with that fall out. I am in hopes that KCIII has a spine and will keep what he said - H&M living overseas. No titles, no place in England or the Commonwealth.

Mole used the race card (Lady C confirmed this, even though it seems rather obvious) to get permission to marry Maggot. He had his family over a barrel. This mistake the family made was perhaps believing it (the racism claims) would stop. 😔
Martha said…
My google feed today is all about * poor treatment in England, at the funeral. So nauseating.
Rebecca said…
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Fifi LaRue said…
@Henrietta: Thanks for post from SHC. Ah, the clincher was that * was making Sunshine Sachs look very bad, and hurting their reputation. SS must do their own research to see how often the company is named on social media. We posters here at Nutty's place have certainly mentioned SS often and negatively. SS was hired by Harvey Weinstein to clean up his image long before he was charged with any crimes. SS could have cleaned up Twit and Twat's images to make them likable, but * was too controlling and wouldn't let SS do their job. * effectively shot herself in the foot.

Blackmail. Once a blackmailer, always a blackmailer. Someone should have advised the RF about how blackmailers operate.
Too late now.
Hikari said…
Mole used the race card (Lady C confirmed this, even though it seems rather obvious) to get permission to marry Maggot. He had his family over a barrel. This mistake the family made was perhaps believing it (the racism claims) would stop. ��

We can be 100% sure that Maggot put Mole up to deploying the race card because it's unlikely he'd have thought of it on his own.

The real supreme irony is the the one family member who has documented racist slurs on his record is . . Harry. Neither of this couple even knows what 'hypocrisy' means.

Well, granting permission to marry his choice would have been possible without also granting him the 40 million pound 'spectacle' televised wedding . . OR granting * a peerage title and status as a working Royal immediately, when she was not a British citizen and hadn't been in the country more than a hot minute. Allowing H to flaunt her around events reserved for family members only before the wedding, a privilege extended to no one before.

There had to be a number of reasons, both ecclesiastical and legal, that would have provided some protection for HM if she'd held fast to them. Allowing Harry to marry a divorced foreigner was unprecedented enough . . that 'virginal' 40-foot train that mocked the Queen's own wedding attire and the attendant spectacle was obscene. I get that Harry was determined to have everything William had and I'm surprised Grannie didn't capitulate and give him the Abbey as well. So the couple would have screamed racism if told they could only have a simple private ceremony and intimate family lunch such as Beatrice had. A truly sincere bride would have been thrilled at that much.

Did the Palace consult with Parliament/lawyers over the propriety of allowing a foreign national to marry into the Royal family with no residency period requirement, no pledge of intent to obtain citizenship and with obvious known ties remaining to American business ventures/advisors/banks? With her previous documented behavior of security breaches/bullying of Royal staff, etc., forget 'racism'--she represented a real and present risk to Royal security . .as did Harry, to be fair. All those times he jetted off to Toronto to do drugs and whatever else. This couple is a loaded bomb and they've been going off at intervals since they got together.

If it had been put to Madam that *constitutionally* it would have been impossible to marry her off straight away, but she'd have to live in the UK for at least 2 years and get a fast-tracked permission to remain visa AND cut all ties to business interests in the U.S., and the wedding, when it did come, would have to be quite low-key owing to her divorced status, but she'd be assisted in finding a flat and suitable work in the UK in the interim and could attend family events but would not represent the Crown on engagements, I think she might have buggered right off and plied her wiles on some footballer instead. They gave her all the Royal boodle immediately with absolutely none of it earned or delayed and it still wasn't enough. Nothing ever would be for someone like her and Harry.
snarkyatherbest said…
why *was sitting down at the service

she was in a church and worried about being struck down by god
she was looking for loose change
was attempting to go under the seats to pop up next the charles
she was looking at a way to sneak out and stand outside and complain they won’t let me in because they are racists
she dropped her coke spoon
she was attempting to get on hands and knees to ask for forgiveness from god and from the queen. (nah!)
no one said simon says
attempting to look small so perhaps george will consider her as his first wife
she thought it was opposite day

Humor Me said…
@raspberry ruffle - seriously? We know that?
The first I ever heard of the R card being played was during the Oprah interview.
Using the R card is getting HMTQ's permission is akin to blackmail - I cannot imagine Ms'am bending to blackmail. I just can't.
OKay said…
I say, if the lunatic is handling all her own PR now, let her have at it. She is utterly indefensible when the mask is off.
snarkyatherbest said…
OKay. yes. bring it on mrs. we will enjoy it! what she doesn’t realize with SS she had protection. without it let’s see what happens

The royal family knew Maggot wasn’t royal wife material, but Mole wasn’t having any of it, he used emotional blackmail to get whet he wanted. It’s old news now, and I’m surprised you’ve not read it on this blog, but yes and Lady C has discussed it a number of times on her YouTube channel. It’s not hard to believe, Mole released that KP statement (which Maggot penned, it was full of American spellings and read like War and Peace it was so long ) in November 2016 when he accused the British press of being racist. Playing the race card was the Duo’s MO from the very beginning, to get what they wanted and to shut down any criticism of her. 🫤😞
@Humor Me - HarryMarkle implied blackmail right from the start -from when * popped up in Toronto and H looked terrified.

I recall a headline `Is Markus Threatening Harry?' It's not up at the moment but that may mean it's being worked on for eventual formal publication.

Most of us who've been watching* from the start have, I assume, felt that blackmail' is the only plausible form of leverage that * has got.

* has long been suspected of an association with Epstein and probably `knows where the (metaphorical) bodies are buried'.

One circle of association seems to have just been completed, (ie a chain can now be joined into a circle, based on allegation and supposition of course:

Andrew - Diana - Ghislaine Maxwell (at Diana's funeral!) - Epstein - back to Andrew and around the circle again.

When * popped up in the RF, Andrew looked less than pleased I thought. Any one link in that chain could blow the gaff on the others, but at risk to themselves.

When did * start belly-aching publicly, on record, about R-ism in the RF? The matter was raised even before the wedding with reports that H was determined to marry her, come what

I stll wonder what exactly triggered the comment from the redoubtable Ann Widdecombe:

`...the retired politician revealed she was "uneasy" about the royal newcomer.

Widdecombe defiantly said: "I think she's trouble."

When Rachel Johnson asked why, Widdecombe replied: "Background, attitude, I worry."

That was published on January 10th, 2018

This comment has been removed by the author.
Humor Me said…
Wowzers folks, I must have missed something.
I was aware that something was going on with SoHo house, and yes, I remember the stories about H looking terrified when * showed up....
I guess I was looking at playing the R card with Ma'am. Everyone had lots more to worry about than race. Especially with what was stated above "attitude".
Cary on.....
Maneki Neko said…
Furious Prince Harry 'snubbed dinner with King Charles III and William at Balmoral after monarch BANNED Meghan from joining the royal family at Scottish estate on the day the Queen died' in DM and other papers.

Good for Charles to put his foot down. What a petulant child H is! Did he stomp up to his room and sulked? I'm * will get great mileage out of it, claiming r*cism.
Lily722 said…
@Hikari said: "Did the Palace consult with Parliament/lawyers over the propriety of allowing a foreign national to marry into the Royal family with no residency period requirement, no pledge of intent to obtain citizenship and with obvious known ties remaining to American business ventures/advisors/banks?"

I remember getting up early to watch the gathering of unhappy people in May 2018. The commentators (I believe from the UK) mentioned a few times that Harry was gifted a dukedom from his Grannie and that Ms. Markle would have to either pass a citizenship test or become a citizen or remain in the UK for X number of years. I remember this because I thought at the time, 'why do they keep talking about this?' Flags were raised even before they were married. Does anyone remember this? Why has TW retained a duchess title with obviously no citizenship test and left the UK in less than two years?
SwampWoman said…
narkyatherbest said...
why *was sitting down at the service

she was in a church and worried about being struck down by god
she was looking for loose change
was attempting to go under the seats to pop up next the charles
she was looking at a way to sneak out and stand outside and complain they won’t let me in because they are racists
she dropped her coke spoon
she was attempting to get on hands and knees to ask for forgiveness from god and from the queen. (nah!)
no one said simon says
attempting to look small so perhaps george will consider her as his first wife
she thought it was opposite day

She was having a miscarriage due to distress at not being allowed to come to Balmoral and stuff small valuable objects into her handbag. Being the loyal family member that she is, she didn't want to disrupt the Queen's funeral because she was so fond of Her Majesty.

SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said...
Furious Prince Harry 'snubbed dinner with King Charles III and William at Balmoral after monarch BANNED Meghan from joining the royal family at Scottish estate on the day the Queen died' in DM and other papers.

Good for Charles to put his foot down. What a petulant child H is! Did he stomp up to his room and sulked? I'm * will get great mileage out of it, claiming r*cism.

Goodness, I didn't know they had Door Dash at Balmoral! Did they send him gruel or bread and water?

Girl with a Hat said…
Lady C hints that the twat wanted to upstage the Queen in the headlines during the mourning period by saying that she was pregnant with possibilities.
DesignDoctor said…

I thought it was sitting so she could feign a miscarriage afterwards.


I do recall the claims she would become a British citizen, be baptized in the.CofE, live in the UK, etc. Lies
unknown said…
Correct me if I am wrong, but the only place I have read about rumors of a *pregnancy was on this very board.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Rebecca said...
Furious Prince Harry 'SNUBBED dinner with King Charles and William at Balmoral after bust-up when monarch banned Meghan from joining grieving royal family at Scottish estate the day The Queen died - causing the duke to miss his flight'

They probably didn't invite him to eat with them.
Enbrethiliel said…
Harry keeps refusing to meet with his family when all parties are available and then whines that his family refuses to meet with him when they're actually busy.

Weren't the Dollars just complaining that the Prince and Princess of Wales refused to cancel a skiing holiday that had been scheduled months in advance, so that they could meet the Dollars on short notice?
Faltering Sky said…

Several posters on Lipstick Alley, Meghan Markle Unpopular Opinions thread, were discussing the oh-so-familiar, is she or isn't she "with child" tricks, props and antics that popped up last week. Seems like I also recall similar conversations on Reddit during the same time.
Enbrethiliel said…
Correct me if I am wrong

I'd be glad to! You're wrong.

The second link was on r/SaintMeghanMarkle.
Henrietta said…
Blogger Islandlady said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but the only place I have read about rumors of a *pregnancy was on this very board.

Pretty sure the original report was from CDAN.

Anonymous said…
Basically, the article is just an alternative view of what was already said. Immediate family was in Balmoral when QE died. Spouses like Kate were not there. H missed his flight because he was told it wouldn't be appropriate to bring M since other spouses were not there either. He chose to argue instead of seeing him gangan before she died. Since he had to make other arrangements to fly, he couldn't be reached until his plane landed. Then he found out it was too late, QE already passed. There was a full time line posted including Scobies post about M staying behind. Still looks like a petulant brat throwing a tantrum to me. What H wants he does not get. Boohoo
DesignDoctor said…
@Faltering Sky and @Island Lady

There was talk about pregnancy rumors on St Meghan Markle on Reddit, too.
Anonymous said…
@Embethriel.. hasn't H always had a reputation for "Don't call me, I will call you" since was a young man? I have read many times he expects others to accommodate him on his schedule, but never the other way around. He has always been spoilt and ignorant to his own hypocrisy. Private jet, security, free beer, etc.
unknown said…
Oh! Thanks. Going to look.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Island Lady,

there was also a blind on CDAN about her telling all her friends to spread the rumour that she was pregnant.
Fifi LaRue said…
Page Six is reporting that sources at Buckingham Palace confirm that (Twit) was not notified of The Queen's death. Instead he learned of the even on-line.

Ha! Twat was busy stealing stationary before Megxit.
Or else, she has a new PR firm at some low-rent cheap mall somewhere in the Valley.

One of the comments after the article said, "Stop gaslighting us Page Six."
Svetlana said…

The real supreme irony is the the one family member who has documented racist slurs on his record is . . Harry. Neither of this couple even knows what 'hypocrisy' means.

The other real supreme irony is that these two constantly talk about the mean things everyone else in the BRF say about them…. Yet who are the ONLY people we’ve heard mean things from? Twit and Twat.
Este said…
At this point, does the Duo have anything other than outrage and innuendo going for them? All those delusions of ruling the world. Meghan was smug AF dressed up as Kermit the Frog at Commonwealth with at least $200 million in deals in their back pocket. Yeah, we don't need you smelly old farts! We're gonna rule the world and leave you in the dust! Oh the world was their oyster and they were primed for worldwide domination! And, the poor Cambridges and all those boring old royals were going to be left in the dust!! And then COVID struck and everything came to a crashing halt.

And when they tried to comeback, Archetypes drops and it's all Meghan's vapidity. And the One Young World thing was just some low end, poorly produced far left propaganda aimed at brainwashing the young. The "entertainment" sketches that came on before her insipid speech were soooo bad, you couldn't even call it a good high school production; even Harry looked embarrassed to be associated with it.

So, they were sinking even before the Queen's passing but then, as if by heavenly providence, they were in the UK when it all happened and Meghan immediately morphs into the Halloween Bride of Chuckie, keeping BetaChuck from his dying grandmother's bedside. They made a beastly spectacle of themselves the entire mourning period and by the time they left, the 5 billion who watched would never look at those to ghastly creatures the same way again. You just don't do what they did at a funeral. It was vulgar beyond belief and they are toast. It's just the woke press keeping them on life support to keep up the illusion that they are some kind of protagonists. In fact, Lady C warned us that they would try hard to paint themselves as protagonists. That's why the walkabout was essential, and a masterstroke. That move alone punctured their balloon. THEY ARE NOT PROTAGONISTS. THEY ARE LOSERS WHO TRIED TO HARD BALL THE QUEEN AND LOST. That is why they tried so hard to paint themselves as protagonists.

The tea from secondhandcoke is Netflix is not best pleased with the content and might be terminating them like SS. So the slide continues. How do you stage a comeback from the gutter? No wonder the rich and powerful have ghosted them. They're toxic.
Girl with a Hat said…

Lady C, in one of her more recent videos (yesterday's or the day before near the beginning), said that the twit was notified of the death of Her Majesty 5 minutes before the media and that was part of her logic for revealing the information when she did, although I don't quite understand her logic.

DeerAngels said…
IMHO mugs was hoping her boo hoo moment would be the best picture of the funeral. Trying to equal or beat Princess Catherine historical picture from PP funeral.
Ian's Girl said…
I just don't buy the blackmail theories. I think that the BRF ( or more likely those behind the scenes runnin' the joint) were perfectly happy to add a "woman of color" to the family.

George and Charlotte were already born, so there were 3 people between Harry and the throne. Her divorcee status wasn't much of an issue, given that 3/4s of the Queen's children were themselves divorced.

I'm sure Nutmeg was on her very best behaviour, too, but honestly, was the Queen really ever going to deny anyone permission to get married in this day and age? I firmly believe there was initially a feeling that William might have done better, and I'm pretty sure they'd have preferred William marry someone at the very least with more noble birth, but pretty much finally insisted he marry Catherine, after dating her for so long.

Was Charles marrying Camilla a prudent choice at the time? Lots of water under London bridge since Princess Margaret had to choose between her love and her position, and Andrew had to drop his own yacht girl. (I use that term loosely, I know she wasn't actually thus engaged)

I don't think Charles was faking being so happy to walk Nutmeg (halfway) down the aisle, nor being so incredibly charming and gallant with Doria. I don't think the Queen was blackmailed into fast-tracking * into things Catherine had to wait years to do.

I think they were happy that Harriet ( y'all kill me sometimes, LOL!) was finally able to sucker someone into marrying him, and were rather chuffed about her lineage.

The idea of blackmail just doesn't hold up when we compare it against how often they were turned down on fairly significant requests; the tiara, living at Windsor Castle, wanting their own separate press (or offices or some such thing), being part time Royals, etc. Megxit was a perfect opportunity to resort to blackmail, and yet they got nothing they wanted, including security. No titles for the baby dolls, also a big deal. Would she not have been reminding them all about whatever cards she held then, let alone now? You don't whine about your dad cutting you off financially if you have some sort of dirt on him. Au contraire....

I do think Harry pitched a fit about having a big honking wedding like William's, but I also think it was felt to be a great way to set the stage for The Fab Four, gin up excitement about the couple and so forth. Charles' slimmed down Monarchy need another young (cough) glamorous (gag) couple since he had no intention of letting Andrew's girls have any role.

Ralph L said…
He chose to argue instead of seeing him gangan before she died.

How long did it take him to convince * to stay home--and release his nuts so he could go?
Maneki Neko said…
If * is with child/moonbump, in spite of the fact they said they would have two children, this could be 'an accident', possibly resulting in another 'mythcarriage'. Anything to keep her name in the headlines.
snarkyatherbest said…
so saw on another blog someone noted that the pr related to hissy fits et al all make harry look bad. is she behind that. certainly the latest about the day of the queens death makes it he who put his foot down about the wife and he missing it all. it gives the impression that a palace source knows what was going on and correcting it but he sure looks worse than her (initial reports was she wanted to go and he and she had a row and he missed the flight). is she down with him or whenever things don’t go her way she makes him look bad (yeah i know he’s culpable too). she makes him look bad scores points like it’s an insider but not her source and further screws with him. see h the palace is out to get you she made sure her photos were alone no icon photos of the two together. she’s making him pay for her failures again (sounds like what a narc would do). i would expect more of this post funeral.
Excellent commentEste, I wholeheartedly agree! 🤗
snarkyatherbest said…
perhaps the palace weren’t concerned about the marriage because yea they had william and george and charlotte and louis on the way but also perhaps they knew either or both the harkles were unable to have children. and what a surprise when two pop out.

Don’t fall into the trap believing that the palace courtiers or men in grey run the joint, they simply don’t. They are there to advise the royals, but they don’t make who can marry who type decisions. 🥴
@Ralph L,

Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the media called Mole out for not seeing The Queen before she died ? He was in the UK for heavens sake, he didn’t bother seeing Prince Philip before he died either…and again he was in the UK shortly before. 🫤No, the Duo would rather lie and spin stories about their so called unfair treatment when infact they solely care about themselves and only themselves. 😔😠
I'd like to think the H had to phone out for haggis'n'chips instead of dining with the family.

They wouldn't have let him go hungry, would they? Perhaps he had to make do with a bowl of porridge from the Balmoral kitchens. Puir wee laddie.
Have people forgotten this, about The Three Degrees:

`Former lead singer Sheila Ferguson - who left the group in 1986 - was even romantically linked with Charles.' Nov 208

and from March 2020

Sheila has been on Tv fairly recently in progs featuring `mature' celebs in search of their own `Best Marigold Hotels'. She's fun, very likeable.
Sandie said…

She has had this exact same post (just with different photos) sent out by about five American magazines. Crass, especially as the royal family are still officially in mourning.
Stephanie_123 said…
@ Cat’s Slave:

You have a great insight regarding * trying to outshine/upstage Catherine’s iconic photo.
Given her remarkable, ahem, `fecundity', * could go on popping out children until the day she dies.

That'd be most amusing - worthy of the Sunday Sport - I can imagine the headline:

` Duchess (91) births 27th baby'
NeutralObserver said…
@Girl With a Hat, Lady C. claims that she was given the high sign (from whom, she doesn't say) to release the news of the Queen's death because there were fears the 5s would plant false stories about being at Balmoral in the Queen's dying moments & saying 'goodbye' to her. They weren't there. He didn't get there until after the Queen died, but the palace is well aware that the two of them plant stories which are completely false & made up out of whole cloth.

I think * is furious to the point of unreason over both how the RF politely froze out the 5s, especially her, at the funeral & how the Queen's death overshadowed her big September pr push. (How dare she die at such an inopportune time for *!)

There will be a constant barrage of potshots aimed at the real royals from now until she finally runs out of money, or people stop taking her calls.She's becoming quite tedious. After things have quieted down, perhaps KCIII should release some clear evidence of how irrelevant they are to the UK & the RF, with a bit of carefully worded evidence of how the 5s brought their exile on themselves.

*'s current 'victimhood' tales are probably being put about so that if their children don't get titles & Mr. 5 loses his counselor of state status, etc., they can claim 'racism' & 'victimhood.' This might play in the USA, as most of us know very little about how various protocols work in the UK. (Some 'royal reporters' in the UK seem equally ignorant.)Not that many people in the USA are deeply interested in the RF, in any case.

She really is so much like Trump, from the orange face to making money for media with all the hate clicks. All the liberal cable tv channels have lost viewers & revenue since Trump left office. * is the same way. They have both managed to monetize dislike for themselves!
Observant One said…
@ Este Your comment at 5:45 was right on the money. The 5’s were fading fast, prior to Her Majesty’s death. After leaving the Royal Family, everything they touched turned to stone and crumbled. Their behavior in London, over the past two weeks was ghastly and will be what the citizens of the world remember. The media will try to make money off them until the bones are picked clean, which will take longer than we’d like.

@Ian’s Girl Your comment at 8:20 makes perfect sense to me. The BRF has likely been well versed in blackmail attempts, throughout the ages. They probably would have threatened back, sent Harry on some Arctic expedition and paid her enough money to shut her up forever. I think they knew the match wasn’t ideal, but they could “work with it” and hope for the best. Harry had probably been boorish and petulant, expecting a fight. So, they agreed to let him sink or swim. When the troubles with Thomas Markle began, things started to get ugly. After that week, the shit show has become a full time job for more than one person at the Firm.

In my opinion, this whole debacle boils down to mental illness in each of the love birds. The typical methods of getting a PR issue or unruly players under control have not worked, due to the disorganized thinking involved. Along with their education in advanced blackmail management, The Royal Family has been well-schooled in conflict resolution. But, dealing with 2 very wild cards in the age of 24 hour news and social media has made this mess a tough nut to crack. Stay tuned!
Sandie said…
Here is the text of the "advertisement" she has placed in the social media of various magazines:

"Meghan Markle is an activist and altruist. She’s known to be passionate about making the world a better place. Here are just a few causes the Duchess of Sussex is known to advocate."
Enbrethiliel said…
hasn't H always had a reputation for "Don't call me, I will call you" since was a young man? I have read many times he expects others to accommodate him on his schedule, but never the other way around. He has always been spoilt and ignorant to his own hypocrisy. Private jet, security, free beer, etc.

I don't know if this makes it better or worse. On the one hand, at least it's not something he's doing just to his family and just now that he fancies himself some sort of Californian big shot. On the other hand, as a pattern of behavior stretching back decades, it really speaks to his (lack of) character.

What I heard is that he was always unbelievably cheap. Someone else always had to pay for his drinks and he never once covered a round for his friends.

If this is how he behaves (coupled with an intellectual dullness that becomes more and more obvious every time he opens his mouth for longer than five minutes), then we can't really lay all the blame at *'s feet for their lack of success in California. I can't imagine anyone wanting to do business with someone who brings absolutely nothing else to the table but a tarnished royal brand.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Ian's Girl

I agree that no one had to be blackmailed. The BRF weren't exactly over the moon with her, but they were willing to grit their teeth and accept Harry's choice. Any "blackmail" there might have been would have been the silent shadow that falls over any interactions that involve people of different races -- but nothing explicit.

And I'd go as far as to say that King Charles seemed very pleased to have a biracial daughter-in-law. IF it was he who speculated about how dark Fauxrchie's skin might be, it would have been wholesome (if slightly tactless) curiosity. He would have loved a grandchild from Harry, whatever the child's skin color. The "modern" look such a grandchild would bring to family photos or to the balcony at Trooping would be a secondary benefit to his reign.

If the BRF had reservations about * before the wedding, it had only to do with her pap walking, her security breaches, and her entitled tantrums. It had absolutely nothing to do with her race.
Enbrethiliel said…
so saw on another blog someone noted that the pr related to hissy fits et al all make harry look bad. is she behind that.

I don't think Harry needs her help to look bad. Plus, all the things he has thrown a tantrum over are things only he would know and would feel like a victim over.

On the other hand, I think she has finally figured out that a perpetual victim narrative is counterproductive. She doesn't mind that he is still trying to sell it (because she wants the BRF to continue looking bad, after all), but she wants to make herself look a lot better. Hence a different angle on her "funeral PR."

she made sure her photos were alone no icon photos of the two together.

While I agree that she does want to separate her brand for Harry, I think the main thing going on here was that she was trying to have a Catherine moment. The photo of a teary-eyed Catherine in a car at Prince Philip's funeral is one of the most beautiful ones we have of the Princess of Wales. How could * resist trying to top it? It's too bad for her that Catherine was in another indescribably lovely photo at Queen Elizabeth's funeral. When * went for it, all I saw was Dynasty -- and not even the classic one with Joan Collins, but the reboot full of C-list actors no one could name.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Cat's Slave

I'm sorry I missed your comment about * wanting to have the best photo from the funeral.

If there were a contest for worst photo from the funeral, she'd win, gardening-gloved hands down. It's just a horrible photo on so many levels. You can barely see her face; her insincerity is so immediately apparent.
Sandie said…
Valentine Low

The first extract from Courtiers, my look at what goes on behind palace walls, will appear in The Times on Saturday. ...
CatEyes said…
Regarding the rainbows seen during the mourning period, The Prince & Princess of Wales had this to say:

"Saying the family had seen five rainbows above Balmoral during the time they were in Scotland after her death on September 8, the Prince said the unusual sight had left them astonished.

"In Scotland, how many rainbows turned up?" he asked the Princess. "You hardly ever see rainbows up there, but there were five."

Smiling at him, the Princess said: "Her Majesty was looking down on us." She had remained in Windsor to support their children while the Prince flew to Balmoral, adding it had been
"extraordinary weather ". "Right at the end of the day, the heavens opened," she said.

The Prince reminisced about his family's own conversations about the late Queen since she had died. "We were saying the other day, the Queen said she had never been rained on at the Cenotaph in 70 years," he said. "So we will see what happens this year."
Blonde Gator said…
A stray thought. * is the Yoko Ono of our time. The most hated woman on the planet, for trying to insert herself as a "leader" of something that was (is) already great...almost universally beloved (Beatle/Royal Family) and causing no end of hassles, fights, and discord. Same ugly Yak hair, too. The End.
xxxxx said…
If you want to see the opposite of this blog, go to Twitter and do a search for Meghan Markle. I skimmed quickly and out of 100 tweets, 95 were favorable to her. With about 45 bringing up racism of the BRF or the British people, being why MM left Great Britain. And why she still attracts so much anger


at the top>>

I am really tired of certain folks trying to portray Meghan Markle as some sort of harlot. King Charles cheated on Diana and his mistress is now Queen Consort. All Meghan did was marry the man she loves while being Black. Just stop.


So this is Meghan Markle trying to shake hands with the British public. She gets ignored, laughed at and humiliated.
This country has a rotten racism problem… & notice how they’re all middle aged white women?
Daily Mail reading, racist Karens.
Absolutely abhorrent behaviour.
Enbrethiliel said…
@Blonde Gator

You just reminded me that one of the nicknames she got, when it started to be apparent that she was coming between Prince William and Harry, was Woko Ono!
Martha said…
@xxxx….what I noticed today s that many Twitter feeds are down that are anti*: harrysgreysuit, baroness Bruce, taz etc.
CatEyes said…
Here is some interesting facts about the Royal family having complete control over the footage of the funeral events including portions never to be aired:

"The Queen's funeral was a historic occasion that aired across many channels in the UK, but it has been revealed Buckingham Palace has the power to veto certain footage as part of a broadcasting deal.

As a result, it means certain footage from the funeral services at Westminster Abbey and Windsor Castle on September 19 will never be aired again. Broadcasters from the likes of the BBC, ITV, and Sky News all received messages from royal staff regarding timestamped footage they don't want to appear in future broadcasts and on social media.

All in all, there are five clips that the royal family have requested to be removed from circulation, The Guardian reported.

Guidance was given from the royal family on what images and videos were deemed acceptable and an emphasis on avoiding intrusion into the grief of individual members of the royal family.

The public also won't be seeing videos from the funeral on entertainment shows either as another condition was for funeral footage to only be used in news coverage.

Social media clips created for the funeral have been promised to be “solemn and dignified" by broadcasters too while there were restrictions in place to not allow the funeral to be streamed on video platforms like TikTok.

Elsewhere, broadcasters did not air the footage of a man who charged at the Queen's coffin while the late monarch was lying-in-state at Westminster Hall.

Overall, the Queen's funeral was watched by an average of 26.2million people across all channels, making it one of the biggest broadcast collaborations in British television history as BBC, ITV, and Sky News worked together to provide enough camera equipment when the Queen's coffin travelled from Westminster to Windsor, on the final leg of her journey."
Svetlana said…
Dare we hope The Harkles are finally being introduced to The Consequences? Likely Harry and his first wife won’t get along with them.
Henrietta said…

Blogger Sandie said...

She has had this exact same post (just with different photos) sent out by about five American magazines. Crass, especially as the royal family are still officially in mourning.

These advertisements on Twitter look like real proof that Liar is doing her own PR, like SecondhandCoke has said. I can't even figure out why those magazines would run them. I guess she's paying them to do so.
abbyh said…
Spotted elsewhere

Some day you will be just a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one. (Thoughts Wonder)

SwampWoman said…
xxxxx, most of Twitter is bots and is moderated in favor of left to extreme left opinions. It isn't real. Neither is People magazine or various other 'celebrity' mags because if real people were able to give their honest opinions of Hollywood, it would be devastating. What IS real is the number of people that showed up, standing in line for HOURS to bid farewell to the Queen.

If the duo were popular, they wouldn't need to whine about King Daddy not giving them money (which is incredibly juvenile). If the duo had star power, advertisers would be featuring them in real commercials. * would have had really expensive jewelry to advertise at the funeral. They are incredibly unpopular with the general public and everybody that pushes their BS is taking a pretty big loss on it.

They are over 40 and almost 40. Nobody cares. Do like everybody else. Get a job and live within your means. (Is tent life in their future?)
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

Funny you should mention the Three Degrees! I remember writing a post about Charles and them a couple of years ago or more. I'm sure quite a few UK Nutties must remember too.
Enbrethiliel said…

Thanks for sharing that!

Given the way the Internet works, those five pulled clips will always be accessible in some form. But if people don't know which moments are being referred to, they will avoid the dreaded Streisand effect. And I think we will indeed never be explicitly told what that footage is.

I'll hazard a cheeky guess that all five of them include *. But why should she complain, when it's all about protecting the privacy of grieving family members?

The bit about entertainment shows is also delicious. Even if this had been planned years ago and is still primarily to protect the dignity of the Crown, the secondary benefit of cutting * off at the knees is beautiful.
Maneki Neko said…

Thank you for the Twitter link. *, 'passionate about making the world a better place'?? She thrives on disharmony and conflict and she certainly hasn't made things better for the BRF. There's delusional and hypocrite and there's TBW. The 5 causes she champions are herself, her fame, her greed, her [perceived] greatness and her world domination.
Demon Kween might have a great future in advertising booze. That back view of her in cape and sombrero is like the `iconic `Don' ' figure used by Sandeman Sherry:

`The Sandeman brand is world-famous for its Port wines, but it also has a 200-year-old tradition in the production of the best Sherry’s of Jerez: just remember that the Don, the brand’s mythical symbol, wears a student cape from Coimbra and the typical wide-brimmed hat of the Andalusian Caballeros.'

Quotation & image at

Do any other British Nutties remember the huge, ?pre-war, advert painted on a wall just outside Waterloo Station in the 1950s, visible as one's train chuffed in or out of the station? I would have seen it first in 1951 as we left London bound for a holiday in Dorset. That was n the days of steam so it was heavily begrimed with soot.
Perhaps Sandeman should sue her for breach of copyright?
Girl with a Hat said…
my twitter account was banned - I had to delete a post which was considered "hateful" but i don't know which one it was.

I was told to verify my email account first, by typing in my email address in twitter, and then typing in the code I received in my email back into twitter, but I never managed to do it, because even though I typed the code in as soon as I got it, the message I received was that it had expired.

So, I just started a new twitter account :-)
DesignDoctor said…

Good catch on the Sandeman label and *'s funeral attire.

I agree with other Nutties who questioned her exposed pasty, white arms!
DesignDoctor said…

Totally agree with her five championed causes!
All of the magazines, I think, are all published by Conde Nast.
@WBBM, I’ve never heard of the Sandeman brand, and I wasn’t around in the 1950s, but what about that film Zorro, didn’t the character wear a black cape and didn’t Maggot wear a similar hat to his too?! 😂
NeutralObserver said…
Nutties, it looks like Valentine Low's book is a stick of TNT under the you know what of you know who. Get a load of this excerpt. Seems much more damaging than even Tom Bower's book.
Ralph L said…
the Royal family having complete control over the footage of the funeral events

Both churches are Royal Peculiars (not under a Bish), so that makes sense. I wonder if they have the same control of exterior shots--probably not. That could explain why * did her tear pose outside. Or she just knew there would be more cameras to stare at and no candles.
Sandie said…
Duchess of Sussex, sponsored by Sandeman Sherry?

Sssssssssssss! Ssssssssssssssss! (Hissing was the traditional response to a lecture's deliberate lame joke at my old Alma Mater. How appropriate,)
CatEyes said…
@DesignDoctor siad..

"Totally agree with her five championed causes!
All of the magazines, I think, are all published by Conde Nast."


Thank you for inspiring me to write a letter to Conde Nast today suggesting they prepare on article revealing the side of Meghan that is coming out since it appears the BRF is not protecting the public from her & H's behavior now.
Anonymous said…
I'm a pisces yall... how many others are on this blog? They used M photo in this celebrity astrology article. It's funny except when they call me "flakey"
Sandie said…
It is a long article and my head is still reeling. (This is an edited extract from Courtiers: the Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low, published on October 6 by Headline Books).

I think they were attracted to each other because they have so much in common. Unfortunately, the characteristics they have in common make them unsuitable partners for anyone else because who would put up with that kind of behaviour.
Humor Me said…
Who gets the Times and can spill on the Valentin Low book - I saw a part of the tea on the The Sun. Times is a paywall.
Happy Fall ya'll.
OCGal said…
Here’s a choice description of Hairy:

“Harry’s obsession with the media, his sense of frustration, mistrust of palace courtiers and the constant loyalty tests of his own staff were all there before Meghan. But after Meghan turned up, it got significantly worse.”

This from the great extract of Valentine Low’s soon-to-be-published book, well worth a read:

If another Nutty already gave us the Valentine Low extract, sorry for duplicating your effort
NeutralObserver said…
My guess is that Valentine Low's book will be much more readily available in the USA than Tom Bower's book was. Low's publisher is a subsidiary of MacMillan, one of the 5 biggest English language publishing companies in the world, & presumably has a better distribution system in the USA than Bower's small Scandinavian publisher. Don't know what kind of marketing push he will get in the USA, or if he even wants one, the 'progressive' media here can be so vicious, as well as ill-informed.
OCGal said…
Wow, another good snippet from Valentine Low’s new book, this time referring to the scheming female lowlife:

“In the spring of 2017, more than six months before the couple were engaged, she told one of Harry’s advisers: “I think we both know I’m going to be one of your bosses soon.”

I find that CHILLING. And threatening.

The juicy book extract is at
Maneki Neko said…

Wherefore art thou, Magatha? We haven't heard from you for a while, I hope you're ok.
HappyDays said…
Headline from The Daily Beast about Valentine Low’s new book “Courtiers: the Hidden Power Behind the Crown”:

“Meghan Markle ‘Screamed’ at Staff, Left Them ‘Broken’ and ‘Shaking’ With Fear, New Book Claims”

Book is due to be published early next month in the UK.

Perhaps the palace will not need to release the bullying report.
Rebecca said…
An excerpt from Valentine Low’snew book in the Times:

Harry, Meghan and the palace insiders who saw what really happened
After the death of the Queen, is there a way back for the Sussexes? Valentine Low speaks to members of the royal household about how the relationship between the court and the couple unravelled

Prince Harry is looking nervous. He is in a hotel in Malawi at the end of the first day of a three-day visit there as part of his and Meghan’s 2019 tour of southern Africa. He’s got to tell the Queen that he and Meghan are about to detonate a bomb under what has, until then, been a very successful autumn tour. And he’s not looking forward to the prospect.

In two days’ time, Harry and Meghan will release an explosive announcement that Meghan is going to sue The Mail on Sunday over an article it published revealing the contents of a letter she wrote to her father. Harry will also publish a statement of his own, in which he will condemn the media and accuse the tabloids of waging a “ruthless campaign” against Meghan, vilifying her on an almost daily basis. The media’s behaviour, he will say, “destroys people and destroys lives”. But first, he has to make that phone call.

Harry often has an attack of the nerves before he has to speak to the Queen. So when he joined his team for a drink in the bar that Sunday evening, he sat there, so strung out and nervous that his private secretary, Sam Cohen, told him, “You need to have a beer.”

Looking back on the saga of Harry and Meghan’s alienation from the royal family, there are several moments when the final rift seemed inevitable. One of those was this tour, when they not only blew up their relations with the media, but ignored the guidance of the people who were supposed to advise them. It seems none of the staff accompanying the couple on the tour thought it was a good idea to release that statement. But the Sussexes were determined. They were on their own path and nothing was going to stop them.


Even before Meghan came on the scene, Harry’s grievances with the media, especially the tabloid press, could lead to tensions with his staff. One insider recalls: “He was always messaging, making phone calls. It was nonstop. There were constant battles with the media and expecting the team to be on your side.… He was always on Twitter. You then had to be on everything too. Every minor infraction was a big deal.”

Harry’s enemies were not just in the media. “He definitely had mistrust of the courtiers at Buckingham Palace and his father’s palace,” said one source. This could lead to tensions within his own team who were based at Kensington Palace.

“He would use this phrase the whole time, ‘the palace syndrome’, when you won’t fight the battles he wants, because you have been institutionalised. Giving in to the media was a key symptom of whether you had developed it. It was a constant test of loyalty: ‘Are you going to protect me? Or have you just become one of them, who won’t fight for me?’ It was exhausting.”

Kate has often played the peacemaker between the two brothers. Not that William and Harry were at loggerheads. They weren’t. But they both want to get involved in the same areas, such as conservation, and that could lead to tensions. Harry would also express his frustration at the people working for him. They were holding him back. Some of his advisers spent much of their time talking him down from the various things he wanted to do because it would not fit into the bigger picture of what the three of them – William, Kate and Harry – were trying to achieve.

Rebecca said…
Compounding Harry’s frustration was a long-held fear that his time was running out and that once Prince George turned 18 he would become irrelevant. “He had this thing that he had a shelf life. He was fixated [on] this. He would compare himself with his uncle [Prince Andrew]. He would say, ‘I have this time to make this impact. Because I can.’ Until George turns 18, was the way he was thinking about it. ‘Then I will be the also-ran.’ He was genuinely thinking of it as, ‘I have this platform now, for a limited amount of time. I want to move forward, move forward.’ ”

His staff assured him he was a very different person from Prince Andrew. They told him, “You can still have an impact in your forties, fifties, even longer. So long as you set the right foundations now.” But he never saw that.

Harry’s obsession with the media, his sense of frustration, mistrust of palace courtiers and the constant loyalty tests of his own staff were all there before Meghan. But after Meghan turned up, it got significantly worse.


No sooner was Harry’s relationship with Meghan made public in October 2016 than the massive invasion Harry had feared began.

Faced with hordes of journalists intent on trawling through every aspect of Meghan’s life, Harry became determined to protect his girlfriend. Meghan, meanwhile, told him that if he did not do something about it, she would break off the relationship. A source said: “She was saying, ‘If you don’t put out a statement confirming I’m your girlfriend, I’m going to break up with you.’ ” Harry was in a panic. Another source said: “He was freaking out, saying, ‘She’s going to dump me.’ ”

Harry turned to Jason Knauf, the bright young American who was recruited by Kensington Palace in 2015 to be the communications secretary for the Cambridges and Prince Harry. His previous role had been running the communications for the crisis-hit Royal Bank of Scotland. He loved working for William and Kate and Harry.

Harry phoned Knauf, demanding that he put out a statement confirming that Meghan was his girlfriend and condemning the racist and sexist undertones of some of the media coverage. Meghan wanted public validation that this was a serious relationship. She was convinced that the palace was unwilling to protect her from media intrusion. She told Harry’s staff: “I know how the palace works. I know how this is going to play out. You don’t care about the girlfriend.”

This, however, was just the beginning. Keeping Meghan happy – and, by extension, keeping Harry happy – was an ongoing challenge. Harry’s staff knew that Meghan was different from other royal girlfriends. She had her own opinions and would let people know what they were. In the spring of 2017, more than six months before the couple were engaged, she told one of Harry’s advisers: “I think we both know I’m going to be one of your bosses soon.”

There was also a lot riding on Meghan. The palace knew it could not afford to repeat the mistakes that were made with Princess Diana. Before the wedding, Meghan had a meeting with Miguel Head, William’s private secretary, who told her that the palace would do everything they could to help. There was no need to think that she had to take on her new role in a particular way.
Rebecca said…
Meghan thanked Head and said she wanted to concentrate on her humanitarian and philanthropic work and to support Harry as a member of the royal family. As one source said, “The entire place, because of everything about her and because of what Harry’s previous girlfriends had been through, was bending over backwards to make sure that every option was open.”

Sir David Manning, former ambassador to the US who was William and Harry’s foreign affairs adviser, also put his mind to thinking about how Meghan might fit in to the royal family and what married life could look like for them. However, the couple’s sense of frustration and their suspicion of the palace establishment was already causing problems. An early issue was security. In the immediate period after her arrival in London there was no straightforward mechanism for providing Meghan with full-time police protection, especially at a time when the palace was trying to slim down the level of security provided to members of the royal family.

Such matters were decided by a Home Office committee called Ravec (the executive committee for the protection of royalty and public figures). Harry’s private secretary at the time, Ed Lane Fox, a former captain in the Blues and Royals who’d joined Harry’s close-knit team in 2013, argued Meghan needed to be protected immediately.

“Ed had to wage a huge battle to get them to understand that she would not be able to live her life without police protection. Meghan had no idea that this was even happening, because we did not want her to have another reason to think that she wasn’t going to be welcomed. Ed did amazing things for her behind the scenes, but none of them was really appreciated.”

To Harry and Meghan, the two months that it took to get a decision about her security seemed like an age. They felt as if the powers that be were simply unwilling to provide her with the security she needed.


At this time, at the Queen’s request, the Lord Chamberlain, Earl Peel – the most senior figure in the household – went to see the couple to explain to Meghan how the palace worked. He recalled, “I liked her, actually. She was very forthright. Very, very polite. Very understanding. She wanted to learn.”

However, relations between Meghan and the team at Kensington Palace were fraying fast. In late 2017, after the couple’s engagement was announced, a senior aide discreetly raised with the couple the difficulties caused by their treatment of staff. People needed to be treated well and with some understanding, even when they were not performing to Harry and Meghan’s standards, they suggested. Meghan was said to have replied, “It’s not my job to coddle people.”

Meanwhile, she wasn’t dealing with the more junior staff, even people whom William and Kate – and Harry, before Meghan came along – had been quite happy to engage with. It seemed that she wanted respect and having to talk to someone a bit further down the pecking order – in a small office, where there wasn’t much of a pecking order – wasn’t treating her with respect. “She would take it as an insult,” believes one source.
Rebecca said…
Organising the wedding was particularly stressful. There were rows about scheduling, the wedding announcements, the gospel choir and, most famously, the tiara. In the months before the wedding, Meghan was told that the Queen would lend her a tiara for the big day, just as she had done for Kate Middleton seven years earlier. An appointment was made in February for Meghan to look at a shortlist of appropriate tiaras at Buckingham Palace. Accompanied by Harry, and under the watchful eye of Angela Kelly, the Queen’s dresser, who is also curator of the Queen’s jewellery, Meghan opted for Queen Mary’s diamond bandeau tiara.

Meghan then needed to make sure her hairdresser had an opportunity to rehearse with it before the day itself. Unfortunately, on the day her hairdresser, Serge Normant, was in town, Angela Kelly was not available, so neither was the tiara. In Harry’s view, this was Kelly being obstructive. According to the book Finding Freedom, Kelly had ignored repeated requests from Kensington Palace to set up a date for a hair trial. And Harry was furious. “Nothing could convince Harry that some of the old guard at the palace simply didn’t like Meghan and would stop at nothing to make her life difficult,” wrote the book’s authors.

But there is another version: that Harry and Meghan were naive at best, entitled at worst, to expect others to jump to their command when they had not even bothered to make an appointment. As a source told The Mail on Sunday: “Meghan demanded access to the tiara. She didn’t make an appointment with Angela but said, ‘We’re at Buckingham Palace. We want the tiara. Can we have it now please?’ Angela essentially said, ‘I’m very sorry, that’s not how it works. There’s protocol in place over these jewels. They’re kept under very tight lock and key. You can’t turn up and demand to have the tiara just because your hairdresser happens to be in town.’ ”

Harry then began ringing others to put pressure on Kelly to bend the rules and in the course of his less than diplomatic efforts is said to have used some fairly fruity language. Whether Harry swore at his grandmother’s aide, or about her, is not clear. But she wasn’t impressed. She reported all this to the Queen, who summoned Harry to a private meeting. “He was firmly put in his place,” a source said. “He had been downright rude.”

At around the same time, Meghan spoke particularly harshly at a meeting to a young female member of the team in front of her colleagues. After Meghan had pulled to shreds a plan she had drawn up, the woman told Meghan how hard it would be to implement a new one. “Don’t worry,” Meghan told her. “If there was literally anyone else I could ask to do this, I would be asking them instead of you.”

Later, Prince William, who had heard of some of the treatment that she had been subjected to, came to find the woman. “I hope you’re OK,” he told her. “You’re doing a really good job.” She promptly burst into tears.

On another occasion, when Meghan felt she had been let down over an issue that was worrying her, she rang repeatedly when the staffer was out for dinner on a Friday night. “Every ten minutes, I had to go outside to be screamed at by her and Harry. It was, ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this. You’ve let me down. What were you thinking?’ It went on for a couple of hours.” The calls started again the next morning and continued “for days”, the staffer said. “You could not escape them. There were no lines or boundaries – it was last thing at night, first thing in the morning.”

Relations between the couple and some of their senior staff became so fractious that Miguel Head had to step in to keep the peace.
Rebecca said…
Ed Lane Fox never planned to stay much longer than five years working for Harry. A few days after the wedding, Buckingham Palace announced that Samantha Cohen, the Queen’s former assistant private secretary, would be stepping in to help the couple out for six months as their interim private secretary. Cohen, then aged 49, had already handed in her notice at Buckingham Palace, but just as she was preparing to leave, after 17 years, the Queen, who had a high regard for her, asked her to stay on and help Harry and Meghan. Cohen – everyone calls her Sam – was one of the most popular and well-regarded members of the Queen’s household.

Harry knew her well already, as did William, and was very fond of her. The feeling was reciprocated. Cohen was determined to make her new job work. “Harry was initially very enthusiastic,” said a source. But Cohen was soon to discover that making Harry and Meghan happy was a bigger challenge than she had anticipated.

In autumn 2018, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex undertook their first official overseas trip to Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. Jason Knauf did not join them because he had recently broken his collar bone.

Knauf had been growing increasingly concerned about how staff were being treated by Meghan – and Harry too. The issue had been brought into focus by the departure of Meghan’s PA, Melissa Touabti, just six months after joining the palace. Touabti, who was the second PA to leave after Meghan’s arrival, was a 39-year-old Frenchwoman who had previously worked for Robbie Williams and his wife, Ayda Field.

After she left, a palace source paid tribute to Touabti’s talents in an agreed statement with Touabti. A week later, the Sunday Mirror reported how Meghan had reduced Touabti to tears. A source told the paper: “Her job was highly pressurised and in the end it became too much. She put up with quite a lot. Meghan put a lot of demands on her and it ended up with her in tears… Melissa is a total professional and fantastic at her job, but things came to a head and it was easier for them both to go their separate ways.”

Since then, palace sources have said that the clashes between Meghan and Touabti centred on the free gifts that some companies would send to Meghan. Deliveries were constantly arriving at Kensington Palace. “Clothes, jewellery, candles… It was absolutely nonstop,” said a source. Touabti was apparently punctilious in following the household rule that members of the royal family cannot accept freebies from commercial organisations. Her approach did not go down well with Meghan.

On another occasion, there was confusion over the arrangements for a London engagement by the duchess. Meghan thought that no media would be there, but it was on a press rota. It was the sort of mishap that did not go down well. The member of staff involved knew they would have to talk to Meghan about it and was dreading the prospect. After they missed a call from her, they rang back, but she did not pick up. They said: “She hasn’t called back. I feel terrified.” A short time later, they added: “This is so ridiculous. I can’t stop shaking.”
Rebecca said…
As one source said: “There were a lot of broken people. Young women were broken by their behaviour.” One member of staff, they said, was “completely destroyed”. Another staffer who had been having a rough time told a colleague they were considering resigning and that the couple were “outrageous bullies”, adding, “I will never trust or like them again, but have made peace with that.” The colleague replied: “That’s so dreadful. And they are bullies.”

The harsh treatment was not confined to junior staff. One source said that Samantha Cohen had been bullied. Another said: “They treated her terribly. Nothing was ever good enough. It was, ‘She doesn’t understand. She’s failing.’ ” In fact, the source said, Cohen was “a saint” and the best organiser of royal tours they had known.

In February 2021 the duchess’s lawyers denied that Cohen had been bullied, saying that the couple were always grateful for her support and dedication. “She remains very close to the duke and duchess.”

On October 26, 2018, just as Harry and Meghan were flying from Tonga to Sydney for the Invictus Games, Knauf wrote an email to his immediate boss, Simon Case, Prince William’s private secretary, saying that he had spoken to the head of HR for the palace about “some very serious problems” concerning Meghan’s behaviour. He wrote: “I am very concerned that the duchess was able to bully two PAs out of the household in the past year… The duchess seems intent on always having someone in her sights. She is bullying X [name withheld by author] and seeking to undermine her confidence. We have had report after report from people who have witnessed unacceptable behaviour towards X despite the universal views from her colleagues that she is a leading talent within the household who is delivering first-rate work.”

Knauf, who was in daily contact with staff on the tour, went on to say that the tour was “very challenging” and was “made worse by the behaviour of the duchess”. He also expressed concerns about his own standing and suggested that even Samantha Cohen could be struggling to cope.

“I asked [Sam Carruthers, the head of HR] what would happen if the duchess turned on me next, as seems possible given her behaviour in recent weeks,” he wrote. “I asked what would be done to make sure Sam Cohen feels supported. I raised the very real possibility that she could be struggling with severe stress and could have to walk away from her position.” Knauf concluded by saying that Carruthers “agreed with me on all counts that the situation was very serious”. He added: “I remain concerned that nothing will be done.”

It can be hard to define exactly when a particular behaviour amounts to bullying. As Jenny Afia, the solicitor who later represented the duchess in her action against The Mail on Sunday put it: “What bullying actually means is improperly using power repeatedly and deliberately to hurt someone physically or emotionally. The Duchess of Sussex absolutely denies ever doing that. Knowing her as I do, I can’t believe she would ever do that. It just doesn’t match my experience of her at all.”

There was, however, no doubt that Meghan could be a demanding boss. There were a number of people, allegedly including Harry himself, who suggested that the problems were partly to do with cultural differences in management style. Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand, authors of Finding Freedom, said “Americans can be much more direct, and that often doesn’t sit well in the much more refined institution of the monarchy.” However, Jason Knauf, the person who made the bullying allegation, was also American. Insiders said this was about more than just Meghan’s American straight talking.
Rebecca said…
Meanwhile, Harry and Meghan were going down a storm on the tour. Massive crowds were turning out to see them and Meghan’s refreshingly informal approach to royal visits was proving a hit with the Australian public. When she turned up at the home of a farming family, she brought some banana bread that she had baked herself. When the couple visited a school to see the work of a programme to improve the educational outcomes of young Aboriginals, she was fêted as an inspirational role model.

Behind the scenes it was a different story. Although she enjoyed the attention, Meghan failed to understand the point of all those walkabouts, shaking hands with countless strangers. According to several members of staff, she was heard to say on at least one occasion, “I can’t believe I’m not getting paid for this.”

One member of the tour party, more sympathetic than most to Meghan, said, “I think Sam was trying to work out what was this office going to look like after Meghan had arrived. Meghan wanted to bring in her people rather than turn to the traditional Buckingham Palace people. My impression was that it was proving very, very difficult to hold this together. And in the middle of all that, not only are they newly married, but you’ve got a very big tour to do and Meghan’s pregnant. So it was certainly clear that there were lots of pressures.”

More than once, staff felt they were treated harshly. On the journey from Tonga to Sydney, Sam Cohen was said to have had a particularly torrid time of it, according to one source.

“Sam had been screamed at before the flight and during.” After that, she warned other staff to stay away from Harry and Meghan for the rest of the day. That evening, her colleagues tried to arrange matters so that she did not have to see Harry and Meghan any more than was strictly necessary. “It was so horrible to see yesterday,” one said the next day. According to one source, David Manning, who was always a reassuring presence on tours, would say, “You are dealing with a very difficult lady.”

The effect of Meghan’s behaviour was perhaps seen in its starkest terms some time after Knauf wrote his email to Simon Case. Harry had heard about the complaint and had tried to persuade Knauf to make it go away (something denied by the Sussexes’ lawyers). One member of staff, who was named by Knauf in the email, was due to work with Meghan the next day and was worried that she would find out about the complaint.

“This is why I feel sick,” they said. “I don’t want to have to get into the car with her tomorrow morning… She will blame me for it, which will make tomorrow absolutely horrific.”

In the months after the South Pacific tour, the relationship between Jason Knauf and Harry and Meghan was effectively over, even though Knauf was still officially in charge of their media operation. In December, Meghan, wearing a black one-shoulder Givenchy dress, made a surprise appearance at the British Fashion Awards at the Royal Albert Hall, where she presented an award to Clare Waight Keller, who had designed her wedding dress. Knauf had no idea it was happening until Meghan was on stage. She had refused to let Sam Cohen or her assistant private secretary, Amy Pickerill, tell him it was happening.

A month after Knauf sent his bullying allegations to Simon Case, he handed in his notice. He was instead taken on by William and Kate as a special adviser and later became chief executive of the couple’s charitable body, the Royal Foundation.

The bullying allegations, meanwhile, accelerated a major shake-up at Kensington Palace, with Harry and Meghan splitting their household from William and Kate’s.

The hiring of a new communications secretary for the Sussexes in early 2019 was part of this process. First, however, decisions had to be made about what that household would look like and where it would be based.
Rebecca said…
The palace wanted to set them up with an office within Buckingham Palace. Harry and Meghan wanted their own arrangement, probably at Windsor Castle, near their new home of Frogmore Cottage. If they were stuck in Buckingham Palace, subservient to the whole palace machine, they would be no better than other lesser royals such as the Duke of York or the Earl and Countess of Wessex. But there was no way that the palace would fund the establishment of a separate satellite operation. It was a decision by the Queen and the Prince of Wales, both of whom were keenly aware of the need to avoid unnecessary extravagance.

The Sussexes did, at least, get a big team. It included a private secretary, two assistant private secretaries, a communications secretary and two other communications officers, as well as administrative staff.

Sara Latham – a dual US-British citizen with a bright smile and seemingly boundless energy – was the PR big-hitter who was going to be in charge of communications. Then a managing partner at the Freuds PR agency, she had a wealth of experience, having been a senior adviser on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. “Sara was very experienced and exactly what they needed,” said one source. “She was capable of telling truth to power and being honest with them.”

Meanwhile, Cohen was clearly delighted to be getting out soon. A source once said: “Sam always made clear that it was like working for a couple of teenagers. They were impossible and pushed her to the limit. She was miserable.”

Cohen “was at her wits’ end”, said a friend. She was exhausted, had stayed on with the Sussexes for longer than she originally planned and felt isolated from the rest of the royal hierarchy now that she was no longer in the Queen’s private office. “She was constantly having to battle on Harry and Meghan’s behalf, while taking all this abuse from them.” She also found herself getting far more involved in arranging their personal lives than would normally be appropriate for a private secretary, who, despite the job title, is just there to look after their official lives.

Her replacement was Fiona Mcilwham, who had become one of the youngest British ambassadors in history when she was appointed to Albania in 2009 aged 35.

At first, Latham and Meghan were a golden combination. She told a friend, “I love this job. It’s amazing.” Latham would go round for lunch with the duchess at Frogmore Cottage to talk things over. Latham thought she understood Meghan, who believed that the press hated her and that she was a victim of racism in the media. The way Latham saw it, Meghan as an American was a victim of cultural differences rather than racism. What she needed was someone to hold her hand and help her navigate her way through the minefield.
Rebecca said…
It did not take long for the shine to wear off. There was a series of battles with the media that spring and summer. First came Meghan’s lavish baby shower in New York. Then, when Archie was due in May, Meghan was determined to avoid the indignity of a royal birth with journalists camped outside the hospital. The palace put out a statement saying that the duchess had gone into labour, only for it to emerge later than she had, in fact, given birth some eight hours before.

In the summer, the couple’s taste for private jet travel brought them further criticism. After Harry gave an address about the need to save the environment at a Google Camp being held on Sicily (and then flying back on a private jet provided by Google with Leonardo DiCaprio), he and Meghan took four flights on private jets in less than a week to visit Ibiza and the south of France. This prompted rows with Sara Latham, who had advised Harry against taking private jets.

Relations between the couple and Latham became increasingly tense. Close colleagues began to wonder how long Latham would want to stick around. At the back of their minds was the feeling that anyone leaving the Sussex team would be best advised to think of a good excuse. Meghan did not like it if she thought it was about her. Next to go was Meghan’s assistant private secretary, Amy Pickerill. At the time, sources said the departure – described by Meghan as “very sad” – was amicable. In fact, when Meghan learnt that Pickerill had handed in her notice, she was so angry that she refused to let Pickerill travel with her in the car to an official engagement in London that morning.

By August 2019, things were “awful and tense” within the Sussex household. There were also clues that Harry and Meghan did not see their long-term future as working members of the royal family. Their Africa tour was coming up, but there was nothing in the diary after that. Meanwhile, staff were increasingly aware of the presence in the background of Meghan’s business manager, Andrew Meyer, and her lawyer, Rick Genow, as well as her agent, Nick Collins, and Keleigh Thomas Morgan of Sunshine Sachs. The US team had been very busy, working on deals not only with Netflix but also a deal for Harry’s mental health series for Apple+ with Oprah Winfrey and Meghan’s voiceover for a Disney film about elephants.

While preparing for the Africa tour, the team was trying to persuade the couple that it would be appropriate to do an interview with the British media. Sam Cohen suggested Tom Bradby of ITV, who already had a relationship with Harry. Meghan was reluctant at first. Her attention was focused on the prospect of doing an interview with Oprah Winfrey. After thinking about it, however, Harry said they would agree. There was one proviso: he and Meghan could not do interviews together or be in the same shot. That would go against their deal with Oprah, which at that point was slated for the autumn of that year. (It eventually went ahead more than a year later, in March 2021.)
Rebecca said…
The first real intimation the public had that all was not well in Meghan’s world came in October 2019, when ITV released a trailer for its documentary, Harry & Meghan: an African Journey. As Meghan spoke to Tom Bradby in a garden in Johannesburg, she spoke about how she had struggled with life in the spotlight as a newlywed and as a new mother. Almost as if she were trying to hold back tears, she said she had found it hard and added, “And also, thank you for asking, because not many people have asked if I’m OK. But it’s a very real thing to be going through behind the scenes.”

The trailer came out while William and Kate were on a tour of Pakistan. The resulting coverage inevitably overshadowed reporting of the last day of the Cambridges’ tour. The Cambridge team was not happy and saw it as a deliberate attempt to knock the Cambridges out of the headlines. Relations between the two households became quite tense.

When the documentary came out, it also showed how far Harry and William had drifted apart. Asked by Bradby about the rift between him and William, Harry chose not to deny it, but said instead, “We are certainly on different paths at the moment, but I will always be there for him, as I know he will always be there for me.”

William, back home after the Pakistan tour, appears to have been taken aback at such a stark portrayal of his brother and sister-in-law’s unhappiness. He realised they were in crisis. The day after the documentary aired, William whatsapped his brother to ask if he could come and see him. This put Harry and Meghan into a spin. What should they do? Initially, Harry was in favour. Then he spoke to his brother again and asked him who he would tell. William explained that he would have to clear his schedule, which would mean telling his private secretary. At that point, Harry said don’t come. He was so concerned that William’s team would leak the visit to the press that he would rather they did not come than risk it getting into the papers. It highlighted once again the dysfunction at the heart of so many royal relationships and that members of the royal family so rarely pick up the phone and speak to each other directly.

Just five months later, Harry and Meghan would step down as working members of the royal family and move to Canada before finally settling in California.

This is an edited extract from Courtiers: the Hidden Power Behind the Crown by Valentine Low, published on October 6 by Headline Books (£20)
Anonymous said…
Sunday Times: Meghan Markle ‘Screamed’ at Staff, Left Them ‘Broken’ and ‘Shaking’ With Fear, New Book Claims
Low writes that in 2017, six months before the couple were even engaged, she told an adviser of Harry’s, “I think we both know I’m going to be one of your bosses soon.”

After speaking to one individual “particularly harshly” in front of other staff Meghan, it is alleged, told the person, “Don’t worry. If there was literally anyone else I could ask to do this, I would be asking them instead of you.”

“Every ten minutes, I had to go outside to be screamed at by her and Harry. It was, ‘I can’t believe you’ve done this. You’ve let me down. What were you thinking?’ It went on for a couple of hours.” The staffer alleged the calls continued “for days,” adding, “You could not escape them. There were no lines or boundaries—it was last thing at night, first thing in the morning.”

Another source tells Low, “There were a lot of broken people. Young women were broken by their behavior.”
The Valentine Low book titled Courtiers, is released in the UK on 6th October @ £17.60 via Amazon. I plan on getting the audio book. It’s 384 pages or just over 10 hours of narration by Valentine Low herself. 😃

@Maneki Neko, I too wondered where Magatha was, I hope she’s fine and safe. 🤗
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I do remember Sandeman sherry and the man in a hat and cape but not the post-war ad near Waterloo - a bit before my time!
snarkyatherbest said…
what i still don’t understand is i never thought there was bad press initially about the wife. the engagement and the wedding it was mostly solid. there was too many puff pieces but mostly she was given a big pass especially what we know about the behind the scenes behavior.

also curious all the frenzy over security from day one. most people didn’t know they were dating until the statement went out. and even then she was papped one or two times but not much (lied to harry about that?) including my fav where she was wearing wellies around london like an instagram girl on what she thinks was british style. what a piece of work

thanks rebecca for the valentine low excerpts. seems that people are talking and given that it is Low i suspect the palace of new PofW made sure anyone involved was free to talk or direct friends to be free to talk. someone looks like a class a witch wigs are certainly flying now. curious if she will sue. didn’t about Bower’s book.

delicious stuff
Humor Me said…
All who posted the Low exerpt - Thank you! wonder how many dishes are left in the Monteceito house. This does confirm (small) aspect of blackmail - "control the press or I am leaving you."
Reminds me of the infamous "whatever love is..."
Rebecca said…
The Valentine Low excerpt is very long, I know. If it is not something many people would want to read I will delete it. Just please speak up. Thanks.
Karla said…
Valentine Low - book

'Having another read & it’s absolutely bloody devastating for them in just a short extract. It shreds the ’service’ myth, the no help myth, the not-bully myth, the exit not planned myth, the not protected myth and many more myths beside. I can practically hear the howls of rage.
My God! As we speak in my country; someone bring a handful of grass for this mule named Harry!
CatEyes said…

Thank you for your multiple posts! Because of reading these juicy excerpts I'm going to buy Mr. Low's book! I have never bought a book about the nasties before because this blog is so great with facts Nutties share but this book I will Definitely Buy!

I want to consume every morsel of details these stories tell with such a resounding Ring of Truth and dream this book may be a big undoing of the hideous pair's whitewashed reputation. Indeed my sister who is a woke liberal in Calif. and does not like anything about Meghan now, will delight in hearing what's in his book.
Karla said…
Rebecca - Thank you - thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️
CatEyes said…
Amazon US site states:

Courtiers: Intrigue, Ambition, and the Power Players Behind the House of Windsor by Valentine Low

Hardcover $30.00 $32.00
Pre-order Price Guarantee.

FREE Delivery Tue, Jun 13
This title will be released on June 13, 2023.

Oh I can;t wait till June. Does anyone know if the UK version comes out in October, is there any chance one can be bought in the US before that?
Humor Me said…
I have read the first exerpt twice and it is now the headline on the DM. This book makes H look like an idiot and * like a harpy. This is really harsh - Low did everything but name names (shades of the Mississippi Squireel Revival for the American Nutties)!
NeutralObserver said…
@Maneki, @Raspberry Ruffle, I hope that Magatha is ok as well. My guess is that the Queen's passing has been a bit hard on her usual playful spirit.

@Rebecca, Thank you for posting the Valentine Low extract, although Nutties should know that if a link has the word 'archive' in it, it will allow them to go behind the paywall. It's nice to see it on the blog without having to copy & paste the link, though.
Stephanie_123 said…
Re: The Bullying Accusations:

The early comments on this article are disturbing… The * bots must be out in force. May all the individuals who were subjected to this shameful bullying find peace and vindication.

And, may Harry, who knows better, be left gurning…
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