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Netflix - Part Two

Those first episodes - wow.  Not a good look (and holds that since the drop).  The silence is deafening from people in high places who previously would at least do blog mentions of support.

 People will remember the curtsey probably the long after this is over.  It was the essence of just how disrespectful she/their actions was/were to his grandmother, everything the Queen did, stood for and to the people of the UK.  

And, as someone pointed out, the only unintended parts were that HM passed early but the intention was that she should know and see it.  And, that they both wanted to be there (near HM) right before she passed.  

We knew, just like the interviews, that there would be a lot of editing out or deliberate misinformation by implying X when next showing Y while saying Z.  So we can expect more of the same for round two.  

An example from the trailer is that their security was cut but, as one poster put it, they are omitting that when you leave a job, they take away the company car and corporate credit cards. 

Or that cut of the Queen's promise of service from long ago.  That was something else (apparently) intending for HM to hear.  And yet so easily found by people who are just looking for these "actions which are not as they appear to be".  It is like watching Lost.  You always had to be paying attention to the whole picture because while they were pointedly waving their right hand, you had to also be tracking the left and scanning the background.

What's remains is their story of how remarkable their relationship is, their meeting, dating but how many different versions can there be?  Or what is left for their Show and Tell to the world? What's the encore after this and the book?  

Every negative claim is always so vague and nothing ever seems to have legitimate receipts attached to it.  And that someone (I read that one was Gail King before and now *'s attorney) claims to have seen these proofs of the links between the Palace and the stories which seemed to cause distress in *.   People can say anything short of screaming fire but is there really something which could be taken to a court of law?  As one poster put it - something about how even if the Palace had done such a thing, doesn't mean those stories aren't true.  Or that if it only says Palace on the caller ID but no specific phone extension, it could also mean that the source could have just as easily been *.  Or, someone using someone else's phone.  

Good point about possible trying to draw the Palace into a protracted legal battle.   

And yet the Palace machine keeps rolling forward without appearing to have any of this register as something worthwhile to respond to.  An unaltered trajectory by all appearances.  

I read somewhere that they may actually believe that they can reunite with his family at some point down the road.  

Given the couple are  making all kinds of claims about the monarchy and the people who work within it, limited access to show and teach their kids anything of the centuries of the country's history, customs and traditions (ahem, cough), aren't living in the UK or a Commonwealth, having so much difficulty with his family, nor serving the king in public duties  - one wonders what the British Royal family would really gain from the reconciliation show as directed by the couple after so many attempts to appear to undermine the very institution they allow, no insist on maintaining contact (photos, articles and so on) of themselves to be tethered to.  I don't have a clue about that.  


@Maneki Neko,

There were so many juicy lies, I just couldn’t list them all. 😁 Maggot said in the documockey that she couldn’t be photographed outside Portland hospital with Archie because there wasn’t any steps. Lady C said they must all think we’re stupid….Sarah Ferguson had both Beatrice and Eugenie at the Portland…and was photographed! Of course they had to come up with excuse after excuse as to why she couldn’t be photographed straight after the birth… many lies…the Duo are a sitting time bomb! 😁

I had to listen a few times to catch them all as she can be a bit disjointed at times. I added another link of the video before and that’s just as illuminating! 😁 Details of them living separate lives was interesting too. 🤔
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry R

Yes, the lies are too numerous to list! I forgot to watch the other Lady C video that you mentioned in a previous thread (7.18 pm). Interesting!
Interesting... Even the Church of England has a mental health website and last month, * was a topic..
Another `Well, well,well' item:

Wolfie's mother is relieved that he'll go to school in England, not US, because US is so dangerous:
Observant One said…
About their house and decor: In October, 2020 the duo hosted some teenagers for a podcast for World Mental Health Day. This event was initially reported to be held in their Montecito home.
Right after the video was published, there were lots of social media comments about the filthy upholstery on the chair/loveseat that M&H were sitting on, the ashes left in the firebox and the lack of (or blah) decor. This link takes you to the Twitter page with a picture of the set:

There was an immediate response from the duo’s PR teams, stating that it wasn’t their house. It was a rental. This link takes you to the only article I could find about this debacle. All others have been scrubbed, I guess.

To me, the trim around the windows and the fireplace stone matches other photos of the interior of their house. The “rental” has much more natural light, different furniture pieces and much lighter woodwork around the windows. But, the outdoor picture of the group looks like the lawn of the rental. I recall seeing all of this when it happened and I firmly believe this was filmed inside their house, not a rental. I cannot explain the outdoor shot, unless they walked to the rental and took an outdoor shot.

I love studying home design and furnishings, but I am no expert and my budget falls short of my taste. From what I’ve seen of *’s Toronto house interior, interior glimpses of Frogmore Cottage and their Montecito house, madam is a fan of California laid back style. This includes bleached wood surfaces and off white slip covered upholstery. In other words, they have common, mass produced furniture, not that there is anything wrong with that. I have not seen any signs of beautiful antique casegoods, tables or any real artwork.

I believe that * would never hire an interior designer or an actual personal stylist. She wants to project that she knows everything and will never admit that she is completely outclassed by the RF. She will lie, cheat and steal to keep from admitting it. This is why she refused help with adjusting to Royal life and probably why she bolted to CA.
snarkyatherbest said…
So a different location than the house for his ITV interview - just adds to speculation that there are no kids there and no sign of kids there. imo

Sandie said…

The Body language Panel are releasing their second video of the mockumentary today.

Chase Hughes had this to say about her in the first video:

"the event that happened in a child's life that gave them power, love, affection, significance,..they will continue that behavior into adulthood....So what we're seeing here is someone getting power by being offended, making it loud and public,..and making a video about it"

Her father telling her a lie about the dish soap ad created a monster.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

Thanks for the CoE article. Interesting that it's dated 7 November 2022 but then the article says 'Despite the fact that she has been a member of the Royal Family for a few months'... For a few months? Why is it dated November 2022, why publish now? Or with the passage of time, the narcissism is now obvious? (I think it was apparent fairly quickly). I wonder if Welby will approve or if the author will have to apologise or retract the statements.
Sandie said…
Apologies, as I may have given the reference incorrectly. This is their YouTube channel:

Note that they did not pick up all the lies and deception in the Oprah interview, but they are very good and very fair.
In their last video of Episode 1 of the mockumentary, they saw clear contempt on his face when she was mocking the Queen and stated that there was a 90% chance of separation and divorce when contempt enters a relationship. I think it depends on the extent of toxic co-dependency for both partners and I think they fit the bill for a high degree of that.
Maneki Neko said…
A very good article that * would be well as advised to read. She is, however, a completely different person from the writer and wouldn't make sacrifices or put somebody else first.
I take it that it's a wood fire here? In the UK it is usual practice to leave the ashes in place to make a `bed' for the burning logs (they'd burn away in no time otherwise); the ashes are cleared out occasionally, or at least at the end of winter. A good gardener would let them weather outside, then apply them to the garden as a source of minerals, especially potassium. Perhaps it's different in the US.

That doesn't excuse the filthy hearth or grubby floor though.
An article from the Telegraph:

ie what some of us have been muttering about for years.
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar


ie what some of us have been muttering about for years.

You can say that again! We haven't watched the news on the BBC for years and while their programmes are generally very good and very well made, you learn to take some presenters with a pinch of salt.
CatEyes said…
Memo to Meghan: From a writer banished by her father-in-law for being 'unspeakably vulgar'... Letting your husband take your side against his family never ends well

As some may have just discovered, there is nothing quite like the festive period to inflame family rifts. The very fact people regard it as a time when you meet up with relatives for compulsory jollity only serves to amplify underlying tensions.

I have hard-earned experience of this myself. For five years, my father-in-law not only refused to speak to me, he wouldn't have me inside his house. This meant all seasonal celebrations came fraught with sorrow, as well as difficult decisions.

You might imagine that, like Prince Harry and Meghan, I decided we should steer well clear of in-laws over Christmas and New Year. After all, surely the worst thing you can do for a husband with a difficult relationship with his relatives is to lead him back into the quagmire?

Personally, though, I wouldn't be so sure. In her recent podcast series Archetypes, Meghan discussed the thorny themes of 'good wife, bad wife'. I couldn't help feeling she'd overlooked one key quality when it comes to acting in your husband's best interests.

I've long felt a supportive wife should do everything in her power to help her spouse maintain a warm relationship with his own family and avoid the temptation of widening rifts.

Clearly, some clans are so unpleasant and vindictive that keeping distance becomes the only sane policy. But for the most part (and I certainly include the Windsors in this generalisation), schisms spring from the sorts of common misunderstandings that plague families. They tend to involve sibling rivalry, past grief and the fact that different generations often hold polarised beliefs.

As an in-law, you can either encourage your other half to try and better understand their family members' points of view (which is not the same thing as agreeing with them) or you can amplify their sense of outrage.

As I fully appreciate, this is harder when your husband's family don't appear to endorse you enthusiastically as his life partner.

ccording to a new survey this week, the average parent takes 90 days to judge whether a new partner is suitable for their offspring. But I'm all too aware those opinions are not set in stone. While I was grudgingly accepted at first, relations cooled dramatically over time.

However hard it got, though, I maintained that it was better to pursue a policy of rapprochement, because a man who is estranged from a family he once loved is always carrying a deep wound within him.

Why would you wish that hurt on anyone you love? Also, if you have children, these undermining family members are still going to be grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins to them. It's more important your offspring have a chance to establish warm relationships than that you harbour a grievance, however justifiable.
CatEyes said…

I know this isn't a fashionable line of thought in the modern era. There's a brand of therapy spiel that dictates if you have 'toxic' people in your life, cut them out. Surround yourself with people who affirm you. But if you reject everyone who gives you unwelcome critiques, you'll be doomed to spend your life among cowards or sycophants. And if you reject your spouse's family, you'll never have the quiet satisfaction of proving them wrong about you. Battling through the rejection can, eventually, prove rewarding.

Harry would be happier if Meghan put her hurt aside
When I first met my late father-in-law, he seemed quite keen on me as a match for his son Angus, then 41, though much of that was down to the fact I wasn't one of the previous girlfriends he deemed unsuitable: the vegan, the CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) activist, the one with a 'common' voice.

I didn't relish his snobbish side, but I also understood he'd developed it as a form of social armour. My father-in-law had endured an emotionally neglectful childhood in Australia, before coming to Britain to sign up for World War II.

Aged 22, his leg was shattered in the desert but he continued to lead his platoon after his officers were killed, for which he was awarded the Military Cross.

He was then transported to South Africa, where a surgeon amputated what remained of his leg before he was put on a troop ship back to Britain. The ship was torpedoed midway and he ended up in the sea clutching a makeshift raft and kicking his 'tin leg' at sharks; most of the men in the water with him didn't survive.

Article from Daily Mail, December 29, 2022
CatEyes said…
@ Maneki Neko

Sorry for my posting. I did not read & see you gave a reference for the Daily Mail article.
Girl with a Hat said…
there's a rumour that one of the staffers has a recording of one of *'s rants against William and Catherine
Observant One said…
@WBBM I agree that ashes are often left for the next fire, but this house was touted as a rental on a website for producers looking for places to film. I would have thought it would have been at least professionally cleaned - another reason I believe it’s actually their home. She must read every media outlet’s comment section and every social media page she can. She reacted to the ridicule about the grimy sofa, et al immediately.

I watched the Behavior Panel video last night. I’m a long time subscriber. I love these guys. It was so interesting to see their analysis of Harry’s reaction to *’s dramatic curtsy. In addition to that, I was intrigued to see that many of their actual complaints involved social media comments. I believe they actually wanted the RF to silence the online public forums. She worked herself (and subsequently him) into a frenzy about negative comments on the internet, instead of ignoring them and going about the business of the RF. No wonder his family doesn’t understand them.

I strongly recommend that everyone watches this video in Sandie’s link at 11:24 AM. It is so revealing, in a way that other deep dive analyses don’t do.
Observant One - I avoided interpreting the ashes as denoting as `home' or `rental', just suggesting it might not be as slovenly as it at first seems. I agree it suggests `home''.

When was the meeting? I could understand if it was when evenings get chilly but if it was midsummer- Yuk!

I can't find the video on Sandie's link 'cos there another (??) one posted in its place -due to be released in 2 hrs time, headed `Is it over for Meghan & Harry?

My guess FWIW is she'll cling on until he's 40 and she can get her hands on his Trust money.

I recall a report of that sort from Nott Cott days, tho' perhaps it was about abuse of staff.
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks but don't worry, I've done the same sort of thing myself! Although the situation is different as * was accepted and given a lavish wedding etc, her attitude couldn't be more different from the writer's.

Girl with a Hat said…

the same magazine that published that fawning article on *, the one where she was in ball gowns barefoot in some foyer of a grand home, is now calling out their "grubby little media empire"
Sandie said…
The Behaviour Panel: They have a video analysing Episode 1, and will post the video on their analysis of Episode 2 later today (late tonight my time). This is their YouTube channel. (If you scroll down, you will find the videos they have done on the twosome.)

This is the link Sandie posted. I’m in the middle of watching it, but I’m stopping to listen to Lady C’s latest video just posted. 😁

The TRUTH Behind Their Body Language - Meghan and Harry Oprah Interview
Observant One said…
@WBBM - Ah, I get what you mean. The article was published on October 10, 2020, so the video was published sometime the first week of October. I guess it’s possible one would build an indoor fire in CA in September, but I have no idea why.

Here’s the link to the video. Or try this:

Hikari said…
Apologies if someone posted already and I missed it. Hold onto your luncheon sandwiches if you can . . .

OhMyScabies latest: King Charles’s plans for a full-blown coronation during a cost of living crisis are out of touch and hypocritical

All I can say is, we know who put him up to this, don't we?

Here is my response in the Yahoo! forum which was Flagged, Under Review and probably won't post, even after I changed "Golddigger" to "Puppet-Master". There are no off-color words at all--just criticism of the Sussexes' hypocrisy in return. But we plebes don't get to disagree with the approved Gospel According to Woke and Dope.

I reproduce. I took screenshots on my phone after I realized that this comment will not see the light of day. I added a couple of lines and substituted that woman's name for * as is our custom here. My New Year's resolution is to stop commenting on any platforms besides here. No Yahoo, no YouTube . . I never used to but started to recently and it's just not worth my time.


Sussex sychophant scribbler Scobie conviently leaves off the 41 million pound wedding of Harry Mountbatten-Windsor and his American Duchess. The lavish spend on the constitutionally irrelevent Spare and his twice-divorced non citizen bride tromping down the aisle for her third wedding in virginal white plus veil was a far more wasteful extravaganza than a once-in-a-lifetime Coronation of a new monarch. Harry absolutely demanded as lavish a public celebration as his brother, the heir to the Crown, received, and adjusted for inflation, that spectacle he and * now disingenuously claim they didn't want cost more than William and Catherine's wedding in 2011. Any attempt to scale back on the Sussex nuptials as a cost-saving measure would have been met with screams of Racism! by the perpetually aggrieved pair owing to * having a black mum. Their appointed pet spokesma Mr Scobie has never accused the Montecito duo of out of touch extravagance, despite all the private jet-setting and the cost of the Duchess's wardrobe for less than a year of public 'service' costing many times more than any other Royal lady in all of Europe, including Catherine. KCIII is between a rock and a hard place; his announcement directly after the death of the Queen that he would strive for a streamlined Coronation with fewer guests and a shorter slate of activities was met with instant criticism that the United Kingdom didn't deserve a 'cheap show'. Everyone was all for full bells on then. Now Charles has agreed to scrap some of his economy measures for his own Coronation and he still gets his head bitten off. Considering the source of this diatribe, I'd say the overseas exiles are pot-stirring again. Scobie prints what they pay him to print, just as he did as the mastermind behind "Finding Freedom". Nobody is keener to make King Charles look bad than the California Spare and his puppetmaster.
abbyh said…
I thought (and I could be wrong) that they did this whole song and dance about how much their wedding actually helped and put more money into the economy in FF.

If so, then by the same logic, the coronation would bring in money, tourists and so on - as well.
Good for you, Hikari. When one thinks of how much has been wasted on * - I expect she's afraid there'll be nothing left for her.

Elizabeth II got a magnificent Coronation despite us still being in the period of Post- War Austerity (that was the original austerity - we were paying heavily to service our recovery loan from the US, where we had to raise every penny we could by exporting as much as possible to earn the necessary dollars). Also, food rationing was still in force, admittedly not quite as tough as it had been during hostilities.

Nevertheless, the Govt went ahead with the plans and assured us that we deserved a good show to cheer us all up, although there wasn't that much in-bound tourism in those days to earn us a bit of cash.
Observant One said…
Thank you @Hikari! Your message speaks for all of us!
SwampWoman said…
Observant One said...
Thank you @Hikari! Your message speaks for all of us!

I completely agree.
Rebecca said…
Very well said, @Hikari 👏🏻
Maneki Neko said…
Well done, @Hikari. I think your comment was quite restrained! Was it published?
Sandie said…
Thinking about predictions for 2023 as 2022 draws to a close:

* More from Netflix: Invictus Games, which will include her, and a mockumentary about them/her as humanitarians, activists and philanthropists
* Lots of talk about the word salad fantastical memoirs she is writing
* Stunts to try to hijack and ruin the coronation
* More interviews and photoshoots for her, but in increasingly 'trashy' outlets ... how low will she go to get attention?

Has anyone heard rumours of other stunts in the pipeline? Has anyone have some 'unexpected' predictions (separation or divorce?)?
On 21st December, Harry's Grey Suit re-tweeted a list of their lies, dated 19th December,

21 Dec
122 and counting……..

Quote Tweet
Queen of Hearts ♥️
19 Dec
We've busted #MeghanandHarryLies with 122 lies so far! We know this is not the end of the list. Thank you, @ARandomKaren, for having the courage to make a list, knowing there are more lies. Those were debunked with facts #MeghanandHarryLieList To the media: take notes @HLN_BE
Fifi LaRue said…
My predictions for the 5s. The Spare will think deeply (as much as he's capable) about what makes a home, and will be trying hard for that to be California. However he's lacking in real relationships, and history here in the US. There's nothing like history of people, family and places to make a person feel like they are home. This will weigh heavily on him, and he will make the move in 2024. In 2024 he may start traveling the world without the ball-and-chain, perhaps trying out different locales in which to call home. Africa, New Zealand, etc.

For Maggot: She's going to push really hard to step out in front and ahead of spare. She wants 2023 to be her year to shine, and will step over spare every chance she gets, and will try to take as much of his money as possible to promote herself. She wants to be a separate entity from spare. She thinks and believes she deserves glory. She will make a lot of noise. However, as she waits for glory to come to her, she will continue waiting, and find herself in a downbeat time in 2024.
Here are some predictions laden with nauseating sycophancy from Diana's `personal astrologer', Debbie Franks:

Franks claimed to have predicted an eclipse that actually happened (as doubtless did every astroNOMER worth their salt) but didn't foresee her death. 'Nuff said.

This is a link to the Body Panel discussion of the Curtesy, which is at about 1.23.06. It popped up when I was looking at something unrelated (shots are of Windsor Castle, not Royal Lodge).
O/T -

Completely O/T but might cheer you up - it's what I was really looking for
HG Tudor's prediction for next year - The Coronation:

PS HG has produced a number of videos today, too many for me to cope with.
I still wonder if it might be possible still to get the marriage declared `fraudulent'?

There's more than enough evidence now, I believe, to prove the case that there was some sort of Fraud committed
Whether or not she defrauded him, whether they colluded to defraud the Monarchy/the State/ the People, or both, is an interesting question.

How I long for a Deus ex Machina!
Sandie said…
Astrology all depends on interpretation, and free will, individual life experiences and circumstances all influence choices (plus events outside one's control). However, Mars is a masculine and assertive energy, so a Mars influence could see her get into a lot of fights. As for mixing with people in power, she has done that in the past and it has not stopped her being exposed for what she really is.

My off-the-cuff interpretation - she is going to be pushy and is going to get into a lot of fights. And yes, if she goes to the Coronation, she is going to be in the same venue as a lot of powerful and wealthy people ... briefly.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
abbyh said…
Thank you for the advise. I appreciate it.
I’ve been watching The Behavioural Panel, they’ve covered the first 3 episodes of the documockery. 😃

I don’t think these have been posted, I know Sandie posted the Oprah one. Anyway they are below just incase they haven’t been. It’s amazing how much we give away via our body language and how we speak. 😁 The
episode which shows Maggots atrocious curtesy is interesting, they cite another behavioural expert’s analysis and state if a partner shows distain within the early years of marriage it won’t last.

I also listened to Lady C’s latest video….I won’t say much here, but she said change was coming in 2023. 😁

Part 1

Harry and Meghan: THE REAL STORY REVEALED - Body Language Experts React ...

Part 2

Harry and Meghan's Strange Curtsy - WARNING: His Reaction Can End Relati...

Part 3

💥Is It OVER for Meghan and Harry?💥Netflix's Most Popular Show Makes For ...

Fifi LaRue said…
I remember the Harkles at someone's wedding soon after their own wedding. There is a couple in the church sitting in front of the Harkles and Mrs. is talking to the blond female; Mr. says something and Mrs. rolls her eyes at him, and says something demeaning. Mr. immediately stops talking and fidgets nervously with his clothing. Mrs. showed contempt for Mr. within the first year of marriage. Now Mr. is finally feeling the contempt for Mrs. Watch out, Mrs. The shoe has dropped. He's finally figured out that you are a nasty, delusional, insane piece of work.
Rebecca said…
Jason Knauf, who emailed concerns about Meghan to Prince William’s secretary, has been made a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order
Sandie said…

Nope, I do not see the duo changing from being the toxic narcissists they are and thus it would be disastrous to bring them back in the fold in any way.

Well, this won't go down well with the duo!

Happy New Year, everyone. I don't celebrate, but always contemplate what the year may hold for me and try to keep at least one of several resolutions for the year ahead!

Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry R

I watched about 10 minutes of the last video you mentioned at 12.47 am. H&M are doing a walkabout. First of all, she didn't know what a walkabout was... As if she couldn't research it/look it up and as if she hadn't been briefed in advance! Then we see the walkabout - just after the engagement - and people are interviewed. They were very enthusiastic. To quote Harry, "Everybody was so excited and pleased and happy". . . So, Harry, where's the racism? I thought we Brits were all racists? He was really offensive when he said that.
Jason Knauf has been honoured in King's New Yr Honours:

Do I hear crockery being smashed?
Maneki Neko said…
Royal aide who raised complaints of bullying against Duchess of Sussex given New Year Honour
Jason Knauf, who emailed concerns about Meghan to Prince William’s secretary, has been made a Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order.
(Daily Telegraph)

In case you're wondering, 'The Royal Victorian Order was established in April, 1896. The Order, which is conferred for extraordinary, important or personal services to the Sovereign or to the Royal Family.'

A very good endorsement.
Opus said…

Bring me up to speed as I am rather rusty as to the grounds for annulling or declaring void ab initio a marriage. As I recall there had to be just two parties of opposite sexes aged sixteen or over who were not then married to another. Clearly, holding a loaded revolver to the groom's head during the ceremony would be force majeure but the wedding in question was televised to the world. Would blackmail be a ground for annulling?
snarkyatherbest said…
good move BRF. announce the Jason Knauf honor a week before the spare tire hits the bargain bins. it’s a great honor and reminds people who support the royal family that the family will support them. classy move. i guess scoobie do flipped out on twitter and then had to remove his post. ha.
abbyh said…

Re: Rebecca English article - good stuff.

It starts out strong running through the first 100 days and then moves on to Camilla, touches on titles and then to the 5's.

Starting with a clear message that nothing will be decided until salvos are ceased and something about either side being able to withstand "activity" from either side (interesting phrasing).

And a nice cautionary note that not the most pressing item on the King's daily agenda (in fact set aside).

"'The big question about the Sussexes is whether they can exist outside of a position of conflict with the institution. Everyone hopes they can but I'm not sure they commercially feel able to Plus, they clearly believe everything they say. The interpretation they have of events is as true for them as it is untrue to everyone else who was involved.'"

And then about wanting him back but again, a cautionary comment about the King's ability to "compartmentalize" his personal feelings before ending with a comment about not going to be losing sleep over this as nothing can be done short term.

And the comment of how the 5's will "work" on healing the breach after the January book.

There is a lot there. A lot of undercurrents and maybe coded messages?

A not stated theme of we are the monarchy, we've been here a thousand years and we can outwait you.

Personally: I actually think the decision has been made about them and it is a question of when, not if. Might have some conditional if then we respond with that parts but I think it has been concluded.

Whomever this well placed source is, many (including myself) have thought the current methods of revenue are not sustainable so I think 2023 will be a year of panic in some ways - not that anyone would mention it publicly but I think it will show up in choices or decisions by the couple.

As for the idea of the 5s will graciously reach out to offer healing to the BRF, (mentally I'm hearing that part of the Aerosmith song: Dream on, dream on and kinda ends in a scream). I would suspect that any offers to heal will be conditional with a long list of situations which need to be perfectly apologized for plus a list of requirements before they grant a forgiving healing (unlikely to be re-used as a doorstop at any of the palaces).
SwampWoman said…
Abbyh says: Whomever this well placed source is, many (including myself) have thought the current methods of revenue are not sustainable so I think 2023 will be a year of panic in some ways - not that anyone would mention it publicly but I think it will show up in choices or decisions by the couple.

The whole conflict/controversy thing is straight reality show (fake) drama. I can't stand watching them; in fact, I don't and haven't for years. He/she may think 'Haha, it's all good! When we make our fortune, we'll go back and all will be forgiven. We'll tell them Hollywood made us do it!'

I think they greatly underestimate how much ill will they are incurring from ordinary people that don't whine because they get in a spat with their siblings.

When I last looked up HMG guidelines on fake marriages the site was easy to find. Now it eludes me.

IIRC, a sham marriage is one contracted out of convenience, with no intention to make a proper matrimonial relationship eg English bloke being paid to marry a woman from elsewhere who is not automatically entitled to UK residence. Often conducted by dishonest clergy who also receive payment. It's done to evade immigration law; if the newcomer then claims Benefit I reckon that constitutes defrauding the State.

Fraudulent marriage is when one partner defrauds the other - marrying them only for their money, or claiming to be pregnant when they're not, or not mentioning that they are still married to someone else.

The Harkle case doesn't quite fit either definition altho' there seems to me to be elements of both types of deceit and a strong smell of fraudulent conversion (especially as Doris also seemed to be benefitting financially from the `off'), and as *'s intention from the start was to clear off to the US asap with a child as hostage, with or without H.

There's a limitation on fraudulent marriage - if they stick it out together for a year, it can be held that a true marriage had been made.

The law may have changed since I read this and I'm not a lawyer nor do I make the law!

I would think blackmail is most certainly cause for annulment - can be seen as `forced marriage/under duress/ not contracted under free will. Just as other sorts of contracts are nullified by being extracted under those conditions. But if H `consented' to being blackmailed by putting up with t for almost 5 years he could be left to stew.
Yes, excellent article from Rebecca English.
Here's a variant of not being believed when you tell others what a narcissist has done to you:

A 32yr old chap, determined to get a place at medical school, passing himself off as a schoolboy to redo the admission process and almost getting away with it because nobody imagined such extraordinary behaviour.

(originally from the Independent.)

“If you really want to prevail, do the unimaginable,” MacKinnon, now 59, advises in the documentary. “Do something that is just so out there that no one is even going to dream you would think of doing that.”

Does this remind you of anyone?
CatEyes said…
Prince William, Harry won’t reconcile after ‘Spare’ comes out, source says

Prince Harry’s upcoming new memoir “Spare” may spare his father, King Charles, but could cause a permanent rift with his brother, Prince William, according to someone has read the book.

“Spare” comes out Jan. 10 and it may be more shocking to the royal family than they expect, a person with knowledge of the book told The Sunday Times of London.

“Generally, I think the book [will be] worse for them than the royal family is expecting,” the source said. “Everything is laid bare. Charles comes out of it better than I had expected, but it’s tough on William, in particular, and even Kate gets a bit of a broadside. There are these minute details, and a description of the fight between the brothers. I personally can’t see how Harry and William will be able to reconcile after this.”
The memoir is set to deepen the rift between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle and the British Royal Family.Amazon
Prince Harry said that William “screamed and shouted” at him during the crisis talks in January 2020 about the Sussexes leaving the UK.

Much of the book focuses on Harry’s trauma over his mother’s death, the source added.

“The overall impression is that this is a man who has never recovered from the trauma of his mother dying so young, and then along comes Meghan and he projects on to her a parallel with Diana,” the source said.

Prince William reportedly gets a particularly harsh dressing-down in his brother’s book.Getty Images
“Spare” is written by JR Moehringer, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist who also served as ghost writer for Andre Agassi’s bestselling autobiography.

Anderson Cooper’s interview with Harry to promote “Spare” will air on CNN on Jan. 8.

[My Note: This is bad! But William will be King sooner than later and He can deal with the Spare how he deems!! And Spare might not be "Spared" according to William's wishes].

Maneki Neko said…
Meghan Markle tops poll of celebrities people are sick of - with her husband Prince Harry in second, Oprah third, Amber Heard fourth and James Corden fifth

For your enjoyment!
abbyh said…

Happy New Year to one and all.

New post up.

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