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Netflix - Part Two

Those first episodes - wow.  Not a good look (and holds that since the drop).  The silence is deafening from people in high places who previously would at least do blog mentions of support.

 People will remember the curtsey probably the long after this is over.  It was the essence of just how disrespectful she/their actions was/were to his grandmother, everything the Queen did, stood for and to the people of the UK.  

And, as someone pointed out, the only unintended parts were that HM passed early but the intention was that she should know and see it.  And, that they both wanted to be there (near HM) right before she passed.  

We knew, just like the interviews, that there would be a lot of editing out or deliberate misinformation by implying X when next showing Y while saying Z.  So we can expect more of the same for round two.  

An example from the trailer is that their security was cut but, as one poster put it, they are omitting that when you leave a job, they take away the company car and corporate credit cards. 

Or that cut of the Queen's promise of service from long ago.  That was something else (apparently) intending for HM to hear.  And yet so easily found by people who are just looking for these "actions which are not as they appear to be".  It is like watching Lost.  You always had to be paying attention to the whole picture because while they were pointedly waving their right hand, you had to also be tracking the left and scanning the background.

What's remains is their story of how remarkable their relationship is, their meeting, dating but how many different versions can there be?  Or what is left for their Show and Tell to the world? What's the encore after this and the book?  

Every negative claim is always so vague and nothing ever seems to have legitimate receipts attached to it.  And that someone (I read that one was Gail King before and now *'s attorney) claims to have seen these proofs of the links between the Palace and the stories which seemed to cause distress in *.   People can say anything short of screaming fire but is there really something which could be taken to a court of law?  As one poster put it - something about how even if the Palace had done such a thing, doesn't mean those stories aren't true.  Or that if it only says Palace on the caller ID but no specific phone extension, it could also mean that the source could have just as easily been *.  Or, someone using someone else's phone.  

Good point about possible trying to draw the Palace into a protracted legal battle.   

And yet the Palace machine keeps rolling forward without appearing to have any of this register as something worthwhile to respond to.  An unaltered trajectory by all appearances.  

I read somewhere that they may actually believe that they can reunite with his family at some point down the road.  

Given the couple are  making all kinds of claims about the monarchy and the people who work within it, limited access to show and teach their kids anything of the centuries of the country's history, customs and traditions (ahem, cough), aren't living in the UK or a Commonwealth, having so much difficulty with his family, nor serving the king in public duties  - one wonders what the British Royal family would really gain from the reconciliation show as directed by the couple after so many attempts to appear to undermine the very institution they allow, no insist on maintaining contact (photos, articles and so on) of themselves to be tethered to.  I don't have a clue about that.  


Sandie said…

First time I have come across this YouTuber TRG. She has a look at episode 6 and uses the evidence in this episode to show that the miscarriage probably did not happen and the dates for the subsequent pregnancy do not line up either.

They really are a devious pair. How did they get the friend and lawyer to support all these lies, and why did the court allow her to get away with her shenanigans?

This YouTuber is very convincing. Has anyone watched her analysis of the first 5 episodes?
Sandie said…
She has always had a tummy sticking out. She tended to arch her back and push her pelvis forward so that always gave her a 'pregnant look'. The tight figure-hugging clothes she wore emphasised this. So, yes, she did have a tummy that could be mistaken for early pregnancy when she was on Suits. When she was supposedly actually pregnant, she did the hands on the belly, cupping and coat flicking as well.

I totally believe in the notion of fake news or disrupters to cause unrest within a nation state. Yes, it’s going on now and has been for almost 2 decades. So I do see where your hypothesis comes from. πŸ˜€

Going on H G Tudor’s analysis and expertise, he deems Maggot as a mid range narcissist. My understanding of a narcissist is they won’t take advice or be told what to do, and they can’t be manipulated not even an amateur like Maggot.

As H G Tudor observes she has no talent or expertise, no strategic planning skills inasmuch as making anything work out. Surely if she had backers she’d be less chaotic and rather more professional and successful? She’s like the Frank Spencer of disrupters, I don’t think in the long run, any disruption or damage she is causing will be long term or deep seated. πŸ˜• Plus there would be no guarantee she’s snare Mole in with a grand plan to cause upset within a dynasty etc. Honey traps are usually for the very short term, not marriage. 🫀

I definitely agree we have agitators and disrupters in this country, I just don’t think Maggot is part of a bigger thing with big connections other than the Woke mentality we have right now. That’s not to say that another nation state is not behind some of that ideological chaos, I personally think they are. πŸ€”
ieschew said…
@Snarky sorry for being obtuse! If it didn’t catch your eye, then I am probably reaching/wrong.

I was referring to all the rumors that * was pregnant while on Suits, long before she met H. I think she looks it in the video posted by DM. I never watched Suits so never saw this clip before, but if I had, I’d have instantly thought her character was expecting!

Again, video at
HG Tudor analysed this article (in The Spectator) and I thought it was very good. However, I didn’t agree with Californian culture being dominant form of western culture. . 🫀
SwampWoman said…
ieschew said...
Happy 22 December, Nutties. At first glance, this article about * knowing how to curtsey back in 2010 seems a little frivolous because we all know by now that she is full of merde.

However, DM has the auto-video playing, so one can’t help but see the video when scrolling past. This may be a stretch, but: It makes me wonder if they are trying to reveal something else via the video without directly saying it. Look at her physique. The only comments permitted appear to be sugarbots and benign/generic criticism, not questions about the shape of her tummy. But surely I’m not alone in the wondering?

Apparently there was some gossip speculating that she was perhaps pregnant during a season of Suits; however, she came back for next season with a flat stomach. I didn't watch the show or know anything about her; however, that stomach is more believable than her moon bump. I *think* the hiatus was 3 months.
SwampWoman said…
Raspberry Ruffle said...
HG Tudor analysed this article (in The Spectator) and I thought it was very good. However, I didn’t agree with Californian culture being dominant form of western culture. . 🫀

Californians are widely mocked.
El Naro said…
Are we really surprised either Eugenie, Beatrice, or Andrew allowed them to do this on their Royal Lodge grounds? Andrew allowed Ghislaine Maxwell and Kevin Spacey to sit on the thrones in Buckingham Palace. Maxwell was convicted of traff icking and Spacey has been hauled into court (and not a royal one) numerous times for sexual offenses. Andrew was close to Epstein, who was also well on his way to a conviction for numerous sexual offenses and traff icking. These are the people that inhabit their world, other than servants and various sycophants. Are we really surprised that they allowed this to happen? The throne sitting by Maxwell and Spacey was a private tour conducted by Andrew for Bill Clinton. Maxwell was a wedding guest of the Clintons at their daughters' wedding, implying a close relationship existed. S BF was just arrested and had Clinton as the speaker at his crypto conference this year. It is a small, strange circle, where boundaries do not seem to exist and the "commoners" are often harmed. Not surprised TW wormed her way into this.
Hikari said…
I hope the Brits aboard can clear something up for me . . At the time Camilla took her pictures at the Wendy House to promote her book club selection a few years ago, I was under the impression that the Wendy House was on the grounds of Birkhall, Charles's Scottish estate near Balmoral. Has it been moved, or are there two Wendy houses? The Scottish climate would be really rough on the structure, I imagine, and it makes sense if the Wendy House was at Royal Lodge since the Queen spent most of her childhood in Windsor. But I'm sure that Camilla posed for those photos at Birkhall. I think it was during or right before the pandemic, I thought. Does anyone have any thoughts?
Martha said…
@sandie et al re her stomach: remember when she was on DOND, she said she was told to suck it in!
Sandie said…

Plant is back after a long hiatus. She used to be one of my favourites!
Observant One said…
@ El Naro I agree that one (or more) of the Yorks willingly allowed the Spares to be photographed in the Wendy Cottage. I think many of us had hopes that Bea would be able to escape the poor judgement exhibited by her parents.

@Hikari Charles has a Shepherd’s Hut in the garden at Highgrove and dedicated it on Prince George’s 1st birthday. Maybe that’s what you were thinking of?
Sandie said…

Newborn Lilli, and they are filming it for the Netflix mockumentary - it was always about merching the kids.
Maneki Neko said…
Re the Doll's House, * could have said how cute and quaint it was and they don't have anything like that in the US, so asked if she could film to show Doria? Some unknown person? Just as an excuse.

As for Fergie, I don't think she'd 'talk', I could be wrong but as far as I can remember I don't think she's ever revealed any family secrets.

Yes, she's full of merde!
I did notice in the video yesterday that * has a round tummy but I think it's her posture and I'm not sure she ever had a completely flat tummy. Personally, I wouldn't see anything in it.

Maneki Neko said…

You have a very good memory! Yes, Camilla posed in a Wendy house on the Birkhall estate. It 'was originally built in 1935 for the then Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret to enjoy.'
Her poor posture: she's never been to the sort of exercise classes I've been to where the instructor has been keen on getting the group to understand `pelvic tilt'. Of course she hasn't, because she knows it all anyway and nobody can tell her anything.

It starts with the pelvis - she does nothing to correct her anterior pelvic tilt. This increases lordosis and makes her belly stick out, like a small child.

There are lots of sites explaining it better than I can - see for example.

In my terms, she sticks her bum out (the ischial tuberosities -the bony bits you sit on- point backwards, they should be underneath her). This increases the curvature of the spine (lordosis) and the belly sticks out. It could explain why she often looks so ungainly. It hasn't the balance of the `neutral' posture and can lead to biomechanical problems later.

Pregnancy? My foot!
Sandie said…

One of the many articles about the Queen's Doll House at Royal Lodge. It is actually double storey and has various rooms, but it is not full size.

Queen Mary also had a famous doll's house, but it was a miniature. It is kept at Windsor.

The 'wendy house' at Birkhall is pictured in the above article. It is what we would call a rondavel - a circular, one-roomed dwelling with a thatched roof. However, unlike the doll's house at Royal Lodge, the door is full-sized and an adult can stand up inside.
@ Hikari-

There are 2 Wendy Houses, one at Windsor, the other at Birkhall. They are easy to tell apart.

At Windsor, it's like the sort of houses the comfortable middle classes were building in the 1st half of 20thC. 2 Stories, neat thatch of straw, central chimney, very Arts & Crafts, `polite' architecture but with vernacular touches - the sort my family could not aspire to! has good photos of interiors.

A gift of the people of Wales, the late HM made it over to the young Waleses.

I can't now find the link to the DM photo of Camilla at the Birkhall playhouse but it was clearly a much simpler building - a cross between a Hebridean blackhouse (NB Not a racial term!) with its rough heather thatch but the sort of wooden-walled house the Anglo-Saxons built in England. Presumably single story, totally vernacular.

Ah, here we are:

Apart from the luxury of glazed windows, an A-S of the middling or lower sort would feel very much at home there!

You’re as confused as I am. 🫀The late Queen’s Wendy house as far as I’m aware is at Windsor near to the royal lodge, and is rendered brick with a thatched roof. The Wendy house was a present from the Welsh people, and was refurbished by the Queen in 2012.

The Wendy house Camilla is photographed in looks like it’s made of wood (see the first link) but the article states she’s at Birkhall.

Has the Wendy house been moved…again, but to Birkhall?

The Wendy house is a solid built building with a thatched roof. I’m in no doubt it will be fine in Scotland. πŸ˜€

Below is an older article which shows a rendered outside.
Girl with a Hat said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hikari said…
Thanks to everyone who rang in on the Wendy Houses . . I didn't realize there were two and thought maybe the Welsh Wendy House had been moved up to Scotland.

I had to smile when I read (in Crawfie's biography of the little princesses, I believe) that the people of Wales sent some artisans every year or two to rethatch the roof. What a charming and lasting gift from the people of Wales to the Crown. I hope Charlotte is getting to use it now that she's in Windsor. (Louis, too. I suppose PG is too old for it now.)
Okay, I just had a WTF moment (of course it included the daft duo). I watched 'The Volcano' on Netflix about the volcanic eruption on White Island, New Zealand in 2019, when there were 47 people touring the island. There were 22 people killed and most of the remaining 25 people on the island were severely burned. It was a horrific tragedy that left one young man leaving the island without his mother, father and sister. Many are still recovering and some undergoing more than 17 surgeries each. A well done documentary.

So I decided to click on 'more like this', and a list came up: The Earthquake on Mount Everest and Nepal .... The 13 Thai boys trapped in a cave by heavy rains and rising water. Then there it was; a real horror show: Harry and Meghan. ?!?!?!?!?

Netflix has totally lost their minds. How on earth can you compare or group together such diametrically opposed subjects? Algorithms tampered with? Some nitwit at NF should have known text like 'truth bombs' would push it over into real life, factual documentaries area. Yes I know their "truth" is a horrific accusation of everyone that doesn't sing their praises, and the tragedy is that the BRF and all Britons have been slandered and lied about ad nauseam. But,COME ON!!!

Do better Netflix.
Martha said…
@linda…thanks for the laugh! I really needed it! I share your outrage, and loved your comments! Come on!
Humor Me said…
New Harry Markle blog post up.
Fifi LaRue said…
@LindaTheGoodSnitch: NF has to sell it at every genre because they lost money on it big time.
Sandie said…
Ephraim Hardcastle - Daily Mail

Harry has been able to wail about his treatment at the 2020 Sandringham summit because there are no records of the event. The Queen, on advice, was taking no chances on the day, sanctioning a security sweep of the library where the meeting took place to ensure there were no bugs. Meghan was not allowed to join via video link. That late decision was apparently made because no one could be sure who would be in the room with her in the US or that proceedings wouldn't be taped for posterity. A source said that Harry, deprived of Meghan's support, was as useful as a 'ventriloquist's dummy without an arm up its back'.

My theory on what happened:
* The Queen stated that she put together a team to look at 5 options (which she did do), and she lists them, from all in as 1 and all out as 5.
* Hapless, coached by TBW, interrupts and says we will take option 3 ... yeah, that is the one we want.
* Someone points out that he is not being given 5 options to choose from.
* Hapless sticks to his guns
* William shouts at his brother to listen ... of the 5 options, he can only have 1 or 2.
* Dawn's on hapless that he is not going to get option 3 as wifey instructed him, and he trembles in terror.
Sandie said…
Sorry, of all the options, he can only have 1 or 5!

Perhaps silly speculation, but why is hapless saying his father lied? About what? The only delusional ones who change their story every time they tell it, which is often, and refuse to listen to or consider others, are the duo.
Sandie said…
Merry Christmas everyone ... I'll see you on the other side!
abbyh said…

I have long suspected a similar scenario to that as well. I knew that they had started with multiple options and that pretty quickly they eliminated most quickly. What I didn't really get where he got the idea of there were still five on the table at the Summit - but with your comment, I realized they were explaining where they started from and that likely he cut them off before they got to the here's where we wound up and why these were eliminated.

Interrupting the other team when they are opening by explaining background is not a good opening move. Compare that to how * negotiates and gets people to give her what she wants - she starts with asking for little things before building and then in for a penny, in for a pound.

Hmm, it reminds me of trying to negotiate a higher salary with your current company to stay or you'll take this other offer. What I always heard was that even if they do match it to get you to stay, they (may) not ever quite trust your loyalty as they did before.

On a different note, that Variety is calling them a one trick pony is a huge lopping off at the knees for a future in entertainment options I think.

Harry Markle photo(s) of what appears to be a heavily `preggers' * (screen shot captured yesterday according to the data) of them at a front door - presumably that's an old photo & it's A she's holding so badly? She usual grasps the tots around the chest and makes no effort to support them properly with a hand or arm under their little botties.

Is this a variant of `Dead Frog', OK for a Dolly Dangle?
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: Thanks for the repost from the DM. That sounds about right.
And that's where the "one year review" originated from Hairy's imagination. No, it was buh-bye.
Elskainga said…
Merry Christmas to all the insightful, wonderful Nutties. A large swath of the USA is experiencing a bomb cyclone bringing high winds, snow, ice, cold temperatures. I live along Gulf Coast Florida and we will have freezing temps tonight! Iguanas will be going dormant in the cold temps and falling from trees in South Florida. Wishing everyone a warm haven surrounded by cheer, love and joy this Christmas weekend. Be careful if you’re traveling.

I was imagining H and * at Christmas surrounded by Doria the sh@t stirrer, kids, no other family. What fun! Friends will want to be with their families. A delusional table scape of isolation. Deep down the toxic duo would love to join the BRF for festivities and camaraderie but want to (in their mind) inflict pain on KC and PPoW due to their (kids) absence. The joke is on them because the BRF is thriving in their absence. Poor Archie and Lili
Observant One said…
I’m sending out the love, peace and joy of Christmas to all of my fellow Nutties around the world. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I hope you find it in your heart to receive my good intentions. Cheers to us all as we look forward to new possibilities and good health in the upcoming new year!

@Elskainga The “bomb cyclone” blew into the central states yesterday morning. It was a little overhyped, but the high winds and cold air are a deadly combination. We received a couple of inches of snow, a serious temperature drop and winds up to 30-40 mph. It’s nearly 3 PM here and the temp is +1 F, with a windchill of -22 (Celsius equivalent is -17 air temp and -30 wind chill). It has warmed up from -6 at 7 AM. We are expecting 2 additional inches of snow on Christmas Day. It’s been years since we had a white Christmas. Good luck to other Nutties in the path of this weather event.
Humor Me said…
Let us all remember with H and C - there is what C told H early on as to his place in the royal family, especially when C ascended the Throne. There is what Diana planned for H - you will always be your brother's wing man. And then there is what H thought he heard........
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

I've looked at Harry Markle and the photos of * pregnant. There are two photos of * in a sleeveless dress but I can't see her belly button. It normally pops out around two thirds into the pregnancy. It might be difficult to see in the photos or it might be... a moonbump. You can't fool all of the people all of the time.
Maneki Neko said…
To all fellow Nutties

Wishing all of you a merry Christmas/ happy holidays πŸŽ„
Anonymous said… belly button never popped out when pregnant. I was swollen but even at 9 months looked maybe 5ish. I'm tall and fit. My daughter was 9lbs4oz at birth. Went home and put on pregnant maternity clothes 2 weeks later.
A Merry Christmas to all my fellow Nutties.

May you find Comfort & Joy in spite of all that seems to militate against Christmas cheer at the moment, be it the weather, the prospect of eye-watering gas, electricity and oil bills, or Markle Machinations - and may life be kind to you in 2023.
abbyh said…
OOOF - hard ball at Christmas.

KC has "evicted" Prince Andrew from BP so he no longer has an office there as well as ending any official royal role.

Did not see that coming. Did not see that coming at this time of year either.

My, my, my. Hmmm.
Merry Christmas to my fellow Nutties!

I hope you all have a wonderful time wherever you are and whatever you’re doing! πŸŽ„πŸ˜

Stay safe ! πŸŽ„❤️πŸŽ„
Magatha Mistie said…

Plum Duffers πŸ¦ƒ

Wishing all Nutties
Merry Christmas Cheer
Hopes for a peaceful
less Murky New Year
May the bells toll
loud and clear
When the Narc-arches receive
a blessed kick up their rear…πŸŽ„

Rebecca said…
Amen, Magatha! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸ’«
Rebecca said…
Definitely surprising to have this news out just before Christmas. Do you suppose it was leaked?
I hope it makes the Harkes squirm over their eggnog-flavored soy lattes.
CatEyes said…
@ ManeikiNeko

I was like GABikerGirl in that I was very slim/athletic at 5'7" and gained a whopping 55 lbs with my first child and my belly button was hardly noticible beacause it was a very small "innie" (to begin with) so as a bioliogist I think a variety of physical attributes of a pregnant woman can vary.
HOWEVER, I wholehardily do not believe * was pregnant with Archie (and suspect she was not with Lillibucks.) Her antics of squating and the morphing of her belly in the span of a day is too remarkable and her weird strange obesssion of constantly cupping her ballon belly and flicking her coat was so obiously contrived to emphasized that she was indeed pregnant, NOT!! The lastvstraw was the belly slippingv to her knees.
There are many more facts other Nutties have expressed about * so-called pregnant behavior supports the prevelant opinion here that she lied then and continues to demonstrate her pathological lying IMHO.
I am just outraged that the Royal family did not do anything to reveal to confront her behavior and pregnancy status. So I think they are complicit. And no investigative journalist did not did into the story regardless of any medical confidentiality; someone could have give info anonymously to egg on a reporter to flesh out the story. I guessed since the Royal family officially accepted the lie, then no journalist had the balls to take on the Monarchy!
Observant One said…
I love your Christmas Cheer, Magatha dear!πŸ₯‚

@abbyh. I agree that the announcement from KCIII was a pleasant surprise. Andrew’s churlishness has prevented him from accepting his fate. Charles is making it abundantly clear that his days of power-tripping are over.

@CatEyes I remain suspicious about the story of voluntarily leaving the Monarchy. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if we learned that they were asked to leave, because of the “pregnancy” antics. I found it so obvious that the relationship between the RF and the Spares changed right after they announced the pregnancy. There were too many successive blunders, like the bizarre flipping and cupping behavior, the mixed up birth announcement, the secret Godparents…followed by the trip to Africa and the first Whine/Whinge Festival (no one asked if I was okay!). Something major happened during this timeframe and the Harkles have not addressed it during their subsequent storytelling.

Martha said…
Cat eyes…hear! Hear!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
Magatha Mistie said…

@Karla @Rebecca
Cheers muchly πŸ€ΆπŸ–

Carol 🎀
Apologies: Cecil Frances Alexander
Once in Royal David’s City

Manger Danger

Once in Olive Oyl’s ‘cito
stood a borrowed chicken shed
Where a ‘mother’ faked her baby
making sure her hair was red

Messy was that ‘mommie’ ‘viled
Lilibuck$ her bespoke child…

Sandie said…

Just popping in to say this is being shared as a photo of Ashley with Lilli. Definitely not this year as Lilli is walking by now. Must be last year, as Archie was walking their first Christmas in Mudslide Manor. Check the colour of the hair!

Actually, I think the SS are sharing random photos that they claim to be of their gods!
Magatha Mistie said…

Black Eyed Pees

If wishes were horses
meggars might ride
She managed to snaffle
the ass, play corpse bride
After that it’s all been downhill
Leaking urine
from one eye, at will…

Maneki Neko said…
Re the belly button, I did say it normally pops out around two thirds into the pregnancy, so it doesn't always happen then or even at all but I should have made clear it doesn't always happen. Anyway, belly button or not, I'm sure * was never pregnant.
Maneki Neko said…
Re Andrew no longer having an office at the Palace, the Charles is not weak. Let's hope he'll be as strong with the other two.
Magatha Mistie said…

Mule Tied

We three Kings of
Charles on the throne
Will’s and George both heir
No room at the Inn
for haz and his jinn
Keep knocking on doors
soho house, akin
happy to let you both back in…

Anonymous said…
@Sandie, that is not M. Have we wever seen her with highlights- no. The womans nose is different too. I personally, do not think A hair is red because of all the photoshop to make it look the same as H photoshop red hair-see last 2 year's Sussex family Xmas card.

Also, A hair is usually covered with a hat or beanie to hide it. Most photos of A are also B&W. They are easier to edit and hide changes.
HappyDays said…
Merry Christmas to all nutties and blessings of the season to everyone.
OKay said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
OKay said…
@Maneki Hard to say. There's no love lost between Charles and Andrew, but things might be different when it comes to bringing down the boom on his son.
DesignDoctor said…
Merry Christmas to all Nutties near and far and best wishes for a very Happy New Year!
OKay said…
Weighing in with my weather...I'm in Edmonton, Alberta and the high on Monday was -41 C with the wind chill. It's an absolutely balmy -17 C this Christmas Eve morning. Sorry/not sorry that the Arctic/Siberian chill has shifted east and south. :D

MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever you celebrate) TO ALL THE NUTTIES!
Hikari said…
CatEyes & Observant,

Re. Pregnancy shenanigans

I too think that was the beginning of the Harkles’ banishment. In early days, of course, no one could be absolutely sure that she was not legitimately expecting, so the RF had to be publicly supportive. Or at least silent on the matter. But there are protocols to be followed with Royal pregnancies and births. The children will be born into the line of succession, so they are in a figurative sense not just their parents’ own private concern but of interest to the nation—particularly the Wales family heirs. But as time wore on and HW never cooperated with the Palace in sharing her medical progress or the names of her doctors or her due date or any other details, the RF had to know they were not dealing with the usual situation. When or if did the Palace find out about any surrogacy arrangements? Playing along with a pretend pregnancy whilst engaged in a game of chicken with Harry’s wife over the provenance of her wildly fluctuating and unnatural magic Moonbump was probably their only tack prior to the unveiling of an actual baby…how could they possibly explain sure knowledge that the Duchess was not pregnant and also dangerously unstable without admitting to breaching her medical privacy? Unchallenged publicly either by the royal family or a fawning media, the Narc got more and more brazen and practically outright mocking with her Moonbump gymnastics. But eventually she had to produce a baby…hence the circus we were treated to. She humiliated the Palace and the Queen with all the antics, and veteran Royal reporters like Nic Witchell felt pretty ill-used too. I think at this moment was the Queen’s opportunity to pull the plug on the ruse. Instead of supplying the traditional announcement and public acknowledgment of the birth, there should have been silence. Ditto listing a fraudulent baby in the official line of succession of the United Kingdom. ‘We are looking into irregularities’ would have been a legitimate response to what was in every sense an irregular gestation, birth and presentation of said infant/possible Reborn… along with a quite obviously faked photo of TQ and DoE at said event. Once the sneaky Suxxits ‘found freedom’ in Cali, didn’t she just turn around and pull the identical stunt…in complete defiance if any censure for the first one. She even threw in a manipulative heart jerking “miscarriage”, Replete with A fictional reenactment of Julia Roberts scene in steel magnolias and topped off with a fake hospital stay and an editorial in the New Yorker. Never have I known a strong and independent feminist to Weaponized her reproductive system the way Harry’s wife does.
Fifi LaRue said…
Merry Christmas to everyone!
Humor Me said…
Merry Christmas Nutties -
May the day be a Markle free 24 hours.
Tra la la la la, la la, la, la.
Opus said…

You put it so well, but the Queen was weak and now perhaps it is too late. I recall a year or two back probably at this time of year mentioning in passing to my sister the fakeness of the first baby and she (a Daily Mail reader) thought I had left planet earth. I imagine most people are like her an unquestioning true believer.
CatEyes said…

Your proposed accounting of what might have happend with the RF seems possible...But: I don't see why the Queen upon meeting a reborn doll (let's say) couldn't she have touched the baby on the cheek or asked to hold him? If I was in the Quuen's position I would have. I don't know if these reborn dolls simulate breathing but Archie was wrapped up so tight 'like a Human Burrito' it would add to my suspecion! Then if they the dastardly duo's were so hinky & sneaky, I (if Queen) would have said they need a DNA test for say, security reasons in case the child was ever stolen (or made up some excuse).

If the child was a grandchild of the Monarch, as KC is now Monarch, doesn't he have cusytodial rights over Archie at least with said "grandchild"? I think they could have also privately demanded some medical records to ensure it was not a 'warming pan' baby!

So the Monarchy is just going to allow some undocumented child to be in the line of succession [whose to say the children do not even have the DNA of his parents]. In the case of surrogacy, the Monarchy should be able to demand documentatiin the=at any child in the upper echelon of the line of succession should be confirmed. If H & * refused, the child would not be allowed in the line of succession and be immediately treated as such (no award of titles or inheritance rights per se). It boggles my mind that a grade'D' actress can outsmart the Centuries old Monarchy! That would truly make the Monarchy meaningless in some respects, if they can allow any alleged baby into the line of succession without proof (even if it meant issuing a 'Letters Patent' on the issue.

Even the Queen issued a Letter Patent to allow Charlotte (or any subsequent royal female child) be held equal to the males in terms of the line of succession. So there is a precedent for a needed contemporary/modern fair reason they have say over the grandchildren or great grandchildren.

I wholly support the Monarchy and believe they should have the upper hand, the power and the ability to dictate terms of who is allowed in the line of succession! It is for the good of the institution of the Monarchy and family relations! Transperancy over personal (the Sussex grifters) rights or any other shenanigans that might take place in the future (especially with the use of IVf and surrogacy becoming more prevelant.
CatEyes said…
I am so sorry for my typos...I guess at 70 I am not very careful of even sloppy proofreading (and my right eye is getting a cataract causing me a problem) but it's not a perfect excuse. I'm not illeterate, honest. Sorry again!
Hikari said…

As the saying goes, “Who are you going to believe—Me or the evidence of your own eyes?” Narcs like Harry’s wife take that as a personal challenge. I struggle to understand how anyone continues to fall for her concocted BS though— Particularly anyone who has been pregnant, or given birth or babysat a child or frankly even held a real baby for a millisecond.

Harry’s wife is a really really bad actress—Her skills do not even stretch to ‘mediocre’—but she is so often so sloppy with the most basic details of her performances, it is almost like she’s this slapdash and openly contradictory on purpose. Does she really believe that she is fooling everyone OR Does she actually know that she’s not but she has such contempt for every other person in the world besides herself that she is daring anyone to challenge her lies and manipulations so she can cry more about being the victim of racist abuse. Any and all criticism about her conduct, her grooming, her style, her bizarre lies etc. etc. will always be attributed to racism. Remember that right after the bullying allegations were made public, that’s when Rachel decided that she had to claim suicidal ideation in order to slide out of culpability. She never bullied anyone!!!! On the contrary, those lily white Toffs at the palace mocked her mulatto baby to be and bullied a ‘pregnant lady’ with an olive complexion into thoughts of suicide. That is the Gospel according to Rachel. Ever since worming her way in to the royal family, she’s made it a point to behave and often look as bad as possible precisely to court the kind of criticism that will bolster her case.

If the truth ever comes to light about these children, Rachel will just blame the racist Royals again. They MADE her pretend pregnancy and order a bespoke white baby because her genes weren’t good enough for them—-The pressure was so extreme to be a breeder for the house of Windsor just like Diana, but she had fertility issues, besides being subpar DNA in their eyes!!! “They” told her that unless she could produce a baby they would annul the marriage. They forced her to play act the pregnancy because they were ashamed of her. She couldn’t talk to anyone! Nobody but nobody had asked her if she was OK!! Her mental health was in the toilet! She’s not responsible! She’s never responsible, because she’s a strong independent whip smart independently wealthy professional humanitarian who is a little bit black and has mental health issues!

Given this scenario, one can see why the palace made of unit has less scandalous just to put Rachels figment babies in the line of succession and leave it lie. I guess we shall see in coming months and years how that continues to work out for them. Because extortionist that she is, Rachel is never going to stop hounding them for money or titles to enrich herself with. If the royal family thought that banishing them to North America would make her pipe down and go away, they badly missed calculated. Looks like she’s just getting started.
Hikari said…

I agree that the whole situation is quizzical. The Queen herself acknowledged the birth of Archie and later his alleged sister when she referred to the birth of four great grands in 2021. But if we discount the authenticity of the presentation photo at Windsor— An image that was purchased and owned by Meghan and disseminated solely by the Sussex PR machine—not an official Royal photo with the Queen’s Imprimatur, which to me is really relevant… There is absolutely zero evidence that the Queen ever met Archie at all. If there were grave questions about the authenticity of this child according to royal rules of succession, perhaps it was felt best that the Queen have at all times plausible deniability about this baby. No meetings with him, no official pictures and she made very sure to absent herself to Balmoral On the alleged day of Archie’s alleged christening— That was about a whole month earlier than her traditional summer break, and I don’t think that that timing was coincidental either. Then during the Jubilee, her Majesty rebuffed any and all attempts by the Sussexes to get a photo with ‘Lilibet & Lilibet’, Citing a bloodshot eye.

I submit that if Harry had brought his authentic children to the UK to meet with Granny and what would be the last few months of her life a bloodshot eye wouldn’t have stood in her way. She refused her only opportunity to see Harry’s children she would have. She knew she was dying, and even then would not see them. To me that’s a very strong argument that she knew the whole situation was false and would not be exploited by them for money in the guise of a family reunion.
Maneki Neko said…

Love Mule Tied!!! 🀣🀣 Thank you. Merry Christmas πŸ₯‚
There was a TV doc a while ago about the late Queen's official photographer who filmed every single meeting she had with anybody.

I know they still counted as `family' but surely he would have been there for a first meeting with her first gt-grandchild fathered by Harry, if there had been any sense of them having a legit sprog? Surely there'd have been personal photos as well?

Is the apparent lack of independent photos another dog that didn't bark?

Likewise anything about Lili's baptism unless, that is, I blinked and missed it?

I don't have the stomach to read this carefully but it looks like pot calling kettle black, if I'm allowed to use that simile now.
Anonymous said…
Hey look home video, fires red hair...
CatEyes said…
@ Nutty Buddies

May you have a very, Merry Christmas full of joy and wonder and gratitude for this most special day!!
Observant One said…
Apologies if this has already been posted.

A scathing article about the duo’s criticism of the Commonwealth, from a very important US political publication The Hill. I found this link on Reddit.
abbyh said…
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas.

Happy Holidays to those who celebrate other faiths.

May your day be good if you don't follow any particular faith.

So, no matter what you believe, may your day be a good one. And for those of us with narcs in the family, may they only have a short stay and leave. (still not clear if mine are showing up or not)

With the freeze impacting many in the USA, stay warm as it's almost over. What a year.
Teasmade said…
@ObservantOne: Those are some important facts there, things that we haven't seen before. I hope everyone follows that link. It's actually frightening. Quite a wake-up call, and on Christmas!

And I'm glad that The Hill notes that "THE VIEWS EXPRESSED BY CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT THE VIEW OF THE HILL" -- which I think is often the implicit case with publications -- (caps not mine; I copy and pasted). People may tend to dismiss articles when they see a bias in publications when they are the work of the authors, and a feature of responsible (non-tabloid) journalism.
Observant One said…
@Teasmade I thought it was frightening, too. The couple does not understand what they are playing with - Harry is too selfish and not smart enough, while *’s narcissism absolutely rules her. OTOH, maybe she actually IS being backed by political players intent on destroying the Monarchy and Commonwealth. I really wish some British publications would print the article.

I woke up at 3:00 AM, with leg pain from slaving over the stove all day. I picked up my iPad, hoping I would nod off reading something mindless, but found that article… I wasn’t sure any mods would be available to post it, but Abbyh is clearly dedicated and up early, too.πŸ˜€❤️

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸ₯‚
Anonymous said…
The irony, H&M were wanting to set up their own court in the USA by funding it with BRF $$$$. They wanted to trademark "royal" and be able to entertain politicians and notable persons like the President, Prime Minister, and Queen (now King C) do. They also wanted to be able to issue royal warrants to brands. They asked for full security wherever they went in the world with convoys and road blocks since they are "internationally protected persons".
CatEyes said…
Here's a sarcastic piece about the 'floppers and their flop Netflix series' by the Washington Examiner:

Meghan and Harry downgrade to Real Housewives of Suburban California in new Netflix reality show

"England was first united in 886 A.D. under Alfred the Great, the 32nd great-grandfather of Queen Elizabeth II. Since then, Alfred's successors have turned his kingdom into an effective empire. The current monarch is not just the king of the United Kingdom, the head of the Commonwealth, and the supreme governor of the Church of England, but also the head of a 1,136-year-old family business.

That business features a long string of second, spiteful sons. They ranged from George, the Duke of Clarence, who was sentenced to death by his own brother, King Edward IV, for repeatedly committing treason, to Prince Andrew, who was forced out of royal and public life by his mother and brother for his disastrous defense of his alleged sex crimes committed with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.

And now there is Prince Harry, also known as the Duke of Sussex. The second son of King Charles III has finally published what should theoretically be his magnum opus, the product he abandoned his entire family, country, and king to produce. And it is a reality television series.

The production value is on par with Netflix's other riveting documentary series, including Bad Vegan and The Tinder Swindler. The dramatic narrative constructed is slightly less interesting than Hulu's The Kardashians. The protagonists are certainly more self-absorbed, and the real star isn't the spare to the millennium-old monarchy. It's the social climber who downgraded to become a real housewife of the Southern California suburbs.

Theoretically, I am interested in Harry. I am interested in what he thought of vacationing with Dodi Fayed on his father's yacht just before Princess Diana's death. I am interested in what he and the rest of the royal family knew of Andrew's alleged sexual exploits with Epstein, and I am, of course, interested in his relationships with the past, current, and future monarchs of the United Kingdom.

Unfortunately for viewers, Diana's observation that the schoolboy Harry "wasn't so bright" proved correct, as the reality television character Harry Mountbatten-Windsor is as dull as a doornail. This Harry, the castrated Wife Guy playing second fiddle to a fading, B-list actress, has nothing to say about the institutions of the monarchy or the military in which he served. Instead of complaining about the Prince of Wales or the king of the U.K. for any real reason (either monarchist or republican criticisms of a public figure paid by the taxpayer dime), Harry whines about "my brother" and "my dad." Andrew isn't even mentioned, presumably because of the couple's close relationship with Princess Eugenie, who actually makes a brief cameo in the series, and Harry's own mother is reduced to the sexist caricature of a victim with no agency over her own life or celebrity. But worst of all is the treatment Harry gives the late Queen Elizabeth.
CatEyes said…
Washington Examiner article con't....

"In her own grandson's telling, Elizabeth II, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith, is reduced to a senile old woman controlled by courtiers rather than her own demonstrable will and intellect. Harry would have us believe that this formidable woman, the second-longest reigning monarch in human history and one who literally stood up for the job just two days before her death to ask former Prime Minister Liz Truss to form a government in her name, would let a team of middle-aged men and, worse, commoners, coerce her into doing anything before hell freezes over.
telling of the so-called "Sandringham Summit," his grandmother actually wanted to see Harry and Meghan alone, but those scary men in suits stopped her from doing so. Then, when Harry actually did sit down (without Meghan, who was appalled that she wouldn't be invited to a conversation about a 1,000-year-old family business) with the senior royals, she was silent as Charles (then the Prince of Wales) and Prince William yelled the obvious at him: You cannot represent a taxpayer-funded institution while shilling speeches for JP Morgan.

In his telling of the so-called "Sandringham Summit," his grandmother actually wanted to see Harry and Meghan alone, but those scary men in suits stopped her from doing so. Then, when Harry actually did sit down (without Meghan, who was appalled that she wouldn't be invited to a conversation about a 1,000-year-old family business) with the senior royals, she was silent as Charles (then the Prince of Wales) and Prince William yelled the obvious at him: You cannot represent a taxpayer-funded institution while shilling speeches for JP Morgan.

But this is Meghan's story, not Harry's and certainly not the monarchy's. And thus, the Netflix series is a dud.

I know more about Thomas Markle, Samantha Markle, and the whole middle-class mess than I ever wanted to long before the Oprah interview, and nothing Meghan says here makes viewers sympathize with her more. In fact, her malice for her family means that the royal family is actually malleable in her telling. The king, whom Meghan and Harry would later retcon into a bully and bigot, is actually the hero who saves the day, proudly walking his daughter-in-law down the aisle at her wedding. Both the nation and the royal family are supposed to be so racist that they browbeat Meghan out of the country as a whole, but the evidence provided by Harry and Meghan themselves belies that narrative. According to Meghan, the Crown welcomed Meghan's modern wedding, including a gospel choir, and lily-white well-wishers lining the streets celebrated the diversity Meghan brought to the Windsors' lackluster gene pool.

What really went wrong? Obviously Meghan didn't want to do the work, and Harry was over playing second fiddle to the Cambridges. The problem is that neither do their homework.

"It has always been a bit of a royal thing to go on a tour with your child," Meghan says of her South Africa tour with baby Archie. The problem: It has absolutely not always been a royal thing to include young children on professional trips. Charles, who was left alone in England for months on end, only to greet his returning mother on the tarmac with a handshake as a childhood, went out of his way to make sure his children weren't left behind. When he and Diana brought William on their Australia tour, the media largely recognized it as a form of modernizing, yet Meghan and Harry seem to illustrate the whole-family tours as evidence of the monarchy's stoicism, not newfound family values.
CatEyes said…
The real royal bore comes in the last episode of the six-part series, when Meghan cries on

"The real royal bore comes in the last episode of the six-part series, when Meghan cries on
her $1,625 Hermes blanket in her $15 million mansion and Harry laments how much he misses the U.K. and his friends. Save for Harry's assertion that the media are responsible for Meghan's miscarriage (and not that a 39-year-old woman has nearly a 1 in 4 chance of miscarrying any given pregnancy), the pair provide no new revelations. The only thing evident from their series? They, just as much as any Kardashian, need the media as much as they claim to hate them.

Nearly two years after the Oprah interview, one reality TV series, and a memoir later, Harry and Meghan may finally run out of things to say. After all, there are only so many times you can rehash the story of why you quit an entire family without reminding people that you've made that family your entire identity. So, will they finally find something new to talk about? If they do, it'll be a Christmas miracle."

Thank you so much for posting the Washington Post article, it was wonderful! 😁

I went looking for the newspaper online and the Maggot and Mole take seems to be a weekly thing with the paper. Journalist’s there no only do their homework, but have a great sense of humour to boot! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜
Opus said…
Well, you will surely wish to discuss the King's Speech. Sounded alright to me though I was slightly taken aback by the mention of the PoW and wife visiting Wales - surely better left unsaid or implied that they had never previously visited what the King made sound like an English colony.

The King has I feel, now listening to him properly for the first time, the tendency to allow the ends of his sentences to slip into his cup of coffee - or beer (as it were) - as if he feels that he should not be speaking.
Maneki Neko said…

I looked at the photos of Lili's first birthday. Any child would have a cake with one candle or a candle in the shape of number one perhaps bit they would have a 'themed' cake suitable for a one year old child. TBW has a cake that looks good for photos/an adult. That was absolutely not for a one year old, or else that was her own idea of appropriate. I'd it was more to make herself look good. Ridiculous.
HappyDays said…
Merry Christmas everyone and blesdings to each of you and your dear ones in the New Year.

In his first Christmas Day speech, King Charles noted William and Kate, but did not mention Harry and his wife.

I think I can hear the Spode Christmas Tree china being smashed in Montecito.

The Sussexes seem to be on a downward slide, moving faster than a new Christmas sled on a neighborhood sledding hill.
SwampWoman said…
@ Observant One: I woke up at 3:00 AM, with leg pain from slaving over the stove all day. I picked up my iPad, hoping I would nod off reading something mindless, but found that article… I wasn’t sure any mods would be available to post it, but Abbyh is clearly dedicated and up early, too.πŸ˜€❤️

Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸŽ…πŸ₯‚

I feel your pain! Twenty six pounds of turkey were consumed here, along with lots and lots of side dishes. (Son cooked turkeys in his smoker.) SwampMan and I have enough leftover turkey to make @ 2 sandwiches each but I'll probably use it in a hot chicken salad recipe. We had our family Christmas celebration on Christmas eve this year. I spent hours making sides, rolls, and pies, too!

I didn't even make it to bed. After everybody left and I put leftovers in the fridge, I sat down to pick up the remote and watch the weather. I fell asleep before I picked up the remote (grin). I woke at 3 a.m. still in the chair and was going to look at the Kindle for the weather and then go to bed, but fell back asleep before I picked up the Kindle. I woke again about noon as husband was tiptoeing around trying to keep from waking me. (I usually sleep 6 hours at the longest.)

The dogs had leftover beer cheese soup, turkey leftovers, various casserole leftovers from plates and turkey skin over their dog food and were extremely grateful. The cats had diced smoked turkey hearts and livers, along with diced turkey, and looked up over their bowls at me as if to say "I can't BELIEVE you gave me leftovers." Then they stalked off with angry tail switches.

@Opus, I haven't seen King Charles' Christmas address yet. I think I will save it for tonight with a nice glass of wine. Giving the Christmas address for the first time would drive home the recent loss of his mother. It must have been a very difficult speech for him. I know it is silly for me, an American woman who has never seen a member of the BRF in person, to get emotional about the death of HRM QEII. Yet, here I am.

Putting on my old gardening hat, I suppose that the `Frog Cott' gardening photo could have been taken as late as the end of May/start of June, but only just. It's the flowers on the left-hand side of the pic.

There's a spike of stocks, which might still have been available; I think the white flower is a peony rather than a rose and that too would be getting near the end of its time.
Bothe are at their best earlier in May. What time do they flower in CA?
Fantastic articles - high time someone said what I've thought for a very long time but didn't dare utter. I still hesitate to name either nation here, although I noted in 2009 when I was in NZ that some Kiwis were getting very uneasy about the amount of land being taken over for avocado plantations. I predict that `Kiwi fruit' will eventually revert to their original name of C.....e Gooseberries.

Then in 2014 I learned that the Icelandic government had blocked the purchase, by a C.....e businessman, of a large estate for a `tourist' development. Good for the Icelanders, though in '17 the number of C.....e tourists in the SW was amazing, as was the number of new hotels clearly being built to Feng Shui principles.

Here we're a bit jumpy about their involvement here with power stations and telecoms.


I thought His Majesty's speech was fine - needless to say, Sky News has suggested he `overstepped the mark', presumably because of mentioning those of us who are cold, hungry, or homeless. Of course, had he not done so, he'd have been criticised for being `out of touch'.

As an indication of what it's like, we're trying to use as little `energy' as possible. I've no idea how much gas we've used but we've given up the big oven, the dishwasher, washing machine & tumble dryer. We now have a smart meter (having held off until we we sure it could be to our advantage) and on the showing of the last 7 days I think we'll still have a bill over twice the usual sum for much less than half the amount of `juice'.
Back to how * holds Lili in the birthday photos:

I was once asked by a counsellor whether could recall my mother holding or hugging me affectionately.

`I can still feel the iron grip of her hand on my wrist,' I said.

Whoever Archie and Lili are, they will remember that python-like grasp around their ribcages to the ends of their days.

I agree, that cake was ridiculous.

Anonymous said…
I noticed the cake too but thought she's too young to have a theme like tinkerbell or Spiderman yet. It also looks similar style to their wedding cake but not deconstructed.
What's with the pink gender stereotype?

My biggest surprise was its just them- No one else. It must be lonely. What happened to all their celebrity friends like Chrissy Tiegen and H substitute father, David Foster?They have young kids that could have attended the celebration. If I had to guess, I would have put money on a smash baby cake photo being released. Not sure if this is better or worse though.
Observant One said…
@Swamp Woman - I love smoked turkey. I am going to plan ahead for the next holiday season and either buy a smoker for my son-in-law, or pre-order a smoked turkey from a local restaurant that specializes in smoked meats. My turkey wrestling days are over!
Your dogs seem to have appreciated their feast, but who knows what the cats are thinking…

@CatEyes - Great find in the Washington Examiner. It’s a brilliant, truthful and no-nonsense take-down. Finally, we have some serious media outlets telling it like it is. Thanks so much for copying and pasting it. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to read it.
Fifi LaRue said…
@WBBM: I'm in the US, and my heating/electric bill was $100 more than usual. I keep most of the lights off, and keep it cool in the house, and still it's outrageous.

Same with my mother, and the remembrance with a counselor.

IMO we can rest assured that HW is not in the presence of any children, not a maternal bone in her body.
Rebecca said…
I loved the King’s Christmas message, including the video clips showcasing volunteers and the working royals. There is a comment at the Express about the absence of Sussexes which I think is very interesting:

“I agree with many who have already commented that they were relieved and delighted that 'the persons who live overseas' were not mentioned by name. However, the King sent a very strong message sent out to the them.

The venue was significant and important, St George's Chapel and the resting place of the Queen and Prince Philip. This was the place where Harry and Meghan enjoyed their greatest ever popularity and acclaim.
By speaking from there and so being close to the resting places of his beloved father and mother, Charles was taking back ownership of the venue, he placed himself both physically and spiritually close to the Queen. He was reinforcing his position in the monarchy as King.

It was as if he was saying to his erstwhile son and his current wife, 'I am the King. While you had your moment of glory in this chapel, it belongs to me along with all the wealth, nobility and honour that the monarchy bestows. While you are thousands of miles away seeking your celebrity status, I remain close to my noble royal heritage and I remain close to my people. Try as you might, you cannot take this from me and you cannot destroy this institution. This chapel will stand for many hundreds more years into the future and the monarchy with it. I live to serve, I live to be King and you will never change that.'”

It was fun to see Louis walking to and from church with the rest of his family. There is a sweet video of him running along the line of well-wishers to catch up to his family after he’d been left behind.

Another highlight was seeing Prince George’s charming watercolor of the deer and robins in the snow. He is very talented!

Fifi LaRue said…
One Thanksgiving when I had a cat, I started out giving the kitty some of the food until we got to the main event. Kitty had a big bowl of turkey juice, turkey, etc. She ate so much she was too tired to clean herself, and fell asleep with a greasy chin. Haha!

Now I have a dog with digestion issues, so the treats are spaced out carefully to avoid problems.
Magatha Mistie said…
Apologies: John Lennon
So this is Christmas

*Cuckoos Calling

So this is Christmas
Look what they’ve done
Poked fun at the Queen
Tho’ she’s now passed on

A Mary Berry Christmas
Let’s hope the New Year
Brings joy to us Nutties
As megxits future’s made clear

As to this Christmas
Goodwill all around
I wish a secure unit
For H and his hound…

Claw is over

and cuckoos lay their eggs
in other birds nests πŸ˜‰

Magatha Mistie said…

Je te souhaite un
Joyeux Noel
And a Happy New Year
sans pissant elle 😘

@abbyh/mods πŸŽ„
Thank you for keeping us
going, much appreciated X

Maneki Neko said…

Re the birthday cake, I didn't mean Tinkerbell or similar but a cake decorated for a young child, perhaps with some animal or in a special shape - I just can't remember, it's a very long time since my children were that age! She obviously had a cake made for some photo opportunity. I noticed too, how lonely the whole scene looks with just the four of them. Do these children have any friends?

@Wild Boar

I love your expression, 'python-like grasp'. Very apt. And Lili doesn't look too happy in the photos.

This seems to be Taz's latest - at the end she mentions yet another bloody film from the 'Arkles.
The King’s silence on the Duke and Duchess of Sussex sends a powerful message
Victoria Ward
Sun, 25 December 2022 at 3:10 pm GMT


Whether or not the King agonised over a potential mention of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in his historic, first Christmas broadcast, we will never know.
But in opting not to acknowledge them at all, he perhaps sent a silent message more powerful than any other.
This was a deeply personal tribute to selfless dedication and service, to multicultural Britain and those of all faiths, and none.
Included in that carefully worded tribute were all senior members of the family, shown conducting their own public duties in all four corners of the UK.
Yet only the heir to the throne and his wife were singled out for a specific mention - a gentle, reassuring nod to the future of the Royal family.
In a message heavily focused on the late Queen’s legacy, the reference to the Prince and Princess of Wales was designed to offer a sense of continuity - a reminder that the institution would always evolve.
Harry and Meghan are no longer part of that institution in any meaningful sense. While the King - and his mother before him - have long sought to insist that the couple remain much-loved members of the family, the landscape has irreversibly changed.
As the damaging, personal attacks from California continue to rain down on the Royal family, the prospect of reconciliation has ebbed ever further away.
In the second tranche of the Harry and Meghan Netflix documentary, released just a fortnight ago, the Duke of Sussex suggested that they were bullied out of public duties by Prince William and that palace aides had lied to protect other members of the Royal family at their expense.
Buckingham Palace did not react to the six-part series in any way as astute aides chose instead to rise above the fray, aware that even the mildest reaction would only serve to fan the flames.
The message was clear - the Royal family was getting on with the job in hand and had no time nor inclination to respond to this unseemly airing of dirty laundry.
Part 2

The King took the same approach to his Christmas message, opting to focus on the good work not only conducted by his family but, perhaps more importantly, by the nation as a whole.
It was different in September, when the King made his first historic address to the nation just hours after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, his “darling mama”.

Then, he spoke not only as head of state but as a loving son, husband and father.
As such, he included a message of compassion towards his younger son and his wife, saying: “I want also to express my love for Harry and Meghan as they continue to build their lives overseas.”

The King of Christmas Day had a steely focus on the future.

In a clear break from tradition, he chose not to be surrounded by framed family photographs as he delivered his first Christmas message, which would likely have been heavily scrutinised, interpreted as messages of support, or otherwise, for certain relatives.
Instead, the King used video footage to highlight the work of senior, working members of the Royal family.

As O Little Town of Bethlehem was performed by the choir of St George’s Chapel, footage was shown of the King, the Queen Consort, the Prince and Princess of Wales, the Princess Royal and the Earl and Countess of Wessex conducting various public duties.

While the King sought to put his own personal stamp on the broadcast, the general format was similar to the many messages of decades past.
The late Queen traditionally summed up the year gone by, but also looked to the future and sought to deliver a message of hope.
Her final Christmas broadcast saw her deliver a heartfelt tribute to her "beloved Philip", the Duke of Edinburgh, as she spoke of the comfort she has found in "passing the baton" of their values on to the next generations.

It was particularly poignant that her elder (sic) son would take on that baton, in turn paying tribute to his own “beloved mother”.

The late Queen also traditionally used the annual message to highlight her own deep Christian faith, last year speaking of the "simplicity of the Christmas story" and the birth of a child as a "new dawn with endless potential".

The King followed suit, highlighting his own deep faith, which is a central part of his identity.

However there was a firm emphasis on all faiths, echoing his commitment to all religions.
In September, just days after he became monarch, Charles vowed to "protect the space for faith itself" - promising religious leaders during a Buckingham Palace reception that he would uphold the numerous "religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us".
The King is expected to recognise that he serves all religious faiths and not just the Church of England when he speaks during his coronation.
Magatha Mistie said…

Wendy House
not doll house
There was doubt as to whether `their' children came to the UK at Jubilee time. Are we sure that footage is legit and not, ahem, `constructed'?
Hikari said…
Well done to King Charles in his first Christmas broadcast. He looked well in his favorite blue suit and the choice of venue was very poignant and suitable. While delivering from the chapel deftly avoided any controversy over whose photos were or were not on the desk, I think that was a bonus benefit and not the primary motivation for having the soeech ‘off-site’. Just as KCIII’s focus on showcasing the *working members of the RF only* was not designed as an intentional snub to the renegades— It’s just a natural consequence of the choices they’ve made to quit. If they were still in the UK doing engagements, they would’ve been featured also. Neither of the dumpkopf pair are able to distinguish between “family” and “The Firm”. When one walks away from a job, especially acrimoniously, a normal person does not expect to retain all of the pay, privileges and perks that go along with the job they have quit. They expected salary, housing, expense accounts, company car, employer paid security and all the rights and privileges of being full working members— Only they weren’t going to do any work they were going to live in a mansion in California and swan in for dress up opportunities on the balcony and carriage rides. It’s daft. The King’s Christmas message is to the public and therefore he concentrated on the public work of the Firm. As it should be. Everyone seemed ever so much more relaxed this year… and the new Princess of Wales *slayed* in her Hunter green with feather. Catherine always looks lovely, especially at Christmas, but this year was next-level.

The Sussexes will continue to simmer in their own bile and what they are gunning for is to provoke a reaction. Completely ignoring them is the best way forward. Starve the dumpster fire of oxygen.

Charles has his own inimitable delivery style but his deep baritone is pleasing and one can see the pleasure the thwarted thespian takes in the opportunity to perform. God save Her late Majesty but public addresses were never her strongest suit. I was very impressed with how the Queen, a naturally reserved personality embraced changing technology through her reign and adapted without flinching to the medium of television for her annual messages. For someone who grew up without “media training” her command of the camera was remarkable. Her firstborn has pleasing tones but he should study how his mother met the camera with a steady gaze. KCIII tends to drop his eyes at the end of phrases. I think he’s attempting to look pensive. The speech was very him. So much pressure riding on these annual messages…and the Queen used to do them live. I can’t imagine how stressful that would be, or rather I can and know that I wouldn’t be up to it. Pre-recording allows for inserting the video portions and the music and I think these greatly enhance the message even though spontaneity is lost.

God save the King.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar…

That beyond weird little birthday party tableau was totally constructed. I wouldn’t put it past Harry’s wife to have inserted an audience track as background. We conveniently are not treated to any shots of anyone else there. As far as I’m concerned, the only people present besides the ones in that cake shot were the photographer and his family, the rent-a-kids’ legal guardians/caregivers and some production assistants/camera personnel from Netflix. If Rachel wants to authenticate that I am absolutely wrong, she’s welcome to try to convince me to the contrary. That scene we were treated to could have easily been filmed in Montecito or whichever property she was able to borrow/rent by the hour. There’s no proof it was shot at Frogmore. There’s been no confirmation that children were ever seen by anyone in the UK in Jubilee weekend. YouTuber and decorated war hero (by QEII personally) Trevor Coult, who has made it his mission in life to debunk Bunker Harry and his golddigger says that a good mate in ground crew at Farnborough air field saw no children, child items or Nannies embarking or disembarking at any point. Unlike Harry’s wife, Trevor is not a fantasist, and I do not suspect him as being a liar. Members of the royal family who were allegedly attendees at this birthday party during a jampacked Jubilee weekend are also oddly silent on having met Harry’s spawn. We’ve got a picture of Harry’s wife with her photographers wife and little girls… No Harry, no Archie, nobody else royal or otherwise.

That begs the question: if the grifters didn’t actually have two children with them in the UK, Who were they proposing to bring to meet her Majesty and to get photographed in a Lilibet meets Lilibet photo op? I think Rachel is confined to American rental babies these days, and wasn’t allowed to bring American baby models not in her custody across international lines. So, yes…entirely staged, soups to nuts. She is a fake person and everything she does is fake.
gfbcpa said…
I apologize in advance if someone already posted this, but Anderson Cooper will interview Prince Harry on 60 Minutes January 8, 2023.
Mel said…
one can see the pleasure the thwarted thespian takes in the opportunity to perform

Yes! I have found myself thinking several times recently that the King would have made a fine actor.

Far better than that wannabe nobody we know as Mm.
Mel said…
That cake looked much more like a 50th wedding anniversary cake than a child's birthday cake.

I do cakes as a side gig. For a one year old I would do something in primary colors, maybe an animal or a huge number one.

Archie up on the table: that's clearly staged. The table is too high for him to have climbed up there from the ground by himself, and the bench is too far away from the table for him to reach the table by himself.

There appear to be no plates or silverware on the table. Not even a knife for cutting the cake. So how did they plan to eat it?

Think it was a fake cake, as in frosted styrofoam? Since they didn't plan on cutting it apparently.

So what did they do after she blew out the candle? Just walk away?

Weird that there was no visible seating for them or the guests except for the two seater bench.

No presents visible, either. Wrapped or unwrapped.

That looked like one sterile birthday party.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said:
As an indication of what it's like, we're trying to use as little `energy' as possible. I've no idea how much gas we've used but we've given up the big oven, the dishwasher, washing machine & tumble dryer. We now have a smart meter (having held off until we we sure it could be to our advantage) and on the showing of the last 7 days I think we'll still have a bill over twice the usual sum for much less than half the amount of `juice'.

We're keeping the interior of the house at 60F (15C) while night temps are in the 20sF (-5C) with two oil-filled radiators and closing off part of the house. We'll only have four or five days with below-freezing temperatures, then the temperatures here will rebound. IF our electricity goes out, it will be inconvenient, but we can cook on an outside grill and we know from experience with a heat pump dying in the winter in the middle of a previous cold snap (with an ice storm) that even with no additional heat, the interior temp won't drop below 40F (4C).

The people up north with temperatures of -35F (-37C) need to have an alternate method of heating that the government cannot screw up in their pursuit of 'green' energy that does not work. I cannot even begin to tell you how utterly tired of and angry I am with the incomprehensible incompetence, stupidity, and cupidity on display in the Federal government.

I read about peat stoves in Scotland in the M.C. Beaton novels (may she rest in peace). We have a seemingly inexhaustible amount of fuel in the form of giant oak trees blown down in hurricanes, and people would pay us to cut them up and remove them! I think another wood-burning stove may be in our future.
I recorded the King’s Christmas message. I thought it was full of genuine gratitude and warmth. I also liked where he recorded his message ….in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, where his late beloved parents are laid to rest close by. 😊

I’ve noticed Charles trails off at the end of his sentences for sometime, yes as Opus observed as he shouldn’t be speaking. I met Charles many years ago, I thought way back then that he had a kindness about him, and was genuinely interested in people.

I do hope Nutties across the pond are okay. I seen the truly atrocious πŸ₯Άweather πŸ₯Άyou’re having. I hope you are safe and able to keep warm and fed. ❤️

SwampWoman said…
gfbcpa said...
I apologize in advance if someone already posted this, but Anderson Cooper will interview Prince Harry on 60 Minutes January 8, 2023.

I know all I need to know about Prince Harry from his crybaby complaints. If he wants his own life, he needs to stop crying about his mean family who won't make him king because Mommy said he should be, shut the he** up, and do something constructive. Nobody cares. (I should be a therapist.)

SwampWoman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.

A very misleading article, confusing Crown property, Duchy property and private property.

Is the author, Chloe Best, American? She also says `flower sleepers' when she means `flower beds' and doesn't understand that `sleepers' in relation to flower beds means repurposed railway track sleepers, used to retain soil in raised beds. Some people ought not to be allowed to be in charge of a pencil, let alone digital technology.
Thank you - it does my heart good to see an American write `God Save the King'!

This is how I'd organise bringing in the 2 rent-a-tots, money being no object:

I'd fly them in with their real parents, even if they aren't related and there were thus 4 adults in all.

Each little family would leave US on different flights, possibly by different carriers, from different airports if need be.

They'd land at any airport other than Heathrow, possibly via other countries, (RofI -Dublin, & Netherlands -Schiphol, for eg.)

This is the ultra-cautious, money-no-object way, OTT even. I doubt if anyone outside Heathrow would spot them.

Would they be able to work this out for themselves? Are they capable of planning something with the care that went into Operation Mincemeat, for example?(see film `The Man Who Never Was' UK 1956. The mind behind that was Ian Fleming)
SwampWoman said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
SwampWoman said…
Blogger SwampWoman said...

Wild Boar Battle-maid said: This is how I'd organise bringing in the 2 rent-a-tots, money being no object:

I'd fly them in with their real parents, even if they aren't related and there were thus 4 adults in all.

Each little family would leave US on different flights, possibly by different carriers, from different airports if need be.

They'd land at any airport other than Heathrow, possibly via other countries, (RofI -Dublin, & Netherlands -Schiphol, for eg.)

If the California Crybabies arrive and depart without their "children", wouldn't that be an admission that they do not, in fact, have children? I know that there are people watching the airports. I would think that all arrivals and departures are probably on camera. I would consider it extremely suspicious if they arrive with no children and suddenly les voila, children.
Fifi LaRue said…
@WBBM: Someone who uses the term "flower sleepers" is using a literal translation program, and is not a native English speaker, UK, American, or otherwise.

Marjorie Orr, UK Astroloer has this to say today about KC3 and the spare:

"The stand off with Prince Harry won't improve and with Harry's Pluto in Scorpio exactly opposition Charles' Taurus Moon there won't be any give, more likely an intensified tug of war. Transiting Pluto is also conjunct their composite Midheaven from late March which is likely to be destructive to their relationship rather than constructive.

With Meghan, Charles looks edgy in 2023 and most alarmed, disappointed and aggravated in 2024/25/26. I reckon the MegHaz dog and pony show will grind to a halt circa 2025/26. 2027 is when her chart looks to be in critical meltdown with possible relationship splits on both sides in the year or two before."

HW reads this blog, and she also reads Marjorie Orr.

IMO the Spare's have already split up, and are living apart. Evidence? He no longer pays for her PR, hence the ceasing of 20 articles a day in SM.
Blue Dragon said…
I have been very slow in finding the TV series Escape to The Chateau, the first series was in 2016. Consequently I’ve been watching it at the same time as the H&M mini series and can’t help comparing and contrasting the two sets of families. Both feature ex British army officers making a new life in a foreign country with their wives and children. Harry Wales of the Blues and Royal Guards Regiment in the USA and Dick Strawbridge of the Royal Engineers in France. Both families have faced bullying claims.
The first thing that stands out a mile is that a commission in the Royal Engineers gives you skills that make you self sufficient for life. The second is the energy and joie de vivre of the Strawbridge family who turn a derelict French Chateau into a lovely family home and events venue on a shoestring in the same time that the Wales family spend contemplating their navels and moaning.
The third point is the children. The Strawbridge children spend time with their parents being encouraged and shown how to make things, plant things and pick fruit and veg in the garden. The children look appropriately dressed, well cared for and happy. They have a Halloween party in the Chateau and an after pandemic party in the Chateau’s walled garden with friends where children and adults are all tearing round playing games and looking happy.
Mrs Strawbridge is wonderfully creative with old wallpaper, flowers, paint, fabric and decorations.
I’d much rather watch the Strawbridge family. Should the RF have put H in the Royal Engineers instead of the Blues and Royals?
Rebecca said…
Did anyone see the photo of Prince Louis exiting the Christmas Day service, where he flicks his coat open (with a big grin) to show his burgundy shorts? If I didn’t know any better I would think he’d been coached to do that in order troll his Auntie Meghan.
Rebecca said…
Prince George’s watercolor of the deer with the snowball on its nose has gone viral on Twitter and been viewed over 10,000,000 times. I wonder if Twit and Twat will find an even more impressive children’s artwork online and post it, pretending it was made by the prodigy, Archie.

Yes, HM the King was in a student drama society at Cambridge, the Dryden Society, Trinity College. It's not hard to find the photos online. His role in one review, parodying Becket's `Endgame' in a critique of Cambridge dustmen, apparently, attracted most attention.

As for his mother's speeches, her accent used to be like Celia Johnson's in `Brief Encounter' which now seems very odd and stilted but the upper classes spoke like that in those days, the accent being referred to as `Fryfahly'. Yet in recording her Christmas broadcasts she was faultless and was known as too `One-Take-Windsor'. She had a great sense of comic timing, as seen in the Paddington bear sketch.

Both were naturals, unlike someone else we know.
Girl with a Hat said…
I just looked at Hairy's natal astrological chart.

One aspect that really stuck out was that his natal Mars (planet of action and aggression) is almost conjunct his natal Uranus (planet of humanitarian action and surprise)

His personality was always directed to rebellion. In the astrologer's words:

Being a rebel and stirring up trouble comes naturally but you must channel this erratic and fiery energy into constructive activities. Use your creative genius to burn up this raw energy and make you feel satisfied.

You may have bursts of extremely potent energy like a volcanic explosion. It could be in a boxing match like Joe Frazier or a guitar solo like Jimmy Page. It can even be a witty and cutting political speech or writing a poem. Afterward, you need rest to recover from your exhaustion.

Mars represents your goal-directed energy. You can avoid extra negative attention by focusing on your personal and professional goals. You may gain popularity and will always create a stir by being so different. Expect to have some nasty critics at times because being controversial is just your style.
Girl with a Hat said…
Hairy's natal Neptune is also almost conjunct his natal Jupiter, which means:

With Neptune conjunct Jupiter, you fundamentally believe in the power of dreams, especially your own. Some dreams are more powerful and reachable than others. This perhaps won't be readily apparent to you when younger. Everything will seem possible to you—and in turn, you can be very gullible and trusting. As you mature, you either retreat more into a world of grander, more mystical visions, or learn to weave stories that blur the line between fact and fiction. In creative fields, this is likely fantastic and can prove favorable to you. As a mystic, this is also a compelling aspect. You have a striking faith in how life can unveil itself, showing that we're more connected than we care to recognize or appreciate. This also marks you as a very compassionate person. Yet, if you become cynical and more materialistic, you can sell implausible realities merely to satisfy your own needs.

So it seems that it's not necessarily the bitter half that is responsible for the behaviour of the odious duo.
@Swampwoman - OK, I should have added that the children & their parents would depart the same way, with their own legal passports.

There's a choice of airlines to depart by, as well as of airports.

For example, Icelandair has scheduled flights to/from NY from Heathrow, Gatwick, Glasgow, & Manchester; and serves a significant number of airports in US & Canada. Take a stop-over in Reykjavik - arrive in UK - who's going to be watching arrivals/departures on a flight from/to Iceland, for a child looking a bit like `Archie' or `Lili', with parents nobody knows?

Ditto if they've flown in to Schiphol on a US plane then changed to KLM to arrive in UK?

It's expensive but I believe it could be done.

I've probably given her an idea for Coronation travel.

If challenged about why the kids aren't with them, she'd say they're on another flight, to safeguard the Succession in case of a crash.
Petunia said…
In my northern U.S. state, we have a law that the power company can't shut off your power for non-payment between November 1 and April 1. Guess they don't want customers freezing to death; bad publicity you know. Of course then you owe a lot of $$$ in the spring, and if a storm knocks out the power, that's a different story.

I really don't want to hear any more whingeing from Monteshytshow. Just.Shut.Up. Good for KCIII for all of the subtle shade in his Christmas message.
Question: is the Princess Royal's husband Admiral Sir Tim Laurence considered a "working royal"? He seems quite fit and looks dashing in his uniform. Does he have any official duties?
Magatha Mistie said…

@Blue Dragon
I love Escape to the ChΓ’teau.
The Strawbridge family are a delight
to watch, fabulous and fun.
The harkles, fatuous and glum.
Dick is ex Royal Signals, my old Corps,
Princess Anne is our Colonel in Chief.

Rebecca said…
The New York Post has a story about Meghan’s 2017 Christmas gift to William, a spoon engraved with the words “Cereal killer.”
Who would have wanted to recycle that story?
Sandie said…
An article from Politico:

2022 Is the Year We All Finally Got Tired of Narcissists

Narcissists had their moment in the sun. But in 2022, some of them got their comeuppance and some of them got worse: our disinterest.


Narcissism can be a clinical diagnosis, Harden told me, but social scientists define it as a personality trait. It shows up on a spectrum: All of us have some degree of self-love, which probably explains our behavior on Facebook and Instagram. But the people Harden calls “grandiose narcissists” — or, at one point in our conversation, “charismatic attention hogs” — stand apart. They believe they’re the absolute best at what they do. They go to great lengths to protect and defend their egos. They strive to be unique and promote themselves energetically.

That’s the story, in a nutshell, of Harry and Meghan, who at first seemed uncommonly savvy for the way they’ve managed their public lives: breaking free of British royal misery, then cashing in spectacularly on the drama. In 2020, they inked a reported $100 million development deal with Netflix. In 2021 came their blockbuster Oprah interview and a reported $20 million advance for Harry’s tell-all memoir, Spare.

Their current Netflix series premiered to high ratings and an explosion of media thinkpieces (made you look!). Part of it is chilling: an up-close look at the British tabloid press, complete with heart-wrenching footage of Harry’s mother, Diana, hounded by paparazzi. But the legitimate complaints are wedged between glamour shots, from footage of Meghan getting fitted for ballgowns to a vast collection of flattering photos and videos they took during their royal exit, apparently preparing for a photogenic tell-all. Even sympathetic critics have groused that there’s little new here, beyond the vanity. In The Guardian, Marina Hyde compared the couple to “a pair of ancient mariners with a TV contract, condemned to tell their tale to everyone they meet.”

But Harden says the need to constantly up the ante, seeking more attention even if it’s self-destructive, is part of a narcissist’s nature. “These people have this hyperactivity, this constant need to do something … filtered through this inflated self-view,” he says. They draw the spotlight, attention wanes, and they try to do it again.

SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...

If challenged about why the kids aren't with them, she'd say they're on another flight, to safeguard the Succession in case of a crash.

If husband and I wanted to 'protect the succession', we'd each travel separately with one of the children. But we're normal people, so I don't suppose that option would occur to them.
Rebecca said…
From Politico:

2022 Is the Year We All Finally Got Tired of Narcissists
SwampWoman said…
@Wild Boar Battle-maid: Here it is, 2 a.m., me awake, and I'm considering the travel arrangements of the Terrible Twos and the children, whether imaginary or real. I fixed a salad and grabbed what I thought was French dressing and it turned out to have been Buffalo Wing sauce (which is considerably spicier). That was an eye opener! I hadn't eaten much yesterday, still feeling replete from the Christmas feast, so I thought some food might be just the thing to send me to sleep. Heh.

George and Art:

Many years ago now, I had some contact with the Art Department at Catherine's Alma Mater, Marlborough College, and was taught by the Head of Art, the finest art teacher I've ever met, a truly inspiring man. I gather he built a first-rate department in the school. I'm sure his influence lived on and that the Princess of Wales benefitted from his long-term influence.

So I expect she's always given George every encouragement and never uttered those killer words guaranteed to crush a child's love of painting and drawing: `

`What's that supposed to be?'


H & Royal Engineers? Not a hope! They need brains - officers are Chartered Civil Engineers or of equivalent status. With his lack of qualifications, H would have been fit only to be a Sapper (ie equivalent to `private' in other parts of the Army). He would have had the opportunity to learn skills but, despite his wish to be `ordinary', I doubt he's obeyed orders from a soldier of higher rank but lower class.
At last being called out for what she is and in an American publication! πŸ˜ƒ

Meghan Markle is branded a 'narcissist' akin to Trump and Kanye…

There’s no way Mole could’ve just been influenced (by Maggot) to turn on his family etc if he didn’t already possess certain character traits. Great find regardless! πŸ˜ƒ

I found another natal chart and its data…a small excerpt.

Your 9th house being one of your most tenanted house, or at least emphasized, travels and faraway places play a major role for you: travels may take place in a symbolic sense, namely mind speculations or conceptions about political matters, philosophy, religion or spirituality, or in the literal sense, such as real long distance travels by plane. It may also be that you spend a part of your life far from home, etc. You are driven by some kind of rebelliousness, which urges you to explore the Unknown; it may also be the call of the adventure. Besides, if the rest of your chart concurs, you may be considered as a real draught, often up hill and down dale, constantly on the lookout for exciting discoveries and new, enchanting horizons.

The Moon in Taurus and in House 4: his sensitivity
You love nature as much as your comfort, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, you are an Epicurean willing to enjoy life's beautiful and good things within the family “clan” or with friends who value your conviviality and your kindness. You are faithful, stable, with your feet rooted in the ground and you are reliable in all circumstances. You are attached to your affective and material security. You tend to be jealous and possessive and, although your nature is quite slow, you may be short-tempered and aggressive when you feel threatened. In such cases, you display an exceptional stubbornness and fury and it becomes impossible to make you change your mind. Although you are aware that your behaviour is wrong, you stick to your line and your grudge is persistent. However, you are so sensitive to tenderness and to concrete gestures of affection that a few presents or a few caresses are enough to make you see life through rose-coloured glasses again...

The ruler of the Ascendant, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, is Saturn. It is posited in the sign of Scorpio and makes you appreciate mysteries and the unknown. You need to understand, to solve riddles, and to take action behind the scenes, perhaps so as to be even more efficient. Your criticising skill is a weapon, but it may also backfire on you, just like your sometimes excessive obstinacy.,_Duke_of_Sussex
Maneki Neko said…
Are people waking up?

Meghan Markle is branded a 'narcissist' akin to Sam Bankman-Fried, Kanye West, Trump and Elizabeth Holmes in new Politico story which claims Americans are tiring of her behavior
* Duchess of Sussex part of 'The Year We All Finally Got Tired of the Narcissists'
* Writer Joanna Weiss claims that Markle is similar to Trump, SBF, Kanye and Musk
* Argues Netflix series chips away at her 'natural sympathy' for royal couple
* Weiss adds: 'Even sympathetic critics have groused that there’s little new here'

Is the pendulum swinging the other way?
Sandie said…
How do you think they will react to being outright called a (grandiose) narcissist in America media?

* Stay in type and do more of the same stunts (pap walks, bought awards, self praise via social media accounts that are not theirs ...) to get attention?
* More complaining and bitchy dishonest attacks? (At present, the only big platforms available to them are the interviews for the memoirs.)
* Launch some more lawsuits?
* Have an epiphany and seek genuine extremely difficult therapy? (I think this is unlikely.)
* ?
Sandie said…

Oprah posted a propaganda video about the duo. The comments are brutal!
An uplifting video by ole HG Tudor!! I had to re listen to it after coming in under attack on a YouTube video for criticising 2 American podcasters who did a podcast a day after The Queen’s death, that was completely disrespectful for not only its timing but its content. They parroted everything they’d read about the royal family and the UK (via Maggot and Mole ‘s narrative) because they took it as factual and the truth and were therefore supportive of both Maggot and Mole. ☹️I said it made me physically feel sick because they failed to do any research or due diligence to find out the facts. That neither had even visited the UK,let alone ever lived here. πŸ˜•

I do hope it wasn’t a coincidence that neither podcasters were Caucasian. Does it mean they get an automatic pass on being criticised…so it’s okay to throw a family and country under a bus without fact checking beforehand?! πŸ˜”πŸ€”

Harry´s Wife : Will She Recognise She Cannot Defeat The Royal Family (Me…

Dick Strawbridge:

Funny, I always understood he was a Sapper - got that one wrong...certainly his degree at RMCS (as was) fits the Signaller profile. Perhaps I jumped to wrong conclusion when initial Escape progs implied he was Civil, not Electronic. MIEE not MICE?

snarkyatherbest said…
the oprah video looks old. and i think it’s part of a retrospective of the year. they have a post of the new titles for the royal family too. that happened months ago. also harkles are click bait. they draw eyeballs heck they draw our eyeballs. if you look at the site oprah daily has less than 1mm followers. oprah herself has over 40mm followers and there is no mention of the harkles. the oprah daily posts garner eyeballs but only 1-2 comments. whereas the harkles post has garnered tons of views and over 100 comments. just good marketing nothing more. the real prof in the pudding is they invited to. i thing that Oprah is at. in fact it’s a bit of a troll. we will use you for clicks but you are not worthy of being in the inner circle. kinda funny
snarkyatherbest said…
so should we start a new thread of predictions for 2023. gets us a little light fun ahead of the spare tire thread that is coming in January?
Sandie said…

The SussexSquad have launched a vicious attack on the writer of the Politico article. It is quite disturbing.
Maneki Neko said…

I've just read the comments on the cat with the emerald tiara. They're all raging and unhinged but offer absolutely no constructive criticism nor do they refute the criticisms with concrete examples. Just pure rage and insults. (In fact, very much the way a certain political behaves party here in the UK behaves with the opposition). Below contempt.
snarkyatherbest said…
sandie. just wow. what vile creatures the sugars are but since the wicked witch let her flying monkeys go we know that she is not happy with anything going on. she has probably sending out 2am messages to her minions.

my question is what will she do to scuttle the attention about spare tire when the book will mostly be pre-wicked witch. she will not want this to be any success because it won’t be about her
SwampWoman said…
Raspberry Ruffle said: I do hope it wasn’t a coincidence that neither podcasters were Caucasian. Does it mean they get an automatic pass on being criticised…so it’s okay to throw a family and country under a bus without fact checking beforehand?! πŸ˜”πŸ€”

There are a lot of non-Caucasians that criticize them but they're mostly conservatives.
Maneki Neko said…

Question: is the Princess Royal's husband Admiral Sir Tim Laurence considered a "working royal"? He seems quite fit and looks dashing in his uniform. Does he have any official duties?
The short answer is no.
Sir Tim Laurence served in the Royal Navy and served as an equerry to the Queen and has been a great support to Princess Anne.
Observant One said…
@Magatha - I recently “found” Escape to the Chateau and have been binge-watching it. Angel and Dick are so happy, resilient and campy. It is an absolute joy to watch.
SwampWoman said…
Maneki Neko said: * Writer Joanna Weiss claims that Markle is similar to Trump, SBF, Kanye and Musk

I don't see the similarities. Kanye appears to be bipolar. He's a gifted guy, but with severe mental health problems which were probably exacerbated by the Kardashians. The cynical side of me thinks that they would do that for better TV. I'm willing to bet that he went off of his meds again.

SBF stole billions of dollars and used it to bribe Democrat politicians. He created nothing of value, and is just a pure criminal.

Musk is a brilliant autist, the ultimate engineer. I'm sure that it hurts the feelings of people that are useless to be told so and to be fired. Most of the 'diversity' in STEM is useless.

Don't know about Trump, but the concerted effort by both Swamp Creature Dems and Reps to destroy him and his family is because they cannot control him. What are they worried that he is going to reveal?

The only person that Markle is similar to would be SBF. She cannot create, she can only imitate.

Sussex Squad?

What a shower!

Sandie said…
I agree - the writer lumped than all together, labelled them all narcissists and concluded that they would all get their come-uppance. It is lazy thinking.

I may be wrong, but I think Musk took over Twitter because he thinks it will fund his Mars project. He made a lot of money at an early age. This is how he built that wealth: 'In 1995, with his brother Kimbal, he co-founded the online city guide software company Zip2. In 1999, Zip2 was acquired by Compaq for $307 million and Musk co-founded, a direct bank. merged with Confinity in 2000 to form PayPal, which eBay acquired for $1.5 billion in 2002.' He was 24 in 1995!
Sandie said…

Someone reported Taz to the police, as a drug dealer. The police turned up on Boxing Day. The SS is vicious!
@Swamp Woman

My apologies for keeping you awake. The unexpected hot sauce must have been a nasty shock - I have a very low tolerance of chilli and while I can cope with a smidgeon in a winter soup, I don't trust anyone else's idea of what constitutes `only a little'.
@Maneki Neko, and snarkyatherbest,

Re: Politico article and comments- Thank you Sandie for posting the link.

You beat me to it, but I totally agree those Sugar Lumps are vicious! No evidence to back up audacious claims, just grotesque insults.πŸ˜”

Can an American Nutty explain the Karen insult? I can make an educated guess but I’m not sure if I’m correct in anyway. Plus why Karen?πŸ€”

Thank you SwampWoman re my comment regarding supporters for Maggot and Mole. πŸ€—
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry R

Sorry, not American here but fellow Brit. I had to make an educated guess too some time ago about the meaning of 'Karen'. I've just googled it and Wikipedia confirmed what I thought but added some background. Interesting! Perhaps there should be a 'Meghan' to describe some selfish, narcissistic entitled person (I won't expand on the description).
Humor Me said…
American nutty here - seems that the term has been around for the last 15-20 years, taking the place of a "negative Nancy". I am a boomer, so that is what I remember.
I read where a few characters in movies were named Karen who all had the same negative personality traits: pushy, obnoxious, and in your face. As I have many friends named Karen, I do feel for them as karen is a boomer era name.
There are times that behavior is justified, and other times it is not.
snarkyatherbest said…
Raspberry. karen is a term to make fun of people (mostly white suburban women)who call the manager, call the police when a dog is off leash, tells other people to mask up (during the pandemic this it what made “karen” popular) and the list goes on. and it sucks for anyone who is named karen ( we know a karen she occasionally fits the bill. ouch)

Blue Dragon said…

Question: is the Princess Royal's husband Admiral Sir Tim Laurence considered a "working royal"? He seems quite fit and looks dashing in his uniform. Does he have any official duties?

No but he is Chairman of English Heritage (scroll down a bit)
CatEyes said…
‘Nightmare For The Royals’: Meghan Markle Plotting To Write A Tell-All That Will Spill About King Charles & Queen Camilla

Meghan Markle is doubling down on her plan to write a book so juicy it will make husband Harry’s upcoming tell-all look like a walk in the park, has learned.

Sources revealed the Duchess of Sussex, 41, still has plenty to get off her chest — and the cool reception she and Harry received in the U.K. during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral has only fueled her ambition!

Sources revealed the Duchess of Sussex, 41, still has plenty to get off her chest — and the
cool reception she and Harry received in the U.K. during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral has only fueled her ambition!

“She fully intends to write this book and leave no stone unturned,” spilled a source. “It’s just a question of timing and how long she wishes to hold out in order to preserve what’s left of her and Harry’s relationship with King Charles, and what they can still eke out of the monarchy in terms of titles and fringe benefits.”

“The feeling at this point is there’s little to lose and she may as well go ahead — and the process is already quietly underway!” said the insider. “It goes without saying that her book won’t pull any punches. The likes of Kate, Charles, Camilla and all those who have stood in her way or made life difficult for her and Harry will be called out and dragged into this.” reception she and Harry received in the U.K. during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral has only fueled her ambition!

“It’s a nightmare for the royals — but Meghan will do whatever she wants and nobody can stop her!” Sources said Harry’s memoir — titled Spare — has already caused a wave of panic over what it may contain about the royal family, especially Charles. Word is spreading that a book by Meghan would also include details that could prove embarrassing for her in-laws.

“I’ve never signed anything that restricts me from talking,” Meghan said in a recent interview. Now palace sources are interpreting her statement as a veiled threat.

“Obviously, for a publisher to print a book of hers, it will have to have some eye-watering stuff about the royal family!” spilled the source.
“Meghan is keen to get all her ducks in a row first, figuring out exactly what she wants to share and how it will all tie in to her and Harry’s big picture.”

“They also want to assess the fallout from Harry’s book and their docuseries — so there is a need for patience, even though Meghan is forging ahead with getting a bulk of it written and prepared quietly and informally for now.”

Sources close to the Sussexes say Harry needed a ghostwriter, but the duchess intends to fly on her own. “She’s a gifted writer and fully capable of writing this whole book herself, although she will involve an editing team when that becomes necessary”, said the source.

Fifi LaRue said…
Mars in the 12th house: Maggot has it natally, and Mole has it in his progressed chart. It indicates a person who hides a lot of things about themselves. It's also indicative of people who can't see things about themselves. A former friend of mine has a 12th house Mars, and is an ordained minister. She's hidden her gambling addiction, her OCD, her fantasy relationship, it just goes on, and she presents as a charming, caring individual.
From Wikipedia:

Karen is a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting white women who use their white privilege to demand their own way.
Humor Me said…
The Radar article is another form of blackmail. “ I will be quiet if you give me what I want- my way and all that it includes- otherwise I have nothing to lose, but you do. “
She has not learned- the Firm has been around for a long time. They have nothing to lose either.
Maneki Neko said…

So * is planning to write a book herself! "She’s a gifted writer". I think we can all have a little chuckle at that. Does she really have anything to reveal about Charles and Camilla? And who would believe that liar?
I can well believe they want to preserve "what they can still eke out of the monarchy in terms of titles and fringe benefits.” For fringe benefits, read as much money as they can extract.
The book will be nothing more than revenge for perceived slights - Madam wasn't given the respect she deserves: "all those who have stood in her way or made life difficult for her and Harry will be called out". What a nasty, spiteful, ungrateful b¡tch. May this book be the beginning of the end.
Rebecca said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandie said…
Her memoirs are going to be awful. First there will be the convoluted word salad. Then there will be all the lies. The family are not going to sue her, but those lies will damage them - both families.

Do you think the King will give in and give her whatever she wants?
Sandie said…

She is trying to win awards for the mockumentary - supposedly has instructed Liz Garbus to submit for every award: Oscars, Golden Globe, Emmys ...
Mel said…
A gifted writer? Mm?? Uh, nope.

Have you a more detailed link for Taz's visit by the police? The one you give just takes me to a page of videos, the latest being 7 days ago. Where did you see about her Boxing Day surprise, if we can call it that?
Rebecca said…
She would be best served by working with a ghostwriter. But I doubt her narcissism would allow her accept that she is not herself a brilliant writer capable of penning a bestseller!
Found it! On Twitter.

To the wanker that called the police to my home on BOXING DAY!

You should be utterly ashamed of yourself wasting police time! Like they don’t have enough to deal with.

You made serious allegations, which is a prank call,which they will take seriously.

Grow up.

I’m in agreement with SwampWoman regarding the Politico article.

I think Elon Musk is in a league of his own and beats to his own drum. Yes, he has issues but I’d be more than happy to be in his company. Personally I think he wants to break and bankrupt Twitter, it’s a stain on society and a lot has come to light since he bought it.

Maggot is in a league of get own for completely different reasons! πŸ˜–
Thank you Nutties for the Karen explanation and link. I had no idea the insult was as old as it was. I don’t think we have a British equivalent, the nearest thing would be a busy-body, only it’s not class or ethnicity related, anyone can be one. 😬
VetusSacculi said…
That ‘source’ talking about the book must be * herself. No one else on this earth thinks she is a gifted writer.
Observant One said…
@Humor Me - I agree that the Radar Online article sure sounds like retaliation for the recent negative US press. The Harkles think the Firm must protect them from any and all negative press. I hope the King holds firm and does not meet with either of them. In the long run, the Monarchy will prevail, and likely go from strength to strength.

@Rebecca - I fully agree that Elon Musk might jus save our bill of rights by exposing the media interference in our elections and our republic. I am a big fan!

Petunia said…
Anybody else entertained by how many people on the subreddit are bending over backward to try to make the duo fit in more with conservatives that liberals? Someone even suggested they would fit in better in Texas or Florida than Hollywood.
CatEyes said…
Re: The Wicked, ictky, bitchy Witch of the West writi'n a book:
. After 'Spare' who would care or throw good money after bad to buy the D&#n thing!?
- Everyone knows this will be just more sour grapes dusted in 'Roundup'!
- Most already know she is Class 'A' Liar extraodinaire!
- She can't put a few sentenences together and make it sound honorable or even convincing.
- And even her fans must realize they're hanging onto a stinkin' sinking shipload of crap.
- Are her Celebrity friends going to support her after they've become kryptonite narcissists after this last swansong!! (Remember the strangled bird in her Coat of Arms)
- Even with editing she will not likely allow any changes to make the memoir read better.
- Will she realize she is destroying her children's family legacy and possibly their future.
- She will undoubtedly sound like a harpy shrew with PMS on a bad day. [apologies to who really suffer with this malady]

The good:
- If anyone had any doubt about Harry being heavily influenced by *hole, they won't after hearing how her anger is of volcanic porprotions (the book might just self-combust in flames).
- I have a feeling more will come to support the BRF and what they had to put up with a Blk Mamba snake in their midst. She should have stayed in the African bush, her natural habitat.
- She very well might bury herself and hubby from any reconcilliation with the Monarchy must less goodwill in the UK (ala Wallis Simpson & Edward).
- She could be queen, "Queen of Mean" & Harry "King of Meaningless" while Diana was The People's Princess and further from * as humanly possible and royally possible. Maybe she will be disowned from the family without a divorce.
Fifi LaRue said…
@CatEyes: Thanks for the re-posting. It sounds very much like a blackmail threat to KCIII. Hairy's wife is a lunatic, she has no writing ability, everyone knows she's a pathological liar, and she won't find a publisher. No publisher will hire a ghostwriter for her, because she will not cooperate with the ghostwriter. Plus the book she did write stunk. No one is interested in her story; it's Hairy that got the book deal, not Madame. Madame must be getting quite short of money. That whole posting screams desperation from TBW.
CatEyes said…
!Fifi LaRue

"No one is interested in her story; it's Hairy that got the book deal, not Madame. Madame must be getting quite short of money."

Maybe she can scrape up a couple of hundred dollars if she sells her Hermes blanket on Craigslist and go to one of those Self-publishing Companies that you only buy select services (a guy, I know down the county farm road here in rural Texas did it). She could buy the editing and forgo an illustrator but get her photographer friend to take the pictures (heck, he may have even given 'the Jackals, er' I mean Harkles a two-fer price for those staged photos,; heck just photoshop 'em to suit) then she can get Harry to photocopy the book pages at home since all he does it seems is juggling his balls outside. 'Smart Arch' & 'Lilbit' could manage a stapler and get it together (after all, beyond 50 pages its going to read like Harry's soon to-be-released snoozefest, 'Spare'. So maybe * can keep em all busy, while she spends real money on more botox and quick-tan products.

So Meghan if you read here, there's a guy in Commerce, Texas on CR 4503 who could tell you how to sell a book or two (let's be honest it's not going to be "War & Peace") at the local flea markets as long as you discount it!
Midge said…
In case you missed it " These are the 8 Most annoying People of the Year'- and guess what couple is #1!
Fifi LaRue said…
@CatEyes: I know someone who self-published a very good work of fiction. However, it wasn't edited very well, the story went off a bit in places, and the auto-correct did her no favor.

IMO Hairy is close to broke, and isn't giving TBW much spending money.

The $100 million plus they got from the book and NF isn't going to last long with TBW's spending habits. And really, KCIII hears about them pulling in that kind of money, he's not likely to succumb to pleas of more money. No.
Rebecca said…
From the Daily Mail:

A tale of two VERY different 'commoners': How Princess Mary learnt a new language, changed religion, and became one of the most photographed women in the world... but has NEVER complained
HappyDays said…
I recall reading a blind item, I think it was either on Crazy Days and Nights or Blind Gossip sometime around the 2018 wedding (I think it was during the summer of 2018 that Meghan was sending packages of notes back to someone in North America for safekeeping. My guess it was either to Jessica Mulroney or perhaps to one of several people on her business management team she kept on standby even after she married her target.

I had her pegged as a narcissist as soon as I watched the BBC engagement interview. Bells went off louder and louder as I watched the interview, so as the pre-wedding hoopla continued, it only reinforced my opinion that she didn’t actually love Harry and that she had only spent a little over two years stalking Harry, with Chef Cory as a placeholder, until she could use his connections and those of Jessica and others such Misha Nonoo to work her way into Harry’s London social circle and the eventual intro to her royal target.

As some of you fellow nutties might have also read, I believe it was in Meghan’s interview that appeared in The Cut a couple of months ago, that Meghan stated that during her time in the UK for the Jubilee, she found notebooks of her notes while she was staying at Frogmore which returned to California with her. Many took this statement as a thinly-veiled threat against the Royal Family by Meghan, which it probably was.

Remember that the Sussex book deal with Penguin/Random House was reported to be a deal for three books. The first would have been “The Stench”, the second will be Harry’s “Spare” memoir by the Duke of Montecito, and this memoir by Harry’s wife, will likely fulfill the contract.

If it’s true that Meghan sent packages of notes back to someone in North America shortly after the wedding, then it bolsters the theory that many have that Meghan’s plan to lock Harry into marriage and a royal title, and proceed to embed her claws even deeper into him by one way or another bringing a baby into the picture on British soil as an insurance policy to keep Harry in the marriage or use as a weapon/bargaining chip in the event of a divorce.

The final step to one of the biggest grifts of the 21st Century would be to make her way back to California, using a trip to Canada as an excuse and way station to bring Harry to her final destination of Southern California.

Think of it this way:
If she had intended to stay in the UK as a working royal, then there would be no reason for her to ship her notes for a future book back to someone in North America. All her notes would have stayed at “home” in the UK. So by shipping the notes to North America in multiple shipments soon after her 2018 wedding, she already set the stage to expose herself here in late 2022 as not planning to remain on British soil any longer than was necessary.

Not sure what she will have to say by the time her book comes out. Anything after the Oprah interview is, for the most part, a rehash of not only the Oprah interview, but also the six-part Netflix whining festival, Harry’s January 8, 2023 60 Minutes interview, the publication of “Spare” plus any US morning news shows and late night talk shows he appears on to hawk the book.

Meghan’s book was reportedly scheduled to be published in late summer 2022, but following the Queen’s death and the announcement of early May for Charles’ coronation, the publication date was pushed back to later in 2023 to give Meghan time to include her adventures at the coronation.

Of course, if they are not invited, she will have fewer pages to write. How many paragraphs does it take to complain that you were left off the guest list?
Fifi LaRue said…
The Harkles paid for a cover of People. Her cover photo is not very attractive.
Sandie said…
That DM article is short and succinct, but exposes the failings and character flaws of TBW. Interesting that Frederick and Mary married 4 years after they met - no rushing into things there!

IMO, TBW will never comprehend nor admit her failings, so there is no hope for her. I used to believe the hapless husband would eventually leave her and return to the UK, but her control over him is absolute so I do not think he will ever escape.

As I said above, her memoirs will be incomprehensible word salad and lies. The royal family will not sue, but there are plenty of others who might. However, although it will be kryptonite and no sane publisher should take it on, I think Penguin Random House will because they will make a profit. The SS and the media alone will buy enough copies for profit. As for being sued, usually the publisher will defend the author, but is not legally obliged to.
Sandie said…

This is from 16 December, but is a scathing review of the duo from Brendan O'Neill.

'Their ghastly Netflix weep-fest was an act of slander against the British people.'
Magatha Mistie said…

Of mice or miee πŸ˜‰
On the ‘scaley back’ forums
Dick is known for being fair,
down to earth,
happy to get his hands dirty.
A rugger bugger, not sure if
he played in Army v Navy?

xxxxx said…

'Leave Meghan alone!' Furious Duchess of Sussex fans brand Politico RACIST and demand outlet apologize for publishing essay branding royal a 'narcissist' and likening her to Trump, Elizabeth Holmes and Kanye West
Duchess of Sussex is part of 'The Year We All Finally Got Tired of the Narcissists'
Writer Joanna Weiss claims that Markle is similar to Trump, SBF, Kanye and Musk
Weiss is accused of being racist and fans have demanded Politico apologize
Christopher Bouzy, who appears in the Netflix documentary, defended Markle
Sandie said…

Just for a laugh: Trevor's memoirs called Spared!
The source for the `news' about *'s book wouldn't happen to have the initials `OS', would he?

Sone years back, critics of CRIII tried to make something of Charles's valet putting the toothpaste on his master's brush for example. They omitted to mention that Charles had broken bones, I read that it was both wrists.

They don't get it do they?

I'd say she's not been `branded' a narcissist but it's written all over her behaviour and we've just read the message
Wouldn't it be funny if the other `rogues' in the `gallery' objected to being lumped in with her?
snarkyatherbest said…
rebecca in defense of markle Princess Mary’s husband the heir) is hot and the brother is not πŸ˜‰

on the same nor. danish royal family released a pick positioning and body language with his brother and the lookalike wife says a lot. creep the brothers wife looks just like princess mary
Sandie said…
Allegedly, always when referring to Neil Sean!

'Neil Sean dropped this tea just before Christmas. Tom Bower will release an updated edition of 'Revenge' in the Spring, and one of the updated areas will be an examination of Doria Ragland's missing years during Meghan's childhood. Previously in interviews, Tom has said that Doria was absent for around 12 years. Doria is a public figure now, having taken part in the Netflix M&H series, which might prove relevant.

Neil also mentioned in one of today's videos that Harry is refusing to allow ITV cameras to film him at home in Montecito for his book publicity interview with Tom Bradby, for privacy reasons (stop laughing at the back!). So Penguin Random House are having to pay for an interview location, reading between the lines, that hasn't gone down well.'

My opinion: From the glimpses we have had, I would guess that their house is quite sparsely decorated, and they have not invested in quality bespoke or heirloom furniture or decorative elements. She would not hesitate to show off a 'perfectly' decorated home in her style. For some reason, they do not want a camera crew in their home. Are they trying to hide something? Why not use their office (which seems to have a separate entrance)?

Doria: If she had been around that much (which TBW has implied in her interviews and podcasts), why aren't there more photographs? Why did she only turn up at school for graduation day? Perhaps it was Thomas who took the photographs and when she saw her mother, Thomas was usually absent? I don't think she was in prison. Surely there would be a record if she was? I think Doria is much like her daughter in that relationships are transactional. The more successful her daughter became, the more Doria hung around, and I think she is living on the property with them.
Observant One said…
@Sandie - That Spiked article by Brendan O’Neill was really good and very informative. I hope it receives some attention and isn’t overshadowed by the other anti-Sussex articles competing for headlines.πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ₯³πŸ€­. His dissection of the Sussex theory that the racism directed to * was linked to Brexit was particularly interesting to me. Thank you.

I am ecstatic over the sudden mainstream takedown of the couple and I hope many more articles come out - enough to put a stranglehold on the Stupid Squad! This is getting good!!!
Fifi LaRue said…
@Sandie: I agree there's something very wrong with the Montecito house. However, I don't think it's because it's not decorated. Staging companies come in with designers, and set up furniture and accessories for photos. There's a lot of that on Vanity Fair's real estate email they send out regularly. IMO the house is rented from some oligarch with new money. The furnishings are over-the-top garish and ugly. The interior of the house is most likely hideous due to being over-designed, with lots of gold everywhere, and horrible heavy drapes that do not fit the California climate.
OKay said…
I do wish people would stop saying that Harry and wife got $100M from Netflix, $20M from Spotify, etc. They got nowhere near these amounts and, since every single one of their projects have failed, they never will.
Maggot and Mole - frauds. I have given links, but you might need to Google ‘Maggot (Birkenhead) Liverpool visit’ to see (more) the images.

I’ve had to do a bit of digging to find out what Lady C has been alluding to within her last two videos.

Words like everything is popping out etc. Will hidden secrets soon become public knowledge?

Lady C said in January 2019 a very damaging secret almost got exposed right in front of the press. She added everything (the lies) that has happened subsequently can be traced back to those few days in January 2019, and what chaos was going on behind the scenes. It was imperative to throw sand in everyone’s face in order to distract people. She said Maggot has always been overconfident and that Maggot thinks offense is the best form of defence. πŸ™„πŸ˜•She said Maggot and Mole are playing a very dangerous game with fire, and they are bound to be burnt.

During the walk about in Liverpool in January 2019 Maggot gives a massive visual secret away under her purple dress. Archie did a Houdini act whilst still in the womb! Mole noticed and quickly
and ushered Maggot into the car. Maggot inadvertently drew further attention to the Liverpool visit during the documockery! πŸ˜‚

Arriving at the event Maggot’s bump is high up….upon leaving its down by her knees. There are photos of before and after and the press did not report it…. Lady C said Charles didn’t know…my guess the chaos was due to the Palace trying to protect Maggot and Mole by hiding from the public the Houdini bump. The media was muzzled by the palace, because I don’t for one minute believe the media missed it!

Personally I think the Palace should’ve made the duo make a statement stating they were using a surrogate after that visit. To cover up the lie and muzzle the press doesn’t sit well with me. πŸ«€πŸ˜•

Let’s not forget Mole said (during a live interview) whilst announcing Archie’s birth, how much he (the baby) had changed in the last 2 weeks….we erm he’d just been born! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜¬

Lady C also said she knows what’s behind the motivation behind the dirt and slander spreading and whinefest (documockery). Is this the continued and sand throwing exercise?πŸ€”

The below link is where a lot of above info is from.

Meghan & Harry's marriage STRAINS/Mental illness/her career/public turni...

These are the images..I hope the links work. Yes, I’m sure you’ve all seen them before. 😁

Rachel should count herself lucky it's only her narcissism that has been publicised - didn't some of us decide long ago that she may well qualify as `Dark Triad' on account of her machiavellianism (scheming) and psychopathy (lack of remorse).

I'd also say there's a large helping of sadism in the mix, given the treatment meted out to the Royal Family during and after the dying days of both Prince Philip and Her Late Majesty.
I meant to add this video by Lady C in my last comment. This one is right before her most recent one.

I can’t now find where Lady C says it, nor can I remember what she actually said! πŸ™„ During the documockery, Maggot is showing the baby scans, she doesn’t refer to them as mine, ours etc.

Meghan, Harry & THE BIG LIE e.g. Hitler & Goebbels/ final 26 Netflix lie…
Fifi LaRue said…
@Okay: I see your point, but bringing up the faked amounts kind of sticks it to the Mrs.
Maneki Neko said…
@Raspberry R

How could we forget those pix of H & * in Birkenhead!! The bump that disappeared at the end of the visit...
I am watching the Lady C video you gave a link to. Apparently, (28' 38") - lie 39 - * talked about Frogmore Cottage, "that's where we had our baby". Lady C says 'the problem with H & * is their claims are so 'versatile' it's almost impossible to keep up with their latest version of their truth'. Versatile, yes! That's up there with recollections may vary.
OKay said…
@Fifi Fair enough! Let the sticking continue. *L*

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