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Cliff Hanger

Deadlines for responses have passed. 

Will they show?  Won't they show?  

And, rumors of demands for money to cross hands to make appearances (new level of pay to play).

Such drama.  You would think this was a soap opera where every episode ends with a crazy cliff hanger story plot to drive the next installment. 

Sadly, I don't expect it to change any time soon either.  No.  For them, there appears to be way too much energy left in the will they, won't they to end it now even though everyone else is pretty much tired of it.  Hardly something one can point to and claim that they are trying to reconcile with those who feel distressed about what was printed.

Just noticed something: remember that talk of trying to reach out and reconcile after the book, etc.?  It seems to have drifted away, hasn't it?  Hmm.  Interesting.  I wonder if that is recognized as a total lost cause or just delayed into the summer (or fall) campaign (could be harder to pull off now that they will no longer have Frog Cott as a base).  

So put on your seatbelts as the next thirty days will be a crazy roller coaster ride -  likely filled with lots of drama filled twists and turns.  


Sandie said…
A lip reader reckons that this is what they were actually talking about during their 'romantic interaction' (money):

Though it is not known exactly what they were discussing, John Cassidy, an expert in lip reading, reckons at one point Meg, 41, told her husband, 38, to "put on account".

Harry then responded with "yep" and a nod before the duchess added: "That's brilliant, that's what I'm saying."
@Maneki Neko:

`By the way, George VI was his father, not grandfather'


Hikari said…

Thank you for your response to my post about Charles. You said, Charles has also unfairly been compared to the Queen, who had an extremely long successful track record where her reign is concerned. Charles is only at the beginning of what will necessarily be a considerably shorter reign. That is so true. Charles has served *the* longest Royal apprenticeship of any Crown heir in history, of any country. He was almost constantly by his mother's side, especially in the last years since Philip's retirement. Charles learned from the best, and he had 50+ years of learning. His own character is different than his mother's, and what should be an asset--the fact that he's been in the public eye as the Crown Heir since he was born and, unlike his mother did as a child, has always known his destiny--has become a detriment to him taking the top job, ironically. Why? Because everyone watching assumes they know him, and all his faults too well. Having been on the world stage since birth, he is perhaps too familiar a figure . . all his mistakes and times he was less than regal are stuck in the public mind. It took me until very recently to stop thinking of him as the Prince of Wales, yet his successor has not quite yet grown into that title for me. It will come . .but what dogs Charles, and to an even greater extent, William, is a loss of that mystique, that Royal patina, that so characterized the late Queen. She kept herself a mystery by keeping herself more unaccessible. Charles has been extremely accessible. Maybe too much, it could be argued . .but he always wanted to be a man of his people. He reminds me at times, when in agrarian mode, of his ancestor, George III, who was known as "Farmer George" and was proud of it. Charles gets as excited about sheep as his late ancestor got about pigs. Charles' love of agriculture & country life is another of his paradoxes . . for a man who always looks impeccably dressed, like he's stepped out of a bandbox, and whose finicky habits about his food and his creature comforts is legendary, he doesn't mind rolling up his sleeves and mucking in. He's a better sport and more innately funny and warm than I think he's been given credit for widely. The people who actually meet him have praise for his demeanor out and about with people. Ask the people who've encountered Prince Andrew on engagement what they think about *him*. One thing that stuck out to me about Marion Crawford's book "The Little Princesses" was that the child Charles was a great favorite among Palace staff. He had beautiful manners and was always polite and knew them by name. I think he's still very good at remembering people by name and all the various things they have done for his charities.

By the way, George VI was his father, not grandfather, but you are right that he resembles him very much.

I think the late Iron Duke would quibble with you there. Charles definitely seems to take more after his mother's father than his own in personality, or did as a small boy. One of my favorite pictures is of Charles and his grandfather when the lad was about 3. Regretfully the warm relationship promised in that photo was not to be since George VI would die the next year. Just one of the many losses which have haunted Charles's life and no less the Queen's. Charles might have grown up to be a completely different person, or at least significantly happier in childhood if demands of state hadn't deprived him of his mother so early, and he'd have had a warm relationship with his grandfather, who obviously loved children but just wasn't around long enough to make many memories with his first grandchild.
MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Meet Meghan 2.0! The rebranded carefree Duchess now says she doesn't hold grudges or care that she's missing a once-in-a-lifetime coronation. The only question... who's buying it?
Taking fashion TRIPS from Harry? Meghan Markle wears chic £595 linen suit from brand which markets itself as selling clothes that are 'perfect for a mushroom trip' as the couple step out in LA
Sandie said…

The Telegraph allows a columnist to mock her in an opinion piece entitled:
Meghan’s hypocrisy is now beyond parody
The Duchess of Sussex has ordered the media to ‘stop the exhausting circus’. Pot, meet kettle
Rebecca said…
Harry just sinks lower and lower. I wonder if his true intent with the lawsuits is to inflict further damage to his family. From The Times:

Prince William ‘agreed very large sum over phone hacking claim’
Prince Harry claims his brother and late Queen made secret deals

The Prince of Wales agreed a secret deal to receive a “very large sum” of compensation for being a victim of phone hacking, his brother has claimed.

The Duke of Sussex also accused the late Queen Elizabeth of being involved in an earlier secret deal which delayed his own case against the publisher of The Sun and the News of the World.

Harry said that the royal family was desperate to avoid the “reputational damage” caused by the publication of an intercepted conversation between the King, then the Prince of Wales, and his future wife, then known as Camilla Parker-Bowles.

The duke watched proceedings at the High Court via video link as his lawyers challenged an attempt by the publisher to have his case thrown out because it is too old.

Harry claimed in a witness statement that he and William had been told by the “institution” in 2012 or 2013 that there was no possibility of bringing a claim against the newspapers’ publisher, News Group Newspapers (NGN). That followed the conviction of Clive Goodman, the former royal correspondent of the News of the World who admitted hacking.

The duke wrote: “The rationale behind this was that a secret agreement had been reached between the institution and senior executives at NGN whereby members of the royal family would bring phone hacking claims only at the conclusion of the mobile telephone voicemail interception litigation and at that stage the claims would be admitted or settled with an apology.”

The litigation relates to a series of phone hacking court cases involving the News of the World, now defunct, and other British newspapers.

The duke added: “The reason for this was to avoid the situation where a member of the royal family would have to sit in the witness box and recount the specific details of the private and highly sensitive voicemails that had been intercepted by Clive Goodman.

“The institution was incredibly nervous about this and wanted to avoid at all costs the sort of reputational damage that it had suffered in 1993 when The Sun and another tabloid had unlawfully obtained and published details of an intimate telephone conversation that took place between my father and stepmother in 1989, while he was still married to my mother.”
Sandie said…

These tweets are about his case against the Sun.

* He claims the late Queen knew he was going to pursue all these court cases and gave her blessing/approval. He says this in court documents. Despicable of him to use the late Queen like this, and he is probably lying, but since she is dead, she cannot call him out on it.

* He claims that William secretly settled the case against the Sun all those years ago for a huge sum, with the late Queen's approval. My understanding is that William never sued anyone over the phone hacking. In fact, it was a government inquiry not a personal lawsuit. I think hapless is going to shoot himself in the foot with this claim, but it is being reported everywhere, absolutely on every media outlet, as if it is the truth. William is going to go ballistic.

They are dragging the late Queen into their mess and he is blatantly trying to destroy his brother. Nasty people.
Rebecca said…
Harry claims those involved in the deal included the late Queen Elizabeth; Sir Christopher Geidt, her private secretary to October 2017; Edward Young, private secretary from October 2017; Sally Osman, the director of royal communications from 2014 to 2018; Edward Lane Fox, his own private secretary; and Miguel Head, Prince William’s private secretary at the time.

Harry claims his grandmother gave him permission in 2017 to “pursue the matter”. He said Osman was given “the green light to approach senior executives at NGN on behalf of the institution, Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, William and me, to broker a resolution and an apology”.

He added: “Unfortunately, Sally received very little support from the likes of my grandmother’s new private secretary, Edward Young, and other members of staff from both Buckingham Palace and Clarence House, despite my grandmother having given her consent.”

Anthony Hudson KC, representing NGN, said Harry has failed to bring his claim within the normal six-year deadline despite admitting discussing doing so in 2012. The barrister said Harry’s recently published autobiography, Spare, details how he suspected in 2011 that newspaper stories he had previously suspected were from “associates” were in fact from hacking.

David Sherborne, representing Harry, told the court in a document: “It is important to bear in mind that in responding to this bid by NGN to prevent his claims going to trial, the claimant has had to make public the details of this secret agreement, as well as the fact that his brother, His Royal Highness Prince William, has recently settled his claim against NGN behind the scenes.”

Harry claims courtiers agreed not to pursue the case as they wanted the public to accept his father and stepmother as the future King and Queen. He said William encouraged him to ask “Granny” about pursuing their complaints about phone hacking after his engagement to Meghan in November 2017.

He claimed: “I spoke to her shortly afterwards and said something along the lines of, ‘Are you happy for me to push this forward, do I have your permission?’ and she said ‘Yes’.”

The duke said he kept pushing for a response but in March 2018, Osman, the Queen’s communication secretary, emailed him saying there was “silence” from the newspaper publisher and that the Queen has given consent for a further note to be sent via email to executives of News Corporation and News UK.

The email from Osman read: “Her Majesty has approved the wording, which essentially says there is increasing frustration at their lack of response and engagement and, while we’ve tried to settle without involving lawyers, we will need to reconsider our stance unless we receive a viable proposal.”

Harry added: “I now understand why staff at Clarence House were being so unhelpful and were seemingly blocking our every move, as they had a specific long-term strategy to keep the media (including NGN) onside in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as Queen Consort (and King respectively) when the time came, and anything that might upset the apple cart in this regard (including the suggestion of resolution of our phone hacking claims) was to be avoided at all costs.

“This was all because of the secret agreement which had been reached between NGN and the institution that there would be no actions until the end of the litigation.”
Rebecca said…
Harry claims he first became aware he was a victim of hacking when his brother “asked me whether I had received a voicemail that he had left for me on my mobile in which he pretended to be Chelsy [Davy, the Duke of Sussex’s girlfriend at the time]”.

He accused William of keeping secret his own financial settlement with the newspapers.

“My brother appeared to know an awful lot more than I did on the subject of phone hacking although he did not tell me if that was the case,” Harry wrote.

“However, NGN still settled his claim for a huge sum of money in 2020 without subjecting him to a similar strike-out application, without any of the public being told, and seemingly with some favourable deal in return for him going ‘quietly’ so to speak.”

Lord Grabiner KC, the former independent chairman of the management and standards committee set up by News Corp to investigate phone hacking allegations, denied knowing about a secret deal between executives and the royal family.

“I can confirm with great confidence that such an agreement was never mentioned to me, nor otherwise drawn to my attention,” he said in a witness statement. “Nor am I aware of any agreement whereby NGN waived its right to raise the defence of limitation in any claims brought by members of the royal family.”

Harry, in a witness statement, appears to blame his under-age drinking and drug taking on his portrayal in the media.
Rebecca said…
In my experience as a member of the royal family, each of us gets cast into a specific role by the tabloid press,” he wrote. “You’re then either the ‘playboy prince’, the ‘failure’, the ‘drop-out’ or, in my case, the ‘thicko’, the ‘cheat’, the ‘under-age drinker’, the ‘irresponsible drug taker’, the list goes on.

“As a teenager and in my early twenties, I ended up feeling as though I was playing up to a lot of the headlines and stereotypes that they wanted to place upon me.”

He continued: “I genuinely feel that in every relationship that I’ve ever had — be that with friends, girlfriends, with family or with the army, there’s always been a third party involved, namely the tabloid.

“Having seen me grow up from a baby (being born into this ‘contractual relationship’ without any choice) and scrutinised my every move, the tabloids have known the challenges and mental health struggles that I have had to deal with throughout my childhood and adult life.”

The actor Hugh Grant is also fighting the application to dismiss his claim.

The hearing continues.
Sandie said…
All comments I am reading are assuming that it is the absolute truth that William did indeed take a huge payout from the tabloids in return for not pursuing a private prosecution. This makes no sense.

It is the duo who sue for huge amounts and then keep the money even though they have 'pledged' to donate it. William does not personally need the money. The only time he has pursued a case against the media was for photographs of him and topless Catherine sunbathing on a balcony at a private estate while on holiday. He openly donated the entire amount and kept nothing for himself.

See what the duo have done? Put out a story knowing it will spread like wildfire and will never go away even if proved false. They are evil.
Rebecca said…
Camilla Tominey has written yet another complimentary article on the DOS. Is she stupid? On the Sussex payroll? Or just being contrary to the prevailing voices in the UK? I’m not going to subject my fellow Nutties to this bilge, except for the gag-inducing headline:

Make no mistake, there’s a Meghanaissance coming 🤮
Maneki Neko said…
@Wild Boar

`By the way, George VI was his father, not grandfather'

Oops! I don't know what it was thinking, it was early-ish and I must have been bleary-eyed. Of course, he was his grandfather.
Maneki Neko said…

I corrected my mistake re George VI - well spotted, @Wild Boar - and I apologise for correcting your statement. The brain was definitely not in gear.
Sandie said…
The threads on this issue are well worth a read.

Theresa Longo Fans
Apr 24
If anything I've been wrong about recently it was a personal belief of mine that BOTH H&M would go to KC3 Coronation "I believe they will go"

We reported Team Sus advised a dis-alignment March 4 2023 but it shocked us just as much as you to learn MM would snub the invite! :]

See also:
But here is where I venture into woohoo territory:
* She decided at least as far back as March not to attend the coronation but enjoyed torturing the Palace with demands/negotiations.
* Why on earth is he attending? Contrary to what the tabloids say, he is not homesick, they are not separating, and he has no respect or care for the institution or his family, and does not believe he will get anything he wants from the Palace or the family.
* Him and his wife are hell-bent on destroying his father and brother. If they can force them to abdicate, he becomes king. Yes, I know there are three children but this duo live in a deluded fantasy. As much as they would love to lord it over everyone as king and queen, I think their ultimate aim is to dissolve the monarchy, keep the titles, and take all the loot (the huge private fortune, mostly in property and collections, the monarch has). He wants to be at the coronation to ensure his place in the line of succession.
Hikari said…
@Rebecca, thanks for posting the articles. I'm currently savoring this fragrant bilge from the soon-to-be-ex Royal formerly Known as Hero Hazza, Soldier Prince of Afghanistan:

In my experience as a member of the royal family, each of us gets cast into a specific role by the tabloid press,” he wrote. “You’re then either the ‘playboy prince’, the ‘failure’, the ‘drop-out’ or, in my case, the ‘thicko’, the ‘cheat’, the ‘under-age drinker’, the ‘irresponsible drug taker’, the list goes on.

“As a teenager and in my early twenties, I ended up feeling as though I was playing up to a lot of the headlines and stereotypes that they wanted to place upon me.”

So in sum: Harry is NOT a wastrel, a cheat, a bad boyfriend, a high school failure, a cruel boy who relentlessly mocked a school employee with a disability, an underage substance abuser, a closet racist, a callous animal abuser who kills polo ponies and shoots protected birds . . or at least he wasn't until the tabloid media made it so. If they hadn't written all those nasty scurrilous stories about him, he would have grown up to be a decent, hardworking, clean-living modest, grateful, compassionate kind man who is a credit to his family and to his nation. But the media wouldn't print stories about him being all those things (despite no evidence to support any but the version of him they reported upon) and therefore he had no choice, no free will of his own except to be the very worst version of himself as portrayed in the media.

American comedian Flip Wilson used to have a bit in his act where he excused his bad behavior by saying "The Devil made me do it." Harry wants us to believe that the tabloid media, and the media alone, has created in him a race-baiting lazy entitlist treacherous drug addict and cult failure.

That is really astounding logic.


Well, since King Charles cannot send the agitating defected traitors to the Tower to await a final punishment, let us hope that the Montecito duo are not receiving one single red farthing more from the Crown, now or ever. Overseas treachery does not get Royal funding. This includes the King bailing them out of a bankruptcy mess or being overly generous to Harry's bint in the event of a divorce. Sarah and Diana got very modest settlements, considering that they too were married to sons of the monarch. And their marriages each lasted 10 and 15 years respectively. The Suxxits 5th anniversary is coming up; if they separate any time soon, her payout needs to reflect the brevity of her marriage and the even briefer 18 month stint she was even a working member of the family in name.

I do not envy Charles for what awaits in his future re. his younger son & baggage. It's not ever going to stop as long as they both draw breath.
Rebecca said…

“Harry wants us to believe that the tabloid media, and the media alone, has created in him a race-baiting lazy entitlist treacherous drug addict and cult failure.”

I was bug-eyed when I read the part of the article where Harry blames the media for his character formation. But then I thought, well, yes, this is perfectly consistent with his and his evil wife’s refusal to take responsibility for anything that makes them look other than saint-like.

“I do not envy Charles for what awaits in his future re. his younger son & baggage. It's not ever going to stop as long as they both draw breath.”

Yes, I fear that Harry’s campaign of destruction will cut years off the King’s life, much as it did the Queen’s. William may be crowned much earlier than anyone had anticipated.
Maneki Neko said…

Is the DM trolling *?

'Desperate and alone: How Wallis Simpson spent her final years a disabled prisoner in grand Paris home reduced to a 'slum' - with one close friend 'delighted' when she heard the American widow had died'

This sounds horrible until you read 'She was so ill in her final years that one of her closest friends was 'delighted' when told the news of her passing, only wishing it had come sooner.'

As much as I detest *, I don't wish her ill health but what about Wallis spending her final years in her 'grand Paris home reduced to a slum'? Could a parallel with Wallis apply to * in her old age?
NeutralObserver said…
@Rebecca, I read the Camilla Tominey article, & I don't think it's complimentary. Camilla and her family have received disturbing threats from the Squad, & I think she's very careful not to stir the hornet's nest.

I think the article is more, 'Oh no, we'll never see the back of her!' It just rehashes ILBW's most recent attention seeking moves, & subtly lays out the contradictions in ILBW's allegations re: her correspondence with KCIII. Tominey isn't going to make a frontal attack on the couple. She sounds a bit tired of them, as we all are.

I was surprised at the all the fuss over ILBW's 'new' appearance in her most recent video. Filters have been around for years, & are certainly available for Zoom chats. The Guardian, or some similar publication, did a story a few years ago on the craze for filters among youngsters posting on social media. Chubby little East Asian girls were turning themselves into slender, blonde sylphs on Instagram, & having a giggle. ILBW knew she'd draw comments with her unnatural appearance. That's why she did it.It's why she does everything. Camilla Tominey is right, we will never be rid of her. She can't live without attention.

Hope this makes you feel better! LOL!
NeutralObserver said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
NeutralObserver said…
Camilla Tominey article in April 25 Telegraph

Part 1.

Blindsided by Prince Harry again, the royals must be feeling hacked off
Harry’s witness statement depicts him as being on some sort of one-man quest to protect royal privacy

It was in the middle of the Borneo rainforest in 2012 when the royal press pack got to experience, first hand, the Prince of Wales’s fury at the sometimes intrusive nature of the media.

His wife had been photographed sunbathing topless during a holiday in the South of France, and William was incandescent that the long lens images had been plastered across Closer, a French gossip magazine.

As the couple climbed trees and photographed orangutans, the Princess of Wales largely took the incident in her stride – but I was on that tour of Malaysia, and it was plain for all to see that her husband was near apoplectic.

Having repeatedly called for the paparazzi to stop harassing his then girlfriend when she lived in Chelsea, complaining in 2007 that “the situation is proving unbearable for all those concerned”, the topless photographs proved to be the final straw.

The couple sued, with William telling the court that “the clandestine way in which these photographs were taken” was “all the more painful” given the experience of his mother, Princess Diana. In 2017, the couple won £88,000 in damages.

It is odd, then, that Harry’s witness statement depicts him as being on some sort of one-man quest to protect royal privacy when William had been banging that very drum a decade before Meghan Markle even entered the Windsor fray.

When he first started dating Kate Middleton, William frequently instructed his lawyer Gerrard Tyrell, of Harbottle & Lewis, to write to newspapers complaining about their coverage.

The firm represented both brothers in their phone hacking claim until 2019 when, by his own admission, Harry became frustrated with the slow progress and decided to go his own way with a new solicitor.
NeutralObserver said…
Camilla Tominey article,

Part 2

In revealing that his brother “was paid a very large sum” by Rupert Murdoch’s News Group Newspapers (NGN) in 2020, and claiming the palace had a “secret agreement” with the media mogul, the implication is that William settled out of court because he was in cahoots with the press.

Yet as is ever the case with claims made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, recollections may vary. Since 90 per cent of civil claims are settled out of court in the UK, William merely did the same as most phone hacking victims in opting for a payout rather than going to trial.

Far from being in hock to Murdoch, he appears to have taken around £1 million out of NGN’s coffers while sparing himself the ordeal of a court appearance.

Although Harry seeks to underplay the role his brother had in exposing phone hacking, William was indeed at the forefront of making public the nefarious tactics used by royal reporter Clive Goodman, who was jailed in 2007 for his role in the scandal.

Harry references an interview ITV’s Tom Bradby gave to the Sunday Express in July 2012 when he revealed how the details of a “harmless” phone call with William about the loan of some broadcasting equipment ended up in the News of the World.

I remember the story vividly, because I was the reporter who wrote it up for the Sunday Express 11 years ago. As Bradby put it at the time, he and William had “accidentally triggered an avalanche” with that discussion in November 2005.

Harry might not recall being party to those conversations – but it did happen, and paved the way for the original phone hacking investigation.

Also omitted from Harry’s witness statement is the strong stand William took over their late mother’s Panorama interview after an investigation found that Martin Bashir had deceived her with fake documents.
NeutralObserver said…
Camilla Tominey article

Part 3.

“It is my firm view that this Panorama programme holds no legitimacy and should never be aired again,” William said in 2021, yet footage from the discredited programme still appeared in Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary in December.

While there may be some truth to suggestions that a campaign was waged to rehabilitate the image of the Queen Consort in the newspapers in the late Nineties and early Noughties, both William and Harry have experienced negative briefings over the years.

Like his younger brother, William has always had a complicated relationship with the media. But unlike Harry he tends to read the actual newspapers as opposed to the comments on online articles, and understands that there has to be a balanced relationship between press and palace to reach the people the monarchy needs to reach.

While Kate is thought to read little or no press coverage, she has helped to pioneer a completely different approach to the photography of royal children by sharing her own pictures – a shrewd move that has succeeded in killing the market for illicit paparazzi shots stone dead.

Harry gives the couple no credit for sparing his own children, Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet, the intrusion that he and William loathed growing up, depicting them as part of the problem in a move that only serves to generate yet more headlines.

Once again blindsided by Harry with the Coronation fast approaching, the Royals must be feeling mightily hacked off.
Maneki Neko said…
'Inside Harry and Meghan's Lakers suite: How Sussexes and Archewell staff enjoyed boozy $55-a-head menu in VIP box costing up to $15,000 with wine, chicken burgers and Stella Artois at LA basketball game

Meghan and Harry spent a night at the LA Lakers with Archewell executives who enjoyed wine and buffalo chicken in a luxury suite that can cost up to £12,000 ($15,000), MailOnline can reveal today.

The royal couple were in a VIP box with Archewell employees who swilled wine, which was on offer for between £44 ($55) for a bottle of the house white, £64 ($79) for rosé and £385-a-bottle ($480) for a Californian red, one of Meghan's preferred tipples.'
. . .
Who paid for that? Archewell? Perhaps they want to give the impression they have plenty of money. They partied with their staff because they have no one else. I wonder if we're going to be treated to similar stories until the Coronation.
Yes, Sandie - I too believe they are still out to destroy both Charles and William so neither can reign and Harry can come into his own. If not literal destruction, then to make it impossible for them to reign by turning the People.

I also still suspect there are others behind them - can 2 druggies really wreak such havoc on their own, without henchmen?
NeutralObserver said…
@Maneki Neko, Luxury boxes & suites at US sports venues are leased out on a yearly basis to corporations & individuals. Whoever leases the box the duo was in likely invited the Archewell crowd, which wouldn't have had to pay for anything. It's just a part of American sports & corporate culture, & has been for decades. It was a freebie, just as was the appearance that Todger made with Princess Eugenie at some sports event a year or two ago.
A bright note:

It's been perishin' cold down here for days - had a hail storm yesterday - so good weather would be very welcome.
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks for the info on luxury boxes and suites at US sports venue. It makes sense.
KnitWit said…
Someone was upset by rumors that H stayed in England, so she scheduled a high profile date night for the paps.

Pink shorts? Show off the chicken legs for miles? Why not wear her favorite ripped jeans and boyfriend shirt to a basketball game? I guess they didn't have the clout to score court side seats.or maybe she was afraid an errant ball would break her new nose.

How much plastic surgery can a body endure? She is an attractive woman, but a terrible person ( with dreadful taste in clothes). She is " ugly on the inside".

Is the hair covering half of her face to hide bruising and scars form recent procedures? I like the lighter hair color. Very J Lo.

The couples night is very Ben & J Low too. Him looking grumpy. Her mugging for the cameras. What a bore.

What is the next attempt at relevancy, an affair with Pete Davidson?
NeutralObserver said…
@Maneki Neko, You're very welcome. The Twitterati is correct. If the Todgers were truly A-list VIPs, they would have been in the courtside seats on the floor of the basketball court, like William & Catherine were when they were in Boston.
Fifi LaRue said…
I thought Mrs. Todger looked awful in the pink get up. The shorts were wide and baggy, the cardigan was over-sized, and not in an attractive way. Mrs. Todger certainly has difficulty selecting appropriate clothing to wear. Those sports arenas are air conditioned to the max. Mrs. Todger must have been miserable. That was certainly Mrs. Todger's best acting to date in her career. The fake laughing, no one was fooled.
Rebecca said…
@Fifi LaRue

Mrs. Todger certainly has difficulty selecting appropriate clothing to wear.

I bet she was the only woman in the entire venue wearing stilettos 😂
Rebecca said…
Lady C weighs in on Mrs. Todger’s new look:

“Obviously she’s had a facelift. Her skin is as tight as a Halloween subject. Look at her latest photos, with the trimmed hair ironed down to match the ironed-down face. Her skin is so tight she better not sneeze, otherwise she might blow off half her face.”
Maneki Neko said…
Biden announced yesterday he was running for president again. What happened to *'s lofty ambitions to do the same? I don't think she has the means to finance a presidential campaign, as for her political experience, it's pretty thin to say the least. Nothing she does surprises me any more, she could announce via 'friends' that she's standing for election on the day of the Coronation only to refute the allegation the next day saying someone made a mistake/she never was going to stand for president etc. Anything to insert herself in the news.

He is now blaming the `tabloid' Press for trying to break up his marriage to a wonderful wife. He is truly beyond redemption.

The penny has just dropped about why he goes to the Daily Telegraph - it's the only title that is still published as a `broadsheet'. Even the Times & the Guardian have reduced the size of their pages. That is, the DT is the only one that isn't in `tabloid' format. In his addled mind, therefore, it's the only one that's not after him.

Such a pity that the DT has done a volte-face from its long-held relatively conservative position and gone and swallowed all he rubbish he spews forth.
H is being slaughtered by the Sinners over his allegations about Wm's settlement (the better man gave the dosh straight to charity):
Sandie said…
A tarot reading looking at what is going on with TBW. The tarot reader is French but I think you can work out what she is saying.

meghan markle tarot & oracle (elle est folle réellement)

actually with the energy oracle i start with the storm in sight with the king of denarius and the community, she wants to crush the brf, she wants to shatter the link between them and the people. There are arguments with Harry over this attitude. there is a lot of fighting. end of contract energy. SHE feels despised and punished by the brief, she is in an unstable psychological state. She does not feel victorious, she will attack everyone, I have the impression that she planned to attack Catherine then William then Charles (in that order)

tarot: ok, we start with her energy, she is really angry, she is mentally unstable, she has planned an announcement or the publication of an open letter completely crazy, an epu before the coronation because I have the judgment card inverted + the pope = unbearable moment for the brf (pope = well-established society) she hopes to attract money with this decision: in conclusion I have the card of justice reversed and the communication, I have the energy of Charles (king of cut = scorpion) he will have to fight in communication against her while he would like to concentrate on his reign

She has revealed the existence of the letters. Will she go further? She can publish a small excerpt within copyright law, but she can paraphrase what Charles wrote and stay within the law.

The other ace up her sleeve is to 'name the racist'. Camilla and William are the two that the duo would want to target. She would want to attack Catherine, and judging what he wrote about Catherine in his memoir (publishing supposed private messages), he would not try to stop her.

The coronation is not far away and she will escalate. It might get so bad that he pulls out of attending at the last minute.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Rebecca: LOL! Lady C. Mrs. Todger might blow off half her face if she sneezes.

I read somewhere that Mrs. Todger wants to present herself as carefree and breezy, rather than vindictive, angry, victimized, and accusatory. Let's see how she rolls in the coming weeks. IMO Mrs. Todger will not be able to maintain the facade of being easy to get along with, Nasty is her middle name.
Hikari said…
Sandie and Rebecca offer two studies of Mrs. Todger's current mental state.

SHE feels despised and punished . . .she is in an unstable psychological state. She does not feel victorious, she will attack everyone, I have the impression that she planned to attack Catherine then William then Charles (in that order)

tarot: ok, we start with her energy, she is really angry, she is mentally unstable

Iread somewhere that Mrs. Todger wants to present herself as carefree and breezy, rather than vindictive, angry, victimized, and accusatory. Let's see how she rolls in the coming weeks. IMO Mrs. Todger will not be able to maintain the facade of being easy to get along with, Nasty is her middle name.

I wonder if Charles and the rest of the RF have finally cottoned on to what they are dealing with. Harry's wife (with him in tow) is not simply an aggrieved daughter-in-law who can be appeased and made content with enough concessions. Noblesse oblige and long-suffering and don't complain, don't explain are never going to make her go away.

For malignant Narcissists, rage is their baseline. There is NOTHING under the sun that will satisfy Madam in the long term. She might be able to be made happy very briefly--a couple of days, a couple of hours . .but that's it. She will always demand more, more, more . . always want to be the center of the white-hot spotlight. Even if she got her wish to be Queen of the Entire World . . she still wouldn't be happy. She'd still be a nightmare. It. Is. Never. Going. To. End. Not as long as she is alive. Her mental disorder is pernicious and there is no cure. Absolutely none. She cannot and will not ever see herself for what she is or accept any culpability for what she's done. The RF truly loaded the guns against itself when they allowed this marriage. Sure, as Harry's jilted girlfriend she could have milked the racist card against the RF for a while but she really would have been just another notch in Hazza's bedpost at that point and would have been soon forgotten. Kind of like the fracas with Ngozi Furlani (aka Marlene) has blown over. But she was made a Royal Duchess and elevated to their level, at least on paper, and with access to what to her seemed unlimited funds, and immediate global celebrity as Harry's bride, well, it took what might have been a manageable garden-variety level of entitled Narcissism and blown it up into the monstrous proportions we now see.

Thomas Markle, Jr. was right--he predicted that his sister would destroy Harry's family the way she had her own. I don't know how this is gonna end, but the tears and suffering aren't over yet by a long shot.

Deprived of Harry through a divorce or his death, I think she'd get a bump in the short term of the 'sainted widow/cast-away wife' role, but that is not sustainable. Harry is her primary fuel source and remains, even in his ignominy and exile the ONLY reason there's any interest left for her.
Sandie said…
The Daily Mail’s Richard Eden revealed the Royal Foundation linked to the Cambridges transferred $1.11 million to the charity Prince Harry founded to support injured veterans last year (2020).

It is understood the payment was made after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex ended their time as working Royals and had moved to the United States.

Prince William and Kate Middleton are the only royals who have supported Sentebale, a charity founded by Prince Harry and Prince Seeiso.

The organization recently released its annual report (so donation would have been made in 2022) which revealed that the Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales was among the prominent donors of Sentebale, which works for children and young people affected by HIV.

William and Kate are the only royals who are following the official Twitter account of the charity founded by Harry.

Donations from Montecito: zero, despite having millions sitting in Archwell, and earning millions from memoir and Netflix documentary.

Change in topic: As for dragging his family into his latest foray into the law courts ... The royal family will not release any kind of statement about an active case, so there will be no statement from them about the wild accusations he is throwing around. I reckon the duo had this in mind when they plotted on what to say in that statement.

Rebecca said…
The RF truly loaded the guns against itself when they allowed this marriage.

Agreed, but there is no way they could possibly have known just how mentally ill and evil she was.
Rebecca said…
I don’t often praise Camilla Tominey, but this is very good:

Prince Harry and the 'mothership of online trolling'

It must have been about a decade ago when the Duke of Sussex revealed to a group of reporters, myself included, that he regularly read the comments on online articles.

The Prince Harry of yesteryear appeared to be able to distinguish between the work of the royal press pack and comments posted with impunity on the internet.

Yet the witness statement he submitted in his court case against News Group Newspapers (NGN), publishers of the Sun and the defunct News of the World, over alleged illegal information gathering suggests he can no longer tell the difference.

Accusing tabloids of being “the mothership of online trolling” the father of two seems to be suggesting that trolls wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have newspaper stories to feed on. Yet as is ever the case, he neglects to take responsibility for his own role in fuelling this frenzy.

For while it is all too easy to blame the press for literally everything, trolls don’t just react to the coverage of the Royal family, but to the behaviour of the royals that prompts the coverage in the first place.

Having been a victim of trolling myself - including death threats against me and my children - I know from first hand experience that most online abuse is written by people who - like Harry - don’t actually bother to read the articles we write. They are just firing off hate-filled messages because they’re ignorant morons with nothing better to do with their lives.

Indeed it never ceases to amaze me that people like Harry think they are in a position to change the media landscape - while at the same time admitting that they don’t actually read the newspapers on a regular basis. It’s little wonder he can no longer separate, say, coverage about Invictus from stories about avocados, when all he appears to be doing is trawling through click bait.

What’s interesting about his witness statement - which blindsided the Royal family on Tuesday by revealing Prince William had settled his phone hacking case with NGN for a “very large sum” and accused the palace of having a “secret pact” with the press - is how Harry has conflated the monarchy with the media in his own mind.

Just as he lumps the tabloids in with the trolls, so too does he seem to think that the likes of Sir Edward Young, the late Queen’s private secretary, is somehow complicit in the “abuse” of Meghan in the run up to the Royal Wedding in 2018.

Notwithstanding the fact that there was no “abuse” of the Duchess at that time (by the couple’s own admission, negative headlines, which can hardly be described as “abuse”, only started appearing after the wedding), Harry is naive if he thinks that the likes of Young and indeed, Sir Clive Alderton, the King’s private secretary, were acting on anything other than their bosses’s orders when it came to managing relationships with the media.

The truth of the matter is none of the royals like the press but they tolerate us because they recognise they need to harness the media to reach the people the monarchy needs to reach.

Rather than going for all out war, like “hot headed” Harry (his words, not mine), they pick their battles because they are smart enough to understand the quid pro quo.
Rebecca said…
Harry is delusional if he thinks he is the only member of the family to rail against intrusion into privacy - as I write in today’s paper, William has been doing it for years.

Phone hacking was an aberration. It brought shame on my profession. The princes were right to sue over it. But just because William has settled out of court it doesn’t mean he’s caved in or condones it. Like the majority of victims, he’s simply decided to take the money rather than go through the agony of a trial. The outcome is the same however you look at it. NGN has lost and paid the price.

What’s truly mind boggling is that Harry cannot seem to fathom that - by his own design - he has become the tabloid gift that keeps on giving. In repeatedly attacking his family - without giving them a right of reply - Harry has effectively become what he most despises: a troll feeding off negative headlines that are largely of his own making.
Harry's the troll,
Fol de rol.

Harry's the troll,
Fol de rol.

Harry's the troll,
Fol de rol.

Lets' --- him for supper! (metaphorically, of course)

(Apologies to Frank Luther)


Yep, his artillery was loaded and aimed but did he need her to shout `Fire!'?
Would his ammunition have been used if she hadn't come along?
Hikari said…

The RF truly loaded the guns against itself when they allowed this marriage.

Agreed, but there is no way they could possibly have known just how mentally ill and evil she was.

Not completely, but I think there were enough signs during the engagement (even before--the whole "Wild About Harry!" article for VF, eg.) . . .Tiara-Gate, "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets!!!"--ILBW having the audacity to rudely demand things of Royal staff and even the Queen--"I know there's egg in this!"--that is the Queen she was speaking to . . did she call her 'Liz' one wonders? . . the level of disrespect and overfamiliarity she displayed which would hardly have been *dared* by the Queen's own children . . There were ample hints that this woman was going to be Trouble, writ large. The engagement and wedding and bestowal of titles were all rushed through wholly on account of Harry and a desperate bid to keep him on-side. For all the good that did. He and the Bint could scream racism every time they didn't get every little thing they demanded, and they've exploited that to the max. *Surely* the security services file on her must have been massive, and troubling. Any one of the the items therein would have been enough to disqualify anyone else from further consideration as a Royal bride. Koo Stark did a film with a saucy shower scene and that was the end of her romance with Andrew. It's more or less commonly acknowledged, not the least by her own sister that MM was a professional companion by land or by sea, not to mention all the soft core burger-grillin' videos and simulated sex acts on television . . and look where that's gotten her.

It may have been impossible in the end for the Queen to forbid the marriage, but in hindsight, it was a fatal error to allow it to be so quick. There were a lot of implications for a Royal's marriage to a foreign national that have been nothing but a headache for the Palace, even before the Suxxits started kicking off.
Maneki Neko said…

Deprived of Harry through a divorce or his death, I think she'd get a bump in the short term of the 'sainted widow/cast-away wife' role, but that is not sustainable.

Quite. There is only so much mileage she could get out of it but this TBW we're talking about. I think she'd be able to milk it shamelessly for a long time. Wasn't Jackie Kennedy the ultimate widow? (I'm not implying she milked it, not am I comparing her to *). I'm sure * could be Jackie O mark 2 with more sadness, pathos, and unlimited opportunities for merching, interviews, podcast, probably her own counselling advice etc.

I think * was given a lot of leeway pre-wedding, too much, in fact, and she then became emboldened. I remember how Andrew's romance with Koo Stark was not allowed to progress because of that shower scene, pretty tame in comparison with some of *'s scenes. I also remember how Charles finished with a girlfriend when she spoke to the press. Madam got a free pass but it wasn't enough.
abbyh said…
Jackie was but ...

she was a class act before he was killed. She was focused on her kids (making certain they had limited contact with their cousins on his side as those kids were a tad more "wild"). She dressed well and was knowledgeable about the world. You could sit next to her at a dinner party and have a conversation about something other than herself. She worked and it wasn't a Broadway production when she came in the door. She was picky about who she dated or allowed into her circle. Basically she looked for quality over mass consumption/exposure in her decisions. By not trying to be everywhere, people were left with not knowing much but wanting to know more about her the longer and longer he was dead.

Given the past behavior of *, * would not be pulling off Jackie 2.0. I suspect that people would express sorrow/compassion to her but the shiny new "it girl aura" has been steadily loosing ground in all directions in the US. As for being able to work it on multiple platforms, those platforms have had their learning to work with her experience and are unlikely to want to jump it again.

I'm not saying she wouldn't try it. I'm saying I doubt it would have the stamina of Jackie. It might have more legs over seas (other than GB) which would actually make it more like when Diana was at loose ends and wound up with a guy in Paris.

Just an opinion

Rebecca said…
This is from The Times:

Prince Harry’s phone-hacking claim has ‘inconsistencies’
A judge has questioned why the claim filed in 2020 failed to mention a secret deal that allegedly prevented the duke taking action earlier

The Duke of Sussex appears to have “factual inconsistencies” in his legal claim about being a victim of hacking, a senior judge said.

Mr Justice Fancourt said he has concerns about Harry’s account of an alleged secret deal by the royal family, which he says prevented him bringing legal action earlier.

Harry, 38, has accused the late Queen of being involved in an agreement with the publisher of The Sun and the News of the World. He says his brother secretly accepted a “very large sum” in compensation from the publisher in 2020.

The judge questioned why details of Harry’s legal claim filed in 2020 failed to include the alleged secret deal which the duke now says means the publisher accepted it would not try to block his compensation claim because it was too old.

The judge added: “Another thing that is troubling is what appears to be a factual inconsistency in the current pleaded cases that the Duke of Sussex did not have the knowledge [of the alleged wrongdoing] before 2019 and your proposed amendment seems to say he would have brought the claim in 2012 but for the secret agreement.”

Harry’s barrister, David Sherborne, said the claim in 2012 would have been “totally different”. He said there was a “draft” of an amended particulars of claim which contains the alleged secret deal.

The judge replied: “I am talking about the factual inconsistencies in the case as pleaded.”

Sherborne said Harry was unaware until 2012 of the deal not to pursue the publisher until the conclusion of other legal action relating to phone hacking. “This is not criticism of the [late] Queen or his family, that is the way it was done and he accepted it, he had to,” his lawyer added.

Harry has claimed the agreement was designed to avoid a repeat of the “reputational damage” caused in 1993 by publication of an intimate conversation between the King, then Prince of Wales, and his future wife, then Camilla Parker-Bowles.

The duke claims his grandmother gave him permission in 2017 to pursue the case following his engagement to Meghan in that November.

Harry said he now understood his father’s staff at Clarence House blocked his claim as they wanted to keep the media on side “in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as Queen Consort (and King respectively) when the time came.”

News Group Newspapers [NGN], part of News UK, which also owns The Times, is seeking to “strike out” Harry’s claim by arguing that he missed a six-year deadline in bringing the case.

Sherborne apologised for the duke’s failure to appear at court. He said Harry was preparing to return to the UK for his father’s coronation on May 6. The duke watched Monday’s hearing via video link despite it starting at 2.30am in Los Angeles where he now lives.
abbyh said…
If we are to believe that she truly has moved on, then there should be no name dropping about who allegedly made a comment which was viewed as racist in some format.
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks. Yes, Jackie O was a class act, something * is not and never will be. As I said, there's no comparison. Let's hope the situation never gets to that sagee.

I don't know if * has moved on, can a narcissist ever forget the past or do they bring up past misdemeanours when it suits? She's supposed to live 'in the present' but the present for her is constant manipulating and plotting.
Maneki Neko said…
* stage, not sagee.
Sandie said…
So, despite my scepticism, it seems that the story is this:
* Two brothers are in discussions about suing over the phone hacking.
* Hapless gets impatient with all the careful discussions and flounces off. (Was TBW around at this time, giving him 'advice' because she was on Suits and she is 'the smartest person in the room'?)
* William gets a huge settlement, without having to proceed with suing and having a trial. (This was after Megxit but before the Oprah interview and subsequent attacks.)
* William donates the settlement directly to Invictus Games. (But that donation came from the RF so was the payout from Murdoch paid directly to the RF?)
* The dastardly duo are furious because they are deprived of the drama of a trial and of being able to launder a payout through Archwell and thus use most of it for 'expenses'. And they never say anything about this huge donation.

Despite media coverage not reporting on this with clarity and accuracy, the real story makes the duo look bad, and stupid and greedy, and William look good (the duo never donate a cent without getting major publicity out of it ... donate a million without saying a word ... never!).
Or even a `reet radgie ginger gadgie'.
NeutralObserver said…
@abbyh, I agree with your statement about Jackie O & the ILBW. Jackie was a devout Catholic, highly intelligent, interested in a wide range of subjects, & what women in my mom's generation would have called a 'lady,' meaning, she 'knew how to behave in a seemly manner.'I won't go into ILBW's character.

I will go a bit further than your comment. If widowed, IBLW would likely spend a lot $$$ on PR portraying herself as a grieving saint, but she wouldn't be able to escape a counter narrative of a shrew who heartlessly isolated her husband from friends & family & drove him to a tragic end. ILBW would be more Courtney Love than Jackie O to much of the public, no matter what drivel she put out about herself.
NeutralObserver said…
I'm beginning to think that ILBW was using the recent period of relative silence from her to write her husband's ludicrous assertions in his lawsuit against the Murdoch organization.

My guess is that the judge will bow to 'royal prestige,' never mind how little it is deserved, & let the Todgers negotiate some sort of face saving settlement. That seems to be how it's gone in UK courts for them so far.
Maneki Neko said…
Meghan WILL attend the coronation... in miniature: Tiny figurines show the Duke and Duchess of Sussex present in Windsor for celebrations - as other toy brands release royal replicas

You need to see these figurines. ILBW looks very unglamorous and has a thick waist and H looks grumpy - his default setting nowadays - and looks like he's got his hand on his todger (checking it's not frozen?)😆
NeutralObserver said…
RF to the Todgers: 'I'm rubber, you're glue. What bounces off me, sticks to you.'

The Todgers should realize that this is the result their machinations are are getting them.
Sandie said…

Piers Morgan
Oh dear, are Prince Privacy’s recollections varying again? When is this permanently angry, narcissistic little twerp going to stop whining, stop suing, stop trashing his family, stop damaging the Monarchy, and just shut up?
NeutralObserver said…
@Maneki Neko, When I posted my comment about Jackie O., I hadn't read the entire thread, & didn't credit you for bringing up her name. Jackie had 'mystique,'whether she wanted to or not. She seemed to be genuinely shy & protective of her privacy. Her post Onassis years were spent quietly living in NYC with her life partner, working in publishing, & pursuing the normal activities of a woman of her background. I doubt she was having 'her people' bombard reporters with PR drivel, as ILBW seems to spend all of her waking hours doing.
Girl with a Hat said…

Thomas and Samantha Markle have released tapes never before seen of their nasty relative
Sandie said…

There is a Markle special coming up, with some never-before-seen video footage. Check it out ... her in a white dress and tiara (homecoming queen) being driven round in a mini car, waving and blowing kisses to 'the adoring crowd'.
Hikari said…
More Recollections May Vary . . .

Mr Justice Fancourt said he has concerns about Harry’s account of an alleged secret deal by the royal family, which he says prevented him bringing legal action earlier.

The judge questioned why details of Harry’s legal claim filed in 2020 failed to include the alleged secret deal which the duke now says means the publisher accepted it would not try to block his compensation claim because it was too old.

The judge added: “Another thing that is troubling is what appears to be a factual inconsistency in the current pleaded cases that the Duke of Sussex did not have the knowledge [of the alleged wrongdoing] before 2019 and your proposed amendment seems to say he would have brought the claim in 2012 but for the secret agreement.”

Harry’s barrister, David Sherborne, said the claim in 2012 would have been “totally different”. He said there was a “draft” of an amended particulars of claim which contains the alleged secret deal.

The judge replied: “I am talking about the factual inconsistencies in the case as pleaded.”

Let's hope Mr. Justice Fancourt doesn't scrape and grovel before Royal privilege the way ILBW's trial judge did, who ruled for her despite her being finally forced to acknowledge in court that she committed perjury. I hope His Honor tells the ginger tw*t to get on his bike and peddle it straight into the Atlantic. It's so obviously an attempt to cash in on his supposed breach of privacy and get a million pounds like William did, which will be donated to the charity of Hazmat and Megaliar, LLC. The prestige of the West Coast ersatz Royals has fallen into the toilet since the Wicked Witch of the West Coast brought her self-serving lawsuit against the Mail on Sunday. This judge will be excoriated if he buckles under to the Dook of Montesh*tshow.

Speaking of self-serving, the Dook's wife, the Douchess, is now threatening to release private correspondence between her and Charles . .***IN THE IDENTICAL MANNER*** to what the MoS did when it printed excerpts from the letter she wrote to her father. Shouldn't Charles then have the right to sue the wrinkled pink micro-shorts off her for breaching HIS privacy without his consent? She has now cast the King into the role she played in 2020 of violated supplicant to the court against the big bad newspaper.

HM better buckle in. Now that he's acceded to all the vast wealth of the Crown, ILBW and the Traitor Son aren't going to let up trying to bleed him for money.
Hikari said…
Oh dear, are Prince Privacy’s recollections varying again? When is this permanently angry, narcissistic little twerp going to stop whining, stop suing, stop trashing his family, stop damaging the Monarchy, and just shut up?

Answer to Piers' question: Never. The permanently angry narcissistic little twerp and his more forceful and even more narcissistic BW are never going to stop whining, stop suing, stop trashing his family and damaging the monarchy. Anyone who thinks it's possible to make them shut up and go away and stop inflicting damage is living in a fool's paradise. That's why I keep saying as long as they are both in alliance and continue to roam around the world free range it's never going to stop.

There would be methods to get them to shut up permanently but our modern age has no stomach for it. The alternative--prosecuting them both for crimes against the Crown--is a lengthy process and would require proofs that I don't think the Palace has the stomach for either . .not when the Royal machine has been working overtime since 2017 (and even further back in the case of Harry) to sweep distasteful truths under the carpet.

In short, the world is stuck with these two, failing some cataclysmic event that forces them to be quiet and go away.
Babbacombe Miniature Village, Devon is proud of you!

Some of the likenesses are a bit iffy but that of the ILBW is perfect!

Somewhere I've still got my Matchbox Coronation Coach from 1953; IIRC; I'll have to dig it out.
`I'm rubber you're glue' has for too long been ILBW's mantra/MO.

She should have realised that it goes both ways.
OH dear, it looks as if You-Know-Who (aka I/lbw/*/TBW and so on) Is gunning for St Meghan Markle:
Rebecca said…
If any British Nutties are able to watch this and report back I’d be interested in hearing about it:

Meghan Markle's family release unseen childhood videos ahead of explosive interview
Meghan Markle's family will share secret tapes and an 'extraordinary message' as they're set to reunite for their 'last ever interview' ahead of the Coronation of King Charles

“Speaking to the cameras, Meghan's sister Samantha Markle claimed: ‘She would still be a waitress if it wasn't for dad.’” 😂
Maneki Neko said…

Thanks 😊. You're right, Jackie O had mystique and as @abbyh said, class. I'd also add poise, discretion and also wealth and social standing, all of which * can aspire to but never attain.
SwampWoman said…
Wild Boar Battle-maid said...
OH dear, it looks as if You-Know-Who (aka I/lbw/*/TBW and so on) Is gunning for St Meghan Markle:

If you are on Twitter, SaintMeghanMarkle is on there. They *probably* already have a new substack ready to switch over to.
SwampWoman said…
My, my, my. I know a lot of people think that the Markles should should suffer ILBW and Blue Todger denigrating them for perpetuity, but I'm glad that they're able to give their point of view. Funny how those two can violate everybody ELSE'S privacy for money, but nobody else is allowed to. Too bad.
Opus said…
I have been thinking about Profumo this week and reading Hikari above now wonder, 'is there any real difference between ILBW and Christine Keeler?' They would not have let Keeler marry into the RF but then I do not believe anyone from Uxbridge would have been allowed in. As Hikari says 'disrespect and overfamiliarity'.

I once was introduced to the wife of the Rev Jesse Jackson and she oozed quality much as I presume did Jackie O.
Rebecca said…
@Maneki Neko
Meghan WILL attend the coronation... in miniature: Tiny figurines show the Duke and Duchess of Sussex present in Windsor for celebrations - as other toy brands release royal replicas

Harry looks like a serial killer and Meghan resembles Morticia Addams.
Rebecca said…
OH dear, it looks as if You-Know-Who (aka I/lbw/*/TBW and so on) Is gunning for St Meghan Markle:

I read the post and must admit I didn’t understand some of the lingo. I got the gist of it, though—I hope St. Meghan Markle isn’t banned.
NeutralObserver said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
So I on reading the email in the telegraph from the Todger regarding his court case he states in the email “that this must be resolved before the baby’s arrival and the wedding” which unless I am not understanding means he had seen a baby in the future, no doubt after partaking of the ‘rooms or there was a baby already conceived one way or another implying a 13 month pregnancy if he were born May 2023. Something smells fishy or he was caught out by the oldest trick in the book and then a mythcarrige!! He said it himself.
HappyDays said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
HappyDays said…
Harry’s wife has signed with William Morris Endeavor, one of the top Hollywood agencies. She doesn’t plan to act (well, she never could act), but is planning lots of productions.

Interesting part of the all the articles about this deal is that they are all about HER signing, with only bare mentions of Harry and it doesn’t say HE signed a deal with WME, although Archewell as her production company is somehow wrapped into the agreement.

I wonder if Harry has realized yet that he is likely well on his way to being reduced to a bit player in his own life.

He is becoming less and less necessary to her.

I will be surprised if their marriage lasts much more than another two or three years. She needs to wring everything out of him before the final dumping happens.

I too have reflected on the Profumo affair in relation to the Harkles, especially comparing and contrasting the Misses Keeler and Rice-Davies. (I remember the Profumo affair pretty well - I even know someone who had been in the same class as CK at Wraysbury Primary School).

It seems to me that the public criticism of the 2 young women in '63 was far, greater than anything that has been aimed at the Harkles, at least when her antics first became apparent and our voices were few. In '63, this was, I think, a result of one those periodic waves of British puritanism being directed at them - this was a time when `nice girls wore grotty underwear', when any female who went to bed with a chap she wasn't married to took a huge risk of pregnancy and/or being rejected as `damaged goods'(even her virginal friends could be `contaminated by association) or being thrown out of the family home if she fell pregnant.

Of course, the security risk was the real threat (our Secretary of State for War sharing a call girl with a Soviet naval attaché Soviet naval, during or shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when one could be reasonably sure that any USSR citizen in the UK was collecting information, but it seemed that many people found the sexual aspects of the case more reprehensible than the security ones.

By comparison, Markle has been given a free pass - too many bleeding-heart sympathisers jumping to defend her as the underdog, on account of her supposed ethnicity - and fear of themselves being labelled `racist'. Heaven only knows who is really supporting Markle but she's every bit as dangerous, IMO, as anyone involved with Profumo, or even more so.
Sandie said…

The Duke of Westminster, godson of the King and godfather of Prince George, will join the procession leading the King and Queen into the Abbey.

This is the rumour.

I guess some dukes are important, even if they are not royal, and some are not, even if they are?
Sandie said…
From an Anon:

"The money that went to Invictus is not Williams settlement. It's from the endeavor fund being taken over by Invictus and the royal foundation transferring money set aside for endeavor to IG."

So, if William got a million pound settlement, what did he do with it?

As always with the duo, everything is so messy.

He has made public correspondence with the Queen's staff. He must have been a nightmare for the royal family ... I can see her influence in the emails, goading him.
NeutralObserver said…
@Golden Retriever, Very well spotted, that email from Todger mentioning 'the baby.' The Telegraph article says he sent it in February, 2018, before he & ILBW were even married! Did the Telegraph assign the the wrong date to the email, or was something very fishy going on? It seems that the shady goings on relating to that Megnancy started pretty early in the game.

If ILBW was pregnant when Harry sent the email the gestation period for miracle baby Archie would have been 15 months! C'est encroyable que!The things that woman can do! She really must be a sea lion or something unearthly. No wonder Todger is so in love with her. I've got it, she's the reincarnation of an African Elephant, which has the longest gestation period of any animal on earth! Very special that.
I was reading another blog late in the evening and an another comment re baby and wedding said that their understanding was the baby referred to Louis, which i suppose is probable. However it does show just how much we all suspect and the inability of all to trust or find anything said from these two to be believable. Great minds think alike and there are many many great minds thinking about this nasty mess.
@Neutral Observer -

Funny that...

H clearly believes there was a baby on the way, in his future ILBW's uterus, at the very least 2 and a half months before the wedding and at most 3 and half months before. Arithmetic isn't H's strong point, evidently.

I'm still wondering why my first thought at her smirk at the point in the service which referred to the biology, `She's pregnant!', was instantly replaced by `Does she know the surrogate's pregnant?', and finally `Whatever it is, she's up to something.'

I had admittedly been following JerseyDianne (not sure now if I've got that name right) where the very low probability of ILBW conceiving and carrying naturally was discussed but why did she seem quite so devious? Did I pick detect Duper's Delight? Did anyone else's thoughts go the same way?

Is she arrogant or stupid (both?) in expecting us to believe, that Archie was born after a pregnancy of 14 or 15 months, or that she miscarried almost immediately after the wedding service but in time to get pregnant again and be overdue the following May? Sorry, I forgot - she pulled a similar stunt with Lili.

How I wish there wasn't a time limitation on such marriages being voided.
Fifi LaRue said…
William Morris Agency charges fees, just like Sunshine Sachs. Mrs. Todger will be a client until she runs her account into arrears of $2 million. Then she will quietly be let go. Mrs. Todger will also cause migraines, physical, mental, and emotional health issues for the agents assigned to her. Mrs. Todger wants the agency to find opportunities for her because she has been dropped from any book deal, Netflix, and Spotify. They have all washed their hands of her. I'm guessing that anyone associated with her had a celebration when they quit her.
Fifi LaRue said…
PS: All those employees of the Todgers at the basketball game? You notice not one of them was looking at the Jumbotron; they were ordered to NOT make eye contact with any camera. Mrs. Todger wanted all the attention.
Sandie said…
No idea about the source (assume ot comes straight from the Palace) ... I am going to post it all in a number of posts, so just scroll by if you are not interested in the level of detail. Women play a prominent role, which is a break from tradition. Yay! And yes the Duke of Westminster is part of the procession.

Roles to be performed at the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey
Published 27 April 2023

Buckingham Palace is pleased to announce further details on the Ceremonial roles to be performed by individuals in the Coronation Service at Westminster Abbey.

The Ceremonial roles include bearing the Regalia in the Procession and presenting the items to Their Majesties. Those undertaking these historic roles in the Service have been chosen to recognise, thank and represent the Nation due to their significant service, and include representatives from Orders of Chivalry, the military and wider public life.

The first processions into Westminster Abbey will be made up of Faith Leaders and Faith Representatives followed shortly afterwards by representatives from His Majesty’s Realms. Flags of each Realm will be carried by national representatives accompanied by the Governors General and Prime Ministers. Bearing the Flag of the United Kingdom ahead of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Mrs Akshata Murty will be Cadet Warrant Officer Elliott Tyson-Lee, who said: “It is a great and incredible honour to be a part of Their Majesties’ Coronation Service as a representative of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets.“

This will be followed by The Procession of The King and The Queen which will be led by the Marquess of Anglesey, the Duke of Westminster, the Earl of Caledon and the Earl of Dundee who will carry the Standards of the Quarterings of the Royal Arms and Standard of the Principality of Wales. Francis Dymoke will carry The Royal Standard.

Mr Dymoke’s claim to undertake a historic role in the Coronation was upheld by the Coronation Claims Office. The title of King or Queen’s Champion has been held by the Dymoke family since the Middle Ages. The King’s Champion would previously ride on horseback into the Coronation Banquet and challenge any who doubted the right of The King or Queen to the throne. There has not been a Coronation Banquet since that held by King George IV in 1821 so the Champion has instead undertaken a different role since, usually bearing a flag or Standard.
Sandie said…
More details on the Coronation:

Also taking part in the procession will be Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the Defence Staff, acting as Lord High Constable of England, an office held for the day only. Traditionally the Lord High Constable is a Great Officer of State and has historically been connected to the military. He will take part alongside the Earl Marshal, the Duke of Norfolk.

The Earl of Erroll will act as Lord High Constable of Scotland. Similar to that of Lord High Constable of England, this role has historically been connected to the military and the Earldom of Erroll through a Coronation claim. The Earl of Crawford and Balcarres will act as Deputy to the Great Steward of Scotland, HRH The Prince of Wales.

The following will then process to the altar carrying Her Majesty’s Regalia:

* Baroness (Helena) Kennedy of The Shaws – Carrying The Queen Consort’s Rod
* General Sir Patrick Sanders – Carrying The Queen Consort’s Sceptre
* The Duke of Wellington – Carrying Queen Mary’s Crown
* The Rt. Reverend and Rt. Hon the Lord Chartres– Carrying The Queen Consort’s Ring

Lord Chartres said: “The ceremonies of the Coronation are ancient but they have been freshly interpreted for our contemporary world.”
Sandie said…
And more:

The following will then process to the altar carrying His Majesty’s Regalia:

* General Sir Gordon Messenger, the Governor of HM Tower of London – Carrying St Edward’s Crown as Lord High Steward of England
* Baroness (Elizabeth) Manningham-Buller LG – Carrying St Edward’s Staff
* The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry KT – Carrying the Sceptre with Cross
* Baroness (Floella) Benjamin OM – Carrying the Sceptre with the Dove
* Dame Elizabeth Anionwu OM – Carrying the Orb
* The Keeper of the Jewel House, Brigadier Andrew Jackson – Carrying The Sovereign’s Ring
* Petty Officer Amy Taylor – Carrying the Sword of Offering
* Lord Hastings and The Earl of Loudoun – Carrying the Spurs
* Lord President of the Council, Penny Mordaunt – Carrying the Sword of State in The King’s Procession
* Air Chief Marshal the Lord Peach – Carrying the Sword of Mercy (The Curtana)
* General the Lord Richards of Herstmonceux – Carrying the Sword of Spiritual Justice
* General the Lord Houghton of Richmond – Carrying the Sword of Temporal Justice

General Sir Gordon Messenger, the Lord High Steward of England, (also an office held for the day only) is the most senior Great Officer of State for the Coronation, in order to bear the St Edward’s Crown into the Abbey, the most significant item of Regalia. On carrying St Edward’s Crown, General Sir Gordon Messenger said: “It is a huge and unique honour to be appointed Lord High Steward for His Majesty’s Coronation. To be playing a key role on such an important and historic occasion is a source of great pride to me, my family, the Royal Marines, and the Tower of London community.”
Sandie said…
Still a long way to go!

Petty Officer Amy Taylor will be the first woman to bear the Jewelled Sword of Offering into the Abbey. She has been selected to represent Service men and women, as a Royal Navy Petty Officer, a tribute to His Majesty’s military career. She said: "Having served most of my senior career as an Aircraft Engineer on 845 Naval Air Squadron at RNAS Yeovilton where His Majesty originally trained and served as a pilot, I am deeply honoured and humbled to play my part in this historic event. Coming from a farming family His Majesty has always been such a great advocate for our community and someone I have admired growing up.”

Baroness Benjamin and Dame Elizabeth Anionwu are amongst recent appointees to the Order of Merit, the final members to be chosen for the Order by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Baroness Benjamin said: “I feel honoured and privileged to be part of the historic Coronation ceremony. To be selected to carry the Sovereign’s Sceptre with Dove, which represents spirituality, equity and mercy, is for me very symbolic as it’s everything I stand for and sends out a clear message that diversity and inclusion is being embraced.“

Participating in the act of Recognition of His Majesty whereby His Majesty will be presented to the Congregation at the start of the Service will be:

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Baroness (Valerie) Amos LG, Lady Elish Angiolini LT, and Christopher Finney GC, Chair of the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association.
Sandie said…
Last one!

During the Coronation Service the Regalia will be presented to Their Majesties. Those presenting have been chosen on the advice of Government. Those presenting Regalia to His Majesty will be:

* The Lord Carrington, Lord Great Chamberlain – Presenting the Spurs
* The Lord (Syed) Kamall – Presenting the Armills
* Baroness (Gillian) Merron – Presenting the Robe Royal
* The Most Reverend John McDowell, the Church of Ireland Archbishop of Armagh – Presenting the Orb
* Lord (Narendra) Patel KT – Presenting the Ring
* Lord (Indarjit) Singh of Wimbledon – Presenting the Coronation Glove
* The Most Reverend Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross and Caithness, and Episcopal Primus of Scotland – Presenting the Sceptre with Cross
* The Most Reverend Andrew John, the Archbishop of Wales – Presenting the Sceptre with Dove
* The Archbishop of Canterbury – Performing the crowning with St Edward’s Crown

Those presenting Regalia to Her Majesty will be:

* The Rt. Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin CD, * The Bishop of Dover – Presenting The Queen Consort’s Rod
* The Rt. Reverend and Rt Hon. Lord Chartres – Presenting The Queen Consort’s Sceptre with Cross
* Brigadier Andrew Jackson, The Keeper of the Jewel House at HM Tower of London – Presenting The Queen Consort’s Ring
* The Archbishop of Canterbury – Performing the crowning with Queen Mary’s Crown

On presenting Regalia to Her Majesty, The Bishop of Dover said: “I am surprised, excited and honoured to have been asked to play a part in this historic once in a lifetime occasion. As I make my presentation, both Their Majesties will remain in my prayers as they seek to serve the nation and the Commonwealth.”
Girl with a Hat said…

Avid Gardener on YouTube pointed this out first, I had to go see for myself.
So, 🕯️ lied to 🌴 about being pregnant, right? And, that's how she trapped him. Someone in her comments said, she told him she had a miscarriage the morning of the wedding.
Girl with a Hat said…
I also said that. I heard from someone working at KP that she called Harry and told him she had lost the baby during the night. It was at that moment that all of the RF’s fears about who she was were realized. The late Queen knew exactly who she was.

from the same twitter thread
Girl with a Hat said…
When I read that Methane was signed up by WME, for a split second I understood WWE.

ngl watching her elbow dropping the ginger whinger would be fun.

*Methane grabs mic* "The royal family might have a throne... but I've got A CHAIR!!!" *slams gingerbrat on the face*

the Body Language Guy's unique take on the WME announcement
NeutralObserver said…
@Yorkshire Pudding, I agree it's possible he was referring to the birth of Louis, but that would imply that he was concerned for the privacy of the Wales family. Todger hasn't been too worried about their welfare in anything we've seen recently, quite the opposite.

In the Telegraph article, he seems to want the entire press corps to be barred from his wedding. Here's the passage:

Prince Harry had complained to Ms Osman that the publisher appeared to be doing “whatever it could” to prevent legal action. An email sent to her by the Duke in February 2018 read: “The institution is supposed to be leading on this and is being made to look ineffective and weak.

“I can’t begin to tell you what it will say about the institution if this isn’t resolved before the baby arrival and wedding. If it isn’t resolved should the Queen be allowing them into Windsor on May 19th?

“There needs to be an ultimatum otherwise this institution and everything it stands for becomes a laughing stock.”

In another message, sent a month later, he wrote: “With HM fully supporting this I don’t think I need to remind anyone how important it is to resolve this before the end of April. Putting her in the position of having to invite these people into Windsor Castle without resolution is not an option.”

I agree that with you that many of us are suspicious because of so many other anomalies in the Todgers' behavior.
Sandie said…

Yikes! Is this from the upcoming Markle show? Why does she look so distorted?

The comment in the email about a baby on the way is most odd. Supposedly the email was sent in February, which was about 3 months before the wedding. I interpreted it as him referring to TBW being pregnant. Perhaps a pregnancy was used to hasten the wedding, and then there was a convenient miscarriage. (She would want to keep that a secret as she knows it would make her look bad? But the opportunity to play drama queen victim would be irresistible as well ... look how they treated me when I was pregnant! His family knew about the supposed pregnancy? Is that why there was a comment about what the children would look like before they were even engaged, as he claims?) Remember, he revealed in the memoir that they wanted an earlier wedding than they got, and they were talking of 'eloping'.

She would never have given up the grand wedding so I think it was him who was serious about 'eloping' but she was playing him by pretending to go along with it and then referring to the wedding as a spectacle for others.

That comment in his email was very odd. There is no reason to believe that he woukd be referring to Catherine's pregnancy. But, he has such a messy way of thinking and they often do not make sense ...
Sandie said…
He was trying to ban the media from his wedding? It is insane! Of course, the advantage for them (her) would be that she would own all footage and photos of the wedding, which would be worth a lot of money.
Girl with a Hat said…

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023
Blind Item #2
The alliterate one has been looking at scripts. The only conditions are that she must be the lead or second lead and that she gets producer credit too. The first project involves this writer/actress/producer who starred on an iconic show has a mystery baby daddy and lost a lot of weight.
HappyDays said…
From today’s (Friday, April 28, 2023) Crazy Days and Nights.

So much for the report about the WME deal that she was not planning to do any acting. Reportedly Mrs. Todger is attempting to partner with Mindy Kaling, who was a cast member on the US version of The Office:

FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 2023

Blind Item #2
The alliterate one has been looking at scripts. The only conditions are that she must be the lead or second lead and that she gets producer credit too. The first project involves this writer/actress/producer who starred on an iconic show has a mystery baby daddy and lost a lot of weight.
Maneki Neko said…

The Duke of Westminster is a friend of William and Harry's (not sure about H now) and George's godfather so I can understand why he is included in the procession.
Incidentally, he's just got engaged. He's now worth £9 billion so * picked the wrong British man!!!
snarkyatherbest said…
well we all suspected she was “pregnant” when the hurried wedding took place. rumors was that was when eugenie was suppose to be married and they slid in the harkles before any “bump” appeared. could this be why H was nearly in years during the wedding. he was upset over her losing the phantom baby? and if she “lost” it the day of the wedding well that is just an audacious grift. and would explain her smirk. and why she didn’t want daddy there. he might have known that secret.

as for WME. yes i too thought WWE. gosh i really thought she would be a real housewife 😉. someone secured some cash. have to believe if she was late in paying off SS WME had to have known it and required a substantial retainer upfront. then again hollywood and Ari Emmanuel have big egos. to resurrect a a trashed brand from the gutter that would be a challenge they could welcome or are they pawning her off on a junior guy/gal as an baptism by fire at the firm. i’m guessing the rumors about getty and money are true. WME would take the call from getty and the cash. or. was she paid for a big Oprah post separation interview ? next week will be a big week. you know she has something planned.
Sandie said…

Have you seen this blind? It implies that Mindy Kaling is going to be in her first movie, and that she herself wants to produce and to play the lead, or second lead.
NeutralObserver said…
Interesting.As others have mentioned, ILBW has signed with WME, a power house PR & management agency, headed by Ari Emmanuel, brother of Rahm Emmanuel, the current American Ambassador to Japan, who was a major player in both the Clinton & Obama administrations, & is a former mayor of Chicago. The Emmanuels are a famously combative family.

Ari was portrayed in the HBO series Entourage as the character Ari Gold. His character was notably ruthless & unethical, but whatever, that's par for the course in H'wood. The real Ari's wife designed the pink outfit ILBW had on at the Lakers game. She didn't do the outfit any favors.

Is the ILBW & Endeavor marriage a match made in heaven (or hell)? Who knows? Todger apparently already was a client of WME. Companies like WME are very good at putting lipstick on a pig, as the saying goes, & will probably play dirty. Did Camilla Tominey have a inkling of this when she told us we hadn't seen the last of Megdusa? I feel sorry for the American public. We will be subjected to all kinds of tedious PR guff.
Sandie said…

Have they moved to LA?
Girl with a Hat said…

here is a list of 60 lies or mistruths that she peddled
Girl with a Hat said…

yes, there was a blind item over at CDAN that asked if they had moved to LA, I think on Wednesday
HappyDays said…
@ Sandie and Girl With a Hat:

Here’s the Crazy Days And Nights blind item you both mentioned. It is from this past Tuesday.

Blind Item #13

It is really easy to have date night two and half hours from your house, if you in fact, do not actually live two and half hours from the site of your date any longer. I'm not sure why the ginger haired one and his wife still play this game where they live. Just rip the Band-Aid off and tell people you want to live in LA full time.

Hikari said…
ILBW has weaponized her reproductive system any time it suits her … Harry is her third husband, and he’s certainly not the first one she duped in this manner. I’m thinking the hasty annulment of her hasty marriage to a college boyfriend was in response to the mythcarriage of the phantom pregnancy she used to trap the young man, scion of a wealthy family if memory serves. I sure wouldn’t put it past her to fake a pregnancy to keep her clutches on Harold—but I struggle to align the timing to make it fit. They met and started their transatlantic booty calls in May or July of 2016, depending on whose recollection we believe. This went on for about 6 months. November 2016 she gets herself booted from KP for the photo scandal. I think Hazza cooled things off with her after that. She was invited as Harry’s +1 to Skippy‘s wedding… When is it customary to send out invitations for a wedding? 6 to 8 weeks before? Or perhaps she’s never gotten an actual invitation but just to save the date card which could’ve been sent out prior to Christmas. Fast forward to mid April 2017, and based on the body language of that infamous weekend, they had not seen each other for some time… And based on the facial expressions of all present, including H, nobody had actually expected her to show up. She was thin as a rail then, so definitely not in a family way. 5 months later, in September at Invictus, she blows in like an evil wind with Markus in tow and H looks like he’s going to soil himself, as did PM Trudeau. Later that evening there’s the sinister cabal in the sky box, And the very next day H is hand-in-hand with her and she’s publicly his girlfriend. If she showed up without an invitation to tell him that she had a ginger bun in the oven… When was that meant to have occurred? If they had an auld lang syne at Skippy’s wedding, she’d have been visibly showing… but she wasn’t. If she did weave a tale about being pregnant to force an engagement— that wasn’t announced until eight weeks later at the end of November, and the wedding was six months after that. If she claimed pregnancy the previous fall in order to force him to put a ring on it, they would’ve had to become an item again in the summer. But if that was the case, why did he not invite her to Invictus? It was Marcus that scored those tickets with his seamy little ways.

There’s a very good chance that Harry doesn’t understand the basic laws of biology or the ability to do rudimentary mathematics. If she had been faking a pregnancy to force a marriage, all the more reason to do a less high profile event. If the bride were in the family way and time is of the essence, it can’t really be said that the wedding was rushed through since the engagement was half a year. In the 21st century, would a pregnancy be enough to force a Prince to marry a completely unsuitable woman? Albert of Monaco has 5 children by four women and he only married one of them— And he’s the sovereign and a Catholic besides, not number six to the throne as Harry was then. 5 years later, we still don’t know what went down to make TBW a Royal Duchess and I wonder if we ever will.
So not only does she wear a white dress for a `public appearance' shortly after a `birth' but also mere hours after a miscarriage with no apparent medical support.

Makes one wonder what menstruating tennis- and football-players have been worrying about.
Oh blimey - the link that Sandie published also says that Jessica has said that `she' (ILBW or Jessica herself?) was on her way to London.

I hope to goodness that the people on the Abbey doors are ready for her to appear as somebody's plus one or member of a film crew. Queen Caroline again?

At least if she shows her face her in advance, they'll have been warned.
Leading article in today's Mail:

Mostly rehashed stuff although there's a hint that she's up to something.

Although recollections do vary but is this bit new:

`... All of this you might think adds up to a state of near-war between Harry and Meghan and Harry's family. However, the Duchess is evidently very keen not to look as if she is out for blood. The Telegraph article stated: 'While the issues raised during the racism row have never been resolved, the Duchess is said to have moved on and does not hold a grudge.'

However, there's one line which didn't change: Meghan, it was said 'may also have wanted to protect herself by side-stepping the inevitable criticism and attention that her appearance would have provoked'.

Which is, perhaps, the one thing on which everyone can agree.
Maneki Neko said…

Re your post at 7.41 pm, the Reddit post has been removed and I didn't know what the comments were about. There is now a photo in the DM that explains the white napkin. I must say I didn't recognise ILBW.
Sandie said…

I forgot to share the latest Palace Confidential.

How many times have we seen this? Gushing over how successful she is going to be ... at last she is showing her authentic self, and it is great!

Who is the authentic self, that is present in every version of her we have seen? (And, by the way, the straight hairstyle is one we have seen before. The straightening effect does not last long.)

* Over-estimating her talents and abilities ...always. So, now she is going to be a hugely successful Hollywood producer and get the Oscar she has always wanted? Making rom-coms?
* Completely in love with herself ... always!
* Completely without empathy or regard for others ... others are put on this Earth to serve her. Examples are endless.

As for rumours of separation and divorce ... I still do not believe that will ever happen, unless he leaves and divorces her, and faces losing his children and all his money and being subjected to the most vile gaslighting he could never imagine. Where else is she going to find a husband that she can completely control, dominate and manipulate? She owns him. There is nothing he would not do for her. The only thing he has in his favour is that he comes from a very powerful and wealthy family, and his father is king of a country of people that mostly don't like her.
abbyh said…
LA, Montecito

If it is true that she/he/they are now in LA ... what happened with the house in Montecito? You don't just get to walk out, leave the key behind, stop paying the mortgage because you like the idea of living in this other area now.

If there was a move, then it would mean a new school for Archie, right?

If she/he/they are now in LA ... did they get to move into that highly prized gated area they wanted to be (it was within like the last year)?

Sandie said…
@Maneki Neko
She is trying to shut down that Reddit thread, like she did with the LSA thread.

It must be exhausting being her ... trying to manipulate and control everything all the time.
Perhaps they have a second home in LA, which they use when they want to be in the city ... leaving the children at Mudslide Manor with Doria and staff. I am not sure if I am remembering correctly, but I think when she made the move on Getty, she was reported to be using an apartment in the same building where he has an apartment.
Sandie said…
Changing her mind at the last minute and demanding to be accommodated in the Abbey on the day would be a very typical thing for her to do. Despite what her new agency have advised her to do, she would see it as a winning move to grab the attention, leaving protestors no time to gather, and making everything all about her.

If that were the case, I'd hope she gets arrested.
`Harry'd better sleep with one eye open...'

Meghan's Mole at (at 7.31 on)

William Morris is a talent agency used by screenwriters, actors etc to get work in the film industry, they aren’t a PR agency like SS. 🥴
Girl with a Hat said…
@Happy Days,

thanks for the link
Fifi LaRue said…
Interesting comments. Both Trudeau and Todger were sweating bullets when ILBW showed up at Invictus. We can have lots of guesses of what went on the previous nights. And to think a Prince of the Realm would be suckered in by a supposed pregnancy of a woman of the night.

WME are going to put lipstick on a pig, or at least attempt to do so. And, yes, Mrs. Todger's reputation for not getting along with anyone is widespread in the business. That's why underling's will have to go through fire to work with the monster.

WME will work with Mrs. Todger as long as she pays her statements. She had to put down an extremely large retainer just to get started with the agency.
Girl with a Hat said…
@Happy Days,

thanks for the link
Sandie said…
The Vintage Read Show with an excellent objective analysis objective of the phone hacking case:

Basically, the one brother is hot headed and self-serving (but is right in holding those responsible for phone hacking fully accountable); the other brother is no less angry about the phone hacking but is pragmatic and is acting in the best interests of the family and the institution of monarchy.

What she does not mention is that hapless went scorched earth after he had been under the influence of TBW for a few years. I doubt he would have done so without her influence, and she is not standing by her man so he is fighting this battle on his own (with her goading him on in the background ... she was on Suits!), and he will face the consequences on his own.

He was very well protected in the monarchy; he is not with her. A very good tarot reader, who has shut down her social media account, did some excellent readings on the duo. Basically, her karmic lesson is to be truly authentic; his is to grow up, outside his family. I will see if I can find some of her readings posted on other accounts. They will be interesting to read with the distance of time (she stopped doing readings on them when they moved into Mudslide Manor).

I too remember the Profumo affair. The public outrage seemed, to me, as much to do with the sexual aspects as the espionage, such were the attitudes of the time. Christine Keeler and Mandy Rice-Davies weren't `nice girls' in the sense in which that phrase was used at the time but they were surely nicer characters than ILBW.

I knew someone who was in the same class as CK at Wraysbury Primary School (it's odd that her secondary school isn't mentioned as far as I can see). Wraysbury had a better academic reputation than Horton Primary (in the next village) so I suppose that gave her a certain local prestige. BTW at the time, Eton was locally known as Slough Comprehensive.
Sandie said…
Found them!

What does Prince William really think about MM, 1 December 2018.

I am struggling to copy and paste a link to each specific tarot reading, but they are all here:

Note that the 'read more' link is a dead end as TT has deleted her acoount.

* TBW did act like a diva about the bridesmaid fittings and nake Catherine cry (turns out Charlotte as well). The story was leaked by someone close to MM who 'turned against her'.
* Divorce: ignore the timelines. Why do tarot readers/psychics kerp falling into this trap? In later readings, that are not shared on the account as CC went quiet for a while, TT saw the energy shift to him dumping her. (I believe they are locked in a toxic bond until death do them part, but saw them walk separate paths in terms of deals in the tarot readings I did last year.) But look for these signs: her withdrawing from PDA, and acting cold to him, but probably in private. Basically when the money dries up from him and she no longer needs him and his family as a platform, she dumps him. (I think she is delusional enough to think she can still get millions from his father ... she knows Charles is extremely wealthy and she wants a slice.) She has the titles for the kids, the mansion plus pad in LA, global attention, new deals, and has probably got all she can get from him financially (but see my comment about Charles and his wealth) ... perhaps she is getting ready to dump him?
* Interesting that in a number of readings she saw conflict between the duo. Hmmm ...
Maneki Neko said…
Jessica Mulroney might well be on her way to London, or even in London now, but she'll have to be an ordinary citizen like thousands of tourists. She's not invited and not in the UK except in a private capacity.

It has crossed my mind, too, that the maleficent ILBW might have pretended she'd stay in California for the Coronation but might surreptitiously fly to London. Nothing is impossible with *. She wouldn't, however, be admitted anywhere near the action. It would be funny if she tried, though, and this was picked up by the world's television cameras.
Sandie said…
Thanks for that info about WME. So, her goal now seems to be 'Hollywood A-lister star' (movies, series, major endorsements of top-end brands ... along with awards, interviews ... and some kind of brand merchandising based on her wonderful self). We'll see how that pans out!
First time I have watched a Meghan's Mole video. I liked it. She nails it clearly, and gets to the point!

Am I wrong and we are going to see her act true to character and ruthlessly dump her husband with maximum damage?

My personal opinion (I have no hard evidence) is that there is a lot about her that the BRF has managed to keep hidden. Hapless himself is leaking emails (they kept everything!) and thus 'secrets' through this latest court case.
Hikari said…

Both Trudeau and Todger were sweating bullets when ILBW showed up at Invictus. We can have lots of guesses of what went on the previous nights. And to think a Prince of the Realm would be suckered in by a supposed pregnancy of a woman of the night.

Kudos to the sharp-eyed photog that captured that precise moment on both men's faces. One wonders why the photog just happened to get such clear reaction shots from H and J at the precise moment that ILBW and MA walked in; if they could both have a thought bubble over their heads, it would read "Oh, F------ck!" or something equally scatological. Had H and his pal been discussing the Situation with the TBW just prior? Melania Trump was seated on Todger's other side as his guest for the event so they couldn't have gotten too deep with the bro talk. We know that H was up to no good with TBW for many months, but one wonders *what* exactly is in Justin's closet regarding her that the Prime Minister of Canada is looking so worried. Things that make one go, 'hmmm.'

Was it the same sharp-eyed photog--in whose employ?--who proceeded to capture TBW glaring daggers with her malignant laser eyes in H's direction for the rest of the evening? She looked like a Dementor come straight out of Hell to demand H's soul. I'm thinking she had to have dropped the bomb that she was 'pregnant' later that night because, behold, she imported Doria all the way from Los Angeles for the occasion. If you're gonna sandbag the guy who'd finished with you with a 'pregnancy' it really cranks up the screws if you confront the unlucky b*st*rd in a tiny enclosed space with your mother and your fixer in tow. Markus (also a Dementor) looks like he knows guys that break legs for a living, even those of a Royal prince, unless certain demands are met. If not a pregnancy, then H was sandbagged with other items of blackmail relating to his activities and proclivities on Soho House properties, all duly filmed, recorded, witnessed and otherwise collected for a rainy day.

It rained the day of the engagement announcement but for Hazza, the true deluge had begun several months earlier and would ultimately wash away his entire life as he'd known it up to that point.

Hikari said…
As I observed in my other comment, a fictional impending baby is a time-sensitive con. TBW might have claimed to be preggers in September; H is so far gone on the substances would he even have accurately remembered the time line of when he'd last been with her? If she was claiming to have gotten pregnant at Skippy's wedding, well, she'd have been nearly in her 6th month at Invictus so where was the giant moonbump then? Based on his reaction and his non-invitation of her to this event happening in Toronto--the city where she lived--that seems like a clear indication to me that she was intentionally snubbed for an invite because he was avoiding her . . and he was avoiding her because he had ended it. Was there a moment of weakness between April and September that would make a pregnancy plausible? Maybe--or maybe H thinks that babies are brought by the stork whenever the lady says so. If that was her gambit, the Palace called her bluff seeing as the couple was forced to wait more 8 weeks to announce the engagement--just days before December--and she didn't look any more pregnant then either. Unless she conveniently managed to 'lose the baby' just hours before her engagement photo call so she could look svelte in the sleeveless green shift dress and informed H of that tragic event *after* their sit-down interview. By then, with the global announcement out and the media in a frenzy, it was too late to retract without a huge loss of face for the RF.

For as effortlessly as a middle-aged courtesan manages to get herself up the duff almost like magic, she has an equal talent at staging mythcarriages just before a major event where she wants to be red carpet ready OR if it's been too many hours since she's had enough tabloid attention. How much is 'enough'? For TBW, I'd say no less than 35 concurrent Internet stories daily all singing her praises while casting aspersions upon Catherine, Catherine's style, Catherine's marriage or Catherine's bona fide children.
Hikari said…
Excuse if double-posted.

As I observed in my other comment, a fictional impending baby is a time-sensitive con. TBW might have claimed to be preggers in September; H is so far gone on the substances would he even have accurately remembered the time line of when he'd last been with her? If she was claiming to have gotten pregnant at Skippy's wedding, well, she'd have been nearly in her 6th month at Invictus so where was the giant moonbump then? Based on his reaction and his non-invitation of her to this event happening in Toronto--the city where she lived--that seems like a clear indication to me that she was intentionally snubbed for an invite because he was avoiding her . . and he was avoiding her because he had ended it. Was there a moment of weakness between April and September that would make a pregnancy plausible? Maybe--or maybe H thinks that babies are brought by the stork whenever the lady says so. If that was her gambit, the Palace called her bluff seeing as the couple was forced to wait more 8 weeks to announce the engagement--just days before December--and she didn't look any more pregnant then either. Unless she conveniently managed to 'lose the baby' just hours before her engagement photo call so she could look svelte in the sleeveless green shift dress and informed H of that tragic event *after* their sit-down interview. By then, with the global announcement out and the media in a frenzy, it was too late to retract without a huge loss of face for the RF.

For as effortlessly as a middle-aged courtesan manages to get herself up the duff almost like magic, she has an equal talent at staging mythcarriages just before a major event where she wants to be red carpet ready OR if it's been too many hours since she's had enough tabloid attention. How much is 'enough'? For TBW, I'd say no less than 35 concurrent Internet stories daily all singing her praises while casting aspersions upon Catherine, Catherine's style, Catherine's marriage or Catherine's bona fide children.
Regarding WME, Lady C says this announcement is about failure. You don’t keep changing who represents you if you are successful. Look at Maggot’s history of failed partnerships and projects! 😂😳
SwampWoman said…
It must be emotionally exhausting to be in Meghan's orbit. The slightest disagreement with how wonderful she is at all times is met by unhinged screeching and unrelenting online attacks. I do not think that she can maintain a facade of civility for long enough to get any project finished.
NeutralObserver said…
@RR, @Sandie, WME is a large, multi-faceted agency. They have different operations under the same umbrella. This from their website:

Full-service, culturally-led creative agency, specializing in advertising, branding, PR, communications, sponsorships, partnerships and experiential.

I suppose ILBW can get whatever services she can afford to pay for. I'm guessing that the agency is also adept at putting out fires, ie, keeping negative stories about its clients from seeing the light of day.

I haven't seen much evidence that ILBW can generate much interest & income without the royal imprimatur, but I might be wrong.WME recently purchased WWE, the big wrestling company, perhaps ILBW could find success as a lady wrestler.
Rebecca said…
From the DM:

Revealed: The moment Harry's inner circle realised the 'party prince' had turned into unrecognisable 'woke' Duke... and it all started with granola and some bewildering requests from Meghan Markle

Some friends complain they don't see him now he's found 'his truth' in California
When they questioned Meghan's demands, Harry said : 'I know, but she's so hot'!
Rebecca said…
This is the correct link to the DM article (sorry):
Maneki Neko said…

Re WME, I think* wants to work as a producer rather than an actress. Whether she'd be any good is debatable. She can't get on with anyone and is not a team player so I can't see her achieving much.

I noticed the huge umbrella of operations and resources available.

After the merger with William Morris and Endeavour (WME) and according to Wiki has been owned by Endeavor Group Holdings, Inc., since 2009. The company represent amongst actors etc, but also NFL, NHL, and UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and professional bull riders! Maybe Maggot has other hidden talents we weren’t aware of! 😂

Sandie said…
That DM article seems to have disappeared. I found an archived copy:

It was the year he got married that the penny finally dropped for some members of Prince Harry’s inner circle.
Standing before them in the 19th century St Luke’s chapel in Chelsea in December 2018, at the annual carol concert held by the van Straubenzee family, Harry delivered not a festive reading as anticipated, but a solemn sermon about period poverty.

The importance of the issue was not in question, even if the topic felt jarringly inappropriate to the church’s aristocratic audience.

But that it came from Harry – a man most had known since he was a boy, and who had more than earned his reputation as the irreverent ‘Party Prince’ – was what caused the greatest astonishment.

Harry, just six months after his wedding to Meghan Markle, was a changed man.

Indeed, there is little today that his once-close friends recognise at all in the figure they see interviewed on screen so frequently.

Nor is there much to remind them of the hedonistic charmer they once knew in the woke homilies he has been trotting out in the Netflix documentary, Harry & Meghan, and his autobiography, Spare, about the shortcomings of the Royal family, his hatred of the media, and his personal journey of grief and healing.

But as his friends have told The Mail on Sunday, the signs that a personal transformation was afoot were already there in the earliest days of the couple’s relationship.

And it began with granola.
Cont. in next post ...
Sandie said…
DM article cont. It is wild!

‘We first noticed a proper change when he came down to the breakfast buffet during a shooting weekend and started squirreling away bowls of granola to take upstairs to his bedroom,’ one source said. ‘We asked why he wasn’t tucking into the bacon and eggs with the rest of us.

‘He said something about having been doing yoga at dawn with Meghan and they wanted breakfast together alone in their bedroom.’

A telling moment reveals just how much an entranced Harry was prepared to put up with. During a London dinner party in the early days of their relationship, friends told how Meghan ‘went berserk’ because she was not seated beside Harry, despite the British custom which dictates that couples should sit apart.

Harry is said to have simply shrugged off her behaviour – much to his friends’ chagrin.

‘She made quite a scene,’ said one source. ‘She wanted to sit next to Harry and felt offended she wasn’t sitting with him.

‘We looked to Harry for an explanation – he just said, “I know, but she’s so hot”.’

Further dinner party faux-pas followed, as Meghan is said to have treated social situations as if it were a Hollywood networking event.

Ahead of a casual dinner being hosted by Jack Mann, a polo-playing friend of Harry’s and an usher at their wedding, a source says Jack was astonished to receive a list of demands in advance.

‘Meghan wanted to know what designers the women would be wearing, what the seating plan would be, that kind of thing,’ the source said. ‘Jack was so gobsmacked he simply didn’t respond. It was a bizarre request to receive ahead of a relaxed occasion.’

When Jack decided not to respond to the email, another missive was issued.

‘In the second email it seemed Meghan was especially interested to know the names of the wives and girlfriends attending,’ the source added. ‘Again, Jack declined to tell her anything. This wasn’t a networking dinner for movie execs in the Hollywood Hills with George Clooney; it was wine and food with friends.

‘In the end they both turned up, but Meghan seemed miffed – and she left before the dinner.’

More in the next post ...
Sandie said…
And still more ...

By the time the pair married in May 2018, and attended the van Straubenzee’s carol service together that Christmas, the transformation was complete.

Indeed, friends believe the period poverty speech was so out of character for Harry that he may not have even written it himself.

‘It’s a noble cause, and clearly one he learned about from Meghan,’ one former friend in attendance that night recalled.

‘But this carol service was not the time or place – he knew full well that the congregation was made up of old toffs who would be squirming in their seats. Harry had just decided to become an activist at the time, having had his eyes opened by Meghan. It didn’t seem like he had written the entirety of what he was reading.’

In any case, most of the friends who were there that evening are no longer in touch with Harry. It is certainly telling that none appeared in the Netflix documentary which told the couple’s ‘truth’.

One source suggests that Harry has even cut off Violet von Westenholz, the mutual friend who brought him together with Meghan. She was not mentioned by name in the Netflix show, and a photograph of Meghan and Violet together – the one uploaded to social media which prompted Harry to ask Violet to set him up on a date – cropped out her face.

The source adds: ‘Harry literally and figuratively cropped Violet out of his life because of a silly tiff with Meghan.'

The bewilderment felt by Harry’s former chums is all the greater because the colourful man they remember is very different to the one being portrayed in the film and the book.

Some of the most sensational revelations included details of his drug use, including taking cocaine as a teenager, smoking cannabis and using magic mushrooms in the home of Friends actress Courteney Cox, which caused him to hallucinate that a bathroom bin was talking to him.

But friends say even these stories are a carefully calibrated version of the reality.

And it continues ...
Sandie said…
Wow, friends really are talking ... (still the DM article) ... this is the last of it:

‘If this really was an exercise in “clearing his conscience”, Harry could have owned up to much more,’ says one acquaintance. ‘Yes, it was more than we have ever read about a senior Royal before – but there was oh-so much more he could have said.’

There is, of course, debauchery in the book. A notorious trip to Las Vegas in 2012, in which Harry was photographed naked playing billiards following an all-day drinking session, is described in detail.

There is no mention, however, of the freebie suite Harry accepted from a generous hotelier.

And friends say there were many other equally hedonistic trips to Vegas which were omitted.

‘The infamous strip-billiards trip was not a one off,’ one source insists. ‘Harry went a few times, and had some deal going with the hotel. He got to know an American girl so well that he spent Thanksgiving at her family home.’
And the old Harry would ‘revel’ in overturning PC conventions.

‘Harry was not afraid to say things which may cause offence,’ one said. ‘At dinners for example, he has a history of behaving like he’s at the school canteen, mucking about making in-jokes and generally interrupting the flow of conversation.

‘There was one time when we came down to a formal dinner to find he had rearranged a dozen Patrick Mavros animal figurines – wildly expensive silver table decorations – in the dining room to make it look like they were “mating”.

‘It was more cringe than funny, as pranks go, from a grown man. One does wonder whether all that tomfoolery stuff is still under the surface – though he says he has been changed for the better by his wife.’

Despite the Californian gloss and ‘therapy-speak’, there are some who still believe that the old Harry isn’t too far beneath the surface.

It’s been suggested, for example, that, amid the turmoil of whatever is in his head, there is some shred of remorse. And that he came close to abandoning the book project entirely after taking advice from the Spencer side of his family.

Will his former self, the one so loved by the nation, return one day? That’s what most of his friends are hoping.

How Meghan sees it is another matter.
Girl with a Hat said…
From Sandie's article:

There is no mention, however, of the freebie suite Harry accepted from a generous hotelier.

The freebie suite was free because Harold refused to pay the bill of $30k and proposed that the Wynn resorts give him a freebie.
abbyh said…
I was reading the article in the DM about how things went south between him and Catherine. And it was interesting to see kind of what was included and what was not and where.

In the article, there is a lot about how accepting C was towards him from when they first met through when he moved into Not Cott and they moved into the larger accomodations.
In his book, he talks about how he rather felt third wheel AND wanted to be included by being invited to their place as he lived so close. But yet, there there is a lot on the DM about how she was the sister he always wanted, they did events together and the photos show a lot of, eh, what BLG would probably call relaxed body language. PLUS there is mention of how he did stop by, play with the kids a lot before the article moves on to how C handled the girlfriends. (note: in the article there is talk of the future wife needing some education but the ability to adapt to them as well as the being able to be part of the meet and greets).

It moves on, Heads together and so on.

At some point, PW says (allegedly) something about how now maybe there might not be the frig raiding that there has been up until that point. You know, I don't remember anything about PW feeding his brother. I remember, in the book, that his father had food sent over. I remember that he talked of eating over the sink but not about how he would visit, see the kids, yadda.

When it talks about *, two things seem to come out: her expectations of how others would accept her, take her under their wing when she wanted it (shopping with C but not needing anything from any of the future in-laws who have already walked through fire) to the comments about how she is a self described (according to him in the book more or less) that is what she is that they all, all of them - from TQ, her fil, her smil, bils, sils, I guess the kids(?) and so on = have to adjust to her (as it appears she had no plans to modify her behavior).

The first one would, however, be in line, with the thinking that one might not need to read the script for a modern day princess of the BRF.

Moderator note: T - 6 and counting. I have been told I will work full days up to, during and after the coronation. I will do my best to approve posts as I can. Please bear with me (you know I would rather be reading this than working).
Fifi LaRue said…
@Hikari: You are so complimentary to call ILBW a courtesan. Wouldn't a courtesan be much like maiko, schooled in the arts of storytelling, song, instrument, tea, liquor pouring, conversation, etc.?
The ILBW is/was more of a demonstrate-all-her-"talents" kind of late night, on the boat, hotel room, conference room, socializer.

Mrs. Todger had coaching from her pimp to pick the low-hanging fruit, and make claims and demands and profess love for the Todger.

The trouble with Harry, he's low-hanging fruit for all kinds of predators.
Fifi LaRue said…
Japanese Maiko, a lesser Geisha, were girls from very poor families out in the country. The families needed money, the girls were sent to the big city to train as Maiko for a cash loan. The maiko were essentially indentured servants until the loan was paid off, often times never paid off due to interest, etc. The maikos became refined through the arts. ILBW has never become refined, she's a coarse as they come, crass, lowest common denominator. How the BRF must cringe thinking this gutter snipe has invaded the family.
Rebecca said…
'It's easier to talk to Sinn Fein than Prince Harry': With just days to go, Coronation organisers say they are in the dark over the Duke's plans
Maneki Neko said…

I do remember the fridge raiding and was in fact thinking about it before I read the paragraph where you mention it. William was being interviewed on the engagement and I found his exact words (Help magazine). He joked that '“For me personally, I hope it means he stays out of my fridge and will stop him from scrounging my food, which he's done for the last few years,” the Duke of Cambridge quipped to reporters while visiting one of Helsinki's ice rinks to see the work of Icehearts — a child welfare charity.'
This would suggest that H was in the habit of popping in quite often.

There is also the interview on YouTube. William says he's very excited etc. Little did he know.

Finally, thank you for all your work.
Maneki Neko said…
'Prince Harry's 24-hour flying visit for Coronation: Duke plans to be on plane back to the US just two hours after the historic ceremony finishes at 1pm so he can get back for son Archie's fourth birthday'
H will be in London for 24 hours. Why does he even bother? As for flying back in time for Archie's birthday, maybe * is using the excuse to make sure he has as little contact with his family, in case he realises what he's missing. Mind you, they're not ready to talk to to him.
Magatha Mistie said…

Singalong 🎤
Apologies: Manfred Mann
Pretty Flamingo


When she storks by
her legs look like a flamingo
A messy bun
and black shark eyes
Pelican craw
just for guys
Calling sign
s’tannic whine
Tig hell no

Shrimp shorts suit
looks a sight
She’s out of mind
full of shite
When she trolls by
she frightens all the neighbourhood
And every guy pities me
purgatory’s not so good…

Petty damn-dingo
Getty no-ringo

Magatha Mistie said…

Harry not turning up for
the coronation would help
garner the publicity they’re
desperate for.
Coup d’tart

The Queen of Tarts, full of farts?
NeutralObserver said…
@Fifi LaRue, geisha are like living works of art. Their beautiful embroidered kimonos cost a fortune. They are trained in playing musical instruments, singing, & the art of conversation, etc.. It also takes quite a lot of people to take care of them. Their wardrobes, makeup, the houses they worked in, ect. cost a lot to maintain. No one does quality control like the Japanese. LOL!

I was a participant in the wedding of one my husband's employees in when we lived in Japan. I wore a formal kimono which took several tiny women hours to put me into. The kimonos look perfectly smooth, but cover several layers of cotton undergarments which are wrapped very tightly around one's body. Two ladies had to go to the bathroom with me to hold my train!

I've read being a geisha is a dying profession. Too expensive, labor intensive & young women want modern lives.

@Maneki Neko, Take it with a grain of salt, as she always admits it when something might not be true, but Lady C. said in a recent video that Todger can only stay in the UK for what I think was 16 days, or he's liable for UK taxes.That's why he can only dash in & out of the UK.

@Magatha, great work, as always.

abbyh, Once again, thank you for your work. It sounds like you're going to be very busy!
NeutralObserver said…
Old photos of ILBW have been posted all over the internet in the run-up to the Markle family's Australian interview. I was struck by how oddly masculine ILBW looked in her early teens. Did she take feminizing hormones at some point? Who knows? Perhaps it was just delayed maturity.

Her hair in the Laker game photos looked like her usual mangy black wig. Naturally curly hair like hers can look stunning, if it's shaped by a skilled hairdresser. I recently saw a French actress of African extraction on tv whose shoulder length curly hair was shaped beautifully to frame her face. She was a small & delicate looking woman, who didn't seem to have done a thing to her face that would hide her heritage. She looked lovely. Why did ILBW feel the need to change her appearance? I still think she used filters for the strange Ted talk appearance. I don't think TW looked 'beautiful,' just odd & artificial, as if she'd been either digitally or chemically enhanced.
Fifi LaRue said…
@Natural Observer: Lucky you! What an experience you had. I once had Japanese guests wrap me in a kimono with the under layers. It was not the very formal way, but it felt like I was wearing a thunder shirt that dogs wear. Rather comforting to be that bound.
It has been announced that there will be a `General Pledge of Allegiance (my term, by analogy with the General Confession laid down in the Prayer Book.) The British (and presumably Commonwealth) subjects in the Abbey, and those of us watching the TV, will be invited to pledge our loyalty to the King and his Successors, just as members of the Forces and others do.

My husband, loyal as he is, thought it a bit daft to stand in front of a TV set and make the pledge and anyway, he'd given it when he joined the Air Training Corps' as a lad... I have no problem in reaffirming it.

To me, there's a subtext - but I'd better not say what I think it is until after the service - I don't want to alert anyone.

By the way, I saw something a while back from an American who seemed to think we stole the tune of the National Anthem, aka God Save the King, from them.

Er, no. The date given was after 1745; when Charles Edward Stuart's army was marching south, London was in something of a panic and the Trained bands were already mustering. One night at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, one of the actors came back on stage and sang a rousing verse that we now know as |God Save the King. That would have been before the Jacobites turned back at Derby - on 6th December 1745.

I know the tune is used for `My Country 'tis of Thee', first published in 1832; it also turns up in Iceland for example.
OCGal said…
@NeutralObserver, you srote:

"The kimonos look perfectly smooth, but cover several layers of cotton undergarments which are wrapped very tightly around one's body. Two ladies had to go to the bathroom with me to hold my train!"

That was a fascinating comment; I thank you. I have now gone down the rabbit hole investigating kimono undergarments. Interesting stuff, and for my body type, a nightmare just waiting to happen. From below website's short summary:

"The ideal shape for a body wearing a kimono is a cylinder, like a kimono’s shape."
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, your recent short observation is concise, true, and such a clever play on words. Coup d'tart. Brava!

"Harry not turning up for
the coronation would help
garner the publicity they’re
desperate for.
Coup d’tart"
OCGal said…
@Magatha Mistie, wow, you knocked it out of the park yet again! Home run!

The color of Smegma's shorts suit: shrimp! That is exactly what was troubling me, I couldn't put my finger on it. I couldn't describe the color properly. Shrimp as double entendre within your fantastic sing-along based on Pretty Flamingo by Manfred Mann. Haha! Skinny flamingo legs, oh I awakened my household this morning by beginning to laugh hard when I realized how you had braided the real song and tune with your own words to reflect and reveal the phantasmagoric nightmare that is Smegma in your fine work "Smegmata".

Oh my gosh, Smegmata Stigmata. I can't decide if Prince Todger is her stigmata, or she, his. Or they, ours. All I know is that they cause me great pain, but it is not spiritually positive, nor the purgatory to which you hearkened, but absolute hell.

Continuing the theme, with the hellish whine wine mention
" s’tannic whine
Tig hell no" Unbelievably great!

And finally, I chuckled at the flatly stated final line "Getty no-ringo." Right on!

I would like to get a look inside your noggin' to determine how you come up with this astoundingly au courant stuff.

You eviscerate the loathsome twosome with all your artistry, and I am here to cheer you on!


P.S. i must apologize for my overabundant use of exclamation points above, but I just can't help it. I joyfully am feeling every one.

My mind is still boggling at reading this report about 'Arry `preaching' about period poverty when the congregation expected words of welcome to a Christmas Carol service.

It must have been so embarrassing for everyone - yes, I know it's a problem and galling to have to pay VAT on the stuff - but hardly the place or occasion for his homily. Doubtless * was behind it and it made for a very uncomfortable afternoon and probably spoiled the entire proceedings. I doubt if if the readings included the `woman with a fount of blood'.

(In the UK, `Purchase Tax' was a forerunner of VAT, levied on goods which were deemed luxuries. Commercial pads were a luxury compared with using rags, hence they were taxed before VAT, a general sales tax on almost everything except food and books, came in. ) Hardly a topic for a sermon, unless the theme was `maternal aftercare following parturition in a stable').

Obviously, the Earl of DUMBarton couldn't see how inappropriate it was, unless he was talking primarily about about poverty and how food banks need donations of toiletries as well as food and cash. Did the press put a spin on it?
Would a kimono therefore be the ideal garment for *'s body shape ? Oh bother, it'd be cultural appropriation.
Hikari said…

You are right that courtesan is far too elegant to describe how Harry’s wife clawed her way to the middle before she met the hapless idiot. I was lipstickin’ up the porcine, as it were, by avoiding the more common term for her pay-to-play aesthetic. Rachel’s only real talent is in being as common as they come, innit. She wouldn’t even be considered attractive or interesting enough to have passed an audition to join the roster at the top escort agencies.

OT diversion:

Geisha have some elements in common with courtesans—both are schooled in the arts of providing sophisticated entertainment, conversation and companionship for men—usually men of the upper echelon of business, industry or culture. Such high level entertainment is very expensive and exclusive. One must be introduced into geisha circles and an ordinary working man couldn’t afford it. Unlike courtesans though, sexual favors are not part of a true geisha’s repertoire. Geisha is synonymous with prostitute to many Western minds, and for that we can thank American GIs who saw ladies selling themselves in cheap kimono and calling themselves geisha. No American enlisted men got anywhere near a real geisha, unless they were top brass on Patton’s staff.

It’s true that in the past, poor country families with too many daughters would sell them to geisha houses in the big cities, but a reputable geisha house (called an Okiya) were not brothels but more like residential schools. Young girls with aptitude were given lodging and years of training in music, dance, language and deportment before becoming ‘maiko’, apprentice geisha. The okiya functions as their residence but also their management/agency and also their ‘brand’. Geisha are akin to a prima ballerina or concert musician in the West. Modern geisha today are more like freelance models or actresses and book their own jobs. In the past the goal was to obtain a ‘Danna’—a patron—who would allow the geisha to discharge her debts to the geisha house. The beautiful handmade silk kimono they wear belong to the okiya and each one costs more than a year’s salary for the average person. To be properly dressed for a party requires clothing that costs more than a new automobile—all painstakingly handcrafted. Then there’s a cost for lessons, cosmetics, the hairdresser, accessories, and dues to the geisha association. A geisha will form a personal relationship with her Danna, but any geisha who was known to be too free and easy with men would lose her place. And any customer who is gauche enough to sexually harass the geisha would be blacklisted.

It’s a very rigorous existence and precludes a normal family life. There is no such thing as a married geisha because if they want to marry, they must retire. The majority of young women today don’t want to put themselves through the kind of deprivation and rigorous self discipline which being a top geisha requires.
Hikari said…

In Re. to your observation that Rachel looked awfully masculine as a child—one rumor circulating about Harry’s wife is that she’s actually a bio-male. A few years ago, I pooh-poohed this rumor as a particularly mean spirited jab at the Douchess. As much as I despise TBW, calling her a dude seemed like a really cheap shot. But these terms like ‘mannish personality’ and ‘masculine features’ Do keep circulating around her. Then a while ago Lady C. did a video on this very topic. She was circumspect and delicately spoke around the issue, as per usual. But she didn’t deny it outright either, and considering that her sources are connected, and further considering that Lady C. herself has painful personal experience in this area, I would suppose that she would not participate in scurrilous tittle tattle about *this*, of all things.

Could it be true that TBW is intersex… Genetically an antigen and sensitive male? One wonders if there are ramifications for being intersex plus personality disordered or have other comorbid issues. TBW has a lot of rather bizarre physical traits. Her proportions are weird. There’s the extreme double-jointedness. The blockiness of her physique. The obsession with facial surgeries. Her appearing and disappearing breast implants. Her visible awkwardness in her body coupled with her apparent ignorance of female body functions—her two “pregnancies” were OTT performance pieces, like Dylan Mulvaney might concoct. Maybe her hypersexuality is part of this—a desperate bid for validation as well as manipulation? It seems pretty well-known that Harry is into some freaky stuff sexually— If as I suspect he is homosexual or at least bi, is this the draw? TBW’s embrace of a Female centric issue like period poverty would be a clever cover, if she’s never actually experienced menses. Then her narcissism would delight and having her husband humiliate himself by discussing it in a Christmas speech.

This may be going far too deep into the weeds, but it really seems like a potential possibility. I often feel that Lady C is just dying to
spill the tea but discretion prevents her. Does anyone else want to join me in the weeds?

It’s notable that someone with this condition would be sterile and unable to conceive children even if she’s got lady parts.
NeutralObserver said…
@ Fifi LaRue,@OCGal, It was very uncomfortable. I could barely breathe. I was very honored to have been asked to part in the couple's wedding, & obviously it was an experience I'll never forget. A Japanese bride changes clothes several times during the wedding (which lasts several hours). She changes into several spectacular kimonos, & then her last change is into a white western bridal gown. All of the clothing is rented. It costs a fortune, because it's handmade & embroidered.Thank heaven I only had one costume! This was several years ago, weddings may have become more informal now. Like so many developed nations, Japan is having trouble getting its young people to marry & have children.
Maneki Neko said…
Our humanitarian couple are helping the world again:

The Sussexes' next big project? Harry and Meghan 'in talks with Netflix to film a documentary in South Africa where they'll help to build houses

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are in talks to front a new Netflix documentary which will see them meeting communities in South Africa, sources have claimed.

The Sussexes, who released their $100 million docuseries Harry & Meghan with the streaming giant last December, are thought to be discussing another project.

The Sunday Mirror reports Prince Harry, 38, and Meghan Markle, 41, will be shown helping to build houses in the villages they will visit with the series thought to take a 'humanitarian' focus as Meghan brings awareness to safe birthing practices.

A source told the newspaper: 'The cameras will follow [The Sussexes] as they visit compounds and share medical education'.

They added the production will be a combined project from Netflix and the couple's Archewell Foundation.

The source revealed: 'Meghan is particularly keen to share information about giving birth safely with the women she meets.'

Is * now an expert on safe birthing? Will she impart her knowledge and first hand (?) experience? I'm sure she'll dispense a few pearls of wisdom to those South African women who'll have the misfortune to be in her vicinity.
Have just watch HGT's 3 videos on the Markles.

I was impressed with Samantha but, hey, she is professionally qualified.

I thought it was significant that she reckoned that *'s behaviour had become much worse since she met Harry; ergo, he is enabling her and it is co-dependency. The only time he seems to have checked her was on the balcony at TTC when he told her to turn around and be quiet for the Anthem. We've seen scores of times that when she has said or done something outrageous, he has let it pass, thereby giving her tacit approval and unspoken permission to repeat the behaviour.

The tools didn't exist which were accessible to the ordinary person. No counsellor ever mentioned PDs. It is completely beyond their comprehension that someone they love can be so shitty towards them yet not be in a mental institution.

HGT referred to the 2 Toms as being narcissists themselves, which was a bit surprising. I assume he meant in the sense that the male Markles seemed to believe it was still within their power to make everything right, when obviously it's not.

When I first went to my current counsellor, she put it to me that in some way I was being narcissistic in the relationship by thinking that I could put things right - but I couldn't. It might seem OK but nothing would have changed underneath. Furthermore, by not setting boundaries, not telling her where to get off, I was giving her permission to continue.

Instead, I had to lay down boundaries and not permit her to cross them, I had to exert my authority as the householder about how things are done in my kitchen, as the artist at my exhibition and ,years ago at my (first) wedding. If she were to argue, the only recourse was to make sure she was never in those situations again, go No Contact if need be. That has worked.
Maneki Neko said…

Well done for ', your plays on words Coup d’tart'. I don't know how you manage to be so witty all the time but your plays on words are brilliant. Those two need to be cut down to size.
I like the way that a number of comments on Saint Meg refer to* as `middle-aged'

Megsiebaby wasn't hoping to star in this, was she?
Fifi LaRue said…
The ILBW was a homely as they come when she was a child. The surgeries, and new teeth started in high school. Thomas Sr. was extremely too indulgent with his child; he produced a monster who became insatiable.

Mr. & Mrs. Todger are in talks with Netflix? No, no they are not. Netflix is long finished with them.
Fifi LaRue said…
At the basketball game even Todger was not allowed to look at the Jumbotron, only Mrs. Todger. She is truly an ugly narcissistic piece of work.

Plenty of food for thought here -

`... the backstory on Meghan Markle's three new WME superagents, two of whom she poached from her besties serena williams and priyanka chopra(sic). Do you think they'll make the slightest difference?'

Ibble Dibble takes a good look at how * treats her agents and the outlook for her relationship with WME. Add in the comments here that WME are only after her cash and it doesn't look good for her, I'm delighted to say

ID also draws attention to 2021 paper: O'Reilly and Hall `Grandiose Narcissism and Decision Making'.

At 23.44 (to the end) she mentions the elephant in the room -`Where's Harry? The rest of the video looks at her timing her releases to the RF's schedule. As she says, she won't even let them have a birthday to themselves.
Hikari said…
Where the Todgers and their public appearances are concerned, I doubt anything they do is spontaneous. They probably rehearsed that scenario with the Jumbotron. I think it’s been that way since Day One. This is a Showmance… it’s never been a real relationship. It’s a contract, and the Mrs. is always ‘ON’ when cameras are watching. The sickening OTT clutching PDA had given way to “I’m coquettish and playing hard to get.” Only she knows why, but that’s her script.
Old news but H looks more like the late Tommy Cooper here, judging by his stance:

All he needs is the fez- sorry, wokesters don't appropriate!

Saffy's back!
NeutralObserver said…
A further comment on the Todgers: That article on Todger's now former friends which keeps appearing & disappearing is so revealing. Who in their right mind brings up menstruation in a speech at a carol service in honor of a deceased friend? That is all kinds of inappropriate. Very few in the world wouldn't sympathize with the issue, but there is a time & place to discuss it. What a pair of loons. I'm certain ILBW wrote the speech for Prince Stumblebum.

A commenter on another blog points out that companies like WME love clients like the Todgers, because it's all money in the bank for them. The Todgers will mess up, WME will clean up, Ka-ching!
Sandie said…
Why are they going to South Africa to help build houses? Plenty of homeless people in LA and SF! Although Habitat for Humanity does operate in SA (I volunteered on two projects through the company I worked for) the SA government has a massive house-building project for the poor (you get a house for free if you qualify, but there is always a long waiting list) and I am sure they do not want the duo interfering (unless they want to donate money, but that donation would be siphoned off in corruption and not actually help the poor because corruption is bloody rampant in this country!).

As for giving medical advice on safe birthing practice ...! Those two always seem to come up with these ideas when they are stoned/drunk, but they have far have exceeded my expectations on this one! She, supposedly, gave birth to two children in expensive private hospitals (birthing pool, bouncing ball, laughing gas on tap, 5-star meals). What the hell can she tell poor people about giving birth? And what medical qualifications does she have? Besides, South Africa has a public health system, and, much like the UK, women are assisted through pregnancy and birth by health care professionals, irrespective of if they can pay for the services or not. And, year by year, the childbirth mortality rate in South Africa keeps dropping: 150 per 100 000 live births in 1998; 113 per 100 000 live births in 2019; 23.5 per 100 000 live births in 2023. Is childbirth mortality high in Southern Africa, and Africa in general? Yes, but obviously South Africans must be doing something right as every year the stats show an improvement. Maybe the improvement is slow when compared with a country such as Russia, but the trend is a consistent and significant improvement. (When Putin became president childbirth mortality in Russia was at the level of the worst Third World country; he turned that around completely and within something like 5 years it was at the level of wealth Western countries. Most countries know how to do this and do not need advice from TBW!)

Finally, after the outrage she caused by calling a mansion a housing unit, a ridiculous story about an imaginary fire, and lies about people celebrating her marriage by people dancing in the streets like when Mandela was released, plus that cringe worthy Mandela Day speech at the UN, and the hijacking of a Mandela-associated documentary ... you would think they would leave South Africa alone!

I suspect that the Mandela Foundation (not run by the Mandela family and no Mandela family associated with it) is still 'besties' with them and has arranged this.

PS Compound? The ignorance of that woman never seems to have limits. There are no compounds in South Africa. The term is loaded with historical memories of colonialism. No one in South Africa would refer to where poor black people as a compound. Never!
Fifi LaRue said…
Oh my, I was just reading the NYPost for giggles, and an article about Todger going to the Coronation. Someone commented to the effect: Don't be surprised if Todger is approached by a FedEx person with papers during the Coronation. Mrs. Todger will have her face on the front page of every newspaper in the world.

Anyone think she'd go that far? It would be the peak of her fame.
NeutralObserver said…
@Hikari, I always enjoy your posts, & your in depth speculation.
If ILBW does have some sort of unique biology, no one would give her anything but sympathy. What people object to is feeling conned by a grifter, if that's what's happened in this case.

I see people on other social media, including people who aren't British, attacking poor Camilla & Charles. Some seem to be infuriated that C & C are taking focus from the more popular Wales couple. That seems pretty silly. My guess is that the Waleses welcome a little break from the public glare. I think all the UK newspapers are pulling out all of their old stories on C & C in the lead up to the coronation. Some of it is probably highly suspect, & I doubt the Palace feels they can do anything appropriate to stop it, without overstepping the boundaries between the RF & the press.
snarkyatherbest said…
do since we know they read social media gonna give my free or advice:
go silent start volunteering on two projects demand no pics don’t let anyone release anything have people asking what happened to them where have they been and then a year from now let things trickle out. just work behind the scenes.

we know they and she in particular can’t do that but it’s the only way to resurrect their brand. and re-emerge without titles.

instead we will get a bunch of dribbles this week including lunch at a posh “mexican” restaurant on Cino De Mayo with word that M had the sustainable mahi mahi fish tacos and a guava margarita and will we see the archie bday party pics or some thing competing with Princess Charlotte bday.
Mel said… know it.

She was all giggly schoolgirl.

So attractive for a 40+ year old woman trying to present as a strong independent woman. A true feminist.
From today's DM: `The Princess of Wales is set to go without a tiara and wear a floral headpiece for the coronation of King Charles III, it is claimed.

Kate could be planning on ignoring the tradition of wearing her most spectacular tiara in favour of a more natural look at Westminster Abbey on Saturday, May 6.

Well, it is May Time;

Catherine will be the Queen of the May

HM the King will don baldric and bell-pads and will dance the Fool's Jig on the balcony.

Anne will `ride' the Hobby Horse,

Andrew will be Jack o' the Green and completely covered in vegetation.,

The rest of the Working Royals will dance `Bonny Green Garters' - the words which will be displayed on large screens for everyone to join in. (the version I know ends `and here's to whatever comes after...')

I jest of course. I suspect it's a `leak test'. After all, at the Waleses' wedding the Abbey was decorated with trees for later planting out, flowers being regarded as ecologically extravagant. They'll cost more than just getting the tiaras out and putting them back

No reliable source given. Another suggestion is that KC3 doesn't want anyone outshining him (sounds like a smear) or that it's an Austerity occasion etc...
@Neutral Observer

Yes, * seems somewhat disconnected from what I can only call the `authentic female biological experience', as if she's only read about what we all through , whether or not we have children.

Didn't we discuss male androgen-insensitivity at some point, especially in relation to something that was dropped about * having treatment for something sensitive (not `women's troubles') as a youngster?
snarkyatherbest said…
Oh fifi - what if she serves him with divorce papers at the coronation. oh now that would blow up the internet
Opus said…
Actually, the American Anthem is also an old English tune. Don't Americans sing our tune though to different words at graduations and the like.

It had never occurred to me that ILBW was a bloke, though similarities to Dylan Mulvaney now strike me as obvious. There are rumours that Mrs Obama is also a bloke but if so where do her children gestate? - in a box? Up until about seven years ago never came across such things which makes me suspect none of it is true.
snarkyatherbest said…
Opus - yes we plagarize the Star Spangled Banner and changed the words to God Save the King to My Country Tis of Thee/America Yes we dont come up with the ideas, but take others, rebrand them and tweak them and voila the American melting put. Just listened to some movie music over the weekend and realized major phrases from the soundtrack of the Right Stuff were in fact from Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto and the soundtrack to Airport sound a lot like parts of Britton's Peter Grime.

As for the Mrs Obama rumors - those emerged when he was running for president, when someone did a search of the Cook County records and could not find the kids listed. The assumption was they were either sealed because a lot of what he did was sealed ahead of running for president or 2 they were adopted. As for M, yeah there are rumors out there but im inclined to think they are false. The early pics/videos of her she doesnt have manly features/gestures in the traditional sense.
Hikari said…
@Wild Boar

Wouldn’t it be a gas if Harry and TBW underwent the same procedure as children?

This would not prevent a person from feeling female and identifying as female but there could be anomalies not readily visible. God only knows what Doria’s drug use could have done to her baby. I’m going to go out on a limb and surmise that she didn’t give up her vices while she was pregnant. Thomas admitted that he also liked to party during times he was not working but even he was shocked at the amount of dope Doria smoked. Thomas Jr. described her as spending large chunks of the day stoned in the driveway in her pajamas… where was baby Meg then, unattended in the house crying?

Look what thou hast wrought, Tom & Doria.
snarkyatherbest said…
Kind of disappointed saw a trailer for Paramount Plus fatal attraction remake. Now that could have been M - layering in truth with her special kinda acting. Too bad she didnt signe with WME earlier ;-)

Had another thought about WME. Could there have been a deal whereby she was paid to stay away from the coronation but instead of the payment going right to her it went to WME to jump start her career. For an extra amount of retainer, no projects come to fruition? now that would be an epic way for the RF to keep her away with her none the wiser until nothing happens for the next year. Even then, WME can present ideas and she could literally blow them up in negotiations just being her grifter old self. They can say they tried but really how hard will they try. A year from now, nothing because usually these agencies take a cut of any revenues that some in and i just cant see her producing anything profitable enough to pay for their time.

It's all allegedly.

It was suggested really early on that her appearance hinted at masculinity but it came up again when it was alleged that she had extensive hospital treatment, in her teens or earlier, for something that's not talked about.

It has also been suggested that she made up the story herself to seem more interesting.

Who knows?

PS I wonder where that leaves the validity of the `marriage', assuming there's any truth in it?
Girl with a Hat said…
People think that when a child is born, it is obvious whether the child is male or female.

But there are lots of in betweens, and often these cases are caused by some sort of hormone imbalance.

I think that Doria may have had too much marijuana prior to or even during her pregnancy. Marijuana mimics estrogen.

So, if a male foetus is exposed to excessive estrogen, it may not be born looking the same way a male without the estrogen exposure.

Just a theory of mine.
Sandie said…

I am sceptical of blinds from CDAN, but think it is feasible that she would want to plant the idea in his head to bail on attending the coronation at the last minute.

Contrary to the gossip on some sites, this would not affect the ceremony in any way. So, they would have an empty seat ... and hundreds of people eager to fill that empty seat. (Just shuffle everyone along and slot in Major Johnny.) And contrary to his statement that he is attending to 'support the king', the King does need his 'support'.

I'm not even sure a no-show would grab all headlines, or even if a word salad statement from her would do that.
Mel said…
For an extra amount of retainer, no projects come to fruition? 

Love this idea!
snarkyatherbest said…
WBBM. yeah she may have helped the rumors and then completes her woke trifecta black and trans. two of the most popular victim groups today. i guess the third leg of the trifecta (no pun intended) could be the me too thing if she ever comes forward about any of it.
Fifi LaRue said…
Mrs. Todger is putting out the PR that she's in talks with Netflix for another season of Archetypes. No, we ain't falling for your PR Mrs. Todger. Netflix is done with her. They learned a lesson the hard way. Mrs. Todger doesn't have one original idea, so what's she going to produce? She will interfere at every level of production.
@Snarky -

Of course, there's another `borrowing' from the old country that's rarely mentioned and I almost hesitate to do so -

Shh! Whisper it - baseball.

Apparently, after the Revolution, the newly independent Americans decided not to play cricket because it was English. That left the problem of what to play instead. Apparently, someone who had originated in Exeter (ancient cathedral city in Devon, England, going back to pre-Roman times) remembered a game played back in the Old Country.

It's still played - it's called Rounders now, although in earlier times it was known as Base-ball, bass ball or something similar. There's a full account at
I can't imagine anyone unexpected such as a courier being allowed with spitting distance of H on the Day. A suspicious packet would be taken away by Security and probably be blown up. That'd be a great story.

Tough luck, Megsie.

This is a first-rate snarking video from an anonymous American source. Tells it like is, it's thoughtful and with humour. ("he has to get away from that witch he live with" and refers to `Archieficial')

Don't be put off by the title:

MEGHAN IS GOING CRAZY! Harry BRINGS BAD NEWS BACK when he goes MISSING at the coronation

H's chin is on the way to merging with his neck - he'll end up looking like an elderly male orang-utan.

`Thomas Markle Confirmed Meg's Infertility in King’s Pre-Coronation Interview: Leaked medical records'

Is this the thin end of the wedge? The tip of the iceberg? What do you all think?
HappyDays said…
Sandie said:
I am sceptical of blinds from CDAN, but think it is feasible that she would want to plant the idea in his head to bail on attending the coronation at the last minute.

Although this is not likely, I am wondering if Meghan just might go totally opposite by letting Harry go to the wedding and as soon as he departs California, message him while he is in flight and tell him she has had a change of heart and is on her way to London to attend the coronation with him.

Essentially, she would be gate crashing the coronation similar to the way she crashed Tom Inskip’s wedding in Jamaica.

It would put the Palace in a difficult position if she did this, bit it would guarantee her massive attention by crashing or attempting to crash a royal coronation.

Yes, I think she’s THAT devious.

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