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The Royal Family: Are distractions being moved into place?

Have you noticed that there haven't been any public photos of the Cambridge children recently? In fact, no photos have been released since Prince Charles' birthday in November 2018, and those photos were probably taken in October, around the time of Princess Eugenie's wedding. The kids have been out of sight for six months.

George and Charlotte were spotted playing in Kensington Park this week, so they're fortunately doing well. But their parents are carefully keeping them out of the public eye for what seems like a longer period than usual. (Poor Gary Janetti - he keeps having to re-use the same old photos of Prince George.)

Is this just good parenting - letting the kids have as normal a childhood as possible - or is there another reason for the long delay?

Beatrice and her boyfriend

At the same time, Princess Beatrice and her boyfriend, Edo Mozzi, have started to be photographed together. They attended their first gala at the National Portrait Gallery this month, and appeared in obviously set-up paparazzi shots in New York City last weekend.

Edo isn't particularly popular with the public, perhaps because he's a bit of a pretty boy who seems all too happy to be photographed. There's also the matter of his two-year-old son Wolfie, conceived with a Chinese-American architect. While Dara Huang hasn't spoken publicly about their breakup, her parents told UK newspapers that Edo and Dara were still a couple when Edo began dating Beatrice.

Whether or not that's true - living in Florida, Dara's Mom and Dad might not have had the latest info about the health of their daughter's London-based relationship - Edo has been written off as a cad by some Royal followers, while others suggest his involvement with Bea is an attempt to promote his high-end property development business. Some even say the slim, artistic-looking Edo reminds them of Princess Margaret's terrible husband, Anthony Armstrong-Jones. 

But Bea and her family have known Edo and his family for decades, and despite his Italian name, he is a well-connected British aristocrat. Edo knows how "the Firm" works and what would be required of him if he joined it. He's no male Meghan Markle. 

Besides, Edo has money, a great deal of money. And Bea needs money - neither her father Prince Andrew nor her mother Fergie has much to offer her. 

Could the last Royal Wedding of this generation be on its way?

Distractions from bad news

If I were the British Royal Family, and I was about to launch some bad news - say, about a bumbling, immature prince and his conniving American wife - wouldn't it be a good idea to have some excellent distractions put aside to take attention away from that bad news?

For example, some wonderful new images of Prince George taking a riding lesson? George has probably grown a lot since October - like his father and grandmother Diana, he is naturally tall. It would be fun to see him in riding gear, being introduced to the family passion for horses.

Or perhaps photos of Princess Charlotte out on a nature walk with her mother, or at church with her great-grandmother? Many people have remarked on Charlotte's resemblance to Queen Elizabeth. 

Another good distraction would be an engagement for Beatrice and all the planning that would be required for a Royal Wedding - a wedding that would include, for the first time in recent history, the bride's stepson.

That would certainly make the Royal Family look inclusive and up-to-date, wouldn't it?

Prince Andrew's Role

Prince Andrew would probably give that marriage his blessing. And he would certainly be happy to play a role in the denouement of Meghan Markle's time with the Royal Family - Andrew has been opposed to Meghan since she first began appearing with the family, perhaps because he has inside knowledge of Meg's past from his own interaction with questionable people and questionable places.

Andrew appeared with his daughter Eugenie at an event this week at the hospital where Eugenie underwent spinal surgery. Eugenie's new husband, Jack Brooksbank, was along too as Eugenie was made the patron of the hospital.

The Queen's second son has long wanted to promote his daughters to full-time royal status, and that seems nearer now than it has been in a long time.

Eugenie's Revenge

Actually, Andrew's own status seems to be improving; as the only unmarried son of his generation, he's been the obvious choice to accompany his mother to events now that his father Prince Philip is retired.  

If a distraction to a disastrous Meghan Markle story is needed, Andrew and his daughters will be more than happy to provide it.

For Eugenie, there's a bit of revenge in there as well. Eugenie's wedding was originally scheduled for spring 2018, but it had to be pushed back in order to create room for Harry and Meghan's wedding.

When Eugenie finally did get her ceremony in October 2018, Meghan stole the focus by announcing she was pregnant at what must have been a very early stage - around 10 weeks.

(There's some discussion about whether she announced it at the actual ceremony, but she did wear a maternity-looking coat that had everyone talking, and made the official announcement on the Monday after the Saturday ceremony, ruining Eugenie's chance to be the lead item in that week's photo-based media.)

Wouldn't it be ironic if the antidote to some very bad news about Meghan Markle was a happy pregnancy announcement from Eugenie?


AlleyKat said…
Please, please someone out Megantoinette for the nasty skank she is, then we can get rid of her. No one, NO ONE likes her here. She's unbearable.
jeshor7 said…
So much going on with the Royal Family and Meghan lately. Interesting, MM's sex tape saga has been mentioned this week but was never actually discussed before (besides Blind Items). I am assuming the Royal Family knew about her past but trying to protect but now don't care.
Aquagirl said…
@Nutty: I agree with your distraction theory, but also had an additional thought about the Cambridge children. I’m wondering if they are being kept out of the public eye merely to protect them. Kate has been looking quite stressed for many months (at least since before Christmas). If it’s true that she and William were/are getting threats from ISIS, plus the crazy online comments from the Meghan stan’s about Harry & Meghan ascending the throne, I’d worry about my kids. MM, being a narcissistic sociopath, probably believes that she will, in fact, become Queen Consort one day. (Unless she finds a billionaire first; she always has to keep her options open.) That’s why I believe that Harry & MM were banished to Frogmore. It was pretty clear that the original intent was for them to live in KP next to William and Kate, but I think that safety concerns (most likely expressed by William & Kate) are what made the Queen move them to Frogmore. As far as pregnancies, I’d love to hear that Eugenie (or Kate) were pregnant.

Aquagirl said…
@jeshor: I am assuming that the Royal Family & others knew, but weren’t going to release the story until the BRF pulled the trigger. This is the same week that the photos of Markus Anderson & MM were released (from her baby shower in NY) & it could not be made any clearer that he is her pimp.
Aquagirl said…
Meant to say, ‘And the story could have not made it any clearer that he is her pimp.’
Turitella said…
Pedo Andy would do better to keep his head down as the Jeffrey Epstein case winds its way along or he may need a distraction himself.
Now! said…
Hi Aquagirl. Yes, the ISIS threats have been well documented. But everyone knows where George goes to school - and where Charlotte will soon go to school - so the kids are theoretically made vulnerable to bad guys every day. (Supposedly at school George is called "PG" for "Prince George.") And several observers saw them and their mother in the public area of Kensington Gardens the other day, with George on a little push bike.

I don't think it would be a security threat for the Cambridge kids to be photographed, say, at one of the Royal Family's many estates.

I do agree that security worries were one of the reasons the Sussexes were assigned Frogmore Cottage. Supposedly Meg was caught taking photos of Kensington Palace when she and Harry were still dating, possibly to sell. The photos were deleted and Meg was escorted to the airport.
Now! said…
Where is "here"? The UK, the US, or someplace else?

The US media seems to be offering a fairly positive view of Meghan.

Yesterday I met with an old friend, a female executive who has been stationed in California for the past two years, and she said, "Meghan seems like a very classy woman to me."
Now! said…
I also notice that the Queen has brought her former Private Secretary, Christopher Geidt, out of retirement, as of today, supposedly to keep an eye on Harry and Meghan.

Geidt is a pale, eyebrowless wonder who looks like a villain in a Bond movie. Charles hates him and was the force behind the campaign pushing Geidt into retirement.

But his mother (and probably father) have noticed that Charles seems incapable of controlling Meghan, and Meghan is damaging The Firm.

Check out the photo of Geidt and Meghan in today's edition of the Daily Mail. He's giving her what looks like the kiss of death, and she's recoiling.
Now! said…
I don't think there's much shock value in Andrew's predilections any more. A little bit like Bill Clinton.

The only way it might be a factor is as part of a narrative of overall decadence within the Royal Family - Meghan's overspending, Charles' drinking and messy divorce, Harry's misbehavior, etc.

At a time when Brexit is a hot issue, a distrusted Royal Family could end up being the scapegoat. This is not a good time to be out of touch with the British populace.
AlleyKat said…
Hi Nutty! Big fan of your blog. Here in the UK. I think there's big differences in our culture and societal expectations between UK and US. I view MM as the opposite of classy...trashy, her behaviour is inappropriate as a member of the RF. We don't like "fake" nor thirsty social climbers nor show offs nor abuses of our hard earned taxpayers money. We are generally a cynical lot and can see through all this "positive" PR. I'm waiting for the sex tape.
Aquagirl said…
Great photo! And love the headlines. They actually say he was brought back ‘to keep an eye on Harry and Meghan.’
Bubbles said…
@Nutty -- I almost spit out my coffee when I saw that photo -- she is leaning back as if he were covered in sh*t, and the smile on her face is so plastic. Very, very telling, as is his (re-)appointment.

I would like to know what you think the impact of his presence will be in the short-term...I'm guessing that the official news about them will be more party-line (less independent, global Sussex brand), but how will the English tabloids respond -- will they become even more focused on the behind-the-scenes conflicts?
BigFanUSA said…
How big of a deal is RF involvement with Epstein and Co? Any chance a Meghan bomb detonation is being stalled to coincide with a public sharing of previously sealed shocking and deplorable info?
Fifi LaRue said…
A self-absorbed narcissist, MM, would think that Geidt was actually hot for her with that very close encounter.
Now! said…
Could be - I must admit I don't follow the Epstein case closely. It seems very complicated!

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Unknown said…
Tell your old friend that only the classiest streetwalkers walk around barelegged in January in London...
OzManda said…
Question - just throwing a hypothetical out there - do you think if she could see a way to fracture kate and will's she will try to break them apart and leave harry for the idea of being "queen"? Or is that too ambitious even for Megs?

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