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Open Post: Day 3 of Meg and Harry's South Africa Trip

Well, the good vibes of Meg and Harry's first day in South Africa were apparently too good to last. Day 2 became yet another of their patented car-crashes.

The most photographed moment, of course, was Meg's very bad imitation of Islamic modesty while visiting a local mosque.

In Meg's hands, the usual dress code - long sleeves and high neckline, long dress or trousers, and covered hair - was tossed aside for a short-sleeved, open-neck dress beneath which Meg appeared to be wearing Kardashian-style butt pads.

She did wear a scarf over her head, but very loosely draped, with hair bursting out all over. As commenter Elle said yesterday, she looked like she was playing Mary Madgalene in a low-budget production of Jesus Christ Superstar.

Perhaps since the hair isn't Meg's real hair - it seems to be some extentions or a wig - she thought it didn't count.

Rewear and Rewear and Rewear

Meg's doing a lot of rewearing of previous fashions on this trip, supposedly to make a point about being frugal and accessible in a country facing economic challenges. (Or isn't Africa good enough for her fanciest dresses? some commenters have asked.)

At any rate, a party at the British High Commissioner yesterday got a re-used beach dress, and one of Monday's outfits appeared to be a rewear as well. (Although it might have been a re-buy - Meg is a larger size now. No shade, it happens to almost all of us.)

It's hard to make an argument that one is now a very, very frugal person when one purchased a $14,000 Valentino negilgee-type garment for a party just last weekend, but perhaps Meg is trying anyway.

Archie, at least, appears to be the same size he was at his baptism in July. No doubt Meg is encouraging him to avoid growing in order to save money on childrens' clothes.

Prince Harry needs an intervention

Meanwhile, Prince Harry continued to disintegrate before our eyes. The sixth-in-line to the British throne told an 18-year-old African schoolboy that "he often woke up and felt overwhelmed by too many problems in the world. That sometimes it's hard to get out of bed in the mornings because of all the issues."

Harry has looked awful on this trip, crumpled and rumpled and lost. It seems likely he needs some kind of intervention, if he hasn't had one already.

It seems like it would be a good idea for him to be under the care of a mental health professional, and perhaps he is.

Mental health professionals often prescribe pharmaceuticals to help their patients cope with depression and other psychological difficulties.

However, these pharmacetuicals are less effective if the patient is self-medicating with alcohol, cocaine, Molly, or anything else he can get his hands on.

Day 3 of the trip

For Day 3 of the trip, the Sussexes will go in different directions, as Harry heads out to visit other African countries and Meg stays behind in South Africa.

First, however, a visit with Bishop Desmond Tutu is scheduled.

Could Archificial possibly be brought along for a blessing by the 87-year-old anti-apartheid campaigner?

If he was, that would answer the prayers of many people in the media, who are still using five-month-old images of Archificial's first presentation to the world to illustrate articles about the Sussex family.


Nelo said…
Sun cover for today: 'Meghan wins hearts and minds'. The British press will turn on them again once they grant CNN or any US outlet an interview. From what I see, coverage got overshadowed in US with Pelosi calling for Trump's impeachment and in Britain with the court ruling. Maybe they can dominate headlines today.
Nutty Flavor said…
If Archie comes out with Desmond Tutu, that will be a headline photo.

I don't think Meg is winning hearts and minds.

Perhaps the British press is trying to show that they are "not racist" ahead of the inevitable claims coming from Meg in her US media interviews.
Nelo said…
After today, will Meg be making any other appearance if Harry travels? I know she's been cosplaying Kate by re-wearing stuff but most of what she's worn so far are uninteresting.
Nutty Flavor said…
Not public appearances. Enty has suggested that she will be making paid private appearances, perhaps a speech or two at South Africa’s powerful members-only clubs.
Rainy Day said…
Some random thoughts, in no particular order and varying degrees of bitchiness.
1. I'm quoting from the DM here. After a young man spoke to them at the mosque, Meg said, "That was just so meaningful, it gave me chills" and Harry, thumping his chest, said, "You can feel that you're speaking from here". I've finally figured it out - these two remind me of stoners from my high school days, getting high and trying to find the meaning of the Doors' lyrics.
2. I'm calling this the Boobs and Bras Tour. I'd call it the Boobs, Bras and Balls Tour, but Meg made off with Harry's a long time ago.
3. What's with the unkempt grooming? They look like a couple of scruffs. It's not difficult - you bring along a personal maid or valet for the two of you. They have a list of events and the items for each event. They make sure the clothes are appropriately cleaned and ironed or steamed, your wig is combed, and I don't even want to know what you do with the butt pads.
4. It's a frightening combination - Meghan with her narcissism and Harry with his depression. You can only hope someone's taking good care of Archie.
5. The mosque visit was appalling. My understanding (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) is that her arms should have been covered to the wrists, her hair (not just the head) should have been covered, and she should not have touched any person of the opposite sex.
6. Why does she look more pregnant now than when she was supposedly pregnant? If her new post-maternity shape is rectangular with no waist (full disclosure - same as mine!), then she needs to learn to dress for it, i.e. no belts.
These two are running around like two teenagers who have given their parents the up-finger and think they're going to take over the world. Unfortunately, the world and the BRF are quite well aware of what they're up to. After two days, I've come to think the BRF deliberately sent them to Africa to let them crash and burn.
Nelo said…
Nutty, don't you think if she does paid appearances, it will leak? I tend to believe blindgossip over enty but who knows. I'm already exhausted with the OTT coverage and can't wait for the 10 days to be over. Unfortunately, we will also have another one week where the media will tell us how the tour was a hit and how they have regained their popularity and how Meghan has won hearts and minds. Get ready for Sunshine Sachs to earn the $1.5 million dollars they were paid for PR. God help us.
Ava C said…
This is a comment I couldn't get published to the previous post, so if it turns up on there later, sorry for the repetition.

Harry is now concerning me far more than Meghan. The 'call me Harry' stuff is a sign that he now thinks he himself, 'Harry', is as valuable a commodity as he is as the Duke of Sussex, grandson of the Queen. When of course no one would look twice at him as an ordinary person and he well have struggled to make a living wage. Particularly as he is now. And the rest of the world will only be interested in him as a royal. He's shrugging off what remains of the mystique of the royal family, as if it is of no account. When actually it's his life support system.

It will be very interesting to see Harry without Meghan now he is heading out on his own for a while. There have been two instances in past months when he attended very formal royal events without her and was smart and alert. His clothes (and shoes!) couldn't be faulted. Of course what he'll be doing now (I assume) will be less formal, but perhaps he will look more engaged and well-presented in himself.

Although I do wonder if the decline is too far advanced now. I do think he's 'self-medicating', but it's not alcohol, and it's getting harder and harder to pull himself up to his family's standards for the odd day, as he could earlier. You can do that for quite a while, and kid yourself you'll always be able to do that, and so you carry on with the pills, but one day you realise the power to disguise your true self has left you. I think Harry has reached that point. In future, for big events with other senior royals, they'll need to send a very capable valet, or team of valets plus a bouncer to haul him out of bed because he's too wrapped up in the world's problems, and they'll have to wash and dress him and stick on the medals. What a joke.
Nutty Flavor said…
It could leak, but it might leak as "Meg also spoke to the XYZ club as a friendly favor, they're also interested in women's empowerment, they gave XXX rand to a women's empowerment fund to commemmorate Meg's appearance, etc." No info about how much they gave Meg herself for her appearance.

Curious - where did you get the $1.5 million figure? It's really not that much in the scheme of things. With a big agency like Sunshine Sachs, that would be used up in a month or so.

I'm not sure how effective the PR will be long-term. I think when celebrities are a long-term hit, it's because people see themselves in them - they see a better version of themselves in Zendaya, Reese Witherspoon, Keanu Reeves, etc.

Does anyone see a better version of themselves in Meg or Harry?
Nutty Flavor said…
I'm sure he wouldn't be the first aristo who had to be pieced together by his valet. And it's obvious he doesn't have one at the moment.

But yeah, he clearly needs help.

I don't think they'll threaten to throw him out of the Royal Family for this reason. He'll be like a cage-raised bunny thrown out into a forest full of wolves. He wouldn't last long.

Interesting that he's poorly dressed when appearing with Meg. Could there be some kind of dynamic there, that she wants to be the center of attention so she lets/encourages him to look sloppy?

Yesterday's @SussexRoyal Instagram was Meg, Meg, and more Meg with a little Harry on the side.
Nelo said…
I think Dan Wotton mentioned it in his story.
Nutty Flavor said…
Looking at women from a variety of Muslim-majority countries, it seems that the hair coverage varies by location and belief.

In Pakistan, for example, a loose scarf over the head seems fine. Even Malala, who is from Afghanistan, shows her hair in front.

In other areas, all of the hair must be concealed beneath the hijab.

I hear your "stoners from your high school days" comment. Meg and Harry think they're deep, but they haven't done enough homework to say anything really profound.
Nelo said…
Tom Sykes of the Daily Beast says Harry doesn't
mind that Meghan gets all the attention and that he actively encourages it. Sykes also said it's is unlike William who like Charles gets bitter when his spouse gets more attention and that's why Kate always strives not to overshadow him. Sykes said Kate is aware of Williams temper so she tries not to always overshadow him but that unfortunately, people interpret it to mean she's a subdued wife who can't stand on her own without her husband. He says such is Kate's predicament. She wants to shine and be out there but she doesn't want to overshadow her husband.
Nelo said…
Sykes wrote this after Meghan's appearance at that event where she wore a Black Velvet gown while pregnant and clutching her bump.
AnnaK said…
The coverage on CNN is nauseating! Referrring to them as the World’s No 1 Couple and MM answers all the interviewer’s questions with PH standing by nodding and saying I agree with Meghan. Also they are gushing over ‘Prince Archie’.
Nelo said…
Unfortunately, CNN is watched in Africa more than any other international channel. Fox news has higher ratings than CNN only in the US( maybe). So you can imagine how many more millions of people outside the US are being told that they are the world's number one couple. Not Obama and Michelle, not Trump and Melania, but Harry and Meghan. Lol. CNN is a joke.
AnnaK said…
Check out the latest Arch meets Archie pics. I wonder why Harry doesn’t hold Archie?
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
The back peddling here is real. Personally I think they've been banned/cut off financially as far as clothes are concerned, hence all the re-wears.

Don't get me started on the mosque, it's like she has to put her own 'speshul' mark on things. Either do it right or not at all, this is religion, not a bloody fashion show.

I'm not buying it. They've behaved so badly over the past year or so (I honestly cannot remember how long this has been going on for - TOO long.) and that is clearly who they are. I think they thought that they would eventually wear us all down with the Diana & racism cards. (Narrator: They didn't) When that didn't work and the British public refused to be cowed or shamed for having an opinion, they actually started to take advice.

It's fake and it shows; we've seen their true faces. This is just more manipulation, IMO, like we'll all just forget about the shit show we've been forced to endure (and pay for).

This sudden good behaviour wont last. This is all PR crap and I feel insulted that they expect us to buy this. A week of drifting around South Africa, acting like they're saints will not erase the lies, dodginess and so, so many unanswered questions. If this is the Queen's idea of a solution, then (with all due respect), her majesty needs to give her head a wobble.
Anonymous said…
Also, no tufts of red hair. But a real baby.
AnnaK said…
In the pic where they are meetingArhbishop Tutu and his wife, Harry stands to the side as if to let MM do the presenting of her baby. Harry is starting to look like the man who accompanied MM ( and Prince Archie!) to SA
Anonymous said…
@Unknown, exactly. Now that Archie is out, there will be some oohs and ahs, but that won't last either.
Liver Bird said…
Just had a look at the short video taking Archie to see Desmond Tutu.

A few thoughts. Cute baby. But Meghan again is carrying him very strangely, with straight legs and holding him by the hand rather than gripping him to her, as most mothers would. She also doesn't interact with him at all, though Harry does.

Secondly, isn't it interesting that he was hidden away from the British public, even at his christening, which though not a public event, is important given the royal family's role as head of the Church of England. But he gets hauled out in a completely different country? This isn't about 'privacy'. It's about marketing their child.
Nelo said…
Penny Junor and basically told them to use Archie to get back their popularity and they have done just that. I'm waiting for Lainey to tell us how bringing Archie is a masterclass in PR and how Meghan is teaching the entire world how it's done. Lol
Liver Bird said…
Yup. Although her fans will have a hard time explaining the 'privacy' argument. If the British public only got a few still photos at an official event like the christening, why a video of him with a foreign leader?

Archie looks so like Harry when he was a baby. But Meghan is demonstrably uncomfortable holding him.
AnnaK said…
Yes I wonder what HM thinks of these pics and Arch meets Archie! headlines. MM must have been planning them for the Sussex Royal IG account for ages. Archie meets his Great Granny doesn’t quite have the same quality!
Liver Bird said…
Of course she was! That's the whole point of this 'tour', promoting Brand Sussex, for which baby Archie is a valuable marketing tool. Why have a bog-standard photo opportunity at a christening like every other bog-standard royal, when you can show how 'woke' and special you are by using him as a prop with a Nobel prize winner?
Nutty Flavor said…
Yes, Meg interacts with Archie the way an actress interacts with a stunt baby.
Nutty Flavor said…
They're nice pictures and both Meg and Harry look good in them. They've put in some effort.

The baby is clearly older than four-and-a-half months, and he's a cheerful fellow. He doesn't show any particular attachment to either one of his parents, however.

A great deal of Meghan's fans seem to be Black women who support her because she is mixed race. But this baby shows no sign of any African heritage whatsoever.

He might be genetically related to Harry, but it seems unlikely he is Doria's grandson.
Nutty Flavor said…
Sykes has an odd off-and-on relationship with the Royals. He went to school with both William and Harry, and they were reportedly both friends.

However, The Daily Beast seems to want an exclusive interview with the Sussexes, so Sykes has been told to kiss up to them.
Nutty Flavor said…
A big baby! Clearly older than four and a half months.

He doesn't seem to have any particular attachment to either of the Sussexes, although he's certainly a cheerful fellow.

He looks like he's being well cared for by somebody.
Nutty Flavor said…
To me, however, this is more evidence that Meg is hopelessly stuck in the 1990s, when Bishop Desmond Tutu was a big name.

Ask anyone under 30 - I doubt they've heard of him.

In fact, I recently spoke to some well-informed teenagers who had no idea who Nelson Mandela was. Time moves on.
marvelousmagda said…
Late to the party. So, I would like to comment on the twin girls, if the adoption comes to pass. It is very common for surrogates to produce twins for the owners. Amal, Bey, JLo, Celine, possibly some royal houses have the twin marker - the heir and the spare. IVF is expensive and culling the zygotes down to two improves the odds that something will take and produce a child, or two. Since we have opined from the pink baby shower that the original kid was a girl(s), this could be how MM legally inducts them into the family. If they are the product of stolen sperm, I wonder what the legal ramifications will be. Treason?
Nutty Flavor said…
Interesting that CNN is widely watched in Africa. The question is - is Africa the Sussexes' target group? My understanding is that Africans are not enormously impressed by British monarchy, but perhaps I am generalizing too much.

Usually Meg aims for the US audience, and I doubt Americans see them as the "World's No. 1 couple".
Marie said…
So I guess that explains how one photo even cropped out Harry completely (Meghan leaning to hear the little girl in the mosque).
Nutty Flavor said…
That mosque photo was a very nice photo, I thought - the only really memorable one to come out of this trip. Harry was just kind of leaning in the side.
Liver Bird said…
A LOT of speculation there!
Liver Bird said…
Yes that's true. The same age group probably have little clue who Diana was either. That's why 2 middle aged people with no real achievements trying to sell themselves to the Instagram generation is doomed.

Even so, having the first real pics of Archie with a universally respected figure like Desmond Tutu instead of with the mere Archbishop of Canterbury was a calculated move. These two are SO predictable. Lots of people said they would roll out Archie on this tour, probably in this very meeting and they go ahead ad do just that.
Marie said…
The hand-holding might to prevent Archie's hand from getting into her face and ruining an otherwise great photo-shoot.

I guess a blessing from a Nobel-prize winner whose name is still familiar counts more than one from the head of the religion that not many people outside of the UK would recognize. Also the instagram points! This is why having a former actress as a member of the Royal Family would not have been a problem, but a former Instagram influencer is. The Royal Family got her job wrong, or rather, she conveniently lied about her career. Influencers are kind of tacky and vain; they do anything for a good photo and the whole world becomes a shallow game of looks over substance.
Liver Bird said…
I don't think he looks older than 4 months. I also see no reason to doubt Meghan is his mother. Some kids just take after one of their parents, and he clearly looks very like Harry as a baby. Remember he's only of one quarter African descent at most. I say at 'most' because almost all African Americans have at least some white blood.

There are reasons to be very sceptical of these two. But personally I see no real reason to doubt that Archie is Harry and Meghan's son.
Nutty Flavor said…
We'll have to disagree on that one, Liver Bird.
Ava C said…
Maybe Harry's making to make a supreme effort to look presentable at BRF events without Meghan, but he's seizing the chance to not bother when she - the female half of the pair - is there. After all he grew up seeing his mother getting all the attention while his father may as well not have been there. Perhaps he's thought, now he's a man and married that "Hey! This is my chance to get some numbers in the court circular without having to wash myself or iron my clothes!"

Unfortunately for him, Meghan's not and will never be Diana. Although Diana annoyed me like hell, she was truly stunning in her last year or two. And regardless of hideous earlier fashions, she always drew the eye. He needed to find someone as stunning as Diana, with her gift with people and the professionalism and proper preparation she always showed when at work (as Patrick Jephson testified to this in his not uncritical book), and then she could do all the heavy lifting while he either trailed along in her wake or stayed at home. His mother was basically an actress, in the way she lived her public life, as was Jackie Kennedy Onassis. Maybe he thought he was going one better in marrying an actual actress.

Unfortunately he chose Meghan.
Liver Bird said…
I'm watching the headlines on Sky News just now. This tour has been more or less ignored by the British media - there is quite a lot else going on right now - but guess what? The Archie roll-out has made the headlines. Right at the end of the headlines, but still. Like I say, these two and their use of an innocent baby as a PR tool (not that they're the first couple to do that) are SO transparent.
This is just nauseating and shows how clueless and how totally out of touch Harry is with the real world, and how real people live with every single day. He has zero things to truly worry about. 🙄
Beth said…
Why are they paying SS millions to rehab their image and to show the world what dedicated humanitarians they are? It is clearly not going well and it won't until MM stops being an attention hog. Instead of demonstrating commitment to their work, last year's tour will forever be remembered as the "baby bump tour" and this one as the "Archie debut" tour, not for any sort of meaningful contribution to the Commonwealth as representatives of Her Maj. In addition, as to the rewearing of clothes from the pregnancy tour, might that be to whip everyone up into another "is she or isn't she?" frenzy like the unbuttoned coat at Eug's wedding? I suspect that Kate is pregnant (no Kate this past weekend going to church with William and the Queen at Balmoral so maybe home suffering from HG again) and MM knows it and is anxious to highjack all the attention for herself. Yes, this a lot of speculation but for a fame whore like MM, nothing would surprise me.
I think Archie looks like Harry (close together eyes) and Harry as a baby, though Archie is a far better looking baby overall IMO. If you look at some of the photo’s, Archie’s reddish hair shows up in the light. He’s very much Harry’s baby.
Liver Bird said…
I doubt Kate is pregnant. Given that she has 3 young children, two of them at school, there's a very good reason she didn't travel to Balmoral. Also, she did an event just like week and looked very healthy and happy, so no sign of HG. Not sure why so many people seem to believe she's pregnant when there is zero evidence for it.
Royal Fan said…
I firmly believe this whole charade is all about shrugging off the BRF and the interview with CNN is to start the process where they move into US politics where Sparkles can be the center of attention. I think that may be the motive for the different image and don’t call me by my title business too. I think we’re going to find they’ve retired from the BRF soon. Now that they’ve shown little Archie I think it’s fair to say the poor lad is a permanent fixture for them now. This is all supposition of course but Harry comes to the US as just Harry married to Senator/Governor Sussex ?? Windsor?? Markle?? and gets to live the life he wants while she gets the fake one she wants too.
Liver Bird said…
One good thing: Meghan's dress is nice and appropriate. And even better: Harry has actually put on a nice suit! And tie! And it's been ironed! And it isn't grey! Things are looking up!
Royal Fan said…
I actually think perhaps they’ve been cut off from unlimited funds so are going to chose to do this for money and fame for Sparkles and because Harry wants to be his own man away from the BRF. It’s just my hunch but that’s where I see all of this going IF Sparkles can pull it off. I think she will certainly try!!
SwanSong said…
Everything about MM is staged, right down to how she holds Archie. A repeat performance of the polo match: the clinging-him-to-her-bosom pose, so the cameras get full view of her face. Heaven forbid Archie, or anyone else, overshadow her.

Also, the Sussex IG Photo caption is worded wrongly. It should read, “Archie meets Arch” as the younger person is always introduced to the older, more senior person as a sign of respect.

Liver Bird said…
Not to mention that referring to a Nobel prize winning Archbishop, a prime figure in the struggle against Apartheid and a man old enough to be her grandfather as 'Arch' is grossly disrespectful. Ugh.
Small mercies, yeah!
Today was the perfect day to bring out the bub.

1. The mosque debacle from yesterday had to be airbrushed somehow. The dress, the hair, kissing the imam, holding hands, Harry looking miserable in all the inside photos, making faces while eating the little tea set up for them by a local... We all caught on to it, but even to the fans and people unbothered by the Sussexes, it looked bad.

2. Since PH leaves for his solo enagagements today, there will be a lull in Mm related news and photo ops. So she had to make sure shell be talked about. That's also why she held the baby and didn't let PH hold him at all even while sitting. It's a good way to be in the pics.

What bothers me is that Ph seemed somewhat engaging with the baby yeah, and he supposedly loves kids, definitely looks very good when he's interacting with kids, so why not let him hold him and let the world go crazy?!! He seemed almost scared, and so awkward around his own kid.
Mishka said…
Long time lurker, first time poster - really enjoy your blog, Nutty.

I'm Ghanaian-American and a millennial so I'd like to share some thoughts at least from what people in Ghana think.

MM is not liked or respected among young people, or older ones for that matter. Family is very important among people in Ghana (and in fact, with my friends from Middle East, Eastern Europe, and Asia), so the disgusting way she treats her father is a big no-no. Many also don't understand why on earth she was touted as a "millionaire" yet her mother, Dorita was going to a laundry mat to do her laundry. I live in the US right now. The only time my family ever goes to a laundry mat is to wash LARGE items like a king sized-comforter and bathroom mats as the industrial dryers will dry them faster than the ones at home. Not to wash our regular clothes like what Dorita was doing. I certainly could afford to buy my parents a washer and dryer if they suddenly couldn't afford it and I'm way younger than grifter MM - plus unlike her, and like many young people, I also have student loans to pay back.

A caveat for those who don't know: Not all minorities go to school for free in the US - especially if your parents make too much money and if you have siblings also in private schools (like in my case). You will get some scholarships like I did for Georgetown with good marks, but the rest will be covered by your parents plus loans - some of which is lent to you by the school itself.

Second, the feeling is that if Harry really wanted a WOC, there are plenty of nice ladies in Britain and throughout the commonwealth. Not this joke who has passed as Caucasian her entire life and is now suddenly a WOC just to suit her faux narrative. (Where were her black side of her family, then at her wedding? )
Mishka said…
Apologies - hit publish on my phone accidentally - I'm on the exercise bike at the same time as I'm writing this!

As for the BRF - my grandparents have nothing but high regard for The Queen. Another issue for the family in Ghana was Dorita's appearance. Her outfit was beautiful...BUT they were shocked with her dreadlocks and nose ring. Of all places, in the chapel at Windsor?! To be honest, they all found it really offensive and disrespectful - especially my maternal grandmother. I'm in my 20's and even I was quite surprised she'd show up like that as I certainly wouldn't DARE - she could've taken the dreadlocks out and had a nice, natural, short, style and done something to plug that nose ring. After all, she doesn't wear it for religious purposes - she's clearly just a ganja smoking faux hippie mum.

Among young people, though, in terms of interest, it's kind of like, meh. Still, my cousins and friends in Ghana did watch W&K's wedding just because none of us were born yet at the time of the last huge royal wedding. And did the same for H&M out of curiosity as to what her hair and overall look would be like - which was a total fail. No one had heard of her and no one I know personally in Ghana even watched Suits, so no one could understand how on earth a girl from two bankrupted parents could be worth "5 million" especially as she'd never been a star in any movies.

Finally - MM's hair debacle. I spent three months in Serbia with my boyfriend last summer and managed to control my hair (and I'm full African). Try finding a black stylist in Novi Sad to do a's tricky. So, to manage on unruly days when the deep conditioner wasn't going to do it, I brought nice lace-front wigs. Problem solved. You put them on when you go out, take them off when you come home. My BF doesn't mind if my hair is looking wild and crazy, lol, but I wasn't going to go out with any messy bun to see people - and I'm not a public figure. She lives in London, a mecca for WOC hair care, and with her resources has no excuse for her hair (it's a weave) to look so ratty and nasty at times. Certainly, if she were so "kind", an aide could recommend a black stylist? Doesn't her dear friend Serena know anyone who can do black hair in London? And I thought RiRi was her "secret best friend"? (sarcastic chuckle).
Jen said…
Wow....that's more Archie than I've ever seen. Interesting that she would choose this moment to show Archie in full view to the world. He also looks like neither of them.
Royal Fan said…
Agreed! If they looked like this at every event, there’d be no blog, no baby speculation, and no nay sayers. Archie is adorable and looks like PH. Not sure if he looks like Sparkles but at least she looks appropriate for the event.
Jen said…
I think she is pregnant; there was a side view of her and a woman in the mosque, and you can clearly see a bump.
She holds him awkwardly in part because she’s posing arms, hands, and her body for the photos. Bottom arm angled out, away from her body, to create space between the arm and body for photos. Hand behind his head, fingers together like a hand model. He looks like he’s always in danger of falling because she’s holding him to her body, not cuddling him against her like a normal mom (or any decent human holding a baby). This avoids meshing their bodies, creates more angles and space, and doesn’t show lumps and bumps from being pressed together. Always working the angles instead of holding “her” baby.
Emily said…
I dont think Kate is pregnant either. William said no more after Louis. With the kids back in school, heading to Balmoral for a day or two isnt with the bother. Could William, prince Charles and the Queen be discussing the Sussex's exit from the RF?
Liver Bird said…
Now Meghan's at an event for women in business, wearing a well fitted black dress and with her hair in a neat bun. She looks great! Why can't she manage this all the time, instead of denim jackets and poo coloured sack dresses with ratty hair?
Jen said…
If MM thinks she will become some political figure in the US, she's delusional.
Look at her feet in photos, almost always pointed pigeon toed for angles. Legs are often spread wide for her “power” pose. Chin down, eyes up for her “sexy” or demur look. Shoulders dropped to attempt to elongate her neck. This is the amateurish modeling/posing of the Insta celebrity world. Watch clips of her buddy JM posing her feet on TV segments, it’s laughable.
Nutty Flavor said…
Thanks Mishka, and welcome! You have some very interesting insights.
punkinseed said…
I disagree Jen. I think Archie looks a lot like Harry. It's hard to tell but looks like he has brown eyes. Asking pediatricians on here or those who might know, how long does it usually take a baby's eye color to go from newborn blue to the color it is going to have? It seems like it took my daughter's about a year to go from blue to green. Plus, she was born with red hair, but it changed to blond in about a year.
And, I don't remember how old she was when her eyes could focus and not appear cross eyed, but pretty sure it was before she was 4 months.
In my opinion he is about 6 months old. Nice to see that he can move. Glad he's not a dummy doll. I think he was carried by a surrogate.
Nelo said…
CNN is the most watched international news in most countries in Africa followed by BBC, Aljazeera then Sky News. I was arguing with my senior colleague who lived in the US but moved back four yeatsy about this fact. I told him fox had more ratings in the US but CNN is more viewed outside the US. He said CNN is more viewed than fox even in the US which I disagreed with. About Archie, I'm glad royal 'experts' like Penny Junor and Ingrid Seward openly told Meghan and Harry to use Archie to get back their popularity in SA. I'm not glad because it's a good thing, I'm only glad because people like Lainey and Celebitchy would have spinned it to make it look like it is a master piece in PR.
Miss_Christina said…
Wellllelll, so Archie can move after all! I was beginning to worry there was something wrong with him, you never saw him even make a facial expression. He is a cutie. Big baby. And look at that! Harry does own another suit! And an iron! Megs has a proper dress!

This must be an alternate universe I woke up in.

Seriously, I give mega props (appropriate 90s reference just for Meggie) to whoever is getting her to listen to advice even if it's only about half the time. They're going to need a serious vacation after this tour.

However, it's not really working for me. It's very obvious Meg is not a hands-on mom, not even close. I also don't know as I'd be hugging somebody like the Archbishop, as if he's just another person in the street. Condescending, in my opinion. We have seen just too much of Meg's real personality to see this as anything other than another acting job out of her.
Mom Mobile said…
Thanks for your perspective @Mishka. I really enjoyed reading your posts.
Jen said…
@Liver Bird...because she changed her hair style. Dontcha know that's the tell-tale sign? At least that's what all the "in-the-know" are saying.....
Arch meets Archie indeed! This really does make my blood boil. I've admired Desmond Tutu for a long time. I been fortunated enough to have heard him speak on a few occasions, he was a guest speaker at a Theology course I took while at uni (he is also an alumnus). So imagine my surprise when a few minutes back my unis social media published a post of him meeting Archie!! The caption says xxx almnus Desmond Tutu receives baby Archie. **Face palm**
HappyDays said…
The pimping of Archie has officially started.

They (actually Meghan, with Harry’s obedient consent) held off displaying Archie like driving a new car through the neighborhood until they could use him for maximum image enhancement. They just needed the ‘right’ neighborhood.

Narcissists are endlessly calculating to the smallest detail to wring the most out of every person and opportunity that comes along purely for self-interest. This trip is the start of what many who are familiar with narcissists expected: Using a child as a photo op prop with an iconic figure like Biship Tutu for a keeper photo to build the facade that the narc is a loving, caring, doting parent and they are a happy multiracial (multiracial at least for this trip, then Meghan will once again embrace her preference for her white roots until she feels the need to pull her black card again) family.

In private, it’s probably the opposite.
Jen said…
@punkinseed. I had not seen pictures of Harry as a baby when I made that statement (lol) but was referring to them as they are now. Sometimes you can just tell which parent they favor, but with him, you have to see the baby pictures to see it. He definitely looks like Harry (from some photos I've seen online).
Liver Bird, yes she does look nice (I never I'd ever say this). Giving off very pre-harry vibes. But damn, again a belted dress! Is she single handedly trying to bring belted dresses back into fashion?? She has forever spoiled belted dresses for me now every time I wear one I'll wonder where I look like her.
Louise said…
Agree, except with the comment about shoulders dropped to elongate her neck: shoulders down is actually proper posture, although many people don't do it.
Liver Bird said…
Looking again, it's actually a jumpsuit, not a dress. Maybe a tad formal for the event, given that others there are wearing jeans, but I'll let it go. Her hair is nice too. On a more general note, facially she has been looking better than ever on this tour. The extra weight suits her.
Liver Bird said…
I'm trying to decide which is worse: Using a veteran human rights campaigner as a PR prop, or using your own innocent baby. On reflection I think I'll go for the former, which is brazen in its originality.
Louise said…
It's actually a jumpsuit and another re-wear. It's made by Everlane. She certainly is following Sunshine Sachs orders about keeping low price points. The other dress that she wore today is from Club Monaco.

The thing is, she actually looks far better in these mid range products than she does in haute couture. A shame for her that she wouldn't listen to all the people who have been saying this for a year and that she only went along with it when her reputation was down the toilet.

Imagine how popular she might have been had she been down to earth from the get-go.

Let's see whether she is able to keep this up.
abbyh said…
I agree Nutty that she does interact with Archie as if it were a stunt baby but this time the baby moves and jiggles and wiggles and reaches out. Those are not behaviors which suddenly emerge at 4 to 5 months. I contrast that to her and the supposed baby at polo (and I suspect other times). I think those times were the doll.

Interesting comments about the international news and other observations.
Louise said…
Her face is also looking better because she is not using the self tanner and excessive bronzer on this trip, as she does in the UK. All that tanner/bronzer makes one look older

In the UK, she tries to make herself darker, in SA, she wants to look lighter.

Go figure.
QueenWhitby said…
My heart broke for Thomas Markle today. I can’t even imagine how cruel it must feel to see your grandson introduced to and chucked under the chin by a complete stranger on the internet.

Liver Bird said…
I agree. She's not tall enough or - at her present weight - thin enough for couture, unless it's made specifically for her. That's not meant as a criticism, the same is true for me and the vast vast majority of women. She looks great in sleek, fitted styles with her hair neatly done. Why doesn't she do that all the time?

And it's bizarre that she's paying SS god knows how much cash for advice any of us on this blog could have given her for free. Problem is, it's all so obvious that I'm not sure it will work. That's the thing about PR: if you can see it happening, it's not being done right.
abbyh said…
Cool comments about body and feet positioning for better photos. I tell people to watch things like that without the sound so you are better able to catch their real body language by not being distracted by what they are saying.

This came from someone's comment about working in a mental institution and observing the inmates laughing at the show (a presidential debate) without the sound. He commented on that perhaps they were better seeing the real person, not the one they were saying they were.
abbyh said…
Oliver Sacks (could not remember it when written and I don't see or understand if editing can be done - I have been technology challenged before when things were obvious to super tech people around me).
Lady Luvgood said…
Harry is obviously by his own admission clinically depressed and I hope he is in or is seeking therapy.
Clinical depression often runs in families and Diana suffered from it as well.
SwanSong said…
Yes, I said the exact same thing. She’s always trying to come off as being natural, but everything she does is for the benefit of getting the perfect photo.
Louise said…
Agree on all points, LB.
Girl with a Hat said…
the body language between Meghan and Archie shows that they don't have a close relationship. She is always leaning away from him and even tries to keep his hand from touching her. She is repulsed by that poor wee lad.
JL said…
I agree he is older than 4.5. Especially given the rumors he was born in April but they kept stalling due to issues with the surrogate (clearly they paid up). I see Harry’s face and head shape, but I think the smallish brown eyes are MM’s. Harry doesn’t seem bonded to the baby at all.
JL said…
Well said Marie. Think Harry didn’t get this either.
JL said…
Polo baby was longer than this baby by a lot.
JL said…
I agree, but for me the most egregious is the diss to the Queen. She does this over and over. She clearly sees herself as more important than HM. This from a self styled feminist who sexed her way up the social ladder.
SwampWoman said…
Thank you, Mishka! So happy to have your insights into the hair situation (grin). If MM were a child, I'd say that her hair looks like her family does not love her.
JL said…
Thanks for the input Mishka. Very interesting.
There’s a video of Meh during their engagement or earlier in the marriage with a group of kids on a sports field. You can see her drop into her pose for the photo op, then a little girl beside her reaches out for her. Meh completely ignores the girl, adjusting her pose for the camera and shifting away from her until Harry reaches for the child and calls Meh’s attention to her. It’s comical.
JL said…
I agree that he could have clinical depression (or is heavily self medicating), but I don’t trust these two and remember they have a big initiative on mental health coming up with Oprah and that they have decided that mental health is one of “their issues.” I don’t lack empathy for him. He has proven what many have always known: marrying the wrong person can ruin your life. How many people in the world aren’t suffering right now from the same problem?
KnitWit said…
Oh no, not the bump again.....ha
Re: stuck in the 90s....the dress to visit Desmond Tutu was better than most of her choices, but it reminds me of an old Newport News catalog.
punkinseed said…
Jen. Yes. Sometimes babies don't look at all like either parent, but like a grandparent. Plus they change so much that at some point looks like the dad, then later like the mom. It's a guessing game for sure.
For 3 days I was wondering why the constant dress changes, hair style changes for every engagement. It seems odd and honestly, exhausting to be changing constantly for 3 engagements a day. Then I see all the positive coverage and narrative change today and it makes sense after all. It's clearly so she gets maximum coverage and frequent mentions.

Remember reading that she wanted to break the internet back when Vogue happened. This tour seems like the way to do it.

Every single outfit is a rewear, so much so that it's becoming all too obvious. Their insta has only photos of her. And close ups at that. Some of captions sure seem to have Omid Scobies stamp on them, but it's a blatant PR excercise to revamp her image. This is agressive PR at it's best. Definitely NOT how most royal tours by other royals are covered.

The Royal Family ig handle though, bless their souls, are trying their best to somehow feature Harry and his oh so boring engagements.
HappyDays said…
Nutty, Do you recall when Enty saidhe thought Meghan could possibly make private speeches for payment during the visit to SA? I’d just like to read the item. Thanks!
KnitWit said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
HappyDays said…
I think Meghan would LOVE to become an elected politician in the US, but I think she has cast her lot with the RF. If she ends up married long enough to obtain UK citizenship, then that would likely end her ability to run for office in the US.

Doubtful Americans would vote for a member of the RF. I also doubt the UK public and the RF would allow her to keep her title if she ran for public office in the US.
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
HappyDays said…
Fox is viewed more than CNN in the US. CNN only gets big ratings spikes when a huge event like the Notre Dame fire happens. Otherwise, their ratings are pretty much in the toilet.
KnitWit said…
Too little too late? They should have 0layed the game from the beginning instead of "changing" the world.

I hope some enterprising soul gets DNA samples from all 3 of them. Perhaps a disgruntled staff member.
Liver Bird said…
FFS anyone seen the videos from her 3rd engagement? At a charity for mothers and children? Not only did she take the utterly cringeworthy step of sitting on the floor and then getting annoyed when nobody else wanted to do the same, she has also given them some of Archie's hand-me-downs, including a babygro he has outgrown! Has she no idea how utterly patronising that is? Wasn't she going on about a 'hand hold not a hand-out' only last week? Royals are there to highlight the hard work of others, not hand out clothes that are surplus to their requirements. Ugh.

Thing is though, all her sugars will be falling over themselves to say how wonderfully generous and gracious she is because of this.
Anonymous said…
Okay, I just woke up, and the first video I saw was of some woman, from behind, dressed in solid black and FMPs in a ruffly after-5 jumpsuit. ISTG, I seriously thought it was Liza Minnelli. It was only when I saw her face that I knew it was the actress who'd recently been rejected for the Mary Magdalene role in Jesus Christ Superstar. Dressed like Liza Minnelli. Before 5 pm. In all black cocktail attire. And done, apparently, without irony. For an event with women and children. She just looks ridiculous.
Anonymous said…
Oooooh, @KnitWit, you're evil and I like it. DNA samples, excellent!
Anonymous said…
For any "maybe she'll change" types, yeah, maybe she won't. Maybe we should realize that we're stuck with a dumpy version of an awful person.
PaulaMP said…
That baby looks like Grandpa Tom to me. Remember this is not Meg's real nose. As someone in the US, I do not know anyone who is interested in Harry and Meg. Not remotely. I watch primarily Brit shows online, so that is how my interest developed. I am not young, and I still don't know anybody who watches the news on TV any more, all info is from the internet. Our TV news is known to be totally slanted in one direction, so we don't trust it. I get more detailed info from the Daily Mail honestly, because they don't censor everything to be politically correct to the extent that they do here in CA.
Anonymous said…
Sorry, but that jumpsuit is after-five wear, black with ruffles and deep-vs. That is not what anyone other than Liza Minnelli should wear to an event with mothers and children before 5 pm. I seriously thought it was Liza from behind. Kate would NEVER. Why can't Rach opt for something casual, simple, appropriate?
Anonymous said…
I hope Kate is pregnant because it would bump PH one more step down the line. I also hope that the Cambridges stop traveling together. That must happen now.
CookieShark said…
Not much to add here. I don't think this is the same Archie from the polo match, but I could certainly be wrong. I find her showboating of Archie in SA cruel to the UK, disrespectful to the British press, and heartbreaking for her father. If the thought was to get back on track by showing more of Archie, it should have been done in Britain first.

The mothers2mothers charity visit is more banana scribbling. This is either something she just hasn't learned or refuses to abide by. When you are someone else's guest, you do not start rearranging their furniture. The other women were uncomfortable with her suggestion, and it showed. MM probably thought it came off as endearing, but it was rude. There could be any number of reasons they didn't want to sit on the floor. She should have respected that.

Finally, her reasoning that "Archie would be crabby in a chair" makes no sense. Perhaps the children enjoyed sitting in their mother's laps. I suppose Archie wasn't crabby when she was editing Vogue magazine, leaving him to watch tennis and do Smart Works events, or attend the wedding in Rome.
At least she ditched the butt pad. Or wore a smaller one. Did she miss the memo or what?! At a mums and babies thingy she could have been super casual, not hoity toity pointy shoes and McGonagall bun Manhattan mum like!

(And before someone calls me out on this, I haven't been to Manhattan, but it just seems like the sort of thing a Suits lawyer mum would wear).

(I also know Shuts was filmed in Toronto. But it was supposed to be based in NYC. And all everyone was a lawyer and they wore super tight clothes and inappropriate hair styles, and point shoes all the bloody time)
CookieShark said…
@ Liver I commented on this below. I'm glad the other women didn't immediately indulge her. Maybe this will make her rethink similar suggestions in the future. She is there to listen and learn about the charity, but in typical MM fashion she makes it about herself. I think the "sit on the floor with me" move backfired.

I didn't know she brought Archie's hand-me-downs. Good grief. A better move would be to have funded supplies for the charity or supported them with a Sussex foundation donation (behind the scenes, of course).
JenS said…
Still in shock that they have a live baby, although maybe that's why they came to Africa. This whole tour is just making me ill.
Anonymous said…
I cannot do an "at least" with her. When you dress like Liza Minnelli and wear huge door-knocker earrings to a casual event with mothers and children and you are neither Liza Minnelli or a Drag Queen, then there is no "at least" with me.

Actually, that outfit could also be worn by a "hostess" at a Reno casino. It would be appropriate there, any time of day.

And yes, I know what you mean about NYC. Of course, I've never known an attorney or paralegal who dressed like a hooker, but it was a TV show.
Anonymous said…
That should be "neither/nor" "neither Liza Minnelli nor a Drag Queen". Apologies. I'm just annoyed that the first thing I saw online this a.m. was her humpback in that inappropriate get up.

Anonymous said…
@JenS, if you haven't seen the video of her Liza Minnelli drag queen performance, have coffee first. It's not a gentle start to the morning. She is such a SoHo.
QueenWhitby said…
I hope that she didn’t really give Archie’s hand me downs to mothers2mothers. This just cements the noblesse oblige colonial attitude that Africa does not need.

A Royal tour (or visit) is about highlighting the hard work of others, it’s not about walking around, giving handouts to people you have stereotyped and deemed to be needy.

A Royal visit says “what you are doing is important and making such a difference that we have come to honour your efforts, and in doing so we hope to encourage others to support you. We’ve kept our jewelry on and dressed smart because you represent our values and we respect you”.

MM is never going to get it if she doesn’t grasp that simple concept.
Liver Bird said…
One of her Twitter defenders was going on about how she wasn't going to give out hand-me-downs but gifts given to Archie which they did not use. Well, we now know that Duchess Thrifty DID hand out Archie's old clothes, but even if she had done just the latter, that would still have been inappropriate. Archie is hardly the first 'royal' baby ever to be born. I'm sure they all get gifts they don't use, but my guess is other royal parents simply quietly donate them to local charities. Why the need to wait 4 months and go all the way to South Africa? And announce it to the world? I guess that was the only way to make it all about her, as always.

Reminds me of how, during the ridiculous baby shower extravaganza, they made a song and dance about her donating old flowers to a children's hospital in NY. Firstly, royals do that all the time, they just don't feel the need to tell the world, much less take exploitative pics of very sick children to do so. Secondly, children aren't allowed to have flowers in their wards. Thirdly, it was done to promote a profit making company. There's always something 'off' with this woman.
Anonymous said…
Apparently there is a video of her being ignored, too. I haven't watched yet, but I'm sure it's cringe-worthy. She's dressed like a hooker. It is SO inappropriate.
Liver Bird said…
She did hand out Archie's old clothes! There's a video where you can watch her, acting as though her baby's old babygros were sooo special that they must be desperate to get their hands on them.

And that sitting on the floor thing.... some of the women were visably uncomfortable, especially the one next to her holding a young child. You could see how annoyed she was when they didn't immediately jump to her command. I reckon that gives us a glimpse into what she's really like behind the scenes. All smiles when everyone's pandering to her, but the second things don't go her way, she snaps. We all know someone like that, don't we? Not pretty.
Anonymous said…
Link? I know I shouldn't, but I will.
Girl with a Hat said…
Liver, I saw that too and felt uncomfortable for these women. They obviously didn't want to sit on the floor. She went ahead anyway. So, the women, as befitting people who believe in hospitality, did the same but reluctantly.

Harry and Meghan's role is to represent the BRF GRACIOUSLY. That means making people feel comfortable, not forcing them to hug you, touching them, or forcing them to do things they don't want to do.

I bet these women will go home and complain to their families and neighbours about the crazy woman who made them sit on the floor.
cutmasterC said…
Thanks for sharing Mishka! It's nice seeing how someone who is supposed to be MM's target audience feels about her actions.
Liver Bird said…

Here's a link. Have fun!

Girl with a Hat said…
One of the social rules that the BRF follows is never to be seen to be much better dressed than your hosts. Or more poorly dressed than your hosts.

Another rule she didn't follow.
abbyh said…
Door knocker earrings - very on point. I look at them and think she must not be around him all that much because that is exactly the kind of thing a baby grabs and will not let go of.
freddie_mac said…
Sykes said Kate is aware of Williams temper so she tries not to always overshadow ... She wants to shine and be out there but she doesn't want to overshadow her husband.

Kate knows what is expected of her as the wife of a king in waiting and the mother of three heirs. Her place is in a supporting role right now; maybe when the children are older she can do a bit more but (IMHO) she's willing to wait until the time is right.
Anonymous said…
And after a faux surprise response and a breathless "How are you!", she broke into her own version of "Happy Birthday, Mr. President..."

I knew better than to watch. She's like the Evergreen Razzie Winner. I hope they give her a lifetime achievement award.
Jen said…
Thanks Liver Bird....that was fun to watch (sarcasm). Reading the comments was even better...she should be sainted soon, right? She even knows how to shake hands with elders RESPECTFULLY.....
Liver Bird said…
Another thought: If the big Archie roll-out was to be done on this tour, wouldn't the vist to mothers2mothers have been the perfect place to it? Surely a mother and baby club is a much appropriate place for a 4 month old than the home of an elderly archbishop? Not prestigious enough for Megz perhaps? Or too similar to Kate taking baby George to a play-group on her Australia tour a few years ago?
Anonymous said…
Yep, @AbbyH, the preferred earring style for hoochie-mamas (the target market for Forever 21).
Avery said…
Well, well, well. Clearly Archie is the same baby from the Christening photos. But still SO many questions! Giant 4 1/2 month old. Head still spinning about how he came into the world. I truly wish they'd just fess up. Of course, then they'd have to address why she wore the bump. I've always thought all along that the baby (however created or carried or delivered) would have to have both of their DNA. 1) To be an actual Royal and 2) I seriously doubt narcigan would want anything to do with a child for the rest of her life that didn't come from her egg. If we'd hadn't been through all of their shenanigans over the past year +, those photos would have been quite endearing. But we're left instead with the squinted eye and knot in our stomachs wondering what the game is 'this' time.
SwampWoman said…
JL, just a thought here re your observation about Harry not being bonded. If (as has been reported), they are living separately, he may not see baby much.
Anonymous said…
Interestingly, Archie isn't headline news on the Royals page at DM.
SwampWoman said…
I think a more casual look like the black pants and a colorful African print shirt would have been more appropriate here or perhaps the sundress. She didn't look terrible and, for her, that is a win.
Hikari said…
>>>Meg interacts with Archie the way an actress interacts with a stunt baby.

Doesn't she, just. Well, 'Darren' is the stunt baby. Today, and at the christening, she was interacting with 'the guest artist known as Archie.'

This little one was the presentation baby, so they didn't actually present a Reborn to the world media. As to how old he actually was at the time, or what they did to render him comatose will have to remain mysteries to us plebes. There is a shot of him with his head turned to the side and awkwardly in her arms the way the baby was at the polo, so grudgingly I have to concede that he wasn't a doll on that occasion, despite the strangely inert form. Or . . is it possible to custom order a Reborn that looks like your own infant? If that is possible, then wouldn't that just be cracking for the purposes of misdirection? Or, you know, in the manner of a cubic zirconia ring styled to look like the real one in those times when you don't want to use the 'good' jewels, like walking around Murder Town. That Archie can be her back-up/stand-in kid.

As the son of "Hollywood Royalty!" young Master Archie has his own stunt double at such a tender age, bless him.

I don't know what to make of them having an actual baby . . this child that we thought was a figment of her imagination. The jury's still out whether they are his biological or full-time parents, though. Contrast how the Cambs act with their brood, even during formal display, such as on the BP balcony with the curiously stiff 'curated' manner in which H. and M. interact with this little blighter. Megs is not a natural mother . . possibly in all senses of that word. I've seen more maternal alligators. It's notable how little (hardly at all) Harry either looks at, smiles at, or touches the baby. Why didn't he take a turn holding the child? Why does he act like a Stepford Husband? Robotic is the best descriptor for him, though a robot would be less sweaty and dirty-looking. They both looked good today, but such rapid cycling contrast to a mere 24 hours ago makes my head spin.

If Archie is actually in their care . . . God help him.
Kate said…
Glad to finally see the baby. He does look a lot like Harry when he was a baby. His eyes look a bit too close together, but I think Harry’s are like that. He is a very big 4 1/2 month old. I also had big children and I think Archie is more like 5 1/2 months old. I think it’s an insult to the British people that Archie was not presented in a more formal manner in the UK before this trip. But I guess they didn’t have time for that because of all their private jets and vacations. I saw Megs told people it’s ‘hard’ to be a working mom and travel with a baby. OMG give me a break, any of those people would kill to have your life. She is so freaking fake!!
Her hair and clothes have been an absolute disgrace!
abbyh said…
Pff. those babies grab hard and have a death grip that can pull that earring off.

The only thing I can think of is that sometimes people must have a flat learning curve about what not to do in life strictly based on appearance).
Girl with a Hat said…
I don't even go to DM since they have started really censoring comments about them. There are other British papers who let you say anything you want, like the Express.
Ava C said…
I think Meghan looks better than I've ever seen her, in that black trouser-suit, since the day of the announcement engagement. That day marked the day of her deterioration from her pre-Harry days. I like the big photo on the DM of her sitting with legs crossed and looking to the side. Her earrings work perfectly. She looks serene and lovely. With her own style that is a perfect contrast to Kate.

Why couldn't she have done this before? £100 triumph compared to that dreadful £90,000 outfit she wore in Morocco that we think was actually intended for the Oscars. I do hope she keeps this up but I'm not going to hold my breath as I've been so disappointed with her, for so long. But it's only fair to praise her when praise is due, otherwise how can we expect her to improve?
Anonymous said…
The comments on the DM indicate that a few of the British people agree re Archie.

Damn, I guess I'll have to quit calling him Fauxrchie now. I really liked that one, but I won't make fun of a real child no matter what. Now his soHo mother OTOH...
Anonymous said…
Charlatan Duchess has some good video of Rach offending just everyone.

Also, from Yahoo Lifestyle, re the Door-Knockers,

“When Meghan Markle arrived for her first solo outing during the royal tour of Southern Africa - she visited the Woodstock Exchange in Cape Town to meet with female entrepreneurs - she was wearing some of her go-to pieces. Meghan's black Everlane jumpsuit, which is still shoppable and memorable from her British Vogue shoot, was completed with Manolo Blahnik BB pumps, a simple, chic pairing. But Meghan was glowing thanks to her jewels. Not only was she wearing her turquoise Jennifer Meyer ring with her wedding band, she added a Zofia Day diamond cuff, and all of that gold just played up her Gas Bijoux woven disc earrings even more.“

Merch, merch, merch, merch, merch, here rachel, merch, merch, merch merch, merch.... here girl....
What a generous sharer she is.
Also, fashion tip for Rach JIC: Round is not the shape I’d go with if I were you. You've got enough round going on.
Ava C said…
That's a great post Mishka. I'm so glad to have your input as I feel so uninformed. Many thanks indeed.
Girl with a Hat said…
Just an aside - Lainey is a "friend" of Markle's. She often sends Markle's message to the world through her gossip column. No one is more cynical about children, motherhood and family than Lainey. She makes fun of women who like photos of celebrities with their children as "the minivan majority". She's often written about how people coo over other people's children, and in a very cynical fashion.

It doesn't surprise me then that Meghan is the least maternal mother I have ever seen except those hanging around the methadone clinics.
SwampWoman said…
Abbyh, for sure on the earrings. My son grabbed the dangly earring of a woman gushing over him when he was @ 6 months old. Bet she never did that again (after her ear healed).
Anonymous said…
I guess, but I've been to many, many events and there are things you wear and things you don't wear and that is not appropriate wear for that event, and those earrings are after -5 Forever-21-wear. Sorry. Tacky. And dangerous.
Ava C said…
DM has accepted all my critical comments recently apart from the one pointing out that the Duchy of Cornwall is for the maintenance of Prince Charles' household, and the last time I looked, his sons have their own houses and William has two. (I'm Alliebat on DM).

Since then it's become clear only William is in receipt of his father's bounty. But my comment still stands in principle.
JL said…
True. Also someone else pointed out that she is so controlling that she doesn’t let Harry hold the baby. Wants all the photo ops to herself.
I have to look for this video now! Lol 😂
HappyDays said…
Narcissists are incredibly contrived. She planned to jump down on the floor and play with the kids, moms and toys. That's why she wore the jumpsuit. Narcs like Meghan plan to the nth degree. It’s all about image and controlling that image.

Also, H&M could have anonymously donated all the extra clothes and baby items to people who need them in the UK, but then Meghan wouldn’t be able to exploit the photo opportunity she had today with these women and their babies.
PaulaMP said…
Great to hear it from your perspective
Also the wedding ring gs been missing 3 days in a row. And in a Royal, that has to be conspicuous right? The reason been given is ridiculous. They are very very well protected there. They are not random tourists out on a stroll that they would be mugged. Nor does it stand to reason that she wants to be sensitive to the poeple. By the logic she shouldn't be there at all since she is there as an effing royal!!

From the looks of it this entire tour is being managed in a shoes string budget. Maybe she pawned her ring to buy that super ugly bedazzled Valentino for the her besties wedding.
SwampWoman said…
@Elle, I SO much wanted to comment several times about MM being a hoochie mama but didn't because I was afraid Nutty's international audience would not understand. Thank you!
JL said…
I think they finally wranggled the baby from the surrogate who was holding onto him for more money. I wouldn’t take less than $10 mil if I were her. Now that the Sussexes seem to be cut off and Harry is that much poorer due to Archie (or did they help themselves to the Disney money?) they have to merch merch merch and pay-for-play from here on out. Not having day-to-day care of the baby until now explains all their awkwardness as parents. These two have not had that baby since day one.
A very enjoyable and enlightening read! 🤗
Button said…
I agree with the surrogate theory. Also what I noticed is that this cute little boy does not look like the baby from the christening photos, the one where her and Harry are on some sort of terrace. I watched the video of them coming to the house and she does not seem very comfortable carrying him. Going up the stairs looked very dodgy. Whomever this baby is I feel very concerned for him.
Girl with a Hat said…
they haven't bonded with that poor little child. He is the victim here.
HappyDays.... I agree. She planned to do that. And the jumpsuit was very reminiscent of Kate's culottes at her recent appearances.

For every appearance so far, she has to have that one shot that makes headlines. And for this one she wanted one sitting next to a baby looking up at her.

She also got that one with the little girl crying while handing her flowers, she kissed the little girls hand. Her expressions though, she is totally hamming it up for the cameras.

As to why she didn't bring Archie to this event instead? Because she wanted that occasion to be exclusive and headline worthy - "Arch meets Archie" (whoever was that condescending halfwith who came up with that, seriously!!) . If she'd brought her baby here she would have to share the spotlight with all the other cute kids, and she would be just one of the mums. Lost in the crowd. In the morning, she could be the Princess with the special baby who gets to have tea with Desmond Tutu.
Royal Fan said…
Virtue signaling plain and simple!
Anonymous said…
Well, we understand @SwampWoman, and isn't that enough?

Markle's offensive remarks about how hard it is but it's all worth it when she meets someone and has an impact... and then, she passes out her hand-me-downs while wearing that get up, there's a saying in TX, and I will not use it here, but oh, I'm thinking it. That woman offends me on so many levels and "hoochie mama" is one of the more complimentary things that could be said about her.

For those unfamiliar, a "hoochie mama" is a woman past her prime who is still squeezing it into Forever 21 and strutting it in FMPs, trying to look hot and using sex to manipulate. It's not a compliment. And yes, women over 21 can look way hot, but not when they try to dress like they're 21 - then it just becomes farcical and trashy.
Anonymous said…
"And the jumpsuit was very reminiscent of Kate's culottes at her recent appearances..." yes, but Kate's culottes were an appropriate cut, style, fabric, etc. I also think she could've done with less skin. But this is not Kate's culottes. This is Liza Minnelli and Arrested Development.
Royal Fan said…
OMG my first thought when I saw her ear rings was clearly not a hands on mom. 😂😂😂
Unknown said…
Hi everyone

From all my chats with people here in the Cape, this is what is being said: husband asked ' what on earth are they visiting a mosque for' . He is not a religious observer but was shocked at this. He spoke to various men in his line of work, nobody cares about this visit, their wives are not even mentioning it.

Teenage daughters friends don't care and are uninterested( ages 13 to 15).

University students are saying zero on internal communication channels on this visit. They are usually vocal about issues. They are not attracting any of their attention. ( ages 18 to 20).

A real estate friend said there were lots of heated arguments in her office regarding colonialism and reasons for this visit. Mostly negative comments.

Other ladies here are asking what's the purpose of this visit. They see no purpose. Saying it's a waste of time all round. The ' woman of colour' statement didn't go down well with the women of colour. Lots of women mentioned that the visit was for photo opportunities and nothing else.

A very much older female charity shop volunteer said she is not fooled by all what's happening and that this marriage won't last. Another worker here said he was upset that ordinary citizens don't have bodyguards and police protection. He was very miffed about this.

A local newspaper has a photo of the two with the half bitten samosa, urging readers to fill in a joke and send it in , winner gets R 200. A meme is going around with unsavoury comments relating to this on phones. Those with a sharp tongue are filling in their own captions.

Basically there is no interest , except from the press.
Anonymous said…
Kate's worn cotton/casual/khaki and navy ones recently. She also had on appropriate jewelry and footwear. Had Rach done that, it would have been great. Instead, however...

I used to work with a woman who dressed that way for the accounting department. One day the CFO took her aside and said "this isn't a bar and we're not at a cocktail party" and while that was harsh (and could be said legally still), it was quite true. It's not just the shape. It's the cut and the fabric and style.
Anonymous said…
Oooooh, thank you, @Unknown!
I agree too that Murky’s interaction with Archie is awkward looking, it’s like she’s trying to keep her distance.
marvelousmagda said…
Not really. Since MM follows where others have led, and quite a few famous women have chosen the surrogate twin route, it is not unreasonable that MM would think she could follow suit, especially since she was desperate to anchor her claim on the BRF asap.

I do not see any other plausible explanation for why MM would be inclined to include twin girls into her household unless she is stuck with them and wants to put them on the royal dole, too. IMO, if these babies are less than a year old, the odds of them being her made-to-order family increases exponentially.

Remember, we are observing a not rational person who appears to have faked a pregnancy, possibly blackmailed her way into the BRF, seems to be padding her person to appear post pregnancy, and photo shopped/lied through her teeth six ways to Sunday.

Royal Fan said…
Yes poor little Archie 😥
SwampWoman said…
If anybody needs to see a visual representation of a hoochie mama in the wild, Pistol Annie's "Got My Name Changed Back" is great:
We know it all to well that try as she might, she couldn't come anywhere near Kate's style quotient. Even if she wore the exact same things as her. And it's not just because of different body types or whatever. It's simply because she doesn't have genuine, humble, caring, kind bone in her body.

Seems like the only sort of planning that went into the tour was setting up Pinterest boards.

Liza Minnelli could at least pull of the hair, red lips, eyeliner look, she made it her own. With Meghan, what's even her style like? Decades down the line, if someone were to do a parody on her they would wear black extensions, horse teeth, have too many buttons undone and do an anorexic model smize into the camera while wearing pukey green nylon Casper tent and thats it! That would be the perfect royalest of all highnesses Duchess Daisy dukes.
Hikari said…

If that's what Tom Sykes wrote about William, then there's obviously an agenda there--if sucking up to the Sussexes is the goal. Harry is obviously pissed off at his brother for getting all the goodies by dint of his birth first. I view the legend of William's 'temper' and 'bitterness over his wife getting attention' with the deepest suspicion, given that they are attributed to someone who is sucking up to the Sussex duo. Everything that touches that well is tainted. Meghan's fingers are all over this, aren't they--painting the husband of her rival, whom she profoundly envies so much as the emotionally victimized wife of an erratic angry man? It would be so like Megs, or any narcissist to paint their target with their own flaws. *Meghan* has the temper and is exceedingly jealous of any attentions paid to others over her, even her own husband or baby. That's why she insists on 'The Duke', so she can be 'The Duchess' on an equal footing, and downplays Harry's princely title as the blood royal she will never be. It's why she shoves him aside and takes the lead on every occasion, no matter how gauche or inappropriate that is. That's why 98% of the photos on this tour so far have been solely of Megs with Harry a background figure or cropped out altogether.

I find it interesting that William and his legendary temper that allegedly keeps his arguably more dynamic wife cowed and in her place should be broached here in a discussion of the myriad faux pas of the Sussex couple as they (attempt to) represent Britain to a third world nation. That feels like deflection to me. William is not perfect, nor Kate, nobody is . . but frankly the portrait of a future King whose ego is so fragile and his fuse so short that he intimidates his wife into minimizing herself is not borne out by the evidence we have.

If William gets angry on occasion, I'd say he's got plenty to be angry about these days . .but Kate outshining him isn't on the docket. Kate is performing her role as consort to her husband and is doing it well. What I see when I look at William and Kate is a strong team. William is always supportive of his wife in public and furthermore they seem to truly enjoy one another's company after nearly 18 years as a couple. I don't think it's for show, either. The Sussexes couldn't even sustain the charade of their love match happy happy life for even 5 months, so what Kate and William have together is quite special.

Our community should be open to different points of view, but I don't see how tearing down William's character by third party innuendo is edifying in any way.
It's a cheap shot, really. Tom Sykes can stuff it, especially if he calls himself a friend. Et tu, Tommy, et tu? If anything, William certainly would have learned by observing his father how NOT to behave toward his wife.

Being jealous of Diana certainly didn't reflect well on Charles. In the immortal words of my dad (b. 1931, and so a younger contemporary of the Queen and Philip's generation, and rather old-school as far as gender dynamics went) "What's wrong with him? You would think he'd be proud of her. What an a**hole." Let's not tar Wills with that brush unnecessarily. I don't think 'jealous of Kate' is really his issue.
The earrings are a no-no on so many levels! Tacky and gaudy.

@SwampWomen. I had to google Hoochi Mama! Lol 😂😳 @Elle, I didn’t see your translation of the meaning till after. 😩
Anonymous said…
A quick google shows Miley Cyrus at the young end of the hoochie spectrum and Madonna at the older end.
HappyDays said…
Thank you for the on-the-scene report, Unknown. It’s so nice when people who are in the vicinity of some of the topics being discussed send in their observations from outside of what appears in the press.
marvelousmagda said…
abbyh, I watch quite a bit of live TV with the sound muted for the very purpose of which you speak. It is amazing what one sees when the sound is not distracting! For that matter, I do not know how some of the commercials are allowed on the air. I guess most people do not see what is really going on in them. Wowzer!
Button said…
The hand holding is to prevent the baby from ripping her wig/extensions out.
Anonymous said…
I agree @Alice, which is why I said that because she isn't Liza or a Drag Queen, she can't get away with that look. And the Duchess Daisy Duke's are coming, I just know they're coming...
Anonymous said…
Wasn't the Sykes stuff back in the British press 'be mean to Kate' days anyway? William and Kate seem to have a balance of power and he seems quite happy to let her shine and look her prettiest. The garden was a fine example of that.
Anonymous said…
Kris Kardashian (the mother, that's her name, right?) is a hoochie mama of the highest (or lowest, depending on your perspective) order.
Jen said…
@Hikari, to your point about MM "taking the lead" the photo that Harry Markle posted on one of their posts from yesterday illustrates that beautifully!
Hikari said…
I really think this visit to South Africa at this time, and by this Dumbass Duo was a misfire by ER. Harry could have gone quietly to Botswana to work on his charity there, or she could have accompanied him, possibly sans Archie. After all, Botswana is supposed to be so special to this couple. The people of South Africa have enough going on in their lives to be used as props for the Sussex Royal Instagram account. I suppose Her Majesty is too frail these days to undertake such a long journey, but better to have sent the Cambridges then. At least the dignity of the sovereign attaches to them, the roles they will one day inhabit, in a way it does not to the Suxxits. The Suxxits are an international joke. I'm not sure why it would be deemed a good or necessary idea for William and Kate to go to Pakistan? Is that considered a Commonwealth country?

Harry and Megs should have visited sites within the U.K., like their constituency at Dumbarton, for example, if repairing their reputations at home was the aim. I have to larf that Archie was 'too young' to travel to Scotland a few weeks ago and now he's in the Southern Hemisphere and Meg's got him having tea with Bishop Tutu.

I do not understand any of these. It's like a science fiction movie and we are all trapped in the audience and can neither escape nor make what we see reflect reality in any way as we know it.
Anonymous said…
"It's like a science fiction movie and we are all trapped in the audience and can neither escape nor make what we see reflect reality in any way as we know it."


And to that end, there's a white thing in the back of her head? Photos at PrinceHarryAndMe on Tumblr. Anyone know what that is? Some part of the wig? A(nother) price tag? An alien creature that lives in her brain a la Voldemort and Prof Quirrell?
Anonymous said…
And now there is video with the outline of the padded undies. I have to quit watching. This isn't healthy.
JL said…
If you watched The Hawk on YouTube you would become so much more enraged at Smirkles and Harry the Fool than you could ever imagine.
JP said…
I thought Megan looked great. Maybe pregnant or trying to be so not worried about it. Her clothes have been approriate, at least it seems so to me. She is listening to someone. Hopefully if there is a good response she will continue to listen.
Archie is very cute, so glad they finally brought him out.

As always, thanks for the blog Nutty. I always enjoy you on CDAN.
punkinseed said…
I thought the same Liver Bird. The only reason I can come up with to leave Archie with Nanny is fear of germs. Plus Archie would require mommy hold him and be needing her attention that would distract from her purpose of being the center of attention to the mothers2mothers. And we moms know that it is instinctive to protect our tiny ones from the bigger babies who fall on, or poke or slobber kisses and snuggles of smaller baby. I was mortified once when my 2 year old granddaughter grabbed the neighbor's newborn face and squeezed hard before I could peel her little fingers off. The baby was fine and so was her mom about it but still! Happened in a flash so no time to so much as anticipate such a grab.
Louise said…
Can you link to the video? "Meghan Markle padded undies" didn't turn up anything on the Google.

However, I could clearly see the two buns in her panties at the Smart Works launch. They were two round discs visible through her pants.
Nelo said…
They will carry out the Johannesburg leg of the tour in a few days. The worldwide coverage has been non stop.
Avery said…
@Elle, Links! Links! I need to see the 'white thing' and the padded panty lines.
punkinseed said…
Elle, I know right? Merde! Oh well.
JP said…
The black/white pic from the baptism where they are facing each other and you can clearly see Archie's face, the first time I saw that I thought his features, not skin color, looked Africa American. That is the only pic where I saw that. For what it's worth.
punkinseed said…
Yes on Pakistan. It is a Commonwealth Country and has been since 1947 after a brief period of signing out, they rejoined.
Fifi LaRue said…
Rainy Day: Exactly! What's with Markle showing off her cleavage, and consistently having a blouse unbuttoned, or a neckline too low to show off her bras? That's a little cray-cray on her part to think that's sexy. I can only guess that she's put herself on the market in case someone who's really wealthy might be interested in her.
cutmasterC said…
Not sure if the one Elle is referring to, but...
Button said…
Just my thoughts here but this whole fiasco is just a huge PR tactic, and they are using this wee baby as the trump card. I don't think they had Archie in the Sussex claws until very recently. Her dodgy attempts to appear motherly and the baby doesn't even appear to acknowledge Harry. Not that Harry is allowed to hold him. What a huge " up yours " to the UK and the Commonwealth that he is presented in SA first. This whole bloody farce that has been going on for what, year and a half now? just makes me ill. That poor wee baby, trapped in the Sussex claws.
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