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"Travalyst", Sunshine Sachs, and Harry's crumpled grey business suit

It's been quite a day in the Harry and Meghan world - and the previous installment of the blog is collapsing under the weight of numerous comments.

Accordingly, here's a placeholder new post with plenty of room for new comments.

What do you think of the "Travalyst" initiative, the Sussexes' hiring of Sunshine Sachs with Sussex Foundation (Disney) money, and Harry's insistence on turning up in the same crumpled grey suit and musty brown suede shoes for every Royal engagement?

Poor Edward Lane Fox (Harry's former private secretary and de-facto keeper and valet) must need a prescription for Xanax.


Jen said…
The new PR firm is a waste of money, and totally unnecessary. NOTHING these two idiots can do will improve their appearance to the people of the UK or the US. I can't believe they are using money from the "foundation" for this...seems like that should be illegal, but what do I know.

As for Travalyst idea, it's nice and many parts of the world are already doing stuff like this. I like the concept and if done correctly, this is a great idea. I would like to know what "over-tourism" is in his estimation? Is it tons of rich celebs heading to Nice to pat themselves on the back for making films that are so "woke," or maybe rich celebs who fly to Toronto to do the same? OR maybe resorts being built up on islands so the rich and famous can head off and vacation away from the little people?

At the end of the day, his comments about "protection for his family," are a bunch of BS and everyone knows it. There is only the need to prevent the world from knowing there is no Archie. THAT is why the flew private.
Charlie said…
With this "travalyst" stuff they remind me of all these "influencers" on insta, who hustle by making their *own* collection of hella expensive, clothes but all pieces are bought on AliExpress.
Girl with a Hat said…
the magazine Woman in the UK has a story - Judy says "Meghan needs to be more likeable and modest"
Now! said…
"Travalyst" is an idiotic name. It's not spelled intuitively, which means it will be difficult to Google.

And what does it mean, anyway? Lust for travel? Isn't the idea that people should travel less?

In that case, they should have called it "Travel Diet" or something along those lines.

Or just "Travel Less" - how about that?

The whole thing was clearly done in a rush, because the name "Travalyst" was only trademarked on August 26.
Now! said…
If those are her job requirements, they've got the wrong woman for the job.
Girl with a Hat said…
so the press is turning against them
Now! said…
Yes, they only started being obsessed with ***privacy*** after the "pregnancy" announcement last October.

Hard to believe that was less than a year ago. It seems like forever.
Girl with a Hat said…
but it can't mean "travel less" if it's being sponsored by the travel industry. What is the goal of this endeavour? I really don't get it.
Now! said…
Well, the British press. The New York Times has a puff piece about Travalyst today. All the comments on their Twitter post about the story are negative, however.
Now! said…
"Travel local" would have been another approach. Keep traveling, folks, but explore the attractions nearby that can be reached by bike, train, or ferry.
bootsy said…
I'm no fan of Harry and MM but think the criticism of his suit is a bit much. Harry is not, nor ever will be, a well groomed clothes horse kind of person. He looked fine to me and if he turned up with David Beckham style sharpness, or just something a bit more fashion aware then it wouldn't be who he is. I would bet that some people on here would then say that his new sharp inage shows he is trying to become a celeb or something like that. He's a royal, and on the male side they are conservative with their fashion.
bootsy said…
I think the more interesting thing in all this is the fact that it appears, once again, that there is absolutely nothing that the Royal Family can do to rein in this rather simple man and his wife. This is what happens when everyone has always been on the same page, because there has never been a reason to have control mechanisms. MM has come along and exposed the vacuum of authority that exists.
Girl with a Hat said…
I beg to differ. That colour looks just awful on him. He looks washed out and the suit looks cheap. He needs a nicely tailored navy suit to look like a prince of the Realm, not some cheap hustler. The only thing that is missing is a big gold chain around his neck.

Oh, and the suede shoes are just plain repulsive.
Considering I seem to create more wrinkles if I try to iron my clothes, it may not be my place to say this, but his attire shows disrespect to everyone. I was taught to be respectful and dress in clean well repaired clothing and shoes when out in public. Yes I know sometimes i have failed the well repaired part and had a few holes at times, but i tried to correct it or purchase a replacement as soon as i could. There is no reason a man who is paid by his country to represent them should not at the very least send his suit out to be pressed and resole his shoes. Money isnt a factor like it may be with some of us.

The really odd thing is I have never ran into a military member, past or present that didnt take some pains to ensure their clothing was neat and clean. It is drilled into them from day one in the service and he is not some homeless, severely mentally ill vet that has issues that keep him from adhering to social niceties.
Jdubya said…
Prince Harry has partnered with, Ctrip, Skyscanner, Tripadvisor, and Visa to develop “solutions that will make travel more sustainable.”

Look who he's partnering with. What's he get in return?

Harry. I have zero sympathy for you now. You are on equal staus with that wife of yours.

He doesn't want to be rescued . He is in this as deep as her .
ColleenS said…
I can no longer pretend that he is a victim of Markle. He is now matching her step for step and loving it. Do you think he lives in constant fear of losing her? I just can't believe that he has abandoned everyone who loved him and everything he represents for this harlot. If he insisted on marrying an American actress, he would have done better with Betty White.
KayeC said…
Prince Charles, in my humble opinion, is one of the best dressed men on the planet. Love his suit/tie/pocket square combos and he's not afraid of color. Tim Gunn would certainly approve. Harry should at least put forth SOME effort into his attire when in public. I am sure those meeting any royal put thought into what they wear that day, why can't he.
KayeC said…
As I posted before, those companies are based in the US and China....not one from the UK or the Commonwealth. This smells like big time merching on a global scale.

Louise said…
I read that Travelyst was a combination or travel and catalyst. Another meaningless word salad.
Louise said…
Very good point, bootsy.
KayeC said…
They seem to think they are the only people who can "save" us from the horror we created for ourselves.....and it is so condescending to think the people in these areas (I live in a tourist spot in the US) are too stupid to do it for themselves. The places he mentioned should be insulted.
Trudy2 said…
Who the hell is Judy?
Hikari said…
I have not read Haz's remarks, nor will I waste any eye power to do so, but it's clear that Harry has lost whatever he once called his mind. I guess the Royal Family has had their hands full with him over the years, trying to craft a role and a statesman-like image for a man who obviously has so many issues of mental health and potential intellectual impairment, he really should not be allowed a live microphone, ever. Haz got a lot of mileage out of being that bereaved, devastated 12-year old walking behind his mother's cortege, author of the heartbreaking card on her coffin that read 'Mummy'.

It's hard to remember now that that little boy ever existed.

The slice of that word salad speech I did see sounds just like Smegs. None of us really believe that she's going to let Sunshine Sachs have complete control over their speeches, do we? I once thought that Harry was a pitiable figure, a man in love who had been cruelly deceived by a manipulative sociopath. She's still a manipulative sociopath, but I now think that Haz is invested in her maniacal plan to destroy his family and is an equal participant in it. This is his revenge on William for being born first and getting the biggest chunk of the pie. He wants to make things as difficult and unsettled and potentially anarchic for his father and William as he can, because he hates them. His insecurity and greed have eaten him alive. Meghan, the skilled Narc, recognized Harry's Shadow side and played to it. He's like her, only weaker, so he is allowing her to orchestrate their joint take-down of his family. So he thinks.

In the end the RF is going to prevail . . .they haven't been a 1000-year-old institution for nothing. Harry will be cut completely off and left in the wilderness. His wife will fluck off to her next scam. She'll be all right . . a person with no conscience and no sense of shame or boundaries will always be able to exploit any situation to her advantage. She'll get money for herself, even if she has to cater to old codgers with a fetish for geriatric yacht girls. Hazza has no natural skills of self-preservation . . I don't think this is going to end well for him, at all. He's going to be a complete pariah, like the Duke of Windsor, only with far less allowance and no wife.

One thing has surprised me about Harry . . . while guile does not come as easily to him as his wife, he's made a decent showing of besotted looks and smiles and lurve, or at least, alternates pissed-off looks one moment with a smile the next. Nearly 35 years of playing to cameras have trained him well, and that's even more time at it than Smeaghan has had. Haz always has a smacked bum face on the BP balcony . . his and William's weddings excluded . . but in other places, one could almost believe his smiles were completely genuine. Except when he forgets and the mask slips a bit.
Hikari said…
Thank you for having a nice word about Charles. I agree, he has always been impeccably attired for any occasion. Yes, he's got a man (or several) in charge of his clothes and putting him together, but gee whiz, how many staff members do we read about Charles losing? He must have had many of the same staff for 30 years. At the investiture anniversary, which Halfwit and Smeghan crashed, and, if you watch the video footage closely, they are kept physically away from the Queen and practically manhandled out of the room by an equerry and a uniformed officer . . .Smegs makes a desperate ploy to engage Charles in conversation as he passed through the door. He does pause and speak to her for a moment before moving on. He is the only one of the RF who acknowledged their presence. Charles's ingrained manners never desert him even when under duress. I don't think he has the ruthless streak necessary to cut Smegs off at the head, so I hope to God she is Dealt With before he ascends.
He’s supposed to representing the UK and in thr very least the Commonwealth. Nothing like it with this, it’s definitely an earner for the Sussex’s.
Harry nearly always looks a mess. None of the other royals dress so shabbily. Prince Charles is always very smart!
Hikari said…

Being well-groomed need not be the sole province of the clothes horse. William is not a clothes horse like his father. His attire is quite plain, but it is impeccably tailored. There really is no excuse, for a person being dressed out of the public purse, to not have clothing that fits properly or is clean/pressed/in good repair whether or not it's conservative or more trendy. Harry need not be a clothes horse . . .cuz we know how very much he and Meghan both care passionately about not appearing shallow . . ! . . but should a Prince of the United Kingdom and public representative of the Queen go around in crumpled, rumpled, mismatched attire and shoes with holes? If his clothing is that crumpled and worn every day, to all appearances, it cannot be clean, can it? It certainly hasn't seen the inside of a dry cleaner bag recently, never mind an iron. Here's a guy who can spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on private jet flights to go visit Elton John but he can't turn up at an official Royal duty in an ironed shirt with a tie? Meanwhile his wife is swanning around in $100,000 Givenchy gowns with bling? If you ask me, Haz puts all of his wardrobe money he gets from his father straight up his nose or else hands it over meekly to his ball breaker of a wife. He apparently had to stop off at Marks & Sparks to get a button down white shirt in a plastic bag since his tuxedo shirt was nowhere to be seen.

It's sadly obvious to everyone that Harry has lost his man . . he's got no valet, no secretary, not even a PA to run his clothes to the dry cleaners'. Isn't it sad that the son of the future King of England only has one sad gray suit to his name? Moreover, it's his complete attitude of NGAF about his appearance that rankles more. It's his birthday in nine days and he's going to be 35 years old, and were it not for the baldness and the haggardness of late, Haz might be mistaken for a 25-year-old chav on the dole, who is a perpetual skater boi in his mind.

I've noticed when Haz plays sport, be it polo or rugby, his sports clothes are impeccable . . .it's just when he's on official engagements representing the Queen, to foreign governments even, that he absolutely does not mind turning up like a hobo in a suit he got for 2 pounds from Oxfam. It's a sad state of affairs for Charles's son or for anyone who could be assumed to have a modicum of pride in his family or himself. Harry really needs help, but he's going to continue to swirl the drain and there's nothing we can do about it but watch.
Humor Me said…
I am bothered by the fact that it is a hashtag already in use by a PR blogger! Intellectual theft again! The arrogance knows no bounds! Balmoral cannot happen soon enough for this person.
I think Meghan and Harry in turn are just ignoring them all. I don’t think there’s a vacuum, more over the royals are letting them hang themselves, and the Sussex’s are doing that so very well.

Both Fergie and Diana got kicked out of the firm, for not toeing the line...Meghan will follow those two.
Girl with a Hat said…
the PR company she has hired is known for going after people on social media so anyone who disagrees with her is now in danger of being banned or outed on their social media platform of choice.
Fabulous comment, agree 100%! Bravo Hikari 🤗!
I’m sure the second part is illegal, if their identity isn’t in the public domain.
Whether they are still married or not I will predict that come the first of next year Meghan will be seen as a spokesperson for Weight Watchers. I think she made a deal with Oprah that if Oprah and Gayle didnt rat her out about the surrogate, she would publically gain some weight and then lose it and attribute it to Oprahs Weight Watchers diet
KayeC said…
OMG, I just spit my drink out laughing at this!
Girl with a Hat said…
her stans have already done this to Yankee Wally.
Hikari said…

Narco will do anything for money, won't she? It must really pain MeGain to have MeGain'd so much weight compared to this time last year . . or even compared to four months ago when she was supposedly so pregnant.

I really think, and I hope I'm wrong about this, is that Smegs is biding her time until Beatrice announces her engagement, or Eugenie announces that she's expecting. Whichever comes first, Smegs will have to steal that thunder with an announcement that she's expecting Wonder Twins!

On the other hand, part of me hopes she tries that on. Imagine that sh*t show. After Fauxchie, the world is wise to her . . . for the love of God the RF wouldn't go along with this insanity a second time?! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that the twin charades of Archie and Fraudmore have not been exposed. How long must we wait, O Lord and Your Majesty?!!
Anonymous said…
SS are really special. In 2015, they were called out for editing the Wikipedia pages of their clients without disclosing their affiliation with SS. As if representing Weinstein and Jackson weren't reprehensible enough.
The term is ‘docking’ isn’t it or something like that? I heard and read about it last year, they are pushing the boundaries of the law.
Hikari said…
Gleaned from Ashlii at the Danja Zone on YT so take this with a grain of salt but apparently the brothers Wales had a brief reunion on August 31st. It has been their custom to get together on the anniversary of their mother's death and spend some private time together reminiscing about her before having lunch. William and Kate turned up with the children. No Megs. If as is widely assumed and reported in some outlets, Ginge and Cringe are not sharing a roof, they don't turn up to events together either. I don't know who Ashlii's source is, since she's a Southern American woman with no ties to the Royal family, but it is said that Haz acted distant 'like a stranger' at the table and rushed though his lunch, making a hasty departure.

Since Smegs was NOT at Althorp making a solo pilgrimage to Diana's grave as she promised she would be, she was probably at home amassing more jewelry.

Harry will live to rue the day he ever let her into his life, but apparently that day has not come yet. William must be gutted to the core. Now there have been a number of stories appearing in recent days (Since Sunshine Sachs was retained, don't you know?) stating that actually Harry had selected Diana's engagement ring first and gave it to William for Kate . . back when he was still doing generous brotherly things like that. William selected Diana's Cartier watch, probably because he would have known better than any other person how unhappy that ring made his mother when it become merely a symbol of the sham marriage she was trapped in. After the first few years, Diana never wore that ring except for formal ceremonial portraits, so I was kind of surprised William gave it to his bride. It felt like a ring full of bad karma. I suppose Wills selected the piece his mother wore often and he associated with her. But the ring has gotten a happy new life on Kate's finger where it has pride of place every day. That's why the stories appearing now are a little ominous. If anyone is bat of the merde (as Elle would say) enough to claim that the ring rightfully belongs to her, it's Smeaghan. Of course she wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on . . if swanning around with a fake baby and embezzling millions of pounds on shady schemes isn't enought to get her chased out of England with pitchforks, how do we think the reception will go down if she tries to take Catherine's engagement ring with her grasping mitts? I wouldn't put it past her to try it.
ColleenS said…
"Swirl the drain" - I love that!!!! Perfect!
SnarkyAngel said…
The longer I observe this side show of theirs, the more I'm convinced it is exactly that... A carefully orchestrated performance to distract from all that is profoundly wrong in the BRF. Andy is at the top of this dysfunctional list, followed by Phillip and his foibles, and of course the fact that QE2 just isn't the monarch she has been in the past. Bless her soul for trying to keep up appearances while all this drama swirls around. Of course Charlie & Camilla are better accepted at this point, but really no one wants to see him sit the throne. William & Kate seem by all accounts "normal", but who knows what happens behind closed doors. HRH Princess Ann is steadfast in her professional capacity, she's a plus, but so far down the line... How much power does she really wield? Virtually none after QE2 leaves us. Oh, and there's Edward The unobtrusive. I don't want to see this family go down in flames, but I question whether the side show is enough to put out all the fires.
Girl with a Hat said…
the DM is really going after Harry

6 out of 10 of the flights he has taken since he was married have been on private jets, not the 10% he claims
abbyh said…
Wow. Just wow. When I think things cannot take another turn of crazy, something new pops up and grabs center stage.
Mary said…
The woman using the travalyst hashtag has been doing it for a year. She’s from Toronto and probably one of SMegma’s fellow soHO House whores. As to Harry’s rumply suit and shabby shoes, people who dress that shabbily are usually drug addicts and Harry is rumored to be a druggy. No mention of the DM or Express article that SMegma has Harry waxing his chest... I kind of doubt it’s SMeg, more like one of his boyfriends.
The gloves are off with regards to the press and Harry and Smeggy. They can’t run or hide from the British press. They are all over him now. He’s dig himself a hole so deep, he can only go downwards now.
punkinseed said…
Oh the hits just keep on coming over on DM today. Andrew has been fired from attending events in N. Ireland.. association guilt ya know... Then next up is on Oct. 24, the Sussex Council is going to hear from people about the Petition to strip Harry and Megs of their titles per Murky Meg.
I feel sorry for the queen. She's being hit by random missiles all day and doesn't deserve it. I reckon she's ignoring every bit of news in order to enjoy her stay at Balmoral. People in high positions such as hers are excellent at being obtuse when they choose. I know I would be. All this crazy cats in a bag would make me hit the avoid button.
Hikari said…
At this rate, the Queen may stay at Balmoral til the New Year, if the doctors think she can take the damp. It's her happy place and she always goes up there to avoid what needs avoiding in London.

I have the greatest respect for Elizabeth's 66 years of devotion to her duty, like her father and mother before her, she was made of flinty stuff in a bunny rabbit looking package. But she really took to heart her grandmother Mary's admonition that her job as sovereign was to Do Nothing, as hard as it would be to sit by without passing comment. Queen Mary's adage was in regards to events in the outside world of politics, not, I believe, intending the Do Nothing to extend to members of the Family. Mary turned her back completely on her eldest son when he proved to be a disappointment and she and the Queen Mother put up a formidable Maginot line of resistance to ever EVER letting That Woman get a foothold at court. Elizabeth also never forgave her uncle, whom she blamed for the premature death of her father who'd had to take up the burden of being King when it was thrust upon him.

This is why I find her hands-off attitude toward her wayward grandson and his American grifter so quizzical. I suppose she loved cheeky Harry and wanted to see him happy, and had no wish to repeat the bad feeling that ensued over her playing hardball with the constitution when Margaret wanted to marry a divorced man. With her own son and heir married to a divorced woman with a history almost as colorful as Meghan's, I can see why ER would have agreed to the marriage despite reservations. No one could have known how bad this was going to get, not even Her Majesty. It's like Smegs and Harry together are determined to set as many charges as possible to blow up the RF from inside. They are only cutting off their noses to spite their face, but this doesn't seem to have dawned, particularly on Harry.

Using their antics as a distraction over Andrew is a poor strategy since at this point I think it's all one big stewpot of Royal scandal and tone-deafness. The Andrew scandal only confirms what H. and M. have been illustrating for us in inglorious Technicolor for the last 2 years . . . the RF will go to any lengths to hush up what it does not want to see the light of day and if complete silence isn't possible, then they will spin anything any way they can. Elizabeth had plausible deniability that she knew what her middle-aged son was up to on his vacations, but she cannot claim the same for her grandson's alleged baby or the alleged 2.4 million pounds spent on a house she gifted to the couple--and where they are currently living. Who else allowed a fraudulent birth announcement to be posted outside her gates? Without any official witnesses, it was fraudulent. Yet that story just keeps spinning. Same with Fraudmore. If that massive overspend has NOT been put into Fraudmore, that should be a plus, shouldn't it? People would be appeased . . . except if that amount of money is actually missing, with nothing to show for it. Where is it? Has it been in fact siphoned off to pay hush money to Andrew's accusers? If that is the case, then Hazmet and S'meaghan, odious as they are, are actually being turned into patsies for a far more sinister plot.

The intrigue is getting thicker than a John LeCarre novel. The Queen (or her representatives) MUST address some of these issues. She can't stick her head in the sand over these landmines going off from within her own family. The age of deference and mystery is over; hiding now just makes them look cowardly and as if there are so many skeletons to hide, She doesn't know where to start in letting them out. It saddens me to see such a proud Queen so sadly reduced to a powerless laughingstock at the end of her reign, but that's what's happening.
Jen said…
Where is Elle? I miss her take on all this craziness...
Girl with a Hat said…
you forgot to mention Brexit. It must be her main preoccupation as she must get legal briefings in case She must somehow exercise one of Her prerogatives.
Felicia said…
I think they just did this with Doria’s Wikipedia page.
Hikari said…
I didn't mention Brexit as I don't know enough about it to comment, particularly as regards Her Majesty's prerogatives. What exactly do those consist of? I thought her job was to advise, to warn, to counsel . . . to express her pleasure or displeasure privately to her ministers but to not insert herself into the business of government. She and her family are all barred from voting or in any way showing partiality, but she could put a stop to the issue one way or the other?

I think it would be a start if she would exercise some of the prerogatives she has regarding her own family members and be that formidable Elizabeth of old. She's 93 and all, but I really expected this one to go down fighting til the end. This isn't fighting so much as lying down.
Lime_Smoothie said…
Hang on! I thought Haz and Mez were coming up to Balmoral this week, for fun family times? The ginger ninja is the the 'Dam, though.
micmac said…
Harry needs to explain his wife's private jet to the NYC "baby" shower.
Girl with a Hat said…
if there is an impasse in the Brexit process, she may have to counsel one party or another to take some action. I think She is rather busy with that at the moment.

As for Meghan and Harry, I sincerely believe they have been cut off financially by Charles, and they are trying to rapidly fill their coffers. One reason that I think she isn't being seen in public is that she cannot afford the 5k or more she used to spend every time she went out in public.

I think the rest of the family is looking rather good in comparison to those two twats. That may be an unintended consequence of having these two vile people around for so long.
SwishyFishy said…
Oooo I would have loved Duchess Betty!
SwishyFishy said…
100% agree Hikari. However, the part that throws me is the reports that behind the scenes they are cold to each other, argumentative and don't even live together. Total opposite end of the spectrum to the besotted fool that he seems to be. It's so confusing. Have you read the behind the scenes Admiralty House accounts of their behavior in Australia? It was despicable. The British ambassador's wife was shocked and horrified. Meghan was a verbally abusive, anorexic hag. I think she told the ambassador's wife to "Fuck off!" when she questioned some of Meghan's choices. "Don't you know who I am!" While Harry was a shell of himself, barely spoke to Meghan behind closed doors and went around apologizing for her non-stop cussing and behavior. Apparently, she threw a teapot at her PA, the woman who resigned once they returned from their grand Oceania tour. No word if it was full of hot water at the time of the tossing. No wonder the royal family produced a check for the PA's pain and suffering. Admiralty House said it was the biggest nightmare they had ever experienced from anyone who had come for a diplomatic visit. These two simply make no sense. Nothing in their words or behaviors fits seamlessly together so that one can get a clear image of what the hell is going on. I keep longing for some writer or journalist to gird his loins and get the balls to write an expose of these two grifting, POS shysters. I want my down and dirty Sussex biography!
SwishyFishy said…
They doxxed a handful of Americans on the DM last year. It was so shitty. I couldn't believe it. They even listed where the people worked and lived (no exact address). The article went down after a few hours, but the damage had been done. These people did nothing other than to express their very negative opinions of Meghan and they were humiliated on the world's largest online "news" source. I do believe some, if not all, have a lawsuit pending with the DM or whoever suggested the doxxing. I wonder is Sunshine Sachs is behind that.
SwishyFishy said…
Oh I guarantee, Meghan is VERY bitter that she did not get that ring.
"The thieves. The thieves. The filthy little thieves. Where is it? Where is it? They stole it from us. My precious. Curse them, we hates them! It's ours, it is, and we wants it!"
Fifi LaRue said…
Interesting post, Hikari.

I'm wondering if PH's suit isn't beginning to smell. PH is a Virgo, and Virgos are usually impeccably dressed. Their clothes don't wrinkle, they don't have sweat stains. But PH looks a mess. And he's getting balder and balder by the day. And more and more arrogant by the day. He looks like a bum or a panhandler.
SwishyFishy said…
I can see your point, but I think it's the opposite. Harry and Meghan are drawing so much attention to monies spent, how they travel, what they cover up, hypocrisy, entitlement, all the things that the RF could be neat and tidy with and hide under the bed. They can't do that anymore. The Harkles have exposed them and now people will begin to question everything they do. Once Elizabeth is gone, they won't get away with as much as they have in the past. This is the downside of social media and the Internet. It's logged away forever and easily retrievable. From this point forward, the peons are keeping score.
SwishyFishy said…
The opposite side of the world to London is Portobello, Otago, New Zealand. I wouldn't be surprised if he pops up out of the earth there someday, wearing that awful, disheveled grey suit, of course.
SwishyFishy said…
Gawd. Doria. The press and public act like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. She's a schemer. Did anyone hear how her tax returns posted a $9,000,000 in "earnings" for 2018? She must be some amazing yoga teacher. Everyone claims she's a social worker. I looked into her licensure for the state of CA, as licensure is in the public domain. I couldn't find anything. I think we now know where Meghan is laundering her merching money. I also can't get over how Meghan has Marcus Anderson on her payroll as an "adviser." She should just list him as "Pimp" and be done with it.
Simple living said…
Travalyst....Word salad. Sustainable and collaborative what? Sounds like money laundering and travel merching.
First of all, I'd like to say that I'm only here because Meghan Markle said something along the lines of "I didn't know who Harry was" or "I didn't know much about him."

At the time my gut told me, "this human is full of it and this isn't going to end well!" So I put some popcorn in the microwave.

If she had never said that... only to have her friends later reveal that she was so obsessed in royalty they used to gift her books about royal family, I wouldn't be here today.

I don't "hate" her (so calm your titties George, Pink, Elton) or wish her harm, but do I pop in occasionally to check what's up with everyone every now and again. It's just a morbid curiosity on how this will all end because what a mess it all started with (nothing personal, Meghan).

No wonder people visit these blogs. All because she claimed she didn't know who Harry was and now everybody's looking into it...

She doesn’t even need haters to take her down, she’ll be her own undoing. Just watch.

The sh*tshow become a little uninteresting and repetitive, but I still listen to Ashlii and this English woman (celt something) on YouTube for... their beautiful accents. And DanjaZone is so entertaining, and Celt should be doing BBC Earth documentaries. I can’t get enough of those two’s accents! They should be VO artists.

Maybe those two should get paid 5 million per episode for their talents.
Second of all, her husband sounds as though he's promoting this thing called "slum tourism" which must be so amusing to someone who's lived in beautiful palaces all his life, he must be so sick of the beauty he's surrounded by on a daily basis that he can't possibly fathom why anyone would go on holiday anywhere seflie-worthy to witness beauty surrounding them. What a plebeian pursuit! I find his suggestion to holiday in non-selfie-able locales gross and out-of-touch (though to be fair I'm not sure I understood his point... and neither did he).

Oh, I’m soooooooooooo sorry that I’m so unaccustomed to being surrounded by such beauty that I feel compelled to immortalise the experience and take a selfie in front of my holiday destination, Harry...

Does he think that when his late mother went to those fields full of landmines that she was there on holiday?

Does your vegan diet make you feel that much better about being such an a-hole? Is it like “carbon-offsetting for the soul”?

MM herself appears unable grasp what being a public servant means or entails. Had Harry married a former police officer, an administrative assistant at a public/government office or even some staffer at an transnational organisation funded by state members like the EU, that person might have had a better concept of the role she married into. I mean if you’re going to marry a commoner, at least find one with some common sense (not that you’ve ever demonstrated having any to offer yourself). MM seems to treat her marriage into a traditional establishment like some random sugar daddy situation instead of the public servant job that it is.

I'm just glad I'm not paying for it (and neither are George Clooney and Pink, so they might want to sit down).

Not sure if there is even a "PR war" or if it's just imagined by MM's more determined haters, but if there is one, why does it feel like a political campaign?
Third, I'm on the fence on whether @ThisLittlePetal is MM.

If it is her, the tweet about the tarot reading is quite revealing of her character.

It read something like, "if it's in the cards, then it must be true" as though she thinks tarot cards are bullshit. And maybe they are bullshit, but this is coming from the woman who was said to have consulted Princess Diana's personal psychic and astrologers (?) in an attempt to model herself after her late MIL, liken herself to a Diana 2.0 (and even then we don't know this actually happened, could've been a PR plant from a woman who's never even met Diana's personal astrologer/psychic).

Now all of the sudden when a reading's not in her favour she calls bullsh*t?

Regardless of what you personally think of the occult/esoteric arts, I think we can all agree that a person who flip-flops between beliefs and warms to one belief or the other depending on which belief suits their interests/agenda, is an untrustworthy individual.

That kind of cherry-picking is precisely what gives the entire spiritual community a bad name.

I sincerely hope that Twitter account isn't her, though. Because how mind-numbingly stupid would that be? And how disrespectful to those who believe in their beliefs earnestly?

Also "Travalyst" sounds like something Big Pharma might name a medication for the STIs one might contract from an overseas tryst.

“I’ll see you guys soon and we’ll tawlk fast. Stay safe and be blessed...” 💋
PaulaMP said…
Blind Gossip has a thread today about how a certain Prince and his Mrs. want to dump all the boring charities they had before and only do the "cool" ones
HappyDays said…
I think hiring SS for crisis management of Meghan’s image is a sign that the public outrage is getting to her — in a bad way. To me it’s a sign of desperation on Meghan’s part. To borrow from one DM commenter during the last few days, “You can’t make chicken salad out of chicken sh!t.”

No matter who she hires, she’s still going to act like a haughty, entitled, elitist, materialistic, controlling, greedy narcissist. Her shallowness will still be apparent to anyone with even half a brain, well anyone with half a brain except Harry.
Anonymous said…
Hey @Jen, I'm here. I'm just taking a break from the political-ish stuff and reading the rest. "Sometimes you just have to let the art flow over you" - Big Chill.

@Hikari - merde of the bat. Of course, technically, merde de la chauve-souris, but that's just a little OTT for moi lol.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Also, yes, Swishy re this: "I looked into her licensure for the state of CA, as licensure is in the public domain. I couldn't find anything."

She can make money apart from her license (say, for commissions on sales, for ex) thru an LLC or paid directly and get a 1099 and it would not show up unless she had a registered business. Lots of ways around it and a good tax attorney can hide it under layers.
Kat said…
Part of me was hoping that they would be going to Balmoral, if only for Prince Phillip to lay down the law on them. Or at the very least scare the hell out of Harry.

"My boy," Phillip studied his grandson while he cleaned his hunting rifle. "You've had your fun with this American woman, but it's time now to let her and the baby dolls she's trying to convince the world his a child go. If need be we can arrange a way to make this the cleanest break possible."
Now! said…
I'm also curious as to why no UK journalist has taken the plunge yet and released some of the real dirt, or joined the many dots that are public knowledge (from Meg pushing in front of her husband in Morocco to funding her own PR from the Sussex Foundation) to create a damning overall picture.

Perhaps one of the UK's famous super-injunctions? They not only prohibit journalists from writing about a specific matter, but forbid them from writing that the injunction itself exists.
Now! said…
I do remember that. Some of the bloggers voluntarily answered a journalist's questions, so that will certainly affect their lawsuits.

One image the DM used included a blogger's husband, however, and he certainly hadn't consented to publicity. He'd have a good case.

Here's another good opportunity to make clear that if anyone tries to go after me, I'll be happy to sue.

I work in the media and I know a great deal about privacy law and the GDPR, and I'm happy to put both of them to work in an annoying and expensive lawsuit that will make the Gawker case look like child's play.
Now! said…
Thanks for your expertise on this, Elle! I really appreciate having commenters who know their stuff.
Now! said…
Yeah, I'm a fan of Philip, despite his many faults. He's a no-BS guy, and he's done his primary job of supporting the Queen for decades.
Now! said…
If Sunshine Sachs couldn't warn her away from "Travalyst" - a bad name for a bad project - they don't have much power over her.

What I wonder is why TripAdvsior,, and Visa got involved in this mess. I'll give the Chinese providers a pass here - for cultural reasons, they may not have realized what a mess the Sussexes are.

But the US corporations should have done their homework.
bootsy said…
I'm a guy, I don't like the Royals and he looked absolutely fine to me. Smart casual, it's not a state event or anything overly formal and the idea that he was being 'rude' or 'disrespectful' is baffling to me. Yes it's not an exact fitting suit-so what? It still looked just fine. Not great, just fine.

It's criticism like this which actually gives credence to the idea that he is unfairly targeted because he can point to the sniping and use it as an example of bullying and all the sh*t that comes his way. Save it for the stuff that actually deserves it because there's plenty of that.
bootsy said…
The idea that they are simply hanging themselves and it doesn't hurt the rest of the Royal Family is incorrect. If they look bad then, by extension, the RF looks bad because they are part of the set up. It's very dangerous to have a family member (Andrew and Harry at the moment) behaving badly as it shines a light on the very odd set up of wealth and privilege that the RF rests on. People might start to question why the hell they get so much money and why they deserve it.
bootsy said…
@ Swishy You're dead on. People think that this stuff is only harmful to Harry and MM but it affects the entire family. Someone behaving badly shines a light on the precarious set up that the Royals enjoy, with great wealth and privilege coming their way for no real reason. If individuals start acting (like Harry and Andrew) in a shameful manner then people will start looking at the set up and wonder why they should be there at all.
bootsy said…
Mischi, she is not 'busy with Brexit.' It is a political game being played out in the House of Commons and she will have no real input. She will probably be kept informed but she won't be able to insert herself in the process even if she wanted to (except for formalities). If it was found out she was doing this then all hell would break loose.
bootsy said…
Here's a good article on the subject
In the interest of fact finding, what is the source of this $9 million Doria story? I can't find anything anywhere, although we all know that the internet is regularly scrubbed, especially now a PR firm is on the case. is a Dutch company, Nutty.

And the Dutch do love their royals.

(I have to say, though, has some pretty sweet deals to some pretty Instagrammable destinations. *Whispers* Their listing prices are better than Agodaaaaa...)

I think the parent company (which also owns Kayak and Agoda?) is American, but to my knowledge is still HQ-ed in Amsterdam. CMIIW.
Weekittylass said…
Wallis and Davey all over again and Wallis ain’t cheap to keep. I am sure Charles has started to put his foot down, especially after they snubbed his gift of that beautiful property. Her clothing budget last year was exorbitant compared to Kate’s and if I were Camilla, I would be having a conversation with my husband about it. If the men are reluctant to rein her in, brooks no nonsense Anne would be the perfect choice.
Weekittylass said…
I think they only go after who they think will be easily intimidated. They know that coming for you, Nutty, would expose them because discovery would be a byotch. I have very little SM exposure so they would have to come after me on the blogs. Since I seriously DGAF about some anon internet trolls, it would be a waste of time and money. They could not affect my livelihood as I own my own business, my clients love me and I could retire quite comfortably at any given time.
Jen said…
These corps are all over this "Travalyst" because it's the "in" thing to be all about sustainability. I'm sure they think that it'll increase their brand to be involved in this "woke" project. *major eyeroll*
Now! said…
Ha - didn't know they were Dutch. I learned something today.

The Spectator had a satirical piece about the intitiative:

"Harry was unfairly criticized at the event for his use of private jets. To this, he responded: ‘I came here by commercial. I spend 99 percent of my life traveling the world by commercial.’

"Figures published by the royal household showed 207 trips last year were made by helicopter, and with a mere 56 flights on specially chartered planes. The helicopter trips were for short hops and cost a mere £15,000 ($18,128) each time. So, at a total of $3,752,496 in taxpayer’s money, this really was value-for-money.

"In evaluating the carbon footprint of a helicopter, a Bell 206 will use around 16 gallons of fuel to travel 58 miles, while a van would burn around five gallons to cover the same distance.

"So honestly, 207 journeys of say, 250 miles by helicopter, using a total of 14,276 gallons… is the equivalent of one of us traveling 165,603‬ miles in a small pick-up truck.

"Given that the average UK driver travels approximately 8,000 miles per year… in order to offset the royal family’s annual helicopter carbon footprint, each year we should nominate one person to give up driving for 21 years. Hey presto! Problem solved. I don’t know what all the fuss is about.

"Obviously we’d also need to factor in the 56 chartered flights per year and given that a medium-sized jet consumes 233-336 gallons per hour, that person would more likely need to quit driving for 164 years (I’m thinking the ‘fuel debt’ could be passed down to future generations), but that’s a small price to pay for the comfort of a handful of people for one year.

"Especially if those people are educating us on how much the rest of us need to save fuel because saving the planet is incredibly important."

@Bootsy, I never said anything about their behaviour not hurting the royals reputation as a whole. I’m fully aware any negativity reflects badly on them all; they are an institution. What I was saying is that both Diana and Fergie did as much damage as they dared, and both were quickly shown the exit by the firm. Meghan and Harry are doing the same, only much worse. So knowing two other senior royals didn’t last we know Meghan won’t last. Times are changing and Meghan and Harry are doing wonders for the republic’s desire to remove the Monarchy. With apathy and the growing desire for a republic I for one don’t think the monarchy will last much longer after The Queen dies anyhow. With apparent hypocrisy, the public are showing this behaviour is not going to be tolerated. We don’t have the deference towards them we had even 30 yrs, and it wasn’t great then. It’s much worse now.
Now! said…
Is she perhaps half of the famous TV duo "Richard and Judy"?
Now! said…
I hear your point, Bootsy.

That said, female Royals are criticized for their clothing all the time - as recently as last weekend in Beatrice's case, when she arrived at a wedding in an ill-advised green metallic ruffled dress.

If Harry seems "unfairly targeted", it's only because the Royal men generally have had the benefit of the doubt in a way that the women have not.

Britain is a fashion exporter. Having its representative show up in a well-cut business suit for an official occasion (and not the same suit every time) doesn't seem to be too much to ask.

@Nutty, I’m positive the press have a tonne of dirt on Meghan and a certain amount on Harry too. It could be they are saving it, and it will be fed to the public drip by drip. Perhaps that time could be soon. The Royals do have a very powerful law firm working for them too, Harry could be silencing them...but then stuff could be released to America media where our privacy laws have little or no power.
Nutty, I agree.

They probably do have a super injunction issued wrt where they live. Sometime last year PH won a case against the Sun (I think it was the Sun) for publishing pictures of their house in Cotswold. Now I know the basis of that lawsuit might have been different but there might have been a super injunction issued post that regarding their living arrangements/housing situation/publishing photos of them at or near home/going about their daily lives wherever they live.

It's my understanding that the Cambridge's also have an arrangement with the press not to take pictures of them and their kids near Anmer Hall, and the local residents generally respect their privacy and refrain from either taking pictures or selling them to the press. But of course the 2 situations are different and part of the reason why Cambridge's enjoy this privacy is because they have been smart and practical about a lot of issues. It's also partlyb of the goodwill they enjoy.

In this game of one upmanship, the Sussexes quite possibly thought they could do better than the Cambridge's privacy arrangement owing to their self agrandisation. Instead of work for it though,they demanded it without putting in the hard work.

As for the infamous grey suit, well it's got a lot to do with the brand they want to create for themselves - Harry is the down to earth relatable dude, Meg is the bestest in the wide world. There are some professions or circles where relatability is important, especially when you are rich/famous/generally unapproachable and want to seem one of the masses. For eg., For Harry it could work when he is down in the trenches, or visiting a school in Angola, or tagging the elephants in Kenya. But then in a formal setting, when he speaking at an engagement or launching his charity initiative he has to seem an authority figure. So he needs to dress the part. The criticism regarding his dressing is often snarky but the reasons remain. Most of us normal get that, so we dress accordingly at work.

If we were to hire a PR firm (which some of us could have at some of time for our work) we would be told to dress accordingly. One of my friends was asked by his PR image consultants to even change his facial hair and style of moustache, and not to use certain colours for his ties. So these fancy smancy PR gurus would obviously be guiding the Sussexes as well. Of course the problem as we all know, is that they follow this advice.
More on that suit... I happened to have bumped into Prince Harry 3 years ago in Durban. He was a speaker at the International AIDS conference there which I was attending in an official capacity. He was wearing the exact same suit. I have a picture with him.

Now when I say I bumped into him, I do not mean we did karaoke at a pub. He interacted with the people there, participants, the researches, charities, volunteers. He mingled with them, and that's when the picture is from. The suit seemed new at the time ;p
The Cat's Meow said…
Speaking of silencing bloggers, does anyone know what has happened with the Harry Markle blog? I heard of it only recently. There seemed to be regular postings but now it is just dead silent.
The Cat's Meow said…
What seems strange to me is that she ever had hired SS in the first place. Apparently they were repping her during her stint on Suits....why did she need such a high powered (and "dark arts" lol) firm then?! Some articles stated that they even helped her with her Vogue editing stint....what could they possibly do to help with that endeavor?
Girl with a Hat said…
hahaha. 60 minutes Australia is doing a bit on the Markle Debacle and someone actually says "Abdicate" to them.

Now! said…
Ha ha Alice - that's a funny story! Durban doesn't seem to be on the agenda for the upcoming trip, otherwise you might get to see him wear it again.

Louise, you're correct that there isn't much privacy protection for celebrities in the US, but I think there's also not enough interest in the Sussexes there to make an exposé worthwhile.

Exposing the Sussexes misdeeds would also risk accusations of racism, and anger powerful PR people like Sunshine Sachs, who have other valuable clients that journalists want access to.

The NYTimes piece on Travalyst is a good example of the sort of thing organizations do to appease people like Sunshine Sachs - a mostly complementary piece with just a passing reference to the private plane controversy, and assigned to a travel reporter who is a young black woman.

I would imagine that Sunshine Sachs has a good contact at the Times, and perhaps even requested this specific reporter.

Interesting, the most popular comments on the story are negative, but the "Times Pick" comments are mostly positive. Something's going on there.
Now! said…
If Sunshine Sachs helped her on her Vogue UK issue, they did a terrible job, because the issue was an industry laughing stock.

I see that publicity is already out for the October issue of Vogue UK, with Kaia Gerber on the cover.

Still haven't heard any publicity about Meg's September issue selling out.
Now! said…
I agree with Bootsy. It's a funny world right now, and big things can happen very quickly.

The Royals really need to take action right now, at the very least making their positive assets visible.

Nobody's seen the Cambridges or Zara Tindall or even Sophie Wessex for awhile. It's all Harry, Meg, and Andrew.

Not a good time for business as usual.
Ava C said…
Not that I'd ever want to defend Meghan, but I remember several articles at the time of William and Kate's engagement reporting that when Diana died, William chose the watch and Harry chose the ring. Then when William wished to propose to Kate, Harry gave him the ring after all and I assume William gave him the watch. Anything about that ring stayed in my mind as if I had been Kate, I would have preferred a ring without such a sad history. Still, as noted, it has a happier history now.
Now! said…
Ha ha! The Australians may be the ones to break this whole thing open. They aren't as restricted as the British media and they care more than the Americans. And they're more aggressive than the Canadians!
Now! said…
Harry Markle has always been off and on. She went away on vacation for awhile and shut the whole thing down at one point. I think she just writes when she has something to say.
Ava C said…
I just don't get why Harry would say something that could so easily be disproved. He has to know the world will crawl over everything he says now, quite justifiably. We all know he's not that bright but really ... it's a mystery. I'm sceptical about suggestions of drugs but can't think of any other explanation. (I agree Meghan seemed out of it at Wimbledon too.)
Ava C said…
Someone speaking in the emergency Brexit debate in Parliament last night said that we know now our unwritten constitution is weaker than we thought, if the executive is determined to act in unprecedented ways (paraphrasing). Instantly thought of our BRF and M&H. Who would have thought that both these cornerstones, parliament and monarchy, would be threatened and found wanting at the same time, for different reasons? Can't believe the times we're living in.
@Trudy and Nutty, I think it’s Judy Wade. She’s an Aussie who has a lot of dealings and has commentated about our royals for a few decades. Someone like Richard Kay etc.
KayeC said…
Booking,com is owned by Booking Holdings, which is a US company.

Here is from wiki...It is owned and operated by and is the primary revenue source of United States-based Booking Holdings. is headquartered in Amsterdam.

Also, one of the companies, I think Skyscanner, was originally a Scottish based company but was bought by Ctrip in China in 2016,
abbyh said…
Does the Commonwealth have something like Charity Navigator which helps you weed out the ones which tend to spend more money on the staff than the supposed benefit recipients? Apparently they only do USA groups.

I'm not a tax anything other than I pay but I'm thinking about the how taxation would work for their foundation, based in UK, with money flowing to say buy property in the USA. Would that require some sort of reporting to the USA any money brought into a bank on this side (1099's which are reported to the IRS)? Avoiding the appearance of money laundering?

That Doria claimed X on her taxes rumor. I read it here and there but I never recall any named sources. There is a part of me which thinks that if my accountant was giving out private information about my finances not to the IRS, I'd be wondering what else they were saying and to whom. Did they give out my social? I think of that as similar to HIPPA rules for medicine and wonder if there is some sort of professional code of honor about privacy. So I think of it as a distraction rumor. Or if there is some basis, I'm thinking that is an inflated number.
@Ava, What about Meghan’s bizarre behaviour at Smart Works! Something was seriously off that day with her. I haven’t noticed any odd behaviour from Harry, just the truly stupid stuff when he opens his mouth. He isn’t very bright and it’s well documented, but I agree, why say something where you can be proved completely wrong. Surely no PR firm can remedy his mouth.
@Ava, I’ve been thinking the exact same thing.
Girl with a Hat said…
I'm at home ill, so I'll keep you all informed of all the little nuggets of information. From a commenter at DM: "My relative was on active service when Harry "joined" them. It was all a p.r. exercise. Apparently he had no concept of safety in a combat zone, and he never bought a round in the bar."
Girl with a Hat said…
I just saw this article on DM about her ex, Trevor. It appeared before Meghan and Harry's wedding. I think she is trying to copy Trevor's rise in influence and wealth in the movie industry. The difference being, that Trevor seems like a very likeable and savvy man. Everyone loves him( well, except Meghan).
That's been obvious for some time now. Lol. So blind gossip gets no points for 'revealing' this gossip bit.

MM probably was under the impression that royal work just entails showing up for the pictures, having everyone fawn over you, wear new clothes everyday and have everyone bow down to you while you flash your pearlies at the shutterbugs.

Harry couldn't educate her on the profocols because he was none the wiser. The manners and customs were inbred in him, so didn't really know how different the muggles were from his kind. And he was mostly a third wheel to W&C at the official formal events. And at his own events his probably had a whole team, more experienced, who did all the behind the scenes woek. So he probably just showed up and didn't have to bother about much else. He couldn't teach her if he didn't know himself. Certainly looks that way.

Once she was in the scene, she decided to be at the helm of things and started coaching him about all the in things, and how to seem informed. It's a shame that he , or rather they couldn't hold their end of the bargain, and do their homework when it comes to most royal patronages. The work didn't live up to their standards and they didn't want to live up to the Firm's standards.

Their defense would most likely be that the work was so boring! And very soon we'll hear or read some version of this statement from them.
This isn't the first time I heard it was all a PR exercise, and I can well believe he never put his hand in his pocket for a round. The royals aren't known for their generosity and they are all quite self-entitled, so it wouldn't dawn on them to offer to pay for anything.
JenS said…
A few thoughts:

If M is still controlling H, she may be forcing him to do Travalyst (abominably stupid name, btw -- has her paw prints all over it) to make money or as a reaction to savage backlash on their alleged jet-setting. Hiring Sunshine Sachs will not help, because M is a control freak and does whatever the hell seems like a good idea in the moment, probably fuelled by pink water and god-knows-what else. Seems like Travalyst was set up in a hurry, probably as SS's first attempt at damage control. I'm sure there will be many more, at least until M fires them or runs out of money to pay them.

I suspect M wrote at least some of the Travalyst web content herself; it's full of vague phrases about doing good and protecting local environments whilst ignoring the fact that corporate involvement by VISA and is the antithesis of "sustainable tourism" (which seems like an oxymoron anyway). I almost snorted out my tea when I read the bit about "enabling global travel and commerce through digital payments is one of many ways VISA connects and empowers individuals." Apparently their vision of "empowering individuals" is ensnaring local vendors in the VISA system -- which will enrich VISA and the Suxsexs, who will get a percentage b/c they're sponsoring this profit-making venture. The hypocrisy is on full display, as there's not a shred of actual concern for impoverished locals exploited by the travel industry. It's all about weaving a seductive fantasy to persuade wealthy tourists that they are beneficent do-gooders. This idea has about as much substance as Elton John's donations to plant some trees to maybe offset the Suxsexs alleged private-jet trips. Expect more backlash as they're called out.

Re: H's wardrobe.
He may be drinking and drugging a lot to deal with M and their "marriage," in which case he may not care about his appearance. Alternatively, he could be making a visual statement, showing up disheveled when appearing for the Suxsex brand. He looked lovely at the rugby just a week ago; he owns a navy suit and access to a dry-cleaners, steam-press or iron, if not a valet. He washed and combed his hair and put on a tie as well, neither of which he did in Amsterdam. He may have been persuaded by M or SS that Travalyst is a good idea, or he may just be desperately trying to amass funds for the divorce and "child" maintenance, especially if royal funding has been cut.

I think M may have demanded more for her exit than the RF are willing to give presently, so her strategy may be to continue angering the public and blowing up the RF's reputation until they're either forced to meet her demands or watch the monarchy go down in flames. She's probably enjoying the process, too, and relishes playing the race/victim cards.

Random thought: What if her exit price includes some of Diana's jewels? I could see her doing that.
JenS said…
Spot on. I also think she cherished an ambition to makeover the monarchy, much as people claimed Diana did. M's version of this, though, included loads of naked ambition, thirst for god-like celebrity fame, and oodles of money-making ventures thinly disguised as charities and philanthropic endeavours. That's what "brand Suxsex" really is.
Unknown said…
@Louise500 I agree about Smart Works, although I thought it could be she was just in terrible actress mode. I've never actually watched her acting until this week (couldn't face it) but I checked it out (briefly!) last night and couldn't believe how bad she was! She made a career out of that? Good(?) compilation here:
My brain's shrivelling up, trying to understand her ...
Tea Cup said…
I, too, have *some* intimate knowledge of Harry's time in the British Army. It is no surprise Harry appears in public looking unkempt. Most are already familiar Harry never made rank beyond the automatic grade promotions from time in service. In other words, from 2nd Lieutenant, 1st LT to Captain those were awarded after time increments (they are technically not automatic, you still have to be promotable, but you would have to be a real dirtbag to not qualify--as an officer the training you received to earn your commission is an investment the military does not want to soon lose w/o some return).

The rank of Major required a test; and yes, that is what most assume Harry didn't even try he being rudimentary in the brains dept or lazy. However that is just one part of the equation. To promote to Major you have to pass a formal board that reviews your record and an essential requirement is demonstrable "leadership" (THE eminent buzzword within the military). Harry would have served in some capacity like squad leader for example and in that role would have had to function at a level of expertise, responsibility and authority within his position. If at any time either his superiors or his men had any loss of faith in his capabilities, it would have been reflected in his record which to the layman would appear reasonably positive but to the trained eye was sorely lacking the key elements that would make him in any way promotable. TLDR; the fact is, he had no future in the BA because no one was willing to follow him into battle. Harry doesn't have the skills of a leader worth following.
+1 Alice!

Harry had no idea how different the muggles are from him. And he’s trying to emulate muggle life in order to appear down-to-earth with disastrous results.

In my mind, there are 3 types of altruism:

1. Professional altruism (which is the people who work in non-profits/NGOs, charities, international organisations, food banks, animal shelters).

2.1. Personal – The Patronage Model

Which is the kind of life that Harry was born into whereby you're charitable because you’re in a position of power/privilege. In this model, one is practicing this thing called “noblesse oblige” and they’re giving from a place of privilege (the upper-hand). In some cases it’s because you’re also a celebrity (but not always) and the purpose is bring attention to a cause. You’re supposed to use your power to shine light on somebody else's plight.

2.2. Personal – The SJW Model

Which is what most humans are born into. This is more grass-roots activism and rather than coming from a place of privilege, the actors of this model are also victims and/or “allies”, they bring attention to their own causes (themselves) which these days is done through social media. Because these people often represent themselves, they get to be finger-wagging virtue-signallers. We tolerate it because they’re fighting for their own struggles/plights, and thus those under this model, they themselves may take the spotlight.

Model 2.2 is prone to having attention-seekers take advantage of causes to bring attention to themselves (this is why we see so many commoner celebrities ride on a cause to raise their own profiles, rather than use their profiles to raise awareness of a cause).

Now problems arise when those who belong in the 2.1 model in desperate attempts to appear more “relatable” don’t stay in their lane and start acting like they can just wake-up one day and be part of the 2.2 model... Because that always goes well. (It never works.) Just be yourself without trying to “be one of them” but learn how to communicate in a neutral way (don’t talk about your status/wealth, ask about the other person’s life—it’s that simple).

I’m pretty sure some type of advisor has advised him against his current approach (note that usually when 2.2 commoners, such as Kate, marry into the establishment, they don't take their 2.1 partner into their category—the 2.2 partner usually adapts and learns to become a part of the 2.1). Maybe Harry refuses to listen.

So then we get pampered prince telling us plebs how to live our lives when he doesn’t even live by the same rules that we do.

The privileged/wealthy in the 2.2 category need to understand their place and stay there:

- they should stick to causes that everybody can agree on (cancer needs to be cured, terrorism/armed conflict is evil);

- stick to “highlighting” (be an ambassador of a charity in an official capacity) rather than “virtue-signalling” (like an everyday pleb on social media—celebrities who do this seem to think it makes them “relatable”, but often it just comes off out-of-touch and totally annoying);

- promote ways of do-goodership that are accessible to everyone (hugging/holding hands with AIDS patients is something everyone of every socioeconomic class can do, so is volunteering your time, so are affordable products like canvas shopping bags and reusable straws).

You can wear expensive/designer stuff but don’t rub in people’s faces how “ethical” these products are.

Nobody wants to hear about the overpriced vegan paint you sniff before bed every night and how sniffing it makes you a more “moral” than people who honest-to-God simply can’t afford it.

I just can't with these a-holes.
Girl with a Hat said…
Harry needs to get a suit from SmartWorks for his business engagements.
Lol... Harsh but so true. And to be honest it would be so impactful.

But then again, we do kinda know that MM is dressing and styling him. So doesn't say much for smartworks and the new capsule collection either.

Next week we'll see a fashion show and panel discussion for Smartworks. It's her official first engagement post mat leave. Can't even imagine the mad circus that would entail.

Also random thought.... the news about her back-to-work engagement was released today, sometime ago. Could it be a covert attempt to steal the spotlight from Charlottes first day of school? The pics and video were expected midmorning today.

The Cambridge's were expected to release a photo of her first day, and it's not out yet. Maybe they held back on the releasing the pics just yet for this very same reason?
Avery said…
@Hikari - Ginge and Cringe. Oh. My. Gawd. That's hilarious. Sadly, the rest of this debacle isn't. I truly hope things are revealed in my lifetime. I've invested way too much time in the whole mess. Fauxrchie has to be snapped by some pap soon if he exists - or attend a Royal engagement when he's older no? The fallout is going to be devastatingly delicious.
Avery said…
@SnarkyAngel "William & Kate seem by all accounts "normal", but who knows what happens behind closed doors." Wasn't there a blind on CDAN about Kate having a lover? I think you're on to something. Perhaps there is a feeling that by letting MM & PH act out, the less eyebrows raised at the rest of the RF. Would be the only excuse. If the RF had nothing to hide, I seriously doubt they would let the behavior continue and sully the entire firm's name and precarious reputation.
The Cat's Meow said…
@ Mischi -- Brilliant ;) Maybe he could do the men's fashions....why should they be left out?!?

Regarding MM being all over Travalyst: the first thing I noticed is how similar the branding is to their IG account. Same blue, simplistic unique symbol (similar in style to the monogram)
Girl with a Hat said…

abbyh said…
Not her or his fault? They've had nothing to do with all the bad press? It's all BP?

Best laugh of the morning so far.

Seriously, the smoke follows them (KP, BP, BV, LK and the list goes on) and seems to leave the other party behind. This is not rocket science but certain correlative relationships are obvious.
The Cat's Meow said…
Unbelievable. Guess they are really trying to make her into Princess Di 2.0
Could this be the first of Sunshine Sach's brilliant new tactics?! Huhh... Eyeroll.

Playing on the victim narrative again. But this might just be their undoing. At some point the men in grey would take their gloves off, roll up their cuffs, kick off their oxfords and enter the ring. This attack on BP could very well be the thing that tips the balance against them.

Simple living said…
I just read the DM article about Harry traipsing around Amsterdam on some canal tour. For goodness sake...he's wearing that same tired grey suit and tan shoes. People are really going to think he's a druggie with such poor hygiene and grooming. And he never looks happy anymore. I don't even know why he would be out there doing anything right now. There is such disdain for this couple they need to start doing real charity work and engagements or go undercover. Or for PR, have a family interview with Archie squirming all over the two of them showing real family love. But we all know that can't happen with a doll.

In the meantime I sit back taking a break from my gardening and read juicy stories about these two idiots.
Girl with a Hat said…
I see a petition being organised to strip them of their titles, and funding but addressed to Her Majesty and BP.
Girl with a Hat said…
she announced that she is going to be coming back to work next week and she will be presenting her clothing line with SmartWorks and M&S.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Trudy2 said…
Nicola McLean is a complete non-entity joke figure, much like the Express is nowadays. Cannot fathom why they've bothered with this article though or what the correlation is between the two z-listers, it's odd.
Anonymous said…
Our fav little Princess Charlotte does not start school until the 5th -- I don't know how I know this b/c it's not like I'm waiting for the pictures or anything lol.
Girl with a Hat said…
no bootsy, it is not unfair criticism. Britain is known for its tailors. In fact, the French learned couture from the English tailors and there is an entire district in London known for the finest tailors in the world. To go around wearing the 21st century of a leisure suit as a prince of the realm is making a mockery of the values and traditions of his family. Maybe he doesn't have to dress to the nines, but he was seriously looking sleazy with that polyester shirt and ill fitting suit. Like I said before, all he needed was the big gold chain around his neck.
Girl with a Hat said…
when creating my email addresses and profiles that depended on that, I used a false name.

Sadie on youtube, aka Yankee Wally, had a copyright infringement suit filed against her by some people. These people, when they enrolled, gave false names or no name at all but when she had to reply to the suit, her name and street address were automatically made public.

So a word to the wise. If you can, create an anonymous profile and link all your social media accounts to that.
@Trudy, agree. I’ve never heard of Nicola McLean, quite why Jeremy Vine would want her on his Radio programme is beyond me. Maybe a PR piece for Meghan and Co?
Anonymous said…
"I just don't get why Harry would say something that could so easily be disproved."

@Ava, I'm going to go with:

He has never been held accountable in his entire life so it didn't occur to him that anyone would doubt his royal word (lolololololol.)

Also, remember the pub story? More people probably saw the story than the retraction, so I guess he figures it's better to lie to all of the people all of the time and get away with it some of the time than to tell the truth. It's worked for markle, so maybe that's seems to be the Dumbarton family MO: just say it and don't get bogged down with things like truth and integrity and accountability.
Anonymous said…
Appropriate only b/c it links to markle PR-scrubbing, I have read that markle used to have "stripper" proudly on her resume and then she got upgraded and the new pr firm (SS, perhaps?) removed it. Anyone with a copy of that resume, I'd sure love to see Duchess Stripper's CV lolololol.

I've also read that she lied about actually graduating from NWern. Anyone know? Again, just curious.
Lauren said…
The DM is back to moderating comments on her articles, SS is already at work!
bootsy said…
You've all missed my point. All of you have the same opinion and you all think it's ok to have a go at the rumpled suit. No idea what you're talking about with holes in his shoes though, I didn't spot any. He looked fine, he's never marketed himself as a clothes horse so why have a go at him when that's not who he is.

The point I am trying to make that it is this sort of sniping at everything he does wrong in your eyes (oh his suit jacket was ruffled he's embarassing himself/the country/his family etcetc) actually gives Harry ammunition. He can point towards this and say "do you see how unreasonable they are, they criticise everything and they are mean and vindictive." It gives him a sympathetic audience and allows him to use this bullying to extricate himself from situations when critical analysis really is merited.

I understand you can't stand him or MM or both of them. But if you really want to get people on side that aren't quite as extreme in their beliefs then you're going to need to hold back and pick your battles rather than have a go at every...single...thing....
Girl with a Hat said…
there was never any mention of her in the graduates' list I read.
Girl with a Hat said…
the DM moderates comments when they get paid to do so. Otherwise, unless you are going to threaten people or something of the sort, or on legally sensitive cases, they let their software do it for them.
bootsy said…
Apologies if I missed it. What is the source for the info that Doria has 9 million?
Girl with a Hat said…
bootsy, The Queen had to consult Her legal advisers when She prorogued Parliament. So, it's not just rubber stamping. Her decisions will be called into question. And if there is contradictory advice by both sides of the House, as is the case today, She will be called upon to make a decision, with the help of Her advisers, of course.
Anonymous said…
@Bootsy, thank you for that link! I'm big on fact and hyperbole (other than my own, of course) is irritating. Warms the cockles of my heart to think of markle and the IRS wrangling over the taxes on that green tent thing she wore during her abandoned-with-a-baby-uttertly-bat-merde-mad-woman scene at polo.

I also get your point re PHs clothes and calling out everything. Once it starts looking like everything is wrong and/or everything is melodramatic and/or gets too crazy and/or too questionable in other ways, then all of it gets discounted. Just the same thing as everything being 'laundering'. If valid points can be minimized b/c of outlandish points, they will be.

I also agree with you re the damage that the Dumbartons have done / are doing to the BRF. This breaks my heart because 1) hello, the Queen, and I value queens; 2) W&K; 3) the Cambridges' children; and 4) I want to see a King William -- from that little boy Diana loved so much to King -- yes, I want to see that.

The upside of all of this is that it has bestowed blessings on my favorite Catherine. Someone on some blog somewhere wrote about how she is a perfectionist and always hesitant and that held her back and this praise has helped her blossom. I agree because I can relate so well to the inner-critic and believe HRH Kate wrestles with it, too, but she has always tried very hard and has learned from her mistakes. Also, she appears to be a very good mother/friend/sister/daughter/DIL. I can't help but think that this must be horrors for both W&K.

Markle's grasping claw ("the claw! the claw!") and nouveau-riche ingratitude and entitlement are so very disgusting. The Duke (lololololol again) should just know better. And their wretchedness to PC and the Welsh estate, I just cannot. So, I'll just throw this out here:

PC, I know your ungrateful son and that tacky thing he drug home to BP don't want the Welsh estate, so if you'd like, I could live there with your grace and favor and I'll babysit all of the grandkids anytime. I will also allow red squirrels to visit and I will embrace all of your ideas re the environment with glee! I will keep your favorite whiskeys and will not count the number of just-a-spalshes I pour for you. I'm discreet, fun, and well-behaved when it matters. My family on one side is solidly Welsh (with the predictable bloodlines), and if we overlook that Magna Carta bit and that bit about the American Revolution, they were always loyal subjects. Also, we are cousins and family matters.
Now! said…
We get your point. You think the suit is unimportant, and that pointing out it out is "sniping" and "having a go" and "bullying" and distracts from things that are more weighty.

Got it.

I just don't agree with you. It's like Trump flying around in an Airbus (when the US is home to Boeing) or Angela Merkel turning up in a Toyota instead of a BMW or Benz.

Britain sells fashion. Harry sells Britain. Looking appropriate is part of his job.

Anonymous said…
Thank you, Mischi. It would not surprise me if she lied about graduating. I would be surprised if she lied about being a stripper, however. Stripper sounds right up her alley, though I'm sure that's been a pretty skank-filled alley at different points in time.
Anonymous said…
Word salad, yes. Indecent, yes. But almost certainly not money laundering. Just lying, skeezing, scheming, and abusing trust in the name of "charity", but not laundering. I explained above.
Anonymous said…
Sadly, I have to concur. It's really pathetic that he's embracing the Markle Merch Life. I should copyright that before they make it the name of her reality show. I'd say they would have to pay me for it, but we all know they'd just steal it. Years ago, I told a British friend who was bitter about supporting the royal family that it didn't seem like a big deal since it only amounted to a few pence per person. She said it was the principle. And you know, I'm now with her on that. If they want to be "regular people" entitled to their privacy, then they shouldn't be supported by the people who will probably never have the chance to ride in a private jet, let alone as many times as the Harkles have. To be merching and supported by the public, that's too much.
Anonymous said…
I used to think he was the victim, too, and now I'm realizing more and more just how involved he is. He should know better, and is doing it anyway.
Anonymous said…
Good point, @Nutty, and not one I'd considered. I do think that looking appropriate is part of PH's job, too. There's just so much inappropriate going on with the dumbarton duo that it's hard to keep track of it all.
Anonymous said…
I'm so hoping that the Australians do something. The lack of info due to embargoes is ridiculous. The taxpayers have the right to know what's really going on with their money... yes, Frogpond, looking at you, as well as every other waste of taxpayers' money going into funding the frauds.
Anonymous said…
This whole Travalyst thing is so poorly done. I've worked on several corporate initiatives with a much smaller scope, and the first thing we're asked to do is research the names for any possible similarities to what's out there, how it will affect our launch, branding, etc. For them to have moved forward with that name is so... I can't decide if it's idiotic or just plain arrogant. Either way, for something in the planning stages for three years, it's just one more sign of how tone-deaf they are. What surprises me is that none of their partners did that homework either. Or did they not care as well?
@Mishi, I’m with Bootsy on this one. The Queen won’t intervene. She and her family are unelected public representatives, besides the Edinburgh court said it wasn’t for the courts to decide on Parliamentary decisions, and no laws had been broken (I’m paraphrasing). This has very much set a precedent for the English court hearing still to be heard.
SnarkyAngel said…
Exactly, Avery. The Queen would reign them in, if she weren't complicit.
Girl with a Hat said…
bootsy, Yankee Wally has recently mentioned finding out Doria's net worth in her videos on youtube. In the USA, you can find someone's financial info, criminal record and the worth of their house if you subscribe to the appropriate financial records services.
Girl with a Hat said…
She will intervene in her Constitutional capacity which may be subject to interpretation. Proroguing Parliament at the PM's request is not supposed to be controversial, yet it was.
gabes_human said…
I am in awe of the psychology used by the powers behind the curtain in their successful efforts to undermine the BRF. If you need a ratty mole, who better to use than two second sons? Harry and Andrew have been like hogs to the slaughter by their ‘poor me’ mentality. Both knew from birth that they would never wear the crown. Rather than put forth an effort to find the areas where they DID shine, they both played the wastrel spare. They both felt entitled and it didn’t take much sniffing to find their weaknesses. Andrew is typically make in that he still looks in the mirror every morning and still sees the handsome stud in a uniform and since such a stud only deserves the freshest, prettiest women, well then, hell just go out and fiddle around with women young enough to be his daughters. He is too immature and shallow to attract women his age because he has nothing but money to offer. Mature women value themselves and know they deserve better than an aging roue.

Harry on the other hand, in his sullen “ I’ll show them” brattiness gave in to the party lifestyle and loose women that go with it. I bet he had a list of attributes for a spouse that were guaranteed to piss his family off. He chose one who ticked off each box. Whether the marriage is valid or not, he allowed himself to be manipulated into a position of looking like he wanted this woman. The vote is still out on just what MeGain and co. held over his head to make him appear to put a ring on it but the fact remains, his stupidity allowed him to be in a position for this to happen. There is a reason why several lovely, accomplished young women turned down his offer of marriage. Did nine of them before MeGain want more than to be his beard? Considering the close friendship he has with a certain long term ‘travel companion’, I think that bears thinking about.

It’s never been hidden that second sons of powerful families often feel deprived and cast aside. They make the
perfect targets for nefarious people to use as leverage. All that needs to be done was wag their chosen poisons in
front of them and wait (with cameras) for them to bite. The Illuminati or whoever couldn’t have asked for a better situation than these two.
gabes_human said…
Andrew is typically male... .
KayeC said…
@Elle, my dad use to always say the Bank Secrecy and Privacy Acts left you no secrets or privacy in banking. I also agree with your take on Doria and Meghan's income, does not seem to be money laundering.

When money is made by illegal means, (drugs, prostitution, etc) typically a business is set up to "launder" the money through, making it look like it was obtained legally. You can spot them because they never seem to have customers or new inventory but stay in business.......ever seen a mattress store that nobody ever goes to but has been in business for years and years?
Ava C said…
Do you all remember when one of the first private flight fusses about H&M happened, hey presto, at the very same time Edward and Sophie's family had also just got off a private flight for a quiet holiday. I remember the long-distance photos. We'd never have noticed in the old days. Which are now gone for good.
abbyh said…
Did you see the article in the DM that she was advised by Serena to stop being so nice to the press? This was supposedly when she was still a girlfriend and then some about the wedding. Rather a peculiar comment considering the what the press is printing now as opposed to that time period.

Interesting what leads in it as it is mainly about SW (a new biography). When he was still information gathering, they were still friends.

Humor Me said…
bootsy - Harry wants to be taken seriously when he goes on these PR jaunts such as the Climate and Travel summits he has attended and functioned as a key note speaker. To that end, he must "look the part" - clean pressed clothes, shoes that match, to show his audience he cares about them. I admit, I have not seen the "Holey Soles" in a long while - this is an improvement. But showing up in rumpled clothes (the Google Island), a non-formal shirt with a tuxedo at a receiving line/ premiere send the message that Harry doesn't care and the appearance is an inconvenience to him. Did he "lose his man" or is it immaturity? Harry needs to step up and get his act together to be the eco warrior Charles needs him to be to carry on Charles' legacy projects.
Humor Me said…
Princess Ann would be a great mentor for MM, but she is not the person to "rein them in" so to speak. That would be HMTQ and her fiscal managers, and/ or those that handle the handouts to DaDoS.
Girl with a Hat said…
both Andrew and Harry are rats in Chinese astrology. Rats are notorious for always wanting to be first.

The legend is that the Buddha held a race for all the animals. The rat came in first, and the pig or boar came in last because he was having such a great time. The Chinese astrological cycle thus begins with the rat as the first sign, and the last is the pig.

Harry has had issues about being second to Harry from childhood. I'm not sure about Andrew but there was a very big age gap between him and Charles/Anne.

Charles is a rat as well, but then, he's the Heir!
Jen said…
Oh you've been missed. 😂
@Nutty, agree. If you’re paid to represent as part of your ‘job’ (I use the term loosely), you should look the part. It’s a sign of respect too.
@KayeC, agree. My understanding and knowledge of (money) ‘laundering’. To clean dirty (yes, via means you mentioned) money through seemingly real businesses in order to make it appear legitimate, thus clean. Maybe this is how it’s seen under British law, perhaps in other countries it has a slightly different meaning and interpretation?
Anonymous said…
Thank you, @Jen 😂

@KayeC - businesses like you describe are one way to do it, but if only it were so obvious and easy. And often the businesses are "real", @Louise500. They are not always fake or loser businesses. That's small time back in the "olden days" laundering, when it was simple crime.

There are many, many ways to do it, but real estate is another way to do it. Ditto with political campaigns. Casinos. Money-Services Businesses. Prepaid debit and credit cards. It's no longer the low-end sleaze factor.

It is also not different in different countries, although regulations do vary, but it's a global problem with global coordination.

I worked in AML and cannot describe any specific accounts I researched. What I can say is that I saw some really creative structures.
Nutty Flavor said…
Looks like the Balmoral trip is off, according to the Sun.
Anonymous said…
@KayeC, your dad was right that the BSA etc. did take all the fun out of flying under the radar lol. The problem is that there are so many ways to circumvent the system and launderers have gotten really, really smart.
Anonymous said…
IOW, they weren't invited last year or this year. Too young to go to Balmoral or too young to go to SA? Nutty, I think this is going to require a whole other post because am I the only one thinking WTF? I think not.
Girl with a Hat said…
I like how they report it as Meghan snubbing the Queen. LOL. Celt News had a good video on that yesterday, comparing it to the Duke of Windsor in exile, saying that he decided he didn't want to live in Britain, when in fact, he had been barred from returning to his home country.
Anonymous said…
It's funny that markle was so excited about her special birthday cake and private wing at Balmoral, too! I'm surprised they would have accepted then and changed their minds because of Fauxrchie. I guess they didn't know how old he'd be a month ago lol.
marjorie said…
@bootsy: You don't know about Harry walking around with holes in his shoes? www.HarryMarkle has the photo proof... go take a look! Harry is pathetic.
Girl with a Hat said…
wow, even the Africans don't like her. This is a twitter feed of a South African news channel doing a countdown of the South African trip.
@Elle, I didn’t give an exhaustive list of ways/types/people for laundering money or what’s behind it ...I’d be here all day! Lol 😂
abbyh said…
If the baby was too young to fly what was the point of those photos on the plane for her birthday with EJ? Or, was that the point knowing this was coming up and who is the puppet master of it?
Anonymous said…
Ditto lol, but re that part, I was actually responding to KayeC. and this: "When money is made by illegal means, (drugs, prostitution, etc) typically a business is set up to "launder" the money through, making it look like it was obtained legally. You can spot them because they never seem to have customers or new inventory but stay in business...."

I was just saying to you that sometimes they are real businesses only b/c you said "seemingly". One of my favs really is the small-town, real life business who gets an 'altruistic' (yes, right lol) investor who visits the restaurant 'by chance' (researched the mark) and wants the 'tax deduction' (place to launder). ROFL.

But anyway, yes, I get carried away. I'll shut up now.
It's a fascinating field, though, isn't it?
Anonymous said…

I'm jaded and cynical, of course, but I think that Markle has been dropping these stories since early summer to force HMTQ's hand for an invitation. They've become less fanciful as time has passed. First it was the special birthday party and cake, then it was the private cottage while W&K were there, then it was after W&K left, and now it's never. I think that markle probably thought the awkwardness of failing to invite the Dumbartons would force The Queen's hand, but hahahaha, no. No invitation two years in a row, so I think that speaks volumes about markle's favoritist-of-all status with HMTQ, and this latest spin is the only absurd way to spin the fact that the dumbartons are going nowhere near the BRF unless it's absolutely required. I do think that they may have been completely cut off and wouldn't that be wonderful.
Lime_Smoothie said…
This is quite clearly nonsense. You don't snub Liz, it just is NOT done.

So, you weren't invited. Even Fergie gets invited if Phil The Greek isn't around, so you're more of a pariah than her. Not good, is it?
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Lime Smoothie, thank you! It is as absurd as I thought then.

@Nutty, suggested post: "what does this mean that markle "snubbed" The Queen lolololol.

Contemptinis, chez moi, tonight!
Louise said…
Haha. They call her Princess Suits.
Girl with a Hat said…
Meghan Markle - bringing the world together in their disdain for her.
Mischief Girl said…
@Weekittylass, or anyone else who can answer this question--What property did Charles offer to Smirks and Harry, that they turned down? I hadn't heard this before, but I've now seen it alluded to a couple of times here on Nutty's blog.
Anonymous said…
Um, not to go OT here, but Nutties, have you seen the "Wild About Harry" Sun cover that just surfaced from 1984 w/Diana and baby PH on the cover after Harry's birth and the Markle cover from Vanity Fair side by side at Charlatan Duchess?

Side note: Lord G, I know you weren't around at that time, but hell-the-F-O, this is creepy.

Also, as someone there pointed out, PH and markle have competing engagements on 9/12. Odd. Like the not-living-together kind of odd?

This become more bizarre by the day. Thankfully, I have a break and can watch the soap full on for a couple of weeks. Pass the popcorn and fill that Contemptini pitcher, Nutties!
Humor Me said…

OMG - I've got the popcorn!!!
Ozmanda said…
I am looking forward to getting home and going through the thread (how are we going to cope when/if this trainwreck finishes??)

But it seems all hell has broken loose - I think any remaining boundaries have now been relaxed and that is bad for them - good for us though.
Girl with a Hat said…
here's some more info for all of you. This is beginning to be quite entertaining. Ashlii from youtube says that someone told her that Meghan went to the USA on her own just after Archie's birth last year. That is, she wasn't with "newborn" Archie! She went to California but also maybe elsewhere. Also, she says that the much heralded 3rd nanny just gave her notice.
Mailcrate said…
@gabes-human. I think you hit the nail on the head.
Mailcrate said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mailcrate said…
Haha Mischi in that case I'd like to buy the world a coke.
Mailcrate said…
In that case I'd like to buy the world a coke.
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